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School Stress Management- Questionnaire

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School Stress Management
Questionnaire Name (optional) : _________________________ Section
: __________________ Gender: ________________ Age: ________________
__ Stress
1.How often do you feel stressed?
( ) always ( ) everyday( ) sometimes ( ) once in a while( ) I dont kn
ow ( ) never
2.In what aspect of life you have the most problems?
( ) school ( ) family( ) friends ( ) love life( ) social life/community ( )
I dont know( ) others, please specify ____________________________
3.Rate (1-5) the following according to the most difficult problems
you have to deal with. _________ school _________ family _________
friends _________ love life _________ community
School Stress
4.Do you think you have more schoolwork than you should have?
( ) yes ( ) noIf yes, what makes most of your schoolwork? (can
answer more than once)
( ) assignments ( ) projects( ) tests ( ) extra-curricular activities
5.Do you get bored at school?
( ) yes ( ) no ( ) sometimes ( ) dont knowIf yes, why do you get
bored? (can answer more than once)
( ) boring lessons ( ) boring teachers( ) very easy lessons ( ) unexc
iting environment( ) I dont know ( ) every day is always the same

6.What problems do you most encounter in school? (can

answer more than once)
( ) hard projects ( ) many assignments/homework ( ) always havin
g tests ( ) lots of extracurricular activities( ) organization/club acti
vities ( ) dirty and unhealthy environment( ) boring lessons ( ) diffic
ult lessons( ) always late in classes ( ) sleeping during discussions(
) unconcerned teachers ( ) strict teachers( ) unfriendly classmates
( ) bullies( ) lack of adequate facilities (e.g. CRs, Visual aids, lab

Symptoms of Stress
7.How often do you have headaches?
( ) always ( ) sometimes( ) never ( ) dont know
8.Do you have frequent colds or flu?
( ) always ( ) sometimes( ) never ( ) dont know
9.Do you have sleeping problems?
( ) always ( ) sometimes( ) never ( ) dont know
10.How often do you feel anxious or frustrated?
( ) always ( ) sometimes( ) never ( ) dont knowSchool Stress
Management Techniques
11.How do you prioritize your tasks? (can answer more than ones)
( ) having a list of tasks ( ) hard lessons first then easy ones( ) do eve
rything one at a time ( ) homework before anything else( ) dont k
now ( ) I dont do my homework
12.Do you think you have a good time management?
( ) yes ( ) no ( ) dont knowIf yes, how do you manage your time?
(can answer more than once)
( ) school before leisure ( ) make the most of everyday( ) schedul
e of activities ( ) keep track of timeIf no, why do you say so?
( ) I pass projects when it is due ( ) I procrastinate/ maana habi
t( ) I dont care about time ( ) dont know

13.How optimistic (positive thinker) are you?

( ) always, I hate being pessimistic ( ) very, I smile like I dont hav
e problems( ) a little, in times of difficulties ( ) just sometimes( ) n
ot really ( ) Im not, I believe the world is dark and cruel( ) dont
know ( ) do I have to be?
14.How long often do you sleep?( ) 5 hours or less ( ) 67 hours ( ) 7-8 hours
( ) 8-9 hours ( ) 9 hours or more ( ) dont know15.
Do you have a balanced diet?
( ) yes ( ) no( ) I eat everything I want ( ) I dont know

Questions that parents or guardians can ask their


What are your academic goals for the semester? Students should have academic goals for the semester
which will help them stay focused. Goals are important because their give students a purpose for their time. They
can also serve as a motivator. What grade does your student expect at the end of the semester? Is that a realistic
grade based on their previous performance and/or talent in that subject matter Setting goals is a life skill that
students can translate into many areas of life.


Do you have a time management tool? Time management and goals go hand-in-hand. A time
management tool can help your students stay on track and achieve the goals he or she has set. In the long run,
being organized will save your student time. Some of the best time management tools can be found on your
computers and cell phones. Encourage students to take advantage of technology to help with time management.
Of course, traditional paper planners are also a good tool and can be purchased most anywhere.


Do you have a place to study? Having a consistent place to study is important. A study location should be
a place where a student can concentrate with limited distractions. There are many study locations on campus
including Newman Library and Torgersen Hall.


Have you visited your professors during office hours? Students should take advantage of office hours in
order to make a connection with their professors. Office hours are held specifically for students to come and ask
questions. Some reasons for attending office hours are to seek help on an assignment, to ask for clarification on a
classroom policy, or to inquire about a potential major. Some professors will have open hours listed on their course
syllabus, which means the student can drop in during that time. Others will require the student to make an individual


Are you attending class? This may seem like an obvious question, but students sometimes need to be
reminded about the importance of attending class. There is information that is often relayed only in class such as
changes in due dates and the syllabus as well as significant information that could be on test.


Have you utilized the services offered by The Student Success Center?The Student Success Center
offers many services to help students achieve their academic goals. We offer free tutoring services and academic
skills seminars. We also work with students individually on skills development. We also have programs geared

toward first generation students and students from low socio-economic backgrounds. Many students who are
already successful continue to use our services.

How do you manage stress? Stress can result in a number of problematic symptoms when its not dealt
with properly. Ask your student to identify their early warning signs of stress. Then make sure they have a healthy
outlet for relieving stress whether its regular exercise, relaxation techniques, or journaling.

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