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Module 3 Quiz

A development agency is working to enhance household economic productivity and

health in a poor mountainous region of Nepal. Farms located along the valley bottoms
are the major industry in the region. The area traditionally relies on snowmelt from
the upper mountains as a key water source, but climate change has resulted in less
snow accumulation and thus reduced reliability of the water supply in the valley. The
shifting climate is also causing precipitation that previously fell as snow to
increasingly be delivered as short, intense rainfall events. The overall result of these
changes has been increasing drought that is diminishing water availability to support
crop production as well as household needs.
Answer is not the following choices:
Implementation of a micro-loan program to purchase vehicles to start a water
delivery service, thereby providing more time for women to take on other
Initiating an educational campaign to improve sanitation practices in the

Urbanization is likely to:

Answer is:
None of these
Which one of the following statements is true?
Answer is not the following choices:
Levees reduce the risk of flooding along the length of a river channel
Channelization efforts, such as straightening streams and lining them with
concrete, increase flow velocities, which therefore reduce flood risks along a
Which of the following does NOT affect the amount of runoff in a watershed?
Answer is:
None of these
A hydrograph:
Answer is:
can be affected by human activities in a watershed

Storm runoff is controlled mainly by natural conditions, with little influence from

Answer is:
When the infiltration capacity of a soil is reached, the pore spaces of a soil have been
filled and runoff will initiate.
Answer is:
Green technologies, such as permeable pavements, are unlikely to significantly
reduce flood events because they still allow water to seep into the ground.
Answer is:
By definition, a hundred year flood can only occur once every 100 years
Answer is:
Watersheds with many channels tend to have a unit hydrograph with a sharp peak
and short time lag.
Answer is:
Less storm runoff is likely to be generated when:
Answer is Not the following:
an area becomes deforested.
Use the SCS curve number method to compare the change in runoff expected from
Mr. Henchel's plan to convert his land to a low density residential neighborhood
versus the change in runoff expected from the council's plan to develop a golf course.
Assume that the soils in the area are Group B.
Answer is Not the following:
Mr. Henchel's plan will approximately double runoff, whereas the council's plan
will reduce runoff.
Mr. Henchel's plan will cause runoff to approximately double, whereas the
council's plan will only increase runoff by about 25%.

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