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Linking the school with the community


Humphreys Street, Albany WA 6330. Phone: 9841 1166 Fax: 9841 7262

Care, Compassion, Excellence;

Mount Lockyer Primary School a place to learn and grow

Newsletter No: 6
Dates to Remember
Wednesday 4th May
Early Close 2.30pm


3rd May 2016

Attendance for 28th March to 8th April 2016


88.99% 92.68% 93.06% 91.89% 87.15% 85.84% 90.00%

Thursday 5th May

Assembly Room 12

Welcome back everyone, a very special warm welcome to our new families
who have joined our school community.

Monday 9th May

NAPLAN begins
Mini Assembly
Consideration is
being thoughtful
about other people
and their feelings.

We participated in the Albany City ANZAC Service, where an enthusiastic,

albeit small, group of students marched. Thank you to Mr Faulkner for
organising and coordinating our schools participation. Thank you to all the
parents who, despite the threatening weather, brought their children down to
represent our school. Included are some photos for your enjoyment.

Weeks 1 and 2
Responsibility: Is
doing the job you are
given in a friendly
way and not letting
people down.
I welcome praise and
correction for my
P&C Uniform Shop
Open Days:
8:30am 9:30am
8:30am 9:30am
Mount Lockyer
Every Wednesday at
the Child and Parent
9.00am to 11.30am
1.00pm to 2.30pm

This term we will be having our three year Independent Public School Review.
Two assessors from the department will spend two days with us reviewing how
well we have met our targets from the Business Plan. This provides an
excellent platform for the school to showcase all the wonderful things that have
been achieved over the past three years.
As I have mentioned in previous newsletters our school is building our capacity
to effectively incorporate digital technology to enhance student engagement,
improve student outcomes and ensure our students are equipped with the
necessary skills their future will require. We now have iPad's for every class
8, a computer bank that can cater for a maximum class size of 32 and
professional learning for lead staff to support and work with teachers and
students. Further in the year we will be holding information sessions for
families to share in our learning and journey.
NAPLAN: Week 3 Tuesday 12 14 May, Year 3 and 5 students will be
participating in the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy
(NAPLAN). Assessments conducted are Writing and Language Conventions
Tuesday 12; Reading Wednesday 13; and Numeracy Thursday 14. The
information NAPLAN provides the school assists greatly in the planning and
review of program implementation. In order for this data to provide an
accurate picture of student achievement it is important that as many students
as possible participate.
Maxine Augustson

Merit Certificates
Congratulations to the following students who received merit
certificates at the last school assembly:
Room 3:
Room 4:
Room 5:
Room 6:
Room 8:
Room 9:
Room 11:
Room 12:
Room 13:
Room 14:
Room 15:
Room 16:
Room 17:
Room 21:
Room 22:
Room 25:

Ler Ghee Thaw

Tabitha Freeman
Monique Heales
Kaiden Simpson
Deva Kusuma
Tobias Savill
Demi Burns
Jessie Cartledge
Cruz McLean
Shakaya Edgill
Jack Green
Rohan McCandless
Johan Dela Merced
Seth Whitton
Hyacinth Hernandez
Kertis Wilson
Roxy McLean
Zarli Curtis
Cameron Gravestock
Jessica Herbert


Most Locky Legends Cinema Tickets:
Charish Rey
Newsletter Quiz:
Arnold Hilder
Most Locky Legends in the Class:
Room 1:
Jordan Nicholas
Room 2:
Room 3:
GM Kyle Bitantes
Room 4:
Amaya Pearson
Room 5:
Tessa Steer
Claire Francis
Room 6:
Matilda McCarney
Room 7:
Paige Johnson
Room 8:
Eller Phwe
Room 9:
Danielle Elphick
Room 11: Charish Rey
Room 12: Michala Brooks
Room 13: Brooke Hanlon
Room 14: Kasey Harrington
Room 15: Johan Dela Merced
Room 16: Harrison McWhirter
Room 17: Corey Lock
Room 21: Zarli Curtis
Room 22: Kayden Collins
Room 24: Chelsea Norton
Room 25: Aidan Coombe
Jessica Noble
Term 1 Winners
Equal First Prize:
Damien Burton-Harris
Matthew Pizon
Jenaya Muir
Lara Burrow
Second Prize:
Liam Carter
Hayley Rangitakatu-Hillman

Name: Nicki Taylor
Classroom: Pre-primary Room 2
Family: Dan
My most treasured possession:
My new home
Funniest teaching moment:
Well most of the funniest things
cant be mentioned. Really teaching
Pre-primary students is hilarious.
How I relax: Yoga, craft and making things, hanging out
on the farm.
Name: Chelsea Roberts
Classroom: Pre-Primary 1
Family: Husband Doug, twin boys
Malcolm and Jai and baby #3 due in
My most treasured possession:
Family Photo Albums Funniest
teaching moment: As a PrePrimary teacher I hear some very interesting News and
weekend recount writing!
How I relax: I love going out for coffee with family and
Name: Emma Jones
Classroom: Pre-primary Teacher
Room 23
Family: husband Rhys, Mum, Dad
(Mr Faulkner), sisters Danielle and
Marnie, my new niece Rosalind, my
beautiful labrador Bonnie
My most treasured possessions:
machine!!!, NO!! My family and my dog
Funniest teaching moment: When my name recently
was changed to my married name, some students were
a bit confused and one PP student asked if I was
previously married to Mr Faulkner my Dad.
How I relax: By cooking, running/walking, spending time
with family and friends. Occasional retail therapy.
MLPS Home Reading Competition
We have started a competition to recognise those children who regularly read
at home. The competition will run fortnightly and for your childs class to win
they have to read regularly at home and get their Home
Reading Log signed. Please listen to your child read,
ask questions about the text and then sign off.
The first winning class was Room 5, Miss Laces Year12 class (week 8 term 1)
The second winning class was Room 9, Miss Maddisons Year 3 class.
Well done to these classes. Room 8 have been in second place each week so watch out for the Year 3s.
I will be running a parent workshop for parents on how to
run Guided Reading Groups. This will include some of
the reading strategies that help children read and how
the reading programmes run at MLPS.
It will be at 2.30 on the 11th May in the Library. Would
love to see some new parents come along.
Thanks, Narelle McLean

Our Place Mothers Day Stall

This will be held outside room 18 on Thursday 5th and
Friday 6th May.
P&C News
5 Cent Fundraiser
The hunt is onhow many unused and underappreciated 5
cent coins can you find? Imagine how many are hiding
around the house an even in the car.
During weeks 2, 3 & 4 the P&C would like you to bring in as
many 5 cent coins as you can. Each classroom will have a
money box where the coins will be collected. There will be
a prize for the classroom who collects the most coins (and
therefore raises the most money). All monies raised will be
used by the P&C to support our students.
Uniform Shop
Please remember to donate any of your unneeded clean
school uniforms to the uniform shop. Please drop them at
the uniform shop Tuesday or Thursday 8.30-9.30am.
Scholastic Books
Return completed order to the office by TUESDAY 10TH
MAY. Online LOOP orders close the same day.
School Banking
In School Competition. Bank through school banking 3
times (or more) during term 2 and you will go into the draw
for a prize pack. The winner will be drawn after banking on
the last week of term.

Get To Know Our School

Name: Siobhan Hepworth
Position on Board:
Family: 1 husband, 1 son, 1 daughter
and 1 dog
Connection to School: Declan went to
Lockyer Community Kindy in 2007
which started our journey with the
MLPS family. Weve been here at MLPS ever since and
Sienna still has a couple more years to go before joining her
brother at NASHS.
My Most Treasured Possession: Im a bit of a hoarder so
its too hard to pick one thing.
My Life Motto: Be kind, it doesn't cost you a cent.
How To Unwind and De-Stress: Im a bit of a Granny and
like to crochet and knit. Sleeping, reading and camping are
up there too.
Bringing Up Great Kids - Child and Parent Centre
Supporting Good Parents to Become Great Parents!
Six week fun parenting program.
Mondays 1.00pm to 2.30pm
Commencing 16 May 2016
Child and Parent Centre - Mount Lockyer
Crche available
Bookings Essential
For more information or to register,
contact 9842 0071


On the last day of this term we will be running our Jump Rope For Heart Jump Off Day which raises funds for the
Heart Foundation. Children are asked to seek sponsors for the hour of skipping that they will be doing. This
sponsorship money goes to the Heart Foundation.
If you give permission for your child to seek sponsors for the event, please complete the slip below and return it
to Mr Swann (or Ms Jones in weeks 3 -5) as soon as possible so a sponsorship form can be sent home.
I give permission for _________________________________________________________________(child/childrens names)
of Room/s ______________________to bring home a Jump Rope For Heart Sponsorship form.
Parent Name:__________________________________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________
Lennon Swann
Each family will be held responsible for ensuring their sponsorship form and all money is returned to the school
by Monday 27 June. The form is a legal document and great care must be taken to look after it. Even if no money
has been collected the sponsorship form must be returned to Mr Swann


Students who bring mobile phones onto school premises must adhere to these guidelines.
Mount Lockyer Primary School acknowledges that mobile phones may be used as a safety measure out of school hours.
Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains the most appropriate point of contact during the
school day.
The school accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones.
Students mobile phones are to be switched off during school time and handed to the class teacher or office upon arrival in

the morning.
Students are not permitted to use mobile phones for any purpose on school grounds.
Mobile phones are not permitted to be taken to school camps, excursions or other functions unless permission is granted by
the school Principal.
Students seen using mobile phones on school groundsFirst breach- The phone will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
Further breaches- The phone will be confiscated and parents/carers will need to collect it from the office.

NEWSLETTER QUIZ Q: Which year group had the highest attendance percentage for the first two weeks in April?

Answer: ________________________and_________________________
Name __________________________________________________ Room ____________________



The key to this approach is that the child is given a choice at each step to
follow directions or face increased consequences.
Students making GOOD CHOICES are acknowledged for their efforts.
For students making POOR CHOICES the following consequences
apply ~

Bullying is when a student or group

keep picking on another student. They
try to hurt them physically or
deliberate and repeated.

Student refuses to follow directions.
Verbal warning.
Student still refuses to follow directionsIn-class consequence e.g. Time Out
Student still refuses to follow directionsOut-of-class consequence e.g. Buddy
Student still refuses to follow directionsRED CARD is sent to the office.
Parents will be requested to attend

Students will be immediately
suspended for verbal abuse of
staff and/or violence towards
staff or students.

Students returning from
suspension must be
accompanied by an adult and
will attend the Intervention
Centre (Room 20) where an
Individual Behaviour
Management Plan will be
developed and implemented.

A fight or disagreement between

equal students is not bullying.

Tell an adult, it is not dobbing to

ask for help. Both victim and
those bullying will be counselled
and supported.
Do not be a by-stander; if you
witness bullying try to stop it or
report it.

Step 1: Warning
Step 2: In school isolation and
counselling at recess and lunch,
parents will be notified
Step 3:
For continued breaches
students will be suspended.

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