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DiAb OlIC Al Di S Or i nT T iOn

“Our Lady requested and recommended that the Rosary be prayed every day, having
repeated this in all the Apparitions as if forewarning us that in these times o
f diabolical disorientation, we must not let ourselves be deceived by false doct
rines that diminish the elevation of our soul to God by means of prayer.
…the diabolical disorientation …is invading the world and deceiving souls! It is
necessary to confront it …
It is painful to see such a great disorientation, and in so many persons who occ
upy places of responsibility! … the devil has succeeded in infiltrating evil und
er the guise of good, and they act as the blind leading the blind, as Our Lord t
ells us in His gospel; and souls are letting themselves be deceived.
Voluntarily I sacrifice myself and offer my life to God, for peace in His Church
, for priests and for all consecrated souls, above all for those who carry on so
erroneously and so deceived!”
Sister Lucy of Fatima


According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary, “diabolical” means “evil
and wicked; like a devil.” While to “disorientate” or “disorient” is “to make so
mebody unable to recognize where they are or where they should go; to make someb
ody feel confused.” Putting these two words together, diabolical disorientation
could be defined as a devilish or an evil and wicked confusion. Simply put, it i
s a confusion that is masterminded by the devil. Take for example a situation wh
ere a power failure suddenly occurs in the night and you find it impossible to k
now the direction to move for the next few seconds or longer. Another example is
the kind of experience one undergoes at times when one wakes up and then there
is a momentary loss of knowledge of where the door is or what one is sleeping on
or in what part of the world that one is or even what day it is. These are kind
s of disorientation but there is a fundamental difference between them and the t
opic of this article apart from the latter being from lucifer and other reasons.
This difference is that in many cases the victim has no idea of being disorient
ed and this makes diabolical disorientation the more diabolical. The question th
at now arises is, “How can one know that one is diabolically disoriented?” The a
im of this article is to point out certain instances of diabolical disorientatio
n in our time and the ultimate solution to it for the edification of readers and
for the greater glory of GOD. Pope Saint Gregory the Great said that it is bett
er that scandals arise than that the truth be suppressed; hence no matter whose
ox is gored, this article will tell the truth, “And you shall know the truth: an
d the truth shall make you free.” (John VIII: 32, Douay-Rheims)


Immodesty in dress is a typical instance of diabolical disorientation in our tim
e. Before 1917, modesty in fashion was second nature to Catholic women. It was v
irtually inconceivable to anyone then (except the agents of satan of course) tha
t a time like ours will ever come when public nudity will be considered a “virtu
e”. According to the book, Immodest Dress: The Mind of the Church:
With regard to the Church s Standards, bear in mind that as recently as the 19th
century and early 20th century, women were wearing their dresses near or down t
o their ankles, and their sleeves were generally 3/4 length or down to their wri
sts: During the 1860 s women wore full length hoop skirts. By 1870 skirts were s
till full length but had narrowed. The dress of the 1880 s had a bustle that mad
e the full length skirts full in back. Around 1910 women wore "hobble skirts"---
full length skirts that were narrow at the ankles. In the 1920 s came the "flapp
er style." These were straight line short dresses, usually sleeveless, that ende
d at, or above, the knee. That was the beginning of the present trend! From that
time on women s fashions have come to reveal more and more of the body.1
Our Lady of Fatima being the solicitous and decent Mother that She is, gave us t
he privilege of a warning through Blessed Jacinta Marto before the fashion world
went haywire that “certain fashions will be introduced which will offend our di
vine LORD very much” but Her warning went unheeded. Today, the diabolical disori
entation of lucifer as regards fashion just as in other instances has succeeded
largely not because he is so formidable but because among other reasons, we are
not fighting back. But what makes a dress modest or immodest, decent or indecent
? This question is a sine qua non for determining if one is diabolically disorie
nted about fashion and to what extent. In the first place, decency begins from t
he inside and not from the outside because it is “Not that which goeth into the
mouth defileth a man: but what cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man” (Ma
tthew XV: 11, Douay-Rheims). One has to have a certain mindset interiorly before
proceeding to the exterior. This interior mindset is that of the purest of all
creatures, Blessed Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception, Queen of queens and Mothe
r of GOD. This is because a good tree does not bear bad fruit and She bore the b
est fruit of all time, the MAN-GOD, JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth and She still bears
that fruit in the hearts of all who open to Her. Having laid this foundation wh
ich cannot be shaken by any
natural or supernatural disaster, one can now proceed to the exterior part of mo
desty. After 1917 with the program of corruption of fashion in full swing, the C
hurch found it imperative to formally define, though it always was in her consci
ousness and understanding from time immemorial that:
In order that uniformity of understanding prevail… we recall that a dress cannot
be called decent which is cut deeper than two fingers breadth under the pit of
the throat, which does not cover the arms at least to the elbows and scarcely r
eaches a bit beyond the knees. Furthermore, dresses of transparent materials are
This has always been the truth and the position of the Church from the time of J
ESUS CHRIST and it has neither changed nor will it ever change, irrespective of
what anyone might think, say or do. It is just as the union of Marriage was alwa
ys meant for one man and one woman in spite of the polygamous nature of the marr
iages of some of the patriarchs. Similarly, the Assumption of Mary, body and sou
l into Heaven is a historical event that actually took place in time and it has
always been true and has never changed even though it was only dogmatically proc
laimed by Pius XII more than a millennium and a half later.3 Ultimately, a decen
t or modest dress covers the shoulders, cleavage, breasts, armpits, elbows, back
, belly and knees completely at all times and in all the postures of the female
body without accentuating the figure especially the curves; and it is neither ti
ght nor transparent as to reveal the skin in these aforementioned areas of the b
ody or the undergarments. Needless to say, it is an abomination for a woman to w
ear trousers, no matter what popular opinion may be. So then, now that it is kno
wn what a decent dress is, how many women’s dresses seen these days meet the req
uired standards? They are very few, if any. Even the habits of many female relig
ious are not decent. As a matter of fact, things are so bad that it will not be
surprising to see them in trousers! So there we have it, the diabolical disorie
ntation in dress. Many of us do not even know because we are diabolically disori
ented, that there is an unchangeable dress code for Catholic women and that this
code ought to be abided by. But do we really think that Mary would wear trouser
s or sleeveless or any indecent attire or condescend to the “shameless parade of
the flesh” in any way if She was born in let us say 1990? It seems we have no i
dea who She is.
Another instance of diabolical disorientation is in our practices. Catholicism i
s not a trend but an immutable way of life with a solid and authentic theologica
l bearing. It is not some vogue that comes and goes, becomes old fashioned, gets
updated, and so on. However, the diabolical disorientation created by satan has
reversed this notion for many of us. Even though the heresies and errors partic
ularly modernism, indifferentism, liberalism, “ecumenism” and all the other isms
against the Catholic Faith have been around for quite some time, they were offi
cially institutionalized on the heels of the Second Vatican Council. Vatican II
unlike previous councils which had the purging effect of exorcisms has left the
Church badly in need of an exorcism! This Council has been termed the Third Wor
ld War by the Athanasius of the twentieth century, the Bishop Sarto and beacon o
f Catholicism in the post-conciliar era, the indefatigable founder of the Priest
ly Fraternity of Saint Pius X (SSPX), Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre of blessed memo
ry, Marcel the Great. This Council, which will be eventually annulled like the
Second Council of Ephesus was annulled by Pope Saint Leo the Great, actually sta
rted out as a council but degenerated into a revolution. This is obvious if one
considers that in spite of the fact that the preparation for the Council was one
of the most meticulous in the Church’s history as it “was carried out very cons
cientiously and with a concern for perfection” by the Council’s Central Preparat
ory Commission of which Marcel the Great himself was an active member, all the C
ommission’s impeccable seventy-two schemata were “condemned to the wastepaper ba
sket” only a fortnight after the opening of the Council4. This Council took only
three years (October 11, 1962-December 8, 1965) but the documents allegedly pro
mulgating it are the most voluminous of those of the twenty-one ecumenical Counc
ils in the Church’s history, much more than those of the Council of Trent (1545-
1583), which is the longest in the history of the Church. Incredibly, unlike tho
se of the previous twenty ecumenical Councils, they neither condemned any heresy
, refuted any error, excommunicated any heretic nor anathemized any propagator o
f error in spite of the fact that eleven years before the Council started, Pope
Pius XII lamented in his encyclical Evangelii Praecones (June 2, 1951) that the
world was in a worse state than it was before the Deluge; not to mention that Sa
int Pius X, the only twentieth century Pope to be canonized in the twentieth cen
tury, in his first encyclical E Supremi barely three months after ascending to t
he papacy as far back as in 1903 thought that the anti-christ may have already c
ome. Moreover, the mass murderers Stalin and Lenin in the name of Communism had
killed more people than the First and Second World Wars combined; Mao Tse-tung i
n the name of the same pandemic had launched a cruel persecution of the Chinese
people and of the Catholic Church that has continued till date and which has inc
luded various killing sprees (like the 1989 Tiananmen square massacre in which a
t least 10,000 unarmed peaceful protesters were brutally machine gunned down in
cold blood and trampled on by armoured tanks) forcing Catholics loyal to the Chu
rch and to the Pope to go underground (even to this day, although the pathetic e
xcuse we have for the media will never tell you that) and brutally suppressing t
he Church in favour of the treacherous Communist government–run Chinese Catholi
c Patriotic Association (CCPA which also exists till date and continues to dupe
unsuspecting Catholics outside China to interact with them and to give them don
ations); and allegedly, a nuclear war nearly broke out between the USA and Russi
a in the same month that the Council started!!! Yet, not even one condemnation c
ame from Vatican II!!! (Not even against the stupendously abominable Teilhard de
Chardin!!!) Indeed the Second Vatican Revolution marked the beginning of an era
- an unprecedented era of institutionalized error and scandal: the era of the G
reat Apostasy!!! But how long will it take and how much more havoc will be wreak
ed before Vatican II will be finally annulled? Many Catholics today do not know
that along with Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, every Friday of the year is a day
of abstinence except holy days of obligation. What about horoscopes? They are p
agan, superstitious and are forbidden by the Church and by the first Commandment
but it is very common to see Catholics checking out their “star signs” to see w
hat it has for them for a particular day or month or year or even for their enti
re life time. Horoscopes are a complete denial of GOD and HIS providence but why
do we embrace them? We are diabolically disorientated. What about contraception
and birth control? Catholics are in the forefront of a worldwide adoption of co
ndoms, pills, IUDs, “Natural” Family Planning (NFP) like billings, sympto-therma
l, creighton, mucus, rhythm, etc., and other obnoxious contraceptions because am
ong other reasons, we are diabolically disoriented - Freemasons want to depopula
te the world and control its population and Catholics are endorsing their satani
c program! Accepting sufferings, illnesses, disappointments, setbacks, etc., as
crosses and means of expiating our sins has become virtually extinct. Many of us
have forgotten about Purgatory and indulgences! How many of us still have Masse
s offered for dead relatives, friends and the souls in Purgatory? We are too bus
y shedding tears and “giving them befitting burials”. Cohabitation is now popula
r culture as men and women fornicate with impunity, abort at will and accept the
children they want to. At their own convenience, they will request for a high s
ociety “blessed marriage”. Catholics even view customary marriage as an alternat
ive to the Sacrament of Matrimony. In fact, the diabolical disorientation has ma
de many of us to see our Faith as compatible with pagan practices so that we can
always set it aside to offer pagan sacrifices, procure charms and observe some
ridiculous customary foolery or superstitious belief. We even believe in reincar
nation! For goodness sake, JESUS CHRIST would have been the first to reincarnate
if there was such a thing. How many Catholics know how to make the sign of the
cross? How many Catholics frequently recommend themselves to their guardian ange
ls and patron saints let alone emulate them? How many even know that there is su
ch a thing as a patron or a guardian? Participation in non-Catholic worship is a
sin against Faith and against the first Commandment, yet how many of us refrain
from non-Catholic worship? How many of us know that it is wrong to turn our bac
ks on the BLESSED SACRAMENT or to converse idly in church in HIS presence? Catho
lics now sit down during consecration and the distribution of HOLY COMMUNION! Ho
w many Catholics pray their Rosary daily? How many strive to receive COMMUNION d
aily and to go to confession on a regular basis? Yet we brush our teeth, bathe o
urselves and clean our environment regularly but we neglect our souls to our rui
n. How many Catholics make provision for chapels and grottos when setting up the
ir homes or renting accommodations? How many of us even have altars in our homes
? How many Catholics know that Santa Claus is actually Saint Nicholas of Bari? H
ow many Catholics know that it is simony for a priest to accept more than one st
ipend and one intention for one Mass? How many Catholics know that holy water wa
shes away venial sin? How many Catholics wear sacramentals? They are now meant f
or babies and toddlers who later dump them for the world and its false maxims li
ke their parents as soon as they grow “wiser”. How many of us know that the wear
ing of Saint Benedict’s medal protects the wearer from poisons of all kinds and
demonic attacks? To cut to the chase, let us recall a very popular announcement
that is usually made before COMMUNION in Masses: “HOLY COMMUNION is meant for ba
ptized and practising Catholics who are in the state of grace.” So, how many of
us try to be just that? That depends on how many of us who survive the diabolica
l disorientation.
The mentality of the Church has also been diabolically disoriented. At this poin
t it is difficult to know where to start from, what to mention and what to leave
out. It must be pointed out still that this article will not cover all the inst
ances of diabolical disorientation in our time but may the LORD use the little t
hat will be written about to recover HIS lost sheep. In the past, the Church led
the world but nowadays, it is the world that dictates to the Church. Thanks to
the Second Vatican Revolution. It has led to all kinds of “dialogues” between th
e Church and the world among other abnormalities, as against our LORD’S command
to “teach” (Matthew XXVIII: 19, Douay-Rheims). Our present day secondary or high
school system of education was originated by Saint John Baptist de la Salle thr
ough his Brothers of the Christian School. The earliest known encyclopaedia, Ety
mologiae was written by Saint Isidore of Seville! The oldest army in the world i
s the papal army! The most thorough investigative process in the world is the ca
nonization process!! The true shape of the world was first disclosed by Saint Vi
rgilius, Archbishop of Salzburg (700-784) and not Ferdinand Magellan (1480?-1521
) as has been erroneously taught!!! The most sublime profession in the world is
the Catholic priesthood!!! Many cities and settlements in Europe were begun by C
atholics who practised charity or sought solitude in deserts, forests and away f
rom society, and GOD through their sanctity attracted others there. What could t
he world have done without the Church? We created the model for what NGOs are do
ing today but guess who’s running the charity scene presently? We wrote and comp
iled the Bible; we created the calendar; we abolished slavery; we laid the found
ation for philosophy, theology, genetics, English language, education, learning,
classical music, arts, poetry, literature, architecture, government, jury syste
m, healthcare system, rehabilitation of character, philanthropy, civilization: w
e ran the world, we run the world!!! The list goes on and on but unfortunately,
the orientation is quite different these days. The Church no longer leads like b
efore but now looks up to the world. This has led to negative socialization with
in the Church. Commercial and social events like “Harvest” and “Thanksgiving” wh
ich are not even in the New Missal have been unofficially “liturgized” throughou
t the Church. We celebrate the world’s New Year with enthusiasm but neglect that
of the Church in Advent. The Sacraments particularly Matrimony have been reduce
d to being treated like mere social ceremonies. Nowadays, this Sacrament is “inc
omplete” if the priest fails to mandate the groom to kiss the bride. The Church
has been invaded by the world. Our schools now teach evolution; they have become
tragic shadows of their former glorious selves: cesspools of error and impurity
. These are the characteristic fruits of the opening of the Church to the world
in line with the post-conciliar “renewal” of Vatican II. Traditional Catholics
will help a great deal if they stopped giving credence to any of its documents b
y not quoting them in their speeches and writings. But what could one have expec
ted when the Council’s periti included some of the worst heretics of all time li
ke Hans Küng, Dominique Chenu, Yves Congar, Karl Rhaner, Edward Schillebeeckx, E
douard Dhanis, etc., who would have been probable candidates for the stake if t
he Inquisition was still in effect? Imagine such diseased opinions like “the Vir
gin Birth is not true”, “Catholic dogma is not immutable”, “the Church evolves”,
“the Resurrection is a myth”, etc, coming from men who are supposed to be pries
ts and theologians. What a diabolically disoriented scenario we are in. Christia
nity has been degraded from Catholicism to a hodge podge of brand names; Sunday,
from a holy day of obligation to a day of entertainment, sports and social gath
erings; the Holy Land, from a pilgrimage site to a mere tourist attraction. “Chi
ld Dedication” is now more prestigious than the Sacrament of Baptism!!! Catholic
s now substitute prayer with noisemaking. We have copied “Praise the LORD”! “All
eluia!” and other foreign practices from the Pentecostal Religion. How many of u
s know that the word “pastor” really means a parish priest and not some Pentecos
tal administrator. Besides, it is forbidden for a pastor or any person lower tha
n the Pope to impose tithes.5 Let us turn our attention to Christmas for a while
. Contrary to what the world thinks, December 25, the Feast of the Nativity of
our LORD or Christmas day is the beginning and not the end of Christmas season,
after due preparation in the four preceding weeks via Advent. The season of Chr
istmas does not end on December 25 but on the 2nd of February with the Feast of
Purification of Blessed Virgin Mary (Presentation of our LORD)! However, the for
mer erroneous notion about Christmas has diffused from the world into the Church
. Hence Christmas Carols and “Nine Lessons” are sung with disgusting impunity du
ring Advent. Catholics wish one another “Merry Christmas” and decorate their hom
es and churches during Advent instead of preparing for Christmas. This has virtu
ally eliminated the season of Advent and has contributed greatly to the error of
regarding the Solemnity of Nativity of our LORD as a mere materialistic jambore
e. What about December 26? It is the Feast of St. Stephen, the first martyr afte
r the Resurrection of CHRIST and not “Boxing day”. There is no such thing as “Bo
xing day” in the Liturgical calendar. It is merely a social observance, yet many
Catholics prefer this to the Feast of St. Stephen. As for the unfortunate Feast
day of St. Valentine, we have not only forgotten the Saint and his legacy but h
ave joined the world in turning the day into a period of celebrating error, vani
ty, impurity, foolery and misdirected affections. Saint Valentine was a priest a
nd a martyr but unfortunately, our commemoration of his Feast day has little or
nothing to do with either the priesthood or martyrdom. What a diabolical mess we
are in!
A more subtle diabolical disorientation is the way in which sacred images, pictu
res and works of art are represented and presented. Let us begin with the crucif
ix. JESUS CHRIST died on a cross, which had an inscription, “Jesus of Nazareth K
ing of the Jews” (“INRI”) on it, with HIS Head bowed to the right and HIS right
Foot nailed on HIS left Foot. In addition, HE was covered with Blood and Wounds;
and HIS right Side was pierced. Compare this with the crucifixes available toda
y and you will find that the agonizing crucifix of the Precious Blood Devotion g
iven by our LORD to Barnabas Nwoye on the fifth of January in 2000 A.D. at Olo i
n Nigeria truly represents the crucified CHRIST. For the record, it was used as
a reference by Mel Gibson in creating the one movie that was anywhere close to t
he true nature of the Passion of our LORD, the most popular man ever, the MAN WH
O is so great that dates are centred on HIM (B.C. - Before CHRIST and A.D. - Ann
o DOMINI or Year of the LORD), the MAN with the longest dynasty ever: from Adam
to Pope Benedict XVI and counting!!! Does its mild accuracy not explain its unpr
ecedented edification of lives unlike previous versions like the Robert Powell-l
ed cast where our LORD is virtually bloodless during his Passion and even carrie
d no cross? Does it not also explain the antagonism it generated like The Da Vin
ci Code reprisal, among others? Indeed nobody can fight against GOD. Isn’t it am
azing that after years of being bombarded with the filth from Hollywood and worl
d society as a whole, a film about a MAN WHOSE kingship and authority has been c
ontinually denied and derided could cause such a stir? Let it be noted however t
hat before, during or after the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hollywo
od, entertainment, show business, mass media and indeed all the agents of social
ization will be retaken over or replaced by Traditional Catholicism - brace your
selves! Back from our digression; a look at the crucifixes we have today on alta
rs, chaplets, books, pictures, bibles, movies, TV and everywhere reveals cruci
fixes with no inscriptions, “IKRI”, JESUS CHRIST looking upwards or to the left,
his two Feet separated, no Blood, no pierced Side, no Wounds and all kinds of m
isrepresentation. What about altars where the statue of Mary is placed on the le
ft of the altar and of the crucifix instead of on the right? What about miraculo
us medals with the Immaculate Heart on the left-hand of the SACRED HEART instead
of on the right-hand? What about the true representation of the SACRED HEART an
d the Immaculate Heart? The SACRED HEART of JESUS has fire on the HEART with a c
ross in the midst of the fire and a crown of thorns surrounds and pierces the HE
ART causing Blood to drip from the HEART. The Immaculate Heart of Mary also has
fire on the Heart but the Heart is surrounded by a crown of flowers and is pierc
ed through by a sword with blood dripping from the wound. These representations
however are limited to when only the Immaculate Heart represents Mary and when t
he SACRED HEART alone represents JESUS. Other than this, the picture is incomple
te, a misrepresentation or both. What about pictures of the Stations of the Cros
s with JESUS CHRIST not having a single drop of Blood? Was it not with HIS Preci
ous Blood that HE purchased our salvation? So why is it being de-emphasized in t
he representation of HIS Passion? Back to the real crucified CHRIST. Is it not d
isturbing that after 2000 years, it is only a minority that has true crucifixes
and know what they should even look like? What is more disturbing is that a Card
inal like His Eminence Olubunmi Okogie of Lagos Archdiocese is not comfortable w
ith the agonizing crucifix. What could his “reservations” be? Is it the bloodine
ss? Whatever they are, it still does not justify how a Cardinal who has been in
the priesthood for over four decades can have “reservations” about the truth. Wh
at a sad story! Another instance of diabolical disorientation which is utterly d
espicable and totally unacceptable is in pictures and artworks of Our Lady bare
breasted, suckling the BABY JESUS!!! What is even worse is that they are found i
n Catholic shops and as decorations in churches!!! The doubting Thomases should
check out the entrance door facing the altar of St. Paul’s along Douglas road in
Owerri Archdiocese, but “blessed are they that have not seen and have believed”
The diabolical disorientation has pervaded all aspects of our lives including se
xuality and especially sexuality. Our Lady made it known that the sins that lead
most souls to Hell are the sins of the flesh and this was in 1917, before the a
dvent of mainstream pornography and the Free “Love” Revolution. Nowadays, homose
xuality is considered a natural attribute of humans like race and blood group. P
eople now castigate the Pope with impunity if he dares to admonish sodomites and
lesbians in public. Even the scandalous and shameless Carrie Prejean, 2009 Cali
fornia Public Nudity Queen, was nearly dethroned for saying that marriage should
be between a man and a woman. The same sin that compelled GOD to destroy Sodom
and Gomorrha has been institutionalized in our time. It might as well be conside
red natural for one to be a cannibal, terrorist, suicide bomber, abortionist or
a serial killer. After all, homosexuality and murder are among the four sins cry
ing to GOD for vengeance, together with oppression of the poor and defrauding wo
rkers of their wages. Even animals do not condescend to homosexuality and yet, w
e are supposed to have dominion over them! What an irony. Also, these days the l
ast thing on our minds when we say “love” is GOD; first thing, lust; others, inf
atuation, obsession, sexual attraction, crush, titillation, anything in that lin
e but certainly not GOD. No, that is so way back: outdated, obsolete, Dark Ages.
Adultery has been “baptized” and is now “having an affair”. It is no longer a m
ortal sin but a mere societal peccadillo! What about fornication? Ah! The infamo
us fornication! It is now mistaken for sex and has become the definitive basis o
f relationships between men and women, men and men, women and women. Children ar
e being corrupted and diabolically disoriented right in the womb, through the ve
ry blood that flows in the veins of their parents. Prospective couples do not co
urt anymore. Impurity especially fornication has overrun the relationship landsc
ape with all sorts of nicknames like dating, going out, fling, one-night stand,
ménage à trios, player, kuger, pimping, falling in and out of love, etc. The wor
ds “fiancée” and “fiancé” are fast becoming vanishing dots in the distant horizo
n of history. The byword these days is fornicating-partners aka boyfriend-and-gi
rlfriend. “Husband and Wife” has given way to “Baby-mama” and “Baby-father”. Par
ents are very proud to point out their daughters’ boyfriends and their sons’ gir
lfriends. What a shameless explosion of abominations! Basically, sexuality tod
ay has been erroneously pigeonholed into heterosexuality, homosexuality and bise
xuality. In other words, if you are male/female, you must have another male/fema
le or more that you fornicate with; otherwise you are impotent, uncivilized, rel
igious, abnormal, “born-again”, a priest, a bishop, a religious or a hopeless mi
sfit. Where do all these leave us? In a vicious quagmire: an unprecedented crisi
s of morality and virtues. A crisis that is worse than the recent global meltdow
n and all the economic crises before 2009 put together. This crisis ensures that
the prince of the world is dragging more and more souls to Hell in staggering f
igures. Not even the AIDS pandemic has deterred us from the obstinate worship of
impurity. Unfortunately, in the midst of all these catastrophes, some of us are
still more interested in global warming and endangered species than in the salv
ation of their souls! Who can guess the number of souls that go to Hell every ye
ar? During the Fatima Apparitions, Mary was so sad that She never smiled to the
children in spite of their tender ages (Lucy was ten at the time, Blessed Franci
sco was nine and Blessed Jacinta, seven). According to Her, many souls were goin
g to Hell because they had no one to pray and to make sacrifices for them. Yet,
this was in 1917 when it was still Tridentine everywhere and decades before the
Free “Love” Revolution, MTV, “Sex” Education in Catholic Schools, public nudity
gatherings (beach gatherings, pool parties, pool gatherings, etc.), disguised pr
ostitution or Miss I hate JESUS and Mary (Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss Fitnes
s, Face of Africa and other public nudity pageantries); before the satanic rule
of Communism in China forced parents to have only one child even if they had to
abort the rest; and decades before the number of abortions committed annually wo
rld wide exceeded fifty million in the 1980s!!! If the souls that went to Hell w
ere so much then that Our Lady could not manage even a smile to mere children, h
ow much more in our so-called jet or silicon or cyber or whatever age. An age th
at is darker than the Dark Ages in spite of our technological advancement and al
l that. An age where a psycho like Josef (what an insult to Saint Joseph) Fritzl
will hold his daughter captive for decades, torture and rape and impregnate her
several times. An age that is so depraved that when Our Lady of Quito showed a
vision of it to Mother Mariana de JESUS Torres (1563-1635) in 1582, she fell dea
d and had to be resurrected two days later!!! Among the horrors that this privil
eged soul was shown was the scarcity of virgin souls that will plague our times.
There is currently an unprecedented scarcity of virgin souls as virginity has b
een reduced to mere anatomical abstinence from sexual intercourse. Christians ha
ve forgotten that all true virgins are modelled after the Holy Family of Virgins
, where the father, Joseph; Wife and Mother, Mary; and SON, JESUS were all Virgi
ns. Mary is the Queen of Virgins, JESUS is VIRGINITY personified and Joseph is a
paragon of chastity but we seem to have forgotten all that. We have forgotten t
hat an ex-prostitute like Saint Mary Magdalen is ranked among the virgins in Hea
ven because virginity is not just about physically abstaining from sexual interc
ourse alone, but also keeping the soul pure. Nowadays virgins are just males and
females waiting for the opportunity to fornicate physically; meanwhile they lus
t, watch and read pornography, engage in indecency, and indulge in all manner of
impure acts and conversations. They are not virgins. They are just anatomically
unpenetrated and diabolically disoriented: “…like to whited sepulchres, which o
utwardly appear to men beautiful but within are full of dead men’s bones and of
all filthiness.” (Matthew XXIII: 27, Douay-Rheims) Their version of virginity is
straight out of the pit of Hell, designed, tested and approved by satan and his
The diabolical disorientation is also evident in the multiplicity of the most po
pular and best selling book ever, the Bible. This is evidenced by the many outra
geous “Catholic Bibles” now available like Good News and Jerusalem. The only Bib
le solemnly canonized by the Church is Douay-Rheims. This Bible uses the Vulgate
, which was produced by Saint Jerome and it is the one approved by the 19th ecum
enical council of the Catholic Church, the Council of Trent (1545-1563) to be “h
eld as authentic; and that no one is to dare, or presume to reject it under any
pretext whatever”6; therefore any other Bible using this Vulgate is also accurat
e. All other non-Catholic Bibles that do not even contain the seven other books
(Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Sirach, 1 and 2 Machabees) which have b
een erroneously referred to as “deuterocanonical” (apocryphal) in the post-conci
liar Church are eliminated as a matter of course. But what about other “Catholic
Bibles”, specifically those printed after the Second Vatican Revolution? What c
ould be possibly wrong with them? Well then, let us compare the Douay-Rheims to
the very popular Good News. First of all, the misleading Good News unlike Douay
-Rheims falsely separates the seven books mentioned above from the other thirty-
nine books under the erroneous category of “deuterocanonical” or apocrypha, impl
ying that they are “worthy of at least private reading, though they are not rega
rded as a basis for doctrine”. The entire forty-six books were all officially ap
proved by the Synod of Rome (382); the Councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397
) and Pope Saint Boniface I. They were all also canonized by the Council of Tren
t without any distinction between apocryphal or non-apocryphal but Good News see
ms to know better than all these Synods, Councils and Saint Boniface I thereby s
upporting the arch-heretic Martin Luther who made the apocryphal discrimination.
Also, some of the names of the books, people and places in Douay-Rheims are dif
ferent from those of the same reference in Good News. Hence, 1 Samuel is actuall
y 1 Kings, 2 Samuel is 2 Kings while 1 and 2 Kings are 3 and 4 Kings respectivel
y. Chronicles is actually Paralipomenon, Joshua is really Josue, Hosea is actual
ly Osee, Sirach is really Ecclesiasticus, Haggai is Aggeus actually, Zephaniah i
s really Sophonias, Elijah is Elias, Elisha is really Eliseus, Ahab is Achab, Je
remiah is really Jeremias, Isaiah is actually Isaias, Jonah is Jonas, Sheba is r
eally Saba, Bathsheba is actually Bethsabee, Rehoboam is Roboam, Manasseh is Man
asses, Shechem is Sichem, Zebulun is Zabulon, Canaan is Chanaan, etc. Moreover,
most of the verses in Douay-Rheims begin with paragraphs and the verses are orde
red but in Good News the verses are badly arranged.
Genesis 3:15 in the Douay-Rheims reads:
I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her see
d: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.
Genesis 3:15 in the Good News however reads:
I will make you and the woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will alwa
ys be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite their heel.

The woman being referred to is Mary. She is the point of reference in the above
quotation as is rightly shown by Douay-Rheims and not “her offspring” as is erro
neously presented by Good News. She was preserved by GOD from all stain of origi
nal sin and She lived and died without committing even the slightest actual sin.
That was how She crushed the serpent’s head. The worst humiliation anyone can g
ive satan is not to commit sin and Mary gave the devil more humiliation than any
one can ever imagine. That is why he always inspires many unfortunate Catholics
and non-Catholics alike with a hatred for Mary. Those who antagonize Mary in any
way should know that each and every bit of their antagonism is inspired by Her
worst enemy, “that old serpent, who is called the devil and satan, who seduceth
the whole world.” Why then will a “Catholic Bible” downplay the prominence of Ma
ry in Christianity by shifting GOD’S emphasis on Her away from Her under the pre
tense of concentrating it on “her offspring”? Still on Mary, it is critically im
portant to know that GOD so highly esteems Her that a hatred for the Hail Mary p
rayer alone (not Mary Herself) is “a probable and proximate sign” that the hater
is absolutely bound for Hell! 7 Those who think the world of their mothers shou
ld imagine how GOD regards HIS OWN Mother Whom HE made the Mother of humanity.
Exodus 32: 28 in the Douay-Rheims reads:
And the sons of Levi did according to the words of Moses: and there were slain t
hat day about three and twenty thousand (23,000) men.
Exodus 32:28 in the Good News however reads:
The Levites obeyed, and killed about three thousand (3,000) men that day.
Numbers 16: 31-33 in the Douay-Rheims reads:
And immediately as he had made an end of speaking, the earth broke asunder under
their feet
And, opening her mouth, devoured them with their tents and all their substance.
And they went down alive into hell, the ground closing upon them: and they peris
hed from among the people.
Numbers 16:31-33 in the Good News reads:
As soon as he had finished speaking, the ground under Dathan and Abiram
split open and swallowed them and their families, together with all of Korah’s f
ollowers and their possessions. So they went down alive to the world of the dead
, with their possessions. The earth closed over them, and they vanished.
In this context, the Good News’ “world of the dead” is not specific and it is de
finitely not Hell. In Matthew X: 28, JESUS CHRIST confirmed that HE can destroy
both body and soul in Hell, just as HE did to Core (not “Korah” as the Good News
calls him) and his fellow schismatics. The souls of the damned are condemned to
Hell after death and their bodies and souls will be reunited for the last judge
ment before being finally cast into Hell forever (Apocalypse XX: 11-15) ! This
reality is however too Catholic for the Good News!
In the Douay-Rheims, the sixth chapter of the book of Tobias has 22 verses, whil
e in the Good News, they are 17. Tobias 6:16-17 in the Douay-Rheims reads:
Then the angel Raphael said to him: Hear me, and I will shew thee who they are,
over whom the devil can prevail.
For they who in such manner receive matrimony, as to shut out God from themselve
s, and from their mind, and to give themselves to their lust, as the horse and m
ule, which have not understanding: over them the devil hath power.
In the Good News, “Tobit” 6:16-17 reads:
When you go into the bedroom, take the fish’s heart and liver with you and place
them on the burning incense, so that the odour will spread throughout the room.
When the demon smells it, he will leave and never come near Sarah again. But be
fore you consummate the marriage, both of you must get up and pray for the Lord
in heaven to be merciful to you and to protect you. Don’t be afraid. Sarah was m
eant to be yours from the beginning of creation. You will rescue her from the de
mon, and she will go with you to your home. You and Sarah will have many childre
n, whom you will love very much. So don’t worry!”
Tobias listened very carefully to what Raphael had to say. He knew that Sarah wa
s a relative on his father’s side of the family. He began to fall in love with h
er and looked forward to marrying her.
Why the dubious omission of the warning against the abuse of matrimony? This is
diabolical disorientation at its very best!
The book of Esther in the Douay-Rheims has sixteen chapters while in the Good Ne
ws, both the Hebrew and the so-called “Greek version” of the same book has only
ten chapters.
The book of Psalms in the Douay-Rheims is correctly numbered while in the Good N
ews, Psalm 9 is divided into two so that the last eighteen verses of Psalm 9 bec
ome “Psalm 10”. Hence “Psalm 11” in the Good News is actually Psalm 10, while “P
salm 12” is actually Psalm 11, and so on. This error continues through “Psalm 23
” (“The LORD is my SHEPHERD”), which is really Psalm 22; to Psalm 147 where it i
s corrected. Psalm 147 has twenty verses but in truth, it is only verse 12 to ve
rse 20 that make up the Psalm. Verses 1-11 is actually Psalm 146.
In the Douay-Rheims, 2 Machabees 12:46 reads:
It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that
they may be loosed from sins.
In the Good News, there is no 2 Machabees 12:46! However, 2 Machabees 12:45 read
In his firm and devout conviction that all God’s faithful people would receive a
wonderful reward, Judas made provision for a sin-offering to set free from thei
r sins those who had died.
Has the existence of Purgatory suddenly changed from a divinely revealed truth o
f GOD to a mere personal conviction of Judas Machabeus? Amazing!
In the Douay-Rheims, Luke 1:28, 42 reads:
And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lor
d is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
And she cried out with a loud voice and said: Blessed art thou among wom
en and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
In the Good News however, Luke 1:28, 42 reads:
The angel came to her and said, “Peace be with you! The Lord is with you and has
greatly blessed you!”
…and said in a loud voice, “You are the most blessed of all women, and blessed i
s the child you will bear!
Unbelievable! Where did we get the Hail Mary from? Did not Saints Gabriel and El
izabeth compose the first part of the Hail Mary? That is what the Douay-Rheims s
ays but is that what the Good News says? It might be a revelation to readers tha
t to be “full of grace” means to be “sinless”, “immaculate”, “pure”, “perfect”;
that is why Mary is the only one apart from JESUS (John I:14) to be described as
“full of grace”, but of course Good News is too “updated” to be concerned with
such matters.
In Douay-Rheims, Luke 16:22 reads:
And it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abra
ham’s bosom. And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell.
In Good News, Luke 16: 22 reads:
“The poor man died and was carried by the angels to sit beside Abraham a
t the feast in heaven. The rich man died and was buried…
First of all, Heaven was not open during the time of Lazarus and the rich man (J
ohn III: 13) but Hell was (Matthew XXV: 41) and the rich man went there and he i
s still languishing there even as you read this article and he will be there for
ever! There is no confusion about the existence of Hell; many people now living,
including those reading this article will end up there if they do not repent an
d amend their lives. But the Good News is more interested in downplaying facts l
ike these.
In the Douay-Rheims, John 2:4 reads:
And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is that to me and to thee? My hour i
s not yet come.
In other words, “Woman, what is that to us”?
In the Good News, the same verse reads:
“You must not tell me what to do,” Jesus replied. “My time has not yet come.”
The SACRED HEART of JESUS and the Immaculate Heart of Mary have always been, are
still and will always be inseparable just as Saint Louis de Montfort wrote and
rightly so, under the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT in his classic, True Devotion
to Mary:
I here turn for one moment to Thee, O sweet Jesus, to complain lovingly to thy D
ivine Majesty that the greater part of Christians, even the most learned, do not
know the necessary union there is between Thee and Thy holy Mother. Thou, Lord,
art always with Mary, and Mary is always with Thee, and she cannot be without T
hee, else she would cease to be what she is. She is so transformed into Thee by
grace that she lives no more, she is as though she were not. It is Thou only, my
Jesus, who livest and reignest in her more perfectly than in all the angels and
the blessed. Ah! If we knew the glory and the love which Thou receivest in this
admirable creature, we should have very different thoughts both of Thee and her
from what we have now. She is so intimately united with Thee that it were easie
r to separate the light from the sun, the heat from the fire; nay, it were easie
r to separate from Thee all the angels and the saints than the divine Mary, beca
use she loves Thee more ardently and glorifies Thee more perfectly than all the
other creatures put together.8
This kind of orientation about JESUS and Mary is however not compatible with tho
se of Bibles like Good News or the New Missal Liturgical readings’ Jerusalem Bib
le - a Bible whose 1985
“new edition’s” chronological appendix contains the monstrous errors that the wo
rld is over two million years old and that man is a descendant of apes!!!
In the Douay-Rheims, John 3: 13 reads:
And no man hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended from heaven,
the Son of
man who is in heaven.
Well, JESUS CHRIST the second PERSON of the MOST HOLY TRINITY is truly GOD
(Matthew XXVIII: 20, John VIII: 58, John X: 30) and truly MAN (Matthew XXI: 18,
John I: 14, John XII: 8). HE has the nature of GOD and that of man. As GOD, HE i
s, has been, and always will be in Heaven and everywhere; and as man, HE incarna
ted in Mary’s womb, was born, lived, suffered, died, descended into Hell, then a
scended into Heaven and HE is always in the BLESSED SACRAMENT. That is what has
been, what is and what will forever be; and it is what we have always known and
believed. This was one of the focuses of Saint John’s Gospel.
But check out the Good News’ version of John 3:13. It says:
And no one has ever gone up to heaven except the Son of Man, who came down from
In other words, JESUS CHRIST stopped being in Heaven the moment HE incarnated in
Mary’s womb. HE stopped being GOD as soon as he became MAN. Talk about a subtle
but absolute denial of the divinity of CHRIST. Nestorius and Arius could not ha
ve said it better. And to think that this is coming from a “Catholic Bible” wher
e even the King James gets the verse correct is just too hard to tolerate. What
an abomination!!!
In Douay-Rheims, John 9:37-38 reads:
And Jesus said to him: Thou hast both seen him; and it is he that talket
h with thee.
And he said: I believe, Lord. And falling down, he adored him.
Why will a man fall down and adore JESUS? Objectively speaking, a man will fall
down and adore JESUS if such a man is convinced that JESUS is GOD.
In Good News, John 9:37-38 reads:
Jesus said to him, “You have already seen him, and he is the one who is talking
with you now.”
“I believe, Lord!” the man said, and knelt down before Jesus.
Now why will a man kneel before JESUS? Maybe the man was about to receive a chie
ftaincy title or knighthood from JESUS or maybe he wanted to be blessed by JESUS
or maybe he wanted to show gratitude or respect to JESUS or maybe he wanted to
receive COMMUNION from JESUS or maybe JESUS wanted to pray for him: there is no
objective interpretation of the action! The last thing that could have been on S
aint John’s mind while writing his Gospel was to create confusion about the divi
nity of JESUS CHRIST. But it seems to be main thing for Good News. Note that the
non-Catholic King James is very clear in the above verses unlike Good News.
Galatians 1:8, 9 in the Douay-Rheims reads:
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides t
hat which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.
As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel
, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema.
Galatians 1:8, 9 in the Good News reads:
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel that is dif
ferent from the one we preached to you, may he be condemned to hell! We have sai
d it before, and now I say it again: if anyone preaches to you a gospel that is
different from the one you accepted, may he be condemned to hell!
Besides the automatic condemnation by the above passage of all those who have be
en “revising” the Church’s doctrines since Vatican II, “Let him be anathema” has
always been used by the Church in solemn condemnations right up to the First Va
tican Council era. The Douay-Rheims shows that it, like the Church herself goes
back to the Apostles and indeed, to JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF (1 Corinthians XVI: 22)
. All that has changed since the Second Vatican Revolution and the Good News rig
htly bears witness to that fact. When was a Pope last heard anathemising anybody
for any heresy? That was before the Second Vatican Revolution.
The comparison continues. Titus 1:5, 7 in the Douay-Rheims reads:
For this cause I left thee in Crete: that thou shouldest set in order th
e things that are wanting and shouldest ordain priests in every city, as I also
appointed thee:
For a bishop must be without crime, as the steward of God: not proud, not subjec
t to anger, nor given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre:
Titus 1: 5, 7 in the Good News reads:
I left you in Crete, so that you could put in order the things that still needed
doing and appoint church elders in every town. Remember my instructions… For si
nce a church leader is in charge of God’s work, he should be blameless. He must
not be arrogant or quick-tempered, or a drunkard or violent or greedy for money.
Saint Paul consecrated Saint Titus bishop so that Bishop Titus could ordain prie
sts, among other duties. The ordination of priests by bishops was practised in t
he Church way before the Bible came into existence. It was instituted by JESUS C
HRIST, WHO passed it on to HIS Apostles who in turn handed it down successively
until it came to us as the Douay-Rheims clearly indicates. But where on planet e
arth did the Good News get the “appointment of church elders” and “church leader
s” from? And the Good News is still being referred to as “Catholic” in spite of
all these distortions. This is incredible!
In the Douay-Rheims, 1 John 5:7 reads:
And there are Three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one.
In the Good News however, 1 John 5:7-8 reads:
There are three witnesses: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and all three g
ive the same testimony.
There is no reference whatsoever to the MOST HOLY TRINITY and yet, Good News Bib
le is very popular among Catholics. Once again the non-Catholic King James Bible
is more Catholic than Good News in this verse!!! What then is good or Catholic
about Good News “Catholic Bible”? Perhaps, its diabolically disorienting nature.
It must be pointed out however that Good News and its error filled counterparts
are not invalid lest this article be taken out of contest. Their problem is tha
t they are drastically distorted versions of the authentic vulgate done by man a
t satan’s request. Furthermore, examinations of the biblical quotations in class
ics like The Imitation of Christ by Venerable Thomas á Kempis (1379-1471), True
Devotion to Mary by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716), Characte
rs of the Inquisition by William Thomas Walsh (1891-1949) of blessed memory and
all the Catholic books written before the Second Vatican Council shows that they
are all verbatim with Douay-Rheims Bible. Then why is this Bible not as popular
as Good News, Jerusalem and other error laden “Catholic Bibles” in mainstream C
atholicism? Well, because we are living in the times of the greatest diabolical
disorientation yet!
The priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek has not been spared in this delusion
of satan either. Following the Second Vatican Revolution, Cardinal Gabriel-Mary
Garrone of cursed memory became the Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Edu
cation. He was in charge of all the seminaries in the world. But the “Mary” in h
is name should not fool anyone ¬because he was a Freemason! Sorry to burst anyon
e’s bubble for those who never knew this, but we are in the Battle of the Ages a
nd there have been so many casualties on both sides. However, there is hope beca
use “in the end Her Immaculate Heart will triumph”, but with our cooperation of
course. Back to Garrone; in the year 1976, an Italian journal, Borghese publishe
d a list of clerics who were Masons. This list had the dates that some of the cl
erics got initiated and their code names and numbers. It included among others,
Archbishop Giovanni Benelli of cursed memory, the then Archbishop of Florence; C
ardinal Jean Villot of cursed memory, the then Secretary of State to Paul VI, an
d Camerlengo (the Chamberlain who takes over affairs at the Vatican on the death
of a Pope), and also Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secul
ar Institutes and administrator of the Patrimony of the Holy See (Codenames: Jea
ni and Zurigo, Number: 041/3); Cardinal Agostino Casaroli of cursed memory, then
Secretary of State and Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Public Affairs, an
d of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops, and of the Pontifical Commission for th
e Revision of Canon Law, member of the Commission for Russia and of the Commissi
on for Latin America. He was the most influential prelate in the Vatican after t
he Pope, whose place he took during the absence of the latter (Codename: Casa);
Cardinal Leon Joseph Suenens the “Charismatic” of cursed memory, then Primate o
f Belgium and member of the Pontifical Commission for the Revision of Canon Law
(Code name: Lesu); and of course Garrone. A similar list was also sent by the ed
itor of L’Osservatore Politico, Mino Pecorelli to Pope John Paul I but Mino was
later assassinated.9 John Paul I himself will later die from drinking a poisone
d glass of wine given to him by no other than Cardinal Jean Villot aka Jeani aka
Zurigo (If you believe he died of a heart attack then you might as well believe
anything). There was also Father Francesco Putti who regularly published the na
mes of clerics that were actively working for the Freemasons against the Church
from within in his journal, Si Si No No and in the same year that the Borghese l
ist was published, he essentially confirmed to Father Nicholas Gruner of the Int
ernational Fatima Rosary Crusade (IFRC) that the policies of Cardinal Garrone as
the Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education had the Masonic goal of
annihilating the Catholic Church written all over them.10 More worrisome is the
fact that there is nothing to show that these allegations were investigated to
establish if they were true or false. Needless to mention is the fact that there
is nothing to show that disciplinary actions were taken against these Masonic i
nfiltrators except perhaps, Bugnini’s disguised exile to Iran. Moreover, it is v
ery likely that not all the Masons who infiltrated the Church and clergy were ex
posed and even the exposed and unexposed among them must have been succeeded by
other Masons who are still with us today and carrying out their diabolical progr
am. But who or what is a Freemason? Theirs is a very long story, as long as the
history of the Church herself. Let us just say that they are the exact opposite
of the Catholic Church. They are the embodiment of the spirit (“I will not serve
GOD and HIS Church”) of lucifer, their lord and master, who was a former angel
from the rank of Seraphim. They are being used by him to prepare the world for t
he coming of the anti-christ just as the Catholic Church is being used by GOD to
prepare the world for the second coming of CHRIST. In order to do this, they ha
ve eliminated the ancient monarchies of Europe and they also have to eliminate t
he Church and the Mass or bring them as close to that as possible; and at the sa
me time make the world absolutely corrupt and godless; control the world’s popul
ation and its population growth; and through various satanic machinations, camou
flages, conspiracies, intrigues, fronts, societies, fifth column-type organisati
ons (RIIA, CFR, CIA, FBI, MI6, MI5, KGB, NASA, MOSSAD, UN, P2, Socialism, Commun
ism, Illuminati, Wicca, Carbonari, Encyclopedists, One-Worlders, Trilateral Comm
ission, Rosicrucians, Rhode’s Scholars, Skulls and Bones, Bilderbergers, various
Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, Lucis Trust, etc.), etc., stir up wars (a
mong others, World Wars I, II and the future World War III if it will be allowed
by our refusal to obey GOD and to practise True Devotion to Mary as well as the
failure of the Pope and all his bishops to simultaneously consecrate Russia to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary as HE has requested since 1929), revolutions (the P
rotestant, French, Russian, Second Vatican and other revolutions) and upheavals
of cataclysmic proportions to eventually set up a new world order under a false
universality viz. one world government, economy, currency, religion, orientation
, mentality, system, army, police, etc., but all without GOD. These people who h
ave been accurately described in Apocalypse II:9, III:9 (Douay-Rheims) and by Bl
essed Pius IX 11 as the “synagogue of satan” and by Our Lady of the Roses 12 as
“the octopus of evil” are humanity’s worst enemy; their grand plan just like th
at of their ancestors at Babel is against reason, order, society, civilisation,
progress, development, the common good, GOD, HIS designs and all that HE stands
for; and HE will confound them as HE did their worldly and godless Babelian ance
stors (Genesis XI: 1-9). Moreover, if the description that “a man who questions
dogma is already a Freemason without an apron” given by one Freemason called Jac
ques Mitterand is anything to go by, then Freemasons will also include all the h
eretics and anti-Catholics from or before Arius till date. So much for the Mason
ic ancestry, now back to Garrone’s pernicious legacy. Imagine what a member of s
uch a satanic institution like the Freemasons would do as a religious, priest, b
ishop, cardinal or as the Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education. Be
fore the Second Vatican Revolution, the study for the priesthood took about six
to eight years. It was divided into minor and major orders. The minor order bega
n with porter/doorkeeper, reader/lector, exorcist and then acolyte. Progressing
to the major orders, the candidate then rose through sub-deacon, deacon and even
tually became a priest. The habit, formation, curriculum and foundation of studi
es which were the principles of Saint Thomas Aquinas and in fact everything was
totally different from Garrone’s. Now, the priesthood has been made to look less
like a vocational training and more like a tuitional programme; the major and m
inor orders have been suppressed and we have four years of philosophy, four year
s of theology with pastoral year all amounting to nine years. But in spite of al
l that, we still see Pentecostal priests, homosexual priests, “Charismatic” prie
sts, confused priests, Modernist priests, paedophile priests, COMMUNION-in-the-h
and priests, pro-abortion priests, progressive priests, corporate priests, caree
r priests, political priests, Masonic priests, Communist priests, “ecumenism” pr
iests, pagan priests, contraception priests, all kinds of priests, priests who a
re anything but Catholic. This is not to say that they are no good ones. They ar
e, but they and the faithful in their care are living in an ecclesial atmosphere
that is fundamentally unfavourable for a pure Catholic life: an atmosphere that
was fabricated by satan through Garrone and his co-conspirators. Attend Mass on
June 29, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul and you will likely hear a priest s
aying in his homily that St. Peter represents the Legion of Mary, St. Anthony of
Padua’s society, Saint Jude’s society, etc., while Saint Paul represents the “C
harismatics”! Incredible! The “Charismatic” Movement is not even remotely Catho
lic. If you are in doubt about this fact, trace its origin and it will lead you
“outside the Church”, where “there is no salvation”. And if you allow GOD to gui
de you perfectly, it will lead you down to the father of lies and the prince of
darkness himself, the devil. This is what the real Pope Paul VI had to say about
the “Charismatic” Movement:
It attacks directly the very existence of the Church, leading to extinguishing t
he real flame of Pentecost, disregarding the thought of Christ and of the whole
of tradition.13
The movement is alien to the Church and will disappear in due course but priests
are at the fore front of such an erroneous group. What a shame. “But yet the So
n of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?” (Luke XVIII
: 8, Douay-Rheims) How can priests after nine years of philosophy, theology and
pastoral training remove the tabernacle from the altar as is obtainable in many
parishes of the Western World or build a church and leave out the altar rail as
was done in Blessed Tansi parish in Ugboroke, Warri diocese by Revered Father “B
arrister” Edmund Emakpor in 2008? What is even more appalling is that the then a
dministrator of his diocese, Most Reverend Doctor Richard Burke, SPS in the pers
on of his representative, the then auxiliary bishop who is presently the bishop,
Most Reverend Doctor John Afareha actually consecrated the church that way - wi
thout an altar rail! Did anyone ask what the big deal about altar rail was? Well
, communicants in the church receive HOLY COMMUNION standing! If altar rails wer
e no big deal, then why leave them out? What then is the demarcation between the
sanctuary and the rest of the church or the difference between the clergy and t
he laity? Why should the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth be received standing? Who w
ould want to be received standing if they were JESUS CHRIST? If GOD is so holy t
hat we kneel when bread and wine changes into HIM during consecration, then why
should we not kneel to physically receive HIM? Do we know that even for everyone
wherever they are in the church, the official position during the distribution
of COMMUNION is kneeling? Do we also know that each time we receive HOLY COMMUNI
ON our venial sins are forgiven, our place in Heaven is raised forever and our s
tay in Purgatory is shortened! Our LORD, JESUS CHRIST is present Body, Blood, So
ul and Divinity in HOLY COMMUNION and HE revealed to Saint Gertrude the Great th
at each time someone received COMMUNION, something good happens to every being i
n Heaven and on Earth and in Purgatory; then why on earth should HE be received
standing? Is this a prelude to COMMUNION in the hand in Warri diocese? Think abo
ut it. Meanwhile the error has started to spread like a virus and like the prove
rbial finger that stains the others after being stained with palm oil, parishes
like Corpus Christi have been infected and soon, others will succumb and before
long, altar rails will be relegated to the “antiquated” part of the Church. What
about Rev. Fr. Abraham Oyibocha of the same diocese? He once mounted the pulpit
of Assumption parish, Idama, less than a month after his ordination in the same
year to declare that there is nothing wrong with women wearing trousers to Mass
or leaving their hair unveiled during Mass! He even disclosed that a seminarian
was expelled from a seminary in Nigeria because he dared to correct a woman tha
t wore trousers to Mass! The scandals just keep getting more and worse. It is co
mmon these days for priests after the Gospel before their homilies to tell the c
ongregation to clap, dance and sing “choruses” including the ones that are blata
ntly Pentecostal! Fundraising and auctions are not only held on Sundays but righ
t inside the church in the presence of the BLESSED SACRAMENT!!! Take for instanc
e the ignoble case of Rev. Fr. Richard K. Akpan of Uyo diocese who organized an
auction in the name of “harvest” on the twelfth of October in 2008 during a Mass
at Saint Teresa’s Parish, Ikot-Abasi in between the Liturgy of the Word and the
Liturgy of the EUCHARIST!!! What is more, there was no Creed during the Mass!!!
What about Rev. Fr. Anselm Adodo, OSB, of the Benedictine monastery in Ewu-Esan
of Uromi diocese, while it was under the jurisdiction of Benin archdiocese? He
authored the error-laden and pro-occult The Healing Radiance of the Soul publish
ed in 2003 that actually carried a foreword by no other than Most Reverend Docto
r Michael O. Fagun, the Bishop of Ekiti diocese! The bishop even compared him to
Saint Francis of Assisi!! What would Bernard Gui, Nicholas Eymeric, Tomás de To
rquemada, Ximénes de Cisneros or any of the great grand inquisitors and the Inqu
isition have said about such a book that deserves to be sentenced perpetually to
the Forbidden Index? What a tragedy for the Catholic Faith! What diabolically i
nfested times we are living through, what a scourge! May GOD save us all. A prie
st was once asked during a seminar on the Assumption of Our Lady if it was reall
y possible that Joseph and Mary lived together throughout their marriage without
ever having sex. His lame reply was that the Church has proclaimed it a dogma t
hat Mary is perpetually a Virgin and that after all, even married couples could
afford not to “do it” every day! And he was trained for nine years to be a pries
t, but has he read The Divine Life of the Most Holy Virgin by Venerable Mary of
Agreda or True Devotion to Mary by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort or The
Life of Christ and Dolorous Passion of Our Lord by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmer
ich? Does he pray his Rosary everyday? The sight of Mary alone drives away all t
race of concupiscence! Joseph and Mary had made vows of perpetual chastity befor
e they ever met and after their marriage they both renewed their vows and “promi
sed to mutually aid each other in the path of perfection.”14 They never slept in
the same room! 15 What is more, when Joseph eventually understood the Mystery
of the Incarnation, he offered himself to Mary as Her servant and took Her for h
is Queen forever!16 We do not have the least idea of how Joseph was exclusively
chosen to be the foster father of GOD by Divine Providence. According to Venerab
le Mary of Agreda:
“Never had he experienced the lightest sentiment of an impure or ill-regulated a
ffection. At the age of three years he had an augmentation of grace in the highe
st degree. The gift of contemplation had been given him, and at the age of seven
years, equal to the Seraphim in purity, and had never had a thought or image co
ntrary to this divine virtue. In fine, by his heroic virtue, he had merited to b
e chosen as the foster father and adopted parent of the Son of God.”17
If Saint Joseph was that holy then what about Blessed Virgin Mary Herself? Saint
Denis the Areopagite saw Mary in a vision and nearly mistook Her for GOD HIMSEL
F had not his Catholic background taught him otherwise.18 Unfortunately, such a
background is fast disappearing in many of our lives. Saint Henry II (973-1024)
was the emperor of the Roman Empire in the Middle Ages. To give an idea of how
powerful the emperor was in medieval times, imagine all the countries of Africa
with their presidents to be under the rule of the president of Nigeria. One can
picture the influence and power he will wield and the possibility that might be
of his being corrupted as a result. Yet, Saint Henry remained a sublimely virtuo
us king. He never slept with his wife the empress, Saint Cunegundes! Like Mary
and Joseph, they both took vows to preserve their virginity for ever and they ke
pt their vows. At a point, some calumniators or rather the devil through them, a
ccused Cunegundes of scandalous behaviour and she proved them wrong by walking o
n red hot metals and emerging unscathed! What about Saint Edward the good King o
f England who lived in continence with his wife throughout his life? What about
Saint Audry (Ethelreda) of East Anglia, the princess who got married to Prince T
onbert, survived him and went on to marry king Enfrid of Northumberland? She lat
er retired to the monastery of Coldinghan and eventually proceeded to found anot
her in the Isle of Ely. She preserved her virginity throughout her life as a wif
e to two successive husbands and as a religious! She not only lived in continenc
e with her husbands but completely edified and overwhelmed them with the most as
tounding virtuous practices! Alas! How times have changed. These people were hum
ans like us, yet they could achieve these by GOD’S grace. Then how much more the
Woman who carried GOD for nine months in Her womb, and then breastfed HIM and r
aised HIM up. Yet, a priest could say that after all it is not every day that ma
rried couples “do it” when asked about Mary’s perpetual virginity. What is the b
ig deal about virginity to Mary? Saint Teresa of Avila lived 67 years (1515-1582
) and died a virgin, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta lived 87 years (1910-1997) and d
ied a virgin, and Lucy of Fatima lived 98 years (1907-2005) and died a virgin. T
hey are so many of them and these women all modelled themselves after Mary, Who
was the first Virgin in Israel and indeed the whole world to consecrate Her virg
inity to GOD and hence She is the Nun of nuns and Woman Religious of all women r
eligious just as our LORD is the PRIEST of priests and MALE RELIGIOUS of all mal
es religious. Before Mary, the women of Israel preserved their virginity for the
ir future husbands but She preserved Hers exclusively for GOD and She was so con
formed to HIS will that She would have got married and borne biological children
if GOD wanted Her to. With these and other sublime and indescribable virtues, i
t is not surprising that she eventually “forced” GOD out of Heaven and into Her
womb. So what is the big deal about virginity to Mary? If GOD could make Her con
ceive without sexual intercourse then what is the big deal about keeping Her a V
irgin forever? If only we knew how much the Saints value virginity, we would not
even think about thinking about questioning the virginal purity of the Queen of
all Saints and the Queen of Virgins? Saint Benedict was once tempted to lust an
d he took off all his clothes and rolled himself on some nettle and thorn plants
repeatedly until his body was “pitifully rent”. After that, he was never tempte
d to lust for the rest of his life! 19 But do we know that the satisfaction of t
he ecstasy of prayer is far more pleasurable, more intense, more sublime and gre
ater than that of sex? What can be compared to the magnificence of GOD’S grace?
JESUS CHRIST was not joking when he said, “...The things that are impossible wit
h men are possible with God.” (Luke XVIII: 27, Douay-Rheims) Furthermore, it is
very common these days to hear priests in spite of all their philosophical, theo
logical and pastoral training referring to the Catholic Church as “one of the Ch
urches”, “the first Church”, “a Church”. That is so wrong! The Catholic Church i
s not a Church but the one and only Church founded by JESUS CHRIST. A church is
part of a parish; the Catholic Church is the collection of all the parishes in t
he whole world. GOD is not a GOD of disorder. HE begot one JESUS CHRIST. HE crea
ted one Blessed Virgin Mary, one Saint Michael, one Saint Peter, one Giovanni Mo
ntini, one King David, one King Saul, one Judas Iscariot, one Adolf Hitler, one
Bin Laden, one Sister Lucy and one of anybody that has ever lived, that is still
living and that will ever live on this planet. Even the anti-christ will be one
individual in his time. No two individuals have exactly the same DNA structure
and finger prints, not even identical twins because we are all unique. How can G
OD then deviate from this pattern of creation in establishing HIS OWN Institutio
n on Earth after creating the members of this Institution and in the rest of the
world unique? That will be most irrational. There is no other Church because a
Church is united, holy, universal and apostolic. That is what the Catholic Churc
h alone is and will always be the current crisis of Faith notwithstanding. This
consequently begs the question: What is the Catholic Church in Nigeria doing in
the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in spite of Pius XI’s grave warning a
gainst “ecumenism”? This is what he had to say about alliances like CAN in his e
ncyclical expounding on religious unity:
…the Apostolic See cannot on any terms take part in their assemblies, nor is it
anyway lawful for Catholics either to support or to work for such enterprises; f
or if they do so they will be giving countenance to a false Christianity, quite
alien to the one Church of Christ. Shall We suffer, what would indeed be iniquit
ous, the truth, and a truth divinely revealed, to be made a
subject for compromise? For here there is question of defending revealed truth.
Jesus Christ sent His Apostles into the whole world in order that they might per
meate all nations with the Gospel faith, and, lest they should err, He willed be
fore hand that they should be taught by the Holy Ghost: [John XVI, 13] has then
this doctrine of the Apostles completely vanished away, or sometimes been obscur
ed, in the Church, whose ruler and defense is God Himself? If our
Redeemer plainly said that His Gospel was to continue not only during the times
of the Apostles, but also till future ages, is it possible that the object of fa
ith should in the process of time become so obscure and uncertain, that it would
be necessary today to tolerate opinions which are even incompatible one with an
other? If this were true, we should have to confess that the coming of the Holy
Ghost on the Apostles, and the perpetual indwelling of the same Spirit in the Ch
urch, and the very preaching of Jesus Christ, have several centuries ago, lost a
ll their efficacy and use, to affirm which would be blasphemy. But the Only-bego
tten Son of God, when He commanded His representatives to teach all nations, obl
iged all men to give credence to whatever was made known to them by "witnesses p
reordained by God,"[Acts X, 41,] and also
confirmed His command with this sanction: "He that believeth and is baptized sha
ll be saved; but he that believeth not shall be condemned."[Mark XVI, 16] These
two commands of Christ, which must be fulfilled, the one, namely, to teach, and
the other to believe, cannot even be understood, unless the Church proposes a co
mplete and easily understood teaching, and is immune when it thus teaches from a
ll danger of erring. In this matter, those also turn aside from the right path,
who think that the deposit of truth such laborious trouble, and with such length
y study and discussion, that a man s life would hardly suffice to find and take
possession of it; as if the most merciful God had spoken through the prophets an
d His Only-begotten Son merely in order that a few, and those stricken in years,
should learn what He had revealed through them, and not that He might inculcate
a doctrine of faith and morals, by which man should be guided through the whole
course of his moral life.
These pan-Christians who turn their minds to uniting the churches seem, indeed,
to pursue the noblest of ideas in promoting charity among all Christians: nevert
heless how does it happen that this charity tends to injure faith? Everyone know
s that John himself, the Apostle of love, who seems to reveal in his Gospel the
secrets of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and who never ceased to impress on the mem
ories of his followers the new commandment "Love one another," altogether forbad
e any intercourse with those who professed a mutilated and corrupt version of Ch
rist s teaching: "If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, receive hi
m not into the house nor say to him: God speed you." [II John, 10] For which rea
son, since charity is based on a complete and sincere faith, the disciples of Ch
rist must be united principally by the bond of one faith. Who then can conceive
a Christian Federation, the members of which retain each his own opinions and pr
ivate judgment, even in matters which concern the object of faith, even though t
hey be repugnant to the opinions of the rest? And in what manner, We ask, can me
n who follow contrary opinions, belong to one and the same Federation of the fai
thful? For example, those who affirm, and those who deny that sacred Tradition i
s a true fount of divine Revelation; those who hold that an ecclesiastical hiera
rchy, made up of bishops, priests and ministers, has been divinely constituted,
and those who assert that it has been brought in little by little in accordance
with the conditions of the time those who adore Christ really present in the Mos
t Holy Eucharist through that marvellous conversion of the bread and wine, which
is called transubstantiation, and those who affirm that Christ is present only
by faith or by the signification and virtue of the Sacrament; those who in the E
ucharist recognize the nature both of a sacrament and of a sacrifice, and those
who say that it is nothing more than the memorial or commemoration of the Lord s
Supper; those who believe it to be good and useful to invoke by prayer the Sain
ts reigning with Christ, especially Mary the Mother of God, and to venerate thei
r images, and those who urge that such a veneration is not to be made use of, fo
r it is contrary to the honor due to Jesus Christ, "the one mediator of God and
men." [I Tim. II, 5] How so great a variety of opinions can make the way clear t
o effect the unity of the Church We know not; that unity can only arise from one
teaching authority, one law of belief and one faith of Christians. But We do kn
ow that from this it is an easy step to the neglect of religion or indifferentis
m and to modernism, as they call it. Those, who are unhappily infected with thes
e errors, hold that dogmatic truth is not absolute but relative, that is, it agr
ees with the varying necessities of time and place and with the varying tendenci
es of the mind, since it is not contained in immutable revelation, but is capabl
e of being accommodated to human life.
So, Venerable Brethren, it is clear why this Apostolic See has never allowed its
subjects to take part in the assemblies of non-Catholics: for the union of Chri
stians can only be promoted by promoting the return to the one true Church of Ch
rist of those who are separated from it, for in the past they have unhappily lef
t it. To the one true Church of Christ, we say, which is visible to all, and whi
ch is to remain, according to the will of its Author, exactly the same as He
instituted it.20
The priesthood today is overflowing with innumerable instances of diabolical dis
orientation but one more will be discussed before moving on. This is the aberrat
ion called “extraordinary ministry” of HOLY EUCHARIST. Every Sacrament has an or
dinary minister, which is a priest or a bishop except for Holy Order and Confirm
ation where the ordinary minister is a bishop. The only Sacrament that has an ex
traordinary minister, which is a deacon, is Baptism and it must be with the perm
ission of a priest or a bishop. Also, a layperson may administer Baptism in a ca
se of necessity. For example an unbaptized person is dying and wants to be bapti
zed and there is no priest , bishop or deacon around; anybody irrespective of th
eir gender, ecclesiastical state, religion, being or not being in a state of gra
ce, etc., can baptize the dying person as long as the person administering the B
aptism has the Church’s intention in mind. This is because of the priority of Ba
ptism in salvation. There is no “extraordinary ministry” for the administration
of the Sacrament of HOLY EUCHARIST even for deacons21 let alone seminarians and
laypeople! A case of necessity requires a bishop or a priest to give approval fo
r a deacon and where absent, a layman not a laywoman to administer the Sacrament
for that situation and not to establish an “extraordinary ministry”. The Catech
ism of the Council of Trent could not have said it better:
To safe guard in every possible way the dignity of so august a Sacrament [HOLY E
UCHARIST], not only is the power of its administration entrusted exclusively to
priests, but the Church has
also prohibited by law any but consecrated persons, unless some case of great ne
cessity intervene, to dare handle or touch the sacred vessels, the linen, or oth
er instruments necessary to its completion.
Priests themselves and the rest of the faithful may hence understand how great s
hould be the piety and holiness of those who approach to consecrate, administer
or receive the Eucharist. 22
Take for instance a situation where two parishioners are dying in different part
s of a parish and the priest can administer VIATICUM to only one of them or a pe
rsecution of the Catholic
Church breaks out in a region and forces the Church to go underground. A group o
f Catholics
who are not accessible because of the killings might get a deacon or if not avai
lable, a layman
and not a laywoman appointed by a bishop or a priest to bring them HOLY COMMUNIO
N. These are examples of cases of necessity that permit anyone other than a cons
ecrated priest being appointed to administer the Sacrament of HOLY EUCHARIST. Th
e “extraordinary ministry” takeover going on in certain dioceses of Nigeria is a
radical departure from this normalcy! Take the case of the Carmelite priest and
martyr, Blessed Titus Brandsma (1881-1942) for instance. While he was in the Na
zi-controlled Dachau concentration camp before he was executed with lethal injec
tion like Saint Maximilian-Mary Kolbe during the Second World War, a German prie
st used to smuggle CONSECRATED HOST to him through a layman. Blessed Titus would
then hide the COMMUNION in his eyeglass case and later distribute to others.23
That is a real life example of a case of necessity. It did not automatically mak
e that layman an “extraordinary minister” of HOLY EUCHARIST wherever he found hi
mself. But the Vatican or rather, some of its officials since the Second Vatican
Revolution have invented “conditions” for the “extraordinary administration” of
HOLY EUCHARIST in a way that radically departs from what JESUS CHRIST passed on
to us through HIS Apostles. In essence, they have made it easier for HOLY EUCHA
RIST to be abused with impunity, forcing this lamentation from the Agonizing JES
US CHRIST to Barnabas Nwoye:
MY agony is great when I see many of my Priests who leave my Sacred Body and Blo
od to the non-consecrated Priests to serve my people. Remember my son that my Pr
ecious Body and Blood is greater than the covenant I gave to Moses. All the Levi
tes adored my presence with fear and love in the holy sanctuary. How much more m
y son the Precious Blood of the new covenant.24
According to Immensae Caritatis, the document which “authorized” the “extraordin
ary ministry” takeover in 1973, the “cases of genuine necessity” for the “extrao
rdinary ministry” of HOLY EUCHARIST are when there is no priest, deacon or acoly
te; when these are prevented from administering Holy Communion because of “anoth
er pastoral ministry” or because of ill health or advanced age; when the number
of the faithful going to Communion is such that the celebration of the Mass or t
he distribution of Eucharist outside Mass would be “unduly prolonged”. A careful
observation of these “cases of genuine necessity” reveals that there are actual
ly no cases of genuine necessity for the “extraordinary ministry” at all. First
of all, since when did a deacon or acolyte become an ordinary minister of HOLY E
UCHARIST? Besides, when there is no priest there is no Mass and hence no COMMUNI
ON to be distributed! How can “another pastoral ministry” (whatever that means)
or ill health or advanced age allow a priest to begin a Mass and continue the sa
me Mass through consecration only to prevent the same priest from distributing t
he HOLY COMMUNION he has just consecrated and then after, allow him to conclude
the Mass and dismiss the faithful? Incredible!!! Whatever prevents a priest from
distributing HOLY COMMUNION should also prevent him from beginning the Mass in
the first place. If he can offer Mass, then nothing should stop him from distrib
uting HOLY COMMUNION. How can the number of the faithful requesting COMMUNION ju
stify a deacon, seminarian, nun, female religious or layperson touching JESUS CH
RIST with their unconsecrated hands? Is there any number of the faithful that wi
ll justify any of these persons assisting a priest to hear confessions? Is the d
istribution of COMMUNION not quicker than the hearing of confessions? How can th
e same number of people that a priest will stay for hours to hear their confessi
ons suddenly become too large when it is time to feed them with the BREAD OF LIF
E? Is going to confession not longer than receiving HOLY COMMUNION? This cannot
be from GOD! It is diabolical disorientation! How can the Mass be “unduly prolon
ged” because the faithful want to receive their SAVIOUR, the food of souls into
their hearts? In the Traditional Latin Mass after elevating JESUS CHRIST with th
e thumb and forefinger of both hands, the priest holds these two fingers togethe
r and does not touch any other thing with them except CHRIST until after washing
them at the end of the distribution of HOLY COMMUNION (On the contrary, the pri
est is free to shake hands and embrace after elevating JESUS CHRIST in the New M
ass). If HOLY COMMUNION is so sacred that for the distribution, the ordinary min
ister of the EUCHARIST, whose hands are consecrated for this purpose is not allo
wed to touch any other thing after touching JESUS, how much more a non-consecrat
ed person, let alone a woman who is more often than not indecently dressed? Was
it not through a woman that satan effected the fall of man? It was for this same
reason that CHRIST in HIS time neither had a female Apostle nor allowed women i
n the sanctuary during Mass, not even HIS Most Holy Mother! Nowadays, the “extr
aordinary ministry” of HOLY COMMUNION is virtually incomplete without women. Cou
ld there have been a better way to crucify JESUS CHRIST over and over again thro
ugh HIS very own people, the people HE ransomed with HIS Most Precious Blood? Wh
at a betrayal! Nevertheless, the “extraordinary ministry” takeover is well unde
r way. It has not only been established in archdioceses like Benin, but a new Ur
omi diocese has also been created out of the taken over diocese. The same goes f
or Warri diocese where plans are underway to create Kwale and Ughelli dioceses s
ince the “extraordinary ministry” of HOLY EUCHARIST has been “obediently” swallo
wed hook, line and sinker by the naive faithful of the poor diocese. What a pity
! With the way things are going, if the trend is not reversed, the “extraordinar
y ministry” takeover will culminate in every layperson in these and future taken
over dioceses being an “extraordinary minister” courtesy of HOLY COMMUNION in t
he hand!!! Is this far-fetched, ridiculous, or paranoid? Well, if the Fathers of
the Second Vatican Council were told that the aftermath of the Council will be
a Revolution that will lead to a Mass where the priest backs the tabernacle, a b
are-breasted female lay reader in a Papal Mass (Papua New Guinea, 1984), Hindu p
agan worship in the Fatima Shrine, a Pope bowing to and kissing a Koran, cookies
being used as the matter of the Holy Mass, COMMUNION in the hand, an unpreceden
ted decline in Mass attendance and vocations in the once Catholic West, ostpolit
iks, paganization of the Mass in the name of inculturation, the Dutch Catechism,
“Ordinary” Season, EWTN25, “liberation theology”, freaky Masses (Clown Mass, Co
wboy Mass, Hindu Mass, Ballet Mass, Gym Mass, Choreography Mass, “Dance to the G
lory of GOD” Mass, Red Indian Mass, Puppet Mass, Auction Mass, Fundraising Mass,
Cake-cutting Mass, Pentecostal Mass, “Charismatic” Mass, Voodoo Mass, No-vestme
nts Mass, etc.) among others, some of them might have dismissed these as far-fet
ched, ridiculous or paranoid. Of course an invitation to any demon is an invitat
ion to all demons. Consequently, in these aforementioned taken over dioceses mo
re abominations will follow like the altar girls virus which has already infecte
d Abuja, Jos, Kaduna, Kano, Lagos, Maiduguri, Makurdi and Yola, where the “extra
ordinary minister” virus will subsequently follow, that is if it has not already
infected these dioceses. Others may include but will not be limited to priests
offering Mass in native attire, women homilists in the Mass , relocation of tabe
rnacles, dancing masquerades in the Mass, sermons after the Gospel given by Pent
ecostals, women priests, sliced bread and palm wine as the matter for consecrati
on in “Masses”, collective “absolution”, COMMUNION being distributed in kitchen
bowls, etc. Fortunately for Nigeria, with the coming of the SSPX (there are alre
ady centres in Abuja, Asaba, Benin, Enugu, Lagos, Owerri and counting), those wh
o think they are not being offered “stones instead of bread” in their parishes s
hould hear Mass and experience Catholicism in the SSPX and then “choose for them
selves whom they will rather serve.”
The hierarchy of the Church is arguably the worst hit by this disorientation cam
paign of the powers of Hell. Logically, just as bringing down an animal is easie
r done by shooting it in the head than in anywhere else, the devil has targeted
the Church hierarchy and those with responsibility in the Church more than other
s. Prior to the Second Vatican Council, there had been continuous infiltration o
f the Church and her hierarchy first by Freemasons and later on by Communists. F
reemasons have always been condemned by GOD ever since HE first condemned their
forefathers when they revolted against HIM and HE threw them out of Heaven (Apoc
alypse XII: 1-18), but Clement XII is on record as the first Pope in time to off
icially open fire on them and to “tear away the mask from Freemasonry” in 173826
, fifty-one years before they staged the French Revolution. His predecessors fol
lowed suit but this did not stop Masons from doing their master’s bidding. In th
e early nineteenth century, a secret document called Permanent Instructions, whi
ch detailed a blueprint for the subversion of the Catholic Church, fell into the
hands of Pope Gregory XVI27. It was written in 1818 or thereabouts by an Italia
n Masonic lodge called Alta Vendita, whose members included Karl Mayer Rothschil
d, son of Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, to whom is attributed the notorious st
atement: "Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.
” Subsequently, Gregory’s successors, Blessed Pius IX and Leo XIII requested the
m to be published and this was done by Cretineau-Joly in his The Roman Church an
d the Revolution and Msgr. George E. Dillon in his Grand Orient Freemasonry.28
Part of this satanic document reads:
Our ultimate end is that of Voltaire and of The French Revolution - the final de
struction of Catholicism, and even of the Christian idea…
The Pope, whoever he is, will never come to the secret societies; it is up to th
e secret societies to take the first step toward the Church, with the aim of con
quering both of them.
The task that we are going to undertake is not the work of a day, or of a month,
or of a year; it may last several years, perhaps a century; but in our ranks th
e soldier dies and the struggle goes on.
What we must ask for, what we should look for and wait for, as the Jews wait for
the Messiah, is a Pope according to our needs…
With that we shall march more securely towards the assault on the Church than wi
th the pamphlets of our brethren in France and even the gold of England. Do you
want to know the reason for this? It is that with this, in order to shatter the
high rock on which God has built His Church, we no longer need Hannibalian vineg
ar, or need gunpowder, or even need our arms. We have the little finger of the s
uccessor of Peter engaged in the ploy, and this little finger is as good, for th
is crusade, as all the Urban IIs and all the Saint Bernards in Christendom.
Now then, to assure ourselves a Pope of the required dimensions, it is a questio
n first of shaping for this Pope a generation worthy of the reign we are dreamin
g of. Leave old people and those of mature age aside; go to the youth, and if it
is possible, even to the children.
…You will contrive for yourselves, at little cost, a reputation as good Catholic
and pure patriots.
This reputation will put access to our doctrines into the midst of the young cle
rgy, as well as deep into the monasteries. In a few years, by the force of thing
s, this young clergy will have overrun all the functions; they will form the sov
ereign’s council, they will be called to choose a Pontiff who should reign. And
this Pontiff, like most of his contemporaries,
will be necessarily more or less imbued with the [revolutionary] Italian and hum
principles that we are going to begin to put into circulation.
You want to revolutionize Italy; look for the Pope whose portrait we have just d
You wish to establish the reign of the chosen ones on the throne of the prostitu
te of Babylon; let the clergy march under your standard, always believing that t
hey are marching under the banner of the Apostolic keys. You intend to make the
last vestige of tyrants disappear; lay your snares [nets] like Simon Bar-Jona; l
ay them in the sacristies, the seminaries and the
monasteries rather than at the bottom of the sea; and if you do not hurry, we pr
omise a catch more miraculous than his. The fisher of fish became the fisher of
men; you will bring friends
around the Apostolic Chair. You will have preached a revolution in tiara and in
cope, marching
with the cross and the banner, a revolution that will need to be only a little b
it urged on to set
fire to the four corners of the world.29
The Communists on their part started much later but the goal was much the same:
destruction of the Catholic Church to pave way for the enthronement of satan. Th
e following was documented by Fr. Paul Kramer in his The Devil’s Final Battle:
Lenin himself (the very founder of Russian Communism) declared in the 1920s that
he would infiltrate the Catholic Church, particularly the Vatican. The historic
al evidence on this score was recently summarized in the venerable periodical Ch
ristian Order:
Ex-Communist and celebrated convert Douglas Hyde revealed long ago that
in the 1930s the Communist leadership issued a worldwide directive about infiltr
ating the Catholic Church. While in the early 1950s, Mrs. Bella Dodd was also pr
oviding detailed explanations of the Communist subversion of the Church. Speakin
g as a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, Mrs. Dodd s
aid: “In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to des
troy the Church from within.” The idea was for these men to be ordained and pro
gress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. A dozen
years before Vatican II she stated that: “Right now they are in the highest pla
ces in the
Church” - where they were working to bring about change in order to weaken the C
hurch’s effectiveness against Communism. She also said that these changes will b
e so drastic that “you will not recognize the Church.”…
Mrs Dodd, who converted to the Faith shortly before her death, was legal counsel
to the Communist Party of the United States. She gave voluminous testimony on C
ommunist infiltration of Church and state before the House UnAmerican Activities
Committee in the 1950s. As if to atone for her role in subverting the Church, D
odd delivered a series of lectures at Fordham University and elsewhere during th
e years leading up to Vatican II. Christian Order recounts the testimony of a mo
nk who attended one of those lectures in the early 1950s:
I listened to that woman for four hours and she had my hair standing on end. Eve
rything she said has been fulfilled to the letter. You would think she was the w
orld’s greatest prophet, but she was no prophet. She was merely exposing the ste
p-by-step battle plan of subversion of the Catholic Church. She explained that o
f all the world’s religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by the
Communists, for it was its only effective opponent. The whole idea was to
destroy, not the institution of the Church, but rather the Faith of the people,
and even use the institution of the Church, if possible, to destroy the Faith th
rough the promotion of a pseudo-
religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing. Once
the Faith was destroyed, she explained that there would be a guilt complex intro
duced into the Church. … to
label the ‘Church of the past’ as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of preju
dices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible f
or the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries. This would be nec
essary in order to shame Church leaders into an
‘openness to the world’’, and to a more a flexible attitude toward all religions
and philosophies.
The Communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the Church
The Freemasons and Communists together with their Modernist allies within the Ch
urch gained a signal victory even beyond their expectation during the Second Vat
ican Council in spite of the warning Our Lady gave on Friday, July 13th, 1917 in
Fatima in order to prevent this tragedy. They succeeded in hijacking the Counci
l and turning it into the greatest Revolution yet of all time - and they have he
ld sway in the Vatican ever since!!! Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi, personal theol
ogian to Popes Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II speak
ing about the contents of the yet to be fully revealed Third Secret of Fatima (W
hat is the Vatican still waiting for? However, those who want to have an idea of
what the Third Secret is about should check out http://www.smwa.org/Documents/B
ayside_and_Fatima/Document_Heart_of_Third_scret_htm, http://www.smwa.org/Message
/Text1980_1989/86_06.htm, http://smwa.org/Message/Text/Locutions_and_Home_Visita
tion/91_13_10.htm, http://www.tldm.org/directies/d129.htm, http://www.tldm.org/d
irectives/d130.htm, http://www.tldm.org/directives/d131.htm and http://www.tldm.
org/directives/d132.htm ), which is part of the aforementioned warning given by
Our Lady to the children of Fatima on Friday, July 13th in 1917 at the Cova da I
ria, Fatima, disclosed that “it predicted among other things that the Great Apos
tasy in the Church will begin at the top”.31 Before the Second Vatican Revolutio
n, the Vatican was run by the Holy Office now called the Congregation for the Do
ctrine of the Faith. The head of the Holy Office was the Pope and he had the fin
al say in all matters of ecclesiastical jurisdiction. After the Revolution, Card
inal Villot of cursed memory re-organized and renamed the Holy Office and put t
he Secretary of State, the “Prime Minister of Catholic Church” in charge with th
e Pope then made a mere figure head. Just before the Council began in 1962, Card
inal Eugene Tisserant met with Metropolitan Nikodim and an agreement was reached
in which representatives of the Russian Orthodox Religion will be invited to be
observers at the Council on the condition that the Council will not condemn the
plague called Communism. This pestilence, a fruit of Freemasonry which is also
called Marxist atheism is satanic, anti-human, anti-Catholic and anti-GOD; the C
hurch has always condemned the evil. One of such was given by Pope Pius XI in th
e following words:
See to it, Venerable Brethren that the Faithful do not allow themselves to be de
Communism is intrinsically evil, and no one who would save Christian civilizatio
n may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever. Those who permit themse
lves to be deceived into lending their aid towards the triumph of Communism in t
heir own country will be the first to fall victims of their error. And the great
er the antiquity and grandeur of the Christian civilization in the regions where
Communism successfully penetrates, so much more devastating will be the hatred
displayed by the godless.
At the same time the State must allow the Church full liberty to fulfill her div
ine and spiritual mission, and this in itself will be an effectual contribution
to the rescue of nations from the dread torment of the present hour. Everywhere
today there is an anxious appeal to moral and spiritual forces; and rightly so,
for the evil we must combat is at its origin primarily an evil of the spiritual
order. From this polluted source the monstrous emanations of the communistic sys
tem flow with satanic logic. Now, the Catholic Church is undoubtedly preeminent
among the moral and religious forces of today. Therefore the very good of humani
ty demands
that her work be allowed to proceed unhindered.
We cannot conclude this Encyclical Letter without addressing some words to those
of Our children who are more or less tainted with the Communist plague. We earn
estly exhort
them to hear the voice of their loving Father. We pray the Lord to enlighten the
m that they may abandon the slippery path which will precipitate one and all to
ruin and catastrophe, and
that they recognize that Jesus Christ, Our Lord, is their only Savior: "For ther
e is no other name under heaven given to man, whereby we must be saved."[Acts, I
V, 12]32
Yet, all the documents at the Council that were supposed to state the Church’s t
rue position with regard to Communism never materialized. What about the satanic
trio of Cardinals Jean Villot, Agostino Casaroli and Giovanni Benelli who insid
iously usurped the pontificate of Pope Paul VI and eventually pulled off the gre
atest deception of the twentieth century by supplanting him in 1975 with an impo
stor Pope in order to more surreptitiously carry out their satanic schemes and d
iabolical disorientation? 33 Even Traditionalists like Lefebvre of blessed memor
y were taken in by this deception, the Great Deception. Has anyone not ever wond
ered why “Paul VI” never openly and personally denounced Archbishop Lefebvre unt
il the May 24th 1976 allocution to the Consistory of Cardinals – a year after th
e Great Deception? Moreover, Lefebvre was granted an audience with the “Pope” on
September 11 of the same year after being denied it for the previous five years
on the grounds that he must first submit to the post-conciliar madness, shut do
wn his seminary and end his great apostolate. Though he never submitted to any o
f the conditions, he was granted the audience all of a sudden! Even Marcel the G
reat found this development unexpected and he made it known to Father Domenico L
a Bellarte, the priest who brought the message from the Archbishop of Chieti on
behalf of the “Holy Father”. But according to the messenger, "There has been a c
hange. Something has changed at Rome in the situation with regard to you." The a
udience itself took place in the most unusual atmosphere, much too bizarre for a
papal audience. According to Marcel the Great:
…I went to Castelgandolfo, and there I really believe the Holy Angels had driven
out the Vatican employees because I had come back there… I went through all the
rooms: there are at least seven or eight before you come to the Holy Father s o
ffice. Not a living soul! Usually - I have often been to private audience in the
days of Pope Pius XI, Pope Pius XII, Pope John XXIII, and even Pope Paul VI - t
here is always at least one Swiss Guard, always a gendarme, always several peopl
e: a private chamberlain, a monseigneur who is present if only to keep an eye on
things and prevent incidents. But the rooms were empty - nothing, absolutely n
othing. So I went to the Holy Father s office, where I found the Holy Father wit
h Mgr. Benelli at his side.34
All in all, the atrocities of these three satanic cardinals such as the cruel pe
rsecution of
Paul VI (who had “much to suffer” from these agents of satan) and Traditional Ca
tholics, falsification and forgery of papal documents, practice of satanism in t
he Vatican and the assassination of Pope John Paul I by Villot35 inter alia are
so unprecedented that the demon
Beelzebub during an exorcism of a Swiss woman he, Judas and other demons had pos
sessed, asserted that “in former times, during the fifteenth century, that sort
of thing would have led them to the stake as sorcerers”.36 What about the Balam
and agreement in 1993 between Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, the then head of th
e Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting “Christian Unity” and various Ortho
dox representatives that the return of schismatics to the Catholic Church is now
“outdated ecclesiology”? What about the Joint Declaration on Justification in 1
999 between the same Cardinal Cassidy, Cardinal Walter Kasper, his successor the
n still a bishop and some officials of the Lutheran World Federation that “a con
sensus had indeed been reached in basic truths of the doctrine of justification”
between the “Catholic Church” and the Lutherans. Who were these cardinals repr
esenting? Certainly not the Catholic Church! It was under the leadership of the
same Cassidy that the Council for Promoting “Christian Unity” promulgated the ho
rrendous 1993 Directory for the Application of the Principle and Norms of “Ecume
nism.” This document would have horrified the worst of the pre-Vatican II popes
like Alexander VI. Among other unprecedented sacrileges, it:
• allows Protestants to conduct the readings (except the Gospel) in a Cath
olic church
• encourages common "spiritual exercises" and "retreats" between Catholics
and Protestants [#114]
• allows non-Catholics to lecture in seminaries [#81]
• commands that young children be taught “ecumenism” in the schools [#68]
• commands priests to take part in the "continuous aggiornamento" of “ecu
menical” teaching and practice [#91]
• mandates “ecumenism” for priests and religious in their years of formati
on [#’s 51, 70]
• encourages diocesan bishops to lend their parish churches to non-Catholi
cs for their prayer services [#137]
• promotes interdenominational prayer-services among Catholics and Protest
ants in each
• other’s “churches” [#112]
• encourages the joint publication of an interdenominational Bible between
Catholics and protestants [#185]
• discourages Catholics from attempting to convert non-Catholics [#’s 23,
79, 81, 125]
• recommends the construction of a single “church” to be owned and used by
both Catholics and non-Catholics [#138]
• Further recommends that in these joint “churches”, the Blessed Sacrament
be placed in a separate chapel or room so as not to offend non-believers. [#139
What about Cardinal Kasper’s statement that the Old Covenant is still in force,
and that Jews
do not have to convert to the Catholic Church for salvation; that Vatican II and
Ut Unum Sint, "acknowledge explicitly that the Holy Spirit is operating in the
other ‘churches’ and ‘church communities’; that there is no idea of an arrogant
claim to a monopoly of salvation"; that
"several aspects of being church are better realized in other ‘churches’ and the
refore, ‘ecumenism’ is no one-way street, but a reciprocal learning process”; an
d “that the way to unity is therefore not the return of others into the fold of
the Catholic Church." Surely, he has not failed in consolidating on his predeces
sor’s ecumenistic achievements. It seems that the Vatican’s hierarchical positio
ns in the post-conciliar era are meant for birds of a particular
feather. While on his way to Brazil in May 2007, Pope Benedict XVI in a press co
condemned the pro-abortion campaign of politicians in Mexico and commended their
bishops for invoking their excommunication. However, in the subsequent release
of the Pope’s statement, the Secretary of State or rather, the Catholic Church “
Prime Minister”, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone expunged the condemnation on the grou
nds that it was “extemporaneous and had to be cleaned up for publication”. Talki
ng about Tarcisio Bertone, what about his and his predecessor, Cardinal Angelo S
odano’s mendacious interpretation of the Third Secret of Fatima and also the bar
efaced lie that the June 2000 release was all there was to the Secret? The menta
l reservation being suggested by Dr. Antonio Socci, Fr. Nicholas Gruner or any o
ther person just does not make sense. The reason for disobeying GOD and HIS holy
Mother by suppressing the Third Secret must definitely be more sinister. What a
bout the false impression that the Tridentine Mass was forbidden after the Secon
d Vatican Revolution and the persistent refusal of bishops to reinstate it in th
eir dioceses even after Benedict XVI’s August 7, 2007 (7-7-7) motu proprio, Summ
orum Pontificum liberating the Mass though it was never forbidden in the first p
lace? What about Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran’s gratitude to Muslims for “demandin
g a space for God in Europe”? What about the ceaseless persecution by Vatican of
ficials of Father Nicholas Gruner, the International Fatima Rosary Crusade (IFRC
), Mother Angelica and others who have dared to say the truth about the Message
of Fatima? What about the persistent efforts by Vatican officials to bury the pu
blic prophetic Message of Fatima in oblivion? What about the failure of the Pope
and all his bishops to consecrate Russia simultaneously to the Immaculate Heart
of Mary since 1929, in spite of the promise that it will bring peace to the wor
ld and that failure to do it will result in disasters for the Pope, the Church a
nd the world including the annihilation of nations? What about the Assisi “praye
r” meetings and other ecumenistic follies? What about the May 5th, 2004 desecrat
ion of the Fatima Shrine with Hindu rituals in the name of interreligious dialog
ue by the shrine rector, Msgr. Luciano Guerra and the then Bishop of Leiria-Fati
ma, Serafim de Sousa Ferreira e Silva and the shrine authorities’ attempt to dis
rupt the SSPX’ and other faithful’s reparation for the desecration on August 22
of the following year? What about the invitation to the New Age Spiritualism Pag
an Leader, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to promote his paganism in the Basilica of Sain
t Joseph s Oratory in Montreal, Canada which actually took place on August 14, 2
004? On Oct. 10, 2003 in Fatima, less than a year before the desecration of the
Fatima shrine, Monsignor Luciano Guerra held a pan-religious conference called "
The Present of Man - the Future of God: the Place of Sanctuaries in Relation to
the Sacred". Speakers at this conference tried to outdo one another with sacrile
gious pronouncements. In this conference:
• Father Jacques Dupuis, S.J from Belgium called the defined dogma “outsid
e the Church there is no salvation” a “horrible text” that must be rejected. He
said, “There is no need here to invoke that horrible text from the Council of Fl
orence”. Dupuis claimed that all religions are positively willed by GOD and that
non-Catholics do not have to convert to the one true Catholic Church for unity
and salvation. He likewise said that Catholics and non-Catholics are equal membe
rs in the “Reign of God”. Dupuis also said that the purpose of “ecumenical” dial
ogue is not to convert non-Catholics to the Catholic Church, but to make “a Chri
stian a better Christian, a Hindu a better Hindu”. Dupuis said further that the
Holy Ghost is present and operative in the “sacred books” and “sacred rites” of
Buddhism and Hinduism.
• Father Arul Irudayam, Rector of the Marian Shrine in Vailankanni, India
told the audience that Hindus now perform their pagan rituals inside the Sanctua
ry of Vailankanni’s Catholic Shrine.
And to all these and other heretical comments, the Shrine Rector, Guerra; the th
en Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Silva; the Apostolic Delegate of Portugal, Cardinal
Jose da Cruz Policarpo of Lisbon and Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald of the Pontif
ical Council for Interreligious Dialogue all applauded!!! What about the anonymo
us announcement from the Vatican through the A.N.I. news agency in 1960 that the
Third Secret of Fatima “will never be revealed”? This is a Secret Our Lady dire
cted to be revealed in that year and to which Pius XII had agreed on behalf of t
he Church before he passed on in 1958.Then some unknown persons announces someth
ing else: an anonymous hierarchy is making vital decisions for the Church!!! Wha
t would have happened if the stewards at Cana had refused to follow Our Lady’s i
nstruction? Blessed is the generation that follows Our Lady’s request for they w
ill certainly not undergo the chastisement we are currently suffering in the Chu
rch. Why were the days of fasting in Lent decimated to just Ash Wednesday and Go
od Friday? How then will there be Saints? How then are we going to get Russia co
nsecrated as Our Lady requested? Why were Feasts like that of the Most Precious
Blood of our LORD JESUS CHRIST (July, 1), that of the Finding of the Holy Cross
(May, 3), that of Saint Peter’s Chains (August, 1), that of the Impression of th
e Stigmata on Saint Francis (September, 17), that of the Finding of the Body of
Saint Stephen (August, 3), that of Saint Philomena (August, 11), etc., removed f
rom the Liturgical calendar. Why was the Feast of Saint Benedict moved from Marc
h 21 to July 11, the Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas from March 7 to January 28, t
he Feast of Saint Gregory the Great from March 12 to September 3, and so on? Why
was the Feast of CHRIST the KING moved from the last Sunday of October as was o
riginally instituted by Pope Pius XI? 37 What happened to Septuagesima, Mass for
the dead, Liturgical color black and the wonderful, glorious Liturgical calenda
r of the Holy Roman Catholic Church? Before the Second Vatican Council, the Litu
rgical colors of the Mass were five: black, green, red, violet and white. Presen
tly, black has been suppressed and has been replaced with violet in funeral Mass
es! Also, some priests have been very “creative” with regard to Liturgical color
s: on First Saturdays, they drape the altar with blue materials having pictures
of Our Lady - how ingenious! Before 1950, every Mass was liturgically ranked in
descending order as either one of the following: double of first class, double o
f second class, double major feast, double feast, semi-double feast, simple feas
t and vigil. On ferial days no feast was appointed. After the Second Vatican Rev
olution, we now have solemnity, feast, memorial (obligatory or “optional”) and f
eria. The problem with the “new terminologies” is that solemnity and feast mean
the same thing. Every Mass is a Feast, every Mass is a Solemnity and every Mass
is a Re-enactment. It is just like saying that the Liturgical rank of a Mass is
sacrifice. Duh! Every Mass is a Sacrifice! In essence, the Liturgical rankings o
f the Mass have been reduced from seven to zero: there are no rankings any more,
they have been discarded!! What happened to the prohibition on the administrati
on of Matrimony from Advent to Epiphany and from Ash Wednesday until the octave
of Easter inclusively? 38 What happened to Gregorian chant, the Oath against Mod
ernism, Forty Hours Devotion, Sacred Music, the Pontifical Gregorian University
of Rome; what happened to the Catholic Faith, the Faith of the Saints Benedicts,
Dominics, Francis’, Anthonys, Gregories, Lawrences, Agneses, Margarets, Elizabe
ths, Roses, Catherines, Little Flowers, Marias, Teresas, Angelas and of all the
Saints that we celebrate today and name our children after? Why the explosion an
d ceaseless outpouring of scandals and heresies especially from the Church hiera
rchy and clerics, and the servile capitulation of the laity in the name of “obed
ience”? Why? Saint Alphonsus Liguori could not have said it better:
“A scandalous priest is worse than a heretic”!
Our mode of prayer and worship is not left out in this diabolical disorientation
program. In Matthew VI: 5-13, our LORD taught us how to pray and how not to pra
y by composing the Our FATHER and warning against prayer patterns that are again
st the HOLY SPIRIT, the SPIRIT of the Church, like the noisemaking and other sty
les predominant in the various denominations of the Pentecostal Religion and in
the “Charismatic” circle. Unfortunately, these prayer styles have also become po
pular among us. The HOLY SPIRIT is the SPIRIT of Love. HE is GOD and GOD is LOVE
. HE is not a SPIRIT of confusion, disorder or destruction! So when people yell,
“Holy Ghost”! “Fire”! “Holy Ghost Fire burn all my enemies”! “Holy Ghost Fire p
ursue them”! etc., it is not the HOLY GHOST that they invoke but satan, the devi
l, the serpent, the dragon, the prince of darkness and of the world and his legi
on of demons. The HOLY GHOST is the third PERSON of the HOLY TRINITY. HE proceed
s from the FATHER and the SON, WHO performed the most stupendous miracles, renew
ed the world and opened the gates of Heaven without ever yelling, “Holy Ghoooost
”! “Fire”! So, who do we emulate when we do this? Not HIM certainly. To worsen t
he situation, priests have joined this erroneous bandwagon. Imagine a priest dur
ing Benediction abandoning the laid down glorious prayers and hymns of the Churc
h to ramble on like a drunk or a toddler or to intone some Pentecostal song like
Do something new in my life. Is there any Saint that was known for shouting “Ho
ly Ghost Fire”? Talking about the Saints, here is what one of them, Saint Anthon
y of Padua, who is a Doctor of the Church has to say about the Pentecostal Catho
lic style of Prayer:
The people of the world are slaves of empty signs and wonders. Men of your days
have lost their faith. Magicians have taken advantage of them!
See how they shout the Holy Names; “Holy Ghost Fire!”, “Blood of Jesus!”, “Jesus
!” Holy Ghost! etc. Like the false prophets of Baal in the time of Elijah, they
think that by shouting, Holy Ghost Fire, fire is coming out of their mouth to bu
rn their enemies, or by shouting ‘Blood of Jesus’, blood is pumping from their m
outh to the people. But this is a great insult to the Holy Name of God. It is th
e sign of the emptiness of the world.
Know you today that the Holy Ghost fire is the fire of God’s love that comes fro
m the Throne of the Divine Trinity. This is the fire that illuminates Heaven wit
h everlasting happiness and strengthens the holy souls on earth. It is the fire
of love, and of sanctification. But you see that the people of the earth are now
calling this gentle fire of love, the fire of destruction. They call this fire
to burn their enemies or even, to burn Satan. God’s fire is love, and it is an a
buse of the Holy Ghost fire to call it to burn Satan, since God has the fire of
the abyss for them.
My friend, you should know that the fire that consumed Sodom and Gomorrah was no
t the fire of the Holy Ghost, but the fire of the abyss. The fire which Elijah c
alled down to burn the sacrifice, in his combat with the prophets of Baal was, n
ot the Holy Ghost fire but the fire of God’s approval. My friend, do not confuse
these fires with the Holy Ghost fire. God sends different kinds of fire in the
world at different times to fulfill His holy purpose. You can see the action of
the Holy Ghost Fire on the day of Pentecost. The Holy Ghost descended on the Apo
stles with His fire rested on each one of them. This fire sanctified, and filled
them with power.39
Simply put, prayer is a spiritual exercise not physical. Read Golden Peace of Si
lence by Barnabas Nwoye, the book of the above quotation if you are really inter
ested in learning how to pray and also The Interior Castle and The Way of Perfec
tion by Saint Teresa of Avila. That said, there have been some really disturbing
innovations in our prayer heritage. We have had them for ages and the numerous
Saints that are associated with them should leave us in no doubt about their eff
icacy. What are the extraneous Luminous mysteries of the Rosary all about? The R
osary as we know it today was given by Our Lady to Saint Dominic Guzman (1170-12
21) at the beginning of the thirteenth century comprising 150 Hail Mary’s and th
ree cycles of mysteries: Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious. Our Lady was perfect th
roughout Her life on Earth. Could She then be affected with any kind of “amnesia
” after assuming to Heaven? She did not even come on Her behalf but as GOD’S han
dmaid as She has always been. So if She forgot the Luminous mysteries in the thi
rteenth century, then GOD also must have forgotten and where does that leave us?
Was it not these mysteries that gave us those famous victories over the Albinge
nsians in Muret (1213), the Muslims in Lepanto (1571), in Vienna (1683) and in H
ungary (1716), the Communists in Austria (1956) and in Brazil (1964), and so on
and so forth? How then did they become “incomplete” all of a sudden? This diabol
ical disorientation is killing us! A very popular foolery among us is the fake s
peaking in tongues, which is actually from Hell. There are only two kinds of spe
aking in tongues. One is that which occurred on Pentecost when the Apostles spok
e and people of all languages understood (Acts II: 1-12). This gift was exhibite
d by Saints like Philip Benizi and the legendary Anthony of Padua, Vincent Ferre
r and Pio of Pietrelcina. The other was explained by Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians
XIV: 13, 14, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, and 33, which though not understood by all
is nevertheless understood by an interpreter who makes its meaning clear to oth
ers. GOD is not disorderly, HIS SPIRIT is not disorderly, HIS inspirations are n
ot disorderly, HIS works are not disorderly, HIS people are not disorderly, HIS
Church is not disorderly; therefore HIS prayers are not and can never be disorde
rly. Nothing linked to HIM is disorderly. “Charismatics” and Pentecostal Catholi
cs should take note. The greatest form of prayer, the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass
has also been blasted with diabolical disorientation. The Traditional Latin Mas
s is an invaluable treasure bequeathed by our LORD through his Apostles to us. I
t existed as various closely related variants throughout the East and West and w
as eventually codified by Pope St. Pius V following the Council of Trent. It was
consequently also called the Tridentine Mass after the city of Trent or the Mas
s of St. Pius V after Saint Pius V. In promulgating the Missal for this Mass in
1570, Pope St. Pius V solemnly decreed:
This Missal is to be used by all churches, even by those which in their authoriz
ation are made exempt, whether by Apostolic indult, custom, or privilege, or eve
n if by oath or official confirmation of the Holy See, or have their rights and
faculties guaranteed to them by any other manner whatsoever.
…We order and enjoin that nothing must be added to Our recently published Missal
, nothing omitted from it, nor anything whatsoever be changed within it under th
e penalty of Our displeasure. We specifically command each and every patriarch,
administrator, and all other persons or whatever ecclesiastical dignity they may
be, be they even cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, or possessed of any other
rank or pre-eminence, and We order them in virtue of holy obedience to chant or
to read the Mass according to the rite and manner and norm
herewith laid down by Us and, hereafter, to discontinue and completely discard a
ll other rubrics and rites of other missals, however ancient, which they have cu
stomarily followed; and they must not in celebrating Mass presume to introduce a
ny ceremonies or recite any prayers other than those contained in this Missal.
Furthermore, by these presents [this law], in virtue of Our Apostolic authority,
We grant and concede in perpetuity that, for the chanting or reading of the Mas
s in any church whatsoever, this Missal is hereafter to be followed absolutely,
without any scruple of conscience or fear of incurring any penalty, judgment, or
censure, and may freely and lawfully be used. Nor are superiors, administrators
, canons, chaplains, and other secular priests, or religious, of whatever title
designated, obliged to celebrate the Mass otherwise than as enjoined by Us. We l
ikewise declare and ordain that no one whosoever is forced or coerced to alter t
his Missal, and that this present document cannot be revoked or modified, but re
main always valid and retain its full force—notwithstanding the previous constit
utions and decrees of the Holy See, as well as any general or special constituti
ons or edicts of provincial or synodal councils…
Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission,
statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree,
and prohibition. Should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and o
f the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.40
Moreover, the thirteenth canon of the seventh session of the Council of Trent sa
If any one saith, that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, w
ont to be used in the solemn administration of the sacraments, may be contemned,
or without sin be omitted at pleasure by the ministers, or be changed, by every
pastor of the churches, into other new ones; let him be anathema.41
In spite of these grave warnings, a totally different Missal, which is the one m
ore common today, came out 400 years later in 1970. This Missal contained the Ne
w Mass, a total distortion
of the Traditional Latin Mass, drawn up by the Consilium whose prefect, Archbish
op Annibale Bugnini of cursed memory was an active Freemason (Codename: Buan). H
e was later exiled to Iran after his cover was blown but the damage had already
been done. Incredibly, Bugnini and his cohorts’ aberration of the Traditional Ma
ss is still being slavishly clung to by clergy and laity alike in spite of its m
anifest absurdities. It is more popular than the Tridentine, which it “substitut
ed” after its promulgation, particularly in the Mainstream Catholic churches. Th
is is a clear case of diabolical disorientation. The validity of the New Mass is
however not in doubt but it is still an adulterated version of the Tridentine.
A comparison of the Traditional Latin Missal with that of the Novus Ordo will re
veal some of the adulterations but before that, some of the basic flaws of the N
ew Mass will be pointed out. The New Mass unlike the Traditional Latin Mass whic
h has given us all the Saints that we venerate and celebrate today is very susce
ptible to innovations and abuses. Prominent among them are clapping and dancing.
It has always been and still is forbidden to dance during the Holy Sacrifice of
the Mass. Even in the post-conciliar era, the Communist, Masonic and Modernist
infiltrated Vatican has warned against this abuse in documents like Notitiae (11
, 202-205) of 1975. Yet, dancing is still very common in the New Order Mass. Cat
holic hymns naturally do not evoke clapping and dancing because they are liturgi
cal. They are proper to the Mass. On the other hand, “choruses” are virtually in
complete without clapping and dancing. They are not liturgical. They are inappro
priate for the Solemn Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. Some may be edifying but not d
uring the Mass, before the BLESSED SACRAMENT. The Vatican has also condemned und
ue experimentation like overlaying the Eucharistic Prayers with improvisations i
n documents like Inaestimable Donum issued in 1980. Yet, priests still go on add
ing to and removing from the Eucharistic Prayers. The priest offers Mass with th
e Church’s intention in mind and not according to his personal inclination becau
se among other reasons, the Missal is complete - or is it? It is supposed to con
tain all that there is to the Mass. Yet, it seems that Catholics in the new era
have developed a subconscious and/or unconscious and/or conscious notion of the
Mass being incomplete or in need of being updated. Could this have anything to d
o with Bugnini being a Freemason? Yes, it absolutely has! Otherwise, how can one
explain bands and the use of musical instruments in Liturgical worship other th
an the pipe organ, which is the only permitted musical instrument?42 With the wa
y things are going, one may have to contend with priests employing the services
of DJs in future or even present Masses. Others include the endless “remixing” o
f the Kyrie, Gloria and Credo, the use of altar girls, combination of the Mass w
ith Pentecostalism, paganism, choreography, ballet, folk dance and music, etc. T
hese abuses continue unabated and they vary from place to place throughout the w
orld. On the other hand, the Tridentine Mass is less prone to this diabolical di
sorientation. There is also another fundamental flaw of the New Mass in contrast
to its Traditional counterpart. This is the confusion of roles between clergy a
nd laity, and between men and women. The laity apart from altar servers has no r
ole to play in the sanctuary let alone on the altar in the Traditional Mass but
in the Novus Ordo, they do some of the readings and what is more, in many cases
they do it from the same pulpit used by the priest or bishop for the Gospel and
homily. They are also some very despicable cases where the priest “delegates” a
lay person, preferably a female to give the homily! Needless to mention is the f
act that laypeople distribute HOLY COMMUNION in the New Mass. Furthermore, singi
ng in the choir during the pre-Vatican II era was so highly regarded as a Liturg
ical office that it was absolutely forbidden for women to be part of the choir;
“only men of known piety and probity of life” were “to be admitted to form part
of the choir of a church”.43 There is also the case of the “Prayer of the Faithf
ul”. Is the Mass not the solemn unbloody Sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST on Calvary of
fered by the priest as a mediator between GOD and man? Why the clericalisation o
f the laity? This does not happen in the Mass of Saint Pius V but in the New Mas
s, virtually anything goes. The more conservative clerics have the prayers read
by the faithful while the progressives allow them to “freestyle” according to th
eir fancy, now beginning with “choruses” and/or “IN THE NAAAAAME OF JESUS”! And
so on and so forth, according to the spirit of improvisation. Unbelievable! Lang
uage is another one of the gray areas of the New Mass. In the Tridentine Mass, t
he Liturgical language is Latin.44 Logically and understandably, the homily is g
iven in a language that the congregation understands even if it is vernacular.45
In the New Mass however, we have all kinds of permutations and combinations for
the Liturgical texts: English; vernacular; English and vernacular; English and
Latin; English, vernacular and Latin; English and “Speaking in tongues”; English
, “tongues” and vernacular; vernacular and “tongues”; vernacular, “tongues” and
Latin; and so on and so forth. Moreover, the position of the priest and of the f
aithful is another fundamental flaw of the New Mass. In the Tridentine Mass, the
priest and the people face the altar or rather GOD on the altar; while in the N
ew Mass, the priest faces the people and they in turn face the altar or rather t
he priest on the altar. There is no need to ask where this leaves GOD, WHO is s
upposed to be the primary focus of the Mass. Also, the priest has specific gestu
res and postures at different parts of the altar and in the sanctuary where he s
ays the various prayers of the Mass. Furthermore, the faithful have specific pos
itions to assume at various parts of the Mass, for example the official position
during COMMUNION and when receiving the final blessing of the priest with the l
ast sign of the cross is kneeling. These are still being observed in the Trident
ine Mass but in the New Mass, a lot of people do not even know these. Another pr
oblem with the New Mass is that it places undue emphasis on the Bible in contras
t to the Traditional which gives the Bible its due reference. The world was crea
ted by GOD and not by the Bible. HE sent JESUS CHRIST not the Bible to save the
world. The Bible was not crucified on the cross for us; it was our LORD JESUS CH
RIST WHO shed HIS Blood for us. On Pentecost, the Apostles were commissioned to
begin the spread of the Catholic Church by the HOLY SPIRIT and not by the Bible.
The Bible as we have it today was formally approved by Pope Saint Boniface I in
the fifth century after series of Councils. Meanwhile before then, she had bloo
med amidst eight major persecutions apart from the ones in Jerusalem in the time
of the Apostles! The Church made the Bible and not vice-versa. The Mass is all
about the HOLY TRINITY and not all about the Bible. All the parts of the Mass in
cluding the readings point to this immutable truth. In the Tridentine Mass there
are always only three readings: Epistle, Gospel and the last Gospel. In the Nov
us Ordo Mass sometimes there are three: First Reading, Responsorial Psalm and th
e Gospel; sometimes four: First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, Second Reading and
the Gospel; and on Easter Vigils there are sixteen readings! It is under such an
d similar misconceptions that priests insist that those who miss the readings ar
e automatically disqualified from receiving COMMUNION. Finally, some of the tran
slations in the New Mass are erroneous. For example the response to “Dominus vob
iscum” (“The Lord be with you”) is “Et cum spiritu tuo” (“And with your spirit”)
; but in the New Mass, the response is translated into “And also with you”! Than
ks to the International Committee on English in the Liturgy or rather the Intern
ational Committee on Error in the Liturgy (ICEL). Enough has been said about the
loopholes of Bugnini’s caricature of a Mass and its consequent too numerous to
mention manifestations of diabolical disorientation. Let us proceed with a compa
rison of the parts of the Mass in the Traditional Missal to those of the New Mis
sal starting at the very beginning:
Asperges Me
In the Traditional Missal the priest prepares the faithful for the Mass by sprin
kling them with holy water along with chanting of the Asperges me Domine and pra
yers. This has been removed from the New Missal but as an alternative to the Kyr
ie later on, the priest blesses holy water and “sprinkles himself, his ministers
and the people” while “an appropriate song is sung.” “An appropriate song”? Lik
e the National Anthem? Water no get enemy? Send down the rain? Rain, rain, go a
way? By the rivers of Babylon? Koli water? Rainy dayz? Waterfalls? It’s raining
men? Cry me a river? I can’t stand the rain? Quiet storm? Make it rain? Water ru
ns dry? How can a “song” be appropriate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? What
a ridiculous ambiguity! Why not appropriate hymn or psalm? Is there any excuse t
o justify a song being appropriate in the Mass? And to think that this is made a
n alternative to the Kyrie. What does sprinkling of holy water with singing an “
appropriate song” have to do with “LORD, have mercy on us”? So much for the Kyri
e’s “substitute”, now back to the New Missal’s edited preparatory Asperges me. I
n place of it in the New Order Missal however, the priest “greets all present”!
Greetings in the Mass? Incredible! Talk about the secularization of the Solemn S
acrifice. So the Mass has become another function that begins with the exchange
of pleasantries? Michael Ghisleri will not believe this!
Sign of the Cross
Fortunately, in both Missals the Mass begins with the sign of the cross. However
, the sign of the cross appears over thirty times in the Traditional Missal wher
eas in the New Order Missal apart from in the beginning and in the end of the Ma
ss, the only place where the sign of the cross appears is in the “optional” Rite
of Blessing and Sprinkling Holy Water. The sign of the cross does not even appe
ar during the consecration of bread and wine in any of the
four Eucharistic Prayers of the New Missal’s Mass!!! Any priest making the sign
of the cross over bread and wine to effect transubstantiation is in effect using
his initiative!!! Amazing! Still, we keep offering and hearing this Mass from d
ay to day, week to week, month to month, year to year, decade to decade but GOD
forbid, century to century.
The two Missals contain the Confiteor but they are totally different. In the Tri
dentine Missal confession is made to GOD, Mary, Saints Michael, John the Baptist
, Peter, Paul, all the saints and the priest. The priest then does an absolution
after this. In the Novus Ordo Missal confession is made to GOD and to the congr
egation but there is no absolution!!! Whatever happened to John XX: 22, 23 and t
he power to forgive sins? (Matthew IX: 2, 6) May it be taken for granted that it
is well known that the power given by JESUS to HIS priests to absolve sins is g
reater than the power HE used in creating the world?
The Introit which is in the Traditional Missal has been removed from the New Mis
There is only one Kyrie in the Traditional Latin Missal and it has only one mean
ing. In the New Order Missal on the other hand, there are three different Kyrie’
s and their translations are all inaccurate! “Kyrie, eleison” and “Christie, ele
ison” are the Greek ways of saying “Lord, have mercy on us” and “Christ have mer
cy on us” respectively, but they are translated in the New Missal without the “u
s” as “Lord, have mercy”. Therefore, on whom is the mercy of GOD being invoked?
Is it on the devil and his demons? Or is it on dancehall music, the sun, the moo
n, animals, plants, the economy, the environment? This is unbelievable! Also in
practice, the New Missal’s Kyrie along with its Gloria and Credo are very, very
“remixable” with words that are not anywhere in the Missal. Imagine a Gloria whe
re a part says, “everybody shout alleluia”, and indeed everybody shouts, “Allelu
ia”! What a catastrophe!
The Gradual in the Traditional Missal has been removed from the New Missal.
The prayers of the Offertory which begins the Mass of the Faithful in the Latin
Missal have also been removed from the Liturgy of the Eucharist in the New Missa
l except the Preface and the Orate, Fratres (“Pray, bretheren…”). And to these t
wo have been added the deficient and dismal “Blessed are you LORD GOD of all cre
ation…”, “By the mystery of this water and wine…” “LORD GOD, we ask you to recei
ve us…” and “LORD, wash away my iniquity…” As a matter of fact, the word “offert
ory” is used only once in the New Missal though ambiguously but in the New Mass
it is synonymous with the collection of money before consecration.
This is a prayer that is said inaudibly by the priest as a mediator speaking dir
ectly to GOD on behalf of man. This was removed by Bugnini of cursed memory and
his cohorts for reasons best known to them.
In the Tridentine Missal the sign of the cross appears before “in the glory of G
od the Father” and the English translation is correct, but in the Novus Ordo the
re is no sign of the cross and the English translation of the Latin version is d
ifferent from what the Latin actually says. Once again we have the International
Committee on Error in the Liturgy (ICEL) to thank for this “updated” translatio
n. Furthermore, the Gloria is very “remixable” in the post-conciliar Church, for
example one of the “remix” versions goes like this:
Glory to GOD, glory to GOD, glory to the FATHER
To HIM be glory forever
Alleluia Amen, Alleluia Amen, Alleluia Amen!
Glory to GOD, glory to GOD, SON of the FATHER
To HIM be glory forever
Alleluia Amen, Alleluia Amen, Alleluia Amen!
Glory to GOD, glory to GOD, glory to the SPIRIT
To HIM be glory forever
Alleluia Amen, Alleluia Amen, Alleluia Amen!
What will be the countenance of the angels and the saints when this and other “r
emixes” are sung as part of the Mass? What a pity!
Canon/Eucharistic Prayer
The Canon covers the climax of the Holy Sacrifice where bread and wine are chang
ed into the Body and Blood of our LORD, JESUS CHRIST. In the Traditional Missal
the Canon has more signs of the cross than any other part of the Mass. Besides,
there is just one Canon and the words of JESUS CHRIST to HIS Apostles in the Scr
iptures that HIS Blood “shall be shed for you and for many” is used. The New Ord
er Missal’s Eucharistic Prayer has no sign of the cross even during consecration
in spite of having four different Eucharistic prayers!!! Moreover, the very pop
ular Eucharistic prayer II does not mention the word “Sacrifice”!!! What is more
, the words of JESUS CHRIST to his Apostles that HIS Blood “shall be shed for yo
u and for many” have been changed to “will be shed for you and for all men”!!! “
For you and for all men”? Including the damned in Hell? If the Blood of CHRIST w
as shed for all men, then what are men doing in Hell? Not even the sixteenth cen
tury arch-heretics like Zwingli, Calvin or Cranmer dared this. Besides, the 1966
, 1967 and 1968 editions of the Jerusalem Bible, which is the Bible of this Miss
al’s Liturgical readings does not contain this error, neither does Good News nor
even the Wycliffe, Lutheran, New World Translation (“Jehovah’s” Witness) nor Ki
ng James . This assertion stands to be corrected but there is no bible in the wo
rld that says “for you and for all men”. Where then is this distortion from? Thi
s is absolute satanic manipulation! Horrendous! Unacceptable! The International
Committee on Error in the Liturgy (ICEL) and their cohorts owe time and eternity
a great deal of explanation for this. Rejoinders are welcome from anyone with a
bible that says “for you and for all men”.
The Our FATHER and the subsequent Prayer of Deliverance from Evil in the New Mis
sal are followed by the Protestant “For the kingdom, the power, and the glory ar
e yours, now and forever.” How ecumenistic!
Sign of Peace???
After the Our FATHER and the Prayer of Deliverance from Evil, the New Missal unl
ike the Traditional says that “All make a sign of peace according to local custo
m”. Now hold on a minute! What if the sign of peace in local custom demands roll
ing on the floor, doing as many pushups as possible, frog jumps, hopping on one
foot or sharing a keg of palm wine? On June 13, 1929 at Tuy in Spain, Our Lady i
n the presence and with the authority of the BLESSED TRINITY through Lucy of Fat
ima asked the Pope and all his bishops to consecrate Russia by name simultaneous
ly to Her Immaculate Heart if they wanted peace for themselves and for the world
, otherwise there will be World War II and other wars, persecution of the Church
and of the Pope, spreading of errors by Russia, annihilation of nations and the
danger of a similar misfortune to that which befell King Louis XVI of France be
falling the Pope and his bishops. This has not been done but the Missal of the M
ass of all Ages could be criminally suppressed in 1970 in favour of a Missal in
whose Mass the faithful are asked to “make a sign of peace according to local cu
stom”. When will the nightmare eventually end? World War II has come and gone le
aving devastation in its wake and there have been other wars of which some have
not ended. But with World War III on the horizon, the Pope and all his bishops h
ave to save the world from the impending catastrophe by simultaneously consecrat
ing Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as GOD has requested. This war which
will definitely be spearheaded by Russia seems likely to begin during or around
the period of a transition, if not the one from Pope Benedict XVI to his success
or, then a future one (remember World War I and World War II started around the
transition from Pius X to Benedict XV and from Pius XI to Pius XII respectively
- déjà vu!) and it will be far worse than World War I and World War II. It is in
it that “nations will be annihilated” because it will definitely assume a nucle
ar scale but like our LORD assured Lucy, “It will never be too late to have reco
urse to JESUS and Mary”. But if the requirement for world peace is a simple con
secration of Russia by the Pope and all his bishops simultaneously to the Immacu
late Heart of Mary, then what is preventing them from obeying GOD. There has t
o be more to this than meets the eye certainly.
Pre-Communion Prayers
In the Tridentine Missal the priest prepares for COMMUNION with the Prayers for
Fidelity and for the Life-giving Bread, the Communion and the “Lord I am not wor
thy…” which is said three times. The faithful on their part prepare themselves w
ith the Confiteor (not Novus Ordo type) and then an absolution by the priest. Th
ey then respond to the Ecce Agnus Dei (“Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him, who
takes away the sins of the world.”) said by the priest with the “Lord I am not w
orthy…” three times like the priest. Furthermore, while distributing COMMUNION,
the priest says, “May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve your soul unto
life everlasting. Amen.” (All the communicant does is to open their mouth and re
ceive JESUS on their tongue) However, in the New Missal the Prayer for Fidelity,
Prayer for the Life-giving Bread and the priest’s Communion have been rolled up
into one prayer with two versions of not up to ten lines. Worse still, the prie
st does not say the “Lord I am not worthy…” not even once!! The people on the ot
her hand say it once on the priest’s invitation with “This is the Lamb of God wh
o takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to his supper
”. That is all for them as far as preparation for COMMUNION is concerned. The Ma
ss is Calvary continued, the Mass is worth as much as the Sacrifice of JESUS CHR
IST’S life, sufferings and death, the Mass is the most powerful atonement for ou
r sins and according to Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, the world could exist more eas
ily without the sun than without the Mass! The Mass is neither a supper nor a di
nner nor a luncheon nor a buffet. But with this kind of New Missal preparation o
r the lack of it for the CREATOR of the world, is it then surprising that in the
New Mass, clergy and laity have no qualms of conscience about receiving JESUS C
HRIST in a state of mortal sin, in the hand, standing; also half naked, indecent
ly dressed, unveiled and in trousers for women in particular, etc. People actual
ly swagger and swing their arms to and from COMMUNION! It seems a time will come
that is if it has not started happening already when we will take calls on our
mobiles while receiving COMMUNION or dance to and from COMMUNION. What a tragedy
!!! Moreover, the Missal has it that the priest says “The body of Christ” as the
“communicant is offered the host” and the communicant says “Amen”. But it goes
further; the priest also says “blood of Christ”, “when the communicant is offere
d the chalice”. So COMMUNION under both kinds has become an ordinary part of the
Mass? Incredible! One cannot help but recall the ominous message of our LORD to
Mary-Julie Jahenny of La Fraudais at the beginning of the twentieth century:
I give you a warning. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working har
d to remake according to their ideas, and under the influence of the enemy of so
uls, a Mass that contains words which are odious in My Sight. When the fatal hou
r arrives where the faith of my priest is put to the test, it will be these text
s that will be celebrated, in this second period.
The first period is the one of My Priesthood, existing since Me. The second is t
he one of the persecution, when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion wi
ll impose their formulas in the book of the second celebration. Many of My holy
priests will refuse this book, sealed with the words of the abyss. Unfortunately
, amongst them are those who will accept it.
The Last Gospel
In the Traditional Missal the Mass ends with a Gospel reading but this has been
removed from the Novus Ordo Missal.
The Leonine Prayers
In the Tridentine Missal after Low Mass, three Hail Mary’s, the Hail Holy Queen,
a prayer for the conversion of sinners and for the liberation of the Church and
the Prayer to Saint Michael are said. This practice was instituted by Pope Leo
XIII after he saw a vision in 1884 of a future battle between the powers of Hell
and those of Heaven over the Catholic Church. These prayers are all presently r
eferred to as the Prayer for the Conversion of Russia. The terms “Low Mass” and
“High Mass” do not even appear in the New Missal let alone the Leonine prayers;
however in practice, some faithful say the Catena Legions after the New Mass. Th
ough the saying of the Catena is pious in itself, these faithful should know tha
t it is the Leonine prayers that were decreed to be said after Low Mass. Moreove
r, the difference between a High and a Low Mass is that a High Mass is sung whil
e a Low Mass is recited. Other than that, no prayer of the Mass is omitted: ever
y other thing is the same. In the Vatican II “new dispensation”, the terms “Low
Mass” and “High Mass” are never used but the Gloria is omitted in most weekday M


The instances of diabolical disorientation, which has affected every one in the
world including the writer of this article, can be observed by anyone who really
wants to but how did this come about? Indeed all the ink and paper of the worl
d will not be enough to tell the story but a run down of the bare essentials wil
l suffice presently. Before the creation of the world, lucifer fell out with GOD
because he was too proud to accept GOD’S predicted subjection of angels to JESU
S and Mary. A war (Apocalypse XII: 7) ensued and his fellow rebel angels and he
were expelled from Heaven and condemned to Hell. Ultimately, an everlasting enmi
ty sprung up between GOD and the dragon, who vowed to topple GOD and take over H
IS Kingdom. This, coupled with his malice led to his tempting of Eve and the sub
sequent fall of her husband and her. His apparent victory was however short-live
d as it suffered a major setback with the life, death and resurrection of JESUS
CHRIST a mere four thousand years later. To top it off, the Institution (Catholi
c Church) , which HE set up on Earth as the Ark of Salvation for souls who want
to go to Heaven was also a perpetual stumbling block to satan achieving his fool
ish and unrealistic goal of conquering GOD and taking over Heaven because in ord
er to conquer Heaven, he has to vanquish Earth first. To do this, the world has
to be absolutely corrupt, but as long as the Church exists, this is impossible;
what with the Mass, Saints, Sacraments, dogmas, Tradition, devotions, exorcisms,
Orders, Popes, priests, nuns, Sanctifying grace, monasteries, etc. This leaves
lucifer with the option of eliminating the Church but CHRIST had already promise
d that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against HIS Church. So, in spite of t
he persecutions, heresies, schisms, proliferation and distortion of religion, po
isoning of the agents of socialization, corruption of civilization, multiplicity
of sects and all the other manifestations of anti-Catholicism, the Church still
stood, as our LORD promised. So what does the serpent do? How then can he corru
pt the world enough to enable him incarnate as man to conquer the Earth and subs
equently, Heaven just as JESUS CHRIST incarnated as MAN to conquer him, sin, the
world, death and Hell? He works harder and harder with his attacks as against t
he followers of CHRIST who gradually become less vigilant and virtually leave th
e field of battle entirely to him and among other things, he creates an illusory
diversion, a “Church” within the Church, a virtual Church, a Church that is not
actually there, a diabolical disorientation: the New Church!
Among the consequences of diabolical disorientation is Diabolical Disorientation
Syndrome (DDS) which is characterised among others by a massive loss of the sen
se of sin, high level of ignorance especially in matters of Salvation, drastic d
ecline in the Church’s Militancy and Orthodoxy, false obedience, complacency, se
rvility, false sense of security, progress and enlightenment especially among cl
erics, fear of the unknown, timidity, indifferentism, discouragement, etc. The C
hurch is basically divided into the Triumphant in Heaven, the Militant on Earth
and the Suffering in Purgatory. The warfare with the prince of darkness is done
by the first two. Those who emerge victorious in the Church Militant are elevate
d to the Church Triumphant from where they battle more gloriously. Those who los
e to the devil are captured by him and damned to Hell like him while those in Pu
rgatory have to be purified for Heaven because they neither merit Heaven nor des
erve Hell. Whether in eternity we will be condemned to Hell or purified in Purga
tory before going to Heaven or elevated to glory in Heaven immediately after dea
th depends on how guilty or not we are of sin but we don’t seem to remember that
sin is the worst tragedy that can befall anyone, infinitely worse than full blo
wn AIDS, mutation, bankruptcy, holocaust or any disaster or combination of disas
ters that anyone can think of. Sin has become so institutionalized in our time t
hat it seems to be sinful to stay away from sin and the occasions of sin. A war
is going on: the Battle of the Ages. The beginning of this war is the reference
of Apocalypse XII: 7. In order to survive the war in the Militant Church, it is
important to know that there is a war going on in the first place and how to fig
ht it. It is just as if a man who is about to travel from town A through town B
to town C gets information that a deadly war is raging on in town B. He will eit
her make a detour or get himself more secure if he is still to travel by the war
-torn town B route. Whatever might be the case, he will not travel through town
B as if there was no war in it otherwise he will get hurt, killed, captured or i
nto some kind of trouble. That is one of the major problems with the Church Mili
tant today. We are swimming in tremendous ignorance about our Faith and ignoranc
e does not entirely eliminate our culpability. For example many Catholics today
do not know about the public prophetic Message of Fatima and the obligation it i
mposes on the Church even though we all suffer the consequences. GOD on his part
has provided us and keeps providing us with the means not just to fight but to
fight and win. Therefore the only ones to blame for our failure are we. We have
allowed our inclinations to rule us like Adam and Eve, hence the devil has taken
advantage of us. We have forgotten that just as we were conceived and born afte
r nine months, we will also die and be judged and then be sent to Heaven or Hell
. We live in the flesh to the detriment of our souls. We have been diabolically
disoriented. We are abnormally attached to life. When was the last time we witne
ssed or heard of someone dying in the odor of sanctity or dying after receiving
VIATICUM? When was the last time we flocked to the grave of some recently deceas
ed Catholic to witness and experience genuine miracles? What happened to the tim
es when members of the Church Militant resisted erroneous, heretical or scandalo
us clerics like Saint Paul did to Saint Peter the first Pope for his failure to
uphold the Catholic dogma that the Jewish law of circumcision was absolutely obs
olete (Galatians II: 11-14), or like the lawyer Eusebius did to Archbishop Nesto
rius for his denial of Mary’s Divine Motherhood, or like Saint John Gaulbert who
in order to expose the simoniacal archbishop of Florence was permitted by GOD t
o make one of his monks walk through a huge bonfire without being burnt, or like
the theologians and Cardinal Orsini did to Pope John XXII for his error on the
time of the beatific vision after death or like Saint Anthony of Padua did to Ge
neral Elias for his shameful attempt to relax the Franciscan rule or like Saint
Robert Bellarmine, the Doctor who taught:
"Just as it is licit to resist the Pontiff that aggresses the body, it is also l
icit to resist the one who aggresses the souls or who disturbs civil order, or,
above all, who attempts to destroy the Church. I say that it is licit to resist
him by not doing what he orders and preventing his will from being executed; it
is not licit, however, to judge, punish or depose him, since these are acts prop
er to a superior."46
What has happened to those radical repentances that always ended in Heaven like
those of Saint Paul, Saint Augustine, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Margaret of
Cortona, Saint John Capistran, Saint Ignatius de Loyola, Saint Camillus de Lell
is, Saint Elizabeth Seton, Venerable John Henry Newman, Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonn
e, Venerable Matt Talbot, Blessed Charles de Foucauld, Eve Lavalliere, Saint Ter
esa Benedicta, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, etc. What has happened to the Saints
that used to emerge every now and then to blaze the trail to Heaven? Was it not
in this same world, breathing the same air we now breathe that lived people like
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga who in order to keep his purity intact swore never to lo
ok any woman in the face including his own mother; or nuns like Saint Gertrude t
he Great who was so virtuous that she is the only woman in history presently sur
named “the Great”; or priests like Blessed Damien of Molokai who became a leper
in the process of bringing JESUS CHRIST to a leper colony? Where are the Saints
of our times? Why are we having a scarcity of sanctity or is GOD no longer WHO H
E is? Are we not diabolically disoriented? “How are the valiant fallen” indeed?
Have we forgotten that the world is passing away; that we are only pilgrims on e
xile in a foreign land; that our journey is meant to end in Heaven where our bro
thers and sisters await us? Brethren like Saint Peter Damian who was so humble t
hat he had to be threatened with excommunication in order to accept the cardinal
episcopates of Ostia and Velletri; Saint Charles Borromeo, the bishop who lived
only forty-six years but accomplished more than many of his counterparts these
days who live twice his age because he was more concerned with being a good bish
op than being an aged one; Saint Stanislaus of Cracow, the illustrious martyr of
Poland whom GOD enabled to raise a dead man to life in order to be his witness
in a case where others had been silenced with bribe and intimidation; Saints Pat
rick of Ireland, Francis of Paola and Bernadine of Sienna who raised dead people
to life like no man’s business; Saint Benedict of Nursia who aside from foundin
g an Order that has given the Church more Popes than any other, exorcising a dem
oniac with a punch, destroying a poisoned glass of wine with the sign of the cro
ss among other stupendous miracles, died kneeling upright in order to return his
soul back to his OWNER; Saint Francis de Sales who along with his relative conv
erted a town of over seventy thousand heretics within four years; Saint John of
Kanty who was so inflamed with the desire for martyrdom that he travelled to Jer
usalem to preach to the Muslims there; Saint John Baptist Mary Vianney to who th
e devil confessed that four priests living like him will annihilate the devil’s
kingdom on Earth; Saint Odilo of Cluny who originated the All Souls Mass; Saint
Leonard of Port-Maurice who originated the Stations of the Cross; Saint Bonavent
ure who originated the Angelus; Saints Gemma Galgani and Frances of Rome who saw
and interacted with their guardian angels regularly; and so on and so forth. Th
ere was a time when friends promised each other in life that whoever died first
will return to tell the other how they fared in eternity – and they always did!
There was a time that the world witnessed supernatural manifestations during Mas
s like priests levitating, getting transfigured, being surrounded by haloes, and
so on. There was a time when bishops like Archbishop Joachim Pecci (later Pope
Leo XIII) built thirty-six churches in a thirty-two year episcopate (1843-1875)
and Saint John Nepomucene Newman built eighty churches during an eight year epis
copate (1852-1860). To top it off, they did this with equally fruitful spiritual
results and without turning their churches into marketsquares or selling JESUS
CHRIST like Judas Iscariot. What about our brothers and sisters who abandoned we
alth and position for the kingdom of GOD like Saints Gregory the Great, Bernard
of Clairvaux, Francis of Assisi, Augustus Czartoryski, Teresa Valse Pantellini,
Katherine Drexel, etc.? What about girls like Laura Vicuna and Maria Goretti who
rather embraced martyrdom willingly than fornication? What about the congregati
ons, lay groups and Orders that educated our children, led us on the path of tru
e civilization, showered us with spiritual and corporal works of mercy and loved
us until it hurt them: the Missionaries of Charity of Blessed Teresa of Calcutt
a; the Order of Preachers and Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary of Saint Dom
inic Guzman; the Jesuits of Saint Ignatius Loyola; the Redemptorists of Saint Al
phonsus de Liguori; the Congregation of Priests of the Missions of Saint Vincent
de Paul; the Society of the SACRED HEART of Saint Madeline Sophie Barat; the Pa
uline family of Blessed James Alberione; the Sisters of Providence of Saint Theo
dore Guerin; the Pallottines of Saint Vincent Pallotti; the Society of Saint Vin
cent de Paul of Blessed Frederick Ozanam; the Missionary Sisters of Saint Peter
Claver of Blessed Mary Theresa Ledochowska; the Discalced Carmelites of Saint Te
resa of Avila; the Good Shepherd Sisters of Saint Euphrasia Pelletier; the Helpe
rs of the Holy Souls of Blessed Mary of Providence; the Society of the HOLY CHIL
D JESUS of Venerable Cornelia Connelly; the Ursulines of Saint Angela Merici; th
e Order of Friars Minor of Saint Francis of Assisi; the Order of Poor Clares of
Saint Clare; the Salesians of Saint John Bosco, the Congregation of JESUS and Ma
ry of Saint John Eudes; the BLESSED SACRAMENT Fathers of Saint Peter Julian Eyma
rd; the Legion of Mary of Frank Duff; the Congregation of the Oratory of Saint P
hilip Neri; the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and the Living Rosary
of Venerable Pauline Jaricot; the Order of the Visitation of Saint Jane Frances
de Chantal and Saint Francis de Sales; and so on and so forth. What about Saint
Jeanne Jugan who loved the aged of Saint Servan in France so much with her Littl
e Sisters of the Poor that in the year 1845, the Freemasons gave her a gold meda
l!!? Where are the Charles Luwangas, the Andrew Kim Taegons, the Paul Mikis, the
Maximilian Mary Kolbes, the Teresa Benedictas, the Miguel Pros, the Thomas Moor
es, the martyrs of Rome and others who would not hesitate to shed their blood fo
r the Catholic Faith when situation demanded it? Where are the Christians to ful
fill the prophecy of JESUS that HIS followers will do greater works than HE did
like Saint Seraphim of Sarov who transfigured and prayed for one thousand straig
ht days among other prodigies; Saint Christine the Admirable (1150-1224) who die
d in 1182, visited Heaven, Hell and Purgatory and resurrected to live on Earth,
performing the most superhuman acts of penance for the souls she had seen in Pur
gatory, which included those of whom she had known while they lived on Earth bef
ore her final death forty-two years later; Saint Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, who use
d to go to Purgatory with our LORD to visit the Holy souls; Saint John Bosco who
raised a boy from the dead in order to hear his confession before he died again
; Saint Herman Joseph who was so devoted to Mary that She put a ring on his fing
er; Mother Agnes of JESUS who was so devoted to Mary that She put a chain of gol
d around her neck; Venerable Mother Frances of the BLESSED SACRAMENT who was reg
ularly visited by souls from Purgatory to ask for her prayers and thank her for
her charity towards them; etc. What about the real super heroes, men and women
whose everyday lives were more than extraordinary like Saint Pio the stigmatic w
ho had the gifts of perfume, conversion, bilocation, healing, reading of hearts
and prophecy; Mary-Julie Jahenny who lived for five straight years without eatin
g or drinking; Saint Nicholas de Flue who lived on HOLY COMMUNION for the last t
wenty years of his life; Therese Newman who among other stupendous miracles liv
ed on HOLY COMMUNION for the last thirty-five years of her life; Saints Martin d
e Porres and Rose of Lima who could communicate with animals among other prodigi
es; Saint Joseph Cupertino who could fly; Saint Francis of Paola who was so infl
amed with charity that he sometimes lit candles by touching them with his finger
; etc.? Where are the preachers that brought back souls to GOD in droves with th
eir sermons and missions like Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Louis-Marie de Montf
ort, Saint Bernadine of Sienna, Saint John Eudes, Saint Vincent Ferrer, Mateo Bo
evey-Crawley, Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Saint James of the March, Saint John C
apistran, Saint Francis Xavier, Saint Peter Fourier, Saint Nicholas of Tolentino
, Saint Peter Canisius, Saint Francis di Girolamo, etc.? There was a time when e
ntire families were venerated as Saints like those of Saints Basil the Elder (fa
ther), Emelia (mother), Basil the Great (son), Gregory of Nyssa (son), Peter of
Sebaste (son) and Macrina (daughter); Gregory the elder (father), Nonna (mother)
, Gregory Nazianzen (son), Caesarius (son) and Gorgonia (daughter); Adalbald (fa
ther), Rictrude (mother), Adalsind (daughter) , Clotsind (daughter), Eusebia (da
ughter), and Mauront (son); Walbert (father), Bertilia (mother), Aldegundis (dau
ghter) and Waldetrudis (daughter); Vincent Madalgarius (father), Waldetrudis (mo
ther), Landericus (son), Dentelinius (son), Madelberta (daughter) and Aldetrudis
(daughter). There was a time when parents were more than happy to have all thei
r children in the religious or clerical life. There was a time when children wer
e baptised a day after they were born, irrespective of whether their parents wou
ld throw a party or not. There was a time when womanhood was free from feminism,
careerism, birth control, abortion, family planning and contraception. A time w
hen the Cornelia Cornellys, the Ritas of Cascia, the Bridgets of Sweden, the Eli
zabeth Setons, the Louise de Marillacs, the Rose Hawthorne Lathrops, etc., glori
fied womanhood with the rise from virginity in daughterhood, to motherhood, to
widowhood, to religious life, to Sainthood! There was a time when Saints wrote b
ooks that produced other Saints, masterpieces of Catholic literature like The Se
cret of Mary, The Sinners Guide, The Book of Prayer and Meditation, Introduction
to the Creed, Memorial of the Christian Life, The Interior Castle, The Imitatio
n of Christ, The Catholic Controversy, Introduction to the Devout Life, The way
of Perfection, Summa Theoligiae, True Devotion to Mary, The Dark Night of the So
ul, City of God, Dialogue, Book of Considerations, The Secret of the Rosary, The
Spiritual Exercise, The Mystical City of God, Confessions, De Controversiis, Th
e Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Dignity and Duties of the Priest, E
cclesiastical History of the English People, The Story of a Soul, The Way of Div
ine of Love, etc. Whoever thought that a time will come when the Church hierarch
y will no longer garrison the Faith with bastions like the Index of Forbidden Bo
oks, the Oath against Modernism, the Code of Canon Law, the Autos de Fe, the Inq
uisition, the Counterreformation, the Dogmatic Councils, the Lenten Sermons, the
Catechism of the Council of Trent, the Crusades, the 30-day Ignatian Retreat,
Dogmatic Proclamations, Popular Missions, Catholic Action, Excommunications, Int
erdicts, the uncompromising, no-nonsense, never- missing-target, divine cannonba
ll Papal Encyclicals (Mortalium Animos, Cantate Domino, Lamentabili Sane, Unam S
anctam, Humanum Genus, Summo Iugiter, Mirari Vos, Singulari Quadem, Humani Gener
is, Apostolicae Curae, Quanta Cura, Casti Connubii, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, Q
ui Pluribus, Quod Apostolici mineris, Auctorem Fidei, Immortale Dei, etc.), Papa
l Primacy, Sacred Music, Latin Language, etc.? Whoever thought that a time of d
iabolical disorientation of the magnitude of the one we are undergoing presently
will come? It should be obvious by now to anyone who has been reading this arti
cle without bias that the Church is in a crisis. There is an apostasy in the Cat
holic Church: the Great Apostasy!!! This massive loss of Faith from clergy to la
ity is fuelled to a large extent by the diabolical disorientation. As a matter o
f fact, there has never been a time that we were as diabolically disoriented as
we have been since the Second Vatican Revolution. ¬¬¬¬This unprecedented diaboli
cal disorientation has also created unprecedented divisions within the Church. T
hese divisions are three: the Mainstream, New Order, post-Vatican II or post-con
ciliar or Vatican II Church; the Traditionalists, Traditional or pre-Vatican II
Church and the false Traditionalists. The first category which is the Mainstream
or New Order is where majority of Catholics are but unfortunately for this grou
p, it is experiencing a perpetual error boom. Catholics in this category who wil
l tell you that there is nothing wrong in the Church are either ignorant or a pa
rt of the problem. Many people here are in the New Church, many are in good fait
h, many are sleeping in sin, many are in denial, many will rather be wrong with
the Pope than be right without him, some are silent, some like the FSSP have bee
n silenced; and souls are falling left, right and centre: it is absolute carnage
in this category! In this category “the fight is strongest.” This group can be
loosely divided into those who are victims of the diabolical disorientation and
those who are the propagators. Among the victims are those who believe that the
Pope, cardinals, bishops, priests and clerics in authority must be obeyed no mat
ter how false the obedience may be and that the clergy can never make mistakes;
those who are totally ignorant; and so on. While the propagators are the clergy,
hierarchy and laity who are being used by the devil to do his bidding. There ar
e also another loose overlapping categories of left and right wings in this cate
gory which are not mutually exclusive from the ones just previously mentioned, w
ith the former leaning more towards modernism than the latter. It must be pointe
d out that an intense battle is being fought here as GOD will never abandon his
children and constantly fights to get them back. On the contrary, it is HIS chil
dren who abandon HIM. The Mainstream can be compared to a possessed, crazy or ve
ry sick person who badly needs to be exorcised or cured and not executed. That i
s why GOD has favoured this category with apparitions more than any other. Chara
cteristically, the ultimate end of all genuine apparitions is Heaven after death
and Catholic Tradition while on Earth or as close to it as possible depending o
n our response. What has GOD not done for us? Among other favors, HE has given u
s the cure. HE has given and asked us to practice True Devotion to Mary; HE has
asked the Pope and all his bishops to simultaneously consecrate Russia to the Im
maculate Heart of Mary, HIS Daughter, Mother and Spouse but who is paying attent
ion? Nobody!!! “Neither the good nor the bad” as bewailed by Sister Lucy to Fath
er Augustine Fuentes fifty-three years ago. Nevertheless, there have also been o
ccasional efforts by those in the Mainstream to offset the disorientation but t
hese efforts have simply not been enough such as the various consecrations of Po
pes Pius XII (1942, 1952 and 1954), Paul VI (1964) and John Paul II (1981, 1982,
1984, 2000); the infallible proclamation of John Paul II against the ordination
of women priests in 1984; the liberation of the Tridentine Mass (which was neve
r banned!) by Benedict XVI in 2007; the restoration of the Good Friday Prayer fo
r the conversion of Jews in 2008 by the same Pope and the repeal of the absolut
ely null and utterly void 1988 excommunication of the SSPX bishops by Benedict X
VI in January 2009. But we still have a lot more to do and a very long way to go
depending on how serious we are. The next category is that of the Traditionalis
ts who are holding on to the Tradition of the Church in the event of a universal
corruption like Saint Vincent of Lerins rightly advised. This is where the Cath
olic Church including all her saints that we celebrate today was before the Seco
nd Vatican tragedy. In this group we have the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), th
e International Fatima Rosary Crusade (IFRC), the Fatima Movement of Priests (FM
P), the Society of Saint John Vianney, etc. It is very difficult if not impossib
le for someone in this category to be in the New Church but however, there is re
latively minimal diabolical disorientation here compared to other divisions as c
an be seen in those who do not see anything wrong in women wearing at least loos
e fitting trousers and other indecent dresses, misrepresentation in sacred pictu
res and images, etc. Otherwise this category has every other thing in the right
orientation and it is here and further that the Church will return eventually. T
he third is a category of “Traditional Catholicism” which is a consequence of th
e diabolical disorientation. Many people in this category if not all are also in
the New Church. This group consists of those who believe among other heresies a
nd absurdities that the gates of Hell have prevailed against Saint Peter’s Chair
and his Rock, that no one should pray for the Pope, that the new Rites and Sacr
aments are absolutely null and void, that every other person apart from them wil
l go to Hell, that there is no such thing as Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Bl
ood, etc. One cannot solve a problem that one is a part of. These guys in trying
to provide a solution to the crisis have become worse than the problem they all
egedly intend to solve. They do more harm than good to Catholic Tradition in the
name of preserving it and are worse than their Mainstream counterparts in good
faith who are making genuine efforts to save their souls and those of the people
whom GOD places in their paths. They are also known as Sedevacantists and they
are actually acting out either knowingly or unknowingly a script written by the
devil, who has acknowledged through his minions in Permanent Instructions that “
the Pope, whoever he is, will never come to the secret societies…” How can they
understand the situation better than the father of lies himself who is the proge
nitor of the situation and who also knows that there is a limit to the extent of
damage he can ever cause (Job 1:12)? This category like the Mainstream has peop
le like Michael Dimond who also promote the false, ridiculous and untenable clai
m that the Consecration of Russia as requested by Our Lady has been done. Furthe
rmore, there is still a variation of the Sedevacantists which is just as prepost
erous if not more. They are the Conclavists. They hold similar views with the Se
devacantists but have gone further to elect their own various “Popes”, which is
just fine by lucifer. Other “Traditionalists” with their various invented “tradi
tions” also fall under this category of pseudo traditionalists. Ultimately, even
though the devil intended the Catholic Church to be overrun and totally replace
d by the New Church, his plan has not entirely worked and has failed to an exten
t because our LORD has kept HIS promise that HE will be with us to the very end.
Hence, the Catholic Faith is still very much alive and uncontaminated in Écône
and wherever Traditional Catholicism is still practised. Écône has triumphed; sa
tan may keep the churches and the Vatican for now but Écône keeps the Faith and
after the Great Restoration via Our Lady’s Triumph, the Catholic Church will flo
urish even more than it ever had before Vatican II and then all her Traditions a
nd traditions will be universally restored in the most resplendent manner, inclu
ding the practice of digging up and scattering the bodies and bones of heretics
and of those who have tried to corrupt the Catholic religion.47 Besides, a lot o
f people in the Mainstream and probably in the phoney Traditionalists are rather
inadvertent co-operators with the demon. Many still hold on to traditions, prac
tices and dogmas like abstinence on Fridays, “outside the Church there is no sal
vation”, the Resurrection is no myth; JESUS CHRIST and scripture are historical
and so on. But in truth, they can do better and the destruction of this New Chur
ch in which many of them have fallen into depends on their cooperation with GOD
just as its establishment needed cooperation with the dragon from among them.
This leads us to another consequence of the diabolical disorientation which is G
OD’S efforts to bring us back. But it must nevertheless be pointed out that thes
e divisions are based on the practices being carried out within them and are not
premeditated isolated factions per se but rather results of the various reactio
ns to the Vatican II debacle. A similarity can be seen in the various reactions
of JESUS’ disciples and the inhabitants of Israel to the events of Holy Thursday
and Good Friday. Essentially, due to the Second Vatican Revolution, the Mainstr
eam has drifted to the extreme right and the fake Traditionalists have drifted t
o the extreme left but the Traditionalists have remained unmoved. Also, these ca
tegories are somewhat dynamic and sometimes overlapping in nature hence a Tradit
ionalist priest like Father Nicholas Gruner agrees with a Mainstream nun like Mo
ther Angelica that the Vatican did not release the whole of the Third Secret as
instructed; Bishop Fellay and late Pope John Paul II agree that the Consecration
has not been done, though the latter was more cryptic about this; Michael Davie
s (Traditionalist) of blessed memory and Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (Mainstream
) abhor COMMUNION in the hand. In the long run, one is ultimately against CHRIS
T or for CHRIST and it is HE alone WHO has the final say. HE knows those who are
truly HIS in all the divisions in the present day Church. At any rate, it is qu
ite strikingly alarming at the minority of Catholics who have the tendency to mo
ve in the right direction against all odds. For example in all of the over one t
housand, five hundred parishes of Nigeria’s fifty dioceses and two vicariates, i
t is only one parish in one diocese, the FSSP-run Our Lady, Mother of Perpetual
Help “extraordinary rite” Parish in Orlu diocese that has anything close to Trad
itional Catholicism. What is more, it had been only a Mass centre since 2001 whe
n it was first inaugurated until 2007 when it was raised to parish status! Now t
o consider another consequence of the diabolical disorientation; this is the unp
recedented level of divine intervention in our time. GOD, WHO will never forsake
HIS children, keeps beckoning us back to HIMSELF through HIS prophets like HE d
id before the Israelites’ exile in Babylon (2 Paralipomenon XXXVI: 14-23, Douay-
Rheims) . Since the Fatima apparitions, there has been an unparalleled explosion
of apparitions, visionaries, messages, revelations, miracles, bleeding statues,
bleeding crucifixes, prodigies, etc., in our time than in any other era in hist
ory. Worthy of note is the fact that most of these phenomena are concentrated in
the Mainstream Catholic Church where “the fight is strongest” as has already be
en pointed out. Unfortunately, they are being passed over in silence like that o
f Fatima and even when these messages are being listened to, the instructions ar
e not carried out as they should. However, all the authentic ones from Fatima ti
ll date like the ones of old, urgently calls all to sincere repentance and amend
ment of lives otherwise we are headed for disaster. The meltdown in countries wi
th industrialized economies, which might just be a prelude to the Third World Wa
r, is an apt example (Remember that the 1907 financial panic-inspired economic c
rises preceded World War I and the 1929 stock market crash-inspired Great Depres
sion preceded World War II - déjà vu!). The authenticity of such phenomena is ex
clusively left for the Church’s Ordinary and Universal Magisterium to ascertain
but in truth, those who are having a hard time distinguishing between the fake a
nd the real ones should remember that the reality has actually never changed. On
this note, it should be important to be wary of the misleading characteristics
of a “true” message or visionary as given by heretical websites like the pro-Mas
onic, pro-NFP www.catholicplanet.com because among other heresies, it obstinate
ly maintains that Mary is not the Mediatrix of all graces!!!48 A true prophecy/m
essage is not judgemental. It does not contradict scriptures. It does not contra
dict Faith and Morals. It does not contradict Tradition. It does not separate th
e SACRED HEART of JESUS and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Neither it nor its bea
rer, either by example or otherwise encourages disobedience. The intelligent but
beleaguered Pope Paul VI must have anticipated the barrage of divine interventi
on that will follow the Second Vatican Revolution when he revised the Code of Ca
non Law only a year after the Council to initiate the so-called “springtime” end
ed. No one should expect GOD to sit back and watch the devil attempt to make min
cemeat of HIS Church after “its windows were opened to let in some air” that tur
ned out to be an “invasion of worldly thinking.” Thus, on November 15, 1966, Can
ons 1399 and 2318 (which had prohibited and penalized the publication of any mat
erial concerning any apparitions whether approved or not without beforehand obta
ining a bishop’s imprimatur) were abolished thereby allowing publications about
new appearances, revelations, miracles, apparitions, etc., to be believed, read
and distributed by the faithful without express permission of the Church, provid
ed they contain nothing, which contravened faith and morals. Another consequence
of diabolical disorientation is the systematic de-Christianization of the world
. This can be traced even beyond the Second Vatican Revolution to the satan-insp
ired evils called the age of “enlightenment” (the true meaning of this “enlighte
nment” is Masonic dominance and naturalistic madness!) and the French Revolution
when the error of the separation of the Church and state started to take root.
The Church has always met this threat head-on and had even kept it in check, but
with the Second Vatican Revolution, the Church was dealt a mortal blow and seem
s to have buckled. Nowadays, the error of the separation of the Church and state
seems to be the foundation for making decisions in non-ecclesiastical and even
ecclesiastical matters. Laws, governments, constitutions, establishments, instit
utions, agreements, treaties, organisations, etc., are made with absolute disreg
ard for GOD and HIS Laws and characteristically, the fruits so far have been any
thing but positive. Take for example the ostensible search for peace by that “br
ood of vipers” known as United Nations. They have actually succeeded in deceivin
g whoever they can that they can attain peace without GOD. Isn’t it laughable? H
ow can there be peace without the PRINCE of peace? How many of the individual na
tions that make up the United Nations have peace? How many of the individuals th
at make up these nations have interior peace? How can a man give what he has not
? How can we be so blind? It will be much easier for a billion camels to pass th
rough half the eye of a needle than to attain world peace without GOD. Those who
believe that the UN sincerely wants peace might as well believe in aliens and f
lying saucers, dinosaurs, vampires, zombies, werewolves, genies, tooth fairies,
leprechauns, elves, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Snow White, bogeyman, mermaids, Bigfo
ot, Lady Koi-Koi, etc. Otherwise, they should objectively study the UN’s conduct
before, during and after the 1994 Rwandan genocide. If the UN and their suppor
ters truly want peace, let them ask the Pope and all his bishops to obey GOD’S 1
929 request and simultaneously consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
and even they will be surprised at the result. If on the contrary the Consecrat
ion does not bring peace, then everyone is free to believe that GOD truly does n
ot exist. This is a challenge to the entire world’s governments who do not seem
to take the following admonition of Pius XI seriously:
How can any contract be maintained, and what value can any treaty have, in which
every guarantee of conscience is lacking? And how can there be talk of guarante
es of conscience when
all faith in God and all fear of God have vanished? Take away this basis, and wi
th it all moral law falls, and there is no remedy left to stop the gradual but i
nevitable destruction of peoples,
families, the State, civilization itself.49


After all is said and done, what is the ultimate solution to this illusory menac
e called diabolical disorientation that has plagued the world in a way that has
never been witnessed since Vatican II? The answer, True Devotion to Mary!!! That
is pretty much all. Our Lady confirmed this to the children of Fatima on Wednes
day, June 13, 1917 with the following words:
JESUS wishes to use you [Lucy] in making Me known and loved. He wishes to spread
in the world Devotion to My Immaculate Heart. I promise salvation to those who
embrace this devotion.
Their souls will be loved by GOD with a love of predilection, like flowers place
d by Me before
HIS throne.50
Who does not want to be like a flower placed by Mary before GOD? Will it not be
foolish to let this opportunity pass one by? This Devotion was perfectly laid ou
t by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort in his mystical master piece, True D
evotion to Mary before his death in 1716, two hundred years before Saint Michael
started preparing the children of Fatima for the Apparition of all apparitions
in the following year. One problem is that the devil also tries to prevent the s
pread of this priceless Devotion like when he hid the book about this Devotion f
or a hundred and twenty-six years after the death of the author. However, there
are three vital things to bear in mind when applying this solution: one must not
leave out any of its practices no matter how insignificant it may seem; one mus
t allow the devotion to rule one’s life and one must persevere in all the practi
ces of the Devotion forever. There is certainly more to this Devotion than appe
nding “Mary” to one’s name. So, the first thing to do is to study True Devotion
to Mary by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort thoroughly and then adopt fore
ver its practices viz.:
Exterior Practices
Even though the Brown Scapular does not appear in the final exterior practices o
f the book, it was mentioned by Saint Louis de Montfort in number 116 as an exte
rior practice of the Devotion and was confirmed by Our Lady on October 13, 1917
in Fatima when She appeared fully clothed in the habit and held out one to the w
orld. Also, the practice of penance was personally added by Our Lady of Fatima H
erself on Sunday 19th of August in the same year with the following words:
“Pray, pray very much, and make sacrifices for sinners; for many souls go to hel
l, because there are none to sacrifice themselves and to pray for them.”51
Furthermore, the Devotion of the First Five Saturdays was added to the practices
by Our Lady in Pontevedra, Spain on December 10, 1925 in fulfilment of the prom
ise She made on October 13, 1917 to the children as regards reparation to her Im
maculate Heart and the prevention of the Second World War and other catastrophes
.52 Not less important and equally easy for a true devotee of Mary to understan
d and appreciate is the request made by the HOLY TRINITY through Mary on Thursda
y, 13th of June, 1929 in Tuy, Spain to Sister Lucy of Fatima while she was doing
the Gethsemani hour. It was received and delivered by her and it said that if t
he Pope and all his bishops should simultaneously consecrate Russia to the Immac
ulate Heart of Mary, there will be peace in the world for a definite period of t
ime. If not, there will be World War II and other wars including the one in whic
h “various nations will be annihilated;” not to mention the persecution of the P
ope and of the Catholic Church. Furthermore, after failing to carry out the requ
est for two years, our LORD came again to Sister Lucy in August, 1931 in Rianjo,
Spain and gave her this message for the Pope and the bishops:
“Make it known to MY ministers that given that they follow the example of the Ki
ng of France in delaying the execution of MY command, they will follow him into
The King of France was asked by our LORD through Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque on
June 17, 1689 to consecrate France to the SACRED HEART of JESUS during the reig
n of Louis XIV but he failed to do so and so did his successors for a hundred ye
ars and on June 17, 1789, the French Revolution broke out; the Freemasons stripp
ed Louis XVI of his authority, imprisoned him and eventually executed him on the
guillotine four years later! Was that not an avoidable tragedy? What do we real
ly have to lose? The worst scenario is that if the Consecration does not bring t
he much desired peace, we will be ridiculed and then nobody will ever talk about
it. But the devil knows that this can never be the case, hence he has been pre
venting the Consecration both from within and without the Church. Meanwhile the
failure to carry out this Consecration has allowed Russia and her accomplices to
continue their preparation for World War III in earnest. The scenario of this W
ar is not what anyone would want to experience even in their worst nightmare. Hi
roshima and Nagasaki will be situation comedies compared to the disasters of thi
s War. What the Nazis did to their captives and concentration camp prisoners dur
ing World War II pales significantly in comparison to what is in store for Catho
lics in this War. Worse still is the probable eternal fate of the War’s fataliti
es, for instance almost all the people that died as a result of World War II wen
t to Hell according to Blessed Jacinta Marto!!!53 A little digression will be ne
cessary in order to consider the rate at which we go to Hell. The MASTER HIMSELF
has said it that few people make it to Heaven. Now on August 20, 1153, Saint Be
rnard died, and a holy anchorite who had also died at the same time with Saint B
ernard, appeared to the Bishop of Langres and told him that 30,000 had died at t
he same time. He and Saint Bernard went straight to Heaven, 3 had to undergo Pur
gatory before Heaven and the rest went to Hell!!! 5 out of 30,000 will give us a
ratio of 1:6000 for those saved to those damned. That means that less than 1% o
f all who died at that time went to Heaven. Let us consider also that Saint Bern
ard’s times were far better than our times. Then, Christianity was a synonym for
Catholicism, it was either you were a Catholic or you were not a Christian; abo
rtion was not even an individual policy let alone national or global policy; it
was the era of the Crusades, Popes did not pray in mosques and synagogues; there
were rarely public prophetic apparitions like Paray le Monial, La Salette or Fa
tima because the Inquisition did not allow the synagogue of satan to flourish w
ith man-made cataclysmic tragedies like world wars and revolutions (including Va
tican II) or babelian fiascos like the UN or New World Order; there were no weap
ons of mass corruption like Hustler, Playboy, Penthouse, Channel E!, etc.; then,
no how matter bad the Popes were, nobody tampered with the Liturgy; ecumenical
councils categorically condemned errors and dogmatically restated Catholic doctr
ines, they did not do the opposite and claim to be pastoral; the scenario of the
priesthood swarming with sodomites and paedophiles whose punishments were to be
transferred from diocese to diocese by their bishops was simply one of lucifer’
s favourite fantasies; heretics were either rehabilitated or prosecuted and not
invited to partake in the preparation of ecumenical councils; the Church taught
everybody, the Church did not dialogue with anybody; converts were warmly welcom
ed and not rejected in order not to damage “diplomatic” relations between the Va
tican and Communists or between the Vatican and Orthodox communities; then, poli
tical correctness meant doctrinal correctness; procreation in marriage was not o
ptional; people did not change their genders; then, in the 12th century, the wor
d “gay” meant happy and not “homosexual”; prostitution then, was not as glorifie
d as it is today, at least none of the prostitutes shamelessly paraded their nak
ed bodies before the world in the name of modelling or “beauty” contests; laws w
ere based on Catholic principles and not against them; governments did not try t
o force bishops to marry – then, the gate to Heaven should be certainly more cro
wded than it presently is. One could go on and on but suffice it to say that our
age is the worst since the beginning of the world unparalleled by no other exce
pt perhaps, the age that crucified CHRIST HIMSELF!!! If over 99% of those who di
ed at the same time with Saint Bernard went to Hell, then what can be said about
our time which is the era of the most successful diabolical disorientation yet?
Let us also consider that Hell is the worst punishment that can be suffered by
any creature be it man or spirit. Saint Teresa of Avila was made to be in Hell f
or a moment and it took her ten years to recover!!! There is absolutely no need
to be in ignorance about this issue because as Venerable Thomas á Kempis wrote u
nder the inspiration of the HOLY GHOST, “It is no small matter to lose or gain t
he Kingdom of GOD.”54 All in all, it is much better we risk being mocked on the
failure of the Consecration (which is absolutely impossible) than to avoid press
uring our bishops and the Pope to do it; and when they do it, there will be true
peace: absolute tranquillity of order. In other words, there will be the total
absence of war from the Middle East to Africa, to the Americas, to Chechnya, to
Myanmar, to Afghanistan, to Colombia, to North Korea, to China, to Russia: there
will be peace everywhere!!! That is why the devil will not allow the Consecrati
on, because a peaceful world is a disaster for him. But it is in a peaceful worl
d that there can be genuine development and progress unlike the sham we are pres
ently experiencing at the cost of so many souls. So, are we going to allow the e
rrors of Russia to fall on us or are we going to accept our GOD-given destiny? T
he choice is for us to make too and not for Father Gruner and for the Internatio
nal Fatima Rosary Crusade alone. Meanwhile time is running out. Once the weapons
of mass destruction start flying about, there might be no turning back!!! Even
though “it will never be too late to have recourse to JESUS and Mary”, how many
will remember the Consecration in the event of the War when they cannot do that
when it has not started? Will it not be better to prevent the War entirely than
to allow it to begin in the first place before getting the Consecration done to
end it? When GOD first made the request for the Consecration of Russia in 1929,
the preparation for the Second World War, which actually began in 1938 “during t
he reign of Pius XI” as precisely predicted by Our Lady on Friday, July 13, 1917
in Fatima with Hitler’s invasion of Austria and not in 1939 as is usually mista
kenly claimed, was in its eleventh year but it could have been brought to nought
at any time between then and the “night illumined by an unknown light” on Janua
ry 25, 1938 or even at anytime during the War itself. We cannot afford to repeat
the same mistake. Who knows in what year of preparation that the Third World Wa
r is? We do not know how much time we have before the outbreak of the War, but i
t will not be advisable to wait to find out. Then just as we now read and analyz
e the blunders of Adam and Eve, Sodom and Gomorrah, Ananias and Saphira, King Sa
ul, Judas Iscariot, Louis XIV-XV of France, etc., future generations will also r
ead and analyze the blunders of generations that suffered horrible misfortunes b
ecause a simple consecration was not done.
Interior Practices
To live and die and to do all things forever:
Mary has broken more records than any human that has ever lived, that is living,
and that will ever live: the first and only Human to be conceived without origi
nal sin, purest Soul of all time, first Disciple of JESUS CHRIST, first Nun, fir
st and only Woman to conceive supernaturally without sex, first and only Woman t
o give birth without the least labor pang, first and only Virgin to retain Her v
irginity after giving birth, first Person on Earth to see JESUS CHRIST face to f
ace, the only Saint to live without committing the least sin or imperfection eit
her by thought, word, deed or omission, the most beautiful Woman of all time (Of
course She did not walk around naked before the whole world to prove this unlik
e the public nudity queens of our unfortunate times who are nothing but sputa on
the face of womanhood and embodiments of shamelessness), the only Person in Hea
ven with body and soul apart from JESUS CHRIST (Henoch and Elias did not enter H
eaven with their bodies, see John III: 13 and John VI: 46), wisest Human ever (
King Solomon has absolutely nothing on Her!), first Person to see JESUS CHRIST a
fter HIS Resurrection (Mary Magdalen? Please! You have got to be kidding me!), m
ost intelligent Human ever, most humble Human ever, most decent Woman ever, most
pious Woman ever, and so on and so forth. Another one of Her records (which She
has kept creating and smashing even in eternity, for example Her October 13, 19
17 miracle of the sun is the greatest public miracle after the Resurrection and
Ascension of CHRIST and the greatest miracle of the 20th century) is that no one
who has ever had recourse to Her has been lost. You and I will not be the first
. Let us then proceed to unlearn what we have learnt, re-orient our diabolically
disorientated lives and let us do this in the most perfect way: by Mary, the me
ans through which GOD came to us in the PERSON of JESUS CHRIST.
Glory to Mary in JESUS!
Glory to JESUS in Mary!
Glory to GOD alone!
Ave! Maria!
Glory to JESUS! Honor to Mary!
From the tribe of Levi and James Zebedee the Apostle in the Church Militant, Nig
DEOGratias Saeculorum

1. Louise Martin, Immodest Dress: The Mind of the Church, www.catholictradi
2. Cardinal Pompili, Cardinal-Vicar of Pius XI, September 24, 1928.
3. Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus, November 1, 1950.
4. Marcel Lefebvre, A Bishop speaks, p.131; See also Michael Davies, Pope J
ohn’s Council, Chapter V.
5. Council of Constance, Session 43; 23, March 1418, On tithes and other du
6. Council of Trent, Session the Fourth, Decree Concerning the Edition, And
the Use of Sacred Books.
7. Lib. de Dignitate Rosarii’, caput II.
8. Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, True Devotion to Mary, no. 63.
9. The Remnant, May 31, 2005. For more information and/or copies contact Th
e Remnant, 21170 West Linwood Dr., N.E., Wyoming, MN 55092.
10. The Fatima Crusader, Issue 87, p. 10 (To read or order, visit www.fatima
.org or contact Servants of Jesus and Mary, 4552 Kraft Road, Fort Erie. ON L2A 4
M7, Canada).
11. Pius IX, Esti Multa, November 21, 1873, par. 28.
12. Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976; May 29, 1979; June 18, 1978; www.tl
13. Pope Paul VI, May 17, 1972.
14. Venerable Mary of Agreda, The Divine of the Most Holy Virgin, p. 41.
15. Ibid, p. 73.
16. Ibid, p. 71.
17. Ibid, p.126.
18. Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, True Devotion to Mary, no. 49.
19. Saint Gregory the Great, The Life of St. Benedict.
20. Pius XI, Mortalium Animos, January 6, 1928, pars. 8, 9, 10.
21. First Council of Nicaea (425 A.D.), Canon 18.
22. The Catechism of the Council of Trent, The Sacrament of the Eucharist, T
he Laity Prohibited To Touch The Sacred Vessels.
23. Ann Ball, Modern Saints: Their Lives and Faces - Book One, p.370.
24. Agonizing Jesus Christ’s Message, November 12, 1999.
25. For a detailed analysis of the errors being propagated by this seemingly
Catholic network, read EWTN A Network Gone Wrong by Christopher A. Ferrara.
26. Clement XII, Const. In Eminenti, April 24, 1738.
27. John Vennari, The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita: A Masonic B
lueprint for the Subversion of The Catholic Church, p.5.
28. Ibid, p. 5.
29. Ibid, pp. 6-10.
30. Father Paul Kramer, The Devil’s Final Battle, pp. 47, 48.
31. http://www.fatima.org/thirdsecret/otherwitness.asp.
32. Pius XI, Divini Redemptoris, March 19, 1937, pars. 58, 77, 80.
33. http://www.tldm.org/news3/impostor.htm; See also http://www.tldm.org./Ne
ws8/witnessToThe ImpostorPope.h tm, http://www.tldm.org/news8/mysteriesofpopepau
lvi%27papacy.htm and http://www.smwa.org/Message/Text/1975/75_27_09.htm. Also, h
ttp://www.tldm.org/directives/d50.htm and http://www.tldm.org/directives/d49.htm
34. Michael Davies, Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre Volume 1, Chapter 14.
35. http://www.tldm.org/news3/johnpauli.htm and http://www.smwa.org/Message/
36. www.tldm.org/News4/WarningsFromBeyond.2of3.htm, June 10, 19774.
37. Pius XI, Quas Primas, par. 28 December 11, 1925.
38. Council of Trent, Session the Twenty-fourth, Decree on the Reformation o
f Marriage, Chapter X.
39. Barnabas Nwoye, Golden Peace of Silence, The way of Perfect Prayer, Less
ons of Perfection (4), pp. 36, 37.
40. Pope St. Pius V, Apostolic Constitution QUO PRIMUM, July 14, 1570.
41. Council of Trent, Session the Seventh, On the Sacraments in General, Can
on XIII.
42. Pope Pius X, Tra le Sollecitdini, pars. 15, 19, 20, November 22, 1903.
43. Ibid., par. 7.
44. Ibid., pars. 13, 14.
45. Council of Trent, Session the Twenty-Fourth, Decree on Reformation, Chap
ter VII.
46. De Romano Pontifice, lib. II, chap. 29, in Opera omnia, Neapoli/Panormi/
Paris: Pedone Lauriel, 1871, vol. I, p. 418.
47. Council of Constance, Session 8; 4, May 1415.
48. www.catholicplanet.com/CMA/index.htm, Summary of “Correct” Doctrine.
49. Pius XI, Caritate Christi, May 3, 1932, (A.A.S., Vol. XX-IV, 1932, p. 19
50. The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 1, p. 182.
51. Father Louis Kondor, Editor, Fatima In Lucia’s Own Words, Lucy’s Fourth
Memoir, p. 109; see also John de Marchi, I.M.C., The True Story of Fatima, p. 41
52. The Fatima Crusader, Issue 49 (http://www.fatimacrusader.com/cr49/toc49.
asp; see also The Five First Saturdays at http://www.fatima.org/essentials/mess
age/default.asp; to order, contact Servants of Jesus and Mary, 4552 Kraft Road,
Fort Erie. ON L2A 4M7, Canada).
53. Kondor, op. cit., p. 109; see also Rev. J. Da Cruz, More About Fatima, p
. 69 (Translated by Rev. Fr. V. Montes de Oca, C.S.Sp.).
54. The Imitation of Christ, Book III, Chapter 47, No.3.

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