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IXX 19411961
Source: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 20, INDEX TO THE
(1961), pp. i-xvi, 1-454
Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Society of Architectural
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VOLUMES I-XX 1941-1961



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rector's meeting in Cleveland on January 29,1959. Journal Editor Paul Nor

One of the
an Index
to the
at aa gen
"the twentieth
be aJournal
good time
eral index." Much discussion took place at that meeting, but no action was taken.
Looking back, it seems most unlikely that the project, first discussed in Cleveland,

was to grow to such enormous proportions over the years, involving hours of discus
sion, years of labor, and many individuals.
As so often in human enterprises, the Board of Directors changed its collective
mind many times as to the intent and probable use of the Index. At first, they planned
a modest thirty-two pages which could be bound with a Journal issue, rather than a
separate hard-cover volume as the College Art Association had done earlier.
The board decided to ask Ruth Cook (1891-1966), Librarian of the School of Ar
chitecture at Harvard, to prepare the Index and she agreed to do so. One of the reasons
for the choice was that she was a founder member of the Society and for many years

the bibliographical editor.

In 1938, Miss Cook and nine others at the Harvard School of Architecture dis
cussed the formation of a society which came into being two years later as The Ameri

can Society of Architectural Historians, now the Society of Architectural Historians.

Upon her retirement from Harvard, Miss Cook began work on the Index as then
projected by the Society. However, while she was working on the agreed format, she
fell ill and died in 1966.

In the meantime, Charles E. Peterson had urged that something more elaborate
was needed, but when he, Robert Branner, and Harley McKee proposed that the
Index should include all proper nouns, place-names, and general subjects, the Direc
tors tabled the idea.

It so happened that during the time of my Presidency, I moved to Chicago and

approached John Entenza of The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the

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Fine Arts, and asked for a grant to help the project. He gave us much good counsel and
a grant of $2,500, later increased to $2,855.
Over the years, the Graham Foundation has been extremely patient as the Society
changed the direction of the Index.
In 1964 the board decided to ask Shirley Branner to prepare an entirely different

type of Index incorporating new technology. She has described this in her Preface.
As will be seen when the Index concept changed dramatically, something far more
elaborate, difficult, and complicated was undertaken, requiring more extensive finan
cial help which came from several sources. They are: The Edgar J. Kaufmann Chari

table Foundation, $7,500; The Samuel H. Kress Foundation, $2,855; The Graham
Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, $2,855, for a total of $13,210,

which was matched by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The latter grant

was for the estimated costs of computerization of the Index. Expenses were higher
than anticipated and the National Endowment for the Humanities subsequently made
a supplementary award of $8,000. These foundations and the National Endowment
for the Humanities, of course, can not be held responsible for the material published


The Society of Architectural Historians is grateful for all the devoted and effective
work of these two distinguished but dissimilar women, to the officers and directors
during these years, and to the foundations and the National Endowment for the Hu

manities who together have made it possible.

This extraordinary effort made it feasible for a historical society to produce a

pioneer Index using new technology for the advancement of knowledge.

The Art Institute of Chicago


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Architectural Historians were simple and unequivocal. The aim of the Society
The directions
given me in 1964 by the Index Committee of the Society of
was access to all the information contained in the first twenty years of its Jour
nal, and the guiding rule was completeness. The indexer was to exercise no value judg
ments or selectivity regarding the references to be indexed, and, in the interest of speed,
was to undertake no research to verify authors' statements. In short, the indexer was
charged with producing in book form a tool that would show where to find who said

what about anything.

In the course of the nine years since I undertook the project, the Society's original

goal was broadened to include computer retrieval capability and, through computer
ization, the possibility of cumulating successive Journal indexes with the first Twenty
Year Index. For these aspects of the Society's aims, the directions were far less precise.

This was a new field in which there were neither guidelines nor precedents for "in
depth" computerization in the humanities.
In the actual production of the Index, the original twofold goal (completeness and

no research) turned out to be somewhat contradictory, and the added goal of com
puterization complicated immeasurably my original approach to the creation of the
present volume. In the next few pages, I shall try to elucidate some of the problems
that were posed and my solutions to them, and to offer some suggestions for the most

effective use of the Index.

Following the rule of completeness, every article, book review, letter to the editor,
and SAH News section of the first twenty years of the Journal was read and indexed.

Cards were made for each building, person, book, article, and subject mentioned in
the text or footnotes, whether related to architecture or any other field, and subse
quently interfiled in a single alphabet. The only items for which cards were not made

were purely bibliographical footnote citations. To observe the dictum of "no re

search," the entries were taken down literally as given by the authors.

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It was natural in a journal devoted essentially to one field for many of the same
names and subjects to occur repeatedly, and before long a compromise regarding the
literal transcription of the authors' words and a modification of the "no research"
principle had to be made. Authors frequently used different terminology for the same
subjects, or spelled names differently, or made incomplete or ambiguous references
which, while incidental to the main thrust of their own articles, required clarification
for indexing purposes. Typographical errors, especially in the early, mimeographed
volumes produced during World War II, contributed generously to these difficulties.
In the case of terminology for subject headings, it was a simple matter to select one
form and refer from all others, and the reader will find a liberal use of cross references.

My criterion for selection, when it was not purely arbitrary, was to prefer the forms

used most frequently by the authors themselves. Thus Ideal cities prevails over Uto
pias, and Skyscrapers over Tall buildings. Often, however, the references were to close

ly related but not identical subjects. Lists of subject headings known to me, such as
Art Index, the Avery Library periodical index, or those published by the Library of
Congress, were not adequate to the depth of indexing required in the highly concen
trated field of the SAH Journal. Rather than impose upon the authors' references a
terminology that was universally applicable but not invariably exact, I preferred to
make compound subject headings that embraced a variety of similar or closely related
concepts. Thus the Index includes many headings such as Hotels and Inns, and Mauso
leums, Sepulchral monuments, Tombs, etc. There are, in addition, separate headings for
less closely related subjects, with numerous see also references between them.
Less simple to resolve without research were discrepancies in the names of persons

or buildings. My natural curiosity would not permit me to accept two successive en

tries, for example : Lienau, Detlef, and Lienau, Ratlief, without a rapid check to see if
they actually referred to two people. Nor was I able to suppress a desire to verify the
identity of four cast-iron faaded banks in two different cities, all attributed to John

Haviland, when I saw that I had made cards reading:

Pottstown, Pa. Pttsville, Pa.

Farmers' and Miners' Bank, 1830 Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, 1830
Pottstown, Pa. Pottsville, Pa.

Miner's Bank, 1828 Miners' Bank, 1829-30

Selecting one form and making cross references from the other three was not possible
without verifying my suspicions that they were identical, or determining the correct
location and name of the bank.
Particularly frustrating were multiple cards with the same common surname with
out given names, followed by cards with the same surname with given names; some of
them would undoubtedly prove to be identical after a bit of checking. I was reluctant
to let such surnames remain unidentified, but references to Clark, Hunt, and Morris

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could not automatically be assumed to mean Sir Kenneth Clark, Richard Morris
Hunt, or William Morris. There were seven entries under Hunt without given name,
for example, but twelve Hunts with given name, to any or none of whom the former
could have referred.

Even more difficult to accept without some searching, were references by writers

who assumed on the part of the reader a familiarity with the material equal to their
own, and whose allusions were not precise enough for a less knowledgeable indexer. I
simply did not know how to use the authors' statements in the following examples :
.. it recalls the trilobed plan of... S. Maria in the Capitol...." ; and "In 1906... the
Queen had attended the opening of the Salon-restaurant of the theater." In the first

case, the church had to be identified since buildings were being entered under city.
Was "in the Capitol" part of the name of the building or an indication of its location?
And in the second example, I knew only that the lady in question was the Queen of
Spain. I had to find her name in order to enter it in the Index since neither Queen nor
Spain was satisfactory as a form of entry.
Eventually I established a modus operandi which I call, somewhat in imitation of a
Library of Congress cataloging procedure, "no research for no conflict." When the
authors' references did not conflict with other entries in the Index, or if they aroused
no suspicions as to the possibility of conflict, error, or duplication, they were allowed
to stand unaltered. When there was conflict or ambiguity, I did the minimum amount
of research to identify, distinguish, or verify the items in question. In some cases, a
great deal of research was necessaryin others very little. At no time, however, was
it my intention either to substantiate or repudiate the authors ; that was not my charge.

Nor should the user of this Index assume that the spelling, terminology, and attribu

tions are uniformly reliable as a result of my work. The Index is basically, as it was
intended to be, a tool showing where to find who said what about anything.
The influence of the computer in my establishment and organization of entries was
confined largely to punctuation and alphabetization, and in connection with them,
the arrangement and terminology of sub-headings. The logical sequence of entries and
the relation of main headings to each other, to modifying paragraphs or to sub-head
ings depended on coding such relationships into directions comprehensible to the
machine. These directions were communicated to the keypunchers via the index

cards through such means as alphabetically constructed (and sometimes awkwardly

phrased) subheadings and a variety of punctuation marks (commas, periods, semi
colons, colons, dashes) which, along with directions for diacritical marks and type
faces, were in turn translated for the benefit of the machine into numerical symbols.

The complications of this method of book-production were enormous, and my

confidence was at times badly shaken. Never shall I forget my dismay when, long after

I was assured that all the problems had been solved, a particular item appeared on a

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print-out as: zzzz (bad code). But this is not the place to describe in detail the
difficulties encountered or the frustrations of proofreading some six miles of print-out

none of which corresponded visually to the printed book I hoped would result. If
the layout of the pages and the unorthodox look of much of the spacing are less than
perfect, the faults are more than compensated for, I believe, by the existence of a tape
on which all the information has been stored and coded in such a way that future SAH

Indexes, and indeed indexes to other works, can be merged with it. Moreover, the
information can be retrieved, not only in the form in which the entries appear on the

printed pages, but by a variety of other approaches. The potential for its use in an
interdisciplinary, cooperative storage and retrieval program, a major goal of the So
ciety of Architectural Historians, remains to be explored.

In making the best use of this Index, a few of its characteristics should be kept in mind.

The Index is in dictionary form, using a word-by-word alphabetization based on

the Filing Rules for the Dictionary Catalogs of the Library of Congress (1956) and
modified by the ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards (2d. abridged ed., 1968), by the
Chicago University Press, A Manual of Style (12th ed., 1969), by the requirements of
the computer, and in many cases by my own predilections. In general, I would advise

the reader to scan a page rapidly to find an item which might not be filed in the ex
pected place, but his search should be facilitated if he bears in mind the following few

basic rules.

1. Articles at the beginnings of entries are disregarded for filing purposes except
when they are part of place names or personal names. In the latter cases an exception
is made to the word by word filing, and the compound name is treated as a single word.
Labacco The Ladies Home Journal

L'Abadie La Guaira, Venezuela

La Bruyre, Jean de The Lakeside Press

2. Entries using the same name or word follow the order of people, places, things
(the latter signifying inanimate objects, subjects, or titles).

Washington, George Washington, steamboat of 1816

Washington, D.C.
3. Umlauts are filed as if e follows the letters on which they appear.

Nuermberger Nuestra Senora de la Soledad

Nrnberg Null, Joseph

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4. M', Me, and Mac are interfiled as if spelled Mac.





Macrobius Madden

5. Initials or single-letter words written in capital letters, with or without periods,

precede longer words beginning with the same initial letter.

UNESCO U-shaped buildings

U.S. Housing Corp. Ubeda, Spain



Entries are made for structures under city, except for country houses, rural bridges,

or the like, which are entered directly by name. Additional entries are made under the
names of the architects, if known, and under the type of building, except for houses,
churches, or other forms occurring in such quantity as to be useless. Entries for the
Allegheny County Courthouse and Jail, for example, can be found under Pittsburgh,

Richardson, Courthouses, and Prisons.

Articles and books have entries under their authors, titles (if distinctive), review

ers, and subjects.

Art works and manuscripts can be found by name, by artist if known, and in many

instances, under the museums, libraries, or buildings in which they are located.


( ) are used, in addition to their usual manner as modifiers, after the names of
buildings or art works to enclose the names of the architects, builders, or artists to
whom they are attributed by the authors.
[ ] around page and illustration numbers indicate that the numbers were supplied
by the indexer. They are also used to enclose words supplied in titles of articles and
books or names of organizations. Names, phrases, and titles enclosed in brackets fol
lowing main or sub-headings are variant forms found in the Journal or elsewhere in the

course of my searches.
Multiple variants, as well as cross references to more than one subject heading, are
separated from each other by semi-colons.
Mount Locust [Ferguson (William) House ; Mound Plantation]
means that Mount Locust is the entry, and variant forms of the name of the plantation

are: Ferguson (William) House and Mound Plantation.


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Colons are used in entries being referred to, to separate main headings (in bold
face) from sub-headings.

Law and Legislation see Architects: Laws, Legal status, etc.;

Building Codes, Laws, Regulations, etc.
One is directed by this cross reference to look in the Index under the following entries :

Laws, Legal status, etc.


Building Codes, Laws, Regulations, etc.

Colons are also used to separate volume, issue, and page numbers from one an
other. All references to illustrations follow text references and are preceded by the
abbreviation illus. Thus XVI:4:9; illus. XVI:4:10 fig 2 means that the item in ques
tion is discussed on page 9 of issue 4 of volume 16, and there is an illustration of it,
figure 2, on page 10.

When, in 1964, Allen Brooks, the then President of the Society of Architectural His
torians asked me, on behalf of the Board of Directors, to index their Journal, I ac
cepted in the belief that I was making a commitment of about a year or two. Since then,

four succeeding PresidentsGeorge Tatum, Henry Millon, James O'Gorman, and

Alan Gowansand countless Board members have waited expectantly for its com
pletion. All have shown a keen interest in the project and done their best to help me,

and all have demonstrated a patience I can only call remarkable.

While the indexing was done entirely by me, I was assisted during various stages of

its organization and completion by numerous people. Dorothy Balogh, Shirley Dia
mond, Mira Gess, and Elsa Resnick all worked diligently and painstakingly to check
the accuracy of thousands of page and illustration numbers. Over the years, members

of the Index Committee have included Robert Branner, Howard Hibbard, Robert

Jorgensen, Henry Millon, Osmund Overby, Adolf Placzek, and Phoebe Stanton.
Their encouragement and advice have been of inestimable value. To Jane Davies, Ed
gar Kaufmann Jr., and Everard M. Upjohn I am greatly indebted for their willingness
to help me verify and organize the entries for Alexander Jackson Davis, Frank Lloyd

Wright, and Richard Upjohn, respectively. Special thanks go also to John M. Dickey
who, as a more than merely interested treasurer, was one of the first to urge the com

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puterization of the Index. Freeman Keith's good taste and knowledgeability in mat
ters of design and layout were invaluable gifts offered to me in my attempts to over
come the difficulties imposed by the computer. The programming was done by John

Macalino, and without his careful explanations and patience, the Index would still be
on cards.

Proofreading this Index proved to be a monumental task because of the role of the
computer in its composition. Some forty thousand sheets of print-out, bearing no re

semblance to the printed page, containing numbers and symbols that represented ac
cents, spacing, indentations, and distinctions between type faces, were proofread by
Rebecca Morris and Neville Thompson. My debt to them for their willingness to do a
very unpleasant job under pressure of time is very great indeed. To Neville, as well as

to Adolf Placzek and the staff of Avery Library, I owe a special word of thanks for
much help extended during the research stages of the project.
While I can take creditor blamefor the creation of the Index, two people are

actually responsible for its realization. As a President of SAH, later as a member of

the Index Committee, and finally as its Chairman, Henry Millon has shown a degree
of interest in and willingness to work for the Index, as well as a rational and quiet
competence for which I am profoundly grateful. And Robert Branner, one of the
original members of the Board responsible for the earliest decision to make a Twenty
Year Index, Chairman of the first Index Committee formed after I was asked to under

take the project, and of the subsequent Committees until the Index was ready for
publication, has been by my side throughout the entire project, advising and working

with me at every stage and asking only that the standards be kept high. I hope this
Index lives up to all their expectations and is the useful tool it was meant to be.

The City College of the

City University of New York


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Ala. Alabama

d. died

Ind. Indiana

apt. apartment

D.C. District of Columbia

D.R. Dominican Republic

infl. influence, influenced

Ariz. Arizona
Ark. Arkansas

introd. introduction

assoc. association

def. defined, definition

Del. Delaware

attrib. attributed, attribution

dept. department

Jap. Japan

Aus. Austria

descr. described; description

jr. junior

dr. doctor

jt. joint

B.W.I. British West Indies

ed. edited, edition, editor

Kan. Kansas

Berm. Bermuda

Engl. England; English

Ky. Kentucky

bibl. bibliography

engr. engraved, engraving,

Jam. Jamaica

b. born

biogr. biographer,
biographical, biography
bk. book

L.I. Long Island


enl. enlarged

La. Louisiana

erron. erroneous, erroneously

Lux. Luxembourg

fig. figure

Mass. Massachusetts

fl. flourished

Md. Maryland

bldr., bldg. builder, building

Bulg. Bulgaria

Me. Maine

Fla. Florida

c. century

Mex. Mexico

ca. circa

capt. captain ; caption

Ga. Georgia
gen. general
Ger. Germany

co. company; county

gov. governor

Col., col. Colombia ; colonel

gov't, government

Colo. Colorado

Gt. Brit. Great Britain

comp, compiled, compiler

Conn. Connecticut

111. Illinois

Calif. California
Can. Canada

corp. corporation
Czech. Czechoslovakia

mfr. manufacturer

Mich. Michigan
Minn. Minnesota

Miss. Mississippi
Mo. Missouri
Mont. Montana

ms., mss. manuscript, -s

illus. illustrated, illustration.

n, nn footnote, -s
N.C. North Carolina


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Tenn. Tennessee

N.D. North Dakota

pref. preface

N.H. New Hampshire

pres. president

Tex. Texas

N.J. New Jersey

prof, professor

transi, translated, translation,

N.M. New Mexico

pseud, pseudonym

N.Y. New York

R.I. Rhode Island

Neb. Nebraska

rf., refs. reference, -s

Neth. Netherlands

rev. review ; revised; reverend

Nev. Nevada

Rum. Rumania

no., nos. number, -s

Russ. Russia

O.T. Old Testament

S. San, Santa, Saint, -s, Sainte,

So, etc.

obit, obituary


Turk. Turkey

N.T. New Testament

U.N. United Nations

U.S. United States

V.l. Virgin Islands

Va. Virginia
vol., vols, volume, -s

Okla. Oklahoma

S.C. South Carolina

vs. versus

Ont. Ontario

S.D. South Dakota

Vt. Vermont

Or. Oregon

S.I. Staten Island

P.R. Puerto Rico

sec. secretary

Scot. Scotland

Pa. Pennsylvania

sen. senator

Pan. Panama

sr. senior

pi, pis plate, -s

Wash. Washington (State)

St. Saint; Street

Pol. Poland

Ste. Sainte

Port. Portugal

suppl. supplement
Switz. Switzerland

portr. portrait

W. Va. West Virginia

W.W. World War
Wis. Wisconsin

Wyo. Wyoming

Yugo. Yugoslavia


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ACLS see American Council of Learned Societies Abert, J. J., Col., VII:l/2:10n6
AIA see American Institute of Architects; American Abingdon, Va.
Institution of Architecture Church, XVIII:2:72

A. J. K., fl. 1834, XX:3:102 Abraham, Pol, VII:l/2:9; XX:4:200

APVA see Association for the Preservation of Virginia Abramovitz, Max see Harrison and Abramovitz
Antiquities Abrams, David, 20th c., of Baltimore, XIV:4:27

ASAH see Society of Architectural Historians Abrantes, Brazil see Espirito Santo, Brazil
ASCORAL see L'Assemble de Constructeurs pour une Abreu, Joo Nunes de
Renovation Architecturale Ceiling painting, Menino Deus, Lisbon, XV:3:21

A-frame principle, XIX:2:81 Abstraktion und Einfuehlung, by W. Worringen X:3:12

bo see Turku, Finland Abu-Bakr ibn-Muzhir Madrasah, Cairo, 111:4:41

Aachen [Aix-la-Chapelle] Academia de Ciencias, Spain, XVIII:2:42
Capitulaire d'Aix-la-Chapelle, 789 A.D., XVI:2:5 Academia Nacional de Belas Artes, Portugal
Cathedral, XIX:4:176 Inventrio artlstico de Portugal, XV:3:23 n25
Byzantine Artophorion, 111:4:35,36; illus. Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes, Argentina,
III:4:[32a] fig 6 111:4:49; V:[39]

Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, XX:2:87,88,89 Academic dissertations see Dissertations and theses
Statue of Charlemagne from, XVII: 1:22 Academical Village of T. Jefferson see Charlottesville,

Aahmes see Amasis Va.: University of Virginia

Aalto, Alvar, XVIII:3:115; XIX:2:87; XIX:3:126 Acadmie d'Architecture, XI:1:16; XVIII:2:61;
Furniture, XIX:3:126 XVIII:4:140,143

Home of, Helsinki, XVI:1:32 Acadmie de France, Rome see Rome (City)

Abadie, Paul, 1812-1884, 1:3/4:14; XIV:3:13 Acadmie des Beaux-Arts, 1:2:5; 1:3/4:8; XVII:1:22
Abattoirs Acadmie Franaise, 11:3:6; XIV:4:13; XV:2:3;
Lyons, France (T. Gamier), XIX:1:16 n2, 22 n37 XVII:1:22; XVIII:4:141; XX:2:93; XX:3:124

Abbas I [the Great], Shah of Persia, 111:4:47; Acadmie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, 1:2:4


Abbate, Signor, XIV:3:4 Europe, founding of, 1:2:3-6; 11:3:6; XIII:3:3

Abbey, fl. 1832 Acadie, Can. see L'Acadie
House of see Litchfield, Conn. Acapulco, Mex.

Abbey, 18th c. brig, XII: 1:22 Baillres (Raoul) House project (F. L. Wright),

Abbott, Daniel, 19th c XIII:3:17 XIX:3:130

Abbott, Lewis B. (see also Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch "Ace of clubs," house shape, XIX:4:180
and Abbott; Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Acero, Vicente, XIX:4:177
Abbott), XVII:3:25 Achaemenids, XII:4:5; XX:2:80
Abd al-Ghan Achardus, XVIII:4:166
Madrasah of see Cairo: Abd al-Ghan Madrasah Achmetha see Ecbatana

Abdu-l-Mejid, Sultan, provides ground for Crimean Achradina see Syracuse, Italy

War Memorial Church in Istanbul, XIX:4:159 Ackerman, James S., credits to (E. B. MacDougall

Abe, Kimimasa on Porta Pia), XIX:3:97 n, 100 nl6, 102 n22;

"Early Western Architecture in Japan," XIII:2:13-18 as Research Fellow at American Academy,

Abel, F. M. Rome, VIII: 1 /2:132

Jrusalem nouvelle (and L. H. Vincent), IV:3/4:4 "Architectural Practice in the Italian Renaissance,"

Ablard, Abb, XI:3:12,13; XIII:1:4,7 XIII:3:3-11

Abell, A. S., 19th c. owner of Sun Bldg., XV:4:16 The Cortile del Belvedere, XIV:1:31
Abercorn, Ga., settling of, XX:2:49 Rev. by D. R. Coffin, XIV:4:30-31
Abercrombie, Patrick, XVI:4:33; XVIII:3:76; Ackerman, Phyllis

XIX: 1:19 n20 "The Symbolic Sources of Some Architectural

Aberdeen granite, XIX:4:164 Elements," XII:4:3-7

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Ackerman - Adler and Sullivan

Ackerman, Rudolph, 11:3:27,28 Works

Acklen, fl. ca. 1850 The Education of Henry Adams, XII: 1:7
House of, Nashville, 11:2:33 Esther (by F. S. Compton, pseud.), XII: 1:9;




San Agustin Acolman History of the United States During the

Cloister, V:3 nl3 Administration of Jefferson and Madison,

Church, 16th c., V:40 Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres, XII: 1:7,12;
Acoustics, X:3:[31]; XII:1:24-31 passim XIII: 1:3-10
Acworth, Angus W., VI:3/4:37; VIII:3/4:66 Bibl. comp, by E. Scheyer, XIII:1:10
"Legal Protection of 'National Buildings,' " Adams (Henry) Fellowship, 1:1:24
VI:3/4:8-13 Adams, Mrs. Henry, d. 1885, XII:1:7,8,10,11
Adam, James Adams, J. T., XII:1:12
See also Adam Brothers Adams, J. W 19th c.

Works in Architecture (and R. Adam), XIX:4:184; Crystal Palace design, N.Y., XVI:1:17 nil
XX:3:118,126 Adams, John, brother of Henry Adams, XII: 1:10
Adam, John (see also Adam Style), XX: 1:24 Adams, John, U.S. Pres., family of, first to occupy East
Adam, Robert (see also Adam Brothers; Adam Style), Room at White House, XIII:2:3; offered
infl. in London, XX:3:134; debt to Palladio, President's house, Philadelphia, XII:2:27
XIX:4:136; G. A. Selva admiration for, Adams, John Quincy, IX:1/2:31
XIX:4:142; J. Summerson on (quote), XIII:4:32 Adams, Julius W.

Book Clay (Henry) Monument, Lexington, Ky., XI:4:19

Works in Architecture (and James Adam), Adams, M. B., XII:3:26
XIX:4:184; XX:3:118,126 Adams, S. C XIX:2:59 nl3
Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.) Adams, Thomas, 11:4:38

Kedleston, XX:1:26 Design of Residential Areas, XVIII:3:77-78

Mantel, XIII:2:6 Adams, William A., of Ohio, XII:2:15-18

Lansdowne House, London, XIII:2:7 Addams, Charles, XVII:3:35

Newby Hall Addams, Jane, XIX: 1:2; and Hull House,
Stoves, XX: 1:26 n27 XIX: 1:2,9 n22

Niche motif, XX: 1:26; illus. XX:3:134 fig 4 Addison, Agnes see Gilchrist, Agnes Addison
Stove designs, XX: 1:24,26 Addison Gallery of American Art [Additon Gallery]
Adam, William see Adam Brothers see Andover, Mass.
Adam Brothers (see also Adam, James; Adam, Robert; Addy, Sidney Oldall, XVII:2:22 n34
Adam Style), X:2:16; XIV:2:8; XVII:4:36; XX:1:24 Adelman, Benjamin
Syon House Laundry Plant of see Milwaukee
Redecoration of, XIV:3:3 Adena [Worthington (Thomas) Home] (B. H. Latrobe),
Adam Style (see also Adam, Robert; Adam Brothers), XII:2:25
11:1:35; 11:4:30; VI:3/4:18; VIII:3/4:25; IX:3:14; AdernO, Italy

X:2:16-18; X:4:24-27; XII:2:8,12; XIII:4:32; Church, IV:2:52

XX: 1:23,25; XX:3:122,136; illus. X:2:17; X:4:27; Adler, Dankmar (see also Adler and Sullivan),
XX:3:134 fig 4 accomplishments minimized, XIX:2:62; biogr.,

Adams, 19th c. IV:2:12; as businessman, IV:2:6; and Chicago

Houses of see Crockett, Tex.; Jasper, Tex. School, XI: 1:27; on electicism, XII:4:17; G. G.
Adams, Abigail, IX:4:22 Elmslie on, XX:3:141; as engineer, IV:2:6; use of
Adams, Brooks, XIII: 1:5,6 incandescent lights, III:4:[20a]; as consultant for

Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886, XII:1:7 the "McKinley Wigwam," St. Louis, X:3:[31]; H.

Adams, Henry, on railroad fever of 19th c XVII:4:38; Morrison on, XX:3:141,142; on steel and glass,

and H. H. Richardson, VIII:3/4:67; IX:l/2:35n3; XI:3:29; and L. Sullivan, IV:2:6,9; IX:l/2:30;

XII:1:7-12; XIII:1:3 n, 5; on St. Gaudens, XX:3:141,142; F. L. Wright on, XX:3:142

IX: 1/2:34; on L. Sullivan, XVII:2:30; on World's "Form Follows Function," XX:3:141
Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, IX:1/2:31 'The Influence of Steel Construction and Plate Glass

Articles on on the Development of a Modern Style,"

Scheyer, E. XX:3:142
"Henry Adams and Henry Hobson Adler, Friedrich, 1827-1908, 11:3:10
Richardson," XII:1:7-12 Adler, Leo, X:3:ll

"Henry Adams' Mont-Saint-Michel and Adler, Sara, daughter of Dankmar Adler, XX:3:141
ChartresXIII: 1:3-10 Adler and Sullivan (see also Adler, Dankmar; Sullivan,
House of see Washington, D.C.: Hay (John) House Louis H.), aesthetic solutions of, XII:3:31; G. G.
Elmslie in office of, XI:2:25; XIX:2:62-68; R. M.
Line preparing guide to work of, X:l:28;

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Adler and Sullivan - Ahmedabad

H. L. Ottenheimer in office of, XX:4:179; partnership, Adventure in Architecture; Building the New St. John's,

IV:2:6,9; partnership dissolved, 1895, XIX:2:63; with plans by M. Breuer, by W. S. Stoddard

use of power fans for moving air, III:4:[20a]; and Rev. by H. H. Hilberry, XVIII:l:34-35
skyscraper, XV:3:31; F. L. Wright in office of, Aediculae see Baldaquins, Canopies, Ciboria, etc.
111:4:52; XIX:2:62-63; XIX:3:129; XX:3:142 Aegina
Works Temple of Aphaia, XIII:4:4; XVI:4:33; XVII:1:33;
Auditorium Bldg., Chicago, 1:2:23; 11:3:33; XX:4:202; illus. XIII:4:4 fig 1
III:4:[20a]; IV:2:9,11; IX:l/2:29; XVII:2:30; Aelianus
XVIII:2:68; XX:1:16 Taktike Theoria, XX:2:[59]
Borden Block, Chicago, IX:l/2:30; XX:1:17-18 Aemilian Way [Via Aemila], VIII:3/4:31,32,37

Charnley (James) House, Chicago, XIII:1:22; Aeneas, VIII:3/4:29

XiX:2:63 Statue of, XIII:4:22

Garrick Theater Bldg. see Adler and Sullivan: Aeschi

Works: Schiller Bldg. Villa, VIII: 1/2:134

Guaranty Bldg. [Prudential Bldg.], Buffalo, Aeschylus [Aischylos], XIII:4:10

IV:2:9,12; IX:l/2:29; XII:3:31; XIX:2:63; Aesthetics see Philosophy
XX: 1:3,16,17,18; XX:3:142; illus. IV:2:19 Aet?a Iron Works> N Y ' XV:4:17
Heath (Ira A.) House, Chicago (attrib.), XX:3:142 Africa

Opera House, Pueblo, IV:2:9 Colonization, XX:2:51

Prudential Bldg. see Adler and Sullivan: Works: Dwellings, IV:2:30-33; VI:3/4:31-32,33; illus.

Guaranty Bldg VI:3/4:pls V,VII

Revell Bldg., Chicago, XX: 1:16,18 A[ric*' Equatorial see French Equatorial Africa

Rothschild Store, 210 W. Monroe St., Chicago, \he of Innocence, by E. Wharton, XIV:1:21

IX:l/2:30; XX:1:16,18 Hor"eS fT See Housing: Old Age

Ryerson Bldg., Chicago, IX: 1/2:30 ^ar ^0,?UI Cia ,. run- Yvn i n

Schiller [Shiller] Bldg. [Garrick Theater Bldg.], "th C' architect of Baltimore, XVII: 1:32
rir -, e s-, ^ t / Agnolo, Donato d see Bramante

Chicago, IV:2:9,12; XVII:2:30; XIX:1:6; a i I- ^ w a

XX:M6,l8; illus. IV:2:I4 AjtofcO^XX*1..

Factor,. Chicago. XX: 1 ; 16,18; illus. ; Market halls. Market places and
18 fie 27

, r" ' 0 Markets; for specific Agorae see directly under city,

Stock Exchange Bldg., 30 N. La Salle St., priene; Agora) I;2:16 VI:3/4:24;

Chicago, IV:2:9,12; XVII:2:30; XX:3:142; XIII-49-14,23

illus. IV:2:18

Agosta, Sicily [Augusta]

Sullivan (Albert W.) House, Chicago, XIX:2:63 Chiesa Madr, IV-2-52

Transportation Building, World's Columbian Agostinho de Sta. Maria, Frei, XIV:4:8-9

Exposition, 1893, Chicago, 111:4:16-17, Agostino di Duccio, V:8,ll

[20a],23; IV:2:6,9,11,12; VI:3/4:4; XVIII:2:68; Agr8) jndja
XIX:3:123; illus. IV:2:[3],4,6,12,17 Palace-fort, XVIII:4:168

Golden Doorway, IV:2:12; XX:3:142; illus. Taj Mahal, 111:4:47-48; XV:4:7-11; XVIII:4:168;
IV:2:[3],4,6,12 illus. XV:4:8 fig 1; 9 fig 2; 11 fig 3

Troescher Bldg., Chicago, XX: 1:16,18; illus. Tomb 0f I'timad-ud-Daula, XV:4:9

XX: 1:17 fig 26 Agricultural Congresses
Union Trust Bldg. [Central National Bank Bldg.], Chile

St. Louis, IV:2:12; XX:1:16; illus. IV:2:16 1913, XVIII:3:83

Wainwright Bldg., St. Louis, 11:4:29 nl57; 111:4:20; 1939, XVIII:3:85
IV:2:9,12; VI:3/4:2; IX:l/2:30; XIII:1:22; Agrigento
XIX:4:178; XX:1:3,16,17,18; XX:3:142; illus. Temple of Concord, XX:4:201,202
IV:2:10,13; XX:1:5 fig 2 Agrippa, son-in-law of Augustus, XIII:4:14; XIX:4:135
Wainwright Memorial [Tomb], St. Louis, illus. Aguascalientes, Mex.





Adobe brick, XV: 1:24 Aguirre Cerda, Pedro, d. 1941, XVIII:3:85

Adobe buildings Agylla see Caere, Etruria

Guatemala, XV:1:15 Ahmase [Ahmes; Ahmosi] see Amasis

U.S. Ahmed, King of Yemen, 20th c. XI:2:26

Angels Camp, Calif., X:3:16; illus. X:3:17 Ahmed I, Sultan of Turkey

New Mexico, 1:2:27-28 Blue Mosque of, Istanbul, XX: 1:44

Santa Barbara Mission, Calif., XIII:4:28-29 Ahmedabad

Soledad Mission, Calif., XV: 1:23 Le Centre Culturel

"Adobe revival," XX:4:176-177 Museum (Le Corbusier), XX:2:95

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Aichison - Alberti

Aichison, George Alava, Juan de, V:7

Mark Lane, London Alazard, Jean
Faade, IX: 1/2:27-28 Le Corbusier
Aigina see Aegina Rev. by J. M. Jacobus, Jr., XX:2:92-95
Aiken, Margaret Lloyd, XIX:2:55 n33 Alba, Armando, V:[39]
Ailwinus, XVII:2:11 Alba Pompeia
Air conditioning City walls, VII:3/4:35




19th c., 11:1:30 Villa of Pompey

Air lifts (see also Elevators), XVI:4:23 Floor Mosaic under, XX:2:83; illus. XX:2:83
Air-Son-Lumire, C.I.A.M., 111:1/2:44 fig 11
Airplane hangars see Hangars Albany, N.Y.
Airports Academy (P. Hooker), 111:1/2:39
Barajas, Spain, XVIII:2:47 Capitol

Boston Eidlitz, L. (and H. H. Richardson), IX:l/2:30n4;

Logan Airport (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and XVI:3:23,25; XVIII:2:68
Abbott), XIII:2:19; XVII:3:30; illus. Fuller, T., XVIII:3:119
xvil:3:[29] fig 15 Hooker, P., 111:1/2:39,62
Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:2:46 Hooker, P., 111:1/2:39,62

Rio de Janeiro Richardson, H. H., XVI:3:23,25; XVIII:2:66

Rio Seaplane Station, XVII:2:31 Second, 111:1/2:62

Santos Dumont, Brazil (M. and M. Roberto), City plan, Maps and Views
XVII:2:31 City plans
Aischylos see Aeschylus 1652, Beverwyck (P. Stuyvesant), 111:1/2:36-37;
Aix-en-Provence illus. 111:1 /2:[36a]
Courthouse, design (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:15 1764, 111:1/2:39 nl

Prison, design (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:15; XII:4:30n6 1794 (S. DeWitt), 111:1/2:38-39
Aix-la-Chapelle see Aachen Maps, 111:1/2:62

Ajanta, India 1770 (A. Yates [Yate's]), 111:1/2:39 nl

Chaitya Caves, 111:4:34,37; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 2 Corning (Erastus) and Co., VII: 1 /2:13 n35;





Akkad Dorsheimer (William) House

City plan, 11:1:24 Project (H. H. Richardson), IX:l/2:30n4
Ziggurats, XII:4:4 Dutch Church, 111:1/2:62

Akron, Ohio Institute of History and Art

Perkins (Simon) House, XII:2:14 Exhibition of views of Albany, 111:1/2:62

Aksunkur, Amir Maps see Albany, N.Y.: City plan, Maps and Views

Mosque of see Cairo: Amir Aksunkur Mosque Memorial Bridge, 111:1/2:36

al-Ars Minaret see Damascus: Umayyad Mosque The Pastures [Schuyler (Philip) House], IV:2:38;


Mosque of see Cairo: al-Azhar Mosque Streets, 111:1/2:62

al-Burdayni Van Rensselaer (Stephen) House (R. Upjohn), XI:2:4;

Mosque of see Cairo: al-Burdayni Mosque illus. XI:2:5 fig 3
al-Ghri Alberobello, XVII:3:34

Madrasah of see Cairo: al-Ghri Madrasah Albert, Prince, at Pompeian Court luncheon, XIV:3:4

al-Hakam [Hakem; Hakim] Memorials

Mosque of see Cairo: al-Hakim Mosque Albert Memorial [Monument], London (G. G.

al-Hakam II seeHakam II Scott), XV:2:29; XIX:4:165

al-Iskandaryah see Alexandria, Egypt Proposed memorial, 1862, XVI:4:23

al-Malik al Nasir Muhammad, 111:4:34 Statue, proposed, XVI:4:25
al-Mridn see Altunbugh al-Mridn Works

al Nasir Muhammad, al-Malik, 111:4:34 Osborne House, design (attrib.), XI:2:27,28

al-Walid I, Caliph, 111:4:43 Alberti, Leon Battista, on arcaded street, 111:1/2:27;

Mosque of see Damascus: Umayyad Mosque architectural practice in the time of, XIII:3:3; on
Alain de Lille [Alanus ab Insulis], XL3:13,16; circular town, 111:1/2:28; on distinction between

XVII:2:28 the column and the obelisk, XVII:1:23; on faade,

Alanus de Rosceio, XVII:4:9 XIII:3:9; geometric harmony of, XIII:3:9; Ges

Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, 1909 see derived from group of bldgs. initiated by, IX:4:13;

Seattle on orders of architecture, XVIII:4:146;

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Alberti - Alfonso
and B. Rossellino, XX: 1:40; and St. Peter's, Rome, Alembert, Jean Le Rond d', represents critical attitude,
XX: 1:40; studied, VIII: 1 /2:87; study of the past, XI:1:16
11:1:4; system of proportions, XIII:3:10 nlO; Aleotti
XVIII:4:146; XIX:2:88; and unity principle, Teatro Farnese, Parma, XVI:1:9-10

111:3:17; and Vatican Palace, XX:1:40; as a writer, Alessandri Palma, Arturo, Pres. of Chile, XVIII:3:85
XVII:3:10 Alessi, Galeazzo, IX:4:11-14 passim

Books, Letters, etc. Il Ges, Rome

De re aedificatoria, 111:3:17; VII:3/4:28; XI:1:[18]; Faade design, IX:4:13

XV:4:31; XVII:3:11,12; XIX:2:85; transi, as Santa Maria presso San Celso, Milan
The Architecture of. . . , by G. Leoni, XX:3:128 Faade, IX:4:13
and nl6 Alevisio Novi [Aloisio Novyj], XVI:2:16nl4

["Letter to Matteo de' Pasti"], XIX: 1:41 Arkhangel'skiT Sobor [Cathedral of St. Michael the

Buildings, Designs, Projects, etc., VII:3/4:28; Archangel], Moscow, XVI:1:31; XVI:2:13

XIII: 1:32; XVIL3:11,14 Alex, William, XVIII:4:130 nl3
Ideal City, 111:1/2:28; XIV:4:4 Alexander I, Czar, IV:1:26; VII:l/2:7
Ideal Garden, XX:4:167 Column of see Leningrad

Malatestan Temple see Alberti, Leon Battista: Alexander III, King of Macedonia [Alexander the
Buildings, Designs, Projects, etc.: S. Francesco Great], VI:3/4:22; VII:l/2:40; VIII:l/2:44,53;

Palazzo Venezia, Rome (attrib.), XX:1:40-41 XIII:4:15; XV:1:32; XVII:4:37

S. Andrea, Mantua, XVII:3:12 Battle of' mosaic from Pompeii. "1:3:26

S. Francesco [Malatestan Temple], Rimini, V:8; Alexander III, Pope [Orlando Bandinelli], XIV: 1:3

XVII:3:12; XIX:1:41; illus. XIV:2:[4] fig 6 Alexander VII, Pope XIV:1:9

S. Sebastiano, Mantua, XIII:3:4; XVII:3:12 Alexander early 19th c.
Alberti Fieravanti, R.dolfo Aristotele della see ,Housf of ff SP"ngfield, Mass.

Fioravante Aristotele Alexander, Ashton, Dr., XX-.2-.69

Albertian windows, XVI,:3:24 Alexa"d"'

1M * ^ Wb*"W

Albertini, Francesco, XIII:3:10nl2

... . Alexander, Robert L.
Albertus Magnus, Saint, XVIII:3:97 A . ,






' t .ni-. , -.r, "The Public Memorial and Godefroy's Battle

Cathedra!, photos by P. Devtnoy, XIII: 1:29 Monument," XVII: 1:19-24

Albigensian Heresy, XIV:4:5 "Wl|llam p. Small, 'Architect of the City,' "

Abinmuller, 11:3:13 XX:2:63-77

?.fr!8. '. 1 ,. 34 t, , .. ,, Alexander the Great see Alexander III, King of

Albright Art Gallery see Buffalo, N.Y. Macedonia

Album of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia, Alexandria Egypt

1876, XIX:1:11 Canopic Street, VIII:l/2:53; VIII:3/4:41

Alcoque, Marganda M Saint cjty p)anj VIII:l/2:53; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XVII

Statue of, XV:3:29 Lighthouse [Pharos] (Sostratos of Knydos),

Alden, Frank E. (see also Alden and Harlow; VIIIT/2-53

Longfellow, Alden and Harlow), XVI:3:25 Alexandria Va.

Alden and Harlow (see also Longfellow, Alden and Architecture, IV: 1:53
Harlow; Longfellow and Harlow), XVI:3:25 Lee Mansion National Memorial [Arlington House;
Allegheny County Bldg., Pittsburgh Custis-Lee Mansion] see Lee Mansion National
Staircase, XVI:3:28 nl5 Memorial

Aldeneyck, Belgium Ramsay (William) House, IV:2:41

Gospel Ms., 8th c., XVIII:4:124-125; illus. Restorations, XV:4:5
XVIII:4:124 fig 3 Alexeyev, F., XVI:2:30

Alderson, Ray, XII:3:29 Alfeld

Aldobrandini Fagus Factory (W. Gropius and A. Meyer),

"Pattes d'oie," X:2:3; illus. X:2:4 XIV:4:32; XX:4:200

Villa see Frascati: Villas Alfz, XV: 1:6; XIX:4:164 n82

Aldred, Cyril, XIX. 1:25 n 1 Alfonso

Aldrich, Chester Holmes see Delano and Aldrich See also Alphonse
Aldrich, Dean, XX:4:192 Alfonso I, of Aragon, 12th c., XV:1:4
Aldrich, Will S. see Eckel and Aldrich Alfonso II, King of Aragon, XIV:L3
Aldrich, Winthrop, X:l:16 Alfonso II, King of Spain [Alfonso the Chaste],
Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire XVI:4:2,6

St. Peter's, XV:2:21 Alfonso VI, King of Leon, XV: 1:4

Aleijadinho see Lisba, Antonio Francisco Alfonso VI, King of Spain, XVI:3:11

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Alfonso - Altadena, Calif.

Alfonso (Cont.) Allen, George, XX:3:100
Alfonso VII, King of Castile, 11:3:33 Allen, Harold, XX:3:138 n
Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, lays stone for prize Allen, Henry B., VII: 1/2:15 n71
house in Ciudad Lineal, 1912, XVIII:2:46 Allen, Jno., 18th c., XV:4:25

Alfonso de Albuquerque, 16th c., XV:3:3 Allen, John R., Dr., XI:4:14

Alfonso the Chaste see Alfonso: Alfonso II, King of Allen, Roy O., Jr., see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill

Spain Allen, Zachariah, XIX:4:182

Alford [Allford], Joseph, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Allender, Frederick, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Alford Family, of Lexington, Ky., VI: 1/2:19 Allford [Alfred; Aulford], John, 18th c. plasterer,
Alfred [Allford; Aulford], John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
XX:3:135 Allford [Alford], Joseph, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Alfred the Great, XVI:3:34 Allison, Robert, 18th c. carpenter of Philadelphia,
Alfred an der Leine XII:2:27,28; XV:4:27

Fagus Factory see Alfeld Allsopp, Bruce, XV:2:32; XIX:2:88

Algardi Allsopp, Mrs. Bruce, XV:2:32

San Ignazio, Rome Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, Sir, XV:2:30
Faade, XIV:1:12 Almansa
Algarotti, Francesco, IV:2:23-29; XIX:4:136 Bldgs. (F. del Castillo), XX:3:147
Alger, Cyrus, XV:4:14,16; XVLL17 n93 Almas

Alger, Horatio, XVIII:2:71 Mosque of see Cairo: Almas Mosque

City Plan San Miguel, IV:3/4:21 n33
Projects, Sketches, etc. (Le Corbusier), XVII:2:31; Almeria
XVIII:3:92; XX:2:93,94,95 Cathedral, XX:3:147
Monument, design (Viollet-le-Duc), XII:4:16 Ciborium, XVII:l:10nl7

Algonquin Indians Almolonga, Guatemala [Ciudad Vieja]

Dwellings, XVII:4:32 Cathedral, V:22; illus. V:[20b] fig 2
Alhambra see Granada: Alhambra Almshouses, Poorhouses, Workhouses, etc.
Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award see Society of England, XI: 1:4
Architectural Historians: Book Award New York (City)
Alinda Alms or Work House, City Hall Park, VIII:3/4:5;




Stoa, 1:2:19 Pauper Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island (A. J.

"Aliquot" parts, of B. Langley, XX:3:119 Davis), XI:2:4
Alison, A., Dr., XVI:4:22 Philadelphia
Al Jausaq New Almshouse, Blockley Township (W.
Palace of see Samarra, Iraq: Abbasid Palace of Al Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 4
Jausaq Insane Dept. wings (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35
Alkmaar, Master of, XIX: 1:39 Vina, France, XIV: 1:7
"All-electric kitchen," 111:3:30 Aloisio Novi [Novyj] see Alevisio Novi
All-steel houses, project (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 Alomar Esteve, Gabriel
Allason, Robert, IX:4:21 Teoria de la Ciudad, XVIII:3:75-76,78 n22

Allbright, John, 18th c of Baltimore, XVIII: 1:34 Alpatov, M., XVI:2:30

Alleghany Furnace, XVII: 1:25,26,29 Alpharanus, measurements of pre-Romanesque St.

Allegheny River Canal Aqueduct (J. Roebling), Peter's, XVIII:3:95,98-99

XVI: 1:11 Alphonse
Allen, 19th c. See also Alfonso

Residence of see Nacogdoches, Tex. Alphonse, 1220-1271, Count of Poitiers and Toulouse,

Allen, A. B., ed., American Agriculturist, VI:1/2:19 IV:1:12

Allen, Arthur, of Surry Co., Va. Alphonse I, 1103-1148, Count of Toulouse [Alphonse
Residence of see Bacon's Castle Jourdain], IV: 1:12

Allen, C. B mid 19th c of Engl., XVI:4:25 Alpoim, Jos Fernandes Pinto, XIV:4:10

Allen, Claire, 11:2:34 Governors' Palace [Imperial Palace; Post Office], Rio
Allen, D. P., Dr., VII:3/4:[4] de Janeiro, XIV:4:9; XV:3:18,30n4

Allen, Ethan Governors' Residence, Ouro Preto, XV:3:18

House of see Litchfield, Conn. S. Bento, Benedictine Cloister, Rio de Janeiro,

Allen (F. C.), firm, XVIII:4:155 XV:3:18

Allen, Frederick H., d. 1965 see Harrison, Ballard and Altadena, Calif.

Aden Berger (Robert) House (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130

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Altamura, Italy - Amate l'architettura

Altamura, Italy, XV:3:30nll Rococo, XV:3:9-10
"Altar stove," XX: 1:23 Santiago, Chile
Altarpieces, Altars, Retables, etc. Cathedral
See also Baldaquins, Canopies, Ciboria, etc. Altar frontal, V:23

Ancient (see also specific locations, e.g. Pergamum: Santo Domingo [Ciudad Trujillo]

Altar of Zeus), XI:3:l-[5]; illus. XI:3:[2-3] Cathedral

Baroque, XII:2:31; XV:3:7-8,20-21 Altar, Capilla de los Bastidas, V:13

Boston Altar, Renaissance, N. aisle, V:10 and n68;

King's Chapel illus. V:[8a] fig 14

Altarpiece (P. Harrison), XX:3:127 nl3 Dominican Convent

Brazil, XV:3:20-21 Retablo, V:13; illus. V:[12a] fig 22

Buenos Aires, V:23 Spain, XII:2:31; XV:1:6-10; XVI:3:35







Condestable Altar, V:12n78 Yunguyo, Peru





Cathedral Alter, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Retable of the Trinity, V:36 Alternate system of piers see Piers (Supports)
La Merced Altmann, Elsie see Loos-Altmann, Elsie

High altar Alto, Tex.

1631 (M. de Torres), V:36nn8,13 Forest Hill [Berryman House; Yowell (Carl)
Present, V:37nl6 Residence], XI:4:2; illus. XI:4:[5] fig 6

Retables, V:36 Alttting

Side altars, V:37 St. Mary's
S. Catalina, V:36 Engr. of (G. Guarini), illus. XVII:4:23 fig 4

England, IX:3:11 Alton, Engl.

Florence Alton Castle (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:24; illus.

SS. Annunziata XIII:3:[23] fig 4
Main altar, XVII:l:9nl3 Alton Towers (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:24; illus.
Ghent XIII:3:[23] fig 6

S. Bavon St. John's Hospital (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:24

Altarpiece of the Mystic Lamb (J. and H. van Alton, N.Y.
Eyck), IX:4:26 Church, XV:2:15; illus. XV:2:16 fig 7




Cathedral Municipal Hospital (D. Lienau), XIV:1:18

Altar (D. de Silo), XVII:l:2,4-5,8; illus. Altoona, Pa.
XVII: 1:[6] fig 4 Baker (Elias) Mansion (R. C. Long, Jr.),

Retable of Jesus Nazareno (J. Narvez, M. F. XVII:l:25-29; illus. XVII:l:26-28 figs 1-8

Raya and F. Rodriguez), XV:1:11 nil Pennsylvania Railroad Shops, XVILL29

Retable of Santiago (F. Hurtado and J. de la Altunbugh al-Mridn
Torre), XV:1:6-10; illus. XV: 1:9 fig 5 Mosque, 111:4:42
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain Alvarado, Juan Bautista, Don
Cartuja Residence of see San Pablo, Calif.
High altar, XII:2:31 Alves, A. M Father, S. J., XV:3:28,29
London Alves, D. Marieta, XV:3:22n3

All Saints', Margaret St. Amadeo, [Omodeo], Giovanni Antonio

Reredos (W. Dyce), XIX:4:163 Sarcophagi of Bartolomeo and Medea Colleoni,

St. James, Piccadilly Santa Maria Maggiore, Bergamo, V:12
Reredos (G. Gibbons), IV:2:42 Amalienburg see Munich

Maria-Laach, XVII:4:15 Amana, Iowa

Mexico, V:30n9; 31 nl3; XV:1:7-10 Communitarian experiment, XIX:3:109

Paris Amarante, Carlos Luis Ferreira da Cruz

Notre Dame Church, Bom Jesus do Monte, XV:3:10

Altar, 1712 (Vass), V:46 Amaravt

Pittsburgh Stupa, 111:4:39 n26

Emmanuel Episcopal Church Amasis II, King of Egypt, XI:3:1

Thaw Memorial Reredos (Leake and Greene), Amat y Junient, Manuel, V:23
XVI:3:29 n29 Amate l'architettura [In Praise of Architecture], by G.

Portugal, XV:3:7-8,9-10,14n2 Ponti

Renaissance, XVII:l:2,4-8 Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XX:3:147-148

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Amatenango del Valle, Mex. - American Iron and Steel Institute of New York
Amatenango del Valle, Mex. American Federation of Arts, IV:1:37; VI:l/2:34
Church, XV:l:19n32 American Friends Service Project, Philadelphia,

Amati, Carlo XV:4:4

Duomo, Milan, work on faade, XIX:4:139 American Gothic, painting (G. Wood), XVII:3:35
San Carlo al Corso, Milan, XIX:4:138-139; illus. American Guide Series, X1X:2:57

XIX:4:139 fig 8 "The American House in the Victorian Period," by

Amaury, King of Jerusalem, 111:4:44 R. I. Brumbaugh, 11:1:27-30
Ambassador, steamboat, XI:4:26 "American Influence Abroad, 1886 and Later," by
Ambler House see Jamestown, Va. R. Koch, XVIII:2:66-69

Ambrogio, Giovanni d', XVIII:1:14 American Institute of Architects (see also American
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, XVIII:3:97 Institution of Architecture; New York Society of
Ambulatories Architects), annual conventions, IV:1:34; XI:2:21;
Bois-Sainte-Marie, XII: 1:4 XVI:1:14; L. B. Bethune as first woman member
Charlieu of, XVIII:2:66; J. D. Forbes conferred honorary

Monastery, XII:l:3-6 membership in, XVII:1:36; founding (1836 as

Tours American Institution of Architecture), XI1I:3:17,

St. Martin, VII:3/4:[10],11,12; IX:4:3; XII: 1:6 (1857), XIV:1:18; XVI: 1:24; XVI:3:36; and

and n2; XVI:2:2 Historic American Buildings Survey, XVI:3:31;

Amer, Spain history (H. H. Saylor, The A.I.A. 's First Hundred

Santa Maria, XIV:1:7 nl3 Years), XVI:3:35; and W. L. B. Jenney, XVI:1:14;

American Academy in Rome see Rome (City) and Museum of American Architecture (proposed),
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, XVI:3:6 1:3/4:24; and preservation, IX:3:23; X:4:35;

American Agriculturist, VI:1/2:19 XI:2:24; XII:3:29-30; XIII:2:29-30; XV:1:27; and

American Almanac, New York Register and City restoration of Washington, 1900-01, IV:l:34-35,37;
Directory, by T. Longworth, XX:4:188-189,190 VI:l/2:32; and Society of Architectural Historians,
American Architect [and Architecture; American XV:2:32; XV:3:32; XVI:3:35; votes Union Station,
Architect and Building News], first architectural Providence, one of best bldgs. in U.S., 1886,
magazine in America, VI:l/2:29; responsible for VIII:l/2:36
infl. of R. N. Shaw in America, IX:4:15 Awards and Prizes

House plan, 1879, North Cambridge, illus. XX:4:170 Gold Medal Award
fig 1 1951, B. Maybeck, XI:3:30
Sketches of medieval churches (R. W. Gibson), 1952, A. Perret, XI:3:29

11:3:16 Prize, to M. Hastings, XVIII:3:86

Study for a house, Brookline, Mass., 1885 (W. G. Chapters

Preston), IX:4:[20]; illus. IX:4:[19] fig 5 Albany
American Architect and Architecture, see American Committee on the Preservation of Historic



American Architect and Building News, see American Baltimore, XVI:4:35

Architect Chicago, IX:l/2:37

American Architectural Foundation, Inc., XI:3:[32] Cincinnati, XVII:2:27
American architecture see United States: Architecture Cleveland

American art see United States: Art A Guide to Cleveland Architecture, 1796-1958,




Medals (C. C. Wright), XIV:2:[5] capt. fig 16 Detroit, VI:3/4:4

The American Association of Architectural New York, XI:2:21

Bibliographers, XIII:4:32 Philadelphia, X:l:25; XVIII:3:105 nlO

American Bridges and Dams, by P. Zucker Commission for the Survey of Education and
Rev. by T. C. Bannister, 11:1:41-42 Registration, XIV:3:32
American Builder's Assistant, by A. Benjamin, X:l:[22] Committee for the Preservation of Historic
American Builder's Companion, by A. Benjamin, Monuments, IX:3:23; XI:2:24; XII:3:29-30;
X:4:26; XII:2:10,12 XIII:2:29-30; XV:1:27

American Buildings Series see Society of Architectural Fellowships, VIII: 1 /2:132

Historians Journal, 111:4:65; IX:4:[20]; XI:2:20-21
American City Bureau of New York Newsletter, XI:1:31
Exhibit of City Planning, XVIII:3:84 American Institute of Decorators, IV:3/4:57
American Council for Preservation, proposed, X: 1:23 American Institution of Architecture (see also

American Council of Learned Societies American Institute of Architects), XIII:3:17;

Committee on the Protection of Cultural Treasures XV:1:28; XVI:3:36
in War Areas, IV:3/4:55 American Iron and Steel Institute of New York,
Grants, XII:1:13; XVI:2:16n XII:3:28

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American Luxfer Prism Co. - Ancient Civilizations of the Andes

American Luxfer Prism Co. Amman, Jost

Architectural Competition, 1898, XIX: 1:7 Engravings for L. Fronsperger, Kriegsbuch,

American Mechanic, see Scientific American XX:2:[59]-60; illus. XX:2:[59] fig 11
American Museum of the Arts see Washington, D.C.: Ammannati, IX:4:11,12,14; XIII:3:13
Patent Office Bldg. Ammon
American Notes, by C. Dickens, XVI A: 18-20 Temple of see Karnak: Temples: Amon
"American Notes," ed. by C. E. Peterson Ammoreaux

Articles in "American Notes" (special dept. in House of see Sainte Genevieve, Mo.
each issue of the SAH Journal beginning Amon [Ammon]
with October, 1950, XI:3) are indexed Temple of see Karnak: Temples: Amon

under individual titles and subjects Amorim de Castro, Joaquim see Castro, Joaquim

American Numismatic Society Amorim de

Eidlitz Medal Collection, XIV:2:7 Amory Estate, Boston, XIII:3:26
American Philosophical Society, founding by B. Amosis see Amasis

Franklin, XX: 1:21; B. H. Latrobe's membership Amphitheaters see Stadiums (Arenas, Hippodromes,
in, XV:4:30 etc.); Theaters (Auditoriums, Concert halls, Opera

Grants, VII:3/4:[13]; XX:1:3 n2, 27 n houses, etc.)

Historic Philadelphia from the Founding until the Amrit, Syria

Early Nineteenth Century Tombs, XII:4:6
Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XIII:3:30-32 Amsterdam

Prizes, XX: 1:23 Canal houses, XIX:4:179

American Red Cross, 111:4:30 City plan, 11:4:39; 111:1/2:22,44; XX:3:108

The American Scenic and Historic Preservation G. and Z. C. Jewelry Shop (G. T. Rietveld),
Society, 1:3/4:16 XVIII:3:115,116
American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Nieuwe Kerk, IX:3:13 n6

XIII:4:10; XV:1:32 Nieuwe Zyds-Kapel, illus. IX:3:[8] fig 2

American Skyline, by H. H. Reed and C. Tunnard, Noorderkerk, IX:3:6,13n8
XV:3:31-32; XVII:1:36 Oude Kerk, IX:3:13 n6
American Society of Aesthetics, VI:l/2:34 Remonstrance Church, IX:3:6
American Society of Architectural Historians see Royal Palace see Amsterdam; Town Hall, New, 1648
Society of Architectural Historians Sephardic Synagogue, IX:3:12
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, XX:1:35 Stock Exchange (H. P. Berlage), XVIII:2:68
American Society of Railway Engineers, XVII:4:38 Synagogue, pre-1730, XIX:4:179

American Sugar Refining Co., XIV:l:22-24 Town Hall, New, 1648 [Royal Palace] (J. van
Bldgs. of see Jersey City, N.J.: American Sugar Campen), XX: 1:41-42
Refining Co. Town Hall, Old, XX:1:41
The American Vitruvius..., by W. Hegemann and E. Westerkerk, IX:3:6; 13 nn6,9; illus. IX:3:[8-9] figs 3-4
Peets, 111:1/2:8 Zuiderkerk, IX:3:13n9

Ames (F. L.) Estate, XVII:3:20,22 Amsterdam, N.Y.

Ames, Fisher, 11:4:9-10 Guy Park [Johnson (Col. Guy) Home], IV:2:38

Ames, Fred, XII: 1:10 Amusement parks

Ames, Winslow, X:l:25 Coney Island, N.Y., XIX:4:14-15; illus. XIX:1:15
Amesbury, Mass. fig 8
Meeting house, VII:3/4:29 Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen (G. J. B. Carstensen),
Amico, Bernardino XVI: 1:17 n77
Trattato delle piante e imagini di sacri edifizi di terra Wolf Lake Amusement Park, Chicago (F. L. Wright),


Illus. of the Holy Sepulchre, XVII:1:5,10 n32; Amyclae

illus. XVII: 1:3 fig 3; 7 fig 12 Altar of Apollo (Bathycles of Magnesia), XI:3:4
Amiens Anacostia River Bridge see Washington, D.C.: South
Cathedral, VII:l/2:9; XIII:1:7,30,31; XVII:1:34 Capitol Street Bridge

Faade, XVII -A: 18 Anastasis, Church of the see Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre
Hemicycle, XIII:1:30 Anatomy, Michelangelo on importance of, XIII:3:3
Interior space, XVII:2:16; illus. XVII:2:17 fig 37 Anchialos in Thrace
Nave, 11:2:5; illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 6 Coins of, XX:2:79
Piers, IV:3/4:40 Ancient architecture (see also Domestic architecture:

Transept, XVII:4:19 Ancient), XV:l:31-32; XVII:4:35; XX:2:78-89

"Amigos de Gaudi U.S.A.," XVIII: 1:36 Ancient Civilizations of the Andes, by P. A. Means,
Amrola, Llaguno y see LIaguno y Amirola 11:2:27

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Ancient houses - Anglican Cathedrals Outside The British Isles

Ancient houses see Ancient architecture; Domestic Andr, Major, XIV:2:8
architecture Casket of (J. Trumbull), Westminster Abbey,
Ancient Masonry..., by B. and T. Langley, XIV:2:11 n3
XX:3:127 no.37 Andrea di Giusto

Ancient Roman Construction in Italy from the Painting, ca. 1426, Johnson Collection, Philadelphia

Prehistoric Period to Augustus, by M. E. Blake, (attrib.), XVIII:1:13,14

VII:3/4:[33]-36; XIX:2:86 Andreas, A. T.

Ancona, Ciriaco d', XVII:3:11 History of Chicago from the Earliest Period to the
Ancona, Italy Present Time, 11:4:16-17
Fortifications (A. da Sangallo, the younger), XIII:3:5 Andrei, Giovanni, and W. F. Small, XX:2:63

"Andean Baroque Decoration," by E. M. Dorta, Sculptured spandrel, Commercial and Farmers Bank,

V:[33]-34 Baltimore (with G. Franzoni), XIII:1:16;

Andelys see Les Andelys XIV:4:27

Anderson, 20th c. writer, 11:3:20 Andrs de Carvajal, F. see Carvajal, F. Andrs de

Anderson, Bart, curator, Chester Co. Historical Society, Andrews, Alfred, 20th c., XI:4:[20] nlO

XII: 1:21' XII:3:28- XVI-4:31- XIX:2:82 "Nineteenth Century Architecture in Kentucky" (and

Anderson, Charles, Sir, XIX:4:159 ^ Lancaster), VIII:3/4:67

Anderson Charles F Andrews, F. W.

U.S. Capitol, Washington, plans for extension, House of see Newport, R.I.
VIIT/2'28 Andr[e]ws, John, fl. 1665, of Boston, XX: 2:91

Anderson, Eliza see Godefroy, Eliza Anderson Andrews, John, 19th c owner of Belle Grove Plantation,

Anderson, Jefferson Randolph, XX:2:61-62 ' ^ 1

Anderson, Jos. Horatio, architect of Philadelphia and Andrews, R D., XI: 3 .29

AnnaDolis Andrews, Wayne, on W. B. Griffin s biography

Gallaway (Jos.) House, XVII:2:26 (typescript), VIII:3/4:68; on McKim Mead and

rttr non win White, IX:3:29; X: 1:28; and N.Y. Chapter of

Anl; SAH, VI:3/4:36; VIII: 1 /2:130; on 19th C. N.Y.

House of see Lexington, Ky.: Glengarry arch,tecture VIII:l/2:130; Photograph of

. . XT . rvr iw vi, i m Arrochar, IX: 1/2:25; reports death of G. G.

Anderson, N. L. [ Nick
1, XII:1:10
1 1 Elms he, XI:2:25
House of, Washington, XII:1:10,11

Architecture, Ambition and Americans, XVII: 1:36;

Anderson, P.

XX: 1:44

Car ^ird,ftatiS; Rev. by' L. Eitner, XV:2:29-30

* a u /2:33-34; illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl V fig 1 Architecture in America, A Photographic History from

Anderson, Robert L 11:2:40 thg Co/omfl/ Perwd t0 the PrJnt

The Brown Decades Revisited, 11:3:14-25 g^ef rey XXT44

An^uSOu' ,^,llam' 18thC: AnnTlls architect "Andromache" see Lefuel, Mrs. Hector Martin
Whitehall Plantation, Annapolis, X:2:25; XIII:2:4 Andros> Edmundj Sir_ X:3:28. XI:1:13

i j ta ' XIJn72,2, Androuet du Cerceau, Jacques see Du Cerceau, Jacques

Anderson, William, 18th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:25 Androuet

Anderson, William, 19th c. Anet

College of Engineering, Sapporo chapel (P Delorme), XVII:4:22

Gothic Revival bldgs. (with A. M'Vean), XIII:2:18 Anfray, XVL3-34

Anderson, William James Angahua, Mex.

The Architecture of Ancient Rome (with T. Ashby Church, V:[24]-26; illus. V:[26al figs 3-5

and R. P. Spiers), VII:3/4:36; XIX:2:86 Hospital

Anderson Galleries, N.Y., XX:4:181 Chapel, V:[24]; illus. V:[26a] figs 1,2
Andijan Angelo, 17th c., XIV:4.17
City plan, IV: 1:29; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 9 Angelo, Donato d' see Bramante
Andover, Engl. Angels Camp, Calif.
Houses, XI:1:[15] n30 Adobe bldg., X:3:16; illus. X:3:17
Moot Hall, XI: 1:13 Angers
Prison, 17th c., XI: 1:4,8 Abbey of St. Aubin, IV:3/4:23

Andover, Mass. Cathedral of St. Maurice, VII:3/4:11

Addison [Additon] Gallery of American Art, Phillips St. Martin, XIII:l:28-29; XVI:3:13

Academy Tour Saint-Aubin, IV:3/4:23;

"Exhibition of 'Architecture in Painting,' " illus. IV:3/4:[10b] fig 10

11:3:32-33 Anglican Cathedrals Outside The British Isles,

Andrades, XVII:2:31 by B. F. L. Clarke

Andr, M., of Ecole des Beaux Arts, XI:3:30,31 Rev. by A. Gowans, XVIII:3:119-120

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Anglo-Saxon Palace - Antigua, Guatemala

Anglo-Saxon Palace, 7th c., XVII:2:21 nl7 Stable, XII:1:22; illus. XII:1:22
Angola, Bishop of, early 18th c see Manuel de Sta. Work on (W. Buckland), XIII:2:4; XVIII:2:71




Angulo Iniguez, Diego, biogr. data, V:56; Mexican Architectural style of see Queen Anne Revival;
studies, XIX: 1:42 Queen Anne Style
"Eighteenth-Century Church Fronts in Mexico City," Annesley

V:[27]-32 All Saints, XV:2:29

Historia del arte hispano-americano, V:40,56,57; Annis, Verle L VIII: 1 /2:132

XIX:4:177 Anse, Council of, XVI:3:16

Pianos... en el Archivo de Indias Anse a la Graisse see New Madrid, Mo.

Map, 1596, Mexico City, XIV:4:4; illus. XIV:4:4 Anstamg, Le Maistre d', XIX:4:155 n56

j Anston stone, XIX:4:160

^nj "Antecedents of the Great Altar at Pergamon," by H.

Church of the Redemptor, IV:3/4:32 . Hoffmann, XI.3.l-[5]


Anjsimov, A., XVI 2.J0 ciborium, XVIlAIOnl?

ara, , Antes Family, of Pa., XII:4:26

British Institute of Archaeology, XX: 1:44 Anthemius of Tralles, XVI:3:11

Ann Arbor, Mich. Hagia Sofia, Istanbul (and Isidorus of Miletus),

Burton Memorial Tower, University of Michigan (E. 11:4:35- IV:3/4:5* VII:l/2:9* VII:3/4:[5]-9*
Saarinen; completed by A. Kahn), VI:3/4:3 and XVI*2*6,29* XVI*3*3* XVII*4*2-3* XX* 1*43,44*
n6; illus. VI:3/4:pl I fig 4 illus VII:3/4:pls I-II; XVII:4:3 figs 2,3
Villa (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:38 Interior of Santa Sophia, painting (J. S. Sargent),

Annales archologiques, 1:3/4:9; XVII:4:9; 11:3:33

XIX:4:155n56 Anthony, Earl C.

Annals of Art, ed. by J. Eimes, XX:3:136 House of see Los Angeles, Calif.
Annalya Tu-Bari, VIII:3/4:8 Antigua, Guatemala

Annapolis Ayuntamiento, XV:l:19n22; XX:1:29,32 and nl3, 33

Brice (James) House (W. Buckland), XIII:2:4; Capitania, XV:l:19n22; XX:1:32 and nl3
XVII:4:36; XVIII:2:71 Las Capuchinas, XV:l:19n22; XX:l:27-33; illus.

Carvel Hall see Annapolis: Paca (William) House XX: 1:28-32 figs 1-11

Chase-Lloyd House El Carmen, XV:1:17,19 nn29,33; XX:1:30,33

Interior finishing and woodwork (W. Buckland, Cathedral, XV:1:17,19 nn33,35

attrib.), XX:3:131 City Plan- VIII:1/2:132

Palladian window (W. Buckland, attrib.), Ea Conception, XX: 1:33

XVIII:2:71 Earthquakes, XV:1:12,13; XX:1:27,32,33
Plasterwork (Rawlins and Barnes), Escuela de Cristo, XV:1:19 n22; XX:1:29,32

XX-3 131 133 134 Fountain, 1730's, XV:1:13

Citv plan III1/218' La Merced, Conventual Church of,

County courthouse and prison, 1774 (W. Buckland),

Muralln, XV:l:19nl9

Los Remedios, XX: 1:30

Hammond (Matthias) House [Hammond-Harwood

House] (W. Buckland) VII:l/2:47; XIII:2:4,8; I; ^^xnV:029,33; XX:1:30

XVII:4:36, XVIII.2.71 Catalina, XX:1:33

Houses, VII: 1/2:47 g Clara, XX* 1*29 33

Lloyd (Edward) House see Annapolis: Chase-Lloyd s; Crist5bal el BaJ:0> XV: 1:19 nn29,33
House S. Cruz, La Ermita de la, XV:1:12-19; XX:1:30; illus.

Market House, 1752, proposed, X:4:33 XV113-17 figs 1-6

Naval Academy, VII: 1/2:47 s Domingo, XV:1:18 n6

Paca (William) House [Carvel Hall] s Francisco, Conventual Church of,
Interior (W. Buckland, attrib.), XVIII:2:71 XV:1:12,19 nnl2,23,33
Ridout (John) House (W. Buckland, attrib.), S. Isabel, XV:l:19n29
XVIII:2:71 S. Jos, XV:1:19 nn29,33

Sharpe (Horatio) Plantation see Annapolis: Whitehall S. Sebastian, XV:1:17,19 nn29,33; XX:1:30
Plantation Seminario Tridentino, XX: 1:32
State House, 18th c., X-.2-.20; XVU-.2-.26 Site, XIV:4:5

Strawberry Hill (W. Buckland), XIII:2:4 Universidad, XX: 1:32

Whitehall Plantation [Sharpe (Horatio) Plantation]

(W. Anderson), X:2:25; XIII:2:4


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Antin - Apollo
Antin, Duc d', XVIII:2:61 n7 Ancient
Antioch, Patriarch of, see Maillard de Tournon, Charles Roman insulae, XII:1:13,20; XX:1:40
Thomas Designs, Projects, etc.

Antioch Garnier, T., XIX:1:18; illus. XIX:1:18 fig 5

American expedition excavations, IV:3/4:5 Plumber and Sanitary Engineer tenement

Church, square, 111:4:35 competition, 1879, XIV:1:22
Golden Church, IV:3/4:5 England

Antioch-on-the Orontes, III, the Excavations 1937-1939, London

ed. by R. Stillwell Bethnal Green tenements, XV:2:29

Antioch-toward-Pisidia Marseilles

Sanctuary, XIII:4:17-18; illus. XIII:4:20 fig 17 Units d'Habitation (Le Corbusier),

Antiques, magazine, IX:3:27; XII:2:32 XX:2:92,93,94
The Antiquities of Athens, by N. Revett and J. Stuart, Nantes

11:3:8; VII:l/2:46; XII:2:8; XVII:1:31; XX:2:67,68 Units d'Habitation (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93,94

Antiquities of Greece, by J. Potter, XX:3:116 Paris

Antiquities of the Russian State [Drevnosti rossijskago Apartment House [Immeuble locatif], Porte
gosudarstva], XVI: 1:31 Molitor
Antoine, Jacques Denis, XV:4:31 Le Corbusier Penthouse, XX:2:94
Antoine, P. J., 18th c. Germany
Paintings of Rotunda of St.-Bnigne, Dijon, Berlin
XVII:3:3; illus. XVII:3:4 figs 2-4 Units d'Habitation (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93
Antolini, Giovanni Antonio, XIII:3:15 Italy
Foro Bonaparte, Milan, proposed, XIII:3:15 Rome, XI:2:26




Cathedral, Novara, XIX:4:139 Chicago

Sanctuary, Boca, XIX:4:139 Apartment houses (L. Mies van der Rohe),
Antoninus Pius, Roman Emperor, 1:1:6 IX:l/2:37
Antonio, Saint Esplanade Apartments (L. Mies van der Rohe),





Antonio, Battista d' see Battista d' Antonio Lake Meadows Development (Skidmore, Owings

Antonio de Aranda, Fray, see Aranda, Antonio de and Merrill), XVIII:2:54

Antonio de Arcediano, Friar, XIX:2:69 Lake Shore Drive (L. Mies van der Rohe),
Antunes, Joo XX: 1:43

Menino Deus, Lisbon (attrib.), XV:3:19-20; illus. Whitehall Apartments, XVIII:4:129 nl2

XV:3:19 fig 8 Indianapolis

Antunes dos Reis, Joo see Reis, Joo Antunes dos Apartment house project (Coolidge, Shepley,
Antwerp Bulfinch and Abbott), XVII:3:30; illus.
Harbor, XX:1:41 XVII:3:[29] fig 18

St. Ignatius [St. Charles Borromeo; Jesuit Church, Lexington, Ky.

1614-21], XVI1I:3:113,114; XX:4:202 McMurtry (John) Residence [Brittling
Town Hall, XX:1:42 Apartments], VI:1/2:16

Anu, deity, XII:4:5 New Orleans

Anubis Pontalba Bldgs., XI:4:21-24

Shrine of, XVIII:l:27-28 New York (City), XIV:1:22
An-yang Stuyvesant (Rutherford) Apts. (R. M. Hunt),
Bldgs., IX:l/2:3-4; illus. IX:l/2:7 fig 2 XI:2:11-[ 14]; illus. XI:2:[13] fig 9
Anzy-le-Duc Tenement house, Lafayette St. [Elm St.] (D.

Church, XVIII:3:94,95,98,103; illus. XVIII:3:102 Lienau), XIV:1:22; illus. XIV:1:[23] fig 8

fig 11 White (Afred T.) Tenements, Brooklyn, XII:3:17

Priory, XVI:3:16-21; illus. XVI:3:17 fig 2; 20 fig 5; Aphaia
21 fig 6 Temple of see Aegina: Temple of Aphaia

Augusta Praetoria [Roman Camp], Temple of see Naucratis: Temple of Aphrodite

VIII:3/4:29,38,40; illus. VIII:3/4:pl XX; X:2:4 Apocalypse, scenes of, in churches, XVIII:3:95-97

City walls, VII:3/4:35 Apollinopolis Parva

Apadanas, XX:2:80 Pylon of Ptolemy XI, XVII: 1:24 nl6; illus.
Apartment houses, Tenements, etc. XVII: 1:23 fig 7
See also Domestic architecture; Housing Apollo

developments, projects, etc. Altars, Sanctuaries, Shrines, Temples of, etc. see

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Apollo - Archer
Amyclae: Altar of Apollo; Athens: Temple of Aquia Creek stone, ~K-.2-.22
Apollo; Corinth: Temple of Apollo; Cyrene: Aquileia
Altar of Apollo; Delphi: Sanctuary and Temple City walls, VII:3/4:35
of Apollo; Didyma: Temple of Apollo; Pompeii: Aquinas, Thomas see Thomas Aquinas
Temples: Apollo; Veii: Apollo Temple Aquino, Italy
Apollo [Belvedere], VII:3/4:[17] Porta San Lorenzo, VII:3/4:34
Apollo and the Muses (Lo Spagna), V:11 Aquitaine
Detail, Urania, illus. V:[8b] fig 16b Churches see Church architecture: France
Apollodorus Aragon Highway, Spain, XVIII:2:44,46
Forum Trajanum, Rome, 11:2:12; 111:1/2:25,26; Aranco, Raimondo d' see Aronco, Raimondo d'
IV:3/4:52; VIII:3/4:34; XIII:4:21-26; illus. Aranda, Antonio de, Fray, XVII:1:5
111:1 /2:[22a] figs 13,15; XIII:4:21 fig 1; 25 fig 2 Aranda, Pablo, XVIII:3:75 n6

Apollonia-on-Lake Rhyndacus, Bithynia Arbor Day [Fiesta del Arbol], XVIII:2:44-45, 52-53;
City plan, Maps, etc., XIII:4:17; illus. XIII:4:20 XVIII:3:76
fig 16 Arboretums see Gardens and Parks (Arboretums,

A'Port, John, 15th c XI:1:13 Botanical Gardens, State Parks, etc.)

Apostle of the Gauls, IX:4:8 Arbour, William

Apothecary shops, X:4:22; illus. X:4:21 figs 5,6 House of, Philadelphia, XX:l:26n29
Appennino, statue at Pratolino (G. Bologna), Arboussols, Bernard d' see Bernard d'Arboussols
XX:4:155-167 passim; illus. XX:4:162 figs 12,13; Arc-et-Senans, France

163 fig 14 Saline of Chaux [Royal Salt-works] (C. N. Ledoux),

Appian Way, VIII:3/4:31 111:3:14,16; XIX:1:17,18; illus. III:3:[12a]
Appleton, Samuel figs 4,5; XIX: 1:17 fig 2
Bldg. of, Boston, XVII:3:25 Arcaded streets [Colonnaded, Portico streets],

Appleton, William Sumner, VI:3/4:36 111:1:25,27

'The Society for the Preservation of New England Bologna

Antiquities and Its Work," 1:3/4:19-20 Porticoes, VI:3/4:29

Appliances, Kitchen, XX:4:171 Cuzco, Peru

Appomattox, Va. Portales, XIV:4:4

Court House, XV:4:3,6 Arcades, covered avenues of shops

Apprenticeships in architecture, XIII:3:3 Bellefonte, Pa.

Apries Reynolds Arcade (C. B. Callahan), XVII: 1:27
Palace of, Memphis, XI:3:1 Chicago
Apses in echelon, XII:1:6; XVI:2:2; XVI:3:16,19,20 Pullman Arcade, XII:3:19-20; illus. XII:3:21 fig 5
Apsu, XII:4:4-5 New York (City)
Apthorp House see New York (City) Arcade, 1827 (J. Haviland), XII:3:13,16 and n20
Aquariums Arcade Bldg., 1849, XII:1:15; illus. XII:1:16 fig 3
New York (City), 1892, IX:3:26 Newcastle upon Tyne
"Aqueduct" motif, XX:2:75 Royal Arcade (R. Grainger), XIX:2:88
Aqueducts Philadelphia
See also Bridges Arcade, 1827 (J. Haviland), XII:3:13,16 and n20



Os Arcos Aqueduct, Rio de Janeiro, XVII:2:31 Arcade (R. Warren), XII:3:13-16; illus. XII:3:14-15



Water conduit, Olympia, VII:3/4:34 Stonington, Conn., XII:3:13

Italy "Arcadian Revival," IX:l/2:34; XIX:1:24
Syracuse, VII:3/4:34 Arcediano, Antonio de, Friar, XIX:2:69

Taormina, VII:3/4:34 Archaeologia graeca [Antiquities of Greece], by J.






Spain, XVIII:2:46 Archaeological Institute of America, VI: 1/2:34

Turkey Archdale, Gov., of Charleston, X:4:3
Aqueduct of Valens, Istanbul, XX: 1:44 Archer, 19th c.

U.S. House of see Richmond, Va.: Cunningham-Archer

California, XV: 1:26 n 10 House

Canal aqueducts (J. Roebling), XVI: 1:11 Archer, J.

Monocacy Aqueduct, X:2:23 State House, Boston
Schoharie Creek Aqueduct, Ft. Hunter, N.Y., Engr. after A. J. Davis painting, illus. XIV:2:[15]


Washington Aqueduct, 1853, Washington, D.C., Archer, Thomas, XIII: 1:11,13

VII: 1/2:18,22,28,30; X:2:23 Hale Park, XIII:4:32

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Archer - Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome and the Middle Ages

Archer, Thomas (Cont.) Fees, XIX:3:115-117

Hampshire House, XIII:4:32 Italian, IX:4:10-14; XIII:3:3-11

Pavilion, Wrest, XIII:4:32 Laws, Legal status, etc., XI:2:10; XIV:1:21

Roehampton House, XVI:2:18; illus. XVI:2:19 fig 8 Memorials to

St. Paul's, Deptford, London, XIII:1:11-12; illus. Staglieno Cemetery, Genoa, XIX:4:144
XIII: 1:13 fig 2 Tombs
Archer, Warner, Miskey and Co., of Philadelphia, St. Ouen

VII: 1/2:26 Tomb of an unknown architect, XX:3:145

Arches, brick, XVII:4:5-6; XX:2:69; cast-iron, XV:4:18; Women, XVIII:2:66

Etruscan, VII:3/4:34; geometry of, XVIII:l:14-20 Architects' Collaborative, XIX:3:128
passim; XIX:3:91-96; XX:3:143-146; horseshoe, Architect's Dream, by T. Cole, XIV:3:21
111:4:36-39; mezzo acuto, XVIII:1:16,17,18,19; Architects' Homes, ed. by R. Winkler
Moorish, VIII:l/2:36; quint-point, XIX:3:91; Brief rev., XVI:1:32
quinto acuto, XVIII:1:14,16-18,19,20; XIX:3:91 n3; Architectura Civilis, by J. Furttenbach, XIX:2:76

Roman, VII:3/4:33-34; three-dimensional, Architectura et Perspectiva, by J. Perret, IX:3:13 nl5

XVII:4:22-24; tiers-point, XIX:3:91; triumphal, Architectural Antiquities of Normandy [Specimens of

XVII:1:19; XIX:3:106 the Architecture of Normandy], ed. by J. Britton,

Baltimore with illus. by A. C. Pugin, XIII:3:14 no.8h

Arch honoring Lafayette, design (W. F. Small), Architectural decoration and ornament see Decoration



Benevento Architectural degrees see Architecture: Study and

Arch of Trajan, IV:2:52 teaching
Cassel Architectural drawings see Architecture: Designs,
Arch (C. N. Ledoux), XIII:1:17 Drawings, Models, Plans, etc.
Cincinnati Architectural education see Architecture: Study and
Waterworks Entrance Arch, VI:3/4:20-21; illus. teaching
VI:3/4:pl IV figs 4-5 Architectural Exhibition, 1850, London, XIX:4:146nl2

Leningrad [St. Petersburg] Architectural follies see Follies, Architectural

Narva Triumphal Arch (G. Quarenghi and I. Y. Architectural Forum, IX:4:28; X:4:36
Starov), XV:4:16 Building, U.S.A.
Iron plate facing (Clarke and Pratt), Short rev., XVI:3:35
XV:4:21 n38 Architectural History Society of Japan, IX:3:29

Liverpool and Manchester Railway Arch, Architectural History, The Journal of The Society of
VIII: 1 /2:36 Architectural Historians of Great Britain
Rome (City) Vols. 1,2
Arch of Augustus, XX:2:85 Rev. by T. J. McCormick, XIX:2:88

Arch of Constantine, XII:4:15 Architectural Institute of Japan

Archilochus, XX:3:107 Debating Society, XIII:2:18

"Archimedes" spiral, XIX:3:91-96; illus. XIX:3:92 Architectural instruments see Instruments

fig 3; 94 fig 6; 95 fig 7; 96 fig 8[e], 9e (Architectural, Drawing, Engineering, etc.)

Architect, medieval definition, XI:3:12-13; professional Architectural League of New York

title, XIII:3:3 Howard Myers Memorial Award, IX:4:28; X:4:36

The Architect, IX:l/2:25,27; IX:4:16 The Architectural Magazine, London,
The Architect, by W. H. Ranlett, XI:2:6 XX:4:187-188,190

Architect, by A. Swan, XX:3:129n27 Architectural medals see Medallions, Medals,

The Architect at Mid-Century Plaquettes, etc.

Vol. 1: Evolution and Achievement, ed. by T. C. Architectural practice (see also Architecture: Study and
Bannister, XIV:3:32 teaching), XIII:3:3-11; XIV:3:32; XVII:2:29

Vol. 2: Conversations Across the Nation, ed. by F. R. Architectural Record, on SAH Journal, 11:1:52; 111:4:25

Bellamy, XIV:3:32 The Architectural Review, IV: 1:42,64; IV:3/4:50;

The Architect, or Practical House Carpenter, by A. XI:3:[32]; XVIII:2:38; XVIII:4:163

Benjamin, XII:2:13 Architectural Review and [American] Builders'Journal,

Architects ed. by S. Sloan, X:4:33; XVIII:3:105 nlO;

American, XI:3:23-26; XVII:2:29; XVII:4:39-40; XIX: 1:34,38

XVIII:3:118 Architectural schools see Architecture: Study and

Brazilian, XVII:2:31 teaching
Directories see Dictionaries (Architectural, Architectural symbolism see Symbolism
Biographical, Terminological, etc.) Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome and the

English, X:3:32; XVII:4:39-40; XVIII:3:118 Middle Ages, by E. B. Smith, XX:2:78


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Architecture - Architecture
Architecture Ricker Library of Architecture, Urbana,
Awards, Prizes, Rewards, etc. ice Awards, Prizes, IV: 1:41-42
Rewards, etc. Royal Institute of British Architects, XX:3:150

Baroque see Baroque architecture Strasbourg Parchments, Muse de l'Oeuvre

Bibliography see Bibliography: Architecture Notre Dame
Christian see Church architecture; Symbolism: Ms. 21 [aide-mmoire], XVII A: 19



Colonial see Colonial architecture XVII:4:10,18,19,20 nn22,32

Competitions see Competitions Tulane University

Conservation see Preservation and Restoration Gallier (James) Collection, VII:3/4:37

Criticism see Criticism Vienna Cathedral [St. Stephan], XI:3:9

Designs, Drawings, Models, Plans, etc. Yale University, New Haven
See also Photograph collections 19th c. railroad station designs, IV:3/4:54


Bldg. models, Perachora, XIII:4:3; XX:2:85-86 Index of American Architectural Drawings Before
Buckeye State, steamship (T. Tredgold), XI:4:26,28; 1900, XVI:3:35

illus. XI:4:[27] Tigs 2-3 La Charit-sur-Loire

Chartres Cathedral Model, IV:3/4:8

Architectural drawings at, XIX:3:91,93-96; Medieval (see also Villard de Honnecourt:

XX:3:144-146; illus. XIX:3:94 figs 5,6; 95 Sketchbook), VII:3/4:9; XI:3:9; XVII:4:9-21;
fig 7; XX:3:144 figs 4,5 XVIII:4:168; XIX:2:85; XIX:3:91-96
Collections, 1:3/4:17; IV:3/4:51 Pratolino, drawings for, Uffizi, Florence,
Avery Architectural Library, N.Y. XX:4:159-161,163; illus. XX:4:159 fig 5; 160
Archive of Measured Drawings of Historic figs 8,9; 163 fig 14
Monuments, XVIII:1:36 Renaissance, XIII:3:4,8-9,11 nn25,26;
Collection of drawings, IV:3/4:51 XVIII:l:ll-20

Lienau Collection, XI:2:[8] n7; XIV:1:18,19 Saint [Sainte, San, Santa, etc.]
Birmingham Reference Library Anne-la-Royale, Paris (G. Guarini)

Boulton and Watt Collection, VIII: 1 /2:23 Wooden model of the section, XV:2:7
Burnham Library of Architecture, Chicago Art Denis
Institute, IX: 1/2:37; IX:4:28; XI: 1:27-28; Abbey Church

XI:3:[32] Model (S. M. Crosby), IV:3/4:6

Sullivan drawings, material, etc., VIII:3/4:67; Maria del Fiore, Florence

IX:l/2:37; XX:3:141; XX:4:183-184 Models, XVIII:1:14,16-17,18 n44

Curtis-Wistar-Martin Architectural Measuring Pietro in Vaticano, Rome

Program, 1931-32 Models, XIII:3:11 nn25,26

Plans, illus. XVI:4:11 figs 6-8 Stanley Mill, Stonehouse

Detroit Institute of Arts Measured drawings of (Whiteley, Sharp, Seward

Detroit Architectural Collection, 11:3:32; and Watkins), illus. XV:2:24,25,26


Dimier collection of Cistercian plans, Cathedral

XVIII:4:165 Model (C. Cross), IV:3/4:8

Historic American Buildings Survey [HABS] see Vierzehnheiligen

United States: National Park Service: Wooden model of, Altehofhaltung, Bamberg,
Historic American Buildings Survey XIX: 1:42

Jefferson (Thomas) sketches and drawings, Virginia architecture, measured drawings of,
IX:l/2:38; IX:3:14; X:l:3 VII:l/2:94; XVIII:4:163

Maryland Eastern Shore Survey, XI: 1:27 Dictionaries see Dictionaries (Architectural,

Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Biographical, Terminological, etc.)

Museum of American Architecture Eighteenth Century see Domestic architecture:

Scale models of historic Ohio bldgs., Eighteenth Century; Eighteenth-century



New York Architectural League, IV: 1:53 Exhibitions see Exhibitions

New York Historical Society Follies see Follies, Architectural

McKim, Mead and White materials, IX:3:29 History see Architecture: Study and teaching;

Snook Archives, XIII:2:32 Learning and Scholarship and specific periods,

Prague Cathedral [St. Veit], XI:3:9 places, styles and types of architecture, e.g.

Rhode Island School [Institute] of Design Baroque architecture; Europe: Architecture;

Railroad station designs (T. Tefft, attrib.), Gothic Revival; Towers (Belfries, Observation

VIII: 1/2:36 towers, Spires, Steeples, etc.)


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Architecture - Arensberg Collection

Architecture [Cont.) Architecture and Religion (see also Church

Law and Legislation see Architects: Laws, Legal architecture), XII1:1:3-10; XIII:3:20-22,25
status, etc.; Building Codes, Laws, Regulations, Architecture and Sculpture see Art and Architecture
etc. Architecture and Society see Architecture: Sociological

Medieval see Medieval architecture aspects

Modern see Twentieth-century architecture Architecture and War (see also War damage),
Nineteenth Century see Nineteenth-century 111:1/2:58-62- 111:4:3-6

architecture Architecture as a profession see Architectural practice

Orders see Orders of Architecture L'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, Special Le Corbusier no.,

Peasant see Peasant architecture


Periodicals see Periodicals

Architecture Improved..., by R. Morris,

Photograph collections see Photograph collections XX-3-121 128 no 52

Practice see Architectural practice Architecture in AmTrica: A Battle of Styles, ed. by W.
Preservation see Preservation and Restoration
A. Coles and H. H. Reed Jr.

Primitive see Primitive art and architecture

Brief rev., XX:3:149

Prizes see Awards, Prizes, Rewards, etc. ... . . , ,. .

Proportions see Orders of Architecture; Proportion Architecture in America A Photographic History from

(Art and Architecture) Colonial Period to the Present, by W. Andrews,

Renaissance see Renaissance architecture XX. 1.44

Restoration see Preservation and Restoration Architecture in Britain, 1530-1830, by J. Summerson,

Rococo see Rococo architecture XIII: 1:32; XIII:4:31-32; XV:4:31

Romanesque see Romanesque architecture Architecture in Old Chicago, by T. E. Tallmadge,

Scholarships see Scholarships, Grants-in-aid, etc. 11:2:30; 11:4:17,27 nl45

Seventeenth Century see Seventeenth-century Architecture in Old Kentucky, by R. Newcomb,

architecture XI:1:32; XII:2:30-31

Sociological aspects, XVI:2:32 Architecture in Perspective [Perspective Made Easy], by

Study and teaching (see also Apprenticeships; W. Halfpenny, XX:3:126 no.25

Architectural practice; Learning and Architecture in the Age of Reason ..., by E. Kaufmann,

Scholarship), 11:2 (Special Issue); by XII:3:32; XV:4:30-31

broadcasting (radio), 11:1:34-35; history and Architecture moderne, 1728 (anon.), XVIII:2:60-62; illus.
reappraisal, 11:1:3-7; 111:3:3-11; XIV:3:32; N. from, XVIII:2:60,61,62

Pevsner on, X:4:33 Architecture of the Old Northwest Territory, by R.

Brazil, XVII:2:31 Newcomb, X:l:28; XIL2-.30
Denmark, XIX:2:83-84 L'architecture romane du Midi de la France, by H.
France, 1:2:3-15; XVII:2:29; XVIII:4:140-148 Rvoil, XII:1:9

Germany, 11:3:6-13; XIV-.L18 Architecture Through the Ages, by T. F. Hamlin,




U.S., 11:1:38; 111:1/2:58-62; XIII:3:16; Architecture USA, by I. McCallum, XIX:2:86-87

XIV:2:29-30; XVI:4:29-30; XVII:1:30; Architecture You and Me, by S. Giedion
XVII:2:29; XVII:3:36 j^ev -yj g Rusk, XVIII:3:118
Theories of Proportion see Proportion (Art and Archive of Hispanic Cu,ture ^ Washington> DC.:

Architecture) _ Library of Congress: Archive of Hispanic Culture

Twentieth Century see Twentieth-century ... j , , .

. , Archives de la Marne see Reims

architecture ... - , ,
no ,, j c-. . * i.. . Archivo Espanol de Arte

U.S. see United States: Architecture

No. 113,115

Architecture, Ambition and Americans, by W. Andrews,

Brief rev., by G. Moser, XVI:3:35

XV:2:29-30; XVII: 1:36; XX: 1:44

No. 120

Architecture and Art see Art and Architecture

Architecture and City Planning, by P. Zucker, rev" XVII:3;36

IV:3/4:49 Na 121
Architecture and Engineering see Engineering and Brief rev., XVII:4:40
Architecture Arcos de la Frontera, Spain
Architecture and History, by W. Morris, IV:2:34-35 Church, XII:2:31

Architecture and Industry see Industrial Bldgs.; Arellano, Francisco Dominguez de Chavez y see
Industrialization Dominguez de Chvez y Arellano, Francisco
Architecture and Painting see Art and Architecture Arenas see Stadiums (Arenas, Hippodromes, etc.)
Architecture and Poetry, XVI: 1:25-27 Arensberg Collection see Philadelphia: Philadelphia
Architecture and Psychology, XVI:3:35 Museum of Art

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Arequipa, Peru - Army camps

Arequipa, Peru Arlington House see Lee Mansion National Memorial

Art work of, V:40 Arlington Memorial Bridge, IV: 1:37,38-39

Compania Arlington National Cemetery, IV: 1:37,38,39; X:2:14
Faade, V:[33],34; illus. V:[34a] fig 1 Tomb of the Unknowns [Monument to Unknown
Iglesia Mayor, V:[39] Soldiers], VII:l/2:22





Temple of, Athens, XIII:4:14 Armenia

Aretino, Pietro, XIII:3:10nl5 Church architecture see Church architecture:

Annunziata (A. Sangallo, the elder), XVII:4:22 Armenia and the Byzantine Empire, by S. Der
Brick wall, VII:3/4:35 Nersessian, IV:3/4:5-6

Santa Maria della Pieve, XX:2:84 Armitage, James, 18th c. Md. plasterer, XX:3:135

Arfe y Villafane, Juan, 16th c XIX:3:95 nl3 Armitage, James, 18th c. Philadelphia bldr., XV:4:25

Argali Armitage, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Church, 1619, Jamestown, Va., IV:3/4:44 Armories and Arsenals

"Argamasa," XV:1:17,19 n34 Boston> Mass _ XIV:3:24
Argan, Giulio Carlo, on Palladio, XIX:4:184 Charleston SC

Argentina Arsenal, 1780, illus. X:4:[5] fig 2

Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes see Academia Chicago

Nacional de Bellas Artes First Regiment Armory (Burnham and Root),

Arges, Rum. see Curtea-de-Arges XIV:3:24-25,26; illus. XIV:3:25 fig 3
Argyll, Duke of Cleveland, XIV:3:24
House of, design (C. Campbell), XX:3:115 Dearborn, Mich.

Church (G. L. Bernini), XV:2:3; XIX:4:135 Detroit0'1 ArSena'' 112 34

A"sculpture of, XX: 1:42 Bagley Armory (H. H.(Shepley,

[Armory Bldg.
Rutan and Cooltdge)], IX: 1/2:25;

Ariss, John, XVIII:4:163


Mount Airy, XIII:2:4,8 p

Aristotile [Bastiano da Sangallo], XIII:3:8,10 n 10 ,i -,0

a A-i j n I , U.S. Arsena, VII:l/2:22,28; XVIII:4:159

Aristotile da Bologna, XVII:3:18 n6 XIV 3 29

Aristotle, on Acropolis bldgs., XIII:4:10; on Agora, . . _

XIII:4:13; on Assos, VIII:l/2:50; on Greek city Lonent, France

planning, 111:1/2:28; VIII:l/2:47; and m v iu' l;13 12

Hippodamus, VIII:l/2:47; XIX:1:39; in Middle New l?T\ ^ {for speCf[C bld8\see New York

Ages, IV: 1:5; XI:3:11; "supervenient perfection" of, XT (City): Armones and Arsenals), XIV:3:23-29

x 3.6 Newport, R.I., XIV:3:23

Metaphysics, XL3-.12 Norwalk, Conn., XIV:3:24

Arjunand Banu, Begum, XV:4:10 Philadelphia

Ark of the Covenant, Touro Synagogue, Newport, R'rst Reg'ment Armory (J. H. Windnm), XIV:3:24

XVII:2:23,25-26; illus. XVII:2:24,25 Try' N"Y'

Arkhangelsk New York State Armory (Brown-Dawson),
City plan, IV: 1:25,29-30; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 5 . XIV:3:24

Arkwright, Richard, and development of factory and Tunja, Colombia

industrial methods, 111:4:5; VIII:1/2:2,3; Atarazana, XIV:4:5

and J. Strutt, VIII:l/2:30n43 Venice

Cotton mill using water frame, 1768, Nottingham, Arsenale [Naval Arsenal], IV:3/4:3

111:4:5; VIII: 1 /2:26 n7 Washington, D.C.

Mill on the Derwent, Cromford, Navy Yard (B. H. Latrobe), X:2:5,23; XIV:3:30;
VIII: 1 /2:16-17,26 n7 illus. X:2:23

Mills, New Lanark (with D. Dale), Old Armory, VII:l/2:20

VIII: 1 / 2:11,13,30n47; illus. VIII:l/2:pl II "Armory," term, XIV:3:23
figs 5,6 Armory Show of Modern Art, 1913, XIV:3:27

Water frame [spinning machine] patent, Armrit, Richard, 18th c. Phdadelphia bldr., XV:4:25

VIII:1/2:3,5,11 Armstrong, G. W.
Aries House of see Brookline, Mass.

Council of Montpellier at, 1234 see Montpellier, Armstrong, Menerva

Council of, Aries, 1234 House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 fig 2no.29
Roman amphitheater, IV:3/4:54 Armstrong, Robert G., Rev., XIV:2:11
St. Trophime, XVII:3:23 Army camps see Military Camps, Reservations, etc.

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Arnaud - Artimino

Arnaud, Leopold, and Association of Collegiate Art and Industry, XIX: 1:9

Schools of Architecture, 11:2:4; at Buenos Aires Art and Religion, XIII: 1:3-10
University, 111:1/2:35; on "half watermelon" dome, Art and Theater, V:47

XV:1:19 n22; and Le Corbusier, 11:2:11; Legion of Art and War (see also War damage), 111:1/2:58-62;
Honor recipient, VII:3/4:37; on medieval towns, 111:4:3-6; IX:4:26-27
11:4:40; and SAH (N.Y. Chapter), 11:4:40; Art criticism see Criticism
IV:3/4:55 L'art de btir des maisons de campagne, by C. E.
"A Definition for Gothic Architecture by Briseux, XVIII:2:62
Viollet-le-Duc," IV:3/4:42 Art exhibitions see Exhibitions

"Medieval Towns," 111:1/2:30-35 Art in European Architecture, by P. Damaz, XV:4:32

"The Tall Building in New York in the Twentieth Art Nouveau, Bing's "Salon de l'Art Nouveau,"
Century," XI:2:15-18 XVIII:2:68; Brooklyn Squadron "C" Armory in
Arnhem, Neth. style of, XIV:3:27; credo, IV:2:26-27; Eiffel Tower
Temporary Sculpture Pavilion (G. T. Rietveld), decoration in style of, XVI:4:28; in England,
XVIII:3:116 XX:3:149; history, XIV:2:18-19; of H. von

Arnoul, Patriarch of Jerusalem, XIV:1:3 Herkomer, XVIII:2:67; and Le Corbusier,

Aronco [Aranco; Avonco], Raimondo d', and Art XX:2:94; of C. R. Mackintosh, XIII:2:30-31;
Nouveau, XII:1:32; XIV:2:19; development XVIII:2:68; use of plant forms, XIX:1:7; seeming
compared with C. R. Mackintosh, XIII:2:31 lack of rules, XII:4:17; in Spain, XVIII:2:48;
Bibliography, XIV:2:25-26 stained glass of New Bradwell church in style of,
Turin Exposition, 1902, XIV:2:19 XIX:4:167 n86; study of, by academic scholars,
Aronovici, Carol XVII:2:31; swirl designs, XIV:3:27; and F. L.

"Glimpses of Democracy in Mediaeval Urbanism," Wright, XIX:4:183





Arpajon, France Gilchrist, A. A., "Art Nouveau Architecture in

Market hall, XVII:2:16; illus. XVII:2:15 fig 35 New York City," VIII:1/2:129

Arras Grady, J., A Bibliography of the Art Nouveau,

Cathedral, W. W. II. damage, 1:1:22 XIV:2:18-27

Chevet, XIII: 1:30 Hitchcock, H.-R., Architecture: Nineteenth and

Arrhenius, IV:2:33 Twentieth Centuries, XIX:3:126

Arria Fadilla, 1:1:6 Hope, H. R., "Some Aspects of Art Nouveau,"
Arria Marcella, by T. Gautier, XIV:3:4 11:3:31
Arriaca see Guadalajara, Spain Howarth, T., Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the
Arrieta, Pedro de Modern Movement, XIII:2:30-31
La Profesa, Mexico City Lenning, H. F., The Art Nouveau, XII: 1:32;
Faade, V:28-30,31; illus. V:[30b] fig 5 XII:4:17; XIII:2:30
Arrillaga, Provisional Gov. of Calif, XIII:4:29 Art objects
Arris, 18th c., XVIII:2:71 Conservation and restoration, IX:4:26-27
Arrochar, S. I. The Art of Building Cities [Der Staedtebau nach seinen
Richardson House see New York (City): Arrochar Kuenstlerischen Grundsaetzen], by C. Sitte,





Sapington {Dr. John) Memorial, IX:3:27 The Art of Sound Building Demonstrated in
Ars Hispaniae, XVIII:4:167 Geometrical Problems, by W. Halfpenny,



City plan, IV:1:30,32; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 13 L'art pr-roman, by J. Hubert, 11:2:25
Arsenal of Philo, XX:4:202 L'art russe, by E. E. Viollet-le-Duc, VIII:1/2:91;
Arsenals see Armories and Arsenals XVI: 1:31

Art Art through the Ages, by H. Gardner, XIX: 1:41

Baroque see Baroque art Artari, Joseph, XIX:3:131

Christian see Symbolism: Christian The Arte of English Poesie, by Puttenham (attrib.),
Primitive see Primitive art and architecture XIX:2:76-77

Art, by R. W. Emerson, XVII:4:27,28 Artemis, VIIM/2:49,50

Art and Architecture Artemis Leukophryene

Painting and Architecture, 11:3:32-33; XII-.4:8-ll Santuary of see Magnesia: Sanctuary of Artemis
Sculpture and Architecture (see also Sculpture: Leukophryene
Architectural, Decorative, etc.), XII:4:9 Artificial stone see Stone: Types: Artificial
Twentieth Century Artimino
Damaz, P. Art in European Architecture, XV:4:32 Villa Ferdinanda

"The Art and Craft of the Machine," by F. L. Wright, Lunettes of Medicean Villas (G. Utens),




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'The Artist in Wartime" - Assos

"The Artist in Wartime," by K. J. Conant, 111:4:3-6 Ashmead, Henry B.

Artists' Fund Society, Philadelphia, XVIII:4:163 Printing Plant of see Philadelphia: Ashmead Printing



Design (C. Vaux), illus. VI:l/2:pl I fig 6 Ashmead, Isaac

Artophoria, Ciboria, etc. Printing Plant of, see Philadelphia: Ashmead
Aachen [Aix-la-Chapelle] Printing Plant
Byzantine Artophorion, Cathedral, 111:4:35,36; Ashur see Assur
illus. III:4:[32a] fig 6 Ashumasirpal see Assur-Nasir-Pal


Byzantine Artophorion, St. Mark's, 111:4:35 Church, V:[33]

Arts and Crafts Movement Asklepios

England, XIII:3:25; XIV:2:18,19; XIX:1:9; Sanctuary of see Kos: Sanctuary of Asklepios

XIX:3:125 n8 Asociacin de los Amigos de la Fiesta del Arbol de

U.S., IX:1/2:19; XIX:l:5-6,9; XIX:2:64; Barcelona, XVIII:2:45 nl4

XIX:3:124,125; XX:2:96 Asol. Ita|y
Arts and Crafts Societies, XVIII:2:68; XIX:l:2,5-6; Castle, XI:2:26

XIX:3:124 Theatre, 1798, XI:2:26-27; illus. XI:2:26

Arts of the United States, A Pictorial Survey, ed. by M. Aspadana see Isfahan

Davidson and W. H. Pierson, Jr., XX:3:150 Aspdin, XX:4:197

Artus I Quellin see Quellinus, Artus Aspet see Cornish, N.H.

Arundale, Francis, 1807-1853, XIII:3:14(8h.) Assagao, Goa

al-Ars Minaret see Damascus: Umayyad Mosque: Church of, XV:3:6

al-Ars Minaret L'Assemblee de Constructeurs pour une Renovation

Arzrum, Turk, see Erzerum Architecturale [ASCORAL; CIAM French Unit],

Asam Brothers XVI*2*31 and Le Corbusier, XVIII:2:38; XVIII:3:92

Asam Kirch [S. Johannes-Nepomuk], Munich, Industrial linear city project, XVIII:3:92-93; illus.

XVI-4-36 XVIII:3:93 fig 10

Asbestine, XIX:1:40 R0UtC Cit'eS plan' EurPe> XVHI:3:92-93; illus.

The Ascension, painting (B. Sandzen), Vl:l/2:28 . XVIII.3.92 fig 9 ^

* Assembly halls see Armories and Arsenals; Moot halls;

Aschaffenburg Theaters (Auditoriums Concert has Qpera


nouses etc )

Pompejanum (F. von Grtner), XIV.3.3, illus. Associated Architects (see also Corbett, Harrison and

Asclepios XI
4 33 MacMurray;
Godley and
XI 33.4,
Reinhard and

Ascoral .see L'Assemblee de Constructeurs pour une Metropolitan Square, N.Y. w New York (City):

Renovation Architecturale Metropolitan Opera House [and Square]:

Asfeld, d , XIII: 1:26 n2 Designs, plans, schemes, etc.
Ash Lawn, Va., IX:3:27 Rockefeller Center, N.Y. see New York (City):
Ashbee, Charles R X:l:23 Rockefeller Center

Ashburnham, Earl of, late 18th c., XIV:4:22 n55 Association des Cits-Jardins de France, XVIII:3:81

Ashby, Thomas Association for the Advancement of Architectural

The Architecture of Ancient Rome (with W. J. Education II-1 -53- II-2-36

Anderson and R. P. Spiers), VII:3/4:36, Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities

XIX:2:86 [A.P.V.A.], 1:3/4:16,20; 11:2:38; 111:4:26-31

A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (and S. Association Internationale de l'Amnagement du

B. Platner), VII:3/4:36 Monde, XVIII:3:82

Ashdown House (B. H. Latrobe), XIII:4:32; XV:4:29 Association Internationale des Cits-Jardins-Linaires,



Biltmore (R. M. Hunt and F. L. Olmsted, Sr.), Stationery of, illus. XVIII:3:81 fig 1

XI:2:[14]; XV:2:29 Association Internationale des Cits Linaires,

Ashfield Magna XVIII:2:46; XVIII:3:81

Church, pulpit, 1618, IX:3:11 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture,

Ashland (B. H. Latrobe) see Lexington, Ky. 11:1:53; 11:2:4,5

Ashland Plantation, Ark., IX:3:26 Assomption, Can. see L'Assomption, Can.

Ashlar masonry (see also Rubble masonry), 11:2:12; Assos

XX:4:169 Agora, VIII:l/2:50; XIII:4:15; illus. VIII:l/2:pl X;

Ashley, 18th c., of Deerfield, Mass. XIII:4:18 fig 7

House of, XII:3:27 City plan, VIII:l/2:50; VIII:3/4:42
Ashley, John, 18th c., XII: 1:22 Stoa, 1:2:19

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Assuan Dam - Athens

Assuan Dam, XV:4:4 Competition drawings (W. Strickland),



Ishtar Temple, 11:1:9 Athens


Three-portal entries, XX:2:85 Acropolis, 11:1:46; VIII:l/2:46; VIII:3/4:8; IX:4:26;

Assur-Nasir-Pal X:3:3; XIII:4:3-18 passim; XVII: 1:34; illus.

Relief Of, 11:1:9 XIII:4:7 figs 8,9,10; 11 figs 2,3

Asto, Simon de Agora, 1:1:23; 1:2:16-20; 11:1:40; XIII:4:9-14;

Cathedral, Puno XV:1:32; XIX:1:44; illus. XIII:4:11 figs 2,3; 12

Faade, V:[33], 34; illus. V:[34a] fig 2 figs 4-7

Aston, Pa. American School of Classical Studies, XIII:4:10;

Neelde (John) House, XVI:4:30-31 XV: 1:32

Astor, John Jacob, XIV: 1:21 Athena Promachos, XIII:4:6; illus. XIII:4:7 fig 8
House of see Mackinac Island, Mich. Bouleuterion, XIII:4:13

Astor, John Jacob, III, XIV:1:21 Brauronion, XIII:4:6

Astor, Nancy, Lady, 111:4:27 Chalkotheke Court, XIII:4:6

Astor, Waldorf, Viscount, 11:3:32 Choragic Monument (Lysicrates), XIV:2:12;

Astor, Mrs. William XVI: 1:22; XVII:1:31,33 n2; XIX:1:31

House of see New York (City) City Plan> VHI:l/2:46; VIII:3/4:8; illus. XIH:4:11
fig 3


City plan, IV:1:26,31; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 4 ?1P^/1' XIII:f:1

Actrac vn-varst Q Erechtheum (Mnesicles), XI:2:24; XIII:4:5,6,8;

j,.J' XV:4:9; XVI:2:31;


XIII:4:7 fig 9

Mesopotamia, XVIII:3:97 n20 N. door, XVII: 1:24

Asturian churches, XVI:4:2-7 Found.ng by

Theseus, VIII:3/4:8
Heliaia, XIII :4: 13

Asuncion, Paraguay

Hephaisteion [Theseum], 11:4:40-41; X:2:14;

Experimental School (A. Reidy), XX:2:95

Asuncion Mita, Guatemala

XIII:4:13,14; XX:2:66; XX:4:201,202

Library of Hadrian, XIII:4:14; illus. XIII:4:11 fig 3

Maps see Athens: City plan

Church, XV:1:18 nl2

Aswan Dam see Assuan Dam

T .. .. , m L, , Market of Caesar and Augustus, XIII:4:14; illus.

Asylums, Insane see Hospitals (Psychiatric) XIII 4 11 fi 3

Asylums, Orphan see Orphanages Metron XIII A13

"Ataurique " XV: 1:17 0deioill kill:4:13,14

Atchison, Kan. Olympieion, XIII:4:17

Tnnity Episcopal Church, VI:l/2:29 Palace hal] of the early ru,ers> XHI:4:5

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, VI:l/2:26 Panathenaic Way, XIII:4:6,13,14

Athelney Church, XVL3-.34 Parthenon (Iktinos and Kallicrates), architectural

Athelstan, King, 11:2:8 profession in time of, 11:1:3; T. H. B. Burrough
Athena, XI:3:[5] on> XVI:2:31; copied, 11:3:27; XIV:2:13;
Temples and Sanctuaries of see Athens: Parthenon; XV1-28- XIX-4-142 XX-4l88nll- R W

Athens: Sanctuary of Athena Polias; Emerson on, VII:3/4:[17]; fame and status of,

Herakleia-on-the-Latmos: Temple of Athena; XVII:4:26; XIX:4:137,142; J. Fergusson on,

Lindos: Temple of Athena; Pergamum: Temple XVII:4:26; Le Corbusier on, X:3:3

of Athena Polias Nikephoros; Priene: Temples Bldg., parts, etc., illus. XIII:4:7 figs 8-11

and Sanctuaries: Athena; Troy, Turk.: Temple Archaeological reconstitution, 11:2:6

of Athena Ilia Color, 11:1:19; XVI:4:33

Athena Nikephoros Columns, XV: 1:28; XX:4:188 n 11

Festival of, XI:3:4 Elgin Marbles, 111:4:3; IX:4:26

Athena Promachos, XIII:4:6; illus. XIII:4:7 fig 8 Lighting, XVII:4:25

Athenaeum, society, VI:l/2:34 Material related to form, VII:l/2:9

Athenaeums Medal, XIV:2:[5] capt. fig 13

Baltimore, Md., XX:2:65,66,68,69; illus. XX:2:65 Roof and ceiling construction, XX:4:201
fig 1 Scheme, 11:1:40
Boston, Mass., VII:3/4:19; VIII: 1 /2:34 Site, XIII:4:3,5-6,8
Brescia, XVII:3:2,8 Size and proportions, VI:3/4:19
Hudson, Ohio (S. Porter), XII:2:9 Space, XVI:4:33

Manchester, Engl. (C. Barry), XX:1:6 Peisistratid Temple, 6th c., XIII:4:5,6
Philadelphia Propylaea (Mnesicles), XIII:4:6; XIV:3:3
Bldg. (J. Notman), X:l:25; XV:2:20; XVII:3:33 n2; Sketch (Le Corbusier), XX:2:92
XX: 1:6 Propylaea, Old, XIII:4:6; illus. XIII:4:7 fig 7

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Athens -Aurillac
Prytaneion, XIII:4:10 Auditoriums see Theaters (Auditoriums, Concert halls,
Royal Palace (F. von Grtner), XIV:3:3 Opera houses, etc.)

Sanctuary of Athena Polias, XI1I:4:5 Audran, V:46

Schliemann House [Supreme Court], XIV:3:3 Audubon Home, Montgomery Co., Pa., XV:4:3
Stoas Auge, XI:3:4,[5]
Attalos, 1:2:18-19; XIII:4:13; XIX:1:44 Augny, Hotel d' see Paris: Hotel d' Augny
Middle, XIII:4:13,14 Augsburg
Poikile, XIII:4:11 Kirche zum Heilige Kreuz, IX:3:13nl9
Zeus, XI1I:4:13 S. Salvator, XV:2:10nl2

Supreme Court see Athens: Schliemann House Town Hall, XX: 1:42
Temple of Apollo, XIII:4:13 Augur, Hezekiah

Temple of Ares, XIII:4:14 Medal, 1638, Quinnipiack River, illus. XIV:2:[5]

Temple of Minerva, XVI: 1:25 Tig 16
Temple of Poseidon, XX:4:201 Augusta, Sicily see Agosta, Sicily

Temple on the Ilissus, XII:3:13; XVII:1:33; XX:2:67 Augusta, Me.

Theatre of Dionysos, XIII:4:10 Capitol (C. Bulfinch), XIV:2:12-17; illus.

Theseum sec Athens: Hephaisteion XIV:2:[14-15] figs 1-4,6
Tholos, XIII:4:13 Augusta Academy see Lexington, Va.: Washington and
Tower of the Winds, XIV:2:12 Lee University

Athens, N.Y. Augusta Praetoria see Aosta

City plan [Esperanza], 111:1/2:38; XX:3:108 Augusta Taurinorum see Turin: Augusta Taurinorum

Athey, Isabella, XX:4:184n9 Augustine, Saint, and architecture, XI:3:6,10-14; Rule

Athletic clubs see Clubhouses; Gymnasiums of, XIV:1:3; and symbolism of number, XVI: 1:6;
Athouguia, Ruy Jervis d' XVIII:3:96-97
Athouguia (Ruy Jervis d') Home, Lisbon, XVL1:32 De Musica, XI:3:10
Atiaide, Manuel da Costa see Costa Atiaide, Manuel da De Ordine, XVII:2:28
Atkinson, Earl T., XV:2:16 De Trinitate, XI:3:13
Atkinson, Thomas Augustinian Order

Gothic Cottage, Auburn, N.Y., XV:2:16 Portuguese, XV:3:6; XIX:2:70-72

Munro House, Elbridge, N.Y., XV:2:14,16; illus. Spanish, XIX:2:69-70

XV:2:[17] fig 11 Augustus, Roman Emperor, Augusta Praetoria [Aosta]

Atlanta, Ga. settled by soldiers of, VIII:3/4:38; great bldg. activity

City plan, VIII:3/4:22 in time of, XIII:4:14; bldg. and traffic laws of,
Atlantic City, N.J. VIII:3/4:33; son-in-law [Agrippa] and, XIII:4:14;
Centennial, XIII:2:28 XIX:4:135; represented in Theatine theatrical

Elephant Hotel see Margate City, N.J. productions, XV:2:4; compared with Vignola,


City plan, 111:1/2:28 Forum of see Rome (City): Forums: Augustus

Atley, Bishop of Hereford, XVII:2:10 Market of Caesar and Augustus see Athens: Market
Atmagean, Dobruja of Caesar and Augustus
Archaeological investigations, IV:3/4:24 Mausoleum of, Rome, 111:1/2:27
Attalos II, King of Pergamon, 1:2:18-19; XIII:4:13; Triumphal Arch of, Rome, XX:2:85
XIX: 1:44 Augustus III, of Saxony, IV:2:23

Attingham Park, Shropshire, XI:1:32; XII:1:32; Augustusburg Schloss see Bruehl: Schloss
XII:4:32; XIII:2:32 Augustusburg

Atum, deity, XII:4:6,7 p24 Auldwood see Sea Bright, N.J.

Atwater, Caleb, XIV:4:23 Aulford [Alfred; Allford], John, 18th c. plasterer,



Congregational Church, VII:3/4:32 Aumale, due d\ XI:2:[14]

Aubert, Marcel, on Cistercian architecture, Aunon, D. Tomas, V:13 n85

XVIII:4:165,166,167; on St. Bnigne, Dijon, Aurangabad, India



L'architecture cistercienne en France (and G. A. Aurangzeb, XV:4:10

de Maill), XyiI:3:33-34; XVIII:4:165,167 Aurelian, retreat from Dacia, IV:3/4:24; built wall
Auberville, d', XIII: 1:25 around Rome, VIII:3/4:33
Aubiac Aurelius, Marcus see Marcus Aurelius

Church, IV:3/4:20,21; illus. IV:3/4:[10b] fig 8 Aurid Island

Auburn, N.Y. Cult house, XIX: 1:28
Gothic cottage (T. Atkinson), XV:2:16 Aurillac, Gerbert of see Sylvester II

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Aurora, Ohio - Awards, Prizes, Rewards, etc.




Hopwood House, XII:2:10 Factories

Howard (C. R.) House, XII:2:13 Ford Highland Park Plant, Detroit, XII:4:32
Root House, XII:2:12 Filling stations see Filling stations
Treat House, XII:2:10 Showrooms see Showrooms, Automobile

Ausindon Mountain, XII:4:7 n4 Automobiles and city planning, VIII:3/4:30; XX:2:62

Austerlitz, ship, 11:4:12 Autrche
Austin, fl. 1909, Col. of Eighth Coast Artillery, The Church, IX:4:8; illus. IX:4:[7] figs 10,11



Austin, A. Everett, XI:2:26 Abbey of Saint Martin, XVI:3:16,21 nl7

Austin, Henry, biogr. study undertaken, IV:3/4:47; Church and chapel, XVI:3:17,19-20;

VII:3/4:37; VIII:l/2:87; villa style of, XI:2:28 XVIII:3:95,99; illus. XVI:3:19 fig 4;
Beach (Moses) House, Wallingford, XII:4:16,18 XVIII:3:99 fig 2
Drawings, IV:3/4:51 Cathedral, IV:3/4:7

Railroad Stations Auvera, XII:4:14

Collinsville, Conn., VIII: 1/2:35-36; illus. Auxerre
VIII:l/2:pl V fig 3 Cathedral

New Haven, VIII: 1/2:35 pjers

Plainville, Conn., VIII:l/2:35-36 Crypt, XVII-3-7

Town (Ithiel) House, New Haven, XIII:3:27 Nave,'lV:3/4:40; illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 8

Austin, Stephen F., XI:4:1,[6] nl3 Auzelle, Robert

Aus*'n> Nv* , Documents d'urbanisme, XIX:4:183
Methodist Church, IX:3:27 Avebury
Austin, Tex. Bronze age site, 111:1/2:42
Cochran-Neill House see Austin, Tex.: Neill-Cochran "Avenoodles " XIV-1-19

, HUTSf . TT .. rgi c, Averlino, Antonio di Pietro see Filarete

Dietnch-Hancock House see Austin, Tex.: Sunny . > ^ .

R. , J Avery, of Granville, Ohio

va 1 f ru 1 u i vt a VT a nil House of> xil:2:8; illus. XII:2:[7] fig 12

Edgemont [Hooks House], XI:4:12; illus. XI:4:[11] Avery Mrs William H

Governor's Mansion, XI:4:9-10; illus. XI:4:10 fig 1 Housf, of ["^1^ HUSe]' We"neet' MaSS"
Hancock-Dietrich House see Austin, Tex.: Sunny l. us.. . 1
Avery Architectural Library see New York (City):


Hooks House see Austin, Tex.: Edgemont . Columbia University: Avery Architectural Library
House (Col. E. M.) House (F. Freeman), XI:4:35-36; Avignon
tu ne YI-4-7S Palace of the Popes, XIII: 1:22; XVII:3:28

Log cabin, XI:4:12 Avila> SPain f

Neill-Cochran House, XI:4:10; illus. XI:4:[11] fig 5 ^an Pe(*ro Pt. Peter], XII:l.-8
Pease (Elisha M.) House see Austin, Tex.: Woodlawn San Vicente, XII:1:8

Raymond (Nat) House, XI:4:12; illus. XI:4:[11] fig 7 Aviler [d Avillar; Daviler], Augustin Charles d

State Capitol (E. E. Myers), 111:3:31 Cours d'architecture, V:46; XIX:2:76

Sunny Ridge [Dietrich-Hancock House], XI:4:10-12; Avon, Conn.

illus. XI:4:[11] fig 6 Church, 1818, VII:3/4:29

Swisher House (A. H. Cook), XI:4:9-10; illus. Avonco, Raimondo d' see Aronco, Raimondo d'
xi:4:[ll] fig 3 Avranches
University of Texas Cathedral, XIII:1:31
Raymond (Nat) House see Austin, Tex.: Raymond Awards, Prizes, Rewards, etc.
(Nat) House See also Scholarships, Grants-in-aid, etc.

Woodlawn [Pease (Elisha M.) House], XI:4:9-10; American Institute of Architects

illus. xi:4:10 fig 2 Gold Medal Award

Austinville, Va. [Lead Mines, Va.] 1951, B. Maybeck, XI:3:30
Jackson (T.) Shot Tower, XVI:1:17-18 n96 1952, A. Perret, XI:3:29

Australia Prize, M. Hastings, XVIII:3:86

Colonization, XX:2:51 American Philosophical Society, XX: 1:23

Austria Architectural League of New York
Architecture, XIX:1:41 Howard Myers Memorial Award, IX:4:28; X:4:36
Auterbourg see L'Auterbourg Brescia Athenaeum Biennial Prize and Gold Medal
The Autobiography of an Idea, by L. H. Sullivan, 1828, XVII:3:2,8
XX:3:141; XX:4:183,184
Brief rev., XVII:2:32


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Awards, Prizes, Rewards, etc. - Bacon

College Art Association Compaiiia [Jesuit College]

Book Award Portal, V:22; VIII:3/4:44; illus. V:[20b] fig 3

1954, H.-R. Hitchcock, Early Victorian La Merced, V:40

Architecture in Britain, XV:2:31 San Cristobal, V:40

1959, H.-R. Hitchcock, Architecture: Nineteenth Santo Domingo, VIII:3/4:44-45

and Twentieth Centuries, XIX:3:125 Ayaviri, Peru

Eggleston Prize in American History, Yale Church, V:[33]

University, IX:3:5 Aymery Picaud, VII:3/4:[10] n2,26,27
Institute of Engineers of Great Britain Ayre, Wilson see Eyre, Wilson

Telford Premium Award, IV:3/4:58 Azara, Jos Nicolas de, Marquis of Nibbiano, XIII:3:12

Legion of Honor, French, VII:3/4:37 Azcrate, Jos Maria de

Philadelphia Award, X:l:28 "El Convento de Ucls y Francisco de Luna...,"
Prix de Rome [Grand Prix], 1:2:6-10,13; 111:3:9; Archivo Espahol de Arte, No. 115
XIX: 1:16; XIX:2:86 Brief rev. by G. Moser, XVI:3:35

Pulitzer Prize "La Obra Toledana de Juan Guas," Archivo Espahol

1956, T. Hamlin, Benjamin Henry Latrobe, de Arte, No. 113

XV:4:29 Brief rev. by G. Moser, XVI:3:35

Royal Gold Medal, XIX:4:145 Azevedo, Antonio de, XV:3:14n8

Society of Architectural Historians Azevedo, Carlos de

Book Award [Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award; "The Churches of Goa," XV:3:3-6
Certificate of Honor (Merit)] see Society of Azevedo Leo, Carlos see Leo, Carlos Azevedo
Architectural Historians: Book Award al-Azhar

Town and Country Planning Association Mosque of see Cairo: al-Azhar Mosque

Howard Memorial Medal, VII:l/2:48-49 Aznar, J. Camn, on Granada Cathedral, XVII:l:9n3

Ayacucho, Peru Azov
Churches, V:[39] City plan, IV:1:26,31

Aztec city planning see Cities and Towns (Growth,

History and Planning): Aztec

Baalbek, VIII:3/4:34,42; X:4:21 Babylonia

Forum, VIII:3/4:36; XIII:4:23 City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History
Temples, VIII:3/4:34 and Planning): Babylonia

Babb, George Fletcher see Babb, Cook and Willard Baccarelli, Vincenzo, XV:3:21

Babb, Cook and Willard Ceiling of Portaria, S. Vicente de Fora, Lisbon,

New York Life Insurance Co. Bldg., 1888, XV:3:23 n54

Minneapolis, XIX: 1:40 Baccio Bigio, Nanni di see Nanni di Baccio Bigio

Babbitt, Almon W. Bach, Johann Sebastian, music likened to South

House of see Nauvoo, 111.: Taylor (John) House German Baroque architecture, XVI:2:31; at

Babcock, 19th c of Chicago, see Taylor, Babcock and Potsdam, V:44






Babcock, of Hudson, Ohio Bachhofer, Ludwig





Babcock, F. J. Sickman, L. (and A. Soper), The Art and

Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:58 nl3 Architecture of China, XVI:3:32-33




Tower of, XVI:4:26,28; XIX:4:179 Chapel of the Holy Archangels, IV:3/4:28

Babson, Henry Backus, Jno. G, 19th c Rev., XVI: 1:29

House of, Riverside, 111., XIX:2:63,64-68 Backus, Samuel D.

Babur, 111:4:47 Village and Farm Cottages (with W. Backus and H.

Babylon W. Cleaveland), 11:1:28; XVIII:3:105;

City plan, VII: 1/2:39,43,44; XX:3:108; illus. XVIII:4:161

VII:l/2:pls VII, VIII Backus, William, 11:1:28; XVIII:3:105; XVIII:4:161

Hanging Gardens, XVIII:2:59

Procession Road, VI:3/4:25; VII:l/2:39,44 Bacon, David, fl. 1806, missionary, XII:2:26
Temple of Ishtar, VILl/2:39,43; illus. Bacon, Edmund, 18th c Squire, of Barnstable, Mass.,

VII:l/2:pl VIII XIX:2:50


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Bacon - Balbs

Bacon, Henry, and Maybeck's Palace of Fine Arts, Bagley, Frederick

XI:3:31 House of, Hinsdale, 111., XIX:l:3-4; illus. XIX:1:3

Lincoln Memorial, Washington, IV: 1:37-38,39; Fig 3

XIX:4.137 Bagley Family, of Detroit, IX: 1/2:25

Bacon, John, 1740-1799 Bahia, Archbishop of, 1741-1760, see Matos, Jos
Memorial to the Earl of Effingham, Cathedral, Botelho de

Spanish Town, X:3:24 Bahia, Archbishop of, 1763-1771, see Manuel de Sta.
Statue of Admiral Rodney, Rodney Memorial, Inez
Spanish Town, X:3:24; illus. X:3:[23] figs 1,3 Bahia, Brazil see Salvador, Brazil




De Speculis, XVIII:1:13 nl3 Forum, XVII:4:4

Perspettiva, XVIII:1:13 nl3 Market of Trajan, XVII:4:4

Bacon's Castle, IV:3/4:43,46; XVII:1:13,15,18 Temple of Mercury, XVII:4:2-3,5; illus. XVII:4:3

Badalona, Spain [Badalena] Fig 1
Torre Pallaresa Baibars I, Sultan, 111:4:35

Medallions (D. Forment, attrib.), V:10 Mausoleum of, Damascus, 111:4:36

Badawy, Alexander Bailey, Francis, 18th c. English traveller, see Baily,

"Zoomorphic Shrines in Egypt and India," _ ^rancls
XVIIIT *27-29 Bailey, Joanna

Baden-Durlach, Margrave of, XII:4:12 Dramas, VII:3/4:[17]

Badger, Daniel D and cast-iron business, Worth' X:4:35^ XVII:1:15; XX: 1:23 n!4
XV:4:14-18,19; and G. H. Johnson, '[General Washington's New Room," X:2:16-18

XV:4:17,22n63; XVI:1:14 Baillairge, C.

Cast-iron faades, Chicago, XVI: 1:18 n 110 T,?wer', L"don' deslgn' XVI:4:25

Cast-iron store front, 1842, Washington St., N.Y., Bad,a'r^' Thomas, XI:1:20,21 25,[26 10; XIV:3:12

XV-4-14 19 Cathedral of St. James [St. Jacques], 1823, Montreal

(E. V.) and Co. Store, N.Y. J"d { wf/r s
Faade, XI:2:15; XII:1:15; XV:4:17,22 63; illus. . XV^H.W nli; dlus. XI:1:[23] Fig 5

vx/ , ir o Ste.-Genevieve, Pierrefonds, Can., XIV:3:10

XV:4:19 fig 9 _ .... .
t TT n , ! v,, , 0 Bailleres, Raoul
Iron House Patent, XV:4:22 n60 no.8 TT -.pa i a# ^
T , 0 House project of, Acapulco, Mex., XIX:3:130
Ironworks see Boston, Mass.: Badger (D. D.) Iron
_ ....
M. H XIX:3:126
Works; New York (City): Architectural Iron

Works of New York- New York (CitvV Badger Baillif, Claude, XIV:3:8
works ot New York, New York tuityj. Badger Bailly, Antoine Nicolas Louis

(D. D.) Ironworks Tribunal de Commerce, Paris, XVIII: 1:35

Pennsylvania Railroad grain elevator, Philadelphia BaiHy jean.Sylvaitli 1736.1793, XIII:3:15

(and G. H Johnson), XVLl: 18 107 Baily, Francis, 18th c. English traveller, XIV:1:30;

Stewart (A. T.) Store, 18 Mercer St., N.Y. XVIIM-25- XX-3108

Faade (and J. Kellum), XV:4:22 n64 Journal of a Tour in Unsettled Parts of North

U.S. Warehouse Co., Brooklyn America in 1796 & 1797, XIV:4:30

Grain elevator (and G. H. Johnson), Baird, charles, VII:1 /2:15 67
XVI:1:18 107; XIX:4:181,182 Bairdi Joseph A , Jr

Baedeker, Karl "The Ornamental Niche-Pilaster in the Hispanic

Guidebooks, XII:3:24; XVII:2:32; XX:2:57 World," XV: 1:5-11

" 'The Baedeker Bombings': an Editorial in the New Baird Pierre, 17th c Pre XVII 4 32

York Herald Tribune, June 4, 1942," 11:1:39 Baker, fl. 1850

Bhfs, George House of, Macedon, N.Y., XV:2:16

. Frauenkirche, Dresden, IX:3:12 nl Baker, Mrs., 18th c., of Natchez, XIV:4:29

Baer, Arthur Baker, Arch C XIII:2:30
House of see Saint Louis, Mo.: Baer (Arthur) House Baker, Clayton, of Cairo, Ga X:2:21

Baer, Kurt Baker, David, 19th c., of Wellfleet, Mass., XIX:2:51

Architecture of the California Missions (and H. capt. fig 6
Rudinger) Baker, Elias, XVII: 1:25-29

Rev. by E. A. Connally, XIX: 1:42-43 Baker, F. C.

Baffi, XIII:4:20 Cottage of, XIX:2:59 nl3
Bagawat, El .see El Bagawat Baker, Lorenzo Dow, 1840-1908, XIX:2:51 capt. fig 6

Bage, fl. 1796 see Benyon and Bage Baker, Louis C., Jr., XIX:2:81 4
Baghdad Bakewell, Robert, ironsmith of Derby, XIX:3:131
City plan, VIII:3/4:9 Balbs, Gernimo see Balvs, Jeronimo

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Balbs - Baltimore, Md.

Balbs, Isidoro Vicente see Balvs, Isidoro Vicente Baldwin, Elizabeth, 11:4:41
Balboa, Pan. Baldwin, Luke
Tivoli Hotel, IV:2:29 House of, Brookfield, Mass., XIII:3:16

Balch, John, fl. 1638 Ble, Switz. see Basle, Switz.

House of, Beverly, Mass., VH:3/4:30 Balestier, Joseph T.

Balconies The Annals of Chicago, 11:4:13 n56; 26 nl38
Lima, V:[21] Baletti, Marie Madelaine see Blondel, Marie Madelaine
New Orleans, VII: 1/2:36 Baletti

Balcony Falls, Va. Ball, Mrs., early 19th c.

Bateau Canal see Bateau Canal Monument of, Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia

Baldaquins, Canopies, Ciboria, etc. (see also Drawing (T. U. Walter), XVI:2:26

Altarpieces, Altars, Retables, etc.), symbolism of Ballard, D of Sacul, Tex., XI:4:[7] n26

ciborium, XVII: 1:4-5 Ballard, Frances S XIX:1:13 n7

Bologna Ballard, Robert
San Petronio York County Courthouse, Yorktown, Va., XVIII: 1:4

Ciborium, XVII:l:10nl6 Ballard, William Fitz Randolph see Harrison, Ballard




Cathedral Ballas, Oscar J., XIII:2:29

Ciborium, XVII:l:10nl7 Ballendine [Bellendine], John

Granada Residence of [Rockledge; The Den], XIII:2:3
Cathedral Balleroy
Altar Ciborium (D. de Silo), XVII: 1:4-5; illus. chteau de (R Mansart)> XIII:4:32


XVII: 1 [6] fig 4 Balloon frame construction (see also Skeleton

construction; Wood construction (Timber bldgs.,
Wooden houses, etc.)), 11:4:3-29; X:4:30; XIV:3:15;


Ciborium, XVII: 1:10 n 17

Hebron [el-Khahl] R ..

XVI:1:15; XVIII:l:32-33; XVIII:3:106

[Sepulchre of the Patriarchs] a oons
w , Nassau Balloon, XVI:4:25
Mimbar, 111:4:41 n42


Pavilion [Canopy], 111:4:34; illus. III:[32a] fig 4

La Trinit, Paris, XVIII:1:35

, Baltard, M., fl.'1794,

Tomb of Husband [Huband] Family, Hanaro, victor

IX-313n29 Les Halles, Pans, XVIII:1:35; XIX:1:19
Jerz de la Frontera, XVILLIO nl7 n Bfbld8- of Pans' XVIILL35
Jerusalem Baltimore, Lord, 111:1/2:18
Holy Sepulchre [Anastasis; Church of the Baltimore, Md.

Resurrection] Alexander (Dr. Ashton) Houses (W. F. Small),

Baldacchino [Edicule], IV:3/4:4; XVII: 1:10 n28 XX:2:69

Mlaga Arch hononng Lafayette, design (W. F. Small),



Ciborium, XVILLIO nl7 Archbishop's Residence (W. F. Small),

Moscow XX:2:70-74,76; illus. XX:2:70 fig 10

Uspenski Sobor [Cathedral of the Dormition] Architecture

Royal Baldachin, XVI:1:31 Books

Rome (City) Elam, C. H. (and W. H. Hunter, Jr.), Century of
S Maria Maggiore Baltimore Architecture..., XVI:4:35
Ciborium, 1463-64, XVILLIOnl6 Howland, R. H. (and E. P. Spencer), The

S. Peter's Architecture of Baltimore..., XIII:3:30-32;

Baldaquin (G. L. Bernini), XV:3:20 XVI:4:35

Ciborium, 1475, XVII:l:10nl6 Athenaeum, 1824-26 (W. F. Small), XX:2:65,66,69;

Baldersby Saint James flus- XX:2:65 fig 1

Church (W. Butterfield), XIX:4:155,163 Athenaeum, post-1834, in Howard Mansion,

Baldinucci, XX:4:168 XX:2:68

Baldridge, Roy, IIL4:4 Baltimore and Ohio passenger car shop, XIIL3:30
Baldwin, King of Jerusalem, IIL4:43 Baltimore Exchange [Merchant's Exchange]

Baldwin, 19th c. Bldg. (B. H. Latrobe), XX:2:63 and n3,64,65,75,76

Houses of, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:9,12-13 Contributions (M. Godefroy), XIILL.17; XX:2:76

Baldwin, E. J. "Lucky" Southeast wing see Baltimore, Md.: Bank of the

Cottage of, Santa Anita, XVI:4:35 United States: Baltimore Branch

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Baltimore, Md. - Baltimore, Md.

Baltimore, Md. (Cont.) Fire, 1904, XV:4:21 n46

Baltimore Exchange (Cont.) First English Lutheran Church (W. F. Small),

Southwest wing [Warehouse], project (W. F. XX:2:67-68; illus. XX:2:67 fig 5
Small), XX:2:64 Fort McHenry, XVII:1:30; XVIII:1:33
Baltimore Library Co., XX:2:64,66,67,68 Fort Whetstone, XVIII: 1:33
Library design (B. H. Latrobe), XX:2:64 Franklin Street Presbyterian Church see Baltimore,
Baltimore Museum and Gallery of the Fine Arts see Md.: Presbyterian Church, Franklin St.
Baltimore, Md.: Peale Museum Girls' Friendly Society see Baltimore, Md.: Sloane
Baltimore Museum of Art (James) House
Wainscot from 'The Abbey," XIII:2:4 Greenmount Cemetery
Baltimore Stock Exchange (Howells and Stokes), Gateway (R. C. Long, Jr.), XVI: 1:28; illus.




Bank of the United States Hampton Mansion see Towson, Md.

Baltimore Branch, XX:2:64 Harper (Robert Goodloe) House (B. H. Latrobe),

Basilica of the Assumption see Baltimore, Md.: XX:2:64

Cathedral Hayward, Bartlett and Co. see Hayward, Bartlett

Battle Monument (M. Godefroy), XIII: 1:16; and Co.

XVII:l:19-24; illus. XVII:1:20 fig 1 Hollingsworth (Zebulon) House, XX:3:133

Belvidere, 1794, XIV:l:26 Holt's Hotel [United States Hotel], XX:2:66nl6

Calverton, XIII: 1:17; illus. XIII:1:17 fig 6 Homewood (C. Carroll, Jr.), XI:4:14; XIV:l:26-28;
Carroll (Charles) Mansion see Baltimore, Md.: XX:2:73; illus. XIV:1:26 fig 1;27 fig 2
Caton-Carroll House Cornices, XX:3:134

Cathedral [Basilica of the Assumption] (B. H. "Groin-arches" in cross-corridor, XX:3:135; illus.

Latrobe), VI:3/4:20; XI:2:23; XIII: 1:15; XX:3:135 fig 6
XV:4:30; XVI:1:28,30; XX:2:63,72 Houses (McKim, Mead and White), XIII:3:31
Caton-Carroll House, XX:2:66 Howard (William) Mansion (W. Howard and W. F.
Christ Protestant Episcopal Church (R. C. Long, Small), XX:2:66 n 19,68
Jr.), XVI: 1:28 Indian Queen, XX:2:65 nl6

Church architecture, early 19th c., XVI:1:28 Johns Hopkins Hospital, XIII:3:31
Circuit Court, Masonic Hall, XX-.2 J5 Johns Hopkins University
City and County Record Office (R. C. Long, Jr.), Homewood see Baltimore, Md.: Homewood

XVI: 1:28 Wyman Villa see Baltimore, Md.: Wyman Villa

City Hall, 1830-75, Holliday St. see Baltimore, Md.: Lorman (William) House (B. H. Latrobe),




City Hotel (W. F. Small), XX:2:65-66,69; illus. McKim Free School (W. Howard and W. F. Small),
XX:2:65 fig 2 XIII:3:30; XX:2:66,68

City plan, Maps and Views, VIII:3/4:30 Male Schools see Baltimore, Md.: Public Schools
Map, 1823 (T. Poppleton [Poppelton]), XIII: 1:16; Maps ^Baltimore, Md.: City plan, Maps and
XX:2:75n42; illus. XIII:1:17 fig 5; XX:2:75 Views

fig 17 Maryland State Penitentiary

View, 1752 (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 10; illus. Added wing (W. F. Small), XX:2:74
XIII:3:Suppl.[12] fig 6 Masonic Hall

Clifton [Thompson (Henry) Home] Bldg. (M. Godefroy and W. F. Small, attrib.),

Drawing room niches, XX:3:134; illus. XX:3:134 XIII: 1:17; XX:2:75; illus. XIII:1:17 fig 5;




Cohen (Benjamin I.) House (W. F. Small), Design (M. Godefroy), XIII:1:17; XX:2:75; illus.
XX:2:68-70,73; illus. XX:2:68 figs 6,7 XX:2:74 fig 15

Cohen (Joshua I.) House (W. F. Small), Merchant's Exchange see Baltimore, Md.: Baltimore
XX:2:64,69-70,73; illus. XX:2:69 fig 8; 70 fig 9 Exchange

Commercial and Farmers Bank (M. Godefroy), Montebello, XIV: 1:26

XIII: 1:16; XIV:4:27-28; illus. XIV:4:27 Mount Clare [Carroll (Charles, The Barrister)

Court-house, 18th c., XX:3:133 House], XX:3:132, 133; illus. XX:3:133 fig 3

District Court, Masonic Hall, XX:2:75 Mount Clare Railroad Station, VIII: 1/2:34; XX:2:74
Druid Hill, XIV:1:26 Mulberry Street, 112 West, XX:2:77n46

Eighth Presbyterian Church see Baltimore, Md.: Museum of the Life and History of Baltimore see

Presbyterian Church, Eighth Baltimore, Md.: Peale Museum

Enoch Pratt Free Library, XVI:1:30; XVI:4:35 Negro Grammar School No. 1, Holliday St. see
Exchange see Baltimore, Md.: Baltimore Exchange Baltimore, Md.: Peale Museum

Exchange Hotel, XX:2:64 Odd Fellows Hall, Gay St., XX-.2-.11 n46

Female Schools see Baltimore, Md.: Public Schools


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Baltimore, Md. - "Bandbox house" plan

Old Robinson House see Baltimore, Md.: Cohen Sculpture, Architectural, XIV:4:27-28

(Benjamin I.) House Seaman's Union Bethel (W. F. Small), XX:2:66

Orleans Street, 1734-36 (W. F. Small), XX:2:77 n46 Sheppard Pratt Hospital see Towson, Md.

Otterbein Church (J. Small, Sr.), XX:2:63 Sloane (James) House, 417 N. Charles St. [Girls'
Park Ave., 405-411 (W. F. Small), XX:2:77 n46 Friendly Society], XX:2:70 n33

Park Ave., 410-414, XX:2:77 n46 Small (William F.) House (W. F. Small), XX:2:68,69

Pascault Row, W. Lexington St., XX:2:64nll Sun Iron Bldg. (R. G. Hatfield and Bogardus and

Peale Museum [Baltimore Museum and Gallery of Hoppin), XIII:3:30; XV:4:16-17,22 n56;
the Fine Arts; City Hall, 1830-75; Museum of XVI:4:35; illus. XV:4:18 fig 7
the Life and History of Baltimore; Negro Thompson (Henry) Home see Baltimore, Md.:
Grammar School No. 1] Clifton

Bldg. (R. C. Long, Sr.), XVI: 1:28; XX:2:75-76; Union Bank (R. C. Long, Sr.), XIV:4:27-28
illus. XX:2:75 fig 17 Unitarian Church

Conversion to City Hall, 1830 (W. F. Small, Bldg. (M. Godefroy), XIII:1:16; XVI-.1:30;

attrib.), XX:2:75-76; illus. XX:2:76 fig 18 XX:2:68,75

Exhibit of the Work of Maximilian Godefroy, Terra cotta sculpture, 1819 (A. Capellano),


Exhibition of Baltimore Architecture, XIII:3:30 U.S. Appraisers Stores, XIII:3:30,32

Phoenix Shot Tower, XVI:1:13 United States Hotel see Baltimore, Md.: Holt's Hotel

Post Office, basement of City Hotel, XX:2:65 yiews w Baltimore) Md.; city plan> Maps and
Pratt Street, East, House, XIV: 1:27 Views

Presbyterian Church, Eighth Wallis (Philip) House> 413 N Charles St.,

Faade (N. LeBrun), XVI: 1:30 XX-2-70n33

Presbyterian Church, Franklin St. Walters Art Gallery

Bldg. (R. C. Long, Jr.), XVI: 1:29-30; illus. St Denis heads iv;3/4:7

XVI.1.30 fig 3 Washington Monument

Competition designs, XVLL29 B,dg (R Mjl,s)> xnl.1;16; XIII;3:32.

Public Schools
XVII: 1:23,24

Negro Grammar School No. 1, Holliday St. see

n I.* . , x. Competition design (M. Godefroy), XIII:1:17
Baltimore, Md.: Peale Museum ... , , e. r t? i nu-,.. Watchman and Bratt s Steam Engine Factory,
Public School No. 1 [Male and Female School]
(W. F. Small, attrib.),
Waterloo Row (R. Mills), XX-.2-.69
XX:2:66-67,68,76,77 n47; illus. XX:2:67 fig 4

Public School No. 2 [Male and Female School] Wdlowbrook, XX:3:134

(W. F. Small, attrib.), XX:2:67,68,76

v and
d Cathedral
. > PJobn^
Y.M.C.A., Franklin
Sts., XVI: 1:30

V X A A LVa nliliM n n T 4- V* Ail 1 vto V\/I . 1 . 7 A

Public School No. 3 [Male School] (W. F. Small),

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
XX:2:66-67,68,73,76; illus. XX:2:67 fig 3 , F IT J , t J T _

Public School No. 4 (W. F. Small, attrib.), Bed survey <W' Howard' B H Latrobe' and J' H B

XX:2:67,68,76 Latrobe), XX:2:68

Robins Paper Co. Bldg., XIII:3:30 n Passenger Car Shop, Baltimore, XIII:3:30

Robinson (Old) House see Baltimore, Md.: Cohen Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad, XX:2:74

(Benjamin I ) House Balvs [Balbs], Isidoro Vicente, XV: 1:8

Roland Park (F. L. Olmsted, Jr.), XIII:3:31,32 Ba,vs [Balbs], Jeronimo, A. S. Corbacho on,
Row houses (see also specific address or name of row, XII:2:31; and L. Rodriguez, XV:1:7,8

e.g. Baltimore, Md.: Park Ave., 405-411; Altars

Baltimore, Md.: Pascault Row), VIII:1/2:128; Altar de los Reyes, Cathedral, Mexico City,
XIII:3:30,31 V:30 n9; 31 nl3; XV: 1:7
St lnhnnsns' Church Altar del Perdn, Cathedral, Mexico City (with L.

BMgP. 1842 (R. C Long, /,), XVI: 1:28-29 Rodriguez), XV: 1:7; illus. XV:1:9 fig 6

Spire, 1854, XVI:1:28 Sagrario of Cathedral, Seville, XV:1:11 nlO

St. John's Episcopal Church (R. Mills), XIII:1:16 Bamba, Spain

St. Mary's Seminary Chapel Santa Maria, XVI:4:2

Bldg. (M. Godefroy), XIII:1:15; XIV:4:27; Bamberg, Prince Bishop of, XII:4:12
XVI: 1:28 Bamberg, Ger.

Tower (R. C. Long, Jr.), XVI: 1:28 Altehofhaltung

St. Paul's Church (R. Upjohn), XI:2:27,29 Wooden model of Vierzehnheiligen, XIX: 1:42
Print of (W. Howard), XX:2:66nl9 Bamboo huts, Manila, XVI:1:15

St. Peter's R. C. Church, 1843 (R. C. Long, Jr.), Baiiados, Guillermo, XVIII:2:43; XVIII-.3:85

XVI: 1:29; illus. XVI:1:29 fig 2 "Bandbox house" plan, XVI:4:9,11,12; illus. XVI:4:10

Schools, Public see Baltimore, Md.: Public Schools figs 1,2


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Bandinelli - Banks

Bandinelli, B., IX:4:11 Hudson, Ohio

Bandinelli, Orlando see Alexander III, Pope National Bank, XII:2:10

Bandini, Arturo, IX: 1/2:11-12 Indianapolis

Bandini, Juan Fletcher and Sharp Bank Bldg. (W. L. B. Jenney),

House of, San Diego, illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4 XVI:l:19nll4

Bandmann, Gnther Old Post Office [American Fletcher Bank and

Mittelalterliche Architektur als Bedeutungstrger, Trust Co.]
XX:2:78 Bldg. (F. Costigan, attrib.), XVII:1:32

Bangs, Jean Murray, IX:1/2:11; X:3:18; X:4:36 Portico, Pennsylvania St. (Holabird and Roche),
Bangs, Prez, 1763-1834, XIX:2:56 XVII:l:33n7
Bangs, Prez, 1793-1877, XIX:2:56 Jacksonville, Or.

Bangs, Thankful, XIX:2:56 Beekman Bank, XII:4:20-21; illus. XII:4:[22] fig 3

Bangs, Teall and Sears, 19th c. lime and cement Jerusalem

suppliers, XX:4:196nl4 Anglo-Palestine Bank (E. Mendelsohn), XVII:3:36

Banham, Reyner, XX:3:148 LeRoy, Minn.
Banister, John First National Bank (Purcell and Elmslie),
Battersea, X: 1:8,10; XIV: 1:17 XIX:2:68 n32

Banks, Joseph, fl. 1851 Litchfield, Conn.

Patent for iron front construction, XV:4:22n60 no.l Bank, North St., illus. X:4:19 fig 1

Banks, Robert, 19th c stonemason of Wabaunsee, London

Kan., VI:l/2:24-25 Bank of England' IV:2:42; IX:l/2:28; XX: 1:24,25;

Banks, Mrs. Robert, VI:l/2:24-25 ''lus. XX:1:25 fig 7
anks Old Dividend Office (J. Soane), XIX:4:139

Baltimore, Md. Bank of London, XX:2:55

Bank of the United States, XX:2:64 Minneapolis

Commercial and Farmers Bank (M. Godefroy), Bank of Minnesota (I. Hodgson and Son),
XIIITT6- XIV 4-27-28- illus XIV-4-27 XIII: 1:19; illus. XIII:1:19 fig 1
Union Bank (C. R. Long, Sr.), XIV:4:27-28 Farmfs and Mechanics Bank, 1891 (Long and

Boston Mass Kees), XIX; 1:40

n c <' r ,i t , ^ icu i First National Bank (Holabird, Root and Burgee

Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. Shepley, ... . VI-_ ,
u , ,. . . . with Thorshov and Cerny), XIX: 1:39,40

vvii"^ f f\ ' 1 US Security Bank, 1891 (L. S. Buffington) [Design,

MercLts National Bank . ,!88Af Ellis' ll,us' III:4:t20a ^

'Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:25 'DC 6 ' , A n u u id n a
m-,-, m i j , f., ., ,. Branson O. L. and Co. Bank Purcell and

l^ Coohdge and Shattuck), XVII:3:25 E XIX:2:68 n32

Old Colony Trust Co. Nashville Tenn

Cornhill Addition (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch TenneLe State Bank (D. Morrison [W.

r- ^ D a"d Abbott)' XVII:3:25 Strickland, attrib.]), 11:2:34

Cedar Rapids New 0r,eans

People's Savings Bank (L. H. Sullivan), XIX:2:66 State ank Qf Louisiana (B H Latrobe), XX:2:73




Corn Exchange Bank Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Bank of America (C. w. Clinton), XIV:3:26

TT Cc2 eh,XVI,:,3:2^ t. Brooklyn Savings Bank (F. Freeman), XI:4:36

Hams Trust Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Corn Exchange (R. Upjohn), XI:2:6

XVII:3:25 Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank


Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51

Franklin and Lafayette Bank Bldg. (H. Walter), National Park Bank Bldg., XII:1:21; illus. XII:1:19

fig 12

Columbus, Wis. Savings Bank, Bleecker St., XVI: 1:25

[Farmers and Merchants Union] Bank (L. H. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Bldg. (Howells and

Sullivan), XX:3:142 Stokes), IV:3/4:56

Designs, Projects, etc. Newark, Ohio

Discount Bank project (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:19-20 Home Building Association Bank (L. H. Sullivan),
Farnham, Engl. XIX:2:68
Bank (W. E. Nesfield and R. N. Shaw), IX: 1/2:27 Owatonna [Owatoma], Minn

Grinnell, Iowa National Farmers' Bank [Security Bank and Trust

Merchants' National Bank (L. H. Sullivan), Co.] (G. G. Elmslie and L. H. Sullivan),
X,X:2:68 IV:2:9,12; XIX:2:64,66,68; XX:3:140,141,142;
Hector, Minn. iHus. iv:2:22; XIX:2:67 figs 4-6
Farmers and Merchants Bank (Purcell and
Elmslie), XIX:2:68 n32; illus. XIX:2:68 fig 7


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Banks - Bannister



Bank of Commerce, 51-55 Chestnut St., illus. Roger Williams Bank (W. H. Greene), XX: 1:6

XX:1:7 fig 6 Reno

Bank of North America (J. Notman, attrib.). Bank Bldg. project (W. G. Purcell), XIX:2:66 n29





Bank of Penn Township (J. C. Trautwine), Union Trust Bldg. [Central National Bank Bldg.]

XVIII:4:161-163; illus. XVII1:4:162 fig 1 (Adler and Sullivan), IV:2:12; XX:1:16; illus.

Watercolor of (D. J. Kennedy), XVIII:4:162 IV:2:16

Bank of Pennsylvania (B. H. Latrobe), XV:4:30; Salem, Or.

XIX:3:115; XX: 1:25; XX:2:66 Capital National Bank (C. S. McNally),
Bank of Philadelphia [Philadelphia Bank] XIX:2:57-61; illus. XIX:2:57 fig 1; 61 figs 3,4
Latrobe, B. H., XIV:2:13; XIII:3:Suppl. 16 San Antonio, Tex.
Strickland, W XIII:3:Suppl. 16; illus. Federal Reserve Bank, XL4:12

XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 19 San Francisco

Corn Exchange Bank, Chestnut and 2d, 1858, Bank of California (Kenitzer and Farquharson),
XX: 1:10; illus. XX:1:11 fig 17 XIX:2:79

Elliot and Dunn Banking House (S. Sloan), Sidney, Ohio

XIX: 1:36 People's Savings and Loan Association Bank (L.
Federal Reserve Bank (P. P. Cret), 1:2:3 H. Sullivan), XIX:2:68
First Bank of the United States [Girard National Sullivan, Louis H., small banks of, XIII:1:22

Bank] Tarrytown, N.Y.

Bldg. (S. Blodget), X:2:27,28; XV:3:2; XVI:2:24; Tarrytown National Bank, 111:1/2:48



Guarantee Trust Co. [Tradesmen's Bank] (F. First Bank of Mitsui [Mitsuigumi House] (K.
Furness), XIV:2:29 Shimizu), XIII:2:14; illus. XIII:2:[16] fig 2
Mechanics Bank (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 2, Vienna

16 capt. 20; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 20 Postal Savings Bank (O. Wagner), XIX:1:7

National Bank of the Republic (Furness and Washington, D.C.

Evans), XIX:2:57-61; illus. XIX:2:60 fig 2 Washington Building Trust Bank and Office Bldg.
Penn National Bank, 1884 (F. Furness), (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott),



Pennsylvania Saving Fund Society (S. Sloan), West Lafayette, Ind.

XIX: 1:36 Purdue State Bank (L. H. Sullivan), XIX:2:68;

Philadelphia National Bank, Chestnut St., illus. XIX:2:68 fig 8




Philadelphia Savings Fund Society Bldg. (S. Sloan), Merchants National (Purcell and Elmslie),
XVIII:3:105 nlO XIX:1:40; XIX:2:68 n32

Provident Life and Trust Co. Banks, XI:1:31; Winona National Bank Bldg. (G. W. Maher),

XIII:3:31; XIX:2:79-81; illus. X:4:33; XI:1:31; XIX:1:40

XIX:2:79 fig 1; 80 fig 2 Bannack, Mont.
Second Bank of the United States [Old Custom Restoration, proposed, XIII:2:29
House; United States Bank of Pennsylvania] Banner, Peter
Bldg. (W. Strickland), 1:2:22; 11:2:34; 11:3:26-29; Park Street Church, Boston, XVII:2:32
VII:3/4:[17]; XIII:3:30,Suppl. 2,9-10; Bannister, Turpin C and AIA, X:4:35; XII1:2:29; on

XIV:2:13; XVIII:4:162 J. Bogardus, XV:3:31; career, VII: 1 /2:94; on

Design (B. H. Latrobe), 1:2:22; 11:3:26-29; circular cloister, Montmartre, XX:l:33nl6; on

XX:2:64,73 fire-proof construction, 1:1:21; XV:2:24; and

Tradesmen's National (S. Sloan), XVIII:3:105 nlO; preservation, X:4:35; XIII:2:29; and Ricker
XIX: 1:36 Architectural Library microfilm project,
Portland, Or. XI:l:27-28; and SAH, 1:1:20; 11:2:36; VII:l/2:94;

First National Bank (Coolidge and Shattuck), X:l:27; X:4:35; on war architecture, 111:4:66
XVII:3:25 Articles, Books, etc.

Pottsville, Pa. AIA Journal article, Aug. '49, VIII:3/4:69

Miner's Bank [Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank; The Architect at Mid-Century: vol. 1, Evolution

Farmers' and Miners' Bank] (J. Haviland), and Achievement (ed.)

VI 1:1 /2:3; IX:4:24; XII:4:32; XV:3:31; Rev. by W. Creese, XIV:3:32
XV:4:15-16,17-18; XX:3:137; illus. XV:4:15

fig 6


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Bannister - Barkk

Bannister (Cont.) Barajas, Spain

"Bogardus Revisited" Airport, XVIII:2:47

"Part I: The Iron Fronts," XV:4:12-22; XVI:4:35 Barber, George F.

"Part II: The Iron Towers," XVI:1:11-19 The c<>ttage Souvenir, XII:4:24

"The Contributions of Architectural History to the Barber, John Warner, 1798-1885, XIX:2:52

Development of the Modern Barber, Thomas, 17th c., of Simsbury, Conn., XIX:2:76
Student-Architect," 11:2:5-13 Barber [Barbr], Thomas Larkinge, fl. 1684, Boston,
Early Iron Architecture from Ancient Times to XX:2:91
1700 IV-3/4-48 Barbier, Antoine Alexandre, on authorship of
"Early Town Planning in New York State," Architecture Moderne, 1728, XVIII:2:60
II-4-40- III-1 /2-36-42 Barbieri, Giuseppe, 1777-1838

"The Genealogy of the Dome of the United States Cemetery, Verona, XIX:4:142

Capitol," vi:3/4:21,35; VII:1/2:[1]-31 Barbo, Gil y see Gil y Barbo

"Oglethorpe's Sources for the Savannah Plan," ai*0' Ple,tr' Cardmal, see Paul PoPe
YY ? 47 e,7 Barbone, 18th c, Dr., XIV:4:19

SAH Journal (ed.), I-IV Barby, Ger

"Some Early Iron Buildings in New York,"Barcelona

New emlnar^'

York History, Oct. '43, IX:4:24

Asociacin de los Amigos de la Fiesta del Arbol de,
TIl ... XVIII:2:45 nl4
Cluny III, llus. II:3:[2] _ .. ,
J 1 ' Cathedral, 111:4:3
Ciudad Lineal, proposed (H. Gonzalez del Castillo),
Condit, C. W., American Building Art - The
XVIII:2:51; XVIII:3:80,82
Nineteenth Century, XIX:4:180-182 ,n
... . , Expostcion internacional, 1929-30

Dinsmoor, W. B Observt,ons on the Electrica] B,dg (L Mje$ yan der Rohe)> XX;1:42

eP alste'On> - 1 [German] Pavilion (L. Mies van der Rohe),

Meeks, C. L. V., The Railroad Station, XX-1-43- XX-4-201

C X;37-3fl . /~t]j tj i. j Park Gell, xvill:3:80

Scott, M. W Houses of Old Richmond, St. Anne's [Santa Ana], XIV: 1:3
":2:38"39 St. Catherine, XIV: 1:6

U.S. Dept. of Intenor. National Park Service, La Sociedad Civica, XVIII:3:80

Historic American Buildings Survey, Catalogue Barcelos Port

of the Measured Drawings and Photographs.. . g da Cruz XV-3-9

in the Library of Congress..., 11:1:42,52 Town House opposite N. S. da Cruz, XV:3:9; illus.

Zucker, P., American Bridges and Dams, XV-3-11 fig 9

11:1:41-42 Barck, Dorothy C., at N.Y. Historical Society, XI:2:24;

Banta, R. E XVIII:4:155n4 XIV:2:30

Banu, Arjunand, Begum, see Arjunand Banu, Begum "Washington's Newburgh Headquarters, 1750, 1850,"
Banz, Ger. XIV:2:30-32

Abbey (K. I. Dientzenhofer), XVII:4:22 Barclay, Misses

Baptismal fonts, XVII: 1:15 Home of see Lexington, Va.
Baptistries Barclay, John L., VI:1/2:18
Florence, XVIII: 1:17 Bardstown, Ky.
Pisa Catholic Church, pre-1848, VI:l/2:26

Battistero [Leaning Tower], copied, XIX:4:180 Baretti

Rome (City) New Book of Ornaments for the Year 1766. ..,
S. Giovanni in Laterano [Lateran Basilica], XX:3:126no.3

XVlI:4:8n34 Barges see Ships (Barges, Boats, Steamships, Yachts,

Siena, XIV: 1:32 etc.)

Bar Harbor, Me. Bari

Heyward House Annex (B. Price), 111:3:25 Cathedral, IV:2:52; IV:3/4:57

House (W. R. Emerson), IX:4:[20]; illus. IX:4:[19] Chapter House, IV:3/4:57




Barabar, India S. Nicola, IV:2:52; IV:3/4:57

Buddhist monk's cell Baring, Francis, Sir, XIV:4:22 n55

Faade, XVIII:1:28; illus. XVIII:1:28 fig 6 Bark, as bldg. material, XV:3:2; XVII:4:31-35

Barabino, Carlo BarkQk, Sultan

Staglieno Cemetery, Genoa (and G. B. Resasco), Madrasah of, Cairo, 111:4:41,42

XIX:4:137,142,143-144; illus. XIX:4:144 fig 16 Mausoleum of, Cairo, 111:4:35,41
Barahnes work, Seville, XV: 1:7


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Barley - Barracks
Barley, M. W., XI:4:36 Langholff House and Stable, XVIII:1:30-31; illus.

Barnard, Deacon, fl. ca. 1800, of Thomaston, Me., XVIII: 1:30 fig 1



Barnard, George M. 19th c of Boston, XX:4:193 Barns, XII:2:5

Barnes, Carl F., Jr. Barnsdall, Aline
Reconstruction drawing, Mabuiag Island Headhouse, House of, Los Angeles, XX:4:181 and n2
XIX: 1:28 nl4; illus. XIX: 1:27 fig 6 Barnstable, Mass.
Review Bacon (Edmund) Mansion, XIX:2:50

Bowie, T., ed., The Sketchbook of Villard de Courthouse

Honnecourt, XIX:2:85 Fire, 1827, XIX:2:49nll

Barnes, Frank H., XIII:3:28; XVI:4:30 Barnstable County, Mass.

Barnes, James, 18th c. plasterer (see also Rawlins and Wall-map, 1858, XIX:2:56n37

Barnes), XX:3:132 Barnum, David, XX:2:65

Barnett-Record Co. Barnum, Phineas Taylor, XI:4:28; XIX:4:180

Occident Terminal, Duluth, XIX: 1:40 Baroccbio, Giacomo see Vignola, Giacomo Barozzio da

Barns, Stables, etc., box-like form of barns, X:4:29; of Barococo, XVI:2:31

S. Mclntire [Mclntyre], 1:3/4:20; stone-ended Barometers

barns, XII:2:5; timber barns in Wisconsin Cadran a vent- 1724 <J- A- Meissonier), V:45

(Koepsel), XVIII: 1:31 Baron, Pierre

Ancient, XVII:2:5,17; illus. XVII:2:6 figs 9-10; [7] Ursuline Convent, 1727-34, New Orleans (and I. F.

f jj Broutin), XIII: 1:25,26 n2

Annapolis Baronino, Bartolomeo, IX:4:12

Whitehall Plantation [Sharpe (Horatio) Plantation] Baronio' B^tolomeo, 16th c. impresario, XU13.5

Stable (W. Anderson), XII: 1:22; illus. XII: 1:22 Ba")^u. _ . . t

D. , , , J DiD Definition, Description, etc., 111:3:13-14; 111:4:32;

Boston, private stables banned in Back Bay, ' ? ' '
V:43; XIV: 1:8-9; XV:4:30


Baroque architecture


.,, See also Eighteenth-century architecture;

v,,,.,, ..... Seventeenth-century architecture

_ , , .. , _ . Andean, V:[33]-34

Stable and Hospice, XVI:3:8; illus. XVI:3:[4] . , mi-,.

fig 1; 6 fig 3; 7 fig 4 .j ' ' ^

Medieval, XVII:2:10-16,20; illus. XVII:2:8 fig 16; England XV 4 30 31

11-15 figs 22-32; 19 fig 41 Europe, XIX:"l:41-42

Mereworth Castle France, XV:4:30-31

Stable (C. Campbell), XIII:1:16 Germany, XVI:2:31; XVII:4:22-24

Mt. Vernon, Va. Italy) XV:4:30-31; XVIII:4:164-165

Stable, 16-sided, XII: 1:22 Frascati, XVI:2:30-31
New York (City) Venice> XVI:1:3-10

Eighth Regiment Armory Mexico, V:[27]-32

Stables, XIV:3:26 Netherlands, XX:l:41-42

Nineteenth century, XVIII:4:150 Portugal, XV:3:7-23



Palais Royal stable design (G. M. Oppenord), V:46 Moscow, XVI:2:16 nl5,30
Pratolino Spanish, XII:2:31; XVIII:4:167; XIX:4:177-178
Stables, XX:4:162-163,164 n38,165,166 n51 Baroque art
Sutton Mandeville Italy, XVIII:4:164-165
Barns, XI:1.8,[15] n26; illus. XI:1:7 Baroque Revival

Thomaston, Me. Canada, XIV:3:8-14

Henderson (Dunn) House [Clarke (Aaron) House] Barozzio, Giacomo see Vignola, Giacomo Barozzio da
Barn, X:4:[32] nl7 Barr, de see De Barr

O'Brien Barn, X:4:[32] nl7 Barracks

Washington, D.C. See also War bldgs.
House and Senate stables, 19th c., VII:l/2:20 Detroit

Octagon House Fort Wayne, 11:2:34-35; 11:3:29

Stable, XIII:2:29 Leraysville, N.Y.

Washington Courthouse, Ohio Leray Mansion to be used for, 1:3/4:45

Wilson Cyclone Barn, XVIII:2:69; illus. Lexington, Va.

XVIII:2:69 Virginia Military Institute (A. J. Davis), VI:1/2:14

Watertown, Wis. New Orleans

Kuenzi barn, XVIII:1:32; illus. XVIII:1:32 fig 7 Barracks (I. F. Broutin), XIII:1:25,26 n2

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Barracks - Bath, Engl.

Barracks ( Cont.) Bartlet [Bartlett], 19th c. iron and stove mfr., see
New York (City) Hayward, Bartlett and Co.
Barracks, pre-1767, XI:2:21,22 Bartlett, William H.

Marine Barracks, Brooklyn (T. U. Walter), Paintings, 111:1/2:62

VII:1 /2:21,28 View of Capitol, Washington, XIV:2:13





Marine Barracks (T. U. Walter), VII: 1/2:21,28 Bartolomeo, Tomaso di Batista di see Tomaso di

Pnmnpi ivo so Batista di Bartolomeo


Statio Cohortis V Vigilum [Barracks of police and Saxon Church, XVIII:4:123,125

firemen], XII:3:4,5 Bartow' 6W'%

St Louis Bartram, John, fl. 1765, XI:4:32,33; XVII:4:32

Jefferson Barracks, IX:3:27 EJ;XX:4:197

Takehashi Barracks, 1871, (T. J. Waters), XIII:2:15 Sasel PSwkrrLCSle,Ywitz.:' " ^

Barratt, Edgar Basevi, XX:3:149

House of, Kenilworth, 111., XIX:l:4n6 Bashtak

Barreira, Manuel Domingos da Costa see Costa Mosque of w Cair0; Beshtak Mosque

Barreira, Manuel Domingos da Basil m [Vasjlij nl]; XVI:2:13,16 n2

Barrel roof, XVI:2:6,7,8,10 Basilica, early Christian, XVII:2:2,16,17-18,19,20;
Barret, fl. 1844 origin, XVII:3:34; structure, XVI:2:28-29; term,
House of, Richmond, Va., 111:4:30 XX:2:81

Barret, Robert Basilica Discoperta, XX:2:82,85

The Theorike and Practike of Modern Wanes, Basilius Island, IV: 1:26,28
XX:2:60-61,62 and n63; illus. XX:2:61 fig 13 Basle, Switz.

Barrett, Nathan F., XII:3:17,18 International Congress on the History of Art, 1936,

Barrie, James Matthew, on Victorian Age, XVII:3:35 111:3:12

Barriga, Victor, Padre, V:[39]-40 Railroad Station, design (J. M. Olbrich), VI:3/4:3;
Barron, of Geneva, N.Y. illus. VI:3/4:pl II fig 8
House of, XV:2:16 Basoli, XIX:4:139

Barrows, John, X:2:25 Bassae, XIII:4:3,4

Barry, Charles, Sir, "Barry-esque" style of J. Notman, Bassarab, Neagoe, Prince, see Neagoe Bassarab
XV:2:20; T. S. R. Boase on, XX:3:149; Bassett, Edward C. see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
Knighthood, XIX:4:145; "Renaissance - Palazzo Bassett, Edward Murray
Revivalism," XV:2:31 The Master Plan, IX:l/2:35
Athenaeum, Manchester, XX:1:6 Bassi Martino, and Vignola, IX:4:14nl9
Cliveden, 11:3:32 Dispareri in materia d'architettura et perspettiva,
Highclere, XX:3:149 XIX:2:76
Houses of Parliament [New Palace of Westminster], Bastard, John
London Rebldg. of Blandford (and W. Bastard), XIII:4:32
Yee also London: Westminster Palace: Houses of Town HaU' Blandford (and W. Bastard), XVIII: 1:6;
Parliament illus" XVIII:1:7 fi8 12

Competition design (and A. W. N. Pugin), XIIIf XVIII:,:6

XIII:3:20-21,22,24-25; XV:2:31; Bastidas, Rodngo de, Bishop

vv , . ' ... ' , r. , Tomb of see Santo Domingo, D.R.: Cathedral:

XX:3:102-103,104-105; illus. XX:3:103 fig 3 Canilla de los Rastidas

Tower (and
A. W. N.
XIX:4:162 rq phFortresses,
r c / p pr p p p etc;
r * vmtl,.
also Fortifications,

Military Camps, Reservations, etc.), 111:1/2:24,34;

Town Hall, Halifax, XX:3:149

IV: 1:13-14; XIV:4:4

Bartenev, s- Bastien et Bastienne, by W. A. Mozart, XI:2:27

Guide to the Great Kremlin Palace [Moskovskii rm, a.,,,. vivo.7t

KremV v Starinu i teper'], XVLL31 SSSi M:4=19

Barthelme, Donald, VIII:l/2:87 Bateau Canal, Balcony Falls, Va. (J. Jordan), IX:3:18
Bartholdi, Frdric A. Bates, A. Elliott, XIX: 1:33

Fountain, Washington, IV:1:39 Bates, Hervey

Sculpture, Brattle Square Church, Boston, XII:1:8 House of, Indianapolis, XVII:1:31

Statue of Liberty, N.Y., XII:1:8; XX:1:37 Bates Family, of Indianapolis, XVII:1:31

Bartlesville, Okla. Bath, Engl.

Price Tower (F. L. Wright), XX:3:149 Bath St., 111:1/2:22-23; illus. 111:1 /2:[22a] fig 1

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Bath, Engl. - Beale

City plan, 111:1/2:22-23; of J. Wood, XIV:4:13,17-18 revival of open space, 111:3:19; Weimar years,
Exhibition bldg., 19th c., XVI:4:29nl9 XIV:2:18; XVIII:3:116

Villas, XI:2:28 Bldgs., Dessau (W. Gropius), 111:4:6; XX:4:200

Bath, Ohio Baukunst der Armenier und Europa, by J. Strzygowski,
Hopkins House, XII:2:13 IV:3/4:6
Bath, evolution of, X:3:4 Baum, Martin

Bathhouses House of sec Cincinnati: Taft Museum

Designs, XIII:4:31 nl3 Baume, Abbot of, see Gunzo

Bathrooms, J. Fitch on, X:3:4 Baume-les-Moines

Baths Romanesque church, XVIII:3:95,98,100; illus.

Cit Industrielle (T. Gamier), XIX:l:22-23; illus. XVIII:3:102 fig 9

XIX: 1:23 fig 16 Baumgart, Emillio

Philadelphia Inn of Good Intentions [Hostel for Homeless

Swaim's Baths, XVI:3:32 Persons], Rio de Janeiro (with G. P. Pinheiro and

Roman [thermae], XIII:4:26 nlO; XV:4:31; XVI; 1:6; A. E. Reidy), XX:2:95
XVII:4:5; XIX:l:22-23; XIX:2:86 Bautista, Francisco, Fray, XVIII:4:167
Baths of Caracalla, Rome, 11:2:25; XIII:4:23 Bautista Prez, Juan, XVIII:4:167

Baths of Diocletian, Rome, 1:1:7; XVII:3:34; Baxter, Dewitt C., XX:l:3-[4] n2,14 n25
XIX:3:97; illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1 Baxter, George

Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli XVII:4:5-6 Print of Crystal Palace Pompeian Court, Sydenham,

Terme dell'Invidioso, Ostia, XVII:4:7 n3 XIV:3:4

Bathtubs, 19th c., 11:1:30 Bay City, Or.

Bathycies of Magnesia Bay City Land Co. Hotel Block (C. S. McNally),
Altar of Apollo, Amyclae, XI:3:4 XIX:2:59nl3
Batista di Bartolomeo, Tomaso di see Tomaso di Bay Path, Mass., XI: 1:3
Batista di Bartolomeo Bay Region, Calif, see San Francisco Bay Area
Battagio, G. Bay system
S. Maria dlia Croce, Crema, XVI: 1:7 Medieval (see also Space), XVII:2:2-23
"Batten-and-board," XIV:l:19 Bayard, Mr., XII: 1:11

Battersea (J. Banister), X:l:8,10; XIV:1:17 Bayard, Mrs., fl. 1900, of Washington, D.C. X:l:24
Battista d'Antonio Bayer, Herbert, XX: 1:44

"Joint Report to the Oprai of Santa Maria del Bayeux

Fiore" (with F. Brunelleschi and L. Ghiberti), Cathedral

XVIII: 1:13.18.19 N. tower, IV:3/4:19,22

Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence S. tower, IV:3/4:17,19-20

Model, 1420 (with F. Brunelleschi and L. Bayeux Tapestry

Ghiberti), XVIII:1:14,16-17,18 n44 Palace representations, XX:2:84
Battista de Rossi, Giovanni see Rossi, Giovanni Bayley, Alexander, fl. 1849-1862
Battista de Inn of see Pilot Hill, Calif.: Bayley House
Battle monuments, sites, etc. see Historic sites Bayley, John, IV:3/4:51
(Cemeteries, Parks, Battlefields, etc.); Monuments; Baylis, Douglas

United States: National Memorials, Monuments, California Houses of Gordon Drake (and J. Parry)
Parks, Sites, etc. Brief rev., XVI: 1:32

Battle of Alexander, mosaic of, 111:3:26 Bayonne, France

The Battle of Bunker Hill (J. Trumbull), VIII:3/4:[1] Htel Brethous (J. A. Meissonnier), V:46
Battle of Ostia, XVI11:3:117 Bayou Goula, La.
Batz, Alexandre de Belle Grove Plantation see Belle Grove Plantation
Monplaisir [Pradel (Sieur de) House], La., XIII: 1:26 Bayre, A. L., VI:3/4:36

Baudot, Anatole de, use of concrete, XIX: 1:21-22 Bazhenov

Saint-Jean l'Evangeliste [Saint-Jean de Montmartre], New Kremlin Palace, Moscow, XVI:2:30

Paris, XIX: 1:21 Beach, Moses

Bauer, Catherine, on community planning and housing, House of, Wallingford, Conn., XII:4:16,18
11:4:38 Beach Cliffe see Newport, R.I.

Modern Housing, 111:1/2:8 Beal, J. H.

Baughman, Blanche K XVIII:3:104 n Panoramic view of Manhattan, XII:1:21; XV:3:31;

Bauhaus (see also Gropius, Walter), H. Dearstyne a illus. XII: 1:19

graduate of, X:3:28; and W. Gropius, 11:3:31; Beale, Marie

111:4:6; X:3:6; XIX:3:128; principles of, XX:4:204; Decatur House and Its Inhabitants

simplification of architectural taste, XVI:2:25; Rev. by A. A. Gilchrist, XIV:2:32


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Beale - Belm

Beale, Mrs. Truxtun, 111:4:66 Bedford, Francis Russell, 1593-1641, 4th Earl of,
Beall, Thomas Fletcher IX:3:11-12

House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24 Bedford, Francis Russell, 1765-1802, 5th Duke of
Bean, R. S., Judge Estates of, London, XIV:4:13,16
Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:58 nl2 Bedford, John Russell, 1766-1839, 6th Duke of

Bear, as Kingdom of Persia, XII:3:12 XVI:4:22

Bear Run, Pa. Bedford limestone, XVI:3:23

Fallingwater (F. L. Wright) see Fallingwater Bedloe's Island see New York (City)
Beard, Mr., 111:4:17 The Bee Hunter, by G. H. Edgell, VIII:3/4:68
Beard, William, 19th c., XI:2:11 Beebe, fl. ca. 1850
Beardsley, Aubrey, and Art Nouveau, XIV:2:18; infl. House of, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:13
on C. R. Mackintosh, XIII:2:31 Beebe, fl. 1852-1865, iron founder of N. Y., see Janes,
Bibl., XIV:2:23-24 Beebe and Co.
El Beaterio del Patrocinio, by A. Santibnez Salcedo, Beech, Ambrose, 17th c., XI: 1:8,15 n31
V:40 Beecher, Henry Ward, X:4:19
Beatrizet Beecher, Hezekiah, 19th c., XX:4:196 nl4
Engravings of Michelangelo designs, XIII:3:11 n29 Beecher Bible and Rifle Church see Wabaunsee, Kan.

Beatty, Betty Beehive dome, XX:4:157; illus. XX:4:164 fig 15

A Short Dictionary of Architecture (and D. Ware) Beehive tomb, XVII: 1:33

Rev. by J. McAndrew, IX:4:27 Beekman, Cornelia Van Cortlandt ["Widow

Beatus Bible, XII:3:12 Beekman ], 111:4:7,10

Beaubien Col. II 4 19 Beekman, Cornelius C., XII:4:20

Beaufain,' Hector Beringer de, XX:2:53-54 H,ouse Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24

Beaufort SC. Beekman, Gerard G 18th c 111:4:7; XX:3:116

Central Square, XX:2:54 Beekman, John, XX:3 =116

Founding X-4-6 Beekman, Widow, see Beekman, Cornelia Van




Beekmantown, N.Y. see North Tarry town, N.Y.

ATower, IV:3/4:16,23 Beers, William

House of, Richmond, Va., 111:4:30

Beaumont, George, Sir, XIV:4:22n55


Begeer, C. J., XVIII:3:116

n t . ... , ,, "Beggarstaff Brothers"

City plan, IV: 1:13 Peters, XVIII:2:68

Beauregard, Costa de, Marquis, see Costa de Beh-Shahpur see Shapur

BeauSlT XI 3 ,7 "'

no \ t A* J A U-, , U I r Behrens, Peter, as only great architect of Darmstadt

The Beauties of Modern Architecture, by M. Lafever, "Knstler Kolonie," 11:3:13; and functionahsm,
Di 11 , n v,m , X:3:10; H.-R. Hitchcock on (in Architecture:

Plate 21, Centre flower, XVII: 1:29 Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries), XIX:3:126
Beauty, by R. W. Emerson, XVII:4:28 Mles yan der Rohe,s R]eh, House m (he Behrens
Beauvais, Os.p Ivanov.ch "miheu of form" of, XX: 1:42
Towers, Moscow, XVI: 1:31 HouseS! Darmstadt> II:3;13

Beauvais, France Beirne, Rosamond Randall, XIII:2:3

Cathedral [St. Pierre], undamaged in W. W. II, William uckland, 1734-1774, Architect of Virginia

IV:3/4:55 ancj \faryiancj (and j Scarff)

Apse supports, XVI:3:10 Rev by c L v. Meeks, XVIII:2:71

Episcopal Palace, IV:3/4:55 Beisan

St. Etienne Relief; II:1;9
Piers, IV:3/4:37-38; illus. IV:3/4:[36a] fig 1 Beistegui, Charles de

Beaux-Arts style, W. Andrews on (in Architecture, Penthouse of Paris w-i oa

Ambition and Americans), XV:2:30; V. Scully on Bek Alpha see Beth Alpha
(in W. H. Pierson and M. Davison, Arts of the Bejapur see Bidjpr

United States), XX:3:150 Belanger, 18th c. architect, 1:2:9

Beccaria Belanger [Beilang; Bellanger], Franois Joseph

Dei Delitti e delle Pene, XII:4:30 Halle aux Bls dome, Paris, VIL1 /2:7

Becerra, Manuel, XVIII:2:41 Belcher, 17th c., XI:1:6,[14] nlO

Becket, Retire, XII:3:28 Belm

Beckford, 111:3:7 Convent
Beckwith's Folly, Honolulu, XII:1:21 Cloister, V:2 n9
Bedford, 18th c., of Pittsburgh, XVIII:1:22 n5, 23 n9 Marine cords in vaults, V:5

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Belm - Benedictine Bldgs., Order, etc.

So Vicente Beiioc, Hilaire, XII:3:25
Rhinoceros on Tower, V:22 Beilotto

Belevi Lock at Dolo, painting, 11:3:32

Heroon, XI:3:4; illus. XI:3:[3] fig 13 Town on the Elbe, painting, 11:3:32

Belfort, Lux. Bellows, Robert P. XX:2:90

Iron Age House, XVII:2:21 nl6 Bellpuig, Spain

Belfries see Campaniles; Towers (Belfries, Observation Convento de Jesus
towers, Spires, Steeples, etc.) Cloister, V:2n9
Art and architecture, XX:4:202-203 Hartford, steamboat, VI: 1/2:25

Commission Royale des Monuments et des Sites Macao, China

Friends of, IX:l/2:37 Church of St. Joseph, XV:3:29,30 nl3

Linear City project (H. Gonzalez del Castillo), Manhattan, Kan.

XVIII:2:49-50,51; XVIII:3:77,80,82,83,88; illus. Methodist Church, VI:l/2:25

XVIII:2:50 fig 10 New York <City)

Belgrand Fire lookout station bells, XVI:1:11-12,17 n81

Sewers and water supply, Paris, XVIII:1:35 Soledad Mission, Calif., XV:1:23,26 n33
Bell 19th c. Belluschi, Pietro
Writings, R. W. Emerson on, XVII:4:27 Belluschi (Pietro) House, Portland, Or.,
Bell, 19th c. Engl, glasspainter, see Clayton and Bell XX:4:175-176,177; illus. XX:4:177 figs 15,16

Bell, 19th c., of U.S. Treasury, Architects Office, Be,mas> Mariano, and introd. of Arbor Day to Spain,
XVIII:2:45 nl4


Bell Clive X-3-8 ^asa- booklet on low-cost housing,




Bell, Robert, 18th c. bookseller and auctioneer

A Catalogue of New and Old Books... 7 770,


First house for Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, XVIII:2:42


Belmont, Mass.
Belmont (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:17-18; illus. XIII:3:18

Bell Rock Lighthouse, Firth of Tay, Scot., XVI: 1:12

Bell Telephone Co.

fies 1-2

Bldgs. see Pittsburgh: Bell Telephone Co. Bldg.; McLean Asylum Waverley

Saint Louis, Mo.: Bell Telephone Co. A^ntation BldgISepley. Rutan and
Bell towers see Campaniles; Towers (Belfries, Coolidee) XVII 3 28

Observation towers Spires, Steeples, etc.) Bdk Bldg ' (Shepley> Rutan and Coolidge),
Bella, Stefano della see Delia Bella, Stefano XVII-3-26

Bellamy, Francis R Belmont, residence [Winn (John III) Home] see

The Architect at Mid-Century; vol. 2, Conversations rhnrlnttpsvillo V

Across the Nation (ed.) Belmont Mansion lee Philadelphia

Rev. by W. Creese, XIV:3:32 Belmont Plantation [Louis Le Bourgeois Residence]

Bellang [Bellanger], Franois Joseph see Belanger, Remodelled (H. Howard), illus. XI:4:[23 fig 1]

Franois Joseph Belper, Engl.

Bellay, Jean du, Cardinal Mill (Strutt and Strutt), VIII:l/2:23
Villa of see Rome (City): Villas: Du Bellay (Cardinal Belvidere see Baltimore, Md.




Belle Grove Plantation, Ark., IX:3:26 portr. (Golubkina), XVI:2:30

Belle Grove Plantation, La. (H. Howard) [Andrews Beman, Solon Spencer, XII:3:17-22
(John) Plantation], XI:4:21; illus. XI:4:[23 figs Grand Central Terminal, Chicago, XII:3:17
4,5,6,7] Mines and Mining Bldg., World's Columbian
Bellefonte, Pa. Exposition, Chicago, XII:3:17
Reynolds Arcade (C. B. Callahan), XVII: 1:27 Pioneer Bldg., Saint Paul, XIX: 1:40

Bellemeade [Belle Meade] see Nashville, Tenn.: Studebaker Bldg., Chicago, XII:3:17

Bellemeade Bench-Mate, The Builder's Director or, by B. Langley,

Bellendine, John see Ballendine, John XX:3:127 no.40

Bellevue Benecia cement see Benicia cement






House (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:17; illus. III:3:[ 12a] Benedict, Saint, Nazi use of monastery cell of, IV:2:42;
fig 7 numbers in Rule of, XVIII:3:97
Bellini Benedictine Bldgs., Order, etc. (for specific bldgs. see
Sketchbooks, XVII:l:9nl5 under place, e.g. Bernay: Abbey; Brevnov:
Bellini, Gentile Benedictine Abbey; Fcamp: Benedictine

Painting, illus. VIII:3/4:pl V fig 7b Monastery; Rio de Janeiro: S. Bento), XVI:3:12-15


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Benedictine Bldgs., Order, etc. - Benoit-Lvy

Benedictine Bldgs., Order, etc. (Cont'.) State House, Hartford
Filarete design, XVII:3:11-12; illus. XVII:3:[13] Circular staircase, XIII:3:18,19

figs 5-7 Unitarian Church, Nashua, N.H.

Benedictine Plan, XVI:3:16; XVIII:4:166 Front, XIII:3:17

Benedictine Reform, XVII:2:28 Water (Asa) House, Milbury, XIII:3:16

Benedictine Rule, XV1II:3:97 West Church, Boston, XIII:3:16,17




Arch of Trajan, IV:2:52 Nashua, N.H., XIII:3:17

Cathedral, IV:2:52 Benjamin, Charles Edwin, XIII:3:19

Benet, Stephen Vincent Benjamin, Elizabeth, 18th c., see Porter, Elizabeth
Western Star (quote), VIII:3/4:19 Benjamin

Benezet, Anthony, X:2:24 Benjamin, Elizabeth, 19th c., XIII:3:19

Benfleet Hall (P. Webb), XIX:4:170 Benjamin, George August, XIII:3:19
Beni Hammad People Benjamin, J. Bagan

Palace of Kalaa, XX:2:88; illus. XX:2:89 fig 23 Christ Church Cathedral, Lagos, XVIII:3:119-120

Benicia cement, XI:3:29; XIV:3:15-16 Benjamin, James, XIII 3:19

Bnigne, Saint, XVII:3:5 Benjamin, John Bryant, XIII:3:19

Benjamin, Achsah H.tchcock, XIII:3:19 Benjamin, Martha, XIII:3:18

Benjamin, Asher, ^ 1777 xni:3:19n8 Benjamin, Mary Asher, XIII =3:19

Benjamin, Asher, 1773-1845, XIII:3.16-19; biographical Benjamin, Nancy Bryant, XIII:3:19

vni/n7VI11 Nicholson, Benjamin, Samuel, XIH:3:18,19n8

^ , Q
A ry 'it
a Designs,
' + * v i Benjamin,

American Builder s Assistant, X:l:[221 D VTT,

^ d u ^ v. is Benjamin Family, XIII :3:16
American Builders Companion, X:4:26: XII:2:10,12 n ^ __T*t ^ ^
TLr, a L'+ * d / u ^ ' Benner and Cox, excavators, XIII:3:Suppl. 6
The Architect, or Practical House Carpenter, .. j J n

XII'2'13 Bennett, Edward H.

The Builder's Guide, XIII:3:19 City plans

Designs for a church, XVIII: 1:10 Chlca80' 909 (w,th D H Burnham, Sr.),

The Country Builder's Assistant, 11:4:5; IX:l/2:35 and n4; illus. IX:l/2:32 fig 3

VII:3/4:29,32; XIII:3:16 Detroit, IX:l/2:35

Designs, motifs etc., 11:4:5; X:l:21; XI: 1 :[26] n7; Telegraph Hill scheme, San Francisco, IX:l/2:35;

XII:2:8,10; XII:3:14; XVIII:1:10 illus. IX:1/2:33 fig 6

Practice of Architecture, X:4:29; XI:4:16 Bennett, Richard M., 111:1/2:58

Rudiments of Architecture, XIII:3:19 Bennett, Thomas, Sr., of Charleston, S.C., XII: 1:24

Buildings and parts Bennington, Vt.

Academy, Deerfield, XIII:3:16 Meeting House, 1805, VII:3/4:29

Alexander House, Springfield, Mass., XIII:3:16 Bennington Battlefield, Walloomsac, N.Y., IV:2:37

Baldwin (Luke) House, Brookfield, Mass., Benoist, Father, V-.22

XIII:3:16 Benoit-Lvy, Georges, and P. Aguirre Cerda,

Beacon Hill houses, Boston, XIII:3:16 XVIII:3:85; and Association des Cits-Jardins de

Belmont, Belmont, Mass., XIII:3:17-18; illus. France, XVIII:3:81; and Association Internationale
XIII:3:18 figs 1-2 des Cits Linaires, XVIII:2:46,47; XVIII:3:81;
Canal locks, Nashua, N.H., XIII:3:17 and Ciudad Lineal proponents, XVIII:3:81; on A.
Center Church, New Haven, VII:3/4:29, Comey, XVIII:3:87; and linear planning,
VIII:1 /2:41 nl6; XIII:3:16,17 XVIII:2:48 n26; XVIII:3:75,81-82; and N. A.

City Hall, Nashua, N.H. Miliutin, XVIII:3:88

Cupola, XIII:3:17 Articles, Books, Translations, etc.,

Coleman-Hollister House, Greenfield, XIII:3:16 XVIII:3:75,81,82,87

Colmans (William) House, Greenfield, XIII:3:16 La cit-jardin, XVIII:3:81

Colton House, Longmeadow, XIII:3:16 La cit linaire... (transi, of H. Gonzalez del
First Church, Old, Nashua, N.H. Castillo, La Ciudad Lineal... ),
Cupola, XIII:3:17 XVIII:2:48n26; XVIII:3:81
Fullerton House, Windsor, Vt., XIII:3:16 "La Ciudad Lineal a travs del mundo,"
Hatch House, Windsor, Vt., XIII:3:16 XVIII:3:82

Hinckley (Samuel) House, Northampton, XIII:3:16 Londres demain, XVIII:3:82

Hubbard House, Windsor, Vt., XIII:3:16 Paris s'tend, XVIII:3:82

Marine Hospital, Boston, XIII:3:16-17 Plans

Meeting House, Nashua, N.H., XIII:3:17 Linear plan project, Brussels to Charleroi (with M.
Meeting House, Windsor, Vt., XIII:3:16 Simon), XVIII:3:82

Paris extension, 1927, XVIII:3:88


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Benot - Bermuda

Benot, Eduardo, XVIII:2:46 Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity (A. C. Schweinfurth),

Benson, John Howard, of Newport, XVIII:4:158 X:3:21; illus. X:3:17
Bent, John, 17th c., XI:1:6 Rees (W. H.) Residence, illus. X:3:17

Bentham, Gen., 11:4:11 Taylor (Henry W.) Estate (L. C. Mullgardt), X:3:20;

Bentham, Jeremy, and prison reform, XX:3:136; and illus. X:3:17

Utilitarians, XX:3:99,105; and The Westminster Thorsen (William R.) House (Greene and Greene),
Review, XX:3:105 IX:1/2:18-19; X:3:21; illus. IX: 1/2:16 fig 9

Panoptican prison, XVIII:4:152; XX:3:136nlO University of California

Table of Springs, XX:3:105 Bacon Hall, XIV:3:21 nl

Bentley, early 19th c. Buildings (J. G. Howard), X:3:18-20
House of, Aurora Rd., near Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:10 Chemistry Bldg., XIV:3:21 nl
Bentley, early 19th c of Chagrin Falls, Ohio Competition for design of, 1896, XI:3:30
House of, XII:2:12 Hearst Memorial Gymnasium for Women (B.
Bently, 19th c of Baltimore, XVI:1:29 Maybeck), X:3:20
Benton, J. A. Rev., XIV:3:19 Women's City Club (J. Morgan), X:3:20
Benyon and Bage Berkeley Castle
Linen Mill, Leeds, VIII:l/2:23 Chapel, IX:3:13n27
Berckheyde Berkeley School, IV:3/4:50

Church of St. Cecilia, painting, 11:3:32 Berkhamsted

Berczy, William, XI:l:[26]n3 Church, XI:1:9

Berengar of Tours, IV: 1:5 Berkshire Furnace

Berenger, Raymond [Berenguer, Ramon], XIV:1:3 Franklin-type stove cast at, illus. XX:1:21 fig 2

Berga, Bernard, Viscount of X 11:3:7 Berkshire Mills, VIII:l/2:88

Bergama see Pergamum Berlage, Hendrik Petrus, infl. on German architecture,
Bergamo 11:3:12; G. Rietveld's Begeer shop-front called
Cathedral, XVII:3:12 "Berlagian," XVIII:3:116

Santa Maria Maggiore Kerplein's Store, The Hague, XVIII:2:68

Sarcophagi of Bartolomeo and Medea Colleoni (G. Stock Exchange, Amsterdam, XVIII:2:68

A. Amadeo), V:12 Berlin

View of, painting (Ceruti), 11:3:33 Academy, 11:3:6,7
Bergen, N.J. see Jersey City, N.J. Bau-Akademie (K. F. Schinkel), 11:3:7,12; XX:1:9
Berger, J. Charles Marcel Brandenburg Gate (C. G. Langhans), 11:3:7

Ecole des Beaux-Arts School project (with A. E. Building Exposition, 1931

Maistrasse), XIX:l:19-20; illus. XIX:1:20 fig 7 Display (L. Mies van der Rohe), XX:1:42

Berger, Robert; of Altadena, Calif. House (L. Mies van der Rohe), XX: 1:42-43
House of, XIX:3:130 City Hall (L. E. E. Hoffmann), 11:3:11

Bergmller, Johann Andreas, XV:3:9 International Federation for Housing and Town
Bergues Planning, 13th Congress, 1931, XVIII :2:47,51;
City plan, 111:1/2:16 XVIII:3:74,80
Beringer de Beaufain, Hector see Beaufain, Hector Library designs, 1835 (K. F. Schinkel), XX: 1:9
Beringer de Liebknecht-Luxemburg Monument (L. Mies van der
Berkeley, English writer, XV:4:31 Rohe), XX:1:42,43
Berkeley, Francis L., Jr. Matthaei Church (F. A. von Stiller), 11:3:9
The Jefferson Papers of the University of Virginia Military Prison (K. F. Schinkel), 11:3:12; XX:1:9

(comp, with C. E. Thurlow), IX:l/2:38 Museum of Applied Arts (M. Gropius), 11:3:11
Berkeley, William, Gov., X-.2-A9 Neue Museum (A. Messel), 11:3:11
Berkeley, Calif. Railroad Station, 19th c VHl:l/2:34
Bacon Hall see Berkeley, Calif.: University of Reichstag (P. Wallot), 11:3:11



First Church of Christ Scientist (B. Maybeck), Staatliche Museen

X:3:18; XX:2:96 Head of Nofretete, IX:4:26

Gregory House (J. G. Howard), X:3:20 Technological Institute (R. Lucae), 11:3:11
Hearst Memorial Gymnasium for Women see Units d'Habitation (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93
Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Unter-den-Linden, XIX:l:18nll
Houses (J. G. Howard), X:3:20 Werder Church (K. F. Schinkel), 11:3:9
Howard (J. G.) Residence (J. G. Howard), X:3:20; Wertheim Department Store (A. Messel), 11:3:11,12
illus. X:3:[19] Berlin Heights, Ohio

Joy Residence (J. Morgan), illus. X:3:[19] Church (S. Porter), VII:3/4:32

Keeler (Charles) Residence (E. Coxhead), illus. Bermuda

X:3:[19] Architecture, VI:3/4:7; XI: 1:27

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Bermuda in the Old Empire - Bethlehem

Bermuda in the Old Empire, by H. C. Wilkinson, Porta del Popolo, Rome, alterations,



Bermudez, Juan Agustin Cean see Cean-Bermudez, Sculpture, XIV:1:8; elephant, XVII:1:23

Juan Agustin Bernini, Pietro, father of G. L. Bernini

Bernard, Saint, see Bernard of Clairvaux Barcaccia, Rome, XIV:1:12; illus. XIV: 1:12 fig 8

Bernard, Viscount of Berga, XII:3:7 Berno, Abbot of Cluny, XVI:3:16

Bernard, Elias, XX:2:53 Berrettini, Pietro see Cortona, Pietro da

Bernard, Gabriel, d. 1737, engineer, XX:2:52-54 Berry, fl. 1859, Or. bldr., see Berry and Kerr

Bernard d'Arboussols, XIV:1:7 Berry, John, b. 1798, X:l:18-[22]

Bernard de Chartres, 11:2:13 nl3 Berfy BldS" Hillsboro, X:l:[22]

Bernard de Trana, XIV: 1:3 Berry-McLarty-Porter House, Hillsboro, X: 1:18,19

Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint, and Achardus, Caswe11 ^unty Courthouse, Yanceyville (attrib.),
XVIII:4:166; H. Adams on, xill:l:7,8-9; austerity X:1:[22J
Courthouses, N.C., X:l:[22]
First Baptist Church, Hillsboro, X:l:19; illus.
X:l:[20] fig 4

f fMirthAiicor

of, XIX:4:176; Clairvaux granges established

during lifetime of, XVII:2:22 n42; expansionist

policy of, XVIII:4:166; meeting with Bishop of Ja> 1837> Hillsboro> X:1;[22]

Lausanne and Pope Eugene III, 1147, Methodist Church, Hillsboro, X:l:19; illus. X:l:[20]

XVIII:4:166; monastic reform of, XI:3:11; fig 3 i j

philosophy of, XI:3:6,11,13-15; XVII:2:28; Orange County Courthouse, 1845, Hillsboro,

XVIII:4:166 X: 1:18,19,21 ,[22]; illus. X:l:21 fig 6

Bernard of Cluny, XVI:3:10 Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem
Bernard of Pisa see Eugene III Design, X:l:21
Bernard Raimond, XII:3:7 Houses on campus, X:l:19-21

"Bernardine plan," XVIII:4:166 Berry, Parker N XIX:2:68; XX:3:140

Bernardino da Siena, XVII: 1:4 Berry, Rhoda [Rhody], X:l:18

Bernay Berry and Kerr

Abbey, XVI:3:12 St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Jacksonville, Or.,
Church, XVII:3:7 XII:4:21; illus. XII:4:[22] fig 5
Sculpture, XVII:3:3,7 Berryman, Florence S., 11:2:10

Transepts, XVII:3:9 n26 Berryman, Henry, fl. 1847, Capt., XI:4:2

Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo, architecture, engineering Berthier, Can.
and theoretical research combined, 11:3:6; as son St. Barthlmy (V. Bourgeau), XIV:3:12; illus.
of Pietro Bernini, XIV: 1:12; and J. F. Blondel, XIV:3:11 fig 5
XVIII:4:146,147 n60; C. Campbell on, XX:3:115; Bertholier, Mile., XVII:2:21 n5

in France, XV:2:3; XVIII:4:143; and Guarini, Bertrand and Chamberlin

XV:2:3,8-10; as Roman architect, IX:4:10; Rome Defn and Co- Warehouse, Minneapolis, XIII:1:22

work, VIII:3/4:45; XIV:4:17; as Berwick, Lord, XI:4:19

"sculptor-architect," 111:3:18; universality of, Berz-la-Ville

XVIII:3:117; R. Wittkower on, XVIII:4:164; and Chapel, 12th c., XVIII:3:95,103; illus. XVIII:3:103

C. Wren, XVI:4:34 flg 13

Works Besanceuil

Baldaquin, St. Peter's, Rome, XV:3:20 _ Church' XVI:3:21 n17

Churches Besanon

Ariccia, XV:2:3; XIX:4:135 \heater <C N- Ledoux), 111:3:14

Castel Gandolfo, XV:2:3 W Shapur

S. Andrea al Quirinale, Rome c . r> t. , w

c a v\/i in Mosque of see Cairo: Beshtak Mosque

raade, XVI: 1:10 Bessalp brick 1-1-6

Fontana di Trevi, Rome, project, XIV: 1:12-13 Beth Aloha

Louvre, Paris, designs, XV:2:3,8-10; illus. XV:2:9 Synagogue, XIII:3:32


Pantheon, Rome, alterations, XIX:4:135,137 Church IV-3/4-32

Piazza di San Pietro [Piazza of the Vatican], Bethany College see Lindsborg, Kan.

Rome, 111:1/2:26,27; XIV:1:9-10; XVIII:2:54; Bthisy, Eleanor Oglethorpe de, XX:2:56

XIX:4:183; illus. XIV: 1:10 fig 3 Bthisy, Eugne Marie de, Marquis de Mzires,

Colonnade, XIV: 1:9; XVIIL4:146 n56; XX:2:56

XIX:4:142; illus. XIV: 1:10 fig 3 Bethlehem

Piazza Navona, Rome, XIV:1:9,10-11; illus. Church of the Nativity

XIV: 1:10 fig 4 Mosaics (Ephraim), 111:4:44


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Bethlehem, Pa. - Bilson

Bethlehem, Pa. 18th c. bibl., XII:3:28; XX:3:115-130
Moravian archives, records, etc., IV:3/4:51; XII:2:4 19th c. bibl., 11:1:27-29

Moravian Historic Area, XV:4:3 20th c. bibl., 1:1:9-19; 1:2:31-38; 1:3/4:47-60;

Moravian mission houses, XIV:1:29 11:1:43-52; 11:2:41-51; 11:3:35-44; II:4:45-[59];

Bethnal Green see London 111:1/2:49-57; 111:3:33-43; 111:4:53-64;

Bethune, Louise Blanchard [Mrs. Robert Armour IV:l:43-53; IV:2:44-52; IV:3/4:47-51,54,60-70;

Bethune], XVIII:2:66 V:[48]-56; VII:l/2:50-93; VII:3/4:[21]-32;
Bethune (R. A. and L.), Buffalo firm, XVIII:2:66 VIIL1/2:86-89; VIII:3/4:48-66; XI:3:31

Bethune and Fuchs, XVIII:2:66 Art history

Bethune, Bethune and Fuchs, XVIII:2:66 20th c., VII:3/4:[21]-22

Betjeman, John, on G. E. Street, XIX:4:145 nl,147,153 Art Nouveau, XIV:2:18-27

The English Town in the Last Hundred Years Preservation, 1:3/4:33-45

Short rev., XV:4:32 Bibliotheca Radcliffiana, by J. Gibbs, XIX:3:132

Foreword to B. F. L. Clarke, Anglican Cathedrals Bicci) Nerj di see Neri di Bicci

Outside the British Isles, XVIII:3:119 Bicentennial Celebration, Washington, D.C., 1932,

Bton, bldg. material, XX: 1:35,37 IV:l:34n

Beular, Frank E., IV:2:43 Bicheri, Guala, Cardinal, XIX:4:159

Beverley Minster, XIX:2:88 Bicknell, Amos Jackson

Beverly, Mass. BicknelVs School House and Church Architecture,

Balch (John) House, VII:3/4:30 XII-4-25

Beverwyck, N.Y. see Albany, N.Y. Bidamon, Lewis, XIX:3:110

Bexley Heath Bidamon, Mrs. Lewis [Mrs. Joseph Smith], XIX:3:110
Red House (W. Morns and P. Webb), IX:4:15; Bjdd, ofMackinac Islandi Mick

XIX:4:147,170; XX:3:149; illus. XIX:4:171 Houseof, IV:1:54

r'8 25 Biddle, Edward C.

Beyle, Marie Henri see Stendhal ^ of Riyerton N J > XIX:1;3?

S16" A' B*ddle' Francis> Hn

Saint-Aphrodise Summer Residence of, Wellfleet, Mass., illus.





Bezold G von, VII:3/4:[13]; XIX:4:176 Biddle, Nicholas, XIII:3:30; XVI: 1:22;

Bhaja, India
Chaitya-Hall, XVIII: 1:28 _.... _


and n


l, e ro The Young Carpenter's Assistant, VII: 1/2:46;
San Francesco di Paola, Naples, XIX:4:141-142; f f
h vtv a i a i tr n i a~* c- n XV:4:2l n4U; XlX:4:ll

illus. XIX:4:14l fig 12; 142 fig 13

Bibbert, C. A., of Salem, Or., XIX:2:60n20 Blddle' XYlll'am ^

Bibbs, John, Dr. ' RlVertn' NJ"

House of, Frankfort, Ky., 11:1:36 1r^apUr. f _ ..
Bibiena, Ferdinando, infi. design of public squares, .^au e""J 0 , ! : : VIY

XIV: 1:11; "Seena per Angelo" of, V:47 Bldlake and Lovatt' f Wolverhampton, XIX:4:147

Architettura civile Bieda> Btruria

Stage-setting designs, XV:3:21 Tombs, 11:1:9-12

Bibiena, Francesco, XIV:1:11 "Biedermeier" pediments, XVIII:1:31

The Bibiena Family, by A. H. Mayor, V:47 Bi8 Ben> XVIII:2:72
BiWe Bigelow, fl. 1877, IX:4:16

N j Bigham, 19th c., of Baltimore, XVI:1:29

Book of Revelation, XI:3:6; XVI: 1:6; XVIII:3:95 Bigio, Nanni di Baccio see Nanni di Baccio Bigio

O.T., symbolic numbers in, XVIII:3:96 Bijapur see Bidjapur

Book of Daniel, XII:3:12 Bilbao

Book of Genesis, XI:3:11 City plan, VIII:3/4:8

The Bible in Iron, by H. C. Mercer, XX: 1:21 n5 Bilger, John

Bibles House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 fig 2no.31

Beatus Bible, XII:3:12 Bill, Alfred Hoyt
Bible, 1629, St. Luke's, Smithfield, Va., XVII:1:17 A House Called Morven, Its Role in American History,
Bible of Charles the Bald 1701-1954

Illus. of the Judgment of Solomon, XX-.2-.82 Rev. by A. A. Gilchrist, XIV:2:32

St. Pre de Roda Bible, XII:3:12 Bill, J. P., Dr., of Wayland, XI:1:[14] nlO

Bibliography Billaud, 19th c.

Architecture, 11:2:24-28,37; VIII:l/2:55-85 Cast iron fronts, 12 rue Vivienne, Paris, XV:4:21 n31
17th c. bibl., XX:3:115 Bilson, Jno., 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

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Bilson - Blind

Bilson, John, on Cistercian architecture, XVIII A: 165 Black Rock Harbor Lighthouse (W. H. Swift),
Biltmore see Asheville, N.C. XVI : 1:12

Bing, Samuel, XIV:2:18 Blacker, R. R.

La Culture Artistique en Amrique, XVIII:2:68 Home of, Pasadena, IX:1/2:11,13-18; XX:2:96; illus.
Bingham, fl. 1900, Col., XI:1:31 IX:1/2:14-15 figs 1-4
Bingham, George Caleb, XIX:4:183 Blacker, Mrs. R. R., IX: 1/2:11
Bingham, Lois A. Blackford, Harry R XIII:2:27 n7
'The Fortified Dwelling in France during the Middle Blackwell, of Philadelphia
Ages," VlI:3/4:28-29 House of fStamper-Blackwell House], XIX:3:118 n5
Bini, Leonardo, XIII:3:5 Blackwell's Island see New York (City)
Binns, John, XI:3:25-26 Blackwood's Magazine, XX:3:106
Birch, Thomas Blaine, Mr., XII:1:11
Sketch of St. Philip's Church, Charleston, S.C., illus. Blair, Dr., of Williamsburg, X:4:22
XVIII:3:112 fig 1 Blair, John, 18th c., of Williamsburg, X:3:29; XIV:1:14
Birch, William Russell, X:2:21 Blair County (Pa.) Historical Society, XVII: 1:25
First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Engraving Blake, fl. ca. 1630, of A ndover, Hampshire, XI: 1:4
of, IX:3:20-21; XIV:2:11 n6; illus. IX:3:21 Blake, Marion Elizabeth
Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Print of west end, Ancient Roman Construction in Italy from the
XX: 1:23; illus. XX: 1:23 fig 5 Prehistoric Period to Augustus, XIX:2:86
Bird cages, 11:1:7 Rev. by G. M. A. Hanfmann, VII:3/4:[33]-36
Birdwell, fl. 1840, Dr.. of Mount Enterprise, Tex. Roman Construction in Italy from Tiberius through
House of, XI:4:2,[7] nn30,33 (refs. to fig 3); illus. the Flavians
XI:4:[5] fig 3 Rev. by W. L. MacDonald, XIX:2:86
Birdwell, Alton William, 1870-1954, Dr., XI:4:[6] n9 Blake, Peter

Birdwell Family, of East Tex., XI:4:2 The Master Builders, Le Corbusier, Mies van der
Birkmire, William H., XVIII:4:132,135 Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright
Skeleton Construction in Buildings, XVIII:4:129 ni 1 Rev. by T. M. Brown, XX:4:200-201
Birmingham, Engl. Blakeney's Exercise, XV:4:23
Adderley Park Institute [Reading Room and Blanchard, Joseph, surveyor, 111:1/2:37
Library] (G. E. Street), XIX:4:148,154 Blanchard, Louise see Bethune, Louise Blanchard
Birmingham Reference Library Blanchard, Thomas, 11:4:10

Boulton and Watt Collection, VIII:l/2:23 Blanchard machine (nail producing), 11:4:10
Cathedral (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:22 Blanche of Castile, 111:1:4,8
Public Libraries, XIX:4:154 Blanckenhagen, Peter H. von
Soho Manufactory (see also Boulton and Watt; 'The Imperial Fora," XIII:4:21-26
Smethwick, Engl.; Soho Foundry), Blanco, Antonio, Fray, V:[35] n6
VIII:1 /2:4,8-10,l 1,12,19,20-21; illus. Blanco, Gabriel, XIV:4:29
VIII: 1 /2:pl I figs 3,4 Blanco, Jos Junquera, XVIII:2:47
Warehouse housing first roller spinning machine of Bland, Theodorick
Lewis Paul, VIII:l/2:4-5 Map of Williamsburg, 1699, X:3:28-29
Birmingham, Pa. Blandfield, Va., XIII:2:4
Meeting House Blandford, Engl.
Octagonal school, XII:l:21-22; illus. XII:1:21 Fire (1731) and rebldg., XIII:4:32
Birnau Town Hall (J. and W. Bastard), XVIII:1:6; illus.
Church, XVI:2:31 XVIII: 1:7 fig 12
Bischoff, William Blatchford, Eliphalet W., XVI:l:18n96
Forsyth Park, Savannah, X:4:9; XX:2:48 Blauch, Lloyd E., 111:1/2:58
Bishapur see Shapur Biegen, XVII: 1:34
Bishop Hill, 111. Blenheim Palace, IV:3/4:56
Communitarian experiment, XIX:3:109 Blesch, Otto

Bisse, Bishop of Hereford, XVII:2:10 Wooster Street Synagogue, N.Y. (and L. Eidlitz),


Chapel, IV:3/4:29 Blight, Mssrs., 19th c, of Philadelphia, XVI:4:13

Bit Hilani (see also Senjirli: Bit Hilani), XV: 1:31 Blind

Bitter, Carl, 19th c. sculptor, XI:2:[14] Schools for

Black, G. Institute for the Education of the Blind,

Survey of Mission Soledad, 1854, XV:1:21,23 Indianapolis (F. Costigan), XVII:1:30,31

Black Rock, N.Y. Institution for the Education of the Blind,

City plan (S. De Witt), 111:1/2:40 Columbus (W. Tinsley), XIII:2:31


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Blissimore Hall - Blunt

Blissimore Hall [Manor] see Weyhill, Engl. De [a distribution des maisons de plaisance et de la

Blithewood see Fishkill, N.Y. dcoration des difices en gnral,

Bloch, Mlle., 20th c., XVII:2:21 n5 xi-1-16 [17-18]

Bloch, Herbert, lecture to SAH on Roman Brick Grand Blondel, see Blondel, Jacques Franois:

'nd"stry' , . Books: Architecture franoise

The Roman Brick Industry and Its Relationship to L'homme du monde clair par les arts (and C. N.

o. . Rom,?n Arrchiltcture'" 1:1j?"8 Cochin), XVIII:4:142,148

Block, in office of Adler and Sullivan, XIX:2:62 Maisons de plaisance, see Blondel, Jacques

ock Island, R.I. Franois: Books: De la distribution des

Rock Harbor Lighthouse (W. H. Swift), de plaisance

Buildings, Designs, etc.

Blockhaser, XVIII:1:29 Bishop's Palace, Cambrai, XVIII:4:140

Blockley Township see Philadelphia Cathedral, Metz

modget, Samuel, X:2:27-28 Western portal, XI:1:[19]; illus. XI:l:[18]fig 4

First Bank of the United States [Girard National Qty p]ans

Bank], Philadelphia, X:2:27,28; XV:3:2; Cateau Cambresis, XI:1:[17]

_ XVI:2:24; illus. XV:3:2 Strasbourg, XI:1:[17]; XVIII:4:140
. Convent design, XI:1:[19]

Chateau, French Renaissance detail of, XI:2:[14]; Country house (from Cours d'archltecture),

isolation of parts, XIII:3:9 XVII1:4:145; illus. XVIII:4:144 fig 1

Open sta.rwell, XIX: 1:18 Designs, XI: 1:23,24

Blomneld, Arthur, Sir, obit., 11:4:42 Htel de Ville and Cathedral Precinct, Metz,
Blomfield, C. J., Bishop of London, 11:4:42 XVIII-4140

Blomfield, G. J., Rev., 11:4:42 Blondel, Jean Baptiste, XI:1:[17]

Blomfield, Isabella, 11=4:42 Blondel, Jean Franois, XI:1:16; XVIII:4:140nl

Blomfield, Reginald, Sir, obit., 11:4:42; on Blondel Manon see Blondel Marie Madeiaine Baletti
three-dimensional arches, XVII:4:24 n7 B,onde, Marie Anne Garnier> XI;1:16

Writings, 11-2:26; 11:4:42 Blondel, Marie Madeiaine Baletti [Manon],

History of Renaissance Architecture in England, XM 16-[ 17]
XII1:4:31 Bloodless Revolution, 1688, XX:2:54 n44

Blomstedt, Yrjo , Bloomart

Karelische Bauten und ornamentale Formen (V. House of> Natchez, Miss., XIV: i ;30

o, Sucksdorff), VI:3/4:1 Bloomfield, L. A.

Blondel, Claudine Anglique, XI:1:16 House of, Xucson, XiX:3;13o

Blondel, Franois, infl. on J. F. Blondel, XI:1:[18]; Bloomfield N J

XVIII:4:141,142; and French Academy of Presbyterian Church, 1796, VII:3/4:31

Architecture, 1:2:7,8 Bloor, A. J., XIV:1:25 nlO

Porte Saint-Denis, Paris, XVIII:4:142 Bloor EUen Reevej XVIII:4:156

Blondel, Georges-Franois, XI: 1:16,[17] Blossom George

Blondel, Jacques Franois, on authorship of House' of, Chicag0, XiX:l:4; XIX:3:129

Architecture moderne, 1728, XVIII:2:61-62; Blouet, 19th c XV:4:29-30

Baroque style of, XII:4:31; on columns, obelisks B,ount Mn G XI:4:[6] nll
and statues, XVII:1:21,22-23; as teacher of C. N. Bloxham
Ledoux, 111:3:14; on orders of architecture, Collegiate Institution (G. E. Street), XIX:4:151-152

XVIII:4:146-147; and P. Patte, XI: 1:16,[19]; Blue Lodges;. VI:l/2:23

XVIII:4:141; on pyramid device, XIX:2:76; theory Blumenfeld, Hans, biogr. data, 11:1:23 n; 111:1/2:11 n;

Of, XIII:3:21 IV:1:22 n; VIII:3/4:70; IX:l/2:38




Middleton, R "Jacques Franois Blondel and the "Form and Function in Urban Communities,"
Cours d'Architecture," XVIII:4:140-148 III-1/2-11-21

Sturges, W. K "Jacques-Franois Blondel," -0n a Peculiar Feature of the City Plan of

XI:1:16-[19] Mohenjo-Daro," 11:1:23-26

00'cs "Russian City Planning of the 18th and Early 19th
Architecture franoise, XI: 1:16,[17,18-19]; Centuries," IV:l:22-33
XVIII:4:140 "Theory of City Form, Past and Present,"

Plan of Sainte Anne-la-Royale, Paris, VIII-3/4-7-16

XV:2:7-8,11 n22; illus. XV:2:8 fig 4 Review

Cours d'architecture, XI: 1:16,[18-19]; Braunfels, W Mittelalterliche Stadtbaukunst in der



Blunt, Anthony, Sir, on French art of 16th and 17th

centuries, XIX:4:177


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Blunt (O.) and Syms - Bogardus

Blunt (O.) and Syms, N. Y., XV:4:21 n51 Articles on
Blythe, 19th c., Judge, XXIII:3:Suppl. 9 Bannister, T. C.

Board-and-batten, XIV: 1:19 "Bogardus Revisited"

Boardman, of New Milford "Part I: The Iron Fronts," XV:4:12-22

House of, X:4:[23] n20 "Part II: The Iron Towers," XVI: 1:11-19






English Art, 1100-1216, XVII:3:34 Cast Iron Buildings; Their Construction and
English Art, 1800-1870 Advantages (and J. W. Thomson), IX:4:24;

Rev. by M. Whiffen, XX:3:149 XV:4:17

Oxford History of English Art (ed.), XVII:3:34-35; Works (Bldgs., Designs, Engravings, etc.)

XX:3:149 Blunt (O.) and Syms Gun Shop, N.Y.

Boats see Ships (Barges, Boats, Steamships, Yachts, Faade, XV:4:21 n51
etc-' Bogardus Factory [Cast-iron Factory; Eccentric
"Boaz," XII:4:6 Mill Works; Iron Bldg.] 1849, N.Y.,
Bca VII:1 /2:3; IX:4:24; XV:4:12-14,18;
Sanctuary (Antonelli), XIX:4:139 XVI:1:13,18 nl05; XIX:4:181,182; illus.


XV:4:13 fig 1; 15 fig 4

Palazzo of, Bologna, IX:4:10 Bruce (George [W. ?]) Hardware Co., N.Y.
Bochka, see Roofs: Barrel Faade, XV:4:21 n51
Bodine, Helen, XIV: 1:29 Burley (A. G.) and Co., Chicago, XVI : 1:18 n 110

Bodley, George Frederick, and Gothic style, IX: 1/2:27; Cast-iron bldgs.

XIII:3:20 See also names of specific bldgs., e.g.

Crimean War Memorial Church, Istanbul, Bogardus, James: Works (Bldgs., Designs,

competition design, XIX:4:159n71 Engravings, etc.): Laing (Edgar H.) Bldg.

Bodoni, XIII:3:12 Havana, IX:4:24

Bcklin, Arnold, and H. von Mares, IX:l/2:34 New Orleans, IX:4:24

Fields of the Blest, IX:1 /2:34 New York (City), XI:2:[8]

Bee, Alf, XIX:3:126 Christal and Donahue Paint Shop, N.Y.

Boehl Glass Negatives, X:3:[31] Faade, XV:4:21 n51

Bhm [Bhm] Crystal Palace, N.Y., design, 1852, XVI: 1:11,12,13;

Modern German church, VIII: 1 /2:17 illus XVI:1:12 fig 11
Boelen, Jacob Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, N.Y.
Baptismal font, St. Luke's Church, Smithfield, Va., Faade, XV:4:21 n51

XVII: 1:15 Fire Alarm Bell Tower, 33d St., N.Y.,

Boerschmann, 11:2:27 XVI:1:11-12,13; illus. XVI:1:14 fig 13

Boesiger, Willy Qun towers see Bogardus, James: Works
Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret, Oeuvre Complte (Bldgs., Designs, Engravings, etc.):

(ed.), XX:2:93,94 McCullough Shot and Lead Co., N.Y.: Shot

Boethius, XI:3:12,14 Tower; Bogardus, James: Works (Bldgs.,

De Musica, XVII:2:28 Designs, Engravings, etc.): Tatham and

Boethius, Axel, VII:3/4:34,36; XX: 1:40 Brothers Iron Works, N.Y.: Shot Towers

Btticher, Karl, X:3:8-9 Harper and Brothers Printing Plant, N.Y. (and J.

Boffrand, [Bouffrand], Germain, bias against, in books B. Corlies), XIV:3:23- XV:3:31

of Blomfield and Ward, 11:2:26; J. F. Blondel's XV:4:16-17,18,22 n56; XIX:4:181; illus.

admiration for, XVIII:4:142,145; S. F. Kimball on, XV:4:18 fig 8

V:45,46; and B. Neumann, XII:4:12,14; and P. Hopkins (Francis) and Brothers Glass Shop, N.Y.

Patte, XVIII:4:142 Faade, XV:4:21 n51

Books, XVIII:4:142 Laing (Edgar H.) Bldg. [Cast-iron Bldg.],

Livre d'architecture, XVIII:4:145 n48 Washington and Murray Sts., N.Y., XII:4:32;
Buildings XV:3:31; XV:4:13,14,16,18,20 nl7; illus.
Hpital des Enfants Trouvs, Paris, XVIII:4:142 XV:4:14 fig 3

Htel Amelot, Paris, V:46 Lighthouse, Santo Domingo, XVI: 1:12; illus.
Htel d'Argenson, Paris, XVIII:4:142 XVI:1:15 fig 14
Htel de Seignelay, Paris, V:46 McCullough Shot and Lead Company, N.Y.
Htel de Soubise, Paris, XVIII:4:142 Shot Tower, XV:3:31; XV:4:21 n51;

Bogardus, James (see also Bogardus and Hoppin), and XVI:1:12-14,15-17- XIX:4:181,182- illus.
iron frame construction, 11:4:4 n6,28; New York XV:4:13 fig 1; XVLL16 fig 15
work, XI:2:15; Vindex as pseud, of, XV:4:21 n45 McKesson and Robbins Drug Co.
Faade, N.Y., XV:4:21 n51


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Bogardus - Bolzano, Italy

Milhau (John) Drugstore, N.Y., Boinville, C. de, XIII:2:13
XV:4:12-13,14,18; 20nn7,17; 21n51; illus. Le Bois Sacr [Sacred Grove), by P. Puvis de

XV:4:14 fig 2 Chavannes, IX: 1/2:34; illus. IX: 1/2:32 fig 1

O'Connor (Charles) Tailor Shop, N.Y. Bois-Sainte-Marie

Faade, XV:4:21 n51 Church, XII:1:4
Patent drawings, XV:4:18-19; illus. XV:4:19 fig 10 Boito, Camillo

Queen Victoria engr. portr., XV:4:12 Home for Musicians, Verdi Foundation, Milan,
Robinson (Douglass) Insurance Co., N.Y. XII:4:17

Faade, XV:4:21 n51 Bolduc, Louis

Santa Catalina Co. Warehouse, Havana, XV:4:17 House of, Sainte Genevieve, Mo., IX:3:26

Sherwood (John H.) Shoe Store, N.Y. El Boletin de Ferrocarriles, XVIII:3:76

Faade, XV:4:21 n51 Boley, Henry, IX:3:18

Shot Towers, see Bogardus, James: Works (Bldgs., Bolhouse, Mrs. Peter, XVIII:4:159 n6

Designs, Engravings, etc.): McCullough Shot Bolivia

and Lead Co., N.Y.: Shot Tower; Bogardus, Architecture, V:[39]-41

James: Works (Bldgs., Designs, Engravings, Bo"> Andr

etc.): Tatham and Brothers Iron Works, N.Y.: Habitation moderne et urbanisme, XVIII:3:93 n58

Shot Towers Bo,,es> Albert s

Sperry (Henry S.) and Co. Clock Store, N.Y. Industrial History of the United States,

Faade, XV:4:21 51 11:4:10 33,11.24-25.29 154

Spoffard and Tileston, N.Y. Bolles Chair> St- Luke's Church, Smithfield, Va.,

Faade, XV:4:21 51 XVII:1:15; illus. XVIM.17 fig 4

Suear Mill XV-4-12 Bollettino del Centro Internationale di Studi

Tatham and Brothers Iron Works, N.Y. d'Architettura Andrea Palladio, vol. 1
Shot Towers, XII:1:21; XV:3:31; XV:4:21 n51; Bnet r^V'' XIX:4:184

XVI:1:12-13,15-17; XIX:4:181,182; illus. Bolmar, A. ,

XII: 1:19 fig 12- XVI.1:16 fig 16 Boarding School of [West Chester Young Ladies'

Thompkins [Tompkins] Market - Seventh Regiment Seminary], illus. XIX.2.82 fig 1

Armory 1860, N.Y. (and Lafferty), Bo'ogna' Glovatntnl t p ,

VMM ' , wan si Appenntno, statue at Pratolino, XX:4:155-167 passim;
o a u u n vv n illus- XX:4:162 figs 12,13; 163 fig 14
Bogardus, Margaret McClay, XV:4:12 Satyr, statue in Fonte di Calcciuoli, Pratolino
Bogardus and Hoppin (see also Bogardus, James; , .... YY.I(;l

Hoppin, Hamilton), VII:1/2:13 35; XV:4:16 ologni Itoly

Fire alarm bell tower, MacDougal and Spnng Sts., cjty p'|an [Bononja]> III:1/2:25; VIII:3/4:36-37,40;

N Y., XVI: 1:12 illus. VIII:3/4:pl XVII

Sun Iron Bldg., Baltimore (and R. G. Hatfield), Forum VIII-3/4-37

XIII:3:30; XV:4:16-17,22 n56; XVI:4:35; illus. Mercanzia, XI:2:26
XV:4:18 fig 7 Palazzo Bocchi (G. B. da Vignola), IX:4:10

Bogart, fl. 1868 see Jenney, Schermerhorn and Bogart piazza vittorio Emanuele> VIII:3/4:37
Bogert, Giles Yates Van Der see Van Der Bogert, Giles Pinacoteca

Yates Madonna of the Rosary (Domenichino),

Boggs, John, 19th c., of Ind. XVI:l:10n7

Dedication to, on Jeffersonville map, XX:3:109 fig 1 Porticoes, VI:3/4:29

Boggs, Kate Doggett, XIII:2:7 S Francesco, XVIII:3:118

Boghazkeuy, XV:1:31 S. Petronio, Vignola at, IX:4:12,14 n26

"Boghouse," XIX:3:132 Bldg. Committee, IX:4:12

Bogner, Walter Ciborium, XVILl.lOnl6

House of, Lincoln, Mass., 1:1:22 Competition, XIII:3:4

Bogorodtsk see Noginsk Faade, XIII:3:9

Bogota, Col. Designs

Cathedral, XIV:4:5 Giulio Romano, XVIII:3:117-118

City plan, XIV :4:5 Lombardo, C., XVI11:3:117

Sagrario Metropolitano, XIV:4:5 S. Stefano
San Francisco, V:22 San Sepulchro, XVII:l:10n31
San Jorge (Marquis of) House, XIV:4:6 Towers, IV:3/4:3
Bohlen, August, XVII:l:33n3 Bolton, on Adam Brothers, XIX:4:184

Bohlen, Dietrick A. Bolton-le-Moors, Engl.

Odd Fellows Bldg., Indianapolis Factory, late 18th c., VIII: 1 /2:7
Dome, XVII: 1:33 n3 Bolzano, Italy
Bhm see Bhm Museum, 20th c., IX:4:26 n

Boileau, Nathaniel B., XIII:3:Suppl. 7


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Bom Jesus do Monte, Port. - Borromini

Bom Jesus do Monte, Port. Bordeaux
Church (C. Amarante), XV:3:10 City plan, 111:1/2:22,24

Staircase of the Five Senses, XV:3:10-11 Bore, fl. 1763, XIII:1:25

Terreiro dos Evangelistas, XV:3:10 Borgo, Francesco del, XX:1:40

"Bombs and Basilicas," 111:1/2:62 Borgund, Norway

Bonaiuti, Andrea Stave church, ca. 1150, XVII:2:2; illus. XVII:2:3

Militant Church, fresco, S. Maria Novella, Florence, fig 1
XVIII:1:13 nl8,14 Boring mills

Bonaparte Family (see also Napoleon), XIV:3:4 Philadelphia, 18th c., XV:4:24

Bonatz, Paul, X:3:10 Borland, Jane see Winthrop, Jane Borland

Bonaventura, Saint, XVII:2:28 Born, Ernest
Bond, Francis, on use of the square in Gothic ground Drawings, XVII:2:13,20 n; illus. XVII:2:11

plan, XI:3:7 figs 22-23; 14 fig 31

Gothic Architecture in England, XII:3:25 Born, Mary, VIII:1/2:134

Bond, Henry Born, Max, VIII:1/2:134

Map, Watertown, Mass., XI:l:[14]nl3 Born, Wolfgang, obit., VIII: 1/2:133-134

Bond and Harris, 19th c. lime and cement suppliers, Articles, Books, etc., VIII:1/2:134
XX:4:196 nl4 'The Origin and the Distribution of the Bulbous
Bonesteele Family, of N. Y State (see also Bonsteel, Dome," 111:4:32-48
P. P.), XV:2:18 nl9 Drawings, Illus., Paintings, etc., VIII:1/2:134
Boniface IX, Pope, XIV:1:8 Mann, T., Death in Venice (illus.), VIII: 1 /2:134
Bonmont, Switz. Bornemann, Rich [Borneman, Richard R.], H. E.
Notre-Dame, XVIII:4:165-167 Dickson credits to, XVII:l:29n; and M. Godefroy
Bonn, Ger. exhibition, Peale Museum, Baltimore, XI:2:27; on





Excavations in Breberen and Doveren, XVII:2:3 "Some Ledoux - Inspired Buildings in America,"


R. de Cotte work, XVII:1:35,36 Boroughs [Burghs], XI:1:3

E. Zuccalli [Zuculli] work, XVII: 1:36 Borrel

University Lithograph, St. Martin, Tours, VII:3/4:11,12

Palace remains (R. de Cotte), XVII:1:36 Borromeo, Carlo, Saint, XVII:l:10nl8
Bono Borromini, Francesco, and J. F. Blondel,

Belfry of Ivan Velikij, Moscow XVIII:4:142,147 n60; Colin Campbell on,

Tower, XVI:1:13 XX:3:115; and Guarini, XV:2:5-6,9,10;

Bononia fee Bologna, Italy XVIII:4:164; as introvert, XII:4:14; F. Milizia on,

Bonsignore, Ferdinando XIII:3:13; B. Neumann compared with, XII:4:14;

Church of the Great Mother of God, Turin, use of octagonal nave, XV:3:19; and Oppenord,

XIX:4:139,141; illus. XIX:4:140 fig 9 V:45,46; spatial composition of, XII:4:12; XV:2:6;
Bonsteel, P. P., XV:2:18 style of, XV:1:5; XV:2:9; XV:3:17-22 passim; R.

Bonucci, on Alberti, XIX:1:41 Wittkower on, XVIII:4:164

Bony, Jean, views on infi. of Carolingian architecture Works

in England, XVI:3:34; on "thin" and "thick" wall Lateran Basilica, Rome

construction in Anglo-Norman architecture, Nave rearrangement, XV:3:23n38

VIL3/4:15; XVI:3:34 Oratorio dei Filippini, Rome, XV:3:13
Book of Cerne, XVIII:4:125 S. Agnese, Rome (and C. and G. Rainaldi),
Bookcases 111:3:13; XIV: 1:10-11; XV:3:18; illus.
Shaw, R. N XX:3:149 XIV:1:10 fig 4
"Books and Buildings, 1449-1949 ..." Sacristy, XV:3:23 n38
Yale University Exhibition, 1949, VIII:l/2:55-67 S. Andrea delle Fratte, Rome

Booth, Sherman Campanile, XIX:4:139

House of, Glencoe, 111., XIX:3:130 S. Carlo aile Quattro Fontane, Rome, VIII:l/2:37;
Boott, fl. ca. 1824 XV:2:4,5,6,11 n23; XV:3:13; XVI:1:8
Mansion of, Boston, XIII:3:26 Cloister, XV:3:20,23 n38

Booz, P., XVII:4:21 n64 S. Ivo della Sapienza, Rome

Borchers, Perry E., on Cincinnati Chamber of Building, XV:2:4
Commerce Bldg., XVII:3:30n6; credits to (C. E. Dome, XV:2:6; XVII:4:4 capt. fig 7

Peterson), XVI:4:31; on Isaac M. Wise Temple, Plan, XIII:4:32

Cincinnati, XVII:2:27; and photogrammetry, S. Maria dei Sette Dolori, Rome
XVI:4:29; XIX:2:8t Faade, XV:3:19; illus. XV:3:18 fig 5

"Saint Paul's Chapel Recorded," XIX:l:32-34 Nave, XV:3:23n38


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Borrominismo" - Boston, Mass.

"Borrominismo," term, XVIII:4:167 Bunker Hill Monument, VII:3/4:[17]; VII1:3/4:[1];
Bosboom XI:2:22; XI 1:1:18; XVII:1:23
Church Interior, painting, 11:3:32 Cathedral of the Holy Cross, XIII:3:26

Bosco ai Frati, Italy Chamber of Commerce Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and

Church, XVII:3:11 Coolidge), XVII:3:23

Boscobel see Peekskill, N.Y. Charlestown Navy Yard see Boston, Mass.: U.S.
Boselli, IX:4:12 Navy Yard, Charlestown
Boshavir seeShapur Chester Park, XIII:2:22,24

Boso, King Chestnut Hill Pumping Station (Shepley, Rutan and

Statue of, porch of Charlieu, IX:4:8; XVI:3:18 Coolidge), XVII:3:23
Bossi, Antonio Chickering Pianoforte Factory, XX: 1:9

Stucco Work, Residenz, Wrzburg, XV:3:13 Christ Church, North End [Old North Church],

Bossuet, IX:3:7 1723, VII:3/4:29; XIII:1:11,13,14 nl3

Bostick, W. A., VI 11:3/4:46 City Hall (C. Bulfinch) see Boston, Mass.: Court



Ames Bldg. City Hall (A. D. Gilman), XX:4:192n4

Court St. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), City Hospital
XVII:3:22-23; illus. XVII:3:21 fig 4 Branch Bldg., ca. 1897, VIII:l/2:39
Harrison Ave. (H. H. Richardson), IX:l/2:26 City plan, Maps, Views, etc.
Amory Estate (R. Hills), XIII:3:26 City plan, XIII:2:19-24
Appleton (Samuel) Bldg. (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch Maps, XIII:2:24n6; illus. XIII:2:20 fig 1; 21 fig 2
& Abbott), XVII:3:25 Site, VIII:3/4:8

Architecture, early 18th c., XIII: 1:11-14; Regency Views

(Brighton), XII: 1:32 1723 (W. Burgis), XIX:2:77; illus. XIX:2:76
Arlington Street Church (G. J. F. Bryant and A. D. fig 1

Gilman), XX:4:191-193; illus. XX:4:191-193 1853-57 (ca.), illus. XIII:2:23 fig 3

figs 1-3 Congregational Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),

Armory, 1887, XIV:3:24 XVII:3:28

Athenaeum, VII:3/4:19; VIII:l/2:34 Congregational House see Boston, Mass.: Hinckley

Back Bay Area, XIII:2:19-24; XX:4:191; illus. and Gardner Estate
XIII:2:20 fig 1; 21 fig 2; 23 fig 3 Copley Square, XIII:2:21,22,23

Badger (D. D.) Iron Works, XV:4:14,15 Court House [Old City Hall] (C. Bulfinch), XIV:2:16

Barristers Hall (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Cradle of Liberty see Boston, Mass.: Faneuil Hall




Beacon Hill, XIII:2:19,22,24 Crowninshield House (H. H. Richardson), IX:l/2:29

Houses (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 Custom House (I. Rogers and A. B. Young),

Boott Mansion (R. Hills), XIII:3:26 XIX:3:119

Boston & Albany Railroad Yards, XIII:2:21,22 Dock Square section, XIII:2:19

Boston Common, XX:2:91 Dry Dock, Old, XIII:3:19n7

Boston Insurance Exchange Bldg. (Coolidge and Easton Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),
Shattuck), XVII:3:25 XVII:3:25
Boston Public Library (McKim, Mead and White), Eastern Railroad Station, VIlI:l/2:39
IX.l /2:34; XIII:2:22; XVI:3:26 Equitable Bldg. (A. D. Gilman), XX:4:192n4
Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. (Shepley, Rutan Exchange Coffee House (J. Whiting), XVII:2:32;
and Coolidge), XVII:3:25; illus. XVII:3:24 fig 6 XX-.2-.65

Boston Theatre Fair of the Nations, 19th c., Y.M.C.A., XIV:3:6

First, 1794 (C. Bulfinch) Faneuil Hall [Cradle of Liberty], VIII: 1 /2:35;

Medal, XIV:2:3; illus. XIV:2:[5] fig 13 XII:3:14; XIII:1:11; XIV:2:7

Second, 1798, XIV:2:[5] Faneuil Markets see Boston, Mass.: Quincy Markets
Brattle Square Church Fenway Park (F. L. Olmsted, .Sr.), XIII:2:20,21,23
Bldg. (H. H. Richardson), IX: 1/2:25,27,29; Fires
XII: 1:8; XX:4:193 1653, XX:2:90

Sculpture (F. A. Bartholdi), XII: 1:8 1676, XX:2:91

Brazer's Bldg. (I. Rogers, attrib.), XX:1:12; illus. 1679, XX:2:91
XX:1:12 fig 19 1872, XX: 1:34
Brick Meeting House, New see Boston, Mass.: New First Trinity Church see Boston, Mass.: Trinity
Brick Meeting House Church, First, Summer St.
Brick Meeting House, Old see Boston, Mass.: Old Fitchburg Station, VIII: 1 /2:35
Brick Meeting House Fort Warren, XIII:3:19n7
Building ordinances, 1631-1714, XX:2:90-92 Franklin Crescent, XII:3:27

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Boston, Mass. - Boston, Mass.

Boston, Mass. (Cont.) Massachusetts Historical Society

Gardens and Parks, XIII:2:20-24 Thomas Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Collection, X:l:3

Gardner Estate see Boston, Mass.: Hinckley and Massachusetts Institute of Technology property,
Gardner Estate Copley Square, XIII:2:22
Gibbs House, 17th c., XIII:1:11 Mein (John) Circulating Library, XX:3:116

Gore (Gov. Christopher) Town House, XIII:3:26 Merchants' Exchange (I. Rogers), XX:1:12
Gravely Point see Boston, Mass.: Kenmore Square Merchants National Bank
Hancock (John) House, 1:3/4:15; XII:3:27; XIILLll 1913 (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:25
"Harris' Folly" (R. Hills), XIII:3:26 1922 (Coolidge and Shattuck), XVII:3:25
Harvard University Medical School Group (Shepley, Mill Dam, XIII:2:19; illus. XIII:2:23 fig 3

Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:25; illus. Mt- Vernon St., painting (Hassam), 11:3:33
XVII-3-24 figs 7,8 Museum of Fine Arts, XIII:2:22

Haymarket Station (N. J. Bradlee), VIII: 1/2:39-40; Museum of Natural History, XIII:2:22

illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl. VII fig 9 Navy Yard see Boston, Mass.: U.S. Navy Yard

Hinckley and Gardner Estate [Congregational ^ew Brick Meeting House, 1721, XIILLll

House] (R. Hills), XIII:3:26 New South. Church <C Bulfinch), XIV:2:16

Hollis Street Church (C. Bulfinch), VII:3/4:29 North Station, VIII:l/2:39

Hotel Pelham (A. D. Oilman), XX:4:192 n4 Northeastern University (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch
Houses, Beacon Hill (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 and Abbott tand successors] ), XVII:3:28; illus.

Huguenot meeting houses, pre-1749, XIILLll ^ XVIL3:[29] fig 13 o ,

Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, 0cta8" Cburch Boston' Mass" New South
XX-4192 Church

Inner Harbor, XIII:2:19 |d Brick Meeting House, 1712 XIILLll

Jail, stone, 17th or 18th c., XIILL11 01d gty Hall (C. Bulfinch) see Boston, Mass.: Court
John Hancock Insurance Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and ^ A _

r< y a \ vt;n Old Colony Trust Co.

Coolidge), XVII:3:25
a ,/
Cornhill Addition (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and
Kenmore Square, XIIL2:20,23
Abbott), XVII:3:25

King's ChapeL 1710, second see Boston, Mass.: Qld North ^ ost Mass ; chrjst

Queen s Chapel Church; North End

ing s aPe> Old South Meeting House, 1729, VII:3/4:29

ffirHarri"anTSv ^

XIILL11-14; XX:4:193; illus. XIILL12 fig 1; Park Street 'church (P. Banner), XVIL2:32

Lawyers^ Bldg' (Coolidge and Shattuck,, XVIL3:25 ^ ~ BStn' ^

Leverett Street Station [Lowell Railroad Station, phil)ips House> CQ 1670> XIII:1:11

first; Passenger House, Leverett St.] (G. M. pjerce ( S ) tore Bosto Mass s s pierce
Dexter), VIII: 1/2:34-35,38; illus. VIII:l/2:pl. V Stgre

fig 2 Porter (Alex S.) Real Estate Office, illus. XX:1:12

Logan Airport (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and flg 19
Abbott), XIII:2:19; XVII:3:30; illus. XVII:3:[29] Pratt (William) Homestead (R. Hills), XIII:3:26

15 Pray (John H.) Bldg. (H. H. Richardson), XVI:3:26;

London Book-Store, XX:3:124,129 n29 XVII-3-20

Louisburg Square, XV:4:4 Providence Square, XIII:2:22,23

Lowell Railroad Station Province House [Sergeant (Peter) House], 1:3/4:15;
First, 1843 (G. M. Dexter) see Boston, Mass.: X:2:25

Leverett Street Station Public Garden, XIII:2:20,21,23; XX:4:191

Second, 1856 (N. J. Bradlee), VIILl/2:37-38; illus. Quaker meeting houses, pre-1749, XIILLll

VIII: 1 /2:pl VII figs 7,8 Queen's Chapel [Second King's Chapel, 1710],

Third, 1872 (E. A. P. Newcomb), VIII:l/2:38 XIII:L14nl3

Maps see Boston, Mass.: City plan, Maps, Views, Quincy Markets (A. Parris), 1:2:20 n7; XIL3:14;
etc. XIII:2:19; XX:1:6

Marine Hospital (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16-17 Revere (Paul) House, XIII:3:26

Massachusetts General Hospital Royal Exchange Tavern, King St., XX:3:124

Bldg., 1820 (C. Bulfinch), XIV:2:17 nl6; XVII:3:27 S. S. Pierce Store, Copley Square, 1886, XIII:2:23
George Robert White Memorial Bldg. (Coolidge, St. Paul's

Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott), XVII:3:28 Faade (A. Parris and S. Willard), XII:3:14

Georgian Bldgs. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Sergeant (Peter) House see Boston, Mass.: Province



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Boston, Mass. - Bourbon-Lancy

Second King's Chapel, 1710 see Boston, Mass.: Boston and Providence Railroad, XIII:2:21,22

Queen's Chapel Boston Terminal Co., XVII:3:25

Sharpe House, 17th c., XX:2:90 Boston Water Power Co., XIII:2:22

Shirley Place, XIII:l:14nl Bosworth (Francke Huntington) Memorial Fellowship

Site see Boston, Mass.: City plan, Maps, Views, etc.: in Landscape Architecture, XII:2:32

S'te Botanical gardens see Gardens and Parks (Arboretums,

Skyscrapers (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Botanical gardens, State parks, etc.)

Botelho de Matos, Jos see Matos, Jos Botelho de

South Boston Iron Works, XV:4:14

South Church, New (C. Bulfinch) see Boston, Mass.: Botetourt, Lord

e rt. U Warming machine of, XX: 1:23-24; ll us. XX: 1:24
New South Church _

South End, XIII:2:22,23-24 118

South Meeting House Botetourt County, Va.

1669, XIX:2:77; illus. XIX:2:76 fig 1 Courthouse, 1818 see Fincastle, Va.: Botetourt
1729 [Old South] see Boston, Mass.: Old South County Courthouse
Meeting House Bothmer, Bernard V., XI:3:[5] nl

South Station (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Bott, Miles, fl. 1802

XIII:2:22; XVII:3:25 House of, Richmond, Va., 111:4:30

State House Botticelli, Sandro, admired by 19th c. Englishmen,

Bldg. (C. Bulfinch), XIV:2:[5] capt. fig 13, XI:2:28; and ideal mediaeval city, XIX:1:39
7,12,13,16,17; XVII:3:27; illus. XIV:2:[15] Bouchard, 19th c. pirate, XV:1:22
fig 5 Bouchardon, Edm

Painting of (A. J. Davis), 11:3:33 Equestrian Statue of Louis XV, Place de la

Engr. after (J. Archer), illus. XIV:2:[15] fig 5 Concorde, Paris, XVII:1:19; illus. XVII: 1:20

Representatives Chamber (C. Bulfinch), XII: 1:30 fig 2

Tontine Crescent, 1793 (C. Bulfinch), XIII:2:24 Boucher, 19th c.

Town House Tower design, Exposition Universelle, 1889, Paris,

1st, 1657 (T. Joy), X:2:20 XVI-4-29n27

2d, 18th C., XIII:1:11

Towne-House, Cornhill, XX:3:124

Boucicaut Hours, XVII:4:24 nl3

Boudinot, Elias, IV:3/4:59
Bouffrand, Germain see Boffrand, Germain

Tremont House (I. Rogers), XVII:2:32; XIX:2:77

XX:2:65 nl6

Trinity Church, Copley Square Builhet, Andr, and L. Sullivan XVIIL2:68

Bldg. (H. H. Richardson), 111:4:5; IX:1 /2:26,29,34; Bouillon, Godefroy de see Godefroy de Bouillon

XII:l:7,8-9; XVI:3:24; XVII:3:23 Boulanger

Competition design (R. M. Hunt), XII:1:8 Reptition du Jouer de Flte et de la Femme de

Interior decoration (J. La Farge), XII: 1:8-9 Nicomede, engr., illus. XIV:3:[5] fig 3
Rectory (H. H. Richardson), XII:1:11 Boulle, tienne Louis, and J. F. Blondel, XVIII:4:141;

Tower (H. H. Richardson), XII:l:8-9; XVI:3:23 combined well-known and associative forms,
West Porch (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), XIX:4:142; and Filarete, XVII:3:16; and M.

XVII:3:23 Godefroy, XIII:1:16; E. Kaufmann on, 111:3:12 n;

Trinity Church, First, Summer St., 1734 [1735], XII:3:32; XV:4:30,31; XVII:3:18n9; and C. N.
XII 1:1:11; XIII:3:19n7 Ledoux, 111:3:18; neo-classicism of, 1:2:9

Trinity Court (W. H. Dabney), IX:4:17 Boulogne-sur-Seine

Union Park, XIII:2:24 Cook House (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94

Union Station Boulton, Matthew (see also Boulton and Watt),

Remodelled (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), VIIIT/2:8,9,10,11,22
XVII:3:23 Boulton, Richard, X:2:17

U.S. Navy Pier, XI 11:2:19 Boulton and Watt (see also Birmingham, Engl.: Soho
U.S. Navy Yard, Charlestown, XIII:2:19 * < . d i. x< ,,u *u i
' , _. , ,, ... Manufactory; Boulton, Matthew; Smethwick,

W B0St0n' Mass': C,ty Plan' MaPS' VleWS' Engl.: Soho Foundry; Watt, James),

Warehouses, granite, X:4:29 ^ VIII: 1 /2:4,9,18-21,22

Water mills, Cross Dam, XIII:2:19 Drawings, VIII:l/2:23

West Church (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16,17 philiPP and Lee tPhlllP and Lee; Phlhps and Leel
Williams (John D.) Homestead (R. Hills), XIII:3:26 Cotton Mill, Salford, VIII:l/2:23,25
YMCA Bourassa, Napolon, XIV:3:14: nl8
Fair of the Nations, 19th c XIV:3:6 Bourbon-Lancy

Boston and Albany Railroad Yards, Boston, Romanesque church, XVIII:3:95,98,100; illus.




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Bourdais - Bradford, Engl.

Bourdais, Jules Bowman, Alexander H., Capt., XIX:3:119,121,122,123;
Tower design (metal), Exposition Universelle, 1889, XX:4:198
Paris, XVI:4:29n27 Bowman, Irving H., X1I:3:30
Tower project (stone), Paris (and Sebillot), XVI:4:27 "Box construction," XIX:2:53 n28
Bourgeau, Victor, and Baroque Revival in Quebec, Boyd, George H., XIII:2:12n



Church, Laprairie Engravings, X:2:27

Clocher, XIV:3:11 Boyd, Julian P., X:3:32

Parish church, L'Assomption, XIV:3:12; illus. Boyd, Sarah, barque, XI:3:27

XIV:3:10 fig 4 Boyd, Thomas, 18th c Lieut., IV:2:41

Parish church, Lavaltrie, XIV:3:12-13; illus. XIV:3:12 Boyd, Thomas, 19th c.

fig 7 First United Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh,

Parish church, Saint Cuthbert, XIV:3:13; illus. XVI:3:29n40

XIV:3:12 fig 8 Boyd-Parker Memorial, Cuylerville, IV:2:41

Parish church, Sainte-Rose (le-Jsus), XIV:3:10; Boydell, John, 1719-1804, XIV:4:22 nn52,55

illus. XIV:3:10 fig 3 Boyden, Elizabeth, XII:3:27

St. Barthlmy, Berthier, XIV:3:12; illus. XIV:3:11 Byer> Franois, Bishop of Mirepoix, XV-.2-J

fig 5 Boyington, William W.

St Pierre Montreal XIV-310 Allegheny County Bldgs., Pittsburgh, competition

Bourges ' ' designs, XVI:3:28 n2

Cathedral Interstate Industrial Exposition Bldg. [Old

rtipvpt vri-t/4-17 Exposition Bldg.], Chicago, IV:2:9; IX:l/2:24n4

Ke,s^! x,x2n5 Boyle, J. T.. Brigadier Gen.

Plan XIIM-31 House of see Danville, Ky.: Mound Cottage

Towers xttt 1 31 Boyle, Richard, Earl of Burlington, see Burlington,

Transept, lack of, VII:3/4:24; XIH:1:31 ^d ^ITS^r/o/

Bourget, Ignace, Bishop of Montreal, XIV:3:8-14 Boza T' & " '

Bourke, John
Baroque Churches of Central Europe

Modello of commemorative medal for the Porta Pia,

Rome, XIX:3:99-101,104,108; illus. XIX:3:99

Rev. by S. L. Faison, Jr., XIX:l:41-42





The Public Works of the Julio-Claudians and 1853, see Marie Henriette
Vavtans, X1X-.2-.S6 Bracci, Cecchino
St. Peter's



Tomb of, Rome (Michelangelo), XIX:3:104


Bldg. (J. Tullock), XIX:4:155n54 Fontana di Trevi, Rome (and N. Salvi),

Enlargement and rebldg. (G. E. Street), XIX:4:155 XIV* 1-9 12 13* illus XTV-1-13 fie 10

South aisle (E. Pearce), XIX:4:155 54 Braccioini, acomo, 1 2:1^2 8

Boush, Maximilian, d. 1728, Col., XX:3:116 Brace Company, of Conn., XIL2.-26

Boustor, Peter, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Braced construction (see also Wood construction),
Bouthillier, M., of Montreal, XI: 1:21 11*4*6 nl8

Bouton, Margaret, XI:2:25 Bracing, Wind, XVIII:4:129,131 nl6

Bouton, N. S XVI:1:18 nl 10 "Bracketed" style, XI:2:4
Bovard, William R., XII:3:29 Bracknell

Bowditch, Henry Pickering, Dr., XII:3:17 chavey Down (G E Street)! XIX:4:147

Bowers, A. J. Bradbury, 19th c., XI:2:10
Patent for Iron Construction, XV:4:22 n60 no. 10 Braddock Gen., XV:4:23
Bowers, Lemuel Bradet

Mansion of, Franktown, Nev., IX:3:27 Chapel, lV:3/4:34

Bowie, Theodore Bradford, Paul, as house and ship builder,
The Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt (ed.) X:4:26,30,[31]
Brief rev., XVIII:4:168 Bradford (Paul) House, Thomaston, X:4:[32] n21

Rev. by C. F. Barnes, Jr., XIX:2:85 Leeds-Crawford House, Thomaston, X:4:f32] n21

Bowles, William, 1705-1780, XIII:3:12,15 Bradford, William, 1590-1657, ancestor of Paul
Bowling Green, Va. Bradford, X:4:26
Caroline County Courthouses Bradford, Engl.
1759-65 (J. Wiley), XVIII:1:2 Mills, VIII:l/2:27 nl3
1808, XVIII: 1:6; XVIII:4:163; illus. XVIII:1:8
fig 14


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Bradlee - Brandl
Bradlee, Nathaniel J. Bralle, Franois-Jean
Railroad stations Fountain, Place du Chtelet, Paris, XVII: 1:23; illus.
Designs, VIII:l/2:34,37-39; illus. VIII:l/2:pl VII XVII:1:21 fig 6
Haymarket Station, Boston, VIII:l/2:39-40; illus. City plan, 111:1/2:28
VIII: 1 / 2:pl VII fig 9 Bramante, dreamed of re-creating glories of ancient
Lowell Railroad Station, second, 1856, Boston, Rome, IX:4:13; B. Cellini on, XIII:3:10n3; use of
VIII:l/2:37-38; illus. VIII:l/2:pl VII figs 7,8 dome and towers theme, XIX:4:136; and Filarete,
Taylor's Ledge, VIII:l/2:39 XVII:3:12,14-16; O. H. Foerster on, XVI:2:30; as
Bradley, Mrs. B. Harley architect of Julius II, XIII:3:4; XX:1:40; and L. da
House of, Kankakee, 111., XIX:1:7 Laurana, VII:3/4:27,28; Milanese work, XIII:3:4;
Bradley, Harold C., XIX:2:66 XVII:3:14-16; Roman work, XIII:3:3,4; and A. da
House of see Madison, Wis.: Bradley (Harold C.) Sangallo, the younger, XIII:3:3,10 nnl,3; and Santa
House Maria del Popolo chancel, XVII:4:23; style of,
Bradley, Mrs. Harold C., XX:3:140 XVII:3:23; technical incompetence, XIII:3:4; and
Summer bungalow of, Falmouth, Mass., XIX:2:68 Vignola, IX:4:13,14 nl9; wealth less than A. da
Bradshaw, Forrest, town clerk of Sudbury, Mass., Sangallo, the younger, IX:4:11

XI: 1 :[ 14] nlO "Report on the Remains of Ancient Rome," attrib.,

Bradwell-near-Coggeshall, Essex, Engl. XVII:2:18




Brady, Mathew Drawings of Filarete's Ospedale Maggiore, Milan,

Photo of Arlington House, illus.:X:2:[13] XVII:3:14
Braga, J. M., credits to (M. Hugo-Brunt), XV:3:30n; S. Maria di Canepanova, Milan, XVI-.1:7
XIX:2:69 n; on Seminary of S. Jos, Macao, S. Pietro in Vaticano, Rome






Library of, XV:3:30n4; XIX:2:69n Architectural design, supervision, etc.,

Braga, Joo Jos Lopes, XV:3:22 n3 XIII:3:4,8,9; XVII:4:22; XVIII:3:118

Braga, Port. Medal (Caradosso, attrib.), illus. XIV:2:[4]

Architecture, XV:l:10nl fig 10; XVII:3:17 fig 18
Casa do Mexicano [Casa do Raio; Casa do Visconde Crossing piers, XIII:3:4

de So Lzaro], XV:3:10-13,15 nnl3,14; illus. Plan, XIII:3:8; XVII:3:14; illus. XVII:3:[15]






Casa dos Biscainhos Vaults, XVII:4:22

Garden, XV:3:10 Tempietto, Rome, XIII:1:12; XVIII:3:118

Octagonal pavilion, XV:3:15nl3; illus. XV:3:11 Vatican, Rome

fig 12 Architectural design, supervision, etc., XIII:3:3,4





Faade modification (N. Nasoni, attrib.), Belvedere Court, XIV:4:30-31

XV:3:8,14n2 Loggias, XIII:3:4; XIV:4:31

Church of the Congregados, XV:3:8,14; illus. Torre Borgia, XIV:4:31

XV:3:10 fig 8 Bramatino

Episcopal Palace, XV:3:10 Church with rotunda and ambulatory, project,

Town Hall (A. R. Soares da Silva), XV:3:8,15 nl4; XVII: 1:3

illus. XV:3:10 fig 7 Reconstructions of Roman remains, XIII:3:4




Avenida Central, 118-124, XV:3:9 Bramlette, Maxwell, XV:2:28

Largo Conde d'Agrolongo, 131-132, XV:3:10 Bramsen, Henrik

Bragana, Gaspar de, Dom, XV:3:10 Early Photographs of Architecture and Views in Two
Bragdon, Claude F., on the skyscraper, Copenhagen Museums (with B. Brans and B.
XVIII :4:127 n4,137 Ochsner)
Editor, L. H. Sullivan, Kindergarten Chats, Short rev., XVIII:2:72



Brahl, Lewis Church, IV:3/4:31

Stoves, X:l:25 Brand, Alexander H.

Brahm, William Gerard de see De Brahm, William Home of see Lexington, Ky.: Glengarry
Gerard Brandauer, Jakob see Prandtauer, Jakob

Brainard, Harry Brandl, Ernst

House of, Santa Barbara, XX:4:172-173; illus. "Sir Christopher Wren and Fischer von Erlach,"
XX:4:173 figs 5,6 VI:3/4:35

Saint Yved, IV:3/4:39; XIII:1:30


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Brandon - Brick

Brandon, Prince George Co., Va. (T. Jefferson), Brazil Builds, by P. L. Goodwin and G. E. Kidder
X: 1:8,10; XIV:1:17; illus. X:l:[6] fig 8 Smith, XVII:2:30
Brandon-Jones, John, XIX:2:88; Breakwaters
XIX:4:147 n23,148 n30 La Guaira (T. U. Walter), VII:l/2:2
Brandtauer, Jakob see Prandtauer, Jakob Breberen, Ger.
Branford, of Charleston, S.C. Carolingian timber church, XVII:2:3; illus.
House of, XVII:4:36 XVII:2:[4]fig 8
Branner, Robert, on mediaeval geometry, Breck, Samuel, Judge, 1X-A-.22
XX:3:143-146; on Villard de Honnecourt Breckinridge, James, XVIII:l:6n24
Sketchbook, XIX:2:85 Brecksville, Ohio
Articles Church (S. Porter), VII:3/4:32; XII:2:9
"Drawings from a Thirteenth-Century Architect's Breda, Carl von
Shop: The Reims Palimpsest," XVII:4:9-21 Portr. of B. H. Latrobe, illus. XVI:3:32
"Villard de Honnecourt, Archimedes, and Bredsdorff, Peter, XIX:2:83
Chartres," XIX:3:91-96 "Breeze-way," XI:4:2
Reviews Bremer, T. C.
Bucher, F., Notre-Dame de Bonmont und die House of, Brookline, Mass., XVII:3:28

Ersten Zisterzienser-Abteien der Schweiz, Bremo, Va., XVIII:1:10

XVIII:4:165-167 Brent, James, 18th c., X 111:2:6

Crosby, S. McK., L'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis, Brescia




Forsyth, G. H., Jr., The Church of St. Martin at Biennial prize and gold medal, 1828, XVII:3:2,8

Angers, XIII:l:28-29 Cemetery (R. Vantini), XIX:4:137,142,143; illus.

Fraccaro de Longhi, L., L'Architettura delle chiese XIX:4:143 fig 14

cistercensi italiane..., XVIII:4:165-167 Breteuil

Hahn, H., Die frhe Kirchenbaukunst City plan, IV: 1:11

[Kirkenbaukunsi\ der Zisterzienser. .., Breuer, Marcel, omitted from American Architects

XVIII:4:165-167 Directory, XVIII:3:118; Minnesota work, XIX:1:40

Lesser, G., Gothic Cathedrals and Sacred Breuer (Marcel) Home, New Canaan, XVI: 1:32

Geometry, XVII: 1:34-35 St. John the Baptist Monastery, Collegeville,

Panofsky, E. Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism, XVIII: 1:34-35

XIII: 1:28,29,30-31 Breuer, Otto, XX:4:179

Bransford, Frederick Breughel see Brueghel

House of, Richmond, Va., 111:4:30 Brevnov [Breunau; Breznov]
Braque, V. Scully on, XIX:4:183 Benedictine Abbey (C. Dientzenhofer), XVII:4:22
Brasilia Brevoort Estate, XIV: 1:19
Architecture (O. Niemeyer), XX:2:94,95 Brewer, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
City plan (L. Costa), XVII:2:30,31 Brewerton, N.Y.
Presidential Palace (O. Niemeyer), XVII:2:30 Fort Brewerton see Fort Brewerton, N.Y.
Bratke, Oswaldo Brewington, Marion V., 111:4:67
Bratke (Oswaldo) Home, Sao Paulo, XVI: 1:32 Brewnow see Brevnov

Braunfels, Karl, Prince of Solms- see Solms-Braunfels, Brewood, Engl.

Karl St. Mary's Church (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:22-24;

Braunfels, Wolfgang illus. XIII:3:[23] figs 1-2
Mittelalterliche Stadtbaukunst in der Toskana St. Mary's Rectory (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:24;
Rev. by H. Blumenfeld, XIV: 1:32 illus. XIII:3:[23] fig 3
Bravo, Alonso Garcia see Garcia Bravo, Alonso Brewster, 19th c., of Hudson, Ohio
Bray House of, XII:2:14; illus. XII:2:[11] fig 7
Tomb of, Williamsburg, Va., IV:3/4:44 Brewton, Robert
Brayton, Alembert W., XVII.-l:33n5 House of, Charleston, S.C., X:4:4
Brayton, Alice Breznov see Brevnov

John Stevens, His Book, 1705, XIII:2:25 Brice, James

The Brazen House, by C. Mango, XX: 1:44 House of see Annapolis: Brice (James) House

Brazil Brick (Brick construction, Bricklaying, Brickmaking,

Architecture, XIV:4:6-11; XV:3:9,11-13,16-23; Brickwork, etc.)

XVII:2:30-31 See also Masonry

City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Abutments, XX:1:8-9,10,18
and Planning): Brazil Adobe brick, XV: 1:24
Servio do Patrimnio Histrico e Artistico Nacional Arches
[SPHAN], XVII:2:30 Baltimore, XX-.2-.69
Roman, XVII:4:5-6


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Brick - Bridges
Baltimore, XVIII: 1:33-34; XX:2:69,74 Albany

Bricklayers Memorial Bridge, 111:1/2:36

Baltimore, XX:2:69,74 Arlington Memorial Bridge see Bridges: Washington,
Chicago, XVI: 1:15 D.C.: Arlington Memorial Bridge
Brickyards Brownsville, Pa.

Doak's Brickyard, Stockton, Calif., XIV:3:15 Bridge, 1836 (R. Delafield), XIX:4:181

Byzantine, VII:3/4:7-8; illus. VII:3/4:pl II figs 3,4 Cahors, France

California, XIV:3:15,16 Valentr Bridge, XVI:3:24

Charleston, S.C., XII:1:25,31 California

Charlottesville, Va. San Francisco Bay Bridge, project (F. L. Wright),

University of Virginia brickwork, IX:3:18 XIX:3:130
Chicago, 11:4:24 Camden, N.J.

England, IX:4:16-17; XI:3:29n3; Philadelphia-Camden Suspension Bridge see

XIX:4:149,150,154-171 Bridges: Philadelphia: Philadelphia-Camden

France, XIX:4:156n64 Suspension Bridge

Hollow brick, 11:1:29 Cincinnati

Japan, XIII:2:14,15,18 Ohio River Suspension Bridge (J. Roebling),

Keystones, X:l:18 XV:4:21 n24

Louisiana, XIII:l:24-25 Coalbrookdale, Engl.

Manufacturers Cast-iron bridge (T. F. Pritchard), 111:4:5;
Zins (G.) Brick Co., Sutterville, Calif., XIV:3:15 VIM/2-7

Medieval, XIX:4:149,150 East Lexington, Va.

Mudejar, XII:2:31 Covered bridge over Maury River (J. Jordan),
Netherlands, XIII:l:26-27 IX-317

Ohio, VII:3/4:32 England, 17th c., XI:1:[15] n31

Plymouth, Mass., XIV:3:15 Geneva

Porches, X:2:19 pont gutjn> project (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94

Pressed bnck, XX: 1:8 Leningrad [St. Petersburg]
Roman, 1:1:3-8 21; VII:3/4 8 35; XVII:4:2-8 Jon ^ Handyside), VII:1/2:15 n67
Rumania IV:3/4:25-30,34-35 London, dates of, in guidebooks, XII:3:24
Spain, XII.2.31 Blackfriars Bridge, XIV:4:16,19,20; illus. XIV:4:14
Stamps fig j
Roman, 1:1:3-8,21; VII:3/4:35; XIII:4:23;

charing Cross Brid8e> Pr0Ject <E- L- Lutyens),


I 1 Tovpr

T 1 yVti -, O 11 1 .1 f la London Bridge, XIV:4:17,18; XVII:4:26

Turkey, VII:3/4:7-8; illus. VII:3/4:pl II figs 3,4 vr j r. -J rr-. u. L. -j

v . New London Bridge [Double bridge across

3R S XVII 4 2 7 Thames], project (G. Dance, Jr. and W.

uTTlI 1/2 [1] 11 n8 Jessop), XIV:4:17; illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1;

Virginia, XVIII:2:72 T 'J fig 6

Brickbuilder, XIX: 1:7 L^ns' EracAe u

Brickworth J0^ de 1 Archeveche, XII:4:29
Church see Brixworth Manufacturers of

Bridenbaugh, Carl, and HABS, XVII:1:30; on Touro Delaware Bridge Co , XIV:3:24

Synagogue, XVII-2-23 Phoenixville Bndge Works [Clarke and Reeves

"Peter Harrison Addendum," XVIII:4:158-159 Factory], XVI:4:26

Bridgens, R. P., career of, XIII :2:15-18 and nl Materials, Types, etc.

Horaisha Office Bldg., Tokyo, XIII:2:15 Cast-iron, XV:4:22 n66

Railway Station, Yokohama, XIII:2:15 Coalbrookdale (T. F. Pntchard), 111:4:5;
Shimbashi Railway Station, Tokyo, XIII-.2:15-18; VII:l/2:7
illus. XIII:2:[17] fig 7 Covered, IX:3:17
Bridgeport, Conn. Drawbndges, XV:4:24; XVI:4:8

Iranistan (L. Eidlitz), XI:4:28; XIX:4:180 Iron-link suspension bndges, western Pa. (J.
Parks (Olmsted, Vaux and Co.), VI: 1 /2:[1] nl Finley), XIX:4:181
Bridger, Joseph, 17th c Col., XVII:1:14,15,18 Pedestrian, XVLLll

Bridges (see also Aqueducts; Viaducts), spans increased Railroad

by structural engineers, XIX:4:178; truss framing Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge (J.

of, XVIII:4:136n38; XIX:4:181 Roebling), IV:3/4:53; XVLLll; XVII:4:28


Book on (S. Riou), XX:3:123,129 no.70


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Bridges - British Architects and Craftsmen

Bridges (Cont.) Potomac River Highway Bridges

Materials, Types, etc. [Cont.) Old, VI:1/2:31; XV:1:27

Suspension, 1:2:3 n; IV:3/4:53; VII: 1/2:15 n67; Proposed, 14th St., VI:1/2:31; illus. VI:I/2:pl X
XV:4:21 n24; XVI:1:11; XVII:4:28; XIX:4:181 fig 9

Timber, XIX:4:181 South Capitol Street Bridge [Anacostia River

Medieval, 11:1:41 Bridge], VM/2:31
New York (City) Wheeling, W.Va.
Brooklyn Bridge (J. and W. Roebling), IV:3/4:53; Ohio River Span (C. Eilet), XVI:1:11

XII:1:21; XVII:3:35; illus. XII:1:19 fig 11 Bridgeton, N.J.

Niagara Falls Presbyterian Church, 18th c., VII:3/4:31

Niagara Footbridge, 1848 (C. Eilet), XVI:1:11 West Jersey Academy (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35

Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge (J. Roebling), West Presbyterian Church (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36

IV:3/4:53; XVI:1:11; XVII:4:28 Briedenbaugh, J 18th c. plasterer. XX:3:135

Patents, XIII:3:27 (Town Truss ); XV:1:28; Briedenbaugh, Valentine, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

XIX:4:181 Brieger, Peter

Philadelphia English Art 1216-1307, The Oxford History of English



17th c., XVI:4:8 Rev by H H Hilberry, XVII:3:34-35

18th c., XV:4:24 Brienne, Comte de, XV:2:10nl4

Market Street Permanent Bndge, XIX:3:117 n3 Briggs, Matthew S 17th c., XI:1:8
Philadelphia-Camden Suspension Bridge [Delaware Briggs Robert Jr. VII-1/2-24 29

River Suspension Bridge], XX:2:62 Briggs'(Samuel) and Son, 11:4:10

Anchorages (P. P. Cret), 1:2:3 n R . . . .

Schuylkill Bridge, 1798-1806, IX:3:24 nngnton tngi.

o i, ifii n A ion i "1 (I il. Royal Pavilion (J. Nash), XV:4:7; XIX:3:131

Schuylkill Bridge, 1812 ["Colossus"] (L. Wernwag),

Brighton, Mass. see Boston, Mass.

Brimscombe, Engl.

11:1:41; XIX:4:181

Ornament of (R. Mills), XIX:4:181 It ,

Pittsburgh Hope's Mill, VIII:1/2:13,14; illus. VIII:l/2:pl III

Bridge of Sighs, Allegheny County Bldgs., . , ,rig 9 . _
XVI-3-23 Brinckloe and Canning, Inc., XIII:3:Suppl. 8

Monongahela Bridge (J. Roebling), IV:3/4:53; Su*sex Co"nty Court House' Georgetown
Xvi-1-11 Remodelled, XIII:3:Suppl. 10,16; illus.

Roman, 11:1:41; VII:3/4:[33]-34 XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 18

Saint Louis Mo Brinckmann, Albert E., as teacher of H. Blumenfeld,

Eads Bridge [over the Mississippi] (J. B. Eads), 11:1:23 n; 111:1/2:11 n; IV:l:22n; VIII:3/4:70; on

1:3/4:26; XII:4:32 c'ty squares, XIX:4:183; on G. Guarini,

San Francisco Bay Bridge, project (F. L. Wright), XV:2:9,11 n50; on medieval city planning, IV: 1:13;
XIX:3:130 on space-volume relations, X:3:12

Schenectady Lb Guarino Guarini bis Balthasar Neumann,

Bridge across the Mohawk, 1808 (T. Burr), 11:1:41; XVII:4:22

XIX:4:181 Bringhurst, James, 18th c XV:4:25

Sudbury, Mass. Briol, Paul, photographer, 11:1:35

Bridges, 17th c., XI: 1:10 Brise-soleil, XX:2:94
Munning's Point Bridge (T. Hawkins), XI:1:8,9 Briseux, Charles Etienne, 1680-1754, erron. attrib. of

Troy, N.Y. Architecture Moderne (1728) to, XVIII:2:60-62

Hudson River Bridge, 1804 (T. Burr), 11:1:41 L'Art de Btir des Maisons de Campagne, XVIII:2:62
Turin Hotel d'Augny, Paris, XVIII:2:60
Earliest permanent bridge, XIX:4:139 Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre, IV:2:32-33
U.S., of C. T. Purdy, IV:3/4:58; of J. and W. Bristol, Engl.
Roebling, IV:3/4:53 Cathedral (G. E. Street work), XIX:4:155
Books on St. Vincent's, VIII: 1/2:18
Condit, C. W., American Building Art - The Bristol, Pa.

Nineteenth Century, XIX:4:181 St. James the Greater (S. Sloan), XIX:1:36
Zucker, P., American Bridges and Dams, Bristolville, Ohio
11:1:41-42 Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32

Venice The British Architect. .., by A. Swan, XIII:2:3,4;

Ponte dei Sospiri [Bridge of Sighs], XVI:3:23 XX:3:121,122,129 no.79; illus. from XX:3:123
Rialto, XVI:3:23 figs 9,10

Washington, D.C. British Architects and Craftsmen, by S. Sitwell,

Arlington Memorial Bridge, IV:1:37,38-39 XIII:4:31

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The British Carpenter - Broutin

The British Carpenter..., by F. Price, Bronx, N.Y. see New York (City)
XX:3:118,119,120,129 no.67; illus. from XX:3:121 Bronze Age
fig 7 England, 111:1/2:42

British Colonial architecture see Colonial architecture: Greek, XVII:l:33-34; XIX:4:182

British Institute of Archaeology, Ankara, XX:1:44 Chinese, IX:l/2:4-5; XVI:3:32; illus. IX:l/2:7-8
British Museum see London: British Museum figs 5-8
British School in Rome see Rome (City): British School Brookfield, Mass.
"British School of Architecture," Blackwood's Baldwin (Luke) House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16
Magazine, Aug. 1836, XX:3:106 Brooklandwood, Baltimore Co., XIV:1:26
British Treasury, by A. Swan, XX:3:129 n27 Brookline, Mass.
British Treasury of Staircases, by A. Swan, XIII:2:4,8 Armstrong (G. W.) House (Shepley, Rutan and
Brito, Francisco Xavier de, XV:3:21 Coolidge), XVII:3:20
Brito, Gregrigo Taumaturgo de see Taumaturgo de Bremer (T. C.) House (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),
Brito, Gregrigo XVII:3:28
Britt, Peter, XII:4:24 House, study for (W. G. Preston), IX:4:[20]; X:2:27;
Britton, John, XV:2:19 illus. IX:4:[19] fig 5; X-.2-.27
Specimens of the Architecture of Normandy White (Joseph H.) House (Shepley, Rutan and
[Architectural Antiquities of Normandy ] (ed.; illus. Coolidge), XVII:3:26
by A. C. Pugin), XIII:3:14 no.8h Wightman (George H.) House (Shepley, Rutan and
Brixworth [Brickworth] Coolidge), XVII:3:28
Church, XVI:3:33 Brooklyn, N.Y. see New York (City)

Brno, Czech. [Brnn] Brooks, H. Allen, Jr., on F. L. Wright and Chicago

Railroad Station, VIII:l/2:34 School, XX:3:140

Tugendhat House (L. Mies van der Rohe), Articles

XX: 1:42,43 "The Early Work of the Prairie Architects,"
Broadacre City (F. L. Wright), XVIII:2:38; XV1II:3:90; XIX:1:2-10
XIX:4:174-175; illus. XVIII:3:89 fig 6 'The Home of Ithiel Town, Its Date of
Broadcasting, 11:1:34-35 Construction and Original Appearance,"
Broadwell, Asa, 19th c., XX:4:196 nl4 XIII:3:27-28
Broach spire, XV:2:21 Review
Brockenbrough, John, Dr. Gowans, A., Looking at Architecture in Canada,

House of [Caskie (John) House], Richmond, Va., XVIII:4:165

111:4:30 Brooks, Phillips, XII:1:9

Brodhead (H. R.) and Co., XIII:3:Suppl. 6 Brooks, R. Max, XII:3:29

Brodie, Joseph, fl. 1799, Capt. R. N, XVI:1:12 Brooks, Samuel, 19th c of Natchez, XV:2:28
Brodrick, Cuthbert Brooks, Van Wyck, XII:1:11
Notre Dame de la Treille et St. Pierre, Lille, Brophy, H. B.
competition design, XIX:4:156 Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59nl3
Town Hall, Leeds, XIX:4:156 Bross, William, 11:4:17

Broeck, Ten, Col., IV:2:40 Brosse, Salomon de, J. F. Blondel work derived from,



Early Photographs of Architecture and Views in Two Temple, Charenton, IX:3:6-7; illus. IX:3:[9] fig 5
Copenhagen Museums (with H. Bramsen and B. The Brotherhood of Our Good Lord of Passos [The
Ochsner) Brotherhood of Our Lady of Penha],
Short rev., XVIII:2:72 XVX-.2-.12;73 n26

Brogi, XVII:3:17 n Brougham, Wm 19th c XVI:4:22

Bromberg, 20th c., Dr., of Netherlands Information Brouilhet, Charles, XVIII:3:76,78,80

Bureau, 111:4:31 Broutin, Ignace Franois, d. 1751, biogr. data,

Bromley, G. F. XIII:l:26n2

Studio of, American Express Bldg., Chicago, Barracks, Place d'Armes, New Orleans,





Bromley, William, 17th c., XIV:4:8 Intendance, New Orleans, design, XIII:1:25; illus.




Corinth; Volume I, Part IV: The South Stoa and Its L'Auterbourg, work at, XIII: 1:26 n2

Roman Successors Public bldgs., New Orleans, XIII:l:26n2

Rev. by F. R. Matson, XV: 1:31-32 ... Ursuline Convent, New Orleans

Brongniart, Thodore, XVIII:4:141 1727-34 (and P. Baron), XIII:1:25,26 n2
Bronson, 19th c., of Peninsula, Ohio 1745, VII:l/2:33-34; XIII:l:24-25; illus.
House of, XII:2:14 VII: 1 /2:pl III fig 1


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Broutin - Brunelleschi

Broutin, Madeleine Le Maire, XIII:l:26n2 Brown, William S. see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
Broutin, Madeleine Marguerite see De la Ronde, Brown, Woodlief F., XI1I:2:30

Madeleine Marguerite Broutin Brown and Morris, 19th c. lime and cement suppliers,

Brown, 17th c Rev., of Sudbury, Mass., XI:1:10,12 XX:4:196nl4

Brown, 18th c., N.Y. bkseller, XX:3:124 Brown-Dawson

Brown, 19th c., Mr., of Va., XIII:2:7 New York State Armory, Troy, XIV:3:24
Brown, Albert Bush see Bush-Brown, Albert The Brown Decades, by L. Mumford, 11:3:18-23;
Brown, C. B. XIV: 1:18

Cottage of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59 nl3 "The Brown Decades Revisited," by R. L. Anderson,

Brown, David R. 11:3:14-25

Dwight Place Church, New Haven, XI:3:29 Brown Family, of Providence, XII:3:13

Brown, Earl M Sheriff of Maryville, Mo., XVIII:4:155 Brown University see Providence, R.I.: Brown

Brown, Frank Chouteau, and HABS, 11:3:30; University

IV:3/4:51; XX:2:90; on preservation of historic Browne, Florence, XV:l:26n37

monuments, 11:3:30 Browne, Hablot Knight [Phiz]

Brown, G. Baldwin, on wall strips of Saxon churches, B'us; for C. Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, XVI:4:20;

XVIII:4:123,124 lllus' XVI;4:18 fig 4

Brown, Glenn, and AIA, IV:1:34,37; XI:1:31; study on Browne, J. Ross, XV:1:22,23,25,26 nn5,37

early American architecture, IX:4:16; and Sketch of Miss,on Soledad> XV:1:23.25; illus.

restoration of plan of Washington, IV:1:34,37; and If 6

campaign to save White House from McKinley Browne, Mrs J. Ross, XV: 1:26 n26

remodelling, XI:1:31 Brwne' N" B f _ . , . . Ylv , ^

Brown, H. Page e Page-Brown, H. Res,de"c^.of' Philadelphia XIX: 1 =36.37

Brown, Harold Bush see Bush-Brown, Harold Browne' W!lham' 17th c" of Sudbury, Mass., XI:1:10

Brown, Henry, 19th c, XXAA96 nl4 Browning,

House of, Nauvoo, 111., XIX:3:112




Brown, J. Fearon, XIV: 1:25 nl6

Brown, John, fl. 1669 [John James]

Brownstone abutments, XX: 1:10

Description and Use of a Joynt Rule, Brownsville, Pa.

X.,.,,0 ac\. * Badge, 1836 (R. Delafield), XIX:4:181

XX:3:118,120,128 no.49; illus. XX:3:121 fig 6 t Peter,s XV-219
Brown, John, fl. 1796, law student of T. Jefferson, Bruce w j [afc] , Hardware Co., N.Y.,
IX:3:14-16 XV-4'21 51

Brown, John, 1800-1859, abolitionist, XVIII:4:159-160





Brown, Josiah, 18th c.. of Bah,more, XVIII:1:34 Schloss [Ei l Palace] (J B Neumann work),

Brown, Percy XII 4 12

Indian Architecture, Islamic Period, XVIII:4:168 Brueghd [Breughel], L. Mumford reference to,

Brown, R., Jr., 19th c., IX:4:[20] n9 XIX-1-39

Brown, Ralph, contractor of Cairo, Ga., X:2:21 Bruehl

Brown, Richard, 19th c. Schloss Augustusburg

Domestic Architecture, XVIII:3:105,111 Neumann (J. B.) work, XII:4:12

Brown, Robert, 19th c., XV:l:29n2 Palace chapel, 16th c., IX:3:7

Brown, Samuel, fl. 1837, Cant., Sir, XVI: 1:12 Bruen, Elizabeth, VI: 1/2:16

Brown, Samuel R., fl. 1817 Bruen, Joseph, VI: 1 /2:[13], 16,17
The Western Gazetteer, or Emigrants Directory, Bruen, Mrs. M., VI-l/2:17nl2

XVIII: 1:26 Brnn, Czech, see Brno, Czech.

Brown, Theodore M. Bruff, fl. 1843, VII: 1 /2:11 n6

Bks Brumbaugh, Richard Irvin

Introduction to Louisville Architecture "The American House in the Victorian Period,"

Brief rev., XX:3:149 11:1:27-30

The Work of G. Rietveld, Architect Brumfeild, fl. 1684, of Boston, XX:2:91

Rev. by H.-R. Hitchcock, XVIII:3:115-116 Brumidi, Constantino
Reviews Paintings, Capitol, Washington, VII: 1/2:18,25-26
Blake, P., The Master Builders, Le Corbusier, Mies Railings, bronze, VII:l/2:26

van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright, Brunei, 19th c. architect, XIII: 1:16

XX:4:200-201 Brunei, I. K., 19th c. engineer, XIX:4:159n72

Ozinga, M. D De Monumenten van Curaao in Brunelleschi, Filippo, Alberti's criticism of, XIX:1:41;

Woord en Beeld, XIX:4:178-179 architectural practice in time of, XIII:3:3; as bldr.

Brown, Timothy, 19th c of Sullivan, N. Y, XX.4A96 esteemed by 19th c., XVII:3:10; as civic architect,
Brown, W. H., patentee of rotary jail, XIV:1:32; color treatment, XVI: 1:6; endowed with
XVIII:4:150,153,155,156 highest creative gifts, XVI:3:11;

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Brunelleschi - Buckland
and Filarete, XVII:3:14; XVIII:1:18: Bryant, Gridley James Fox, and A. D. Gilman,

as sculptor-architect, 111:3:18; study of, by XX:4:192n4

succeeding generation, XIII:3:4; and Wren, XVI:4:34 Arlington Street Church, Boston (and A. D.
"Joint Report to the Oprai of Santa Maria del Gilman), XX:4:191-193; illus. XX:4:191-193
Fiore" (with Battista d'Antonio and L. figs 1-3
Ghiberti), XVIII:1:13,18,19 Drawings, IV:3/4:51
Works (Bldgs. and Projects) Bryant, Nancy see Benjamin, Nancy Bryant
Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence, 111:1/2:27 Buccleuch, Duke of, XIX:4:159n72
S. Lorenzo, Florence, XII:3:23; XVII:3:11 Buchanan, James, Pres.
S. Maria degli Angeli, Rome, XIII:3:4; Bust of, IX:3:26



S. Maria del Fiore [Duomo], Florence. Metropolitan Church, IV:3/4:31,32

Dome [Cupola], XIII:3:4; XVIII:1:11-20 Bcher, Franois

Lantern, XIII:3:4; XVII1:1:16 Notre-Dame de Bonmont und die ersten

Model, 1420 (with Battista d'Antonio and L. Zisterzienserabteien der Schweiz
Ghiberti), XVIII:1:14,16-17,18 n44 Rev. by R. Branner, XVIII:4:165-167
Brunn, Czech, see Brno, Czech. Review

Brunner Brothers Conant, K. J., Carolingian and Romanesque

Store of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 Architecture: 800 to 1200, XIX:4:176-177

Brunov, N., XVI:2:29 Buckeye State, steamboat, XI:4:26,28; illus. XI:4:[27]

Brunswick, Ga. figs 2-3

Square, XX:2:62 Buckingham, James Silk, on Cairo, 111. city plan,

Brunt, Michael Hugo see Hugo-Brunt, Michael XVI:4:17-18; on Circleville, Ohio, XIV:4:24; on
Brush, George de Forest, IX:l/2:34 Savannah architecture, X:4:9; attempt to solve




Exposition de la Reconstruction, 1919, National Evils and Practical Remedies, XIV:4:26 n6

XVIII:2:48,49; XVIII:3:74,80 Projects, 11:2:8
Exposition Universelle et Internationale, 1958 see Ideal cities, XIV:4:26n6
Brussels: World's Fair, 1958 Cast-iron, XIX:3:126

House, 1893 (V. Horta), X:3:13n21 Victoria, XIV:4:26 n6; XVI:4:26

World's Fair, 1958 Iron towers, XVI: 1:11

American Pavilion, XVIII:3:115 Buckingham, Pa.

Dutch National Pavilon, XVIII:3:115 Meeting House, 1768, VII:3/4:31
Finnish Pavilion, XVIII:3:115 Buckingham County, Va.
French Pavilion, XVIII:3:115 Courthouse, 1821 see Maysville, Va.: Buckingham

Phillips Industries Pavilion County Courthouse

Pome Electronique (Le Corbusier), XVIII:3:115; Buckland, James, bkseller of London, XIII:2:3,4
XX:2:94 Buckland, James, citizen and joiner of London, XIII:2:3

West German Pavilion, XVIII:3:115 Buckland, Mary Moore, XIII:2:4

Brutails, J. A., on 17th and 18th c. imitations of Buckland, William, biogr. of, XIII:2:3-8; plasterers
12th c. iron work, XIV:1:4; on keystones, XIX:3:92n5 working for, XX:3:131
Arches (3d and 5th point), numbering of, Books on
XIX:3:93 nn9,l 1; XX:3:143; illus. XIX:3:91 Beirne, R. R. (and J. H. Scarff), William
fig 1 Buckland. . ., XVIII:2:71
"The Bruton Church of 1683 and Two Davis, D., Annapolis Houses, 1700-1775,

Contemporaries," by T. T. Waterman, VII: 1/2:47

IV:3/4:43-46,54 Library of, XX:3:116,118,122,125-129 passim
Brutus Portr. of (C. W. Peale), 11:3:33; XVIII:2:71
Relief of, XX: 1:42 Works

Bruyne, E. de, XI:3:13 Brice (James) House, Annapolis, XIII:2:4;





Engravings, XVII:4:31,32,35 n20 Chase-Lloyd House, Annapolis

Bryan Palladian window (attrib.), XVIII:2:71

House of, Adams Co., Pa., XVI:4:30; illus. XVI:4:30 Woodwork and interior finishing (attrib.),
Bryan, Charles, 18th c. shoemaker of Annapolis, XX:3:131
XX:3:132 County courthouse and prison, 1774, Annapolis,
Bryan, Hugh XIII:2:4

Map, Purrysburgh, S.C., XX:2:51 Elmwood

Bryan, John A., AIA preservation officer, XII:3:29 Broken pediments (attrib.), XVIII:2:71
"Evolving the Elevator," X:3:[31] Glebe House, Falls Church, Va., XIII:2:3

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Buckland - The Builder

Buckland, William (Cont.) Plaza de Mayo, XIV:4:5

Works San Ignacio, V:23
Gunston Hall, XIII:2:3-8; XVII:4:40; XVIII:2:71; University of, 111:1/2:35
XX:3:120,122; illus. XIII:2:[5],6,7 figs 1-3,5-8 Bufalini
Woodwork, X-.2-.22 Map, Quirinal Hill, Rome, 1551, illus. XIX:3:98

Hammond (Matthias) House [Hammond-Harwood 1

House], Annapolis, VII: 1/2:47; XIII:2:4,8; Buffalo, N.Y.

XVII:4:36; XVIII:2:71 Albright Art Gallery

Montpelier Exhibition of Buffalo Architecture, XIII:3:32

Interior (attrib.), XVIII:2:71 Good Design Is Your Business, VIII:3/4:47

Paca (William) House, Annapolis Architecture, XIII:3:32
Interior (attrib.), XVIII:2:71 City plan, Maps and Views, 111:1/2:40; XX:3:108;
Ridout (John) House, Annapolis (attrib.), illus. III: 1 /2:[36a]
XVIII:2:71 Dorsheimer (William) House (H. H. Richardson),

Rockledge [The Den; Ballendine (John) Residence] IX: 1/2:25

(attrib.), XIII:2:3 Gratwick (W. H.) House (Shepley, Rutan and
Strawberry Hill, Annapolis, XIII:2:4 Coolidge), XVII:3:20

Tulip Hill (attrib.), XVIII:2:71 Guaranty Bldg. [Prudential Bldg.] (Adler and

Whitehall Plantation [Sharpe (Horatio) Plantation], Sullivan), IV:2:9,12; IX:l/2:29; XII:3:31;

Annapolis XIX:2:63; XX:1:3,16,17,18; XX:3:142; illus.

Work on, XIII:2:4; XVIII:2:71 IV:2:19

Buckland, Va., XIII:2:4 Larkin Co. Administration Bldg. (F. L. Wright),

Buckler, John C., and C. Hanbury-Tracy house, 111:4:51; VIII: 1/2:133; XII:4:32; XIX:4:183;
Toddington Manor, XX:3:101 XX:3:141

Houses of Parliament, London, competition design, Maps see Buffalo, N.Y.; City plan, Maps and Views
XX:3:102; illus. XX:3:103 fig 4 Martin (Darwin D.) House (F. L. Wright), 111:4:51

Bucklin, James C. (see also Tallman and Bucklin), Niagara and Plympton Fireproof Grain Elevator (G.
XII:3:15-16 and nl3 H. Johnson), XVI:1:14

Bucklin, Mary, XIII:2:4 Pan-American Exposition Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and

Buckminster-Fuller see Fuller, Buckminster Coolidge), XVII:3:25

Bucknell University see Lewisburg, Pa. Prudential Bldg. see Buffalo, N.Y.: Guaranty Bldg.

Buckner, Mrs. Davis, XI:4:[20]nl9 YMCA

Bucks County Historical Society see Doylestown, Pa.: Design (H. H. Richardson), XIII: 1:19
Bucks County Historical Society Buffalo, steamboat, XI:4:28

Bucovatz Buffalo Bill, see Cody, William Frederick

Church of the Monastery, IV:3/4:35 Buffalo Society of Architects, XVIII:2:66
Budd, Levi, 18th c. Philadelphia bldr., XV:4:25 Buffington, Leroy S., and H. Ellis, 111:4:20; and

Buddha, IX:l/2:5 skeleton frame, skyscraper construction, 111:4:20;

Buddhist architecture XI:2:15; XII:1:13; XIII:l:23n2; XIII:3:31;

India XVI:1:19 nnl 14,124; XIX:1:40; XIX:4:182; and

Barabar, XVIII:1:28; illus. XVIII:1:28 fig 6 skyscraper "invention," 11:4:18 n91; 111:4:20;
China, XVI:3:33 XI:2:15; XII:1:13; XIII:3:31; XV:3:31;
Japan, XIII:2:14 XVIII:4:135; XIX:1:40

Budville Langford Pillsbury Hall, University of Minnesota,

Church, XX:3:136 Minneapolis, XIX: 1:40

Biickeburg Security Bank, 1891 [Design, 1888 (H. Ellis)],
Stadtkirche, 1615, IX:3:7 Minneapolis, illus. III:4:[20a figs 1,2]
Buehl, Bishop of Cochabamba, V:[39] Skyscraper, 30 story, 1887, 111:4:20
Buenos Aires Twenty-eight story bldg. project, 1888, XV:3:31;
Cathedral XVIII:4:135; XIX:1:40
Armchairs (H. J. Schmidt), V:23 Buggenum, Neth.
Church of San Juan Carolingian timber church, XVII:2:3
Altars, V:23 Bugniet, Pierre Gabriel, and T. Jefferson, XII:4:26
Church of the Pilar Chteau de Sathonay, XII:4:29
Altars, V:23 Colonne du Mridien, Lyons, XII:4:29

City plan, Maps and Views Maison du Trsorier Desglat, Lyons, XII:4:29

Sketch (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 Prison de Roanne, Lyons (and Thibire), XII:4:29,30
Inter American Congress of Municipal History [Inter Prison plan, XII:4:28-30; illus. XII:4:29
American Municipal Historical Congress], 4th, The Builder, IX:l/2:27; XIX:4:149 n33,150
1949, VIII:1/2:133


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Builders - Bulfinch

Builders adopted by T. U. Walter for U.S. Capitol,

Working conditions, 18th c XlII:4:28-29 VII:l/2:3; XV:4:16; W. Whitman on,

The Builder's Chest Book ..by B. Langley, XVI: 1:26

XX:3:127 no.38 Altoona, Pa., XVII: 1:26

The Builder's Companion, by W. Pain, XIII:2:8; Baltimore, XIII:3:30

XX:3:122,123,128 no.63 Chicago, IX:l/2:29
The Builder's Compleat Assistant..., by B. Langley, Columbus, XIII:2:31




The Builder's Dictionary, or Gentleman and Architect's New York, IX:l/2:28; XI:2:3,[8],15-18; XII:4:32
Companion, XX:3:126no.4 Philadelphia, IX:4:24-25; XIII:3:30
The Builder's Director, or Bench-Mate..., by B. Saint Louis, 1:3/4:26

Langley, XX:3:127 no.40 Fireproof

Builder's General Instructor, by M. Lafever, XIV:3:19 18th c., VIII:l/2:23; XII:4:26-27; XIV:4:18;
The Builder's Guide, by A. Benjamin, XIII:3:19; XV:2:24

XVIII: 1:10 19th C., VII:I/2:[1]; IX:4:17; XI:3:24-25; XII:1:19;

The Builder's Guide..., by W. Salmon, XX:3:127 n9, XII:3:14; XIV:3:15,26; XV:l:27-29; XV:2:24;
129 no.72 XV:4:12-22; XVI:1:11-19; XVIII:4:129,136;

Builder's Guide, The Irish, by T. Humphreys, XIX:4:181-182; XX:l:34-37

XX:3:135 Building Codes, Laws, Regulations, etc. (see also

The Builder's Jewel..., by B. Langley, XX:3:127 no.41 Zoning), XIX:1:19

The Builders of the Bridge; the Story of John Roebling Great Britain

and His Son, by D. B. Steinman Building Acts

Rev. by P. Zucker, IV:3/4:53 1711, XIILLll

The Builder's Pocket Companion, by W. Halfpenny 1774' XIV:4:18,19

[Michael Hoare, pseud. 1, XX:3:126 no.20 Church Building Act, 1818, X:4:9
The Builder's Pocket Treasure ..., by W. Pain, Million Act, 1818, XX:3:149
w, no Massachusetts, XVIII:4:128 n6

XX:3:12 no.64

Builders' terms (see also Dictionaries (Architectural, XT oston; 9 "

Biographical, Terminological, etc.)), XVI:4:32 New York IV:3/4:56; XI.2.17-18
Builder's Treasure of Designs, by B. Langley (attrib.),
XX:3: ! 16



Building crafts organizations


"n see
. o
.. V-,,

Brickmaking Brickwork, etc.) Building materials

Cast-iron, Iron and Steel (see also Bridges; Facades: Roman XVII 4 2 8
Cast-iron; Iron industry; Ironwork and Building methods
wrought-iron; Towers (Belfries, Observation Eighteenth Century

towers, Spires, Steeples, etc.)), effect on ^ Guatemala) XX:! :28.33

architectural design, XI:3:29 Fourth Century) XX;1;44

England, VII: 1/2:3,4,7; VIILl/2:22-23,25; Medieval, XVII:4:9-21; XIX:3:91-96; XX:4:199-200

XIII:4:32; XV:2:24-25 Roman, XVII:4:2-8; XIX:2:86

Europe, VII:l/2:3; XIV:4:32 Building News, IX:l/2:27; IX:4:16

France, VII: 1/2:3,7 -phe Building of Satellite Towns, by C. B. Purdom,

History, IV:3/4:48; VII:l/2:3,4; XIX:4:181-182; XVIII:3:80-81 and n34

XX: 1:34-35

Building sites

Russia, VII:l/2:4,7 Greco-Roman, XIII:4:3-8,15-20

Towers (see also Towers (Belfries, Observation Building, U.S.A., by editors of the Architectural Forum
towers, Spires, Steeples, etc.)), XVI:1:11-19; Short rev., XVI:3:35
XVI:4:22-29 Buildings, Prefabricated see Prefabricated bldgs.
U.S., J. Bogardus use of, XV:4:12-22; XVI:1:11-19; "Buildings Never Built," IV:1:53
books on (C. W. Condit), XIX:4:181-182, (A. Buildings of England, by N. Pevsner

A. Gilchrist in Historic Philadelphia...), Rev. by A. Gowans, XV:2:29

XIII:3:30, (C. Tunnard and H. H. Reed), Northumberland, by N. Pevsner and I. A. Richmond
XV:3:31; exploited as a bldg. material in Short rev., XVII:2:32

19th c., 11:4:4 n7; XV:4:12-22; XVI:1:11-19; Buitenhuis, Peter, on the skyscraper, XVIII:4:128 n7
XIX:3:122; effect of steel-frame construction "The Bulbous Dome, The Origin and the Distribution

on development of skyscraper, XV:2:32; of," by W. Born, 111:4:32-48

XVII:3:25; XVIII:4:129; XIX:4:181-182; Bulfinch, Charles, and A. Benjamin, XIII:3:19; Boston
architecture before, XIILLll; and P. Harrison,
XIII:l:14n20; infl. on S. Mclntire, XVII:2:29;


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Bulfinch - Burgos
Bulflnch, Charles ( Cont.) Bunker Hill Monument see Boston, Mass.
salary, XV: 1:29 nn2,5; on storage of wood in Bunning, James Bunstone
Washington Capitol, VII:l/2:10n2; style, Coal Exchange, London, VII:l/2:3,4; XX:3:149

XII:2:9,12; XX:1:25 Bunshaft, Gordon see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill

Boston Theatre Bunting, Bainbridge, credits to (G. M. A. Hanfmann),





Medal of, XIV:2:3; illus. XIV:2:[5] fig 13 'The Plan of the Back Bay Area in Boston,"

Second, 1798, XIV:2:[5] XIII:2:19-24

Building, Orford, N.H. (attrib.), IV:3/4:51 Bunyan, John

Capitol, Augusta, Me., XIV:2:12-17; illus. Pilgrim's Progress, VIII:3/4:2

XIV:2:[14-15] figs 1-4,6 Buonaccorsi, Perino [Piero] see Perino del Vaga

Church, 1825, Peterboro (attrib.), VIII:1/2:41 nl6 Buonaccorso Ugoccioni, Benedetto di see Ugoccioni,

Court House [Old City Hall], Boston, XIV:2:16 Benedetto di Buonaccorso

First Church [Christ Church; Fifth Meetinghouse], Buoncompagni, Ugo see Gregory XIII
1816, Lancaster, Mass., VII:3/4:30 Buontalenti, Bernardo
Hollis Street Church, Boston, VII:3/4:29 Porta dei Supplichi, Uffizi, Florence, XV:3:7

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Pratolino, XX:4:155-168; illus. XX:4:156-166

XIV:2:17nl6; XVII:3:27 figs 1-19
Meeting House, Pittsfield, VII:3/4:29 Buontalenti, Francesco, XX:4:155n6
Meeting House, Taunton, VII:3/4:29 Burch, Isaac H., 19th c., of Chicago, XVI:l:18nllO
Montpelier, Thomaston (attrib.), X:4:[31Jn7 Burchfield
New South Church, Boston, XIV:2:16 Tavern at Hammondsville, painting, 11:3:32
State House, Boston Burckhardt, Edward
Bldg., XIV:2:[5] capt. fig 13, 7,12,13,16,17; Panoramic drawing of N.Y., XVI. 1.17 n81
XVII-3-27- illus XIV-2-[15] fig 5 BurcKiirotj Jcot), s teucner of Wlfflin, 111:3:13

Painting of (A. J. Davis), 11:3:33 al-Burdayni

Engr. after (J. Archer), illus. XIV:2:[15] fig 5 _ Mosque of' Ca'r' III:4;41

Representatives Chamber, XII: 1:30 Burden' Jane w Morns, Jane Burden

State House, Hartford, XIII:3:18,19; XIV:2:16 Burdett Francs, Sir, XVL4-.22

Tontine Crescent, 1793, Boston, XIII:2:24

Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59nl3

U.S. Capitol, Washington, VII: 1 /2:[1], 23;

Burford stone, XIX:3:132

Burgee see Holabird, Root and Burgee
Burges, fl. 1844 see Walker and Burges

XV: 1:29 n2; XV:2:27

Dome, VII:l/2:5,10n5,14n45,30; VIII:3/4:4-5;


? -, r Burges [Burgess], William, and H. Clutton,

Library of Congress, VII:l/2:3,10n2,18,24,30 ,*o . r , ,,

c . Vn. U 11 , , . , XIX:4:156,158; Victonan Gothic of, IX:l/2:27
Senate Chamber gallery and stairs, VII: 1/2:11 n6 , ,. , f,, . , D , . n , ,, .
it ri u u J, o Iconographie des Chapiteaux du Palais Ducal- Venise

University Hall Cambridge, XVII 3:26 (and A. N. Didron), XIX:4:158 66

Bulfnch, Francs Vaughan (see also Coolidge, Shepley, Works (B,d Desl etc,
Bulfinch and Abbott; Shepley, Bulfmch, Crimean War Memorial Church> Istanbul>

_ ? p ?" ' X,30nl competition design, XIX:4:158-159

"IPurn ^ f vv' L _ Law Courts, London, design, IX:l/2:27; XII:4:16

Bull, William, Col XX:2:50-53,54 Notre Dame de la TreiUe gt t pierre) LiUe (and

D "a^1t,,0n l [Sheldon], XVIII:3:112 H Glutton), competition design,

Bull, William T., 18th c., Rev., XVIII:3:112 XIX:4:156(and n59)-158

Bullfinch, Charles, XV:l:29n2 Skilbeck Warehouse, London, IX:l/2:27,29
Bullock, Helen D IX:l/2:38 Burgess, 17th c., Dr., IX:3:7

Bullock, John, architectural ideals of, 11:1:27-28 Burgess, early 19th c., of Thomaston, Me.

The History & Rudiments of Architecture (ed.), House of, X:4:25,26

11:1:28 nl Burgess, Ernest H.

Rudiments of the Arts of Building (ed.), 11:1:28 nl House of see Kenilworth, 111.: Burgess (Ernest H.)

Bullock, Orrin M., Jr., XIII:2:30 House

Bullock, Richard D. Burgess, William see Burges, William

Editorial assistant, SAH Journal, XVI:3-XVII:2 Burghs see Boroughs

Bulwer-Lytton Burgis, William

The Last Days of Pompeii, XIV:3:3,7 Views

Bungalows Boston, 1723, XIX:2:77; illus. XIX:2:76 fig 1

See also Domestic architecture New York, ca. 1717, XV:3:31
California, IX:1/2:12-13 Burgos

Bunker Hill, The Battle of, painting (J. Trumbull), Casa del Cordon, V:5


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Burgos - Burton
Cathedral American Luxfer Prism Co. competition,

Condestable Altar, V:12 n78 XIX:1:7 nl7; and S. S. Beman, XII:3:17; and A. J.
Escalera Dorada (D. de Silo), V:8 Cassatt of Pennsylvania Railroad Co., IV:l:35-36;
Sepulchres, V:12 and Chicago School, XI:1:27; civic work of,

Burgoyne, Gen., rhinestone buckles of, IV:2:38no.9; IX:1/2:31,34; Detroit work, 11:4:43; as member of
P. Schuyler House burned by, 111:3:30; as guest at McMillan Park Commission of 1901, 1V:1:35,37;
Schuyler Mansion, Albany, IV:2:38no.9; retreat motto of, IV:1:3; and W. Polk, X:3:21
hampered at Starks Knob, IV:2:40 no.18; surrender Moore, C., Daniel H. Burnham..., IV:1:3; XI:2:11
of (commemorated by Saratoga Battle Monument), Residence of [Bungalow], Twin Peaks, San
IV:2:40 no.23, (painting by J. Trumbull), Francisco, X:3:21
XIII:3:19; advance through Wood Creek, Works
IV:2:39 no. 11 City plans
Burin, A. Gallego y see Gallego y Burin, A. Chicago, 1909 (and E. H. Bennett), IX:l/2:35
Burke, Edmund, aesthetics of, XV:4:30; on Saint and n4; illus. IX:l/2:32 fig 3

Philip's Church, Charleston, S.C., XVIII:3:114; on San Francisco, IX: 1/2:35 n4

the sublime, XVIII:4:127; and J. Trumbull, Fuller Bldg. [Flatiron Bldg.], N.Y., IV:3/4:58;



Burkhardt, E. Walter, XII:3:29 Reliance Bldg., Chicago, XVIII:4:132

Burleigh, IX:4:10 Union Station, Washington, IV: 1:35-36

Burley (A. G.) and Co., of Chicago, XVI:1:18 nllO Wanamaker Dept. Store, N.Y.

Burlingham, Lloyd Addition, XI:2:16

House of, El Paso, Tex., XIX:3:130 Burnham, Daniel Hudson, Jr., IV:1:3
Burlington, Richard, 1694-1753, Earl of, circle of, Burnham, Rebecca ice Young, Rebecca Burnham
XVIII:4:145; XX:3:115; limited taste in Burnham and Root {see also Burnham, Daniel Hudson,
architecture, XVIII:4:145; Palladianism of, Sr.; Root, John Wellborn), aesthetic solutions,
XIII:4:32; XX:3:115,121; "staccato" architecture XII:3:31; Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul, infl. by Chicago

of, XV:4:31 work of, XIX:1:40; skyscraper work, XII:3:31;

Chiswick House, XV:4:8; XIX:3:131 XV:3:31

Burlington, N.J. First Regiment Armory, Chicago, XIV:3:24-25,26;

Doane (Bishop) Villa see Burlington, N.J.; Riverside illus. XIV:3:25 fig 3
Friends Meeting House, 1682, XII:1:22 Masonic Temple Bldg. [Capitol Bldg.], Chicago,
Riverside, St. Mary's Seminary [Bishop Doane's XVIII:4:133; illus. XVIII:4:133 fig 4
Villa] (J. Notman), XI:2:27,28 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, XII:1:13; XV:2:32;
St. Mary's Church (R. Upjohn), XV:2:21 XVIII:4:130,133,136,137
St. Mary's Hall (D. Lienau), XIV:l:24n7 Montauk Bldg., Chicago, XII:1:13,20; XII:3:31;

St. Mary's Seminary XVIII:4:130,134,136

Riverside see Burlington, N.J.: Riverside The Rookery, Chicago, XVIII:4:136; XIX:l:8n20
Burlington, residence [Elliston House] (W. Strickland, Burnham Library of Architecture see Chicago: Art
attrib.), 11:2:33 Institute: Burnham Library of Architecture
Burma "Burning Buildings for Nails," IX:3:23

Temples, V:22 Burr, Aaron, and B. H. Latrobe, XV:4:30; graduate of

Burmeister, Frank, IX:l/2:24nl0 Tapping Reeve Law School, Litchfield, X:4:20
Burn, William, VIII:1/2:129; XIX:4:159 n72 Burr, Theodore
Burnaby, Andrew, Rev. Bridges, XIX:4:181
Travels, XVIII:4:159 Bridge across the Mohawk, 1808, Schenectady,

Burne-Jones, Edward, and W. Morris, XIX:4:147 n22 11:1:41; XIX:4:181

Vinland, Newport Hudson River Bridge, 1804, Troy, 11:1:41

Window, XVIII:2:68 Burrough, T. H. B.

South German Baroque
House of, Cincinnati, VI:3/4:18,21 Rev. by S. L. Faison, Jr., XVI:2:31


Burney, Charles, on G. Dance, Jr., XIV:4:20 Burrows, Gates W XII:3:29

Burnham, Alan, on F. Freeman's drawings, IV:3/4:51; Burt, Nathaniel, XVI:2:32

on D. Lienau and the apartment house, XIV: 1:22; Burton, C.
exhibition of Port-of-Spain architecture, V:47; and Prospect Tower, proposed, London, XVI:4:25,26,27;

SAH (New York Chapter), X:4:36; XI:2:27, illus. XVI:4:[24] figs 4,5

(Washington Chapter), 11:4:40; 111:1/2:47; 111:3:28 Burton, Decimus, XX:3:149

"A House in Texas," XI:4:35-36 Burton, E. Milby, 11:4:30
'The New York Architecture of Richard Morris Burton, Marion LeRoy, Pres., University of Michigan

Hunt," XI:2:9-[14] Memorial to see Ann Arbor, Mich.: Burton

Burnham, Daniel Hudson, Sr. {see also Burnham and Memorial Tower
Root), H. Adams on, IX: 1/2:35 n3; as judge of


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Burton - Byzantine Revival

Burton, Richard, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Churches, London, XIX:4:151,171

Rnrwoll T.ewk X-3-79 St' AlbaI1' Holborn' London, XIX:4:166

iiurweii, Lewis, St Augustine's, Queen's Gate, London, XIX:4:162

17'. r c St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, XIX:4:151

Collection of, XX:2:55 n48 St. Matthias's, Stoke Newington, XIX:4:150

Bury, J. B. St. Paul's, Melbourne, XVIII:3:119

"Late Baroque and Rococo in North Portugal," ,

XV-3-7 15 Button, Stephen Decatur, not concerned with maxim

"form must follow function," XX:1:16; design of

Busanais, Herv de see Herve de Busanais . f , ...

v ' fronts, XX:1:16,17; system of handling pier and

Buschiazzo, Mario J., visit to altiplano of Peru and spandrel, XX:1:18; and L. Sullivan, XX:1:3,18,19

Bolivia, V.[39] Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

Tstt%osZAru''ectura Colonial, V:40 No' 239-241, XX:1:13-14,18; illus. XX:1:13 fig 21

"Exotic Influences in American Colonial Art," No. 723-727, XX:1:14,18

V:[21]-23 Leland (Charles) Bldg., Philadelphia, XII:3:31;

Bush-Brown, Albert, XX:4:169nl XX:1:14-15,18; illus. XX:1:15 fig 24

Bush-Brown, Harold, VIII: 1/2:132 Odd Fellows' Cemetery, Philadelphia

Bushey, Engl. Entrance Pavilion, XIII:4:29
Herkomer (Hubert von) Art School, XVIII:2:68 Swaim's Bldg., 2d, Philadelphia (attrib.), XX: 1:14,15;

Lululand [Herkomer (Hubert von) Home] (H. H. illus. XX: 1:14 fig 22
Richardson), XV:2:29; XVIII:2:66-68; illus. Wright, Hunter Store, Philadelphia, XX:1:10; illus.

XVIII:2:67 figs 2-3 XX;1:10 fig ,4

Residences (C. F. A. Voysey), XVIII:2:68


Bushnell, Geoffrey, XIX:l:25nl

Pointed, XVII:4:19

House of, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:9,12-13 Buxton, DavidR

Russian Medieval Architecture, VIII:1/2:91

Bustin (W. H.) and Son, of Hereford, XVII:2:22 n29

Buzaglo's warming machine, XX: 1:24; illus. XX: 1:24

fl. 1792, of Litchfield, Conn. j-lg 6
House of, X:4:21

Buzanais, Herv de see Herv de Busanais

Butler, Cyrus, XII:3:13, 16nl3

Bybee, William

Butler, George, XII: 1:8 House of Jacksonville> 0r > XII;4;21

Butler, Miner F. Byfield Mass

Nevada County Courthouse, Nevada City, XIV:3:19 ' ' . , ,

State Capitol, Sacramento, XI:3:29; XIV:3:19 Governor Dummer Academy, XX:4:192 n4
Byliny, XVI:2:8

Butler, Nicholas Murray, on study of history, 111:3:30

D _ , , Byrd, William, 1674-1744

Butler, William John, Rev., XIX:4:146-147,153 Founding of Richmond, Va., 111:4:26; VIII:3/4:21





Farm of, Jackson, Wis., XVIII:1:31 Library of, XX:3:116,117,118,122,123,125,126,

Butterfield, Lyman H., X:2:5 n 128 and nl6,129
Butterfield, William, use of banding in color, Byrne, Barry, XIX: 1:9
XIX:4:150,154; revival of brick for churches,

XIX:4:150; crotchets of, XIX:4:164; fame of, Byrne, Janet S., XIII: 1:27

XIX:4:145; Gothic Revival style, IX: 1/2:27; Byron, George Gordon, poems inspired romantic

XIII:3:20; XIV:3:18; XIV:4:18; XX:3:149; interior attachment to Italy, XI:2:28

space effect, XIX:4:166; aversion to new materials, Sardanapalus, VII:3/4:[17]

XIX:4:148; patterned wall style, XIX:3:130; _

XIX:4:159; use of sash windows, XIX:4:150; and Byzantine architecture, XV:4:9; XVII:3:33-34;
G. E. Street, XIX:4:147(and nl9)-154,159-171 XX: 1:43-44
passim; as a Tractarian, XV:2:19 Rumania, IV:3/4:26-30,32,34

All Saints', Margaret St., London Russia, XVI-2-6 9 29

Church, XII:3:24,25; XV:2:22; ,. ' . ' ' . r, ^

XIX:4:147-151,154,155,162 n78,166 Byzantine Architecture, by R. P. Pullan and C. Tex.er

Clergy House and School, XIX:4:150,155 XIX-.4:156

Balliol Chapel, Oxford, XIX:4:162 Byzantine Revival

Church, Baldersby Saint James, XIX:4:155,163 Canada see Romanesque Revival: Canada

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. c
ccc see United States: Civilian Conservation Corps Market of see Athens, Greece: Market of Caesar and
CIAM see International Congress for Modern Augustus
Architecture Temple of, Rome, XX:2:85
Caballero, Diego, V: 13 n89 Writings
Caballero, Juan Commentaries, XVII:3:4-5
Parish Church [S. Prisca y S. Sebastian], Taxco de Cafaggiolo Villa see Villa Cafaggiolo

Alarcn, (and D. Durn), V:22,[27],31-32; Cage construction, XVIII:4:130-131,133

XV: 1:8; illus. V:[20b] fig 1; [30a] fig 10 Cages

Caben Birds see Bird cages

Church, IV:3/4:32 Cagnola, Luigi, as teacher of P. Bianchi, XIX:4:142
Cabet, Etienne La Rotonda, Ghisalba, XIX:4:138-139; illus.
Icarian Colony, XIX:3:114 XIX*4*138 fig 7

Cabinets [Furniture] (Greene and Greene), IX: 1 /2:19; Cahors France

illus. IX:1/2:17 fig 10 Valentr Bridge, XVI:3:24

Cable and Sergeant Cairns, XII:4:5

Armory, 9th Regiment, N.Y., XIV:3:26 Cairo

Cabot, James Elliot, VII:3/4:19-20; XVII:4-.27 Abd al.Ghan Madrasah

Cachoeira, Brazil Mimbar, 111:4:41

Carmelite Order bldgs., XIV:4:10 Abu-Bakr ibn-Muzhir Madrasah, 111:4:41

City plan, XIV:4:9-10; illus. XIV:4:9 fig 7 Amir Aksunkur Mosque [Blue Mosque of Amir

N S. do Rosano, XIV:4:10 Aksunkur or Ibrahim Agha]


Pelourinho, XIV:4:9-10



Mimbar, 111:4:41

Cadafalch, Jos Puig y see Puig y Cadafalch, Jos A]mas [(Jlmas] Mosque nl;4;42

'Z.u , , , _ XV:1:7;
, Altunbugha
al-Maridani Mosque, 111:4:42
XX:3:I46 . . cu
- Amencan Embassy, XI:2:25

Clbonum, XVII:l:10nl7 A h' M

Cady, ,
J. r,
on Dutch farmhouses of N.J., useum
Sultan Hasan Chandelier,

al-Azhar Mosque, 111:4:41,42; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 18
Sultan Barkuk Madrasah (Intra Muros), 111:4:42

Metropolitan Opera House, N.Y., IX:4:[20]
Cady, J. D., on skeleton construction in stone, XX: 1:6
Cady, J. K XIX:l:6nl4
Cady, John Hutchins, as AIA Preservation Officer
(R.I.), XII:3:29; XIII:2:29

Mimbar, 111:4:41
Sultan Barkk Mausoleum

Fountain of Ablution, 111:4:35

The Civic and Architectural Development of , Inf , ' '.

Providence, 1636-1950 Bfsht^k [Bashtak] Mosque, 111:4:42

Rev by B Wriston XVII-3-35 Blue Mosque see Cairo: Amir Aksunkur Mosque

Caemmerer, H. Paul, biogr. data, VI:l/2:[35]; letter al-Burdayni Mosque, 111:4:41

from D. H. Burnham, Jr., IV: 1:3; talk to al-Ghun Madrasah, 111:4:42

Thornton Society on "Early Washington as al-Hakim Mosque, 111:4:35; XVII:3:9 n29

Illustrated by Prints," 111:3:29 Sultan Hasan Madrasah, 111:4:35,42

Historic Washington Fountain of Ablution, 111:4:35; illus. III:4:[32a]
Rev. by A. K. Laing, VIII:l/2:93 5

The Life of Pierre Charles L'Enfant, Planner of the Mimbar, 111:4:41; illus. III:4:32[a] fig 17
City Beautiful, VI:l/2:[35]; VIII:3/4:69; X-.2-.25 Ibn Tulun Mosque, 111:4:41; XVII:3:9n29
"Problems in Restoring the Plan of Washington," Ka'itbey Mosque, 1475, 111:4:42
IV: 1:34-40 Amir Sargitmish Madrasah, 111:4:42

"Washington After the War," VI: 1 /2:[30]-32 Sultan Sha ban Madrasah, 111:4:42

Caen Shaykh Mosque, 1413-20

St.-Etienne, XVII:3:7 Mimbar, 111:4:41

Caere, Etruria Amir Shaykhu [Shaykhun] Madrasah

Tombs, 11:1:9-13,15; illus. 11:1:11 fig 1 Mimbar, 111:4:41

Caesar, Julius, descr. of Castrum, VlIl:3/4:29; and Amir Shaykh [Shaykhn] Mosque, 1349, 111:4:42
rebldg. of Corinth, XV:1:32; Rome in the time of, Shepheard's Hotel, XI:2:25
VIII:3/4:33 Tatr al-Hagaziya Madrasah, 1360, 111:4:42

Army of, VIII:3/4:37 Ulmas Mosque see Cairo: Almas Mosque

Forum of, Rome, XIII:4:21-26; illus. XIII:4:25 fig 2 Cairo, Ga.
House of, XII:4:7 Courthouse, X:2:20-21


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Cairo, 111. - Cambridge, Mass.

Cairo, 111. Spanish Colonial architecture see Colonial
City plan, XVI:4:14-21; illus. XVI:4:16 figs 1,2; 19 architecture: Spanish: U.S.
fig 7; 20 fig 8 California Constitutional Convention, XV:l:26n37
Views, XIII:3:Suppl. 10; XVI:4:16-17,20,21; illus. California School, IX:1/2:11
XIII;3:Suppl. [12] fig 7; XVI:4:17 fig 3; 19 figs Caligula, bricks from ships of, 1:1:4
5,6; 20 fig 9 Calixtus II, Pope, Codex of, VII:3/4:26; order of
Cairo (111.) City and Canal Co., XVI :4:15,16,20 Canons of the Holy Sepulchre confirmed by,
Cairo (111.) City Property Trust, XVI:4:20 XIV: 1:3

Caja de Colonizacin, of Chile, XVIII:3:85 Callahan, Charles B., XVII: 1:27-29

Cajamarca, Peru Reynolds Arcade, Bellefonte, Pa., XVII: 1:27
Churches, V:41 Callander, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Cakebread, Thomas, XI:1:4-5,[14] nlO Callicrates
Mill, 17th c., Sudbury, Mass., XI:1:4,5 Parthenon, Athens (and Ictinus) see Athens:




Calais, Me., IX:3:27 Callis, Thomas, Major, XIX:3:115

Calangute, Goa, India Callisen, Sterling, 1:1:20
Church of, XV:3:6 Calmette, M., on St. Bnigne at Dijon, XVII:3:2-3
Calco, Tristano Caltanisetta, Italy

Drawing of S. Lorenzo, Milan, XVII:3:16; illus. Cathedral, IV:2:52

XVII:3:17 fig 21 S. Giacomo, IV:2:52

Caldas, Jos Antonio, as student of M. Cardoso de Caluiul
Saldanha, XV:3:18 Church, IV:3/4:35

Panorama of Salvador, Brazil, 1758, XIV:4:8; Calvert, George

XV:3:22nl2 Mansion of [Riversdale], X:2:22-23

Caldes de Malavella, XVI:3:18 Calverton see Baltimore, Md.

Caldwell, Andrew J., XIV:2:31 Calzada Gorostiza, Consuelo Senz de la

Caledonia, steamboat, XI:4:28 "El Retablo Barroco Espanol y su Terminologia

Calera de Tango artistica, Sevilla," Archivo Espanol de Arte,
Jesuit workshops, V:23 no. 115
Calhoun, John C., X:4:19,20; XIV:2:31 Short rev., by G. Moser, XVI:3:35
California Camac, W. Masters, XIX:2:81 nt
Architecture Camarin, XVIII :4:167; XIX:4:177
Articles, Books, etc. Cambio, Arnolfo di, XIV:1:32

Baylis, D. (and J. Parry), California Houses of Cambodia see Indo-China

Gordon Drake, XVI: 1:32 Cambon

Kirker, H., California Architecture in the Lithograph of reconstruction at St. Bnigne, Dijon,
Nineteenth Century: A Social History, XVI:3:15 n8; illus. XVI:3:14 fig 6


Lewis, O., Here Lived the Californians, Bishop's Palace (J. F. Blondel), XVIII:4:140


McCoy, E., Five California Architects, Plan (Villard de Honnecourt Sketchbook),



Perusse, L. F., 'The Gothic Revival in Transepts, XIII: 1:30

California, 1850-1890," XIV:3:15-22; War damage, 1:1:22
XVI:4:36 Cambridge, Engl.

Thompson, E. K. University, architectural style of, XVII:3:26; future

"Background of the Domestic Architecture in development, XV:2:29
the San Francisco Bay Region" (and R. College quadrangles, XI:2:23
M. Church), VIII:3/4:67 Emmanuel College
'The Early Domestic Architecture of the San Additions (L. Stokes), XII:3:24,25
Francisco Bay Region," X:3:15-21 King's College Chapel, XI:1:12; XI:2:23; XVI:1:30
Woodbridge, J. M. (and S. B. Woodbridge), Library
Buildings of the Bay Area, A Guide to the Book of Cerne, XVIII:4:125

Architecture of the San Francisco Bay Trinity College Library, design (C. Wren),

Region, XIX:3:132 XVI:4:34; XIX:3:131

Yost, L. M., "Greene & Greene of Pasadena," Cambridge, Mass.
IX: 1/2:11-19 Allston Burr Lecture Hall (Coolidge, Shepley,
Centennial, XV:l:26n3 Bulfinch and Abbott), XVII:3:30; illus.
Earthquakes, XV:1:20 XVII:3:[29] figs 16,17

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Cambridge, Mass. - Campbell

Austin Hall [Harvard Law School] (H. H. Lehman Hall (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and

Richardson), XVIII:2:66 Abbott), XVII:3:26

Law Library, XVIL3:22 Littauer Center (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and

B. B. Chemical Co. Laboratory (Coolidge, Shepley, Abbott), XVIL3:27

Bulfinch and Abbott), XVII:3:28 Maps see Cambridge, Mass.: City plan, Maps, etc.
Biological Laboratories, Harvard University Massachusetts Hall, XVII:3:26
(Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, given
XVII:3:28 property on Copley Square, Boston, by
Cambridge Gas Light Co. (Shepley, Rutan and Commissioners on Public Lands, XIII:2:22; L.
Coolidge), XVII:3:25 Sullivan at, XX:1:18

Christ Church [Church on the Common] (P. Crystal Palace Exhibit, X:4:36
Harrison), VIL3/4:29; XX:4:193 Matthews Hall, XVII:3:26

City plan, Maps, etc. Memorial Church (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and
Map, 1634, XI:1:6 Abbott), XVII:3:27

Conant Hall (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Memorial Hall, VIII:3/4:69; XII:4:17; XIV:3:21 nl
XVII:3:26,28 New Hemenway Gymnasium see Cambridge, Mass.:
Dunster House (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Hemenway Gymnasium: Coolidge, Shepley,

Abbott), XVII:3:27; illus. xvil:3:27 figs 10,11 Bulfinch and Abbott

Fogg Art Museum (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Perkins Hall (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),

Abbott), 1:3/4:11; IV:3/4:7; VI:3/4:21; XVII-3-26,28

XVII:3:26 Quincy House (Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and

Gordon McKay Laboratory (Shepley, Bulfinch, Abbott), XVII-3-30
Richardson and Abbott), XVII:3:30 Sever Hall (H H Richardson), XII:1:11; XVII:3:26;

Grays Hall, XVII:3:26 XVIII-2-66

Harkness Houses (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and smman Infirm (Sh , Rutan and Coolidge),

Abbott), XVII:3:26-27,31 XVII-3-26

College, 18th c. Stoughton (Mrs. M. F.) House (H. H. Richardson),
Library, XX:3:116,121,124

Fire, 1764, XX:3:123

University Hall (C. Bulfinch), XVII:3:26

Harvard Hall, XVIL3:26 Camden, Earl of 1714-1794 see Pratt, Charles

Harvard Law School Libraries see Cambridge, Mass.: r h m

Austin Hall; Cambridge, Mass.: Langdell Hall en* # c C1

TI ry. i u vT 1 Courthouse S. Sloan, XIX: 1:34

Harvard Treasure Library, XI: 1:32 _ , n. c ' . D , . ,.
Harvard University, architectural infi. as pervasive as Dela*ar,e R!vf. Suspens,on Bridge see Philadelphia:
Yale, XIX:2:87; supported K. J. Conant work J Philadelphia-Camden Suspension Bndge
ni...,., vi/u.i Camden, Ohio

Buildings ' Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32

For specific bldgs. see directly by name, e.g. Camden, S.C., descr. of, 1779, X:4:6

Cambridge, Mass.: Sever Hall Bethesda Presbyterian Church (R. Mills),

Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge [and successors], XII: 1:31 nl8
XVII:3:26-28; illus. XVII:3:27 figs 10,11; Camden Society, XV:2:31

[29] figs 14,16,17 Cameron, Charles, XX:3:137

Fine Arts Dept. ' ' Camp, de la see De la Camp

History, I 1 20 Campaniles {see also Towers (Belfries, Observation

Medical School see Boston, Mass.: Harvard towers, Spires, Steeples, etc.)), of Filarete,

University Medical School group XVII:3:12; as prototype for Metropolitan Life

Hemenway Gymnasium Bldg., N.Y., XI:2:16

Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott [New Florence (Giotto), XVIII :4:128 n7

Hemenway Gymnasium], XVII:3:28; illus. Ghisalba

XVII-3.[29] fig 14 La Rotonda (L. Cagnola), XIX:4:138; illus.

Peabody and Stearns, IX:4:17 XIX:4:138 fig 7

History, XI: 1:6 Rome (City)

Holden Chapel, XVII:3:26 Sant'Andrea delle Fratte (F. Borromini),

House plan, ca. 1879, from American Architect, illus. XIX:4:139

XX:4:170 fig 1 Turin

Indoor Athletic Bldg. (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch Cathedral [Duomo San Giovanni], XX:4:193

and Abbott), XVII:3:27 Venice

Lamont Library (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and St. Mark's, XX:4:193

Abbott), XVII:3:28 Campbell, 19th c of Baltimore, XVI: 1:29

Langdell Hall (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),



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Campbell - Canning
Campbell, Benjamin, fl. 1835 Canals
House of [Society for the Preservation of Landmarks Denmark

in Western New York], Rochester, X:l:27 Copenhagen, IV: 1:19; illus. IV:l:[18a]

Campbell, Colin, Palladianism of, XX:3:121 England, XX:4:195

Books, XX:3:118,122 Chelmsford Canal, XV:4:29

Vitruvius Britannicus, XVI:2:18; XVIII:4:142; Italy




Buildings, Designs, etc. Canal in front of S. Antonio, XIX:4:138; illus.

House design for Duke of Argyll, XX:3:115 XIX:4:138 fig 6

Mereworth Castle, VIII:3/4:68; XV:4:8 Netherlands

Stable, XIII: 1:16 Canal houses, Amsterdam, XIX:4:179

Campbell, W. A., Prof, of Wellesley, IV:3/4:5 U.S.

Campbell, William M., on Philadelphia prefabricated Allegheny River Canal Aqueduct (J. Roebling),

bldgs., XVII:3:33 XVI:1:11

"Frank Furness, an American Pioneer," Architectural Bateau Canal, Balcony Falls, Va. (J. Jordan),
Review, London, Nov. 1951, XI:1:31 IX:3:18

Campden, Lord, XIX:4:149n32 Canal around Ohio River rapids, Louisville,

Campen, Jacob van, style of, XX:l:41-42 XX:3:111

Huis ten Bosch, The Hague, XX: 1:42 Canal, Collect Pond to N. River [Canal St.], N.Y.,
Town Hall, Amsterdam, XX:L41-42 XVI:l:18n97

Campo Maior, Port. Canal, Nashville (W. Strickland), 11:2:34

Parish Church, 18th c., XV:3:20 Cape Cod Canal, XIX:2:48; illus. XIX:2:48 fig 2
S. Joo Baptista, 16th c., XV:3:20 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 11:2:34;

Campomanes, 18th c Conde de, XVIII:2:53 XX:4:197

Camps, Military see Military Camps, Reservations, etc. Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.

Cmpulung, Muntenia Region, Rum. Bldgs. of see New York (City): Delaware and
Church, Occidental, IV:3/4:25 Hudson Canal Co. Bldg.

Campuses see College and university campuses Delaware and Raritan Canal, XX:4:197

Camus, Albert, V. Scully on, XIX:4:182 Dismal Swamp Canal, XIX:3:117

Can Our Cities Survive, by J. L. Sert Erie Canal, XI:2:23; XV:4:12; XIX:4:172;
Rev. by C. Feiss, 11:4:37-39; 111:1/2:43-46 XX:4:194,195-196,197; illus. XIX:4:173
Canaan see Palestine figs 1,2
Canaanite texts, XII:4:7 nl9 Farmington Canal, Conn., XX:4:197
Canada Illinois and Michigan Canal, XVI:4:15
Architecture Inland Canal, XX:4:194,195

Articles, Books, etc. Lexington Canal (J. Jordan), IX:3:18

Gowans, A. North River Canal, Va., IX:3:19n6

'The Baroque Revival in Quebec," XIV:3:8-14 Ohio Canal, X:4:[13]-14

Church Architecture in New France, Pennsylvania Canal, 1825-36, XIII:3:Suppl. 2;
XVI:l:31-32; XVIII:4:165 XVII:1:25

Looking at Architecture in Canada, Potomac Canal, 1828-50, X-.2-.23

XVIII:4:165 Susquehanna Canals, XX:2:63,74

"Notre-Dame de Montreal," XI:l:20-[26] Susquehanna-Tidewater Canal, XVII:1:25

Hubbard, R. H., "Victorian Gothic in Canada," Union Canal, Pa., XX:4:197

VI:3/4:6,34 Candelabra see Candlesticks

City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Candelaria, Paraguay
and Planning): Canada Map, illus. XIV:4:6 fig 2
French Colonial architecture see Colonial Mission, XIV:4:6
architecture: French Candlesticks

Canaday, John Baroque

Lecture on J. Gallier, IX:4:28 La Merced, Cuzco, Peru, V:37 nl6

Canal Society of New York State, XIX:4:172 nl Meissonnier, 1728, V:45,46
Canaletto, F. Alexeyev work reminiscent of, XVI:2:30; Cane Run see Lexington, Ky.: Glengarry
post-medieval city in canvases of, XIX:1:39 Canevari, Antonio, XV:3:17

Pantheon, Rome, painting, 11:3:32 Canfield, August

Venice, painting (School of Canaletto), 11:3:32 Bridge patent, 1833, XIX:4:181

Canal aqueducts (J. Roebling), XVI: 1:11 Canina

Canal locks Reconstructions of Roman architecture, XIX:2:86

Nashua, N.H., XIII:3:17 Canning, fl. 1914 see Brinckloe and Canning, Inc.

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Cannon - Capitols, State

Cannon, Joseph Gurney, Speaker of House, IV:1:38 Connecticut
Cano, Aliriso [sic!], study of, VIII: 1/2:87 Hartford
Cano, Alonso, G. Kubier on, XVIII:4:167; school of, Bldg. (C. Bulfinch), XIII:3:19; XIV:2:16
V:32; H. E. Wethey study of, VIII:3/4:68 Circular staircase (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:18,19
Canoe, Outrigger, XIX:1:30 Bldg. (R. Upjohn), XVIII:4:134
Canons of the Holy Sepulchre, Order of, XIV:1:3 Illinois

Canopies see Baldaquins, Ciboria, Canopies etc. Springfield

Canova, Antonio, interpretation of the beau idal, Old State House [Sangamon County Court
XIX:4:136; and F. Milizia, XIII:3:12; and M. House] (Town and Davis), XIV:2:17n6
Missirini, XIX:4:142; nudes of, XIX:4:136; and Indiana

Pantheon-Parthenon combination, XIX:4:142; and Indianapolis

G. A. Selva, XIX:4:142 Bldg. (Town and Davis), XVII:3:30nl7
Cantab, M. B. Design (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 16

Stained glass, church at New Bradwell, Kentucky

XIX:4:167n86 Frankfort (G. Shryock), 11:1:36




Abbey grange, XVII :2:13 Augusta (C. Bulfinch), XIV:2:12-17; illus.

Canterbury, Archbishop of, see Laud, William XIV:2:[14-15] figs 1-4,6

Canterbury Maryland
Cathedral, 11:1:39; XVI:3:34 Annapolis, 18th c., X:2:20; XVII:2:26

St. Augustine's College (W. Butterfield), XIX:4:151 St Mary>s city> proposed) X;2:20
Canton tiles, XV:3:27 Massachusetts

Capanema, Gustavo, XVII:2:31 Boston see Boston, Mass.: State House



Ponce de Leon s House, XI:4:32 Saint Pau] (C Gilbert)> XIX;, :40

CaPe Cod Mississippi

History, XIX:2:48 Jackson, XX:3:113; illus. XX:3:112 fig 4

Map, dlus. XIX:2:48 fig Missouri

Salt works, XIX:2:48 Jefferson Citv
Cape Cod Canal, XIX:2:48; illus. XIX:2:48 fig 2 , . .. 3 . _ ., . ,c . v. ... ,
^ ld Missouri Capitol (S. Hills), XIV:2:17 n6
"Cape Cod Cottage," XIX:2:47; XX:4:175
Cape Cod fence [Post-and-rail], XIX:2:49 and nlO 6 Lincoln
raS 3 (B. G. Goodhue), XII:4:17

'The Cape Cod House: An Introductory Study," by

E. A. Connally, XIX:2:47-56

New York

Cape Cod Seashore Park, XIX:2:84 , , JU u i> u a

Cape Colonna e Sunium Promontorium Eld1' z' E (and H. R Richardson)

Cape Florida, Key Biscayne, Fla. t ml XVIII.2:68

Lighthouse, IX:3:27 Eullf' T" XVIII:f3j"9

Cape Henry Village, Va. XT "oer,'. P ' 111:1/2:39,62
Lighthouse (J. McComb, Jr.), XI:1:32 NrTth Carolina
Cape Monodendri ^ "

Altar of Poseidon see Miletus: Altar of Poseidon Tryon s Palace (J. Hawks), X-.l -.19

Capela-mor, XV:3:20 Ralei8h <Town and Davis)' X: 1:18

Capellano, Antonio u rooo
Terra cotta sculpture, Unitarian Church, Baltimore, Chillicothe,
1800, XII:2:5

Capitals, Sphinx, VII:3/4:24 1816 [3d Statehouse], XII:2:5,15

Capitols, National 1838-60, VI:3/4:18,19,20; VIII:l/2:87;

Qjba XII:2:8,15-18; XIII:1:28; illus. XII:2:[16-17]

Havana, IV:3/4:58 n8s U6

U.S. Pennsylvania
New York (City) Harrisburg
Federal Hall [U.S. Capitol], 1788-89 (P. C. Bldg. (S. Hills), XIII:3:Suppl. 7; XIV:2:17n6
L'Enfant), 111:3:31; XIV:2:7; XX:4:185nl Design (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 7

Washington, D.C. see Washington, D.C.: Capitol Philadelphia see Philadelphia: Independence Hall

Capitols, State Rhode Island



Phoenix (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 Competition design (Shepley, Rutan and

California Coolidge), XVII:3:23; illus. XVII:3:24 fig 5
Sacramento (M. F. Butler), XI:3:29; XIV:3:19


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Capitols, State - Carpenter

Capitols, State (Cont.) Carlhian, Jean Paul, XVII:3:30 nl

Tennessee Carlile, Abram, 18th c. Philadelphia bldr., XV:4:25

Nashville (W. Strickland), 11:2:33,34; 11:3:28; Carlisle, Pa.
XIII:3:Suppl. 2,16; XIV:2:12; XV:4:3 Dickinson College
Texas Bldgs. (B. H. Latrobe), XV:4:30

Austin (E. E. Myers), 111:3:31 Carlos V see Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

Vermont Carlson, Arthur B XII:1:13

Montpelier (A. B. Young), XIV:2:13; X1X:3:119 Carlsruhe see Karlsruhe

Virginia Carlyle, Thomas, VII:3/4:18 nl5

Jamestown, XVIII:1:3 House of, Chelsea, London, X:l:23

Richmond (T. Jefferson and C. L. Clrisseau), Carmel, Calif.

VIII: 1/2:129; XII:4:28; XVIII:1:6 San Carlos Borromeo Mission see San Carlos

Williamsburg, X:4:22; XIV: 1:14; XVI:2:17; Borromeo Mission

XVIII: 1:3-4,5,6; XVIII:4:163; illus. XIV:1:15 Carmelite Order

fig 3 Buildings
Capitulaire d'Aix-la-Chapelle, 789 A.D., XVI:2:5 Cachoeira, Brazil, XIV:4:10

Capitulary halls see Chapter houses, Synodal halls, etc. Catania, Italy, IV:2:52

Caplon, Horace Ouro Preto

Office of the Commissioner of Colonization, N. S. do Carmo (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho] ),

Sapporo, Hokkaido, XIII:2:18; illus. XIII:2:[17] XV:3:19,23 n42
Salvador, Brazil

fig 8

Capomaestro, XIII:3:5 Carmelite Third Order Church, XV:3:23 n45

Cappellari, Bartolommeo Alberto see Gregory XVI Carmichael, C., XIX:2:59nl4

Cappelletti, G. V., d. 1887, XIII:2:13 Carmona, Spain

Cappello, Bianca, wife of Francesco de Medici, Churches, XII:2:31

XX:4:163-164,165,166,168 Carnegie, Andrew, quote, in J. Szarkowski, The Idea of
Capps, Edward, Jr., guest editor, SAH Journal, Louis Sullivan, XVII:2:30

VII:3/4; on C. Ward, VII:3/4:[4] Carnegie Corporation, 1:3/4:22

Caprara, Abbot, XV:2:11 n30 Carnegie Foundation
Caprarola Scholarships and grants, 1:1:24; XI:2:24

Villa Farnese [Farnese Palace] (G. B. Vignola), Carnegie Study of the Arts of the United States

IX-410-14 Sllde PrJect> XX:3:150

Captains' houses, XIX:2:56 Carnets de. voya8es> by U Corbusier, XX:2:94

Carney, Richard, XIX:4:175


Cathedral, IV:2:52 Carolands ,XVI:4:36

Angelo in Formis, IV:2:52 9 hna, American colony, XA 3
~ .. ^ , Carolina Art Association. Charleston, S.C.,



Bldgs., XX:1:27.33 Caroline County, Va.

.. Courthouses see Bowling Green, Va.: Caroline

County Courthouses
Baths of see Rome (City): Baths of Caracalla

Carolingian architecture, 111:3:8; IX:4:3-9; XII:l:3-6;

Brick stamp of, 1:1:7

XVI:3:12-15,34; XIX:4:176-177


w , . , , . - Carolingian foot, measurement, XV 1:2:2,5 n2;

Medal, Bramante s design for St. Peter s, Rome .TT, ., .. . _

(attrib), illus XIV:2:[4] fig 10; XVII:3:17 fig 18 Carpentaria, XHI:3:10nl

Medal, Julius II, 1506 (attrib.), illus. XIV:2:[4] fig 9 Carpenter 19th c

Caraffa, Gian Pietro see Paul IV House ^ N(Jrth olmsted ohj() XII;2; 1Q
Carcassonne Carpenter, 19th c Col, in Whitestown, N.Y., XX:4:195
City plan, IV: 1:14 Carpenter, Mrs. George, 11:4:17
St. Michel, 11:3:10 Carpenter, Philo

Card, Manan see Donnelly, Marian Card Wood frame store> Chicag0) II:4:18

Carey, Miss, of Louisville, Ky., XI:4:13 Carpenter, R. C., d. 1855, and Ecclesiological Society,
Carey, Elisha, 19th c. barroom owner, XX:4:196 XV:2:20- XIX-4147 n25,149 n32,150
"Caribbean Colonial Architecture in Jamaica," by M. Drawings for St. Mark's, Philadelphia, XV:2:20,22

D. Ross, X:3:22-27 St. John Evangelist's, Hobart, Tasmania, design,

Carillons see Campaniles; Towers (Belfries, XIX:4:151 n40

Observation towers, Spires, Steeples, etc.) St. John the Baptist, Cookham Dean, XIX:4:151 n40

Cariocan School, XVII:2:31 School, Hurstpierpoint, XIX:4:154

Carl Schurz Foundation see Schurz (Carl) Foundation School, Lancing, Engl., XIX:4:154

Carleton, Lessie, XI:4:[7] n25


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Carpenters' companies - Caskie

Carpenters' companies (see also Philadelphia: Carter, Elias, XIII:3:16
Carpenters' Company), XIII:3:30 Carter, Enoch, XIV:2:32
The Carpenter's Companion. .., by J. Crunden, Carter, John, d. 1690, Col., XX:3:116
XX:3:126 no.9 Carter, John, 1748-1817

The Carpenter's Companion, by J. Smith, XX:3:129 "Gothic Architecture Defined," Builder's Magazine,
The Carpenter's Complete Instructor in Several Hundred 111:3:32; IV:3/4:42
Designs, by A. Swan, XX:3:129 no.81 Carter, Landon
Carpentry style of Pompeii, VII:3/4:34 Richmond County Courthouse, Warsaw, Va.,
Carpi, Girolamo da, XIV:4:30 XVIII: 1:4

Carpi, Rodolfo Pio di seePio di Carpi, Rodolfo Carter, Robert, Councillor, XIII:2:4,6; XX:3:116
Carrre, John M. (see also Carrre and Hastings), Carter, Robert Wormeley, 18th c XIII:2:4

XI:3:31 Carter, Thomas, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Carrre and Hastings (see also Carrre, John M.; Carter's Grove, XIII:2:6,8
Hastings, Thomas), B. Maybeck in office of, Carthage
XI:3:30; E. Steese as designer for, VI: 1 /2:[35] City plan, 111:1/2:28
Ponce de Leon Hotel, St. Augustine, XI:3:31 Roman mosaic from, XX:2:79; illus. XX:2:79 fig 2
Carriage houses Carthusian bldgs.



Carrington, on Roman concrete walls, VII:3/4:34 Carthusian Monastery

Carroll, Charles, 1723-1783 [The Barrister] Sacristy, XVIII:4:167
House of see Baltimore, Md.: Mount Clare Jerez de la Frontera

Carroll, Charles, 1737-1832, Sr. ["of Carrollton" ], Cartuja, XII:2:31

XIV: 1:26-27; XX:2:66,70,74 Cartwright

Correspondence, XI:4:35 Plantation of see San Augustine, Tex.:

Houses of Cartwright-Sharp Plantation
Caton-Carroll House, Baltimore, XX:2:66 Cartwright, Edmund

Doughregan Manor, XX:2:74 Power loom, VIII: 1/2:4

Carroll, Charles, 1775-1825, Jr. Caruthers, Robert L.
Homewood, Baltimore, XI:4:14; XIV:l:26-28; House of, Lebanon, Tenn., 11:2:33

XX:2:73; illus. XIV:1:26 fig 1; 27 fig 2 Carvajal, F. Andrs de, V:13 n89

Cornices, XX:3:134 Carvajal Miranda, Carlos, d. 1951

"Groin-arches" in cross-corridor, XX:3:135; illus. Portr. [cartoon], illus. XVIII:3:84 fig 2
XX:3:135 fig 6 Works

Carroll, Harriet Chew, XIV:1:26 City plan, Santiago, Chile, XVIII:3:84; illus.

Carroll, John, Bishop of Baltimore, XVI:1:28 XVIII:3:84 fig 2

Carrollton Viaduct, 11:1:41 Ciudad Lineal projects, XVIII:2:43,48;

Carron, Scot. XVIII:3:83-85
Carron Iron Works, XX:1:24 Carver, David, 11:4:12

Carrott, Richard G. Casa Grande National Monument, Ariz., 1:3/4:18,24

'The Architect of the Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Casai, Joo do see Cazal, Joo do

Building," XX:3:138-139 Casalmonferrato, Bartolomeo Baronino de see

Carr's Gardens, Pa., XIII:3:Suppl. 4,5 Baronino, Bartolomeo
Carson, fl. 1886 Casamari
House of, Eureka, Calif., XIV:3:21 nl Abbey, XVIII:4:167

Carson, Mrs. Joseph, of Bryn Mawr, X:2:19; Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Jacopo [Jacques

XIII:3:Suppl. 3 Casanova], and M. M. Baletti, wife of J. F.

Carson, Robert, 18th c., XV:4:25 Blondel, XI : 1:16-[ 17]; and G. A. Selva, XIX:4:142
Carstairs, Thomas Casas, Alonso, V:[35]
Sansom Street Row, Philadelphia, XVI:4:10,13 "Casas de los picos," V:2
Carstensen, Georg Johann Bernhard Caserta

Crystal Palace, N.Y. (and K. Gildemeister), Palazzo Reale, IV:2:52

xvi:l:17n77,26; XIX:1:14; illus. XIX:1:15 fig 7 Casey, William J., 20th c of Baltimore, XIV:4:27-28

Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen, XVI:1:17 n77 Cash, Andrew D.

Cartagena Speculative houses of, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:37

Architecture, XIV: 1:29 Casilear, J. W XI:2:11

Cartaud, XVIII:4:142,145 Caskets [Coffins] see Mausoleums, Sepulchral

Carter, 20th c. real estate agent, see Hasbrough and monuments, Tombs, etc.
Carter Caskie, John

Carter, Edward, 20th c. librarian, 11:3:34 House of, Richmond, Va., 111:4:30

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Cassatt - Cauvain

Cassatt, Alexander J., IV:l:35-36 Caswell, Henry, XI:4:[20] nl8

Cassebeer, Walter, XII:3:29 Caswell, R. E Rev., XI:4:[20] nl8

Cassel, Ger. see Kassel, Ger. "Cat" chimneys ["stick-and dirt" chimneys], XI:4:3
Casseres, J. M. de, on Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:3:77,78 Catafalques see Mausoleums, Sepulchral monuments,
Cassirer, Kurt, on authorship of Architecture Moderne Tombs, etc.
of 1728, XVIII:2:60 Catania

Casson, Hugh, XV:2:30 Architecture, XV:1:5

Cast-iron see Building: Cast-iron, Iron and Steel; Iron Churches, IV:2:52



Cast-iron bridges see Bridges: Materials, Types, etc.: City plan (J. F. Blondel), XI:1:[17]

Cast-iron Catechumens [Katechumens], XVI:2:29

Cast Iron Buildings; Their Construction and Catel, Ludwig Friedrich, 11:3:8 n8
Advantages, by J. Bogardus and J. W. Thomson, Cateland D XVII 4-20 n8

IX:4:24; XV:4:17 Catena, XIX:4:181

Cast-iron city scheme, XIX:3:126 Cater H. D , XII 112

Cast-iron pillars, XIX:4:181; XX:3:136 "Cathedral of Commerce," XI:2:16

Cast-iron stoves, XX: 1:20-26 Cathedrals

Cast stone (see also Stone: Types: Artificial), XIII:2:31; See also Church architecture

XIX:1:4 Articles, Books, etc.

^tla ia', 10 Clarke, B. F. L., Anglican Cathedrals Outside the

Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32 British Isles, XVIII:3:119-120

Le Castel Beranger, by H. Guimard, XIV:2:18 Fitchen, J.. The Construction of Gothic

if" d \ v\r Cathedrals, A Study of Medieval Vault

Churches (G. L. Bernini), XV:2:3 Erection XX-4-199 200

Robert, d. 1729, XX:2:50 hrecn- .Irr, ... _ t, , .
-ru im c *l a . m . . j w -, Siiiison, O. G. von, The Gothic Cathedral:
The Vdlas of the Ancients Illustrated, XX:2:50;
XX:3:126 no.6

Design and Meaning," XI:3:6-16

Castellazzo Catherine, Saint

City plan, VI:3/4:33-34; VII:l/2:48; Dormition of, painting (Master of San Miniato),

illus. VI:3/4:pl VII , ,II:3^3 -, .

Castello Catherine II, Czarina, IV: 1:26-31; XX:3:137

Plan of New Amsterdam, 1660, 111:1/2:36; illus. Catherine of Bourbon, IX:3:6

III: 1 /2:[36a] fig [8] Catholic Church

Castello, Italy Mass see Mass

Villa, 'xX:4:167,168 "Catholic Monarchs" see Ferdinand V; Isabella

Castile N.Y. Catholic Revival, XIII:3:20,21

Taber House, XV:2:16; illus. XV:2:[17] fig 10 Catilina, Lucius Sergius, VIII:3/4:38

Castillo, Emilio Gonzalez del see Gonzalez del Castillo, Cating, Mathew, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Emilio Catland, 18th c.

Castillo, Francisco del, XX:3:147 H?use of> Thomaston, Me., X:4:24

Castillo, Hilarin Gonzalez del see Gonzalez del Catlin, 18th c., Capt., of Litchfield, X:4:[23] n20

Castillo, Hilarin Catlin, George

Castle Clinton see New York (City): Castle Clinton Painting of St. Louis, XI:4:28
Castle Howard (J. Vanbrugh), XIII:4:31 Cato, VII:3/4:[17],34,35; XX:2:50
Temple of the Four Winds, XV:4:8 Caton, Richard
Castle William and Mary see New Castle, N.H.: Fort House of see Baltimore, Md.: Caton-Carroll House
Constitution Caton, Mrs. Richard, XIV: 1:26

Castles see Chteaux; Palace architecture; and Catskill, N.Y.

individual bldgs. under city or name, e.g. Mill

Schnbornslust; Windsor, Engl.: Windsor Castle Belfry, 1840, 11:4:39

Castor and Pollux see Dioscurides Catskill Mountain School

Castramentation see Military Camps, Reservations, etc. Landscapes, 111:3:23

Castro, Duke of, see Paul III Caughnawaga, Can.
Castro, Joaquim Amorim de, XIV:4:9 Parish church (F. Martin), XIV:3:8,9; illus. XIV:3:9
Castro, Joaquim Machado de fig 1

Equestrian statue of Joseph Emanuel [Joseph I], Caulaincourt, A. de, XIX:4:155 n57
Lisbon, XIV:4:7,9 Cauldwell, S. M. see Howard and Cauldwell
Castro, Italy, XIII:3:5 Cauley, Frank W XII:3:29
Castrum, VIII:3/4:29-40 passim Caumont, Arcisse de, 1:3/4:8,9,14; XIX:4:155 n56
Drobetai [Turnu-Severin], IV:3/4:25 Cauvain, Henri, XIX:4:158

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Cavaglieri - Centennial Portfolio Album

Cavaglieri, Giorgio, brief biogr. notices, VI:3/4:37; Strodels, XIV:4:19
VII:l/2:94; VIII: 1 /2r 136; VIII:3/4:70 Tarras, XX:4:195,196

"Outline for a History of City Planning from White's water-proof, XX:4:197

Prehistory to the Fall of the Roman Empire," Cemeteries
VI:3/4:22-34; VII:1/2:37-45,48; VIII: 1 /2:43-54; Arlington National Cemetery, IV: 1:37,38,39; X:2:14



Cavagnal, Pierre de Rigaud Vaudreuil see Greenmount Cemetery, XVI:1:28

Vaudreuil-Cavagnal, Pierre de Rigaud Brescia (R. Vantini), XIX:4:137,142,143; illus.
Cave paintings, S. Giedion on, X: 1:26-27 XIX:4:143 fig 14

Caves (see also Chaitya-halls; Grottos), 111:4:37 Genoa

Caylus, Comte de, XIX:4:136 Staglieno Cemetery (C. Barabino and G. B.

Cayn, Gaspar Resasco), XIX:4:137,142,143-144; illus.

Cathedral, Cadiz, XV:1:7 XIX:4:144 fig 16

Cayn de la Vegas, XV: 1:7 Harrisburg, Pa.

Cazal, Joo do, Bishop of Macao, XIX:2:70-71 Harrisburg Cemetery, XIII:3:Suppl. 16; illus.
Cean-Bermudez, Juan Agustin, XII:2:31; XIII:3:14 XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 21
Cecchignola Zion Lutheran Burial Ground, XIII:3:Suppl. 16
Cistern, XIX: 1:22 n39 capt. fig 21

Cedar Park, Anne Arundel Co., Md., XI: 1:27 Indianapolis

Cedar Rapids, Iowa Crown Hill Cemetery, XVII:l:32nl
Church (L. Sullivan), XX:3:140 Greenlawn Cemetery, XVII: 1:32 nl

People's Savings Bank (L. Sullivan), XIX:2:66 Kansas Qty> Kan- [Westport Landing]
Qejal^ Quindaro Cemetery, VI: 1/2:23

Cathedral, IV:2:52; XIII: 1:5 Lexington, Ky.

Churches Episcopal Cemetery, VI:l/2:18

Decorative forms, XV:2:7 Lexington Cemetery, VI:1/2:16

Ceilings Margraten

See also Frescoes, Mural painting, etc.; Vaults American Military Cemetery and Memorial
Ro .. (Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott),

Baroque, XV:3:21-22 XVII:3:30

Designs, Sketches, etc. (Michelangelo), XIX:3:105n31


Hall, Oxford (W. Morris), XIX:4:147 n22 n - , _ ~ T f
, r> Cemetery of the Crocefisso del Tufo, VII:3/4:34



Cappella Sistina (Michelangelo), 111:3:9 Ph'l^d l^h'

Discarded scheme, XIX:3:105 n31 l a e p la

_. ,. , _ , , Laurel Hill Cemetery, XV:2:20

Consistory (A. da Sangallo, the younger), XIII:3:4 Qdd FeUows, Cemet xnl;4;29

Celaya Mex. Pittsburgh

Architecture, XV: 1:10 n 1 Allegheny Cemetery, XV:2:23 n9

Celestine II, Pope, XIV: L3 Richmond, Va.

Cell towers Fences of Hollywood and Shockoe Cemeteries,

Antigua, Guatemala III-4-29

Las Capuchinas Savannah''

Novices' cell tower, XX: 1:29,32-33; illus. Colonial Cemetery [Church Cemetery; Colonial

XX: 1:28 fig 1; 32 fig 11 Park; Old Brick Cemetery], X:4:9

Cellini, Benvenuto, and Bandinelli, IX:4:11; Saint Verona (G. Barbieri), XIX:4:142
Gaudens likened to, IX: 1/2:34; on A. Sangallo, Washington, D.C.
Xni:3:3 Oak Hill Cemetery, Georgetown, VII:l/2:22
Cellular basalt, XX:4:197 Rock Creek Cemetery, XII: 1:7
Celsey, Giles de see Giles de Celsey Cemetery mausoleums see Mausoleums, Sepulchral
Celtic Revival, XIII:2:31 monuments, Tombs, etc.
Cement, X:2:16; XI:3:29 Cnobie, or House of Common Life [Koivs Bios]

Benicia, XI:3:29; XIV:3:15-16 (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:15

Coades, XIV:4:19 Centennial Celebration [of the Establishment of the
Hydraulic, XV: 1:28,29 Seat of the National Government in Washington],
Keene's, X:3:[31] 1900 see United States

Natural, XX:4:194-197 Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876, see

Portland, see Portland cement Philadelphia: Centennial Exposition, 1876
Puteoli, XX:4:196 Centennial of Texas Independence, 1936 see Texas
Roman, XX:4:195,196,197 Centennial Portfolio Album (Philadelphia), XIX:1:11

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Central America - Chambless

Central America Chairs
Architecture Armchairs, Cathedral, Buenos Aires (H. J. Schmidt),

Markman, S. D., "Santa Cruz, Antigua, V:23

Guatemala, and the Spanish Colonial Bolles Chair, St. Luke's Church [ "Old Brick" ],

Architecture of Central America," XV:1:12-19 Smithfield, Va., XVII:1:15; illus. XVI1:1:17 fig 4

Earthquakes, XV:1:12,13 Eighth century, Engl., XVIII :4: 124-125; illus.

Central College see Charlottesville, Va. XVIII:4:124 fig 3
Central heating see Heating: Central Episcopal chair, Cathedral, Santo Domingo,
"Central-Plan Architecture, Filarete and," by J. R. V:9 n57,10-12; illus. V:[8b] figs 15,16a,17,18
Spencer, XVII:3:10-18 Chaitya-halls, 111:4:34,37,48; XVIII: 1:27-29; illus.
Centro Internazionale di Studi d'Architettura Andrea III:4:[32a] figs 2,7; XVIII: 1:28-29 figs 7-9

Palladio, Bollettino del, vol. I Chalcidius, XI:3:11,12

Brief rev., XIX:4:184 Chalet style, XIX:4:180

Centula Chalgrin, and J. F. Blondel, XVIII:4:148;

Monastery, XIX:4:176 neo-classicism of, 1:2:9

"Centuriatio," VIII:3/4:31,32; illus. VIII:3/4:pl XII Htel Saint Florentin (Comte de), Paris, design,

Century of Progress International Exposition, 1933 see XVIII:4:148 n64

Chicago Saint Philippe-du-Roule, Paris, 111:3:18; IX:3:21
Ceppi, Carlo Chalices
Church of the Sacramentine, Turin Cathedral, Santiago, Chile, V:23

Portico, XIX:4:141; illus. XIX:4:141 fig 11 Chalk, D. W XV:2:32

Ceramics see Tile (Ceramics, Pottery, etc.) Chalkstone altar, Deir el-Bahri, XI:3:1,[5] n6; illus.

Cerce [Sweep], masonry tool, XX:4:200 XI:3:[2] fig 4

Cerceau, Jacques Androuet du see Du Cerceau, Jacques Chalmet, Louis Xavier Martin de Lino de see De Lino
Androuet de Chalmet, Louis Xavier Martin

Cerceau, Jean du see Du Cerceau, Jean Chlons-sur-Marne, XIII: 1:30

Cerda, Pedro Aguirre see Aguirre Cerda, Pedro Chamartin de la Rosa, Spain
Cerdagne, Viscount of, XII:3:7 Quinta Mahudes, XVIII:2:41,42,46
Ceres, in sculpture, XIV:4:27 Chamber of Commerce bldgs.

Cerne, Book of, XVIII:4:125 Bologna

Cemy, R. G. see Thorshov and Cerny Mercanzia, XI:2:26
Cerreto Boston, Mass. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),
Abbey, XVIII:4:167 XVII:3:23
Certosa di Pavia see Pavia: Certosa di Pavia Chicago, 1888-89, XVIII:4:132,135; illus.
Ceruti XVIII:4:132 fig 2

View of Bergamo, painting, 11:3:33 Cincinnati (H. H. Richardson), XVI:3:26; XVII:3:20;





Dialogue of, 1554, XIV:4:4 Chamberlain, Narcissa

Cesariano, Cesare, on Bramante, XVII:3:14; on Southern Interiors of Charleston, South Carolina (and
Filarete, XVII:3:18nl S. Chamberlain)
De Architectura, by Vitruvius (transi), XVII:3:18nl Rev. by H. C. Forman, XVII:4:36-37
Ceylon Chamberlain, Samuel

Art, XVIII:2:71 Photographs of Bishop Huntington House, XIV:2:32

City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Southern Interiors of Charleston, South Carolina (and
and Planning): Ceylon N. Chamberlain)
Temples, V:22 Rev. by H. C. Forman, XVII:4:36-37
Czanne, V. Scully on, XIX:4:183 Chamberlin, fl. 1902 see Bertrand and Chamberlin

Chabrier, Mile., XVII:4:20 n26 Chambers, William, Sir, and J. F. Blondel,

Chaffereau, Peter, X:4:4 XVIII:4:140; and Palladio, XIX:4:136;
Chagall, Marc, G. H. Hamilton on, XVI:2:30 J. Summerson on, XIII:4:32
Chagres, Pan. A Treatise on Civil Architecture,
American prefab town, XVII:3:33 XX:3:121,122,126 no.7
Irving House, XVII:3:33 G. A. Selva, transi, XIX:4:142
Chagrin Falls, Ohio Works
Bentley House, XII:2:12 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, XII:4:15
March House, XII:2:10 Stowe Gardens, London, XII:4:15

Chahroudi, A. K. Chambion, Samuel, VII:l/2:30

House of, Petra Island, XIX:3:130 Chambless, Edgar
Chain, Surveyor's, unit of measurement, XX:2:52 Roadtown, XVIII:3:86-87,93

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Chambly, Can. - Charles II

Chambly, Can. Chapman, 19th c.

Church "en forme et figure de huit pans," proposed, House of [Chapman-Gardner House], Tyler Co.,
XI: 1 :[26] n9 Tex., XI:4:[7] n27

Chambord Chapman, Brian, XVIII: 1:35

Chteau, XI:2:[14] Chapman, Edmund H.

Chambray, Roland de Frart see Frart de Chambray, "City Planning under Industrialization: the Case of




Chamfers, IX: 1/2:29 "City Planning under Mercantile Expansion: the

Champ de Mars massacre, XIII:3:15 Case of Cleveland, Ohio, X:4:10-[17]

Champe, Howard C., Rev., XIV:2:9 Chapman, Henry Otis see Chapman, Evans and
Champion, Epaphroditus Delehanty
House of, East Haddam, Conn., X:4:[23] n20 Chapman, J. M., XVIII: 1:35

Champlain, Samuel de, founding of Quebec, XVI: 1:32 Chapman, Evans and Delehanty [Delahanty]

Champlain, William D. 19th c. mason, XIX:4:172 See also Delehanty, William Edward

Chancel, Ludovic, VII:3/4:37 St- Luke's Church, Smithfield

Chandeliers Restorations, XVII:1:12-18

Sultan Hasan Chandelier, Arabic Museum, Cairo, Chapter houses, Synodal halls, etc.




Chandigarh Charlieu

Architectural plans (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93 St- Fortunatiis Abbey, XII: 1:4; XVI:2:2-3; .llus.

City plan (M. Nowicki), XVIII:3:91 n52 IX'4:[5] ^1, XILFS fig 2; XVI:2:3 fig 1;
High Court (Le Corbusier), XX:2:92,95 Ig ' ' ' 'g

Secretariat (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 ^luny, dlus. II:3:pl [2]; XVI:3:6 fig 3; 7 fig 4

Chandler, Harry A. Evra* TP?rt _ .. , rc, T , c

Map of Savannah, 1917, XX:2:47 nl; illus. XX:2:47 SaJoa0 Evangehsta [St. John Evangehst]
Chapter entrance, V:2 n9

I nontnr ontrotioa \/ / n U

fig 1


Chandler, Joseph R., XVI:2:24 "cathedral, XVL3:34

Chandler, T. C.
Third United Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh,


Westminster Abbey, XVI:3:34


. .. ... Sacramenia [Sagramenia], 11:3:33

Chandler, Theophilus Parsons gens

Designs, Godey's Lady's Book XVIII :3:105,110 s d Hall XIX:4:148 n30,150 n36

Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., Philadelphia Chardon, on St. Julien-le-Pauvre, Paris, VII:3/4:24
Three left bays, XX:3:138; illus. XX:3:138 fig 1; Charenton

139 fiS 2 Temple (S. de Brosse), IX:3:6-7; illus. IX:3:[9] fig 5

Chandler, Ariz. Charit-sur-Loire see La Charit-sur-Loire

San-Marcos-in-the Desert, project (F. L. Wright), Charlemagne, architecture in the reign of, IX:4:9nlO;

XIX:3:130 XVII:3:34; and crusade against Moslems in Spain,

Chandos, Marquess of, XIX:4:166 VII:3/4:26; founding of schools, IV:1:5; and

Ch'ang-an, China revival of Roman imperialism, XIX:4:176; and S.
Walls, IX: 1/2:6-9 Riquier of Centula, IX:4:8; and standardized

Wei Yang Kung [Palace of Liu Chi], IX:l/2:9 measurement, XVI:2:5; as successor to Roman

Chanson de Roland [Song of Roland], XIII:1:4,6 emperors, XVII:1:8

Chantelou, Sieur de see Frart, Paul de Palace chapel of see Aachen

Chapaize Statue of, from Aix-la-Chapelle, XVII: 1:22

Romanesque church, XVIII:3:95,98,100; illus. Charles, Prince of Solms-Braunfels, see
XVIII:3:101 fig 6 Solms-Braunfels, Karl

Chapel Hill, N.C. Charles I, King of England

Chapel of the Cross (T. U. Walter), X:l:19 Mausoleum, Windsor, XIX:3:131
Playmaker's Theatre see Chapel Hill, N.C.: Statue of, St. Paul's Cathedral, London, IX:3:7; illus.
University of North Carolina: Smith Hall IX:3:[10] fig 7
University of North Carolina Charles I, King of Spain, see Charles V, Holy Roman
Gymnasium and ballroom (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 Emperor

Library Charles II, King of England, Charleston, S.C. named

Swain (D. L.) papers, X:l:21 for, X:4:3; XVII:4:36; Council of State for

Memorial Hall (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35 Virginia, XVII:1:14; land grant of 1662, XII:2:3;
Smith Hall [Playmaker's Theatre] (A. J. Davis), as patron of the arts, XX:3:115; and proposed
X:l:21 remodelling of London, XX:2:55

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Charles II - Charlottesville, Va.

Charles II, King of France [Charles le Chauve; Charles Market House, Tradd St., X:4:6
the Bald], church dogma revalued under, IV: 1:5; New Market, X:4:6; illus. X:4:[5] fig 2

and standardized measurements, XVI:2:5 Orphan House Chapel (G. Manigault), XII:3:29
Bible of Charles the Bald Preservation, Restorations, etc., 1:3/4:21-23;
Illus. of the Judgment of Solomon, XX:2:82 11:4:30-32

Charles III, King of Spain, proposed colonization on Rice mills, 1:3/4:23

the Mississippi, 1788, XVIII:1:21,22 St. Michael's Church
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, burial plans, Bldg. (P. Harrison), XII: 1:23-31 ; XVIII:3:113;
XVII: 1:8; campaign against the Moors in N. XVIII:4:159; illus. XII:l:[28-29]
Africa, XX:2:58; colonization of Santo Domingo, Proposed extension (R. Mills), XII:1:23-31; illus.
XVII:1:35; and Erasmus, XX:3:146; hopes of XII:l:[28-29]
reconquering Jerusalem, XVII:l:10n34 St. Paul's Church, XII:1:23

Palace of see Granada: Palace of Charles V St. Philip's Church

Portr. of, V:9 n57 1st, XVIII:3:113

Charles V, King of France, rebldg. of Vincennes, 2d, 1710-1835, X:4:4,6; XII:1:23; XVIII:3:112-114;
VII:3/4:28 XVIII:4:159; illus. X:4[5] figs 1,3;
Charles City, Va. XVIII:3:112-114 figs 1-4

Courthouse, XVIII: 1:4; illus. XVIII: 1:5 fig 5 Simmons (Francis) House [Simmons-Edwards
Charles le Chauve see Charles II, King of France House], XVII:4:36
Charles the Bald see Charles II, King of France Sommers (Humphrey) House, XVII:4:36
Charleston, Nevis, B.W.I. Streets, X:4:3

Treasury and Customs House, X:3:26 Survey (G. Hunter), XX:2:53

Charleston, S.C. Views see Charleston, S.C.: City plan, Maps and
Architecture, XIII:2:12; XVII:4:36-37 Views

Arsenal, 1780, illus. X:4:[5] fig 2 Washington Square, XX-.2-.62

Battery, XX:2:53 Charleston-Beaufort Highway, XX:2:52

Branford-Horry House, XVII:4:36 Charlestown, Mass. see Boston, Mass.
Brewton (Robert) House, 1733, X:4:4 Charlestown, S.C. see Charleston, S.C.
Carolina Art Association, 1:3/4:21 Charleville, France
Charleston Library Society, XX:3:117,124 City plan, XX:2:57
Charleston Museum, 1:3/4:21; 11:4:30 Charlieu

Church, 1761, illus. X:4:[5] fig 2 St. Fortunatus Abbey, 11:4:34; IV:3/4:6; IX:4:3-9;
City plan, Maps and Views, X:4:3-9; XVIII:3:113; XII: 1:3-6; XVI:2:2-5; XVI:3:16-21;
XX:2:47,50-51,53,54,62; illus. X:4:[5] figs 1-3 XVIII:3:94,95,98,99-100,103; illus. IX:4:[5-6]

Council Chamber, X:4:4-6 figs 1-7; [7] figs 12-13; XII: 1:5 figs 1-5;
County Record Bldg. [Fireproof Bldg.] (R. Mills), XVI:2:3-4 figs 1-3; XVI:3:17 fig 1; 18 fig 3;

XV:l:29nl; XIX:4:182 XVIII:3:100 fig 4; 102 fig 12

Courthouse, 1788, illus. X:4:[5] fig 2 Charlotte Courthouse, Va.
Edwards (George) House see Charleston, S.C.: Charlotte County Courthouse (J. Percival),
Simmons (Francis) House XVIII: 1:7-8

Exhibitions, 11:1:37 Charlottesville, Va.

Fire, 1740, X:4:3,4 Belmont, IX:3:19n3

Fireproof Bldg. see Charleston, S.C.: County Record Central College, X:l:10
Bldg. Preservation, Restorations, etc., XIII:4:32
Fort Mechanic, XII: 1:31 nl2 University of Virginia

Fortifications, XX:2:53 Jefferson work, conservation of, XV:4:3; date of

Gibbes Art Gallery, 1:3/4:22; 11:1:37 construction, XX:4:203-204; designed in
Gibbes (William) House entirety, XVII:3:22; infl. on design of, X:l:3;
Ballroom, XVII:4:36 infl. on J. Jordan, IX:3:18; monumental

History, X:4:3-6 grouping of large bldgs., 1:3/4:30; visited by

Holmes House, ca. 1820, XII:1:31 nl2 J. Breckinridge, XVIII:l:6n24

Horry-Branford House .ree Charleston, S.C.: Brickwork, IX:3:18

Branford-Horry House Documents, drawings, etc., IX:l/2:38; IX:3:29

Houses, illus. X:4:[5] fig 2; 8 fig 7 Layout, X:l:10; X:3:[31]; XVII:3:25
Johnson House, XII: 1:26 Pavilions, X: 1:4,10; IX:3:14; XVIII: 1:7; illus.
Johnson's Fort, XX:2:53 X:l:[7] fig 12
Manigault (Joseph) House (G. Manigault), 11:4:30-32 Paving, XX:4:203
Maps see Charleston, S.C.: City plan, Maps and Kimball (Fiske) Bldgs., 1:3/4:15 n




Marine Hospital (R. Mills), 1:3/4:23 Bachelor of Architectural History, XVII:3:36


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Charnley - Chevallier
Charnley, James Chtelain, Leon, Jr., XVII: 1:30
House of, Chicago, XIII:1:22; XIX:2:63 Chatham, bldg. in Falmouth, Va., XIV:1:17
Chartres, Bishops of, see Geoffrey; John of Salisbury Chatham, Engl.
Chartres, Master of, XI:3:9 Church schools (G. E. Street), XIX:4:169
Chartres, Bernard de see Bernard de Chartres Chaumer, Michel

Chartres Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings,

Cathedral, H. Adams on, XIII: 1:3-10; eleventh XVI:2:26

century, VIII: 1 /2:88; infl. of, XIII:1:31; and Chaumont, James LeRay de see LeRay de Chaumont,
Noyon, XI:3:8-9; photos (P. Devinoy), XIII: 1:29; James
use of polygonal forms, XIII: 1:30; school of, Chaussegros de Lry, XI:1:[26] ni2; XIV:3:8
XI:3:11-15; XVII:2:28; O. G. von Simson on, Notre-Dame, 1672 [La Paroisse], Montreal
XI:3:14; XVII:2:28-29; and Tournai, IV:3/4:8; Faade, XV:3:9

Villard drawings of, XIX:3:96 Chaux [Ideal City of C. N. Ledoux], 111:3:15,16,19

Architectural drawings at, XIX:3:91,93-96; Church design, 111:3:18; illus. III:3:[12a] fig 9
XX:3:144-146; illus. XIX:3:94 figs 5,6; 95 Saline see Arc-et-Senans: Saline of Chaux
fig 7; XX:3:144 figs 4,5 Chaux-de-Fonds, La see La Chaux-de-Fonds

Chevet, XIII: 1:31 Chavannes, Pierre Puvis de see Puvis de Chavannes,

Crypt (Giselbert), XII:l:6n2 Pierre

Elevation, XI:3:8,9; illus. XI:3:8 fig [2] Chavez y Arellano, Francisco Dominguez de see
Faade (see also Chartres: Cathedral: Portals; Dominguez de Chavez y Arellano, Francisco
Chartres: Cathedral: Transept: Faades), Cheadle

IV:3/4:13 nil; XVII:2:28 St. Giles' Church

Nave arcade, XX:3:143,144,145,146; illus. West door (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:24; illus.
XX:3:143 fig 1 XIII:3:[23] fig 5

Nave piers, IV:3/4:39,40; illus. IV:[36b] fig 5 "A Cheap Farm House," by S. Robinson, 11:4:8
Porch, S. transept, XIX:3:96nl7 "Checkerboard Towns," by J. W. Reps, XX:3:108-114
Portals, XIII:1:5,7,8 Cheek, Leslie, Jr., XIV:4:32
Royal Portal, VII:3/4:16; XI:3:17 Chelmsford, Engl.
Rose window, XIX:3:96 Canal, XV:4:29

Sculpture, XVII:4:40; XIX:2:85; XIX:3:96 City plan, XI:1:6

Towers, XIII:1:31 Map (J. Walker), 1591, XI:l:[14]nl3

S. tower [Old spire], IV:3/4:14 nl6,23,42; Chelmsford, Mass.
XIII:1:7,8; XVII:2:29; XVIII:4:124 Houses, 11:4:36
Transept, XVII:4:19 Chelsea, Engl, see London
Faades, IV:3/4:13nll Chelsea, Mass.

Chase, of Eastham, Mass. U.S. Naval Hospital, XIII:3:17

House of [Doane-Chase House], XIX:2:55 Chelten Hills, Pa. see Philadelphia

Chase, Samuel Cheney, Mrs., of Girard College Library, XVI:2:27 n

House of see Annapolis: Chase-Lloyd House Cheops

Chasseboeuf, Constantin Franois de, comte de Volney, Pyramid of, XX:2:80

see Volney, Constantin Franois Chasseboeuf, Chephren
comte de Temple of, XI:2:25

Chastillon, C. Chermayeff, Serge, XVII:3:36

Engr. of La Charit-sur-Loire, XI:3:18 Chernigov

Chteau de Maisons [Maisons-Laffitte] (F. Mansart), Cathedral of the Transfiguration, XVI:2:29

XI:2:[ 14]; XVIII:4:142 Cherrier, Franois, Abb, XI:1:[22]

Chteau du Mick, Belgium, X:2:22 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 11:2:34; XX:4:197
Chteau Gaillard, VII:3/4:28 Chester County, Pa.
Chteaudun Architecture, XIX:2:82-83; illus. XIX:2:82 fig 1;
Tower, IV:3/4:17 83 figs 2-4
Chteaumeillant Courthouse see West Chester, Pa.: Chester County
Saint-Gens, XI:3:21,22; illus. XI:3:20 fig 4 Courthouse

Chteauneuf Chester County Historical Society, XII:1:21; XII:3:28;

Fortifications, IV:3/4:14 XVI:4:31; XIX:2:82
Chteaux Chesterfield, Va.

See also Palace architecture and individual bldgs. Courthouse, 1749, XVIII: 1:2
under city or name, e.g. Schnbornslust; Chestertown, Md.

Windsor, Engl.: Windsor Castle The Abbey, XIII:2:4

France, VII:3/4:28-29 Chevallier, Gustave, Abb, XVII:3:2

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Cheverny - Chicago
Cheverny IV:2:9,12; VI:3/4:2; IX:1/2:29-30; XVII:2:30;
Chteau, XVI:4:36 XIX:2:64; XX:1:16; XX:3:140,142; illus. IV:2:22

Chevron ornament, XVI:3:34 Cast-iron faades (J. Van Osdel and D. D. Badger

Chew, Benjamin, XIV:1:26 with G. H. Johnson), XVI:l:18nllO

Chew, Harriet see Carroll, Harriet Chew Century of Progress International Exposition, 1933
Chzal-Benoit (F. L. Wright proposals), XIX:3:130
Church, XI:3:21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 1888-89,
Chianciano, Italy XVIII:4:132,135; illus. XVIII:4:132 fig 2
Festival Hall (M. Loretto, M. Marchi and P. L. Charnley (James) House (Adler and Sullivan),
Nervi), XVIII:3:118 XIII: 1:22; XIX:2:63

Chiappri, of Genoa, VI:3/4:20 Chicago Architectural [Sketch] Club, XIX:1:3,9

Chiaravalle Milanese Catalogue, 1896
Monastery, XVIII:4:167 Cover design (R. C. Spencer, Jr.), XIX:1:6
Chicago Exhibitions

American Merchants' Union Express Co. Bldg. 1898, XIX: 1:5

[American Express Bldg.] (H. H. Richardson 1902, XIX:1:10
with C. D. Gambrill and P. B. Wight), Chicago Cold Storage Warehouse (L. Sullivan),
IX:l/2:20-30; illus. IX:l/2:20,22 figs 1-6 XIII: 1:22

Apartment houses (Mies van der Rohe), IX: 1/2:37 Chicago Labor Temple see Chicago: West Chicago

Arcade, Pullman, XII:3:19-20; illus. XII:3:21 fig 5 Club

Architecture (see also Chicago School), C. R. Ashbee Chicago Opera House, XVIII:4:136
on, X:l:23 Chicago Orphan Asylum (Shepley, Rutan and

Articles and Books Coolidge), XVII:3:28

Brooks, H. A., Jr., 'The Early Work of the Chicago Public Library (Shepley, Rutan and
Prairie Architects," XIX:1:2-10 Coolidge), XVII:3:23-24
Condit, C. W., The Rise of the Skyscraper; The Chicago Shot Tower Co., XVI:1:18 n96
Genius of Chicago Architecture from the Chicago Tribune Tower
Great Fire to Louis Sullivan, XII:3:30-31 Competition, IV:1:53
Armory, First Regiment see Chicago: First Regiment Competition designs





Art Institute Gropius (W.) and A. Meyer, VI:3/4:2

Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:25 Saarinen (E.), 111:4:23; VI:3/4:l-5; illus.
Burnham Library of Architecture, IV:1:3; VI:3/4:pl I fig 1, pi II fig 6
IX: 1/2:37 City and County Bldg. competition [Courthouse
Microfilm Project, IX:4:28; XI: 1:27-28; competition], 1873, IX:l/2:24n4
XI:3:[32] City plan (see also Chicago: Pullman section),

Sullivan material, VIII:3/4:67; IX: 1/2:37; VIII:3/4:22

XX:3:141; XX:4:183-184 1909 (E. H. Bennett and D. H. Burnham, Sr.),

Arts and Crafts Society, XIX:l:5-6; XIX:3:124 IX:l/2:35 and n4; illus. IX:l/2:32 fig 3

Auditorium Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), 1:2:23; Civic Center, proposed (Chicago Plan Commission,
11:3:33; III:4:[20a]; IV:2:9,11; IX:l/2:29; 1949), illus. IX:l/2:33 fig 5
XVII:2:30; XVIII:2:68; XX:1:16 Columbian Exposition see Chicago: World's

Blossom (George) House, 1892 (F. L. Wright), Columbian Exposition, 1893

XIX: 1:4; XIX:3:129 Commercial bldgs. see Commercial bldgs., Office

Borden Block (Adler and Sullivan), IX: 1/2:30; bldgs., etc.: Chicago
XX: 1:17-18 The Conservatory see Chicago: Leiter Bldg: 1st, 1879
Borland Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Convention Hall, project (Mies van der Rohe),



Brick construction, 11:4:24 Cook County Courthouse and Jail, XVI:1:16

Brunswick Bldg. see Chicago: Studebaker Bldg. (S. S. Corn Exchange Bank Bldg., (Shepley, Rutan and
Beman) Coolidge), XVII:3:25
Buena Shore Club (R. M. Schindler), XX:4:179 Courthouse competition, 1873 see Chicago: City and

Bull's Head Hotel, 11:4:8 County Bldg. competition

Burch Block, Wabash and Lake Sts., XVI:1:18 nllO Crilly Bldg. (W. L. B. Jenney), XVI:1:15
Burley (A. G.) and Co. (J. Bogardus), XVI:1:18 nllO Drug store, 2d, 1833, 11:4:21 nll9
Burnham Library of Architecture see Chicago: Art Equitable Bldg. see Chicago: Kendall Bldg.
Institute: Burnham Library of Architecture Esplanade Apartments (L. Mies van der Rohe),
Capitol Bldg. see Chicago: Masonic Temple Bldg. XX: 1:43
Carson-Pirie-Scott Store [Schlesinger and Mayer Exposition, 1933 see Chicago: Century of Progress

Dept. Store] (L. Sullivan), 11:4:29 n 157; International Exposition


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Chicago - Chicago
Exposition Bldg., 1873 see Chicago: Interstate Lake (W. H.) House (G. W. Mher), XIX:1:4; illus.
Industrial Exposition Bldg. XIX: 1:4 fig 5; 5 fig 6

Festival Hall (L. Sullivan) (see also Chicago: Lake Front project, 1923 (E. Saarinen), VI:3/4:5
Interstate Industrial Exposition Bldg.), IV:2:9 Lake Meadows Development (Skidmore, Owings and
Field Wholesale Store see Chicago: Marshall Field Merrill), XVIII:2:54

Warehouse Lake Shore Drive Apartment Blocks, (Mies van der

Fire, 1871, 11:4:24; 111:3:31; IX: 1 /2:21,24 n4; XI:1:27; Rohe), XX: 1:43
XII:3:30; XVI: 1:14,18 nl 10; XX: 1:34 Lakeside Block (W. L. B. Jenney), XVI: 1:15

First Methodist Church, 1845 (J. M. Van Osdel), Lake Shore Drive Apartment Blocks (Mies van der

11:4:16 n83 Bldg.

First Regiment Armory (Burnham and Root), Leiter Bldg.
XIV:3:24-25,26; illus. XIV:3:25 fig 3 1st, 1879 (W. L. B. Jenney), XII:4:32; XVI:1:14,15

First Swedish Land Co. sec First Swedish Land Co. 2d, 1889-91 [Sears, Roebuck Store] (W. L. B.

Fraternity Temple, design (L. Sullivan), VI:3/4:2; Jenney), 11:4:29 nnl55,157; IX:l/2:29;


Frear Stove Co. Works, XIII: 1:28 Link (J.) Bldg.

Gage Bldg. (L. Sullivan), IX:l/2:29; XIX:2:64 Faade, XVI:l:18nllO
Garrick Theater Bldg. see Chicago: Schiller Bldg. Lloyd (Alexander) Bldg.
Getty (Carrie Eliza) Tomb, Graceland Cemetery (L. Faade (J. Van Osdel), XVI:l:18nllO
Sullivan), XVIII:2:68; XX:3:142; illus. IV:2:7 Loop, XVIII:4:127 n5
Glessner (J. J.) House (H. H. Richardson), XVI:3:27; McCormack Bldg., IV:3/4:58
XVII:3:20 McCormick Theological Seminary

Grace Episcopal Church, (Loring and Jenney), Virginia Library (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),



Grand Central Terminal (S. S. Beman), XII:3:17 McElroy (Daniel) Bldg.

Harlan (Allison) House (F. L. Wright), XIX: 1:4 Faade (J. Van Osdel), XVI:l:18nllO

Harris Trust Bldg., (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), MacMeans (J.) House (G. W. Maher), XIX:1:9

XVII:3:25 McVeagh (Franklin) House (Shepley, Rutan and

Heath (Ira A.) House (Adler and Sullivan, attrib.), Coolidge), XVII:3:20
XX:3:142 McVickers Theater, III:4:[20a]

Heller (Isidor) House (F. L. Wright), XVIII:2:64; Manhattan Block (W. L. B. Jenney), XVI: 1:15
XIX:3:130 Maps see Chicago: City Plan

Home Insurance Bldg. (W. L. B. Jenney), 1:2:22; Market Bldg., Pullman

11:4:18 n91; XII:1:13,20; XII:3:31; 1880, XII:3:19,20; illus. XII:3:21 fig 6
XVI:1:14,15,16,19 nl 14; 1893, XII:3:20; illus. XII:3:21 fig 7

XVIII:4:131,133,134,136,138; XIX:4:182; illus. Market Square, Pullman, XII:3:20

XI:1:28 Marquette Bldg. (Holabird and Roche), IV:3/4:58
Horton (H. B.) Dwelling, XIII:1:27; illus. XIII:1:27 Marshall Field Warehouse [Wholesale store] (H. H.
Hotel Florence, Pullman, XII:3:19; illus. XII:3:21 Richardson), 1:2:22; IX:1/2:21 n,24,26,28,29,30;
fig 4 XIV:3:24; XVI:3:22,23; XVII:3:20,21;
Houses (Chicago School), IX:l/2:37 XVIII:2:66

Houses, early, 11:4:7,9,24 Masonic Temple Bldg. [Capitol Bldg.] (Burnham and
Hull House, XIX:1:2,9 n22 Root), XVIII:4:133; illus. XVIII:4:133 fig 4

Husser (Joseph W.) House (F. L. Wright), Methodist Episcopal Church, 1845 see Chicago: First
XVIII:2:64; XIX:3:130 Methodist Church
Illinois Central R.R. Station, Pullman, XII:3:18; Midway Gardens (F. L. Wright), 111:4:51
illus. XII:3:19 fig 2 Mile High Skyscraper, project (F. L. Wright),
Illinois Institute of Technology XIX:3:130

Bldgs. (Mies van der Rohe), IX: 1/2:37 Mines and Mining Bldg. see Chicago: World's
Interstate Industrial Exposition Bldg. [Old Columbian Exposition, 1893: Mines and Mining
Exposition Bldg.] (W. W. Boyington), IV:2:9; Bldg.
IX: 1 / 2:24 n4 Monadnock Bldg. (Burnham and Root), XII:1:13;

Jamieson (Egbert) House (J. L. Silsbee), XIX:l:3-4; XV:2:32; XVIII:4:130,133,136,137

illus. XIX: 1:4 fig 4 Monroe St., 210 West see Chicago: Rothschild Store
Kendall Bldg. (J. M. Van Osdel), XVI:1:14,16 Montauk Bldg. (Burnham and Root), XII:1:13,20;
Fire-proof tile arch (G. H. Johnson), XIX:4:182 XII:3:31; XVIII:4:130,134,136

Kinsleys Restaurant, 111:4:20-21 Morris Bldg. see Chicago: Leiter Bldg.: 1st, 1879
Knisely Bldg. (L. Sullivan), XX: 1:16,18 Myrick Castle, 11:4:27
Krause Music Store National Life Insurance Bldg., project (F. L.
Faade (L. Sullivan), XX:4:182n5 Wright), VI:3/4:2; XIX:3:130

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Chicago - Chicago

Chicago (Cont.) Stock Exchange Bldg., 30 N. La Salle St. (Adler and

Office bldgs. see Commercial bldgs., Office bldgs., Sullivan), IV:2:9,12; XVII:2:30; XX:3:142; illus.



Ogden (William B.) House (J. M. Van Osdel), Studebaker Bldg. (S. S. Beman), XII:3:17
11:4:16 n83 Sullivan (Albert W.) House (Adler and Sullivan),
Ottawa Tile Co. see Ottawa, III. XIX:2:63
Owings Bldg., XVIII:4:135 Tacoma Bldg. (Holabird and Roche), IV:3/4:58;
Palmer House Restaurant, 111:4:20-21 XVIII:4:129,135,136
Parks Temple Bldg. (Dr. Temple), 11:4:18,20,21,22,27
Jenney, Schermerhorn and Bogart, XVI:1:19 nl26 Transportation Bldg. w Chicago: World's

Olmsted, Vaux and Co., VI:1/2:[1] nl Columbian Exposit.on,

1893: Transportat.on

Peters (Charles) House (G. W. Mher),

XIX-1-4 H 6 ' Tribune Tower see Chicago: Chicago Tribune Tower

Troescher Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), XX:1:16,18;
illus. XX:1:17 fig 26

Pioneer Fire-Proof Construction Co. see Ottawa, III.:

Ottawa Tile Co.

t, , , t*,, , , , Unitarian Church (P. Schweikher), IX:l/2:37

Portland Block (W. L. B. Jenney), XVI: 1:15; University of Chicago

XVI1:2:32 Bldgs.

Post Office Bldg., 1903 (H. I. Cobb), 111:4:17,19 Coolidge and Hodgdon, XVII:3:26

Pullman Palace Car Co. Factory, Pullman, shepley> Rutan and Coolidge) XVii:3:25,26

XII:3:20-22 Virginia Library see Chicago: McCormick

Pullman section, XII:3:17-22; XV:4:6; illus. Theological Seminary: Virginia Library

XII:3:18,19 figs 1,2 West Chicago Club [Chicago Labor Temple] (L. H.

Real Estate Exchange see Chicago: Kendall Bldg. Sullivan), XIX:3:124

Reliance Bldg. (D. H. Burnham), XVIII:4:132 Wheeler (A. D.) House (G. W. Maher), XIX:l:3-4,5;

Revell Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), XX:1:16,18 illus. XIX: 1:3 figs 1,2

Rice's Second Theater (J. M. Van Osdel), 11:4:16 n83 Whitehall Apartments, XVIII:4:129 nl2

Robbins (Allen) Stores Wolf Lake Amusement Park (F. L. Wright),

Faades, XVI:l:18nl 10 XIX:3:130

Robie (Frederick) House (F. L. Wright), 1:2:22; Wood frame bldgs., 1832-33, 11:4:18

111:4:51; IX:l/2:37; XII:4:18; XV:4:6; World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, academically

XIX:4:182-183 organized, XIX:3:130; infl. on

The Rookery (Burnham and Root), XVIII:4:136; Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909,

XIX:l:8n20 XIX:3:123; books on (W. A. Coles and H. H.

Rothschild Store, 210 W. Monroe St. (Adler and Reed>> XX:3:149; A. Bouilhet at, XVIII:2:68;

Sullivan), IX:l/2:30; XX:1:16,18 D H Burnham's work, IV:1:35; and "colonial

Row houses, Pullman, XII:3:19; illus. XII:3:21 fig 3 white revival, 111:3:23,25; 111:4:67; IX:1/2:31;
Rush Medical College (J. M. Van Osdel), 11:4:16 n83 dedication, XIX:2:59; and eclecticism, XII:3:20;

Ryerson Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), IX:l/2:30 French visitors to, IV:2:6; general refs. to,

St. Mary's Church (A. D. Taylor), X:3:[31]; XII:3:22,31; XVII:1:36; XVII:3:23;

11:4:19-20,22,23,26,27; illus. 11:4:19 XIX: 1:2; XX:3:108; R. Hunt's work, XI:2:[14];

Schiller [Shiller] Bldg. [Garrick Theater Bldg.] (Adler R McKim's work at, IV: 1:35; F. L
and Sullivan), IV:2:9,12; XVII:2:30; XIX:1:6; Olmsted, Jr., work at, IV:1:35; A. Saint-Gaudens at,
XX:1:16,18; illus. IV:2:14 IV: 1:35; IX:l/2:34; XV:2:29; Steel frame
Schlesinger and Mayer Dept. Store, 1903 see construction interests engineers at, IV:3/4:58;

^ v IV ,
c DChicago:
f 1 c. , D
I . AdministrationStore
Bldg. AHC
R. M.Tu"n"d
Hunt, IX:1/2:31

Sears Roebuck Store W. L B. Jenney) see Chicago: Exhibition Bldg. enclosing John Brown's Fort (G.

Later Bldg, 2d. 889-91 O. Garnsey), XVIIL4 159; illus. XVIII:4:160

Selz, Schwab Factory (Adler and Sullivan), 2

XX: 1:16,18; illus. XX:1:18 fig 27 Japanese Pavilion, XVIII:2:63

Siegel, Cooper and Co. see Chicago: Leiter Bldg.: 2d, Lag00n and Wooded isie (F. L. Olmsted, Sr.),

1889-91 IX:l/2:34; XIX:1:23; illus. IX:l/2:32 fig 2

Skyscraper Regulation Scheme (F. L. Wright), Landscaping (F. L. Olmsted, Sr.), XIX: 1:23

XIX:3:130 Liberal Arts Bldg., XIV:3:28

Skyscrapers see Skyscrapers (Cloudscrapers, Tall Machinery Hall, XVII:4:38

bldgs., etc.): Chicago Mayan art and architecture exhibition, XVIII:2:63

State St., 32 North see Chicago: Reliance Bldg. Medals, XIV:2:3

Steinway Hall (D. H. Perkins), XIX:1:6,8 Mines and Mining Bldg. (S. S. Beman), XII:3:17
Site, XVII:3:26


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Chicago - Chislett
Transportation Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), Chillington Hall, Staffordshire, VlII:3/4:68
111:4:16-17,[20a],23; IV:2:6,9,11,12; VI:3/4:4; Chilson Furnaces [Chillson], XVI: 1:23
XVIII:2:68; XIX:3:123; illus. Chimney ensemble (P. Decker), XV:1:11 nl8; illus.
IV:2:[3],4,6,12,17 XV:1:10 fig 12

Golden Doorway, IV:2:12; XX:3:142; illus. Chimney-pieces see Mantels

IV:2:[3],4,6,12 Chimneys
Turkish Exposition Bldg. [Pavilion], Boston Ordinances on, XX:2:90
XVIII:2:63-65; illus. XVIII:2:63 fig 1 "Cat" see Chimneys: "Stick-and-dirt"

Turkish Government Bldg., XVIII:2:63 n5 Central chimney stack, XI:4:36

Wooded Isle see Chicago: World's Columbian Draft chimneys, appeared in Middle Ages, XX: 1:20

Exposition, 1893: Lagoon and Wooded Isle Free-standing, XI:4:3

World's Fair, 1933 see Chicago: Century of Progress Gable end, XI:4:36

International Exposition "Stick-and-dirt" [ "cat" ], XI:4:3

Chicago Architectural Landmarks, Commission on, Swan (A.) designs see Swan, Abraham: Books

XIX:2:79 Thompson (B.) [Count of Rumford] designs,

Chicago Architectural [Sketch] Club see Chicago: XX: 1:21

Chicago Architectural [Sketch] Club Wooden, XVI:2:8- XX-2-90

Chicago Packet, ship, 11:4:12 China

Chicago School (see also Chicago: Architecture), infi. Art and Architecture

on S. S. Beman, XII:3:17; Deutsche Werkbund ee ajso Oriental art and architecture

interest in, X:3:10; documents of, on microfilm, ArtiHo anH RnnU

IX.4;28, XI: 1:27-28; and functmnalism, Lancaster> Q> ,The Qrigin and Formation of

wrV/!'io ?e" r.eJS't0' IV:3 , 50; Chinese Architecture," IX:l/2:3-10

-T -rf-n M'nnesota architects sickman> L (and A s , Thg An and

XIILl: 8; M. L. Peisch work on, XX:3:140; and Architecture of China, XVI:3:32-33

prame school, XIX:1:2 n2; progressive character City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History

of, XIV:3:24; research on, X:l:28; and SAH __. D, . ,

, w anning):
. , meeting,
, ... ,
of seer Great
of China

and skyscraper definition, XVII:3:22 n . , . . .... . . ,

Articles Books etc Portuguese Colonial architecture see Colonial

Condit, C. W The Rise of the Skyscraper..., ,,, . architecture. Portugiese

XII 3-30 31-XIX-4180 C"lnese Architectiire, Civil and Ornamental, by

Peterson, C. E., "Chicago's Architectural Heroes P' Becker, XX.3.126 no.12

Filmed " XI I-27-28 Chinese Lattices and Palings, by W. Halfpenny,

Chicago School, Second [Later] (see also Prairie _ . "8 ^

School), term, XIX: 1:2 n2 Chinese Rites Controversy, XIX:2:70
Chicago Tribune Chinese roofs see Roofs: Chinese
Real estate summaries, 1880's, XVIII:4:134-135 Chinnery, George, XV:3:28

Chichagov, M. "Chinoiserie," IX:l/2:3

Municipal Duma, Moscow, XVI:2:9 Chinon
Chichester, Engl. Saint-Mexme

St. John's Church (J. Eimes), XX:3:136; illus. Faade, illus. IV:3/4:[10a] fig 6

XX:3:137 fig 2 N- Tower, IV:3/4:17,19-20

Chickering Pianoforte Factory, Boston, XX: 1:9 Chippendale, Thomas

Chic, Mario Tavares, XV:3:6 and nl The Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker's Director,
Chieti, Bishop of, see Paul IV _ XIII:2:4,7,8; XV:3:13; XX:3:122
Chigi Family, of Siena, XIII:3:4 Chippendale style, XX:1:24
Child, James, fl. 1707, XX:2:52 Chiquimula, Guatemala
Child labor Church, XV: 1:18 n 12,19 n33

England, XIX:3:118 San Jos La Arada, XV: 1:19 n33

Childsbury, S.C. Chiragh, Shah

City plan, XX:2:52 Tomb of see Shiraz, Iran: Tomb of Shah Chiragh

Chile Chireno, Tex.

Agricultural Congresses see Agricultural Congresses: Garrett (Mattie) Residence, XI:4:[7] n26

Chile Konkright Plantation, XI:4:[7] n33

City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Tucker House [Granberry Residence], XI:4:2,4(cf.

and Planning): Chile ref. to fig 7); illus. XI:4:[5] fig 7

Earthquakes, XVIII:3:83,85 Chislett, John

Chillicothe, Ohio Gatehouse, Allegheny Cemetery, Pittsburgh,

Adena [Worthington (Thomas) Home] seeAdena XV:2:23n9
Statehouse, 1800, XII:2:5


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Chiswick, Engl. - Church architecture

Chiswick, Engl. Danish Government House, XIX:2:83; illus.
Chiswick House (R. Earl of Burlington), XV:4:8; XIX:2:84 fig 6
XIX:3:131 Fort, 18th C., XIV: 1:28; illus. XIV: 1:28
Chittenango, N.Y. Upper class residence, illus. XIX:2:84 fig 5

Trip Hammer Shop of John B. Yates, XX:4:196 Views, XIV:1:29; illus. XIV:1:28

Chittenden, Nathaniel, XIII: 1:26 Christie's, IV:2:42

Chiusi, Etruria Christina, Queen Mother of Spain, see Maria Christina

City plan, VIII:3/4:28 Christison, Muriel B on L. Buffington, XIX:4:182
Choa, Diego, V:[21] Christophe's Citadel, Haiti, XIV:1:30
Choay, Franoise Chronicon Sancti Benigni Divionensis, XVI:3:12-15;



Rev. by J. M. Jacobus, Jr., XX:2:92-95 Chrysotriklinos, XX:2:87

Choirscreens Chukhcherma, Russ.





Cathedral, XVII:3:36 Chuquisaca see Sucre, Bolivia

Mexico City Church, F. E., XI:2:11
Cathedral, V:22 Church, Randolph, XII:4:27
Strasbourg Church, Robert M and exhibition of San Francisco
Cathedral, XVII:4:19 Bay Region architecture, X:3:15n
Choirstalls "Background of the Domestic Architecture in the
Medieval, XVII:4:14,15,18,19; illus. XVII:4:[13] San Francisco Bay Region" (and E. K.

figs 5,6 Thompson), VIII:3/4:67

Silo, D. de, V:8 Church, Thomas, 19th c of Chicago, XVI:l:18nllO

Choiseul, tienne Franois, Duc de, XI:1:[17],[19] Church architecture

Choisy, Auguste, on keystones, XIX:3:92 n5; on Reims See also Architecture and Religion; Cathedrals;
Palimpsest, XVII:4:20 n24,21 n42; on Roman Meeting houses
bldg., 111:3:6; XVII:4:35 Armenia, IV:3/4:29-33
Cholula, Mex. Baroque, XIX: 1:41-42
Map, 1580, XIV:4:5 Belgium, XX:4:202-203

Chomton, L Abb, on St. Bnigne, XVI:3:12,15 nl2; Bolivia, V:[39]-41

XVII:3:2,3,4,6,9n34 Canada, VI:3/4:6,34; XI:l:20-[26]; XIV:3:8-14;

Choragic monuments XVI:l:31-32; XVIII:4:165
Athens (Lysicrates), XIV:2:12; XVI:1:22; Carolingian see Carolingian architecture
XVII:l:31,33n2; XIX:1:31 Classic Revival, XIX:4:135-144
Chorleywood, Engl. England (see also Great Britain: Architecture),
Voysey (C. F. A.) Home (C. F. A. Voysey), XVIII:4:123-125
XVIII:2:68 Essex County, IV:3/4:45-46

Chosen see Korea France (see also France: Architecture), IV:3/4:36-42;

Choul, Guillaume du see Du Choul, Guillaume XV:3:32

Chouteau Fur Co., St. Louis, VI:l/2:[22] Aquitaine, XVII:3:34

Chrisman, G. R. Georgian (Russia), IV:3/4:29-33

Brick Block, Eugene, Or., XIX:2:58 and nnl2,13 Germany (see also Germany: Architecture), XVI:2:31
Christ at Bethany, painting (G. N. Malm), VI:l/2:28 Gothic, XI:3:6-16; XVII:l:34-35; XVII:2:27-29;
Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, fresco of, XII:3:4 XVIII:4:166-167; XX:4:199-200
Christ-Janer, Albert, V:3/4:l n2, 4 Guatemala, VII:l/2:49

Christal and Donahue Paint Co. see New York (City): Italy (see also Italy: Architecture), XVIII :4:167
Christal and Donahue Paint Shop Jamaica (see also Jamaica: Architecture), X:3:24
Christian IV, King of Denmark, Norway and Iceland, Mexico (see also Mexico: Architecture), V:[27]-32;



Christian, Mary, fl. 1850 Middle Ages (see also Medieval architecture),
View of Williamsburg, Va., XIV:1:16 11:4:33-35; IV:3/4:4-42; VII:3/4:5-6; XII:l:3-6;
Christian-Platonic School, 12th c XVII:2:28 XII:4:8-11; XVII:2:2-23; XVIII:3:94-103;

Christianization of architecture (see also Symbolism: XVIII:4:123-125,165-167

Christian), XII:3:3-6 Nineteenth century (see also Nineteenth-century

Christianshavn, Denmark architecture), XVIII:3:119-120

City plan, IV:1:19,21 Peru (see also Peru: Architecture), V:[39]-41

Plaza, IV: 1:19 Poland, VI:3/4:16-17

Christiansted, V.l. Protestant, IX:3:5-13

Architecture, XIV: 1:28-29 Renaissance (see also Renaissance architecture),

Bjerget, XIV:1:29 XVII:1:2-11; XVII:3:10-18

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Church architecture - Cincinnati

Rumania, IV:3/4:24-35 Ciboria (Containers) see Artophoria, Ciboria, etc.
Russia (see also Russia: Architecture), 111:4:37-40; Cicero, bust of, XX: 1:26; R. W. Emerson on,
VIII: 1 /2:90-92; XVI:2:6-16,28-29,30 VII:3/4:[17]

Serbian, IV:3/4:24-35 passim Cicognara Collection of Maps, 111:4:66

Spain (see also Spain: Architecture), XVI:3:23; Cilley, Jonathan

XVI:4:2-7; XVII:1:2-11 House of [Stackpole House], Thomaston, Me.,
Kansas, VI:l/2:[22]-29 Cimabue

New England, VII:3/4:29-30 Paintings, Arena Chapel, Padua, XVI:2:31

New Jersey, VII:l/2:94; VII:3/4:31 Cincinnati

New Mexico, 1:2:25-29 Alhambra Temple see Cincinnati: Isaac M. Wise

Ohio (see also Ohio: Architecture), VII:3/4:31-32 Temple

Wooden see Wood construction (Timber bldgs., Architecture, VI:3/4:18-21

Wooden houses, etc.) Baum (Martin) House see Cincinnati: Taft Museum
Church bells see Bells Burnet House (I. Rogers), VI:3/4:18,21

Church Building and Furnishing, by J. B. O'Connell, Cast-iron houses, XV:4:14

XV:4:32 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. (H. H. Richardson),

Church decoration and theater, XV:2:10 nl2 XVI:3:26; XVII:3:20; XVIII:2:66
Church faades see Decoration and ornament; Faades: Cincinnati Iron Foundry, XV:4:14
Churches; Sculpture: Architectural, Decorative, Dexter Store, XV:4:20n21
etc. Eagle Foundry, XV:4:14
Church furnishings and furniture Franklin and Lafayette Bank Bldg. (H. Walter),
See also Altarpieces, Altars, Retables, etc.; Ark of VI:3/4:18

the Covenant; Baldaquins, Ciboria, Canopies, Isaac M. Wise Temple [Alhambra Temple; Plum St.
etc.; Choirscreens; Choirstalls; Pulpits Temple; Synagogue, Plum St.] (J. K. Wilson),

Armchairs, Buenos Aires Cathedral (H. J. Schmidt), VI:3/4:18; XVI:4:29; XVII:2:27; illus. XVII:2:27
V:23 Loring Store, XV:4:20 n21
Candelabra, La Merced, Cuzco, Peru, V:37 nl6 Methodist Book Concern, XV:4:20n21
Catholic, XV:4:32 Millius Store, XV:4:20n21

Chalice, Santiago Cathedral, Chile, V:23 Municipal Bldg., VI:3/4:18

Episcopal chair, Santo Domingo Cathedral, V:9n57; Ohio Mechanics' Institute, XV:1:29 nnl,4;
illus. V:[8b] figs 15,16a,17,18 XV:4:21 n24

Monstrance (J. de Olmos), La Merced, Cuzco, Ohio River Suspension Bridge (J. Roebling),


Parnas' seat, Touro Synagogue, Newport, XVII:2:25 Plum Street Temple see Cincinnati: Isaac M. Wise



Saint Phillip's, 2d, Charleston, XVIII:3:114 Probasco Mansion (W. Tinsley), XIII:2:31
Seventeenth century, IX:3:11; XVII: 1:13,15-17 St. Peter in Chains [Old Cathedral of St. Peter]
Spanish, XIX:4:178 (H. Walter), VI:3/4:18-20,21; illus. VI:3/4:pl IV
Touro Synagogue, Newport, XVII:2:23-26 figs 1-3

The Church Incarnate, the Sacred Function of Christian Smith (Winthrop B.) and Co., XV:4:20n21
Architecture, by R. Schwarz Swiss Chalet, XIX:4:180
Brief rev., XVIII:3:120 Synagogue, Plum St. see Cincinnati: Isaac M. Wise
Church Interior, painting (Bosboom), 11:3:32 Temple

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints see Taft Museum

Mormon Church "Early Architecture of the Ohio Valley; an
Church of the New Jerusalem see New Jerusalem Exhibition .. . from February 8 to April 16,



Churchill, Henry S., X:2:26 House, 1820 [Baum (Martin) House; Longworth
The Church's Way, by J. B. O'Connell, XV:4:32 House; Sinton House], 11:1:36; VI:3/4:18,21;
Churriguera, Jos Benito, XVIII:4:167 XII:2:8; illus. XII:2:[7] fig 11
Churriguera Family, XVIII:4:167 Temple, Plum St. see Cincinnati: Isaac M. Wise
Churrigueresque style, V:30 and nl2,31 nl6; XV:1:7 Temple

"Churriguerismo," term, XVIII :4:167 Terrace Plaza Hotel (Skidmore, Owings and Merrill),
Chutes, Mail, XX:2:65 XVIII:2:54

Chuttusgelis, XV: 1:20 Waterfront, panoramic view, 1848, XI:4:26

Ciam see International Congress for Modern Waterworks entrance arch, VI:3/4:20-21; illus.





Ciboria (Canopies) see Baldaquins, Ciboria, Canopies, Williams and Adams' Novelty Iron Works,




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Cincinnati - La cit-jardin

Cincinnati (Cont.) Circus, as a form of crossing, XIV:4:17

Wise (Isaac M.) Temple see Cincinnati: Isaac M. Circuses, Roman
Wise Temple Circus Maximus, XII:3:5
Cino, Guiseppe Circus of Domitian, XIV: 1:10
Il Carmine, Lecce, XV:1:5,6; illus. XV:1:6 fig 1 Circus of Maxentius, XVII:4:3; illus. XVII:4:3
Cioli, Valerio f"'8s 4,5
Laundress, statue at Pratolino, XX:4:156,157; illus. Cirene see Cyrene

XX:4:157 fig 2 Ciriaco d'Ancona see Ancona, Ciriaco d'

Circle, to Renaissance humanists, XVII:1:11 n43 Cisneros, Francisco Jimnez de, Cardinal, V:3 nl7;

Circleville, Ohio XVII: 1:5

City plan, Maps and Views, XIV:4:23-26; illus. Cist, Pennsylvania anthracite promoter, IX:4:23

XIV:4:25,26 figs 2-5 Cist, Charles, Cincinnati annalist, VI:3/4:18

Courthouse, XIV:4:24; illus. XIV:4:25 figs 3,4 Cistercian Bldgs., Order, etc., agricultural economy

Circleville Squaring Co., XIV:4:25 and> XVII:2:13-14; Anglo-Norman square east end

Circular bldgs., XVII:1:2-11; XIX:4:135-144 lnf1' ^ XVI:3:34; asceticism of, 11:2:7; XI:3:14;

Antigua XVII:2:28; barns, XVII:2:14; Bernard of Clairvaux

Las Capuchinas and' XI:3:14-15; XVII:2:28; Cistercian plan,
Novices' cell tower, XX: 1:29,32-33; illus. XI:3:15,16; XVII:4:19; XVIII:4:165-166,167;

XX l-28 fig 1- 32 fig 11 spirituality of, XIX:4:176; towerless 3-aisled

Athens ' transepts used by, XVII A: 19
Articles, Books, etc., XVIII :4: 165-167
Bonmont, Switz.
Notre-Dame, XVIII:4:165-167
Casamari, XVIII A: 167
Cerreto, XVIII :4:167
Chiaravalle Milanese, XVIII:4:167

Tholos, XIII:4:13


Circular keep, VII:3/4:28

Designs, Plans, Projects

Circular House for a Broker

Project (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:19; illus. III:3:[12a]


fig 11

Monastery, XVII:2:12,13; XIX:4:176; illus.

Panoptican [Panopticon] Prison (J. Bentham),

XVII:2:13 figs 26-27

XVIII:4:152; XX:3:136nlO

Prison plan (P. G. Bugniet), XII:4:28-30; illus. Ebertach! xm":t65^67

XII:4:29 Foignv XVII-213
Spherical house (C. N. Ledoux), XIX:3:130 Fontenay, XI:3:'l4; XVIII:4:166,167

Los Angeles , Fossanova, XVIII :4:167

Hartiord (Huntington) Sphencal House (F. L. Frienisbere XVIII-4 166

Wright), XIX:3:130 GrUssau 6'

Maupertuis Cistercian church, XV:3:8-9

Shelter for the Rural Guards [Maison des gardes vvti a

agricoles] IC. N. Led*). 111,3:1% ill,. XVIIW066

III:3:[ 12a] fig 13 La Maigrauge, XVIII:4:166

^aris Longchamp Abbey, Paris, XVII:2:13
Convent, Montmartre Longpont, XVII:4:21 n51
Circular cloister, XX:1:33 n 16 Morimondo, XVIII:4:167
Pittsburgh Noirlac, XVIII:4:166

Western Penitentiary (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. Pblet, XVIII:4:166; XIX:4:176

10 capt. 4,5; XVIII:4:152; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. Pontigny, 11:2:7; XI:3:15; XVIII:4:166

[11] figs 4,5 Royaumont, XVII:4:21 nn51,53

Richmond, Va. Sacramenia [Sagramenia], 11:3:33-34
Penitentiary (B. H. Latrobe), XII:4:26,27-30; San Galgano, XVIII:4:167
XV:4:29-30; XVIII:4:152; XIX:3:115,117; Staffarda, XVIII:4:167
illus. XII:4:27; XIX:3:116 fig 1 Vaucelles, XI:3:15
Roumeli Hissar Villard de Honnecourt

Black Tower, VII:3/4:28 Ground plan, XI:3:15,16

Schools, ideal for, XII: 1:21 Cisterns, under Hagia Sophia, VII:3/4:6; Phoenician,
States ville, 111. VII:3/4:34; Roman, VII:3/4:[33]; XIX:1:22 n39

State Prison, XVIII:4:152,153 Cit industrielle (T. Gamier), XVIII:3:88; XIX:l:16-24;

U.S., XIX:4:180 illus. XVIII:3:88 fig 5; XIX:1:17 fig 1; 18 fig 5; 20
"Zentralbau" churches, IX:3:13n8 figs 6,8; 21 fig 11; 22 fig 13; 23 figs 14,16,17
Circular staircase see Staircases, Stairways, etc. La cit-jardin, by G. Benoit-Lvy, XVIII:3:81

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Cit linaire industrielle - City halls

Cit linaire industrielle (Le Corbusier), XVIII:3:92 New England, XI:3:26-27

Cteaux in de Nederlanden, XVIII:4:165 New York (State), 111:1/2:36-42

Cities and Towns (Growth, History and Planning) (see Zoning see Zoning
also City squares, Plazas, etc.; for city planning Cities and Towns (Restoration) see Preservation and
of specific cities, see subject City plan under Restoration; for restoration of individual cities see

particular city, e.g. Rome (City): City plan), under name of city, e.g. Williamsburg, Va.:
11:4:37-39; III:l/2:(Special Issue); IV:1:4-17; Preservation, Restorations, etc.
VI:3/4:4,22-34; VII:1 /2:37-45,48; VIII:1/2:43-54; Cities and Towns (Views), IV:3/4:56
VIII:3/4:7-16,27-42; X:2:3-4; XIV:1:32; XIV:4: Citrohan, XX:2:94
(Special Issue); XVII:2:32; XIX: 1:38-39; City and Bank of Cairo (111.), XVI:4:14
XIX:4:183-184; and automobile, XX:2:62; bibl., The and County Builder's and Workman's Treasury
111:1/2:7-8; XVIII:2:47-53 passim ; XVIII:3:74-93 of Designs, by B. Langley, XIII:2:4;

passim; study and teaching of, IX: 1/2:37-38

Ancient, 111:1/2:11-29 A City Called Beautiful,

by C. Tunnard, VIII:3/4:67;

Aztec, XIV:4:3-4

r> u , , , City, Country Purchaser s and Builder s Dictionary, by

Babylonia, 11:1:24 XT y J' 3

R YIV 18 11 eve, XX:3:128 no.58

aroque, . - City gates see Gatehouses, Gates, Gateways

Borough system see Boroughs halls
Brazil, XIV:4:6-11 See also Moot halls

Canada, VIII:3/4:17-26 Albany

Ceylon, 11:1:26 Hooker, P., 111:1/2:39,62

Chile, XVIII:2:46,48; XVIII:3:74,76,82,83-85 Richardson, H. H XVI:3:24,25; XVIII:2:66

China, 111:1/2:17 Second, 111:1/2:62

Concentric city plan system see Concentric city plan Amsterdam




Crete, V1II:3/4:10 Antigua

Egypt, VII:l/2:40-45; XVI:4:33 AyuntamientO, XV:l:19n22; XX: 1:29,32 and
Etruria, VI:3/4:23; VIII:3/4:27-42 nl3,33
Exhibitions, XVIII:3:74 Antwerp
France, IX:l/2:34-35; XIX:l:16-24 Town Hall, XX:1:42

Germany, XII:2:31 Athens

Great Britain, XVII:2:32 Prytaneion, XII1:4:10

Greece, 11:1:24,25; VIII:l/2:43-54; VIII:3/4:10,39-42 Augsburg

Gridiron city plan see Gridiron city plan Town Hall, XX: 1:42
Hexagonal city plan see Hexagonal city plan Baltimore, Md.
Hippodamic city plan see Hippodamic city plan Peale Museum, conversion to City Hall, 1830 (W.

Ideal see Ideal cities, Utopias, etc. F. Small, attrib.), XX:2:75-76; illus. XX:2:76




t,0i YIV Berlin (L. E. E. Hoffmann), 11:3:11

xm'2,3, ">*

Linear city plan see Linear city plan system Town "al1 <J.and Bastard), XVIII:1:6; illus.

Mesopotamia, 11:1:24; XIX:1:38 n w 8

Mexico XIV-4-3-5 Boston, Mass.
mcxico, Aiv. J ^ City Hall (A. D. Gilman), XX:4:192 n4

Middle Ages, HL1 /2:13-14,30-35; IV:1:4-17; Court House [01d City Hall] (C Bulfinch),
XIV:1;32 XIV:2:16
Monocentric city plan see Monocentric city plan Braga Port

Near East, VII:l/2:37-39,43-45 Town Hall (A. R. Soares da Silva), XV:3:8,15 nl4;

Radio-centnc city plan see Radio-centric city plan illus xv-3-10fig7

Roman, 111:1/2:22-29; IV:3/4:52-53; Congleton, Engl.

VIII:3/4:11,27-42 Town Hall (E. W. Godwin), IX: 1 /2:27

Russia, IV:l:22-33; XVIII:3:77 n20,81,82,85,87 Devonport, Engl. (J. Foulston), XII:4:16
South America, XIV:4:3-12 Halifax, Engl.

Spain, XVIII:2:38-53; XVIII:3:74-83 Town Hall (C. Barry), XX:3:149

Strip system of city planning see Strip system of city Hamburg

planning Rathaus (G. G. Scott), XIX:4:155,159

U.S., 1:3/4:27-30,32; VIII:3/4:17-26; IX:1/2:31-36; Jackson, Miss., XX:3:113

X:4 (Special Issue); XIII:3:31; XV:3:31-32; Jacksonville, Or.

XX:3:108-114 Town Hall, 1873, XII:4:19-20


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City halls - City squares, plazas, etc.

City halls (Cont.) Salem, Or., XIX:2:60n20




Town Hall (C. Brodrick), XIX:4:156 Old, XIV:3:15,16

Lexington, Ky., XI:4:16 San Jose, Calif.

Louvain Destroyed, XIV:3:19-20

Town Hall, XVII:4:26 Santo Domingo, XIV:4:3

Lucerne Seville

Town Hall, XX:1:42 Ayuntamiento (D. de Riaiio), V:8

Maysville, Ky. Siena

1838 IIT-36 Palazzo Pubblico, XIV:1:32

Metz ' Tower, XIV:3:26

Htel de Ville and Cathedral Precinct (J. F. Stockholm, XIV:4:32

Blondel), XVIII:4:140 Tou.r.s , ,

Minneapolis Hotel de Vllle' VII:3/4:11 n3
City Hall and Hennepin County Courthouse uui?-' XIV:4j^

Snf Sx i(LO''8 "" SdaWu [District Court Ho]

Munich |G 1: , Hauberisser), ,1:3:11 ulus.
X:2:14u4; XV,I,

Nashua, N.H.

Wiesbaden (G. J. von Hauberisser), 11:3:11

Cupola (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:17


Natchez, XV:2:28
Netherlands, XIII:3:22
New Haven, IX:4:28

Town Hall, XII:3:23

"City house" plan, XVI:4:9,11-12; illus. XVI:4:10 fig 4;

(J. Gallier, Sr.), IX:4:28; XI:4:21,24; "City lAowers," XI:2:17

City planning see Cities and Towns; for plans and

- or ' 1 y' planning of individual cities see subdivision City

Stadt Herbergh [Stadt Huys], XI:2:20 f ^ ^ ^

1700 Broadway and Wall [ "Gaol or new City etc ^ Cjties an Towns)i

Hal " ] (see also New York (City): Federal of Amencan planned communities, i:3/4:27-30,32

Hall)> 111:1/2:40; III:3:31; passim ; XII:2:25-26; XX:2:47,54; ancient

sm XIV:2:7 [Greco-Roman], 111:1/2:22-29 passim ;

1802 XIII:4:23-24; Baroque, X:2:[4]; XIV: 1:8-13;

Bldg., Chambers St. [on the green ] (J. XX:2:56; fifteenth-eighteenth centuries,

McComb, Jr. and J. Mangin), 111:1/2:40; 111:1/2:22-29 passim -, X:2:3,[4]; XX:2:54,56; history

XV:4:3 of, XIX:4:183-184; Laws of the Indies on,

Fire lookout station on, 1847, XVI:l:17n81 XIV:4:5; in medieval towns, X:2:3; shapes of, in

Medal of, XIV:2:7 Russia, IV: 1:31; Vitruvius on, XIV:4:5

Competition design (B. H. Latrobe), XV:4:30 Books

Nrnberg Zucker, P., Town and Square

Town Hall, XX: 1:42 Rev. by C. Tunnard, XIX:4:183-184
Ouro Preto Cities
Town Hall, 18th c., XIV:4:10 Beaufort, S. C., XX:2:54

Htel d'Augny [Mairie, IXe arrondissement] (C. E. Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, VIII:3/4:37
Briseux), XVIII:2:60 Boston, Mass., XIII:2:19-24

Perpignan, XV:2:18nl4 Louisburg Square, XV:4:4

Philadelphia Brunswick, Ga., XX-.2-.62




1869-81 (J. McArthur, Jr.), VII:l/2:28; IX:l/2:35; Plaza de Mayo, XIV:4:5

IX:3:28 n6; XX:2:62 Charleston, S.C.

Priene Washington Square, XX:2:62

Prytaneion [Town Hall], VIII:l/2:53; XIII:4:9; Chicago

illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl XVI Pullman market square, XII:3:20

Rome (City) Christiaanshavn, Denmark

Palazzo dei Senatori [ancient capitol], 111:1/2:23; Plaza, IV:1:19

XIV: 1:8,9; illus. III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 3; XIV:1:9 Cleveland, X:4:ll-16

fig 1 Copenhagen

Saint Louis, X:3.[31] Amalienborg Plads (N. Eigtved), IV:1:9


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City squares, plazas, etc. - City squares, plazas, etc.

Cuzco, Peru Place de l'Ecole de Chirurgie [Mdecine],
Plazuela de la Merced, V:36 XII:4:15

Devonport, Engl. Place des Vosges, 111:1/2:26; XVI:4:12

City square (J. Foulton), XII:4:16,18 Place du Parvis de Notre Dame, XVII: 1:23





Piazza dlia SS. Annunziata, 111:1/2:27 Place Vendme (for full entry see Paris: Place
Piazza dlia Signoria, XIV:1:32 Vendme), XVIII:2:54
Isfahan Philadelphia

Maidn-i-Shah [King's Square], XIX:4:184 Centre Square, XX:2:54,62

Kalinin, Russ. Rittenhouse Square

Plaza, ca. 1767; illus. IV:l:[22a]fig 16 Layout (J. Trautwine), XVII:3:33 n2

Lancaster, Ohio Washington Square

Courthouse Square, XVI:4:31 Plan (W. Rush), XVII:3:32n2



Terreiro do Pao [Praa do Comrcio], Piazza del Duomo, XIX:4:183

XIV-4-7,9 -' Janeiro

London Praa do Palcio, XIV:4:9; illus. XIV:4:8 fig 6
Covent Garden (I. Jones), IX:3:11; XVI:4:13; Rome, XIV: 1:8-13

Campidoglio [Capitoline Square] (Michelangelo),


Finsbury Square, XIV:4:22 n44 111:1/2:23,26; XIV: 1:8-9,10,12; illus.

Hanover Square, X:2:27 III:l/2:[22a] fig 3; XIV:1:9 fig 1

Residential squares, 17th-18th c., XX:2:52,55-56 **!azza Colonna, 111:1/2:27

St Georee's Circus XIV-417 Piazza Dante (Vanvitelli), XIX:4:142

Luanda, Portuguese West Africa [Angola] Piazza del Popolo, VI I1.3/ 4:11; XIV: 1:8-9; illus.

Waterside Square, XIV:4:9 PiaJ SS^Sa R^S

f03 , . D V,,, , XIX:3:107; XIX:4:184

Piazza dell Anfiteatro Romano, XIV:1:10 . , _ ' . ,. .

r,. o ... , , ,,TII Piazza della Fontana dl Trevi, XIV:1:9,12-13;
Piazza San Michele, VIII:3/4:37-38 ...
w j j illus. XIV:1:13 fig 10
w . , Piazza della Rotonda, illus. XIX:4:135 fig 1

Plaza Mayor, XIV:4:4 piazza dj an pietr0 [Piazza of the Vatican]

t,Z j,. r.. Colonnade (G. L. Bernini), XIV: 1:9;

Place d Armes, project, XI:1:[19] XVIII:4:146 n56; XIX:4:142; illus.
Mt?C0 wty XIV : 1:10 fig 3
Plaza Mayor, XIV:4:3,4-5 piazza (G L Bernini)> m: 1/2:26,27;

MoSC0^ XIV: 1:9-10; XVIII:2:54; XIX:4:183; illus.

Red Square, XVI: 1:31 XIV* 1*10 fig 3
Nancy, X:2:4 Projects
Place Royale, 111:1/2:26 Fontana, C., 111:1/2:26; illus. 111:1 /2:[22a]
New Haven, Conn. flg 54

Wooster Square Area Rainaldi, C., 111:1/2:26; illus. 111:1/2:[22a]

Restorations, XV:4:4

fig 16

New Orleans Rainaldi, F., XIV: 1:9

Lafayette Square, illus. XI:4:22 Piazza [e Scala] di Spagna (F. de Santis and A.
New York Specchi), XIV:1:9,11,12; illus. XIV:1:12 fig
Foley Square, XV:4:20n7 8; 13 fig 9
Hanover Square, XI:2:22 Piazza Navona (G. L. Bernini), XIV:1:9,10-11;
St. George's Square, XI:2:22 illus. XIV:1:10 fig 4

Washington Square, IX:3:27; IX:4:28; X:l:24; Piazza Rusticucci, XIV:1:10

XV:4:5 Piazza San Ignazio, XI:2:26; XIV:1:11,12; illus.
Oxford XIV:1:12 fig 7
Radcliffe Square, XIX:3:132 Piazza Santa Maria della Pace, XIV:1:11-12;
Palermo illus. XIV:1:11 figs 5,6

Quattro Canti, XIX:4:184 Piazza Venezia, XI:2:26; XIX:3:97 n3

Paris San Diego, Calif.
Place Dauphine, XVIII:1:35 The Plaza, VIII:3/4:25; illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII
Place de la Bastille, XVII:1:21; XVIII:4:149 fig 4

Place de la Concorde (for full entry see Paris: Santo Domingo [Ciudad Trujillo]
Place de la Concorde), IV: 1:53; XVIII:2:54; Plaza Mayor [Plaza Colon; Principal Square],
illus. XVII: 1:20 fig 2 XIV:4:3,5

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City squares, plazas, etc. - Classic Revival

City squares, plazas, etc. (Cont.) Clarenbach and Herder
Cities Shop of [49 Chestnut St.], Philadelphia, XX: 1:6;
Savannah, Ga., X:4:9; XX:2:47-62 passim illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6

Johnson Square, X:4:9; XX:2:48 Clarendon Parish, Jam.

Square, Negro district, illus. X:4:8 fig 6 Halse Half X:3:26-27
Spanish Town, Jam. Claridon, Ohio
King's Square, X:3:22; XIV:1:30; illus. X:3:[23] Church, VII:3/4:32

fi j Clark, of Hudson, Ohio

o . r YY . ,, Houses of, XII:2:13

Venice^' Clark, 19th a. Gov. of Imperial Iron Foundry, see

Piazza San Marco [Saint Mark's Square], Clarkfcarolbe, nT24

111:1/2:25,27; VI:3/4:4; X:4:36; XII:4:15 Qark, Daniel, XIV:3:30

Verona Clark, Edward, Architect of U.S. Capitol Extension,

Piazza delle Erbe, 111:1/2:25; VIII:3/4:37 VII:l/2:2, 12 n 19,17,19-20,25,27; XV:1:28

Washington, D.C. Clark, Emmons, Col., XIV:3:24

Capitol Square Clark, Harry, 19th c. mason, XV:2:18

Plan for enlargement on the west (Town and Clark, Joshua V. H., XX:4:195-196,197

Davis), XV: 1:30 nl4 Clark, Kenneth, Sir, on city squares, XIX:4:183; on

Union Square, IV:1:36 Houses of Parliament, XIII:3:22; on modern

City walls see Walls: Cities architecture, X:3:4; on Victorian architecture,

La ciudad lineal, periodical, XVIII:2:39,42,46,47-53; XV:2:30

XVIII:3:74,75,76,82,83,85,89n47 Clark, S. M., 19th c XX:4:198

Cover, XVIII:2:48,50; illus. XVIII:2:48 fig 9 Clark, Silas S XIX:2:47 n2; 56 n39
Ciudad lineal plan see Linear city plan system Clark, Somers see Clarke, Somers
Ciudad Trujillo, D.R. see Santo Domingo, D.R. Clark (William) Society, IX:3:23

Ciudad Vieja see Almolonga, Guatemala Clark, William Tierney

Civic bldgs. see subject heading Public architecture and Liglhouse, Gravesend, XVI: 1:12
specific types of bldgs., e.g. City halls; Post offices Clark and Engelbach see Clarke, Somers: Ancient

Civil Architecture, by E. Shaw, XI:4:16; XVI:4:32; illus. asnry

risir (, Clark Family, of Boston, XIII: 1:11

r- I 4 IV V8 AT n, , Clarke, 19th c.. Gov. of Imperial Iron Foundry, see

Civil Architecture, A Treatise on, by W. Chambers, Clarke and Pratt

XIX:4:142; XX:3:121,122,126 no.7 Clarke> Aaron

Civil War House of [Henderson House], Thomaston, Me.,

U.S. see United States: Civil War X-4 [32] nl7

Civilian Conservation Corps see United States: Civilian Clarke, Basil F. L.

Conservation Corps Anglican Cathedrals Outside the British Isles

Civilizations of the Andes, by P. A. Means, 11:2:27 Rev. by A. Gowans, XVIII:3:119-120

Claiborne, Herbert, X:2:22 Clarke, George Somers

Claiborne, Herbert A. General Credit and Discount Company offices,

Comments on Virginia Brickwork before 1800 Lothbury, London, IX: 1/2:28

Rev. by M. Whiffen, XVIII:2:72 Clarke, John, 17th c of Haddam, Conn., XIX:2:76

Claiborne, Mrs. Robert, 111:4:28 Clarke, Somers

Claiborne, Virginia, X:2:22 Ancient Egyptian Masonry (and R. Engelbach) [Clark

Claiborne, William Charles Coles, Gov. of Orleans an(* Engelbach], XVII:4:35

Territory, XX:3:111,113 Clarke, T., Esq., 19th c.

"Claire-voie," XII 1-4 Farm of' Sullivan> N Y-> XX:4:196 ni 1

Clairvaux, Bernard of see Bernard of Clairvaux 9ar!te' ^ I8lh<' P^er XX:3:135
Clairvaux France aarke and Pratt [Clark and Pratt]
Monastery. XVII:2:12; XIX:4:176; illus. XVII:2:13 Irn If"'
Narva TriumPhal Arch' Leningrad,
XV :4:21 n38

d lg vTi ^ t-, vl,Tf ^ Clarke and Reeves, of Phoenixville, Pa.

Barns, XVII:2:12,13; illus. XVII:2:13 figs 26-27 Centennial Tower, 1000 ft. project, Philadelphia,

Clairvaux, Order of, XVIII:4:166 XVI:4:26-27,28; XIX:1:11; illus. XVI:4:26-27

Clanville, Engl. figs 6.8
Cook s Farm cottage, XI:1:[15 ] n25; illus. XI:1:5 Clary, Joseph see Fuller and Clary

Clapboards, XIX:4:181 Classic Revival (see also Neo-classicism; Regency

Clapham, Alfred William, XVI:3:34; XVIII:4:123; style), and balloon frame, 11:4:26-27; C. Bulfinch

XIX:4:176 and, XIV:2:12-17; and church design, VII:3/4:30;

Clare, Isaac, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135


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Classic Revival - Clifton

F. Costigan and, XVII: 1:31; and eclecticism, Clemens' Ready Made Sectional Houses, Illustrated
XI:2:3,4; D. Macdonald-Millar on, VII:l/2:46; Catalogue, Description and Price List of,
M. M. Mayer on, VII:3/4:25; R. H. Newton on, XI:l:28-[30]
111:4:67-68; and revolt from Palladianism, XI:2:28; Clement XIII, Pope, XIII:3:12
and Pantheon copies, XIV:2:13; XIX:4:135-144; Cleopatra, VII:l/2:40
W. Strickland and, XII:2:13; XIII:3:Suppl S. G. Cleopatra's Barge, yacht, XII:3:28
Ward on, VII:3/4:19 Cleopatra's Needle, London, XVI:4:22

Baltimore, XVI: 1:28-30; XVII:1:31; XX:2:66-68 Clericetti, Celeste

Books "Sull' architettura di stile lombardo," attrib.,

Hamlin, T., Greek Revival Architecture in XVII:3:2
America, 111:3:28; 111:4:67; VII: 1 /2:46; Clerics, Order of sec Clerks Regulars, Order of
XX:4:188 Clrisseau, Charles Louis

Cape Cod, emergence in, XIX:2:56 Capitol, Richmond (and T. Jefferson), VIII:1/2:129;
Detroit, 11:3:32 XII:4:28; XVIII: 1:6
Exhibitions Clerks Regulars, Order of (see also Jesuits (Bldgs.,
Avery Library, 111:4:67 Order, etc.); Theatine Order), XV:2:3; XV:3:24,30
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 11:4:67-68 Clermont, Council of, XVI:3:21 n3

Richmond, Va., 111:3:28-29 Clermont, steamboat, XV:4:12

Georgia, XIII:2:9-12 Clermont-Ferrand

New England, XII:3:14 Cathedral

New York, XX:4:185-190 Capital, VII:3/4:27

Ohio, VI:3/4:18-21 ; VII:3/4:32 Cleveland

Philadelphia, XVI:2:20-26 Architecture

Providence A Guide to Cleveland Architecture, 1796-1958,

Arcade (R. Warren), XII:3:13-16; illus. XII:3:14-15


N. Y
. xix.4.172
Case Hall

t^X3S' ,, v City plan, Maps and Views, X:4:10-[17];

Thornaston, Me., X:4:29-[31] XII:2:19-24; illus. X:4:[12-13,15] Figs 1-11;
Virginia, XVIII:1:8-10 VII2-20-21 fies 1-2

Classical Ruins with Figures, painting (Robert), 11:3:33 , , .

. T . y . ~ , Clinton Park development, XII:2:20-21

Claude Lorrain see Lorrain, Claude _ .. 10_0 * r,_,
Courthouse, 1828, X:4:[13]; XII:2:21

TU ,Ut r D ,0 "Dutch Hill," XII:2:22; illus. XII:2:23 fig 3

Temple of, Rome, XIX:l:22n39 Euclid Ave Houses see Cleveland- Houses 19th c
Clay, Cassius Marcellus, XI :4:13,14,19-20 ^uclm ^ cieveiana. nouses, t9tn c.

Qay, Henry, and T. Lewinski, XI:4:13,14,18,19; frest Clty House' XII:2:21

C. Vaux on, VI:l/2:4 Hlstory' X:4:10-[17]; XII:2:19-24

Clay (Henry) Monument Association, XI:4:19 Hoffman Block, XII:2:22

Clay, James B XI:4:14,19 Houses' 19th c" X:4:16; XII:2:22; lllus- X:4:[15] Fig

Villa of, Lexington, Ky., XI:4:14-16; illus. XI:4:[15] 11; XII:2:23 fig 4
4 5 Lakeside Hospital (Coohdge, Shepley, Bulfinch and

Clay, Thomas Hart, XI:4:14 Abbott), XVII:3:25,31

Claypool, E. F., XVII: 1:31 Lakeview Park, XII:2:23

Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser, see Dunlap's Merchants Exchange, illus. X:4:[15] fig 8

Daily American Advertiser Presbyterian Church, X:4:[17] n20; XII:2:21; illus.

Clayton, John . X:4:[15] fig 9
Reconstruction of Great Hall, Bishop's Palace, Railroad Depot, XII:2:23
Hereford, XVII:2:10; illus. XVII:2:10 fig 20 Railroad terminals and yards, XII:2:20-21

Clayton and Bell, glass painters, XIX:4:165 Slums, X:4:14; XII:2:21

"Clean and Organic: a Study in Architectural Streets, X:4:ll-[17]; XII:2:19-24; illus. X:4:[13,15]
Semantics," by K. Gilbert, X:3:3-7 Bgs 4,5,8,11
Cleaveland, Henry W., and S. William, XVIII:4:161 Wade Park, XII:2:23
Village and Farm Cottages (with S. D. Backus and Weddell House, illus. X:4:[15] fig 8
W. Backus), 11:1:28; XVIII:3:105; XVIII:4:161 Western Reserve University, XII:2:9

Cleaveland, Moses, X:4:l 1 School of Medicine Bldgs. (Coolidge and

Cleaver, Charles, 11:4:13,17 Shattuck), XVII:3:25

Clemens, Joseph, Archbishop-Elector of Cologne Cleveland and Erie Railroad, XII:2:20

Letters... to Robert de Cotte (1712-1720)..., ed. by Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, XII:2:20

J. F. Oglevee Clifford, Thomas, 11:4:10

Rev. by T. J. McCormick, XVII:l:35-36 Clifton, Staten Island see New York (City)

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Clifton - Clowes Family

Clifton [Thompson (Henry) Home] see Baltimore, Md.: Eine
Clifton Cathedral, IX:l/2:38; XII:3:12
Clifton Hall, VIII:3/4:68 Estany, Catalonia, XII:3:12
Clinton, Charles W. (see also Clinton and Russell), Gloucester, Engl., XVI:3:34



Armory, Seventh Regiment, N.Y., XIV:3:23-24,26,29; Santo Tirso, XV:3:15nl4

illus. XIV:3:25 figs 1,2 London

Bank of America, N.Y., XIV:3:26 St. Stephen's Cloisters, Westminster Palace,

Hotel Astor, N.Y., XIV:3:26 XX:3:105

New York Athletic Club, N.Y., XIV:3:26 Westminster Abbey, XVII:4:21 n53

Clinton, De Witt, XX:4:195 Macao, Port.

Clinton, George, Gov. of N. Y., executive mansion of, St. Augustine Monastery
Poughkeepsie, IV:2:39; pen of, XIX:1:33 Cloister [Courtyard], XIX:2:72; illus. XIX:2:71
Clinton, James, 1733-1812, IV:2:40,41 fig 1

Clinton and Russell (see also Clinton, Charles W.), Marcevol





Armory, 71st Regiment, N.Y., XIV:3:26; illus. Mont-Saint-Michel, XVI:3:34




Clinton-Sullivan Expedition, IV:2:40,41 Convent, Montmartre, XX:l:33nl6

Cliveden, Buckinghamshire (C. Barry), 11:3:32 Reims

Cliveden, Germantown see Philadelphia: Cliveden Nicaise, XVII:4:21 n53
Cloacina Rl de Janeiro

Temples of, VIII 3/4 3 S. Bento, Benedictine Cloister (J. F. P. Alpoim),

Clochers see Campaniles; Towers (Belfries, Observation * *

towers, Spires, Steeples, etc.) * t ,,,

Clock towers Carlo aile Quattro Fontane (F. Borromini),

See also Towers (Beifries, Observation Towers, XV.3.20,23 n38

Spires, Steeples, etc.) Royaumont

Tours Abbey, XVII:4:21 n53

St Martin Sacramenia [Sagramenia], 11:3:33
Tour de l'horloge, IV:3/4:13 nil; VII:3/4:11,12; Saint Gall [Sankt Gallen]

illus. VII:3/4:pl IV fig 6

Clocks and Watches Plan' xvII:2:6(claustrum); illus. XVII:2:9 fig 18

Big Ben, London, XVIII :2:72 Samt Thierry

Hall of Representatives Clock, Capitol, Washington, Abbey, XVII:4:21 n53

VIM/2-26 ^an Ffancisco de Avils, XVI:4:7

Manufacture, Litchfield, Conn., X:4:20 Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Watch (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 Antealtares, Monastery of, XV: 1:4; illus. XV: 1:3

Cloisters, circular, XX:l:33nl6; Cistercian, according Serrabonne

to St. Bernard, XI:3:14 Priory, XII:3:7,8; illus. XII:3:[10] fig 2; [11] fig 4
Acolman, Mex. Soissons

San Agustin Acolman, V:3nl3 St.-Jean-des-Vignes, XVII:4:21 n53

Belm Villard de Honnecourt

Convent, V:2 n9 Cloister plan, XI:3:7

Bellpuig, Spain Cloquet, Minn.

Convento de Jesus, V:2 n9 Filling Station (F. L. Wright), XIX:4:174-175; illus.

Charlieu XIX:4:174 fig 1; 175 figs 2,3

St. Fortunatus Abbey, XII:1:4; XVI:2:2; illus. Lindholm (Ray W.) Residence (F. L. Wright),
IX:4:[5] fig 1; XII:1:5 fig 2; XVI:2:3 fig 1; XIX:4:175
4 fig 3; XVI:3:18 fig 3 Close, E. G., XVII:3:17 n

Cluny, illus. II:3:pl [2]; XVI:3:[4] fig 1; 6 fig 3; Close, Edwin H.

7 fig 4 Conjectural drawing, Meetinghouse, Sudbury, Mass.,
Cuzco, Peru, XIV:4:4 XIX:2:77; illus. XIX:2:77 fig 2
La Merced Clothier, Caleb

Main, V:[35]; illus. V:[35a] figs 1,2 Villa of, Riverton, N.J., XIX: 1:37
Second, V:36-37; illus. V:[35a] fig 3 "Cloud-supporter," XVIII:4:136
Third, V:36 "Cloudscraper," term, 11:4:18 n91; XIX:1:40
S. Domingo, V:[35] ni Cloverley Hall (W. E. Nesfield and R. N. Shaw),
S. Francisco, V.[35] IX: 1/2:27
Clowes Family, of Indianapolis, XVII:3:30

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Clubhouses - Cobb


See also Fraternity Houses and specific First, XVI:3:3,7

organizations, e.g. Young Men's Christian Second, 11:4:34; XI:3:17,18; XII: 1:6 and n4;

Association XVI:2:2,5; XVI:3:3,7,10,13,14,16,20;

Berkeley, Calif. XVIII:3:95,98; illus. II:3:pl [2]; XVI:3:6
Women's City Club (J. Morgan), X:3:20 fig 3
Chicago Third, 11:2:6; 11:3:3-5; 11:4:34-35; VII:3/4:15;
Buena Shore Club (R. M. Schindler), XX:4:179 VIIM/2:88; XI:3:22; XVI:2:5;

West Chicago Club [Chicago Labor Temple] (L. XVI:3:3,8-11,14,16; XVII:4:37; illus. II:3:pls
H. Sullivan), XIX:3:124 [1,2]; XVI:3:[4] fig 1; [5] fig 2; 7 fig 4; [9]
Indianapolis flgs 5,6

Athletic Club, XVII:1:31 Apse, XVI:3:10,11; illus. XVI:3:[4] fig 1; [5]

London fig 2; 7 fig 4; [9] figs 5,6
Reform Club (C. Barry), XVII:4:38 Chapel, transept tower, XVI:3:11; illus.
Los Angeles XVI:3:[5] fig 2
Hartford (Huntington) Country Club project (F. L. Chapel of St. Michael, IV:3/4:7; XVI:3:10

Wright), XIX:3:130 Great Portal, IV:3/4:7; XVI:3:8,10

Madison, Wis. Narthex, illus. XVI:3:[4] fig 1; 7 fig 4

Yahara Boat Club (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 pirst [nflrmary( presumed, XVI:2:5; XVI:3:7; illus.

New York (City) XVI:3:6 fig 3

Metropolitan Club (McKim, Mead and White), Great Inflrmary Hall, iUus. XVI:3:[4] fig 1; 7 fig 4

XT ^I:2i[1!];u^VII^:i2u5^ v Great Latrina, illus. XVI:3:[4] fig 1; 7 fig 4

New York Athletic Club (C. W. Clinton), Lady Chapel, XVI:3:11; XVIII:3:95; illus.

XIV:3:26 XVI-3-[41 fig 1* 7 fig 4

Union League Club (Peabody and Stearns), Stable and Hospice XVi:3:8; illus. XVI:3:[4] fig 1;

IX:4:17; illus. IX:4:[18] fig 1 6 fig 3; 7 fig 4

Philadelphia Clusium see Chiusi, Etruria
Philadelphia Cricket Club (McKim, Mead and riuskev C B vin/?-i4n45
White), XIII:3:30 ClUSkey, C. b
Vll.l/2.14 n45
Clutton, Henry, and W. Burges, XIX:4:156; as student

Richmond, Va.

of French medieval architecture, XIX:4:158

Westmoreland Club [Stanard (Robert) House],

Remarks, with Illustrations, of the Domestic


ifT'T /fT
to theW.)
of Louis
XII, f

River Forest, 111.


Golf Club (F. L. Wright), 111:4:51

San Francisco Notre Dame de la Treille et St. Pierre, Lille,

Western Women's Club (J. Morgan), X:3:20 competition design (with W. Burges),

m t vTn.ni. XIX:4:156(and n59)-158

Cluggage, James, XII:4:19,21 St. Peter's, Leamington, XIX:4:156 n61

Cluniac Churches, Order, etc. (for specific bldgs. see Q de and Kennedyi xm:3:Suppl. 6,7
name of church or monastery, e.g. Charlieu: St. Cnidus [Knydos]
Fortunatus Abbey; Cluny, France: Abbey; Moirax: Qty plan, Maps, etc., VIII:1 /2:52; VIII:3/4:41; illus.

Church), ambulatories and, XII: 1:4-6; use of apses VIIM/2 d1 XIV

in echelon, XII: 1:6; XVI:2:2; XVI:3:16; Bernard of Lion jom^ xil-4-6-7
Clairvaux on, XI:3:14-15; cruciform church plan Cnossus see Knossos

of, XVI:3:16; hospices of Monks VII:3/4:26; as a Coades XIV:4;19

monastic empire, XVI:3:3; XIX:4:176; and ^oaj trade

Norman architecture, XVI:3:34; as refuge for ^ g IJC-4-21 24

cultural and intellectual achievements of r ' " ... p ,

and Charles the Bald, IV: 1:5; Saints 0 T . ' IM .
n , . r Cast-iron bndge T. F. Pntchard , 111:4:5; VII:l/2:7
Peter and Paul as patrons of, XVI:3:10; ^ . ,,, ,, '
v. "j ia * a Darby Iron Works, VIII: 1/2:17-18

sumptuousness of bldgs., XI:3:14; two-towered CoatS) /saac> I8th 0f Philadelphia, XV:4:25;

faade o, 1 -3/_ XX:3:127n7

Quny, Abbots of, see Berno; Hugo of Cluny; Mayeul; Cobb Andrew> XIX:2:54,55

Odilo; Odo; Peter the Venerable Cobb Henry Ives> X;3:18,[31]

Cluny, Bernard of see Bernard of Quny Post office Bldg ( 1903) Chicago, 111:4:17,19

Quny, France Cobb, Miles, XX: 1:39

Abbey, IV:3/4:7-8,51; XVI:3:3-11; XIX:4:176,177; Farmhouse of, Hinckley's Corner, XX:l:38-39; illus.
illus. II:3:pl [2]; XVI:3:[4] figs 1-4 XX:1:38 figs 1,2
Cobb, Tamesin see Harding, Tamesin Cobb


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"Cobblestone Architecture of Upstate New York" - College and university campuses

"Cobblestone Architecture of Upstate New York," by Coimbra, Port.
G. Peterich, XV:2:12-18 Royal Library
Cobia Ceilings (A. S. Ribeiro), XV:3:21
Church, IV:3/4:34 University

Cobley, sisters of Ann Cobley Haviland, see Haydon, Library (C. de Laprade and J. F. Ludwig),
Mrs. Benjamin Robert; Mordwinoff, Countess of XV:3:17

Cobley, Ann see Haviland, Ann Cobley Coins

Cochin, C. N. See also Medallions, Medals, Plaquettes, etc.

L'homme du monde clair par les arts (and J. F. American, XVII:1:24 nl4
Blondel), XVIII:4:142,148 Oregon Beaver ten dollar gold coin, 1849,
Cochran, of Austin, Tex. XIX:2:59,61
House of [Neill-Cochran House], XI:4:10; illus. Ancient, V:10; XIV:2:3; XX:2:79; illus. XIV:2:[4]




Cochran, Alexander S., XIII:1:32 Portuguese, XV:3:23 n51

Cocke, George, of Va., XVIILLIO Pataca, Macao, XIX:2:72 n20
Cocke, James, of Colonial Williamsburg, XIV:1:14 Spanish, XIII:2:27
Cocke, John Hartwell, fl. 1829, of Va., XVIII:1:10 Coixtlahuaca
Cocke, Philip, of Va., XVIILLIO Monastery, V:22
Cockerell, C. R., T. S. R. Boase on, XX:3:149; on Colbert, Charles R.

choice of Gothic for Houses of Parliament, Motel de Ville, New Orleans, XX:4:204

XIII:3:22; and Royal Academy, XIX:4:145 Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 1:2:4,5; XVIII:4:141
Ashmolean Museum [Taylor and Randolph Bldgs.], Colburn, Serenus Milo see Kees and Colburn
Oxford, XIX:4:150 Colburn and Field, XI:4:30
Sun Assurance Office, London, IX: 1/2:28 Colby and Phelps, 19th c. lime and cement suppliers,

Cockerell, S. P., XV:4:29 XX:4:196nl4

Codd Cole, Henry, 1808-1882, XIII:3:25

Houses, Damariscotta and Wiscasset, X:4:26 "Parliaments of Our Ancestors," The Westminster
Codes, Building see Building Codes, Laws, Regulations, Review, 1834, XX:3:106
etc. Cole, James, XIV: 1:31

Codex Aureus, XVIII:4:125 Cole, Joseph, fl. 1850, XIX:2:54n32

Codex Coner, XIIL3:10n8; XVIII: 1:13 House of, Truro, XIX:2:54; illus. XIX:2:51 fig 6
Codex of Pope Calixtus II, VII:3/4:26 Cole, Thomas, L. L. Noble on, IX:1/2:31

Codman, Ogden Capitol, Columbus, design, XII:2:15,18; illus.

Photographs, XII:3:27; XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 25; XII:2:[16] fig 3; [17] fig 5
illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 25 Paintings, 111:1/2:62; 111:3:23
Codman, Richard Architect's Dream, XIV:3:21

House project of, IX: 1/2:25,27 Course of Empire, XIV:3:21

Cody, father of" Buffalo Bill," VI:l/2:24 n3 Coleman, of Greenfield, Mass.
Cody, William Frederick [Buffalo Bill], VI:l/2:24n3 House of [Coleman-Hollister House], XIII:3:16
Coen, Francis Xavier de see De Coen, Francis Xavier Coleman, Davis S., XI:4:19
Coffee House, Mississippi barge, XVI:4:21 nl3 Coleman, Mrs. George P., XI:4:34

Coffin, David R., XX:4:155 n Coleman, J. Winston, XI:4:[20] n28

"Padre Guarino Guarini in Paris," XV:2:3-11 Coleoni, Bartolomeo see Colleoni

Reviews Coles, William A.
Ackerman, J. S., The Cortile del Belvedere, Architecture in America: A Battle of Styles (ed., with
XIV:4:30-31 H. H. Reed, Jr.)
Wittkower, R., Art and Architecture in Italy, Brief rev., XX:3:149

1600 to 1750, XVIII:4:164-165 Colford Jones, Rebecca Mason see Jones, Rebecca

Coffins see Mausoleums, Sepulchral monuments. Mason Colford

Tombs, etc. Colgate, A. W., XVII:4:28

Cogolludo Colladay, William, 18th c., XV:4:25
Palace, V:2n9 Collectivism, XVIII:3:87

Cohen, Benjamin I. College and university campuses, challenge of, to

House of see Baltimore, Md.: Cohen (Benjamin I.) creative architect, XX:4:204

House Leland Stanford Junior University

Cohen, Joshua I. Grounds (F. L. Olmsted, Sr.), XVII:3:22
House of see Baltimore, Md.: Cohen (Joshua I.) Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem
House Bldgs. and campus, 20th c XX:4:203
Coignet, XX: 1:35 Yale University, VIII:3/4:3; XII:4:15

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College Art Association - Colonnades

College Art Association, and other societies, VI: 1 /2:34; "Colombage," XIII: 1:24-25
and SAH, 1:2:21 "Colonial," 19th c. term, XIX:1:5




1954, H.-R. Hitchcock, Early Victorian American (see also Neo-Colonial architecture),
Architecture in Britain, XV:2:31 XVIII:2:71,72; XX:3:148

1959, H.-R. Hitchcock, Architecture: Nineteenth Dutch

and Twentieth Centuries, XIX:3:125 Curaao, XIX:4:178-179

College of William and Mary see Richmond, Va.: Pernambuco, Brazil, V:23
College of William and Mary; Williamsburg, Va.: English, VI:3/4:7; X:3:22-27

College of William and Mary French

Collegeville, Minn. Canada, XVI: 1:31-32
St. John the Baptist Monastery (M. Breuer), U.S., VII: 1/2:33-36; XVI:1:32

XVIII: 1:34-35 Portuguese, XV:3 (Special Issue); XIX:4:177-178

Colleoni (Bartolomeo and Medea) Sarcophagus, V:12 Africa, XIV:4:7-8,9

Colliday, William, 18th c., of Philadelphia, XVII:3:33 Brazil, XIV:4:6-11; XVII:2:30; XIX:4:178

Collidge, John, VI:3/4:35 China, XIV:4:7,11; XV:3:24-30

Collin, Nicholas, XI:2:22 Indla' X,V:4:7; XV:3:3-6

Collins, fl. 1782, of Litchfield Paraguay, XIV:4:6

House Of, illus. X:4:19 fig 1 SPanish' XV:1 (SPecial IsSUe>! XVH:1:35;
Collins, Alden N. XIX:4:177-178

"Eight-square" bldgs., XII: 1:22 ^nl^i'tf f/4 4^ 45

Collins, George, fl. 1856, of Chicago, XVI:1:18 nl 10 *eru' 7": . rrl ,Q

Collins! George R and Amigos de Gaudi - U.S.A.,

XVIII: 1:36; on Gaudi, XX: 1:43

U.S., 1:2:25; IX:1/2:19

California, X:3:16; XV:l:20-26
New Mexico, 1:2:25-29; VII:3/4:23-24
Colonial Dames, National Society of, IX:3:26; X:2:22;

'The Ciudad Lineal of Madrid," XVIII:2:38-53

"Linear Planning throughout the World,"


XIII:2:3; XX:3:133nl2

Collins, der Colonial National Historical Park, Va., 1:3/4:24

Concrete, The Vision of a New Architecture, Colonial Revjva, Jee Neo-Colonial'architecture
XX:3:143; XX:4:194

Colonial Williamsburg, Inc. see Williamsburg, Va.:

Review Colonial Williamsburg, Inc.

Huxtable, A. L., Pier Luigi Nervi, XIX:4:178; Colonization see name of country, e.g. United States:

XX:3:142-143 Colonization

Collins, Sarah see Howes, Sarah Collins Colonna, Francesco

Collins, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:131,135 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili

Collinsville, Conn. Ancient temple, XVI: 1:7; XVII:1:3; illus. XVII:1:7

Railroad Station (H. Austin), VIII:l/2:3S-36; illus. flg j0

VIII: 1 /2:pl v fig 3 Colonna, Cape see Sunium Promontorium

Collis, I. P., XI:3:25 Colonnade screen motif, XX:2:75
Collis, J. P., XX:3:137 nl5 Colonnaded streets see Arcaded streets; Colonnades
Collot, Victor Colonnades, Vitruvius on, XIV:4:4
A Journey in North America, XVIII: 1:22 n6,25,26 n24 Ancient

Map of New Madrid, XVIII:1:22; illus. XVIII: 1:22 Hellenistic, XIII:4:24

fig 1 Peristyle courts, XX:2:80-82,84,85,86,87

Colman, Samuel, XIV:3:24 Pompeii, VI:3/4:24; VIII:3/4:35,42
Colmans, William Priene, 111:1/2:15; VIII:3/4:10; illus. VIII:l/2:pl
House of, Greenfield, Mass., XIII:3:16 XVI

Cologne, Elector of, XII:4:12 Rome, XIII:4:22-25 passim

Cologne, Ger., Fredericus, reliquary maker from, Charlieu, XIM-.3-6
111:4:35 n9; plays in churches, 1627, XV:2:10nl2 Custom house with Ionic colonnade (I. Rogers),
Cathedral, 1:3/4:10; 11:1:39; 11:3:10; XII:3:30; XVII:1:33 n2




City plan, 111:1/2:24 England, XIII:1:12

Imperial Palace [Kaiserpalast], XX:2:86; illus. Louvre, Paris (C. Perrault), XIII:1:14 nl8;
XX:2:86 fig 16 XVIII:4:141,142

S. Maria im Kapitol, XIII: 1:29 Mexico City, XIV:4:4

Werkbundausstellung, 1914, X:3:10 Naples (L. Laperuta), XIX:4:141-142; illus.
Administration Bldg. (W. Gropius and A. Meyer), XIX:4:141 fig 12


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Colonnades - Combs

Colonnades (Cont.) Institution for the Education of the Blind

Piazza di San Pietro, Rome (G. L. Bernini), XIV: 1:9; (W. Tinsley), XIII:2:31
XVIII:4:146n56; XIX:4:142; illus. XIV:1:10 Kelley House, VIII:l/2:87

fxg 3 Ohio Historical Society Museum, IV:3/4:51

Railroad stations, VIII:l/2:33,34 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society,

Color in architecture, Polychromy, etc., (see also Paint XII:2:25
and House Painting), 11:1:17-22; 111:3:21-25,43; Ohio State University

XVI: 1:6; XX:2:83 Engineering Experiment Station, XVI:4:29;

England, XIX:4:147-170 passim XVII:2:27
Greece, XVI:4:33 Statehouse, 3d see Columbus, Ohio: Capitol: 1816




Sant'Andrea, Vercelli, XIX:4:159 [Farmers' and Merchants' Union] Bank (L. Sullivan),

Poland, VI:3/4:14-15 XX:3:142

US III-1-21- HI-3-21-25,43 Columns (Memorials) (see also Monuments; Obelisks),

Color Slide Cooperative, 11:1:17 XVII : 1:19-24
"Colossus" [Schuylkill Bridge, 1812], Philadelphia Ancient, XII:4:6

(L. Wernwag), 11:1:41; XIX:4:181 Designs, Projects, etc.

Colpeper, 16th c., XIII:4:28 n4 National Column, Pans, competition design (C.
Colton, of Longmeadow, Mass. Moreau), XVII:1:22; illus. XVII:1:21 fig 4
House of, xill:3:16 Devonport, Engl.

Colton, Walter, 19th c.. Res.. XV: 1:26 nn5,10,14 Memonal Column (J. Foulston), XII:4:16

Colton, Engl. Etruscan, 11:1:12 n23

St. Mary's (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146 n8,147 Leningrad

Columbia Calif Alexander Column (R. de Montferrand), IV: 1:32;

Fallon Hotel, XIV:3:16 _ . VILlJ2:15n67

Historic development, XV:4:3 ^,1lnglotnr' Ky; AJ

St. Anne's Church, XIV-.3:16,17-18; illus. XIV:3:16 T C1fyLondon

(Henry) Monument (J' W" Adams>' XI:4:19
fig 2

711 c du Nelson's Column, XVI:4:25

cIBld8-XIV:3:16 Mills, R., XVII: 1:22

South Carolina State Hospital for the Insane "BastiHe Column, XVII:1:21

. .. rer. Fountain/column, Place du Chtelet (F. J. Bralle),

Columbia City, Ind., IX:3:27 XVII:1:23; illus. XVII:1:21 fig 6

The Columbia Historical Portrait of New York, by J. A. Vendme Column xy XVU;h22

Kouwenhoven, XV:3:31 p ^

Columbia University see New York (City): Columbia Rome (City)

University Marcus Aurelius'Column, Piazza Colonna,

Columbian Exposition, 1893 .see Chicago: World s III 1/2 27

Columbian Exposition, 1893 Trajan's Column, 111:1/2:27; XIII:4:23,25

Columbus, Christopher, and F. de Garay, V:4-5; T. M. Wellington Engl

Judson on, 111:4:66; in West Indies, X:3:22 Column 'in honor of Arthuf Wo,sey [j e
Sepulchral monument of, Santo Domingo Cathedral, Wellesley], XX-3136n5

V:9 n56 Columns (Supports) see Piers (Supports)

Columbus, Diego, V:5 n24 Colvin, Howard M., discovery of J. Haviland material,
Palace of see Santo Domingo, D.R.: Palace of Diego X:3:32; on W. Ross, XX:4:188 nl6; on Stafford

Columbus House, XIX:2:88; on the trammel, XX:3:118; on

Columbus, Ga. Westminster Palace, XIX:2:88

Confederate Naval Iron Works, XI:4:24 4 Biographical Dictionary of English Architects,

Grecian mansions, XIII:2:12n2 1660-1840, X:3:32; XVII:4:39-40; XVIII:3:118;

Columbus, Ohio XX:4:188nl6

Capitol Colwell, Stephen, 19th c.

1816 [3d Statehouse], XII:2:5,15 Iron construction patent, XV:4:22 n60 no.4
1838-60, vi:3/4:18,19,20; VIII:l/2:87; Comacino, Magister, XVII:3:8 n3
XII:2:8,15-18; XIII:1:28; illus. XII:2:[16-17] Combest, of Jacksonville, Or.





Church and contiguous parsonage "Combinaisons verticales," of J. N. L. Durand,

Perspective (H. H. Richardson), IX: 1/2:25-26,27 XX:2:69n29

Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts Combs, William, XI:4:[20] nlO

Effinger House woodwork, XVI:4:31


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Comegys - Competitions
Comegys, John, XVI :4:14-15 France

Comey, Arthur Ecole des Beaux-Arts school project, XIX: 1:19-20

Linear city plan, XVIII:3:87 Lille

Comit de Transformacin de Santiago (Chile), Notre Dame de la Treille et St. Pierre,



Church, XVI:3:21 nl7 Columns, XVII:l:21-22,23

"The Commemorative Medal and Architecture," by Hpitaux [Hpital] d'Enfants, XIX:l:20n27

F. J. Roos, Jr., XIV:2:3-7 Tower, Exposition Universelle, 1889,
Commerce, 111. [Nauvoo] XVI:4:27-28

City plan, XIX:3:110; illus. XIX:3:110 fig 1 Germany

Commercial bldgs., Office bldgs., etc. (see also Banks; Altona

Industrial bldgs.; Skyscrapers), H.-R. Hitchcock Municipal Hospital, XIV:1:18

on, 11:2:30; B. Kobayashi on, XV:2:31-32; of Hamburg
Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge and their successors, Nikolai Kirche, XII:4:16; XIX:4:155

XVII:3:25; J. C. Webster on, XVIII:4:126-139; Rathaus, XIX:4:155,159

W. R. Weisman on, XVIII:2:54-59 Italy
Chicago, X:l:28; XVI:1:14-16 Bologna
New York, XII:1:13-21 S. Petronio, XIII:3:4

Philadelphia, XX: 1:3-19 Florence

San Francisco, XVIII:4:160-161 S. Lorenzo, XIII:3:4

Commission des Monuments Historiques, France see S. Maria del Fiore

France: Commission des Monuments Historiques Cupola, XVIII:l:ll-20
Commodus, 1:1:7 Milan
Common lime, XX:4:197 Cathedral, XIII:3:4
Commons see City Squares, Plazas, etc. Rome
Communitarian experiments, XIX:3:109-114 Palazzo Farnese
Communitas, by P. and P. Goodman, XVIII:3:78 Cornice competition, XIII:3:5

Comnenus, Manuel see Manuel I, Byzantine Emperor Piazza di San Pietro, XIV: 1:9
Como S. Giacomo degli Incurabili, Ospedale di
City plan, VIII:3/4:37,38,40; illus. VIII:3/4:pl XX Church project, XIII:3:4-5
Compagnie Franaise du Tlgraphe de Paris New S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, XIII:3:4
York, XIX:2:56 Sixteenth century, XIII:3:4-5
Compania Madrilena de Urbanizacin, XVIII:2:41-53; Venice
XVIII:3:74-83,85 S. Maria dlia Salute, XVI:l:3-4

Company of Jesus see Jesuits (Bldgs., Order, etc.) Spain

Competitions Granada
Here are listed only actual references to Cathedral, XX:3:147
competitions; for full list of references to bldgs. Madrid
involved in competitions, see city, e.g., City expansion, XVIII:3:75 n6
Philadelphia: Second Bank of the United States Turkey



England, 19th c XX:4:188 Crimean War Memorial Church,




Town Hall, XIX:4:156 U.S., by American Luxfer Prism Co., XIX: 1:7; F. W.
London Fitzpatrick designs for, 111:4:19; General Electric

Crystal Palace [Great Exhibition Bldg.], Co. model homes, 111:3:30; J. Haviland designs
XIX:4:156 for, XX:3:137 nl7; Plumber and Sanitary

Government Offices [Foreign Office, War Office Engineer, for tenement houses, 1879, XIV:1:22
etc.], XIX:4:159-163 Baltimore

Houses of Parliament, New, Presbyterian Church, Franklin St., XVI: 1:29-30

xill:3:20-21,22,24-25; XV:2:31; Washington Monument, XIII:1:17
XX:3:99-107 Berkeley

Law Courts, IX.T/2:27; XII:4:16; XIX:4:145-146 University of California, XI:3:30



Assize Courts, XIX:4:159 Arlington Street Church, XX:4:193

Oxford Trinity Church, IX:l/2:26; XII: 1:8
University Museum, XIX:4:150 n36,153-154 Chicago

Exhibitions, IV: 1:53 Art Institute, XVII:3:25

Chicago Public Library, XVII:3:23


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Competitions - Conder
Competitions (Cont'.) Compound piers see Piers (Supports)

U.S. Compton, Frances Snow, pseud., see Adams, Henry

Chicago Comum see Como
Chicago Tribune Tower, IV: 1:53 Conant, Kenneth John, on Baptist Church, Newton,
Goodhue (B. G.) design, VI:3/4:3 IX:l/2:25; on church scheme with two axial

Gropius (W.) and A. Meyer design, VI:3/4:2 towers, VII:l/2:49; VII:3/4:37; on Cluny,
Saarinen (E.) design, 111:4:23; VI:3/4:l-5; illus. IV:3/4:51; VI:3/4:55; XVI:2:5; XVI:3:16;
VI:3/4:pl I fig 1, pi II fig 6 XVIII:3:95; S. McK. Crosby on, VII:3/4:16;

City and County Bldg. [Courthouse Guggenheim fellow, XVI:3:3-6; honorary degree
competition], 1873, IX:l/2:24n4 from Dijon University, IX:4:28; Honorary Fellow
Post Office Bldg., 1903, 111:4:19 of the Society of Antiquaries, IX:4:28; on medieval
Cincinnati foot, XVI:2:5; on St. Bnigne, XVII:3:9n36; and
Chamber of Commerce, XVII:3:20 SAH, 1:1:20,22; 11:3:31; VI:3/4:35; and A. S.
Columbus, Ohio Wethey, XVI:3:15 nl2; XVII:3:9 n26
Capitol, XII:2:15-18; XIII:1:28; illus. 'The Artist in Wartime," 111:4:3-6

XII:2:[16-17] figs 1-5 ^ rief Commentary on Early Mediaeval Church

Harrisburg Architecture, with Especial Reference to Lost

Pennsylvania State Capitol, XIII:3:Suppl. 7 Monuments

Indianapolis Rev by c K Hersey, 11:4:33-35

Indiana State Capitol, XIII:3:SuPPl. 16 'The Care of Historic Monuments in France,"

New York (City) 1:3/4:13-14,17

Armory, 12th Regiment, XIV:3:25-26 Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture, 800 to

City Hall, 19th c., XV:4:30 j^qq

Crystal Palace, XVI:1:11,12,13; illus. XVI:1:12 Rev fey R ucher XIX:4;176.177

fig 11

SAH Book Award, 1959, XIX:2:88

Old Custom House, XX:4:186 . c . , . . . .... .

. r . rw . c , The Fire at Santiago de Compostela in 1117: A
Rockefeller Center [Metropolitan Square], _ . _ ,

v i t 1.17. VVIIT.7-55-S Reconstruction Drawing," XV: 1:3

It Medieval Russian Churches (ed.), VIII:1 /2:90-92

Union League Club, IX:4:17 .. . 1 ' t .. .

Philadelphia Municipal Politics in 1117: An Explanatory Note,

Athenaeum, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 , r
Centennial Exposition, 1876, XVIII:3:105 nlO New Results ,n the Study of Cluny Monastery,

Girard College, XVI:2:20-27 XVI:3:3-11

Laurel Hill Cemetery, XV-2-20 "Novgorod, Constantinople and Kiev in Old Russian

Library Company ' Church Architecture," XVI:2:28-29

Library Hall, X-2-20 "The Place of Cluny in Romanesque and Gothic

Masonic Temple, XX: 1:14 Architecture, 11:3:3-5

Ppnnevlvania Hncnital "Some Current Studies in Early Mediaeval Church

Female Dept. for the Insane, XIII:3:Suppl. 4 Architecture," IV:3/4:4-8

Schoolhouses, XIX: 1:37 capt. fig 7 Concentric city plan system, XVIII:3:76

Second Bank of the United States, 11:3:26-29 Concepcin, Chile

Washington Monument, XVII:3:32 Agricultural Congress, 1913, XVIII:3:83

Pittsburgh Concert halls see Theaters (Auditoriums, Concert halls,
Allegheny Carnegie Library, XVI:3:26 Opera houses, etc.)
Allegheny County Bldgs., XVI:3:22,28 n2 Concord (Mass.) Antiquarian Society, X:l:23
Pittsburgh Carnegie Library and Music Hall, Concrete, term, XX:4:197
XVI:3:26 Ancient, VII:3/4:34-35

Shadyside Presbyterian Church, XVII:3:22 Poured, XI:2:23-24

Providence Pre-cast [Concrete blocks], XI:2:24; XI:3:27-29
State House, XVII:3:23 Reinforced, XVIII:4:129; XIX:l:21-22; XX:l:34-37
Richmond, Va. Roman, 1:1:4; XVII:4:2-8

Penitentiary, 1797, XII:4:27-30; XV:4:29-30; Towers

XIX:3:115,117 Station Tower project (T. Garnier), XIX:1:22; illus.
Salem, Or. XIX: 1:22 fig 13
City Hall, XIX:2:60n20 U.S., XX:4:194-197
Washington, D.C. Vaults, XX: 1:44

Capitol Extension, VII:1/2:[1] Concrete, The Vision of a New Architecture, by P.

Library of Congress, XVI:3:26 Collins, XX:3:143; XX:4:194

President's House [White House], X:l:4 Conder, J., 1852-1920, XIII:2:13,18

Compostela, Bishop of, see Dalmace, Bishop of



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Condit - Contreras
Condit, Carl W study of 19th c. commercial Connecticut - Western Reserve see Western Reserve
architecture in Chicago, X:l:28; on structural Connolly, J. F., 19th c of Baltimore, VII: 1 / 2:29
techniques in America, XVIII:4:136 n38 Conover, David F.

American Building Art -the Nineteenth Century Company of see Philadelphia: Swaim's Bldg.: Second
Rev. by T. C. Bannister, XIX:4:180-182 Conowingo, Md.
The Rise of the Skyscraper; The Genius of Chicago Dam, XII: 1:22
Architecture from the Great Fire to Louis Prospect School, XII: 1:22

Sullivan, XIX:4:180 Conques

Rev. by W. Weisman, XII:3:30-31 Sainte-Foy, IV:3/4:19n28
Conefroy, Pierre, Abb, XI: 1:20 Sculpture, VII:3/4:27
Coner Codex, XIII:3:10n8; XVIII:1:13 El Conquistador see James I, King of Aragon
Coney Island see New York (City) Conseil des Btiments Civils see France: Conseil des

Conflagration of St. Philip's, painting (J. B. White), Btiments Civils

XVIII:3:113 Consejo Superior de Habitaciones Para Obreros,
Confucius, IX:l/2:5,10n28 XVIII:3:83

Congleton Conservation of art objects see Art objects:

Silk throwing factory, VIII: 1/2:5 Conservation and restoration

Town Hall (E. W. Godwin), IX: 1/2:27 Conservation of buildings and cities see Preservation

Congo, French see French Equatorial Africa and Restoration; for restorations of specific bldgs.
Congo Republic or cities see directly under city, e.g. Charleston,

Linear city plan project, XVIII:3:82 S.C.: Manigault (Joseph) House; Williamsburg,

Congonhas do Campo, Brazil, XV:3:11 Va.: Preservation, Restorations, etc.

Congrs International de l'Art de Construire Villes et Conservation of historic sites see Historic sites

Organisation de la Vie Municipale see (Cemeteries, Parks, Battlefields, etc.):

International Federation for Housing and Town Conservation and restoration

Planning: Congresses Conservation of natural monuments see Natural

Congrs International de l'Habitation et de monuments

l'Amnagement des Villes see International Constance, Prince Bishop of, XII:4:12
Federation for Housing and Town Planning: Constantine I, brick in the time of, 1:1:3; XVII:4:3;
Congresses Constantinian churches, IV:3/4:4,5; XVII:3:34;
Congrs Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne see completion of Hippodrome at Constantinople,
International Congress for Modern Architecture XVII:4:8 nl5; bldg. of Imperial Palace, Cologne,

Congreso Internacional del'Arte de Construir XX:2:86n31; invasions, IV:3/4:24; St. Peter's in

Ciudades y Organizacin de la Vida Municipal see the time of, XVIII:3:99

International Federation for Housing and Town Arch of, Rome, XII:4:15

Planning: Congresses Basilica of, XVII:3:16,34

Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria, Madrid, 1919, Constantine VII [Constantine Porphyrogenetus]
XVIII:2:48,49 Ceremonial Book of, XX:2:85

Congress Lands, XII:2:4 Constantine, ship, XV:4:23

Congress of Agriculture see Agricultural Congresses Constantinople see Istanbul

Congress of German Art Historians, 6th, 1956, Essen, Constantinople College for Girls see Istanbul:
XVII:2:3 Constantinople College for Girls
Congresso Nazionale di Storia dell'Architettura, Primo, La Construccin Moderna, periodical, XVIII:3:80 n30
1936, XVIII:1:11 Construction see Building

Conkling, Mr., XII: 1:11 Contamin [Contanin], V.

Connally, Ernest Allen, and exhibition of historic Ohio Galerie [Halles] des Machines, Exposition
bldgs., XII:3:32; supervisor of National Park Universelle, 1889, Paris (and C. Dutert), X:3:10;
Service student team at Salem, Mass., XVII:1:30 XII:4:18; XIV:3:28; XVII:4:38; XIX:l:22n37

"Architecture at the End of the South: Central Contant, A., on St. Bnigne, Dijon, XVII:3:2
Texas," XI:4:8-12 Contant d'lvry, Pierre

'The Cape Cod House: An Introductory Study," Palais Royal, Paris

XIX:2:47-56 1750-52 constructions, V:46

"Old Texas Architecture," SAH lecture, X:l:28 Contarini, XVIII:3:118

Review Conti, fl. 1662, Prince de, XV:2:5

Baer, K. (and H. Rudinger), Architecture of the Continho, Manuel de Sousa see Sousa Continho,

California Missions, XIX: 1:42-43 Manuel de

Connecticut freestone, XX:l:6nl2 Contini, Giovanni Batista di Giovanpaolo, XX:4:165
Connecticut Land Company, X:4:10,[17] n5 Contrasts..., by A. W. N. Pugin, IX:3:5; XIII:3:20,22
Connecticut Valley architecture, XIX:3:119-123 Contreras, Carlos, V:30nll


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Convenient and Ornamental Architecture - Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott

Convenient and Ornamental Architecture, by J. "Preliminary Steps Towards 'The New History of
Crunden, XX:3:126 no.10 Architecture,' " 111:3:3-11

Convention halls see Theaters (Auditoriums, Concert "Vignola and the Major Trends of Sixteenth Century

halls, Opera houses, etc.) Italian Architecture," lecture, VI:3/4:35

Coo .see Kos "Vignola's Character and Achievement," IX:4:10-14

Cook, of Boulogne-sur-Seine "William Morris on the Preservation of Historic

House of, XX:2:94 Monuments," IV:2:34-36

Cook, 17th c., of Clan ville, Engl. Coolidge, Joseph, Jr., XIII:3:12
Farm Cottage of, XI:1:[15] n25; illus. XI:1:5 Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson, Jr., X:l:3

Cook, 20th c U.S. Representative, VII: 1/2:10 n2 Coolidge and Hodgdon (see also Coolidge, Charles

Cook, A. S., 20th c XIII:1:3 Allerton; Coolidge and Shattuck; Coolidge,

Cook, Abner Hugh, career of, XI:4:9-10 Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott; Hodgdon (Charles)
Swisher House, Austin, XI:4:9-10; and Son; Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and
illus. XI:4:[11] fig 3 Abbott; Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:25

Cook, Clarence, XIV: 1:25 nil University of Chicago Bldgs., Chicago, XVII:3:26
Cook, George, photographer, X:3:28 University of Nebraska, L.ncoln, XVII:3:26

Cook, George Henry Coolidge and Shattuck (see also Coolidge, Charles

The English Mediaeval Parish Church, XVI:3:33 Allerton; Coolidge and Hodgdon; Coolidge,
Cook Ruth V II 2 23 VI 1/24351 XI 3 31 Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott; Shepley, Bulfinch,
Current Bib'liography^n Architecfiiral History" R-hards and Abbott; Shepley, Rutan and

(comp.), 1:1:9-19; 1:2:31-38; 1:3/4:47-60; "2

11:1:43-52; 11:2:41-51; 11:3:35-44; II:4:45-[59]; SoulT8

Church 1924, Washington, XVII.3.27
Boston Insurance Exchange Bldg., Boston, XVII:3:25

111:1/2:49-57; 111:3:33-43; 111:4:53-64;

First National Bank, Portland, XVII:3:25

IV: 1:43-53; IV:2:44-52; IV:3/4:60-70; V:[48]-56 . ,

"Index to Volumes 1-3 ... Journal, AmericanMerchants

,21. Tlv
1922, o
Boston, XVII:3:25
of Architectural Historians," VI: 1:55-63

Vanderbilt University, Nashville

Cook, Walter, 1843-1916 see Babb, Cook and Willard

Cook, Walter W. S., XVI:4:7 n

Medical College and Hospital, XVII:3:26; illus.

XVII:3:27 fig 9

Cookham Dean

T , Western Reserve University, Cleveland.

St. John the Baptist (R. C. Carpenter), School 0f Medicine Bldgs. XVII:3:25

^ TT : i j XT r Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott (see also

Cooledge, Harold N., Jr. Coolidge, Charles Allerton; Coolidge and

i J1849-i 884, XIX: 1:34-38 Hodgdon; Coolidge and Shattuck; Shtpley,

Coolers, in Jamaica, Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott; Shepley, Rutan

Coolidge, Calvin, IV: 1:39 and Coolidge), XVII:3:25,26-30 and n2

Coolidge, Charles Allerton (see also Coolidge and Allston Burr Lecture Hall, Cambridge, XVII:3:30;

Hodgdon; Coolidge and Shattuck; Coolidge, illus xvil:3:[29] figs 16,17

Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott; Shepley, Rutan and Apartment house project, Indianapolis, XVII:3:30;

Coolidge), XVII:3:19-20,23,25 jllus XVII:3:[29] fig 18

Coolidge, Mrs. Charles Allerton, XVII:3:20 Appleton (Samuel) Bldg., Boston, XVII:3:25
Coolidge, Harold J., XIII:3:13nl g g Chemical Co. Laboratory, Cambridge,
Coolidge, John C., VIII: 1/2:67 XVII-3-28

Coolidge, John P., as director, Fogg Museum, Biological Laboratories, Harvard University,

VI:3/4:21; interest in A. D. Gilman, XX:4:191; Cambridge, XVII:3:28

on Gothic Revival, 11:2:27; IV:3/4:51; on Dunster House, Cambridge, XVII:3:27; illus.
Lowell, Mass., 1:1:21; on Michelangelo, XVII:3:27 figs 10,11

XIX:3:97 n, 100 nl 6,102 n22; and H. Park study on Elmira College, Elmira
pre-Revolutionary architectural books, XX:3:124; Dormitory and Library, XVII:3:26
preparation of Renaissance-Baroque SAH Journal Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, 1:3/4:11; IV:3/4:7;

issue, VI:3/4:21; and SAH, 111:3:28; 111:4:66; VI:3/4:21; XVII:3:26

VI:3/4:21; on Vignola's vault for the Gesu, Harkness Houses, Cambridge, XVII:3:26-27,31
XVII:4:24nil; on Villa Papa Giulio, 11:3:31 Hemenway Gymnasium, New, Cambridge,
Mill and Mansion; A Study of Architecture and XVII:3:28; illus. XVII:3:[29] fig 14
Society in Lowell, Massachusetts, 1820-1865, High School, Fitchburg, XVII:3:28
VIII:3/4:18 High School, Gloucester, XVII:3:28

Reviews Indoor Athletic Bldg., Cambridge, XVII:3:27

Donner, P. F. R 111:3:28 Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, XVII:3:25,31

Meeks, C. L. V., 11:4:35-37 Lamont Library, Cambridge, XVII:3:28
'The Neumann Bicentennial," XII:4:12-14 Lehman Hall, Cambridge, XVII:3:26

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Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott - Corlies

Littauer Center, Cambridge, XVII:3:27 Coptic fresco, The Promised Land, XX:2:82; illus.
Logan Airport, Boston, XIII:2:19; XVII:3:30; illus. XX:2:83 fig 10
XVII:3:[29] fig 15 "Copyism," vs. "development," XIX:4:148 n27,149 n33

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Coquina, XIII:2:28

George Robert White Memorial Bldg., XVII:3:28 Coral, XI:3:27
Memorial Church, Cambridge, XVII:3:27 Coral limestone, VI:3/4:7
New York Hospital - Cornell Medical College, N.Y., Corbacho, Antonio Sancho
XVII:3:28,30,31; illus. XVII:3:[29] fig 12 Arquitectura barroca sevillana del siglo XVIII
Northeastern University, Boston (and successor firm), Rev. by H. E. Wethey, XII:2:31

XVII:3:28; illus. XVII:3:[29] fig 13 Corbett, G. U. Spencer, XX:1:44

Old Colony Trust Co., Boston Corbett, Harvey Wiley (see also Corbett, Harrison and
Cornhill Addition, XVII:3:25 MacMurray), X:l:16,17
Parcel Post Bldg., Boston, XVII:3:28 Bush Bldg., N.Y., XI:2:17

Washington Building Trust Bank and Office Bldg., Metropolitan Square, N.Y., design, XVIII:2:55-56;

Washington, XVII:3:25 illus XVIII:2:55 fig 3

Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory, Corbett, Spencer see Corbett, G. U. Spencer

Falmouth (and successor firm), XVII:3:28 Corbett, Harrison and MacMurray (see also Associated

Coonley, Avery Architects; Corbett, Harvey Wiley; Harrison,

House of, see Riverside, 111.: Coonley (Avery) House Wallace Kirkman. MacMurray, William H.),

Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury, X:4:3 X I 11

Cooper, Mrs. Dexter P., 11:1:35 Metropolitan Square, N.Y., design X:l:16; illus.
Cooper, E. Newbold, XVI:2:20,27 n X l -[14] fig 6
"The Drawings [for the Girard College Architectural Corbit William XIX1-43

Competition] Recovered," XVI:2:20-22 Corbu'w Le Corbusier

Cooper, Henry N XIX:3:129 Corcoran

Cooper, James Fenimore, XIV:1:25 nl5; XIX:4:182 Mausoleum of, Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington,

Cooper, Peter, XI:2:15 VII 1/222

"Southeast Prospect of the City of Philadelphia" Corcoran Gallery of Art see Washington D.C.:

[ "Peter Cooper View ], XVL4:8 Corcoran Gallerv of Art

(Peter) and Hewitt (Abram S.) Iron Works, . , y , , .,
-r Cordeiro, Miguel, merchant of Macao, XV:3:24
Trenton, XV:4:19 r . ' . ,.

Samuel, 18th c., XX:l:24nl8 "rfu' r ' u , . ...
r . xt v . ,, * Dellitahana architettura durante la dominazione

Xst.T N XV" <C W: longobarda." XV,1:3:2

Cop.cab.na, Bolivia Cordimil. Antonio ace Smgallo, Antonio da. 1485-1546

Shrine V 40 Cordingley, R. A., XIX:2:88

Copeland, Saml., XIII:3:SuPPl. 6 Cordley, Richard, pastor, VI:l/2:23

Copenhagen Cordoba Argentina
Amalienborg Plads (N. Eigtved), IV: 1:19 Alta Gracia
Canals, IV:1:19; illus. IV:l:[18a] Sacristy doors, V:23
City plan, Maps and Views, IV:1:18-21,40; illus. Santa Catallna' V:23

IV:l:[18a] Cordoba, Spain

Frederiksstad, IV: 1:19,20,21 Mosque, IV:3/4:21,23

Navy Yards, IV:l:19-20; illus. IV:l:[l8a] Dome, XV:2:7

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Coreito, Aurelio, friar, XIX:2:70

Saite relief from Palace of Apries, XI:3:1 Corey, Albert B., IV:2:37; XIV:2:30

Rosenborg Slot, IV: 1:21 Corinth

Royal Academy of Fine Arts Agora
Library South Stoa, XV:l:31-32
Photograph collection, XVIII:2:72 Fountain of Glauce, VII:3/4:34

School of Architecture Faculty, XIX:2:83-84 Fountain of Peirene, XIII:4:5; XV: 1:32

Royal Library Market place, XIII :4:3

Dept. of Maps and Prints Temple, 650 B.C., VIII: 1/2:43
Photograph collection, XVIII:2:72 Temple of Apollo, XIII:4:4-5; XVII:1:33; illus.

Tivoli Park (G. J. B. Carstensen), XVI-.L17 n77 XIII:4:4 fig 2

Copland, H. Corlies, John B.

A New Book of Ornaments, XX:3:126 no.8 Harper and Brothers Printing Plant, N.Y., (and J.
Copley, John Singleton, VIII:3/4:[1]; X:2:20 Bogardus), XIV:3:23; XV:3:31;
Coppenhall, Engl. XV:4:16-17,18,22 n56; XIX:4:181; illus. XV:4:18
Medieval timber church, XVII:2:21 n7 fig 8


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Cormery - Cottage Residences

Cormery Cortlandt, Cornelia van see Beekman, Cornelia van
Tour Saint-Paul, IV:3/4:15-19; illus. IV:3/4:[10a] Cortona, Pietro da, R. Wittkower on, XVIII:4:164
figs 4,5 Santa Maria della Pace, Rome

Corn laws Remodelling of church and piazza, XIII: 1:12;

Great Britain, XX:3:99 XIV:1:9,11-12; illus. XIV:1:11 figs 5,6
Cornaro, Caterina, XI:2:26-27 Cortona, Italy

Corneilla de Confient Grotto of Pythagoras, 11:1:11 nl8

Church, XII:3:7 Corvinus, Mathew, XVII:3:18 n3
Cornejo, Pedro Duque see Duque Cornejo, Pedro Corwin, Cecil, XIX: 1.6 n 14
Cornelius, Hans, X:3:9 Coryell, L. B XIII:3:28
Cornelius, Baker and Co., VII: 1/2:30; XX: 1:9 os see Kos

Factory of, Philadelphia, XX: 1:9,18; illus. XX: 1:10 Cosas de Madrid: apuntes y comentarios municipales, by

12 A. Soria y Mata, XVIII :2:41 n3,47

Cornell, 19th c. Baltimore wood carver, XVI:1:29 Cosby, Dabney

Cornell, John B. Courthouse, Goochland (and V. Parish), XVIII:1:8;

Stewart (A. T.) Store [Wanamaker's], N.Y. jUus xvill:l:9 fig 20
Faade, XV:4:17 Courthouse, Sussex, Va., XVIII:1:6; illus. XVIII:1:9
Cornell (John B.) Ironworks, N.Y., XV:4:17 j-)g 16

Cornet, Antonio Gaudi y see Gaudi, Antonio Cosimo de Medid w Medjci Cosimo de

Corneto see Tarquinia "Cosmatiesque," XVI:3:25

Corner, James M. Cosper, Chas.

Examples of Dornest Colonial Architecture in Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59 nl3

Maryland and Virginia (and E. E. Soderholtz), Costai Lcio> XVII:2:30-31

... Brazilian Pavilion, N.Y. World's Fair, 1939 (with O.

Erastus) and Company Albany, Niemeyer and p_ L wiengr [Weiner],,
VII:1 /2:13 n35; XV:4:21 n49

Cornish, N.H.

City plan, Brasilia, XVII:2:30,31

Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site [Saint-Gaudens ,.. . . _ . , _ , , , .

Memorial; Aspel], IX:3:27 M,n,STtry of Education d Publ.c Health, R.o de

Cornu, Sbastien _ , Janeiro (and others), XVII:2:30,31; XX:2:95

Paintings, Palais Pompien, Paris, XIV:3:4 Costa Atiaide, Manuel da

Cornwallis IV-2-32- IV-3/4-59 Ceiling painting, Our Lady of the Angels, S.
Corny, Emmanuel Hr de see Hr de Corny, Francisco de Assis, Ouro Preto, XV:3:21-22
Emmanuel Costa Barreira, Manuel Domingos da, XV:3:14n6

Corpus Basilicarum Christianum Romae, by R. Costa de Beauregard, Marquis, XIV:3:6

Krautheimer, XIV-1-31 Costaculti Palace see Viterbo: Palazzo Costaculti

Corpus Christi, XVII:1:5 Costaggini, Phillippo, VII:1/2:18,26
Corral, Juan de, bldr. in Lima, V:[21] Costigan, Francis, career of, XVII:1:30-31
Correa Abb XII-3-30 Bates (Hervey) House, Indianapolis, XVII: 1:31

Correa, A. B. Groves Residence, Indianapolis, XVII: 1:32

"Velasquez Arquitecto y Decorador," XX: 1:44 Hasselman (Lewis W.) House [Fahnley House],

Corra da Serra, B. J., Father, XIV:4:7 Indianapolis, XVII:l:31-32; illus. XVII:1:31

Correa Lima, Attilio see Lima, Attilio Corra Institute for the Education of the Blind,

Corras, Brazil Indianapolis, XVII: 1:30,31

Monteiro Garden (R. B. Marx), XVII:2:31 Lanier House, Madison, XVII:1:31,33 n2
Correggio, VIII:3/4:2 Odd Fellows Bldg., Indianapolis, XVII:1:31
Correia Lopes, Joo Old Post Office [American Fletcher Bank and Trust
Altar of N. S. do Rosrio, Lamego Cathedral, Co.], Indianapolis (attrib.), XVII: 1:32
XV:3:8,9-10 Oriental House, Indianapolis, XVII: 1:31,32
Corroyer, Edouard Shrewsbury House, Madison, XVII:1:31
Description de l'Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel..., Tousey (Oliver) Residence [Gatling Gun Club],
XIII:1:4 Indianapolis, XVII:1:31

Corser, Frederick G., XIII: 1.-18 Wallace Residence, Indianapolis, XVIM.-32

Corsham stone, XIX:4.152 Cosway, Maria Hadfield, XV:l:30nl2

Corts, Hernn, V:[24]n3; VI:3/4:22; and conquest of Cotencin, de, XIX:4:155n56



Palace of, Mexico City, XIV:4:4 Church, IV:3/4:29

The Cortile del Belvedereby J. S. Ackerman, XIV:1:31; Cottage Architecture, by A. J. Downing, 11:1:28,29

XIV:4:30-31 Cottage Residences, by A. J. Downing, XI:2:6; XII.-4:25


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The Cottage Souvenir - Courthouses, Courtrooms, etc.

The Cottage Souvenir, by G. F. Barber, XII:4:24 "The Court of Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of
Cottage style, VIII:3/4:67; XVIII:3:79,104-111 Urbino," by M. B. Plume, VII:3/4:27-28
The Cottage Style, by V. J. Scully, Jr, IX:1 /2:30 n4 Courtauld Institute of Art see London: Courtauld
Cotte, Robert de, as academician, 1:2:8; B. Neumann Institute of Art
and, XII:4:12,14 Courtenay, Jean de see Jean de Courtenay
Documents, XVII: 1:35-36 Courthouses, Courtrooms, etc. (see also Moot halls),
Works photographs of, U.S. National Archives,

Bldgs., Poppelsdorf, XVII: 1:35,36 XX:4:198; square courthouses, XII:2:5; truncated

Palace, Bonn, XVII:1:35,36 hip-roofed courthouse, XII:2:5

Cottenet, Francis, XIV:1:21 Aix-en-Provence, design (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:15

House of see Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Nuits Annapolis

Cotter, John L. County Courthouse and Prison, 1774 (W.

Archeological Excavations at Jamestown Colonial Buckland), XIII:2:4
National Historical Park and Jamestown National Appomattox, XV:4:3,6

Historic Site, Virginia Athens

Rev. by G. H. Smith, XX:3:148 Schhemann House [Supreme Court], XIV:3:3

New Discoveries at Jamestown (and J. P. Hudson), Baltimore

xx.3.148 Courthouse, 18th c., XX:3:133

Cottingham, Lewis Nockalls, VI:1/2:[1] nl; XX:3:149 Distnct and Circuit Courts, Masonic Hall,
Cotton drilling, XII:4:19

Cottrell, James and Co., XI:4:35 Barnstable, Mass., XIX:2:49nil

Coucy-le-Chteau-Auffrique 50n. rri,, n t ,n a ,r ,.

Fortifications, VII:3/4:28 Court HouSe [ld Clty Hail] (C Bulfinch)'

Coulter, Jas., 18th c. capt., XV:4:23 _ .. X*y:2:l6,,

Coulton, IV:3/4:3
Counce, Rufus Copeland, X:4:[32] nl7

Caroline County Courthouse

d r u 1759-65 (J. Wiley), XVIII:1:2

Counce, Rufus Harvey, X:4:[32] nl7 18Qg XVIII;1:6 XVIII:4:163; illus. XVIII:1:8
Council Bluffs, Iowa r 14
Jail, XVIII:4:153-154 ~ ~ lgv _ _
y *, .in i i a,, t. Cairo, Oa., X:2:20-21
Pottawattamie County Jail (Eckel and Aldnch), Camden, N.J. (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34
XVIII:4:149-154,157; illus. XVIII:4:150 fig 1; Chandigarh

151 figs 3,4; 152 figs 5,6 High Court (Le Corbusier), XX:2:92,95

Council of Montpellier at Aries, 1234, IV:1:9 charles city> Va xvni;1:4. iUus XVIII:1:5 fig 5

Council of the National Trust see National Trust, Engl. Charleston, S.C., 1788, illus. X:4:[5] fig 2

Council of Toulouse, 1234, IV: 1:9 Charlotte County Courthouse (J. Percival),
Cound Hall, Shropshire (J. Prince), XIII:4:32; XVIII-1 7 8
XVI:2:17,18 Chicag0

The Country Builder s Assistant, by A. Benjamin, 11:4:5; City and County Bldg. competition [Courthouse

VII:3/4:29,32; XIII:3:16 Competition], 1873, IX:l/2:24n4

The Country Builder's Estimator..., by W. Salmon, Cook County Courthouse and Jail, XVI:1:16
XX:3:129 no.73 Circleville, Ohio, XIV:4:24; illus. XIV:4:25 figs 3,4
Country clubs see Clubhouses Cleveland
Country Five Barr'd Gates, Stiles and Wickets, Elegant Courthouse, 1828, X:4:[13]; XII:2:21
Pig-styes, Beautiful Henhouses..., XX:3:120 Cumberland, Va.
The Country Gentleman's Pocket Companion and Cumberland County Courthouse (W. A. Howard),

Builder's Assistant, by J. and W. Halfpenny, XVIII:1:5; illus. XVIII: 1:7 fig 10

XX:3:126 no.21,127 n8 Donaldsonville, La. (H. Howard), XI:4:22

Country Homes, Woodward's, by G. E. Woodward, Dover, Del.

11:4:6,7,8,15 n78,16; XII:4:24 Kent County Courthouse, 17th c IX:3:23
Country Houses, The Architecture of..., by A. J. Dresden, Me.
Downing, 111:3:23; VI:1/2:16,19-21; XI:2:6; Pownalborough Courthouse, X:4:[32]nll
XII:2:14; XIV:3:19; XVIII:3:105 Emporia, Va.
Couper, Joseph, XVI: 1:12 Greensville County Courthouse, XVIII: 1:2 n2
Courajod, 1:3/4:9 Fairfax, Va., XVIII:l:5-6; illus. XVIII:1:7 fig 11
Cours d'architecture, by A. C. d'Aviler, V:46; XIX:2:76 Fincastle, Va.
Cours d'architecture, by J. F. Blondel, XI:1:16,[18-19]; Botetourt County Courthouse, 1818 (T. Jefferson),



Cours de construction, by J.-M. Sganzin, XVI:1:11 Frankfort, Ky. (G. Shryock), 11:1:36
Course of Empire (T. Cole), XIV:3:21

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Courthouses, Courtrooms, etc. - Courthouses, Courtrooms, etc.

Courthouses, Courtrooms, etc. (Cont.) Maysville, Ky., 11:1:36
Gallatin, Mo. Maysville, Mo.
Old Courthouse, XVIII :4:156 De Kalb County Courthouse [and Jail]

Georgetown, Del. 1885, XVIII:4:156

Sussex County Courthouse (W. Strickland), 1938, XVIII:4:150,156
XIII:3:Suppl. 3,8-9,10 capts. 17,18; illus. Maysville, Va.
XIII-3-Suppl [14] figs 17 18 Buckingham County Courthouse (T. Jefferson),

Gloucester, Va. ' XVIII: 1:6-7; illus. XVIII: 1:9 fig 17

Pre-1754, illus. XVIII: 1:2 fig 1 Media, Pa.

1766, 1:3/4:30; XVIII: 1:5; illus. XVIII: 1:6 fig 8 Courthouse and Jail (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34

Goochland, Va. (D. Cosby and V. Parish), 1:3/4:30; Minneapolis ^

XVIII-1-8* illus XVIII* 1*9 fig 20 City Hall and Hennepin County Courthouse

Greensburg, Pa. (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34 [City-County Bldg.] (Long and Kees),

Hanover, Va., XVIII:1:4; illus. XVIII:1:4 fig 3 XIII:4:19-22; XIX:1:40

Hillsboro, N C Montego Bay, Jam., X:3:24; illus. X:3:[23] fig 5

Orange County Courthouse

1782 X l-18 Supreme Court (F. Thiersch), 11:3:11

1845 (J. Berry), X:l:18,19,21,[22]; illus. X:l:21 ^eva^f

,Callf' (M' F Butler>- XIV:3:19
New York (City)

Honolulu The Tombs [Halls of Justice] (J. Haviland), XI:2:6;


Aliiolani Hale [Judiciary Hall] (T. Rowe), XI:3:28;

Norfolk County (Va.) Courthouse (P. Malbone),

illus. XI:3:28


Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:21,25; illus. XII:4:[23] fig 12 ,, .Y ~ v





King WilliVa., XVIII: 1:4; XVIII:2:72; illus Ntt0Way' XVIII:

Va" (B"
" Ellingtn)' XVIII:':8; ,US
1:10 fig 21
XVIII: 1:4 fig 4


Lancaster, Pa. (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34

Square courthouses, XII:2:5

Lancaster, Va.

Lancaster County Courthouse ^Ruvann^County Courthouse, XVIII:1:2 n2,8-10;

I in JneS)' XY"I:1:5 illus. XVIII: 1:10 fig 22

1858-60, XVIII: l:2n2


Leipzig Palais de Justice 1-2-10

Reichsgerichts - Gebude [Imperial Law Courts; Faade (L .j Duc [wo. Viollet-le-Duc] ),

Palace of Justice; Supreme Court] (L. E. E. XVIII-1-35- XVIII-2-72

. . . ^ "0f'5lann,' 11:3:11: XII:4:17 Tribunal de Commerce (A. N. L. Bailly), XVIII:1:35

Litchfield, Conn. Philadelphia

ca. 1725 [First], X:4:18,[23] n2 Independence Hall

1797 (W. Spratt [Spratz] attrib.), X:4:[23] n20; Court Room (R Alllson), XV:4:27
illus. X:4:19 fig 1 Supreme Court Chamber [Judicial Chamber],



Law Courts, IX:l/2:27; XII:4:16,18; Pittsburgh

XIX:4:145(and nl)-146,162; XX:3:104,149 Allegheny County Bldgs.

Lovingston, Va. Court House, Second, Greek Revival, XV:2:19;
Nelson County Courthouse, XVIII:l:2-3,6; XVI:3:22
XVIII:4:163; illus. XVIII: 1:3 fig 2; 8 fig 13 Court House and Jail (H. H. Richardson),

Lunenburg, Va. XIII:l:19-22; XV:2:19; XVI:3:22-29;

Lunenburg County Courthouse, 1823-27, XVIII:2:68; XIX:1:40; illus. XVI:3:23 fig 1

XVIII: 1:8 illus. XVIII:1:9 fig 19 Alterations, proposed (F. J. Osterling),


Palais de Justice, XII:4:30 Completion of (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),

Madison, Va., XVIII:1:6; XVIII:4:163; illus. XVII:3:20,22

XVIII: 1:8 fig 15 Pomposa

Manchester, Engl. Palazzo della Ragione, XX:2:84

Assize Courts, XIX:4:159 Powhatan, Va.

Mariposa, Calif., XIV:3:15; XVI:4:35 Powhatan County Courthouse (L. Johnson),

Marshall, Mo. XVIII: 1 :2 n2,10; illus. XVIILLIO fig 23
Saline County Courthouse, IX:3:27 Richmond, Va.

Maryland, XI: 1:27 Henrico County Courthouse, XVIII: 1:2

Marysville, Calif. Rutland, Vt., XIX:3:122 and nl6
Yuba County Courthouse, XIV:3:20

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Courthouses, Courtrooms, etc. - Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson

Saint Louis Courtney, Hercules, XV:4:25
Old Courthouse, 1:3/4:24,25 Courtonne [Courtone], Jean



Marion County Courthouse, IX:3:27 Trait de la perspective, XVIII:2:60-61

Saluda, Va. Designs, XVII:3:32-33 n2; XVIII:2:60-61 and n8
Middlesex County Courthouse, post-1852, Cout
XVIII: 1:6 n23 Map of San Diego, illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4



Sioux City Cathedral, VII:3/4:12

Woodbury County Courthouse (G. G. Elmslie, Central tower, XIII:1:7

W. G. Purcell and W. L. Steele, Sr.), XX:3:140 Coutansais, F., XVII:4:20 nn8,9

Smithfield, Va. Covarrubias, V:6,13

Isle of Wight County Courthouse (W. Rand), Coventry, Engl.

111:4:26; XVIII:I:5; illus. XVIII:1:5 fig 6; St. Thomas' Church (Sharpe and Paley), XV:2:23 n22

6 f,g 7 Covered bridges, IX:3:17

Somerset, Ohio, XII:2:5; illus. XII:2:[6] fig 7 Coville, F. V IV: 1:39
South Bend, Ind. Cowles, Samuel, Maj.

St. Joseph County Courthouse (Shepley, Rutan House of, Farmington, Conn., X:2:20; X:4:[23] n20

and Coolidge), XVII:3:25 Cowley, Engl.

Spanish Town, Jam., X:3:22,24 Church P"#* <G- E Street>> XIX:4:167; illus.
Springfield, 111. XIX:4:167
fig 18
St. James
Sangamon County Court House [Old State House] _

(Town and Davis), XIV:2:17 n6 Restorations (G. E. Street), XIX:4:167

Springfield, Mass. Cowper ...... _ . _ . ,

Hampden County Courthouse (H. H. Richardson), Lighthouse,

M.ddleton Point, Sagar Island,
XVI: 1:17 n92
IX: 1/2:27,29

Cox, fl. ca. 1842, excavator, see Benner and Cox

Cox, Catherine see Loxley, Catherine Cox

Sussex, Va. (D. Cosby), XVIII:1:6; illus. XVIII:1:9

fig 16

w a i a WITT T -, tf\ Cox, John, 18th c. N.J. farmer, XV:4:23
Virginia, XV:4:3,6; XVIII:1:2-10 /-, v ,v ,

Warsaw Va CX' Kenyn' I*:l/2:34

_ , Cox, Leonard, on medieval geometry, XX:3:143-146

R,^mond County Courthouse Cox, Mary> 18th c> XV:4:23

' rc ar VIILl: ,4nl3 Coxhead, Ernest, in Boston, X:3:18; originally from

w I.W (L. Carter), XVIII: 1:4 England, X:3:20-21

ashington, . ;. Keeler (Charles) Residence, Berkeley, illus. X:3:[19]

Old City Hall [District Court House] porter (BnJce) House> San Francisc0) X:3:21
(G. Hadfield), VIII:l/2:93; X:2:14 n4; Telephone Company Bldgs., San Francisco, X:3:20
XV: 1:28; illus. X:2:19 Cozja
West Chester, Pa. Monastic Church, IV:3/4:29,31,34
Chester County Courthouse (T. U. Walter), illus. Rumanian Church, IV:3/4:28,31,34

XIX:2:83fig4 LeCrac see Kerak, Jordan: Krak des Chevaliers

Williamsburg, Va. Crace, John, XIII:3:24

1715, James City Courthouse, XVIII:1:4 "Cradle of liberty" see Boston, Mass.: Faneuil Hall
1770, James City County and City of Crafts (Building) organizations

Williamsburg Courthouse, XVIII: 1:5; Bibl., X-2:26

XVIII:4:163; illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3; XVIII:1:6 Craig, Adam, 111:4:27
fig 9 Craig, Jane see Standard, Jane Craig
Buzaglo's Wanning Machine, XX: 1:24; illus. Craig, John D Ohio orator, XV: 1:27,29 nl
XX: 1:24 fig 6 Craig, Thomas, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Williamsport, Pa. (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34 Craigehead, Patrick, 18th c. Philadelphia bldr., XV:4:25



Courthouse and Post Office (A. B. Young), Saint Demetrius, IV:3/4:34

XIX:3:121-123; illus. XIX:3:121 figs 4-6; 122 Cram, Ralph Adams (see also Cram, Goodhue and

fig 7,8 Ferguson), Gothic style of, 11:3:16; and T. T.

Worcester, Mass. (A. B. Young), XIX:3:119 Waterman, X:2:25

Yanceyville, N.C. Drawings, IV:3/4:51

Caswell County Courthouse (J. Berry, attrib.), Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson (see also Cram, Ralph
X:l:[22] Adams; Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor), L. B.

Yorktown, Va. Holland in firm of, XI:2:24

York County Courthouse (R. Ballard), XVIII: 1:4 St. Thomas' Church, New York, 11:2:13; XII:1:9

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Cramer - Cronkhill

Cramer, Ambrose C., XIX:2:84; XX:1:38 Creighton, Robert, 18th c., of Natchez, XIV:4:28-29
Cramer, Zadock, IX:4:22 Creighton, William J., XII:3:29
Crammond, William Crema

Villa of see Philadelphia: Sedgeley S. Maria dlia Croce (G. Battagio), XVI: 1:7
Crane, Charles R., XX:3:140 Cremona

Crane, Walter, infl. in Germany, 11:3:12; visit to U.S., Market place, 111:1/2:25; illus. III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 9

XVIII:2:68 S. Sigismondo, XVII:3:18n6

Stucco frieze illustrating Longfellow's Skeleton in Crescenzi, G. B., XVIII:4:167

Armour, Vinland, Newport, XVIII:2:68 Crespo, Angel Muiioz, XVIII:2:49

Cranstone, B. A. L., XIX: 1:25 ni Creswell, K. A. C.

Craskell ^ Short Account of Early Muslim Architecture

King's House [Governor's Residence], Spanish Brief rev., XVII:4:40
Town, X:3:22-24; illus. X:3:[23] figs 1,2 Cresy. Edward, XIII:3:14(8g)

Crawford, Lord, pres. of National Trust, see Lindsay, Cresy, Eliza Taylor, XIII:3:14(8g)

Robert Alexander Cret' Paul P' bio8r' study of- VIII: 1/2:87; Detroit

Crawford, of Thomaston, Me. f'

House of [Leeds-Crawford House], X:4:[32] n21 The des Beaux-Arts and Architectural

Crawford, Thomas Education," 1:2:3-15

Sculpture, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., r s

VII 1/2-26 * Museum, Detroit, 1:2:3
Statue of Freedom, U.S. Capitol, Washington, Central Heftinf "ft. Washington, VI:1/2:31;

VIM/2-8,19,26 lUus- VI;l/2:pl X fig 7

T r T u -1 a w o r* uiryy ; Federal Reserve Bank, Philadelphia, 1:2:3

Letter from J. Haviland, on bias against him in _ _ {1 .

Federal competitions, XX:3:137 n!7 Federal Reserve Board Bldgs Washington 1:2:3 n

Crawfordsville, Ind. Folger Shakespeare L.brary, Washington, 1:2:3;

Montgomery County Jail, XVIII:4:150,154,155,157; _ . ... ,. .

il Yvni ss r Pan-Amencan Bldg., Washington, 1:2:3

w uun il ,7 Philadelphia-Camden Suspension Bridge,
Wabash College, XVII:3:30nl7 Phila . InVi

Is a Patient Search, by Le Corbusier . "P,_ ,
..... , . Anchorages, 1:2:3 n

Rev. by J. M. Jacobus, Jr., XX:2:92-95 Crete

The Creation of the Rococo, by F. Kimball Architecture, XIX:4:183

Reviews City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History

Hitchcock H.-R., V:[42]-44 and Planning): Crete

Pevsner, N., V:44-46 Crew, Henry, Prof., XIX: 1:7 n 17

Creative Eclecticism, by C. L. V. Meeks, XII:4:15-18 Crisp, William B [R ]

Creek Indians, XI:3:26 Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings,

Creese, Walter L., on American architecture, XVI-2-23 26

1918-1933, VII:3/4:37; on American Greek Cristo Sacramentado, see Eucharistie Wafer

Revival style, X:4:[32] n24; biogr. data, VI:3/4:37; Cristvo de Nazareth, Padre, XIX:2:69
Howard Myers Memorial Award, 1st honorable Criticism II-3-14-25- X-3-3-7
mention recipient, X:4:36; on Old St. Peter's, "Critique!" by L. H.'Sullivan, XX:4:184

IV:3/4:4; and SAH, IX:3:26; X:l:28; and SAH Croce, Benedetto

Great Britain, XV:2:32; and Yale exhibition, Prohlemi di estptica XHM-13

-Boots and Buildings. 1449.1949,- VIII,1/2.67 c,

-Airt'c'e House of [Crowe House], IX:1/2:19

"Saarinen's Tribune Design," VI:3/4:l-5 Crockett, Tex.
Editor Adams House, XI:4:[7] n24
SAH Journal, IX-XI Croesus, XI:3:1

Foreword to L. Sullivan, Democracy: A Man Croker, John Wilson, XVI:4:22

Search, IX:l/2:38 Croly, Herbert, X:3:20

Reviews Cromford, Engl.

The Architect at Mid-Century, ed. by T. C. Mill on the Derwent (R. Arkwright),

Bannister (vol. 1) and F. R. Bellamy (vol. 2), VIII:1/2:16-17,26 n7

XIV:3:32 Crompton, Samuel

Newcomb, R., Architecture in Old Kentucky, Mule, machine, VIII: 1/2:3
XII:2:30-31 Cromwell, IX:3:5

Creese, Mrs. Walter L., XIII: 1:32 Cronaca, XIII:3:4

Creighton, John Cronkhill (J. Nash), XI:2:28; XI:4:19; illus. XI:4:[17]
House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:[31] fig 11

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Crooker - Cummings
Crooker, John, XX:3:100 Cubit, measurement, XVI:3:12,13,14,15; XVIII:3:100
Crosby, Sumner McKnight, biogr. data, VII:3/4:37; Cubitt, William, Sir, and disposal of Paxton's Crystal
Guggenheim fellow, VII:3/4:[13]; study of Saint Palace, XVI:4:25
Denis, IV:3/4:6,7; VII:l/2:49; VII:3/4:[13]-16; Cubitt Town Development, London, XIX:4:163
XIII: 1:28,29; and U.S. Office of Education, Cucuteni, Moldavia
Committee on Art, 111:1/2:58 Archaeological investigations, IV:3/4:24
L'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis Cuddesdon
Rev. by R. Branner, XIII: 1:28,29 All Saints' Parish Church

"Early Gothic Architecture: New Problems as a Restoration and Parsonage (G. E. Street),
Result of the St. Denis Excavations," XIX:4:151

VII:l/2:49; VII:3/4:[13]-16 Bishop's Palace, XIX:4:151

Cross, Caroline, IV:3/4:8 Diocesan Theological College (G. E. Street),

Cross, Samuel Hazzard XIX:4:148 n31,151,152,153,154; illus. XIX:4:151

Medieval Russian Churches I"'S 2

Rev. by T. Hamlin, VIII:l/2:90-92 Cudell

Cross, Wilbur L., VIII:3/4:4; XIV:2:9,11 Portland Block, Chicago, XVII:2:32

Cross-shaped bldgs., XVII:3:10-18 Cuenca, Spain

Crosswicks N J Cathedral

Meeting House, 1773, VII:3/4:31 Choir screen> XVII:3:36

Crowe of Pasadena Monastery of the Order of St. James, XVI:3:35

House of [Crocker House], IX:1 /2:19 Culbertson James A. IX:1/2:18

Crowell Nancv Houston Cultural Heritage of Our Planned Communities, by C.

Architecture," , * f,

VII-3/4-22-23 culture artistique en Amrique-, by S. Bing,

Crown of stars, from book of Revelation, XVI: 1:6 XVII1.2.68

, . ... ^,,r , , Culture of Cities, by L. Mumford, 111:1/2:8
Crown-shaped bldgs., XVI: 1:6 _ .Culver,
/ , Andrew
,'D ' R.,
XIX: 1:14

Crowninshield, fl. 1868

House of, Boston, IX: 1/2:29
Crowninshield, Mrs. Francis B., XII:3:28; XIII:3:29

Culver, George R., XIX: 1:33

Cuman Cabin, of French Equatorial Africa,
VI:3/4:31-32; illus. VI:3/4:pl V

Crowninshield, George, XII:3:28 Cumberland, Frederick William

Orozet, Claudius, 111:4:30 University of Toronto, Toronto, VI:3/4:6

"Cruc> XIXL4:181 Cumberland, Va.

Crunden, i f:' _ _ r Cumberland County Courthouse (W. A. Howard),

Design for First Boston Theatre, XIV-.2:[5] capt. XVIII-1-5- illus XVIII-1-7 fig 10

fi '3 Cummings, Abbott Lowell, on architectural practice of

Crunden, John, and H. Webley, XX:3:126 ni 17th-18th c., XVII:2:29; on Cape Cod Cottage,

Handbooks, XX:3:122 XIX:2:47 n2; credits to (G. Peterich), XV:2:18 n;

The Carpenters Companion, containing... on T. Dawes' library, XX:3:124; and restoration of

Designs ..., from the Drawings of J. H. Morns, St Luke-Si Smithfield, XVII:1:18 nl; and SAH

carpenter, and J. Crunden, XX:3:126no.9 August Tour, XIII:3:29

Convenient and Ornamental Architecture, "American Notes," ed., XII:3:27-30
XX:3:126 no.10 "Domestic Architecture of the 17th Century in
Joyner and Cabinet-Maker's Darling, Massachusetts," VII:3/4:30

XX:3:126 no.l 1 and nl "The Ohio State Capitol Competition," XII:2:15-18;




Crux commissa, XX:2:78 Cummings, Charles, XIII:2:24 n6

Crux immissa, XX:2:78 Cummings, G. P.
Cruz Amarante, Carlo Luis Ferreira da see Amarante, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Bldg., Philadelphia,
Carlo Luis Ferreira da Cruz IX:3:27; IX:4:24-25; X-.l-.26; XV-.4-.16; XX-.1-.6-,
Cruz Bay, St. John, V.l. illus. IX:4:25

Keating (Miss) House, XIV: 1:29 Swaim's Bldg., First, Philadelphia, XX: 1:6,14
Cryptocollateral church plan, XIX:4:177 Cummings, George Bain, XV:3:32
Crypts, Cluniac avoidance of, XVI:3:18 Cummings, Hubertis, XIII:3:26,Suppl. 2,16
Crystal Palace, steamboat, XI:4:25 Cummings, M. F.
Ctesiphon Modern American Architecture (and C. C. Miller),
Taq-i-Kisra, XX:2:85 11:4:5 nl3,28 nl48
Cube roof, XVI:2:6,12 Cummings, Mildred H.
Cubism, XIX:4:182,183 South Solon: The Story of a Meeting House
Cubists, XVIII:2:65 Brief rev., XIX:2:88

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Cunault - Cuzco, Peru

Cunault Cust, Edward, Sir, on necessity for a tower on Gothic
Notre Dame bldgs., XX:3:105

Tower, IV:3/4:16 Letter to Sir Robert Peel, on competition for Houses

Cundy Family of Parliament, XX:3:101-102
Churches, London, XIX:4:163 Cust, Robert, Sir, XX:3:104

Cunningham, of Richmond, Va. Custis, George Washington Parke, X:2:l 1-15,18 n3

House of [Cunningham-Archer House], 111:4:27 Custis, John Parke, X:2:ll
Cunningham, Ann Pamela, 1:3/4:15; XV:4:4 Custis, Martha Dandridge se<? Washington, Martha

Cupola, term, IX:3:26; X:2:20-21 Dandridge Custis

Cupolas see Domes and Cupolas Custis, Mary see Lee, Mary Custis
Curaao Custis, Mary Lee Fitzhugh, X:2:12

Architecture "Custis' Folly," X:2:12

Ozinga, M. D., De Monumenten van Curaao in Custis-Lee Mansion, Arlington, Va. see Lee Mansion
Woord en Beeld, XIX:4:178-179 National Memorial

Curran, C. P., XX:3:131 Custodio Redal Etayo, XVIII:2:47

Curran, Edith, XIX:2:56 n41 Customs houses
House of, Wellfleet, Mass., XIX:2:56; Boston
illus. XIX:2:56 fig 16 Custom House (I. Rogers and A. B. Young),
"Current Bibliography in Architectural History," by R. XIX:3:119
V. Cook, 1:1:9-19; 1:2:31-38; 1:3/4:47-60; Charleston, Nevis, B.W.I.
11:1:43-52; 11:2:41-51; 11:3:35-44; II:4:45-[59]; Treasury and Customs House, X:3:26
111:1/2:49-57; 111:3:33-43; 111:4:53-64; IV:l:43-53; Maryland, XI: 1:27

IV:2:44-52; IV:3/4:60-70; V:[48]-56; VII: 1/2:50-93; ,

VIII: 1/2:94-127' VIII:3/4:48-66 1807-09 (B. H. Latrobe), XIV:3:30-31; illus.


"Current Research in Architectural History"

1944, by C. L. V. Meeks, IV:3/4:47-51,54;
VIII: 1 /2:86-89; XV:4:28

ca. 1819, XIV:3:31

Mid-19th c., XIV:3:31

1956, by P. A. Reinhardt, XV:4:28-29 n

Currier, Nathaniel see Currier and Ives Fede5f Hall Nat'onal Memorial [Old Custom
Currier S House; Sub-Treasury], XVI: 1:25-26;

, 10,, t ... XX:4:185-190; illus. XX:4:185-186 figs 1-6

Lithograph, 1853, Latting Observatory and Crystal Philadelphia

Palace, N.Y., illus. XIX:1:15 fig 7

Second Bank of the United States [Old Custom

Currier, William see Currier and Ives

. ' , . tit i ->-> House; United States Bank of Pennsylvania]

Currier and Ives, 111:3:22 (W Strickland)> I;2;22. II;2:34. n:3:26-29;

Curry, Wm. VII:3/4:[17]; XIII:3:30,Suppl. 2,9-10;
Trimming Store of, Philadelphia, illus. XX:1:7 fig 6 XIV-2-13- XVIII-4-162

Curtain-wall construction, XVI:1:13-15 Rogers I

Curtea-de-Arges, Run>- Custom house with Ionic colonnade, XVII: 1:33 n2
Cathedral Church, IV:3/4:29-32,33,34 U s _ Xx-4-198 199
Church of the Prince, IV:3/4:34 Venice

Domneasca, IV:3/4:26-27,31,33 Dogana XIV-2-12

Palace of the Prince, IV:3/4:25 Cutchogue, L.I.

St. Nicoara, IV:3/4:26 Horton House, 1649, XI:3:31

Tepes-Voda, IV:3/4:25 Cutler> Carrol]
Curtis, Henry B. House of, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:13

House of, Mount Vernon, Ohio, XVI:4:32 Cutler, Robert W. see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill

Curtis, Samuel, XI:2:10 Cutting, R. Fulton, X:l:ll,12

Curtis Publishing Co., XIX: 1:7 Cutting (William Bayard) Traveling Fellowship,

Curtis-Wistar-Martin Architectural Measuring XIX:l:25nl

Program, 1931-32 Cuvier, Georges, XVII:4:27,28

Plans, illus. XVI:4:11 figs 6-8 Cuvillis, F. Kimball on, V:45

Curtius, E. R., on medieval view of number Abbey Church, Schftlarn, XIX: 1:41

composition, XI:3:11 Amalienburg, Munich

European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, Reiche Zimmer, V:45

XVI:4:35 Residenztheater, Munich, XVI:2:31; XIX:4:184

Curtorim, Salcete District, Goa Cuylerville, N.Y.
Church, illus. XV:3:5 fig 8 Boyd-Parker Memorial, IV:2:41

Cusco, Peru see Cuzco, Peru Cuzco, Peru

Cushing, John Perkins, XIII:3:17,18 Calle S. Bernardo, V:36

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Cuzco, Peru - Dance

Cathedral, V:[33,35],37-38,40 Plazuela de la Merced, V:36
Faade, V:37 Portales XIV:4:4
Retable of the Trinity, V:36 S. Catalina
Church of the Triunfo Retables, V:36

Picture of Cuzco during 1650 earthquake, S. Clara, V:[35]

V:[35] n4 S. Domingo, V:[35] nl,37
Compania, V:23 S. Francisco, V:[35],37

Jesuit Church, V:37-38 S. Juan de Dios, V:[35]

Jesuit Monastery, V:[35] View of, during 1650 earthquake, V:[35] n4

La Merced, V:[35]-38; illus. V:[35a] figs 1-5 Cuzco School of Painting, V:[21]

, -T- , , Cyclone barn, Washington Courthouse, Ohio,

1631 (M. de Torres), V:36nn8,13 XVIII:2:69; illus. XVIII:2:69

Present, V: 37 n 16 _ ,

Monstrance (J. de Olmos), V:36 n8 Cyclopean walls, VIII:l/2:43

Retables, V:36 Cyrene

Side altars, V:37 Altar of Apollo, XI:3:1; illus. XI:3:[3] fig 8

Stairways, V:36; illus. V:[35a] fig 2 Cyrus

Tower, V:37-38; illus. V:[35a] fig 5 Tomb of, XII:4:7

DAR see Daughters of the American Revolution Damariscotta, Me.

Dabney, William H. Houses (Codd), X:4:26

Redcote, York Harbor, IX:4:17; illus. IX:4:[18] fig 2 Damascus

Trinity Court, Boston, IX:4:17 Sultan Baibars Mausoleum, 111:4:36

Dacian art, IV:3/4:24 Umayyad Mosque [Great Mosque; al-Walid

Dahinden, Justus Mosque], 111:4:35,37 n20,42

Dahinden (Justus) Home, Zrich, XVI:1:32 al-Ars Minaret, 111:4:42

Dahl, Curtis Mosaics, 111:4:43,44; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 20
"A Quartet of Pompeian Pastiches," XIV:3:3-7 Zahiriyah Intra Muros, Madrasah, 111:4:36

Dahlberg, Erik Damaz, Paul

Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, XVII:2:32 Art 'n European Architecture
Dakin, James H. (see also Town, Davis and Dakin), ?EPrt. rev" XV:4:32

XI.4.24 Dami, Lutgt, XVI:2:30

Dalcho, Frederick, XVIII:3:113-114 Damm,Margaret


Dale, David, as a man of good taste, VIII: 1 /2:15

Mills, New Lanark (and R. Arkwright), ' Gersn- <and E " ,ter Kxix}f'Art
VIII:1/2:11,13,30n47; illus. VIII:l/2:pl II Architecture
in Belgium, 1600 to 1800,
figs 5,6

D'Alembert Jean Le Rond see Alembert, Jean Le ^ssuan [Aswan] Dam, XV:4:4

Kondd vv,, Books on (P. Zucker), 11:1:41

Daky, Darnel,18th c plasterer, XX:3:135 Qos xnl:2;19 iUus XIII;2;23 r 3

Dallas, Vera, XVII:2:22 n45 Conowingo, Md., XII: 1:22

Dallas, Tex. Gamier, T., XIX: 1:22

Dallas Theater (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:131 Lawrence, Mass., 11:1:41
Marcus (Stanley) House (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 T.V.A., 11:1:41- XX:4:204
Southern Methodist University (Shepley, Rutan and Willow Creek Dam, proposed, VI: 1/2:28
Coolidge), XVII:3:26 Damut Island

Dallett, Elijah, 19th c. Philadelphia Banker, Headhouse, XIX: 1:26,28,29 n20

XVIIL4:162 Dana, Arnold, IV:3/4:54

Dallett, Francis James, on J. Notman's "Medary," Dana, Susan
XIX:2:81 House of, Springfield, 111., XVIII:2:64; XIX:3:130
'Two More Trautwine Buildings, 1830-1831, Dana, W. P. W., XI:2:11
1855-1856," XVIII:4:161-163 Dance, George, 1700-1768, Sr., and his sons,
Dallett, James, 19th c. architect, XIX:2:81 n4 XIV:4:13,17
Dalmace, Bishop of Compostela, XVI:3:16 Churches, London, XIII:1:11; XIV:4:13

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Dance - Davidson

Dance, George, 1700-1768, Sr. (Cont.) Danvers, Mass.

Conduit Meade Estate, London, XIV:4:15,21 n9 The Lindens see Washington, D.C.: The Lindens
Fleet Market (Old), London, XIV:4:13 Danville, Ky.

Mansion House, London, IV:2:42; XIV:4:13 Kentucky School for the Deaf
St. Botolph's, London, XIII:l:14n5 Old Chapel, 11:1:36
St. Leonard's, London, XIII:l:14n5; XIV:4:21 nl Mound Cottage [Boyle (Brig. Gen. J.T.) House],

St. Luke's, London, XIII:l:14n5; XIV:4:21 nl . 11:1:36; VI:1 /2:18

St. Matthew, London, XIII:l:14n5 Danzig

Dance, George, 1741-1825, Jr., M. Hugo-Brunt on, Oity plan, VIII:3/4:8

XI j 22 Daphne, Nicholas

Alfred Place [Tottenham Court Road Estates], Funeral ^apels of, San Francisco, Calif., XIX:3:130

London, redevelopment, XIV:4:15,16,20; illus. ^.mondo see Aronco, Raimondo d

XIV-414 fig 1 Darby, Abraham

ah Hallows-by-the-Wall
u ii u tu ii ou i i a Chapel,
vn;,, Iron
VIII: 1 /2:17-18

.on a nz-> a Dardis, George, 11:3:28

Art Gallery design, 1762, XIV:4:13 Daretown N J

Conduit Meade Estate, London, redevelopment, Pittsgro've Presbyterian Church, VII:3/4:31

XIV:4:15; illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1; 15 fig 3 Darius,*,*. XX:2:80,81

Finsbury Project, London, XIV:4:15,17,18,19,20; Darlington, fl. 1832, Earl of, XVI:4:22

illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1 Darmstadt

Foundling Estate, London, XIV:4:13,16; illus. Ernst Ludwig Haus (J M oibrich), VI:3/4:3; illus.

XIV:4:14 fig 1 VI:3/4:pl II fig 11

Giltspur Street Prison, London, XIV:4:18,22 n37 Houses (P. Behrens), 11:3:13

Honey Lane Market, London, XIV:4:16,18 Knstler Kolonie, 11:3:12-13

Leadenhall Market, London, XIV:4:16,22 n37 Landesmuseum (A. Messel), 11:3:11

Legal Quays project, London, XIV:4:17; illus. Riding Hall (J. M. Schuhknecht), XVII:4:38

XIV:4:14 fig 1; 16 figs 4,5 D'Aronco, Raimondo see Aronco, Raimondo d'

New London Bridge [Double Bridge across Thames], Darragh, Lydia, XI:4:24

London, project (and W. Jessop), XIV:4:17; Darrowville, Ohio

illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1; 17 fig 6 Smith Antique Shop, XII:2:10

Newgate Prison, London, rebldg., 1770, XI:2:28; Dartmouth College see Hanover, N.H.
XIV:4:18,22 n37 Darwin, Charles

St. George's Fields, London On the Origin of Species, XVI:4:22

Plans, XIV:4:15,17,20,21 nl7; illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1; D'Asfeld, XIII:l:26n2

15 fig 2 "Dates in Iron," XI:2:21

Shakespearean Gallery, London, XIV:4:22n52 Dates of bldgs., recording of, XII:3:23-26

Smithfield Market, London, XIV:4:16,22 n37; illus. Dating of Roman bldgs., XVII:4:8 n5
XIV:4:14 fig 1 Daudai
Tottenham Court Road Estates see Dance, George, Carving from, XIX:l:29n27
1741-1825, Jr.-. Alfred Place Daughters of the American Revolution, and
Dance, George, 20thc., of Melbourne, XIV:4:21 n3 preservation of Lockwood Mansion [Mathews

Dance, James, XIV:4:13 ParkJ> Norwalk, XIV:1:25 n28

Dance, Nathaniel, XIV:4:13 Washington Headquarters Association, IV:3/4:57

Dance, William, XIV:4:13 Dauphin, late 18th c.. XV:2:7

Danckelmann, Eberhard, 11:3:6 Dauphine late 18th c.. Madame a XV:2:7
Dandridge, Martha see Washington, Martha Dandridge Davenport' Iowa ^

Custis Trinity Cathedral (E. T. Potter), XVIII:3:119

vr,v.^m e 8 6 ' ' David' Jac1ues Louis' and academism, 1:2:9; and M.

r t a Ao Godefroy, XIII:1:16; Liberty, or the Republic as

Dan, Jacopo,XX:4:164n38 conceived by, XVII: 1:22

Daniel, Book of, XII:3:12 Davidson, of Jacksonville, Or.

Daniel, Warren J., XIII:3:Suppl. 2 House of, XII:4:20 fig 2 no.56

Daniels, Robert, Sheriff of Maysville, Mo., XVIII:4:156 Davidson, Dr., of Williamsburg

"Danish Expedition to the Virgin Islands," Apothecary Shop of, X:4:22; illus. X:4:21 fig 6

XIX:2:83-84 Davidson, Marshall, XIII: 1:27

Danjoy, XIX:4:155n58 Davidson, Martha

Dankerts, Jasper, 17th c XVII:4:32 Arts of the United States, A Pictorial Survey (ed., with

Dante, XI:2:28; XI:3:13 W. H. Pierson Jr.)

Danti, Ignazio, IX:4.12 Brief rev., XX:3:150


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Davidson, N.C. - De Styl

Davidson, N.C. Mali (W. W. T.) Villa, Manhattanville, N.Y.,
Davidson College XI:2:4

Dormitory and Chapel (Town and Davis), Pauper Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, N.Y.,



Davila, Pedrarias, XIV:4:3 Rotch (William J.) Cottage, New Bedford [A. J.
Daviler, Augustin Charles see Aviler, Augustin Downing attrib>.], XIV:3:19; XV:2:16
Charles d' Sachem's Wood [Hillhouse (James A.) House],
Davillar, Augustin Charles see Aviler, Augustin New Haven, 11:2:36-37

Charles d' Smith Hall [Playmaker's Theatre], Chapel Hill,

Davis, Alexander Jackson (see also Town and Davis; X:l:21

Town, Davis and Dakin), and AIA, XIII:3:17; Stevens (John Cox) Palace, N.Y., X:4:[31]
XVI: 1:24; XVI:3:36; W. Andrews on, XV:2:30; Villas, XI:2:27,28

and S. S. Beman, XII:3:17; books and studies on, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VI:1/2:14
VI:1/2:14; VIII:l/2:87; colonial style, IX:4:17; and Davis, Deering

eclecticism, XI:2:3-6; use of glass, XI:2:3,4,[8]; Annapolis Houses - 1700-1775

Italian villa style, XI:2:27; and R. C. Long, Jr., Rev. by F. Roos, VII:l/2:47
XVI:1:28; and J. McMurtry, VI:1/2:14,15,19; N.C. Davis, Frank, 20th c., X:l:28

work, X:l:18; on Providence Arcade, XII:3:13,15; Davis, James, 18th c., XV:4:25

and J. Trumbull, VIII:3/4:[1], 2,5; on use of white Davis, Jefferson, and U.S. Capitol,
paint, 111:3:23 VII:1/2:4,11 nl2,12 n27,13 n44,24
Diaries, VI:1/2:14; XII:3:16n27 Davis, Joseph B.
Papers, in N.Y. Historical Society, VIII:3/4:[1],5 Alexander J. Davis, Architect and Artist..., VI:1/2:14
Works Davis, Terrence
Blithewood [Donaldson (Robert) Estate], Fishkill, The Architecture of John Nash





Designs, Sketches, Watercolors, etc., 111:4:67; Davis, Theodore R.

IV:3/4:51; XI:2:3,4 View of New York, 1870, Harpers Weekly, XII:1:21;

Arcade, Providence, XII:3:15,16; XVI:1:18 nl05; illus. XII:1:19 fig 11

illus. XII:3:14 fig 1 D'Avonco, Raimondo see Aronco, Raimondo d'
Capitol competition, Columbus, XII:2:15-18 Dawes, son of Thomas, XX:3:127nll
Commercial Bldg., 1860, XI:2:4 Dawes, Thomas, 1731-1809
Downing's books, XI:2:6; XVIII:3:111 Library of, XX:3:116,117,118,121,123,124-130,

The Architecture of Country Houses, Including passim

Designs for Cottages, Farm-Houses and Dawson, Brown see Brown-Dawson
Villas, VI: 1 / 2:16,19 Dawson, John, 18th c., of Liverpool, XII:1:22
Girard College, Philadelphia Day, Cornelius, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Watercolor of competition drawing (attrib.), Day, Henry Mason, XVII:1:12
illus. XVI:2:21 fig 3 Day, Oriana

Hinton, History and Topography of the United Paintings of Missions, XV: 1:25 and n3

States, XII:3:16 n27 Day nurseries see Schools and School bldgs.
Post Office, 1867, N.Y., XI:2:4; illus. Daysuyama, Emperor, V:[21]
XI:2:5 fig 2 Dayton limestone, VI:3/4:19
Second Bank [Branch Bank] of the United De Architectura. . ., by Vitruvius, 1:2:8; XIX:2:85;
States, Philadelphia (W. Strickland), XX:3:117,124,129 no.83
XIV:2:17 nlO Selections, XX:3:149

State House, Boston, 11:3:33 Transi., XVII:3:18 ni; XX:3:128 no.57, 147

Engr. after (J. Archer), illus. XIV:2:[15] fig 5 De Munitionibus Castrorum, by Hyginus Gromaticus,
Tuscan villa, 1835, XI:2:4; illus. XI:2:5 fig 1 attrib., XX:2:[59], 62

First Presbyterian Church [Old Whalers' Church], De Musica, by Saint Augustine, XI:3:10

Sag Harbor (attrib.), X:l:28 De Musica, by Boethius, XVII:2:28

Graham (William A.) Home, Hillsboro, N.C., De Ordine, by Saint Augustine, XVII:2:28
planned addition, X:l:[22] nl2 De Re Aedificatoria [The Architecture], of L. B. Alberti,
Litchfield (Edwin C.) House, Brooklyn, N.Y., 111:3:17; VII:3/4:28; XI:1:[18]; XV:4:31;
XI:2:4 XVII:3:11,12; XIX:2:85; XX:3:128 no.48, and nl6

Loudoun [Goodloe (W. C.) Residence; De Speculis, by R. Bacon, XVIII:1:13 nl3

Hunt (F. K.) Residence], Lexington, Ky., De Stijl: 1917-1931, by H. L. C. Jaff, XVIII:3:115
VI:1/2:[13]-21; illus. VI:l/2:pl III De Stijl group, IV:1:54; XVIII:3:115-116; XIX:2:87;
Lyceum of Natural History, N.Y., XV:4:15; XX: 1:42; XX:2:96
XX:4:188 De Styl, Journal, IV:1:54

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De Trinitate - Decoration and Ornament

De Trinitate, by Saint Augustine, XI:3:13 Debens

De Universo, by William of Auvergne, XVII:2:19; illus. Asile d'Alins de l'Hrault, Montpellier, project,




De Abreu, Joo Nunes see Abreu, Joo Nunes de Debno, Pol.

Deaf R- C. timbered village church,
Schools for illus. VI:3/4:pl III fig 6

Kentucky School for the Deaf, Danville, 11:1:36 De Brahm, William Gerard, on Savannah city plan,

Deakin, Dorothy, XV: 1:25 n3 X:4:7,9; specifications for tabby floors, XI:4:33
Deakin, Edwin House of, Savannah, X:4:7
Paintings of Missions, XV: 1:24,25 n3; P'an f Savannah, 1757, XX:2:48,62;
illus. XV: 1:23 fig 4 illus- XX:2:48 fig 2

Deal, Sheriff Debret, Franois, 19th c., 1:3/4:8

Houses of, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:38 De Buzanais, Herv see Herv de Busanais

Deal Decagonal bldgs.

Monastic Church, IV:3/4:29-32,34,35 ^ew York (City)

Dean, Benjamin S. see Deane, Benjamin S. R're Alarm e" Tower (J. Bogardus),

Dean, George, XIX:1:2,6 nl4,10 n25 XVI: 1:11-12,13; illus. XVI:1:14 fig 13
Dean, Robert Charles see Perry, Shaw and Hepburn, , yl.., .

Kehoe and Dean Temple of Minerva Medica, 111:1/2:62; XVII:4:6

Dean, Thompson, steamboat w Thompson Dean Dexcftur' StePhen' Y; rewi"gtn u ,

Deane, Benjamin S., X:4:[32] n23 Mans'on of ** Washington, D.C.: Decatur (Stephen)
Congregational Church, Thomaston, X:4:27-29; illus. ansion

X 4 27 fig 4 Decatur, 111.

T, KT , c. r a Irving (E. P.) House (F. L. Wright), XVIII:2:64; illus.

Deane, Thomas Newenham, Sir, see Deane and J' , 6 '

Woodward XVIII:2:65 fig 3

_ . , , g~, ,. , c De Cbalmet, Louis Xavier Martin de Lino see De Lino

Deane and Woodward, Gothic work of, XIX:4:160 , , . T v ..
T.- fr. xi n-j c. m i r de Chalmet, Louis Xavier Martin
Crown Life Office, New Bridge St., Blackfnars,
Decker, E. W.
London, XIX:4:160

_rr. , . Dwelling of, Holdridge, Minn., XIX:2:68

Foreign Office, London, competition design, Decker, Paul, 1677-1713, the elder, 11:3:6

XIX:4:160-162 Books Desins etc

Union Hall Oxford, XIX:4:154n53,160 chimney XV;1:U nl

University Museum, Oxford, VI:3/4:34; illus xy.j.jo fig 12

XIX:4.153,159,160 Chinese Architecture, Civil and Ornamental,

Dearborn, Mich. XX:3:126 no.12

Detroit Arsenal, 11:2:34 Declaration of Independence, house it was written in,

Ford Motor Co. Offices (Skidmore, Owings and XVIII:4:162; room it was signed in, X:l:25;

Merrill), XVIII:2:54 XI:3-25,26

Greenfield Village, 1:3/4:16; XV:4:3 Signers of

Dearborn County, Ind. Carroll, Charles, XIV: 1:26

Fourier Phalanx, 1858, XIX:3:109 Williams, William, XIV:2:11 nl4
Dearstyne, Howard, biogr. data, X:3:28 Declaration of Independence, painting (J. Trumbull),

Articles, Letters, etc. VIII:3/4:[1]

"Discovery of Foundations for Jefferson's De Coen, Francis Xavier

Additions to the Wren Building" (and A. L. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception,

Kocher), X:3:28-[31] Leavenworth, VI:l/2:26; illus.

Letter to the Editor, on Graphic History Society, VI:l/2:pl VIII fig 4

XIV:4:32 "Decorated styles," VII:3/4:25; XV:2:19,21

Hospital... for persons of disordered minds, Decoration and Ornament (.see also Faades; Interior

Williamsburg. decoration; Sculpture: Architectural, Decorative,

Drawing (and A. L. Kocher), XVIII:4.164 etc.), J. F. Blondel on, XVIII:4:146

Death in Venice, by T. Mann Brazil, XV:3:16-23

Illus. by W. Born, VIII:1/2:134 England, XIII:3:20-25; XVIII:4:123-125;

Death of Lucretia, painting (Giovanni di Paolo), 11:3:33 XIX:4:149-170 passim
Death of Montgomery, painting (J. Trumbull), History, 11:1:17-22

VIII :3 /4:[ 1 ] Humorous and Satirical, 11:2:13

Death Valley Scotty see Scott, Walter A. India, XV:4:9-10; XVIII:4:168

De Barr, Dr. Mudjar, V:2-6,14,[24]-26,37; VIII:3/4:44; XII:2:31;

House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 fig 2no.36 XV: 1:6

De Beistegui, Charles see Beistegui, Charles de Netherlands, XX: 1:42

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Decoration and Ornament - Delphi

Portugal, XV:3:7-23 De la Ronde, Madeleine Marguerite Broutin,
Primitive, XIX:l:25-30 XIII:1:25,26 n2

Rococo, V:[42]-46 De la Ronde, Pierre Denis, Sr., XIII:1:25,26 n2

Russian, VIII:1/2:91; XVI:2:6-16 De la Ronde, Pierre Denis, the younger, XIII: 1:24,25,26
Saracen, XVI:1:17 nil De la Tour, Le Blond see Le Blond de la Tour
Spain, XVI:4:6 De Laune, John, XX:2:54

Spanish America, V:2-14,[20]-41; XV:1:16-17 Delaware, University of see Newark, Del.

La decoration applique aux difices, by E. E. Delaware and Chesapeake Canal see Chesapeake and
Viollet-le-Duc, 11:3:10nl5 Delaware Canal

Dedham, Mass. Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.

Fairbanks House, VII:3/4:30; IX:4:16 Bldg. see New York (City): Delaware and Hudson
Meeting House, XI:1:13-[14]; XIX:2:76 Canal Co. Bldg.

Nickerson (Albert W.) House [Noble and Greenough Delaware and Raritan Canal, XX:4:197

School] (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Delaware Bridge Co., XIV:3:24

XVI1:3:20 Delaware River Suspension Bridge

Deerfield, Mass. [Philadelphia-Camden Suspension Bridge], 1:2:3 n;

Academy (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 XX:2:62

Ashley House, XII:3:27 Delcluze, M. E. J., XIII:1:16

Frary House, XII-3-27 Delehanty [Delahanty], William Edward (see also

Restoration, XII 3:27 Chapman, Evans and Delehanty), XVII:1:18 nl

Sheldon (John) Home [Indian House], XII:3:27 Delgardo, Ildefonse, Friar, XIX:2:69

Deering, John, XX:3:100 Delhi, India

A Defence of the Christian Religion, by D. Webster, oee a/so New Delhi

XVI-2-24 Djami Masdjid, 111:4:48

De Fine Licht, Kjeld see Fine Licht, Kjeld de Humayun's Tomb, 111:4:47; XV:4:9; illus. III:4:[32a]

De Foreest, Hendrick, XI:2:20 r '.g. _ . , . . . ,,Q

De Foreest, Isaac, XI:2:20 Imf? foL

De Forest Brush George see Brush George de Forest Audience Hall, XVII.3.9 n29

ue forest rusn, ueorge see urusn, ueorge ae forest Peacock throne of Shah Jehan, XV:4:11
Degrees in architecture see Architecture: Study and . ..
,. J Pearl Mosque, XVII:3:9 n29

eac De Lincler see Lincler, de

ue Maas, m. r. m., xia-.i De Lin0 de Chalmet) Louis Xavier Martin,

De Havil and, John, XX:3:136 XIII: 1:25,26 n2

De Havilland Family, of Jersey, Engl., XX:3:136 n4 DeWidea deWarchitettura universak> by y. Scamozzi,

Dehio, G. G., on Chartres, XI:3:8; on Romanesque, XIX-4181- XX-2-56

XIX:4:176; on St. Denis, VII:3/4:[13] Della Alberti Fieravanti, Ridolfo Aristotele see

Handbooks, XIX: 1:41 Fioravante, Aristotele

Restoration drawing of Old St. Peter's, IV:3/4:4 Della Bella Stefano

Deinocrates see Dinocrates Cartouche designs, XV:3:15 n22

Deir el-Bahri [Der-el-bahri], XI:2:25 Views of Pratolino, XX:4.155-163 passim -, illus.

Chalkstone altar, XI:3:1,[5] n6; illus. XI:3:[2] fig 4 XX:4:158 figs 3,4; 162 fig 13; 164 figs 16,17;

Temple, XI:3:1 165 fig 18

Deknatel, Frederick B., XVII:3:9 n26 Della Porta, Antonio see Porta, Antonio della

Dekorative Kunst, XIX: 1:9 Delia Porta, Giacomo see Porta, Giacomo della
De Labigarre, Peter see Labigarre, Peter de Delia jorre Rezzonico, Carlo see Clement XIII
De la Bruyre, Jean see La Bruyre, Jean de Delia Valle, Pietro see Valle, Pietro della
De la Camp, VII:1/2:19 De Longhi, Lelia Fraccaro see Fraccaro de Longhi,



Bridge, 1836, Brownsville, Pa., XIX:4:181 Delony, Lawson L., XII:3:29

De la Fontaine, Jean see La Fontaine, Jean de Delorme, Philibert, and antiquity, 11:1:4; infi. on J. F.
Delafosse, 18th c XV:4:31 Blondel, XVIII:4:141; French Order of, XI:2:11
Delahanty, William Edward see Delehanty, William Architecture
Edward Convent with circular cloister, Montmartre,
Delandine, A. F., XII:4:30 XX:1:33 nl6
Delane, Sam, XX:2:54 n42 Ribbed roof construction, X:2:6,7;

Delano, William A. (see also Delano and Aldrich), on illus. X:2:8 figs 4,5
Period House (quote), XX:4:171 Chapel, Anet, XVII:4:22
Delano and Aldrich Delpech, Isaac, XX:2:54
See also Delano, William A. Delphi

Museum design, IV:1:53 Altar of the Chians, XI:3:4


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Delphi - Dessau

Delphi (Cont.) Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte [Travels in

BldgS., XIII:4:3 Lower Egypt], XVI: 1:28; XVII:l:24nl6

City plan, VI:3/4:23-24; VIII: 1/2:48-49,50; View, Pylon of Ptolemy XI, Apollinopolis Parva,
VIII:3/4:40; illus. VIII:l/2:pl X XVII:1:24; illus. XVII:1:23 fig 7

Oracle, VIII:l/2:48,49 Denver, Col.

Sacred Road, VIII: 1/2:48; XIII:4:5; XVI:4:33; illus. Architecture, XVIII:2:70

VIII : 1 / 2:pl X Fisher House, XVIII :2:70

Sanctuary and Temple of Apollo, XI:3:1; XIII:4:5; Hallett House, XVIII:2:70

XVI:4:33; illus. XIII:4:5 fig 3 Mile High Center (I. M. Pei and Associates),

Temenos, illus. XIII:4:5 fig 3 XVIII:2:59

Treasury, XVI:4:33 De Ponfrac, Balthasar see Ponfrac, Balthasar de

Del Piombo, Sebastiano see Sebastiano del Piombo Depots, Train see Railroads: Buildings and Yards

Del Pozzo, Cassiano see Pozzo, Cassiano del (Depots, Offices, Sheds, Stations, etc.)
Del Vaga, Perino see Perino del Vaga De Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome Quatremre see

Deman, Esther Boise Van see Van Deman, Esther Boise Quatremre de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome
De Marigny, Mandeville see Mandeville de Marigny Der-el-bahri see Deir el-Bahri
De Mazan, Balthasar de Ponfrac see Ponfrac, Balthasar Derand [Derrand], Franois, 1588-1644.






Demers, Jrme, XI:1:25,[26] nnl0,19 Faade [Northern Jesuit Faade], XV:1:5; illus.




Megaron of, Gaggera, XX:4:201 Derby, Richard

Sanctuary of, Pergamum, XIII:4:16 House of, Salem, Mass., 1:3/4:20

Demetz, XV:4:29-30 Derby, Engl.

Demidoff, XX:4:166n51 Calico Mill (W. Strutt), XV:2:24; XIX:4:181

Deming, Julius Silk throwing factory (J. Lombe), VIII: 1/2:5

House of, Litchfield, X:4:[23] n20; illus. X:4:19 fig 1 Derbyshire fluorspar, XIX:4:165
Deming Family, of Litchfield, X:4:[23] n20 Der Nersessian, Sirarpie
Democracy: A Man Search, by L. Sullivan, IX:l/2:38 Armenia and the Byzantine Empire, IV:3/4:5-6
Demolition (see also Destroyed bldgs.; War damage), De Rossi, Giovanni Battista see Rossi, Giovanni



De Mun, Lewis, XIV:3:30 De Rossi, Mattia see Mattia de Rossi

"The Den" [Ballendine (John) Residence] see Rockledge Derrand, Franois, 1588-1644 see Derand, Franois
Denchworth Derricks, Oil, XIII:3:29

Church School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147,169; illus. Des fortifications et artifices, by J. Perret, IX:3:6
XIX:4:146 fig 1 Descamps, Henri, XVIII:3:77
De Neuf, VIL1/2:19 Descartes, system of co-ordinates, XII:4:8,10,11
Dengel, XX: 1:40 Deschamps, Grace, XIX:2:49nll
Denham, L. W., VII: 1/2:30 Dsert de Retz, France
Denis, Saint, XVII:2:28 Monville (M. de) House, XIX:4:179
Denison, Edward Beckett [Lord Grimthorpe], Desglat, Trsorier
XVIII:2:72 Maison du, Lyons, XII:4:29
Denison, J. E., 19th c., XV1A-.22 Desiderio da Settignano

Denmark Tomb of Carlo Marsuppini, S. Croce, Florence,





Dennington, Engl. Desiderius, Abbot of Monte Cassino, IV:2:42; XVI:3:11

Church Design, American, VIII:3/4:46-47; Renaissance process

Pulpit, 1628, IX:3:11 of, XIII:3:3-4,8-9; thirteenth century process of,





Olsen Dept. Store [Powers Drygoods Co.], Designs, Architectural see Architecture: Designs,
Minneapolis, XIII: 1:19 Drawings, Models, Plans, etc.
Dennis, Mass. Designs for Chinese Temples, by W. Halfpenny,
Howes - Jorgenson House [Howes (Daniel) House; XX:3:121,122,126 no.24; illus. XX:3:124 fig 11
Setzer (Dorothea) House], XIX:2:55; illus. Desks, of Marie Antoinette, XVIII:2:70

XIX:2:55 fig 14 Des Maisons, Pierre

Dennison, Dr., of Thomaston, Me. Main portal, Sainte Anne-la-Royale, Paris, XV:2:7
House of [Keith (William R.) House], X:4:25,26,29 Desprez, Louis Jean, XVIII:4:141
Dennison, Baird, XVIII:3:76 Dessau

Denon, Dominique Vivant, medal of Napoleon Bauhaus Bldgs. (W. Gropius), 111:4:6; XX:4:200
commissioned by, XIV:2:[5] capt. fig 14 Bauhaus School see Bauhaus School

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Destailleur - Dickenson

Destailleur, XIII:3:10n8 Devonport, Engl.

Destroyed bldgs. City Hall (J. Foulston), XII:4:16

See also Demolition City Square (J. Foulston), XII A: 16,18
U.S., XX: 1:44 Memorial Column (J. Foulston), XII:4:16

De Tolnay, Charles see Tolnay, Charles de Mount Zion Chapel (J. Foulston), XII:4:16
Detroit Public Library (J. Foulston), XII:4:16
Architecture, 11:3:32; 11:4:42-44; IV:1:54 Devonshire marble, XIX:4:164
Art Museum (P. P. Cret), 1:2:3 DeVries, David P., XI:2:20
Bagley Armory (H. H. Richardson) [Armory Bldg. Dewey, John
(Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge)], IX: 1/2:25; The School and Society, XIX: 1:2,9

XVII:3:20 De Witt, Simeon, as army geographer under

Bagley Fountain, IX:l/2:25 Washington, 111:1/2:38

City plan, VIII:3/4:11,22; XII:2:26; XX:3:108 Qty plans
Bennett, E. H., IX:l/2:35 Albany, 111:1/2:38-39

Woodward, A. B IX:l/2:35 Black Rock> N Y ni:l/2:40

Detroit Historical Society, 11:2:34-35; 11:3:29 Liverpool, NY, III-1/2-40

Detroit Institute of Arts New York (City) (with G. Morris and J.

Arts Commission Rutherford), 111:1/2:41
Detroit Architectural Collection, 11:3:32; 11:4:43 Oswego IIM/2-40

An Exhibition for Modern Living Salina> N.Y.", 111:1/2:40; Uli. III: 1 /2:[36a]
Rev. by J. Shipley, VIII:3/4:46-47 Dexter, Judge, of Dexter, Mich.

Factories (A. Kahn), 11:3:32; 11:4:43 House of [Gordon Ha]1] II;2;35

Ford Highland Park Plant, XII:4:32 Dexter, George M office records of, VIIM/2:33

ort ayne, 11:2:34-35; 11:3:29 Car House [Railroad Station], Lowell, Mass.

Houses (RH Richardson), 11:3:32 Alterations, 1843, VIILl/2:33,34

Lafayette Park Housing Development (L. Mies van Haymarket Station, 1845, Boston (suggested attrib.),

der Rohe), XX: 1:43 VIIM/2-39

(E|;Saarinen)' Leverett Street Station [Lowell Railroad Station,
VI:3/4:4; lllus. VI:3/4:pl II fig 12 r- * r> tt t ** c. i r .

,Bfio first; Passenger House, Leverett St.], Boston,

Ten story bldg. project, 1889, XVIIL4:135,136 n36

VIII: 1/2:34-35,38; illus. VIII:l/2:pl V fig 2
Willow Run see Willow Run, Mich.
Railroad Station, Woburn, VIII:l/2:35
Detweiler, A. Henry , ... ,
' J Dexter, Mich.

Dl c. , rj. , , . ,. , Gordon Hall [Dexter [Judge) House], 11:2:35

Plommer, H., Simpson s History of Architectural . ..... 1 0 1

Development, Vol. I, Ancient and Classical "s , 1 ' , _

Architecture XVII 4 35 De Zurko' Edward R" career of' Vl;1/2:t35]

n li i ' I "Architectural Origins of the Dome of the Rock,"

Drawings, IX:3:13nl4 SAH talk, IX.4.28

Deubhnger de Spire, Franois cam ton, iy a->a

Deutsche Werkbund, founding and ideas of, X:3:13 nl9 RarIy Kansas Churches, VI:l/2:[22]-29

Exhibition, 1914 see Cologne, Ger.: 0riSins of Functionalist Theory, XVII:4:25;

Werkbundausstellung, 1914 XX:3:99nl

Deutscher Kunsthistorikertagung [Congress of German Dholka

Art Historians], 6th, 1956, Essen, XVII:2:3 Mosque of Hill Khan Kd, 111:4:40n39
Deutscher Verband, XVIII:1:30 Diaconiae, XII:3:3-6

Deutscher Verein fr Kunstwissenschaft, XVII:4:24n4 The Dial, VII:3/4:[17],18,19

De Valinger, Leon P., IX:3:23; Diana

XIII:3:Suppl. 2,3,8,10,16 Apartment house of, Ostia, IV:3/4:52
De Vaudricourt, A., XV:l:29nlO Diaper, Frederick, XI:2:10
"Development," vs. "copyism," Diaspora see Jews in foreign countries
XIX:4:148 n27,149 n33,150,151 Diaz del Rivero, d. 1670, V:[27]
Devendra D. T. Di Bicci, Neri see Neri di Bicci
Classical Singhalese Sculpture, 300 B.C. -A.D. 1000 Dick, James, 18th c. piasterer, XX:3:135

Rev. by P. R. Myer, XVIII:2:71 Dickens, Charles, on Cairo, 111., XVI:4:18-20; stay at

De Vere, William, Bishop of Hereford, see William de City Hotel, Baltimore, XX:2:65
Vere American Notes, XVI:4:18-20

Devinoy, Pierre Martin Chuzzlewit, XVI:4:14,20

Photographs of St. Denis, Albi and Chartres, Illus. (Phiz [H. K. Browne]), XVI:4:20; illus.



De Visscher, Charles see Visscher, Charles de Dickenson, Philemon see Dickinson, Philemon

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Dickerson - Dinocrates

Dickerson, Frank James Didron, A. N., general allusion to, XVII: 1:34; as Lille

Early Ohio Architecture of Lancaster and Vicinity competition jury member, XIX:4:155 n56,158 n66;
(and W. D. Riddle), XVI:4:31 and preservation of monuments, 1:3/4:7,9; and
Dickinson, John, XI:3:23 Reims palimpsest, XVII:4:9
House of, Dover, Del., IX:3:26 Annales archologiques (ed.), 1:3/4:9; XVII:4:9;
Dickinson, Philemon XIX:4:155n56

House of, Philadelphia, XVI:4:12 Iconographie des Chapiteaux du Palais Ducal - Venise
Dickinson, William (and W. Burges), XIX:4:158n66
St. Mary-le-Strand, London, design (attrib.), Didyma

XIII:1:12 Temple of Apollo, XIII:4:17; illus. XIII:4:19

Dickinson College see Carlisle, Pa. Cigs 13.J5

Dickson, 19th c see Lewers and Dickson Didvmaion XI 3 4

Dickson, David, Major, XIV: 1:30 Die Wies see Wies

Dickson, Harold E., on portico of First Presbyterian

Church, Philadelphia, IX:3:21; on tower of St.

Dieci di libert e pace, XX:2:58

Diego de Silo see Silo, Diego de

Articles and^ooks51"3' XV'2 '21 Diego Gelmirez, Bishop of Santiago de Compostela,

'The Baker Mansion, Altoona, Pennsylvania," _. XV. 1 _ .
xvii-1 -25-29 Dientzenhofer, Chnstoph
A Hundred Pennsylvania Buildings Benedictine Abbey, Brevnov, XVII:4:22

Rev. by A. A. Gilchrist, XIV:2:32 Dientzenhofer, K. I.

Review Abbey, Banz, XVII:4:22

Tinkcom, H. M. (with M. B. Tinkcom and G. M. Dientzenhofer Family, 11:3:7; XII:4:12,14; XV:3:8;

Simon), Historic Germantown from the XIX: 1:42

Founding to the Early Part of the Nineteenth Dieppe

Century..., XIV:4:31 Tribune de Hippodrome (Dontant), XIX: 1:20; illus.

La Dictadura, periodical, XVIII:2:42 XIX:1:21 fig 10

Dictionaries (Architectural, Biographical, Dietmar see Thietmar
Terminological, etc.), need for, X:2:20; XVI:4:32 Dietrich, of Austin, Tex.
Ashby, T. (and S. B. Platner), A Topographical House of see Austin, Tex.: Sunny Ridge
Dictionary of Ancient Rome, VII:3/4:36 Dietrich, E. G. W., XVIII:3:106,110
The Builder's Dictionary, or Gentleman and Diettel, Albert, XI:4:[23]
Architect's Companion, XX:3:126no.4 Diffusionism, V:[15]
Col vin, H. M., A Biographical Dictionary of English Dight, John, 18th c XV:4:24
Architects, 1660-1840, X:3:32; XVII:4:39-40; Di Giorgio, Francesco see Francesco di Giorgio
XVIII:3:118; on William Ross, XX:4:188nl6 Dijon, William of see William of Volpiano

Ducange, D. (and C. Dufresne), Glossarium mediae Dijon

et inftmae Latinitatis, XVII:3:5 Municipal Library

Isham, N., Glossary of Colonial Architectural Terms, jyfs no 591 [Ms no 348], XVI-3-12-15

St. Bnigne

Johnson S., Dictionary of the English Language, Abbev XVI-3-6 12 15


Mnzer Z., dictionary of art terms in five languages,

Gothic Cathedral, XVI:3:12

Romanesque Church, 11:4:34; IV:3/4:6;


Newton R. H Biographical Dictionary of Builders, S* XVIf 2"9= XVIII:3:95,100;

Artists, and Artisans in the United States from lllus' XVI:3:13-14 figs 1-6; XVII:3:3-6 figs

Colonization to World War I: 1620-1914, '~6; XVIII:3:100 fiS 5

IV 3/4-48 51 University of Dijon, IX:4:28

Salmon, W., Palladio Londinensis: or the London Dijon-Fruttuaria Reform, XVI:3:12

Art of Building, 8th ed., 1773, XV:2:28 D|^s' A- W- XVIII:3:105-106,108

Viollet-le-Duc, E. E., Dictionnaire raisonn de Dillingham, fl. 1872, of Honolulu

l'architecture, 11:3:10nl5; VII:3/4:[13]; Store of- XI:3:28

XIII:3:25; XIX:4:156,158 Dillon, Robert J., 19th c. N.Y. lawyer, XV:4:21 n51
Ware, D. (and B. Beatty), A Short Dictionary of Dillworth, Susanna, X:2:21
Architecture "Dimension timber," XIX:2:54
Rev. by J. McAndrew, IX:4:27 Dimier

Withey, E. R. (and H. F. Withey), Biographical Collection of Cistercian plans, XVIII:4:165

Dictionary of American Architects [Deceased), Dining-halls see Refectories; Restaurants
XVII:4:39-40; XVIII:3:118 Dinocrates, VIII:1/2:53

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Dinsmoor - Doheny
Dinsmoor, William Bell, and Committee of the ACLS Doane, Obadiah, b. 1767, Capt., XIX:2:55
on the Protection of Cultural Treasures in War Doane, Sylvanus, XIX:2:55
Areas, IV:3/4:55; on earlier temples under the Dobb, Arthur J., XI:2:27
Parthenon, XIII:4:6 Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.

The Architecture of Ancient Greece, XVII:1:33,34; Nuits (D. Lienau), XIV:1:21; illus. XIV:1:[20] fig 3



Observations on the Hephaisteion The Students' Guide to the Practice of Measuring and
Rev. by T. C. Bannister, 11:1:40-41 Valuing Artificers' Works, XV1I:4:27,30 n2
Dinwiddie, Robert, Gov. of Va., XIII:2:25,26,27 Docks, Harbors, Navy yards, Wharves, etc.
Dio, India see Diu, India Antwerp
Diocesan Church Building Society, XIX:4:168 Harbor, XX: 1:41
Diocletian, retirement in Dalmatia, IV: 1:12; and Boston, Mass.

Roman brick production, 1:1:7 Dry Dock, Old, XIII:3:19n7

Baths of, Rome, 1:1:7; XVII:3:34; XIX:3:97; illus. Inner Harbor, XIII:2:19
XIX:3:98 fig 1 U.S. Navy Pier, XIII:2:19

Mausoleum of, Spalato, XX:2:87 U.S. Navy Yard, Charlestown, XIII:2:19

Palace of see Spalato, Yugo.: Palace of Diocletian Charleston, X:4:4,9; illus. X:4:[5]



House of, Pompeii, XIV:3:4 Navy Yards, IV:l:19-20; illus. IV:l:[18a]

Dionysius, 4th c. B.C., the elder, VIII:1/2:51 Honolulu
Dionysius the Areopagite, XVII:2:28 Harbor, XI:3:27
Dionysos Leningrad [St. Petersburg]
Theatre of, Athens, XIII:4:10 Admiralty [Navy Yard], IV:1:26,28,31,32
Dionysos Kathegemon London
Temple of, Pergamum, XIII:4:16; Port of London, XIV:4:17,18,20,22 n51; illus.
illus. XIII:4:19 fig 12 XIV:4:14 fig 1
Dioscurides Quays, XIV:4:16,17; illus. XIV:4:16 figs 4,5

House of Castor and Pollux, Pompeii, XIV:3:3 West Indian Docks, XIV:4:22 n51
Statues of, XIV: 1:9; XIX:3:97 Lorient, France

Diospolis see Thebes Naval Arsenal

Dirimo Mast shop, XVI:1:11; illus. XVI: 1:13 fig 12

Carved figures, XIX: 1:29 Nagasaki

Di Salvio-Quinn Bill, N.Y. (State), VIII:1/2:131 Dockyards, XIII:2:15
Dismal Swamp Company, XIX:3:117 Ostia, 1:1:5-6; VIII:3/4:30,34
Dispareri in materia d'architettura et perspettiva, by M. Philadelphia
Bassi, XIX:2:76 Barry's Wharf, XIV:3:30
Disraeli, Benjamin, XIX:4:148n29 Savannah, X:4:9
Dissertations and theses Washington, D.C., X:2:5,23; XIV:3:30; illus. X:2:23
British institutions, listed in Journal of SAH of Gt. Yokosuka
Britain, XIX:2:88 Dockyards, XIII:2:15

New York University, listed in Marsyas, XIX: 1:44 Doctoral dissertations see Dissertations and theses
Oberlin College masters' theses, VII:3/4:[21]-32 Doctrine of Sounds, by R. Mills, XII: 1:23-24,27-31
Distyle-in-antis, XX:2:64 nl 1,75 Dodecaid, XVII:1:34
Dithmar see Thietmar Dodge, Col., XX:4:195

Diu, India [Dio] Dodge, fl. 1858, heating contractor, see Narson and
Cathedral [So Paulo], XV:3:6 Dodge

City plan, XIV:4:7 Dodge, H., 19th c. cement and lime supplier,

Dixon Brothers, XIII:3:30 XX:4:196nl4

Djahn, Shn, see Jehan Dodge, I., 19th c. cement and lime supplier,

Russ. XX:4:196nl4
St. John the Precursor, XVI:1:31; XVI:2:6,13,14; Dodge, Walter L.
illus. XVI:2:14 figs 7-8 House of, West Hollywood, XX:2:96

Dmitrov, Russ. Doesburg, Tho van, founder of "De Stijl" group,

City plan, Views, etc., IV:1:24,32; IV:1:54; and G. Rietveld, XVIII:3:115
illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 2 Rosenberg (Lonce) House project, Paris (with

Doak's Brickyard, Stockton, Calif., XIV:3:15 C. van Eesteren), XVIII:3:115

Doane, Bishop "Dog trot" ["Dog run"], 11:2:39; XI:4:2

Villa of see Burlington, N.J.: Riverside Doheny, E. H.

Doane, of Eastham, Mass. Ranch Development project of, Los Angeles,





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Dohobycyz, Pol. - Domestic architecture

Dohobycyz, Pol. St. Augustine's R. C. Church

Greek Orthodox Village Church, Cupola (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt.

illus. VI:3/4:pl III fig 2 fig 26; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 26
Dole, G. W. Ravenna
Wood frame store, Chicago, 11:4:18 S. Vitale, XVII:4:4

Dollar sign, as ornament, 11:2:13 Rome (City)

Dolo, Lock at, painting (Bellotto), 11:3:32 II Ges (G. B. da Vignola), XV:2:3

Dolores, Calif. Pantheon, XV:2:27; XVII:3:16; XVII:4:4-5;

San Francisco Mission see San Francisco Mission XVIII:3:118; XIX:4:135,142; illus. XVII:4:4

Dolores Hidalgo, Mex. fig 7; 5 fig 8; XIX:4:135 figs 1,2

Parochial church S. Andrea dlia Valle, XV:2:3

Gilded retable, XV: 1:8,10; illus. XV: 1:9 fig 7 jv0 della Sapienza (F. Borromini), XV:2:6;

The Dome, by E. Baldwin Smith, XX:2:78,81 XVII:4:4 capt. fig 7

Dome motif, XX:2:85 Pietro in Vaticano

Domenichino Dome (Michelangelo), 111:3:9;

Madonna of the Rosary, Pinacoteca, Bologna, VlI:l/2:5-6,16 n80,24; XIV:3:11; XVI:4:22;





Domenico Veneziano, XVII:3:18 n6 Tantum vviio

Domes and Cupolas Measurements, VII:1/2:31

Bulbous, 111:4:32-48 Model, XIII:3:11 n26
re.nfce. . , rr. i ,t- d ii u i Tempietti (G. B. da Vignola), IX:4:13
S. Mana del Fiore [Duomo] (F. Brunellesch.), R ; VIII:1/2:91 XVI:2:6-16
XIII:3:4; XVIII: 1:11-20 Salamanca
Half-watermelon domes, XV:l:19n22: XX:l:29-30 ^ , , 10.u
TT ji u- r j vv , Cathedral, 12th c.
Handkerchief domes, XV:l:19n22 ~ ^ t 0 _
IT. , , Torre del Gallo, XII: 1:8-9


Pratolino chapel, XX:4:157; illus. XX:4:164 fig 15 ' ,, ,T , . ,

Indianapolis San Pablo (L. de F.gueroa), V:[27]

Odd Fellows Bldg. (D. A. Bohlen), XVII: 1:33 n3 lu"n _

Italy, XVI: 1:9; XVIII:1:11-20; XVIII:3:118 ^ Lorenzo (G. Guanm), XVIII:3:118

Leningrad [St. Petersburg] Wafcinton' ? C

St. Isaac of Dalmatia (R. de Montferrand), CaP'to1'

1V:1:40^ VIII:3/4:4-5; XV:4:17
VII:1/2:5,7,8,24,31; XVI:4:35;
illus. VII: 1 /2:pl II fig 4


Bulfinch, C., VII:l/2:5,10n5,14n45,30;



St. Paul's Cathedral (C. Wren), VII: 1/2:5,6,7,24,31; Walter, T. U VII.-l/2:[1]-31,93; X:2:23;

XIV:3:14 nl4; XV:4:7,8; XVI:4:35 XVI:4:35; XIX:4:182; illus. VII:l/2:pls





Cathedral, XVII:3:14 Domestic architecture

New York (City) Yee also Apartment houses, Tenements, etc.;

World Bldg. [Pulitzer Bldg.] (G. B. Post), Bungalows; Row houses

XVI: 1:18 nl05; illus. XVIII:4:132 fig 3 Ancient (see also Ancient architecture), XVII:2:5
Octagonal, XV:2:6-7; XVI:3:24 Bermuda, VI:3/4:7
Florence, XVIII: 1:13,14,17 Eighteenth century, XX:3:115-130

Italy, XVII:3:11 England, XI:4:36; XIX:3:128-129

Pittsburgh, XVI:3:24,27 France

Padua Exhibition of French Houses, Springfield, V:43

II Santo [Basilica del Santo; S. Antonio], Middle Ages, XVII:2:2-23 passim ; bk. on (T. H.
XVII:3:34 Turner), XIX:4:149-150; Rouen, 11:3:30




Halle aux Bls U.S. (see also United States: Architecture),

Belanger [Bellang; Bellanger], F. J., VII:l/2:7 111:3:21-25,43
Legrand and Molinos, X:2:6-7,10,23; California (see also San Francisco Bay Area:
illus. X:2:7 fig 3 Architecture), VIII:3/4:67; IX: 1/2:11-19;
Panthon [Church of Ste. Genevive] (F. Soufflot), X:3:15-21; XVI:1:32; XVI:4:35-36

VII:1 /2:5-6,24,31; XIV:3:14nl4 Denver, XVIII:2:70

Pendentive, XX: 1:29-32,33 Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:9-14

Philadelphia Massachusetts, VII:3/4:30; XIX:2:47-56

Carpenters' Hall Nineteenth century, 11:1:27-30; VI:1/2:[1]-12;

Turret [Cupola], IX:3:26 VII:3/4:25-26; XII:2:9,29; XVII:1:36;

XVII:4:36-37; XVIII:3:104-111; XX:4:169-170


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Domestic architecture - Dormitories

Ohio, IV:3/4:51; VI:3/4:18-21 Donner, Peter F. R., 11:2:31

Pittsburgh, XVI:3:27 Reviews

Providence Coolidge, J. P., Mill and Mansion, 111:3:28

Georgian houses, XII:2:5 Newton, R. H., Town and Davis, 111:3:28

San Francisco Bay Area see San Francisco Bay Donoso, Jos Jimnez, XVIII :4:167

Area: Architecture Donovan Jerry

Seattle XIX-3124 n J01**2"1 Virginia Builder, IX:3:17-19

Southern States, XVII:4:36-37; XX:4:204 Dontant,

t YI, Tnbune de Hippodrome, Dieppe, XIX: 1:20; illus.

lexas, XI:4:1-12 XIX:1:21 fig 10

Twentieth century, XX:4:169-178,204 D'Ooge M L

Virginia, XVI:2:17-19 77ie Acropolis of Athens, XVI:4:33

Wisconsin, XVIII: 1:29-33 Doornick

Domestic Architecture, by R. Brown, XVIII:3:105,111 Engr 0f London fire, XX:2:55

Domestic Architecture of the American Colonies and of Doors and Doorways
the Early Republic, by F. Kimball, XII:2:29 Alta Gracia, Cordoba
Dominguez de Chvez y Arellano, Francisco, V:36n8 Sacristy doors, V:23
Dominican Order, in Central America, 16th c., Ancient, 11:1:8-16

XV: 1:12; chronicle of (Ximnez), XV:1:12; Baroque, V:[27]-34

medieval schools and university centers established Cross Keys Tavern [Chrome Hotel], East

by, IV:1:16 Nottingham, Pa., illus. XIX:2:83 fig 3

Dominican Republic Erechtheum, Athens
See also Hispaniola N. door, XVII: 1:24
Architecture, XVII:1:35 Gothic, XVII:1:14

Domitia Lucilla, mother of Marcus Aurelius, 1:1:6 Huejotzmgo,


c D Sacnsty door, V:13
Circus of, Rome, XIV: 1:10 w ,
Obelisk of, XIV: 1:11

Priory, 12th c., XIV: 1:4

Palace of, Rome, XIII:4:24 Nossa Senhora da Conceio da Praia Basilica,

Donaldson, Mrs., of Henderson, Tex. Salvador, Brazil

Residence of, XI:4:[7] n24 Chancel doors, XV:3:23 n44

Donaldson, John M. see Donaldson and Meier Oporto Cathedral, XV:3:23 n44
Donaldson, Robert Palladian see Palladian style, system, etc.: Buildings,
Estate of [Blithewood], Fishkill, N.Y., VI:1/2:16 Doors, Windows, etc.
Donaldson and Meier, 11:4:43 Renaissance, V:[l]-10,[24]-26

Donaldsonville, La. St. Giles' Church, Cheadle

Courthouse (H. Howard), XI:4:22 West door (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:24; illus.

Donatello, creative gifts of, XVI:3:11; and Duccio, V:8; XIII:3:[23] fig 5

H. W. Janson study of, VI:3/4:36 St. Luke's Church, Smithfield, Va., XVII:1:14

Annunciation, S. Croce, Florence, V:36n9 St. Peter's, Rome

Donck, Adriaen van der see Van der Donck, Adriaen Doors (Filarete), XVII:3:10

Donn E W Sr VIIT/2T9 Transportation Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), World's

Donnelley (R. R.) and Sons Co., XVII:4:40 Columbian Exposition, 1893, Chicago, IV:2:12;

of Henderson, Tex. ... . XX:3'14.2; ,llus: Iv:2:[3],4,6,i2
TT f vi a r7i il Wainwnght Memorial, St. Louis

House 0l, xi:4:L/]nJl VI , r_ , Drawing of doors (G. G. Elmslie), illus. XI: 1:28

Donnelly, Mrs., of Jefferson, Tex., XI:4:[6] nl Windsor Castle

Donnelly, Marian Card, credits to (G. Peterich), St. George's Chapel, XVI: 1:30
XV:2:18 nl8; study of New Jersey church Yeocomico [Yeocomoco] Church, Va., XVII:1:14
architecture, VII:1 /2:94 Dorchester, S.C., X:4:6
"Early Church Architecture in New Jersey," Dren, J. L. van, fl. 1836 see Van Dren, J. L.
VII:3/4:31 Dorion, Hercule, Abb
"New England Pyramids, 1651-1705," XIX:2:76-77 Roman basilica and crypt for body of St.
Reviews Eutychianus, Yamachiche, XIV:3:14
Goodenough, E. R., Jewish Symbols in the Dorische Polychromie, by Fenger, XVI:4:33
Greco-Roman Period Dormition of St. Catherine, painting (Master of San
Vol. 1-3, XIII:3:32 Miniato), 11:3:33

Vol. 4-6, XVI:2:28 Dormitories, XVI:l:21-23


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Dormitories - Dragomirna
Dormitories (Cont.) Dover, Ohio
Davidson College, Davidson, N.C. Hurst (Thomas) House, XII:2:12

Dormitory and Chapel (Town and Davis), Doveren, Ger.

XVI: 1:21 Carolingian timber church, XVII:2:3

Elmira College, Elmira Dow, George Francis, XX:3:117

Dormitory and Library (Coolidge, Shepley, Dowell, Benjamin Franklin, XII:4:21

Bulfinch and Abbott), XVII:3:26 Downer, of Granville, Ohio

Gettysburg College, Gettysburg House of [Avery-Downer House], XII:2:8; illus.

Old Dorm (J. C. Trautwine), XVII:3:32; XII:2:[7] fig 12

XVIII:4:161; illus. XVII:3:32 Downie, Harry, XV:1:25

McLean Asylum, Belmont, Mass. Downing, Andrew Jackson, on architectural

Belknap Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), polychromy, 111:3:21,23,43; board-and-batten

XVII:3:26 construction of, XIV:1:19; and H. W. Cleaveland,

Virginia Military Institute, Lexington XVIII:4:161; Colonial style of, IX:4:17; and A. J.
Barracks (A. J. Davis), VI:1/2:14 Davis, VI-.1/2-.19; XI-.2:6; and eclecticism, XI:2:3,6;
Dorn, Peter van see Van Dorn, Peter 'n Godey s Lady s Book, XVIII :3:111; and Gothic

Dorsey style, VI: 1/2:19-20; XII:4:24; XIV:1:19; and Italian

Residence of see San Augustine, Tex.: Garrett sty'e> XI:2:27-29; XI:4:19; XII:4:21; landscape
(William) House gardening of, X:4:20; XI:2:3; on personal taste,

Dorsey, Caleb, XIV:3:18 XV:2:29; studies of, IV:3/4:47; VI:l/2:19nl8;

Dorsheimer, William, Lt. Gov. of N.Y., IX: 1/2:25,30n4 VIII:l/2:87; VIII:3/4:67; and C. Vaux,

Dorta, Enrique Marco, career data, V.-57; on Peruvian VI:1/2:[1] nl

architecture, V:40; VIII:3/4:43 B2,,

"Andean Baroque Decoration," V:[33]-34 The Architecture of Country Houses. Including

Dos Santos, Francisco, Marques, see Santos, Francisco, Designs for Cottages, Farm-Houses and Villas,

Marquess IH:3:23; VI:1/2:16,19-21; XI:2:6; XII:2:14;

Dos Santos, Manuel Rodrigues see Santos, Manuel XIV:3:19; XVIII:3:105

Rodriguesdos Design XXV, VI:l/2:19-20; illus. VI:l/2:pl VI

Dos Santos, Miguel, Friar, see Santos, Miguel dos, 1S

priar Cottage Architecture, quotes from, 11:1:28,29

Dos Santos Vilhena, Luiz see Vilhena, Luiz dos Santos Cottage Residences, XI.2.6

Dosio, Giovannantonio _ Des}f

Drawing of Porta Pia, Rome, XIX:3:103; illus. . . , r ,

, )n, r ,, A Treatise on... Landscape Gardening...,

AIX:S:Rm tig VI:1/2:20; X:4:[23] nl5; XI:2:6

Dossenberger Brothers, XIX: 1:41 Buildings

Dtme, XIL3:22 nlO Crystal Palace competition design, NT
Double boxed," XVI :4:32 XVI-1 17n77

^Double Canada" stove, XX: 1:24 Rotch (wmiam j , CoUage ^ Dayis Alexander
Doub e house, XI:4:2 Jackson: Works: Rotch (William J.) Cottage
Double log houses, XI:4:2 Downing, Antoinette F., on P. Harrison,

Double pilasters [ Shadow" pilasters] see Pilasters: XVIII:4:158 n3; on R.I. architecture, XII:2:29; and

. ..W . SAH August tour, XII:3:31; on Touro Synagogue,

Double-shell construction, XVIII:l:13-20 XVII:2:23; discovery of Watts Sherman House
Dougherty, John, of Charleston, S.C., XII: 1:24 plans, IX:l/2:30n8

Doughregan Manor, XX:2:74 77ie Architectural Heritage of Newport, Rhode Island,

Douglas, fl. ca. 1833, Prof. 1640-1915 (and V. J. Scully, Jr.), XII: 1:32
New York University Bldg., N.Y. see Douglass, Rev. by P. F. Norton, XII:2:30
David Bates: New York University Bldg., N.Y. Downingtown, Pa.

Douglas, David, 18th c. house-bldr of Natchez, House (W. Eyre [Ayre] ), illus. XX:4:171 fig 2

XIV: 1:31 Dox and Hickox, 19th c. lime and cement suppliers,

Douglas, Stephen A., VI:l/2:25 XX:4:196nl4

Douglass, David Bates Doxiades, K. A., XIII:4:5

New York University Bldg., N.Y. ("Professor Doylestown, Pa.

Douglas" with Town, Davis and Dakin), XI:2:11 Bucks County Historical Society

Doullut, Paul Franklin stove, illus. XX: 1:21 fig 1

Houses, New Orleans, XIX:4:180 Ten-plate stove, illus. XX: 1:22 fig 3




Dickinson (John) House, IX:3:26 Church, IV:3/4:31

Kent County Courthouse, 17th c., IX:3:23

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Drake - Duc

Drake, Francis, Sir, destruction of bldgs. on Drouet, 18th c., XVII:2:13

Hispaniola, V:3nl4; 6n34; 8 n48; 9 n56; 11 n72 Drubeta see Turnu-Severin




Houses, Calif., XVI: 1:32 Chicago

Drake, John 2d., 1833, 11:4:21 nll9

Drawings Jacksonville, Or.

Christ Church, Montral, illus. XI: 1 :[23] fig 4 Sutton's Drug Store, XII:4:21,
Saint Jacques Cathedral, Montral, illus. XI:1:[23] illus. XII:4:[22] fig 3
fig 5 New York (City)

Draper, Mrs., of Survey of London County Hall, Milhau (John) Drugstore (J. Bogardus),

XVII:2:32 XV:4:12-13,14,18; 20nn7,17; 21 n51;

Draughan's Folly, Texarkana, XIX:4:180 illus. XV:4:14 fig 2
Drawbridges see Bridges: Materials, Types, etc.: Druid Hill see Baltimore, Md.: Druid Hill

Drawbridges Drummond, William, 111:4:19; XIX:1:9

Drawing instruments see Instruments (Architectural, Drury, Newton B.

Drawing, Engineering, etc.) "The National Park Service and the Preservation of

Drawings, Architectural see Architecture: Designs, Historic Sites and Buildings," 1:3/4:18-19

Drawings, Models, Plans, etc. Drury, William, Rev., XVIII:3:82,89 n45

Drawings for a Living Architecture, by F. L. Wright, Dry docks see Docks, Harbors, Navy yards, etc.

XIX:3:129-131; XX:2:93 Dryden, John, IX:4:14

Drayton, John, XVII:4:36 Duban, J. F., efforts to modernize Ecole des

Drayton Plantation, S.C., XVII:4:36 Beaux-Arts, 1:2:10; and rebldg. of Paris,

Dreer, H. A. XVIII: 1:35

Warehouse of, Philadelphia, illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6 Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris
Dreiser, Theodore, social structure as target of, Museum, XIX-4182

XIX 1:2 Du Barry, Jeanne Bcu, Mme., 111:3:14

Sister Carrie XIX: 1:9 Pavilion of see Louveciennes: Pavilion

Drepperd, Carl, XIII:3:SuPPl. 3 Du Bellay> Jean, Cardinal

Dresden, Ger. vjUa of sge Rome (City); villas; Du BeUay
Academy, 11:3:11 (Cardinal Jean)
Art Exhibition, 1897, 11:3:12; XIV:2:18 Dublin

Frauenkirche (G. Bhrs), IX:3:12 nl Bluecoat School see Dublin: King's Hospital School

Gemldegalerie [Picture Gallery of Augustus III], Cathedral (G. E. Street work), XIX:4:155
Clare Street house, 18th c., XX:3:132

Sistine Madonna (Raphael), IX:4:26; XVIII:3:117

Stndehaus (P. Wallot), 11:3:11
Zoologisches und Anthropologisch-Ethnographisches

King's Hospital School [Bluecoat School],

XX:3:134 nl6

Molesworth Street, 33, XX:3:132; illus. XX:3:132


Wooden head from "Sacred House" in Mabuiag, J^8 '''.33 j,2 _ ...

no. 6359, XIX: 1:26; illus. XIX: 1:27 fig 4 N' Cumberland Street, 10 see Dublin: Tharp

Dresden, Me. (Charles) Residence

Pownlborough Courthouse, X:4:[32] n 11 Row-houses, XVI:4:13

Drevnosti Rossijskago Gosudarstva [Antiquities of the "sts, e

Russian State], XVI:1:31 Niches, illus^XX.3:134 fig 4

Drexel, Morgan Company, XII: 1:18 St- Geor8e s Church' VI:3/ 4:18

Drexler Arthur Tharp (Charles) Residence, XX:3:134 nl6

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Dub,in and Liverpool Steam and Navigation Co.,

Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XX: 1:42-43 XII:2:24

Driesbach, Daniel, 19th c., XIV:4:23-24 Dubois, Nicholas

Drilling, cloth for windows, XII:4:19 Transi, of A. Palladio, The Architecture of, by G.

Drinkard, 19th c chief clerk to Sec. of War, VII: 1 / 2:18 Leoni, XX:3:119,128 no.47

Drinkwater, Peter Dubreuil, Jean

Mill of, Manchester, Engl., VIII:l/2:27 nl3 The Practice of Perspective, XX:3:126 no.13

Driscoll, Joseph, IV:2:42 Dubut, fl. 1760, XV:4:31

Driver, Charles, 17th c XVII:1:14,18 Due, Louis Joseph, effort to modernize Ecole des
Driver, Thomas, 17th c., XVII:1:14,18 Beaux-Arts, 1:2:10
Driver Family, of Engl, and Va., XVII:1:14,15 Faades, IX:4:17
Drobetae see Turnu-Severin Palais de Justice, Paris (erron. attrib. to

Dromgoole, fl. 1787, XI:3:26 Viollet-le-Duc), XVIII:1:35; XVIII:2:72


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Ducange - Dutch Colonial architecture

Ducange, Domino Dunlap's Daily American Advertiser [Claypoole's
Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis (and C. American Daily Advertiser; The Pennsylvania
Dufresne), XVII:3:5 Packet and General Advertiser; Poulson's American
Ducarel, 1:3/4:6 Daily Advertiser; et al.], XVII:3:33

Duccio, Agostino di see Agostino di Duccio Dunmore, John Murray, Lord, X:3:29,30

Du Cerceau, Jacques Androuet, XIII:3:9 Dunn and Eliot, of Thomaston, Me., X:4:30
Du Cerceau, Jean, 111:1/2:28 Dunning, N. Max, IV:2:11; XX:3:141
Du Choul, Guillaume Dunstable, N.H. see Nashua, N.H.
Discours sur la castramentation et discipline militaire Dunton, Ebenezer, X:4:25

des romains, XX:2:[59] Erac> Etienne

Duckworth J F Engravings, Michelangelo designs, XIII:3:11 n29

Cast iron' faade designs, XV:4:22 n63 MaP of Rome' 1577 <and A' Lafrry>> XIVA31;

Ducret, Micheli, XX:2:53 n32 XIX:3:106n35

Dudley, Charles, Collector DuPont' F<f n . p

House of, Newport, R.I., XVHIA158 n3 Museum ofsee W.nterthur, Del.: Henry Francs Du
,, TI Pont Winterthur Museum
Dudley, Henry, XI:2:10 n ..f

Dudley, Thomas, 1576-1653, Gov. of Mass., XX:2:90 uupuy, Aitonso

, , , . Church of the Sacramentine, Turin, XIX:4:141; llus.

Durer, Albrecht, on art (quote), 111:1/2:21; infl. on XIX-4141 fig 11

Italian Renaissance engr. and painting, 11:2:26; Duque Cornejo peJfro> XV;1;6

spiral construction of, XIX:3:95 Dur sharrukin Rhorsabad

Duflot du Mofras, XV:1:26 n5 Dura-Europos

Dufour, Charles L. Palace of the Dux Ripae, IV:3/4:48; XX:2:86; illus.
"Henry Howard: Forgotten Architect," XI:4:21-24 XX-2-86 fig 17

Dufour, Cyprian Synagogue, XIII:3:32

Residence of, New Orleans, illus. XI:4:[23] Durn, Diego
Dufresne, Carlo Parish Church [S. Prisca y S. Sebastian], Taxco de
Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis (and D. Alarcn (with J. Caballero), V:22,[27],31-32;
Ducange), XVII:3:5 XV:1:8; illus. V:[20b] fig 1; [30a] fig 10

Dugan, Caldwell N., editorial assistant, SAH Journal, Durand, Asher, 111:3:23
XIII:4-XIV:2 Durand, J. N. L., E. Kaufmann on, XV:4:31; on
Dugdale, William, IX:3:7; XVIII:4:142 nl2 perspectives, XX:2:64nl4; and Rationalism,

Duke University see Durham, N.C. XVII: 1:24; and Romantic Classicism, XIX:3:125

Duluth, Minn. Parallele d'difices, 11:1:28 n3

Grain elevators, XIX:1:40 Prcis des leons d'architecture, XVII:1:24 nl6;
Occident Terminal (Barnett - Record Co.), XIX: 1:40 XX:2:64 nl4

Dumbarton Oaks see Washington, D.C. Mcanisme de la composition, XX:2:69 n29,76

"Dumb-bell" type of tenement plan, XIV: 1:22 Durandus, 13th c., Bishop, XVIII:3:97 and nl5

Dumfries, Va. Durang, Edwin [Edmund] Forrest

Seidon '(Major) House, XIII:2:4 rgan case, First Moravian Church, 1855-56,
Du Mofras, Duflot see Duflot du Mofras Philadelphia, XVIII :4:163
Dumont, Jean Durante, Nick, XII:3:32
Batailles gagnes par le S. Prince Fr. Eugne de Durer, Albrecht see Drer, Albrecht

Savoye.XX:2:62 n63 Durham, Engl.

Dumont N J Cathedral, XV:2:29; XVI:3:34; XIX:4:176

Three Tuns Hotel, XV:2:32

Church, 1801, VII:3/4:31

Durham, N.C.
Dumoulin, Pierre, IX:3:6 r\ i tt . n ,
. ' Duke University Research Council Grants,

Dunbar, E. H., 18th c., XI:4:34 XX l-27n

Dunbar, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Durliat M XII-3-9

Duncan, Judge Durm, j0sef

House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 fig 2 no.38 Festhalle, Karlsruhe, 11:3:11
Duncan, 19th c., Major, of Cairo, III, XVI:4:14 Palaces, Karlsruhe, 11:3:11

Duncan, Hugh D., VIII:3/4:67 Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene, XI:2:21

Duncan, Joseph, XIV: 1:31 Dussler, Luitpold
Duncan, Ruth W IX:4:23 j)ie Zeichnungen des Michelangelo, XIX:3:100nl9

Dunlap, William, 1766-1839, X:2:ll Dutch, Pennsylvania see Pennsylvania Germans

Dunlap, William Edward see Skidmore, Owings and Dutch Colonial architecture see Colonial architecture:



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Dutch Reformed churches - Easterby

Dutch Reformed churches Dwight, Theodor Frelinghuysen, XII: 1:11

New Jersey, VII:3/4:31 Dwight, Timothy, on "Cape Cod House,"

Dutch West India Co., III:l/'2:47; XI:2:19-20; XIV:4:10 XIX:2:47,49 nl0,50,51,54

Dutert, Ch. Dyce, William

Galerie [Halles] des Machines, Exposition Reredos, All Saints', London, XIX:4:163
Universelle, 1889, Paris (and V. Contamin Dyck Anthony van see Van Dyck, Anthony

[Contanin] ), X:3:10; XII:4:18; XIV:3:28; Dyckman, Morris

XVII:4:38; XIX:l:22n37 Boscobel, Peekskill, XV:4:4

Dvorak, Max, on art history (quote), XVII:2:29; W.

Born and, 111:4:32 n; E. Kaufmann and, 111:3:12 n;

Dyer, Ruth, of Truro, Mass., XIX:2:47 n2

restoration ideology of, 1:3/4:11 Dyggve, E., XX.2.81-82

Dvorec, see Palace architecture: Russia Dymaxion House, IV:2:30

Dwight, Sullivan Dyott, Michael B.

House of', Thomaston, Me., X:4:[32] nl3 Patent, iron construction, XV:4:22 n60 no.3

. E
ELCA see English Linear Cities Association San Francisco, 1906, X:3:21; XIV:3:17,18,21;

Eads, James B. XVIII:4:160;

Earthworks (see also Pis), XIV:4:23; illus. XIV:4:25
Eads Bridge [over the Mississippi], St. Louis,

fig 1

1:3/4:26; XII:4:32

Easby, William, VII:1/2:12n31; XV:l:30nl6

Eagle Rock, Calif, see Los Angeles, Calif. East Aurora, N.Y.

Eakins, 11:3:20 Roycroft Shop, XIX: 1:5 nl3

Eames, Charles, VIII:3/4:46 East Barnet

Eames, W. S., IV: 1:37 St. Mary's

Earl, Taunton B XH:2:18 n3 (G' E' Street' XIX:4:146 n!2

Earl Stonham [Earle Stoneham] "i, , .

r, . 1 J Church School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147

. . ,. , v
, ,, _ .IX:3:13
East Cleveland
n24 _
. _ . .Co.,
, J



M e' a E ' St. Margaret's Convent (G. E. Street),

Earl's Barton XIX:4:152-153,154; illus. XIX:4:152 fig 3
Saxon church, XVIII:4:123,124,125; illus. East Haddam, Conn.
XVIII:4:123 fig 1 Champion (Epaphroditus) House (W. Spratt, attrib.),

Early Christian architecture, XVII: 3:33-34; XX:2:78-89 X:4:[23] n20

Early Victorian Architecture in Britain, by H.-R. Congregational Church (W. Spratt, attrib.),

Hitchcock, X:4:36; XI:2:[8] nl; XIV:1:31; X:4:[23] n20

XV:2:22n5; XIX:4:145,146 East Hanney
Rev. by J. G. Van Derpool, XV:2:30-31 St. James-the-Less (G. E. Street), XIX:4:168-169;

Earthquakes iUus" XIX:4:168 fig 20; 169 fig 21

Central America, XV: 1:12,13 East Ind,a Co

Chile XVIII-3-83 85 Lighthouse, Middleton Point, Sagar Island,

Guatemala ' ' ' XVI:l-.17n92

Antigua, XV: 1:12,13; XX: 1:27,32,33 East Lexington, Va.

Italy, III-1/2-62 Covered bridge over Maury River (J. Jordan),

Messina, 1908, XV:2:5 IX:3:17

Jamaica, X-3-22,24 East Nottingham, Pa.

Peru, V:'[351 and n4,36,38,40,41 Cross Keys Tavern [Chrome Hotel]

Portugal Door' illus- XIX:2:83 fig 3

Lisbon, 1755, XIV:4:7,10 East Poultney, Vt.

Turkey Meeting House, ca. 1803, VII:3/4:29

Istanbul, VII:3/4:[5],6,8 "The East Texas House," by E. A. P. Evans, XI:4-.l-[7]


rnlifnrnia xv-1-70 St. James'(G. E. Street), XIX:4:147,148 n31,151

J. H.. XVI.I:4:1S8 nl


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Eastern Shore (Maryland) Survey - Edward Everett

Eastern Shore (Maryland) Survey, XI:1:27 to, X:3:10; XX:4:169-178 passim; "picturesque
Easterwood, Birch D., XIII:2:30 eclecticism," XVII:4:38; in Pullman, 111.,
Eastham, Mass. XII:3:17-22; as object of satire, XV:2:30; in early
Doane-Chase House, XIX:2:55 twentieth-century architecture, XX:4:169-178

Nauset Lifeboat Station, XIX:2:84 passim

Prence (Gov. Thomas) Farm Eclipse, steamboat, XI:4:25,30

Small House, XIX:2.-52; illus. XIX:2:49 fig 3 Ecluse Haute see L'Ecluse Haute
Easthope, J., 19th c., XVI:4:22 "The Ecole des Beaux-Arts and Architectural

Eastlake, Charles Lock, 1793-1865, Sir, X1X:4:145 n2 Education," by P. P. Cret, 1:2:3-15

Eastlake, Charles Locke, 1833-1906, brownstone Economy, Pa.

cornice style, XIV:2:32; and Gothic Revival, Great House, IV:3/4:51

XVII: 1:36; and G. W. (and W. D.) Hewitt, Eddy, Henry Howard, XIII:3:Suppl. 2,5,7,10,[11]
IV:3/4:51; interiors in style of, XVIII:3:110; on Eddy, Robert Henry, XIII:3:16

G. E. Street, XIX:4:145; style, VII:3/4:25-26; as Edenton, N.C.

theorist, XVII:4:25 Qty piail) VIII:3/4:21

Hints ort Household Taste, XIX:4:145 n2 R^tnratinn vv-a-s

A History of the Gothic Revival, XIX:4:145 n2 Edfu

Eastman, early 18th c., of York, Me. Palm capitals style, illus. XX:3:139 fig 3

House of, X:4:24 Edge, Andrew, 18th c XV:4:25

Eastnor Castle (R. Smirke), XX:3:101 Edge> Wa]ter Gov of Nj_ 1V;3/4:59

Easton Neston (N. Hawksmoor), XVI:2:18; illus. Edge-Partington, James

.X.V,I'219.f"18 An Album of the Weapons, Tools, Ornaments, Articles

of Dress etc. of the Natives of the Pacific Islands,
Villa of [Eastwick], Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36; illus.



XIX: 1.26

. . A Edgell, George H.
Eaton, Amos, XV:4:12 ~,

F t C Y-a ?a Bee Hunter VIII:3/4:68

EberbachyrUS Edgemont [Hooks House], Austin, Tex., XI:4:12; illus.

Monastery, XVIII:4:165-167 XI:4:[U] fig 8

Eberlein, Harold Donaldson, XI: 1:27; XVI:3:32; Edgemont, Va.

XVII-1-30 Restorations, IX:3:24

Ebersolt, J., XX:2:87 Edgerton, fl. 1783

Ecbatana House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:24

City plan, VIII:3/4:9 Edgerton, Samuel Y.

Eccard, August, VIL1 /2:12 nl9,16 n80 "Heat and Sl>'le; Eighteenth-Century House
Ecclesiological Society, XV:2:20; XIX:4:146-155 Warming by Stoves," XX: 1:20-26

passim Edgewood, Nelson Co., Va., XIV: 1:17

Ecclesiologist, XVIII:3:119; XIX:4:146-155 passim Edicules see Baldaquins, Canopies, Ciboria, etc.

cija, Spain Edinburgh

Church, XII:2.-31 Heriot's Hospital [School], XII:3:24; XVI:2:17

Palaces, XII:2:31 Roy31 Scottish Museum
Streets, XV:l:10nl Wooden mask from Saibai, XIX:1:28,30; illus.

Eckel, Edmond Jacques see Eckel and Aldrich; Eckel XIX: 1:28 fig 7

and Mann Watson's Trust Hospital, XVL2.-26

Eckel, George R. see Eckel and Aldrich Edinburgh College of Art Andrew Grant Traveling
Eckel and Aldrich Scholarship, VIII:3/4:17

Pottawattamie County Jail, Council Bluffs, Edmunds, 19th c Sen., VII: 1/2:20

XVIII:4:149-154,157; illus. XVIII:4:150 fig 1; Edmundson, 19th c. contractor, XII:1:10

151 figs 3,4; 152 figs 5,6 Edo see Tokyo
Eckel and Mann, XVIII:4:154,155,156 Education, Architectural see Architecture: Study and

Eckfelt, Jacob, XX: 1:22-23 teaching

Eckman, architect, of Providence, R.I., see Howe, Prout Edward I, King of Engl., English art under, XVII:3:34;

and Ekman land speculation of, 111:1/2:34; new cities built by,
Eckman, Jeannette, XIII:3:Suppl. 2,3,16 IV:1:13,14
Eckmann, Otto, 11:3:12 Edward II, King of Engl., XVII:3:34
Eclecticism, W. Andrews admiration of, XV:2:30; Edward VI, King of Engl., IX:3:11
"creative eclecticism," XII:4:15-18; vying with Edward VII, King of Engl. [Prince of Wales in 1860],
Functionalism in 1900, VII:3/4:26; in B. G. XVI: 1:14
Goodhue's work, VI:3/4:1; history, XII:4:15-18; in Edward, ship, XIII:1:26
Montreal, XI: 1:20; in N.Y., XI:2:3-[8]; opposition Edward Everett, ship, XIV:3:19

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Edward Langley Scholarship - Ekman

Edward Langley Scholarship see Langley (Edward) Egyptian Revival, in church design, VII:3/4:30; role of
Scholarship V. Denon's Voyage dans la basse et la haute Egypte
Edwards, Bryan, X:3:26 in, XVII:l:24nl6
Edwards, George, fl. 1816 U.S., XI:2:6; XIII:4:29-31; XVI:1:28; XX:3:138-139
House of [Simmons-Edwards House], Charleston, Ehmann, Eugen, X:3:12
XVII:4:36 Ehrle, Franz, Cardinal

Edwards, Henry Coley, XVI:4:30; XIX:3:119 Studi e documenti per la storia del Palazzo Apostolico

Edwards, Morgan, 18th c., Rev., XV:4:26 nil Vaticano (and H. Egger), XIV:4:30-31

Edwards, W. B., Prof, XV:2:32 Eicken, Hermann, X:3:10

Edwards, William, 19th c. carpenter-bldr., XIV:l:26-27 Eickenroht, Marvin, XIII:2:29

Edwards, William A., b. 1889 see Edwards, Plunkett Eidlitz, Cyrus L. W. see Eidlitz and McKenzie

and Howell Eidlitz, Leopold, and eclecticism, XI:2:6; opposed to

Edwards, Plunkett and Howell use of iron t0 emulate eclectic and masonry forms
-rt, ~ iv u c , d w XV:4:21 n45; respect for D. Lienau, XIV:1:18
Thompson Kenneth) House, Santa Barbara, .. . ... , , T, ,, , ,

vv A lit II 1-7 io Capitol, Albany and H. H. Richardson,

XX:4:176; Ulus. XX 177 figs 17,18 IX:l/2:30n4: XVI:3:23,25; XVIII:2:68

Eesteren, C. van, and CIAM, 111:1/2:^4 Crystal Palace, N.Y., design, XVI:1:17 n77
Rosenberg (Leonce) House project, Pans (and T. van iranistan, Bridgeport, XI:4:28; XIX:4:180

oesburg), XVIII:3:115 Wooster Street Synagogue, N.Y. (and O. Blesch),

Effinger, Samuel, XVI:4:31 XIII-4-30

Effingham, Earl of Eidlitz, Robert J.

Memorial to (J. Bacon), X:3:24 Medal collection of, XIV:2:7

Effmann, W. Eidlitz and McKenzie

Reconstruction of St. Riquier, XVI:3:34 Times Bldg., 1903, N.Y., IV:3/4:58

Egas, Enrique d' Eiffel, Alexandre Gustav

Cathedral, Granada Garabit Viaduct, XVI:4:27

Foundations, XVII:1:9 nl La Tour Eiffel, Paris, X:3:10; XI:2:16; XVI:4:22-29;

Hospital de Santa Cruz, Toledo XVIII:4:126,128; XIX:1:22; illus. XVI:4:27 fig 9

Open-well staircase, XIX:4:177 Viaducts, XVI:4:27,28

Egas Family, V:[l] "Eight-Sided Schoolhouses, 1800-1840," XII:l:21-22
Egbert, Donald Drew, 1:2:15; 111:3:9 "The Eighteen," XIX: 1:6

Egelmann, Charles F. Eighteenth-century architecture

Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings, See also Baroque architecture; Domestic

XVI:2:26 architecture: Eighteenth century; Rococo

Egenhoff, Elisabeth L. architecture

Fabricas, A Collection of Pictures and Statements on England, V:43-44

the Mineral Materials Used in Building in France, 111:3:12-20; XVIII:4:140-148

California Prior to 1850 (ed.), XIII:4:28-29 Mexico, V:[27]-32

Egger, Hermann Portugal, XV:3:7-15

Stud, e documenti per la storia del Palazzo Apostolico SPain {see ako SPain: Architecture), XII:2:31;

Vaticano (and F. Ehrle), XIV:4:30-31

Eggers, David Lawrence see Eggers and Higgins " ,, ' ' . ,

Eggers, Otto Reinhold s Eggers and Higgins Eigh eenth-century art, XIX:4:184

Eggers, Richard Frederick ** Eggers and Higgins Albany, 111:1/2:62

Eggers and Higgins Eigtved N

Army Medical Library, Washington, VI:1/2:31; illus. Amalienborg Plads, Copenhagen, IV:1:19

VI: 1 /2:pl. X fig 8 Eisenhower, Dwight D., XVI: 1:30

Eggleston, of Hudson, Ohio Eisenstein, Sergei

House of [Herrick-Eggleston House], XII:2:12 Potemkin, movie, IV:1:32

Eggleston Prize in American History, IX:3:5 Eitelberger, 1:3/4:9
Egidiano, Juan Bautista, Fray, V:23 Eitner, Lorenz

Eginetan marbles, XIII: 1:8 Review

Eguiguren, Luis L. Andrews, W., Architecture, Ambition and
Las Calles de Lima, V:40 Americans, XV:2:29-30
Egypt Ekbatana see Ecbatana
Architecture, IX:l/2:3 Ekblad, John, mason, VI:l/2:28
City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Ekistics, periodical, XX:2:96; XX:3:150

and Planning): Egypt Ekman [Eckman], Edward Ossian see Howe, Prout and
Egyptian Architecture, by E. B. Smith, 11:2:24,25 Ekman

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Elam - Elliott-Robinson Residence

Elam, Charles H., on J. Jones, A New Book of Iron Eleven-sided window

Work, XX:3:127 nil Troia Cathedral, XX:3:145

Century of Baltimore Architecture... (and W. H. Elgar, 20th c., Commissioner of Public Bldgs.,



Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XVI:4:35 Elgin marbles see London: British Museum

El Bagawat, Egypt El Greco see el Greco

Coptic fresco, The Promised Land, XX:2:82; illus. EI-Hakam II [El-Hakem; El-Hakim] see el-Hakam II

XX:2:83 fig 10 liade, Mircea, XIX:1:38

El Belem see Belm Eliodoro, Stanza d' see Rome (City): Vatican: Parts:
Elbert, Samuel, Gov. of Ga., XI:3:26-27 Stanze

Elbridge, N.Y. Eliot, of Thomaston, Me., see Dunn and Eliot

Cobblestone cemetery vault, 1879, XV:2:18 n2 Eliot, Mrs. Richard, X:4:[31] n3
Munro House (T. Atkinson), XV:2:14,16; illus. Eliot T. S., IX:4:12- XVII:4:39

XV:2:[17] fig 11 "Eliptick head," XVI:4:32

Elca see English Linear Cities Association Elisabeth of France, 1727-1759 see Louise Elisabeth
El Conquistador see James I, King of Aragon Elizabeth I, Machiavelli's Arte della Guerra (English
Elder, John, 19th c. architect, XVII: 1:31 ed.) dedicated to, XX:2:58; planned settlements

Elderkin, George, XIII:4:6-8 underi viII:3/4:26 n2; poem in pyramid shape

Eleanor of Guienne, XIII: 1:4 praising, XIX-2-77

Electoral Commission, painting (C. A. Fassett), Elizabeth N J

VII: 112:26 Presbyterian Church, 1786, VII:3/4:31

E ectra, in sculpture, XII:4:15 "Elizabethan style," XX:3:101,102

E ectr.c power plants see Power plants E1 Khajn w Hebr(m Jor(Jan

n'e vl' i TII , Eilender, Frederick, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Electrified U.S. Kitchens, 111.3:30 c j i * o.l # . w <1
* * L-+ * i_ t wii Ellenger, Fredenck 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Elements of Architecture..by J. Miller, Eilet Charles

XT-1 u81" 5\ Niagara Footbridge, 1848, XVI : 1:11
Eleneff, Nicholas A. . D. 0 \xru

R . Ohio River Span, Wheeling, XVI:1:11

, , . Elley, William R., VI: 1/2:18,20
Hamilton, G. H., The Art and Architecture of r.,/' A , ^

Russia, XVI:2:28-30 E I00"' Andrew III:!/2:40

Elephant-shaped bldgs. E !COtt< JTames' 18Jha Pjferer.XX:3:135

Coney Island NY Elhcott, Joseph, Holland Land Co. agent, 111:1/2:40

Elephant Hotel, XIX:4:180 Ell'Ctt Elty' M<|'

Egypt, XVIlI l-27 Folly Quarter [McTavish (J.) Residence] (W. F.

India, XVIII: 1:28-29; illus. XVIII: 1:29 fig 10 Small), XX:2:64 and n 13,67,70-74,76; illus.

Margate City, N.J. XX:2:71-72 figs 11-14

Elephant Hotel (J. V. Lafferty), XIII:2:28; St Char!es' College (W. F. Small), XX:2:74

XIII:3:28; XIX:4:180; illus XIII:2:28; Ellington, Brand H.

XIII:3:28 Courthouse, Nottoway, Va., XVIII:l:8; illus.

Elephants, in sculpture, V:22; XVII: 1:23 XVIILLIO fig 21

Elevated highways see Viaducts Elliot, A. G.

Elevated railroads see Railroads: Types: Elevated PaPer Co- Warehouse of see Philadelphia: Megargee

"Elevator buildings," XVIII:4:130,131,133,137,138,139; (Charles) Warehouse

illus. XVIII:4:132 fig 3 Elliot, James, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Elevators Elliot, Jonathan, 1784-1846, XV: 1:27
See also Grain elevators Elliot, Mary Ann Maher, XV:l:30nl2

Bryan, J. A., "Evolving the Elevator," X:3:[31] Elliot, William, 1773-1837?, XV:l:27-28

Collin, N., "A Speedy Elevator," XI:2:22 Elliot, William Parker, d. 1854 (see also Town and
Early, X:3:[31]; XI:2:15,22; illus. X:3:[31]; XI:2:22 Elliot), and G. Hadfield, X:2:ll

Otis, XI:2:15; XV:4:22 n55; XIX:4:181 Book

Saint Louis, 1881, 1:3/4:26 Washington Guide, X:2:ll
Skyscrapers, importance to, XI:2:15,17; Buildings, Plans, etc.
XII: 1:15,18,19,20-21 ; XII:3:31; XV:2:31,32; U.S. Patent Office plans, XV:l:27-30
XVII:3:22,23,25; XVIII:4:126-138 passim U.S. Treasury Bldg. project, XV: 1:28
Sofa elevators, X:3:[31]; XI:2:22; illus. X:3:[31] Elliott, James, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Towers, XI:2:22; XVI:4:23; XIX:1:11-14; illus. Elliott-Robinson Residence, ca. 1880, Nacogdoches
XIX:1:12 figs 1,2; 13 figs 3,4 Co., Tex., XI:4:l,2[refs. to fig 1];
Trevithick air lift, proposed, XVI:4:23 illus. XI:4:3 fig 1

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Ellis - Engineering Congress

Ellis, Charles Ely, Warren S.

Drug Co. of, Philadelphia, XX:l:5n6,6; "Eight-square" bldgs., XII:1:22

illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6 Ely, Engl.

Ellis, Harvey, in Buffington office, XIX: 1:40; W. G. Cathedral
Purcell on, 111:4:20,[20a] Decoration, XVI:3:34

Security Bank, Minneapolis, design, 1888, illus. Octagon, XVI:3:24; XVI:4:34

III:4:[20a figs 1,2] Embroideries (G. E. Street), XIX:4:149 n32,150
Ellis, Peter "Embryo skyscraper," XVIII:4:131 nl7
Cook Street, no. 16, Liverpool, XII:3:32 Emden

Oriel Chambers, Liverpool, XII:3:32; XIX:2:88 Medieval timber house, XV1I:2:5

Elliston Emerald, steamboat, XI:4:28

House of [Burlington], 11:2:33 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, on architecture,

Ellsworth, of Hudson, Ohio VII:3/4:[17]-20; XVII:4:27-28,29; on the arts,

House of, XII:2:9 XVI: 1:25; and J. Fergusson, XVII:4:28; and E. L.

Ellsworth, Henry L., XV:1:28,29 n6 Garbett, XVII:4:27-28; and house of Carlyle in

Elm trees, planting of, New Haven, X:4:19 Chelsea, X:l:23; on the sailing ship, X:4:30
Elme-Esara ^rt, XVII:4:27,28

Altar, XI-3-1 Beauty, XVII:4:28

Eimes, James, XX:3:136 and n7 Nature and Art, XVII:4:27

Books XX-3136 Emerson, William, 19th c., of Me., XIV:2:\2

St. John's Church, Chichester, XX:3:136; illus. Emerson> William> 1873-1957, IV:3/4:5; VII:3/4:[5],37

Xx-3-137 fig 2 Emerson, William Ralph, 1833-1918, and modification

Elmhurst 111 f N. Shaw's Queen Anne style, 11:3:24;

Emery'(William H.) House (W. B. Griffin), 0 IX:4:'7"[2]; blt" IX:4:[21; originality of, XI:2:4

1:8-9; illus. XIX:1:9 figs 12,13 "0USC' Bf Harbr' IX:4:t20^ lllus' IX:4:l19l fig 4
-T,, Summer houses, IX:4:17

Elrn.ra, N Y VII:l/2:29

Elmira College p " w ]|.

and Library (Coolidge, Shepley, tmery, William n.
n if U J uu L, House of, Elmhurst, 111., XIX:l:8-9;

Bulfinch and Abbott), XVII:3:26 s 12 13

illus. XIX:1:9

Elmslie, George Grant, obit., XI:2:25; ornament of, 7 .. ' ... ... ,
, ,, ,, , JT Emigrant aid societies, VI: 1/2:23

XIX:2:63-66; and Prame School, XIX.1.9; and L ^ Emigrant's Guide, 1818, XVIII: 1:26

Sullivan, IV:2:12; XI:2:25; XIII: 1:23; XIX:2:62-68; Emlen, George, 18th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:25

XX:3:140-141; and F. L. Wright, XIX:2:62-63 Emporia, Va

Letter to F. L Wright, on Wright s rev. of Greensville County Courthouse, XVIII: 1:2 n2
Mornson s bk. on Sullivan, XX:3:140-141 Encampment, Military see Military Camps,

Works Reservations, etc.

See also Purcell and Elmslie Enciso, Jorge, IV-2-41

Millar (W. G. H.) Residence, Pittsburgh, XIX:2:64 An Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm and Villa
National Farmers' Bank [Security Bank and Trust Architecture and Furniture, ed. by J. C. Loudon,

Co.], Owatonna (and L. Sullivan), IV:2:9,12; XI:2:28; XVIII:3:105,110,111; XX:4:188,190

XIX:2:64,66,68; XX:3:140,141,142; illus. Design LXV, illus. XVIII:3:105 fig 1
IV:2:22; XIX:2:67 figs 4-6 Italian villa style railroad stations, VIII:l/2:37

Wainwright Memorial, St. Louis, drawing of Encyclopedia of Architecture [Outline of Architectural

doors, illus. XI:1:28 Studies; Kenchikugaken - Takei] no. 5, XVI:2:32;

Woodbury County Court House, Sioux City (with XVI:4:36

W. G. Purcell and W. L. Steele, Sr.), Endah, Arata, XX:4:179

XX:3:140 Endell, August, 11:3:12; X:3:10

Elmwood, Essex Co., Va. Enders, Oscar, X:3:[31]
Broken pediments (W. Buckland, attrib.), XVIII :2:71 Endo, Arata see Endah, Arata




Cathedral, IX:l/2:38 Engelbach, R.

Cloister, IX:l/2:38; XII:3:12 Ancient Egyptian Masonry (and S. Clarke [Clark] ),





Burlingham (Lloyd) House (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 Engineering and Architecture, XX:3:147,148

Elting, X:3:32 Middle Ages, XX:4:199-200

Elvas, Port. Nineteenth and twentieth centuries, XIX:4:178,181;

N. S. da Piedade, XV:3:19 XX:l:34-37; XX:2:74; XX:3:142-143

Ely, Dean of, ca. 1855, XIX:4:159 Engineering Congress, Madrid, 1919 see Congreso

Ely, Richard T., XII:3:22n7 Nacional de Ingenieria, Madrid, 1919


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Engineering instruments - Essex County, Engl.

Engineering instruments see Instruments (Architectural, Equatorial Africa see French Equatorial Africa
Drawing, Engineering, etc.) Equestrian statues see Statues, Equestrian
England, Thomas Equitable Life Assurance Co., XV:2:31
St. Francis's Church, San Francisco, XIV:3:18-19; Bldgs. of see New York (City): Equitable Life
illus. XIV:3:20 fig 5 Assurance Co.
England see Great Britain Erasmus, XX:3:146

Engles, Silas, 18th c., XV:4:25 Erben, 19th c., of NY., XVI:1:29

English, David, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Erchinger, Hazel, XVI:2:22,27

English, James F., Rev., XIV:2:11 nil Erech see Uruk
English architecture in America, XIII:4:32 Erfurt
English Art, 1100-1216, by T. S. R. Boase, XVII:3:34 Cathedral, V1I:1/2:17
English Art, 1216-1307, by P. Brieger Gothic churches, XIX:4:148 n31
Rev. by H. H. Hilberry, XVLI:3:34-35 Ericsson, Henry, XVI: 1:15
English Art, 1307-1461, by J. Evans, XVII:3:34 Erie Canal, XI:2:23; XV:4:12; XIX:4:172;
English Art, 1625-1714, by O. Millar and M. Whinney, XX:4:194,195-196,197; illus. XIX:4:173 figs 1,2
XX:3:149 Erigena, John Scotus, IV:1:5; XI:3:12; XVII:2:28
English Art, 1800-1870, by T. S. R. Boase Erixson and Lukes, contractors, XIX:2:59 and nl4
Rev. by M. Whiffen, XX:3:149 Erlach, Joseph Emanuel Fischer von see Fischer von

English Colonial architecture see Colonial architecture: Erlach, Joseph Emanuel

English Ermengaud, Raimond, 11th c., XII:3:7

English Country Houses: Late Georgian, 1800-1840, by Ernst Ludwig, 1868-1937, Grand Duke of Hesse,
C. Hussey, XIX:3:128-129 11:3:12-13
English foot, measurement, XVI:l:10n3; Ernst Ludwig Haus see Darmstadt: Ernst Ludwig Haus
XVI:3:3,7,8,10; XVIII:3:94 Erssey, George F.

English Linear Cities Association, XVIII:3:82,89 n45 Drawings, Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati,
The English Mediaeval Parish Church, by G. H. Cook, XVII:2:27; illus. XVII:2:27

XVI:3:33 Erzerum [Arzrum; Erzeroun; Erzurum; Garin]

The English Town in the Last Hundred Years, by J. Tchiffe Minaret [Chifte Minaret], IV:3/4:32
Betjeman, XV:4:32 Tombs, IV:3/4:32
Engqvist, H. H., XIX:2:83 Esarhaddon, VII:l/2:38
Engraving machines, XV:4:12 Escorial

Enlart, Camille, on Cistercian architecture, Church designs

XVIII:4:165; on St. Bnigne, Dijon, XVII:3:2; Herrera, J. de, XIX:4:177
training of, 1:3/4:9 Vignola, G. B. da, IX:4:12
Enlil, deity, XII:4:4 Esher, Engl.
Enna, Sicily Vanbrugh (John) House (J. Vanbrugh), XVI:2:17
Chiesa Madre, IV:2:52 Esperanza, N.Y. see Athens, N.Y.
en-Nejr see Zibb'atuf Espinosa, Arturo Soria y see Soria y Espinosa, Arturo
Eno, Amos, XIV: 1:19 Espira d'Agly

Enrique de Egas see Egas, Enrique d' Church, XII:3:7

Ensign, Seth, XII:2:26 Espira de Confient

Ensor, Luke, 18th c., of Baltimore, XVIII:1:34 Church, XIV:1:6

Ensor, William, 18th c of Baltimore, XVIII: 1:34 Espirito Santo, Joo Moreira do

Entretiens sur [de] l'architecture, by E. E. High Altar, N. S. da Conceio da Praia, Salvador,

Viollet-le-Duc, 11:3:10 nl5; XVI:1:15 XV:3:20-21; illus. XV:3:21 fig 11
Epeneter, John, 19th c., XVIII:4:154 Espirito Santo, Brazil [Abrantes]
Ephesus Jesuit Mission, 1793, XIV:4:6; illus. XIV:4:7 fig 3
Acropolis, VIII:l/2:50; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XI Espouy, H. d', 11:2:9
Agora, VIII:l/2:50 Esquipulas, Guatemala
City plan, Maps, etc., VIII:l/2:49-50; illus. Church, XV:l:18nl2
VIII: 1 /2:pl XI Esquire Grey Eyes, VI:l/2:23
Temple of Artemis, VIII:l/2:50; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XI Essarhaddon see Esarhaddon
Ephraim Essen, Ger.
Mosaics, Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, 111:4:44 Deutscher Kunsthistorikertagung [Congress of

Epidauros German Art Historians], 6th, 1956, XVII:2:3

Temple of Asclepios, XVI:4:33 Krupp housing, XII:3:17

Epipolis see Syracuse, Italy Stifts Kirche, XIX:4:176

Epitoma rei militaris, comp, by Vegetius, XX:2:57-58 Esser, Karl-Heinz, XVIII:4:166-167

Epping Upland, Engl. Essex County, Engl.

Parish church, IV:3/4:45 Parish churches, IV:3/4:45-46


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Essex Institute - Ewing

Essex Institute see Salem, Mass. European War (1939-1945) and Art see Architecture
Es Sur see Tyre and War; Art and War; War damage
Estany, Catalonia Eustathius, 111:4:35
Cloister, XI1:3:12 Eutychianus, Saint, XIV:3:14
Este, Rainaldo d\ d. 1671, Cardinal, XV:2:11 n30 Evans, carver for H. H. Richardson, XII: 1:11
Este Family Evans, of Charleston, S.C., see Walker and Evans
Villas of Evans, 20th c., Rector of St. Peter's Church,
Rome, location on Quirinal Hill, illus. Philadelphia, XIII:3:Suppl. 9,16
XIX:3:98 fig 1 Evans, Allen (see also Furness, Evans and Co.),
Tivoli see Tivoli, Italy: Villa d'Este XIX:2:81 n4
Estes and Lauriat, Boston publishers, XIV:3:7 Evans, Arthur John, Sir, on Cretan architecture,
Esteve, Gabriel Alomar see Alomar Esteve, Gabriel XIX:4:183
Esther, by H. Adams [F. S. Compton, pseud], XII:1:9; Evans, Cadwalader, XIII:3:26





Esthetics see Philosophy (Aesthetics, Theory, etc.) House of, West Chester, Pa., XIX:1:38; illus.
Estilo joanino, see Joanine Style XIX: 1:34 fig 1
Estipite, V:27,30-31; XII:2:31; XV:1:5-10; XVIII:4:167 Evans, Elliot A. P., X:l:28; XIII:2:32
Estudillo, Jos Antonio "The East Texas House," XI:4:l-[7]
House of, San Diego, illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4 "Soledad," XV:l:20-26
Etampes Evans, George, XIX:4:156

Saint-Martin, VII:3/4:12 Evans, Joan, on Cluniac avoidance of crypts, XVI:3:18

Etchells, Frederick, X:3:3 English Art, 1307-1461, XVII:3:34

Etchmiadzin The Romanesque Architecture of the Order of Cluny,

Church, IV:3/4:32 XVII:3:33
Ethrog, XVI:2:28 Evans, John G.

Etiennot, Claude Insurance survey of Friends Asylum, Frankford, Pa.,

Reims Obituary copied by, XVII:4:20n9 XIII:3:Suppl. 3-4
Etruria Evans, Lewis, 19th c. Natchez contractor, XV:2:28
City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Evans, Randolph see Chapman, Evans and Delehanty

and Planning): Etruria Evelyn, John, as idealistic city planner, XIV:4:20

Etruscan arches, VII:3/4:34 City plan project, London, 111:1/2:37; XX:2:55; illus.
"Etruscan Doors and Windows," by G. M. A. 111:1 /2:[36a]; X:2:[4]

Hanfmann, 11:1:8-16,22 Translation, Frart de Chambray, Parallel of the

Etruscan Revival Ancient Architecture with the Modern,

U.S., XIV:3:3-7 XX:3:122,123,126 no.15

Ettal, Ger. "Even Architects Have Fun," N. Y. Herald Tribune,




Etting, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Evening Star, steamboat, XI:4:21

Eucharistie wafer, XVII:1:4,5 Everett, Edward, ship, XIV:3:19

Euclid, 11:2:8; XVII:1:5 Eversley, Lord, XIX:4:159n72
Eugene III, Pope, XVIII:4:166 Every Man a Complete Builder..., by E. Oakley,
Eugene of Savoy, Prince, XX:2:53,54,56,62 XX:3:128 no.59



Chrisman (G. R.) Block (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:58 La Tourette Monastery (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94
and nnl2,13 Evoli, Cesare d'
Eureka, Calif. Delle Ordinanza et Battaglie, XX:2:60; illus. XX:2:60
Carson House, XIV:3:21 nl fig 12
Europe "The Evolution of Preservation in Europe," by H.



See also Baroque architecture: Europe "Evolving the Elevator," by J. A. Bryan, X:3:[31]
Books Evora, Port.

Kobayashi, B. (and others), History of Western Jesuit Churches, 16th c., XV:3:20
[European] Architecture, XVI:2:32; XVI:4:36 San Anton
Pevsner, N., An Outline of European Nave columns, V:6 n36
Architecture, XVI:4:36; XIX: 1:41; XX:3:150 So Joo Evangelista [St. John Evangelist]
Sekler, E., Wren and His Place in European Chapter entrance, V:2 n9
Architecture, XVI:4:33-35 Evreux

Route Cities Plan (ASCORAL), XVIII:3:92-93; illus. Cathedral, 1:1:22; VII:3/4:12 n7

XVIII:3:92 fig 9 Ewing, Mrs. Sharpless, XII:1:22

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Examples of Gothic Architecture - Exhibition bldgs.

Examples of Gothic Architecture, by A. C. Pugin (and Exhibition bldgs.
others), 11:1:28 n3 See also Museums and Museum bldgs.
Excelsior Iron Works, N.Y., XV:4:17 Arnhem, Neth.

Exchanges (Merchants', Produce, Stock, etc.) Temporary Sculpture Pavilion (G. T. Rietveld),


Stock Exchange (H. P. Berlage), XVIII :2:68 Barcelona

Baltimore Exposition internacional, 1929-30

Baltimore Exchange [Merchant's Exchange] (M. Electrical Bldg. (L. Mies van der Rohe),
Godefroy and B. H. Latrobe), XIII: 1:17; XX: 1:42
XX:2:63 and n3,64,65,75,76 [German] Pavilion (L. Mies van der Rohe),
Stock Exchange (Howells and Stokes), IV:3/4:56 XX:1:43; XX:4:201
Boston Bath, Engl., XVI:4:29n 19

Merchants' Exchange (I. Rogers), XX: 1:12 Brussels

Chicag0 World's Fair, 1958, XVIII:3:115

Stock Exchange Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), Buffalo

IV-2-9,12- XVII-2-30 XX'3'142* illus IV*2*18 Pan-American Exposition Bldgs. (Shepley, Rutan

Cleveland ' ' ' ^ Coolidge), XVII:3:25

Merchants' Exchange, illus., X:4:[15] fig 8 Chicago

Leningrad [St. Petersburg] Interstate Industrial Exposition Bldg. [Old

Bourse, 1812, IV:1:28; XX:3:137 Exposition Bldg.]
(W. W. Boyington), IV:2:9;
IX: 1 / 2:24 n4
L Cod Exchange (J. B. Bunning), VII:l/2:3,4;

Administration Bldg. (R. M. Hunt), IX: 1/2:31

Exhibition bldg. enclosing John Brown's Fort
(G. O. Garnsey), XVIII:4:159; illus.


Flour Exchange (Long and Kees), XIII: 1:22;

XVIII:4:160 fig 2

XIX: 1:40; illus. XIII: 1:20 fig 5

_ , (t_ , _ ., . VTII , Japanese Pavilion, XVIII:2:63

Grain Exchange (Kees and Colburn), XIII: 1:22 L,beral Arts Bldg., XIV:3:28

New York (City) Machinery Hall, XVII:4:38

Coal and Iron Exchange (R. M Hun ), XL2.[14] Mines and M XH:3:17

Exchange, at the bottom of Wall [?] St., 18th c Transportation Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan),

w , * , . 111:4:16-17,[20a],23; IV:2:6,9,11,12;
Merchants Exchange, XVI:l:17n81 VI:3/4:4; XVIII:2:68; XIX:3:123; XX:3:142;

Produce Exchange (G. B. Post), XI:2:20; XIV:3:26; ij]us jv-2 [3] 4 6 12 17

XIX:4:181 Turkish Exposition Bldg. [Pavilion],

Philadelphia XVIII:2:63-65; illus. XVIII:2:63 fig 1
Philadelphia Exchange, Broad St., XIX: 1:31 Turkish Government Bldg., XVIII:2:63 n5
Philadelphia Exchange [Merchants' Exchange], S. Cologne

Third St. Werkbund Administration Bldg. (W. Gropius and

Bldg. (W. Strickland), XIII:3:30,Suppl. 2,16 A Meyer), XX:4:200

capt. fig 25; XIX: 1:31; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. London

[15] fig 25; XIX: 1:31 fig 1 Crystal Palace [Great Exhibition Bldg.]

Painting, Old Stock Exchange Philadelphia (J paxton), 111:4:5-6; X:4:36; XIV:3:32;

(J. A. Woodside), 11:3:33 XV:4:16,22 n66; XVI:4:25; XVII:4:27,28,38;

Rehabilitation (L. C. Hickman), XIX: 1:31 XIX:4:148,156- XX:3:99,149

Tower, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 25; Pompeian Court (D. Wyatt), XIV:3:3-4,6; illus.
XIV:2:12; XVII:1:33 n2; XIX: 1:31; illus. XIV-3 [5] fig 2

XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 25; XIX:1:31 fig 1 New York (City)

Design (J. C. Trautwine), XVIII:4:162 Crystal Palace

Produce Exchange, XIX: 1:31 Bldg. (G. J. B. Carstensen and K. Gildemeister),
Saint Louis, Mo. XVI:l:17n77, 26; XIX:1:14; illus. XIX:1:15
Merchants' Exchange, 1:3/4:26 fig 7
San Francisco Competition designs, XVLLl 1,12,13; illus.
Merchants' Exchange (S. Williams), XVIII:4:161 XVLL12 fig 11
Valencia, Spain World's Fair, 1939, 11:1:17; 111:3:19
Lonja de la Seda, V:2n9 Brazilian Pavilion (L. Costa; O. Niemeyer and P.

Exeter L. Wiener [Weiner] ), XVII:2:31




St. Mary Major, XV:2:29 Exposition Universelle, 1889

Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, XIX:4:149n32 Galerie [Halles] des Machines [Machinery Hall]

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Exhibition bldgs. - Exhibitions

(C. Dutert and V. Contamin), X:3:10; Charleston, S.C.
XII:4:18; XIV:3:28; XVII:4:38; Gibbes Art Gallery

XIX: 1:22 n37 "This is Charleston," 11:1:37

Exposition Universelle, 1900 Chicago

British Pavilion (E. L. Lutyens), 111:4:15 Chicago Architectural [Sketch] Club
Buildings (F. Hennebique), XIX:1:21 1898, XIX:1:5
U.S. Pavilion (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), 1902, XIX:1:10


Philadelphia Exposition 'de Habitaciones Econmicas

Centennial Exposition, 1876 1922, XVIII:3:84
Bldgs. competition, XVIII:3:105 nlO 1936, XVIII:3:84
Pennsylvania Bldgs., XIX:1:11,13 n8 Cincinnati

Plymouth, Engl., XVI:4:29nl9 Taft Museum

Raleigh, N.C. "Early Architecture of the Ohio Valley,"
State Exposition Bldgs. (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34 11:1:35-36
Rome (City) City planning, XVIII:3:74
British Art Exhibition Bldg. (E. L. Lutyens), Cologne
111:4:15 Werkbundausstellung, 1914, X:3:10




Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939 Detroit Institute of Arts

["recent great fair"], 11:1:17 "For Modern Living," VIII:3/4:46-47
Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915 Dresden
Court of Ages (L. C. Mullgardt), X:3:20 Art exhibition, 1897, 11:3:12, XIV:2:18
Palace of Fine Arts (B. Maybeck), XI:3:31; illus. London

XI:3:30 Architectural exhibition, 1850, XIX:4:146 nl2




Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909, Exhibition of competition designs for Houses of










Netherlands Pavilion (G. T. Rietveld), 1860, XIX:4:154

XVIII:3:116 Royal Institute of British Architects

Exhibitions Architectural Drawings, 1961, XX:3:150

Here are listed chiefly art and architecture Modern Italian Architecture, 1952, XI:2:26
exhibitions; for industrial exhibitions see city, Lyons
e.g. London: Crystal Palace Exposition, 1851; International Exposition of Modern City Planning,
New York (City): World's Fairs 1914-15, XVIII:3:74
Albany, N.Y. Mexico City
Institute of History and Art Sociedad de Arte Moderno, IV:2:41

Exhibition of views of Albany, 111:1/2:62 Minneapolis

Andover, Mass. Institute of Arts

Addison Gallery of American Art Exhibition of Minnesota Architecture, 1958,

"Exhibition of 'Architecture in Painting,"' XIX: 1:39




Baltimore, Md. Exhibit of the work of Purcell and Elmslie,

Peale Museum March, 1953, XIX:2:66n30
Exhibition of Baltimore architecture, XIII:3:30 Munich

Work of Maximilian Godefroy, XI:2:27 Rococo exhibition, 1958, XIX:4:184



Building Exposition, 1931, XX: 1:42-43 "Modern Dutch Architecture and City Planning,"


Regency architecture, Brighton, 1953, XII: 1:32 New Haven




Exposition de la Reconstruction, 1919, "Books and Buildings, 1449-1949 ...,"

XVIII:2:48,49; XVIII:3:74,80 VIII: 1 /2:55-67




Exhibition of Buffalo Architecture, Albright Art Louisiana Landmarks Society

Gallery, XIII:3:32 Exhibition of the works of James Gallier,

Cambridge, Mass. IX:4:28; XI:4:24

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Crystal Palace Exhibit, X:4:36


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Exhibitions - Ezinge, Neth.

Exhibitions (Cont.) Providence

New York (City) Rhode Island School of Design

American City Bureau of New York Museum of Art
Exhibit of City Planning, XVIII:3:84 "Exhibition of Rhode Island Architecture

Armory Show of Modern Art, 1913, XIV:3:27 Available," 11:2:35-36

Avery Architectural Library Richmond, Va., 111:3:28-29
Exhibit, 1943 (Greek Revival Architecture), Springfield, Mass.

111:4:67 Museum of Fine Arts

Exhibit, 1952, XI:2:22-23 Exhibition of French Houses, V:43

Metropolitan Museum of Art Turin

Exhibition of Greek Revival Architecture, Exposition, 1902, XIV:2:19

111:3:28; 111:4:67-68 Utrecht

Museum of Modern Art Rietveld Exhibition, 1958, XVIII:3:115

De Stijl, 1952, XVIII:3:115 Washington, D.C.
E. Mendelsohn work, XVII:3:36 Corcoran Gallery of Art
"Modernism" show, 1932, VI:3/4:1 "Washington After the War," VI: 1 /2:[30]-32

Skyscrapers, XVIII:4:130 n 13 National Gallery

New York Architectural League Exhibition of photographs by C. Ward and A.
"Buildings Never Built," IV:1:53 Princehorn, 1948, VII:3/4:[4]
New York Historical Society Smithsonian Institution [U.S. National Museum]
Country Houses on Manhattan Island built Exhibition of heating and lighting devices,
before 1860, XI:2:24 X:2:24-25
The Works of McKim, Mead and White, X:l:28 Wurzburg

Newark N J Exhibition of Neumann drawings, 1953, Residenz,

Public Library XII:4:12,13-14

Exhibition on urban re-development, XIV:3:32 "Exotic Influences in American Colonial Art," by M.

VT . X r J. Buschiazzo, V:[211-23
Northampton, Mass. . L J

Smith College Museum of Art Expos.cion de Habitaciones Economicas

Crystal Palace Exhibit, X:4:36 1922, XVIII:3:84

Oxford, Ohio 1936> XVHI:3:84

Miami University Expositions see Exhibitions

Museum of American Architecture, Exhibition Expressionists, XVII:3:36; XVIII:2:65

of scale models of historic Ohio buildings, Eyck, Jan van, XIX:4:183

XII:3:32 Altarpiece of the Mystic Lamb, S. Bavon, Ghent

Paris (and H. van Eyck), IX:4:26

Exposition of Decorative Arts, 1925, 11:1:17; Eydoux, XVIII:4:165

XIV:2:18 Eye to Eye, XIV:4:32

Exposition Universelle, 1900, XIX:1:21 Eyre, Wilson, 1858-1944, Jr., Detroit work, 11:4:43;

Salon, 1836, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 F. Freeman work compared with, XI:4:35; L. B.

Philadelphia Holland in firm of, XI:2:24; Philadelphia work,




Exhibit of competition drawings for Girard Houses

College, XVI:2:23,26 Downingtown, Pa. [Wilson Ayre], illus. XX:4:171
Philadelphia Art Alliance fig 2
Exhibition of Philadelphia Architecture, 1953, Philadelphia, XIII:3:31
XIII:3:30 Ezekiel, XI:3:16n2
Port-of-Spain Architecture, V:47 Ezequelle, Betty J., XIX: 1:32
Portland, Or. Ezinge, Neth.
Art Museum Barns, 3d century B.C., XVII:2:5,17; illus. XVII:2:6

Portland Architecture, 1860-1900, XI:1:31 figs 9-10; [7] fig 11

Cluster settlement, 4th century B.C., XVII:2:5,6,8,9;

illus. XVII:2:[7] figs 12-13


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Fabbrini, XVIII:4:164 Water mills, Cross Dam, XIII:2:19

Faber, Adolf, VII:1/2:19 Bradford, Engl.

"Faber lignarius," XIII:3:10nl Mills, VIII: 1/2:27 nl3

Fabricas, A Collection of Pictures and Statements on the Brimscombe, Engl.

Mineral Materials Used in Building in California Hope's Mill, VIII:1/2:13,14; illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl III
Prior to 1850, ed. by E. L. Egenhoff, XIII:4:28-29 fig 9
Fabriczy, C. von, XVIII:1:11 Catskill, N.Y.

"Faade, Retablo," XV:1:15-17; XIX:4:177 Mill belfry, 1840, 11:4:39




See also Decoration and Ornament; Sculpture: Rice mills, 1:3/4:23

Architectural, Decorative, etc. Chicago

Cast-iron Frear Stone Co. Works, XIII: 1:28

See also Building: Cast-iron, Iron and Steel and Pullman Palace Car Co. Factory, XII:3:20-22
specific bldgs., e.g. New York (City): Selz, Schwab Factory (Adler and Sullivan),
McKesson and Robbins Drug Co.: Faade XX:1:16,18; illus. XX:1:18 fig 27
Baltimore, XIII:3:30 Congleton, Engl.
Bogardus, J., 11:4:4 n6; XV:4:12-22 Silk throwing factory, VIII:l/2:5
History, IX:l/2:29; IX:4:24-25; X:2:23-24; Cromford, Engl.
XV:2:24; XV:4:12-22; XVI:1:18 nl 10; Mill on the Derwent (R. Arkwright),


New York, XIV:3:23 Derby, Engl.

Richardson, H. H IX:l/2:28,29 Calico Mill (W. Strutt), XV:2:24; XIX:4:181
Saint Louis, IX:3:23 Silk throwing factory (J. Lombe), VIII:l/2:5



See also specific Church Faades, e.g. Paris: Factories (A. Kahn), 11:3:32; 11:4:43
Notre Dame: Faade Ford Highland Park Plant, XII:4:32

Baroque, V:[27]-32; XI:1:18,19; XV:1:5-11 Dexter, Mich.

Gothic Revival Grist Mill, IV: 1:54

Canada, IX: 1:24,25 Haddingtonshire, Scot.

Medieval Houston Mill, VIII:l/2:5; illus. VIII:l/2:pl I fig 2
France, IV:3/4:6,8; XI:3:7,17-22 Halifax, Engl.
Italy, XIII:3:9 Water mills, VIII:l/2:5

Renaissance, V:[l]-10,[21]-26; XIII:3:9 Harrisburg, Tex.

Commercial bldgs., IX:l/2:25-30; XX:1:3-19 Sawmill, 1836, XI:4:10

"'Fachwerkbau' Houses in Wisconsin," by R. W. E. Huebner Pottery, Montgomery Co., Pa., XX:l:24nl6

Perrin, XVIII: 1:29-33 Istanbul [Constantinople]

Faciolatus, VII:3/4:[5],9 Flour Mill (W. Fairbairn), XV:4:15,17-18,19; illus.

Fackenthall, Mrs. C. S., XV: 1:26 n36 XV:4:15 fig 5

Factories and Mills (see also Foundries; Printing and Kagoshima, Jap.

Publishing plants; Tile (Ceramic, Pottery, etc.)), Cotton mill, 1867, XIII:2:14
cast-iron framed, 11:4:28; XV:2:24; K. J. Conant Jericho and Smiths Mills, U.S., XIX:3:117
on factory architecture, 111:4:4-5; history, Keighley, Engl.
VIII: 1 / 2:[l]-32; use of vertical brick abutments, Fulling mill, VIII:l/2:5
XX: 1:9; use of wood in New Engl, factory Weaving factory, VIII:l/2:5

construction, VIII: 1/2:7 King's Stanley, Engl.






Fagus Factory (W. Gropius and A. Meyer), Lawrence, Mass.

XIV:4:32; XX:4:200 Pemberton Mill, XIX:4:182

Baltimore, Md. Leeds, Engl.

Watchman and Bratt's Steam Engine Factory, Linen mill (Benyon and Bage), VIII:l/2:23





Belper, Engl. London

Mills (Strutt and Strutt), VIII:l/2:23 Albion Mill (S. Wyatt), VIII:1/2:15,22; illus.
Berkshire Mills, U.S., VIII:l/2:88 VIII:l/2:pl III fig 11
Bolton-le-Moors, Engl. Lowell, Mass.

18th c. factory, VIII:l/2:7 Boott Mill (R. Hills), XIII:3:26

Boston, Mass. Malmesbury, Engl.

Chickering Pianoforte Factory, XX:1:9 Factory, 1790 (F. Hill), VIII: 1 /2:13

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Factories and Mills - Fairton, N.J.

Factories and Mills (Cont.) Smithfield, R.I.

Manchester, Engl. Georgia Cotton Manufacturing Co., Georgiaville,

Drinkwater (Peter) Mill, VIlI:l/2:27 nl3 XIX:4:182; XX:l:9nl7

Mellor, Engl. Stockport, Engl.

Mill (S. Oldknow), VIII: 1 /2:12,14; illus. Silk throwing factory, 1752, VIII:l/2:5
VIII: 1 /2:pl II figs 7,8 Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, Engl.
Morley, Engl. Stanley Mill, VIII: 1/2:32 n68; XV:2:24-25; illus.
Crank Mill, VIII:l/2:4; illus. VIII:l/2:pl I fig 1 XV:2:24 fig 1; 25 fig 2; 26 fig 3

New England, use of wood in factory construction, Sudbury, Mass.

VIII: 1/2:7 Mill, 17th c. (T. Cakebread), XI:1:4,5
New Lanark, Scot. Sullivan, N.Y.

Mills (R. Arkwright and D. Dale), Yates (John B.) Plaster Mill, 1818, XX:4:196,197

VIII: 1/2:11,13,30n47; illus. VIII:l/2:pl II Valley Falls, Kan.

figs 5,6 Sawmill, VI:l/2:24n3
New York (City) Waltham

Mills, 17th c., XI:2:19 Cotton mill (R. Hills), XIII:3:26

New York Wire Railing Works, XV:4:18 Washington, D.C.

North Tarrytown, N.Y. Piercy (James) Sugar Refinery [Mill], X:2:22

Upper Mill [Old Mill of Sleepy Hollow], Westerly, R.I.
111:1/2:47,48; 111:4:7-15 passim White Rock Manufactory, XX:1:9

Northampton, Engl. Willow Run [Bomber plant], 11:2:5; 111:4:66

Water mill with L. Paul roller spinning frame, Winona

VIII: 1/2:5,26 n7 Watkins (J. R.) Plant (G. W. Mher), XIX: 1:40
Nottingham, Engl. Wolverton, Engl.

Cotton mill using water frame, 1768 (R. London and Northwestern Railway locomotive
Arkwright), 111:4:5; VIII:1 /2:26 n7 and carriage works, XIX:4:166

Papplewick, Engl. Woodehester, Engl.

Cotton factory, VIII:l/2:4 Bentley's Piano Factory, VIII:1/2:13,14; illus.







Slater Mill (S. Slater), 11:2:35; VIII:l/2:30n43; Fadilla, Arria see Arria Fadilla



Philadelphia St. Augustine's R. C. Church, Philadelphia,

Brass Cannon Factory, IX:4:23nl7 XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 26; illus. XIII:3:Suppl.
Cornelius, Baker and Co., Cherry and 8th Sts., [15] fig 26
XX: 1:9,18; illus. XX: 1:10 fig 10 Fahnley

Furnace and boring mill, 18th c., XV:4:24 House of see Indianapolis: Hasselman (Lewis W.)
Horstmann (Wm. H.) and Sons Manufactory (J. C. House
Hoxie), XX:1:8-9,17; illus. XX:1:9 fig 11 Faience
Smith (F. H.) Pocketbook and Port Monnaie Persian, 11:1:20-21

Manufactory, illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6 Fairbairn, William, Sir, Bogardus knowledge of work
Williams (Isaac S.) Manufactory, illus. XX: 1:6 of, XV:4:17; visit to Constantinople, XV:4:15;
fig 5 introd. of sawtooth system of overhead lighting,
Port Chester, N.Y. VIII: 1/2:28-29 n23

Russell, Burdsall and Ward Bolt and Screw Co., Iron works of, Millwall, London, XV:4:15



Purmerend, Neth. Fireproof designs, XX: 1:34

Factory project (J. J. P. Oud), XVIII:3:116 Flour Mill, Constantinople, XV:4:15,17-18,19;





Factories (A. Kahn), IV:2:8 Fairbanks, of Dedham, Mass.

Salford, Engl. House of, VII:3/4:30; IX:4:16
Philipp and Lee [Philip and Lee; Philips and Lee] Fairfax, Va.
Cotton Mill (Boulton and Watt), Courthouse, XVIII:l:5-6; illus. XVIII:1:7 fig 11
VIII:l/2:23,25 Fairfield, N.Y.

San Augustine, Tex. Fairfield Academy, XX:4:195

Sawmill, 1825, XI:4:10 Fairlie, Fergusson and Co., of Calcutta [Fairlee,
Saxonville, Mass. Fergusson and Co.], XVII:4:25
Mill (J. Stone), XI: 1:4 Fairs see Exhibitions
Seville Fairton, N.J.
Fbrica de Tabacos, XX: 1:33 nnl7,18 Fairfield Presbyterian Church, VII:3/4:31

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Faison - Fasces
Faison, S. Lane, Jr. Farmhouses



Bourke, J., Baroque Churches of Central Europe, Garrett, D., Designs and Estimates for Farm




Burrough, T. H., South German Baroque, XVI:2:31 Design, 1901 (R. C. Spencer, Jr.), XIX: 1:7-8; illus.
Teufel, R., Vierzehnheiligen, 1957, XIX:l:41-42 XIX:1:8 figs 10,11
Falaise Fayette, N.Y.
Saint Gervais, IV.-3/4:41 Whitmer (Peter) Farmhouse, XIX:3:109

Nave piers, illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 10 Kirchhayn, Wis.

Falconer, J. G. Rusch (Fred) Farm
Millinery Shop of, Philadelphia, illus. XX:1:7 fig 6 Old Cottage, XVIII:1:31; illus. XVIII:1:32 fig 6

Falconet, tienne Maine, XX: 1:38-39

Equestrian statue of Peter the Great, Leningrad, New England, VII:3/4:20

XVII:1:19 New Jersey, IX:4:[20]

Falda New York (City)

Map, 1676, Rome, XIX:3:99nl0 Schenck (Johannes) Mansion, Highland Park,

Falegname, XIII:3:10 nl 1:3/4:31-32

Fales, 18th c. Ohio, XII:2:10

House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:24 Poland, VI:3/4:14-17

Fales, Dean A., Jr., XVII:2:29 U.S., XVIII:3:104-111

Faleti Farmington, Conn.

Engraving, 1568, of Porta Pia, Rome, Architecture, X:l:23

XIX:3:100,103; illus. XIX:3:100 fig 5 Cowles (Samuel) House (W. Spratt, attrib.), X:2:20;

Fall, Miss, of Chireno, XI:4:[7] n33 X-4-[231 n20

Fallingwater [Kaufmann (Edgar J.) House at Bear Meeting House, 1771, VII:3/4:29
Run] (F. L. Wright), 11:3:25; 111:4:52; XIX:3:130; Farmington, N.Y.

XI^'4183 Herendeen House ["blockmass" house], XV:2:16;

FaUon Owen, XIV:3:22n!3 ^ fig 9
Glebe House, Truro Parish (W. Buckland), XIII:2:3 Farmington, bldg., see Louisville, Ky.
Farmington Canal, Conn., XX:4:197

Falmouth, Mass.

Bradley (Mrs. Harold C.) Summer Bungalow, Woods Farnese' Akssandro, 1467-1549 see Paul III, Pope

Hole (Purcell and Elmslie), XIX:2 68 Farnese' Alessandro,

1520-1589, Cardinal,

Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory _ _

iese, Pierluigi,
Farnese Palaces see Caprarola: Villa Farnese; Piacenza:

(Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott), Farnese, Pierluigi, XHI:3:5


Falmouth Va Farnese Palace; Rome (City): Palazzo Farnese

Chatham, XIV: 1:17 Farnham EngL

Falperra Bank (W. E. Nesfield and R. N. Shaw), IX.-l/2:27

Santa Maria Madalena, Chapel, XV:3:10,11; illus. Farnsley, Charles P., Mayor of Louisville, IX:3:26

XV'3'13 fig 17 Farnsworth, oj Piano, III.

Familistre (Godin), XIX:1:17,19; illus. XIX:1:17 fig 4 House of- XX:1:42

Faneuil Family, of Boston, XIILLI1 Farquharson, David (see also Kemtzer and
Fanning, Ralph, 111:3:29 Farquharson), XIX:2:78-79
pans Farr, photographer of Natchez, XIV: 1:31
Power fans, used by Adler and Sullivan, III:4:[20a] Farrand, Wm., 19th c XX:4:196nl4

Far Rockaway, N.Y. Farrar, Benedict see Study and Farrar

Rockaway Marine Pavilion (Town, Davis and Farrington, Mrs.

Dakin), XIV:2:17 n6 House of, XI:3:30

Farfa, Italy Farson, John
Monastery, XVI:3:6 House of, Oak Park, 111., XIX:l:4-5;

Fargo, Charles, IX: 1/2:21,24nil illus. XIX: 1:5 fig 7

Faria, Antonio Joaquim de, XV:3:22 nlO Farwell, of Hudson, Ohio

Farina, Pinin, XX:3:148 House of, XII:2:13,14 nl
Farington, Joseph, XIV.-4.-22 n56 Farwell, John V., Sr., 111:3:31

Farley, John, 19th c. U.S. Army officer, X:2.-l 1 Farwell, John V., Jr., 111:3:31

Farley, Joseph, aide to Gen. Mansfield, X:2:ll Farwell, S., 19th c., XX:4:196nl4

Farmer Farwell and Shoemaker, 19th c. lime and cement

Models, pulpit of St. James-the-Less, Westminster, suppliers, XX:4:196nl4
London, XIX:4:166 Fasces, symbolism of, XVII:l:24nl4

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Fasnet Rock, Ireland - Ferguson

Fasnet Rock, Ireland "Nomad's Rest" (and F. R. Stevenson),

Lighthouse, XVI:l:17n92 VIII:3/4:19-26

Fasset House see Fassit House, Worcester Co., Md. 'The Planned Community: A North American
Fassett, Cornelia Adele Heritage" (and F. R. Stevenson),
Electoral Commission, painting, VII:l/2:26 VIII:3/4:17-26; XII:2:26
Fassett, James W XIX:2:81 n4 'Tallmadge Township No. 2, Range 10,
Fassit House, Worcester Co., Md. [Fasset House], Connecticut Fire Lands: An Early Ohio
XVII:4:37 Planned Community," XII:2:25-26

Faugeron, M. Review
Survey drawing, Paray-Meslay Abbey Grange (and Sert, J. L., Can Our Cities Survive, 11:4:37-39;
Ranjard), illus. XVII:2:14 fig 31 111:1/2:43-46
Faulkner, Waldron, X:l:28 Feldzuge des Prinzen Eugen, XX-.2-.62 n63

Fauquier, XVIII:4:164 Felheimer, Alfred, IV:3/4:55

Faure, Elie, XIII: 1:8 Felipe, Kings of Spain, see Philip I, King of Spain;
"Fauves," IX: 1/2:29; XVIII:2:65 Philip II, King of Spain; Philip V, King of Spain
Fawcitt, . 1713, of Philadelphia Fellows (William Kinne) Travelling Fellowship,
House of [Front House], XV:4:25 XX:3:99 n

Faxon, Eben, Baltimore architect Fellowships see Scholarships, Grants-in-aid, etc.

Wren Bldg., Williamsburg Fels, Etienne, IV:3/4:6

Restoration, XI:2:28-29 Fels (Samuel S.) Fellowship, XX:2:63 nl

Fayette, N.Y. Felsina, Etruria, VIII:3/4:36

Whitmer (Peter) Farmhouse, XIX:3:109 Fences, Grilles, Railings, etc.
Feast of the Tabernacles, XVI:2:28 See also Choirscreens
Febreau, Bertrand, XIV:1:31 Bronze railings (C. Brumidi), VII:l/2:26
Fcamp Cape Cod fence, XIX:2:49 and nlO
Benedictine Monastery, XVI:3:12 New York Wire Railing Works, XV:4:18
Eglise de la Trinit, XI:3:16n2 Post-and-rail fence, XIX:2:49
Fechter, Paul, X:3:12 Richards, Samuel, for C. Bulfnch and W.

Fdration Internationale de l'Habitation et de Strickland, XIV:2:13

l'Urbanisme see International Federation for Richmond, Va., 111:4:28,29

Housing and Town Planning Saint James-the-Less, London (G. E. Street),

Federico, P. J., XV:l:29n5, 30n20 XIX:4:164,166; illus. XIX:4:164 figs 13,14

Federigo da Montefeltro see Montefeltro, Federigo da Second Bank of the United States, Philadelphia (W.
Fedileseni, Moldavia Strickland), XIV:2:13
Archaeological investigations, IV:3/4:24 Fng, China
Feeble-minded City plan, IX: 1/2:5
Schools for see Mentally retarded: Schools for Fenger
Fees Dorische Polychromie, XVI:4:33
Architects, XIX:3:115-117 Fenhagen, Christina W., editorial assistant, SAH
Feet, measurement, see Foot, measurement Journal, XVI 1:4

"Feet and Dates at Charlieu," by E. R. Sunderland, Fenollosa, Ernest, XVII:2:29

XVI:2:2-5 Fenwick, Bishop of Cincinnati, VI:3/4:20
Fehley, 19th c. mason of Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:19,21 Ferdinand I, King of the Two Sicilies, XIII:3:12,13,15;
Feick, George, Jr., XI:2:25 XIX:4:141

Feio, Alberto, XV:3:14n8, 15nl2 Ferdinand II, of Aragon, see Ferdinand V, King of
Feiss, Carl, career data, VIII:3/4:70; on public squares Castile
(early American), XIX:4:183,184; and Ferdinand II, titular King of Port., XIV:3:4
rehabilitation of San Juan, P.R., XIV: 1:30; and Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Lorraine,
F. R. Stevenson, IV:1:18 n XX:4:166 and n51

Articles and Books Ferdinand III, King of Sicily, see Ferdinand I, King of
"Charleston and Savannah" (and F. R. Stevenson), the Two Sicilies
X:4:3-9 Ferdinand IV, King of Naples, see Ferdinand I, King of
Cultural Heritage of Our Planned Communities the Two Sicilies
(and F. R. Stevenson), VIII: 1/2:134-135 Ferdinand V, King of Castile [Catholic Monarch],
'The Heritage of Our Planned Communities," XIV:4:3
1:3/4:27-30,32; VIII:3/4:70 Royal Burial Chapel of see Granada: Capilla Real
"Historic Town Keeping," XV:4:2-6 Ferdinando, Prince, son of Cosimo III, XX:4:166
"History and the Modern Planner," 111:1/2:7-10; Feree, Barr, XVIII:4:138
VIII:3/4:70 Ferguson, David, 18th c., of Natchez, XIV:4:29

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Ferguson - Filarete
Ferguson, Frank W. see Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson Ffelton, Thomas, 17th c. carpenter, XVI:4:30
Ferguson, James see Fergusson, James Fibonacci, number series, XIX:2:87
Ferguson, William Ficino, Marsilio, 11:2:13

House of [Mount Locust; Mound Plantation], Fiedler, Conrad, X:3:9,10

XIV:1:30-31 Fiedler, Josepha Weitzmann see Weitzmann-Fiedler,
Fergusson [Ferguson], James, 11:2:29; XVII:4:25-30; Josepha
XIX:4:158 Field, fl. 1853 see Colburn and Field
An Historical Inquiry into the True Principles of Field, [Cyrus? s/c/], XVIII:4:134
Beauty in Art, More Especially with Reference to Field, Cyrus W., XIV:1:21
Architecture, XVII:4:25-26,27 Field, Eugene, XIX: 1:2
History of Architecture in All Countries from the Field, M.
Earliest Times to the Present Day, Rural Architecture, 11:1:28
XVII:4:25,28,29 Field, Marshall, XIV:3:24; XIX:4:175
History of the Modern Styles of Architecture, Warehouse of see Chicago: Marshall Field


The Illustrated Handbook of Architecture, Field, Walker

XVII:4:25,26,27,28 "A Reexamination into the Invention of the Balloon

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Frame," 11:4:3-29

North Gallery, XVII:4:25 Field, Mrs. Willis, XI:4:[20] n4
Fergusson, William, 1773-1846, Dr., father of James Fielden, F., XV:2:32
Fergusson, XVII:4:25 Fields of the Blest, by A. Bcklin, IX:l/2:34
Fernandes, Tomas Fiennes, Celia, XIII:1:14 nlO
Fortifications, Old Goa, XV:3:3 Fieravanti, Ridolfo Aristotele della Alberti see
Fernandez, Francisco, 18th c., of Natchez, XIV:4:29 Fioravante, Aristotele
Fernandez, Justino, XV:1:11 nlO "Fierce modern," term, X:2:25
Fernandez de Fuenmayor, Rui see Fuenmayor, Rui Fiesole



Fernandez Navarrete, Domingo, XIV:4:7 Tower, XX:4:155

Fernandez Raya, Marcos Descr. and Views, IV:3/4:52
Retable of Jesus Nazareno, Granada Cathedral (with Fiesta del Arbol, XVIII:2:44-45,52-53; XVIII:3:76
J. Narvez and F. Rodriguez), XV:1:11 nil Fifteenth-century architecture see Renaissance
Fernbach, Henry architecture

New York Life Insurance Co. Bldg., N.Y. "Fifty new churches," London, XIII:l:14n8

Mansard roof, XII:1:18 "Fig blue," XI:4:35

Fernham Figgars, Waltar, 17th c., XI: 1:4
Church, XIX:4:169 Figini, Luigi

Ferrara, Duke of, in 1568, XIV:4:31 Figini (Luigi) Home, Milan, XVI: 1:32

Ferreira, Manuel Vicente see Vicente Ferreira, Manuel Figlinae Marcianae, 1:1:4,5,7
Ferreira, Pedro Figlinae Terentianae, 1:1:8

N. S. da Consolao e Santos Passos, Guimares Figueiredo de Seixas, Jos see Seixas, Jos Figueiredo




Ferreira da Cruz Amarante, Carlo Luis see Amarante, Figueroa, Leonardo de, G. Kubler on, XVIII:4:167
Carlo Luis Ferreira da Cruz San Luis, Seville, XII:2:31

Ferrerio, P. San Pablo, Seville

Palazzi di Roma, XX:3:126 Dome, V:[27]

Ferretti, Giovanni Maria Mastai see Pius IX Figura Series, XX: 1:40
Ferriday, Peter Figureheads of ships, X:4:[32] nl7
Lord Grimthorpe 1816-1905 Filarete, XIII:3:4; XVII:3:10-18

Short rev., XVIII:2:72 Trattato, XII:3:32; XVII:3:10-18

Ferrocarril - tranva de circunvalacin de Madrid, by A. Works (Bldgs., Designs, Projects, etc.)

Soria y Mata, XVIII:2:41; XVIII:3:74 Benedictine Monastery, XVII:3:11-12; illus.

Ferry, Hawkins, on Detroit architecture, 11:3:32; XVII:3:[13] figs 5-7
11:4:43-44; IV:1:54; IX:l/2:25 Equestrian monument project, XVII:3:10
Ferus-Abad Ideal City see Filarete: Works (Buildings, Designs,
Sassanian Palace, VIII:l/2:41-42 nl6 Projects, etc.): Plusiapolis; Filarete: Works

Fesch, Joseph, Cardinal, VI:3/4:20 (Buildings, Designs, Projects, etc.); Sforzinda

Festival halls see Theaters (Auditoriums, Concert halls, Ospedale Maggiore, Milan, XVII: 1:35;
Opera houses, etc.) XVII:3:14,18 nl
Fetterolf, Adam, XVI:2:25


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Filarete - Fishkill, N.Y.





Works (Bldgs., Designs, Projects, etc.) Harpers Ferry

Plusiapolis U.S. Arsenal

Temples, XVII:3:12-14,16,18 n3; illus. Fire Engine House [John Brown's Fort],

XVII:3:[15] figs 10-15 XVIII:4:159-160; illus. XVIII:4:159 fig 1

St. Peter's, Rome Lexington, Ky.

Doors, XVII:3:10 Union Fire Co. Bldg., VI:1/2:16

Sforzinda [Ideal City], 11:2:22; 111:1/2:28; XIV:4:4; Natchez

XVII:3:10-12,14-16; illus. XVII:3:[13] figs 1-4 Engine House, XV:2:28
Temple of Virt, XVII:3:16; illus. XVII:3:17 Nevada City, Calif,

figs 19,20,23 Firehouse, XVI:4:35

"Filatur," X:4:7 New York (City)
Fili, Russ. Fire lookout stations, towers, etc.,
Church of the Intercession, XVL2.-6,15,30; illus. XVI:1.11-12,13; illus. XVI:1:14 fig 13
XVI:2:16 fig 12 Jay Street Fire House (F. Freeman), XI:4:36
Filipestii San Francisco
Church, IV:3/4:31 Fire House, Engine Co. 15, 1884, XIV:3:20-21;
Filkins illus. XIV:3:22 fig 10
Church (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147,150 Washington, D.C.
Filling, Land, XIIl:2:19-20; XX:4:191 Engine House, 19th c., VII:l/2:20
Filling stations Firenze see Florence
Cloquet, Minn. (F. L. Wright), XIX:4:174-175; illus. "Fireplace, Pennsylvania," IX:4:21,22

XIX:4:174 fig 1, 175 figs 2,3 Fireplaces, 11:1:29-30; XX: 1:20-26 passim
"Ideal Filling Station" design, 1920's (F. L. Wright), Designs (A. Swan), illus. XX:3:123 fig 9
XIX:4:174-175 Hay - Adams House, Washington, XILLll
Fillmore, Millard, VII: 1 /2:[l],2-3,4,11 n7, 18,27 Plumsock, Willistown Township
Filosofia barata: apuntes sociolgico-cientificos, by A. Corner Fireplace, illus. XIX:2:83 fig 2
Soria y Mata, XVIII:2:48 n24,50 Fireproof building see Building: Fireproof
Fincastle, Va. Fireproofing
Botetourt County Courthouse, 1818 (T. Jefferson), Metal, XX:3:137




Finchale Tile, XVI:1:14-16; XIX:4:181-182

Priory, XV:2:29 Firmitas, and Utilitas, VII:3/4:20

Fine Licht, Kjeld de, XIX:2:83 First Iron Works Association, Inc. see Saugus, Mass.
Finisterer, Jean Georges, XI: 1:20 "First Romanesque Style," XVI:3:18
Finisterer, Louis Daniel, XI: 1:20 First Swedish Land Co., VI: 1/2:28
Finite Avarice..., by E. L. Garbett, XVII:4:25 Firth of Tay
Finley, James Lighthouse, Bell Rock, proposed, XVI: 1:12
Iron-link suspension bridges, western Pa., XIX:4:181 Firuzabad

Finley Methodist Chapel, Jackson Co., Ohio, XII:2:4 Palace, XX:2:84-85; illus. XX:2:84 fig 14
Finn, Huckleberry, XIX:4:183 Fischer, J. M., XII:4:14
Finney, Charles Grandison, VII:3/4:32 Fischer, Theodor, X:3:10

Fiocco, on Palladio, XIX:4:184 Fischer von Erlach, Joseph Emanuel, 11:3:7; VI:3/4:35;

Fioravanti, Aristotele [Fieravanti, Ridolfo Aristotele VIII: 1/2:41-42 nl6

della Alberti], XVI:2:16nl4 Fish, Hamilton, XIV:2:31

UspenskiT Sobor [Cathedral of the Assumption; Fish oil paint, XI:4:34-35

Cathedral of the Dormition], Moscow, Fish sheds

XVI:1:31; XVI:2:13 Marblehead, Mass., 1:3/4:20

Fire-bird [Zar Ptica], XVI:2:8 Fisher, of Denver, Col.






Georgia, XX:2:50 Fisher, James, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Fire in the Borgo, XVIII:3:117 Fisher, Joseph
Fire insurance see Insurance Thermometer Co. of, Philadelphia, XX:1:5 n6,6; illus.
Fire laws XX: 1:7 fig 6
England Fisher, Joshua Francis, XII:3:30
Fire regulations, 1661, London, XX:3:119 Fisheries

Russia, XX:3:137 Cape Cod, XIX:2:48

U.S. Fishkill, N.Y.

Colonial Fire Regulations, Boston, XX:2:90-91 Blithewood [Donaldson (Robert) Estate] (A. J.

Davis), VI: 1/2:16

Octagonal House (O. S. Fowler), 11:1:30nl4


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Fishwick - Florence

Fishwick, Marshall W IX:3:17 Battistero [San Giovanni]

Fisker, Kay Cupola, XVIII:1:17
Danske Arkitekturstroemninger, 1850-1950 (and K. Biblioteca Laurenziana [Lorenziana]
Millech) Ceiling sketch (Michelangelo), XIX:3:105n31
Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XII: 1:32 Ricetto

Fitch, Conover, XI:1:27 Blind window design (Michelangelo), XIX:3:104;

Fitch, James Marston illus. XIX:3:105 fig 16
American Building, X:3:4 Boboli Gardens see Florence: Palazzo Pitti: Giardini



Scully, V. J. Jr., The Shingle Style: Architectural Campanile (Giotto), XVIII:4:128 n7

Theory and Design from Richardson to the Cappelle Medicee [Medici Chapels]

Origins of Wright, XVII:1:36 Catafalques (Michelangelo), XIX:3:104

Fitchburg, Mass. Free standing tomb design (Michelangelo),
High School (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and XIX:3:104

Abbott), XVII:3:28 Lantern (Michelangelo), XIII:3:10ni 1

Fitchen, John Wall articulation (Michelangelo), XIX:3:104
The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals, A Study of Cathedral see Florence: S. Maria del Fiore

Medieval Vault Erection cjty plan> Maps> etc > ni: 1/2:24; XIV:1:32; XIV:4:3
Rev. by J. Lane, XX:4:199-200 Florentia, VIII:3/4:38,40; illus. VIII:3/4:pl XXII

Fitchen, John F., III Duomo see Florence: S. Maria del Fiore

A House of Laminated Walls, XVI:2:27-28 Medici ch ls ^ p^nce: cappelle Medicee

Fithian Philip Vickers, XX:3:116 n3 Mercat0 Vecchi0i III;1 /2;24

Ehzabeth R. . Museo Nazionale [Palazzo del Bargello]
The Church of Saint-Juhen-le-Pauvre, Pans,
Fenestration, XVII:3:20


Painting of (Isabey), 11:3:33

u ,,, . vt, i Satyr from Pratolino (G. Bologna, attrib.),

Town Hall, Windsor, XII:3:23 vv.i.ici.ii

Fitzhugh, Mary Lee, of Chatham, see Custis, Mary Lee
_. , , Museo Storico Topografico

' . J1-, ... Lunettes of Medicean villas (G. Utens),

Fitzpatrick, F. W., 111:4:19-20

Post Office Bldg., Chicago, competition design,


View of Pratolino (G. Utens),


Five California Architects, by E. McCoy, XX:2:95-96 XXA155.157,158,159,160.161; illus. XX:4:157

Singer Bldg. [Tower], N.Y., XI:2:16; XV:3:31 Ospedale degli Innocenti (F. Brunelleschi), 111:1 /2:27

"Flask casts XX-1-23 Palazzo del Bargello see Florence: Museo Nazionale
Flavian palaces, Rome, XVII:4:4; XX: 1:43 PaJazzo ?fa Siforia ** F,ore"ce: Palazzo Vecchio

Flavian period, XIX:2:86 Palazzo. Medtci-Riccardi [erron. Rucellai]

Flches see Towers (Belfries, Observation towers, (Michelozzo), VII:3/4:27

Spires, Steeples, etc.) Palazzo Pandolfim (Raphael), XIII:3:9

Fleetwood, Engl., XIII:3:21 Palazzo p|tti
Flemish bond, IV:3/4:46; XVI:4:32 Giardini di Boboli, XX:4:167,168
Fletcher, Banister, VII:3/4:36 Rebldg. of, IX:4:11

piete Palazzo Vecchio [Palace of the Signona], IX:4:11;

Mansion (R. N. Shaw), XV:2:29 XIV: 1:32

Flint, 77. 1862, lumber dealer of N.Y. and Boston, see Piazza della SS. Annunziata, 111:1/2:27

Skillings and Flint piazza della Signoria, XIV:1:32

Flint, Timothy, Rev., of New Madrid, XVIII:1:26 SS. Annunziata, XVII:1:5,9 n3; illus. XVII:1:3 fig 2

Flintstone wall, XV:2:13-14,18 n8 Main altar> XVII:1:9 nl3

Flitcroft, XIII: 1:11 Sanctuary design, 1444 (Michelozzo), XVII: 1:3

"Floating Palace, The Architectural Development of," S. Croce, VII:3/4:[17]; XIII:3:9

Xi:4;25-[31] Annunciation (Donatello), V:36n9

Flood, of Hudson, Ohio Tomb of Carlo Marsuppini (Desiderio da
House of [Kilbourne-Thompson-Flood House], Settignano), V:36 n9
XII:2:13 S. Gaetano
Floors Faade (M. Nigetti), XV:3:7

Parquetry, XIX:2:60 S. Giovanni see Florence: Battistero

Puncheon flooring, XI:4:[7] nl9 S. Lorenzo (F. Brunelleschi), XII:3:23; XVII:3:11

Florence Choir drawing (Michelangelo), XIX:3:104

Bargello see Florence: Museo Nazionale Competition, XIII:3:4


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Florence - Ford

Florence (Cont.) Morris (Robert) Mansion [Morris' Folly],

S. Maria del Fiore [Duomo], XIII:3:9; XIV:1:32; Philadelphia (P. C. L'Enfant), XII:3:30; XX:1:23
XVII:l:9n3 Pitts' Folly, Uniontown, Ala., XIX:4:179
Altar, Main, XVII:l:9nl3 Pratt's Castle [Cottage; Folly], Richmond, Va.,

Dome [Cupola], XIII:3:4; XVIII:1:11-20 11:2:39

Lantern, XIII:3:4; XVIII:1:16 Ward (William E.) House [Ward's Folly], Port

Models, XVIII:1:14,16-17,18 n44 Chester, N.Y. (R. Mook), XI:2:24; XX:l:34-37;

Organs, 16th c XX:4:165 illus- XX: 1:34-37 figs 1-4
S. Maria Novella, XIII-3-9 Watts Tower, Los Angeles (S. Rodilla [Roda;

Fresco, Militant Church (A. Bonaiuti), Rodia]), XIX:4:180

XVIII 113 nl8,14 Folly Quarter see Ellicott City, Md.

S Spirito Fonseca, Dr., XVII: 1:8,11 nn40,41

' Main altar, XVII: 1:9 nl3 Fontaine, Georges, XVIII:4:166

S Trinit XIII-3-9 Fontaine, Pierre Franois Leonard, neo-classicism of,

Side chapels, XVIII:1:14 n24 I:2:9; teachings of> XVIII:4:140

Stadium (P. L. Nervi), XIX:4:178; XX:3:143 Maisons de Rome (and C. Percier), 11:1:28 n3
Torre degli Agli, illus. XIX:3:107 fig 20 Rue. deLlRlvo1' fa?ade' Pans' XVIII:4:147

Uffizi, IX:4:13 Fontainebleau

Drawing of Porta Pia, Rome (G. Dosio), XIII:3:9; XIV:1:22

XIX:3:103; illus. XIX:3:103 fig 13 lda d Rs,te'.pr0JCt..

Drawings for Pratolino, XX:4:159-161,163; illus. Prtal

design (Serl.o), dlus. XIX:3:107 fig 19
Fontana, XIII:3:13; XVIII:4:147 n60; XX:3:115
XX:4:159 fig 5; 160 figs 8,9; 163 fig 14

Fontana, Carlo, XVI:2:30

Porta dei Supplichi (B. Buontalenti), XV:3:7 n. . c n. .

Florent, Saint P,aZZ?d' Sa"Plf~' Rome' pr0|eCt' 111:1/2:26; ll,us'

Fresco of VII-3/4-flOl III.1/2.[22a] fig 14
fresco oi, vii.j/4.[iuj Fontana, Domenico, X:2:3; XIV:1:10

Florentia see Florence c _ . ... . . w . n

t i i j i S. Tnnita dei Monte, Rome

Florida Southern College see Lakeland, Fla. VI,. , ,, ... r _

Flour mills see Mills Faade, XIV: 1:12; diu, XIV: 1:13 fig 9
John Buchanan, 1806-1863, Sec. of War. lbbey, XI:3:14; XVIII.4:166,167

Fonthill Abbey (J. Wyatt), VI:3/4:6; XIII:3:22;

Fluorspar, Derbyshire, XIX:4:165

XVI:3:24; XX:3:149

Flushing, N.Y see New York (City) Tower XVL4-22

Fluvanna County Courthouse ^ Palmyra, Va. Foot measurement {for ific t of foot see dlrectl

Flying shuttle (J. Kay) VIII: 1/2:5,27 n9 e.g., Lyon foot; Medieval foot; Royal

Flynt, Henry N xr':3:27 foot), XVLLIOn3; XVI:2:2-5;

Foillon, Henn, on Gothic s Romsncscjuc of the lie f\ in n tc iq on- yvttt.t.q^ qs idt

de France," XL3:6; Piranesi study, XII:1:32; stages Footbridges ^Bridges: Materials, Types,"eti, "

of evolution, xvil: 1:24 n3 Pedestrian

Foerster, Otto Helmut, on Bramante, XVI:2:30 Foots Cray Place [Footscray], XV:4:8

Fogarty, Frank, XVIII:2:59 "For Modern Living," exhibition, Detroit Institute of

Fogg Art Museum see Cambridge, Mass. Ajts viII:3/4:46-47

FfigHy Forbes, 18th c. Gen.. XV:4:23-24

AbbeV Forbes, Edward W XVII:4:30 n25

Barns, XVII:2:13 Forbes, J. D., AIA honorary membership recipient,

Fokker, T. H. XVII:1:36; on 19th c., XIV:1:24 n2; and SAH,

Roman Baroque Art, 11:2:26 XI: 1:32; XI:3:[32]

Folds, Thomas, X:l:28 Editor, Sh Journal, XII-XVII

Folger Shakespeare Library see Washington, D.C. "Editorial Note," XVIL4.40

Folk art "Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott,

Russia, XVI:2:6-16,30 Architects; An Introduction," XVII:3:19-31

Follies, Architectural, XIX:4:179-180 Victorian Architect, the Life and Work of William
Bayley's Folly [Bayley House], Pilot Hill, Calif., Tinsley
XVI:4:35 Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XIII:2:31
Beckwith's Folly, Punahou School, Honolulu, Forbes, Pamela, editorial assistant, SAH Journal,


"Custis' Folly," X:2:12 Ford, Henry, acquires Dexter Grist Mill, IV: 1:54; and

Draughan's Folly, Texarkana, XIX:4:180 Greenfield Village, Dearborn, 1:3/4:16; and A.

"Harris' Folly," Boston (R. Hills), XIII:3:26 Kahn, IV:2:8-9

Ford, Henry Chapman

Paintings of Missions, XV: 1:25 n3,26 n36


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Ford - Fort Winnebago

Ford, James Fort Frederic, N.Y., 111:1/2:39
Slums and Housing, IV:3/4:56 Fort Frederica, St. Simon's Island, XI:4:32-33; illus.
Fore, Charles W., X:3:[19] XI:4:32
Foreest, De see De Foreest Fort Hale, XIII:2:27
Foreman, 19th c., of Baltimore, XVI: 1:29 Fort Hamilton see Philadelphia: Fort Hamilton

Foreign Quarterly, XX:3:106 Fort Hunter, N.Y.

Forest Brush, George de see Brush, George de Forest Schoharie Creek Aqueduct, 11:1:41
Forest Hill see Alto, Tex. Fort Laramie, Wyo., XIII:2:27

Old Bedlam, 1:3/4:19

See also Trees Fort Leavenworth

Europe, X:2:3 See also Leavenworth, Kan.

Forli, Melozzo da see Melozzo da Forli Kickapoo Mission, VI:l/2:[22]
"Form and Function in Urban Communities," by H. Fort Ligonier, XIII:2:27

Blumenfeld, 111:1/2:11-21 Fort Lookout, XIII:2:27

"Form Follows Function," 11:1:28; 11:2:11; Fort Lower Vrule, XIII:2:27
XX:3:141,142,148 Fort McHenry see Baltimore, Md.: Fort McHenry

Form in Civilization, by W. R. Lethaby Fort Marion National Monument [Castillo de San

Short rev., XVI:2:32 Marco] see Saint Augustine, Fla.
Form in Gothic, by W. Worringer Fort Mason see San Francisco
Short rev., XVI:3:35 Fort Mechanic see Charleston, S.C.

"Forma Urbis," VII:3/4:[33] Fort Meigs, Washington, D.C., VII:1/2:21,28

"Formalism," XIX:4:178 Fort Morgan, Ala. see Mobile, Ala.: Fort Morgan
Forman, Henry Chandlee, and SAH Nantucket tour, Fort Nativity, D.R., X:l:26; illus. X:l:26
X:3:32; on "turret," X:2:20 Fort Necessity, Pa., XIII:2:25-27; illus. XIII:2:26 fig 1;



Tidewater Maryland Architecture and Gardens Fort Necessity Memorial Association, XI1I:2:27 n7
Rev. by J. H. Hatch, Jr., XVII:4:37 Fort Orange, N.Y., 111:1/2:36

Reviews Fort Point see San Francisco

Chamberlain, S. (and N.), Southern Interiors of Fort Raleigh [National Historic Site], N.C.,
Charleston, South Carolina, XVII:4:36-37 XIII:4:27-28; illus. XIII:4:27 figs [1-3]

Pratt, D. (and R.), A Guide to Early American Fort Randall see Pierre, S.D.
Homes - North, and ... South, XVII:4:36-37 Fort Recovery, XIII:2:27

Forman, Joseph, 19th c of Natchez, XV:2:28 Fort Ridgely, XIII:2:27

Forment, Damian, attrib. Fort Riley, Kan.

Medallions, Torre Pallaresa, Badalona, V:10 Bldgs. (Sawyer and Mclivane), VM/2:28
Forrest Fort Ripley, Minn., IX:3:27

House of, Washington Square, N.Y., X:4:[31] Fort Rosalie see Natchez, Miss.: Fort Rosalie
Forsdyke, John, Sir, IV:3/4:58-59 Fort Ross, Calif.
Forsyth, George H., Jr., on St. Martin of Angers, Russian Chapel, XVI:4:35
XVI:3:13 Fort Saint Anthony see Fort Snelling, Minn.

The Church of St. Martin at Angers, XIII: 1:32 Fort Saint George, Me. see Saint George, Me.: Fort
Rev. by R. Branner, XIII: 1:28-29 Saint George
Fort Adams, R.I., IX:3:27 Fort Sainte Marie, Ont. [Ste. Marie I]
Fort Amsterdam, N.Y., 111:1/2:36 Excavations of Jesuit retreat, XIII:2:27
Fort Berthold, XIII:2:27 Fort Schuyler see Rome, N.Y.: Fort Stanwix
Fort Brewerton, N.Y., IV:2:37 Fort Snelling, Minn.
Fort Celeste, Mo. see New Madrid, Mo.: Fort Celeste Monolithic retaining wall, 1882, XI:2:24
Fort Clatsop, XIII:2:27 Round Tower, 1820, XIX: 1:39
Fort Clinton, N.Y. see New York (City): Castle Clinton Fort Stanwix see Rome, N.Y.
Fort Columbia, Wash., IX:3:27 Fort Stevenson, XIII:2:27
Fort Constitution see New Castle, N.H.: Fort Fort Ticonderoga, 11:1:34-35; VIII:3/4:[1]
Constitution Fort Vancouver, XIII:2:27

Fort Crailo, N.Y. see Rensselaer, N.Y.: Fort Crailo Fort Walla Walla see Walla Walla, Wash.
Fort Cummings see Honeoye, N.Y.: Fort Cummings Fort Warren see Boston, Mass.

Fort de Baude see Saint Ignace, Mich. Fort Wayne, Mich, see Detroit: Fort Wayne
Fort Delaware, Pea Patch Island, Del., IX:3:26 Fort Whetstone, Md. see Baltimore, Md.: Fort
Fort Duquesne see Pittsburgh: Fort Duquesne Whetstone
Fort Eustis, Va. Fort Whetstone, on the Missouri, XIII:2:27
Jones House, X:2:19 Fort Winnebago see Portage, Wis.

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Fortenbaugh - Fossanova
Fortenbaugh, Robert, XVII:3:32 Spanish Fort, IX:3:26
Fortifications, Fortresses, Forts, etc. Moscow, XVI: 1:31
See also Bastides; Military Camps, Reservations, Natchez, Miss.
etc.; Walls Fort of Natchez, XIV:1:30
Agra, India Fort Rosalie, XIII:l:26n2
Palace-fort, XVIII:4:168 Old fortifications, XV:2:28

Ancient, VII:3/4:28 New England, XI:3:26-27

Ancona (A. da Sangallo, the younger), XIII:3:5 New Madrid, Mo.

Baltimore, Md. Fort Celeste, XVIII: 1:24,25; illus. XVIII:1:24 fig 2

Fort McHenry, XVII: 1:30; XVIII: 1:33 New Orleans, X:4:9

Fort Whetstone, XVIII: 1:33 New Smyrna Beach, Fla.

Boston, Mass. Fort, XII:4:30-31; XIII:2:28-29; illus. XII:4:30,31

Fort Warren, XIII:3:19 n7 New York (City)

Charleston, S.C. Fort, 17th c., Dutch, XI :2:19-20

Fort Mechanic, XII:1:31 nl2 Fort George, XI:2:22

Johnson's Fort, XX:2:53 Ohio XII-2-4

Chateauneuf, IV:3/4:14 Ostia

Christiansted, V.l. Castle [Fortress], XIII:3:3

18th C. fort, XIV:.:28; illus. XIV: 1:28 Meda, of> ,us XIV;2;[4] fig g
Curaao, XIX:4:179 Palestine, VII:3/4:28

Curtea-di-Arges, Rum. Philadelphia

Tepes-Voda, lV:3/4:25 Delaware River Battery, 1756, XV:4:24
Designs, Plans, etc. Port fjamjiton

Ideal fortress town plan [revision of Palma Nuova] sketch (W Striddand)> XIII:3:sUppi. 2>10

Detroit m0ZZl)' XX:2:56= lUus- XX:2:57 f'g 9 (fig 3). il)us. xiII:3:SuPPI. [11] fig 3
Fort Wayne, 11:2:34-35; 11:3:29



Europe, XX :2:56-62 Fortified walls, illus., VIII:l/2:pl XVI

Fort Riley, Kan.
Bldgs. (Sawyer and Mcllvane), VI:l/2:28

France, medieval, VII:3/4:28-29; of S. Vauban, Flrst ^ (R' Lane)' XIII:4:27; lllus' XII1:4:27

111:1/2:17 J1?

Geneva, Switz. XX:2:53 and n32 Rl de anir ,

Goa (City) ort 0 Sebastian, XIV:4:9

Old Goa (T. Fernandes), XV:3:3 Rome (A' da Sangallo, the younger), XIII:3:5

Harpers Ferry Saint George, Me.

U.S. Arsenal Fort St- George, X:4:24

Fire Engine House [John Brown's Fort], ^an ^uan' F R" XI:4:32; XIV: 1:29
XVIII:4:159-160; illus. XVIII:4:159 fig 1 Savannah, Ga., X:4:7,9; XX:2:48; illus. X:4:8 fig 5

History, VIII:3/4:8; XIII:4:27-28 US" VI:l/2:28; XIII:2:27

Hittite see Senjirli; City plan Fortified cities see Bastides; Fortifications, Fortresses,
Honeoye, N.Y. Forts. etc.
Fort Cummings, IV:2:41 "The Fortified Dwelling in France During the Middle

Israel see Fortifications, Fortresses, Forts, etc.: Ages," by L. A. Bingham, VII:3/4:28-29

Palestine Fortuna, goddess

Jamestown, Va. House of, Pompeii, IV:2:52
Fort, 1607, XX:3:148 Sanctuary of see Palestrina, Italy: Praeneste:

Kansas, VI:l/2:[35] Sanctuary of Fortuna

Kerak, Jordan Fortunat, Saint, IX:4:3

Krak des Chevaliers [Castle; Le Crac], VII:3/4:28 Forty Acres see Hadley, Mass.
Leningrad [St. Petersburg] "Forty Hours Devotion," XVII:l:10nl8

Fortress of SS. Peter and Paul, IV: 1:26,27-28 Forums, Roman (see also Market halls, Market places,
Lima, XIV:4:5 Markets, etc.: Ancient and specific forums under
Macao city, e.g. Rome (City): Forums), 1:2:16;

Monte Fortress, XIX:2:70 111:1/2:23-25; XIII:4:10,14,21-26

Mackinac Island, IV: 1:54 Fosbrooke, T. H.

Margat [Margot], VII:3/4:28 Woodcut reconstruction, Great Hall, Leicester

Mexico, XIV:4:5 Castle, XVII:2:9; illus. XVII:2:9 fig 19



Fort Morgan, IX:3:26 Abbey, XVIII:4:167


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Foster - Fountains and Wells

Foster, Frank J. New York (City)

Studio Cottage, South Norwalk, XX:4:175; illus. Badger (D. D.) Ironworks, XV:4:14-15,17;

XX:4:176 figs 13,14 XVI:1:14; XIX:4:181; illus. XV:4:13 fig 1

Foster, James W., XIV:1:26; XX:2:63 nl Bogardus Factory [Cast-iron Factory; Eccentric
Foster, John W XIII:2:30 Mill Works; Iron Bldg.] 1849 (J. Bogardus),
Foucher, Pedro, XVIII:1:25 nl8 VII:l/2:3; IX:4:24; XV:4:12-14,18;

Fouilhoux, J. Andr (see also Hood and Fouilhoux; XVI:1:13,18 nl05; XIX:4:181,182; illus.
Hood, Godley and Fouilhoux), X:l:17 XV:4:13 fig 1; 15 fig 4
Foulston, John New York (State), XV:4:12-22 passim
City square and bldgs., Devonport, XII:4:16,18 Philadelphia

Foundlings' Homes, Hospitals, etc. see Orphanages Furnace and boring mill, 18th c., XV:4:24



See also Factories; Mills Greenwood Foundry, XV:4:16

Canada Ridgely (Charles) Iron Furnace, Baltimore Co.,

Three Rivers, Ont., XX:1:24 Md., XX:l:22n9
England San Francisco

Darby Iron Works, Coalbrookdale, VIII:1/2:17-18 Pacific Foundry, XV:4:17

Fairbairn (William) Iron Works, Millwall, London, Saugus, Mass.
XV:4:15 Iron Works [Museum], XII:3:28-29; XIII:3:29
Level Ironworks, XV:2:25 Trenton, N.J.

Soho Manufactory, Birmingham, Cooper and Hewitt Iron Works, XV:4:19

VIII: 1 /2:4,8-10,11,12,19,20-21 ; illus. Virginia, IX:3:18
VIII: 1 / 2:pl I figs 3,4 Warwick Furnace, XX: 1:21 n6

Japan West Point Foundry, XV:4:13

Mint foundry, Osaka (T. J. Waters), XIII:2:15; Fountains and Wells
illus. XIII:2:[16] fig 4 Antigua, Guatemala


Fountain, 1730's,
Ruell's foundry, XV:l:26n33 Cairo


Russia Fountain of Ablution, Barkk (Sultan)

Leningrad [St. Petersburg] Mausoleum, 111:4:35
Imperial Iron Foundry, XV:4:21 n38 Fountain of Ablution, Hasan (Sultan) Madrasah,
Scotland 111:4:35; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 5
Carron Ironworks, Carron, XX:1:24 Corinth


Fountain of Glauce, VII:3/4:34

Alleghany Furnace, XVII: 1:25,26,29 Fountain of Peirene, XIII:4:5; XV: 1:32

Berkshire Furnace Designs

Stove cast at, illus. XX: 1:21 fig 2 Fontaine de la Grande Cour (C. N. Ledoux),






Badger (D. D.) Iron Works, XV:4:14,15 Fountain for Washington Square, Philadelphia
South Boston Iron Works, XV:4:14 (J. C. Trautwine), XVIII:4:163



Cincinnati Iron Foundry, XV:4:14 Bagley Fountain, IX:l/2:25

Eagle Foundry, XV:4.14 Istanbul [Constantinople]

Williams and Adams' Novelty Iron Works, Fountain near the Babi-Humagoon, 18th c.
XV:4:22n56 [Fountain, 17th c. (!)], XVIII:2:63
Columbus, Ga. Lyons
Confederate Naval Iron Works, XI:4:24 Colonne du Mridien (P. G. Bugniet), XII:4:29

Hopewell Furnace New York (City)

Stoves, illus. XX: 1:22 fig 4 Bethesda Fountain, Central Park (C. Vaux),
Lexington, Ky. VI:1/2:[1]

Bruen (Joseph) Foundry [Lexington Iron and Nmes

Brass Foundry], VI:1/2:17 Garden of the Fountain, IV:3/4:53-54
Longdale Furnace, Clifton Forge Rd., Va. (J. Orvieto

Jordan), IX:3:18 Well (A. da Sangallo, the younger), XIII:3:5

Lucy Selina Furnace, Clifton Forge Rd., Va., Paris

IX:3:18 Fountain, Place du Chtelet (F. J. Bralle),

Mount Savage, Md. XVII:1:23; illus. XVII: 1:21 fig 6
Iron furnace, IX:3:27 Pratolino

Fonte di Calcciuoli, XX:4:162

Fountain of Jove, XX:4:156


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Fountains and Wells - Franciscans (Bldgs., Missions, Order, etc)

Fountains and Wells (Cont.) Fox, Charles, Sir






Fountain of the Oak, XX:4:157; illus. XX:4:164 Fireproof designs, XX: 1:34
fig 16 Fox, Charles J., VIII:3/4:2
Fountain of Thetis, XX:4:156,166; illus. XX:4:166 Fox, Dixon Ryan, 11:1:34
fig 19 Fox, Joseph, d. 1779, XV:4:25-27, XVI:3:36
Rio de Janeiro Gateway, State House Garden, Philadelphia,
Fountain of Maria I, XIV:4:9 XII:4:27

Rome (City) Fox, Levi, XVII:2:8

Acqua Felice, XIX:3:99 n9,106; illus. XIX:3:99 Fox, Samuel M., Pres., Bank of Pennsylvania, XV:4:30

fig 3; 106 fig 17 Fox and Henderson [Fox, Henderson and Co.] (see also
Barcaccia (P. Bernini), XIV:1:12; illus. XIV:1:12 Fox, Charles), XVI:1:17 n92; XVI:4:25
fig 8 Fracao, Antonio

Fontana del Moro, Piazza Navona, XIV: 1:11; illus. s- Mana della Salute, Venice, design (and Z.

XIV:1:10 fig 4 Rubertini), XVI:l:3-4

Fontana di Trevi, XIV:1:9,12-13 Fraccaro de Longhi, Lelia

Engr. of (G. B. Piranesi), illus. XIV:1:13 fig 10 Varchitettura delle chiese cistercensi italiane, con

Fontana Pubblica (G. B. Vignola), IX:4:13 particolare riferimento ad un gruppo omogeneo

Fountain, Piazza di San Pietro (C. Maderno), dell'Italia settentrionale

XIV:1:10; illus. XIV:1:10 fig 3 (i Rev. by R. Branner, XVIII:4:165-167

Fountain of Neptune, Piazza Navona, XIV: 1:11; Fractionization, XIII:1:30

illus. XIV:1:10 fig 4 Fragonard, 111:3:14

Fountain of the Naiads Fragoso, J. R.

Statues (M. Rutelli), XIX:4:184 MaP' 1874' R, de Janeiro, illus. XIV:4:8 fig 6

Fountain of the Rivers, Piazza Navona, XIV:1:11; Frames

illus XIV-110 fig 4 Mirrors (T. Chippendale), XV:3:13

Mostra Felice, location, illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1 Fra"ce' Jea" Rfsman [Reftsman], VII: 1/2:94

Tibes Port Early Church Architecture in the Western Reserve,"

Staircase of fountains, XV:3:10-11 _ VII.3/4.31-32

Washington, D.C. France' Jose L" VIIM/2.133

Bartholdi Fountain, IV: 1:39 ranee . . ,

Fou que t, Jean, VII:3/4:12 Academies: see titled'Architecture

of academy, e.g. Acadmie

'The Four," of Glasgow, XIII:2:30,31

Architecture (see also Church architecture: France;

, ,-r ,o ,o h viv -, Renaissance architecture: France; Romanesque

Phalanstere, XIX:1:17,18-19; illus. XIX:1:17 fig 3 .am-.

architecture: France), 111:3:12-20; IV:3/4:53-54;
Fourier Phalanx, 1858, Dearborn Co., Ind., XIX:3:109
C T u non VI , 1, V:[42]-46; XV:4:30-31,32; XVIII:4:140-148
Fournier, Joseph, 1790-1832, XI:1:21 ~ .. ... .

,, j 1 f o, t rc, I l ,oii \g I City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History

Cathedral of St. James [St. Jacques], 1823, Montreal and Planjng): France
viv c Commission des Monuments Historiques [Service des

ioii c jS" if ^ 1 i Monuments Historiques], 1:3/4:7-10,14;

Fowler, fl. 1865, iron founder, see Janes, Fowler, VII-3/4[13]

KirMand and Co. Conseil des Btiments Civils, 1:3/4:8

Fowler, Charles, 1791-1867 prix de Rome w Prix de Rome

Hungerford Market, London, XVII:4:38 Revolution

Fowler, Laurence Hall, VIII:1/2:128 Centennial exposition of, XVI:4:27

Fowler, Lorenzo Francesca, Piero della see Piero della Francesca

A Home for All (&n O. S. Fowler), 11:1:30 nl4; Francesco I, de Medici, see Medici, Francesco de

11:4:27 nl46; XII:1:21; XII:2:8; XVIII:2:66 Francesco di Giorgio, XIII:3:4

Fowler, N. W. Francesco di Stefano see Pesellino, Francesco

Log cabin, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:19 Francis, Saint, XIII:1:4

Fowler, Orson Squire Francis I, King of France, see Franois I

Book Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, X:2:10nl8
A Home for All, (and L. Fowler), 11:1:30 nl4; Francis and Francis

11:4:27 nl46; XII:1:21; XII:2:8; XVIII:2:66 National Discount Bldg., London, IX:l/2:27

Buildings, Designs, Projects Francis Xavier, Saint, see Xavier, Francis, Saint
Gravel wall houses, XX:4:194 Franciscans (Bldgs., Missions, Order, etc.), V:[21 ];
Octagonal house, 11:1:30; 11:4:27 nl46; XII:2:4; XVI:3:34

XVIII:2:66; XIX:4:180 Brazil see Ouro Preto, Brazil: S. Francisco de Assis;

Fishkill, N.Y., 11:1:30 n 14 So Joo d'El-Rei, Brazil: S. Francisco de Assis

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Franciscans (Bldgs., Missions, Order, etc.) - Frear

California, XV: 1:20-26; XIX: 1:42,43 "Description of a New Stove for the Burning of
Catania Pit Coal, and Consuming All Its Smoke,"
Minorite Church, IV:2:52 IX:4:22

Dominican Republic see Santo Domingo, D.R.: Letter to Samuel Cooper, on stoves, XX:l:24nl8
Franciscan Convent Letter to Samuel Elbert, on frontier planning,
India, XV:3:3-6 passim XI:3:26-27

New Mexico, 1:2:25-29; VII:3/4:23 Letter to Dr. Ingenhausz, on great colonial

Quito, Ecuador fireplaces, XX: 1:20 n2
Franciscan churches Letter to John Jay, on commemorative medals,
Interiors, XIX:4:177 XIV*2*3

Francisco de Jesus, Fray, V:[21] Bust of, XX:1:26

Franck, Carlludwig Heating devices

Die Barockvillen in Frascati Pennsylvania Fireplace, IX:4:21,22; X:l:25;
Rev. by P. Zucker, XVI:2:30-31 XX:1:21 n6

Francke, Paul Revolving grate, 11:1:30

Manenkirche, Wolfenbttel, IX:3:13 nl9 Stoves, IX:4:22; XX:1:21,23 nil,24-25; illus.

Franco, Fausto, on Filarete, XVII:3:18nl; on Palladio, IX-4-22- XX1-21 fig 1

XIX:4:184 Houses, 316-318 Market St., Philadelphia, XX:3:131

Franois I [Francis I], King of France, V:43; IX:4:10 Franklin, W. B., 18th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:23

Chateau of see Blois: Chateau Franklin, William B., 19th c. capt., VII:1/2:18,19,24-25

Francq, Leon Franklin Institute see Philadelphia

Linear plan, Pans to St. Germain, XVIII:3:82 "Franklin stoves," XX:l:21-23; illus. XX:1:21 figs 1,2;

Frank, Josef, X:3:11 -- f .

Frank, Klaus F , . 8 N
The Works of Affonso Eduardo Reidy, introd. by S. "Towe^mue.) Mansion, IX:3:27



by J. M. Jacobus, Jr., XX:2:92,94-95 rranque, d.
, -r House, rue du Coq St. Honore,

Pans, XVIII:4:147;

Frank, Tenney, VII:3/4:f33] H

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Spring Green, Wis., t ,aiu,s A "s 4

XIX:4:174 Frantz, Alison

Frankford, Pa. see Philadelphia Photographs, XVII: 1:33

Frankfort, Henri Frantz, Robert' XIII:2:30

The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient ranzen, . ., VII. 1. 0

Rev. by M. D. Ross, XV: 1:31 Franzom, Giuseppi, and W. F. Small, XX:2:63

Frankfort Ky ' Sculptured spandrel, Commercial and Farmers Bank,

Bibbs (Dr. John) House, 1840, 11:1:36 Baltimore (with G. Andrei), XIII.1:16; XIV:4:27

Brown (John) House see Frankfort, Ky.: Liberty Hall Frary, of Deerfield, Mass.

Capitol (G. Shryock), 11:1:36 House of' XII:3:27

Court House (G. Shryock), 11:1:36 Frary, I. T.

Liberty Hall [Brown (John) Home] (T. Jefferson, EarlV Homes f ohio> XII:2:26; XVI-.4:31,32

attrib.), 11:1:35; IX:3:14-16 Photographs

Swigert (Philip) House, 1848, 11:1:36 ohl architecture, 11:1:35

Frankfurt am Main U.S. Capitol dome, VII:l/2:93n

Bldg. laws, ca. 1897, XIX:l:19n21 Frascati
City plan, 111:1/2:22; XX:3:108 Villas, XVI:2:31

Opera House (R. Lucae), 11:3:11 Fraser, Douglas F.

Frankl, Paul, on American historians of mediaeval 'The Decorated Headhouse of Torres Straits,"
architecture, XIII:1:28; and O. Hoever, X:3:12; on XIX: 1:25-30

Lincoln Cathedral, XVI:3:34; work on Fraser, John

Romanesque architecture, XIX:4:176; stylistic Burnett, Sexton and Swearingen Store, Philadelphia,
interpretation of space, X:3:12 XX: 1:8; illus. XX: 1:8 fig 10
Franklin, Benjamin, and American Philosophical Sexton, Seal and Swearingen Co., Philadelphia,
Society, XX:1:21; on cast iron, XX:l:24nl9; and XX:l:8nl5
Joseph Fox, XV:4:27; on heating, XX:20,21,24; Fraternity houses
and Library Company, XX:3:117; and plaster Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Berkeley (A. C.

fireproofing, XX:3:131 Schweinfurth), X:3:21; illus. X:3:17

Articles, Books, Letters, etc. Sigma Phi Fraternity House, Williamstown, XI:2:4;
An Account of the Newly Invented Pennsylvania illus. XI:2:5 fig 3

Fireplace, XX: 1:21 n6 Frazee, John, XX:4:186

Frear, George A., XIII: 1:27,28


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"Frear stone" - French Institute

"Frear stone," XI:3:29; XIII:l:27-28 and Root), XVIII:4:133; illus. XVIII:4:133

Frart, Paul de, Sieur de Chantelou, XV:2:3 fig 4
Frart de Chambray, Roland Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24

Parallel of the Ancient Architecture with the Modern, New York (City)
transi, by J. Evelyn, XX:3:122,123,126 no.15 Masonic Hall (H. Reinagle), XI:2:3-4
Frederica, St. Simons Island, XI:4:32 Newport, R.I.
Frederick I [Frederick Barbarossa], XVII:2:21 nl4 Mason's Hall, St. John's Lodge (P. Harrison),
Frederick II [Frederick the Great], IV:2:23; V:44; XVIII:4:159


Fredericks, Kryn, XI:2:19 Masonic Hall (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 2

Fredericksburg, Va. Masonic Temple
Preservation, Restorations, etc., XV:4:5 Bldg. (Sloan and Stewart), XVIII:3:105 nlO;
Rising Sun Tavern, 111:4:26 XIX:1:34; XX:1:14; illus. XIX:1:37 fig 9;
Washington (George) Birthplace National Monument, XX:1:14 fig 23
1:3/4:24 Design (J. Notman), XX:1:14

Washington (Mary) House, 111:4:26,27 Pittsburgh

Fredericton, Can. Freemasons' Hall [Old Masonic Hall] (Shepley,
Christ Church Cathedral (F. Wills), VI:3/4:6 Rutan and Coolidge), XVI:3:26; XVII:3:22
Fredericus, Cologne reliquary maker, 111:4:35 n9 Richmond, Va.
Frederiksholm, Denmark Masonic Hall, 1787, 111:4:30

City plan, IV: 1:19,21 Saratoga Springs

Frederiksstad, Denmark see Copenhagen: Frederiksstad House of Pansa [Jewish Community House;
Freedberg, Sydney Joseph, XIX:3:97 n Masonic Temple; The Pompeia] (F. W.
Freeden, Max H. von, XII:4:13-14 Smith), XIV:3:6-7; illus. XIV:3:[5] fig 5




Church, Greek Revival, VIl:3/4:32 Ray House, XVI:4:36

Freedom, statue on U.S. Capitol dome (T. Crawford), Freese, Irving C., Mayor of Norwalk, Conn.,



Freehold, N.J. Freese, Stanley, XVIII:3:82-83

Old Tennent Presbyterian Church, VII:3/4:31 Freestone
Freeman, E. A., XIX:4:158 Connecticut freestone, XX:l:6nl2
Freeman, Elizabeth, XIX:2:47 n2 Freetown, Sierra Leone

Freeman, Frank, b. 1861, A. Burnham on, XI:4:35-36 Governor's House, IV:2:31-32

Brooklyn Savings Bank, N.Y., XI:4:36 Freistadt, Wis.

Drawings, IV:3/4:51 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1844,

Hotel Margaret, N.Y., XI:4:36 XVIII: 1:31

House (Col. E. M.) House, Austin, XI:4:35-36; illus. Freitag, Joseph K.

XI:4:35 Architectural Engineering with Special Attention to
Houses, Riverside Drive, N.Y., XI:4:35 High Building Construction, XVIII:4:133 nl9
Jay Street Fire House, N.Y., XI:4:36 Freixo, Port.

Jefferson Bldg., N.Y., XI:4:36 Quinta do Freixo (N. Nasoni), XV:3:7,8,12,14 nn2,4;
Freeman, James, fl. ca. 1840, XIX:2:56n37 illus. XV:3:8 fig 3
Freeman, Katharine C., XI:4:36 n5 Fremantle, Katharine

Freeman, Manfred, XI:4:36 The Baroque Town Hall of Amsterdam

Freeman, Mrs. S., 19th c., of Wellfleet, XIX:2:56n37 Rev. by J. S. Held, XX:l:41-42

Freeman, Susannah Wiley, XIX:2:56 n37 Frenaye, William E. see Howard and Frenaye
Freemasons French, of Northfield, Ohio




Baltimore, Md. French, Jacob, Dr., of Andover, Mass., X:4:[32]nl3

Masonic Hall (M. Godefroy and W. F. Small, French Academy see Acadmie Franaise
attrib.), XIII:1:17; XX:2:75; illus. XIII:1:17 French Academy in Rome see Rome (City): Acadmie
fig 5; XX:2:74 figs 15,16 de France

Chicago French and Indian Wars, 111:4:5

American Merchants' Union Express Co. Bldg. French Colonial architecture see Colonial architecture:
[American Express Bldg.], Chicago (H. H. French
Richardson) French Equatorial Africa

5th and 6th floor interiors for Knights Cuman Cabin, VI:3/4:31-32; illus. VI:3/4:pl V
Templar, IX: 1 /2:24 nn5,7 Houses, XVII:4:37

Masonic Temple Bldg. [Capitol Bldg.] (Burnham French Institute see Institut de France

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French Legion of Honor - Fujishima

French Legion of Honor see Lgion d'honneur Frey, Karl

French meter, XVIII:3:94 Michelangelo numbering system, XIX:3:100nl9

French Revolution style, 111:3:12-20 Frichs, Josef, XX:4:166

French royal foot, XVI:3:14 Fridlund, H. W., IV:2:22

"French system" of college dormitory design, XVI: 1:21 Friedrich, Emil S., VII:1/2:19
"Frenchman's" Map of Williamsburg, 1782, XIV:1:14 Friedrich Carl, d. 1746, Graf von Schnborn, Bishop of

Frenkley, Alexander Bamberg and Wrzburg, XIX:l:4l-42

Stones of Glory - Stones of France; a Pictorial Friedrich Wilhelm III, Kurfrst, 11:3:6
Sequence of French Architectural Monuments Friend, A. M., IV:3/4:4

Rev. by P. Zucker, IV:3/4:53-54 Friends, Society of see Quakers



Moresque Bldg., New Orleans, illus. XI:4:22 Monastery, XVIII:4:166

Frescoes, Mural painting, etc. Fries, John

See also Ceilings Vance (James) House, San Antonio, XI:4:12; illus.
El Bagawat, Egypt, XX:2:82; illus. XX:2:83 fig 10 XI:4:[11] fig 9
Florence Frobenius, Leo, XIX: 1:30
Militant Church (A. Bonaiuti), S. Maria Novella, Frohman, Philip see Frohman, Robb and Little

XVIII 113 nl8 14 Frohman, Robb and Little

London National Cathedral [Cathedral of St. Peter and St.

St. James-the-Less, Westminster Paul! Washington Cathedral; Mount St.
Mural over chancel arch (G. F. Watts), Alban s], Wash.ngton, 11:2:13
XIX:4:163,165; illus. XIX:4:165 fig 15 Frohchstem, Seymour R..XVIIL4:159

Oxford From Art to Theatre, by G. R. Kernodle, V:47

Oxford Union Fromberger, of Philadelphia

Ceiling painting (W. Morris), XIX:4:147 n22 House ot'

Padua Frons scenae, XVI: 1:9-10

Chiesa degli Eremitani (A. Mantegna), XI:2:26 Fronsperger, Lecmhard

Pompeii Kriegsbuch, XX:2:[59]-60; illus. XX:2:[59] fig 11

Harbor town, 111:1/2:25; illus. III: 1/2:[22a] fig 10 ^sSrtJaume XVI-318

Stone balconies depicted in, 111:4:40 Frost, jl ca. l's35, elevator mfr., see Strutt and Frost

Rome ( ity) Frost, Charles Sumner (see also Frost and Granger),
Lateran Palace XIX:3:124n7

Fresco of the Via Pia, XIX:3:99,108; illus. Frost and Granger; XIX:3:124

XIX:3:99 fig 3 Frothingham, Arthur Lincoln, on Reims Palimpsest,

S. Maria in Via Lata XVII*4*20 n24

Fresco of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, Editor

XII:3:4 A History of Architecture, by R. Sturgis, XVII:4:37

Vatican Library _ Frou, XI:4:[7] nl9

Fresco of the Via Pia, Porta Pia and Acqua "Frowning cornice," XIX:4:163
Felice, XIX:3:106,108; illus. XIX:3:106 Frumkin, Allan, X:l:28
fig 17 Fruttuaria
Villa [Palazzo] Farnesina (Raphael), XVIII:3:117 Abbey, XVI:3:15nl
Tours Fry, Charles, d. 1904, prisoner of Maryville, Mo. jail,




Fresco of Saint Florent, VII:3/4:[10] Fry, Joshua, 18th c of Va IX:3:16; X:l:9; XIII:2:25
Tun-huang, China pry, Lucy Gilmer, IX:3:16; X:l:9
Wall painting, Cave I, XVI:3:33 Fry, Maxwell, on Nash Terraces, XVIII:3:120;




Washington, D.C. Fry, Roger, stimulated aesthetics independent of

National Gallery Ruskin, X:3:8

Fresco, ca. 1520 (B. Luini), XVII:l:9nl5 Fuchs, William L XVIII:2:66

Wrzburg Fuenmayor, Alonso, Bishop, V:6 n38,8-9,10 n68,13 n84

Residenz [Episcopal Palace] Fuenmayor, Rui Fernandez de, V:9n56

Portr. of J. B. Neumann (G. B. Tiepolo), Fuentes y Guzman, Francisco Antonio de,
XII:4:12; illus. XII:4:13 fig 1 XV:1:12,13,15

Fresh Meadows, L. Mumford on, X:4:22 Fujishima, Gaijiro

Freudenstadt History of Western [European] Architecture [Seiy
Church (H. Schickhardt), IX:3:7 Kenchikushi] (and others)
Frey, Dagobert, on structural aspect of Anglo-Norman Reviews, XVI:2:32; XVI:4:36 (A. Soper)
churches, XVI:3:34


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Fulda - Fyffe
Fulda Provident Life and Trust Co. Bank, 1879, 409

Merovingian Palace, XX:2:79 Chestnut St., Philadelphia

Monastery, XX:2:79 Banking room, XI:1:31; XIII:3:31; illus. X:4:33
Church, XVI:2:3-5; XVI:3:13,14 Bldg., XI:1:31; XIX:2:79-81; illus. XI:1:31;
Fuller, Back Bay engineer, see Fuller and Whitney XIX:2:79 fig 1; 80 fig 2
Fuller, Alvin Tufts, Gov. of Mass., 11:3:34 Furness and Evans see Furness, Evans and Co.
Fuller, Buckminster, Dymaxion house of, IV:2:30; Furness and Hewitt (see also Furness, Frank), IX:3:27;
"fight against gravity," X:3:14 n49 XX:1:18

Fuller, Edward, 19th c. carpenter, XIX:4:172 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
Fuller, George K. see Fuller and Clary Philadelphia, IV:3/4:51
Fuller, Henry, Yale Librarian, VIII:2/3:67 Furness, Evans and Co. [Furness and Evans] (see also
Fuller, Henry B., XIX: 1:2 Evans, Allen; Furness, Frank), XIX:2:81
Fuller, Louisa National Bank of the Republic, Philadelphia,
Water color, VIII:l/2:30n42 XIX:2:57-61; illus. XIX:2:60 fig 2
Fuller, Samuel Provident Life and Trust Co. Bldg.
Johnson Hall [Johnson (Sir William) Home], 1890, 4th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia,
Johnstown, N.Y., 11:1:35; IV:2:39 XIX:2:80-81

Fuller, Thomas 1892, 4th St., Philadelphia, XIX:2:81

Capitol, Albany, XVIII:3:119 1895-97, 4th and Ranstead Sts., Philadelphia,
Cathedral, St. John's, Antigua, Leeward Islands, XIX:2:81


Parliament Bldgs., Ottawa See also Church furnishings and furniture; Interior

Central Block, VI:3/4:6,34; XVIII:3:119 decoration

Fuller and Clary, XX:4:196 Aalto, A., XIX:3:126

Fuller and Whitney, Back Bay engineers, XIII:2:24 n5 Bolles chair, St. Luke's Church [ "Old Brick" ],

Fullerton, of Windsor, Vt. Smithfield, Va., XVII:1:15; illus. XVII:1:17 fig 4

House of, XIII:3:16 Chandelier, Arabic Museum, Cairo, 111:4:35
Fulrad, XIII:1:29 Decoration, 111:3:19

Fulsom, David, 11:4:10 Eighteenth century, IV:3/4:57; XI:1:[19]; XV:3:13

Fulton, Robert, 1765-1815 England
Book on canals, XX:2:74n41 8th c., XVIIIA-. 124-125; illus. XVIII:4:124 fig 3
Clermont, steamship, XV:4:12 Greene and Greene
Fulton, William, 18th c. plaster-of Paris mfr., XX:3:135 Cabinets, IX:1/2:19; illus. IX:1/2:17 fig 10
Functionalism, 11:1:28; 11:2:11; 111:4:23; IV:2:9; Hepplewhite, XII:2:25
VII:3/4:[17]-20,26; X:3:7 n36,8,10; XI:3:7; Louis XIV, XVIII:2:70
XII:3:31; XV:2:30; XVII:2:32; XX:1:3-19; Mclntire, S., XVII:2:29

XX:3:99,105,141,142,148 Marie Antoinette desk and matching console,

Functionalist Theory, Origins of, by E. R. De Zurko, XVIII:2:70

XVII:4:25; XX:3:99 nl Phyfe, Duncan, XII:2:8
Funeral homes see Mortuaries Purcell and Elmslie

Funerary markers see Mausoleums, Sepulchral Babson (Henry) House, Riverside, 111.,
monuments, Tombs etc. XIX:2:66 n23

Furman, Bess Rietveld, G. T., XVIII:3:115,116

"White House Profile," XI: 1:31 Shaw, R. N.
"Furnace, Reciprocating," 11:1:30 Bookcase, XX:3:149

Furnaces see Foundries; Heating Sheraton, VIII:3/4:46; XII:2:25

Furness, Frank (see also Furness and Hewitt; Furness, Sixteenth-century Spanish, spiral colonette in, V:2 n9

Evans and Co.), biogr., XI:1:31; creative phase, Storey, E. P., XIX:3:125; illus. XIX:3:124 fig 2

XIII:3:30; and R. M. Hunt, XI:2:11; XIX:2:81 n5; Stuart tables, IX:3:13n24

ornament of, XI:1:31; and L. Sullivan, XII:3:31; Twentieth century, VIII:3/4:46; XVIII:3:115
XIX:2:61; XX:1:18 Wright, F. L XVIII:3:115

Portr., illus. XI:2:[13] fig 8 Furttenbach, Joseph




Guarantee Trust Co. [Tradesmen's Bank], Grotto, XIX:2:76

Philadelphia, XIV:2:29 Fyfe, T.
Library, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Hellenistic Architecture, 11:2:25





Penn National Bank, 1884, Philadelphia, House

XVIII:4:162 Drawing (J. C. Trautwine), XVII:3:32

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Gabel Gallier, James, 1798-1868, Sr., collection of books,

Church designs (G. Guarini), XVII:4:22 drawings and plans, VII:3/4:37; C. L. Dufour on,

St. Lawrence (J. L. von Hildebrandt), XVII:4:22; XI:4:21-24; exhibition of works of New Orleans,
illus. XVII:4:24 fig 5 1950, IX:4:28; XI:4:24; study of, VIII:l/2:87

Gabled roofs, symbolism of, XII:4:7 City Hall, New Orleans, IX:4:28; XI:4:21,24; illus.
Gabo, Naum [Pevsner, Naum Neemia], XVI:2:30 XI:4:22

Gabriel, Jacques-Ange, achievement of, XVIII:4:141; Gallier, James, 1827-1868, Jr., XI:4:21,24
and Louis XVI classicism, XI: 1 :[18]; measure and Gallinger, J. H., Sen., IV: 1:35

restraint of, 1:2:9; use of a single giant Order, Gallipolis, Ohio

XVIII:4:146 "Our House" [Gallia County Historical Society
Cathedral, Orlans Museum], 11:1:36

Towers, XI:1:[19] "Galloping rafters," X:4:33

Ecole Militaire, Paris, XI: 1 :[18] Galloway, Christopher
Petit Trianon, Versailles, 111:3:18; XI:1:[18] Top of Saviour's Tower, Moscow, XVI:1:31
Place de la Concorde, Paris Galloway, Samuel, IX:4:23 nl6
Bldgs., XI: 1 :[18] "Galpones," XIV:4:6
Gaceta de Obras Publicas, XVIII:3:76 Gait, Can.

Gadsby, John, 19th c. tavern-keeper, X:2:ll Cruikston Park (D. Lienau), XIV:l:24n7
Gaede, Robert C., XIII:2:30 Gamal Norsk Homiliebok, Cod. AM 619 [Norwegian
Grtner, Friedrich von, aesthetics of, 11:3:8 Book of Homilies], XVII:2:3
Castle, Aschaffenburg Gambaro, E. James, XI:2:20
Pompejanum, XIV:3:3; illus. XIV:3:[5] fig 1 Gambier, Ohio
Ludwig Church, Munich, 11:3:9 Kenyon College
Royal Palace, Athens, XIV:3:3 Ascension Hall (W. Tinsley), XIII:2:31

Gaeta, Pietro Luigi, XIX:3:97 Gamble, David B., IX:1/2:18

Gaggera Gamble, Thomas, mayor of Savannah, XX:2:52
Megaron of Demeter, XX:4:201 Gambrel roof, XVIII:4:159
Gaillard Chteau w Chteau Gaillard Gambrill, Charles D., and R. M. Hunt, XI:2:11
Gaioso, Raimundo Jos de Sousa see Sousa Gaioso, American Merchants' Union Express Co. Bldg.

Raimundo Jos de [American Express Bldg.], Chicago (with H. H.

Gale, Walter Richardson and P. B. Wight) (for full list of

House of see Oak Park, 111.: Gale (Walter) House references to the bldg. see Chicago: American
Galeata Merchants' Union Express Co. Bldg.),
Palace of Theodoric, XX:2:83,84; IX:l/2:24n5
illus. XX:2:83 fig 12 Gandilhon, Ren, XVII:4:20n8
Galena, 111. Gandy, 11:1:4

Illinois and Michigan Canal, XVI:4:15 Gansevoort, Col., IV:2:39

"Galeries" see Porches Gantry scaffolding, XX:4:200

Galilei, XVL4:35 Ganung, Dr., of Jacksonville, Or.

Galla Placidia, XVII:3:16 House of, XII:4:20 fig 2 no.39

Gallatin, Albert, U.S. Sec. of Treasury, XIII:3:16-17; Gapselga, Russ.
XIV:3:30 Old Chapel, XVI:2:11; illus. XVI:2:11 fig 2
Gallatin, Mo. Garabit Viaduct (A. G. Eiffel), XVI:4:27
Daviess County Jail, XVIII:4:150,155-156; illus. Garages
xvill:4:156 fig 10 Savannah
Old Courthouse, XVIII A: 156 Parking garage, XX:2:62
Gallaway, Jos., 18th c., XVII:2:26 Utrecht
Galle, Ceylon 10 Waldeck Pyrmontkade (G. T. Rietveld),
Lighthouse (A. Gordon), XVI: 1:17 n92 XVIII:3:116

Gallego y Burin, A., XVII:1:9 nn3,6 Garay, Francisco de, V:4-5

Gallen, Akseli, VI:3/4:1 Garber, Paul L., X:3:32

Galleries (Picture galleries) see Museums and Museum Garbett, Edward Lacy, architectural theory of,
Galleries (Porches) see Porches Books

Galli-Curci, in Adler and Sullivan Auditorium Bldg., Finite Avarice: A Socialism Drawn from the Genesis





Gallia County (Ohio) Historical Society see Gallipolis, Rudimentary Treatise on the Principles of Design in





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Garbett - Gardens and Parks

Garbett (Cont.) Spain

Buildings Barcelona

Church, Theale, XVII:4:30n3 Park Gell, XVIII:3:80

Garches U.S. (for national parks see United States: National

Villa (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 Memorials, Monuments, Parks, Sites etc.),
Garcia Bravo, Alonso, XIV:4:3 VI:1/2:[1] nl

Garden, Edward C. see Mauran, Russell and Garden Boston, XIII:2:20-24

Garden, Hugh, XIX:l:2,6nl4 Boston Common, XX:2:91
Garden Cities and Town Planning, periodical, Chester Park, XIII:2:22,24
XVIII:3:80 Fenway Park (F. L. Olmsted, Sr.),
Garden Cities and Town Planning Association (see also XIII:2:20,21,23

International Federation for Housing and Town Public Garden, XIII:2:20,21,23; XX:4:191
Planning), XVIII:3:80 Bridgeport, Conn., VI:l/2:[l]nl

Garden Cities Association of France see Association California, IX:1/2:13,18

des Cits-Jardins de France Cape Cod Seashore Park, XIX:2:84

Garden Cities of Tomorrow, by E. Howard, Carr's Gardens, Pennsylvania, XIII:3:Suppl. 4,5
VIII:3/4:15; XVIII:3:79 Chicago, VI:1/2:[1] nl; XVI:l:19nl26

Garden City movement, VIII:3/4:15; IX:l/2:34; Cleveland

XVIII:2:39,40,49,50,51 ; XVIII:3:75 n6,76-91 Lakeview Park, XII:2:23
passim; XIX: 1:18 Wade Park, XII:2:23

Garden City Pioneer Co., Ltd., XVIII:3:79 Cuylerville, N.Y.

Garden Club of America, IV:1:39 Boyd-Parker Memorial Park, IV:2:41
Garden terraces, XX:4:173-174,175 Maryland, XVII:4:37
Gardens and Parks (Arboretums, Botanical gardens, Mitchell, Ind.
State parks, etc.) (see also Cemeteries; Landscape Spring Mill State Park, XV:4:3 nos. 1,2
architecture, gardening, etc.), concept of city as a New York (City)
park, XIX: 1:18 nil; ideal garden of L. B. AJberti, Battery Park, VIII: 1 /2:131

XX:4:167; use of water, XX:2:85 Bowling Green, XI:2:22

Brazil, XVII:2:31 Bryant Park, XVI:1:11



Santiago, XVIII:3:84 Design (Olmsted, Vaux and Co.),

England, V:44 VI: 1 /2:f 1] nl; XIV:1:21
Kew Gates (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14]
Royal Botanic Gardens [Kew Gardens] Zoo, XIV:3:23

Lay-out (W. Chambers), XII:4:15 City Hall Park, XI:2:16

North Gallery (J. Fergusson), XVII:4:25 Gramercy Park, XX:2:47

Linear National Park, X:2:23 Jerome Park Reservoir, XIV:3:28

London Morningside Park (Olmsted, Vaux and Co.),

Buckingham Palace Garden, XX:3:107 VI:1/2:[1] nl
Regents Park (J. Nash), XIII:4:32 Prospect Park, Brooklyn (Olmsted, Vaux and
Stowe Gardens (W. Chambers), XII:4:15 Co.), VI: 1 /2:[1] nl
France, X:2:3 Riverside Park (Olmsted, Vaux and Co.),
Nmes VI: 1 /2:[1] nl
Garden of the Fountain, IV:3/4:53-54 Oswego, N.Y.
Vincennes, IX:3:13 nl6 Montcalm Park, IV:2:38

Italy, XX:4:167-168 Philadelphia

Pompeii, XX:2:85 Fairmount Park (F. L. Olmsted, Sr.), XIII:3:32;
Garden of the House of Loreius Tibertinus, XIX: 1:11,12

111:3:26 Independence Square [State House Garden],

Rome X:l:26; XX:l:20nl,22n9

Licinian Gardens, 111:1/2:62 Gateway (J. Fox), XII:4:27

Japan, IX: 1/2:13 San Francisco

Portugal Golden Gate Park




Casa dos Biscainhos, XV:3:10 Savannah

Russia Forsyth Park (W. Bischoff), X:4:9; XX:2:48

Rostov-on-Don Trustees' Garden, X:4:9
Parks, IV:1:27,32 Wakefield Garden, 1:3/4:24
Washington, D.C.
National Arboretum, IV: 1:39


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Gardens and Parks - Gatehouses, Gates, Gateways

National Botanic Garden, IV:1:35,36,39, Garrett, Daniel
VII :1 /2:20 Designs and Estimates for Farm Houses..., XX:3:126
Potomac Parks, IV:l:37-38 Garrett, Mattie
Gardens in the Modern Landscape, by C. Tunnard, Residence of, Chireno, Tex., XI:4:[7] n26
VIII:3/4:69 Garrett, Wendell

Garder, Macon O., XII:3:30 Apthorp House, 1760-1960

Gardiner, John, fl. 1805 Brief rev., XX: 1:44

House of see Salem, Mass.: Gardner (John) House Garrett, William, fl. 1850
Gardner, early 19th c. House of see San Augustine, Tex.: Garrett (William)
Estate of see Boston, Mass.: Hinckley and Gardner House
Estate Garrigues, Francis, 18th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:25
Gardner, of Tyler Co., Tex. Gartside, 18th c., of Manchester, Engl., VIII:l/2:27 n9
House of [Chapman-Gardner House], XI:4:[7] n27 Garvan, Anthony
Gardner, Arthur, XVII:3:2 "The Protestant Plain Style before 1630," IX:3:5-13;
Gardner, E. C. XI: 1:3
The House That Jill Built, 11:4:24 nl32 Gas stations see Filling stations

Gardner, Helen Gas works

Art Through the Ages, XIX:1:41 Jackson, Miss., XX:3:113

Gardner, John, fl. 1805 Gasmann, John G Rev., XIV:3:18

House of, Salem, Mass., 1:1:21; XII:3:28 Gass, William E., XII:3:27

Gardner, John, fl. 1848 Gasset, Jos Ortega y see Ortega y Gasset, Jos
Patent for wrought-iron rod in cast-iron arch, Gaston, Jane see Mahler, Jane Gaston
Xy.4.18 Gatehouses, Gates, Gateways

Gardoqui, Diego de, Don, XVIII:1:21,22,24 A See also Tollhouses

Garfield, James A., Pres., IX:3:27 Ancient, 11:1:8,9; XX:2:79
Garin, Turk. e Erzerum Apolhnopohs Parva

Garland, Hamlin, XVII:2:30; XIX:1:2 Pylon friPto'fly X}' :1:24 16; illus.

Garner, E. S., of Minden, Tex., XI:4:[7] n22 . . . ' ' lg

Garnier, Marie-Anne see Blondel, Marie-Anne Gamier quino, a y
Porta San Lorenzo,
Gamier, Tony, and city planning, XVIII:3:85,88; H.-R. . or f ^ .
', . ' n n i Augusta Taunnorum


HUchcock on, XIX:3:126; infi. on Russ.an plan Porta Palatina, XV:2:18 n!3

for Stalmgrad, XV 1:3:88 Baltimore, Md

Abattoirs, Lyons, XIX.1.22n37 Greenmount Cemetery gateway (R. C. Long, Jr.),

Apartment house project, XIX:1:18; illus. XIX:1:18
fig 5


XVI:1:28; illus. XVI:1:28 fig 1

Assembly bldg. project, XIX:1:21; illus. XIX:1:21 "Brandenburg Gate, 11:3:7

, ' }1 Designs and Projects

project, XIX:l:22-23; illus. XIX:1:23 Villa and garden gate designs (S. Serlio),

Bldgs., Lyons, XIX:l:16n2 Villa gate sketch (Michelangelo), XIX:3:102; illus.

Cit Industrielle, XVIII:3:88; XIX: 1:16-24; illus. XIX-3103 fig 12

XVIII:3:88 fig 5; XIX: 1:17 fig 1; 18 fig 5; 20 Granada

figs 6,8; 21 fig 11; 22 fig 13; 23 figs 14,16,17 Gate of Justice, Alhambra, XX:l:28n9

Dam project, XIX: 1:22 Istanbul [Constantinople]

Elementary school project, XIX: 1:19-20; illus. Palace Gate, XX: 1:44
XIX: 1:20 fig 6 Lexington, Ky.
Gamier (Tony) House, Lyons, XIX:l:16n2 Ingleside [Gibson (Col. Hart) Residence]

Iron construction, 1900-1905, X:3:10 Gatehouse (J. McMurtry), illus. VI:l/2:pl V

Residence project, XIX: 1:23; illus. XIX: 1:23 fig 17 fig 12

Stadium, XIX:1:20,22; illus XIX:1:20 fig 8 Lexington Cemetery Gateway, VL1/2-.16
Station tower project, XIX: 1:22; illus. XIX: 1:22 London

fig 13 Temple Bar, XIV:4:18; illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1;

Garnsey, George O., as editor of National Builder, 19 fig 8

XVIII:4:159,160 Montacute, Somerset, Engl.

Exhibition Bldg. enclosing John Brown's Fort, Priory Gatehouse, VI: 1/2:16

World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Munich

XVIII:4:159; illus. XVIII:4.160 fig 2 Propylen (L. von Klenze), XIV:3:3

Garrett, fl. 1835 New York (City)

Cottage of, Philadelphia Central Park Gates (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14]

Remodelled (T. U. Walter), XVI:2:26


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Gatehouses, Gates, Gateways - Geneva, Switz.

Gatehouses, Gates, Gateways (Cont.) Gay, Henry L.

Palermo Victor Emmanuel Monument, Rome, design,

Porta Felice, IV:2:52 XVIII:4:134





Porte Saint-Denis (F. Blondel), XVIII:4:142 Lomas-Rishi Cave, 111:4:37

Paris, Ky Gayarre, Charles, XI:4:24

Cemetery Gateway (J. McMurtry), XI:4:18 Gaynor, J. P.

Philadelphia Haughwout (E. V.) and Co. store, N.Y., XI:2:15;

Independence Square [State House Garden] Gateway
illus" XV:4;19 fig 9
Otis elevator,
(J. Fox), XII:4:27
Laurel Hill Cemetery

Gayoso de Lemos, Manuel, 18th c Don, XIV:4:28-29

Gateway drawing (T. U. Walter), XIII:4:31 nl3 Gazzola, XIX.4.184

Odd Fellows' Cemetery GebeleinfLuise Perkins [Mrs. George C. Gebelein,

Entrance pavilion (S. D. Button), XIII:4:29 xviI-3-30nl

Pittsburgh Geber, Raymond, XVII:2:22 n47

Allegheny Cemetery gatehouse (J. Chislett), Gebhard, David, on F. L. Wright and Chicago School,
XV:2:23n9 XX:3:140

Pompeii Guide to the Existing Architecture of Purcell and

Herculaneum Gate, IV:2:52 Elmslie, 1910-1920

Porta Marina, 111:3:26 Brief Rev., XIX:4:184

Priene "Louis Sullivan and George Grant Elmslie,"

City gates, XIII:4:9 XIX:2:62-68

Rome, XIX:3:97-108 "A Note on the Chicago Fair of 1893 and Frank
Porta del Popolo, XIV:1:9; XIX:3:106 Lloyd Wright," XVIII:2:63-65
Santo Domingo, D.R. Geddes, James, XX:4:194

Cathedral gate, V:10 Geddes, Patrick, 11:2:3; IX:l/2:36 nl6; XIX:l:18nlO

Puerta de San Diego, V:3,4,6; illus. V:[2b] fig 7 Gee, M. Capt., of Jamaica, XIII:3:26

Turin Geer, Clarence G., XIV:2:11 nl6

Porta Palatina, XV:2:18 nl3 Gelati
Verona Church, IV:3/4:31

Porta Nuova, XIX:3:106 Gele [Gelle], Claude, called Claude Lorrain see

Washington, D.C. Lorrain, Claude

Water Gate, IV: 1:37-38,39 Gelmirez, Diego, Bishop of Santiago de Compostela, see

Gates, Horatio, VIII:3/4:[1] Die8 Gelmirez

Gates Mills, Ohio Gelonus

Greek Revival Church, VII:3/4:32 Gity plan, IV:1:22

Gatling, Eva Ingersoll Gelotte, E. N., VII:3/4:6

"John Berry of Hillsboro, North Carolina," Gelston, Cotton, surveyor, III: 1 /2:38

X 1 -18-T221 Gendell, David S.

Gatling gun, XVIII:4:156 First Baptist Church' Fourth Ave" Pittsburgh,



ja, vT -, , "The Genealogy of the Dome of the United States

Gaudi, Antonio, and Art Nouveau, XIV:2:19; .. . ,,"r T ~ D ,

XIX:3:126; G. Collins on, XX:1:43; exotic style of, vnTlwil VI:3/4:21>35;

VI-3/4:4; U. Kultermann on, XVIII:3:78 n23 General Electric Co., 111:3:30

Archive of, XVIII:1:36 General Electric Home Bureau, 111:3:30

i , ' XIV:2:26 "General Grant" style, VIII:3/4:3

Gaudion, Pierre Nicolas dpnpml Pikp steamboat xt-4-98

House of see Paris: Htel Gaudion General Soci'ety of Mechanics and Tradesmen, N.Y.,

Gauger, Nicolas, ca. 1680-1730 XX-4 189

La Mechanique de Feu, XX:1:21 n6 Genesar, XVII:4:37

Gaulli Genesee Castle, IV:2:41

Gesii, Rome Genesis see Bible: O.T.

Alterations, XVII:4:24 and nil Geneva, N.Y.
Gauls, Apostle of, IX:4:8 Barron House, XV:2:16
Gaus, John M., IX: 1 /2:31 ; XI:1:3 Rippley (J., Jr.) House, XV:2:16
Gausmar, Abbot of Charlieu, IX:4:4 Geneva, Switz. [Genf]
Gautier, Thophile, XIV:3:4 Fortifications, XX:2:53 and n32
Gawin, John, 11:4:21-22,27 Hydroelectric plant, 1895, XIX:1:21

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Geneva, Switz. - Germigny-des-Prs

International Labor Office, 6th session, 1924, Book

XVIII:3:81 Nichols, F. D., The Early Architecture of

League of Nations project (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93 Georgia, XVII: 1:36; XX:2:52
Pont Butin project (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 Map, XIII:2:11; illus. XIII:2:11 fig 1
Genghis Khan [Jenghiz Khan], XV:4:31 Silk industry, XX:2:49
Genoa Georgia, a Guide to Its Towns and Countryside
Palazzo Grillo-Cattaneo [Georgia Guide], XX:2:50
Portal (A. della Porta [Tamagnino]), V:7 n45 Georgia Historical Society, XIV: 1:24 n7
S. Maria di Carignano, XVI:l:10n9 Georgian revival
Staglieno Cemetery (C. Barabino and G. B. Resasco), U.S. (see also Neo-Colonial architecture: U.S.),
XIX:4:137,142,143-144; illus. XIX:4:144 fig 16 XVII:3:23,26-28

Genovesi, Antonio, 1713-1769, XIII:3:12,15 Georgian Society [Group], London, VI:3/4:9,37;

Genre pittoresque [Got nouveau], V:44,45,46 VIII:3/4:68; XI:2:26
Gentleman and Architect's Companion, The Builder's Georgiaville, R.I. see Smithfield, R.I.

Dictionary, or, XX:3:126no.4 Geraerdy, Philip, XI:2:20

The Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker's Director, by T. Geraldini, Alexander, Bishop of Santo Domingo, V:12;

Chippendale, XIII:2:4,7,8; XV:3:13; XX:3:122 XIV:4:3

The Gentleman's and Builder's Repository..., by E. Tomb of, V:12; illus. V:[12a] fig 19

Hoppus, XX:3:123,127 no.31,129 n23 Gerard, XIII:1:16

The Gentleman's and Farmer's Architect... by T. Gerasasee Jerash

Lightoler, XIII:2:4; XX:3:122,128 no.50 Gerberley Hall (R. N. Shaw), VIII:1/2:129

Gentleman's Magazine Herbert of Aurillac see Sylvester II, Pope

Engr. from, XVIII:3:113; XVIII:4:159; illus. Germain, 18th c., XVIII:4:142

Xvin.3.us 2 Germain, Auguste, 18th c., XV:3:23 n51

Gento Sanz, Benjamin, Padre ermain< Jhomas, 7M, e., XV:3:23 n51
San Francisco de Lima, V:40 German stoves, XX: 1:20-21 24

Geoffrey, Bishop of Chartres, XI:3:15; XVII:2:28 Germanic foot, XVL2:2,5 n2; XVI:3:13,14

^ f 1 s - r T-i . Germans m the U.S.

Geometry, in city planning, XIX: 1:38-39: of Filarete, n , . .
/0 . j- 1 a r\ a f\ c Pennsylvania see Pennsylvania Germans

XVII:3p10-18; m medieval pamtmg, XII =4:9,10; of Wisconsm, XVIII:l:29-33

Reims Palimpsest, XVII:4: 5-18; of St. John the Germantown, Pa. ,ee Philadelphia
Baptist, Collegeville, Minn., XVIII: 1:34; of C. Germantown Club, X:l:23

Wren, XVI:4:34; XVIII:4:163 Germantown Historical Society, X:4:33

Eighteenth century, XVIII:4:163-164 Germantown Site and Relic Society, X:l:23

Middle Ages, XI:3:7-16, passim; XU A-.9,10; Germany
XVII: 1:34-35; XVII:2:17,28-29; XVIII:3:94; Academies
XIX:3:91-96; XX:3:143-146 Berlin

Renaissance, XIII:3:9; XVIII:1:15-18 Academy, 11-3-6,7

Geometry Applied to the Useful Arts of Building, Bau-Akademie (K. F. Schinkel), 11:3:7,12;
Surveying, Gardening and Mensuration, by B. XX-1-9
Langley, XX:3:128 no.44 Dresden, 11:3:11
George I, King of Engl, X:2:27 Architecture, 18th c., V:43

George II, King of Engl., XVIIL3:113,114 Articles and Books

George, 19th c., of Baltimore, XVI:1:29 Bourke, J., Baroque Churches of Central
George, Henry, XVIII:2:49,53; XVIII:3:90 Europe, XIX:1:41

George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Burrough, T. H. B South German Baroque,




Georgetown, British Guiana Hahn, H., Die frhe Kirchenbaukunst der

St. George's Cathedral, XVIII:3:119 Zisterzienser..., XVIII:4:165-167

Georgetown, D.C. see Washington, D.C. Pevsner, N., "The Three-Dimensional Arch
Georgetown, Del. from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth
Sussex County Courthouse (W. Strickland), Century," XVII:4:22-24
XIII:3:Suppl. 3,8-9,10 capts. 17,18; illus. Teufel, R., Vierzehnheiligen, XIX: 1:41-42
XIII:3:Suppl. [14] figs 17,18 Zucker, P., 'The Paradox of Architectural

Georgetown, S.C., X:4:6 Theories at the Beginning of the 'Modern

Georgia, Russ. Movement,"'X:3:8-14
Architecture, IV:3/4:29-33 City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History
Georgia, U.S. and Planning): Germany
Architecture, XIII:2:9-12 Germigny-des-Prs
Church, XVI:3:34

Restoration (Lisch), 1:3/4:14


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Grme - Giedion

Grme, Jean Lon, 1824-1904, XIV:3:4; XV:2:30 Giannini, Mrs. R. M., Sr., XV-.l-.25
Gerry, Elbridge T. Gibbes, William
House of, N.Y., XL2:[14]; illus. XI:2:[13] fig 12 House of, Charleston, S.C., XVII:4:36
Gerson, H. Gibbons, Benjamin, 19th c., XV:2:25
Art and Architecture in Belgium, 1600 to 1800 (and Gibbons, Grinling
E. H. ter Kuile) Reredos, St. James' Church, London, IV:2:42

Rev. by M. Damm, XX:4:202-203 Gibbs, 17th c of Boston

Gertzen, John, XIII:3:28 House of, XIILLll
Geseilius, Herman see Gesellius, Lindgren and Gibbs, Donald T., XX:3:124

Saarinen Gibbs, James, and Gov. Fauquier of Va., XVIII:4:164;

Gesellius, Lindgren and Saarinen (see also Saarinen, and P- Harrison, XIILLll,13 ni; I. Jones
Eliel) VI:3/4:1 anticipates, IX:3:12; and mannerism, XIX:3:131;
Die Gestalt der Deutschen Stadt, by K. Gruber 'n^- on L Osteil, XIV:3:10; Palladianism of,

Rev. by P. Zucker, XII:2:31 VII:3/4:29; XIII:1:13 nl; and Roman order,

Gestalt-Ideal, XVA-.30 XXAA92; infi. on J. Trumbull, IX:3:21

Gethsemane, Christ in the Garden of, fresco, XII:3:4 Books, XIILLll; XX:3:118

Getty Carrie Eliza Bibliotheca Radcliffiana, XIX:3:132

Tomb of .see Chicago: Getty (Carrie Eliza) Tomb A Book of Architecture, X:l:4-8; XX:3:126

Gettysburg Designs, 1722, XIII:2:4

Bryan House, XVL4:30; illus. XVI:4:30 Rules for Drawing the Several Parts of Architecture,

Gettysburg College .fJ. X:1^. XX:3:121.126

Old Dorm (J. C. Trautwine), XVII-.3-.32; Buildings, Designs, etc.

XVIII:4:161; illus. XVII:3:32 Churches, London, XIII:L14nl4; XIV:2:28

Gettysburg commemorative half-dollar, XVII: 1:24 nl4 Radc^ Library

[Camera], Oxford, XIIL4:32;


Bust of W. Strickland, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. 2; illus.



St. Clement Danes, London


v. ,UfP St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, VI:3/4:18;

Geymuller, II: 1:4

VIII:3/4:3; IX:3:21; X:4:9; XI:1:[26] n3;


XIILL11,12,13; XVII:3:27; XIX:1:33;

International Federation for Housing and Town XIX-3131

Planning St. Mary-le-Strand, London, XIII:L14n8;

1st Congress, 1913, XVIIL2:48,49; XIII:4:32

_ _ XVIII:3:74,80,81,84 St. Peter's [Marybone Chapell; Oxford Chapel],

S. Bavon Vere St., London, design, XIILL12,13
Altarpiece of the Mystic Lamb (J. and H. van Gibbs, Nicholas, 18th c. plasterer, XX-.3A35

Eyck), IX:4:26 Gjbbs, Hiu Berm

Gherardo da Prato, Giovanni di see Giovanni di Lighthouse (A. Gordon), XVLL17 nn89,92

Gherardo da Prato Giberti, Gian Matteo, 1495-1543, XVIIL3:118

Ghiberti, Lorenzo, XVII:3:10; XVIII: 1:11 n6 Gibling, Miss, .see Schindler, Mrs. R. M.
"Joint Report to the oprai of Santa Maria del Gibraltar

Fiore (with Battista d Antonio and F. Concrete tower and walls, Moorish, XIII: 1:27-28

Brunelleschi), XVIII: 1:13,18,19 Gibson, 19th c., of Baltimore, XVI: 1:29

S. Maria del Fiore, Florence Gibson, Hart, Col., VI:1/2:[13]
Model, 1420 (with Battista d'Antonio and F. Gibson R. W.

Brunelleschi), XVIILL14,16-17,18 n44 Sketches of medieval churches, 11:3:16

Ghini, Giovanni di Lapo Gibson, Tobias, XI:4:16-18

Model for Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Residence of see Lexington, Ky.: Episcopal
XVIII: 1:14 Theological Seminary
Ghisalba Gide, Charles, XVIIL3:77

La Rotonda (L. Cagnola), XIX:4:138-139; illus. Giedion, Sigfried, on balloon frame, 11:4:16-18,21 and
XIX:4:138 fig 7 nl 19,29 n 156; on the bath, X:3:4; on cave

Ghislieri, Michele see Pius V paintings, X: 1:26-27; on Ciudad Lineal,

Ghizzole XVIII:3:78 n23; on engineering and architecture,
Villa Ragona (A. Palladio), XVL2:17 XX:3:142; on T. Garnier, XIX:1:18 nl0,20; as

Ghost towns, XIIL3:29; XIX:4:180 historian of architecture, 11:1:4; on the Leiter

Bannack, Mont., XIII:2:29 Bldg., II:4:29nl55; on nineteenth-century

al-Ghr American architecture, XVII:3:35,36; on

Madrasah of, Cairo, IIL4:42 nineteenth-century English reform in taste,

Giamberti, Giuliano see Sangallo, Giuliano da XIII:3:25; on modern Paris, XVIILL35;

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Giedion - Gilman

on source material in Patent Offices, IV:3/4:51; "Note from Rome - March 1952" [on Italian

on H. H. Richardson and H. P. Berlage, architecture after World War II], XI:2:26

XVIII:2:68; on Romantic Classicism, XIX:3:127; "A Note on the [Girard College competition]

on St. Louis preservation project, 1:3/4:26; Drawings," XVI:2:26-27

IX:3:23; on Vierzehnheiligen, XVII:4:22 "A Trautwine Building Identified," XVII:3:32-33

"American Development in Design," 11:4:3 n3 Sequel, by F. J. Dallett, XVIII:4:161-163

Architecture You and Me William Strickland, Architect and Engineer,

Rev. by W. S. Rusk, XVIII:3:118 1788-1854, XIII:2:30; XIII:3:Suppl.; XVI:2:22

Interrelationships of Art, Mechanization and Life, Reviews

IV:3/4:49 Beale, M., Decatur House and Its Inhabitants,

Introd. to K. Frank, The Works of Affonso XIV:2:32

Eduardo Reidy, XX:2:92,94-95 Bill, A. H., A House Called Morven, Its Role in

"On C.I.A.M.'s Unwritten Catalogue," 111:1/2:43-46 American History, 1701-1954, XIV:2:32

Space, Time and Architecture, 1:3/4:26; 11:2:23,26,30; Dickson, H. E A Hundred Pennsylvania

11:4:3 n3,37-38; 111:1/2:8; VIII:3/4:69; X:l:26; Buildings, XIV:2:32

X:3:13n2; XV1II:3:118; XIX:4:178 Huntington, J. L., Forty Acres, the Story of the

Sptbarocker und romantischer Klassizismus, V:43-44 Bishop Huntington House, XIV:2:32

Giffen, Albert Egges van, XVII:2:5 Gilchrist, L. B X:4:30

, , Gilchrist and Lermond, X:4:30

Romanesque church, XVIII:3:95,98,103; illus. Gilchrist Fam shipbldrs_ X:4:30

XVIII:3:102 fig 10 J ,
g~\.| j . - TT . . | j Gildemeister, Krl

Gi de Hontanon see Hontanon, G.l de Crystal paJace N y (and G ; Carstensen),

Gll y Barbo, XI:4:[6] n8 XVI:1:17 n77,26; XIX:1:14; illus. XIX:1:15 fig 7


Giles de Celsey, 13th c., XIX:4:162

Gill, Irving, 1870-1936, XX:2:95-96
Gillam, S. G.

Towers, Moscow, XVI: 1:31

Gilbert, Bradford

Tower Bldg., N.Y., XII:1:13,20; XVI1I:4:132,136 n40 . , ,,, ,

Gilbert, Cass 11:4:43; XIX: 1:40 Tht Bu,!d'"8 Accounts of the Radcliffe Camera
Rev. by J. Lang, XIX:3:131-132
Gillot, V.46
Gilly, XIX:4:142

Capitol, St. Paul, XIX: 1:40

New Haven plan (and F. L. Olmsted, Jr.), IX: 1/2:35;
illus. IX: 1/2:33 fig 8

Woolworth Bldg.', N.Y., VI:3/4:2; XI:2:16; XV:3:31 Gilly Friedrich [David Friedrich], 1772-1800, 11:3:7;

Gilbert, Creighton, XI: 1:32 1 A. rs . v.

Gilbert, Emile Narcisse Jacques, 1:2:10 G,1Aman' Arthur Delevan, b.ogr., XX:4:192 n4

Gilbert, Katharine E XI.-2.-25 Art.cles and Lectures

"Clean and Organic: a Study in Architectural Lowe11 Lectures, 1844, IX:4:16; XX:4:192 n4

Semantics " X-3-3-7 ^ Return to Solid and Classical Principles'

Gilbert, Miles A., 19th c of Cairo, III, XVI:4:21 n9 (attrib.), XX:4:191-193

Gilbreth, Lillian Review

Time-motion studies XVII-4-38 Shaw, E., Rural Architecture (in North American

Gilchrist, Agnes Addison, biogr. data, XX:3:136; on Review, 1844), IX:4:[20] n3; XX:4:192 n4
Girard College competition, XVI:2:20; on J. Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.)
Haviland, XV:3:31; G. Peterich credits to, Arlington Street Church, Boston (and G. J. F.
XV:2:18n; and SAH, IV:3/4:5S; VI:3/4:35; Bryant), XX:4:191-193; illus. XX:4:191-193
VIII:1 /2:128; X:4:36; XX:3:136; on W. Strickland, r>gs

11:2:27,33-34; X:2:24; XIII:2:30; XIII:3:30; on Back Bay> BStOn

J. C. Trautwine, XVIII:4:161,162,163; and Yale Plan, 1856, XIII:2:20,21
exhibition, "Books and Buildings, 1449-1949," Bennett Block, N.Y., XII:1:18

VIII : 1 / 2:67 Gity Hall, Boston, XX:4:192n4

Articles and Books Drawings, IV:3/4:51
"Additions to William Strickland, Architect and Drexel Bldg., N.Y., XII:1:18

Engineer, 1788-1854," XIII:3:Suppl. Equitable Bldg., Boston, XX:4:192n4

"Art Nouveau Architecture in New York City," Equitable Life Assurance Co. Bldg., 1868, N.Y.
VIII: 1/2:129 (with E. H. Kendall and G. B. Post),

"Current Bibliography of Architectural History" XII:1:15-21; XII:3:31; XX:4:192n4; illus.

(jt. comp.), VII: 1 /2:50-93; VIII:1/2:94-127 XII:1:16 fig 6; 19 fig 12
"Girard College: An Example of the Layman's Hotel Pelham, Boston, XX:4:192n4
Influence on Architecture," XVI:2:22-25 St. John's Episcopal Church, Clifton, S.I.,
"John Haviland before 1816," XX:3:136-137 XX:4:192 n4,193

"Latrobe vs. Strickland," 11:3:26-29 Gilman, M. D., 19th c of Chicago, XVI:l:18nll0


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Gilmer - Gloucester, Mass.

Gilmer, Francis W., X:l:9 Cavallerizza see Giulio Romano: Palazzo Ducale:
Gilmer, Lucy see Fry, Lucy Gilmer Cortile della Cavallerizza
Gilmer, William C., XIII:2:29 Houses, Mantua, XVIH:3:117,118
Gilmer Family, of Va., IX:3:16 Palazzo del T, Mantua, XIII:1:16; XX:4:167
Gilpin, Joshua, early 19th c., XIV: 1:31 Grotto, XX:4:167
Gilpin, William Sala degli Stucchi, XVIII:3:117
Three Essays: on Picturesque Beauty; on Picturesque Sala dei Giganti, XVIII:3:117

Travel; and on Sketching Landscape, Palazzo di Giulio Romano, Mantua, XVIII:3:117,118

XX:2:64nl3 Palazzo Ducale, Mantua

The Gingerbread Age, by J. Maass Cortile della Cavallerizza, XVIII:3:117

Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XVII:3:35 Palazzo Maccarani, Rome, XVIII:3:117

Giocondo, Giovanni, Fra, 111:1/2:28; XIII:3:8; S. Benedetto, San Benedetto Po, XVIII:3:117,118
XVIII:3:117 S. Petronio, Bologna

Project for rotunda with ambulatory, XVII:1:3; illus. Faade designs, XVIII:3:117-118

XVII: 1:[6] fig 8 Villa Lante, Rome, XVIII:3:117

Giorgio, Francesco di ice Francesco di Giorgio Villa Madama, Rome (and Raphael), XVIII:3:117
Giotto, at Arena Chapel, XVI:2:31; W. Braunfels on, Giuria, Juan, V:[39]
XIV: 1:32; medieval city of, XIX: 1:39 Giusto, Andrea di see Andrea di Giusto
Campanile, Florence, XVIII:4:128 n7 Givens, Harry, XV:4:26nl7

Giovanni da Monreale, Fra Gizu

Cappella del Crocifisso, Cathedral, Monreale, Drawing, Headhouse, Mabuiag Island, illus.
XV: 1:5-6; illus. XV: 1:7 fig 3 XIX: 1:26 fig 3

Giovanni di Gherardo da Prato, ca. 1360-ca. 1442 Gjessing, Frederick C., XIV:1:30; XVII:1:30; XIX:2:84
Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence Gjlbaschi see Trysa

Cupola designs, XVIII:1:11-20; illus. XVIII: 1:12 Gladiator, statue, VII:3/4:[17]

fig 1; 15 fig 2; 16 fig 3; 19 fig 4 Glasgow

Giovanni di Paolo Broomielaw Quay Lighthouse, 1824, XV:4:22n66;

Death of Lucretia, painting, 11:3:33 XVI:1:12
Giovanni di Pietro, called Lo Spagna see Lo Spagna Glass, Stephen L.



Giovanpaolo Contini, Giovanni Batista di see Contini, Hodge, A. T., The Woodwork of Greek Roofs,
Giovanni Batista di Giovanpaolo XX:4:201-202

Girard, A. H. Glass (see also Stained Glass; Windows), XI:2:3,4,[8];

An Exhibition for Modern Living (ed., with W. D. XI:3:29; XIII: 1.-18-19

Laurie), VIII:3/4:46-47 Glass painters
Girard, Stephen, XV:3:2; XVI:2:20,22-23,24,25,26 Clayton and Bell, XIX:4:165
Houses of, Philadelphia, XVI:2:23 Glastonbury
Girard College see Philadelphia: Girard College Abbey
Girardino pensile, XVI:2:31 Lady Chapel, XVI:3:34
Girault, John [Juan], 18th c., of Natchez, XIV:4:28-29 Glauce [Glance]

Girgenti Fountain of, Corinth, VII:3/4:34

Churches, IV:2:52 Glazema, P., XVII:2:3

Girodet, XIII: 1:16 Gleason's, magazine, on architecture, XX:l:6nl2,9

Giselbert Glen Andred see Groombridge, Kent

Crypt, Chartres Cathedral, XII:l:6n2 Glencoe, 111.

Gislingham Booth (Sherman) House (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130

Church, IX:3:13 n28 Glengarry see Lexington, Ky.: Glengarry





Map of Imperial Fora, XIII:4:25 House of, Chicago, XVI:3:27; XVII:3:20

Gisors, A. J. B. Guy de, 1762-1835, XV:4:31 "Glimpses of Democracy in Mediaeval Urbanism," by
Gisors, France C. Aronovici, IV: 1:4-17

Church, 1:1:22 Glimpses of Mughal Architecture, ed. by A. Goswami,

Giuliano da Maiano [Majano], XX: 1:40 XVIII:4:168

Giuliano da Sangallo see Sangallo, Giuliano da Glossaries see Dictionaries (Architectural,

Giulio Romano, and bldg. committee of S. Petronio, Biographical, Terminological, etc.)

Bologna, IX:4:12; Serlio on rusticated masonry of, Gloucester, Engl.



Books on Gloucester, Mass.

Hartt, F., XVIII:3:117-118 High School (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and

Cathedral, Mantua, XVIII:3:117,118 Abbott), XVII:3:28


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Gloucester, Va. - Gonzalez del Castillo

Gloucester, Va. Washington Monument, Baltimore, competition
Courthouse, pre-1754, illus. XVIII: 1:2 fig 1 design, XIII:1:17
Courthouse, 1766, 1:3/4:30; XVIII:1:5; illus. Godefroy de Bouillon, XIV:1:3
XVIII: 1:6 fig 8 Godey, Louis Antoine, XVIII:3:104-106,110,111

Courthouse Square, Survey plan, illus. XVIII: 1:2 Godey's Lady's Book and Lady's Magazine,

fig 1 XVIII:3:104-111; illus. XVIII:3:105-110 figs 1-11

Prison, pre-1754, illus. XVIII:1:2 fig 1 Godfrey, William S., Jr., V:20

Glover Farm, Sudbury, Mass., XI: 1:8 Godin

Gmelin, Paul see Voorhees, Gmelin and Walker Familistre, XIX:1:17,19; illus. XIX:1:17 fig 4

Gnidus see Cnidus Godley, Frederick Augustus (see also Hood, Godley
Gnoli, Domenico, XIII:3:11 n22 and Fouilhoux), X:l:l 1,17
Gnossus see Knossos Godman, Col., XIX:2:88
Goa (City) [New Goa] see Pangim, India Godwin, E. W infi. on Richardson, IX: 1/2:27

Goa (City) [Old Goa] Town Hall, Congleton, IX:l/2:27

Architecture, XV:3:3-6 Godwin, George, IX:l/2:27; XIX:4:149 n33

The Bom Jesus, XV:3:4-5,6; illus. XV:3:4 figs 2,3 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 11:3:7; XVII:4:27

Cathedral, XV:3:3,5; illus. XV:3:4 fig 1 Gold Medal Award, of American Institute of
Choro, Seminary of, XV:3:24 Architects, XI:3:29,30

City plan, XIV:4:7 Gold Rush, XVIII:4:160,161

Fortifications (T. Fernandes), XV:3:3 Go,d Rush towns

Hospital, XV:3:3 California, XVI:4:36

Nossa Senhora da Divina Providencia, XV:3:5; illus. Chagres, Pan XVII-3-33

xi u - v,,, , , Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:19-25

Nossa Senhora do Rosano, XV:3:3,6 Thg Golden City, by H. H. Reed, Jr.

S. Agostinho, XV:3:6 Short rev., XVIII:2:72

S. Francisco [Franciscan Church], XV:3:3-4,6 GoIden Fleece, Hapsburg Order of, XV:1:16

S. Joao de Deus, XV:3:6

S. Monica, Convent of, XV:3:6

Golden Horn, XX:2:83

Golden Rule for Drawing and Working the Five Orders

S. Paulo, XV.-3.-4

Senhora da Piedade Chapel, XV:3:6 r J" ^cture, by B. Ungley, XX:3119,128 no.45

Viceroy's Residence, XV 3:3 Go,den sect,0n XVII1:4:164,167;
[mean]' XI:3:8"9;
XIX:2:87; XX:3:147



_ Goldie, George, XIX:4:156
lie, Ge
Churches, XV:3-.3-6,30nlO '

Goaribari People, New Guinea, XIX: 1:28 Lotdwork

Chile, V ^

Gobbo, II see Sangallo, Battista da

Goddard, J. L.
House of, Philadelphia, XIX:1:37

Golf clubs see Clubhouses


Godefroy, Eliza Anderson, XVII: 1:24 n 16 Po^- of^ndrey Bely, XVI:2:30

Godefroy, Maximilian, in Baltimore, XIII:3:30; biogr. Gombrich, Ernst, on Giulio Romano, XVIII:3:117
data, XIII:1:16; use of colonnade screen motif, Gomez' V- P > 19t* c traveIer ln Callf- XV:1:26 nn5'25
XX:2:75; exhibition, Peale Museum, XI:2:27; and Gomez de Mora, Juan, XVIII:4:167
B. H. Latrobe, XV: 1:30 nl4; XX:2:64 nl4; and Gmez-Moreno, Manuel, XVII: 1:9 n3; XX:3:147
C. N. Ledoux, XIII: 1:16-17; on rendering in Goncalez de Mendoca, Joo see Mendoza, Joo

perspective, XX:2:64nl4 Goncalez de, Fr.

Baltimore Exchange [Merchant's Exchange], Gondouin [Gondoin], Jacques, 18th c., and J. F.
Baltimore, contributions to, XIII:1:17; XX:2:76 Blondel, XVIII:4:140; E. Kaufmann on, XV:4:31;

Bank of the United States, Baltimore, design, neo-classicism of, 1:2:9

XX:2-64n8 Ecole de Mdecine [Chirurgie], Paris, XII:4:15
Battle Monument, Baltimore, XIII: 1:16; Gonesse
XVII: 1:19-24; illus. XVII: 1:20 fig 1 Church, IV:3/4:38

Commercial and Farmers Bank, Baltimore, Gonzaga, Cardinal, XVIII:3:117,118

XIII:1:16; XIV:4:27-28; illus. XIV:4:27 Gonzaga, Charles, Duke of Nevers and Rethel, XX:2:57

Masonic Hall, Baltimore ' Gonzaga, Dorotea, XVIL3:18 n6

Bldg. (and W. F. Small, attrib.), XIII:1:17; Gonzaga, Louis, Saint

XX:2:75; illus. XIII:1:17 fig 5; XX:2:74 fig 16 Statue of, XV:3:29

Design, XIII:1:17; XX:2:75; illus., XX:2:74 fig 15 Gonzaga Family, XVII:3:12

St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore Gonzales, Luis, XIV: 1:31

Chapel, XIII: 1:15; XIV:4:27; XVI: 1:28 Gonzalez de Mendoza, Joo see Mendoza, Joo

Unitarian Church, Baltimore, XIII:1:16; XVI:1:30; Goncalez de, Fr.

XX:2:68,75 Gonzalez del Castillo, Emilio, XVIII:2:48

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Gonzalez del Castillo - Gothic Revival

Gonzalez del Castillo, Hilarin, XVIII :2:48,49-51; Gore, Christopher, Gov. of Mass., return from Engl.,
XVIII:3:75-85 passim 1804, XIII:3:26

Ciudad Lineal, proposed, Barcelona, XVIII:2:51; Residences




Linear City project, Belgium, XVIII:2:49-50,51; Waltham, XIII:3:26; XIX:3:129

XVIII:3:77,80,82,83,88; illus. XVIII:2:50 fig 10 Gorham and Mears, 19th c. lime and cement suppliers,
Linear plan proposal, London, XVIII:3:80,82 XX:4:196nl4
Goochland, Va. Gorki [Nishny-Novgorod]
Courthouse (D. Cosby and V. Parish), 1:3/4:30; City plan, IV:1:28
XVIII: 1:8; illus. XVIII: 1:9 fig 20 Gormley, Charles
Good Design Is Your Business, Albright Art Gallery, House of, Wellfleet, Mass., XIX:2:55,56; illus.
Buffalo, VIII:3/4:47 XIX:2:47 fig 1
Good Hope Plantation, Jam., XIV: 1:30 Gorostiza, Consuelo Senz de la Calzada see Calzada
Goode, Lila, XIX:2:82 Gorostiza, Consuelo Senz de la
Goode, Ned, XIX:2:82 Gorski, T. A., VIII:1/2:134
Goodenough, Erwin R., on symbolism of fasces, Goslar
XVII:l:24nl4 Neuwerkkirche, XVII:3:9 n29

Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period Gosse, Edmund, Sir, IX:4:15

Rev. by M. C. Donnelly Goswami, A.

Vols. 1-3, XIII:3:32 Glimpses of Mughal Architecture (ed.)
Vols. 4-6, XVI:2:28 Rev. by P. R. Myer, XVIII:4:168
Goodhart-Rendel, H. S., XIII:4:32; XV:2:30; Gothenburg
XIX:4:168-169 International Federation for Housing and Town
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor (see also Cram, Goodhue Planning
and Ferguson), biogr. study of, IV:3/4:47; Gothic 7th Congress, 1923, XVIII:3:74
style of, 11:3:16; stylistic identification difficult, Gothic architecture
VI:3/4:1 See also Medieval architecture

Chicago Tribune Contest design, VI:3/4:3 Books

State Capitol, Lincoln, Neb., XII:4:17 Bond, F., Gothic Architecture in England,

Goodloe, W. C., VI:1/2:[13] XII:3:25

Goodman, Paul Fitchen, J., The Construction of Gothic

Communitas (and Percival Goodman), XVIII:3:78 Cathedrals..., XX:4:199-200

Goodnough, Edmund, 17th c., XI: 1:6 Lesser, G., Gothic Cathedrals and Sacred

Goodnow, Edmond, 17th c., XI: 1:6-7 Geometry, XVII:l:34-35

Goodnow, Isaac T., VI:l/2:25 Panofsky, E., Gothic Architecture and

Goodnow, Thomas, 17th c., XI:1:9 Scholasticism, XIII:1:28,29,30-31; XVII:2:19

Goodrich, Joseph Simson, O. G. von., The Gothic Cathedral,
Poured concrete bldgs., Wis., XI:2:24 XVII:1:34; XVII:2:27-29; XVIII:4:166-167

Goodrich, L. Carrington, IX:l/2:10nl Worringen W., Form in Gothic, XVI:3:35

Goodwin, Francis, XX:3:100 Construction, XVII:4:9-21; XVIII:4:166-167;

Goodwin, John, 18th c. Philadelphia bldr., XV:4:23,25 XIX:3:91-96; XX:4:199-200

Goodwin, Philip L. Design, philosophy of, XI:3:6-16

Brazil Builds (and G. E. Kidder Smith), XVII:2:30 France, IV:3/4:36-42; VII:3/4:[10]-16; XIII:1:28-31;

Goodwin, Mrs. Rutherford, X:3:28nl XV:3:32

Goodworth Clatford, Engl. Portuguese see Manueline architecture

Bldgs., XI:1:12 Renaissance opinion of, XVII:2:18

Map, XI: 1 :[15] n65 Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism, by E. Panofsky,

Goodyear, William, XII:4:17 XIII:1:28,29,30-31; XVII:2:19

Gookin, Daniel, on Indians' dwellings, XVII:4:32 "Gothic Architecture Defined," by J. Carter, 111:3:32;
Gordians, Villa of, XVII:4:6 IV:3/4:42

Gordon, 18th c. Army engineer, XV:4:24 Gothic Book [Liber Testamentorum], by Bishop Don
Gordon, 19th c of Philadelphia, XIX:1:38 Pelayo of Oviedo, XVI:4:2

Gordon, Alexander The Gothic Cathedral, by O. G. von Simson,

Lighthouse, Galle, Ceylon, XVI:l:17n92 XVII:1:34; XVII:2:27-29; XVIII:4:166-167

Lighthouse, Gibbs' Hill, Berm., XVI:1:17 nn89,92 'The Gothic Cathedral: Design and Meaning," by J. O.
Lighthouse, Morant Point, Jam., XVI:1:12 von Simson, XI:3:6-16
Gordon, George, 19th c. London bldr., XIX:2:78 Gothic Cathedrals and Sacred Geometry, by G. Lesser

Gordon, Peter Rev. by R. Branner, XVII: 1:34-35

View of Savannah, 1734, X:4:7; XX:2:49; illus. X:4:8 Gothic Revival, VII:l/2:49; VII:3/4:18 n 13,20,25,30-32;
fig 4; XX:2:49 fig 3 XI:2:3-4


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Gothic Revival - Granada

Canada, VI:3/4:6,34 Graham, John K.

England, XIII:3:20-25; XIX:4:145-171 Map, 1817, Jeffersonville, XX:3:110; illus. XX:3:111

Germany, 11:3:9-10 fig 2
U.S., 11:3:16-18; IV:3/4:51; XI:2:22-23; XVII:3:23,26 Graham, William A.
Baltimore, XVI:l:28-30 Home of, Hillsboro, N.C., X:l:[22]nl2
California, XIV:3:15-22 Grain elevators

Lexington, Ky., VI: 1/2:[13]-21 See also Granaries

Pittsburgh, XV:2:19-23 Buffalo
Gothick and bead, XVI:4:32 Niagara and Plympton Fireproof Grain Elevator

Gough, Harry Dorsey, XX:3:132-133 (G- H Johnson), XVI:1:14

Gould, Albert, of Boston, X:4:[32] n30 Europe, XIX:1:40

Gould, Elizabeth Barrett Minnesota XIX: 1:40; XX:4:194

"Romanesque Vaulting of France," VlI:3/4:23 e.^_ 5. ' ,!t^ _ ..

r U|j' ct i," to,h' f m " wir i ~>x Grain elevator (D. D. Badger and G. H.
Gould Stephen, 19th c of Newport, XVII:2:24 Jo XVI:1:18 nl07; XIX:4:181,182
Goustiaux, Monn, XVII:3:23 Philadelphia
,, XT ,n, ...... U.S. Warehouse Co., Brooklyn

Gout nouveau, see Genre pittoresque Pennsylvania Railroad grain elevator (D. D.

Government bldgs. see subject heading Public Badger and G H Johnson); XVI:1:18 nl07
architecture and specific types of bldgs., e.g. City Grainger, Richard

halls; Post offices Royal Arcade, Newcastle upon Tyne, XIX:2:88

Governors Island, N.Y. see New York (City) The Grammar of House Planning, 11:1:28-29
Gowans, Alan, and HABS, XIX:2:82 Granada, Archbishop of, 1584, XVII:1:11 n41
'The Baroque Revival in Quebec," XIV:3:8-14 Granada
Church Architecture in New France, XVIII:4:165 Alcazaba
Rev. by S. Wilson, Jr., XVI: 1:31-32 Puerta de la Artilleria

Looking at Architecture in Canada 2d room, XX: 1:32 nl4

Rev. by H. A. Brooks, Jr., XVIII:4:165 Alhambra, XX:1:28 n9,32 nl4,33 nl8,43
"Notre-Dame de Montreal," XI:l:20-[26] Gate of Justice, XX:1:28 n9
Reviews Capilla Real [Royal Burial Chapel of Ferdinand and

Clarke, B. F. L., Anglican Cathedrals outside the Isabella], XVII: 1:8

British Isles, XVIII:3:119-120 Loggia, V:2 n9

Hussey, C., English Country Houses: Late Cartuja [Carthusian monastery]

Georgian, 1800-1840, XIX:3:128-129 Sacristy, XVIII:4:167

Pevsner, N., The Buildings of England, XV:2:29 Cathedral [Santa Maria de la Encarnacion]

Goya, 111:4:4 Ah31" (D- de Silo>> XVII: 1:2,4-5,8; illus.

Goycoechea, Felipe, XIII:4:28-29 XVII: 1:[6] fig 4

Grabar Igr XVI-2-30 Bld8- (D- de Silo work)> XV:1:7; XVII:1:2-11,35;

Grace, Robert, 18th C., XX:1:21 6 XIX:4:177; XX:3:146-147; illus. XVII: 1:2
Graciano Montes, Padre lgJ
La sacristia del templo de San Augustin de Lima,
irf*'a?'c;i J?"5 , f.
Chevet (D. de Silo), XVII:1:2-U; illus. XVII:1:2

fig 1; [6] figs 5,6

Grado, Dr.

-r , / ,, j I -7 ,,,, Foundations (E. d'Egas), XVII: 1:9 nl

Tomb of, Cathedral, Zamora, V:12 n80 Puerta dgl perd6n D dg silo)> V:810.





"A Bibliography of the Art Nouveau," XIV:2:18-27 Retabk of Jess Nazaren0 (J Narvez, M F

Graeme Park see Horsham, Pa. Raya and F. Rodriguez), XV:1:11 nil

Graffiti, Masons' marks, Setting lines, etc., VII:3/4:9; Retable of Santiago (F. Hurtado and J. de la

XIX:3:91,93-95; illus. VII:3/4:pl II fig 5; XIX:3:94 Torre), XV:1:6-10; illus. XV:1:9 fig 5

figs 5,6 Sanctuary (D. de Silo), XVII:l:2-5,9 nl; illus.

Graham, fl. 1850, of San Francisco XVII: 1:2 fig 1; [6] figs 4-6
House of, XI:3:27 Garden wall, rubble, XX:1:28 n9

Graham, Bruce J. see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill Hospital, XVII: 1:35

Graham, C. B., XV:l:29nl0 Palace of Charles V (P. de Machuca), XIX:4:177;

Graham, Ernest Robert XX:l:33nl8

Equitable Life Assurance Co. Bldg., 1914 [1912], San Jeronimo

New York, XI:2:16 Choir-stalls (D. de Silo), V:8

Graham, James Walter, XVII: 1:34 Santa Maria de la Encarnacin see Granada:
Graham, John, 20th c., XVII:1:13 Cathedral

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Granaries - Great Britain

Granaries Gray, Catherine C.
See also Grain elevators House of, Minneapolis, XIII:1:23; illus. XIII: 1:21



Granberry Graybill, B. Landis, XVII:l:29n

Residence of see Chireno, Tex.: Tucker House Gray's Ferry, XIII:3:Suppl. 4,5
Grand Blondel, see Blondel, Jacques Franois: Books: Grayson, Cecil

Architecture franoise Alberti and the Tempio Malatestiano (ed.)

Grand Prix see Prix de Rome Rev. by J. R. Spencer, XIX: 1:41

Grand Republic, steamboat, XI:4:30; illus. XI:4:[29 ] Greasy Bend see New Madrid, Mo.




Grandeur on the Appoquinimink, The House of William Ancient Monuments Acts

Corbit at Odessa, Delaware, by J. A. H. Sweeney 1882 [1883], 1:3/4:11; VI:3/4:8-13

Rev. by H. H. Hilberry, XIX:1:43 1931> 1=3/4:11

Grandjean de Montigny, XVII:2:30 Architecture (see also Nineteenth-century

Grandstands see Stadiums (Arenas, Hippodromes, etc.) architecture), relations with American

Grans, Pedro Nunez see Nunez Grans, Pedro architecture, XI:4:36; XVIII:4:163

Granger, Alfred Hoyt (see also Frost and Granger), Books

XIX-3124n7 Blomfield, R., History of Renaissance

Granger, Elihu, 19th c., XVI:1:18 nl 10 Architecture in England, XIII:4:31-32

Granger, Gideon, XIII:3:16-17,18-19 Boase, T S. R.

Granges see Barns, Stables, etc. En^ An 11J^12J6' XVII:3 34

Granjte English Art 1800-1870, XX-.3-.149

Aberdeen, XIX:4:164 Brie8er' P- En&lish Art 1216-1307,

Hoxie (S. K.) as granite supplier and cutter, ^'u34"3' ,. , ., ,. , . ,

IX-3-28nl- XX-1*12 13 14 15 Cook, G. H., The English Mediaeval Parish

Oiiinrv yy i n is 17 ' ' Church, XVI:3:33

YY piers,
i n Evans,
J., English
Art 1307-1461,
1:12 TT.
, , TT
. ..
Granite warehouses, X:4:29 Hitchcock, H,R Early Vtctor,an Architecture

Grant (Andrew) Traveling Scholarship, VHI:3/4:17

. ,r c . .. . c XI , ,, The Early Phase, 1835-1855], X-.4:36;

U. ^architecture m era of XVH:1:36; xi:2:[8]nl; XIV:1:31; XV:2 22 n5.30-31;
General Grant style, VIII:3/4:3; XI:2:29

Cottage of, Mt. McGregor, N.Y., IV.-2:38

Hussey, C English Country Houses,
Monuments to, Washington, D.C., IV: 1:36
Grant, U. S., Ill, VI:1/2:31; VIII:l/2:93 t , T V TU D fD
_ .' ' , , , ; . ... Jackson, T. G., The Renaissance of Roman
Grants-in-aid see Scholarships, Grants-in-aid, etc. . ... , , . .,
F ' ' Architecture, vol. 2, XIII:4:31

rfnvl e' 10 .. r , Kaufmann, E., Architecture in the Age of

Avery-Downer House, XII:2:8; Ulus. XII:2:[7] fig 12 Reasm; Bamque Qnd Post.Baroq^e J

Episcopal Church, XII:2:8 England, Italy, and France, XII:3:32;

Graphic History Society of America, XIV:4:32 XV-4-30-31

Grashoff, E. W XVII:4:22 Pevsner, N. (and I. A. Richmond), The

Grass houses, XI:3:27 Buildings of England, XW-.2-.29- XVII:2:32

Grasse, Franois Joseph Paul, Comte de, X:3:24 sitwell> s > British Architects and Craftsmen,
Grasset, Emile, XII:4:18 XIII:4:31
Grasshead House, Swampscott, Mass., IX:4:17; illus. Summerson, J., Architecture in Britain

IX:4:[18] fig 3 1530-1830, XIII: 1:32; XIII:4:31-32; XV:4:31

Grassi, Orazio Webb, G., Architecture in Britain: The Middle
San Ignazio, Rome, XIV: 1:9,12; illus. XIV: 1:12 fig 7 Ages, XVI:3:33-34- XVII:3:34

Gratwick, W. H. Whinney, M., English Art 1625-1714, XX:3:149

House of, Buffalo, N.Y., XVII:3:20 Whittier, I. M. S., Some Historical Cities in the

Gravel pits, Needham, XIII:2:19 British Isles, XVII:2:32

Gravel wall houses, of O. S. Fowler, XX:4:194 Industrial, VIII:l/2:l-32

Graves, Dexter, land speculator, 11:4:19 n99 Photographs, VII:l/2:49

Gravesend, Engl. Saxon, XVIII:4:123-125

Lighthouse (W. T. Clark), XVI:1:12 Art, XX:3:149
Gravestones see Mausoleums, Sepulchral monuments, Building Acts
Tombs etc. 1711, XIII:1:11
Graville, de, Admiral, XVII:2:16 1774, XIV:4:18,19

Gray, Judge, fl. 1884, XII:1:10 Church Building Act, 1818, X:4:9

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Great Britain - Greenough

City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Greek roofs, XX:2:201-202
and Planning): Great Britain Greeley, Horace

Corn laws, XX:3:99 Great Industries of the United States, (and others),
"Million Act," 1818, XX:3:149 11:4:9-28 passim
Ministry of Public Buildings and Works Green, 19th c of Pittsburgh, see Leake and Greene
Excavations of royal Anglo-Saxon Palace, 7th c., Green, Hetty, XIV:l:24n7
XVII:2:21 nl7 Green, John H.

National Buildings Commission, proposed, Independent Presbyterian Church, Savannah, X:4:9

VI:3/4:9-13 Green, Pierce P., XVII:4:40

National Buildings Protection Act, 1947, VI:3/4:8-13 Green, Samuel M.

Office of the King's Works, XIII:4:31 'The Architecture of Thomaston, Maine,"

Reform Bills, XVI:4:22-23; XX-.3-.99 X:4:24-[32]

Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical j-/,e Green Child, by H. Read, X:3:6
Monuments and Constructions of England Greenbelt Md. XV:4:6
[Royal Commission on Historical Monuments; Greenbelt'principle, IX:l/2:35
Royal Historical Monuments Commission], Greene, 19th c., of Pittsburgh, see Leake and Greene

IX:3:5; XII:3:24,25; XVII:2:3 Greene, Charles Sumner (see also Greene and Greene),

Town and Country Planning Act, VI:3/4:8-13; 1X1/2-11-19- XX-2-95-96

VIII:3/4:70 Portr., illus. IX:1/2:17

Great Bromley Greene, Henry Mather (see also Greene and Greene),
Almshouse, 17th C., XI:1:4 IX.l/2:11-19; XX:2:95-96
Church, XI: 1:4 Portr., illus. IX-M2M
Town House, 17th c., XI: 1:4 Works

Great City of Shang e Ta-i-Shang Crowe [Crocker] House Pasadena> IX:1/2:19

Great Coxwell r T xt VII ,

Tithe bam ^11:2:10-11.20 n; illus. XVII:2:11 Greene', willmm Holden

JP " . . . JT. tu ri t Granite Block [Bristol Hotel], Providence, XX: 1:6

"Great Expectations and Hard Times: The Planning of

and n8
Cairo, Illinois," by J. W. Reps, XVI -A: 14-21
Roger Williams Bank, Providence, XX: 1:6
Great Falls, Md.
, c. t _ .. Greene and Greene (see also Greene, Charles Sumner;
Old Stone Tavern, X:2:23 IT w








Great Industries of the United States, by H. Greeley v^'t'vvix'u vv!' un ' '

(and others), 11:4:9-28 passim _ XXJI"

Great Milton Bandini (Arturo) House, Pasadena, IX:1 /2:11-12

Church XVII-1 16 Blacker (R. R.) Home, Pasadena, IX:1/2:11,13-18;

The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors XX-.2.96; illus. IX.1/2.14-15 figs 1-4

First report Cabinets, IX:1/2:19; illus. IX:1/2:17 fig 10

Rev. by A. M. Schneider, XX:1:44 Culbertson (James A.) House, Pasadena, IX:1/2:18;

Second report, ed. by D. T. Rice '"us- ITC: 1/2:15 figs 5,6

Rev. by W. L. MacDonald, XX:l:43-44 Gamble <Dav,d B> House' Pasadena, IX-.1/2-.18;

Great Republic, steamboat, XI:4:[31] n28 '"us- I7C1 /2:16 figs 7,8

Great Wall of China, IX:l/2:6,9; illus. IX:l/2:8 fig 9 Thorsen (Wm. R.) House, Berkeley, IX:I/2:18-19;

Great Western Railway of England X:3:21; illus. IX:1/2:16 fig 9

Locomotive, sketch (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 10 Greenfield, Mass.

capt. fig 12; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [13] fig 12 Coleman-Hollister House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16

Greber, Jacques, IX:l/2:35 Colmans (William) House (A. Benjamin), XIII-.3:16

el Greco, XIX:4:177 Greenfield Village, Mich, see Dearborn, Mich.:

Greco-Roman architecture, XIII.-4 (Special Issue) Greenfield Village

Greece Greenhouses
City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History San Francisco

and Planning): Ancient; Cities and Towns Golden Gate Park, XVII:3:35

(Growth, History and Planning): Greece Greenough, Horatio Bender, interest in arts, XVI: 1:25;

History, VIII:l/2:43-44 P- Blake on, XX:4:201; and R. W. Emerson,

Greek architecture, XIII:4 (Special Issue); XVI:4:33; VII:3/4:[17],18; XVII:4:27,29; and functionalists
XVII: 1:33-34; XVII:4:35 X:3:8; dislike of "Greek temples" in New England,
Bibliography, XIII:4:14 X:4:30; on economy of ornament, XVII:4:29;
Greek foot, measurement, XVI:3:13 admiration for ships, XVII:4:27
Greek Revival see Classic Revival Sculpture of G. Washington, XVII:4:29
Greek Revival Architecture in America, by T. F. The Travels, Observations and Experiences of a
Hamlin, 111:3:28; 111:4:67; VII:l/2:46; XX:4:188 Yankee Stonecutter, VII:3/4:18; XVII:4:28

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Greens, Village - Gropius

Greens, Village see City squares, Plazas, etc. Grigg, John
Greensburg, Pa. Bldg. for, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36
Courthouse (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34 Grigg, Milton L., IX:3:16,24; XIII:2:29; XIII:4:32
Greenspring Mansion, near Jamestown Island, X:2:19 Griggs, Milton, 111:3:28

Greenville, S.C. Grilles see Choirscreens; Fences, Grilles, Railings, etc.

First Baptist Church (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36 Grimani, Cardinal, Patriarch of Aquileia
Greenville, Treaty of, 1795, XII:2:4 Villa of, Rome, XIX:3:106; illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1
Greenwich, Engl, see London Grimschitz, Bruno, XIX: 1:41
Greenwood, Miles, 1807-1885, iron founder, Grimston Park
XV:4:14,22 n56 Library, XIX:3:129

Gregory VII, Pope, IV: 1:8 Grimthorpe, Lord, see Denison, Edward Beckett
Gregory XIII, Pope, IX:4:10 Grinnell, Iowa

Gregory XVI, Pope, XIV:3:3 Merchants' National Bank (L. Sullivan), XIX:2:68

Gregory of Tours, Saint, IV:3/4:7,10; VII:3/4:[10]; Griscome, Sam 1, 18th c., XV:4:25

XVI-319 Grisegonelle, Geoffry, Count of Anjou, IV:3/4:16

Gregory, fl. 1908, of Berkeley Griswold, Mariana see Van Rensselaer, Mariana
House of, X:3:20 Griswold

Gregory, Robert T., XIX:1:34 Grodecki, Louis, on compound piers, XVII:3:3,6,7,8;

grelot ' ' on Ottonian architecture, XIX:4:176; on date of

Engravings of St. Paul's, London, XVIII:4:142 nl2 St Germam des Pres, XVII:3:9 n40

Grenoble "Groin-arches," plaster, XX:3:134-135; illus. XX:3:135

St. Laurent, VlI:3/4:22 fig t . .

Gresham, ofSacul, Tex. Groma, VIII:3/4:31

Tj r vi-a-m -, Gromatici, VIII:3/4:31

Greater ' ' Gromaticus, Hyginus see Hyginus Gromaticus

Map. 1618, Rome, XK*10 "Silld

Grew, Edward S.

Groombridge, Kent.
_ . _ . _ Glen Andred (R. N. Shaw), XX:3:149
House of, Manchester, Mass., XVII:3:28

Grey Eyes , Squire see Esquire Grey Eyes G Mardn

Greystone Park NJ Concerthaus, Leipzig, 11:3:11

New Jersey State Hosp.ta 4 VIV , Museum of Applied Arts, Berlin, 11:3:11

Morns Plains Division S Sloan) XIX: -35 GropiuS, Walter (see also Bauhaus), American view of,

Gridiron city plan, VI:3/4:23,26,28-30,34; VII:l/2:48; jn 1920's, VI:3/4:4; and Bauhaus, 11:3:31; 111:4:6;

VIII: 1 /2:132; VIII:3/4:10-12,15,27-42; XII:3:17-22; x XIX;3:128; absence from Brussds Fa,r>

XIV:4:3-7,10-11; XX:3:108-114; illus. VI:3/4:pl VI; XVIH:3:115; and functionalism, X:3:10; XV:2:30;

yiH:3/4:pl V fig 6b , Harvard phase, XIX:3:128; Howard Myers

Gndley, 19th c. lime and cement supplier, see Sage and Memorial Award to, X:4:36; influence of,

Gndley XVIII:2:54; XX:4:200; Royal Gold Medal to,

Griffen, John W., XIII:2:28-29 XIX:4:145; and SAH, 11:3:31; use of term "vital,"

Griffen, Walter Burley see Griffin, Walter Burley X-3-6

Griffin, Hugh see Griffyn, Hugh Books on

Griffin, Marion Mahony [Marian Mahoney; Mrs. Andrews, W Architecture, Ambition and
Walter Burley Griffin], in office of F. L. Wright, Americans, XV:2:30

111:4:19; as prairie architect, XIX:1:9; supervision Herbert, G., The Synthetic Vision of Walter

of Wright's E. P. Irving House, XVIII:2:64n8 Gropius, XIX:3:128

Biography of W. B. Griffin [typescript], VIII:3/4:68 Hitchcock, H.-R., Architecture: Nineteenth and

Drawings, VIII:3/4:68 Twentieth Centuries, XIX:3:126

Griffin, Walter Burley, biogr. by Mrs. Griffin, Japanese, XVI:4:36

VIII:3/4:68; M. L. Peisch on, XX:3:140; style, Joedicke, J., A History of Modern Architecture,
XIX: 1:8-9; and F. L. Wright, 111:4:19; XIX: 1:8 XIX:2:86-87

City plans, IX: 1/2:35 Pevsner, N., Pioneers of the Modern Movement
Drawings, VIII:3/4:68; IX:l/2:37 from William Morris to Walter Gropius,

Emery (William H.) House, Elmhurst, 111., XIX: 1:8-9; X:3:8,13n3

illus. XIX: 1:9 figs 12,13 Works (Articles and Books)
Griffin, Mrs. Walter Burley see Griffin, Marion Katsura, Tradition and Creation in Japanese

Mahony Architecture (and K. Tange)

Griffith, Thomas W., IX:4:23 Brief rev., XX: 1:44

Griffiths, Hannah, XX:1:25 n21 "Not Gothic but Modern for Our Colleges,"
Griffyn, Hugh, 17th c., XI:1:9,12 X:4:36

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Gropius - Guatemala
Scope of Total Architecture, XVIII:3:118; Guadalupe, Peru

XIX:3:128 Monastery, V:40

Training the Architect (quote), 11:2:11 Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mex.
Works (Bldgs. and Designs) Basilica, V:28,29-30

Bauhaus Bldgs., Dessau, 111:4:6; XX:4:200 Chapel of the Well, V:28,32

Chicago Tribune contest design (and A. Meyer), Guadet, 1:2:8



Fagus Factory, Alfeld (and A. Meyer), XIV:4:32; Cathedral





Werkbund Administration Bldg., Cologne (and A. Guaira, La see La Guaira, Venezuela

Meyer), XX:4:200 Gualandrino, XVIII:1:18,19,20
Gros, XIII: 1:16 Gualdo, Paolo
Grose, XV:2:29 "Vita di Andrea Palladio," XX:3:150
Grosseteste, XVII:2:28 Gualterotti, Raffaello

Grottos (see also Chaitya-halls), 111:4:37 "Vaghezze sopra Pratolino," XX:4:163-164,166,167

Cortona Guamanga see Ayacucho, Peru

Grotto of Pythagoras, 11:1:11 nl8 Guardi, medieval city in paintings of, XIX:1:39
Designs View of Venice, 11:3:33
Furttenbach, J., Architectura Civilis, XIX:2:76 Guarini, Guarino, and K. I. Dientzenhofer's Banz
Mantua Abbey, XVII:4:22; in Paris, XV:2:3-11; spatial
Palazzo del Te (Giulio Romano), XX:4:167 composition of, XII:4:12; study of, VIII: 1 /2:87; R.
Pratolino, XX:4:157-168 passim Wittkower on, XVIII:4:164


Villa d'Este (P. Ligorio), XX:4:168 Architettura Civile, XV:2:6,8,10 and nl9,
Grounds and Buildings of the Centennial Exhibition, 11 nn21,22; XVII:4:22; illus. XV:2:4,5
1878, XIX: 1:11 figs 1-3; 8 figs 5,6; XVII:4:23 fig 4

Group bldgs. Placita philosophica, XV:2:11 n43

Bauhaus (W. Gropius), 111:4:6; XX:4:200 Buildings and Designs
Columbia College rebldg. project (J. Renwick, Sr.), Annunziata, Messina, IV:2:52; XV:2:5,11 n44
XI:2:23; illus. XI:2:23 Cappella della Santa Sindone, Turin Cathedral,
Discount Bank project (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:19-20 XV:2:6
Government offices, London, XIX:4:159-162 Castello Reale, Racconigi, XV:2:10,11 n44
House for Four Families (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:20; Chiesa dei Padre Somaschi, Messina, XV:2:5,7

illus. III:3:[12a] fig 14 Church, Gabel, designs, XVII:4:22

Nineteenth century, 111:3:20 Church, Oropa, XV:2:11 n44
Rockefeller Center, N.Y., 11:1:17; VI:3/4:5,28; Collegio de'Nobili [Accademia delle Scienze],
X:l:l 1-17; XI:2:17; XVIII:2:54-59; illus. X:l:[15] Turin, XV:2:10,11 n44

figs 8-11; XVIII:2:56-59, figs 4-13 Palace project, Paris, XV:2:8-10; illus. XV:2:8

Union College, Schenectady (J. J. Rame), XI:2:23; figs 5,6

XII:4:32; XV1I:3:22 Palazzo Carignano, Turin, XV:2:9-10,11 n44; illus.




Groupe d'tudes pr-romanes, Paris, XIII: 1:29 Sainte Anne-la-Royale, Paris, XV:2:4-8,10,11 n44;
Grovert, T. G., XVIII:4:155 n4 illus. XV:2:4-5 figs 1-3
Groves, fl. ca. 1850, of Indianapolis San Filippo, Messina, XV:2:5
Residence of, XVII: 1:32 San Lorenzo, Turin, XV:2:6,7,11 n44




Carolingian timber church, XVII:2:3 Santa Maria de la Divina Providencia, Lisbon,

Gruber, Karl XV:2:11 nn28,44

Die Gestalt der Deutschen Stadt St. Mary's, Alttting

Rev. by P. Zucker, XII:2:31 Engraving, illus. XVII:4:23 fig 4

Gruen, Victor, XIX: 1:40 Guas, Juan, J. M. de Azcrate on, XVI:3:35; infi. in
Gnissau Hispaniola, V:[l]
Cistercian Church, XV:3:8-9 Palacio del Infantado, Guadalajara, XIX:4:177
Guadalajara, Mex. Courtyards, V:2 n9
Cathedral San Juan de los Reyes, Toledo, XVI:3:35

Chinese pallium, V:22 Open-well staircase, XIX:4:177

Guadalajara, Spain Guas, Pedro, XVI:3:35

Casa Avalos, V:2n9 Guasti, Cesare, XVIII:1:11,14,16,18

Palacio del Infantado (J. Guas), XIX:4:177 Guatemala

Courtyards, V:2n9 Architecture, VII:l/2:49


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Guayra, La - Gutheim
Guayra, La see La Guaira, Venezuela Santa Clara

Guben, Ger. Faade (J. Moreira), XV:3:8

Wolf House (L. Mies van der Rohe), XX: 1:42 So Domingos
Gniik see Xanthus Chapel, Third Order, XV:3:8
Gurin, IX: 1/2:33,35 Church, XV:3:10

Guernica (P. Picasso), 111:4:4 Hospital, XV:3:14 and n7

Guerrero y Torres, Francisco, V:32nl9 So Francisco

Guggenheim (John Simon) Memorial Foundation Chapel, Third Order, XV:3:8

Fellowships Church, XV:3:14

Recipients, Conant, K. J., XVI:3:3-6; Crosby, S. Santo Tirso

McK., VII:3/4:[ 13]; Hersey, C. K VII:3/4:[10]; Monastic bldgs., XV:3:10

Janson, H. W., Vl:3/4:36; Kennedy, R. W Guimard, Hector, leading exponent of Art Nouveau,
VI:3/4:36; Kubler, G., V:57; Morrison, H., XIV-2-18
VI : 3/4:36; VIII : 1 / 2:13 5; Ross, M. C., VI:3/4:36; Le Castel Branger, XIV:2:18

Sizer, T., VIII:3/4:70; Sunderland, E. R., Mtro stations, Paris, X1V:2:18

XII:1:3 n; Tolnay, C. de, VI:3/4:36; Wethey, Guise, France

H. E., VIII:3/4:68 Familistre, XII:3:17

Guggenheim (Solomon R.) Museum see New York Guishard, David, 18th c. piasterer, XX:3:135

(City): Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Guizot 1-3/4-5,7,14

Guglielmo, Saint, see William of Volpiano Gumelnitza, Walachia

Guidai, Bartolom, V:[21] Archaeological investigations, IV:3/4:24


Gundenham Manor, Somerset, Engl., XX:3:136; illus.

Baedeker, XII:3:24; XVII:2:32; XX:2:57

California Missions, XIX: 1:42-43

XX:3:136 fig 1

Gundesheimer, Herman, V:[42],43

Cleveland, XVIII:3:120

Gunshot manufacturers

Great Britain

U.S., XVI: 1:17 n96

Whittier, I. M. S., Some Historical Cities in the . , . . . , , .

British Isles XVII-2-32 Gunshot towers, not properly considered skyscrapers


Michelin, XX-.2-.57
Muirhead, XII:3:24


Austin ville, Va., XVI:1:17-18 n96

Baltimore, Md.


The Stranger's Guide in Philadelphia for 1854, Phoenix Shot Tower, XVI:,.13

xx.j 17 j Chicago, XVI:l:18n96

Rome (City) New York <city)' XII:1:21; XV:3:31; aV:4:21 n51;

British School collection of early guides, XI:2:26 XVI:1:12-14,15-17; XIX:4:181,182; illus.

San Francisco Bay, XIX:3:132 XII:1:19 fig 12; XV:4:13 fig 1; XVI:1:16



Pratt, D. and R., A Guide to Early American ^an Franc'sco

Homes - North and... South, XVII:4:36-37 Selby Shot Tower <s- Williams), XVIII:4:161

Washington, D.C. Villach, Aus., XVI:1:17 n96

Elliot, W. P., Washington Guide, X:2:ll Gunston Hall (W. Buckland), XIII:2:3-8; XVII:4:40;

Guidetti, IX:4:13 XVIII:2:71; XX:3:120,122; illus. XIII:2:[5],6,7

Guido, Angel, V:34,[39] n8s 1-3,5-8

Guido of Vienne see Calixtus II, Pope Woodwork, X-.2-.22

Guienne, Eleanor of see Eleanor of Guienne Guniik see Xanthus

Guildhalls Gunzo, Abbot of Baume, XVI:3:8

Shaftesbury, XI:1:13 Guptill, Bertha L., XV:2:18 n

Guilds, 1:2:3,4,7; 11:2:8; 111:1/2:17,18,34-35; Gurlitt, Cornelius, on Banz Abbey, XVII:4:22;
IV:1:7-10,14,24; XIII:3:3 attribution to Briseux of Architecture Moderne,
Guillaume, Abbot of St.-Bnigne, see William of 1728, XVIII:2:60
Volpiano Gurney, Francis, Col., XII:2:27

Guillaume d'Auvergne see William of Auvergne Gushard, David, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Guillaume de Paris see William of Auvergne Gustavo A. Madero, Mex. see Guadalupe Hidalgo,
Guillaume du Choul see Du Choul, Guillaume Mex.
Guimares, Port. Gustavus, Ohio

Casa dos Lobos Machados, XV:3:10,14; illus. Church [Greek Revival], VII:3/4:32
XV.-3:12 fig 14 Guthe, Carl E IV:2:37

Hospital, XV:3:14 and n7 Gutheim, Frederich, 111:4:52; IX:l/2:35

N. S. da Consolao e Santos Passos Gutheim, Fritz, X-.2-.25
Church (A. R. Soares da Silva), XV:3:8
Towers (P. Ferreira), XV:3:14 and n8


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Guthrie - Haigh
Guthrie, James B., XX:4:198 Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott,

Gutirrez Sencio, Miguel, V:36 XVII:3:28; illus. XVII:3:[29] fig 14

Guzmn, Francisco Antonio de Fuentes y seeFuentes y Peabody and Stearns, IX:4:17

Guzman, Francisco Antonio de Indoor Athletic Building (Coolidge, Shepley,

Gwathmey, John, XX:3:110 Bulfinch and Abbott), XVII:3:27

Gwynn, John, 18t h c., XIV:4:17,20 Chapel Hill, N.C.

Essay on Harmony as It Relates Chiefly to Situation Gymnasium and Ballroom, University of North
and Building (attrib.), XX:3:128nl7 Carolina (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35
Gwynn, John R., 19th c. lime producer, XIV:3:15 Designs
Gyeul Bashi seeTrysa Holden, I., for Girard College competition,
Gymnasiums XVI:2:26
See also Clubhouses Pergamum

Berkeley, Calif. Gymnasium complex, XIII:4:18; illus. XIII:4:20

Hearst Memorial Gymnasium for Women fig 18

(B. Maybeck), X:3:20 Priene, VIII:l/2:53; XIII:4:9; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XVI

Cambridge, Mass. Gypsum, XX:4:196
Hemenway Gymnasium

HABS see United States: National Park Service: Hadley, Mass.
Historic American Buildings Survey Forty Acres [Huntington (Bishop) House], XIV:2:32
H-plan bldgs. Hadrian, Emperor, brick architecture in the reign of,
Jacobean, XVI:2:17; illus. XVI:2:18 fig 4 1:1:4-6; infi. by Egyptian planning, VIII:3/4:34;
Slate Roof House, Philadelphia, X:2:24 and Italica, XV:4:6; completion of Roman Forum,
Stratford Hall, XIII:2:8; XVI:2:17; illus. XVI:2:18 XIII:4:23
fig 3 Library of see Athens: Library of Hadrian

Restorations (F. Kimball), 1:3/4:15 n Mausoleum of see Rome (City): Castel Sant'Angelo

Haarlem Villas of see Palestrina, Italy: Hadrian's Villa; Tivoli,

St. Bavo, illus. IX:3:[4] Italy: Villa Adriana
Haarnagel, Werner, XVII:2:5 Hring, Hugo, XIX:3:126
Haas, De see De Haas Hagen, Ger.

Habitation moderne et urbanisme, by A. Boll, Folkwang Museum (H. van de Velde), 11:3:12

XVIII:3:93 n58 Hagerstown, Md.

Hackensack, N.J. Hager House, XVII:4:36
Reformed Church, 1791, VII:3/4:31 Hagerty, John, 18th c of Baltimore, XVIII:1:34
Haddam, Conn. Haglin, Charles F., XIX: 1:40
Meeting House, XIX:2:76 The Hague
Haddingtonshire, Scot. City plan, XX: 1:41
Houston Mill, VIII:l/2:5; illus. VIII:l/2:pl I fig 2 Huis ten Bosch (J. van Campen), XX:1:42
Haddon, A. C., XIX:1:26 and n5,28,29,30 Huygens (Constantijn) House, XX:1:41
Haddon Hall, XV:2:29 Kerplein's Store (H. P. Berlage), XVIII:2:68

Haddonfield Ready Villa Association, XVIII:3:105 Mauritshuis, XX:1:41

Hadfield, George, d. 1826 Hahn, of Thomaston, Me.

Capitol, Washington (supervision of works), House of, X:4:25



City Hall, Old [District Court House], Washington, Die frhe Kirchenbaukunst der Zisterzienser;
VIII: 1 /2:93; X:2:14n4; XV:1:28; illus. X:2:19 Untersuchungen zur Baugeschichte von Kloster
Country house near Washington, 1798, X:2:14n4 Eberbach im Rheingau und ihren europischen
Lee Mansion National Memorial, Arlington, Va., Analogien im 12. Jahrhundert
1:3/4:19; IV:1:38; X:2:l 1-15; illus. X:2:[13] Rev. by R. Branner, XVIII:4:165-167
Hadfield, Maria see Cosway, Maria Hadfield Hahnloser, Hans R., on Reims palimpsest,
Hadfield, Matthew E. see Weightman and Hadfield XVII:4:9,20 nnl2,24,35,21 n49; on Villard de
Hadleigh Honnecourt, XI:3:15; XIX:2:85; XIX:3:91 nl

Church Haigh, Mrs. W. H., XX:3:124

Pulpit (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146nl2

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Haiti - Hamilton

Haiti Twenty-Six New Designs of Geometrie Paling,

See also Hispaniola XX:3:127n8

Architecture, XIV:1:30 Useful Architecture, XX:3:127 no.30
el-Hakam II, Caliph, XV:2:7 Halfway Tree, Jam.
Hakewill House, X:3:26; illus. X:3:25 fig 10
Regency Gothic work, XX:3:149 Parish church, X:3:24
al-Hakim Halifax, Engl.

Mosque of, Cairo, 111:4:35; XVII:3:9n29 Town Hall (C. Barry), XX:3:149

Haibert, William Carter, XII:3:29 Watermills, VIII: 1/2:5

Haie, Charles Henry, VI: 1/2:19 Halikarnassos [Halicarnassus]

Hale, Joanna, XVII:3:30nl Mausoleum, XI:3:4; illus. XI:3:[3] fig 12
Hale, Nathan, XIV:2:11 nl7 Hall, Augustus, XI:4:16

Haie, Thomas, XI:4:[23] Hall, David, 18th c. Philadelphia bkseller,

Hale Park (T. Archer), XIII:4:32 XX:3:124,129 n28

Half-timber construction, XVI:4:8; XVIII:l:29-33 Hall, John, 19th c. Baltimore architect, VIII:1/2:128;
Half-watermelon domes, XV:l:19n22; XX:l:29-30 XI: 1:29

Halfpenny, 18th c. architect Hall, Louise, on AIA founding, XVI:3:36; on A.

Church[es], XIII: 1:11 Benjamin, XIII:3:19n4; on craft-organizations
Halfpenny, John publications, X:2:26; on B. Loxley, XV:4:24,25; on

Books, XX:3:119,121 J. McComb, Jr., VII:3/4:37; on piazza, X:2:20; on

The Country Gentleman's Pocket Companion and early prefabricated bldgs., XII:1:22; and SAH,
Builder's Assistant (and W. Halfpenny), VIIM/2:128; IX:l/2:37; X:3:32; XI:2:25; on W.
XX:3:126 no.21,127 n8 Strickland, XIII:3:Suppl. 2,4,16
The Modern Builder's Assistant... (with W. "Current Bibliography of Architectural History" (jt.
Halfpenny, R. Morris and T. Lightoler), comp.), VIII:l/2:94-127

XX:3:126no.22 'The Design of the Old Patent Office," XV:l:27-30

Rural Architecture in the Chinese Taste (and W. Letter to the Editor, on formation of Carpenters'
Halfpenny), XX:3:126n6 Company, XVI:3:36
Rural Architecture in the Gothic Taste (and W. "Loxley's Provocative Note," XV:4:26-27

Halfpenny), XX:3:127 no.27 Hallet, Etienne Sulpice [Hallete, Stephen],

Halfpenny, William [Michael Hoare, pseud.] VII: 1/2:23,30; XIII:1:16

Books, XX:3:119,121,126-127 Hallett, of Denver

The Art of Sound Building Demonstrated in House of, XVIII:2:70

Geometrical Problems, XX:3:126 no.19 Hallett, Andrew, Jr., 17th c.

The Builder's Pocket Companion [by Michael House of, Yarmouth, Mass., XIX:2:52; illus.
Hoare, pseud.], XX:3:126 no.20 XIX:2:50 fig 5
Chinese Lattices and Palings, XX:3:127 n8 Halloway, Christopher see Galloway, Christopher
The Country Gentleman's Pocket Companion and Halls

Builder's Assistant [scad J. Halfpenny), Medieval, XVII:2:8-11,20; illus. XVII:2:9 fig 19; 10
XX:3:126 no.21,127 n8 figs 20-21

The Modern Builder's Assistant.. . (with J. Hals, Frans, XX:1:41

Halfpenny, R. Morris and T. Lightoler), Halse Hall, Clarendon Parish, Jam., X:3:26-27
XX:3:126no.22 Halsey, Richard Townley Haines, 11:2:25; XIII:2:8nl
A New and Complete System of Architecture. .., Hambidge, "dynamic symmetry" of, XIX:2:87
XX:3:122,126 no.23 Hamburg, Ger.

[New] Designs for Chinese Temples, Cathedral, 11th c., XVII:2:21 nl4
XX:3:121,122,126 no.24; illus. XX:3:124 City plan, VIII:3/4:8
fig 11 Municipal Hospital, Altona (D. Lienau), XIV:1:18
Perspective Made Easy [.Architecture in Perspective], Nikolaikirche [St. Nicholas] (G. G. Scott), XII:4:16;



Practical Architecture, XX:3.127 no.26 Rathaus (G. G. Scott), XIX:4:155,159

Rural Architecture in the Chinese Taste (and J. Hamel, Charles, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Halfpenny), XX:3:126n6 Hamer, Philip M., X:3:32

Rural Architecture in the Gothic Taste (and J. Hamill, Alfred E., XI:1:28

Halfpenny), XX:3:127 no.27 Hamilton, Alexander, visited Litchfield, Conn., X:4:20;

Twelve Beautiful Designs for Farm Houses, on production of nails, 11:4:10

XX:3:127 no.28 Hamilton, Andrew, 18th c.

Twenty New Designs of Chinese Lattices, Plan for Pennsylvania State House [Independence
XX:3:127 no.29 Hall], Philadelphia, XI:3:23; illus. XI:3:24

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Hamilton - Hannen

Hamilton, Frederic, Lord, X:3:27 Hammer, Henry, 18th c. piasterer, XX:3:135

Hamilton, George Heard Hammer, Saw-tooth and Nail, Architectural Follies in

The Art and Architecture of Russia America, by C. Lancaster, XIX:4:179-180
Rev. by N. A. Eleneff, XVI:2:28-30 Hammerwood Lodge (B. H. Latrobe), XV:4:29
Review Hammett, Ralph W., 11:2:33

Mayor, A. H., Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Hammond, Bray, XIII:3:30

XII: 1:32 Hammond, Matthias

Hamilton, W. David House of see Annapolis: Hammond (Matthias) House

Houses of Parliament, London, competition design, Hammond, Thomas, 18th c. plasterer, X:2:18;
XX:3:102; illus. XX:3:104 fig 5 XX:3:132,135

Hamilton, William, 18th c of Philadelphia, X:2:18n4; Hammondsville, Tavern at, painting (Burchfield), 11:3:32

XIII:3:Suppl. 2,10 Hampshire House (T. Archer), XIII:4:32

Hamilton, Can. Hampstead, Ga., XX:2:49
St. Paul's Church (W. Thomas), VI:3/4:6 Hampstead, S.C.
Hamilton, N.Y. City plan (H. Laurens), X:4:6
Houses with laminated wooden walls, XVI:2:27-28; Hampton Court

illus. XVI:2:27 Paired columns, XIII:1:14 nl8

Hamilton Family, of Hamilton, Ont., XI:4:36 Tudor tennis court, XVIII:3:117

Hamilton Family, of Philadelphia, XIII:3:Suppl. 2 Wren work, XVII:3:27
Estate of see Philadelphia: The Woodlands Hampton Mansion [Ridgely House] see Towson, Md.:
Hamlin, A. D. F., XIV:3:24,27,28 Hampton Mansion
Hamlin, Talbot F., as architectural historian, 11:1:4; Han Dynasty house, IX:l/2:9; illus. IX:l/2:8 Fig 10
111:3:4; as Avery Librarian, IV:3/4:51,55; on A. Hanau

Benjamin, XIII:3:16; on city planning, 11:4:38; Twelve-sided church, IX:3:13nl9

111:3:7; death notice, XV:4:32; on eclecticism, Hanbury-Tracy, Charles [Lord Sudeley],
XII:4:17; on Fluvanna County Courthouse, XX:3:101,102,104,105

XVIII: 1:8; on Greek Revival, 111:3:28; VII:l/2:46; Hancock, of Austin, Tex.

XVI:2:22; E. W. Kramer credits to, XIV:l:24nl; House of see Austin, Tex.: Sunny Ridge
on B. H. Latrobe, X:l:28; on R. Mills and the Hancock, John
Hermitage, Nashville, XV:l:30nl5; on Old House of sec Boston, Mass.: Hancock (John) House
Custom House, N.Y., XX:4:188,189; on C. Hancock, Samuel, of Hillsboro, N.C., X:l:18-19
Pollard, X:4:36; and preservation, V:47; IX:4:28; Hancock, N.H.
XIII:2:29,30; on S. Thomson, XX:4:189; and SAH, Congregational Church, 1820, VII:3/4:29
11:4:40; 111:4:66; IV:3/4:55; V:47; IX:4:28; XI:1:32; Hancock Family, of Boston, XIII:1:11
and Yale exhibition, "Books and Buildings, Handbuch der Architektur, 11:2:28

1449-1949," VIII:l/2:67 Handkerchief domes, XV:l:19n22

Articles and Books Handy, Frank, XIX:l:6nl4

Architecture Through the Ages, 11:2:24 Handyside, William, 1793-1850, VII:1/2:7,15 n67

Benjamin Henry Latrobe Hanequin, Master, of Brussels, XVI:3:35

Rev. by R. Newcomb, XV:4:29-30 Hanfmann, George M. A., and H. H. Hoffmann,

SAH Book Award, 1955, XV:1:32; XV:4:29 XI:3:1; and SAH, 1:1:20
'The 'Fort' at New Smyrna, Florida: What Is It?", "Etruscan Doors and Windows," 11:1:8-16,22
XII:4:30-31; XIII:2:28 Letter to the Editor, on terremare, VII:l/2:48
Greek Revival Architecture in America, 111:3:28; Review

111:4:67; VII:l/2:46; XX:4:188 Blake, M. E., Ancient Roman Construction in

"A Previously Unpublished Perspective of the Italy from the Prehistoric Period to Augustus,
United States Capitol by B. H. Latrobe," VII:3/4:[33]-36


"The Rise of Eclecticism in New York," XI:2:3-[8] Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Co., N.Y.,
"Some Necessary but Unwritten Architectural XV:4:22n63
Histories," 11:2:24-28,37 Hangars

Review Wright Brothers National Memorial, Kill Devil

Cross, S. H., Medieval Russian Churches, Hills, XIII:3:28-29; illus. XIII:3:29
VIII:l/2:90-92 Hanks, Benjamin

Hamlin, Mrs Talbot F., XVI:3:31 House of, Litchfield, Conn., illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Hammad, Beni, People Hannah see Struthers and Hannah
Palace, Kalaa, XX:2:88; illus. XX:2:89 fig 23 Hannegan, Barry, XVI:3:29 n47

Hammel, of Hudson, Ohio Hannen, James, 18th c XX:3:135

House of, XII:2:10 Hannen, John, 18th c., XX:3:134-135


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Hanover, N.H. - Harris

Hanover, N.H. Hardwick, Philip, XX:3:149
Dartmouth College, 111:1/2:39 nl; XX:3:116 Hardwick, Thomas

Baker Library St. Paul's, Covent Garden, London, rebuilding,

File on A. B. Young, XIX:3:119 IX:3:12

Reed Hall (A. B. Young), XIX:3:120; illus. Hardy, Thomas P. [Hardy, W. P.]
XIX:3:120 fig 2 House of, Racine, XIX:4:183

Shattuck Observatory (A. B. Young), XIX:3:121; Hargreave, James

illus. XIX:3:121 fig 3 Spinning jenny, VIII:l/2:3,5

Thornton Hall (A. B. Young), XIX:3:120; illus. Hariot, Thomas

XIX:3:120 fig 1 A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of
Wentworth Hall (A. B. Young), XIX:3:120 and Virginia, XVII:4:31
capt. fig 1 Harlan, Allison

Hanover Va. House of, Chicago, XIX: 1:4

Courthouse, XVIII:1:4; illus. XVIII: 1:4 fig 3 Harlaxton Hall (A. Salvin), XX:3:149

Hans Joseph, XIII-2-30 Harlow, A. B. (see also Alden and Harlow; Longfellow,
Hans armies IV-17 Alden and Harlow; Longfellow and Harlow),
Hansard ' X:25
Parliamentary Debates, XX:3:103-104 Harls, Hermano Antonio, V:23

Hanseatic Union, XVI:2:29 Harmach.s [Harmakh.s], deity, see Re

Hansen, Thv. Krohn see Krohn-Hansen, Thv. Hm-mar, Ohio [Marietta]

Hansom, Joseph Aloysius Gallened house' ca' 1840' XII:2:5; lllus XII:2:t7)
Metropolitan Music Hall, project, XVI: 1:17 n79 lg 8

Hapsburg Family, IV: 1:7 ' c . .

Hapsburg Order of the Golden Fleece, XV:1:16 Paintings of Missions, XV:1:25 n3

Harmon, Arthur Loomis

See also Shreve, Lamb and Harmon
VT tu i a e .l v I j Shelton Hotel, N.Y., XI:2:17

Harbeson, John F.

Noffsinger, J. P., The Influence of the Ecole des Harmondsworth

Beaux-Arts on the Architects of the United ,. ,, . ,c e ,,

J Tithe barn, XVII:2:14-16; illus. XVII:2:15 fig 32; 17

states, XVII:2:29 _ jg _ ^j

Harbeson, William P., XIII:3:31 u fD vv,.,0

ww ,. rr cr T ,, , c i t I - Harmony of Building, XX:3:128 nl7

Harbingers of Eiffel s Tower, by F. I. Jenkins, Harmony Society, New see New Harmony Society

XVI:4:22-29; XIX:1:11 Harnden Peter XVII-2-22 n47

Harbors see Docks, Harbors, Navy yards, Wharves, Harper> Philip Strickland, XIII:2:30; XIII:3:SuPPl. 2

etc' Harper, Robert Goodloe, Gen.

Harden, William House of, Baltimore, XX:2:64

"A Suggestion as to the Origin of the Plan of Harper-Strickland Fund, XVI:2:20

Savannah," XX:2:50 Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Hardenbergh, Henry Janeway, and D. Lienau, Restoration, XV:4:2,6

XIV: 1:24; in C. Tunnard and H. H. Reed, Storer College, XVlil:4:160
American Skyline, XV:3:31 us Arsenal, VII:l/2:22,28

Willard Hotel, New, ca. 1902 [C. T. Purdy, attrib.], pjre Engine House [John Brown's Fort],

Washington, IV:3/4:58 XVIII:4:159-160; illus. XVIII:4:159 fig 1

Hardenburg!!, 19th c. Philadelphia architect, IV:3/4:51 Harpers Ferry National Monument, XVIII:4:160

Harder, Delias H., XIX: 1:33 Harpers Weekly

Harding, of Nashville View of N.Y., 1870 (T. R. Davis), XII:1:21;
House of [Bellemeade], 11:2:33 XVI:1:18 nl05; illus. XII:1:19 fig 11

Harding, Lot, II, 1721-1802, XIX:2:55 Harrada, Martinho de, XIX:2:69 nnl,2
House of, Truro, XIX:2:52,55; illus. XIX:2:55 fig 3 Harrell, fl. 1860, of Minden, Tex.

Harding, Lot, III, 1771-1840, XIX:2:55 n33 House of, XI:4:[7] nn24,31
Harding, Lyman, 19th c., of Natchez, XV:2:28 Harria, Cynthia

House of [Auburn], XV:2:27-28; illus. XV:2:28 Transi, of R. Schwarz, Vom Bau der Kirche,




Independence Hall, Philadelphia Harriman, Alonzo Jesse, XII:3:29

Judicial Chamber, XX:l:22-23 Harrington, J. C., XIII:2:25; XVII:1:18 nl; XX:3:148

Woodwork, XX: 1:23 "Fort Raleigh, 1585," XIII:4:27-28

Harding, Tamesin Cobb, XIX:2:55 Harris, 17th c., of Boston

Harding, Warren G., Pres., IV:l:38-39 "Harris' Folly," XIII:3:26

Hardouin-Mansart, Jules see Mansart, Jules Hardouin Harris, 19th c. lime and cement supplier, see Bond and
Hardware for doors, XIX:3:117-119 Harris

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Harris - Hasbrouck

Harris, fl. 1844 Winthrop (John Still) House, New London,

Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, design, XVI: 1:29 XVIII:4:158
Harris, Harwell Hamilton, 111:1/2:45; XX:4:175 Harrison, S. A.
Harris, John, on I. Jones' drawings, XIX:2:88 Residences of, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:37
Harris, Mason, 19th c., XX:4:195 Harrison, Wallace Kirkman (see also Corbett, Harrison
Harris, N. W. and MacMurray; Harrison and Abramovitz),
House of, Lake Geneva, Wis., XVII:3:28 X:l:17; XVIII:3:118

Harris, Rene, 17th c. organ bldr., XVII:1:17 Harrison, William Henry, Gov. of Indiana Territory,
Harris, Thomas, 17th c. organ bldr., XVII:1:17 XX:3:109,110
Harris, Thomas ["Victorian"], 1830-1900, IX: 1/2:27 Harrison and Abramovitz
"Harris' Folly," XIII:3:26 See also Harrison, Wallace Kirkman
Harrisburg, Pa. Time and Life Bldg., Rockefeller Center, N.Y.,
Lehman (William) Sepulchral Monument (W. XVIII:2:59
Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 16; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. Harrison, Ballard and Allen, XI:2:17

[14] fig 21 Harrison Farm see Leamington Farm

Pennsylvania Railroad Station, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. Harrow
fig 21 Public bldgs., XV:2:29
Pennsylvania State Insane Asylum (J. Haviland), Hart, Walter M., Prof, X:3:20
XIII:3:Suppl. 5 Hart, William, 111:1/2:62
State House Hartford, Huntington

Bldg. (S. Hills), XIII:3:Suppl. 7; XIV:2:17 n6 Spherical House of, Los Angeles, XIX:3:130
Design (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 7 Hartford, Conn.

Zion Lutheran Burial Ground, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. Cheney Bldg., (H. H. Richardson), IX:l/2:26,29

fig 21 Phoenix Insurance Bldg. (H. H. Richardson),

Harrisburg, Tex. IX:l/2:26,28

Sawmill, 1836, XI:4:10 State House

Harrisburg Viaduct, 11:1:41 Bldg. (C. Bulfinch), XIII:3:19; XIV:2:16

Harrison, Allan S., d. 1962 see Harrison, Ballard and Circular staircase (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:18,19
Allen Bldg. (R. Upjohn), XVIII:4:134

Harrison, Christopher, 19th c., XVII:l:33nl Trinity College [Washington College], XX:4:192n4
Harrison, Joseph, Jr. Hartford, steamboat, VI: 1/2:25
Residences of, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:37 [Riverdale], Harth-Terr, Emilio, V:22,[39], 40-41
38; illus. XIX: 1:36 fig 6 Hartiesti
Harrison, Nathaniel, X:l:8 Church, IV:3/4:34
Home of see Brandon Hartleben, Karl Lehmann see Lehmann, Karl

Harrison, Peter, C. Bridenbaugh on, XVIII:4:158-159; Hartley, David

Palladianism of, VII:3/4:29; XIII:1:11-13 passim Patent for ceiling covering of iron fire plates, 1773,
Library of, XX:3:116,117,118,122,123,124-130 passim XV:4:22n69
Works Hartman-Sanders Co., XIII:3:Suppl. 8

Christ Church [Church on the Common], Hartmann, William E. see Skidmore, Owings and
Cambridge, VII:3/4:29; XX:4:193 Merrill
Dudley (Collector Charles) House, Newport, Hartshorne, Albert, XVII-.2:16
XVIII:4:158 n3 Hartt, Frederick

King's Chapel, Boston, VI:3/4:19; VII:3/4:29; Giulio Romano

XIII: 1:11-14; XX:4:193; illus. XIII:1:12 fig 1; Rev. by N. Pevsner, XVIII:3:117-118

14 fig 4 Harvard City Planning Studies, 111:1/2:8

Altarpiece, XX:3:127 nl3 Harvard University see Cambridge, Mass.

Leamington Farm, XVIII:4:158 Harvey, John, Sir, 17th c. Gov. of Va., IV:3/4:44
Mason's Hall, St. John's Lodge, Newport, Harvey, John H.
XVIII:4:159 Henry Yevele, XII:3:24
Redwood Library, Newport, IX:3:24; XII:2:30; Harvie, John, 18th c. col., of Richmond, XII:4:27
XVIII:4:158 House of [Gamble Hill], XV:4:29
St. Michael's Church, Charleston, S.C., Harwood, of Annapolis
XII:1:23-31; XVIII:3:113; XVIII:4:159; illus. House of see Annapolis: Hammond (Matthias) House

XII:l:[28-29] Hasan, Sultan

Touro Synagogue, Newport, XVII:2:23-26; Chandelier of, 111:4:35

XIX:4:179; illus. XVII:2:24 Madrasah of, Cairo, 111:4:35,42

Wentworth (John) House, Wolfeborough, Hasbrouck, Jonathan, 1722-1780, XIV:2:31
XVIII:4:158 House of see Newburgh, N.Y.: Hasbrouck (Jonathan)




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Hasbrouck - Haviland

Hasbrouck, Jonathan, fl. 1836 [Jonathan II], XIV:2:31 Rebldg. of Paris, IX:l/2:34,35; XVIII:l:35-36
Hasbrough and Carter, real estate agents, IX:3:16nl Avenue de l'Opra, illus. IX:l/2:32 fig 4
Haskell, Fitch H., XII:3:29; XIII:2:29 Boulevards, XIII:2:24
Hasret Ahmad Yassaw Etoile, VI:3/4:28

Mausoleum of, Turkestan, 111:4:46 Hautecoeur, Louis, XVIII:4:140 nl; XX:2:81

Hassam Hauterive, Switz.
Mt. Vernon St., Boston, painting, 11:3:33 Monastery, XVIII:4:166
Hassel, Nicholas, Sir, XX:3:136 Havana

Hasselman, Lewis W. [Hasselman, Louis] Capitol, IV:3/4:58

House of, Indianapolis, XVII:l:31-32; illus. Cast iron bldg. (J. Bogardus), IX:4:24




Hastings, Milo, AIA Prize recipient, XVIII:3:86; Santa Catalina Co. Warehouse (J. Bogardus),
promotion of E. Chambless' Roadtown scheme, XV:4:17
XVIII:3:87 n41 Havell, 11:2:27

"A Solution of the Housing Problem in the United Haverfield, Francis John

States," XVIII:3:86,91; illus. XVIII:3:86 fig 3 Ancient Town Planning, 111:1/2:7; XVI:4:33
Hastings, Thomas (see also Carrre and Hastings), Haviland, Ann Cobley, mother of John Haviland,





Hatasu see Hatshepsut Haviland, James, 1755-1802, father of John Haviland,

Hatch, of Windsor, Vt. XX:3:136and n3

House of, XIII:3:16 Haviland, John, 1792-1852, biogr., XX:3:136-137;

Hatch, Charles, XVI:4:30 cast-iron work, XV:4:17,19; XX:3:137; H. E.

Hatch, John Davis, Jr., 111:1/2:62 Dickson on, XIV:2:32; European work, XV:3:31;
Review Philadelphia work, XIII:3:30; position as architect,
Forman, H. C., Tidewater Maryland Architecture XIX:4:181; study of, IV:3/4:47
and Gardens, XVII:4:37 Correspondence, X:3:32
Hatfield, George, d. 1826 see Hadfield, George, Revision of O. Biddle, The Young Carpenter's
d. 1826 Assistant, VII: 1/2:46; XIX:4:181
Hatfield, R. F., XIV:3:24 Works
Hatfield, R. G. Arcades, X1I:3:13,16 and n20

Cast iron faade designs, XV:4:22n63 Capitol, Columbus, design, XIII:1:28

Sun Iron Bldg., Baltimore (and Bogardus and Colonnade Row, Philadelphia, XVI:4:13; illus.
Hoppin), XIII:3:30; XV:4:16-17,22 n56; XVI:4:11 fig 10
XVI:4:35; illus. XV:4:18 fig 7 First Presbyterian Church, 7th and Locust
Hatford [Washington Square] Philadelphia, X:2:27;
Cottages (G. E. Street), XIX:4:169; illus. XIX:4:170 XVII:3:32n2

fig 24 Girard College competition drawings, Philadelphia,



Three-portal entry motif, XX:2:85 Halls of Justice see Haviland, John, 1792-1852:

Hatshepsut, XI:3:t Works: Prisons: The Tombs

Hattorf, Katsukichi Independence Hall, Philadelphia

Nippon no Kenchiku [ The Architecture of Japan] Assembly Chamber restoration project,

(with H. Oda and T. Tanabe) XI:3:25-26

Rev. by A. Soper, XVI:4:36 Steeple design, XI:3:25

Hauberat, Guillaume d' Lamps, Washington Square, Philadelphia,

Letters to [Robert]de Cotte (1716-1721 ), XVII:3:32 n2

XVII: 1:35-36 Miner's Bank [Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank;

Hauberisser, Georg Joseph Bitter von Farmers' and Miners' Bank], Pottsville,
City halls, 11:3:11 VII:l/2:3; IX:4:24; XII:4:32; XV:3:31;
Hauel, Jules XV:4:15-16,17-18; XX:3:137; illus. XV:4:15
Perfumery of, Philadelphia, XX: 1:6; illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6

fig 7 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., Philadelphia

Haugh, B. F. (see also Haugh, Ketcham Co.), Faade (attrib.), XX:3:138-139; illus. XX:3:138

XVIII:4:153 fig 1; 139 figs 2,3

Haugh, Ketcham Co. (see also Haugh, B. F.; Ketcham, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia

John L.), XVIII:4:150,154,155 Female Department for the Insane, design,

Hauser, J. J., XVII:l:29n XIII:3:SuppI. 4

Haussmann, Georges Eugne, Baron, C. Carvajal's Pennsylvania State Insane Asylum, Harrisburg,

work likened to, XVIII:3:84; A. Soria's work XIII:3:Suppl. 5

likened to, XVIII:2:42 Prisons, X:3:32; XIII:3:Suppl. 2; XX-.3-.137

Berks County Jail, Reading, XVIII:4:149


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Haviland - Hebert

Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, Hayes, 19th c. animal painter, XI:2:11

XVIII:2:66; XX:3:137 nl7 Hayes, Bartlett H., Jr., 111:1/2:58; IX:4:28

The Tombs [Halls of Justice], N.Y., XI:2:6; Hayes, Rutherford B., Pres., XII:4:25
xvi:l:18n97 Hayme, Walter, 17th c., Xl:l:8
Western Penitentiary, Pittsburgh Haymhaussen, Padre, V:23
Remodelling, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. 4 Haynes, Walter, 17th c., XI:1:3,8

St. Andrew's [St. George's] Protestant Episcopal Hays, William C., X:3:20
Church, Philadelphia, XX:3:137 nl6 Hayward, Bartlett and Co. [Hayward and Bartlet],
Sketches, X:3:32 stove and iron mfrs., VlI:l/2:29; XV:4:22n56;
Haviland, Mary Wright Sonntag [Mrs. John Haviland], XVI:1-,14
XX:3:137 nl4 Hazard, Ebenezer, 18th c. traveler to Williamsburg,
Haviland, Matthew, d. 1673, XX:3:136 X:3:29 capt. fig [2],30

Haviland, William [i.e. John], XIV:2:32 Journal of.. . Journey to the South, X:3:30

Havilland, John de see De Havilland, John Hazard, Stephen, fictitious minister in novel of H.
Hawaii Adams, XII: 1:9

Architecture, IV:3/4:59; XI:3:27-29,30 Hazen, William, X:4:[17] n6

Hawkes, Louise, XII:3:28 Hazlehurst, Mary Elizabeth see Latrobe, Mary

Hawkins, John J., XX:4:195 n6 Elizabeth Hazlehurst

Hawkins T., 17th c. Hazret Ahmad Yassawl see Hasret Ahmad YassawT
Munning's Point Bridge, Sudbury, XI:1:8,9 "Header and stretcher courses," XVI:4:32

Hawks, Francis, X:l:19 Headhouse [Kwtkwi tut], XIX: 1:25-30

Hawks John Headington stone, XIX:3:131,132

Tryon's Palace, New Bern, X:l:19 Headrick, fl. 1892, of Or., see Rynearson and Headrick

Hawksmoor, Nicholas, delight in antiquity, XIX:3:131; Healey, Halsey, Col.

as classical revivalist, XV:4:30-31; and P. Houses and Shipyard of see Thomaston, Me.

Harrison, XIII:1:11,13; Italian Renaissance style Heard, Charles, of Painesville, Ohio, XII:2:9
of, XX:4:192; E. Kaufmann on, XV:4:31; and C. Hearst, Phoebe Apperson X:3:21; XI:3:30

Wren XVI 4 34 35 Hearst, William Randolph, 11:3:33-34; X:3:20

All Saints, Northampton "Hea} a"? Style: Eighteenth-Century House Warming

Sketch Of porch, XIII:1:14 nlO fbJ .St0V.eS' by S' Y' XX:1:2026

Christ's Hospital, London Heath, lra A_

Writing School of Sir John Moore (and C. Wren), athfeld ' '

Heathfield School

Churches, London, XIII: 1:11,13

, n,, _ . , Vl Chapel (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147

Clarendon Bldg. Oxford, XIX:3:131 Heating, B. H. Latrobe solutions, XX: 1:25; T. U.

Easton Neston, XVI:2:18; lllus^XVI:2:19 fig 7 Walter interest in, XVI:l:22-23; XVI:2:26

St. Alphege s, Greenwich, London, XIII: 1:13 Central

St. Anne's, Limehouse, London, XIII: 1:13 U.S., 1870's, 11:1:29nlO; 1920's, XX:4:171
St. George's, Bloomsbury, London, Washington n C

XIII:1:11,12,13,14 nl7; illus. XIII:1:13 fig 3 Capitol> xX:'l:25

St. Mary's, Woolnoth, London, XIII:1:13,14 nl7 Central Heating Plant

Writing School of Sir John Moore see Hawksmoor, Main (P p Cret)> VI:1/2:31; illus. VI:l/2:pl

Nicholas: Christ's Hospital, London x fig 7

Haworth, Henry, XX:1:24 West> i947> vi.-l/2:31; illus. VI:l/2:pl X fig 5
Haworth, William, XX:1:24 Coal, iX:4:21-24

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, X:4:[32] n8 Equipment

Haxall, Boiling W. gee aiso Fireplaces; Stoves

Mansion of [Woman's Club], Richmond, 11:2:39 Chilson [Chillson] Furnaces, XVI: 1:23
Hay, David, 18th c. capt., XV:4:23,24 Grates, coal-burning, IX:4:21,22,23
Hay, John, XII:1:7,10,11 Walter (T. U.) drawing of, XVI:2:26

House of, Washington, D.C., XII: 1:7,10-12; Europe, 18th c., 11:1:29 nlO



Hayashi, Chjo, fl. 1865-1873, imitator of Western U.S., 19th c., 11:1:29-30
architectural style, XIII:2:14,15 Heating plants see Heating; Power plants
Kaisei Gakk, Tokyo, XIII:2:15; illus. XIII:2:[16] Heavenly City [Heavenly Jerusalem], XI:3:6,13;



Haydon, Benjamin Robert, painter, XX:3:136 Hebert, Mrs. Jessie M., XX:l:34n

Haydon, Mrs. Benjamin Robert, XX:3:136n7


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Hebron, Jordan - Herbert

Hebron, Jordan [El-Khall] Henderson, William, 18th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:23

Haram [Sepulchre of the Patriarchs] Henderson, William, 19th c. capt., X:4:30
Mimbar, 111:4:41 n42 Henderson, Tex.

Pavilion [Canopy], 111:4:34; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 4 Donaldson (Mrs.) Residence, ca. 1896, XI:4:[7] n24
Hecht, Josef, XVIII:3:99 Donnellson House, XI:4:[7] n31
Hector, Minn. Henle, Fritz, 20th c. photographer, XVII: 1:30
Farmers and Merchants Bank (Purcell and Elmslie), Hennebique, Franois
XIX:2:68n32; illus. XIX:2:68 fig 7 Buildings, Exposition Universelle, 1900, Paris,
Heebner, Charles, VII:l/2:29 XIX:1:21

Heffelfinger, Frank T., XIX:1:40 Reinforced concrete system, XIX:1:21; illus.

Hegal, deity, XII:4:4 XIX: 1:22 fig 12
Hege, Walter, XII:4:13; XVII: 1:33 Henrichemont, France
Hegel, XIX:3:128 City plan, VI:3/4:30
Hegemann [Hegeman], Werner, 1881-1936, on Spanish Henrico County Courthouse see Richmond, Va.:
urbanism, XVIII:3:75 Henrico County Courthouse
[ The American Vitruvius: an Architect's Handbook of Henriquez de Jorquera, F.

Civic Art] (and E. Peets), 111:1/2:8 Anales de Granada, XVII:1:5

City Planning: Housing, XVIII:3:75 Henry, Bishop of Sens, XI:3:15; XVII:2:28
Height of bldgs. Henry II, King of France, IX:4:10

Massachusetts, XVIII:4:128 n6 Henry III, King of Engl., XVII:3:34

Heigold, Charles, IX:3:26 Henry IV, King of France, XX:2:57
"Heimatschutz," 1:3/4:6 Henry IV, King of Ger., XVI:3:11
Heine, Heinrich, XIII:1:9 Henry VI, King of Ger., XVII:2:21 nl4
Hekate Henry VII, King of Engl.
Sanctuary of, Lagina, XIII:4:15; illus. XIII:4:17 fig 6 Arms of, IX:3:13 n27
Held, Julius S. Chapel of, Westminster Abbey, XVI:3:34
Review Henry VIII, King of Engl., establishment of English
Fremantle, K. The Baroque Town Hall of Church, IX:3:5; suppression of monasteries, IX:3:7
Amsterdam, XX:l:41-42 Arms of, IX:3:13 n27

Heliodorus, Room of see Rome (City): Vatican: Parts: Henry, fl. 1889
Stanze Tower design, Exposition Universelle, 1889, Paris,
Hellenistic Architecture, by T. Fyfe, 11:2:25 XVI:4:29 n27
Heller, Isidor Henry, L. D.
House of, Chicago, XVIII:2:64; XIX:3:130 Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59nl3
Helms, Herman V. Henry the Navigator, Prince of Port., XIV:4:12n32

House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24 Hepburn, Andrew Hopewell, Jr. (see also Perry, Shaw

Helsinki and Hepburn; Perry, Shaw and Hepburn, Kehoe

Aalto (Alvar) Home (A. Aalto), XVI: 1:32 and Dean), XI: 1:27; XII:3:28; XIII:2:27-28
Parliament Hepplewhite furniture, XII:2:25
Tower project, 1908 (E. Saarinen), VI:3/4:3 Hera

Railroad Station (E. Saarinen), VI:3/4:3; illus. Temple of [Heraeum], Olympia, XIII:4:5

VI:3/4:pl II figs 9,10 Hera VII

Hemenway, C. C., Rev., XIV:2:11 nnll,16 Altar of, Samos, XI:3:1; illus. XI:3:[2] fig 6
Hemingway, Ernest, XX:2:93 Hera Basileia

Hempstead, Joshua, 18th c, XVIII:4:158 Sanctuary of see Pergamum: Sanctuary of Hera

Henderson, 19th c., of Jefferson, Tex. Basileia

House of, XI:4:[7] nn29,39 Heraclidae, XI:3:[5]

Henderson, I9th c., of Marshall, Tex. Herakleia-on-the-Latmos

House of, XI:4:[7] n35 Temple of Athena, XIII:4:15; illus. XIII:4:16 fig 1
Henderson, fl. ca. 1850, English contractor, see Fox and Hrard, Grard
Henderson Medal of Michelangelo, illus. XIV:2:[5] figs 11,12
Henderson, Dunn Heras y Soto, Counts of, V:22
House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:[32] nl7 Herbert, Albert, of Leicester, Engl., XVII:2:22 n24
Henderson, Guy, 111:4:17 Herbert, Gilbert

Henderson, James, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 The Synthetic Vision of Walter Gropius

Henderson, John, 19th c of Natchez, XV: 2:28 Rev. by W. S. Rusk, XIX:3:128

Henderson, Lightner see Purdy and Henderson Herbert, Henry, 2d Earl of Pembroke, XX:2:60
Henderson, Susan Amelia Jordan, X:4:30 Herbert, Thomas, 17th c XIV:4:7

Henderson, William, 18th c. Maryland plasterer, Herbert, William, 16th c., XX-.2-.60


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Herculaneum - Hexagonal bldgs.

Herculaneum, photographs of, IV:3/4:52 (early American), X:l:27; and G. Peterich,
City plan, VIII:3/4:36 XV:2:18n; and SAH, VIII:1/2:128; on St. Martin
Houses, XIX:1:23 at Tours, IV:3/4:6-7; XVII:3:7

Hercules, XI:3:4,[5] "Current Research on the Church of Saint Martin at

Hr de Corny, Emmanuel, XI:1:[18] Tours," VII:3/4:[10]-12

Here Lived the Californians, by O. Lewis "Early Romanesque Church Towers of Touraine,"
Rev. by A. Temko, XVI:4:35-36 IV:3/4:9-23,42

Hereford, Bishops of, XVII:2:9-10 [Letter to E. R. Sunderland on St. Martin at Tours,

Hereford 12/17/52], XII:1:3,6 n2
Bishop's Palace Review
Great Hall, XV1I:2:9-10; illus. XVII:2:10 fig 20 Conant, K. C., A Brief Commentary on Early

Cathedral Mediaeval Church Architecture with Especial

Chapter House, XVI:3:34 Reference to Lost Monuments, 11:4:33-35

Herendeen, of Farmington, N. Y. Hersey, George L.
House of ["blockmass" house], XV:2:16; illus. "Godey's Choice," XVIII:3:104-111
XV:2:[17] fig 9 "Letter to the Editor" [on founding of AIA],



Hospital of see Edinburgh: Heriot's Hospital 'Thomas U. Walter and the University at
Herkimer, Nicholas, Gen., IV:2:38,40 Lewisburg," XVI: 1:20-24
Herkomer, Hubert von, XVIII:2:67-68 Hertle, Louis, XIII:2:3,6,7
Home of see Bushey, Engl.: Lululand Herv, Lucien

Herkomer, Lulu, XVIII :2:67 Photographs of Le Corbusier's work, XX:2:92

Hermann, Mo. [Herman], XV:4:6 Herv de Busanais, IV:3/4:10,12; VII:3/4:[10],12;
Hermitage, residence, see Nashville, Tenn. XVII:3:7

Hermoerates, VIII:1/2:51 Herzfeld, Ernst, on symbolism of gabled roofs, XII:4:7

Hernandez, Arturo Soria y see Soria y Hernandez, Iran in the Ancient East, 11:2:24
Arturo Reconstruction, St. Sergios Basilica, Rusafa (and F.

Hernandez, Carlos Soria y see Soria y Hernandez, Sarre), XVII:2:23 n54; illus. XVII:2:20 fig 43

Carlos Herzog, Marion Rawls, IV: 1:3

Hernandez, Emilio Soria y see Soria y Hernandez, Herzogenburg
Emilio Church (J. Munggenast), XIX: 1:41
Hernandez, Luis Soria y see Soria y Hernandez, Luis Hesiod, XIV:3:4
Hernandez Iglesias, Fermin, XVIII:2:43 Hess, Mrs., of Delaware Archives, XIII:3:Suppl. 8
Herod, 111:4 :34 Hesse, Grand Duke of see Ernst Ludwig
Herodotus, on Achaemenids, XII:4:5; descr. of Hesselius
Babylon, VII: 1/2:39; descr. of Gelonus, IV: 1:22; Portr. of G. Mason and wife, XIII:2:6
on division of land by Sesostris, 111:1/2:14 Heston and Williams
Heroon, XI:3:1,4,[5] Moss (J. Mora) Cottage, Oakland, XIV:3:16,19; illus.
Heroon Romuli, XII:3:6 XIV:3:20 figs 6,7
Herrado, Martinho de see Harrada, Martinho de Heun, Arthur, and F. L. Wright, XIX: 1:2
Herrera, Juan de, G. Kubler on, XVIII:4:167 Heungshan see Macao, Port.
Church designs, Escorial, XIX:4:177 Heusenstamm
Herrera, Martinho de see Harrada, Martinho de Church (J. B. Neumann), XII:4:14
Herreran style [Herreresque; Herreriano], V:[27],28,38; Hewett, John W., Rev., XIX:4:151-152
XX: 1:30 Hewitt, Abram S., 19th c., XV:4:19
Herreras, Eleazar D., XIII:2:29 Hewitt, George Watson see Furness and Hewitt;
Herrick, of Hudson, Ohio Hewitt and Hewitt
House of [Herrick-Eggleston House], XII:2:12 Hewitt, William D. see Hewitt and Hewitt
Herrick, Jonathan Hewitt and Hewitt, IV:3/4:51
House of, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:9,12 Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, IV:3/4:51,58
Herriot, Edouard, Mayor of Lyon, XIX:1:16 Zoo, Philadelphia, IV:3/4:51

Herrmann, of Kimmswick, Mo. "Hex" signs, on barns, XII:2:5

House of [Herrmann-Oheim House], XVIII: 1:29 Hexagonal bldgs.
Herrmann, Wolfgang Baltimore, Md.

'The Author of the Architecture Moderne of 1728," Mount Clare Railroad Station, VIII:l/2:34;



Herrnhuter see Moravian Church Burlington, N.J.

Herrold, Ralph H., XVII:4:40 Friends Meeting House, 1682, XII:1:22

Hersey, Carl K., biogr. data, VlI:3/4:37; Guggenheim Conowingo, Md.
fellow, VII:3/4:[10]; on house painting Prospect School, XII: 1:22

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Hexagonal bldgs. - Hilberry

Hexagonal bldgs. (Cont.) Highland Presbyterian Church, VI:l/2:[22]
Finley Methodist Chapel, Jackson Co., Ohio, XII:2:4 Iowa, Sac and Fox Mission, VI:l/2:[22]
Lamego, Port. Highland Park, N.Y. see New York (City)
Chapel of the Holy Family, Nossa Senhora dos Highley, Frank M., XVI:2:20,22
Remdios, XV:3:8,14n6; illus. XV:3:9 fig 6 Highways, Roads, Streets, etc.
Mineral Wells, Tex. $ee a^so subdivision Streets and names of specific

Hexagon House, XIX:4:180 streets under individual cities, e.g. Berlin:

New Jersey churches, VII:3/4:31 Unter-den-Linden; London: Streets
Patent for, XVIII:2:66 chi,e
Pratolino Santiago to Concepcin, XVIII:3:85

Chapel, XX:4:157,164,166 n51; illus. XX:4:164 Construction

fig 15 Great Britain, VIII: 1/2:1

Hexagonal city plan, VI: 3/4-30 Virginia, IX:3:18

Hexagonal regional plan (C. R. Lamb), XVIII:3:87 Elevated highways see Viaducts


Fire insurance maps, 1860, Philadelphia, (and Islington-Paddington Road, London, XIV* 13.15

Locher), XV:4:26n 12 Greek

Hexham Sacred Road, Delphi, VIII:l/2:48; XIII:4:5;

Abbey Church of St. Andrew, XVI:3:34 XVI:4:33; illus. VIII:l/2:pl X

Heydenreich, L. H., on Leonardo, XVII:3:14,16 Ro,"lan' VIII;3/4:31

Heylan, Francisco Via Aemil.a, VIII:3/4:31,32,37

Engr., Sanctuary of Granada Cathedral, XVII:1:2,4; Via Appia, VIII:3/4:31

yvti i r^r a Vla Ostiensis, VIII:3/4:33,34

XVII: 1 :[6]fig 4 .


HCy An!"01186 ^ Harbr' ^ ^ragon Highway, XVIII:2:44,46

Hezelo of Liges, XVI:3:8 x*'"'.' x^;110nl
Martina Franca, XV:l:10nl

Hibbard, Howard


_ ,. . , Bay Path, Mass., XI: 1:3
Magnuson, T., Studies m Roman Quattrocento r/opUct_ RQfrt Hi

Charleston - Beaufort Highway, XX:2:52

Architecture, XX: 1:40-41

Indian trails see Indians of North America: Trails

Hickman, Louis C.

Philadelphia Exchange [Merchants' Exchange] Jordan's Trad!' vl','x\&

Rehabilitation, XIX: 1:31 King,s Highwayj Cape Codj Mass , XIX:2:48

Tower, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 25; XIX:1:31 ^ Highway, Va., IV:1:38,39

Hickock, Mrs_ J-J- Limekiln Road, N.Y., XV:2:12

House of [Ritter (William) House], Richmond, Mount Vemon Memorial Highway, IV: 1:38,39

... . , , Potomac River Parkway, X:2:23

Hickox, 19th c. lime and cement supplier, see Dox and Rock Creek Parkwayi Washington, IV: 1:38,39

Hickox Route 104 [Ridge Road East; Ridge Road West],

Hickox, Warren jsj Y XV-2-12

House of [Kankakee House], XIX:1:7 Hignot, John, 18th c of Baltimore, XVIII:1:34

Hieronymite bldgs., Order, etc., V:2 n9; 3 nl7 Hill Khan Kd

Higgin, Bryan Mosque of, Dholka, 111:4:40 n39

Experiments and Observations on Cements, X:2:16 Hilberry, Harry H., IV-3/4-8

Higgins, A. J., IX:3:26 "A Lost Romanesque Faade: La Charit-sur-Loire,"

Higgins, Daniel P., Jr.. see Eggers and Higgins XI:3:17-22

Higgins, George K., XIX:2:53 n27 Reviews

Higgins, John S fl. 1864, XIX:2:56 n39 Brieger, P., English Art, 1216-1307, XVII:3:34-35

Higgins, Josiah Stewart, C. (ed.), Simpson's History of Architectural

House of, Wellfleet, Mass., illus. XIX:2:52 fig 7 Development, Vol. II, Early Christian,

Higgins, Solomon, fl. 1805, XIX:2:53 Byzantine and Romanesque Architecture,

House of, Wellfleet, Mass., XIX:2:52,53 XVII:3:33-34

High Gate, Ga., XX:2:49 Stoddard, W. S., Adventure in Architecture,

Higham and Wetherill [Higham and Wetherall] Building the New St. John's, plans by Marcel
Competition drawings for Girard College, Breuer, XVIII:l:34-35

Philadelphia, XVI:2:23,26 Sweeney, J. A. H., Grandeur on the

Highclere (C. Barry), XX:3:149 Appoquinimink, The House of William Corbit
Highland, Kan. at Odessa, Delaware, XIX: 1:43
Highland Junior College

Irvin Chapel, VI:l/2:[22]


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Hilbersheimer - Hippodamus of Miletus

Hilbersheimer, Ludwig Hillsboro, N.C.
City plan, XV1II:2:38; XVIII:3:91; illus. XVIII:3:91 Ayr Mount see Hillsboro, N.C.: Kirkland House
fig 8 Berry Bldg. (J. Berry), X:l:[22]
Mies van der Rohe, XX:1:42,43 Berry-McLarty-Porter House (J. Berry), X:l:18,19
Hildebrand see Gregory VII First Baptist Church (J. Berry), X:l:19; illus. X:l:[20]
Hildebrand, Adolf von, X:3:9,10,12 fig 4
Hildebrandt, Johann Lucas von, 11:3:7; XII:4:12,14; Graham (William A.) Home
XIX: 1:42 Planned addition (A. J. Davis), X:l:[22]nl2
St. Lawrence, Gabel, XVII:4:22; illus. XVII:4:24 Houses, X:l:21

fig 5 Jail, 1837 (J. Berry), X:l:[22]

Hildesheim Kirkland House [Ayr Mount], X:l:18
St. Michael, XVII:2:28-29 Methodist Church (J. Berry), X:l:19; illus. X:l:[20]
Hildreth, Samuel, Dr., XII:2:8 fig 3

Hilduin, Abbot of St. Denis, XIII:1:29 Orange County Courthouse





Factory, 1790, Malmesbury, VIII:1/2:13 1845 (J. Berry), X:l:18,19,21,[22]; illus. X:l:21
Hill, Henry, fl. 1786 fig 6
House of see Philadelphia: Hill (Henry) House Presbyterian Church, X:l:18,19
Hill, James, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Ruffin-Snipes House, X:l:21
Hill, James J., 19th c. St. Matthew's Church, X:l:19; illus. X:l:[20] fig 2
Mansion of, Saint Paul, Minn., XIX:1:40 Sans-Souci, X:l:21

Hill, Sam Hillsborough, Calif.

Sam Hill's Folly [Maryhill Museum], XIX:4:180 Robbins (George E.) House (W. Wurster), XX:4:177;
Stonehenge replica, XIX:4:180 illus. XX:4:178 figs 19,20

Hill, Thomas, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Hiltzheimer, Jacob, XII:2:27,28

Hill, Thomas, 1829-1908 Himmerod
Murals of California mountain and forest scenes, Abbey Church, XVIII:4:166

Lick House, San Francisco (and W. Keith), Hinckley, Benjamin, 19th c. carpenter
XIX:2:78; illus. XIX:2:78 fig 1 Stevens (William) House, Truro, XIX:2:52
Hill, William Hinckley, David, fl. 1816, XIII:3:26
Sketch of St. Gall houses, XVII:2:20 n; illus. Hinckley, Samuel
XVII:2:8 fig 17 House of, Northampton, Mass., XIII:3:16
Hillhouse, Francis, 11:2:37 Hinckley's Corner, Me.
Hillhouse, Hildegard S., 11:2:36-37 Cobb (Miles) Farmhouse, XX: 1:38-39; illus. XX: 1:38
Hillhouse, James, 1754-1832, U.S. Sen., 11:2:36; figs 1,2
VI 11:3/4:3; IX:3:21-22; X:4:19; XIV:2:8 Hind, A. M., XII:1:32
Hillhouse, James, fl. early 20th c., 11:2:36 Hinds, Thomas, Col., XX:3:111-113
Hillhouse, James Abraham, 1789-1841, XIII:3:Suppl. 8 Hindu architecture, XV:4:8-9
Houses of, New Haven, 11:2:36-37 [Sachem's Wood]; Hindvad Mountain, XII:4:7 n4
XIII:3:Suppl. 8 Hingham, Mass.
Hills, Ann Wagstaff, XIII:3:26 Old Ship Meeting House, VII:3/4:29
Hills, Chester, VII:l/2:46 Hinsdale, 111.

Hills, George, fl. 1803, XIII:3:26 Bagley (Frederick) House (F. L. Wright), XIX:l:3-4;

Hills, John, 18th c of Ashford, Engl., XIII:3:26 illus. XIX:1:3 fig 3

Hills, Joseph, 18th c., XIII:3:26 Hinselmann, Hermann, X:3:12

Hills, Richard, 1767-1831, XIII:3:26 Hinton

Hills, Robert, 17th c., XIII:3:26 History and Topography of the United States
Hills, Stephen, fl. 1801, brother of Richard Hills, Davis (A. J.) drawings, XII:3:16n27

XIII:3:26 Hints on Household Taste, by C. L. Eastlake,

Hills, Stephen, fl. 1816-1845, architect, XIV:2:32 XIX:4:145 n2
Old Missouri Capitol, Jefferson City, XIV:2:17 n6 Hints on Prison Construction, by J. Eimes, XX:3:136
State House, Harrisburg, XIII:3:Suppl.7; XIV:2:17 n6 Hiorn, Francis
Hills, Thomas Church, Tardebigge, VIII: 1 /2:41 nl6

The Hills Family in America (and W. S. Hills), "Hip on hip" roofs, XIX:2:81
XIII:3:26 Hipped roof see Roofs: Hipped
Hills, William, fl. 1801, brother of Richard Hills, Hippocrates, VIII:l/2:47
XIII:3:26 Hippodamic city plan, 11:1:24

Hills, William S. Hippodamus of Miletus [the Pythagorean], 11:1:25;

The Hills Family in America (and T. Hills), XIII:3:26 VIIL1 /2:47,49,52; VIII:3/4:10,40,41; XIX:1:39

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Hippodromes - Hitchcock
Hippodromes see Stadiums (Arenas, Hippodromes, etc.) (E. W. Kramer), XIV: 1:24 ni, (W. H. Pierson, Jr.),
Hiroshige VIII: 1/2:26 ni; on eclecticism, XI:2:[8]nl; on
Wood-block print of Shimbashi Railway Station, similarity of First Presbyterian Church,
Tokyo, illus. XIII:2:[17] fig 7 Philadelphia and St. George's, Hanover Square,
Hirt, Aloys Ludwig, X:3:8 London, X:2:27; on F. Furness' Provident Life
His Children's Children, by A. Train, XIV:1:21 and Trust Co. Bank, XIX:2:80n3; on Le
Hispanic Foundation see Washington, D.C.: Library of Corbusier, XX:2:94; on B. Maybeck, XI:3:30; on
Congress: Hispanic Foundation modern architecture, XIV:4:31; XX:4:203; on J.
Hispaniola Notman, XV:2:22; address to RIBA, XII:3:32; on
See also Dominican Republic; Haiti Rhode Island architecture, 11:2:35-36; 11:4:43; on
Architecture H. H. Richardson, XII:1:9; XV:2:31; XVI:3:23,24;
Palm, E. W "Plateresque and Renaissance XVII:1:36; on Romantic Classicism, XIII: 1:15; and
Monuments of the Island of Hispaniola," SAH, VI:3/4:35; XII:3:31,32; XIII:1:32; and SAH
V:[ 1]-14 English Chapter, XV:2:32; on Second Empire

First Spanish settlement, Fort Nativity, X:l:26; illus. Style, XIV:1:19; on skyscraper, 11:2:30;

X: 1:26 XII:3:32; XVIII:4:138 n49; on stone skeleton

Histoire de l'urbanisme [History of City Planning, by P. construction, XX: 1:6; on L. Sullivan, XVII: 1:36;
Lavedan, 11:2:28; XIV:1:8 on U.S. Treasury Dept. Office of Construction
Historic American Buildings Survey see United States: standards, XIX:3:123; on early Victorian,
National Park Service: Historic American XIX:3:129; on F. L. Wright, 11:2:29 n; XVII:1:36;
Buildings Survey F. L. Wright on, XX:3:142; and Yale exhibition
Historic Churches Preservation Trust, XVIII:4:168 "Books and Buildings, 1449-1949," VIII:l/2:67

Historic house museums, 1:3/4:16 Articles and Books

Historic sites (Cemeteries, Parks, Battlefields, etc.) American Architectural Books, X-.2-.26
See also United States: National Memorials, Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,
Monuments, Parks, Sites, etc. XIX:4:145

Colonial National Historical Park, Va., 1:3/4:24 Rev. by E. F. Sekler, XIX:3:125-127

Conservation and restoration, 1:3/4:18-19; The Architecture of H. H. Richardson and His
IV:2:37-41; XV:4:2-6 Times, XV:2:31; XVI:3:28 nil

New York (State), IV:2:37-41 Early Victorian Architecture in Britain [ Victorian

Historic Sites Act see United States: Historic Sites Act Architecture in Britain, The Early phase,
Historic Sites and Buildings, National Council for, 1835-1855], X:4:36; XI:2:[8] nl; XIV:1:31;
VIII: 1/2:131; IX:l/2:37 XV:2:22 n5; XIX:4:145,146

"Historic Townkeeping," by C. Feiss, XV:4:2-6 Rev. by J. G. Van Derpool, XV:2:30-31

Historic Washington, by H. P. Caemmerer, VIII: 1/2:93 "The Early Work of R. Norman Shaw, 1853-1870:
Historical research see Learning and Scholarship The Background of the American Queen
Historical societies Anne," VIII:1/2:129
Buildings see Libraries and Library bldgs. "G. E. Street in the 1850's," XIX:4:145-171

Historischer Verein des Kantons St. Gallen, In the Nature of Materials: The Buildings of Frank
XVII:2:21 n21 Lloyd Wright, 1887-1941, 11:2:29 n; XV:2:31;
The History and Rudiments of Architecture, ed. by J. XIX:3:129,130

Bullock, 11:1:28 nl Rev. by R. Newcomb, 111:4:51-52

"History in Architectural Education," 11:2 (Special "Paxton and the Crystal Palace," X:4:36
Issue) "Richardson's American Express Building: A
History of architecture see Architecture: Study and Note," IX:l/2:25-30

Teaching; Learning and Scholarship and specific "Some Problems in the Interpretation of Modern

periods, places, styles and types of architecture, e.g. Architecture," 11:2:29-32,40

Baroque architecture; Europe: Architecture; "Sullivan and the Skyscraper," XII:3:32

Gothic Revival; Prisons Letter

Hitchcock, Achsah see Benjamin, Achsah Hitchcock "... to John R. Sherwood, March 15, 1952," on
Hitchcock, Alice Davis, XIII: 1:32 the Wyman House, XI:2:27
Award and medallion of see Society of Architectural Reviews

Historians: Book Award Brown, T. M The Work of G. Rietveld,

Hitchcock, Enos, Rev., XIII:3:19 Architect, XVIII:3:115-116

Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, Jr., on difference between Condit, C. W., The Rise of the Skyscraper... in

architects' bldgs. and writings, 111:3:10; on work American Quarterly, XII:3:30

of architectural historians, VI:3/4:35; book awards Frank Lloyd Wright, Drawings for a Living
to, XV:2:31; XIX:3:125; on "Brown Decades," Architecture, XIX:3:129-131

XIV:l:24n2; on Buffalo architecture, 11:4:43; on Kimball, S. F., The Creation of the Rococo,
cast-iron faade, X:2:23-24; credits to V:[42]-44

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Hitchcock - Holabird and Roche

Mindlin, H. E., Modem Architecture in Brazil, Hodja Husayn
XVII:2:30-31 Mausoleum for Hasret Ahmad Yassawl, Turkestan,
Torbert, D. R., A Century of Minnesota 111:4:46

Architecture, XIX: 1:39-40 Hoefen, Hari van see Russell, Mullgardt, Schwarz, Van

Hitchcock, John, 18th c. bldr., XV:4:25 Hoefen

Hitchcock, Moses, XIII:3:19 Hoek van Holland see Hook of Holland

Hitler, Adolf Hoever, Otto, X:3:12

Mein Kampf, VIII:3/4:2 Hofer, Philip, VIII:l/2:67; XI:1:32




City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Tower, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mariadahl,

and Planning): Ancient Kan., VI:l/2:28

Hittorff, Jacob Ignaz [Jacques Ignace], XVIII: 1:35 Hoff, Robert van t', as "Wrightian" architect,
Rotonde du Panorama, Paris, XVI:1:17 n79 XVIII:3:115

Hive-shaped domes House, 2 Ruijdaellaan, Huis ter Heide, XVIII:3:115;

Pratolino chapel, XX:4:157; illus. XX:4:164 fig 15 XIX:3:126

Hoadley, David, XIV:2:8 Hoffman, 19th c. judge of N.Y. Supreme Court, XI:2:10
Hoagland, J. C. Hoffman, Albert
Country home of [Auldwood], Sea Bnght, N.J., plan of old St Peter,Si RomCi Ulus XVIII:3:98 fig 1

XVII:3:26 Hoffman (C. A.), firm, Cincinnati, XVIII:4:155

Hoare, Michael, pseud., see Halfpenny, William Hoffman, Joseph, 1870-1956, architect, see Hoffmann,

Hoban, James, VII:l/2:23,30; XV:l:30nl2 Josef

Hobart, Tasmania Hoffman, Ludwig, 1852-1932, architect, see Hoffmann,

Jhn E^eht s Ludwig Ernst Emil
Design (R. C. Carpenter), XIX:4:151 n40

Project (G. E. Street), XIX:4:149 n32,150-151 "Antecedents of the Great Altar at Pergamon,"

Hobbs, son of Isaac H. Hobbs, Jr., XVIII:3:105 nil XI-31 [51

Hobbs, Isaac H. Jr. (see also Hobbs (Isaac H.) and Hoffmann [Hoffman], Josef, 1870-1956, and Austrian

Son), and Godeys Ladys Book, movement [Wiener Sezessionl II 3 13 X-3-io

XVIII:3:104,105-106,108,110 nnl3,14,111 (Wiener bezessionj, II.3.13 X.3 10,

Hobbs's Architecture, XVIII:3:105 and nil * ^ ;

Thomas (John W.) Residence, Philadelphia, illus. ' , s y e>

^y|tt -j if\"7 r 7 Dlul.) XIV:2:20

"Villa in the Oriental Style," XVIII:3:107,110; illus. Ho^ [Hoffman] Ludwig Ernst Emil, 1852-1932

XVIII 3 107 fig 5 City Hall, Berlin, 11:3:11

Hobbs (Isaac H.) and Son Reichsgerichts - Gebude [Imperial Law Courts;
Park Structure or Seaside Gothic Cottage, illus. Palaf *5 SuPreme Court^
XVIII:3:110 fig 11 11:3:11; XII:4:17

Plantation Residence, XVIIL3:110; illus. XVIIL3:109 Hoffy, A.

10 Lithograph, W. Stnckland drawing of Cairo, 111.,

Weigley (William M.) Residence, Schaefferstown, Pa., XIII:3:Suppl. 10; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [12] fig 7
XVIII:3:109- illus. XVIII:3:107 fig 4,109 fig 9 Hofmeester, Mrs. T. M Jr., VIII:3/4:68; XIV:2:19

Hobhouse, John Cam, Sir, XX:3.101,105 Hofmeister, Henry (see also Reinhard and Hofmeister),
Hodgdon, Charles see Coolidge and Hodgdon; Hodgdon X:l:12
(Charles) and Son Hogarth, William, XV:4:31

Hodgdon (Charles) and Son (see also Coolidge and Holabird, John Augur see Holabird, Root and Burgee

Hodgdon), XVII:3:25 Holabird, William (see also Holabird and Roche), judge
Hodge, A. Trevor in American Luxfer Prism Co. competition,
The Woodwork of Greek Roofs XIX:1:7 nl7; and S. S. Beman, XII:3:17; and
Rev. by S. L. Glass, XX:4:201-202 Chicago School, X:3:10; XI: 1:27

Hodge, Andrew, 18th c. capt., XV:4:23 Holabird and Roche (see also Holabird, William;
Hodgenville, Ky. Holabird, Root and Burgee; Roche, Martin),
Lincoln (Thomas) Home, IX:3:27 IX:l/2:30; XII:3:31; XV:3:31

Hodgkin, F. E. American Fletcher Bank and Trust Co., Indianapolis

Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:58 and nl3 Portico, XVII: 1:33 n7

Hodgson, Col. Marquette Bldg., Chicago, IV:3/4:58

Plan of Taj Mahal, 1828, XV:4:10; illus. XV:4:8 Old Post Office [American Fletcher Bank and Trust

fig i Co.], Indianapolis

Hodgson (Isaac) and Son Portico, Pennsylvania St., XVII: 1:33 n7
Bank of Minnesota, Minneapolis, XIII:1:19; illus. Tacoma Bldg., Chicago, IV:3/4:58;
XIII : 1:19 fig 1 XVIII:4:129,135,136

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Holabird, Root and Burgee - Hone

Holabird, Root and Burgee "Holly Hill," Anne Arundel Co., Md., XI:1:27
First National Bank, Minneapolis (with Thorshov Hollywood, Calif, see Los Angeles, Calif.
and Cerny), XIX: 1:39,40 Holm, Lennart, X:3:6

Holbrook, Darius B. [P.], 19th c., XVI:4:15-18,20 Holme, Thomas, 17th c. surveyor

Holbrook, Thomas, yeoman, XIX:2:53 City plan, 1682, Philadelphia (and W. Penn),
Holcome, of Marshall, Tex. 111:1/2:37,38; VIII:3/4:22; XVI:4:8,9,15,17,21;
House of, XI:4:4,[7] n35; illus. XI:4:[5] fig 8 XX:2:47,54,62; XX:3:108-109; illus. 111:1/2:[36a]

Holden, d. 1890, brother of Isaac Holden (.see also Holmes, fl. ca. 1820, of Charleston, S.C.

Holden and Holden), XIII:3:Suppl. 4 House of, XII:1:31 nl2

Holden, Isaac, d. 1884 (see also Holden (Isaac) and Holmes H T XIV-315

Son; Holden and Holden), biogr. data, Holmes! Hugh', Judge, IX:3:14

XIII:3:Suppl. 4 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, XIV:2:17

G.rard College competition drawings, XVI:2:26,27 Ho,mes ch , En^

Hosp.ta 15th church> xvn;2;3
Female Department for the Insane * hiladelphia T , . n
XIII 3 Su 1 4 Holmsburg, Pa.

Holden (Isaac) andSon (see also Holden, Isaac; Emmanuel Episcopal Church (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36

Holden, John), XIX:4:156 Holmwood, John

Holden, John, son of Isaac Holden (see also Holden House of, Surry Co., Va., XVI:4:30

(Isaac) and Son), XIII:3:Suppl. 4 Ho,st> Herman von see Von Hoist, Herman

Holden and Holden Holt, George, mason, of Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:25

See also Holden, d. 1890, brother of Isaac Holden; Holt, J. N., of Warren Co., N.C., X:l:21

Holden, Isaac Hol*> Stephen B XX:2:66nl6

County Lunatic Asylum, Prestwick, XIII:3:Suppl. 4 Holton, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Holdridge, Minn. Holton, Thomas, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Decker (E. W.) Dwelling (Purcell and Elmslie), Holton, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

XIX:2:68 Holtzman, Harry M VIII:1/2:133

Holdsworth, Richard, XV:l:29nn3,5 Holy Communion, in painting, XII:4:11
Hole, William Holy Island, Engl.

Scenes of Indian wigwams, XVII:4:35 n20 Lindisfarne Castle (E. L. Lutyens), 111:4:15
Holgun, Melchor Prez de, V:[39] Holy Land see Palestine
Holism, of J. C. Smuts, XIX:3:128 Holy Sepulchre

Holkham Hall, Norfolk, Engl., XIX:3:131 Church of see Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre
Holland, Eugenia Calvert, X:2:22 Klus. 0f (B. Amico), XVII:1:5,10 n32; illus. XVII:1:3
Holland, Henry, XIII:4:32; XIV:4:22n38 flg 3. 7 flg ]2

Holland, Leicester [Lester] Bodine (see also Howell and Order of Canons of, XIV: 1:3
Holland), on Acropolis, XIII:4:5; work at Corinth, Holzmeister

XV: 1:32; on HABS, XVI:3:31; obit., XI:2:24; and Churches, XIX-3126

II:4:40,41; 111:3:28; on SAH Journal, 11:2:52 ^ Home for All, by L. Fowler and O. S. Fowler,

Holland, country, ^Netherlands 11:1:30nl4; 11:4:27 nl46; XII: 1:21; XII:2:8;

Holland Land Company, 111:1/2:40 vvitt ? e,f,

Holland Patent, N.Y. Hnmti r

House with cobblestone columns, XV:2:16 D, lnsuranc J-;0- rilJ XI

Holland stove, XX: 1:20 n3,21 Bldgt InSUCe ^ NCW

Hollanda, Francisco de see Olanda, Francisco de York (C.ty): Home Insurance Co.

Hollar IX-3-7 Home Place Plantation House see St. Charles Parish,

Hollenbeck, Frank B., XIX: 1:33

Hoi ley's Country Seats, XI:2:[8] Homer, XIII:4:3

Hollingsworth, Jesse, X:2:18 Iliad, VII:3/4:[17]; VIII:l/2:43,44
Hollingsworth, Zebulon Homer, Winslow

House of, Baltimore, XX:3:133 New England Country School, painting, 11:3:33

Hollister, of Greenfield, Mass. Homes for the aged see Housing: Old age

House of [Coleman-Hollister House], XIII:3:16 Homestead Architecture, by S. Sloan

Hollow brick, 11:1:29 Designs from, XIX:1:38; illus. XIX:1:34 fig 1,
Holloway, John Stephen see Holloway-Reeves and 36 fig 5
Associates Homewood see Baltimore, Md.
Holloway-Reeves and Associates Homilies, Norwegian Book of, XVII:2:3

North Carolina State College, Raleigh L'homme du monde clair par les arts, by J. F.

Classroom Bldg. (with Waugh and Sawyer), Blondel and C. N. Cochin, XVIII:4:142,148
XX:4:204 Hone, Philip, XIV: 1:25 n 15

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Honeoye, N.Y. - Horezu, Rum.

Honeoye, N.Y. Hooker, Philip
Fort Cummings, IV:2:41 Academy, Albany, 111:1/2:39
Sullivan Monument, IV:2:41 Capitol, Albany, 111:1/2:39,62
Honfleur City Hall, Albany, 111:1/2:39,62
St. Catherine, XVII:2:2,5; illus. XVII:2:3 fig 2, Hooks
[4] fig 3 House of see Austin, Tex.: Edgemont

Hong Kong Hoomes, John, 18th c of Va., XVIII: 1:6

University Hooper, Hester, 19th c., of Philadelphia, XIV:2:29

Faculty of Architecture, XV:3:28,30n Hoover, Ira, X:3:20

Honnecourt, Villard de see Villard de Honnecourt Hoover, Sidney M., XII:3:29

Honolulu Hope, Beresford, XIX:4:149 n32,159

Aliiolani Hale [Judiciary Hall] (T. Rowe), XI:3:28; Hope, Henry R member, Committee on Art, U.S.

illus. XI:3:28 Office of Education, 111:1/2:58; on L. Sullivan,

Beckwith's Folly see Honolulu: Punahou School VI:3/4:4- X:3:7 n36

Castle and Cooke Store (J. G. Osborne), XI:3:27 "Some Aspects of Art Nouveau," 11:3:31
Concrete block bldgs., XI:2:24; XI:3:27-29; XIII:1:27 Hope-Taylor, Brian, XVII:2:21 nl7

Dillingham Store, 1872, XI:3:28 Hopewell Furnace, Chester Co., Pa.

Grasshouses, XI:3:27 Franklin-type stove, illus. XX:1:22 fig 4
Harbor, XI:3:27 Hophra see Apries

Hawaiian Hotel (J. G. Osborne), XI:3:27-28; illus. Hopkins, early 19th c, of Bath, Ohio

XF3:28 House of, XII:2:13

oam aace,XI:3:29 Hopkins, Mrs. Archibald, X: 1:24

Judiciary Hall see Honolulu: Aliiolani Hale HopkinS( Arthur 1870.1941; XVIII:4:153

Palace design (R. Lishman , XI:3:28 Hopkins (Francis) and Brothers, N.Y., XV:4:21 n51

Post Office (J. G. Osborne), XI:3:27,28; illus. XI:3:28 Hopkins, Harry Lloyd, XVI:3:31

school Hopkins, John Henry, 19th c Rev., XV-.2-.22 nl
Beckwith s Folly, XII: 1:21 ~T. .. c u ,0^ ... u u

. ,, Tnnity Episcopal Church, 2d, 1824, Pittsburgh,

Sidewalks, XI:3:27


Williams (C. E.) Store, 1871, XI:3:28 . . c , 1-^1 lon~ ______ . ...
YT.7.3Q 1 q Hopkins, Samuel, 1721-1803, IV:2:31,32; XVII:4:31,32
JL IVlv/A, /kl J *T\ I Zr . a ... wv

YWCA (J Moreanl X 3-20 HopkinsviIIe, Ky.

Honorius il, Pop!, XiV:l:3 Western State Hospital (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35
Honselaarsdijk "opp> J " ^ Kopps, J. H.
Palace XX-1 41 Hopper, Edward

Hontanon, Gil de, V:[l] House^ thet m/W painting, 11:3:33; XVII:3:35

Hoo Hoo, lumberman's fraternity, XIX:3:123 HoPp,n' Hamlltn

Oee also Bogardus and Hoppin),
YV-4-1 ft
Hood, Raymond (see also Hood and Fouilhoux; Hood, . 1 , .. ^
Godley and Fouilhoux), and Rockefeller Center, Hopping, Daniel M. C., and SAH summer tours,

X: 1:11,16,17; XVIII:2:57-58; and Viennese XI:2:25; XI:3:31; XIII:3:29; XIV:1:31; XIV:2:32;

modernism, VI:3/4:4 XIV:3:31; XV:1:32; XV:2:32; XVI:1:32; XVI:2:32;
American Radiator Bldg., N.Y., 11:1:17 XVI:3:36^ XVH:2:32; XVII:3:36

Hood and Fouilhoux (see also Fouilhoux, J. Andr; Floor plan of Hasbrouck House, XIV:2:30; illus.

Hood, Raymond; Hood, Godley and Fouilhoux), XIV:2:31

X: 1:11 HOPPS [Hopp], J. H.

Hood, Godley and Fouilhoux (see also Associated Residence of, Ross Valley, Calif. (B. Maybeck), illus.

Architects; Fouilhoux, J. Andr; Godley, Frederick X:3:17

Augustus; Hood, Raymond; Hood and Fouilhoux), Hoppus, Edward

XVIII:2:56 Books, XX:3:121

Hooglandt, Anna, XX:3:116 Tfte Gentleman's and Builder's Repository, or

Hook, J. M. van see Van Hook, J. M. Architecture Displayed,

Hook, William B. van see Van Hook, William B. XX:3:123,127 no.31,129n23

Hook of Holland "Great Alterations and Improvements" to W.

Low-cost housing (J. J. P. Oud), XVIII:3:116 Salmon, Palladio Londinensis, XX:3:129n24

Hooke, Robert, Dr. Practical Measuring Made Easy to the Meanest




Keynes, G., A Bibliography of Dr. Robert Hooke Hopwood, of Aurora, Ohio

Brief rev., XX:3:150 House of, XII:2:10
City plan project, London, XX:2:55,56; illus. Hordain stone, XIX:4:155n56
XX:2:55 fig 7 Horezu, Rum. [Horez]
Royal College of Physicians, London, XX:3:150 Church of the Holy Apostles, IV:3/4:31

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Horgan - Hospitals
Horgan, Arthur J. see Horgan and Slattery Cliveden, used as Canadian military hospital,
Horgan and Slattery 11:3:32
Armory, 2d Battalion Naval Militia, Brooklyn, N.Y., London
XIV:3:27 Chelsea Hospital (C. Wren), X:l:24

Horikoshi, S., Dr., XIII:2:18n4 Christ's Hospital, XIII:4:31

Horiuchi, Seiji Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich (C. Wren),
History of Western [European] Architecture [Seiyo XIII:4:31

Kenchikushi] (and others) Plymouth

Brief rev., XVI:2:32 Royal Naval Hospital, XV:2:29

Rev. by A. Soper, XVI:4:36 Taunton

Horn, Walter Medieval hospital, XX:3:136
"On the Origins of the Mediaeval Bay System," France


Hornbostel, Henry see Palmer and Hornbostel Abbey

Horry, of Charleston, S.C. First Infirmary, presumed, XVI:2:5; XVI:3:7;
House of [Branford-Horry House], XVII:4:36 '"us- XVI:3:6 fig 3
Horseshoe arch, 111:4:36-39 Great Infirmary Hall, illus. XVI:3:[4] fig 1;
Horsfall, Thomas Coglan, XIX:1:19 n21 7 fig 4
Horsham, Pa. Pa"s
Graeme Park [Keith (Gov. William) House], Hpital des Enfants Trouvs (G. Boffrand),


Horstmann, S. H., of Philadelphia, XX: 1:8 Hpitaux [Hpital] d'Enfants

Horstmann, W. I., of Philadelphia, XX: 1:8 t Pr?Jects' XIX:l:20n27

Horstmann, Wm. H. r Hotel-Dieu, III: 1/2:33

Manufactory of see Philadelphia: Horstmann (W. H.) ermany

and Sons Manufactory Hamburg

Horta, Victor, Baron, and Art Nouveau, XII: 1:32; Mun^'Pf1, XIV:1:18
"splta1' Altona <D Llenau>'
XIII:2:31; XIV:2:18; XIX:3:126


Hoi'seX1893;2Brussels, X:3:13 n21 , G? (City) t01d Goal Hospitals: Portugal

Horton, fl. 1649 ^ Jerusalem

House of, Cutchogue, L.I., XI.3.31 Hadassah University Medical Center, Mount
ta OI|'r c r-u VIII , -, Scopus (E. Mendelsohn), XVII:3:36
Dwelling of, Chicago, XIII: 1:27 Ital
Horton, V. M., of Marshall, Tex., XI:4:[7] n36 Florence

Hosack, David, Dr.. VHI:3/4:5 Ospedale degli Innocenti (F. Brunelleschi),

Hosford, of Hudson, Ohio i/2 97

House of, XII:2:10 Milan
Hospitalers of St. John of Jerusalem w Malta, Ospedale Maggiore (Filarete), XVII: 1:35;
Knights of XVII:3:14,18 n 1
Hospitals Rome

Sec also Hospitals (Psychiatric) s Qiacomo degli Incurabili, Ospedale di

Aucstna r . . Church projects

Steinhof bei Wien Peruzzi, B XIII:3:4-5; illus. XIII:3:[6] fig 2

Hospital [Heil- und Pflege-Anstalt] Chapel (O. Sangallo, A. da, the younger, XIII:3:4-5

Wagner), VI:3/4:3; illus. VI:3/4:pl II fig 7 illus XIII:3:[6] fig 1



Macao see Hospitals: Portugal Angahua

Peki"g Hospital chapel, V:[24]; illus. V:[26a] figs 1,2

Peking Medical School and Hospital (Shepley, Uruapan

Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:30 nl4 Hospital [Guatepera], V:25
Designs, projects, etc., XIX: 1:20 Portugal
Dominican Republic Goa (City) [Old Goa], XV:3:3
Santo Domingo [Ciudad Trujillo] Guimares, XV:3:14 and n7
Hospital de S. Andrs, V:13 n89 Macao
Hospital of S. Nicolas, XVII: 1:35 San Januario, XIX:2:72



Alton, Staff. Edinburgh

St. John's (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:24 Heriot's Hospital [School], XII:3:24; XVI:2:17
Watson's Trust Hospital, XVI:2:26

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Hospitals - Hospitals (Psychiatric)




Granada, XVII: 1:35 Maimonides Health Center (E. Mendelsohn),

Hospital, V:30,32 Towson, Md.

Hospital de la Latina, V:4 Sheppard Pratt, XX:3:132

Salamanca Washington, D.C., VII:l/2:20

Hospital de Estudiantes, V:13 Hospitals (Psychiatric)
Santiago de Compostela, XVII:1:35 See also Hospitals
Toledo, XVII: 1:35 England
Hospital de Santa Cruz Prestwick

Open-well staircase (E. de Egas), XIX:4:177 County Lunatic Asylum (Holden and Holden),







Johns Hopkins Hospital, XIII:3:31 Montpellier

Boston Asile d'Alins de l'Hrault, project (Debens),



Branch Bldg., ca. 1897, VIII:l/2:39 U.S., of S. Sloan, XIX:1:34,35; of W. Strickland,

Marine Hospital (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16-17 XIII:3:Suppl. 2,3-7
Massachusetts General Hospital Belmont, Mass.

Bldg., 1820 (C. Bulfinch), XIV:2:17 nl; McLean Asylum, Waverley

XVII:3:27 Administration Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and
George Robert White Memorial Bldg. Coolidge), XVII:3:28
(Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott), Belknap Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),


Georgian bldgs. (Shepley, Rutan and Harrisburg, Pa.

Coolidge), XVII:3:28 Pennsylvania State Insane Asylum (J. Haviland),
Cambridge, Mass. XIII:3:Suppl. 5
Stillman Infirmary (Shepley, Rutan and Hopkinsville, Ky.
Coolidge), XVII:3:26 Western State Hospital (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35
Charleston, S.C. Indianapolis
Marine Hospital (R. Mills), 1:3/4:23 Central Indiana Hospital for the Insane
Chelsea, Mass. Men's and Women's Dept. (S. Sloan),
U.S. Naval Hospital, XIII:3:17 XIX: 1:35



Lakeside Hospital (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch Kalamazoo State Hospital (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35
and Abbott), XVII:3:25,31 Lexington, Ky.
Lexington, Va. Eastern State Hospital [Lunatic Asylum]
Virginia Military Institute Bldg. (T. Lewinski), XI:4:13,14; illus.
Hospital, IX:3:19 XI:4:[15] fig 1
Nashville Enlargement (J. McMurtry), XI:4:14
Vanderbilt University Medfield, Mass.

Medical College and Hospital (Coolidge and Pavilion for disturbed males (Shepley, Rutan
Shattuck), XVII:3:26; illus. XVII:3:27 and Coolidge), XVII:3:28

fig 9 Morganton, N.C.

New Orleans Western State Asylum for the Insane (S. Sloan),
Charity Hospital, XI:4:24 XIX: 1:35
New York (City) New York (City)

New York Hospital - Cornell Medical College New York Psychiatric Hospital, 1929, XI:2:17
(Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott), Pauper Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island
XVII:3:28,30,31; illus. XVII:3:[29] fig 12 (A. J. Davis), XI:2:4

Presbyterian Hospital (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14]; Philadelphia

XIV: 1:22 Friends Asylum, Frankford (W. Strickland),

Philadelphia XIII:3:Suppl. 3-4

Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church Pennsylvania Hospital

(S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 Female Dept. for the Insane, XIII:3:Suppl. 4
Municipal Hospital for Contagious and Male Dept. for the Insane (S. Sloan),
Infectious Diseases (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 XIX: 1:35

Pennsylvania Hospital, XIII:3:31; XV:4:24 Pennsylvania State Insane Asylum, project

Wills Hospital (T. U. Walter), XVI:2:26 (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 4-7


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Hospitals (Psychiatric) - Hotels and Inns

Hospitals (Psychiatric) (Cont.) Japan


Raleigh, N.C. Odawara Hotel (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130

State Hospital [Insane Asylum of North Tokyo

Carolina] Imperial (F. L. Wright), 111:4:51; XIX:3:129,130;

Additions (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35 XX:4:181,182,184

Salem, Or. Tsukiji (K. Shimizu), XIII:2:14; illus. XIII:2:[ 16]
Oregon State Asylum, XIX:2:59 nl3,60 n20 fig 1
Trenton, N.J. Panama

New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum (S. Sloan), Balboa





State Asylum (J. Notman), XI:2:28 Chagres

Tuscaloosa Irving House, XVII:3:33

Alabama Insane Hospital [Bryce Hospital] U.S., XIX:2:77

(S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 Baltimore, Md.

Washington, D.C. City Hotel <W- F- Small>' XX:2:65-66,69; illus.

Insane Asylum, VII: 1/2:22,28 XX:2:65 fig 2
Williamsburg Htelj XX:2:64

Hospital... for persons of disordered minds, * s [United States], XX:2:66 nl6

1769 [Eastern State Lunatic Asylum; Insane Indian Queen, XX:2:65nl6

Asylum], XIII:3:Suppl. 3; XVIII:4:164 Bar Harbor

Worcester, Conn. Heywood House Annex (B. Price), 111:3:25

Asylum, XIII:3:Suppl. 5 Bay Cuy.' _ TI ,

Host, Eucharistie wafer, see Eucharistie Wafer Bay CUy Land Ca Hotel Block (C. S.

Hos^n McNally), XIX:2:59nl3

Houses of see Paris: Maisons Hosten Boston

Exchange Coffee House (J. Whiting), XVII:2:32;

Hotchkiss, Roy, 111:4:17,18


Hotels and Inns Pelham (A. D. Gilman), XX:4:192 n4

Sec also Restaurants Royal Exchange XX;3:124
rf.ZI , T Tremont House (I. Rogers), XVII:2:32;
Rio de Jane.ro XIX:2;? XX:2:65 nJ6


Inn of Good Intentions [Hostel for Homeless Suorium Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), 1:2:23;

Persons] (E. Baumgart, G. P. P.nhe.ro and H:3; nl;4:20[2] IV:2:9.11; IX:l/2:29;

A. E. Reidy), XX:2:95 XVII:2:30; XVIII:2:68; XX:1:16

Cuba Bull's Head Hotel, 11:4:8

Havana Hotel Florence, Pullman, XII:3:19; illus.

Nacional, IV:3/4:58 XII-3-21 fig 4



San-Marcos-in-the-Desert project (F. L. Wright), Jerrace plaza (Skidmorei 0wings and Merrill)>
XIX:3:130 XVIII:2:54

Stnckland (W.), 1848, 11:2:34 Cleveland

BSyPl Weddell House, illus. X:4:[15] fig 8

Cairo Columbia, Calif.
Shepheard's, XI:2:25 Fallon, XIV:3:16

England Nottingham, Pa.

Durham Cross Keys Tavern [Chrome Hotel], illus.
Three Tuns Hotel, XV:2:32 XIX:2:83 fig 3
London par Rockaway, N.Y.
Langham, XIX:3:126 Rockaway Marine Pavilion (Town, Davis and
Savoy (L. C. Mullgardt), X:3:20 Dakin), XIV:2:17 n6
Weyhill Fredericksburg, Va.
15th c. inn, XI:1:8 Rising Sun Tavern, 111:4:26

France Great Falls, Md.

Cluny Old Stone Tavern, X:2:23
Abbey, Stable and Hospice, XVI:3:8; illus. Honolulu

XVI:3:[4] fig 1; 6 fig 3; 7 fig 4 Hawaiian (J. G. Osborne), XI:3:27-28; illus.





Russell Hotel, illus. XX:3:134 fig 4 Claypool, XVII: 1:31


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Hotels and Inns - Housing

Grand, XVII:1:33 n6 San Francisco

Occidental House, XVII:1:32 The Astor House (Spaan and Co.), XVII:3:33
Oriental House (F. Costigan), XVII:1:31,32 Cosmopolitan (Kenitzer and Farquharson),




United States Hotel, XII:4:24-25 The Iron Hotel (Naylor), XVII:3:33

Litchfield, Conn. Lick House (Kenitzer and Farquharson),
Phelps Tavern, 1787, illus. X:4:19 fig 1 XIX:2:77-79; illus. XIX:2:78 fig 1

Sheldon's Tavern, X:4:[23] n20; illus. X:4:19 Saratoga Springs, 11:1:35

fig 1; 21 fig 4 Grand Union, XV:2:29
Margate City, N.J. Tacoma, Wash.
Elephant Hotel (J. V. Lafferty), XIII:2:28; Tacoma (S. White, attrib.), XIX:2:58
XIII:3:28; XIX:4:180; illus. XIII:2:28; Thomaston, Me.
XIII:3:28 Old Tavern, X:4:[32] nl3




Taverns, XIV: 1:30 Royal Hawaiian, XI:3:28

Nauvoo, 111. Washington, D.C.

Nauvoo House, XIX:3:110-112; illus. XIX:3:112 Blodget's, XV:l:30nl9

fig 5 Willard, ca. 1850, XI:2:10

New Orleans Willard, New, ca. 1902 (H. J. Hardenbergh),

Motel de Ville (C. R. Colbert), XX:4:204 IV:3/4:58

New York (City) Williamsburg, Va.

Astor (C. W. Clinton), XIV:3:26 Raleigh Tavern, illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3
Astor House (I. Rogers), XIII:3:17; XVI:1:25; Williamsburg Inn, illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3
XVIII:4:134; XIX:2:77 Zanesville, Ohio

Claremont Inn [Manor], XV:4:4 Headley Inn, XII:2:5; illus. XII:2:[7 ] fig 9
Elephant Hotel, Coney Island, XIX:4:180 Houdon, J. A., desire to do equestrian portr. of G.
Fifth Avenue Hotel, 1859, XI:2:15; XII:1:15; Washington, XVII:1:19

XIV:1:21 Portr. of G. Washington, XVII:3:33 n2

Madison Cottage [Thompson [Col.) Roadhouse], Houghton, L. H., Sheriff, Daviess County Jail, Gallatin,



Margaret (F. Freeman), XI:4:36 Houghton Hall

Shelton (A. L. Harmon), XI:2:17 Ware, I. (with W. Kent and T. Ripley), The Designs
Stadt Herbergh [Stadt Huys; Dutch West India [Plans] of Houghton in Norfolk,

Co. City Tavern], XI:2:20 XX:3:118,130nos.87 and 17

Tavern at the Sign of the Wooden Horse, 1641, Houlter, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
XI:2:20 House, E. M., Col., XI:4:35-36
Waldorf-Astoria, Old, IV:3/4:58 House, N., 17th c., XI: 1:4

Philadelphia, of J. McArthur, Jr., IX:3:28 n6 House, bldg., see Bungalows; Domestic architecture;
Bellevue-Stratford (Hewitt and Hewitt), Farmhouses
IV:3/4:51,58 House, Roman, XIII:4:26nl0
Blue Anchor Tavern, XVI:4:9 The House Beautiful, XIX: 1:7

Continental (J. McArthur, Jr.), IX:3:28 n6; House by the Railroad (E. Hopper), 11:3:33; XVII:3:35

XIX:2:77 "A House in Texas," by A. Burnham, XI:4:35-36

Pilot Hill, Calif. House of Common Life (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:15

Bayley House [Bayley's Folly], XVI:4:35 House of Seven Gables see Salem, Mass.

Pine Hill, Tex. House painting see Paint and House painting

Old Inn, XI:4:[7] n29 The House That Jill Built, by E. C. Gardner,

Portland, Or. 11:4:24nl32

Portland Household arts

Bldg. (I. Lewis and W. Whidden), XIX:2:57 See also Furniture; Interior decoration
Design (McKim, Mead and White), Exhibitions, VIII:3/4:46-47

XIX:2:57,58 Houses see Bungalows; Domestic architecture;

Providence Farmhouses

Granite Block [Bristol Hotel] (W. H. Greene), Houses, Prefabricated see Prefabricated bldgs.
XX: 1:6 and n8 Houses of Old Richmond, by M. W. Scott

Saint Augustine, Fla. Rev. by T. C. Bannister, 11:2:38-39

Ponce de Leon (Carrre and Hastings), XI:3:31 Housing
Saint Louis, Mo. Defense see War bldgs.
National-Scott, 1:3/4:26 Industrial see Industrial housing
Planters (H. Spence), XIX:2:77
St. Nicholas (L. Sullivan), IV:2:12; illus. IV:2:15

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Housing - Howarth
Housing (Cont.) Howard, Henry, 1818-1884, XI:4:21-24
Old age Belle Grove Plantation, La., XI:4:21; illus. XI:4:[23
Chelsea Hospital, London (C. Wren), X:l:24 figs 4,6,7]
Jewish Widows and Orphans Home, 1869, New Belmont Plantation [Le Bourgeois (Louis) Residence]
Orleans (H. Howard), illus. XI:4:[23] Remodelled, illus. XI:4:[23 fig 1]
Sailors' Snug Harbor, S.I., N.Y. (M. E. Thompson Courthouse, Donaldson ville, La., XI:4:22
[Thomson]), X:l:24; XX:4:186,189 Dufour (Cyprian) Residence, New Orleans, illus.
Soldiers' Home, Washington, IV:1:38; VII:l/2:20 XI:4:[23]

Trinity House, X:l:24 First Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, illus.

U.S. Naval Home [Asylum], Philadelphia XI:4:22 figs [2,3]

(W. Strickland), XVII:3:32 Hale's Five Dwellings, New Orleans, illus. XI:4:[23]
Verdi Foundation Jewish Widows and Orphans Home, 1869, New
Home for Musicians, Milan (C. Boito), XII:4:17 Orleans, illus. XI:4:[23]
Rural see Farmhouses Madewood [Pugh (Thomas) Residence],
Urban Napoleonville, XI:4:24; illus. XI:4:22 fig [4]
New York, XVI: 1:26-27 Woodlawn Plantation [Pugh (W. W.) Residence],
Housing Betterment, on Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:3:76 Napoleonville, XI:4:22 capt. fig [4]; illus.
Housing developments, projects, etc. (see also XI:4:22 fig [1]
Apartment houses), XVIII:3:77 Howard, Mrs. Henry [Miss Richards], XI:4:24
Brazil Howard, John, 17267-1790, prison reform interest,




Gvea Residential Neighborhood (A. E. Reidy), Howard, Mrs. John Eager, sister of Harriet Chew




Pedregulho Residential Neighborhood (A. E. Howard, John Galen (see also Howard and Cauldwell),
Reidy), XVII:2:31; XX:2:95 career, X:3:18-19; office staff, 111:4:17; worthy of
Chile, XVIII:3:83 Study, IV:3/4:50; XX:2:95
Designs Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909, Seattle
Quadruple [Quadrangle] Block Plan for Supervision of architecture, XIX:3:123-124
Residential Subdivision, 1900 (F. L. Wright), Gregory House, Berkeley, X:3:20
XIX:3:130 Houses, Berkeley, X:3:20
San-Marcos-in-the-Desert project (F. L. Wright), Howard (J. G.) Residence, Berkeley, X:3:20; illus.


England University of California bldgs., Berkeley, X:3:18-20

London, XIV:4:13-22 Howard, Philip, XX:3:99-100
Netherlands, XVIII:3:115,116 Howard, R. H., 19th c XVI:4:22

Spain, XVIII:2:43,44; XVIII:3:77,83 Howard, William, 1793-1834, collaboration with W. F.

U.S., XX:4:175,177 Small, XX:2:66,67; engineer for B. and O.

Chicago Railroad, XX:2:74; professions of, XX:2:66
Lake Meadows Development (Skidmore, Owings Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bed survey, XX:2:68
and Merrill), XVIII:2:54 Howard (William) Mansion, Baltimore (and W. F.
Cleveland Small), XX:2:66 n 19,68
Clinton Park Development, XII:2:20-21 Journey to the Summit of Mt. Blanc, XX-.2-.66 nl9
Detroit, 11:4:44 McKim Free School, Baltimore (and W. F. Small),
Lafayette Park (L. Mies van der Rohe), XX: 1:43 XIII:3:30; XX:2:66,68

Philadelphia (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:38 St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, print of, XX:2:66nl9

Houssaye, Arsne, XIV:3:4,6 Howard, William A.

How, John, 17th c., XI: 1:8 Cumberland County Courthouse, Cumberland, Va.,
Howard, 19th c., apprentice in office of Architect of U.S. XVIII:1:5; illus. XVIII:1:7 fig 10

Capitol, VII: 1/2:19 Howard and Cauldwell (see also Howard, John Galen),

Howard, fl. 1927, architect, see Howard and Frenaye X:3:18

Howard, C. R. Howard and Frenaye

House of, Aurora, Ohio, XII:2:13 Frenaye (William E.) House, Llewellyn Park,

Howard, Ebenezer, Sir, and Garden City movement, XX:4:172; illus. XX:4:172 figs 3,4
VIII:3/4:15; XVIII:2:39,40; XVIII:3:78-79,81; Howard Memorial Medal, VIM/2:48-49
XIX: 1:38; Howard Memorial Medal in honor of, Howarth, Thomas

VII: 1 /2:48-49 Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Modern

Garden Cities of Tomorrow, VIII:3/4:15; XVIII:3:79 Movement

Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform, Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XIII:2:30-31

XVIII:3:79 SAH Book Award, 1953, XIII: 1:32; XIII:2:30


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Howe - Hudson, Ohio

Howe, Florence Thompson Sts., Philadelphia (tentative attrib.), XX: 1:9,18;
"More about Asher Benjamin," XIII:3:16-19 illus. XX:1:10 fig 12
Howe, Frank M., 1849-1909 (see also Man Brunt and Horstmann (Wm. H.) and Sons Manufactory,
Howe), XIX:2:58 Philadelphia, XX:1:8-9,17; illus. XX:1:9 fig 11
Howe, George, 1886-1955 (see also Howe and Lescaze), Hoxie, Solomon K., infi. of bldg. method on
IX: 1/2:37-38 architects, XX: 1:17,19; and Jayne Bldg.,
Howe, Henry Philadelphia, IX:3:27; X:l:25; XX: 1:13; as stone
Drawings of Ohio towns, X:4:14; illus. X:4:[15] fig 8 [granite] cutter, IX:3:28nl; XX:1:12,13,14,15
Howe, Wallis Eastburn see Howe, Prout and Ekman Hoyningen-Huene [Huyjingen-Huene], George,
Howe and Lescaze (see also Howe, George; Lescaze, IV:3/4:53
William), VI:3/4:4 Hoyt, E. P.
Howe, Prout and Ekman [Eckman], XII:3:16n22 Letter from Levi Weeks, XV:2:27-28
Howell see Howell and Holland Hoyt, Natalie, 11:3:31

Howell, architect of Santa Barbara, see Edwards, Hoyt, S.

Plunkett and Howell House of, Red Wing, Minn., XIX:2:68

Howell, Clark, XX:2:52 Hrabanus Maurus see Rabanus Maurus

Howell and Holland (see also Holland, Leicester Hsien-yang
Bodine), XI:2:24 See also Ch'ang-an, China
Howells, John Mead, IV:3/4:56 Descr., IX:l/2:6

Greater Los Angeles Unified Terminal Exchange, O-p'ang Kung [Palace of Shih-huang-ti], IX:l/2:6
proposed, IV: 1:53 Huamanga see Ayacucho, Peru

Howells, William Dean Huband Family, of Ipsley, Engl., see Husband Family
An Open-Eyed Conspiracy, XIV:3:7 Hubbard, of Windsor, Vt.
Howells and Stokes House of, XIII:3:16

See also Howells, John Mead; Stokes, Isaac Hubbard, Elbert, XIX: 1:5 nl3
Newton Phelps Hubbard, Gurdon S., 11:4:14-15
Bldgs., IV:3/4:56 Hubbard, R. H., VI:3/4:37; XI: 1 :[26] n7
Howes, Daniel, 1738-1781, XIX:2:55 "Victorian Gothic in Canada," VI:3/4:6,34
Howes, Daniel, 1767-1865, XIX:2:55 Hubbard, Zadock, 19th c., XX:4:196nl4
Howes, Sarah Collins, XIX:2:55 Hubert, Jean, on St.-Germain-des-Prs, XVII:3:8; on
Howland, Ben B., 19th c. St. Martin of Autun, XVI:3:19

Painting in Touro Synagogue, Newport, L'art pre-roman, 11:2:25

XVII:2:25-26 Hbsch, Heinrich see Huebsch, Heinrich

Howland, Catherine see Hunt, Catherine Howland Huckleberry Finn, XIX:4:183
Howland, E. G., X:3:32 Hudnut, Joseph Fairman, Dean, X:3:4; XI:2:23
Howland, Gardiner Hudson, of Hudson, Ohio

House of, N.Y., XIV:2:17 n5 House of [Hudson-Lee House], XII:2:10,14 nl

Howland, John, fl. 1666 Hudson, J. Paul

House of, Plymouth, Mass., 1:1:22 New Discoveries at Jamestown (and J. L. Cotter),
Howland, Richard Hubbard, biogr. data, 1:1:23; credits XX:3:148
to, XIII: 1:17 nl; XX:3:131; and salvage of Hudson, N.Y.
Godefroy's Commercial and Farmers Bank, City plan, Descr., Maps etc. 111:1/2:38; XV:4:6; illus.
XIV:4:28; and HABS, XVII: 1:30; and SAH, III:l/2:[36a]
11:3:31; VIII: 1/2:128,129; XIII:1:32 Hudson, Ohio
The Architecture of Baltimore; A Pictorial History Athenaeum (S. Porter), XII:2:9
(and E. P. Spencer) Baldwin-Babcock House, XII:2:13
Book rev. by W. H. Jordy, XIII:3:30-30 Baldwin-Buss House, 1825, XII:2:9,12-13
Index rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XVI:4:35 Beebe House, XII:2:13
"Greek Commercial Buildings from the Fifth to the Bentley House, Aurora Rd., XII:2:10
Second Century, B.C.," 1:1:23 Brewster House, XII:2:14; illus. XII:2:[11] fig 7

Late Nineteenth Century Architecture in BaltimoreChapel, Western Reserve Academy (S. Porter),



"Some Notes on Markets, Especially Those of Christ Church (S. Porter), XII:2:9
Ancient Athens," 1:2:16-20 Clark House, XII:2:13

Howland, Samuel S., XI:2:9 Clark-Pond House, XII:2:13

Hoxie, 17th c of Sandwich, Mass. Cutler (Carroll) House, XII:2:13
House of, XIX:2:53; illus. XIX:2:53 fig 11 Eggleston House see Hudson, Ohio:
Hoxie, Joseph C and S. D. Button, XIII:4:31 nl; Herrick-Eggleston House
possible infl. on L. Sullivan, XX:1:3,16,18,19 Ellsworth House, XII:2:9
Cornelius, Baker and Co. Factory, Cherry and 8th Farwell House, XII:2:13,14 nl

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Hudson, Ohio - Humphreys

Hudson, Ohio (Cont.) Huene, George Hoyningen see Hoyningen-Huene,
Flood House see Hudson, Ohio: George

Kilbourne-Thompson-Flood House Huerlimann, IV:3/4:53

Hammel House, XII:2:10 Hugh, Saint, Abbot of Cluny, see Hugo of Cluny
Herrick (Jonathan) House, XII:2:9,12 Hugh de Lagery, XVII:4:9
Herrick-Eggleston House, XII:2:12 Hugh of Poitiers see Hugo of Poitiers
Hosford House, XII:2:10 Hugh of St. Victor see Hugo of St. Victor

Hudson Academy see Hudson, Ohio: Western Hughes, 19th c. cement and lime supplier, see Wheedon,
Reserve Academy Mills and Hughes
Hudson-Lee House, XII:2:10,14 nl Hughes, Christopher, 18th c of Baltimore, XVIII:1:34
Hudson Library and Historical Society see Hudson, Hughes, David H. see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
Ohio: Baldwin-Babcock House Hughes, Emery, IV:3/4:43
Kemter House, XII:2:10,14 nl Hughes, Mrs. Thomas, XX:3:131 n4

Kilbourne-Thompson-Flood House, XII:2:13 Hugo, Saint, Abbot of Cluny, see Hugo of Cluny
Laudenslager House, XII:2:12 Hugo, Victor, 1:3/4:6-7,9,14
Lee House see Hudson, Ohio: Hudson-Lee House Hugo-Brunt, Michael

Morley House, XII:2:13 'The Church and Former Monastery of St.

National Bank, XII:2:10 Augustine, Macao," XIX:2:69-75

Nutting House, XII:2:12 "George Dance, The Younger, as Town Planner

Pond House see Hudson, Ohio: Clark-Pond House (1768-1814)," XIV:4:13-22

President's House, XII:2:10,12,13,14 and nl 'The Jesuit Seminary and Church of St. Joseph,
Read House, XII:2:13 Macao," XV:3:24-30

Seymour (Prof Nathan) House, XII:2:14 Hugo of Cluny, Saint, [Hugh, Saint; Hugo the Great],

T-shaped house, Aurora Rd. and Rte. 14, XII:2:12 XVI:2:2,5; XVI:3:3,7-8,10,11; XIX:4:176

Thompson House, Valley View Rd XII:2:10 Hugo of Poitiers [Hugh of Poitiers], XVI:3:16,17
Thompson-Kilbourne-Flood House see Hudson, Hugo of St. Victor, XVII:2:28; XVIII:3:97
Ohio: Kilbourne-Thompson-Flood House Hugo the Great see Hugo of Cluny
Town (Israel) House, XII:2:13 Hugue de Rochecorbon, 13th c., Abb of Paray-Meslay,
Weidman House, XII:2:12 XVII:2:12

Western Reserve Academy [Hudson Academy], Huguenots

XII:2:9; XV:4:3 Churches of, Boston, XIII: 1:11

Chapel see Hudson, Ohio: Chapel Hugues de Saint-Victor see Hugo of St. Victor
Western Reserve College Huis ten Bosch see The Hague
1826 campus see Hudson, Ohio: Western Reserve Huis ter Heide

Academy House, 2 Ruijdaellaan (R. van t'Hoff), XVIII:3:115;

President's House see Hudson, Ohio: President's XIX:3:126

House Hulagu, 13th c XV:4:31

1882 campus see Cleveland: Western Reserve Hulbert, Leroy, photographer, IX:1/2:18
University Hull House, XIX: 1:2,9 n22

Hudson Academy see Hudson, Ohio: Western Reserve Hulme, Thomas Ernest, XVI:3:35
Academy Hultman, H. J.

Hudson Canal Co. House of (F. L. Wright) see Oak Park, 111.: Ullman
Bldg. see New York (City): Delaware and Hudson (H. J.) House
Canal Co. 'The Human Squirrel Cage," XVIII:4:149-157
Hudson River Bridge, 1804, Troy (T. Burr), 11:1:41 Human Sympathy, painted stucco frieze by H. von

Hudson River School Herkomer, XVIII:2:67; illus. XVIII:2:68 fig 4

Landscapes, 111:3:23 Humyn

Hudson River Tunnel, N.Y., XX: 1:37 Tomb of see Delhi, India: Humyn's Tomb

Hudson Valley architecture, 1:1:24; VI:l/2:[l],[13]-21 Humboldt, Alexander von, 1:3/4:11

Huebner Pottery, Montgomery Co., Pa., XX:l:24nl6 Hume, David, aesthetics of, XV:4:30

Huebsch, Heinrich, 11:3:10; XIX:3:127; XX:1:9 Standard of Taste, XVIII:4:143-145

Huejotzingo, Mex. Hume, Joseph, 19th c XVI:4:22; XX:3:99-101,103-106

Church Hume, William C., 19th c. carpenter, XV:l:30nl5
Sacristy door, V:13 Hummel, Charles, XX:3:117,118,129 n28

Huejutla Humorous ornament, 11:2:13

Map, 1580, XIV:4:5 Humphreys, Lieut., VII: 1 /2:11 n6

Huel Vor, Cornwall Humphreys, David, Col., X:2:18 n2
Building erected to house a Savery engine, Humphreys, Thomas

VIII: 1 /2:31 n50 The Irish Builder's Guide, XX:3:135


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Humphreys - Huntington, N.Y.

Humphreys, William Penn Rossiter (E. K.) House, N.Y., XI:2:10-11;
House of, San Francisco, XIV:3:19; illus. XIV:3:20 XIV: 1:21; illus. XI:2:[12] fig 5
fig 8 Statue of Liberty, N.Y.

Humphries, of Thomaston, Me. Base, XI:2:[14]

House of, X:4:25 Studio Bldg., N.Y., XI:2:11; illus. XI:2:[12]
Hunnewell, H. H 19th c of Boston, XX:4:193 figs 6,7
Hunt, yZ 1851, of Baltimore, see Poole and Hunt, Stuyvesant (Rutherford) Apartments, N.Y.,
founders and machinists XI:2:11-[14]; illus. XI:2:[13] fig 9

Hunt, A. D., VI:1/2:16 Tribune Bldg., N.Y., XI:2:[14]; XII: 1:13,18,20-21;

Hunt, Catherine Howland, on R. M. Hunt, XI:2:9-[14] XII:3:31; XIV:1:22; XV:3:31;
Hunt, Francis Key, VI:1/2:14,15; XI:4:18 XVIII:4:126 nl,130,131 nl7,136,137,138; illus.
House of ice Lexington, Ky.: Loudoun XII:1:14 fig 2; 19 fig 12; XVIII:4:132 fig 3

Hunt, Mrs. Francis Key, VI:1/2:15 Trinity Church, Boston, competition design,
Hunt, Jonathan, XI:2:9 XII: 1:8

Hunt, Joseph Howland Union League Club, N.Y., competition design,







Armory, 69th Regiment, N.Y., XIV:3:26-27 Vanderbilt (William K.) House, N.Y., XI:2:11-[14];

Hunt, Maria Jane Leavitt, XI:2:9 illus. XI:2:[13] fig 10

Hunt, Myron, in Arts and Crafts Movement, Vanderbilt Tomb, N.Y., XI:2:[14]
XIX:1:5 nl3; office in Steinway Hall, Chicago, Wright's Picture Gallery, Weehawken, XI:2:10
XIX:1:8 n20; and F. L. Wright, XIX:1:2,6 Hunt, Theodore, XIV:3:24; XV:4:22 n51
Hunt, Richard Howland see Hunt and Hunt Hunt, William Morris, painter, XI:2:9
Hunt, Richard Morris, and AI A, XI:2:21; H. Adams Hunt and Hunt (see also Hunt, Joseph Howland),
on (quote), IX:l/2:35n3; and S. S. Beman, XIV:3:27
XII:3:17; French industrial no-Grec in work of, Hunt vs. Parmly, lawsuit, XI:2:10; XIV:1:21
XI:2:[8]; and introd. of French infl. in U.S., Hunter, 19th c of Palestine, Tex.
XIV: 1:19; and F. Furness, XI:2:11; XIX:2:81; infl. House of, XI:4:[7] n42
of, 11:1:30; and D. Lienau, XIV:1:18,19; pupils, Hunter, George
IV:3/4:50 Survey of Charleston, XX:2:53
Articles, Books, Studies on, IV:3/4:47,51 Hunter, Samuel, fl. 1838, contractor, XVII:3:32
Andrews, W Architecture, Ambition and Hunter, Wilbur Harvey, Jr., credits to (R. L.

Americans, XV:2:30 Alexander), XVII:1:24 nl6; XX:2:63 ni, (L. H.

Burnham, A., "The New York Architecture of Nelson), XVIII:1:33; and SAH (Baltimore

Richard Morris Hunt," XI:2:9-[14] Chapter), XIII:1:32

Tunnard, C. (and H. H. Reed), American Skyline, The Architecture of Baltimore; A Pictorial History


Portr., illus. XI:2:[12] figs 1,2 Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XIII:3:30-32

Works, early work of, 11:1:30 nl5; New York work Century of Baltimore Architecture. .. (and C. H.
of, XI:2:9-[14] Elam)
Administration Bldg., World's Columbian Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XVI:4:35

Exposition, Chicago, IX: 1/2:31 "Robert Cary Long, Jr., and the Battle of Styles,"

Astor (Mrs. William) House, N.Y., XI:2:[14]; illus. XVI:l:28-30

XI:2:[13] fig 13 "Salvage of 1810 Sculpture," XIV:4:27-28

Biltmore, Asheville, N.C., XI:2:[14]; XV:2:29 Hunter, William R.
Central Park gates, N.Y., XI:2:[14] House of, Newport, R.I., XII:3:31-32

Chateaux, Mansions, etc., 11:1:30; XI:2:29; Hunting, sport, X:2:3; illus. X:2:4

XIX:2:81; Newport, 11:2:36; xi:2:[14]; for the Hunting lodges

Vanderbilts, XIV:1:21 Project, 1778 (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:16,17; illus.

Coal and Iron Exchange, N.Y., XI:2:[14] III:3:[12a] fig 3
Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Bldg., N.Y., Huntington, Bishop, XIV:2:32
XII:1:18,21; illus. XII:1:19 fig 12 Huntington, Henry E.
Gerry (Elbridge T.) House, N.Y., XI:2:[14]; illus. Mansion of, San Marino, XVI:4:36

XI:2:[13] fig 12 Huntington, James Lincoln

Guernsey Bldg., N.Y., XI:2:[14] Forty Acres, The Story of the Bishop Huntington
Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. House
Faade, XI:2:[14] Rev. by A. A. Gilchrist, XIV:2:32
Mills (Ogden) House, N.Y., XI:2:11-[14]; illus. Huntington, W. C., XI: 1:28
XI:2:[13] fig 11 Huntington, N.Y.

Presbyterian Hospital, N.Y., XI:2:[14]; XIV: 1:22 Whitman (Walt) Birthplace, IX:3:27

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Huntoon - Ideal cities, Utopias, etc.

Huntoon, Bemsley, Capt., 11:4:12 "Preservationism: A Selected Bibliography,"
Huntting Family, of Sag Harbor, N. Y., XI:2:6 1:3/4:33-45

Hurd, Thaddeus B XII:3:29 Hutton, 18th c. traveler in Calif, XV: 1:26 n5

Hurezu see Horezu, Rum. Hutton, Addison, 1834-1916, XIX:1:38 n

Hurricanes Huxley, Aldous, on the Taj Mahal, XV:4:7-10
Jamaica, X:3:22,24 Huxley, Thomas Henry, XVII:4:29
1915 XI-4-22 Huxtable, Ada Louise

1938' VIH-3/4-3-4- XIV-2-8-11 Letter to the Editor [on architecture and

Hurst, Thomas' " ' " " engineering], XX:3:142-143

House of, Dover, Ohio, XII:2:12 Pier Lul& Nen"

Hurstpierpoint Rev" P Colhns' XIX:4:178; XX:3:142-143

School (R. C. Carpenter), XIX:4:154 Progressive Architecture, XX:4:194

Hurtado, Francisco, G. Kubier on, XVIII:4:167 Huygens, Constantijn, XX:1:41,42

Retable of Santiago, Granada Cathedral (and J. de la Huyjingen-Huene see Hoyningen-Huene

Torre), XV:1:6-10; illus. XV: 1:9 fig 5 Huysmans, Joris Karl, XIII:1:8
Husayn Hodja see Hodja Husayn Hyakinthos, cult of, XI:3:4

Husband, John, 16th c IX:3:13 n29 Hyatt

Husband, Mary, 16th c IX:3:13 n29 Fireproof designs, XX: 1:34,35

HusbandI Familyt of Ipsley, Engl, IX:3:13 n29 Hyatt Mayor> A Mayor) A Hyatt

Josephi W. Hyde, Henry Baldwin, XII:1:15,19; XV:2:31,32
House of, Chicago, XVIII:2:64; XIX:3:130
Hussey, Christopher Hyde, Orson

English Country Houses: Late Georgian, 1800-1840 House of' NauV00' IU- XIX:3:113,114
Rev. by A. Gowans, XIX:3:128-129 Hyde Park, N.Y.

Hussey, John, XIII:4:28 Vanderbilt Mansion, 1:3/4:19; 11:1:35

Huston, Andrew, 19th c of Circleville, Ohio, XIV:4:24 Hydraulic cement XV:1:28,29
Huston, Thomas, 19th c., of Circleville. Ohio, XIV:4:24 Hydraulic limestone, XIV:3:15; XX:4:197
Huszar, XVIII:3:115 , . .. . x






Hutchinson Family, of Boston, XIILLll Hyginus Gromaticus, 2d c.

Huth, Hans ><? munitionibus castrorum (attrib.), XX:2:[59],62
'The Evolution of Preservationism in Europe," Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, by F. Colonna, XVI: 1:7;
1:3/4:5-12 XVII:1:3; illus. XVII: 1:7 fig 10

Iago, Saint, see James, Saint Iconography of Manhattan Island, by I. N. P. Stokes,
Iapelli, Giovanni, XIX:4:142 IV:3/4:56

Ibanez, Fr., XV: 1:23 Icons

Ibanez, Carlos Ge XVIII:3:85 Russian XVI:2:29-30

Ibn Ruste, 10th c XVI:2:29



Mosque of, Cairo, 111:4:41; XVll:3:9n29 Parthenon (and Callicrates) see Athens: Parthenon

Ibrahim II _ Idea dell'architettura universale, by V. Scamozzi,

Mausoleum of, Bid2japr, 111:4:48 XIX:4:181; XX:2:56

Ibrahim Agh

Mosque of w Cairo: Amir Aksunkur Mosque The l^a of Space in Greek Architecture, by R. D.

Icarian colony, founded by Etienne Cabet, XIX:3:114 ,rtie"ssn

Icarus Rev. by R. Stillwell, XVI:4:33

Sculpture of, XX:1:42 Ideal cities, Utopias, etc., imperfection of, VIII:3/4:14;

Ickes, Harold L XVI:3:31 of Renaissance humanists, X:4:7; XIV:4:4

Iconium (City) see Konya, Turkey in Asia Alberti's, 111:1/2:28; XIV:4:4

Iconographie des Chapiteaux du Palais Ducal - Venise, Atlantis, 111:1/2:28
by W. Burges and A. N. Didron, XIX:4:158 n66 Book on

Iconography, XII:4:3-7; XX:1:42; XX:2:78-89 Rosenau, H., The Ideal City: In Its Architectural
Christian see Symbolism: Christian Evolution, XIX: 1:38-39

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Ideal cities, Utopias, etc. - Independent Order of Oddfellows

Broadacre City regional plan (F. L. Wright), Iglesias, Fermin Hernandez see Hernandez Iglesias,
XVIII:2:38; XVIII:3:90; XIX:4:174-175; illus. Fermin

XVIII:3:89 fig 6 Ignatius of Loyola see Loyola, Ignatius of

Buckingham's, XIV:4:26n6; XVI:4:26; XIX:3:126 Iktinos

Carolina (American colony), X:4:3 Parthenon (and Kallicrates) see Athens: Parthenon
Chaux (C. N. Ledoux) see Chaux II Gobbo see Sangallo, Battista da

Cit Industrielle (T. Garnier), XVIII:3:88; The II Khnid Period, Architecture of Islamic Iran, by
XIX:l:16-24 D. N. Wilber, XV:4:31-32

Cit Linaire Industrielle (Le Corbusier), Ilave, Peru

XVIII:3:92-93; illus. XVIII:3:93 fig 10 16th C. church, V:40
Ciudad Lineal see Ideal cities, Utopias, etc.: Linear Iliad, by Homer, VII:3/4:[17J; VIILl/2:43,44
City Ilion [Ilium] see Troy, Turk.
Familistre (Godin), XIX: 1:17,19; illus. XIX: 1:17 Illinois
fig 4 Architecture
Filarete's see Filarete: Buildings, Designs, Projects, Brooks, H. A., Jr., "The Early Work of the

etc.: Plusiapolis; Filarete: Buildings, Designs, Prairie Architects," XIX:1:2-10

Projects, etc.: Sforzinda Internal Improvements Act, XVIA: 15,18

Garden City movement, VIII:3/4:15; IX:l/2:34; Illinois and Michigan Canal, XVI:4:15
XVIII:2:39,40,49,50,51; XVIII:3:75 n6,76-91 Illinois Central Railroad Co., XII:3:18; XVI:4:15,21

passim; XIX:1:18 Mora, Spain

Ideal fortress town plan [revision of Palma Nuova] Parish Church (D. de Silo), XX:3:147
(V. Scamozzi), XX:2:56; illus. XX:2:57 fig 9 Illumination of books and manuscripts, XVII:2:23 n49
Le Corbusier's see Ideal cities, Utopias, etc.: Cit Ilvonen, Jvoko, XIV:2:32

Linaire Industrielle; Ideal cities, Utopias, etc.: m otep, 11:2:12 ...

i o v;n. Immaculata, statue on S. Maria della Salute, Venice,

L "jaldineal], VII1:4:,4; XV,,6, N,, XV,:5 , 3

XVIII:2:38-53; XVIII:3:74-93; XIX:1:19 Immigration stations

Metro-Linear City of R. F. Malcolmson, XVIII:3:93; Castle Garden Immigration Station, 1855, N.Y.,

illus. XVIIL3.93 fig 11 ^ xvnl;3;76

".L, 'The Imperial Fora," by P. H. von Blanckenhagen,

Owenite Community, XV:4:20n24


New Madrid MO., XIV:4:30; XVIII:l:21-26 The I vement of Towns and Cities> b c M
Phalanstere (C. Founer) see Fourier, Charles: Robinson IIM/2-8

Phalanstre Impruneta, Italy

Satellite City, VIII:3/4:15; XVIII:2:47,51; Church, XVII-311

XVIII:3:80,91; illus. VIII:3/4:pl VI fig 11 "In Memoriam Monumentorum," 1:1:22; 1:3/4:45;

Savannah, X:4:6 11:1:39; 11:3:30; 111:3:26; IV:2:42-43,52

Sona y Mata's see Ideal cities, Utopias, etc.: Linear / Praise 0f Architecture [Amate I'architettura], by G.

Tallmadge, Ohio see Tallmadge, Ohio Rev by Q L v Meeks> XX:3:147-148

Tivoli, N.Y. (C. B. J. F. de Saint-Mmin), 111:1/2:38; [n the Nature of Materials: The Buildings of Frank

illus. IIL1 /2:[36a] Uoyd Wright, 1887-1941, by H.-R. Hitchcock,

Turnbull's, XIII:2:28 11:2:29 n; XV:2:31; XIX:2:129,130

Victoria see Ideal cities, Utopias, etc.: Buckingham's Rev by R. Newcomb, 111:4:51-52

La Ville Radieuse [The Radiant City] (Le Corbusier), / the Palazzo Bargello, painting (Isabey), 11:3:33

111:1/2:44; VIII:3/4:14; XVIII:3:92,93 Incandescent lights, use of by D. Adler, III:4:[20a]

Radiant farm, XVIII:3:93 Ince Blundell Hall, XIX:3:129

Vitruvius' see Vitruvius: Ideal City Incense shovel, XVI:2:28

Wright's see Ideal cities, Utopias, etc.: Broadacre Independence, Mo.

City View, 19th c illus. VIII:3/4:pl VII fig 2

Zoar, Ohio, XII:2:5; XV:4:6 Independence, Or.

The Ideal City: In Its Architectural Evolution, by H. Independence Public School (C. S. McNally),
Rosenau XIX:2:58 and nl2

Rev. by L. Mumford, XIX: 1:38-39 Patterson (F. A.) Residence (C. S. McNally),

Ideographs see Pictographs XIX:2:58nl2

Idlewild on the Hudson Independence, ship, XX: 1:23 nl4

Willis (N. P.) Residence (C. Vaux), illus. VI:l/2:pl I Independent Order of Oddfellows
fig 5 Buildings, Projects, etc.

Ierugena, Johannes see Erigena, John Scotus Baltimore, XX:2:77 n46


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Independent Order of Oddfellows - Industrial housing

Independent Order of Oddfellows (Cont.) Portico, Pennsylvania St. (Holabird and Roche),
Buildings, Projects, etc. XVII:l:33n7
Chicago Oriental House (F. Costigan), XVII:1:31,32
Fraternity Temple, design (L. Sullivan), State Capitol
VI-3/4-2- XV-3-31 Bldg. (Town and Davis), XVII:3:30nl7

Indianapolis Design (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 16

Odd Fellows Bldg. (F. Costigan), XVII: 1:31 Tousey (oliver> Residence [Galling Gun Club]

Dome (D. A. Bohlen), XVII: 1:33 n3 (F- Costigan), XVII: 1:31

Philadelphia Wallace Residence Indians
(F. Costigan),
XVII: 1:32
of Central America
Odd Fellows Cemetery . _ . .
, n ... ,c ta n . i vu. a An Antigua, Guatemala, XV: 1:12
Entrance Pavilion (S. D. Button , XIII:4:29
Indians of North America
Odd Fellows Hall, Spring Garden (S. Sloan),
XIX: 1:34




.. .. ... , .. , , , . . . Circleville, Ohio, XIV:4:23; illus. XIV:4:25 fig 1

Odd Fellows Hall, West Philadelphia (S. Sloan), Mississippi, XIV: 1:30

XIX: 1:34 New Smyrna, Fla., XIII:2:28

Index of American Architectural Drawings before 1900 Roanoke Island XIII:4:28

Short rev., XVI:3:35 Soledad Mission, Calif., XV:1:20

Indexes to SAH Journal, IV:l:55-63; XIII:1:32 Architecture, Dwellings, etc., 1:2:25-29;
India VII:3/4:23-24; XI:1:28; XVI:3:30; XVII:4:31-35
Architecture (see also Colonial architecture: California, XV:1:20,21,22,24
Portuguese; Oriental art and architecture), as Laborers
111:4:33-37 passim, 47-48; IX:1/2:3,10; California, XIII:4:28-29; XV:1:24
XVIII: 1:27-29; XVIII:4:168 Newport, R.I., XIII:2:25
City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Land sales, Land titles, etc., XI: 1:9; XI:3:26-27;

and Planning): India XVI:4:14

Indian Charity School, 111:1/2:39 nl Missions, VI:l/2:[22]-23
"Indian shutters," XX:1:39 New Mexico, 1:2:25-29; VII:3/4:23-24; XVI:3:30

Indianapolis New York, XI:2:19

American Fletcher Bank and Trust Co. see Squaw Island, N.Y., IV:2:39-40
Indianapolis: Old Post Office Trails

Apartment house project (Coolidge, Shepley, New York, XV:2:12

Bulfinch and Abbott), XVII:3:30; illus. Wars (Attacks, Massacres, etc.)
XVII:3:[29] fig 18 California, XV:1:22
Athletic club, XVII:1:31 Deerfield, Mass., 1704, XII:3:27
Bates (Hervey) House (F. Costigan), XVII:1:31 Fort Necessity, 1754, XIII:2:26

Central Indiana Hospital for the Insane Franklin (Benjamin) on, XI:3:26-27
Men's and Women's Dept. (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20

City plan, XII:2:26; XX:3:108 Natchez^ MlSS.,

XY2.28 ^
Ohio Indian War, XII:2:4

Claypool Hotel, XVII:1:31

Seminole War, XI:4:8
Crown Hill Cemetery, XVII:l:32nl
Smithfield, Va., 1623, XVII:1:18
Fahnley House see Indianapolis: Hasselman _ _. , , .

it WtH Sudbury, Mass., 17th c., XI:1:9-10,13

I. wts .) ouse Indians of South America, V:34

Fletcher and Sharp Bank Bldg. (W. L. Jenney), jn(jo Qjjna

XVI:l:19nll4 Tomb architecture, IX:1/2:10n2

Gatling Gun Club 5e<? Indianapolis: Tousey (Oliver) Indoor-outdoor living areas, XX:4:173-174,175

Residence Industrial Arts League, XIX: 1:9

Grand Hotel, XVII: 1:33 n6 Industrial bldgs.

Greenlawn Cemetery, XVII: 1:32 nl See also Commercial bldgs., Office bldgs., etc.;
Groves Residence (F. Costigan), XVII: 1:32 Factories and Mills; Foundries; Mills

Hasselman (Lewis [Louis], W.) House [Fahnley England, 111:4:5; VIII:l/2:l-32

House] (F. Costigan), XVII:l:31-32; illus. U.S., IV:3/4:50
XVII: 1:31 Industrial Chicago, 11:4:8 n26,17
Institute for the Education of the Blind Industrial History of the United States, by A. S. Bolles,

(F. Costigan), XVII:1:30,31 11:4:10 n33,11,24-25,29 nl54

Occidental House, XVII: 1:32 Industrial housing
Odd Fellows Bldg. (F. Costigan), XVII: 1:31 England
Dome (D. A. Bohlen), XVII:l:33n3 London and Northwestern Railway Company
Old Post Office [American Fletcher Bank and Trust houses, Buckinghamshire, XIX:4:166

Co.] (F. Costigan, attrib.), XVII:1:32 jg^

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Industrial housing - International Federation for Housing and Town Planning

Octavia Hill, London, XII:3:17 Insulae, XII:1:13,20; XX:1:40
Saltaire, XII:3:17 Insulis, Alanus ab see Alain de Lille


Familistre, Guise, XII:3:17 Maps

Germany Philadelphia, 1860 (Hexamer and Locher),

Krupp housing, Essen, XII:3:17 XV:4:26nl2
U.S., xil:3:17 Policies
Pullman, 111., XII:3:17-22 Mutual Assurance Co., IV:3/4:51

Industrial machinery, VIIL1/2:2-32 Tazewell Hall, Williamsburg, XIV:1:16

Industrialization, 11:1:31; 11:3:12; XX:1:26; XX:3:99 Surveys, as source of architectural history,




Cleveland, XII:2:19-24 Friends Asylum, Philadelphia, 1817,

Industry and Art, XIX: 1:9 XIII:3:Suppl.3-4

Infirmaries see Hospitals Philadelphia, 1787 (I. Jones), XX:3:131

Ingelheim Intarsia, XIX:4:165

Carolingian palace [Pfalz], XX:2:89 Inter American Congress of Municipal History [Inter

Ingels, Henry Boone, VI:1/2:[13],14,17 and nl2,20 American Municipal Historical Congress]

Ingenhausz, Dr., XX:1:20 n2 4th> Buenos Alres> 1949> VIII:1/2:133

Ingersoll, Eva see Catling, Eva Ingersoll Ciudad Trujillo, 1952, XI:2:25

Ingersoll, Harry Interior dforation

Cottage of see Philadelphia: Medary See Decoration and Ornament; Furn.ture;

Inglewood, Calif. c. u Household arts

La Casa del Rancho, 1X:3:26 E.ghteenth century, V.[42]-46

Ingram, Patricia Smith, biogr. data, XII:2:9 n ren^ ' A ' [ J

"Hudson: Early 19th Century Domestic Nmeteemh century X .A lg-pi]

Architecture," XII:2:9-14 PU8ln

Roman, XIII:4:24

Iniguez, Diego Angulo see Angulo Iniguez, Diego


Ships, XI:4:28-[31]

/-I. U v. i ir~* c o* w A The Interior Paint of the Campbell-Whittlesey House,

Church school (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147,154 1835-1836..., by M. W. Seiden, X:l:27

The Inland Architect, XIX:1:5 International Association of Linear Cities, XVIII:2:47;

Inland Architect and Builder, L. Sullivan s XVIII-3-89

"Kindergarten Chats" in, XX.4:179,184 n9 International Cities Congress see International

Inland Canal, XX:4:194,195 Federation for Housing and Town Planning:

Innis, Charles, VI: 1/2:17 Congresses
Innocent III, Pope, IV: 1:6 International City and Regional Planning Conference
Innocent, C. F., IV:3/4:50 seg international Federation for Housing and

Inns see Hotels and Inns Town Planning: Congresses

Inquisition International Congress for Modern Architecture

Mexico, V:30n9 [CIAM], 11:4:38-39; 111:1/2:43-46; VIII:3/4:7-8;

Insane asylums see Hospitals (Psychiatric) XVIII-3:90,92,93

Institut de France (see also member academies, e.g. British Unit 'see Modern Architectural Research

Acadmie Franaise), 1:2:5-10; IX:l/2:37; Group

XVII: 1:22 French Unit see L'Assemble de Constructeurs pour

The Institute of Contemporary Art une Renovation Architecturale

New World of Space, XX:2:92-93 International Congress on the History of Art

Institute of Early American History and Culture see 1933, Stockholm, 111:3:12
Williamsburg, Va. 1936, Basel, 111:3:12

Institute of Engineers of Great Britain 1939, London, V:[42]; XI:2:27

Telford Premium Award, IV:3/4:58 International Exposition of Modern City Planning,

Institute of Registered Architects, 111:4:48 1914-15, Lyons, XVIII:3:74
Institute of South African Architects, XVI:4:33 International Federation for Housing and Town
Instituto Interamericano de Historia Municipal Planning

Institutional, VIII: 1/2:133 See also Garden Cities and Town Planning

Instituto Nacional de Urbanismo de Chile, Association

XVIII:3:84,85 Congresses

Instruments (Architectural, Drawing, Engineering, etc.) Referred to variously as: Congrs International

Cerce [Sweep], masonry tool, XX:4:200 de l'Art de Construire Villes et

Square, XIX:3:92,95; illus. XIX:3:96 figs 8,9b Organisation de la Vie Municipale;

Trammel, ellipse drawing device, XX:3:118,120


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International Federation for Housing and Town Planning - Ironwork and Wrought-iron
International Federation for Housing and Town International Federation for Housing and Town
Planning (Cortt.) Planning: Congresses
Congresses International Union of the Institutes of Archeology,
Congrs International de l'Habitation et de History and History of Art, Rome

l'Amnagement des Villes; Congreso Photo Reference Collection of Roman Architecture

Internacional del'Arte de Construir and Topography, XVI:3:36

Ciudades y Organizacin de la Vida Internationaler Verband fr Wohnungswesen und

Municipal; Fdration Internationale de Stdtebau see International Federation for

l'Habitation et de l'Urbanisme; Housing and Town Planning

International Cities Congress; Internationaler Wohnungs- und Stdtebau Kongress see

International City and Regional Planning International Federation for Housing and Town

International Federation for T annmg. ongresses
_ - ' j ^ j Inwood, Henry William, 1794-1843, use of terra cotta,

Town and Country Planning and Garden XV-416

Cities; International Garden Cities and St PancraS; London, VI:3/4:19

Town Planning Association [Federation]; Inwood, pre-Georgian house, see Paget, Berm.
International Housing and Town Planning Ionian, ship, X:4:[31]

Congress; International Planning Iowa, Sac and Fox Mission see Highland, Kan.

Congress; International Town Planning Iowa Indians, XVII:4:33

Conference [Congress]; Internationaler Ipsley, Engl.
Verband fr Wohnungswesen und Church
Stdtebau; Internationaler Wohnungs- und Tombs of Husband [Huband] Family, IX:3:13n29

Stdtebau Kongress Ipswich, Engl.

1st, Ghent, 1913, XVIII:2:48,49; MaP> 1610 <J- Speed), XI:1:6

XVIII:3:74,80,81,84 Sparrowe's House, IX:4:15

7th, Gothenburg, 1923, XVIII:3:74 Ipswich, Mass.

9th, New York, 1925, XVIII:3:82 g*? plan> VIII:3/4:21,24^

10th, Vienna, 1926, XVIII:2:46,50; XVIII:3:74 T WhlPple

"0USe' VII-3/4-30
Iran [Persia]
13th, Berlin, 1931, XVIII:2:47,51; XVIII:3:74,80 Architecture, XV:4:31-32

14th, London, 1935, XVIII:3:74,82,89 Mosaics, 11:1:20-21

International Federation for Town and Country Iran in th'e Ancient East, by E. Herzfeld, 11:2:24
Planning and Garden Cities see International Iranistan see Bridgeport, Conn.: Iranistan
Federation for Housing and Town Planning Ireland
International Garden Cities and Town Planning Architecture, XVI:3:33,34

Association [Federation] see International Stucco-work, XX : 3:131 -13 5

Federation for Housing and Town Planning Irenaeus of Lyon, XVIII:3:96,97
International Housing and Town Planning Congress see The Irish Builder's Guide, by T. Humphreys, XX:3:135

International Federation for Housing and Town Iron, as a bldg. material [Iron construction] see

Planning: Congresses Building: Cast-iron, Iron and Steel

International Labor Office ?ates 'n' *1:2:21

6th session, 1924, Geneva, XVIII:3:81 T ScarcityIron
of Age,
on American
frontier, IX:3:23

International Planning Congress see International

Greek, XVII: 1:34

Federation for Housing and Town Planning: Iron Age House, Belfort, Lux., XVII:2:21 n!6

Iron Duke see Wellesley, Arthur
International Protection of Works of Art and Historic jron foundries see Foundries

Monuments, by C. de Visscher, IX:4:26-27 Iron industry (see also Building: Cast-iron, Iron and
International Style [New Architecture], abstract forms, Steel), XX:2:76 n45
XII:4:32; and Art Nouveau, XII:1:32; XIV:2:18; Baltimore, Md., XIII:3:30
early, VI:3/4:4; impersonality of, XIX:3:128; J. England, VIII: 1/2:17-20; XV:2:25

Joedicke on, XIX:2:87; multi-story cubic house Pennsylvania, XVII:1:25,26; XX:1:21

plan, XX:4:176; in 1930's, XVIII:3:116; and A. E. Russia, XX:3:137

Reidy, XX:2:95; infl. in San Francisco Bay Virginia, IX:3:18-19

Region, X:3:16; in works of Shepley, Bulfinch, ^ron Mountain City, project (J. L. Van Dren and H.

Richardson and Abbott, XVII:3:28; small houses Pease), XX:3:113

and apartments, XX:4:172; and F. L.6 Wright,
Irondequoit, N.Y.
Pardee House, XV:2:16-18

j , . , D. . , rr, , Ironwork and Wrought-iron

International Town Planning Conference [Congress] w als0 Building. cast-iron, Iron and Steel

American, 111:4:28-29; IX: 1/2:27-28; XV:4:18;



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Ironwork and Wrought-iron - Ivanov

English, XIX:4:164,166; illus. XIX:4:164 figs 13,14 Crimean War Memorial Church (G. E. Street),



Marcevol Priory, XIV: 1:4 Competition designs

Ironworks see Foundries Bodley, G. F., XIX:4:159n71
Iroquois Indians, XVII:4:32 Burges, W XIX:4:158-159

Irving, E. P. Earthquakes, VII:3/4:[5],6,8

House of, Decatur, 111., XVIII:2:64; illus. XVIII:2:65 Fires, XV:4:21 n33
fig 3 Flour Mill, 1839-41 (W. Fairbairn),

Irving, Louis du Pont, IV:3/4:58 XV:4:15,17-18,19; illus. XV:4:15 fig 5

Irving, Washington, IV:3/4:58 Fountain near the Babi-Humagoon, 18th c.
Irwin, Harriet M. [Fountain, 17th c. (!)], XVIII:2:63

Hexagonal houses, XVIII:2:66 Golden Horn, XX:2:83

Isabella [Catholic Monarch], Queen of Spain, XIV:4:3 Hagia Sofia (Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of

Royal Burial Chapel of see Granada: Capilla Real Miletus), 11:4:35- IV:3/4:5; VII:l/2:9

Isabey . . VII:3/4:[5]-9; XVI:2:6,29; XVI:3:3; XVII:4:2-3;

In the Palazzo Bargello, painting, 11:3:33 XX:1:43,44; illus. VII:3/4:pls I-II; XVII:4:3
Ise Sanctuary, XVIII:1:27 n3 flgs 2>3
Isfahan Interior of Santa Sophia, painting (J. S. Sargent),
Madrasah Mader-i-Shah, 111:4:47 II-3-33

Maidn-i-shah [King's Square], XIX:4:184 Mosaics, IV:3/4:5

Masdjld-1-shh, 111:4:47; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 23 The Hippodrome, XVII:4:8nl5; XX: 1:44; XX:2:87

Isham, Norman piers XVII;4:3; illus XVII:4:4 fig 6

Glossary of Colon,al Architectural Terms, X:2:20 Hol Ap0stles church, VII:l/2:49

Ishimoto, Yasuh.ro House Qf justinian( XX:, :44

Photographs of Japanese architecture, XX: 1:44 Imperia] pa,ace [palace Qf the Empefors])
^ r a t , rp t) u 1 XX: 1:43-44; XX:2:87

of see
Temple; Babylon:


Temple of Ishtar
Isidore of Seville, XVIII:3:97

Imperial Palaces on Marmara Coast, XX:2:87-88

Saints Sergius and Bacchus, XVII :4:6; illus. XVII :4:7

Isidorus of Miletus, XVI:3:11 ^

Hagia Sofia, Istanbul (and Anthemius of Tralles), _ A 'f ,. _ , , _T o ,

11:4:35; IV:3/4:5; VH:l/2:9; VII:3/4:[5]-9; 5.anta Sophia ^Istanbul: Hagia Sophia

XVI:2:6,29; XVI:3:3; XVII:4:2-3; XX:1:43,44; ^ekfur ^ ^ 1 1

illus. VII:3/4:pls I-II; XVII:4:3 figs 2,3 wl? yy"^

n.3.33 y 6 6 Isthmian Games, XV: 1:32

Interior of Santa Sophia, painting (J. S. Sargent), , a. s' ^ :

Isidorus the Younger, nephew of Isidorus of Miletus, Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte e

VII-3/4-[5] 9 Rome (City)

al-Iskandaryah' see Alexandria, Egypt Italian Palace with Classical FiSures> Paintin8 (Joll')>
Islamic architecture (see also Mughal architecture), . 11:3:33
XV-4-9 10* XVIT4-40* XX*2*85 88 Itflliftn Villn style (see wo Villss), VII:3/4:25;
India, XVIII:4:168 VIII:l/2:37; X:4:[31]; XI:2:4-6,27-29; XII:4:21
Iran XV-4-31-32 Itlica, Hadrian's city, XV:4:6
Isle of Wight County Courthouse see Smithfield, Va. ^ta'y

Isphahan see Isfahan Antiquities, XIX:4:184

Israel R. W. Architecture (see also Renaissance architecture),

Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings, XI:2:26; XV:4:30-31; XVIII:4:164-165,167;


Israel, country, see Palestine Photographs, XVI:3:36

Istanbul [Constantinople] Art' XV: 1:5-7; XVIII:4:164-165

Ak-Serai, IV: 1:23 City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History

Aqueduct of Valens, XX: 1:44 and Planning): Italy

Blue Mosque of Ahmed I, XX: 1:44 Topography
Bodgan-Serai, IV:3/4:27 Photographs, XVI:3:36
Church of the Holy Apostles see Istanbul: Holy I'timad-ud-Daula
Apostles Church Tomb of, Agra, XV:4:9

Churches, IV:3/4:26,28 It, C., 1867-1954, Dr., XIII:2:18

Cinili Kiosk, XX:2:85 Ivan III, Grand Prince, XVI:2:16 nn2,14

Constantinople College for Girls (Shepley, Rutan and Ivan IV, [The Terrible], XVI:2:14
Coolidge), XVII:3:30 nl4 Ivanov, Anton, 1815-1848, XVI:2:30


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Ivara - James

Ivara, Filippo see Juvara, Filippo Izba, XVI:2:7-8,9,10-12

Ive, Paul Iznalloz, Spain
The Practice of Fortification, XIII:4:28 n4 Parish Church (D. de Siloe and J. de Maeda),
Ives, J. Merritt see Currier and Ives XX:3:147
Ivory, Thomas, XX:3:134nl6 Iztapa, Mex.
Ivry, Pierre Contant d' see Contant d'lvry, Pierre Church, XV:l:l9n32

J. M. White, steamships, XI:4:25,26,30-[31]; illus. Jacobs, Warren, of Thomaston, Me., X:4:[31,32] n21
XI:4:26 fig 1; [29] figs 7,8,9 Jacobus, John M Jr.
Jablonn v Podjestdi see Gabel Reviews
"Jachin," XII:4:6 Alazard, J., Le Corbusier, XX:2:92-95

Jackman, Elsa L., XVIII:4:154 n2 Choay, F., Le Corbusier, XX:2:92-95

Jackson, A. Stephens, II, XI:4:[7] n36 Frank, K., The Works of Affonso Eduardo Reidy,

Jackson, Andrew, Pres., and bridge to Arlington, XX:2:92,94-95

IV:1:38; Jackson, Miss, named for, XX:3:113; and Le Corbusier, Creation Is a Patient Search,
R. Mills, VII:1 /2:11 nl3; XV:1:28; and U.S. XX:2:92-95

Patent Office Bldg., XV: 1:27,28 Pinkney, D. H., Napoleon III and the Rebuilding
Home of [Hermitage], Nashville, XV: 1:28 of Paris, XVIII:l:35-36
Jackson, C. M., Dr. Jacobus Monachus
Bldg. of see Philadelphia: Jackson (Dr. C. M.) Bldg. Homilies m 4 36

Jackson, Charles E 20th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:27 Jacquemin

Jackson, George R., 19th c. iron founder, XV:4:17 n, . c c. ,. .. _ ,,,,,

i . / T \ 7 i vv f., Plan, 1779, of St. Martin, Tours, IV:3/4:13 nil;

(James L.) Iron Works, N.Y., XV:4:17,22 n70 vni/^nn n ,n, t- a
Il TU looinjr r> -u i tri-, o. i VII:3/4:11,12; lllus. VII:3/4 pi IV fig 4

Jackson, Joseph, 1867-1946, on Beth Israel [Crown St.] , T,

o r>u-i j i u- r Jacques, Thomas
Synagogue, Philadelphia, XI1I:4:29; errors of, . ' , .. , , .
-J,-- c- , n u ru o i /-iu u Friends meeting house design, X:2:19
X: 1:25; on First Presbyterian [Market St.] Church, , . 6 &

Philadelphia, X:2:28; on J. C. Trautwine, Jaen, '"'Pain

XVIIL4:162; on E. Woolley, XI:3:26n7 Cathedral, XX:3:146

Jackson, P. W. Ward see Ward-Jackson, P. W. Sanctuary, XVII: 1:9

Jackson, Thomas, fl. ca. 1820, of Va., XVI: 1:17 n96 Jaffe, Hans Ludwig C.

Jackson, Thomas Graham, Sir J 1917-1931, XVIII:3:115

Renaissance of Roman Architecture, XIII:4:31 Jagannath see Puri, India

Jackson, Thomas Jonathan ["Stonewall"], XVIII:2:66 Jager, John, IV:2:4

Jackson, Miss., XX:3:111-113 Jahan, Shah, see Jehan

Capitol, XX:3:113; illus. XX:3:112 fig 4 Jails see Prisons
City Hall, XX:3:113 Jamaica

Gas Works, XX:3:113 Architecture, X:3:22-27; XIV:1:30; XVII:3:33

Maps, illus. XX:3:112 figs 3,4 Earthquakes, X:3:22,24

Penitentiary, XX:3:113 James, Saint [James the Greater; Santiago], VlI:3/4:26

Jackson, Wis. Monastery of the Order of see Cuenca, Spain:
Butt Farm, XVIII:1:31 Monastery of the Order of St. James

Koepsel House, XVIII:1:31; illus. XVIII:1:30 fig 4 Retable of Santiago see Granada: Cathedral: Retable
Krueger (Gottlieb) House, XVIII:1:31; illus. of Santiago
XVIII:1:31 fig 5 James I, King of Aragon [El Conquistador], XIV:1:3

Miske (Arthur) Farm, XVIII:1:31 James I, King of Engl., X:4:24; XVII:1:13; XX:3:106
Jackson Hole Preserve, Inc., XIX:2:83 James II, King of Engl., XX:2:56
Jacksonburgh, S.C., X:4:6 James, d. 1746, of Greenwich, see James, John, d. 1746
Jacksonville, Or. James, 19th c., of Baltimore, XVI:1:29
Architecture, XII:4:19-25 James, Edward D XVII:1:30
City plan, Maps and Views, XII:4:19; illus. XII:4:19 James, Edwin, XI:1:28
fig 1, 20 fig 2 James, Frank, brother of Jesse James,
Jacob Strader, steamboat, XI:4:26,28,30 XVIII:4:154,156,157

Jacobs, Rowland, blacksmith James, George Wharton, XV: 1:23

House of [Hahn House], Thomaston, Me., X:4:25 James, Henry, on the skyscraper, XVIII:4:128 n7,137

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James - Jefferson

James, Jesse, XVIII:4:154,156,157 Tradition and Creation in Japanese

James, John, d. 1746 _ Architecture, XX: 1:44

Description and Use of a Joynt Rule, see Brown, Oda [Ota], Hirotar (with K. Hattorf and T.
John, fl. 1669 Tanabe), Nippon no Kenchiku [The
Transi, of C. Perrault, On the Five Orders of Architecture of Japan], XVI:4:36

Columns in Architecture, XX:3:116,129 no.66 City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History

Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.) and Planning): Japan

Churches, XIII: 1:11 Ministry of Engineering
St. George's, Hanover Square, London, X-.2-.21 Building Bureau [Public Works Bureau],
Portico, XIII: 1:11 XIII:2:13,14,15,18n6

James, Martin S., VIII:1/2:133 Japelli [Jappelli], Giovanni see Iapelli, Giovanni
James, William, XIII: 1:4; XV:2:30 Jardot, Maurice

James, ship, XX:2:49 Introd. to Le Corbusier, Creation Is a Patient Search,

James City, Va. XX:2:92,93

Courthouse, 1715 ice Williamsburg, Va.: Jarnac

Courthouses Maison de, Paris, 111:3:18

James River Company, XIX:3:117 Jaroslavl, Russ.

James the Conqueror see James I, King of Aragon Architecture, XVI:2:15

Jamestown Va Church of St. John the Precursor see Tolchkovo,

Ambler House, XVIII:2:72 R,uss*

Church, 1619 (Argall), IV:3/4:44 ?tyJla"' IV:1:30,31,32

Church, 1639, IV:3/4:44,45,46; illus. IV:3/4:[44a] T St' Nlcolas> |II:4:39

3 Jarves, James Jackson, as a collector, IX: 1/2:34

Church, 1907, IV:3/4:44 JaSAPf' Te5' v, m

Windows, IV:3/4:45 T AdamS HoUSe' XI:4:[7] n29

Church tower, 1699, IV:3/4:44,46; XVIII:2:72 Ja*a .

Excavations, XX,3:>4

Javier, Francisco see Xavier, Francis, Saint

Fort, 1607, XX:3:148

c, 4 u vrri , , Jay. John, 111:3:31; IV:2:31; XIV:2:3

Statehouse, XVIII: 1:3 Jay, William, 1769-1853, divine, of Bath, X:4:9

Jamestown Island, Va., 111:4:26 j William, b. 1794, architect, J. S. Buckingham on,

Jamieson, Egbert X 4 9
Kouse of, Chicago, XIX: 1:3-4; illus. XIX: 1:4 fig 4 Savannah Theatre, Savannah, X:4:9
Jamison, William, XVI:2:20-22 Trpntv vni-l/4-^

Jandl, Prof, XIV:2:32 Jayme, Antonio, Fr., XV: 1 -.23,26nl3

Janer, Albert Christ see Christ-Janer, Albert Jayne, David, Dr., IX:3:27-28; X:l:25; XV:2:32;
Janes, Beebe and Co. (see also Janes, Fowler, Kirkland XX 1-3
and Co.), VII: 1/2:13 n35,24,26,29; XV:4:16 Jean de Courtenay, Archbishop of Reims, XVII:4:9
Ironworks of, N.Y., illus. XV:4:13 fig 1 Jeanneret-Gris, Charles Edouard see Le Corbusier
Janes, Fowler, Kirkland and Co. [Janes, Fowler, Jeffers, of Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass., XIII:2:28
Kirtland and Co.] (see also Janes, Beebe and Jefferson, Peter, IX:3:16; X:l:9
Co.), VII:l/2:24,25,26 Jefferson, Thomas, H. Adams on, XII: 1:7;
Janis, Elsie, 111:1/2:47 archaeological investigations, XIV:3:32; beginning
Jans, E., of Almelo, Neth., XVII:2:2 Qf architectural interest, XVIII -A: 164; on A.

Jans, Jan, of Almelo, Neth., XVII:2:2 Benjamin's Marine Hospital, XIII:3:17;

Janse, Olov R. T., IX:l/2:10n2 bicentennial exhibition, 11:4:41; and city planning,
Jansen, fl. 1930 111:1/2:22; XX:3:108-114; use of coal for heating
Plan for Madrid (and S. Zuazo), XVIII:3:75 n6 White House, IX:4:23-24 n22; esteem for
Janson, Horst W. [Peter Janson], VI:3/4:36 commemorative medals, XIV:2:3; drafting of
Jantz, Harold, XX:3:117 Declaration of Independence, XVIII:4:162; and
Japan gadgets, X:4:21; and G. Granger, XIII:3:16; and J.
Architecture (see also Oriental art and architecture), Jordan, IX:3:18; F. Kimball on, 11:4:41;

infl. in Bay Region, X:3:16-17; and Chinese VIII:1/2:129; X:l:3; and B. H. Latrobe,

architecture, IX:l/2:3; infl. on Greene and VII:l/2:10n4; X:2:5-10,23; XIV:2:12; XV:2:26;

Greene, IX: 1 /2:13; style, XX:1:42; infl. on F. L. XV:4:29; desire for macadam paving at University

Wright, XVIII:2:63,65 of Va., XX:4:203; admiration for F. Milizia,

Articles and Books XIII:3:12,13; and R. Morris, X:l:3-10; H.

Abe, K., "Early Western Architecture in Morrison on, XII:2:29; in Newport, R.I., 1784,

Japan," XIII:2:13-18 XVIII:4:159; predilection for octagonal bldgs.,

Gropius, W. (and K. Tange), Katsura, X: 1:4-9; Palladianism of, X: 1:3-4,8,10; XII:2:29;

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Jefferson - Jenney
Jefferson, Thomas (Cont.) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, conservation
XIII:4:32; XVIII:1:7; Roman style of, VIII:3/4:25; of, XV:4:3; date of construction,
as "Sage of Monticello," IX:3:18; V. Scully on, XX:4:203-204; designed in entirety,
XIX:4:182; on Temple of Vesta, XIV:2:12; use of XVII:3:22; infl. on design of, X:l:3; infl. on J.
temple plan, VIII: 1 /2:129; and J. Trumbull, Jordan, IX:3:18; monumental grouping of
VIII:3/4:3; and U.S. Capitol, V1I:1/2:10 n4; large bldgs., 1:3/4:30; visited by J.
X:2:5-10; XV:2:26; and U.S. Naval Arsenal, Breckinridge, XVIII:l:6n24
X:2:5,23; at University of Va. cornerstone laying, Brickwork, IX:3:18

XX:4:204; sponsorship of Va. penitentiary, Documents, Drawings, etc., IX:l/2:38; IX:3:29

xil:4:26,27-30; XIX:3:115; H. Walter as successor Layout, X:l:10; X:3:[31]; XVII:3:25
to work of, VI:3/4:20; Washington planning, Pavilions, X:l:4,10; IX:3:14; XVIII: 1:7; illus.
11:4:41; 111:1/2:22; IV:1:34; and "White City," X:l:[7] fig 12
IX:1/2:31 Paving, XX:4:203
Library of, XIII:1:16 Williamsburg work, XVIII:4:164
Memorial Foundation, IX:3:14n Jefferson, Or.
Monument to Christian Church (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:59nl3
Jefferson Memorial, Washington, 111:4:21 Jefferson, Tex.
Portrs., 11:4:41 Henderson House, XI:4:[7] nn29,39
Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.) Murphy House [Presbyterian Manse], XI:4:[6]nl
Academical Village see Jefferson, Thomas: Works Jefferson City, Mo.
(Bldgs., Designs, etc.): University of Virginia Old Missouri Capitol (S. Hills), XIV:2:17 n6
Battersea, remodeling, X:l:10 Jefferson Memorial Foundation, IX:3:14n
Botetourt County Courthouse, 1818, Fincastle, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial see Saint
Va., XVIII: 1:6 Louis, Mo.
Brandon, X:l:8,10; XIV:1:17; illus. X:l:[6] fig 8 Jefferson ville, Ind.
Buckingham County Courthouse, Maysville, Va., City plan, Maps, etc., XX:3:109-111,113; illus.
XVIII: 1:6-7; illus. XVIII:1:9 fig 17 XX:3:109 fig 1; 111 fig 2

Capitol, Richmond (and C. L. Clrisseau), Jehan, Shh [Djahn; Jahan], 111:4:47-48; XV:4:10
VIII: 1/2:129; XII:4:28; XVIII: 1:6 Peacock Throne Of, XV:4:11

City plan, New Orleans Jein, Bo, XIX:2:83

Extension proposal, XX : 3:110,111,113 Jemgum, Ger.

College of William and Mary, Williamsburg 7th-6th c. B.C. house, XVII:2:21 nl7

Additions, X:3:28-[31]; XVIII:4:164; illus. Jenghiz Khan see Genghis Khan

X:3:29 figs [1,2] Jenkins, Frank I., XV:2:32

Courthouses, Va., XVIII:1:6-10 "Harbingers of Eiffel's Tower," XVI:4:22-29;

Designs, Documents, etc. (Collections), 11:4:41; XIX:1:11

VIII: 1 /2:129; IX:l/2:38; IX:3:14-16,29; X:l:3; Jenkins, Thomas, 18th c. settler in Hudson Valley,
X:3:32; XVIII:4:164 111:1/2:38

Farmington, Louisville, design, IX:3:16; X:l:9; Jenks, 19th c of German town

illus. IX:3:[15] figs 1-3 Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings,
Lee Mansion [Arlington House; Custis-Lee XVI:2:23,26

Mansion] (attrib.), X:2:ll Jenney, William Le Baron (see also Jenney and

Liberty Hall [Brown (John) Home], Frankfort Mundie; Jenney, Schermerhorn and Bogart;

(attrib.), 11:1:35; IX:3:14-16 Loring and Jenney), and AIA, XVI:1:14; as judge
McRae (Alexander) House [Octagonal Office of American Luxfer Prism Co. competition,
Bldg.], 1805-1813, Richmond (attrib. and A. XIX:l:7nl7; and S. S. Beman, XII:3:17; biogr.
McRae, attrib.), 11:2:39; 111:4:27 data, XVI: 1:14; and Chicago School, XI: 1:27; infl.
Monticello, 1:3/4:15; IX:3:14; X:l:3-10; X:2:6; on Deutsche Werkbund, X:3:10; Minneapolis
XII:4:32; XIII:2:8; XIII:4:32; XVIII: 1:7,8; work, XI:2:15; H. H. Reed and C. Tunnard on,

illus. X: 1 :[5] figs 1,3,5 XV:3:31; and H. H. Richardson, IX:l/2:30; and

Nelson County Jail, Lovingston, IX: 1/2:38 skyscraper development, XI:2:15; XVI: 1:14-16

Pantops, IX:3:14 Crilly Bldg., Chicago, XVI:1:15

Polygonal retreat, study for, X:l:9; illus. X:l:[7] Fletcher and Sharp Bank Bldg., Indianapolis,





Poplar Forest, 11:2:39; IX:3:14,29; X: 1:4,9,10; illus. Home Insurance Bldg., Chicago, 1:2:22; 11:4:18 n91;

X:l:[7] fig 10 XII:1:13,20; XII:3:31; XVI: 1:14,15,16,19 n 114;

President's House [White House], Washington, XVIII:4:131,133,134,136,138; XIX:4:182; illus.

competition design, X:l:4 XI: 1:28

Temple plan house [palace] design, Williamsburg, Lakeside Block, Chicago, XVI: 1:15

VIII: 1/2:129; XVIII:4:164 Leiter Bldg., Chicago

1st, 1879, XII:4:32; XVI:1:14,15


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Jenney - Jesuits (Bldgs., Order, etc.)

2d, 1889-91 [Sears, Roebuck Store], Church of the Resurrection see Jerusalem: Holy
11:4:29 nn 155,157; IX:l/2:29; XII:4:32 Sepulchre

Manhattan Block, Chicago, XVI:1:15 City plan, VIII:3/4:9; as depicted in paintings,

Portland Block, Chicago, XVI:1:15; XVII:2:32 XIX:1:39

Jenney and Mundie (see also Jenney, William Le Dome of the Chain [Kubbat al-Silsilah], 111:4:35

Baron; Mundie, William B.), IX: 1/2:29 Dome of the Rock [Kubbat al-Sakhr; Mosque of

Jenney, Schermerhorn and Bogart Omar], 111:4:42-43,46; IX:4:28; XVI:3:10; illus.

See also Jenney, William Le Baron III:4:[32a] fig 19

Parks, Chicago, XVI:l:19nl26 Hadassah University Medical Center, Mount Scopus

Riverside, 111., XVI:l:19nl26 (E- Mendelsohn), XVII:3:36

Jennings, Edward, 19th c, XVIII:3:106 Holy Sepulchre [Anastasis; Church of the
Jennings, James, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Resurrection], IV:3/4:4; XVI:3:20; XVII:1:2-11;

Jennings, John, 18th c, XIV:1:31 XVII:4:6; XVIII:3:94,98; XIX:4:177;

Jensen, Elmer C, XI: 1:27 XX:3:146-147; illus. XVII:1:3 fig 3; 7 figs 11,12

Jerash [Gerasa] Baldacchino [Edicule], IV:3/4:4; XVII:l:10n28

City plan, 111:1/2:25 Martyrion Basilica, IV:3/4:4

Square of South Tetrapylon, 111:1/2:22; illus. Tomb,

al-Sakhra see Jerusalem: Dome of the Rock

III:l/2:[22a] fig 2
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

Kubbat al-Silsilah see Jerusalem: Dome of the Chain

Mosaics, IV: 3/4:4


High altar, 1630-36, XII:2:31 Mosque al-Aksi, 111:4:40

rti h VT|.Mosque of Omar see Jerusalem: Dome of the Rock

urc es, Temple of Solomon see Solomon, King: Temple of

ela 3 "Jerusalem, Heavenly" see Heavenly City

' n^1t' " Jerusalem, Knights of St. John of see Malta, Knights




Santiago Jrusalem Nouvelle, by F. M. Abel and L. H. Vincent,

Cibonum, XVII:l:10nl7 IV-3/4-4

Jericho and Smiths Mills, XIX:3:117 Jervis, John B., XX:4:196

Jerome, Saint, VIII:3/4:2 Jervis d'Athouguia, Ruy see Athouguia, Ruy Jervis d'
Jersey City, N.J. Jessop, William, 1745-1814, XIV:4:20
American Sugar Refining Co. ^ew Loncjon Bridge [Double bridge across Thames],
Matthiessen-Weichers Sugar Refinery, 1862 London, project (and G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:17;
(D. Lienau), XIV:l:22-24, illus. XIV:1:[23] illus XIV:4:14 fig 1,17 fig 6

figs 9,10 Jesuits (Bldgs., Order, etc.) [Company of Jesus] (see

New Jersey Sugar Refinery, 1867 (D. Lienau), a/so Clerks Regulars, Order of), XV:3:23n23; 29
XIV: 1:22 Antwerp

Armory, 1936, XIV:3:29 St. Ignatius [St. Charles Borromeo; Jesuit Church,
Bergen Church, 1773, Jersey City Heights, 1614-21], XVIII:3:113,114; XX:4:202
VII:3/4:31 Architects, V:[21]-23

Grace Church [Van Vorst Church] (D. Lienau), Ayacucho, Peru

XIV:1:19; illus. XIV:1:[20] fig 1 Compania [Jesuit College]

Lienau (Michael) House (D. Lienau), XIV:1:19 Portal, V:22; VIII:3/4:44; illus. V:[20b] fig 3

Matthiessen-Weichers Sugar Refinery see Jersey China, XV:3:24-30

City, N.J.: American Sugar Refining Co.: Church plan, XV:3:22n7

Matthiessen-Weichers Sugar Refinery Cuzco, Peru

New Jersey Sugar Refinery see Jersey City, N.J.: Jesuit Church, V:37-38
American Sugar Refining Co.: New Jersey Sugar Jesuit Monastery, V:[35]
Refinery Evora, Port.
Old Bergen Church see Jersey City, N.J.: Bergen Jesuit churches, XV:3:20
Church Fort Ste. Marie [Ste. Marie I]
Van Vorst Church see Jersey City, N.J.: Grace Excavations of Jesuit retreat, XIII:2:27



Jerusalem, Patriarch of, see Arnoul, Patriarch of Lisbon

Jerusalem Jesuit churches, 16th c., XV:3:20

Jerusalem Missions and Missionaries, XIV:4:6

Anastasis see Jerusalem: Holy Sepulchre Monogram, XV:3:29; illus. XV:3:28 fig 5
Anglo-Palestine Bank (E. Mendelsohn), XVII:3:36 Paris

Calvary, IV:3/4:4 St. Paul and St. Louis

Faade [Northern Jesuit] (F. Derand), XV:1:5;

illus. XV: 1:6 fig 2


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Jesuits (Bldgs., Order, etc.) - Johnson

Jesuits (Bldgs., Order, etc.) ( Com.) Joan the Mad see Juana, 1479-1555, Queen of Spain
Quito, Ecuador Joanine style [Estilo joanino], XV:3:16-23

Jesuit churches Joo V, King of Port. [John V], attracted French

Interiors, XIX:4:177 painters and engravers, XV:3:23 n51; and J. F.
Rio de Janeiro Ludwig [Ludovice], XV:3:17; and Monastery of St.

Jesuit College XIV-4-9 Augustine, Macao, XIX:2:71; passing reference,



Il Ges Funeral monuments, XV:3:20

For complete list of references see Rome (City): Style of see Joanine style

Il Ges Joo VI, King of Port., XIV:4:9,10

Perspective representations in, 1685, S?

XV:2:10nll Church; XII:3:7

Salvador, Brazil dodc Rl^e' Fra* V:23

Cathedral [Jesuit Church], 1657-72, XV:3:16 Joed'cke,^Jrgen

A History of Modern Architecture
Altars of Sts. Ignatius and Francis Xavier,
XV:3:23 n47

School of



Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XIX:2:86-87

Jogotn, Andrs, V:[21]

Drawing (M C. de Saldanha, attrib.), XV:3:18 EJevated hou^ IV:2:30.33; iUus IV:2:[30a]

Theater, use of, XV:2.4 _ John, Apostle, see John, Saint

Jesus, Francisco de, Fray, see Francisco de Jesus John( w [Apostle John. John the Evangelist; John

Jesus Christ, in art, XI:3:6 the Divine], descr. of Heavenly City, XI:3:16n2;

The Jesus of Passos, Statue in St. Augustine's Church, St Augustine on meaning of number 7 to,
Macao, XIX:2:72-73 XVIII*3*97

Jeuffroy Knights of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem see

Medal of Napoleon, illus. XIV:2:[5] fig 14 Malta, Knights of

Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, by E. R. Statue, St. Jos Seminary Church, Macao, XV:3:30

Goodenough John V, King of Port., see Joo V, King of Port.

Rev. by M. C. Donnelly John VI, King of Port., see Joo VI, King of Port.
Vol. 1-3, XIII:3:22 John Maurice, Count of Nassau-Siegen, see
Vol. 4-6, XVI:2:28 Nassau-Siegen, Joan Mauritz, Graaf van

Jewish synagogues and temples see Synagogues and John of Jerusalem, Knights of the Order of see Malta,
Temples (Jewish) Knights of

Jews, and the Temple of Solomon (see also Solomon, John of Patmos, Saint

King: Temple of), XVI:3:10 Painting of (J. La Farge), XII: 1:9

Architecture, Bldgs., etc. John of Salisbury, Bishop of Chartres, XI:3:12;

See also Synagogues and Temples (Jewish) XVII:2:28

Ancient, XIII:4:29-30 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation see
New Orleans Guggenheim (John Simon) Memorial Foundation
Jewish Widows and Orphans Home, 1869 (H. John the Divine see John, Saint

Howard), illus. XI:4:[23] John the Evangelist see John, Saint

Saratoga Springs dohn the Scot see Erigena, John Scotus

House of Pansa [Jewish Community House] (F. y Dutchman, 17th c., of Va., XVI:4:30
W. Smith), XIV:3:6-7; illus. XIV:3[5] fig 5 Johns, Kensey

Shrines, XVI:2:28 House of. New Castle, Del., XVII:4:36

Toledo Johnson, fl. 1804, of Charleston, S. C.
i , . , , House of, XII: 1:26
Judena, house walls, XX: 1:28


T b XIII 3 32 Johnson, Aaron, bricklayer,

of Charleston, S.C.,
XII: 1:24

Art, XV:4:9

, ... . . Johnson, Arthur L., 19th c, of Baltimore, XV:4:14

Jews in foreign countries [Diaspora], VIII:l/2:53 Johnson, Edward P.

Jews in the U.S. House of [Sayre College], Lexington, Ky., XI:4:16

New York (City), XVII:2:24 Johnson, Ernest V., son of George H. Johnson,
Newport, R.I., XVII:2:23-24 XVM14

Jimenez de Cisneros, Francisco see Cisneros, Francisco Johnson, George H., XV:4:17,22 n63; XVI: 1:14,15-16;

Jimnez de XIX:4:181-182
Jimenez Donoso, Jos see Donoso, Jos Jimnez Cast-iron faades, XV:4:22 n63

Joad, XV:2:29 Chicago, XVI:1:18 nllO

Joan de Velasco see Velasco, Juan de Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Co., N.Y.
Joan Mauritz, Graaf van Nassau-Siegen, see Faade, XV:4:22 n63
Nassau-Siegen, Joan Mauritz, Graaf van


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Johnson - Jones

Kendall Bldg., Chicago Johnstown, N.Y.

Fire-proof tile arch, XIX:4:182 Johnson Hall [Johnson (Sir William) Home]

Niagara and Plympton Fireproof Grain Elevator, (S. Fuller), 11:1:35; IV:2:39

Buffalo, XVI:1:14 Johnstown (N.Y.) Historical Society, 11:1:35

Pennsylvania Railroad Grain Elevator, Philadelphia Johonnot, George

'fi?1* ? ^ XY* : 1; 18 n 107 House of see Salem, Mass.: Peirce (Jerathmeel)

U.S. Warehouse Co. Grain Elevator, Brooklyn, N.Y. House

(and D. D. Badger), XVI:1:18 nl07; ,

XIX*4-181 182

Johnson, Guy, Col, IV:2:38 no.5 T ^ Palace with Classical Figur painting, 11:3:33

Johnson, John, 1742-1830, Sir, IV:2:39 no.10 Jolmes' AJ' 19th c congressman of Iowa,

Johnson, John, 19th c. architect of N.Y. XVIIL4:159

Capitol of Ohio competition design (and E. B. Jombert, Charles Antoine, XVIII:2:61

Taunton), XIL2.18 n3 Jombert, Claude, XVIII:2:60,61,62

Johnson, John A., early Kansas settler, VI: 1/2:27 Jones, of Fort Eustis, Va.

Johnson, Lewis House of, X:2:19

Powhatan County Courthouse, Powhatan, Jones, Amos, XIII:3:26; XVII:3:33
XVIII: 1:2 n2,10; illus. XVIII:1:10 fig 23 Jones, Mrs. Colford, XI:2:[8]

Johnson, Philip, on contemporary architecture, Jones, Edward Burne see Burne-Jones, Edward
XX:4:203; on Mies van der Rhe, XX: 1:42,43; Jones, Harry
Minnesota work, XIX:1:40; and SAH, 11:3:31; Butler Brothers Wholesale Store and Warehouse,

VI:3/4:36 Minneapolis, XIII:l:22-23; XIX:1:40; illus.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia XIII:1:21 fig 7

Renovation (and S. E. Martin), XVI:1:30 joneS) Hugh, XVIII:4:163

Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica Jones, I., fl. 1787

Museum Bldg., XX:2:95 pjre insurance survey of Philadelphia, XX:3:131

Seagram Bldg. N.Y. (and Mies van der Rohe), j Inig0, introd. of Classical Revival t0 EngL,

T XTh2f >XIX:r^Xvv ol, sa XX:3 115; style in Holland, XX:1:41; voyages,

Johnson, Robert, Gov. of SC., XX:2:51,53,54 XIX-4136

Samuel "Notes and Remarks of Inigo Jones ...," in G.
Dictionary of the English Language, X:2:20 , . .. 6 . . _ ,, ,.
Johnson, Thomas Le0m' The Architecture of A. Palladio,
One Hundred and Fifty New Designs, XX:3:127 no.33 XX:3:128 no.47

Johnson, William, Sir, IV:2:38(5),39 Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.)

Home of ice Johnstown, N.Y.: Johnson Hall Christ Church College, Oxford, IV:3/4:44
Johnson, William J. Covent Garden, London, IX:3:11; XVI:4:13;

House of, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:37 XX:2:54-55

Johnson, William L., architect of Philadelphia, see Designs (Collections and Publications)

Johnston, William L. Campbell, C., Vitruvius Britannicus, XX:3:115

Johnson and Co., Chicago firm, XVI: 1:14 "Inigo Jones Architecture," XX:3:127 nil

Johnson Collection see Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Kent, W Designs of Inigo Jones, X:l:9;

Museum of Art XX:3:118,127 no.36 and nll,130no.l7

Johnson, Morton and Co., XI:4:26 RIBA, XIX:2:88

Johnson Wax Co. Vardy, J., Designs of Inigo Jones, XX:3:127 nil
Bldg. of see Racine, Wis.: Johnson Wax Co. Ware, I., Designs of Inigo Jones and Others,

Johnson's Fort, Charleston, S.C., XX:2:53 XIII:2:4 [Designs, 1756];

Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 11:4:41; XI:2:24 XX:3:127 nl 1,129 n30,130 nos.85,15

Johnston, Gideon, d. 1716, Rev., XVIII:3:112 Worcester College, Oxford, XIX:2:88

Johnston, James B 19th c ofN.Y,Xl:2:U s Greenwich> London, IV:3/4:44;

Johnston, John T., 19th c of N. Y., XI:2:11 vrx-viti








Victoria County History, XII:3:25 St. Katharine Cr<*'

Johnston, William B., 20th c of Or., XII:4:25 nl Remodeled, IX:3:7; illus. IX:3:[10] fig 8

Johnston, William L., 1811-1849, and Carpenters' Co., St- Paul s- Covent Garden, London, IX:3:11-12;

XIV:2:30; and L. Sullivan, XX:1:3,17,18,19 XIII:1:12; illus. IX:3:[10] figs 9-10

Jayne Bldg., 1849-50, Philadelphia (and T. U. St. Paul's Cathedral (Old), London
Walter), IX:3:27-28; IX:4:24,25; X: 1:25,26; Restoration [Faade and screening wall], IX:3:7;
XII:3:31; XII:4:32; XIV:2:30; XV:2:32; XV:3:31; XIII:1:12; illus. IX:3:[10] fig 7
XV:4:16; XX:1:3,10-13,16,18; illus. IX:3:[25] figs Whitehall Palace, London
2-4; X:l:25; XX:1:[4] fig 1 Banqueting Hall, IV:3/4:44; XX:3:115

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Jones - Juana la Brava

Jones, J., 18th c. Howland, R. H. (and E. P. Spencer), The

A New Book of Iron Work [Designs for Iron Work; Architecture of Baltimore, A Pictorial History,
Ornamental Designs], see Jores, J.: A New Book XIII:3:30-32; XVI:4:35
of Iron Work Joedicke, J., A History of Modern Architecture,



Lancaster County Courthouse, 1740, Lancaster, Va., Maass, J., The Gingerbread Age, XVII:3:35

XVIII: 1:5 McCallum, I., Architecture USA, XIX:2:86-87

Jones, John Brandon see Brandon-Jones, John Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia
Jones, Mary Mason, XIV:l:21-22 Architecture in the Nineteenth Century,
Block of houses [mansions], N.Y., XI:2:[8]; XIII:3:30-32
XIV: 1:21-22 Jores, J. [Jones, J.]
Jones, Michael, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 A New Book of Iron Work [Designs for Iron Work;
Jones, Owen, XIII:3:25 Ornamental Designs], XX:3:127 no.34
Jones, Rebecca Mason Colford, XIV:1:21 Jorgensen, Chris

Block of houses see New York (City): Jones (Rebecca Paintings of Missions, XV: 1:25 n3
Mason Colford): Mansions Jorgenson
Jones, W. Jenkin, Rev., XV:4:23 House of see Dennis, Mass.: Howes-Jorgenson
Jones, William, 19th c of Chicago, XVI:l:18nllO House
Jones, William, fl. 1818, Pres. of U.S. Bank, 11:3:27 Jorgenson Family, of Dennis, Mass., XIX:2:55 n35
Jones, Zephaniah, VII:l/2:30 Jorquera, F. Henriquez de see Henriquez de
Jong, Piet de, XV: 1:32 Jorquera, F.

Jordaens, XX:4:203 Jos I, King of Port. [Jos Manuel; Joseph Emanuel],

Jordan, Anna Maria see Ranlett, Anna Maria Jordan XV:3:10,22 nl2,23 n51

Jordan, Benjamin, IX:3:19n6 Equestrian statue (J. M. de Castro), XIV:4:7,9

Jordan, Charles Francis, IX:3:18 Joseph, Patron Saint of China, XV:3:24
Jordan, John, 1777-1854, Col., IX:3:17-19 Joseph I, King of Port., see Jos I, King of Port.

Barclay Home, Lexington, Va., IX:3:19 Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, 111:3:15; IV:l:26-27

Bateau Canal, Balcony Falls, IX:3:18 Joseph-Town, Ga., XX:2:49

Covered bridge over Maury River, East Lexington, Jossenay, Denis, XVIII:4:140
IX:3:17 Jost Van Dyke, V.l., birthplace of W. Thornton,
Episcopal Rectory, Lexington, Va., IX:3:19 XIV:1:29
Jordan (John) Manor House see Jordan, John, Jotsaldus, 11th c. monk, of Souvigny, XVI:2:2;
1777-1854, Col.: Stono XVI:3:20nl

Jordan (Samuel) Home, Lexington, Va., IX:3:19 Jourdain, Alphonse see Alphonse I
Lexington Canal, IX:3:18 Journal of Design, XIII:3:25
Longdale Furnace, Clifton Forge Rd., Va., IX:3:18 Journals see Periodicals
Neriah Baptist Church, Lexington, Va., IX:3:18 A Journey in North America, by V. Collot,

Reid House, Lexington, Va., IX:3:18 XVIII:1:22 n6,25,26 n24

Stono [Jordan (John) Manor House], Lexington, Va., Journey to the Summit of Mt. Blanc, by W. Howard,


Washington Hall, Washington and Lee University, Jove

Lexington, Va., IX:3:18; illus: IX:3:17 fig 1 Fountain of, Pratolino, XX:4:156
Jordan, John W., son of Col. John Jordan, IX:3:19 Jovius see Diocletian
Jordan, Lucy, daughter of Col. John Jordan, IX:3:18 Jowitt, R. L. P., on G. E. Street, XIX:4:147 nl4

Jordan, Oliver, Capt., X:4:30 Joy, . 1910, of Berkeley, Calif.

Jordan, Samuel, son of Col. John Jordan, IX:3:19 Residence of, illus. X:3:[19]

Jordan, Selina, daughter of Col. John Jordan, IX:3:18 Joy, Thomas

Jordan, Susan Amelia see Henderson, Susan Amelia Town House, 1st, 1657, Boston, X:2:20

Jordan Joyner and Cabinet-Maker's Darling, by J. Crunden,

Jordan Alum Springs, IX:3:19n6 XX:3:126 no.l 1 and nl

Jordan's Road, Va., IX:3:18 Joynt Rule, Description and Use of, by J. Brown [John

Jordan's Trail, Va., IX:3:18 James], XX:3:118,120,128 no.49; illus. XX:3:121

Jordy, William H., on American architecture, fig 6
XX:3:150 Juan de San Miguel, Fray, V:25
Reviews Juan de Velasco see Velasco, Juan de
American Philosophical Society, Historic Juana, 1479-1555, Queen of Spain [Joan the Mad]
Philadelphia from the Founding until the Early Sepulchre of, XVII: 1:8

Nineteenth Century, XIII:3:30-32 Juana la Brava, Dona

Drexler, A., Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, House of see Salamanca, Spain: Casa de Dona Juana





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Juarra - Kandinski

Juarra, Filippo see Juvara, Filippo Jullien, M., on St. Catherine, Honfleur, XVII:2:2

Judah, S 18th c., of N.Y., XVII:2:26nl5 Drawings of St. Catherine, Honfleur, illus.
Judd, E. Taylor, VIIl:3/4:69 XVII:2:[4] fig 3

Judd, Henry A., XIV:1:31; XIX:3:117 July, Edythe Norton, VI:l/2:19nl8

Judgment of Solomon see Solomon, King: Judgment Jumel Stephen

Judson, Thomas Macaughtry, 111:4:66 Mansion of, N.Y., IV:3/4:57

Jrgens, Oskar, on Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:3:75,77 ,

X:3:9-10; XIV:2:18 Jummges
. 6 . T Notre-Dame, XVII:3:3,7
Juggernaut see Pun, India Saint Pierre IV 3/4 6

Jukes, J. Beete, on headhouse of Damut Island,

XIX: 1:26,28 and nl5,29 n20 Jun' Phlneas Kingsberry, XIII:3:19 n8

Juli, Peru Junction City, Kan.

Churches, 16th c V:40 Baptist Church, VI: 1/2:29

College, V:34 Junient, Manuel Amat y see Amat y Junient, Manuel

Santa Cruz, V:[33],34; illus. V:[34a] fig 3 Junquera Blanco, Jos see Blanco, Jos Junquera
Julius II, Pope [Giuliano della Rovere], and Bramante, Junta Central de Habitacin Popular, XVIII:3:84
XIII:3:4,10 n6; and the Cortile del Belvedere,
XIV:4:30-31; Nicholas V as precursor of, XX: 1:40;

Junta Municipalidad de Sanidad, XVIII:2:42

as patron, IX:4:11; XIII:3:4,10 n6; colorful Jupiter

personality of, IX:4:10 Temples




ca. 1483, illus. XIV:2:[4] fig 7 Rome <Clty>' vU:3/4:[33]

1506 (Caradosso, attrib.), illus. XIV:2:[4] fig 9 Justinian, and Church of the Holy Apostles,
Tomb, Rome, V:12 VII:l/2:49; and Hagia Sofia, VII:l/2:9;

Villa [alia Magliana], Rome, V:11 VII:3/4:[5]; XVI:2:16nl; invasion of Daria,

Julius III, Pope, and Ammannati, IX:4:12; and F. del IV:3/4:24; passing references, 11:2:10; XVII:4:4

Castillo, XX:3:147; as patron, IX:4:11 House of, Constantinople, XX: 1:44

Villa of see Rome (City): Villas: Giulia Juvara [Juvarra], Filippo, XV:3:17; XVIII:4:164

K., A. J., fl. 1834, XX:3:102 Kalamazoo, Mich.
Kadam-Gah Kalamazoo State Hospital (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35
Shrine of, 111:4:47 Villa (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:38
Kagoshima Kal'at Sim'n

Cotton mill, 1867, XIII:2:14 Saint Simeon Stylites, IV:3/4:5; XVI:3:24

Kahler, Wesley, of Jacksonville, Or. Kalenic [Kalenie]

House of, XII:4:20 fig 2 no.41 Church, IV:3/4:28,29

Law Office, XII:4:21 Kalinin, Russ.

Kahn, Albert, IV:2:8-9 Cit lan> lgth c _ ilJus VIII:3/4:pl IV fig 5b
Burton Memonal Tower, Ann Arbor Plaza, ca. 1767, illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 16
Completion, VL3/4: n6 Streets, IV: 1:30,31



Detroit, 11:3:32; 11:4:43


Parthenon, Athens see Athens: Parthenon


Kahn, Ely Jacques, VI:3/4:4 Ka,m> Peter' Swed,sh traveler- X:2:24

Kahn, Otto H., X:l:ll Kaluga

Kahun, Egypt City plan, IV: 1:29-30

City plan, Maps, etc., VI:3/4:25; VII.1/2:41; illus. Kamehameha II, King of Hawaii, XII:3:28

VII:l/2:pl IX Kamehameha V, King of Hawaii, XI:3:29

Kairawn Kammerhueber, Wilderich V., VII:1/2:19

Mosque of, Tunis, 111:4:40 Kamper, Louis see Scott, Kamper and Scott

K'itbey, Sultan, 111:4:41,42,44 Kamphoefner, Henry L., VIII:1/2:132

Kalaa of the Beni Hammad Pref. to Ed. W. and Eliz. Waugh, The South

Palace, XX:2:88; illus. XX:2:89 fig 23 Builds..., XX:4:203-204

Kalakh seeNimrod Kandinski, Vasili, XIX:3:127


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Kane - Keeps, Circular

Kane, De Lancey, XIV:1:21 Diet Library], Tokyo, XIII:2:18; illus.
Loft bldg. Of, N.Y., XIV: 1:24; illus. XIV:1:[23] XIII:2:[17] fig 9




Villa of see Newport, R.I.: Beach Cliffe Katsura, Tradition and Creation in Japanese
Kane, Harnett, XI:4:21 Architecture, by W. Gropius and K. Tange,




House of see Newport, R.I.: Beach Cliffe Kauffmann, Emil, 1891-1953 see Kaufmann, Emil,

Kane, John, 19th c. stone-cutter, of Nashville 1891-1953

Monument of, 11:2:33 Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr., VIII:3/4:46

Kane, Mary Kaufmann, Edgar J., Sr.

A Bibliography of the Works of Fiske Kimball, Home of see Fallingwater

XVIII:2:72; XIX:1:43 Kaufmann, Emil, 1891-1953, as architectural historian,

Kankakee, 111. X:3:ll; biogr. data, 111:3:12 n; on Boulle, Ledoux

Bradley (Mrs. B. Harley) House, 1900 [Kankakee an(j Lequeu, XVII:3:18n9; on identity of Boulle's

Houses] (F. L. Wright), XIX:1:7 student "G," XIII: 1:16; on Filarete, XVII:3:18 n9;

Hickox (Warren) House, 1900 [Kankakee Houses] obit ; XII:3:32; and SAH, 11:3:3; 111:3:12 n

(F. L. Wright), XIX: 1:7 Architecture in the Age of Reason: Baroque and

Kansas Post-Baroque in England, Italy, and France,

Churches, VI:l/2:[22]-29 XII-3-32

Forts, VI:l/2:[35] Rev. by M. Whiffen, XV:4:30-31

Kansas Cty, Kan. [Westport Landing], VI:l/2:23 -At an Eighteenth Century Crossroads: Algarotti vs.

Methodist Episcopal Church, of Wyandotte Indians, Lodoli " IV-2-23-29

_. . 1844, VI: 1/2:23 "Claude Nicolas Ledoux, Inaugurator of a New

City, Mo. Cemetery, VI:l/2:23 Architectural System," 11:3:31; 111:3:12-20;




Nelson Gallery of Art and Atkins Museum ~, , . T j j

Asiatic Collections, XVI:3:32 Thre\

(S. H.) House, project (G. W. Mher), Leq"eu' ^ ^ ? ? YII ,
XIX-1-4 n6 v- by T. J. McCormick, Jr., XII:4:31-32

Kansas Pacific Railroad, VI:1 /2:26 Von L*dux. bi? LJ^/busier [Fmm Ledoux t0 Le
Karelische Bauten und Ornamentale Formen, by Y. or Ufler .. ' XIX.3.125
Blomstedt and V. Sucksdorff, VI:3/4:1 Kawaiahao, Hawaii
Karger, M XVI:2:29 Kawaiahao churchyard

Kargopol " Royal Tomb of Lunalilo (R. Lishman), XI:3:28-29;

City plan, Maps, etc., IV: 1:29,32; illus. IV: l:[22a] .. . hlus. XI:3:28

fig jq Mission church, XI:3:27

Karl, Prince of Solms-Braunfels, see Solms-Braunfels, ^ay' ^ln

Kari Flying shuttle, VIIM /2:5,27 n9

Karlgren, Bernard, XII:4:6 ^ay' Thos., of Salem, Or.

Karli, India Residence of, XIX:2:59nl3

Chaitya-hall, XVIII:1:28,29; illus. XVIII:1.28 fig 7 Kazan, Tatar Khanate of, XVI:2:14

Karlsruhe Kearney, John, 19th c., of Charleston, S.C., XII: 1:24

City plan, Maps, etc., 111:1/2:22; XX:3:108 Kearsley, John, ISth c., Dr., XI:3:23

Festhalle (J. Drrn), 11:3:11 Keating, Miss, of Cruz Bay, St. John
Palaces (J. Drrn), 11:3:11 House of, XIV:1:29

Technische Hochschule, 11:3:11 Keats, John, XI:2:28

Karnak (see also Thebes), XI:2:25 Memorial see Rome (City): Keats-Shelley Memorial
City plan, Maps, etc., VII: 1/2:41-42,43; illus. Keay, Isaac
VII: 1 /2:pl X Practical Measurer, or Plain Guide to Gentlemen and
Sphinx Avenues, VI:3/4:25; VII:l/2:44 Builders, XX:3:116,127 no.35
Temples, 11:2:5; VII:l/2:41-42 Kecoughtan, Indian village in Va., XVII:4:33
Amon [Ammon], VIII:3/4:34 Kedleston (R. Adam), XX:1:26
Karstens, 19th c., painter in Capitol, Washington, Mantel, XIII:2:6



Kaskaskia Indians, XVI:4:14 House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 fig 2 no.42
Kassel, Ger. [Cassel] Keeler, Charles

Arch (C. N. Ledoux), XIII:1.17 Residence of, Berkeley, illus. X:3:[19]

Kasson and Lewis, XIX:4:172 Keeling, Bassett, IX:l/2:27

Katayama, T. Keene's cement, X:3:[31]

Crown Prince's Palace [Akasake Detached Palace; Keeps, Circular, VII:3/4:28


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Kees - Kent

Kees, Frederick (see also Kees and Colburn; Long and Restoration of Lebanon (Conn.) Meetinghouse,
Kees), XIX: 1:40 VIII:3/4:4; XIV:2:9,11
Kees and Colburn Kelly, Nathan B., XII:2:18

See also Kees, Frederick Kelsey, H. N.

Advance Thresher Bldg., Minneapolis, XIII: 1:22; House of, Wilmette, 111., XIX: 1:7; illus. XIX: 1:7





Emerson-Newton Implement Co., Minneapolis, Kemp, G., 17th c., of Sudbury, Mass., XI: 1:4
XIII: 1:22; illus. XIII:1:20 fig 6 Kemter, of Hudson, Ohio
Grain Exchange, Minneapolis, XIII:1:22 House of, XII:2:10,14 nl

Great Northern Implement Bldg., Minneapolis, Ken-zan-fu see Ch'ang-an, China

XIX: 1:40 Kenchikugaken-Taikei [Encyclopedia of Architecture;
Kehoe, 20th c. architect, see Perry, Shaw and Hepburn, Outline of Architectural Studies], no.5, XVI:2:32;




Keighley, Engl. Kenchi-kushi-Kenkyu, IX:3:29

Fulling mill, VIII: 1 /2:5 Kendall, Amos, XV:1:28
Weaving factory, VIII: 1 /2:5 Kendall, Edward Hale

Keigler, Arthur L., XX:2:65 nl5 Equitable Life Assurance Co. Bldg., 1868, N.Y.
Keiller, A., 111:1/2:42 (with A. D. Gilman and G. B. Post),
Keim, fl. 1845, of Philadelphia, see Parker, Keim and XII:1:15-21; XII:3:31; XX:4:192n4; illus.
Sherrell XII:1:16 fig 6; 19 fig 12
Keith, Anne, wife of William R. Keith, X:4:25 Kendall, R. R., XIX: 1:6

Keith, James, 17th c Rev., X:4:25 Kendrew, A. Edwin, X:3:30

Keith, Josiah, 18th c., of Thomaston, Me., X:4:25 Kendrick, J. Mills, Rev., VI: 1/2:27

Keith, William, Sir, Colonial Gov. of Pa. Kendrick, T. D., XVIII:4:125

House of [Graeme Park], Horsham, XX:3:131 Kenilworth, 111.
Keith, William, 1839-1911 Barratt (Edgar) House (G. W. Maher), XIX:l:4n6
Murals of California mountain and forest scenes, Burgess (Ernest H.) House (White and Weber),
Lick House, San Francisco (and T. Hill), XX:4:173; illus. XX:4:175 figs 11,12

XIX:2:78; illus. XIX:2:78 fig 1 Kenitzer, Henry (see also Kenitzer and Farquharson),
Paintings of Missions, XV: 1:25 n3 XIX:2:78-79
Keith, William R., b. 1799, X:4:25-29 Kenitzer and Farquharson
Burgess-Wolf House, Thomaston, X:4:25,26 See also Farquharson, David; Kenitzer, Henry

Keith (William R.) House [Dennison (Dr.) House], Bank of California, San Francisco, XIX:2:79
Thomaston, X:4:25,26,29 Cosmopolitan Hotel, San Francisco, XIX:2:79

Robinson (Edward) House, Thomaston, X:4:25-26,29; Lick House, San Francisco, XIX:2:77-79; illus.
illus. X:4:27 fig 2 XIX:2:78 fig 1

Keller, Deane, IV:2:43 Kennebunkport, Me.

Keller, Helen, IX:3:26 Wedding Cake House, XIX:4:179

Kelley, of Columbus, Ohio Kennedy, fl. 1842, of Philadelphia, see Clyde and
House of, VIII:l/2:87 Kennedy
Kelley, Alfred, X:4:ll Kennedy, D. J.

Kell urn, John Watercolor of J. C. Trautwine's Bank of Penn

Cast iron faade designs, XV:4:22n63 Township, Philadelphia, XVIII:4:162

Herald Bldg., N.Y., XII:1:15,21; illus. XII:1:16 fig 4; Kennedy, Gertie B., of Broaddus, Tex., XI:4:[7] nl9
19 fig 12 Kennedy, Joseph, 18th c. plasterer (see also Kennedy
Mutual Life Insurance Co. Bldg., N.Y., and Littlejohn), XX:3:132,135
XII: 1:15,18,21; illus. XII:1:17 fig 7; 19 fig 12 Kennedy, Robert W Guggenheim fellowship,

Stewart (A. T.) Store [Wanamaker's], Broadway and VI:3/4:36

10th, N.Y., XII:1:15; XV:4:17 Kennedy and Littlejohn (see also Kennedy, Joseph;
Stewart (A. T.) Store, 18 Mercer St., N.Y. Littlejohn, Thomas), XX:3:135
Faade (and D. D. Badger), XV:4:22n64 Kennerley, Mitchell, XX:4:181
Kelly, Henry Schraub, XIV:2:11 Kennett
Kelly, J. Frederick, on Conn, architecture, XII:2:29; on Antiquities of Rome, XX:3:116
Major Cowles House, Farmington, X:2:20; death, Kent, William, 1685-1748
XIV:2:11; on New England use of term Books, XX:3:122

"pyramid," XIX:2:76 The Designs [Plans] of Houghton in Norfolk (with

Early Connecticut Meetinghouses, VIII:3/4:4; T. Ripley and I. Ware), XX:3:118,130nos.87





The Early Domestic Architecture of Connecticut, The Designs of Inigo Jones, X:l:9;

XIV:2:11 nl2 XX:3:118,127 no.36 and nl 1,130 no.17


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Kent - Kimball

Kent, William (Cont.) Khorsabad

Horse Guards, London (attrib., and J. Vardy, City plan, Maps and Views, VII: 1 / 2:38-39,43; illus.
attrib.), XII:3:26; XIIU.16; XV:4:31 VII:l/2:pt VII

Kent County Courthouse see Dover, Del. Reconstructions, XV: 1:31

Kentucky Sargon's palace, VII:l/2:38

Architecture, VIII:3/4:67; XI:1:32; XI:4:13-[20]; KiMz, XX:2:88 .
XII-2-30 31 Kickapoo Mission see Fort Leavenworth: Kickapoo

Kentucky School for the Deaf see Danville, Ky.

Kenyon College see Gambier, Ohio n29

e'a ' , r_ . t ^ i Kidd, John, 18th c. Williamsburg upholsterer, XIII:2:6-7

Krak des Chevaliers [Castle; Le Crac], VII:3/4:28 Kidd, Kenneth E XIII:2:27

Kerch Kidder Smith, G. E. see Smith, G. E. Kidder

Akropolis of Pantikapaion, IV:1:32 Kidson, Peter, XIX:2:85; XIX:3:91 n2,93
City plan, Maps and Views, IV: 1:30,32; illus. Sculpture at Chartres

IV:l:[22a] fig 17 Brief rev., XVII:4:40

Mausoleum, IV:1:32; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 17 Kieft, Willem, Gov., XI:2:20
Museum, illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 17 Kiev, IV: 1:22
Stairway, IV:1:32; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 17 Desyatinnaya Church [Tithe Church], XVI:2:28-29
Kerlerec, Gov. of La., XIII:1:25 St. Sophia Cathedral, XVI:2:6,9,29
Kerley, William, 17th c., XI:1:9 Kilboume, of Hudson, Ohio

Kerman, Iran [Kirmn, Persia] House of [Kilbourne-Thompson-Flood House],

Gunbad-i Sabz, 111:4:46-47 XII:2:13

Kernodle, George R. Kilgore, founder of Kilgore, Tex., XI:4:[6] n9

From Art to Theatre, V:47 Kilgore, Tex.

Kerr, fl. 1859, Or. bldr., see Berry and Kerr History, XI:4:[6] n9
Kerr Robert Kilham, Walter Harrington, on Tremont House,
Boston, XVII:2:32

View, 1845, of Old Custom House, N.Y., illus.

Kill Devil Hills, N.C.

XX:4:185 fig 1

, IO , , Wright Brothers National Memorial, XIII:3:28-29

Kessler, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX,P. 135 for brickmaki XVIII;1:34

Ketcham, John L. (see also Haugh, Ketcham Co.), Kimba!, 19th c., of Philadelphia, XIX:1:3S

Kimball, Fiske see Kimball, Sidney Fiske

Ketchum, Morris, XI:3:31 Kimball, Francis Hatch see Kimball and Thompson

Keune, Russell V., XVIII:4:159; XX:1:38 Kimball, Heber C.

'Two Maine Farmhouses" (and J. Replogle), House of, Nauvoo, 111., XIX:3:112,114

XX: 1:38-39 Kimball, Sidney Fiske, on authorship of Architecture

Kew moderne of 1728, XVIII:2:60; on M. Baum House,
Royal Botanic Gardens Cincinnati, VI:3/4:18; on Calif, gold rush towns,
Lay-out (W. Chambers), XII:4:15 XVI:4:36; on city squares, XIX:4:183; credits to

North Gallery (J. Fergusson), XVII:4:25 (C. Bridenbaugh), XVIII:4:159 n7, (A. A.
A Key into the Language of America, by R. Williams, Gilchrist), XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. fig 2, (C. E.
XVII:4:34 Peterson), IX:4:23 n; XII:4:26; death notice,

Keynes, Geoffrey XIV:3:32; on T. Jefferson, XVIII:4:164; on S.

A Bibliography of Dr. Robert Hooke Mclntire, XVII:2:29; on Michigan houses of

Brief rev. XX-3150 Classic Revival board form, XII:2:8; on Col.

Keystone View Co., IX. 1 /2:24 n 10 Oglethorpe and Savannah plan, XX:2:52; recipient

Keystones f Philadelphia Award, 1950, X:l:28; and H. Rice,

XII:4:26; on Romantic classicism, XIII: 1:15; and
SAH, 11:4:41; VIII:1/2:128,129; X:l:28; on

Brick, X: 1:18

Medieval, XIX:3:91-96; XX:3:143-146; illus.

XIX 3 Q-7 r > Virginia penitentiary, XII:4:30; and Yale exhibition

fig 2 "Books and Buildings, 1449-1949," VIII:l/2:67

Khafaje Artirlf-c anrl Rnnkc

The Temple Oval, XV: 1:31 "The Bank of the United States, 1818-1824,

Khafre see Chephren II-3-26-29

el-Khall see Hebron, Jordan Bibl. (M. Kane), XVIII:2:72; XIX: 1:43
Khepri, deity, XII:4:6,7 n21 The Creation of the Rococo


Basilicas, XVI:2:30 Hitchcock, H.-R., V:[42]-44

Khoromy, see Palace architecture: Russia Pevsner, N., V:44-46


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Kimball - Kittery Point, Me.

Domestic Architecture of the American Colonies and Kingsley, residence, see Nashville, Tenn.

of the Early Republic, XII:2:29 Kingsley Plantation, Fort George Island, XI:4:32

"Gunston Hall," XIII:2:3-8 Kingston, Jam.

"Jefferson and the Public Buildings of Virginia," City plan, X:3:24
VIII:1/2:129 Harbour Street, X:3:24-25; illus. X:3:[23] fig 7
"Jefferson's Designs for Two Kentucky Houses," House in the Upper Town, X:3:26; illus. X:3:25 fig 9



"Portraits of Jefferson," 11:4:41 Institute of Jamaica

'The Preservation Movement in America," Pictorial records, XIV:1:30

1:3/4:15-17 King Street, X:3:24-25; illus. X:3:[23] fig 7

Thomas Jefferson, Architect, X:l:9 King's House, 19th c., X:3:27

Buildings Parish Church, X:3:24

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1:3/4:15 n Scotch Church, X:3:24

Restorations, 1:3/4:15 n Warehouses, X:3:24

Kimball and Thompson, XV:3:31 Kingston, N.Y.

Kimberley, Edmund, Dr., 11:4:21 nll9 Senate House, IV:2:40

Kimberley, George S., 11:4:22 Kinsman, Ohio

Kimmswick, Mo. Congregational - Presbyterian Church, VII:3/4:32

Herrmann - Oheim House, XVIII:1:29 Kinzie, J. H., 11:4:13

Kimon XIII-411 Kip, Bishop of San Francisco, XIV:3:18
Kindergarten Chats, by L. Sullivan, X:3:13nlO; Kipling, Rudyard, XVII:2:30
XIX-1 9. XX-4179-184 Kirby, Clement S., XIII:2:30

Kinderhook, N.Y.' " Ki^' EPh/aim , _

Lindenwald [Van Buren (Martin) House] House of, Litchfield, Conn., illus. X:4:19 fig 1

(R. Upjohn), xi:2:4 K.rchhayn Wis.

King fl. 1842 Krause House, XVIII: 1:31,32; illus. XVIII: 1:30 fig 3;
House of, Phelps, N.Y., XV:2:16 _ Elg _
KinB ft ca 1850 Rusch (Fred) Farm

u r o 1 t r U1 1 u Old Cottage, XVIII:1:31; illus. XVIII:1:32 fig 6

House of see Sacul, Tex.: King double-log house . ..., rL. 6

H- ri VTT.17Q Kinshiki, Shinjiro

Woodbury, XVIII:3:106

f Westem tEuropean] Architecture [Seiy

Kenchikushi] (and others)

King, Edward Brief rev , XVI-2-32

House of see Newport, R.I.: King (Edward) House R . A S r YVi ,.,.

Moses ^ w v v KirkbrHe, 19* S 7Philadelphia, XIII:3:SuPPl. 4

Ktngs Handbook of New York City Kirker, Harold, XIX:2:77

California Architecture in the Nineteenth Century,

ca. 1890, XVI:l:18nl05 XVI-4-36

1908, XV:3:31 'The Lick House, San Francisco, 1861-1862,"

King, Richard, 19th c., XX:4:196nl4 XIX*2*77-79

King, T. Buller, XVIII:4:160 'The Parrott Building, San Francisco, 1852,"

King, Tuthill, 19th c., of Chicago, XVI:l:18nll0 XVIII-4-160-161

King, William, 19th c of Maine, XIV:2:12,13 Kirkiand, fl. 1802, of Hillsboro, N.C.

King and Queen, Va. House of [Ayr Mount], X:l:18

Courthouse, XVIII: 1:2 Kirkiand [Kirtland], fl. 1865, iron founder, see James,

King of the Two Sicilies, First see Ferdinand I, King of Fowler, Kirkiand and Co.

the Two Sicilies Kirkiand, Joseph

King Philip's War, 1675-76, XI: 1:13,[15] n56; XIX:2:52 History of Chicago (and J. Moses, jt. ed.), 11:4:17
King William, Va. Kirman, Persia see Kerman, Iran
Courthouse, XVIII: 1:4; XVIII:2:72; illus. XVIII: 1:4 Kirov

fig 4 City plan, IV: 1:29

Kinge, Peter, 17th c., XI: 1:9,10-13 Kirtland, Ohio
Kinge, Thomas, 17th c XI:1:9,12 Mormon Temple, VII:3/4:32; XIX:3:109

King's College see New York (City): Columbia Kitchens

University: Columbia College "All-electric Kitchen," 111:3:30

King's foot see Royal foot Appliances, XX:4:171

King's Handbooks, see King, Moses Nineteenth century, 11:1:29

King's Highway, Cape Cod, XIX:2:48 Kittera, Thomas, XI:3:26; XX:3:138 n5

King's Stanley, Engl. Kittery Point, Me.
Mill, 1813, XV:2:24 Pepperell (Lady) House, 11:4:4-5

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Kitts - Koivs Bios

Kitts, Barney, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Knox, Henry, 18th c.

Kitty Hawk, N.C. A Catalogue of Books Imported & to be Sold, 1773,
Wright Brothers National Memorial see Kill Devil XX:3:124,129 n29
Hills Knox, Henry, 1750-1806, Gen., X:4:24-25

Kiwai Island Headquarters of, New Windsor, N.Y.,

Longhouse, XIX:l:29-30; illus. XIX: 1:29 fig 8 IV:2:39 nos. 13,14

Kiwai People of New Guinea, XIX: 1:28,29,30 Home of [Montpelier], Thomaston, Me., X:4:24-25;

Kiwanis Club, XIV:l:25n28 illus. X:4:27 fig 1

Kizi, Russ. Knox, Mrs. Henry, X:4:26
Church of the Transfiguration, XVI:2:6,12; illus. Knydos see Cnidus
XVI:2:12 fig 5 Kobayashi, Bunji, and Architectural History Society of
Klaber, fireplace bldr. for H. H. Richardson, XII:1:11 Japan, IX:3:29; biogr. data, XVI:3:32

Klamberg, Wade, XII:3:30 Amerika Kenchiku [American Architecture]

Klauder, 11:3:16 Rev. by A. Soper, XVI:4:36
Klee, Paul, XIX:3:127 "The Birth of a Skyscraper," summary, XV:2:31-32

Klein, A., of Salem, Or. History of Western [European] Architecture [Seiy

Residence of, XIX:2:58 nl2 Kenchikushi] (and others)

Kleinschmidt, Helen, work on Cluny, IV:3/4:7; gnef rev xvi-2-32

XVI:3:3 Rev. by A. Soper, XVI:4:36

K eisthenes, XIII:4:10 Letter to the Editor, on the skyscraper, XV:2:31-32

"fe' VOnT'T 'I3 8, ., . , Transi, into Japanese of N. Pevsner, Outline of
Allerhe.hgen Hofic.rche, Munich, 11:3:9 European Architecture, XVI:4:36
Propylen, Munich, XIV:3:3 Koch chades R E Col XIV:3:24

K etzl, on geometry and arch.tture XVI1:1:34 Koch, Mogens, Prof, XIX:2:84

K irnt, Gustav, art of, XIV:2:19; bibl., XIV:2:20 Koch, Richard, and AIA, X:4:35; and HABS,

ippe , enry XVII: 1:30; photos of Louisiana houses,

House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:21 ' r , c

Klippel and Smith __ >'2f "2; and S' Wllsn' Jr' XIII:1:24
City plan, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:19; illus. XII:4:20 Kobert
fig 2




Influence Abroad, 1886 and Later,"


Knaz Lazare Medieval Castle Revival: New York Armories,"

Church, IV:3/4:29 XIV:3:23-29

"Knee" construction, X:4:30 Kocher, A. Lawrence, on authorship of Essay on

Knell, photographer, see Tebbs and Knell Harmony as it Relates Chiefly to Situation and

Knepper, Orcena, XI:4:[20] nl2 Building, XX:3:128 nl7; and Williamsburg

Knight, James M., X:3:30 restorations, IX:3:23,24; X:3:28; X:4:[23] n6

Knighton, William C., biogr., XIX:2:60 n20 Articles
Oregon State Asylum, Salem "Discovery of Foundations for Jefferson's

Farm Cottages, additions, 1893 (and C. S. Additions to the Wren Building" (and H.
McNally), XIX:2:60n20 Dearstyne), X:3:28-[31]
Oregon State Reform School, Salem "Letter from Virginia," projected column, IX:3:23
Addition (and C. S. McNally), XIX:2:60 n20 "List of old Books in Carpenters' Company
Knights Hospitalers of St. John of Jerusalem see Library" (comp.), X:l:26
Malta, Knights of Drawings
Knights of Malta see Malta, Knights of Hospital... for persons of disordered minds,

Knights of Rhodes see Malta, Knights of Williamsburg (and H. Dearstyne), XVIII:4:164

Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, XIV: 1:3 Koehler, Wilhelm, on Maeseyck Gospel ms. from
Knights of the Teutonic Order see Teutonic Knights Aldeneyck, XVIII:4:125; and medieval Latin,
Knights of the Virgin of Puy, IV:1:9 XVII:3:9n26

Knights Templars see Freemasons Kln see Cologne, Ger.

Knochenaueramtshaus, IV:3/4:3 Koepsel, 19th c. Wis. settler

Knole, IV:3/4:56 House of, Jackson, XVIII:1:31

Knoll, 20th c. designer, VIII:3/4:46 Koerber, V., 19th c. apprentice in Office of Architect of




Palace, VIII:l/2:43 Kohl, Edith Eudora

"Knot-vault" Denver's Historic Mansions: Citadels to the Empire

Vizeo Cathedral, V:22 Builders

Knox, fl. 1890, of Saint Louis Rev. by M. D. Ross, XVIII:2:70

Estate of, XVII:3:30nl0 Koivs Bios (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:15


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Kokoshnik - Kuechel
Kokoshnik, VIII:1/2:91; XVI:2:10,11,13,15 XIII:1:32; and Yale exhibition, "Books and

Kolomenskoe, Russ. Buildings, 1449-1949," VIII:l/2:67

Church of the Ascension, XVI:1:31; Corpus Basilicarum Christianum Romae, XIV:l:31
XVI:2:6,13-14,15; illus. XVI:2:14 figs 9-10 Krebs, William, 18th c., of Baltimore, XVIII; 1:34
Palace, 111:4:38,39 n26; XVI:2:8-9; illus. XVI:2:9 Kreis, Wilhelm, X:3:10
fig 1 Kreischer, Balthasar, XVI:1:14; XIX:4:181-182

Kondakov, Nikodim Pavlovich, XVI:2:30 Kreml [Kremlins] [see also Moscow: Kremlin),
Kondori, Jos, V:34 IV: 1:23,28,30; VIII:3/4:9; XVI:1:31
Konenkov, Russian sculptor, XVI:2:30 Krencker, IV:3/4:5
Konia [Konieh] see Konya, Turkey in Asia Kriegsbuch, by L. Fronsperger, XX:2:[59]-60; illus.
Konkright Plantation, XI:4:[7] n33 XX:2:[59] fig 11
Konya, Turkey in Asia Kristeller, Paul Oskar, XVII:4:20nl4

Mosque of 'Al'ed-Dn, 111:4:40-41 Kroch, 20th c. Chicago bookseller, XX:4:181

Korea Krohn-Hansen, Thv., XIV:2:19

Architecture, IX: 1/2:3,5 Krohne, G. H 18th c., XIX: 1:42
Korn, Arthur, XVIII:3:89,91 Krubsacius, Friedrich August, 11:3:7
Korsun see Khersonesus Krueger, Gottlieb, XVIII:l:31
Kos Krupp housing, Essen, XII:3:17

Sanctuary of Asklepios, XIII:4:15,16,18,24; illus. Kruse, Albert, XIII:3:Suppl. 16

XIII:4:17 fig 4 Krusevac

Kosmin, Michel, XVIII:3:93 Church, IV:3/4:29
Kostka, Stanislaus, Saint Krutchenych, X:3:7 n30
Statue of, XV:3:29 Krzeptowski, Roman

Kostroma Farmstead of, Zakopane, Poland, illus. Vl:3/4:pl III

City plan, IV: 1:28 figs 4-5

Kouros, 6th c., from Memphis, XI:3:[5] n9 Kuan-yin, wooden figure of, XVI:3:33
Kouwenhoven, John Atlee Kub, see Roofs: Cube
"The Background of Modern Design," Kubier, George, biogr. data, V:57; credits to (J. A.
VIII:3/4:46-47 Baird, Jr.), XV:l:10n; on handkerchief dome,
The Columbia Historical Portrait of New York, XV:l:19n22; confused with F. Kugler,
XV:3:31 XVIII:4:167; Mexican studies, V:57; XIX:1:42; on
Koyl, George S. New Mexico, XII:2:29; on Spanish Colonial city

American Architects Directory (ed.) squares, XIV:4:5

Rev. by P. F. Norton, XVIII:3:118 Articles and Books

Kraft, Fred W. see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill Arquitectura de los siglos XVII y XVIII
Krak des Chevaliers see Kerak, Jordan Rev. by E. E. Rosenthal, XVIII:4:167
Kramer, Ellen W., XI:2:[8] n8; XIII: 1:32 Art and Architecture in Spain and Portugal and

"Detlef Lienau, an Architect of the Brown Decades," their American Dominions, 1500-1800 (and M.
'The Ward House: a Pioneer Structure of Reinforced Rev. by R. C. Smith, XIX:4:177-178
Concrete" (and A. A. Raafat), XX: 1:34-37 "The Machine for Living in 18th-century West

Kramer, George Washington, 1847-1938 see Weary and Africa," IV:2:30-33

Kramer The Religious Architecture of New Mexico in the

Kramer, Jos de Lorite see Lorite Kramer, Jos de Colonial Period and since the American
Kraus, Juan, V:23 Occupation
Krause, of Kirchhayn, Wis. Rev. by R. Newcomb, 1:2:25-29

House of see Kirchhayn, Wis.: Krause House "Special Issue on Latin America," SAH Journal

Krautheimer, Richard, on Alberti, XIII:1:32; as (ed.), V

architectural historian, 111:3:8,9; on Carolingian Reviews
architecture, 11:2:25; 111:3:8,9; XVII:2:16; credits to Palm, E. W., Los monumentos arquitectnicos de

(E. W. Kramer), XIV:l:24nl, (F. J. Niederer), la Espanola, con una introduccin a Amrica,
XII:3:6 ni, (W. Smith), XX:4:155 n, (D. XVII:1:35

Wiebenson), XIX:l:16n; on Early Christian Rosenthal, E. E., The Cathedral of Granada: A

church architecture, IV:3/4:4; on Fulda and St. Study in the Spanish Renaissance,
Peter's, XVI:2:3-5; XVI:3:13; on the Holy XX:3:146-147

Sepulchre, XVIII:3:94,98; use of term Kubli, Kaspar, of Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:25

"iconography" re architecture, XX:2:78; on House of, XII:4:20 fig 2no.44
medieval copies of bldgs., XVI:3:20,21 nil; Kuchel, Jakob Michael see Kuechel, Jakob Michael
XVIII:3:94,98; and medieval Latin, XVII:3:9n26; Kuechel, Jakob Michael, and B. Neumann, XII:4:14;
on the Roman basilica, XX:2:78; and SAH, XIX: 1:42

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Kuenzi - Lafever

Kuenzi Kur, deity, XII:4:4-5,6

Barn of see Watertown, Wis.: Kuenzi Barn Kurjack, Dennis C.

Kugler, Franz, XVIII:4:167 "Who Designed the 'President's House,' "

Khles, Anton, Father, VI:l/2:23 XII:2:27-28

Kuhn, Helmut, XI:2:25 Kusch, Eugen
Kuhn, Sherman, on Codex Aureus, XVIII:4:125 nl6 Mexico in Pictures
Kuile, E. H. ter Brief rev., XVII:4:40

Art and Architecture in Belgium, 1600 to 1800 (and Kustodiev, B., XVI:2:30




Rev. by M. Damm, XX:4:202-203 Girard College competition drawings, XVI:2:23,26

Kultermann, Udo, XVIII:3:78 n23 Kwikwi iut [Headhouse], XIX:l:25-30
Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe, by H. Wlfflin, Kwod [open meeting place]





L-shaped bldgs. La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switz.

McLean Asylum, Belmont, Mass. Houses around (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94

Belknap Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Villa Schwb, 1916 (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94

XVII:3:26 Lachryma Montis, Sonoma Co., Calif., XIV:3:19; illus.

Ohio, XII:2:12 XIV:3:21 fig 9

Labacco, Antonio XIII:3:10 nlO; 11 nn2526 Ladd Thornton XIX*2*87

after Antonio da Sangallo's project for Thg Journa[ XVII;4:36. XIX: x ;7
S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, XVI: 1:9

Ladrada, Pedro Serrano de see Serrano de Ladrada,

L'Abadie, XIV:3:13


Labaree, Benjamin W. "Lady's Book houses," XVIII:3:104; illus.

Samuel Mclntire, A Bicentennial Symposium, XVIII-3T05-110 figs 1-11

T5sSxVII:2:29-30 La Jh"' ^:l/2:34,35 n3; XI:2:11;
j- T u XII:1:7-12 passim

a a ie' ^,eP . Saint John of Patmos, study for a triptych, XII: 1:9

House of, St. Louis, 1:3/4:26 Trinity Churchi Copley Square> Boston

Labigarre, Peter de, IIM/2:38 Interior decoration, XII:l:8-9

Labrot, Sylvester W., Jr., VII:3/4:37 T - .. , D . ...

T * . .. ....... . . Lafayette, Gen., residence in Boston, XIII:3:26; visits

Labrouste, Henri, R. M. Hunt work reminiscent of,
to American cities, X:2:12; X:4:20
IX:4:17; as innovator, 1:2:10; XIV:1:18; contrasted
Arch in honor of, Baltimore
with Le Corbusier, XX:2:93; and D. Lienau,
Design (W. F. Small), XX:2:64
XI:2:6; XIV:1:18; use of metal, 1:2:10; 111:4:5;

moderation of, 1:3/4:8; role in rebldg. Paris, a ay n v , ,. , .

XVII.: 1:35; spiri, I High,,! 1,4,65 IM /""j 5 ' '

Bibliothque Sainte-Genevive, Paris, 1:2:10; 111:4:5; ' saac' c" xv-4-25

VIIT/2-3- XIV118 Lafever, Minard, and AIA, XIII:3:17; help for

Drawings, XIV l-24n4 carpenters, VII:l/2:46; and eclecticism, XI:2:3-6;

T , ' T , study of, VIII:l/2:87,135
La Bruyere, Jean de, IX:3:7 a , J , n
j . . .. Books and Designs, XI:2:3; XII:2:8,25
VY . ... The Beauties
of Modern Architecture, XI:4:16
XX:4:163 n


Plate 21, Centre flower, XVII: 1:29

LAcadie, Can. Builder's General Instructor. XIV:3:19

church, XI: 1:20; illus. XI:1:[22] figs 2,3 Complete Architectural Instructor, XI:2:6; illus.

La Camp, de see De la Camp XI:2:7 fig 7

Lacedaemon see Sparta The Modern Builder's Guide, XII:2:9,13; XIII:3:28;



Fires, XI:3:18 The Young Builder's General Instructor, X:l:[22]

Priory, IV:3/4:8; VII:3/4:15; XI:3:17-22; illus. Plate 15, XII:2:14

XI:3:19 figs 1-3; 20 fig 5 Plate 63, XII:2:10; illus. XII:2:[11] fig 6
Crossing, XVIII:3:98 n27 Buildings
Views, XI:3:18; illus. XI:3:19 fig 3 Capitol, Columbus, work on, XII:2:8

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Lafever - Lancaster

First Presbyterian Church [Old Whalers' Church], Lake Mahopac, N.Y.

Sag Harbor, X:l:28; XI:2:6; XI:3:31; illus. Chahroudi (A. K.) House, Petra Island, XIX:3:130
XI:2:5 fig 5 Lake Titicaca see Titicaca, Lake

Holy Apostles Church [Episcopal Church of the Lakeland, Fla.

Holy Apostles], N.Y., XI:2:6,7 capt. fig 7 Florida Southern College

Huntting House, Sag Harbor, XI:2:6; XI:3:31; Bldgs. (F. L. Wright), XX:4:204
illus. XI:2:7 fig 6 The Lakeside Press, XVII:4:40
Lafferty, fl. 1860 La Lama, Victor de

Thornpkins [Tompkins] Market - Seventh Regiment La Lama (Victor de) Home, Mexico City, XVI: 1:32
Armory, 1860, N.Y. (and J. Bogardus), Lalanne, Lon, VI:3/4:30

XIV:3:23,25; XV:4:22n51 Lallemand

Lafferty, James V. Drawing of Cluny, 1787, XVI:3:10
Elephant Hotel, Margate City, XIII:2:28; XIII:3:28; La Maigrauge
XIX:4:180; illus. XIII:2:28; XIII:3:28 Abbey, XVIII:4:166
La Follette, XIX: 1:2 Lamb, Charles R.
La Fontaine, Jean de, IX:3:7 Hexagonal regional plan, XVIII:3:87
Lafrry, Antoine Lamb, E. B., IX: 1/2:29

Map of Rome, 1577 (and E. Du Prac), XIV:4:31; Lamb, William see Shreve, Lamb and Harmon

XIX:3:106n35 Lambert, Elie, on Cistercian architecture, XVIII:4:165

Lagery, Hugh de see Hugh de Lagery Lambert, R. J., on G. E. Street,





Sanctuary of Hekate, XIII:4:15; illus. XIII:4:17 fig 6 Lambert, William, 19th c., XV:1:27
Lagos Lamego, Port.
Christ Church Cathedral (J. B. Benjamin), Casa das Brolhas, XV:3:8



La Grange, 111. Altar of N. S. do Rosrio (J. Correia Lopes),

Cooper (Henry N.) House, project (F. L. Wright), XV:3:8,9-10
XIX:3:129 Rebldg. (N. Nasoni), XV:3:7,8,14 n2
La Guaira, Venezuela Nossa Senhora dos Remdios, XV:3:7,8,10; illus.
Breakwater (T. U. Walter), VII:l/2:2 XV:3:9 figs 5,6; 14 fig 18

Laibrandt, Gottlieb, XIV:2:11 Adro dos Reis, XV:3:11; illus. XV:3:13 fig 16;

Hills, Engl. 14 fig 18

Parish church, IV:3/4:46 Chapel of the Holy Family, XV:3:8,14n6; illus.

Laing, Alan K., VIII:1/2:128 XV:3:9 fig 6

"Current Bibliography of Architectural History" (and Staircase, XV:3:11; illus. XV:3:9 fig 6; 13 fig 16
L. F. Laing), VII:l/2:50-93; VIII:1 /2:94-127; Towers, XV:3:14
VIII:3/4:48-66 Laminated walls, XVI:2:27-28; illus. XVI:2:27
Editor, SAH Journal, V-VIII Lamlein Family, of Louisville, Ky IX:3:26
Review La Mothe, Bernard J.

Caemmerer, H. P., Historic Washington, Patent for Iron Construction, XV:4:22 n60no.7
VIII:l/2:93 Lamp, Robert M.

Laing, Edgar H. House of, Madison, Wis., XIX:3:130

Bldgs. of see New York (City): Laing [Lang] (Edgar Lampa
H.) Bldgs. Church, V:[33]
Coal yards of, N.Y., XV:4:13 Lamprez
Laing, Leonarda F. Restoration of San Julian de los Prados, 1915,
"Current Bibliography of Architectural History" (and XVI:4:6
A. K. Laing), VII:l/2:50-93; VIII:1/2:94-127; Lamps see Lighting and Lights
VIII:3/4:48-66 Lanarote, Antonio Rodrigues, XV:3:23n45

Ljn, Sultan, 111:4:41 Lanarote, Loureno Rodrigues

Lake, W. H. Altarpiece, N. S. da Conceio da Praia, Salvador,

House of see Chicago: Lake (W. H.) House XV:3:20

Lake and Green sec Leake and Greene Lancaster, Clay, biogr. data, VI:l/2:[35]; on J. V.

Lake-dwellers and dwellings, VII:l/2:48 Lafferty's Elephant, XIII:2:28; on Philadelphia

Italy, VI:3/4:24,26,33-34; VIII:3/4:27-28,29,41 Exchange, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 25; and SAH,
Lake Forest, 111. VI:3/4:35,36; VIII: 1 /2:128,130; VIII:3/4:67;
McCormick (Mrs. N. F.) Dwelling, project X:4:36; on G. Shryock, VIII: 1 /2:135
(L. Sullivan), XIX:2:64 Architectural Follies in America, or Hammer,
Lake Geneva, Wis. Saw-tooth and Nail
Harris (N. W.) House (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Rev. by M. D. Ross, XIX:4:179-180


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Lancaster - Langley
Lancaster (Cont.) England, V:44,46; X:4:19-20

"A Critique on the Taj Mahal," XV:4:7-11 Fellowship, XII:2:32

Drawing of Ingleside, Lexington, Ky., illus. Litchfield, Conn., X:4:19

VI: 1 /2:pl V fig 9 Olmsted, Vaux and Co., VI:l/2:[l]nl

"Jefferson's Architectural Indebtedness to Robert Roman, 111:3:26

Morris," X: 1:3-10 Landscape Gardening, A Treatise on ..., by A. J.

"Major Thomas Lewinski: Emigr Architect in Downing, VI:l/2:20; X:4:[23] nl5; XI:2:6
Kentucky," XI:4:13-[20] Landscaped skycrapers, XVIII:2:54-59

"Nineteenth Century Architecture in Kentucky" (and Landshut, XVI:2:31

A. Andrews), VIII:3/4:67 Landspergen
'The Origin and Formation of Chinese Church, V:23

Architecture," IX:l/2:3-10 Landtman, Gunnar, on Kiwai carvings, XIX:l:29n27;

"The Philadelphia Centennial Towers," XIX:1:11-15 Kiwai masks collected by, XIX:l:30n33
"Three Gothic Revival Houses at Lexington," Lane, Henry Bowyer
VI:1 /2:[ 13]-21 Holy Trinity Church, Toronto, VI:3/4:6
Lancaster, Mass. Lane, Jonathan
First Church [Christ Church; Fifth Meetinghouse], "The Period House in the Nineteen-Twenties,"
1816 (C. Bulfinch), VII:3/4:30 XX:4:169-178
Lancaster, Neb. see Lincoln, Neb. Review

Lancaster, Ohio Fitchen, J., The Construction of Gothic

Architecture, early, XVI:4:31 Cathedrals, A Study of Medieval Vault
Courthouse Square, XVI:4:31 Erection, XX:4:199-200

Effinger (Samuel) House, XVL4:31-32; illus. Lane, Katharine see Weems, Katharine Lane
XVI:4:31 figs 1-3 Lane, Ralph, 16th c.

Lancaster, Pa. Fort, Puerto Rico, XIII:4:27; illus. XIII:4:27 fig [2]b
Courthouse (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34 Lane, Richard
Fulton Hall (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34 Oldham Blue Coat School, Manchester, XVI:2:26

Simon (Joseph) Synagogue, XVII:2:25 Lane, Samuel, 19th c. Commissioner of Public Buildings,




Lancaster County Courthouse Lanfranchi, Francesco

1740 (J. Jones), XVIII:1:5 S. Rocco, Turin, XV:3:19

1858-60, XVIII: 1:2 n2 Lanfrerius see Lafrry, Antoine

Lance La Greise see New Madrid, Mo. Lang, Edgar H.
Lanchester, H. V. Stores of see New York (City): Laing (Edgar H.)
The Art of Town Planning, 111:1/2:7-8 Bldgs.
Lancing, Engl. Lang, Jane
School (R. C. Carpenter), XIX:4:154 Review

Land filling, see Filling, Land Gillam, S. G., The Building Accounts of the
Land Owner, IX:1/2:21,24 and n4,26 Radcliffe Camera, XIX:3:131-132
Land pooling, Compulsory, XX:3:110 Lang, S., on SS. Annunziata, Florence, XVII:1:5
Land speculation Langenheim, W.

U.S., VIII:3/4:21-22,24; XVI:4:14; XVIII:1:21; View, U.S. Capitol, Washington, 1850 (and H.
XX:3:114 Langenheim), illus. X:2:19 fig [1]
Bibl., 11:4:29 nl52 Langhans, Carl Gotthold

Cairo, 111., XVI:4:14-21 Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 11:3:7

Chicago, 11:4:13-16,29 Langheim Monastery, Abbott of, see Msinger, Stephen

Cleveland, X:4:10-[17] Langholff
New Madrid, XVIII:l:21-26 House of see Watertown, Wis.: Langholff House
Landmark Map of N.Y., XVI: 1:18 n97 Langley, Batty

Landmarks, Natural see Natural monuments Books and Designs, XII:2:25;

The Landmarks Society, IX:3:29 XX:3:118,119,121,127-128; design of, inspired
Exhibition of the works of James Gallier, New Mount Vernon Banquet Hall window, X:2:17
Orleans, 1950, IX:4:28; XI:4:24 capt. fig [2]; terminology, X:2:20
Exhibition of the works of Henry Howard, New Ancient Masonry, Both in the Theory and in the
Orleans, 1952 (and Newcomb College Art Practice (and T. Langley), XX:3:127 no.37
School), XI:4:21 The Builder's Chest Book..., XX:3:127 no.38

Landsberg [Landsburg], XVI:2:31 The Builder's Compleat Assistant...,

Landscape architecture, gardening, etc. XX:3:127 no.39
See also Cemeteries; Gardens and Parks
Downing, A. J., VI:1/2:[1] nl; X:4:20; XI:2:3

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Langley - La Tour Landry

The Builder's Director, or Bench-Mate. .., Laprade, Claude de
XX:3:127 no.40 Library, University of Coimbra (and J. F. Ludwig),
The Builder's Jewel. . ., XX:3:127 no.41 XV:3:17

Builder's Treasure of Designs (attrib.), XX:3:116 Laprairie, Can.

The City and Country Builder's and Workman's Church
Treasury of Designs, XII1:2:4; Bldg. (P. L. Morin), XIV:3:14nl7
XX:3:119,123,127 no.42 Clocher (V. Bourgeau), XIV:3:11

Golden Rule for Drawing and Working the Five La Purisima Concepcion Mission, Calif., XV:1:25 n2

Orders..., see Langiey, Batty: Books and Lard, John, 19th c., XX:4:196nl4
Designs: The Workman's Golden Rule Lares, XIV:3:4
Gothic Architecture..., XX:3:122,127 no.43 Larisa [Larissa]

Practical Geometry Applied to the Useful Arts of City plan, Maps, etc., illus. XX:2:80 figs 4,5

Building, Surveying, Gardening and Palace, XVII: 1:33; XX:2:79-80; illus. XX:2:79 fig 3;

Mensuration, XX:3:128 no.44 80 figs 4,5

Treasury, see Langley, Batty: Books and Designs: Ca Ronde, Pierre Denis de see De la Ronde, Pierre

The City and Country Builder's and Denis

Workman's Treasury Larkin, Oliver W on S. Mclntire, XVII:2:29; on

The Workman's Golden Rule for Drawing and Market Street Church, Philadelphia, X-.2-.21
Working the Five Orders in Architecture, Ca Rochelle

XX-3119 128 no 45 City plan (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93

Langley (Edward) Scholarship, 1:1:24; VII:l/2:49 Lartigue, Jean Jacques, XI:1:21,[22],24

Langley, Thomas Ca Rubra, Juan de, Don, XVIII:2:53

Ancient Masonry, Both in the Theory and in the La Sarraz, Switz.

Declaration of La Sarraz, XIX:3:126

Practice (and B. Langley), XX:3:127no37

Langleys, Essex, Engl., VIII:3/4:68
Lanier, fl. ca. 1850, of Madison, Ind.

Las Palmas

Cathedral, V:2
Lassa see Lhasa

House of, XVII:1:31,33 n2 T,.

T . . , L'Assomption, Can.
Lansden, John M. _ t. . u m
Parish church (V. Bourgeau), XIV:3:12; illus.
A History of the City of Cairo, Illinois, XVI:4:21 nl
XIV:3:10 fig 4
Lansing, Abraham, 111:1/2:37




h h nv Lassurance, fils, XVIII:4:142

ansing urg , . . Lassus, Jean Baptiste Antoine, on eclecticism, XII-A-. 16;
City plan, Maps and Views, 111:1/2:37,38,41; illus. study q{ medieval sty]e> X1X;4:158; work on

IIL1 /2:[36a] Rejms palimpsest) XVII:4:9,11,20 nn24,30,35; and

Lao-tzu [tse], IX:1/2:5,10 n28 Viollet-le-Duc, XII:4:16

Laon Drawings of nave arcades, Chartres Cathedral,

Cathedral, photographs of, IV:3/4:54; pier system of, XX-3145 146
IV:3/4:38-39; infl. by Tournai, IV:3/4:8 Notre Dame, Paris, restorations, XIX:4:156
Nave, illus. IV:3/4:[36a] fig 3 Notre Dame de Belleville, Paris, XIX:4:156
Towers, IV:3/4:8; XI:3:7 Notre Dame de la Treille et St. Pierre, Lille,

Transept chapels, XIII: 1:30 competition design, XIX:4:156

Laos see Indo-China Sainte Chapelle, Paris, restorations, 1:3/4:9;
La Paz de Ayacucho, Bolivia XIX:4:156

Cathedral [San Francisco], V:[33] T/,e oays of Pompeii, by Bulwer-Lytton, XIV:3:3,7

City plan, XIV:4:5 Last Supper, in painting, XII:4:11

Santo Domingo, V:[33] Lasteyrie du Saillant, Charles Ferdinand, 1877-1936,
Laperuta, Leopoldos on St. Martial, Limoges, IV:3/4:7
Colonnades, Naples, XIX:4:141-142; illus. XIX:4:141 Lasteyrie du Saillant, Robert Charles, 1849-1921,




Lapham, Samuel (see also Simons and Lapham), Lasuen, Fermin Francisco, Fr. Prsidente,





Plantations of the Carolina Low - Country by S. G. Lathrop, Gardner, 19th c. iron founder, XV:4:14,22 n56
Stoney (ed., with A. Simons), XIV: 1:32 Latin America see South America

La Pias, Joseph, 18th c. plasterer and stucco worker, Latin language




Lapo Ghini, Giovanni di see Ghini, Giovanni di Lapo Laton, Abbie, XIII:3:19n4

Laporte, Paul M. La Tour, Le Blond de see Le Blond de la Tour

"Architecture to Painting in the Middle Ages," La Tour Landry, Robert de see Robert de la Tour


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La Tourette Monastery - Latrobe

La Tourette Monastery see Eveux-sur-Arbresle: La City Hall, N.Y., competition entry, XV:4:30
Tourette Monastery Custom House
Latrines New Orleans, XIV:3:30-31; illus. XIV:3:30
Cluny, illus. XVI:3:[4] fig 1; 7 fig 4 Philadelphia see Latrobe, Benjamin Henry:

Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, on architects' fees, Works (Bldgs., Designs, Surveys etc.):

XIX:3:115-117; artists (G. Andrei and G. Second Bank of the United States
Franzoni) imported for U.S. Capitol work by, Decatur (Stephen) Mansion, Washington,
XIV:4:27; Baltimore work, XIII:3:30; XX:2:63; 111:4:66-67; IX:3:27; XIV:2:32
central-heating system of, XX:1:25; and Dickinson College bldgs., Carlisle, XV:4:30
Classicism, VII:l/2:46; XIII: 1:15-16; use of Drawings and sketches, IX:3:16n2; XI:1:32
colonnade screen motif, XX:2:75; and F. Costigan, Dry Dock see Latrobe, Benjamin Henry: Works

XVII: 1:33 n2; and fireproof masonry, VII: 1 /2:[ 1]; (Bldgs., Designs, Surveys etc.): Navy Yard
XIX:4:182; and M. Godefroy, XV:l:30nl4; Engine House see Latrobe, Benjamin Henry:
XX:2:64n 14; on "Greenspring" [Berkeley (Gov. Works (Bldgs., Designs, Surveys etc.):
William) Mansion], X:2:19; T. Hamlin on, X:l:28; Waterworks
XV: 1:32; XV:4:29-30; and T. Jefferson, X:l:10; Federal Bldgs., Washington, reconstruction,
XIV:2:12; and R. Mills, XIII: 1:15,16; XX:2:64

XV:1:30 n 14; XIX:3:115; Philadelphia work, Gamble Hill [Harvie (Col. John) House],
XIII:3:30; and prfabrication, XIV:3:30; on Richmond, XV:4:29
President's House, Philadelphia, XII:2:27; M. Greenspring, sketch, X:2:19
Schuyler on, VI:3/4:18; and W. F. Small, Hammerwood Lodge, XV:4:29
XX:2:63-77; and W. Strickland, 11:3:26-29; Harper (Robert Goodloe) House, Baltimore,
XIII:3:Suppl. 2; Studies on, 11:2:27; IV:3/4:47,50; XX:2:64
VIII: 1 /2:87; and University of Va., X:l:10 Houses, Residences etc.

Letterbooks, XX:2:63 n3 Ohio valley, VI:3/4:18

Papers, IV:3/4:49 Washington, 1818, XIV:2:32

Portr., XI: 1:32; illus. XVI:3:32 (C. von Breda) Lorman (William) House, Baltimore, XX:2:64nll

Works (Bldgs., Designs, Surveys, etc.) Merchant's Exchange see Latrobe, Benjamin
Adena [Worthington (Thomas) Home], XII:2:25 Henry: Works (Bldgs., Designs, Surveys, etc.):
Admiralty Bldg., London, work on, XV:4:29 Baltimore Exchange
Arsenal, Naval see Latrobe, Benjamin Henry: Nassau Hall, Princeton, rebldg., XV:4:30;
Works (Bldgs., Designs, Surveys etc.): Navy XVI:2:32
Yard Navy Yard, Washington
Ashdown House, XIII:4:32; XV:4:29 Arsenal [Dry Dock], X:2:5,23; illus. X:2:23
Ashland [Clay (Henry) Home], Lexington, Bldgs., XIV:3:30
XI:4:14,18,19; illus. XI:4:[17] fig 14 Penitentiary, Richmond, XII:4:26,27-30;
Baltimore Exchange [Merchant's Exchange], XV:4:29-30; XVIII:4:152; XIX:3:115,117;
XX:2:63 and n3,64,65,75,76 illus. XII:4:27; XIX:3:116 fig 1
Baltimore Library Co. Pennock (William) House, Norfolk, XV:4:29
Library design, XX:2:64 Pumping Station see Latrobe, Benjamin Henry:
Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, XV:4:30; Works (Bldgs., Designs, Surveys etc.):
XIX:3:115; XX: 1:25; XX:2:66 Waterworks

Bank of Philadelphia [Philadelphia Bank], Second Bank of the United States [Custom House;
XIV:2:13; XIII:3:Suppl. 16 United States Bank of Pa.], Philadelphia,
Capitol, Washington design, 1:2:22; 11:3:26-29; XX:2:64,73

Bldg., 11:3:27; VII:1/2:[1], 10 nn3,4,23,30; Sedgeley [Crammond (William) Villa],

VIII:3/4:4; X:2:5; XIV:2:16; XV:2:26-27; Philadelphia, XI:4:16; XIII:1:15

XV:4:30; XVI:3:31-32; XX:1:25; XX:2:63; State Bank of Louisiana, New Orleans, XX:2:73

illus. XV:2:27 Survey, New Castle (with P. Lennox, R. Mills and

Central heating system, XX:1:25 W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 3,16 capt. 23

Hall of Representatives, VII:l/2:4; X:2:5-10; Taft House, Cincinnati (attrib.) (for complete list of

XV:2:26; illus. X:2:7-[9] figs 1,2,6,7 references see Cincinnati: Taft Museum),

Room beneath Old Senate Chamber, XIII: 1:15 XII:2:8

Cathedral, Baltimore United States Bank of Pennsylvania see Latrobe,

Classic revival [Basilica of the Assumption], Benjamin Henry: Works (Bldgs., Designs,
VI:3/4:20; XI:2:23; XIII: 1:15; XV:4:30; Surveys etc.): Second Bank of the United
XVI: 1:28,30; XX:2:63,72 States

Gothic design, XI:2:23; XV:4:30 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Chestnut Street Theater, Philadelphia, alterations, Medical School bldgs., XV-4-30



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Latrobe - Lazarist Order



New Orleans, 11:3:27 Saint-Genest

Philadelphia, Center Square Engine House Tower, IV:3/4:11-13,15 n20

[Pumping Station], XIII:1:15; XV:4:30; Saint-Gilderic, IV:3/4:12

XIX:3:115; illus. XIII:1:15 fig 1 Lavedan, Pierre, on ancient city planning, XVI:4:33; on
Worthington (Thomas) Home see Latrobe, c'ty development, XIX: 1:38; on city squares,
Benjamin Henry: Works (Bldgs., Designs, XIX:4:183; on the city as a unit (quote),

Surveys, etc.): Adena VIII:3/4:7; K. Gruber's work as a suppl. to,

Latrobe, Mrs. Benjamin Henry see Latrobe, Lydia XII:2:31; lack of interest in spatial elements in

Sdion Baroque city planning, XIV: 1:8

French Architecture

Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, the younger, XX:2:68,74

Short rev., XV:4:32

Latrobe, Ferdinand C., 11:3:28 . , , , TT. r ,

Latrobe, Mrs. Ferdinand C., II, XIV:3:31 nnl,6 T,? vivTIT ^ PlSl
Latrobe, John H. B., XX:2:66,68,76,77 T . II;2;28; t,

t a I * c\ il n t t Ta. i_ i Lavigne, Francisco, 19th c. engineer, XV: 3:22 nl4

Latrobe, Lydia Sellon [Mrs. Benjamin Henry Latrobe], T A r - \ ^ a uS * t t i * ,

q y y 9 ^aw ana Legislation ^Architects: Laws, Legal status,

, ' ; \ , , etc.; Building Codes, Laws, Regulations, etc.

Latrobe, Mary Elizabeth Hazlehurst, XV:4:30 Lawrence Saint

Latrobe Family, XX.2.63 Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, painting (Neri di Bicci),

Latter-Day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of see II 3 33

Mormon Church Lawrence, fl. 1828, of N. Y., XIII:3:Suppl. 8

Latticework, Trellises, etc., IX: 1/2:18; illus. IX: 1/2:15 Lawrence, Amos A., VI 1/2:23
fig 6 Lawrence, Arnold Walter
Lattimore, William, Dr., XX:3:111-113 Greek Architecture

Latting, Warren [Waring] Rev. by H. A. Thompson, XVII: 1:33-34

Observatory, World's Fair, 1853, N.Y., XII:1:20; Lawrence, D. H XIX:4:183

XIX: 1:14,15; illus. XIX:1:15 fig 7 Lawrence, James Crommelin

Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, IV:3/4:54; St. Paul's Chapel, Broadway and Fulton, N.Y.

IX:3:11; XVII:1:15-16; XIX:4:150 Steeple, XIX:1:32,33; illus. XIX:1:32 figs 1,2; 33

Laudenslager, of Hudson, Ohio figs 3,4
House of, XII:2:12 Lawrence, Lewis M IX:4:23; XX:2:90

Laughlin, Clarence J., XI:4:21 Lawrence, Thomas, 18th c XI:3:23

Laugier, Abb, XIX:4:136 Lawrence, Kan.

Laugier, Marc-Antoine, XIII:3:21; XV:4:30 Catholic Church
Laundress, statue at Pratolino (V. Cioli), XX:4:156,157; 1860, VI:l/2:28

illus. XX:4:157 fig 2 1871> VI:l/2:28

Laundry plants English Evangelical Lutheran Church, VI:l/2:28-29

Adelman (Benjamin and Sons) Laundry Plant, Methodist Church, 1857, VI: 1/2:24

Milwaukee, project (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 P'oneer Boarding House, VI:1 /2:23-24

Laune, John de see De Laune, John Plymouth Congregational Church, 1857,




Laurana, Luciano da _ , _. . , _ r . /-.

ta i r i TT u rrrr >>,a at AO Quaker Meetinghouse R. Sterling, VI:l/2:28
Ducal Palace, Urbino, VII:3/4:27-28 ^ . . _ . v ,
, ^ Tnnity Episcopal Church

Laurens Henry, 1:3/4:22 1858; VI:l/2:24,25

City plan, Hampstead, S.C., X:4:6 _ ca 1865> vi:l/2:25,28; illus. VI:l/2:pl VII fig 1

Lauriat, Boston publisher, see Estes and Launat VI l/2-25

Laurie, W. D. Parish House (R. Sterling), VI: 1/2:28

An Exhibition for Modern Living (ed., with A. H. Unitarian Church, 1856-59, VI:l/2:24,25; illus.

Girard), VIII:3/4:46-47 VI:l/2:pl VII fig 2

Lausanne, Bishop of, in 1147, XVIII:4:166 Lawrence, Mass.
L'Auterbourg (I. F. Broutin), XIII:l:26n2 Dam, 11:1:41

Lavagnino, E. Pemberton Mill, XIX:4:182

L'arte moderna, on Tempio Canova, Possagno, Laws and Legislation see Architects: Laws, Legal
XIX:4:142 status, etc.; Building Codes, Laws, Regulations,
Laval, 17th c., Bishop of Quebec, XIV:3:8; XVI:1:32 etc.; Preservation and Restoration
Laval, Franois Pyrard de see Pyrard de Laval, Laws of the Indies, XIV:4:3-5,11
Franois Lawson, G. S., 19th c. carpenter, XVIII:4:154
Lavaltrie, Can. "Lay of the Host of Igor," 1185, XVI:2:29
Parish church (V. Bourgeau), XIV:3:12-13; illus. Lazarist Order, XV:3:24
XIV:3:12 fig 7


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Lzaro de Velasco - Le Corbusier

Lzaro de Velasco see Velasco, Lzaro de Le Bourgeois, Louis

'The Lazy Susan Jail," XVIII:4:149-157 Residence of [Belmont Plantation], illus.
Lazzari, Bramante see Bramante XI:4:[23 fig 1]
Lead Mines, Va. see Austinville, Va. Lebrun [Le Brun], Charles, 1:2:4; 11:3:6; XVIII:3:117
"Leaf plan," XVIII:3:91 n52 Le Brun, Napoleon
League of Nations, XVIII:2:46; XVIII:3:81; XX:2:93 Academy of Music, Philadelphia, XVI:1:30
Leake and Greene [Lake and Green] Cathedral, R.C., Logan Square, Philadelphia,
Thaw Memorial Reredos, Emmanuel Episcopal XVI: 1:30

Church, Pittsburgh, XVI:3:29 n29 Girard Estate Bldg. [Bulletin Bldg.], Philadelphia,

Leal, Alonso, V:[21] XX:1:8; illus. XX: 1:8 fig 9

Leamington Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. bldgs., N.Y.

St. Peter's (H. Clutton), XIX:4:156n61 1874-75, Church St. and Park Place [Constant
Leamington Farm (P. Harrison), XVIII:4:158 Bldg., remodelled], XII:1:18; illus. XII:1:17




Ministry of Education and Public Health, Rio de 1891, Madison Square

Janeiro (and others), XVII:2:30,31; XX:2:95 Tower, 1909, IV:3/4:58; XI:2:16; XV:3:31

Learning and Scholarship (see also Architecture: Study Presbyterian Church, Eighth, Baltimore
and teaching), VI:3/4:35; XII:3:23-26; XV:4:28-29 Faade, XVI:1:30
Leasehold occupancy, XVI:4:17 Presbyterian Church, Franklin St., Baltimore,
Leavenworth, Kan. proposed, XVI: 1:29,30
See also Fort Leavenworth Le Camus, 18th c XV:4:31
Benai Jerusham, VI: 1/2:26 Lecce

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (F. X. De Architecture, XV:l:10nl

Coen), VI:l/2:26; illus. VI: 1 /2:pl VIII fig 4 II Carmine (G. Cino), XV:1:5,6; illus. XV:1:6 fig 1
Catholic Church, 1855, VI:l/2:26 Cathedral, XV:1:5

Congregational Church, 1860's, VI:l/2:26 Santa Chiara, XV:l:10n4

Little Stranger Church, VI:l/2:27 Leek, Bart Anthony van der, XVIII:3:115
Methodist Church, 1860's, VI: 1/2:26 Le Clerc, Sebastian

Presbyterian Church, 1870, VI:l/2:26 Engraving of destruction of Temple of Charenton,

St. Joseph's German Catholic Church, VI:l/2:26 IX:3:13nl2

St. Paul's Episcopal Church Trait d'architecture, XX:3:118,123,128

1857-58, VI:l/2:26 L'Ecluse Haute

1863-81 (R. Upjohn), VI:l/2:27; illus. VI:l/2:pl Church, XIV:l:7nl3

VIII figs 5-7 Le Corbusier, on Acropolis, X:3:3; and L. Arnaud,
Southern Methodist Church, 1860's, VI:l/2:26 11:2:11; and Art Nouveau, XX:2:94; articulateness

Leaver, 19th c. metalworker of Maidenhead, XIX:4:166 of, 11:2:31; on cathedral, XV:3:32; admiration for

Leavitt, Maria Jane see Hunt, Maria Jane Leavitt the "clean," X:3:3; elevation of living space above
Leavy, William A., VI:1/2:16 ground level, IV:2:30; VII:l/2:34; and
Lebanon, Conn. functionalism, X:3:8; fight against gravity,
First Society Meetinghouse [Congregational X:3:14n49; on healthiness of good planning,
Meetinghouse] (J. Trumbull), VIII:3/4:3-4; X:3:4; on study of history of architecture, 11:2:11;
IX:3:22; X:2:27; XIV:2:8-11; illus. VIII:3/4:pl I E. Kaufmann on, XIX:3:125; and landscaped
fig 2; XIV:2:9-[10] figs 1-10 commercial architecture, XVIII:2:54; modular
Williams (William) Home, XIV:2:11 nl4 system, XIX:2:87; XX:2:94; on Parthenon, X:3:3;
Lebanon, N.H. lack of professional training, XVIII:3:116; and A.
Congregational Church on the Green (A. B. Young, Reidy, XX:2:94-95; recipient of Royal Gold
attrib.), XIX:3:120 Medal, XIX:4:145; and Sezession, XX:2:94;
Meetinghouse, pre-1820, XIX:3:120 compared with F. L. Wright, XX:2:94
Lebanon, Tenn. Books on, XVI:4:36 (Japanese)
Caruthers (Robert L.) House (W. Strickland), 11:2:33 Alazard, J., Le Corbusier

Leblanc, Maurice Rev. by J. M. Jacobus, Jr., XX:2:92-95

"Rue lectrique," XVIII:3:82 Andrews, W., Architecture, Ambition and

Le Blanc - D'Asfeld Concession, XIII: 1:26 n2 Americans

Le Blond [Leblond], Alexandre Jean Baptiste, Blondel's Rev. by L. Eitner, XV:2:30

admiration for, XVIII:4:142 Blake, P., The Master Builders, Le Corbusier,

City plan, 1717, Leningrad [St. Petersburg], IV: 1:26 Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright
Editor, Aviler, A. C. d', Cours d'architecture, V:46 Rev. by T. M. Brown, XX:4:200-201

Le Blond de la Tour, fl. 1720, 1st engineer in Louisiana Choay, F., Le Corbusier

Colony, XIII:l:26n2 Rev. by J. M. Jacobus, Jr., XX:2:92-95


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Le Corbusier - Ledoux
Hitchcock, H.-R., Architecture: Nineteenth and Houses around La Chaux-de-Fonds, XX:2:94

Twentieth Centuries League of Nations project, Geneva, XX:2:93

Rev. by E. F. Sekler, XIX:3:125,126 Le Corbusier Penthouse see Le Corbusier: Works

Joedicke, J., A History of Modern Architecture (Bldgs., Projects, Sketches, etc.): Apartment

Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XIX:2:86-87 House

Lectures, 1936, Brazil, XVII:2:30,31 Ministry of Education and Public Health, Rio de
Penthouse of see Paris: Apartment House, Porte Janeiro (and others), XVII:2:30,31; XX:2:95
Molitor Monol row house project, 1919, XX:2:94
Publications, 11:1:4 Mundaneum, Le Grand-Saconnex, 111:3:19;
Carnets de voyages, XX:2:94 XX:2:95
Creation Is a Patient Search Museum, Ahmedabad, XX:2:95

Rev. by J. M. Jacobus, Jr., XX:2:92-95 Museum projects, 1931, 1937, Paris, XX:2:95

Des Canons, Des Munitions? Merci. .. Des Logis Notre-Dame-du-Haut, Ronchamp see Le
S. VP., 111:1/2:45 Corbusier: Works (Bldgs., Projects, Sketches,

Introd. to P. Damaz, Art in European etc.): Chapel, Ronchamp

Architecture, XV:4:32 Palace of the Cooperatives, Moscow see Le
Oeuvre complte..., XX:2:93,94 Corbusier: Works (Bldgs., Projects, Sketches,
Towards a New Architecture, X:3:3 etc.): Centrosoyus
La ville radieuse [The Radiant City], 111:1/2:44; Phillips Industries Pavilion, World's Fair, 1958,

VIII:3/4:14; XVIII:3:92 Brussels

Works (Bldgs., Projects, Sketches, etc.) Pome lectronique, XVIII:3:115; XX:2:94

Apartment House [Immeuble locatif], Porte Pont Butin project, Geneva [Genf], XX:2:94

Molitor, Paris Propylaea, Athens, sketch, XX:2:92

Le Corbusier Penthouse, XX:2:94 Raised cottage, IV:2:30; VII:l/2:34
Ateliers d'Artistes, XX:2:94 Row house project, 1919, Troyes, XX:2:94
Beistegui (Charles de) Penthouse [Sur les toits de Secretariat, Chandigarh, XX:2:94

Paris], Paris, XX:2:94 Sur les toits de Paris see Le Corbusier: Works

Le Centre Culturel, Ahmedabad (Bldgs., Projects, Sketches, Etc.): Beistegui

Museum, XX:2:95 (Charles de) Penthouse

Centrosoyus [Palace of the Cooperatives], La Tourette Monastery, Eveux-sur-Arbresle,




Chapel [Notre-Dame-du-Haut], Ronchamp, UN, N.Y., project, XX:2:93

XVII:3:35; XVIII:3:118; XX:2:92,93,94 UNESCO, Paris, project, XX:2:93
Citrohan house projects, 1920, 1922, XX:2:94 Units d'habitation
City planning, 111:1/2:44; VIII:3/4:14; XVIII:2:38; Berlin, XX:2:93
XVIII:3:81,87,91,92-93 Marseille, XX:2:92,93,94

City plans and Ideal Cities Nantes, XX:2:93,94

Algiers, XVII:2:31; XVIII:3:92; XX:2:93,94,95 Villa, Garches, XX:2:94

Buenos Aires, XX:2:94 Villa, Vaucresson, XX:2:94

Chandigarh, XX:2:93 Villa for Paul Poiret [au bord de la Mer], project,

Cit Linaire Industrielle, XVIII:3:92-93; illus. XX:2:94

XVIII:3:93 fig 10 Villa Savoye [Maison Savoie], Poissy-sur-Seine,

La Rochelle, XX:2:93 XX:2:94

Montevideo, XX:2:94 Villa Schwb, 1916, La Chaux-de-Fonds, XX:2:94
Moscow, XVIII:3:92 Watch, XX:2:94

Nemours, XX:2:93,94 Ledger, of Philadelphia see Philadelphia Ledger

Paris, IX:1 /2:33; XX:2:93 Ledoux, Claude Nicolas, use of arch above entablature,

Route-Cities plan, XVIII:3:92-93; illus. XX:2:75; and J. F. Blondel, XVIII:4:141,148;

XVIII:3:92 fig 9 classicism of, 1:2:9; XIII: 1:15; influence in
Saint Di, XVIII:3:93; XX:2:93 America, XIII: 1:15-17; XIII:3:30; E. Kaufmann
So Paulo, XX:2:94 on, 11:3:31; 111:4:6; XII:3:32; XII:4:31-32;

Skyscraper cities, XVIII:3:92 XV:4:30,31; XIX:3:125; compared with Le

La ville radieuse [The radiant city], 111:1/2:44; Corbusier, XX:2:93,94; on painting (quote),
VIII:3/4:14; XVIII:3:92,93 XV:4:31; rediscovery of, XV:4:30; sculptured bas
Radiant farm, XVIII:3:93 relief decoration, XIV:4:27; H. Sedlmayr on,

Cook House, Boulogne-sur-Seine, XX:2:94 X:3:14n49; spherical bldg. idea in work of F. L.

Cultural Centre and Museum of Western Wright, XIX:3:130

Contemporary Art, Tokyo, XX:2:95 L 'architecture considre sous le rapport de l'art des

Domino scheme, 1914, XX:2:94 moeurs et de la lgislation, 111:3:15; XIILL16

High Court, Chandigarh, XX:2:92,95

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Ledoux - Lefuel

Ledoux (Cont.) Rotonde de Monceau [de Chartres] see Ledoux,

Article on Claude Nicolas: Buildings, Designs, etc.:
Kaufmann, E., "Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, Barrires

Inaugurator of a New Architectural System," Rural Guards, Shelter for [Maison des gardes

III-3-12-20 agricoles], Maupertuis, 111:3:19; illus.

^A^rh^Kassel^lim 17 Saline of Chaux [Royal Salt-works], Arc-et Senans,

Barrires [Propylaea; Tollhouses], Paris, 111:3:15,17 illus' 111 3<12a> figs
la ,Villette
[de Saint Martin], 111:3:17; ' ' * ' lg . r
,c m,tn r vTTi 1 ic Surveyors of the River Loue, Residence of

xill:l:15; Ulus. III:3:[12a] fig 6; XIII:1:15 [Maison des directeurs de la Loue], 111:3:19;

, a a y., xa nu y i illus- HL'3:[12a] fig 12

Rotonde de Monceau [de Chartres], Temple dfi k Conciliation w Ledoux, Claude

XIH:1:17 n6 Nicolas: Buildings, Designs, etc.: Pacifre

St. Hippolyte, 111:3:17,18; illus III:3:[12a] fig 8 Theater> Besanon> nI:3;14

Cnobie, or House of Common Life [Koivos Bios], Tollhouses see Ledoux, Claude Nicolas: Buildings,

111:3:15 Designs, etc.: Barrires

Chaux [Ideal City], 111:3:15,16,19 Lee, of Hudson, Ohio

Church design, 111:3:18; illus. III:3:[12a] fig 9 House of [Hudson-Lee House], XII:2:10,14 nl
Saline see Ledoux, Claude Nicolas: Buildings, Lee, fl. 1870, of Nacogdoches, Tex.
Designs, etc.: Saline of Chaux Residence of, XI:4:2
Circular house for a broker, project, 111:3:19; illus. Lee, Cornelia, X:2:14nl2
111 ; 3 : 12a] fig 11 Lee, Jeremiah
Conciliateur see Ledoux, Claude Nicolas: Mansion of see Marblehead, Mass.
Buildings, Designs, etc.: Pacifre Lee, Joshua
Courthouse, Aix-en-Provence, 111:3:15 Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Collegii Harvardini
Designs, XII:4:27 . .. (comp.), XX:3:124

Discount Bank project, 1788, 111:3:19-20 Lee, Mary Custis, X:2:12,[13],14

Fontaine de la Grande Cour, XIII: 1:17 n9 Lee, Robert E., IX:3:18; X:2:[13],14; XVIII:4:159
Htel d'Uzs, Paris, XVI1I:4:148 n64 Lee, Robert E., steamboat see Robert E. Lee

Htel Guimard, Paris, XIII: 1:15,16,17; illus. Lee, Robert M.

XIII: 1:16 fig 4 House of, Philadelphia, XX:l:26n29

House, Parc de Bellevue, 111:3:17; illus. III:3:[12a] Lee, Thomas

fig -J Mansion of see Stratford Hall

House for a Writer, design, 111:3:18,20 Lee, N.H.

House for Four Families, 111:3:20; illus. III:3:[12a] View near..., painting (Titcomb), 11:3:33

fig ,4 Lee Highway, IV:1:38,39

House of Common Life see Ledoux, Claude Mansion National Memorial, [Arlington House],
Nicolas: Buildings, Designs, etc.: Cnobie Arlington (G. Hadfie d), 1:3/4:19; IV:1:38;





Hunting lodge, project, 1778, 111:3:16,17; illus. , ' 11

m a ri7 l ro 7 Leeds, of Thomaston, Me.

1A 1 ^-7 T f Ol a XT- 1 n u House of, X:4:[32] n21

Ideal City see Ledoux, Claude Nicolas: Buildings, Leeds Engl

Designs, etcT: Chaux Linen Mill (Benyon and Bage), VIII: 1/2:23

Koivos Bios see Ledoux, Claude Nicolas: Jown Ha (Q Brodrick)> XIX:4: !56

Buildings, Designs, etc.: Cenobie Woolen miUs> VIII.l/2:27 nl3

Maison Jarnac, Paris, 111:3:18 Leens Neth.

Maisons Hosten, Paris, XIII:1:16 Medieval timber house, XVII:2:5,6,8; illus.

Pacifre [Conciliateur; Temple de la Conciliation], XVll-2-[7] fig 15

XIII: 1:16 Lees-Milne, James
Palais Montmorency, Paris, 111:3:16; illus. Tudor Renaissance, XIII:4:31
III:3:[ 12a] fig 1 Leesburg, Va.

Palais Thlusson [Mme. de), Paris, 111:3:16; illus. Raspberry Plains Plantation see Raspberry Plains
III.-3:[ 12a] fig 2 Leeser, Isaac, Rabbi, XIII:4:29-30
Panarton, 111:3:19; illus. III:3:[12a] fig 10 Lefvre-Pontalis, product of Ecole des Chartes, 1:3/4:9;
Pavillon, Louveciennes, 111:3:14; XIII: 1:17 on relation of Romanesque and Gothic,
Prison, Aix-en-Provence, plan for, 111:3:15; XVII:2:28; on St. Bnigne, Dijon, XVII:3:2; on St.
XII:4:30n6 Germain des Prs, XVII:3:9n40

Propylaea see Ledoux, Claude Nicolas: Buildings, Lefuel, Hector Martin, and R. M. Hunt, XI:2:9-10

Designs, etc.: Barrires Portr., illus. XI:2:[12] fig 3


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Lefuel - Leningrad
Louvre, Paris Cathedral, VII:3/4:11,12

Pavillon de la Bibliothque, XI:2:9-10; illus. Notre-Dame-de-la-Couture [Eglise de la Culture]

XI:2:[12] fig 4 Crypt piers, XVII:3:9 n29
Lefuel, Mrs. Hector Martin [Andromache], XI:2:9 Lemberg see Lvov
"Legal Protection of 'National Buildings,' " by A. W. Le Mercier
Acworth, VI:3/4:8-13 Engravings of Michelangelo, XIII-.3:11 n29
Legal Rights of Architects see Architects: Laws, Legal Lemos, Cortde de, 17th c., V:[35]

status, etc. Lemos, Manuel Gayoso de see Gayoso de Lemos,


'The Legend of the Alternate System at St. Bnigne of

Dijon," by A. S. Wethey, XVII:3:2-9 Le Muet, Pierre

T poo Wnme> v i ?t Appendix to G. Richards, transi, The First Book of

^ GhSr^GhiLole * Palladi'S Architecture.

.., XX:3:115,118,129;
illus. XX:3:118 fig 3

Leghorn see Livorno

Lgion d'honneur, VII:3/4:37

Manire de bien bastir, XVIII:2:60,61

r , T _ ... , L'Enfant, Pierre Charles, in America, XIII: 1:16; and

Legrand, Jacques Guillaume see Legrand and Molinos y Mifflin xiI-2-27

Legrand and Molinos Book on '

See also Molinos, Jacques Caemmerer, H. P., The Life of Pierre Charles
Halle aux Bles, Pans 'Enfant, Planner of the City Beautiful,

Dorne, X:2:6-7,10,23; illus. X:2:7 fig 3 VI:l/2:[35]; VlII:3/4:69; X:2:25

Le Grand-Saconnex, Switz. Capitol, Washington
Mundaneum (Le Corbusier), 111:3:19; XX:2:95 Plan, VIII:3/4:4

Legreme, Treaty of, XV:3:24 City Dancing Assembly, Philadelphia

Lehman, George Hall, XII:3:30
Lithograph, Cupola of St. Augustine's R. C. Church, City planning, IX:l/2:35; XII:2:26
Philadelphia (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 16 City plans

capt. fig 26; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 26 Paterson, N.J., XX:3:108
Lehman, Robert, IX:l/2:24nll Washington, 111:1/2:15,22,39,40; IV: 1:27,34-37;
Lehman, William, d. 1829 VI: 1 /2:[30],31,32; VII:1/2:[1]; VIIl:l/2:93;
Sepulchral monument of see Harrisburg, Pa.: VIII:3/4:4; X:2:3-4; X:4:14; XII:2:27;

Lehman (William) Sepulchral Monument XII:3:30; XX:3:108,110; illus. VI:l/2:pl IX

Lehmann, Karl [Lehmann-Hartleben, Karl], on city fig 1; X:2:4
squares, XIX:4:183; credits to (F. J. Niederer), Federal Hall [U.S. Capitol], N.Y., 111:3:31; XIV:2:7;
XII:3:6 nl; Greek honors for work on Samothrace, XX:4:185 nl

X:2:26; on need for monographs on Roman Morris (Robert) Mansion, Philadelphia, XII:3:30;
architecture, 11:2:25; and SAH, 11:4:40; 111:4:66 XX: 1:23

'The Impact of Ancient City Planning on European President s House, Philadelphia

Architecture," 11:4:40; 111:1/2:22-29 Plan (attrlb-)< XII:2:27,28

Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Leningrad [St. Petersburg], XX:3:137

'The Setting of Hellenistic Temples," XIII:4:15-20 Adm.ralty [Navy Yard] IV: 1:26 28,31 32

Alexander Column (R. de Montferrand), IV:1:32;


VII:1/2:15 n67

_ ,, Archives of the General Staff of the Imperial

Great Hall, XVII:2:8-9,10; illus. XVII:2:9 fig 19 Russian Army (C. Rossi), VII:l/2:4

LeipZlg , w Bourse, 1812, IV:1:28; XX:3:137

Concerthaus (M. Gropius), 11:3:11 Bridges, Suspension (W. Handyside), VII:1/2:15 n67
Reichsgenchts-Gebude [Imperial Law Courts; Cathedral of St. Isaac see Leningrad: St. Isaac of
Palace of Justice; Supreme Court] (L. E. E. Dalmatia

Hoffmann), 11:3:11; XII:4:17 Chateau of the Engineers see Leningrad: Peterhof




Cathedral, XV:3:3 City plan, IV:1:26,27-28,30,31,33

Leisenring, Luther M X:2:14 n9,15 nn22,24; XII:3:29 1717 (A. J. B. Le Blond), IV:1:26
Leland, Charles Equestrian Statue of Peter the Great (E. Falconet),
Bldg. of see Philadelphia: Leland (Charles) Bldg. XVII: 1:19

Leland Stanford Junior University see Stanford, Calif. Fortress of SS. Peter and Paul, IV: 1:26,27-28

Lelong, Paul, fils Imperial Iron Foundry, XV:4:21 n38

Caf de Malthe, Paris, XV:4:21 n39 Narva Triumphal Arch (G. Quarenghi and I. Y.
Le Maire, Madeleine see Broutin, Madeleine Le Maire Starov), XV:4:16
Le Maistre d'Anstaing, XIX:4:155 n56

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Leningrad - Lethaby

Leningrad ( Cont'.) Leopold I, 1790-1865, King of the Belgians, XIV:3:4

Narva Triumphal Arch (Cont.) Le Pautre, 1:2:8; XIII:4:32
Iron plate facing (Clarke [Clark] and Pratt), Lepautre, Antoine [Le Paultre; Le Pautre], V:45

XV:4:21 n38 Htel de Beauvais, Paris, XVIII:4:146-147; illus.

Navy Yard see Leningrad: Admiralty XVIII:4:146 fig 2

Peterhof Palace [Chateau of the Engineers], Lepautre, Pierre, V:43,44-46
111:3:26-27 Leptis Magna [Leptis, Tripolitania]
Panels (N. Pineau), V:45 Severan Forum, 111:1/2:25; illus. III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 8
Quais, IV: 1:32 Lequeu, Jean Jacques, E. Kaufmann on, XII:3:32;
St. Isaac of Dalmatia (R. de Montferrand) XII:4:31-32; XV:4:31; XVII:3:18 n9; projects of
Dome, VII:1/2:5,7,8,24,31; XVI:4:35; illus. anticipated by Filarete, XVII:3:16

VII: 1 /2:pl II fig 4 Observatory design, 111:3:17

SS. Peter and Paul Fortress see Leningrad: Fortress LeRay de Chaumont, James
of SS. Peter and Paul Mansion of, 1:3/4:45

Tauride Palace (I. Y. Starov), XVI:2:30 Leraysville, N.Y.

Theater Street (C. Rossi), IV:1:31 Leray Mansion, 1:3/4:45
Winter Palace, IV:1:31,32; XI:4:19 Lermond, Charles, X:4:30
Lenning, Henry F. House of [Morton (Albert) House], Thomaston,
The Art Nouveau, XII:4:17; XIII:2:30 X:4:29; illus. X:4:[28] fig 7

Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XII: 1:32 Lermond, Elizabeth Tobey, X:4:[32] n25

Lennox, Peter Lerna

Survey, New Castle, Del. (with B. H. Latrobe, Palace, XVII: 1:34
R. Mills and W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 3, Le Rond, Jean see Alembert, Jean Le Rond d'
16 capt. 23 Leroux, V:46
Leno, Giuliano, XIII:3:5 Leroy, fl. 1858
Lenoir, Alexandre, 1:3/4:14 Churches, Lille vicinity, XIX:4:156n62

Le Ntre [Lenotre], 17th c., 1:2:8; IV:1:26 Notre Dame de la Treille et St. Pierre, Lille,

Lenox, James XIX:4:156

Residence of, N.Y., XIV:1:19 Le Roy, Minn.
Lenox, Mass. First National Bank (Purcell and Elmslie),
Meeting House, 1805, VII:3/4:29 XIX:2:68 n32
Lenthall, John, d. 1808, Clerk of the Works at U.S. Leroy, Ohio

Capitol, VII: 1 /2:10 n4; X:2,6,7; XVI:3:31-32 Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32
Leo III, The Oath of XVIII:3:117 Lry, Chaussegros de see Chaussegros de Lry
Leo X, Pope, IX:4:11; XIII:3:4,10 nl4 Les Andelys
Leo XI, Pope [Alessandro de Medici] Chteau Gaillard, VII:3/4:28

Villa of see Rome (City): Villas: Medici Church, 1:1:22

Leon, Juan Ponce de see Ponce de Leon, Juan Lescaze, William (see also Howe and Lescaze), IV: 1:53




Cathedral, XVII:4:19 Lesley, Robert W XI:2:24

Sepulchres, V:12 History of the Portland Cement in the United States,
Perpetual exposition of the Host, XVII:l:10nl8 XX:4:194
San Isidoro, XVII:1:11 n41 Leslie, 19th c. painter
Sculpture, 12th c., XII:3/4:27 Decoration of Capitol, Washington, VII:l/2:26
Leonardo da Vinci, airplane idea, 11:4:18; on the Lesseps, Jules de, XIV:3:6
beautiful vs. the useful (quote), 11:2:11; and Lesser, George

Filarete, XVII:3:14; "imitation" theory of painting, Gothic Cathedrals and Sacred Geometry

XIV:4:30; plunging horse motif, XVII:3:10; Rev. by R. Branner, XVII:l:34-35

universality of, XVIII:3:117; and Vignola's Ges Lessing, Johann Gottfried, 11:3:7
faade, IX:4:13 Lester Park, N.Y., IV:2:40
Central-plan church designs, XVII:l:9nl2; Letarouilly
XVII:3:14,16; illus. XVII:3:[15] fig 16 Edifices de Rome moderne, XX:4:192

Leoni, Giacomo [James] Letchworth, XVIII:3:79

The Architecture of A. Palladio (ed.), XX:2:68; Lethaby, William Richard, restoration ideology,
XX:3:119,128 no.47,130 no. 14 1:3/4:11; on P. Webb, XIX:4:147 n23

The Architecture of L. B. Alberti [transi, of De re Form in Civilization

aedifcatoria], XX:3:128 no.48 and nl6 Short rev., XVI:2:32

Design books, XX:3:118,119,122 Letter to A. L. Smith, ca. 1930, XIX:2:88

Queensberry House, London, XVI:2:17

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Leutze - Lexington, Ky.

Leutze, Emanuel McChord Presbyterian Church, Lexington (and
Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way, J. McMurtry), VI:1/2:17 nil; XI:4:18; illus.
painting, VII: 1/2:26 XI:4:[17] fig 9

Le Vau [Levau], 1:2:8; V:45 Mansfield [Clay (Thomas Hart) Home], Lexington,
Level Iron Works, near Dudley, Engl, XV:2:25 XI:4:14-16; illus. XI:4:[15] figs 2,3
Levick, Alfred Sayre College see Lewinski, Thomas; Works:
Universalist Church, Seneca, Kan., VI:l/2:29 Johnson (Edward P.) House

Le Vignacce Villa, XVII:4:6 Sayre (David A.) Home [Walsh (Clara Bell)
Levy, Ernst, XX:3:143,146 Home], Lexington, XI:4:16

"On the Proportions of the South Tower of Chartres White Hall [Clay (Cassius Marcellus) Home] (and
Cathedral," XVII:2:29 J. McMurtry), XI:4:19-[20]; illus. XI:4:[17]

Levy, Georges Benoit see Benoit-Lvy, Georges fig 15

Levy, Uriah, Commodore, 1:3/4:15 Lewis, 19th c. weighlock bldr., see Kasson and Lewis
Lewers and Dickson, 19th c. cement casting firm, Lewis, Clifford D., Ill, XV:3:2; XVII:4:34nl

XI:3:28 Lewis, Ion

Lewes, Del. Portland Hotel, Portland, Or., (and W. Whidden),
Plockhoy's Commonwealth, 1663, XIX:3:109 XIX:2:57
Lewicka, Maria Lewis, John, 18th c. Englishman, XIV:4:21 n20
"Bernardo Morando," XX:3:150 Lewis, Matthew Gregory, X:3:26-27

Lewinski, Carrie, XI:4:[20] n5 Lewis, Meriwether, Capt.

Lewinski, Mary Watkins, XI:4:13 Aquatint of [after Saint Mmin drawing]
Lewinski, Thomas (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. fig 16;
Lancaster, C., "Major Thomas Lewinski: Emigr illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [13] fig 16
Architect in Kentucky," XI:4:13-[20] Lewis, Oscar
Works Here Lived the Californians
Anderson (Joseph C.) House see Lewinski, Rev. by A. Temko, XVI:4:35-36
Thomas: Works: Glengarry Lewis, Mrs. Wilmarth, X:2:20
Ashland, Lexington Lewis Family, of" Woodlawn " {see also Woodlawn
Alterations, 1845, XI:4:14 Plantation), X:2:21; X:4:35
Gardener's cottage, XI:4:18 Lewisburg, Pa.
Rebuilt, ca. 1856, XI:4:19; illus. XI:4:[17] Bucknell University (T. U. Walter), XVI: 1:20-24;
figs 13,14 XVI:3:36; illus. XVI:1:21 figs 1-5

Brand (Alexander H.) House see Lewinski, Slifer (Eli) House [Evangelical Home; Picturesque
Thomas: Works: Glengarry Villa] (S. Sloan), XIX:1:38; illus. XVIII:3:108
Cane Run see Lewinski, Thomas: Works: fig 8
Glengarry Lex Pacca, 1819, 1:3/4:10

Christ Church [Episcopal Church], Lexington (and Lexington, Ky.

J. McMurtry), VI:1/2:17; XI:4:18,[20]; illus. Alford House see Lexington, Ky.: Aylesford
XI:4:[15] fig 8 Andersen (Joseph C.) House see Lexington, Ky.:
Clay (Cassius Marcellus) Home see Lewinski, Glengarry

Thomas: Works: White Hall Ashland [Clay (Henry) Home] (B. H. Latrobe),
Clay (James B.) Villa, Lexington, XI:4:14-16; illus. XI:4:14,18,19; illus. XI:4:[17] fig 14
XI:4:[15] figs 4,5 Alterations, 1845 (T. Lewinski), XI:4:14
Clay (Thomas Hart) Home see Lewinski, Thomas: Gardener's cottage (T. Lewinski), XI:4:18

Works: Mansfield Rebuilt, ca. 1856 (T. Lewinski), XI:4:19; illus.

Coleman (Davis S.) Home see Lewinski, Thomas: XI:4:[17] figs 13,14

Works: Highland Home Aylesford [Alford House; Elley (William R.) House],
Eastern State Hospital [Lunatic Asylum], VI: 1 /2:[13]-21 ; illus. VI:l/2:pl VI
Lexington, XI:4:13,14; illus. XI:4:[15] fig 1 Brand (Alexander H.) House see Lexington, Ky.:
Episcopal Theological Seminary [Gibson (Tobias) Glengarry
Residence], Lexington, alterations, XI -A: 16-18 Britling Apartments see Lexington, Ky.: McMurtry
Glengarry [Anderson (Joseph C.) House; Brand (John) Residence
(Alexander H.) House; Cane Run], Lexington, Bruen (Joseph) Foundry [Lexington Iron and Brass
XI:4:19; illus. XI:4:[17] figs 10,12 Foundry], VI:1/2:17
Hall (Augustus) House, Lexington Cane Run see Lexington, Ky.: Glengarry
Faade, XI:4:16 City Hall, XI:4:16

Highland Home [Coleman (Davis S.) Home], Christ Church [Episcopal Church] (T. Lewinski and
Lexington, XI:4:19 J. McMurtry), VI:1/2:17; XI:4:18,[20]; illus.

Johnson (Edward P.) House [Sayre College], XI:4:[15] fig 8

Lexington, XI:4:16 Clay (Henry) Home see Lexington, Ky.: Ashland


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Lexington, Ky. - Libraries and Library bldgs.

Lexington, Ky. (Cont.) Mount Brilliant Farm, VI:l/2:19nl6
Clay (Henry) Monument (J. W. Adams), XI:4:19 Presbyterian Church see Lexington, Ky.: McChord
Clay (James B.) Villa (T. Lewinski), XI A: 14-16; illus. Presbyterian Church
XI:4:[15] figs 4,5 St. Peter's Catholic Church on Limestone, VI:1/2:16
Clay (Thomas Hart) Home see Lexington, Ky.: Sayre (David A.) Home [Walsh (Clara Bell) Home]




Coleman (Davis S.) House see Lexington, Ky.: Sayre College see Lexington, Ky.: Johnson (Edward
Highland House P.) House
Eastern State Hospital [Lunatic Asylum] Second Street, West, 471, XI:4:16
(T. Lewinski), XI:4:13,14; illus. XI:4:[15] fig 1 Union Fire Co. Bldg., VI:1/2:16
Enlargement (J. McMurtry), XI:4:14 Walsh (Clara Bell) Home see Lexington, Ky.: Sayre
Elley (William R.) House see Lexington, Ky.: (David A.) Home
Aylesford Lexington, Va.
Episcopal Cemetery Chapel, VI:1/2:18 Barclay (Misses) Home (J. Jordan), IX:3:19
Episcopal Church see Lexington, Ky.: Christ Church Episcopal Rectory (J. Jordan), IX:3:19
Episcopal Theological Seminary [Gibson (Tobias) Jordan (John) Manor House see Lexington, Va.:
Residence], XI:4:16-18; illus. XI:4:[15] fig 7 Stono
Gibson (Col. Hart) Residence see Lexington, Ky.: Jordan (Samuel) Home (J. Jordan), IX:3:19

Ingleside Neriah Baptist Church (J. Jordan), IX:3:18

Gibson (Tobias) Residence see Lexington, Ky.: Reid House (J. Jordan), IX:3:18

Episcopal Theological Seminary Stono [Jordan (John) Manor House] (J. Jordan),
Glengarry [Anderson (Joseph C.) House; Brand IX:3:17-18
(Alexander H.) House; Cane Run] (T. Lewinski), Virginia Military Institute [V.M.I.]
XI:4:19; illus. XI:4:[17] figs 10,12 Barracks (A. J. Davis), VI:1/2:14
Goodloe (W. C.) Residence see Lexington, Ky.: Founding, 111:4:30
Loudoun Hospital, IX:3:19
Hall (Augustus) House, XI:4:16 Washington and Lee University
Highland Home [Coleman (David S.) Home] Washington Hall (J. Jordan), IX:3:18; illus.
(T. Lewinski), XI:4:19 IX:3:17 fig 1
Hunt (F. K.) Residence see Lexington, Ky.: Loudoun Lexington (Va.) Canal (J. Jordan), IX:3:18
Ingleside [Gibson (Col. Hart) Residence] Leyburn, William
(J. McMurtry), 11:1:36; VI: 1 / 2[ 13]-21; XI:4:18; The Mirror of Architecture, or The Ground Rules of
illus. VI: 1 /2:pls IV,V fig 9 the Art of Building according to Vincent
Gatehouse, illus. VI:l/2:pl V fig 12 Scamozzi. . . (transi.), XX:3:118,120,128 no.49;
Servants' cottage, illus. VI:l/2:pl V fig 11 illus. XX:3:119 fig 4
Innis (Charles) House, Russell Cove Pike Leyswood (R. N. Shaw), XX:3:149
(J. McMurtry), VI:1/2:17-18; illus. VI:l/2:pl V, Lhasa, VIII:3/4:9
figs 10,13 Liber Uni verso, by William of Auvergne
Johnson (Edward P.) House [Sayre College] Hierarchies of Heaven, State and Church, XVII:2:19;
(T. Lewinski), XI:4:16 illus. XVII:2:19 fig 42
Lexington Cemetery gateway, VI:1/2:16 Liber Testamentorum [Gothic Book], by Bishop Don
Lexington Iron and Brass Foundry see Lexington, Pelayo of Oviedo, XVI:4:2
Ky.: Bruen Foundry Libergier, Hugh
Loudoun [Goodloe (W. C.) Residence; Hunt (F. K.) St. Nicaise, Reims, XVII:4:19
Residence] (A. J. Davis), VI: 1 /2:[13]-21 ; illus. Liberty head dime, XVII:l:24nl4
VI: 1 /2:pl III Libon, XIII:4:5

Lunatic Asylum see Lexington, Ky.: Eastern State Libourne, France, IV: 1:14
Hospital Libraries and Library bldgs.
McChord Presbyterian Church (T. Lewinski and J. See also Athenaeums
McMurtry), VI: 1/2:17 nil; XI:4:18; illus. Athens

XI:4:[17] fig 9 Library of Hadrian, XIII:4:14; illus. XIII:4:11

McMurtry (John) Residence [Britling Apartments], fig 3
S. Broadway, VI:1/2:16 Baltimore, Md.

McMurtry Family Home, W. side of Broadway, Baltimore Library Co., XX:2:64,66,67,68

VI: 1/2:18 Library design (B. H. Latrobe), XX:2:64

Mansfield [Clay (Thomas Hart) Home] (T. Lewinski), Enoch Pratt Free Library, XVI:1:30; XVI:4:35
XI:4:14-16; illus. XI:4:[15] figs 2,3 Berlin

Maxwell Springs Fair Association Library designs, 1835 (K. F. Schinkel), XX: 1:9
Amphitheatre (J. McMurtry), VI: 1/2:19


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Libraries and Library bldgs. - Libraries and Library bldgs.

Birmingham, Engl. Grimston Park

Adderley Park Institute [Reading Room and Library, XIX:3:129

Library] (G. E. Street), XIX:4:148,154 Hanover, N.H.

Birmingham Reference Library Dartmouth College

Boulton and Watt Collection, VIH:l/2:23 Baker Library

Public Libraries, XIX:4:154 File on A. B. Young, XIX:3:119
Boston, Mass. Hudson, Ohio

Boston Public Library (McKim, Mead and White), Baldwin-Babcock House [Hudson Library and
IX: 1 /2:34; XIII:2:22; XVI:3:26 Historical Society], XII:2:13
Mein (John) Circulating Library, XX:3:116 Leningrad [St. Petersburg]
Cambridge, Engl. Archives of the General Staff of the Imperial
Trinity College design (C. Wren), XVI:4:34; Russian Army (C. Rossi), VII:l/2:4



Cambridge, Mass. Historical Society, illus. X:4:19 fig 1

Austin Hall [Harvard Law School] Public Library, 1792, X:4:20
Law Library, XVII:3:22 London
Harvard College, 18th c., XX:3:116,121,123,124 British Museum

Harvard Treasure Library, XI: 1:32 For complete list of entries see London: British
Lamont Library (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Museum

Abbott), XVII:3:28 Bomb damage, IV:3/4:58-59

Langdell Hall (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Building (R. Smirke), XVII:4:38
XVII:3:23 Resources on American History, VII:l/2:3

Chapel Hill Minneapolis

University of North Carolina Library Public Library (Long and Kees), XIII:1:19
Swain (D. L.) papers, X:l:21 New Brunswick, N.J.

Charleston, S.C. New Brunswick Theological Seminary

Charleston Library Society, XX:3:117,124 Sage Library (D Lienau), XIV: 1:24 n7




Burnham Library of Architecture, Art Institute, Howard Memorial Library (Shepley, Rutan and

IV:l:3;IX:l/2:37 Coolidge), XVII:3:22

Microfilm Project, IX:4:28; XI: 1:27-28; New York (City)

XL3:[32] Astor Library, VII:l/2:3; XVI:1:30

material, IX:l/2:37; XX:3:141; Avery Architectural Library see New York (City):
W*A-18^ 184,

^'7'f. r-t nl , n , Columbia University: Avery Architectural

Chicago Public Library (Shepley, Rutan and Library

w Columbia College Library, design (J. Renwick,

McCormick Theological Seminary ^ . XI-2-23

see New York (City):

New York Historical Society

yr? (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), New Yo'rk Hi^torical Society

Coimbra, Port.





n v /A c d k i YV , ,, Collection of American topographical town

Ceilings (A. S. Ribeiro), XV:3:21
plans and views, IV:3/4:56

Library (C de Laprade and J. F. New ^ L_ XX:3;117>124
Ludwig), XV:3:17

c h Pierpont Morgan Library

Royal Academy of Fine Arts, XVIII:2:72 Medl^a' and Renaissance monographs,

Royal Library, XVIII:2:72 0 XIX: 1:41

Devonport Engl Seventh Regiment Armory, 1878-80

Public Library (J. Foulston), XII:4:16 Vet Room and Library decoration (L. C.
Tiffany and others), XIV:3:24


Municipal Library Newa/,k>

Ms. no. 591 [Ms. no. 348], XVI:3:12-15 Publlc Llbrary> XIV:3:32
Elmira N Y Newport, R.I.

Elmira College Library (Coolidge, Shepley, KinS (Edward) House [People's Library] (R.

Bulfinch and Abbott), XVII:3:26 Upjohn), VIII: 1/2:37; XI:2:4 28,29

Florence Redwood Library (P. Harrison) (for complete list of

Biblioteca Laurenziana entries see Newport, R.I.: Redwood Library),
Ricett0 IX:3:24; XII:2:30; XVIII:4:158

Blind window design (Michelangelo), Oxford, Engl.

XIX:3:104; illus. XIX:3:105 fig 16 Bodleian Library, XIX:3:131,132

Christ Church Library, XIX:3:131


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Libraries and Library bldgs. - Lienau

Libraries and Library bldgs. (Cont.) Thomaston, Me.

Oxford, Engl. Woman's Library, X:4:25

Radcliffe Library [Camera] (J. Gibbs), XIII:4:32; Tokyo

XIX:3:131-132 Crown Prince's Palace [Akasake Detached Palace;

Palermo Diet Library] (T. Katayama), XIII:2:18; illus.

National Library, IV:2:52 XIII:2:[17] fig 9

Bibliothque Nationale (for complete list of entries Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

see Paris: Bibliothque Nationale), 1:2:10 Architectural Library, 11:1:35

Bibliothque Sainte-Genevive (H. Labrouste), U.S., pre-Revolutionary catalogs of,

1:2:10; 111:4:5; VII:l/2:3; XIV:1:18 XX:3:116,117,118,124-130

Louvre University Park, Pa.
Pavillon de la Bibliothque (H. M. Lefuel), Pennsylvania State University Library, XX: 1:3 n2

XI:2:9-10; illus. XI:2:[12] fig 4 Urbana, 111.

Philadelphia Ricker Library of Architecture, University of

Association Library Company, XX:3:125 Illinois
Free Library, XX: 1:3 n2 Microfilm Project, IX:4:28; XI: 1:27-28;
Girard College Library XI:3:[32]

T. U. Walter notebooks, XVI:2:26 Washington, D.C.

Library Army Medical Library (Eggers and Higgins),
Roof alterations, design (T. U. Walter), /2:pl X lig 8
XVI-2-26 Capitol Library (C. Bulfinch), VII:l/2:30

Library Company Foler Shakespeare Library (P. P. Cret), 1:2:3;

For complete list of entries see Philadelphia:

Library Company L,braD 0 Congress

Library Hall (W. Thornton), X:2:20,28; For full list of references see also Washington,

XIII-3-30 D.C.: Library of Congress

R f vi a id Bldg. (Smithmeyer and Pelz [Peltz] ), XVI:3:26

kooi, Iron> in u.s. Capitol (T. U. Walter),

Logan,an Library, XV*24 VII: 1/2:3-4,18,21,24,28; XV:4:16

Union Library Company, XX:3:125 w . .. ,

Wooden, in U.S. Capitol (C. Bulfinch),

University of Pennsylvania Library (F. Furness),

VII:1 / 2:3,10 n2,18,24,30


Public Library [District of Columbia Library],


111:3:29; VI:1/2:31

Allegheny Carnegie Library (Smithmeyer and Pelz Li Chieh d 1110

[Peltz] J, XVI.3.26 Ying Tsao Fa Shift [A Manual of Architecture and

Pittsburgh Carnegie Library and Music Hall Building 1 II-2-27

(Longfellow, Alden and Harlow), XVI:3:26 Licht, Kjeld de Fine see Fine Licht, Kjeld de

Quincy, Mass. Lick, James, d. 1876, XIX:2:77-79

Crane Memorial Library (H. H. Richardson), Liddell> Thomas, Sir, XX:3:104

XVIII:2:66 Lieb> Df XVI:2;3i

Rio de Janeiro Liebknecht Karl

National Library, XV:3:16 Monument to, Berlin, XX:1:42,43

Rome (City) Liebman, Gerhart, XI: 1:3

Biblioteca Nazionale, XI:2:26 Lienau, Detlef [Ratlief] (see also Lienau and Marcotte),

Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Stona dell'Arte, and eclecticism, XI:2:3,6-8; and R. M. Hunt,

XI:2:26 XI:2:10; E. Kramer on, XIII: 1:32

Keats-Shelley Memorial Kramer, E., "Detlef Lienau, an Architect of the
Library, XI:2:26 Brown Decades," XIV:l:18-25


Barberini Ms. Latin 570, XVIII:4:125 Beach Cliffe [Kane (De Lancey [Innes] ) Villa],
Cicognara Collection of Maps, 111:4:66 1852, Newport, XI:2:[8]; XIV: 1:21; illus.
Fresco of the Via Pia, Porta Pia and Acqua XIV:1:[20] fig 4
Felice, XIX:3:106,108; illus. XIX:3:106 Cruikston Park, Gait, Can., XIV:l:24n7
fi8 17 Drawings, IV:3/4:51; XIV:1:18,19

Seville French and Belgian Plate Glass Co. [Noel and

Archivo de Indias Saurel] Warehouse, N.Y., XI:2:[8]; XIV:1:22;

Drawing of Mexico City, 1596, XIV:4:4; illus. illus. XI:2:7 fig 10

XIV:4:4 fig 1 Grace Church [Van Vorst Church], Jersey City,
Tallmadge, Ohio XIV:1:19; illus. XIV:1:[20] fig 1
Library, 1813, XII:2:26


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Lienau - Lille, France

Hodgson Hall, Savannah, XIV:l:24n7 Egypt

Jones (Rebecca Mason Colford) Mansions [Block], Lighthouse [Pharos], Alexandria (Sostratos of
5th Ave., N.Y., XI:2:[8]; XIV:l:21-22; illus. Knydos), VIII:l/2:53
XI-.2-.7 fig 9; XIV: 1:[20] fig 6 England, XVI:1:12

Kane (De Lancey) Loft Bldg., 676 Broadway, India

N.Y., XIV: 1:24; illus. XIV:1:[23] fig 12 Middleton Point Lighthouse, Sagar Island,
Kane (De Lancey [Innes] ) Villa see Lienau, Detlef: XVI:1:17 n92
Works: Beach Cliffe Ireland

Lienau (Michael) House, Jersey City, XIV:1:19 Fasnet Rock, XVI:l:17n92

Lockwood (LeGrand) Mansion, [Mathews Park], Jamaica

Norwalk, XIV:1:22; illus. XIV: 1 :[23} fig 7 Morant Point (A. Gordon), XVI:1:12
Matthiessen-Weichers Sugar Refinery, 1862 Japan
[American Sugar Refining Co.], Jersey City, Brick lighthouses, Tokyo (Verny), XIII:2:18 n5
XIV: 1:22-24; illus. XIV:1:[23] figs 9,10 Scotland
Municipal Hospital, Altona, XIV: 1:18 Bell Rock, Firth of Tay, XVI: 1:12
New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Broomielaw Quay, 1824, Glasgow, XV:4:22n66;



Sage Library, XIV: 1:24 n7 U.S.

Suydam Hall, XIV:l:24n7 Black Rock Harbor, Block Island (W. H. Swift),
New Jersey Sugar Refinery, 1867, [American XVI:1:12
Sugar Refining Co.], Jersey City, XIV: 1:22 Cape Florida, Key Biscayne, IX:3:27
Noel and Saurel Warehouse, N.Y. see Lienau, Cape Henry (J. McComb, Jr.), XI:1:32
Detlef : Works: French and Belgian Plate Lighting and Lights
Glass Co. Warehouse See also Chandeliers

Nuits, Dobbs Ferry, XIV:1:21; illus. XIV:1:[20] City illumination, XVI:4:26,27

fig 3 Exhibition of heating and lighting devices, U.S.
Parish (Daniel) Estate, store and loft, N.Y., National Museum, X:2:24-25
XIV: 1:24; illus. XIV:1:[23] fig 11 Incandescent, D. Adler's use of, III:4:[20a]
St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N.J., XIV:l:24n7 Office bldgs. (W. L. B. Jenney), XVI: 1:15
Schermerhorn (Edmund) House, 23d St., N.Y., Philadelphia
XIV:1:21; illus. XIV:1:[20] fig 5 Washington Square lamps (J. Haviland),

Schermerhorn (William Colford) House, 23d St., XVlI:3:32n2

N.Y., XI:2:[8]; XIV:1:21; illus. XI:2:7 fig 8 Sawtooth system of overhead, VIII:1 /2:28-29 n23
Schiff (Hart M.) House, N.Y., XI:2:[8]; Stage lighting see Theaters (Auditoriums, Concert
XIV: 1:19-21; illus. XIV:1:[20] fig 2 halls, Opera houses, etc.)
Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences, Savannah, Street, 111:1/2:33
XIV: 1:24 n7 Lightoler [Lightholer; Lightholder], Thomas, bks.
Tenement house, Lafayette St. [Elm St.], N.Y., included plans and costs for modest houses,
XIV:1:22; illus. XIV:1:[23] fig 8 XX:3:119

Lienau, J. Henry, XIV:1:19,25 n32 Design, XIII:2:4

Lienau, Michael, XI:2:7; XIV:1:18,19 The Gentleman's and Farmer's Architect..., XIII:2:4;
House of, Jersey City, XIV:1:19 XX:3:122,128 no.50
Lienau and Marcotte (see also Lienau, Detlef; The Modern Builder's Assistant... (with J. and W.
Marcotte, Lon), XIV:1:18,25 nlO Halfpenny and R. Morris), XX:3:126 no.22
Liendo, Rodrigo de, V:6,8 n55,12 n82 Ligon, Mr.
Lievain Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, X:l:21
Sainte Anne-la-Royale, Paris, XV:2:7-8,11 n22; illus. Ligorio, Pirro, adaptability in contrast to Vignola,

XV:2:8 fig 4 IX:4:11; approach to antiquity, XIV:4:30; as

Lieve, H. L., Pastor, of Paasloo, Neth., XVII:2:21 n6 purveyor of novelties, IX:4:14; subject of studies,
Lightholer [Lightholder], Thomas see Lightoler, VIII:l/2:87

Thomas San Pietro in Vaticano work (with Vignola), XIII:3:8

Lighthouses Tomb of Paul IV, XIV:4:31

Bermuda Vatican [Papal Palace], architect of the Fabbrica,
Gibbs' Hill (A. Gordon), XVLL17 nn.89,92 XIV:4:30,31

Ceylon Villa d'Este, Tivoli, IX:4:13; XVI:2:31; XX:4:167-168

Galle (A. Gordon), XVI: 1:17 n92 Grottoes, XX:4:168

Dominican Republic Ligozzi, Jacopo, XX:4:165

Santo Domingo (J. Bogardus), XVI:1:12; illus. Likhachev, N., XVI:2:30

XVI:1:15 fig 14 Lille, Alain de sec Alain de Lille
Lille, France
Halle au Bl, XIX:4:155


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Lille, France - Lions

Lille, France (Cont.) Lincoln, Mass.

Notre Dame de la Treille et St. Pierre (Leroy), Bogner (Walter) House, 1:1:22



Competition, XIX:4:148 n30,155-158,159 State Capitol (B. G. Goodhue), XII:4:17

Lillibridge, Robert M. University of Nebraska (Coolidge and Hodgdon),
"Architectural Currents on the Mississippi River XVII:3:26
Frontier: Nauvoo, Illinois," XIX:3:109-114 Lind, 19th c. Baltimore architect, VIII:1/2:128

"Pullman: Town Development in the Era of Lindeberg, H. T., XX:4:174n5

Eclecticism," XII:3:17-22 Lindenwald see Kinderhook, N.Y.

Lima, Attilio Corra Lindgren, Armas see Gesellius, Lindgren and Saarinen
Rio Seaplane Station, Rio de Janeiro, XVII:2:31 Lindholm, Ray W., XIX:4:174,175
Lima Peru Lindisfarne Castle see Holy Island, Engl.
Casa de la Pericholi see Lima, Peru: Quinta de Presa Lindley, Dr., 19th c. Englishman, XVI:4:25

Cathedral, V:23,40 Lindos

Fortifications, XIV:4:5 Akropolis, XIII:4:15,16; illus. XIII:4:16 fig 2

La Merced, El Templo de, V:[39]-40 Temple of Athens, XIII:4:15; illus. XIII:4:16 fig 2a

Nuestra Senora del Prado, V:40 Lindsay, G. Carroll

Quinta de Presa [Casa de la Pericholi], V:23; illus.: Plantagenet s Wigwam, XVII:4:31-35

V:[20b] fig 4 Lindsay, Robert, carpenter of Charleston, S.C., XII:1:24

San Augustin, V-40 Lindsay, Robert Alexander, Lord Crawford, pres. of

San Francisco, V:40 National Trust, X:l:27

Site, XIV:4:5 Lindsborg, Kan.
Torre Tagle ( Marqus of) Mansion, XIV:4:6 Bethany College, VI:l/2:28
Limestone Bethany Lutheran Church
Bedford, XVI:3:23 1869' VI:1l/2:28; lus. VI:l/2:pl VII fig 3
California, XIV:3:15-16 VI:1/2:28
1904, VI: 1/2:28

Coral, VI:3/4:7

Dayton VI 3/4 19 First Swedish Land Co. see First Swedish Land Co.

Hydraulic XIV-315- XX-4197 Swedish Merchants'

Association sod and stone
house, VI: 1/2:28

Mortar, XIV:3:15; XX:4:195,196,197

New York (State),' XX:4:'l95,196,197 Li"6' R*lph and X:l:28

paving, VIII:l/2:53
Intro t0 ^ S"llVan' The Autobiography of an
. for
Trenton, XIX: 1:39 T. D
. i . Linear B script, XVII:1:34

a er ime, Linear city plan system, VIII:3/4:14; XIX:1:19

Pf.eS, . Collins, G.R.

' , r 'The Ciudad Lineal of Madrid," XVIII:2:38-53

? ' "Linear Planning throughout the World,"
St. Martial, IV:3/4:7


Linear National Park, project, X:2:23

Linhares in Espirito Santo, Brazil

Church towers, IV:3/4:10nl

Lincler, de city plan> MapSj etc ; XIV:4:10

Engr. of Saint Martin, Tours, 17th c VII:3/4:11; Link) j, 19th 0f Chicago, XVI:1:18 nl 10

illus VII:3/4:pl III fig 1 Linn, David, b. 1826 (see also Pyle, McDonough and

Lincoln, Abraham, assassination of, VII: 1/2:20; Linn) XII-4-21-24 25

XVII: 1:30; in Bates House, Indianapolis, Lino, Spain

XVII:1:31; and Capitol dome, XV:4:17; at Church, XVI-4-6

Farmington, Louisville, 1841, IX:3:16; hero of Lino de Chalmet, Louis Xavier Martin de see De Lino

U.S., XII:3:30; and Kansas churches, VI: 1/2:25; de Chalmet, Louis Xavier Martin

and J. F. Speed, IX:3:16 Linschooten, Jan Hugo van, XV:3:3

Monument to see Washington, D.C.: Lincoln Lionberger, Isaac

Memorial House of, Saint Louis, XVII:3:20

Photograph, XIV:4:32 Lionberger, J. R.

Lincoln, Robert T. House of, Saint Louis, XVII:3:20

House of, Manchester, Mass., XVII:3:28 Lions

Lincoln, Thomas Tomb, Cnidus, XII:4:6-7

Home of, Hodgenville, Ky., IX:3:27 Two-bodied, XII:3:9

Lincoln, Engl. Villard de Honnecourt Sketchbook, XIX:2:85;




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Lipari - Little
Lipari, Bishop of, see Mendoza, Joo Goncalez de Allen (Ethan) House, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Lippi, Giovanni di Bartolomeo see Nanni de Baccio Apothecary Shop [Curiosity Shoppe], X:4:22; illus.

Lippmann, Walter, 11:2:12; 11:3:23 Bank, North St., illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Lipps, Theodor, X:3:ll Beecher Church, site of, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Lisa, Manuel Butler House, X:4:21
Warehouse of see Saint Louis, Mo.: Old Rock Church, first, X:4:18,[23] n2
House, 1818 City plan, Maps and Views, X:4:18-[23]; illus. X:4:19

Lisba, Antonio Francisco [Aleijadinho] fig 1

N. S. do Carmo [Church for the Carmelite Collins House, 1782, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Tertiaries], Ouro Preto, XV:3:19,23 n42 Congregational Church, VlI:3/4:29; X:4:18,19,22;
Parish church, So Joo do Morro Grande (attrib.), illus. X:4:19 fig 1
XV:3:19; illus. XV:3:18 fig 6 Corner House, 1792, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Rococo doorways (attrib.), XV:3:13 Court House

S. Francisco de Assis [Church for the Third Order ca. 1725 [First], X:4:18,[23] n2
of St. Francis], Ouro Preto, XV:3:20,21-22; illus. 1797 (W. Spratt [Spratz] attrib.), X:4:[23] n20;





High Altar, XV:3:23 n52 Curiosity Shoppe see Litchfield, Conn.: Apothecary



S. Francisco de Assis [Church of the Third Order of Deming (Julius) House, 1793 (W. Spratt [Spratz]
St. Francis], So Joo d'El-Rei attrib.), X:4:[23] n20; illus. X:4:19 fig 1
High Altar, XV:3:23 n52 Episcopal Church see Litchfield, Conn.: St. Michael's

Towers, XV:3:19 Episcopal Church

Lisbon Hanks (Benjamin) House, illus. X:4:19 fig 1

Athouguia (Ruy Jervis d') Home (R. J. d'Athouguia), Historical Society, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
XVI: 1:32 Jail, illus. X:4:19 fig 1

City plan, Description, etc., XIV:4:7,8,10 Kirby (Ephraim) House, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Earthquake, 1755, XIV:4:7,10 The Lindens, X:4:21
Equestrian Statue of Joseph Emanuel [Joseph 1] Lord (Lynde) House, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
(J. M. de Castro), XIV:4:7,9 Old Apothecary Shop [Old Curiosity Shop] see

Jesuit churches, 16th c., XV:3:20 Litchfield, Conn.: Apothecary Shop

Menino Deus (J. A. Antunes, attrib.), XV:3:19-20; Old Mile-Stone, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
illus. XV:3:19 fig 8 Phelps Tavern, 1787, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Ceiling painting (J. N. de Abreu), XV:3:21 Pierce's (Miss Sally) Female Academy, X:4:20
Praa do Comrcio see Lisbon: Terreiro do Pao Site, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Royal Palace on Terreiro do Pao, XIV:4:7,9 Public Library, 1792, X:4:20
Santa Maria de la Divina Providentia (G. Guarini), Reeve (Tapping) House, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
XV:2:11 nn28,44 Reeve (Tapping) Law School, X:4:19,20; illus. X:4:19





Portaria ceiling (V. Baccarelli), XV:3:23n54 St. Michael's Episcopal Church, X:4:22
Terreiro do Pao [Praa do Comrcio], XIV:4:7,9 Rectory, 1784, illus. X:4:19 fig 1

Lisch Schoolhouse, first, X:4:18,[23] n2

Restoration, Germigny-des-Prs, 1:3/4:14 Sheldon's [Shelton's ] Tavern, X:4:[23] n20; illus.

Lishman, Robert X:4:19 fig 1; 21 fig 4

Palace design, Honolulu, XI:3:28 Smith (Dr. Reuben) House, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Royal Tomb of Lunalilo, Kawaiahao Churchyard, Streets, X:4:18-19
Kawaiahao, XI:3:28-29; illus. XI:3:28 Tallmadge (Benjamin) House, X:4:21; illus. X:4:19
Lissewege fig 1; 21 fig 3
Ter Doest Abbey Tapping Reeve Law School see Litchfield, Conn.:

Grange, XVII:2:13 Reeve (Tapping) Law School

Lissitzky, El., X:3:5-6 Vaill House, 1744, X:4:19 fig 1

List, Andrienne, IV:2:9 Wadsworth House, 1799, X:4:22
Litchfield, Edwin C. Wolcott (Oliver) Houses, illus. X:4:19 fig 1
House of, Brooklyn, N.Y., XI:2:4 Little, Arthur

Litchfield, Electus Early New England Interiors, IX:4:16

Drawings, IV:3/4:51 Grasshead House, Swampscott, IX:4:17; illus.
Litchfield, Erastus B. IX:4:[18] fig 3

House of, Brooklyn, N.Y., XI:2:4 Little, Bertram K XIII:3:29; XVI: 1:30; XVII:1:30
Litchfield, Conn., X:4:18-[23] Little, Francis W fl. 1914

Abbey House, X:4:21 House of [Northome], XIX: 1:40


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Little - Lomas-Rishi Cave

Little, Harry B. see Frohman, Robb and Little Lloyd, Margaret see Aiken, Margaret Lloyd

Little, James L., 19th c., of Boston, XX:4:193 Lloyd Family, of Maryland, XX:3:131 n4
Little, Nina Fletcher, on interior house painting, Lober, George S., 111:3:30
X:l:27; on S. Mclntire, XVII:2:29 Locatelli, Sebastiano, XV:2:3,10nl9

Little Chesterford, Engl. Locher, fl. 1860

Parish church, IV:3/4:45 Fire insurance maps, 1860, Philadelphia (and
Little Falls, Minn. Hexamer), XV:4:26nl2
Fort Ripley, IX:3:27 Loches

Little Falls, N.Y. Notre-Dame [Saint-Ours]

Herkimer (Gen. Nicholas) Homestead, IV:2:38 W. faade tower, IV:3/4:16-17
Little Harbor Lock, Wm 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Scattered house, IX:4:16 Lock at Dolo, painting (Bellotto), 11:3:32

Little Stranger Church, Leavenworth Co., Kan., Locke John 1632-1704 X-4-3

VI: 1/2:27 Locks' "

Little Wigborough, Engl. Brass-cased, XIX:3:117-119; illus. XIX:3:118 figs 1,2

Parish church, IV:3/4:45,46; illus. IV:3/4:[44a] fig 4 Canal locks

Littlejohn, Thomas, 18th c. plasterer (see also Kennedy Nashua, N.H. (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:17

and Littlejohn), XX:3:133,135 Windsor Locks, Conn., XX:4:197

Littleworth Iron rim> XIX:3.ng n2

i ru- XIX:4:169 Lockwood, LeGrand, XIV:1:22

Liu Chi, IX: 1/2:6-9 Mansion of, Norwalk, XIV: 1:22; illus. XIV:1:[231

Liverpool, Engl. f 7
Anglican Cathedral, XII:3=23,24 Locomotive of the Great Western Railway of England,
Cook Street, 16 P. Ellis, XII:3:32 , . , - ,,,, VTIT , c . , .

/-. c. . n i a c. . ,o->n ,,rr, , -,a sketch of W. Strickland, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt.

fig 12; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [13] fig 12
Oriel Chambers (P. Ellis), XII:3:32; XIX:2:88
Lodi, Italy
Roman Catholic Cathedral (E. L. Lutyens), 111:4:48
Crown Street Railroad Station, 1830, VIII:l/2:34

Incoronata, XVI:l:10n9

2,,. vrY . Lodoli,

Carlo, IV:2:23-29;
T _

St. George's Hall, XX:3:149 Loewy, Emanuel 111:3:12

St. Oswald's, Old Swan (A. W. N. Pugin), Log cab,ns> construct,on' etc' (see also Wood
XV-2 23 n9 construction), descr., XV:3:2; XVII:4:31; not built

Train Shed, 1850, XVII-4-38 by En8lish colonists, 11:4:4 n5; of Ohio frontier,

Liverpool, N.Y. ' XII:2:4; roofs of log construction, VIII:1/2:91;

City plan (S. DeWitt), III1/2-40 introduced by Swedish colonists, 11:4:6 nl6;
Liverpool and Manchester Railway XV:3:2; of Texas pioneers, XI:4:4
Moorish arch built across, VIII:l/2:36 Austin, Tex., XI:4:12

"Living hall," of Queen Anne Revival, XVIII:3:108 Eort Saint George, Me., X:4:24

Livingston, Edward, 111:1/2:38 Jacksonville, Or.

Livingston, Thomas, 19th c., XX:4:195 Cabin (N. W. Fowler), XII:4:19
Livingstone Family, of N.Y., XX:3:120 Sacul, Tex.
Livorno [Leghorn] King double-log house [cf. refs. to fig 5], XI:4:2,4;
City plan, 17th c illus. VIII:3/4:pl IV fig 5a illus- XI:4:[5] fig 5
Forum, 111:1/2:26 Schoenbrunn, Ohio, XII:2:4; illus. XII:2:[6] fig 2

Palazzo Grande (L. Vagnetti), XII:4:15 Thomaston, Me.

Livy, XX.-2:58 Wheaton's (Moses) Log Cabin, X:4:24

Liwan motif, XX:2:85 Logan, James, 1674-1751
Ljubostinja Home of [Stenton], Philadelphia, XIV:4:31
Monastery, IV:3/4:29 Library of, XX:3:116,117,123-124,125
Ljungstedt, Andrew, Sir, XIX:2:70 Logan, William, 18th c Dr., XX:3:125
Llaguno y Amirola, Eugenio, XII:2:31; XVIII:4:167 Loganovsky, A., XVI:2:30
Llewellyn Park, N.J. Loggias, Vitruvius on, XX:3:134

Frenaye (William E.) House (Howard and Frenaye), Logier, Pre, "Logier [sic] (Le Pre), Jsuite,"
XX:4:172; illus. XX:4:172 figs 3,4 XVIII:4:148 n68

Lloyd, Alexander, 19th c., of Chicago, XVI:l:18nll0 Logis et loisirs, 111:1/2:45

Bldg. of, Chicago, XVI:l:l8nll0 Logue, William N., editorial assistant, SAH Journal,



House of see Annapolis; Chase-Lloyd House Lohans, XVI:3:33

Lloyd, Mrs. Herbert, d. 1959, XIX:2:55 n33 Lomas-Rishi Cave, Gaya Bihar, India, 111:4:37
House of, Truro, XIX:2:52,55; illus. XIX:2:55 fig 13 Chaitya-Hall faade, XVIII:1:28

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Lomazzo - London

Lomazzo, XII:4:15,16 Buckingham House (W. Winde), XVI:2:18; illus.

Lombard architecture, XVII:3:2-9 XVI:2:19 fig 6
Lombardo, Cristoforo, IX:4:12 Buckingham Palace
S. Petronio, Bologna Garden, XX:3:107
Faade design, XVIII:3:117 Camden Town, XIV:4:16
Lombe, John Carlyle (Thomas) House, Chelsea, X:l:23

Silk throwing factory, Derby, VIII:l/2:5 Cathedral (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:22

Lombes, VIII:1/2:3,8,10,11 Cenotaph, Whitehall (E. L. Lutyens), 111:4:48
Lompoc, Calif. Chapel, R. C., Lincoln's Inn Fields, IX:3:12nl
La Purisima Concepcion Mission see La Purisima Charing Cross Bridge project (E. L. Lutyens),
Concepcion Mission 111:4:48

Lo Nano, Ernest, IV:3/4:57 Chelsea Hospital (C. Wren), X:l:24

London, Bishop of, 1712, XV1II:3:112 Christ's Hospital

London Writing School of Sir John Moore (N. Hawksmoor

Admiralty Bldg., XV:4:29 and C. Wren), XIII:4:31

Albert Memorial [Monument] (G. G. Scott), Christie's, IV:2:42
XV:2:29; XIX:4:165 Churches

Albion Mill (S. Wyatt and J. Wyatt), VIII:l/2:15,22; See a,so names f '"dividual churches, e.g.

illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl III fig 11 London: All Saints'

Alfred Place [Tottenham Court Road Estates] Butterfield, W., XIX:4:151,171

Redevelopment (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:15,16,20; Cundy Family, XIX:4:163

illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1 Glbbs, J., XIII: 1:14 nl4; XIV:2:28

All Hallows (C. Wren), XIII:1:14 ni 1 Hawksmoor, N., XIII:1:11,13

All Hallows-by-the-Wall Chapel (G. Dance, Jr.), Clty. pla"' Descr;' Maps and V,ews
XIV-418 y P f'oJ^5

All Sam', Ma,e.,.l S,. E"d"; JA", "

<W. Butterfield), XU,3:24.2* XV,2,22, Hook" R xxLw?,'lua. XX,2,55 r.g 7
XIX:4:147-151,154,155,162 n78,166 .. .

Clergy House and School (W. Butterfield), "tiJw!

Gonzalez del Castillo, XVIII:3:80,82

Reredos (W. Dyce),

.Ml Soul's
A . 1 c U'U-.'

MARS, XVIII:3:76,81,91; illus. XVIII:3:90

fia 7
Church (J. Nash), IV:2:42 XT , D ... _ _
ioca VIV,,., Newcourt, R XX:2:55,56; illus. XX:2:55 fig 8
Exhibition, 1850, XIX:4:146 n 12 ,,, n v - ...

Architecture, XIII: 1:11-14; XVI:4:8,13; XX:3:136 ciW pTanf'

Ba"^ ^.E"Slad' ^:2:42; IX:1/2:28i XX:1:25 18th-19th C., XIV:4:13-22; XVI:4:17; illus.
Old Dividend Office (J. Soane), XIX:4:139 XIV:4:14 fig 1; 15 figs 2,3; 16 fig 4; 18

Stove, XX: 1:24,25; illus. XX: 1:25 fig 7 fig 7

Bank of London, XX:2:55 Medieval, VIII:3/4:8

Bedford Estates, XIV:4:13,16 Ring-road principle, IX:l/2:35

Bedford Square mews, XVI:4:12 Roman, 111:1/2:24

Berkeley Square, No. 44, VIII:3/4:68 Maps

Bethnal Green tenements, XV:2:29 1658, XX:2:55

Big Ben see London: Westminster Palace: Houses of 1952, illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1
Parliament: Parts: Clock Tower Clarendon House, Piccadilly (R. Pratt), XIII:4:31
Blackfriars Bridge, XIV:4:16,19,20; illus. XIV:4:14 Cleopatra's Needle, XVI:4:22

1 Clerk of the City Works, XIV:4:13-22

Bridewell, VIII:3/4:2 Clerkenwell, XIV:4:15
Bridges (see also names of specific bridges, e.g. Clock Tower, Houses of Parliament see London:

London: Blackfriars Bridge), XII:3:24 Westminster Palace: Houses of Parliament:

Bridgeyard warehouses, 1796, illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1 Parts: Clock Tower

British Museum Coal Exchange (J. B. Bunning), VII:l/2:3,4;

Bomb damage, IV:3/4:58-59 XX:3:149

Building (R. Smirke), XVII:4:38 Conduit Meade Estate, XIV:4:15,19,20; illus.

Elgin [Parthenon] Marbles, 111:4:3; IX:4:26 XIV:4:14 fig 1; 15 fig 3

Resources on American History, VII:l/2:3 Corporation of London, XIV:4:13-22
Wooden head from Mabuiag, +3280, XIX: 1:26; Courtauld Institute of Art
illus. XIX: 1:27 fig 5 Photograph Collection, VII:l/2:49

Wooden mask from Tami Island, +5882, Covent Garden (I. Jones) (see also London: St. Paul's,
XIX: 1:30; illus. XIX:1:30 fig 9 Covent Garden), IX:3:11; XVI:4:13; XX:2:54-55

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London - London

London (Cont'.) Grosvenor Square mews, XVI:4:12

Crosby Hall Guildhall, 1:3/4:45
Water color drawings (W. Strickland), Hackney Church see London: St. John's Church,
XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. figs 10,11,12; illus. Hackney
XIII:3:Suppl. [12,13] figs 10,11 Hanover Square, X:2:27

Crown Life Office, New Bridge St., Blackfriars Honey Lane Market (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:16,18
(Deane and Woodward), XIX:4:160 Horse Guards (W. Kent, attrib. and J. Vardy,

Crystal Palace [Great Exhibition Bldg.] (J. Paxton), attrib.), XII:3:26; XIII:1:16; XV:4:31

111:4:5-6; X:4:36; XIV:3:32; XV:4:16,22 n66; Houndsditch, XIV:4:15,20

XV1:4:25; XVII:4:27,28,38; XIX:4:148,156; House of Commons, New see London: Westminster
XX:3:99,149 Palace: Houses of Parliament: Parts: House of

Pompeian Court (D. Wyatt), XIV:3:3-4,6; illus. Commons

XIV:3:[5] fig 2 House of Commons, Old see London: Westminster

Crystal Palace Exposition, 1851, IV:2:7; Palace: St. Stephen's Chapel

XIII:3:20,24,25; XIV:3:6; XVI:4:25; XVII:4:27; House of Delight see London: Queen's House

XIX:4:149 and nn32,34, 150,156; XX:3:149 House of Lords see London: Westminster Palace:

Cubitt Town development, XIX:4:163 Houses of Parliament: Parts: House of Lords

Deptford redevelopment, XIV:4:15 Houses of Parliament see London: Westminster

Descr. see London: City plan, Descr., Maps and Palace: Houses of Parliament

Views Hungerford Market (C. Fowler), XVII:4:38

Earl of Camden Colosseum, illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1 International Congress on the History of Art, 1939,

Euston Station, XVII:3i23 V*42]" XI"2*27

Fairbairn (William) Iron Works, Mill wall, XV:4:15 International Federation for Housing and Town

"Fifty New Churches," XIII:l:14n8 Planning

Finsbury project (G. Dance, Jr.), 14th Congress 1935 XVIII:3:74,82,89
XIV:4:15,17,18,19,20; illus. XV:4:14 fig 1 Islington-Paddington Road, XIV:4:13,15

Finsbury Square, XIV:4:22n44 Jewin Crescent XIV-418

Fire, 1666, IV:2:42; IX:3:12; XII:3:24; XIV:4:13,20; Jewin Crescent, XIV.4.18

XVI:4:8,9; XX:2:55; XX:3:115 Kew Gardens w Kew: Royal Gardens

^ J Palace,
X V:4:15
t1 regulations,
. w , . . ,r~1661,
r\ cXX:3:119
, Lambeth

Fleet Market, Old G. Dance, Sr.), XIV:4:13 , , rl t

m D w -, Langham Hotel, XIX:3:126
Fleet Pnson, XX-.2-.50 .

Foreign Office Lansdowne House (R. Adam), XIII:2:7

Bldg., Italian Renaissance (G. G. Scott), Ea^ ^"0ur'si,

IX:l/2:27; XIX:4:159-160,161; XX:3:149 , De^8n (WEurfes)' IX';j/2j,27; XII:4:16

Competition designs Law Courts' The Strand (G' E' Street>' XII:4:18;
Deane and Woodward, XIX:4:160-162 XIX:4:145 (and nl)-146,162; XX:3:149
Scott, G. G. (Gothic), XIX:4:159,160,161 Law Cu"s' Westminster, XX:3:104

Street, G. E., War Office and Foreign Office, Leadenhall Market (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:16,22 n37
XIX:4:160-162,163; illus. XIX:4:161 fig 10 Legal Quays project (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:17; illus.

Foundling Estate (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:13,16; illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1; 16 figs 4,5

XIV-414 fig 1 Lincoln's Inn Fields, XX:2:55

Fulham Palace, XVIL1:12 Chapel see London: Chapel, R. C., Lincoln's Inn

General Credit and Discount Co. offices, Lothbury Fields

(G. S. Clarke), IX: 1/2:28 Lincoln's Inn Hall

Giltspur Street Prison (G. Dance, Jr.), Stoves, XX: 1:24

XIV:4:18,22 n37 London Bridge, XIV:4:17,18; XVII:4:26

Goose-Pie House see London: Vanbrugh (John) London County Council, XIV:4:15
House London Orphan Asylum, Clapton

Government Offices, XIX:4:159-163 Drawings, XVI:2:26

Great Exhibition see London: Crystal Palace Lord Mayor's Banqueting House, XIV:4:21 nl9
Exposition Mansion House (G. Dance, Sr.), IV:2:42; XIV:4:13
Great Fire see London: Fire, 1666 Maps see London: City plan, Descr., Maps and
Great Synagogue, IX:3:12 Views
Greenwich Hospital see London: Royal Naval Mark Lane
Hospital, Greenwich Faade (G. Aichison), IX:l/2:27-28

Greenwich Palace, X:l:24 Marybone Chapell see London: St. Peter's

Double columns, XIII:l:14nl8 Marylebone Chapel, 1741, XIII:l:14nl6
Grosvenor Square, XX:2:55-56 Mayfair, XX:2:62


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London - London

Merchant Taylors' School, XIV:4:13 Exhibition of Modern Italian Architecture, 1952,

Minories, XIV:4:15,17,20; illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1; XI:2:26

IS fig 7 Royal Gold Medal, XIX:4:145

Monument to the Great Fire, XII:3:24 Town planning Conference, 1910, IV:1:3

Monument to the Reform Act Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich (C. Wren),
Project, 1832 (R. Trevithick), XVI:1:11; XIII-4-31

XVI:4:22-25,26,27,28; illus. XV1:4:[24] D - . . _ . . . ...

j . Royal Society of Arts see Royal Society of Arts

Moor Fields XX-2-54 St. Alban, Holborn (W. Butterfield), X1X:4:166

National Discount Bldg. (Francis and Francis), St- Alphege's, Greenwich (N. Hawksmoor), XIII:1:13

IX l/2'27 Andrew's, Holborn (C. Wren), XIII: 1:13

National Gallery, VIII-3/4-6 St- Anne's, Limehouse (N. Hawksmoor), XIII: 1:13
Exhibition of competition designs for Houses of St. Auu;>tine s, Queen s Gate (W. Butterfield),
Parliament, XX:3:103 XIX:4:162

Nelson's Column, XVI:4:25 St- Botolph's (G. Dance, Sr.), XIII:l:14n5

New London Bridge [Double Bridge across Thames], St. Bride's (C. Wren), XIII:1:13; XVI:4:34
project (G. Dance, Jr. and W. Jessop), XIV:4:17; St. Catherine Cree see London: St. Katharine Cree

illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1; 17 fig 6 St. Clement Danes

New Palace of Westminster see London: Westminster Church (C. Wren), IV:2:42; XIILLll; XIV:4:18
Palace: Houses of Parliament Spire (J. Gibbs), VII:3/4:32
New Zealand Chambers (R. N. Shaw), IX:4:15,16 St. Dionis Backchurch

Newgate Prison [Gaol] Church (C. Wren), XIX:4:162-163

Drawings for, XIX:2:88 Rebldg. project (G. E. Street), XIX:4:162-163,166;
Rebldg., 1770 (G. Dance, Jr.), XI:2:28; illus. XIX:4:162 fig 11
XIV:4:18,22 n37 St. Dunstan's-in-the-West (James and John Shaw),
Octavia Hill housing, XII:3:17 IV:2:42

Old Saint Paul's see London: Saint Paul's Cathedral: St. George's, Bloomsbury (N. Hawksmoor),
Old Saint Paul's XIILlill, 12,13,14 nl7; illus. XIILL13 fig 3
Oxford Chapel see London: St. Peter's St. George's, Hanover Square (J. James), X:2:27
Penitentiary, XX:3:107 Portico, XIILLll

Port of London, XIV:4:17,18,20,22 n51; illus. St. George's Circus, XIV:4:17

XIV:4:14 fig 1 St George's Fields
Prospect Tower, proposed (C. Burton), Plans (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:15,17,20,21 nl7; illus.
XVI:4:25,26,27; illus. XVI:4:[24] figs 4,5 XIV:4:14 fig 1; 15 fig 2

Quadrant, 1819-20 (J. Nash), XVI:4:13 St. James', Piccadilly

Quays, XIV:4:16,17; illus. XIV:4:16 figs 4,5 Church (C. Wren), IV:2:42
Queen Annes Gate Reredos (G. Gibbons), IV:2:42
Houses, XVL4:9 St. James', Westminster (C. Wren), XX:4:193
Queen's Hall, Langham Place, IV:2:42 t James. paiace> iv:2:42; VIIL3/4:68; XX:3:107

Queens House Greenwich (I. Jones), IV:3/4:44; t James.the.LesS) Westminster

XIX:3:131 Bldg. (G. E. Street), XIX:4:148,163-169 passim;

Queensberry House (G Leoni), XVI :2:17 iUus XIX:4:163 r,g 12. )64 figs 13,14; 165

Railroad stations, pre-1867, VIII:l/2:40 _

Ratcliffe redevelopment, XIV:4:15
Mural over chancel arch (G. F. Watts),
Reform Club (C. Barry), XVII:4:38
d d 1 ^ c, . It xi X! v, XIX:4:163,165; illus. XIX:4:165 fig 15

Park and Street J. Nash, XIII:4:32 , .. , . ' . VI ,
o j ,,,, ^ ,,, .. Pulpit models (Farmer, XIX:4:166
Residential squares, 17th-18th c XX:2:52,55-56 ou i co- ,

r> .u u -u j i - vl . 1t Schools G. E. Street), XIX:4:148,163,164,169;

Rotherhithe redevelopment, XIV:4:15

Row-houses, XVL4:8,13 o , u ^ T o, ,

Royal Academy, G. G. Scott as Associate of, s' Hackney (J. Sptller), XVII:2:32
XIX-4148 John's, Wapping, IX:3:11
Architecture Room, XIX:4:147 St. Katharine [Catherine] Cree

Exhibitions Remodeled (I. Jones), IX:3:7; illus. IX:3:[10] fig 8

1851, XIX:4:147,150 St. Leonard's (G. Dance, Sr.), XIII:L14n5;




Royal Chapel, Westminster Palace see London: St. Luke's (G. Dance, Sr.), XIII:L14n5; XIV:4:21 nl
Westminster Palace: St. Stephen's Chapel St. Margaret's, Lothbury (C. Wren), XIII:L14nll

Royal College of Physicians (R. Hooke), XX:3:150 St. Mark's, Paddington, XV:2:29
Royal Institute of British Architects, XIL3:24,26; St. Martin-in-the-Fields (J. Gibbs), VI:3/4:18;
XIX:2:88; XIX:4:145 VIII:3/4:3; IX:3:21; X:4:9; XI:1:[26] n3;
Exhibition of Architectural Drawings, 1961, XIILLll,12,13; XVII:3:27; XIX:L33;



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London - London

London (Cont.) Southwark, XIV:4:15,20; illus. XIV:4:15 fig 2

St. Mary-le-Bow (C. Wren), IV:2:42 Stafford House, XIX:2:88

St. Mary-le-Strand Stamp Office, XV:4:29

Bldg. (J. Gibbs), XIII:l:14n8; XIII:4:32 Stowe Gardens (W. Chambers), XII:4:15

Design (W. Dickinson, attrib.), XIII:1:12 Stratford Place in Conduit Meade, XIV:4:15,19
St. Mary Magdalene, Old Fish St. (C. Wren), Streets, 111:1/2:33; XIV:4:16

XIIIT14nil Sun Assurance Office (C. R. Cockerell), IX:l/2:28

St. Mary's,
Woolnoth (N. Hawksmoor), ^ad. Warehouse (R. P. Pope), IX: 1/2:28
vT, Telford warehouses, XIV:4:17



SI. Matthew (G. Dance, Sr.), XIII:l:14n! Ien,pk XIV:4:I4 "g 1 " lig 8

St. Michael's, Cotnhill

Tothill-Fields, Bndewell, VIII:3/4:2

Tottenham Court Road Estates see London: Alfred

Bldg. (C. Wren), XIX:4:162

Restoration (G. G. Scott), XIX:4:162
St. Michael's, Queenhythe (C. Wren), XIII:l:14nll
St. Nicholas Cole Abbey (C. Wren), IV:2:42;

Tower design (C. Baillairge), XVI:4:25

Tower of London, XIV:4:15

XIII:1:14 nil

ca r. hi a, i Town Planning Conference, 1910, IV:1:3

S . Paneras (H W. wood), VL3/4: 9 Vanbrugh (Jdfn) House [Goose.p,e House];

St. Paneras Station (G. G. Scott), XII:4:17 Whitehall (J. Vanbrugh), XIII:4:31

Church (SsWX 3ni 1-12; XUI:1:12; illus. ^ f

R hl^TT ? TX.3.12 Adame^Ue St0Vfi' XX:l:26n27

^ c i>" ar w!5 '* * Victoria Tower see London: Westminster Palace:

St. Paul s, Deptford (T. Archer), XIII1:11-12; illus. Houses of Parliament: PartS: Victoria Tower

_ XI,I.I:1 = 131fi?2, ^ Views see London: City plan, Descr., Maps and

St. Paul s Cathedral, manorial holdings of Dean and Views

Chapter of, 12th C XVII:2:11 WallS) XIV:4:13-14; XX:2:54,55

Old Saint Paul's, IX:3:7; XVI:3:34 Wapping Church, brick, 17th c., XI:1:12
Restoration [Faade and screening wall] ^ar office

(I. Jones), IX:3:7; XIII: 1:12; illus. IX:3:[10] Competition designs (see also London: Foreign

f'g 7 Office), XIX:4:159,160 and n74

Wren bldg., designs for, XII:3:23; engravings of West End XVI-417

(Grelot), XVIII:4:142 nl2; height, XVI:4:25; West Indian Docks, XIV:4:22 n51

A. Huxley on, XV:4:7-9; and London city Westminster Abbey, color decoration of, XVI:3:34;

planning, XIV:4:18,22 n47; XX:2:55; E. Sekler Cust on, XX:3:102nl5; J. Fergusson on,
on, XVI:4:34-35; vertical orders, XVI:2:31; XVII:4:26; geometry of, XVII:1:34; and Houses

war damage, 1:3/4:45; IV:2:42 of Parliament, XX:3:101,103; infl. on English

Parts churches, XVI:3:34; infl. on Notre Dame,

Colonnade around drum, XIII:1:12 Montreal, VI:3/4:6; W. Morris on restoration
Columns, paired, western bay, XIII:l:14nl8 of, IV:2:34,35,36; war damage, 1:3/4:45; IV:2:42
Dome, VII: 1 /2:5,6,7,24,31; XIV:3:14nl4; Casket for Major Andr (J. Trumbull),



Transept porches, XIII:1:11-12 Chapter House, XVI:3:34

Vault, XVII:4:24 Cloister, XVII:4:21 n53

St. Peter's [Marybone Chapell; Oxford Chapel], Henry VII Chapel, XVI:3:34

Vere St. Transept, XVIIA-. 19,21 n 53

Design (J. Gibbs), XIII:1:12,13 West doorway, XII:3:24

St. Stephen's Cloisters see London: Westminster Westminster Cathedral, XII:3:23,25

Palace: St. Stephen's Cloisters Westminster Hall see London: Westminster Palace:
Savoy Hotel (L. C. Mullgardt), X:3:20 Great Hall
Shakespearean Gallery (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:22n52 Westminster New Palace see London: Westminster
Skilbeck Warehouse (W. Burges), IX:l/2:27,29 Palace: Houses of Parliament

Smithfield Market (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:16,22 n37; Westminster Palace, XIX:2:88
illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1 Great Hall [Westminster Hall], 1:3/4:45; IV:2:42;
Soane (John) House (J. Soane), XVI:4:36 XX:3:102 nl5,104

Soane Museum 11th c., XVII:2:10-11; illus. XVII:2:10 fig 21

Coner Codex, XIII:3:10n8; XVIII:1:13 14th-15th c., XVII:2:10; illus. XVII:2:10 fig 21
Drawings for Newgate Gaol, XIX:2:88 S. window, XVI: 1:30
Houses of Parliament [New Palace of
Westminster], battle of styles over, IX:4:25;


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London - Longfellow
T. S. R. Boase on, XX:3:149; dating, Calverton, Baltimore (attrib.), XIII: 1:17; illus.
XII:3:23; fire, 1834, XX:3:100-106 passim; XIII:1:17 fig 6
Gothic design of, XIX:4:159; called "Late Peale Museum [Baltimore Museum and Gallery of

Georgian," XIX:3:128; Pugin on, Vl:l/2:18; the Fine Arts], Baltimore, XVI:1:28;
war damage, 1:3/4:45; IV:2:42 XX:2:75-76; illus. XX:2:75 fig 17
Competition and rebldg., XIII:3:20; Union Bank, Baltimore, XIV:4:27-28
XX:3:99-107 Long, Robert Cary, 1810-1849, Jr., as Baltimore
Competition designs architect, XIII:3:30; XX:2:63; on Egyptian and

Barry, C., (and A. W. N. Pugin), Mayan architecture, XVI. 1:30; study of,
XIII:3:20-21,22,24-25; XV:2:31; VIII:l/2:87
XX:3:102-103,104-105; illus. XX:3:103 Articles on

3 Hunter, W. H., Jr.. "Robert Cary Long, Jr., and

Buckler, J. C., XX:3:102; illus. XX:3:103 fig 4 the Battle of Styles," XVI:l:28-30
Hamilton, W. D., XX:3:102; illus. XX:3:104 Publications, XVI:1:30


Railton, W., XX:3:102; illus. XX:3:104 fig 6 Baker (Elias) Mansion, Altoona, Pa., XVII: 1:25-29;

Smirke, R., XX:3:101; illus. XX:3:102 fig 2 hlus. XVII:l:26-28 figs 1-8
Parts Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, Baltimore,
Clock tower [Big Ben], XVIII:2:72 XVI-1-28
House of Commons, XX:3:99-100,105,106 city and County Record office> Baltimore>
House of Commons, Old see London: XVI-1-28
Westminster Palace: St. Stephen's Chapel Greenmount Cemetery, Baltimore

House of Lords, Old, XX:3:100 Gateway, XVI: 1:28; illus. XVI:1:28 fig 1

decoration (A. W. N. Pugin), Presbyterian Church, Franklin St., Baltimore,
JA XT XVI: 1:29-30; illus. XVI:1:30 fig 3

Victoria Tower (C. Barry and A. W. N. St. Alphonsus' Church, 1842, Baltimore,
Pugin), XIX:4:162 XVI: 1:28-29
Wallpaper (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:24 St. Mary<s Seminary Chapel Tower, Baltimore,

St. Stephen s Chapel [House of Commons, Old; XVI-1 28

Royal Chapel], XVI:3:34; XX:3:99-100 c, D 1, , 1/I1 n ...

o. Q: l , . ' St. Peter's R. C. Church, 1843, Baltimore,

St. Stephen s Cloisters, XX:3:105

Whitechapel Art Gallery (C. H. Townsend),
XVIII:2:66,68; illus. XVIII:2:67 fig 1; 69 fig

XVI: 1:29; illus. XVI: 1:29 fig 2

Long, Stephen H., Col., XVI:4:21 nl4

Long and Kees

Whitehall Palace

n . it h T \ ri, nt aa vv . 1 c See also Kees, Frederick; Long, Franklin B.

Banqueting Hall I. Jones, IV:3/4:44; XX:3:115 _ , .

Project (C Wren) XIII 4-31- XVI-4-34 Clty Hal1 and HennePln County Courthouse
Worship Street shops (P. Webb), IX:'l / 2:27 [City-County Bldg.], Minneapolis, XIII: 1:19-22;

Writing School of Sir John Moore see London:

Christ's Hospital Donaldson s Glass Block, Minneapolis, XIII: 1:19;

The London and Country Builder's Vade Mecum ..., by illus. XIII: 1:19 fig 2

W Salmon XX-3116 129 no 74 Farmers and Mechanics Bank, 1891, Minneapolis,

London and Northwestern Railway, XIX:4:166-167 XIX: 1:40

"London house" plan, XVI:4:9-11,13; illus. XVI:4:10 or Exchange Bldg., Minneapolis, XIII:1:22;

fig 3 XIX: 1:40; illus. XIII: 1:20 fig 5

London Missionary Society, XIX: 1:26 n 12 Public Library, Minneapolis, XIII : 1:19
Londres demain, by G. Benoit-Lvy, XVIII:3:82 Lon8 Branch' NJ

Long, fl. 1871, Capt., of Hawaii, XI:3:28 St- James p- E- Church, IX:3:27

Long, Birch, XIX: 1:6 nl4 "The Long Shadow of Norman Shaw," by W. K.

Long, Franklin B. (see also Long and Kees), XIX: 1:40 Sturges, IX:4:15-[20]

Long, Henry C., Capt. Longchamp Abbey see Paris

Proposed plan of Cairo, 111., 1850, XVI:4:20-21; illus. Longdale Furnace, Clifton Forge Rd., Va. (J. Jordan),

XVI :4:19 fig 7 IX:3:18

Survey of Cairo, 111., 1850, XVI:4:20; illus. XVI:4:19 Longfellow, A. V/., 1854-1934 (see also Longfellow,

fig g Alden and Harlow; Longfellow and Harlow),

Long, Robert Cary, 1770-1833, Sr., as Baltimore XVI:3:25

architect, XIII:3:30; XVI:1:28; XX:2:63; Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Emerson letter to, on
co-founder of Maryland Institute for the Ruskin's theories, VII:3/4:20nl9
Promotion of the Mechanic Arts, XX:2:76; as Skeleton in Armour, Stucco frieze of (W. Crane),
master carpenter, XVI:1:28; study of, VIII:l/2:87 XVIII:2:68

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Longfellow, Alden and Harlow - Lossing

Longfellow, Alden and Harlow (see also Alden, Frank of the Michigan Society of Architects,"
E.; Alden and Harlow; Harlow, A. B.; Longfellow, 11:2:34-35, 11:3:29

A. W.; Longfellow and Harlow), XVI:3:25 Lord, fl. 1790, of Natchez, XIV:4:29

Bell Telephone Co. Bldg., Pittsburgh, XVI:3:25-26; Lord, Lynde

illus. XVI:3:26 fig 5 House of, Litchfield, Conn., illus. X:4:19 fig 1
Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh Loreto, Italy
Faade, XVI:3:25 Santa Casa, XIII:3:5; XVII:l:9n3
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Santa Maria, XVI:4:34
XVI:3:25; illus. XVI:3:26 fig 4 Loretto, M.

McClelland-Sutton House, Pittsburgh, XVI:3:27 Festival Hall, Chianciano (with M. Marchi and P. L.
Painter (A. E. W.) House, Pittsburgh, XVI:3:25 Nervi), XVIII:3:118
Pittsburgh Carnegie Library and Music Hall, Loretto, Va.
Pittsburgh, XVI:3:26 Elmwood see Elmwood
Longfellow and Harlow (see also Alden and Harlow; Lorient, France
Harlow, A. B.; Longfellow, A. W.; Longfellow, Naval Arsenal
Alden and Harlow), XVI:3:29n34 Mast shop, XVI:1:11; illus. XVI:1:13 fig 12
Longhena, Baldassare Lorillard, Catherine see Wolfe, Catherine Lorillard

S. Maria della Salute, Venice, XVI:1:3-10; XVI:2:31; Loring, Sanford E. see Loring and Jenney

XVII: 1:3; illus. XVI:l:4-8 figs 1-6 Loring and Jenney

Longhi, Lelia Fraccaro de see Fraccaro de Longhi, See also Jenney, William LeBaron

Lelia Grace Episcopal Church, Chicago, XVI:l:19nl26

Longhi [Longo, Lunghi], Martino, the elder, XIV:4:30; Lorini, Bonaiuto, XX:2:56n52

XVI:2:30 Loriot, XVIII:4:140

Longmeadow, Mass. Lorite Kramer, Jos de, XVIII:3:75 n6
Colton House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 Lorman, William
Longo, Martino ice Longhi, Martino House of, Baltimore, Md., XX:2:64nll
Longpont L'Orme, Philibert de see Delorme, Philibert

Abbey, XVII:4:21 n51 Lorrain, Claude, XIX:4:139 [Claude]

Longworth Lorton, Va.

House of see Cincinnati: Taft Museum Gunston Hall see Gunston Hall
Longworth, Thomas Pohick Church, XIII:2:3

American Almanac, New York Register and City Los Angeles, Calif.
Directory, XX:4:188-189,190 Anthony (Earl C.) House (B. Maybeck), XI:3:31
Longworth Family, of Cincinnati, XII:2:8 Barnsdall House (F. L. Wright), XX:4:181 and n2
Looking at Architecture in Canada, by A. Gowans Barnsdall Kindergarten, project (F. L. Wright),
Rev. by H. A. Brooks, Jr., XVIII:4:165 XIX:3:130

Looms Bungalow, ca. 1912 (J. Yoho), IX:1/2:19; illus.

Power loom (E. Cartwright), VIII:l/2:4 IX:1/2:17 fig 11
Loon, Hendrik van see Van Loon, Hendrik City plan, VIII:3/4:22
Loos, Adolf, and Art Nouveau, XIV:2:19; biogr., Dodge (Walter L.) House see West Hollywood, Calif.
XX:4:180; functionalism of, X:3:8,10; infl. of, Doheny (E. H.) Ranch Development, project (F. L.
11:3:13; and R. Neutra, XX:4:180,181; and Wright), XIX:3:130
Sullivan's Kindergarten Chats, XX:4:179,180,181 Franciscan Mission Church, XV:l:25n2

Bibl., XIV:2:19,20 Greater Los Angeles Unified Terminal Exchange,

Goldman und Salatsch Bldg., 1910, Michaelerplatz project (J. M. Howells), IV:1:53
[large structure on historic place], Vienna, Hartford (Huntington) Country Club, project (F. L.



Loos-Altmann, Elsie, 3d wife of A. Loos, XX:4:179,181 Hartford (Huntington) Spherical House (F. L.
Lopes, Joo Correia see Correia Lopes, Joo Wright), XIX:3:130
Lopes Braga, Joo Jos see Braga, Joo Jos Lopes Oboler (Arch) House, Eagle Rock (F. L. Wright),
Lopez, Bartholomeu, friar, XIX:2:69 XIX:3:131

Lopez, Moses, of Newport, XVII:2:23,24,26 nl5 Packard showrooms, ca. 1928, XI:3:31

Lopez, Pascual, XVIII:2:48 Watts Tower (S. Rodilla [Roda; Rodia] ), XIX:4:180
L'Orange, Hans Peter, XX:2:81 Lo Spagna [Giovanni di Pietro]

Lorch, Emil, and AIA National Preservation Program, Apollo and the Muses, V: 11

XII:3:29; XIII:2:29; and Committee on Michigan Urania, detail, illus. V:[8b] fig 16b

Architecture, IV: 1:54; and Detroit Architectural Lossing, Benson John, XIV: 1:21

Collection, 11:3:22 Drawing of Philipse Castle, 111:4:11

"Report of the Committee on Michigan Architecture Sketch of Arlington House, illus. X:2:[13]

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"A Lost Romanesque Faade: La Charit-sur-Loire " - Lowndes Barony

"A Lost Romanesque Faade: La Charit-sur-Loire," Louisiana Landmarks Society see The Landmarks
by H. H. Hilberry, XI:3:17-22 Society

Lostwithiel Louisiana Territory, colonization of, XVIII: 1:21-26

St. Bartholomew "Louisiana type" of architecture, XI:4:1
Steeple, XIX:4:146 Louisville, Ky.

Lot Kamehameha see Kamehameha V Architecture, XX:3:149

Lothbury see London Canal around Ohio River rapids, XX:3:111

Loudon, John Claudius Citizen's Metropolitan Planning Committee,

An Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa XX:3:149

Architecture and Furniture (ed.), XI:2:28; Farmington, design (T. Jefferson), IX:3:16; X:l:9:

XVIII:3:105,110,111; XX:4:188,190 illus. IX:3:[15] figs 1-3

Design LXV, illus. XVIII:3:105 fig 1 Heigold (Charles) House, IX:3:26; illus. IX:3:[251

Designs (W. Ross), XX:4:188 rig j

Italian villa style railroad stations, VIII:l/2:37 Norton (G W) House (Shepley, Rutan and

Louis, Saint, see Louis IX, King of France Coolidge) XVII-3-28

Louis I, duc d'Orlans, see Orlans, Louis, 1372-1407, Louisville Central Area, Inc., XX:3:149

. f . , , . . Louisville Committee for Historic Monuments, IX:3:26

Louis I, King of Bavaria, see Ludwig I, King of Bavaria T nknmki n K

Louis VI King of France, XVII:2:28 TYKreml de Moscou, XVI:1:31

Louis VII, King of France, IV:1:9 Lourdes VIII-3/4-9

Louis IX, King of France [Saint Louis], IV:1:13-14; r ouvajn'

VI-1-7 s

t ' v v Town Hall, XVII :4:26

Louis XI, King of France, XVII:2:16 Louveciennes

Louis XIV, King of France, architectural bureaucracy n ... XT i j , ^TIT ,

under, V:[42]; and G. L. Bernini, XV:2:3; furniture . N- YT\' V. l a

style, XVIII:2:70; and Hrard medal workshop, Lova?'Lovatt

J f WoherhamPton' see B,dlake and

XIV:2:[5] capt. figs 11 and 12; desire for hoist at

Lovekin, J., Rev., XIX:4:166
Versailles, XI:2:15; length of reign, XV:2:30; T , i

grandfather of Philip V, V:23; and Sainte Dover's knot as ornament, 11:2:13

Anne-la-Royale, Paris, XV:2:3,5 Lov.ngston Va.

Portr. (Varin), XV:2:11 n46 Nelson County Courthouse, XVIII: 1:2-3,6;

Throne of, Galerie des Glaces, Versailles, 111:3:14 XT , XVIII 4:163; illus. XVIII:1:3 fig 2; 8 fig 13
Louis XV, King of France, architectural bureaucracy f Nelfn County Jal1 (T' ^fferson), IX: 1/2:38

under, V:[42]; architectural ideas in time of, , ' ,,e,t'XIV:4.:Z ,

111:3:13; designers of, XVIII:4:142; and Mme. Du Lowance, William, 18th c. bldr., XV:4:25
Barry, 111:3:14; France dissolute under, XI: 1:25; Lowell, James Russell

French immigration to Louisiana in time of, Unhappy Lot of Mr. Knott, XIV:3:20
VIM/2-33 Lowell, Mass.

Equestrian Statue of (E. Bouchardon), XVII:1:19; Architecture, 1:1:21; 11:4:35-37; 111:3:28; VIII:3/4:18

illus. XVII: 1:20 fig 2 Boott Mill (R. Hills), XIII:3:26

Louis XVI, King of France, and J. S. Bailly, XIII:3:15; Car House [Railroad Station]
Mansart and followers in reign of, XVIII:4:142; Bldg. (P. Anderson), VIII:l/2:33-34; illus.

neo-classical trend in time of, XVI:2:31; VIII: 1 /2:pl V fig 1

revolutionary architects under, 111:3:12 Enlargement, 1843 (G. M. Dexter), VIII:l/2:33,34
Monument to (C. de Wailly), Port-Vendres, History, 11:4:35-37; VIII:3/4:18
XVII: 1:20-21 Merrimack House, VIII:l/2:33

Monument to Louis XVI and the Royal Family, St. Ann's Church (R. Hills), XVI:3:26
1775, project (Abb de Lubersac), Lowell Lectures
XVII: 1:19-21,22,23; illus. XVII: 1:20 fig 3 !844 (A. D. Gilrnan), IX:4:16; XX:4:192n4
Louis, fl. ca. 1775, architect, 1:2:9 Lowell Railroad, VIII:l/2:34-35,37-38

Louis, J. Victor, b. 1735, XV:4:31 Lowenstein, Milton D.

Louis Napoleon see Napoleon III "Marcevol and Ste. Eulalie," XIV: 1:3-7
Louis of France, Duke of Orleans, see Orlans, Louis, "Serrabonne: The Church and the Sculpture,"




Louis Philippe, King of France, 1:3/4:5 Lower Brandon see Brandon, Prince George Co., Va.
Louise Elisabeth ["Elisabeth of France"], 1727-1759, Lower Granville, Nova Scotia
consort of Philip, Duke of Parma, XI:1:16 Port Royal Habitation, 1605, XVIII:4:165
Louisiana Lower Peover, Engl.
Architecture, VI:3/4:35; VII: 1/2:33-36; XI:4:21-24; Church, 15th C., XVII:2:3
XIII:2:12n7 Lowndes Barony, Beaufort Co., N.C., XX:2:51-52

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Lowther Castle - Lux

Lowther Castle (R. Smirke), XX:3:101 Ludwig, Johan Friedrich, 1670-1752, XV:3:17,19
Loxley, Benjamin, Sr., XV:4:23 Library, University of Coimbra (and C. de Laprade),
Loxley, Benjamin, 1720-1802, Jr., XV:4:23-27; XV:3:17
XVI:3:36 Palace and Convent, Mafra, XV:3:17,18-19; illus.
"... Account of His Ancestors, of His Parents and XV:3:17 figs 3,4
of Himself and Family," XV:4:23-24 Lbeck
Carpenter's Court plan, 1768, Philadelphia, XV:4:25; Churches, XVII: 1:34; XIX:4:148n31
illus. XV:4:25 Luesche, Wolfgang, XIV: 1:30
Loxley, Catherine Cox, XV:4:23,24 Lugli, Giuseppe
Loxley, Charles E. of Paoli, Pa., XV:4:23 La tecnica edilizia romana, XIX:2:86
Loxley, Elizabeth Pullen, XV:4:23 Lugo, Spain
Loxley, Jane Watkins, XV:4:23,24 Cathedral

Loyola, Ignatius of, Saint, and exposition of the Holy Perpetual exposition of the Host,
Sacrament, XVII:l:10nl8; refusal to allow portr. XVILLIO nnl8,19
painted, IX:4:10 Sagrario, XVILLIOnl9
Statue of, XV:3:29 Luini, Bernardino

Lozovick, Louis, X:3:7 n30 Fresco, ca. 1520, National Gallery, Washington,
Lozoya, J. C. XVII:l:9nl5
Historia del arte hispnico, V:40 Luker, fl. 1892 see Erixson and Luker

Luanda, Portuguese West Africa [Angola] Lulab, XVI:2:28

City plan, XIV:4:7-8 Lullingstone, Engl.

Governor's Palace, XIV:4:9 4th c. villa, XX:2:86-87

Obelisk in honor of John VI's acclamation in 1816, Lululand see Bushey, Engl.


Waterside Square, XIV:4:9 U.S., 11:4:10-13

Lbens, Bayard, XIII:2:29 Massachusetts, XI: 1:6-8
Lubersac, Abb de Texas, XI:4:10
Discours sur les monumens publics de tous les ges et Lumber mills see Mills: Lumber

de tous les peuples connus, XVII: 1:19-20 Lummis, Mrs. George O., XIX:2:81

Monument to Louis XVI and the Royal Family, Luna, Mario Roso de, XVIII:2:48 n24

project, 1775, XVII:1:19-21,22,23; illus. Luna, Ucls y Francisco de, XVI:3:35

XVII: 1:20 fig 3 Lunalilo, William C., King of Hawaiian Islands,

Lubetkin, Berthold, XVIII:3:82,89 n45 XI:3:28-29

Luca see Lucca Lunatic asylums see Hospitals (Psychiatric)

Lucae, Richard, 1829-1877 Lunden, Walter A.
Opera House, Frankfurt a. M., 11:3:11 'The Rotary Jail, or Human Squirrel Cage,"
Technological Institute, Berlin, 11:3:11 XVIII:4:149-157
Lucca Lundie, Edwin H XII:3:29
Anfiteatro Mercato, XIV: 1:10 Lundy, Victor

City plan, VIII:3/4:37-38,40; illus. VIII:3/4:pl XXI Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, XX:4:204
Forum, VIII:3/4:37-38 Lunenburg, Va.
Piazza dell'Anfiteatro Romano, XIV:1:10 Courthouse, 1823-27, XVIII: 1:8;
Piazza San Michele, VIII:3/4:37-38 illus. XVIILL9 fig 19
Lucerne Lunghi, Martino see Longhi, Martino
Town Hall, XX: 1:42 Lupus, Marcus Rutilius, brickmaker, 1:1:5
Lucilla, Domitia see Domitia Lucilla Luquiens, XIII: 1:4
Luon, Bishop of, in 1662, XV:2:10nl7 Lutyens, Edwin Landseer, Sir, obit., 111:4:15,48; infl. of
Lucretia, Death of, painting (Giovanni di Paolo), C. Wren, XVI:4:35
IL3:33 British Art Exhibition Bldg., Rome, 111:4:15
Lucy Selina Furnace, Clifton Forge Rd., Va., IX:3:18 British Pavilion, Exposition Universelle, 1900, Paris,
Luddy, Father, XI:3:14 111:4:15

Ludovice, Joo Frederico see Ludwig, Johan Friedrich British School, Rome, 111:4:15
Ludwig I, King of Bavaria, amateur archaeologist, Cenotaph, Whitehall, London, 111:4:48
XIV:3:3,6; contributions to bldg. St. Alphonsus', Charing Cross Bridge, project, London, 111:4:48
Baltimore, XVI: 1:28; work of L. von Klenze and Government Quarter, New Delhi, 111:4:15

F. Grtner for, 11:3:8 Lindisfarne Castle, Holy Island, 111:4:15

Ludwig II, King of Bavaria Roman Catholic Cathedral, Liverpool, 111:4:48
Castles of, XIX:41:179 Lutz, Hugo, XI:3:22nl8

Ludwig Ernst, Grand Duke of Hesse, see Ernst Ludwig Lux, Joseph August, X:3:13 n2

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Luxemburg - Macao, Port.

Luxemburg, Rosa "Lynx and Phoenix: Litchfield and Williamsburg," by
Monument to, Berlin, XX: 1:42,43 C. L. V. Meeks, X:4.18-[23]

Luxfer prisms, XIX: 1:7 Lyon foot [Pied de Lyon], measurement, XVI:3:7
Luxor (see also Thebes), XI:2:25 Lyons, Jacques Judah, Rev., XVII:2:25,26 n2
Saite Tomb of Ment-em-Het [Ment-em-Let], Lyons, France
El-Assf, XI:3:1 Abattoirs (T. Garnier), XIX: 1:22 n37

Luzern see Lucerne Building (T. Garnier), XIX: 1:16 n2

Lvov [Lemberg] City plan, Descr., etc., 111:1/2:22; VIII:3/4:8;

Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Timbered Church, illus. XIX: 1:16

VI:3/4:pl III fig 3 Colonne du Mridien (P. G. Bugniet), XII:4:29

Ly Ma Hon, 16th c. Chinese pirate, XIX:2:69 Garnier (Tony) House (T. Garnier), XIX:l:16n2

Lycia International Exposition of Modem City Planning,

Sarcophagi and Tombs of, 111:4:37; XI:3:4; illus. 1914-15, XVIII:3:74
III:4:[32a fig 10] Maison du Trsorier Desglat (P. G. Bugniet),

Lycurgus, 9th c. B.C., VIII:l/2:49 XII:4:29

Lydd, Engl. Palais de Justice, XII:4:30
Basilica, XIX:3:132 Pont de l'Archevch, XII:4:29

Lyman, Mrs. Dwight C., XVIII:4:159 n7 Prison de Roanne (P. G. Bugniet and Thibire),



Church, VII:3/4:32 Rue du Plat, 8-10 we Lyons, France: Maison du

Lyme, Ohio Trsorier Desglat
Episcopal Church, VII:3/4:32 Lyoubim
Lynes, Russell, on American Hotel, XIX:2:77; on taste, City plan, Maps, etc., IV: 1:28; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 6
XVII: 1:36 Lysicrates
Lynn, David, 111:1/2:47; VII:1/2:12 n25,16 n80 Choragic Monument, Athens, XIV:2:12; XVI:1:22;
Lynnhaven, Va. XVII:1:31,33 n2; XIX:1:31

Church, XVII:1:16 Lysimachus, VlIl:l/2:44

Lynnwood, residence, see Nashville, Tenn. Lytton, Bulwer see Bulwer-Lytton
Lyubostinya see Ljubostinja

MARS see Modern Architectural Research Group M. Toussaint, 11:2:26; V:[24] ni; transi, for Special

MIT see Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Issue on Latin American Architecture, V:[iv]

Technology Book Reviews editor, SAH Journal, IX:3-X:3




The Gingerbread Age Ware, D. (and B. Beatty), A Short Dictionary of

Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XVII:3:35 Architecture, IX:4:27

Maastricht McAnneny, George, IX:3:26

Cathedral of St. Servatius [Old Episcopal Church, Macao, Bishops of, see Cazal, Joo do; Santa Rosa,

5th-6th c.], XVII:2:3-5 Hilrio de; Tregeiros, Eugenio




Drawing of Cluny, 1718, XVI:3:10 Cathedral [Se], XIX:2:72

Mabuiag Island City plan, XIV:4:7,11
Headhouses, XIX: 1:26,28,30; illus. XIX: 1:26 figs 2,3; Monte Fortress, XIX:2:70
27 fig 6 Nossa Senhora da Penha Chapel, XIX:2:70

Mac [M'; Mc] Our Lady of Grace Convent, XIX:2:69

Names beginning M\ Mc, and Mac are interfiled as St. Augustine Monastery and Church, XIX:2:69-75;
if spelled Mac illus. XIX:2:71 fig 1; 73 figs 2,3; 74-75 figs 4-8
Macalle, Ethiopia The Jesus of Passos statue, XIX:2:72-73
City plan, VI:3/4:23,32; illus. VI:3/4:pl V St. Clare, Convent of, XIX:2:72
McAllister, Ward, XVII:2:30 St. Dominic, Monastery of, XIX:2:72 and n25
McAndrew, John, dictionary proposal, X:2:20; and San Januario Hospital, XIX:2:72
SAH, IV:2:41; and Sociedad de Arte Moderno, So Jos Seminary and Church, XV:3:24-30; illus.
IV:2:41; on style terminology, XV:l:19n39; and XV:3:25-29 figs 1-3,5-8

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Macao, Port. - Me Donogh

Macao, Port. (Cont.) Review

So Jos Seminary and Church (Cont.) This Is Charleston, Exhibition at the Gibbes Art
Statue of Saint John, XV:3:30 Gallery, March 27-April 26, 1942, 11:1:37
St. Paul's Seminary, XV:3:25,30 and nl4 MacCormack, Walter R., 111:4:65
Villa Flor, XIX:2:72 McCormick, Donald, XIII:2:29

MacArthur, Douglas, Gen., 11:3:23 McCormick, Mrs. N. F.

McArthur, John, 1823-1890, Jr. Projected dwelling of, Lake Forest, 111., XIX:2:64

City Hall, 1869-81, Philadelphia, VII: 1/2:28; McCormick, Thomas J., Jr.
IX: 1/2:35; IX:3:28 n6; XX:2:62 Book Reviews editor, SAH Journal, XVIII-XX
Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, IX:3:28 n6; Reviews

XIX:2:77 Architectural History, the Journal of the Society of

Hotels, Philadelphia, IX:3:28 n6 Architectural Historians of Great Britain,

House of Refuge, design, IX:3:28n6 vols. 1,2, XIX:2:88

Jayne Bldg., 1849-50, Philadelphia (attrib.), Kaufmann, E., Three Revolutionary Architects,

IX:3:27-28 Boulle, Ledoux and Lequeu, XII:4:31-32

Second Bank of the United States [Custom House], Oglevee, J. F., ed., Letters of. . . Joseph Clemens

Philadelphia of Cologne to Robert de Cotte (1712-1720) with

Repair and alteration, 1879-81, XIII:3:Suppl. 2 Supplementary Letters from the Architect

Macau, Port, see Macao, Port. Guillaume d Haubert to de Cotte (1716-1721 ),

McBean, Thomas XVII:l:35-36
Saint Paul's Chapel, Broadway and Fulton, N.Y., McCoy, Esther

XI:2:16,21; XII: 1:15,21 ; XIX:l:32-34; XX:4:193; Five California Architects

illus. XII:1:19 fig 12; XIX:1:32 figs 1,2; Rev" by M' D Ross' XX:2:95-96

33 figs 3 4 "Letters from Louis H. Sullivan to R. M. Schindler"

McCabe, 19th c., rector of Bruton Parish Church, (ed.), XX:4:178-184

IV-3/4-43 McCraden, Isaac, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

McCall, James A., 11:4:12 n47,24 "e"ry'

McCall, Simpson, 11:4:12 n47,24 ^cCredan, Isaac, * P XX:3:135

McCallum Ian McCulley, Thomas, XIII:3:Suppl. 6

Architecture USA McCulloch, John, fl. 1879, of Ind., map of

Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XIX:2:86-87 Jefferson ville dedicated to, XX:3:109 fig 1

McCaugham, R. E. M., XIV:4:21 n McCullough, Edo.

McCaulay, fl. 1798, Pres. of Dismal Swamp Co., ^ Twer' Coney Island' N Y '


McCausland, Thomas, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 McCullough, James, XVI.1.13-14

McClay, Archibald, Rev., XV:4:12 McCully, J_ U Dr. ^

,, ~ . _ . .. , . . House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 fig 2 no.46

McC ay, Margaret see Bogardus, Margaret McClay McDermott, Patrick, XIV: 1:31

h 6 a" r rvx r-fn c h i V,7I -, McDonald, Charles, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

( [McClelland-Sutton House], XVI:3:27 Macdonald, Charles, fl. 1878, Pres. of Delaware Bridge

McClelland, Nancy, IV:3/4:57 qq xiV-3-24

M'Cleshon William 18th e plasterer, XX:3:132,135 Macdonald, Frances [of 'The Four" ] see MacNair,

McClure, John, 19th c. bldr.. XVIII:4:162 Frances Macdonald

McClure, Stanley .,111:4:66 Macdonald, Margaret see Mackintosh, Margaret

McCobb Family, of Phippsburg, Me., X:4:[32] nl3 Macdonald

McColgan, 19th c of Baltimore, Father, XVI:1:29 MacDonald, William Lloyd

McComb, John, Jr., L. Hall study, VII:3/4:37 Article
City Hall, 1802, Chambers St. [on the Green ], "Some Implications of Later Roman

N.Y. (and J. Mangin), 111:1/2:40; XV:4:3 Construction," XVII:4:2-8

Medal, XIV:2:7 Reviews

Lighthouse, Cape Henry Village, XI: 1:32 Blake, M. E., Roman Construction in Italy from

McConnell, fl. 1858, of Buckinghamshire, Tiberius through the Flavians, XIX:2:86

XIX:4:166-167 Rice, D. T. (ed.), The Great Palace of the

McCord, Jason, fl. 1856, of Chicago, XVI:1:18 nllO Byzantine Emperors; Second Report,
McCormack, Helen G., career, 1:3/4:21 n; credits to XX:l:43-44

(T. C. Bannister), XX:2:53 nn35,39; directorship of Macdonald Sisters see Mackintosh, Margaret

Valentine Museum, 111:4:28; file of Charleston Macdonald; MacNair, Frances Macdonald

bldgs., 111:4:29 Macdonald-Millar, Donald, VII:l/2:94

"An Architectural Inventory for Charleston," "The Books of Peter Nicholson," VIM/2:46-47

1:3/4:21-23 Mc Donogh, John, fl. 1798, brickmaker of Baltimore,

XVIII: 1:34


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McDonogh - McKim, Mead and White

McDonogh, John, fl. ca. 1850, of Louisiana, Macintosh, and F. L. Wright, XVII:4:39
XIII:l:26n6 Mcintosh, James, 19th c., of Natchez, XV: 2:28
McDonough, fl. 1854, Oregon architect, see Pyle, Mclntyre

McDonough and Linn Barn, 1:3/4:20

Mac Dougall, Elisabeth B. Mack, Gerstle

"Michelangelo and the Porta Pia," XIX:3:97-108 Toulouse-Lautrec, XIV:2:18

McDowell, Irvin, 1818-1885, Gen., VII:1/2:19; X:2:ll Mackay, Clarence, XV-.2-.29

Macedon, N.Y. McKean [M'Kean], Thomas, Gov. of Pa., XII:2:28nlO

Baker House, XV:2:16 McKee, Harley J., XVII:3:36; XIX:4:172

McElroy, Daniel, fl. 1857, of Chicago, XVI:1:18 nl 10 "Canvass White and Natural Cement, 1818-1834,"
McElwee Home, S.C., IX:3:27 XX:4:194-197

McFarlan, A. B., VII:l/2:30 "Early Architecture of the Ohio Valley: an

MacFarlane, Samuel, 19th c. missionary. XIX: 1:26 Exhibition at the Taft Museum in Cincinnati,
Mc Farling, John, of Charleston, SC., XII:1:24 from February 8 to April 16, 1942," 11:1:35-36
McFate, Miss, librarian, Girard College, XVI:2:27 n "Greek Revival Weighlock, Syracuse, 1849-1850,"

McGlushin, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 XIX:4:172-173

McGrath [Magrath], Edward, of Charleston, S.C., McKeldin, Theodore R Gov. of Md., XIV:4:27

XII l-24 MacKendrick, Paul

MacGregor, J. E. M., on Nash terraces, XVIII:3:120; The Mute Stones SPeak- The Story f Archaeology in


Machado Brief rev., XIX:4:184

House of, San Diego, illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4 Mackenna, Benjamin Vicuna Vicuna Mackenna,

Machado de Castro, Joaquim see Castro, Joaquim Benjamin

Machado de Mackenna Subercaseaux, Alberto, XVIII:3:84

Machado Moreira, Jorge ree Moreira, Jorge Machado McKenzie, Andrew C. w Eidlitz and McKenzie

Machiavelli, Niccol, military reforms of, XX:2:58 !vfc|."!'0n ^ ., inj?' ; ' ,n _

R , McKibbm, David, on Brazer s Bldg., Boston,
OOKS XX'1'12 n23
Arte dlia Guerra,
XX-,2:58,[59],60; illus. XX:2:58 V ,,
1 J Mackie, J. Milton, XIX:2:50nl2

^ McKim, Charles Folien (see also McKim, Mead and

The Discourses, XX:2:58 White), admiration for Hunt's Vanderbilt House,

ce' XX:2;58 XI:2:11; member, McMillan Park Commission,

Machine art, XX:4:200 IV:1:35; and C. Moore, XI:2:11; New England

The Machine for Living in 18th-century West Africa, trip IX;4;16. successful "operator," XIL4:14;

by G. Kubler, IV:2:30-33 repute and estimation of work, IX:1/2:31,35 n3;

Machinery, Industrial use 0p Richardson's library, XII:1:10; in

Pierson, W. H Jr., "Notes on Early Industrial Richardson's office, IX: 1/2:26,27; IX:3:29; on
Architecture in England," VIII: 1 /2:[l]-32 west coastj XIX;2:58
Machuca, Pedro de, and Juan de Orea, XX:3:147 Moore> Lije and rimes 0f Charles Folien

Palace of Charles V, Granada, XIX:4:177; McKim (quote), IV:l:35-36



Mcllvane, 19th c. govt, architect, see Sawyer and Chicago World's Fair, work at, IV: 1:35
Mcllvane Philadelphia Cricket Club, work on, XIII:3:30
Mclntire, father of Samuel Mclntire, XVW-.2-.29 Union League Club, N.Y., competition design,
Mclntire [M'lntire], Charles, fl. 1850, of Philadelphia, IX:4:17
XI:3:27 McKim, Isaac, Baltimore philanthropist, XX:2:66

Mclntire, Samuel, style, XII:2:8 McKim, John, father of Isaac McKim, XX-.2-.66

Bibl., XVII:2:29 McKim, Mead and White (see also McKim, Charles

Labaree, B. W. (ed.), Samuel Mclntire, A Folien; Mead, William Rutherford; White,

Bicentennial Symposium, 1757-1957 Stanford), and classical movement, XIV:1:24; as

Rev. by T. Sizer, XVII:2:29-30 eclectics, XII:4:15; and A. B. Harlow, XVI:3:25;

Works C. L. V. Meeks on, VIII:l/2:86; XII:3:31;

Barn, 1:3/4:20 XII:4:15; Renaissance revival style, XVII:3:23; as

Buildings, Salem, Mass., X:4:[32]nl7; XVII:2:29 revivalists, XII:4:15; R. N. Shaw infi., IX:4:16;
Furniture, XVII:2:29 approach to tall bldgs. problems, XII:3:31
Gardner (John) House [Gardiner House; Books on
Gardner-White-Pingree House], Salem, Mass.; Andrews, W., Architecture, Ambition and
1:1:21; XII:3:28 Americans, XV:2:30

Peirce (Jerathmeel) House [Pierce-Johonnot-Nichols Hitchcock, H.-R., Architecture: Nineteenth and

House], Salem, Mass. (attrib.), XII:3:28 Twentieth Centuries, XIX:3:125


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McKim, Mead and White - McNally

McKim, Mead and White (Cont.) McLaughlin, J. Stanton, VII:3/4:37
Books on McLean, Cornelius, fl. 1818, X:2:14nl8
Kobayashi, B., Amerika Kenchiku, XVI:4:36 McLean, John, Pres. of Princeton, XI:2:28
Tunnard, C. (and H. H. Reed), American Skyline, MacMeans, J.
XV:3:31 House of, Chicago, XIX: 1:9
Documents, New York Historical Society, IX:3:29; McMillan, James, Sen., IV:1:35,36

X:l:28 McMillan Park Commission, IV: 1:35-37,39; VI. 1/2:32;

Works, Baltimore, XIII:3:30; compared with that of VIII: 1/2:93

Longfellow, Alden and Harlow, XVI:3:25; McMillen, Loring, XI-.2-.22

Minnesota, XIX: 1:40; Newport, 11:2:36; MacMurray, William H. (see also Corbett, Harrison
Philadelphia, XIII:3:30 and MacMurray), X:I:11,17

Boston Public Library, IX:l/2:34; XIII:2:22; McMurtry, David, VI:1/2:[13] nl

XVI:3:26 McMurtry, John, VI:1/2:[13]-19 passim, [35];

Commercial bldgs. XI:4:13,[20] ni 1

1880's, 11:2:30 Residence of, Lexington, Ky., VI:1/2:16,18

Office bldg. projects, IV:1:53 Works

Domestic bldgs. Cemetery gateway, Paris, Ky., XI:4:18
House-plans, 1880's, XIX:3:129 Christ Church [Episcopal Church], Lexington, Ky.
Houses, Baltimore, XIII:3:31 (a"d T Lewinski), VI:1/2:17; XI:4:18,[20];
Mansions, XI:2:29 '"us- XI:4:[1S] fig 8

Tiffany (Charles L.) House, N.Y., XVI:3:27 Eastern State Hospital [Lunatic Asylum],

Madison Square Garden, 1890, N.Y., 111:4:48 Lexington, Ky.

Metropolitan Club, N.Y., XI:2:[14]; XVIII:2:55 Enlargement, XI:4:14
Philadelphia Cricket Club, XIII:3:30 Episcopal Theological Seminary [Gibson (Tobias)

Portland Hotel, design, XIX:2:57,58 Residence], Lexington, Ky.

Union Station, design, Portland, XIX:2:57 Alterations, XI:4:18

Mackin William Mc. Ingleside [Gibson (Col. Hart) Residence],

Tailor Shop of, Philadelphia, illus. XX:1:7 fig 6 Lexington, Ky., 11:1:36; VI:1/2:[13]-21;

Mackinac Island, Mich. XI:4:18; illus. VI:l/2:pls IV,V fig 9

American Fur Co. Bldgs. [Astor (John Jacob) Gatehouse^ illus. VI:l/2:pl V fig 12

House], 11:2:34; IV:1:54 Servants Cottage, illus. VI:l/2:pl V fig 11

Biddle House, IV-1-54 Innis (Charles) House, Russell Cove Pike,

Fort, IV1-54' Lexington, Ky., VI: 1 /2:17-18; illus.

St. Martin House, IV:1:54 VI:1/2J1 V' fjgs 1 13

McKinley, William, Pres., and E. Root, IV: 1:37; and Johnson (Edward P.) House [Sayre College],

Washington Centennial celebration, IV:1:34; and .. eX1"g nYT

proposed remodelling of White House, XI:1:31 .. r,era,IOnnS', ' '. , ,

a* v 1 n7- ,, c . t . , . . McChord Presbyterian Church, Lexington, Ky

McKinley Wigwam see Saint Lou.s, Mo.:(and
T i.
T. Lewinski), VI:1/2:17
illus. XI:4:[17] fig 9
McKinnon, Jno.

x* c c u ,om Maxwell Springs Fair Association, Lexington, Ky.

Map of Savannah, ca. 1800, XX:2:49 n9 Amphitheatre, VI:1/2:19

Mackintosh, Charles Renme, and Art Nouveau, White Hall [Clay (Cassius Marcellus) Home] (and

XIF1.32, XIV.2.18, innovations, XVI:4:36; and J. T 1^,^), xi:4:19-[20]; illus.

Pryde, XVIII:2:68; and F. L. Wright, XIII:2:30; XI-4T171 fis 15


MacNair, Frances Macdonald [of "The Four" ],

Bibl., XIV:2:18,24


Hitchcock, H.-R., Architecture: Nineteenth and MacNair [McNair], Herbert [of 'The Four" ],

Twentieth Centuries, XIX:3:126 XIII-2-30 31

Howarth, T., Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the McNally,' Cornelius Sarsfield, biogr., XIX:2:58

Modern Movement, XIII: 1:32; XIII:2:30-31; Adams (S_ C) House, XIX:2:59 nl3

XIV:2:18 Babcock (F. J.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:58nl3

Mackintosh, Margaret Macdonald [one of Baker (F C) Cottage, XIX:2:59 nl3

"The Four"], XIII:2:30,31 Bay City Land Co. Hotel Block, Bay City,

Mackmurdo, XIII:2:31; XIV:2:18; XX:3:149 XIX*2*59nl3

McLanathan, Richard B. K. Bean (Judge R. S.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:58nl2

"Bulfinch's Drawings for the Maine State House," Brophy (H. B.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3

XIV:2:12-17 Brown (C. B.) Cottage, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3

McLarty, of Hillsboro, N.C. Buren (A. B.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59 nl3
House of [Berry-McLarty-Porter House], X: 1:18,19


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McNally - Madrid
Bush-Breyman Block, Commercial St., Salem, Maderno [Maderna], Carlo, XVI:2:30

XIX:2:58 n 12,59 n 13 Fountain, Piazza di San Pietro, Rome, XIV:1:10;

Capital National Bank, Salem, XIX:2:57-61; illus. illus. XIV:1:10 fig 3

XIX:2:57 fig 1; 61 figs 3,4 Palazzo Mattei, Rome, XVIII:4:147; illus.

Chrisman (G. R.) Block, Eugene, XIX:2:58 XVIII:4:147 fig 3
and nnl2,13 St. Peter's, Rome
Christian Church, Jefferson, XIX:2:59nl3 Faade, 111:1/2:26; XIV:1:9,10; XIV:3:12; XV:3:5;

City Hall, Salem, competition design, XIX:2:60n20 illus. XIV:1:10 fig 3

Cosper (Chas.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3 Nave, XVII:4:23-24; illus. XVII:4:24 fig 6

Cottle and Parkhurst Block, Salem, XIX:2:58,59 nl3 Madewood [Thomas Pugh Residence] see

Henry (L. D.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3 Napoleonville, La.

Hodgkin (F. E.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:58 and nl3 Madison, of New York [City)

Independence Publ.c School, Independence, Or., CoUagef [Thompson (Col) Roadhouse], XIV:1:21
Madison, James, Pres., H. Adams on, XII: 1:7;
Mnnimn Knmor Uv/in L J A dnrvir VT. 1 .T.

XIX:2:58 and nl2

University of Virginia cornerstone laying,

Kay (Thos.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3

Klein (A.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:58nl2
North Salem School, Salem, finishing, XIX:2:59nl3


Letter to G. Washington re George Morgan handbill,

XVIII: 1:22 n4

O'Donald (J.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3 Madison Ind

Ogle (J.) Residence, Woodburn, Or., XIX:2:58 nl3 Lanier'House (F. Costigan), XVII:1:31,33 n2

Oregon State Asylum, Salem Shrewsbury House, 1846 [1849] (F. Costigan),
Addition, 1891, XIX:2:59nl3 XVII*1*31

Farm bldgs., 1891, XIX:2:59nl3 Madison, Va.

Farm cottages, additions, 1893, (and W. C. Courthouse, XVIII:1:6; XVIII:4:163; illus. XVIII:1:8
Knighton), XIX:2:60n20 fig 15

Oregon State Reform School, Salem Madison, Wis.

Addition (and W. C. Knighton), XIX:2:60 n20 Bradley (Harold C.) House (L. Sullivan),

Plans, XIX:2:58 XIX:2:63,64,66-68; XX:3:140,142; illus.

Patterson (F. A.) Residence, Independence, Or., XIX:2:65 figs 1,2; 66 fig 3
XIX:2:58 nl2 City plan, XX:3:108
Pearce (Lot) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3 Lamp (Robert M.) House (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130

Savage (Lyman) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3 Monona Terrace project (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:131
Settlemeir (J. H.) Residence, Woodburn, Or., Yahara Boat Club (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130
XIX:2:58 nl3 Madonna di Campagna see Verona: Madonna di

South Salem School, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3 Campagna

Wait (J. A.) Residence, Portland, XIX:2:58 nl3 Madonna of the Rosary (Domenichino), XVLLIO n7
Wallace (R. S.) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59 nl3 Madox, John, 17th c. joiner of Ridley, Pa., XVI:4:30-31
Woodworth (Will) Residence, Salem, XIX:2:59nl3 Madrasahs, 111:4:35-47 passim

Macomber, Walter M., IX:3:24; X:2:21 Madrid

McPhail, of Marshall, Tex. AirPort' C,udad Llnea1' XVIII:2:46

House of (near Marshall), XI:4:[7] n24 Casa de Maquinas, Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:2:42

,, Dk v . r, -, Circulo de la Union Mercantil, XVIII:2:43

McPhail, Mary, X:4:[31] n3 _. . .. , ...
.. n ., j City plan, Maps and Views

McRae, Alexander f.f . r

McR,aeeo(sA!rDndlr) HTf [OC,tag0"alTfTfirr bldg1' VrojecT (Jansen and S. Zuazo), XVIII:3:75 n6

1805- 3, Richmond (attnb., and T. Jefferson, ciudad (A Sona y Mata [R Sona])>

attrib.), 11:2:39; 111:4:27 XVIII:2:38-53; XVIII:3:74-93;

Macrobius, XI:3:11,12 illus XVIII:2:39 fig 2; 43 fig 5; 44 fig 6;

McTavish, John, XX:2:70 45 flgs 7_8. 51 fig n. 52 fig 12
Residence of see Ellicott City, Md.: Folly Quarter Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria, 1919,

McVeagh, Franklin XVIII :2:48,49

House of, Chicago, XVII:3:20 Hospicio Provincial (P. de Ribera), XVIII:2:46

M'Vean, Alexander Hospital, V:30,32

College of Engineering, Sapporo Hospital de la Latina, V:4

Gothic revival bldgs. (and W. Anderson), House, first, Ciudad Lineal (M. Belms), XVIII:2:42



Madden, Samuel, Dr. Pendentive domes, XX:1:33 nl7

Reflections and Resolutions..., XX:3:131-132 Plaza Mayor, XIV:4:4

Maddock, O. L., Sheriff of Maysville, Mo., XVIII:4:156 Prado
Maddox, Edward, Jr., XII:3:30 Portr. of Charles V (Titian), V:9n57

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Madrid - Malatesta

Madrid ( Cont.) Mher, Mary Ann see Elliot, Mary Ann Mher
San Andrs Mahler, Jane Gaston, IX:l/2:10nl

Chapel of San Isidro, XVIII:4:167 Mahoney, Marion see Griffin, Marion Mahony
Scientific Congress, 1913, XVIII:2:48 Mahoney, Nell Savage, XIII:3:Suppl. 3
Sociedad Geogrfica, XVIII:2:42 Mahony, Marion see Griffin, Marion Mahony
Theater, Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:2:46 Mahopac, Lake

Madrigal, Spain Chahroudi (A. K.) House see Petra Island

City plan, 111:1/2:16 Maiano, Benedetto da see Benedetto da Maiano
Maeda, Juan de Maiano, Giuliano da see Giuliano da Maiano
Parish Church, Iznalloz (and D. da Silo), XX:3:147 "Maiden Castle," 111:4:66

Maeseyck, Belgium Maidenhead

Gospel Ms. from Aldeneyck Saints , Boyn Hill (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146n8;
Miniature of Evangelist, XVIII :4:124-125; illus. 147-148,150,152,154-155,156,164,166; illus.

XVIII:4:124 fig 3 _ XIX:4:157 figs 5-8

Maestri delle Strode, XIX:3:97 Maidstone

"Maestro da Muro" see Alevisio Novi Saints

Mafra Port. Rectory (G. E. Street), XIX:4:170; illus. XIX:4:157
Church, XV:3:18 fig 8
Palace and Convent (J. F. Ludwig), XV:3:17,18-19; School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:169

illus. XV:3:17 figs 3,4 Maigrauge see La Maigrauge

The Magazine of Architecture, Perspective and Mail ehute device, XX:2:65

Sculpture, by E. Oakley, XX:3:128 no.60 Ma,llard de Tournon> Charles Thomas> d 1710'

Magazines see Periodicals :70^71 ,, . ,

Magdeburg Maille, Genevieve Aliette Marquise de

Cathedral L'architecture cistercienne en France (and M. Aubert),

Restoration, 1836, 1:3/4:10 __ XVII:3:33-34; XVIII:4:165,167

Magee, R. a!llou' Jean' XIV:3:8
Bookstore of, 45 Chestnut St., Philadelphia,
illus. ainC ,
r Farmhouses, XX:


XX:I:7 fig 6 Mainz

Magellanean gold medal, XI:2:22 Desc
Magna Carta encampment site, 1:3/4:11 Palace ng4 XVII:2;21 nl4
Magnesia St Albans XVII 2.5

Sanctuary of Artemis Leukophryene, XIII:4:15; illus. Jimber church> n84> XVII:2;21 nl4

.. ' ' lg Maisons, Pierre des see Des Maisons, Pierre

agni ogors Maisons de plaisance, by J. F. Blondel see Blondel,
l y p an, . . n Jacques Franois: Books: De la distribution des

Magnuson, Torg.1 maisons de plaisance

Studies m Roman Quattro-cento Architecture Maisons dg R b p p L Fontaine and c Perde

Rev. by H. Hibbard, XX: 1:40-41 II l-28n3

Magonigle Maisons-Lafftte [Chteau de Maisons] (F. Mansart),

Drawings, IV:3/4:51 XI:2:[14]; XVIII:4:142

Magrath, Edward, of Charleston, S. C, see Mc Grath, Maistrasse, Alexandre Edmond

Edward cole des Beaux-Arts school project (and J. C. M.

Magruder, Charles, XII:4:32 Berger), XIX:l:19-20; illus. XIX: 1:20 fig 7

Maher, Edward D XVIII:4:162 n3 Maitland, W IX:3:11,12

Maher, George Washington, XIX: 1:2-6; XIX:2:64 Maiuri, Amedeo, Prof, on Pompeii war damage,
Barratt (Edgar) House, Kenilworth, XIX: 1:4 n6 111:3:26
Farson (John) House, Oak Park, XIX: 1:4-5; illus. Restoration of Temple of Mercury vault, Baia,
XIX: 1:5 fig 7 XVII:4:2

Lake (W. H.) House, Chicago, XIX: 1:4; illus. Majano, Giuliano da see Giuliano da Maiano
XIX: 1:4 fig 5; 5 fig 6 Majors, Alexander, IX:3:27

MacMeans (J.) House, Chicago, XIX: 1:9 Makinson, Randell L., XX:2:95
Peters (Charles) House, Chicago, XIX: 1:4 and n6 Malaga
Velie (S. H.) House project, Kansas City, Mo., Cathedral, XX:3:146

XIX: 1:4 n6 Ciborium, XVILLIO nl7

Watkins (J. R.) Plant, Winona, XIX: 1:40 Sanctuary, XVII: 1:9

Wheeler (A. D.) House, Chicago, XIX: 1:3-4,5; illus. Malatesta, Sigismondo Pandolfo

XIX: 1:3 figs 1,2 Medal of (Matteo de Pasti, attrib.), illus. XIV:2:[4]
Winona National Bank Bldg., XIX: 1:40 figs 3,5

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Malatestan Temple - Mansard roofs

Malatestan Temple see Rimini: S. Francesco Mangin, Joseph, French origin, XI1I:1:16

Malbone, Peter City Hall, 1802, Chambers St. [on the "green"],

Norfolk County (Va.) Courthouse, 1726, XVIII:1:5 N.Y. (and J. McComb, Jr.), 111:1/2:40; XV:4:3

Malcolm, James P. Medal, XIV:2:7

Engr. of Walnut Street Prison, Philadelphia, City plan, 1800, N.Y., 111:1/2:40-41
XII:4:27; illus. XII:4:26 Mango, Cyril

Malcolmson, Reginald F. The Brazen House, XX: 1:44

Metro-Linear City, XVIII:3:93; Review
illus. XVIII:3:93 fig 11 Voyce, A., The Moscow Kremlin; Its History,
Mle, Emile, on mystic numbers, XVII:1:34; on St. Architecture, and Art Treasures, XVI:1:31
Denis, VII:3/4:[13] Manhattan, Kan.

Malewitsch [Malyevitch], Kasimir, X:3:5-6 Congregational Church, 1858, VI:l/2:24,25

Mali, W. W. T. Methodist Church, 1858, VI: 1/2:24,25

Villa of, Manhattan ville, N.Y., XI:2:4 St- Paul's Episcopal Church (R. Upjohn), VI:l/2:27
Malik, Shah Amir, 111:4:47 Rectory (H. Winter), VI: 1/2:27

al-Malik al Nasir Muhammad, 111:4:34 Manhattan, N.Y. see New York (City)

Malm G. N. Manhattanville, N.Y. see New York (City)

Christ at Bethany, painting, VI:l/2:28 Manheim, Karl, IV: 1:4

Drawing of Bethany Lutheran Church, Lindsborg, Manire de bien bastir, by P. LeMuet, XVIII:2:60,61

Kan VI:l/2:28; illus. VI:l/2:pl VII fig 3 Manigault, Gabriel, XVII:4:36; XVIII:4:158

Malmesbury, Engl. Manigault (Joseph) House, Charleston, S.C.,

Factory, 1790 (F. Hill), VIII:1/2:13 ^ 11:4:30-32
Malta, Knights of, XII: 1 32 0rPhan House ChaPe1' Charleston, S.C., XII:3:29
Mluppaluvr, India Manigault, Joseph, 11:4:30
Colesvara chapel, 111:4:34 n3 nu r , . ,
Malvern Hill, Henrico Co., Va., X:2:19 fmb amf? huts, XVI: 1:15
Malyevitch, Kasimir see Malewitsch, Kasimir urc ' 1 n

Malvj Petrok Sant0 Dom,nS- 1:3/4:45

T v n," t aav \a vwt i it Mann, Frederick, of Natchez, XIV: 1:31

Velikij Tower additions, Moscow, XVI: 1:31 c . , D t? i i a km
J Mann, Frederick R. see Eckel and Mann

Mamallapuram Mann, Horace, 1796-1859, X:4:20

Rathas, 111:4:37; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 9 Mann, Horace Michener, b. 1890

ple rf ,h= Great Mother, x.4 RJX" C'",C Ti' *

Manchester, Engl. Ma, t homa, "
Assize Courts (A. Waterhouse), XIX:4:159 Dea[h jn Venice

Athenaeum (C. Barry), XX:1:6 1Uus by w Born> VIII:1/2:134

Descr., VIII:3/4:9 Mannerism, Brazilian, XV:3:3; of P. da Cortona,

Dnnkwater (Peter) Mill, VIII:l/2:27 nl3 XVIII:4:164; excess of skill in, XVIII:2:71; of

Neil (Robert) and Sons, XV:4:22 n53 Giulio Romano> XVIII:3:117; Italian,

Oldham Blue Coat School (R. Lane), XVI:2:26 XVIII:4:164,167; E. Kaufmann on, XV:4:30; G.
Roman sluice for a water mill, VIII:l/2:27 nlO Kubler on> XVIII:4:167; XIX:4:177; relation to
Royal Insurance Bldg. (A. Waterhouse), IX:l/2:28 Palladio, XII:2:29; Portuguese, XV:3:3-6,17,20; of

Manchester, Mass. Serlio, XV:3:3; XX:3:147; Spanish, XIX:4:177; and

Grew (Edward S.) House, West Manchester (Shepley, Vignola, IV:3/4:49; XX:3:147; R. Wittkower on,
Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:28 XVIII:4:164
Lincoln (Robert T.) House (Shepley, Rutan and Manning, 19th c. carpenter of High Holborn, London,
Coolidge), XVII:3:28 XI:l:28-29

Meeting House, 1809, VII:3/4:29 Manning, Warren H., XVIII:3:82

Memorial School (Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Manolli of Nysia, IV:3/4:32

Abbott), XVII:3:30 Manor houses (for individual manor houses see specific
Manchester, Va. name, e.g. Blenheim; Cliveden; Knole), hall of,
Bott House, 1802 see Richmond, Va.: Bott (Miles) VI:3/4:7; medieval, XVII:2:11-12; taken over by

House National Trust, IV:3/4:55-56; organic plan of,

Mancini, on Alberti, XIX:1:41 IV:3/4:3

Mandeville de Marigny, early 18th c XIII:l:26n2 Mans, Le see Le Mans

Manenti, Giovampier Mansard, Jules Hardouin see Mansart, Jules Hardouin

"Li Pratolini," XX:4:165 Mansard roofs, introduced to America by Lienau [and

Manetti Marcotte], XI:2:[8]; XIV:1:25 nlO; on American
Biography of Nicholas V, XX:1:40 houses, 11:1:28; XI:2:29; XIX:2:81; XX:4:169;

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Mansard roofs - Marcii

Mansard roofs, (Cont.) Manucy, Albert C.

A. J. Bloor on, XIV:1:25 nlO; on Cape Cod, "Tapia or Tabby," XI:4:32-33; XX:4:194

XIX:2:56; M. Field on, 11:1:28; in Godey's Lady's Manuel I, Byzantine Emperor [Manuel Comnenus],
Book, XVIII:3:109-110; on "Medary," Philadelphia 111:4:44

(J. Notman), XIX:2:81; on New York Life Manuel I, King of Port., XV:3:3,22 nl

Insurance Co. Bldg., N.Y. (H. Fernbach), XII: 1:18; Manuel Comnenus see Manuel I, Byzantine Emperor

in St. Paul, 1860, XIX:1:40; of S. Sloan, Manuel de Sta. Inez, 18th c D. Frei, XV:3:16
XVIII:3:109 Manueline architecture

Mansart [Mansard], as academician, 1:2:8; J. F. So Francisco, Goa (City)

Blondel on, XVIII:4:147 Manueline Portal, XV:3:3

Mansart [Mansard] Franois, XVIII:4:141,142,145 Manuscript illumination see Illumination of books and

Balleroy, Chteau de, XIII:4:32 manuscripts

Maisons-Laffitte [Chteau de Maisons], XI:2:[14]; Manuscripts



Val-de-Grce, Paris (for full list of references see Wall strip motif in
Paris), XVIII -A: 142 Schapiro, M "A Note on the Wall Strips of

Vault, XVII:4:24 Saxon Churches," XVIII:4:124-125; illus.

Mansart [Mansard], Jules Hardouin, V:46; XII:4:14; XVIII:4:124 fig 3
XVIII :4:141,142,143,145 13th C.
Htel des Invalides, Paris Architectural drawings in
Dome, VII:l/2:5-6,24,31 Branner, R., "Drawings from a

Mansart, Nicolas Franois see Mansart, Franois Thirteenth-century Architect's Shop: the
Mansfield, Gen., X:2:ll Reims Palimpsest," XVII:4:9-21
"Mansfield" [Clay (Thomas Hart) Home] see Manzanares Rodrigues-Mir, Joaquin
Lexington, Ky.: Mansfield "Santa Maria de Bendones, an Unknown
Mansfield Woodhouse stone, XIX:4:160 Pre-Romanesque Church," XVI:4:2-7

Mansions of Virginia, by T. T. Waterman, VI:3/4:37; Mappa, fl. ca. 1809-1812

XX:3:116n3 House of, Trenton, XII:2:13

Manson, Grant C., on F. L. Wright, XIX: 1:8 nl8; Maps

XIX:2:62 nn4,5; XIX:3:129,130 Cicognara Collection of Maps, Vatican, 111:4:66

Articles and Books Maracanda see Samarkand

Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910: the First Golden Age Maranho, Brazil

Rev. by D. Tselos, XVII:4:39 City plan, XIV:4:11

"Training Architects for Restoration," XIV:2:28-29 Marathus see Amrit

Review Marble, Stephen, XIV:1:31

Scully, V., Jr., Frank Lloyd Wright, XIX:4:182-183 Marble

Mantegna, Andrea, perspective experiments, V:13 Devonshire, XIX:4:164

Frescoes, Chiesa degli Eremitani, Padua, XI:2:26 Purbeck, XVI:3:34




Gunston Hall, XIII:2:6; illus. XIII:2:[5] figs 1,2,5 Fish shed from, 1:3/4:20

Kedleston, XIII:2:6 Lee (Jeremiah) Mansion, 1:1:21; 11:4:4; XII:3:28

Mount Vernon, X:2:16,18; illus. X:2:17 fig [1] Marburg

U.S., early 19th c XVI:4:32 Saint Elizabeth [Gothic Church], XIX:4:148n31

Mantes Marcellus, Claudius, Consul, VIII:3/4:37

Cathedral, IV:3/4:38; XIII:1:31 Marcevol

Mantua, Duke of, in 1561, XIX:3:97 n4 Priory, XIV:l:3-7; illus. XIV:1:5 figs 1-6
Cathedral (Giulio Romano), XVIII:3:117,118 St. Mary [Parish Church], XIV:1:3
Houses (Giulio Romano), XVIII:3:117,118 Rectory, XIV:1:7

Palazzo del T (Giulio Romano), XIII:1:16; March, 19th c., of Chagrin Falls, Ohio
XX:4:167 House of, XII:2:10
Grotto, XX:4:167 Marchena, Spain

Sala degli Stucchi, XVIII:3:117 Churches, XII:2:31

Sala dei Giganti, XVIII:3:117 Osuna (Duke of) Palace
Palazzo di Giulio Romano (Giulio Romano), Doorway, V:2n9

XVIII:3:117,118 Marchi, M.
Palazzo Ducale Festival Hall, Chianciano (with M. Loretto and P. L.

Cortile della Cavallerizza (Giulio Romano), Nervi), XVIIL3:118

XVIII:3:117 Marcii, Statii, family of

San Sebastiano (Alberti), XIII:3:4; XVII:3:12 Brickyard of see Figlinae Marcianae

Sant'Andrea (Alberti), XVII:3:12


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Marcotte - Market halls, Market places, Markets, etc.

Marcotte, Lon (see also Lienau and Marcotte), XI:2:7; Hildreth (Dr. Samuel) House, XII:2:8; illus. XII:2:[7]



Marcus, Stanley Putnam (Gen. Rufus) House, XII:2:5; illus. XII:2:[6]

House of, Dallas, Tex., XIX:3:130 fig 4
Marcus Annius Verus, 1:1:6 Shipbldg., XII:2:5

Marcus Aurelius, brick production under, 1:1:6-7 Tupper (Gen. Edward) House [Ward-Tupper House],
Column of see Rome (City): Marcus Aurelius' X1I:2:5; illus. XII:2:[6] fig 5
Column Mariette, P.
Equestrian Statue of see Rome (City): Marcus Print of Temple of Charenton, IX:3:13 nl6
Aurelius' Equestrian Statue Mariette, Pierre Jean, V:46

Marcus Rutilius Lupus see Lupus, Marcus Rutilius Marigny, Marquis de, fl. 1758, XVIII:2:61
Marcuta Marigny, Mandeville de, early 18th c., see Mandeville

Church, IV:3/4:35 de Marigny

Marchal, Ambrose, Archbishop of Baltimore, XX-.2-.10 Marin, Geromino, XIX:2:69nl
Mares, Hans von, IX:l/2:34 Marin County, Calif.

Marg, Indian art magazine, XV:4:7 Civic Center (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:131
Margo, Goa (Province) Marind People, of New Guinea, XIX: 1:28
Espirito Santo, XV:3:6; illus. XV:3:5 fig 7 Marind Anim People, of New Guinea,
Margaret of Parma [Margaret of Austria], 1522-1586, XIX:1:29 n26,30 n33

IX:4:11,12 Marine Railway Co., VII:3/4:[17]; XI:4:26

Margary, I. D., 111:1/2:42 Marinyans

Margat, Syria [Margot] Church, XII:3:7

Fort, VII:3/4:28 Marion, 19th c.

Margate City, N.J. Tower design, Exposition Universelle, 1889, Paris,

Elephant Hotel (J. V. Lafferty), XIII:2:28; XIII:3:28; XVI:4:29 n27
XIX:4:180; illus. XIII:2:28; XIII:3:28 Mariposa, Calif.

Margraten, Neth. Mariposa County Courthouse, XIV:3:15; XVI:4:35

American Military Cemetery and Memorial (Shepley, Mariupol
Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott), XVII:3:30 City plan, IV:1:30,31
Maria I, Queen of Port. Market halls, Market places, Markets, etc.

Fountain of, Rio de Janeiro, XIV:4:9 See also Exchanges (Merchants', Produce, Stock,

Maria Christina, Queen Mother of Spain, at Fiesta del etc.)

Arbol celebration, 1896, XVIII:2:45 nl4; at Ancient (see also Agora; Forum; Stoas), 1:2:16-20;
opening of Salon-restaurant, Ciudad Lineal 111:1/2:25; XIII:4:9-14,23-24

theater, 1906, XVIII:2:46 Baia

Maria Henrietta see Marie Henriette Market of Trajan, XVII :4:4


Church, altar, XVII:4:15 Market place, XIII:4:3

Maria Mdigen (D. Zimmermann), XVI:2:31 Rome (City)

Maria Theresa, Dona, Infanta of Spain, at Fiesta del Emporium

Arbol celebration, 1896, XVIII:2:45 nl4 Porticus Aemilia, VII:3/4:34

Maria Theresa, Empress, XII:4:12 Forum Boarium

Mariadahl, Kan. Loggia, 4th c., XII:3:3

Evangelical Lutheran Church, VI:l/2:27-28 Horrea Agrippiana, XII:3:4,5

Mariana, Brazil Macellum Liviae, XII:3:4

City plan, XIV:4:10,11 Mercati Traiani [Trajan's Markets], VIII:3/4:34;

Map, 1745, illus. XIV:4:9 fig 8 XIII:4:23,24; XIX:2:86

Maritegui Oliva, Ricardo Annapolis
Una joya arquitectnica peruana, V:40 Market House, 1752, proposed, X:4:33
al-Mridn see Altunbugh al-Mridnl Boston, Mass.
Marie Antoinette Quincy Markets (A. Parris), 1:2:20 n7; XII:3:14;
Desk and matching console of, XVIII:2:70 XIII:2:19; XX:1:6
Marie de France [Mary of Champagne], XIII: 1:4 Charleston, S.C., X:4:6; illus. X:4:[5] fig 2
Marie Henriette, 1836-1902, Duchess of Brabant Chicago

["Rose of Brabant"], XIV:3:4 Market Bldg., Pullman

Marienburg Schloss, 1:3/4:10; 11:3:10 1880, XII:3:19,20; illus. XII:3:21 fig 6

Marietta, Ohio 1893, XII:3:20; illus. XII:3:21 fig 7
Campus Martius, XII:2:4-5; illus. XII:2:[6] fig 3 Cremona

City plan, VIII:3/4:24; XX:3:108 Market place, 111:1/2:25; illus. Ill: 1/2:[22a] fig 9
Galleried house, ca. 1840 see Harmar, Ohio Florence

Mercato Vecchio, 111:1/2:24


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Market halls, Market places, Markets, etc. - Martin

Market halls, Market places, Markets, etc. (Cont.) Marlborough, Mass.
London Ruddock[e] (John) House, XI: 1:13; illus. XI:1:11

Fleet Market (G. Dance, Sr.), XIV:4:13 Marlborough, N.Y.

Honey Lane Market (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:16,18 Christ Church (R. Upjohn), VI: 1/2:27

Hungerford Market (C. Fowler), XVII:4:38 Marmoutier

Leadenhall Market (G. Dance, Jr.), Monastery, XVII:2:12
XIV:4:16,22 n37 Tour des Cloches, IV:3/4:l 1-13
Smithfield Market (G. Dance, Jr.), Marot, Daniel

XIV:4:16,22 n37; illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1 Engravings

Medieval, 111:1/2:25; XVII:2:16,20; illus. XVII:2:15 Bernini's plan for the Louvre, XV:2:8; illus.

figs 33-36 XV:2:9 fig 7

Mrville, XVII:2:16; illus. XVII:2:15 fig 36 Swedish bldgs., XVII:2:32

Milly-la-Fort Ironwork designs, XIX:3:118

Market hall XVII-2-16 Marques, Loureno, Commander, XIX:2:72

Natchez Miss Marques Pereira, A., on Spanish mission in Macao,
Market House, XV:2:28 XIX:2:69

New York (City), XI:2:22 Mars , lr,

Essex Market XVI117n81 Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome, XIII:4:22

Jefferson Market, XVI:1:17 nn81,83 Mars Group of Town Planners see Modern
Thompkins [Tompkins] Market, XIV:3:23,26 M Ar^hltectural Research GrouP
Paris Marseille

Halle aux Bls F'ly Plan-In;1/2:22

Units d'Habitation (Le Corbusier), XX:2:92,93,94

Bldg. (L. de Mziere), XVIII:4:148



Belanger [Bellang; Bellanger], F. J., VIL 1 /2:7

Legrand and
Molinos, X:2:6-7,10,23;
illus. M*rsh'R.I.,
_ House
of, Newport,

T .. '8 Marsh Estate see Rancho los Medanos

I3thVSvvTi.9.i a Marshall, fl. 1638, of Va., XVILL18

Bal tard V XVIIM-35- XIX119 Marshall, fl. ca. 1860, apprentice in Office of Capitol

Ph i h h XVI11 1 35> XIX.1.19 Architect, VII:1/2:19

Philadelphia , L 0 0 .,, , Marshall, C. J., of Cheam, XII:3:25

Market sheds [houses], High St. (W. Strickland), Marshall, Christopher, druggist of Philadelphia,
XIII:3:30; XV:4:19

IX:3:24; X:2:22


w , Home of, X:2:22; XX:I:22n9

Iron Market, 1886, XIV:1:30; illus. XIV:1:29 Marshall> George, Jr__ XIX:2:60 n20

Puri, India Marshall, Mrs. Jesse, 111:3:30

Market place, illus. VlII:3/4:pl III fig 1 Marshall, John, 1755-1835, Chief Justice, VII:l/2:26
Saint Pierre-sur-Dives, XVII:2:16; illus. XVII:2:15 House of> Richnlond) hi:4:26,28

figs 33-34 Marshall, Thomas W., VII:l/2:16n80

Salem, Mass., VIII:l/2:35 Marshall, Mo.

Savannah Saline County Courthouse, IX:3:27
Covered market, XX:2:62 Marshall Tex.

Markham, Fred L., VIII:1/2:132 Henderson House, XI:4:[7] n35

Markman, Sidney D. Holcome House, XI:4:4,[7] n35; illus. XI:4:[5] fig 8
"Las Capuchinas; an Eighteenth-Century Convent in McPhail House, XI:4:[7] n24

Antigua, Guatemala," XX: 1:27-33 Marshall Field see Field, Marshall

"Santa Cruz, Antigua, Guatemala, and the Spanish Marshals, fl. ca. 1625, Great Bromley, Essex, XI: 1:4

Colonial Architecture of Central America," Marshfield, Mass.

XV: 1:12-19 Winslow House, 1:1:22

Marks, Percy L. Marsuppini, Carlo, tomb of, V:36 n9

The Principles of Planning, 11:4:5 n 14 Marsyas, vol. VIII, 1959, XIX: 1:44

Marks, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Martne, Edmond, Dom, XVII:2:12

Marks, William, 19th c. Marti, Berthe, XVII:3:5,6
House of, Nauvoo, 111., XIX:3:112,114; illus. Martienssen, R. D.
XIX:3:112 fig 7 The Idea of Space in Greek Architecture
Marlborough, 1st Duke of, XX:2:56 Rev. by R. Stillwell, XVI:4:33
Marlborough, 9th Duke of, XV:2:30 Martin [Martin of Tours], Saint, IV:3/4:17,20

Martin, Arthur, 1801-1856, Pre, XIX:4:155 n56,156


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Martin - Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Co.

Martin, Darwin D. Masks, XIX: 1:26 n 12,28 and n 17,30; illus.

House of, Buffalo, N.Y., 111:4:51 X1X:1:28 fig 7,30 fig 9

Martin, Flix, 1804-1886, Pre, XIV:3:8-9,10 Mason, George, 18th c., of Gunston Hall, XIII:2:3-8;
Church, Laprairie, work on, XIV:3:14nl7 XX:3:120
Parish Church, Caughnawaga, XIV:3:8,9; illus. Portr. (Hesselius), XIII:2:6

XIV:3:9 fig 1 Mason, Mrs. George, d. 1770 [1st wife\, XIII:2:3

St. Patrick's [St. Patrice], Montreal (and P. L. Portr. (Hesselius), XIII :2:6
Morin), VI:3/4:6; XI: 1 :[26] nl7; XIV:3:8 Mason, Mrs. George, d. 1773 [2d nv/e], XIII:2:3

Martin, George Marshall see Potter, Tyler and Martin Mason, George Carrington, on St. Luke's Church,
Martin, Sydney E. Smithfield, Va., XVII:1:17

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, renovation (and Mason, George Champlin, Jr., on founding of AIA,
P. Johnson), XVI:1:30 XVI:3:36

Martin, Thomas S., Sen., IV:1:35 Mason, George De Witt, 1856-1948 (see also Mason
Martin Chuzzlewit, by C. Dickens, XVI:4:14,20; illus. and Rice), 11:2:34; 11:3:32
XVI:4:18 fig 4 Mason, J. Alden, V:20

Martin of Tours, Saint, see Martin, Saint Mason, John, b. 1766, Gen., 4th son of George Mason
Martina Franca, Italy, XV:l:10nl of Gunston Hall, XIII:2:8
Martineau, Harriet, 11:4:15 Mason, John, d. 1855, of N.Y., XIV:1:21
Martinez, Manuel Gomez-Moreno y see Mason, Mary see Jones, Mary Mason
Gomez-Moreno, Manuel Mason, Rebecca see Jones, Rebecca Mason
Marton, Engl. Mason, Thomas, 18th c., XVIII :2:71
St. James and St. Paul, XVII:2:3,5; illus. XVII:2:[4] Mason, Thomson, 18th c XIII:2:3

figs 5-6 House of [Raspberry Plains], XIII :2:4





Buildings (F. del Castillo), XX:3:147 Printing Co. of, Philadelphia, illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6
Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, painting (Neri di Bicci), Mason and Rice (see also Mason, George De Witt),


Martyria, XVII:1:3,4 Masonic bldgs. see Freemasons

Marx, Roberto Burle Masonry
Gardens, XVII:2:31 See also Brick (Brick construction, Bricklaying,
Monteiro Garden, Corras, XVII:2:31 Brickmaking, Brickwork, etc.)
Marxism, collectivism of, XVIII:3:87; theory of California, XIV:3:16-17
history, XII:4:3 Chinese stone bldg. methods, XVIII:4:161
Mary Magdalene Cobblestone masonry, XV:2:12-18; illus.

Statue of, St. Joseph's Church, Macao, XV:3:30 XV:2:14-[17] figs 1-11

Mary of Champagne see Marie de France Gothic, XIX:3:91-96

Maryhill Museum [Sam Hill's Folly], XIX:4:180 Mycenaean, XVI:3:24

Maryland Richardson stonework, IX:l/2:29

Architecture, XI:1:27; XVII:4:37; XX:3:131-135 Rubble see Rubble masonry
Eastern Shore Survey, XI: 1:27 Turonian, IX:4:4
Maryland Historical Society, XIV: 1:26 Wooden, XVI:2:27-28
Maryland Institute for the Promotion of the Mechanic Masonry walls see Walls: Masonry
Arts, XX:2:63,76 Masons
Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Medieval, geometrical calculations of, XX:3:145;
Commission, X:2:22 initiation charge, 11:2:8
Marysville, Calif. Masons, secret order, see Freemasons

Yuba County Courthouse, XIV:3:20 Masons' marks see Graffiti, Masons' marks, Setting





Nodaway County Jail, XVIII:4:150,154,155; illus. Mason's square, XIX:3:92,95; illus. XIX:3:96 figs 8,9b
XVIII:4:150 fig 2 Masqueray, E. Lowell

Marzabotto, Etruria Cathedral ["Beaux-Arts"], St. Paul, XIX: 1:40

City plan, VIII:3/4:28; illus. VIII:3/4:pi IX Mass, Catholic Church, XII:4:11
Masai, F., on Maeseyck Gospel Ms., XVIII:4:125 nl6 Mass of Bolsena, XVIII:3:117
Mascarenhas, Francisco, Don, XIX:2:70 Massachusetts
Mascarino, Ottaviano, XIV:4:30 Architecture, VII:3/4:30; XIX:2:47-56
Maser Building codes, laws, regulations, etc.,
Chapel (A. Palladio), XIX:4:135-136,138,139; illus. XVIII:4:128 n6; XX:2:90-92
XIX:4:136 fig 3 General Court, XI: 1:3,6
Mashhad see Meshed Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Co., VI: 1/2:23

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Massachusetts Historical Society - Mausoleums, Sepulchral monuments, Tombs, etc.

Massachusetts Historical Society see Boston, Mass. Mattia de Rossi, XV:2:8-9; XVIII:4:147 n60
Massachusetts Institute of Technology see Cambridge, Mattingly, Engl.





Massey, James C., XV:4:26 nl7; XIX:1:33 Maui, Hawaii

"Carpenters' School, 1833-42," XIV:2:29-30 Waihee Plantation

"The Provident Trust Buildings, 1879-1897," Stone sugar house, XI:3:27


Massie, Major, 18th c., of Va., XVIII: 1:2 n5 Shelter for the Rural Guards [Maison des gardes

Massie, W. K., VI:l/2:17nll agricoles] (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:19; illus.

Mass, Julian, XVIII:2:42,45 nl4 III:3:[12a] fig 13

Mastabas see Mausoleums, Sepulchral monuments, Mauran, John Lawrence, XVII:3:22

Tombs etc. Mauran, Russell and Garden, XVII:3:22

Mastai-Ferretti, Giovanni Maria ice Pius IX Maurice, Emperor, IV:3/4:24

Mastara, Armenia Maurice of Nassau, XX:2:[59],62

Church 9-10th c XX-2-88 Maurus, Rabanus see Rabanus Maurus

"Master Architect " XIII-3-3 "Mausoleum-with-ambulatory," XVII:1:2-11
The Master Builders, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Mausoleums, Sepulchral monuments, Tombs, etc. (see

Frank Lloyd Wright, by P. Blake also Pyramids; Stupas), XVII: 1:2-11 passim
Rev. by T. M. Brown, XX:4:200-201 Ancient, 11:1:8-16; XI:3:l-[5]; XII:4:6-7

Master of San Miniato see San Miniato, Master of Bran

The Master Plan, by E. M. Bassett, IX:l/2:35 Mausoleum (P. F da.Silva), Old Cathedral,

Masters of World Architecture, XIX:4:178 _ . Salvador, XV:3:20

Masters' theses w Dissertations and theses Dei'ns: DranTgTs' 'v- ,

Mata, Arturo Sona y e Soria y Mata, Arturo ^raw'ngs (T. U. Walter) XVI=2:26
Mat FHirw> v-mi Tomb of Jullus 11 Pr0Ject (Michelangelo), V:12

Mata, feupe, V.L21J Dominican Republic

Matanuska Valley experiment, VIII:3/4:26n2 ... , , .. , 0 .

Bastidas (Bishop Rodngo de) tomb, Santo

aer\ a^, Domingo Cathedral, V:9 n56,12-13; illus.

Church, XV:3:30 nil y r12al fi s 20 21

Mateus, country house near Vila Real, Port., XV:3:7 ColumbusVhristopher) sepulchral monument,

Chapel ,llus. XV:3:8 fig 2 SantQ Domi F CatheFdral, V:9 n56

Matfred Raimond, Lord of Cortsavt, XII:3:7 Geraldini (Bishop ) sepulchral monument, Santo

Mather, Cotton Domingo Cathedral, V:12; illus. V:[12a] fig 19

Library of, XX:3:117 Niche-tomb, Capilla de las Animas, Santo
Mather, Kirtley F , 1:1:23 Domingo Cathedral, V:8-9; illus. V:[8a]
Mather, William M. figs , 112
Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings, Egypt XI-2-25-26- XI-31-4- XII-4-7

XVI:2:23,26 Mausoleum of Sultan Barkk, Cairo, 111:4:35,41

Mathews [Matthews], Charles D., 19th c XIV:1:22 England

Mathews, Edward J. see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill Andr (Major) Casket, Westminster Abbey

Mathews Lectures, XIV: 1:32 (J Trumbull), XIV:2:11 n3

Mathsson, 20th c. designer, VIII:3/4:46 Charles 1 Mausoleum, St. George's Chapel,
Matlack, Timothy, XX:l:23nll Windsor Castle, XIX:3:131

Matos, Jos Botelho de, d. 1767, Archbishop of Bahia, Husband [Huband] Family Tombs, Church,

1741-60, XV:3:23n23 Ipsley, IX:3:13 n29

Matson, Frederick R. Jacobean, Stuart and Tudor tombs, IX:3:11

Review Etruscan, 11:1:8-16
Broneer, O., Corinth, Vol. I, part IV: The South Finland
Stoa and Its Roman Successors, XV:l:31-32 Karelian funerary markers, VI:3/4:l-2; illus.

Mattaponi, St. Mary's Co., Md., 11:4:41-42 VI:3/4:pl I fig 2




Cathedral, Santiago de Compostela St. Denis bas-relief for plaster sarcophagus,

Portico de la Gloria, V:7; VII:3/4:26 VII:3/4:16

Matteo de' Pasti Tomb of an unknown architect, St. Ouen, Rouen,

Letter from Alberti, on Tempio Malatestiano, XX:3:145



Medals (attrib.), illus. XIV:2:[4] figs 3-6 Lion Tomb, Cnidus, XII:4:6-7

Matthews, Charles D., 19th c., of Norwalk, see Hispaniola, V:8-9,12-13

Mathews, Charles D. India, 111:4:47-48; XV:4:7-11; XVIII:4:168

Matthieu de Vendme, XIII:1:29 Indo-China, IX:l/2:10n2

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Mausoleums, Sepulchral monuments, Tombs, etc. - May



Tomb of Cyrus, Pasargadae, XII:4:7 Tombs, Erzerum, IV:3/4:32

Tomb of Shah Chiragh, Shiraz, 111:4:47 U.S.

Israel see Mausoleums, Sepulchral monuments, Adams (Mrs. Henry) Monument (A.

Tombs, etc.: Palestine Saint-Gaudens), Washington, XII: 1:7

Italy Ball (Mrs) Monument, Philadelphia

Augustus' Mausoleum, Rome, 111:1/2:27 Drawing (T. U. Walter), XVI:2:26

Bracci (Cecchino) Tomb, S. Maria in Aracoeli, Bray Tomb, Bruton Churchyard, Williamsburg,

Designs (Michelangelo), XIX:3:104 Corcoran's Mausoleum, Oak Hill Cemetery,

Colleoni (Bartolomeo and Medea) Sarcophagi Georgetown, Washington, VIM 12:22

(G. A. Amadeo), Santa Mana Maggiore, Getty (Carrie Eliza) Xomb> Graceiand Cemetery

Bergamo, V: 12 (L. Sullivan), Chicago, XVIII:2:68; XX:3:142;

Hadrian s Mausoleum [Castel Sant Angelo], Rome,

VIII:3/4:34; XIII:3:10nl; XVII:3:16; illus.

lllus. IV:2:7

Kane (John) Monument (W. Strickland), Nashville,

XVII:3:17 fig 22

Marsuppini (Carlo) Tomb (Desiderio da 11:2:33

Settignano), S. Croce, Florence, V:36n9 Lehman (William) Sepulchral Monument (W.

Medici Chapel, Florence Strickland), Harrisburg, XIII:3:Suppl. 16,

Catafalques (Michelangelo), XIX:3:104 il'us- XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 21

Free standing tomb design (Michelangelo), Lunalilo, Tomb of (R. Lishman), Kawaiahao,
XIX:3:104 Hawaii, XI:3:28-29; illus. XI:3:28

Paul IV Tomb (P. Ligorio), Santa Maria Sopra Miller (Alfred Theodore) Sepulchral Monument
Minerva, Rome, XIV:4:31 (W. Strickland), Philadelphia, XIII:3:Suppl.

S. Costanza [Tomb of], Rome, XVI: 1:4; 16; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 22
XVII:1:3,9 nnl2,15; XVII:3:34; Polk (James Knox) Monument (W. Strickland),
XVII:4:6,8 n34; XX:2:78; illus. Nashville, 11:2:33

XVII:1:[6] fig 7 Sapington (Dr. John) Memorial, Arrow Rock, Mo.,



Effingham (Earl of) Memorial (J. Bacon), Tomb of the Unknowns [Monument to Unknown

Cathedral, Spanish Town, X:3:24 Soldiers], Arlington National Cemetery,

Jewish tombs, XIII:3:32 VII-1/2-22


Trumbull Tomb, New Haven, VIII:3/4:6

Haram [Sepulchre of the Patriarchs], Hbron

[el-Khall], 111:4:34,41 n42; illus. Ill:
4:[32a] fig 4

Vanderbilt Tomb (R. M. Hunt), N.Y., XI:2:[14]

Wainwright Memorial [Tomb] (Adler and

Lycia, 111:4:37; XI:3:4; illus. III:4:[32a fig 10] Sullivan), St. Louis, illus. XI: 1:28

Mycenaean tombs, XVII:l:33-34 Walker <Sarah Ann Gray> Tomb <W- Strickland),
Palestine Nashville, 11:2:33
Holy Sepulchre Tomb, Jerusalem, IV:3/4:4 Yugoslavia

Portuguese, XV:3:20 Mausoleum, Palace of Diocletian, Spalato,

Mausoleum, Kerch, IV:1:32; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 17 Mausolus
Mausoleum for Hasret Ahmad Yassaw (Hodja Tomb of see Halikarnassos: Mausoleum
Husayn), Turkestan, 111:4:46 Mauss, XVII:l:10n32
Mausoleum of Shirin Bika Aka, Samarkand, Maw's glazed tiles, XIX:4:165

111:4:46 Maxentius, architecture after the death of, XVII:4:2

Sheikh Ibreiq, Galilee Basilica di Massenzio [of Maxentius], Rome,



Spain, V:12 Circus of, Rome, XVII:4:3; illus. XVII:4:3 figs 4,5

Capilla Real [Royal Burial Chapel of Ferdinand Maximian 1-1-7

and Isabella], Granada, XVII: 1:8 Maximian'Hercules, Tetrarch, XX:2:86

James (Saint), Tomb of, Santiago de Compostela, Maxwell, Wm 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

VII:3/4:26 . Maxwell Springs Fair Association, Lexington, Ky

Sepulchre of Juana [Joan the Mad], Granada,

VI: 1 /r
XVII* 1 *8

y, Edwin, 1

Sepulchre of Philip I [the Handsome], Granada, Ma*' fdwin, 19th c of Indianapolis, XVII: 1:32

XVItT-8* r 1 J May, James J Monsignor, 11:4:30

May, Robert, XIX: 1:43

Sultan Baibars Mausoleum, Damascus, 111:4:36

Tombs, Amrit, XII:4:6


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Mayan art and architecture - Medallions, Medals, Plaquettes, etc.

Mayan art and architecture, photographs of ruins, Mazarin, Duc de, XV:2:7
VII: 1/2:49; infl. on F. L. Wright, XVIII:2:63,65 Mazdean texts, XII:4:4
Satterthwaite, Linton, Jr., "A Stratified Sequence of Mazzuchelli, X:4:35
Maya Temples," V:[15]-20 Mc
Maybeck, A. W., XI:3:30 Names beginning Mc are alphabetized as if spelled
Maybeck, Bernard, leading Bay Region architect, Mac
X:3:18; in Boston, X:3:18; and chalet style, Mead, William Rutherford (see also McKim, Mead and

XIX:4:180; eclipse of group led by, XX:4:169; White), 11:2:36; IX:4:16

Gold Medal Award, XI:3:30; individuality of, Meade, George Gordon, Gen.
X:3:18; neglected by O. Lewis, Here Lived the Memorial to, Washington, D.C., IV: 1:36
Californians, XVI:4:36; and Julia Morgan, X:3:20; Meadville, Pa.
unafraid of ornamentation, X:3:20; need for study Keystone View Co., IX:l/2:24nlO
of, IV:3/4:50; treillage of, IX:1/2:18; as foil for Means, Philip A.

F. L. Wright, IV:3/4:50 Ancient Civilizations of the Andes, 11:2:27

Articles and Books on Meany, John, Capt., 11:3:27

McCoy, E., Five California Architects, Mears, 19th c. lime and cement supplier, see Gorham
XX:2:95-96 ant) Mears
"A Visit with Bernard Maybeck," XI:3:30-31 Mease, James
Works Picture of Philadelphia, XII:4:26-27
Anthony (Earl C.) House, Los Angeles, XI:3:31 Measured drawings see Architecture: Designs,
First Church of Christ Scientist, Berkeley, X:3:18; Drawings and Plans

XX-2-96 Measurement

Hearst Memorial Gymnasium for Women, For sPef,c Wes or u"'<s f measurement see
University of California, Berkeley, X:3:20 particular name e.g. Cubit; Foot; Surveyor's

Hopps [Hopp] (J. H.) Residence, Ross Valley, cham; Photogrammetry

Calif illus x-317 Medieval, IV:1:6; XVI:2:2-5;

XVI:3:24 passim;

Jackson Street (3500) Residence, San Francisco,

Mebes, Paul, X:3:14n47

, c ~ . . n r i . . > Mcanisme de la Composition, Precis des Leons
Palace of Fine Arts, Panama Pacific International ,. . , . . r.
c 1 m c c c dArchitecture, by J. N. L. Durand,
Exposition, 1915, San Francisco, XI:3:3l;



Mayer, Grace M. Mil,13 Sch, vi: 1:3/4:32

ayer, argery oo ey Mechanick Exercises, by J. Moxon, XX:3:115,120

Domestic Architecture of the Reign of Terror in Mechanicsville, Ohio

. .}inl ,5,ateS' VII:3/4:25"26 Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32

Mayeul ^to/ ofCluny, XII:1:6; XVI:3:3,6 ^ Mechani de Feu b N. G XX;1;21 n6
Mayo, William, Major Mechau, Prof, IV:2:29
Plan of Richmond, Va., 1737, VIII:3/4:21; illus. Mechlin, Leila, IV:1:37

v"/4:pl VI1 flg 1 Mecom, Jane, letter from B. Franklin, XX:3:131

Mayor, A. Hyatt Medallions, Medals, Plaquettes, etc.

The Bibiena Family See a/so Coins

Rev. by P. Zucker, V:47 Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion, SAH Book

Essay m Frank Lloyd Wright, Drawings for a Living Award, XIII:1:32; XIV:1:31; XV:1:32; XV:4:29;

Architecture, XIX:3:129 XVI:1:32; XVII:1:36; XVIII:1:36; illus.

Giovanni Battista Piranesi XIIIT-32

Rev. by G. H. Hamilton, XII: 1:32 Aschaffenburg Castle

Mayor, Alonso de Fuen see Fuenmayor, Alonso Pompejanum
Maysville, Ky. Mosaic medallion (K. Richard), XIV:3:3

City Hall [Court House], 1838, 11:1:36 Bastidas (Bishop Rodrigo de) sepulchral monument,

Gothic church, 1838, 11:1:36 Santo Domingo Cathedral, V:13

Maysville, Mo. Brescia Athenaeum

De Kalb County Courthouse and Jail Biennial prize and gold medal, 1828, XVII:3:2,8
1885, XVIII:4:150,154-155,156 Capilla de las Animas niche-tomb, Santo Domingo
1938, XVIII:4:150,156 Cathedral, V:9; illus. V:[8a] figs 11,12
Maysville, Va. Casa de la Moneda, Santo Domingo, V:9; illus.
Buckingham County Courthouse, 1821 (T. Jefferson), V:[8a] fig 13

XVIII: 1:6-7; illus. XVIII:1:9 fig 17 Centennial Exposition, 1876

Mazan, Balthasar de see Ponfrac, Balthasar de Medals, XIV:2:3

Mazarin, Cardinal, XV:2:3-5,7


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Medallions, Medals, Plaquettes, etc. - Meeks



Roos, F. J., Jr., "The Commemorative Medal Entries beginning Medieval and Mediaeval are
and Architecture," XIV:2:3-7 interfiled as if spelled Medieval
Episcopal chair, Santo Domingo Cathedral, Mediaeval Academy of America, XVI:3:6

V:9 n57,l 1 Medieval architecture (see also Church architecture:

Gold Medal Award, AIA, XI:3:29,30 Middle Ages; Domestic architecture: Middle Ages;

Howard Memorial Medal, Town and Country Gothic architecture; Romanesque architecture),
Planning Association, VII:l/2:48-49 IV:3/4 (Special Issue); K. J. Conant work,

Italian medals, imitation of ancient coins, V:10 XIX:2:88; Oberlin Symposium on, 1948,

Julius II, 1506 Medal (Caradosso, attrib.), illus. VII: 1/2:49; VII:3/4:37; and painting, XII:4:8-11

XIV:2:[4] fig 9 England, XVI:3:33-34

Magellanean gold medal, XI:2:22 France, XII:l:3-6
Palazzo Venezia [Palazzo Barbo [Cardinal Pietro); Russia, VIII: 1/2:90-92
Palazzo di San Marco], Rome, XX: 1:40 Medieval bay system see Bay system

Paul II, Pope [Barbo, Pietro, Cardinal], 1455, 1465, Medieval bridges see Bridges: Medieval

XX: 1 ;4o 'The Medieval Castle Revival: New York Armories,"

Philadelphia Award, X:l:28 by R. Koch, XIV:3:23-29

Porta Pia commemorative medal (Bozagni), Medieval city planning see Cities and Towns (Growth,

XIX:3:99-101,104,108; illus. XIX:3:99 fig 4 History and Planning): Middle Ages

Royal Gold Medal, XIX:4:145 Medieval drawings and plans see Architecture: Designs,

San Francesco, Rimini (Matteo de' Pasti, attrib.), Drawings, Models, Plans, etc.: Medieval

XIXT41 Medieval foot, measurement, XVI:2:5n2; XVIII:3:94n3

San Pietro in Vaticano, Rome Medieval houses see Domestic architecture: Middle

Foundation medal (Caradosso, attrib.), illus.

XIV:2:[4] fig 10; XVII:3:17 fig 18

Medieval vaults see Vaults: Medieval

Spanish, V:9-13 passim ^hghtao ** P,us IV

Torre Pallaresa Radalnna Medina, PlO Max

Medallions (D. Forment, attrib.), V:10 * Huamanga

Medary see Philadelphia .... }

Ait JJ a 1 vin i Medina Azzahra

Villa, XX:2:88; illus. XX:2:89 fig 24

Medfield, Mass. m <r H I r

Pavilion for disturbed males (Shepley, Rutan and kTa" BlancaTtern, V:13

Coolidge), XVII:3:28 Medinet Habu see Thebes

Pefk 0se' XIX:2:52; dlus. XIX:2:49 fig 3 Medingen (D. Zimmermann) see Maria Mdigen

Medford, Mass "Mediterranean Style," X:3:16

Royall (Isaac) House, 1:1:20 Medoro, Angelo, V:23
Tufts (Peter) House, 1:1:20 Medway Plantation, S.C., XVII:4:36
Media, Pa. Meeks, Carroll L. V., on contemporary American

Courthouse and Jail (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34 architecture, 1950, IX:3:29; on infi. of American

Mediaeval architecture in Europe, XVIII:2:69; on H. Austin,

Entries beginning Mediaeval are filed as if spelled VII:3/4:37; biogr. data, VIII: 1/2:135-136; and Dr.

Medieval Bromberg, 111:4:31; credits to (R. Koch),

Medical College of Virginia see Richmond, Va. XIV:3:29 n, (W. H. Pierson, Jr.), VIIM/2:26 nl;

Medici, Alessandro de [Leo XI, Pope] on italian villa, XI:2:27; on New Haven City Hall
Villa of see Rome (City): Villas: Medici Tower, IX:4:28; and preservation, IX:4:28;

Medici, Cosimo de [Cosimo the Elder], 1389-1464, XII:3:29; on need to reinterpret well-known

IL2:13 monuments, 111:3:4; on railroad stations,

Medici, Cosimo I de [Il Grande], 1519-1574, IX:4:11 IV:3/4:55; XIV:3:29n7; on Romanesque Revival,
Medici, Cosimo III de, 1642-1723, XX:4:166 XIII:4:30; XVI:3:22; on Sachem's Wood, New

Medici, Francesco de, 1541-1587, Grand Duke of Haven, 11:2:37; and SAH, 111:4:31; VI:3/4:35;

Tuscany, XX:4:155-168 passim VIIL1/2:128,135; VIII:3/4:67,69; IX:l/2:37;

Medici, Giovanni Angelo see Pius IV X:l:28; X:3:32; on Victorian architecture, X:3:8;
Medici, Giovanni de see Leo X XIV:l:24n2; XIX:3:129
Medici, Piero de, XVII:3:18n3 Articles and Books

Medici Family, of Florence, English 19th c. middle "Books and Buildings, 1449-1949," VIII: 1 / 2:55-67
class admiration for, XI:2:28; Florence under, "Creative Eclecticism," XII:4:15-18

11:2:10; and Raphael, XIII:3:4 "Current Research in Architectural History,"

BldgS. of (Filarete on), XVII:3:18 n6 IV:3/4:47-51,54; VIII:l/2:86-89; XV:4:28

Medici Family, of Milan, XIX:3:104


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Meeks - Megalopolis
Meeks (Cont.) Hingham, Mass.
Articles and Books Old Ship Meeting House, VII:3/4:29
"Lynx and Phoenix: Litchfield and Williamsburg," Lawrence, Kan.

X:4:18-[23j Quaker Meetinghouse (R. Sterling), VI:l/2:28

'The New History of Architecture," 11:1:3-7 Lebanon, Conn.

"Pantheon Paradigm," XIX:4:135-144 First Society Meetinghouse [Congregational

The Railroad Station Meetinghouse] (J. Trumbull), VIII:3/4:3-4;

Rev. by T. C. Bannister, XVII:4:37-38 IX:3:22; X:2:27; XIV:2:8-11; illus.

SAH Book Award, 1956, XVI:1:32 VIII:3/4:pl I fig 2; XIV:2:9-[10] figs 1-10
"Romanesque before Richardson in the United Lebanon, N.H., XIX:3:120
States," Art Bulletin, XIV:1:19 Lenox, Mass., 1805, VII:3/4:29

"Some Early Depot Drawings," VIII: 1/2:33-42 Litchfield, Conn., X:4:22

"The Teacher of Architectural History in the Manchester, Mass., 1809, VII:3/4:29
Professional School: His Training and Maryland, Xl:l:27
Technique," 11:2:14-23 Middlebury, Vt 1809, VII:3/4:29
Book Reviews editor, SAH Journal, XII-XIV:2 Millville, Mass., VII:3/4:29

Reviews Mount Laurel, N.J., 1760, VII:3/4:31

Beirne, R. R. (and J. H. Scarff), William Nashua, N.H. (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:17

Buckland, 1734-1774, Architect of Virginia and Natchez, Miss.

Maryland, XVIII:2:71 Methodist Meeting House, XV:2:28

Coolidge, J. B Mill and Mansion; a Study of New England, VII:3/4:29-30; IX:3:5,12; X:4:29;
Architecture and Society in Lowell, XIX:2:76-77
Massachusetts, 1820-1865, 11:4:35-37 New Jersey, VII:3/4:31

Fisker, K. (and K. Millech), Danske New London, Conn., XIX:2:76

Arkitekturstroemninger, 1850-1950, XII: 1:32 New York (City), XI:2:21

Forbes, J. D., Victorian Architect, The Life and Newport, R.I.

Work of William Tinsley, XIII:2:31 Sabbatarian Meeting House, VII:3/4:29

Howarth, T., Charles Rennie Mackintosh and the Norwich, Conn., 1673-75, XIX:2:76,77

Modern Movement, XIII:2:30-31 Philadelphia

Hunter, W. H., Jr. (and C. H. Elam), Century of First BaPtist Meeting House, 1762, XV:4:24

Baltimore Architecture.. ., XVI-4-35 Friends Meeting House, Cherry St. [Horstmann

Lenning, H. F., The Art Nouveau, XII: 1:32 <Wm- H> and Sons Warehouse], illus. XX: 1:9

Ponti, G., In Praise of Architecture [Amate f"lg 11 .

l'architettura] XX-3147-148 Second Street Baptist Meeting House, XV:4:23,24

Meem, John G XVII:'l:30 ' ' Fittfleld' Mass' <C Bu!f"inch), VII:3/4:29
Meeting houses Rockingham, Vt, VII:3/4:29

Amesbury, Mass., VII:3/4:29 ^a e' N J" 17":3/4:31

Bennington, Vt VII:3/4:29 Salisbury, Conn., 1798, VII:3/4:29

Birmingham, Pa., XII:1:21 Sandown N.H., VII:3/4:29


Kelly, J. F., Early Connecticut Meetinghouses, . Independent Meeting House, 18th c X:4:7

VIII-3/4-4 Scottsville, N.Y.

goston Quaker Meeting House, XV:2:15
tr - *iAn , ,, Simsbury, Conn., XIX:2:76

Huguenot pre-1749XIII: :11 South Solon, Me.

J, n n? \71- ' ' ,, Congregational Church [Meeting House], XIX:2:88

c .,' .Von' L Sudbury, Mass., XI:1:8-[14] passim; illus.
Old South, 1729, VII:3/4:29 XI-1-7 11 12
Quakers, pre-1749, XI":1 = B Meeting House, 1652, XIX:2:77; illus. XIX:2:77
South Meeting House, 1669, XIX:2:77; illus. f 2

XIX:26 fig 1 Taunton, Engl., XX:3:136

Buckingham, Pa. Taunton, Mass. (C. Bulfinch), VII:3/4:29
Meeting House, 1768, VII:3/4:31 Thomaston, Me.

urington, . . Baptist Church [Congregational Meeting House],

Friends Meeting House, 1682, XII:1:22 1796 x-4-27

Dedham, XI: 1:13-[14]; XIX:2:76 Walpole, Me., VII:3/4:29

Designs Windsor, Vt. (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16

Fnends' meeting house design (T. Jacques), X:2:19 Megalithic monuments, XII:4:5

Farmington, Conn., VII:3/4:29 Stonehenge replica (S. Hill), XIX:4:180

Haddam, Conn., XIX:2:76 Megalopolis

Precinct of Zeus, XIII:4:16; illus. XIII:4:19 fig 10


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Megalotti - Mercury
Megalotti, Francesco, XIIL:3:5 Memphis
Megargee, Charles Palace of Apries
Paper warehouse of, Philadelphia, XX: 1:10; illus. Saite relief, XI:3:1

XX:1:11 fig 15 Mendelsohn, Eric [Mendelssohn, Erich], employed in

Megarons Minnesota, XIX: 1:40

Gaggera, XX:4:201 Book on
Larisa, XX:2:80; illus. XX:2:80 figs 4,5 Whittick, A., Eric Mendelsohn, XVII:3:35-36
Mycenae, XIII:4:3; XVII: 1:33-34 Lecture
Pylos, XIII:4:3; XVII: 1:34 "My Own Contribution to the Development of
Tiryns, XIII:4:3,4; XVII: 1:34 Contemporary Architecture," SAH talk,
Meier, Henry J. see Donaldson and Meier VIII:3/4:67
Meier, Walter R. see Donaldson and Meier Works

Meigs, Montgomery C., VII:l/2:4,7,8-9,18-30 passim Anglo-Palestine Bank, Jerusalem, XVII:3:36

Residence of [Fort Meigs], Washington, Department stores, XVII:3:36
VII:1/2:21,28 Einstein Observatory [Tower], Potsdam, XVII:3:36
Meijerink, H. Hadassah University Medical Center, Mount
Drawing of timber church, Paasloo, Neth., Scopus, Jerusalem, XVII:3:36
XVII:2:21 n6; illus. XVII:2:[4] fig 4 Maimonides Health Center, San Francisco,
Mein, John, 18th c. XVII:3:36

Circulating Library of, Boston, XX:3:116 Russell (Leon B.) Residence, San Francisco,

Mein Kampf, by A. Hitler, VIII:3/4:2 XVII:3:36

Meissonier, Just[e] Aurle, infl. of Baroque on, Synagogues, XVII:3:36

V:43,45,46; J. B. Blondel on, XI:1:[18]; Weizmann Institute, Rehovoth, XVII:3:36

XVIII:4:142,145; infl. in Brazil, XV:3:21; F. Mendelsohn, Mrs. Eric, XVII:3:36

Kimball on, V:43,45,46; as creator of Rococo, Mendenhall, Herbert D., XIII:2:29
V:43,45,46 Mendes, Antonio Rodrigues
Cadran vent, 1724, V:45 High Altar, Sta. Casa, Salvador, XV:3:23 n47
Candlestick, 1728, V:45,46 Mendoza, Gunnar, V:[39]

Htel Brethous, Bayonne, V:46 Mendoza [Mendoca; Mendosa], Joo Goncalez de, Fr.,
Saint Sulpice, Paris XIX:2:69 n2

West faade design, XI:1:[18]; illus. XI:1:[17] fig 2 Mengelson, C. F.

Melanesia Evening Post Bldg., N.Y., XII:1:18,21; illus. XII:1:17







Fraser, D. F., "The Decorated Headhouse of Mengs, Anton Raphael, XIII:3:12,14; XIX:4:136
Torres Straits," XIX: 1:25-30 Menichino, Jacopo, XIII:3:8

Mlanges archologiques, XIX:4:155 n56 Menier Chocolate Co. see Noisiel-sur-Marne

Melbourne, Australia Mennonites, X:4:33

St. Paul's (W. Butterfield), XVIII:3:119 Menokin, plantation, XIII:2:4

Meleghino, Jacopo, XIII:3:5-8 Menorah, XVI:2:28
Melisenda, daughter of King Baldwin of Jerusalem, "Mensuratori," XIII:3:5
111:4:43 Ment-em-Het [Ment-em-Let]





Abbey Church (J. Munggenast and J. Prandtauer), Mental institutions see Hospitals (Psychiatric)




Mellon Gallery see Washington, D.C.: National Gallery Schools for

of Art Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded

Mellor, Engl. Children, Middletown, Pa. (S. Sloan),
Mill (S. Oldknow), VIII:1 /2.12.14; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XIX:1:35

II figs 7,8 Mercedarian architecture, V:[35]-38,[39]-40

Meloche, Edouard, XIV:3:14 Mercedes, Dona, Infanta of Spain, at Fiesta del Arbol
Melozzo da Forli, V:13 celebration, 1896, XVIII:2:45 nl4
Melrose, residence, see Nashville, Tenn. Mercer, Henry C.

Melson, Mrs. Edward, XV:4:27 The Bible in Iron, XX:1:21 n5

Melville, Herman, XIX:4:182 Merchant, Ahaz

Memorials see Arches; Columns (Memorials); Historic Map of Cleveland, X:4-.[13],[17] n4

Sites; Monuments; Obelisks; Statues, Equestrian Merchants' exchanges see Exchanges (Merchants',
Memorials, National Produce, Stock, etc.)
U.S. see United States: National Memorials, Mercury, in sculpture, XIV:4:27

Monuments, Parks, Sites, etc. Temple of see Baia: Temple of Mercury


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Mrville - Mexico City

Mrville Cathedral, XI: 1 :[ 19]
Market hall, XVII:2:16; illus. XVII:2:15 fig 36 Western portal (J. F. Blondel), XI:1:[19]; illus.
Mereworth Castle (C. Campbell), VIII:3/4:68; XV:4:8 XI: 1 :[18] fig 4

Stable, XIII: 1:16 Htel de Ville and Cathedral Precinct (J. F. Blondel),
Merian, Matthew [Merians, Caspar] XVIII:4:140

Topographia Galliae, XX:2:57 Place d'Armes, project, XI:1:[19]

Merida, Yucatan Peninsula Metzener, XVI:2:30

Montejo house faade, XVII: 1:35 Metzger, Charles R.

Merime, Prosper, 1:3/4:7-8,14 "Whitman on Architecture," XVI:l:25-27
Merkurov, Russian sculptor, XVI:2:30 Metzger, Rudolf, X:3:10-ll
Merlet, Jean, XVII:2:16 Mews, descr., XVI:4:12

Merrill, John O., b. 1896, Sr., see Skidmore, Owings Mexico

and Merrill Architecture, 11:2:26; V:[27]-32; VII:l/2:49;

Merrill, John O., b. 1923, Jr., see Skidmore, Owings VIII:3/4:43; XIX:1:42

and Merrill City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History
Meru XII:4:6 and Planning): Mexico

Mesa Verde National Park, 1:3/4:24 Inquisition see Inquisition

Mesemvria, Bulg. Sculpture, VII: 1 /2:49
Church of the Holy Archangels, IV:3/4:26,28 Views, XVII:4:40



Masdjid-i-shh, 111:4:47 Architecture

Mosque of Gawhar Shad, 111:4:47 An8ul Ifil8uez' D-> "Eighteenth-century Church

Mesopotamia Fronts in Mexico City,V:[27]-32

Astrological numbers, XVIII:3:97 n20 ChaPel w Mexlco C,ty; San Francisco
City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History a* f 3aVD4:4,5

and Planning): Mesopotamia Mtar^ lo,s Reyes <J' Balvas>' V:3 n9'31 n13^

Alfred . \ ' , , ,
, j r\ . ,, t, - ,, Altar del Perdon (J. Balvas and L. Rodriguez),

Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, 11:3:11 , _ ... * , , _ , 6 "

Neue Museum, Berlin, 11:3:11 _ XV:. ,:7; ,1'"S,XV:1:9 f,g 6

Wertheim Department Store, Berlin, 11:3:11,12 FadJT vT[27]!28,29

essina v,, ,, Church interiors, XV:1:5

Annunziata (G. Guanni), IV:2:52; XV:2:5,11 n44 Q , M y

Cathedral, IV:2:52 city plan, Maps, views, etc.

City plan, XIV:4:3-5

Chiesa dei Padre Somaschi (G. Guarini), XV:2:5,7

Earthquake, 1908, XV:2:5 ^4 XIV 4 3

San1 Filippo (G Guarini), XV:2:5 ,596' from Archjv0 de Indja XIV:4: jUus

Mestizo style, VIII:3/4:44-45 XIV-4-4 fie 1

Metacomet [Philip] ^eeKing Philip's War c xrv-4-5
Metal roofing, XX:3:137 Site, VIII*3/4-8
Metaphysics, by Aristotle, XI:3:12 la Fn'wiian?

Metodf, Pnscilla Faade, V:32; illus. V:[30a] fig 11

Boston before Bulfinch: Harnson's King's Chapel," Principal retable, XV-1-8
XIII.1.11-14 Hoikp< tnppfi V-9Q

Letter to Editor, XVII:2:32 La Lama (Vict;r de) Home (V. de La Lama),

Meter, J. E. Van see Van Meter, J. E. XVI: 1:32

Meter, measurement, XVIII:3:94 Ninos Heroes School, V:31 nl6
Metro-Linear City (R. F. Malcolmson), XVIII:3:93; Palace of Corts, XIV:4:4
illus. XVIII:3:93 fig 11 Palace of Montezuma, XIV:4:4

Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Palace of the Counts of Heras y Soto

Bldgs. of see Minneapolis: Guaranty Loan Bldg.; Chinese balustrade, V-.22
New York (City): Metropolitan Life Insurance Plaza Mayor, XIV:4:3,4-5



Metropolitan Museum of Art see New York (City) Faade (P. de Arrieta), V:28-30,31; illus. V:[30b]
Metropolitan Square Corp., X:l:16 fig 5

Mettam, Charles, 19th c. Regina Coeli, V:[27],28,29

Patent for Iron Construction, XV:4:22 n60 no.5 Doorway, Chapel of the Purisima Concepcin,

Metz V:[27]; illus. V:[26b] fig 3

Bishop's Palace, XI:1:[19] Faade, illus. V:[26b] fig 1

Retablo Mayor (L. Rodriguez), XV:1:11 nil


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Mexico City - Michelangelo

Sagrario Metropolitano, XIV:4:5 architectural assignment, XIII:3:10n5; on
S. Faade (L. Rodriguez), V:30-32; illus.:V:[30b] following in footsteps of others, XII:4:16; and

fig 7 Julius III, IX:4:11; F. Milizia on, XIII:3:13; search

San Fernando for originality, IX:4:13; philosophically minded,

Faade, V:30; illus. V:[30b] fig 6 111:3:9; compared with A. da Sangallo, XIII:3:3;
San Francisco and "Sangallo Clique" [Sette Sangallesca],
Balvanera Chapel XIII:3:11 n25; as sculptor-architect, 111:3:18;
N. Faade, V:31; illus. V:[30a] fig 9 XIII:3:3; 16th c. architects sketch works of,
San Juan de Dios XIII:3:4; style, XVII:3:23; contrasted with Titian,
Faade, V:[27]-28,31; illus. V:[30b] fig 4 XVI: 1:9; C. de Tolnay study of, VI:3/4:36;
San Lzaro, V:[27] inspects vaults of St. Peter's, 11:2:12
San Lorenzo Medal of (G. Hrard), illus. XIV:2:[5] fig 11



San Pedro de Beln Biblioteca Laurenziana [Lorenziana], Florence

Tower, V:28n5,29 Blind window design, XIX:3:104; illus.
Santa Brigida, V:30 XIX:3:105 fig 16
La Santisima Trinidad Ceiling sketch, XIX:3:105 n31
W. Faade, V:31,32; illus. V:[30a] fig 8 Bracci (Cecchino) Tomb designs

Santo Domingo, V:29,31 S. Maria in Aracoeli, Rome, XIX:3:104

Secondary School no. 8, V:31 nl6 Campidoglio [Capitoline Square], Rome,

Site see Mexico City: City plan, Maps, Views, etc. 111:1/2:23,26; XIV:1:8-9,10,12; illus.
Sociedad de Arte Moderno, IV:2:41 IIM/2:[22a] fig 3; XIV:1:9 fig 1
University Designs, Drawings, Sketches, etc. (for designs for
Doorway, V:31 specific projects see under name of project, e.g.

Las Vizcainas, V:29n8,31,32 Michelangelo: S. Lorenzo, Florence: Choir

Mexico in Pictures, by E. Kusch, XVII:4:40 drawing.), XIII:3:11 n29; XIX:3:100-104; illus.

Meyer, Adolf XIX:3:101 fig 7; 102 figs 9,10; 103 fig 12; 104

Chicago Tribune Contest, Chicago, design (and W. fig 14; 105 figs 15,16
Gropius), VI:3/4:2 Ceilings, XIX:3:105 n31
Fagus Factory, Alfeld (and W. Gropius), XIV:4:32; Numbering systems, XIX:3:100nl9

XX:4:200 Villa gate, sketch, XIX:3:102; illus. XIX:3:103

Werkbund Administration Bldg., Cologne, (and W. fig 12
Gropius), XX:4:200 Window, study for, illus. XIII:3:[7] fig 9
Meyer, Alfred Gotthold, X:3:13n2 Faades, IX:4:13
Meyerberg, 17th c. Farnese Palace, Rome, XIII:3:10n5
Drawings, XVI:2:16n8 Cornice, XIII:3:5

Meyers, E. E., of Detroit Medici Chapel, Florence

Allegheny County Bldgs., Pittsburgh, competition Catafalques, XIX:3:104
designs, XVI:3:28n2 Free standing tomb design, XIX:3:104

"Mezcla," XV:1:14,19 n34 Wall articulation, XIX:3:104

Mziere, Lecamus de Lantern, XIII:3:10nll

Halle au Bls, Paris, XVIII:4:148 Paintings related to philosophic movements, 111:3:9

Mzires, Marquis de, see Bthisy, Eugne-Marie de Porta Pia, Rome, XIX:3:97-108; illus.
Mezzanines, XI:2:16-17 XIX:3:98-106 figs 1-11,13-15,17
Mezzo acuto arch, XVIII:1:16,17,18,19 S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, Rome, design, XIII:3:4;
Mi Casa, booklet on low-cost housing, by M. Belms, XIII:4:32
XVIII:2:42-43; XVIII:3:83 S. Lorenzo, Florence
Michael, Saint, IV:3/4:11 Choir drawing, XIX:3:104
Michalius, Jonas Rev., XI:2:19-20 S. Pietro in Vaticano, Rome, XIII:3:5,10 n5

Michaud, Joseph Altar location, XVII:l:9nl3

Cathedral of St. James [St. Jacques], 1885, Montreal, Dome, 111:3:9; VII:l/2:5-6,16n80,24; XIV:3:11;
XIV:3:11,13-14; illus. XIV:3:13 fig 9 XVI:4:22; XVIII:4:131 nl6

Michel, Swiss traveler Lantern, XVI: 1:9

Sketch, Bruton Parish Church, IV:3/4:43,46; illus. Measurements, VII: 1 /2:31

IV:3/4:[44a] fig 1 Model, XIII:3:11 n26

Michelangelo, on importance of anatomy, XIII:3:3; B. Vaults, 11:2:12; XVII:4:22
Cellini on, XIII:3:3; death marking beginning of Tomb of Julius II, project, V:12
Baroque, XIV:1:8; decorative forms, XIX:3:97-108; Vatican, Rome

designs engr. by Frenchmen, XIII:3:11 n29; use of Cappella Sistina

double [shadow] pilaster, XV:1:5; not an Ceiling, 111:3:9

entrepreneur, IX:4:11; fame of, IX:4:10; first Discarded scheme, XIX:3:105n31

Cortile del Belvedere, contribution to, XIV:4:30


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Michelin - Mifflin

Michelin XVIII:3:116; recipient of Royal Gold Medal,

Guidebooks, XX:2:57 XIX:4:145; and K. F. Schinkel, XIV:3:32; skeleton

Michelozzo construction, XVIII:3:118; dissolution of inner

Palazzo Medici-Riccardi [erron. Rucellai], Florence, space into outer space, X:3:14n49; symbolism in,
VII:3/4:27 XX:1:43; as "Veblenite," XV:2:30
S. Annunziata, Florence Books on

Sanctuary design, 1444, XVII: 1:3 Andrews, W Architecture, Ambition and

Michigan Americans, XV:2:30

Architecture, 11:2:34-35; 11:3:29; IV: 1:54 Blake, P., The Master Builders, Le Corbusier,
Michigan Central Railroad, 11:2:35 Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright,

Michigan Society of Architects, Committee on XX:4:200-201

Michigan Architecture Drexler, A Ludwig Mies van der Rohe,

Reports, 11:2:34-35; IV:1:54 XX:l:42-43

Mick, Chteau du, X:2:22 Hilbersheimer, L Mies van der Rohe,

Microcosm of London, illus. by A. C. Pugin and XX: 1:42,43

T. Rowlandson Hitchcock, H.-R., Architecture: Nineteenth and

Roman Catholic Chapel, Lincoln's Inn Field, sketch, Twentieth Centuries, XIX:3:126

IX:3:12 nl Japanese, XVI:4:36

Stove, XX: 1:24; illus. XX: 1:25 fig 7 Joedicke, J., A History of Modern Architecture,
Microfilm projects XIX:2:86-87
Art Institute, Chicago McCallum, I., Architecture USA, XIX:2:87

Burnham Library of Architecture, IX:4:28; Foreword to R. Schwarz, The Church Incarnate,

XI: 1:27-28; XI:3:[32] the Sacred Function of Christian Architecture
Society of Architectural Historians, VIII:l/2:68-85 [Vom Bau der Kirche], XVIII:3:120
University of Illinois, Urbana Works
Ricker Library of Architecture, IX:4:28; Apartment houses, XX: 1:43
XI: 1:27-28; XI:3:[32] Chicago, IX:l/2:37
Middle Ages Bacardi Bldg., Santiago de Cuba, project, 1957,
Architecture see Medieval architecture XX: 1:43

Middelburg, Neth. Brick country house, project, 1922, XX: 1:42,43

City plan, Maps, etc., illus. VIII:3/4:pl V fig 6a Building Exposition, 1931, Berlin
Middlebury, Vt. Display, XX: 1:42
Meeting House, 1809, VII:3/4:29 House, XX:l:42-43
Middlesex County, Va. Convention Hall project, Chicago, XX: 1:43

Courthouse, post-1852 see Saluda, Va.: Middlesex Esplanade Apartments, Chicago, XX: 1:43
County Courthouse Exposicin internacional, 1929-30, Barcelona
Middleton, Arthur Pierce, IX:4:23; X-.2-.20-, X:3:30n3 Electrical Bldg., XX:1:42
Middleton, J. H., on embedded brick arches, XVII:4:5 [German] Pavilion, XX: 1:43; XX:4:201

Middleton, Robin Farnsworth House [Fox River House], Piano, 111.,

"Jacques Franois Blondel and the Cours XX: 1:42

dArchitecture," XVIII:4:140-148 Fifty by Fifty House, project, 1951, XX: 1:43

Middleton, Thomas Glass skyscraper, project, 1921, VI:3/4:2
Painting of St. Philip's Church, Charleston, Illinois Institute of Technology bldgs., Chicago,
XVIII:3:113; illus. XVIII:3:114 fig 3 IX:l/2:37

Middletown, Conn. Lafayette Park Housing Development, Detroit,

The General Hospital for the Insane of the State of XX: 1:43

Connecticut (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 Lake Shore Drive Apartment Blocks, Chicago,





Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded Liebknecht-Luxemburg Monument, Berlin,

Children (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 XX: 1:42,43

Mige, Bishop of Fort Leavenworth, VI:l/2:26 Riehl House, Neubabelsberg, XX:1:42

Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, admiration for in 1950's, Seagram Bldg., N.Y. (and P. Johnson), XVIII:2:59;
XII:4:17; ahead of American conditions in 1920's, XIX:1:40; XX:1:43
VI:3/4:4-5; absence from 1958 Brussels Fair, Tugendhat House, Brno, XX: 1:42,43
XVIII:3:115; called "modern Palladianism," Werkbundausstellung, 1927, Stuttgart
XX:4:204; lack of professional training, Glass display, XX: 1:42
Wolf House, Guben, XX: 1:42
Mifflin, Benjn., 18th c., XV:4:25
Mifflin, Thomas, Gov. of Pa., XII:2:27,28


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Mignot - Millet
Mignot, Jean, 14th c XI:3:9-10 Miliutin, N. A., XVIII:3:77 n20,87-89,92
Mihai-Vda City plan, Stalingrad, proposed, XVIII:3:87-89,93;
Church, IV:3/4:35 illus. XVIII:3:88 fig 4

Mihintale, Ceylon Milizia, Francesco, XIII:3:12-15; Lodoli-Milizia school,

Ruins, XVIII:2:71 XIX:4:137; on T. Temanza, XIX:4:138,142

Mikkelsen, Michael A., XII:1:20; XVIII:4:138 Books, XIII:3:13-15

Milan, Archbishop of, see Schuster, Hildephonse Milky Way, XII:4:5,6

Milan Mill, James, 19th c. Englishman, XX:3:99

Academy of Architecture, 1:2:3 Mill, John Stuart, XX:3:99

Architectural Conference, 1391, XI:3:9-10,13 Mill and Mansion ..., by J. P. Coolidge, 11:4:35-37;
Architecture, 20th c., XX:3:147 111:3:28; VIII:3/4:18

Cathedral, VII:3/4:[17]; XI:3:9; XIII:3:4 Mill Run, Pa.

Dome, XVII:3:14 Fallingwater see Fallingwater

Faade, XIII:3:9; XIX:4:139 Millar, Donald Macdonald see Macdonald-Millar,

City plan, 111:1/2:22,24; XX:3:108 Donald
Figini (Luigi) Home (L. Figini), XVI: 1:32 Millar, O.

Foro Bonaparte, proposed (G. A. Antolini), English Art 1625-1714 (and M. Whinney), XX:3:149

XIII-315 Millar, W. G. H.
Ospedale Maggiore (Filarete), XVII: 1:35; Residence of, Pittsburgh, XIX:2:64
XVII-314 18 nl Millech, Knud
Pirelli Bldg. [P. L. Nervi), XIX:4:178 Danske Arkitekturstroemninger, 1850-1950, (and K.

Railroad Station, 19th c., VIII:l/2:34 n Fls^er> ,

S. Ambrogio, XV:2:20; XVI:3:12; XIX:4:176 ReV. by L- V. Meeks, XII:1:32

S. Carlo al Corso (C. Amati), XIX:4:138-139; illus. ^! er' . \

yly4nqr 8 Miller, Alfred Theodore

S. Lorenzo,: XVl?4:3-4 Sepulchral Monument

of (W Strickland),
XIII:3:Suppl. 16; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 22
Dome, XVII:3:16

of Modern
(T. Calco), xvil:3:16;
illus. Architecture
XVII:3:17 Ml]'er' C C.
, a F.
b' 1

c n m . t wi,, Cummings), 11:4:5 n 13,28 n 148

S. Mana d. Canepanova (Bramante), XVI: 1:7 Miller, Caroline, 19th a. XIII.3:Suppl. 16

S. Maria presso San Celso Miller, Conrad, Rev., XX:2:70n34

Faade (G. Alessi), IX:4:13 Mler Danid K

Verdi Foundation Home for Musicians (C. Boito), vffl^ of> Riverton> NJ> XIX:1:37
Miller, Ferdinand von, of Munich, VII:l/2:26

Milani, on Pantheon dome, XVII:4:8 n21 Miller Helen Hill

Milas see Mylasa George Mason of Gunston Hall

Milbury, Mass. Brief reV) XVII:4:40

Water (Asa) House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 Miller, Henry, fl. 1856

Mile-stones Sketches of Mission Soledad, XV: 1:21,23; illus.

Litchfield, Conn., illus. X:4:19 fig 1 XV:1:22 fig 3

Miletus Miller, Hugh, VIII:1/2:18
Altar of Poseidon, Cape Monodendri, XI:3:1; illus. Miller, J. Hillis, IV:2:37

xi:3:[2] fig 7 Miller] J. N. T.

Bouleterion House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:21

Heroon, XI:3:[5] nl3 Miller, Jeremiah, XIV:1:31

City plan, Maps, etc., VIII:l/2:47,52-53; Miller, John, 18th c.
VIII:3/4:40,41; illus. VIII: 1 / 2:pl XV Elements of Architecture, Restored to Its Original
Didymaion, XI:3:4 Perfection . .., XX:3:128 no.51
North Market, XIII:4:16,24; illus. XIII:4:18 fig 9 Miller, John, 19th c. sawmill owner, 11:4:12
Milhau, John Miller, John Roberts, 18th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:25
Drugstore of .see New York (City): Milhau (John) Miller, Matthew T., 19th c., XIII:3:Suppl. 16
Drugstore Miller, R. T., Jr., VII:3/4:[4]
Militant Church, fresco (A. Bonaiuti), Miller, Sanderson, XIX:4:144
XVIII:1:13 nl8,14 Miller, William L.
Military Camps, Reservations, etc. (see also Bastides; Foundry of, N.Y., XV:4:13
Fortifications, Fortresses, Forts, etc.), Millet, 19th c. architect

VlII:3/4:29-40; XX:2:57-62 Plan, Basilica du Sacr-Coeur [Notre Dame de

Presidio, San Francisco, IX:3:26; XI:3:31 Paray], ca. 1880, Paray-le-Monial, illus.
Military Order of Christ, XIV:4:12n32 XVIII:3:103 fig 14

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Millet - Milyeyev

Millet, Frank D., XIV:3:24 Proposed extension [Drawings and specifications],

Milley, Dom XII: 1:23-31; XIII:2:30; illus. XIl:l:[28-29]
Engraving of Clairvaux Monastery, XVII :2:12; illus. Schuylkill Bridge [ "Colossus" ], Philadelphia
XVII:2:13 figs 26-27 Ornament, XIX:4:181

Milligan, James, XI:4:26 Survey, New Castle, Del. (with B. H. Latrobe,

Milligan, Samuel, XVIII:3:106,108 P- Lennox and W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl.
"Million Act," 1818, XX:3:149 3,16 capt. 23

Mills, 19th c. cement and lime supplier, see Wheedon, U.S. Patent Office, Washington, XV: 1:27-30;

Mills and Hughes XV:4:4; illus. XV: 1:27

Mills, Ogden Brick vaults> VIM /2:11 n8

House of see New York (City): Mills (Ogden) House Wings, VII: 1/2:21,28
Mills Peter U.S. Post Office [General Post Office; Land

Thorpe Hall, XIII:4:31 Office; Old Post Office], Washington

Mills, Robert, 1781-1855, use of colonnade screen Brick vaults, VII:1/2:11 n8

motif, XX:2:75; death, VII:1/2:[1]; and W. P. U.S. Treasury Bldg., Washington, XV:1:27,28;

Elliot, XV: 1:28; and M. Fillmore, VII: 1 /2:[1],28; XIX:4:182

and fireproof construction, VII:1/2:[1]; XI:3:24-25; Brick vaults, VII:1 /2:11 n8

xil:3:14; XIX:4:182; and T. Jefferson, X: 1:3; use University of Virginia, Charlottesville (attrib., and

of Jefferson's library, XIII: 1:16; and B. H. . e erson), Xri:3

Latrobe, XIII:1:15-16; XIII:3:30; XIV:2:13; Valentine Museum [Wickham-Valentine Mansion],

XV:l:30nl4; XIX:3:115; and C. N. LedOUX, Richmcnd, 1:3/4:21 n; 11:2:39; 111:4:28,29

XIII: 1:15-16; F. J. Roos on, XX:3:138; and W. F. vrnTifr Philadelphia, XIII:1:15; illus.
Small, XX:2:69; as southern architect, IV:3/4:50; ' ' lg . .
. i. c w -, s, ne f >, ,, Washington Monument, Baltimore, XIII: 1:16;
technique of, XX:2:64; U.S. Gov't architect, yiii-i-. vvn.it ia
VII: 1/2.[1]; clerk in U.S. Patent Office, u, ,. ' ' ,

XV-1 -28 29 n5- sunervisine architect of U S Washington Monument, Washington

_ ' ' ' , D w For complete list of entries see Washington,

Treasury Dept., XIX:3:123; and R. Warren, DC

XII:3:14; use of winged sun globe on cavetto Design XHITT6- XIX-4-142

cornice, XX:3:138 Waterloo Row, Baltimore, XX:2:69

Contemplated Addition to St. Michael s Church, Mills

Charleston [drawings and specifications], p jc w/// b[d sg Factories and MH1

XII:l:23-27; XIII:2:30 Foundries

Doctrine of Sounds,XII:l:23-24,27-31 Boring see Boring mills

Works (Bldgs., Designs, Projects, etc.), Baltimore, Pjour Minn XIX i.40

XIII:3:30; Charleston, XII:3:14; Philadelphia, Lumb'er XI:4;[7] n,g

XI:3:24-25; XIII:3:30; XIV:2:13; Washington, Plaster, Sullivan, N.Y., XX:4:196,197

VIII. 1/2.93 p - ;... Cl-ji rjpclnn S C 1*1 /4*91

Bank of Philadelphia, work on, XIV:2:13 Sawmills, 11:4:1 l'n40;"u.S., 11:4:11-12; VI:l/2:24;
Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Camden, S.C., XI-4:10

XII: 1:31 nl8 Spinning [textile]

Bunker Hill Monument, Boston, designs, jgtb c vill:l/2-1-32- XV-2-24

XVII:1:23 Sugar see Sugar Houses, Mills and Refineries

Capitol, Washington Water, VIII:l/2:5; XI:1:27

Extension proposals, VII: 1/2:[1],28 Windmills, Maryland, XI: 1:27
Columns, XVII: 1:22 Millville, Mass.
County Record Bldg. [Fireproof Bldg.], Meeting House, VII:3/4:29

Charleston, S.C., XV:l:29nl; XIX:4:182 Railroad Station, design (T. Tefft, attrib.),

Cunningham-Archer House, Richmond (attrib.), VIII-.l/2:36-37

111:4:27 Milly-la-Fort
Equestrian statue of George Washington, Market hall, XVII:2:16

Richmond, XVII: 1:22 Milne, James Lees see Lees-Milne, James

Franklin Row, Philadelphia, XVI :4:13 Milsom, George, XVI : 1:18 n 107

Independence Hall, Philadelphia, work on, Milton, John, IX:4:14n35

XI:3:24-25 Miltz, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Marine Hospital, Charleston, S.C., 1:3/4:23 Milwaukee

Monticello, plans, X:l:3 Adelman (Benjamin and Sons) Laundry Plant,

Obelisks, XVII:l-.22 project (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130

St. John's Episcopal Church, Baltimore, XIII:1:16 Milyeyev
St. Michael's Church, Charleston, S.C. Plan of Desyatinnaya Church, Kiev, XVI:2:29


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Mimbars - Mirror frames

Mimbars, 111:4:40-41 Guaranty Loan Bldg. [Metropolitan Life Bldg.]

Mims, Sam, XI:4:21 (E. T. Mix), XIII:1:22; XIX:1:40; illus. XIII: 1:20

Minarets (see also Towers), 111:4:41-42 figs 3,4

Minas Grais, Brazil Institute of Arts

Architecture, XV:3:9,11,12,14,16 Exhibition of Minnesota Architecture, 1958,

Minbars see Mimbars XIX: 1:39

Minden, Tex. New York Life Insurance Co. Bldg., 1888 (Babb,
Buildings, XI:4:[7] n22 Cook and Willard), XIX: 1:40

Harrell House, XI:4:[7] nn24,31 Olsen Department Store [Powers Dry Goods Co.]

Mindlin, Henrique E. (W. H. Dennis), XIII:1:19

Modern Architecture in Brazil Pillsbury Hall see Minneapolis: University of

Rev. by H.-R. Hitchcock, XVII:2:30-31 Minnesota

Skyscraper, Avenida Central, Rio de Janeiro, Public Library (Long and Kees), XIII:1:19

XVII:2:31 Purcell (William Gray) House (Purcell and Elmslie),

Mine-laying ships, XI:2:15 XIII:1:23; XIX:1:40; illus. XIII:1:21 figs 9,10

Mineral Wells, Tex. Rand (Alonzo) House, 1874, XIX: 1:40

Hexagon House, XIX:4:180 Security Bank, 1891 (L. S. Buffington) [Design, 1888

M!?erva f (H. Ellis)], illus. III:4:[20a figs 1,2]

Temples of University of Minnesota

Athens, XVI: 1:25 Pillsbury Hall (L. S. Buffington), XIX: 1:40

Rome (City), 111:1/2:62; XIII:4:23; XVII:4:6 Walker Art Center

"Mingott, Mrs.," in The Age of Innocence- XIV. 1:21 Exhjbit of the work of Purcell and Elmslle)

Minguez, Francisco Salcedo see Salcedo Minguez, March 1953 XIX-2*66n30

.^ra"c'sco Willey (Malcolm)

(F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130


Church, Franklin St., Baltimore, '10, ?
J .,. , . , Architecture, XIX:


compe l ion esign, Minnesota Association of Architects, XIII:1:18

Mining industry
Minorcans in the U.S., XIII:2:28

U.S., XX:3:113-114

,. ' .. ' Minorite bldgs. see Franciscans (Bldgs., Missions,



Advance Thresher Bldg. (Kees and Colburn), ... ' ',

XIII: 1:22; illus. XIII: 1:20 fig 6 Minotam, VIII: 1/2:46 rni ,,

Bank of Minnesota (I. Hodgson and Son), XIII:1:19; ^!nott F^mi ^ f Phtppsburg, Me X:4:[32] n 13

illus XIIM19 fig 1 Minton Co. [Minton, Hollins and Co.]

Butler Brothers Wholesale Store and Warehouse (H. Mosaics, XIV:3:4

Jones), XIII: 1:22-23; XIX:1:40; illus. XIII:1:21 Tlles' XIX:2:80



City Hall and Hennepin County Courthouse usaica, Japan

[City-County Bldg.] (Long and Kees), Mint <T- J- Waters>- XIII:2:15; illus. XIII:2:[16]

XIII:l:19-22; XIX:1:40 , flgs 4:5

Dean and Co. Warehouse (Bertrand and Potosi, Bolivia
Chamberlin), XIII l -22 La Casa Real de Moneda [Royal Mint], V:[39]

Donaldson's Glass Block (Long and Kees), Santo Domingo, D.R. [Ciudad Trujillo]
XIII: 1:19; illus. XIII:1:19 fig 2 Casa de la Moneda
Emerson-Newton Implement Co. (Kees and Portal, V:9; illus. V:[8a] fig 13
Colburn), XIII:1:22; illus. XIII:1:20 fig 6 Minuit, Peter, XI:2:19

Farmers and Mechanics Bank, 1891 (Long and Mir, Joaquin Manzanares Rodrigues see Manzanares

Kees), XIX: 1:40 Rodrigues-Mir, Joaquin

First National Bank (Holabird, Root and Burgee, Mir Iskusstva, XVI:2:30
with Thorshov and Cerny), XIX: 1:39,40 Miranda, Carlos Carvajal see Carvajal Miranda, Carlos
Flour Exchange Bldg. (Long and Kees), XIII: 1:22; Miranda do Douro, Port.
XIX: 1:40; illus. XIII: 1:20 fig 5 Cathedral, XV:3:3

Foshay Tower, XIX: 1:40 Mirande, France

Grain elevators, XIX: 1:40; XX:4:194 City plan, XIV:4:4

Grain Exchange (Kees and Colburn), XIII:1:22 Mircea, Prince, IV:3/4:29
Gray (Catherine C.) House (Purcell and Elmslie), Miro, Esteban, Don, Spanish Gov. of La.,
XIII:1:23; illus. XIII:1:21 fig 8 XVIII:1:21,22,24

Great Northern Implement Bldg. (Kees and Letter from Pedro Foucher, on New Madrid,
Colburn), XIX: 1:40 XVIII:1:25 nl8
Mirror frames

Chippendale, XV:3:13

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The Mirror of Architecture - Modular systems

The Mirror of Architecture. . ., by V. Scamozzi, transi. Mitelli, Agostino, 1609-1660
by W. Leyburn, XX:3:118,120,128 no.49; illus. Engraved designs for cartouches, XV:3:15n22
XX:3:119 fig 4 Mithridates, IV:1:32

Miske, Arthur Mittelalterliche Architektur als Bedeutungstrger, by G.

Farm of, Jackson, Wis., XVIII:1:31 Bandmann, XX:2:78

Miskey see Archer, Warner, Miskey and Co. Mittelalterliche Stadtbaukunst in der Toskana, by W.
Mission architecture Braunfels

U.S. ice Colonial architecture: Spanish Rev. by H. Blumenfeld, XIV: 1:32

"Mission series" paintings, XV: 1:25 n3 Mix, E. Townsend
"Mission 66" project, XVI:3:29; XVII: 1:30; Guaranty Loan Bldg. [Metropolitan Life Bldg.],
XIX:2:47 n2 Minneapolis, XIII: 1:22; XIX: 1:40; illus.

Mission style, American version of Arts and Crafts, XIII: 1:20 figs 3,4

XIV:2:19 Mnesicles
Missions Erechtheum, Athens, XI:2:24; XIII:4:5,6,8; XV:4:9;
Bolivia, XIV:4:6 XVI:2:31; XX:2:68; illus. XIII:4:7 fig 9

Brazil, XIV:4:6 North door> XVII: 1:24

Chile, XIV-4:6 Propylaea, Athens, XIII:4:6; XIV:3:3
Indians of North America see Indians of North Sketch (Le Corbusier), XX:2:92
America: Missions Moale, John
Macao XIX:2-69 Drawing of Baltimore, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. fig 6
Moravian see Moravian Church Moberly, Mo.

Paraguay, XIV:4:6 New Reformatory, XVIII:4:149

y g Mobile, Ala.
Arizona, XV:4:3 *ort Morgan, IX:3:26

California, XIII:4:28-29; XV:l:20-26; XV:4:2,3; -JSpanlf[1 Fort> IX:3:26, .

XIX-1 -42 43 Moambique see Mozambique

Hawaii X'3'u c e,
Mission Church, XI:3:27 The Model Architect, by S. Sloan

Kickapoo Mission, Fort Leavenworth, VI:l/2:[22] Designs from, XIX:1:38; illus. XIX:1:35 figs 2-4;

New Mexico. T*2*26

c. .. ,'' v ,, Model cities see Ideal cities, Utopias, etc.

St. Mary s Mission, Kan., VI:l/2:25 . , . ... . . ...* ' ~ .

ou , ., .... r. Models, Architectural see Architecture: Designs,
Shawnee Methodist Mission, Kan. [Shawnee .. , , .... .
... ,, . T , c , n ,r. Drawings, Models, Plans, etc.

Indian Manual Labor School], VI:l/2:[22] Modena

Tabor Mission Sabbath School and Chapel, g vincenzo XV-2-5

(S- Sloan)' XIX:I:36 Modern American Architecture, by M. F. Cummings

and C. C. Miller, 11:4:5 nl3,28 nl48

Tumacacori National Monument, 1:3/4:24 Modern Architectural Research Group [MARS],

Waiilatpu Amission Oregon XIIIr2;27 XVIII-2-38* XVIII-3-90-91

Vl|"gl" Islands Linear plan, London, XVIII:3:76,81,91; illus.

St. Croix, XIV: 1:28-29 XVIII-3-90 fig 7

Missirini, Melchior, XIX A: 142 Modern architecture see Twentieth-century architecture

Mississippi jfjg xfodgrn Builder's Assistant. .., by J. and W.

Architecture, XIII:2:12n7 Halfpenny, T. Lightoler and R. Morris,
Mississippi River XX:3:126 no.22

Proposed colonization on, 1788, XVIII:1:21,22 The Modern Builder's Guide, by M. Lafever,

Mississippi steamboats, XIX:4:180 XII-2-9,13- XIII-3-28- XIV-3-19

Mississippi Valley Modern Civic Art, by C. M. Robinson, 111:1/2:8

Architecture, VII:l/2:33-36 Modern Housing, by C. Bauer, 111:1/2:8

Missouri City "The Modern Is Dead - Long Live the Modern," by

Project (J. L. Van Dren and H. Pease), H. H. Reed, XVI:3:35

XX:3:113-114; illus. XX:3:114 fig 5 Modern Living, An Exhibition for, VIII:3/4:46-47
Missouri Historical Society see Saint Louis, Mo. "Modern Palladianism," XX:4:204
Mistail, Switz. see Miistail, Switz. "Modernismo," XVIII:2:48
Mitchell, Ind. Modica, Italy
Spring Mill State Park, XV:4:3 nos. 1,2 San Giorgio
Mitchell, S.D. Faade, XV: 1:10 n3
Branson (O. L.) and Co. Bank (Purcell and Elmslie), Modular systems

XIX:2:68 n32 Chinese, IX: 1 /2:3

Corn Palaces, XIX:4:180 Le Corbusier, XIX:2:87; XX:2:94


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Modular systems - Montego Bay, Jam.

Medieval, XVI:3:7-8; XVII:2:17; XV1II:3:94,95; Monkwearmouth
XVIII:4:166-167 Church, XVI:3:34

Twentieth-century modular skeletal construction, Monocacy Aqueduct, X:2:23

lX:l/2:3 Monocentric city plan, VI:3/4:23,34; illus. VI:3/4:pl V

"Modulor," XX:2:94 Monodendri, Cape

Mllinger, Karl, use of term Rundbogenstil, XIX:3:127 Altar of Poseidon sec Miletus

Moeser, Justus, German economist, VIII:3/4:12 Monomakh, Vladimir see Vladimir II

Msinger, Stephan, Abbot of Langheim Monastery, Monongahela Bridge (J. Roebling), IV:3/4:53; XVI:1:11
XII:4:12; XIX:l:41-42 Monplaisir, La. [Pradel (Sieur de) House] (A. de Batz),
Moffitt, James K., X:3:21 XIII: 1:26

Mofras, Duflot du see Duflot du Mofras Monreale, Giovanni da, Fra, see Giovanni da
Mogosaia Monreale, Fra
Church, IV:3/4:31 Monreale, Italy
Mohammedan architecture see Islamic architecture; Cathedral, IV:2:52; XIII: 1:5

Mughal architecture Cappella del Crocifisso (Fra Giovanni da

Mohawk Bridge, 1808 (T. Burr), 11:1:41; XIX:4:181 Monreale), XV:l:5-6; illus. XV:1:7 fig 3

Mnhen in-Darn Semi-circular arched decorative forms, XV:2:7

cy pta ,1:1:23.26 W dOO,. X,X:4:,64 32

Moholy-Nagy, Lszlo, X-3-6 Monroe, James, Pres., and C. Bulfinch's plans for U.S.
Mohsin, Abdul Kader, VII:3/4:37 Capitol; VIII:3/4:4; and T. Jefferson's plans for
MoiraX Capitol and Prison, Richmond, XII:4:28; at

Church XI-3-20-21 22 University of Virginia cornerstone laying,


Cluniac Priory, XVI:3:11 Monroe, Mich.

Molemaecker, Franois, XI:2:19 vt huse> X:1:25

Molesworth Roberts, H. V. see Roberts, H. V. Monserrato

Molesworth S[anta] M[ana], XIII:3:11 n27

Molfetta Monsters, XVII:4:14,20 n35; illus. XVII:4:[13] fig 5

u vtrrr -, -, * Monstrances
Church, XVII:3:34 ~ , , c .. ..
Tr VT Cathedral, Santiago, Chile, V:23
Molhausen, Henry, XI:4:24 T \* jo t> n j 01 v ^ 0
Moliere, Granpr! XVI,1:3:1.6

Molina, Antonio, 18th c Patroon, of Natchez, ?Cch, XIII:1:3-10

XIV:4:28-29 Qojster XVI-3-34

Molina, Antonio Ruiz Morales y see Morales y Montacut, Somerset

Molina, Antonio Ruiz priory Gatehouse> VI:1/2:16

Molinos, Jacques Montague Brothers, fl. 1768-1814, XIV:4:20,22 n48
See also Legrand and Molinos Montalembert, 1:3/4:7
Vendme Column design, Paris, XVII: 1:22 Montauban, founding of, IV:1:12

Mollinedo, Manuel de, Bishop of Cuzco, Peru, V:[35] Market place, 111:1/2:25

Molloy, James M VI:l/2:19nl6 Montauriol, IV:'l:12

Monachus, Jacobus see Jacobus Monachus Montbolo

Monastic architecture Church, XII:3:7

For individual monasteries see under location, e.g., Monte Cassino, Abbot of, see Desiderius

Cluny, France: Abbey; Royaumont: Abbey Monte Cassino

Middle Ages, XVI:3:3-11; XVIII:1:35; XVIII:3:95 Benedictine Monastery, IV:2:42; XVI:3:11,14

Twentieth century, XVIII:l:34-35 Montebeliard

Mondell, Franklin Wheeler, U.S. Sen., IV:1:39 Protestant Temple, IX:3:13nl7

Mondriaan, Pieter Cornelis, obit., IV:1:54; and G. T. Montebello see Baltimore, Md.

Rietveld, XVIII:3:115,116 Montecassino see Monte Cassino

Monet, Claude Montecitorio, Obelisk of, Rome, 111:1/2:27

Cathedral, Rouen, painting, 11:3:33 Montefeltro, Federigo da, Duke of Urbino,

Monge, Monsieur, W-.2-.22 VII:3/4:27-28

Mongols, XV:4:31 Montefrio, Spain
Monier, XX: 1:35 Parish church (D. de Silo), XX:3:147
Monitor, factory lighting [ window] feature, VIII: 1 /2:13 Montego Bay, Jam.

Monitor, warship, XVIII:4:156 Courthouse, X:3:24; illus. X:3:[23] fig 5

Monk, Misses, XIX:4:163 Parish church, X:3:24; illus. X:3:[23] fig 6

Monk, James Henry, 1784-1856, Bishop of Gloucester

and Bristol, XIX:4:163


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Montepulciano - Monuments
Montepulciano Montreal, Can.
San Biagio Acadmie des Beaux-Arts, XIV:3:11

Madonna, XVI:l:10n9 Anglican Cathedral see Montreal, Can.: Christ

Studies for (A. Sangallo, the elder), XIII:3:8; illus. Church Cathedral
XIII:3:[6] fig 5 Bonsecours, XIV:3:14

Monterey, Calif. Cathedral of St. James [St. Jacques]

Franciscan Mission Church, XV: 1:25 n2 1823 (T. Baillairg and J. Fournier),

Monterey, Tenn. XI: 1:21,[22],25; XIV:3:11,14ni 1; illus.

Monument to the memory of the Tennessee XI:1:[23] fig 5

volunteers who fell at Monterey '858 (J. Ostell reblding.), XIV:3:14nll

Design, 1846 (W. Strickland), 11:2:34 1885 (J- Michaud), XIV:3:11,13-14; illus. XIV:3:13

"Monterey style," X:3:16 5, 9

Montes, Graciano, Padre, see Graciano Montes, Padre at e ra

Montevideo ,805' XI:1:21,[26] nn3,8; illus. XI:1:[23] fig 4
,i /- u i 1857 (F. Wills), VI:3/4:6; XI:l:[26]n3

Sketches for (Le Corbusier, XX:2:94 _ . \ _ . ' 1 1

** * ii -, -, Episcopal Palace

Montez, Lola, XIV:3:3 ] ue (J 0stell) XIV:3:8,9,11

Montezuma II Designs, Gothic (J. Ostell), XIV:3:9

Palace of, Mexico City, XIV:4:4 ^ M 1854> XIV:3:10-11

Montferrand, Richard de Ges XI:1:[26] nl7

Alexander Column, Leningrad, IV:1:32; Montreal Board of Trade (Shepley, Rutan and

VU : 1 / 2:15 n67 Coolidge), XVII:3:23

St. Isaac of Dalmatia, Leningrad Notre-Dame

Dome, VII: 1/2:5,7,8,24,31; XVI:4:35; illus. 1672> [La Paroisse], XI: 1:21,[26] ni2; illus.
VII:l/2:pl II fig 4 XI:1:[23] fig 4
Montgomery, Charles F., IX:4:23 Faade (Chaussegros de Lry), XIV:3:9
Montgomery, Henry C., VI:3/4:37 1823 (J. O'Donnell), VI:3/4:6; XI:l:20-[26];
"Classic Revival Architecture in Cincinnati" (and XIV:3:8-9,12,13; illus. XI:1:[22] fig 1

R. C. Potter), VI:3/4:18-21 Notre-Dame-de-Grce (J. Ostell), XIV:3:9-10; illus.

Montgomery (John) and Co., of Boston, XII:1:22 XIV:3:9 fig 3

Montgomery, Richard, VIII:3/4:[1] La Paroisse sec Montreal, Can.: Notre-Dame: 1672

Montgomery, Ala. [La Paroisse]

Winters (J. S.) House (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 St. Jacques Cathedral see Montreal, Can.: Cathedral
capt. fig 2,38 of St. James
Montgomery County, Pa. St. James Cathedral see Montreal, Can.: Cathedral of

Huebner Pottery see Huebner Pottery St. James

Monticello (T. Jefferson), 1:3/4:15; IX:3:14; X:l:3-10; St. Patrick's [St. Patrice] (F. Martin and P. L.

X:2:6; XII:4:32; XIII:2:8; XIII:4:32; XVIII: 1:7,8; Morin), VI:3/4:6; XI:1:[26] nl7; XIV:3:8

illus. X:l:[5] figs 1,3,5 St- pierre (v- Bourgeau), XIV:3:10

Montier-en-Der Seminary of St. Sulpice (J. Ostell), XIV:3:8,9

Church, IV:3/4:39 Stanley Street Synagogue, XIII:4:31

Montigny, Grandjean de see Grandjean de Montigny Windsor Station, XIV:3:11

Montmagny, Can. Montresor

St. Thomas, XIV:3:14 RMaP' J778' Philadelphia, XIL4.-27

Montmorency Montreuil, Pierre de see Pierre de Montreuil

Palais de see Paris: Palais Montmorency Montserrat

,i m r : r vi -, Santa Cecilia Chapel see Santa Cecilia de Montserrat

Mon oliu, de, on C.udad Lineal, XVIII:3:75 Montt, Pedro, Pres. of Chile, XVIII:3:83

Montpazier Montule, Edouard de

' Y P.an' Travels in America, 1816-1817, XVIII:1:26 n24

?teT\ T i Monuments

Old Works, St. James, X:3:27; illus. X:3:25 fig 13 See a/s0 Arches; Columns (Memorials); Obelisks

Montpelier, Pnnce George s County, Md. Alexander, R. L 'The Public Memorial and
Interior (W. Buckland, attrib.), XVHI:2:71 Godefroy's Battie Monument," XVII:l:19-24
Montpelier, Vt. Athens
State House (A. B. Young), XIV:2:13; XIX:3:119 Choragic Monument (Lysicrates), XIV:2:12;

Montpellier XVI: 1:22; XVII:1:31,33 n2; XIX:1:31

Asile d'Alins de l'Hrault Baltimore, Md.

Project (Debens), XIX:l:20n27 Battie Monument (M. Godefroy), XIII:1:16;

City plan, 111:1/2:22 XVII:l:19-24; illus. XVII:1:20 fig 1

Montpellier, Council of, Arles, 1234, IV: 1:9


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Monuments - Moot halls

Washington Monument (R. Mills), XIII: 1:16; Schuylerville, N.Y.

XIII:3:32; XVII:1:23,24 Saratoga Battle Monument, IV:2:40

Berlin Spanish Town, Jam.

Liebknecht-Luxemburg Monument, (L. Mies van Rodney Memorial, X:3:22,24; illus. X:3:[23]

der Rohe), XX: 1:42,43 figs 1,3

Boston Washington, D.C.

Bunker Hill Monument, VII:3/4:[17]; VIII:3/4:[1]; Grant Memorial, IV:1:36

XI:2:22; XII:1:18; XVII:1:23 Jefferson Memorial, 111:4:21
Designs, Projects, etc. Lincoln Memorial (H. Bacon), IV:l:37-38,39;
Algiers, monument design for (Viollet-le-Duc), XIX:4:137
XII:4:16 Meade (Gen. George Gordon) Memorial, IV:1:36
Louis XVI and the Royal Family, monument Peace Monument, VII: 1/2:20
project to, 1775 (Abb de Lubersac), Washington Monument, attribution of, X:2:25;
XVII: 1:19-21,22,23; illus. XVII:1:20 fig 3 J. F. Fisher on, XII:3:30; T. Jefferson on,
Parvis de Notre Dame, Paris, memorial project IX:3:29; and McMillan Commission planning,
for, XVII:1:23 IV:1:36,37; work of A. G. Schoenborn,

Reform Act, monument project to, 1832 (R. VII: 1/2:20; not in skyscraper category,
Trevithick), XVI:1:11; XVI:4:22-25,26,27,28; XVIII:4:126,128

illus. XVI:4:[24] figs 1-3 Design (R. Mills), XIII:1:16; XIX:4:142

Tennessee volunteers who fell at Monterey, Monuments, Megalithic see Megalithic monuments
monument design to the memory of, 1846 (W. Monuments, National see United States: National
Strickland), 11:2:34 Memorials, Monuments, Parks, Sites, etc.
Victor Emmanuel II, monument design (H. L. Monuments, Natural see Natural monuments
Gay), XVIII:4:134 Monuments, Sepulchral see Mausoleums, Sepulchral
Washington Monument designs monuments, Tombs, etc.
Godefroy, M., Baltimore, XIII:1:17 Monville, M. de
Lafever, M., XI:2:6 House of, Dsert de Retz, XIX:4:179

Mills, R., Washington, XIII:1:16; XIX:4:142 Monya, Francisco, V:[35]

Trautwine, J. C., Philadelphia, XVII:3:32; Mook, Robert, and D. Lienau, XI:2:[8]; XIV: 1:22
XVIII:4:163 Jones (Mary Mason) Mansions [Block], N.Y.,
Honeoye, N.Y. XI:2:[8]; XIV:l:21-22
Sullivan Monument, IV:2:41 Marble Row, 5th Ave., N.Y., XX:1:36

Lexington, Ky. Ward (William E.) House [Ward's Folly], Port

Clay (Henry) Monument (J. W. Adams), XI:4:19 Chester, XI:2:24; XX:l:34-37; illus. XX:l:34-37



Albert Memorial [Monument] (G. G. Scott), "Moonrakers," XII:1:14

XV:2:29; XIX:4:165 Moore, Alexander, 18th c., of Natchez, XIV:4:29
Cenotaph, Whitehall (E. L. Lutyens), 111:4:48 Moore, Charles, 1855-1942, and C. McKim, XI:2:11;

Monument to the Great Fire, XII:3:24 and McMillan Commission, IV: 1:35,36,37,38,40

Margraten, Neth. Daniel H. Burnham, Architect, Planner of Cities,

American Military Cemetery and Memorial IV: 1:3; XI:2:11

(Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott), Life and Times of Charles Folien McKim, IV: 1:35
XVII:3:30 Moore, Edith Wyatt, XV:2:27

New York (City) Moore, Francis, 18th c XX:2:49-50

Statue of Liberty Moore, John, Sir
Base (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14] Writing School of see London: Christ's Hospital
Statue (F. A. Bartholdi), XII: 1:8; XX: 1:37 Moore, Mary see Buckland, Mary Moore

Philadelphia Moore, William, 18th c of Accotink, Va., XIII:2:4

Washington Monument, XVII:3:32; XVIII:4:163 Moorehead, Singleton P., discovery of 17th c. room,
Port-Vendres, France Tidewater, Va., X:2:19; and Williamsburg
Monument to Louis XVI (C. de Wailly), Restoration, IX:3:24; XVIII:4:164
XVI: 1:20-21 'Tazewell Hall: A Report on Its Eighteenth-Century

Portugal Appearance," XIV: 1:14-17

Monuments to memory of Joo V [John V], Moorish architecture, XX:2:88
XV:3:20 Gibraltar, XIII:l:27-28

Princeton, N.J. Spain, IV:3/4:21; XV: 1:6

Battle Monument, IV:3/4:59 Moorish style, VIII:l/2:35-36; XII:4:16

Rome (City) Moot halls

Heroon Romuli, XII:3:6 See also City halls; Courthouses, Courtrooms, etc.
Andover, Engl., XLL13


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Moot halls - Morris

Moot halls ( Cont.) Moreno, Manuel Gmez see Gmez-Moreno, Manuel

Boston, Mass. Morey, Charles Rufus, 11:2:9

Town House Morgan, d. 1789, brother of Col. George Morgan,

1st, 1657 (T. Joy), X:2:20 XVIII: 1:24
2d, 18th c XIII: 1:11 Morgan, Benjamin, fl. 1838, Ohio bldr., XII:2:8
New Buckenham, Engl., XIX:2:77; illus. XIX:2:77 Morgan, F. C., librarian at Hereford Cathedral Library,
fig 3 XVII:2:22 n29

Sudbury, Engl., XI:1:13; illus. XI:1:11 Morgan, George, 18th c Col., XVIII:l:21-26

Mora, Juan Gmez de see Gmez de Mora, Juan Morgan, John, 18th c., Dr., XVIII:4:164

Morales y Molina, Antonio Ruiz, V:[24] n3 Morgan, John Pierpont

Morando, Bernardo, XX:3:150 Library of see New York (City): Pierpont Morgan

Morant Point, Jam. Library

Lighthouse (A. Gordon), XVI: 1:12 Manor House of see Wall Hall

Morard, Abbott of Cluny, 990-1014 A.D., XVII:3:8 Morgan, Jorge see Morgan, George, 18th c Col.
Moravia Morgan, Julia, as native Californian, X:3:18,20; style

Architecture, IV:3/4:25-35 passim f' X:3:20

Moravian Church [Herrnhuter; Unitas Fratrum; United Hearst Hacienda, Pleasanton

Brethren] Additions, X:3:21

Architecture Rides etc Xl-2-27 Hearst Mansion, San Simeon, X:3:20

First Moravian Church, Philadelphia Howard <J' G> Residence, Berkeley

1819-20, Broad St. (W. Strickland) Additions, X:3:20; illus. X:3:[19]

Drawing of (J. C. Trautwine, attrib.), ** Residence, Berkeley, illus. X:3:[ 19]

XVII-3-32- XVIII-4-162 Western Women s Club, San Francisco, X:3:20

1855-56, Franklin and Wood Sts. (J. C. ^'s,pty ,C,lub' Berkeley- X:3:2
Trautwine), XVIII:4:161-163; illus. YWCA, Honolulu, X:3:20

XVIII-4 162 fig 2 Morgan, Penelope, XVII:2:22 n29

Log cabins, Moravian Village, Schoenbrunn, Ohio,

XII:2:4; illus. XII:2:[6] fig 2
Moravian Meeting House, N.Y., XI:2:21

Western State Asylum for the Insane (S. Sloan),



Moravian Mission Houses ... ,

Bethlehem, Pa., XIV:1:29Morin,

Pierre Louis

Saint Croix, V.l., XIV: 1:28-29

... , . .... Church, Laprairie, XIV:3:14 nl7

Moravian schoolhouse, Oley Valley, Pa., St. Patnck-SF[St. Patrice], Montreal (and F. Martin),




Archives, Records, etc. . . . , . _ ,

Q .1,1 1. d ,1/ c, vn, Monsset, Gerard, XIV:3:9 capt. fig 1

Bethlehem, Pa., V:3 4:5 ; XII:2:4 Morizet, XVIII:1:35

Winston-Salem, IV:3/4:51 Morlaix, Bernard of see Bernard of Cluny

Colonies Morley, fl. 1832, Earl of, XVI:4:22

Schoenbrunn, Ohio Morley, fl. 1835, of Hudson, Ohio
Moravian Village, XII:2:4 House of> XII;2;13
Seminaries Morley, Engl.

Barby, Ger., XV:4:29 Crank Miu> VlIl:l/2:4; illus. VIII:l/2:pl I fig 1

Moravian Historic Area see Bethlehem, Pa. Mormon Church [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day

Morbito, Joseph, XIII:2:30 Saints], VII:3/4:32; XIX:3:109-114 passim

Mordwinoff, Admiral Count, XX:3:137 Architecture, Bldgs., etc., XV:4:3

Mordwinoff, Countess of, XX:3:137 nil Kirtland Ohio

More, Paul Elmer, IX:4:[20] Mormon Temple, VII:3/4:32; XIX:3:109

More, Thomas, XIX: 1:39 Nauvoo, 111.

Moreau, Charles Mormon Temple, XIX:3:110-112,114; illus.

National Column, Paris, design, XVII:1:22; illus. XIX:3:110 fig 2; 111 figs 3,4
XVII: 1:21 fig 4 Morpeth stone, XIX:4:165

Moreau, Joseph, on St. Bnigne at Dijon, XVII:3:3 Morrill, 19th c., U.S. Sen., VII:l/2:20

Moreira, Jorge Machado, XVII:2:31 Morris, 19th c. lime and cement supplier, see Brown
Ministry of Education and Public Health, Rio de and Morris; Morris and Warner
Janeiro (and others), XVII:2:30,31; XX:2:95 Morris,/. 1832, "De/t."

University City, University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Renderings, Girard College competition drawings

XVII:2:31 (W. Strickland), XVI:2:26; illus. XVI:2:21 fig 2

Moreira, Jos

Santa Clara, Guimares

Faade, XV:3.-8

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Morris - Morrison

Morris, Benjamin Wistar France, XIX:4:148 n30; infl. on German

Metropolitan Opera House, N.Y. architecture, 11:3:12; and Gothic Revival,
Designs, IV:1:53; X:l:l 1-17; XVIII:2:54-55 XIII:3:25; emphasis on handicraft, 11:1:32; and
1927, 57th St. revival of medieval methods of production,
Metropolitan Opera House (and J. Urban), XIII:3:24,25; as poet, XIX:4:147 n22; and "Queen
X: 1:11 Anne" revival, IX:4:17; R. S. Peabody on (quote),

1927, 63d St. IX:4:17; and Pre-Raphaelites, XIX:4:163; and

Metropolitan Opera House [and Century preservation, 1:3/4:10,11; IV:2:34-36; and Rossetti,
Theater Site], X:l:l 1-12; XVIII:2:55; XIX:4:145,147 n22; follower of Ruskin, 1:3/4:10;
illus. X: 1 :[13] fig 1; XVIII:2:55 fig 1 XIX:4:145; and the Society for the Protection of
1928, 5th Ave. Ancient Monuments, 1:3/4:10; IV:2:34; and G. E.
Metropolitan Opera House and Square, Street, XIX:4:145,147 n22,148,149 n34; J. Twyman
X:l:12; XVIII:2:55; illus. X:l:[13] fig 3; as follower of, XIX:1:9; and P. Webb, IX:4:15;
XVIII:2:55 fig 2 XIX:4:145,147,148 n30

1929, 5th Ave. Articles and Books on, XIV:2:25; Japanese, XVI:4:36
Metropolitan Opera House and Square, Works (Books, Essays, etc.,), XIV:2:25
X:l:16; illus. X:l:[14] fig 5 Architecture and History, IV:2:34-35
Morris, Charles, 1869-1930 see Walker and Morris Westminster Abbey, IV:2:34,35-36
Morris, David B., 19th c., of Pittsburgh, XVII:l:29nlO Works (Bldgs., Decoration, etc.)
Morris, Deborah Decorative work, XIX:4:145,163,147 n22

House of, Philadelphia, XVI:4:12 Red House, Bexley Heath (and P. Webb), IX:4:15;

Morris, Edwin B., X:l:27 XIX:4:147,170; XX:3:149; illus. XIX:4:171

Morris, Frederick K., VII:3/4:6,7,8 fig 25
Morris, George Maurice, IV: 1:54 Union Hall, Oxford

House of see Washington, D.C.; The Lindens Ceiling painting, XIX:4:147 n22
Morris, Gouverneur Vinland, Newport

City plan, N.Y., (with S. De Witt and J. Interior decorations, XVIII:2:68

Rutherford), 111:1/2:41 Morris, Mrs. William see Morris, Jane Burden

Morris, J. H., 18th c. carpenter Morris and Warner, 19th c. lime and cement suppliers,
Drawings, XX:3:126 no.9 and n3 XX:4:196 nl4

Morris, Jane Burden [Mrs. William Morris], Morrison, D.

XIX:4:149n34 Tennessee State Bank, Nashville [W. Strickland,
Morris, Lloyd, XIV:1:21 attrib.], 11:2:34
Morris, Luke Wistar Morrison, Hugh, study of American architecture,

House of see Philadelphia: Reynolds-Morris House VI:3/4:36; VIII:1/2:135; letter from M. W.

Morris, Robert, fl. 1728-1761, XV:4:31 Barley, XI:4:36; on Chicago movement,
Books, XX:3:119 XII:3:30; at Dartmouth, IV:3/4:51; VI:3/4:36;

Architecture Improved..., XX:3:121,128 no.52 G. G. Elmslie on, XX:3:141; Guggenheim

Essay in Defence of Ancient Architecture..., fellow, VI:3/4:36; VIIL1 / 2:135; and HABS
XX:3:128 no.54 recording of Connecticut Valley, XIX:3:119; on
Essay on Harmony as It Relates Chiefly to P. Harrison, XVIII:4:158 n2; on H. H.
Situation and Building (attrib.), XX:3:128nl7 Richardson, XVII:1:36; on L. Sullivan,
Lectures on ArchitectureConsisting of Rules XVII:1:36; XIX:2:64; XX:1:16,18; on F. L.
Founded upon Harmonick and Arithmetical Wright, XVII: 1:36; XIX:2:64; and Yale
Proportions in Building, XX:3:128 no.53 exhibition, "Books and Buildings, 1449-1949,"

The Modern Builder's Assistant. .. (with J. and W. VIII:l/2:67

Halfpenny and T. Lightoler), XX:3:126 no.22 Articles, Books, etc.
Rural Architecture, X:l:4 "Architecture of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Select Architecture..., X: 1:4-10 passim; Centuries," in M. Davidson and W. H.
XX:3:128 no.55 Pierson, Jr., Arts of the United States,
Designs, X:l:4-10 passim; illus. X:l:[5] figs 2,4,6; XX:3:150

[6] fig 7; 7 figs 9,13,14 Early American Architecture from the First Colonial
Morris, Robert, 1734-1806 Settlements to the National Period
Mansion of, Philadelphia, XII:3:30; XX:1:23 Rev. by V. J. Scully, Jr., XII:2:29-30
Morris, Roger, 18th c. Introd. to L. Sullivan, Democracy: A Man Search,
Mansion of [Jumel Mansion], N.Y., IV:3/4:57 IX:l/2:38
Morris, William, architectural philosophy, 111:3:25; Louis Sullivan: Prophet of Modern Architecture,
X:3:8,13 nl8; XVII:1:36; XVII:4:25; XIX:4:145; IX:l/2:38; XIV:2:19

XX:3:147; and Art Nouveau, XIV:2:18; biogr. Reviews

data, XIX:4:147n22,149n34; and E. Burne-Jones, Purcell, W. G., IV:2:12

XIX:4:147 n22; advocates design reform, Wright, F. L., XX:3:140-142
XIII:3:24; on Eiffel Tower, XVI:4:28; trips to

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Morrison - Moscow

Morrison, Hugh [Cont.) Tunis

Review Roman mosaic from Carthage, Bardo Museum,

Szarkowski, J., The Idea of Louis Sullivan, XX:2:79; illus. XX:2:79 fig 2


Morrison, Mrs. Hugh, XX:3:141 Arkhangel' ski Sobor [Cathedral of St. Michael the
Morrow, Hugh, XIX:2:58 n6,60 n20 Archangel] (Alevisio Novi), XVI:1:31; XVI:2:13

Morse, Samuel F. B., as landscape painter, 111:3:23; Armoury [Oruzheinaya Palata]

founder of National Academy of Design, ^rt Collection, XVI: 1:31

VIII:3/4:5; graduate of Tapping Reeve Law Bezytnjannaja Tower First XVI: 1:31

School X-4-20 Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, XVI: 1:31;

XVI:2:6,12,13,14-15; XVII:3:34; illus. XVI:2:15

fig 11

Mortar, VII:3/4:7-8,34; XIV:3:15; XVII:4:2-8 passim;


Church of the Intercession, XVI:2:14

Albert, X:A29-30 Cathedral of St. Michael see Moscow:
Morton (Albert) House [Lermond (Charles) House], Arlrhanoel' Wir Snhnr

Thomaslon. X:4:29; X:4:[28J Hg 7 ^bX,Ud,,i<,. XVU:3,

Walsh (Robert) House, Thomaston, X:4:[31] Cathedral of the Assumption see Moscow: UspenskiT
Watts (Capt. Alfred) House, Thomaston, X:4:29-30 Sobor
Morton, William, 17th c., of Kent Co., Del., IX:3:23 Cathedral of the Dormition see Moscow: Uspenski
Morton, N.Y. Sobor

School House, XV:2:15 Centrosoyus [Palace of the Cooperatives] (Le

Mortuaries Corbusier), XX:2:94

Allegheny County Mortuary, 1908, Pittsburgh (F. J. Church of the Intercession see Moscow: Cathedral of
Osterling), XVI:3:28n21 St. Basil the Blessed: Church of the Intercession

Daphne (Nicholas) Funeral Chapels, San Francisco City plan, Maps, Views, etc., 11:1:23 n;
(F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 IV: 1:23,27,28,30; VIII:3/4:9; IX:l/2:35; illus.
Mortuary chapel, Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia IV:l:[22a] fig 3

(J. Notman), XV:2:20 Project (Le Corbusier), XVIII:3:92

Mortuary architecture see Mausoleums, Sepulchural Faceted Palace see Moscow: Granovitaja Palata
monuments, Tombs, etc. Fortifications, XVI: 1:31
Morven see Princeton, N.J. Granovitaja Palata [Faceted Palace] (M. Ruffo and

Moryson, Fynes, on Pratolino, XX:4:157,158,162 n31 P- A. Solario), XVI:1:31; XVI:2:13,16

Mosaics Historical Museum (V. Sherwood), XVI:2:9

See also Tiles Ivan Velikij

Albano Tower (Bono and P. Malyj), XVI:1:31
Floor mosaic under Villa of Pompey, XX:2:83; Kremlin, IV:1:28; VIII:3/4:9; XVI: 1:31; XVI:2:6,8;

illus. XX:2:83 fig 11 XX: 1:43

Aschaffenburg Castle MaPs see Moscow: City plan, Maps, Views, etc.

Pompejanum Municipal Duma (M. Chichagov), XVI:2:9

Mosaic medallions (K. Richard), XIV:3:3 *e,w Kremlin Palace (Bazhenov), XVI:2:30

Bethlehem kol skaja Tower, XVI: 1:31

Church of the Nativity (Ephraim), 111:4:44 Oruzhemaya Palata see Moscow: Armoury
R t" yy.i.AA Palace of the Cooperatives see Moscow: Centrosoyus

ine, Palace of the
Granovitaja Palata

Umayyad Mosque, 111:4:43,44; illus. III:4:[32a] ^Collection,^1:1:31

fig 2 Petrovskaja Tower, XVI: 1:31

Eng]!sh Red Square, XVI: 1:31

Minton Co., XIV:3:4 St. Basil the Blessed see Moscow: Cathedral of St.
Istanbul Basil the Blessed

Hagia Sofia, IV:3/4:5 St. John the Precursor, D'jakovo see D'jakovo, Russ.
Jerusalem, IV.-3/4:4 St. Michael's Cathedral see Moscow: Arkhangel'ski



Pompeii, 111:3:26 Saviour in the Wood [Spas na Boru], XVI:1:31

Ravenna Transfiguration icon, XVI:1:31
Mosaic depiction of Palace of Theodoric, Sant' Saviour's Tower

Apollinare Nuovo, XX:2:82,83; illus. XX:2:82 Top (C. Galloway) XVI: 1:31

fig 9 Spas na Boru see Moscow: Saviour in the Wood

Sukharev Tower, XVI:2:30

Towers, XVI: 1:31


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Moscow - Mudjar churches

Uspenski Sobor [Cathedral of the Assumption; Mount Pleasant, mansion, see Philadelphia: Mount
Cathedral of the Dormition] (A. Fioravante Pleasant

[Fieravanti] ), XVI:1:31; XVI:2:13 Mount Savage, Md.

Royal Baldachin, XVI: 1:31 Iron furnace, IX:3:27
Views see Moscow: City plan, Maps, Views, etc. Mount Vernon, Ohio

Vodovozvodskaja Tower, XVI:1:31 Curtis (Henry B.) House, XVI:4:32

Walls see Moscow: Fortifications Mount Vernon, Va., G. W. P. Custis tried to buy,
Moser, Gerald X:2:ll; proximity to Gunston Hall, XIII:2:3;
Short rev. of Archivo Espahol de Arte, Nos. 113, 115, W. M. Macomber at, IX:3:24; X:2:21; B. Sears
XVI:3:35 work at, XIII:2:3-4; infi. on Tallmadge House,
Moser, John, 19th c. architect, use of word Litchfield, X:4:21; C. C. Wall on, 11:4:41; X:2:21;
"skyscraper," XVIII A: 133-134 G. Washington as gentleman-architect at,
Moser, Koloman, 11:3:13 XIII:2:25; Lund Washington at, 1783, X:2:21;
Moses, John proximity to Woodlawn Plantation, X:2:21
History of Chicago (and J. Kirkland, jt. eds.), 11:4:17 Banquet Hall (J. Rawlins), X:2:16-18; illus. X:2:17

Moses, Robert, 1:3/4:31-32; VIII:3/4:16 Carriage entrance doors, XIX:3:119n6

Mosher, James, bricklayer and designer, XX:2:76 Conservatory, X:2:21

Moslem architecture see Islamic architecture; Mughal Flankers [detached wings for kitchen and office],


Mosques, 111:4:35-48 passim Locks, XIX:3:118n4,119n6

Cordoba, IV:3/4:21,23 New Room

Dome, XV:2:7 Ceiling (J. Rawlins), XX:3:133-134




Pearl Mosque, XVII:3:9n29 Restoration, 1:3/4:15; X:2:21; X:4:33-35

Istanbul [Constantinople] Roof, XI:4:34
Blue Mosque of Ahmed I, XX:1:44 Stable, 16-sided, XII: 1:22
Moss, J. Mora Wooden siding, IX:3:24
Cottage of see Oakland, Calif.: Moss (J. Mora) Mount Vernon Ladies Association, 1:3/4:15; X:2:21
Cottage Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, IV:1:38,39
Mossman, S XIII:2:14 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, painting (Hassam), 11:3:33
Mota, Eugnio da, XV:3:16 Mountain, architectural symbolism of, XII:4:5-6;






"Mother Goose" architecture, XVI:3:28 Church, IV:3/4:40

Motherwell, Robert Mowatta dwellings, XIX: 1:29

Collages, XVII:3:35 Moxon, Joseph

Mo-ti, IX:1 /2:5 Mechanick Exercises, XX:3:115,120

Motolinia, Friar, XIV:4:3 Practical Perspective, or Perspective Made Easie,

Mould, Jacob Wrey, XI:2:10 XX:3:128 no.56

Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. (and C. Vaux), The Theory and Practice of Architecture; or Vitruvius
VI:1/2:[1] and nl and Vignola Abridg'd, XX:3:128 no.57
Mound Plantation see Mount Locust Vignola; or The Compleat Architect, XX:3:128 nl9
Mounds and mound bldrs. Moya, Luis de, V:6 n40
Ohio, XIV:4:23; illus. XIV:4:25 fig 1 Mozambique

Mounster, XX:4:157 City plan, XIV:4:7,10

Mount Airy (J. Ariss), XIII:2:4,8 Map (G. Taumaturgo de Brito), XIV:4:10; illus.




Churches, IV:3/4:26-28,29,30,33-34 Mozarabic churches, IV:3/4:21 n33; XVI:4:2

Mount Clare see Baltimore, Md. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, music of, mirrored by
Mount Enterprise, Tex. architecture, XVI:2:31
Birdwell (Doctor) House, ca. 1840 [refs. to fig 3], Bastien et Bastienne, XI:2:27
XI:4:2,[7] nn30,33; illus. XI:4:[5] fig 3 Mshatta
Ross House, ca. 1846, XI:4:2-3 Palace of, XX:2:88
Mount Laurel, N.J. Mstislav of Chernigov, Prince, XVI:2:30
Meeting House, 1760, VII:3/4:31 Mtzchet
Mount Locust [Ferguson (William) House; Mound Church, IV:3/4:31,32
Plantation], Miss., XIV:1:30-31 Mucharabies, V:[21]

Mount McGregor, N.Y. Mudjar brick, XII:2:31

Grant (U. S.) Cottage, IV:2:38 Mudjar churches, XVII:4:40

Mount Mykale, XIII :4:9


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Mudjar decoration and ornament - Munsell

Mudjar decoration and ornament see Decoration and Mullgardt, William W. Oscar see Russell, Mullgardt,
ornament: Mudjar Schwarz, Van Hoefen
Mueller, Max Multatuli see Eguiguren, Luis L.
House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24; illus. XII:4:[23] Multi-cupola churches, XVI:2:12
fig 8 Mumford, Lawrence Quincy, XVII: 1:30
Mller, Theodor Mumford, Lewis, on need for study of American

The Rococo Age, Art and Civilization of the industrial architecture, 1870-1910, IV:3/4:50; on
Eighteenth Century (with A. Schnberger and Architectural Review, London, IV:3/4:50; on Bay

H. Soehner) Region Style, X:3:6; XX:4:204; on Berkeley

Brief rev., XIX:4:184 School, IV:3/4:50; on history of community
Mnster planning and housing, 11:4:38; application of

Gothic Church, XIX:4:148 n31 historical research to contemporary problems,

Muensterschwarzach, Abbot of, XII:4:12 11:1:4-5; on domestic architecture of Washington

Mntz, XX: 1:40 and Baltimore, IV:3/4:50; on Fresh Meadows,
Mnzer, Zdenka, IV:3/4:48 X:4:22; awarded Howard Memorial Medal,
"Medieval Church Architecture in Walachia, " VII:l/2:48; on modern architecture, XIV:4:31; on
IV:3/4:24-35 St. Louis preservation project, 1:3/4:26; on the

Mstail, Switz. [Mistail] skyscraper, XVIII:4:127 n5

Church, 8th c XIX:4:176 The Brown Decades, 11:3:18-23; XIV:1:18

Mughal architecture (see also Islamic architecture), Culture of Cities, 111:1/2:8
corner columns in, XVII:3:9 n29 Foreward to Lethaby, W. R., Form in Civilization,
Goswami, A. (ed.). Glimpses of Mughal Architecture XVI:2:32
Rev. by P. R. Myer, XVIII:4:168 Review

Lancaster, Clay, "A Critique on the Taj Mahal," Rosenau, H., The Ideal City, in Its Architectural

XV:4:7-11 Evolution, XIX: 1:38-39

Mugnier Mun, Lewis de see De Mun, Lewis

Photograph of "Versailles," St. Bernard Parish, La., Mundie, William B. (see also Jenney and Mundie),
illus. XIII: 1:24 fig 2 XVI:1:15

Mugnone, grotto statue at Pratolino, Mundo grfico, Madrid, XVIII:3:76

XX:4:158,160,161,162 n30,166 n51; Munger, Averton E., 11:2:34

illus. XX:4:159 fig 5 Munggenast, Joseph
Muhammad ai-Malik al Nasir, 111:4:34 Abbey Church, Melk (and J. Prandtauer), XIX:1:41
Muirhead Church, Herzogenburg, XIX: 1:41



Mujica, Francesco, on Home Insurance Bldg., Chicago, Allerheiligen Hofkirche (L. von Klenze), 11:3:9
XVIII:4:131 n 17; on Masonic Temple Bldg., Amalienburg
Chicago, XVIII:4:133; on skyscraper, XII:3:30; Reiche Zimmer (Cuvillis), V:45
XVIII:4:130 nl4,137,138 Asam Kirche [S. Johannes-Nepomuk] (Asam

Mukarnas, IV:3/4:49 Brothers), XVI:4:36

Mulberry Castle, S.C., XVI:2:17; XVII:2:32; XVII:4:36 City Hall (G. J. von Hauberisser), 11:3:11

Mule, machine (S. Crompton), VIII:l/2:3 Knigliche Baugewerksschule, XIV:1:18

Muller, Jean Louis Herbert [T.-L. H. Muller], Ludwig Church (F. Grtner), 11:3:9
IX: 1/2:38 Nymphenburg Palace, XVII: 1:36

Muller, Paul, XX:3:141 Propylen (L. von Klenze), XIV:3:3

Mullett [Mullet], Alfred B., as U.S. Supervising Residenztheater (Cuvillis), XVI:2:31; XIX:4:184
Architect, XX:4:198 Rococo exhibition, 1958, XIX:4:184

Post Office, N.Y., XII:1:21; XIV:l:25n34; S. Johannes-Nepomuk see Munich; Asam Kirche

XVI: 1:18 n 105; illus. XII:1:19 fig 12 Supreme Court (F. Thiersch), 11:3:11
State, War and Navy Bldg., 1871, Old, Washington, Municipal architecture see subject heading Public

X:2:24 architecture and specific types of bldgs., e.g. City

Mullgardt, Louis Christian, use of color, X:3:20; and halls; Post offices
H. H. Richardson, X:3:18 Municipal Art movement, IX:l/2:35n2
Court of Ages, Panama Pacific International "Municipal Politics in 1117," by K. J. Conant, XV: 1:4

Exposition, 1915, San Francisco, X:3:20 Munn, William H 19th c. lawyer, XV:4:21 n51
Fore (Charles W.) Residence, Piedmont, illus. Munn and Co., of N. Y, XV:4:21 n51
X:3:[19] Munning's Point Bridge, Sudbury, Mass., XI:1:8,9
Savoy Hotel, London, X:3:20 Munro, John, fl. 1851, XV:2:16
Taylor (Henry W.) Estate, Berkeley, X:3:20; illus. Munro, Leroy, XV:2:16
X:3:17 Munsell, Joel, 111:1/2:39 nl

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Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute - Museums and Museum bldgs.

Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute see Utica, N.Y. California

Munster, Ger. see Mnster Sam Hill's Folly [Maryhill Museum], XIX:4:180
Munzer, Zdenka see Miinzer, Zdenka Cambridge, Mass.
Mur Fogg Art Museum (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch

Church, XIV: 1:6 and Abbott), 1:3/4:11; IV:3/4:7; VI:3/4:21;

Mural painting see Frescoes, Mural painting, etc. XVII:3:26

Murat, Joachim, XIX:4:141 Charleston, S.C.

Murcia, Spain Charleston Museum, 1:3/4:21; 11:4:30

La Merced Gibbes Art Gallery, 1:3/4:22; 11:1:37

Pendentive domes, nave chapels, XX:1:33 nl7 Cincinnati

Murdoch, fl. 1844, of Baltimore, XVI: 1:29 Xaft Museum

Murdock, 19th c. Baltimore bldr., VIII:1/2:128 "Early Architecture of the Ohio Valley; an
Murillo, G. Kubier and M. Soria on, XIX:4:177; Exhibition . .. from February 8 to April 6,
paintings stolen from Cathedral of Seville, 1942," 11:1:35-36
VI:3/4:20 House, 1820 [Baum (Martin) House; Longworth
St. Peter Liberated by the Angel, painting, VI:3/4:20 House; sinton House], 11:1:36;

"Muro, Maestro da" see Alevisio Novi VI:3/4:18,21; XII:2:8; illus. XII:2:[7] fig 11
Murphy, of Jefferson, Tex. Columbus, Ohio

House of, XI:4:[6] nl Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts

Murphy, Katharine Prentis, XVII: 1:18 n 1 Effinger House woodwork> XVI:4:31

Murray John, 4th EarlofDunmore, see Dunmore, 0hio Historical Society Museum, IV:3/4:51

John Murray, Lord Darmstadt

MT^JhRn H VUIJ8n Landesmuseum (A. Messel), 11:3:11

'The Philadelphia Row Houses, XVI:4:8-13 Desi ProJectS) etc

Musasir, Urartu [Ararat] Dance, G, Jr.

Temple of the Great God, XII:4:5 . j me-,

-, , . . . ... , . Art gallery design, 1762, XIV:4:13
The Museum of American Architecture, A Progress r, , , ,, - , ,,, , ,,

n ,,, , c d , rlie Delano and Aldrich, IV: 1:53

Report, by C. E. Peterson, 1:3/4:24-26 T C h '

and Museum bldgs. .. r usier . , f D ,Q11 1QV7 vv _ -,
, ...... ... . , . . Museum projects for Pans, 1931, 1937, XX:2:95
See also Exhibition bldgs.; Historic house ,, ... . . ,. ,
Museum of American Architecture, proposed,
museums; Outdoor museums






Le Centre Culturel

Street, G. E.

Museum (Le Corbusier), XX:2:95 Oxford University Museum Project,

Andover, Mass. XIX:4:150n36,153-154,161; illus.
Addison [Additon] Gallery of American Art XIX.4.153 fig 4
"Exhibition of 'Architecture in Painting,' " troit
II-3-32-33 Art Museum (p- P- Cret)> 1:2:3

Baltimore, Md. ^r,s^e!, . -r,- r ....

Baltimore Museum of Art Gemaldegalene [Picture Gallery of Augustus III],

Wainscot from 'The Abbey," XIII:2:4 . IV:2:23

Peale Museum see Baltimore, Md.: Peale Museum Edinburgh

Walters Art Gallery Ryal Scottish Museum

St Denis heads IV-3/4 7 Wooden mask from Saibai, XIX: 1:28,30; illus.

Berlin' ' ' XIX: 1:28 fig 7

Museum of Applied Arts (M. Gropius), 11:3:11 Florence

Neue Museum (A. Messel), 11:3:11 Museo Nazionale [Palazzo del Bargello]

Bolzano Fenestration, XVII:3:20

Museum, 20th c., IX:4:26 n Painting of (Isabey), 11:3:33
gonn Satyr from Pratolino (G. Bologna, attrib.),


Excavations in Breberen and Doveren, XVII:2:3 Museo Storico Topografico

Boston, XIII-2-22 Lunettes of Medicean villas (G. Utens),



Albright Art Gallery View of Pratolino (G. Utens),

Exhibition of Buffalo Architecture, XIII:3:32 XX:4:155,157,158,159,160,161; illus.

Good Design Is Your Business, VIII:3/4:47 XX:4:157 fig 2




Arabic Museum Drawing of Porta Pia, Rome (G. Dosio),

Sultan Hasan Chandelier, 111:4:35 XIX:3:103; XIX:3:103 fig 13


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Museums and Museum bldgs. - Museums and Museum bldgs.

Museums and Museum bldgs. (Cont.) Museum of Modern Art see New York (City):





Ufflzi Museum of the City of New York, IX:4:23

Drawings for Pratolino, XX:4:159-161,163; illus. New York Historical Society see New York (City):
XX:4:159 fig 5; 160 figs 8,9; 163 fig 14 New York Historical Society

Porta dei Supplichi (B. Buontalenti), XV:3:7 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (F. L. Wright),

Gallipolis, Ohio XIX:3:130,131; XX:2:95; XX:3:150

Gallia County Historical Society Museum ["Our Studio Bldg. (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:11 ; illus. XI:2:[12]
House"], 11:1:36 figs 6,7

Hagen, Ger. Northampton, Mass.

Folkwang Museum (H. van de Velde), 11:3:12 Smith College Museum of Art

Jacksonville, Or. Crystal Palace Exhibit, X:4:36

Southern Oregon Historical Society Museum, Oberlin

XII:4:25 Oberlin College Art Museum, VII:3/4:[4]

Kansas City, Mo. Oxford, Engl.

Nelson Gallery of Art and Atkins Museum Ashmolean Museum [Taylor and Randolph
Asiatic Collections, XVI:3:32 Bldgs.] (C. R. Cockerell), XIX:4:150
Kerch, Russ., illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 17 Drawings, Cat. nos. 80,81, XIX:3:102n21
Le Grand-Saconnex, Switz. Science Museum, XX:3:149
Mundaneum (Le Corbusier), 111:3:19; XX:2:95 University Museum
London Bldg. (Deane and Woodward), VI:3/4:34;
British Museum see London: British Museum XIX:4:153,159,160

National Gallery, VIII:3/4:6 <G- E Street>> XIX:4:150 n36,

Shakespearean Gallery (G. Dance, Jr.), 153-154,161; illus. XIX:4:153 fig 4
XIV-4-22 n52 Oxford, Ohio

Soane Museum Miami University

Coner Codex, XIII:3:10 n8; XVIII:1:13 Museum of American Architecture, XII:3:32

Drawings for Newgate Gaol, XIX:2:88 Palermo

Victoria and Albert Pa,azzo Abbatell,s'
Adamesque stove, XX:l:26n27

Ecole des Beaux Arts

Method of recording dates, XII:3:25 v,

Whitechapel Art Gallery (C. H. Townsend), , Museum <* F Duban), XIX:4:182

XVIII:2:66,68; illus. XVIII:2:67 fig 1; 69 fig 5 Louvre w Pans: Louvre

Madrid Musee des Monuments Franais, in Couvent des

pracj0 Petits Augustins, rue Bonaparte, 1:2:6
'portr. of Charles V (Titian), V:9 n57 Museum projects, 1931, 1937 (Le Corbusier),

Maryhill Museum [Sam Hill's Folly], Calif., 0,..

XIX-4180 Philadelphia
xSC0W rr\ r, o , , XX:1:12-13; illus. XX:1:13 fig 20
Armoury Oruzheinaya Pa ata] Peale (Charles wiUson) Museum> XI:3:25.
Art Collection, XVI. 1.31 XIV:2:[5]; XX:1:25; illus. XI:3:24

., Art Union Gallery, 208-210 Chestnut St.,

Historical Museum (V. Sherwood), XVI:2:9 Philadelphia Museum of Art [Pennsylvania

Mystic, Conn. Museum of Art], 1:3/4:11,15,16; IX:l/2:35

Mystic Manne Museum, XII:3:27 Arensberg Collection, X:l:28
Johnson Collection

Museo Nazionale, 111:3:26 Painting, ca. 1426 (Andrea di Giusto, attrib.),

Orestes and Electra sculpture, XII:4:15 XVIII113 14

New Haven Lansdowne House (R. Adam)

Trumbull Gallery, Yale University (J. Trumbull), Drawing room, XIII:2:7

VIII:3/4:5-6; XIV:2:11 nl5; illus. Plymouth, Mass., 1:1:22

VHI:3/4:pl II fig 4 pompeii

New Orleans Museum at the Porta Marina, 111:3:26

Newcomb College Art School Gallery Portland Or

Exhibition of the works of H. Howard, 1952, Art Museum
XI:4:21 Exhibition of Architecture, 1860-1900, XI:1:31
New York (City) Providence
American Museum of Natural History (C. Vaux), Rhode island School of Design Museum of Art

VI: 1 /2:[1] and nl Cluny portal figure, IV:3/4:7

Metropolitan Museum of Art see New York Exhibition of Rhode Island Architecture
(City): Metropolitan Museum of Art Available, 11:2:35-36

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Museums and Museum bldgs. - Myers

Richmond, Va. Corcoran Gallery of Art

Valentine Museum [Wickham-Valentine Mansion] Exhibition, 1945, "Washington After the War,"
(R. Mills), 1:3/4:21 n; 11:2:39; 111:4:28,29 VI:l/2:[30]-32
Rio de Janeiro Dumbarton Oaks Museum (T. T. Waterman),
Museum of Modern Art (A. E. Reidy), XX:2:95 VI:3/4:37
Rockland, Me. Medical Museum, 10th St., VII:l/2:20

Farnsworth Museum, XX: 1:38 The National Gallery of Art [Mellon Gallery] see
Rome (City) Washington, D.C.: The National Gallery of



Fresco of the Via Pia, XIX:3:99,108; illus. Navy Dept. bldg. and naval museum, proposed,



Museo Capitolino Smithsonian Institution see Washington, D.C.:

Bldg., XIV: 1:8; illus. III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 3; XIV:1:9 Smithsonian Institution

fig 1 Weehawken, N.J.

Murals, Apollo and the Muses (Lo Spagna), V:11; Wright's Picture Gallery (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:10
illus (Urania) V:[8b] fig 16b Winterthur, Del.

Museo Nazionale Henry Francis Du Pont Winterthur Museum see

Gate [Portal], XIX:3:107 n37 Winterthur, Del.: Henry Francis Du Pont

Palazzo dei Conservatori, XIV: 1:8 Winterthur Museum

Vatican _ Wrzburg

Papal Museums see Rome (City): Vatican Mainfrnkisches Museum, XII:4:13

Salem, Mass. Musgrave, Arthur, XIX:2:55 n34

Peabody Museum Summer residence of, Truro, XIX:2:55

Francis B. Crowninshield Gallery (Perry, Shaw Music

and Hepburn, Kehoe and Dean), XII:3:28 Medieval, XI:3:10,13-14,16; XVI:3:7,8; XVII:2:28,29

San Francisco ,,,,,, , . Muslim architecture see Islamic architecture

Palace of Fine Arts (B. Maybeck), XI:3:31; illus. Mussolini, avenue of, linking St. Peter's with Tiber,

XIV: 1:10; use of fasces as symbol, XVII: 1:24 nl4;


M. Piacentini as architect of, XVII:2:31

(John and MaWe) Museum Mute Stones Speak... by p. Mackendrick,
Asolo Theatre, XI:2:26-27; illus. XI:2:26 r 1

Mass. Muthesius, Hermann, X:3:13 nl9; XIV:2:18
First Iron Works Association, Inc. . .. _
Mutual Assurance Co., IV:3/4:51

Iron Works [Museum], XII:3:28-29; XIII:3:29

S fi Id Mass ' Mutual Land Emigration Co-operative Colonization

PMuseum of Fine Arts Co" London' VI:l/2:26

Exhibition of French Houses, V:43 ycenae






1 34
Australian Museum

Dirimo carved figure, XIX: 1:29 n28 Mycenaean masonry, XVI:3:24

Syracuse, N.Y. Mycenaean tombs, XVII: 1:33-34

Weighlock Canal Museum, XIX:4:172-173 Myer, John Walden' XVII:1:18 nl

Tokyo Myer, Prudence R.

Commercial Museum [Tatsunokuchi Kankba] Reviews

(T J Waters), XIII:2:15 Devendra, D. T., Classical Singhalese Sculpture,

Cultural Centre and Museum of Western 300 B.C.-A.D. 1000, XVIII:2:71

Contemporary Art (Le Corbusier), XX:2:95 Goswami, A. (ed.), Glimpses of Mughal

junjs Architecture, XVIII:4:168

Bardo [Alaoui] Museum Myers, _/7. 1859, London bldr., XIX:4:163

Roman mosaic from Carthage, XX:2:79; illus. Myers, Denys P., Jr., director of Art Institute,

XX-2-79 fig 2 Zanesville, VIII:1/2:135; XI:4:25; on M. Lafever,

Turin VIII:1 /2:135; X:l:28; on Old Whalers' Church,

Reale Museo dei Monumenti Egiziani, XVII:3:2 Sag Harbor, X:l:28; on I. Rogers, VIII: 1 /2:135;
Utica, N.Y. XI:4:25; XIII:1:28

Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute "The Architectural Development of the Western

Museum Bldg. (P. Johnson), XX:2:95 Floating Palace," XI:4:25-[31]

Viterbo, IV:2:43 Myers, E. E.

Washington, D.C. State Capitol, Austin, 111:3:31

American Museum of the Arts see Washington, Myers, Frederick, Ft. Dearborn soldier
D.C.: Patent Office, 1836-67 Journal, 1832-34, 11:4:12 n49

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Myers (Howard) Memorial Award - Nash

Myers (Howard) Memorial Award, IX:4:28; X:4:36 Mylne, Robert, XIV:4:20,21 n6
Myers, J., 18th c., of Baltimore, XVIII: 1:34 Mystic, Conn.
Mykale, Mount, XIII:4:9 Mystic Marine Museum, XII:3:27

Mylasa [Milas] Mystic numbers see Numbers (Mystic, Symbolic, etc.)

Tomb, XI:3:4; illus. XI:3:[3] fig 14 MyuS, XIII:4:20

Nacogdoches, Tex. Napoleon I, "continental system" of, XX:3:136-137;
Allen Residence, XI:4:[7] n42 coronation of, XVII: 1:22; and Ecole des

Lee Residence, XI:4:2 Beaux-Arts, 1:2:6; fall of, XIX:4:139; nephew of

"The Old House," ca. 1847, XI:4:[7] n26 Cardinal Fesch, VI:3/4:20; forces abdication of

Stern Residence, Lanna St., XI:4:[7] n26 Emperor Francis II, X:2:10nl8; C. N. Ledoux's

Nagasaki attitude to, 111:3:15; looting by victorious forces

Dockyards, XIII:2:15 of, IX:4:26; esteem of commemorative medal,
Roman Catholic Church, 1862-64 [Tenshud], XIV:2:3; perversion of Revolutionary ideals,
XIII:2:14 XVII:1:22; and San Francisco di Paola, Naples,

Nagle, Henry, 18th c., of Baltimore, XVIII:1:34 XIX:4:141; and J. M. Sganzin, XVI:1:17 n79;
Nagy, Lszl Moholy see Moholy-Nagy, Lszl symbolic decorative details under, XVII: 1:24 n 14;
T. T .. , ,,, f ,v , j- . e erects Turin bridge, XIX:4:139; builds Vendme
Nails, burning bldgs. for, IX:3:23; Indians use of, . x7w , , ^ j ^ r,
vwt, . ,, ,, j , TTC II ^ O in io Column, Pans, XV:4:16; XVII:1:22; and C. B.
XVII:4:31,33; industry, U.S., 11:4:9-10,18 ..
3 Wadstrom, IV:2:33

Namangan Bust of XIV:3:4

City plan, illus. VIII:3/4:pl III fig 2b Medal of (Jeuffroy)) illus XIV:2:[5] fig 14

Nammu, XII:4:4 Statue of, Vendme Column, Paris, XVII: 1:22

Nancy Napoleon III [Louis Napoleon], cousin of Prince
Place Royale, 111:1/2:26 Napoleon, XIV:3:4; and Viollet-le-Duc, 1:2:10;



Nancy, ship, XX: 1:23 nl4 Pinkney, D. H Napoleon III and the Rebuilding of

Nanni di Baccio Bigio, XIII:3:11 n25; XIV:4:31 Pans

Porta del Popolo, Rome, XIV: 1:9; XIX:3:106 ^ev' ^ P Jacbus> Jr., XVIII: 1:35-36

j^antes Napoleon, ship, 11:4:12

Napoieonville, La.
Madewood [Pugh (Thomas) Residence] (H. Howard),

Units d'Habitation (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93,94

Nantes, Edict of, IX:3:5,6,7 XI:4:24; illus. XI:4:22 fig [4]

Naples Woodlawn Plantation [Pugh (W. W.) Residence]

Castel Nuovo, IV:2:52 (H. Howard), XI:4:22 capt. fig [4]; illus.
Castel S. Elmo, IV:2:52 XI:4:22 fig [1]
Churches, IV:2:52 Naranco, Spain
City plan, 111:1/2:24 Royal Palace hall, XX:2:84
Colonnades (L. Laperuta), XIX:4:141-142; illus. Nardini, Aristide, on Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore,
XIX:4:141 fig 12 Florence, XVIII:1:11,14,16,17,18

Gerolomini, IV:2:52 Nardo di Rafaeilo de Rossi, XIII:3:8

Ges Nuovo, IV:2:52 Narraganset Indians
Incoronata, IV:2:52 Dwellings, XVII:4:34
Museo Nazionale, 111:3:26 Narson and Dodge, VII: 1/2:29
Orestes and Electra sculpture, XII:4:15 Narvez, Jose

Palazzo Reale, IV:2:52; XIX:4:141 Retable of Jesus Nazareno, Granada Cathedral (with
S. Chiara, IV:2:52 M. F. Raya and F. Rodriguez), XV:1:11 nil
S. Domenico Maggiore, IV:2:52 Naryshkin, Leo, Boyar, XVI:2:15,30

S. Francesco di Paola (P. Bianchi), XIX:4:141-142; Nash, Ernest

illus. XIX:4:141 fig 12; 142 fig 13 Roman Towns

S. Giacomo degli Spagnuoli, IV:2:52 Rev. by P. Zucker, IV:3/4:52-53

S. Giovanni a Carbonara [Carbonarro], IV:2:52 Nash, John, T. S. R. Boase on, XX:3:149; T. Davis on,
S. Paolo Maggiore, IV:2:52 XX: 1:44; use of stucco, XV:4:16
S. Pietro ad Aram, IV:2:52 All Soul's Church, London, IV:2:42
Napoleon, Prince, XIV:3:4-6 Buildings, London, XX:3:136

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Nash - National Evils and Practical Remedies

Cronkhill, XI:2:28; XI:4:19; illus. XI:4:[17] fig 11 Quinta do Freixo, XV:3:7,8,12,14 nn2,4; illus. XV:3:8
Quadrant, 1819-20, London, XVI:4:13 fig 3
Regents Park and Street, London, XIII:4:32 Santo Ildefonso, Oporto
Royal Pavilion, Brighton, XV:4:7; XIX:3:131 Retable, XV:3:14n2

Terraces, London, XVIII:3:120; XVIIL4:168 Nassau balloon, XVI:4:25

Nash, William, fl. 1805, of Hillsboro, N.C., X:l:18 Nassau Hall see Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Nashua, N.H. Nassau-Siegen, Joan Mauritz, Graaf van [John

Canal locks (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:17 Maurice, Count of], XIV:4:10





Cupola (A. Benjamin), X1II:3:17 Architecture, XI:4:9; XIV: 1:30-31; XV:2:27-28

City plan (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:17 Auburn [Harding (Lyman) House] (L. Weeks),
First Church, Old XV:2:27-28; illus. XV:2:28

Cupola (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:17 Billiard Table House, XIV:4:29

Meeting House, Olive St. (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:17 Bloomart House, XIV:1:30
Unitarian Church, XIII:3:19n4 The Briars, XI:4:[6,7] n38

Front (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:17 Catholic Church, early 19th c XV:2:28

Nashua (N.H.) Manufacturing Co., XIII:3:17 City Hall, XV:2:28
Nashville, Tenn. City plan, XIV:4:30
Acklen House (W. Strickland), 11:2:33 Renewal plan (A. Winter), XV:4:4

Bellemeade [Harding House] (W. Strickland), 11:2:33 Connolly's Tavern see Natchez, Miss.: Taverns

Canal (W. Strickland), 11:2:34 Engine House, XV:2:28

First Presbyterian Church (W. Strickland), 11:2:33; ~^ort XIV: 1:30

xin.4 31 Fort Rosalie, XIII: 1:26 n2

Harding House see Nashville, Tenn.: Bellemeade Fortifications, old, XV:2:28

Hermitage [Jackson (Andrew) Home], XV: 1:28 "ardlng

"ouse ** Natchez' M,ss" Auburn
Houses, XIV:4:28-30

Kane (John) Monument (W. Strickland), 11:2:33

c,..,, , .. ... . Longwood [Nutt (Dr. Haller) Villa; Villa in the

Kingsley W. Stnckland, attrib., 11:2:33 . ,L. el . ,,

i .J'a re, , Onental Style] (S. Sloan), XIV:1:31;

Lynnwood [Stratton (Thomas E.) House]

XVIII:3:107-108; XIX:1:34,38; illus. XIV:1:31;

(W. Strickland), 11:2:33

Melrose (W. Strickland, attrib.), 11:2:33 Mark^Hous^vV^1^ ' ^ ^ ?

Polk (James Knox) Monument (W. Strickland), Methodist Mating House, XV:2:28

11:2:33 Nutt (Dr. Haller) Villa see Natchez, Miss.:

Riverwood (W. Stnckland, attrib.), 11:2:33 Longwood

St. Mary's Church (W. Strickland), 11:2:33 Palaces XI-2-28

State Capitol (W. Strickland), 11:2:33,34; 11:3:28; Presbyterian Church (L. Weeks), XV:2:28

XIII:3:Suppl. 2,16; XIV:2:12; XV:4:3 Restoration see Natchez, Miss.: City plan

Stratton (Thomas E.) House see Nashville, Tenn.: Taverns XIV-4-30

Lynnwood Connolly's Tavern, Ellicott's Hill, XIV: 1:30

Tennessee State Bank (D. Morrison [W. Strickland, Villa in the Oriental Style (S. Sloan) see Natchez,

attrib.] ), 11:2:34 Miss.: Longwood

Two Rivers Farm (W. Strickland, attrib.), 11:2:33 Natchez, 1879 steamship, XI:4:[31]; illus. XI:4:[29]

Vanderbilt University fig jq

Medical College and Hospital (Coolidge and Natchez Trace XIV: 1:30
Shattuck), XVII:3:26; illus. XVII:3:27 fig 9 National Academy of Design see New York (City)
Walker (Sarah Ann Gray) Tomb (W. Strickland), National Arboretum see Washington, D.C.

IL2:33 National battlefield sites see United States: National

Nasik, India Memorials, Monuments, Parks, Sites, etc.

Chaitya, 111:4:37; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 7 National Builder, XVIII:4:159,160

al Nasir Muhammad, al-Malik, 111:4:34 National Buildings Record [National Monuments
Nasoni, Nicol, XV:3:7-14 Record], VII:l/2:49

Cathedral, Braga National capitols see Capitols, National

Faade modifications (attrib.), XV:3:8,14n2 National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings see
Cathedral, Lamego Historic Sites and Buildings, National Council for
Rebldg., XV:3:7,8,14 n2 "National Elements in Russian Architecture," by A.
Cathedral, Oporto Voyce, XVI:2:6-16

Additions, XV:3:14n2 National Engineering Congress, Madrid, 1919 see

Clrigos, Church of the, Oporto, XV:3:7 Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria
Misericrdia, Oporto National Evils and Practical Remedies, by J. S.
Faade, XV:3:7,14 nn2,3 Buckingham, XIV:4:26n6

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National Gallery of Art - Negroes in the U.S.

National Gallery of Art see Washington, D.C. Smith (Joseph) Homestead, XIX:3:113; illus.
National Historical Publications Commission, X:3:32 XIX:3:114 fig 12

National Housing and Town Planning Council, of Smith (Joseph) Mansion House, 1842-43,

Great Britain, XVIII:2:50; XVIII:3:79 XIX:3:113,114; illus. XIX:3:114 fig 11

National Institute [Institution] see Washington, D.C.: Taylor Residence (demolished), XIX:3:112
Smithsonian Institution Taylor (John) House [Babbitt (Almon W.) House],
National Memorials, Monuments, Parks, Sites, etc. XIX:3:112-113,114; illus. XIX:3:113 figs 9,10
U.S. see United States: National Memorials, Taylor (John) printing office, XIX:3:113; illus.
Monuments, Parks, Sites, etc. XIX:3:113 fig 10

National Monuments Record see National Buildings Woodruff (Wilford) House, XIX:3:112,114; illus.



National Park Service see United States Young (Brigham) House, XIX:3:112,114; illus.

National Society of Colonial Dames see Colonial XIX:3:112 fig 6

j)ames Naval architecture (see also Ships), W. Whitman on,

National Trust, Engl., C. R. Ashbee promotes XVI: 1:26

cooperation with American organization, Myers, D. P., The Architectural Development of
X: 1:23-24; Lord Crawford on, X:l:27; takes over ,the Western Floating Palace," XI:4:25-[31]
Manor Houses, IV:3/4:55-56; National Trust for Navarino see Pylos
Historic Preservation in the U.S. comparable to, Navarrete, Domingo Fernandez see Fernandez

IX:l/2:37; Earl of Rosse on, XII:2:32; concerned Navarrete, Domingo

with scenic areas and historic sites, 1:3/4:11 Navy yards see Docks, Harbors, Navy yards, etc.

Summer School, XI: 1:32; XII: 1:32; XII:4:32; Nay|or; 19thJ- P'efb- fr- fN Y

XIII-2-32 e n "ote*' ^an Francisco, XVII:3:33

National Trust, Scot., IX:1 /2:37 Nazareth, Cristvo de a Cristvo de Nazareth

National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United ^fca'T eru rv . . . IA AA

States and AIA XII-3-29- creation of San JaVler tXavlerl' V:22; VIII:3/4:44-45
states, ana aia, xii.3.29, creation oi, Neaeoe Bassarab Prince IV-3/4-31 32 33 34
VIII: 1/2:131; IX:l/2:37; leases Woodlawn Cri ? uassarap. Prince, iv.3/4.31,32,33,34
m . . v,,< Neal, Henry, of Hillsboro, N.C., X:l:18
Plantation, X:4:35 N 1 T 77//,
Native Daughters of the Golden West, XV: 1:25 ee' arnfeS[., f ..
M T h <5 House of, Wollaston Manor, Va., XVI:4:30
mtt, Joseph s. Nea, John Mason Rgv XIX:4:152
Store of see Philadelphia: Natt (Joseph S.) Store Neanolis see Svracuse Italv

"Natural cement," XX 4:194-197 Nea L

Natural monuments, 1:3/4:11-12,18-19; IV:2:37-41 City planning w Cities and Towns (Growth, History

Nature and Art by R W. Emerson, XVII:4:27 and plannin^. Near East

Naucratis [Naukratis], XI:3:1 Neave, Samuel

Temple of Aphrodite Home of Philadelphia, XX: 1:22 n9
AJtar, XI:3:1-4; illus. XI:3:[3] fig 9 Nebuchadnezzar, VII: 1/2:39

Naumburg, Paul Schultze see Schultze-Naumburg, Paul Necker, Jacques, III-3 19-20

Naumburg, Ger. Nederlande Stichting voor Culturelle Samenwerking

Cathedral, XIX:4:148 n31 met Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen,



Architecture Neelde, John

Lillibndge, R. M., "Architectural Currents on House of, Aston, Pa., XVI:4:30-31

the Mississippi River Frontier: Nauvoo, Nefertiti see Nofretete

Illinois, XIX:3:109-114 Negroes in Jamaica

Babbitt (Almon W.) House see Nauvoo, 111.: Taylor Housing, X:3:24,26,27

(John) House Negroes in Mexico, XI:4:8

Browning (Jonathan) House, XIX:3:112 Negroes in Sierra Leone, IV:2:30-33

City plan, Maps and Views, XIX:3:110,114; illus. Negroes in the U.S. (see also Slavery in the U.S.),

XIX:3:110 figs 1,2 migration from Africa, VIII:3/4:23; XVII:4:37;

Hyde (Orson) House, XIX:3:113,114 j. Stewart brings Methodist Christianity to

Kimball (Heber C.) House, XIX:3:112,114 Wyandotte Indians, VI:l/2:23

Marks (William) House, XIX:3:112,114; illus. Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, etc., occupation of
XIX:3:112 fig 7 old houses, 111:4:30-31; purchase of Greek

[Mormon] Temple, XIX:3:110-112,114; illus. Revival houses, Georgia, XIII:2:10

XIX:3:110 fig 2; 111 figs 3,4 Cartwright-Sharp Plantation, Tex.

Nauvoo House, XIX:3:110-112; illus. Slave cabins, XI:4:[7] n24

XIX:3:112 fig 5 Forest Hill, Tex.

Paulin (Frank) Residence, XIX:3:112 Slave quarters, XI:4:2


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Negroes in the U.S. - Neumann

Gunston Hall, Va. Neo-plasticism, of P. C. Mondriaan, IV: 1:54
Negro quarters [Servants' houses], XIII:2:8 Neo-Pythagoreanism, XVIII:3:96 and nl2
Kingsley Plantation, Fort George Island Neptune
Slave cabins, XI:4:32 Fountain of, Rome, XIV:1:11; illus. XIV:1:10 fig 4
Maryland Temple of, Paestum, X:2:14
Slave or servants bldg., XVII:4:37 Nereditsa

Richmond, Va., 111:4:30-31 Church of the Saviour, 111:4:44-45

Savannah, Ga., X:4:9; illus. X:4:8 fig 6 Nereid Monument see Xanthus

Employment, Slave labor, etc., as brickyard laborers, Neresheim, Abbot of, XII:4:12

Baltimore, 18th c XVIII: 1:34; Charleston, S C., Neresheim

18th c., X:4:4,6; paving yard, Newport, 1705, Abbey Church (J. B. Neumann), XII:4:12,14
XIII :2.25; as waiters, 19th c 111:4:21 Neri di Bicci
Kansas Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, painting, 11:3:33

Valley Falls, VI:l/2:24 n3 Neriah Baptist Church see Lexington, Va.

Ohio, John Stewart (Negro) brings Methodist Nero, brick in time of, 1:1:3; burning of Rome, 1:1:4;

Christianity to the Wyandotte, VI:l/2:23 VIII:3/4:34; XI:2:17; use of hoist for vertical

Slave labor see Negroes in the U.S.: Employment, circulation in Palatine Palace, XI:2:15; and Roman

Slave labor, etc. zoning code, VIII:3/4:34; XI:2:17

Slavery see Slavery in the U.S. Golden House of, Rome, XIII:4:24
Texas, XI:4:[6] nl0,8 Neronian palaces, Rome, XVII:4:4

Neil, Robert, 19th c., of Manchester, XV:4:22 n53 Nersessian, Sirarpie Der see Der Nersessian, Sirarpie

Neill, of Austin, Tex. Nerva, XIII:4:22

House of [Neill-Cochran House], XI:4:10; illus. Nervi> Pier Luigi' A' L- Huxtable on, XIX:4:178;

XI-4-[l 1] fig 5 XX:3:142-143; recipient

of Royal Gold Medal,

Neilson [Nielson], J. Crawford [J. H.], VIII:1/2:128; _ . , r, _. , - , w , ...

XIII 3 30 Festival Hall, Chianciano (with M. Loretto and M.

en-Nejr wZibb'atuf p. 1J^'

Nelli, Giovan-Battista P'r*Ul BldJ." *1 yy i

Measured drawings of S. Maria

del Fiore, i i** 3
UNESCO Bldgs., Paris, XIX:4:l78

Nesfield, William Eden, Queen Anne style of,

Nelligan, Murray H., X:2:l8n3
D .... , A r u VIII:l/2.129; IX: 1/2:27

mi 6 rUI r ln^ n 0USe' ~ Sketches from France and Italy [sketches of medieval

Nelson, Beverly T. . architecture], 11:3:16; iX:l/2:27

Baer (Arthur) House, St. Louis, XX:4:173,175; illus. Works (Bldgs )

XX:4:174 figs 7,8 Bank> Famham (and R R shaw)> IX:l/2:27

Nelson, George, designer, ^111:3/4:46 Cloverley Hall (and R. N. Shaw), IX:1 /2:27

Nelson (J.) and Co., XI:4:26 Nespereira, Visconde de, XV:3:15 nl3
Nelson, Lee H. Netherlands

"Bnckmaking in Baltimore, 1798," XVIII:l:33-34 Architecture, 111:4:31; XVIII:3:115-116; XX:l:41-42;

"White, Furness, McNally and The Capital National XX-4-202-203

Bank of Salem, Oregon, XIX:2:57-61 Netsch, Walter A., Jr., see Skidmore, Owings and
Nelson, William, 1711-1772, Sec. Merrill

House of, Yorktown, Va., XI: 1:32 Neubabelsberg, Ger.

Nelson County (Va.) Courthouse see Lovingston, Va. Riehl House' (L Mies van der Rohe)> XX:1:42

Nemesis Neuber, George

Temple of see Rhamnus House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 fig 2 no.57
Nemi, Lake, 1:1:4 Neuerberg, Norman, XIX:l:22n39
Nemours Neuf, de see De Neuf

Sketches (Le Corbsier), XX:2:93,94 Neufforge, 18th c XV:4:31

Neo-classicism (see also Classic Revival), J. F. Blondel Neumann, Johann Balthasar, 11:3:7; XII:4:12-14

and, XVIII:4:141-148; term rejected by E. Portr. (G. B. Tiepolo), XII:4:12; illus. XII:4:13 fig 1
Kaufmann, XV:4:30-31; F. Milizia as Works

neo-classicist, XIII:3:12; and Pantheon, Abbey Church, Neresheim, XII:4:12,14

XIX:4:135-144 Church, Heusenstamm, XII:4:14

Neo-Colonial architecture Drawings, exhibition of, 1953, XII:4:12,13-14

U.S. (see also Georgian Revival: U.S.), VII:3/4:26; Hofburg, Vienna, plans to remodel, XII:4:12
IX:4:15-[20] Residenz [Episcopal Palace], Wrzburg
World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, Bldg., XII:4:12,13,14
111:3:23,25; 111:4:67; IX: 1/2:31 Chapel, XVII:4:22; illus. XVII:4:23 fig 2
Kaisersaal, XII:4:14


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Neumann - New Haven, Conn.

Neumann (Cont.) School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:169; illus. XIX:4:170

Schloss [Episcopal Palace], Bruchsal, work at, 23

XII 4 12 Stained glass (M. B. Cantab), XIX:4:167 n86

Schloss, Stuttgart New Brunswick, NJL

Stairhall project, XII:4:14 Neow Brunswick Theological Seminary

Schloss Augustusburg, Bruehl, work at, XII:4:12 ^age, .f3". ( Rienau), XIV: 1:24 n7

Schloss Schnbornslust, designs, XII:4:14 Suydam Hall (D. Lienau), XIV:l:24n7

Schnborn Chapel, Wrzburg, XVII:4:22; illus. Ru^erf University, founding of, XX:3:116


New Buckenham, Engl.

Moot Hall, XIX:2:77; illus. XIX:2:77 fig 3
New Canaan, Conn.
Breuer (Marcel) Home (M. Breuer), XIV:1:32


XVII:4:23 fig 3

Vierzehnheiligen, XII:4:12,14 and nl; XVI:2:31;

XVII:4:22-24; XIX:l:41-42; illus. XVII:4:23


-,gAir^ ^ New Castle, Del.

Alfred, XVII:1:22 E ' T. . ,
' ' Fort Delaware see Fort Delaware

Ger. Immanuel Church, XIII:3:Suppl. 16; illus.
Novaesium see Novaesium -, , ,,,, r. -,
XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 23

Neustadl, Ger Remodelling (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 7-8,16;

City plan, 13th c , illus. VIII:3/4^pl IV fig 4a iUus xm.3:Suppi [15] flg 24

Neutra, Richard, W. Andrews on, XV:2:30; and A. ja^ Sloan) XIX-1-34

Loos, XX:4:180; not in E. McCoy, Five California Johns (Kensey) House, XVII:4:36
Architects, XX:2:95; use of one-story house plan, Restoration XV-4-2 5
XX:4:175; and L. Sullivan's Kindergarten Chats, Survey ( R Latrobe with p UnnoXi R Mills and

XX:4:180-181; design of summer cottages for w Strickland), XIII:3:SuPPl. 3,16 capt. 23

wealthy men, 11:2:36 New Castle N H

Nevada City, Calif. Fort Constitution [Castle William and Mary],

Firehouse, XVI:4:35 Portsmouth Bay, IX:3:27

Fires, XIV:3:15,19 New Castle upon Tyne see Newcastle upon Tyne

Nevada County Courthouse (M. F. Butler), XIV:3:19 New Church see New Jerusalem Church
Neve, Richard, d. 1726, X:2:20 rqew j)eihi
City, Country Purchaser's and Builder's Dictionary, gee a/s0 India

XX:3:128 no.58 Government quarter (E. L. Lutyens), 111:4:15

Nevel, Thos., 18th c. bldr., XV:4:25 Aew Designs for Chinese Temples, by W. Halfpenny,
Nevers XX:3:121,122,126 no.24; illus. XX:3:124 fig 11



Crypt piers, XVII:3:7 City plan, XX-.2-.62

St. Etienne, VII:3/4:26 New England
Crossing, XVIII:3:98 n27 Architecture, 11:3:30; VII:3/4:29-30; VIII:l/2:7;
Vaults, XVI:3:10; XVII:4:22 XIX:2:76-77

Neville, Thomas, 18th c of Philadelphia, XV:4:25 City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History
New Albion see New Jersey and Planning): U.S.: New England
New Amsterdam see New York (City) Farmhouses, VII:3/4:20; XX: 1:38-39
A New and Complete System of Architecture..., by W. Aew England Country School, painting (W. Homer),
Halfpenny, XX:3:122,126 no.23 11:3:33

The New and Improved Practical Builder, by P. "New England Meeting Houses and Churches," by
Nicholson, 11:4:23 nl20 P. A. Smith, VII:3/4:29-30

"New Architecture" (see also International Style), New Goa, India see Pangim, India



The New Architecture, by A. Roth, 11:4:37 Primitive art and architecture, XIX: 1:28,29-30; illus.
New Bedford, Mass. XIX: 1:29 fig 8

Rotch (William J.) Cottage (A. J. Davis [A. J. New Harmony, Ind., XV:4:6
Downing] ), XIV:3:19; XV:2:16 Owenite Community, XV:4:20n24
New Bern, N.C. [Newburn] New Harmony Society, IV:3/4:51
New Bern Graded School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 New Haven, Conn.
Tryon's Palace (J. Hawks), X:l:19 Center Church (A. Benjamin), VII:3/4:29;

New Boston, Kan. see Manhattan, Kan. VIIM /2:41 nl6; XIII:3:16,17
New Bradwell City Hall
Church Tower, IX:4:28

Bldg. (G. E. Street), XIX:4:166-167; illus. City plan, Maps and Views
XIX:4:166 fig 17 Central Square [Green], XX:2:47


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New Haven, Conn. - New Orleans

City plans New London, Conn.

1910 (C. Gilbert and F. L. Olmsted, Jr.), Meetinghouse, XIX:2:76

IX:1 /2:35; illus. IX:l/2:33 fig 8 Northern Railroad Station (H. H. Richardson),

1942, IX:l/2:35 XVII:3:20

View, 1838 medal (I. Town), illus. XIV:2:[5] fig 15 Winthrop (John Still) House (P. Harrison),

Dwight Place Church (D. R. Brown), XI:3:29 XVIII:4:158

Elm trees, planting of, X:4:19 New Madrid, Mo.

Hillhouse (James A.) House plan, Maps and Views

Davis, A. J. see New Haven, Conn.: Sachem's plan, XIV:4:30; XVIII:l:21-26

Wood Maps, XVIII-.1:22,24,25; illus. XVIII:I:22 fig 1;

Strickland, W XIII:3:Suppl. 8 24 fig 2; 25 flg 3

Hillhouse Ave., no. 4 see New Haven, Conn.: Town 'w' XVIII: 1:26; illus. XVIII:1:26 fig 4

(Ithiel) House Earthquakes, XVIII:l:25-26

History IV-3/4-54 Fort Celeste, XVIII:
1:24,25; illus. XVIII: 1:24 fig 2
New Mexico

Medal, 1838, XIV:2:7; illus. XIV:2:[5] figs 15,16

Churches, 1:2:25-29

North Church, VII:3/4:29

Spanish Colonial architecture see Colonial

Railroad Station (H. Austin), VIII:l/2:35

Sachem's Wood [Hillhouse (James A.) House] (A. J. MHfordMDonn ^an'S^' ^ ^

Davis), IL2.36-37 Boardman House (W. Spratt [Spratz], attrib.),

Town (Ithiel) House, VIII:3/4:5; XIII:3:27-28;

illus. F l F j
X:4:[23] n20

New Orleans

Trinity Church, VII:3/4:32 Balconies, VII: 1/2:36

Views see New Haven, Conn.: City plan, Maps and Barracks, Place d'Armes (I. F. Broutin),



Wooster Square area Cast iron bldg. (J. Bogardus), IX:4:24

Restorations, XV:4:4 Cathedral, 19th c VI:l/2:26

Yale University Charity Hospital, XI:4:24

Architects, XIX:2:87 christ church, X:l:19

Art Bldg., 1868 (P. B. Wight) City Hall

Trumbull Tomb, VIII:3/4:6 Bldg (J Gallier, Sr.), IX:4:28; XI:4:21,24; illus.




Old Campus, VIII:3/4:3 Louisiana Landmarks Society Exhibition of the

Collection of photographs and designs of 19th c. Works of James Gallier, IX:4:28; XI:4:24

railroad stations, IV:3/4:54 City plan, Maps and Views

College bldgs., design (J. Trumbull), VIII:3/4:3; City plan, IV:1:29; VIII:3/4:21

IX:3:21-22; XIV:2:8; illus. VIII:3/4:pl I fig 1 Extension proposal (T. Jefferson),

Dept. of Architecture XX:3:110,111,113

City planning program, IX:l/2:37-38 Maps

Eggleston Prize see Eggleston Prize in American 1816 (Tanesse), XIV:3:31
History 1817, XX:3:111
Gothic bldgs., 11:3:17 View, illus. XI:4:22
Library Custom House

"Books and Buildings, 1449-1949 ...," 1807-09 (B. H. Latrobe), XIV:3:30-31; illus.
Exhibition, Feb. 22 - Mar. 16, 1949, XIV:3:30
VIII: 1 /2:55-67 ca. 1819, XIV:3:31

Pre-Revolutionary catalogs, XX:3:116,118,125 mid-19th c., XIV:3:31

Trumbull Gallery (J. Trumbull), VIII:3/4:5-6; Dufour (Cyprian) Residence (H. Howard), illus.
XIV:2:11 n!5; illus. VIII:3/4:pl II fig 4 XI:4:[23]
View, Medal, 1838, illus. XIV:2:[5] fig 15 First Presbyterian Church (H. Howard), illus.

Woodbridge Hall (Howells and Stokes), IV:3/4:56 XI:4:22 figs [2,3]

New Jersey [New Albion] Fortifications, X:4:9
Architecture, VII:l/2:94; VII:3/4:31; XV:3:2; Guard House, 1734, drawing, VII:l/2:34; illus.

XVII:4:31 VII:l/2:pl III fig 2

Governor's Mansion see Princeton, N.J.: Morven Hale's Five Dwellings (H. Howard), illus. XI:4:[23]

New Jersey Land Society, XVIII:1:21 Houses (P. Doullut), XIX:4:180

New Jerusalem Church, IV:2:33 Howard Memorial Library (Shepley, Rutan and
New Lanark, Scot. Coolidge), XVII:3:22

Mills (R. Arkwright and D. Dale), Intendance, design (I. F. Broutin), XIII: 1:25; illus.
VIII: 1 /2:11,13,30 n47; illus. VIII:l/2:pl II XIII: 1:25 fig 4
figs 5,6


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New Orleans - New York (City)

New Orleans (Cont.) (City) by name of bldg., e.g. New York (City):
Jewish Widows and Orphans Home, 1869 (H. Stuyvesant (Rutherford) Apartments
Howard), illus. XI:4:[23] Apthorp House, XX: 1:44

Lafayette Square, illus. XI:4:22 Aquarium, 1892 (see also New York (City): Castle

Maps see New Orleans: City plan, Maps and Views Clinton), IX:3:26

Moresque Bldg. (Freret), illus. XI:4:22 Arcade, 1827 (J. Haviland), XII:3:13,16 and n20
Motel de Ville (C. R. Colbert), XX:4:204 Arcade bldg., 1849, XII:1:15; illus XII:1:16 fig 3

New South Building and Loan Assoc. Bldg. (Shepley, Architectural Iron Works of New York (see also

Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:25 ^ewYork (City): Badger (D. D.) Ironworks),

Ne-S College Architecture, XI:l:31-32; XI:2 (Special Issue)

School Gallery Armories and Arsenals, XIV:3:23-29
Exhibition of the works of Henry Howard,

2d Battalion Naval Militia Armory, Brooklyn

1952, XI:4:21

__ ,, (Horgan and Slattery), XIV:3:27

Pontalba Bldgs., XI:4:21-24 2d Batt Armory, Bronx, XIV:3:27

Public bldgs. (I. F. Broutm), XIII: 1:26 n2 3d BaUery Armory; 171 Qaremont Ave.,
State Bank of Louisiana (B. H. Latrobe), XX:2:73 XIV-3-27

Ursuline Convent 7th Regiment Armory

1727-34 (P. Baron and I. F. Broutin), 1853-57 [in 64th Street Arsenal built 1847-51],




1745 (I. F. Broutin), VII: 1/2:33-34; XIII:l:24-25; 1860, 3d Ave. see New York (City): Armories
illus. VII: 1 /2:pl III fig 1 and Arsenals: Thompkins Market - Seventh
Vieux Carr, IX:3:27 Regiment Armory
Restoration, XV:4:2,5,6 1878-80

Views see New Orleans: City plan, Maps and Views Bldg. (C. W. Clinton), XIV:3:23-24,26,29;
Waterworks (B. H. Latrobe), 11:3:27 illus. XIV:3:25 figs 1,2

YMCA Veterans Room and Library

Addition, XI:4:[23] Decoration (L. C. Tiffany and others),
New Roads, La. XIV:3:24

Parlange Plantation House see Parlange Plantation 8th Coast Artillery District Armory see New York
House (City): Armories and Arsenals: Kingsbridge

New Salem Village, 111., XV:4:3 Armory

New School of the Middle West, term (see also Prairie 8th Regiment [Cavalry Squadron A] Armory

School), XIX:3:124 (J- R Thomas), XIV:3:26; illus. XIV:3:25

New Smyrna Beach, Fla. 4

Fort, XII:4:30-31; XIII:2:28-29; illus. XII:4:30,31 9th Regiment Armory (Cable and Sergeant),

New Windsor, Engl, see Windsor, Engl. XIV:3:26

New Windsor N Y '2th Regiment Armory (J. E. Ware), XIV:3:25-26
Knox's Headquarters, IV:2:39 nos. 13,14 13th Regiment Armory, Brooklyn, XIV:3:26,27

Temple Hill, IV:2:39 22^ Recent Post,

G. B., XIV:3:26

New World of Space, XX:2:92-93

Walker and Morris, XIV:3:27

N'Aetna'fron"Works, XV:4:17 23d Regiment Armory, Brooklyn, XIW3:26

69th Regiment Armory (J. H. Hunt), XIV:3:26-27

Alms House, City Hall Park, VIII:3/4:5; XI:2:21
. ... ,. . , . . Armory Show of Modern Art, 1913, XIV:3:27

American [New York] Academy of Fine Arts ... Reeiment Armorv

Alms House quarters, City Hall Park, VIII:3/4:5 c)inton and RusseU XIV:3:26 illus XIV;3:28
Barclay St. (J. Trumbull), VIII:3/4:5; XIV:2:11 nl5 fig 5
American City Bureau of see American City Bureau Thomas J R XIV 3-26
of New York Arsenal, 64th St. and Central Park, 1847-51,
American Geographic Society Bldg. (Howells and XIV-3-23

Stokes), IV:3/4:56 Cavalry Squadron A Armory see New York (City):

American Museum of Natural History (C. Vaux), Armories and Arsenals: 8th Regiment
VI: 1 /2:[1] and nl Armory
American Radiator Bldg. (S. Hood), 11:1:17 City Armory

American Surety Tower (B. Price), XV:3:31 Elm and White Sts., 1852, XIV:3:23
Anabaptist Meeting House, XI:2:21 Second Ave. and 21st St., XIV:3:23
Anderson Galleries, XX:4:181 Kingsbridge Armory, Bronx (Pilcher and Tachau),
Apartment houses see subject heading Apartment XIV:3:27-29; illus. XIV:3:29 figs 7,8
houses, Tenements, etc., or under New York Squadron C Armory, Brooklyn (Pilcher and

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New York (City) - New York (City)

Tachau), XIV:3:27; illus. XIV:3:28 fxg 6 Bruce (George W.? [sic] ) Hardware Co.
State Arsenal, 7th Ave. and 35th St., 1857, Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51
XIV:3:23 Bryant Park [Croton Reservoir Park (Square);

Thompkins [Tompkins] Market - Seventh Potter's Field (1823)], XVI:1:11

Regiment Armory, 1860 (J. Bogardus and Building codes, laws, regulations, etc., XI:2:17-18
Lafferty), XIV:3:23,25; XV:4:22n51 Burden's Foundry, XV:4:13
Armory Board, XIV:3:25-28 Bureau of Inspection of Buildings, XIV:1:25 n24
Armory Show of Modern Art, 1913, XIV:3:27 Bush Bldg. (H. W. Corbett), XI:2:17
Army Base, Brooklyn, XI:2:15 Calvinist churches see New York (City): Churches:
Arrochar, S.I. (H. H. Richardson), IX: 1/2:25 Calvinist
Arsenals see New York (City): Armories and Canal, Collect Pond to N. River [Canal Street],


Art Commission, IV:3/4:57 Canal Street, IV:1:19

Aspinwall House, IX:3:27 Capitol of the U.S. (P. C. L'Enfant) see New York
Associated Press Bldg. see New York (City): (City): Federal Hall
Rockefeller Center Cast-iron bldgs.

Astor (Mrs. William) House (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14]; Bogardus, J. (see also specific bldg. by name, e.g.
illus. XI:2:[13] fig 13 New York (City): Bogardus Factory), XI:2:[8]

Astor Hotel (C. W. Clinton) see New York (City): Washington and Murray Sts. see New York (City):
Hotel Astor Laing (Edgar H.) Bldgs.

Astor House (I. Rogers), XIII:3:17; XVI:1:25; Cast-iron Factory, Centre and Duane Sts. (J.
XVIII:4:134; XIX:2:77 Bogardus) see New York (City): Bogardus
Astor Library, VII:l/2:3; XVI: 1:30 Factory
Avery Architectural Library see New York (City): Cast-iron store front, Washington St., 1842 (D. D.
Columbia University Badger), XV:4:14,19
Badger (D. D.) Ironworks (see also New York (City): Castle Clinton, VIII:1/2:131; IX:3:26
Architectural Iron Works of New York), Castle Garden Immigration Station, 1855 (see also
XV:4:14-15,17; XVI: 1:14; XIX:4:181; illus. New York (City): Castle Clinton), IX:3:26
XV:4:13 fig 1 "Cathedral of Commerce" see New York (City):
Bank of America (C. W. Clinton), XIV:3:26 Woolworth Bldg.
Barracks, pre-1767, XI:2:21,22 Cathedral of St. John the Divine see New York
Battery, Southwest see New York (City): Castle (City): St. John the Divine

Clinton Central Park (Olmsted, Vaux and Co.), VI: 1 /2:[1] nl;
Battery Park, VIII:1/2:131 XIV:1:21

Bayard [Condict] Bldg. (L. Sullivan), IV:2:9,12; Gates (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14]
XIX:2:64; XX:1:16; XX:3:140,142,143; illus. Zoo, XIV:3:23



Beekman Street Shot Tower see New York (City): Fire lookout station on, 1847, XVI:1:17 n81
Tatham and Brothers Iron Works Centre Street Ironworks District

Bennett Block (A. Gilman), XII:1:18 Map, XV:4:20n7; illus. XV:4:13 fig 1
Bethesda Fountain, Central Park (C. Vaux), Century Theater Site, XVIII:2:55; illus. XVIII:2:55
VI : 1 / 2:[ 1] fig 1

Blunt (O.) and Syms Gun Shop Christal and Donahue Paint Shop
Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51 Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51
Bogardus Factory [Cast-iron Factory; Eccentric Mill Churches
Works; Iron Building] 1849 (J. Bogardus), See also churches listed by name, e.g. New York
VII: 1 / 2:3; IX:4:24; XV:4:12-14,18; (City): St. Thomas' Church
XVI:1:13,18 nl05; XIX:4:181,182; illus. XV:4:13 Calvinist
fig 1; 15 fig 4 French, 1704, XI:2:21
Bowling Green, XI:2:22 German, 1765, XI:2:21

Brighton Beach Track, XIX:1:15 Dutch, XII: 1:22

British Empire Bldg. see New York (City): Old Dutch Church, 1693, XI:2:21

Rockefeller Center First church, 17th c., in Fort, XI:2:20

Broadway Manufacturers' Supply Co., Broadway and Lutheran

Broome St. see New York (City): Haughwout 17th c., Old, XI:2:21

(E. V.) and Co. Store 1767, New, XI:2:21

Brooklyn Army Base, XI:2:15 City Hall Park, XI:2:16
Brooklyn Bridge (J. and W. Roebling), IV:3/4:53; City Halls
XII:1:21; XVII:3:35; illus. XII:1:19 fig 11 1653 see New York (City): Stadt Herbergh

Brooklyn Savings Bank (F. Freeman), XI:4:36


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New York (City) - New York (City)

New York (City) (Cont.) Lienau Collection, XI:2:[8] n7; XIV:1:18,19

City Halls Periodical index, IX:4:15

1700, Broadway and Wall ["gaol or new City SAH microfilm project, VIII: 1/2:68
Hall" ] (see also New York (City): Federal Columbia College [King's College], no
Hall), 111:1/2:40; 111:3:31; XI:2:21 pre-Revolutionary catalog from, XX:3:116
Medal of, XIV:2:7 Bldg., 1756, XI:2:21
1802 Designs, 1813 (J. Renwick, Yr.), XI:2:22-23;

Bldg., Chambers St. [on the "Green" ] illus. XI:2:23

(J. McComb, Jr. and J. Mangin), 111:1/2:40; Designs, 1818 (J. O'Donnell), VI:3/4:6;


Fire lookout station on, 1847, XVI:1:17 n81 Gra' History Research Office, XI:2:19
Medal of, XIV:2-7 Rockefeller Center site, X:l:12-17
Competition design (B. H. Latrobe), XV:4:30 St. Paul s Chapel (Howells and Stokes), IV:3/4:56
City plan, Maps, Views, etc. (for particular parts of Schermerhorn Hall, XIV: 1:21
New York see by name, e.g. New York (City): Scho1 of Architecture

Centre Street Ironworks District), Mathews Lectures, XIV: 1:32

111:1/2:20,36,38,40-41; VIII:3/4:12; XIV:4:10 Colwell Lead Co., XVI:l:18n99

Maps [Plans] Commercial bldgs. see Commercial bldgs., Office

1660 [New Amsterdam] (Castello), 111:1/2:36; bldgs., etc.

illus. Ill: 1/2:1361 fig 181 Condict Bldg. see New York (City): Bayard Bldg.

1767 [1766; 1776] (B. Ratzer [Ratzen] ), Coney Island, XIX: 1:14-15; illus. XIX: 1.15 fig 8

III-1/2-40- XVI-1-18 n97 Constant Bldg. (see also New York (City):

1796 (T. Roberts), XVI:1:18 n97 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.), XII:1:18
1800 (J. Mangin), 111:1/2:40-41 - Cooper Union, XII:4:32

1811 (S. De Witt, G. Morris and J. Rutherford), Corn Exchange Bank (R Upjohn), XI:2:6

Cornell (John B.) Iron Works, XV:4:17

locrv nI/ r> r-r r- d , Cornell Medical College - New York Hospital see

1850 s (W. Perns [T. C. Bannister drawing (Citv)- New York Hosnital - Cornell

based on] ), illus. XV:4:13 fig 1 n Hospital Cornell

i j I w Medical College
Landmark Map, XVI:1:18 n97 /r r> nirc in r> i

Site, VIII:3/4:8

ha o Croton Reservoir Park [Square], Bryant Park,

Views, XV:3:31; XVI:l:18nl05



XVI: 1:11




isao as ip r Tu jtl yvt ii7 si Bldg- 'G- J- B Carstensen and K. Gildemeister),

5 If - Burckhardt), XVI: 1: 7 81 XVI:1:17 n77 26 XIX:1:14 iUus.
1870 (T. R. Davis, Harpers Weekly), XII:1:21; XIX j j-, 7
illUS' XII;1:19 flg U Competition designs, XVI:1:11,12,13; illus.
1874 (W. W. Sliver), XVI: 1:18 n 105 XVI-1-12 fie 11

1876 [1870] (J. H. Beal), XII:1:21; XV:3:31; Exhibition, 1853 see New York (City): World's
illus. XII:1:19 fig 12 Fairs: 1853-54

ca. 1890 (M. King), XVI:l:18nl05 Culver Depot, Coney Island, XIX:1:14
1894 (G. W. Peters), XV:3:31 Custom House, Old see New York (City): Federal
1897 (F. Pansing), XV:3:31 Hall National Memorial

1908 (M. King), XV:3:31 Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Bldg. (R. M.

City Tavern, 1642 see New York (City): Stadt Hunt), XII:1:18,21; illus. XII:1:19 fig 12

Herbergh Demarest Bldg., XI:2:15

Claremont Inn [Manor], XV:4.-4 Domestic Sewing Machine Co. (G. Thomas),

Coal and Iron Exchange (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14] XII:1:18; illus. XII:1:[17] fig 8
Coentjes Market, XI:2:22 Dreamland, Coney Island, XIX:1:15
Collect Pond, XVI:1:13 Tower, XIX: 1:15; illus. XIX: 1:15 fig 8
College, 1756 see New York (City): Columbia Drexel Bldg. (A. Gilman), XII:1:18
University: Columbia College Dutch churches see New York (City): Churches:
Columbia Iron Works, illus. XV:4:13 fig 1 Dutch

Columbia University Dutch West India Company's City Tavern see New
Amigos de Gaudi - U.S.A., XVIII:1:36 York (City): Stadt Herbergh
Avery Architectural Library Eastern Airlines Bldg. see New York (City):
Archive of Measured Drawings of Historic Rockefeller Center

Monuments, XVIII:1:36 Eccentric Mill Works see New York (City): Bogardus

Catalog, XVII:2:32 Factory

Collection of drawings, IV:3/4:51 Elephant Hotel, Coney Island, XIX:4:180
Exhibits Elevated railroad, X:3:[31]; XI:2:22; XV:4:4
1943, Greek Revival Architecture, 111:4:67
1952, XI:2:22-23


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New York (City) - New York (City)

Elm Street Tenement House (D. Lienau) see New Gerry (Elbridge T.) House (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14];
York (City): Tenement House, Lafayette St. illus. XI:2:[13] fig 12
Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Gimbels Department Store, 11:3:33-34

Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51 Governor's House, 18th c., 111:1/2:40
Empire State Bldg. (Shreve, Lamb and Harmon), Grace Church (J. Renwick, Jr.), XVI: 1:25; XIX: 1:32
11:2:7; XI:2:17; XII:3:31; XV:3:31 Grace Church, Brooklyn (R. Upjohn), XV:2:22
Episcopal Church of the Holy Apostles see New Gramercy Park, XX:2:47
York (City): Holy Apostles Church Grand Central Station [and train shed], 1869-71
Equitable Life Assurance Co., XV:2:31 (J. B. Snook), VIII:l/2:40; XII:3:31;

BldgS. XIV:3:24,28; XVII:3:35; XVII:4:38

1868 (A. D. Gilman, E. H. Kendall and G. B. Graybar Bldg., XVIII:2:57
Post), XII: 1:15-21; XII:3:31; XX:4:192 n4; Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Co., XV:4:22 n63
illus. XII:1:16 fig 6; 19 fig 12 Guernsey Bldg. (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14]

1914 [1912] (E. R. Graham), XI:2:16 Guggenheim Museum see New York (City): Solomon
Competition drawings, 1867 (H. H. Richardson), R. Guggenheim Museum

IX: 1/2:28 Gunshot Towers see New York (City): McCullough

Essex Market Shot and Lead Co.: Centre St.: Shot Tower;
Fire lookout station on, 1847, XVI:1:17 n81 New York (City): Tatham and Brothers Iron

Evening Post Bldg. (C. F. Mengelson), XII:1:18,21; Works: Shot Tower

illus. XII: 1:17 fig 10; 19 fig 12 Hall of Records (J. R. Thomas), XIV:3:26

Excelsior Iron Works, XV:4:17 Halls of Justice see New York (City): The Tombs

Exchange, "at the bottom of Wall [?] Street," Hanover Square, XI:2:22
18th c., XI:2:21 Harper and Brothers Printing Plant, 1854 (J.
Federal Hall [U.S. Capitol], 1788-89 (P. C. L'Enfant) Bogardus and J. B. Corlies), XIV:3:23; XV:3:31;

(see also New York (City): City Halls: 1700, XV:4:16-17,18,22 n56; XIX:4:181; illus. XV:4:18
Broadway and Wall), 111:3:31; XIV:2:7; fig 8

XX:4:185 nl Harper and Brothers Publishing Plant, Cliff St. unit,

Federal Hall National Memorial [Old Custom XX: 1:9

House; Sub-Treasury], 1833-42, Wall St., Haughwout (E. V.) and Co. Store (D. D. Badger and
XVI: 1:25-26; XX:4:185-190; illus. XX:4:185-187 J. P. Gaynor), XI:2:15; XII:1:15;
figs 1-6 XV:4:17,22n63; illus. XV:4:19 fig 9

Fifth Avenue Hotel, 1859, XI:2:15; XII:1:15; Otis elevator, XIX:4:181

XIV:1:21 Havemeyer Bldg. (G. B. Post), XVIII:4:130-131; illus.
Fire Alarm Bell Tower, 33d St. (J. Bogardus), XVIII:4:131 fig 1

XVI:1:11-12,13; illus. XVI:1:14 fig 13 Havemeyer - Elder Refinery, 1864, Brooklyn,

Fire lookout stations, XVLLl 1-12,13; illus. XVI:1:14 XIV:1:24

fig 13 Hell Gate, Coney Island, XIX: 1:15

Fires, XV:4:12; XVLLl 1 Herald Bldg. (J. Kellum), XII:1:15,21; illus. XILL16
Flatiron Bldg. see New York (City): Fuller Bldg. fig 4; 19 fig 12

Fly Market, XI:2:22 Herald Tribune Bldg. see New York (City): Tribune

Foley Square, XV:4:20 n7 Bldg.

Forrest House, Washington Square, X:4:[31] Hippodrome, IV:3/4:58
Fort, 17th c., Dutch, XI :2:19-20 Holy Apostles Church [Episcopal Church of the
Fort Clinton see New York (City): Castle Clinton Holy Apostles]
Fort George, XI:2:22 Bldg. (M. Lafever), XI:2:6,7 capt. fig 7
Free schools, 18th c., XI:2:21 Enlargement (R. Upjohn), XI:2:6

French and Belgian Plate Glass Co. [Noel and Home Insurance Co., 117-119 Broadway,
Saurel] Warehouse (D. Lienau), XI:2:[8]; XVI:l:19nl29
XIV:1:22; illus. XI:2:7 fig 10 Hopkins (Francis) and Brothers Glass Shop
French Calvinist Church see New York (City): Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51
Churches: Calvinist: French Horse mill, 17th c., XI:2:19

Friede Globe Tower, proposed, XIX:1:15 Hosack (Dr. David) Residence, Vesey St., VIII:3/4:5

Fuller Bldg. [Flatiron Bldg.] (D. H. Burnham, Sr.), Hotel Astor (C. W. Clinton), XIV:3:26
IV:3/4:58; XVIII:4:138 Hotel Margaret (F. Freeman), XI:4:36
General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, Houses
XX:4:189 17th C., XI:2:21; illus. XI:2:21

Geraerdy (Philip) Tavern see New York (City): Riverside Drive (F. Freeman), XI:4:35
Tavern at the Sign of the Wooden Horse Washington Square, IX:3:27

German Calvinist Church see New York (City): Howland (Gardiner) House, Flushing (I. Town),
Churches: Calvinist: German XIV:2:17 n5


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New York (City) - New York (City)

New York (City) (Cont.) McCullough Shot and Lead Co.

Hudson River Tunnel, XX:1:37 Centre St., XVI:1:13; illus. XV:4:13 fig 1

Immigration Station, 1855 xeeNew York (City): Shot Tower (J. Bogardus), XV:3:31;

Castle Garden XV:4:21 n51; XVI:1:12-14,15-17;

Interborough Subway, XVI:l:18n99 XIX:4:181,182; illus. XV:4:13 fig 1;

International Bldg. see New York (City): Rockefeller XVI:1:16 fig 15




International Federation for Housing and Town McKesson and Robbins Drug Co.
Planning Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51
9th Congress, 1925, XVIII:3:82 Madison Cottage [Thompson (Col.) Roadhouse],

Iron Bldg. xeeNew York (City): Bogardus Factory XIV: 1:21

Iron Tower, Coney Island see Philadelphia: Madison Square Garden, 1890 (McKim, Mead and

Centennial Exposition, 1876: Iron Tower, White), 111:4:48

George's Hill La Maison Franaise see New York (City):
Ironworks District see New York (City): Centre Rockefeller Center

Street Ironworks District Mali (W. W. T.) Villa, Manhattanville (A. J. Davis),
Jackson (James L.) Iron Works, XV:4:17,22 n70 XI:2:4

Janes, Beebe and Co. Ironworks, illus. XV:4:13 fig 1 Manhattan Life Insurance Bldg., 1893-94,
Jay Street Fire House (F. Freeman), XI:4:36 XVIII:4:129

Jefferson Bldg. (F. Freeman), XI:4:36 Manhattan Warehouse Bldg. (J. E. Ware), XIV:3:26
Jefferson Market Maps see New York (City): City plan, Maps, Views,
Fire lookout station, 1847, XVI:1:17 nn81,83 etc.

Jerome Park Reservoir, XIV:3:28 Marble Row, 5th Ave. (R. Mook), XX: 1:36

Jones (Mary Mason) Mansions [Block] (R. Mook), Margaret Hotel see New York (City): Hotel
XI:2:[8]; XIV:l:21-22 Margaret
Jones (Rebecca Mason Colford) Mansions [Block] Marine Barracks, Brooklyn (T. U. Walter),
(D. Lienau), XI:2:[8]; XIV:l:21-22; illus. XI:2:7 VII:1/2:21,28

fig 9; XIV:1:[20] fig 6 Markets, XI:2:22; XVI: 1:17 nn81,83

Jumel Mansion [Morris (Roger) Mansion], IV:3/4:57 Masonic Hall (H. Reinagle), XI:2:3-4
Kane (De Lancey) Loft Bldg., 676 Broadway (D. Mercer and Greene Bldg., XI:2:[8]
Lienau), XIV: 1:24; illus. XIV:1:[23] fig 12 Merchants' Exchange
King's College see New York (City): Columbia Fire lookout station on, 1847, XVI: 1:17 n81
University: Columbia College Metropolitan Club (McKim, Mead and White),
Kingsbridge Armory sec New York (City): Armories XI:2:[14]; XVIII:2:55

and Arsenals: Kingsbridge Armory Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.

Lafayette Street Tenement House (D. Lienau) see Bldgs.

New York (City): Tenement House, Lafayette Church St. and Park Pl., 1874-75 [Constant
St. Bldg. remodelled] (N. LeBrun), XII: 1:18;

Laing [Lang] (Edgar H.) Bldgs., Washington and illus. XII:1:17 fig 9
Murray Sts. (J. Bogardus), XII:4:32; XV:3:31; Madison Square, 1891 (N. LeBrun)
XV:4:13,14,16,18,20 nl7; illus. XV:4:14 fig 3 Tower, 1909, IV:3/4:58; XI:2:16; XV:3:31
Laing [Lang] (Edgar H.) Coal Yards, XV:4:13 Metropolitan Museum of Art

Latting Observatory see New York (City): World's Bldg. (J. W. Mould and C. Vaux),





Lenox (James) Residence, 12th St., XIV:1:19 Bldg. faade (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14]
Lever House (Skidmore, Owings and Merrill), Codman (Ogden) Photograph Collection, XII:3:27
XI:2:18; XIV:3:32; XVIII:2:S4,59; XIX:1:40; Exhibition of Greek Revival Architecture, 111:3:28;


Litchfield (Edwin C.) House, Brooklyn (A. J. Davis), Furniture, 18th c., IV:3/4:57





Litchfield (Erastus B.) House, Brooklyn (R. Upjohn), Room, Pratt Street House, Baltimore, XIV: 1:27



Luna Park, Coney Island, XIX:1:15 Metropolitan Opera Co., X: 1:11-16; XVIII:2:54,56
Lutheran churches see New York (City): Churches: Metropolitan Opera House (J. C. Cady), IX:4:[20]

Lutheran Metropolitan Opera House [and Square]

Lyceum of Natural History (A. J. Davis), XV:4:15; See also New York (City): Rockefeller Center
XX:4:188 Designs, plans, schemes, etc.
Associated Architects

Metropolitan Square
Plaza scheme, 1930, XVIII:2:56; illus.
XVIII:2:56 fig 4

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New York (City)-New York (City)

Shopping Concourse schemes, XVIII:2:56; Museum of Natural History see New York (City):
illus. XVIII:2:56 figs 5,6; 57 figs 7,8 American Museum of Natural History

Corbett, H. W. Museum of the City of New York, IX:4:23

Metropolitan Square, XVIII:2:55-56; illus. Mutual Life Insurance Co. Bldg. (J. Kellum),

XVIII:2:55 fig 3 XII: 1:15,18,21; illus. XII:1:17 fig 7; 19 fig 12

Corbett, Harrison and MacMurray National Academy of Design, VIII:3/4:5

Metropolitan Square, X: 1:16; illus. X:l:[14] Bldg., 1866 (P. B. Wight), VIII:3/4:6

fig 6 National Park Bank Bldg., XII:1:21; illus. XII:1:19

Morris, B. W IV:1:53; X:l:l 1-17; fig 12

XVIII:2:54-55 New Dutch Church, 1769 see New York (City):

1927, 57th St. North Church, 1769

Metropolitan Opera House (and J. Urban), New Market, XI:2:22

X:l;ll New York Academy of Fine Arts see New York

1927, 63d St. (City): American Academy of Fine Arts

Metropolitan Opera House [and Century New York Architectural League

Theater Site], X: 1:11-12; XVIII:2:55; "Buildings Never Built," IV:1:53

illus. X: 1 :[13] fig 1; XVIII:2:55 fig 1 New York Athletic Club (C. W. Clinton), XIV:3:26

1928, 5th Ave. New York Historical Society

Metropolitan Opera House and Square, Davis (A j ( papers> vill:3/4:[l], 5

X: 1:12; XVIII:2:55; illus. X:l:[13] fig Exhibition of country houses on Manhattan Island
3; XVIII:2:55 fig 2 built before 1860, XI:2:24

1929, 5th Ave. McKim, Mead and White papers, IX:3:29; X:l:28
Metropolitan Opera House and Square, Prvost (Victor) waxed paper negatives, XI:2:24
X:l:16; illus. X:l:[14] fig 5 Snook Collection> XIH:2:32

Reinhard and Hofmeister New York Hospital. Cornell Medical College

Metropolitan Square r (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott),

Plot plan, X:l:12; illus. X: 1 :[13] fig 4; XVII:3:28,30,31; illus. XVII:3:[29] fig 12
[14] fig 7 New York Life Insurance Co.

Tonnelle Bldg. (G. Thomas), XII:1:15,18; XII:3:31; illus.

Metropolitan Opera House and Square, site XII116 fi 5

scheme, X:l:12; illus. X:l:[13] fig 2 Mansard roof (H. Fernbach), XII:1:18
Metropolitan Square see New York (City): New Yofk p hiatric Hospital, 1929, XI:2:17
Metropolitan Opera House [and Square]; New M v u p w* k

York (OitvV Rockefeller Center ^ u ic l rary

A4 ... I ' n i Collection of American topographical town plans

Metropolitan Square Corp., X:l:16 and ^ Iv.3/4.56

Milhau (John) Drugstore .. v . _ . . '

c , ,i D j , New York Society Library, XX:3:117,124

Faade (J. Bogardus), York Times Bide see New York (Citv)* Times
XV:4:12-13,14,18, 20 nn7,17, 21 n51; illus. New YorK limes uiag. see rsew y or* tcityi. limes

XV-414 fig 2 Bldg

Miller (William L.) Foundry, XV:4:13 Un,v*rSlty , , .

Millionaires' Club see New York (City): Bldg.JTown, Davis and Dak.n, with D. B.

Metropolitan Club Douglass), XI:2:11

Mills (Ogden) House (R. M. Hunt), XI 2:11-[ 14]; Des'gn'<^eek'18.32 (I vvT,2'2

illus XI-2 [13] fig 11 ^ew York Wire ^a"in Works, XV:4:18

Moravian Meeting House, Moravian St., XI:2:21 Noel and ^urel Warehouse see New York (City):
Morgan Library see New York (City): Pierpont French and Belgian Plate Glass Co. Warehouse

Morgan Library North Church, 1769, XI:2:21

Morningside Park (Olmsted, Vaux and Co.), Observatory, 43d St. (W. Latting) see New York

Vi;i/2-[ 1 ] nl (City): World's Fairs: 1853-54

Morris (Roger) Mansion see New York (City): Jumel O Connor (Charles) Tailor Shop

Mansion Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51

Municipal Bldg., IV:3/4:58 Office bldgs. see Commercial bldgs., Office bldgs.,
Munn and Co. Bldg., XV:4:21 n51 etc

Museum of Modern Art Old Custom House see New York (City): Federal
Exhibitions Hall National Memorial

De Stijl, 1952, XVIII:3:115 Old Provoost, XIV:2:7

E. Mendelssohn work, XVII:3:36 Old Slip Market, XI:2:22

"Modernism" show, 1932, VI:3/4:1 Oswego Market, XI:2:22

Skyscrapers, XVIII:4:130 nl3 Parish (Daniel) Estate, store and loft (D. Lienau),
XIV: 1:24; illus. XIV:1:[23] fig 11
Park Row Bldg., XII: 1:21


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New York (City) - New York (City)

New York (City) (Cont ) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (Shepley,
Parks (see also specific parks, e.g. New York (City): Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:28

Central Park), VI:1/2:[1] nl Rockefeller Plaza, street name, XVIII:2:58

Pauper Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island (A. J. Rossiter (E. K.) House (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:10-11;

Davis) XI-2-4 XIV:1:21; illus. XI:2:[12] fig 5

Pennsylvania Station, XVII:4:38 Row house tTerrace planl' XIV: 1:25 n27
Pierpont Morgan Library Sailors Snug Harbor, S.I. (M. E. Thompson
Medieval and Renaissance monographs, XIX:1:41 [Thomson] ), X:l:24; XX:4:186,189

Pierrepont (Henry) House (R. Upjohn), XI:2:6; illus. ^t. Andrews Church, VII:l/2:94

XI:2:5 fig 4 St. George Chapel, 1752 see New York (City):

Planning see New York (City): City plan, Maps, Trinity Church
Views, etc. St. George's Square, XI:2:22

Playhouse,' 1766, XI:2:21 St. John the Divine, IV:1:53; XVIII:3:119

Post Office St. John's Episcopal Church, Clifton, S.I. (A. D.

Bldg. (A. B. Mullett), XII:1:21; XIV:l:25n34; Gilman), XX:4:192 n4,193

XVI l:18nl05- XIL119 fig 12 St. Patrick's Cathedral (J. Renwick Jr.), XI:2:23;

Design, 1867 (A. J. Davis), XI:2:4; XIV:3:18; illus. XVIII:2:58 fig 11; 59 figs 12,13

illus. XI:2:5 fig 2 St. Paul Bld- <G- B Post)> XI:2:16; XII: 1:21;

Presbyterian Hospital (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14]; XVIII:4:138

XIV: 1:22 St. Paul's Chapel

Presbyterian meeting houses, 18th c., XI:2:21 Broadway and Fulton

Produce Exchange (G. B. Post), XI:2:20; XIV:3:26; Bldg. (T. McBean), XI:2:16,21; XII: 1:15,21;

XIX:4:181 XIX:l:32-34; XX:4:193; illus. XII:1:19 fig

Prospect Park, Brooklyn (Olmsted, Vaux and Co.), XIX:1:32 figs 1,2; 33 figs 3,4
VI:l/2:[l]nl Steeple (J. C. Lawrence), XIX:1:32,33; illus.
Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad, XIX:1:14 XIX: 1:32 figs 1,2; 33 figs 3,4
Public Markets see New York (City): Markets Columbia University see New York (City):
Pulitzer Bldg. see New York (City): World Bldg. Columbia University: St. Paul's Chapel

RCA Bldg. see New York (City): Rockefeller Center St. Thomas' Church (Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson),
Radiator Bldg. see New York (City): American 11:2:13; XII:1:9

Radiator Bldg. Savings Bank, Bleecker St., XVI: 1:25

Reservoir Square, Bryant Park see New York (City): Schenck (Johannes) Mansion, Highland Park,
Croton Reservoir Park 1:3/4:31-32

Richardson (H. H.) House, Arrochar, S.I. see New Schermerhorn (Edmund) House, 23d St. (D. Lienau),
York (City): Arrochar XIV: 1:21; illus. XIV:1:[20] fig 5

Riverside Drive houses (F. Freeman), XI:4:35 Schermerhorn (William Colford) House, 23d St. (D.
Riverside Park (Olmsted, Vaux and Co.), Lienau), XI:2:[8]; XIV:1:21; illus. XI:2:7 fig 8
VI:1/2:[1] nl Schermerhorn Family Residence, Great Jones St.,
Robinson (Douglass) Insurance Co. XIV:1:21

Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51 Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University see New
Rockefeller Center (see also New York (City): York (City): Columbia University
Metropolitan Opera House [and Square] ), Schieren (Charles A.) Co., XVI:1:18 nl04
X: 1:11-17; XVIII:2:54-59; illus. X:l:[15] figs Schiff (Hart M ) House (D. Lienau), XI:2:[8];
8-11; XVIII:2:56-59 figs 4-13; absence of color XIV:1:19-21; illus. XIV:1:[20] fig 2
and ornament, 11:1:17; common services of, Seagram Bldg. (P. Johnson and L. Mies van der

XI:2:17; gridiron scheme of, VI:3/4:28; Rohe), XVIII:2:59; XIX:1:40; XX:1:43

organization of, VI:3/4:5; as beginning of Seceders, Meeting House of, Little Queen St.,
decline of American skyline, XV:3:31 XI:2:21

Associated Press Bldg., X:l:17; XVIII:2:59 Seventeenth-century houses^I:2:21; illus. XI:2:21

British Empire Bldg., XVIII:2:56,58 Shearith Israel Congregation, XVII:2:24
Eastern Airlines Bldg., X:l:17; XVIII:2:59 Shelton Hotel (A. L. Harmon), XI:2:17
International Bldg., XVIII:2:57,58,59 Sherwood (John H.) Shoe Store
La Maison Franaise, XVIII:2:56,57,58 Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51

Plaza, XVIII:2:54-57,58,59; illus. XVIII:2:56 figs Shot Towers see New York (City): McCullough Shot
4,6; 57 figs 7,8 and Lead Co.: Centre St.: Shot Tower; New

RCA Bldg., XVIII:2:57,58 York (City): Tatham and Brothers Iron Works:
Terraced gardens, XVIII:2:54,57-59; illus. Shot Tower
XVIII:2:58 figs 9-11; 59 figs 12,13

Time and Life Bldg. (Harrison and Abramovitz),



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New York (City) - New York (City)

Sign of the Wooden Horse, Tavern at the see New Tiffany (Chartes L.) House (McKim, Mead and

York (City): Tavern at the Sign of the Wooden White), XVI:3:27

Horse Tile Yard, S.I., XIX:4:182

Singer Bldg. [Tower] (E. Flagg), XI.-2.16; XV:3:31 Time and Life Bldg. see New York (City):

Site see New York (City): City plan, Maps, Views, Rockefeller Center




Sixth Avenue Assoc II-3-34 1888-89, 13 story, XVIII:4:134 n23

Skidmore (P. and G.) Co.,' 222 Pearl St., XX: 1:24 14 T. 1903 (Eidlitz and McKenzie), IV:3/4:58
Skyscrapers see Skyscrapers (Cloudscrapers, Tall Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Bldg. (Howells and

bldgs., etc.): New York (City) Stokes), IV:3/4:56

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (F. L. Wright), The Tombs Halls of Justlce] (J- Haviland), XI:2:6;

XIX:3:130,131; XX:2:95; XX:3:150 XVI: 1:18 n97

"Southern" skyscraper, IX:4:28 Tompkins Market see New York (City): Thompkins
Southwest Battery see New York (City): Castle Market
Qinton Tower Bldg. (B. Gilbert), XII-.1:13,20;

Sperry (Henry S.) and Co. Clock Store ^ XVIII :4:132,136 n40
Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51 Tnbune Bldg. (R. M Hunt), XI:2:[14];

spoffard and Tileston XII:1:13,18,20-21; XH:3:31; XIV:1:22; XV:3:31;

Faade (J. Bogardus), XV:4:21 n51 XVIII:4:126 1,130,131 17,136,137,138; illus.

Stadt Herbergh [Stadt Huys; Dutch West India Co. . 2; 19 r'g 12; XVI1I:4:132 fig 3

City Tavern], XI:2:20 Tnmty Bldg- lR- UPJohn>' XI:2:4"6; XIV:1:22

Statue of Liberty (F. A. Bartholdi), XII: 1:8; XX: 1:37 Tn,?,lty Church

Base (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:[14]

Steeplechase Park, Coney Island, XIX:1:15 'b9g [1696; enl. 1737], 111:1/2:40; XI:2:21
Stevens (John Cox) Palace (A. J. Davis), X:4:[31] George Chapel, 1752, XI:2:21

Stewart (A. T.) Stores 1846 (R. Upjohn), XII:1:18,20,21; XIX:1:34;

Broadway and Chambers, XV:4:14 . lBus- XII:1:19 fie 12
Broadway and 10th [Wanamaker's] ^ f^nsh of, XIX: 1:32,33
Bldg. (J. Kellum), XII:1:15; XV:4:17 Tnmty Place, no 74, X1X:1:34

Faade (J. B. Cornell), XV:4:17 Ul"" L^glf ^lub j c

Mercer St g' (Beabody and Stearns), IX:4:17; illus.

Faade (D. D. Badger and J. Kellum), IX:4:[18] fig 1

XV-4-22n64 Competition designs, IX:4:17

Stillman, Allen and Co. Novelty Works, XV:4:13 Un'ted Nat,ion^ XI:2:18; XX:3;149

Stuart's Sugar Refinery, 1853, XII: 1:20 Project (Le Corbusier), xx-2.93

Studio Bldg. (R. M. Hunt), XI-.2:11; illus. XI:2:[12] United States Capitol (P. C. L Enfant) sec New York

6 7 (City): Federal Hall

Stuyvsant (Rutherford) Apartments (R. M. Hunt), Unbed States Wafrebo"seDC'' ^ok\yn

XI-2-11-1141- illus XI-2-f 131 fig 9 Grain elevator (D. D. Badger and G. H. Johnson),
Sub-Treasury New York (City): Federal Hall . XVI:1:18 n107; XIX:4:181''82 ,
National Memorial University Settlement (Howells and Stokes),

Subways, IV:3/4:58; XVI:l:18n99 !Vi3.t/4:*6 ,. w . ^

Sugar house, 1763, Cowfoot Hill, XI:2:21 Vanderbilt (Cornelius) Mansion (G. B. Post),

Synagogue, Princes St., 18th c., XI:2:21 X',V'3'2b

Tabernacle, Webb's see New York (City): Webb's Vanderbilt (William K.) House (R. M. Hunt),

Tabernacle XI:2:11-[14]; illus. XI:2:[13] fig 10

Tatham and Brothers Iron Works, XV:4:20 n7 Vanderbilt Tomb (R. M. Hunt), Xl:2:[14]

Shot Tower (J. Bogardus), XII:1:21; XV:3:31; Vlews etc.

w New York Clty Plan' MaPs' Vlews'
XV:4:21 n51; XVI:1:12-13,15-17;
XIX:4:181,182; illus. XII:1:19 fig 12;

Villa, mid 19th C XI:2:24; illus. Xl:2:24

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, old, IV:3/4:58

Tavern^Mhe agngof6the Wooden Horse, 1641, Wal1 Street' no' 1 (Voorhees, Gmelin and Walker),

XI'2'20 XI:2:17
Telegraph line, First, XVI:1:17 31 Wanamaker's, Broadway and 10th see New York

Tenement House, Lafayette St. [Elm St.] (D. Lienau), City): Stewart (A. T.) Stores: Broadway and

XIV: 1:22; illus. XIV: 1 :[23] fig 8 Wanamaker's Dent Store

Thompkins [Tompkins] Market, XIV:3:23,26 a ??. .u o u c . v, ^
Thompkins [Tompkins] Market - Seventh Regiment 11n' ' ' "rn am' . '
Armory wNew York (City): Armories and Washington Square, IX:4:28; X:l:24; XV:4:5

Arsenals Houses' IX:3:27

Thompson (Col.) Roadhouse see New York (City):

Madison Cottage

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New York (City) - Newman

New York (City) (Cont.) Newark, Del.

Webb's Tabernacle, XI:2:21 University of Delaware

West Point Foundry, XV:4:13 Graduate program in early American culture,

Western Union Telegraph Bldg. (G. B. Post), 11:1:17; XIX: 1:43
XII:1:13,18,20-21; XII:3:31; Newark, N.J.
XVIII:4:126 n 1,130,131 nl7,136,137,138; illus. Architecture, VII:l/2:94

XII:1:14 fig 1; 19 fig 12 Presbyterian Church, 1791, VII:3/4:31

White (Alfred T.) Tenements, Brooklyn, XII:3:17 Public Library

whifetiall RlHtr ivi/ass Exhibition on urban re-development, XIV:3:32

Wind gristmills,' 17th c XI:2:19 Washington (George) House, IX:3:27

Wind sawmill, 17th c., Governors Island, XI:2:19 Newark, Ohio

Wooden Horse Tavern see New York (City): Tavern Home Building Assoc. Bank (L. Sullivan), XIX:2:68

at the Sign of the Wooden Horse Newbern, N.C. see New Bern, N.C.

Woolworth Bldg. (G. Gilbert), VI:3/4:2; XI:2:16; Newburg, 18th c., Col., XX:3:131

Xv-3-31 Newburgh, N.Y.

Wooster Street Synagogue (O. Blesch and L. Eidlitz), City plan, 111:1/2:37,38

XIII-4-30 Hasbrouck (Jonathan) House [Washington s

Work House, 18th c. see New York (City): Alms Headquarters], 1:3/4:15; IV:2:39 no.12;

House, City Hall Park M XIV:2:30-32; XV:*23; illus^ XIV:2:31

World Bldg. [Pulitzer Bldg.] (G. B. Post), XII:1:13; Newburn, N C. see New Bern, N.C.

XVIII:4:132-133; illus. XVIII:4:132 fig 3 Newbury, Mass.

Dome, XVI:1:18 nl05; illus. XVIII:4:132 fig 3 ln^lan 1:3/4:15

World's Fairs Newburyport

1853-54 [Crystal Palace Exhibition],

XI:2:15; i
Newby Hall (R. Adam)
XIV:2:3; XIX: 1:14
Observatory (W. Latting), XII: 1:20;
XIX: 1:14,15; illus. XIX:1:15 fig 7

Stoves, XX: 1:26 n27

Newcastle, Del. see New Castle, Del.

Newcastle, Me.
Perkins Homestead, XX: 1:38-39;
Brazilian Pavilion (L. Costa, O. Niemeyer and . , .

P. L. Wiener |Weier]XV,1:2:3, ^3'4

Exhibition Bldgs., II.1.17, 111:3.19 R , Arcade (R Grainger), XIX:2:88

Zoning, xi:2:17-18 Newcomb, E. A. P.

New York (State) Lowell Raiiroad station, third, 1872, Boston,

Architecture, IV:2:37-41; XV:2:12-18 VIIM/2-38
Building codes, laws, regulations, etc., IV:3/4:56 Newcomb, Rexford, 11:2:36; XI:1:32

City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Architecture in Old Kentucky, XI: 1 .-32

and Planning): U.S.: New York (State) Rev by w L Creese) XII:2:30-31

Dept. of Conservation, IV:2:37 Architecture of the Old Northwest Territory, X:l:28;
Dept. of Education, IV:2:37 XII:2:30

Quarries, XX:4:196 "A Corpus of American Architecture," IV:l:41-42

Tenement House Commission, IV:3/4:56 "A Message from .," 111:1/2:4-6

New York Architectural League see New York (City): "Regionalism in American Architecture," XI: 1:32
New York Architectural League Reviews

New York Historical Society see New York (City): Hamlin, T. F., Benjamin Henry Latrobe,
New York Historical Society XV:4-.29-30

New York Life Insurance Co. Hitchcock, H.-R., In the Nature of Materials:
Bldgs. see Minneapolis: New York Life Insurance The Buildings of Frank Lloyd Wright,
Co. Bldg.; New York (City): New York Life 1887-1941, 111:4:51-52

Insurance Co. Kubler, G., The Religious Architecture of New

New York Mercury, XX:3:120 Mexico in the Colonial Period and Since the
New York Past and Present, by I. N. P. Stokes, X:3:[31] American Occupation, 1:2:25-29
New York Public Library see New York (City): New Newcomb College see New Orleans
York Public Library Newcourt, Richard
New York Society of Architects (see also American City plan project, London, XX:2:55,56; illus.
Institute of Architects), XVI:3:36 XX:2:55 fig 8
New York University see New York (City): New York Newenham, Edward, Sir, X:2:16-17,18 n4
University Newman, James
London Orphan Asylum, drawings, 1835, XVI:2:26

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Newman - Nichols

Newman, John, 19th c. architect, of Providence, Newspapers see Periodicals

XII:3:15 Newton, . 1943, Gen., IV:2:7

Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, XIII:3:20 Newton, G. F., Xl:3:29

Newmarket Newton, Roger Hale, on study of American
Prince's Lodging, XIX:2:88 architecture, 11:2:27; and C. Lancaster, VI:1/2:[13];
Newport, Isle of Wight on Old Custom House, N.Y., XX:4:188,189; and
Chapel rood-screen, XVII:1:15 SAH, 111:4:66; on Saratoga hotels, 11:1:35

Newport, R.I. Biographical Dictionary of Builders, Artists and

Andrews (F. W.) House (H. H. Richardson), Artisans in the United States from Colonization to
IX: 1 /2:25,27 World War I, 1620-1914, IV:3/4:48,51

Architecture, XII: 1:32; XII:2:30 "Greek Revival Exhibition at the Met," 111:4:67-68

Armoury, ca. 1835, XIV:3:23 "On the Tradition of Polychromy and Paint of the

Beach Cliffe [Kane (Delancey [Innes] ) Villa], 1852 American Dwelling from Colonial to Present

(D. Lienau), XI:2:[8]; XIV:1:21; illus. XIV:1:[20] Times," 111:3:21-25,43

fi 4 "The Pressing Challenge of Our Native American
Chateau-sur-mer, XIV:1:21 Culture," 11:1:31-33,38
City plan, Maps, etc. Town and Davis, Architects, 11:1:35
Maps, XII:2:30 Rev p p r Donner, 111:3:28

1758 (Rev. E. Stiles), XVII:2:25 Newton, W.

Dudley (Collector Charles) House (P. Harrison), Drawing of Vitruvius' Ideal Town, 1791, illus.

XVIII:4:158 n3 111:1/2:[22a] fig 18

Hunter (William R.) House [Nichols (Jonathan) Newton Mass.

House], XII:3:31-32 Baptist Church (H. H. Richardson), IX: 1 /2:25

King (Edward) House [People's Library] Niagara Falls

(R. Upjohn), VIII:l/2:37; XI:2:4,28,29 v^s X;2;19

Kingscote (R. Upjohn), XII:4:24 Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Leamington Farm see Leamington Farm New York State Niagara Reservation (Olmsted, Vaux

Lonliard Home see Newport, R.I.: Vinland and Co ) VIl/2Tllnl

Mansions (R. M. Hunt), 11:2:36; XI:2:[14] Niagara Footbridge, 1848 (C. Eilet), XVI:1:11

Maps see Newport, R.I.: City plan, Maps, etc. a R Suspension Bridge (J. Roebling),

Marsh (Benjamin) House, XII:4:24 IV:3/4:53; XVLLll; XVII:4:28

Mason's Hall, St. John's Lodge (P. Harrison),

Nibbiano, Marquis of, see Azara, Jose Nicolas de

YVI1M I 59

vr u I ,i \u I u xi ri T u . Nibby, A., on Circus Maxentius, XVII:4:8 nn7,8

Nichols (Jonathan House see Newport, R.I.: Hunter ,T. T \r ,, xi- n , , T

(Wir ri h Nice, Robert L. Van see Van Nice, Robert L.

William K.) House Niches, XV:1:5-U; XX:1:26; XX:3:134; illus. XX:3:134

People s Library see Newport, R.I.: King (Edward) '




Nicholas V, Pope, XIV: 1:8; XX: 1:40

Redwood Library , ' L .

Bldg. (P. Harrison), IX:3:24; XII:2:30; XVIIL4:158 Nicho as Ro. C., /2 1772, X:3:29

Catalogs, 18th c XX:3:117,124 Nlcho,s' Frederick Doveton, on G^Bernard,

Sabbatarian Meeting House, VII:3/4:29 XX:2:52,53; work on Gothic Revival, VII: 1/2:49,

Sherman (William Watts) House (H. H. Richardson), Gen- Oglethorpe, XX:2:52,56; restoration work

1X1/2-25 of, XIII:4:32

Touro Synagogue Articles and Books

^rj<s The Early Architecture of Georgia, XX:2:52

ca. 1763, XVII:2:23,25-26; illus. XVII:2:25 SAH Bk- Award, 1957, XVII:1:36

1828, XVII :2:23,25-26; illus. XVII:2:24 Editor, Kane, M Bibliography of the Works of

Bldg. (P. Harrison), XVII:2:23-26; XIX:4:179; Fiske Kimball, XVIII:2:72; XIX:1:43

illus XVII-2-24 "A Visit with Bernard Maybeck," XI:3:30-31

Painting (B. B. Howland), XVII:2:25-26 Reviews

Parnas' seat, XVII:2:25 Waugh, Ed. W. (and Eliz.), The South Builds;
Tower, 11:2:35 Vew Architecture in the Old South,

Trinity Church, 1726, VII:3/4:29 XX:4:203-204

Vernon (William) House, 11:4:4 Whiffen, M., The Public Buildings of

Vinland [Lorillard House], XVIII:2:68 Williamsburg, Colonial Capitol of Virginia,

Yeshuat Israel Synagogue see Newport, R.I.: Touro XVIII:4:163-164

Synagogue Nichols, George, fl. 1801

Wolfe (Catherine Lorillard) House see Newport, R.I.: House of see Salem, Mass.: Peirce (Jerathmeel)



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Nichols - Nola

Nichols, Jonathan Nimrod

House of see Newport, R.I.: Hunter (William R.) Bas relief showing Assyrian or Hittite City,
House VII: 1/2:37-38; illus. VII:l/2:pI VI

Nicholson, Peter, invention of circular staircase, City plan, VIII:l/2:44

XIII:3:18,19 Nineteenth-century architecture (see also Queen Anne

Books, VII: 1/2:46-47; XIII:3:18,19; XIV:2:16 Revival), XVII:4:37-38; XVIII:3:119-120;

The New and Improved Practical Builder, XIX:3:125-127
11:4:23 nl20 Canada, VI:3/4:6,34

Principles of Architecture, XX:2:66 Germany, 11:3:6-13

Nicholson, William, 19th c. painter, XVIII:2:68 Great Britain (see aho Great Britain: Architecture),

Nickerson, Albert W. IX:1 /2:26-27; XIII:3:20-25; XV:2:30-31;

House of [Noble and Greenough School], Dedham, XIX:3:128-129; XIX:4:145-171; XX:3:149

Mass., XVII:3:20 |aPan' XIII:2:1 8

Nicodemus, monk, IV:3/4:27,28 U S' United11:1:27-30;


Nicoll, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

, XVII:3:35;


Nicopol.s Bulg. California, XVI:4:35-36

Church, IV:3/4:26 Kentucky, VIII:3/4:67

Nidda, Ger. Minneapolis, XIII:l:18-23
Protestant church, IX:3:7 Ohio, XII:2 (Ohio Sesquicentennial Issue)

Niederer, Frances J. Nineveh

"Pagan Monuments Converted to Christian Use: The Esarhaddon's Palace, VII: 1/2:38

Roman Diaconiae," XII:3:3-6 Ninurta XII-4-4-5

Nielson, J. Crawford [J. H.] see Neilson, J. Crawford Nishapur

Niemeyer, Oscar, XX:2:94 Shrine of Kadam-Gah, 111:4:47
Aeronautical Technical Center, So Jos dos Campos Nishny-Novgorod see Gorki

Staff housing, XVII:2:31 Niteroi, Brazil [Vila Real da Praia Grande]

Architecture, Brasilia, XX:2:94,95 City plan, XIV:4:10-11

Brazilian Pavilion, N.Y. World's Fair, 1939 (with L. Drawings, 1819 (A. J. Pallire), XIV:4:10,11; illus.
Costa and P. L. Wiener [Weiner] ), XVII:2:31 XIV:4:11 fig 9

Day Nursery, Rio de Janeiro, XVII:2:31 Niver, Charles, VIII: 1/2:128

Ministry of Education and Public Health, Rio de Nizhni-Novgorod see Gorki

Janeiro (and others), XVII:2:30,31; XX:2:95 Nobile, Pietro

Presidential Palace, Brasilia, XVII:2:30 San Antonio, Trieste, XIX:4:138;

Sao Francisco, Pampulha, XX:2:95 illus. XIX:4:138 fig 6

Niernse [Nierense], John Rudolph, VIII:1/2:128; Nodier, Charles

XIII:3:30 Voyages pittoresques et romantiques, (and I. J. S.

Nietzsche, XIX:4:182 Taylor), 1:3/4:6,8

Nieuw Amsterdam see New York (City) Noel, Garrett, 18th c. bkse/ler, XX:3:116

Nigetti, Matteo ^ Catalogue of Books in History, Divinity, Law, Arts

Faade, San Gaetano, Florence, XV:3:7 and Sciences, XX:3:124

"Niggerhead" facing, XV:2:13 Noel, Martin, V:[39],40

Nike (Paeonius), XIII:4:5; illus. xill:4:5 fig 4 Noffsinger, James P

Nikol' skoe Influence of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts on the
n Architects of the United States
Boyar Manor, 17th c., XVI:2:16 n8 _ , . ,
Rev. by J. F. Harbeson, XVII:2:29



Church, IV:3/4:32

M l Yii a s * Head of' IX:4:26

! e' ' Nogged-frame construction, XVIII: 1:29
^ r T , D. Noggle, M. E XIV:4:26 n4
Summer residence in form of Leaning Tower of Pisa, Noginsk

XIX:4:180 city p[anj IV:1:29; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 11

Nilgiris Tribes, India Noirlac

Brushwood hut, illus. XVIII: 1:28 fig 5 Abbey, XVIII:4.166

Nilson, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Noisiel-sur-Marne [sur-Seine]

Nmes Menier Chocolate Co. Turbine Bldg. (J. Saulnier),

Garden of the Fountain, IV:3/4:53-54 11:4:28; XVI:1:13,15

Maison Carre, XII:4:5 Nola

Nimmons, George, XX:3:14l Basilica of Paulinus, XIII:1:29


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Noland - "Notes from Abroad '

Noland, William, fl. 1834, XV:1:29 nnl,2,3, 30n20 Northampton, Engl.




City plans, IX:l/2:35 Porch, XIII:1:12

"Nomad's Rest," by C. Feiss and F. R. Stevenson, Sketch of (N. Hawksmoor), XIII:l:14nlO

VIII:3/4:19-26 Water mill with L. Paul roller spinning frame,

Nomini Hall, XIII:2:4; XVI:2:17; XX:3:116; illus. VIII:l/2:5,26n7
XVI:2:18 fig 2 Northampton, Mass.
Noon, M. M., IX:1 /2:24 n 10 Hinckley (Samuel) House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16
Nora, Ignacio Alonso de, 20th c., mayor of Oviedo, Smith College Museum of Art
XVI:4:2 Crystal Palace Exhibit, X:4:36
Norcia Northeastern University see Boston, Mass.

Castellina (Vignola), IX:4:10 Northern Central Railway, XX:2:74n41

Tombs, 11:1:10nl3 Northfield, Ohio
Norcross Brothers, of Worcester, Mass., XVI:3:22 French House, XII:2:12
Nordenfalk, Carl, on Maeseyck Gospel Ms., Northome [Little (Francis W.) House; Stevenson (R. V.)
XVIII:4:125 House] see Wayzata, Minn.
Nordiska Museet, IX: 1/2:37 Northwest Architecture

Nordquist, J. A., woodcarver, VI:l/2:28 "What Is Architecture," by L. Sullivan, IV:2:3-22

Norfolk, Duke of, ca. 1832, XVI:4:22 Northwest Territory, XII:2:3; XX:3:108
Norfolk, Va. Norton, fl. 1854, Lord, XIX:4:154

Pennock (William) House (B. H. Latrobe), XV:4:29 Norton, Charles, IV:l:54

Norfolk County (Va.) Courthouse, 1726 (P. Malbone), Norton, Charles Eliot, circle of, VIII:l/2:87; as a
XVIII:1:5 collector, IX: 1 /2:34; interest in Italian art and old

Norman, Okla. masters, 11:1:32; XIII: 1:4; and Memorial Hall,

University of Oklahoma (Shepley, Rutan and Harvard, VIII:3/4:69

Coolidge), XVII:3:26 Norton (Charles Eliot) Lectureship, VI: 1/2:34

Norman architecture see Romanesque architecture Norton G. W.

Normand, Alfred Nicolas House of, Louisville, XVII:3:28

Palais [Htel; Maison] Pompien, Paris, XIV:3:4-6; Norton (John) and Sons> of London, X:3:29

illus. XIV:3:[5] figs 3,4 Norton, Paul F., on Latrobe, XV:2:26; on Nassau Hall,

Normand, Charles Pierre Joseph, XV:4:31 XVI-2-32

Norris, fl. 1872, of Chicago millwork firm, see Book Reviews editor! SAH Joumal XIV:3-XVII

x, ?1C,t ?' Tf aniClfmenS Editor, SAH Journal, XVII:4:40; XVIII-XX

Norris, Charles, 18th c. Quaker, XIII:3:26 "Latrobe's Ceiling for the Hall of Representatives,"

Norris, Frank, XVII:2:30; XIX:1:2 X-2-5-10

Norris, J 19th c XX:4:196 nl4 Reviews

North, Lord, H :4:9 Downing, A. F. (and V. J. Scully), The

* we0rge' C" " XV:4:23 Architectural Heritage of Newport, Rhode

North Marianne -, , Island, 1640-1915, XII:2:30

Gallery of see Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens: North Koyl, G. S ed., American Architects Directory,



North Cambridge, Mass. see Cambridge, Mass. wkhey H p (and E R withey)j Bl0graphicai

Architecture8 X: 1:18-[22]; XIIL2:12 n 11 YlDeCeaSe^>

North Carolina State College see Raleigh, N.C. ...

North Olmsted, Ohio o T' ,p v, it m vmw,,, ,,

Carpenter House, XII:2:10 Railroad Station (R. M. Upjohn), VIII:1/2:41 n!2

Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32 Norwalk, Conn.

North Philadelphia see Philadelphia Armory, 1886, XIV:3:24

North River Canal, Va., IX:3:19 n6 Lockwood (LeGrand) Mansion [Mathews Park]

North Salem, Or. see Salem, Or. (D^Lienau), XIV: 1:22; dlus. XIV:l:[23] fig 7
North Tarrytown, N.Y. Studl Cotta8e <F- J- Foster>- XX:4:175; illus.
Philipsburg Manor [Philipse Castle], 111:1/2:47-48; XX:4:176 figs 13,14
III-4*7-15- IV-3/4-58 Norwegian Book of Homilies see Gamal Norsk

Upper Mill [Old Mill of Sleepy Hollow], Homitiebok, Cod. AM 619

111:1/2:47,48; 111:4:7-15 passim Norwich, Conn.

North Woodbury, Conn. Meetinghouse, 1673-75, XIX:2:76,77

Church, VII:3/4:32 Norwich, Vt.

Church (A. B. Young, attrib.), XIX:3:120

Norwood, 17th c Col., on Indian wigwams, XVII:4:33
Norwood, pre-Georgian house, see Pembroke, Berm.
"Notes from Abroad," XV:2:24-25


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Notman - La Nyssia
Notman, John, biogr. and career, XV:2:20; XVI:2:32; Novara

G. W. and W. D. Hewitt as students of, Cathedral (Antonelli), XIX:4:139

IV:3/4:51; Philadelphia work, XIII:3:30; R. C. Nove dell'Ordinanzae Milizia, XX:2:58
Smith on, X:l:25; XV:2:20; XVI:2:32 Novgorod

Athenaeum, Philadelphia, X:l:25; XV:2:20; Architecture, XVI:2:13,15,28,29

XVII:3:33 n2; XX: 1:6 Cathedral of St. Sophia
Bank of North America, Philadelphia (attrib.), 989, wooden, XVI:2:29
XX: 1:6 1045, masonry, VIII:1/2:91; XVI:2:6,9
Calvary Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, XV:2:20 Czar's Place, 111:4:39; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 14
Church of the Ascension, Philadelphia, XV:2:20 Constitution, IV: 1:22
Doane (Bishop) villa see Notman, John: Riverside Novi, Aloisio [Alevisio] see Alevisio Novi
Guernsey Hall, Princeton, XI:2:28 Novum Comum see Como

Holy Trinity, 1856, Philadelphia, XV:2:20 Novyj, Alevisio [Aloisio] see Alevisio Novi

Jackson (Dr. C. M.) Bldg., Philadelphia, XX:1:15; Nowicki, Matthew

illus. XX:1:15 fig 25 City plan, Chandigarh, XVIII:3:91 n52
Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, XV:2:20 Noyes, Josiah, 19th c Dr. of Clinton, N.Y., XX:4:195
Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, design, XX:1:14 Noyes, Peter, 17th c., XI:1:3,6,8,9,12,[14] nnl0,17
Medary, Philadelphia, XIX:2:81; illus. XIX:2:81 fig 1 Noyon
Mortuary chapel, Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Cathedral, XI:3:7-9



Nassau Hall, Princeton Elevation, XI:3:8,9; illus. XI:3:8

Rebldg., XI:2:28; XV:2:20; XVI:2:32 Faade, XI:3:7

Prospect [President's House, Princeton University], Nave piers, IV:3/4:38; XI:3:8; XIII:1:30; illus.
XI:2:28 IV:3/4:[36a] fig 2
Riverside, St. Mary's Seminary [Bishop Doane's Nuermberger, Ruth K., XV:l:30nl6

villa], Burlington, N.J., XI:2:27,28 Nrnberg

St. Clement's, Philadelphia, XV:2:20 Town Hall, XX: 1:42

St. John's, Wilmington, XV:2:20,21 Nuestra Senora de la Soledad see Soledad Mission,
St. Mark's, Philadelphia, XV:2:19,20.,21,22 Calif.

St. Peter and St. Paul, Philadelphia Nuevo Madrid, S.A., XVIII:2:47
Faade, XV:2:20 Null, Joseph, judge, VIII: 1 /2:131

St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, XV:2:19-23; Numbers (Mystic, Symbolic, etc.), XVII: 1:34;

illus. XV:2:20-21, figs 1-2 XVII:2:28; XVIII:3:94-103

State Asylum, Trenton Nun, deity, XII:4:5-6

Hospital, XI:2:28 Nunan, Jeremiah

Noto, Italy, XIX:4:184 House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24; illus. XII:4:[23]

Architecture, XV: 1:5,10 nl fig 9

Santa Chiara, XV:l:10n4 Nunes de Abreu, Joo see Abreu, Joo Nunes de
Ntre-Dame-en-Vaux, XIII:1:30 Nunez Grans, Pedro
Nottingham Plans for expansion of Madrid, XVIII:3:75 n6
Cathedral (A. W. N. Pugin), XIII:3:22 Nuremberg see Nrnberg
Cotton mill using water frame, 1768 (R. Arkwright), Nursery schools see Schools and School bldgs.

111:4:5; VIII: 1/2:26 n7 Nuthall Temple, Nottinghamshire, XV:4:8

Nottman, John see Notman, John Nutt, Haller, Dr., XIV:1:31; XIX:1:34

Nottoway, Va. Villa of see Natchez, Miss: Longwood

Courthouse (B. H. Ellington), XVIII: 1:8; illus. Nutting, of Hudson, Ohio
XVIII:1:10 fig 21 House of, XII:2:12

Novaesium Nyeven, Neth.

Roman Camp 15th c. timber church, XVII:2:2-3

Plan, illus. VIII:3/4:pl X Nymphenburg

Palace see Munich: Nymphenburg Palace

La Nyssia, statue, XIV:3:6


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Oak Park, III. Piazza [e Scala] di Spagna, XIV: 1:12; illus.

Childrens' playhouses, project (F. L. Wright), XIV:1:13 fig 9

XIX:3:130 Porta Pia, proposed erection of, XIX:3:100nl8
Cummings Real Estate Office (F. L. Wright), Oberlin, Ohio
XVIII:2:64; illus. XVIII:2:65 fig 4 Church, brick, VII:3/4:32
Dress shop project, ca. 1912 (F. L. Wright), Oberlin College
XIX:3:130 Art Museum, VII:3/4:[4]

Farson (John) House (G. W. Mher), XIX: 1:4-5; Dept. of Fine Arts
illus. XIX: 1:5 fig 7 Bldg. (C. Ward), VII:3/4:[4]

Gale (Walter) House (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:129; "... Masters' Theses Written ... under the

XIX:4:183 Guidance of Clarence Ward," VII:3/4:[21]-32

Ullman (H. J.) House [Hultman House], 1904 project Symposium on Mediaeval Architecture, VIl:l/2:49;
(F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 VII:3/4:37
Unity Church [Temple] (F. L. Wright), 111:4:51; Obermarchtal
IX: 1/2:37; XIX:3:129; XIX:4:183 Church, XVI:2:31

Wright (F. L.) House (F. L. Wright), XX:4:179 Oblique perspective, V:47
Playroom skylight, XVIII :2:64 Oblong hall

Studio, 111:4:17; XIX:3:124n7; XX:4:179 China, XVI:3:33

Oakey, Alexander F XVII:4:28-29 Oboler, Arch

Oakham Castle, XIII:3:24 House of, Los Angeles, XIX:3:131
Oakland, Calif. Oboyev

Moss (J. Mora) Cottage (Heston and Williams), cit lan> IV:i:28-29- illus. IV:l:[22al fig 12

XIV:3:16,19; illus. XIV:3:20 figs 6,7 O'Brien, of Thomaston, Me.

Packard showrooms, ca. 1928, XI:3:31 garn x-4[32]nl7
Oakley, Edward Obrist, Hermann, 11:3:12
Every Man a Complete Builder.. ., XX:3:128 no.59 xiV-2-23

The Magazine of Architecture. Perspective and Observation towers see Towers (Belfries, Observation

Sculpture. XX:3:128 no.60 towers, Spires, Steeples, etc.)

Oates, David, XX: 1:44 Observatories

Oath of Julius Civilis (Rembrandt), XX: 1:42 _ . D .

Tk, Mh ofUofl/|R,ph,el|. XVII1:3:117 tapUS..,,. (L. B.

Oaxaca de Juarez, Mex. XIX:1:12-13; illus. XIX:1:13 figs 3,4




Soledad, V:22 Lequeu, J. J.,


Obelisk, architectural device, XIL4.-6; XIX:2:76;



Shattuck Observatory, Dartmouth College (A. B.


Obelisks (see also Columns (Memorials): Monuments), . , i us. ig

as architectural monuments, XVII:l:19-24, passim; Ne^ Y^k <C!ty),T . .

used as counterweights in large 19th c. plazas, World s Fair' 1853 (W' Lattme>' *II:1:20;
IV: 1:32; Egyptian creation of, XII:4:6; re-use of, XIX: 1:14,15; illus. XIX:1:15 fig 7
111:1/2:27; "Scamozzesque obelisks," XVI: 1:9 Philadelphia

London Sawyer Observatory, XIX:1:11-13,14; illus.

Cleopatra's Needle, XVI:4:22 XIX:1:12 figs 1,2

Luanda, Portuguese West Africa [Angola] Potsdam

Obelisk in honor of John VI's acclamation in Einstein Observatory (E. Mendelsohn), XVII:3:36

1816, XIV:4:9 Oceania

Paris XVII-1-22 Architecture, XIX: 1:25-30 passim

Poltava, IV: 1:31 Ochsner, Bjarn
Rome 111:1/2:27 Early Photographs of Architecture and Views in Two

Obelisk of Domitian, Piazza Navona, XIV:1:11; Copenhagen Museums (with H. Bramsen and M.

illus. XIV: 1:10 fig 4 Brans)

Obelisk of Montecitorio, 111:1/2:27 Short rev., XVIII:2:72

Piazza del Popolo, XIV:1:9; illus. VIII:3/4:pl IV O'Connell, J. B.

fig 3b; XIV: 1:9 fig 2 Church Building and Furnishing [The Church's Way]

Piazza della Rotonda, illus. XIX:4:135 fig 1 Short rev., XV:4:32

Piazza di San Pietro, 111:1/2:27; XIV:1:10; illus. O'Connor, fl. 1790, of Natchez, Miss., XIV:4:28

111:1 /2:[22a] fig 16; XIV:1:10 fig 3 O'Connor, Charles, fl. 1855, N. Y. tailor, XV:4:21 n51

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Ocotln - Octagonal bldgs. and rooms

Ocotln XVIII:3:107-108; XIX:1:34,38; illus. XIV:1:31;

Sanctuary of see Tlaxcala, Mex.: Sanctuary of XVIII:3:108 fig 6; XIX:1:36 fig 5




Ocozcoautla, Mex., XV:l:19n32 Octagonal houses of worship, VII:3/4:31

Octagon, 111:4:65 New York (City)

Octagon House see Washington, D.C.: Octagon House Crystal Palace design (J. W. Adams), XVL1.17 nil

Octagonal bldgs. and rooms, F. Borromini's use of Novgorod

octagonal nave, XV:3:19; O. S. Fowler as Cathedral of St. Sophia, 989, wooden, XVI:2:29
proponent of, 11:1:30; 11:4:27 nl46; XII:2:4; Ohio, XII:2:8
XVIII :2:66; XIX:4:180; T. Jefferson's predilection Ottmarsheim
for, X: 1:4-9; favored by Mexican architects, V:28; Church, XIX:4:176
19th c. popularity of, 11:1:30; 11:4:27; octagon with Painesville, Ohio
ambulatory excluded from Renaissance planning, Octagonal house, XII:2:8

XVI-1-4 Pennsylvania, school houses, XII:1:21

Antioch ' Pittsburgh

Golden Church IV-3/4-5 Western Penitentiary (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl.

Annapolis ' 10 capts. 4,5; XVIII:4:152; illus. XIII:3:Suppl.

Whitehall Plantation [Sharpe (Horatio) Plantation] t11! *"igs 4'5

Stable (W. Anderson), XII: 1:22; illus. XII: 1:22 Poplar Forest (T. Jefferson), 11:2:39; IX:3:14,29;

Birmingham, Pa. X:l:4,9,10; illus.

X:l:[7] fig 10
Meeting House School, XII:l:21-22; illus. XII:1:21

S. Vitale, XVI: 1:4-5; XX:2:88

Boston, Mass.

Richmond, Va.

New South Church (C. Bulfinch), XIV:2:16

Caskie (John) House [Brockenbrough (Dr. John)

Casa dos Biscainhos ouse' 'rs 1

Octagonal garden pavilion, XV:3:15nl3; illus. .. a.0.n.a a^S' u rn . fr
vv -t 11 r -> McRae (Alexander) House [Octagonal office
w n . bldg.], 1805-13, 11:2:39; 111:4:27

Campo Maior, Port. R

Parish church, 18th c., XV:3:20 .

Circleville, Ohio ZtLiTroon, vv,,,.

Courthouse, XIV:4:24; illus. XIV:4:25 figs 3,4 g Agnese

Designs and Projects Sacristy (F. Borromini), XV:3:23 n38

Church en forme et figure de huit pans, s Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

Chambly, Can. Cloister (F. Borromini), XV:3:20,23 n38

Proposed, XI:1:[26] n9 Costanza, Tomb of [called "octagon and

Crystal Palace design (J. W. Adams), XVI:1:17 n77 circle"] XVII-3-34

Prison plan (P. G. Bugniet), XII:4:28-30; illus. s Mana dei'Sette Dolori

XII:4:29 Nave (F. Borromini), XV:3:23 n38

E!y Russia, XVI:2:11

Cathedral, XVI:3:24; XVI:4:34 Salvador, Brazfl

Fishkill, N.Y. Nossa Senhora da Conceio da Praia Basilica

Octagonal House (O. S. Fowler), II:l:30nl4 (M c de Saldanha), XV:3:16-23
Kizi, Russ. Spanish Town, Jam.
Church of the Transfiguration, XVI:2:6,12; illus. Courthouse, X:3:22,24
XVI:2:12 fig 5 Swampscott, Mass.
Lisbon Grasshead House (A. Little), IX:4:17; illus.

Menino Deus (J. Antunes, attrib.), XV:3:19-20; IX:4:[18] fig 3

illus. XV:3:19 fig 8 Taunton, Engl.

London Meetinghouse, 1763, XX:3:136
St. Dunstan's-in-the-West (James Shaw and John Turin

Shaw), IV:2:42 S. Rocco (F. Lanfranchi), XV:3:19

Louisville, Ky. U.S., XII:l:21-22

Farmington (T. Jefferson), IX:3:16; X:l:9; illus. Venice

IX:3:[15] figs 1-3 S. Maria della Salute (Longhena), XVI:1:3-10;

Monticello (T. Jefferson) XVI:2:31; XVII:1:3; illus. XVI:l:4-8 figs 1-6
Octagonal parlor, X:l:4 Willemstad, Neth.

Natchez, Miss. Brick octagon church [1st Protestant church],

Longwood [Nutt (Dr. Haller) villa; Villa in the 1595, IX:3:6; XII: 1:22
Oriental Style] (S. Sloan), XIV: 1:31;


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Octagonal bldgs. and rooms - Ohio Mechanics' Institute

Williamsburg, Va. Odo, Pope, see Urban II

Powder Horn [Magazine], 111:4:26; XVIII:4:163; Odo, Saint, Abbot of Cluny, as archimandrite of
illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3 monasteries of Rome, XVI:3:10; and Charlieu,
Yellow Springs, Ohio XII:1:6; XVI:2:2,5; and bldg. at Cluny, XVI:2:5;

Octagonal house, XII:2:8 XVI:3:7; XIX:4:176; and music, XVI:3:7; secures

Octagonal domes see Domes and Cupolas: Octagonal relic of dust and scrapings from coffins of SS.
Octagonal fountains Peter and Paul, XVI:3:10; and Church of St.

Fountain of Thetis, Pratolino, XX:4:156,166; illus. Martin at Tours, XII:1:6 and n2; XVI:2:2
XX:4:166 fig 19 O'Donald, J.

Octagonal towers, of Filarete, XVII:3:12,14; of Russian Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59 nl3
wood churches, XVI:2:11,14 O'Donnell, James, XI:1:21
Athens Columbia College, N.Y., designs for additions, 1818,

Tower of the Winds, XIV:2:12 VI:3/4:6; XI:1:[26] n7

Baltimore, Md. Notre-Dame, 1823, Montreal, VI:3/4:6; XI:l:20-[26];
Franklin Street Presbyterian Church, XVI:1:30; XIV:3:8-9,12,13; illus. XI:1:[22] fig 1
illus. XVI: 1:30 fig 3 Odowara see Odawara

Charleston, S.C. Oegg, XII:4:14

St. Philips Church, 2d, XVIII:3:114; illus. Office bldgs. see Commercial bldgs., Office bldgs., etc.;

XVIII:3:112 fig 1; 113 fig 2 Skyscrapers (Cloudscrapers, Tall bldgs., etc)

Cormery, France Ogden, fl. 1642, "Two Englishmen" from Stanford,

Abbey Tour Saint-Paul, IV:3/4:15-19 XI-2-20

Cunault Ogden, William B 11:4:14

Notre Dame, IV:3/4:16 House of, Chicago, 11:4:16 n83
Moscow 0le j

Cathedral of St. Basil, XVI:2:14-15; illus. XVI:2:15 Re'sidence of> Woodburn, Or., XIX:2:58 n!3

. r*"lg, 1 ' . Oglethorpe, Eleanor see Bthisy, Eleanor Oglethorpe

New York (City) de

McCullough Shot and Lead Co , Centre St. Oglethorpe, James Edward, Gen., and G. Bernard,
Shot Tower J. Bogardus), XV:3:31; vvr . , .. u, d 11

vv a ii o yvi i l? a is 17. XX:2:52-54; biogr., XX:2:56; and W. Bull,

ya J, u Yvanr 1 XX:2:50-52; and R. Castell, XX:2:50; and

:,6 r fs fortification, XX:2:56-62; and F. Moore,

.. , 'g r ...
. XX:2:49,50; as champion of prison reform,
and Brothers Iron Works r r

XX:2:50; expedition against St. Augustine,

XVIII:4:158; XX:2:56; colonization and planning
of Savannah, X:4:6-9; XX:2:47-62

Shot Tower (J. Bogardus), XII:1:21; XV:3:31;

XV:4:21 n51; XVI:1:12-13,15-17;
XIX:4:181,182; illus. XII:1:19 fig 12;

XVI1-16 F 16 ' Oglethorpe, Lewis, XX:2:56

Salamanca SDain Oglethorpe, Theophilus, XX:2:54 n44,56,62
Cathedral 12th c Oglethorpe, [Mrs. Theophilus], Lady, XX:2:56
Octagonal steeple, Torre del Gallo, XII; 1:8 Oglevee, John Finley

Octaeonal windows Letters of the Archbishop - Elector Joseph Clemens of

Mexico, V-28 29 Cologne to Robert de Cotte (1712-1720) with

Oda [taj Hirotar supplementary Letters from the Architect

Nippon 'no Kenchiku [The Architecture of Japan) Guillaume d'Hauberat to de Cotte (1716-1721)
(with K. Hattori and T. Tanabe)

Rev. by A. Soper, XVI:4:36 Rev by T J- McCormick, XVII:l:35-36

Odawara Jap O'Gorman, James F., career data, XIX:3:123 n

Odawara Hotel (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 "The Hoo Hoo House; Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
Oddfellows see Independent Order of Oddfellows Exposition, Seattle, 1909, XIX:3:123-125

Odell (A. G.) and Associates Oheim, of Kimmswick, Mo.

Wilson Junior High School, Wilson, N.C., XX:4:204 House of [Herrmann-Oheim House], XVIII: 1:29




Corbit (William) House, XIX:1:43 Architecture, IV:3/4:51; VI:3/4:18-21; VII:3/4:31-32;

Old Drawyers Presbyterian Church, XIX:1:43 XII:2 (Special Issue); XII:3:32; XVI:4:31
Odessa, Russ. Fortifications, XII:2:4

Promenade and stairs, IV:1:32 Maps, illus. XII:2:4 fig 1

Odilo, Saint, Abbot of Cluny, interest in good building, Ohio Canal, X:4:[13]-14
XVI:3:3; and Charlieu, XII:1:3,6 nlO; XVI:2:2, 5; Ohio Company, XII:2:3

XVI:3:16; and Cluny, IV:3/4:8; XII:l:6n4b; Ohio Historical Society Museum sec Columbus, Ohio

XVI:2:5; XVI:3:3,6,20; XVIII:3:95; and William of Ohio Mechanics' Institute see Cincinnati
Volpiano [of Dijon], XVI:3:6

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Ohio River Span - Omar

Ohio River Span, Wheeling (C. Eilet), XVI: 1:11 Oliver, Robert W Rev., VI: 1/2:25
Ohio River Suspension Bridge, Cincinnati (J. Oliver Family, of Baltimore, XX-.2-.69 n28
Roebling), XV:4:21 n24 Olmos, Juan de, V:36n8
Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society see Olmsted [Olmstead], Frederick Law, 1822-1903, Sr.

Columbus, Ohio (see also Olmsted, Vaux and Co.), Baltimore work,
Ohio State Historical Museum see Columbus, Ohio: XIII:3:30; XVI:4:35; and C. Vaux, VI:1/2:[1] nl

Ohio Historical Society Museum Biltmore, Asheville, N.C., XI:2:[14]; XV:2:29

Ohio State University see Columbus, Ohio Capitol Grounds, Washington, VII:1/2:21,27

Ohio Valley architecture, 11:1:35-36; VI:3/4:18-21 Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, XIII:3:32;

Ohio - Western Reserve see Western Reserve XIX: 1:11,12

Oil derricks, XIII:3:29 Fenway Park, Boston, XIII:2:20,21,23

Ojeda, Alonzo de, XIX:4:178 Leland Stanford Junior University, Palo Alto
Ojibway Indians [Stanford]
Dwellings, XVII:4:33 Grounds, XVII:3:22

Olanda [Hollanda], Francisco de, descr. of relief World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, Chicago
designed for an expository wafer, XVII:1:4 Lagoon and Wooded Isle, IX:l/2:34; XIX:1:23;
Project for a chapel of the Holy Sacrament from De illus. IX: 1/2:32 fig 2

fabrica que falece cidade de Lisboa, Landscaping, XIX: 1:23

XVII:1:3,8; illus. XVII:1:7 fig 9 Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1870-1957, Jr., 1:3/4:21;
Olbrich [Olbrick], Joseph Maria, and Jugendstil, IV:1:35
X:3:10; XIV:2:18,19; and Knstler Kolonie in City plans

Darmstadt, 11:3:12-13; and C. R. Mackintosh, New Haven (and C. Gilbert), IX:l/2:35; illus.
XIII:2:31; debt to Richardson and Sullivan, IX:l/2:33 fig 8
XVIII:2:69 Unexecuted plans, IX:l/2:35
Bibl., XIV:2:20 Roland Park, Baltimore, XIII:3:31,32

Ernst Ludwig Haus, Darmstadt, VI:3/4:3; illus. Olmsted, Vaux and Co. (see also Olmsted, Frederick

VL3/4:pl II fig 11 Law, 1822-1903, Sr.; Vaux, Calvert), formation of

Railroad Station, Basle, design, VI:3/4:3; illus. partnership, VL1 /2:[ 1] nl

VI:3/4:pl II fig 8 Central Park, N.Y., VI:1/2:[1] nl; XIV:1:21

Old age homes see Housing: Old age Morningside Park, N.Y., VI:1/2:[1] nl

"Old Brick" see Smithfield, Va.: St. Luke's Church New York State Niagara Reservation, Niagara Falls,

Old Cheshire Churches, by R. Richards, XVII:2:3 VI:l/2:[l]nl

Old Goa see Goa (City) Parks, Bridgeport, Conn., VI:1/2:[1] nl

Old Mill of Sleepy Hollow see North Tarrytown, N.Y.: Parks, Chicago, VI:1/2:[1] nl

Upper Mill Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y., VI:l/2:[l]nl

The Old Palace, painting (Robert), 11:3:33 Riverside, 111.

Old Saratoga, N.Y. see Schuylerville, N.Y. Plan, XVI:l:19nl26

Old Sturbridge Village see Sturbridge, Mass. Riverside Park, N.Y., VI:l/2:[l]nl

Old Swamp Church, XIV:2:7 Olney, James, 19th c., of Johnston, R.I., XII:3:13
Oldemarkt Olpp, William H., XV:2:18nl4
Church, XVII:2:21 n6 Olsson, Olaf, minister, VI: 1/2:28
Oldknow, Samuel, VIII: 1/2:15 Olympia

Mill, Mellor, VIII: 1/2:12,14; illus. City plan, Descr., Maps, Views, etc., VIII:l/2:49;
VIII:I/2:pl II figs 7,8 VIII:3/4:9; illus. XIII:4:6 figs 5,6

Olds, Edson B., 19th c., of Circleville, Ohio, XIV:4:24 Heraeum, XIII:4:5

Olds, Hanford, 19th c., XX:4:196nl4 Nike (Paeonius), XIII:4:5; illus. XIII:4:5 fig 4

Oleander Circle, 17th c. house, Berm., VI:3/4:7 Temple of Zeus, XIII:4:5; XX:4:202; illus. XIII:4:5

Oleman and Patterson, firm, of Salem, Or., fig 4; 6 figs 5,6

XIX:2:59 nl4 Treasury, XVI:4:33

Oley Valley, Pa. Water Conduit, VII:3/4:34
Moravian schoolhouse, XVIII:1:29 Olympic Games, bldgs. around site of, VIII:I/2:49;
Oliva, Ricardo Maritegui see Maritegui Oliva, revival of, XIX:l:18nl0
Ricardo Olynthus

Olivary, John, 18th c XIV:4:28-30 Bldgs., IV:3/4:49

Olivas, fl. 1800, soldier, XIII:4:28 House A VI 5

Olivenza Altars, XI:3:4; illus. X:3:[3] fig 10

St. Mary Magdalene O'Malley, J. J. E., Rev., XIX:4:168n89

Nave, V:2n9 Oman, A. P., carpenter, VI:l/2:28

Oliver, Henry W. Omar

House of see Pittsburgh: Oliver (Henry W.) House Mosque of see Jerusalem: Dome of the Rock

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O'Meara - Oriskany Battlefield

O'Meara, fl. 1837, Father, 11:4:19 n99 Orchard, James
Omnibuses Richmond County Courthouse, 1692, Warsaw, Va.,
Cleveland, XII:2:23 XVIII:1:3,4 nl3
Omodeo, Giovanni Antonio see Amadeo, Giovanni Ord, John, of Philadelphia

Antonio Competition design for Allegheny County Bldgs.,





City plan, IV: 1:32 Order of Saint James of the Sword [of Saint James of

On the Origin of Species, by C. Darwin, XVI:4:22 Compostela] see James, Saint

One-story house plan, XX:4:175,176-177 Order of the Clerks Regular see Clerks Regulars,

O'Neal, William B. Order of

"Francesco Milizia, 1725-1798," XIII:3:12-15 Order of the Golden Fleece, XV:1:16

O'Neill, 19th c., sheriff of Council Bluffs, Iowa, Orders of architecture

XVIII:4:154 See also Proportion (Art and Architecture)

Onondaga Historical Association see Syracuse, N.Y. Authors, XX:3:115-130 passim

Ooge, M. L. d' see D'Ooge, M. L. Alberti, L. B XVIII:4:146

Open-air museums see Outdoor museums Blondel, J. F., XVIII:4:146-147

An Open-Eyed Conspiracy, by W. D. Howells, XIV:3:7 Delorme, P., XI:2:11

Open plan, XX:4:172-173,175 Langley, B., XX:3:119,128 no.45

Opera-houses see Theaters (Auditoriums, Concert halls, Palladio, A., X:l:3; XIII:3:9; XVIII:4:146;

Opera houses, etc.) XX:3:119

Onorto Perrault, C., XX:3:116,117,124,129 no.66

^thedral Scamozzi, V., XVIII:4:146; illus. XX:3:119 fig 4

Additions (N. Nasoni), XV:3:14 n2 Vi8nola' G Bar0zzio da' IX:4:10>13; XVIH:4:146;

nr J.,l
n yv

c., XV:3:7

, , v,,
, -, .. doors,
illus. XX:3:119
n44 fig
. '94
v, -,plan,
Louis XV
. , XI:
_ 1:[171
. \ '
, - ., ,xr XT .. , _ Ordo Romanus Primus, XVIII:3:97

Clengos, Church of the (N. Nasoni), XV:3:7

Orea, Juan de, XX:3:147

Oregon Beaver Ten Dollar Gold Coin, of 1849,


Faade (N. Nasoni), XV:3:7,14 nn2,3

N. S. do Carmo, Third Order Church of (J. F. de


Seixas), XV:3:7,9,10,13-14; illus. XV:3:9 fig 4 Orestes, in sculpture, XII:4:15

N. S. do Tero, XV:3:10; illus. XV:3:12 fig 15 Bldgs 1795-1855 IV-3/4-51

da^ira J Organ-builders, xvil:l:17
Plan (J. Whitehead), XIV:4:7 0rgans and 0rgan cases
Santo Ildefonso Charleston S C

Retable (N. Nasoni), XV:3:14 n2 St Philip.s Church) 2d.

Sao Joao Novo, XV:3:9 Organ, XVIII:3:113,114

Town houses, XV:3:10 Florence

Town house near So Joo Novo, XV:3:9; illus. Maria del Fiore
XV:3:11 fig 10 16th C. organ, XX:4:165

Oppenord, Gilles Marie, J. F. Blondel on, XI:1:[18]; Philadelphia

XVI 11:4:142,145; infl. on 18th c. Brazilian and First Moravian Church, 1855-56

Portuguese retables, XV:3:21; F. Kimball on, Organ case (E. F. Durang), XVIII:4:163



Htel Gaudion, Paris, design, V:46 St. Luke's Church

Palais Royal, Paris Organ (B. Schmidt), XVII: 1:17
Stables, design, V:46 Versailles

Opus incertum, VII:3/4:34 Chateau chapel

Opus sectile technique, XV:4:9 Organ case (P. Lepautre, attrib.), V:45-46

Oral History Research Office, Columbia University, Oriental art and architecture, (see also China: Art and
XI:2:19 architecture; India: Architecture; Japan:

Orange, Princes of, XX:1:41 Architecture), infl. on Western art, V:[21]-22;

Orange, Hans Peter see L'Orange, Hans Peter X:3:16-17; XVIII:2:63-65

Orange, France Orientation, Architectural, 11:1:25-26

Roman theater, IV:3/4:53 Origin of Species, by C. Darwin, XVI:4:22

Orbais l'Abbaye Original Designs of Temples and Other Ornamental

Church, IV:3/4:39 Buildings, by T. C. Overton, XX:3:122,128 no.62

Orbay, d', 1:2:8 Oriskany Battlefield, N.Y., IV:2:40


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Orlandi - Otis Company

Orlandi, Padre, XIII:3:12,15 Osaka
Orlandos Mint (T. J. Waters), XIII:2:15; illus. XIII:2:[16]

Ta Hylika Domes ton Archaion Hellenon, XX:4:202 figs 4-5

Orlans, Louis, 1372-1407, due d\ VII:3/4:29 Osborne, J. G., 19th c XI:3:27-29
Orlans, France Osborne, Milton S XII:3:29; XX:l:9nl6
Cathedral Osborne House, Isle of Wight, XI:2:27,28
Towers (J. A. Gabriel), XI:1:[19] Osdel, J. M. van see Van Osdel, J. M.
City plan, 111:1/2:22; XX:3:108 Osiris, XII:4:6

Orme, Philibert de 1' seeDelorme, Philibert Osman, Louis, on Nash terraces, XVIII:3:120;

Ornament, Architectural see Decoration and ornament XVIII:4:168

Ornamental Architecture in the Gothic, Chinese and Osmery

Modern Taste, by C. Over, XX:3:128 no.61 Saint-Julien, XI:3:21

Ornamental Designs, by J. Jones [i.e. J. Jores], Ossuna, Duke of, see Osuna, Duke of
XX:3:127 ni 1 Ostade, Adriaen van, XX:1:41

"The Ornamental Niche-Pilaster in the Hispanic Ostashkov

World," by J. A. Baird, Jr., XV:1:5-11 city Plan- IV:1:25

Oropa Ostell, John, XIV:3:8,9-11
Church (G. Guarini), XV:2:11 n44 Ostendorf, Friedrich, X:3:12
Orozco, IV:2:41 Osterling, F. J.

Orphanages Allegheny County Bldgs., Pittsburgh

Charleston, S.C. Courthouse, proposed alterations, XVI:3:28n21

Orphan House Chapel (G. Manigault), XII:3:29 Allegheny County Jail, Pittsburgh, additions,



Chicago Orphan Asylum (Shepley, Rutan and Allegheny County Mortuary, 1908, Pittsburgh,

Coolidge), XVII:3:28 . XVI:3:28 n21

Florence Times Bldg. [Magee Bldg.] Pittsburgh, XVI:3:26-27

Ospedale degli Innocenti (F. Brunelleschi), Osthaus, Carl Ernst, 11:3:12

111:1/2:27 Sia .

London Apartment house of Diana, IV:3/4:52

Christ's Hospital, XIII:4:31 Castle [Fortress], XIII:3:3

London Orphan Asylum, Clapton, XVI:2:26 Medal of, illus. XIV:2:[4] fig 8

Madrid City plan, Maps and Views, 111:1/2:25; IV:3/4:52;

Hospicio Provincial (P. de Ribera), XVIII:2:46 3/4:25; VIII:3/4:30 32 33,34 36,41; illus.

New Orleans p III:l/2:[22a] fig 6; VIII:3/4:pl XI

Jewish Widows and Orphans Home, 1869 (H. xcava ions, .

u j, Facings of tnmmed blocks of tufa, XVII:4:8 n9

Howard, illus. XI :4:[231 , , -, > ,

Of d NC Harbor and Docks, 1:1:5-6; VIII:3/4:30,34

c.T'l ; r I, rrw j ^ u t Portico St., III: 1 /2:25; illus. III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 6

St. John s College [Oxford Orphanage], Terme delrInvidioso> XVII:4:7 n3

Paris 1 1: 8 5 stia< Battle of, XVIII:3:117

Hpital des Enfants Trouvs (G. Boffrand), SftTrts^
XVIII:4:142 Ostrovo

Philadelphia Church, XVI:2:6

Northern Home for Friendless Children (S. Sloan), Osuna, Duke of

XIX: 1:35 Palace of, Marchena, V:2n9

Orphans Osuna, Spain

Education, XVI:2:22 Palaces XII'2*31

Ortega, Jos Maria, fl. 1799, XIII:4:29 Oswego, N.Y.

Ortega y Gasset, Jos, XVII:1:35 City p]an, Maps and Views, 111:1/2:40; illus.
Orth, George IIM/2:[36a]
Stewart House, 1890, Pittsburgh, XVI:3:27 Montcalm Park, IV:2:38
Orth, John ta, HirotarS see Oda, Hirotar

House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24 Otavi, Marquises de

Ortygia see Syracuse, Italy House of, Potosl, V:[33]

Orvieto Othlon of St. Emmeram, XI:3:14

Cemetery of the Crocefisso del Tufo, VII:3/4:34 Otis, Amos, XIX:2:52

Roman temple, XIII:4:24 Otis, Elisha Graves, XI:2:15; XV:4:22n55
Orwell, George, XV:2:29 Otis Company, XI:2:15

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Otis elevator - Oxford, Engl.

Otis elevator, XIX:4:181 Ovando, Nicolas de, V:4,5; XIV:4:3; XVII:1:35
Ottawa, Can. Over, Charles
Parliament Bldgs., VI:3/4:6,34; XVIII:4:165 Ornamental Architecture in the Gothic, Chinese and

Central [Parliament] Block (T. Fuller), VI:3/4:6,34; Modern Taste, XX:3:128 no.61

XV1II:3:119 Overbeck, XIII:3:25

Eastern and Western Block (F. Stent), VI:3/4:34 Overbrook, Pa.
Ottawa, 111. Theological Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo (S.

Ottawa Tile Co. [Pioneer Fire-Proof Construction Sloan), XIX: 1:36

Co.], XVI: 1:14 Overby, Osmund R., career data, XIX:3:119
Ottenheimer, Henry L in office of Adler and "Ammi B. Young in the Connecticut Valley,"



Ottenheimer, Stern and Reichel, XX:4:179 Overlock, James, b. 1813, X:4:30-[31]

Ottmarsheim Overlock, James, 20th c., X:4:[32] n27
Church, XIX:4:176 "Overt arch quarto," XX:3:128 n20
Otto I, of Greece, XIV:3:3 Overton, Thomas Collins

Ottobeuren Original Designs of Temples and Other Ornamental

Church, XVI:2:31 Buildings, XX:3:122,128 no.62

Ottonian architecture, XIX:4:176 Oviedo

Oud, J. J. P., X:3:32; XIX:3:126 Cathedral of San Salvador, XVI:4:2
Caf de Unie, Rotterdam Torre Vieja, IV:3/4:21
Faade, XVIII:3:115 Palace of Alfonso II, the Chaste, XVI:4:6
Dutch National Pavilion, World's Fair, 1958, San Pedro de Nora, XVI:4:5

Brussels (and others), XVIII:3:115 San Tirso, XVI:4:5

Factory project, Purmerend, XVIII:3:116 Santa Maria de Bendones, XVI:4:2-7; illus.

Low-cost housing, Hook of Holland, XVIII:3:116 XVI:4:3-5 figs 1-9

Oud Mathenesse development, Rotterdam, Santullano [San Julin de los Prados], XVI:4:2,3,5,6
XVIII:3:115 Owatonna, Minn. [Owatoma]
Spangen public housing blocks, Rotterdam, National Farmers' Bank [Security Bank and Trust
XVIII:3:116 Co.] (G. G. Elmslie and L. H. Sullivan),
Ouellet, David, XIV:3:13 IV:2:9,12; XIX:2:64,66,68; XX:3:140,141,142;

Our Lady of the Angels (M. da Costa Atiaide), illus. IV:2:22; XIX:2:67 figs 4-6

XV:3:21-22 Owen, Richard, Sir, XVII:4:27

Ouro Preto, Brazil Owen, Robert, 11:2:8; 111:1/2:8; VIII:1/2:12; X:4:3

City plan, Site, etc., XIV:4:9-10 Owenites, XV:4:20n24

Governor's Palace, Old, XIV:4:10 Owens, Esma, XI:4:[7] n27

Governor's Residence (J. F. P. Alpoim), XV:3:18 Owens, Nicholas, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
N. S. do Carmo [Church for the Carmelite Owings, Nathaniel Alexander see Skidmore, Owings
Tertiaries] (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho] ), and Merrill
XV:3:19,23n42 Oxford, Engl.
N. S. do Rosrio, XV:3:14 All Souls College

Rococo doorways (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho], Design for St. Mary-le-Strand (W. Dickinson,
attrib.), XV:3:13 attrib.), XIII:1:12
S. Francisco de Assis [Church for the Third Order National Buildings Record and Courtauld Institute
of St. Francis] of Art Photograph Collections, VII: 1/2:49

Bldg. (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho] ), XV:3:20,21-22; Ashmolean Museum [Taylor and Randolph Bldgs.]
illus. XV:3:20 fig 9 (C. R. Cockerell), XIX:4:150
High altar (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho]), Drawings, Cat. nos. 80, 81, XIX:3:102n21
XV:3:23 n52 Balliol Chapel (W. Butterfield), XIX:4:162

Our Lady of the Angels, ceiling painting (M. da Bodleian Library, XIX:3:131,132

Costa Atiaide), XV:3:21-22 Christ Church College (I. Jones), IV:3/4:44

Towers (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho]), XV:3:19 Christ Church Library, XIX:3:131

Third Orders, XIV:4:10 City plan, XIX:3:132

Town Hall, 18th c., XIV:4:10 Clarendon Bldg. (N. Hawksmoor), XIX:3:131

Oursel, Charles, on St. Bnigne at Dijon, College quadrangles, XI:2:23

XVII:3:3,9nn26,29 Merton College, XIX:4:150n36

Oursel, Raymond, on Charlieu and Anzy-le-Duc, Radcliffe Library [Camera] (J. Gibbs), XIII:4:32;


Outdoor-indoor living areas, XX:4:173-174,175 Radcliffe Square, XIX:3:132

Outdoor museums, 1:3/4:16


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Oxford, Engl. - Paint and House Painting

Oxford, Engl. (Cont.) Oxford, N.C.

St. Ebbe's St. John's College [Oxford Orphanage], X:l:21-[22];

Rectory (G. E. Street), XIX:4:170; illus. XIX:4:171 illus. X:l:21 fig 5

figs 26,27 Oxford, Ohio

St. Mary's, XIX:3:132 Miami University

St. Michael's-at-the-North-Gate Museum of American Architecture

Restoration (G. E. Street), XIX:4:149,151,154 Exhibition of scale models of historic Ohio

St. Philip and St. James (G. E. Street), buildings, XII:3:32


Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, XIX:4:147 n22

SChl?donian~r?S3Wren,, XIX:3:131 Oxford Architectural Society, XIX:4:148 n31,149

Taylor and Randolph Bldgs. see Oxford, Engl.: Oxford Diocesan Commissioners, XIX:4:147,151

Ashmolean Museum Oxford Historical Society Series, XIX:3:131-132

Union Hall (Deane and Woodward), Oxford History of English Art, ed. by T. S. R. Boase,
XIX:4:154n53,160 XVII:3:34-35; XX:3:149

Ceiling painting (W. Morris), XIX:4:147 n22 0xford Movement [Tractarians], XV:2:19,22,31;

University, architectural style of, XVII:3:26 XIX-4 146 149 n33 171
University Museum _ _ ' '

Bldg. (Deane and Woodward), VI:3/4:34; x"ard' f Thomaston, Me.

XIX:4:153,159,160 House of, X:4:25

Project (G. E. Street), XIX:4:150 n36,153-154,161; "Oyster shell tabby," XI:4:32

illus. XIX:4:153 fig 4 Ozinga, M. D., on Palladio, XIX:4:184

Worcester College De Monumenten van Curaao in Woord en Beeld

I. Jones material, XIX:2:88; XX:3:128 no.47 Rev. by T. M. Brown, XIX:4:178-179

PWA see United States: Public Works Administration "Pagan Monuments Converted to Christian Use: The
Paasloo, Neth. Roman Diaconiae," by F. J. Niederer, XII:3:3-6
Timber church, 15-16th c., XVII:2:2; illus. XVII:2:[4] Page, Peter, 19th c of Chicago, XVI:1:18 nl 10
fig 4 Page, Bacon and Co., banking house, XVIII:4:160,161

Paca, William Page-Brown, H., XI:3:30

House of, Ajinapolis, XVIII :2:71 Paget, Berm.

Pacelli, Eugenio see Pius XII Inwood, VI:3/4:7; XI: 1:27

Pacific Islands see Oceania Tankfield, XI: 1:27

Pacific Stone and Concrete Co., San Francisco, XI:3:29 Pagodas, IX:1/2:10; XV:2:32; XVI:3:33

Paciotto, work in Piacenza, IX:4:11,12 Pain, William

Paddington see London The B"'ers Companion, XIII:2:8;
Paderborn, Ger. XX.3:122,123,128 no.63

Priory, XVL311 The Builder's Pocket Treasure, or, Palladio Delineated

padua ' and Explained, XX:3:128 no.64

Arena Chapel [Cappella degli Scrovegni], XVI:2:31 Paine, fl. 1884

Chiesa degli Eremitani House of, Waltham, Mass., XII:1:11

Frescoes (A. Mantegna), XI:2:26

II Santo [Basilica del Santo; S. Antonio],

Wardour Castle, VIII:3/4:68

Paine, John


Dome XVII-3-34 House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:25

Vaults, XVII:4:22 ^a!"e' Priscilla^XIX:^:^4

Paine, Robert Treat, IX:l/2:34


Paine, Thomas, 1779-1860, XIX:2:54n31

Church, IV:3/4:31

. Paine, Thomas, II, fl. 1843, housewright, of Truro,



Nike, Olympia, XIII:4:5; illus. XIII:4:5 fig 4 Painesville, Ohio

Paestum, 1:2:8; IV:3/4:52-53 Octagonal house, XII:2:8

Temples, XIII:4:3,4 Paint and House Painting (see a/so Color in

Neptune, X:2:14 architecture, Polychromy, etc.), 111:3:21-25,43;
Poseidon, XX:4:201 IX:3:23-24; X: 1:27; XI:4:34-35

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Painter - Palladian style, system, etc.

Painter, A. E. W. Sanctuary of Fortuna, XIII:4:18,24,26 ni 1;
House of, Pittsburgh, XVI:3:25 XVII:4:6

Painting Site, XIX:4:143

Medieval, XII:4:8-11 Paley, Edward Graham see Sharpe and Paley

Sand see Sand painting Palfi, Count, XIV:3:6

Painting and Architecture see Art and Architecture Palimpsests

Pakenham, d. 1815, Gen., XIII:1:24 Reims Palimpsest [Ms. G 661], XI:3:9; XVII:4:9-21;

Pakenham Oaks, XIII: 1:24; illus. XIII:1:24 fig 1 illus- XVII:4:10 figs 1,2; [12-13] figs 3-6; [16-17]
Palace architecture figs 7"10
See also Chteaux and individual bldgs. under city V,Uard d'Honnecourt Sketchbook, XIX:3:95-96; illus.

ZZZ fch8"b"sl""i E"8l : etc. (see also NMto. And,

a . vv , ,.. American (Colonial), XX:3,123,(Colonial Revival),

Ancient, XX:2:78-89 , >i> o
C 1 ' . w -, -,o n VII:3/4:26, Greek Revival ,VI:1/2:2I; P. Blanchi s
Early Christian, XX:2:78-89 r v ' . , . T J. . ,

P *ussia' "I:?:38'39 "26; XyI:1:3p1' XVI:2:7,8-9,13,30 XVHI:4:142,143,146,147; of Burlington, XIII:4:32;

Palace for living (C. Fourier) see Phalanstere English,V:43-44; XI:2:28; XIII:1:12,13; XVI:4:35;

"Palaces for the people," XIX:2:77 XVIII:4:142; XX:3:115,118,121; French,XI:2:28; of

Palacio, Eudoxono de Jesus, Padre, V:[39] p Harrison,VII:3/4:29; XIII:1:11-13 passim; of T.

Palaeologus, XVI:1:31 Jefferson,X:l:3-4,8,10; XIII:4:32; XVIII:1:7; I.
"Palazzi del diamante, V:2-3 Jones essays in, IV:3/4:44; of R. Morris, XV:4:31;

Palermo Palmerston and, XIX:4:160; of W. Spratt [Spratz],

Casa Professa [Ges], IV:2:52; XV:1:11 n5 X:4:22; J. Summerson on, XIII:4:32; three-fold
Castles, medieval, XIII: 1:5 opening called Palladian, 111:3:14; none in
Cathedral, IV:2:52; XIII:1:5 Vignola's later work, IX:4:13; antipathy of
Churches, medieval, XIII: 1:5, semi-circular arched Palladians to C. Wren, XVI:4:35; XVIII:4:142
decorative forms, XV:2:7 Buildings, Doors, Windows, etc.

La Concezione, XV:1:11 n5 Annapolis

La Gancia, IV:2:52 Chase-Lloyd House (W. Buckland, attrib.),

Ges see Palermo: Casa Professa window, XVIII:2:71

Magione, IV:2:52 Augusta, Me.

National Library, IV:2:52 Capitol (C. Bulfinch), Palladianism of, XIV:2:17

Olivella, IV:2:52 Baltimore, Md.

Oratory of S. Lorenzo, IV:2:52 Christ Protestant Episcopal Church, 1834 (R. C.

Oratory of S. Zita, IV:2:52 Long, Jr.), Palladian detail, XVI:1:28

Palazzo Abbateiiis, IV:2:52 city Hotel (W. Small), windows, XX:2:66

Palazzo della Zisa, XX:2:88; illus. XX:2:88 fig 22 Battersea, windows, X:l:8
Porta Felice IV-2-52 Boston

Professa see Palermo: Casa Professa Haymarket Station, 1845, Palladian design of,
VIII: 1/2:39-40

Quattro Canti, XIX:4:184

Charlotte Courthouse, Va.

Salidad, IV:2:52
S. Annunziata, IV:2:52
S. Domenico, XV:1:11 n5

Charlotte Co. Courthouse, portico of Palladian

Doric style, XVIII: 1:7

Charlottesville, Va.

S. Francesco, IV:2:52 University of Virginia (T. Jefferson)

S. Giuseppi dei Teatini, IV:2:52 Pavilions, X: 1:4,10; XVIII: 1:7

S. Maria della Catena, IV:2:52 Cumberland, Va.

S. Maria di Monserrato, IV:2:52 Cumberland Co. Courthouse (W. Howard)

S. Maria di Piedigrotta, IV:2:52 Portico, XVIII:1:5
S. Salvatore, IV:2:52; XV:1:11 n5 Designs, Projects, etc.






Fortifications, VII:3/4:28 Design of cottage with Palladian door and

Pilgrimages to the Holy Land, IV:1:6 window, XVIII:3:110





Hunter House, XI:4:[7] n42 Design for President's House, Washington,

Palestrina, Italy X:l:4

Hadrian's Villa Ledoux, C. N.

Cistern, XIX:1:22 n39 House for a Broker, 111:3:19

Praeneste Lequeu, J. J.

Rebldg. of, 1st c. B.C., XVII:4:6 Observatory window, 111:3:17


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Palladian style, system, etc. - Palladio Londinensis

Palladian style, system, etc. (Cont.) Venice

Designs, Projects, etc. S. Maria della Salute (Longhena), Palladian

Sullivan, L. details, XVI:1:6-10 passim

Design of Palladian windows for National Winston-Salem

Farmers' Bank, Owatonna, XIX:2:66 House, 1838, Wake Forest College (J. Berry),
Trumbull, J. windows, X:l:19-21

Anglo-Palladian Villa, drawing, VIII:3/4:[1] "Palladianism, Modern," XX:4:204

Ellicott City Palladio, Andrea, (see also Palladian style, system,
Folly Quarter (W. Small), windows, XX:2:73 etc.), R. Adam's debt to, XIX:4:136; J. van
Frankfort, Ky. Campen's study of, XX: 1:41; City planning based
Liberty Hall, window, 11:1:35 on (Baroque), XIV:1:8, (Russian), IV:1:27; and
Gunston Hall (W. Buckland) Classical Revival, 11:3:7; 18th c. interpretations of,
North portico, XIII:2:4,8 XX:3:119; infl. on T. Jefferson, X: 1:3-4,8,10;
Palladian Room [Southwest Room; Drawing XII:2:29; XIII:4:32; XVIII:1:7; infl. on Longhena,
Room], xill:2:4,8; illus. XIII:2:[5] figs 2,3 XVI:1:6-10 passim; and Mannerism, XII:2:29;
Hampshire House (T. Archer), XIII:4:32 optical unification, XVI: 1:8; on Pantheon,
Hillsboro, N.C. XIX:4:136; proportions of the orders, X:l:3;

Berry (John) Home (J. Berry), window, X:l:21 XIII:3:9; XVIII:4:146; XX:3:119; and raised
Ipswich, Engl. cottage idea, VII:l/2:34; rise from bldg. trades,
Sparowe's House, windows, IX:4:15 XIII:3:3; rules of, XVIII:4:143; V. Scully

Johnstown, N.Y. references to, XIX:4:183; and Vitruvius, 1:2:8;

Johnson (Sir William) Mansion, window, IV:2:39 XX:1:41; wall surfaces, treatment of, XVIII:4:147;

Lebanon, Conn. use of segmental windows with mullions

Meetinghouse (J. Trumbull), window, VIII:3/4:3; [three-fold openings], 111:3:14; XVI: 1:6



Lexington, Ky. Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di Studi

Ashland (T. Lewinski), window, XI:4:19 d'Architettura Andrea Palladio, XIX:4:184
Montego Bay Gualdi, P., "Vita di Andrea Palladio," Saggi e
Courthouse and Parish Hall, Palladian detail, memorie di storia dell'arte II, XX:3:150


Monticello (T. Jefferson), Palladian elements, I quattro libri delTarchitettura [The Architecture
X: 1:4; XIII:4:32 of... ; The Four Books of Architecture],
Mount Vernon X:l:3; XIX:4:136; XX:3:129no.65,130no.l7

Banquet Hall, window, X:2:17 capt. figs [2,3] Editions, translations, etc.






Mills, windows, VIII:1/2:11 XX:3:119,128no.47,130no.l4

New York (City) Richards, G., XX:3:115,118,128nl6,129

Haughwout (E. V.) and Co. Store (J. P. Gaynor), no.69,130no. 15; illus. XX:3:117 fig 2;
Palladian motif, XV:4:17 120 fig 5

St. Paul's Chapel, Broadway and 10th, window, Ware, I., XIV:2:17n3; XX:3:119,130 nos.8,86
XIX: 1:33 Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.)
Owatonna Chapel, Maser, XIX:4:135-136,138,139; illus.
National Farmers' Bank, 3 Palladian windows, XIX:4:136 fig 3
project (L. Sullivan), XIX:2:66 Chiesa delle Zitelle, Venice, XVI: 1:9






Ste. Anne-la-Royale (G. Guarini), Palladian Roman thermae, restoration drawings, XV:4:31
motif on gallery of drum, XV:2:6; illus. S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, XVI: 1:3,6,7;




Philadelphia Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza, XVI: 1:10; XVI: 1:9 fig 7

Bank of Penn Township [Central-Penn National Temple of Vesta, Rome, reconstruction drawing,
Bank; Penn National Bank] (J. C. XIV:2:12
Trautwine), windows, XVIII:4:162 Villa Capra [Rotonda], Vicenza, X:l:4; XV:4:7,8,9;




S. Benedetto (Giulio Romano), Palladian motif, Villa Ragona, Ghizzole, XVI:2:17

XVIIL3:118 Palladio, magazine, XI: 1:32
Spalato Palladio Delineated and Explained, by W. Pain,




Peristyle, Palladian motif, XX:2:81 Palladio Londinensis..by W. Salmon, XV:2:28;

XX:3:116,118-119,120,129 no.75


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Pallire - Parallle d'difices

Pallire, Armand Julien Pan de bois, XVI: 1:13

Drawings, 1819, of Vila Real da Praia Grande Pan de fer, XVI: 1:13

[Niteroi], XIV:4:10,11; illus. XIV:4:11 fig 9 P'an-kng, IX:l/2:3

Pallium Pan Ku, IX:l/2:9
Cathedral, Guadalajara, V:22 Pan Piao, IX: 1/2:9
Palluchini, on Palladio, XIX:4:184 Panaggio, Leonard, XVIII:4:159 n6
Palm, Erwin Walter, V:57 Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915 see San

Los monumentos arquitectnicos de la Espanola, con Francisco

una introduccin a Amrica Panathenaic frieze, XIX: 1:39

Rev. by G. Kubler, XVII: 1:35 Pane, Roberto, on Palladio, XIX:4:184

"Plateresque and Renaissance Monuments of the Pangim, India

Island of Hispaniola," V:[l]-14 Viceroy's residence, XV:3:3

Palm, measurement, XVIII:3:98-99 Panhelienic League, XV:1:31

Palm capitals Panic of 1893, XlX:2:60nl9
Edfu, illus. XX:3:139 fig 3 Panilovo
Palma, Arturo Alessandri see Alessandri Palma, Church of St. Nicolas the Wonderworker, 111:4:40;
Arturo illus. III:4:[32a] fig 16

Palma de Mallorca Panjim, India see Pangim, India

Cathedral, X:2:25 Pankok, Bernard [Bernhard], 11:3:12; X:3:10
Lonja del Mar, V:2n9 Pannini

Palmanova [Palma Nova; Palma Nuova] St. Peter's, Rome, painting, 11:3:33
City plan, Maps, etc., 111:1/2:28-29; VIII:3/4:7; Panofsky, Erwin, on Chartres Cathedral, XI:3:9,16n7;
XX:2:56,57; illus. 111:1 /2:[22a] fig 17; on Michelangelo, 111:3:9; on piliers cantonns,
VIII:3/4:pl III fig 2a XI:3:9; on systems of proportions, XIX:2:88
Palmas, Las see Las Palmas Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism, XVII -.2:19
Palmatory, h, T., VI:1/2:19 Rev. by R. Branner, XIII:1:28,29,30-31

Palmer, fl. 1832, Gen., member of British Parliament, Translation of Suger, VII:3/4:14,15
XVI:4:22 Panoptican Prison [Panopticon], XVIII:4:152;
Palmer, Frdric, work on Cluny, XVI:3:3 XX:3:136nlO
Palmer, George Carnegie see Palmer and Hornbostel Pansing, Fred
Palmer, John, 1742-1818, XIV:4:22n55 View of New York, 1897, XV:3:31
Palmer, Lewis, 19th c. contractor, XVI: 1:23 Pantainos, Titus Flavius, XIII:4:14
Palmer and Hornbostel Pantheon (G. B. Piranesi), XVII :4:4

Skyscraper project, Pittsburgh, XVI:3:28nl7 "Pantheon Paradigm," by C. L. V. Meeks,

Palmerston, XIX:4:160 XIX:4:135-144

Palmes, James C., XIV:1:24 n4 "Pantheon stove," XX:1:23

Architectural Drawings from the Collection of the Panticapaeum [Pantikapaion] see Kerch
Royal Institute of British Architects [catalog of Pantin, W. A., XIX:3:131
exhibition] Pantops (T. Jefferson), IX:3:14
Brief rev., XX:3:150 Paola, Kan.
Translations Holy Trinity Church

Joedicke, J., A History of Modern Architecture 1860, VI:l/2:24

Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XIX:2:86-87 1880, VI:l/2:24

Le Corbusier, Creation Is a Patient Search, Paolo, Giov. di see Giovanni di Paolo

XX:2:92-95 Papier mch, X:4:20; XV:4:16

Palmyra, Syria Papplewick, Nottinghamshire

City plan, 111:1/2:25; IV: 1:31 ; VIII:3/4:11 Cotton factory, VIII:l/2:4
Palmyra, Va. Papusa
"Acropolis," 1:3/4:30 Church, IV:3/4:31
Fluvanna County Courthouse, XVIII:1:2 n2,8-10; Papworth, John Buonarotti, XX:3:149
illus. XVIII: 1:10 fig 22 Rural Residences, XVIII:3:105,111
Palo Alto, Calif. Par, Cornwall
Stanford University see Stanford, Calif.: Leland St. Mary's (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146
Stanford Junior University Paradise, of Williamsburg

Pampulha, Brazil House of, illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3

So Francisco (O. Niemeyer), XX:2:95 Parallel of the Ancient Architecture with the Modern,

Pan-American Scientific Congress, 1st, Santiago, Chile, by R. Frart de Chambray,

1908-09, XVIII:3:74,83 XX:3:122,123,126 no.15

Pan Chao, IX:l/2:9 Parallle d'difices, by J. N. L. Durand, 11:1:28 n3


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Parapet walls - Paris

Parapet walls [Fire walls], XVI:4:32 Columns, Monuments, Statues, etc.
Paray-le-Monlal Bastille Column, XVII: 1:21
Basilica du Sacr-Coeur [Notre Dame de Paray], Fountain/Column, Place du Chtelet (F. J. Bralle),
XVI:3:10,11; XVIII:3:95,103 XVII: 1:23; illus. XVII: 1:21 fig 6

Plan, ca. 1880 (Millet), illus. XVIII:3:103 fig 14 Louis XV, equestrian statue of (E. Bouchardon),

Paray-Meslay XVII:1:19; illus. XVII: 1:20 fig 2

Abbey Memorial project for Parvis de Notre Dame

Grange, XVII:2:12-13,16,20 n; illus. XVII:2:14 [Obelisk; Column of Trajan], XVII:1:23
figs 28-31 Monument project, Place des Victoires (J. N.
Parcel Post bldgs. reePost offices Sobre), XVII:1:23; illus. XVII:1:21 fig 5
Pardee, Hiram, XV:2:18 National Column competition design (C. Moreau),
Paricutin, volcano, V:[24] XVII: 1:22; illus. XVII:1:21 fig 4




Academies see specific names, e.g. Acadmie Statues of Liberty [Republic], XVII: 1:22

Franaise Vendme Column, XV:4:16; XVII: 1:22

Apartment House [Immeuble locatif], Porte Molitor Statue of Napoleon, XVII: 1:22
Le Corbusier Penthouse (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 Comdie Franaise, project (M. J. Peyre and C. de
Archives Nationales Wailly), XVIII:4:148 n64

N. Ill, Marne 4, No. 6 [plans of St.-Nicaise, Convent, Montmartre

Reims], XVII:4:21 n62 Circular Cloister, XX:1:33 nl6
Avenue de l'Opra, illus. IX:l/2:32 fig 4 Couvent des Petits Augustins, 1:2:6
Barrires [Propylaea; Tollhouses] (C. N. Ledoux), Description see Paris: City plan, Descr. and Views




de la Villette [de Saint Martin], 111:3.17; XIII:1:15; Ecole Centrale des Travaux Publics see Paris: Ecole
illus. III:3:[12a] fig 6; XIII:1:15 fig 2 Polytechnique

Rotonde de Monceau [de Chartres], XIII: 1:17 n6 Ecole de Mdecine [Chirurgie] (J. Gondouin),

St. Hippolyte, 111:3:17,18; illus. III:3:[12a] fig 8 XII:4:15

Bastille, XVII:1:21; XVIII:4:149 Ecole des Beaux-Arts, aesthetics of architecture at,

Beistegui (Charles de) Penthouse [Sur les toits de X:3:8; infi. on American architects, XVII:2:29;
Paris] (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 classic discipline of, XI:2:[8]; collaboration
Bibliothque Nationale, 1:2:10 among artists of, IX:l/2:34; and prohibition of
Beatus Bible, XII:3:12 Gothic style, 1:3/4:9; history of, 1:2:3-15; J.
Homilies of Jacobus Monachus [Gr. 1208], Morgan first woman admitted to, X:3:20; and

111:4:36 preservationism in 19th c., 1:3/4:8; repression of

St. Pre de Roda Bible, XII:3:12 creative endeavor, XX:2:93; L. Sullivan at,

Villard de Honnecourt Sketchbook [ms. fr. 19093] IV:2:11

( for full list of references see Villard de Museum (J. F. Duban), XIX:4:182
Honnecourt), XVIII:4:168; XIX:3:91 nl School project (J. C. M. Berger and A. E.
Bibliothque Sainte-Genevive (H. Labrouste), 1:2:10; Maistrasse), XIX: 1:19-20; illus. XIX: 1:20 fig 7
111:4:5; VII:l/2:3; XIV:1:18 Ecole des Chartes, 1:3/4:9

Bois de Boulogne Ecole Impriale des Beaux-Arts see Paris: Ecole des
Race tracks, XVII:2:13 Beaux-Arts

Boulevards (G. E. Haussmann), XIII:2:24 Ecole Militaire (J. A. Gabriel), XI:1:[18]

Caf de Malthe (P. Lelong, fils), XV:4:21 n39 Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Beaux-Arts see Paris:
Caf des Muses, XV:2:8 Ecole des Beaux-Arts

Cast-iron shop fronts, XV.-4:16,21 n31 Ecole Normale Suprieure, 1:2:13

Cathedral see Paris: Notre Dame Ecole Polytechnique [Ecole Centrale des Travaux
Centennial Exposition, 1889 see Paris: Exposition Publics], 11:2:10
Universelle: 1889 [Centennial exposition] Eiffel Tower sec Paris: La Tour Eiffel
Champ de Mars, XVI:4:28 Etoile (G. E. Haussmann), VI:3/4:28

Champ de Mars massacre, XIII:3:15 Exposition of Decorative Arts, 1925, 11:1:17;

Champs Elyses, XIX: 1:18 n 11 XIV:2:18

Church of Ste. Genevive see Paris: Panthon Exposition Universelle

City plan, Descr. and Views, 111:1/2:22; IV:1:27; 1855, 1:3/4:9; XIX:4:158
VIII:3/4:8; XX:3:108 1889 [Centennial exposition], XVI:4:27-28

Projects Galerie [Halles] des Machines [Machinery Hall]

Benoit-Lvy, G., XVIII:3:82 (C. Dutert and V. Contamin), X:3:10;
Le Corbusier, IX:l/2:33; XX:2:93 XII:4:18; XIV:3:28; XVII:4:38;

Rebldg. (G. E. Haussmann), IX:l/2:34,35; XIX:l.-22n37

XVIII: 1:35-36

View, illus. IX:l/2:32 fig 4


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Paris - Paris

La Tour Eiffel see Paris: La Tour Eiffel House, rue du Coq St. Honor (J. B. Franque),
Tower competition designs, XVI:4:27-28 XVIII:4:147; illus. XVIII:4:147 fig 4

1900, XIV:2:18; XIX:1:21 Immeuble locatif, Porte Molitor see Paris:

British Pavilion (E. L. Lutyens), 111:4:15 Apartment House, Porte Molitor

Buildings (F. Hennebique), XIX: 1:21 Le Corbusier Penthouse see Paris: Apartment House,
U.S. Pavilion (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Porte Molitor
XVII:3:23 Longchamp Abbey

Fountain/Column, Place du Chtelet see Paris: Barn, 13th c., XVII :2:13

Columns, Monuments, Statues, etc. Louis XV, equestrian statue of see Paris: Columns,

Galerie des Machines see Paris: Exposition Monuments, Statues, etc.

Universelle: 1889 [Centennial exposition] Louvre, academies housed in, 1:2:5; Fourier follows

Halle aux Bls plan of, for Phalanstre, XIX:1:18; infl. on R.

Bldg. (L. de Mziere), XVIII:4:148 M- Hunt, XI:2:11; isolated style of each part,
Dome (F. J. Belanger [Bellang; Bellanger] ), XIII:3:9
VII:l/2:7 Bldg. and Parts
Dome (Legrand and Molinos), X:2:6-7,10,23; illus. Colonnade [Pristyle] (C. Perrault),
x.2.7 fig 3 XIII:1:14 nl8; XVIII:4:141,142

Les Halles [Market halls] Designs (G. L. Bernini), XV:2:3,8-10; illus.

13th c., XVII:2:16 XV:2:9 fig 7

Baltard, V., XVIII:1:35- XIX:1:19 Pavillon de la Bibliothque (H. M. Lefuel),

Halles des Machines see Paris: Exposition XI:2:9-10; illus. XI:2:[12] fig 4

Universelle: 1889 [Centennial exposition] MaC^0n0e'yJ? ** ^ Expos1lt,on Unlverselle:

Hpital [Hpitaux] d'Enfants w J ,t889 [Centennial exposition]

Projects XIX 1 20 n27 Madeleine (P. Vignon), VII: 1 /2:7; XII:4:5

Hpital des Enfants Trouvs (G. Boffrand), pairie, IXe arrondissement see Paris: Htel d'Augny

XVIII-4142 Maison . . .

For private residences see also Paris: Htel... ;

~ ' ' . . ., , . Paris: Palais... and names of home
For private residences see also Paris: n . 0 i_ ,\ * v
w / . , . , owners, e.g. Pans: Rosenberg Leonce

Maisons ... ; Pans: Palais ... and names House

of home owners, e.g. Paris: Rosenberg Maison Jamac (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:18

Leonce) House Maisons Hosten (C. N. Ledoux), XIII:1:16

Hote Amelot (G Boffrand), V:46 Market halls see Paris: Les Halles

Hotel Brethous (J. A. Meissonn.er) see Bayonne, Mtr0 statjons (H Guimard), XIV:2:18

, ran.Ce , Muse des Monuments Franais, in Convent des

Hotel d Argenson (G. Boffrand), XVIII:4:142 Petits Augustins, rue Bonaparte, 1:2:6

Hotel d'Augny [Maine, IXe arrondissement] (C. E. Muse jaCquemart-Andr

Bnseux), XVIII:2:60 Ms 2 [Boucicaut Hours], XVII:4:24 nl3

Htel d'Uzs (C. N. Ledoux), XVIII:4:148 n64 Museum projects, 1931, 1937 (Le Corbusier),
Htel de Beauvais (A. Lepautre), XVIII:4:146-147; XX-2-95

illus. XVIII :4:146 fig 2 National Column see Paris: Columns, Monuments,

Htel de Desmares see Paris: Htel de Villeroy Statues, etc.

Htel de Roquelaure (N. Pineau), V:45,46 Notre Dam [Cathedral], H. Adams on, XIII:1:7;

Htel de Rouill (N. Pineau), V:45,46 alternating system of supports lacking,

Htel de Seignelay (G. Boffrand), V:46 IV:3/4:38; XI:3:9; English visitors to, in
Htel de Soubise (G. Boffrand), V:46 mid-19th c., XIX:4:158; compared with

Salon, XVIII:4:142 Notre-Dame, Montral, XI: 1:24,25; compared

Htel de Toulouse (Vass), V:46 with St. Julien-le-Pauvre, VII:3/4:24; A. Temko

Htel de Villars (N. Pineau), V:45,46 on, XV:3:32

Htel de Villeroy [Htel de Desmares] (N. Pineau), Altar, 1712 (Vass), V:46

V:46 Columns [piers, supports, etc.], IV:3/4:38;





Dome (J. H. Mansart), VII:l/2:5-6,24,31 Dimensions, XI:1:24,25

Htel-Dieu, 111:1/2:33 Faade, VII:3/4:24; XI:1:24; XI:3:7; XV:3:32

Htel Gaudion, design (G. M. Oppenord), V:46 Plan, VII:3/4:15,16; XIII: 1:31
Htel Guimard (C. N. Ledoux), XIII:1:15,16,17; Restorations
illus. XIII:1:16 fig 4 Lassus, XIX:4:156

Htel Nivernais (M. J. Peyre), XVIII:4:148 n64 Viollet-le-Duc, 11:3:10

Htel Saint Florentin (Comte Ae), design (Chalgrin), Sphinx capitol, ambulatory, VII:3/4:24
XVIII:4:148n64 Towers, XIII:1:31


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Paris - Paris

Paris ( Cont.) Propylaea see Paris: Barrires

Transepts, VII:3/4:24; XVII:4:21 nn59,60 Railroad stations, pre-1867, VIII:l/2:40

Tribune arcade, VII:3/4:24 Rosenberg (Lonce) House, project (T. van Doesburg

Vaults, sex-partite, VII:3/4:24 and C. van Eesteren), XVIII:3:115

Windows, XV:3:32 Rotonde de Monceau [de Chartres] see Paris:

Notre Dame de Belleville (J. B. A. Lassus), Barrires: Rotonde de Monceau

XIX:4:156 Rotonde du Panorama (J. I. Hittorff), XVI:1:17 n79

Obelisk see Paris: Columns, Monuments, Statues, Rue de Rivoli, XIX:4:184
etc Faade (P. F. L. Fontaine), XVIII:4:147

Opra, XVIII:1:35 Rue Drouot, No. 6 see Paris: Htel d'Augny

Palace project (G. Guarini), XV:2:8-10; illus. XV:2:8 Ruc du Coq Saint Honor

figS 5 6 House (J. B. Franque), XVIII:4:147; illus.

Palais...' XVIII:4:147 fig 4

For private residences see also Paris: Htel... ; Rue Saint Lambert school project, 1894,
Paris: Maison ... XIX:l:20n26

Palais de Justice, 1:2:10 Rue Vivienne> No- 12

Faade (L. J. Due [erron. Viollet-le-Duc] ), Cast-iron fronts (Billaud), XV:4:21 n31

XVIII: 1:35; XVIII:2:72 St lSte"l

Palais des Tuileries, XI:2:11; XIV:1:22 a na

Palais Montmorency (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:16; illus. Chapel, 1648, XV:2:3

j Church, 1601-00 (Cj. Gusnni),

Palais [Htel; Maison] Pompien (A. N. Normand), ^ n44; lllus' XV:2:4"5 fl8s U3
XIV:3:4-6; illus. XIV:3:[5] figs 3,4 Church, 1720 (Lievatn), XV:2:7-8,11 n22; lllus.

Paintings (S. Cornu), XIV:3:4 . XV:2:8 Bg 4

Palais Royal, 1:2:20 n7; XI:2:9; XII: 1:7

1750-52 constructions (P. Contant d'Ivry), V:46 Chapelle, IV:3/4:3; XVI:3:34; XIX:4:158

Stables, design (G. M. Oppenord), V:46 **** *V1 :*13? _

D tu'i ,, , ,n XT t a \ m ? Restoration J. B. A. Lassus ,

1:3/4:9; XIX:4:156

Palais Thelusson (Mme. de) C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:16; , ,,

11 m 7 mir Eustache, IV:3/4:41; illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 11

'Uus ',L,V'g, .. . Genevive, Church of see Paris: Panthon
Pantheon [Church of Ste. Genevieve] F. Soufflot, ,,
111:3:18;' IX:4:10;
XVIII:4:146 n55 Gene",eVf Pans: Bibliothque
,r. ,.
Dorne, VII: 1/2:5-6,24,31; XIV:3:14 nl4 Germain des pf&

Faade, IX.3.21 Piers, XVII:3:7,8 and nl6

Place de3!? Bastille XVIM-21- XVIII-4149 Jean ''Evngliste [Saint-Jean de Montmartre]

Place de la bastille, XVII 1.21, XVIII.4.149 (A de Baudot)> XIX:l:21

Columns tee Pans: Columns, Monuments, Statues, Julien-le-Pauvre [Saint Julien-l'Hospitalier],

Place de la Concorde, IV: 1:53; XVIII:2:54; illus. Martin-des-Champs, IV:3/4:7
XVII: 1:20 fig 2 Paul-St. Louis

Bldgs. (J. A Gabnel), XI:1:[18] Faade [Northern Jesuit] (F. Derand), XV: 1:5;
Columns, Obelisk, Statues, etc. see Paris: illus xv-1-6 fig 2

Columns, Monuments, Statues, etc. Philippe-du-Roule (Chalgrin), 111:3:18; IX:3:21

Place de l'Ecole de Chirurgie [Mdecine], XII:4:15 Sulpice

Place des Victoires West faade designs

Monument project tec Paris: Columns, Meissonnier, J. A., XI:1:[18]; illus. XI: 1 ;[17]
Monuments, Statues, etc. fig 2
Place des Vosges, 111:1/2:26; XVI:4:12 Servandoni, XI:1:[18],21; illus. XI:1:[17] fig 2
Place du Chtelet Salon, 1836

Fountain/Column tee Paris: Columns, Exhibition, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. fig 2

Monuments, Statues, etc. Salon d'Automne, XX:2:94

Place du Parvis de Notre Dame, XVII: 1:23 Salon de l'Art Nouveau, XVIII:2:68

Place Louis XV see Paris: Place de la Concorde Sewers and water supply (Belgrand), XVIII: 1:35

Place Royale, 111:1/2:37 Soltikoff (Prince) imitation feudal Castle, XIV:3:4

Place Vendme, XVIII:2:54 Streets (see also specific street names e.g. Paris: Rue
Column see Paris: Columns, Monuments, Statues, de Rivoli), 111:1/2:33

etc.: Vendme Column Sur les toits de Paris see Paris: Beistegui (Charles de)

Statue of Liberty [Republic] see Paris: Columns, Penthouse

Monuments, Statues, etc.: Statues of Liberty Thtre Franais, XI:2:9
Porte Saint-Denis (F. Blondel), XVIII:4:142 Tollhouses see Paris: Barrires

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Paris - Passargadae
La Tour Eiffel (A. G. Eiffel), X:3:10; XI:2:16; Parks, Amusement see Amusement parks

XVI:4:22-29; XVIII:4:126,128; XIX:1:22; illus. Parks, National see United States: National Memorials,
XVI:4:27 fig 9 Monuments, Parks, Sites, etc.

Tower project (Sebillot), XVI:4:26,27 Parkways see Gardens and Parks; Highways, Roads,
Tower project, stone (J. Bourdais and Sebillot), Streets, etc.
XVI:4:27 Parlange Plantation House, Pointe Coupe Parish, La.,
Tribunal de Commerce (A. N. L. Bailly), XVIII:1:35 illus. VII:l/2:pl III fig 3; pi IV fig 7b

La Trinit (Ballu), XVIII: 1:35 "Parliaments of Our Ancestors," by H. Cole, XX:3:106

Tuileries Palace see Paris: Palais des Tuileries Parma

UNESCO See also Castellazzo

BIdg. (P. L. Nervi), XIX:4:178 Royal Academy, XIV:4:13

Bldg. (B. H. Zehrfuss), XX:2:93 S. Maria della Steccata [Madonna della Steccata],
Interior (G. T. Rietveld), XVIII:3:116 XVI:l:10n9

Project (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93 Teatro Farnese (Aleotti), XVI: 1:9-10

University, 111:1/2:33; IV:1:9,16 Parmenter, John, 17th c., Sr., XI:1:[14] nlO
Val-de-Grce, beauty of, XV:2:3; J. F. Blondel on, Parmenter Family, of Sudbury, Mass., XI:1:3
XVIIE4:142 Parmly, 19th c., dentist, XI:2:10

Vault (F. Mansart), XVII:4:24 Parmly vs. Hunt see Hunt vs. Parmly

Vendme Column see Paris: Columns, Monuments, Parquetry floors, XIX:2:60

Statues, etc. Parr, Wm., 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Views see Paris: City plan, Descr. and Views Parris, Alexander, and AIA, XIII:3:17; infi. on R.
Walls, 111:1/2:33,34 Warren, XII:3:14,16

Water supply, XVIII: 1:35 Mansions, Portland, X:4:26

Paris, Ky. Quincy Markets, Boston, 1:2:20 n7; XII:3:14;
Cemetery gateway (J. McMurtry), XI:4:18 XIII:2:19; XX:1:6

Hidaway, VI: 1/2.-18 St. Paul's, Boston (and S. Willard)

Paris-Lyons Railway Co., XIV:1:18 Faade, XII:3:14
Paris s'tend, by G. Benoit-Lvy, XVIII:3:82 Parris, Henry, XIX:2:88
Parish, Daniel Parrish, William D.
Estate of, XIV: 1:24 Villa of, Riverton, N.J., XIX: 1:37

Parish, Valentine Parrot, John, fl. 1850, U.S. Consul at Mazatlan,

Courthouse, Goochland (and D. Cosby), XVIII: 1:8; XVII:3:33

illus. XVIII: 1:9 fig 20 Parrott, John, fl. 1852, XVIII:4:160,161

Park, Helen Parry, Joan
"A List of Architectural Books Available in America California Houses of Gordon Drake (and D. Baylis)
before the Revolution," XX:3:115-130 Brief rev., XVI:1:32

Parker, fl. 1845, of Philadelphia, see Parker, Keim and Pars, Tomas, XX:3:129n21
Sherrell Parsons, Laurence Michael Harvey, Earl of Rosse,
Parker, Alice Lee, 111:4:66 XII:2:32

Parker, Mrs. Austin, 11:4:30 Parthian art, XX:2:85

Parker, Barry, XIX:3:125 n8 Partington, James Edge see Edge-Partington, James

Parker, Edward Everett Partridge, William T., 20th c., 11:4:41; IV:1:39

History of the City of Nashua, N.H., XII 1:3:17 Pasadena

Parker, John, librarian, XX:3:125 Bandini (Arturo) House (Greene and Greene),
Parker, John Henry, on Norman architecture, 1:3/4:6; IX: 1/2:11-12
and G. E. Street, XIX:4:147 Blacker (R. R.) Home (Greene and Greene),

Some Account of the Domestic Architecture of the IX: 1/2:11,13-18; XX:2:96; illus. IX:1/2:14-15
Middle Ages (and T. H. Turner), XIX:4:149-150 figs 1-4

Parker, Michael, 18th c Sergeant, IV:2:41 Crowe [Crocker] House (H. M. Greene), IX:1/2:19
Parker, Obadiah, XI:2:23-24 Culbertson (James A.) House (Greene and Greene),
Parker, Sam IX:1/2:18; illus. IX:1/2:15 figs 5,6
Residence of see San Augustine, Tex.: Garrett Gamble (David B.) House (Greene and Greene),
(William) House IX:1/2:18; illus. IX:1/2:16 figs 7,8

Parker, Keim and Sherrell, XIII:3:Suppl. 6 La Miniatura (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130

Parkhurst, Charles P., Jr. Pasargadae [Passargadae]
"Santiago de Compostela and the Pilgrimage Road," Royal Palace, VII: 1/2:39

VII:3/4:26-27 Tomb of Cyrus, XII:4:7

Parking garages see Garages Pascal, fl. 1912, M., IV:2:11

Parks see Gardens and Parks Passargadae see Pasargadae

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Passenger elevators - Peabody and Stearns

Passenger elevators see Elevators Paul I, Tsar, 111:3:15

Passos, Our Lord the Good Jesus of, religious Paul II, Pope [Barbo, Pietro, Cardinal], XX: 1:40-41
procession, XIX:2:72 Medals, 1455, 1465, XX: 1:40
Passyunk see Philadelphia Palazzo of see Rome (City): Palazzo Venezia

Pasti, Matteo de seeMatteo de' Pasti Paul III, Pope [Alessandro Farnese, 1467-1549, Duke
Pastor, Ludwig von, 111:3:12 of Castro], IX:4:11,14 n26; XIII:3:4,5,8
Pastorius, Francis Daniel, X:4:33 Palace of see Rome (City): Palazzo Farnese
'The Pastures," sec Albany, N.Y. Paul IV, Pope [Gian Pietro Caraffa], XV:2:3;
Pataca, Macao coin, XIX:2:72 n20 XVIII:3:118
"Patent houses," IV:2:31 Paul, Lewis

Patents Roller spinning machine, VIII:1 /2:4-5,26 n7

American, XV: 1:30 nl3 Pauley (B.) Jail Building and Manufacturing Co., St.
Artificial stone, XI:3:29 Louis, XVIII:4:155

Bridges Paulin, Frank

Canfield, A., 1833, XIX:4:181 Residence of, Nauvoo, 111., XIX:3:112
Town, I., XIII:3:27 ("Town Truss"); XV:1:28 Paulinus, Saint, XIII: 1:29
Ceiling covering of iron fireplates, XV:4:22 n69 Paulsson, Thomas
Cement, XX:4:196 Scandinavian Architecture, XVII:2:32

Elephant-shaped bldg., XIII:2:28; X1II:3:28; illus. Pauncefote, Lord, X:l:24

XIII:2:28; XIII:3:28 Pausanias, XI:3:4; XIII:4:10; XX:4:202

Fire resistant floors, XVI:1:14 Pavements, Paving, etc.

Grain elevators, XVI: 1:18 n 107 See also Sidewalks

Hexagonal houses, XVIII:2:66 History, 111:1/2:33

Hollow-tile fireproofing, XIX:4:181-182 Pantheon, Rome, XIX:4:139; illus. XIX:4:135 fig 2
Iron construction, XV:4:18,22 n60; Pompeii, 111:3:26
illus. XV:4:19 fig 10 Priene, VIII:l/2:53
Observation towers, XIX: 1:12-13; S. Carlo al Corso, Milan, XIX:4:139

illus. XIX: 1:13 figs 3,4 S. Francesco di Paolo, Naples, illus.

Ransome's (Prof, XI:3:29 XIX:4:142 fig 13
Rotary jails, XVIII:4:150,151,153,155 and n5; illus. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, XX:4:203
XVIIL4:153 figs 7,8 Pavia
Shutters, XV:4:14-15 Cathedral, XVII:l:9n3

Skeleton frame [skyscraper construction], 111:4:20; Certosa di Pavia, V:6,8

XVI:1:19 nl 14; XIX:1:40; XIX:4:182 S. Maria di Canepanova, XVI:l:10n9

Spinning machines, VIII:1/2:3,5,11,26 n7,27 n9 Pawtucket, R.I.

Pater, Walter Horatio, 11:1:32; IX:l/2:34 Slater Mill (S. Slater), 11:2:35; VIIL1/2:30 n43;



City plan (P. C. L'Enfant), XX:3:108 Paxtang Invasion, XV:4:26n4

Danforth Locomotive and Machine Co., XIV:3:24 Paxton, Joseph, Sir

Patte, Pierre, and J. F. Blondel, XI: 1:16,[19]; Crystal Palace [Great Exhibition Bldg.], London,
XVIII:4:141; and G. Boffrand, XVIII:4:142 111:4:5-6; X:4:36; XIV:3:32; XV:4:16,22 n66;

Construction, vol. 3 of J. F. Blondel, Cours XVI:4:25; XVII:4:27,28,38; XIX:4:148,156;

d'Architecture, XVIIL4:142-143 XX:3:99,149

Pattee, Penelope P., IV:3/4:4 Crystal Palace, New York, design, XVI:1:17 n77
Patterson, fl. 1892, of Salem, Or., see Oleman and Payerne
Patterson Cluniac priory
Patterson, F. A. Sculpture, XVI:3:11
Residence of, Independence, Or., XIX:2:58 nl2 Payne, fl. 1884, of Waltham, Mass., see Paine, fl. 1884
Patterson, T. M., XX:3:138 n5 Payne, Humphrey, XIII:4:3
Patterson, Walter, 18th c. plasterer and stuccoworker, Peabody, George, of Peabody and Stearns, see Peabody,



Patterson (Wm.) and Sons, Baltimore, XIII: 1:26-27 Peabody, Robert Swain, (see also Peabody and

"Pattes d'Oie," of Aldobrandini, X:2:3; illus. X:2:4 Stearns), IV:1:34; IX:4:17; XI:2:[14]; XVIII:2:68
Patzun, Guatemala Peabody and Stearns, IX:4:17; XVIII:2:68

Church, XV:l:19n29 Hemenway Gymnasium, Cambridge, IX:4:17

Paucarcolla, Peru Hill (James J.) Mansion, St. Paul, XIX: 1:40

16th c. church, V:40 Union League Club, N.Y., IX:4:17; illus. IX:4:[18]

Paul, Prince, of Jugoslavia, XX:4:155n fig 1

Paul, Saint Vinland [Lorillard House], Newport, R.I.,

Relics, at Cluny, XVI:3:10 XVIII:2:68

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Peace of Westphalia - Pennington

Peace of Westphalia, XX:l:4l Peets, Elbert, VIl:l/2:48

Peachy, Ferdinand, XIV:3:13 [ The American Vitruvius: an Architect's Handbook of

Peacock, James, XIV:4:20,21 nl9 Civic Art] (and W. Hegemann), 111:1/2:8

Peacock throne of Shah Jehan, XV:4:11 'The Genealogy of the Plan of Washington," X:2:3-4
Peale, Charles Willson, establishes museum, XI:3:25 Pei (I. M.) and Associates

Museum of see Philadelphia: Peale's (Charles Mile High Center, Denver, XVIII:2:59
Willson) Museum Peiping see Peking

Portr. of W. Buckland, 11:3:33; XVIII:2:71 Peiraeus [Peiraieus] see Piraeus

"Smoke-eaters," XX: 1:25-26; illus. XX: 1:25 fig 8 Peirce, Jerathmeel, 18th c.
Peale, Raphaelle, XX: 1:26 House of, Salem, Mass., XII:3:28



Museum of see Baltimore, Md.: Peale Museum Fountain of see Corinth: Fountain of Peirene

Pearce, Edmund, XIX:4:166 Peisch, Mark L.

St. Peter's, Bournemouth, south aisle, XIX:4:155 n54 "Letter to the Editor" on Chicago School, XX:3:140
Pearce, Lot Peking
Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59nl3 Forbidden City, IV:1:23

Pearcy Co., of Minnesota, see Peavey Co. Jesuit Church, 1650, XV:3:28; illus. XV:3:27 fig 4
Pearson, Isaac G., XI:2:10 Peking Medical School and Hospital (Shepley, Rutan

Pearson, J. L., fl. 1850, XIX:4:149 n32 and Coolidge), XVII:3:30 nl4
St. Mary's Home for Penitents, Wantage Summer Palace, V:[21]
Chapel, XIX:4:153 Pelayo of Oviedo, 12th c., Bishop Don
Pearson, James, 18th c. Philadelphia bldr., XV:4:25 Liber Testamentorum [Gothic Book], XVI:4:2
Peasant architecture Pelham, Herbert, 17th c. treasurer of Harvard, XI:1:6
Poland, VI:3/4:14-17 Pelham, Lines, 17th c XI:1:6
Pease, Elisha M. Pelham, W 17th c XI:1:3,[14] nlO
House of see Austin, Tex.: Woodlawn Pelham Manor, N.Y.
Pease, Henry, fl. 1836 Old church and rectory, VI:l/2:8n6
Iron Mountain City, project (and J. L. Van Dren), Pelican History of Art, XVII:1:33; XVIII:4:164,165;



Missouri City, project (and J. L. Van Dren), Pell, Stephen A., 11:1:34-35

XX:3:113-114; illus. XX:3:114 fig 5 Pell Series, XIX:2:87

Pease, Seth Pelops
Plan of Cleveland, 1796, X:4:10-ll; Cult of, XI:3:4

illus. X:4:[12] fig 1 Pelz [Peltz], Paul J. (see also Smithmeyer and Pelz),
Peavey Co. [Pearcy], of Minnesota, XIX: 1:40 XIV: 1:24
"Peazer," term, X:2:20 Pembroke, Berm.

Pebworth, Engl. Norwood, VI:3/4:7; XI: 1:27

Parish church, IV:3/4:46 Penates, XIV:3:4
Peck, Edward S Jr. Pencil Points, on SAH Journal, 11:2:52; 11:3:13; 111:4:25
"Spanish-Indian Architecture in New Mexico," Pendentive domes, XX: 1:29-32,33
VII:3/4:23-24 Pendleton, Brian, 17th c XI:1:3,6,8,[14] nlO

Peck, P. F. W Chicago bldr., 11:4:12 n53 Penha, The Brotherhood of Our Lady of see The

Wood frame biding, Chicago, 11:4:18 Brotherhood of Our Good Lord of Passos
Peck, Ralph B., X:l:28 Peninsula, Ohio
"Pedestal stove," XX:1:23 Bronson House, XII:2:14
Pedestrian bridges see Bridges: Materials, Types, etc.: Episcopal Church, VII:3/4:32




Pediment, in Greek architecture, XVIII:4:146 n53 Penix, fl. 1850, of Valparaiso, XVII:3:33
Pedra lioz, XV:3:16 Penn, John, 18th c.. Dr., XI:3:23
Pedregulho Residential Neighborhood (A. E. Reidy) see Penn, William, H-plan house associated with, X:2:24;
Rio de Janeiro and J. Logan, XX:3:116
Peebles, Andrew City plan, 1682, Philadelphia (and T. Holme),

Allegheny County Bldgs., Pittsburgh, competition 111:1/2:37,38; VIII:3/4:22; XVI:4:8,9,15,17,21;

designs, XVI:3:28n2 XX:2:47,54,62; XX:3:108-109; illus. III:l/2:[36a]

Peek, 17th c., of Medfleld, Mass. Statue of, Penn Mutual Life Insurance Bldg.,
House of, XIX:2:52; illus. XIX:2:49 fig 3 Philadelphia, IX:4:25 and n7; illus. IX:4:25
Peekskill, N.Y. Pennington, John

Boscobel (M. Dyckman), XV:4:4 An Examination of Beauchamp Plantagenet's

Peel, Robert, Sir, XX:3:101-102 Description of New Albion, XVII:4:31

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Pennock - Periodicals

Pennock, William Pergamum [Bergama; Pergamon; Pergamos]

House of, Norfolk, Va., XV:4:29 Acropolis, VIII:l/2:54; XIII:4:15,16; XIX:1:22; illus.
Pennsylvania VIII:l/2:pl XI; XIX:1:23 fig 15
Architecture, XIV:2:32; XIX:2:82-83 Altar of Zeus, XI:3:l-[5]; XIX:1:23; illus. XI:3:[2]
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts see figs 1,2

Philadelphia City plan, Descr., Maps etc., VIII:l/2:53-54;

Pennsylvania Canal, XIII:3:Suppl. 2; XVII:1:25 VIII:3/4:41,42; XIII:4:15; illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl XI
Pennsylvania College see Gettysburg: Gettysburg Gymnasium complex, XIII:4:18; illus. XIII:4:20

"Pennsylvania fireplace," IX:4:21,22 Sanctuary of Demeter, XIII:4:16

Pennsylvania Germans [Dutch], XII:2:5-8; XX:l:20-26 Sanctuary of Hera Basileia, XIII:4:18; illus. XIII:4:20

Pennsylvania Historical Society see Philadelphia fig i g

The Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, see Stoa, 1:2:18-19; XIII:4:15; illus. XIII:4:16 fig 3

Dunlap's Daily American Advertiser Temple of Athena Polias Nikephoros, XIII:4:15;

Pennsylvania Railroad Co., IV:l:35-36; XIII:3:Suppl. jUus xill:4:16 fig 3

16 capt. fig 21; XVI:1:18 nl07; XX:2:74n41 Temple of Dionysos Kathegemon, XIII:4:16; illus.
Shops see Altoona, Pa.: Pennsylvania Railroad Shops XIII-419 fig 12

Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Internal Theatre, XIII 4 16 illus XIII 4 19 fig 11

Improvement, VII:1/2:11 n6 Perge, Anatolia

Pennsylvania State University see University Park, Pa. Qty p[an ui l/2-24

Penrose, Francis Cranmer Pergolesi

Writings, XVII:4:27 Serva Padrona, XI:2:27

Principles oj Athenian Architecture, XVI:4:33 Pericles 11-210

Pensacola, Fia. Priguex

Marine Barracks (T. U. Walter), VII:1/2:21,28 St. Etienne de la Cit, XIX:4:176

en agona 8s- St. Front de Perigueux

Pentagon, Washington, 111:4:66

Restoration (P. Abadie), 1:3/4:14


p*ris Perino del Vaga, XIII:3:11 nl7

aBeistegui (Charles de) Penthouse [Sur les toits de 'The Period House in the Nineteen-Twenties," by J.

Paris] (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 Lane, XX.4:169-178

Le Corbusier Penthouse (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 Periodicals, architectural magazines of the 19th c.

Peoria Indians XVI-414 carry travel sketches of architects, 11:3:16; first

Pepperell, Lady, ofKittery Point American architectural periodicals, VI: 1 /2:29;
House Of, 11:4:4-5 X:4:33

Pepys, Samuel, IX:4:23 nl Indexes

Prac, Etienne du see Du Prac, Etienne Avery Periodical Index, IX:4:15
Perachora, Greece SAH Journal, IV:l:55-63; XIII:1:32
Bldg. models, XIII:4:3; XX:2:85-86 Tltles

Peralta, Alberto Leon, on Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:3:77 American Agriculturist, VI:1/2:19

Peralta, Giovanni, VII:3/4:[5],9 American Architect [and Architecture; American

Perams, Jos Manuel, Father, XIV:4:6 Architect and Building News], first

Percier, Charles, E. Kaufmann on, XV:4:31; and R. de architectural magazine in America, VI:l/2:29;
Montferrand, VII: 1/2:7; neo-classicism of, 1:2:9; responsible for infl. of R. N. Shaw in
teachings of, XVIII:4:140 America, IX:4:15
Maisons de Rome (and P. F. L. Fontaine), 11:1:28 n3 House plan, 1879, North Cambridge, illus.




Charlotte County Courthouse, Charlotte Courthouse, Sketches of medieval churches (R. W. Gibson),




Pereira, A. Marques see Marques Pereira, A. Study for a House, Brookline, Mass., 1885

Perelle, 17th c. engraver, XVII:2:32 (W. G. Preston), IX:4:[20]; illus. IX:4:[19]

Perefia Salvatella, Manuel see Salvatella, Manuel fig 5

Pereiia American Institute of Architects Newsletter,
Peretti, Felice see Sixtus V XI: 1:31

Pereyns, Simon, V:23 Annales archologiques, 1:3/4:9; XVII:4:9;

Prez, Juan Bautista see Bautista Prez, Juan XIX:4:155 n56
Prez de Holguin, Melchor see Holguin, Melchor Prez Antiques, IX:3:27; XII:2:32
de The Architect, IX:l/2:25,27; IX:4:16
"Pergamon (Citadel of the Homeric Troy)," illus. Architectural Forum, IX:4:28; X:4:36
VIII: 1 /2:pl VIII Architectural History, The Journal of the Society of

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Periodicals - Perkins
Architectural Historians of Great Britain, The Ladies Home Journal, XVII:4:36; XIX:1:7
XIX:2:88 Land Owner, IX:1/2:21,24 and n4,26

The Architectural Magazine (London), Marg, Indian art magazine, XV:4:7

XX:4:187-188,190 Marsyas, XIX: 1:44
Architectural Record, on SAH Journal, 11:1:52; Mundo grfco, Madrid, XVIII:3:76
111:4:25 National Builder, XVIII:4:159,160

The Architectural Review, IV:1:42,64; IV:3/4:50; jgew York Mercury, XX:3:120

XI:3:[32]; XVIII:2:38; XVIII:4:163 Northwest Architecture, Ohio trade journal,

Architectural Review and [American] Builders' IV-2-3 22

Journal, X:4:33; XVIII:3:105 nlO; 0c[ n uM.A65
XIX. 1:34,38 Palladio, XIA-32
Archivo Espanol de Arte, XVI:3:35; XVII:3:36; Pencil Points, 11:2:52; 11:3:13; 111:4:25

XVII4.40 Philadelphia Ledger, XX:1:[4]-17 passim

ac woo s agazme, ' ' The Plough, the Loom, and the Anvil [Plow, Loom

El Bole tin de Ferrocarriles, XVIII: 3:76 ,s 1

Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di Studi "j'Jt' ~ ,

d'Architettura Andrea Palladio Plumber and Sanitary Engineer, X!V: 1:22

Brief rev., XIX:4:184 P Patna' f

Brickbuilder, XIX: 1:7 El Progreso, Madrid daily newspaper,

The Builder, IX:l/2:27; XIX:4:149 n33,150 XVIII:2:39,41 n3,51
Building News, IX:l/2:27; IX:4:16 Progressive Architecture, XII:4:32

Bulletin de la Socit des Amis de la Cathdrale de Public Ledger, of Philadelphia, IX:3:27

Strasbourg, IV:3/4:6 Punch

Chicago Tribune Cartoons, XIX:2:79

Real estate summaries, 1880's, XVIII:4:134-135 The Puritan, XVIII:3:106

La Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:2:39,42,46,47-53; Revis ta de arquitectura, XVIII:2:43 ni 1
XVIII:3:74,75,76,82,83,85,89 n47 Revista minera, metalrgica y de ingenieria,
Cover, XVIII:2:48,50; illus. XVIII:2:48 fig 9 XVIII:3:76

La construccin moderna, XVIII:3:80 n30 Revista municipal y de intereses econmicos,

De Styl, IVA-.54 Havana, XVIII:3:75
Dekorative Kunst, XIX:1:9 Scientific American [American Mechanic],
The Dial, VII:3/4:[17],18,19 XV:4:21 n51,22n66; XVI:l:18nllO

La Dictadura, XVIII:2:42 Society of Architectural Historians Journal, see

Dunlap's Daily American Advertiser [Claypoole's Society of Architectural Historians: Journal
American Daily Advertiser; The Pennsylvania 77ie Times and Seasons, Mormon church paper,
Packet and General Advertiser; Poulson 's XIX:3:113
American Daily Advertiser; et al.], XVII:3:33 Transformation, VIII:1/2:133
Ecclesiologist, XVIII:3:119; XIX:4:146-155 passim Trinidad Guardian, V:47

Ekistics, XX:2:96; XX:3:150 Virginia Cavalcade, XI: 1:32

Eye to Eye, XIV:4:32 Virginia Gazette, XX:3:120
Foreign Quarterly, XX:3:106 The Westminster Review> XX:3:105-107

Garden Cities and Town Planning, XVIII:3:80 Zig Zag magazine> lllus. XVIII:3:84 fig 2
Gentleman's Magazine, engr. from, XVIIL3:113; Peristyle courts w Colonnades

XVIII:4:159; illus. XVIII:3:113 fig 2 Perkins, fl. 1850, of Newcastle, Me.

Gleason s, magazine, XX. 1:6 nl2,9 Homestead of, XX:l:38-39; illus. XX:1:39 figs 3-4

GodeysLadysBook and Lady s Magazine, Perkins, Dwight H member of Arts and Crafts

XVIH:3:104-111 Society, XIX: 1:5 nl3; and W. B. Griffin, XIX: 1:8;

View of N.yI 1870, (T. R. Davis), XII:1:21; C sPencer> Jr- XIX:1:6,8; and F. L.

XVI:1:18 nl05; illus. XII:1:19 fig 11 o nght'X!1X:J,[2'6 ^

The House Beautiful, XIX: 1:7 Ste,nway Hal1' Ch,cago' XIX: 1:6'8

Housing Betterment, on Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:3:76 Perkins, Frances, XX: 1:39

El Imparcial, XVIII:3:76 Perkins' G Holmes' I:1:2i XIV:2:28

The Inland Architect, XIX:1:5 Perkins, J. B. Ward, XVIL4-.8 nl5; XX:1:44

Inland Architect and Builder, XX:4:179,184 n9 Perkins, Jacob, of Newbury port, 11:4:10

Journal of Design, XIII:3:25 Perkins, Louise see Gebelein, Louise Perkins

Journal of the American Institute of Architects, Perkins, Simon

111:4:65; IX:4:[20]; XI:2:20-21 House of, Akron, Ohio, XII:2:14

Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Perkins, Thomas, 11:4:10

see Society of Architectural Historians:


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Perlman - Peruzzi

Perlman, Bennard B. University Hall, Brown University, Providence,

'The Construction and Cost of Homewood," XVII:2:26

XIV:l:26-28 Williamsburg, X:2:25; XI:1:27,32

Pernaja, Finland [Perno] Perry, Shaw and Hepburn, Kehoe and Dean, XI: 1:27

Church, VI:3/4:2; illus. VI:3/4:pl I fig 3 Peabody Museum, Salem

Pernambuco Francis B. Crowinshield Gallery, XII:3:28
Dutch architecture, V:23 Perry Hall
"Perpendicular style," XVI:3:34 Alterations, XX:3:132
Perpet, Saint, IV:3/4:10; VII:3/4:[10] Plasterwork (J. Rawlins), XX:3:132,133
Perpetual Adoration of the Host, Zara, Dalmatia, Perryopolis, Pa.
1226, XVII:l:10nl8 City plan, XX:3:108
Perpignan Perrysburg, Ohio

City Hall City plan, XX:3:108

Faade, XV:2:18 n 14 Persepolis

Saint Jean Cathedral, XV:2:18nl4 Achaemenid ruins, XII:4:5

Perrault, Claude, as architect/engineer/theoretician, Royal Palace, VII:l/2:39; XX:2:80-81

11:3:6; J. F. Blondel on, XVIII:4:141,142,146 Treasury, XX:2:80; illus. XX:2:80 fig 6
Books Pershore, Engl.
On the Five Orders in Architecture, Church, XVI:3:34
XX:3:116,117,124,129 no.66 Persia see Iran

The Theory and Practice of Architecture; or Persian faience see Faience: Persian
Vitruvius and Vignola Abridg'd (transi, by Persigny, XVIII: 1:35

[C. Perrault and] J. Moxon), XX:3:128nl9 Persius, Ludwig

Building Houses, XI:2:4

Louvre, Paris Perspectivae pictorum atque architectorum, by A. Pozzo,

Colonnade [Pristyle], XIII: 1:14 n 18; XV:3:21

XVIII:4:141,142 Perspective, V:47; XII:4:8-11; XV:3:21; XX:2:64 nl4

Perret, Auguste (see also Perret (A. and G.)), academic Perspective, The Practice of, by J. Dubreuil,
constraints on, XX:2:93; P. Collins on, XX:3:143; XX:3:126 no.13
H.-R. Hitchcock on, XIX:3:126; medals awarded Perspective, Trait de la, by J. Courtonne,
(AIA Gold Medal, 1952), XI:3:29, (Royal Gold XVIII:2:60-61

Medal, 1948), XIX:4:145 Perspective Made Easy, by W. Halfpenny,




Pettengill [Pettingiii], G. (comp.), XI:3:29 Perspettiva, by R. Bacon, XVIII:1:13 nl3

Perret, Gustave see Perret (A. and G.) Peru

Perret, Jacques Architecture, V:[39]-41; VIII:3/4:43-45,68

Architectura et Perspectiva, IX:3:13 nl5 Earthquakes, V:[35] and n4,36,38,40,41

Des Fortifications et Artifices, IX:3:6 Perugia
Protestant Church [Temple] plan, IX:3:6,7; illus. Churches, V:ll
IX:3:[9] fig 6 SS. Andrea e Bernardino, V:8

Perret (A. and G.), firm (see also Perret, Auguste), Perugino [Pietro Vannucci], V:ll

X:3:10 Perusse, Lyle F.

Perreton, Arnold, XIII:2:30 'The Gothic Revival in California, 1850-1890,"

Perrin, Richard W. E., XII:3:30; XIX:2:84 XIV:3:15-22; XVI:4:36

"'Fachwerkbau' Houses in Wisconsin," Peruzzi, Baldassare, personality of, IX:4:10; as

XVIII: 1:29-33 practicing architect, XIII:3:4-8 passim; study of,

Historic Wisconsin Architecture VIII: 1 /2:87; Vignola on, IX:4:14nl9
Brief rev., XX:3:150 "Report on the Remains of Ancient Rome" (attrib.),




Maps, 1850's, N.Y., illus. XV:4:13 fig 1 Works (Bldgs., Designs, Projects, etc.)
Perry, 19th c of Newport, XVII:2:24 Church plan, unidentified, XIII:3:11 nl6

Perry, Matthew Calbraith, XIII:2:14 Church with rotunda and ambulatory, project,




Perry, Oliver Hazard, Perryopolis, Pa. and Perrysburg, Cortile del Belvedere, Rome, work on, XIV:4:30
Ohio named for, XX:3:108 Palazzo Massimi, Rome, XIII:3:11 n27; XVII:4:23

Perry, William Graves (see also Perry, Shaw and S. Giacomo degli Incurabili, Ospedale di, Rome
Hepburn), XI:1:27; XIII:2:30 Church project, XIII:3:4-5; illus. XIII:3:[6] fig 2

Perry, Shaw and Hepburn (see also Hepburn, Andrew S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, Rome, competition
Hopewell, Jr.), XIII:2:27 design, XIII:3:4

Saugus Ironworks, XII:3:28-29


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Peruzzi - Pevsner
S. Peter's, Rome Writings

Architectural design, supervision etc., XIII:3:5,8 "American Notes" (ed.)

Crossing, study for, XIII:3:9; illus. Articles in "American Notes" (special dept. in
XIII:3:[7] fig 8 each issue of the SAH Journal beginning
Peschke, George V., XV:1:32 with October, 1950, [XI:3] ) not listed
Pesellino, Francesco below are indexed under individual titles
Painting, illus., VIII:3/4:pl V fig 7a and subjects
Petaluma, Calif. "Architectural Landmarks in Old Philadelphia,"
Casa Grande [Vallejo (Gen. M. G.) Home], XVI:4:35 X-.2-.26
Petavel, J. W., Capt., XVIII:3:85-86,91 "Boston Building Ordinances, 1631-1714,"
"Peten style," of Mayan pyramids, V:17-19 XX:2:90-92
Peter, Saint, paintings of, V: 11; relics of, at Cluny, "Concrete Blocks, Honolulu, 1870's," XI:3:27-29;


Peter I [Peter the Great], Czar, and city planning, "Early Architects of Independence Hall,"
IV: 1:23-24,26-27,28; nephew of Boyarin XI:3:23-26
Naryshkin, XVI:2:16nl5 "Frear Artificial Stone, Patented 1868,"
Equestrian Statue of see Leningrad: Equestrian XIII: 1:27-28; XX:4:194
Statue of Peter the Great "Girard College Treasure," XVI:2:20

Peter of Roissy, XVII:2:28 'The Historic American Buildings Survey

Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny, XVI:3:[4],11; Continued," XVI:3:29
XIX:4:176 "Memorandum for the Director" [of Dept. of the
Peterboro, N.H. Interior], on HABS, XVI:3:29-31
Church, 1825 (C. Bulfinch, attrib.), VIII:1/2:41 nl6 "The Museum of American Architecture: a
Peterborough, Engl. Progress Report," 1:3/4:24-26
Cathedral, VI:3/4:6 "Poured Concrete Building, 1835," XI:2:23-24;
Peterhans, Walter, X:l:28 XX:4:194

Peterhof see Leningrad: Peterhof Palace "Preservation and Restoration," XIV:2:28

Peterich, Gerda, XVII:2:32; XVII:3:36 Peterson, Frederick A., XI:2:10
"Cobblestone Architecture of Upstate New York," Peterson, J. Hardin, Congressman, VIII:1/2:131



Peters, Charles Chapel pulpits, V:23

House of, Chicago, XIX: 1:4 and n6 Merced pulpit, V:23
Peters, G. W. Petra
View of New York, 1894, XV:3:31 Altars, XI:3:1

Peters, Rd., 18th c., Rev., XV:4:24 Petra Island, Lake Mahopac, N.Y.

Petersburg, Va. Chahroudi (A. K.) House project (F. L. Wright),





Peterson, Charles E., and AIA Committee on Petrie, Flinders, Sir, XII:4:5,7 nl9
Preservation of Historic Buildings, XII:3:29; Petrograd see Leningrad
XIII:2:29; biogr. data, IX:3:23; on Carpenters' Petrozavodsk
Hall, XIII:3:30; and E. A. Connally, XI:4:8; City plan, IV: 1:26

credits to (W. Bailey), X:2:18nl5, (T. C. Pettengill [Pettingiii], George Ewald, XIII:2:29;
Bannister), XV:4:22n59, (S. Y Edgerton), XVI:3:36

XX: 1:20 nl, (A. A. Gilchrist), XIII:3:Suppl. Auguste Perret, a Partial Bibliography, XI:3:29

2,4,9,16 nos.20,24,25,26, (T. Sizer), IX:3:20; X-.2-.21-, Pettigrew, surveyor of Sudbury, Mass., XI:l:[14]nlO

on First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pettit, Charles, fl. 1787, of Philadelphia, X-.2-.M
IX:3:20; X-.2-.21- on HABS, XVI:3:29-31; on J. Pettrick
Haviland design of Columbus Capitol, XIII:1:28; Miller (Alfred Theodore) Sepulchral Monument,
on Hawaiian architecture, IV:3/4:59; and Philadelphia

Independence National Historical Park project, Sculpture, XIII:3:Suppl. 16; illus. XIII:3:Suppl.
IX:3:23 n; XI:4:8 n; XIV:2:28; on Jayne Bldg., [14] fig 22
Philadelphia, XII:3:31; XX:1:3,16,18; on Library Pevsner, Naum Neemia see Gabo, Naum

Hall, Philadelphia, XIII:3:30; on Penn Mutual Life Pevsner, Nikolaus, on "architect" as term in Middle

Insurance Co., Philadelphia, XV:4:21 n41; and Ages, XI:3:12; on F. Furness, XI: 1:31; on T.
SAH, 11:4:41; IV:3/4:59; X:l:27; X:2:26; X:4:36; Gamier, XIX:1:18; on linear pattern effects,
on Spruce Street house, ca. 1810-12, Philadelphia, XVI:3:34; on Lululand (H. H. Richardson),
XVI:4:13 n8; on L. Sullivan, XII:3:31; XV:3:31; XVIII:2:67; on modem architecture, XIV:4:31; on
and Thornton Society, 11:4:41; 111:4:66; IV:2:41; nineteenth century architecture, X:3:8; XV:2:30;

IV:3/4:59; on Virginia Cavalcade, XI:1:32 XVII:3:36; on G. E. Street's Cornwall work,

House of, Philadelphia, XVI:4:32 XIX:4:146 and n8; on training of architects,

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Pevsner - Philadelphia
Pevsner (Cont.) Arensberg Collection see Philadelphia: Philadelphia
X:4:33; on Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, Museum of Art
XVIII:2:66 Armory, First Regiment see Philadelphia: First
Articles and Books Regiment Armory

The Buildings of England Art Museum see Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum

Rev. by A. Gowans, XV:2:29 of Art

The Buildings of England: Northumberland (and Art Union Gallery see Philadelphia: Chestnut St.:

I. A. Richmond) Bldgs.: No. 208-210

Short rev., XVII:2:32 Artillery Lane, XV:4:24

Charles R. Mackintosh, XIII:2:30 Artists' Fund Society, XVIII:4:163

An Outline of European Architecture, XIX:1:41 Ashmead Printing Plant, 1853 (Sloan and Stewart),

Brief rev., XX:3:150 XIX: 1:36; XX:1:9-10; illus. XX:1:10 fig 13

Japanese transi, by B. Kobayashi, XVI:4:36 Assembly Place of the First Continental Congress see
Pioneers of the Modern Movement from William Philadelphia: Carpenters Company: Carpenters

Morris to Walter Gropius, X:3:8,13 n3 ^a"

"The Three-Dimensional Arch from the Sixteenth Association Library Company (see also Philadelphia:

to the Eighteenth Century," XVII:4:22-24 Library Company), XX:3:125



Hartt, F., Giulio Romano, XVIII:3:117-118 Bld6- 0- Notman), X:l:25; XV:2:20; XVH:3:33 n2;

Kimball, F., The Creation of The Rococo, XX: 1:6

v-44 Competition drawings (W. Stnckland),

Pews, IX:3:11; XVII:1:16-17 XxV=3*:S^fP'" ff, -,

Peyre, Marie Joseph, and J. F. Blondel, fx S' ff? .

XVIIL4:140,148; classicism of, 1:2:9; E. Kaufmann Bal1 [f-) Monument, Laurel Hill Cemetery see
Philadelphia: Laurel Hill Cemetery
Bandbox houses, S. Bodine St., XVI:4:9; illus.

on, XV:4:31

Comdie Franaise, Paris, project (and C. de Wailly),

XVI:4:10 fig 2
Bank of Commerce, 51-55 Chestnut St., illus. XX: 1:7

XVIIL4:148 n64

Htel Nivernais, Paris, XVIII:4:148 n64

Peyton, Bernard XVIII A:161 Banktf North America (J. Notman, attrib.), XX: 1:6
Pfeiffenberger, George D XII:3:29 Bank of penn Township (J c Trautwine))
PhaistOS, XIX:4T83 XVIII:4:161-163; illus. XVIII:4:162 fig 1

Phalanstere (C. Fourier), XIX:1:17,18-19; illus. Watercolor of (D. J. Kennedy), XVIII:4:162

XIX:IT7 fig 3 Bank of Pennsylvania

Pharmacies see Drugstores Bldg ( H Latrobe)) XV:4:30; XIX:3:115;
Phar0S XX: 1:25; XX:2:66
Lighthouse see Alexandria, Egypt: Lighthouse Stove XX-1-25

Pharsalus, Battle of, XIII:4:21 Bank of Philadelphia [Philadelphia Bank]

Phelps, fl. 1821-25, lime and cement supplier, see Colby Latrobe, B. H XIV:2:13; XIII:3:Suppl. 16

and Phelps Strickland, W XIII:3:Suppl. 16; illus.

Phelps, Dawson A., XIV:1:31 XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 19

Phelps, Elizabeth, XIV:2:32 Bank of the United States

Phelps, N.Y. pjrst see Philadelphia: First Bank of the United

Baptist Chapel, XV:2:15 States

King House, 1842, XV:2:16 Second see Philadelphia: Second Bank of the

Phelps Stokes Fund, IV:3/4:56 United States

Phidelis, L. Aelius, 1:1:8 Bank Row, XIX:2:79nl

Philadelphia Barcroft and [Weaver] Co. (J. Riddell [Riddle] ),

Academy Bldg., 4th St. XX: 1:8; illus. XX: 1:8 fig 10
Alterations (W. Strickland), XIlI:3:Suppl. 3; illus. Barry's Wharf, XIV:3:30
XIII:3:Suppl. [13] Fig 14 Bell Court, XVI:4:9; illus. XVI:4:10 fig 1
Academy of Music Bellevue-Stratford Hotel (Hewitt and Hewitt),
Bldg. (N. LeBrun), XVI: 1:30 IV:3/4:51,58
Renovation (P. Johnson and S. E. Martin), Belmont, XIXTTl
XVI: 1:30 Benezet (Anthony) House

American Friends Service Project, XV:4:4 Engraving (W. Strickland), X:2:24

Arbour (William) House, XX:l:26n29 Bennett and Co. .see Philadelphia: Tower Hall
Arcade, 1827 (J. Haviland), XII:3:13,16 and n20 Beth Israel Synagogue, Crown St. (T. U. Walter),
Arch Street Theatre (W. Strickland), XVII:3:32 XIII:4:29-31; illus. XIII:4:30 fig 1
Archer, Warner, Miskey and Co., VII:l/2:26 Bethany Presbyterian Church (S. Sloan), XIX:1:36

Architecture, XIII:3:30-32; XIV:4:31; XX:1:3-19


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Philadelphia - Philadelphia
Blackwell House, 224 Pine St. see Philadelphia: Central High School see Philadelphia: Philadelphia
Stamper-Blackwell House High School
Bladens Court, XVI:4:9 Central-Penn National Bank

Blockley Almshouse see Philadelphia: New 1830 (J. C. Trautwine) see Philadelphia: Bank of

Almshouse, Blockley Township Penn Township

Blue Anchor Tavern, XV1:4:9 1884 (F. Furness) see Philadelphia: Penn National
Boring mill, 18th c., XV:4:24 Bank: 1884
Brass Cannon Factory, IX:4:23 nl7 Centre Square, XX:2:54,62
Broad Street Station, XIV:3:28 Centre Square Pumping Station' see Philadelphia:
Browne (N. B.) Residences (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36,37 Waterworks





Shop of see Philadelphia: Bank of Commerce, Bldgs., illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6

51-55 Chestnut St. No. 45-49, XX:1:6; illus. XX:1:7 fig 6

Budd's Long Row, XVI:4:8-9,10,12 No. 51-55 see Philadelphia: Bank of Commerce
Bulletin Bldg. see Philadelphia: Girard Estate Bldg. No. 56-58, XX:l:5n6,6; illus. XX:1:7 fig 6
Burnett, Sexton and Swearingen Store (J. Fraser), No. 59 see Philadelphia: Dreer (H. A.) Seed and
XX: 1:8; illus. XX:1:8 fig 10 Horticultural Warehouse

Bush Hill, X:2:18 n4 No. 67-69, XX: 1:6

Calvary Presbyterian Church No. 80-94, XX:1:12; illus. XX:1:[4] fig 1

Bldg. (J. Notman), XV:2:20 No. 170 see Philadelphia: Hauel (Jules)
Chapel (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36 Perfumery
Camden Bridge see Philadelphia: No. 187 see Philadelphia: Newton's
Philadelphia-Camden Suspension Bridge Confectionary
"Capital, Working drawing oP' (T. U. Walter), No. 206, XX:1:13 fig 20
XVI:2:26 No. 208-210 [Art Union Gallery], XX:1:12-13;
Carpenters' Company, XII:2:27; XIV:2:29-30; illus. XX:1:13 fig 20

XV:4:23,25,26-27; founding of, XV:4:26-27; No. 212 see Philadelphia: Fraser (R. and W.),
XVI:3:36; school of, XIV:2:29-30 212 Chestnut St.
Articles of, and Their Rules for Measuring and No. 239-241 (S. D. Button), XX:1:13-14,18;
Valuing House Carpenters Work, 1786, X:l:26; illus. XX:1:13 fig 21




Carpenters' Hall [Old Hall], 1770-75 (R. Smith, No. 635-637, XX:1:14
attrib.), IX:3:23-24; XIII:3:30; XIV:2:29; No. 723, illus. XX:1:14 fig 23

XV:4:23,25-27; illus. XIV:2:30; XV:4:25 No. 723-727 (S. D. Button), XX: 1:14,18
Medal (A. B. Sage), XIV:2:7 No. 920-922, XX: 1:14

Restoration, 1857, XVI:3:36 Chestnut Street Theater (W. Strickland), XVII:3:32

Roof, XI:4:34 Alterations (B. H. Latrobe), XV:4:30

Turret, [Cupola], IX:3:26 Christ Church, XVIII:3:119

New Hall, 1791, XIV:2:29-30; illus. XIV:2:30 Baptismal font, XVII:1:15

Carpenters' Court, XIV:2:29; XV:4:25; illus. Steeple (R. Smith), XV:4:24

XIV:2:30; XV:4:25 Church of the Ascension (J. Notman), XV:2:20
Cash (Andrew D.) speculative houses (S. Sloan), City Dancing Assembly
XIX: 1:37 Hall (P. C. L'Enfant), XII:3:30

Cathedral, R. C., Logan Square (N. LeBrun), City Halls






Centennial Exposition, 1876, IV:1:39; VI:l/2:29; 1869-81 (J. McArthur, Jr.), VII:l/2:28; IX:l/2:35;
VIII: 1/2:129; Colonial revival at, 111:3:23; IX:3:28 n6; XX:2:62

111:4:67; VIII:3/4:3; XIV:2:8; competition for, City Literary Institute for Young Men (S. Sloan),
VIII: 1/2:87; illumination of, XVI:4:26 XIX: 1:34

Buildings competition, XVIII:3:105 nlO City plan, Maps and Views

Centennial Tower, 1000 ft., project (Clarke and City plans
Reeves), XVI:4:26-27,28; XIX: 1:11; illus. 1682 (T. Holme and W. Penn), 111:1/2:37,38;
XVI:4:26-27 figs 6-8 VIII:3/4:22; XVI:4:8,9,15,17,21;
Iron Tower, George's Hill, XIX:1:11,13-15; illus. XX:2:47,54,62; XX:3:108-109; illus.
XIX:1:14 figs 5,6; 15 fig 8 III: 1 /2:[36a]

Lithographic panorama (A. L. Weise), XIX:1:11 18th c.

Medals, XIV:2:3 Alleys, XX:2:48

Pennsylvania Bldg., XIX:1:11 19th c., VIII:3/4:22; XX:2:62

Engraving of, XIX:1:13 n8
Site, Fairmount Park, XIII:3:32; XIX:1:11,12


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Philadelphia - Philadelphia
Philadelphia (Cont.) Eastern State Penitentiary (J. Haviland), XVIII:2:66;

City plan, Maps and Views XX:3:137 nl7

Maps Eastwick (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36; illus. XIX: 1:35 fig 4
ca. 1778 (Montresor), XII:4:27 Ebenezer M. E. Church (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35

1860 (Hexamer and Locher), XV:4:26nl2 Elfreth's Alley, XV:4:4

1952 (G. M. Simon), XIII:3:30 Houses, XVI:4:12

Views Elliot (A. G.) and Co., Paper Warehouse see

18th c. Philadelphia: Megargee (Charles) Warehouse
Birch, W. R., X:2:21 Elliot and Dunn Banking House (S. Sloan), XIX:1:36

Cooper, P., XVI:4:8 Ellis (Charles) and Co., 56 Chestnut St. see
19th c X:2:19 capt. fig [2]; Philadelphia: Chestnut St.: Bldgs.: No. 56-58
XX:l:3-[4] n2,[4] n4,14 n25 Ellis (Charles) Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 724

Clarenbach and Herder, 49 Chestnut St. see Market St., XX: 1:5-6; illus. XX: 1:6 fig 5
Philadelphia: Chestnut St.: Bldgs.: No. 45-49 Engine House, Centre Square see Philadelphia:
Cliveden, Germantown, XIV:4:31 Waterworks

Iron rim locks, XIX:3:118n2 Episcopal [?] Church, Lehigh Ave. (S. Sloan),

Colliday (William) Workshop, Wood St., XVII:3:33 XIX: 1:36

Colonnade Row (J. Haviland), XVI:4:13; illus. Episcopal Church of Our Saviour (S. Sloan),





"Colossus" see Philadelphia: Schuylkill Bridge: 1812 Fairmount Park

Commercial bldgs. see Commercial bldgs., Office Guardhouse, XIII:3:32
bldgs., etc. Historic mansions, restoration (F. Kimball),
Congress Hall, X:l:26; XX:1:13 1:3/4:15 n
Fireplaces, XX:l:22n9 Mount Pleasant see Philadelphia: Mount Pleasant
Roof, XI:4:34 Plan (F. L. Olmsted, Sr.), XIII:3:32; XIX:1:11,12
Senate Chamber, XX: 1:23 Sweetbriar see Philadelphia: Sweetbriar

Conover (David F.) and Co. see Philadelphia: Fairmount Parkway, XX:2:62
Swaim's Bldg.: Second Falconer (J. G.) Millinery Shop, 57 Chestnut St.,
Continental Hotel (J. McArthur, Jr.), IX:3:28 n6; illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6
XIX:2:77 Farmer's Market Co. (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36

Contributionship Insurance Office (T. U. Walter), Fawcitt House, 1713 see Philadelphia: Front House
XVI:2:26 Fayette School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35

Convention Hall, temporary, 1866, X:3:[31] Federal Reserve Bank (P. P. Cret), 1:2:3
Corn Exchange Bank, Chestnut and 2d, 1858, Fifth Baptist Church, IX:3:27

XX: 1:10; illus. XX:1:11 fig 17 Filbert Street School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34

Cornelius, Baker and Co. Factory, Cherry and 8th Fire Insurance Surveys

Sts., XX: 1:9,18; illus. XX:1:10 fig 12 1787 (I. Jones), XX:3:131

County Bldg. see Philadelphia: Congress Hall 1817, of Friends Asylum, XIII:3:Suppl. 3-4
Crown Street Synagogue see Philadelphia: Beth Israel First Bank of the United States [Girard National
Synagogue Bank] (S. Blodget), X:2:27,28; XV:3:2; XVI:2:24;
Curry (Wm.) Wholesale and Retail Trimming Store, illus. XV:3:2
illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6 First Baptist Church

Custom House, Old see Philadelphia: Second Bank Germantown (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35
of the United States West Philadelphia (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36
Cuthbert St. [Fromberger's Court; LaGrange Place; First Baptist Meeting House, 1762, Fromberger's
Ledger Place], XV:4:24 Court [LaGrange Place; Ledger Place; Cuthbert
Deal (Sheriff) Houses (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:38 St.], XV:4:24

Delancey St. First Moravian Church [United Brethren Church]

Court off 200 block, XVI:4:9; illus. XVI:4:10 fig 2 1819-20, Broad St. (W. Strickland)

House, No. 240, 17th-18th c., XVI:4:8-9 Drawing of (J. C. Trautwine, attrib.), XVII:3:32;

Delaware River Battery, 1756, XV:4:24 XVIII:4:162

Delaware River Suspension Bridge see Philadelphia: 1855-56, Franklin and Wood Sts. (J. C.

Philadelphia-Camden Suspension Bridge Trautwine), XVIII:4:161-163; illus.

Dickinson (Philemon) House, XVI:4:12 XVIII:4:162 fig 2
Drawbridges Organ case (E. F. Durang), XVIII:4:163
17th c., XVI:4:8 First Presbyterian Church
18th c., XV:4:24 1704 [Old Buttonwood], IX:3:20

Dreer (H. A.) Seed and Horticultural Warehouse, 59 1793 [1794; Market Street Church] (J. Trumbull,

Chestnut St., illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6 attrib.), IX:3:20-22; X:2:27-28; XIV:2:8

Drexel Bldg. (Wilson Brothers and Co.), XIX:2:81 n6 Engr. of (W. R. Birch), IX:3:20-21; XIV:2:11 n6;
illus. IX:3:21


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Philadelphia - Philadelphia
1820-22 [1828], 7th and Locust [Washington Guarantee Trust Co. [Tradesmen's Bank]
Square] (J. Haviland), X:2:27; XVII:3:32n2 (F. Fumess), XIV:2:29
1857 Guardhouse, Fairmount Park see Philadelphia:
Kensington (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36 Fairmount Park: Guardhouse

Southwark (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36 Haddington School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34
First Regiment Armory (J. H. Windrim), XIV:3:24 Hamilton Terrace (S. Sloan), XIX:1:37
Fisher (Joseph) Thermometer Co. see Philadelphia: The Hancock School (S. Sloan), illus. XIX: 1:37 fig 8
Chestnut St.: Bldgs.: No. 56-58 Harrison (Joseph, Jr.) Mansion (S. Sloan), XIX:1:38;
Fort Hamilton illus. XIX: 1:36 fig 6
Sketch (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 2,10 capt. fig Harrison (Joseph, Jr.) Villa see Philadelphia^

3; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [11] fig 3 Riverdale

"Fourteen Chimneys" bandbox houses, XVI:4:9,13 Harrison (S. A.) Residences (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:37
Franklin Institute, XIV:2:30; XV:2:20 Harrison Row, 1856, Locust St., XVI:4:13
Franklin Row (R. Mills), XVI:4:13 Harrison's Row, 1853, 8th St. (S. Sloan), XIX:1:38

Fraser (R. and W.), 212 Chestnut St., illus. XX:1:13 Hauel (Jules) Perfumery, 170 Chestnut St., XX:1:6;






Free Library, XX: 1:3 n2 "Hell Town" bandbox houses, XVI:4:9,13

Friends Asylum, Frankford (W. Strickland), Henry Clay School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35
XIII:3:Suppl. 3-4 Hill (Henry) House [Physick [Dr. Philip Syng)
Friends Meeting House [Horstmann (Wm. H.) and House], Society Hill, XX:l:22n9
Sons Warehouse], Cherry St., illus. XX: 1:9 Franklin-type open stove, illus. XX: 1:21 fig 2
fig 11 Historical Society of Pennsylvania see Philadelphia:
Fromberger House, XIV:4:31 Pennsylvania Historical Society
Fromberger's Court, XV:4:24 Holy Trinity, 1856 (J. Notman), XV:2:20
Front House [Fawcitt House], Carpenters' Court, Horstmann (Wm. H.) and Sons Manufactory (J. C.

1713, XV:4:25 Hoxie), XX:1:8-9,17; illus. XX: 1:9 fig 11

Front Store, Carpenters' Court, XIV:2:29; illus. Horstmann (Wm. H.) and Sons Warehouse see
XIV:2:30 Philadelphia: Friends Meeting House

Furnace and boring mill, 18th c., XV:4:24 Horticultural Hall (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34

Garrett Cottage see Philadelphia: Girard College: Hoskins, Hieskell and Co. (Sloan and Stewart),
Bldgs. (T. U. Walter) XIX: 1:36; XX: 1:6-8; illus. XX: 1:7 fig 8

George Wolfe School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church in
Germantown, (for specific bldgs. in Germantown see Philadelphia (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35
directly under Philadelphia, e.g. Philadelphia: Hotels (J. McArthur), IX:3:28 n6
Fromberger House), X:l:23; X:4:33; XIV:4:31; House in which Jefferson drafted Declaration of



Girard (Stephen) Bldg., 21 S. 12th St., XVI:2:20 Houses

Girard (Stephen) Houses Eyre, W., XIII:3:31

N. Water St., XVI:2:23 Sloan, S., XIX: 1:36-37

Passyunk, XVI:2:23 Independence Hall [Pennsylvania State House]

Girard College Area surrounding, X:l:26; XIII:3:30; XV:4:3
Bldgs. (T. U. Walter), 111:4:30,68; VII: 1/2:2,3,23; Bldg., early architects of, XI:3:23-26; C. R.
XIII:4:29; XIV:2:13; XVI: 1:20,22,23,24; Ashbee on, X:l:24; Carpenters' Court near,
XVI:2:20-27; XVII:4:38; illus. XVI:2:21 XIV:2:29; copy of, XVII:3:27; exhibit of

figs 1,4 competition drawings for Girard College,

Founder's Hall, XVI:2:20; illus. XVI:2:21 fig 4 XVI:2:23,26; heated by stoves, X:l:25;

Garrett Cottage, XVI:2:26 location of, XX:2:54; Revolutionary soldiers

Competition drawings, XVI:2:20-27; illus. met and trained at, XV:4:23; as State House,




Library Medal of (A. B. Sage), XIV:2:7

T. U. Walter notebooks, XVI:2:26 Parts, Furnishings, etc.

Girard Estate Bldg. [Bulletin Bldg.] (N. LeBrun), Assembly Chamber restoration project (J.

XX: 1:8; illus. XX: 1:8 fig 9 Haviland), XI:3:25-26

Girard National Bank see Philadelphia: First Bank Brass nob [!] locks, XIX:3:117

of the United States Court Room (R. Allison), XV:4:27

Girl's High School see Philadelphia: The Normal Peale's Museum see Philadelphia: Peak's




Gloria Dei [Old Swedes' Church], XI:2:22; XI:3:27 Plans, illus. XI:3:24
Goddard (J. L.) House (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:37 Steeple (W. Strickland), XI:3:25;
Grigg (John), bldg. for (S. Sloan), XIX:1:36 XIII:3:Suppl. 2


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Philadelphia - Philadelphia
Philadelphia (Cont.) Ledger Place, XV:4:24
Independence Hall Lee (Robert M.) House, XX:l:26n29

Steeple design (J. Haviland), XI:3:25 Leland (Charles) Bldg., S. 3d St. (S. D. Button),

Stoves, X: 1:25; XX:l:22-23 XII:3:31; XX:1:14-15,18; illus. XX:1:15 fig 24

Supreme Court Chamber [Judicial Chamber], Library
XX: 1:22-23 Roof alterations design (T. LI. Walter), XVI:2:26
West end, print of (W. Birch), XX:1:23; illus. Library Company, XX:3:116-130 passim; occupation

XX l-23 fig 5 of Carpenters' Hall in 1773, XV:4:26;

Woodwork (S. Harding), XX: 1:23 pre-Revolutionary catalogs, XX:3:124

Independence National Historical Park, acquisition Library Hall (W. Thornton), X:2:20,28; XIII:3:30

area and bldgs., IX:4:24; X: 1:26; XIV:2:29; Roof, XI:4:34

XV:3:2; XV:4:23; XVI:2:20; XIX:1:31; Loganian Library, XV:4:24

XX: 1:22 n9; E. A. Connally work on, XI:4:8 n; Lipp.ncott Warehouse, 144-146 N. Fifth St.,

C. E. Peterson work on, IX:3:23 n; XI:4:8n; XX:1:10; illus. XX:1:11 fig 16

XIV.2.28 Locust St., No. 408, 410, XVI:4:12

Independence Square [State House Garden], X:l:26; LoSa" S1uare' 9 dwellings on the west side (S.

XX: 1:20 nl,22 n9 Sta), XDCJJ7

Gateway (J. Fox), X1I:4:27 Loganian Library see Philadelphia: Library

Insane Asylum for the State of Pennsylvania see Company. Loganian Library

Philadelphia: Pennsylvania State Insane Asylum Loxley (Be"Ja" House' Llttle Dock St"' XV:4:24;

Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, LoxIctCoutI?xv-4-24- XVI-4-9

401-405 Walnut St., XX: 1:10; illus. XX.Lll Loxley Court, XV 4 24 XVI 4.9

j. ]g Lyons Secondary School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34

..... , . ,. McAllister and Co., illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6

Iron Tower, George s Hill see Philadelphia: .. ,c C1 .

. . c ,0-,, McDowell and Day S. Sloan, XIX: 1:36
Centennial Exposition, 1876 x, . T -, c,

t t , n <, du ,,o v c. it xi . i Mackm William Mc. Tailor Shop, illus.

Jackson (Dr. C. M.) Bldg., 418 Arch St. (J. Notman), xx . _ , K

XX:1:15; illus. XX:1:15 fig 25 g

McLees and Germon's Daguerreotype Rooms,

James Pollock School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35

Jayne (Dr. David) Residence, IX:3:28 n6 Mae^R fookstore 45 Chestnut St see

Chestnut St., B.dgs.t No,. 45-4,
waiter), tx.3.27 28, IX.4.24,25, X.l.25,26, Malony House (S. Sloan), XIX:1:37
11:3:31 ; XII:4:32; XIV:2:30; XV:2:32; XV:3:31; Manayunk School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35
XV:4:1 ; XX: 1:3,10-13,16,18; illus. IX:3:[25] figs Maps see Philadelphia: City plan, Maps and Views

2-4; X: 1:25; XX: 1 :[4] fig 1 Market Sheds [Houses], High St. (W. Strickland),
Jayne structure, 1860, XII:3:31 XIII-3-30- XV-419

John Quincy Adams School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35 Market Street>' 316J318 (B Franklin), XX:3:131
Johnson (William J.) House (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:37 Market Street Church w Philadelphia: First

Johnson Collection see Philadelphia: Philadelphia Presbyterian Church* 1793

Museum of Art: Johnson Collection Market Street Permanent Bridge, XIX:3:117 n3
Jones, White and Co. (S. Sloan), XIX:1:36 Marshall (Christopher) Home, X:2:22; XX:l:22n9

Kid House Marshall's Court

Back bldg., XX:l:26n29 No 403) XVI:4:10,12; illus. XVI:4:10 fig 4;

Kirkbride's Hospital see Philadelphia: Pennsylvania 11 f;g 5

Hospital: Female Department for the Insane No. 405.411, XVI:4:10-11; illus. XVI:4:10 figs 3,4

LaGrange Place, XV:4:24 Mason (Wm C ) printing Co., illus. XX:1:7 fig 6
Lansdowne House (R. Adam) Masonic Hall (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 2
Drawing room see Philadelphia: Philadelphia Masonic Temple

Museum of Art: Lansdowne House Bldg. (Sloan and Stewart), XVIII:3:105 nlO;

Laurel Hill Cemetery XIX:1:34; XX:1:14; illus. XIX.L37 fig 9;

Ball (Mrs.) Monument XX: 1:14 fig 23
Drawing (T. U. Walter), XVI:2:26 Design (J. Notman), XX:1:14

Gateway drawing (T. U. Walter), XIII:4:31 nl3 Mechanics Bank (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 2,16

Landscape gardening (J. Notman), XV:2:20 capt. 20; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 20

Miller (Alfred Theodore) Sepulchral Monument Medary (J. Notman), XIX:2:81; illus. XIX:2:81 fig 1

(W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 16; illus. Megargee (Charles) Warehouse, XX:1:10; illus.
XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 22 XX:1:11 fig 15
Mortuary chapel (J. Notman), XV:2:20 Merchants' Exchange see Philadelphia: Philadelphia
Le Boutillier and Brothers, 208 Chestnut St. see Exchange: S. Third St.

Philadelphia: Chestnut St.: Bldgs.: No. 208-210 Mikve Israel Synagogue, Cherry St. (W. Strickland),
XIII:4:29-31; illus. XIII:4:30 fig 2


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Philadelphia - Philadelphia
Miller (Alfred Theodore) Sepulchral Monument see Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (Furness
Philadelphia: Laurel Hill Cemetery and Hewitt), IV:3/4:51

Moravian Church see Philadelphia: First Moravian Pennsylvania Day, XIX: 1:11

Church Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., 508-510 Walnut

Morris (Deborah) House, XVI:4:12 St., XX:3:138-139; illus. XX:3:138 fig 1; 139
Morris (Luke Wistar) House [Morris House], 225 S. figs 2,3
8th St. see Philadelphia: Reynolds-Morris House Pennsylvania Historical Society, XVI:2:20,22;
Morris (Robert) Mansion [Morris' Folly], Chestnut XX:l:3n2
St. (P. C. L'Enfant), XIL3:30; XX:1:23 Pennsylvania Hospital, XIII:3:31; XV:4:24
Morris School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 Female Dept. for the Insane [Kirkbride's
Mount Pleasant, Fairmount Park, XIII:2:4 Hospital], XIII:3:Suppl. 4

Moyamensing Male Dept. for the Insane (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35

Debtors' Apartment (T. U. Walter), XIII:4:29 Pennsylvania Museum of Art see Philadelphia:
Women's Section (T. U. Walter), XIII:4:31 nl3 Philadelphia Museum of Art
Municipal Hospital for Contagious and Infectious Pennsylvania Railroad grain elevator (D. D. Badger
Diseases (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35 and G. H. Johnson), XVI:l:18nl07
National Bank of the Republic (Furness and Evans), Pennsylvania Saving Fund Society (S. Sloan),
XIX:2:57-61; illus. XIX:2:60 fig 2 XIX:1:36

Natt (Joseph S.) Store (J. Riddell [Riddle] ), Pennsylvania State House see Philadelphia:

XX:l:[4]-5; illus. XX: 1:5 fig 3 Independence Hall

Neave (Samuel) Home, XX: 1:22 n9 Pennsylvania State Insane Asylum, project (W.
New Almshouse, Blockley Township Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 4-7
Bldg. (W. Strickland), XlII:3:Suppl. 4 Penntown, XV:4:4

Insane Dept. wings (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 Peterson (Charles E.) House, 1832

New Hall, 1791 see Philadelphia: Carpenters' Mantelpieces, XVI:4:32

Company: New Hall Philadelphia Art Alliance

Newton's Confectionary, 187 Chestnut St., XX:1:5; Exhibition of Philadelphia Architecture, 1953,




The Normal School [Girl's High School], (S. Sloan), Philadelphia Architecture in the Nineteenth Century
XIX:1:35 Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XIII:3:30-32

North East Grammar School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34 Philadelphia Bank see Philadelphia: Bank of
Northern Home for Friendless Children (S. Sloan), Philadelphia
XIX: 1:35 Philadelphia-Camden Suspension Bridge [Delaware

Odd Fellows' Cemetery River Suspension Bridge], XX:2:62

Entrance Pavilion (S. D. Button), XIII:4:29 Anchorages (P. P. Cret), 1:2:3 n

Odd Fellows Halls Philadelphia Cricket Club (McKim, Mead and

Spring Garden (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34 White), XIII:3:30

West Philadelphia (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34 Philadelphia Exchange

Office bldg. project, 6th and Walnut (W. Strickland), Broad St., XIX: 1:31
XIII:3:Suppl. 10; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [13] fig 15 S. Third St. [Merchants' Exchange]
Old Buttonwood see Philadelphia: First Presbyterian Bldg. (W. Strickland), XIII:3:30,Suppl. 2,16

Church: 1704 capt. fig 25; XIX:1:31; illus. XIII:3:Suppl.

Old City Hall see Philadelphia: City Halls: 18th c. [15] fig 25; XIX:1:31 fig 1
Old Stock Exchange see Philadelphia: Philadelphia Painting, Old Stock Exchange, Philadelphia
Exchange: S. Third St. (J. A. Woodside), 11:3:33

Old Swedes' Church see Philadelphia: Gloria Dei Design (J. C. Trautwine), XVIII:4:162

Passyunk Road and Tenth Rehabilitation (L. C. Hickman), XIX: 1:31

Bldgs., drawings (T. U. Walter), XVI:2:26 Stairways (W. Strickland), XIX:1:31; illus.

Patriot's Rendezvous see Philadelphia: Independence XIX: 1:31 fig 1



Peale's (Charles Willson) Museum, XI:3:25; Hickman, L. C., XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 25;
XIV:2:[5]; XX:1:25; illus. XI:3:24 XIX:1:31
Penn Center, XVIII:2:59 Strickland, W XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 25;

Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. Bldg., (G. P. XIV:2:12; XVII:l:33n2; XIX:1:31; illus.

Cummings), IX:3:27; IX:4:24-25; X:l:26; XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 25; XIX:1:31 fig 1
XV:4:16; XX:1:6; illus. IX:4:25 Philadelphia High School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35
Penn National Bank Philadelphia Library see Philadelphia: Library
1830 (J. C. Trautwine) see Philadelphia: Bank of Company: Library Hall
Penn Township
1884 (F. Furness), XVIII:4:162


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Philadelphia - Philadelphia

Philadelphia (Cont.) Rush (Dr- Benjamin) Mansion

Philadelphia Museum of Art [Pennsylvania Museum Water color sketch of (W. Strickland),
of Art], 1:3/4:11,15,16; IX:l/2:35 XIII:3:Suppl. 3,10; illus. XIII:3:Suppl.
Arensberg Collection, X:l:28 [12] fig 9
Johnson Collection St. Andrew's [St. George's] Protestant Episcopal

Painting, ca. 1426 (Andrea di Giusto, attrib.), Church (J. Haviland), XX:3:137 nl6
XV1II:1:13,14 St. Augustine's R. C. Church

Lansdowne House (R. Adam) Bldg. (N. Fagan), XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 26;
Drawing room, XIII:2:7 illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 26

Philadelphia National Bank, Chestnut St., XIX:2:79 Cupola (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig

Philadelphia Savings Fund Society Bldg. (S. Sloan), 26; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 26
XVIII-3105 nlO Clement's (J. Notman), XV:2:20

Philemon-Dickenson House see Philadelphia: St. George s Protestant Episcopal Church see

Dickinson (Philemon) House Philadelphia: St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal

Philosophical Hall, X:l:26 Church

Peale Museum see Philadelphia: Peale's (Charles St. Marks (J. Notman), XV:2:19,20,21,22

Willson) Museum St. Michael's German Lutheran Church, 1743, illus.

Physick (Dr. Philip Syng) House see Philadelphia: XX: 1:9 fig 11

Hill (Henry) House and Paul

"Piazzas," X:2:20 Fa?ade <J- Notman)' XV:2:2

Pioneer house, Southwark District, X:2:24 St- Peter's P E Church <R Smith' XIII:3:Suppl. 16

Planning see Philadelphia: City plan, Maps and capt f,g 21> 'us; XI":3:^PP!; ^"f27 , Q

yje^s Tower and steeple (W. Strickland), XlII:3:Suppl. 9,

Post Office Bldg., Dock St., IX:3:28 _f _ St.

f,g Church,
[15] fig 28

Powel (Samuel) House, XVI:4:12; illus.

Sansom Street Row (T. Carstairs), XVI :4:10,13

Sawyer Observatory, XIX:1:11-13,14; illus. XIX:1:12

XVI:4:11 fig 6

Preservation, Restorations, etc., X:2:24; XIX:3:117

President's House, XII:2:27-28; XX: 1:23; illus.

figs 1,2

School House Lane, Germantown, X:4:33


Schools (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34-35; illus. XIX: 1:37

Produce Exchange, XIX: 1:31

Protestant Episcopal Church of the Saviour (S. ~ , ^VP-,,7' - ,

Slan). XIX:1:36 1798-1806, IX:3:24

prov,dent Life and Trust Co. ,gl2 rColossus] (L. Wemwag), 11:1:41;
Bank, 1879, 409 Chestnut St. (F. Furness), XIX 4 181

XI:1:31; XIX:2:79-81; illus. XI:1:31; XIX:2:79 Om.ment of (R. Mills), XIX:4:181

_ E,gE Plg 2 Scotch Associate Presbyterian Church (S. Sloan),

Banking Room, XI:1:31; XIII:3:31; illus. X:4:33 XIX 1-36

Bldgs. [not banks] Second Bank of the United States [Old Custom

1890, 4th and Chestnut Sts. (Furness, Evans and House; United States Bank of Pennsylvania]

Co.), XIX:2:80-81 Bldg (W Strickland), 1:2:22; 11:2:34; 11:3:26-29;

1892, 4th St. (Furness, Evans and Co.), VII:3/4:[17]; XIII:3:30,Suppl. 2,9-10;
XIX:2:81 XIV:2:13; XVIII:4:162

1895-97, 4th and Ranstead Sts. (Furness, Evans Design (B. H. Latrobe), 1:2:22; 11:3:26-29;

and Co.), XIX:2:81 XX*2*64,73

Pumping Station, Centre Square see Philadelphia: Repairs and alterations, 1864-81, XIII:3:Suppl. 2

Waterworks Second Baptist Church, Southwark (S. Sloan),

Restorations see Philadelphia: Preservation, XIX: 1:36

Restorations, etc. Second Street Baptist Meeting House, XV:4:23,24

Redleaf Park (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:38 Sedgeley [Crammond (William) Villa] (B. H.
Reynolds School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35 Latrobe), XI:4:16; XIII:1:15

Reynolds-Morris House, 225 S. 8th St., XVI:4:12; Sexton House (S. Sloan), XIX:1:37

illus. XVI :4:11 figs 7,9 Sexton, Seal and Swearingen Co. (J. Fraser),

Richards House [ca. 1812], 136 Front St., XVI:4:8 XX:l:8nl5

Richards (Rev. Joha) House (S. Sloan), XIX:1:38 Sharpless (T.) and Sons Store, XX:1:6
Rittenhouse Square layout (J. Trautwine), Shepherd, Abbot Bldg., 1848, XX: 1:6

XVII:3:33n2 Shippen-Wistar House, 4th and Locust, XVI:4:12;

Riverdale (S. Sloan), XIX:1:37 illus. XVI:4:11 fig 8

Row-houses (for individual rowhouses see by name. Shunk School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35
e.g. Philadelphia: Harrison's Row), XIII:3:30,31; Siber [Silver?] (Joseph S.) House (S. Sloan), XIX:1:38
XVI:4:8-13 Simes Block (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36

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Philadelphia - Philadelphia
Slate Roof House, X-.2-.24 United States Life Bldg.

Smith (F. H.) Pocketbook and Port Monnaie Pre-1849, XX:l:12n22

Manufactory, illus. XX:1:7 fig 6 1849-51, 94 Chestnut St. [U.S. Life Insurance

Society Hill, XV:4:5,6 Annitt (?) and Trust Co.], XX:1:6,12; illus.

Restorations, XIX:3:117 XX:1:[4] fig 1

South Bodine St., Bandbox houses, XVL4:9; illus. United States Naval Home [Asylum] (W. Strickland),



South West Primary School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34 University of Pennsylvania, founding, XX:3:116

Spruce Street house, ca. 1810-12, XVI:4:13n8 Bldgs., Schools, etc.

Stamper-Blackwell House, 224 Pine St., Library (F. Furness), XI: 1:31




State House see Philadelphia: Independence Hall Latrobe, B. H., XV:4:30

State House Garden see Philadelphia: Independence Strickland, W., XII:2:27

Square School of Fine TVrts 3CIV-2-28-29

State Insane Asylum Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Van Meter (J. E.) and Co., illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6

State Insane Asylum Views see Philadelphia: City plan, Maps and Views

Stedman (Charles) House see Philadelphia: Powel Vodges (James C.) House (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:37

(Samuel) House Waln (Winiam) House [Swaim House], XVI:3:32

Stenton, XIV:4:31 Walnut Street Prison (R. Smith), XII:4:26-27;

Stock Exchange see Philadelphia: Philadelphia XVII:3:32 n2; XVIII:2:66; illus. XII:4:26

Exchange Warner Primary School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34

Stokes Charles House (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:38 Washington Bldg. (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36

Stores (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36 Washington Hall (R. Mills), XIII:1:15; illus.

View^Tlhls'"xX:l:7 fig 6 w ' ,

_ A Washington Monument
Street lamps, XVII:3:32 n2 o r * u a u a \ wr, > 11 -,
^ dk:i^ii,;.
luniu. Cast of Portr- <J- A- Houdon), XVII:3:33 n2
Swaim House see
Philadelphia: Wain
Strickland, W XVII:3:32

Swaim's Baths, XVI:3:32





Trautwine, J. C., XVII:3:32; XVIII:4:163

First (G. P. Cummings), XX:1:6,14 Washington Square

Second (S. D. Button, attrib.), XX:1:14,15; illus. f0untal" dS1" P-C. Trautwme), XVIII:4:163

XX-1-14 fig 22 Lamps (J. Haviland), XVII:3:32n2

Swedes' Church, Old see Philadelphia: Gloria Dei ^'an XVII:3:32 n2 . .

Sweetbrier [Sweetbriar], Fairmount Park, IX:4:24 n24 Waterworks [Engine House; Pumping Station],

Tabor Mission Sabbath School and Chapel (S. Centre S1uare (B' H Latrobe)' XIII:1:15;

Sloan), XIX-1-36 XV:4:30; XIX:3:115; illus. XIII: 1:15 fig 1

Tasker School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35 Watson (C. C.) and Son, illus. XX:1:[4] fig 1
Telegraph Bldg., granite, XX: 1:12 Watson Primary School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34

Tenth and Passyunk Rd. Webster School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35

Bldgs., drawings (T. U. Walter), XVI:2:26 Wendell and Espy (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36

Thomas (John W.) Residence, Chelten Hills (I. H. West Philadelphia Institute (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34

Hobbs, Jr.), illus. XVIII:3:107 fig 3 White (Samuel S.) Store (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36

Thurlor, Hughes and Co. (S. Sloan), X1X:1:36 White (Bishop William) House, XVI:4:12

Todd (John) Home, XX: 1:22 n9 Williams (Isaac S.) Manufactory, illus. XX: 1:6 fig 5

Toer (J. N.) Printing Shop, 57 Chestnut St., illus. Williamson (Dr. W.) House (S. Sloan), XIX:1:38

XX: 1:7 fig 6 Wills Hospital (T. U. Walter), XVI:2:26

Tower Hall [Bennett and Co.] (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36 w'Star (Dr. Caspar) House, 4th and Locust see

Townsend (Samuel) Store (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36 Philadelphia: Shippen-Wistar House

Tradesmen's Bank see Philadelphia: Guarantee Trust Wood and West Streets School (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34
q0 Woodland Terrace (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:37
Tradesmen's National Bank (S. Sloan), The Woodlands, IX:3:21; X:2:18n4; XIII:3:Suppl.
XVIII:3:105 nlO; XIX:1:36 2,4,10

Tryon (E. K.) House (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:38 Woodward (J. J.) House (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:37

Union Library Company (see also Philadelphia: Wright (Robert) House, 1852 (S. Sloan), XIX:1:38

Library Company), XX:3:125 Wright, Hunter Store (S. D. Button), XX:1:10; illus.

United Brethren Church see Philadelphia: First XX:1:10 fig 14

Moravian Church Zion Episcopal Church, Kensington (S. Sloan),
United States Bank of Pennsylvania see Philadelphia: XIX: 1:36
Second Bank of the United States Zoo (Hewitt and Hewitt), IV:3/4:51

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Philadelphia Art Alliance - Photograph collections

Philadelphia Art Alliance see Philadelphia: Philadelphia Phippsburg, Me.
Art Alliance McCobb House [Minott House], X:4:[32] nl3
Philadelphia Award, X:l:28 Phiz, pseud., see Browne, Hablot Knight
Philadelphia Contributionship for the Insurance of Phoenix, Ariz.
Houses from Loss by Fire, XIII:3:Suppl. 3,4 Capitol (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130

Philadelphia Historical Commission, XIX:2:79 Phoenix Columns, XVI:4:26; illus. XVI:4:27 fig 8
Philadelphia Ledger, on architecture, XX:1:[4]-17 Phoenixville, Pa.

passim Phoenixville Bridge Works, XVI:4:26

Philae, Egypt Photogrammetry, XVI:4:29; XVII:2:27; XIX:l:32-34;

Temple, XV:4:4 XIX:2:81

Philip, d. 1676, Indian CA/<?/[Metacomet] see King Photograph collections

Philip's War $ee Architecture: Designs, Drawings, Models,

Philip, 1720-1765, Infante of Spain, Duke of Parma Plans, etc.; Exhibitions; Microfilm projects

["Dom Philippe of Spain"], XI: 1:16 A" Souls College, Oxford

Philip I, King of Spain [Felipe I; the Handsome] National Buildings Record and Courtauld Institute

Sepulchre of, XVIIT-8 f Art Photograph Collection, VII:l/2:49

Philip II, King of France [Philip Augustus], 111:1/2:33; American topographical town plans and views, New
York Public Library, IV:3/4:56

Philip II, King of Spain [Felipe II], burial plans of, AmiS0S de Gaudi-U.S.A., Columbia University,
XVII:1:11 n40; colorless personality of, IX:4:10; , . _ , T. .
Dr. Fonseca's report to, XVII: 1:11 nn40,42; and Arch'vf of H,s^mc Culture, Hispanic Foundation,

city of Madrid, XIV:4:4; and St. Augustine Library of Congress, 111:4:49-50

Monastery, Macao, XIX:2:69; and G. B. Vignola, Boeh' G ass Negatives, M.ssoun H.stoncal Society,

IX.4.10 St. Louis, X:3:[31]

Portraits, V-9 n57 Burnham (Alan) photographs

of Port-of-Spain
architecture, V:47

Philip V, King of Spain, V:23

Carnegie Study of the Arts of the United States
Philip Augustus see Philip II, King of France
Slide project, XX:3:150
Philip of Macedon, XV:1:31,32 , ,J , . ~ ,. .
... TT , T . , . Codman Ogden Photograph Collection,

Philip the Handsome sec Philip I, King of Spain Metrooolitan Museum of Art XII -3-27
Philip van Artevelde by H. Taylor, VII:3/4:[17] Dana , Collection on history of New Haven

Philipp, Hans, VI:3/4:37 ^ Yale' Iv.3/4.54

"Timbered Architecture in Poland," VI.3/4:14-17 Stroit Archi;ectural Collection, Detroit Institute of

Philippe, Dom, of Spain, see Philip, 1720-1765, Infante ^rts ji.3.32. h 4 43

...f?Pa'n. ,,, , Gjessing (Frederick C.) photographs of San Juan

Philippines, infl. on Western art, V:[21] architecture, XIV:1:30

Philipse, Adolph, d. 1749, XX:3:116 Graphic History Society of America, preservation of

Philipse, Fredenck, 111:1/2:47; 111:4:7,10,11 photograph collections, XIV:4:32

Philipse Castle North Tarrytown, N.Y.: Phihpsburg Historic American Buildings Survey [HABS] {see also
Manor United States: National Park Service: Historic

Philipse Family, IV:2:38 American Buildings Survey), 11:1:42,52;

Philipse Manor House see Yonkers, N.Y. XVI-3-31-XVIIT-30

Phillip Augustus see Philip II, King of France Institute of Jamaica, Kingston
Phillips, fl. ca. 1670 Pictorial records, XIV: 1:30

House of, Boston, XIII: 1:11 International Union of the Institutes of Archeology,

Phillips Academy see Andover, Mass. History and History of Art, Rome, XVI:3:36
Philo, Arsenal of, XX:4:202 Johnston (Frances Benjamin) Collection of negatives
Philo Judaeus [Philo of Alexandria], XVI:2:28 of early bldgs. from Maryland to Louisiana,

Philosophy (Aesthetics, Theory, etc.) (see also XI:2:24

Proportion (Art and Architecture)), 11:1:31-33,38; judd (E. Taylor) slides of Williamsburg, VIII:3/4:69

XII:4:15-18; XIX:2:87-88 Lienau Collection, Avery Architectural Library,

Eighteenth century, IV:2:23-29; XV:4:30-31; N.Y., XI:2:[8] n7; XIV:1:18,19
XVIII:4:140-148 Lummis (Mrs. George O.) Collection, Philadelphia,
Medieval, XI:3:6-16; XII:4:8-11; XVII:2:19,27-29; XIX:2:81

XVIII:3:94-98; XVIII:4:166 Muller (J. L. H. [T. L. H.] ), Paris, IX:l/2:38

Nineteenth century, 111:4:16-25; IV:2:3-22,34-36; Ohio Valley Architecture, 11:1:35
VI: 1 /2:[l]-5; VII:3/4:[17]-20; XIII:1:3-10; Pictorial Archives of Early American Architecture,
XVI:l:25-27; XVII:1:36; XVII:4:25-30 XI:2:24

Twentieth century, X:3:8-14; XV:2:29-30; Prvost (Victor) waxed paper negatives, New York
XX:3:147-148 Historical Society, XI:2:24

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Photograph collections - Piers (Supports)

Rosenthal (Julius) slide surveys, X:3:32 "Pictorial Archives of Early American Architecture,"

Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, XI:2:24

XVIII:2:72 Picture Galleries see Museums and Museum bldgs.
Royal Library, Copenhagen Picturesque, V:44,45,46; XII:1:9; XV:4:30; XVI:1:3-10;
Dept. of Maps and Prints, XVIII:2:72 XIX:3:127; XIX:4:147,151,153,161,162
Smith (G. E. Kidder) Collection, XVI:3:35 "Picturesque eclecticism," XVII:4:38
Still Pictures Branch, National Archives, XX:4:198 "Picturesque Gothic," XX:3:149

Ward, C. (and A. Princehorn) photographs, "Pied de Lyon," measurement, XVI:3:7

VII:3/4:[4] "Pied du roi" see Royal foot

Ware Collection, Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., Piedmont, Calif.

XIV:1:16 Fore (Charles W.) Residence (L. C. Mullgardt), illus.

Yale University, New Haven X:3:[19]

19th c. railroad stations, IV:3/4:54 Moffitt (James K.) House (W. Polk), X:3:21; illus.

Phrygia X:3:[19]
Tombs, 11:1:9 Worcester (Joseph) Residence (J. Worcester), X:3:18

Phvfp Dunran Piedras Negras, Guatemala

F^mTure ill:2:8 Excavations, V:56

Physick, Philip Syng, Dr. Temples, V: 16-20; illus. V:[20a] figs 1-6
House of see Philadelphia: Hill (Henry) House Pienza

Piacentini, Marcello, XVII:2:31 Cathedral, V:7 ri41; XVII:l:9n3

Piacenza [Placentia], work of Paciotto, IX:4:11,12 !erce' sahel'( I9th a bldr ,n Chlca8- 11:4:12 n53
City plan, Maps, etc., VIII:3/4:37; illus. VIII:3/4:pl Pierce. Besste L^

,x y A History of Chicago, 11:4:17

Farnese Pa[ace (G. B da Vignola), IX,4,.0

Pierce, Jerathmeel, 18th c see Peirce, Jerathmeel

Pierce, Sally
Boston, Mass.
f . _ . _ Female Academy of, Litchfield, X:4:20
Chtckenng Pianoforte Factory, XX: 1:9 . T
Piercy, James
Woodehester, Engl.
Sugar Refinery of, Washington, D.C., X:2:22

Piano factories

Bentley*s Piano Factory VIII: 1/2:13,14; illus. piero ^ Francesca> VH:3/4:28

t<_. . *p . _I ___ , . ^ Pierpont Morgan Library see New York (City)

Piazza, term (see also Porches), X:2:20; XVIII: 1:3-4 Pierre S D

Piazza Armenna Fort Randallj iX:3:27; XIII:2:27

Impenal Villa, XX:1:43; XX:2:86; illus. XX:2:87 pierre Bernar^ jshop XII;3;7
f,g 19 Pierre de Montreuil, VII:3/4:14; XIII:1:29,31

Piazzetta, V:46 Pierrefonds, Can.

Picasso, Pablo, exhibition of works, Sociedad de Arte Ste.-Genevive (T. Baillairg), XIV:3:10
Moderno, Mexico City, IV:2:41; fragmentation of Pierrefonds France

solids, XIX:4:183; infl. on Mondriaan, IV:1:54 Chteau, 1:3/4:8- VII:3/4:29

Guernica, 111:4:4 Pierrepont, Henry

Picaud, Aymery see Aymery Picaud House of> NY XI:2:6; illus. XI:2:5 fig 4
Picazo Family, V:[27] n4 Piers (Supports)

Pichaver, Johnathan, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Amiens

"Pick plan," VI: 1/2:28 Cathedral, IV:3/4:40

Pickens, Buford L., and AIA, X:4:35; on J. Gallier, Athens
VII:3/4:37; interest in Louisiana architecture, Parthenon columns, XV:1:28; XX:4:188 nil
VII: 1 /2:94; and preservation, X:4:35; and SAH, Auxerre
VI:3/4:35; VIII: 1 /2:128,130; VIII:3/4:67,69; Cathedral

IX: 1 /2:37; X:l:27 Crypt piers, XVII:3:7

"Detroit Reviews Its Architecture," 11:4:42-44 Nave piers, IV:3/4:40; illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 8
Editorial, AIA Journal, Aug., 1949, VIII:3/4:69 Beauvais

"Regional Aspects of Architecture in Louisiana," St. Etienne, IV:3/4:37-38; illus. IV:3/4:[36a] fig 1


"Regional Aspects of Early Louisiana Architecture," England, XIX:4:181; XX:3:136

VII: 1 /2:33-36; VII:3/4:37 Chartres

Pickhaven, Johnathan, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Cathedral

Pickhel, Jonathan, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Nave piers, IV:3/4:39,40; illus. IV:[36b] fig 5
Pico, of San Diego Cobblestone
House of, illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4 House with cobblestone columns, Holland Patent,
Pictographs, Chinese, IX:l/2:4; illus. IX:l/2:7 fig 4 N.Y., XV:2:16

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Piers (Supports) - Pineau

Piers (Supports) (Cont.) Soissons

Corner columns, XVII:3:9n29 Cathedral, IV:3/4:39

Dijon Solomonic column, XVIII:4:167

St. Bnigne, XVII:3:2-9 Tournai

Double [paired] columns, XIII:l:14nl8 Cathedral, XVII:3:9n29

Evora, Port. Piers (Wharves) see Docks, Harbors, Navy yards,

San'Anton Wharves, etc.

Nave columns, V:6 n36 Pierson, William Harvey, Jr. VIII:1/2:135

Falaise ^rts of the United States, A Pictorial Survey (ed., and
Saint Gervais M- Davidson)

Nave piers, illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 10 Brief rev., XX:3:150

Gothic, IV:3/4:36-42; illus. IV:3/4:[36a-b] "Notes on Industrial Architecture in England,"

Granite XX-112 VIII: 1 /2:1-32

Hampton Court Pietas Julia see Po,a> Ita,y

Paired columns, XIII:1:14 nl8 Pietra dura technique, XV:4:9,10

Istanbul [Constantinople] Pigman, Mrs. George, XI:4:[23]

The Hippodrome, XVII:4:3; illus. XVII:4:4 fig 6 Pigonni

London n Castellazzo, VII: 1/2:48

Greenwich Palace Pike> General> steamboat, XI:4:28
Double columns, XIII:l:14nl8 Pilasters

St. Paul's Cathedral (C. Wren) Jee alf P'ers

Paired columns, western bay, XIII:1:14 nl8 i J

M "Shadow" [Double], XV: 1:5,8

Palazzo Ducale <*er' F"
Pilcher and Tachau

Twisted [ jellified barley-sugar ] columns . , _ ,. ....

.. D . Armory, Squadron C, Brooklyn, N.Y., XIV:3:27;
Giulio Romano , XVIII:3:117 . / ^ J




, . Kingsbridge Armory, Bronx, N.Y., XIV:3:27-29;

Cathedral ... ... , Jr _ .

r t ' YVII17 s' XIV:3:29 7>8

Noyon^"'''1 I"ers' Pile-dwellings see Lake-dwellers and dwellings

Cathedral, IV:338; XI:3:8; XIII: 1:30; illus. Pilgrimage Churches, Pilgrimage Road, Pilgrims, etc.

:L aJ see aiso specific churches, e.g. Ronchamp: Chapel;

a"s ^ . Santiago da Compostela: Cathedral; Toulouse:

Notre Dame, alternating system of supports Sernin
lacking, IV:3/4:38; VII:3/4:24; XI:3:9 Middle Ages, IV:3/4:6,7,11,18; VII:3/4:[10];
St. Germain des Pres, XVII:3:7,8 and nl6 XIX-4176

Phoenix Columns, XVI:4:26; illus. XVI:4:27 fig 8 Holy Land) pilgrimages t0> IV:1:6

Relms Rome, XII:3:4,5-6

Cathedral, IV:3/4:40 Spain> VII:3/4:26-27

Rochester, Engl. Pilgrim's Progress, by J. Bunyan, VIII:3/4:2

Cathedral Pilgrims' Guide, 12th c of Aymery Picaud,
12th c. piers, XVII:3:9n29 VII:3/4:[10] n2,26,27

Roman, XVII:4:2,3,5,6; illus. XVII:4:4 fig 6 pj/ier cantonny XI:3:9; XIII:1:30,31

Romanesque, XVI:3:16; XVII:3:2-9 Pilkington, F. T., IX:l/2:27

Rome (City) Pillars see Piers (Supports)

S. Peters Pillement, as defender of Old Paris, XVIII: 1:35
Crossing piers, XIII:3:4,9 Pilot Hill, Calif.
Rouen Bayley House [Bayley's Folly], XVI:4:35
St. Maclou, IV:3/4:41; illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 9 Pimenov, N. S Jr, XVI:2:30

Saint-Denis Pimlico see London

Abbey Church Pina, Jos, Fray, XVII:4:40

Columns, piers, etc., IV:3/4:7,40; XIII:1:30; Pinara, Lycia

illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 7 Tomb, 111:4:37; illus. III:4:[32a fig 10]
Saint-Wandrille Pine Hill, Tex.
Abbey Old Inn, XI:4:[7] n29
Piers, XVII:3:7,8 nl6 Pineau, Nicholas, V:43,45,46
Sens Designs, XVIII:4:142
Cathedral, system of supports, IV:3/4:38; XI:3:9 Htel de Roquelaure, Paris, V:45,46
Htel de Rouill, Paris, V:45,46
Htel de Villars, Paris, V:45,46


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Pineau - Pittsburgh
Htel de Villeroy [Htel de Desmares], Paris, V:46 Pisano, Giovanni, XIV:1:32

Peterhof Palace, Leningrad Pis (see also Adobe buildings; Earthworks; Sod
Panels, V:45 houses; Tapia construction), 11:1:29; IX:l/2:4,6;

Pineider, G. B., XVII:3:17 n XV: 1:5

Pinel, XIII:3:Suppl. 3 Pistes, Edict of, 864 A.D., XVI:2:5

Pingree, David Pistoria [Pistoia, Pistoja]

House of see Salem, Mass.: Gardner (John) House City plan, Maps, Views, etc., VIII:3/4:38; illus.




Perspective of Saint Martin, Tours, ca. 1798, Pit-dwellings, IX:l/2:3; illus. lX:l/2:7 fig 1
VII:3/4:11; illus. VII:3/4:pl III fig 3 Pitchers, Urns, etc.
Pinheiro, Gerson Pompeu Etruscan, 11:1:14

Inn of Good Intentions [Hostel for Homeless Twentieth century, VIII:3/4:47

Persons], Rio de Janeiro (with E. Baumgart and Pitman, John

A. Reidy), XX:2:95 East Texas House plan, XI:4:2; illus. XI:4:[5] fig 4
Pinkney, David H. Pittoresque, see Genre pittoresque; Picturesque

Napoleon III and the Rebuilding of Paris Pitts, Abner, XIV:3:18

Rev. by J. M. Jacobus, Jr., XVIII:l:35-36 Pitts' Folly, XIX:4:179
Pinsoneau, Laurent, VI:l/2:[22] Pittsburgh

Pio di Carpi, Rodolfo, Cardinal [Ridolfo Pio da Allegheny Carnegie Library

Carpi], XIII:3:10n4 Bldg. (Smithmeyer and Pelz [Peltz] ), XVI:3:26

Villa of see Rome (City): Villas: Pio di Carpi Competition design (W. H. Wood), XVI:3:26
Piombo, Sebastiano del see Sebastiano del Piombo Allegheny Cemetery
Pioneer Fire-Proof Construction Co., XVI:1:14 Gatehouse (J. Chislett), XV:2:23 n9
Pioneer House, Philadelphia, Southwark District, Allegheny County Bldgs.





Pioneer Village, Mass. see Salem, Mass. Competition, XVI:3:22,28 n2

Pioneers, VIII:3/4:19-26; X:4:10-[13]; XI:4:1,2,4; Court House, 2d, Greek Revival, XV:2:19;


Pioneers of the Modern Movement from William Morris Court House and Jail (H. H. Richardson),
to Walter Gropius, by N. Pevsner, X:3:8 XIII:l:19-22; XV:2:19; XVI:3:22-29;
Piper, John, on G. E. Street, XIX:4:147,153 XVIII:2:68; XIX:1:40; illus. XVI:3:23 fig 1
Pippi, Giulio see Giulio Romano Completion of (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),



City plan, Descr., Maps, etc., VIII:l/2:47-48,52; Court House alterations, proposed (F. J.
VIII:3/4:40,41,42; illus. VIII:l/2:pl IX Osterling), XVI:3:28 n21

Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, infl. on G. Dance, Jail additions (F. J. Osterling), XVI:3:24
XIV:4:13; H. Focillon on, XII:1:32; A. M. Hind Main entrance (S. Roush), XVI:3:28nl5
on, XII: 1:32; E. Kaufmann on, XV:4:31; A. H. Mortuary (F. J. Osterling), XVI:3:28n21
Mayor on, XII: 1:32; as propagandizer of Staircase (Alden and Harlow), XVI:3:28nl5
neo-classicism, XIX:4:136; infl. on J. Trumbull, Allegheny River Canal Aqueduct, 1845 (J. Roebling),
VIII:3/4:[ 13; XIV:2:8 XVI:1:11

Engravings, Prints, etc., 1:2:9; 11:3:8; VIII:3/4:[1]; Architecture, XVI:3:22-28

XII: 1:32; XIV:1:11; XIV:2:8 Bell Telephone Co. Bldg. (Longfellow, Alden and
Pantheon, XVII:4:4 Harlow), XVI:3:25-26; illus. XVI:3:26 fig 5
Prisons, XII: 1:32 Bridge of Sighs see Pittsburgh: Allegheny County
Trevi Fountain, illus. XIV:1:13 fig 10 Bldgs.

Views of Rome, XII: 1:32 Christ Methodist Episcopal Church (Weary and

S. Maria del Priorato [Santa Maria Aventina], Rome, Kramer), XVI:3:29 n40
XII: 1:32 Duquesne Club
Pirene Faade (Longfellow, Alden and Harlow), XVI:3:25
Fountain of see Corinth: Fountain of Peirene East Liberty Presbyterian Church (Longfellow,
Pisa, Bernard of see Eugene III Alden and Harlow), XVI:3:25; illus. XVI:3:26
Pisa, Rainieri da see Rainieri da Pisa fig 4
Pisa Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Allegheny

Battistero [Leaning tower], copy, ;X:4:180 Bldg. (H. H. Richardson), XV:2:22;

Cathedral, 111:4:22 XVI:3:24-25,27; XVII:3:22; illus.

Piazza del Duomo, XIX:4:183 XVI:3:25 fig 3
Pisanello Thaw Memorial Reredos (Leake and Greene),
Medal-making, XIV:2:3 XVI:3:29n29

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Pittsburgh - Plantation style

Pittsburgh (Cont.) Western Penitentiary (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl.

First Baptist Church, 4th Ave. (D. S. Gendell), 10 capts. 4,5; XVIII:4:152; illus. XIII:3:Suppl.




First Central Presbyterian Church of the North Side, Remodelled (J. Haviland), XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. 4
XVI:3:27-28 Pittsfield, Mass.

First United Presbyterian Church (T. Boyd), Meeting House (C. Bulfinch), VII:3/4:29
XVI:3:29 n40 Pittsfield, Ohio

Fort Duquesne, XIII:2:25,26 Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32

Freemasons' Hall [Old Masonic Hall] (Shepley, Pius, Emperor, see Antoninus Pius
Rutan and Coolidge), XVI:3:26; XVII:3:22 Pius IV, Pope [Giovanni Angelo Medici; Medighino],
Gateway Center, XVIII:2:54,59 civic improvements in Rome, XIX:3:97; election to

Grant St. Papal Throne, XIX:3:97; and P. Ligorio, XIV:4:31;

Alterations, XVI:3:28 nl5 of Milanese Medici Family, XIX:3:104; desire to

Grogan Bldg. (Struthers and Hannah), XVI:3:26; erect an obelisk on the Porta Pia, Rome,
illus. XVI:3:27 fig 7 XIX:3:100nl8

McClelland-Sutton House (Longfellow, Alden and Coat-of-arms, XIV:4:31

Harlow), XVI:3:27 Pius V, Pope [Michele Ghislieri], XIV:4:31
Magee Bldg. see Pittsburgh: Times Bldg. Pius IX, Pope [Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti],
Millar (W. G. H.) Residence (G. G. Elmslie), VI:l/2:26; XIX:3:99

XIX:2:64 Pius XII, Pope [Eugenio Pacelli], 111:1/2:62

Monongahela Bridge (J. Roebling), IV:3/4:53; Pizarro, Francisco, V:40; XIV:4:5

XVI: 1:11 "The Place of Architecture in a Wartime College
Old Masonic Hall see Pittsburgh: Freemasons' Hall Curriculum," 111:1/2:58-62
Old Welsh Church, XVI:3:22 Placentia see Piacenza

Oliver (Henry W.) House Placerville, Calif.

Remodelling (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Church of Our Savior, XIV:3:18; illus.
XVI:3:26; XVII:3:22 XIV:3:17 fig 4

Painter (A. E. W.) House (Longfellow, Alden and Community Church, XIV:3:18

Harlow), XVI:3:25 St. Patrick's Church, XIV:3:16,18

Pittsburgh Carnegie Library and Music Hall Placidia, Galla see Galla Placidia

Bldg. (Longfellow, Alden and Harlow), XVI:3:26 Placita philosophica, by G. Guarini, XV:2:11 n43

Competition design (W. H. Wood), XVI:3:26 Placzek, Adolf

Railroad Stations (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), "Design for Columbia College, 1813," XI:2:22-23




St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church (Rutan and Railroad Station (H. Austin), VIII:l/2:35-36

Russell), XVI:3:27; illus. XVI:3:28 fig 8 Plancher, Dom

St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, XVI:3:22; Drawings of St. Benigne at Dijon, IV:3/4:6;

illus. XVI:3:24 fig 2 XVI:3:12-15; XVII:3:3,5-7,8; XVIII:3:95,100;

St. Paul's Roman Catholic Cathedral, 1st, 1829-34, illus. XVII:3:3 fig 1
XV:2:23 n9 "Plank construction," XIX:2:53-54; illus. XIX:2:53 fig
St. Peter's Episcopal Church (J. Notman), 11; 54 fig 12
XV:2:19-23; illus. XV:2:20-21 figs 1-2 'The Planned Community: A North American

Shadyside Presbyterian Church (Shepley, Rutan and Heritage," by C. Feiss and F. R. Stevenson,
Coolidge), XVI:3:25,26; XVII:3:22; illus. VIII:3/4:17-26; XII:2:26
XVI:3:27 fig 6; XVII:3:21 fig 2 Planning, City see Cities and Towns; for plans and
Skyscraper project (Palmer and Hornbostel), planning of individual cities see subdivision City
XVI:3:28 nl7 plan under names of cities, e.g. Athens, N.Y.: City
Stewart House, 1890 (G. Orth), XVI:3:27 plan
Sutton House see Pittsburgh: McClelland-Sutton Piano, 111.
House Farnsworth House [Fox River House] (L. Mies van
Third Presbyterian Church (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36 der Rohe), XX: 1:42
Third United Presbyterian Church (T. C. Chandler), Plans, Architectural see Architecture: Designs,
XVI:3:29 n40 Drawings, Models, Plans, etc.
Times Bldg. [Magee Bldg.] (F. J. Osterling), Plans, City. For city planning, plans and maps of
XVI:3:26-27 individual cities see subdivision City plan under

Trinity Episcopal Church name of city, e.g. Athens, N.Y.: City plan
2d, 1824 (J. H. Hopkins), XV:2:19,22 Plant forms in Art Nouveau, XIX: 1:7

3d, 1870, XV:2:22n6 Plantagenet, Beauchamp, pseud., XV:3:2; XVII:4:31-35

Welsh Church see Pittsburgh: Old Welsh Church Plantation style, U.S., XI:4:2,4,[6]; XIIL2:10-12

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Plantations - Playhouses
Plantations Smith's Fort [Rolfe (Thomas) House], Va.,
Jamaica 111:4:26; XVII:4:36
Good Hope, XIV:1:30 South Carolina, XVII:4:36

Tryall, XIV:1:30 Stratford Hall, Va., 1:3/4:15 n; XIII:2:8; XVI:2:17;

illus. XVI:2:18 fig 3
Ashland, Ark., IX:3:26 Versailles [De la Ronde (Pierre Denis) Mansion],


Bacon's Castle, Va., IV:3/4:43,46; XVII:1:13,15,18 La., XIII:l:24-26; illus. XIII:1:24 figs 1,2; 25
Belle Grove, Ark., IX:3:26 fig 3
Belle Grove, La. (H. Howard), XI:4:21; illus. Virginia, XIII:2:4; XVI:2:17
Xl:4:[23 figs 4,6,7] Waihee Plantation, Maui, Hawaii, XI:3:27

Belmont [Le Bourgeois (Louis) Residence], La. Westover [Byrd (William) Home], Va., XIII:2:6,8;
Remodelled (H. Howard), illus. XI:4:[23 fig 1] XVI:2:17; XVII:4:36; XVIJI:1:4;
Blandfield, Va., XIII:2:4 XX:3:116,117; illus. XVI:2:18 fig 1

Brandon, Prince George Co., Va. (T. Jefferson), Whitehall [Sharpe (Horatio) Plantation],
X: 1:8,10; XIV:1:17; illus. X:l:[6] fig 8 Annapolis, X:2:25; XII:1:22; XIII:2:4;

Cartwright-Sharp Plantation, San Augustine, Tex., XVIII:2:71

XI:4:[7] n24 Whitemarsh [White Marsh], Isle of Wight Co.,

Drayton, S.C., XVII:4:36 Va., XVII: 1:14

Frederica, St. Simons Island Whitney Plantation, La., X:3:27

Antebellum plantation houses, XI:4:32 Woodlawn [Lewis Family Home] (W. Thornton),

Georgia, XX:2:49 X:l:27; X:2:21; X:4:35

Gunston Hall, Va. (W. Buckland), XIII:2:3-8; Locks, XIX:3:118 n2,119 n6

XVII:4:40; XVIII:2:71; XX:3:120,122; illus. Woodlawn [Pugh (W. W.) Residence],

XIII:2:[5],6,7 figs 1-3,5-8 Napoleonville, La. (H. Howard), XI:4:22 capt.

Woodwork, X:2:22 fig [4]; illus. XI:4:22 fig [1]

Home Place Plantation House, St. Charles Parish, Virgin Islands
La., illus. VII: 1 /2:pl IV fig 6 Sugar Plantation house, St. Croix, X:3:27
Kingsley Plantation, Fort George Island, XI:4:32 Plantations of the Carolina Low-Country by S. G.
Konkright Plantation, Chireno, Tex., XI:4:[7] n33 Stoney, XIV:1:32

Madewood [Pugh (Thomas) Residence], Plaquettes see Medallions, Medals, Plaquettes, etc.
Napoleonville, La. (H. Howard), XI:4:24; Plaster mills
illus. XI:4:22 fig [4] Sullivan, N.Y., XX:4:196,197
Medway, S.C., XVII:4:36 Plaster of Paris, 18th c., XX:3:135
Menokin, Va., XIII:2:4 Plaster walls

Mississippi, XIV: 1:30-31 U.S., XIII:2:8

Monplaisir [Pradel (Sieur de) House], La. (A. de Plasterwork

Batz), XIII: 1:26 England, XX:3:134

Mount Airy, Va. (J. Ariss), XIII:2:4,8 U.S., XX:3:131-135

Mount Locust [Ferguson (William) House; Mound "Plasterworkers and Stuccoworkers Working in
Plantation], Miss., XIV: 1:30-31 Maryland 1785-1815," XX:3:135
Mount Vernon, Va. see Mount Vernon, Va. Plat, Abb, XII:l:6n2

Mulberry Castle, S.C., XVI:2:17; XVII:2:32; Plateresque style, V:[l]-14; VIII:3/4:44; XVI:3:35;

XVII:4:36 XIX: 1:42; XIX:4:177; XX:3:146

Nomini Hall, Va., XIII:2:4; XVI:2:17; XX:3:116; Platform frame construction, 11:4:6 nl8

illus. XVI:2:18 fig 2 Platner, Samuel Ball

Parlange Plantation House, Pointe Coupe Parish, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (and T.

La., illus. VII:l/2:pl III fig 3; pi IV fig 7b Ashby), VII:3/4:36

Ponfrac (Balthasar de, Sieur de Mazan ) Plantation Plato, concept of the artist, XVII:4:39; descr. of
House, St. Bernard Parish, La., Atlantis, 111:1/2:28; distrust of world of images,
XIII: 1:24,25-26 XI:3:10; and idea of economic aspect of organic

Raspberry Plains, Va., XIII:2:4 principle, XVII:4:29; study of, in Middle Ages
Riche Plantation House, Pointe Coupe Parish, [neo-Platonism], IV:1:5; XI:3:10-12; XVII:2:28
La., illus. vil:l/2:pl IV fig 7a Timaeus, XI:3:11-12; XVII:2:28
Rosewell, Gloucester Co., Va., XIII:2:8; Piatt, William, IX:3:26

XVI:2:17-18; illus. XVI:2:19 fig 5 Plautianus, C. Fulvius, 1:1:7,8

Sabine Hall, Va., XIII:2:4; XVIII:1:4 Playhouses

Saint Landry Parish, La. Oak Park, 111., project (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130
Plantation cabin, illus. VII:l/2:pl III fig 4 Riverside, 111.

Selma Plantation House, Miss., XIV: 1:30 Coonley (Avery) House

Sheldon, Beaufort Co., N.C., XX:2:52 Playhouse (F. L. Wright), XVIII:3:115


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Playrooms - Polygonal bldgs., construction, etc.

Playrooms Poetry and Architecture see Architecture and Poetry
Oak Park, 111. Poggio a Caiano
Wright (F. L.) House, XVIII:2:64 Villa (G. da Sangallo), XX:4:166,167,168
Plazas see City Squares, Plazas, etc. Pohick Church, XIII:2:3
Pleasanton, Calif. Poinsett, Joel R., XV:l:30nl4
Hearst Hacienda (A. C. Schweinfurth), X:3:21 Poinssot, Claude, on St. Bnigne, XVII:3:9n36
Pleiades, XVIII:3:96 nl2 Point de Galle see Galle, Ceylon
Plenko, XVl:2:16n8 Point of Air Lighthouse (Walker and Burges), XVI:1:12
Pliny, VII:3/4:34; XX:2:50 Pointe Coupe Parish, La.
Pliny the Younger, XX:4:167 Parlange Plantation House see Parlange Plantation
Palace, XX:2:89 Riche Plantation House see Riche Plantation House

Plockhoy's Commonwealth, 1663, Lewes, Del., Pointed buttresses, XVII A: 19

XIX:3:109 Poiret, Paul, XX:2:94
Plommer, Hugh Poissy-sur-Seine

Simpson's History of Architectural Development, Vol. Villa Savoye [Maison Savoie] (Le Corbusier),
I, Ancient and Classical Architecture XX:2:94

Rev. by A. H. Detweiler, XVII:4:35 Poitiers, Count of, see Alphonse, 1220-1271

Plon-Plon see Napoleon, Prince Poitiers

The Plough, the Loom, and the Anvil [Plow, Loom and Notre Dame la Grande, IX:4:9
Anvil], VI:1/2:19 Saint-Porchaire

Plowden, Edmund, 17th c., Sir, XV:3:2 Towers, IV:3/4:14nl6,23

Plumber and Sanitary Engineer Poitou
Competition for tenements, 1879, XIV:1:22 Church towers, IV:3/4:10nl

Plume, Marjorie Batson Pola, Italy

'The Court of Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of City plan, 111:1/2:28
Urbino," VII:3/4:27-28 Poland

Plumsock, house, see Willistown Township, Pa. Architecture, VI:3/4:14-17

Plunkett, J. J., d. 1946 see Edwards, Plunkett and Polk, architect, father of Willis Polk, X:3:21
Howell Polk, James Knox, Pres., VII: 1 /2:[1]
Plusiapolis see Filarete: Buildings, Designs, Projects, Monument of, Nashville, Tenn., 11:2:33

etc. Polk, Willis, arrival in San Francisco, 1889, XVI:4:36;

Plymouth, Engl. biogr. data, X:3:21; and D. H. Burnham, IV:1:3;
Exhibition Bldg., 19th c., XVI:4:29nl9 X:3:21; omitted from E. McCoy book, XX:2:95;
Royal Naval Hospital and B. Porter, X:3:18,21

Chapel, XV:2:29 Burnham (Daniel Hudson, Sr.) Bungalow, Twin

St. Peter's Peaks, San Francisco, X:3:21

Chancel (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146 Hallidie Bldg., San Francisco, X:3:21; XII:4:32
Rebldg. (G. F. Prynne), XIX:4:146 Moffitt (James K.) House, Piedmont, X:3:21; illus.
Plymouth, Mass. X:3:[19]
Howland (John) House, 1:1:22 Pollaiuolo, XVII:3:10
Museum, 1:1:22 Pollard, Calvin, X:4:36
Sparrow (Richard) House, 1:1:22 Drawings, IV:3/4:51
Universalist Church, 1828, 1:2:23 Pollard, G on making medieval mss., XVII:4:20nl7
Plympton, Thomas, 17th c., XI:1:10-13 Pollio, Marcus Vitruvius see Vitruvius
Pblet Pollux see Dioscurides
Abbey, XVIIIA-. 166; XIX:4:176 Poltava

Pochet, 19th c. City plan, IV: 1:30,31,32

Tower design, Exposition Universelle, 1889, Paris, Obelisk, IV: 1:31
XVI:4:29n27 Poly, Jacob, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Podborozhie Polybius, XX:2:57,[59]

Trinity Church, 111:4:38 Polychromy see Color in architecture, Polychromy, etc.

Poe, Edgar Allen, 111:4:27 Polygonal bldgs., construction, etc. (see also type of
Poelzig, Hans, X:3:10 polygon, e.g. Decagonal bldgs.; Octagonal bldgs.),

Pome lectronique (Le Corbusier), XVIII:3:115; H. Adams on the polygonal flche, XIII: 1:7; as
XX:2:94 architectural follies in America, XIX:4:180;

Pppelmann, Matthus Daniel, 11:3:7 Baroque development of multi-sided rooms, X:l:8;

Pote, Marcel, on city development, XIX:1:38 churches of Dutch settlers in N.J., VII:3/4:31;
Poetica del/'architettura neoplastica, by B. Zevi, eight-sided American schoolhouses, XII:l:21-22; in
XVIII:3:115 Gothic architecture, XIII:1:30; Jefferson's

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Polygonal bldgs., construction, etc. - Poorhouses

preoccupation with, X: 1:4-9; Roman polygonal Quaestor see Pomeii: Houses, Villas, etc.: Castor
masonry, VII:3/4:[33] and Pollux

Baltimore, Md. Sallust [Salust], 111:3:26; IV:2:52

Baltimore and Ohio Passenger Car Shop, XIII:3:30 Trebius, Valens, IV:2:52
Ouro Preto, Brazil Triptolemus, IV:2:52
N. S. do Carmo [Church for the Carmelite Vestali, IV:2:52
Tertiaries] (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho] ), Vettii, IV:2:52; IV:3/4:52
XV:3:19,23 n42 Maps see Pompeii: City plan, Maps and Views

Richmond, Va. Museum at the Porta Marina, 111:3:26

Houses, 11:2:39 Palaestra, 111:3:26

Rome (City) Temples, built in heart of inhabited nucleus,

Churches, XV:3:23 n38 VIII:3/4:35

Polygonal windows Apollo, IV:2:52

Troia, Italy Greek, IV:2:52; VIII:3/4:35

Cathedral, XX:3:145 Jupiter, IV:2:52

Polygram, XVII: 1:34 Theatres, 111:3:26; IV:2:52; VIII:3/4:41

Pomata, Peru Views see Pompeii: City plan, Maps and Views
Church, 16th c., V:40 Villas see Pompeii: Houses, Villas, etc.
Santiago, V:[33],34,40; VIII:3/4:44; illus. Pompeu Pinheiro, Gerson see Pinheiro, Gerson
V:[34a] fig 4 Pompeu

Pombal, fl. 1755, Marquis of XIV:4:7,10 Pompey

Pombal decrees, XV:3:24 Theatre of see Rome (City): Theatre of Pompey
"Pomerium," VIII:3/4:28 Villa of see Albano: Villa of Pompey
Pomfret, John E X:3:30 Pompey's Pillar, XVI:4:22

Pompeian Revival style "Pompier," term applied to academic art, 1:2:9 n3

U.S., XIV:3:3-7 Pomposa

Pompeii, carpentry style of, VII:3/4:34; painters of, Palazzo della Ragione, XX:2:84
VIII:3/4:12; World War II damage, 111:3:26; Pomrade, Leon, VI:l/2:26
IV:2:52; IV:3/4:57 Ponce de Leon, Juan, XI:4:32

Amphitheater, 111:3:26; VIII:3/4:35,41; illus. Pond, of Hudson, Ohio

VIII:3/4:pl XV House of [Clark-Pond House], XII:2:13
Cryptoporticus, IV:2:52 Pond, Irving Kane, on W. L. B. Jenney's Home

Barracks Insurance Bldg., Chicago, XVIII:4:131 nl6; on

Peristyle, IV:2:52 Michigan architects, 11:2:35; on El. Saarinen's

Basilicas, VIII:3/4:35 Chicago Tribune design, VI:3/4:1

Cenacolo, IV:2:52 Ponfrac, Balthasar de, Sieur de Mazan

City plan, Maps and Views, IV:3/4:52; VI:3/4:24,28; Plantation House of, St. Bernard Parish, La.,
VIII:3/4:12,32,35,36,40,41,42; illus. VIII:3/4:pl XIII: 1:24,25-26

XV Ponney, Joseph, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

City wall, VII:3/4:34 Pons, XIX:4:176

Colonnades, VI:3/4:24; VIII:3/4:35,42 Pontalba, Baroness de, XI:4:22
Excavations, 111:3:26; VIII:3/4:35; XIV:3:3 Pontalis, Lefvre see Lefvre-Pontalis
Facings of trimmed blocks of tufa, XVII:4:8 n9 Ponte de Lima, XV:3:15 nl7
Forum, VI:3/4:24,28; VIII:3/4:35,36; illus. Misericrdia Church, XV:3:9

VIII:3/4:pl XV Ponti, Gio

Frescoes In Praise of Architecture [A mate I'architettura]
Harbor town, 111:1/2:25; illus. 111:1 /2:[22a] fig 10 Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XX:3:147-148
Stone balconies depicted in, 111:4:40 Pontigny

Gardens, XX:2:85 Cistercian Abbey, 11:2:7; XI:3:15

Herculaneum Gate, IV:2:52 Transepts, XVIII:4:166
Houses, Villas, etc., 11:1:14; IV:2:52; VIII:3/4:35; Poole, John, XII:4:19

XIX:1:23 Poole and Hunt, founders and machinists, VII:l/2:29

Castor and Pollux [Quaestor], XIV:3:3 Pools, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Diomedes, XIV:3:4 Pools (Garden, Swimming, etc.)

Epidius Rufus, IV:2:52 Designs, Sketches, etc.

Faun, 111:3:26 Garnier, T., XIX:l:16n2

Fortuna, IV:2:52 Holden, I., XVI:2:26

Loreius Tibertinus, 111:3:26; IV:2:52 Poore, Ben Perley, 1:3/4:15

Misteri, XIII:4:24 Poorhouses see Almshouses, Poorhouses, Workhouses,

Pansa, IV:2:52; XIV:3:6 etc.

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Popayn, Col. - Portues

Popayn, Col. Portalegre, Port., XV:3:3
Site, XIV:4:5 Portales, XIV:4:4

Pope, Arthur Upham, 11:1:17 Porter, of Hillsboro, N.C.

Pope, Charles St. George, AIA preservation officer, House of [Berry-McLarty-Porter House], X:l:18,19

XII:3:29; conducts SAH tour of San Francisco, Porter, Alex S.

XIV:4:32 Real Estate Office of, Boston, illus. XX:1:12 fig 19
Pope, R. B. Porter, Arthur Kingsley, on Cluny III, XVI:3:11; infl.

Tait Warehouse, London, IX:l/2:28 on modern scholars, IV:3/4:3; on Romanesque,

Poplar Forest (T. Jefferson), 11:2:39; IX:3:14,29; VII:3/4:23; XIX:4:176; on St.-Bnigne at Dijon,
X: 1:4,9,10; illus. X:l:[7] fig 10 XVII:3:2; on St. Denis, VII:3/4:[ 13]
Poppelmann, Matthaus Daniel see Pppelmann, Porter, Augustus, surveyor of Cleveland, X:4:11,14
Matthus Daniel Porter, Bruce, X:3:18,21
Poppelsdorf Porter, Charles, Dr., IV:2:36
Bldgs. (R. de Cotte), XVII:1:35,36 Porter, Charles W III, XIII:4:27
Popper, M. S. Stym see Stym-Popper, M. S. Porter (E. and N.) and Co., XI:4:26

Poppleton [Poppelton], Thomas Porter, Elishama, XIII:3:18

Map of Baltimore, 1823, XIII: 1:16; XX:2:75 n42; Porter, Elizabeth Benjamin, XIII:3:18,19 n8
illus. from XIII:1:17 fig 5; XX:2:75 fig 17 Porter, James Madison, Sec. of War, VII:l/2:10n6
Populonia, Etruria Porter, Lemuel, Col, XII:2:9,14 n28,26

City plan, VIII:3/4:28 Congregational Church, Tallmadge, VII:3/4:32

Porchaize, M 20th c XVII:4:20n26 and n; XII:2:5,9,26; illus. XII:2:[6] fig 6
Porches [ "Galeries;" Piazzas; Verandas] Porter, N. see Porter (E. and N.) and Co.
Louisiana, VII:l/2:34-35 Porter, Simeon, XII:2:9,14 n28
Pskov, Russ., XVI:2:29 Athenaeum, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:9

U.S., history, X:2:19-20; seventeenth century, X:2:19; Chapel, Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, Ohio,
XVI:4:30-31; of villas, XVIII:3:106-107,109 VII:3/4:32; XII:2:9
Virginia, XVIII:l:3-4,5; XVIII:4:163 Christ Church, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:9
West Indies, X:2:19 Church, Berlin Heights, Ohio, VII:3/4:32
Porphyrogenetus, Constantine see Constantine VII Church, Brecksville, Ohio, VII:3/4:32; XII:2:9
Port-au-Prince Church, Streetsboro, Ohio, VII:3/4:32

Architecture, XIV:1:30 Church, Twinsburg, Ohio, VII:3/4:32

Iron Market, 1886, XIV:1:30; illus. XIV:1:29 Porteus, James, fl. 1698-1737 see Portues, James
Port Chester, N.Y. Portico streets see Arcaded streets; Colonnades
Russell, Burdsall and Ward Bolt and Screw Co., Portland, Me.
XX: 1:35 Mansions (A. Parris), X:4:26
Factory, XX: 1:37 Portland, Or.

Ward (William E.) House [Ward's Folly] (R. Mook), Art Museum

XI:2:24; XX:l:34-37; illus. XX:l:34-37 figs 1-4 Exhibition of Architecture, 1860-1900, XI:1:31

Port-of-Spain, Trinidad Belluschi (Pietro) House (P. Belluschi),

Architecture XX:4:175-176,177; illus. XX:4:177 figs 15,16
Exhibition of photographs, V:47 Corbett Bldg.
Marine Superintendent's house, X:3:27 Faade, XV:4:22 n56
Port Royal, Jam. First National Bank (Coolidge and Shattuck),
Church, X:3:24 XVII:3:25
Port-Vendres Portland Hotel

Louis XVI Monument (C. de Wailly), XVII: 1:20-21 Bldg. (I. Lewis and W. Whidden), XIX:2:57
Porta, Antonio della [Tamagnini; Tamagnino] Design (McKim, Mead and White), XIX:2:57,58
Portal, Palazzo Grillo-Cattaneo, Genoa, V:7 n45 Union Station

Porta, Giacomo della, in Frascati, XVI:2:30; F. Milizia Bldg. (Van Brunt and Howe), XIX:2:57-58
on, XIII:3:13 Design (McKim, Mead and White), XIX:2:57

Cordonata Ramp, Rome, XIV:l:9 Wait (J. A.) Residence (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:58 nl3
Il Ges, Rome Portland cement, XI:2:23-24; XI:3:29; XX:1:37;
Faade, XV: 1:5 XX:4:194,197

Vault (attrib.), XVII:4:24nll Portland stone, XIX:4:160; XX:4:197

S. Maria ai Monti [de'Monti], Rome Portsmouth, Engl.

Vault, XVII:4:22 Dockyard Warehouse, 1771, VIII:l/2:29-30n41

Portage, Wis. Portsmouth, N.H.

Fort Winnebago, IX:3:27 Fort Constitution see New Castle, N.H.

Portage Railway, XVII:1:25 Portues [Porteus], James, fl. 1698-1737, XV:4:26,27

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Portugal - Potter

New York (City)

Academia Nacional de Blas Artes Bldg. (A. B. Mullett), XII:1:21; XIV:l:25n34;
Inventrio artistico de Portugal, XV:3:23 n25 XVI:1:18 nl05; illus. XII:1:19 fig 12
Architecture, XV:3:7-23; XIX:4:177-178 Design, 1867 (A. J. Davis), XI:2:4; illus. XI:2:5
Portuguese Colonial architecture see Colonial fig 2
architecture: Portuguese Philadelphia
Poseidon, in sculpture, XIV:4:27 Post Office Bldg., Dock St., IX:3:28
Altars, Temples, etc. see Athens: Temple of Rio de Janeiro
Poseidon; Miletus: Altar of Poseidon; Paestum: Governors' Palace [Imperial Palace; Post Office]

Temples: Poseidon; Sunium Promontorium: (J. f. P. Alpoim), XIV:4:9; XV:3:18,30n4

Temple of Poseidon Rutland, Vt., XIX:3:122 and nl6

Poseidonia see Paestum Tallmadge, Ohio

Possagno post Office, 1814, XII:2:26

Tempio Canova, XIX:4:137,142-143,144; illus. U.S., XX:4:198
XIX:4:143 fig 15 Windsor, Vt.

Post, Frans, V:23 Courthouse and Post Office (A. B. Young),

Post, George Browne, Equitable Life Insurance Bldg. XIX:3:121-123- illus. XIX:3:121 figs 4-6
office of, sold, XII: 1:15; and R. M. Hunt, XI:2:11; j22 figs 7,8

and development of skyscraper, XII:3:31; C. Washington, DC

Tunnard and H. H. Reed on, XV:3:31 post office [General Post Office; Land Office; Old

Armory, 22d Regiment, N.Y., XIV:3:26 post office]

Equitable Life Assurance Co. Bldg., 1868, N.Y. Brick vaults (R Mi,ls)> VII:1 /2:11 n8

(with A. D. Oilman and E. H. Kendall), Extension (T. U. Walter), VII:1/2:21,28

XII: 1:15-21 ; XII:3:31; XX:4:192 n4; illus. ^ ^ 1891.99) XX:4;J99

XII:1:16 fig 6; 19 fig 12 Poteaux-en-terre, XIX:4:181

Havemeyer Bldg., N.Y., XVIII:4:130-131; illus. Potee, Peter, Jr., 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

_r_ XVJII.4.131 fig 1 Potemkin, movie of S. Eisenstein, IV:1:32

Office bldg. projects Potomac Canal, 1828-50, X:2:23

ca' vv' Sra0P S r USe' Potomac River Highway Bridges, Washington,

, 1898, 500 ft., XV:3:31 p , VI:131; ^ X fig 9

Potomac River Parkway, X:2:23

Produce Exchange, N.Y., XI:2:20; XIV:3:26; _ t .

XIX 4 181 Potosi, Bolivia

Saint Paul Bldg., N.Y., XI:2:16; XII:1:21; J? Casa Roi

de Moneda [Royal Mint], V:[39]
Church of Belen, V:[33]

Las Monicas

Vanderbilt (Cornelius) Mansion, N.Y., XIV:3:26

Western Union Telegraph Bldg., N.Y., 11:1:17; _ raade, .[ J rr._,

XII* 1 "13 18 20-21* XII-3'31" Otvi (Aforuiscs of) House V:[33]

XVIII:4:126 nl,130,131 nl7,136,137,138; illus. Royal Mint see Potasi, Bolivia: La Casa Real de

XII:1:14 fig 1; 19 fig 12

World Bldg. [Pulitzer Bldg.], N.Y., XILL13; ^an Benito, V:[33]; illus. V:[34a] fig 5
XVIII:4:132-133; illus. XVIII:4:132 fig 3 San Bernardo, V:[33],34; illus. V:[34a] fig 6
Dome, XVI:1:18 nl05; illus. XVIII:4:132 fig 3 San Lorenzo, V:[33],34

Post-and-rail fence, XIX:2:49 Santa Teresa, V:[33]




Baltimore, Md. Architecture, XI:2:4

City Hotel Post Office, XX:2:65 Court Gardener's house (K. F. Schinkel), XI:2:27

Boston, Mass. Einstein Observatory [Tower] (E. Mendelsohn),

Parcel Post Bldg. (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and XVII:3:36
Abbott), XVII:3:28 Sans Souci Palace, V:44

Chicago Pott, Benjamin, fl. 1829-30, of Pottsville, XV:4:15-6

Post Office Bldg., 1903 (H. I. Cobb), 111:4:17,19 Pott, John, fl. 1807, of Pottsville, XV:4:15-16
Honolulu Potter

Post Office (J. G. Osborne), XI:3:27,28; House of, South Westport, Mass., XIX:2:52
illus.XI:3:28 Potter, E. T.

Indianapolis Trinity Cathedral, Davenport, Iowa, XVIII:3:119

Old Post Office [American Fletcher Bank and Potter, Henry

Trust Co.] (F. Costigan, attrib.), XVII: 1:32 House of, Saint Louis, XVII:3:20
Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 fig 2 no.23 Potter, James, 18th c XV-A-.25

Potter, John, Archbishop of Canterbury

Antiquities of Greece [Archaeologia Graeca], XX:3:116


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Potter - Pre-Raphaelites
Potter, Rockwell, Rev., XIV:2:11 nil Practical Measurer, or Plain Guide to Gentlemen and
Potter, Russell Sherwood, VI:3/4:37 Builders, by I. Keay, XX:3:116,127 no.35
"Classic Revival Architecture in Cincinnati" (and Practical Measuring Made Easy to the Meanest
H. C. Montgomery), VI:3/4:18-21 Capacity, by E. Hoppus, XX:3:127 no.32
Potter, Tyler and Martin, VI:3/4:37 Practical Perspective, or Perspective Made Easie, by J.
Pottery see Faience; Mosaics; Tile (Ceramics, Pottery, Moxon, XX:3:128 no.56
etc.) Practice of architecture see Architectural practice

Pottstown, Pa. Practice of Architecture, by A. Benjamin, X:4:29;

Miner's Bank [Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank; XI:4:16
Farmers' and Miners' Bank] (J. Haviland) see The Practice of Perspective, by J. Dubreuil,
Pottsville, Pa.: Miner's Bank XX:3:126 no. 13

Pottsville, Pa. Pradel, Sieur de

Greenwood Foundry, XV:4:16 Plantation House of see Monplaisir

Miner's Bank [Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank; Praedia Quintanensia, 1:1:6

Farmers' and Miners' Bank] (J. Haviland), Praeneste see Palestrina

VII:l/2:3; IX:4:24; XII:4:32; XV:3:31; "Praetorium," VIII:3/4:30

XV:4:15-16,17-18; XX:3:137; illus. XV:4:15 fig 6 Pra8er> Frank D > on cuPola of Santa Mana del Flore

Poughkeepsie 'n PI01,61106' XVIII:1:11 and nl,14,18 and n22

Clinton (George) House [Governor's Mansion], Prague
IV-2-39 Benedictine Abbey, Brevnov see Brevnov

Poulson, Zachariah, Jr., ~KM-.2-.21 Cathedral [St. Veit]

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser, see Dunlap's Daily Collection of architectural drawings for, XI:3:9

American Advertiser Hradsh.n. IV^^S A

Pounds, Stockades, etc., XI: 1:9 Prai_r,e Architects, The Early Work of, by H. A.
"Poured Concrete Building, 1835," by C. E. Peterson, _ . Bro.oks' " .j , 00 <
? XX-4-1Q4 Prairie houses (F. L. Wright), 11:1:28; 11:4:5

o ' xr 1 ' v, V , , Prairie School [New School of the Middle West;

Poussin, Nicolas, XIX:4:139 . L . n ,.. . .

Powel, Samuel, 18th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:25 S^ond Chicago School] architecture of

illus. xvi:4
11 fig
6 ?,?
i firof,
; . School],
on n
Hoo House, Seattle,

Powe William 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 XIX:3:123,124; term defined, XIX: 1:2 n2

" raVf fj m a Prandtauer [Brandauer; Brandtauer; Prandauer;

p n i k * . : YVTI , ,, Prantauer], Jakob, 1660-1726, 11:3:7

Powe , Robert I., 20th c., XVII:1:12 Abbey Church) Mdk (and j Munggenast), XIX:1:41
r ' umn^r Prato, Giovanni di Gherardo da see Giovanni di
Seventeenth-Century Sudbury, Massachusetts, Gherardo da Prato

XI:1:3-[15] Prato, ltaly

Powell, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX-.3-. 135 S. Maria delle Carceri, XVI: 1:10 n9

Power plants Pratolino (B. Buontalenti), XX:4:155-168; illus.

Washington, D.C. XX:4:156-166 figs 1-19
Central Heating Plant Prats de Mollo, XIV: 1:4

Main (P. P. Cret), VI:1/2:31; illus. VI:l/2:pl X Pratt, Charles, 1714-1794, Sir, 1st Earl of Camden,



West, 1947, VI: 1 /2:31 ; illus. VI:l/2:pl X fig 5 Pratt Dorothy

Power House for public bldgs., IV: 1:37 ^ gujcje to Early American Homes - North; -South

Powers, Hiram, VI:3/4:20 (and Richard Pratt)

Powhatan, Va. Rev by H c Forman, XVII:4:36-37

Powhatan County Courthouse (L. Johnson), Pratt, Roger, Sir, XVI:2:17

XVIII: 1:2 n2,10; illus. XVIII:1:10 fig 23 Clarendon House, Piccadilly, London, XIII:4:31
Powstenko, Olexa, XVI:2:29 Pratt, William

Pozzo, Andrea, Father, XIV:1:11; XV:2:4 Homestead of, Boston, XIII:3:26

Perspectivae pictorum atque architectorum, XV:3:21 Pratt, William Abbott

Pozzo, Cassiano del, XIII:3:10n8 House of [Pratt's Castle], Richmond, 11:2:39

Pozzolana [Puzzolana], XVII:4:2,3; XX:4:197 Pratt and Clarke see Clarke and Pratt

Pozzuoli Pray, John H.

Views, IV:3/4:52 Bldg. of see Boston, Mass.
Practical Architecture, by W. Halfpenny, Prayer Book of Cerne, XVIII-A-. 125

XX:3:127 no.26 Praz, Mario, on Canova's nudes, XIX:4:136

Practical Geometry..., by B. Langley, XX:3:128 no.44 Pre-Raphaelites, XIII:2:31; XIII:3:25; XIV:2:18;

Practical House Carpenters' Society, XV:4:27 XIX:4:163

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'Pre-skyscraper" - Price
"Pre-skyscraper," XVIII:4:130 nl4,132-133,135,137,139 with October, 1950(X 1:3)), 1:3/4:15-32;

Prcis des leons d'architecture, of J. N. L. Durand, XV:4:2-6; and AIA, IX:3:23; X:4:35; XI:2:24;

XVII:1:24 nl6; XX:2:64 n 14,69 n29,76 XII:3:29-30; XIII:2:29-30; XV:1:27; American

Prefabricated bldgs. Council for Preservation proposed, X:l:23;

16th c earliest in America, XI: 1:28-29; XIV:4:28-30; C. R. Ashbee on, X:l:23-24; of cities, XV:4:2-6;

XIX:4:181 T. Hamlin on, V:47; IX:4:28; XIII:2:29,30; L. B.

17th c., export of house frames to West Indies, Holland and, XI:2:24; National Trust for

XIX:4:181 Historic Preservation, VIII: 1 /2:131; IX:l/2:37;

18th c., for Natchez, XIV:4:28-30; in Philadelphia, X:4:35; XII:3:29; in New York (State),
XVII:3:33; for Sierra Leone Colony, West IV:2:37-41; VIIM/2:131; C. E. Peterson on,
Africa, IV:2:30-33; made in U.S. for export, IX:3:23; F. M. Reed, Jr. on, X:2:24; E. H. Reed
XII: 1:22; XIII:3:26; XIV:4:28; XIX:4:181 and, X:4:35; XII:3:29; XIII:2:29; round table

19th c., XI: 1:28-29; XIX:4:181 discussion of, 1941, 1:2:21-24; SAH and,
Baltimore, VIII:1/2:128 1:2:21-24; 1:3/4:3-4; 111:1/2:4-5; V:47; XII:3:29;

California, XI:3:27; XIV:3:15 XIII:2:29; Thornton Society and, 11:4:41;

Chagres, Pan., XVII:3:33 111:1/2:5; training program, University of
Clemens' Ready Made Sectional Houses, Pennsylvania, XIV:2:28-29; T. T. Waterman
XI:l:28-[30]; illus. XI:1:29,30 ^ X:2:25

Fairbairn, W., XV:4:15 "The Preservation Movement in America," by F.

Hawaii, IV:3/4:59 Kimball, 1:3/4:15-17

Latrobe, B. H., XIV:3:30 Preservation of Historic Monuments, Committee for

Sheet-iron prefabs, exports from Britain, 1840's,

American Institute of Architects: Committee

XV:4:19 for the Preservation of Historic Monuments

ir C xjj vi y i na Preservation of historic sites (Cemeteries, Parks,

ropius, ., :: : 2 Battlefields, etc.) see Historic Sites (Cemeteries,
Rietveld, G. T., XVIII:3:116 Parks Battlefields etc): Conservation and

Wright, F. L., XIX:3:130



Preservation of natural scenery see Natural monuments

Warehouse, St. Ouen, XVI:1:13,15




Thomas, Gov. of Mass. "Preservationism in New York State," by J. J.
Farm of see Eastham, Mass.: Prence [Gov. Thomas)








Vrooman, IV:2:37-41
Presidents of the U.S.


Prentiss, Mrs. E., VII:3/4:[4] ., r .... ., . ,

"The Present School of Architecture in Germany," Residence of w Philadelphia: Presidents House;

Foreign Quarterly, 1834, XX:3:106 ' , Washington,

D.C.: White House

The Present State of Ecclesiastical Architecture in

England, by A. W. N. Pugin, IX:3:12 n2 Palace Church

of the Bulgarian Czars, 10th c

"Preservation: In an Emergency Please Call...,"

XII-3-29-30 Pressed brick, XX: 1:8

Preservation and Restoration (for restorations of specific The Pressing Challenge of Our Native American

bldgs. or cities see directly under city, e.g. Culture, by R. H. Newton, 11:1:31-33,38
Charleston, S.C.: Manigault (Joseph) House; Preston, Nathaniel O., Rev., VI:l/2:27
Williamsburg, Va.: Preservation, Restorations, Preston, W. G., VIII:l/2:87; X:2:27

etc.), 1:3/4 (Special Issue); 11:3:29; international, House, study for, Brookline, Mass., IX:4:[20];

IX:4:26-27; W. Morris on, IV:2:34-36; by scholars, X:2:27; illus. IX:4:[19] fig 5; X:2:27

XVII:4:37; training for architects, X:4:33; Prestwick

XIV-2-28-29 County Lunatic Asylum (Holden and Holden),

Belgium, IX: 1/2:37 XIII:3:Suppi. 4

Bibl., comp, by H. Huth, 1:3/4:33-45 Preuilly-sur-Claise

England (see also National Trust, Engl.), Saint-Pierre

VI:3/4:8-13; IX:l/2:37; XII:2:32; XV:4:32 Tower, IV:3/4:18-19

Nash Terraces, London, XVIII:3:120; XVIII:4:168 Prvost, 17th c.

Europe, 1:3/4:5-12; 11:3:29 Drawing of Cluny, 1670, XVI:3:10

France, 1:3/4:13-14,17; 11:3:30; IX:l/2:37 Prvost, Victor

Italy, XI:2:26 Waxed paper negatives, New York Historical

Scotland, IX:l/2:37 Society, XI:2:24

Sweden, IX:l/2:37 Price, Bruce, XII:3:31; XV:3:31
U.S. (see also United States: National Park Service: American Surety Tower, N.Y., XV:3:31
Historic American Buildings Survey and Heyward House Annex, Bar Harbor, 111:3:25

"American Notes" section in each issue beginning Price, Cornelius, 19th c of Chicago, XVI:l:18nll0

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Price - Prisons

Price, Francis, 18th c., X:2:20 Morven [Governor's Mansion], IV:3/4:59; XIV:2:32
The British Carpenter..., Princeton University

XX:3:118,119,120,129 no.67; Bicentennial Conference on Scholarship and

illus. XX:3:121 fig 7 Research in the Arts, April, 1947, VI:3/4:35

Price, John O., XIV:1:31 Bldgs.

Price, Uvedale, XVII:4:38 Dean's House [President's House] (R. Smith),

Price, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 XVI:2:32
Price, William, 19th c of Chicago, XVI:l:18nllO Gothic, 11:3:17

Price Tower see Bartlesville, Okla. Nassau Hall

Prichard, John, 1818-1886 see Prichard and Seddon Bldg. (R. Smith), XVI:2:31-32; XVII:2:26
Prichard, Theodore J., XII:3:29 Fires, XI:2:28; XVI:2:32
Prichard and Seddon Rebldg.
War Office, London Latrobe, B. H., XV:4:30; XVI:2:32
Competition design, XIX:4:160 and n74 Notman, J., XI:2:28; XV:2:20; XVI:2:32
Priene President's House (J. Notman) see Princeton,

Agora, VIII: 1 /2:53; VIII:3/4:10; XIII:4:9-10; illus. N.J.: Princeton University: Bldgs.: Prospect,
VIII: 1 /2:pl XVI; VIII:3/4:pl IV fig 3a; 1852

XIII:4:11 fig 1 President's House (R. Smith) see Princeton,

City gates, XIII:4:9 N.J.: Princeton University: Bldgs.: Dean's

City plan, Descr., Maps, Views, etc., 111:1/2:12,15; House
VI:3/4:29; VIII: 1/2:53,54; VIII:3/4:40,41; Prospect, 1852 [President's House] (J. Notman),
XIII:4:9,15; XVI:4:33; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XVI; XI:2:28

VIII:3/4:pl IV fig 3a Pre-Revolutionary Catalog, XX:3:116

City wall, 111:1/2:12; XIII:4:9; illus. VIII; 1 /2:pl XVI Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (Shepley,
Colonnade, 111:1/2:15; vill:3/4:10; illus. vill:l/2:pl Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:28
XVI Principes l'architecture, XX:3:128 nl6

Ecclesiasterion [Assembly Hall], VIII : 1 / 2:53; Principles of Architecture, by P. Nicholson, XX:2:66

XIII:4:9 Printing and publishing plants

Arched window, 11:1:9 n4 Ashmead Printing Plant, 1853 (Sloan and Stewart),
Fort, 111:1/2:12 Philadelphia, XIX:1:36; XX:1:9-10; illus.
Gymnasia, VIII:l/2:53; XIII:4:9; XX: 1:10 fig 13
illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl XVI Harper and Brothers' Printing Plant, 1854 (J.
Paving, limestone, VIII:l/2:53 Bogardus and J. B. Corlies), N.Y., XIV:3:23;
Prytaneion [Town Hall], VIII:l/2:53; XIII:4:9; illus. XV:3:31; XV:4:16-17,18,22 n56; XIX:4:181; illus.




Stadium, VIII:l/2:53; XIII:4:9 Harper and Brothers Publishing Plant, Cliff Street
Stoa, 1:2:19; 111:1/2:15; XIII:4:9 Unit, N.Y., XX:1:9

Temples and Sanctuaries, VIII:l/2:53 Mason (Wm. C.) Printing Co., Philadelphia, illus.
Athena, XIII:4:9; XVII:1:33; XX: 1:7 fig 6
illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl XVI Taylor (John) Printing office, Nauvoo, 111.,

Zeus, XIII:4:9,15; illus. XIII:4:18 fig 8 XIX:3:113; illus. XIX:3:113 fig 10

Theater, VIII: 1 /2:53; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XVI Toer (J. N.) Printing Shop, 57 Chestnut St.,
Prim, Paine Page, XII:4:24 Philadelphia, illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6

Prime, Alfred Coxe, XX:3:120nl 1,124 U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,

Primeval Hill of Ptah, XII:4:5-6 VII: 1/2:20

Primitive art and architecture, infl. on Western art, Prisms, Luxfer, XIX: 1:7

XVIII:2:65 Prison Construction, Hints on, by J. Eimes, XX:3:136

New Guinea, XIX: 1:28,29-30; illus. XIX: 1:29 fig 8 Prison reform

Torres Straits, XIX: 1:25-30; illus. XIX: 1:26-30 England, XX:3:136

figs 2-9 History, XX:2:50




House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:[32]nl3 Aix-en-Provence

Prince, John, 18th c. Prison design (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:15; XII:4:30n6

Cound Hall, XIII:4:32; XVI:2:17,18 Andover, Engl.

Prince, John, b. 1818, of Thomaston, Me., X:4:[32]nl3 17th c. prison, XI:1:4,8

The Prince, by N. Machiavelli, XX:2:58 Annapolis

Princehorn, Arthur, Vll:3/4:[4] County Courthouse and Prison, 1774 (W.
Princeton, N.J. Buckland), XIII:2:4
Battle Monument, IV:3/4:59 Baltimore

Guernsey Hall (J. Notman), XI:2:28 Maryland State Penitentiary

Added wing (W. F. Small), XX:2:74


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Prisons - Pritchard




Military Prison (K. F. Schinkel), 11:3:12; XX: 1:9 City Hall ["Gaol or new City Hall"], 1700,

Boston Broadway and Wall, 111:1/2:40; 111:3:31;

Stone jail, 17th or 18th c., XIII:1:11 XI:2:21
Chicago Old Provoost, XIV:2:7

Cook County Courthouse and Jail, XVI:1:16 The Tombs [Halls of Justice] (J. Haviland), XI:2:6;

Construction companies XVI: 1:18 n97

Pauley (B.) Jail Building and Manufacturing Co., Panoptican [Panopticon] prison (J. Bentham),
St. Louis, XVIII:4:155 XVIII:4:152; XX:3:136nlO

Council Bluffs, Iowa Paris

Cottonwood Jail, XVIII:4:153-154 Bastille, XVII:1:21; XVIII:4:149

Pottawattamie County Jail (Eckel and Aldrich), Place de l'Ecole de Chirurgie [Mdecine], XII:4:15

XVIII:4:149-154,157; illus. XVIII:4:150 fig 1; Philadelphia

151 figs 3,4; 152 figs 5,6 Eastern State Penitentiary (J. Haviland),

Crawfordsville, Ind. XVIII:2:66; XX:3:137nl7

Montgomery County Jail, Moyamensing
XVIII:4:150,154,155,157; illus. XVIII:4:155 Debtors' Apartment (T. U. Walter), XIII:4:29
9 Women's Section (T. U. Walter), XIII:4:31 nl3

Designs and Projects Walnut Street Prison (R. Smith), XII:4:26-27;

Bugniet, P. G., XII:4:28-30; illus. XII:4:29 XVII:3:32 n2; XVIII:2:66; illus. XII:4:26
Ledoux, C. N., Design for Aix-en-Provence, Pittsburgh

111:3:15; XII:4:30 n6 Allegheny County Bldgs.

Gallatin, Mo. Court House and Jail (H. H. Richardson),
Daviess County XVIII:4:150155-156j illus. XIII*l*19-22* XV*2*19* XVI*3*22 29*

XVIIJ,4:156 flg 10 XVIII:2:68; XIX:1:40; illus. XVI:3:23 fig 1

Gloucester, Va. Additions (F. J. Osterling), XVI:3:24

Pnson, pre-1754, illus. XVIII: 1:2 fig 1 Completion of (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),
Hillsboro, N.C. XVII*3*20 22

Jail, 1837 (J. Berry), X.l.[22] Western Penitentiary (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl.

Jackson, Miss.

10 capt. 4,5; XVIII:4:152; illus. XIII:3:Suppl.

[11] figs 4,5

Penitentiary, XX:3:113

Litchfield, Conn.

Reading, Pa.
Berks County Jail (J. Haviland), XVIII:4:149

Jail, illus. X:4:19 fig 1




Richmond, Va.
_ . .

Fleet Prison, XX:2:50 Penitentiary, XIX:3:115

Giltspur St. (G. Dance, Jr.), XIV:4:18,22 n37 Penitentiary House (B. H. Latrobe),
Newgate Pri on [Gaol], XI 2:28; XIV:4:18,22 n37; XH:4:26,27-30; XV:4:29-30; XVIII:4:152;
XIX-2-88 XIX:3:115,117; illus. XII:4:27; XIX:3:116

Penitentiary, XX:3:107 . f'g 1

Lovingston, Va. Rotary jails, XVIII:4:149-157
Nelson County Jail (T. Jefferson), IX:l/2:38 Salem, Or.

j^y0ns Oregon State Reform School

Prison de Roanne (P. G. Bugniet and Thibire), Addition (W. C. Knighton and C. S. McNally),
XII:4:29,30 . XIX:2:60 n20

Maryville, Mo. Statesville, 111.

Nodaway County Jail, XVIIL4:150,154,155; illus. State Prison, XVIIL4:152,153

XVIII*4"150 2 U.S., XVIII:4:149-157; of J. Haviland, X:3:32;

Maysville, Mo. XIII:3:Suppl. 2; XX:3:137; of W. Strickland,

De Kalb County Jail [and Courthouse] XIII:3:Suppl. 2

1885, XVIII:4:150,154-155,156 Virginia, ca. 1647, XVIII: 1:3

1938, XVIII:4:156 Wichita

Media, Pa. Jail> 1870's, XVIII:4:156

Courthouse and Jail (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34 Sedgwick County Jail, XVIII:4:150,154-155,156

Moberly, Mo. Williamsburg

New Reformatory, XVIII:4:149 Gaol, XVIII:4:163; illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3

New Castle Del. Windsor, Vt.

Jail (S. Sloan), XIX:1:34 Courthouse and Post Office Bldg. Jail, XIX:3:123
Prisons (G. B. Piranesi), XII: 1:32
Pritchard, Thomas Farnolls
Cast-iron bridge, Coalbrookdale, 111:4:5; VH:l/2:7


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Prix de Rome - Public architecture

Prix de Rome [Grand Prix], 1:2:6-9 passim, 13; 111:3:9; Architecture, XVII:3:35
XIX:1:16; XIX:2:86 Bristol Hotel see Providence, R.I.: Granite Block
Prizes see Awards, Prizes, Rewards, etc. Brown University, founding of, XX:3:116; T. Tefft
Pro Patria, XVIII:3:76 attended, VIII:l/2:36

Probasco Mansion, Cincinnati, XIII:2:31 University Hall

The Problem of the Land in Spain, by A. Soria y Bldg. (R. Smith, attrib.), XVII:2:26

Hernandez, XVIII:2:50 Restoration (Perry, Shaw and Hepburn),

Probus, Engl. XVII:2:26
St. Probus, restoration (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146 Cheapside, XII:3:13

School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146 City plan, Maps and Views, XVII:3:35

Proctor Institute see Utica, N.Y.: First Baptist Church, XX:4:193

Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute Georgian houses, XII:2:5

Produce exchanges see Exchanges (Merchants', Granite Block [Bristol Hotel] (W. H. Greene),
Produce, Stock, etc.) XX: 1:6 and n8

Professional practice of architecture see Architectural History, XVII:3:35

practice Merchandise House see Providence, R.I.: Union

Progressive Architecture, by A. L. Huxtable, XX:4:194 Station

Progressive Architecture, magazine, XII:4:32 Rhode Island School [Institute] of Design
El Progreso, Madrid daily newspaper, Collection of railroad station designs (T. Tefft,
XVIII:2:39,41 n3,51 attrib.), VIII:l/2:36

Projects, Housing see Housing developments, projects, Museum of Art

etc. Cluny portal figure, IV:3/4:7
The Promised Land, Coptic fresco, XX:2:82; illus. Exhibition of Rhode Island Architecture
XX:2:83 fig 10 Available, 11:2:35-36
Proportion (Art and Architecture) (see also Orders of Roger Williams Bank (W. H. Greene), XX: 1:6

architecture; Philosophy), XVIII:4:146; State House

XIX:2:87-88; L. B. Alberti on, XIII:3:10 nlO; J. F. Competition design (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),
Blondel on, XI:1:[18]; in Louis XV architecture, XVII:3:23; illus. XVII:3:24 fig 5
XI:1:[17]; medieval, XI:3:6-16; XVII:2:28-29; Union Station
XVIII:3:94-103; neo-classical, XIII:4:32; Depot (T. Tefft), VIII:l/2:36; XX:1:9
Renaissance, XIII:3:9; seventeenth-eighteenth Merchandise House (Tallman and Bucklin)
centuries, 1:2:8 Design (T. Tefft, attrib.), VIII:l/2:36,38; illus.
Proportion (Music) see Music VIII: 1 /2:pl VI fig 4
Proportions of the Orders of architecture see Orders of Provident Life and Trust Co., XIX:2:80
architecture Bldgs. of see Philadelphia: Provident Life and Trust
Proskouriakoff, Tatiana Co.: Bank, 1879; Philadelphia: Provident Life
Reconstructions of Mayan Temples, V:20; illus. and Trust Co.: Bldgs.
V:[20a] figs 5,6 Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co., XIX:2:80
Prost, Auguste, XI: 1:16,[19] Prunner, Johann Michael, XIX: 1:41
Prost, Henri Pruyne, Peter, 11:4:21 nl 19,22
Linear plan for Cte d'Azur, XVIII:3:82 Pryde, James, XVIII:2:68
Prost, Marcel Prynne, G. Fellowes

Hospital project, XIX: 1:20 St. Peter's, Plymouth, rebldg., XIX:4:146

Protection of Cultural Treasures in War Areas, Przewodowski, Andr, 19th c. engineer, XV:3:22nl4
Committee on see American Council of Learned Psemthek II, XI:3:[5] n9
Societies: Committee on the Protection of Cultural Pskov

Treasures in War Areas Architecture, XVI:2:13,15,28,29

Protection of natural monuments see Natural City plan, Maps and Views, IV: 1:23; illus. IV:l:[22a]

monuments fig 1
Protestant churches see Church architecture: Protestant Psychiatric hospitals see Hospitals (Psychiatric)

'The Protestant Plain Style before 1630," by A. Psychology and Architecture see Architecture and
Garvan, IX:3:5-13; XI: 1:3 Psychology
"Proto-skyscraper," XVIII:4:131-132,133,138 and Ptah, deity, XII:4:4,6,7 nnl8,24
n49,139 Ptahil, deity, XII:4:7 nl9
Prout, Earle Frederick, XII:3:16n22 Ptolemy, 111:4:66
Provest, Alexander, VII: 1/2:29 Ptolemy XI
Provest, Winter and Co., VII: 1/2:26 Pylon of see Apollinopolis Parva
Providence, R.I. Public architecture

Arcade (R. Warren), XII:3:13-16; illus. XII:3:14-15 See also specific types of public architecture, e.g.




Post offices
England, XIX:4:159-162


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Public architecture - Pullen

U.S., XIX:3:119,121-123; XX:4:198-199 Articles and Books on

Public baths see Baths Boase, T. S. R., English Art 1800-1870, XX:3:149
Public housing projects see Housing developments, Hitchcock, H.-R., Early Victorian Architecture in
projects, etc. Britain, XV:2:31
Public Ledger, of Philadelphia, IX:3:27 Stanton, P. B., XV:2:30,31

'The Public Memorial and Godefroy's Battle "Pugin: Principles of Design versus Revivalism,"
Monument," by R. L. Alexander, XVII: 1:19-24 XIII:3:20-25

The Public Works of the Julio-Claudians and Flavians, Works (Books, Writings, etc.), XIII:3:20,21,22;

by F. C. Bourne, XIX:2:86 XIX:4:155; XX:3:99

Puddleton, Engl. Contrasts..., IX:3:5; XIII:3:20,22
Church, XVII:1:15 Examples of Gothic Architecture (with A. C. Pugin,
Puebla, Mex. T L Walker and E. J. Willson), 11:1:28 n3

Site, XIV:4:5 77ie Present State of Ecclesiastical Architecture in

Pueblo, Colo. England, IX:3:12n2

Opera House (Adler and Sulhvan), IV:2:9 Specimens of Gothic Architecture (attrib.) see Pugin,

Pueblo Indians Augustus Charles

Architecture, 1:2:25-26,28; VII:3/4:23; XVI:3:30 The Tmg Principies 0f Pointed or Christian

Puerto Montt, Chile Architecture, XIII:3:20,21,24

View, XVII:3:33 Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.)

Puerto Rico Alton Castle, XIII:3:24; illus. XIII:3:[23] fig 4
Architecture, XIV: 1:29-30 Alton Towers, XIII:3:24; illus. XIII:3:[23] fig 6
Fort, 16th c. (R. Lane), XIII:4:27; Cathedral, Birmingham, XIII:3:22

dlus^XIII:4:27 fig [2]b Cathedral, London, XlII:3:22

Slavery, XVIII:2:41 n6 Cathedral, Nottingham, XIII:3:22

Puffer, Clark, 19th c., XX:4:196nl4 Houses of Parliament (New Palace of

Mary D of Washington,
XIX:2:56 n37 WestminsteT^LondoiT

Pugh, Thomas
Residence of see Napoleonville, La.: Madewood

Competition design (and C. Barry) (see also

London: Westminster Palace: Houses of

Puch W W

Residence of e Napoleonville, La, Woodlawn

Plantation XV:2:31;XX:3:102-103,104-105; illus.

Pugin, Augustus Charles, 1762-1832, and F. Arundale, XX:3:103 fig 3
XIII:3:14 no.8h; as father of A. W. N. Pugin, ,ntenor decoration, XII11:3:2:1,:24-25

XIII-3-21 Victoria Tower (and C. Barry), XIX:4:162

Books, Illus., etc. Wallpaper, XIII:3:24
Examples of Gothic Architecture (with A. W. N. Roofs, XIX:4:169

Pugin, T. L. Walker and E. J. Willson), St- Glles' Church> Cheadle

111-28 n3 West door' XIII:3:24; illus- XIII:3:[23] fig 5
Microcosm of London (jt. illus. with T. John s Hospital, Alton, XIII:3:24

Rowlandson) St. Mary's Church, Brewood, XIII:3:22-24; illus.

Roman Catholic Chapel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, XIII:3:[23] figs 1-2

sketch IX-312nl St. Mary's Rectory, Brewood, XIII:3:24; illus.

Stove, XX: 1:24; illus. XX: 1:25 fig 7 XIII:3:[23] fig 3

Specimens of Gothic Architecture (with E. J. St. Oswald s, Old Swan, Liverpool, XV:2:23 n9
Willson), 11:1:28 n3; XVI:1:28,30 Scarisbrick Hall
Specimens of the Architecture of Normandy Entrance and hall, XIX:3:129
[Architectural Antiquities of Normandy] (ed. by Wallpaper, XIII:3:21,24

J. Britton), XIII:3:14 no.8h Puig y Cadafalch, Jos, descr. of Marcevol, XIV:1:7;

Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore, 1812-1852, on Romanesque architecture, XVII:3:33

American appreciation of theory of, XVII:4:25; on Puig y Vails, Rafael, XVIII:2:45 nl4

G. Dance's Gothic bldgs., XIV:4:18; details Pula see Pola, Italy

drafted from, 11:2:9; on English Parliament, Pulitzer, Mrs. Joseph, Jr., 11:4:40
VI : 1 / 2:18; Gothic Revivalism of, XV:2:30; on Pulitzer Prize

medieval architecture, IV:3/4:3; philosophy of, 1956

XV:2:31; XIX:4:147-170 passim; on Protestant Hamlin, T., Benjamin Henry Latrobe, XV:4:29

"Plain Style," IX:3:5; G. E. Street compared with, Pulj, Yugo. see Pola, Italy
XIX:4:147-170 passim; J. Twyman as follower of, Pullan, R. P., and W. Burges, XIX:4:156
XIX: 1:9; vernacular style of, XIX:4:170 Byzantine Architecture (and C. Texier), XIX:4:156

Pullen, Elizabeth, the elder, XV:4:23

Pullen, Elizabeth, the younger, see Loxley, Elizabeth


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Pullen - Puy, Virgin of

Pullen, Francis, XV:4:23 town bank design, XIX:2:66; and C. R. Crane,
Pullen, Richard, XV:4:23 XX:3:140; founding, XI:2:25; XIII:1:23; X1X:2:64;
Pullen, William, XI:4:[20] n26 infl. by L. Sullivan, XIII: 1:23; XIX:2:66-68; infl.
Pullman, George, XII:3:17,18 by F. L. Wright, XIII:1:23
Pullman, 111. see Chicago Works, directory of, XIX:4:184; exhibition of,

Pullman Palace Car Co., XII:3:17-18,20-22 Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, XIX:2:66n30;




See also Mimbars Babson (Henry) House, Riverdale, 111.

Ashfield Magna, 1618, IX:3:11 Furniture, XIX:2:66n23

Dennington, Engl., 1628, IX:3:11 Bradley (Mrs. Harold C.) Summer Bungalow,
East Barnet, Engl. Woods Hole, Falmouth, XIX:2:68

St. Mary's Branson (O. L.) and Co. Bank, Mitchell, S.D.,
Pulpit (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146nl2 XIX:2:68 n32

Hadleigh, Engl. Decker (E. W.) Dwelling, Holdridge, Minn.,

Pulpit (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146 nl2 XIX:2:68

London Farmers and Merchants Bank, Hector, Minn.,

St. James-the-Less, Westminster, XIX:4:166; illus. XIX:2:68 n32; illus. XIX:2:68 fig 7

XIX:4:165 fig 16 pjrst National Bank, Le Roy, Minn.,

Petorca, Chile, V:23 XIX:2:68 n32

Ve"1(;e, ... ro w Furniture, XIX:2:66 n23

S. Marco Basilica [St. Mark s] Gray (Catherine C.) House, Minneapolis,

Romanesque pulpit, 111:4:34; XIII: 1:23; illus. XIII: 1:21 fig 8

^ 2a]fig3 Hoyt (S.) House, Red Wing, Minn., XIX:2:68

_ e^.' ' . . Merchants National Bank, Winona, XIX: 1:40;

Pumice, in concrete vaulting, XVII:4:4,5 XIX-2-68 n32

Pumping stations see Waterworks and pumping stations

Purcell (William Gray) House, Minneapolis,

Pumroy, Kenneth W XVII:4:40 XIII:1:23; XIX:1:40; illus. XIII: 1:21 figs 9,10
, VIV. _q Purdie,XIX:2:79
John R fl. 1882,
Dr.. XVILL18
' J
Puncheon flooring, XI:4:[7] n 19 U,,0m' _ ... _
puno peru The Building of Satellite Towns, XVIII:3:80-81
Cathedral faade (S. de Asto), V:[33],34; illus. _ . a"d n?4 ,
V:r34al fig 2 Purdy, Corydon Tyler

Purbeck marble XVI-3-34 Obit., IV:3/4:57-58

Purcell, John B.', Bishop. VI:3/4:18,19 Purdy and Henderson, IV:3/4:58

Purcell, William Gray (see also Purcell and Elmslie), Puri, India
alumnus of Adler and Sullivan office, IV:2:2n; Market place, illus. VIII:3/4:pl III fig 1
and G. G. Elmslie, XI:2:25; XIII: 1:23; XIX:2:64; Purisburgh, S.C., X:4:6

on G. G. Elmslie, XIX:2:62 and nn4,5; 63 and The Puntan> XVIII:3:106

nn6,8,12; 64nl5; from Minnesota, XIX:1:40; and Purlins, XX:4:201,202

Prairie School, XIX: 1:9; and F. L. Wright, Purmerend

111:4:16-17; XIII:l:23 Factory project (J. J. P. Oud), XVIII:3:116

House of, Minneapolis, XIII:1:23; XIX:1:40; illus. Purry' Jean Pierre> XX:2:51,53,54
XIII: 1:21 figs 9,10 Purrysburgh, S.C.

Works (Articles and Reviews) City plan, Maps, etc., XX:2:51 and n 18,52,53,54 n42;




"This Too, Might be History," 111:4:16-25 Purviance, John A., XIII:3:Suppl. 5

" 'What Is Architecture'... by Louis H. Pushkin, XVI:2:30
Sullivan, Republished from 'Northwest Puteoli cement, XX:4:196
Architecture,' " IV:2:3-22 Putinki, Russ.

Reviews Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, XVI :2:15,30

Morrison, H., Louis Sullivan: Prophet of Putnam, Rufus, Gen., XII:2:3,4

Modern Architecture, IV:2:12 House of, Marietta, Ohio, XII:2:5;

Works (Bldgs., Projects, etc.) illus. XII:2:[6] fig 4

Bank bldg. project, Reno, XIX:2:66 n29 Puttenham

Woodbury County Court House, Sioux City (with The Arte of English Poesie, (attrib.), XIX:2:76-77

G. G. Elmslie and W. L. Steele, Sr.), Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, IX: 1/2:34

XX:3:140 Le Bois Sacr [Sacred Grove], IX: 1/2:34; illus.
Purcell and Elmslie (see also Elmslie, George Grant; IX: 1/2:32 fig 1
Purcell, William Gray), preoccupation with small Puy, Virgin of see Virgin of Puy

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Puzzolana - Quincy
Puzzolana see Pozzolana Pyramids, XIII:1:28
Pyddleton, Dorset China

Church, IX:3:11 Great Pyramid, Shensi, XII:4:6

Pyle, McDonough and Linn Egypt, VIM/2:40-41,44; XI:2:25; XII:4:6;
See also Linn, David XVI:4:22,25,28; XX:2:80
Methodist Church, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:21; illus. Mayan, V:17-19
XII:4:19 fig 1 "Pyramis," XIX:2:76,77

Pylons see Gatehouses, Gates, Gateways Pyrard de Laval, Franois, XV:3:3

Pylos Pythagoras, contemporary of Buddha, Confucius and

Megaron, XIII:4:3 Zarathustra, IX: 1/2:5; infl. of Indian wisdom on,

Palace, XVII: 1:34 11:1:25; master of Plato, XI:3:11
Pyramid, architectural device, XIX:2:76-77 Grotto of, Cortona, 11:1:11 nl8

Pyramid roof, XII:4:6-7 Pythagorean philosophy, principles, system, etc.,

Pyramidal composition, XVI:2:12-16,29 XI:3:11; XVII:2:28; XVIII:3:96 nl2,97

Pytho see Delphi

Qasr-i-Shirin Quast, von, 1:3/4:10

Castle, XX:2:85; illus. XX:2:85 fig 15 Quatremre de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome, 1:2:7;
"Quaestorium," VIII:3/4:30 VII:l/2:6-7; IX:4:26

Quakers, Dutch, XIV:4:31; founders of Germantown, Quebec

X:4:33; XIV:4:31; German, X:4:33; A. Loos Drawings of (R. Short), XVI:1:32

interest in, XX:4:181; interest in prisons and social Quecholac

reform, XII:4:26; and L. Sullivan's Kindergarten Basilica V-29 n7

B ^UytS' XX'4'181 Queen Anne Revival (see also Nineteenth-century

Ug architecture), in America, 11:3:24; VII:3/4:25-26;

Quaker meetinghouses, pre-1749, XIILLll VIII:1/2:129, IX:4:16-[20]; XVIII:3:108,110,111;

Burlington NJ XX:4:170; characteristics of, IX:4:15-16;

Friends Meeting House, 1682, XII:1:22 XVIII:3:110; C. L. Eastlake and, VII:3/4:25-26; in

Friends' Meeting House design (T. Jacques), Godeys Ladys Book, XVIII:3:110,111; also called
X:2:19 "Gothic," XVIII:3:111; "living hall" of,
Lawrence, Kan. XVIII:3:108; originators of, IX:l/2:27; and R. N.

Quaker Meetinghouse (R. Sterling), VI:l/2:28 Shaw, 11:3:24; VIII:l/2:29; IX:4:15-[20]; "Shingle

Philadelphia Style" derived from, XX:4:170; silhouette of,

Friends Asylum, Frankford (W. Strickland), XVIII:3:110; term, XVIII:3:111; XIX:4:171;

XIII:3:Suppl. 3-4 XX:4:170; Tudor Revival called, XX:4:170

Friends Meeting House, Cherry St. [Horstmann Queen Anne style, late 17th c., IX:4:15

(Wm. H.) and Sons Warehouse], illus. Queens, N.Y. see New York (City)
XX: 1:9 fig 11 Quellinus, Artus, 1609-1668 [Artus I Quellin; Quellien,

Scottsville, N.Y. Arnoldus], XX: 1:42; XX:4:203

Quaker Meeting House, XV:2:15 Quertaro (City), Mex.

Quantrill, VI: 1/2:25 El Palacio Federal
Quarenghi, Giacomo Patio arcades, V:29
Narva Triumphal Arch, Leningrad (and I. Y. Santa Rosa, V:22
Starov), XV:4:16 Questel, XIX:4:155 n58
Quarries Quvillon, XI:1:20,[22], 24; XIV:3:10
New York (State), XX:4:196 Quicherat, Joseph, 1:3/4:9

Quincy, Mass., XX: 1:13 Quicherat, Jules, XIX:2:85

Saint Augustine, Fla. Quickenborne, Van, Father, see Van Quickenborne
Coquina [Shellrock] quarries, XI:4:32 Quicklime, XX:4:195 .

Sullivan, N.Y., XX:4:195-196 Quincey, Edward, XI:2:11

Taynton, Engl., XIX:3:132 Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome Quatremre de see

"A Quartet of Pompeian Pastiches," by C. Dahl, Quatremre de Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome



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Quincy, Mass. - Railroads

Quincy, Mass. Quintilii
Crane Memorial Library (H. H. Richardson), Villa of see Villa dei Quintilii
XVIII:2:66 Quinto acuto arch, XVIII:1:14,16-18,19,20; XIX:3:91 n3
Quarries, XX:1:13 Quito, Ecuador
Quincy granite, XX: 1:13,15,17 Audiencia, XIX:4:177
Quindaro, Kan. see Kansas City, Kan. Cathedral, XIV:4:5
Quinnipiack River, 1638 Franciscan churches
Medal (H. Augur), illus. XIV:2:[5] fig 16 Interiors, XIX:4:177
Quint-point arch, XIX:3:91 Jesuit churches
Quinta do Freixo see Freixo, Port. Interiors, XIX:4:177
Quinta Mahudes see Chamartin de la Rosa, Spain Sagrario Metropolitano, XIV:4:5
San Francisco Monastery, V:23

Site, XIV:4:5

RIBA see London: Royal Institute of British Architects Review

Ra, deity, see Re Visscher, C. de., International Protection of

Raafat, Aly A. Works of Art and Historic Monuments,
"The Ward House: A Pioneer Structure of IX:4:26-27

Reinforced Concrete" (and E. W. Kramer), Rae, Julio H.

XX: 1:34-37 Philadelphia Pictorial Directory and Panoramic

Rabanus Maurus, XVIII:3:97 Advertiser, XV:3:31; XX:1:[4] and nn2,4

Rabelais, IX:4:10 "Raekkehuse," IV: 1:20
Rabula Raemaekers, Louis
Gospel, 10th c., XIV: 1:7 nil Drawings of Belgium, 111:4:4
Racconigi Rafael see Raphael

Castello Reale (G. Guarini), XV:2:10,11 n44 "Rafters, Galloping," X:4:33

Race tracks see Stadiums (Arenas, Hippodromes, etc.) Ragusa, Italy
Rachol, Goa, India Site, XV:1:10 nl

Seminary church, XV:3:6; illus. XV:3:5 fig 9 "Rahmenbau," XVIII:1:31 n7

Racine, Wis. "Rail City" plan (J. Raymond), XVIII:3:89-90

Hardy (Thomas P. [W. P.] ) House (F. L. Wright), Railings see Fences, Grilles, Railings, etc.
XIX:4:183 Railroad bridges see Bridges: Materials, Types, etc.:
Johnson Wax Co. (F. L. Wright), XIX:2:86 Railroad
Laboratory Tower, XVI:4:36; XIX:3:130 Railroad car factories
YWCA (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130 Pullman Palace Car Co., XII:3:17-18,20-22

Radcliffe, 18th c Dr., XIX:3:131,132 Railroads

Radcliffe, Anne, XVI:4:22 Buildings and Yards (Depots, Offices, Sheds,

Radford, C. A. R., on Leicester Castle, XVII:2:9 Stations, etc.), book on (C. L. V. Meeks),

The Radiant City [La ville radieuse], by Le Corbusier, XVI: 1:32; XVII:4:37-38; and city planning,

111:1/2:44; VIII:3/4:14; XVIII:3:92 VIII:3/4:30

Radiant Farm (Le Corbusier), XVIII:3:93 Altoona, Pa.
Radio broadcasts, teaching, etc., 11:1:34-35 Pennsylvania Railroad Shops, XVII: 1:29

Radio-centric city plan [Radial city plan], Baltimore, Md.

VI:3/4:26-28,30,34; VIII:3/4:9-10; XX:3:108; illus. Baltimore and Ohio Passenger Car Shop,
VI:3/4:pl VI; VIII:3/4:pl V fig 6a XIII:3:30
Radnor, S.C. Mt. Clare Station, VIII: 1/2:34; XX:2:74

City plan, Maps, etc., XX:2:52; illus. XX-.2-.52 fig 6 Basle

Radot, Jean Vallery see Vallery-Radot, Jean Design (J. M. Olbrich), VI:3/4:3; illus. VI:3/4:pI
Rae, Edwin C. [R.], 1:1:20; VI:3/4:35; VIII:1/2:128 II fig 8
Assistant ed., SAH Journal, VII-VIII Berlin

"Current Bibliography of Architectural History" 19th c. station, VIII: 1/2:34

(jt. comp.), VII:l/2:50-93; VIII: 1/2:94-127; Boston, Mass.

VIII:3/4:48-66 Boston and Albany Railroad yards, XIII:2:21,22

Eastern Railroad Station, VIII:l/2:39

Fitchburg Station, VIII: 1/2:35


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Railroads - Railroads
Haymarket Station (N. J. Bradlee), Los Angeles
VIII: 1/2:39-40; illus. VIII:l/2:pl VII fig 9 Greater Los Angeles Unified Terminal
Leverett Street Station [Lowell Railroad Station, Exchange, project (J. M. Howells), IV: 1:53

first; Passenger House, Leverett St.] (G. M. Lowell, Mass.

Dexter), VIII:l/2:34-35,38; illus. VIII:l/2:pl Car house (P. Anderson), VIII: 1/2:33-34; illus.

V fig 2 VIII: 1 /2:pl V fig 1

Lowell Railroad Station Alterations, 1843 (G. M. Dexter),
Second, 1856 (N. J. Bradlee), VIII:l/2:37-38; VIII:l/2:33,34
illus. VIII : 1 / 2:pl VII figs 7,8 Milan
Third, 1872 (E. A. P. Newcomb), VIII:l/2:38 19th c. station, VIII:l/2:34
North Station, VIII: 1/2:39 Millville, Mass.

South Station (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Design (T. Tefft, attrib.), VIII:l/2:36-37
XIII:2:22; XVII:3:25 Montreal, Can.

Union Station Windsor Station, XIV:3:11

Remodelled (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), New England railroad stations (H. H. Richardson),






Railroad Station, VIII:l/2:34 Railroad Station (H. Austin), VIII: 1 /2:35

Chicago New London

Grand Central Terminal (S. S. Beman), XII:3:17 Northern Railroad Station (H. H. Richardson),
Illinois Central, Pullman, XII:3:18; illus. XVII:3:20

XII:3:19 fig 2 New York (City)

Cleveland Culver Depot, Coney Island, XIX: 1:14

Railroad depot, XII:2:23 Grand Central Station [and train shed], 1869-71
Terminals and yards, mid-19th c., XII:2:20-21 (J. B. Snook), VIII:l/2:40; XII:3:31;

Collinsville, Conn. XIV:3:24,28; XVII:3:35; XVII:4:38

Railroad Station (H. Austin), VIII: 1 /2:35-36; Pennsylvania Station, XVII:4:38

illus. vill:l/2:pl V fig 3 Norton, Mass.
Designs, Projects, etc., VIII:l/2:33-42 Railroad Station (R. M. Upjohn),
Early railroad station design, XII:4:32 VIII:1/2:41 nl2
Gamier, T., XIX: 1:22; illus. XIX: 1:22 fig 13 Paris
Howells, J. M. Pre-1867, VIII:l/2:40

Greater Los Angeles Unified Terminal Mtro Stations (H. Guimard), XIV:2:18
Exchange project, IV:1:53 Philadelphia

Loudon, J. C. Broad Street Station, XIV:3:28

Italian villa style stations, VIII:l/2:37 Pennsylvania Railroad grain elevator (D. D.

McKim, Mead and White Badger and G. H. Johnson), XVLL18 nl07

Union Station design, Portland, Or., XIX:2:57 Pittsburgh

Olbrich, J. M. Railroad Stations (Shepley, Rutan and

Design for Basle, VI:3/4:3; illus. VI:3/4:pl II Coolidge), XVII:3:22

fig 8 Plain ville, Conn.
Tefft, T., VIII:l/2:36-37,38,39; illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl Railroad Station (H. Austin), VIII:l/2:35-36
VI figs 4,5 Portland, Or.

Trautwine, J. C., XVII:3:32 Union Station (Van Brunt and Howe),

Great Britain, of F. Thompson, VIII:l/2:36,37; XIX:2:57-58
train sheds, 19th c., XX:3:149 Providence, R.I.

Harrisburg, Pa. Union Station

Pennsylvania Railroad Station, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 Depot (T. Tefft), VIII:l/2:36; XX:1:9

capt. fig 21 Merchandise House (Tallman and Bucklin)

Helsinki Design (T. Tefft, attrib.), VIII: 1/2:36,38;

Railroad Station (El. Saarinen), VI:3/4:3; illus. illus. VIII:l/2:pl VI fig 4

VI:3/4:pl II figs 9,10 Springfield, Mass.

Liverpool Boston and Albany Railroad Station (Shepley,

Crown Street Railroad Station, 1830, Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:20; illus.



Train shed, 1850, XVII:4:38 Western Railway Office (H. H. Richardson),




pre-1867 stations, VIII:l/2:40 Taylor's Ledge (N. J. Bradlee), VIII:l/2:39

Euston Station, XVII:3:23 Thomaston, Me.

St. Paneras Station (G. Scott), XII:4:17 Railroad Station, X:4:25

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Railroads - Rancho Los Medanos

Railroads (Cont.) New York (City), IV:3/4:58; XVI:1:18 n99

Buildings and Yards (Cont.) Paris

Tokyo Mtropolitan, XIV:2:18
Shimbashi Railway Station (R. P. Bridgens), Railton, William
XIII:2:15-18; illus. XIII:2:[ 17] fig 7 Houses of Parliament design, London, XX:3:102;
U.S., IV:3/4:54,55; VIII: 1 /2:33-42 illus- XX:3:104 fig 6

Washington, D C Raimond, Bernard see Bernard Raimond

Union Station (D. H. Burnham, Sr.), IV: 1:35-36 Rainaldi, Carlo

Woburn Mass Piazza di San Pietro, Rome, project, 111:1/2:26; illus.

Railroad Station (G. M. Dexter), VIII:l/2:35 I1I:1/2l22a]f'g,16
Y , , S. Agnese, Rome, (with F. Borromim and G.

Yokohama IVII. Rainaldi), 111:3:13; XIV:1:10-11; XV:3:18; illus.

Railway Station (R. P. Bridgens), XIII:2:15 XIV-1-10 fig 4

Companies, History, etc. Rainaldi, Francesco

England, VII: 1/2:11 n6 Piazza di San Pietro, Rome, project, XIV: 1:9
Great Western Railway Rainaldi, Girolamo

Sketch of locomotive of (W. Strickland), Agnese, Rome, (with F. Borromini and C.

XIII:3:Suppl. lOcapt. fig 12; illus. Rainaldi), 111:3:13; XIV:1:10-11; XV:3:18; illus.
XIII:3:Suppi. [13] fig 12 XIV:1:10 fig 4

Liverpool and Manchester Railway, VIII:l/2:36 Rainieri da Pisa, XIII:3:5

London and Northwestern Railway, "Raised cottage," of Le Corbusier, IV:2:30; VII:l/2:34

XIX:4:166-167 Rakemann, 19th c. painter, work in U.S. Capitol,




Paris-Lyons Railway Co., XIV:1:18 Rakestraw [Reakstraw], Joseph, d. 1794, Philadelphia

Spain carpenter, XII:2:27,28; XV:4:25

Compania Madrilena de Urbanizacin, Raleigh, Walter, Sir, XIII:4:27

XVIII:2:41-47 passim, 51-52; XVIII:2:76,77 Raleigh, N.C.
Sociedad Madrilena de Tranvias, XVIII:2:47 Capitol (Town and Davis), X:l:18

U S VI-1/2-26- XIL2T9 20 21 22 23 Christ Church (R. Upjohn), X:l:18

Atehison, Topeka and Santa Fe! VI:l/2:26 Governor'sXIX:

(S. Sloan), XVIII:3:105 nlO;

Baltimore and Ohio, XIII:3:30; XX:2:68

D ... , c , Insane Asylum of North Carolina see Raleigh, N.C.:

Baltimore and Susquehanna, XX:2:74 g ^

Boston, 19th c., XIII:2:19,21,22 North Carolina State College

Boston and Albany, XIII:2:21,22 Classroom Bldg. (Holloway-Reeves and Associates,

Boston and Providence Railroad, XIII:2:21,22 with Waugh and Sawyer); XX:4:204
Cleveland, 19th c., XII:2:19-23 passim State Exposition Bldgs. (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34
Cleveland and Erie Railroad, XII:2:20 State Hospital [Insane Asylum of North Carolina]
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, XII:2:20 Additions (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35
East Cleveland Railway Co., XII:2:23 Raley, Robert, XVll:3:32n2
Illinois Central, XII:3:18; XVI:4:15,21 Raley, Robert L XX:3:131

Kansas Pacific, VI: 1/2:26 "Early Maryland Plasterwork and Stuccowork,"

Lowell Railroad, VIII:l/2:34-35,37-38 XX:3:131-135

Michigan Central Railroad, 11:2:35 Ralph, James

Northern Central Railway, XX:2:74 n41 Critical Review of the Publick Buildings... in
Pennsylvania Railroad, IV:l:35-36; XIII:3:Suppl. London, XX:3:129

16 capt. fig 21; XVI:1:18 nl07; XVII:1:29; Ralston, Alexander, XVII:l:32nl

XX:2:74 n41 Rame, Daniel, son of Joseph Jacques Rame, XIII:1:17

Portage Railway, XVII: 1:25 Rame' JosePh Jac9ues> XIII: 1:16,17

Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad, N.Y., Union College, Schenectady, XI:2:23; XII:4:32;

Western Railway, IX: 1 /2:27 Rammed earth construction see Adobe bldgs.; Pis
T Ramon Berenguer see Berenger, Raymond

^T.eS Ramridge Hall [Manor] see Weyhill, Engl.

Elevated Ramsay, William, fl. 1750
New York (City), X:3:[31]; XI:2:22; XV:4:4 House of> MtJndrieL< Va IV:2:41

Streetcars, Tramways, etc. "Ranch houses," X:3:16

Cleveland, XII:2:22,23 Rancho Agua Caliente, XIV:3:19

Madrid, XVIII:2:41-47 passim; XVIII:3:76,77 Rancho Los Medanos, Contra Costa Co., Calif.,
Subways XIV:3:16-17,19
Madrid, XVIII:2:41-42,44,46


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Rand - Ravenna
Rand, Alonzo, fl. 1874 S. Peter's, Rome, work at, XIII:3:3,8;
House of, Minneapolis, XIX:1:40 XVIII:3:117,118
Rand, Herbert S., XV:2:18 n Sistine Madonna, IX:4:26; XVIII:3:117
Rand, William Vatican, Rome

Isle of Wight County Courthouse, Smithfield, Va., Cortile del Belvedere, contributions to, XIV:4:30

111:4:26; XVIII:1:5; illus. XVIII: 1:5 fig 6; 6 fig 7 Faade, XIII:3:9

Randall, Frank Alfred, and architectural archives at Loggie, XVIII:3:117
Burnham and Ricker Libraries, XI:1:27,28; on Stanze, XIV:4:31; XVIII:3:117

Chicago, XII:3:30 1st Stanza [Room of the Fire]

Randall, John, III: 1/2:40 Battle of Ostia, XVIIL3:117

Randall, Rosamond see Beirne, Rosamond Randall Fire in the Borgo, XVIII:3:117

Randall Family, of Annapolis, XIII:2:3 The Oath of Leo III, XVIII:3:117

Randazzo, Italy 2d Stanza [Room of the Signature]

Medieval houses, IV:2:52 School of Athens, XVII:4:22

S. Martino, IV:2:52 3d Stanza [Room of Heliodorus], XVIII:3:117
S. Nicola, IV:2:52 Mass of Bolsena, XVIII:3:117

Randel, John 4th Stanza [Room of Constantine], begun

Elevated railway, X:3:[31] July, 1514, XVIII:3:117
Randolph, David Meade, X:2:12 Tapestries

Randolph, Edward, XIII:3:Suppl. 4 Cartoons, XVIII:3:117

Randolph, John, of Colonial Williamsburg, XIV: 1:14 Villa [Palazzo] Farnesina, Rome
Randolph, Mary, wife of David Meade Randolph, Frescoes, XVIII:3:117

X:2:12 Villa Madama, Rome (and Giulio Romano),

Randolph, Peyton, of Colonial Williamsburg, X:3:29; XVIII:3:117

XIV: 1:14 Raritan and Delaware Canal see Delaware and Raritan

Randolph Family, of Va., X:4:20 Canal

"Range work," XVI:4:32 Ras Shamra [Ugarit]

Ranges see Stoves: Cooking Canaanite texts, XII:4:7 nl9
Ranjard, M. Rasband, J. O., XV:l:30n20
Survey drawings of Paray-Meslay Abbey Grange Rasmussen, Steen Eiler
(and Faugeron), illus. XVII:2:14 fig 31 Towns and Buildings, XII:1:32; XVI:2:30; XIX:1:38
Ranlett, Anna Maria Jordan, X:4:30 Raspberry Plains, plantation, XIII:2:4
Ranlett, Charles, Capt., X:4:30,31 Rasmo, Dr., IX:4:26n
Ranlett, L. Felix, X:4:[32] n30 Ratbertus, Bishop of Charlieu, IX:4:8
Ranlett, William H. Ratchford, Fannie, XI:4:9
The Architect, XI:2:6 Rathbun, Elise see Withey, Elise Rathbun

Ransome, fl. 1868, Prof. Ratisbon see Regensburg

Patent for artificial stone, XI:3:29 Ratzer [Ratzen], B.
Ranuzzi, IX:4:12 Plan of New York City, 1767 [1766; 1776],
Raphael, and Bramante's Vatican Studio, XIII:3:4; 111:1/2:40; XVI:l:18n97
decomposition of tactile form in school of, V:ll; Raunds, Northamptonshire
familiarity with the great, IX:4:11; and Fra St. Peter's, XV:2:21
Giocondo, XIII:3:8; XVIIL3:117; and Giulio Raval, as defender of old Paris, XVIII:1:35
Romano, XVIII:3:117; as Maestro delle Strade, Ravenei [Ravenal], Beatrice St. Julien, 11:4:30 n;
XVIII:3:117; Medici popes' preference for, XX:2:53 n40
XIII:3:4; N. Pevsner on, XVIII:3:117; and A. da Architects, XX:2:53n31
Sangallo, the younger, XIII:3:3; workshop of, 'The Restoration of the Manigault House,"


"Report on the Remains of Ancient Rome" (supposed Ravenica

author), XVII:2:18 Church, IV:3/4:29



Bldgs., Rome, VII:3/4:28 Palace of Theodoric, XX:2:86; illus. XX:2:86 fig 18

Campo Marzio, Rome S. Apollinare Nuovo, XVI:3:12
Replanning (with A. da Sangallo, the younger), Mosaic depiction of Palace of Theodoric,
X:2:3; illus. X:2:4 XX:2:82,83; illus. XX:2:82 fig 9
Late paintings of, XVIII:3:117 S. Vitale, XVI:l:4-5; XX:2:88

Palazzo Pandolfini, Florence, XIII:3:9 Dome, XVII:4:4

Palazzo Vidoni-Caffarelli, Rome, XIII:3:9 Eastern end, XVII:4:7; illus. XVII:4:7 fig 11
S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, Rome, competition
design, XIII:3:4


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Ravenhead, Saint Helens, Engl. - Refios de Lima

Ravenhead, Saint Helens, Engl. Red, David D., VII: 1/2:49
British Plate Glass Co. Re1 Cross, American, 111:4:30

Old Casting Hall, VIII:1/2:17; illus. VIII:l/2:pl Red House see Bexley Heath
III fig 12 Red Mansfield stone, XIX:4:160
Ravenswaay, Charles Van see Van Ravenswaay, Red Wing, Minn.

Charles Hoyt (S.) House (Purcell and Elmslie), XIX:2:68

Rawlings and Barnes see Rawlins and Barnes Redcote see York, Me.
Rawlins [Rawlings], John, 18th c. plasterer, Rede Lecture, XV:4:32

XX:3:132,135 Redemptorist Fathers, XVI: 1:28

Mount Vernon Redgrave, Richard, XIII:3:25

Banquet Hall, X:2:16-18; illus. X:2:17 Rediat, John, 17th c XI:1:13

New Room ceiling, XX:3:133-134 Redleaf Park see Philadelphia
Perry Hall "Reducciones," XIV:4:6

Plasterwork, XX:3:132,133 Reed, 19th c., of Jacksonville, Or.

Rawlins, Mrs. John, 18th c., XX:3:134 House of, XII:4:21

Rawlins, Mary, 18th c X:2:18; XX:3:135 Reed, Earl H and AI A Committee for the

Rawlins and Barnes [Rawlings and Barnes] (see also Preservation of Historic Monuments, X:4:35;

Rawlins, John), XX:3:132,135 XII:3:29; XIII:2:29; and architectural archive of

Chase-Lloyd House, Annapolis Burnham and Ricker Libraries, XI:1:27,28; and
Plaster work, XX:3:131,133,134 architectural microfilm project of Burnham

Rawls, Marion see Herzog, Marion Rawls Library, XI:3:[32]; HABS advisory board member,
House of, Sonoma, Calif., XVI:4:36 Reed, Ezekiel, fl. 1786, of Bridgewater, 11:4:10

Ray, David H., XII: 1:20; XVIII:4:138 Reed, Henry Hope, Jr., on Piazza San Marco, Venice,

Raya, Marcos Fernandez see Fernandez Raya, Marcos X:4:36

Raymond, Abbot of St. Martin de Canigou, XIV:1:3 American Skyline (with C. Tunnard), XVII: 1:36
Raymond, 12th c., Count of Burgundy, XV:1:4 Rev. by W. Weisman, XV:3:31-32
Raymond VII, Count of Toulouse, IV:1:13-14 Architecture in America: A Battle of Styles (ed. with
Raymond, Jean W. A. Coles)
Saharan "rail city" plan, XVIII:3:89-90 Brief rev., XX:3:149
Raymond, Nat The Golden City

House of, Austin, Tex., XI:4:12; illus. XI:4:[11] fig 7 Brief rev., XVIII:2:72
Raymond Berenger see Berenger, Raymond "The Modern is Dead - Long Live the Modern," New
Re [Re-Harmachis], deity, XI:3:1 World Writing, no. 11, XVI:3:35
Read, fl. 1849-50, Hudson, Ohio Reed, Jesse, 11:4:10

House of, XII:2:13 Reed, William Bradford, 1806-1876, XV:4:27

Read, Andrew, 18th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:25 Reed, William E., of Marblehead, Mass., XIX:3:120
Read, F. Meredith, Jr., Gen., X:2:24 Rees, W. H.

Read, Herbert, X:3:8; XVI:2:30 Residence, of, Berkeley, illus. X:3:17

The Green Child, X:3:6 Reeve, Tapping

Introd. to W. Worringen Form in Gothic, XVI:3:35 Law School of, Litchfield, X:4:19,20;






Berks County Jail (J. Haviland), XVIII:4:149 Reeves, fl. 1874, of Phoenixville, Pa., see Clarke and
Ready-made houses see Prefabricated bldgs. Reeves
Reakstraw, Joseph, 18th c. Philadelphia carpenter, see Reeves, F. Blair, XX: 1:38
Rakestraw, Joseph Reeves, Ralph Bernard, Jr., see Holloway-Reeves and
Real Academia de Ciencias (Spain), XVIII:2:42 Associates
Real estate speculation see Land speculation Refectories
Ream, Norman B. See also Restaurants

House of, Thompson, Conn., XVII:3:28 Charlieu

Reams, Thomas G. St. Fortunatus Abbey, XVI:2:2; illus. XVI:2:3 fig
House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24 1; 4 fig 3

Recife, Brazil Cluny, illus. XVI:3:[4] fig 1; 6 fig 3; 7 fig 4

City plan, XIV:4:10 Sacramenia [Sagramenia], 11:3:33



Vrijburg Palace, XIV:4:10 Sugar see Sugar Houses, Mills and Refineries

"Reciprocating Furnace and Refrigerator," 11:1:30 Reflections and Resolutions..., by S. Madden,

Record, engineer, see Barnett-Record Co. XX:3:131-132

"Recording Dates of Buildings," by H. V. M. Roberts, Refios de Lima, Church of, XV:3:9



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Regan - The Religious Architecture of New Mexico

Regan, Thomas, 18th c XIV:1:31 11:2:7, infl.by cathedral of Tournai, IV:3/4:8;
"Regency Gothic," XX:3:149 war damage, 1:3/4:14; 111:4:3
Regency style (see also Classic Revival), in Brighton, Chevet, change of plan, XIII:1:31; polygonal form
Mass., XII: 1:32; of A. J. Davis, XI:2:4; in Godey's of, XIII: 1:30
Lady's Book, XVIII:3:111 Choir

Regensburg Drawing of (Villard de Honnecourt), XVIII: 1:13

Cathedral, 11:3:10; XI:3:7 Elevation

"Regional Aspects of Early Louisiana Architecture," Drawing of (Villard de Honnecourt),

by B. L. Pickens, VII:1/2:33-36; VII:3/4:37 XVII:4:20n32

"Regionalism in American Architecture," by R. Piers, Gothic, IV:3/4:40
Newcomb, XI:1:32 Portal, XVIII:4:141

"Register stoves," XX:l:24nl4 Restorations, 1:3/4:14,17; 11:2:6

Regola delli Cinque Ordini d'Architettura, by G. Sculpture, IV:3/4:54
Barozzio da Vignola, IX:4:10; XIX:3:106; Towers, IV:3/4:8; XIII: 1:31
XX:3:126no.2 Transepts, XVII:4:19
Regulus, VII:3/4:[17] Windows and glass, 1:3/4:17; 111:4:3; XIII: 1:30
Rehovoth Drawing of window (Villard de Honnecourt),



Agricultural College (E. Mendelsohn), XVII:3:36 Obituary of the Cathedral Chapter, 13th c. see

Research laboratories (E. Mendelsohn), XVII:3:36 Reims: Archives de la Marne, Ms. G661
Reichel, William G. see Ottenheimer, Stern and Palimpsest see Reims: Archives de la Marne, Ms.


Reichensperger, XIX:4:155 n56 St. Nicaise

Reichow, Hans Bernhard, XVIII:3:91-92 Cloister, XVII:4:21 n53
Reid, fl. ca. 1820 Faade, XVII :4:18

House of, Lexington, Va., IX:3:18 Nave (H. Libergier), XVII:4:19

Reid, George, fl. 1804, of Charleston, S.C., XII:1:24 Plans, XVII:4:21 n62

Reidy, Affonso Eduardo, and L. Costa, XVII:2:31; and Portals (H. Libergier), XVII:4:19
Le Corbusier, XX:2:94-95 Transept, XVII:4:21 n53
Frank, K., The Works of Affonso Eduardo Reidy St. Remi, IV:3/4:39
Rev. by J. M. Jacobus, Jr., XX:2:92,94-95 Reinagle, Hugh





Community Theater, Marchal Hermes, Rio de Reinforced concrete see Concrete: Reinforced
Janeiro, XX:2:95 Reinhard, Andrew see Reinhard, L. Andrew
Experimental School, Asuncion, Paraguay, Reinhard, Hans, IV:3/4:6
XX:2:95 Reinhard, L. Andrew, X:l:12,16; XVIII:2:57
Gvea Residential Neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro, Reinhard and Hofmeister (.see also Associated
XX:2:95 Architects; Hofmeister, Henry; Reinhard, L.

Inn of Good Intentions [Hostel for Homeless Andrew), X:l:l 1,16,17; XVIII:2:56
Persons] Rio de Janeiro (with E. Baumgart Metropolitan Square, N.Y.
and G. P. Pinheiro), XX:2:95 Plot plan, X:l:12; illus. X:l:[13] fig 4; [14] fig 7
Ministry of Education and Public Health, Rio de Reinhardt, Phyllis A., XIV:4:32
Janeiro (and others), XVII:2:30,31; XX:2:95 "Current Research in Architectural History,"

Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, XX:2:95 XV:4:28-29

Pedregulho Residential Neighborhood, Rio de Reis, Joo Antunes dos, fl. 1736

Janeiro, XVII:2:31; XX:2:95 S. Francisco, Salvador, XV:3:23n24

Santo Antonio Hill district redevelopment, Rio de SS. Sacramento da Rua do Passo, Salvador,




Student Theater Project, 1955, XX:2:95 Reitter, Dr., of Jacksonville, Or.

" 'Reign of Terror' in the United States," by M. M. House of, XII:4:20 fig 2 no.54
Mayer, VII:3/4:25-26 Relics

Reims, Archbishops of, see Jean de Courtenay; Turpin Cluny, XVI:3:10

Reims Religion and Architecture see Architecture and

Archives de la Marne, Ms. G661 Religion; Church architecture

Palimpsest drawings, XI:3:9; XVII:4:9-21; illus. Religion and Art see Art and Religion
XVII:4:10-[17] figs 1-10 The Religious Architecture of New Mexico in the
Cathedral, begun ca. 1212, XIII:1:31; G. Lesser on, Colonial Period and Since the American
XVII:1:34; photographs of, IV:3/4:54; polygonal Occupation, by G. Kubier
form in, XIII:1:30; contrasted with Pontigny, Rev. by R. Newcomb, 1:2:25-29

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Religious communities - The Resurrection of Lazarus

Religious communities Repentigny, Can.
U.S., XIX:3:109-114 Church, XI:1:[26] nl2
Reliquary makers Reptition du Joueur de Flte et de la Femme de
Fredericus (Cologne), 111:4:35 n9 Nicomede, engr. (Boulanger), illus. XIV:3:[5] fig 3

Remarks on Secular and Domestic Architecture, Present Replinger, John G., IX:4:28; XI: 1:28

and Future, by G. G. Scott, XIX:4:148 n28 "Current Bibliography of Architectural History"

Rembrandt (jt. comp.), VII:l/2:50-93; VIII:l/2:94-127

Oath of Julius Civilis, XX: 1:42 Replogle, James M., XX: 1:38

Remesal, Antonio de, 17th c Dominican friar, XV:1:12 'Two Maine Farmhouses" (and R. V. Keune),

Remley, Merle, Sheriff of Crawfordsville, Ind., XX: 1:38-39

XVIII:4:155 and n4 "Report on the Remains of Ancient Rome," XVII:2:18

Remsen, N.Y. Reps, John W.
Baron von Steuben Memorial, IV:2:40 "Great Expectations and Hard Times: The Planning

Renaissance and Baroque, by H. Wlffiin, XIV:1:8 of Cairo, Illinois," XVI:4:14-21

Renaissance architecture, XV:4:30,31; XVII:4:22-23; "New Madrid on the Mississippi," XVIII:l:21-26

XIX:4:177-178 'Thomas Jefferson's Checkerboard Towns,"




Hispaniola, V:[l]-14 "Urban Redevelopment in the Nineteenth Century:

Italy, XIII:3:3-11; XVII:3:10-18 The Squaring of Circleville," XIV:4:23-26
Rome, VII:3/4:28; XIV:4:30-31; XX:1:40-41 Reredos see Altarpieces, Altars, Retables, etc.

Russia, XVI: 1:31 Resasco, Giovanni Battista [Giuseppe Antonio]

Spanish, V:[l]-14; XIX:4:177-178; XX:3:146-147 Staglieno Cemetery, Genoa (and C. Barabino),

Renaissance art, XVII:3:10; XVIII:3:117 XIX:4:137,142,143-144; illus. XIX:4:144 fig 16

"A Renaissance 'Copy' of the Holy Sepulchre," by E. Research see Learning and Scholarship
E. Rosenthal, XVII: 1:2-11 Reservations, Military see Military Camps,
Renaissance opinion of Gothic architecture, XVII:2:18 Reservations, etc.



U.S., XVII:3:23-25 See also Waterworks and Pumping stations

Rendel, H. S. Goodhart see Goodhart-Rendel, H. S. Croton Reservoir Park [Square], Bryant Park, N.Y.,

Renier, Olive, XX:4:203 XVI: 1:11

Rennie, John, English engineer, VIII:1/2:2,15,22 Jerome Park Reservoir, N.Y., XIV:3:28
Reno, Nev. Resort architecture (Summer houses, Vacation houses,
Bank Bldg., project (W. G. Purcell), XIX:2:66n29 etc.), 11:2:35-36; IX:4:17
Rensselaer, van see Van Rensselaer Restaurants
Rensselaer, N.Y. See also Hotels and Inns; Refectories

Fort Crailo [Van Rensselaer (Hendrick) Manor Chicago

House; "Yankee Doodle" House], IV:2:37-38 Kinsleys Restaurant, 111:4:20-21
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute see Troy, N.Y. Midway Gardens (F. L. Wright), 111:4:51
Renswoude Palmer House Restaurant, 111:4:20-21

Church, 17th c., IX:3:13n8 New York (City)

Renwick, James, 1792-1863, Sr. Claremont Inn [Manor], XV:4:4

Columbia College Bldgs., N.Y., designs, XI:2:22-23; Paris

illus. XI:2:23 Caf de Malthe (P. Lelong, fils), XV:4:21 n39

Renwick, James, 1818-1895, Jr., as Gothicist, IX:4:17; Caf des Muses, XV:2:8

and Second Empire style, XIV:1:19; need for study Rotterdam






Works Faade (J. J. P. Oud), XVIII:3:115

Cast iron faade designs, XV:4:22 n63 Restoration of art objects see Art objects: Conservation
Grace Church, N.Y., XVI:1:25; XIX:1:32 and restoration
Saint Patrick's Cathedral, N.Y., XI:2:23; XIV:3:18; Restoration of bldgs. and cities see Preservation and

illus. XVIII:2:58 fig 11; 59 figs 12,13 Restoration; for restorations of specific bldgs. or
Smithsonian Institution [National Institute; U.S. cities see directly under city, e.g. Charleston, S.C.:
National Museum], Washington Manigault (Joseph) House; Williamsburg, Va.:
Smithsonian Bldg., 1848-52, 11:1:36; VIll:l/2:93; Preservation, Restorations, etc.

XII:3:30; XVI:4:36 Restoration of historic sites see Historic sites

Alterations, VII:l/2:20 (Cemeteries, Parks, Battlefields, etc.):

Chapel, VII: 1/2:20 Conservation and restoration

Union League Club, N.Y., competition design, The Resurrection of Lazarus, painting (B. Sandzen),




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Retables - Richards
Retables see Altarpieces, Altars, Retables, etc. Cathedral, Seville
"Retablo faades," XV:1:15-17; XIX:4:177 Sacristia Mayor, V:8 and nn50,55
Retaining walls see Walls: Retaining Ribamar, Port.
Retarded, Mentally Convent of St. Joseph, XV:3:24
Schools for see Mentally retarded "Ribband," 11:4:6
Rettig, Flora, of Minden, Tex., XI:4:[7] n29 Ribbed roof see Roofs: Ribbed

Rettig, Julius E., VIl:l/2:30 Ribeiro, Antonio Simes, XV:3:21

"A Return to Solid and Classical Principles," by A. D. Ceilings, Royal Library, Coimbra, XV:3:21
Gilman (attrib.), XX:4:191-193 Ribeiro Soares da Silva, Andr see Soares da Silva,
Revelation, see Bible: N.T.: Book of Revelation Andr Ribeiro
Revere, Paul Ribera, Jusepe de, 1591-1652, XIX:4:177

House of, Boston, XIII:3:26 Ribera, Pedro de, use of estipite, V:30; G. Kubier on,
Revett, Nicholas XVIII:4:167; school of, V:32
The Antiquities of Athens (and J. Stuart), 11:3:8; Works, V:29 n8
VII:l/2:46; XII:2:8; XVII:1:31; XX:2:67,68 Faades, V:30

Revista de arquitectura, XVIII:2:43 nil Hospicio Provincial, Madrid, XVIII:2:46

Revista minera, metalurgica y de ingenieria, XVIII:3:76 Ribbesford, Engl.
Revista municipal y de intereses Econmicos, Havana, Church, 15th c., XVII:2:3
XVIII:3:75 "Ribbon development," XVI1I:3:76,79,93

"The Revival of the Ancient Style of Domestic Ricasoli, Simone, XIII:3:5

Architecture," by G. E. Street, XIX:4:149 Ricci, V:46
Rvoil, H. Ricci, Corrado, V:47
L'Architecture Romane du Midi de la France, XII: 1:9 Ricci, Juan, d. 1675, Fray, V:[27]
Revolutionary War Rice, David Talbot, on early English architecture,
U.S. see United States: Revolutionary War XVI:3:34; on wall strips of Saxon churches,
Rewards see Awards, Prizes, Rewards, etc. XVI1I:4:123-124

Rey, Raymond, on St. Bnigne of Dijon, XVII:3:3 The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors; Second
Reynolds, fl. 1845, of Baltimore, see Smith and Report (ed.)
Reynolds Rev. by W. L. MacDonald, XX: 1:43-44
Reynolds, John, 18th c. Rice, Edmund, 17th c XI: 1:3,9,10
House of see Philadelphia: Reynolds-Morris House House of, Sudbury, Mass., XI:1:8; illus. XI:1:7
Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, IV:1:33; XII:4:15 Rice, Henry, 17th c., XI:1:10,13
Reynolds, Robert F., XVII:4:40 Rice, Howard C., Jr., X-.2-.5 n; XII:4:26
Reynolds, William, 18th c., Dr. "A French Source of Jefferson's Plan for the Prison
House of see Philadelphia: Reynolds-Morris House at Richmond," XII:4:28-30
Rezasco, Giovanni Battista seeResasco, Giovanni Rice, John, fl. 1863, VII:l/2:29
Battista Rice, T. Spring, XX:3:103,104

Rezzonico, Carlo delia Torre see Clement XIII Rice, Zacharias see Mason and Rice

Rhabanus Maurus see Rabanus Maurus Rice mills, Charleston, S.C., 1:3/4:23

Rham, Henry de, XIV:1:19 Rich, Irving Hale, XIX:2:55 n34

Rhamnus [Rhamnous] Rich, John, d. 1779
Temple of Nemesis, XX:4:202 Estate of, Truro, XIX:2:49

Rheims see Reims Rich, Joshua, fl. 1780, XIX:2:55

Rher, Padre, V:23 Rich, Obadiah, Capt., of Truro, Mass., XIX:2:52
Rhett, 18th c. Col. of Charleston, S.C., X:4:6 Rich, Shebnah, 1824-1907, XIX:2:50-51,53,55,56
Rhettsbury, S.C., X:4:6 Richard II, King of Engl., XV1I:2:10-11
Rhinoceros in sculpture Richard III, King of Engl., XIII:3:Suppl.
So Vicente, Belm, V:22 10 capt. fig 11


Island Richard, Karl

Architecture, 11:2:35-36 Pompejanum, Aschaffenburg Castle
Rhode Island School of Design see Providence, R.I. Engraving of, illus. XIV:3:[5] fig 1
Rhodes, J. B. Mosaic medallions, XIV:3:3
Office of, Boston, illus. XX: 1:12 fig 19 Richard the Poor, Bishop of Salisbury, IV:1:11

Rhodes, Greece Richards, fl. 1812, of Philadelphia

City plan, VIII:l/2:47 House of, XVI:4:8
Italian market, 1:2:20 n7 Richards, Miss, fl. ca. 1840, of N. Y., XI:4:24
Rhodes, Knights of see Malta, Knights of Richards, fl. 1872, of Chicago millwork firm, see

Rhyolite tuff, XIV:3:16 Richards, Norris and Clemens

Riano, Diego de Richards, Godfrey

Ayuntamiento, Seville, V:8 The First Book of A. Palladio's Architecture...


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Richards - Richardson

Richards, Godfrey (Cont.) Scheyer, E., "H. H. Richardson and Henry

(transi), XX:3:115,118,128 nl6,129 no.69, Adams' 'Inner Circle,' " VIlI:3/4:67

130 no. 15; illus. XX:3:117 fig 2; 120 fig 5 Van Rensselaer, M., Henry Hobson Richardson

Richards, J. H. and His Works, XVI:3:28 ni 1

St. Peter's P. E. Church, Philadelphia Webster, J. C.

Lithotint of R. S. Smith painting, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 "Richardson's American Express Building,"

capt. fig 27; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 27 IX:l/2:20-24

Richards, J. M 20th c X:3:3; XV:2:30 "Richardson's 'Lost Building' and the

Richards, Joha, Rev., House of, Philadelphia, XIX:1:38 Landowners," VIII:3/4:67

Richards, Raymond House of [Arrochar], Staten Island, IX:l/2:25

Old Cheshire Churches, XVII:2:3 Library of, XII: 1:10

Richards, Richard, 20th c., XIV-.L29 Portr- <H- von Herkomer), XVIII:2:67

Richards, Samuel Work* (Bldgs. Designs, Projects, etc.)

Letter to C. Bulfinch, Mar. 27, 1827, on gate for a^so Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge

Branch Bank of the United States, Philadelphia, Adams <Henry> House see Richardson, Henry

XIV-213 Hobson: Works (Bldgs., Designs, Projects,

Richards, Norris and Clemens, Chicago millwork firm e*c': *lay (yhn) House

Illustrated Catalogue, Description and Price List of Allegheny County Court House and Jail,

Clemens' Ready Made Sectional Houses, Pittsburgh, XIII:l:19-22; XV:2:19;

XI l'28-[30] XVI:3:22-29; XVII:3:20,22; XVIII:2:68;

Richardson (A.) and Co., saw makers, XVI:l:18nllO XIX:1.^0; ''lus; X^I:.3:23 fig 1

Richardson, E. P., VIII:3/4:46 Ame"can Merchants Union Express Co. Bldg.

Richardson, Henry Hobson, and H. Adams, ft f ^

VIII:3/4:67; IX:l/2:35n3; XII:1:7-12; XIII:l:3n,5; ni H A B f ifl/i M

aesthetic origins of, XVII: 1:36; architectural . ,eS ve., os on' "
successor firms of, XVII:3:19-31; Bay Region I Nick ' House' Wa^ngton,

by' X:3:l8'andH1'R !rIage' Andrews (F. W.) House, Newport, IX:l/2:25,27

XVIII:2:68; biogr. data, XII. 1.7-12, and Arrochar, S.I., N.Y., IX: 1/2:25

contemporary designers, 11:1:30; deification of, B , Arm [A , (Sh l Rutan

11:3:18-23; and Deutsche Werkbund, X:3:10; and CooHd j Detrok> IX:1/2:25 XVII:3:20

European architects infl. by, XVIII:2:66-69; Baptist Church, Newton, IX:1 /2:25

importance of, IX:l/2:31-34; as innovator, BraUle s Church> Boston, iX:l/2:25,27,29;

XII:4:16; W. L. B. Jenney infl. by, IX:l/2:30; and j g xx 4 ^

C F. McKim IX:l/2:26 27; IX:3:29; XII: 1:10; G. ^ (with L Eidlitz)> IX:1/2:30n4;

W. Maher s admiration for, XIX: 1:3; Minnesota XVI-3-23 25- XVIII 2-68
architecture infl. by, XIII: 1:19-23 passim, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Cincinnati,
XIX: 1:40; L. E. JVlullgardt in office of, X:3:18; XVI'3*26* XVII*3"20* XVIII*2*66
appreciation of Romanesque, XlllA.5, and cheney Bldg ; Hartford, ix:l/2:26,29
Romanesque Revival style, VII:3/4:25; Church and contiguous parsonage, Columbus,
XII: 1:8-9,12; XII:4:17; XIII:1:19; XIII:4:30; perspective, IX: 1/2:25-26,27

XVII:3:19-23 passim; and F. A. Russell, City Hall, Albany, XVI:3:23,25; XVIII:2:66

XVI:3:29n46; and F. E. Rutan, XVI:3:29n46; Codman (Richard) House, project, IX:l/2:25,27

concern with scale and proportion, XIII: 1:23; Crane Memorial Library, Quincy, XVIII:2:66
school of, XVI:3:22-29; and R. N. Shaw, IX:4:16; Crowninshield House, Boston, IX:l/2:29
style of, XVII:3:19-23; XVIII:2:70; L. Sullivan Detroit work, 11:3:32; 11:4:43
infl. by, IX:l/2:29-30; XIV:3:32; XX:1:16; Dorsheimer (William) House, Albany, project,
XX:3:142; anticipated by R. Upjohn's Corn IX:l/2:30n4

Exchange Bank, XI:2:6; awareness of volume, Dorsheimer (William) House, Buffalo, IX:l/2:25

VI.-3/4:2; wood cottage style of followers of, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, XV:2:22;
IX:1/2:11 XVI:3:24-25,27; XVII:3:22; illus. XVI:3:25

Articles, Books, Papers on fig 3

Hitchcock, H.-R. Equitable Life Assurance Co. Bldg., N.Y.,

Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, competition drawings, 1867, IX:l/2:28

XIX:3:125 Glessner (J. J.) House, Chicago, XVI:3:27;
The Architecture of H. H. Richardson and His XVII:3:20

Times, XV:2:31; XVI:3:28nll Hampden County Court House, Springfield,

Kobayashi, B., Amerika Kenchiku, XVI:4:36 Mass., IX:l/2:27,29

McCallum, I., Architecture USA, XIX:2:87 Harvard University, Cambridge

Mumford, L., The Brown Decades, 11:3:18-23 Austin Hall [Harvard Law School], XVIII:2:66
Law Library, XVII:3:22

Sever Hall, XIL1:11; XVII:3:26; XVIII:2:66


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Richardson - Ricke

Hay (John) House [Adams (Henry) House] City plan, 1737 (W. Mayo), VIII:3/4:21; illus.

Washington, XII:1:7,10-12; XVI:3:25 Vlll:3/4:pl VII fig 1

Houses, 11:1:30 College of William and Mary, Richmond Division,



Industrial architecture, IV:3/4:50 Craig (Adam) House, 111:4:27-28

Lululand [Herkomer (Hubert von) Home], Bushey, Crozet (Claudius) House, 111:4:30
Engl., XV:2:29; XVIII :2:66-68; illus. Cunningham-Archer House (R. Mills, attrib.),




Marshall Field Warehouse, Chicago, 1:2:22; Equestrian Statue of George Washington (R. Mills),
IX: 1/2:21 n,24,26,28,29,30; XIV:3:24; XVII:1:22

XVI:3:22,23; XVII:3:20,21; XVIII:2:66 First Baptist Church (T. U. Walter), 111:4:30

Northern Railroad Station, New London, Founding of, 111:4:26; VIII:3/4:21

XVII:3:20 Gamble Hill [Harvie (Col. John) House ] (B. H.

Paine [Payne] House, Waltham, XII: 1:11 Latrobe), XV:4:29

Phoenix Insurance Bldg., Hartford, IX: 1/2:26,28 Haxall (Boiling W.) Mansion [Woman's Club],
Pray (John H.) Bldg., Boston, XVI:3:26; XVII:3:20 11:2:39

Railroad stations, New England, XVIII:2:68 Henrico County Courthouse, XVIII: 1:2

Sherman (William Watts) House, Newport, Hickock (Mrs. J. J.) House see Richmond, Va.: Ritter

IX: 1/2:25 (William) House

Stoughton (Mrs. M. F.) House, Cambridge, Hollywood Cemetery fences, 111:4:29

XVII: 1:36 ^ Leigh Street Baptist Church (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:36

Summer resort cottages, 11:2:36 Linden Row, West Franklin St., IX:3:26

Trinity Church, Boston, 111:4:5; IX: 1 /2:26,29,34; McRae (Alexander) House [Octagonal office bldg.],

XII: 1:7,8-9; XVI:3:24; XVII:3:23 1805.13) ^39. nI:4:27

Rectory, XILl.-U Marshall (John) House, 111:4:26,28

Tower, XII:l:8-9; XVI:3:23 Masonic Hall, 1787, 111:4:30

Unity Church, Springfield, IX: 1/2:27 Medical College of Virginia [Hampden-Sydney

Warder (B. H.) House, Washington, XVII:3:20 Coll Medica, Dept ]> III:4:30

Western Railway Office, Springfield, IX:1 /2:27 Methodist Institute, 111:4:27

JMCA, Buffalo design, XIII: 1:19 old Stone House III;4;26

Richardson Joseph P (see? also Shepley Bulfinch, Penitentiary, XIX:3:115

Richardson and Abbo t), XVII:3:25 Penitentiary House (B. H. Latrobe),

Richardson, Julia see Shepley, Julia Richardson

Iii Im n/i/i W h/inlntr 111 Im 1/ mhorncAn

XII:4:26,27-30; XV:4:29-30; XVIII:4:152;

XIX:3:115,117; illus. XII:4:27; XIX:3:116

Richardson, William A., b. 1842, XV:l:26n32

Riche Plantation House, Pointe Coupe Parish, La.,

VII:1/2:pl IV fig 7a D1 fig. l. . , It ,
hl. Polygonal bldgs., 11:2:39
Ohio Castle [Cottage; Folly], 11:2:39
House with lean-to, Rte. 303, XII:2:10 J. . V . IIT .-,


Richie, Carrie B XL4:[7] n28 Preservation Restorations, etc., 111:4:26-31

Richmond, I. A. Reynlds .^e^vB'd8jSkldm0re' W,ngS and

The Buildings of England; Northumberland (and N. errJ '' ' '

Pevsner) Richmond Hill House, XIV:2:7

Short rev XVII-2-32 Ritter (William) House [Hickock (Mrs. J. J.) House],



Castlewood (G. Shryock, attrib.), 1:3/4:45 Second Presbyterian Church, 111:4:30

Richmond Va Shockoe Cemetery fences, 111:4:29

American Red Cross, 111:4:30 Valentine Museum [Wickham-Valentine Mansion]

Archer-Cunningham House see Richmond, Va.: . Mills), 1:3/4:21 n; 11:2:39; 111:4:28,29

Cunningham-Archer House Virginia State Library

Architecture, 11:2:38-39 Virginia Cavalcade. XI: 1:32

Barret House, 1844, 111:4:30 Westmoreland Club [Stanard (Robert) House],
Beers (William) House, 111:4:30 111:4:29-30
Bott (Miles) House, 1802, 111:4:30 william and MarV College see Richmond, Va.:

Bransford (Frederick) House, 111:4:30 College of William and Mary

Capitol (C. L. Clrisseau and T. Jefferson), Woman s Club see Richmond, Va.: Haxall (Boiling

VIII:1/2:129; XII:4:28; XVIII:1:6 W.) Mansion

Caskie (John) House [Brockenbrough (Dr. John) YMCA, Negro, 111:4:30

House, First], 111:4:30 Richmond County, Va.

Court houses see Warsaw, Va.

Ricke, Jodoco, Fray, see Jodoco Ricke, Fray


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Ricker - Rio de Janeiro

Ricker, Nathan Clifford, XII:2:32 Rimini

Ricker Library of Architecture see Urbana, 111.: Castle

University of Illinois Medal of (Matteo de Pasti, attrib.), illus. XIV:2:[4]
Rickman, IV:3/4:3; XX:3:149 fig 4
Riddell [Riddle], John, fl. ca. 1845-75, XX:1:[4] n3 S. Francesco [Tempio Malatestiano]

Barcroft and [Weaver] Co., Philadelphia, XX: 1:8; Bldg. (L. B. Alberti), V:8; XVII:3:12; XIX: 1:41;

illus. XX: 1:8 fig 10 illus- XIV;2:[4] 6

Natt (Joseph S.) Store, Philadelphia, XX: 1 :[4]-5; illus. Ite1nfr deration (Agost.no d. Duccio), V:8,11

Medal of (Matteo de Pasti, attrib.), XIX:1:41; illus.

XIV:2:[4] fig 6
Riddle, Wilbur David
r- I r\t a i rr j . Rindge, Warren L 11:2:34; IV: 1:54; XII:3:29
XX: 1:5 fig 3

Early Ohio Architecture oj Lancaster ana Vicinity Rinchrt W H VII*l/2'26

D,CkerS0Il)' XVI:4:31 Ring-road principle, IX: 1/2:35

Ridgefield, N.J. Ringgold, Thomas, IX:4:23nl6
Church, 1792, VII:3/4:31 Ringgold, William, IX:4:23nl6

Ridgely, Charles, 18th c XX:l:22n9 Ringling Museum see Sarasota, Fla.: Ringling (John
Mansion of see Towson, Md.: Hampton Mansion ancj Mable) Museum

Ridgway, Joseph, Jr., of Franklin Co., Ohio, Rio, Diego del, Canon of Santo Domingo, DR.,


Riding halls Rio de Janeiro

Darmstadt (J. M. Schuhknecht), XVII:4:38 Avenida Hotel, XVII:2:31

Ridout, John Benedictine Cloister see Rio de Janeiro: S. Bento

House of, Annapolis, XVIII:2:71 Brazilian Press Association Bldg. [ABI; Associao
Rieff, Joseph, 19th c. carpenter, XV:l:30nl5 Brasileira de Imprensa; Herbert Moses Bldg.]
Riegl, Alois, 1:3/4:11; 111:3:7; X:3:8,ll,12 (Roberto Brothers), XVII:2:31

Riehl, of Neubabelsberg Cathedral, XIV:4:9

House of XX l-42 City plan, Maps, Views, etc., XIV:4:8-9,11

Riemerschmid, Richard, 11:3:12 ^ap, 1874 (J' R Fragso>> iUus- XIV:4:8 fi 6

Rietveld, Gerrit Thomas _Slte' XIV:4;8"9 w

Books on Community Theater, Marchal Hermes (A. E.

Brown, T. M., The Work of G. Rietveld, Architect Re'dy)> X,'2K?5
D U U r> U. i. 1 Day Nursery O. Niemeyer, XVII:2:31

Rev. by H.-R. H.tchcock, XVIII:3:115-116 Fort of t Sebastian> XIV;4:9


Fountain of Maria I, XIV:4:9

Begeer shop-front, Utrecht, XVIII:3:116 Gvea Residential Neighborhood (A. E. Reidy),

Biennale, Venice XX-2-95

Netherlands Pavilion, XVIII:3:116 Governors' Palace [Imperial Palace; Post Office]

Furniture, XVIII:3:115,116 (J. F. P. Alpoim), XIV:4:9; XV:3:18,30n4

G. and Z. C. Jewelry Shop, Amsterdam, Inn of Good Intentions [Hostel for Homeless

XVIII:3:115,116 Persons] (E. Baumgart, G. Pompeu Pinheiro and

Garage, 10 Waldeck Pyrmontkade, Utrecht, A. E. Reidy), XX:2:95

XVIII:3:116 Instituto de Resseguros do Brasil Bldg. (Roberto

Red-blue chair, XVIII:3:115 Brothers), XVII:2:31

Row-housing, XVIII:3:116 Jesuit College, XIV:4:9

Schrder-Schrder (Mrs. Truus) House, Utrecht, MaPs see Rio de Janeiro: City plan, Maps, Views,





Stoop House, Velp, XVIII:3:116 Ministry of Education and Public Health (L. Costa,
Temporary Sculpture Pavilion, Arnhem, A' Feao' 7 M. Moreira, O. Niemeyer, A. E.
XVIII-3116 Reidy, E. Vasconcelos and Le Corbusier),

UNESCO Bldg., Paris ^ XVII:2:30,31; XX:2:95

Interior, XVIII:3:116 CompetitionMorro

do Castelo, XIV.-4:8

World's Fair, 1958, Brussels

n , , ... , . , , , Museum of Modern Art (A. E. Reidy), XX:2:95

Najtonal Pavilion (with others), National Ljbrary

Codex II 33, 26, 13, Memrias e mais papeis

Rigdon, Sidney, XIX:3:109 pertencentes as irmandades do SS. Sacramento,

Rigging lofts e de N. S. da Conceio da Praia da Bahia,
Dunn and Eliot Rigging Lofts, Thomaston, Me., XV:3:16
X:4.-30; illus. X:4:[28] fig 8 National School of Fine Arts, XVII:2:31

Riley, Edward M XIII:3:30, Suppl. 2 Os Arcos Aqueduct, XVII:2:31


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Rio de Janeiro - Roberts

Pedregulho Residential Neighborhood (A. E. Reidy), Riverwood, residence, see Nashville, Tenn.

XVII:2:31; XX:2:95 Rives, 19th c. engineer in office of M. C. Meigs,

Post Office see Rio de Janeiro: Governors' Palace VII:1/2:19

Praa do Palcio, XIV:4:9; illus. XIV:4:8 fig 6 Rivington, James, 18th c., bkseller, XII:3:28;
Rio Seaplane Station (A. C. Lima), XVII:2:31 XX:3:124,127 n8
Rua Direita, XIV.-4:9; illus. XIV:4:8 fig 6 Rivoira, 111:3:6

S. Antonio Convent, XVII:2:31 Roach, George I., 19th c. painting contractor, of

S. Antonio Hill district, redevelopment (A. E. Reidy), Baltimore, XVI: 1:29

XVII:2:31 Roads, Joseph, 18th c., XV:4:25
S. Bento, Benedictine Cloister (J. F. P. Alpoim), Roads see Highways, Roads, Streets, etc.



S. Teresa Convent, XVII:2:31 Cohansey Baptist Church, VII:3/4:31

Skyscraper, Avenida Central (H. E. Mindlin), Roadtown, by E. Chambless, XVIII:3:86-87,93
XVII:2:31 Robarts, A. W 19th c XVI:4:22

University City, University of Brazil (J. M. Moreira), Robb, David M., XIII:3:31; XX:l:20nl
XVII:2:31 Robb, E. Donald, 11:2:13

Riou, Stephen Robbins, fi. 1856 see McKesson and Robbins

Short Principles for the Architecture of Stone Robbins, Allen
Bridges. . ., XX:3:123,129 no.70 Stores of, Chicago, XVI:l:18nllO
Ripley, Thomas Robbins, George E.
The Designs [Plans] of Houghton in Norfolk (with W. House of, Hillsborough, Calif., XX:4:177; illus.
Kent and I. Ware), XX:3:118,130 nos.87 and 17 XX:4:178 figs 19,20
Ripon, Bishop of, ca. 1855, XIX:4:159 Robbins, Oliver W., XIII:2:6
Rippley, J., Jr. Robbins, Washington
House of, Geneva, N.Y., XV:2:16 House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:[32] nl3
Riquelme, Juan, Padre, V:[35] Robert I, Abbot of Cormery, IV:3/4:15
The Rise of the Skyscraper..., by C. W. Condit, Robert II, Abbot of Cormery, IV:3/4:15
XII:3:30-31; XIX:4:180 Robert, fi. 1889
Risom, 20th c. designer, VIII:3/4:46 Tower design, Exposition Universelle, 1889, Paris,
Ristori, fi. 1880's, student of M. Andr, XI:3:31 XVI:4:29 nil
Rites Controversy, Chinese, XIX:2:70 Robert, C. A., partner of C. S. McNally, XIX:2:58
"Rittenhouse stove," XX: 1:23 nil and nlO

Ritter, fi. ca. 1887-1893, in office of Adler and Robert, Hubert

Sullivan, XIX:2:62 Classical Ruins with Figures, painting, 11:3:33
Ritter, William The Old Palace, painting, 11:3:33
House of, Richmond, Va., 111:4:30 Robert de la Tour Landry, fi. 1130, Abbot of
River Forest, III. Saint-Aubin, IV:3/4:23
Golf Club (F. L. Wright), 111:4:51 Robert E. Lee, steamboat, XI:4:[31] and nl5
Roberts (Isabel) House, 1908 (F. L. Wright), Roberto, Marcelo see Roberto Brothers
XIX:4:183 Roberto, Milton see Roberto Brothers
Willits (Ward) House (F. L. Wright), XIX: 1:7-8; Roberto Brothers
XIX:4:183 Airport, Santos Dumont, XVII:2:31

Winslow (W. H.) House (F. L. Wright), XVIII:2:64; Brazilian Press Association Bldg. [ABI; Associao

XIX:l:4n6; XIX:2:64; illus. XVIII:2:64 fig 2 Brasileira de Imprensa; Herbert Moses Bldg.],
Rivera, Diego de, d. 1662, Fray, XV:1:12,13 Rio de Janeiro, XVII :2:31
Riverdale, Md. Instituto de Resseguros do Brasil Bldg., Rio de

Riversdale [Stier-Calvert Mansion], X:2:22-23 Janeiro, XVII:2:31

Rivero, Diaz del see Diaz del Rivero Roberts, fl. 1735, Bishop
Rivers, James, X:4:[31] n4 Watercolor of Charles Town [Charleston], S.C.,
Riverside, 111. XVIII:3:113
Babson (Henry) House (L. Sullivan), XIX:2:63,64-68 Roberts, David, fi. 1856, XIX:4:159n72
Furniture (Purcell and Elmslie), XIX:2:66 n23 Roberts, Eben Ezra, 111:4:17,18
City plan, XVI: 1:19 n 126 Roberts, George

Coonley (Avery) House (F. L. Wright), 111:4:51; Triumph on Fairmount: Fiske Kimball and the
XVIII:2:64; XIX:2:64; XIX:3:130; XIX:4:183 Philadelphia Museum of Art (and M. Roberts)
Playhouse, XVIII:3:115 Brief rev., XIX: 1:43
Riverside, St. Mary's Seminary see Burlington, N.J. Roberts, H. V. Molesworth
Riverton, N.J. "Recording Dates of Buildings," XII:3:23-26
Villas (S. Sloan), XIX:1:37 Roberts, Harry, 20th c., XIV:1:25 n32

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Roberts - Rodriguez
Roberts, Hugh, 18th c of Philadelphia, XIX:3:117 Rockbridge Baths, Va., founding of, IX:3:19
Roberts, Isabel Rockefeller, John Davison, Jr., and Philipse Castle
House of, River Forest, 111., XIX:4:183 restoration, 111:1/2:48; 111:4:7; and Rockefeller

Roberts, Mary Center, X: 1:12-16; and Williamsburg restoration,

Triumph on Fairmount: Fiske Kimball and the 1:3/4:16
Philadelphia Museum of Art (and G. Roberts) Rockefeller, John Davison, III, X:l:16
Brief rev., XIX: 1:43 Rockefeller, Laurence, XIX:2:83
Roberts, Taylor Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich, XIX:4:172 nl
Map of N.Y., 1796, XVI:1:18 n97 Rockefeller Foundation, 111:3:29-30; 111:4:49-50

Roberts, Willm, 18th c., XV:4:25 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, XVII:3:28

Robertson, fl. 1929, engineer, see Todd, Robertson and Rockingham, Vt.

Todd Engineering Corp. Meeting House, VII:3/4:29

Robertson, fl. 1935, Dr., of San Francisco, 111:4:27 Rockland, Me.

Robertson, Donald Struan Farnsworth Museum, XX: 1:38
Greek and Roman Architecture, XVII: 1:33; XVII:4:35 Rockledge [The Den; Ballendine (John) Residence]

Robertson, Rhodes, XII:3:29 (W. Buckland, attrib.), XIII:2:3

Robie, Frederick Rockwell, Ford A., XVIII:4:156

House of see Chicago: Robie (Frederick) House Rockwell, J., fl. 1835, cabinet maker, 11:4:13

Robinson, of Nacogdoches Co., Tex. j^e ^rt and Civilization of the Eighteenth
Residence of see Elliott-Robinson Residence Century, by T. Mller, A. Schnberger, and H.

Robinson, Alfred, fl. 1830, traveler in Calif, Soehner XIX-4184

,.XV:1 :^!'261n5, lr Rococo architecture

Robinson, Charles Mulford aho Eighteenth-century architecture
. France, V:[42]-46; XVIII:4:142

The Improvement of Towns and Cities, 111:1/2:8 Germany V 43 XVI 2 31

Modern Civic Art,111:1/2:8 Portugal, XV^-.S

l y pans, . . Rococo sculpture, XV:3:21

Robinson, David, 20th c., IV:3/4:51

Robinson, Douglass, 19th c., of N. Y, XV:4:21 n51
Robinson, Edward, 19th c., Hon., X:4:25
Houses of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:25-26,29,[32] nl3;

Rococo style, definition, V:43


St. Pre

Bible, XII:3:12

ill us. X:4:27 fig 2

Roda, Simon see Rodilla, Simon

Robinson, Edward S., 20th c., Prof, of philosophy, _ , , , _

X 4 [321 n 15 Rodabaugh, James H.

Robinson, Mary, early 17th c., of London, XVII: 1:13 _ <4Adena Restored,XII:2:25

Robinson, Solon Rodgers, John B. see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill

"A Cheap Farm House," 11:4:8 Rodia> Sam Rodi,,a' Simon

Robinson, Willm, 18th c XV:4:25 Rodilla, Simon [Roda, Simon; Rodia, Sam]

Robinson-Elliott Residence, ca. 1880, Nacogdoches Watts Tower, Los Angeles, XIX:4:180
Co., Tex. see Elliott-Robinson Residence Rodney, George Brydges, 1st Baron Rodney

Robyn, Edward Memorial, Spanish Town, X:3:22,24; illus. X:3:22,24;

Scra'pbook, X:2:19 illus; X:3:[23] figs 1,3

Rocha, Jos Joaquim da Rodney, Richard S., Judge, XIII:3:Suppl. 7,

N. S. da Conceio da Praia, Salvador 16 capt. fig 24
Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, ceiling Rodos see Rhodes

painting, XV:3:21-22; illus. XV:3:21 fig 12 Rodrigue [Rodrique], W.

Rochambeau, Comte de Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings,
Maps of Williamsburg, Va., XIV:1:14 XVI:2:23,26
Roche, Martin, 1853-1927 (see also Holabird and Rodrigues dos Santos, Manuel see Santos, Manuel
Roche), XI : 1:27 Rodrigues dos
Rochester, Engl. Rodrigues Lanarote, Antonio see Lanarote, Antonio


Main portal, VII:3/4:11 Rodrigues Lanarote, Loureno see Lanarote,

Piers, 12th c., XVII:3:9n29 Loureno Rodrigues
Rochester, N.Y. Rodrigues Mendes, Antonio see Mendes, Antonio
Society for the Preservation of Landmarks in Rodrigues

Western New York Rodrigues-Mir, Joaquin Manzanares see Manzanares

Headquarters [Campbell-Whittlesey House], X:l:27 Rodrigues-Mir, Joaquin

Rockaway, N.Y. see Far Rockaway, N.Y. Rodriguez, Alonso, V:[l]


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Rodriguez - Romano
Rodriguez, Flix Rogers, James Gamble, XIX: 1:6

Retable of Jesus Nazareno, Granada Cathedral (with Rogers, Nicolas, of Druid Hill, XIV:1:26
J. Narvez and M. F. Raya), XV:1:11 nil Rogers, Randolph, fl. 1860, VII:l/2:26
Rodriguez, Lorenzo, estipite as mark of, V:27,30-31; Rogers, Samuel, fl. 1817, 11:4:10
learned from predecessors, V:30; as link between Rohde, Francisco Jos, V:[24]
Spain and New World, XV: 1:6-7,8; school of, Rohe, Ludwig Mies van der see Mies van der Rohe,

V:27,31,32; supervision of Las Vizcaines chapel Ludwig

doorway, Mexico City, V:31 nl6 Roland, Chanson de [Yo/ig of], see Chanson de Roland

Cathedral, Mexico City Rolfe, Thomas

Altar del Perdon (and J. Balvs), XV: 1:7; illus. House of see Smith's Fort Plantation

XV: 1:9 fig 6 Roller spinning machine (P. Lewis), VIII: 1 /2:4-5,26 n7

Regina Codi, Mexico City Roma Vecchia w Via dej Quintilii

Retablo Mayor XV: 1:11 nil Romainmtier, Switz.

Sagrano Metropolitana Mexico City Romanesque church, XVIII:3:95,98,100; illus.

S. faade, V:30-32; illus. V:[30b] fig 7 XVIII-3101 fie 7

Rodriguez, Ventura, XVIII:4:167 , T D , . ..

n j n j ,i7 The Roman Brick Industry and Its Relationship to

Rodrique, W. we Rodrigue, W. ' r

Roebling, John, IV:3/4:53 Roman Architecture, by H. Bloch, 1:1:3-8

Brooklyn Bridge, N.Y. (and W. Roebling), IV:3/4:53; Roman cement, XX:4:195,196,197

XII-1-21- XVII-3-35- illus XII-119 fig 11 Roman Construction in Italy from Tiberius through the

Canal aqueducts, XVI: 1:11 ' Flavians, by M. E. Blake

Monongahela Bridge, Pittsburgh, IV:3/4:53; Rev by W* L MacDonald, XIX:2:86

XVI* 1 11 Roman foot, measurement, XVI:2:2,3,5;
Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge, IV:3/4:53; XVI:3:7-8,12-15
XVI:1:11* XVII:4:28 Roman house, XIII:4:26nlO

Ohio River Suspension Bridge, Cincinnati, Roman Towns, by E. Nash, IV:3/4:52-53

XV:4:21 n24 Romanesque architecture (see also Medieval

Wire cable manufacture, XVI.Lll architecture), XVI:3 (Special Issue); proportions of,

Roebling, Washington, IV:3/4:53 XVIII:3:94-103; style (defined), 11:3:3-5, (first),

Brooklyn Bridge, N.Y. (and J. Roebling), IV:3/4:53; XVI:3:18
XII: 1:21; XVII:3:35; illus. XII:1:19 fig 11 Books

Roehampton House (T. Archer), XVI:2:18; illus. Aubert, M. (and G. A. deMaill), L'Architecture
XVI:2:19 fig 8 cistercienne en France, XVII:3:33-34;
Roelantsen, Adem, XI:2:20 XVIII:4:165,167

Rogers, Howland, of Marshfield, Mass., X:4:25 Conant, K. J., Carolingian and Romanesque

Rogers, Isaiah, D. P. Myers, Jr. on, VIII: 1 /2:135; Architecture, XIX:2:88; XIX:4:176-177
XI:4:25; need for study of, 11:2:27; study of, Evans, J., The Romanesque Architecture of the

VIII:l/2:87; as U.S. Supervising Architect Order of Cluny, XVII:3:33

[Engineer-in-Charge], XIII:3:Suppl. 2; XX:4:198 Rvoil, H., Architecture romane du Midi de la

Diaries, XIII: 1:28 France, XII: 1:9

Works Stewart, C., Simpson's History of Architectural

Astor House, N.Y., XIII:3:17; XVI:1:25; Development, Vol. II, XVII:3:33-34
XVIII:4:134; XIX:2:77 England [Saxon architecture], XVIII:4:123-125

Brazer's Bldg., Boston (attnb.), XX:1:12; illus. France, IV:3/4:6-23,42; VII:3/4:22-23; XI:3:17-22;

XX: 1:12 fig 19

Burnet House, Cincinnati, VI:3/4:18,21

XII: 1:9; XVII:3:19


Capitol [State House], Columbus, work on,


Lombardy, XX: 1:9


Custom House, Boston (and A. B. Young), Romanesque p.er see P.ers (Supports): Romanesque

XIX-3119 Romanesque Revival

Custom house with Ionic colonnade, XVII:1:33 n2 Canada, XIV:3:12-13

Girard College, Philadelphia, competition Germany, XX: 1:9

drawings, XVI*2:23,26 U.S., before H. H. Richardson, XIII:4:30; of H. H.

Merchants' Exchange, Boston, XX:1:12 Richardson, VII:3/4:25; XII:1:8-9,12; XII:4:17;

Second Bank of the United States [Old Custom XIII:1:19; XVI:3:22-28; XVII:3:19-23; of T.
House; United States Bank of Pennsylvania], Tefft, XX: 1:9

Philadelphia Minneapolis, XIII:1:19

Repair and alteration, 1864-65, XIII:3:Suppl. 2 Pittsburgh, XVI:3:22-28

Tremont House, Boston, XVII:2:32; XIX:2:77; Romania see Rumania

XX:2:65 nl6 Romano, Giulio see Giulio Romano


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Rome (City) - Rome (City)

Rome (City) Casa di Raffaeli, Via Borghonovo, 111:1/2:26; illus.
Acadmie de France (see also Rome (City): Villas: III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 12

Medici), 1:2:5-10; XIX:l:22n39 Castel Sant'Angelo [Hadrian's Mausoleum],

Accademia di S. Luca, XI:2:26; XIV:4:13 VIII:3/4:34; XIII:3:10nl; XVII:3:16; illus.

Acqua Felice ree Rome (City): Fountains XVII:3:17 fig 22

Aedes Divi Julii see Rome (City): Temple of Caesar Celius [Caelian] Hill, VIII:3/4:33; XII:3:4
Alta Semita see Rome (City): Streets: Via Quirinale Circus Maximus, XII:3:5
American Academy, reorganization to include Art Circus of Domitian, XIV.l :10
History, VI: 1 /2:[33] Circus of Maxentius, XVII:4:3; illus. XVII:4:3
Photo Reference Collection of Roman figs 4,5
Architecture and Topography, XVI:3:36 Cisterns, VII:3/4:[33]
Apartment houses, Parioli district, XI:2:26 City plan, Maps, Views, etc.
Arch of Augustus, XX:2:85 City plan
Arch of Constantine, XII:4:15 Ancient, 111:1/2:23,25; IV:1:31;
Architecture, R. W. Emerson on, VII:3/4:[17]; VIII:3/4:32,33-34,36,41;
pagan, converted to Christian use, XII:3:3-6 illus. VIII:3/4:pl XIV

Books Baroque [16th-17th centuries], X:2:3;

Magnuson, T., Studies in Roman Quattrocento XIV.1:8-13; XIV:4:17

Architecture, XX: 1:40-41 Maps
Photograph collections, XVI:3:36 15th c., XX:1:41
Argiletum see Rome (City): Streets 1551 (Bufalini), illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1
Aurelian walls, VIII:3/4:33; XIX:3:97,99,100 1577 (E. Du Prac and A. Lafrry), XIV:4:31;
Barcaccia see Rome (City): Fountains XIX:3:106n35
Barracks of police and firemen see Rome (City): 1593 (Tempesta), XIX:3:99nl0
Statio Cohortis V Vigilum 1618 (Greuter), XIX:3:99nlO
Basilica di Massenzio [of Maxentius], 111:1/2:27 1668 (G. B. de Rossi), XIX:3:99nl0
Basilica Eudoxiana see Rome (City): S. Pietro in 1676 (Falda), XIX.-3:99nlO

Vincoli Ancient, illus. VIII:3/4:pl XIV

Basilica Matidiae, XII:3:4 Bibl., XIX:3:99nl0

Basilica Nova, XVII:4:2,5 Topography, photographs of, XVI:3:36

Baths of Caracalla [Terme di Caracalla], 11:2:25; Views




Baths of Diocletian [Terme di Diocleziano], 1:1:7; Nash, E., photographs, IV:3/4:52

XVII:3:34; XIX:3:97; illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1 Piranesi, G. B., XII: 1:32; XIV:2:8

Belvedere Court see Rome (City): Vatican: Parts, Colonna di Marco Aurelio see Rome (City): Marcus
Furnishings, etc.: Cortile del Belvedere Aurelius' Column

Biblioteca Nazionale, XI:2:26 Colonna Traiana see Rome (City): Trajan's Column

Borgo S. Pietro, XII:3:5,6 Colosseum, use of orders on, XVII:4:35; on outskirts

Bridges, VII:3/4:[33]-34 of Rome, XIX:4:137
British Art Exhibition Building (E. L. Lutyens), Comitium, VII:3/4:35
111:4:15 Cordonata Ramp (G. della Porta), XIV: 1:9

British School Corso see Rome (City): Streets

Bldg. (E. L. Lutyens), 111:4:15 Curia [Curia Julia; Curia Senatus; Senate Chamber],
Collection of early guides to Rome, XI:2:26 XII:3:6; XIII:4:21,22
Calcografia Nazionale, XI:2:26 Description see Rome (City): City plan, Maps,
Campidoglio [Capitoline Square] (Michelangelo), Views, etc.
111:1/2:23,26; XIV: 1:8-9,10,12; illus. Diaconiae, XII:3:3-6
111:1 /2:[22a] fig 3; XIV:1:9 fig 1 Dioscurides statues, XIV:1:9; XIX:3:97

Campo Marzio [Campus Martius], VIII:3/4:33; Domus Aurea, XVII:4:6

XII:3:5,6; illus. VIII:3/4:pl XIV Drain in front of Temple of Saturn, VII:3/4:34
Replanning, ca. 1520 (Raphael and A. da Emporium
Sangallo, the younger), X:2:3; illus. X:2:4 Porticus Aemilia, VII:3/4:34
Cancelleria see Rome (City): Palazzo della Esquiline Hill, VIII:3/4:33; XII:3:4; XIII:4:21
Cancelleria Fires, VIII:3/4:34; XI:2:17

Capitol, Ancient see Rome (City): Palazzo dei Fortifications (A. da Sangallo, the younger), XIII:3:5


Capitoline Hill, VIII:3/4:33; XIII:4:21; XIV:1:8 Augustus, XIII:4:21-26; illus. III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 15;
Capitoline Museum tee Rome (City): Museo XIII:4:21 fig 1; 25 fig 2



Capitoline Square see Rome (City): Campidoglio Caesar, XIII:4:21-26; illus. XIII:4:25 fig 2

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Rome (City) - Rome (City)

Imperial, XIII:4:21-26; ill us. XIII:4:21 fig 1; Lateran Basilica see Rome (City): S. Giovanni in
25 fig 2 Laterano
Nerva [Transitorium], XIII:4:21,22-23; illus. Lateran Palace
XIII:4:25 fig 2 Museum
Romanum, 111:1/2:23; XII:3:5,6; XIII:4:10,21,22; Fresco of the Via Pia, XIX:3:99,108; illus.
illus. 111:1 /2:[22a] fig 4 XIX:3:99 fig 3
Trajan (Apollodorus), 11:2:12; 111:1/2:25,26; Lateran Staircase see Rome (City): Scala Santa
IV:3/4:52; VIII:3/4:34; XIII:4:21-26; illus. Licinian Gardens, 111:1/2:62
111:1 /2:[22a] figs 13,15; XIII:4:21 fig 1; Loggia, 4th c., Forum Boarium, XII:3:3
25 fig 2 Macellum Liviae, XII:3:4
Vespasian [Templum Pacis], XIII:4:21-26; illus. Maps see Rome (City): City plan, Maps, Views, etc.
XIII:4:25 fig 2 Marcus Aurelius' Column, Piazza Colonna,



Acqua Felice, XIX:3:99 n9,106; illus. XIX:3:99 Marcus Aurelius' Equestrian Statue, Capitoline

fig 3; 106 fig 17 Square, 111:1/2:23,27; XIV:1:9

Barcaccia (P. Bernini), XIV:1:12; illus. XIV:1:12 Markets of Trajan see Rome (City): Mercati Traiani

fig 8 Mausoleum of Augustus, 111:1/2:27

Fontana del Moro, Piazza Navona, XIV: 1:11; illus. Mausoleum of Hadrian see Rome (City): Castel Sant'

XIV: 1:10 fig 4 Angelo

Fontana di Trevi (P. Bracci and N. Salvi), Mercati Traiani [Trajan's Markets], VIII:3/4:34;
XIV:1:9,12-13 XIII:4:23,24; XIX:2:86

Engr. of (G. B. Piranesi), illus. XIV:1:13 fig 10 Monasteries, XVI:3:10

Project (G. L. Bernini), XIV:1:12-13 Monte Cavallo, XIX:3:97; illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1

Fontana Pubblica (G. B. da Vignola), IX:4:13 Montecitorio Obelisk see Rome (City): Obelisks:
Fountain of Neptune, Piazza Navona, XIV.Lll; Obelisk of Montecitorio

illus. XIV: 1:10 fig 4 Mostra Felice see Rome (City): Fountains

Fountain of the Naiads Muro Torto, XIX:l:22n39

Statues (M. Rutelli), XIX:4:184 Museo Capitolino

Fountain of the Rivers, Piazza Navona, XIV:1:11; Bldg., XIV:1:8; illus. 111:1 /2:[22a] fig 3; XIV:1:9
illus. XIV: 1:10 fig 4 fig'

Mostra Felice, location, illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1 Murals, Apollo and the Muses (Lo Spagna), V:ll
French Academy ice Rome (City): Acadmie de Detail, Urania, illus. V:8[b] fig 16b



Il Ges Gate [Portal], formerly at Villa of Cardinal Jean

Bldg. (G. B. da Vignola), IX:4:10,13; XVI:1:8; du Bellay, XIX:3:107 n37

XIX:4:177 Nero's Golden House see Rome (City): Golden

Dome (G. B. da Vignola), XV:2:3 House of Nero

Faade (G. della Porta), XV:1:5 Obelisks, 111:1/2:27
Faade designs Obelisk of Domitian, Piazza Navona, XIV:1:11;
Alessi, G., IX:4:13 illus- XIV:1:10 fig 4

Vignola, IX:4:11,13 Obelisk of Montecitorio, 111:1/2:27

Perspective representations in, 1685, XV:2:10nll Piazza del Popolo, XIV:1:9; illus. VIII:3/4:pl IV

Vault (G. B. da Vignola [and G. della Porta, fig 3b; XIV: 1:9 fig 2
attrib.]), XVII:4:22,23-24 Piazza della Rotonda, illus. XIX:4:135 fig 1

Golden House of Nero, XIII:4:24 piazza di San Pietro, 111:1/2:27; XIV:1:10; illus.
Hadrian's Mausoleum see Rome (City): Castel III:l/2:[22a] fig 16; XIV:1:10 fig 3

Sant'Angelo Piazza [e Scala] di Spagna, XIV: 1:12; illus.

Heroon Romuli, XII:3:6 XIV: 1:13 fig 9

Hills, VIII:3/4:33; XII:3:5; XIII:4:21,23,26; illus. Porta Pia, proposed erection of, XIX:3:100nl8

VIII:3/4:pl XIV Old St. Peter's sec Rome (City): S. Peter's: Old Saint
Horrea Agrippiana, XII:3:4,5 Peter's

House of the Seven Planets see Rome (City): Oratorio dei Filippini (F. Borromini), XV:3:13

Septizonium Oratory of the Forty Martyrs see Rome (City): S.

Insulae, XII: 1:13,20; XX: 1:40 Maria Antiqua

International Union of the Institutes of Archeology, Ospedale di San Giacomo degli Incurabili see Rome

History and History of Art (City): S. Giacomo degli Incurabili

Photo Reference Collection, XVI:3:36 Palaces, Ancient

Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte, Domitian, XIIL4:24
Xj.2-26 Flavian, XVII:4:4; XX:1:43
Keats-Shelley Memorial
Library, XI:2:26


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Rome (City) - Rome (City)

Rome (City) (Cont.) Piazza del Popolo, VIII:3/4:11; XIV:l:8-9; illus.

Palaces, Ancient VIII:3/4:pl IV fig 3b; XIV:l:fig 2

Imperial, XII:3:4 Obelisk see Rome (City): Obelisks: Piazza del

Neronian, XVII:4:4 Popolo

Palatine Palace, XI:2:15 Piazza dell'Esedra [della Repubblica], XIX:3:107;

Roman Emperors XIX:4:184

Hippodrome, XIV:4:31 Piazza della Fontana di Trevi, XIV:1:9,12-13; illus.

Palatine Hill, VIII:3/4:8,33; XII:3:4,5; XIV:4:31; XIV:1:13 fig 10

XVII-4-4 Piazza della Rotonda, illus. XIX:4:135 fig 1
Palazzo Barbo (Cardinal Pietro) w Rome (City): Piazza di San Pietro [Piazza of the Vatican]

Palazzo Venezia Rome (Clty): S- Peter s: San Pletro ln

Palazzo Caffarelli see Rome (City): Palazzo Vidoni Vaticano
. , . , . , 0 Colonnade (G. L. Bernini, XIV: 1:9;

dei Conservaton, XIV:1:8 V,,IT, . .,, VI ' . ... .. v... .
. , o . r ,, XVIII:4:146 n56; XIX:4:142; illus. XIV:1:10

Palazzo dei Senaton [ancient capitol], 111:1/2:23;

XIV:1:8,9; illus. IIL1:1

/ 2:[22a] fig 3; XIV:1:9 _ '8. - - , . v, , .. . VI., ,
J Fountain (C. Maderno), XIV:1:10; illus. XIV:1:10

fig 1

fig 3

Palazzo del Laterano see Rome (City): Lateran 0bdisk w Rome (aty). obeljsks: piazza di San

Palazzo della Cancellena, XX:1:40 Piazza (G. L. Bernini), 111:1/2:26,27; XIV:1:9-10;

Palazzo di San Marco see Rome (City): Palazzo XVIII:2:54; XIX:4:183; illus. XIV:1:10 fig 3
Barbo Projects

Palazzo Farnese [Palace of the Duke of Castro, i.e. Fontana, C., 111:1/2:26- illus. III: 1 /2:[22a]

Pope Paul III], XIII:3:4,8,10 n5; XV:2:11 n48 flg 14

Cornice competition, XIII:3:5 Rainaldi, C 111:1/2:26; illus. III:l/2:[22a]

Decorations (G. B. da Vignola), IX:4:10 fig 16

Plan, drawing (A. da Sangallo, the younger), Rainaldi, F., XIV: 1:9
XIII:3:8; illus. XIII:3:[6] fig 3 Piazza [e Scala] di Spagna (F. de' Santis and A.
Rebldg., XIII:3:5 Specchi), XIV:1:9,11,12; illus. XIV:1:12 fig 8;
Windows, drawings, XIX:3:102n21 13 fig 9

Profiles of mouldings (A. da Sangallo, the Obelisk see Rome (City): Obelisks: Piazza di
younger), XIII:3:8; illus. XIII:3:[6]fig 4 Spagna
Palazzo Farnesina see Rome (City): Villas: Farnesina Piazza Navona (G. L. Bernini), XIV: 1:9,10-11; illus.
Palazzo Maccarani (Giulio Romano), XVIII:3:117 XIV:1:10 fig 4
Palazzo Massimi (B. Peruzzi), XIII:3:11 n27; Obelisk see Rome (City): Obelisks: Obelisk of
XVII:4:23 Domitian

Palazzo Mattei (C. Maderna), XVIII:4:147; illus. Piazza Rusticucci, XIV:1:10

XVIII:4:147 fig 3 Piazza San Ignazio, XI:2:26; XIV:1:11,12; illus.
Palazzo Poli, XIV: 1:13 . XIV: 1:12 fig 7

Palazzo Venezia [Palazzo Barbo (Cardinal Pietro); Piazza Santa Maria della Pace, XIV: 1:11-12; illus.

Palazzo di San Marco], XX:1:40-41 XIV:1:11 figs 5,6

Medals, XX: 1:40 P,azza Venezia, XI:2:26; XIX:3:97 n3

Palazzo Vidoni-Caffarelli (Raphael), XIII:3:9 Pincian Hill, IV: 1:37; XIV: 1:9

Pantheon, VIII:3/4:34; XII:3:5; XVII:4:35; XIX:2:86; fP

(Nannl dl Baccl B'g10*- XIV:1:9;
XIX:3:129,131; XIX:4:135-144; illus. XIX:4:135
figs 1,2
Attic, XIX:4:144

Alterations and additions (G. L. Bernini),


-, , ... . ,, . . , Porta Nomentana, XIX:3:97; illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1

a A porta Pia (Michelangelo), XIX:3:97-108; illus.

xvm.3.118, XIX.4.135,142, illus. XVII.4.4 XIX:3:98-106 figs 1-11,13-15,17
fig 7; 5 fig 8; XIX:4:135 figs 1,2 porta Salariaj XIX:3:97; illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1
Pavement, XIX:4:139; illus. XIX:4:135 fig 2 porticus AemiUa VII:3/4:34

Portico, XIX:4:135,136,137; illus. XIX:4:135 fig 1 Porticus Apsidata, XIII:4:23

Views of Porticus Minucia, XII:3:5

Canaletto painting, 11:3:32 Portuguese Church see Rome (City): S. Antonio

Piranesi engraving, XVII:4:4 de' Portoghesi

Wall structure, XVII:4:6 Quirinal Hill, VIII:3/4:33; XIII:4:21; XIX:3:97
Piazza Colonna, 111:1/2:27 Map, 1551 (Bufalini), illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1

Piazza Dante (Vanvitelli), XIX:4:142 Row houses, XX: 1:40


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Rome (City) - Rome (City)






Adriano, XII:3:6 Maria ad Martyres, XII:3:5,6

Agata, XII:3:6 Maria ai Monti [de' Monti]

Agnese Vault (G. della Porta), XVII:4:22
Bldg. (F. Borromini, C. Rainaldi and G. Maria Antiqua, XII:3:4,5,6
Rainaldi), 111:3:13; XIV:1:10-11; XV:3:18; Oratory of the Forty Martyrs, XII:3:4
illus. XIV:1:10 fig 4 Maria Aventina see Rome (City): S. Maria del
Sacristy (F. Borromini), XV:3:23n38 Priorato
Alessio [S. Bonifacio], XII:3:4,6 Maria degli Angeli (F. Brunelleschi), XIII:3:4;
Andrea (G. B. da Vignola), IX:4:13 XVII:l:9nl2
Andrea al Quirinale Maria dei Miracoli, XIV: 1:9; illus. XIV: 1:9 fig 2
Faade (G. L. Bernini), XVI: 1:10 Maria dei Sette Dolori

Andrea della Valle Faade (F. Borromini), XV:3:19; illus. XV:3:18




Vaults, XVII:4:22 Nave (F. Borromini), XV:3:23n38

Andrea delle Fratte Maria del Campidoglio see Rome (City): S. Maria

Campanile (F. Borromini), XIX:4:139 in Aracoeli

Angelo in Pescheria, XII:3:5 Maria del Popolo
Antonio de' Portoghesi [Portuguese Church], Chancel, XVII:4:23
XV:3:20 Maria del Priorato [Santa Maria Aventina] (G. B.
Bonifacio Rome (City): S. Alessio Piranesi), XII:1:32
Carlino see Rome (City): S. Carlo aile Quattro Maria dell'Orto (G. B. da Vignola), IX:4:10,11
Fontane Maria della Pace (P. da Cortona), XIII:1:12;

Carlo al Corso, XV:2:20 XIV:1:9,11-12; illus. XIV:1:11 figs 5,6

Carlo aile Quattro Fontane [S. Carlino] Maria di Loreto (A. da Sangallo, the younger),
Church (F. Borromini), VIII: 1 /2:37; XIII:3:4; XVI:l:10n9

XV:2:4,5,6,11 n23; XV:3:13; XVI:1:8 Maria di [in] Monserrato (A. da Sangallo, the
Cloister (F. Borromini), XV:3:20,23 n38 eider), XIII:3:11 n27






Painting of (Berckheyde), 11:3:32 Maria in Aracoeli [S. Maria del Campidoglio]

Cosma e Damiano, XII:3:6 Bracci (Cecchino) Tomb

Costanza [Tomb of], XVI: 1:4; XVII:1:3,9 nnl2,15; Designs (Michelangelo), XIX:3:104

XVII:3:34; XVII:4:6,8 n34; XX:2:78; illus. Maria in Cosmedin, XII:3:3,4,5; illus. XII:3:5 fig 1
XVII: 1:[6] fig 7 Maria in Domnica, XII:3:4,6

Eustachio, XII:3:5 Maria in Monte Santo, XIV:1:9; illus. XIV:1:9

Giacomo degli Incurabili, Ospedale di fig 2

Church projects Maria in Porta Paradisi, XIII:3:11 nl6

Peruzzi, B XIII:3:4-5; illus. XIII:3:[6] fig 2 Maria in Via Lata, XII:3:3-4,5

Sangallo, A. da, the younger, XIII:3:4-5; illus. Fresco of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane,
XIII:3:[6] fig 1 XII:3:4

Giorgio in [al] Velabro, XII:3:4,5 Maria Maddalena

Giovanni dei Fiorentini Faade (G. Sardi), XV: 1:5

Competition, XIII:3:4 Maria Maggiore, 111:1/2:27; X:2:3

Designs, Projects, Studies Ciborium, 1463-64, XVII:l:10nl6

Michelangelo, XIII:3:4; XIII:4:32 Maria sopra Minerva, XIII:3:9

Sangallo, A. da, the younger, XIII:3:4,9; Tomb of Paul IV (P. Ligorio), XIV:4:31
XVI: 1:9; illus. XIII:3:[7] figs 6,7 Paolo fuori-le-Mura, XVI:3:10; XVII:2:16; illus.
Giovanni in Laterano [Lateran Basilica], IV:3/4:4 XVII:2:17 fig 37

Baptistry, XVII:4:8 n34 Bible of Charles the Bald

Faade, XIV:3:14 Illus. of the Judgment of Solomon, XX:2:82

Nave rearrangement (F. Borromini), XV:3:23n38 Peter's

Ignazio (Algardi and O. Grassi), XIV:1:9,12; illus. Old Saint Peter's, IV:3/4:4; XII:3:6; XVII:3:34;
XIV:1:12 fig 7 XVIII:3:95,98-99; illus. XVIII:3:98 fig 1

Ivo della Sapienza San Pietro in Vaticano (see also Rome (City):
Bldg. (F. Borromini), XV:2:4 Piazza di San Pietro), aerial view of, illus.
Dome (F. Borromini), XV:2:6; XVII:4:4 capt. XIV:1:10 fig 3; copied, XIV:3:11,12,13-14;
fig 7 R. W. Emerson on, VII:3/4:[17];
Plan (F. Borromini), XIII:4:32 foundation of, 1506, XIV:2:[4] capt. figs

Lorenzo fuori-le-Mura, Basilica of, 111:1/2:62; 9,10; linked to Tiber by Mussolini's avenue,

IV:3/4:57; XI:2:26 XIV:1:10; use of materials from excavations

Lucia in Orphea, XII:3:6 in Roman Forum, 111:1/2:23; measuring

Lucia in Septem Vias, XII:3:4,5


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Rome (City) - Rome (City)

Rome (City) (Cont.) Vito, XII:3:6

[SS.] Vito in Macello, XII:3:4

Peter's Scala di Spagna see Rome (City): Piazza [e Scala] di
unit used in, XVI:2:3-5; XVI:3:13; Spagna

multiplicity of architects and consultants, Scala Santa [Lateran Staircase; Santuario della Scala

XII:2:8; XIII:3:4,5,8,9; Nicholas V's plans Santa in Laterano], XII:3:5

for, XX: 1:40; painting of (Pannini), 11:3:33; Senate Chamber see Rome (City): Curia

G. Ponti on, XX:3:147; size used as Septizonium, XIV:4:31

reference, XVI:4:25 Servian Wall, XIII:4:21

Architecture (Design, Supervision, etc.) Sewers, ancient, VII:3/4:[33]; VIII:3/4:33

Bramante work, XIII:3:4,8,9; XVII:4:22; Spanish Steps see Rome (City): Piazza [e Scala] di
XVIII:3:118 Spagna
Medal of (Caradosso, attrib.), illus. Stat!0 Cohortts V Vigilum [Barracks of police and

XIV:2:[4] fig 10; XVII:3:17 fig 18 firemen], XII:3:4,5

Fra Giocondo work, XIII:3:8 Streets' anclent' VIII:3/4:31,33; illus. VIII:3/4:pl

Ligorio work, XIII:3:8 A,XI^; sixteenth century, illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1

Michelangelo work, XIII:3:5,10 n5 Alta Semite see Rome (City): Streets: Via Qu.nnale
D 1 VT,. 1 c o Argiletum, XIII:4:21,22

Peruzzi work, XIII:3:5,8 * XIV-1-9

Raphael work XIII:3:3,8; XVIII:3:117,118 via B;buin0, XIV;1;9

Sangallo (A. da the younger) work, via Bibratica ni;1 /2;25; iUus III:1/2:[22a] fig ,,

w ; XIII:3:3'5'8 Via Flaminia, XII:3:5

Model, XIII:3:11 nn25,26 via Nomentana, XIX:3:97; illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1

Sangallo (G.) work, XIII:3:8 yja pja see Rome (City): Streets: Via Quirinale
Vignola work, IX:4:10; XIII:3:8 via Quattro [4] Novembre, XIX:3:97n3
Parts, Furnishings, etc. yja Quirinaie [Alta Semita; Via Pia],
Altar, location of, XVII: 1:9 nl3 XIX:3:97,99,106,108 and n39; illus. XIX:3:98
Baldaquin (G. L. Bernini), XV:3:20 Bg t; 99 Bg 3. 1()6 fig 17

Ciborium, 1475, XVIl:l:10nl6 Via Ripetta, XIV:1:9

Crossing, study for (B. Peruzzi), XIII:3:9; Via Vend [20; XX] Settembre, XIX:3:97; illus.
illus. XIII:3:[7] fig 8 XIX:3:98 fig 1
Crossing piers, XIII:3:4,9 Via Venti-quattro [24] Maggio, XIX:3:97 n3
Dome (Michelangelo), 111:3:9; Suburra, VIII:3/4:33; XIII:4:22
VII: 1/2:5-6,16 n80,24; XIV:3:11; Tabularium, XII:3:5
XVI:4:22; XVIII:4:131 nl6 Tempietto (Bramante), XIII:1:12; XVIII:3:118
Lantern, XVI: 1:9 Temple of Caesar, XX:2:85
Measurements, VII:1/2:31 Temple of Claudius, XIX:l:22n39
Model, XIII:3:11 n26 Temple of Concord, VII:3/4:34; XII:3:5

Doors (Filarete), XVII:3:10 Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, VII:3/4:[33]

Faade (C. Maderna), 111:1/2:26; Temple of Mars Ultor, XIII:4:22

XIV: 1:9,10; XIV:3:12; XV:3:5; illus. Temple of Minerva, XIII:4:23

XIV: 1:10 fig 3 Temple of Minerva Medica, 111:1/2:62; XVII :4:6

Nave (C. Maderna), XVII:4:23-24; illus. Temple of Saturn, VII:3/4:34

XVII:4:24 fig 6 Temple of Venus, XIII:4:21,23,24

Plan (Bramante), XIII:3:8; XVII:3:14; illus. Temple of Vesta, XIV:2:12

XVII-3 [15] fig 17 Templum Pacis see Rome (City): Forums: Vespasiani

Tempietti (G. B. da Vignola), IX:4:13 Terme see Rome (City): Baths

Vaults (Michelangelo), 11:2:12; XVII:4:22 v /

Pietro in Vincoli [Basilica Eudoxiana] T r? r . 0m^e'IT . VIlr

Tomb of Julius II, project (Michelangelo), V:12 rajan s o umn, . ' . . .

Sergio e B.cco, XI,:3 5 n "

Stefano Rotondo xvn:l:9.1M0n31; Tre>i Fo;,aln su Rome (C1 Founl>lns: FontanI




Susanna, XIX:3:97; illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1 Ulpian Basilica, VIII:3/4:34

Teodora, XII:3:4,5 Vatican [Papal Palace], XIV:4:30-31; multiplicity of

Tnnita del Monte, XIV:1:12; illus. XIV: 1:12 fig 8; architects and consultants, XIII:3:4; Nicholas V

13 9 rebldg. plans of, XX: 1:40,41; situated on right

Faade (D. Fontana), XIV: 1:12; illus. XIV: 1:13 0f . Peter's, XIV: 1:9

9 Architects (Design, Restoration, Supervision, etc.)

Bramante, XIII:3:3,4

Ligorio, XIV:4:30,31

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Rome (City) - Roofs

Nanni di Baccio Bigio, XIV:4:31 Madama (Giulio Romano and Raphael),

Sangallo, A. da, the younger, XIII:3:3,5 XVIII:3:117

Parts, Furnishings, etc. Magliana, V:ll

Biblioteca Medici (see also Rome (City): Acadmie de
Barberini Ms. Latin 570, XVIII:4:125 France), XIX: 1:16,20,22 and n39
Cicognara Collection of Maps, 111:4:66 Panzani

Fresco of the Via Pia, Porta Pia and Acqua Gate, XIX:3:106,107; illus. XIX:3:106 fig 17

Felice, XIX:3:106,108; illus. XIX:3:106 Location, illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1

fig 17 Pio di [da] Carpi {Cardinal Rodolfo [Ridolfo] ),
Cappella Sistina XIX:3:106,107,108 n39; illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1
Ceiling (Michelangelo), 111:3:9; discarded Quintilii see Villa dei Quintilii
schemes, XIX:3:105n31 Sermoneta (Cardinal Caetani da), XIX:3:106,107;
Vaults, XX:1:29 nlO illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1; 106 fig 17
Consistory Viminal Hill, VIII:3/4:33

Ceiling (A. da Sangallo, the younger), XIII:3:4 Walls

Cortile degli Archivi, XIV:4:31 6th c. B.C., VIII:3/4:33

Cortile del Belvedere, XIV:4:30-31 Aurelian, VIII:3/4:33; XIX:3:97,99,100

Corridors, XIII:3:4 Muro Torto, XIX:1:22 n39

Cortile di San Damaso, XIII:3:9; XIV:4:30 Servian, XIII:4:21

Faade (Raphael), XIII:3:9 Rome (Empire)

Loggie Antiquities, XIII:3:4,9
Bramante, XIII:3:4; XIV:4:31 Architecture, VII:3/4:[33]-36; XVII:4:2-8; XIX:2:86
Raphael, XVIII:3:117 City planning ice Cities and Towns (Growth, History
Museums and Planning): Roman
Entrance, XIV:4:31 Highways, Roads, Streets, etc. see Highways, Roads,
Nicchione, XIV:4:31 Streets, etc.: Roman

Sistine Chapel see Rome (City): Vatican: Parts, Rome, N.Y.

Furnishings, etc.: Capella Sistina Fort Stanwix [Fort Schuyler], IV:2:40 nos.20,21,22

Stanze (Raphael), XIV:4:31; XVIII:3:117 Lower Landing Site, IV:2:40no.22

1st Stanza [Room of the Fire] Rome, Ohio
Battle of Ostia, XVIII:3:117 Church, ca. 1830, VIl:3/4:32
Fire in the Borgo, XVIII:3:117 Romulus, VIII:3/4:33; XII:3:6
The Oath of Leo III, XVIII:3:117 Ronchamp, France

2d Stanza [Room of the Signature] Chapel [Notre-Dame-du-Haut] (Le Corbusier),

School of Athens, XVII:4:22 XVII:3:35; XVIII:3:118; XX:2:92,93,94

3d Stanza [Room of Heliodorus], XVIII:3:117 "Ronde du Roi," 111:1/2:34

Mass of Bolsena, XVIII:3:117 Rondelet, Jean Baptiste, 111:4:65; XVIII:4:141
4th Stanza [Room of Constantine], begun Rood screens, XVII: 1:15

July, 1514, XVIII:3:117 Roofs

Tapestries Barrel, XVI:2:6,7,8,10
Cartoons for (Raphael), XVIII:3:117 Chinese, XVI:3:33; XVII:3:30nl4
Torre Borgia (Bramante), XIV:4:31 Cube, XVI:2:6,12

Victor Emmanuel Monument Curved, IX:1/2:10

Design (H. L. Gay), XVIII:4:134 England (A. W. N. Pugin), XIX:4:169

Views see Rome (City): City plan, Maps, Views, etc. Gabled, in ancient architecture, XII:4:7
Villas, XIX:3:97,106-108; location, illus. XIX:3:98 Gambrel, XVIII:4:159
fig 1 Greek, XX:2:201-202
Borghese "Hip on Hip," XIX:2:81
Amphitheater, XIX:1:20; illus. XIX:1:20 fig 9 Hipped, in Godey's Lady's Book, XVIII:3:109; use of
Du Bellay (Cardinal Jem) "Pyramids" on, XIX:2:77

Gate [Portal], XIX:3:107; illus. XIX:3:107 Churches

fig 18 England (Sir C. Wren), XIII:1:12
Este, Quirinal Hill Netherlands, XIII: 1:12
Location, illus. XIX:3:98 fig 1 King's Chapel (P. Harrison), Boston, XIII:1:12
Farnesina [Palazzo Farnesina] Moot Hall, New Buckenham, XIX:2:77; illus.
Frescoes (Raphael), XVIII:3:117 XIX:2:77 fig 3
Giulia (G. B. Vignola), 11:3:31; IX:4:10,11 Nelson (Sec. William) House, Yorktown, XI:1:32
Grimani (Cardinal), XIX:3:106; illus. XIX:3:98 Wentworth (John) House (P. Harrison),
fig 1 Wolfeborough, XVIII:4:159
Lante (Giulio Romano), XVIII:3:117 Log construction, VIII: 1 /2:91


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Roofs - Rossano, Italy

Roofs (Cont'.) Root, John Wellborn, Jr., see Holabird, Root and
Mansard see Mansard roofs Burgee

Metal, XX:3:137 Roriczer [Roritzer], Matthew, 15th c., as bldr. of

Multiple roof forms, Spanish Town, Jam., X:3:26; Regensburg Cathedral, XI:3:7; geometry of,

illus. X:3:[23] fig 8 XI:3:7,9; XVII:4:15

Pyramid roofs, in ancient architecture, XII:4:6-7 Rosceio see Alanus de Rosceio

Ribbed, of P. Delorme, X:2:6,7; illus. X:2:8 figs 4,5 "The Rose of Brabant" see Marie Henriette

Russian, XVI:2:6-16 Rosenau, Helen

Saddle III-4-36-38 7e Ideal City: In Its Architectural Evolution
Satere, XVII-2-32 Rev- by L. Mumford, XIX:l:38-39

Shingled, XI:4:34 Rosenberg, Lonce, XVIII:3:115

g|ate Rosenborg Slot see Copenhagen

Slate Roof House, Philadelphia, X:2:24 Rosenthal, Earl E.

Suspension, XVI: 1:11 Articles and Books

Temple XIII-1-12 e Cathedral of Granada;
A Study in the Spanish

Tent, XVI:1:31; XVI:2:6,7,11-12,13,15,29,30

Thatched ' ' ' Rev' by G Kubler- XX:3:146-147

England, IV:l:63-64; XI:1:4,8,12; illus. XI:1:5,7 "A Renaissance

'Copy' of the Holy Sepulchre,"
XVII: 1:2-11

Mayan, V:19


Poland, VI:3/4:14-15,17

U.S., 17th C, XI:1:10,[14]; XI:2:19,20; illus. KubleJr' G,' ^ S'g'S XV" g

1 *7 11 j/j, V111.T,1 o /
U.S., 18th c., XIX:2:81; 19th c., XVIII:3:109-110,111 Rosenthal, Julius, X:3:32

tl mm t im ^ s /* v c 1 Rosewell, Gloucester Co., Va., XIII:2:8: XVI:2:17-18:

The Rooks Have Come, painting A. K. Savrasov , ' , , _ '

XVI 2 30 ,llus- XVI:2:19 f|g 5

Rookwood Pottery, XIV:2:19 Ro*s' 18f46' {lf0"nt EnterPe- Tex
Ihn it.a in House of, XI:4:2-3
ooney, on ., ' . . Ross, 20th c., of Mount Enterprise, Tex., XI:4:[7] n30
Roos, Frank J., Jr., on M. Baum House [Taft r t h f l h
Museum], Cincinnati,
VI:3/4:18; on A. Benjamin, ' " ,8 ... VT1 ,
, . r d i u-ii m * House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24

XIII:3:19: on elevator of Bunker Hill Monument, n w . e , .

. Ross, Manon D., on Amencan prefab town, Chagres,

XI:2:22; on the Pennsylvanm Fire Insurance Panama, XVII:3:33; on similarity of Salem, Or.,
Company Bldg., Philadelphia, XX:3:138,139 Capitol National Bank and F. Furness' National

,^eS^n . .... , . , Bank of the Republic, XIX:2:57nl

The Commemorative Medal and Architecture, Articles

XIV'2'1 7

"Caribbean Colonial Architecture in Jamaica,"

The Egyptian Style, XVII:1:24 nnl,16 X-3-22-27

"Ohio: Architectural Cross Road," XII:2:3-8 "Jacksonville, An Oregon Gold-Rush Town,"

Writings on Early American Architecture, XI:2:22; XII-4-19-25


Review Frankfort, H The Art and Architecture of the

Davis, D., Annapolis Houses1700-1775, Ancient Orient XV-1-31

VII: 1/2:47 Kohl, E. E., Denver's Historic Mansions: Citadels

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, on dime, XVII:1:24nl4; t0 the Empire Builders, XVIII:2:70

interest in new Navy Bldg., and museum, Lancaster, C., Architectural Follies in America, or
VI: 1/2:31; and F. Perkins, XX:1:39 Hammer, Saw-tooth and Nail, XIX:4:179-180

Roosevelt, Nicholas, I8th c XV:4:30 McCoy, E., Five California Architects,

Roosevelt, Theodore, and I. N. P. Stokes, IV:3/4:56; XX:2:95-96

and Washington plan, IV: 1:37 Sekler, E. F., Wren and His Place in European

Roosevelt, William Morrow, XV:2:26 Architecture, XVI:4:33-35

Root, early 19th c of Aurora, Ohio Ross, Marvin Chauncy, Guggenheim Fellowship,
House of, XII:2:12 VI:3/4:36; on St. Denis sculpture, IV:3/4:7
Root, Elihu, IV:1:37 Ross, Ruth Robinson [Mrs. Thomas Ross], XIII:1:32
Root, Irving C 111:4:66 Ross, William, 19th c of Bristol and N. Y,
Root, James W IV:3/4:51 XX:4:187-190

Root, John Wellborn (see also Burnham and Root), and Articles, XX:4:187,188,190
S. Beman, XII:3:17; and Chicago School, XI:1:27; Designs, Plans, etc., XX:4:188; illus.

Deutsche Werkbund admiration for, X:3:10; L. XX:4:187 figs 4,6

Mumford on, 11:3:22,23; in N.Y., XII:3:31; and J. Rossano, Italy

Snook, XII:3:31 St. Mark, XVII:3:34


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Rosse - Rowland

Rosse, Earl of, see Parsons, Laurence Michael Harvey Roush, Stanley
Rossellino, Bernardo, and Alberti, XX: 1:40 Allegheny County Bldgs., Pittsburgh
Palazzo Venezia, Rome (attrib.), XX:1:40 Entrance, XVl:3:28nl5
Rossetti, XIII:2:31; XIX:4:145,147 n22 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, on G. Bernard, XX:2:53;
Rossi, Carlo educational aims of, 111:3:12,15; Ledoux infl. by,
Archives of the General Staff of the Imperial 111:3:15; "natural man" of, XIX:4:144;

Russian Army, Leningrad, VII: 1/2:4 Wackenroder expresses philosophy of, 11:3:8

Theater Street, Leningrad, IV:1:31 Rousseve, Ferdinand, IV:3/4:7

Towers, Moscow, XVI: 1:31 Roussillon, Counts of, XIV: 1:3

Rossi, Giovanni Battista de Route Cities Plan (ASCORAL), XVIII:3:92-93; illus.

Map, 1668, Rome, XIX:3:99nlO XVIII:3:92 fig 9
Rossi, Mattia de .seeMattia de Rossi Routh, Jeremiah, XIV:4:28-30
Rossi, Nardo di Rafaello de see Nardo di Rafaello de Routh, Job, XIV:4:28-30
Rossi Rouyer, 19th c.
Rossiter, E. K. Tower design, Exposition Universelle, 1889, Paris,
House of see New York (City) XVI:4:29 n27
Rosswell, Ga. see Roswell, Ga. Rovere, Giuliano della see Julius II
Rostov, Old Row houses
Monastery, IV:1:28 Baltimore, Md., VIII: 1 /2:128; XIII:3:30,31
Rostov-on-Don Park Ave., 405-411 (W. F. Small), XX:2:77 n46
City plan, 1811, IV:1:27,30,31,32; illus. Pascault Row, West Lexington St., XX:2:64nll
IV:l:[22a] fig 15 Waterloo Row (R. Mills), XX-.2-.69
Parks, IV: 1:27,32 Boston, Mass.

Roswell, Ga., XVII:4:36 Tontine Crescent (C. Bulfinch), XIII:2:24

'The Rotary Jail, or Human Squirrel Cage," by W. A. Chicago

Lunden, XVIII:4:149-157 Row houses, Pullman, XII:3:19; illus.

Rotch, William J. XII:3:21 fig 3

Cottage of, New Bedford, XIV:3:19; XV:2:16 Denmark [Raekkehuse], IV:1:20

Rotch Traveling Scholarship, XIX: 1:6 Dublin, XVI:4:13

Roth, Alfred Le Corbusier designs, XX:2:94

The New Architecture, 11:4:37 London, XVI:4:8,13

Roth, Ann, X:3:[31] New York (City)

Roth (Emery) and Sons, XVIII:2:59 Row or terrace plan, XIV:1:25 n27
Rothschild, fl. 1860's in Paris, XIV:3:6 Philadelphia (for individual row houses see by name
Rott-am-Inn under Philadelphia, e.g. Philadelphia: Harrison's
Church, XVI:2:31 Row), XIII:3:30,31; XVI:4:8-13
Rotterdam Richmond, Va.
Caf de Unie Linden Row, IX:3:26

Faade (J. J. P. Oud), XVIII:3:115 Rome, XX:1:40

Oud Mathenesse development (J. J. P. Oud), Savannah, Ga.

XVIII:3:115 Terrace-houses, illus. X:4:8 figs 6,7[b]

Spangen public housing blocks (J. J. P. Oud), Terrace plan, XIV:1:25 n27; XVI:1:18 nllO



Rotunda-with-ambulatory, XVII: 1:2-11 Philadelphia Row, XVI:4:13

Rouen Utrecht (G. T. Rietveld), XVIII:3:116
Cathedral, 1:1:22; IV:3/4:54 Vienna (G. T. Rietveld), XVIII:3:116

Painting of (Monet), 11:3:33 Wellington, Engl., XX:3:136

Medieval houses, 11:3:30 Rowan, Rosalind, XVI:4:7 n

St. Maclou, 1:1:22 Rowe, Thomas

Nave piers, IV:3/4:41; illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 9 Aliiolani Hale [Judiciary Hall], Honolulu, XI:3:28;





Decoration, XILLIO Rowe Farm, Charles City County, Va., XIV:1:17

Tomb of an unknown architect, XX:3:145 Rowell, Clara

Rouff, Charles, 19th c Commissioner of Clark Co., House of, Wellfleet, Mass., XIX:2:52; illus. XIX:2:49
Ind., dedication of Jefferson ville map to, XX:3:109 fig 4; 50 fig 5

fig i Rowell, Hugh Grant, 111:1/2:48; IV:3/4:58

Roumeli Hissar 'The Philipse Castle Restoration and Its Lessons,"
Black Tower, VII:3/4:28 11:4:7-15

Round bldgs. see Circular bldgs. Rowland, Kate Mason, XIII:2:6,8


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Rowland - Rushin

Rowland, brig, X:4:30 Rudolph, Paul

Rowlandson, Thomas, 1756-1827 Riverview High School, Sarasota, XX:4:204

Microcosm of London (jt. illus with A. C. Pugin) "Rue lectrique," of M. Leblanc, XVIII:3:82
Roman Catholic Chapel, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Ruell's foundry, Mex., XV:l:26n33
sketch, IX:3:12 nl Ruffin, 19th c of Hillsboro, N.C.
Stove, XX: 1:24; illus. XX:1:25 fig 7 House of [Ruffin-Snipes House], X:l:21
Roy, Jean Baptiste Ruffin, Thomas, fl. 1831, X: 1:19
House of, Saint Louis, Mo., 1:3/4:26 Ruffo, Marco, XVI:2:16nl4
Royal Asiatic Society, XVII:4:25 Granovitaja Palata [Faceted Palace], Moscow (and
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical p. a. Solario), XVI: 1:31; XVI:2:13,16

Monuments and Constructions of England see Rufus, Epidius

Great Britain House of see Pompeii: Houses, Villas, etc.: Epidius

Royal foot [pied du roi], measurement, XVI:3:8,13,14 Rufus

Royal Gold Medal, XIX:4:145 Rufus, William see William II, King of Engl.

Royal Historical Monuments Commission see Great Ruggles, John, Judge, Sen. of Me., X:4:26;

Britain: Royal Commission on the Ancient and XV:1:29 n9,30 n21

Historical Monuments and Constructions of House of> Thomaston, Me., X:4:26-27; illus. X:4:27



Royal Institute of British Architects see London Ruiz Morales y Molina, Antonio see Morales y

Royal Philharmonic Society, XIV:4:13 Molina, Antonio Ruiz

Royal Scottish Museum see Edinburgh ..R Ankers and Prefab 1?93 XII:1 ;22
Royal Society, XX:2:55 Rumania
Royal Society of Arts London XX:3:99,105 Art and architecture; IV:3/4:24-35

Journal No. 5034 May 1959 Rumeli Hisarj w Roumeli Hissar

..H j ev" Rumford, Count, see Thompson, Benjamin, Count of


nf Mass.,
of, Medford,

Rundbogenstil, VIII:l/2:42 nl6; XVI:3:22;

St. Julien, XVII:4:21 n50 _ . , , ,,



, -, Rural Architecture, by M. Field, 11:1:28
Abbey, XVII:4:21 nn51,53 ,,,. ,
Ruano, Giovanni, XV: 1:11 n6 Rura\ Architecture, by R. Morns, X: IA

Rubble masonry, XV:2:12,13; XX:1:28; XX:4:169 Rural Architecture, by C. M. Saxton, XVIII:3:105

Rubens, infi. on J. van Campen, XX: 1:42; infl. on Rural Architecture, by E. Shaw

Flemish architecture and sculpture, XX: 1:41,42; P,nc c0"age' X:4:29

universality of, XVIII:3:117 Italian villa, X:4:[31]

Books on (H. Gerson and E. H. ter Kuile), XX:4:203 Rev" by A' D' Gllman [North American Review,

Paintings, concept of space in, XIV:1:8; copies of in 1844), IX:4:[20] n3; XX:4:192 n4

San Francisco de Lima, V;40; in "Riversdale" Rural Architecture in the Chinese Taste, by J. and W.

[Stier-Calvert Mansion], X:2:22 Halfpenny, XX:3:126n6

Rubertini Zambattista Rural Architecture in the Gothic Taste, by J. and W.

S. Maria della Salute, Venice, design (and A. Halfpenny, XX:3:127 no.27

Fracao), XVI:l:3-4 Rural Essay[s], by A. J. Downing, 111:3:23
Rubinstein, Joseph, XVII :4:20 n 17 Rural housing see Farmhouses
Rubio, Fr., XV: 1:22 Rural Residences, by J. B. Papworth, XVIII:3:105,111
Rublev, Andrej, XVI: 1:31 Rusafa, Syria
Rucellai, Palla, XX:4:165 n44 St. Sergios Basilica, XVII:2:20; illus. XVII:2:20
Rudding Park, Yorkshire, XIX:3:129 fig 43
Ruddocke, John, 17th c., XI:1:10,13 Rusch, Fred

Rudenica Farm of see Kirchhayn, Wis.: Rusch (Fred) Farm

Church, IV:3/4:29 Rusconi, Giovanni

Rudiments of Architecture, by A. Benjamin, XIII:3:19 Del I'architettura, XX:3:129 no.71

Rudiments of the Art of Building, ed. by J. Bullock, Ruse, Henrik, IV: 1:19

11:1:28 nl Rush, Benjamin, Dr.

Rudinger, Hugo Mansion of, Philadelphia, XIII:3:Suppl. 3,10; illus.
Architecture of the California Missions (and K. Baer) XIII:3:Suppl. [12] fig 9
Rev. by E. A. Connally, XIX: 1:42-43 Rush, William
Rudolf, Conrado, XVIII:4:167 Washington Square, Philadelphia, plan, XVII:3:32n2
Rudolfsky Rush Medical College see Chicago
Sandle, VIII:3/4:47 Rushin, Ed., of Cairo, Ga., X:2:21

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Rusk - Rysbrack
Rusk, William Sener Russell, Frederick A. (see also Rutan and Russell),


Giedion, S., Architecture You and Me, Russell, John, 1766-1839 see Bedford, John Russell,
XVIII:3:118 1766-1839, 6th Duke of
Herbert, G., The Synthetic Vision of Walter Russell, Leon B.
Gropius, XIX:3:128 Residence of, San Francisco, XVII:3:36
Rusk, Tex. Russell, Milton C., XII:4:27
Summers House, XI:4:[7] n42 Russell, William Hamilton see Clinton and Russell
Ruskin, John, infl. in America, 111:3:25; XVII:4:25; Russell, Burdsall and Ward Bolt and Screw Co. see
architectural theory of, X:3:8; XIII:3:20; Port Chester, N.Y.
XVII:4:25,26,27; XIX:4:148,160; XX:3:142,147; Russell, Mullgardt, Schwarz, Van Hoefen, XVII:3:22

admiration for banded walls, XIX:4:162; J. E. Russia [USSR]

Cabot on, VII:3/4:19,20; G. Dance's Gothic bldgs. Architecture (see also Church architecture: Russia;
incur wrath of, XIV:4:18; and Deane and Renaissance architecture: Russia),
Woodward, XIX:4:160; R. W. Emerson on, VIILl/2:90-92; X:3:5-6; XVI:2:6-16,28-30

VIL3/4:18,20; XVII:4:27; European trips, Art, XVI:2:28-30

XIX:4:148; followers, 1:3/4:10; 11:1:32; admiration City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History

for "frowning cornice," XIX:4:163; and E. L. and Planning): Russia

Garbett, XVII:4:25,26,27; infl. on German Factories (A. Kahn), IV:2:8

architects, 1:3/4:11; 11:3:12; and Gothic Revival, Five-Year Plan, 1928-33, XVIII:2:38; XVII1:3:87
VII:3/4:18 nl3,19,20; IX:4:15; XIII:3:20; XIV:3:18; Rste, Ibn, 10th C., see Ihn Ruste

XVII:4:25; XIX:4:148; XX:4:192; and H. "Rustic architecture," XVIII:4:158 and n2

Greenough, VII:3/4:18; and Industrial Revolution, Rustication, Serho on XVIII:3:118; XX:4:167

Rutan, Charles Hercules (see also Shepley, Rutan and

Coolidge), IX:l/2:25; XVII:3:20,25

Lf i,4nvt I Kn r I an UarAiilar f r/i/i / r>s\ VhAnlmr K_J

11:1:31; 11:3:12; as Italian Gothicist, XIII:1:4;

XIX:4:159; as a moralist, 11:3:23; VH:3/4:18; Rutan, Frank'e. (see a/so Rutan and Russell),

XVII:4:25,26; and W. Morns, 1:3/4:10; XVI-3-29n46

X1X:4:145,148; and C. E. Norton, 11:1:32; Rutan and Russell

VIII:3/4:69; on ornament and beauty, XVII:4:26; gee ajs0 Russell, Frederick A.; Rutan, Frank E.
and preservation, 1:3/4:10,11; and G. E. Street, St. Augustine's R. C. Church, Pittsburgh, XVI:3:27;
XIX:4:145-163 passim; on use of strong forms illus. XVI:3:28 fig 8
such as circles in spandrels, XIX:4:149; on tower Rutelli, Mario
bldg., XVI:4:22; verbosity of, XIX:4:150; on Statues, Fountain of the Naiads, Rome, XIX:4:184
"wall-veil," XIX:4:161 Rutgers University see New Brunswick, N.J.

Books, Writings, etc., XIX:4:148,150,161 Rutherford, John

Seven Lamps of Architecture, XVII:4:26,27; City plan, N.Y. (with S. De Witt and G. Morris),
XIX:4:149; XX:3:149; XX:4:193 111:1/2:41




Foreign Office, London, competition design Courthouse, XIX:3:122 and nl6

(attrib., with Deane and Woodward), Ps' ^Ice' XI^;^:122 and n16

v a un ,n Rutledge, Anna Wells ...

n c , T .. d h j/-i j The Second St. Philip s, Charleston, 1710-1835,

Russell, Ernest J. see Mauran, Russell and Garden; y

Russell, Mullgardt, Schwarz, Van Hoefen

n h t? ,.n, ,,,, d . c Rutter, John, 17th c. carpenter, XI: 1:4,8,9,10,12,13

Russell, Francis, 1593-1641 see Bedford, Francis Ruweha Svria

Russell, 1593-1641, 4th Earl of Bissos' Church> XVII:2:20

Russell, Francis, 1765-1802 see Bedford, Francis Rydell, Paul, XVII-4-40

Russell, 1765-1802, 5th Duke of Ryder, 19th c. American painter, 11:3:20

Rynearson and Headrick, of Oregon, XIX:2:59nl4

Rysbrack, XIX:3:131


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SAH see Society of Architectural Historians Saenredam, Pieter Jansz

SOM see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill Painting of St. Bavo, Haarlem, illus. IX:3:[4]
SPHAN see Brazil: Servio do Patrimnio Histrico e Senz de la Calzada Gorostiza, Consuelo see Calzada
Artistico Nacional Gorostiza, Consuelo Senz de la
Saalman, Howard Sag Harbor, L.I., N.Y.

"Giovanni di Gherardo da Prato's Designs First Presbyterian Church [Old Whalers' Church]
Concerning the Cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore (M. Lafever), X:l:28; XI:2:6; XI:3:31; illus.

in Florence," XVIII:1:11-20 XI-.2-.5 fig 5

Saarinen, Aline, XX:3:142 Huntting House (M. Lafever), XI:2:6; XI:3:31; illus.

Saarinen, Eero, Minnesota work, XIX: 1:40; Space XI-2-7 fig 6

frame construction, XVIII:3:118 Sagar Island

Saarinen, Eliel (see also Gesellius, Lindgren and Lighthouse, Middleton Point, XVI:1:17 n92
Saarinen), Minnesota work, XIX: 1:40; on satellite g August B

cities, VIII:3/4:15 o w vtv.i

... VT ~ ... 0. ., . m r n 'i j Medals commemorating the Revolution, XIV:2:7
A Note on Camino Sitte, in The Art of Building ,r ... In#,
^..rr,OJ. .. J 0 Sage and Gridley, 19th c. lime and cement suppliers,

Cities [Der Staedtebau nach seinen yy-a-iq* Ya

Kuenstlerischen Grundsaetzen\, VI:3/4:4 . * * " rr

^yorks Saggi e memorie di storia dell arte, 11
Burton Memorial Tower, University of Michigan, ^ Brief rev., XX.3.150
Ann Arbor (completed by A. Kahn), VI:3/4:3 Sagramen.a, Spam see Sacramen.a, Spam

and n6; illus. VI:3/4:pl I fig 4 Sagrarios metropolitanos, XIV:4:5

Chicago Tribune, Chicago, contest design, 111:4:23; Saibai Island

VI:3/4:l-5; illus. VI:3/4:pl I fig 1, pi II fig 6 Family dwelling, XIX:1:29

Lake Front project, 1923, Chicago, VI:3/4:5 Headhouse, XIX: 1:26,28-29

Parliament, Helsinki Wooden mask from, XIX: 1:28,30;

Tower project, 1908, VI:3/4:3 d'us. XIX:1:28 fig 7
Railroad Station, Helsinki, VI:3/4:3; illus. Saillant, Charles Lasteyrie du see Lasteyrie du Saillant,
VI:3/4:pl II figs 9,10 Charles
River Front development project, Detroit, Sailors' homes and hospitals see Hospitals; Housing:
VI:3/4:4; illus. VI:3/4:pl II fig 12 Old Age





Nossa Senhora da O., V:22 Here are listed names of persons, places and
Sabine, Julia, XIII:2:32 institutions beginning with Saint; for saints of
Sabine Hall, Va., XIII:2:4; XVIII: 1:4 the Church see under name, e.g. Benedict,
Drawing, Michelangelo's project for Tomb of Julius Saint Albans

^ IL V:12 Cathedral, XVI:3:34

Sackville Family Restoration, XVIII:2:72

Seat of seeYCnole Saint Augustine, Fla., Oglethorpe expedition against,

Sacramenia, Spain [Sagramenia] XVIII-4158- XX-2-56

Cistercian monastery, 11:3:33-34

. ... J City plan, Maps, etc., XVIII:4:158
Sacramento, Calif. . ...

Fire 1852 XIV-315 Concrete bldgs., XX:4:194

State Capitol (M. F. Butler), XI:3:29; XIV:3:19 Fort Marion National Monument [Castillo de San

Sacred Grove [Le Bois Sacr], by P. Puvis de ar^S]J'

Chavannes, IX:l/2:34; illus. IX:l/2:32 fig 1 Houses, 16th c 18th c., XI:4:32

Sacul, Tex. "Moorish Alhambra" (F. W. Smith), XIV:3:7

Gresham House, XI:4:[7] n26 Ponce de Leon Hotel (Carrre and Hastings), XI:3:31
King double-log house [cf. refs. to fig. 5], XI:4:2,4; Quarries, Coquina [shellrock], XI:4:32

illus. XI:4:[5] fig 5 Solano House- IX:3:27

Sada, Carlo Saint Benedict, Kan.

San Massimo, Turin, XIX:4:141; illus. XIX:4:140 St. Mary, First Church of, VI:l/2:24
fig io Saint Bnigne, Abbot of, see William of Volpiano

"Saddle-bags," XI:4:2 Saint Benot sur Loire

Saddle roof, 111:4:36-38 Church, XVI:3:10

Saddler, Richard, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:131 Saint Bertrand de Comminges

Saebisch, Albrecht von Early church, XVI:3:13

Friedenskirche, Schweidnitz, IX:3:13 nl9 Saint Charles' College see Ellicott City, Md.

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Saint Charles Parish, La. - Saint Louis, Mo.

Saint Charles Parish, La. XVIII:3:95; XIX:4:176; illus. XVII:2:8 figs

Home Place Plantation House, illus. VII:l/2:pl IV 16-17; 9 fig 18

fig 6 Abbots' House, XX:2:84

Saint Croix, V.l. Barns, XVII:2:11; illus. XVII:2:8 fig 16

Architecture, XIV: 1:28-29 Church, XVII:2:6,17; XVIII:3:95,99; illus.
Estate Butler Bay, XIV:1:29 XVII:2:17 fig 38; XVIII:3:99 fig 3
Estate North Side, XIV: 1:29 Cloister [Claustrum], XVII:2:6; illus. XVII:2:9
Governor's House, 17th c., illus. XIV: 1:29 fig 18

Moravian Mission house, 18th c., XIV:l:28-29 Guest and service bldgs., XVII:2:6-8,9,20 n;

Saint Croix Landmarks League, XIV:1:28 'Bus. XVII:2:8 figs 16-17

Sugar plantation house, X:3:27 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, and H. Adams,

Saint Croix Island, Me. IX:l/2:35 n3; XII:1:7,8; and J. La Farge,

Buried remains, IX:3:27 XII:1:7,8; member of McMillan Park Commission,

Saint Cuthbert, Can. 1901, IV: 1:35; and H. H. Richardson, XII:1:7,8;

Parish church (V. Bourgeau), XIV:3:13; illus. object of suspicion, IX: 1 /2:31 ; and World's

XIV-312 fig 8 Columbian Exposition, Chicago, IV:1:35;

Saint Cyr, John M. I., Father, 11:4:18-19,23 IX: 1/2:34; XV:2:29

Saint-Denis, Abbots of, see Hilduin; Suger Adams lMrs- Henry) Monument, Rock Creek

Saint-Denis, France Cemetery, Washington, XII: 1:7

Abbey, art of reflects Bernardine infi., XI:3:15; as Memorial to see Cornish, N.H.: Saint-Gaudens

artistic, pilgrimage and political center, National Historic Site

XVII:2:28; S. M. Crosby studies of, IV:3/4:7; Reminiscences, XII:1:8

golden mean used at, XVIII :4:167; royal crown aint George, Me.
v..Tl . Fort
Saint George,
at, XVII:2:28
~ A ~

A , D Saint George's, Berm.

Articles and Books on House, ,69s! XI: 1:27; illus. XI: 1:27
Crosby S. McK . Saint-Guilhem-le-Dsert
L Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis . VTT , , _

Rev. by R Branner, XIII:1:28,29 _ Chh' XIIJ.:6"8

"Early Gothic
*{? ' IX:3:27
j^iv -> n
n .. cArchitectureNew
.u c. Fort de
as a Result of the St. Denis Saint jea d'Arsons
Excavations," VII:l/2:49, VII:3/4:[13]-16 Church; XII;3;7

Bas-relief for plaster sarcophagus from, VII:3/4:16 Saint John fl 1733 XX-2-51

Church, XIII: 1:28,29,30,31 Saint John of Patmos, painting (J. La Farge), XII: 1:9
Choir [Chevet], XI:3:15; XIII: 1:29 Saint John's, Antigua, Leeward Islands
Columns, piers, etc., IV:3/4:7,40; XIII:1:30; Cathedral (T. Fuller), XVIII:3:119

illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 7 Saint Joseph, Mo.

Crypt, XIII:1:7,29 Majors (Alexander) House, IX:3:27

Faade, IV:3/4:6,8; VII:3/4:11; XI:3:15 Saint Jouin de Marnes

Model (S. M. Crosby), IV:3/4:6 Church, IX:4:9

Narthex, XIII: 1:29 Saint Landry Parish, La.
Nave, XIII: 1:29,30; illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 7 Plantation cabin, illus. VII:l/2:pl III fig 4
Plan, XIII: 1:31 Saint Leger [Ledger], Barry, IV:2:39no.ll
Restorations, 1:3/4:8; XIII: 1:29 Saint Leu d'Esserent
Sculpture, IV:3/4:7; XIII:1:29 Church, IV:3/4:38

Stained glass windows, XIII:1:29; XVII:2:28 Saint Louis, Mo.

Towers, IV:3/4:6; XIII:1:29,31 Baer (Arthur) House (B. T. Nelson), XX:4:173,175;
Transept, XIII:1:29 illus. XX:4:174 figs 7,8

Vaults, IV:3/4:7; XIII:1:30 Bell Telephone Co. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),

Saint Denis sur Richelieu, Can. XVII:3:30nl0

Parish church, XI:l:[22]-24; illus. XI:1:[23] fig 6 Cathedral, 1830-34, 1:3/4:25; VI:l/2:26

Saint-Di, France Central National Bank Bldg. see Saint Louis, Mo.;
City plan project (Le Corbusier), XVIII:3:93; Union Trust Bldg.
XX:2:93 Chouteau Fur Co., VI:l/2:[22]

Saint Florentin, Comte de City Hall, 12th St., X:3:[31]

House of [Htel Saint Florentin], Paris, City plan, Maps and Views

XVIII:4:148n64 City plan, 1764, XIV:4:30

Saint Gall [Sankt Gallen] View, painting (G. Catlin), XI:4:28

Abbey Courthouse, Old, 1:3/4:24,25
Plan, XVI:3:7; XVII:2:6-8,9,11; XVII:4:20 n27; Denchar Bldg., 1:3/4:26

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Saint Louis, Mo. - Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives

Saint Louis, Mo. (Cont.) Wainwright (Ellis) House (L. Sullivan), XIX:2:64
Eads Bridge [over the Mississippi] (J. B. Eads), Wainwright Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), 11:4:29 ni57;
1:3/4:26; XII:4:32 111:4:20; IV:2:9,12; VI:3/4:2; IX:l/2:30;

"Famous" Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), XIII:1:22; XIX:4:178; XX:1:3,16,17,18;

XVII:3:30 n 10 XX:3:142; illus. IV:2:10,13; XX:1:5 fig 2

Great Southern Overland Mail Headquarters, Wainwright Memorial [Tomb] (Adler and Sullivan),



Jefferson Barracks, IX:3:27 Wilson (Mrs. Newton R.) House (Study and Farrar),

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, XX:4:173,175; illus. XX:4:174 figs 9,10

1:3/4:24 n,25-26 Saint Louis Historical Documents Foundation, IX:3:23

Knox Estate, 1890 (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Saint Lupecin

XVII:3:30n 10 Church, XVI:3:21 nl7

Labbadie (Joseph) House, 1:3/4:26 Saint Martin, of Mackinac Island

Lion berger (Isaac) House (Shepley, Rutan and House of, IV: 1:54

Coolidge), XVII-3-20 Saint Martin de Canigou, Abbot of XIV: 1:3

Lionberger (J. R.) House (Shepley, Rutan and Saint Martin de Fenollar, XIV: 1:4

Coolidge), XVII:3:20 Saint Mary's, Ga.

Lionberger Warehouse (Shepley, Rutan and Mansion, Greek Revival, XIII:2:12

Coolidge), XVII-3-21 Saint Mary's, Kan. [Saint Mary's Mission], VI: 1/2:25

Lisa (Manuel) Warehouse [Old Rock House, 1818], Saint Mary s City, Md.

1:3/4:25; XIII:2:28 Castle, XVII:4:37

"McKinley Wigwam," X:3:[31]; illus. X:2:21; 0 State house, proposed 1664, X:2:20

X^-mi Saint Mary's Mission see Saint Mary's, Kan.

Mallinckrodt Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), aint Maur, Congregation of, XVII:2:12

XVII-3-30nlO Saint-Memin [Menim], Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret

MaPV,ewsSaint L0UiS' M': City Pla"' MaPS 3nd Qtyp'an, Tivoli, N.Y., 111:1/2:38; illus. III: 1/2:[36a]

Merchants' Exchange, 1:3/4:26 Drawing of Meriwether Lewis

Mermod-Jaccard Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Ac>uat,n ^py (W Stnckland) XIILTSuppl. 10

Coolidge), XVII:3:30 nio c . , ' XIII:3:SuPPl. [13] fig 16

x/r TT- / to - * Saint Michel de Cuxa

Missouri Historical Society ...

Boehl Glass Negatives X:3:[31] Sculpture, XII:3:8-9,10

National-Scott Hotel, 1:3/4:26 Saint Na,aire de Ba,baden

Mo.: Cathedral
Tlr l ln n
i , Tsee
, Saint
_ _Louis,
. Cnurcn,

Old Courthouse see Samt Louis, Mo.: Courthouse, Saint Nicholas de la Grave

, ?ld, ... .. City plan, IV: 1:13

Old Rock House, 1818 see Saint Louis, Mo.: Lisa Saint-Omer

(Manuel) Warehouse Cathedral

Pauley (B.) Jail Building and Manufacturing Co., Transept, XVII-419

XVIII:4:155 Saint-Ouen, France

Planters Hotel (H. Spence), XIX:2:77 Warehouse (Prfontaine), XVI: 1:13,15

Potter (Henry) House (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Saint-Ouen-les-Vignes

XVII:3:20 Church, IX:4:8; illus. IX:4:[6] fig 9

Rock House, 1818 see Saint Louis, Mo.: Lisa Saint Paul Minn.

(Manuel) Warehouse Capitol (C. Gilbert), XIX: 1:40

Roy (Jean Baptiste) House, 1:3/4:26 Cathedral [ "Beaux-Arts" ] (E. L. Masqueray),

Saint Louis Historical Documents Foundation, XIX: 1:40

IX:3:23 Hill (James J.) Mansion (Peabody and Stearns),

Saint Nicholas Hotel (L. Sullivan), IV:2:12; illus. XIX: 1:40

IV:2:15 Pioneer Bldg. (S. S. Beman), XIX: 1:40

Shepley House, Vandeventer Place (Shepley, Rutan Saint Pre de Roda Bible, XII:3:12

and Coolidge), XVII:3:22 Saint Prier, Comte de, of Morignon, XVIL2:22n47

Tiffany Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Saint Peter, Minn

XVII:3:30nlO Saint Peter State Hospital (S. Sloan), XIX:1:35

Union Trust Bldg. [Central National Bank Bldg.] Saint Peter Liberated by the Angel, painting (Murillo),
(Adler and Sullivan), IV:2:12; XX:1:16; illus. VI:3/4:20
IV:2:16 Saint Petersburg see Leningrad
Views see Saint Louis, Mo.: City plan, Maps and Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives

Views Market hall, XVII:2:16; illus. XVII:2:15 figs 33-34


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Saint-Riquier - Salem, Or.

Saint-Riquier [de Centula] Salcedo Minguez, Francisco
Abbey Church, IX:4:8; XVI:3:34 Drawing, Chevet of Granada Cathedral, illus.
Saint Romuald, Can. XVII: 1:[6] fig 5

Church, XIV:3:14nl6 Salcutza, Oltenia, IV:3/4:24

Saint Simeon Stylites see Kal'at Sim'n: Saint Simeon Saldanha, Manuel Cardoso de, d. 1767

Stylites Nossa Senhora da Conceio da Praia Basilica,

Saint-Thierry Salvador, XV:3:16-23; illus. XV:3:17 fig 1;
Abbey 19 fig 7; 20 fig 10; 21 figs 11,12

Transept, XVII:4:21 n53 School of the Jesuits, drawing of (attrib.), XV:3:18

Saint-Vallier, Bishop of Quebec, XIV:3:8 Salduba see Saragossa
Saint Vincent d'Estamariu Salem, Mass.

Church, XIV: 1:6 Buildings (S. Mclntire), X:4:[32] nl7; XVII:2:29

Saint-Wandrille Derby (Richard) House, 1:3/4:20

Abbey Essex Institute, 1:1:21; XIII:3:29; XVII:2:29

Piers, XVII:3:7,8 nl6 Gardner (John) House [Gardiner House;

Sainte-Beuve XIV:3:4 Gardner-White-Pingree House] (S. Mclntire),
Sainte Eulalie 1:1:21; XII:3:28
Chapel of Saint Sauveur, XIV:l:3-7; illus. XIV:l.-6 House of Seven Gables, 1:1:21; 11:4:5

figs 7 g Houses, VII:3/4:20

Sainte Genevieve, Mo. parket Halls, VIII: 1 /2:35

Ammoreaux House, IX:3:26 Peabody Museum .

Bolduc (Louis) House, IX:3:26 Franc,s B Crowmnshield Gallery (Perry, Shaw

City plan, ca. 1785, XIV:4:30 D . aTnd "ePbarn' Keh^and Dean), XIL3:28

Sainte Marie I, Ont. w Fort Sainte Marie, Ont. Pelr<* (Jera1thcmexel) rHouse [Pierce-Johonnot-N.chols

Sainte-Rose (le-Jsus), Can. p. Hou^ (S' McIntlre> attnb)< XII:3:28

Parish church (V. Bourgeau), XIV:3:10; illus. 1"eer 1 a^-, . ,.
XIV-310 fia 3 Wigwams, XVII:4:33,34

_ rc. , Salem Maritime National Historic Site, 1:3/4:20

Sakkara [Saqqara] . KI .

a u v. -, , n vt o m <- ^ Salem, N.J.

Altar, xi:3:l; illus^ X -3:[2] fig 3 Meeting House, 1772, VII:3/4:31

Ashlar masonry, 11:2:12 Salem, Or.
Mastabas, XL2:25 Babcock (F. J.) Residence (C. S. McNally),
Temple of Zoser, XI:2:25 XIX:2:58nl3

Salahiyeh, Syr.a see Dura-Europos Bean (Jud R S ) Residence (C. S. McNally),

Salamanca, Mex. XIX:2:58nl2

San Agustin Brophy (H. B.) Residence (C. S. McNally),

Retable of Santa Rita de Casia, XV:1:8; illus. XIX-2-59nl3

XV: 1:9 fig 10 Brown (C. B.) Cottage (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:59nl3
Salamanca, Spain Buren (A. B.) Residence (C. S. McNally),
Casa de Dona Juana la Brava, V:4 XIX-2-59nl3

Casa de las Conchas, V:2 Bush-Breyman Block, Commercial St. (C. S.

Casa de los Maldonados de Murillo McNally), XIX:2:58 nl2,59 nl3

Portal, V:7 Capital National Bank (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:57-61;

Cathedral illus. XIX:2:57 fig 1; 61 figs 3,4
12th c. [Catedral Vieja; Old Cathedral; Santa City Hall
Maria de la Sede], XII: 1:8 Competition, XIX:2:60n20
Torre del Gallo, XII: 1:8-9 Cosper (Chas.) Residence (C. S. McNally),

16th c. [Catedral Nueva] XIX:2:59nl3

Sanctuary, XVII:l:9nl3 Cottle and Parkhurst Block (C. S. McNally),
Churriguera style, XV:1:7 XIX:2:58,59 nl3
Las Duenas, Portai, V:7 Henry (L. D.) Residence (C. S. McNally),
Hospital de Estudiantes, V:13 XIX:2:59nl3

Mozarabic Chapel, IV:3/4:21 n33 Hodgkin (F. E.) Residence (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:58






Sancti Spiritus, Portal, V:7 Kay (Thos.) Residence (C. S. McNally),

Santa Maria de la Sede see Salamanca, Spain: XIX:2:59 nl3

Cathedral: 12th c. Klein (A.) Residence (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:58nl2

Salazar, Cervantes de see Cervantes de Salazar Marion County Court house, IX:3:27
Salcedo, Alberto Santibnez see Santibnez Salcedo, North Salem School
Alberto Completion (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:59nl3

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Salem, Or. - "Salvage of 1810 Sculpture "

Salem, Or. (Cont.) Salter, Frederick, XIV:3:18
O'Donald (J.) Residence (C. S. McNally), Saltworks
XIX:2:59 n 13 Cape Cod, XIX:2:48

Oregon State Asylum Saline of Chaux, [Royal Salt-works] Arc-et-Senans

Addition, 1891 (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:59nl3 (C- N. Ledoux), 111:3:14,16; XIX:1:17,18; illus.
Farm bldgs., 1891 (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:59nl3 III:3:[12a] figs 4,5; X1X:1:17 fig 2
Farm cottages Saltykov, Prince, see Soltikoff
Additions, 1893 (W. C. Knighton and C. S. Saluda, Va.

McNally), XIX:2:60n20 Middlesex County Courthouse, post 1852,

Oregon State Reform School XVIII:l:6n23

Addition (W. K. Knighton and C. S. McNally), Salvador, Brazil
XIX-2-60n20 Carmelite Third Order Church, XV:3:23 n45

Plans (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:58 Cathedral, 1657-72 [Jesuit Church], XV:3:16

Pearce (Lot) Residence (C. S. McNally), Altars of Sts. Ignatius and Francis Xavier,
XIX:2:59 n 13 XV:3:23 n47

Savage (Lyman) Residence (C. S. McNally), Cathedral, Old

XIX-2-59nl3 Mausoleum (P. F. da Silva), XV:3:20

South Salem School (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:59 nl3 City Plan' MaPs> Views' etc> XIV:4:8,9

Wallace (R. S.) Residence (C. S. McNally),

ca. 1629, XV:3:22n4

XIX:2:59 nl3

(Will) Residence (C. S. McNally), 175?fi^.9^),XIV:4:8: XV:3:22n12
yiy.o^q n 11 CQ. 1 oOOj XV:3:22 nl3

Salerno Jesuit Church see Salvador, Brazil: Cathedral,

Ca thpdrnl IV3S? 1657-72

Sales Morgado de Sta. Barbara, XIV:4:8; illus.

Drawing of N. S. da Conceio da Praia, Salvador, XT XIV'4.8 f"'8J5 ^ - . >

1813 vv 13 Nossa Senhora da Conceio da Praia Basilica

S If d F I (M. C. de Saldanha), XV:3:16-23; illus. XV:3:17

DU r' I rou i a i ou r air fig 1; 19 fig 7; 20 fig 10; 21 figs 11,12

Philipp and Lee [Philip and Lee; Philips and Lee] Altarnieces (L R Lancarote) XV-3-20

Mill (Boulton
7' *7 V cXV:3:20-21;
f' c \ Vv
. Cotton
..... High
do 1/2:23,25










sauna, in.*. Nave (M Q dg Saldanha)> XV:3:19-20; illus.

City plan (S. De Witt), 111:1/2:40; illus. 111:1 /2:[36a] v,, , r lri
Salinas see Saltworks XV:3:20 fig 10
saunas see saltworks Nave ceiiing painting (j. j. da Rocha), XV:3:21-22;
Salisbury, Conn* illus XV"3*21 fig 12
Meeting House, 1798, VII:3/4:29 Nossa Senhora da Conceio da Praia Chapel (T. de

Salisbury, Engl. Sousa) XV 3.16

A'Port (John) House, XI: 1:13 Nossa Senhora da Lapa
Bishop s Palace, IV: 1:11 Ceiling, XV:3:23 n58

Cathedral, VI:3/4:6; XVI:3:34 High altar (A M da Sjjva)j XV:3:23 n47

City plan, IV:1:11 Nossa Senhora da Penha Chapel, XV:3:18; illus.

Salisbury, N.C. XV-317 fig 2

St. Luke's Church, X:l:19; illus. X:l:[20] fig 1 s Casa '
Salmon, Marau, XII: 1:8 High Altar (A. R. Mendes), XV:3:23 n47
Salmon, Tati, XII:1:8 Francisco (J. A. dos Reis), XV:3:23n24
Salmon, William SS. Sacramento da Rua do Passo (J. A. dos Reis),
The Builder's Guide and Gentleman's and Trader's XV:3:23 n24

Assistant, XX:3:127n9; 129no.72 Views see Salvador, Brazil: City plan, Maps, Views,

The Country Builder's Estimator. .., XX:3:129 no.73 etc.

The London and Country Builder's Vade Mecum..., Salvadori, Giuseppina

XX:3:116,129 no.74 Transi, of G. Ponti, In Praise of Architecture

Palladio Londinensis: or the London Art of Building, [Amate I'architettura] (and M. Salvadori),
XV:2:28; XX:3:116,118-119,120,129 no.75 XX:3:147-148




Churches, IV:3/4:28 Preface to [and transi, of (with G. Salvadori) ]

Salt Lake City G. Ponti, In Praise of Architecture [Amate
City plan, XIX:3:114 I'architettura], XX:3:147-148

Saltaire, Engl. "Salvage of 1810 Sculpture," by W. H. Hunter, Jr.,

Industrial housing, XII:3:17 XIV:4:27-28

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Salvatella - San Francisco

Salvatella, Manuel Perena, XVIII :2:47 Sail Cristobal Totonicapn
Salvi, Niccolo Church, XV:1:19 n33
Fontana di Trevi, Rome (and P. Bracci), San Diego, Calif.
XIV: 1:9,12-13; illus. XIV:1:13 fig 10 Bandini (Juan) House, illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4
Salvin, Anthony City plan, Maps, Views, etc.
Harlaxton Hall, XX:3:149 City plan, VIII:3/4:25
Salvisberg, Otto Rudolf Map, the Plaza, Old San Diego (Cout), illus.
Bleicherhof, Zurich, XIX:3:126 VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4

Sam Hill's Folly [Maryhill Museum], XIX:4:180 Estudillo (Jos Antonio) House, illus. VIII:3/4:pl
Samal, Turk, see Senjirii VIII fig 4
Samans, Juan, V:36n8 Governor's Mansion, VIII:3/4:25
Samarkand Machado House, illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4

City plan, IV:1:29 Old Town, XV:4:3; illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4 (map)
Madrasahs Pico House, illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4
Bibi Khanum, 111:4:46 The Plaza, VIII:3/4:25; illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 4
Gur i Mir, 111:4:46; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 22 San Diego de Alcala Mission, Calif., XV: 1:25 n2
Shir Dar, 111:4:47 n81 San Felipe Ecatepec, Mex.

Mausoleum of Shirin Bika Aka, 111:4:46 Church, XV:1:19 nn23,32

Samarra, Iraq. San Felu de Guixols [Cuixols], Spain

Abbasid Palace of Al Jausaq, XX:2:85 Monastery
Samon, Giuseppe Abbots' House [parish church]
Essay in Frank Lloyd Wright, Drawings for a Living Faade, XX:2:83-84; illus. XX:2:83 fig 13
Architecture, XIX:3:129 San Fernando Mission, Calif., XV:1:25 n2




Altars, XI:3:1,4 The Astor House (Spaan and Co.), XVII:3:33

Altar of Hera VII, XI:3:1; illus. XI:3:[2] fig 6 Bank of California (Kenitzer and Farquharson),



Excavations, X:2:26 Burnham (Daniel Hudson, Sr.) Bungalow, Twin

Sampson, William S., XVI:l:18nl07 Peaks (W. Polk), X:3:21

"Sampson posts," XI:4:25 City Hall, Old, XIV:3:15,16
San Adrian de Tunon City plan (D. H. Burnham, Sr.), IX:l/2:35n4
Larger chapel, XVI:4:3 Commercial bldgs. see Commercial bldgs., Office
San Agustin Acolman see Acolman, Mex. bldgs., etc.
San Antonio, Tex. Cosmopolitan Hotel (Kenitzer and Farquharson),
Federal Reserve Bank, XI:4:12 XIX:2:79

Vance (James) House (J. Fries), XI:4:12; illus. Crocker Bldg., XI:3:31
XI:4:[11] fig 9 Daphne (Nicholas) Funeral Chapels (F. L. Wright),

San Antonio de Padua Mission, Calif., XV:1:25 n2 XIX:3:130

San Augustine, Tex. Earthquake and fire, 1906, X:3:21; XIV:3:17,18,21;

Cartwright-Sharp Plantation XVIII:4:160; XIX:2:78

Slave cabins, XI:4:[7] n24 Ferry Bldg., Old, XIII:4:28

Garrett (William) House ["Louisiana type"; Fire House, Engine Co. 15, 1884, XIV:3:20-21; illus.
Parker-Dorsey Residence], XI:4:l,4(cf. ref. to XIV:3:22 fig 10
fig 2),[6]; illus. XI:4:3 fig 2 First Calvary Church (S. Williams), XVIII:4:161
Sawmill, 1825, XI:4:10 Fort Mason, IX:3:26

San Bartolom Milpas Altas, Guatemala Fort Point, Presidio, IX:3:26

Church, XV:l:19n23 Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939 ["recent
San Benedetto Po. great fair" ]
San Benedetto (Giulio Romano), XVIII:3:117,118 Bldgs., 11:1:17

San Buenaventura Mission, Calif., XV: 1:25 n2 Golden Gate Park

San Carlos Borromeo Mission, Carmel, Calif., XV: 1:25 Greenhouse, XVII:3:35

and n2,26 n39 Graham House, 1850, Kearney and Pacific Sts.,

San Cayetano de la Valenciana XI:3:27

Church Hallidie Bldg. (W. Polk), X:3:21; XII:4:32

Faade, XV:1:8 Houses (S. Williams), XVIII:4:161

San Cristobal Acasaguastln, Guatemala Houses, 1895 (J. Worcester), X:3:18

Church, XV: 1:18 n 12 Humphreys (William Penn) House, XIV:3:19; illus.

San Cristobal las Casas, Guatemala XIV:3:20 fig 8

Santo Domingo, XV:1:17 The Iron Hotel (Naylor), XVII:3:33


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San Francisco - Sana, Peru

San Francisco (Cont.) San Giuliano

Jackson Street (3500) Residence (B. Maybeck), Etruscan tombs, 11:1:10

XIX:3:124n5 San Ins Mission, Calif., XV:l:25n2

Lick House (Kenitzer and Farquharson), San Jorge, Marquis of

XIX:2:77-79; illus. XIX:2:78 fig 1 House of, Bogota, XIV:4:6
Maimonides Health Center (E. Mendelsohn), San Jose, Calif.

XVII:3:36 City Hall, destroyed, XIV:3:19-20

Merchants' Exchange (S. Williams), XVIII:4:161 Mystery House [Winchester Mansion], XVI:4:36;

Pacific Foundry, XV:4:17 XIX:4:180

Pacific Stone and Concrete Co., XI:3:29 San Jos La Arada, Chiquimula, Guatemala
Packard showrooms, Van Ness Ave., ca. 1926, Church, XV:l:19n33
XI:3:31 San Jose Mission, Calif., XV. 1:25 n2

Palace of Fine Arts (B. Maybeck) see San Francisco: San Juan, P.R.
Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915 Fortifications, XI:4:32; XIV:1:29

Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915 Fl Morro, XIV:1:29

Court of Ages (L. C. Mullgardt), X:3:20 an Cristobal, XIV: 1:29

Palace of Fine Arts (B. Maybeck), XI:3:31; illus. San Jos Church, XIV: 1:29-30

XI-3-30 San Juan Antiguo, XV:4:3,4

Parrott's Granite Block (S. Williams), San Juan autista Miss!n' Ca"f'XV: 1:20'25 and n2
XVIII:4:160-161; illus. XVIII:4:160 figs 1,2 San Juan Capistrano Mission, Calif., XV:1:25 n2;
Porter (Bruce) House (E. Coxhead), X:3:21 , r, i . .

Presbyterian Church, 1849, XIV:3:15 San fulia",deSantullano

,os Prados [Santullano] see Ov.edo:

Presidio, IX:3:26; XI:3:31

Russell (Leon B.) Residence (E. Mendelsohn),

San Lorenzo del Escorial see Escorial

San Lucas, Guatemala


Church, XV:l:19n23

St. Francis's Church (T. England), XIV:3:18-19; illus

San Luis de Potosi, Mex.

XIV:3:20 fig 5

El Carmen

St. Mary's Church, Old, 1853, XIV:3:16,17-18; illus.

XIV 3 16 f Proscenium-retable, XV:1:8,10; illus. XV:1:9 fig 9

!. L m T IIM-I. San Luis bisP Mission, Calif., XV: 1:20,25 n2

San Francisco Bay Bridge, project (F. L. Wright), San Luis Rey ^ ^^ n2
lii; 13U


Sea wall, XIV:3:16

c n- cu t ic wir 1 Project, 1927 (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130

Selby Shot Tower (S. Wilhams), XVIII:4:161 Marino Calif

Sharon Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), Huntington (Henry E.) Mansion, XVI:4:36

XVII:3:22 t tt San Mateo, Calif.

Spencer (Eldndge) House (J. Worcester), X:3:18 Carolands sec Carolands

Telegraph Hill San Miguel, Juan de, Fray, see Juan de San Miguel
Architectural scheme for (E. H. Bennett), San Mi , de Aen(J Mex

IX: 1 /2:35; illus. IX:l/2:33 fig 6 Camarines, V:29

Telephone Company Bldgs. (E. Coxhead), X:3:20 Oratory of San Felipe Neri

Vedanta Society Bldg., XIX:4:180 Santa Casa de Loreto, Retable, XV:1:8-10; illus.
Wells Fargo Co. Bldg. (Shepley, Rutan and XVT10 fig 11

Coolidge), XVII:3:22 Site, XV:l:10nl

Western Women's Club (J. Morgan), X:3:20 San Migue, Mission, Calif., XV: 1:20,25 n2

San Francisco Bay Area San Miniato, Master of

Architecture [Bay Region Style], VIII:3/4:67; Dormition of St. Catherine, painting, 11:3:33
X:3:6,15-21; XI:3:31; XVIII:3:116; XX:2:96; San Pablo, Calif.
XX:4:204 Alvarado (Don Juan Bautista) Residence, 1837,

Guide bks., XIX:3:132 X:3:16; illus. X:3:17

San Francisco de Avils San Pedro de Nora see Oviedo

Cloister, XVI:4:7 San Pedro Las Huertas, Guatemala

San Francisco Mission, Calif., XV:l:25n2 Church, XV:l:19n33

San Francisco Solano Mission, Calif., XV: 1:25 n2 San Rafael Mission, Calif., XV: 1:25 n2
San Gabriel Mission, Calif., XV: 1:25 n2 San Simeon

San Galgano Hearst Mansion (J. Morgan), X:3:20

Abbey, XVIII:4:167 San Souci Castle sec Sans Souci Castle

San Gimignano Sana, Peru

Towers, IV:3/4:3 Monastery, V:40

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Sanborn - Santa Maria de Lebena, Spain

Sanborn, Simeon, XIII:3:16 Vatican, Rome, work at, XIII:3:3,5; XIV:4:30
Sanchi Consistory ceiling, XIII:3:4
Stupa, 111:4:37; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 8 Well, Orvieto, XIII:3:5

Sanctuaries Sangallo, Bastiano da see Aristotile

Christian, XVII:1:2-11 Sangallo, Battista da [Giovanni Battista], 1496-1552,

Greek, XIII:4:3-8,15-20,23-24 XIII:3:8,10nn8,10

Sand painting, IX:3:23-24; XVI:1:29 Sangallo, Francesco, XIII:3:11 n25

Sandburg, Carl, 11:3:20 Sangallo, Giovanni Battista see Sangallo, Battista da

Sanderlein, Walter S., X:2:23 Sangallo, Giovanni Francesco da, XIII:3:5
Sanders-Hartman Co. see Hartman-Sanders Co. Sangallo, Giuliano da, VII:3/4:27; XIII:3:4,8

Sandhurst Drawings of thermal halls, XX:2:88

St. Michael and All Angels Palazzo Venezia, Rome (attrib.), XX: 1:40

Rebldg. (G. E. Street), XIX:4:168; illus. XIX:4:168 Sketchbooks, X1II:3:10 nn8,ll; XVIII:1:13
19 Vatican, Rome

Sandown, N.H. Cortile del Belvedere work, XIV:4:30

Meeting House, VII:3/4:29 Villa, Poggio a Caiano, XX:4:166,167,168

Sandrart, Joachim von, 11:3:6 "Sangallo Clique," XIII:3:8
Sandusky Sanitariums see Hospitals (Psychiatric)
Qty plan XX:3:108 Sanitation

Sandwich, Mass. Middle Ages, 111:1/2:33

Hoxie House, XIX:2:53; illus. XIX:2:53 fig 11 Sankt Gallen seg Saint GaH

an zen, rger Sanpaolesi, P., on cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore,

Paintings, Bethany Lutheran Church, Lindsborg, Florence, XVIII : 1:11 n 1,18 n44

, 7,2 28 Sans Souci Castle, Haiti, XIV:1:30

J.,, " ,, Sansovino, Jacopo, XIIL3:10 n 11
Sangallegchi , IX:4:13 '

Project for church with rotunda and ambulatory,

"Sangallesca, Setta", XIII:3:8

Sangallo, Antonio da, 1455-1534, the elder


S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, Rome, XIII:3:4

Annunziata, Arezzo, XVII:4:22

Santa Anita

S. Biagio, Montepulciano du- ,c t t i .

Studies for, XIII:3:8; illus. XIII:3:[6] fig 5 a d.^'n,( J ^"cky ' Cottage' XVI:4:35

S. Maria di [in] Monserrato, Rome, XIII:3:11 n27 Santa Barbara, Calif.

Sketches, XIII:3:8; illus. XIII:3:[6] fig 5 Brainard (Harry) House (G. W. Smith),

Sangallo, Antonio da, 1485-1546, the younger [Antonio : " ;1 : : !8SDi'

Cordiani], XIII:3:3-11 passim; as great Thompson (Kenneth) House (Edwards, Plunkett and

administrator, XII:4:14; J. F. Blondel familiar with Howell), XX:4:176; illus. XX:4:177 figs 17,18
work of, XVIIL4:147 n60; as architect of Paul III, Santa Barbara Mission, Calif., XIII:4:28-29;

IX:4:11; as planner, 11:1:5; and Raphael, XIII:3:3; XV: 1:25 n2; illus. XIII:4:28

contrasted with Vignola, IX:4:11 Santa Cecilia de Montserrat

Campo Marzio, Rome, replanning (with Raphael), Chapel of, XIV: 1:4
X 2:3- iiius X:2:4 Santa Clara, Quertaro, Mex.

Church, centralized plan Church, XV: 1:11 nl7

Study [possibly for S. Maria di Monserrato], Santa Clara Mission, Calif., XV: 1:20,25 n2
XHl:3:iln27 Santa Coloma de Gramanet

Faades, IX-413 Torre Pallaresa see Badalona, Spain: Torre Pallaresa

Fortifications, XIII:3:5 Santa Cristina de Lena

Palazzo Farnese [Palace of the Duke of Castro, i.e., Chapel

Pope Paul III], Rome Marble chancel panels, XVI:4:7

Cornice, competition design, XIII:3:4 Santa Cruz Mission, Calif., XV: 1:25 n2
Plan, XIII:3:8; illus. XIII:3:[6] fig 3 Santa Elena, S.C.
Window moulding profiles, XIII:3:8; illus. Houses, 16th c., XI:4:32
XIII:3:[6] fig 4 Santa Fe, N.M.
S. Giacomo degli Incurabili, Ospedale di, Rome Governor's Palace, 1:3/4:29
Church project, XIII:3:4-5; illus. XIII:3:[6] fig 1 Santa F, Spain
S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini, Rome Castrum of, 1491, XIV:4:3,4

Designs, projects, studies, XIII:3:4,9; XVI: 1:9; Santa Maria, Agostinho de, Frei, XIV:4:8-9
illus. XIII:3:[7] figs 6,7 Santa Maria de Bendones see Oviedo
S. Maria della Quercia, Viterbo, XIII:3:4 Santa Maria de Lebena, Spain

S. Maria di Loreto, Rome, XIII:3:4; XVI:l:10n9 Church, XVI:4:2

S. Peter's, Rome, work at, IX:4:11; XIII:3:3,5,8
Model, XIII:3:11 nn25,26


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Santa Monica - Santo Domingo, D.R.

Santa Monica Casa de los Cinco Medallones, V:9 n63

Horatio Court West (I. Gill), XX:2:96 Casa del Cordon, V:3,4-6,13 n85
Santa Inez, Manuel de, D. Frei, see Manuel de Sta. Portal, illus. V:[2b] fig 5

Inez Cathedral, X:l:26; descr., 1650 by Alcocer, V:13;

Santa Rosa, Hilrio de, Dom, XV:3:24 period of construction, V:2n7; XVII:1:35;

Santa Rosa, Quertaro, Mex. position in principal plaza, XIV:4:5

Church, XV: 1:11 nl7 Altar, Renaissance, N. aisle, V:10 and n68; illus.
Santayana, George, XII:1:12 V:[8a] fig 14
Santi, Giovanni, VII:3/4:27 Capilla de Geraldini

Santiago see James, Saint Sepulchral monument of Bishop Geraldini, V:12;

Santiago, Chile illus. V:[12a] fig 19
Cathedral Capilla de las Animas, V:9n56

Chalice, monstrance and altar frontal, V:23 Niche-tomb [sepulchral monument], V:8-9; illus.
City plan, Maps, Views, etc., XIV:4:5; V:[8a] figs 11,12
XVIII:3:83-84; illus. XVIII:3:84 fig 2 Capilla de los Bastidas, V:8 n55,9 n58,12
Compania Altar, V:13
Faade, V:23 Door frame, V:13; illus. V:[12b] fig 23
Los Leones, XVIII:3:83 Tomb of Bishop Rodrigo de Bastidas,
Pan-American Scientific Congress, 1st, 1908-09, V:9 n56,12-13; illus. V:[12a] figs 20,21
XVIII:3:74,83 Capilla del Santisimo Sacramento, V:10 n68,13-14;
Parks, XVIII:3:84 illus. V:[12b] figs 25,26
Santa Lucia hill, XVIII:3:84 Capilla Mayor, V:2,10n67
Santo Domingo Chair, demolished 1877, V:8n56
Towers, V:23 Coro bajo, V:10
Santiago de Compostela see James, Saint Decoration and ornament, V:[l]-14 passim
Santiago de Compostela, Spain Episcopal chair, V:9 n57,10-12; illus. V:[8b] figs
Antealtares, Monastery of, XV:1:4; illus. XV:1:3 15,16a,17,18

Canon's residence, XV:1:4; illus. XV:1:3 Faade, V:4,6-8,12; XIX:4:177; illus. V:[2b] fig 8;

Cathedral, IV:3/4:7; VII:3/4:[10] n2,26-27; XV:l:3-4; [8a] figs 9,10

XVII:3:34; illus. XV:1:3 Gate, V:10

Excavations, XVII:4:40 North portal, V:[l]-2; illus. V:[2a] fig 1

Faades, VII:3/4:26 Organ tribune, V:13; illus. V:[12b] fig 24

Fire, 1117, XV:l:3-4; illus. XV:1:3 Plan, XVII:1:35

Nave, XVII:3:34 Plans (A. Rodriguez), V:[l]

Portico de la Gloria (Master Matteo), V:7; Sala del Cabildo, V:[l]
VII:3/4:26 Sepulchral monument of Christopher Columbus,
Puerta de las Platerias, VII:3/4:26 V:9n56

Sculpture, VII:3/4:26 City Hall, XIV:4:3

Structural formula of, VII:3/4:[10] City plan, XIV:4:3
Transept, IV:3/4:18 Colegio de Hernando Corjn, V:3-4
Church near Cathedral, XV: 1:4; illus. XV: 1:3 Portal, illus. V:[2a] fig 4
Hospital, XVII: 1:35 Dominican Church

Palace, XV: 1:4; illus. XV: 1:3 Rosario Chapel

Santiago de Cuba Zodiacal representation, vault painting,

Bacardi Bldg., project, 1957 (L. Mies van de Rohe), XVII: 1:35




Santibiiez Salcedo, Alberto Retablo, V:13; illus. V:[12a] fig 22

El Beaterio del Patrocinio, V:40 Franciscan Convent, V:6

Santis, Francesco de' Portal, illus. V:[2b] fig 6

Piazza [e Scala] di Spagna, Rome (and A. Specchi), Hospital de S. Andrs, V:13 n89
XIV:1:9,11,12; illus. XIV:1:12 fig 8; 13 fig 9 Hospital of S. Nicolas, XVII:1:35
Santo Antonio, Simo da, Friar, see Simo da Santo Houses, stone, Calle Colon, V:4,5

Antonio Inter American Congress of Municipal History, 5th,

Santo Antonio de Torre Velha, Port. 1952, XI:2:25

Church of, XV:3:15nl7 Lighthouse (J. Bogardus), XVI:1:12; illus. XVI:1:15

Santo Domingo, D.R. [Ciudad Trujillo] fig 14

Calle see Santo Domingo, D.R.: Streets Mint see Santo Domingo, D.R.: Casa de la Moneda
Casa de la Moneda Palace of Diego Columbus, XVII: 1:35
Portal, V:9; illus. V:[8a] fig 13 Portal, V:3; illus. V:[2a] fig 3
Casa de los Baez, V:3 Placer de los Estudios, V:3

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Santo Domingo, D.R. - Satere roof

Plaza Mayor [Plaza Colon; Principal Square], Saqqara see Sakkara

XIV:4:3,5 Saracen ornament see Decoration and Ornament:

Puerta de San Diego, V:3,4,6; illus. V:[2b] fig 7 Saracen

San Nicolas de Bari Saracen pirates, XIV: 1:3

Portal, V:4 Saragossa [Zaragoza]

Santa Barbara Castillo de la Aljaferia [Alfarjeria; Citadel], V:29
Presbytery, V:3 San Cayetano
Streets, XIV:4:3 Faade, XV: 1:6; illus. XV: 1:7 fig 4

Calle Arzobispo Merino [Calle de los Plateros], Sarah Boyd, barque, XI:3:27



Calle Colon, V:4,5 Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church (V. Lundy),

Santo Tirso see Guimares, Port. XX:4:204

Santos, Francisco, Marques dos, XIV:4:10 Ringling (John and Mable) Museum

Santos, Manuel Rodrigues dos, XV:3:23 n49 Asolo Theatre, XI:2:26-27; illus. XI:2:26
Santos, Miguel dos, Friar, XIX:2:69 Riverview High School (P. Rudolph), XX:4:204
Santos Dumont, Brazil Saraswati, S.K.

Airport (M. and M. Roberto), XVII:2:31 Glimpses of Mughal Architecture, ed. by A. Goswami

Santos Vilhena, Luiz dos see Vilhena, Luiz dos Santos Rev. by P. R. Myer, XVIII:4:168
Santullano Saratoga Battle Monument see Schuylerville, N.Y.
San Julian de los Prados see Oviedo: Santullano Saratoga National Historical Park, 111:3:30

Sanz, Benjamin Gento, Padre, see Gento Sanz, Saratoga Springs

Benjamin Hotels, 11:1:35
So Joio d'El-Rei, Brazil Grand Union Hotel, XV:2:29

Rococo doorways (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho], House of Pansa [Jewish Community House; Masonic

attrib.), XV:3:13 Temple; The Pompeia] (F. W. Smith), XIV:3:6-7;

S. Francisco de Assis [Church of the Third Order of illus. XIV:3:[5] fig 5

St. Francis] Sarcophagi see Mausoleums, Sepulchral monuments,

High Altar (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho] ), Tombs, etc.

XV:3:23 n52 Sardanapalus, by G. G. Byron, VII:3/4:[17]

Towers, XV:3:19 Sardi, Giuseppe

So Joio da [de] Pesqueira, Port. S. Maria Maddalena, Rome, XV: 1:5

Country house, XV:3:10,14 Sardis
So Joio do Morro Grande Altar, XI:3:1,[5] n5

Parish church (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho], attrib.), Temple, XI:3:[5] n4

XV:3:19; illus. XV:3:18 fig 6 Sargent, John Singer, 11:3:19

So Jos dos Campos, Brazil Interior of Santa Sophia, Painting, 11:3:33

Aeronautical Technical Center Sargitmish, Amir

Staff housing (O. Niemeyer), XVII:2:31 Madrasah, 111:4:42

Sio Luiz do Maranhio, Brazil Sargon II, VII: 1/2:38
Site, XIV:4:8 Sarkar, Jadunath, Sir

Sio Paulo, Brazil Introd. to Glimpses of Mughal Architecture, ed. by A.

Bratke (Oswaldo) Home (O. Bratke), XVI:1:32 Goswami, XVIII:4:168
City plan Sarmatian ornament, XVI:2:7
Sketches (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94 Sarraz, La see La Sarraz

Founding of, XIV:4:6,8 Sarrazin, Moreau, silversmith, XVIII:4:158

House, 1928 (G. Warchavchik), XVII:2:30-31 Sarre, Friedrich

Sio Paulo de Luanda, West Africa Reconstruction of Saint Sergios Basilica, Rusafa (and
City plan, XIV:4:7 E. Herzfeld), XVII:2:23 n54; illus. XVII:2:20
Sio Salvador, Brazil see Salvador, Brazil fig 43

Sapelo Island, Ga. Sarria [Seria], Vincente Francisco, Fr.,

Greek Revival mansion, XIII:2:12 XV: 1:20,21,22,23

Sapington, John, Dr., IX:3:27 Sash windows, XIX:4:150

Sapir, quotation from, XIX:3:126 Sassanian architecture, VIII:l/2:41-42 nl6;
Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan XX:2:84-85,88
College of Engineering Sassia
Gothic Revival bldgs., (W. Anderson and A. Santo Spirito, XIII:3:4
M'Vean), XIII:2:18 Satellite city, VIII:3/4:15; XVIII:2:47,51;

Office of the Commissioner of Colonization (H. XVIII:3:80,91; illus. VIII:3/4:pl VI fig 11

Caplon), XIII:2:18; illus. XIII:2:[17] fig 8 Satere roof, XVII:2:32


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Sathonay - Sayer
Sathonay Independent Presbyterian Church (J. H. Green),
Chteau (P. G. Bugniet), XII:4:29 X:4:9

Satterthwaite, Linton, Jr., V:56 Johnson Square, X:4:9; XX:2:48

"A Stratified Sequence of Maya Temples," V:[15]-20 Liberty Square, XX:2:47

Satterwhite [Sattywhite], Jeremiah, XI:4:34 Maps see Savannah, Ga.: City plan, Maps, Views,


Temple of see Rome (City): Temple of Saturn Oglethorpe Ave., illus. X:4:8 fig 7[b]
Saugar Island, India see Sagar Island "Pallisado " XX-2-49

Saugus, Mass. Percival Square [Wright Square], XX:2:48

First Iron Works Association, Inc. Savannah Theatre (W. Jay), X:4:9
Iron Works [Museum], XH:3:28-29; XHI:3:29 SquarC( Negro dlstnct, illus X;4:8 fig 6

s House, XII:3:28 Squares [Plazas], X:4:9; XX:2:47-62 passim
"Scotch" Boardman House, 1:1:20-21 F

Sundial, X:4:9; XX:2:48

Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences (D. Lienau),

Saulnier, Jules
Menier Chocolate Co., Noisiel-sur-Marne [sur-Seine]

XIV: 1:24 n7

Turbine Bldg., 11:4:28; XVI:1:13,15 ^ , .. r,

Sault-au-Rcollet Terrace-houses [i.e. Row houses], illus. X:4:8 figs


Parish church (J. Ostell), XIV:3:9-10

Saunders, fl. 1776, undertaker, X:3:30 Trustees' Garden, X:4:9

Saurine d'Orle, Dame, XIV: 1:3 Vlews see Savannah, Ga.: City plan, Maps, Views,
Sauveterre de Guyenne etc
City plan, Maps, Views, etc., 111:1/2:24; illus. Warehouses, XX:2:48
III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 5; VIII:3/4:pl IV fig 4b Warren Square, XX:2:47
Savage, Elias, XIII:3:16 Washington Square, XX:2:47

Savage, Henry Lyttleton Wright Square see Savannah, Ga.: Percival Square
Nassau Hall (ed.) Savannah County, Ga.
Rev. by G. B. Tatum, XVI:2:31-32 Map, 1735 (S. Urlsperger), XX:2:49; illus. XX:2:50
Savage, Lyman fig 4
Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59nl3 Savery engine, VIII:1/2:31 n50
Savannah, Ga. Savina

Architecture, XIII:2:12 Sculpture after Le Corbusier's drawings, XX:2:93

Christ Church, 1840, X:4:9 Savoie [Savoye]

City plan, Maps, Views, etc. Maison [Villa] see Poissy-sur-Seine: Villa Savoye
City plan, VIII:3/4:21,22; X:2:3; X:4:6-9; Savonarola, XI:2:28

XX:2:47-62; XX:3:108; illus. X:2:4; X:4:8 fig Savorgnana, Giulio, XX:2:56 n52

5; XX:2:47 fig 1; 48 fig 2 Savrasov, A. K.

Maps The Rooks Have Come, painting, XVI:2:30

1735 (S. Urlsperger), XX:2:49; illus. XX:2:50 Sawmills see Mills

4 Sawtooth system, of overhead lighting,

ca. 1800 (J. McKinnon), XX:2:49 n9 Vill i/2-2R 29 21

m (P.
ao XX:2:49;
Sawyer, 19th
architect, see Sawyer and
View, 1734
illus. c.

X:4:8 fig 4; XX:2:49 fig 3 c Mcl*Jane

Colonial Cemetery [Church Cemetery; Colonial Park; awyer, oug on,

Old Brick Cemetery], X:4:9 SatWyer' ^j?1 B

Columbia Square, XX:2:47 Improved Observatory, patent, XIX: 1:12-13; illus.

Council-House, X:4:7 XIX: 1:13 ngs 3,4

Court-House, 18th c., X:4:7 Sawyer, Raymond Cecil see Waugh and Sawyer
Covered market, XX-.2-.62 Sawyer and Mcllvane, govt, architects, VI: 1/2:28
De Brahm (William Gerard) House, X:4:7 Sax, Pierre, Cur, XIV:3:14nl6
Ellis Square, XX:2:48 Saxon architecture see Romanesque architecture:



Forsyth Park (W. Bischoff), X:4:9; XX:2:48 Saxonville, Mass.

Fortifications, X:4:7,9; XX:2:48; illus. X:4:8 fig 5 Mill (J. Stone), XI: 1:4

Franklin Square, XX-.2-A1 Saxton, Amos J.

Garage, parking, XX:2:62 Patent for iron construction, XV:4:22 n60 no.6
Green Square, XX:2:47 Saxton, C. M.
Hodgson Hall (D. Lienau), XIV:l:24n7 Rural Architecture, XVIII:3:105

Houses, X:4:9; illus. X:4:8 figs 6,7[b] Sayer, Robert, 18th c., London printer,
Independent Meeting House, 18th c., X:4:7 XX:3:120,127 n8

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Saylor - Schinkel
Saylor, Henry H., 111:4:65; XIV:l:24n6 Schapiro, Meyer
The A. I.A. 's First Hundred Years "A Note on the Wall Strips of Saxon Churches,"
Brief rev., XVI:3:35 XVIII:4:123-125

Sayre, David A., XI:4:16 Scharoun, XIX:3:126

Sayre College [Sayre Female Institute], see Lexington, Schenck, Johannes

Ky.: Johnson (Edward P.) House Mansion of, N.Y., 1:3/4:31-32

Scaffolding, Gantry, XX:4:200 Schenectady, N.Y.
Scalamandre, Franco, IV:3/4:57 Bridge across the Mohawk (T. Burr), 11:1:41;

Scalfarotto XIX:4:181
San Simeone Piccolo, Venice, XIX:4:137-138; illus. Steinmetz (Charles Proteus) Mansion, IV:2:40-41

XIX:4:137 fig 4 Unl0n Col,e8e

Scamozzi, Vincenzo, J. F. Blondel on, XVHI:4:143,146; ; Rfiee) XI:2:23; XH:4:32; XVII:3:22

J. van Campen
XX: 1:41- ;-,
of Ionic _ . Wa"s Edmund,
Tel1 a Storyd,1:21
^nes' II: 1:34"35
w study
4. Acof,

capital with volute at 45 degrees, XVIII :2:71; ~ , , T */ ou u j

, . l4C, _T , ' Schermerhorn, L. Y. see Jenney, Schermerhorn and

obelisks, Scamozzesque, XVI: 1:9, on proportions R rf

of the orders, XVI:4:146; admiration for Roman Schermerhorn, William Colford, XIV:1:21
fora, 1:1/2:26; on location of Trajan s Column, Schermerhorn Family, XIV:1:21

1:1/2:27; on Vitruvius, 1:2:8 Scherrer, Anton

Books "Notes on Costigan," XVII: 1:30-33
DelFidea dell'architettura universale, XIX:4:181; Scheyer, Ernst

XX:2:56 "H. H. Richardson and Henry Adams' 'Inner

Ideal fortress town plan [revision of Palma Circle,'" VIII:3/4:67
Nuova], XX:2:56; illus. XX:2:57 fig 9 "Henry Adams and Henry Hobson Richardson,"

The Mirror of Architecture, or the Ground Rules of XII: 1:7-12

the Art of Building..., transi, by W. Leyburn, "Henry Adams' Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres,"
XX:3:118,120,128 no.49; illus. XX:3:119 fig 4 XIII:1:3-10

Capitals, XII:2:13 Schiavo, on Porta Pia of Michelangelo, XIX:3:104

City plan, Palma Nuova (attrib.), see Palmanova: Schickhardt, Heinrich
City plan, Maps, etc. Church, Freudenstadt, IX:3:7
Scandinavian Architecture, by T. Paulsson, XVII:2:32 Drawing of Fountain of Thetis at Pratolino,
"Scarabe ail," XX:3:138 XX:4:156; illus. XX:4:166 fig 19
"Scared modern," term, X-.2-.25 Schiff, Hart M XIV:1:19

Scarf, George, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 House of, N.Y., XI:2:[8]; XIV:1:19-21; illus.
Scarff, John Henry, XI:2:26; XII:3:29; XIV:4:28 XIV:l:[20]fig 2

William Buckland, 1734-1774, Architect of Virginia Schindler, R. M., and I. Gill, XX:2:96; and L.

and Maryland (and R. R. Beirne) Sullivan, XX:4:179-184; widespread influence of,

Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XVIII:2:71 XIX:3:126; and F. L. Wright, XX:2:95;

Scarisbrick Hall, Lancashire XX:4:179,183 nn6,8

Entrance and hall (A. W. N. Pugin), XIX:3:129 M P ^P 0"

Scarlett, Charles, Jr., X-.2-.25- XII: 1:22 McCoy. E
"Seena Der Aneelo " V-47 F,ve Cabforma Architects
scena per Angeio, v 47 Rev. by M. D. Ross, XX:2:95-96
Scenery, Preservation of see Natural monuments tfJ .. i T . c ir * d

c . /a j-a. . Letters from Louis H. Sullivan to R. M.

Scenery, Stage see Theaters (Auditoriums, . .. nqio4

Concert-halls, Opera-houses, etc.) Works ichlncUer' XX.4.179-184

"Scnographie Architecture and the Venetian Baroque, Buena shofe Qub Chicag0; XX:4:179

S. Maria della Salute," by R. Wittkower, Buildings, California, XIX:3:126; XX:2:95-96

XVI: 1:3-10 Schindler (R. M.) Office and Residence, West

"Scnographie" system, XIX:4:142 Hollywood, XX:4:183 n8

Schfer, Carl, 1844-1908, 11:3:10 Schindler, Mrs. R. M. [Miss Gibling], XX:4:181

Schaeffer, fl. 1844, of Baltimore, XVI: 1:29 Schinkel, Karl Friedrich, architectural theory of,

Schaeffer, Herwin, IV:3/4:6 X:3:8-9; and architectural workshops, 11:3:8; and

Schaefferstown, Pa. Classical Revival, 11:3:7,9; use of Gothic forms,
Weigley (William M.) Residence (I. H. Hobbs and 11:3:9; and L. Mies van der Rohe, XIV:3:32;

Son), XVIII:3:109; illus. XVIII:3:107 fig 4,109 Potsdam work, XI:2:4; visit to factories of valley
fig 9 of the Stroud, VIII:1/2:14,32 n68



Abbey Church, XVI:2:31 Bau-Akademie, Berlin, 11:3:7,12; XX:1:9

Original plans (Cuvillis), XIX:1:41 Court gardener's house, Potsdam, XI:2:27


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Schinkel - Schools and School bldgs.

Schinkel (Cont.) Scholarships, Grants-in-aid, etc.
Drawing of interior of textile mill, Stroud valley, See also Awards, Prizes, Rewards, etc.
VIII: 1 /2:32 n68 Adams (Henry) Fellowship, 1:1:24

Library designs, 1835, Berlin, XX: 1:9 American Academy, Rome

Military Prison, Berlin, 11:3:12; XX:1:9 Research fellowships, VIII:l/2:32

Werder Church, Berlin, 11:3:9 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, XVI:3:6

Schlag, Albert H., XVII:4:40 American Architectural Foundation Grant, to

Schliemann Burnham Library for architectural microfilm

House of, Athens, XIV:3:3 project, XI:3:[32]

Schloss Augustusburg see Bruehl American Council of Learned Societies, XII: 1:13;

Schloss Bruchsal see Bruchsal 4 XVI:2:16n

Schloss Bruehl see Bruehl: Schloss Augustusburg American Institute of Architects

Schloss Schnbornslust see Schnbornslust . e .ows 's' V"' .' ?'i32.

Schlter, Andreas, 11:3:6; 111:3:18 Amencan Philosophical Society, VH:3/4:[13];
Schmalenbach, Fritz, X.3.13 n3 Bosworth (Francke Huntington) Memorial

Schmarsow [Schumarsow], August, V:45; X:3:9,11 Fellowship in Landscape Architecture, XII:2:32

Schmidt [Smith], Bernard, 17th c Cam Foundation Scholarship, 1:1:24; X!:2:24

Organ, St. Luke s Church, Smithfield, Va., XVII:1:17 Cutting (Winiam Bayard) Xraveling Fei,owshipi

Schmidt, Carl, XV:2:18 nnl0,17 Columbia University, XIX:1:25 nl

Schmidt, Hermano Jose Duke University Research Council Grants,
Armchairs, Buenos Aires Cathedral, V:23 XX l -27n

Schmidt, Richard E., 111:3:31; XIX:1:6 nl4,10 n25 Fellows (William Kinne) Travelling Fellowship,
Schmitt, Annegrit, on cupola drawing by Giovanni di XX:3:99 n

Gherardo da Prato, XVIIM:12 nl2 Fels (Samuel S.) Fellowship, XX:2:63 nl

Schmitz, Carl, XIX: 1:30 Grant (Andrew) Traveling Scholarship, Edinburgh
Schneider, Alfons Maria College of Art, VIII:3/4:17

Review Guggenheim (John Simon) Memorial Foundation

The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors... Fellowships
First report..., XX: 1:44 Recipients see Guggenheim (John Simon)
Schneider, Kristian, in office of Adler and Sullivan, Memorial Foundation Fellowships: Recipients
XIX:2:62 Harvard University Grants, XVI:3:6

Schnell, Mathias, bldr., of Rock Island, III, 111:3:31 Institute of Early American History and Culture,
Schnberger, Arno Williamsburg, V:47

The Rococo Age, Art and Civilization of the Langley Scholarships, 1:1:24; VII:l/2:49
Eighteenth Century (with T. Mller and H. Library of Congress
Soehner) Grant-in-aid for Studies in the History of
Brief rev., XIX:4:184 American Civilization, XV:l:29n

Schoenberger, Guido, XII:3:6 nl Medieval Academy of America, XVI:3:6

Schoenborn, Anton, VII:1/2:19 Pennsylvania State University, XX:2:63 nl

Schoenborn, August Gottlieb, VII: 1/2:2-8 passim; Rotch Traveling Scholarship, XIX: 1:6

XIX-4182 Weitzman (George H.) Memorial Fellowship,

"Contribution to the History of the Building of the Columbia University School of Architecture,
XX:3:99 n

Capitol Extension, New Dome, Stone Terrace,

Scholasticism, XIII: 1:30-31

Scholfield, P. H.

etc ," VII:l/2:23-30

"Sketch of My Education and Connection with the

The Theory of Proportion in Architecture

Extension of the United States Capitol, ' R^'byYV. Spenr',' Xlxa-.SlTs

Washington, D CV V : ,2:17-23 Schoneman Ruth, XLL27.28

Schoenborn, Henry F/9 Jhe Schoo, md ^ y ^

Schoenborn, William, V I. 1/2.19 School House and Church Architecture, by A. J.

Schoenborn Family, of Wuerzburg, XII:4:12 Bicknell, XII 4 25

Schnbornslust School of Athens (Raphael), XVII:4:22

Designs (J. B. Neumann), XII:4:14 Schools and School bldgs.

Schoenbrunn, Ohio Architectural see Architecture: Study and teaching

Log cabins, XII:2:4; illus. XII:2:[6] fig 2 Asuncion, Paraguay
Moravian Village, XII:2:4 Experimental School (A. Reidy), XX-.2-.95

Schoolhouse, XII:2:4 Baltimore, Md.

Schoharie Creek Aqueduct see Fort Hunter, N.Y. McKim Free School (W. Howard and W. F.
Scholarship see Learning and Scholarship Small), XIII:3:30; XX:2:66
Public Schools, XX:2:66-67,68,73,76,77 n47; illus.
XX-.2-.67 figs 3,4


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Schools and School bldgs. - Schools and School bldgs.

Birmingham, Pa. Litchfield, Conn.

Meeting House First schoolhouse, X:4:18,[23] n2

Octagonal School, XII: 1:21-22; illus. XII:1:21 London

Blind see Blind: Schools for Christ's Hospital

Chatham, Engl. Writing School of Sir John Moore (N.
Church schools (G. E. Street), XIX:4:169 Hawksmoor and C. Wren), XIII:4:31
Conowingo, Md. Clergy House and School, All Saints', Margaret

Prospect School, XII:1:22 St. (W. Butterfield), XIX:4:150,155

Deaf see Deaf: Schools for Merchant Taylors' School, XIV:4:13
Dedham, Mass. St. James-the-Less, Westminster

Nickerson (Albert W.) House [Noble and Schools (G. E. Street), XIX:4:148,163,164,169;
Greenough School] (Shepley, Rutan and illus. XIX:4:163 fig 12
Coolidge), XVII:3:20 Los Angeles

Denchworth, Engl. Barnsdall Kindergarten project (F. L. Wright),

Church School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147,169; XIX:3:130
XIX:4:146 fig 1 Maidenhead
Designs, Projects, etc. All Saints'

cole des Beaux-Arts school project (J. C. M. Schools (G. E. Street), XIX:4:154

Berger and A. E. Maistrasse), XIX: 1:19-20; Maidstone

illus. XIX: 1:20 fig 7 All Saints'
Gamier (T.) Project, XIX: 1:19-20; illus. XIX: 1:20 School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:169
fig 6 Manchester, Engl.

Rue Saint Lambert school project, 1894, Oldham Blue Coat School (R. Lane), XVI:2:26
XIX: 1:20 n26 Manchester, Mass.

Dublin Memorial School (Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson

King's Hospital School [Blue Coat School], and Abbott), XVII:3:30
XX:3:134nl6 Mexico City
East Challow, Engl. Ninos Heroes School, V:31 nl6
Church school (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147 Secondary School no. 8, V:31 nl6
Edinburgh Middletown, Pa.
Heriot's Hospital [School], XII:3:24; XVI:2:17 Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded
Fitchburg, Mass. Children (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35
High School (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Morton, N.Y.
Abbott), XVII:3:28 School House, XV:2:15






High School (Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and New Bern Graded School (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35

Abbott), XVII:3:28 New Bradwell

Hawaii Church School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:169; illus.
Government schoolhouses built with concrete XIX:4:170 fig 23
blocks, XI:3:27 New York (City)

Heathfield, Engl., XIX:4:147 Free schools, 18th c., XI:2:21

Honolulu Oley Valley, Pa.

Punahou School Moravian Schoolhouse, XVIII: 1:29

Beckwith's Folly, XII:1:21 Pennsylvania

Hudson, Ohio Octagonal school houses, XII:1:21
Western Reserve Academy [Hudson Academy], Philadelphia
XII:2:9; XV:4:3 Carpenters Company School, XIV:2:29-30

Hurstpierpoint (R. C. Carpenter), XIX:4:154 Schools (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34-35; illus. XIX: 1:37




Independence Public School (C. S. McNally), Probus

XIX:2:58 and nl2 School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146

Inkpen Raleigh, N.C.

Church School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147,154 North Carolina State College
Japan, XIII:2:15 Classroom Bldg. (Holloway-Reeves and

Karlsruhe Associates, and Waugh and Sawyer),

Technische Hochschule, 11:3:11 XX:4:204

Lancing (R. C. Carpenter), XIX:4:154 Rio de Janeiro

Lawrence, Kan. Day Nursery (O. Niemeyer), XVII:2:31

Trinity Episcopal Church used as school on
weekdays, VI: 1/2:25


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Schools and School bldgs. - Scientific American

Schools and School bldgs. (Cont.) Schutz, Augustus, XX:2:54

Salem, Or. Schutz, George, XX:2:53-54

North Salem School (C. S. McNally), Schutz, John, Col., XX:2:53-54

XIX:2:59 nl3 Schutz Family, Huguenots of Engl., XX:2:54

Oregon State Reform School Schuyler, Catherine, 111:3:30

Addition (W. C. Knighton and C. S. McNally), Schuyler, Montgomery, architectural theory of,
XIX:2:60n20 XVII:4:28; on Armories, XIV:3:26-27; on M.

South Salem School (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:59nl3 Baum House [Taft Museum], Cincinnati,
Sarasota, Fla. VI:3/4:18; use of term "cage construction,"

Riverview High School (P. Rudolph), XX:4:204 XVIII:4:131 nl5; biographer of L. Eidlitz,

Schoenbrunn, Ohio XIII:4:30; on F. Freeman's Riverside Drive

Schoolhouse, XII:2:4 houses, XI:4:35; on B. H. Latrobe, VI:3/4:18; on
Stanford-in-the-Vale D. Lienau's French and Belgian Plate Glass Co.

Church School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147 Warehouse, XIV: 1:22; on Romanesque Revival in

Thomaston Me Pittsburgh, XVI:3:22; on skyscraper, XII:1:2I;

High School, X:4:29 XV:2:32; XVIII:4:137-138; on L. Sullivan's Bayard

U.S., modern school bldgs. in the South, XX:4:204; [Condict] Bldg., XX:3:143; on F. L. Wright and

octagonal schoolhouses, XII:1:21; of S. Sloan, Sullivan, XIX:2:64n20

XIX-1-34-35 "Modern Architecture," Architectural Record, (quote

Uppingham (G. E. Street), XIX:4:152 from)' XVII:4:28

Venice 'The Skyscraper up to Date," XII:1:21

Scuola di San Marco Schuy,er' PhiliP' Gen> nl:3:30^ IV:2:38; XIX:3:117;

Faade, XVI:2:31 XX '.:22

Wantage, Engl. Schuylerville, N.Y.

Church School (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147 Saratoga Battle Monument, IV:2:40

Washington DC Schuyler (Gen. Philip) Stoves,

111:3:30; XIX:3:117
Reform School Bldgs., VII:l/2:20

Stark's Knob, IV:2:40

Schoolhouses, VII: 1/2:20

W t Ch t P Schuylkill Bridge, 1798-1806, Philadelphia, IX:3:24

West Chester Young Ladies' Seminary [Bolmar's Schuylkill Bridge, 1812, Philadelphia (L. Wernwag),

(A.) Boarding School for Boys; Villa Maria Schuylkill Navieation Co XX 4197

Con,,] (T. U. Wnh.r,, x,x:2,82 f.g , , x.Sh

i ams urg, a- Schwbish Gmnd

Bruton Heights Training School, illus. XIV:1:15 Church XVII-3-9n29

.. 3..,, , , Schwartz, Esther I. [Mrs. Samuel Schwartz]

Matthew Whaley School, .llus. XIV: 1:15 fig 3 'Touro Synagogue Restored," XVII:2:23-26

' s.?,n' 1 ' , , , _ Schwarz, Arthur Frederick see Russell, Mullgardt,

Wilson Junior High School (A. G. Odell and Schwarz, Van Hoefen

Associates), XX:4:204 Schwarz, Rudolf

Schrder, Mrs. Truus Schrder Vom Bau der Kirche [The Church Incarnate, the
House of see Utrecht: Schrder-Schrder (Truus) Sacred Function of Christian Architecture]

House Brief rev., XVIII:3:120

Schrg, Phillip, VII: 1/2:19 Schwarz, Walter

Schrodt, Paul, 111:1/2:62 Drawings of medieval timber bldgs., XVII:2:20n;

Schroeder, Rudolf Alexander, X:3:9 il(us xvil:2:6 fig 9; [7] figs 13,15; 9 fig 18; 12
Schrder-Schrder, Mrs. Truus flg 25; is fig 39
House of see Utrecht: Schrder-Schrder (Truus) Schweidnitz

House Friedenskirche (A. von Saebisch), IX:3:13nl9

Schubert, Otto, architectural theory of, X:3:12 Schweikher, Paul

Geschichte des Barock in Spanien, XII:2:31; Unitarian Church, Chicago, IX:l/2:37
XVIII:4:167 Schweinfurth, A. C., X:3:18,21

Schuhknecht [Schubknecht, Schuknecht], Joh. Martin Hearst Hacienda, Pleasanton, X:3:21

Riding Hall, Darmstadt, XVII:4:38 Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Berkeley, X:3:21;

Schultze-Naumburg, Paul, X:3:14n47 illus. X:3:17

Schumacher, Fritz, X:3:ll Schweizer, O. E., XVIII:3:92

Schumarsow, August see Schmarsow, August Schwb Villa see La Chaux-de-Fonds: Villa Schwb

Schurz (Carl) Foundation, 1:2:22 Scientific American [American Mechanic ],

Schuster, Hildephonse, Archbishop of Milan, XVI:3:6 XV:4:21 n51,22 n66; XVLL18 nl 10


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Scientific Congress - Seattle

Scientific Congress Scroop, Thomas L., 19th c of Natchez, XV:2:28

1913, Madrid, XVIII:2:48 Scully, Vincent J., Jr., on American architecture

Scipio, VII:3/4:[17] (19th c.) [stick and shingle styles], XVII:3:35,

Scipio Aemiiianus, XX:2:57 (20th c.), XX:3:150; on "brown decades,"

Sclarenco, Carl, editorial assistant, SAH Journal, XIV:l:24n2; on D. Lienau's "Beach Cliffe" [Kane
IX-X:1 villa], XIV: 1:25 nl8; on "Prairie" or "Second
Scope of Total Architecture, by W. Gropius, Chicago School," XIX: 1:2 n2; on Richardson's
XVIII:3:118; XIX:3:128 Codman House project, IX:l/2:25; on

Scoriae, Volcanic, in concrete vaulting, XVII:4:4 Richardson's Dorsheimer House plan,

Scott IX: 1 / 2:30 n4; on F. L. Wright, XX:1:43

View of Westminster, painting, 11:3:33 Articles, Books, etc.

Scott, Baillie see Baillie Scott, M. H. "The American Cottage Style from Andrew
Scott, Geoffrey, XX.-3:142 Jackson Downing to Frank Lloyd Wright,"
Scott, George Gilbert, Sir, T. S. R. Boase on, VIII:3/4:67
XX:3:149; dating of mouldings by contemporaries The Architectural Heritage of Newport, Rhode

of, 11:2:21; on eclecticism, XII:4:16,17; and Gothic Island, 1640-1915 (with A. F. Downing),

style, XIII:3:20; XIX:4:148; as innovator [use of XII: 1:32

iron and glass], XIX:4:148; knighthood, Rev. by P. F. Norton, XII:2:30
XIX:4:145; associate of Royal Academy, The Cottage Style, dissertation, IX:l/2:30n4

XIX:4:148; and G. E. Street, XIX:4:145,146 and Frank L1yd WriSht- XX: 1:43

nl 1,148,166,167 ^ev by G' G Manson> XIX:4:182-183

Remarks on Secular and Domestic Architecture, Fke Single Style: Architectural Theory and Design

Present and Future, XIX:4:148 n28 from ^hardson to the Origins of Wright,

Works (Bldgs., Designs, Restorations, etc.) XX:4:170

Albert Memorial [Monument], London, XV:2:29; ev. y J. itch, XVII: 1:36

XIX-4165 Review

Foreign Office, London Morrison, H Early American

Architecture from
the First Colonial Settlements to the National
Bldg., Italian Renaissance, IX: 1/2:27;

Period, XII:2:29-30

XIX:4:159-160,161; XX:3:149


Competition design, Gothic, XIX:4:159,160,161

[St. Nicholas], Hamburg, XII:4:16; (see also Art and
o .u u u . , , Architecture; Decoration and Ornament;

Rathaus, Hamburg XIX:4:155,!59 Faades), XV:1:5-11,16-17

St. Michael s, Cornhill, London, restoration, Baltimore, Md., XIV:4:27-28; illus. XIV:4:27

o ^XIX:4:L62 , . Ceylon, XVIII:2:71

St. Paneras Station, London, XII:4:17 Medieval, XII:3:8-12

War Office, London, competition design, peru viII-3/4-43-45
XIX:4:160 Greek, XIII:4:4

Scott, John, 18th c. house bldr. of Natchez, XIV: 1:31 Rococo XV-3-21

Scott, M. H. Baillie see Baillie Scott, M. H. Russian XVI-2-30

Scott, Mary Wingfield, on policies of Mutual Spanish, XIX-4178

Assurance Co., IV:3/4:51; and preservation of Sculpture and Architecture see Art and Architecture;

Linden Row, Richmond, IX:3:26 Sculpture: Architectural, Decorative, etc.

"A.P.V.A. Tries to Save Old Richmond," 111:4:26-31 Scythian ornament, XVI:2:7

Houses of Old Richmond Sea Bright, N.J. [Seabright]

Rev. by T. C. Bannister, 11:2:38-39 Auldwood (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), XVII:3:26

Scott, Walter A. [Death Valley Scotty], XVI:4:36 Sealy, Orin A.

Scott, Winfield, Gen., XIV:2:32 Photographs of Denver houses, XVIII:2:70
Scott, Kamper and Scott, 11:4:43 Seaplane stations see Airports
Scottsdale, Ariz. Sears, 19th c. lime and cement supplier, see Bangs,
Taliesin West (F. L. Wright), XIX:4:183 Teall and Sears

Scottsville, N.Y. Sears, Bernard, XIII:2:3-4

Quaker Meeting House, XV:2:15 Sears, Roebuck and Co., XII:3:29; XIX:4:175
Scotty's Castle, Death Valley, XVI:4:36 Bldgs. of see Chicago: Leiter Bldg.: 2d, 1889-91
Scotus, Johannes see Erigens, John Scotus Seaton Delaval, Northumberland (J. Vanbrugh),
Scovill, Philo, X:4:16 XV:4:31


Rood screens, XVII:1:15 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909,

Window screens, X:2:20 XIX:3:123-125

Architecture supervision (J. G. Howard),



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Seattle - Serlio

Seattle (Cont.) Seljuk Period

Hoo Hoo House [University of Washington Faculty Iran, XV:4:31

Club] (E. P. Storey), XIX:3:123-125; illus. Sellers, Horace Wells, XI:3:23,26

XIX:3:123 fig 1; 124 figs 2,3 Sellers, Lester Hoadley, XI:3:26n5

Architecture, XIX:3:123-125 Sellin, Thorsten, XII:4:27

Sebastian, King of Port, in 1571, XVII: 1:8 Sellon, Lydia see Latrobe, Lydia Sellon
Sebastiane del Piombo, XIII:3:11 nl7 SeIlon' William, 18th c. Englishman, XV:4:29

Sebillot 19th c Selma Plantation, Washington Co., Miss., XIV:1:30

Tower project, Paris, XVI:4:26,27 Selva' Giovanni Antonio, XIX:4:142

Tower project, Stone, Paris (and J. Bourdais), Transl- of W- Chambers, Civil Architecture,
XIXi4i 142


Secession style see Wiener Sezessionsstil Selvatico, Pietro, XII.4.15-16






Semi-circular bldgs. see Circular bldgs.

Second Chicago School [Later Chicago School] (see
Seminole War, XI:4:8
also Prairie School), term, XIX:l:2n2
o j T- 1 Semp, Johan, IV:1:19

cCjj" c!f're viv a Tai il Semper, Gottfried, architectural theories of, 11:3:11;
Sedding, Edmund D XIX:4:147n21 X:3:8,9,U; XII:4:17; XIX:3:126; and H. Cole,
Sedding, John Dando, XIH:3:20 XIII:3:25; definition of art, XIII:3:25; functional

Seddon, John Pollard Pr.chard and Seddon ideas of ,I:3;1X;3:9. H ,R Hitchcock on,
Seder, Mildred Morgan, XIX:1:11 n6,13n9 XIX:3:126; and Renaissance style, 11:3:10-11; on

Sedgeley see Philadelphia "tectonic" vs. "strotomie," X:3:9,11

Sedgwick, 19th c. N.Y. lawyer, see Storrs and Sedgwick Semper, Hans, 111:3:12 n

Sedlmayr, Hans Semple, of Williamsburg, Va.

Verlust der Mitte, X:3:14 n49 House of, XIV:1:16,17
Segontia see Sigiienza Semyonov

Segovia City plan, 1781, IV: 1:28; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 7

Cathedral, XVII:1:35 Sencio, Miguel Gutirrez see Gutirrez Sencio, Miguel
Sanctuary, XVII:l:9nl3 Sendshirli see Senjirli

San Milln, IV:3/4:21 n33 Seneca, Kan.

Seingalt, Giovanni Jacopo Casanova de see Casanova Universalist Church (A. Levick), VI:l/2:29

de Seingalt, Giovanni Jacopo Senjirli [Sendshirli, Sinjirli, Zendjirli, Zinirli, etc.]

Seitz, Johann Georg, XII:4:14 Bit Hilani [Palace], XX-.2J9

Seixas, Jos Figueiredo de, XV:3:7,8 City plan, 111:1/2:16,28; VI:3/4:23; VII: 1/2:38,44;
N.S. do Carmo, Third Order Church of, Oporto, VIII:3/4:9,29; illus. VII:l/2:pl VI

XV:3:7,9,10,13-14; illus. XV:3:9 fig 4 Senlis

Seiy Kenchikushi [A History of Western (European) Church, IV:3/4:38; XIII:1:31

Architecture], XVI:2:32; XVI:4:36 Sens' Bishop of, see Henry, Bishop of Sens
Sekino, T., Dr., XIII:2:18 Sens
Sekler, Edward F. Cathedral, VII:3/4:14; XVII:2:28
Rev.' of H.-R. Hitchcock, Architecture: Nineteenth System of supports, IV:3/4:38; XI:3:9

and Twentieth Centuries, XIX:3:125-127 Transept, VII:3/4:15

Wren and His Place in European Architecture Towers, XIII: 1:31

Rev. by M. D. Ross, XVI:4:33-35 c Syno^ Hall, XIX:4:148 n30,150 n36

Seiden, Marjorie Ward Sepp' Padre' V:23

The Interior Paint of the Campbell-Whittlesey House, Septimus Severus ree Severus, Lucius Septimus

1835-1836 X l -27 Septizonium see Rome (City)

.. ,, Sepulchral monuments see Mausoleums, Sepulchral

Seldon, Major of Dumfnes, Va. monuments, Tombs, etc.

House of, xill:2:4 Sepulveda

Select Architecture..., by R. Morris, X: 1:4-10 passim; an Salvador

XX:3:128 no.55 Crossing tower, IV:3/4:21

Selgas, Fortunato, on San Julian de los Prados, Sequre

XVI:4:6 Church, XII:3:9

Se,inus Serbian churches, IV:3/4:24-35 passim

City plan, Maps, Views, etc., VIII: 1/2:51-52,53; Sergeant, fl. 1894 see Cable and Sergeant

VIII:3/4:41; XIII:4:4; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XIII Sergeant, Peter

Temples, XIII.-4:4 House of see Boston, Mass.: Province House

Temple "C," XVI:4:33 Seria, Padre, see Sarria, Vincente Francisco, Fr.

Serlio, Sebastiano, and Classical Revival, 11:3:7;

Mannerist taste of, XV:3:3; XX:3:147; on novelty


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Serlio - Sezessionsstil

in his era, IX:4:13; obelisks in works of, XIX:2:76; Pyramids see Pyramids: Egypt
rectilinearity of, XV:3:18; on rustication, Statue of Zeus, Olympia, XIII:4:5

XVIII:3:118; XX:4:167; contrasted with Vignola, Seven Years' War, XVI:1:32

IX:4:14 n 19 Sevenoaks, Engl.

Writings, XI:1:[18]; XIII:3:4; XV:3:3,5,6 Knole see Knole

Architettura, Book VII, XVI:2:17 Seventeenth-century architecture

Plans from, XVI:2:17; illus. XVI:2:18 fig 4 See also Baroque architecture
Libro extraordinario Bermuda, VI:3/4:7
Portal of the Villa d'Est, Fontainebleau, illus. Netherlands, XX: 1:41-42

XIX:3:107 fig 19 Spain (see also Spain: Architecture), XVIII:4:167

Villa and garden gate designs, XIX:3:107 U.S.

Tutte I'opere d'architettura. .., XX:3:129 no.76 Massachusetts, VII:3/4:30; XI:1:3-[15]

Book V, XVII:4:22 New York (City), XI:2:19-20

Sermoneta, Caetani da, Cardinal Several Prospects of the Most Noted Buildings in

Villa of see Rome (City): Villas: Sermoneta (Cardinal London, XX:3129

Caetani da) Severinghaus, J. Walter see Skidmore, Owings and

Serra, E. J. Corra da see Corra da Serra, E. J. Merrill

Serrabonne Severson, B., VII:l/2:30

Priory, XII:3:7-12; XIV:1:4; illus. XII:3:[10-11] Severus, Lucius Septimus, 1:1:6,7; XVII:4:8 nl5

figs 1-7 Severyn and Co., XIII: 1:26

Serralongue Svign, Madame de, 1626-1696, IX:3:7

Church, XII:3:7 Seville, Ohio
Serrano de Ladrada, Pedro, V:11 n72 Church Greek Reviva, VII;3/4:32

Can Our Cities Survive?, 111:1/2:43-46 ^Alczfr^V^ n9

_: 4 ,T-;" S ILL

city plan, Aviii.j.yi Drawing of Mexico City, 1596, XIV:4:4; illus.

Serrurie de fonte et de fer..., by F. Thiollet, XV:4:15 XIV 4 4 r 1
Serva Padrona, by Pergolesi, XI:2:27 A . . /rg, D. - . v
0 , . ' J Ayuntamiento (D. de Riano), V:8

Servandoni Barahnes work, XV: 1:7

anS v r design,
. .. ... VT , Cathedral,
Murillo illus.
stolen from,
4 VI:3/4:20;
v -

2 A. Rodnguez as maestro mayor at, V:[l] n2

Servio do Patrimnio Histrico e Artistico Nacional Sacristia Mayor (D. de Riano), V.8 and nn50,55

[SPHAN]seeBrazil ff,, D,,,vvln |A

Servius Tullius, VIII:3/4:33 A'tar (J".Balvas)'. . "

Servranckx Church interiors, XV:1:5

The Town, No. xlvi, painting, 11:3:33 Fb"ca de Tabacos' XX:1;33 n17'18

Sesostris, 111:1/2:14 A ,

Sesquicentennial Celebration of the Establishment of ^ Arcades, V:29

the Seat of the National Government in ^an Luls de Figueroa), XII:2:31

Washington, 1950, VI:l/2:32 San Pabl

"Setta Sangallesca," XIII:3:8 Dome (L- de Flueroa)' V:t27l

Sette Bassi, Villa di see Villa di Sette Bassi Seward, H. F.

Settignano, Desiderio da see Desiderio da Settignano Stanley Mill, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire,

Setting lines, Builders' see Graffiti, Masons' marks, XV:2:24-25

Setting lines, etc. Sewers and Sewerage

Settlemeir, J. H. Ancient

Residence of, Woodburn, Or., XIX:2:58nl3 Priene, VIII:l/2:53

Settlement houses see Social settlements Rome (City), VII:3/4:[33]; VIII:3/4:33
Setzer, Dorothea, XIX:2:47 n2,55 n35 Pans, XVIII: 1:35

Sevchenko, I., XVII:4:20nl4 Sexton, of Philadelphia

Seven Lamps of Architecture, by J. Ruskin, House of, XIX: 1:37

XVII:4:26,27; XIX:4:149; XX:3:149; XX:4:193 Seymour, fl. 1852, Lord, XVI:4:25

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, VIII:l/2:53 Seymour, fl. 1921, L. Sullivan reference to, XX:4:181

Hanging Gardens, Babylon, XVIII:2:59 Seymour, Charles, Jr., XI:3:7-8

Lighthouse [Pharos], Alexandria (Sostratos of Seymour, Nathan, Prof.

Knydos), VIII:l/2:53 House of, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:14

Mausoleum, Halikarnassos, XI:3:4; Seymour Family, of Litchfield, X:4:20

illus. XI:3:[3] fig 12 Sezessionsstil see Wiener Sezessionsstil


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Sezincote - Sheba

Sezincote, XV:4:7 Shattuck, George C., fl. 1803, Dr., XIX:3:121

Sforza, Galeazzo Maria, XVII:3:18 n6 Shattuck, George C., 1864-1923 (see also Coolidge and
Sforza Family, XVII:3:12 Shattuck), XVII:3:25

Sforzinda see Filarete: Buildings, Designs, Projects, etc. Shaw, Edward

Sganzin, Joseph-Mathieu, XVI:l:17n79 Books, XII:2:25

Cours de construction, XVI:1:11 Civil Architecture, 1831

Sgrilli, Bernardo Ionic mantelpiece, PI. 70, XVI:4:32

Descrizione... di Pratolino, XX:4:155-166 passim Civil Architecture, 1836

Plan, XX:4:155; illus. XX:4:156 fig 1 Shop fronts, XI:4:16; illus. XI:4:[15] fig 6
Sha'bn, Sultan Rural Architecture
Madrasah, 111:4:42 Doric cottage, X:4:29

"Shadow" pilasters [Double pilasters] see Pilasters: Italian villa, X:4:[31]

"Shadow" Rev. (A. D. Gilman, in North American Review,

Shadwick 1844), IX:4:[20] n3; XX:4:192 n4
St. Paul's, IX:3:11 Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings,

Shftlarn see Schftlarn XVI:2:23,26

Shaffer, Robert B., VII:3/4:37; VIII:3/4:69 Shaw, Howard, XIX:l:6nl4

"Emerson and His Circle: Advocates of Shaw, James, fl. 1830
Functionalism," VII:3/4:[17]-20 St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, London (and John Shaw),
Shaftesbury, 1st Earl of, see Cooper, Anthony Ashley IV:2:42
Shaftesbury, Engl. Shaw, John, 1776-1832
Guildhall, XI:1:13 St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, London (and James
Pound, XI: 1:9 Shaw), IV:2:42

St. Peter's Church, XI:1:12; illus. XL1:11 Shaw, John, 1803-1870, the younger, XV:2:31

Shahn, Ben, XVII:3:35 Shaw, Richard Norman, infl. on American architecture,

Shaker Detail, painting (C. Sheeler), 11:3:33 XVII: 1:36; and Queen Anne Revival, 11:3:24;

Shakespeare, William, use of English language, VIII:1/2:129; IX:4:15-[20]; H. H. Richardson and,

IX:4:14n35; on fireplace, XX:1:20 IX:1/2:25,27; and G. E. Street,

Shakespeare Library, Washington see Washington, XIX:4:145,162,170 n91,171
D.C.: Folger Shakespeare Library Articles and Books on
Shang terraced house, IX:l/2:4; illus. IX:l/2:7 fig 3 Hitchcock, H.-R.
Shang Ti, XII:4:6 Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,
Shannon, John, XIV:1:31 XIX:3:125,126

Shapiro, Meyer see Schapiro, Meyer 'The Early Work of R. Norman Shaw,
Shapur [Bishapur] 1853-1870: the Background of the
Palace, illus. XX:2:88 fig 21 American Queen Anne," VIII:1/2:129
Throne Room, XX:2:85,88 Sturges, W. K., 'The Long Shadow of Norman
Sharp Shaw," IX:4:15-[20]
Plantation of see San Augustine, Tex.: Book of Drawings
Cartwright-Sharp Plantation Architectural Sketches From the Continent, 11:3:16;
Sharp, fl. 1950 see Whiteley, Sharp, Seward and IX:l/2:27; XIX:4:148 n30
Watkins Buildings, Designs, Furniture, etc.
Sharp, Granville, IV:2:32; XX:3:108 Bank, Farnham (and W. E. Nesfield), IX:l/2:27
Sharp, Horatio see Sharpe, Horatio Bookcase, XX:3:149

Sharp, James, 1618-1679, Archbishop of York, IV:2:32 Cloverly Hall (and W. E. Nesfield), IX:l/2:27
Sharp, Thomas, attack on MARS linear plan, Gerberley Hall, VIII:1/2:129
XVIII:3:91; on Oxford Bldgs., XIX:3:132 Glen Andred, Groombridge, XX:3:149
Town Planning, XVIII:3:76 Leyswood, XX:3:149
Sharpe, fl. 1631 Mansion, Flete, XV:2:29
House of, Boston, XX:2:90 New Zealand Chambers, London, IX:4:15,16

Sharpe, Edmund see Sharpe and Paley Shaw, Thomas Mott see Perry, Shaw and Hepburn;
Sharpe [Sharp], Horatio, Gov. of Md., XIII:2:4 Perry, Shaw and Hepburn, Kehoe and Dean

Plantation of see Annapolis: Whitehall Plantation Shawnee Methodist Mission, Kan. [Shawnee Indian

Sharpe and Paley Manual Labor School], VI:l/2:[22]

St. Thomas' Church, Conventry, XV:2:23 n22 Shaykh Mosque, Cairo, 111:4:41
Sharpless, T. ShaykhS, Amir
Store of, Philadelphia, XX: 1:6 Madrasah, Cairo, 111:4:41
Sharrukin see Sargon II Mosque, Cairo, 111:4:42

Shatry [Shater] see Roofs: Tent Sheba, Queen of, XI:2:26


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Sheds, Train - Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge

Sheds, Train see Railroads: Buildings and Yards Ames Bldg., Court St., Boston, XVII:3:22-23; illus.
Sheeler, Charles XVII:3:21 fig 4
Shaker Detail, painting, 11:3:33 Armory Bldg., Detroit see Richardson, Henry
Sheikh Ibreiq, Galilee Hobson: Works (Bldgs., Designs, Projects, etc.):
Tombs, XIII:3:32 Bagley Armory
Shelburne, Vt. Armstrong (G. W.) House, Brookline, XVII:3:20
Restoration, XII:3:27 Art Institute, Chicago, XVII:3:25
Shelbyville, Tex. Auldwood, Sea Bright, N.J., XVII:3:26
House, two-story, two-room, XI:4:2 Bagley Family domestic work, Detroit, IX: 1/2:25
Sheldon, 18th c. Barristers Hall, Boston, XVII:3:25

Tavern of see Litchfield, Conn.: Sheldon's Tavern Belknap Bldg. see Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge:
Sheldon, John McLean Asylum
Home of [Indian House], Deerfield, XII:3:27 Bell Telephone Co., St. Louis, XVII:3:30nl0
Sheldon, S.C. Borland Bldg., Chicago, XVII:3:25
Prince William Parish Church, XVIII:4:159 Boston and Albany Railroad Station, Springfield,
Sheldon Plantation, Beaufort Co., N.C., XX:2:52 Mass., XVII:3:20; illus. XVII:3:21 fig 1
Shell construction, XX:4:200 Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Boston,
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, XI:2:28 XVII:3:25; illus. XVII:3:24 fig 6
Memorial see Rome (City): Keats-Shelley Memorial Bremer (T. C.) House, Brookline, XVII:3:28

Shells, in masonry, XI:4:32-33; XII:1:23,27,31 nl3; Cambridge Gas Light Co., Cambridge, XVII:3:25
XIII:2:28; XV:3:2; as windows, XV:3:27 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Boston, XVII:3:23
Shelton, 18th c. Chestnut Hill Pumping Station, Boston, XVII:3:23
Tavern of see Litchfield, Conn.: Sheldon's Tavern Chicago Orphan Asylum, XVII:3:28
Shensi, China Chicago Public Library, XVII:3:23-24
Great Pyramid, XII:4:6 Conant Hall, Cambridge, XVII:3:26,28
Shephard [Shepherd], Samuel, student of A. Benjamin, Congregational Bldg., Boston, XVII:3:28
XIII:3:16,17 Constantinople College for Girls, Istanbul,
Shepley, George Foster (see also Shepley, Rutan and XVII:3:30nl4
Coolidge), XVII:3:19,20-21,25 Corn Exchange Bank Bldg., Chicago, XVII:3:25

Shepley, Henry Richardson (see also Coolidge, Shepley, Easton Bldg., Boston, XVII:3:25

Bulfinch and Abbott; Shepley, Bulfinch, "Famous" Bldg., St. Louis, XVII:3:30nl0

Richardson and Abbott), XVII:3:25,30nl and Freemasons' Hall [Old Masonic Hall], Pittsburgh,
statist, appendix XVI:3:26; XVII:3:22
Shepley, Julia Richardson, XVII:3:19 Gratwick (W. H.) House, Buffalo, XVII:3:20
Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott Grew (Edward S.) House, West Manchester, Mass.,

See also Coolidge and Hodgdon; Coolidge and XVII:3:28

Shattuck; Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Harris (N. W.) House, Lake Geneva, XVII:3:28
Abbott; Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago, XVII:3:25
Article on Harvard University Bldgs., Cambridge,
Forbes, J. D "Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson XVII:3:26-28; illus. XVII:3:27 figs 10,11; [29]
and Abbott, Architects; an Introduction," figs 14,16,17
XVII:3:19-31 Harvard University Medical School Group, Boston,
Works XVII:3:25; illus. XVII:3:24 figs 7,8
American Military Cemetery and Memorial, Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, XVII:3:22
Margraten, XVII:3:30 John Hancock Insurance Bldg., Boston, XVII:3:25

Gordon McKay Laboratory, Cambridge, Knox Estate, 1890, St. Louis, XVII:3:30nl0
XVII:3:30 Langdell Hall, Cambridge, XVII:3:23
Memorial School, Manchester, Mass., XVII:3:30 Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford
Quincy House, Cambridge, XVII:3:30 Master plan and bldgs., XVII:3:22,26; illus.

Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge (see also Coolidge and XVII:3:21 fig 3

Hodgdon; Coolidge and Shattuck; Coolidge, Lincoln (Robert T.) House, Manchester, Mass.,

Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott; Shepley, Bulfinch, XVII:3:28

Richardson and Abbott; Shepley, Rutan and Lionberger (Isaac) House, St. Louis, XVII:3:20
Coolidge and John Lawrence Mauran), as Lionberger (J. R.) House, St. Louis, XVII:3:20
successors to H. H. Richardson, XVI:3:22,25,26; Lionberger Warehouse, St. Louis, XVII:3:21
XVII:3:19-31; R. C. Spencer, Jr. in office of, McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago
XIX: 1:6 Virginia Library, XVII:3:23

Allegheny County Bldgs., Pittsburgh McLean Asylum, Waverley, Belmont

Completion and supervision of, XVI:3:22,26; Administration Bldg., XVII:3:28
XVII:3:20,22 Belknap Bldg., XVII:3:26

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Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge - Ships (Barges, Boats, Steamships, Yachts, etc.)
Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge (Cont.) Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge and John Lawrence

McVeagh (Franklin) House, Chicago, XVII:3:20 Mauran (see also Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge),
Mallinckrodt Bldg., St. Louis, XVII:3:30nl0 XVII:3:22

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Sheppard, James, 19th c of Philadelphia, XIV:2:29

Georgian bldgs., XVII:3:28 Sheraton, Thomas

Merchants National Bank, 1913, Boston, XVII:3:25 Furniture, VIII:3/4:46; XII:2:25

Mermod-Jaccard Bldg., St. Louis, XVII:3:30nl0 Sherbourne, Lord, XIV:4:22n55
Montreal Board of Trade, Montreal, XVII:3:23 Sherman, John, 19th c Sen. from Ohio, VII:l/2:22
New South Building and Loan Association Bldg., Sherman, William Tecumseh, Gen., XVI: 1:14

New Orleans, XVII:3:25 Sherman, William Watts

Nickerson (Albert W.) House [Noble and Greenough House of, Newport, R.I., IX:l/2:25

School], Dedham, XVII:3:20 Sherrell, fl. 1845, of Philadelphia, see Parker, Keim
Norton (G. W.) House, Louisville, XVII:3:28 an^ Sherrell

Old Masonic Hall see Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge: Sherwood, John H., 19th c of N.Y., XV:4:21 n51

Freemasons' Hall Sherwood, John R XI:2:27

Oliver (Henry W.) House, Pittsburgh Sherwood, V.

Remodelling, XVI:3:26; XVII:3:22 Historical Museum, Moscow, XVI:2:9

Pan-American Exposition Bldg., Buffalo, XVII:3:25 Sheviock

Pavilion for disturbed males, Medfield, Mass., St. Mary and Sts. Peter and Paul

XVII-3-28 Chancel restoration (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146

Peking Medical School and Hospital, XVII:3:30nl4 Shih-huang-ti, IX: 1/2:6

Perkins Hall, Cambridge, XVII:3:26,28 Morgan, XX:3:131 n4

Potter (Henry) House, St. Louis, XVII:3:20 Shilling, Mrs. R., XVII:4:24nl3
Railroad Station, Pittsburgh, XVII:3:22 Shimizu, Kisuke, XIII:2:14
Ream (Norman B.) House, Thompson, Conn., Flrst [ Mtsui [Mitsuigumi House], Tokyo,
XVII-3-28 XIII:2:14; lllus. XIII:2:[16] fig 2
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Hotel Tsukiji, Tokyo, XIII.2.14, illus.

XVII-3-28 XIII:2:[16] fig 1

o. T , 'o, . /^ .u o n j Mercantile houses, Yokohama, XIII:2:14

St. Joseph County Courthouse, South Bend, _ ,,

XVII 3 2S Shimizugumi, XIII:2:14

cu , . D I . , , Shingle style, definition (V. J. Scully), XII:2:30; Godey's

Shadyside Presbytenan Church Pittsburgh, ^ ^ xynl;3;], 1;>of A R Qakey

xvn 3 ?i r X ; S' XVI:3:27 fig 6; XVII:4:28; and Period House of early 20th c
eu nu c 18 c il,,t, , XX:4:169-170; as form of Queen Anne Revival,
Sharon Bldg., San Francisco, XVII:3:22 XVII:4:28; XX:4:170; in Seattle, XIX:3:124; of

Shepley House, Vandeventer Place, St. Louis, j. C. Stevens, XIX: 1:3 n5; of E. P. Storey,
XVII:3:22 XIX:3:124 n5

Skyscrapers, Boston, XVII:3:22-23,25 Scull y j j Thg shl le St le XVII:l:36;

South Station, Boston, XIII:2:22; XVII:3:25 XX-4-170n2

Southern Methodist University, Dallas, XVII:3:26 Shingled roofs, XI-4-34

Stanford University see Shepley, Rutan and Shingles, tajamanil, V:25; wooden, XVI:2:10
Coolidge: Leland Stanford Junior University Shipley, James

State House, Providence Review, Detroit Institute of Arts, An Exhibition for

Competition design, XVII:3:23; illus. Modern Living, VIII:3/4:46-47

XVII:3:24 fig 5 Shippen, William

Stillman Infirmary, Cambridge, XVII:3:26 House of see Philadelphia: Shippen-Wistar House
Tiffany Bldg., St. Louis, XVII:3:30nl0 Ships (Barges, Boats, Steamships, Yachts, etc.) (see

Trinity Church, Boston a/so Navai architecture), of Caligula, 1:1:4; coins

West porch, XVII:3:23 placed in, for good luck, XIII:2:28; interior

Union Station, Boston, remodelled, XVII:3:23 decoration of, XI:4:28-[31]; weighing of,

United States Pavilion, Exposition Universelle, 1900, XIX:4:172-173

Paris, XVII:3:23 Building and Builders, J. Fergusson on, XVII:4:27;

University of Chicago bldgs., XVII:3:25,26 in Marietta, Ohio, XII:2:5; in Thomaston, Me.,

University of Oklahoma, Norman, XVII:3:26 X:4:30-31

Virginia Library see Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge: Clubhouses

McCormick Theological Seminary Yahara Boat Club, Madison, Wis. (F. L. Wright),

Warder (B. H.) House, Washington, XVII:3:20 XIX:3:130

Wells Fargo Co. Bldg., San Francisco, XVII:3:22 Kinds and Uses
White (Joseph H.) House, Brookline, XVII:3:26 Canalboats, XX:4:195n5
Wightman (George H.) House, Brookline, XVII:3:28 Convict ships, 18th c., XVIII:4:149

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Ships (Barges, Boats, Steamships, Yachts, etc.)-Siber

Mine-laying ships, XI:2:15 Shipstead-Luce Act, IV:l:39-40
Sailing ship, American, X:4:30 Shiraz, Iran
Steamships Tomb of Shah Chiragh, 111:4:47
Russia, VII:l/2:15n67 Shireff, 11:4:15
U.S., VIII; 1 /2:87; XI:4:25-[31]; Mississippi Shirin Bika Aka

steamboat, XIX:4:180 Mausoleum of see Samarkand: Mausoleum of Shirin




Bells (Hartford), VI:l/2:25 Shirley, William, Gov. of Mass., XIII:l:13nl

Bricks, from Caligula's ships, 1:1:4 Shirley Family, of Boston, XIII: 111
Figureheads, X:4:[32]nl7 Shmidt, fl. ca. 1750
Specific ships Drawings of Cluny, XVI:3:10
Abbey, XII: 1:22 Shoe, Lucy T., XV: 1:32
Ambassador, XI:4:26 Shoemaker, 19th c. lime and cement supplier, see
Austerlitz, 11:4:12 Farwell and Shoemaker

Buckeye State, steamboat, XI:4:26,28; illus. Shoemaker, Thos., 18th c. bldr., XV:4:25
XI:4:[27] figs 2-3 Shofar, XVI:2:28

Buffalo, steamboat, XI:4:28 Shomate, Beiford W XII:3:29

Caledonia, steamboat, XI:4:28 Shopping centers, Pullman [Chicago] Arcade as
Chicago Packet, 11:4:12 precursor of, XII:3:20; skyscraper displaced by,
Cleopatra's Barge, yacht, XII:3:28 XX:4:204; F. L. Wright ideas on, XIX:4:175
Clermont, steamboat, XV:4:12 New York (City)

Coffee House, Mississippi barge, XVI:4:21 nl3 Metropolitan Square

Constantine, XV:4:23 Shopping Concourse scheme (Associated

Crystal Palace, steamboat, XI:4:25 Architects), XVIII:2:56; illus. XVIII:2:56
Eclipse, steamboat, XI:4:25,30 figs 5,6; 57 figs 7,8

Edward, XIII: 1:26 Short, John, 18th c., of Natchez, XIV:4:28-29

Edward Everett, XIV:3:19 Short, Richard, 18th c.
Emerald, steamboat, XI:4:28 Drawings of Quebec, XVI:1:32

English ship, late 18th c., discovers Honolulu Short, William, and T. Jefferson, XVIII:4:164
Harbor, XI:3:27 Short Principles for the Architecture of Stone Bridges,
Evening Star, steamboat, XI:4:21 by S. Riou, XX:3:123,129 no.70
General Pike, steamboat, XI:4:28 Shortin, George, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Grand Republic, steamboat, XI:4:30; illus., Shot towers see Gunshot towers
XI:4:[29] fig 6 Shotwock
Great Republic, steamboat, XI:4:[31] n28 Church, IX:3:13 n28
Hartford, steamboat, VI:l/2:25 Showrooms, Automobile, XI:3:31
Independence, XX: 1:23 nl4 Shreve, Richard H. see Shreve, Lamb and Harmon
Ionian, X:4:[31] Shreve, Lamb and Harmon
J. M. White, steamships, XI:4:25,26,30-[31]; illus. See also Harmon, Arthur Loomis
XI:4:26 fig 1,[29] figs 7,8,9 Empire State Bldg., N.Y., 11:2:7; XI:2:17; XII:3:31;
Jacob Strader, steamboat, XI:4:26,28,30 XV:3:31

James, XX:2:49 Shrewsbury, Earl of, XIII:3:21,24; XVI:4:22

Monitor, warship, XVIII:4:156 Shrewsbury, fl. ca. 1846, of Madison, Ind.

Nancy, XX:1:23 nl4 House of, XVII; 1:31
Napoleon, 11:4:12 Shrines, Jewish, XVI:2:28

Natchez, 1879 steamship, XI:4:[31]; illus. XI:4:[29] Shriver, Jacob, 18th c., of Baltimore, XVIII: 1:34

fig 10 Shryock, Gideon, 11:2:27; IV:3/4:47; VI:l/2:[35];

Robert E. Lee, steamboat, XI:4:[31] and nl5 VIII:l/2:35; first trained architect in Kentucky,
Rowland, brig, X:4:30 XI:4:13

Sarah Boyd, barque, XI:3:27 Castlewood, Richmond, Ky. (attrib.), 1:3/4:45

Thompson Dean, steamboat, XI:4:30; illus. Court House, Frankfort, Ky., 11:1:36
XI:4:[29] figs 4-5 State Capitol, Frankfort, Ky., 11:1:36
Vesuvius, steamboat, XI:4:28 Shuja Village
Volcano, steamboat, XI:4:28 St. Paraskeva's, illus. XVI:2:13 fig 6

Washington, steamboat of 1816, XI:4:28 Shutters, in Jamaica, X:3:26; in Maine, XX:1:39;

Washington (D.C.) city steamboat, X:4:34 rolling iron, XV:4:14-15,16,22 n62

Yellowstone, steamboat, XI:4:28 Shuttle, Flying (J. Kay), VIII:l/2:5,27 n9
York, IV:2:31 Sian see Ch'ang-an, China
Yorktown, steamboat, XI:4:26,28 Siber, Joseph S.
Zenobia, XI:3:27 House of, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:38

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Sicilies, First King of the Two - Simons and Lapham

Sicilies, First King of the Two see Ferdinand I, King of Choir stalls

the Two Sicilies San Benito, Valladolid, V:8

Sickman, Laurence San Jernimo, Granada, V:8

The Art and Architecture of China (and A. Soper) Faades, V:6
Rev. by L. Bachhofer, XVI:3:32-33 Parish church, Illora, XX:3:147

Sidcup, Engl. Parish church, Iznalloz (and J. de Maeda), XX:3:147

Foots Cray Place [Footscray], XV:4:8 Parish church, Montefrio, XX:3:147

Sidewalks San Salvador, beda, XX:3:147
See also Pavements, Paving, etc. Silsbee, James Lyman, and G. Mher, XIX: 1:3; and
Honolulu, XI:3:27 F. L. Wright, 111:4:52; XVII:4:39; XIX: 1:3;

Sidney, Samuel, VIII:1/2:16 XIX:3:129

Sidney, Ohio Jamieson (Egbert) House, Chicago, XIX: 1:3-4; illus.

People's Savings and Loan Association Bank (L. XIX: 1:4 fig 4
Sullivan), XIX:2:68 Silsbee, Joseph, VIII: 1/2:87

Siebenhiiner, H., on cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore, Silva, Andr Ribeiro Soares da see Soares da Silva,

XVIII: 1:18 n44 ^ Andr Ribeiro

Siena, Bernardino da see Bernardino da Siena Silva, Antonio Mendes da

Siena High Altar, N. S. da Lapa, Salvador, XV:3:23 n47

Baptistry, XIV: 1:32 Silva, Lucio Augusto de, 19th c., Dr., XIX:2:72
Cathedral, XIV:1:32 Silva, Miguel de, V:[21]
City plan, XIV: 1:32 Silva, Paulo Franco da
Palazzo Pubblico, XIV: 1:32 Mausoleum, Old Cathedral, Salvador, XV:3:20

Tower, XIV:3:26 Silver, Joseph S., of Philadelphia, see Siber, Joseph S.

S. Domenico, XIV: 1:32 Sver, W. W.
S. Maria degli Angeh Panoramic view of N.Y., 1874, XVI:1:18 nl05




'Temple of," XVIII:1:17 peru XVI.4.22

Sierra Leone Company IV:2:31-33 Silversmithing

Signan w Oi ang-an, China po XV:3:10>23 n51

Sigourney, Lydia H., XIII:3:27 e

Simo da Santo Antonio, Friar, XIX:2:70
Simison, Barbara, librarian, VIII: 1/2:67
Saint Peter, IV:3/4:21-22
. .. Simitiere, Pierre Eugene du see Du Simitiere, Pierre

'cathedral Eugene

Vestry vaults, (Covarrubias), V:13 Simmel, XA.13n9

Sikes, Henry A of Suffield, Conn., XII:2:18 n3 Simmons, Francis, fl. ca 1800

Siking vee Ch'ang-an, China House of [Simmons-Edwards House], Charleston,

Silchester, Engl. _ ^*I:.4 36. . . . .

City plan, VIII-3/4-40 Simoes Ribeiro, Antonio see Ribeiro, Antonio Simoes
Silk, Edmund T., XVII:4:20nl4 Simon, Grant Miles
Silk exchanges Historic Germantown from the Founding to the Early
Valencia, Spain ^art f Nineteenth Century. . . (with H. M.
Lonja de la Seda, V:2n9 anc' Tinkcom)
Silk industry Rev. by H. E. Dickson, XIV:4:31
Georgia, XX:2:49 Map, 1952, Philadelphia, XIII:3:30

Silk-throwing factories Simon, Joseph

England, VIII: 1/2:5 Synagogue of, Lancaster, Pa., XVII:2:25

Sill, E. N 19th c., XII:2:26 Simon, Marcel

Silliman, Benjamin, VIII:3/4:2,5-6 Linear plan project, Brussels to Charleroi (and G.

Silo, Diego de Benoit-Lvy), XVIII:3:82
Cathedral, Burgos Simons, 19th c. scupltor in Rome, VII:l/2:26
Escalera Dorada, V:8 Simons, Albert, and AIA Preservation Committee,

Cathedral, Granada, XV:1:7; XVII: 1:2-11,35; X:4:35; XIII:2:29; XV:1:27; and L. Hall, XV:1:27;
XIX:4:177; XX:3:146-147; illus. XVII: 1:2 fig 1 and restoration of Manigault House, Charleston,
Altar, XVII: 1:2,4-5,8; illus. XVII:1:[6] fig 4 11:4:30; and St. Michael's Church, Charleston,
Chevet, XVII:1:2-11; illus. XVII: 1:2 fig 1; XII:1:24

[6] figs 5,6 Plantations of the Carolina Low-Country, by S. G.

Puerta del Perdn, V:8,10; XV:1:11 n9 Stoney (ed. with S. Lapham), XIV:1:32
Sanctuary, XVII: 1:2-5,9 nl; illus. XVII: 1:2 fig 1; Simons and Lapham (see a/so Lapham, Samuel; Simons,






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Simplon Pass - Skyscrapers (Cloudscrapers, Tall bldgs., etc.)

Simplort Pass, by Wordsworth, XVI:4:22 Sixteenth-century architecture
Simpson, Frederick Moore See also Renaissance architecture

History of Architectural Development Italy, XIII:3:3-11

Vol. I, Ancient and Classical Architecture, ed. by Sixtus V, Pope, XIV:1:9

H. Plommer Sizer, Theodore, VIII:3/4:69,70

Rev. by A. H. Detweiler, XVII:4:35 Articles

Vol. II, Early Christian, Byzantine and "Again Philadelphia's First Presbyterian Church,"
Romanesque Architecture, ed. by C. Stewart, X:2:27-28
XVII:3:33-34 "John Trumbull, Amateur Architect,"

Simsbury, Conn. VIII:3/4:[l]-6

Meeting house, XIX:2:76 "The Lebanon Meetinghouse, Lebanon,

Simson, J., 18th c., of N. Y, XVII:2:26 nl5 Connecticut," XIV:2:8-11
Simson, Otto Georg von "Philadelphia's First Presbyterian Church by 'Mr.
Articles and Books Trumbul,' " IX:3:20-22

The Gothic Cathedral, XVII:1:34; XVIII:4:166-167 Review

Rev. by J. Weitzmann-Fiedler, XVII:2:27-29 Labaree, B. W., ed., Samuel Mclntire, A
'The Gothic Cathedral: Design and Meaning," Bicentennial Symposium, 1757-1957,


Review Skeleton construction (see also Balloon frame

Webb, G Architecture in Britain: The Middle construction), benefits of, XIII:1:22; L. S.

Anes XVI 3 33 34 Buffington's "skyscraper" use of, 111:4:20; XI:2:15;

Sinclair, John, Sir. XX:3:108 XII:1:1^ XIII:1:23 n2^ XIII:3:31=

Singan seeCh'ang-an, China XVThi'nnlH.l^ XIX:1:40, XIX:4:182; m

Singerly, Joseph, of Philadelphia, IX:4:24,25 Chicago, XIX: 1.40; history and development of,

c. , , c . . r,, u r\ T T-v A XI:2:15; XX:1:3-19; W. L. B. Jenney and, XI:2:15;

Singhalese Sculpture, Classical... by D. T. Devendra, ri w j r \_

_i XVI:1:14-16; of L. Mies van der Rone,
V 111:2: /1

XVIII:3:118; in N.Y., XI:2:16-18; as requirement

for skyscraper, XI:2:15; XVIII:4:126-139 passim;
... , , in stone, XX: 1:3-6,12-13; term, early use of,

Singletary, 19th c.
House of, Streetsboro, Ohio, XII:2:10

Singleton, W. A., 20th c., XV:2:32 XVIII:4:136 n38,137

Sinjtrh see Senjirli Skeleton in Armour, by H. W. Longfellow
Sinking Spring, Ohio Stucco fneze of (W Crane)) XVIII:2:68
House, 1790, 11:1:35 Skempton, A. W XIX:4:181,182

on Sketches from France and Italy [sketches of medieval

House ot see Cincinnati: Taft Museum architecture], by W. E. Nesfield, 11:3:16; IX:1 /2:27
Sinton Family, of Cincinnati, XII:2:8 Skidmore, Louis see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill

Sioux City Skidmore, Owings and Merrill

Woodbury County Courthouse (G. G. Elmslie, Ford Motor Company Offices, Dearborn, XVIII :2:54
W. G. Purcell and W. L. Steele, Sr.), XX:3:140 Lake Meadows Development, Chicago, XVIII:2:54

Sisam, Kenneth, on Codex Aureus, XVIII:4:125 nl6 Lever House, N.Y., XI:2:18- XIV:3:32
Sister Carrie, by T. Dreiser, XIX:1:9 XVIII:2:54,59; XIX:1:40; XX:3:149
Sistine Chapel see Rome (City): Vatican: Parts, Minnesota work, XIX:1:40

Furnishings, etc.: Cappella Sistina Reynolds Metal Bldg., Richmond, XX:4:204

Sistine Madonna (Raphael), IX:4:26; XVIII:3:117 Terrace Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati, XVIII:2:54

"The Siting of Classical Greek Temples," by R. Skidoway, Ga.

Stillwell, XIII:4:3-8 Settling of, XX:2:49

Sitte, Camillo, anti-Haussmann crusade of, IX: 1/2:34; Skillings and Flint, lumber dealers, XI: 1:29

on architectural aesthetics and theory, XV:4:2; on Skinner, fl. 1850

city squares, XIX:4:183; civic faade important to, Editor of Plow, Loom and Anvil, VI:1/2:19
111:1/2:8; limited vista admired by, X:4:18; on San Skinner, S. P., 19th c of Chicago, XVI:l:18nllO
Marco Plaza, VI:3/4:4; spatial elements of Skirving, John
Baroque city planning of little interest to, XIV: 1:8 Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings,

Der Staedtebau nach seinen kuenstlerischen XVI:2:26,27

Grundsaetzen [The Art of Building Cities], Skylights

VI:3/4:4; XIX:3:126 Playroom skylight, F. L. Wright House, Oak Park,

Sitwell, Sacheverell, on Baroque architecture, 11:2:26; XVIII:2:64

XIX: 1:41 Skyscraper cities, XVIII:3:91,92

British Architects and Craftsmen, XIII:4:31 Skyscrapers, painting (Marsh), 11:3:33

Sixteen-sided bldgs. Skyscrapers (Cloudscrapers, Tall bldgs., etc.) (see also

Stable, Mt. Vernon, XII:1:22 Commercial bldgs., Office bldgs., etc.), aesthetic

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Skyscrapers (Cloudscrapers, Tall bldgs., etc.) - Sloan

Skyscrapers (Cloudscrapers, Tall bldgs., etc.) (Cont.) Missouri

problem of, XIX:2:64; and balloon frame New Madrid, XVIII: 1:25

construction, 11:4:28-29; XVI: 1:15; infl. of J. Texas, XI:4:8

Bogardus' towers on, XVI: 1:13-17; L. Buffington Sleepy Hollow see North Tarrytown, N.Y.
and, 11:4:18 n91; 111:4:20; XI:2:15; XII:1:13; Sleepy Hollow Restorations, Inc., XX:3:136

XIII:3:31 ; XV:3:31; XVIII:4:135; XIX:1:40; Sleick, 19th c. bldr. of Lancaster, Ohio, XVI:4:31

definition, XI:2:15; XII:1:14; XV:2:31-32; Slifer, Eli

XVIII:4:126-139; H.-R. Hitchcock on, 11:2:30; House of [Evangelical Home; Picturesque Villa],
XII:3:32; XVIII:4:138 n49; invention, origin of, Lewisburg, Pa., XIX:1:38; illus. XVIII:3:108

etc., 11:4:18 n91; XII:1:13; XIII:3:31; landscaped, . fis.8

XVIII:2:54-59; M. Schuyler on, XII:1:21; XV:2:32; Slight, Pnngle, VII:l/2:30

XVIII:4:137-138; L. Sullivan and development of, ?!!ght' Rob<;rt> VII:1/2:3

11:2:30; 111:4:6; XII:3:31,32; XVIII:4:127 n4; Slipcovers, 18th C XI:1:[19]

Viollet-le-Duc and, 11:4:18; XVI:1:15 f!0an' 3unlus nlO

. .. n , Sloan, Percy H., IX:l/2:24nlO

ric es. oo s, ec. . . Sloan, Samuel (see also Sloan and Stewart), H. N.
Arnaud, L The Tall Bu.ld.ng ,n New York m Cooledge, y, on, xiX:l:34-38; and Godey's

the Twentieth Century XI:2:15-18 Lady's Book, XVIII:3:.05,106,108,111; on

Condit, C. W. The Rise of the Skyscraper. .. Mansard roofs> XVIII:3:109,110; on Mt. Vernon,

Rev. by W. Weisman, XII:3:30-31 X:4:33-35; Oriental schemes of, XIX:4:180;

Kobayashi, B., A Note on the Skyscraper, Philadelphia work of, XIII:3:30; and T. Wadskier,


Webster, J. C., 'The Skyscraper: Logical and Articles Books, etc.

Historical Considerations, XVIII:4:126-139 Architectural Review and [American] Builders'

Weisman, W. R. Journal (ed.), X:4:33; XVIII:3:105 nlO;

'The First Landscaped Skyscraper," XIX: 1:34,38

XVIII:2:54-59 Homestead Architecture

"New York and the Problem of the First Designs from, XIX: 1:38; illus. XIX: 1:34 fig 1;
Skyscraper," XII: 1:13-21 36 fig 5

Boston (Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge), The Model Architect

XVII:3:22-23,25 Designs from, XIX: 1:38; illus. XIX: 1:35 figs
Chicago, VI:3/4:l-5; XI:2:16; XII:1:13,14,20; 2-4; 37 fig 7

XVII:3:25; XVIII:4:126-139 Drawing Academy of, Philadelphia, IX:3:27

New York (City), XI:2:15-18; XII:1:13-21; Works
XVIII:4:126-139 Bennett and Co., Philadelphia see Sloan, Samuel:
Rio de Janeiro Works: Tower Hall
First built with steel rather than ferro-concrete Blockley Almshouse see Sloan, Samuel: Works:

skeleton (H. Mindlin), XVII:2:31 New Almshouse

U.S., XV:3:31-32; XVIII:2:54-59; XX:3:149* Browne (N. B.) Residences, Philadelphia,



Slaapering Haven see North Tarrytown, N.Y. Cash (Andrew D.) speculative houses, Philadelphia,
Siade James 19th c XIX: 1:37

Plan of Boston, illus. XIII:2:21 fig 2 Centennial Exposition, 1876, Philadelphia

Slate roofs Exhibition bldgs., design, XVIII:3:105 nlO

Philadelphia, X:2:24 Churches {for specific churches see under city, e.g.
Slater, Samuel Philadelphia: First Baptist Church),
Slater Mill, Pawtucket, R.I., 11:2:35; VIII:l/2:30n43; *IX:1:35-36

XII-4--32 Literary Institute for Young Men,

Slattery, Vincent see Horgan and Slattery Courthous^XIXTM^ ^

Slaughterhouses see Abattoirs Deal (Sherifh Houses, Philadelphia, XIX:1:38

Slave labor

Eastwick, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36; illus. XIX: 1:35

Charleston, S.C., X:4:4,6

fig 4

Slave trade Elliot and Dunn Banking House, Philadelphia,

Curaao, XIX:4:178 XIX* 1*36

Medieval, Swedish, IV: 1:6 Evangelical Home see Sloan, Samuel: Works: Slifer
Slavery in Puerto Rico, XVIII:2:41 n6 (E) House

Slavery in the U.S. (see also Negroes in the U.S.), Evans (Dr. E. C.) House, West Chester, Pa.,
VI:l/2:23; XVIII:4:159 XIX:1:38; illus. XIX:1:34 fig 1

Georgia, XX:2:62 Farmer's Market Co., Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36

Mississippi, XIV:1:30


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Sloan - Slums

Fulton Hall, Lancaster, Pa., XIX: 1:34 Siber [Silver?] (Joseph S.) House, Philadelphia,
Goddard (J. L.) House, West Philadelphia, XIX: 1:38
XIX:1:37 Simes Block, Philadelphia, XIX:1:36

Governor's Mansion, Raleigh, XVIII:3:105 nlO; Slifer (Eli) House [Evangelical Home; Picturesque
XIX: 1:34 Villa], Lewisburg, Pa., XIX: 1:38; illus.
Grigg (John), bldg. for, Philadelphia, XIX:1:36 XVIII:3:108 fig 8
Hamilton Terrace, West Philadelphia, XIX: 1:37 A Southern House, illus. XIX: 1:35 fig 2
Harrison (Joseph, Jr.) Mansion, Philadelphia, Southern House in the Italian Style, illus.
XIX:1:38; illus. XIX:1:36 fig 6 XVIII:3:106 fig 2
Harrison (Joseph, Jr.) Villa see Sloan, Samuel: State Exposition Bldgs., Raleigh, XIX: 1:34

Works: Riverdale Stores, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36

Harrison (S. A.) Residences, West Philadelphia, Suburban Villa, illus. XVIII:3:108 fig 7

XIX: 1:37 A Suburban Villa ... in the Italian Style, illu.

Harrison's Row, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:38 XIX-1:35 fig 3

Horticultural Hall, Philadelphia, XIX:1:34 Swarthmore College, 1857-68, XIX:1:35

Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Theological Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo,

Philadelphia, XIX: 1:35 Overbrook, Pa., XIX: 1:36

Hospitals for the Insane, XIX: 1:34,35 Thurior, Hughes and Co., Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36

Houses {for individual houses see directly by name. Xower Hall [Bennett and Co ]> Philadelphia,

e.g. Sloan, Samuel: Works: Browne (N. B.) XIX-1-36

Residences; Sloan Samuel: Works: Model Townsend (Samuel) Store, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36
Residence for a Physician), XIX: 1:36-38 Tradesmen's National Bank, Philadelphia,

Jail, Media, Pa., XIX:
Jail, New Castle, Del., XIX: 1:34



XVIII:3:105 nlO; XIX:1:36

1. . University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

JohnsoMWdham J.) House, Philadelphia, Gymnasium and Ballroom, XIX:L35

Jones, White and Co., Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36 Memorial Hall, XIX. 1.35

t jfVTw,n un i \ru \r 11 Villa, Ann Arbor, XIX: 1:38

Si nSIS xvi l v"- K"~>

XVIII .1:107-108. XIX:l':34,38; illus. XIV131;

j "J* S?'e S1""- Ss"",d:
Works: Longwood
W/ r~\ t-br , I

XVIII:3:108 fig 6; XIX:1:36 fig 5

Villas, Riverton, N.J., XIX: 1:37

McDowell and Day, Philadelphia, XIX:1:36 ... ,T .. , . , .

Malony House, West Philadelphia, XIX:1:37 podges (James C.) House, Philadelphia, XIX:1:37

Model Residence for a Physician, design, illus. Washington Bldg., Phi adelph.a, XIX: 1:36

XIX-1-34 fig 1 Wendell and Espy, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36

Municipal Hospital for Contagious and Infectious West Jersey Academy, Bridgeton, N.J., XIX: 1:35

Diseases, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:35 West Philadelphia Institute, Philadelphia,

New Almshouse, Blockley Township, Philadelphia XIX: 1:34

Insane Dept. wings, XIX: 1:35 Whlte (Samuel S.) Store, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36

Northern Home for Friendless Children, W,nters <J- S > House> Montgomery, Ala.,

Philadelphia, XIX: 1:35 XIX: 1:35 capt. fig 2,38

Odd Fellows Halls, XIX: 1:34 Woodland Terrace, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:37

Pennsylvania Saving Fund Society, Philadelphia, Woodward (J. J.) House, West Philadelphia,



Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded Sloan and Stewart

Children, Middletown, Pa., XIX: 1:35 See also Sloan, Samuel

Philadelphia Savings Fund Society Bldg., Ashmead Printing Plant, 1853, Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, XVIII:3:105 nlO XIX: 1:36; XX: 1:9-10; illus. XX: 1:10 fig 13

A Picturesque Villa see Sloan, Samuel: Works: Hoskins, Hieskell and Co., Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36;
Slifer (Eli) House XX: 1:6-8; illus. XX: 1:7 fig 8

Redleaf Park, Philadelphia, XIX:1:38 Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, XVIII:3:105 nlO;

Richards (Rev. Joha) House, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:34; XX: 1:14; illus. XIX: 1:37 fig 9;




Riverdale [Harrison (Joseph, Jr.) Villa], Sloane, James

Philadelphia, XIX: 1:37 House of [Girls' Friendly Society], Baltimore,
St. James the Greater, Bristol, XIX:1:36 XX:2:70n33

Schools (for individual schools see under city, e.g., Sluice, Roman
New Bern, N.C.: New Bern Graded School), Manchester, Engl., VIII:l/2:27 nlO
XIX: 1:34-35; illus. XIX: 1:37 figs 7,8 Slums

Sexton House, Philadelphia, XIX:1:37 Cleveland, X:4:14; XII:2:21


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Slums and Housing - Smith

Slums and Housing, by J. Ford, IV:3/4:56 Public School No. 4, Baltimore (attrib.),
Smales, Holbert T., XIII:2:25 XX:2:67,68,76

Small, Ann Amelia, XX:2:64 St. Charles' College, Ellicott City, XX:2:74

Small, Jacob, 18th c., Sr. Seaman's Union Bethel, Baltimore, XX:2:66
Otterbein Church, Baltimore, XX:2:63 Small (William F.) House, Baltimore, XX:2:68,69
Small, Jacob, 1772-1851, Jr., XX:2:63 and n3, 64 n8, Small, Mrs. William F., XX:2:64
67, 75 and n42, 76 Smallwood's Retreat, Md., IX:3:27

Masonic Temple, Baltimore Smay, Joe E 11:2:36

Engraving of, XIII:1:17; XX:2:75 n42; illus. Smeaton, John, VIII: 1 /2:2,8; XV:4:29; XX:2:74n41

XIII: 1:17 fig 5 Smeaton Manor, XIX:2:88

Small, William F. Smethwick, Engl.

Article on Soho Foundry (see also Birmingham, Engl.: Soho
Alexander, R. L., "William F. Small, 'Architect Manufactory; Boulton and Watt),

of the City,' " XX:2:63-77 VIII:1/2:18-21,22,23; illus. VIII:l/2:pl IV

House of, Baltimore, XX:2:68,69 f-lgs 13,14

Works Smibert, John, painter VIII:3/4:[1]; XIII: 1:11

Alexander (Dr. Ashton) Houses, Baltimore, Smirke, Robert, XIV:4:18,20; XX:3:101,149

XX:2:69 British Museum, IV:3/4:58-59; XVII:4:38

Arch design celebrating Lafayette's visit to Eastnor Castle, XX:3:101

Baltimore, XX:2:64 Houses of Parliament, London, design, XX:3:101;

Archbishops Residence, Baltimore, XX:2:70-74,76; illus xx-3102 fig 2

illus. XX:2:70 fig 10 Lowther Castle, XX:3:101

Athenaeum, Baltimore, XX:2:65,66,69; illus. Smirke, Sidney, on Westminster Hall, XVII:2:22 n32

XX.2.65 fig 1 Smith, fl. 1845, of Baltimore, see Smith and Reynolds
a timor xc ange . Smith, fl. 1852, of Jacksonville, Or., see Klippel and
Southwest wing project [warehouse], XX:2:64 Sm'th

City Hotel, Baltimore, XX:2:65-66,69; illus.

Smith, Arthur Llewellyn, XIX:2:88

Smith, Benjamin, fl. 1782, 111:1/2:38
Smith [Schmidt], Bernard, 17th c see Schmidt,

XX:2:65 fig 2

Cohen (Benjamin I.) House, Baltimore,

XX:2:68-70,73; illus. XX:2:68 figs 6,7
Cohen (Joshua I.) House, Baltimore,
XX:2:64,69-70,73; illus. XX:2:69 fig 8;


Smith, Delos Holmes, 111:3:28

Smith, Dennis, XIII: 1:17

70 fig 9

First English Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Smith, E. Baldwin

XX:2:67-68; illus. XX:2:67 fig 5 Books

Folly Quarter [McTavish (J.) Residence], Ellicott Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome and the

City, XX:2:64 and n 13,67,70-74,76; illus. , Middle ASes- XX:2:78

XX:2:71-72 figs 11-14 The Dome, XX:2:78,81

Howard (William) Mansion, Baltimore (and W. Egyptian Architecture, 11:2:24,25

Howard), XX:2:66n 19,68 Drawings

McKim Free School, Baltimore (and W. Howard), Anastasis of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem,
XIII:3:30; XX:2:66,68 reconstruction drawing, illus. XVII:1:7 fig 11

Maryland State Penitentiary, Baltimore Smith, Ed

Added wing, XX:2:74 Mueller (Max) House, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:24;

Masonic Hall, Baltimore (attrib., and M. '"us- XII:4:[23] fig 8

Godefroy), XIII: 1:17; XX:2:75; illus. Reams (Thomas G.) House, Jacksonville, Or.,

XIII: 1:17 fig 5; XX:2:74 fig 16 XII:4:24

Orleans Street, 1734-36, Baltimore, XX:2:77 n46 Smith, Elizur Yale, 111:3:31
Park Ave., 405-411, Baltimore, XX-.2-.11 n46 Smith, Ezra, 19th c., XX:4:196nl4
Peale Museum, Baltimore, conversion to City Hall, Smith, F. H.
1830 (attrib.), XX:2:75-76; illus. XX:2:76 Pocketbook Manufactory of, Philadelphia, illus.





Public School No. 1 [Male and Female School], Smith, Frances Rand, XV: 1:21,23
Baltimore (attrib.), XX:2:66-67,68,76,77 n47; Plan, Mission Soledad, 1920, XV:1:21; illus. XV:1:21
illus. XX:2:67 fig 4 fig 1

Public School No. 2 [Male and Female School], Smith, Francis, mason, of Warwick, XIX:3:131
Baltimore (attrib.), XX:2:67,68,76 Smith, Franklin Webster, XIV:3:6-7
Public School No. 3 [Male School], Baltimore, Halls of the Ancients, Washington, XIV:3:7
XX:2:66-67,68,73,76; illus. XX:2:67 fig 3


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Smith - Smithfield, Va.

House of Pansa [Jewish Community House; Masonic IX:3:23-24; XIII:3:30; XIV:2:29; XV:4:23,25-27;
Temple; The Pompeia], Saratoga Springs, illus. XIV:2:30; XV:4:25
XIV:3:6-7; illus. XIV:3:[5] fig 5 Medal (A. B. Sage), XIV:2:7
"Moorish Alhambra," St. Augustine, XIV:3:7 Roof, XI:4:34

Smith, G. E. Kidder Turret [Cupola], IX:3:26

Brazil Builds (and P. L. Goodwin), XVII:2:30 Christ Church, Philadelphia
Sweden Builds Steeple, XV:4:24
Brief rev., XVI:3:35 Dean's House [President's House], Princeton
Smith, G. Hubert, XIII:2:27 University, XVI:2:32
Review Nassau Hall, Princeton, XI:2:28; XV:2:20; XV:4:30;

Cotter, J. L., Archeological Excavations at XVI:2:31-32; XVII:2:26

Jamestown Colonial National Historical Park President's House, Princeton University see Smith,

and Jamestown National Historic Site, Robert, 18th c. Philadelphia architect: Dean's

Virginia, XX:3:148 House

Smith, G. W. St. Peter's P. E. Church, Philadelphia, XIII:3:Suppl.
Brainard (Harry) House, Santa Barbara, 16 caPl- 27; '"us- XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 27
XX:4:172-173; illus. XX:4:173 figs 5,6 University Hall, Brown University, Providence

Smith, George, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 (attrib.), XVII:2:26

Smith Harvey P XII-3-30 Walnut Street Prison, Philadelphia, XII:4:26-27;

Smith' Henry A M XVII:3:32 n2; XVIII:2:66; illus. XII:4:26

Map [Plan] of Purrysburgh, S.C., XX:2:51 nnl8,19; Smith' Rbert C" n Archive of Hispanic Culture of

illus XX-2-51 fig 5 Hispanic Foundation in the Library of

Plan of Radnor', S.C., illus. XX:2:52 fig 6 Congress, 111:4:49-50; on Furness' University of

Smith, J. Frazer, X:4:35; XI:4:24 elnSyJya!1'a, n !'"a T

Smith, J. T., on aisled medieval timber hall, e' yi'vt/iTvviVii a ' n

25 Notman, X:l:25; XV:2:20; XVI:2:32; and

... t o 1171 Strickland material, XIII:3:Suppl. 2

Smith, James, fl. 1733 Articles Books etc

The Carpenter's Companion, XX:3:129 ?*' r c . , , D ,

c ... t n itoc ioic j i + Colonial Towns of Spanish and Portuguese

Smith, James, fl. 1785-1815, Maryland plasterer, America " XIV-4 3-12

^ , "La conservacion de lugares y edificios historicos

Smith, Jas. Somers, Jr XIII:3:SuPPl. 4 en ,Qs Estados Unidos II;3;29

Sml' Jhn' Capt . L . ,, , "Nossa Senhora da Conceio da Praia and the

The Map of Old Virginia with Pictures of the Joanine Sty(e jn Brazilj XV:3:16-23
Savages," The General History of Virginia, 'Two Centuries of Philadelphia Architecture:

XVII:4:32; illus. XVII:4:33 1700-1900," essay in Historic Philadelphia.. .,

Smith, John, fl. 1790-1798, Philadelphia carpenter, XIII 3 30 31

_ XII:2:27,28 Review

Smith, John Spear, XX:2:64nl4 Kubler, G. (and M. Soria), Art and Architecture in

Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844, Mormon prophet, VII:3/4:32; Spain and Portugal and Their American
X:4:3; XIX:3:109-110,114 Dominions, 1500-1800, XIX:4:177-178
Residences of, Nauvoo, 111., XIX:3:113,114; illus. Smith, Sarah, see Benjamin, Sarah Smith

XIX:3:114 figs 11,12 Smith, Samuel, Gen., XIV:1:26

Smith, Mrs. Joseph see Bidamon, Mrs. Lewis Smith, Stanley A., XIII:2:30
Smith, Molly Teasdale, XX:4:155 n Smith, T. 17th c., XI:1:4
Smith, Myron Bernent, 111:1/2:47; X1V:1:32 Smith, Tenence, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Smith, Patricia see Ingram, Patricia Smith Smith, Webster
Smith, Patricia Anne "Pratolino," XX.-4:155-168

"New England Meeting Houses and Churches," Smith, Will, fl. 1918, XX:4:179

VII:3/4:29-30 Smith (Winthrop B.) and Co.

Smith, Porter, IX:3:16 Store of, Cincinnati, XV:4:20n21

Smith, R. S., fl. 1842 Smith and Reynolds, of Baltimore, XVII:1:26

St. Peter's P. E. Church, Philadelphia Smith Family, early 18th c., of English Midlands, use
Painting of, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 27; illus. of "Builders' Baroque" style, XIII:4:32
XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 27 Smithfield, R.I.

Smith, Reuben, Dr., X:4:22 Georgia Cotton Manufacturing Co. [Mill],

House of, Litchfield, illus. X:4:19 fig 1 Georgiaville, enl., 1853, XIX:4:182; XX:l:9nl7

Smith, Robert, 17th c of Sudbury, Mass., XI: 1:4 Smithfield, Va.

Smith, Robert, 18th c. Philadelphia architect, C. E. Isle of Wight County Courthouse (W. Rand),
Peterson's chronology of life of, XIII:3:30 111:4:26; XVIII:1:5; illus. XVIII:1:5 fig 6; 6 fig 7
Carpenters' Hall [Old Hall], Philadelphia (attrib.),

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Smithfield, Va. - Society of Architectural Historians

Smithfeld, Va. (Cont.) Soares da Silva, Andr Ribeiro
St. Luke's Church ["Old Brick"], IV:3/4:44,45,46; N. S. da Consolao e Santos Passos, Guimares,
XVII:1:12-18; illus. IV:3/4:[44a] figs 5-7; XV:3:8

XVII:1:13 fig 1; 16-17 figs 2-4 Town Hall, Braga, XV:3:8,15 nl4; illus.
Baptismal font (J. Boelen), XVII: 1:15 XV:3:10 fig 7

Bible 1629 XVIIl-17 Soberanes, Feliciano, XV:1:22,23

Bolles chair, XVII:1:15; illus. XVII:1:17 fig 4 Sobre, Jean Nicolas, XV:4:31

Door XVII 1 14 Monument project, Place des Victoires, Pans,

Organ (B. Schmidt), XVII:1:17 c . , X:,:2* illus' XVII:1:21 fi* 5

L. see
and Pelz "h'8!!8XIX:
eme 1:2,9 n22
r, ^ , , John

an e z [ e tz] University Settlement, N.Y. (Howells and Stokes),
also Pelz, Paul J.

Allegheny Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, XVI:3:26 La Sociedad Civica> of Barcelona see Barcelona: La

Library of Congress, Washington, XVI:3:26 Sociedad Civica

Smith's Fort Plantation [Rolfe (Thomas) House], Surry Sociedad de Arte Moderno see Mexico City: Sociedad
Co., Va., 111:4:26; XVII:4:36 de Arte Moderno

Smithsonian Bequest, XV: 1:28 Sociedad General de Arquitectura de Espana,

Smithsonian Institution see Washington, D.C. XVIII:2:43 nil

"Smoke-eaters," of C. W. Peale, XX: 1:25-26; illus. Sociedad Geogrfica de Madrid see Madrid: Sociedad
XX: 1:25 fig 8 Geogrfica
Smolensk Sociedad Madrilena de Tranvias, XVIII:2:47
Kreml, IV: 1:23 Socit des Amis de la Cathdrale de Strasbourg

Smuts, J. C., Holism, XIX:3:128 Bulletin, IV:3/4:6

Snagov Socit des Amis des Arts de Charlieu, IX:4:3,4

Monastic church, IV:3/4:33-34 Socit Franaise d'Archologie pour la Conservation

Snipes, of Hillsboro N.C. et Description des Monuments Historiques

House of [Ruffin-Snipes House], X: 1:21 tSocit Franaise pour la Conservation et

Snook, John Butler, XII:3:31; XIII:2:32 e .Description des Monuments de France , 1:3/4:8,14
Cast-iron faade designs, XV:4:22 n63 Soc.e^forAlleviatmg the M.senes of Publ.c Pnsons,
Grand Central Station [and train shed], 1869-71, . t , r .

N Y VIII 1/2 40- XII 3 31- XIV 3-24 28 SC,ety fr InexPensive Housing for Employees see

vvi'i. ! XIV.3.24,28, Consejo Superior de Habitaciones para Obreros

I :3: 5; XVII:4:38 Society for the Preservation of Landmarks in Western

Snook (John Butler) Sons, N.Y., XIII:2:32 New York see Rochester, N.Y.
Snook, Thomas E., Jr., XIII:2:32 Society for the Preservation of New England

Snow, C. P., classification of architects, XX:3:148 Antiquities, 1:3/4:16,19-20; VI:3/4:36; X:2:25;

Snow, George Washington, 11:4:9,12,16-18,20-23,27 XII:1:32

Snow, William, 11:3:31 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel [in Foreign

Snyder, Carl M 111:3:30 Parts], VII:3/4:29; XVII:1:12

Soane, John, Sir, ambiguities and contradictions in Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
work of, XV:4:31; architecture reassessed, [Monuments], 1:3/4:10; IV:2:34; IX:l/2:37
XV:4:30; T. S. R. Boase on, XX:3:149; and G. Society of Antiquaries, IX:4:28
Dance, Jr., XIV:4:22n38; as eccentric, XV:4:31; Society of Architectural Historians [American Society

and J. Hume, XX:3:100; innovations and of Architectural Historians], aims, plans, etc.,
inventiveness of, XIII: 1:15; XX:3:149; E. 1:1:23-26; 1:2:21-22; 1:3/4:46; 11:1:53; II:2:[2];
Kaufmann on, XV:4:31; B. Latrobe and, 111:1/2:4-6; and American Institute of Architects,

XIII: 1:15; and Neo-classic style, XIX:3:129; and XV:2:32; XV:3:32; XVI:3:35; Architectural Record

problems of 19th c 11:1:4; as Professor of II:':52; and, Association for the Advancement

Architecture at Royal Academy, XIX:4:145; spirit f Architectural Education, 11:1:53; and

- t.* , IIT . ,/ Association of Collegiate Schools, 11:1:53; T.

R t- j n e vri'i it Ar ai Bannister called founder of, XIV:3:32; and College

Books and Designs, VII:l/2:46,47 Art Association) I:2;21; founding) I:1;[1]> 20.22,

Museum of see London: Soane Museum

1:2:22; 11:3:31; XIV:3:32; R. Newcomb on,

111:1/2:4-6; and other societies, VI:l/2:34; and


Bank of England, London preservation, 1:2:21-24; 1:3/4:3-4; 111:1/2:4-5; V:47;

Old Dividend Office, XIX:4:139 XII:3:29; XIII:2:29; and World War II,

Soane (John) House, London, XVI:4:36 111:1/2:48,57

Soares, Domingos Luiz, XV:3:20


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Society of Architectural Historians - Soehner

Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion, XIII:1:32; V:47; VI:3/4:35-36; VIII:1/2:130; VIII:3/4:67;
XIV:1:31; XV:1:32; XV:4:29; XVI: 1:32; X:2:26; X:4:36; XI:2:27; XIII:1:32; XIII:2:32
XVII: 1:36; XVIII:1:36; illus. XIII:1:32 Washington, II:3:[2]; 11:4:40; 111:1/2:47; 111:3:28;
American Buildings Series, No. 1 111:4:25
Van Trump, J. D., "St. Peter's, Pittsburgh, by West Coast, XIII:2:32

John Notman," XV:2:19-23 Journal, aims, plans, etc., I:l:[l],23,25,26; 1:3/4:46;

Architectural History Research Clearing House, II:1:[54]; 11:2:40; 11:3:44; 11:4:44; 111:1/2:6,21;
XIV:4:32 111:3:32; 111:4:25; IV:1:33; IV:2:36; VI:3/4:21;

Book Award [Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award; Architectural Record on, 11:1:52; 111:4:25;
Certificate of Honor; Certificate of Merit] Architectural Review on, IV: 1:42,64; founding,
Here are listed only references to the Book I:l:[l]; Pencil Points on, 11:2:52; 111:4:25; RIBA
Award, Special Citations, etc.; for complete on, 11:3:34; 111:4:25
references to the works honored see entries Editors

for specific books, e.g. Ackerman, James S.: Bannister, Turpin C., I-IV
The Cortile del Belvedere Capps, Edward, Jr. (guest ed.), VII:3/4

1949, Wethey, H. E., Colonial Architecture and Creese, Walter L., IX-XI

Sculpture in Peru, IX:l/2:37 Forbes, John D., XII-XVII

1950, Newcomb, R., Architecture of the Old Kubier, George C. (guest ed.), V
Northwest Territory, X:l:28 Laing, Alan K., V-VIII

1952, Downing, A. F., (and V. J. Scully, Jr.), The McAndrew, John (Book Reviews), IX:3-X:3
Architectural Heritage of Newport, Rhode McCormick, Thomas J., Jr. (Book Reviews),
Island, 1640-1915, XII: 1:32; XII:2:30 XVIII-XX

1952 [1953] Meeks, Carroll L. V. (Book Reviews),




Kaufmann, E., Three Revolutionary Norton, Paul F., XVIII:4:40; XVIII-XX

Architects, Boulle, Ledoux and Lequeu, Book Reviews, XIV:3-XVII
XII:3:32; XII:4:31 Peterson, Charles E. (American Notes), IX:3-XX

1953, Howarth, T., Charles Rennie Mackintosh Rae, Edwin C. (assistant ed.), VII-VIII
and the Modern Movement, XIII: 1:32; Stechow, Wolfgang (guest ed.), VII:3/4
XIII:2:30 Indexes, IV: 1:55-63; XIII: 1:32

Honorable mentions Supplements

Forsythe, G. H Jr., The Church of St. Gilchrist, A. A., "Additions to William
Martin of Angers, XIII: 1:32 Strickland, Architect and Engineer,
Summerson, J., Architecture in Britain, 1788-1854," XIII:3:Suppl.
1530-1830, XIII: 1:32 Grady, J., "A Bibliography of the Art
1954, Hitchcock, H.-R., Early Victorian Nouveau," XIV:2:18-27
Architecture in Britain, XIV:1:31; XV:2:31 Microfilm project, VIII:l/2:68-85
Special citations Monograph series, XVI:1:32
Ackerman, J. S., The Cortile del Belvedere, Society of Architectural Historians [of] Great Britain,
XIV: 1:31 IV: 1:42,64; XV:2:32; XVI:4:22 n

Krautheimer, R Corpus Basilicarum Journal, see Architectural History, the Journal of the
Christianum Romae, XIV:1:31 Society of Architectural Historians of Great

1955, Hamlin, T. F., Benjamin Henry Latrobe, Britain

XV: 1:32; XV:4:29 Society of Arts see Royal Society of Arts

1956, Meeks, C. L. V., The Railroad Station, Society of Jesus sec Jesuits (Bldgs., Order, etc.)
XVI: 1:32 Sociological aspects of architecture see Architecture:

1957, Nichols, F. D The Early Architecture of Sociological aspects

Georgia, XVII:1:36 Socrates [Sokrates], and functionalism, XX:3:99nl;
1958, Whiffen, M., The Public Buildings of teaching done in Agora, XIII:4:9; W. Whitman
Williamsburg, Colonial Capitol of Virginia, ref. to, XVI: 1:25
XVIII:1:36; XVIII:4:164 Sod houses

1959, Conant, K. J., Carolingian and Lindsborg, Kan., VI: 1/2:28

Romanesque Architecture, 800 to 1200, New Amsterdam [New York (City) ], XI:2:19



Chapters [Local groups], 1:3/4:3-4,46; II:3:[2] Soderholtz, Eric Ellis

Baltimore, founding, XIII:1:32 Examples of Domestic Colonial Architecture in
Cambridge-Boston, II:3:[2],31; VI:3/4:35; X:l:28; Maryland and Virginia (and J. M. Corner),



Cincinnati, VIII:3/4:67 Soehner, Hallfor

New Orleans see The Landmarks Society The Rococo Age, Art and Civilization of the
New York, II:3:[2]; 11:4:40; 111:4:25,66; IV:3/4:55;

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Soehner - Soria y Mata

Soehner (Cont.) Sommaruga, Giuseppe, bibl., XIV:2:26; and "stilo

Eighteenth Century (with T. Mller and A. floreale," XII: 1:32

Schnberger) Sommers, Humphrey, d. 1788

Brief rev., XIX:4:184 House of, Charleston, XVII:4:36

Soergel, Hermann, X:3:ll Song of Roland, see Chanson de Roland

Soest Ger. Sonn, lone, VII: 1/2:94
Gothic church, XIX:4:148n31 Sonnemann, O., VII:l/2:8,19,21,24

Soeteway, Renaat Sonntag, von, fl. ca. 1816, Admiral [General],

City planning ideas, XVIII:3:89 n46 XX:3:137

Sofa elevators (see also Elevators), X:3:[31]; XI:2:22; Sonntag, George von, brother of Admiral,

illus. X:3:[31] XX:3:137 nl4

Soho Foundry see Smethwick, Engl. Sonntag, Mary Wright see Haviland, Mary Wnght
Soho Iron Works [Manufactory] see Birmingham, Sonntag^

Engl.: Soho Manufactory Sonoma, Calif.

Soissons Board and batten structure, 19th c., X:3:16

Cathedral, XVI:3:34 Ra^ House'
San Francisco Solano Mission see San Francisco
Ambulatory vaults, XIII: 1:31



Solano Mission

Nave, illus. IV:3/4:[36b] fig 4 Sonora, Calif.

piers iv-3/4-39 St- James Church> XIV:3:18; illus. XIV:3:17 fig 3

Transept, XVII:4:19 c St" Patrick's Church, XIV:3:16,18

Windows [Lights], XIII: 1:30 Soper, Alexander

St -Jean-des-Vienes XVII 4-21 n53 The Art and Archltecture of China (with L. Sickman)

Jean des Vignes, XVII.4.21 n53 Bachhofer, XVI:3:32-33
Pointed buttresses, XVII:4:21 n60 _ J

Sokrates see Socrates

Kobayashi, B.
Amerika Kenchiku [American Architecture],


House of, Saint Augustine, Fla., IX:3:27

Solario, Antonio, XVI:2:16nl4
Solario, Pietro Antonio
Granovitaja Palata [Faceted Palace], Moscow (and


Seiy Kenchikushi [A History of Western

(European) Architecture] (and others),

u. M. Ruff), xvi:l:31; XVI:2|13,16 Oda, H Nippon no Kenchiku [The Architecture

Soldiers' homes and hospitals see Hospitals; Housing: of Japan], (with K. Hattorf and T. Tanabe),
ld age XVI:4:36
Soledad Mission, Calif., XV:l:20-26; illus. XV:l:21-25 "Soprastante " XIII-3-5

1-8 Sorber, James, XIX:2:82

Sol er, VU: 1/2:17 Soria, Martin

Solms-Braunfels, Karl, Prince of, XI:4:8 ^rt ancf Architecture in Spain and Portugal and Their
Solomon, King American Dominions, 1500-1800 (and G. Kubier)
Judgment Rev by R c Smith, XIX:4:177-178
Illus. in Bible of Charles the Bald, XX:2:82 Soria, Raphael
Relief of, XX: 1:42 Ciudad Lineal see Soria y Mata, Arturo: Ciudad
Temple of, IX:3:12; X:3:32; XI:2:6; XI:3:13,16 n2; Lineal, Madrid

XII:4:6; XVI:3:10 Soria y Espinosa, Arturo, XVIII:2:47

Solomon, William, 18th c., X-.2-.20 Soria y Hernandez, Arturo, XVIII:2:46,47,49
Solomonic column, XVIII:4:167 -yhe Problem of the Land in Spain, XVIII:2:50

Solon, XI:3:1; XIII:4.10 Soria y Hernandez, Carlos, d. 1939, XVIII:2:46,47

Soltikoff [Saltykov], Prince, XIV:3:4 Soria y Hernandez, Emilio, XVIII:2:46,47

Sol'vychegodsk [Solvycegodsk] Soria y Hernandez, Luis, d. 1934,
Stroganov [Stroganoff] Palace, 111:4:38-39; XVI:2:8; XVIII:2:42,45-46,47,48
illus. III:4:[32a] fig 12 Soria y Mata, Arturo [Soria, Raphael]

Somascian Order, XVI: 1:3 Books

Some Account of the Domestic Architecture of the Cosas de Madrid: apuntes y comentarios

Middle Ages, by J. H. Parker and T. H. Turner, municipales, XVIII:2:41 n3,47

XIX:4:149-150 Ferrocarril-tranvia de circunvalacin de Madrid...,

Somerset, Duke of, XVI:4:22 XVIII:2:41; XVIII:3:74

Somerset, Ohio Filosofia barata: apuntes sociolgico-cientificos,
Courthouse, 1829, XII:2:5; illus. XII:2:[6] fig 7 XVIII:2:48 n24,50

Somerset County Record Office see Taunton, Engl. Ciudad Lineal, Madrid, XVIII:2:38-53;

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Soria y Mata - Sparta

XVIII:3:74-93; illus. XVIII:2:39 fig 2; 43 fig 5; XIV:1:8-13; XIX:4:183; in Greek architecture,
44 fig 6; 45 figs 7-8; 51 fig 11; 52 fig 12 XVI:4:33; in medieval art and architecture (see also
Sostratos of Knydos Bay system), XII:4:8-11; XVII:2:16-17; Mies van

Lighthouse [Pharos], Alexandria, VIII: 1/2:53 der Rohe's treatment of, X:3:14n49; space-volume

Soto, Heras y seeHeras y Soto relations, X:3:8-14

Soufflot, Franois, J. F. Blondel on, XVIII:4:146; Space, Time and Architecture, by S. Giedion, 1:3/4:26;
classicism of, XI:1:[18]; spirit of enlightened 11:2:23,26,30; 11:4:3 n3,37-38; 111:1/2:8;
inquiry, 111:4:65 VIII:3/4:69; X:l:26; X:3:13 n2; XVIII:3:118;
Panthon [Church of Ste. Genevive], Paris, 111:3:18; XIX:4:178
IX:4:10; XI:2:23; XVIII:4:146 n55 Sptbarocker und romantischer Klassizismus, by S.
Dome, VII:l/2:5-6,24,31; XIV:3:14nl4 Giedion, V:43-44

Faade, IX:3:21 Spafford, Arnos

Sole, Winsor, XII:3:29 Cleveland city plans, X:4:[17] nn2,6

Soult, Nicolas Jean de Dieu, Marshal, VI:3/4:20 Spagna, Lo see Lo Spagna

Sounion see Sunium Promontorium Spain

Sour see Tyre Academies, XVIII:2:42

Sousa, Tome de ^ Architecture (see also Church architecture: Spain;

Nossa Senhora da Conceio da Praia Chapel, Spanish art and architecture), V:[l]-14 passim;

Salvador, XV:3:16 XII:2:31; XVIII:4:167; XIX:4:177-178

Sousa Continho, Manuel de, Gov. of India, XIX:2:69 city pianning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History

Sousa Gaioso, Raimundo Jose de, XIV:4:8 and Planning); Spain

South America civil War 1936 XVi:4;2

Architecture, 111:3:30; 111:4:49-50; V (Special Issue) Spalato Yugo
City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Founding of IV-112

Hnd/1ianHning): SUth AmenCa Palace of Diocletian, IV:1:12; VIII:3/4:34;

South Bend, Ind. XX:2:79,81-82,84,85-86; illus. XX:2:79 fig 1; 81
St. Joseph County Courthouse (Shepley, Rutan and _ n a_ _ 0

Coolidge), XVII:3:25 m ni' VX-7-87

The South Builds, New Architecture in the Old South, ... auso eum, .

, c, ,,, , ci- ,,, , Spalding, Ihomas, XI:4:32

by Ed. W. and Eliz. Waugh Snanish America see South America

Rev. by F. D. Nichols, XX:4:203-204 Spanish America ^South America

S th C r n Spanish-American War, IV: 1:34

* w.V vin -, I -, Spanish art and architecture (see also Spain:

Architecture, XIII:2:12 . , . , ,, r ,,
.. .. n KT Architecture), V:[l]-14; XV:1:5-11; XIX:4:177-178;
South Norwalk, Conn, see Norwalk, Conn. ' M '

South Salem, Or. see Salem, Or. _ ., ... . _. .. ... ..

South Solon Me Spanish Colonial architecture see Colonial architecture:

Congregational Church, XIX:2:88 Sf"!sh

South Thomaston, Me. Spanish Town, Jam.

Store, X:4:29; illus. X:4:[28] fig 6 Cathedral, X:3:24

South Truro, Mass. see Truro, Mass. Memorial to the Earl

of Effingham (J. Bacon),

South Westport, Mass.

Waite-Potter House, XIX:2:52 Courthouse, X:3:22,24

Southard Anne, IV:3/4:7 House and shop with multiple roof forms, X:3:26;

"Southern Classic" see Classic Revival: Texas '"us- X:3:[23] fig 8

Southern Interiors of Charleston, South Carolina, by S. House of Assembly, X:3:22,24; illus. X:3:[23] figs 1,4

and N. Chamberlain, XVII:4:36-37 House with "coolers," X:3:26; illus. X:3:25 fig 11

Southern Oregon Historical Society Museum, XII:4:25 Kings House [Governors Residence] (Craskell),
Southern States X:3:22-24; illus. X:3:[23] figs 1,2
Architecture (see also United States: Architecture), King's Square, X:3:22; XIV: 1:30; illus. X:3:[23] fig 1
XI:4 (Special Issue); XIII:2:9-12; XVII:4:36-37; Rodney Memorial, X:3:22,24; illus. X:3:[23] figs 1,3
XX:4:203-204 Spanish Church, X:3:24

Southwark, Pa. see Philadelphia Spanish War of 1556-57, XIX:3:108

Souvigny Spare, Thomas D., VI:3/4:18

Church, IV:3/4:7 Sparks, Will

Soviet Union see Russia Paintings of Missions, XV:1:25 n3

Spaan and Co. Sparrmann, IV:2:33

The Astor House, San Francisco, XVII:3:33 Sparrow, Richard, fl. 1640

Space, in Bauhaus School, 111:3:19; Borromini's House of, Plymouth, Mass., 1:1:22
conception of, XV:2:6; of W. Butterfield, Sparta
XIX:4:166; in city planning, squares, etc., City plan, VIII:l/2:46

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Spas-Nereditsa - Springfield, 111.

Spas-Nereditsa see Nereditsa Speyer, Prince Bishop of, XII:4:12
Spaulding, Mrs. Philip, 20th c., of Honolulu, XVII:3:33 Speyer
Specchi, Alessandro Cathedral, 11:3:10; XIX:4:176
Piazza [e Scala] di Spagna, Rome (and F. de' Santis), Bay system, XVII:2:16,20; illus. XVII:2:17 fig 37;
XIV:1:9,11,12; illus. XIV:1:12 fig 8; 13 fig 9 18 figs 39-40

Specht, George, XX:4:155 n Speyser, 19th c.

Specimens of Gothic Architecture, by A. C. Pugin and Tower design, Exposition Universelle, 1889, Paris,
E. J. Willson, 11:1:28 n3; XVI:1:28,30 XVI:4:29 n27

Specimens of the Architecture of Normandy Spherical bldgs. see Circular bldgs.

[Architectural Antiquities of Normandy] ed. by J. Sphinx capitals, VII:3/4:24
Britton, with illus. by A. C. Pugin, XII1:3:14 no.8h Spiers, R. Phen

Speckle, Daniel, infi. on C. Wren, X:2:3 The Architecture of Ancient Rome (with W. J.
Plan, 1590, illus. X:2:4 Anderson and T. Ashby), VII:3/4:36; XIX:2:86
Speculation, Real estate see Land speculation Spiller, John, 1763-1794

Speed, fl. ca. 1783, father of John Speed of Louisville, St. John s Church, Hackney, London, XVII:2:32

IX-3-16 Spiller, Robert E.

Speed, James, 17th c., IX:3:16 Introd- t0 H Adams> Esther- XII:1:9

Speed, John, 1552-1629 Spinning jenny (J. Hargreave), VIII:l/2:3,5

Map of Ipswich, 1610, XI:1:6 Spinning machine

Speed, John, fl. 1810, of Louisville, IX:3:16; X:l:9 _ Patfnts Pate"*?

Speed, Joshua Fry, IX:3:16 Spinning mills see Mills

"A Speedy Elevator," by N. Collin, XI:2:22 Spiral staircase see Staircases, Stairways, etc.

Speiser, Felix, XIX: 1:30 n35 Spirals, XIX:3:91-96; XX:3:143-146

Spence, George, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 Sp,re' Fran?0,s Deubllner de W linger de Spire,

Spence, Henry . Fran,s

Planters' Hotel, St. Louis, XIX:2:77 '"vfi! See ,?;WfTTSv im

Robert, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 c"vn 't'w vi /-> is
' c,, , Splitlog, Mathias, VI:l/2:23

Spencer, E dridge, X:3:18 Spofford and Tileston, N. Y., XV:4:21 n51

Spencer, Eleanor Patterson, VIII: 1/2:128 Spokane Wash

The Architecture of Baltimore, A Pictorial History Spokane Hou'se, XIII:2:27

, <and Howland) Spooner, Thomas, XVIII:4:158

Index, XVI:4:35 Spooner, Wing, XVIIL4:158

Rev. by W. H. Jordy, XIH:3:30-32 in Utopian life, XIX:1:18

Introd. to W. H. Hunter, Jr. and C. H. Elam, Sprague, Ara, X:4:[17] nil

Century of Bait,more Architecture... [s j wim mh Litche/d architecU

Rev. by C. L. V. Meeks, XVI:4:35 X-4-22

Spencer, F. R. Boardman House, New Milford (attrib.), X:4:[23] n20

Portr. of Ithiel Town, XIV:2:7 n5 Champion (Epaphroditus) House, East Haddam
Spencer, John R. (attrib.), X:4:[23] n20

Filarete and Central-Plan Architecture, Congregational Church, East Haddam (attrib.),

XVII:3:10-18 X:4:[23] n20

Revlews Court House, 1797, Litchfield, X:4:[23]n20

Grayson, C., ed., Alberti and the Tempio Cowles (Samuel) House, Farmington (attrib.), X:2:20;

Malatestiano, XIX: 1:41 X:4:[23] n20

Scholfield, P. H The Theory of Proportion in Deming (Julius) House, Litchfield (attrib.),

Architecture, XIX:2:87-88 X:4:[23] n20; illus. X:4:19 fig 1

Spencer, Philip, XVII :2:16,20 n Sheldon's [Shelton's] Tavern, Litchfield, remodelling,

Spencer, Robert C., Jr., XIX: 1:2,5 n 13,6-10 1800 (attrib.), X:4:[23] n20; illus. X:4:21 fig 4
'The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright," XIX: 1:9 Spratz, 18th c. architect or joiner, XVIII:2:71

Works Spratz, William, 18th c. Litchfield architect, see Spratt,

American Luxfer Prism Co., project, XIX: 1:7; William
illus. XIX: 1:6 fig 8 Spring Green, Wis.

Cover design of 1896 catalogue of Chicago Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, XIX:4:174
Architectural Club, XIX: 1:6 Spring Mill State Park see Mitchell, Ind.

Kelsey (H. N.) House, Sheridan Rd., Wilmette, Springfield, 111.

XIX:1:7; illus. XIX:1:7 fig 9 Dana (Susan) House (F. L. Wright), XVIII:2:64;
Shingled farmhouse design, 1901, XIX:l:7-8; illus. XIX:3:130
XIX: 1:8 figs 10,11 Old State House [Sangamon County Court House]
Sperry (Henry S.) and Co., N.Y., XV:4:21 n51 (Town and Davis), XIV:2:17 n6

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Springfield, Mass. - Staircases, Stairways, etc.

Springfield, Mass. Der Stdtebau, by J. Stiibben [Steuben], 111:1/2:7
Alexander House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 Der Staedtebau nach seinen kuenstlerischen

Boston and Albany Railroad Station (Shepley, Rutan Grundsaetzen [The Art of Building Cities], by C.
and Coolidge), XVII:3:20; illus. XVII:3:21 fig 1 Sitte, VI:3/4:4; XIX:3:126
Hampden County Courthouse (H. H. Richardson), "Stnderbau," XVIII: 1:31 n7



Museum of Fine Arts Abbey, XVIII:4:167

Exhibition of French Houses, V:43 Stafford, fl. 1832, Lord, XVI:4:22

Unity Church (H. H. Richardson), IX:l/2:27 Stafford House see London

Western Railway Office (H. H. Richardson), Stage lighting see Theaters

IX: 1 / 2:27 Stage-setting see Theaters

Springs, Table of, by J. Bentham, XX:3:105 Stained glass

Spy Island, N.Y., IV:2:39 Gothic, XIII: 1:30; XV:3:32; XVII:2:28

Square, mason's, XIX:3:92,95; illus. XIX:3:96 figs 8,9b New Bradwell

"Square schematism," XVII:2:17 Church, glass (M. B. Cantab), XIX:4:146

Squares, City see City squares, plazas, etc. Par

'The Squaring of Circleville, Urban Redevelopment in St. Mary's, XIX:4:146

the Nineteenth Century," by J. W. Reps, Paris




Squaw Island, N.Y., IV:2:39-40 Reims

Squillace, Italy Cathedral, 1:3/4:17; 111:4:3; XIII: 1:30



Squire Grey Eyes see Esquire Grey Eyes Abbey, XVII:2:28

Squirrel cage jail Stainrook, David, XVIII:4:161

Lunden, W. A., 'The Rotary Jail, or Human Stainville, Comte de see Choiseul, tienne Franois

Squirrel Cage," XVIII:4:149-157 Staircases, Stairways, etc.

Stables see Barns, Stables, etc. Blois
Stackpole, of Thomaston, Me. Chteau
House of, X:4:[32] nl3 Open stairwell, XIX:1:18
Stadiums (Arenas, Hippodromes, etc.) Bom Jesus do Monte, Port.

See also Theaters Staircase of the Five Senses, XV:3:10-11

Roman amphitheater, IV:3/4:54 Cathedral
Dieppe Escalera Dorada (D. de Silo), V:8
Tribune de Hippodrome (Dontant), XIX:1:20; illus. Circular, invented by P. Nicholson, XIII:3:18,19
XIX:1:21 fig 10 Congonhas do Campo, Brazil



Stadium (P. L. Nervi), XIX:4:178; XX:3:143 Cuzco, Peru

Gamier, T., XIX: 1:20,22; illus. XIX: 1:20 fig 8 La Merced

Istanbul [Constantinople] Cloister stairways, V:36; illus. V:[35a] fig 2

The Hippodrome, XVII:4:8nl5; XX:1:44; XX:2:87 Designs, Projects, etc.
Piers, XVII:4:3; illus. XVII:4:4 fig 6 Halfpenny, W., New Designs for Chinese Temples,
New York (City) illus. XX:3:124 fig 11
Brighton Beach Track, XIX: 1:15 Neumann (J. B.) stairhall project, Schloss,
Steeplechase Park, Coney Island, XIX: 1:15 Stuttgart, XII:4:14
Paris Swan (A.) staircase designs see Swan, Abraham:
Race tracks, Bois de Boulogne, XVII:2:13 Books

Amphitheater, 111:3:26; IV:2:52; VIII:3/4:35,41; House, 33 Molesworth St.

illus. VIII:3/4:pl XV Wood stairway, illus. XX:3:132 fig 1



Stadium, VIII:l/2:53; XIII:4:9 State House

Rome (City) Circular staircase (A. A. Benjamin), XIII:3:18,19

Colosseum, XVII:4:35; XIX:4:137 Houses, 17th-18th c., XI:4:36

Palace of the Roman Emperors Kerch, Russ., IV:1:32; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 17
Hippodrome, XIV:4:31 Lamego, Port.
Villa Borghese N. S. dos Remdios
Amphitheater, XIX:1:20; illus. XIX:1:20 fig 9 Staircase, XV:3:11; illus. XV:3:9 fig 6; 13 fig 16


Arena [Amphitheater], VIII:3/4:37 Auburn

"Geometrical" staircase, XV:2:28; illus. XV:2:28


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Staircases, Stairways, etc. - Steeples

Staircases, Stairways, etc. (Cont.) Stanton, Richard H., Rep. of Ky., VII: 1/2:14 nn45,46;




Philadelphia Stantonbury
Philadelphia Exchange [Merchants' Exchange], S. Church (G. E. Street) see New Bradwell: Church
Third St. London and Northwestern Railway Company

Stairways (W. Strickland), XIX:1:31; illus. houses, XIX:4:166

XIX: 1:31 fig 1 Stanwood, Edward, XIII:2:24n6

Pittsburgh Staples, William, XII:3:13
Allegheny County Bldg. (Alden and Harlow), The Star Spangled Banner, XVIII: 1:33
XVI:3:28 nl5 Starch, XI:4:35
Rome (City) Stark, John, Gen., IV:2:40

Piazza [and Scala] di Spagna (F. de' Santis and A. Starov [Staroff], Ivan Yegorovich
Specchi), XIV: 1:9,11,12; illus. XIV:1:12 fig 8; Narva Triumphal Arch, Leningrad (and G.
13 fig 9 Quarenghi), XV:4:16
Scala Santa [Lateran Staircase], XII:3:5 Tauride Palace, Leningrad [St. Petersburg], XVI:2:30
Toledo Starr, Ephraim, XII:2:26
Hospital de Santa Cruz Starr, James, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Open-well staircase (E. de Egas), XIX:4:177 Starret, Stephen, X:4:30,[31]
San Juan de los Reyes State capitols see Capitols, State
Open-well staircase, XIX:4:177 State College, Pa. see University Park, Pa.
Washington, D.C. Statehouses see Capitols, State
U.S. Capitol Staten Island, N.Y. see New York (City)
Senate Chamber Gallery and Stairs (C. Statesville, 111.
Bui finch), VII:1/2:11 n6 State Prison, XVIII:4:152,153

Stalingrad Statii Marcii, Roman family of brickmakers, 1:1:4

City plan, proposed (N. A. Miliutin), Stations, Railroad see Railroads: Buildings and Yards
XVIII:3:87-89,93; illus. XVIII:3:88 fig 4 Stations of the Cross, XII:3:5-6

Stamper, of Philadelphia Statue of Liberty (F. A. Bartholdi), XII: 1:8; XX: 1:37
House of [Stamper-Blackwell House], XIX:3:118n5 Statues, Equestrian, 111:1/2:27
Stanard, Robert Filarete project, XVII:3:10
House of see Richmond, Va.: Westmoreland Club Joseph Emanuel [Joseph I] (J. M. de Castro),
Standard, Jane Craig, 111:4:27 XIV:4:7,9

Standard of Taste, by D. Hume, XVIII:4:143-145 Louis XV (E. Bouchardon), XVII:1:19; illus.

Standbridge (J. C. B.) Firm, XVIII:4:163 XVII: 1:20 fig 2
Stanesti Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 111:1/2:23,27; XIV: 1:9
Church, IV:3/4:34 Peter the Great (E. Falconet), XVII:1:19

Stanford, Jane Lathrop [Mrs. Leland Stanford], Washington, George (R. Mills), XVILL22
XVII:3:22 Stave churches (see also Wood construction),

Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893, Sr., Senator, XVII:3:22 XVII:2:2-23 passim

Stanford, Leland, 1879-1884, Jr., XVII:3:22 Steam engine, of J. Watt, 111:4:5; VIII:1/2:4,8,19,21
Stanford, Calif. Steamboats see Ships
Leland Stanford Junior University Stearns [Sterns], Abel, XVI:4:36
Grounds (F. L. Olmsted, Sr.), XVII:3:22 Stearns, John Goddard see Peabody and Stearns
Master plan and bldgs. (Shepley, Rutan and Stechow, Wolfgang, guest ed., SAH Journal, VIL3/4;
Coolidge), XVII:3:22,26; illus. XVII:3:21 fig 3 on C. Ward, VII:3/4:[4]
Quadrangle, XIV:3:21 nl Steel (Steel as a bldg. material; Steel construction) see
Stanford-in-the-Vale Building: Cast-iron, Iron and Steel

Church school (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147 Steel industry see Iron industry
Stanhope, fl. 1856, Earl of, XIX:4:159 n72 Steele, John, 19th c of Natchez, XV:2:28

Stanhope, Spencer, painter, XIX:4:170 Steele, William L 1875-1949, Sr., XX:3:140

Stanimaka, Bulg. Woodbury County Court House, Sioux City (with

12th c. church, IV:3/4:28 G. G. Elmslie and W. G. Purcell), XX:3:140

Stanley Mill see Stonehouse, Gloucestershire Steele, William L b. 1907, Jr., XX:3:140

Stanovitch, fl. 1892, of Oregon, XIX:2:59nl4 Steen, Jan, XX:1:41

Stanton, Phoebe B., on Pugin, XV:2:30,31 Steenwijk, Neth. [Steenwyk]
"Pugin: Principles of Design versus Revivalism," St. Clement's

XIII:3:20-25 Chapter of, XVII:2:21 n6

Steeples see Towers


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Steese - Stiles

Steese, Edward, VI:l/2:[35]; X:2:27 Stevens, John, 18th c. Newport stone-cutter, XIII:2:25;
"'Villas and Cottages' by Calvert Vaux," XVI1I:4:158
vi:l/2:[l]-12 Stevens, John Calvin, IX:4:17; XI:2:4; XIX:1:3 n5

Stefano, Francesco di see Pesellino, Francesco Drawings, IV:3/4:51

Steinberg, Saul, XVII:3:35 House by the Sea, sketch for, IX:4:[20]; illus.

Drawings, VIII:3/4:46-47 IX:4:[19] fig 6

Steinbrueck, Victor, 20th c., of Seattle, XIX:3:123nl Summer houses, New England, IX:4:17

Steingaden, Abbot of, XVI-.2:31 Stevens, John Cox

Steingaden, Germ. Palace of> N Y X:4:[31]

Die Wies [In der Wies], XVI:2:31 Stevens, Louis, 20th c., XV:2:23 nl2
Steinhausen Stevens, William, mariner
Church, XVI:2:31 House of> Truro, XIX:2:52

Steinho ei ten Stevenson, Frederic R., biogr. data, IV: 1:18 n;

T,^w vTvaf, VT va , t, VIII:3/4:70; study of Tallmadge, Ohio, XII:2:26
Chapel (O. Wagner), VI:3/4:3; lus. VI:3/4:pl II "Charleston and Savannah" (with C. Feiss), X:4:3-9

. '. . , "Copenhagen, 1600-1700; an Outstanding City

Steinman, David B. . ...

The Builders of the Bridge; the Story of John 311c leJ^nen ' ' ' '

Roebline and His Son Cultural Heritage of Our Planned Communities (and

Rev. by P Zucker, IV:3/4:53 _ C'Ff'*s>> lmA'2^135

Steinmetz, Charles Proteus, IV:2:41 Nomads Rest <and C Fe,ss>' VIH:3/4:19-26

Steinway Village, L.I., N.Y., IV:3/4:49 'The Planned Community: A North American
tele Heritage" (and C. Feiss), VIII:3/4:17-26;
Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y., XVI:3:32 XII:2:26




Church, IV:3/4:31 House of [Northome], XIX: 1:40

Stencil work, XII:2:5-8 Stevin, Simon, XX:2:62
Stendhal, on Pantheon, XIX:4:135,137 Stewart, 19th c. architect, see Sloan and Stewart
Stenhouse, James A., of N.C., XII;3:29 Stewart, fl. 1890
Stenhouse, John, of Washington, X:4:33 House of, Pittsburgh, XVI:3:27
Stent, Frederick Stewart, A. H. H., 19th c VII:1/2:18

Parliament Bldgs., Ottawa Stewart, A. T., XII: 1:15; XV:4:14,17

Eastern and Western Block, VI:3/4:34 Stores of see New York (City): Stewart (A. T.) Stores

Stenton, mansion, see Philadelphia: Stenton Stewart, Cecil

Stephanos, sculptor, XII:4:15 Simpson's History of Architectural Development, Vol.

Stephens, Henry, fl. ca. 1785, XIV:1:31 //, Early Christian, Byzantine and Romanesque
Stephenson, Mary A., XI:4:34 Architecture (ed.)

Stephenson, Robert, fl. 1799, XVI:1:12 Rev by H. H. Hilberry, XVII:3:33-34

Sterling, Robert Stewart, John, 19th c. Negro in Ohio, VI: 1/2:23
Quaker Meetinghouse, Lawrence, Kan., VI:l/2:28 Stewart, Thomas S., IV:3/4:47; XX:3:138

Trinity Episcopal Church, 1871, Lawrence, Kan. Stewart Y. J.

Parish House, VI:l/2:28 Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings,

Stern, of Nacogdoches, Tex. XVI-2-23 26

Residence of, Lanna St., XI:4:[7] n26 Stichting Monumentenzorg Curaao, XIX:4:179

Stern, Isaac S. see^Ottenheimer Stern and Reichel "Stick-and-dirt" chimneys ["Cat" Chimneys], XI:4:3

Stern, Madeleine B XVIII:2:66 "Stick style," XII:2:30; XIX:3:123,124

Sterns, Abel see Stearns, Abel Stickley, Gustav, IX: 1 / 2:19; XIX:2:64
"Strotomie" vs.'Tectonic," X:3:9,11 . '' , ,,

Sterzing see Vipiteno, Italy Sto'nn

^MemorkMV^^O Mansion of see Riverdale, Md.: Riversdale

Steuben, Joseph' Stiffler< R Ewing, XII:3:29
Der Stdtebau, see Stiibben, Joseph see ^tiJl
Steuben, Ohio Stile Liberty> XIV:2:19

Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32 Stiles, Ezra, Rev., and James Hillhouse, VIII:3/4:3;

Stevens, Gorham Phillips and S. Hopkins on slavery, IV:2:32; as minister in

Restoration of the Acropolis, Athens, XIII:4:6; illus. Newport, XVII:2:23; as Pres. of Yale College,

XIII:4:7 figs 7,9-11 VIII:3/4:3; on Touro Synagogue, XVII:2:23,25

Stevens, Harris, 19th c., XV:2:24 Map of Newport, 1758, XVII:2:25

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Stillwell - Stoop Family

Stillwell, Richard, XX:3:116 Stokes, Isaac Newton Phelps, IV:3/4:56-57, on
Articles and Books skyscraper, XVIII:4:138
Antioch-on-the-Orontes, III, The Excavations, Iconography of Manhattan Island, IV:3/4:56
1937-1939 (ed.) New York Past and Present, X:3:[31]
Rev., 1:2:30 Stokes, Leonard

'The Siting of Classical Greek Temples," Emmanuel College, Cambridge, additions,



Review Stokes (Phelps) Fund see Phelps Stokes Fund

Martienssen, R. D The Idea of Space in Greek Stokesay

Architecture, XVI:4:33 Castle

Stilo, Italy Hall, XVII:2:22 n25

La Cattolica, XVII:3:34 Stone, Fred C., XIII:2:30
"Stilo Boitiano," XII:4:17 Stone, John, 17th c of Sudbury, Mass., XI:1:4,[14] nlO
"Stilo floreale," XII: 1:32 Mill, Saxonville, Mass., XI: 1:4
Stimpson's ranges, XIII:3:18 Stone, Richard, 17th c., XI:1:4

Stirling, fl. 1856," Member of Parliament, Stone, Sidney M., of New Haven, X:4:[23] n22


Stoas (see also Market halls, Market places, Markets, Building methods, Construction, Stonework, etc. see
etc.), Asia Minor type, 1:2:18; use of space in, Masonry






Assos, 1:2:19 Aquia Creek, X:2:22

Athens Artificial (see also Cast stone), 11:1:29; XI:3:29;
Attalos, 1:2:18-19; XIII:4:13; XIX:1:44 XIII:l:27-28; XIV:4:19
Middle, XIII:4:13,14 Burford, XIX:3:132
Poikile, XIII:4:11 Cast see Cast stone

Zeus, XIII :4:13 Cobblestone, XV:2:12-18

Corinth Corsham, XIX:4:152

South Stoa, XV:l:31-32 Frear, XI:3:29; XIII:l:27-28

Pergamum, 1:2:18-19; XIII:4:15; illus. XIII:4:16 fig 3 Headington, XIX:3:131,132

Priene, 1:2:19; 111:1/2:15; XIII:4:9 Hordain, XIX:4:155n56

Stock exchanges see Exchanges Limestone see Limestone
Stockades see Pounds, Stockades, etc. Mansfield, XIX:4:160

Stockholm Morpeth, XIX:4:165

City Hall, XIV:4:32 Portland see Portland stone

International Congress on the History of Art, 1933, Tufa, XVII:4:3,5; illus. XVII:4:3 figs 4,5



Nordiska Museet, IX: 112-37 Stone Bridges, Short Principles for the Architecture of,

Royal Library by S. Riou, XX:3:123,129 no.70

Codex Aureus, XVIII:4:125 Stone-cutters' marks see Graffiti, Masons' marks,
Stockport, Engl. Setting lines, etc.
Silk throwing factory, 1752, VIII:l/2:5 Stone-cutting, XIII:2:25

Stockton, Richard, IV:3/4:59 Stone Family, 17th c., of Great Bromley and Nayland,
Stockton, Calif. Engl., XI: 1 :[ 14] n5
Doak's brickyard, XIV:3:15 Stone walls, VII:3/4:[33]

Stoddard, George Dinsmore, Pres. of University of III., Stonehenge, replica (S. Hill), XIX:4:180

XI:3:[32] Stonehouse, Gloucestershire

Stoddard, Whitney S. Stanley Mill, VIII:l/2:32 n68; XV:2:24-25; illus.

Adventure in Architecture, Building the New St. XV:2:24 fig 1; 25 fig 2; 26 fig 3
John's, plans by Marcel Breuer Stones of Glory - Stones of France; a Pictorial Sequence
Rev. by H. H. Hilberry, XVIII: 1:34-35 of French Architectural Monuments, by A.
Stoke Newington Frenkley
St. Matthias's (W. Butterfield), XIX:4:150 Rev. by P. Zucker, IV:3/4:53-54

Stoke-on-Trent Stoney, Samuel Gaillard

Minton Co. [Minton, Hollins and Co.], XIV:3:4; Plantations of the Carolina Low-Country, XIV:1:32
XIX:2:80 Stonington, Conn.
Stokes, Anson Phelps, IV:3/4:56 Arcade, XII:3:13

Stokes, Charles Stoop Family

House of, Philadelphia, XIX:1:38 House of, Velp, XVIII:3:116

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Storer College - Street

Storer College see Harpers Ferry, W.Va. Street, A. E., XIX:4:145

Storey, Ellsworth Prime, XIX:3:123 nl,124 Street, George Edmund, and Gothic style, IX:l/2:27;
Furniture, XIX:3:125; illus. XIX:3:124 fig 2 XIII:3:20; XX:3:149; R. N. Shaw in office of,

Hoo Hoo House [University of Washington Faculty VIII: 1 /2:129; in Spain, V:[iv]; as a Tractarian,
Club], Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909, XV:2:19; XIX:4:146,149 n33
Seattle, XIX:3:123-125; illus. XIX:3:123 fig 1; Articles and Books on
124 figs 2,3 Clarke, B. F. L., Anglican Cathedrals outside the

Storrs and Sedgwick, law firm, XI:2:10 British Isles, XVI1I:3:119

Story, Joseph, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, XVI:2:24 Hitchcock, H.-R., "G. E. Street in the 1850s,"
Stry-Nupur, Iceland XIX:4:145-171
Medieval timber church, XVII:2:3; illus. XVII:2:[4] Works (Articles, Books, etc.)

fig 7 Brick and Marble in the Middle Ages: Notes of a

Stotesbury Family, of Philadelphia, XIX: 1:36 Tour in North Italy, XIX:4:149,150

capt. fig 6 "Distinctive Features of the Middle Pointed

Stotz, Charles Morse, on Fort Ligonier, Pa., XIII:2:27; Churches of Cornwall, XIX:4:149n32

on New Harmony Society, IV:3/4:51; Letter about East Windows, XIX:4:146nlO

reconstruction of first oil derrick in western Pa., Letter on Lychnoscopes, XIX:4:146nll

XIII-3-29 "On the Proper Characteristics of a Town

Stoughton, Mrs. M. F. <?urc*1' *IX:4:149.

House of, Cambridge, Mass., XVII:1:36 The Real of the A"0161* Style of Domestic

Stove niches, XX: 1:26 Arch.tecture," XIX:4:149

gtoves Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain,

Cooking XIX:4:148n26
Stimpson's ranges, XIII:3:18 'True Principles in Architecture and the Possibility
Heating (Coal and/or wood burning), II: 1:30; f * ^pl"ent FUnded There0n'

IX:4:22-23; X: 1:25; XX: 1:20-26; illus. IX:4:22; . r, ,D, ,,, D - , D- -, ,

' An Urgent Plea for the Revival of True Principles of

.. . " TArchitecture in the Public Buildings of Oxford,

Manufacture, XV:4:22n56 XIX:4:148 n30,150,153

S owe Harnet Beecher X:4:20,[23] n23 Works ^( DeslgnS) Restorations, etc.,

c!!Wl uriT y,, , VWII Adderley Park Institute [Reading Room and

Strachey William, on Indians houses, XVII:4:31,32,34 Library], Birmingham, XIX:4:148,154

Strader, Jacob, steamboat see Jacob Strader M Saints% Cuddesdon

Stradley, Leighton P., X:4:33 Restoration and Parsonage, XIX:4:151

Strahan, William, 18th c. Philadelphia bookseller, A11 Saints', Maidenhead (Boyn Hill),
XX:3:124 XIX:4:146 n8,147-148,150,152,154-155,156,

Stralsund 164,166; illus. XIX:4:157 figs 5-8

ChurchcS) X^VII.1.34 .AJ1 Sints' Midstonc

The Strangers Guide in Philadelphia for 1854, XX: 1:17 5ee also Street, George Edmund: Works

Strasbourg [Strassburg], manuscript shop of, XVII:4:18 (Bldgs., Designs, Restorations, etc.):
Cathedral Church schools: Maidstone

Choirscreen, XVII:4:19 Rectory, XIX:4:170; illus. XIX:4:157 fig 8

Faade, two-tower, IV:3/4:6 Cathedral, Bristol, work on, XIX:4:155

City plan, 111:1/2:22 Cathedral, Dublin, work on, XIX:4:155

Design (J. F. Blondel), XI:1:[17]; XVIII:4:140 Chavey Down, Bracknell, XIX:4:147

Muse de l'Oeuvre Notre Dame [Frauenhaus] Church, Cowley, project, XIX:4:167; illus.

Parchment drawings XIX:4:167 fig 18

Ms. 21 [aide-mmoire], XVII:4:19 Church, Filkins, XIX:4:147,150
Strasbourg A, B, C, D, Church, New Bradwell (see also Street, George
XVII:4:10,18,19,20 nn22,32 Edmund: Works (Bldgs., Designs,
Stratford, Edward, Esq., XIV:4:21 nl9 Restorations, etc.): Church schools: New
Stratford Hall, Va., XIII:2:8; XVI:2:17; illus. XVI:2:18 Bradwell), XIX:4:166-167; illus. XIX:4:166



Restorations (S. F. Kimball), 1:3/4:15 n Church, Tilehurst, rebldg., XIX:4:162,168 n88

"A Stratified Sequence of Maya Temples," by L. Church schools

Satterthwaite, Jr., V:[15]-20 Chatham, XIX:4:169

Stratton, Thomas E. Denchworth, XIX:4:147,169; illus. XIX:4:146

House of [Lynnwood], Nashville, 11:2:33 fig 1

Strawberry Hill see Annapolis: Strawberry Hill; East Challow, XIX:4:147
Twickenham: Strawberry Hill Inkpen, XIX:4:147,154

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Street - Strickland
Street (Cont.) St. Mary's, Colton, XIX:4:146 n8,147

Church schools St. Mary's, Par, XIX:4:146

London St. Mary's Retreat [Convent; Home for Penitents],
St James-the-Less, Westminster, Wantage, XIX:4:147,153,169
XIX:4:148,163,164,169; illus. XIX:4:163 Smaller chapel, XIX:4:169; illus. XIX:4:169
Maidstone St. Michael and All Angels, Sandhurst, rebldg.,
All Saints', XIX:4:169 XIX:4:168; illus. XIX:4:168 fig 19
New Bradwell, XIX:4:169; illus. XIX:4:170 St. Michael's-at-the-North-Gate, Oxford,

fig 23 restoration, XIX:4:149,151,154

Stanford-in-the-Vale, XIX:4:147 St. Peter's, Bournemouth, enlargement and rebldg.,

Wantage, XIX:4:147 XIX:4:155

Collegiate Institution, Bloxham, XIX:4:151-152 St. Peter's, Plymouth

Cottages, Hatford, XIX:4:169; illus. XIX:4:170 Chancel, XIX:4:146

fig 24 St. Peter's, Treverbyn, restoration, XIX:4:146n8;

Crimean War Memorial Church, Istanbul, 154n52

XIX:4:148 n30,158-159 St. Philip and St. James, Oxford, XIX:4:155,167

Diocesan Theological College, Cuddesdon, St. Probus, Probus, restoration, XIX:4:146

XIX:4:148 n31,151,152,153,154; illus. School, Probus, XIX:4:146
XIX:4:151 fig 2 School, Uppingham, XIX:4:152
Embroideries, XIX:4:149 n32,150 University Museum, Oxford, project,

Heathfield School, Heathfield XIX:4:150 n36,153-154,161; illus. XIX:4:153

Chapel, XIX:4:147 fig 4

Law Courts, The Strand, London, XII:4:18; Vicarage, Wantage, XIX:4:146
XIX:4:145 (and nl)-146,162; XX:3:149 War fflce and Foreign Office, London,
Notre Dame de la Treille et St. Pierre, Lille, competition design, XIX:4:160-162,163; illus.

competition design, _ XIX:4:161 fig 10

XIX:4:148 n30,155-158,159; illus. XIX:4:158 Street lighting see LightinS 8,1,1 Lights

fig 9 Street paving see Pavements, Paving, etc.; Sidewalks

Pulpits, XIX:4:146 nl2,166; illus. XIX:4:165 fig 16 Streetcars see Railroads: Types

Reading Room and Library see Street, George Streeter, Daniel D XIL3:29
Edmund: Works (Bldgs., Designs, Streets see Highways, Roads, Streets, etc.
Restorations, etc.): Adderley Park Institute Streetsboro, Ohio
Restorations (for specific restorations see directly, Si urc ^ orter), VII:3/4:32
e.g. Street, George Edmund: Works (Bldgs., "ou.se' RteH43'

Designs, Restorations, etc.): All Saints', .lng e ^ry ouse, X :2:10 ...

Cuddesdon: Restoration and Parsonage), Strickland, Francis, son of William Strickland, 11:2:34;

XIX 4146 167 168 XIII:3:Suppl. 2

St. Dionis Backchurch, London, rebldg. project, Stric^d' 5f0rge' brother f William Strickland,
XIX:4:162-163,166; illus. XIX:4:162 fig 11 _ , f ., , . ,.

St Ebbe's Oxford Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings,

Rectory, XIX:4:170; illus. XIX:4:171 figs 26,27 c. -i .1 run,- c. i /

. r \ Strickland, Jesse Hartley, son of William Strickland,

St. James', Cowley


Restorations, XIX:4:167

c. i , r- .. Strickland, Mrs. Jesse Hartley

St. James . Eastbury XIX:4:147,148 n31 15 'The Architect-William Strickland ...," 11:3:28

St. James-the-Less East Hanney XIX:4:168-169; Strickland, John, 1757-1820, father of William

illus. XIX:4:168 fig 20; 169 fig 21 Strickland, as apprentice of R. Allison, XV:4:27;

St. James-the-Less, Westminster London (see also R H Latrobe letter to, 11:3:28; as a master

Street, George Edmund: Works (Bldgs carpenter, XVI: 1:28; training and position of,
Designs, Restorations, etc.): Church schools: XIII-3-Suppl 2

London: St. James-the-Less), portr (T Sully)) xiII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. fig 1; illus.

XIX:4:148,163-169 passim; illus. XIX:4:163 XIII:3:Suppl. [11] fig 1

fig 12; 164 figs 13,14; 165 figs 15,16 Strickland, William, 1788-1854, and AIA, XVI: 1:24;
St. John Evangelist's, Hobart, Tasmania, project, XVI:3:36; F. Costigan familiar with work of,

XIX:4:149 n32,150-151 XVII: 1:33 n2; fireproof construction of,

St. Margaret s Convent, East Gnnstead, VII:1/2:[1]; XIX:4:182; followers of, VII:l/2:46;

XIX:4:152-153,154; illus. XIX:4:152 fig 3 John J. Hawkins letter to, XX:4:195n6; inspection
St. Mary and Sts. Peter and Paul, Sheviock tour of English railroads, VII:1/2:11 n6; R. C.

Chancel restoration, XIX:4:146 Long, Jr. familiar with works of, XVI: 1:29; and J.
Notman, XV:2:20; and Pennsylvania Society for


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Strickland - Strickland

the Promotion of Internal Improvement, Church, Gay and Fayette Sts. [Nashville? ]
VII: 1 /2:11 n6; Philadelphia work, XIII:3:30; and Ground plan, XIII:3:Suppl. 10; illus.
George Strickland (brother), XIV:2:29; and John XIII:3:Suppl. [13] fig 13
Strickland (father), XV:4:27; XVI:1:28; studies of Country house, water color, XIII:3:Suppl. 2-3,10

(A. Addison Gilchrist), 11:2:27,33-34; IV:3/4:47; capt. fig 8; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [12] fig 8
VIII: 1 /2:87; XIII:2:30; XIII:3:30; and J. C. Crosby Hall, London, water color, XIII:3:Suppl.
Trautwine, XVII:3:32; and T. U. Walter, XVI:2:23 10 capt. figs 10,11,12; illus. XIII:3:Suppl.
Articles and Books on [12,13] figs 10,11
Gilchrist, A. A., William Strickland, Architect Lewis (Meriwether), aquatint of\copy of Saint

and Engineer, 1788-1854, XIII:2:30; XVI:2:22 Mmin's drawing], XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt.

Additions to, XIII:3:Suppl. [1]-16 flg 16. illus xiII:3:Suppl. [13] fig 16
'b'- Locomotive of the Great Western Railway,
"Strickland Bibliography Since 1950," England, sketch, XIII:3:SuPPl. 10 capt. fig
XIII:3:Suppl. 16 12; i]lus XIII:3:Suppl. [13] fig 12

Bust of (Gevelot), XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. 2; illus. Masonic Hall, Baltimore (M. Godefroy design),

XI";3fuPPL t'l] fi8 2 engraving, XX:2:75 n42; XX:2:74 fig 15

Works (Books, Letters, etc.) Rush (Dr. Benjamin) Mansion, Philadelphia,

Books [Reports] on canals and waterworks, wa[er cohr skgtch XIII:3:Suppl. 3,10 capt.

XX:2:74n41 9; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [12] fig 9

Letters, XIII:3:Suppl. 3,7-10 Washington Hall, Philadelphia (R. Mills),

Works (Buildings, Drawings, Surveys, etc.) aquatint, illus. XIII: 1:16 fig 3

Academy Bldg., 4th St., Philadelphia First Moravian Church [United Brethren Church],
Alterations, XIII:3:Suppl. 3; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. 1819-20, Philadelphia

a 11 ^ rig xi u ii .t -, Drawing of (J. C. Trautwine, attrib.), XVII:3:32;

Acklen House, Nashville, 11:2:33 XVIII-4162

Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, XVII:3:32 c.. . n , / , XT u n

., j , , ^ ..A. , . First Presbytenan Church, Nashville, 11:2:33;

Athenaeum, Philadelphia, competition designs,







BankTphaTlph'a [Philadelphia Bank], Fort Hamilton, Philadelphia, sketch, XIII:3:Suppl.

Philadelphia, XIII:3:SuPPl. 16; illus. _ . 2: > T I 1 o J I ?

XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 19 Fnends Asylum. Frank ord, Pa., XIII:3:Suppl. 3-4

Bank of the United States, Philadelphia w Girard ColleSe' Philadelphia, competition designs,

Strickland, William, 1788-1854: Works u ,,u t a '

(Buildings, Drawings, Surveys, etc.): Second Hillhouse (James A.) House, New Haven,

Bank of the United States XIII:3:Suppl. 8

Bellemeade [Harding House], Nashville, 11:2:33 Hotel

Burlington [Elliston House] (attrib), 11:2:33 Design, 1848, 11:2:34
Canals, XIII:3:SuPPl. 2; XX:2:74 n41 Immanuel Church, New Castle, Del., remodelling,
Nashville, 11:2:34 XIII:3:Suppl. 7-8,16 capt. fig 24; illus.

Caruthus (Robert L.) House, Lebanon, Tenn., XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 24

II-2-33 Independence Hall, Philadelphia

Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, XVII:3:32 Steeple, XI:3:25; XIII:3:Suppl. 2

City plan, Cairo, 111., proposed (with R. Taylor), Institutional bldgs., XIII:3:Suppl. 2

XVI:4:14,15-17,20,21; illus. XVI:4:16 fig 2 Kane (John) Monument, Nashville, 11:2:33

Customs House, Philadelphia see Strickland, Kingsley, Nashville (attrib), 11:2:33
William, 1788-1854: Works (Buildings, Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, competition
Drawings, Surveys, etc.): Second Bank of the design, XV:2:20
United States Lehman (William) Sepulchral Monument,

Drawings, views, etc. Harrisburg, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 21;

Baltimore in 1752, aquatint view, XIII:3:Suppl. illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 21

10; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [12] fig 6 Lynnwood [Stratton (Thomas B.) House],
Benezet (Anthony) House, Philadelphia, Nashville, 11:2:33
engraving, X:2:24 Market Sheds [Houses], High St., Philadelphia,

Cairo, 111., drawing, XIII:3:Suppl. 10; XIII:3:30; XV:4:19

XVI:4:16-17; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [12] fig 7; Masonic Hall, Philadelphia, XIII:3:Suppl. 2
XVI:4:17 fig 3 Mechanics Bank, Philadelphia, XIII:3:Suppl. 2, 16
Church capt. 20; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 20

Longitudinal section, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. Melrose, Nashville (attrib), 11:2:33

fig 14; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [13] fig 14 Mikve Israel Synagogue, Philadelphia,

XIII:4:29-31; illus. XIII:4:30 fig 2


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Strickland - Stuart

Strickland, William, 1788-1854 (Cont.) United States Bank of Pennsylvania see Strickland,
Miller (Alfred Theodore) Sepulchral Monument, William, 1788-1854: Works (Buildings,

Philadelphia, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 22; Drawings, Surveys, etc.): Second Bank of the
illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [14] fig 22 United States

Monument to the memory of the Tennessee U.S. Capitol, Washington

volunteers who fell at Monterey, design 1846, Fireproof wings, proposed, VII:1/2:[1]
11:2:34 U.S. Naval Home [Asylum], Philadelphia,
New Almshouse, Blockley Township, Philadelphia, XVII:3:32

XIII:3:Suppl. 4 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Office Bldg., 6th and Walnut, Philadelphia, Medical School, XII:2:27

project, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. fig 15; illus. Walker (Sarah Ann Gray) Tomb, Nashville, 11:2:33

XIII:3:Suppl. [13] fig 15 Washington Monument, Philadelphia, design,

Old Customs House, Philadelphia see Strickland, XVII:3:32

William, 1788-1854: Works (Buildings, Western Penitentiary, Pittsburgh, XIII:3:Suppl. 10
Drawings, Surveys, etc.): Second Bank of the capts. 4,5; XVIII:4:152; illus. XIII:3:Suppl.

United States _ I11] figs 4-5

Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia Strickland, William, 20th c. Boston architect, 1:1:22

Female Dept. for the Insane, design, Strip system of city planning, XIV:4:7-10

XIII:3:Suppl. 4 Strnad, XIX:3:126

Pennsylvania State Insane Asylum, Philadelphia, Strobridge, Truman R.

project, XIII'3'Suppl 4-7 Letter to the Editor, on U.S. Treasury Dept. records

Philadelphia Exchange [Merchants' Exchange], Supervising Architect, XX:4:198-199

Philadelphia, XIII:3:30,Suppl. 2,16 capt. fig Strodels ment, XIV:4:19
25; XIX: 1:31; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 25; Stroganov Family [Stroganoff]

XIX-1 31 fig 1 Palace of see Sol vychegodsk

Painting Old Stock Exchange, Philadelphia (J. A. Strong George Templeton, XIV: 1:25 n 15; on W.

Woodside), 11:3:33 0 Schermerhorn House, XIV: 1:21

Stairways, XIX:1:31; illus. XIX:1:31 fig 1 Strong, Jonathan

Tower, XIH:3:SuPPl. 16 capt. fig 25; XIV:2:12; "USLf' Tf' ^\*4*3I]

XVII: 1:33 n2; XIX:1:31; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. Strong, Samuel,/7. 1852, VII.1/2.29

[15] fig 25; XIX: 1:31 fig 1 Strongsville Ohio

Polk (James Knox) Monument, Nashville, 11:2:33 ^rC' ,nc '

p VI -> Stroud, Engl.

nsons, . . upp . Stanley Mill see Stonehouse, Gloucestershire

Riverwood, Nashville (attrib.), 11:2:33 . , J .... -, . . T

A A. , * '', Structural iron and steel see Building: Cast-iron, Iron

St. Augustine s Roman Catholic Church, an(j gteej

Philadelphia Struthers, J., fl. 1837, mason, XIII:3:Suppl. 2,16 capts.

Cupola, XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig 26; illus. 20 22

X, X^ST' J15i^26r -, Struthers and Hannah

St. Mary s Church, Nashville, 11:2:33 Grogan Bldg., Pittsburgh, XVI:3.-26; illus. XVI.-3:27
St. Peter s P. E. Church, Philadelphia 7
Tower and Steeple, XIII:3:SuPPl. 9,16 capt. fig Strutt) Jedediah (see also Strutt and Strutt),

28; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 28 VIII:l/2:30 n43

Second Bank of the United States [Old Custom Strutt William

House; United States Bank of Pennsylvania], See also Strutt and Strutt

Philadelphia, 1:2:22; 11:2:34; 11:3:26-29; Calico Mill, Derby, XV:2:24; XIX:4:181

VII:3/4:[17]; XIII:3:30, Suppl. 2,9-10; Strutt and Frost elevator, XVI:4:23

XIV:2:13; XVIII:4:162 Strutt and Strutt

State Capitol, Harrisburg, design, XIII:3:Suppl. 7 see also Strutt, Jedediah; Strutt, William

State Capitol, Indianapolis, design, Mill, Belper, VIII:l/2:23

XIII:3:Suppl. 16 Strzygowski, Joseph, and W. Born, 111:4:32 n; and E.

State Capitol, Nashville, 11:2:33,34; 11:3:28; Kaufmann, 111:3:12 n; on origins of medieval bay

XIII:3:Suppl. 2,16; XIV:2:12; XV:4:3 system in wood construction, XVII:2:2,5,16,18; on

Survey, New Castle, Del. (with B. H. Latrobe, P. wall strips of Saxon churches, XVIII:4:123,124
Lennox, and R. Mills), XIII:3:Suppl. 3,16 Baukunst der Armenier und Europa, IV:3/4:6

capt. fig 23 Stuart, Alexander H. H., Sec. of Interior, VII:l/2:4,27

Sussex County Courthouse, Georgetown, Del., Stuart, Archibald, IX:3:18

XIII:3:Suppl. 3,8-9,10 capts. 17,18; illus. Stuart, Gilbert

XIII:3:Suppl. [14] figs 17,18 Portraits of presidents, VII: 1/2:3

Tennessee State Bank, Nashville (attrib.), 11:2:34 Washington, IX:3:26

Two Rivers Farm, Nashville (attrib.), 11:2:33


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Stuart - Sullivan
Stuart, James, 1713-1788 Stym-Popper, M. S XIV:1:7 nl2
The Antiquities of Athens (and N. Revett), 11:3:8; Suardi, Bartolommeo see Bramantino
VII: 1/2:46; XII:2:8; XVII:1:31; XX:2:67,68 Subercaseaux, Alberto Mackenna see Mackenna

Portr., on Alice Davis Hitchcock medallion, Subercaseaux, Alberto

XIII: 1:32; illus. XIII:1:32 Suburban architecture, XX:4:169-178

Stuart, William, fl. 1831, stone cutter of Baltimore, Subways see Railroads: Types
XX:2:75,76 Sucksdorff, Victor

Stuart and Georgian Churches outside London, Karelische Bauten und Ornamentale Formen, (and Y.

1603-1837, by M. Whiffen, XVIII:4:163 Blomstedt), VI:3/4:1

Stuart and Revett see Revett, Nicholas; Stuart, James Sucre, Bolivia

Stuart tables, IX:3:13 n24 Architecture, V:[39]

Stubbins, Hugh, Jr., X:3:32 Artesonados, V[21]
Stucco Sudbury, Engl.
Ireland, XX:3:131-135 Moot Hall, XI:1:13; illus. XI:1:11
Nash (J.) use of, XV:4:16 Sudbury, Mass.

Mexico City Architecture, 17th c., XI:1:3-[15]

Houses, V:29 City plan, Maps, etc.

U.S., XX:3:131-135 City plan, XI:l:3-[15]/>ass/>n

Study, Guy see Study and Farrar Mapi 1650i XI:1:[14] nl0; iUus. XI:1:5

Study and Farrar Glover Farm XI:1:8

Wilson (Mrs. Newton R.) House, St. Louis, Meeting Houses> XI:1;8.[14]; iUus. xi:l:7,ll,12

XX:4:173,175; illus. XX:4:174 figs 9,10 1652) XIX:2:77; illus. XIX:2:77 fig 2

Study and teaching of architecture see Architecture: Milli 17th c. (T. Cakebread), XI:1:4,5

o ..^tudry/ndL tefc^ng , Munning's Point Bridge (T. Hawkins), XI: 1:8,9

Stubben [Steuben], Joseph p . 1648 x,.,.o

Stuler, Fnednch August von, 11:3:8 Sudelev Lord see Hanburv-Tracv Charles

Matthaei Church, Berlin,

11:3:9 Sude ey Lord, see anbury Iracy, Charles
. Sudley, Anne Arundel Co., Md., XI: 1:27
upa-pago orm, Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, by E. Dahlberg, XVII:2:32
Stupas, 111:4:34-48 passim , 7 3
, :. ,. Sugar colonies
Sturbndge, Mass. 5; . , ...

Old Sturbridge Village, XII:3:27; XIV:3:7; XV:4:3 0 Dan'sh' Virgin Islands, XIX:2:84

Sturges [Sturgis], Walter Knight, X:2:27; XI:2:[8]; Sugar ho"Ses' m,l'S Jene* .... w .. t

XV 413 Piercy (James) Sugar Refinery [Mill], Washington,

"Jacques-Franois Blondel," XI:1:16-[19] DC" X'2 22 ..... D, , . .. .

The Long Shadow of Norman Shaw," IX:4:15-[20] Stone sugar house' Wa,hee Station, Maui, Hawaii,
Sturgis, Knight see Sturges, Walter Knight _

Sturgis, R. Clipston, 1:3/4:15; 11:4:4 n4 Stuart s gar Refinery, 1853, N.Y., XILL20
Sturgis, Russell, on "cage construction," Sugar house, 1763, Cowfoot Hill, N.Y., XI:2:21
XVIII:4:131 nl5; on skyscraper, XVIII:4:128,137; Sugar Mill (J. Bogardus), XV:4:12

on World Bldg., N.Y., XVIII:4:132 Sugar Plantation house, St. Croix, V.l., X:3:27

A History of Architecture, ed. by A. L. Frothingham, U.S., XIV: 1:22-24

XVII-4-37 Suger, Abbot of St. Denis, H. Adams on, XIII: 1:7; and
Sturgis, Walter Knight see Sturges, Walter Knight Bernard of Clairvaux, XI:3:115; XVII:2:28;

Sturm, Leonhard Christoph, 11:3:6 gathered a "veritable academy of artists and

"Sturm und Drang," 11:3:8 architects," XVI:3:11; as "Pre de la Patrie,"
Sturtevant, John D., X:2:27 IV:1:11; power and success of, XVII:2:28; and St.
Stuttgart Denis Abbey Church, VII:3/4:[13]-16; XI:3:15,16;
Schloss [Palace] XIII:1:29,31; XVII:2:28; and Vaucresson founding,
Chapel, 16th c., IX:3:7 IV:1:11
Stairhall project (J. B. Neumann), XII:4:14 Writings, XI:3:15,16; XVII:2:28

Technische Hochschule, XIX:2:86 Suink, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Werkbundausstellung, 1927 Sulgrove, Berry, XVII:1:31

Glass display (L. Mies van der Rohe), XX: 1:42 "Sull'architettura di stile lombardo," XVII:3.2

Stuyvesant, Peter, XIX:4:178 Sulla, bldg. in the time of, VII:3/4:34; XIII:4:24;

City plan, 1652, Beverwyck [Albany], 111:1/2:36-37; XVII:4:8 n5; Florence settled by, VIII:3/4:38;

illus. III: 1 /2:[36a] mastery of vaulting, VII:3/4:35; and Praeneste,

Stuyvesant, Rutherford XIII:4:18; XVII:4:6

Apartment House of see New York (City): Sullivan, Albert W.

Stuyvesant (Rutherford) Apartments House of, Chicago, XIX:2:63

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Sullivan - Sullivan

Sullivan, John, 1740-1795, Gen., IV:2:11 Architecture; A Study in the American People
Clinton-Sullivan Expedition, IV:2:40,41 of Today,' by Louis H. Sullivan," IV:2:3-22

Sullivan, John, Jr., 20th c of Dayton, Ohio, XIII:2:30 Szarkowski, J., The Idea of Louis Sullivan
Sullivan, John L., IV:2:11 Rev. by H. Morrison, XVII:2:30
Sullivan, Louis H. (see also Adler and Sullivan), D. Weisman, W., "Philadelphia Functionalism and
Adler as partner of, XII:4:17; architectural Sullivan," XX: 1:3-19
principles based on careful analysis of history, Portraits of, illus. IV:2:5,8,21
11:1:4; and Art Nouveau, XIV:2:19; and S. S. Works (Articles, Books, Letters), IX:l/2:38;

Beman, XII:3:17; biogr. data, IV:2:9; and A. X:3:13nlO; XIV:2:19,26

Bouilhet, XVIII:2:68; Burnham and Root learned The Autobiography of an Idea, XVII:2:32;

lessons from, XIV:3:24; and Chicago School, XX:3:141; XX:4:183,184

IV:3/4:50; X:3:18; XI:1:27; compositional devices "The Chicago Tribune Competition," VI:3/4:1
"adumbrated by English Victorian architects in "Critique," Chicago Tribune, XX:4:184
preceding thirty years," IX:l/2:26; deification of, Democracy: A Man Search, IX:l/2:38

11:3:18-24 passim; at Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Kindergarten Chats, X:3:13 nlO; X1X:1:9;
IV:2:11; "efflorescence" of, X:3:6; and G. G. XX-4179-184

Elmslie, IV.-2:12; XI:2:25; XIII: 1:23; XIX:2:62-68; Letters to R. M. Schindler, XX:4:179-184

XX:3:140-141; infl. on European Architecture, "The Tall Building Artistically Considered,"

XVIII:2:68-69; "form follows function," XXT-16

functionalism, etc., 11:1:28; 11:2:11; X:3:7 n36,8,10; "What Is Architecture; a Study in the American

XII:3:31; XX:1:3-19 passim; and F. Furness, People 0f Today," IV:2:3-22

XIX:2:61; and Furness and Hewitt, IX:3:27; Works (Buildin Drawings, projects, etc.)
1 * "f n .JT? archltectfure' For works not listed here see Adler and Sullivan:

11:3:12; X:3:10; W. B. Griffin s admiration for, Works

XIX: 1:8; and Hewitt and Hewitt, IV:3/4:51; H. R.

Babson (Henry) House, Riverside, 111.,
Hope on, X:3:7 n36; "independent style" of,
XII:1:32; as inspiration [master] of other
Banks, XIII: 1:22
architects, XIII: 1:23; XIX: 1:8 n20; Jayne Bldg. r_ , . w . , TT . , ,

infl. on, IX:3:27; XV:3:31; at M.I.T., XX:1:18; G. ^

W. Maher's admiration for, XIX: 1:3; Minnesota Columbus, V/is., XX.3.142

work of, XIX: 1:40; L. Mumford on, 11:3:18-24 Home Building Association Bank, Newark,

passim; origins of (aesthetic, stylistic), XVII: 1:36; w , ' X,X:2:68

XX: 1:3-19; and ornament, X:3:7 n36; XI:1:31; Merchants National Bank, Gnnnell, Iowa,

XVII:4:29; XIX:2:80; XIX:3:129; .XIX:^;68 , r

XX :3:141,142,143; W. G. Purcell on, 111:4:16-25 National Farmers Bank [Security Bank and

passim; Purcell and Elmslie influenced by, Trust Co.], Owatonna (with G. G. Elmslie),
XIII: 1:23; XIX:2:66-68; H. H. Richardson infl. on, IV:2:9,12; XIX:2:64,66,68;
IX: 1 /2:29-30; XIV:3:32; XX:1:16; XX:3:142; On XX:3:140,141,142; illus. IV:2:22; XIX:2:67
Saarinen's Tribune design, VI:3/4:1; scale and r'8s 4-6

proportion of greater importance than historic People s Savings and Loan Association Bank,

prototypes, XIII: 1:23; and skyscraper [tall bldg.] Sidney, Ohio, XIX:2:68
development, 11:2:30; 111:4:6; XII:3:31,32; People's Savings Bank, Cedar Rapids, XIX:2:66

XVIIL4:127 n4; style [Sullivanesque design, dcor Purdue State Bank, West Lafayette, Ind.,
etc.], XIX: 1:7; XIX:3:130; and volume awareness, XIX:2:68; illus. XIX:2:68 fig 8
VI:3/4:2; willingness to make concessions to the Bayard [Condict] Bldg., N.Y., IV:2:9,12;
times queried, IX:l/2:34; on World's Columbian XIX:2:64; XX:1:16; XX:3:140,142,143; illus.
Exposition, IX:1/2:31; and F. L. Wright, X:3:6; IV:2:20
XIV:3:32; XVII:2:30; XVII:4:39; XVIII:2:64; Bradley (Harold C.) House, Madison, Wis.,

XIX:2:62-63; XIX:3:129; XX:4:179-184 passim XIX:2:63,64,66-68; XX:3:140,142; illus.

Articles and Books on, XIV:2:19,26 XIX:2:65 figs 1,2; 66 fig 3

Kobayashi, B., Amerika Kenchiku, XVI:4:36 Carson-Pirie-Scott Store [Schlesinger and Mayer
McCallum, I., Architecture USA, XIX:2:87 Dept. Store], Chicago, 11:4:29 n 157; IV:2:9,12;
McCoy, E. (ed.), "Letters from Louis H. Sullivan VI:3/4:2; IX:l/2:29-30; XVII:2:30; XIX:2:64;
to R. M. Schindler," XX:4:179-184 XX: 1:16; XX:3:140-142; illus. IV:2:22

Morrison, H., Louis Sullivan: Prophet of Modern Chicago Cold Storage Warehouse, XIII: 1:22
Architecture, IX:l/2:38; XIV:2:19 Chicago Labor Temple see Sullivan, Louis H.:
Rev. by W. G. Purcell, IV:2:12 Works (Buildings, Drawings, Projects, etc.):
Rev. by F. L. Wright, XX:3:140-142 West Chicago Club
Purcell, W. G., "An Interpretation [of] 'What Is Church, Cedar Rapids, XX:3:140


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Sullivan - Svedberg
Condict Bldg. see Sullivan, Louis H.: Works Sumpango, Guatemala

(Buildings, Drawings, Projects, etc.): Bayard Church, XV:l:19n23

Bldg. Sumvalt, George, ISth c., of Baltimore, XVIII: 1:34
Drawings Sun-control, XVII:2:31
Collections in Burnham Library of Architecture, Sunbury, Ga.
Chicago, IX:l/2:37; XX:3:141; Squares, XX-.2-.62
XX:4:183-184 Sunderland, Alice see Wethey, Alice Sunderland

Exhibition, Burnham Library of Architecture, Sunderland, Elizabeth Read, IV:3/4:6; X:l:28

Chicago, VIII:3/4:67 Articles
Festival Hall, Chicago, IV:2:9 "Charlieu: The First Ambulatory Colonnade?,"
Fraternity Temple, Chicago, design, VI:3/4:2; XII:l:3-6
XV:3:31 "Feet and Dates at Charlieu," XVI:2:2-5

Gage Bldg., Chicago, IX: 1/2:29; XIX:2:64 "A Late Carolingian Church at Charlieu in
Getty (Carrie Eliza) Tomb, Graceland Cemetery, Burgundy," IX:4:3-9
Chicago, XVIII:2:68; XX:3:142; illus. IV:2:7 "More Analogies between Charlieu and
Knisely Bldg., Chicago, XX:1:16,18 Anzy-le-Duc," XVI:3:16-21
Krause Music Store, Chicago, faade, XX:4:182n5 "Symbolic Numbers and Romanesque Church
McCormick (Mrs. N. F.) Dwelling, Lake Forest, Plans," XVIII:3:94-103
project, XIX:2:64 Review
St. Nicholas Hotel, St. Louis, IV:2:12; illus. Temko, A., Notre-Dame of Paris, XV:3:32


Schlesinger and Mayer Dept. Store see Sullivan, Savannah, Ga., X:4:9; XX:2:48
Louis H.: Works (Buildings, Drawings, Sunium Promontorium [Cape Colonna; Sounion],
Projects, etc.): Carson-Pirie-Scott Store XIII:4:3

Wainwright (Ellis) House, St. Louis, XIX:2:64 Temple of Poseidon, XVI:4:33

West Chicago Club [Chicago Labor Temple], Sunny Ridge see Austin, Tex.

Chicago, XIX:3:124 Superga, Basilica di see Turin: Basilica di Superga

Sullivan, Patrick, IV:2:9 Superstitious acts, re houses, ships, etc., XIII:2:27-28

Sullivan, N.Y. The Surrender of Gen. Burgoyne at Saratoga...,
Clarke (T.) Farm, XX:4:196nll painting (J. Trumbull), XIII:3:19

Quarries, XX:4:195-196 Surry Co., Va.

Yates (John B.) Plaster Mill, 1818, XX:4:196,197 Bacon's Castle [Allen (Arthur) Residence] see
Sullivan Monument, Honeoye, N.Y., IV:2:41 Bacon's Castle

Sully, Thomas Surveyor's chain, measurement, XX-.2-.52

Portr. of John Strickland, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. fig Suslov, XVI:2:29

1; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [11] fig 1 Suspension bridges see Bridges: Materials, Types, etc.:
Sulpician Fathers, XVI: 1:28 Suspension

Sulzer, William, Gov. of N.Y., XIV:3:27 Suspension roofs, XVI: 1:11

Sumer Susquehanna Canals, XX:2:63,74

Ziggurats, XII:4:4 Susquehanna-Tidewater Canal, XVII: 1:25

Summer houses see Resort architecture Sussel, Arthur J., XIII:3:Suppl. 3, 10 capt. fig 9; [12]

Summerly's Art Manufacturers, XIII:3:25 capt. fig 9

Summers, 19th c. Sussex, Va.
House of, Rusk, Tex., XI:4:[7] n42 Courthouse (D. Cosby), XVIII:1:6; illus. XVIII: 1:9
Summerson, John, Sir, on British architecture, fig 16
XIX:4:177; credits to (M. Hugo-Brunt), Sussex County, Del.
XIV:4:21 n; on double columns of King's Chapel, Courthouse see Georgetown, Del.
Boston, XIII:l:14nl8; on 18th c. English country Sutterville, Calif.
house, XVIII:4:168; on "The Glory of Ugliness," Zins (G.) Brick Co., XIV:3:15

XIX:3:126; on Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh, Sutton, of Pittsburgh

XVI:2:17; on H.-R. Hitchcock, XV:2:30,31; on W. House of [McClelland-Sutton House], XVI:3:27

Kent, XV:4:31; on number of architects at work in Sutton, fl. 1855, of Jacksonville, Or.

London, 1830-51, XV:2:30; on Seaton Delaval, Drug store of, XII:4:21; illus. XII:4:[22] fig 3

XV:4:31 Sutton, Dick, X:4:35; XVI:3:29

Architecture in Britain, 1530-1830, XIII:1:32; Sutton Mandeville, Wiltshire

XV:4:31 Barns, XI:1:8,[15] n26; illus. XI: 1:7

Rev. by M. Whiffen, XIII:4:31-32 Suzdal, Russ.

"Newgate Gaol; Catalogue of Drawings in Sir John Architecture, XVI:2:6,13,28

Soane's Museum," in Architectural History, Svedberg, Emanuel see Swedenborg, Emanuel


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Sviatoslav - Synagogues
Sviatoslav, Prince, XVI:2:29 Sweep [Cerce], masonry tool, XX:4:200
Swaim, fl. 1805, bookbinder, of Philadelphia [Swain, Sweeney, John A. H.
Dr.], XVI:3:32 Grandeur on the Appoquinimink, The House of
Bldgs. of, XX:1:6,14,15; illus. XX:1:14 fig 22 William Corbit at Odessa, Delaware
House of [Wain (William) House], XVI:3:32 Rev. by H. H. Hilberry, XIX: 1:43

"Swaim's Panacea," XVI.-3:32 Sweetbrier [Sweetbriar], mansion, see Philadelphia:

Swain, fl. 1805, Dr., of Philadelphia, see Swaim, fl. Sweetbrier
1805, bookbinder, of Philadelphia Swem, Earl Gregg, X:3:28nl
Swain, D. L., fl. 1843, X: 1:21,[22] n7 Virginia Historical Index, XX:3:116
Swamp Church, Old, XIV:2:7 Swift, Emerson, IV:3/4:5
Swampscott, Mass. Swift, W. H., Capt.
Grasshead House (A. Little), IX:4:17; illus. IX:4:[18] Black Rck Harbor Lighthouse, Block Island,




Swan, Abraham, infl. on T. Jefferson, X:l:4 Swigert, Philip

RnnWc VY-rm too House of, Frankfort, Ky., 11:1:36

Architect, XX:3:129n27 Swilley, Robert H., XX: 1:38

The British Architect. ., XIII:2:3,4; Swimming pools see Pools (Garden, Swimming, etc.)
XX 3 121 122 129 no.79 Swirl designs in Art Nouveau, XIV:3:27
Fireplace designs, illus. XX:3:123 fig 9 Swisher, 19th c., of Austin, Tex.

Staircase design, XX:3.123 fig 10 0 Hou.SC /' ^4:9"10; lllus' XI:4:t1 r'8 3

British Treasury, XX:3.129n27 Sw'ss *he ^-S

British Treasury of Staircases, XIII:2:4,8 ^outh,

Carollna> xx:2:51,53-54
The Carpenter's Complete Instructor in Several

Hundred Design, XX:3:129 no.81 c Architecture XVIII:4:165-167; XIX:1:41

A Collection of Designs in Architecture, ar f , , , -, . .

XX:3:119,121,122,129 no.80; illus. XX:3:122 The P^lei"

f*e Icngraphy of Late Ant,que
and Early Mediaeval Palaces, XX:2:78-89

fig 8

Sydenham see London

Sydney, Australia

Designs, 1758, XIII:2:7

Designs for Chimneys, XX: 3:129 n29 . , .. ..

Designs for Chimnies
the Proportion
They Bear
'iv 130 XIX:
us11 1:29 n28
.. and

to Their Respective Rooms, XX:3:129 29 Q House (J Utz0 XVIII;3;118

Designs in Architecture, XIII:2:4; ,llus. XIII:2:[5] Sylyester Popg [Gerbert of AuriUac]> IV.,;5
Svlvestre Isral

Designs in Carpentry. XX:3:121 122,129 n28 Engraved view of La Charit-sur-Loire,

Upwards of One Hundred and Fifty New Designs XI:3:18-20,21,22; illus. XI:3:19 fig 3
for Chimney Pieces..., XX:3:129 no.82 and Sylvestris, Bernard w Bernard de Chartres

,,n.2^ . "Symbolic Numbers and Romanesque Church Plans,"

Swan, Mabe Munson, on S. Mclnt.re, XVII:2:29 by E R Sunderland, XVIII:3:94-103

Swan and W.H.ams, 19th c. masons, of Natchez, Symbolism, of column, obelisk, pyramidal forms, etc.,

XV:2:28 XVII: 1:22-23; XIX:2:76-79; of Mies van der Rohe,

Swarbrick, John XX: 1:43; of numbers see Numbers

The Works in Architecture of Robert and James Ancient XII-4-3-7

Adam Christian (see also Christianization of architecture),

Brief rev., XIX:4:184 XVII-1-4-8

Swarthmore, Pa. Egyptian, XVIII: 1:27-29

Swarthmore College Indian> XVIII: 1:27-29

Bldg(s)., 1857-68 (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:35 Jewish, XIII:3:32; XVI:2:28

Swartley, John C., XVII:3:30 (statist, appendix) Literary, XIX:2:76-77

Swartwout, Samuel, XX:4:189 Medieval, XI:3:6-16 passim; XVII: 1:34

Sweden Symmes Purchase, XII:2:3

Architecture, XVI:3:35; XVII:2:32 Symmetry see Proportion (Art and Architecture)
Nordiska Museet, IX: 1/2:37 Symonds, John Addington, 11:1:32; IX: 1/2:34
Swedenborg [Svedberg], Emanuel Syms, fl. ca. 1851 see Blunt (O.) and Syms
New Jerusalem of, IV:2:33 Synagogue furniture see Church furnishings and
Swedesboro, N.J. furniture

Trinity Church, VII.-3/4:31 Synagogues [Temples]

Swedish settlers in the U.S. Amsterdam

Kansas, VI:l/2:27-28 Sephardic Synagogue, IX:3:12

Log cabin introduced by, 11:4:6 nl6; XV:3:2 Synagogue, pre-1730, XIX:4:179

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Synagogues - Taliesin West

Ancient, XIII:3:32 U.S., of E. Mendelsohn, XVII:3:36

Temple of Solomon, IX:3:12; X:3:32; XI:2:6; Willemstad, Curaao

XI:3:13,16 n2; XII:4:6; XVI:3:10 Dutch-Portuguese-Israelite Synagogue [Mikv

Cincinnati Israel; Nederlands Portugees-Israitische

Isaac M. Wise Temple, Plum St. (J. K. Wilson), Synagogue], XIX:4:179
VI:3/4:18; XVI:4:29; XVII:2:27; illus. Worms

XVII:2:27 12th c. synagogue, XIII:4:30

Devonport, Engl. Synodal halls see Chapter houses, Synodal halls, etc.

Mount Zion Chapel (J. Foulston), XII:4:16 The Synthetic Vision of Walter Gropius, by G. Herbert,
England, IX:3:12 XIX:3:128





Simon (Joseph) Synagogue, XV1I:2:25 Redecoration of (Adam Brothers), XIV:3:3

Leavenworth, Kan. Syracuse, Italy

Benai Jerusham VI:l/2:26 Aqueduct, VII:3/4:34
London Cathedral, IV:2:52

Great Synagogue, IX:3:12 City plan, VIII: 1/2:50-51; VIII:3/4:41,42; illus.

Mendelsohn (E.) synagogue designs, XVII-.3:36 VIII:l/2:pl XII

Montreal City wall, VIII: 1/2:51

Stanley Street Synagogue, XIII:4:31 Miracoli, IV:2:52

New York (City) Palazzo Beneventano, IV:2:52
Synagogue, Princes St., 18th c., XI:2:21 Temple of Zeus Olympicus, VIII:1/2:51
Wooster Street Synagogue (O. Blesch and L. Syracuse, N.Y.
Eidlitz), XIII:4:30 Onondaga Historical Association, XIX:4:172 nn[a],l
Newport, R.I. Walker Dishwasher Co., 111:3:30
Touro Synagogue (P. Harrison), XVII:2:23-26; Warehouses, 19th c., XIX:4:173; illus.
XIX:4:179; illus. XVII:2:24 XIX:4:173 fig 2

Philadelphia Weighlock, XIX:4:172-173; illus. XIX:4:173 figs 1,2

Beth Israel, Crown St. (T. U. Walter), Weighlock Canal Museum, XIX:4:172-173
xill:4:29-31; illus. XIII:4:30 fig 1 Szarkowski, John

Mikve Israel, Cherry St. (W. Strickland), The Idea of Louis Sullivan

XIII:4:29-31; illus. XIII:4:30 fig 2 Rev. by H. Morrison, XVII:2:30

Spain, V :26

TVA sec Tennessee Valley Authority Taft, William Howard, Pres., IV: 1:38
T-shaped bldgs., XII:2:9,10-12,13,14; XVIII.1:4,5; Taft Family, of Cincinnati, XII:2:8





Tabby construction see Tapia construction Taganrog

Taber, fl. 1844, of Castile, N. Y. City plan, IV: 1:26,28,31; illus. IV:l:[22a] fig 8
House of, XV:2:16; illus. XV:2:[17] fig 10 Tagle y Bracho, Jos Bernardo de, Marqus de Torre
Tabernacles, Feast of, XVI:2:28 Tagle
'Tabique de hostin," XI:4:32 Mansion of see Lima, Peru: Torre Tagle Mansion



Stuart, IX:3:13 n24 Ta-i-Shang [Great City of Shang]

Tabularium Artis Asturiensis, XVI:4:2 Royal Palace, IX:l/2:4

Tachau, W. G. (see also Pilcher and Tachau), XIV:3:27 Tait, Jas. A., VII:l/2:30

Tacoma, Wash. Taj Mahal see Agra, India

Tacoma Hotel (S. White, attrib.), XIX:2:58 Tajamanil, shingles, V:25

Tacuba, Mex. Taktike Theoria, by Aelianus, XX:2:[59]

Parish church Talaulim, Goa.

Portal, V:[27]; illus. V:[26b] fig 2 Santana, XV:3:6; illus. XV:3:4 fig 5; 5 fig 6
Tadema, Lawrence Alma see Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, "Talbotypes," X:2:19 fig capt.
Sir Talcot [Talcott], Charles G., VII:1/2:19

Taft, Horace Taliaferro [Toliver], Richard, X:4:22

Summer House of, Wainscott, L.I., XI:3:31 Taliesin West see Scottsdale, Ariz.

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'The Tall Building Artistically Considered " - Taurasia

"The Tall Building Artistically Considered," by L. H. Tapping Reeve Law School see Litchfield, Conn.: Reeve

Sullivan, XX: 1:16 (Tapping) Law School

"The Tall Building in New York in the Twentieth Tarbell, XIV:3:31
Century," by L. Arnaud, XI:2:15-18 Tardebigge, Worcestershire
Tall buildings see Skyscrapers Church (F. Hiorn), VIII:1/2:41 nl6

Tallmadge, Benjamin, XII:2:26 Targovi$tea

House of, Litchfield, X:4:21; illus. X:4:19 fig 1; 21 Churches, IV:3/4:31

r,g 3 Church of the Princes, IV:3/4:34

Tallmadge, Thomas E "cage construction ' term used, old Cathedral [old Metropolitan Church],

XVIII:4:131 nl5; on Chicago City-County bldg. IV 3/4 33 34

designs IX:l/2:244; skyscraper Tarleton, Banastre,"Sir, raid on Smithfield, XVII:1:18
definition, XVIII:4:126 n 1,137 and n45 .
Architecture in Old Chicago, 11:2:30; 11:4:17,27 nl45 larquinia

Tallmadge, Ohio Clty Plan' VIII:3/4:28

Academy Bldg., XII:2:26 Tomba degh Scudl> 11:1:13 "29
City plan, Maps and Views, VIII:3/4:24-25; Tarras cement, XX:4:195,196
XII:2:25-26; illus. VIII:3/4:pl VIII fig 3 Tarrytown, N.Y.

Congregational Church (L. Porter), VII:3/4:32 and n; Historical Society, 111:1/2:48; IV:3/4:58

XII:2:5,9,26; illus. XII:2:[6]fig 6 Philipse Castle see North Tarrytown, N.Y.:

History, XII:2:25-26 Philipsburg Manor

Library, 1813, XII:2:26 Sunnyside, IV:3/4:58; XV:4:3

Lyceum, XII:2:26 Tarrytown National Bank, 111:1/2:48
Post Office, 1814, XII:2:26 Tashkent

Town House, XII:2:26 City plan, IV:1:29

Tallmadge Family, of Litchfield, X:4:20 Tasso, Torquato

Tallman and Bucklin (see also Bucklin, James C.), Madrigals on Pratolino, XX:4:165-166

xll:3:13 Taste (see also Philosophy (Aesthetics, Theory, etc.)),

Union Station, Providence A j. Downing on, XV:2:29

Merchandise House, VIII:l/2:36; illus. VIII: 1 /2:pl . r-, , .

Vi fig 4 Tatana [Tutana]

[Taniagnini] see Porta, Antonio della '^5 ,
~ nu Tatar Khanate of Kazan, XVI:2:14
Tamagno, Roberto, VIII: 1 /2:133 ^ '

Tamerlane, XV-.4:31 Tatareasca

Tami Islanders Archaeological investigations, IV:3/4:24

Masks, XIX: 1:30; illus. XIX: 1:30 fig 9 Tatham Brothers, iron founders, XVII: 1:27

Tanabe, Tai [Yasushi] Iron Works of see New York (City): Tatham and
Nippon no Kenchiku [The Architecture of Japan] Brothers Iron Works

(with K. Hattorf and H. Oda) Tatr al-Hagaziya Madrasah, Cairo, 111:4:42

Rev. by A. Soper, XVI:4:36 Tatum, George B., XIII:3:Suppl. 2,16; XX:l:20nl

Tanesse Essay on the architecture of Morven in A. H. Bill,

Map, 1816, New Orleans, XIV:3:31 A House Called Morven. .., XIV:2:32

Taney, Roger Brooke, Sec. of Treasury, XX:4:187 Review of H. L. Savage, ed., Nassau Hall,



Katsura, Tradition and Creation in Japanese Taumaturgo de Brito, Gregrigo

Architecture (and W. Gropius) Map of Mocambique, XIV:4:10; illus. XIV:4:7 fig 4

Brief rev., XX: 1:44 Taunton, E. B.

Tanguay, Georges, XIV:3:14 Capitol of ohl0j

Paget, Berm. VIM10

a j u wrx.i^i Taunton, Engl.
Aqueduct, VII:3/4:34 _ . ~f
r ,, , , Castle, XX:3:136
Cathedral, IV:2:52

competition design (and J. Johnson),

S. Dominico, IV:2:52 Houses, XX:3:136

Tapestries Medieval hospital, XX:3:136

Hunting scene from a French tapestry, 1734-35, illus. Meeting House, 1763, XX:3:136

X:2:4 fig [2] Somerset County Record Office

Raphael cartoons for Vatican, XVIII:3:117 Haviland (John) sketches, specifications and

Tapia construction [Tabby] (see also Adobe buildings; correspondence, X:3:32

Pis), XI:4:32-33; XX:4:194 Taunton, Mass.

Tappan, N.Y. Meeting House (C. Bulfinch), VlI:3/4:29

Washington (George) Headquarters, XIV:2:7 Taurasia sec Turin


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Taut - Temples
Taut, Bruno, crusader for a new architecture, 11:1:4; Teaching of architecture see Architecture: Study and

and functionalism, X:3:10; omitted from teaching

Hitchcock's, Architecture, Nineteenth and Teague, Walter Dorwin, 11:2:12

Twentieth Centuries, XIX:3:126 Teall, Oliver, 19th c., XX:4:196nl4

Taut, Max, XIX:3:126 Tear [Tier], John, 18th c. Natchez housebldr., XIV:1:31
Tavern at Hammondsville, painting (Burchfield), 11:3:32 Tebbs and Knell, photographers, 11:1:35
Taverns see Hotels and Inns; Restaurants Tebtunis, Egypt
Taxco de Alarcn, Mex. City plan, VI:3/4:29; VII: 1/2:41,43,45; illus.
Parish church [S. Prisca y S. Sebastian] (J. Caballero VII:l/2:pl IX

and D. Durn), V:[27],31 Tecali

Apse (I. Vicente Bal vas [Balbs] work), XV:1:8 Basilica, V:29n7
Faade, V:31-32; illus. V:[30a] fig 10 Co tecnica edilizia romana, by G. Lugli, XIX:2:86
Towers, V:22; illus. V:[20b] fig 1 'Tectonic" vs. "Strotomie," X:3:9,ll

Transept (I. Vicente Bal vas [Balbs] work), XV: 1:8 Teepees see Tents
Taxila Tefft, Thomas, and Romanesque Revival style, XX: 1:9

City plan, 11:1:24 Railroad Stations, VIII: 1/2:39

Tay, Firth of see Firth of Tay Millville, Mass., design (attrib.), VIII:l/2:36-37
Taylor, 19th c. Station No. 1, design, 1849 (attrib.), VIII: 1 /2:37;
House of (demolished), Nauvoo, 111., XIX:3:112 . '"us- VIII:l/2:pl VI fig 5
Taylor, fl. 1844, of Baltimore, XVI: 1:29 Union Station, Providence

Taylor, fl. 1882, of Chicago, see Taylor, Babcock and Depot, VIII: 1 /2:36; XX:1:9
0 Merchandise House, design (attrib.),

Taylor, Anson, 11:4:19,20 VIII:l/2:36,38; illus. VIII:l/2:pl VI fig 4

Taylor, Augustine Deodat Tel el Amarna Tel1 el Araarna

St. Mary's Church, Chicago, 11:4:19-20,22,23,26,27; Telegraph line, first, N.Y., XVI:1:17 n8.

illus II 4 19 Telephone booths

Taylor, Brian Hope see Hope-Taylor, Brian _ dYUlb'e-^3fd booth' St Louis' 1:3/4:26
Taylor, Eliza see Cresy, Eliza Taylor Telford" Premium Award, IV:3/4:58
Taylor, F. W photographer, IX: 1 / 2:24 n 10

Taylor, Henry Sir AlL xT3 1; illus. XI:3:[2] fig 5

Philip van Artevelde, VII.3/4.[17] a Jan> VI:3/4:25 vil: 1/2:42,43,45; illus.

Taylor, Henry W. VII:l/2:pl XI

Estate of, Berkeley, X.3.20, illus. X.3.17 Temanza, Tommaso, on competition for S. Giovanni

Tay or, saac, X.3:[31] del Fiorentini, XIII:3:10 n!5; F. Milizia's

Taylor, Isidore Justin Severin admiration of, XIX:4:138,142; and G. A. Selva,
Voyages pittoresques et romantiques (and C. Nodier), XIX-4142

~ , I:3/4:6'8, ^ T s. Maria Maddelena, Venice, XIX:4:137-138; illus.

Taylor, J. P. West see West-Taylor, J. P. viv a 177 r.o s

Taylor, John Temenos, XVI:4:33

House of see Nauvoo, III.: Taylor (John) House Temko Allan

Taylor, R. C of Granada, XV:1:10 n Notre-Dame of Paris

Taylor, Richard, 19th c. English engineer and geologist Rev by E R Sunderland, XV:3:32
City plan, Cairo, 111., proposed (with W. Strickland), Review of O. Lewis, Here Lived The Californians,
XVI:4:14,15-17,20,21; illus. XVI:4:10 fig 2 XVI:4:35-36

Taylor, Robert, Sir, XIV:4:18 Tempesta

Taylor, Stephen W Prof., XVI: 1:20 Map, 1593, Rome, XIX:3:99nlO

Taylor, Walter, IV:3/4:48 Templars, Knights see Freemasons

Taylor, William N 111:4:65 Temple, 19th c Dr.
Taylor, Zachary, VII:1/2:[1] Temple Bldg., Chicago, 11:4:18,20,21,22,27
Taylor, Babcock and Co., of Chicago, 111:3:31 Temple Hill, N.Y. see New Windsor, N.Y.
Taylor's Ledge Temple of Virtue see New Windsor, N.Y.: Temple Hill

Railroad Station (N. J. Bradlee), VIII:l/2:39 Temple plan house, VIII:1/2:129

Taynton quarries, XIX:3:132 Temples
Tazewell, John, of Colonial Williamsburg, XIV: 1:14 Babylon
House of [Tazewell Hall], Williamsburg, Temple of Ishtar, VII:l/2:39,43; illus.
XIV:1:14-17; illus. XIV:1:15 figs 1-5 VII:l/2:pl VIII
"The Teacher of Architectual History in the Burma, V:22
Professional School: His Training and Technique," Ceylon, V:22
by C. L. V. Meeks, 11:2:14-23

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Temples - Textile industry

Temples (Cont.) Tennis courts
Egypt, XI:2:25 Hampton Court, XVIII:3:117
Deir-el-Bahri [Der-el Bahri], XI:3:1 Tenochtitlan, Aztec capital, XIV:4:3-4
Karnak, 11:2:5; VII: 1/2:41-42 Tent roof see Roofs: Tent
Temple of Amon [Ammon], VIII:3/4:34 Tent towers, XVI:2:6,13,15
Philae, XV:4:4 Tents (see also Wigwam), nomadic tent in Russia,

Sakkara [Saqqara] XVI:2:11; teepees of plains Indians, XI: 1:28

Temple of Zoser, XI:2:25 Teos, XIII:4:15
Greek and Roman, XIII:4:3-8,15-20; and Tepees see Tents
architectural symbolism, XII:4:4-7 passim; Tepotzotln [Tepozotln]
octastyle temple, illus. XIV:2:[4] fig 2; G. Ponti Camarines, V:29

on, XX:3:147; Renaissance concept of, Ch"rch of San Martin' V:29 .

XVII: 1:3-4,8,9 nl5; illus. XVII:1:7 fig 10; Faade, V:31,32; XV:1:7,8; illus. XV:1:9 fig 8

roofing of, XX:4:201-202; siting of, _Ter^ave;

*.Y:1:8 _.
Doest Abbey see Lissewege


Terentian brickyard see Figlinae Terentianae

Terminals, Air see Airports

Baalbek, VIII:3/4:34

_ , , . _ _ Terminals, Railroad see Railroads: Buildings and Yards

Temple of Mercury, XVII:4:2-3,5; illus. Termites, IV:2:29

XVII:4.3 fig 1 Terra cotta, as a bldg. material, XV:4:16,17; sculpture

rvlet0 , (A. Capellano), XIV:4:28

Roman temple, XIII:4:24 "Terrace," English word denoting tabby masonry,

Paestum, XIII:4:3,4; X:2:14; XX:4:201 XI:4:32

Perachora, XX:2:85-86 'Terrace" housing

Pompeii, IV:2:52; VIII:3/4:35 Denmark, IV:1:20

Priene 'Terrace plan," XIV:l:25n27; XVI:l:18nll0

Temples and Sanctuaries, VIII:l/2:53 Terraces, XX:4:173-174,175
Athena, XIII:4:9; XVII:1:33; illus. Terracotta see Terra Cotta

VIII:l/2:pl XVI Terramare, VI:3/4:24,33-34; VII:l/2:48; VIII:3/4:28,29;

Zeus, XIII:4:9,15; illus. XIII:4:18 fig 8 illus. VI:3/4:pl VII

Sardis, XI:3:5 n4 Terr, Emilio Harth see Harth-Terr, Emilio

Selinus, XIII:4:4 Terry, Harriet V., 19th c.

Temple "C," XVI:4:33 Patent for Iron Construction, XV:4:22 n60 no.9

Rome (City) Terry, William D 19th c.

Caesar, XX:2:85 Patent for Iron Construction, XV:4:22 n60 no.9

Claudius, XIX:l:22n39 Terwillinger, B., 19th c XVIII:4:154

Concord, VII:3/4:34; XII:3:5 Terzaghi, Karl, VII:3/4:6

Jupiter Capitolinus, VII:3/4:[33] Tessenow, Heinrich, X:3:10

Mars Ultor, XIII:4:22 Testout, Henri, XII:4:30 n5
Minerva, XIII:4:23 Teufel, Richard

Minerva Medica, 111:1/2:62; XVII:4:6 Balthasar Neumann, Sein Werk in Oberfranken,

Saturn, VII:3/4:34 ^ XII:4:13,14

Venus, XIII:4:21,23,24 Teufel, Richard

Vpcfo vrvo i? Vierzehnheiligen, 1957

Guatemala Rev. by S. L. Faison, Jr., XIX: 1:41-42

Piedras Negras, V:16-20; illus. V:[20a] figs 1-6 Teurreau Bernard ^ Toro, Bernard
VIII , .. Teutonic Knights, IV:3/4:25

i P ' Tevener, William, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

Java, v :22 Tewkesbury, Engl.

Jewish see Synagogues Church> XVI;3;34
Mayan, V:[15]-20 Texarkana. Tex

Temuchin see Genghis Khan Draughan's Folly, XIX:4:180

Ten Broeck, Col., see Broeck, Ten, Col. Texas

'Ten percent appreciation," 111.3:27 Architecture, X. 1 =28; XI:4:1-12

Ten-plate stove, XX:1:22,23 and nl2; illus. XX:1:22 Centennial of Texas Independence, 1936, XI:4:[6] n3

P'g "The Texas," cabin for boats' officers, XI:4:26

Tenement House Law, IV:3/4:56 Texier, Charles

Tenement houses see Apartment houses, Tenements, Byzantine Architecture (and R. P. Pullan), XIX:4:156

etc- Textile industry, VIII: 1/2:3-8,10-18,24; VIII:3/4:9,14;

Tennessee Valley Authority [T.V.A.] XV:2:24

Structures of, 11:1:41; 11:2:27; XX:4:204


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Textile mills - Theaters

Textile mills see Mills Designs, Projects, etc.

Thackara, James see Thackara and Vallance Comdie Franaise, Paris (M. J. Peyre and C. de
Thackara, William, Jr., XX:3:131 Wailly), XVIII:4:148 n64

Thackara and Vallance [Thackera and Vallence] Metropolitan Music Hall, project (J. A. Hansom),
Engraving, 1792 plan of Washington, VIlI:3/4:4 XVI:l:17n79

Thackeray, William Makepeace, and "Queen Anne Metropolitan Opera House, N.Y. (B. W. Morris),
Revival" style, IX:4:17; at Westmoreland Club, IV:1:53; X:l:l 1-17; XVIII:2:54-55; illus.
Richmond, 111:4:30 X:l:[13] Tigs 1,3; [14] fig 5; XVII1:2:55
Thamugadi see Timgad figs 1,2

Tharp, Charles, 18th c XX:3:134 Student Theater Project, 1955 (A. E. Reidy),
Tharp, Richard, 18th c XX:3:132,134 XX:2:95

Tharp Family, XX:3:134 Frankfurt a.M.

'Thatched House Nuisances," IV: 1:63-64 Opera House (R. Lucae), 11:3:11
Thatched roofs see Roofs Greek, VI:3/4:24

Thayer, Abbott, IX:l/2:34 Italy, XVI:1:9-10

Thayer, William G., Jr., XIV: 1:29; XVII: 1:30 Karlsruhe

Theale, Engl. Festhalle (J. Durm), 11:3:11

Church (E. L. Garbett), XVII:4:30n3 Leipzig

Theater and art see Art and theater Concerthaus (M. Gropius), 11:3:11

Theater and church decoration, XV:2:10nl2 Lexington, Ky.

Theater and religion, XV:2:4 Maxwell Springs Fair Association, Amphitheatre

Theaters (Auditoriums, Concert halls, Opera houses, McMurtry), vi:l/2:19

etc.) (see also Stadiums (Arenas, Hippodromes, Lucca
etc.)), access to, VIII:3/4:30; lighting of, V:47; Anfiteatro Mercato, XIV:1:10
stage-setting and scenery, V:47, (of Bibiena), _.

XV:3:21, (Italy), XVM.-9-10; illus. XVI: 1:9 fig 7 ^Theater, Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:2:46

Asolo, XI:2:26-27; illus. xi:2:26 Munich

Atljens Residenztheater (Cuvilhes), XVI:2:31; XIX:4:184

Theatre of Dionysos, XIIIA10 *0rk Vvr ,

Besancon Century Theater, XVIII:2:55

oesanon Hippodrome, IV:3/4:58

Bostcm 111:3:14 Madison Square Garden,

1890 (McKim, Mead and
White), 111:4:48
Boston Theatre, First, 1794 (C. Bulfinch)

.. . , , ... _ ,, Metropolitan Opera House (J. C. Cady), IX:4:[20]


Boston Theatre, Second, 1798, XIV:2:[5] Orange

Chapel Hill Roman Theater, IV:3/4:53
Smith Hall [Playmaker s Theatre] (A. J. Davis), Oxford

Sheldonian Theater (C. Wren), XIX:3:131



Festival Hall (M. Loretto, M. Marchi and P. L. Comdie Franaise, project (M. J. Peyre and C.

Nervi), XVIII:3:118 de Wailly), XVIII:4:148 n64

Clncago Opra, XVIII. 1:35

Auditorium Bldg. (Adler and Sullivan), 1:2:23; Thtre Franais XI-2-9

11:3:33; III:4:[20a]; IV:2:9,11; IX:l/2:29; Parma

XVII:2:30; XVIII:2:68; XX:1:16 Teatro Farnese (Aleotti), XVI: 1:9-10

Chicago Opera House, XVIII:4:136 Pergamum, XIII:4:16; illus. XIII:4:19 fig 11

Festival Hall (L. Sullivan), IV:2:9 Philadelphia

Garrick Theater Bldg. see Theaters (Auditoriums, Arch Street Theater (W. Strickland), XVII:3:32
Concert halls, Opera houses, etc.): Chicago: Chestnut Street Theater (W. Strickland), XVII:3:32

Schiller Bldg. Alterations (B. H. Latrobe), XV:4:30

McVickers Theater, III:4:[20a] Convention Hall, temporary, 1866, X:3:[31]
Rice's Second Theater (J. M. Van Osdel), Pittsburgh

11:4:16 n83 Pittsburgh Carnegie Library and Music Hall

Schiller [Shiller Bldg.; Garrick Theater Bldg.] (Longfellow, Alden and Harlow), XVI:3:26
(Adler and Sullivan), IV:2:9,12; XVII:2:30; Pompeii, 111:3:26; IV:2:52; VIII:3/4:41
XIX: 1:6; XX:1:16,18; illus. IV:2:14 Priene

Dallas Ecclesiasterion [Assembly Hall], 11:1:9 n4;

Dallas Theater (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:131 VIII:l/2:53; XIII:4:9

Theater, VIII:l/2:53; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XVI


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Theaters - Thomaston, Me.

Theaters (Cont.) Thiollet, Franois

Pueblo, Col. Serrurie de fonte et de fer recmment excutes, 1832,
Opera House (Adler and Sullivan), IV:2:9 XV:4:15
Rio de Janeiro Thirion, Jacques, on St. Bnigne of Dijon, XVII:3:3
Community Theater, Marchal Hermes (A. E. Thirty, Paul see Thiry, Paul

Reidy), XX:2:95 Thirty Years' War> XVI:2:31

Rome (City) Thiry [Thirty], Paul, XII:3:30; XVI:1:30; XVII:1:30

Theatre of Pompey, VII:3/4:35 'This Is Charleston": Exhibition at the Gibbes Art

Saint Louis, Mo. Gallery' March 27'APril 26' 1942' rev' by H G

McCormack, 11:1:37

"McKinley Wigwam," X:3:[31]; illus. X:2:21;

Thode, H.


Savannah Michelangelo numbering system, XIX:3:100 n 19

Savannah Theater (W. Jay), X:4:9 Tholen,

P. J- f , ,
Reconstruction of Breberen Church, XVII:2:3; illus.




Opera House (J. Utzon), XVIII:3:118 Tholoi XVII-4-6 '

Vicenza Thomar, Port, see Tomar, Port.

Teatro Ohmpico (A. Palladio), XVLLIO; illus. Thomas, fl. ca. 1860, Frenchman, modeled plaster

XVI: 1:9 fig 7 ornaments in U.S. Capitol, VII: 1/2:26

Theatine Order (see also Clerks Regulars, Order of), Thomas, fl. ca. 1865, engineer, in office of M. C.

XV:2:3-8,10; XV:3:5 Meigs, Washington, VII: 1/2:19

Thebes Thomas, George, 1695-1774, Colonial Gov. of Pa. and
See also Karnak; Luxor e[ XV:4:23

City plan, VIII:l/2:46; VIII:3/4:34 Thomas, Griffith

Medinet Habu, XI:2:25 Domestic Sewing Machine Co., N.Y., XII:1:18; illus.

Their, 19th c., of Philadelphia, XIV:2:30 XII: 1 :[17] fig 8

Theiss, Lewis E., Dr., XVI: 1:24 n4 New York Life Insurance Co. Bldg., N.Y.,

Thlusson, Mme de XII:1:15,18; XII:3:31; illus. XII:1:16 fig 5

Palais de see Paris: Palais Thlusson (Mme de) Thomas (Griffith) and Son, N. Y.
Theodoric Designs for cast iron faades, XV:4:22n63
Palaces of Thomas, John R.

Galeata, XX:2:83,84; illus. XX:2:83 fig 12 Armory, 8th Regiment [Cavalry Squadron A], N.Y.,
Mosaic depiction of, Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, XIV:3:26; illus. XIV:3:25 fig 4
Ravenna, XX:2:82,83; illus. XX:2:82 fig 9 Armory, 71st Regiment, N.Y., XIV:3:26

Ravenna, XX-.2-.86; illus. XX:2:86 fig 18 HaU f Records, N.Y., XIV:3:26

Theophanes, XVI: 1:31 Residence of, Chelten Hills, Philadelphia, illus.
Theory see Philosophy (Aesthetics, Theory, etc.); XVIII:3:107 fig 3
Proportion (Art and Architecture) Thomas, M. Halsey, XIV: 1:25 nl9
Thermae see Baths: Roman Thomas, Mercein, XIV:3:27

Thermon, Greece, [Thermum] Thomas' W,lllam> 1800-1860

Houses XIII-4-3 Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, VI:3/4:6

St. Paul's Church, Hamilton, VI:3/4:6

Theses, Academic see Dissertations and theses

T, . ' , ,. F ... o j Thomas Aquinas, 111:3:8; XIII:1:3,4,7; XVIII:3:97
Theseus, founding of Athens, VIII:3/4:8; and the _ ,, ' , ' . , _ . '
. Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Thomaston, Me.
Thessalonica see Salonika

Academy, Greek Revival, X:4:27; illus. X:4:27 fig 4

Architecture, X:4:24-[32]


Fountain of, Pratolino, XX:4:156,166; illus.

^ Baptist Church [Congregational Meeting House],

XX;4:166 flg 19 1796, X:4:27

Barnard (Deacon) House, X:4:26

de Roanne' Lyons <and P G- Bugniet), Bradford (Paul) House (P. Bradford), X:4:[32] n21

XII:4:29,30 Burgess-Wolf House (W. R. Keith), X:4:25,26

'Thick wall" construction, XVI:3:34 Catholic Church, X:4:29
Thierry of Chartres, XI:3:11,12; XVII:2:28 Catland House, 18th c., X:4:24
Thiers, Louis Adolphe, 1:3/4:14 Cilley (Jonathan) House see Thomaston, Me.:
Thiersch, Friedrich Stackpole House

Supreme Court, Munich, 11:3:11 City plan, X:4:24,[31]

Thietmar [Dietmar; Dithmar], 10th c., IV: 1:22; Clarke (Aaron) House see Thomaston, Me.:
XVII :2.-5 Henderson (Dunn) House

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Thomaston, Me. - Thompson, Conn.

Congregational Church, 1826 (B. S. Deane), Strong (Johnathan) House (J. Overlock), X:4:[31]

X:4:27-29; illus. X:4:27 fig 4 Tavern, Old, X:4:[32] nl3

Congregational Meeting House, 1796 see Thomaston, Tilson House, X:4:24

Me.: Baptist Church Wadsworth (Peleg) House, X:4:24,[31] n4

Counce (Rufus Copeland) House, X:4.[32] nl7 Waldo House, X:4:[32] nl7
Crawford House see Thomaston, Me.: Walsh (Robert) House (A. Morton), X:4:[3l]
Leeds-Crawford House Washburn (George K.) House (J. Overlock),
Creighton (John) House (J. Overlock), X:4:[31] X:4:29,30[-31]
Dennisoit" (Dr.) House we Thomaston, Me.: Keith Watts (Capt. Alfred) House (A. Morton), X:4:29-30
(William R.) House Wheatland (Mason) House, X:4:[32] nl3
Dunn and Eliot Rigging Lofts, X:4:30; illus. X:4:[28] Wheaton's (Moses) Log Cabin, X:4:24
fig 8 White (John) House (J. Overlock), X:4:[31]

Dwight (Sullivan) House, X:4:[32]nl3 Wolf-Burgess House see Thomaston, Me.:

Edgerton place, 1783, X:4:24 Burgess-Wolf House
Fales House, X:4:24 Woman's Library, X:4:25
French (Dr. Jacob) House, X:4:[32]nl3 Young place, Old, X:4:24
Hahn House [Jacobs (Rowland) House], X:4:25 Thompson, 19th c., of Hudson, Ohio
Healey (Col. Halsey) Houses, X:4:[32] nl3 Houses of, XII:2:10 [Valley View Rd.], 13
Healey (Col. Halsey) Shipyard, X:4:[32] nl7 [Kilbourne-Thompson-Flood House]
Henderson (Dunn) House and Barn [Clarke (Aaron) Thompson, Benjamin, Count of Rumford,
House], X:4:[32]nl7 XX:1:21,24nl4
Henderson (William) House, X:4:30-31 Thompson, Elisabeth Kendall, on vitality of San
High School, X:4:29 Francisco Bay Region architecture, X:3:6
Humphries House, X:4:25 "Background of the Domestic Architecture in the
Jacobs (Rowland) House see Thomaston, Me.: Hahn San Francisco Bay Region" (and R. M. Church),


Jacobs (Warren) House, X:4:[32] n21 'The Early Domestic Architecture of the San

Jacobs (Warren) House, Second, X:4:[31] Francisco Bay Region," X:3:15-21

Keith (William R.) House [Dennison (Dr.) House] Thompson, Francis
(W. R. Keith), X:4:25,26,29 Railroad stations, VIII: 1/2:36,37

Knox Street houses (J. Overlock), X:4:[31] Thompson, George Kramer see Kimball and Thompson
Leeds-Crawford House (P. Bradford), X:4:[32] n21 Thompson, Henry
Lerrnond (Charles) House see Thomaston, Me.: House of see Baltimore, Md.: Clifton
Morton (Albert) House Thompson, Homer A.
Montpelier [Knox (Gen. Henry) Home], X:4:24-25; Articles and Books
illus. X:4:27 fig 1 "The Agora at Athens and the Greek Market

Morton (Albert) House [Lermond (Charles) House] Place," XIII:4:9-14

(A. Morton), X:4:29; illus. X:4:[28] fig 7 The Stoa of Attalos II in Athens
O'Brien place Brief rev., XIX: 1:44
Barn, X:4:[32] nl7 Review
Overlock see Thomaston, Me.: Robinson (Edward) Lawrence, A. W., Greek Architecture,




Overlock (James) House (J. Overlock), X:4:[31]; illus. Thompson, Kenneth

X:4:[28] fig 10 House of, Santa Barbara, XX:4:176; illus. XX:4:177
Oxnard House, X:4:25 figs 17,18
Paine (John) House, X:4:25 Thompson [Thomson], Martin Euclid, and R. C. Long,
Prince (Hezekiah) House, X:4:[32]nl3 Jr., XVI:1:28
Railroad Station, X:4:25 Capitol, Columbus
Ranlett (Charles) House, X:4:30-31; Design, XII:2:15; illus. XII:2:[16] fig 2
illus. X:4:[28] fig 9 Drawings, IV:3/4:51
Riggers' houses, X:4:29; illus. X:4:[28] fig 5 Sailors' Snug Harbor, S.I., N.Y., X:l:24;
Robbins (Washington) House, X:4:[32]nl3 XX:4:186,189

Robinson (Edward) House, First [Overlock], Thompson, Perronet, Col., XX:3:105,106

X:4:[32] nl3 Thompson, Thomas, 18th c. Natchez housebldr.,
Robinson (Edward) House, Second (W. R. Keith), XIV:1:31

X:4:25-26,29; illus. X:4:27 fig 2 Thompson, Victor, 20th c., of California, XIII:2:29
Ruggles (Judge John) House, X:4:26-27; illus. X:4:27 Thompson, Conn.
fig 3 Ream (Norman B.) House (Shepley, Rutan and
Shipbuilding, X:4:30-31 Coolidge), XVII:3:28

Stackpole House [Cilley (Jonathan) House],

X:4:[32] nl3


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Thompson Dean - Tiffany

Thompson Dean, steamboat, XI:4:30; illus. XI:4:[29] "The Three-Dimensional Arch from the Sixteenth to
figs 4-5 the Eighteenth Century," by N. Pevsner,
Thomson, John W. XVIl:4:22-24
Cast Iron Buildings; Their Construction and Three Revolutionary Architects, Boulle, Ledoux, and
Advantages (and J. Bogardus), IX:4:24; XV:4:17 Lequeu, by E. Kaufmann, XII:4:31-32; XV:4:30,31
Thomson, Martin Euclid see Thompson, Martin Euclid Three Rivers, Ont.

Thomson, Mary, Dean, Stephen F. Austin College, Foundry, XX: 1:24

XI:4:[7]n31 Thrones

Thomson, Samuel, ft. 1835, N.Y. bldr., XX.-4.-185-190 Delhi

Thomson, William A., fl. 1835, son of Samuel Peacock throne of Shah Jehan, Imperial Palace,
Thomson, XX:4:186,190 XV:4:11
Thoreau, Henry David, attitude towards architecture, Novgorod
XVI: 1:7; interest in arts, XVL1-.25; on Cape Cod Czar* Place, Cathedral of St. Sophia, 111:4:39;

houses, XIX:2:49n 10,51,54,56; withdrawal from ll,us- nl:4:[32a] fig 14

society, XVI: 1:26 Versailles

Thorineton Throne of Louis XIV, Galerie des Glaces, 111:3:14

Church Thunderbolt, Ga.
Stuart table, IX.-3.-13 n24 Settling of, XX:2:49

Thornably Thurlow, Constance E.

Church IX-313 n28 TIie Jefferson ?aPers ftfie University of Virginia

Thorne, James, 19th c. mason, XIX-.4-.172 _ ^ with ^ ^Aeley, Jr.), IX:l/2:38

Thornhill, John, 18th c. bldr., XV:4:25 l!4mat' Sumenan goddess, XU A.4,5

Thornton, John, XIX:3:120 es' Port . . w , 1A

Thornton, William, and W. P. Elliot, XV:l:27-28;

Staircase of fountains, XV:3-.10-11

contribution to Jefferson's idea for University of

Tiberius, XIX-.2:86
Virginia, X:l:10; and Sierra Leone Colony,
Tibertinus, Loreius
IV:2:31,32-33; native of Virgin Islands (Jost van
_ , , . - ... ,. House of see Pompeii: Houses, Villas, etc.: Loreius

Dyke), XIV: 1:29; work for G. Washington, T he f

IX:3:24; T. T. Waterman on life of, 11:4:41 1 .

. , .. . ,. Tibur see Tivoli, Italy

Cap,to!, Washington Ticknor, George, XIH:3:26

all'xiV- l -29 XV-2-27 ' Ticonderoga, Fort see Fort Ticonderoga

r i. ^ m. I j i l Tidewater, Va.

Library Co Philadelphia Houses> X;2:25

Library Hall, X:2:20,28; XIII:3-.30 Seventeenth-century room, X:2:19

Octagon House, Washington, IX:1 /2:37; IX:3:29; Tidewater Mary/and Architecture and Gardens, by

X:l:27; XVII: 1:36; XX:1:26 H C. Forman, XVII:4:37

Stable, XIII:2:29 Tidewater-Susquehanna Canal see

Stove niches, XX: 1:26; illus. XX: 1:26 fig 9 Susquehanna-Tidewater Canal

Tudor Place, Washington, X:l:27 T'ien-lung Shan

Woodlawn Plantation [Lewis Family Home], X:l:27; Group of vessels in Cave XXI XVI:3:32

X:2;21; X:4:35 Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, spatial zig-zag composition,

Locks, XIX:3:118 n2; 119 n6 V:46

Thornton Family, of the Virgin Islands, XIV:1:29 Portr of (j B Neumann), XII:4:12; illus. XII-.4:13

Thornton Society, activities, news, etc., 111:1/2:47; j-lg j

111:3:29; 111:4:66; IV:1:53,54; IX:3:23; X:l:27; jjer [Tear], John, 18th c. Natchez housebldr., XIV:1:31
founding, 11:4:41; IV:3/4:59; and preservation, Tiercelet, Augustin Claude, d. 1769, XVIII:2:61

11:4:41; 111:1/2:5; IV:2:41 Tiercelet, Gilles

Thorpe, John, 15637-1655, XIII:4:31 Designs, in Architecture Moderne, 1728,

Thorpe, Richard, fl. ca. 1786, stucco-worker, X-.2:16-18 XVIII:2:61-62; illus. XVIII:2:60,61,62

Thorpe Hall (P. Mills), XIII:4:31 Tiers-point arch, XIX:3:91

Thorsen, William R. Tietze, Hans, X:3:8 n
House of see Berkeley, Calif. Tiffany, Charles Lewis

Thorshov, Roy Norman see Thorshov and Cerny House of, New York, XVI:3:27

Thorshov and Cerny [Thorskov and Cerny] Tiffany, Louis Comfort, as Art Nouveau designer,

First National Bank, Minneapolis (with Holabird, XIV:2.-19; R. Koch dissertation on, XIV:3:23n
Root and Burgee), XIX: 1:39,40 Bibl., XIV:2:26

Thorwaldsen, XIX:4:136 Glass windows, Emmanuel Episcopal Church,

Thracian civilization, IV:3/4.-24 Pittsburgh, XVI:3:25

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Tiffany - Toer
Seventh Regiment Armory, N.Y., decoration, Tirnovo, Bulg. see Trnovo, Bulg.


Tiffany and Co. Megarons, XIII:4:3,4

Bibl., XIV:2:26 Palace, XVIL1.34

Water cooler, XI:4:[31]; illus. XI:4:[29] fig 9 Ruins, 111:1/2:12

Tigzirt, North Africa Tishtar Yast, XII:4:7 n4

Basilica, XVIII:4:124,125; illus. XV1II:4:124 fig 2 Tismana
Tikal, Guatemala Church, IV:3/4:28
Wooden lintel from, IX:4:26 Titania, XI:4:30
Tikhanov, Nikolai, 111:3:27 Titcomb

Tilberg, Frederick, XVII:3:32 View near Lee, N.H., painting, 11:3:33

Tile (Ceramics, Pottery, etc.) Titian, contrasted with Michelangelo, XVI: 1:9

See also Mosaics Portr. of Charles V, Prado, Madrid, V:9 n57

California missions, XV: 1:22 Titicaca, Lake

China, XV:3:27 Shrine of Copacabana, V:40

Fireproofing, XVI:1:14-16; XIX:4:181-182 Titus Antoninus Pius see Antoninus Pius
Manufacturers and Types Tivoli, Italy
Huebner Pottery, Montgomery Co., Pa., Views, IV:3/4:52
XX: 1:24 nl6 Villa Adriana [Hadrian's Villa], 1:1:6; XIX:4:182
Johnson, G., XVI : 1:14,16 Baths, XVII :4:5-6

Maw's, XIX:4:165 Canopus, XX:2:85

Minton Co. [Minton, Hollins and Co.], XIV:3:4; Golden Square



Ottawa Tile Co. [Pioneer Fire-Proof Construction Heliocaminus, XVII:4:5-6

Co.], XVI: 1:14 Stoa Poikile, XX:2:86
The Rookwood Pottery, XIV:2:19 Wall, XVII:4:3
Tilehurst, Engl. Villa d'Este (P. Ligorio), IX:4:13; XVI:2:31;
Church, rebldg. (G. E. Street), XIX:4:162,168 n88 XX:4:167-168

Tilghman, Tench, X:2:16; XX:3:133 Grottoes, XX:4:168

Tilpin [Turpin] Archbishop of Reims, see Turpin, Tivoli, N.Y.

Archbishop of Reims City plan (C. B. J. F. de Saint-Mmin), 111:1/2:38;
Tilson, of Thomaston, Me. illus. 111:1 / 2:[36a]
House of, X:4:24 Tivoli Park see Copenhagen

Tilyou, George, XIX:1:15 Tlaxcala, Mex. [Tlascala]

Timaeus, by Plato, XI:3:11-12; XVII:2:28 Sanctuary of Ocotln, V:32
Timber see Lumber Tmutarakan, Russ.

Timber bldgs. see Wood construction Cathedral, 11th c., XVI:2:30

"Timbered Architecture in Poland," by H. Philipp, To the Lighthouse, by V. Woolf, XIX:2:88
VI:3/4:14-17 Tobacco, as payment, XVI:4:30
Time-motion studies, of L. Gilbreth, XVII:4:38 Tobacco factories

The Times and Seasons, Mormon Church paper, Seville

XIX:3:113 Fbrica de Tabacos, XX:1:33 nnl7,18

Timgad Tobacco warehouses

City plan, VIII:3/4:40; XIX:1:39 Urbanna, Va., 111:4:26
Timucua Indians, XIII:2:28 Tobey, Mrs. William R., X:4:[32]nl4

Timur, Kasei, 111:4:46 Tocqueville, Alexis de, on American architecture,

Tinkcom, Harry M. 11:4:5; V. Scully reference to, XIX:4:183
Historic Germantown from the Founding to the Early Todd, John, 18th c.

Part of the Nineteenth Century... (with G. M. Home of, Philadelphia, XX: 1:22 n9
Simon and M. B. Tinkcom) Todd, John R., fl. 1929 (see also Todd, Robertson and
Rev. by H. E. Dickson, XIV:4:31 Todd Engineering Corp.), X:l:12-16,17
Tinkcom, Margaret B., XIV:4:31 Todd and Brown, Inc., X:l:16
Tinsley, William, VIII:l/2:87; XIII:2:31; XVII: 1:30 Todd, Robertson and Todd Engineering Corp.
Institution for the Education of the Blind, Management of Metropolitan Square project,
Columbus, XIII:2:31 X:l:12-16,17; XVIII:2:56

Kenyon College, Gambier Toddington Manor, XX:3:101; illus. XX:3:101 fig 1

Ascension Hall, XIII:2:31 Todi

Probasco Mansion, Cincinnati, XIII:2:31 S. Maria della Consolazione, XVI:l:10n9





City plan, IV: 1:29 Printing shop of, Philadelphia, illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6

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Toilets - Torres

Toilets see Water closets Rotonde de Monceau [de Chartres],

"Toison de oro," XV:1:16,17 XIII: 1:17 n6

Tokugawa Shogunate, XIII:2:15 St. Hippolyte, 111:3:17,18; illus. III:3:[12a] fig 8

Tokyo Tolnay [Tolnai], Charles de, attribution of Munich
British Legation, 1872 (T. J. Waters), XIII:2:15 Graphische Sammlung design to Sangallo,
Commercial Museum [Tatsunokuchi Kankba] (T. J. XIII:3:11 nl7; as Guggenheim fellow, VI:3/4:36;
Waters), XIII:2:15 on Michelangelo, 111:3:9; VI:3/4:36; XIX:3:100nl9
Crown Prince's Palace [Akasake Detached Palace; Tomacelli, Pietro see Boniface IX
Diet Library] (T. Katayama), XIII:2:18; illus. Tomar, Port. [Thomar]
XIII:2:[ 17] fig 9 City plan, XIV:4:12 n32
Cultural Centre and Museum of Western Convento de Cristo, V:5

Contemporary Art (Le Corbusier), XX-.2-.95 Tomaso di Batista di Bartolomeo, XX:4:165

Fire, 1872, XIII:2:15 Tombs, Tombstones, etc. see Mausoleums, Sepulchral

First Bank of Mitsui [Mitsuigumi House] (K. monuments, Tombs, etc.
Shimizu), XIIL2:14; illus. XIII:2:[16] fig 2 Tomei, Piero
Ginza Street bldgs. (T. J. Waters), XIII:2:15; illus. L'Architettura a Roma nel Quattrocento, XX: 1:40

XIII:2:[ 16] fig 6 Tomlinson, Ebenezer, 18th c XI:3:23

Hraisha Office Bldg. (R. P. Bridgens), XIII:2:15 Tomochichi, Indian Chief, XX:2:48
Hotel Tsukiji (K. Shimizu), XIII:2:14; illus. Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform, by E.
XIII:2:[ 16] fig 1 Howard, XVIII:3:79
Imperial Hotel (F. L. Wright), 111:4:51; Tong Castle, VIII:3/4:68

XIX:3:129,130; XX:4:181,182,184 Tonnelle, Mr., of William A. White and Sons

Kaisei Gakk, (C. Hayashi), XIII:2:15; illus. Metropolitan Opera House and Square, N.Y., Site
XIII:2:[16] fig 3 scheme, X:l:12; illus. X:l:[13] fig 2
Lighthouses, brick (Verny), XIII:2:18n5 Toorop, XIII:2:31
Mitsuigumi House see Tokyo: First Bank of Mitsui Topeka, Kan.
Shimbashi Railway Station (R. P. Bridgens), Congregational Church, 1858-61, VI:l/2:24,29
XIII:2:15-18; illus. XIII:2:[17] fig 7 Episcopal Church, 1864, VI:l/2:29

Takehashi Barracks (T. J. Waters), XIII:2:15 A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, by T.

Tokyo University, XIII:2:15 Ashby and S. B. Platner, VII:3/4:36

Tolbuzin, Russian ambassador to Rome under Ivan III, Topographia Galliae, by M. Merian [Caspar Merians],



Tolchkovo, Russ. Torah shrine, XVI:2:28

Church of St. John the Precursor, XVI:2:15-16; illus. Torbert, Donald R.
XVI:2:16 fig 13 'The Advent of Modern Architecture in Minnesota,"
Toledano, Juan, V:36n8 XIII:l:18-23
Toledo A Century of Minnesota Architecture
Cathedral, XVII: 1:35 Rev. by H.-R. Hitchcock, XIX: 1:39-40
El Cristo de la Luz see Toledo: S. Cristo de la Luz Torino see Turin

Hospitals, XVII: 1:35 Toro [Teurreau], Bernard, V:45,46

Hospital de Santa Cruz Cartouche, ca. 1716, V:45
Open-well staircase (E. de Egas), XIX:4:177 Toro, Spain




House walls, XX: 1:28 n9 Toronto 1

Medieval bldgs., XVII:3:36 Holy Trinity Church (H. B. Lane), VI:3/4:6

S. Cristo de la Luz [El Cristo de la Luz], St. Michael's Cathedral (W. Thomas), VI:3/4:6
IV:3/4:21,23 University College, XVIII:4:165
S. Juan de los Reyes (J. Guas), XVI:3:35 University of Toronto (F. W. Cumberland), VI:3/4:6
Open-well staircase, XIX:4:177 Torre, Juan de la
Transi to Synagogue, V:26 Retable of Santiago, Granada Cathedral (and F.
Toliver, Richard ice Taliaferro, Richard Hurtado), XV:1:6-10; illus. XV:1:9 fig 5
Tollhouses Torre degli Agli see Florence
See also Gatehouses, Gates, Gateways Torre Pallaresa see Badalona, Spain
Paris Torre Rezzonico, Carlo della see Clement XIII
Barrires [Propylaea] (C. N. Ledoux), 111:3:15,17 Torre Tagle, Marquis of
de la Villette [de Saint Martin], 111:3:17; Mansion of, Lima, XIV:4:6
XIII: 1:15; illus. III:3:[12a] fig 6; XIII: 1:15 Torres, Francisco Guerrero y see Guerrero y Torres,



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Torres - Towers

Torres, Leopoldo Towers, IV:3/4:6,7

Resumen histrico del urbanismo en Espaha (ed.), N. towers of faade, VII:3/4:11




Torres, Louis Tour Charlemagne, IV:3/4:10-22;

"Samuel Thomson and the Old Custom House," VII:3/4:[10],11,12; illus. lV:3/4:[10a] figs





Torres, Martin de, V:36nn8,13 Tour de l'Horloge, IV:3/4:13 nil; VII:3/4:11,12;

Torres del Rio, Navarre illus. VII:3/4:pl IV fig 6
El Sepulcro Transept towers, IV:3/4:12-13
Vaults, IV:3/4:21 n33 Turritus apex, IV:3/4:6,10
Torres Straits Vestibule, IV:3/4:7

Kwikwi iut [Headhouse], XIX: 1:25-30; illus. Tousey, Oliver

XIX: 1:26 figs 2,3,27 fig 6 Residence of, Indianapolis, XVII: 1:31

Kwod [open meeting place], XIX:1:28 Toussaint, Manuel, Mexican studies, 11:2:26; V:57;
Map, illus. XIX: 1:25 fig 1 XIX: 1:42; visit to altiplano of Bolivia, V:[39]

Torroja, XVIII:3:78 n23 "Angahua," V:[24]-26

"Torture Tree," IV:2:41 Towards a New Architecture, by Le Corbusier, X:3:3

Toscanelli, Paolo, XVIII:1:13 Tower Company Limited of London, XVI:4:25

Toulouse, Counts of, see Alphonse, 1220-1271; Towers (Belfries, Observation towers, Spires, Steeples,

Alphonse I etc.) (see also Gunshot towers; Minarets;

Toulouse Octagonal towers; Skyscrapers), H. Adams on

Church towers, IV:3/4:10nl polygonal flche, XIII: 1:17; Borromini motif of,

Cluniac Priory [Notre-Dame-de-la-Daurade; XV:3:19; broach spires, XV:2:21; campanile as

Sainte-Marie-de-la-Daurade], XVI:3:11 prototype for Metropolitan Life Bldg., N.Y.,
St. Sernin [Pilgrimage Church], IV:3/4:18; XI:2:16; cast-iron, XVI:1:11-19; XVI:4:22-29;
VII:3/4:[10]; XVII:3:34 XIX.1:11-15; cell see Cell towers; diagonal
Sculpture, VII:3/4:27 placement on faade, XV:3:19; of Filarete,
Toulouse, Council of, 1234, IV:1:9 XVII:3:10-18 passim; four-storied tower within
Toulouse-Lautrec, XIV:2:18 faade plane, XV:2:21; New England "Pyramids,"
Touraine 17th c., XIX:2:76-77; nineteenth century,
Church towers, IV:3/4:9-23,42 XVI:4:22-29; observation tower patents,

La Tourette Monastery see Eveux-sur-Arbresle XIX: 1:12-13; round see Circular bldgs.; spires with
Tournai four spirelets rising from a square base,
Cathedral XIX:4:163 n81; of W. Strickland, XIII:3:Suppl. 2;

Model (C. Cross), IV:3/4:8 tent, XVI:2:6,13,15; twin-towered faade

Piers, 12th c., XVII:3:9n29 (Montreal), XI:1:[22], (Strasbourg), IV:3/4:6; two

Restoration (Le Maistre d'Anstaing), axial tower church scheme, VII: 1 /2:49; VII:3/4:37;
XIX:4:155 n56 of C. Wren, XVI:4:34,35

Towers, IV:3/4:8; XII 1:1:31 Aldwinkle

Tournon, Charles Thomas Maillard de see Maillard de St. Peter's, XV:2:21
Tournon, Charles Thomas Ancient

Touro, Abraham, d. 1822, XVII:2:24,25 Tower of Babel, XVI:4:26,28; XIX:4:179

Touro, Isaac, Rev., XVII:2:26n5 Tower of the Winds, Athens, XIV:2:12

Touro, Rebecca, XVII:2:24 Ann Arbor

Tours Burton Memorial Tower, University of Michigan
Htel de Ville, VII:3/4:11 n3 (E. Saarinen; completed by A. Kahn),
St. Julien VI:3/4:3 and n6; illus. VI:3/4:pl I fig 4

Faade tower, IV:3/4:17-18 Antigua

St. Martin, IV:3/4:6-7,10-22; VII:3/4:[10]-12; illus. Las Capuchinas

VII:3/4:pl III figs 1,3 Novices' cell tower, XX:1:29,32-33; illus.

Ambulatory, VII:3/4:[10], 11,12; IX:4:3; XII: 1:6 XX:1:28 fig 1; 32 fig 11
and n2; XVI:2:2 Baltimore, Md.
Capital, 11th c., VII:3/4:[10]; illus. VII:3/4:pl III St. Alphonsus' Church

fig 2 Spire, 1854, XVI: 1:28

Chevet, VII:3/4:11,12 St. Mary's Seminary

Crypt passageway, XII: 1:3,6 Chapel Tower (R. C. Long, Jr.), XVI: 1:28

Faade, IV:3/4:6; VII:3/4:11 Bayeux

Fresco of Saint Florent, VII:3/4:[10] Cathedral
Plan, 1779 (Jacquemin), VII:3/4:11,12; illus. N. tower, IV:3/4:19,22
VII:3/4:pl IV fig 4 S. tower, IV:3/4:17,19-20

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Towers - Towers

Towers (Cont'.) Gothic, XIII: 1:31




So Vicente N. S. da Consolao e Santos Passos

Rhinoceros on tower, V:22 Towers (P. Ferreira), XV:3:14 and n8

Bologna, IV:3/4:3 Helsinki




Trinity Church Tower project, 1908 (E. Saarinen), VI:3/4:3

Tower (H. H. Richardson), XII: 1:8-9; XVI:3:23 Jamestown, Va.

Burlington, N.J. Church tower, 1699, IV:3/4:44,46; XVIII:2:72

St. Mary's (R. Upjohn), XV:2:21 Lamego, Port.
Catskill, N.Y. Nossa Senhora dos Remdios, XV:3:14

Mill belfry, 1840, 11:4:39 Lao"

Chartres Cathedral, IV:3/4:8; XI:3:7

Cathedral, XIII: 1:31 Laprairie, Can.

S. tower [Old Spire], IV:3/4:14ni6,23,42; Church, Clocher (V. Bourgeau), XIV:3:11

XIII:1:7,8; XVII:2:29; XVIII:4:124 Lavardin, France

Chteaudun, IV:3/4:17 Saint-Genest, IV:3/4:11-13,15 n20



Circular keep, VII:3/4:28 Church towers, IV:3/4:10ni



Notre Dame, IV:3/4:16 Notre-Dame [Saint-Ours]

Cuzco, V:37-38 W- faade tower> IV:3/4:16-17
Designs, Projects, etc.

Exposition Universelle, 1889, Paris, XVI:4:27-28 St. Clement Danes

Friede Globe Tower, N.Y., proposed, XIX:1:15 SPlre (J- Glbbs>> VII:3/4:32

Independence Hall, Philadelphia Tower of London, XIV:4:15

Steeple design (J. Haviland), XI:3:25 Vlctona, TA0W*r' "oases of Parllament (C. Barry

Prospect Tower, proposed (C. Burton), anf Ugln)' XIX:4:162

XVI:4:25,26,27; illus. XVI:4[24] figs 4,5 Los Angdles, Cahf

Station tower project (T. Gamier), XIX: 1:22; illus. Watts Tower (S. Roddla [Roda; Rod.a] ),

XIX: 1:22 fig 13 XIX:4:180


Tower design for London (C. Baillairge),

St. Bartholomew
XVI:4:25 C. 1 VIVA. A*
, n t Steeple, XIX:4:146

Earls Barton M f R ..
Church. XVIII,4,123,123; ill,. XVIII,4:123 hg I pi,7v,3,18.19; ill,. XV,3,17 lig 3

KS da Piedade, XV.3.19 M.riadahl, Kau

r* j o *** r r Evangelical Lutheran Church

Saxon XVIII:4:123-125; of C. Wren, Tower Hoff]> VI;1/2:28

Erzerum, Turk.

T U re m , rph-f. m 4i Tour des Cloches, IV:3/4:11-13

Tchiffe Minaret [Chifte Minaret], IV:3/4:32 Mexico City

Fle!\i . . San Pedro de Beln, V:28 n5,29

Cathedral, XX:4:155 Montrea,

Florence Cathedral of St. James [St. Jacques], 1823 (T.

Campanile (Giotto , XVIII:4:128 n7 Baillairg and J. Fournier), XI:1:[22]; illus.
Fonthill Abbey (J. Wyatt), XVI:4:22 XI1[23] fig 5
Fort Snelling, Minn. christ Church xi:l:21; illus. XI:1:[23] fig 4
Round Tower, 1820, XIX: 1:39 Notre-Dame

France, Gothic, XIII.1:31; lack of, in 13th c. parish 1672 [La Paroisse], xi:l:21,26nl2; illus.

church faades, XVII:4:19; Romanesque, XI1[23] fig 4

IV:3/4:9-23,42; XIII:l:7-8; spires with four 1823 (J. O'Donnell), XI: 1 :[22],24,25; XIV:1:12;

spirelets rising from a square base, ijlus xi l [21] fig 1

XIX:4:163n81 Twin-towered faade, XI: 1 :[22]; illus. XIV:1:10-12

Gh,salba figs 3-6,8

La Rotonda (L. Cagnola) Moscow, XVI: 1:31

Campanile, XIX:4:138; illus. XIX:4:138 fig 7 Sukharev Tower, XVI:2:30
Gibraltar New Haven, Conn.
Concrete tower and walls, Moorish, XIII: 1:27-28 City pjall Tower, IX:4:28


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Towers - Towers

New York (City) St. Mark's (J. Notman), XV:2:21

Dreamland, Coney Island, tower, XIX:1:15; illus. St. Peter's P. E. Church

XIX: 1:15 fig 8 Tower and steeple (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl.

Fire Lookout Stations, Towers, etc., 9,16 capt. fig 28; illus. XIII:3:Suppl. [15]
XVI: 1:11-12,13; illus. XVI:1:14 fig 13 fig 28

Friede Globe Tower, proposed, XIX:1:15 Pisa

Iron Tower, Coney Island see Towers (Belfries, Battistero [Leaning tower], copied, XIX:4:180

Observation towers, Spires, Steeples, etc.): Pittsburgh

Philadelphia: Centennial Towers St. Peter's Episcopal Church (J. Notman),

McCullough Shot and Lead Co. Shot Tower see XV:2:21; illus. XV:2:20 fig 1
New York (City): McCullough Shot and Lead Poitiers

Co.: Centre St.: Shot Tower Saint-Porchaire, IV:3/4:14 nl6,23

St. Paul's Chapel, Broadway and Fulton Poitou

Steeple (J. C. Crommelin), XIX:1:32,33; illus. Church towers, IV:3/4:10nl

XIX:1:32 figs 1,2; 33 figs 3,4 Potsdam

Tatham and Brothers Iron Works Shot Towers see Einstein Observatory [Tower] (E. Mendelsohn),
New York (City): Tatham and Brothers Iron XVII:3:36

Works: Shot Tower Preuilly-sur-Claise

World's Fair, 1853 Saint-Pierre, IV:3/4:18-19

Observatory (W. Latting), XII: 1:20; Pskov, XVI:2:29

XIX: 1:14,15; illus. XIX:1:15 fig 7 Racine, Wis.

Newport, R.I., 11:2:35 Johnson Wax Co.

Orlans, France Laboratory Tower (F. L. Wright), XVI:4:36;



Towers (J. A. Gabriel), XI:1:[19] Raunds, Northamptonshire

Ouro Preto St. Peter's, XV.-2:21

N. S. do Carmo [Church for the Carmelite Reims

Tertiaries] (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho] ), Cathedral, IV:3/4:8; XIII:1:31

XV:3:19,23 n42 Repentigny

S. Francisco de Assis [Church for the Third Order Church, XI:l:26nl2

of St. Francis] (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho] ), Romanesque, IV:3/4:9-23,42; XIII: 1:7-8









Cathedral of San Salvador Campanile (F. Borromini), XIX:4:139

Torre Vieja, IV:3/4:21 Vatican

Par, Engl. Torre Borgia (Bramante), XIV:4:31

St. Mary's Roumeli Hissar, VII:3/4:28
Steeple (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146 Saint-Denis

Paris Abbey Church, IV:3/4:6; XIII:1:29,31

Notre Dame, XI: 1:25; XIII: 1:31 Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu

Ste. Chapelle Towers and clochers, XI:l:[22]-24; illus. XI:1:[23]

Flche, XVIII :4:134 fig 6

La Tour Eiffel (A. G. Eiffel), X:3:10; XI:2:16; Salamanca

XVI:4:22-29; XVIII:4:126,128; XIX: 1:22; illus. Cathedral, 12th C.

XVI:4:27 fig 9 Torre del Gallo, XII: 1:8-9

Philadelphia Salvador, Brazil

Centennial Towers, XVI:4:26-27,28; XIX:1:11-15; N. Senhora da Conceio da Praia Basilica (M. C.

illus. XVI:4:26-27 figs 6-8; XIX:1:12 figs 1,2; de Saldanha), XV:3:18,19; illus. XV:3:17 fig 1
14 figs 5,6; 15 fig 8 San Gimignano, IV:3/4:3
Christ Church Santiago, Chile
Steeple (R. Smith), XV:4:24 Santo Domingo, V:23
Independence Hall So Joo d'El-Rei, Brazil
Steeple (W. Strickland), XI:3:25; XIII:3:Suppl. 2 S. Francisco de Assis (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho] ),
Masonic Hall (W. Strickland) XV:3:19
Wood steeple, XIII:3:Suppl. 2 So Joo do Morro Grande, Brazil

Philadelphia Exchange [Merchants' Exchange] Parish church (A. F. Lisba [Aleijadinho] attrib.),
Tower (L. C. Hickman), XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. XV:3:19; illus. XV:3:18 fig 6
fig 25; XIX:1:31 Saxon, XVIII:4:123-125
Tower (W. Strickland), XIII:3:Suppl. 16 capt. fig Sens
25; XIV:2:12; XVII:1:33 n2; XIX:1:31; illus. Cathedral, XIII:1:31
XIII:3:Suppl. [15] fig 25; XIX:1:31 fig 1

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Towers - Town and Square

Towers (Cont.) and J. Trumbull, VIII:3/4:5,6; visits to

Seplveda, Spain Washington, XV: 1:28
San Salvador Library of, XIII:3:27,28; XVI: 1:28

Crossing tower, IV:3/4:21 Patents






Giralda, arcades, V:29 'Town Truss," XIII:3:27

Siena Portr. of (F. R. Spencer), XIV:2:7 n5
Palazzo Pubblico, XIV:3:26 Works

Strasbourg [Strassburg] Howland (Gardiner) House, Flushing, N.Y.,



Two-tower faade, IV:3/4:6 Medal, 1838 [view of New Haven], illus. XIV:2:[5]

Taxco de Alarcn, Mex. 15

Parish church [S. Prisca y S. Sebastian], V:22; New York University, N.Y., Greek design, 1832,
illus. V:[20b] fig 1 XIV:2:12
Toulouse Town (Ithiel) House, New Haven, VIII:3/4:5;
Church towers, IV:3/4:10nl XIII:3:27-28; illus. XIII:3:27
Tournai 'Town Truss," XIII:3:27

Cathedral, IV:3/4:8; XIII:1:31 U S- Patent fflce' Washington, plans, XV:l:27-28

jours U.S. Treasury Bldg., Washington, project, XV:1:28

St.-Julien, IV:3/4:17-18 Town, Silas, IV:2:39
St Martin IV-3/4-6 7 Town and Country Planning Association

N. tower of faade, VII:3/4:11 Howard Memorial Medal, VII:l/2:48-49

roHron T\/ i/A in 11 Town and Davis (see also Davis, Alexander Jackson;

:?emi, v ,0-22i Town, Ithiel; Davis and Dakin),

vil:3/4:[10],l 1,12; illus. IV:3/4:[10a] figs VIII:3/4:[ 1 ],5; R C Long, Jr. familiar with work

, , .,: . ... _. c of, XVI: 1:29; sanded houses rather than painted
1-3; VII:3/4:pl IV fig 5 , . ' ,, _ V .
t , i,t* , ... i/A it ,, ,w,, ,, ,white, 111:3:23; M. E. Thompson an associate of,
Tour de l Horloge, IV:3/4:13 nil; VII:3/4:11,12; ' . . ,
XII:2:15; use of vertical-strip windows,
illus. VII.3/4:pl IV fig 6


Transept towers, IV:3/4:12-13

Turritus apex, IV:3/4:6,10

Newton, R. H., Town and Davis, Architects, 11:1:35

Rev. by P. F. R. Donner, 111:3:28



Cathedral [Duomo San Giovanni]

Capitol Square, Washington, plans for enlargement

_ rr, i_ i on the west, XV:1:30 nl4

Bell tower, XX:4:193

Turnu-Sevenn [Drobetae] Capitols

Rectangular tower, IV:3/4:25 Columbus, design, XII:2:15-18; illus. XII:2:[17]

U.S., of W. Strickland, XIII:3:Suppl.

" 6 1 1
fig 4




La Tnnit, IV:3/4:14 n 16,22-23; illus. IV:3/4:[10b] Raleigh X-1-18


. flg 9 Springfield, 111.

c'Cxx ,, Old State House, XIV:2:17n6

St. Mark's Davidson College, Davidson, N.C.
Campanile, XX:4.-193 Dormitory and Chapel, XVI: 1:21
Ver, France Old Custom House [Federal Hall National
Saint-Martin Memorial; Sub-Treasury], N.Y., designs for,
Bell tower, IV:3/4:20; illus. IV:3/4:[10b] fig 7 XX:4:185-190; illus. XX:4:186 figs 2,3
Wilmington, Del. Town and E1Ijot (see also Elliot, William Parker),
St. John's (J. Notman), XV:2:21 XV-1-28

Town, Israel Town, Davis and Dakin

House of, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:13 See also Dakin, James H.; Davis, Alexander

Town, Ithiel (see also Town and Davis; Town and Jackson; Town, Ithiel; Town and Davis
Elliot; Town, Davis, and Dakin), and AIA Girard College, Philadelphia, competition drawings,
founding, XIII:3:17; and A. Benjamin, XIII:3:16; XVI:2:23,26; illus. XVI:2:21 fig 3
circle of, XI:2:27; and A. J. Davis, 111:3:23; New York University Bldg., N.Y. (with D. B.
111:4:67; VIII:3/4:[1]; and W. P. Elliot, XV:1:28; Douglass), XI:2:11
national fame of, XIII:3:27; self taught architect, Rockaway Marine Pavilion, Far Rockaway,
VlIl:3/4:6; sold plans to Wabash College, XIV:2:17n6
XVII:3:30nl7; and Samuel Thomson, XX:4:186; The Town, No. xlvi, painting (Servranckx), 11:3:33
Town and Square, by P. Zucker, XIX:4:183-184


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Town halls - Trees

Town halls see City halls Tramways see Railroads: Types: Streetcars, Tramways,
"Town house" plan, XVI:4:9,11-12; illus. XVI:4:11 fig 6 etc.

Town Lattice Truss [Town Truss], XIII:3:27 Trana, Bernard de see Bernard de Trana
Town on the Elbe, painting (Bellotto), 11:3:32 Transformation, VIII: 1 /2:133
Town planning see Cities and Towns Transportation (see also specific types of transportation,
For plans and planning of individual cities see e.g. Automobiles; Railroads), XVIH:2:41-47,51-52;
subdivision City plan under names of cities, XVIII:3:76-93 passim
e.g. Athens, N.Y.: City plan Traquair, Adam
Town-planning in Practice, by R. Unwin, 111:1/2:7 Chimney pieces, XIV:3:31
Town squares see City squares, Plazas, etc. 'Trass," XI:4:32
Town Truss [Town Lattice Truss], XIII:3:27 Trautwine, John Cresson, XVII:3:32-33
Townesend, of Oxford, XIX:3:131,132 Books
Towns and Buildings, by S. E. Rasmussen, XII: 1:32; Engineer's Pocket Book, XVII:3:32
XVI:2:30; XIX: 1:38 Buildings, Drawings, etc.
Townsend, C. Harrison Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia (W. Strickland),
Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, XVIII:2:66,68; drawing of, XVII:3:32
illus. XVIII:2:67 fig 1; 69 fig 5 Bank of Penn Township, Philadelphia,
Townsend, Horace, on H. H. Richardson, XVIII:4:161-163; illus. XVIII:4:162 fig 1
XVIII :2:66-67 Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia (W.
Townsend, Samuel Strickland), drawing of, XVII:3:32
Store of, Philadelphia, XIX:1:36 Drawings, XVII:3:32
Towson, Md. First Moravian Church [United Brethren Church],
Hampton Mansion [Ridgely House], XVII.-1:30 Philadelphia
East wing, IX:3:24 1819-20 Broad St., (W. Strickland), drawing of
Stoves, XX: 1:22 n9; XX:3:132 (attrib.), XVII:3:32; XVIII:4:162

Sheppard Pratt Hospital, XX:3:132 1855-56, Franklin and Wood Sts.,

Toys XVIII:4:161-163; illus. XVIII:4:162 fig 2

Russian carved toys, XVI:2:30 Fountain for Washington Square, Philadelphia,

Tractarians see Oxford Movement design, XVIII:4:163

Tracts on Vaults and Bridges, by S. Ware, XIX:4:181 Fyffe (Jas. H.) House, drawing, XVII:3:32

Tracy, 18th c Major Gen., of Litchfield, X:4:20 Gettysburg College, Gettysburg

Tracy, Charles Hanbury [Lord Sudeley], see Old Dorm, XVII:3:32; XVIII:4:161; illus.
Hanbury-Tracy, Charles XVII:3:32

Trade-marks Philadelphia Exchange [Merchants' Exchange],

Brick stamps, 1:1:3,5,7 Philadelphia, design, XVIII:4:162
Trading posts Railroads, XVII:3:32

Spokane House, Spokane, XIII:2:27 Rittenhouse Square layout, Philadelphia,

Train, Arthur XVII:3:33 n2

His Children's Children, XIV: 1:21 Washington Monument, Philadelphia, design,
Train sheds see Railroads: Buildings and Yards XVII:3:32; XVIII:4:163
"Training Architects for Restoration," by G. C. Travail, by E. Zola, XIX: 1:17,18
Manson, XIV:2:28-29 The Travels, Observations and Experiences of a Yankee

Training the Architect, by W. Gropius, 11:2:11 Stonecutter, by H. B. Greenough, VII:3/4:18;

Trajan, bldg. decadence after days of, xvii:3:34; xvii:4:28

Dacian conquest of, IV:3/4:24; reconstruction of Trdat, 10th c. Armenian architect, VII:3/4:[5],9
Forum of Caesar, XIII:4:23,25; and Marcus Treat, 19th c.

Rutilius Lupus, 1:1:5; and harbour at Ostia, House of, Aurora, Ohio, XII:2:10

VIII:3/4:30,34 Treaty of Greenville, 1795, XII:2:4

Arch of, Benevento, IV:2:52 Tredgold, Thomas

Coin of the reign of, illus. XIV:2:[4] fig 1 Buckeye State, steamship

Columns of see Paris: Columns, Monuments, Measured drawings, XI:4:26,28; illus. XI:4:[27]
Statues, etc.: Memorial Project for Parvis of figs 2-3
Notre Dame; Rome (City): Trajan's Column Tree-houses, IV:2:30-33; illus. IV:2:[30a]
Forums of see Rome (City): Forums: Trajan Italy, XX:4:157; illus. XX:4:164 fig 16
Markets of see Baia: Market of Trajan; Rome (City): Tree-ring dating, 1:2:27
Mercati Traiani Treen, Catherine, 18th c., XX:3:131
Tomb of, XVII:3:16 Treen, Henry, 18th c XX:3:131

Trammel, ellipse drawing device, XX:3:118,120 Trees

Tramutola (Tom) Corp., Produce Dealers, N. Y., See also Forests


Greece, XIII:4.11,13


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Trees - Trumbull

Trees (Cont.) Trip, John, 18th c XV:4:25

Augusta, Me., XIV:2:17 Triumph on Fairmount: Fiske Kimball and the

North America, XI: 1:6; XVII:4:32 Philadelphia Museum of Art, by (G. and M.
Pakenham Oaks, XIII: 1:24; illus. XIII: 1:24 fig 1 Roberts), XIX: 1:43

Planting of Triumphal arches see Arches

Litchfield, Conn., X:4:!9 Trnovo, Bulg. [Tirnovo]
New Haven, elms, X:4:19 Churches, IV:3/4:26,28
Russia, 19th c IV: 1:27 Troia' Ita,y

Spain, XVIII:2:44-45,52 Cathedral

Thomaston, Me., X:4:29 West window, XX:3:145

Pratolino Oak, XX:4:157,164; illus. XX:4:164 fig 16 ^r!a' T"fk; see Troy' Turk

'Torture Tree," IV:2:41 Tro.na. S.cily

Tregeiros, Eugenio, Bishop of Macao, XIX:2:71

Treillage see Latticework, Trellises, etc.



Matrice S. Maria, IV:2:52

Trois Rivires, Can.



Trelawny, Jam. Troja see Trov Turk

Bryan Castle, X:3:26; illus. X:3:25 fig 12 TroUope, Anthony, X:3:26; XIV:1:19

Trellises see Latticework, Trellises, etc. Trooinin V XVI 2 30

Trent, 18th c Capt., XIII:2:25 Trott, Nicholas, X:4:6

Trenton, N.J. Troy N y

Cooper and Hewitt Iron Works, XV:4:19 city plan, ni:l/2:38; illus. 111:1/2:[36a]

Mappa House, XII:2:13 Hudson River Bridge, 1804 (T. Burr), 11:1:41

New Jersey State Lunatic Asylum (S. Sloan), New York State Armory (Brown-Dawson), XIV:3:24
XIX:1:35 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, XV:4:12
Philadelphia Row, XVI:4:13 Architectural Library, 11:1:35
State Asylum Troy, Turk.

Hospital (J. Notman), XI:2:28 Citadel, illus. VIII:l/2:pl VIII

Trenton limestone, XIX:1:39 City plan, VIII: 1/2:44-45,46; VIII:3/4:29; illus.

Tresguerras, XV:l:10nl VIII:l/2-.pl VIII

Trevelyan, George, XI:1:32; XII:4:32 Temple of Athena Ilia, VIII:l/2:44

Treverbyn, Cornwall Troyes
St. Peter's Row house project (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94

Restoration (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146 n8,154 n52 St. Urbain

Trevethick, Richard see Tre vi thick, Richard Pointed buttresses, XVII:4:21 n60

Trevi Fountain (G. B. Piranesi), illus. XIV: 1:13 fig 10 The True Principles of Pointed or Christian

Trevithick, Francis, son of Richard Trevithick, XVI:4:23 Architecture, by A. W. N. Pugin, XIII:3:20,21,24

Trevithick [Trevethick], Richard Truefitt, George, XIX:4:149n32

Monument to the Reform Act, London, project, "Trulli," XVII:3:34
1832, XVI: 1:11 ; XVI:4:22-25,26,27,28; illus. T1?' Bennet' XIV:1:31

XVI:4:[24] figs 1-3 Truman, Harry S., creates National Trust for Historic

Triangle, equilateral, XIX:3:91 n3 Preservation, IX:l/2:37

Triches, 20th c Dott., XI:2:26 Trumbauer, IV:3/4:51

Elector of, XII:4:12 Jru,?b"1' " 1*3:20-22
Tr,r Trumbull, John, VIII:3/4:[l]-6,69,70; IX:3:20-22;



X-2-27 28


Trieste Waldo , illus. VIII:3/4:pl

II fig 5
Tomb of, VIII:3/4:6
Canal in front of S. Antonio, XIX:4:138; illus.

vjv.a.i38 a Works (Bldgs., Paintings, etc.)

American [New York] Academy of Fine Arts,

S. Antonio (P. Nobile), XIX:4:138; illus. XIX:4:138 N Y viII-3/4-5- XIV-211 nl5

If 6, . The Battle of Bunker Hill, VIII:3/4:[11

Tnggs, H. Inigo Capitol, Washington
Town Planning, 111:1/2:7 Basement plans, VIII:3/4:5
Trinidad Casket for Major Andr, XIV:2:11 n3
Architecture Congregational Meetinghouse see Trumbull, John:
Exhibition of photographs, V:47 Works (Bldgs., Paintings, etc.): First Society

Trinidad Guardian, V:47 Meetinghouse

Trinity College see Hartford, Conn. Death of Montgomery, VIII:3/4:[1]

Trinity House, X:l:24 Declaration of Independence, VIII:3/4:[1]


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Trumbull - "The Tunnel Vault in Romanesque Architecture5

First Presbyterian Church, 1793 [1794], Tucker, St. George, fl. 1798, Judge, XI:4:34
Philadelphia (attrib>.), IX:3:20-22; X:2:27-28; Tuckerman, Henry T., XI:2:11



Engraving of (W. R. Birch), IX:3:20-21; Bloomfield (L. A.) House, project (F. L. Wright),
XIV:2:11 n6; illus. LX:3:21 XIX:3:130

First Society Meetinghouse [Congregational Tudor Renaissance, by J. Lees-Milne, XIII:4:31

Meetinghouse], Lebanon, Conn., VIII:3/4:3-4; Tudor Revival (see also Queen Anne Revival), IX:4:15;
IX-.3-.22; X-.2-.27; XIV:2:8-11; illus. VIII:3/4:pl XX:4:170

I fig 2; XIV:2:9-[10] figs MO Tufa, XVII:4:3,5; illus. XVII:4:3 figs 4,5

House designs, illus. VIII:3/4:pl I fig 3, pi II fig 6 Tufts, Otis G.
The Surrender of Gen. Burgoyne at Saratoga..., Elevators of, XI:2:15; XII:1:18



Washington (George) Portr., VIII:3/4:6 House of, Medford, Mass., 1:1:20

Yale College bldgs., New Haven, design, Tugendhat
VIII:3/4:3; IX:3:21-22; XIV:2:8; illus. House of see Brno, Czech.

VIII:3/4:pl I fig 1 Tuke, fl. 1792, XIII:3:Suppl. 3

Yale University, New Haven Tulane University

Trumbull Gallery, VIII:3/4:5-6; XIV:2.11 nl5; Newcomb College see New Orleans: Newcomb

illus. VIII:3/4:pl II fig 4 College

Trumbull, Mrs. John, VIII:3/4:4,6; XIV:2:8 TuliP HiU' Anne Arundel Co., Md. (W. Buckland,
Trumbull, Jonathan, 1710-1785, father of John attrib.), XVIII:2:71

Trumbull, VIII:3/4:[1],2; IX:3:22 Tu,Uus' Servlus ** Servius Tullius

Trumbull, Jonathan, 1740-1809, brother of John ^u''0CJf'

Trumbull, IX-.3-.22; XIV-.2-.8 Peter s, Bournemouth, XIX:4:155 n54

Trump, James D. van see Van Trump, James D. n* w

Trump, Robert T., XIX:3:117 Mosciue ?f *? Ouro: Ibn Tulun Mosclue

"Early Brass-cased Rim Locks," XIX:3:117-119 Tumacacon, Ariz.

T , Tumacacon National Monument, 1:3/4:24

Bangs (Prez) Homestead, XIX:2:56

Cole-Wheeler House, South Truro, XIX:2:54; illus. Boamsattva, avi:J:J2

-, ci < c. Wal1 pamting, Cave I, XVI:3:33
X1X:2:31 Ilg o Tunis
Deschamps (Grace) House see Truro, Mass.: Rich Bardo [AJaoui] Museum

V J Ti VT^-,c-,cc -, Roman mosaic from Carthage, XX:2:79; illus.

Harding-Lloyd House, XIX:2:52,55; illus. XIX:2:55 XX-2-79 fig 2

_. , 3 _ . Mosque of Kairawn, 111:4:40

Rich (John) Estate [Deschamps (Grace) House], Tunisia

XIX:2:49 Reconstruction, XVIII:3:93

Rich-Musgrave House, Longnook Hollow, XIX:2:55 Tunja, Col

Stevens (William) House (B. Hinckley), XIX:2:52 Ata'razaria, XIV:4:5

Truscott, Arthur, XVIII:3:106 Cathedral, XIV:4:5

Truss framing of bridges, XVIII:4: 136 n38; XIX:4:181 city Hall> XIV:4:5

Try all Plantation, Jam., XIV: 1:30 Vargas (Juan de) House, V:22
Tryon, E. K. Tunnard, Christopher, on "Arcadian revival,"
House of, Philadelphia, XIX: 1:38 XIX: 1:24; on architectural aesthetics and theory,
Tryon, William, Gov. of N.C. XV:4:2; on Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:3:78; on
"Palace" of, New Bern, X:l:19 probable French source of Litchfield planning,
Trysa [Gjlbaschi] X:4:[23] nl4; on J. J. Rame's designs for Union

Lycian gabled sarcophagus, XI:3:4 College, XII:4:32; and Yale University program in

Tselos, Dimitri, on L. Buffington, XIX:4:182; reports city planning, IX:l/2:38

on Master of Arts theses, IV:3/4:51; on infl. on Articles and Books

F. L. Wright, XVIII:2:63 American Skyline (and H. H. Reed), XVII: 1:36

"Frank Lloyd Wright and His Exotic Inspirations," Rev. by W. Weisman, XV:3:31-32

VIII:1/2:128 "A City Called Beautiful," VIII:3/4:67;

"Letter to the Editor," on art historical associations, IX: 1/2:31-36

VI:l/2:[33]-34 Gardens in the Modern Landscape, VIII:3/4:69



Manson, G. C., Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910: the Zucker, P., Town and Square, XIX:4:183-184
First Golden Age, XVII:4:39 "The Tunnel Vault in Romanesque Architecture," by
Tucker, fl. ca. 1840 N. H. Crowell, VII:3/4:22-23
House of see Chireno, Tex.


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Tunnels - Twenty New Designs of Chinese Lattices

Tunnels Turonian masonry, IX:4:4

Hudson River Tunnel, XX:1:37 Turpin [Tilpin], Archbishop of Reims, VII:3/4:26

Tupper, Edward, Gen., XII:2:5 Turret, term, IX:3:26; X:2:20
Turin Turrets see Domes and Cupolas; Towers

Accademia delle Scienze see Turin: Collegio de' Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Nobili Alabama Insane Hospital [Bryce Hospital] (S. Sloan),

Augusta Taurinorum [Roman Camp], VIII:3/4:29,38; XIX:1:35

illus. VIII:3/4:pI XXIII Tuscany

Basilica di Superga, XIX:4:139 City-states of, XIV: 1:32

Bridge, earliest permanent, XIX:4:139 Tusculum, XVI:2:30

Cappella della Santa Sindone see Turin: Cathedral: Tuscumbia, Ala., birthplace of Helen Keller, IX:3:26

Capella della Santa Sindone Tutana [Tatana]

Cathedral [Duomo San Giovanni] Church, IV:3/4:35

Bell Tower, XX:4:193 Tuttle, Frederick, 19th c., of Chicago, XVI:l:18nllO

Cappella della Santa Sindone (G. Guarini), XV:2:6 Tver see Kalinin, Russ.

Church of the Great Mother of God (F. Bonsignore), Twain, Mark, on Natchez-under-the-Hill, XIV:4:30

XIX:4:139,141; illus. XIX:4:140 fig 9 Tweddell, John, 11:1:41

Church of the Sacramentine (A. Dupuy), XIX:4:141; Twehe Beautiful Designs for Farm Houses, by W.

illus. XIX:4:141 fig 11 Halfpenny, XX:3:127 no.28

Portico (C. Ceppi), XIX:4:141; illus. XIX:4:141 Twelve-sided bldgs.

fj jj K Hanau, IX:3:13 nl9

1..., h, , nl Twentieth century architecture (see also specific






C'\ 11 vn 1/4 architects and types of architecture, e.g. Domestic

Coilegio de' Nobili ^Accademia delle Scienze] architecture; Skyscrapers; Wright Frank Lloyd),

(G. Guarini), XV:2:10,11 n44 f ,f mterpretaUOn'

c ioni ,o 11:2:29-32,40; theory, X:3:8-14

Exposition, 1902, XIV:2:19 . . . . D ,

i7 11,1, > ,a ,o Articles and Books on
Forum, VIII:3/4:38 D ~ TL

Palazzo Carignano (G. Guarini), XV:2:9-10,11 n44; ^Md-Century. . ., XIV-.3:32 "

Port"paiatina^XV:2:18 nl3 ^ Architect at Mid-Century. . .,

Reale Museo dei Monumenti Egiziani, XVII:3:2 Damaz> p ' An /jf E an Architecture,
S. Lorenzo (G. Guanni), XV:2:6,7,11 n44 XV-4-32

Dome, XVIII:3:118 Giedion, S., Architecture You and Me,

S. Massimo (C. Sada), XIX:4:141; illus. XIX:4:140 XVIII-3118

f lg 10 Gilbert, K., "Clean and Organic: a Study in
S. Rocco (F. Lanfranchi), XV:3:19 Architectural Semantics," X:3:3-7
Superga see Turin: Basilica di Superga Hitchcock H -R
Turkestan Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,
Mausoleum for Hasret Ahmad Yassawi (Hodja XIX-3:125-127

Husayn), HI:4:46 "Some Problems in the Interpretation of

Turku, Finland [Abo] Modern Architecture," 11:2:29-32,40

Cathedral, VI:3/4:3; illus. VI:3/4:pl I fig 5 Joedicke, J., A History of Modern Architecture,

Turnbull, 18th c., of Pittsburgh, XVIII: 1:22 n5,23 n9 XIX:2:86-87

Turnbull, Andrew, 18th c., Dr., XII:4:30,31; Ponti, G., In Praise of Architecture,


Turner, Frederick Jackson, quotes (from The Frontier Zucker, Paul, 'The Paradox of Architectural

in American History ), XVII:2:30, (from The Theories at the Beginning of the 'Modern

Significance of History), 11:3:14,15 Movement,' " X:3:8-14

Turner, John, fl. 1678, of Boston, XX:2:91 Brazil, XVII:2:30-31

Turner, Joseph, 18th c. plasterer, X:2:18 n4 Europe, XIV:4:31-32; XV:4:32

Turner, T. Hudson Germany, X:3:8-14
Some Account of the Domestic Architecture of the Italy, XI:2:26

Middle Ages (and J. H. Parker), XIX:4:149-150 Japan, XIII:2:13

Turnor, Reginald, XV:2:30 Netherlands, XVIII:3:115-116

Turnu-Severin [Drobetae] U.S. (see also United States: Architecture),

Church, Occidental, IV:3/4:25 L. Mumford on, 11:3:18-25; Period house,

Churches, Oriental, IV:3/4:26 XX:4:169-178; Southern States, XX:4:203-204
Rectangular tower, IV:3/4:25 Twenty New Designs of Chinese Lattices, by W.
Roman Castrum, IV:3/4:25 Halfpenny, XX:3:127 no.29

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Twenty-Six New Designs of Geometric Paling - United States

Twenty-Six New Designs of Geometric Paling, by W. Twyman, Joseph, XIX: 1:9-10

Halfpenny, XX:3:127 n8 Tyche, goddess of fortune, VIII:1/2:51

Twickenham Tyche, Italy see Syracuse, Italy

Strawberry Hill (H. Walpole), XII:4:15; XIV:3:19 Tyler, Edgar Dowlin see Potter, Tyler and Martin
Twinsburg, Ohio Tyler, Mrs. William C., IX:3:16

Church (S. Porter), VII:3/4:22 Tyler, William C., Jr., architect, IX:3:[15] capt. fig 3,16
T-shaped house, XII:2:12 Tyler and Co., in 1892, XIX:2:59nl4

Twitchen, 17th c., XI: 1:4 Tyre [Tyrus]

Two Rivers Farm see Nashville, Tenn. Site, VIII:3/4:8

Two Sicilies, First King of, see Ferdinand I, King of the Tyson, J. R., 19th c., of Philadelphia, XVI:2:25

Two Sicilies Tyutchev, Russian poet, X:3:7 n30

UN see United Nations Underpasses
UNESCO see United Nations: Educational, Scientific Dupont Circle Underpass, Washington, VI: 1 /2:31

and Cultural Organization Undertaking establishments see Mortuaries

U.S. Housing Corp., IV:3/4:56 Underwood, Eric, IV:1:54
USSR see Russia Underwood, Paul, VII:l/2:49; VII:3/4:16,37

U-shaped bldgs. Unesco see United Nations: Educational, Scientific and

Boston, Mass. Cultural Organization

Tremont House (I. Rogers), XVII:2:32; XIX:2:77; Ungewitter, Georg Gottlob, 11:3:9-10
XX:2:65 nl6 Unglehrt, Max, X:3:10

Lexington, Ky. The Unhappy Lot of Mr. Knott, by J. R. Lowell,

Episcopal Theological Seminary [Gibson (Tobias) XIV:3:20
Residence], XI:4:16-18; illus. XI:4:[15] fig 7 Union Canal, Pa., XX:4:197

Oxford, Engl. Union College see Schenectady, N.Y.

University Museum, project (G. E. Street), Union of Soviet Socialist Republics see Russia
XIX:4:150n36,153-154,161; illus. XIX:4:153 Uniontown, Ala.
fig 4 Pitts' Folly, XIX:4:179

Williamsburg, Va. Unitas Fratrum see Moravian Church

College of William and Mary United Brethren see Moravian Church
Wren Bldg., X:3:28-31; XIV:1:14; XVIII:4:163; United Nations
illus. X:3:29 fig [1]; XIV:1:15 fig 3 Buildings

beda, Spain New York (City), XI:2:18; XX:3:149

San Salvador (D. de Silo), XX:3:147 Project (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93

Ueberwasser, W., on geometry and architecture, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization



Ugalde, Secundino Zuazo seeZuazo, Secundino Bldg. (P. L. Nervi), XIX:4:178, (B. H. Zehrfuss),





Ugarte, Rubn Vargas see Vargas Ugarte, Rubn Interior (G. T. Rietveld), XVIII:3:116
Ugoccioni, Benedetto di Buonaccorso, XX:4:159; Project (Le Corbusier), XX:2:93
161 n29; 162 nn30,33; 163 n34; 164nn38,40; United Order, of Mormon Church, XIX:3:110




Uhlmann, Charles J., VII:1/2:21,25 For bldgs. of U. S. Government Agencies see city,
Ukrainian architecture, VI:3/4:16-17 e.g. Harpers Ferry, W.Va.: U. S. Arsenal;

Ullman [Hultman], H. J. Washington, D.C.: Treasury Department

House of, Oak Park, 111., XIX:3:130 Bldgs.

Ulm Antiquities Act, 1906, 1:3/4:18
Cathedral, 11:3:10 Architectural Bureau see United States: Treasury
Ulmas Department
Mosque of see Cairo: Almas Mosque Architecture (Listed here are references to American
Ultra Albam architecture in general; for specific American
Abbey grange, XVII:2:12,22 n42 architects, periods, regions, states and types of
Una, Archangel Prov., Russ. architecture see directly under subject, e.g.
Church, XVI:2:11; illus. XVI:2:11 fig 4 Domestic architecture; Nineteenth-century

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United States - United States

United States (Cont.) Constitutional Bureau, XV.l:30n23

architecture; Southern States; Wisconsin: Construction Branch see United States: Treasury

Architecture), "Corpus of American Dept.

Architecture" of Ricker Library, IV: 1:41-42; Continental Congress, IV:3/4:59; XV:4:23,26,27

W. G. Purcell on, 111:4:16-25; W. Whitman on, Declaration of Independence see Declaration of
XVI: 1:25-27 Independence

Books on Fine Arts Commission [National Commission of

Andrews, W. Fine Arts], IV: 1:38,39,40
Architecture, Ambition and Americans, F's^ Commission, VII:l/2:20
XV-2-29-30 French Colonial architecture see Colonial

Architecture in America..., XX: 1:44 . architecture: French

Building U.S.A Historic Sites Act, 1:2:22,23,24; 1:3/4:17,18-19

Brief rev., XVI:3:35 Housing Acts, XV:4:4,5

Davidson, M. (and Pierson, W. H.) eds., Arts Interior Department, XV: 1:28

of the United States. ... XX: 3:150 National Park Service see United States: National

Kobayashi, B., Amerika Kenchiku [American Fark Service

Architecture], XVI:4:36 Land Ordinance, 1785, XX:3:108

Lancaster, C, Architectural Follies in Lmcoln Memorial Commission, IV: 1:38

America XIX-4179-180 National Arboretum see Washington, D.C.: National

Maass, J. The'Gingerbread Age, XM 11:3:35 XT ^oretum

McCallum, I., Architecture USA, XIX:2:86-87 National Botanic Garden see Washington, D.C.:

Morrison, H., Early American Architecture . a l(^a . an"? ar

from the First Colonial Settlement to the Nat,a

Park and Plannlng Commission,
IV: ^ol
National Period, XII:2:29-30

National Commission of Fine Arts see United States:

Fine Arts Commission


Bases see New York (City): Army Base, Brooklyn

_ ... , . ,. _ , . . National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings see

* P ' temporary (A- Schenb0rn)' Historic Sites and Buildings, National Council
VII: 1/2:19

a P0StS' 187'S' XX:4:195 National Institute [Institution] see Washington, D.C.:

r,rt' :. " ', . Smithsonian Institution

Bicentennial Celebration Washington, 932 see National Memorials, Monuments, Parks, Sites, etc.

Washington, D.C.: Bicentennial Celebration, ^ 0/50 Historic Sites (Cemeteries, Parks,




Bureau of Yards and Docks, X:2:23 Casa Grande, 1:3/4:18,24

Capitols see Capitols, National Christiansted, St. Croix, XIV: 1:28
Centennial, 1876, 1:3/4:15 Colonial National Historical Park, 1:3/4:24

Exposition see Philadelphia: Centennial Exposition, Federa, Ha Nationa) Memorial [Old Custom

House; Sub-Treasury], N.Y., XVM.-25-26;

Centennial Celebration of the Establishment of the XX:4:185-190; illus. XX:4:185-187 figs 1-6

Seat of the National Government in Fort Frederica, XI:4:32-33; illus. XI:4:32

Washington, 1900, IV:1:34; VM/2.-32 Fort Laramie National Historic Site, XIII:2:27
City planning see Cities and Towns (Growth, History Qjd Bedlam, 1:3/4:19

and Planning): U.S. Fort McHenry, Baltimore, XVII: 1:30; XVIII: 1:33
Civil Engineer Corps, X:2:23 Fort Marion National Monument [Castillo de San
Civil War Marcos], Saint Augustine, Fla., 1:3/4:18;
Army bldg. plans, temporary (A. G. Schoenborn), XI:4:33

VIM/2:19 Fort Necessity, Pa., XIII:2:25-27; illus. XIII:2:26

Industrial expansion after, XII:3:17 f,g j. 27 fig 2
Civilian Conservation Corps [CCC], 1:3/4:17 Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, XIII:4:27-28;
Colonial architecture see Colonial architecture: illus. XIII:4:27 figs [1-3]
American; Eighteenth-century architecture: Fort Stanwix [Fort Schuyler], Rome, N.Y.,
U. S.; Seventeenth-century architecture: U. S. IV:2:40 nos.20,21,22

Colonization, VIII:3/4:19-26 George Washington Birthplace National

Georgia, XX:2:47-50 Monument, 1:3/4:24

Massachusetts, XI: 1:3-9 Hampton Mansion [Ridgely House], Towson,

New Madrid, XVIII:l:21-26 IX:3:24; XVII: 1:30; XX:l:22n9; XX:3:132

South Carolina, XX:2:51,53-54 Harpers Ferry National Monument, XVIII:4:160
Commission of Fine Arts see United States: Fine Independence National Historical Park,
Arts Commission Philadelphia, acquisition area and bldgs.,

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United States - United States Housing Corp.

IX:4:24; X:l:26; XIV:2:29; XV:3:2; XV:4:23; Maine, XX: 1:38
XVI:2:20; XIX:1:31; XX:1:22 n9; E. A. Massachusetts, XX:2:90

Connally work on, XI:4:8 n; C. E. Peterson Provident Life and Trust Co. Bank,

work on, IX:3:23 n; XI:4:8 n; XIV:2:28 Philadelphia, XIX:2:81

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Saint Paul's Chapel, N.Y., XIX: 1:32-34

1:3/4:24 n,25-26 Virgin Islands XIX-2:83-84

Mesa Verde National Park, 1:3/4:24 National Youth Administration, IV:1:41
Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site Naval Expioring Expedition, XV: 1:28
[Saint-Gaudens Memorial; Aspet], Cornish, Navy

N.H., IX:3:27

Mine-laying ships, XL2.T5

Salem Maritime National Historic Site, 1:3/4:20 rsrr.^ r n . c. . T
, VT . , Of lice of Construction see United States: Treasury

Saratoga National Historical Park, 111:3:30 n

Tumacacori National Monument, 1:3/4:24 fr. P^P^brient

Vanderbilt Mansion, Hyde Park, 1:3/4:19; 11:1:35 f1Ce ^ Education

Wright Brothers National Memorial, Kill Devil Committee on the Adjustment of the College

Hills XIII-3-28-29 Curriculum to Wartime Conditions and Needs

National Museum ice Washington: Smithsonian Committee on Art, 111:1/2:58-62

Institution Office of the Supervising Architect see United States:
National Park Service, 1:2:22-24; 1:3/4:17,18-19; Treasury Department
111:4:50,66; X:2:25; and AIA, XII:3:29; S. Y. Panlc of 1893, XIX:2:60nl9
Edgerton's work for, XX:l:20nl; work at Fort Presidents
Laramie, XIII:2:27; work at Fort Necessity, Residences of see Philadelphia: President's House;
XIII:2:26,27; restoration of Harper's Ferry, Washington, D.C.: White House
XIV:2:28; XV:4:2; XVIII:4:159-160; work at Public Buildings Program, 1926, IV:1:38
Jamestown, Va., XX:3:148; F. Kimball on Public Building[s] Service, XX:4:198-199
advisory board of, 1:3/4:15 n; and Museum of Public Works Administration
American Architecture (proposed), 1:3/4:24-26; Armories, XIV:3:28-29
absorption of Old Custom House, N.Y., Revolutionary War, IV:2:37-41 passim; VIII:3/4:[1];

XX:4:185 ni; C. Porter with, IV:2:36; purchase IX:3:22; X:3:29,30; X:4:20; XI:3:25; XIV:2:8
of Philadelphia Exchange, XIX:1:31; and Medals, XIV:2:7
University of Pennsylvania School of Fine Arts, Sesquicentennial Celebration of the Establishment of
XIV:2:28 the Seat of the National Government in

Branch of Plans and Design, 1:3/4:25 Washington, 1950, VI:l/2:32

Design and Construction Division, XIII:3:26 Shipstead-Luce Act, IV: 1:39-40

Historic American Buildings Survey [HABS], Spanish Colonial architecture see Colonial

1:2:22,23; 11:2:34; 111:1/2:5; XVI: 1:30; architecture: Spanish

XVI:3:29-31; XVII:1:30; XIX:1:43; and AIA, Treasury Department
XIII:2:29; XVI:3:31; F. C. Brown on, 11:1:42; Architectural Bureau, XVII:1:32
11:3:30; IV:3/4:51; creation of, 1:3/4:17; Construction Branch, XX:4:198
IX:3:23; X:2:24; XVI:3:29-31; use m Latin 0ffice of Construction, XIX:3:119,121-123
America, 111:4:50; H. J. McKee with, office of thg Supervising Architect, XX:4:198-199
; .. . M ' for the United States of America..
photograph collections of, 11:1:42,52; J

XVI:3:31; XVII: 1:30; E. H. Reed's work for, f *r - ~ ' flgs 5'6;

X:4:35; specifications, X:2:24; summer Igs '

programs for architecture students, Par men

XVI:4:29-30; XVII: 1:30; T. T. Waterman's Buildings ice Washington, D.C.: War Department

work for, VI:3/4:37; X:2:25

Catalogue of the Measured Drawings and Work P"**8 Administration [Works Progress
Photographs... in the Library of Congress, Administration; WPA], 1:3/4:17; 11:1:33;
March 1 1941 111:4:50; and "Corpus of American

Rev. by T. Bannister, 11:1:42,52 Architecture," IV:1:41; and Craig House,

Studies, Surveys, etc. Richmond, 111:4:27; and St. Louis project,

Adams County, Pa., XVII:3:32 1:3/4:26; surveys (Pittsburgh), XVI:3:28 n20

Cape Cod, XIX:2:47 n2 National Youth Administration see United States:
Chester County, Pa., XIX:2:82-83 National Youth Administration

Connecticut River Valley, XIX:3:119 "Notes on the Development of Early Architecture

Illinois, X:4:35 in Massachusetts," XX:2:90
MacKinac Island, IV:1:54 United States Housing Corp., IV:3/4:56

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Units d'habitation - Urbisaglia

Units d'habitation (Le Corbusier) see Le Corbusier: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 1863-81,

Works (Bldgs., Projects, Sketches, etc.): Units Leavenworth, VI:l/2:27; illus. VI:l/2:pl VIII
d'habitation figs 5-7
University campuses see College and university St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Manhattan, Kan.,


University Park, Pa. Trinity Bldg., N.Y., XI:2:4-6; XIV: 1:22

Pennsylvania State University Trinity Church, 1846, N.Y., XII:1:18,20,21;

Council on Research, XX: 1:3 n2 XIX: 1:34; illus. XII: 1:19 fig 12
Grant, XX:2:63nl Van Buren (Martin) House see Upjohn, Richard,
Library, XX: 1:3 n2 1802-1878: Works: Lindenwald

University settlements see Social settlements Van Rensselaer (Stephen) House, Albany, XI:2:4;

Unro, Bishop of Verden, XVII:2:5 iHus xi:2:5 fig 3

Unter-den-Linden, Berlin, XIX: 1:18 nil Wyman Villa, Baltimore, XI:2:27-29; illus. XI:2:28
Unwanus, Uth c Bishop, XVII:2:21 nl4 Upjohn, Richard M 1828-1903

Unwin, Raymond, disinterest in spatial elements of Drawings, IV-3/4-51

Baroque city planning, XIV:1:8; and English Arts Railroad Station, Norton, Mass., VIII:1/2:41 nl2

and Crafts group, XIX:3:125 n8; on Greater Upper Saddle Riyer N J

London regional plan, XVIII:3:80; on relation of Church 1819 VII-3/4-31

height of bldgs. and width of streets in Chicago Uppingham Engl

Loop XVIII:4:127 5 Schoo, R street)> XIX;4:152

Town-planning in [andJ Practice, 111:1/2:7 Unnsala

Up Park Camp, Jam. University

Officers' quarters, 18th c., X:3:27 r a. Vv i ^

nil. C - ... . Institute of Art History, XX: 1:40

Upjohn Everard M., on AIA early years, XIII:3:17; Upton, Joseph M.

XIV: 1:24 n6; on penod known as Brown D rn x T liriu aw** rri - r
Y,V., OA
0. Rev- of D N- W,lber' Architecture of Islamic Iran,
Decades," XIV:l:24n2;
on eclecticism,
The II Khanid Period, XV:4:31-32

XII:4:16,17; on Rev. J. H. Hopkins, XV:2:22n7; ,. , , _ , . , .. _ .

on R Upjohn VM/2-27 Upwards of One Hundred and Fifty New Designs for
Upjohn, Hobart B.', XIV:1:24 n6 Chimne* PieceS ' " ^ A' Swan' *X:3:129 no.82
Upjohn, Richard, 1802-1878, and AIA, XI:2:21; "22
XIV: 1:18; XVI:3:36; Baltimore work, VIII: 1 /2:128; r' Babylonla

XIII:3:30; S. S. Beman in office of, XII:3:17; and u p 11:1:24

eclecticism, XI:2:3-6; Gothic style of, 11:3:16; and 5:r' prance, ^II:3:7
R. M. Hunt court case, XI:2:10; and industrial Urania, detail of, in Apollo and the Muses (Lo Spagna),

expansion after Civil War, XII:3:17; and D. V:ll; illus. V:[8b] fig 16b

Lienau, XIV:1:18; North Carolina work, X:l:18; Urban II [Odo], 10427-1099, Pope, XVI:3:21 n3
round-arched style of, XI:2:4; a Tractarian, Urban, Joseph, and Secession style, XIV:2:19
XV:2:19 Metropolitan Opera House, 57th St., N.Y., design,
yVorks 1927 (and B. W. Morris), X: 1:11

Capitol, Hartford, XVIII:4:134 Urban housing see Housing; Urban

Cast iron faade designs, XV:4:22n63 Urban redevelopment

Church interiors, XIX:4:146n9 Exhibition, Newark Public Library, XIV:3:32

Christ Church, Marlborough, N.Y., VI: 1/2:27 London, XIV:4:13-22

Christ Church, Raleigh, X:l:18 "Urban Redevelopment in the Nineteenth Century: The
Corn Exchange Bank, N.Y., XI:2:6 Squaring of Circleville," by J. W. Reps,

Cottages, 11:2:36; XIV:1:19 XIV:4:23-26

Grace Church, Brooklyn, XV:2:22 Urbana, 111.
Holy Apostles Church [Episcopal Church of the University of Illinois
Holy Apostles], N.Y., enlargement, XI:2:6 Dept. of Architecture, XII:2:32
King (Edward) House [People's Library], Newport, Ricker Library of Architecture
VIII:l/2:37; XI:2:4,28,29 Corpus of American Architecture, IV:l:41-42
Kingscote, Newport, XII:4:24 Microfilm project, IX:4:28; XI:l:27-28; XI:3:[32]
Lindenwald [Van Buren (Martin) House], Urbanism
Kinderhook, XI:2:4 Spain, XVIII:2:38-53; XVIII:3:74-83
Litchfield (Erastus B.) House, Brooklyn, XI:2:4 Urbanna, Va.
Pierrepont (Henry) House, N.Y., XI:2:6; illus. Tobacco warehouse, 17th c., 111:4:26



St. Mary's Church, Burlington, N.J., XV:2:21 Ducal Palace (L. Laurana), VII:3/4:27-28
St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, XI:2:27,29 Urbisaglia
Print of (W. Howard), XX:2:66nl9 City walls, VII:3/4:35

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Urg, France - Vanbergen

Urg, France, XII:3:7 View of Pratolino, XX:4:155,157,158,159,160,161;
Urgell, Bishop of, XII:3:7 illus. XX.-4.157 fig 2
Uria, Fr., XV:l:26nlO Utica, N.Y.
Urlsperger, Samuel City plan, 111:1/2:40
Map, 1735, Savannah County, Ga., XX:2:49; illus. Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute

XX:2:50 fig 4 Museum Bldg. (P. Johnson), XX:2:95

"Urn stoves," XX: 1:24 nl4 "The Utilitarians and the Houses of Parliament," by
Urns see Pitchers, Urns, etc. G. H. Weitzman, XX:3:99-107
Urraca, Queen of Aragon, XV:1:4 Utilitas and Firmitas, VII:3/4:20

Ursuline convents Utopias see Ideal cities, Utopias, etc.

New Orleans, VII:l/2:33-34; XIII:l:24-25,26 n2; Utrecht

illus. VII: 1 /2:pl III fig 1 Begeer shop-front (G. T. Reitveld), XVIII:3:116
Uruapan, Mex. Garage, 10 Waldeck Pyrmontkade (G. T. Rietveld),
Hospital [Guatepera] XVIII:3:116

Chapel faade, V:25; illus. V:[26a] fig 6 Rietveld Exhibition, 1958, XVIII:3:115

Uruk Row-housing (G. T. Rietveld), XVIII:3:116

Ziggurat, XII:4:5 Schrder-Schrder [Mrs. Truus) House (G. T.

Useful Architecture, by W. Halfpenny, XX:3:127 no.30 Rietveld), XVIII:3:115,116

Usonian House, of F. L. Wright, XIX:3:130 Utrecht Psalter

Ust-Padenga, Russ. Psalm 133, XX:2:82
Church, XVI:2:11; illus. XVI:2:11 fig 3 Utrera, Spain

Utens, Giusto Churches, XII:2:31

Lunettes of Medicean Villas, XX:4:155 n7 Santa Maria, V:7 n47

Painting of Villa of Poggio a Caiano, XX:4:167 n63 Utzon, Joern

Opera House, Sydney, XVIII:3:118

V.M.I, see Lexington, Va.: Virginia Military Institute Valinger, Leon P. de see De Valinger, Leon P.
Vacareti Valladolid
Church, IV:3/4:31 Colegio de San Gregorio, V:2n9
Vacation houses see Resort architecture Colegio de Santa Cruz, V-,7,8

Vaga, Perino del see Perino del Vaga San Benito

Vagnetti, Luigi Choir stalls (D. de Silo), V:8

Palazzo Grande, Livorno [Leghorn], XII:4:15 Vallance, J., 18th c., see Thackara and Vallance

Vail, R. W. G., on the beginnings of Manhattan, Valle, Pietro della, 111:4:35

XI:2:19-20; and preservation in N.Y. state, IV:2:37 Vallejo, Mariano Guadalupe, Gen., XIV:3:19; XVI:4:35
\i -ii a i ne Vallence, J., 18th c. engraver, see Thackara and
House of, Litchfield, Conn., X:4:19 fig 1 .... .. ., ....... r . , .., ,

Vails Gate NY Vallentin, Berthold, on William

of Auvergne s Liber de
Universo, XVII:2:23 n52
Temple Hill see New Windsor, N.Y.: Temple Hill

Vallentine, I7th c., of Va., XVII:1:18

Val-de-Grce Abbey see Paris: Val-de-Grce Vallery-Radot, Jean, on Charlieu and Anzy-le-Duc,

Valadier, Giuseppe, XV:4:31; XIX:4:142 XVI:3:16; on Lienau and Labrouste, XIV:l:24n4

Piazza del Popolo, Rome, alterations, XIV: 1:9 Valley Falls, Kan.

Valdedis, Spain Lutheran Churches, 1856, 1887, VI:l/2:24n3

Church, XVI:4:6 Sawmill, VI:l/2:24n3

Valdes, Antonio, fl. 1789, Don, Sec. for the Indies, Valley Forge
XVIII:1:24nl6 Washington (George) Headquarters, XIV:2:7
Valea Valley of the Kings
Monastic church, IV:3/4:34 Tombs, XI:2:25-26

Valencia, Spain Vails, Rafael Puig y see Puig y Vails, Rafael

Lonja de la Seda, V:2 n9 Van Artevelde [Philip van Artevelde], by H. Taylor,

Valentine Museum see Richmond, Va. VII:3/4:[17]

Valentr Bridge, Cahors, France, XVI:3:24 Vanbergen, John S., 111:4:19


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Vanbrugh - Van Osdel

Vanbrugh, John, E. Kaufmann on, XV:4:30,31; infl. on XI:1:31; XI:2:19; and Yale Exhibition "Books and
J. Ostell, XIV:3:10; J. Summerson on, XIII:4:32; Buildings, 1449-1949," VIII:l/2:67
works of illus. in Vitruvius Britannicus, XX:3:115; Articles
infl. on C. Wren, XVI:4:34 Obit, of Emil Kaufmann, XII:3:32

Works "The Restoration of St. Luke's, Smithfield,

Castle Howard, XIII.-4:31 Virginia," XVII:1:12-18

Temple of the Four Winds, XV:4:8 "S.A.H. Microfilm Project; Preliminary Report
Seaton Delaval, XV:4:31 and Listings of Special Works,"
Vanbrugh (John) House, Esher, XVI:2:17 VIII: 1/2:68-85
Vanbrugh (John) House [Goose-pie House], Review
London, XIII:4:31 Hitchcock, H.-R., Early Victorian Architecture in
Van Brunt, Henry, 1832-1903 (see also Van Brunt and Britain, XV:2:30-31
Howe; Ware and Van Brunt), on cast iron, Van der Rohe, Ludwig Mies see Mies van der Rohe,
XV:4:21 n45; on eclecticism, XII:4:16,17; and F. Ludwig
Howe, XIX:2:58; and R. M. Hunt, XI:2:11 Van der Wal, H. see Wal, H. van der
Transi, of Viollet-le-Duc Discourses, XII:4:17 Van de Velde, Henri see Velde, Henri Van de
Works Van Doesburg, Theo see Doesburg, Theo Van

Memorial Hall, Cambridge (and others), XII:4:17 Van Dren, J. L., fl. 1836

Van Brunt and Howe (see also Howe, Frank M.; Van Iron Mountain City, project (and H. Pease),

Brunt, Henry), a Kansas City firm, XIX:2:58 XX:3:113

Union Station, Portland, Or., XIX.-2:57-58 Missouri City, project (and H. Pease), XX:3:113-114;

Van Buren, Martin illus. XX:3:114 fig 5

House of [Lindenwald], Kinderhook, XI:2:4 Van Dorn, Peter, XX:3:113

Vance, James Van Dyck, Anthony, V:40; XX:4:203

House of, San Antonio, XI:4:12; illus. XI:4:[11] fig 9 Vandyke, F. A., XX:1:12 n22
Van Cortlandt, Cornelia see Beekman, Cornelia Van Van Eesteren, C. see Eesteren, C. van
Cortlandt Van Eyck, Jan see Eyck, Jan van
Van Deman, Esther Boise, M. B. Blake's work on Van Hoefen, Hari see Russell, Mullgardt, Schwarz,
Roman construction based on notes of, Van Hoefen

VII:3/4:[33]-36; XIX:2:86; on Roman concrete, Van Hook, J. M.

XVII :4:7 n3,8 n8 Copy of 1817 map of Jeffersonville, Ind., 1879,

Vanderbilt, Alva, XV:2:30 XX:3:110 n8; illus. XX:3:111 fig 2

Vanderbilt, Consuelo, XV:2:30 Van Hook, William B., XII.-2:15
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Commodore, XV:2:29; XVII:4:38 Van Loon, Hendrik, on St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow,
Mansion of, N.Y., XIV:3:26 XVI: 1:31

Vanderbilt, Frederick W. Van Meter, J. E.

Mansion of see Hyde Park, N.Y.: Vanderbilt Company bldg. of, Philadelphia, illus. XX: 1:7 fig 6
Mansion Van Nice, Robert L., work on Hagia Sophia, IV:3/4:5;
Vanderbilt, George W XI:2.[14] VII:3/4:37

Vanderbilt, Paul, 20th c XIV:4:32 "Hagia Sophia: New Types of Structural Evidence,"

Vanderbilt, William K XI:2:[14] VII:3/4:[5]-9

House of, N.Y., XI:2:11-[14]; illus. XI:2:[13] fig 10 Vannocci, Oreste, XIII:3:10nl0
Vanderbilt Family Vannucci, Pietro see Perugino
Chteaux of (R. M. Hunt), XIV:1:21 Van Osdel, John M., biogr. data, XVI:1:18 nl 10;
Van Der Bogert, Giles Yates, XII.-3:29 reminiscences on Chicago architecture,
" 'Walls Tell a Story' : An Experiment in Public 11:4:8 n26,16-17; Chicago's first architect, 11:4:16;
Education," 11:1:34-35 and G. Johnson, XVI:1:18 nl 10; 19nl30; on
Van der Donck, Adriaen G. W. Snow and balloon frame, 11:4:16-17; on
A Description of the New Netherlands, cost of Texas State Capitol, 111:3:31
XVII:4:32,33,34 Cast-iron faades, Chicago, XVI:l:18nll0

Vanderheyden, Jacob D., 111:1/2:38 First Methodist Church, 1845, Chicago, 11:4:16 n83

Van der Leck, Bart Anthony see Leck, Bart Anthony Kendall Bldg., Chicago, XVI:1:14,16
van der Lloyd (Alexander) Bldg., Chicago, faade,
Vanderlyn, John, IV:2:40; XI:l:[26]n7 XVI:1.18nll0
Van Derpool, James Grote, credits to (R. Branner), McElroy (Daniel) Bldg., Chicago, faade,
XVII:4:20n8; as member of HABS Advisory XVI: 1:18 nl 10
Board, XVI: 1:30; XVII: 1:30; and HABS recording Ogden (William B.) House, Chicago, 11:4:16 n83
of St. Paul's Chapel, N.Y., XIX:1:32,33; and SAH Rice's Second Theater, Chicago, 11:4:16 n83
formation, 1:1:20; and SAH N.Y. Chapter, X:4:36; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 11:4:16 n83

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Van Quickenborne - Vegetius

Van Quickenborne, Father, VI:l/2:[22] Notre Dame, Paris
Van Ravenswaay, Charles, X:l:27; X:2:19 Altar, 1712, V:46

Van Rensselaer, Hendrick Vatican see Rome (City)

Manor House of see Rensselaer, N.Y.: Fort Crailo Vauban, Sbastien
Van Rensselaer, Mariana Griswold [Mrs. Schuyler Van Fortifications, France, 111:1/2:17
Rensselaer], IX: 1/2:25,26 Vaucelles

Van Rensselaer, Stephen Monastery, XI:3:15

House of see Albany, N.Y. Vaucresson

Van Rensselaer Family, of N. Y., XX:3:120 Founding of, IV: 1:11

Vantini, Rodolfo Villa, 1922 (Le Corbusier), XX:2:94
Cemetery, Brescia, XIX:4:137,142,143; illus. "Vaudois" sect, IV:1:16
XIX:4:143 fig 14 Vaudoyer, Antoine Laurent Thomas, XV:4:31
Van Trump, James D. Vaudoyer, Lon, XVIII: 1:35
"The Romanesque Revival in Pittsburgh," Vaudremer, Joseph Auguste Emil, IV:2:9

XVI:3:22-29 Vaudreuil-Cavagnal, Pierre de Rigaud, Gov. of La.,

"St. Peter's, Pittsburgh, by John Notman," XIIIT-25

XV:2:19-23 Vaudricourt, A. de see De Vaudricourt, A.

Vanvitelli Vaughan, John, 19th c., XIV:4:12 n20

Piazza Dante, Rome, XIX:4:142 Vaughan, Samuel, X:2.16,17,18

Van Wick Johan see Wick, Johan van Vaughan Family, X:2:18 n3
Vardy, John Vaults

Designs of Inigo Jones, XX:3:127 nil For muhs of lc bld see under d,

Horse Guards, London (attrib and W. Kent, attnb.), Nevers; St. Etienne; Padua: II Santo

/vll'3,26| XIII: 1.16; 2C \^4.31 BrtXJUC Xl^^II 4 22 24

Vargas, Getulio Dornelles, Pres. of Brazil, XVII:2:31 Brick> VII:1/2:[1]jll" n8 XVII.4:2-7

Vargas, Juan de Concrete, XX: 1:44

House of, Tunja, Col., V:22 , .

,, . ,, , Groined, XVII:4:22
Vargas Ugarte, Ruben, Padre, V:[39],40

Knot-vaults, V:22
Marine cords in, Belm convent, V-.5


Portr. of Louis XIV, XV:2:11 n46

P., on Reims Palimpsest, XVII:4:9 Medfa1' ^^23; ^1:3/4:22-24; XVII:2:20;
y YY ^ a XX.4.199-200

Varva'es IV I-22 Ribbed' Iv 3/4:11-23; XVII:4:22

Varzug Roman, VII:3/4:33-34,35; XVII:2:20; XVII:4:2-8;

Church of the Assumption, XVI:2:14 . XIX:2:86

Vasari, the younger, XIIL3:10 n8 Spain, XX: 1:29

Vasari, Giorgio, biogr. study of, IV:3/4:47; TunneLVII:3/4:22-23; XVII:4:22-24

VIII: 1 /2:87; on Bramante, XIII:3:10 n6; on Vauter s Church, Essex Co., Va., XVIII:2:72
Brunelleschi, XVIII:1:14 n27; on Filarete, Vaux' Calvert also Olmsted, Vaux and Co.),
XVII:3:10; on Gothic bldgs., XVII:2:18; and Julius VI:1/2:[1] nl; and AIA, XIV:1:18; and French

III, IX:4:11; no mention of L. Laurana, style, XIV:1:19; in Godey's Lady s Book,

VII:3/4:27; and [on] Michelangelo, XIII:3:10n5; XVIII:3:111; villa style, VI:l/2:[35]
11 n20; XIX:3:97; mingled with the great, IX:4:11; Book

purveyor of novelties, IX:4:14; on J. Sansovino, Villas and Cottages

XIII:3:10nl5; on Sangallo, XIII:3:11 nl7; on Condensed version, by E. Steese, VI: 1 /2:[1]-12
"Setta Sangallesca," XIII:3:8; contrasted with Buildings, Designs, etc.

Vignola, IX:4:11,14 American Museum of Natural History, N.Y.,

City plan, 1598, illus. X:2:[4] VI:1/2:[1] and nl
SS. Annunziata, Florence, plan [attrib.), illus. Artist's studio, design, illus. VI:l/2:pl I fig 6
XVII:1:3 fig 2 Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, N.Y., VI:1/2:[1]
Vasconcelos, Ernani, XVII:2:31 Marine Villa, design, illus. VI:l/2:pl II fig 8
Ministry of Education and Public Health, Rio de Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y. (and J. W.
Janeiro (and others), XVII:2:30,31; XX:2:95 Mould), VI:1/2:[1] and nl

Vases, in concrete vaulting, XVII:4:4,5 Suburban house, design, illus. VI:l/2:pl II fig 7
Vasi, Guiseppe, XV:3:23 n49 Willis (N. P.) Residence, Idlewild on the Hudson,
Vasilij III see Basil III illus. VI:l/2:pl I fig 5
Vsquez, Francisco, XV:1:12 Vehlen, Thorstein, XVII:2:30
Vsquez, Jos, XV:1:13 Veblenites, XV:2:30
Vass, F. Kimball on, V:45,46 Vegetius
Hotel de Toulouse, Paris, V:46 Epitoma rei militaris (comp.), XX:2:57-58

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Veii - Verny





Apollo Temple, VII:3/4:[33] Bldg. (Longhena), XVI:1:3-10; XVI:2:31;

Excavations, VII:3/4:[33] XVII: 1:3; illus. XVI:l:4-8 figs 1-6

House, Archaic Etruscan, 11:1:12; illus. 11:1:11 fig 2 Design (A. Fracao and Z. Rubertini), XVI:l:3-4
Tombs, 11:1:10-14 Immaculata, XVI:1:6; illus. XVI:1:5 fig 3
Velasco, Juan de, V:[24] S. Maria Maddelena (T. Temanza), XIX:4:137-138;
Velasco, Lzaro de, XX:3:147 illus. XIX:4:137 fig 5
Velasquez, A. B. Correa on, XX.T:44; in G. Kubler S. Simeone Piccolo (Scalfarotto), XIX:4:137-138;

and M. Soria, Art and Architecture in Spain and illus. XIX:4:137 fig 4
Portugal, XJX:4:177 City plan, Maps, Views, etc.
Velde, Henri van de, and R. d'Aronco, XIII:2:31; and City plan, 111:1/2:37
Art Nouveau, XIV:2:18; and S. Bing, XIV:2:18; as Views
bridge between eclecticism and International Style, Painting (Canaletto, School of), 11:3:32
XII:4:17; XIV:2:18; opposed to eclecticism of Painting (Guardi), 11:3:3
19th c., X:3:10; infl. on German architects, 11:3:12; Dogana, XIV:2:12
XIV:2:18; and Jugendstil, X:3:10; XIV:2:18; H. Palazzo Ducale [Doge's Palace], VIII:3/4:6; XII:4:15
Lenning on, XII:4:17; and A. Loos, X:3:10; Capitals, XIX:4:158 n66
Master of Arts thesis on, IV:3/4:51; arbitrary Piazza San Marco [Saint Mark's Square], 111:1/2:27,
ornamentation of, X:3:10; originally a painter, VI:3/4:4; X:4:36; XII:4:15
X:3:10; infl. on Pilcher and Tachau Squadron "C" Piazzetta San Marco, 111:1/2:25
Armory, XIV:3:27; and "stilo floreale," XII:1:32 Plagues, XVI:1:3,6
Bibl., XIV:2:18,21 Ponte dei Sospiri [Bridge of Sighs], XVI:3:23
Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.) Rialto, XVI:3:23
Folkwang Museum, Hgen, 11:3:12 S. Marco Plaza see Venice: Piazza San Marco
Swirl designs, XIV:3:27 Scuola di San Marco
Velie, S. H. Faade, XVI:2:31

House project, Kansas City, Mo., XIX:l:4n6 Seminary of the Somascian Order, XVI: 1:3

Velleia Views see Venice: City plan, Maps, Views, etc.

City plan, VIII:3/4:32,35-36,42; illus. Ventilation, XVI:l:22-23
VIII:3/4:pl XVI "Ventilation without glare," X:3:26
Forum, VIII:3/4:36 Ventura, Calif.
Walls, VII:3/4:35 Mission see San Buenaventura Mission



Stoop House (G. T. Rietveld), XVIII:3:116 Temple of see Rome (City): Temple of Venus

Veite, Maria, on geometry and architecture, XVII: 1:34 Ver, France

Vendme, Matthieu de see Matthieu de Vendme Saint-Martin

Vendme, France Bell tower, IV:3/4:20; illus. IV:3/4:[10b] fig 7

La Trinit "Ver Sacrum," Art Nouveau slogan, IV:2:27
Tower, IV:3/4:14 n 16,22-23; illus. Verandas see Porches
IV:3/4:[10b] fig 9 Verbeek, Albert, XVII:2:3-5

Venetian foot, measurement, XVI:l:10n3 Vercelli

"Venetian window frame," XVI:4:32 Sant'Andrea, XIX:4:159

Veneziano, Domenico see Domenico Veneziano Vercherin, M., IX:4:4



Arsenale [Naval Arsenal], IV:3/4:3 10th c. timber church, XVII:2:5




Netherlands Pavilion (G. T. Rietveld), XVIII:3:116 Home for Musicians, Milan (C. Boito), XII:4:17

Bridge of Sighs see Venice: Ponte dei Sospiri Verdier, Aymar [Aymon], on competition for Notre
Churches Dame de la Treille et St. Pierre, Lille,

Chiesa delle Zitelle (A. Palladio), XVI: 1:9 XIX:4:155 nn58,59; on Paray-Meslay Abbey barn,
Redentore (A. Palladio), XVI: 1:3,6,7,8,9 XVII:2:13

S. Giorgio Maggiore (A. Palladio), XVI: 1:3,6,7; Vere, William de, Bishop of Hereford, see William de



S. Marco Basilica [St. Mark's ], XII: 1:9; XVI: 1:3; Verga, Giovanni, XX:2:93

XVII:3:11 Vergil, J. N. de Azara work on edition of, XIII:3:12

Artophorion, Byzantine, 111:4:35 Verlust der Mitte, by H. Sedlmayr, X:3:14n49

Campanile, XX:4:193 Vernon, William

Interior, XVI:1:31 House of, Newport, R.I., 11:4:4
Pulpit, Romanesque, 111:4:34; illus. III:4:[32a] Verny

fig 3 Lighthouses, brick, Tokyo, XIII:2:18n5


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Verona - Vienna
Verona Harrisburg Viaduct, 11:1:41

Arena [Amphitheater], VIII:3/4:37 Washington, D.C.

Cemetery (G. Barbieri), XIX:4:142 K Street Elevated Highway, VI:1/2:31

City plan, Maps, Views, etc., VIII:3/4:36,37,41; illus. Viana do Castelo, Port. [Vianna do Castello], Rococo
VIII:3/4:pl V fig 6b; pi XVIII quality of, XV: 1:10 ni
Forum, VIII:3/4:37 Casa dos Malheiros Reimes

Madonna di Campagna, XVI:l:10n9 Chapel, XV:3:10,12,14,15 nlO; illus. XV:3:12 fig 13

Piazza delle Erbe, 111:1/2:25; VIII:3/4:37 N. S. da Agonia, XV:3:9,10
Porta Nuova, XIX:3:106 Refios de Lima, XV:3:9

Walls, VII:3/4:35 So Domingos

Verrazano, Giovanni da [Verrazzano, John de], on Altar of N. S. do Rosario, XV:3:9
wigwams, XVII:4:32 Town house, 36-38 Rua de Sacadura Cabrai, XV:3:9
Vers une architecture, XX:2:94 Viateur, Saint, brothers of, XIV:3:13
Versailles Vicente, Felicio, d. 1771, XV:3:22nlO

Chteau, composition converges on Louis' throne, Vicente, Joaquim, d. 1778, XV:3:22nlO

111:3:14; hoist desired by Louis XIV, XI:2:15; Vicente, Manuel, 18th c., XV:3:16

imitations of, XVII:1:36; F. Kimball on, Vicente Ferreira, Manuel, XV:3:22nlO

V:[42],45; Spain of Philip V infl. by, V:23; Vicenza
stimulates the imagination, 11:2:10; study of, Teatro Olimpico (A. Palladio), XVLl-.lO; illus.



Chapel, IV:3/4:49 Villa Capra [Rotonda] (A. Palladio), X:l:4;

Organ case (P. Lepautre, attrib.), V:45-46 XV:4:7,8,9; XIX:3:131

Galerie des Glaces Vico, Ambrosio de

Throne, 111:3:14 Drawings of Granada Cathedral, XVII:l:9n6

Royal Apartments, designs (P. Lepautre), V:45 Victor, Saint

City plan, Maps, etc., 111:1/2:15; X:2:3,[4]; illus. Feast of, XI:3:14
X:2:[4] Victor, N.Y.
Petit Trianon (J. A. Gabriel), 111:3:18; XI:1:[18] Bonsteel (P. P.) House, XV:2:18
Versailles Plantation [De la Ronde (Pierre Denis) Victor Emmanuel I, XIX:4:139
Mansion], La., XIII:l:24-26; illus. XIII: 1:24 figs Victor Emmanuel II, XVIII:4:134
1,2; 25 fig 3 Victoria, Queen, architectural stylisms in long reign of,
Vertical-strip windows, XVII:3:30nl7 XV:2:30; in the Crystal Palace, XIV:3:4; Italian
Verus, Marcus Annius see Marcus Annius Verus Renaissance Revival in reign of, XVII:l:33n4;
Vespasian, XIII:4:22 National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, opened in first
Forum of see Rome (City): Forums: Vespasian year of reign of, VIII:3/4:6; Osborne House built
Vespignani for, XI:2:27,28; awards G. E. Street the Royal
Porta Pia, Rome, work on, XIX:3:99,101 n20 Gold Medal, XIX:4:145

Vespucci, Amerigo, XIX:4:178 Portr. (J. Bogardus), XV:4:12

Vesta "Victoria," Ideal City of J. S. Buckingham,
Temple of see Rome (City): Temple of Vesta XIV:4:26 n6; XVI:4:26
Vesuvius, eruptions of, VIII:3/4:35,36; region of, Victoria County History, by P. M. Johnston, XII:3:25
XIX:2:86 Victoria History of the Counties of England, XVII:2:3
Vesuvius, steamboat, XI:4:28 Victorian Architect, the Life and Work of William
Veterans' homes and hospitals see Hospitals; Housing: Tinsley, by J. D. Forbes, XIII:2:31
Old Age Victorian architecture (see also Nineteenth-century
Vettii architecture), defined, XVIII:4:165

House of see Pompeii: Houses, Villas, etc. "Victorian Gothic in Canada," by R. H. Hubbard,




City plan, VIII:3/4:28 "Victorian" Harris see Harris, Thomas, 1830-1900

Tomba del Duce "Victorian" period, V. Scully on, XII:2:30
House urns, 11:1:14 Victorian Society, XIX:4:145 nl

Vzelay Vicuna Mackenna, Benjamin, XVIII:3:84

Abbey church, IV:3/4:8 Vidal, Pierre, XIV:1:7
Narthex Vidier, fl. 1785, Annapolis undertaker, X:2:18 n3

Angel's head, XII:3:12 Viel-Castel, 19th c 1:3/4:7

Restoration (E. E. Viollet-le-Duc), 1:3/4:8; 11:3:10 Vienna

Viaducts (see also Bridges), of A. G. Eiffel, Akademie der Bildenden Kunst, XIV:2:18-19;


Carrollton Viaduct, 11:1:41 Cathedral [St. Stephan]

Garabit Viaduct (A. G. Eiffel), XVI:4:27 Collection of architectural drawings for, XI:3:9

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Vienna - Villa Le Vignacce

Vienna (Com'.) Rome
City plan, 111:1/2:20 Decorations, IX:4:10

Reconstruction project 1898 (O. Wagner), Fontana Pubblica, Rome, IX:4:13

XIX: 1:23-24; illus. XIX:1:24 fig 8 II Ges, Rome, IX:4:10,13; XVI: 1:8; XIX:4:177
Goldman and Salatsch Bldg., 1910, Michaelerplatz Dome, XV:2:3

[large structure on historic place] (A. Loos), Faade design, IX:4:11,13




Hofburg Palazzo Bocchi, Bologna, IX:4:10

Plans to remodel (J. B. Neumann), XII:4:12 Palazzo Farnese, Rome see Vignoia, Giacomo
International Federation for Housing and Town Barozzio da: Works (Buildings, Designs, etc.):
Planning, 10th Congress, 1926, XVIII:2:46,50; Farnese Palaces and Villas: Rome





Kirche am Steinhof see Steinhof bei Wien S. Maria dell'Orto, Rome, IX:4:10,11

Postal Savings Bank (O. Wagner), XIX:1:7 S. Petronio, Bologna, work at, IX:4:12,14 n26
Row-housing (G. T. Rietveld), XVIII:3:116 S. Pietro in Vaticano, Rome, design and
St. Stephan see Vienna: Cathedral supervision, IX:4:10; XIII:3:8
Technische Hochschule, XX:4:179 Tempietti, IX:4:13
Vieri, Francesco de' Villa Farnese, Caprarola see Vignoia, Giacomo

Delle marauigliose opere di Pratolino, Barozzio da: Works (Buildings, Designs, etc.):

XX:4:155,156,158,161,163,165,166,167 Farnese Palaces and Villas: Caprarola

Vierkhi, XVI:2:29 Villa Giulia, Rome, 11:3:31; IX:4:10,11
Vierzehnheiligen (J. B. Neumann), XII:4:12,14 and nl; Vignoia, Hyacinth, IX:4:11
XVI:2:31; XVII:4:22-24; XIX:l:41-42; illus. Vignon, Pierre
XVII:4:23 fig 1 Madeleine, Paris, VII:l/2:7; XII:4:5

Vietnam see Indo-China Vignory

Views of Rome (G. B. Piranesi), XII:1:32 Church, XVII:3:6,7

Viger, Jacques, XIV:3:14 n3 Viking Fund see Wenner-Gren Foundation for
Le Vignacce Villa, XVII:4:6 Anthropological Research
Vignale, Pedro Juan, V:[39] Vila Nova das Infantas, Port.
Vignoia, master-mason, brother of Giacomo Barozzio da Church, XV:3:15 nl7

Vignoia, IX:4:11 Vila Real, Port.

Vignoia, Giacomo Barozzio [Barocchio] da, and J. F. Clrigos, Church of, XV:3:7; illus. XV:3:8 fig 1
Blondel, XI: 1 :[18]; XVIII:4:143; details drafted Vila Real da Praia Grande see Niteroi, Brazil
from, in 19th c., 11:2:9; and P. Ligorio, XIII:3:8; Vila Real de Sto. Antonio, Port,

and Mannerism, IV:3/4:49; XX:3:147; on the City plan, XIV:4:10

orders of architecture, IX:4:13; XVIII:4:146; rules Vilella

of, XVIII:4:143; studies on, IV:3/4:47,49; Church, XII:3:7

VIII: I /2:87 Vilhena, Luiz dos Santos, on Salvador, Brazil, XIV:4:8

Coolidge, J. P. Letters, XV:3:22n 13

"Vignoia and the Major Trends of Sixteenth Villa Adriana [Hadrian's Villa] see Palestrina, Italy:
Century Italian Architects," lecture, VI:3/4:35 Hadrian's Villa; Tivoli, Italy: Villa Adriana

"Vignola's Character and Achievement," Villa Cafaggiolo

IX:4:10-14 Lunettes of Medicean villas (G. Utens), XX:4:1S5 n7

Works (Books) Villa Capra see Vicenza

Regola delli Cinque Ordini d'Architettura, IX:4:10; Villa Carobbi see Florence: Torre degli Agli

XIX:3:106; XX:3:126no.2 Villa d'Artimino see Artimino: Villa Ferdinanda

The Theory and Practice of Architecture; or Villa d'Este see Fontainebleau: Villa d'Este, project;

Vitruvius and Vignoia Abridg'd (transi, by Tivoli, Italy: Villa d'Este

[C. Perrault and] J. Moxon), XX:3:128 no.57 Villa dei Gordiani, XVII:4:6

Vignoia: or The Compleat Architect, transi, by J. Villa dei Misteri see Pompeii: Houses, Villas, etc.:
Moxon, XX:3:128 nl9 Misteri

Works (Buildings, Designs, etc.) Villa dei Quintilii [Roma Vecchia]

Castellina, Norcia, IX:4:10 Arch, bldg. #14, XVII:4:5; illus. XVII:4:5 fig 9
Church designs, Escorial, IX:4:12 Villa di Sette Bassi, XVII:4:8 n29

Cortile del Belvedere, Vatican, Rome, work on, Cistern, XIX:l:22n39

XIV:4:30 Villa Giulia see Rome (City): Villas: Giulia

Farnese Palaces and Villa Villa Le Cappellette, XIX: 1:22 n39
Caprarola, IX:4:10-14 Villa Le Vignacce, XVII:4:6
Piacenza, IX:4:10 Cistern, XIX: 1:22 n39

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Villa Papa Giulio - VioIlet-le-Duc

Villa Papa Giulio see Rome (City): Villas: Giulia The Villas of the Ancients Illustrated, by R. Castell,
Villa Rotonda see Vicenza: Villa Capra XX:2:50; XX:3:126 no.6

Villa style, Italian see Italian Villa style La ville radieuse [The Radiant City], by Le Corbusier,

Villa Torre degli Agli see Florence: Torre degli Agli 111:1/2:44; VIII:3/4:14; XVIII:3:92
Villach, Austria Villefranche
Gun shot tower, XVI: 1:17 n96 Founding, IV: 1:12

Villafaiie, Juan Arfe y see Arfe y Villafane, Juan Villegas, Victor Manuel, XV:l:l0n3

Village and Farm Cottages, by S. D. Backus, W. Villeneuve

Backus and H. W. Cleaveland, 11:1:28; Protestant temple, IX:3:13 nl7

XVIII:3:105; XVIII:4:161 Villeneuve-les-Avignon

Village greens see City squares, plazas, etc. City plan, 111:1/2:25
Villanueva, Juan de, XVIII:4:167 Portico Street, 111:1/2:25; illus. III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 7
Villard, Lonie, XII:4:30 n3 Villeporcher

Villard de Honnecourt, Chartres Cathedral School infl. Church, IX:4:8,9nlO; illus. IX:4:[6] fig 8

by, XVII:2:28; as a Cistercian architect, ' Villes-franches, ' 111:1 /2:34

XI:3:15-16; knew all the classical Ile de France Villes tentaculaires, XVIII:3:93

cathedrals, XI:3:16; travelled and studied the past, Vina

11:1:3; architectural training at Vaucelles, XI:3:15 Poor-house, XIV:1:7
Sketchbook [Manual; Model Book; Paris. B. N. ms. Vincennes

fr 19093] Chteau, VII:3/4:28

Editions, XIX:3:91 nl ,,.Park' I*:3:13 nl

Bowie, T., XVIII:4:168; XIX:2:85 Vincent, Jacques, fl. 1725, XVIII:2:60-61

Hahnloser H R XVII-4-9 Vincent, L. H., on dimensions of original Anastasis,

Willis R XIX-2-85 XVII:l:10n32

Sketches', Drawings,' Plans, etc., show principles of J.'T^ no"vel>eFAbel> IV:3/4:4
as C.,
of J' rpdus' XVAain
r, , u. u 1inGothic
j j r * design,
\ 4. Vint,
and AI
A Preservation
ideals which completed edifice must seek to ' , _ ____ _ , TT a ^ ^
VT , n , X:4:35; XIII:2:29; and HABS, XVI:3:29

approximate, XI:3:9; compared w,th Re.ms vint0Ili Samuel F XV:1:29 nl

a impses , . . , Viollet-le-Duc, Eugne Emanuel, H. Adams and,

Cambra, Cathedral plan, XIX:2:85 XIII:1:7.8; on Archimedes spiral, XIX:3:92 n7;

Capitals, XVII:4:18 XX:3:144 n3; as architectural theorist, XVII:4:25;

Chartres Cathedral on use of the cerce, XX:4:200; use of chamfers,

Rose window and figures from S. Porch, iX:l/2:29; and Commission des Monuments

. XIX:3:96 Historiques, 1:34:7-9,14; on eclecticism,

Choirstalls, XVII:4:19 XII:4:16-17; efforts smothered by academic

Cistercian church plan, XI:3:15,16 containment, XX:2:93; attempts to break hold of

Cloister plan, XI:3:7 French Institute on the Ecole des Beaux-Arts,
Geometrical diagrams, XIX:3:91-96; 1:2:10; infl. on German architects and teachers,
XX:3:143-146; illus. XIX:3:92 fig 2; 96 figs 11:3:10; mechanistic [structural] analysis of Gothic

8,9; XX:3:144 fig 3 architecture, 111:3:5,6,7; XVII:4:37; XX:4:199; as

Laon Cathedral champion of Gothic constructivism, IV:3/4:3; and

Tower plan, XI:3:7 r m. Hunt, XI:2:11; inquiries into new bldg.

Lions, XIX:2:85; XIX:3:96 media and techniques, 11:1:32; on La

Master 1, XIX:3:96 Charit-sur-Loire, XI:3:17; and P. Merime,
Master 2, XIX:2:85; XIX:3:91-96 1:3/4:7,8; on Norman infl. on French school of
Master 3, XIX:2:85 architecture, XIII: 1:7; principles compared with
Reims Cathedral Pugin's, XIII:3:25; romanticism of, 1:2:9; on
Choir, drawing of, XVIII:1:13 shipbuilding, XVII:4:27; and skyscraper concept,
Elevation, XVII:4:20n32 11:4:18; XVI:1:15; L. Sullivan on, IV:2:7; A.

Window, XIX:2:85 Temko on Notre-Dame reminiscent of, XV:3:32

Villard Family, and C. F. McKim, XIX:2:58 Articles, Books, etc., XVII:4:27; XX:4:199





See also Italian Villa style La decoration applique aux difices, 11:3:10 nl5

Frascati, XVI:2:30-31 "A Definition for Gothic Architecture," IV:3/4:42

Nineteenth century, XVIII:3:104-111 Dictionnaire raissonn de l'architecture, 11:3:10 nl5;

Roman, XVII:4:5-6 VII:3/4:[13]; XIII:3:25; XIX:4:156,158
Urban, XIX:3:97,106-108 Discourses, XII:4:17

" 'Villas and Cottages' by Calvert Vaux," condensed by Entretiens sur [de] l'architecture, 11:3:10 n 15;
E. Steese, VI:1/2:[1]-12 XVI:1:15


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Viollet-le-Duc - Volcano

Viollet-le-Duc (Cont.) XIV:4:4; on Corinthian entablature, XIII:4:32;

Histoire de l'habitation humaine, 11:3:10 nl5 concept of firmitas, VIl:3/4:20; on Greek
Lectures, XIII:3:25 architecture, XIII:4:3; XIV:4:4; XVIII:4:141;

Bldgs., Designs, Restorations, etc. Guaranty Bldg., Buffalo, represents victory against
Masonry bldg. design, 186-, XII:4:18 "Vitruvius" in America, IV:2:12; C. Lodoli
Monument design, Algiers, XII:4:16 opposed to principles of, IV:2:25; on loggias,
Palais de Justice, Paris XX:3:134; on mortar, VII:3/4:7,34; on opus

Faade see Duc, Louis Joseph: Faades: Palais incertum, VII:3/4:34; pediment of, XVI:1:21;
de Justice, Paris practical and esthetic values of, XI: 1 :[ 18]; on

Restorations, magnitude of, XVIII:4:163; raising up of chief temples, XIII:4:3; XIV:4:5; on

principles of, 1:3/4:8,11,14 Roman architecture, XIII:3:4; XIV:4:4; XIV:4:5;
Chteau, Pierrefonds, 1:3/4:8 on Roman cities, 111:1/2:37; rules derived from
Notre Dame, Paris, 11:3:10 historical studies, 11:1:3; and Russian city
St. Michel, Carcassonne, 11:3:10 planning, IV:1:27; in 16th c. Spain, XIX:4:184;

Vezelay, 1:3/4:8; 11:3:10 study of (L. B. Alberti), 11:3:4; XIV:4:4, (J. F.

Vipiteno, Italy [Sterzing] Blondel), XI: 1 :[18]; XVIII:4:141, (J. van Campen),
Church XX:1:41, (P. Delorme), 11:1:4, (Filarete), XIV:4:4,
Altar, IX:4:26 (Middle Ages), XI:3:12, (Renaissance), XIII:3:4,9,

Virgil see Vergil (seventeenth - eighteenth century France), 1:2:8;

Virgin Islands XVIII:4:141; Italian urbanism based on, XIV:4:4;

Architecture, XIV: 1:28-29; XIX:2:83-84 concept of utilitas, VII:3/4:20; vocabulary of,
Virgin of Puy, IV: 1:9 XX:4:201

"Virgin of the Immaculate Conception" (J. J. da De Architectura..., 1:2:8; XIX:2:85;

Rocha), XV:3:21-22; illus. XV:3:21 fig 12 XX:3:117,124,129 no.83

Virginia Selections, in W. A. Coles and H. H. Reed,

Architecture, churches, 17th c., IV:3/4:43-46,54; Architecture in America.. ., XX:3:149

courthouses, early, XVIII: 1:2-10; domestic, Translations

VI:3/4:7; VII:l/2:94; XIII:2:3-8; XVI:2:17-19; Cesariano, C., XVII:3:18nl

eighteenth century, XVIII:4:163 Perrault, C. (and J. Moxon), The Theory and

Archives, IV:3/4:51 Practice of Architecture; or Vitruvius and

University of see Charlottesville, Va. Vignola Abridg'd, XX:3:128 no.57
Virginia Cavalcade, periodical, XI:1:32 Velasco, Lzaro de, XX:3:147
Virginia City, Nev., IX:3:27 Ideal City, 111:1/2:29; XIV:4:4
Virginia Gazette, XX:3:120 Drawing, 1791 (W. Newton), illus.

Virginia Military Institute see Lexington, Va. III: 1 /2:[22a] fig 18

Vischer, Edward Vitruvius Britannicus, by C. Campbell, XVI:2:18;

Paintings of Missions, XV:l:25n3 XVIII:4:142; XX:3:115,126,127 ni 1

Visconti, 19th c. architect of the Emperor, XI:2:9 Vittone, XVIII:4:164

Visscher, Charles de Vivian, George, XX:3:104

International Protection of Works of Art and Historic Vizeo


Rev. by E. C. Rae, IX:4:26-27 "Knot-vault," V-.22

Vitali, I., XVI:2:30 Vizzini, Sicily
Vitaut, Dr., Pres., Socit des Amis des Arts de Charlieu, Church, IV:2:52
IX:4:3 Vlad Tepes, IV:3/4:33




Cathedral, IV:2:43 Vladimir II [Vladimir Monomakh], IV:1:22; XVI:1:31

Houses, 111:1/2:32 Vladimir, Russ.

Museum, IV:2:43 Architecture, XVI:2:6,13,28

Palazzo Costaculti, IV:2:43 Vladimir School, VIII:1/2:91

Papal Palace, IV:2:43 Vodges, James C.

S. Maria della Quercia (A. da Sangallo, the younger), House of, Philadelphia, XIX:1:37


S. Maria della Verit, IV:2:43 Monastery, IV:3/4:28

San Pellegrino [medieval quarter], IV:2:43 Vogel, F. R., on the American house, 11:4:4 n4

Vitet, Ludovic, 1:3/4:6,14 Vogelet stone, XIX:4:155 n56

"Vitruvian Academy," XIV:1:8 Vogii, de, IV:3/4:5

Vitruvius, on architecture as derived from nature, Voice, Wm 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

IV:2:28; on city squares, XIV:4:5; colonnades of, Volcano, steamboat, XI:4:28

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Volcanoes - Waiilatpu Mission

Volcanoes Voorhees, Gmelin and Walker
Paricutin, V:[24] Wall Street, No. 1, N.Y., XI:2:17
Vesuvius, eruptions of, VIII:3/4:35,56; region of, Voronezh
XIX:2:86 City plan, Maps, Views, etc., IV:1:30,31,32; illus.
Volney, Constantin Franois Chasseboeuf, Comte de, IV:l:[22a] fig 14
XX:3:109 Vorsheim, George A., Rev., X:l:28
Volpiano, William of see William of Volpiano Voss, Walter C., VII:3/4:7,8

Volsk Vousdan, William, 18th c., Capt., of Natchez, XIV:4:29

City plan, IV:1:32 Voyages pittoresques et romantiques, by C. Nodier and
Voltaire, on purpose of art to minister to luxury, I. J. S. Taylor, 1:3/4:6,8
XI: 1 :[19]; compared with J. F. Blondel, XI:1:16 Voyce, Arthur
Vom Bau der Kirche [The Church Incarnate. . . ], by The Moscow Kremlin; Its History, Architecture, and
R. Schwarz, XVIII:3:120 Art Treasures

Von Bezold, G. see Bezold, G. von Rev. by Cyril Mango, XVI:1:31

Von Hauberisser, Georg Joseph Ritter, see Hauberisser, "National Elements in Russian Architecture,"
Georg Joseph Ritter von XVI:2:6-16
Von Hildebrand, Adolf see Hildebrand, Adolf von Voysey, Charles F. A., XIII:2:31; XX:1:42; XX:3:149
Von Hildebrandt, Johann Lucas see Hildebrandt, Early houses, XIX:3:126
Johann Lucas von Residences, Bushey, XVIII:2:68

Von Hoist, Herman, XVIII:2:64 n8 Voysey (C. F. A.) Home, Chorleywood, XVIII:2:68

Von Humboldt, Alexander see Humboldt, Alexander Voznesensk

von City plan, IV:1:32

Von Klenze, Leo see Klenze, Leo von Vries, David P. de see De Vries, David P.
Vonnegut, Kurt, XII:3:29 Vrooman, John J.
Von Pastor, Ludwig see Pastor, Ludwig von "Preservationism in New York State," IV:2:37-41

Von Quast see Quast, von Vrydaugh and Wolfe [Vrydagh and Wolfe], of

Von Simson, Otto Georg see Simson, Otto Georg von Pittsburgh, XV:2:20,22

Von Stler, Friedrich August see Stiiler, Friedrich Vulci

August City plan, VIII:3/4:28-29

Voorhees, Stephen Francis see Voorhees, Gmelin and Vyatka see Kirov


Church of the Intercession, XVI:2:12

. w .
WPA see United States: Work Projects Administration Wagner, Otto, and Akademie der Bildenden Kunst,

Wabash College see Crawfordsville, Ind. XIV:2:18-19; XX:4:179,180; began as architect,

Wabaunsee, Kan. X:3:10; possible infl. on R. d'Aronco, XIII:2:31;
Beecher Bible and Rifle Church, VI:l/2:24,25 infl. in Germany, 11:3:12; A. A. Gilchrist on,

Wacharo-n, XV:l:25nl VIII: 1/2:129; and R. M. Schindler, XX:4:179,180;

Wackenroder, Wilhelm Heinrich, 11:3:8 and Wiener Sezession [Austrian movement],

Waco, Tex. 11:3:13; X:3:10; XIV:2:18-19
South Fourth St., 809, XI:4:10; illus. XI:4:[11] fig 4 Modern Architecture [inaugural lecture], XIV:2:18-19
Wadskier, T., IX:3:27 Works

Wadstrm, Carl Bernhard Hospital [Heil- und Pflege-Anstalt], Steinhof bei

An Essay on Colonization, Particularly Applied to the Wien
Western Coast of Africa, IV:2:30-33 Chapel [Kirche am Steinhof], VI:3/4:3; illus.
Wadsworth, fl. 1799 VI:3/4:pl II fig 7
House of, Litchfield, X:4:22 Postal Savings Bank, Vienna, XIX: 1:7
Wadsworth, Peleg Vienna reconstruction project, 1898, XIX: 1:23-24;
House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:24,[31] n4 illus. XIX: 1:24 fig 8

Wadsworth, Ohio Wagner, Richard, XIX:4:151

Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32 Wagstaff, Ann w Hills, Ann Wagstaff
Wafer, Eucharistie see Eucharistie wafer _ . , ..

Wagenburg, XX:2.60 Wmhee Potion, Mam, Hawan, XL3-.27

Wagharshapat, Armenia Waiilatpu Mission, Or., XIII:2:27

Homoros Convent, IV:3/4:32


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Waikiki - Walls

Waikiki Wall Hall [Morgan (J. P.) Manor House], IV:3/4:56

Hotels, XI:3:30 Wall of China see Great Wall of China

Royal Hawaiian, XI:3:28 Wall paintings see Frescoes, Mural painting, etc.
Wailes, ft. 1851, XIX:4:146 "Wall-veil," XIX:4:161
Wailly, Charles de, and J. F. Blondel, XVIII:4:140,148; Walla Walla, Wash.
E. Kaufmann on, XV:4:31 Fort Walla Walla, IX:3:27; XIII:2:27

Comdie franaise, Paris, project (and M. J. Peyre), Wallace, mid-19th c.

XVIII:4:148 n64 Residence of, Indianapolis, XVII:1:32 no.5
Louis XVI Monument, Port-Vendres, XVII:1:20-21 Wallace, David H., XVII:3:33

"Wainscot," XX:3:131 Wallace, R. S.

Wainscott, L. I. Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59nl3

Taft (Horace) House, XI:3:31 Waller, John, d. 1755, Col., XX:3:116
Wainwright, Ellis Wallingford, Conn.

House of, Saint Louis, XIX:2:64 Beach (Moses) House (H. Austin), XII:4:16,18

Wainwright, Nicholas B., XIII:3:Suppl. 16 Wallis, Frank, IX:4:16

Wainwright Memorial [Tomb], St. Louis, illus. XI:1:28 Wallis, Mordecai Lincoln, XIII:3:16,18,19 n7

Wait, J. A. Wallis, Philip

Residence of, Portland, Or., XIX:2:58nl3 House of, Baltimore, XX:2:70n33

Wite Wallis, Sam'l, 18th c XV:4:25

House of, South Westport, Mass., XIX:2:52 Walloomsac, N.Y.

Wake Forest College see Winston-Salem, N.C. Bennington Battlefield see Bennington Battlefield

Wakefield, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:131 Wallot, Paul

Wakefield Garden, 1:3/4:24 Reichstag, Berlin, 11:3:11

Wal, H. van der, XIX:4.-179 Standehaus Dresden 11:3:11

Walachia Wallpaper, of A. W. N. Pugin, XIII:3:21,24

Architecture TV-3/4 '74-^S Walls

Waldo, Tf Thomaston, Me _

House Of, X:4:[32] n 17 Wa" StylC' XIX:3:13=

Waldo, Samuel Lovett . . XIX:4:159

Portr.of J. Trumbull, illus. VIII:3/4:pl II fig 5 Aosta, VII:3/4:35

Wa do Patent of the Eastern Lands X:4:24 Ch'ang-an, IX:l/2:6-9

Walford, Mr., agent of Lord Berwick, XI:4:19 c- . 0 ir u
i 7 .-j i ; / wt, a ^ Frt Snelling, Minn.

a" ai ' .a ' T Monolithic retaining wall, 1882, XI:2:24

Mosque of see Damascus: Umayyad Mosque Istanbu, [Constantinople]> XX:1;44. XX;2:83

Walker, y7.1844 see Walker and Burges London XIV:4:13-14; XX:2:54,55

Walker, John, 16th c. Moscow, XVI: 1:31
Map, 1591, Chelmsford, XI:1:[14] nl3 p 111.1/2 3334

Walker, M. O., 19th c., of Chicago, XVI: 1:18 n 110 Pompeii, VII :3/4:34

Walker, Ralph Thomas (see also Voorhees, Gmehn and Priene, 111:1/2:12; XIII:4:9; illus. VIII:l/2:pl XVI

Walker), VI:3/4:4 Rome (City)

Walker, Richard A. see Walker and Morris 6tb c g c VIII 3/4 33

Walker, Robert M XIX:2:82 Aurelian walls, VIII:3/4:33; XIX:3:97,99,100

Walker, Sarah Ann Gray Muro j0rt0) xiX:l:22 n39
Tomb of, Nashville, 11:2:33 Servian wall, XIII:4:21

Walker, Thomas Larkins Syracuse, Italy, VIII:1/2:51

Examples of Gothic Architecture, (with A. C. Pugin, Turin, VII:3/4:35

A. W. N. Pugin and E. J. Willson), 11:1:28 n3 Urbisaglia, VII:3/4:35

Walker and Burges Velleia, VII:3/4:35

Point of Air Lighthouse, XVI:1:12 Concrete, VII:3/4:34,35; XIII:l:27-28

Walker and Evans, firm, of Charleston, XII: 1:24 Cyclopean, VIII: 1/2:43
Walker and Morris Flintstone, XV:2:13-14,18 n8

Armory, 22d Regiment, N.Y., XIV:3:27 Hittite see Senjirli: City plan

Walker Art Center see Minneapolis Laminated, XVI:2:27-28

Walker Dishwasher Co. see Syracuse, N.Y. Masonry, VII:3/4:15

Walker Trust Moorish, Gibraltar, XIII:l:27-28

Excavations, XX: 1:44 Parapet, or fire walls, XVI:4:32

Wall, Charles C., on Mt. Vernon, 11:4:41; IX:3:24; Pis see Pis

X:2:21; on S. Sloan's proposals for Mt. Vernon, Plaster, XIII:2:8

X:4:35; and Thornton Society, 111:4:66 Retaining, XI:2:24


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Roman, VII:3/4:[33],34,35,36 First Baptist Church, Richmond, 111:4:30

Rubble see Rubble masonry Girard College, Philadelphia, 111:4:30,68;

Sea walls, San Francisco, XIV:3:16 VII:1/2:2,3,23; XIII:4:29; XIV:2:13;

Stone, VII:3/4:[33] XVI:1:20,22,23,24; XVI:2:20-27; XVII:4:38;

Wright (F. L.) treatment of, IX:1/2:18 illus. XVI:2:21 figs 1,4
'Walls Tell a Story': An Experiment in Public Founder's Hall, XVI:2:20; illus. XVI:2:21 fig 4
Education," by G. Y. Van der Bogert, 11:1:34-35 Garrett Cottage, XVI:2:26
Wain, William Jayne Bldg., 1849-50, Philadelphia (and W. L.
House of, Philadelphia, XVI:3:32 Johnston), IX:3:27-28; IX:4:24,25; X: 1:25,26;
Walpole, Horace, as dilettante, XIX:4:144 XII:3:31; XII:4:32; XIV:2:30; XV:2:32;
Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, XII:4:15; XIV:3:19 XV:3:31; XV:4:16; XX: 1:3,10-13,16,18; illus.

Walpole, Me. IX:3:[25] figs 2-4; X:l:25; XX:1:[4] fig 1

Meeting House, VII:3/4:29 Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, design,

Walpole's cast stone, XV:4:16 XV:2:20

Walsh, Betty L., X:2:26 Gateway drawing, XIII:4:31 nl3

Walsh, Clara Bell Library, Philadelphia

Home of [Sayre (David A.) Home], Lexington, Ky., Design for roof alterations, XVI:2:26
XI:4:16 Library of Congress see Walter, Thomas Ustick:

Walsh, Robert Works: U.S. Capitol, Washington: Library of

House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:[31]


Walsh, Mrs. Robert, 20th c., of Thomaston, Me., Marine Barracks, Brooklyn and Pensacola,
X:4:[32]n26 VII:1/2:21,28

Walsingham, Berm., VI:3/4:7 Moyamensing, Philadelphia

Walter, Amanda, VII: 1/2:21,28 Debtors' Apartment, XIII:4:29

Walter, Henry Women's Section, XIII:4:31 nl3

Capitol, Columbus, VL3/4:18,19,20 Passyunk Road and Tenth bldgs., Philadelphia,
Competition design, XII:2:15,18; illus. XII:2:[16] drawings, XVI:2:26

T> , m, .. Sepulchral monuments and tombs

Franklin and Lafayette Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, C.
Drawings, XVI:2:26

c. n . r-u rnu r- a i c c, t> i U.S. Capitol, Washington, XVI:3:36

St. Peter in Chains [Old Cathedral of St. Peter]

VIT., *. or
Dome, VII: 1 /2:[l]-31,93; X:2:23; XVI:4:35;
Cincinnati, VI:3/4:18-20,21; illus. VI:3/4:pl IV

XIX:4:182; illus. VII:l/2:pls I-II figs 1-3

Extension (N. and S. Wings),
Walter, Joseph, Abb, IV:3/4:6 ^ ^
figs 1-3

Walter, Joseph S father ofT.U. Walter, VII:1 /2:2; LI1/2:[1]-4,14

n57,17,18,23-30 passim.

Walter, Thomas Ustick, and AIA, X:l:25; XIII:3:17; Llbra'y of Congress, VII: 1/2:3-4,18,21,24,28;
XVI: 1:24; XVI:3:36; ancient proportions of winged TTO ^
sun globe to cavetto cornice, XX:3:138; as Clerk U |- Patent Office Bldg., Washington

of the Works at 2d Bank of the United States, rifJ an^estr^lngs' ,:2i ,

XIIl:3:Suppl. 2; and R. M. Hunt, XI:2:10; and U.S. Post Office [General Post Office; Land
Jayne Bldg., Philadelphia, X:l:25; and N. LeBrun, office; 01d Post 0fflce]' Washington

XVI: 1:30; and J. McArthur, XIII:3:Suppl. 2; Extension, VIM/2:21,28

Philadelphia work, XIII:3:30; and W. Strickland, U.S. Treasury Bldg., Washington

XVI:2:23; as son of Joseph S. Walter, XVIII:4:162 Extension, 1855-63, VII:1/2:21,28; XX:4:199

Notebooks, Girard College Library, XVI:2:26 University, Lewisburg see Walter, Thomas Ustick:
Works Works: Bucknell University
Ball (Mrs.) Monument, Philadelphia, drawing, West Chester Young Ladies Seminary [Bolmar s
XVI:2:26 (A.) Boarding School for Boys; Villa Maria
Beth Israel Synagogue, Crown St., Philadelphia, Convent], West Chester, Pa., illus. XIX:2:82
XIII:4:29-31; illus. XIII:4:30 fig 1 fig 1

Breakwater, La Guaira, VII: 1/2:2 Wills Hospital, Philadelphia, XVI:2:26

Bucknell University, Lewisburg, XVM:20-24; Walters, Edward, IX: 1/2:28

XVI:3:36; illus. XVI:1:21 figs 1-5 Waltham, Mass.

Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, X:l:19 Cotton mill (R. Hills), XIII:3:26

Chester County Courthouse, West Chester, Pa., Gore (Gov. Christopher) Place, XIII:3:26; XIX:3:129

illus. XIX:2:83 fig 4 Paine [Payne] House (H. H. Richardson), XILLll

Contributionship Insurance Office, Philadelphia, Walton, George, XIII:2:31




Drawings, XVI:2:26 Villa of, Riverton, N.J., XIX: 1:37


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Walton, Essex, Engl. - Ware

Walton, Essex, Engl. Germany, XV!:2:31
Manor of Adulvesnasa Berlin, IV:2:43

Medieval barn, XV1I:2:11-12; illus. Cologne, 11:1:39

XVII:2:12 fig 25 Italy, 111:1/2:62; IV:2:42-43,52; IV:3/4:57; XI:2:26;
Waltres, T. J., XIII:2:18n4 XV:1:11 n5
Wanamaker Co., XIX:4:175 Russia

Wanamaker stores see New York (City): Stewart Leningrad, 111:3:26-27

(A. T.) Stores: Broadway and 10th [Wanamaker's]; War monuments see Monuments

New York (City): Wanamaker's Dept. Store War of 1812, VlII:3/4:[4]

Wanstead House, Essex, X:2:16 Warburton

Wantage St. Werburgh, XVIL2:3

Church school (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147 Warchavchik, Gregori

St. Mary's Retreat [Convent; Home for Penitents] House, 1928, So Paulo, XVII:2:30-31

Bldg. (G. E. Street), XIX:4:147,153,169 Ward, of Marietta, Ohio

Chapel (J. L. Pearson), XIX:4:153 House of [Tupper (Gen. Edward) House], XII:2:5;
Smaller chapel (G. E. Street), XIX:4:169; illus. iUus. XII:2:[6] fig 5
XIX:4:169 fig 22 Ward, "Boss" see Ward, William L.
Vicarage (G. E. Street), XIX:4:146 Ward, Clarence, biogr. data, VII:3/4:[4]; teacher of M.

Wantage Sisterhood, XIX:4:147,153 Card Donnelly, VII:l/2:94; inspiration to other

Waples, William D., XIII:3:Suppl. 8 medievalists, VII:3/4:16; and study of Ohio

Wapping, Engl, see London architecture, XII:2:3n; on St. Denis, VII:3/4:14;

War and Architecture see Architecture and War; War theses directed by, VII:3/4:[21]; tribute to,

damage VII:3/4:[4],37

War and Art see Art and War; War damage Portr., illus. Vll:3/4:[4a]
bldgs. Works (Articles Books etc 1
Yee also Barracks; Fortifications, Fortresses, ,The pier jn Gothjc Architecture, Especially in the

Forts, etc. I]e de prance>" iv:3/4:36-42

7 r,rr r , t a c rw > Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.)

War Office (see also London: Foreign Office), 0bedin Cq11 0bedin

rrc Passlm Dept. of Fine Arts Bldg., VII:3/4:[4]

ILS. Civil War bldgs., temporary, VII:1/2:19 Eyan

Pentagon, 111:4:66

Ward, Henry, 18th c.. XV:4:24

. m' j XT du 10-7 1 nu n Ward, Samuel Gray, VII:3/4:18-19
State, War and Navy Bldgs., 1871, Old A. B. ,,, ^ J

Mullett) X-2-24 Ward' Thomas D

War Bldg., W. W.' I, VI:l/2:[30] Sketch' towns of Chlcag0 region'
War Bldg., W. W. II, temporary, VI:l/2:[30] IX:l/2:33 fig 7

War Dept. Bldg., proposed, 1947, VI:1/2:31 ^ard' ^a[ren L" XX:1:3*" JL

Willow Run [Bomber plant], 11:2:5; 111:4:66 Ward, Wi ham, 17th c., of Sudbury, Mass., XI:1:8,9

War damage (see also Architecture and War; Art and Ward, E- XX: 1:34 n,35-37

War), potential hazard of, 11:3:30; protection "Beton ln Combination with Iron as a Building

against, 111:4:3; IX:4:26-27 Material," XX: 1:35,37

French Revolution, 1:3/4:14 House of see Port Chester, N.Y.

Indians of North America see Indians of North Ward, William Henry

America: Wars (Attacks, Massacres, etc.) The Architecture of the Renaissance in France, 11:2:26
Seven Years' War Ward, William L. ["Boss" Ward], XX:l:34n
Canada, XVI:1:32 Ward, William Riddle, fl. 1953, XII:3:29

Spanish Civil War, 111:4:3; XVI:4:2 Ward-Jackson, P. W XV:3:15 n22

Thirty Years' War "Ward's Folly" see Port Chester, N.Y.: Ward (William
Germany, XVI:2:31 E ) House






Reims Cathedral, 1:3/4:14; 111:4:3 House of, Washington, D.C., XVII:3:20

World War II, 1:1:22; 1:3/4:45; 11:1:39; XVI:4:29 Wardour Castle (J. Paine), VIII:3/4:68
England, XV:2:30 Ware, Dora
Canterbury, 11:1:39 A Short Dictionary of Architecture (and B. Beatty)
London, IV:2:42; IV:3/4:58-59 Rev. by J. McAndrew, IX:4:27
France, 1:3/4:17; IV:3/4:55 Ware, Isaac
Rouen, 11:3:30 Books, XX:3:118,129-130

St. Pierre-sur-Dives, XVII:2:16 The Complete Body of Architecture,

XX:3:129 no.84


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Ware - Warsaw, Va.

The Designs [Plans] of Houghton in Norfolk (with Manhattan Warehouse Bldg. (J. E. Ware),
W. Kent and T. Ripley), XX:3:118,130 nos.87 XIV:3:26
and 17 Philadelphia

Designs of Inigo Jones and Others, XIII:2:4 Dreer (H. A.) Seed and Horticultural Warehouse,
[Designs, 1756]; 59 Chestnut St., illus. XX:1:7 fig 6
XX:3:127 nll,129n30,130nos.l5,85 Ellis (Charles) Drug and Chemical Warehouse,

The Four Books of Andrea Palladio's Architecture, XX: 1:5-6; illus. XX: 1:6 fig 5
XIV:2:17 n3; XX:3:119,130 nos.8,86 Friends Meeting House [Horstmann (Wm. H.) and
Ware, James E. Sons Warehouse], illus. XX:1:9 fig 11
Armory, 12th Regiment, N.Y., XIV:3:25-26 Lippincott Warehouse, XX:1:10; illus.

Manhattan Warehouse Bldg., N.Y., XIV:3:26 XX: 1:11 fig 16

Ware, Josiah W., Col., VI:1/2:19 Megargee (Charles) Warehouse, XX:1:10; illus.
Ware, S. XX:1:11 fig 15

Tracts on Vaults and Bridges, XIX:4:181 Portsmouth, Engl.

Ware, William Rotch [Robert] (see also Ware and Van Dockyard Warehouse, 1771, VIII:l/2:29-30n41
Brunt), and R. M. Hunt, XI:2:11; publishes 1st St. Louis, Mo.

architectural magazine in America, 1876 [American Lionberger Warehouse (Shepley, Rutan and
Architect], VI:l/2:29 Coolidge), XVII:3:21
Ware and Van Brunt (see alsoXsm Brunt, Henry; Lisa (Manuel) Warehouse [Old Rock House, 1818],
Ware, William Rotch), C. A. Coolidge in office of, 1:3/4:25; XII1:2:28

XVII:3:20; G. F. Shepley in office of, XVII:3:19; St. Ouen, France

Victorian Gothic of, 11:3:16 Warehouse (Prfontaine), XVI:1:13,15

Warehouses, as factory prototype, VIII:l/2:28 nnl8,21; Savannah, Ga., XX:2:48

J. Fergusson on, XVII:4:27; granite, U.S., X:4:29; Syracuse, N.Y., XIX:4:173; illus. XIX:4:173 fig 2
iron as a structural material first used in, Urbanna, Va.

VIII: 1 /2:22; plan and design of early warehouses, Tobacco warehouse, 17th c., 111:4:26
VIII: 1 /2:n21; timber construction of early Warfield, Elisha, VI:1/2:14

warehouses, VIII: 1 /2:32 n66; used to accommodate Waria

early mill machines, VIII: 1/2:4-5 Drawing, headhouse, Mabuiag Island, illus. XIX: 1:26

Amsterdam, 17th c., VIII:l/2:29 n41 fig 2

Birmingham, Engl., 18th c., VIII:l/2:4 Warka see Uruk

Boston Warming machine, of Lord Botetourt, XX: 1:23-24;

Granite warehouses, X:4:29 illus. XX: 1:24 fig 6

Chicago Warner, 19th c. bronze caster of Philadelphia, see

Chicago Cold Storage Warehouse (L. Sullivan), Archer, Warner, Miskey and Co.
XIII: 1:22 Warner, 19th c. lime and cement supplier, see Morris
Marshall Field Warehouses (H. H. Richardson), and Warner

1:2:22; IX:1/2:21 n, 24,26,28,29,30; XIV:3:24; Warner, Ebenezer, 19th c XX:4:196nl4

XVI:3:22,23; XVII:3:20,21; XVIII:2:66 Warner, Edward, 16967-1754, XV:4:26,27

Designs, Projects, etc. Warner, George, 18th c., of Baltimore, XVIII:1:34

Warehouse project, Southwest wing of Baltimore Warner, Helen, 111:4:8

Exchange (W. F. Small), XX:2:64 Warner, Michael, 18th c., of Baltimore, XVIII: 1:34

Havana Warner, Robert, X:4:[17] n6

Santa Catalina Co. Warehouse (J. Bogardus), Warner, S. A.

XV:4:17 Cast iron faade designs, XV:4:22n63

Kingston, Jam., X:3:24 Warner, Mrs. Worcester, 111:4:8

London, 17th c., VIII:l/2:29 n41 "Warped-plan binding arch," XVII:4:22

Bridgeyard warehouses, 1796, illus. XIV:4:14 fig 1 Warren, Katherine U., XIII:2:25
Skilbeck Warehouse (W. Burges), IX:l/2:27,29 Warren, Russell, and R. Mills, XII:3:14
Tait Warehouse (R. P. Pope), IX:l/2:28 Arcade, Providence, XII:3:13-16; illus. XII:3:14-15
Telford warehouses, XIV:4:17 figs 1-4

Manchester, Engl., 19th c., XVII:4:27 Mansions, XII:3:16

Minneapolis Summer "cottages," 11:2:36

Butler Brothers Wholesale Store and Warehouse Warrenton, Va.

(H. Jones), XIILl:22-23; XIX:1:40; illus. Baptist (?) Church (S. Sloan), XIX:1:36 no.20
XIII: 1:21 fig 7 Warsaw, Va.

New York (City) Richmond County Courthouse

French and Belgian Plate Glass Co. [Noel and 1692 (J. Orchard), XVIII:1:3,4 nl3
Saurel] (D. Lienau), XI:2:[8]; XIV:1:22; illus. 1749 (L. Carter), XVIII:1:4
XI:2:7 fig 10


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Warships - Washington, D.C.

Warships see Ships Monuments to see Baltimore, Md.: Washington
Wartburg Palace, XX:2:84 Monument; Philadelphia: Washington
Warville, Jacques Pierre Brissot de see Brissot de Monument; Washington, D.C.: Washington
Warville, Jacques Pierre Monument

Warwick, Charles F., 19th c., mayor of Philadelphia, Pew of, St. Paul's Chapel, N.Y., XIX: 1:33

XVI:2:25 Relics of (death-bed and others), X:2:ll; X:4:34

Warwick, Engl. Washington, Lund, X:2:21

Tudor monuments, VI:1/2:14 Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis, X:2:ll,18n3
Warwick Castle, VI: 1/2:[13] Washington, Mary
Warwick Furnace, Chester Co., Pa., XX:1:21 n6 House of, Fredericksburg, Va., 111:4:26,27
Washburn, George K. Washington, D.C.
House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:29,30-[31] Adams (Henry) House see Washington, D.C.: Hay
Washburn Brothers, of Thomaston, Me., X:4:30 (John) House
Washing equipment Adams (Mrs. Henry) Monument, Rock Creek
Drawing of, XVI:2:26 Cemetery (A. Saint-Gaudens), XII: 1:7
Washington, Bushrod, X:2:ll Agriculture Department Bldg., IV:1:36
Washington, George, 1st battle fought by, All Souls' Church, 1924 (Coolidge and Shattuck),
XIII:2:25-27; compared with G. W. P. Custis, XVII:3:27
X:2:14; cooperative planning of, IX:1/2:31; as hero American Museum of the Arts see Washington,
of nation, XII:3:30; and J. A. Houdon, XVII: 1:19; D.C.: Patent Office, 1836-67
and T. Jefferson's plans for Washington, Anacostia River Bridge see Washington, D.C.: South
XX:3:108; and B. H. Latrobe, XV:4:29; and Capitol Street Bridge

L'Enfant plan of Washington, IV: 1:34,40; Anderson (N. L. ["Nick"] ) House (H. H.

VIII:3/4:4; XX:3:108; visit to Litchfield, Conn., Richardson), XII: 1:10,11

X:4:20; and cousin Lund, X:2:21; and J. Madison Aqueduct, VII:1/2:18,22,28,30; X:2:23
re Morgan handbill, XVIII: 1:22 n4; military Architecture

training received in French and Indian Wars, Exhibitions, VI:l/2:[30]-32

111:4:5; sheltered in Morven, Princeton, IV:3/4:59; Arlington Memorial Bridge, IV:1:37,38-39

and bldg. of Mount Vernon, IX:3:24; Armory, Old, VII: 1/2:20

X:2:16-18,20; XII: 1:22; XIII:2:25-27; Army Medical Library (Eggers and Higgins),

XX:3:133-134; visit to Newport, R.I., 1781, VI:1/2:31; illus. VI:l/2:pl X fig 8

XVII:2:24; favorite plants at Mount Vernon, Arsenal [Dry dock] see Washington, D.C.: Navy
X.-4:34; as vestryman of Pohick Church, XIII:2:3; Yard

and St Paul's Chapel, N.Y., XIX:1:33; on sanded Baptist Church, E St., VII:l/2:22
paint, IX:3:24; S. Sloan on, X:4:33-35 passim; and Bartholdi Fountain, IV:1:39

W. Thornton, IX:3:24; and T. Tilghman, Bicentennial Celebration, 1932, IV:l:34n

XX:3:133; and John Trumbull, VIII:3/4:[1]; Blodget's Hotel, XV:l:30nl9
IX:3:22; XIV:2:8; and Jonathan Trumbull, the Bureau of Standards

younger, IX:3:22; and Washington and Lee Administration Bldg., VM/2:[30]-3l

University [Augusta Academy], IX:3:18; on wood Capitol, IV: 1:36,38,39; VII:1/2:[1]-31; VIII:l/2:93;
shingles for roofing, X:2:21 VIII:3/4:4; XII:1:18; XIV:2:12,13; XV:4:17

Birthplace of, Fredericksburg, Va., 1:3/4:24 Architects (Design, Restoration, Supervision, etc.)
Busts, Portraits, etc. See also Washington, D.C.: Capitol: Parts,
Greenough (H. B.) sculpture, XVII:4:29 Furnishings, etc.
Houdon (J. A.) portr., XVII:3:33 n2 Bulfinch, C., VIM/2:[1],23; XV:l:29n2;
Mills (R.) equestrian statue, Richmond, XVII: 1:22 XV:2:27

Stuart, G., VII:l/2:3; IX:3:26 Latrobe, B. H., 11:3:27;

Trumbull (J.) portr., VIII:3/4:6 VII:l/2:[l],10nn3,4, 23,30; VIII:3/4:4;
Headquarters of X:2:5; XIV:2:16; XV:2:26-27; XV:4:30;

New York (City) [Jumel Mansion], IV:3/4:57 XVI:3:31-32; XX:1:25; XX:2:63; illus.
Newburgh, N.Y. see Newburgh, N.Y.: Hasbrouck XV:2:27

(Jonathan) House L'Enfant, P. C., VIII:3/4:4

Richmond, Va. [Richmond Hill House], XIV:2:7 Thornton, W VII:1/2:[1],5,7,23; VIII:3/4:4;

Tappan, N.Y., XIV:2:7 X:2:5-6,20; XIV:1:29; XV:2:27
Valley Forge, XIV:2:7 Walter, T. U., XVI:3:36

Homes of Fires, VII:l/2:3,10n2,24; VIII:3/4:4; X:2:10

Fredericksburg, Va., 1:3/4:24 Parts, Furnishings, etc.
Mount Vernon see Mount Vernon, Va. Basement, cellars, etc.,

Newark, N.J., IX:3:27 VII:1/2:2,10 nn2,3,13 n44,23; XIII:1:15

Plans (J. Trumbull), VIII:3/4:5

Central heating system (B. H. Latrobe), XX: 1:25


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Washington, D.C. - Washington, D.C.

Dome, IV: 1:40; VIII:3/4:4-5; XV:4:17 XII:3:30; XX:3:108,110; illus. VI:l/2:pl IX fig
Bulfinch, C., VII:l/2:5,10n5,14n45,30; 1; X:2:4
VIII:3/4:4-5; X:2:23 Civil Service Commission Bldg. see Washington,

Walter, T. U., VII:1/2:[1]-31,93; X:2:23; D.C.: Patent Office

XVI:4:35; XIX:4:182; illus. VII:l/2:pls Columbia Hospital, VII:l/2:20
I-II figs 1-3 Corcoran Gallery of Art
East faade, VII:l/2:5; illus. VII:l/2:pl I fig 1 "Washington after the War," exhibition, 1945,
Grounds (F. L. Olmsted, 5/-.), VII:1/2:21,27 VI:l/2:[30]-32
Hall of Representatives (B. H. Latrobe), Corcoran's Mausoleum, Oak Hill Cemetery see
VII: 1 /2:4; X:2:5-10; XV:2:26; illus. Washington, D.C.: Oak Hill Cemetery

X:2:7-[9] figs 1,2,6,7 Decatur (Stephen) Mansion (B. H. Latrobe),

Library of Congress see Washington, D.C.: 111:4:66-67; IX:3:27; XIV:2:32

Library of Congress District Court House see Washington, D.C.: City

Old Senate Chamber Hall, Old

Room beneath (B. H. Latrobe), XIII:1:15 District of Columbia Library sec Washington, D.C.:

Paintings Public Library

Brumidi, C., VII:1/2:18,25-26 Drydocks see Washington, D.C.: Navy Yard

Leslie, VII:l/2:26 Dumbarton Oaks

Sculpture Museum (T. T. Waterman), VI:3/4:37

Andrei, G. (and G. Franzoni), XIV:4:27 DuPont Circle Underpass, VI:1/2:31

Crawford, T., VII:l/2:26 Edmunds (Sen.) House, VII:l/2:20

Statue of Freedom (T. Crawford), Engine House, 19th c VIL1 /2:20
VII:1/2:8,19,26 Federal Bldgs.
Terrace (T. Wisedell), VII.-l /2:20,27 D Reconstruction (B. R Latrobe), XX:2:64

Wings and extensions pederal Reserve Fires

Board Blds- (P' P Cret>' 1:2:3 n
Competition and projects, VII: 1/2:[1]

1836, XV:l:30n26
1877, XV: 1:29

Anderson, C. F., VII:l/2:28

Mills, R., VII:1/2:[1],28

Strickland, W VII:1/2:[1]

Folger Shakespeare Library (P. P. Cret), 1:2:3;

VI: 1 / 2:31

Latrobe, B. H. (S. wing), VII:1/2:10 nn2,3, 30 p Meies (Meies (M C) Residence! VIM/2-21 28

Thornton, W. (N. wing), VII:1/2:10 n2,30 rort Meigs [Meigs (M. C.) Residence], vii.1/2.21,28
, _ .. ' . , Fourteenth Street Twin Bndges, proposed see

^ f? Washington, D.C.: Potomac River Highway

VII:1/2:[1]-4,14 n57,17,18,23-30 passim; Bridges



General Accounting Office, VI: 1 /2:[30]


Bartlett W. H , XIV:2:13 Houses, 111:3:27

Langenheim, W. (and H.), illus. X:2:19 fig [1] Restoration, XV:4:2,5,6

Capitol Square Government Printing Office, VII:l/2:20

Plan for enlargement on the west (Town and Grant Memorial IV: 1:36

Davis), XV: 1:30 n 14 Halls of the Ancients (F. W. Smith), XIV:3:7

Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul see Washington, Hay (John) House [Adams (Henry) House] (H. H.

D.C.: National Cathedral Richardson), XII:1:7,10-12; XVL3-.25

Centennial Celebration of the Establishment of the Highway Bridge see Washington, D.C.: Potomac

Seat of the National Government, 1900 see River Highway Bridges

United States Houses, 1818 (B. H. Latrobe), XIV:2:32
Central Heating Plant Houses, Georgetown, 111:3:27
Main (P. P. Cret), VI:1/2:31; illus. Insane Asylum, VII:l/2:22,28
VI:1 / 2:pl X fig 7 Jefferson Memorial, 111:4:21

West, 1947, VI:I/2:31 ; illus. VI:l/2:pl X fig 5 Justice Department Bldg., VII:l/2:20
City Hall, Old [District Court House] (G. Hadfield), K Street Elevated Highway, VI:1/2:31

VIII: 1 /2:93; X:2:14 n4; XV:1:28; illus. X:2:19 Land Office see Washington, D.C.: Post Office
City plan, Maps and Views, 111:3:29; IV:l:34-40; Library of Congress
VI: 1 /2:[30]-32; VIII:l/2:93; IX:l/2:35; X:2:19 Architecture, Design, etc.

capt. figs [1,2]; illus. VI: 1 / 2:pl IX figs 1-4; pi X Bulfinch, C. [in U.S. Capitol, wooden],






Jefferson, T., XX:3:108 Smithmeyer and Pelz [Peltz], XVI:3:26

L'Enfant, P. C., 111:1/2:15,22,39,40; IV: 1:27,34-37; Walter, T. U. [in U.S. Capitol, iron],
VI: 1 /2:[30],31,32; VII:1/2:[1]; VIII:l/2:93; VII:l/2:3-4,18,21,24,28; XV:4:16

VIII:3/4:4; X:2:3-4; X:4:14; XII:2:27;


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Washington, D.C. - Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. (Cont.) Old Armory see Washington, D.C.: Armory

Library of Congress Old City Hall see Washington, D.C.: City Hall, Old
Archive of Hispanic Culture, Hispanic Old Patent Office see Washington, D.C.: Patent

Foundation, 111:3:29-30; 111:4:49-50 Office, 1836-67

Grant-in-Aid for Studies in the History of Pan-American Bldg. (P. P. Cret), 1:2:3

American Civilization, XV:l:29n Patent Office, 1836-67 [American Museum of the

Lincoln Memorial (H. Bacon), IV:l:37-38,39; Arts; Civil Service Commission], XV:l:27-30;





The Lindens [Morris (George Maurice) House], Brick vaults, VII: 1 /2:11 n8
111:4:67; IV:1:54; IX:3:24 Wings, VII:1/2:21,28
Mall, IV:l:35-37 Peace Monument, VII:l/2:20

East, VI:1/2:31 Pentagon see Washington, D.C.: War Department

West, illus. vi:l/2:pl X fig 6 Bld8s

Maps see Washington, D.C.: City plan, Maps and Piercy (James) Sugar Refinery [Mill] X:2:22

VjeWs Post Office [General Post Office; Land Office; Old

Maltby, VII: 1/2:20 Post Office]

Meade (Gen. George Gordon) Memorial, IV:1:36 Brick vaults (R. Mills), VII: 1/2:11 n8

Medical Museum, 10th St., VII:l/2:20 Extension (T. U. Walter), VII:1/2:21,28

Meigs (M. C.) Residence see Washington, D.C.: Fort pdes on' '891-99, XX:4:199

MeigS Potomac Parks, IV:l:37-38

Mellon Gallery see Washington, D.C.: National Potomac River Highway Bridges

Gallery of Art Old, VI. 1/2:31; XV: 1:27

Memorial Bridge see Washington, D.C.: Arlington Proposed, 14th St., VI:1/2:31; illus. VI:l/2:pl X


Morrill (Sen.) House, VIM /2:20 Potomac R.ver Parkway, X:2:23

Morris (George Maurice) House see Washington, low" H?us^ for publ>cbldgs., IV:h37

D C The Lindens President s House see Washington, D.C.: White

Mount St. Albans Cathedral see Washington, D.C.: _ House TT

National Cathedral Providence Hospital, VII: 1/2:20

xi e i a i I V / ... .. . Public Library [District of Columbia Library],

National Arboretum (see also Washington, D.C.: ttt.i.-,o vu n.n
111:3:29; VI:1/2:31

National Botanic Garden), IV:1:39

.. , . ,. ' Railroad
station see Washington,
D.C.: Union

Still Pictures Branch, XX*: 198 Reforma ^ bIdgs > VII:1/2:20

National Bo amc Garden, IV. 1.35,36,39 VII. 1/2.20 Rock Creek Parkwayi IV:i:38,39
National Cathedral [Cathedral of St. Peter and St. St. Peter and St. Paul Cathedral see Washington,

Paul; Washington Cathedral; Mount St. Alban's] n r . N fj , rfhp . ,

(Frohman. Robb ,d U.U,. I.,2,.3 St ^,n SS urch, XV,30 12

National Gallery of Art [Mellon Gallery] Schoolhouses, VII: 1 /2:20

Architecture, XII:4:5; XX:3:149 Senate office Bldg _ XV;1:28

XT 1/5rltl0ns . , Sesquicentennial Celebration of the Establishment of

Jefferson Bicentennial, 11:4:41 the Seat of the National Government, 1950 see
Photographs by C. Ward and A. Princehorn, United States

1948, VII:3/4:[4] Smithsonian Institution [National Institute; U.S.

Fresco, ca. 1520 (B. Luini), XVII:l:9nl5 National Museum]
National Institute [Institution; Museum] see Bldgs

Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Bldg., 1848-52 (J. Renwick, Jr.),
Navy Department bldg. and naval museum, II* 1*36* VII* 1/2*20* VIII* 1/2*93* XII*3*30*
proposed, VI: 1/2:31 XVI*4*36

Navy Yard Chapel, VII: 1/2:20

Bldgs. (B. H. Latrobe), XIV:3:30 Exhibition of heating and lighting devices,

Arsenal [Dry dock], X:2:5,23; illus. X:2:23 X:2:24-25

New Willard Hotel see Washington, D.C.: Willard Soldiers' Home, IV:1:38; VII:l/2:20

Hotel, New South Capitol Street Bridge [Anacostia River

Northwest Rectangle, illus. VI:l/2:pl IX figs 2,4 Bridge], VI: 1/2:31

Oak Hill Cemetery, Georgetown Stables, House and Senate, 19th c., VII:l/2:20

Corcoran's Mausoleum, VII:l/2:22 State Department Bldg., 1871-72, New, XX:4:199

Octagon House (W. Thornton), IX:l/2:37; IX:3:29; State, War and Navy Bldg., 1871, Old (A. B.
X: 1:27; XVII: 1:36; XX: 1:26 Mullett), X:2:24

Stable, XIII:2:29 Treasury Deparment Bldgs.

Stove niches, XX: 1:26; illus. XX: 1:26 fig 9 pre-1833, XV: 1:27

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Washington, D.C. - Watertown, Wis.

1833-36 (R. Mills), XV: 1:27,28; XIX:4:182 Water closets, 19th c., 11:1:29,30
Brick vaults, VII: 1/2:11 n8 Water coolers

Extension, 1855-63 (T. U. Walter), Tiffany, XI:4:[31]; illus. XI:4:[29] fig 9

VII:1/2:21,28; XX:4:199 Water frame [spinning machine] (R. Arkwright),
Triangle development, IV:1:39; IX:l/2:35 VIII:1/2:3,5,11

Tudor Place (W. Thornton), X:l:27 "Water lime," XX:4:196

Twin Bridges, 14th St., proposed see Washington, Water mills see Mills
D.C.: Potomac River Highway Bridges Waterford, N.Y.

Union Square, IV: 1:36 Hudson River Bridge, 1804 (T. Burr) see Troy, N.Y.

Union Station (D. H. Burnham, Sr.), IV:l:35-36 Waterhouse, Alfred

Views see Washington, D.C.: City plan, Maps and Assize Courts, Manchester, XIX:4:159

Views Royal Insurance Bldg., 1861, Manchester, IX:l/2:28

War Department Bldgs. Waterhouse, Charles E., XIII:2:30

Pentagon, 111:4:66 Waterman, fl. 1850, 1st hoist on guide rails installed
Proposed, 1947, VI:1/2:31 by, XI:2:15

State, War and Navy Bldg., 1871, Old (A. B. Waterman, Charles, 19th c. shipbldr. and carpenter,

Mullett), X:2:24 X:4:30,[31]

W. W. I., VI:l/2:[30] Waterman, Samuel, b. 1824, X:4:30
W. W. II, temporary, VI:l/2:[30] Waterman, Thomas Tileston, on ref. to coating exterior

Warder (B. H.) House, XVII:3:20 woodwork with pitch and tar, IX:3:24; and

Washington Building Trust Bank and Office Bldg. HABS, VI:3/4:37; on Moravian records,
(Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott), IV:3/4:51; on Nomini Hall, XX:3:116n3; obit.,
XVII:3:25 X:2:25; on Rosewell, XVI:2:17; and SAH, 111:3:28;

Washington Channel Waterfront Development on Southern architecture, VI:3/4:37; XII:2:29

project, VI:l/2:32; illus. VI:l/2:pl X fig 10 Portr., illus. X:2:25
Washington Monument, attribution of, X:2:25; J. F. Works (Articles, Books, etc.)
Fisher on, XII:3:30; T. Jefferson on, IX:3:29; "The Bruton Church of 1683 and Two

and McMillan Commission planning, IV:1:36,37; Contemporaries," IV:3/4:43-46,54

work of A. G. Schoenborn, VII:l/2:20; not in "Early Architecture in Bermuda," VI:3/4:7

skyscraper category, XVIII:4:126,128 "Early Virginian Architects," lecture, 111:3:28

Design (R. Mills), XIII:1:16; XIX:4:142 Mansions of Virginia, VI:3/4:37; XX:3:116 n3

Water Gate, IV: 1:37-38,39 "A Sketch of the Life of Dr. William Thornton,"

White House [President's House], checkered bldg. 11:4:41

career of, VIII: 1/2:93; use of coal for heat, Works (Bldgs., Restorations, etc.)
IX:4:23-24 n22; B. Furman on, XI:1:31; power Decatur House, Washington
house to service bldgs. near, IV:1:37; setting, Restoration, XIV:2:32
111:1/2:40 Dumbarton Oaks, Washington

Design (T. Jefferson), X:l:4 Museum, VI:3/4:37

Exterior finish, X-.2-.22 Nomini Hall

Remodelling project, 1900 (Col. Bingham), XI:1:31 Restoration, XVI:2:17

Restoration, XV:4:3 Watermelon, Half see Half-watermelon domes
Willard Hotel, ca. 1850, XI:2:10 Water-Proof Cement, White's, XX:4:197
Willard Hotel, New, ca. 1902 (H. J. Hardenbergh), Waters, T. J., XIII:2:15,18
IV:3/4:58 British Legation, 1872, Tokyo, XIII:2:15

Washington, steamboat of 1816, XI:4:28 Commercial Museum [Tatsunokuchi Kankba],

"Washington after the War," by H. P. Caemmerer, Tokyo, XIII:2:15

VI:l/2:[30]-32 Ginza Street bldgs., Tokyo, XIII:2:15; illus.
Washington and Lee University see Lexington, Va. XIII:2:[16] fig 6
Washington College see.Hartford, Conn.: Trinity Mint, Osaka, XIII:2:15; illus. XIII:2:[16] figs 4-5

College Takehashi Barracks, Tokyo, XIII:2:15

Washington Courthouse, Ohio Watertown, Mass.

Wilson Cyclone Barn, XVIII:2:69; illus. XVIII:2:69 Church, XI:l:8-9

Washington Guide, by W. P. Elliot, X:2:ll City plan, Maps, etc., XI: 1:6,[14] nl3
Washington Headquarters Association see Daughters of Watertown, N.Y.
the American Revolution Leray Mansion see Leraysville, N.Y.

Wassenaer, XI:2:19 Watertown, Wis.

Watches see Clocks and Watches Kuenzi Barn, XVIII: 1:32; illus. XVIII: 1:32 fig 7

Water, Asa Langholff House, XVIII:1:30-31; illus. XVIII:1:30

House of, Milbury, Mass., XIII:3:16 figs 1,2

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Waterworks and pumping stations - Weeks

Waterworks and pumping stations Way, Frederick, Jr., Capt., XI:4:[31] n29

See also Reservoirs Wayzata, Minn.

Boston, Mass. Northome [Little (Francis W.) House; Stevenson

Chestnut Hill Pumping Station (Shepley, Rutan (R. V.) House] (F. L. Wright), XIX: 1:40
and Coolidge), XVII:3:23 Weary and Kramer

Cincinnati Christ Methodist Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh,

Waterworks Entrance Arch, VI:3/4:20-21; illus. XVI:3:29n40

Vl:3/4:pl IV figs 4-5 Weather vanes

New Orleans (B. H. Latrobe), 11:3:27 Cadran vent, 1724 (J. A. Meissonier), V:45

Philadelphia Webb, 18th c., half-pay officer and barrack master,

Waterworks [Engine House; Pumping Station], N.Y., XI:2:21
Center Square (B. H. Latrobe), XIII:1:15; Webb, Benjamin, XIX:4:146,149 n32,152

XV:4:30; XIX:3:115; illus. XIII:1:15 fig 1 Webb, E. J., 19th c. New York architect, XII:2:18 n3
Watkins, fl. 1950 see Whiteley, Sharp, Seward and Webb, Geoffrey, on wall strips of Saxon churches,


Watkins, C. Malcolm, X:2:24 Architecture in Britain: The Middle Ages, XVII:3:34

Watkins, Elijah, XI:4:13 Rev. by O. G. von Simson, XVI:3:33-34
Watkins, Elizabeth, XI:4:[20] nil Webb, James, fl. 1818, Dr., of Hillsboro, N.C., X:l:18

Watkins, George, b. 1812, resident of Cleveland, Webb, Philip, and W. Morris, IX:4:15;
X;4:[17] nl2 XIX:4:145,147,148 n30; and preservation, 1:3/4:11;
Watkins, Henry, 18th c., XI:4:[20] n4 and Queen Anne infl. in America, VIII:1/2:129;
Watkins, Hester, XV:4:23 and G. E. Street, XIX:4:145-171 passim
Watkins (J. R.) Medical Products Co. Account Book, XIX:4:147 n23,148 n30

Plant, Winona, Minn., XIX: 1:40 Correspondence, XIX:2:88

Watkins, Jane swLoxley, Jane Watkins Works (Bldgs., Designs, etc.), XX:3:115 (illus. in

Watkins, Mary, of Lexington, Ky., see Lewinski, Mary Vitruvius Britanniens )





Watkins, Thomas, 19th c., XI:4:13 Red House, Bexley Heath (and W. Morris),
Watkins, W. Joseph, 18th C., XV:4:23 IX:4:15; XIX:4:147,170; XX:3:149; illus.
Watkins, William Abram, 18th c., XV:4:23 XIX:4:171 fig 25
Watson (C. C.) and Son Worship Street Shops, London, IX: 1/2:27
Bldg. of, Philadelphia, illus. XX:1:[4] fig 1 Weber, Bertram A. see White and Weber

Watson, John Fanning, on Philadelphia, XVI:4:8,9 Webley, Henry, XX:3:126nl

Watt, James (see also Boulton and Watt), on R. Webster, Carson see Webster, J. Carson
Arkwright, VIII: 1/2:3; as partner of M. Boulton, Webster, Daniel, on Liberty and Union (quote),

VIII: 1 /2:9 XIV:2:31; on Memorial Bridge, Washington,

Factories, 11:4:28; Vlll:l/2:2 IV: 1:38; orator at U.S. Capitol cornerstone-laying

Steam engine, 111:4:5; VIII:1/2:4,8,19,21 ceremonies, IV:1:38; VII:l/2:2,17; C. Vaux on,

Watteau, V:46 VI: 1/2:4
Watterson, Joseph, XII:3:29 A Defence of the Christian Religion, XVI:2:24
Watts, Alfred, Capt. Webster, J. Carson, on Chicago architecture, X:l:28;

House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:29-30 and SAH tour of Chicago, IX:l/2:37
Watts, G. F. "Richardson's American Express Building,"
Mural over chancel arch, St. James-the-Less, IX: 1/2:20-24

Westminister, XIX:4:163,165; illus. XIX:4:165 "Richardson's 'Lost Building' and the Landowner,"



Watts, Calif, see Los Angeles, Calif. 'The Skyscraper: Logical and Historical
Waugh, Edward Walter (see also Waugh and Sawyer) Considerations," XVIII:4:126-139
The South Builds, New Architecture in the Old South Webster, N.Y.
(with Eliz. Waugh) First Baptist Church, 1850's, XV:2:15,18 n2; illus.
Rev. by F. D. Nichols, XX:4:203-204 XV:2:16 fig 8
Waugh, Elizabeth, XX:4:203-204 Weehawken, N.J.
Waugh and Sawyer Wright's Picture Gallery (R. M. Hunt), XI:2:10
See also Waugh, Edward Walter Weeks, Levi
North Carolina State College, Raleigh Letter to Ep. Hoyt, XV:2:27-28
Classroom Bldg., (with Holloway-Reeves and Works

Associates), XX:4:204 Auburn [Harding (Lyman) House], Natchez,

Waughop, J. W 19th c of Chicago, XVI:1:18 nl 10 XV:2:27-28; illus. XV:2:28

Waverley, Mass. see Belmont, Mass. Presbyterian Church, Natchez, XV:2:28

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Weeks - Wentworth

Weeks, Mrs. Mangum, 111:4:66 Weitzmann-Fiedler, Josepha

Weems, Katharine Lane [Mrs. F. Carrington Weems] Review
Frieze on Harvard Biology Laboratory, XVII:3:28 Simson, O. G. von, The Gothic Cathedral,
Weese, John R. see Skidmore, Owings and Merrill XVII:2:27-29

Weidman, 19th c. Weizmann Institute see Rehovoth

House of, Hudson, Ohio, XII:2:12 Weld, Isaac, 18th c XII:2:27

Weighlocks Welfare Island see New York (City)
Syracuse, N.Y., X1X:4:172 Weller, Jac, on Nassau Hall, XVI:2:32

Weightman, John Gray see Weightman and Hadfield Welles 19th r nf Newnnrt xvn-o-74

Weightman, R_C, Mayor, XV:1:30 nl2 Wellesley [Wolsey], Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington

Weightman and Hadfield, XIX:4:156 [Iron Duke]> VI:3/4:20 XX:3:136 n5

Weights and Measures see Measurement Wfl .

Weide v William M weiiiieet, Mass.

oT^l '"V c^.rr o Avery (Mrs. William H.) House see Wellfleet, Mass.:

Residence of, Schaefferstown, Pa., XVIII:3:109; illus.

Higgins-Avery House

Weimar^"' 3 107 ^ 109 ^ 9 Baker-Biddle House, illus. XIX:2:51 fig 6

Bauhaus see Bauhaus Biddle {Hon' Francis) Summer Residence see

Weinberg, Robert C XIII: 1:32 _ Mass" Baker-Biddle House

Weinbrenner, Friedrich, 11:3:7 Clark <Sllas S > House Wellfleet, Mass.:

Weingarten Higgins-Clark House

Church, XVI:2:31 Curran (Edith) House [Young (Mrs. B. S.) House],

Weinlig, Christian Traugott, 11:3:7 XIX:2:56; illus. XIX:2:56 fig 16

Weir, James, 19th c. Philadelphia carpenter, Freeman-Puffer House, ca. 1840, XIX:2:56; illus.




Weir, John Ferguson, VIII:3/4:6 Gormley (Charles) House, XIX:2:55,56; illus.

Weir, Robert W. XIX:2:47 fig 1

Painting of Hasbrouck House Higgins-Avery House, illus. XIX:2:52 fig 7
Engraving after, illus. XIV:2:31 Higgins-Clark House, 1837, XIX:2:56
Weise, A. L. Higgins (Solomon) House, pre 1805, Bound Brook
Lithographic panorama of Centennial Exposition, Island, XIX:2:52,53
Philadelphia, XIX:1:11 Puffer (Mary D.) House see Wellfleet, Mass.:

Weise, Georg, on the sanctuary in Spanish churches, Freeman-Puffer House

XVII: 1:9 n2 Rowell (Clara) House, XIX:2:52; illus. XIX:2:49 fig

Weisman, Winston R., use of term "cage construction," 4; 50 fig 5

XVIII:4:131 nl5; credits to (H. E. Dickson), Young (Mrs. B. S.) House see Wellfleet, Mass.:
XVII: 1:29 n; on decades of late 19th c., Curran (Edith) House
XIV:l:24n2; on skyscrapers, XV:2:31,32; Wellington, Duke of, see Wellesley, Arthur
XVIII:4:126,129,137,138; on World Bldg., N.Y., Wellington, Engl.

XVIII:4:132,133 Column in honor of Arthur Wolsey [i.e. Wellesley],



'The First Landscaped Skyscraper," XVIII:2:54-59 Row houses> XX:3:136

"New York and the Problem of the First Wellington, Ohio

,.SkyfC!"apei.'" XIL1:13-21 House> ca 1840> XII:2:8 illus XII;2:[7] fig 13

Philadelphia Functional.sm and Sullivan, We,iS( Joseph C xi:2:10

D . fll , Wells, Richard, fl. 1791, XII:2:27
Who Designed Rockefeller Center, X: 1:11-17 ... ,. _ .

Reviews WeUs' Eng1'

Condit, C. W The Rise of the Skyscraper, the XVI:"4

Genius of Chicago Architecture from the Great ^e s (Water) see Fountains and Wells

Fire to Louis Sullivan, XII:3:30-31 Wells Farg0 and Co" XII:4:20; XVIII:4:160

Tunnard, C. (and H. H. Reed), American Skyline, Bldgs.

XV-3-31-32 Columbia, Calif., XIV:3:16
Weismann, Elizabeth Wilder, on Mexican sculpture, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20
VII-1/2-49 San Francisco, XVII:3:22

Review Welsch, Maximilian von, XII:4:14; XIX: 1:42

Wethey, H. E., Colonial Architecture and Welwyn, XVIII:3:79,80

Sculpture in Peru, VIII:3/4:43-45,68 Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological

Weitzman, George H., XX:3:99 n Research, Inc. [Viking Fund, Inc.], XIII:2:12 n
"The Utilitarians and the Houses of Parliament," Wentworth, John, Gov. of N.H., XIX:3:120
XX:3:99-107 House of, Wolfeborough, XVIII:4:158,159

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Werkbund Exhibition - Wheeler

Werkbund Exhibition Weston Park, VIII:3/4:68

1914 see Cologne, Ger.: Werkbundausstellung, 1914 Westover [Byrd (William) Home], XIII:2:6,8; XVI:2:17;

1927 see Stuttgart: Werkbundausstellung, 1927 XVII:4:36; XVIII:1:4; XX:3:116,117; illus.

Werntvag, Lewis, XIX:4:181 XVI:2:18 fig 1

Bridge, 1810, XIX:4:181 Westport Landing, Kan. see Kansas City, Kan.

Schuylkill Bridge ["Colossus"], 1812, Philadelphia, Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way, painting

11:1:41; XIX:4:181 (E. Leutze), VII:l/2:26

Wertenbaker, T. J., on the Middle Colonies, XII:2:29; Westzaan Neth.

on Nassau Hall, XVI:2:32 Church] 1740-41, IX:3:13 n8

Wesley, John, church in Taunton built for, XX:3:136 Wetherall [Wetherill], fl. 1833, of N. K. see Higham

West, Benjamin, on G. Dance, the younger, XIV:4:20; and yVetherill

Pres. of Royal Academy, XIV:4:20; and J. Wetherill (Samuel) and Son, 18th c. paint firm, XI:4:35
Trurnbu 1, VIH:3/4:[l]-2,3; IX:3:21; XIV:2:8 Weth A|]Ce Sunderland, study of |t. Bnigne,

West, Clem L., VII:1/2:2,17,19 IV-3/4-6

West, Francis, 17th c. contractor, XVI:4:30 . . '.

West, William Russell, XII:2:18 Articles

"The Legend of the Alternate System at St.

West Chester, Pa

Chester County Courthouse (T. U. Walter), illus. Bnigne of Dijon, XVII.3.2-9

YIY,S, . St. Benigne at Dijon and the Roman Foot,

Evans [Dr. E. C.) House (S. Sloan), XIX:1:38; illus.


XIX-1-34 fig 1 Benigne, Dijon, drawing of plan, illus.

First Baptist Church (S. Sloan), XIX:1:36 XVIII:3:101 fig 5

West Chester Young Ladies' Seminary [Bolmar's (A.) Wethey, Harold E., biogr. data, V:57
Boarding School for Boys; Villa Maria Convent] Articles, Books, etc.

(T. U. Walter), illus. XIX:2:82 fig 1 Colonial Architecture and Sculpture in Peru
West Hollywood, Calif. Rev. by E. W. Weismann, VIII:3/4:43-45,68
Dodge (Walter L.) House (I. Gill), XX-.2-.96 SAH Book Award [Certificate of Merit],

Schindler (R. M.) Office and Residence (R. M. IX:l/2:37

Schindler), XX:4:183 n8 "La Merced in Cuzco, Peru," V:[35]-38
West India Company, 111:1/2:36 "Newsletter" to G. Kubier re studies of Peru and
West Indies Bolivia, V:[39]-41
Architecture, X:3:22; XIV:l:28-30 Review

Porches, X:2:19 Corbacho, A. S., Arquitectura barroca sevillana

West Jersey Academy see Bridgeton, N.J. del sig/o XVIII, XII:2:31

West Lafayette, Ind. Wetterer, Joseph

Purdue State Bank (L. Sullivan), XIX:2:68; illus. House of, Jacksonville, Or., XII:4:20 fig 2 no.55

XIX:2:68 fig 8 Weyhill, Engl.

West Manchester, Mass. .see Manchester, Mass. Blissimore Hall, XI: 1:6

West Philadelphia see Philadelphia Church, XI: 1:9;' illus. XI: 1:7
West Point Foundry, XV:4:13 inn i;,i, . vi l

West-Taylor, J. P XIT32 klidge Ha, XI 1:3,6

Weste, Robert, 17th c.. XI-.l-A Weymouth, George, fl. 1603, X:4:24

le yo ,; , r , Weymouth, Ohio

White Rock Manufactory, XX: 1:9 u 0 D

rru u/ , r- l? 4 r\ * # u cd Church, Greek Revival, VII:3/4:32

The Western Gazetteer, or Emigrants Directory, by S. R. w, . f ,

if if v* ' X,V:1" *3

Western Reserve, VII:3/4:31-32; X:4:10,ll; "'

*2*3-4 5 9-14 25-26 The Age oj Innocence, XIV:1:21

Western Reserve Academy see Hudson, Ohio Wharves see Docks, Harbors, Navy yards, Wharves,
Western Reserve College [University] see Cleveland, etc*
Ohio: Western Reserve University What Is Architecture; a Study in the American
President's House see Hudson, Ohio: President's People of Today," by L. H. Sullivan, IV:2:3-22



Western Star, by S. V. Benet (quote), VIII:3/4:19 House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:[32) nl3

Westminster, Engl, see London Wheaton, Moses, X:4:24

Westminster, View of, painting (Scott), 11:3:33 Wheedon, Mills and Hughes, 19th c. cement and lime
The Westminster Review, XX:3:105-107 suppliers, XX:4:196 n 14
Weston, William, English hydraulic engineer, fl. Wheeler, of Truro, Mass.
1798-1804, XIX:3:117 n3 House of, XIX:2:54; illus. XIX:2:51 fig 6

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Wheeler - Whitemarsh

Wheeler, A. D. White, John Blake [Black]

House of, Chicago, XIX:l:3-4,5; illus. XIX:1:3 Conflagration of St. Philip's, painting, XVIII:3:113
figs 1,2 Interior of St. Philip's Church, Charleston, painting,

Wheeler, Candance, Mrs., XIV:3:24 XVII1:3:113; illus. XV1II:3:114 fig 4

Wheeler, Robert C., XIX:4:174 White, Joseph
"Frank Lloyd Wright Filling Station, 1958," House of see Salem, Mass.: Gardner (John) House
XIX:4:174-175 White, Joseph H.
Wheeling, W.Va. House of, Brookline, XVII:3:26
Ohio River Span (C. Eilet), XVLLll White, Lawrence Grant, IX:3:29
Wheelock, Eleazar, Dr., 111:1/2:39 nl White, Samuel S.
Whelpley, Thomas, X:4:[13],14 Store of, Philadelphia, XIX:1:36

When Democracy Builds, by F. L. Wright, XIX:4:174 White, Stanford (see also McKim, Mead and White),

Whidden, William H. Adams on, IX:l/2:35n3; Baltimore work,

Portland Hotel, Portland, Or. (and I. Lewis), XIII:3:30; "historical" training of, XII:1:9; New
XIX:2:57 Engl, trip, IX:4:16; and H. H. Richardson,
Whiffen, Marcus, and Architectural Review, XI:3:[32]; IX:l/2:26; XII:1:8,10; subservience to "Robber
at MIT, XI:3:[32]; on Victorian Architecture, Barons," IX:1/2:31; and L. C. Tiffany, XIV:3:24;
XV:2:30 taste for Victorian picturesqueness, XII:1:9

Articles, Books, etc., XI:3:[32]; XV:2:30 Capital National Bank, Salem, Or. (attrib.),
"The Early County Courthouses of Virginia," XIX:2:57-58,61
XVIII: 1:2-10 Seventh Regiment Armory, 1878-80, N.Y.

The Public Buildings of Williamsburg, Colonial Decoration of Veterans Room and Library (with
Capitol of Virginia others), XIV:3:24
Rev. by F. D. Nichols, XVIII:4:163-164 Tacoma Hotel (attrib.), XIX:2:58
SAH Book Award, 1958, XVIII: 1:36; Trinity Church, Boston
XVIII:4:164 Tower design execution, XII:l:8-9

"Some Virginian House Plans Reconsidered," White, William, 1748-1836, Bishop

XVI:2:17-19 House of, Philadelphia, XVI:4:12

Stuart and Georgian Churches Outside London, White, William, 1825-1900, architect, XIX:4:150
1603-1837, XVIII:4:163 White, (William A.) and Sons, New York realtors,


Boase, T. S. R., English Art 1800-1870, XX-.3A49 White and Weber

Claiborne, H. A., Comments on Virginia See also White, Charles Elmer, Jr.
Brickwork before 1800, XVIII:2:72 Burgess (Ernest H.) House, Kenilworth, XX:4:173;
Kaufmann, E., Architecture in the Age of illus. XX:4:175 figs 11,12
Reason. . ., XV:4:30-31 "White City" (see also Chicago: World's Columbian
Summerson, J., Architecture in Britain, Exposition), IX:1/2:31

1530-1830, XIII:4:31-32 White Hall [Clay (Cassius Marcellus) Home], Madison

Whinney, M. Co., Ky. (T. Lewinski and J. McMurtry),
English Art 1625-1714 (and O. Millar), XX:3:149 XI:4:19-[20]; illus. XI:4:[17] fig 15
Whipple, 17th c. "White House Profile," by B. Furman, XI: 1:31
House of, Ipswich, Mass., VII:3/4:30 White Marsh Plantation, Va. see Whitemarsh

Whipple scale, XIX:4:172 White paint, 111:3:23

Whistler, James, European opinion of ca. 1930, 11:3:19 Whitefield, George, XVIII:3:114
White, Alfred T. Whitehall Plantation see Annapolis, Md.
Tenements of, Brooklyn, N.Y., XII:3:17 Whitehead, Alfred North, "misplaced concreteness" of,
White, Canvass, XI:2:24; XX:4:194-197 X:3:5; "organism" of, XIX:3:128
Portr., illus. XX:4:194 Whitehead, John

White, Charles Elmer, Jr. (see also White and Weber), Plan for Praa da Ribeira, Oporto, XIV:4:7
111:4:19 Whitehorne, Peter, XX:2:58

White, Hugh, 19th c., brother of Canvass White, Whitehouse, Harold C., XII:3:30

XX:4:197 Whiteley, Sharp, Seward and Watkins

White, J. M., steamships see J. M. White Measured drawings of Stanley Mill, Stonehouse,
White, John, fl. 1585 illus. XV:2:24,25,26
Watercolors, XVII:4:31,32 Whitelock, Charles, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135

White, John, 19th c of Thomaston, Me. Whitelock, John, 18th c. plasterer and stuccoworker,
House of, X:4:[31] XX:3:135

White, John, fl. 1808-1832, teacher of W. Handyside, Whitemarsh [White Marsh], Isle of Wight Co., Va.,




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White's Portland Cement - Willemstad, Curaao

White's Portland Cement, XI:3:29 commercial architecture, IX:l/2:24; authority on
White's Water-Proof Cement, XX:4:197 fireproofing, XX: 1:37; furnished fireproofing of
Whitewash, X:2:22 Home Insurance Bldg., XIX:4:182; on G. H.

Whiting, fl. 1793, manager of Mount Vernon, IX:3:24 Johnson's use of iron-framed curtain-wall
Whiting, Jonathan construction, XIX:4:182; on R. Mook's Ward
Exchange Coffee House, Boston, XVII:2:32; XX:2:65 House, XX: 1:36,37
Whitman, Walt, on architecture, XVI: 1:25-27; American Merchants' Union Express Co. Bldg.
birthplace, IX:3:27; quotations in J. Szarkowski, [American Express Bldg.], Chicago, design,
The Idea of Louis Sullivan, XVII:2:30; V. Scully supervision, etc., IX:l/2:23,24n5,26,29
on, XIX:4:183 Art Bldg., 1868, Yale University, New Haven,
Whitmer, Peter VIII:3/4:6

Farmhouse of, Fayette, N.Y., XIX:3:109 National Academy of Design Bldg., 1866, N.Y.,
Whitney, Back Bay engineer, see Fuller and Whitney VIII:3/4:6
Whitney Plantation, La., X:3:27 Wightman, fl. ca. 1857, XI:2:10
Whittemore, Thomas, IV:3/4:5 Wightman, George H.
Whittick, Arnold House of, Brookline, XVII:3:28

Eric Mendelsohn Wigwam, XVII:4:31-35; illus. XVII:4:33 figs [1,2]

Rev. by R. Wischnitzer, XVII:3:35-36 "Wigwam, McKinley" see Saint Louis, Mo.: "McKinley

European Architecture in the Twentieth Century Wigwam"

Rev. by Paul Zucker, XIV:4:31-32 Wilber, Donald N.

Whittier, Isabel M. S. Architecture of Islamic Iran, the II Khnid Period
Some Historical Cities in the British Isles Rev. by J. M. Upton, XV:4:31-32
Short rev., XVII:2:32 'The Role of Color in Architecture," 11:1:17-22

Whittlesey Family, of Rochester, N. Y. Wilberforce, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford,

House of, X: 1:27 XIX:4:146,147,149 n34,151

"Who Designed the 'President's House,' " by D. C. Wilder, Elizabeth see Weismann, Elizabeth Wilder
Kurjack, XII:2:27-28 Wildes, Harry Emerson, XVI:2:25 n
Whyte, Thomas, 17th c., XI: 1:8 Wiley, John
Wiblingen Caroline County Courthouse, 1759-65, Bowling




Wicham, Engl. Wiley, Susannah see Freeman, Susannah Wiley

Manor of St. Paul's Chapter Wilfrid, Saint, XVIII:4:125

Medieval barn, XVII:2.T1; illus. XVII:2:12 fig 24 Wilhelm II, Kaiser, see William II, King of Prussia
Wichham Brothers, of Council Bluffs, see Wickham Wilhelmshaven

Brothers Medieval timberhouse, XVII:2:5,6,8,9,17; illus.

Wichita, Kan. XVII:2:[7] fig 14
Jail, 1870's, XVIII:4:156 Wilke, Gustav, bldr. of Texas State Capitol, 111:3:31
Presbyterian Church, 1876, VI:l/2:26 Wilkins, William, XX:3:149
Sedgwick County Jail, XVIII:4:150,154-155,156 Wilkinson, Henry Campbell, Dr., owner of Tankfield,




Print of Copenhagen's Old Navy Yard, 1611, illus. Bermuda in the Old Empire, XI:1:27

IV:l:[18a] Wilkinson, James, Ky. separatist, XVIII: 1:21,24

Wickham, John Wilkinson, Jeremiah, fl. 1776, of Cumberland, R.I.,

Mansion of see Richmond, Va.: Valentine Museum 11:4:10

Wickham Brothers [Wichham], contractors, of Council Wilkinson, John, 18th c. English ironmaster,
Bluffs, XVIII:4:149,154 VIII:1/2:31 nn56,57

Wiebenson, Dora Wilkinson, William B., fl. 1854, XX: 1:35

"Utopian Aspects of Tony Garnier's Cit Wilks, fl. 1734, cousin of B. Loxley, XV:4:23
Industrielle," XIX:l:16-24 Wilks, Matthew, XIV:l:24n7
Wiener Sezessionstil [Austrian Movement], 11:3:13; Wilks, Matthew Astor, XIV:l:24n7
IV:2:26-27; X:3:9-10; XIV:2:19; XIX:1:7; XX:2:94; Willard, fl. 1888 see Babb, Cook and Willard
XX:4:180 Willard, Simon, fl. 1851, of Cincinnati
Wiener Werkstaette, VI:3/4:1,3; XIV:2:19 Patent for iron construction, XV:4:22 n60 no.2
Die Wies Willard, Solomon, and A. Benjamin, XIII:3:16; and R.
Monastery Warren, XII:3:14,16
Church (D. Zimmermann), XVI:2:31 Saint Paul's, Boston

Wiesbaden Faade (and A. Parris), XII:3:14

City Hall (G. J. von Hauberisser), 11:3:11 Willatsen, Andrew, XIX:3:124n7
Wight, Peter B., on American Express Bldg., Chicago, Willemstad, Curaao

IX: 1 /2:21,26; ideas on expressiveness of Dutch-Portuguese-Israelite Synagogue [Mikv Israel;


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Willemstad, Curaao - Williamsburg, Va.

Nederlands Portugees-Isralitische Synagoge], Williams, Roger, founding of Providence, XVII:3:35

XIX:4:179 A Key into the Language of America, XVII:4:34

Fort Amsterdam, XIX:4:179 Williams, Seymour, XII:3:29
Willemstad, Neth. Williams, Stephen, biogr. data, XVIII:4:161

Brick octagon church [1st Protestant Church], 1595, First Calvary Church, San Francisco, XVIII:4:161

IX:3:6; XII:1:22 Houses, San Francisco, XVIII:4:161

Willey, Malcolm Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco, XVIII:4:161
House of, Minneapolis, XIX:3:130 Parrott's Granite Block, San Francisco,
William I, King of England [William the Conqueror], XVIII:4:160-161; illus. XVIII:4:160 figs 1,2
Bayeux Tapestry shows conquest of England by, Selby Shot Tower, San Francisco, XVIII:4:161
XX:2:84; and Caen, XIII:1:7; and St. Denis Abbey Williams, Susan, XIII:3:19 n7

tower, VII:3/4:[13]; XIII: 1:29 Williams, Warren Heywood, XVIII:4:161

William II, King of England [William Rufus], Williams, William, 1731-1811, XIV:2:11 nl4

XVII:2:10,11 Williams, William, d. 1794, Col., Philadelphia carpenter,

William II, King of Prussia [Aviser Wilhelm, Emperor XII:2:27-28

ofGer.], IV:2:42 Williamsburg, Va.

William III, King of England, XVIII:3.T14 Architecture, X:4:20-[23]; photographs, XII:3:27

William IV, King of England, on need for new Houses Bassett Hall, illus. XIV: 1:15 fig 3

of Parliament, XX:3:100; "reformed romantic Blairs (Dr.) Apothecary Shop, X:4:22

synthesis" under, XIX:3:128; R. Trevithick places ra^ Tomb, Bruton Churchyard, IV:3/4:44
Reform Bill Monument project before, 1833, Bruton Heights Training School, illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3

XVI-4-23 Bruton Parish Church, 1683, 2d [Court Church],

William and Mary College see Richmond, Va.: College IV:3/4:43-46,54; X:4:18,22; XVII:1:18;

of William and Mary; Williamsburg, Va, College IV:3/4:[44al f'8s U2;

of William and Mary XIV: 1:15 fig 3

William de Vere, Bishop of Hereford, XVII:2:22 n26 Capitol,X;4:22;xIV: 1:14; XVL2:17; XVIII: 1 :3-4,5,6;
/. r A ~ O L C D XVIII:4:163; illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3

William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris Mans Views etc









Liber de Universo ff . ,,,,

, r u o. . , , City plan, VIII:3/4:21; X:2:3; X:4:7,18-[23];
Hierarchies of Heaven, State and Church, f,,r , , . ._,, ' L J
xx,,xx,, xxx.xx XIV: 1:14; XX:2:47,51 nl5
XVII:2:19; illus. XVII:2:19 fig 42 x . , . .' ... . .
Map, undated, illus. X:2:4

William of Conches, XI:3:12 Mans 17th c

William of Volpiano [William of Dijon], 16' x.4.19. = X4.19 f 2

, x lew I?.

William Rufus see William II, King of England M 18th XiV l 14

William the Conqueror see William I, King of England Frenchman's 1782 XIV 114

Williams, 18th c., Dr., of Newport, R.I., XVI,:2:23 kocham^u, XIV-AU

Williams, 19th c. architect of Calif, see Heston and Maps, 20th c

Williams Colonial Williamsburg, Inc., XIV:1:14; illus.

Williams, 19th c. mason of Natchez, see Swan and XIV-1-15 fig 3



Williams, C. E. ca j 850 (M. Christian), XIV: 1:16

Store of, Honolulu, XI:3:28 20th c. (E. T. Judd), VIII:3/4:69

Williams, Carl, 20th c., of Philadelphia, XIII:3:Suppl. 3 College of William and Mary, enduring fame of,

Williams, Charles Wye, XII:2:24 X:4:20; fires, XVIII:4:163; founding, X:4:20;

Williams, D., fl. 1853, XI:4:30 XX:3:116; T. Jefferson a student at, X:3:28
Williams, Edgar, I, X:4:35 Bldgs., Parts, Restorations, etc., XVIII:4:163

Williams, George W editorial assistant, SAH Journal, Additions (T. Jefferson), X:3:28-[31];
XIII:4-XVI:2 XVIII:4:164; illus. X:3:29 figs [1,2]

"Robert Mills' Contemplated Addition to St. Plan, quadrangular, X:3:28,29; XVI:2:17

Michael's Church, Charleston and Doctrine of President's House, XVIII:2:72
Sounds," XII:1:23-31; XIII:2:30 Proportions, XVIII:4:163-164

Williams, Isaac S. Restorations, XV:4:3

Manufactory of, Philadelphia, illus. XX: 1:6 fig 5 Wren Bldg. [1st bldg.], X:3:28-31; XIV: 1:14;

Williams, John D. XVIII:4:163; illus. X:3:29[fig 1]; XIV:1:15

Homestead of, Boston, XIII:3:26 fig 3
Williams, John L., fl. 1837, XI:4:33 Fires, X:3:28; XI:2:28

Williams, Phyllis sec Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Piazza, XVIII:l:3-4

Williams, Reuel, 19th c., of Me., XIV:2:12 Restorations, X:3:28
Williams, Richard Norris, II, IX:3:20,22; XIII:4:31 n 19th c. (E. Faxon), XI:2:28-29

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Williamsburg, Va. - Willow Creek Dam

Williamsburg, Va. (Cont.) coal to grates of Governor's Palace, IX:4:23; H.
Colonial Williamsburg, Inc. Dearstyne work at, X:3:28; XVIII:4:164;
See also Williamsburg, Va.: Preservation, information on fish oil paint from, XI:4:34; idea
Restorations, etc. of, related to 19th c. "Pompeian" villas,
Architectural Dept. XIV:3:7; information on insect screens at,
Ware Collection, XIV: 1:16 X:2:20; job openings and work described,
Dept. of Research and Record, X:3:28 n,30 n3; XIV:3:31-32; S. F. Kimball as advisor,
XI:4:34 1:3/4:15 n; J. M. Knight work, X:3:30; A. L.
Map of Williamsburg, XIV:1:14; illus. XIV:1:15 Kocher work, IX:3:23; X:3:28; XVIII:4:164;
fig 3 A. P. Middleton work, X:3:30 n3; most
Court Church see Williamsburg, Va.: Bruton Parish extensive restoration of 20th c., XVIII:4:163; as
Church "on-site museum restoration," XV:4:3; as

Courthouses pageantry rather than architecture, 111:4:21;

1715, James City Courthouse, XVIII:1:4 Perry, Shaw and Hepburn work, X:2:25;
1770, James City County and City of XI: 1:27,32; compared with Philipse Castle
Williamsburg Courthouse, XVIII:1:5; restoration, 111:4:9-10; "rebirth from the ashes,"
XVIII:4:163; illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3; XVIII: 1:6 X:4:20; J. D. Rockefeller, Jr. undertaking,
fig 9 1:3/4:16; T. T. Waterman and,
Buzaglo's Warming Machine, XX: 1:24; illus. X:2:25; M. Whiffen on,




Craft House, illus. XIV: 1:15 fig 3 Raleigh Tavern, illus. XIV: 1:15 fig 3
Davidson's (Dr.) Apothecary Shop, X:4:22; illus. Secretary's Office, XVIII:4:163
X:4:21 fig 6 Semple House, XIV:1:16,17

Eastern State Lunatic Asylum, 1769 see State House see Williamsburg, Va.: Capitol
Williamsburg, Va.: Hospital... for persons of Streets, X:4:18-19

disordered minds Tazewell Hall, XIV:1:14-17; illus. XIV:1:15 figs 1-5

Fires, XVIII:4:163 Tucker (Judge St. George) House, XI:4:34
Gaol, XVIII:4:163; illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3 Views see Williamsburg, Va.: City plan, Maps,
Goodwin Bldg., illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3 Views, etc.

Governor's Palace, IX:4:23; X:4:18,22; XIV:1:14; William and Mary College see Williamsburg, Va.:
XVI:2:17; XVIII:4:163,164; illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3 College of William and Mary

Ballroom, X:4:22 Williamsburg Inn, illus. XIV: 1:15 fig 3

Hospital... for persons of disordered minds, 1769 Wren Bldg. see Williamsburg, Va.: College of

[Eastern State Lunatic Asylum; Insane Asylum], William and Mary

XIII:3:Suppl. 3 Wythe House, XVIII:2:72; illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3

Drawing (H. Dearstyne and A. L. Kocher), Williamsburg Architectural Studies, XVIII: 1:36;


House [Palace], temple plan Williamson, W Dr.

Design (T. Jefferson), VIII: 1/2:129; XVIII:4:164 House of, Philadelphia, XIX:1:38
House of Burgesses Williamsport, Pa.
Buzaglo's Warming Machine, XX: 1:23-24; illus. Courthouse (S. Sloan), XIX: 1:34
XX: 1:24 fig 6 Williamstown, Mass.

Insane Asylum, 1769 see Williamsburg, Va.: Sigma Phi Fraternity House [Van Rensselaer House,
Hospital... for persons of disordered minds Albany], XI:2:4; illus. XI:2:5 fig 3

Institute of Early American History and Culture Willis, Mary, XI:3:31

Grants-in-Aid of Research ... in American Willis, N. P.
History before 1815, V:47 Residence of, Idlewild on the Hudson, illus.

James City Courthouse see Williamsburg, Va.: VI:l/2:pl I fig 5

Courthouses Willis, Robert, Prof., member of jury for Crimean War

Maps see Williamsburg, Va.: City plan, Maps, Views, Memorial Church Competition, XIX:4:159; edited
etc. Villard de Honnecourt Sketchbook facsimile,

Matthew Whaley School, illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3 XIX:2:85; on keystones in Villard de Honnecourt
Paradise House, illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3 Sketchbook, XIX:3:93

Powder Horn [Magazine], 111:4:26; XVIII:4:163; Willistown Township, Pa.

illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3 Plumsock

Preservation, Restorations, etc. (see also Corner fireplace, illus. XIX:2:83 fig 2

Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg, Inc.), Willits, Ward

compared with Annapolis, VII:l/2:47; among House of, River Forest, 111., XIX:l:7-8; XIX:4:183
best known reconstructions, XII:3:27; restored Willow Creek Dam, proposed, VI:l/2:28

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Willow Run, Mich. - Windsor, Engl.

Willow Run, Mich. Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, and J. N. de Azara,

Bomber plant, 11:2:5; 111:4:66 XIII:3:12; R. W. Emerson on, XVII:4:27; and F.

Willowbrook see Baltimore, Md. Milizia, X1II:3:12; and neo-classicism, 11:3:7;



Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton, VI:3/4:6 Writings, 11:3:7; XVII:4:27

Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal, VI:3/4:6; Wind, Edgar, 111:3:9
XI: 1 :[26] n3 Wind bracing, XVIII:4:129,131 nl6
Willson, Edward James Winde, William
Examples of Gothic Architecture, (with A. C. Pugin, Buckingham House, London, XVI:2:18; illus.

A. W. N. Pugin and T. L. Walker), 11:1:28 n3 XVI:2:19 fig 6

Specimens of Gothic Architecture, (with A. C. Pugin), Windham, Ohio

11:1:28 n3; XVI:1:28,30 Church, brick, VII:3/4:32

Willson, Fred F., XII:3:29; XIII:2:29 Windmills

Wilmette, 111. Maryland, XI:1:27

Kelsey (H. N.) House, Sheridan Rd. (R. C. Spencer, Windows, cotton drilling for, XII:4:19; sash,

Jr.), XIX: 1:7; illus. XIX: 1:7 fig 9 XIX:4:150; screens for, X:2:20; shells as, XV:3:27;

Wilmington, Del. "Venetian window frame," XVI:4:32; vertical-strip,

St. Johns (J. Notman), XV:2:20,21 XVII*3*30nl7
Wils, Jan, XVIII:3:115 Chartres Cathedral

Wilson , . . . Rose window (Villard de Honnecourt Sketchbook),

Barn of, near Washington Courthouse, Ohio, XIX-3-96

Designs and Projects

Wilson, Edward L XV:3:32 Blind window design Ricett0> Biblioteca

James K Laurenziana (Michelangelo), XIX:3:104; illus.
Isaac M. Wise Temple [Alhambra Temple; Plum St. VIV , ~ ,,
t i c Di c. 1 /- . XIX:3:105 fig 16
Temple; Synagogue, Plum St.], Cincinnati,

VI:3/4:18; XVI:4:29; XVII:2:27; illus. XVII:2:27 JZ

,, ' , ' Drawings, XIX:3:102 n21

Wilson, John, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135 r> <-i r u- ,. , c ...
ii;-. t , f, ,0C, ,. , - . Profiles of mouldings A. da Sangallo, the

Wilson, Joseph, fl. 1800, ships carpenter, X:4:26 VI , _ VIIT , _ .

Wilson Mrs. Newton R younger), XIII:3:8; illus. XIII:3:[6] fig 4

mrs. isewion is. Study for a window (Michelangelo), illus.
House of see St. Louis, Mo.: Wilson [Mrs. Newton

R ) House XIII:3:[7] fig 9

Wilson, Samuel, Jr., and AIA Preservation Committee, E"el Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh

xil:3:29; XIII:2:29; discovery of 18th c. drawings c Tlffany 8lass windows-XV::^

for La. bldgs., VII:l/2:36 nnl,4; and exhibit of H. Etruscan, 11:1:8-16; illus 11:1:11 fig 1; [13] fig 3
Howard bldgs., XI:4:21; and R. Koch, XIII: 1:24; Gothic, XIII: 1:30 (lights)

and Landmarks Society (SAH New Orleans), Greek, 11:1:8

IX:3:29- XI:4:21 ^ Eastern, 11:1:9
Articles Octagonal
"The De La Ronde Plantation House (1805?)," Mexico, V.-28,29
XIII 1-24-26 Palladian see Palladian Style, System, etc.:
"Latrobe's Custom House, New Orleans, 1807-09," Buildings, Doors, Windows, etc.
XIV:3:30-31 Polygonal

Review Troia, Italy, XX:3:145

Gowans, A., Church Architecture in New France, Reims Cathedral see Reims: Cathedral: Windows and
XVI: 1:31-32 8lass

Wilson, William, fl. 1851, XV:1:30 nl6 Russian, XVI:2:8

Wilson, Woodrow, and Col. E. M. House, XI:4:35 Stained glass see Stained glass
Wilson, N.C. Troia, Italy
Wilson Junior High School (A. G. Odell and Cathedral
Associates), XX:4:204 West Window, XX:3:145

Wilson Brothers and Co. Vinland, Newport (E. Burne-Jones), XVIII:2:68

Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, XIX:2:81 n6 Windrim, J. H.

Winchester, Alice First Regiment Armory, Philadelphia, XIV:3:24
Antiques (ed.), IX:3:27 Windsor, Engl.
Winchester, Sarah L., d. 1922, XVI:4:36 Town Hall, XII:3:23
Mystery House of, San Jose, Calif., XVI:4:36; Windsor Castle
XIX:4:180 St. George's Chapel
Winchester, Va. Doorways, XVI: 1:30

Holmes (Judge Hugh) House, IX:3:14 Mausoleum of Charles I, XIX:3:131


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Windsor, Vt. - Wittkower

Windsor, Vt. early American culture, XIX: 1:43; SAH tour,
Courthouse and Post Office XIII:2:32

Bldg. (A. B. Young), XIX:3:121-123; illus. Coal grate, 18th c., IX:4:24n30
XIX:3:121 figs 4-6; 122 fig 7,8 Furniture (S. Mclntire), XVII:2:29
Jail, XIX:3:123 Paneled parlor from Stamper-Blackwell House,
Fullerton House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 Philadelphia, XIX:3:118n5
Hatch House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 Rooms, installations designed by T. T. Waterman,
Hubbard House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 X:2:25
Meeting House (A. Benjamin), XIII:3:16 Winterthur Corp., XIX: 1:43

Windsor Castle see Windsor, Engl. Winterthur Series, XIX: 1:43

Windsor Locks, Conn. Winthrop, Jane Borland, XVIII:4:158
Canal locks, XX:4:197 Winthrop, John, 1606-1676
Winemiller, Henry, 19th c., XVII:3:32 Library of, XX:3:117
Wing, J. M., IX: 1 /2:21 Winthrop, John Still, 1720-1776, XVIII:4:158
Wingert, Paul S., XIX:l:30n36 Wire cable manufacture, XVLLll
Winkler, Robert Wirgman, Charles, fl. 1819, of Baltimore, XX:2:75
Architects' Homes (ed.) Wirth, Conrad L., XVI:3:29; XVII:1:30
Brief rev., XVI: 1:32 Wiscasset, Me.
Winn, John, III, IX:3:19n3 Houses (Codd), X:4:26
Winnebago Indians Wischnitzer, Rachel

Dwellings, illus. XVII:4:33 'Thomas U. Walter's Crown Street Synagogne,

Winona, Minn. 1848-49," XIII:4:29-31

Merchants National Bank (Purcell and Elmslie), Review
XIX:1:40; XIX:2:68n32 Whittick, A., Eric Mendelsohn, XVII:3:35-36

Watkins (J. R.) Plant (G. W. Mher), XIX: 1:40 Wisconsin

Winona National Bank Bldg. (G. W. Maher), Architecture, XVIII: 1:29-33; XX:3:150
XIX: 1:40 Poured concrete bldgs. (J. Goodrich), XI:2:24
Winslow, fl. 1699 Wisedell, Tho.

House of, Marshfield, Mass., 1:1:22 Terrace, U.S. Capitol, Washington, VII:l/2:20,27

Winslow, Hallet W., fl. 1850, VI:1/2:18 Wismar

Winslow, W. H. Churches, XVII: 1:34

House of see River Forest, 111.: Winslow (W. H.) Wistar, Caspar, Dr.
House House of see Philadelphia: Shippen-Wistar House

Winston, George, 18th c., XII:4:27 Wiszclawice, Pol.

Winston-Salem, N.C. Peasant house

House, 1802, XIII:2:27 Porch, illus. VI:3/4:pl III fig 1

Moravian records, IV:3/4:51 Withersdale, Engl.

Wake Forest College Church, IX:3:13 n28

Bldg., 1834 (Ligon), X:l:21 Withey, Abel, 19th c., XX:4:196nl4

Design (J. Berry), X:l:21 Withey, Elise Rathbun

Bldgs. and campus, 20th c., XX:4:203 Biographical Dictionary of American Architects
Houses on campus (J. Berry), X:l:19-21 (Deceased) (and H. F. Withey), XVIII:3:118
Winter, fl. 1793, capt. of Brigg "Abbey," XII:1:22 Rev. by P. F. Norton, XVII:4:39-40
Winter, Arch R. Withey, Henry E., XII:3:29
Renewal plan for Natchez, Miss., XV:4:4 Withey, Henry F.
Winter, Henry Biographical Dictionary of American Architects
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Manhattan, Kan. (Deceased) (and E. R. Withey), XVIII:3:118
Rectory, VI:l/2:27 Rev. by P. F. Norton, XVII:4:39-40
Winter, Robert W. Witmer, George S., XVI:3:31-32
"Fergusson and Garbett in American Architectural Witt, Simeon see De Witt, Simeon
Theory," XVII:4:25-30 Wittich, G. F.
Winter, W. H. (see also Provest, Winter and Co.), View of Circleville, Ohio, XIV:4:26 n5; illus.
VII:l/2:29 XIV:4:25 fig 4

Winterowd, George C., XI: 1:27 Wittkower, Rudolf J., on Bernini, XIX:4:135; on R.
Winters, J. S. Morris, XV:4:31; on Palladio, XIX:4:135,184; on
House of, Montgomery, Ala., XIX: 1:35 capt. Temanza's S. Maria Maddelena, XIX:4:137
fig 2,38 Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600 to 1750

Winterthur, Del. Rev. by D. R. Coffin, XVIIL4:164-165

Henry Francis DuPont Winterthur Museum, D. A. "S. Maria della Salute: Scnographie Architecture

Fale, Jr. at, XVII:2:29; graduate program in and the Venetian Baroque," XVI:1:3-10

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Witzleben - Woodruff

Witzleben, Arthur von, VII:1/2:19 Wood, William, 17th c., XI:1:6

Woburn, Mass. Wood, William Halsey
Railroad Station (G. M. Dexter), VIII: 1/2:35 Allegheny Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, competition
Wlfflin, Heinrich, architectural theory of, X:3:9; on design, XVI:3:26
Baroque, 111:3:13; 111:4:32; and J. Burckhardt, Pittsburgh Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, competition



Writings, X:3:9 Wood carving

Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe, XV:4:31 Finnish, VI:3/4:l-2; illus. VI:3/4:pl I fig 2
Renaissance and Baroque, XIV: 1:8 Wood construction (Timber bldgs., Wooden houses,




Die Brder Hans Adam und Joseph Dossenberger..., See also Balloon frame construction; Braced

XIX: 1:41 construction; Log cabins, construction, etc.

Wolcott, Oliver, Sr. England, 17th c., XI:1:4,8
House of, Litchfield, Conn., illus. X:4:19 fig 1 Greek, XX:4:201-202

Wolcott, Oliver, Jr., X:4:19,20 Hamilton, N.Y., wooden masonry, XVI:2:27-28

Wolcott, Mrs., 18th c X:4:20 Kansas, VI: 1/2:24,27,29

Wolcott Family of Litchfield, X:4:20 Middle Ages, XVII:2:2-23; XVIII:4:123-125




House of, Thomaston, Me., X:4:25,26 Russia, 111:4:37-40; VIII:1/2:91; XVI:2:6-16,29,30

Wolf, of Guben, Ger. Sudbury, Mass., 17th c., XI:1:4,8

House of, XX: 1:42 U.S., history, 11:4:3-29; nineteenth century,

Wolf, Edwin, II, at Library Company, Philadelphia, XIX:4:181

XIII:4:31 n; XX:3:117,125,127 nn7,12, 129nn25,26 Woodbridge, fl. 1896, Prof, of Boston, work on U.S.

Wolf, S., 20th c of Dresden, XIX:1:25 nl Capitol, VII:l/2:30

Wolf Lake Amusement Park see Chicago Woodbridge, Frederick, 20th c., XIX: 1:33
Wolf Rock Lighthouse Woodbridge, John Marshall

Cast iron lighthouse, proposed, 1837, XVI:1:12 Buildings of the Bay Area; A Guide to the
Wolfe, Catherine Lorillard, XVIII:2:68 Architecture of the San Francisco Bay Region

Wolfe, James, 1727-1759, Gen., XVI: 1:32 (and S. B. Woodbridge)

Wolfe, Lawrence Clarke, XV:2:23 nl2 Brief rev., XIX:3:132
Wolfe, Thomas Barnes see Vrydaugh and Wolfe Woodbridge, Sally Byrne, XIX 3:132
Wolfeborough, N.H. Woodburn, Or.
Wentworth (John) House (P. Harrison), XVIII:4:158 Ogle (J.) Residence (C. S. McNally), XIX:2:58nl3
Roof, XVIII:4:159 Settlemeir (J. H.) Residence (C. S. McNally),


Marienkirche (P. Francke), IX:3:13 nl9 Woodbury, Levi, Sec. of the Treasury,
Wollaston Manor, Va. XX:4:185,186,187,189,190
Neale (James) House, XVI:4:30 Woodcarving see Wood carving
Wolsey, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington, see Wellesley, Woodehester, Engl.
Arthur Bentley's Piano Factory, VIII:1/2:13,14; illus.
Wolsey, Thomas, IX:4:10 VIII:l/2:pl III fig 10
Wolverton, Engl. Wooden bldgs. see Wood construction
London and Northwestern Railway locomotive and "Wooden masonry," XVl:2:27-28

carriage works, XIX:4:166 Woodham Walter, Engl.

Women as architects see Architects: Women Parish church, IV:3/4:46

Wonders of the Ancient World see Seven Wonders of Woodhurst, Robert S., Jr., XIII:2:29
the Ancient World Woodland, Wis.

Wood, Edith Elmer, on Ciudad Lineal, XVIII:3:77 St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, ca. 1860,
Wood, George, 18th c., of Philadelphia, XV:4:25 XVIII:l:31-32
Wood, Grant The Woodlands, on the Schuylkill see Philadelphia
American Gothic, XVII:3:35 Woodlawn [Elisha M. Pease House] see Austin, Tex.

Wood, H. F., fl. 1892, bldr., XII:4:25 nil Woodlawn Plantation [Lewis Family Home] (W.

Wood, James, Gov. of Va. XII:4:28 Thornton), X:l:27; X:2:21; X:4:35

Wood, John, 1704-1754, and G. Dance the younger, Locks, XIX:3:118 n2,l 19 n6
XIV:4:13 Woodlawn Plantation [W. W. Pugh Residence] see
City plans, Bath, XIV:4:13,17-18 Napoleonville, La.
Wood, John, 1728-1781 Woodmason, Charles, 18th c., XVIII:3:112-113
Model cottages, 1781, 11:4:36 Woodruff, Wilford

Wood, Kingsley, Sir, IV:3/4:55 House of see Nauvoo, III.: Woodruff (Wilford) House

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Woods - Wren

Woods, Arthur, Col., X:l:16 Wortley, Emmeline Stuart, Lady, X:3:24

Woods' artificial stone, 11:1:29 Wragg, John, 18th c., X:4:6
Woods Hole see Falmouth, Mass. Wragg Borough, S.C.

Woodside, John A. City plan, X:4:6

Old Stock Exchange, Philadelphia, painting, 11:3:33 Wragg Family, of Charleston, S.C., 1:3/4:22
Woodward, Augustus B., Judge Wray, James, X:4:22

City plan, Detroit, IX:l/2:35 Wren, Christopher, Sir, and Algarotti, IV:2:24; infl. on

Woodward, Benjamin (see also Deane and Woodward), American Colonial, VIII:3/4:25; IX:3:12; Baroque

XIX:4:160 detail of, VI:3/4:19; J. F. Blondel admiration of,

Woodward, George Evertson XVIII:4:142; infl. by Dutch work, 11:2:25; elegance

Woodward's Country Homes, XII:4:24; quotations IV:2:24; and geometry, XVI:4:34; XV1II:4:163;

from, 11:4:6,7,8,15 n78,16 and J- Gibbs, XIII:l:14n8; infl. on P. Harrison,

Woodward J. J. XIII: 1:11; and Hawksmoor, XVI:4:34,35; use of

House of, Philadelphia, XIX:1:37 hipped roof on churches, XIII:1:12; and R.

Woodward, Willie, Miss, XI:4:[7] n31 Hooke, XX:3:150; compared with I. Jones,

The Woodwork of Greek Roofs, by A. T. Hodge IX:3:12; infl. by Le Pautre, XIII:4:32; office of,

Rev. by S. L. Glass, XX:4:201-202 XIII:4:31; antipathy of Palladians to, XVI:4:35;

Woodworth Will XVIII:4:142; in Paris, 1665, XV:2:11 n46; as

Residence of, Salem, Or., XIX:2:59 nl3 Planner' II:1:5= XIV:4:20; Pugin's disapproval of,

Woolf Virginia IX:3:5; Roman order naturalized by, XX:4:192;

To \he Lighthouse, XIX:2:88 condemns repair of Old St. Paul's, IX:3:7; infl. on

Woolfall, Charles, 18th c XV:4:25 ShePley> Rutan and Coolidge, XVII:3:23,26-28;

Woolley, Ed, fl. 1772, XX:3:127 n7 skl11 ln use of sPace= IX:3:12^ style <En8hsh

Woolley, Edmund, 1696-1771, XI:3:23-24,26 Post-Renaissance), XVII:3:23,26-28 (monumental),

Woolley, Edward, . 1735, Philadelphia

XX:4:193; infl. on J. Trumbull,
XIV:2:8; works

carpenter, XI:3:23
Woolridge, Alex H., XIII:2:30
Woolsey, Heathcote, VIII: 1/2:67

illus. in Vitruvius Britanniens, XX:3:115

Articles and Books on

Brand1' VI:3/4:35
Ep'. ^^Pjf Wren and Fischer
von X:3:18

Worcester, Conn.

Eimes, J., Memoirs of the Life and Works of Sir

Christopher Wren, XX:3:136

Asylum, XIII:3:Suppl. 5

Worcester, Mass. Sekler, E. F., Wren and His Place in European

Courthouse A B. Young), XIX:3:119 Architecture, XVI:4:33-35

Wordsworth, William Works

StmplnPass,X\\A:22 All Hallows, London, XIII:1:14nil

Workhouses w Almshouses, Poorhouses, Workhouses, chelsea Hospital, London, X: 1:24


Christ's Hospital, London

conditions Writing School of Sir John Moore (and N.

Builders, 18th c., Xlll:4:28-29 Hawksmoor), XIII:4:31

The Workman's Golden Rule for Drawing and Working Church towers XVI-4-34 35

the Five Orders in Architecture, by B. Langley, Wren-like spires, VI:3/4:19; XVII:3:27

XX:3:119,128 no.45 Churches, damaged in W.W. II, 1:3/4:45

Workshops city plan project, London, X:2:3; XX:2:55;

Artists', XVIII:3:117 XX:3:147

World wars see Architecture and War; Art and War; College of William and Mary, Williamsburg

War damage ^ ^ ^ Wren Bldg. (attrib.) see Williamsburg, Va.:

World's Columbian Exposition, 1893 see Chicago College of William and Mary
World's fairs see Exhibitions Hampton Court Palace work, XVII:3:27

Worms, Prince Bishop of XII:4:12 Royal Naval Hospital, Greenwich, projects,



Pre-Carolingian church, XVII:2:5 St. Andrew's, Holborn, London, XIII:1:13

Synagogue, 12th c., XIII:4:30 St. Bride's, London, XIII:1:13; XVI:4:34

Worrel, James, 18th c XV:4:23,25 St. Clement Danes, London, IV:2:42; XIILLll;



Abstraktion und Einfuehlung, X:3:12 St. Dionis Backchurch, London, XIX:4:162-163

Form in Gothic St. James', Piccadilly, IV:2:42
Short rev., XVI:3:35 St. James', Westminster, XX:4:193

Worth, Lawrence C. see Wroth, Lawrence C. St. Margaret's, Lothbury, XIII:l:14nll

Worthington, Thomas, XII:2:25 St. Mary-le-Bow, London, IV:2:42

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Wren - Wright
St. Mary Magdalene, Old Fish St., London, and W. Drummond, 111:4:19; and eclecticism,
XIII:1:14 nil XX:4:177; and G. G. Elmslie, XIX:2:62-63;

St. Michael's, Cornhill, XIX:4:162 XX:3:140-141; infl. in Germany, 11:3:12; X:3:10;

St. Michael's, Queenhythe, XIII:l:14nll and W. B. Griffin, 111:4:19; XIX:1:8; and A. Heun,

St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, London, IV:2:42; XIX:1:2; H.-R. Hitchcock on, XVII:1:36; infl. on
XIII: 1:14 nil R. Hotchkiss, 111:4:18; and M. Hunt, XIX:1:2,6;
St. Paul's Cathedral, London, designs for, infl. by Japanese architecture, VIII: 1 /2:128;

XII:3:23; engravings of (Grelot), XIII:2:31; XVIII:2:63,65; cited in Japanese

XVIII:4:142 nl2; height, XVI:4:25; A. Huxley literature, XVI:4:36; and Le Corbusier, XX:2:94;
on, XV:4:7-9; and London city planning, and Louisiana "raised cottage" idea, VII:l/2:34;

XIV:4:18,22n47; XX:2:55; E. Sekler on, and C. R. Mackintosh [Macintosh], XI1I:2:30;

XVI:4:34-35; vertical orders, XVI:2:31; war XVII:4:39; and M. Mahony, 111:4:19; infl. by
damage, 1:3/4:45; IV:2:42 Mayan art and architecture, VIII:1/2:128;
Parts XVIII:2:63,65; and E. Mendelsohn, XVII:3:36;
Colonnade around drum, XIII:1:12 and Middle West architects, XX:4:169; infl. in
Columns, western bay, XIII:l:14nl8 Minneapolis, XIII: 1:23; infl. in the Netherlands,
Dome, VII:1/2:5,6,7,24,31; XIV:3:14 nl4; XVIII:3:115; and materials, XIX: 1:9; B. Maybeck
XV:4:7,8; XVI:4:35 as foil for, IV:3/4:50; and "New School of the
Transept porches, XIII: 1:11-12 Middle West," XIX:3:124; infl. in Oak Park,
Vault, XVII:4:24 111:4:18-19; and "organic" architecture, X:3:6;
Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, XIX:3:131 XIX:3:128; ornament of, XVIII:2:64; XIX:2:63;
Town Hall, Windsor, XII:3:23 as overwhelming phenomenon, XX:3:149; and D.

Trinity College Library, Cambridge, design, Perkins, XIX: 1:2,6; popularity of, 11:3:18-25;
XVI:4:34; XIX:3:131 VI:3/4:4; IX:1/2:19; XII:4:17; and Prairie

Whitehall Palace, London, project, XIII:4:31 ; architects, XIX:1:2,10; Prairie style of, 11:1:8;

XVI:4:34 11:4:5; XVI:4:36; XVIII:2:64; XIX:1:2-10; lack of

Wren Bldg., Williamsburg (attrib.), see professional training, XVIII:3:116; and W. G.
Williamsburg, Va.: College of William and Purcell, 111:4:16-17; XIII:1:23; infl. on Purcell and
Mary Elmslie, XIII:1:23; as radical, XII:4:14; compared

Writing School of Sir John Moore see Wren, with A. Reidy, XX:2:95; and romanticism, XV:4:2;
Christopher, Sir: Christ's Hospital, London recipient of Royal Gold Medal, XIX:4:145; and R.

Wren Society, IV:3/4:50; XII:3:23; XVI:4:33 M. Schindler, XX:2:95; XX:4:179,183 nn6,8; infl.

Wrenn, George L., XX:4:191 of "shingle" and "stick" styles, XII:2:30; and J. L.
'"A Return to Solid and Classical Principles,' Silsbee, 111:4:52; XVII:4:39; XIX:1:3; XIX:3:129;

Arthur D. Gilman, 1859," XX:4:191-193 and space, 11:3:25; X:3:14n49; XIX:l:3-4;

Wrest XIX:3:125; and "space-block architecture," 111:4:6;
Pavilion (T. Archer), XIII:4:32 and R. C. Spencer, Jr., XIX: 1:2,6,7-8; spiritual

Wright, Mrs., fl. 1834, deputy housekeeper, Houses of value of his work, IV:2:8; and L. H. Sullivan,
Parliament, XX:3:100 X:3:6; XIV:3:32; XVII:2:30; XVII:4:39;

Wright, Benjamin, Judge, XX:4:194,195,196 XVIII:2:64; XIX:2:62-63; XIX:3:129;

Wright, Carroll D., Col., X:l:24 XX:4:179-184 passim; C. Tunnard ref. to,
Wright, Charles C., 19th c. die-sinker IX: 1/2:34; infl. by Turkish Pavilion, World's

Medals, XIV:2:7; illus. XIV:2:[5] figs 15,16 Columbian Exposition, XVIII:2:63-65; and J. S.
Wright, David McCord, XX:2:52 Vanbergen, 111:4:19; and C. E. White, 111:4:19; and

Wright, Edward, 18th c. ship's capt., XV:4:23 A. Willatsen, XIX:3:124n7

Wright, Frank Lloyd, on D. Adler, XX:3:141,142; in Books on

Adler and Sullivan Office, 111:4:52; XIX:2:62-63; Blake, P., The Master Builders. . ., XX:4:200-201

XIX:3:129; XX:3:142; aesthetic origins of, Hitchcock, H.-R., In the Nature of Materials...,

XVII: 1:36; and agrarianism, XVIII:3:87,90; and 11:2:29 n; 111:4:51-52; XV:2:31; XIX:3:129,130

American cottage style, VIII:3/4:67; and American Manson, G. C., Frank Lloyd Wright to 1910.. .,
Council for Preservation, proposed, X:l:23; and XVII:4:39

American Luxfer Prism Co. competition, Scully, V., Frank Lloyd Wright, XIX:4:182-183;

XIX: 1:7 nl7; and Art Nouveau, XIX:4:183; and XX: 1:43
Arts and Crafts movement, XIX:1:5; XIX:3:124; Domiciles of

and C. R. Ashbee, X:l:23; biogr. study of, Oak Park, 111., 111:4:17; XVIII:2:64; XIX:3:124n7;
VIII: 1 /2:87; compared with Brazilian architects, XX:4:179
XVII:2:31; use of brick, XIX:1:5 n8; career of, Scottsdale, Ariz.
XIX:2:86; and Chicago Exposition, 1933, Taliesin West, XIX:4:183
XIX:3:130; and Chicago School, XI: 1:27; on

"clean" architecture, X:3:3,4; death of, XX:3:140;


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Wright - Wright

Wright (Cont.) Dress shop, project, ca. 1912, Oak Park,

Publications (Articles and Books), 11:2:31 (writings XIX:3:130

contrasted with bldgs.) Fallingwater [Kaufmann (Edgar J.) House at Bear

'The Art and Craft of the Machine," XIX:1:2,9 Run], 11:3:25; 111:4:52; XIX:3:130; XIX:4:183

An Autobiography, XX:3:141 Filling Station, Cloquet, XIX:4:174-175; illus.

Frank Lloyd Wright, Drawings for a Living XIX:4:174 fig 1; 175 figs 2,3
Architecture, XX:2:93 Florida Southern College Bldgs., Lakeland, Fla.,
Rev. by H.-R. Hitchcock, XIX:3:129-131 XX:4:204

When Democracy Builds, XIX:4:174 Furniture, XVIII:3:115

Publications (Review) Gale (Walter) House, Oak Park, XIX:3:129;
Morrison, H Louis Sullivan: Prophet of Modern Golf
Club, River Forest, 111:4:51
Architecture, XX:3:140-142

vu i in, I T-. I Guggenheim Museum see Wright, Frank Lloyd:

Works (Bldgs., Drawings, Projects, etc.) Works (Bides Drawines Projects etc)
(Benjamin and Sons) Laundry Plant, s ( gs" Uraw'ngs',Vrojects' etc)"
. u-i i vtv -, , ,n Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
project, Milwaukee, XIX:3:130 , _ r,,f r,,, .t D

.(T . VTV, ,Hardy Thomas P. [W. P.] House, Racine,

All-Steel House, project, XIX:3:130 XIX-4-183

Bagley (Frederick) House, Hinsdale, XIX: 1:3-4; Harlan (Alhson) House> Chicag0> XIX:1:4

illus. XIX: 1:3 fig 3 Hartford (Huntington) Country Club, project, Los
Bailleres (Raoul) House, project, Acapulco, Angeles, XIX-3-130

XIX:3:130 Hartford (Huntington) Spherical House, Los

Barnsdall House, Los Angeles, XX:4:181 and n2 Angeles, XIX-3130

Barnsdall Kindergarten, project, Los Angeles, Heller (Isidor) House, Chicago, XVIII :2:64;


Berger (Robert) House, Altadena, XIX:3:130 Hickox (Warren) House, 1900, Kankakee

"Block house," study for, XIX:3:130 [Kankakee Houses], XIX: 1:7

Bloomfield (L. A.) House, project, Tucson, House at Bear Run see Wright, Frank Lloyd:
XIX:3:130 Works (Bldgs., Drawings, Projects, etc.):

Blossom (George) House, 1892, Chicago, XIX: 1:4; Fallingwater

XIX:3:129 House projects, Ladies Home Journal, 1901,

Booth (Sherman) House, Glencoe, XIX:3:130 XIX:1:7
Bradley (Mrs. B. Harley) House, 1900, Kankakee Houses, early, XIX:3:126,129-130

[Kankakee Houses], XIX: 1:7 Husser (Joseph W.) House, Chicago, XVIII:2:64;
Broadacre City regional plan, XVIII:2:38; XIX:3:130
XVIII:3:90; XIX:4:174-175; illus. XVIII:3:89 "Ideal Filling Station," design, 1920's,
fig 6 XIX:4:174-175

Burlingham (Lloyd) House, El Paso, Tex., Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, 111:4:51; XIX:3:129,130;


Capitol, Phoenix, XIX:3:130 Irvin8 (E- p> House> Decatur, XVIII:2:64; illus.

Chahroudi (A. K.) House, project, Petra Island, XVIII:2:65 fig 3

Lake Mahopac, XIX:3:130 Johnson Wax Co., Racine, XIX:2:86

Charnley (James) House, Chicago (attrib.), Laboratory Tower, XVI:4:36; XIX:3:130
XIIM -22- XIX-2-63 Kaufmann (Edgar J.) House see Wright, Frank
Childrens' playhouses,' project, Oak Park, Lloyd: Works (Bldgs., Drawings, Projects,
XIX-3130 etc.): Fallingwater
Coonley (Avery) House, Riverside, 111., 111:4:51; Ladies Horne Jo u rnal projects 1901, XIX:1:7

Lamp (Robert M.) House, Madison, XIX:3:130

Larkin Company Administration Bldg., Buffalo,
Playhouse, XVIII:3:115
XTltr t 111:4:51; VIII: 1 /2:133; XII:4:32; XIX:4:183;
XVIII:2:64; XIX:2:64; XIX:3:130; XIX:4:183

Cooper (Henry N.) House, project, La Grange, XX-3-141

XIX:3:129 Lindholm (Ray W.) Residence, Cloquet, Minn.,

Cummings Real Estate Office, Oak Park, XIX-4T75

XVIII:2:64; illus. XVIII:2:65 fig 4 Marcus (Stanley) House, Dallas, XIX:3:130

Dallas Theater, XIX:3:131 Marin County Civic Center, XIX:3:131

Dana (Susan) House, Springfield, 111., XVIII:2:64; Martin (Darwin D ) House, Buffalo, 111:4:51

XIX:3:130 Midway Gardens, Chicago, 111:4:51

Daphne (Nicholas) Funeral Chapels, San Mile High Skyscraper, project, Chicago,
Francisco, XIX:3:130 XIX:3:130
Detroit bldgs., 11:4:43 La Miniatura, Pasadena, XIX:3:130

Doheny (E. H.) Ranch Development, project, Los Minnesota bldgs., XIX: 1:40

Angeles, XIX:3:130
Drawings, XIX:3:129-131; XX:2:93


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Wright - Wyman
Monona Terrace, project, Madison, XIX:3:131 Wright, Wilbur, 11:4:18; XIII:3:28-29
National Life Insurance Bldg., Chicago, VI:3/4:2; Wright Brothers National Memorial, Kill Devil Hills,


Northome [Little (Francis W.) House; Stevenson Wriston, Barbara, and SAH, XI:1:32
(R. V.) House], Wayzata, XIX: 1:40 "Exhibition of Rhode Island Architecture Available,"
Oboler (Arch) House, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, 11:2:35-36


Odawara Hotel, Odawara, XIX:3:130 Cady, J. H., The Civic and Architectural
One-story house plan, use of, XX:4:175,176-177 Development of Providence, 1636-1950,
Prairie houses, 11:1:28; 11:4:5 XVII:3:35

Prefabricated bldgs., XIX:3:130 Writings on Early American Architecture, by F. J.

Price Tower, Bartlesville, XX:3:149 r00S) jTr xi:2:22- XIII:3:19
Quadruple [Quadrangle] Block Plan for Wroth [Worth], Lawrence C., X:l:26; XIII: 1:26;
Residential Subdivision, 1900, XIX:3:130 XVII-2-26

Roberts (Isabel) House, 1908, River Forest, Wrought-iron see Ironwork and Wrought-iron

XIX:4:183 Wuertemberg, Duke of, XII:4:12

Robie (Frederick) House, Chicago, 1:2:22; 111:4:51; Wrzburg, Prince Bishop of, and B. Neumann, XII:4:12

IX:l/2:37; XII:4:18; XV:4:6; XIX:4:182-183 Wrzburg

San Francisco Bay Bridge, project, XIX:3:130 Falken House XV-313
San-Marcos-in-the-Desert, project, XIX:3:130 Mainfrnkisches Museum, XII:4:13

Skyscraper Regulat.on scheme, Chicago, Residenz [Episcopal Palace]

XIX:3:130 Bldg. (J. B. Neumann), XII:4:12,13,14

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, N.Y., Ceiling fresco
XIX:3:130,131; XX:2:95; XX:3:150 p . T n ,n n x;^li
Taliesin West, Scottsdale, Ariz., XIX:4:183 virai? u virai if- i
Treliu lY.I/ns XII:4:12; illus. XII:4:13 fig 1

Ullman (H. J.) House [Hultman House], 1904 ha.?2^Um2ann1' XVII:4:22; iUus'

?r&i?Sl m.a.s,. Exhibition of Neumann drawings, 1953,

Unity Church [Temple], Oak Park, 111:4:51


IX:l/2:37; XIX:3:129; XIX:4:183 . , ,, _ KT , v

Usonian House, XIX:3:130 Ka.sersaal (J B Neumann), XI =4:14

Walls, treatment of, IX:1/2:18 Stucco work (A. Boss,) XV:3:13

Willey (Malcolm) House, Minneapolis Schonborn Chapel (J. B. Neumann), XVII:4:22; illus.

Bldg. 1934, XIX-3-130 XVII:4:23 fig 3

Design 1932 XIX-3130 Wurster, William Wilson,

on Bay Region architecture,

Willits (Ward) House, River Forest, XIX: 1:7-8;

Houses, XX:4:175,177


Winslow (W. H.) House, River Forest, XVIII:2:64; Robbins <Geor8e E > House> Hillsborough, Calif.,

XIX: 1:4 n6; XIX:2:64; illus. XVIII:2:64 fig 2 . XX:4:177; dlus. XX:4:178 figs 19,20

Wisconsin bldgs., XX:3:150 Wu-ti, IX:l/2:9

Wolf Lake Amusement Park, Chicago, XIX:3:130 Wyandotte Indians, VI: 1/2:23

Woodwork, early interior, XVII:1:36 Wyatt, Digby, Sir, XII:4:16,17

Wright (F. L.) House, Oak Park,. XX:4:179 Pompeian Court, Crystal Palace, London,
Playroom skylight, XVIII:2:64 XIV:3:3-4,6; illus. XIV:3:[5] fig 2

Studio, 111:4:17; XIX:3:124 n7; XX:4:179 Wyatt, James, brother of Samuel Wyatt, VIII:1/2:15;

YWCA, Racine, XIX:3:130 Regency Gothic work, XX:3:149

Yahara Boat Club, Madison, XIX:3:130 Albion Mill, London (and S. Wyatt), VIII:1/2:15,22;

Wright (Frank Lloyd) Foundation, Spring Green, Wis., '"us- VIII:l/2:pl III fig 11

XIX:4:174 Fonthill Abbey, VI:3/4:6; XIII:3:22; XVI:3:24;

Wright, John, fl. 1833, 11:4:16,20 XX:3:149

Wood frame store, Chicago, 11:4:18 Tower, XVI:4:22

Wright (John) and Co., 19th c. London banking firm, Wyatt, Jeffry, VI:3/4:6

XVI:4:15,18 Wyatt, Mildred, XI:4:[6]nl2

Wright, Mary, fl. 1816, of Piladelphia, see Haviland, Wyatt, Samuel

Mary Wright Sonntag Albion Mill, London (and J. Wyatt), VIII:1/2:15,22;

Wright, Orville, 11:4:18; XIII:3:28-29 illus. VIII:l/2:pl III fig 11

Wright, Richard N., XIX:4:172 n Wyatville, Jeffry, Sir, see Wyatt, Jeffry

Wright, Robert, fl. 1770, of Philadelphia, XV:4:25 Wyckoff, N.J.

Wright, Robert, fl. 1852, of Germantown Church, 1806, VII:3/4:31

House of, XIX: 1:38 Wyman, Lois Harper, XIII:3:Suppl. 10 capt. 1


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Wyman Villa - Young

Wyman Villa (R. Upjohn) see Baltimore, Md. Wythe, of Williamsburg, Va.
Wyte, Cleves, 17th c., XI: 1:4 House of, XVIII:2:72; illus. XIV:1:15 fig 3

XIT Ranch, Tex., 111:3:31 Xeres, Spain see Jerz de la Frontera, Spain

Xanthus Xerxes, son of Darius of Persepolis, XX:2:80,81

Nereid Monument, XI:3:4; illus. XI:3:[3] fig 11 Ximnez, Francisco, b. 1666, XV:1:12,13

Xavier, Francis, Saint, in Goa, XV:3:4

Statue, XV:3:29

YMCA see Young Men's Christian Association Yewell, George, XIV:3:24

YWCA see Young Women's Christian Association Ying Tsao Fa Shift [A Manual of Architecture and

Yachts see Ships Building], by Li Chieh, 11:2:27

Yale University see New Haven, Conn. Yoho, Jud

Yamachiche, Can. Bungalow, ca. 1912, Los Angeles, IX:1/2:19; illus.

Roman Basilica and crypt for the body of St. IX:1/2:17 fig 11
Eutychianus (H. Dorion), XIV:3:14 Yokohama

Yam-Tutu Island Mercantile houses (K. Shimizu), XIII:2:14

Culthouse, XIX: 1:28 Railway Station (R. P. Bridgens), XIII:2:15

Yancey, Charles, fl. 1822, XVIII: 1:7 Roman Catholic Church, 1862, XIII:2:14
Yancey ville, N.C. Yokosuka

Caswell County Courthouse (J. Berry, attrib.), Dockyards, XIII:2:15

X: 1 :[22] Yonkers, N.Y.
"Yankee Doodle" House see Rensselaer, N.Y.: Fort Philipse Manor House, 111:4:7; IV:2:38



Yardley, Ernest H., XV:2:23nl8 York Institute of Architectural Study [Studies],




Hallett (Andrew, Jr.) House, XIX:2:52; illus. York, Me.

XIX:2:50 fig 5 Eastman House, X:4:24
Yaroslavl, Russ. see Jaroslavl, Russ. Redcote, York Harbor (W. H. Dabney), IX:4:17;

Yassawi, Hasret Ahmad see Hasret Ahmad Yassawl illus. IX:4:[18] fig 2

Yates [Yate's], Abraham York, ship, IV:2:31

Map of Albany, 1770, III:l/2:39nl Yorktown, Va.

Yates, John B. Nelson (Sec. William) House, XI: 1:32

Plaster mill of, Sullivan, N.Y., XX:4:196,197 York County Courthouse (R. Ballard), XVIII: 1:4
Trip Hammer Shop of, Chittenango, N.Y., XX:4:196 Yorktown, steamboat, XI:4:26,28
Yaxley, Engl. Yost, Joseph Warren, XI:3:29
Church Yost, L. Morgan, on Chicago School houses,
Pulpit, 1635, IX:3:11 IX: 1 /2:37; X:l:28

Yeavering, Northumberland "Greene & Greene of Pasadena," IX:1/2:11-19

Royal Anglo-Saxon Palace, 7th c XVII:2:21 nl7 You' Thomas, 18th c. silversmith, XVIII:3:113


fever Young, 18th c.

U.S., 18th c., XX:3:109,110n5 House of' Thomaston, Me., X:4:24

Yellow Springs, Ohio Young, Ammi B and AIA, XIII:3:17; as U.S.

Octagonal house, XII:2:8 Supervising Architect, XVII:1:32;
Yellowstone, steamboat, XI:4:28 XIX:3:119-120,121-123; XX:4:198

Yemhatpe see Imhotep Articles on

Yeocomico Church [Yeocomoco Church], Overby, O. R., "Ammi B. Young in the
Westmoreland County, Va. Connecticut Valley," X1X:3:119-123

Door, 17th c XVII:1:14


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Young-"Zentralbau" church
Works Young, Samuel, fl. 1798, XIX:3:119

Church, Norwich, Vt. (attrib.), XIX.-3:120 The Young Builder's General Instructor, by M. Lafever,

Congregational Church on the Green, Lebanon, X:l:[22]

N.H. (attrib.), XIX:3:120 Plate 15, XII:2:14

Courthouse, Worcester, XIX:3:119 Plate 63, XII:2:10; illus. XII:2:[11] fig 6

Courthouse and Post Office, Windsor, Vt., The Young Carpenter's Assistant, by O. Biddle,
XIX:3:121-123; illus. XIX:3:121 figs 4-6; 122 VII: 1/2:46; XV:4:21 n40; XIX:4:181

figs 7,g Young Men's Christian Association

Custom House, Boston (and I. Rogers), XIX:3:119 Baltimore, XVI: 1:30

Dartmouth College, Hanover Boston

Reed Hall, XIX:3:120; illus. XIX:3:120 fig 2 Fair of the Nations, 19th c., XIV:3:6

Shattuck Observatory, XIX:3:121; illus. Buffalo, XIII:1:19

XIX:3:121 fig 3 Honolulu, XI:3:29nl9

Thornton Hall, XIX:3:120; illus. New Orleans, XI:4:[23]

XIX:3:120 fig 1 Richmond, Va.

Wentworth Hall, XIX:3:120 and capt. fig 1 Negro YMCA, 111:4:30

Statehouse, Columbus, design, XIII: 1:28 Young Women's Christian Association

Statehouse, Montpelier, Vt., XIV:2:13; XIX:3:119 Honolulu (J. Morgan), X:3:20

Young, Mrs. B. S fl. 1880, XIX:2:56n41 Racine (F. L. Wright), XIX:3:130

Young, Brigham The Youth of Churilo Plenkovich, XVI:2:16n8
House of see Nauvoo, 111.: Young (Brigham) House Youtz, P., XVIII:4:157

Young, Dyer H., XIX:3:120 Yowell, Carl

Young, George A., XIII:2:30 Residence of [Berryman House; Forest Hill], Alto,

Young, Gordon R., Brig. Gen., VI:1/2:31 Tex., XI:4:2; illus. XI:4:(5] fig 6
Young, Ira, XIX:3:120,121 Yowell, Mrs. Carl, XI:4:[7] n28

Young, N. P., Clerk of Court, Smithfield, Va. from Ypsilanti, Mich.

1841-92 XVII:1:18 Willow Run see Willow Run
Young, Nathaniel, Clerk of Court, Smithfield, Va. Yunguyo, Peru

before 1841, XVII:1:18 Retablo, V-.22

Young, Rebecca Burnham, XIX:3:119 Yusas, James, XVIII:4:149

Zabelin, Ivan Egorovich, on "tent rooP' of St. Basil's Zane, Ebenezer, XVI:4:31
Cathedral, Moscow, XVI:1:31 Zane, Isaac, 17107-1794, XV:4:27
Zacapa, Guatemala Zane's Trace, XII:2:3,5
Church, XV: 1:18 n 12 Zanesville, Ohio

Zacatecas, Mex. Art Institute, VIII: 1 /2:135; XI:4:25

Cathedral Headley Inn, XII:2:5; illus. XII:2:[7] fig 9

Doorway, V:29 Zanghieri, Giovanni, on Porta Pia, XIX:3:97-99

Zacatln, Mex. Zar Ptica [Fire-Bird], XVI:2:8
Basilica, V:29 n7 Zara, Dalmatia

Zachachi, Russ. Perpetual Adoration of the Host, 1226,

Nikolsky Church, 111:4:38; illus. III:4:[32a] fig 11 XVII:1:10nl8

Zahiriyah Intra Muros Madrasah, Damascus, 111:4:36 Zaragoza see Saragossa

Zakopane, Pol. Zarathustra, IX: 1/2:5

Farmstead of Roman Krzeptowski, illus. VI:3/4:pl Zehrfuss, B. H., and Le Corbusier, XX:2:93
III figs 4-5 UNESCO, Paris, XX:2:93



Relief of, XX: 1:42 "The Greek Revival House in Georgia," XIII:2:9-12
Zamora, Spain Zelnick, Simon B XII:3:29
Cathedral Zendjirli see Senjirli
Tomb of Dr. Grado, V:12n80 Zeno, XIII:4:9

Palacio de la Conquista, V:5 Zenobia, ship, XI:3:27

Palacio de los Momos, V:4 "Zentralbau" church, IX:3:13 n8


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Zeus - Zwiefalten

Zeus, and Athena, XI:3:[5]; XII: 1:3; and Telephos, "Zoomorphic Shrines in Egypt and India," by A.
XI:3:[5] Badawy, XVIII:
Altar of see Pergamum: Altar of Zeus Zoos


Statue of, Temple of Hera, Olympia, XIII:4:5 New York (City)

Stoa of, Athens, XIII:4:13 Central Park, XIV:3:23

Temples (Precincts, Sanctuaries) of .ree Megalopolis: Philadelphia (Hewitt and Hewitt), IV:3/4:51
Precinct of Zeus; Olympia: Temple of Zeus; Zor see Tyre
Priene: Temples and Sanctuaries: Zeus; Zorm, Christian, 18th c. plasterer, XX:3:135
Syracuse, Italy: Temple of Zeus Olympicus Zorrilla, XVIII:2:39




Articles, Books, etc., on modern architecture, Temple of, Sakkara, XI:2:25

XIV:4:31; on Palladio, XIX:4:184; selections in Zuazo, Alonso de, V:9n56
W. A. Cole and H. H. Reed, Architecture in Zuazo, Secundino

America, XX:3:149 Plan for Madrid (and Jansen), XVIII:3:75 n6

Poetica delVarchitettura neoplastica, XVIII:3:115 Zuccalli, Enrico [Zuccali; Zuculli; Zugalli]

Zhdanov see Mariupol Church, Ettal, XVI:2:31

Zibb'atuf [Zibbcatuf; en Nejr] Palace, Bonn, XVII:1:36

Altar, XI:3:1 Zuccari, Federico [Zuccaro], XII:4:16
Zick, Johann, XII:4:14 Zucker, Paul, on "Baugewerksschulen," XIV:l:24n3;
Ziegler, John C., XIX:1:33 and SAH, 111:4:66; VI:3/4:35; VIII: 1/2:130;
Ziegler, Leopold, X:3:10 X:4:36; teaching posts of, 11:2:40
Zig Zag, magazine, illus. from, XVIII:3:84 fig 2 Articles and Books
Ziggurats (see also Temples), XII:4:4,5,6 American Bridges and Dams
Zimmerman, . 1846, workman at Alleghany Furnace, Rev. by T. C. Bannister, 11:1:41-42
XVII: 1:29 "Architectural Education in Nineteenth Century
Zimmermann, Dominikus, Dossenberger Brothers as Germany," 11:2:40; 11:3:6-13
followers of, XIX: 1:41; masked sources of natural Architecture and City Planning, IV:3/4:49
light, XII:4:14 "The Paradox of Architectural Theories at the
Landsberg works, XVI.-2:31 Beginning of the 'Modern Movement,' "
Maria Mdigen [Medingen], XVI:2:31 X:3:8-14

Die Wies Monastery Church, XVI:2:31 "Space and Movement in High Baroque City

Zimmermann, Ernst Heinrich, on Maeseyck Gospel Planning," XIV: 1:8-13

Ms., XVIII:4:125 Town and Square

Zimpel Rev. by C. Tunnard, XIX:4:183-184

Versailles Plantation, La. Reviews

Map, illus. XIII: 1:24 fig 1 Franck, C., Die Barockvillen in Frascati,

Zinirli see Senjirli XVI:2:30-31

Zins, G., XIV:3:15 Frenkley, A., Stones of Glory-Stones of

Zippel, Giuseppe, XX: 1:40 France..., IV:3/4:53-54

Zoar, Ohio, XII:2:5; XV:4:6 Gruber, K., Die Gestalt der Deutschen Stadt,
Zocchi, Giuseppe XII:2:31

Etching, View of Palace at Pratolino, XX:4:156; Mayor, A. H., The Bibiena Family, V:47
illus. XX:4:159 fig 6 Nash, E., Roman Towns, IV:3/4:52-53

Zodiacal representations, XVII: 1:35 Steinman, D. B., The Builders of the Bridge; the
Zoelly, Pierre C. Story of John Roebling and His Son, IV:3/4:53
"Cyclone Barn, about 1920," XVIII:2:69 Whittick, A., European Architecture in the
Zola, Emile Twentieth Century, XIV:4:31-32
Travail, XIX:1:17,18 Zuculli, Enrico see Zuccalli, Enrico


City plan, IV:1:28 Bleicherhof (O. R. Salvisberg), XIX:3:126

Zoning Dahinden (Justus) Home (J. Dahinden), XVI: 1:32
See also Building codes, laws, regulations, etc. Grossmnster, XIX:4:176

Egyptian, VI:3/4:25; VII:l/2:43-44 Zugalli, Enrico see Zuccalli, Enrico

Germany, XIX: 1:19 n20 Zullardo, XVII: 1:5
Greek, VIII:3/4:41 Zurko, Edward R. de see De Zurko, Edward R.

Roman, VI:3/4:25; VIII:3/4:30,33-34,41; XI:2:17 Zwiefalten

Church, XVI:2:31


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