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Good morning francerians!
Today we the students of class 8B are going to present before you a short piece
presenitng our views on the topic Positive attitude of students towards
Competiton! Well this word involuntarily induces a feeling of tension and
seriousness in our consicious minds. The word brings us a vivid picture of geeky
students pndering over fat books and tirelessly bubbling round bubbls using their
black ball point pen or a HB pencil. This word reminds us of the great crowd which is
aspiring for their dreams to be fulfilled which may have a resmeblance to ournown
aspirations. And a hell lot of feelings flow through our thought processes..birnging a
sense of unpleasant restlessness and nervousness when we hear this particular
WELL! Competition refers to a spirit of tireless striving towards a particular goal or
chekcpoint while putting down or out[erforming a numbe rof other individuals
striving for the same goal. The definiton may sound simple but we all know how
much effort and devotion this simple process which have been defined so involves!
Competitons are unavoidable! Yes lets face this truth, living in an unideal society
where resources are limited, and each and every person cant be entitled to same
type of tretament owing toa great variety in schoalstic, mental, academic and
physical ability which everyone of us is endowed with.presence of competition for
acquiring a particular prefernetial position beocmes ineveitable.
We are bound to face competition at each and every stage of our life and its
presence can be flet at ecah and every aspect. However, the competition which a
typical student faces during his student life bears a great importance towards his
carrer prospects. After completing a certain years of formal school education
everyone sits for entarnce exams providing an entry for undergaraduate courses of
the aspirants choice. These may sound quite simple.However, the pressure which
an average studnet faces while prpearing for same is incomprehensible by any tom,
dick or harry- same thing can be said about cracking it with a good score. Moreover

being the residnets of a countyr with a population exceeding the mark of 1

billion..we are born to compete. May be qualifying in tehse competitions may not be
possible for everyone but running away from them or breaking down under the
rpessure is certainly not the solution.
The remedy lies in facing it with a positive attitude.rabindranath tagore had said:-
Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them This
involves:1. Determination
2. Devotion
3. Aptitude
4. Clarity in concpets
5. Confidence
6. Time managemnet
7. Positivity of mind and thought
8. Hard work
9. Smart work
10.Optimism + focus
Competitions are a way to attain perfection, running away from them would be a
hindrance in such goal and hence detrimental towrads our future success in
life . It has been observed through confirmed experiments in psycholohgy that
stress caused by competition have a positive impact on our IQ AS Well as ceratin
others aptitude skills. Healthy competition is always an opportunity ot excel and
refine our modus operandi with regard to certain acdemical as well as nonacdemical qulaities.
Positive attittude towrads competition promote:1.development of a systematic approach towrads future projetcs
2. enhancment of our modus vivendi towrads deadlines.
3. preservance and instilling capacity to work harder and harder
Students today need to understand that each and every competition in their life
has a distinct meaning and importance which helps them prepare to face greater
challenegs which lie ahead, in life. They are stepping stones to rectify our
weaknesses and become a better human being .
The saying goes like this that everything which is good can be made better as
extreme perfection is near to impossible. The need of hour is that educational
system should be made flexible enough to incorportae ideas which develop skills
regarding facing competitions with a straight back. Studnets should realise the
need of a competitive environment as a prerequisite for enhanced rate of
learning and absorbing ideas in a better way.

In the end we must remember hwtaveer be the outcome we must be honest in

our effort.Doing what is fair and honorbale is more important than winning.
Rememebr that Winning and losing are both very temporary things. Having
done one or the other, you move ahead. Gloating over a victory or sulking
over a loss is a good way to stand still.

Finally lets take the oath that:let me win, but if I cant win let me be brave in my
Thank you

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