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Concordia University Texas

Fundamentals of Communication
COM 1300-4
Spring 2016

T/TH 9:00am 10:15am

Room: D-224

Prairie L. Burgess, Ed.D.
Email: prairie.burgess@concordia.edu
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:00am-9:00am, RM C-176
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:45am-12:30pm, RM C-176
Or by appointment

Wood, J. T. (2015). Communication in our lives (7th Ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Fundamentals of Communication (COM 1300) is designed to help students perceive and experience the multifaceted presence of communication in life, and gain self-confidence and basic proficiency expressing
themselves in different contexts using a variety of media. No Prerequisite

The goals, objectives, and teaching strategies of the course are guided by love, intellectual integrity,
understanding, faith, forgiveness, humility, moral integrity, charity, awareness of self and others.
1. Cognitive Objectives
As cognitive objectives, students will:
a. Think through speech topics logically.
b. Analyze audiences.
c. Recognize the interaction between media, society and culture.
d. Perceive strengths and deficiencies of media channels.
e. Identify and work on communication deficiencies.
2. Affective Objectives
As affective objectives, students will:
a. Work through anxieties about public speaking.
b. Develop sensitivity to needs of different audiences.
c. Accept responsibilities for content and style of communication acts.
3. Psychomotor Skills
As psychomotor skills objectives, students will:
a. Develop sensitivity to needs of diverse audiences.
b. Deliver speeches with confidence and without distractions.
c. Listen to others speeches and develop balanced critiques.
d. Adapt content and delivery to various communication purposes & environments.
e. Apply content to multiple communication channels using everyday media technology.
f. Develop the ability to communicate orally.

Students will be required to participate in classroom discussions and activities, complete

readings, exams, research on speech topics, preparation and delivery of informative,
persuasive, and special occasion speeches, as well as the preparation and presentation of visual
aids. Requirements for specific assignments will be provided in-depth with each assignment rubric.
It is important to note that this is not a public speaking course, but rather a fundamentals of communication,
meaning we will cover a vast array of concepts related to communication including; verbal and nonverbal
communication, interpersonal communication, group communication, culture, media, and yes, public speaking.

Computer with internet access, particularly access to Blackboard
CTX email address that you check regularly
Paper and writing utensils for each class
Suggested materials: A binder or notebook with pockets & and thumbdrive.
COURSE EXPECTATIONS (in addition to the objectives listed above)
Simple Respect: no phones, chatting during class, using computers/tablets for non-class specific activities, etc.
Open-mindedness: willingness to share personal opinions and agreeing to disagree as needed.
Introspective Respect: using appropriate language, sharing thoughts, engaged listening, etc.
Personal Responsibility: being prepared, turning in assignments on time, paying attention, etc.



This is a course about communication; therefore, being present in class and able/willing to communicate is a requirement.
I will keep attendance records and will note if you consistently do not engage in the classroom activities and discussions.
Your consistent attendance is important for your learning success. In a nutshell, show up to class on time and be ready
and willing to participate.
If you attend all class meetings and participate in discussions and activities, I will add up to 15 points to your point total
at the end of the course. These are extra points so you will not have points taken from you, but they can help make a
difference at the end of the semester if you get them all. In order to get a full 15 point bonus, you need to miss no more
than 2 classes and actively participate in the classroom activities/discussions.
Keep in mind that arriving late or leaving early is not considered good attendance.
As a rule, late assignments will not be accepted. Exceptions may be allowed for special circumstances (as approved by
the instructor, based on a case-by-case situation). You are responsible for getting assignments turned in, even if you have
to miss class.
NO assignment will be accepted after 1 week of the original due date.
All accepted late assignments will have a penalty deduction between 10%-20% depending on time frame.
Exams: Exams will only be allowed to be made up for special circumstances. You must contact me to make up the exam
and make arrangements to do so. Make-up exams must be taken with 3 days of the missed exam.
Quizzes: I do not allow make-up quizzes (if it is a school related absence and you notify me IN ADVANCE you will be
allowed to take quizzes you miss).
Speeches: This is not a public speaking course, but giving speeches is a required component. Missing a speaking
assignment requires official documentation to be made up. Not being prepared is not a valid excuse.
Without some sort of official documentation, you will not be allowed to make-up the speech and you will receive a
zero for that assignment.
To be allowed to make a speech up:
You must communicate with me directly not send a message with someone. (Email is accepted as long as it is in
advance of the speaking time).
You must be able to send in your speaking materials (final speaking outline and any speaking aid) on the day you were
expected to speak to show evidence that you were ready.
You are responsible for talking to me to set a new time to give your speech and it must be done within one week of the
original speaking date.
If you are missing more than 1 assignment, you will no longer be eligible for an A in the course.
Cell phones must be silenced and put away during class. I will call you out if you are on your phone in class. If phone
usage becomes excessive, I will ask you to leave.
Laptops, tablets, and iPads will be permitted in class to take notes, but will not be allowed for non-class related use. If
caught abusing this privilege, you will lose the right of that privilege.



Sleeping during class is considered rude. Feel free to bring something to eat and/or drink to class to help you stay awake if
that is a problem for you (no illegal substances).
You are expected to be courteous during all classmate speeches. It is important that you avoid distracting the speaker and
be respectful. If you distract the speaker with an avoidable distraction or behave in a rude manner, you will receive
a penalty of 10% on YOUR grade for that speech assignment. Avoidable distractions or rude behavior include:
Being on your phone
Using any other type of electronic device (computers, iPads, etc.)
Working on assignments/projects
Talking to your classmates or audibly mumbling your thoughts about the speech
Exiting or entering the room (wait outside till the speaker is finished)
Any intentional behavior to disrupt the speaker
Attire is important in public speaking so when we have a presentation in this class, you need to dress appropriately. The
general rule is one step above the regular average attire.
Appropriate speaking dress is: slacks, skirts, clean jeans, nice tops, etc. NO hats or caps will be allowed during a speech
(this applies to both genders).
This policy only applies to our 3 major speeches/presentations: informative, persuasive, and the group presentation.
Not following this policy without discussing a specific situation with me will result in a 5% grade penalty on that


All out-of-class assignments must be submitted to Blackboard. If you are having difficulties with the Blackboard system,
you may email me your assignment. By doing this, I will not count it late if it is before the deadline, but I will not grade
it until it is submitted to Blackboard. If it is not in Blackboard within 2 days (but you did email the assignment by
the deadline), it will result in a 10% deduction on the assignment.
You should call the Help Desk for assistance with the technological aspects of Blackboard.
Out-of-class work must be submitted in a .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .rtf formats. I will not accept any other type.
All work outside of class must have good form, grammar, and spelling. Excessive bad grammar will affect your grade.
Always have someone proof your papers before you submit them.
Cover sheets are not required for written assignments, but you must include your name, assignment title, and the course
number at the top of the first page.
Use standard fonts (Arial, Times, Times New Roman) & font sizes between 11 & 12 point sizes.
Assignments that do not include academically cited sources (if required) will not be graded until the sources are formatted
correctly. Any assignment submitted without proper citations will have an automatic 5% deduction.
Assignments requiring references, or anytime you use material that is not your original work,
must follow a standard academic format for the references. Internet sources are to be treated like any other source
and must be cited appropriately. Examples of proper APA citations can be found online (the following is a good
site to use: http://www.psywww.com/resource/APA%20Research%20Style%20Crib%20Sheet.htm)
Examples (these are also guide books for the two most common styles of academic citations):
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.).
Washington, D.C.: Author.
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York: Modern Language Association,
Persuasion Contagion If you choose to compete in the competition, you can earn 15 bonus points. You do not have to
advance to the final round to get the points; you only have to give your well-developed presentation at the preliminary
round on Thursday, March 31st (12-12:50pm). **If you cannot participate in this event you can attend an alternate event
and write a review of it (COMM Connection, February 25th, 12-12:50) for extra credit. You can only do ONE of these for
points in this class.
Everyone in enrolled in a Fundamentals of Communication course is required to attend the Persuasion Contagion Final
Round (Tuesday, April 5th, 12-12:50pm).

Informative Speech Draft Outline You are not required to submit a draft outline for your Informative Speech;
however, you will be given 5 bonus points if you do submit one by the deadline (plus it will help your overall speech).
It is expected that you will come to every class prepared. You must have the assigned materials for each class read; and
have formulated thoughts and responses from those readings. You should demonstrate strong preparation and
professionalism based on your understandings from the readings.
Concordia students are expected to practice academic integrity at all times. This includes but is not limited to not cheating
on an exam, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work. Academic work
submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, research, or self-expression. It is the official policy of Concordia
University Texas that all acts or attempted acts of alleged academic dishonesty, whether at the graduate or undergraduate
level, be reported to the Chief Academic Officer by way of the Dean of the respective school within which the course is
If you use an idea, a phrase, an illustration anything thats not your original contribution you must acknowledge the
source, even when speaking. Failure to do so is an act of plagiarism. You must include citations in both written and
spoken work (this will be covered in class). You may use either APA or MLA style for written citations.
Academic dishonesty in this class will result in a meeting with me to discuss the degree of dishonesty and result in a zero
for that assignment. Additionally, the student in violation will receive a grade no higher than a C for the course and be
required to write a 3-5 page paper with sources on academic dishonesty. Failure to write the sanctioned paper will result
in an automatic F for the course.
Concordia University Texas makes every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities
according to federal guidelines. If you have been diagnosed with a disability that may affect your academic performance,
please make me aware of your condition as soon as possible. Students desiring accommodations are required to submit
documentation to verify eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Students may request accommodation through the Student Success Center (512) 313-5031. All students in our courses
must meet the same grading criteria, but I am happy to work with all students to develop strategies for success in the
Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in class. In any classroom situations that includes discussion and
critical thinking, there are bound to be many differing viewpoints. These differences enhance the learning experience and
create an atmosphere where students and instructors alike will be encouraged to think and learn. On sensitive and volatile
topics, students may sometimes disagree not only with each other but also with the instructor. It is expected that faculty
and students will RESPECT the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions. Disrespectful and hateful
language WILL NOT be tolerated in this class. Nor will violent and/or threatening conduct be tolerated.

Your Professor
Student Success Center

Peer Tutoring

CTX Counseling Center
Career Services
Student Central

The Writing Center

Faculty Advisors

Help Desk

Email me: prairie.burgess@concordia.edu

Office Hours: C-176
T/TH: 8:00am-9:00am & 11:45am-12:30pm
Services for Students with Disabilities: Concordia University Texas makes
every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities
according to federal guidelines. Website
Study Skills Online Resources: information about study skills, time
management and more. Website
Peer Tutors are fellow Concordia students who have successfully completed the
courses they are tutoring. Website
COM 1300 Fundamentals of Communication Peer Tutors
Natasha Deveau
737-704-1675 Natasha.deveau@ctx.edu
John Farren
512-828-9507 John.farren@ctx.edu
Ashley Myers
314-258-2017 Ashley.myers@cts.edu
Any questions regarding library resources and research help by phone, email,
text, or 24/7 chat service. Website
The Counseling Center is committed to providing a place for healing and growth
for the students of CTX. Please contact us for more information or to schedule
an appointment. Website
Whether you are looking for a part-time job or internship to gain experience, or
full-time employment, we can help. Website
The team of Student Support Coordinators assists traditional undergraduate
students with any questions or problems regarding financial aid, registration,
student accounts, and any other area to improve your college experience.
Student can get help at various stages of writing, from brainstorming ideas to the
finishing touches on the conclusion. Website
Academic Advising will provide students with the tools and suggestions needed
to make well thought out informed decisions regarding their academic careers. If
you do not know who your Faculty Advisor is, you can go to Student Central to
find out.
We provide media services, technical support, and information services as part of
Information Technology at CTX. Website





Public Speaking Assignments (37.5%)

Informative Speech


Persuasive Speech


Group Media Project & Presentation


Public Speaking Support Assignments (14%)

Classmate Critiques


Informative Speech Research Assignment


Persuasive Draft Speech Outline


Written Paper Assignments (11%)

Communication Self-Analysis Paper


The Listening Gift Paper


Exams & Quizzes (37.5%)

Quizzes (10 quizzes, 10 pts ea.)


Exam #1


Exam #2




Grade Point Breakdown: Total points you need to get the grade
720 - 800 = A
640 - 719 = B
560 - 639 = C
480 -559 = D
479 & Below = F
What you need to know about grades:
You will receive the grade you earn in this course. We are using a point system so that means the final course grade will
be based on the points youve earned, not the percentage it equals. I determine rounding up points based upon overall
attendance, participation, and attitude in the course.
Keep in mind that an A reflects work that excels; B reflects above average work; C reflects average work; D reflects
below average work; F work that has not met the requirements of the course.

Assignment Descriptions
All assignments will have a grading rubric on Blackboard with detailed instructions
Informative Speech (100 points):
This speech must be informative in nature and can be over any topic you choose. It must be 5-7 minutes in length and
include a speaking aid of your choice. You must include at least 4 sources used to support your topic both verbally in
your speech and on your outline. A finalized, typed key-word outline is required on the day you speak.
Persuasive Speech (100 points):
This speech must be persuasive in nature and be of a controversial nature. You will be provided a list of topics to
choose from early in the semester. Your speech must be 5-7 minutes in length. A technology-related speaking aid is
required. You must include at least 5 scholarly sources in your speech and on your outline. A finalized, typed keyword outline is required on the day you speak.
Group Media Project & Presentation (100 points):
This assignment will be to assess your competency using and understanding media to communicate. You will divide
into self-chosen groups early in the semester. As a group you will choose a source of electronic media (TV show,
movie, news program, radio show, etc.). A representative from your group will pick from the hat a set of
communication topics that you must find in your media source and explain. Your group should demonstrate a strong
understanding of how groups work, the communication topics you need to cover, and how to use media as well as what
media does/communicates to its audiences. The grade for this assignment is split 60% individual and 40% group.
Classmate Critiques (20 points):
You will be required to submit critiques of your classmates speeches (a guide for the critique will be provided). These
will be done in class while your classmates are speaking.
Informative Speech Research Activity (40 points):
You will complete a research activity related to your persuasive speech topic. This activity will help you (1) identify
multiple sources of reference and (2) gather quality resources for your speech. You will be provided a sheet with
detailed instructions.
Persuasive Draft Speech Outline (50 points):
This outline will be done in a sentence outline format. You will be required to turn in a tentative, but working outline
prior to giving your speech. I will return it to you with my notes to help you develop and deliver a stronger speech.
You need to have this outline as complete as possible, including references.
Communication Self-Analysis Paper (50 points):
In a 3-4 page paper, you will analyze your own communication style. You will need to include the following aspects:
an introduction and conclusion, discussion of your personal growth as a communicator, discussion of things you have
learned throughout the semester in relation to your personal communication styles, and an overall effective written
communication style.
The Listening Gift Paper (40 points):
For this activity, you will seek out someone and ask them to tell you a story from their lives. You will need to be an
effective and engaged listener so that you write a reflection of the experience, focusing on your listening skills in the
Quizzes (10 quizzes, 10 pts. ea.)
You will take 10 quizzes throughout the semester that will cover the material from your textbook. You will take these
quizzes at the start of class so you need to read the material in the textbook. Quizzes are 10 multiple choice questions. I
have noted the quiz dates in the syllabus.
Exam #1 & Exam #2 (100 points ea.):
Exam #1 will cover chapters 1,2,3,5,7,12,13,14,15. Exam #2 will cover chapters 4,6,8,9,10,11,16. Each exam will
consist of multiple choice questions and short answer questions. Material will cover both lectures in class and
information from your textbook. I will provide a topic review sheet prior to each exam.

Fundamentals of Communication
Course Schedule (1300-4)
Note that we will not be following the same order of the textbook.



1/12 T

Class Introduction

Read Chapter 1

1/14 TH

Chapter 1 (Intro to Communication)

Read Chapter 2

1/19 T

Chapter 2 (Perception) QUIZ

Read Chapter 3

1/21 TH
1/26 T

Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Identity)
Chapter 3

Read Chapter 7

1/28 TH

Chapter 7 (Culture) QUIZ

2/2 T

Chapter 7

Read Chapter 13

2/4 TH

Chapter 13 (Research) QUIZ

2/9 T
2/11 TH

Chapter 12 (Planning)
Chapter 14 (Organizing Speeches) QUIZ
Chapter 16 (Persuasive Speaking)

Read Chapters 12 & 14

BB DUE: Research Assignment, SUNDAY, 7th
Read Chapter 16

2/16 T

Chapter 16 QUIZ

2/18 TH

Chapter 9 (Groups) QUIZ

Chapter 10 (Organization)
Exam #1
(Chapters 1,2,3,7,12,13,14,16)
Persuasive Outline/Group Workshop
Sign up for persuasive speaking days
Chapter 5 (Verbal) QUIZ

Prepare for Exam #1

Prepare persuasive speeches

3/15 T

Persuasive Speeches (Final Outlines)

Classmate Critiques
Persuasive Speeches (Final Outlines)
Classmate Critiques
Persuasive Speeches (Final Outlines)
Classmate Critiques

3/17 TH


Read Chapter 4

3/22 T

Chapter 4 (Listening)

Read Chapter 6

3/24 TH

Chapter 6 (Nonverbal) QUIZ

3/29 T

Chapter 8 (Relationships) QUIZ

Read Chapter 8
BB DUE: Listening Gift Paper, SUNDAY, 27th
Read Chapter 15

3/31 TH

Chapter 8
Chapter 15 (Informative Speaking)
Must attend Persuasion Contagion instead

2/23 T
2/25 TH
3/1 T
3/3 TH
3/8 T
3/10 TH

4/5 T
4/7 TH

Chapter 11 (Media) QUIZ

BB DUE: Draft Persuasive Outline, SUNDAY,

February 14th
Read Chapters 9 & 10

Read Chapter 5
Prepare persuasive speeches

Prepare persuasive speeches



Read Chapter 11

4/12 T

Informative Outline Workshop

Group Presentation Workshop
4/14 TH
Informative Speeches (Final Outlines)
Classmate Critiques
4/19 T
Informative Speeches (Final Outlines)
Classmate Critiques
4/21 TH
(Chapter 4,5,6,8,9,10,11,16)
4/26 T
FINALS 9:30-11:30
**March 21st: Last day to withdraw

*NOTE: Extra 5 points if you complete the

Informative outline.
BB DUE: Self-Analysis Paper, SUNDAY 6th
Prepare for Exam #2


See the syllabus for more specific details.
Final Grade Points Breakdown
720 - 800 = A
640 - 719 = B
560 - 639 = C
480 -559 = D
400 & Below = F

Miscellaneous Policies
Good attendance & participation will earn you up to 15 bonus points on your final total for the course.
Cannot miss more than 2 classes to get the full 15 bonus points.
Cell phones must be put away during class.
Your attire must be performance-ready on speech days. If you are not in appropriate speaking attire,
you will receive a 5% deduction on your speech.
If you are caught plagiarizing or cheating, you will receive a zero for that assignment and be required to
write a paper on academic dishonesty in order to be eligible for a C for the course. If the paper is not
written, you will receive an F for the course.
Final date to withdraw from the course is March 21st.
Communicate with me regarding any potential problems with the course as soon as possible.
You are expected to be respectful of each other and the professor (and I will do the same in turn).
You are responsible for the material in the syllabus, including keeping track of when assignments
are due. I will discuss assignments in class and do my best to remind you of all upcoming quizzes, but
ultimately it is your responsibility to keep track of assignment deadlines and quiz dates as well as any
other requirements detailed in the syllabus.
Assignment Overview
All out-of-class assignments will be submitted through Blackboard.
An assignment will not be graded until it is uploaded to Blackboard.
Written assignments are expected to be formatted as directed in the syllabus.
No late assignments allowed.
If you are missing more than 1 assignment, you will no longer be eligible for an A in the course.
Assignments that do not include academically cited sources (if required) will not be graded until the
sources are formatted correctly. Any assignment submitted without proper citations will have an
automatic 5% deduction.
To make up an exam, you must provide a valid excuse and make arrangements with me to take the
To make up a speech, you must provide documented information regarding your absence and make
arrangements with me to make up the speech.
Bonus Points (35 points total)
Attendance/Participation points: up to15 points added at the end of the semester for good attendance and
active participation. To get the full 15 points, you cannot miss more than 2 classes and must be engaged
in the classroom the majority of the semester.
Persuasion Contagion: 15 points for participating in the preliminary round of the Persuasion Contagion
(or alternate activity)
Informative Speech Draft Outline: 5 points for completing a well-developed draft outline for the
informative speech and meeting with me during the in-class outline workshop.

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