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Washington DC. 20510-4103

March 14, 1994

The Honorable Henry Cisneros

Department of Housing and Urban Dev
451 Seventh Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20410

Dear Mr. Secretary:

I was recently contacted by officials from Deuel County, South Dakota,

regarding the effort to bring, the Deuel County Courthouse into
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). I have attached for
your review copies of a letter I received from Mr. Robert Atyeo, Deuel County
Auditor, and the County's architect's compliance cost-projection report.

I write you today in accordance with the guidelines spelled out in

President Clinton's Executive Order #12875, "Enhancing the Intergovernmental
Partnership," which went into effect January 24, 1994. It is my hope that the
Department will work with Deuel County officials on their effort to meet their
obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Deuel County is located in northeastern South Dakota. Over the course

of the past five years, the area has been devastated by a series of natural
disasters. The early 1990S brought repeated flooding, which inflicted costly
damage on Clear Lake. Last summer's Mississippi River flooding was only the
latest in an extended sequence of the region's problems.

Deuel County has a population of 4,522 individuals and a total county

valuation less than $200 million. It is highly dependent upon the success of
its predominantly agricultural population. Unfortunately, farm income in the
area has been down for some time. A succession of poor crops and natural
disasters have resulted in unexpected Country expenditures and reduced
revenue. Deuel County's current fiscal status is extremely precarious.

In his letter Mr. Aryeo outlines his concerns about how the county
would be negatively impacted by further increases necessitated by the demands
of ADA compliance. Atyeo also points out that Deuel county experiences an
extremely small demand for disability services, I should emphasize that my
constituents do recognize their need to ensure access for disabled individuals
and want to meet this civic obligation.
Finally, Deuel County officials are concerned about preserving the
historic integration of the Deuel County Courthouse building This limestone
and pared concrete structure was built between 1916 and 1919. It is my
understanding that it is on National Register of Historic Places.

The County is currently struggling with the challenge of complying with

regulations promulgated by the ADA. On behalf of Deuel County, I am
requesting a timely review of their situation. Any


The Honorable Henry Cisneros

March 14,1994
Page Two

consideration you can afford them, either in the form of regulatory

flexibility or financial assistance, would be greatly appreciated.

With best wishes, I am


Tom Daschle
United States Senate



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