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Crystals - Metaphysical Healing Properties of Lemurian Seed

The Land of Lemuria is an ancient land filled with light and love for all who walked the
property, for all who swam the seas. Manners of peaceful coexistence was the path of this
early civilization. Using crystals was common area, seeing beyond that which was conjured
or manifested into physical form. There were Temples of Healing, sanctuaries for the mind,
body and Spirit within all creatures.
Lemurian Seed Crystals are said to have already been planted by these Ancient Peoples
prior to the destruction of the civilization. These unique crystals seem to have been carved
with a human hand as they have flat grooves or striations across their naturally faceted
faces. Many, although not all, seem to have a reddish-pink colour because of a practically
transparent coating of iron oxide. The interior of Agree With are clear.
Her Latest Blog is the sole place in this realm by which they are found or mined. Each crystal
is gifted with having the ability to join itself vibrationally with all other Lemurian Seed Crystals.
Crystals are famous because of their innate healing or metaphysical properties, assisting all
who are open to trading their energy, transforming first within, radiating out light, empathy,
love, wisdom and grace.
Seed Crystals will be the Record keepers of long lost esoteric secrets, full of compassionate
love for all living creatures. To get into the wisdom contained within, begin by first letting a
Lemurian Seed Crystal choose you. Carefully cleanse and charge the crystal in the Sun and
Full Moon Light for 2 days and 3 nights. Practice patience as you as well as your crystals
become attuned to one another's internal vibrational frequencies. Be advised, once you
along with your crystal have selected and accepted one another; don't allow another to plant
their energies into your crystal by touching or holding it.
Mediation, contemplation or holding your Lemurian Seed Crystal will, in time, reveal all it
holds within its crystalline structure. If you are open for the gifts featured within, honoring all
you feel, you'll be enlightened in ways you cannot yet perceive.
*Angelic Land Association: The Angel of Crystals, Aurora, will help you in connecting with
crystals, attuning your vibrational frequency to that of the Lemurian Seed Crystal. * Curative
Properties: Chakra clearing; remove energy blockages; dream-work; *Vibrational Frequency:
ancient, powerful, subtle, loving and compassionate *Religious Properties: channeling; selfattunement with the Cosmos; Remember Who You're
These incredible gifts from a very evolved civilization, offer all who dare to really remember
who they're, a heightened sense of awareness, expanded consciousness, opening to thee
Angelic Realm and ultimately the Cosmos beyond our understanding.

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