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Familial Attitudes
There are strong indications that the family and home afford the respondent feelings of
security and constitute a positive aspect on her life. She expresses a feeling of love and
admiration towards her father (item 35) where she calls him the person who should be titled
as the real father. It can also be interpreted that she sees her mother as a role model and
loves her dearly where she calls her a lady with lots of experience and teachings (item 11)
and calls losing her mother her greatest fear (item 13).
Social and Sexual Attitudes
The sheer number of responses on items relating to her social life shows the importance of
this area of adjustment to the subject. She shows a great deal of care and love for those she
cares about (item 15) but her guarded nature makes her feels misunderstood by her peers
(item 5 and 34) and her introverted behaviour (item 33) leads her to having a limited social
circle, socializing only with people who are similar to her, which also leads her to feel as
though she is missing something by not going out and interacting more (item 4) and question
her place within her friends (item 3). Even within her group of friends however, she displays a
feeling of victimisation and pressure (item 20, 30, 34), where she resents being blamed and
not understood by her peers and subsequently being punished for it. She has a clearly
defined social boundary in her mind, with a strong outgroup bias (item 9, 10, 19) where she
displays mistrust and wariness towards people she does not consider like herself, with
statements like I like to stay with people who are of my type.
She also comes across as wary of relationships with men (item 7), claiming that the only men
she could trust were her father and her brother. This statement is also be indicative of the fact
that a previous relationship might have ended up hurting her, leading her to generalize her
feelings to all men. Her attitude towards marriage (item 26) is an ambivalent one, which can
either be understood as general indifference or more likely, a response indicating pressure on
her to get married, leading her to supress out any views or opinions on it.
To meet the frustration she feels in her personal life, she takes particular comfort and
happiness in keeping occupied (item 1), particularly in music, which she calls her happiest
times (item 2 and 18) but she finds no comfort in sports (item 16) or reading of any sorts
(item 22).
General Attitudes and Traits
There are frequent references to her belief in herself. She feels that she is best when she is
truly herself (item 27) and that she need to build up stringht to stay strong with her own self,
indicatimg an independent personality that does not like to depend on anyone else. This is
also supported by her social relations. She is clearly ambitious and wants to make a name for
her independently (item 8 and 12) and sees the future as something unpredictable yet worth
looking forward too, revealing an optimistic view on life. However, she also displays feelings of
inadequacy (item 28 and 29) where she says that she gives up on situations she cant handle
further and that others expectations of her pain her.
Her responses also show a major personality shift from her childhood to her school and
college years (item 14, 17 and 32), with her childhood self being very obedient and
responsible followed by a teenage rebellion in her high school years, where she describes
herself as a crazy girl to describing herself now as notorious by only sometimes which can
be caused by increasing amount of societal pressure on her to conform to societys standards
for women. She says her mind is always occupied with past and future thoughts

Her responses on few items also reveal a conscious or subconscious blocking of thoughts
regarding the train of thought the stems elicit, particularly when asked about her worries or
her failures (item 21 and 39). This can be indicative of bigger issues that she does not want to
deal with, such as marriage (item 26) which gets a similar response.
The subject may be characterized as a girl who is maladjusted in social and sexual areas. She
sees herself as an introvert having a limited social circle that she sometimes feels like an
outsider in due to her guarded nature. Her whole adjustment in the social and sexual area is
one of insecurity and a strong need for approval and acceptance.
She feels a lot of love for her family, particularly her mother and one sees that the home is a
source of satisfaction to her, even if she feels slightly stifled by it. To meet the frustrations
which confront her, she attempts to gain satisfaction through solitary activities and by a
defensive criticality. There is also an indication of some paranoid and persecution feelings.
She sees herself as an ambitious person who can achieve her dreams and an independent
future free from her perceived mistakes of her teenage years through determination and hard
work, and yet is plaugued by frequent feels of inadequacy caused by her doubts about the
possibility of her dream future becoming a reality. However, she is unwilling to talk about the
problems or the faliures she might have experienced, a fact adding to her guarded nature.

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