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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014)

Failure Behaviour of Masonry Arch Bridges using Finite

Element Analysis
Sera Elsa Raj1, V. Srinivas2, P. Eapen Sakaria3

M.Tech in Geomechanics and Structures, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala, India
Principal Scientist, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai, India
Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala, India
Abstract Masonry arch bridge has a long history & is still
been used nowadays. In the past centuries, many researches
have been carried out to investigate the behaviour of masonry
arch bridges. The structural behaviour of a masonry arch
bridge is complex mainly due to the material characteristics
and its geometrical shape. The main aim of this project work
is to study the structural behaviour of masonry arch bridge
using finite element analysis & also to compare the finite
element results with the analytical solution. In order to
analyse the structural behaviour & to predict the failure of a
brick masonry arch subjected to various loads, a suitable
numerical model is required. Modelling of the material and
structure is very important. Here, ATENA software is used
for modelling the arch bridge. An analytical approach is also
proposed for the incremental loading analysis of masonry
arches up to the collapse load.


As a result of the literature study, few important
observations are listed as follows:
Gencturk et al. deals with the assessment of stone arch
bridges under static loading using analytical techniques.
Analytical methods adopted in this study were the method
of virtual work and the mechanism method. In both cases,
the maximum concentrated load that the bridge can
withstand was obtained. Drawing thrust lines for stone
arches has a key role in the methods used. As a case study,
the Roman arch bridge, namely the Titus Tunnel Bridge,
was investigated using the methods developed.
Gago et al. studied the influence of infill on the
structural behaviour of arched structures. It was first shown
that distributed loads similar in shape to the self-weight of
the infill correspond to a circumferential line of thrust. The
lateral pressure and stiffening due to the infill also affects
the arch strength and stability.
Boothby et al. studied the service load response of
masonry arch bridges. In this, the behaviour of filled
masonry arch bridges under truck loading is examined by
service load testing and by developing a finite-element
model of a unit width of the structure. The result showed
that the stiffening effect of spandrel walls and fill is
important in the understanding of the behavior of masonry
arch bridges.
Yang studied the progressive failure analysis of masonry
arch bridges subjected to applied loading and support
movements. The author found that load dispersion through
the spandrel fill affects the ultimate strength of the arch
bridge significantly. It was also found that the tensile
strength of masonry and the tensile strain softening
parameter significantly affect the failure load of the arch.

Keywords ATENA, Finite element modelling, interface,

masonry arch bridge, material properties, micro & macro
modelling, soil-structure interaction.

Masonry arch bridges form a significant part of transport
network from ancient times to modern days. There are
about one hundred thousand highway carrying bridges in
the UK & about 40% of them are brick or stone masonry
arch bridges. Most of these masonry arches were built in
the 18th and 19th centuries during the construction of canals
and railways. Masonry arch bridges are part of our heritage.
The arch is a fundamental constructive element having both
load bearing and ornamental function. Masonry can be
considered as a composite material built of brick or stone
units bonded with mortar. The arch is a form where the
forces from dead load are transferred as compression, and
tensile forces are eliminated. An arch bridge is a bridge
with abutments at each end shaped as a curved arch. To
obtain the failure behaviour of masonry using FE analysis,
modelling of the structure in appropriate FE software is
very important. Based on the literature surveys, ATENA
software is used for the non-linear analysis of masonry arch


When dealing with masonry, two main approaches (i)
micro-modelling and (ii) macro-modelling are adopted to
perform the numerical analysis.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014)
Micro-modeling is the complex modelling approach for
studying the effect of each component on the local failure
mechanisms and on the general behaviour. It can be simply
described as discretizing each component of the model, and
using different elements and constitutive models for each
one. In the micro-model approach, it is possible to
characterize mortar, bricks and their interfaces separately,
adopting appropriate constitutive laws for each component
so that their different mechanical behaviour is considered.
The macro-modeling approach is the most common
technique used for large structures and for studying the
effect of global parameters. It can be simply described as
modelling the overall structure with one homogeneous
material, which has properties that are equivalent to the
average of its components. This method is convenient for
both analytical and numerical modeling because it does not
require the level of detailed discretization used for micromodeling, which is based on individual material
In the first phase of study, micro-models are created for
brick prisms of different bond such as stack bond and
English bond. In the micro-model, brick, mortar and
interface are separately characterized for modelling the
prism. Brick units and mortar joint are modelled using 3D
Nonlinear cementitious elements. Steel plates are used at
the top face for application of loading. The steel plates are
modelled using 3D elastic isotropic elements. Both the
models, with and without interface are created for the three
mortar ratios. The material 3D interface is defined for the
interface between brick and mortar. For the model without
interface, a perfect bond is assumed for the contact zone of
brick and mortar.

In order to understand the influence of brick-mortar

interface, finite element models with interface models are
also developed. From the results, It is found that the brick
prism with mortar ratio 1:2 exhibits higher strength than
other two mortar ratios for the three different models. This
shows that the mortar ratio plays an important role in the
strength of brick masonry. The stress-strain curve is found
to be linear until 1/3 rd of the ultimate stress after which
cracks began to form in the mortar introducing the nonlinearity. From the results, the influence of mortar-brick
interface on the behaviour of brick masonry is also
determined. Interface is a thin layer between the brick and
mortar which greatly influences the strength of bonding. It
is found that the presence of interface reduces the stress
value for all the models than by considering perfect bond
between brick and mortar in the models without interface.
Numerical analysis of the masonry arch bridge is
performed by using the finite element analysis software
ATENA. Stone arch bridges are composite structures made
of stone and mortar. Instead of detailed micro modelling,
macro modelling technique is suitable for the large scale
modelling of masonry structures. In this study, the arch
bridge model has been assumed as macro modelling
procedure due to the excessive number of elements. A
single span masonry bridge is considered with the
components as arch barrel, spandrel walls, abutments,
parapets and the infill. All elements except the infill are
made of stone masonry and it has been modelled using 3D
Nonlinear cementitious elements. Infill is modelled using
3D Drucker-Prager Plasticity elements. Steel plates are
used at the top surface for loading and it is modelled using
3D elastic isotropic elements. To analyse the soil-structure
interaction, interface elements are also used in between the
infill and the structure. Interface elements are modelled
using 3D interface elements. The supports are assumed as
fully restrained at the bottom and for the two sides it is
fixed in horizontal direction. Loading is applied in the form
of body forces and forces. Self-weight of the structure is
applied as body forces and live load as pressure force. Selfweight is assigned automatically in ATENA software from
the material weight and the value of live load has been
taken from arch bridge code and bridge rules. A macro
model of the arch bridge in ATENA is shown in the fig 1.


The present research is focused towards the failure
behaviour of masonry arch bridges using finite element
analysis. For this study, it is essential to evaluate the
constitutive material properties of brick masonry in order to
simulate numerically its failure behavior. The material
properties of brick and mortar are evaluated from
experimental investigations in the laboratory. To achieve
the composite material property of brick masonry, several
finite element models are developed. It includes triplet
brick masonry prism, five brick prism with stack bond and
brick prism using English bond. Mortar plays an important
role in the bonding of bricks in masonry. In this work, a
study of different mortar ratios (1:2, 1:3, 1:4) in the failure
behavior of brick masonry is investigated.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014)
Different load conditions are adopted to find out the
behaviour of the structure under loading. The most
prominent loads adopted here are dead load and live load.
These two loads are applied in different combinations for
analyzing. They are mentioned below.
i. Dead Load only
ii. Live load only
iii. Dead load + Live load on full span
iv. Dead load + Live load on 5/8 of span
Dead load is assigned as body force in ATENA.
Masonry arch bridges are characterized by a high self
weight. For analyzing the behaviour of arch without
external load, the structure is first loaded with self weight
Live load is applied according to bridge rules. Since it is
a railway bridge, broad gauge loading is selected for
loading purpose. Modified BG loading-1987 is adopted for
broad gauge loading.
Dead load and live load are applied together for finding
the stress contour along intrados and extrados. Live load is
applied on the whole span according to the bridge
rules.Steel plate is provided on the top surface for loading.
Another condition is to apply the live load on 5/8th of the
span along with the self-weight. 5/8th of the span is equal to
11.1m. The load is applied as pressure force in 11.1m from
the left end of the arch bridge.
From the results, it is found that the critical load case is
dead load and live load at 5/8 of span.

Fig 1: Macro Model of Arch Bridge In Atena

Table I:
Properties of Stone Masonry


Stone masonry

Youngs Modulus (MPa)


Poissons ratio


Compressive strength (MPa)


Tensile strength (MPa)

Specific material weight

2.2 x 10-2



The failure condition is attained by increasing the

pressure load on 5/8th of span. The failure condition is
obtained when the load is increased to 600KN/m2. The
displacement at failure condition, the stress contour along
intrados and extrados are shown below from figure 2-4.

Table II:
Properties of Infill



Youngs Modulus (MPa)


Poissons ratio


Specific material weight

1.8 x 10-2

Cohesion (MPa)


Friction angle


Fig 2: Displacement At Failure


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014)
From the Fig.5, it is found that the ultimate load at
failure is 51.6MN, i.e. approximately 5000 Tonnes. On the
X axis, the crown displacement is plotted and is found that
the maximum deflection corresponding to the failure load
is 28.5mm. The stresses along the length of arch barrel at
mid width and at the two edges are selected for studying
the variation of stress and the corresponding graphs are
plotted. The stresses across the length of arch at mid span
are also plotted. The graphs are plotted for both intrados
and extrados, since it gives a clear idea of the failure
behavior and stress pattern.
Fig 3: Stress Contour Along Extrados

Fig 6: Stress Variation In Z Along The Length At Mid Width

Fig 4: Stress Contour Along Intrados

The formation of plastic hinges will be one of the

reasons for the failure of the arch. But in reality, the
prediction of failure of masonry arches is complex due to
the large number of parameters influencing the failure
behaviour of the arch. Failure is not necessarily as a result
of the formation of a mechanism; it can also be due to the
massive failure of material in tension and/or in
compression. The load-deflection graph is plotted to find
the ultimate load at failure condition and the plot is shown

Fig 7: Stress Variation In Z-Axis Along The Length At EDGE

Fig 5: Load-Deflection Graph

From the above figures, it can be seen that the variation

of stress for intrados and extrados are different. At a critical
section below the load for instance, there is a large
compressive stress at the extrados and a significant tensile
stress at the intrados of the arch. Tensile stress will cause
cracking and will largely disappear causing some
concentrated rotation at this section, further increasing the
compressive stress. Limiting condition of the formation of
a plastic hinge will arrive with the compressive stress
redistributing itself as uniform stress of limiting stress
value at the extrados of the arch.


International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014)


An analytical approach is also proposed for the

incremental loading analysis of masonry arches up to the
collapse load. The application of Castigliano energy
thinning method to the analysis of single span masonry
arch bridges using a standard spreadsheet is used to find the
failure criteria. The method uses simple geometric
parameters to define the arch and standard optimization
software within the spreadsheet to determine critical loads
and positions. Service or ultimate loads can be applied and
results including deflections, stresses etc., obtained for all
arch locations and load increments. The hinge points are
identified based on the ultimate load and the thrust line is
drawn in the spreadsheet. The thrust line with the formation
of the four hinges is shown in the fig 8.

A numerical study is carried out for developing an

appropriate analytical model for masonry arch which will
adequately predict its structural behaviour under given
loading conditions. In the first phase of the study, the brick
masonry prisms of various bonds are modelled in ATENA
and their load-deflection and cracking behaviour are
analyzed. The experimental results are also compared with
the analytical results. In the second phase of study,
masonry arch bridge is modelled in ATENA and found the
ultimate load under failure condition. A parametric study
was also carried out for a better understanding of the soilstructure interaction and the influence of interface. A
standard spreadsheet is also used to analyze the soilmasonry interactions, abutment forces, thrust line, load
pattern etc., using Castigliano analysis.
The paper is being published with the kind permission of
The Director, CSIR-SERC, Chennai. I thank the Scientists,
Project Assistants of Bridge Engineering Group and
Technical staff of structural testing laboratory for their kind
support in this paper work.

Fig 8: Thrust Line Using Spreadsheet Analysis

From the results it is found that the ultimate load using

spreadsheet analysis is 2300.5 KN/m.ie., approximately 18
MN. But it includes only the live load. When the dead load
of arch bridge is also considered, the ultimate load comes
to 31MN. The value is seen to show some discrepancy with
the ultimate load obtained using FE analysis, 50MN.
However the maximum deflections obtained from the
spreadsheet analysis (32mm) and the numerical
computation (28mm) show satisfactory agreement. The
behavior of the arch bridge has been approximately
predicted by the spreadsheet analysis. Therefore it can be
inferred to validate the FE analysis of the arch bridge in
ATENA. With further improvement and fine tuning of the
spreadsheet analysis it can be used to predict accurately,
the response of masonry arch bridges subjected to loading.






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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014)
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