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Let My Son Go

Friday, August 8, 2008




The fourth chapter of Exodus is filled with many powerful life changing
lessons. In this chapter Moses has received the call to deliver Israel. In spite of
the call of God he is doubtful that after a forty year absence in the wilderness,
he will be believed. He struggles and doubts that the Israeli people in bondage
will believe in his call. Moses has a history of trying to deliver Israel in natural
strength. The result was a dead Egyptian in the sand that causes Moses to flee
into the wilderness. The wilderness is a place of stripping the natural man of
Egypt. It is a place where natural strength is stripped, sandals are removed, and
the ground of natural strength is replaced with revelation of the God whose
name is I AM THAT I AM.
The living God has a method of battle. The Living and only true God is
going to engage in war with the false gods of Egypt. The weapon he is picking
up is a man who has fled from his calling and has been stripped of natural
strength. How different from the church of today that has drawn to itself the
strengths of the world rather than the government of the cross that brings such
strengths to zero and replaces such strength with a weakness that the power of
living God is perfected in. I saw a recent example of this at the Democratic
presidential convention where a Christian leader, despite the democratic
platform of abortion and sodomite marriages, sought “synergy” from the
Democratic Party on other issues. Synergy is Hinduism wherein two entities
seek to become one. This idea has invaded the church through C.F.R. member
Rick Warren of the purpose driven life. Can you imagine God telling Moses to
seek synergy with Pharaoh?


Exodus 4:22 proclaims; “And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the
Lord, Israel is My son, even My firstborn.” How curious is this statement to the
mind hungering truth! Here is a nation of slaves, some 600,000 men with
additional woman and children, being called a son by God. Moses is then
instructed by God to tell Pharaoh in the very next verse “Let my son go.” God’s
interests are always for a son and from the scriptures we learn that God calls a
nation of slaves His son. In this word we learn of the mystery of the corporate
This nation of slaves, Israel, is about to become the church in the
wilderness. In this Old Testament shadow there is application to the New
Testament church. Paul wrote to the Ephesians of the body of a Son, Jesus
Christ, not being systemized into error but rather growing into the headship of a
perfect man. That perfect man is the Son that God desires, the Son who leads
us out of slavery and into the truth that sets us free. He is the only Begotten Son
who proclaims that “Before Abraham was I AM.”
Jesus would manifest Himself as a sign unto Israel when He walked this
Earth as God become flesh, Immanuel. This is abundantly illustrated in the
Gospel of John especially. Let us now look upon the three signs God manifested
in Moses in the bringing forth of a Son in a corporate body, the church in the
wilderness, Israel.


The rod or shepherd’s staff was an instrument for leading sheep safely. God
did not choose catapults, spears, natural swords, horses, or chariots to deliver
Israel but rather a shepherd’s staff. I believe God did this because shepherds are
an abomination to Egypt. I likewise believe that true pastors and not hirelings
are an abomination to satan. Such a staff leads sheep safely keeping them close
to the shepherd’s voice. The true lambs of the flock know the shepherd’s voice.
This staff is like the Word of God. The Lord shepherds us by His Word.
God tells Moses to cast it to the ground. The rod then becomes a serpent
that Moses flees from. Suddenly that which is for safety is now deadly. Perhaps
the serpent was a spitting Cobra. Such a Cobra spits in the eye of its enemy
blinding its victim. Immediately after the blinding the cobra strikes and the end
result is that the neurotoxic venom enters the body and attacks the nervous
system rendering the body helpless. What a picture! Truly we face a serpent that
wishes to render the body of Christ helpless by spiritual blindness.
In the face of such danger what is God’s instruction to Moses? Moses is
instructed to pick the dangerous serpent up where it again becomes a shepherd’s
rod. Again, what a picture! Cast down that which is meant to protect and it
becomes an apostate serpent. Pick up that which has been cast down and the
protection returns.


The bosom or the chest holds that which holds the life of the body, the
heart. Life is in the blood and the heart pumps blood throughout the body. The
prophet Jeremiah proclaimed that the heart is desperately wicked above all
things and who can know it. This is so true for out of the human heart is a
gusher of sin that brings us to the sin that defiles us. Jesus clearly taught this in
the Gospel that it is not the outward that defiles but the inward heart. God
instructs Moses to put his hand to his bosom and the result is that the hand of
Moses becomes leprous. Leprosy destroys the body and even the house of the
leper. Touching the natural heart will defile the body as well as the church
God then instructs Moses to touch his bosom again. The second time the
bosom is touched it no longer defiles Moses body. In a sense God has brought
forth a new heart. This is the second sign that God gives Moses to show Israel
its deliverance from slavery. The human heart brings man to slavery. Israel
must be delivered from its enslaved heart before it can be delivered from
slavery in the outward form. Surely when we are delivered by God from
following our hearts then a new non-leprous heart can be given us that is a heart
after God.


The third unique sign is given if the first two signs are not believed; where
the Israeli people will not hearken unto Moses voice. God instructs Moses to
take the water of the river and pour it upon dry land. When this takes place the
water that comes from the river will become blood. There is a two-fold
application of truth that we can glean in this sign. First, the Nile holds the
crocodile which is one of the many creatures that demons manifest as gods.
The Nile is what Egypt worships as life, for from the Nile comes the waters
that enable agriculture to manifest. The Nile represents the natural life of
Egypt. Second, the Nile represents natural birth by water. It represents the
birth of something that is natural. The water supernaturally being changed into
blood is symbolic of a second birth that will come to the world that will
translate men from the slavery of a natural kingdom to be born upon eagles
wings into a heavenly kingdom.


One thing that is most curious to me in this time of the great falling away is
how Christian people accept anything that is supernatural using the name of
Jesus as coming from God. There are now so many absolutely absurd things
that are being done in the name of Jesus that no more have their origin is God
than I have pink elephants nesting on the top of my house. Christians gather in
masses to hear men tell of being taken up into heaven to be operated on by
angels. These operations involve having their organs removed and gift boxes
placed inside of them while they are sent back to earth. Other foolish
manifestations include blasphemous spiritual punks that pretend they are toking
marijuana and saying that they are “toking the ghost” to rid Christianity of
religious spirits. The fact that these people are embraced by the masses shows
how deeply the American church has become a numerical manifestation without
relationship to Jesus and revelation of His greatness.
The Scripture teaches the antichrist will come with lying signs and wonders and
that is exactly how the Egyptians under Pharaoh’s magicians came against Moses.
Consider carefully with me and understand that there is not few but many of
Pharaoh’s magicians operating in the world today.



As God begins His battle with the demonic powers of Egypt that hold Israel
in bondage, He does so with the rod of Moses and the first sign that was given
unto him. As Moses cast his rod before Pharaoh’s throne, he is combated with
the rods of Pharaoh’s magicians. Notice that Pharaoh’s musicians had
shepherds rods in a nation where shepherds were considered an abomination.
As these false shepherds cast their shepherd staffs before Pharaoh’s throne, the
staffs became serpents.
Although the Scripture does not state such, we can deduce that the children of
Israel had seen this manifestation. This manifestation would undoubtedly keep
them subject under the task masters in cruel bondage. It would be frightening to
see a slave who had slowed down in his work be struck and paralyzed by a
cobra as I formerly described. Because Israel’s population had grown to rival
Egypt’s, the Israeli’s were kept blind to the reality of being a son unto God by
the tormenting shepherds of Egypt with their serpent staffs.
I believe it is the same way in the church today as false shepherds subject
God’s people to their covetousness. They hold them in fear teaching that if they
are questioned with the Word of God the people are touching God’s anointed.
Some Christians are afraid to question them with Scriptures because they are
afraid that a curse will come down upon them. To this lie I say, let the Word of
God consume the serpent. The beautiful part of the battle between Pharaoh’s
musicians and the authority of God is that Moses’ staff consumes the serpents.
The power of the Egyptians to shepherd God’s flock by slavery is broken by
the shepherd’s staff. This is a great type of the Word of God.


After the initial battle of the shepherd’s staff, a second battle is engaged at the
time of the first plague that God brings down upon Egypt. In Exodus 7:19 God
instructs Moses to take his rod and stretch his hands upon the waters of Egypt.
All the waters from every stream, river, and even manmade vessels turned into
blood. The mighty Nile, the source of life to Egypt became subject to blood.
So it will be in the last day when God judges the nations, for God has made
available a blood that cleanses from all sin to flow upon the streams of
humanity. The glorious blood of Jesus Christ that cannot be overcome!
What is interesting was that the magicians of Egypt turned water into blood
with enchantments. The result of this was that Pharaoh’s heart was hardened.
In the battle of the shepherd’s staffs we see the overcoming of false ministry.
In the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, because his magicians could copy the
work of God with enchantments, we see the picture of false conversion. I
personally believe there is much copying of ministry that does not lead to true
conversion. The last few decades of evangelism cannot remotely be compared
to when revival struck America based out of repentance and the mourner’s
bench. So few are truly converted but simply learn a watered down system of
false conversion. Recently a survey was done in one of America’s most popular
and largely attended churches. The Christian organization that conducted the
survey asked over 1,000 people attending the church what the Gospel indeed
was. Remarkably only one of a thousand that was in regular attendance at this
so-called super church knew what the Gospel was.
Pharaoh’s magicians could turn the water into blood but there was no
deliverance. The blood of Pharaoh’s magicians could not bring a son out to
meet the Lord in the wilderness. So it is in the church world today. There is
conversion without repentance and new Christians without rebirth. The end
result is no deliverance.


The second plague that the Lord brought upon Egypt is that of frogs. What is
in the divine thought of God in bringing frogs upon Egypt? Frogs are very
unique creatures in that they are creatures of metamorphosis. Metamorphosis
involves translation. They are translated from that which dwells in one
environment of water, which is purely aquatic, to an environment which
requires gills for life. They are translated into a terrestrial atmosphere involving
lungs. There is a metamorphosis.
The same is true of a Christian. Before metamorphosis of the new birth they
breathed of the earthen life, the soul of Adam, and bear the image of the earthen
man. After metamorphosis they are born anew into an atmosphere where they
breathe that which is descending from heaven into their spirit man. They do
not bear the image of the earthen one, Adam, but they now come to bear the
image of the last Adam who is the Son of man Jesus Christ. He is the Lord
from heaven. Henceforth they bear the image of that which is heavenly.
What is of great interest is what we find in Exodus 8:7. There we read that
the magicians did the same as Moses and Aaron. With their enchantments they
brought up frogs from the land of Egypt. Here is again a picture of false
metamorphosis because the Egyptian bringing up frogs would not hold the
Israeli’s in bondage. God was now working faith into the corporate son Israel
in the battle of signs.



Up to this point, Pharaoh’s magicians by enchantments could falsely

counterfeit the workings of God. However in the third plague the ability to
counterfeit is lost. Consider very carefully what the Holy Spirit of the living
God desires to teach us. Consider that man is made from the dust. At this time
God directs Moses and Aaron in Exodus 8:17 to stretch out his hand with his
rod and smite the dust of the earth. Man is made from the dust of the earth.
From the dust God causes the dust of the earth to become lice in man and beast.
Anyone who has ever had children on a school bus will at sometime very
likely face a lice infestation. The lice always go for the head. The head must be
thoroughly washed and all clothing and bedding cleaned. In releasing the lice
upon the heads of the Egyptians, God was sending a message. The headship of
the nations is as small dust. What is very interesting was that at this point,
Exodus 8:18 records that the magicians attempted to bring forth lice but they
could not. Satan has no power to create from dust.



In the fourth plague God now makes a division of Israel from Egypt. For the
small dust of nations cannot give headship unto God’s Son Israel. God is now
the head of Israel. Beelzebub is one of satan’s main generals. Because he is the
lord of the flies, the Lord sends down flies upon the head of the demon god
whom Egypt subjected Israel by.


After God’s demonstration of overcoming the magicians and after His

demonstration of creating lice from dust and placing flies upon the empire of
the lord of the flies, Pharaoh begins to break. He tells the eldership of Israel to
go and worship the Lord in the wilderness, but he will not let the men, wives,
children, and the sacrifice to be released. Before this it was Pharaoh hardening
his heart, but now it was God hardening the heart of Pharaoh.


Egypt at this time in history was much like India is today in its Hinduism.
One of the preeminent gods of Egypt was the cow. Egypt had a propensity to
turn animals mixed in man form into gods. Such was the Sphinx as well as
gods made up of dogs and falcons. This is the way the demons held Egypt in
false worship. These were the devils that held God’s called corporate son Israel
in bondage. God dealt with all these false gods by sending grievous murrain
which was a plague upon the animals of Egypt that were worshipped as gods.
Lambs were not considered gods and that is why the Egyptians held shepherds
in contempt. What is most interesting at this time is that all the cattle of Egypt
died, but in the land of Goshen where Israel dwelt no cattle died.



In Egypt one of the gods that was worshipped was the god Typhon. Typhon
would receive human sacrifices to keep away the plagues from Egypt. One can
only wonder how many slaves were sacrificed to typhon. In this false demon
god we can now understand why plagues would come to Egypt in that such
plagues would show Typhon as a false god. From the furnaces of human
sacrifice and in the sight of Pharaoh, Moses and Aaron took ashes and sprinkled
the ashes toward the heavens that rule. The result was boils, a picture of sin.
Boils break forth in the body from the blood, the blood of our adamic origin
outside of grace.


In this plague God sent upon Pharaoh extreme cold. Psalm 78:47 tells us that
the cold weather destroyed the vines and the sycamore trees were destroyed by
frost. Egypt is a country near the equator and is not known for cold. When the
cold front sent by God hit the warmth there was thunder and the hail fell as the
fire of God ran on the ground of Egypt. As the Zion of the north touched falling
Egypt, the fire of God was opening the path of deliverance to Israel.


After the plague of hail, Exodus 10:9-11 records that Pharaoh will let the men
and women join the ministry in going to sacrifice unto God in the wilderness.
This however is unacceptable to God because Pharaoh will not let the children
and cattle go. This is often the thought of devils in church life when the
children will not follow their families in serving the Living God but rather
choose to serve idols, Pharaoh desired the children as a new generation of
slaves and Israel’s cattle to be their future god. For this God justly hardened
Pharaoh’s heart.


In the locust one can find a deep lesson. The current church that is
compromising the Gospel to join the world in a peace movement needs deeply
to learn the lesson of the locust. Those blinded by the Purpose Driven Life as
well as the Kingdom Now theology that seeks the synergy of world peace needs
to pay close attention to the locusts. The locusts upon Egypt were not natural
locusts. These locusts came to torment Egypt. The very people the devil used
for dominion in this world, he now tormented as they no longer served his
purpose. So it will be in these last days with the compromised apostasy. The
Revelation speaks of a locust army that comes to torment the people of the
kingdom of the antichrist. The leader of that army is the angel of the bottomless
pit whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abadon and in the Greek tongue
Apollyon. It should also be noted that this plague of locust was subject to
God’s command to leave Egypt.


In Exodus 10:22 we learn that God brings upon Egypt a darkness that was so
thick that the Egyptians could not see one another or rise from the place where
they abode. Despite the great darkness, all the children of Israel had light in
their dwellings. As gross darkness covers the earth, we need not fear for a
glorious light will come upon His church, the light of life, Jesus Christ whose
life lights men.


After the ninth plague, Pharaoh released Israel to go with ministry and the
families to the wilderness to worship God. However, Pharaoh would not let the
cattle go, for he still held to a false deity of demons.


God’s original explanation to Pharaoh was to let His people go or the
firstborn of Egypt would die. Egypt represents the world. The firstborn is all of
mankind that is born in sin. The Almighty God would send a plague upon
Egypt that would cause the firstborn of Egypt to die unless they came under the
blood of the lamb. The blood covenant was available to the Egyptians who
would let go of the gods of this world and would come under the covenant
represented in the lambs of Israel. That covenant brings us into a second birth.
That second birth is by the blood of the Lamb who is Jesus our Passover. He is
the firstborn among many brethren that replaces the firstborn of the cursed
Adam. Paul proclaims in the New Testament that Jesus Christ is our Passover.
He is our Unleavened Bread. He is our First Fruits. He is our Pentecost. He is
the soon coming Feast of Tabernacles and the Bridegroom of the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb.

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