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Conquering the

Command Line
With ZSH
Fabian Kislat
DESY IceTray Seminar
Dec 01, 2009

What is ZSH?

Dec 01, 2009

A Unix shell

bash like syntax

Standard Login shell for users in Zeuthen

Very customizable

Will focus on using zsh

Not shell programming in general

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH

Today's Topics

Dec 01, 2009

Configuring the shell

Functions, scripts and autoload

Useful keyboard shortcuts



Parameter Expansion

A little shell scripting

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH

Part I:
Configuring the Shell

The startup files

Three startup files: .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc
All shells
On the batch farm
When running scripts
Login shell?


Interactive shell?


Logout file: .zlogout

Important: No output in .zshenv!

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH

In an xterm


Default keybindings mode: emacs

Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Y, Alt+d,

Dec 01, 2009

Other useful keys:

Alt+q Interrupt current command
Good for a 'man' while
typing a long line
Ctrl+Z Suspend current job,
continue in background
with bg
Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH

Defining Keybindings

Use bindkey to create custom keybindings

bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char

Command names as in emacs

Use read to find the in-string

Change to vi keymap: bindkey -v

Dec 01, 2009

You can use bindkey to create and manage

your own keymaps
Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH

Alias and Function

Don't type more than you need to: alias

Example: alias ll=ls -lh

Dec 01, 2009

Shell is a programming language

Supports functions
function foo {
# commands

foo () {
# commands

Very much like a shell script

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH

Functions Vs. Scripts


Parsed when defined

Many functions in startup file slow down
shell startup


Dec 01, 2009

Runs in current shell

Can modify current context

Runs in sub-shell
Cannot influence current shell
Full shell startup processed when run
Does not affect startup of your shell
Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


Can we have the best of both worlds?

Enter: Autoload

autoload foo
Now foo is loaded on demand,
i.e. when run the first time
Runs in current shell

No shell startup initialization

Can modify current context

Parsed when needed

Dec 01, 2009

Small influence on startup time

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH



How to do that?
Write a script (e.g. called foo),
put it into some directory (often ~/.zfunc)
Add directory to the FPATH list:

Autoload it: autoload foo

Now you can use it

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH



You can customize ZSH using setopt and

Example: unsetopt sh_word_split
Options are case insensitive and _ is ignored:
shwordsplit, ShWordSplit,
are equivalent

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH



Allow extending the zsh features

Are written in C (binary modules!)

Load them with zmodload

Dec 01, 2009

Useful in scripts:
zmodload zsh/mathfunc
Makes mathematical functions available
I would load them only when needed
Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


Sample Startup Files


Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


Part II:
Interactive Features

Shell History

Type or to scroll through history

Use Ctrl+R to search your history

Dec 01, 2009

Set the variables HISTSIZE and

SAVEHIST to control how many lines
or history are stored
Variable HISTFILE controls where the
history is stored

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


More History

Control how commands are stored:

setopt hist_ignore_dups
Ignore duplicate lines
setopt hist_ignore_space
Ignore lines starting with whitespace when saving
Many more options

Access history:

!! entire last command

!$ last command argument

Useful: bindkey ' ' magic-space

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH



You can modify the result you get from

the shell history:

:h Head, only the directory

:t Tail, only the file name

:r Path without extension


$ echo foo/bar.txt
$ echo !$:t

Also used in globbing and parameter expansion

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH



Eh? What's that?

Automatic generation of file lists, e.g. *

? matches a single character

* matches any number of characters (including .)

including no characters
** matches any number of directories including
the current directory

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH



Match groups: [abc], [[:alpha:]],

(Think of regular expressions)
Match numbers:
<10-15> matches 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
<1-10> matches 1, 2, 3, but also 01, 02, ...
You can use Modifiers.
Example: echo */*.root(:t)
(:h) and (:t) replace dirname and basename

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH



Dec 01, 2009

Group patterns (back referencing!):

(pat) matches pat
(pat1|pat2) matches pat1 or pat2
Glob qualifiers:

(/) match directories

(.) match plain files

(D) also match hidden files

Extend the possibilities with

setopt extended_glob
Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


Part III:

Parameter Expansion

Use it: echo ${var} or echo $var

You can use modifiers: ${file:t}

Dec 01, 2009

Define a variable: var=value

No spaces around =

Remove pattern from

You can nest this:

length of var

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


Parameter Expansion II

Some expansions modify the variable

Dec 01, 2009

e.g. ${var:=str}
$var if set else str and set var to it

Useful to set default values:

would produce the command line:
error, command not found
Prepend a colon to suppress execution
: ${var:=default}
Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


Using the output of a command

Dec 01, 2009

Get the output of command:

`command` or $(command)
Get current directory:
Get directory where script is located:
mydir=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd)
Read a file as an array (one item per line):
Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


Shell Variables

$# number of parameters (script, function)

$* all parameters

$0 name of script, function

$? return value of last command

Basename of this script: ${0:t}

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH



Create an array: array=(a b c d)

Use it: echo ${array[1]} a

Dec 01, 2009

Split variable to array on new line:

Now you can read a file:
Parameter modifiers work per element:
Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH



One more thing on arrays:

Link them with a scalar, like PATH,
declare -T LD_LIBRARY_PATH \
If either is modified, the other changes as well
Local variables (useful in functions):
local x=5

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


Useful References

ZSH reference card:


ZSH texinfo manual:


The book
O. Kiddle, J. Peek, and P. Stephenson, From
Bash to Z Shell Conquering the Command Line,

Dec 01, 2009

Fabian Kislat - Conquering the Command Line With ZSH


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