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Course Contents

1 . Introduction: Concept, types, mineralogy, classification, nomenclature,

distribution, factors of metamophism, metamorphic reactions
2 . Metamorphic zones and Metamorphic grades
3 . Metamorphic Facies
4 . Contact Metamorphic rocks
5 . Regional Metamorphic rocks
6 . Basic metamorphic rocks
7 . Ultrabasic metamorphic rocks
8 . Calcareous and marly metamorphic rocks
9 . Metapelites
10 . Eclogite
11 . Granulite and Migmatite
12 . Tectonics of metamorphic rocks

Metamorphic rocks are derived from materials of igneous, sedimentary or
metamorphic rocks by changing their physical form and /or mineralogical
composition as a result of changes in pressure and /or temperature or by the effect of a
fluid phase. Metamorphism occurs in the solid state and is bounded by sedimentary
diagenesis and igneous melting. Metamorphic changes are always in a direction which
tends to restore equilibrium. The effects of metasmorphism include:
1 - Chemical recombination and growth of new minerals with or without the addition
of new elements from circulating fluids.
2 - Deformation and rotation of the constituent mineral grains

3 - Recrystallization of minerals into larger grains.

Categories of Metamorphism
Metamorphic rocks are divided on the basis of their field occurrence into the
following categories:
1- Contact (Thermal) Metamorphism:
It is the recrystallization of rocks near the contacts of igneous intrusions due to rise in
temperature. The area surrounding an intusive body is called contact aurole.
2 - Regional (Orogenic ) Metamorphism
This type outcrops over large areas and in a variety of settings. Rocks subjected to
regional metamorphism occur in a great belt, hundreds or thousands of kilometers
long and wide.
Metamorphism produced as a result of the progressive increase in temperature and
pressure, i.e. by burial of a rock within the earth, is termed prograde metamorphism
and in general terms is characterized by dehydration reactions, which release water.
With increasing depth of burial the pressure and temperature of the material increases
along the follwong gradients:
P gradient 3.5 kbar/10 km T gradient 20-30C/km
3 - Pyrometamorphism: It is recrystallization at high temperatures and takes place in
felsic, mafic and ultramfic xenoliths included in volcanic rokcs. It is an extraordinary
kinds of thermal metamorphism. It may produce partila melting. Buchite is a partially
melted rock derived from shael or sandstone.
4-Ocean-Floor Metamorphism
It is the recrystallzation of of deeper part of the basic and ultrabasic rocks of the
oceanic crust, mainly beneath the crest of the mid-ocean ridges.
5-Hydrothermal Metamoprhism
It is the recrystallization of rokcs under the influence of a hot fluid phase introduced
from the outside, mainly in geothermal fields.

6-Cataclastic (dynamic, dislocation) Metamorphism

It is the crushing and grinding of rocks as a result of fault movement
7 - Impact Metamorphism
This type occurs near the impact size of large meteorites.
Textures and structures of metamorphic rocks
The orientation and arrangement of minerals in metamorphic rocks differ in different
rocks, though the regional metamorphic rocks have textural similarities, as do the
contact metamoprhic rocks. At the same time, a single rock may contain several
textures or textural elements. The most important textures are as follows:
Foliation (Give your remarks on each texture in lab. How it looks like?) It is a planar
element in metamoprhic rocks. It is defined as the parallel arrangement or distribution
of minerals which ncludes layring of different mineralogical composition as in a
gneiss and parallel arrangement of platy minerals (schistosity) as in a schist, closed
spaced fracture (slaty clevage). It is usually developed during metamorphism by direct
pressure which cause differential movement or recrystallization.
Schistosity The parallel arrangment of tabular minerals (Mica, amphibolesetc.) to
give a more or less planar fissility. With decrease in grain size, this grades to slaty
cleavage (slate). Stretched or flattened grains, such as in quartz in deformed
quartzites, may also form schistosity.
Gneissosity The alternation of lighter and darker layers, such as micaceous or
amhibole-ric layers with quartzfeldspathic layers. The term is often used to include
metamorphic layering regardless of its origin.
The parallel alignment of linear elements in the rock. It includes aligned prismatic
grains, aggregates of grains, axes of microfolds, and lines of intersection of two or
more schistosities.
Prefered Orientation
This denote parallelism of tabular or elongated grains, as in schistosity or lineationequidimensional grains according to their crystal lattice orientations (e.g. c-axes in

Hornfelsic and Granoblastic

This is a non-directional texture. Planar or prismatic grains if present, are not oriented.
The term granoblastic is used for coarse-grained texture and hornflesic to finergrained rocks.
Large crystals of a mineral grown in a solid medium of smaller grains. It is
comparable to phenocrysts in igneous rocks.
It is a porphyroblast containing numerous inclusions of one or more groundmass
minerals enveloped during growth (equivalent to sieve texture in igneous rocks)
Helicitic texture
Direction of an earlier foliation is reflected in curved lines of inclusions that are
preserved within a porhphyroblast. Often S-shaped as might be formed by rolling of a
porphyroblast during growth.
Corona (reaction rim)
A new mineral forms as a rim around a mineral that is no longer in its field of stability
(e.g., actinolite around augite).
Coarse, strained, and broken crystals in a finer-grianed matrix.
Augen (eye-shaped) Lage eyes (porphyroclasts) of feldspar in a finer grained gneissic
Mylonitic Extremely granulated and streaked-out grains-typically foliated and
containing ovoid relict crystals.
Sheared and crushed rock fabric, not as extreme as mylonitic. Nature of the original
Flaser A cataclastic texture in which undestroyed eyes of the original rock swim in
granulated streasks and laminae.

Classification of Metamorphic Rocks

This Chapter is discussed in details by S. Nasir (1993)Chemie der Erde V 53. p:71-78
A- Textural Classification:
Two major groups of metamorphic rocks are recognized:
1- Those which are foliated (posses a definit planar structure)
2- Those which are not foliated but are massive and structureless.
The foliated rocks may be further subdivided according to the type of foliation. A
large varity of types may be subsequently be recognized in each group according to
the dominant minerals.
B- Chemical and Mineralogical Classification
1-Pelitic: Derivitives of pelitic (aluminous ) sediments. Abundance of micas is
2- Quartzfeldspathic: The principal minerals are quartz and feldspar (e.g.,
metamorphosed sandstones, siliceous tuffs, granites)
3- Calcareous: Derivatives of limestones , marls and dolomites.. Typicall calcite is
abundant. Also characteristic are calcium and magnesium silicate such as diopside,
tremolite, wollastonite and grossularite.
4- Basic : Derivative of basic igneous rocks (basalt, gabbro et c.). Characteristic
minerals are plagioclase, hornblende, Mg-chlorite, epidote.
5- Ultra-basic: Deriviativ e of peridotites. Abundance of Mg-minerals (antigorite, talc,
anthophyllite, magneiste, brucite, Mg-chlorites) and absence of feldspar are
6-Ferrugineous and manganiferous: Derviatives of cherts and other sediments
containing abundant iron and /or manganese. Quartz is abundant, but feldspar is
absent in typical metacherts. Magnetite, hmeatite, spessartite-almandite garnet,
ferrohypersthene, stilpnomelane, Mn-epidotes and pyroxenoids are found in various

Common Metamorphic Rocks

Pure quartzite composed essentially of recrystallized quartz. Sandstone and chert are
common parent rock. Impure quartzite may contain actinolite, almandine, andalusite,
biotite, chlorite, clinozoisite,epidote, kyanite, microcline, muscovite, orthoclase, Naplagioclase, sericite and sillimanite. Common accessory minerals: alunite, barite,
calcite, cordierite, diaspore, limonite, magnetite, opal, pyrite, pyrophyllite, rutile,
sphene, spinel, topaz, zircon, tourmaline.
Marble Most marbles are metamoprhosed limestones or dolomite. Major minerals are
clacite, dolomite, biotite, clinooisite, diopsiee, epidote, grossularite, hypersthene,
phologopite, quartz, scapolite, tremolite, vesuvianite, wollastonite, zoisite, spurrite,
larnite, akermaneite. Accesory minerals are: apatite, graphite, hematite, microcline,
orthoclase, plagioclase, pyrolusite, sphene, talc, andradite, chondrodite, chromite,
rutile, turmaline, zircon.
A dark rock composed of hornblende and plagioclase. Most are derivatives of basic
igneous rocks, some have formed by metamorphism of calcareous sediments. Major
minerals are: hornblende, plagioclase, biotite, epidote, garnet, quartz, zoisite. Minor
minerals are: pyroxene, apatite, calcite, chlorite, scapolite, sphene, tourmaline, pyrite,
Glaucophane schists (Blue schists)
A blue colored schistossed rock rich with glaucophane. Common minerals : aegerine,
albite, biotite, jadeite, chlorite, crossite, epidote, garnet, lawsonite, muscovite,
pumpellyite, riebeckite, stilpnomelane. Minor minerals: allanite, apatite, clacite,
clinozoisite, hornblende, omphacite, rutile, sericite, sphene.
A most commonly dark green rock and weather ornage-brown. It is formed by
metamorphism (hydration) of peridotite. It is mostly rich with talc, Mg-chlorite and
antigorite and /or chrysotile and lizardite. Common minerals are chromite ,
cummingtonite, antophyllite and spinel.
Granulite (leptite, leptynite)

A plane-foliated non micaceous rock, that may be laminated parallel to the foliation.
The term is usually reserved for rocks containing hypersthene and believed to have
crystallized at high metamorphic temperatures. Major minerals are : hypersthen,
biotite, cordierite, diopside, garnet, hornblende, kyanite, orthoclase, plagioclase,
quartz, sillimanite. Minor minerals are: apatite, corundum, graphite, ilmenite, spinel
A medium grained, commonly green coloured rock, consisting of pale to mediumgreen omphacite (jadeite-diopside) and lesser red garnet. Compositionally equivalent
to basalt and considered to be an extremely high pressure form resulting from regional
metamorphism. Common minerals are: alamandine-garnet, omphacite, kyanite. Minor
minerals: apatite, glaucophane, muscovite, plagioclase, zoisite.
A fine-grained, flinty-looking, strongly coherent, banded or streaky rock formed by
extrem granulation of parent rocks without notable chemical reconstruction. Eyes or
lenses of undestroyed parent rocks persist enclosed in the granulated ground mass.
Amorphous mylonite that streaked with veinlets of dark glassy-looking materials.
A phyllonite
A mylonitic rock in which mica and chlorite recrystallizing from the granulated matrix
impart a sliky sheen to the foliation surfaces.
Spotted slate and spotted phyllite
Slate and phyllite containing dark spots, the beginnings of porphyroblasts (biotite),
generally resulting from incipient contact metamorphism.
Skarn (tactite)
A contact metamorphic and commonly metasomatic (material introduced) rock,
commonly composed of red and green calcium-rich silicates (grossularite, epidote and

A nonfoliated rock composed of a mosaic of equidimensional grains without preffered

orientation (granoblastic or hornfelsic texture). In spotted hornfleses there are
porphyroblasts of one or more minerals such as biotite or andalusite.
A fine-grained rock with perfect planar foliation (slaty cleavage), independent of
bedding, resulting from parallel orientation of tabular crystals of mica and chlorite.
A rock resembling slate but somewhat coarser in grain. The cleavage surfaces show a
lustrous sheen due to coarsening of mica and chlorite. There may be incipient
lamination as recrystallizing quartz and feldspar tends to segregate into thin layers
parallel to the cleavage.
A strongly foliated and commonly lineated rock, coarser than slate and phyllite.
Foliation is accentuated by mineral lamination due to seggregation of thin layers
alternately rich in micaceous minerals, quartz and feldspar. Very commonly this
lamination, though widely mistaken for bedding, is a metamorphic structure due to
metamorphic differentiation within what may initially have been homogeneous rock.
A coarse, discontinously banded quartzfeldspathic rock with ill-defined or
discontinous foliation.
Magnesian rock composed respectively of talc, with carbonates, chlorite and tremolite
as possible minor constitutents. The parent rocks are peridotites or, more rarely,
dolomitic limestones.

Factors of Metamorphism
1- Temperature (T)
The rate of temperature changes with depth is known as the geothermal gradient. The
geothermal gradient is closely related to heat flow through the crust. Heat flow is

mostly due to heat flow from the mantle, radioactive decay, and rising bodies of
magma. Metamorphism, in general, refers to the reactions between minerals of a rock
in response to conditions of temperature and pressure prevailing at depth.
2-Pressure (P)
Pressure is a measure of the force per unit area to which a rock is subjected. It
depends on the weight of overlying rock (depth). The pressure due to the weight of the
overlying rocks is known as the lithostatic pressure. It is assumed that this pressure is
uniform in all directions and it is used to approximate the total confining pressure to
which a rock was subjected. However, lithostatic pressure does not itself cause
deformation. Deformation is a result of unequal stresses acting on a rock. (deviatoric
stress). Fluid pressure is the pressure exerted by fluid present in pore spaces and grain
Fluid phases of volatile constituents (H2O, CO2, CO, CH4) are usually present during
metamorphism. The presence of water greatly increase the rate of crystallization due
to the catalytic action of water.
Isochemical metamorphism: transformation of a rock with gain or loss, by way of
contrast allochemical metamorphism refers to reconstitution accompanied by a change
in bulk composition of the rock (Metasomatism).
Metamorphic Zones (Barrows Zones)
In most regions of metamorphic rocks, a variation of grain size and mineralogy occurs
which suggests a variation in metamorphic grade. The grain size of the rocks tends to
become coarser with increasing temperature. Barrow ( 1912 ) was the first to
recognize that certain newly formed minerals appear in a definite sequence with
increasing temperature. These minerals were designated as index minerals. The
metamorphic zones characterized by these index minerals are well developed on a
regional scale in most continents.. The following succession of index minerals with
increasing temperature can be distinguished in many terrains:
1-Chlorite zone: chlorite-muscovite phyllite or schist
2-Biotite zone: appearance of biotite (biotite isograde)
3-Almandine (garnet) zone: appearance of garnet.

4- Staurolite zone: appearance of staurolite

5-Kyanite zone: appearance of kyanite
6-Sillimanite zone: appearance of sillimanite and disappearance of kyanite.
An isograde is a line of outcrops on which a mineral assemblage begins to appear or
disappear. Isogrades give a general picture of the P-T distribution in a metamorphic
Mineral assemblage (paragensis) : A number of different minerals in contact within
a single thin section.
Grades of Metamorphism<./b>
Winkler (1967) divided the entire P,T ranges of metamorphic conditions into four
large large divisions of metamorphic grade. The boundaries between the four
grades is marked by significant changes of mineral assemblages (specific mineral
1- Verly low-grade: diagnostic minerals are laumonite, prhenite, pumpellite,
lawsonite, illite with imperfect crystallinity.
2- Low-grade: characteristic mineral assemblage is : chlorite+zoisite/clinozoisite,
actinolite, quartz, chloritoid.
3- Medium-grade: appearance of cordierite, or staurolite
4- Hig grade:: breakdown of muscovite in the presence of quartz and plagioclase,
formation of migmatites.
Preesure divisions:
1-Very-low grade: laumontite ----lawsonite----glaucophane---jadiete+quartz
2-Low-grade: almandine---glaucophane+clinozoisite
3-Medium-grade: cordierite----almandine + (Al2SiO5-polymorph)
4- High-grade:cordierite----cordierite-almandine----almandine
Metamorphic facies

It designates a group of rocks characterized by a definit set of minerals formed

under particular metamorphic conditions.
The concept of metamorphic facies was first proposed by Eskola (1920,1939). A
given facies may includes rocks of widely different bulk composition. The whole
group of different rocks comprise one facies. Eskola adopted eight facies that can
be considered in four groups (See Figure):
1- Facies of low grades: Zeolite facies and prehnite-pumpellyite facies. These
facies are usually non-schistose and preserve original parent features
2-Facies of moderate pressure and moderate to high temperature: Greenschist,
amphibolite and granulite facies. Greensschist facies shows the mineral
assemblage actinolite+chlorite+epidote+albite. The greenschist facies is
subdivided into the chlorite zone and the biotite zone subfacies. IF hornblende is
present instead of actinolite, then the name Epidote-amphibolite facies is
proposed. If calcic plagioclase is present then the rock is found in the amphibolite
facies. In granulite facies, pyroxnes take place of hornblende.
3- Facies of high pressures: Blue schist and eclogite facies. The blue schist facies
is characterized by the occurrenece of glaucopane as well as lawsonite and
jadiete+quartz. Eclogite facies is characterized by the assemblage
omphacite+Mg-garnet+quartz and devoid of feldspar.
4- Facies of contact metamorphism: Albite-epidote-, hornblende-, pyroxene- and
sanidinite-hornfels. The hornfels facies is charcaterised by low rock-pressure.
The pyroxene-hornfels facies is characterized by the absence of garnet and the
presenece of pyroxenes. The sanidinite facies represent the highest temperature.
Baric Metamorphic belts.
It is a threefold classification of regional metamorphism in terms of pressure
(Baric types):
1- Low-Pressure type: charcaterized by andalusite at low temperature and
sillimanite at high temperature. Biotite, cordierite and staurolite are common
minerals. Type terrane is the Abukuma plateau, Japan.
2-Medium-Pressure type: Characterized by kyanite and absence of galucophane,
lawsonite and jadiete. Cordierite is absent and sillimanite and garnet are
common. It corresponds to the Barrovian zones.

3- High-Preesure type: Characterized by jadiete+quartz, lawsonite and

Paired Metamorphic Belts
These represents two regional metamorphic belts of similar ages but of
contrasting characters run side by side, forming pair. One belt is of the low- and
the other is of the high-pressure typ. The high pressure type lies on the oceanic
side of the other belt.
Contact Metamorphism It is due to a temperature rise in rokcs adjacent to
magmatic intrusions. The most frequent depth of these intrusions ranges between
3 and 8 km (0.8 to 2.1 kbar). The zone in direct contact with the intrusion is
marked by the greatest rise in temperature. The extent of the various zones of the
contact aureole depends on the temperature of the intrusion (heat content),
depth, and on the size of the intrusion. The temperature of granitic magma is
700-800 C; of syanitic magma 900 C, and of gabbroic magma about 1200 C. The
temperature of the country rock at the immediate contact = 60% of the intrusion
temperature (Ti) + temperature of country rock before intrusion (Tc). At a
distance equal 1/10 of the thickness of the intusion, the temperature=50% of (Ti)
+Tc. At a distance = of the thickness of the intrusion, the tempeerature =1/3 of
Ti+Tc. The period of time during which the maximum temperature of the
country rock is sustained is proportional to the square of the thickness of the
intrusion (D). The order of magnitude of the length of this period= 0.01D^2 i.e:
if D=1 m then period = 3.65 days
if D=10 m then period = 365 days
if D=100 m then period = 100 years
Contact metamorphism often involves crystallization of new minerals and
reconstruction of the rock as result of the addition of new material
(metasomatism) from the intrusive magma forming skarns.
Graphical Representation
ACF and AFK have been constructed for several metamorphic zones. They indicate
different pasragenesis in rocks of different composition when metamorphosed at
specific conditions. The diagram are based on the condition that SiO2 is presnet in
excess in the form of quartz.

ACF Diagram
The scheme for calculating the ACF ratios (after necessary corections for magnetite,
ilmenite and sphene) is as follow:
These values are recalcul;ated to 100%.
AFK Diagram
The general calculation scheme is :
AFM Diagram
The lower temperature limit, at metamorphism takes place, marks the boundary
between metamorphism and diagenesis. Lower T = 100-150C - excludes any
diagenetic changes. Some workers consider any changes not occurring under
atmospheric conditions to be the result of metamorphism. >br>

Metamorphic Reactions
If a mineral persists beyond the conditions in which it is at equilibrium iton the
styability field of another mineral, it is said to be metastable and the reaction have
been overstepped. Metamorphic reactions take place uusually close to equilibrium and
at a specific temperature and pressure. The assemblages consisting of reactants and
products has only one degree of freedum at equilibrium. This type of reaction is
univariant (discontineous). Reactions that take place progressively so that reactants
and products can coexist over an interval of pressure and temperature (divariant) are
known as contineous reactions. Reactions that involves change in the compostion of
the phases are known as cation exchange reactions. Solid-Solid reactions occurs
among solid phases e.g., transformation of andalusite to silliminaite and kyanite.
Dehydration reactions involve libration of water. Decarbonation reactions involve
libration of CO2. Oxidation-reduction reactions involve minerals containing iron.
Regional Metamorphism
Corresponds to progressive changes, increases, in Temperature & Pressure, due to
burial. Commonly this type of metamorphism is associated with orogenic events and
processes. Regionally metamorphosed rocks occur in very large belts, 10 - 100's km
wide by 100 - 1000's km long. Within each belt will be preserved at least one thermal
axis, representing the maximum temperature of metamorphism within the belt.
Temperatures will increase towards the thermal axis. Associated granitic and/or
ultramafic masses intruded into the terranes generally, but not always near the thermal
Metamorphism of Basic Rocks (Metabasites)
Metabsites are mostly the metamorphic products of basalt and andesites. IF water has
had access to the rock, the metamorphic products formed with increasing temperature
are chlorite schist (or glaucophane schist, depends on pressure), green schist and
amphibolite. IF water has not had access but load presure was very high, then eclogite
will be formed. The main constituents of basalts and andesites are plagioclase (An4070) and clinopyroxene with some hypersthene and olivine. The main changes of
basaltic and andesitic rocks during metamorphis, where amphibolites are formed are:
1-Formation of hornblende and garnet if pressure is high .

2- Formation of less anorthite-rich plagioclase (albite, oligoclase, andesine and

labradorite) and clinozoisite or epdiote.
3-At low grade, actinolite, chlorite, quartz and clinozoisite/epidote are additional
constituents to albite and oligoclase (greenschist).
Basalts are often included in sedimentary piles within orogenic belts, thus mineral
assemblages in metabasites can be correlated with assemblages in associated pelites as
both formed under similar pressure and temperature conditions. Basic rocks rich in
MgO, FeO, CaO, & Al2O3, metamorphic minerals produced include:
Chlorite, actinolite, epidote, at low temp greenschist
Hornblende, plagioclase in amphibolite
Hornblende, plag & garnet, opx & cpx in granulite
Major Characterisitics and Mineral Assemblages
Very low grade:
a- High pressure: Lawsonite/pumpellyite-glaucophane
b-Medium pressure: Lasonite/pumpellyite-albite-chlorite
Low Grade:
a-Lower temperature part: Albite-actinolite-chlorite zone
b-Higher temperature part:Albite/oligoclase-hornblende-cholrite zone
Medium - and High-grade
Metamorphism of Ultramafic Rocks
Ultramfic rocks consist of olivine and pyroxenes. MgO, FeO and CaO are the major

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