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-Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease -

Dr Jared Larsen LN, CNS, DC

1 7 0 0 We s t H w y 3 6 S u i t e 4 0 0 R o s e v i l l e , M N 5 5 1 1 3 t e l e p h o n e : 6 5 1 . 6 3 6 . 0 0 5 5 f a x : 6 5 1 . 7 5 6 . 7 3 2 0
w w w. T C M e t a b o l i s m . c o m

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Table of Contents
The Picture of an Impaired Metabolism!

Weight Loss!!

Get Tested - Mapping your Metabolic Blueprint! !


Type II Diabetes - Maximize Your Possibility of

Reversing Your Disease! !


Triggers Leading to Obesity and Diabetes! !

The Metabolic Solution for Decreasing Your

Need for Medication!


Mapping Your Metabolic Blueprint The Medical Black Hole

Authors Biography !



Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!


The Metabolic Solution

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

This ebook was written for all those out there whom are unknowingly looking in the wrong
place for answers. They are seeking out advice on how to regain their health and their life,
searching and not finding answers. I am speaking about those of you out there suffering from
signs and symptoms including weight gain, fatigue, hormone related health concerns, poor thyroid function, and a whole host of other concerns. It is our intention to help set the record
straight on the pervasive topic of Metabolism and provide the reader with answers to the

Could my problems be due to impaired metabolism?

How do I know?
How do I fix my metabolism?

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

The Picture of an Impaired Metabolism

You are tired, dead tired. You gain weight even looking at a cheeseburger. You exercise when
you can, yet you still cant seem to budge the scale. Your diet is a bland mixture of things you
wouldnt wish on your worst enemy. When you are actually able to lose some weight, it comes
off painfully slow. Meanwhile your best friend is losing weight at about twice your pace and
he/shes not even trying all that hard. When you fall off the wagon you can be found at the bottom of your nearest fast food takeout bag.
Youve been on every version of every diet with mild to no success. You are frustrated. Downtrodden. You are staring down the road of chronic disease, Type II Diabetes, and Obesity. Your
self esteem is low and you no longer feel like yourself anymore. You dont know where to turn
and are afraid your next attempt will only end in the same poor result.
Unfortunately, this story is an all too familiar one told all over the country. Those stuck in the
above scenario often turn to weight loss programs that do not fix the underlying problem or
they turn to drastic surgery. Others seek out help from their medical doctor only to leave with
drugs, or the all too common, Your test results came back normal. Eat less and exercise more.
But that advise is not helpful, nor clear how exactly you should go about accomplishing that.
If it was that easy we wouldnt have all the health problems we have in todays society.
Why does this scenario play out over and over again in America everyday?
What allows your dear friend, Michelle, to be able to eat whatever she wants, whenever she
wants, without gaining any weight?
What allows the mother of 2 to be able to take off all the weight after each baby?
What makes someone unable to take off that extra spare tire even though they try so very hard?
Why can you eat so little and still not lose weight?
The answer lies in your Metabolism.

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Metabolic Facts
Your metabolism is a big factor that determines how your body looks and how you feel. Consider the following:

Your metabolism is responsible for 60% of the calories you burn on a daily basis.
Thats right 60%! That is the single largest factor that determines how many calories you
burn on a daily basis.

You can affect your metabolism significantly by drug-free methods.

In fact, correcting your metabolism is best accomplished by drug-free methods.

Impairments in your metabolism can lead to many of todays chronic diseases including
obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and more.
Most of the diseases of modern society are caused by common metabolic problems that
progress and grow into full blown diseases.

Your metabolism is affected by hormone imbalance, poor thyroid function, poor liver function, overall inflammation, incorrect exercise, poor nutrition, and much more.
Your Metabolism is made up of many different body system coming together to form
one large machine. Problems in any one body system can cause a faulty machine.

The key to balancing your metabolism is first understanding if you have a problem with
your metabolism, what is causing the problem, and learning how to correct it.
At Twin Cities Metabolism we call this process, Mapping your Metabolic Blueprint.
So many of us have lived most of our lives with metabolic defects that are slowing us
down. In order to unlock your metabolism you must run the proper tests to uncover the
root cause of the problems first.

Unlocking your metabolism can result in a substantial change in your overall health and
For many, Mapping your Metabolic Blueprint can result in substantial changes in health.
By following The Metabolic Solution at Twin Cities Metabolism we have witnessed:
Type II Diabetics deemed non-diabetic by their medical doctors

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Patients getting off all blood pressure and cholesterol medications

Lifelong overweight adults losing over 100 pounds in under 9 months
Crushing fatigue resolved rapidly
Menstrual cycles normalized without medications
Intestinal discomfort gone in days

All of the above health benefits can be realized when you find the keys to unlocking
your metabolism and make the correct changes to optimize your physiology.

Components of Your Metabolism

So what really makes up your metabolism?
Your metabolism is the sum total of all the biological processes that occur in your body to keep
you alive and healthy. This includes the dance of all your bodys hormones, your thyroid, and
your adrenal glands interacting with one another to keep you healthy. If any one area of your
metabolism is lacking you will experience a breakdown in the overall system.
Plainly stated, your metabolism is your control switch for health.
If you have a problem with your metabolism, your energy and fat burning systems will be
compromised leading to fatigue, weight gain, and all the other problems associated with added
weight, hormonal fluctuations, and digestive disturbance.
The Pieces of the Puzzle:
For purposes of clarity we are going to classify your metabolism as how the following organs
and body systems work as a group:
Reproductive Organs
Muscle Mass
Each organ must be functioning optimally as an individual, as well as working correctly with
every other organ.

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Your thyroid gland is located right on the front side of your throat. It is responsible for controlling your body temperature, your weight, and the thermostat for your metabolic rate. Problems
with your thyroid can lead to an abundance of symptoms including:

Weight Gain


Dry Skin and Nails

Cold Hands and Feet

Hair Loss

The adrenal glands sit right on top of your kidneys and are responsible for monitoring and perceiving stress. They release the stress hormones Cortisol and Adrenaline (Epinephrine and Norepinephrine), as well as the master hormone DHEA (Dehydro epi-androsterone). Problems
with your adrenals can lead to symptoms including:

Weight Gain Around the Abdomen

Debilitating Fatigue

High Blood Sugar

Loss of Muscle over Time

The liver is the so called, filter of the body. It is responsible for cleaning out toxins, chemicals,
hormones, and any other harmful things that enter the body. It is located under the right side of
the rib cage and is the bodys main detoxification organ. Liver function problems can lead to
symptoms including:


Stubborn Weight Gain


Hormone Symptoms including:


Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Hot Flashes

Low Sex Drive

The Reproductive organs make up the testes in a male and the ovaries in a female. They are collectively responsible for releasing male and female sex hormones including: Estrogen and Progesterone (Female Hormones), and Testosterone (Male Hormones). Problems with the function
of the reproductive organs are caused by hormonal imbalance and include:

Menstrual Cycle Irregularity


Poor Physical Strength

Low Sex Drive

Hot Flashes
Weight Gain

The Pancreas performs many different functions in the body including digesting our food and
controlling blood sugar. It releases 2 different types of hormones: Digestive Enzymes and
Blood Sugar Hormones (Insulin and Glucagon). Problems with the pancreas mainly occur in
how your body uses the hormones it secretes, not the pancreas itself. In fact, most of the problems are focused around the hormone insulin, and how your body uses insulin once the pancreas releases it into the bloodstream. Insulin is the bodys main fat storage hormone, and problems with insulin will result in:

Blood sugar Problems and Type II Diabetes


High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Higher risk of Cancer

Weight Gain Around the Abdomen

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

How much muscle you carry around with you on your body will increase your metabolism.
The more muscle you have, the more your metabolism will increase.
Decreases in overall muscle mass result in:

Low Stamina

Weight gain


Poor Muscle Tone

Increase in Injuries

Each organ interacts and reacts to one another in a symphony of biology if you will, playing the
sound of metabolism. When the orchestra is playing together with all instruments in tune, the
end result is a strong healthy body that is free of disease and at an ideal weight. If one instrument section is out of tune, the band will play on, but the song will be one of weight gain, fatigue, hormone imbalance, and eventually disease.
Which brings us back to the beginning. Eradicating chronic disease, decreasing your needs for
medications, improving your blood sugars, becoming your ideal weight, and eliminating the
symptoms of low thyroid all come down to correcting your broken metabolism. What follows
is a description of how common health concerns are related to fundamental breakdowns in your
metabolism, and how to finally answer that question Is a Faulty Metabolism Causing my
Health Problems? for good.
In a bonus chapter we will also be answering the common question.
Why is my MD saying everything is normal when I feel so terrible?

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Weight Loss
If you have been heavy or have struggled with weight most of your adult life you have likely
been missing a key piece of the puzzle. Most weight loss experts out there have been spitting
out the same pieces of information for the past 30 years. It goes something like this:
Eat less and exercise more. Calories in equals calories out.
But what about those that naturally seem to stay at their ideal weight while consuming large
amounts of calories?
Or how about the overweight individual that tries to eat right, exercise, and yet just cant seem
to get their weight to budge?
You see, the body should and I repeat, should act like a machine. Where if you eat less and exercise more, you will lose weight. Or, if you exercise more, and eat the same amount you should
also lose weight. The key being, decrease your calories if you want to lose weight. End of story.
Except it really doesnt work that way for many.

Metabolism as a Key Player in Weight Loss

Those that are giving you these recommendations are ignoring a very large piece of the puzzle,
your Metabolism. A faulty metabolism is responsible for slowing down or stopping weight loss
when weight loss should be happening. It is the missing piece of the weight loss puzzle that
has plagued your personal trainer, your MD, your nutritionist, and yourself for years.
You see there are 3 factors to be taken into account when attempting to lose weight, not just 2
like you have been taught:
1) Calories In ( How many calories you eat in a day)
2) Calories Out ( How many calories you burn through exercise and movement in a day)
3) Metabolism ( The calories your body burns to keep you alive through all the biochemical
processes that occur inside you)
Metabolism is clearly a very important factor as it is responsible for burning a whole bunch of
calories, and in turn fat. Your metabolism is responsible for burning approximately 60% of your
calories in each day. That is the largest factor that determines how many calories you burn in a
day. By contrast you only burn 25% of daily calories via exercise or physical exertion.

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The Metabolic Solution

Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Wouldnt it make sense to maximize the largest factor responsible for burning fat in a day?

Calories Burned per Day:

If you have a dysfunctional metabolism you will burn less calories per day than normal, and in
turn gain weight!
If you attempt to overcome your metabolism by exercising more or eating less, your metabolism will likely slow down even further. Especially if you are not doing the correct exercise for
your unique Metabolic Blueprint.
The end result, you will gain weight or weight loss will be difficult if not impossible.
If you do not correct a dysfunctional metabolism before or during a weight loss effort you will
struggle. You will have to work extra hard, and your results will be less than desirable.
The key to succeeding in long term weight loss and keeping it off is to maximize your metabolism.

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The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Faulty Metabolism Symptoms

What are some of the symptoms of a dysfunctional metabolism?
So the question becomes, how do you know if your weight gain after all these years has been a
result of a faulty metabolism? To start, if you are experiencing any of the below symptoms it is
likely that you are suffering from a faulty metabolism that is making you gain weight:
Yo-yo Weight Gain
Difficulty Losing Weight
Diet and Exercise do not seem to change your weight
Extreme Fatigue
Cold Hands and Feet
Hair Loss
Loss of Strength and Muscle
Very Low Stamina
Decreased Sex Drive
PMS or other hormonal symptoms
If you answered yes to any of the above symptoms it is likely that you have a faulty metabolism that is sabotaging your weight and body. The problem could be found in any area of your
metabolism, but below are just a few potential examples:
Your Thyroid could be the culprit with the ability to decrease your metabolism by 40-60%1
Your Hormones could be the culprit with the ability to decrease your metabolism by 10-15%1
And those are just two examples......
If you were suffering from both of the above metabolism problems you could have a 75% decrease in your metabolism.
Imagine what kind of success you are going to have attempting to lose weight with a 75% disadvantage. Those are odds no one would go to Vegas with. Why should you attempt to live
your life and reach your goals at such a large disadvantage?
Lets put it into real world numbers everyone can understand.
If you start with a 75% decrease in your metabolism you will experience the following:

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

A 45% decrease in the amount of calories you burn in a day.

Which could amount to 900 less calories burned in a day! (assuming a Baseline Metabolic Rate of 2000
calories per day)

At this rate, after six months an individual would gain roughly 46 pounds!

A 150 pound man would have to walk upstairs rapidly for approximately one hour just to
burn those extra 900 calories each and everyday! An entire hour!



Calories Burned


Normal Metabolism

Faulty Metabolism

Plainly put, if you have a faulty metabolism it could be the last nail in the coffin for your weight
loss efforts. It could very well be the reason behind your struggles with your weight.

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The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Get Tested - Mapping your Metabolic Blueprint

So now that we understand that your metabolism is largely responsible for your weight loss
struggles... How do you pinpoint what is wrong, exactly where your problem may lie?
Do you have a problem with your Thyroid? Your Hormones? Your Adrenal Glands? Other areas?
The only way to pinpoint the problem is to be tested thoroughly with the goal of identifying
metabolic weaknesses. We call it Mapping your Metabolic Blueprint.

Necessary Metabolic Tests

Comprehensive blood work and saliva testing must be completed to know what is going on inside. There is no other method superior to identify the source of your metabolic problems. Frequently these tests are not completed in a medical doctors office due to insurance and medication driving the industry. We will discuss this further in the chapter The Medical Black Hole.
For now, simply understand that you should not expect your medical doctor to have performed
these tests, nor should you expect them to, as it is not their training to look at your health from
this standpoint.
At Twin Cities Metabolism we run and recommend lab tests that map your entire Metabolic
Blueprint including tests evaluating:

Thyroid Function

Adrenal Fatigue
Male and Female Hormones

Liver Function

Muscle Mass

and More

Mapping your Metabolic Blueprint is the first and most important step in answering the question, Is a faulty metabolism causing my health problems?

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Type II Diabetes - Maximize your Possibility of Reversing

Your Disease
The story in America is always the same. One day you are diagnosed with Type II Diabetes.
The doctor hands you your first blood sugar medication and tells you to lose weight and exercise more. In and out the door you go, with no real method on how you are going to accomplish this. You are to return to the doctors office in a few months to check for worsening of
your condition and the needs for adjustment of your new blood sugar reducing medication.
And that begins the Type 2 Diabetes saga. The descent into the sad story of a disease that for
most is preventable and for many is reversible.
As the condition worsens, you are placed on more oral diabetic medications until you are
maxed out. At which point, you are given insulin. You continue to gain weight, struggle to control your blood sugar, and spiral down the road of diabetic complications.
All the while you worry about the inevitable complications of your disease. Heart attacks,
Stroke, Kidney Failure, Blindness, and Amputation all linger in your mind as your doctor lets
you know these are all possibilities for you.
Yet the only tool he hands you is a little pill to take daily manufactured to suppress your blood
sugar. You have been given a knife and placed in a gun fight.
There has to be a better way.
There is a better way, you know it deep down.
I developed this disease over the course of time. There has to be more I can do to improve it.

The Creation of the Monster

Type 2 Diabetes is the classic example of a metabolism gone wrong over the course of years,
eventually leading to a disease of the most serious magnitude.
Type 2 Diabetes ends with complete inability of the body to control blood sugar, but it begins
with a breakdown in how your body uses energy.

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The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

The Beginning:
The first stage of the disease occurs when the body begins to become insulin resistant. In the
initial stages your body can overcome this insulin resistance by increasing its own secretion of
As an end result, you end up with a whole bunch of insulin floating around in your body. This
is not an ideal situation as insulin is the major fat storing hormone of the body. The end product
is that we begin to put on weight. We start to get fat.

This begins the tail spin of the disease. At this point in the progression to Type 2 Diabetes, the
individual is unaware that these problems are occurring in their body as their blood tests will
remain normal. Completely unaware, the individual continues about their daily life, gaining
weight, going down the road to becoming a full blown Diabetic. Meanwhile, a progressively
worsening metabolic condition is raging on the inside.

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

The Progression:
Once diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and placed on mediations, the disease typically progresses. The new Diabetic continues to gain weight, struggle to control their blood sugars, and
needs higher and higher medication doses to keep their sugars under control.
The main cause of the progression is the fact that the Diabetic is not doing anything to correct
underlying problems with their metabolism and insulin resistance. They are lulled into a false
sense of security that the medications are taking care of them and they need do nothing else.

The Last Effort:

At some point the Diabetic is placed on insulin as a last ditch effort to keep their sugars down
and the complications of Diabetes at bay. This is a last ditch effort in the sense that it is known
that it is the end of the line for medical treatment for most Type 2 Diabetics. There is little else
that can typically be done from this point.

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The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Ironically, injecting insulin is known to actually cause weight gain, which in turn will worsen
Type 2 Diabetes over time. In the final stages of the treatment for Diabetes, the treatment is
known to actually worsen the disease. It is a last ditch effort for a person who is headed down
an ugly, ugly path.

The Actual Metabolic Cause of the Disease

The root cause of Type 2 Diabetes is actually what we call insulin resistance. A condition where
the body produces adequate amounts of insulin, however the body no longer responds to it in a
normal fashion.
A great example of this is if we were to drop a bottle of perfume in a room with you in it, you
would be overpowered with the smell at first. As you continue to sit in the room the smell
would fade away from your senses. Your body would begin to ignore the smell if you will. It
isnt that the smell has decreased, it is that your body is literally ignoring the strong smell. If
someone else were to walk into the room at that moment they would most definitely comment
on the perfume smell.
The same exact phenomenon holds true for your bodys response to insulin. In the initial stages
of the disease as your body begins to secrete more and more insulin, the body eventually begins
to ignore it. This disease process is called insulin resistance. It is the actual cause of most all
cases of Type 2 Diabetes.

The Solution:
Now that we understand how the disease itself starts and progresses. Lets talk about how this
disease can be turned on its head. How you as a diabetic may be able to actually reverse or control the disease without medications by treating the cause of the insulin resistance. When you
identify the cause of the insulin resistance, you have in fact, pinpointed the cause of Type 2 Diabetes.
It is in fact the single most important piece of information you can get as it will lead to the correct treatment for improving and potentially reversing your disease. The Metabolic Solution.

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The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Triggers Leading to Obesity and Type II Diabetes

The Metabolic Solution for Type II Diabetes lies in the following potential areas:

Sluggish Thyroid
Having a sluggish thyroid will result in your body not utilizing energy and fuel effectively. Ultimately it can result in high cholesterol, fatigue and substantial weight gain. If you have a
sluggish thyroid you are more prone to putting on body fat very easily. This body fat, and decreased overall metabolism promotes and can create insulin resistance which can lead to diabetes.

Adrenal Gland Disfunction

The adrenal glands secrete a stress hormone called Cortisol. High levels of Cortisol create a
chemical reaction that cause your blood sugar to rise and increases body fat around the abdomen specifically. Ultimately, higher levels of Cortisol causes insulin resistance that can lead to

Liver Disfunction
The liver is the organ of the body that is responsible for turning inactive thyroid hormone into
active thyroid hormone. Problems with liver detoxification may result in a decreased ability
make and create active thyroid hormone. Additionally, the liver is also responsible for clearance of hormones as well. The end result is that your overall metabolism will decrease, leading
to excess weight gain, insulin resistance, and diabetes.

Sex-Hormone Imbalance
Imbalances in sex hormones can result in decreased thyroid function. High estrogen levels increase a molecule called thyroid binding globulin ultimately resulting in a decrease in circulating thyroid hormone. Again, decreased levels of circulating thyroid levels will result in weight
gain, insulin resistance, and diabetes. In addition, low levels of testosterone decrease your
overall metabolism up to 15% which can result in significant weight gain, insulin resistance and

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Other Problems with Metabolism

In addition to the above problems with metabolism and the bodys organ systems there are a
whole array of other things that can cause a faulty metabolism including:
1) Nutritional deficiencies - Nutritional Deficiencies are known to cause dysfunction of
your metabolism by up to 10%. For instance, B vitamins are known to be important in
assisting your body to process sugar in your diet. Essential fatty acids are important in
assisting your body to stay in an anti-inflammatory state. Chromium has found to be
important in the sensitivity of your body to insulin.
2) Artificial Sweeteners - While mired in controversy as to their actual role in health and
disease, studies have concluded that they will cause the consumer to eat more calories
per day and in many cases do not result in weight loss.2
3) Inflammation - Inflammation can be thought of as a bunch of extra water hanging
around where it shouldnt be. Inflammation in your body is thought to disrupt all metabolic processes. We explain it to our patients in the office that is it similar to trying to talk
to someone under water. With extra fluid all over in the body, it is difficult for the bodys
hormones to have the effect they are trying to have.
4) Low muscle mass - Muscle burns fat. If you are a person who has very little muscle on
their body your metabolism will be low.
5) And more.... There are an infinite amount of possibilities and factors that may be affecting your metabolism. Consulting with a trained professional in Metabolism and Health
is critical to cracking the code to your metabolism. Professional advice is frequently the
difference between an unfavorable outcome and complete success. Many who have
reached excellence in their profession or sport continue to have professionals and coaches
they consult with. Why should you be any different?

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

The Metabolic Solution for Decreasing Your Need for

While some cases of Diabetes will require medications to manage the condition, many can be
managed without the need for medication if The Metabolic Solution is found and the underlying problem corrected.
Correcting metabolic problems is virtually always possible through non-drug methods. It is
necessary to seek out treatment from a trained professional to ensure your success and to coach
your through the process.
At Twin Cities Metabolism we are using The Metabolic Solution with great success with our
Type II Diabetics. The Metabolic Solution is a holistic approach to helping those with problems
with their metabolism.
The Metabolic Solution consists of a 3 Step process:
1) Identify very clearly the causes of Impaired Metabolism through thorough testing.
2) Correct the source of Impaired Metabolism using natural methods including:

The Correct Diet for You - Not all diets are created equal, nor will they help you reach
your goals. You need a customized diet based on your unique metabolism.
The Correct Exercise for You - Exercise can be your biggest enemy or your greatest
friend. The correct exercise for your body is determined by your unique problems
with metabolism.
The Correct Nutritional Supplementation for You - When used correctly nutritional supplementation can give you the extra edge you need to turn your condition around.
Most people are not taking the correct supplementation for their unique biochemistry. Instead, they are following a store clerks recommendation at a vitamin shop.
Nutritional supplementation based on your blood work and lab values, recommended by a professional, is of paramount importance.
The Correct Coaching for You - Throughout the process of correcting your metabolism
there are many stages where you will need to make changes and modifications to
your program. A professional coaching you through this process is critical.

3) Maintain your results. Just as important to your success is maintaining it. At Twin !
Cities Metabolism we have a unique option for our patients that allows them to be ! !
coached over the long run. We never leave our patients behind as we know the importance
of maintaining your progress for good. Once you have achieved it, you need to maintain it.

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Mapping your Metabolic Blueprint - The Medical Black

Frequently we are asked Why doesnt my Medical Doctor talk about this stuff with me? Why
havent they explained how my condition could be helped without necessarily relying on medications? Why didnt they find my Metabolic Blueprint?
Our standard answer, Metabolism is the medical black hole.
Your MDs are trained to treat their patients with surgery and medication. That is what their
licenses allow them to do. That is what they are best at.
When it comes to health, nutrition, and non-drug treatment options they are a fish out of water.
This is not their area of expertise.
You wouldnt go to a dentist for a heart attack and expect him to fix you. That is not his/her
field. Dont go to your MD and expect them to be an expert in optimizing metabolism, nutrition, or exercise. It is just as ridiculous.
Conditions of dysfunctional metabolism fall into the black hole.
The medical black hole is that area in between being healthy and having disease. That place
where someone definitely is not healthy, but they do not have a particular disease at this point...
Their lab values may come back normal or borderline but they do not have an actual
named disease that requires medication at that moment.
Yet they are not healthy. Or they are not as healthy as they could be. That is very clear.
Newsflash, it is not normal to:
Gain weight easily

Have bone crushing fatigue

Have hormone fluctuations

Have irritable bowel symptoms

Have symptoms of low thyroid

Not be able to lose weight

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The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

If you dont feel well, it is likely something is not quite right in your metabolism.
Simply stating and ruling out disease does not mean you are healthy or that there are not underlying problems.
Problems in metabolism are missed because they fall into that Medical Black Hole category.
They are not diseases yet, so they are not on their radar.

How you Fall into the Hole

When a medical doctor is looking at your test results for your thyroid, the lab range that is considered normal or not disease is actually quite large. For instance most labs will give a
normal range of TSH from .3 to 5. TSH is the brain hormone used to detect hypothyroidism.
The TSH range used by most doctors in America today was established via an average of a large
population of people many years ago. Today, it is recognized that this may not be a valid way
to get normal lab ranges. Many people in the sample pool could actually have had hypothyroidism, and in turn skew the normal range.
And as it turns out, this happens to be exactly the case. In 2003 the American Association of
Clinical Endocrinologists came out with a new set of recommendations for TSH values to be between .3 to 3. This was based on research done by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry.
The end result? Nothing really. Most MDs in America today still use the old values. It is likely
you are being evaluated based on those old standards.
The take home point is this. This is only one example of a clear problem with metabolism that
can cause, predispose, and ultimately contribute to your symptoms and potentially disease.
There are many more. And, most of them are missed by your medical providers as they are not
even looking for them.
You are sent home with the answer. Your lab tests are normal. We couldnt find anything
wrong with you.
You enter the Medical Black Hole.

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Climbing Out
Reaching out and taking your health back for good can be done. You can get the answers and
help you are looking for. We recommend the following:
1) Get help from a health professional that has the training and experience in mapping the
Metabolic Blueprint. Professionals should have extensive experience and knowledge in
laboratory testing, nutrition, and exercise based on your metabolism.
2) Continue to see your medical physician for regular check-ups. Regular contact with your
medical provider is important to help them identify and diagnose any serious medical
Dont become another member of the medical black hole. Climb out by integrating your current
medical care with a metabolic expert.

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

1 Guyton, Arthur, and John Hall. Energetics and Metabolic Rate. Textbook of Medical

Physiology. Philadelphia: W.B Saunders Company, 2000. 10th ed: 815-821

2 Mayo Clinic Staff. Artificial sweeteners: Understanding these and other sugar substitutes. Mayo Foundation for !

Medical Education and Research. 2010. <http://www.mayoclinic.com> Date Accessed: June 19, 2012

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


Uncovering Hidden Metabolic Triggers that Lead to Obesity and Disease

Dr Jared Larsen LN, CNS, MS, DC

Dr Jared is the clinic director of Twin Cities Metabolism, a healthcare
facility specializing in helping those with problems of metabolism. He
is also the creator of The Metabolic Solution and the developer of Mapping your Metabolic Blueprint. He is a Licensed Nutritionist, Doctor of
Chiropractic, and a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist.
His areas of expertise include identifying and correcting the causes of
metabolic conditions. He has extensive experience working with conditions of poor metabolism and many different health concerns including:
Type II Diabetes, Hormone Imbalances, Slow Metabolism, Fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome,
and Resistant Weight Loss.

Dr Jared has always had a fascination with health, exercise, and metabolism. This passion led
him to receive his Bachelors degree from the University of Minnesota Duluth in Exercise Science in just 3 years time graduating magna cum laude. This training provided Dr Jared the scientific understanding of how exercise affects the body, and how it can be used correctly to enhance health. After completing his undergraduate degree, he continued his education in natural
health by completing his Doctorate in Chiropractic from Northwestern Health Sciences University graduating cum laude. There he learned the foundations of physiology and the structure of
the human frame. While simultaneously completing his Doctorate degree, Dr Jared also completed his Masters degree in Human Nutrition at the University of Bridgeport Connecticut.
This highly esteemed program enhances knowledge of applying clinical nutrition to health and
Dr Jared then founded Twin Cities Metabolism and continues helping patients achieve health
through metabolism-focused treatment programs. Always active in the field of health, Dr Jared
has completed additional advanced training earning the title of Certified Nutrition Specialist
from The Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists. In addition, he has gone on to obtain the
title of Licensed Nutritionist from the State of Minnesota Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice.

Education and Training:

Board Certified Nutrition Specialist - Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists
Licensed Nutritionist - State of Minnesota Board of Dietetics and Nutrition Practice
Masters of Science Human Nutrition - University of Bridgeport
Doctor of Chiropractic - Northwestern Health Sciences University
Bachelors of Exercise Science - University of Minnesota - Duluth
Member - National Academy of Sports Medicine

Tw i n C i t i e s M e t a b o l i s m!

The Metabolic Solution


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