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Weinrich conducted a study on the effect
of massage on pain in cancer patient reflected its
effectiveness in reduction of pain .
Hill conducted a study on massage beneficial to
critically ill patient in intensive care units ,in todays
society there is an ever increasing availability of
complementary therapies both inside and outside
the hospital ,the study showed that incorporation
of therapeutic massagein nursing herlp in copping
more effectively with the pain.
Patricia ,eva,glora,anenta,lorinda,evanjalin
conducted a study on the effect of turning and
back rub on mied venous oygen saturation in
critically ill patient ,both positive and timing of
back rub had significant effect on mied venous
oygen saturation across condition over time ,at the
end of te back rub ,saturation was significantly
lower in subject lying on their left than the subject
lying on their right side .the pattern of change
differ according to the timing of the back rub ,and
return to baseline level of saturation after
intervention differed accordingly to body position.
Nixon,Teschndooff,and Karnilowiez conducted the
study on expanding the nursing care,the effect of
massage on post operative pain which showed
asignificant reduction in patients perception of
pain over a period.
Overton,Richards,Gibson (2000)conducted astudy
on effect of massage in acute and critical care
explained the result of a systematic view of 22
article examining the effect of massage on
relaxation ,comfort and sleep.the most consistent
effect of massage was reduction inb aniety.
Donna,Civaltta and Gayle (2003)conducted a study
on value of therapeutic touch ,the study was
conducted on 605 patients and suggested that
tt ,when provided ina clinical setting promotes
comfort ,calmness,and well being.
Ferrel and glick conducted(1993)a studyon the use
of therapeutic massage asan nursing intervention
to modify anxiety and the perception of cancer
pain ,that the massage therapy significantly
reducethe subject level of pain perception and
aniety while enhancing their feeling of relaxation
.in addition to these subjective measures all
physiological measures like heart rate respiratory
rate and bp tended to decrease from base line
,thesetherapy is a beneficial nsg intervention that
promotes relaxation and effective in perception of
pain and anxiety in hospitalized patients.
Hiller,Hulme and waterman conducted a study on
the effect of foot massage on patients perception
of pain following labroscopic sterilization as day
case patient where allotted into two groups ,the
experimental group received fpoot massage and
analgesics post operatively
Each participant where asked to complete a
questionnaire on the day following surgery .this
eamined satisfaction ,memory and analgesia taken
,the 76%responce rate was comparable with other
patients ,satisfaction studies following case
surgery .
Statistical analysis showed no over all significant
difference in the pain ,however the mean pain
overtime ,such that the experimental group
consistently reported less pain following foot
massage than the control group.
Hayes and Cox Conducteda study on immediate
effect of a five minute foot massage on patients in
critical care can be considered a stress ful
environment at both physiological and
psychological level for patients,a research study of
five minute foot massage shows that there is a
significant decrease in heart rate ,bp and
respiratory rate where observed during
intervention results indicated foot massage had
the potential effect of increasing relaxation as
evidenced by physiological changes during the
brief intervention administered to critically ill
patient in intensive care.
Barbra,Laurice and Angela studied on the effect of
foot massage and relaxation on decreasing anxiety
.pain and nausea in patient with cancer .
The use of foot massage as an intervention for
healing can provide therapeutic psychological
effects in a relatively short period of time ,it also
may give nurses the opportunity to teach the
family members regaqrding foot massage which
help them to participate in the care .
Griffiths ,hattan,king (2000)conducted a study on
“the impact of foot massage and guided imagery
following cardiac surgery “ a randomized
controlled trial showed that the study erase from
an attempt to identify a state and effect ive
therapeutic intervention to promote wellbeing
which could be practically delivered by nurses to
patient in the postoperative recovery period
following coronary artery bypass graft twenty five
subjects where randomly assigned to either a
control or one of two intervention group
.psychological and physical variables where
measured immediate before and after the
intervention .result showed no significant effects
between physiological parameters where found
,there was the significant effect of the inter vention
on the calm scores among the massage group
,there was aclear trend across psychological
variables for both foot massage and to a lesser
extent ,guided relaxation to improve psychological
A recent study published in pain management
nursing ,june, 2004 ,showed how a20 minutes foot
and hand massage helped to significantly reduce
pain the day after surgery .the study looked at 18
subjects ,2years or older,who where recovering
from variety of surgeries including ;gastrointestinal
,gynecological,urological,head neck or plastic
surgery .the authors of the study demonstrasted
that foot and hand massage is a very effective and
inexpensive way to help people manage pain even
following surgery.
Harald j,Hamre.m.d,Claudia m,Witt,m.d conducted
a study on effect of massage therapy in chronic
disease,85 patients where referred for massage
therapy ,athe study concluded that the patient
receiving rhythimcal massage therapy had long
term reduction of chronic disease symptoms and
improvement of quality of life.
The data was collected for four weeks ,the patient
where identified as per inclusive criteria ,the
purpose of the study was explained to the
identified patient ,an informed concent was taken
from the patient before starting the study .
On day one ,the pain assessment was done for the
patient with the help of the pain scale ,4 hours
after the administration of analgesics 20 minutes
foot massage was provided to the experimental
group ,the control group received only the
analgesics,immediate after the massage the pain
intensity was assessed with the help of neumeric
pain intensity scale ,this is continued for 2 days
,and at the end of the 2nd day the oppinnaire was
provided to the patient to know the effect of foot
and hand massage.
Problem faced during data collection period

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