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The Elder Scrolls III

Companion Health Bars
By Yacoby


Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon. MWSE and MGE 3.0.3+ required

To allow names, CHNameCreate.exe needs to be run.
1. Installation
2. Playing the Plugin
3. Bugs/Issues
4. Save Games
5. Change Log
6. Credits
7. Usage
8. Contact
1. Installation
This requires MGE, with MWSE active. Recent (3.3.2) versions have
MWSE active by default
Unzip to the Morrowind directory
Make sure Companion Health Bars.esp is checked in the launcher, and
that CHBFix.esp isn't.
2. Playing the Plugin
When you talk to a companion, there is a new dialog topic, "Report Health"
This gives you the option to add a health bar for your companion.
You can have a max of five companions with health bars.
To enable names under the health bars, do the following:
When you start the game, start CHNameCreate.exe as well.
The exe must be in the morrowind directory.
When you get into the game, open the console and type
Set YAC_CH_UseName to 1
Note: Names will not imidantly apera on already loaded health bars as
soon as you entre the console command, it may take a while to do so.
Health bars loaded after you have enabled names will have names loaded

at once.
Due to length issues, only the first name of the NPC is shown.

3. Bugs/Issues
If you have a companion that has been dynamically placed (via a script
or leveled list) showing its health bar, when you load the game
it will crash.
If you get this happening, enable CHBFix.esp, load, save and then
disable CHBFix.esp.
This will stop is crashing on startup.
This is not compatible with any version of Time Dispaly less than
4. Save Games
This plugin should not invalidate your old saved games, but you should
always make a backup prior to installing any new plugin. If you save
your game while this plugin is loaded, you may encounter error messages
when you reload the saved game without the plugin. But you should be
able to continue on with the original game.
5. Change Log
Fixed an issue with the possible disapearing of bars
Fixed the screen res script
Made compatible with Time Disaply 0.3.1
Anyone following can have a health bar
Health bars have names
Up to five companions will report their health (rather than 2)
Hopefully added support for Vampire Embrace
First Rel

6. Credits
CdCooley, FreshFish and everyone else who worked on MWSE.
Timeslip, for MGE
7. Usage
Feel free to use however you want, as long as the following are followed:
You give me (Yacoby) credit
You do not package this in a bundle with other mods.
You do not merge this with another mod as a whole. (Modify it first)
8. Contact
Contact me at the Official Elderscrolls forums, (http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforu
My username is Yacoby.

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