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A. The Effects of The Music Towards Intelligence

The mothers and expectant mothers in large cities in the country interested
recordings of classical music in their shopping list. They bought records ranging
from Mozart for mothers until Symphony Baroque Collection. This was in line
with the trend of the Mozart effect.
Research on the benefits of music (classical) for non-musical abilities has
actually been growing more than half a century. Modern music therapy developed
in the late 1940s for treat war fatigue suffered by the soldiers after the end of
World War II.
Although the Army Surgeon General, Chief of Navy Bureau of Medicine
and Surgery, Veterans Administration and Chief of Medical Services, said that
music can not be classified as a therapy such as penicillin, quinine, or radiation.
Clearly, the music included in the list of Army medical .The reason such effects
arising from the music, especially classical music was called Mozart effect it had
The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


stirred Alfred Tomatis, French physician who did a huge buzz for healing by
music through research for 30 years.
Based on testing done to more than 100,000 patients in Listening Centers
(training center for the disabled and hearing impaired people in Paris) has
repeatedly found to be whatever the listener a taste of the composer, Mozart's
music would not want to give you peace . Besides improving the perception the
spacial and allows them to communicate both with heart and mind.
Evidenced also that rhythm, melody and high frequencies of Mozart's
musical compositions to stimulate and strengthen the creative and motivational
regions of the brain. It was sourced from the work of a pure and simple. Mozart
does not make such a dazzling fabric of mathematical genius, Bach. He also did
not evoke emotions such as Beethoven's tidal wave. His work also does not make
the body so relaxed like folk music, or making the body swaying like a rock song.
In contrast to Mozart's music is mysterious, yet easy to understand, without any
tricks that are confusing. Although the composer has a characteristic that is close
to his contemporaries Haydn and other composers, Tomatis confirmed in writing
Pourquoi Mozart, "He has an effect, an effect that is not owned by other
composers. Mozart has a liberating force, treating, and even a cure. Its value far
beyond what we observe among the predecessors, contemporaries or successors
colleagues. "(As quoted in the book Mozart Effect, Using Music to Sharpen the
Mind, Enhance Creativity, and Healthy Body written by Don Campbell).
The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


Above theory has been widely attested. Journal of the American Medical
Association reported in 1996 the results of studies of music therapy in Austin,
Texas. Proved a number of pregnant women who listen to music during childbirth
did not require anesthesia.

According to the explanation of a researcher, musical stimulation

increases the release of endorphins and decreasing the need for drugs. The release
also provides a distraction from the pain and reduce anxiety. But the influence of
music on non musical activity not only originate from the work of Mozart.
Mysteriously, the music reaches the depths of the brain and body. It is changing
many system becomes unconscious expression.
The songs that use natural breathing rhythm of Gregorian chant-like song
can create a feeling of airy and relaxed. Instead of jazz, blues, Dixieland, Soul,
Calypso, reggae and other types of dance music gives inspiration that led to the
intellect as well as releasing a sense of joy and deep sadness.
Rock music from Elvis Presley, Rolling Stone, and Michael Jackson can
arouse passions, stimulate active movement, release tension and cover up the
pain. But music also can create tension, stress and pain in the body when we are
not in the mood to be entertained by the energetic mind. While heavy metal

The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


music, punk, rap, hip hop, and grunge can arouse the nervous system, leading to
the dynamic behavior and self-disclosure.
Research shows that music, especially classical music greatly influenced
the development of IQ (Intelligent Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient). A
child who from childhood accustomed to listening to music will be more
developed emotional and intellectual intelligence compared with children who
rarely listen to music. The meaning of the music here is music that has a regular
rhythm and the tones are regular, not the tones "tilt". Level of discipline of
children who frequently listen to music is also better than children who rarely
listen to music.
Grace Sudargo, a musician and educator stated that the fundamentals of
classical music in general comes from the rhythmic pulse of a human so he played
a major role in brain development, the formation of the soul, character, and even
the human body. Research shows, classical music compositions containing the
tone fluctuates between high and low pitch tone will stimulate quadrant C in the
brain. Until the age of 4 years, quadrants B and C in the brains of children will
grow up to 80% with the music around him.
A biophysicist has conducted an experiment on the influence of music for
the life of living beings. Two plants of the same type and age are placed in
different places. Which one is placed close to the loudspeakers (speakers) that

The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


presents the songs slow rock and heavy rock, while other plants are placed close
to the speakers that play songs that are beautiful and rhythmic basis. Within a few
days there are very striking differences. Plants are located near the speakers rock
songs wither and die, while plants near the speaker beautiful songs grow fresh and
blooming. A proof that music really affect the lives of living things.
Based on the results of research from Harvard Medical School in Boston
(USA), were professional musicians in general is much more intelligent than the
layman ["Journal of Neuroscience" - Issue 23].
It has been proven by naked eye as empirical evidence that music can
affect growth through their experiments on animals and plants. Based on research
conducted at the University of Athena, Greece was the fish in the aquarium
palyed the music of Mozart can grow faster and better, not just based on size
alone, but also appears from the color of the fish that is becoming increasingly
Every parent wants to have children are clever, intelligent, and had no
trouble in her emotional development. According to research in the 1980s that
made dr. Alfred Tomatis, a psychologist, and education of the French to get it, is
not only necessary that good nutrition but apparently adequate stimulation since
the child was still in the womb. Stimulation of the good is the mother's voice and
classical music that causes the response of the fetus. Mentioned also that

The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


stimulates the brain, giving rise to specific motor movements in fetuses and
newborns. Beat of the music also has an effect on intelligence of children in
Classical music can provide a stimulus to the infant because of its rich
sound components or various instruments incorporated in it. Stimulation of
classical music can begin to give since the four-month-old fetus. At the age of the
fetus are forming brain cells, and neural fetal the fetus can respond to sound
Dr. Gordon Shaw has conducted a study of elementary school children in
the slums of Los Angeles, where before they begin the lesson, they were asked to
meditate or sit quietly while listening to classical music of Mozart for 20 to 30
minutes. The result, after meditating, school children could be more easily
managed, and more concentration on studies.
In Berlin, Germany has proven that children who learn a musical shade their
IQ scores have increased from 6 to 10%, besides their intelligence in mathematics
and geometry were increasing. So also with adults, there is no harm if you do a
"fitness" or "Brain Jogging", every day on his way to work with always playing
the classic songs, because it has been proven that music can stimulate the mind,
improve concentration and memory , build emotional intelligence and makes
people smarter.

The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


Listening to music before bed is also very useful, because according to

research conducted at the Tzu-Chi University in Taiwan they are listening to
music for 20 to 30 minutes before bedtime, it can sleep more easily and sleep
quality was better. It is important for the intelligence of the brain, because lack of
sleep when the power of human thought will be reduced. ( "Journal of Advanced
Nursing" . Issue 49, page 234).
Effect of Mozart's works in addition to not subside during long-term, even
beyond the region has enjoyed purely music and have miraculous healing effects
of diversity. Starting from senile diseases to epilepsy, from improving IQ to
increase production of cow's milk, a lot of medical science research reports often
mention the music of Mozart has a healing effect.
Based on analysis of scholars, the Mozart effect originated from the melody
in Mozart's music appropriate to model the movement of the human brain. Mozart
Effect earliest published in 1993 by authority of science and technology magazine
trial of two University of California professor proves that listening to Mozart
sonata for 10 minutes can develop IQ. However, apparently not only that, even
classical music can improve the Spiritual Quotient.
In fact, the work of Campbell Mozart Effect book, written that romantic
music (Schubert, Schuman Chopin, and Tchaikovsky) can be used to enhance
compassion and sympathy.

The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


B. The Factors which Influences Intelligence

Until now many of several studies in terms of intelligence or a person's IQ
level. According Kohstan, intelligence can be developed, but only in terms of
quality, namely the development will occur until the pattern on the limits of
course, limited in terms of improving the quality of intelligence, and ways of
thinking methodically.
Intelligence of people from one another tend to vary. This is due to several
factors that influence it. The factors that influence intelligence are as follows:
1. Congenital Factor
Where these factors are determined by the nature of the inborn.
Limit one's ability or competence in solving problems, among
others, determined by congenital factors. Therefore, in one class
can be found ignorant children, rather clever. And very clever,
although they receive the same lessons and training.
2. Interests and Innate Factors of Typical
Where interest in directing actions to a goal and an
encouragement for the deed. In man there is a push or motives that
encourage people to interact with the outside world, so what is
preferred by humans may give impetus to do more enterprising and
3. The formation factor

The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


Where the establishment is any circumstances beyond the

person who influenced the development of intelligence. Here can
be distinguished between the creation of planned, as was done in
school or establishment that is not planned, for example the
influence of natural surroundings.
4. Maturity Factor
Where each organ in the human body growth and development.
Every human being either physical organ mauapun psychic, can be
said to have matured, if he has grown or developed to achieve the
ability to perform their respective functions.
Therefore, it is not wondered at if the children have not been
able to do or solve mathematical problems in fourth grade
elementary school, as a matter of that is still too difficult for
children. The organs of her body and her soul function is still
immature to resolve these problems, and maturity is closely linked
to the age factor.
5. Freedom Factor
This means people can choose a particular method in solving
the problems faced. In addition to the freedom to choose the
method, also free in choosing the problems according to his needs.

The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


The five above factors affect each other and interconnected

with each other. Thus, to determine someone's intelligence, can not
only be guided by or adhere to any one factor alone.

The Effect Of Music Towards Intelligence Of Human Brain


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