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Large Collection of computing terms


>.ACCESS:the ability to get into something or locate something on a network or

local machine.

>.ACCESS CODE:also known as login name or user id and password on a network which
reguires u to login.

>ACCESS PERMISIONS:this allows u to execute,read or change a file depending on the


>.ACCOUNT:your presence id on a computer system which allows u to login.

>.ADAPTER:another name for an expansion card,usally most of them plug into your
expansion slots on your pc.

>ACTIVE X:a set of interacitve techonloiges devloped by Mcft,activex isnt a

programming language but it can be dangerous for website viruses.

>ACTIVE OPEN:a state in which TCP is attempting to initiate a connection.

>ADDRESS:a memory location.The value is often displayed as hexadecimal,mostly to

keep anyone but official pc postal employes from finding things on your
computer>every thing on your hard drive has a memory location.

[color=cyan]>ADDRESS CLASS:a basic network of various sises.the network class can

be determend from the first octet of its ip address

>ADDRESS RESOULUTION PROTOCOL:the process of determining a MAC address, given a

more abstract LAN or WAN address. Any protocol used to obtain a mapping from a
higher layer address to a lower layer address. Abbreviated ARP. The acronym ARP is
most often used to refer to the Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol (below). The
protocol used by an IP networking layer to map IP addresses to lower level
hardware (i.e., MAC) addresses. There are four ARP messages for IP running over
Ethernet:[/color] arp requests and replies and reverse arp request and replies.
<ADMINISTARTOR:[/color]is somebody who maintains the system and is the boss over
what happens,usally admins are not nesscarry at fault if there hacked!

>ADSL:adsl(asymetic digital subscriber line):[/color]is a connection to the net

were users dont use dial up but have a connection 24/7 and usally have a static ip

>ADA: Pascal-descended language that was at one time made mandatory for Department
of Defense software projects by the Pentagon. Hackers are nearly unanimous in
observing that, technically, it is precisely what one might expect given that kind
of endorsement by fiat; designed by committee, crockish, difficult to use, and
overall a disastrous, multi-billion-dollar boondoggle (one common description wss
"The PL/I of the 1980s"). Hackers find Ada's exception-handling and inter-process
communication features particularly hilarious. Ada Lovelace (the daughter of Lord
Byron who became the world's first programmer while cooperating with Charles
Babbage on the design of his mechanical computing engines in the mid-1800s) would
almost certainly blanch at the use to which her name has latterly been put; the
kindest thing that has been said about it is that there is probably a good small
language screaming to get out from inside its vast, elephantine bulk.

>AGENT:A program that performs one or more services (such as gathering information
from the Internet), acting for or as a principal.


architecture that uses interconnected Type 2.1 nodes. APPN supports dynamic
routing,directory searches, and network management. >ADVANCED PROGRAM-TO-PROGRAM
COMMUNICATIONS(APPC) SNA's standard program-to-program communications protocol.
Sometimes the term APPC is used interchangeably with Logical Unit Type 6.2 (LU

ALERT:A problem determination message sent to a network operator within IBM's

network management system.

>ALOHA :A 4800bps Contention Based Radio Channel Transmission System Network used
in the University of Hawaii (1968 - 1972) and designed by Morman Abramson to
connect the university's mainfraim IBM 360 on the Island of Oahu and terminals
plaaced throught different ships and nearby islands. Data coming from the
mainfraim was sent to all other terminals while data from terminals was the
Contention-Based part and would re-send data if no acknowledement data was
received. VLAN :[/color] Virtual Local Area Network This is a network split into
workgroups by routers and each assigned a server. As any message sent will have
which workgroup it is aimed at, wokgroups not receiving messages can run faster as
traffic is reduced. Standards --------- Ethernet :[/color] A Network standard that
is a Contention-Based Network. Ethernet evolved from a radio channel transmission
system called ALOHA.

>ALT:is commenly known as a computer control key but in internet terms alt is for
connecting to newsgroups just like www is for connecting to the web.

>ALT.2600.hackers:is a newsgroup with about 200 posters and about 5000 lurkers,it
is the group shady_harrasment_panda(writter of this dictioanryis a member
of.alt.2600.hackers has alot of very intellegent hackers in the group.

>ALTERNITIVE CLIENT RESTOREL:The process of restoring files to a different client

than the one from which they were backed up.

>.AMERICAL ONLINE(AOL):a large US owned internet service provider company which

mainly attracts newbies,aol has the stricted rules out of all the isp ifu post to
an hackers newsgroup they terminate your account!,aol commenly attracks lamers!

>.ANTIVIRUS:a program which scans a users hard drive looking for known
viruses,worms,trojans,and joke files.

>AMIGA:A series of personal computer models originally sold by Commodore, based on

680x0 processors, custom support chips and an operating system that combined some
of the best features of Macintosh and Unix with compatibility with neither.

The Amiga was released just as the personal computing world standardized on IBM-PC
clones. This prevented it from gaining serious market share, despite the fact that
the first Amigas had a substantial technological lead on the IBM XTs of the time.
Instead, it acquired a small but zealous population of enthusiastic hackers who
dreamt of one day unseating the clones (see Amiga Persecution Complex). The traits
of this culture are both spoofed and illuminated in The BLAZE Humor Viewer. The
strength of the Amiga platform seeded a small industry of companies building
software and hardware for the platform, especially in graphics and video
applications (see video toaster).

Due to spectacular mismanagement, Commodore did hardly any R&D, allowing the
competition to close Amiga's technological lead. After Commodore went bankrupt in
1994 the technology passed through several hands, none of whom did much with it.
However, the Amiga is still being produced in Europe under license and has a
substantial number of fans, which will probably extend the platform's life
considerably. viruses,common virus scanners include norton and mcafee.

>AMP OFF:[Purdue] vt. To run in background. From the UNIX shell `&'

>ANSI; n. [techspeak] The American National Standards Institute. ANSI, along with
the International Organization for Standards (ISO), standardized the C programming
language (see K&R, Classic C), and promulgates many other important software
standards. 2. n. [techspeak] A terminal may be said to be `ANSI' if it meets the
ANSI X.364 standard for terminal control. Unfortunately, this standard was both
over-complicated and too permissive. It has been retired and replaced by the ECMA-
48 standard, which shares both flaws. 3. n. [BBS jargon] The set of screen-
painting codes that most MS-DOS and Amiga computers accept. This comes from the
ANSI.SYS device driver that must be loaded on an MS-DOS computer to view such
codes. Unfortunately, neither DOS ANSI nor the BBS ANSIs derived from it exactly
match the ANSI X.364 terminal standard. For example, the ESC-[1m code turns on the
bold highlight on large machines, but in IBM PC/MS-DOS ANSI, it turns on `intense'
(bright) colors. Also, in BBS-land, the term `ANSI' is often used to imply that a
particular computer uses or can emulate the IBM high-half character set from MS-
DOS. Particular use depends on context. Occasionally, the vanilla ASCII character
set is used with the color codes, but on BBSs, ANSI and `IBM characters' tend to
go together.

[color=cyan]>ANGLE BRASKET: Either of the characters `<' (ASCII

>ANTIONLINE:is one of the many comprehensive securirty firms on the net which
specialises in exploits,news,and hacker related things.www.antionline.com

>.API(aplicatio program interface):defines a standard way that programs work with

pull down menu's,dilogue boxes e.t.c,windows and OS/2 are examples of api in

>.APPLE TALK:a local area network devloped by APPLE to connect IBM pc's and macs

>APPLET:a HTML based program built with java that a browser tempory downloads to a
users disk.

>APPLICATION LAYER:the layer of tcp/ip stack that supports network applications

and provides an interface to the local operating environement.

11.ARCHIE:[/color]a program to search things on the net,search engines like yahoo

are talking over from archie.

>APACHE:is a webserver used by almost 60 per cent of the web sites market that
runs on windows,macs,and unix.

.>APP: Short for `application program', as opposed to a systems program. Apps are
what systems vendors are forever chasing developers to create for their
environments so they can sell more boxes. Hackers tend not to think of the things
they themselves run as apps; thus, in hacker parlance the term excludes compilers,
program editors, games, and messaging systems, though a user would consider all
those to be apps. (Broadly, an app is often a self-contained environment for
performing some well-defined task such as `word processing'; hackers tend to
prefer more general-purpose tools.) See killer app; oppose tool, operating system.

>.APPLE SHARE:a network o/s devloped by apple to work with other macs,like win nt
and win ME are desined to work the together.

>ARCHIE:a client/server program that is used to locate files on anonymous ftp.

>.ARCHIVE:a place with important files on the net.

>AREA CODE:area code is the code for a phone number for ppl accesing it outside
the city,dial up hacking or connecting to your isp involves uses an area code.

>.ARGUMENT:A value given to a program in c or any other high level languages>see

also value.

[color=cyan]>.ARP(addres resoulution protocol:arp translates ethernet address into

numical form to binary.all o/s support arp by typing arp in the command prompt.

>APRAnet(advanced research projects agency network)is a denfence agency network

created by defense department of the USA known now as da-apra

[color=cyan]>ARM(application response measurement):

>.ARRAY:a collectiong of similar info such as codes,text or other items.All items

are usally of the same type,used in programming.

>.ASCII(american standard code for information interchange):is the the numbers

which make up text for e.g the code 52 would be the number 4

>ASCII ART: n. The fine art of drawing diagrams using the ASCII

>ASM(asembly language):is a low level program language which is used for writting
small programs and can be used to write viruses.Assembly Languages have the same
basic structure as Machine Languages, the difference is that Assembly Languages
allow the programmer to use names instead of numbers. As with Machine Languages,
every CPU has its own unique machine language. Programs must be rewritten or
recompiled, therefore, to run on different types of computers. Nowadays most
programming is done with High-Level Programming Languages but in the early days,
Assembly language was always used, now it is ONLY used when speed is essential or
when the task isn't possible on the High-Level Language we are using. These are
considered Low-Level Languages as they are closer to Machine Languages.

>ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFERE METHOD:A connection-oriented data communications

technology based on switching 53 byte fixed-length units of data called cells.
Abbreviated ATM. Each cell is dynamically routed. ATM transmission rates are
multiples of 51.840 Mbits per second. In the United States, a public
communications service called SONET uses ATM at transmission rates of 155, 622,
2048, and 9196 Mbits per second. These are called OC-3, OC-12, OC-48, and OC-192
respectively. A similar service called SDH is offered in Europe. ATM is also used
as a LAN infrastructure, sometimes with different transmission rates and coding
methods than are offered with SONET and SDH.

>AT&T:american phone company there are also the makers of unix,at&t owns the bells
lab which wrote unix and c.
>AUTHENTICATION: A security measure for verifying the identity of network users.

>AVATAR:The body in cyberspace. In most cases the handle/nicknames you use on the
Internet, and the personality that goes with it.

>AWK: [UNIX techspeak] An interpreted language for massaging .

>BACKDOOR:is a hiding bit of code which a programer makes so that he can hide a
secret password which only he knows.>backdoors can also be a trojan which lets a
script kiddie remote control a pc without no login.

[color=cyan]>.BANDWITH:the speed of which is sent to the moniter meguared in


>BASEBAND:the most common type of network where data is transmiited digailay

through a wire.

>.BASIC(beginner all-purpose symbolic instruction code)is a programming language

desined to make programming easier and quicker than c and fortran e.t.c.,modern
verions of basic are visual basic and quickbasic.

<BASH:is a linux command interface like windows ms dos but with more power.

24.BATCH FILE(.bat)is a file which is written so that dos commands can be

accomplied quicker.

>BAUD RATE:is usally related to the speed of the modem for.e.g 56k.

>BAYONET NEIL COUCILMAN:connector):[/color]A type of coaxial cable connector

sometimes used in Ethernet applications. Abbreviated BNC. The specification for
BNC connectors is contained in EIA/TIA 403-A and MIL-C-39012.

> BER(Bit Error Rate.):

>BERKELY UNIX:this version of unix was devloped at the univesity of calefonia in

berkely also knows as BSD

>.BBS(bulliten board system)is an old way of exchanging messgaes and downloading

stuff users usally dialed into the bbs and used it,usenet has took over from it.

[color=cyan]>.BIN:a binary file.Also on unix the binary files are usally in /bin
and on windows c:[/color]\windows

>.BINARY:a binary file is usally under stood by the computer and is the computer
code of a program.binary is written in 0's and 1's.

>BIND:The SNA command that starts an SNA session between two logical units.

>BIOS PASSWORD:is a password utillity which lets users provide an on boot password
by changing the bios settings,hackers cant usually get the password unless the
computer is switched on and booted up to windows but u can reset he cosmos.

<BIT MASK:[/color]a pattern of binary values. 28.BCC(blind carbon copy)is usedto

send the same email to more than one person.

>BLACK ICE:is a monetering program used for watching ports.

>BLACK HOLE:What data (a piece of email or netnews, or a stream of TCP/IP packets)

has fallen into if it disappears mysteriously between its origin and destination
sites (that is, without returning a bounce message).

>BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH:On an attempt to launch a DOS box, a networked Windows

system not uncommonly blanks the screen and locks up the PC so hard that it
requires a cold boot to recover. This unhappy phenomenon is known as The Black
Screen of Death.

>BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH:is when a windows machine crahses or gets nuked and shows
the blue screen which shows that an error has occured.

>BLUE BOX(not a hacker term but i will mention it): Once upon a time, before all-
digital switches made it possible for the phone companies to move them out of
band, one could actually hear the switching tones used to route long-distance
calls. Early phreakers built devices called `blue boxes' that could reproduce
these tones, which could be used to commandeer portions of the phone network.
(This was not as hard as it may sound; one early phreak acquired the sobriquet
`Captain Crunch' after he proved that he could generate switching tones with a
plastic whistle pulled out of a box of Captain Crunch cereal!) There were other
colors of box with more specialized phreaking uses; red boxes, black boxes, silver
boxes, etc. 2. n. An IBM machine, especially a large (non-PC) one.

>BLUE TOOTH:this is a specification for linkingdevices such as mobile

phones,cameras e.t.c to computers over a short range wireless connection.

<BO(BACK orificie):[/color]a trojan hourse created by the cult of the dead

group,back orrifice was called after Mcft back orrifice's server.

<BOT:[/color]is a programed macro or script used to do certain tasks in irc or on

he net ,e.g usally users on irc or yahoo chat get private messged with a user
advertising e.t.c but its not a user but is known as a bot.

>.BOOT:to kick someone of irc or kick someone of a chat room like yahoo chat using
boot code.

<BOUNCED EMAIL:[/color]is when an email is returened from a server telling u that

the address doesnt exist,hackers use this often as the headers from the server can
be vital for a hacker.

>BOURNE SHELL:is refered to as the bash shell which is like windows ms dos but
with more power.

>BOX:is refered to as the o/s a user or host is on e.g windows box.

>BOXES:A variety of electronic devices used to aid in phreaking.

>.BPS(bits per sec)

[color=cyan]>BRACKET PROROCOL:The SNA rules for the initiation of a bracket

between two LU-LU half sessions. Brackets delimit bi-directional data flows for

>BRIDGE:a connectivity device that fowards data based on physical networks.

>BROUTER:a connectivity device that routes routable protocols and bridges non
routable protocols.

>BROWSER:A program specifically designed to help users view and navigate

hypertext, on-line documentation, or a database. While this general sense has been
present in jargon for a long time, the proliferation of browsers for the World
Wide Web after 1992 has made it much more popular and provided a central or
default techspeak meaning of the word previously lacking in hacker usage.
Nowadays, if someone mentions using a `browser' without qualification, one may
assume it is a Web browser.

>BRUTE FORCE:to try thousand of differnt passwords on a login prompt or on a

password protected file.

>BSD:a unix o/s from berkely;s

>.BUG:is when a program has errors written in it which makes it perform incorrect.

>Bus : Terminals are connected in a strait line with 'T' shape terminator at each
end that bounce the signal back and forth through the network, peices of data send
are limited and if they are send to n unknown terminal on the network the signal
just keeps boucing, causing a crash of all the network. The Bus network is a peer
to peer network and had no dedicated server.

>BUS NETWORK:is a network where all computers are connected through a hub and each
computer usuall has a network interface card.

33.C a high level programming language used to create large programs and lots of

#include <stadio.h> main ( ) { printf ("you are viewing the beta version.\n");
printf ("www."); }

[color=cyan]>.C++:an improved version of c that adds object-orented exstensions

and is easy to learn for c programmers.

>CCC [Chaos Computer Club]:A hacker-organisation in Hamburg. They have meetings,

lectures and annual congresses which attracts hackers from all Europe. They also
publish books and magazines about the information society. There are a lot of
myths of which kind of criminal activities they have been involved in, so it's
hard to say which of them is true and which are not.

>C SHELL:is a shell similar to the bash shell but it is more like the c langauge
on a command promt.

>.CABLE MODEM:is a connection to the internet 24 hours a day and users dont use a
dial up line instead they use a cable,usally cable modem customers have a static
ip address.

>CACHE:is a tempory folder on a hard disk which stroes websites e.t.c so that a
user can acces them quicker.

>CAIN:is a password cracker program which cracks windows share password and pwl

36.CALL:[/color]is a programming term which means to transfere a part of a program

then return it.

<CALLER ID:[/color]is used to trace dial up hackers and free isp's used it so they
know who is dialing in to them,there's programs out that will hide your ID but
most isp wont let u connect if u hide your Caller ID.
>.CARRIIER(dial ups): a signal used by a modem to detect another modem.

>CASADING:The process of connecting two or more Fibre Channel hubs or switches

together to increase the number of ports or extend distances.

>.CAT:a unix command which displays the contents of a file.

>CC(carbon copy)used for sending the same email to more than on person.

[color=cyan]>.CD:change directory used for chaging the dir on all systems prompts
also chdir

<CERT:[/color]is a Securuty firm which started in 1988 to help network admins and
publish network securit information.

>.CGI(common gateway interface)is a web programming language which can be used for
prompting a user for inforrmation and can be used for shoping sites to make secure

[color=cyan]>CHANNEL:is a irc chat room where ppl chat.

>CHANNEL OP:is the person or person's on a channel who control it.

>CHAP(challenge handshake authentication protcol):

>CHAR:shorthand for `character'. Esp. used by C programmers, as `char' is C's

typename for character data.

>.CHAT:ovisly u know what a chat room is but certain network administraters have
chat built into their security which means if there hacked they can disconnect u
then chat and tell u that your traced e.t.c

>CHECKSUM:a 16 bit calculated field used to ensure detection of currupted


>CHERNOBYL PACKETL:A network packet that induces a broadcast storm and/or network
meltdown, in memory of the April 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl in Ukraine.
The typical scenario involves an IP Ethernet datagram that passes through a
gateway with both source and destination Ether and IP address set as the
respective broadcast addresses for the subnetworks being gated between. Compare
Christmas tree packet. CIRCLE:[/color]This is also a simple setup and poses most
of the same problems as the bus NET. Basically, it is just a Bus NET with the two
spare ends connected to each other. The main differences between this and the Bus
NET is that, each computer acts as an amplifier to the signals passed along it
(Active). There is also another communication method used here called token
passing. This consists of a token passing along the network, when a computer
wishes to pass on information, it will be attached to the token the it will travel
round the network until it finds its destination,. The destination will then pick
it up copy it and send a new token into the network. If the information in a
Circle NET does not find its destination, then it will go in a complete circle and
return to the sender with a message, reporting the problem. This type of topology
is very similar to the Bus NET with the same drawbacks and the same advantages

>CLUSTER CONTROL:The common name given to SNA Type 2.0 Peripheral Nodes. Usually
used to refer to 3270-type control units.

>CODEZ D00DZ:HACKERS's version of pirates.

>COMMUNICATION CONTROLER:An SNA communications processor whose operations are
controlled by Network Control Program (NCP) software.Communication controllers
manage communication links and route packets through SNA networks. IBM's
communication controller products include the 3745/3746, 3725, 3720, 3705, and

>COMPUTER UNDERGROUD:A group organized in securcy, hidden behind aliases, to

promote the exchange of information regarding anything and everything incuding,
but not limited to:[/color] computers,hacking,telephones, radios, chemicals and

>CONNECTION-ORIENTED SERVICE/PROTOCOL:A service/protocol that includes the notion

of a setup and take-down phasebefore and after the transfer of data. These
services usually includeerror detection and recovery, flow control, and packet

>CONNECTION SERVICE/PROTOCOL: A service protocol that does not include the notion
of a setup or take-down phase before and after the transfer of data. Each message,
commonly called a datagram, is sent as a separate entity.

>COSMOS)the complimaentry metal-oxide semiconductor):is a battery powered memory

chip which is in the motherboard,it usally stores the bios password and date

>.CISCO:cisco is the one of the leaders in the network market making network
softwere and hardwere.

>CLASS C/B/A[color=cyan]>NETWORK:is the way ppl are given an ip address from their
isp or network proider,class c is the isp way for an ip address

>CLI(Command line interface):is also known as an interface were u type commands

such as in dos.

<CLIENT:[/color]is a user who connects to a server.

<CLIENT FOR Mcft NETWORKS:[/color]a 32 bit protected mode file system friver to
support all Mcft networking products that use smb file sharing!

<CLIENT/SERVER:[/color]is a network where theres 1 server computer and the rest of

the computers(clients) connect to the server.

>CMIP:Acronym for Common Management Information Protocol.

>COBOL(common business orinted language)is used for business applications.cobol is

rarely used now.

[color=cyan]>.CODE:programers instructions also known as programming language

writting,code is the writting in a program which makes it perform to do certain
instruction and tasks.

>CODE BALANCE:The number of 1 bits in a 10-bit transmitted data stream divided by

10 (e.g., 1110100011 has a code balance of 6/10 = 60%).

>.COLLIO:is a US hacker cracker who nuked yahoo.com and ebay in early 2000.

>.COM PORT:is a port on your computer were modem usally connect to.
>.COMMAND PROMPT:is the screen on an o/s which u can type commands e.g Mcft
dos,lilo prompt,bash,csh prompt.

>.COMPILE:to convert programming code into machine language.

>.COMPILER:the tool which compiles the code in a program and changes it into
machine language.

>Communication Controller: An SNA communications processor whose operations are

controlled by Network Control Program (NCP) software. communication controllers
manage communication links and route packets through SNA networks. IBM's
communication controller products include the 3745/3746, 3725, 3720, 3705, and

>.COMPUSERVE:is another lame isp similar to AOL who take strict guidelines on

>Connection-Oriented Service/Protocol: A service/protocol that includes the notion

of a setup and take-down phase before and after the transfer of data. These
services usually include error detection and recovery, flow control, and packet

>CONNECTION PROTOCOL:a protocol tat transmities data without operating through a


<CONFIGARTION:[/color]The process of installing or removing hardware or software

components required for a system or subsystem to function. Assignment of the
operating parameters of a system, subsystem or device. Disk array configuration,
for example, includes designating the array's member disks or extents, as well as
parameters such as stripe depth, RAID model, cache allowance, etc. The collection
of a system's hardware and software components and operating parameters. cf. array
configuration, physical configuration. connection

>CONSOLE:A device for graphical or textual visual output from a computer system.
In systems, network and device management, an application that provides graphical
and textual feedback regarding operation and status, and that may accept operator
commands and input influencing operation and status. Sometimes called enterprise
management console.

>COPY ON WRITE:A technique for maintaining a point in time copy of a collection of

data by copying only data which is modified after the instant of replicate
initiation. The original source data is used to satisfy read requests for both the
source data itself and for the unmodified portion of the point in time copy. cf.
pointer remapping

>Contention-Based Network : Network that sends a limited amount of data and holds
other data in a queue until it s ready to send it. The name means, that all data
being sent is competing or contending for bandwith. The ALOHA Radio system in 1968
was based on this.

>.COOKIE:is a small web paged program which stores it self in your computer which
means if u login from a cookie site it will remember your details,it is usally
stored in c:[/color]\cookies in a .txt file. . >COPY:to copy a file on an o/s
windows e.g is copy filename filename unix e.g is cp /filename /filename

>COAXIAL CABLE:An electrical transmission medium consisting of two concentric

conductors separated by a dielectric material with the spacings and material
arranged to give a specified electrical impedance. cf. triaxial cable
>CP/M:is an old o/s used back in the 70's

>CRACK:To remove software copy protection on a program such as using a sharewere

program for longer than it was ment to be used..

<CRACKER:[/color]a person who likes to destroy data and get into systems through
back doors,also see crackers.

>CRACKERS:is a gay man who likes talking it up the ass.......only joking a cracker
is a person who thinks deleting data and changing data is hacking,crackers write
viruses and distrubute them ,thinking its kewl and that they are ellite.

>CRACKER JACK:is a well known unix password cracker for password breaking

>CSMA/CD:the network method used by ethernet networks.

>CYPER PUNK:Since 1990 or so, popular culture has included a movement or fashion
trend that calls itself `cyberpunk', associated especially with the rave/techno
subculture. Hackers have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, self-
described cyberpunks too often seem to be shallow trendoids in black leather who
have substituted enthusiastic blathering about technology for actually learning
and doing it. Attitude is no substitute for competence. On the other hand, at
least cyberpunks are excited about the right things and properly respectful of
hacking talent in those who have it. The general consensus is to tolerate them
politely in hopes that they'll attract people who grow into being true hackers.

>CROSS POST:is when a usenet user posts the same question to more than one

>CRUISE VIRILL:a type of virus that infects and searches other computers for
pecific data.for e.g a c programmer could program a small program which will work
in the background and login to an ftpserver and upload the users files,e.t.c

>CSH:is yet another command enviroment for unix.

>CSMA/CD:(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection.)

>CRYPTGRAPHY:see encryption

>CYPERPUNK:Net.person who has evolved from hacking to encryption and concern with
creating multiple identities.

>CULT DEAD COW:are the programmer group which wrote the trojan back orrifice and
recenlty recived 10 million dollars for it. >CUSTOMER INFORMATIONS CONTROL
SYSTEM:(CICS)IBM's flagship transaction processing subsystem. CICS runs on IBM
mainframes as well as other systems, such as AS/400s, Hewlett-Packard UNIX
platforms, and PCs running either OS/2 or Mcft's Windows NT Server operating

>CUTE FTP:is an ftp client used for contacting ftp servers,cute ftp is a freewere
and can be download from download.com

>DAEMON:a process runs in the background and not locked into a terminal,webservers
are ferffered to httpd as the server sits in the background and does need watched.
>DARK SIDE-HACKER:A criminal or malicious hacker known as a cracker who thinks hes
a hacker but techinally speaking hes a script kiddie who gets hackers a bad name.

>DATA ENCRYPTION STANDARD:an government specification for encoding files by using

a password.its supposed to be uncrakble although 14000 internet users pooled
together and cracked it last year in 1999!

>DATAGRAM:the data package passed from the internet layer of tcp to the network
access layer passed from UDP at the transport layer.

>Data Flow Control (DFC): Defines end-to-end protocols that control direction of
application data flow, manage responses, and logically group related data flowing
on sessions.

>DEATH BEEF HACK: [cypherpunks list, 1996] An attack on a public-key cryptosystem

consisting of publishing a key having the same ID as another key (thus making it
possible to spoof a user's identity if recipients aren't careful about verifying
keys). In PGP and GPG the key ID is the last eight hex digits of (for RSA keys)
the product of two primes. The attack was demonstrated by creating a key whose ID
was 0xdeadbeef

>DEAD BEEF:DEAD:[/color] The hexadecimal word-fill pattern for freshly allocated

memory (decimal -21524111) under a number of IBM environments, including the
RS/6000. Some modern debugging tools deliberately fill freed memory with this
value as a way of converting heisenbugs into Bohr bugs. As in "Your program is
DEADBEEF" (meaning gone, aborted, flushed from memory); if you start from an odd
half-word boundary, of course, you have

<DEBIAN:[/color]is an advanced version of linux which is more hacker freindly than

other versions .

>DECRYPTION:to un decrypt a file which is encrypted!

>DEFAULT GATEWAY:the gateway used to connect to the rest of the network.

>DELETE:to destroy data the dos command for it is deltree the unix command for it
is rm.

>DELPHI:a programming langauge devloped by borland.

DEN(Directory Enabled Network.:[/color]

>DEMON:A portion of a program that is not invoked explicitly, but that lies
dormant waiting for some condition(s) to occur. See daemon. The distinction is
that demons are usually processes within a program, while daemons are usually
programs running on an operating system. 2. [outside MIT] Often used equivalently
to daemon -- especially in the Unix world, where the latter spelling and
pronunciation is considered mildly archaic.

Demons in sense 1 are particularly common in AI programs. For example, a

knowledge-manipulation program might implement inference rules as demons. Whenever
a new piece of knowledge was added, various demons would activate (which demons
depends on the particular piece of data) and would create additional pieces of
knowledge by applying their respective inference rules to the original piece.
These new pieces could in turn activate more demons as the inferences filtered
down through chains of logic. Meanwhile, the main program could continue with
whatever its primary task was.
>DEMON DIALER:a modem program which dials from say 555-0000 on up through 555-
9999,finding computers with modem support.this is a way a hacker would find an
phone support o/s in your area alsoknown as a wardialer.

>DES(data encryption standard):an government specification for encoding files by

using a password.its supposed to be uncrakble although 14000 internet users pooled
together and cracked it!

>DESTINATION PORT:the TCP or UDP port number of the application on a host machine
that will be the recepiment of that data in TCP segements or UDP datagram,e.g a
webserver waiting for website visitors.

>DEV/MILL:a dir on unix which does nothing,produces nothing and can slowwing
anything,usally linux is stored there,

>DEVICE CHANNEL:A channel used to connect storage devices to a host I/O bus
adapter or intelligent controller. The preferred term is device I/O bus.

>DHCP(dymanic host conigration protocol):Is a server which automatically issues a

client user with an ip address,dhcp isp users dont usally have a static ip but
they have a dymnaic ip address.

>DIRECTORY:A mechanism for organizing information. A file or other persistent data

structure in a file system that contains information about other files.
Directories are usually organized hierarchically (i.e., a directory may contain
both information about files and other directories), and are used to organize
collections of files for application or human convenience. An LDAP-based
repository consisting of class definitions and instances of those classes. An
example of an enterprise-wide LDAP directory is Mcft's Active Directory (AD) or
Novell's NetWare Directory Service (NDS). directory enabled network .

>DISTRO:anyone can release their own linux and its called a linux distro.

> DRIVE LETTER:A single letter of the alphabet by which applications and users
identify a partition of physical or virtual disk to the Windows operating system.
The number of letters in the alphabet limits the number of disks that can be

>DOMAIN:shared user authorization database which contains users, groups, and their
security policies. A set of interconnected network elements and addresses that are
administered together and that may communicate. domain controller,common ones
include website names.

>DOS:a command based o/s in windows.

>DoS(denial of service):is when a script kiddie nukes or send thousand of data to

a server causing it to crashe

>DOWNLAOD.COM:is a website where u can download almost any program or

file,www.download.com is owned by cnet and it also own sharewhere.com.

>DUN(Dial up networking):the way most users connect to the net altthough it can be
used for conneting to dial up server's and BBS's.

>.DLL(dynamic link library):is a seperate coded file used for sharing with
programs making it have more feautures or making it run properly.

>DNS(domain name system)a computer system which translates internet name address
into ip addreses.

<DNS SPOOFING:is when a server has it's dns id faked so it goes to the wrong page
or server.

>DOMAIN:is a computer name which is granted to differnt countries with the

exstansion tld(top level domain) for e.g .co.uk

.com companys and business sites -------------------------------------- .edu for

education sites. -------------------------------------- .gov for government
computers. --------------------------------------- .mil for militry computers
-------------------------------------- .net for networks and company's
---------------------------------------- >DR DOS:an ms dos clone owned by novell.

>DUMB TERMINAL:a keyboard and video display connected to an network.

>DWEEB:quite like a lamer but there anti-socialer.

>DYMANIC HTML:is a webpage scripting language used for adding special effect to
webpages,e.t.c,similar to javascript.

>DYMANIC IP ADDRESS:an ip address which changes every time a user connects to the

>ECHO:can be used as icmp but mostly echo repeats a character to screen e.g "/echo
<lamer> i am and ass in "irc or "echo hi" in dos.

[color=cyan]>ELISTS:(Email Lists)Electronic discussion groups that anyone with an

email address can subscribe to. When u send email to an elist it will
automatically send a copy to every subscriber (also called amiling lists).

>ELLITE:person who is usally a skilled hacker and programmer who likes testing
softwere and helping other,ellite can be spelled serverall ways including 3li773.

>ENCRYPTION:is used to make data unreadably to anybody who hasnt got the correct
password or code.

>ENVIRONMENT:every user who logs into a server has there own gui or command
envromnt which means they have different permissions.

>ENDLESS LOOP:a set of code in a prgram which repeates something.

>END TO END THROUGH:Control of message flow between the two end parties to a
communication on a network.Flow control that occurs between two connected Fibre
Channel N-Ports.

>EXTERNAL CALL INTERFACE(ECI):A CICS client programming interface that allows

applications running on CICS clients to call applications running on CICS servers.

>ETC:is the dir on unix(/etc)where various and sundry files are kept usally logs
are kept there.

>ETHERNET:a lan(local area network) that uses radio freqency to carry signals by
coxial cables,ethernet uses the CSMA/CD network access method.

>ETHERNET APAPTER:An adapter that connects an intelligent device to an Ethernet

network. Usually called an Ethernet network interface card, or Ethernet NIC. cf.

>ETTIQUATE:is the rules of the net for e.g typing IN ALL CAPS IS REGUARDES AS

>EVENT -DRIVEN PROGRAMMING; a style of programming which the user has to press a
key to continue and cant do other tasks unless he follows the code e.g. in batch

@echo off dir /w c:\windows deltree /y *.pwl pause dir c:[/color]\ exit >EXE.is a
file enstension which can be executed to run a program.

[color=cyan]>EXECUTE:is to issue a command or program on a system.

<EXPLOITS:[/color]are the number one cause of a breakin,eploits are programs which

take afavantage of known security holes on a server.

>EXSENSION:are the filename exstension at the end of a program such as


>EZINE:A net version of the small press magazine (known as zine) culture. Usually
ezines exists only on the Net, but more and more paper zines are distributing an
electronic version as well.

>F.A.Q(frecently asked question):the term refered to a txt file which answers

common question ppl ask on a particualr subject. >FC-PH:The Fibre Channel physical
standard, consisting of FC-0, FC-1, and FC-2.

>FC-0:The Fibre Channel protocol level that encompasses the physical

characteristics of the interface and data transmission media. Specified in FC-PH.

>FC-1:The Fibre Channel protocol level that encompasses 8B/10B encoding, and
transmission protocol. Specified in FC-PH.

>FC-2:The Fibre Channel protocol level that encompasses signaling protocol rules
and the organization of data into frames, sequences, and exchanges. Specified in

>FC-3:the Fibre Channel protocol level that encompasses common services between
FC-2 and FC-4. FC-3 contains no services in most implementations.

>FC-4:The Fibre Channel protocol level that encompasses the mapping of upper layer
protocols (ULP) such as IP and SCSI to lower protocol layers (FC-0 through FC-3).
For example, the mapping of SCSI commands is an FC-4 ULP that defines the control
interface between computers and storage.


Microsystems Computer Corporation that defines a set of Java APIs for
heterogeneous storage resource and storage network management. This specification
is a central technology of JIRO.

>FDDI(Fiber Distributed Data Interface.):a token passing network archtitecture

using fibre optic cables.

>FDDI ADPTER:An adapter that connects an intelligent device to an FDDI network.

Both FDDI-fiber adapters that connect to optical fiber FDDI networks, and FDDI-TP
adapters that connect to twisted copper pair FDDI networks exist. Although network
interface cards are usually referred to as NICs rather than as adapters, the term
FDDI adapter is more common than FDDI NIC. cf. adapter, NIC

>FIBRE CHANNEL:A type of Fibre Channel physical connection that allows up to 30

meters of copper cable between adjacent devices..

>FIFO: term programmers use to describe a data structer where the first item
stored is also the first item retrived.

>FILE HANDLE:a number used to identify a file inside a program.

>FILE SERVER:a file server is a computer which acts a server allowing users to
access resources on it.for e.g on windows users can share there drives using

>FILE SHARING!:file sharing is sharing files for others to access using samba or
netbios,users usally map network drive typing net use p:[/color] \\ip\sharename in
ms dos or by using a samba client on unix.

>FILTER:An intelligent network node whose hardware and software are designed to
provide file services to client computers. Filers are pre-programmed by their
vendors to provide file services, and are not normally user programmable. cf.
appliance, file server

>FIN:a control flag used in the process of closing a TCP connection.

>FINGER:is a service run on port 79 and allows users to find information on users
on hosts such as name and address,tel....,e.t.c

>FIREWALL:is a program used to close a pc'a open ports and secure security holes
and is a break point between networks where all the trafiic is examined and
accepted or denied based on a set of rules.

>FLAME WARS:are when 2 or more ppl post or send shit to the other user,and the
both users exchange angry messgaes to each other.<irc invloves a lot of flame war
between hackers and lamers usally the lamers are nuking e.t.c

>FORTH: another programming language although its not relay used now a days..

>FORTRAN:a combination of formular translator which allows programmers to use

mathematical signitures.e.g code x = (A * B) *

>FREEBSD:is a version of unix with open source.

>Fragmentation scanning : This is not a new port scanning method in and of itself,
but a modification of other techniques. Instead of just sending the probe packet,
you break it into a couple of small IP fragments. You are splitting up the TCP
header over several packets to make it harder for packet filters and so forth to
detect what you are doing. Be careful with this! Some programs have trouble
handling these tiny packets. My favorite sniffer segmentation faulted immediately
upon receiving the first 36-byte fragment. After that comes a 24 byte one! While
this method won't get by packet filters and firewalls that queue all IP fragments
(like the CONFIG_IP_ALWAYS_DEFRAG option in Linux), a lot of networks can't afford
the performance hit this causes. This feature is rather unique to scanners (at
least I haven't seen any others that do this).

>FTP(file transfere protocol)is a serivice which runs on port 21 an allows users

with valid accounts to login and upload files and download files.
[color=cyan]>FTP BOUCE ATTACK: An interesting "feature" of the ftp protocol (RFC
959) is support for "proxy" ftp connections. In other words, I should be able to
connect from evil.com to the FTP server-PI (protocol interpreter) of target.com to
establish the control communication connection. Then I should be able to request
that the server-PI initiate an active server-DTP (data transfer process) to send a
file ANYWHERE on the internet! Presumably to a User-DTP, although the RFC
specifically states that asking one server to send a file to another is OK. Now
this may have worked well in 1985 when the RFC was just written. But nowadays, we
can't have people hijacking ftp servers and requesting that data be spit out to
arbitrary points on the internet. As *Hobbit* wrote back in 1995, this protocol
flaw "can be used to post virtually untraceable mail and news, hammer on servers
at various sites, fill up disks, try to hop firewalls, and generally be annoying
and hard to track down at the same time." What we will exploit this for is to
(surprise, surprise) scan TCP ports from a "proxy" ftp server. Thus you could
connect to an ftp server behind a firewall, and then scan ports that are more
likely to be blocked (139 is a good one). If the ftp server allows reading from
and writing to a directory (such as /incoming),

>FUNCTION:is a subprogram or small program which does a certain task then returns
the answer to the main program.

>GANG MESSAGES:spam messages posted to usenet or emailed to users.

>GATEWAY:the link that translates two different types of computer networks,a

router which connects a lan to a larger network.

>GEEK:is a person who knows more about computers than he does know on his
self,geeks are usally anti social and ugly ppl.

>GREP:referred to as search or scan.

>GNONME:is a linux desktop environment built by hacker and is similar to kde.

>GOPHER:a system used for finding info on the net,named after the university of
minesota's golden gophers.

>GOTO:is a common programming code e.g. code written in qb.

print "wassup" input "well!" name$ if name$ = kev then GOTO celtic ........
.............. .. end

>GROUP:A collection of computer user identifiers used as a convenience in

assigning resource access rights or operational privileges.

>GSN:Acronym for Gigabyte System Network. >GUI:Acronym for Graphical User

Interface. >GURU:is a knowledgeble computer dude usally earn mega cash and studies
network security and hacking!.

>HACK:a hack is a sucessfull piece of code which has been changed or it can be
when a hacker sucessfully hacks a system througn an exploit or using BF, e.t.c

>HACKER:are the dudes who make the internet what it is,most of the hackers program
and contrinute to the linux world and most of them like to study network security
and breaking into systems.

>HANG UP:used by war dialers once a dial toned is found.

>HAYES COMMAND SET:a set of instruction for controling basic functions like dial
modems then hanging up.

>HIDDEN FILES:all o/s have hidden files by default to stop newbies messing them
up,although when u hack a system it is hard to find hidden file but the unix
command "ls -vat /dir" finds hidden files.

>HEXADECIMAL:a number that uses base 16 to base 10.

>HEXEDITOR:is a program used for viewing the computer binary code of a program.

105.HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE:[/color]is a program language which can almost be written

in english High Level Languages are closer to Human Languages, and because of
this, they are easier understood, easier written, easier maintained and adjusted.
The problem with High-Level Programming Languages is that they lack slightly in
speed compared to the lower languages, the reason for this is that the Compiler
has to convert the High-Level code into Machine Language before the computer reads
it and follows the instructions. The first of these languages started to emerge
around the 1950's and there are now tons of them around like Pascal, C and C++.

>HOME:is the default directory u get as soon as u login to unix.usally /root or


>HOST:is a computer which stores files and is referred to each hackers target !the
host computer!

>HOST ID:the portion of an ip that identifies a particular computer within a


>HOST TABLE:the host or lmhost file that contains a list of knownip addresses
mapped to host names or netbios computer

>HOTMAIL:is a free email site which has the largest number of users than anywhere
in the world,usally because is has so much users and the owners "Mcft" make it
hard to hack beacuse micosoft invests a lot of cash in it the security of bug

>HTML(hyper text markup language):is a the most used scripting language for
programming web pages as it is easy to use.e.g

<HTML> <HEAD[color=cyan]> <TITLE[color=cyan]>wassup</titile[color=cyan]>

</head[color=cyan]> <body[color=cyan]> <p[color=cyan]>adolf hitler was a very
naughty man!</P <hr [color=cyan]> <a href="telnet://unix.com">telnet

[color=cyan]>HTTP:is run on port 80 and is known as www,http is known as hyper

text transfer protocol.

>HYPERTERMINAL:is a windows communication program used for contacting bbs's and it

can be used as a telnet client as well.

>HUB:a device on a network where it connects all the pc's togthers using their
wires and connecting them to the hub.

>IBM:internation business machine:[/color]is a computer firm which lead in the

making of computers,ibm also have one of the strongest security networks in the

>ICE:(Intrusion Countermeasure)Term reffering to the security programs in Gibson's

cyberspace (also called BLACKICE).

>IDENITY HACKING:The use of pseudo-anonymity or false accounts to put oneself off

as another person on the Internet.

>IDLE:when a computer isnt doing nothing,usally thats the best time to start

>ILLS:is a more than a webserver is helps u create websites configure ftp and stmp

<ICMP(internet control message protocol)is used for when u ping a hosy e.t.c

>ICMP echo scanning :This isn't really port scanning, since ICMP doesn't have a
port abstraction. But it is sometimes useful to determine what hosts in a network
are up by pinging them all. the -P option does this. ICMP scanning is now in
parallel, so it can be quite fast. To speed things up even more, you can increase
the number of pings in parallel with the '-L ' option. It can also be helpful to
tweek the ping timeout value with '-T '. nmap supports a host/bitmask notation to
make this sort of thing easier. For example 'nmap -P cert.org/24'
would scan CERT's class C network and whatever class B entity 152.148.*
represents. Host/26 is useful for 6-bit subnets within an organization. Nmap now
also offers a more powerful form. You can now do things like '150.12,17,71-79.7.*'
and it will do what you expect

>IETF(internet enginerring task force):a consortuim that introduces new tchnologly

on the ineterne,they rite rfc's.

>IF:is a progaramming statment which is often used with IF and THEN e.g. code

if X = 5 then print "i am a faggot!"

>IGMP(internet group manahement protocol):a tcp/ip protocol used in conjuction

with multcasting in a class d network.

>INDEPENDENT LOGICAL UNIT:An LU that does not depend on an SSCP in an SNA host
system for session initiation and can send both a BIND request and a BIND
response. Only LU Type 6.2 LUs can function as independent LUs

>INHERITANCE:is used in object orented programming languages,when one object

copies the feauture from another object.

>INODE:A persistent data structure in a UNIX or UNIX-like file system that

describes the location of some or all of the disk blocks allocated to the file.

<INTERNET:is the biggest network in the world which has thousands of features such
as global chat rooms and newsgoups,telnet/e.t.c/e.t.c.

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