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Attention Suzelle Bazinet

Judicial Administrator
Federal Court of Appeal
c/o Michel G.Morneault
Registry Officer / Agent du greffe
Fredericton Courts Administration Service
Service administratif des tribunaux judiciaires
100-82 Westmorland St./rue, Fredericton, NB, E3B 3L3
(t) 506-452-2058 (f) 506-452-3584

April 27th, 2016

RE: Federal Court of Appeal File No: A-48-16

Good Day,
Pursuant to our conversation on March 24th, 2016, this is my informal request to you in your
capacity as the Judicial Administrator of the Federal Court of Appeal for an appointment of a
special time and place for an oral hearing pursuant to rule 35(2) of the Federal Court Rules.
I apologize for the delay in sending you this letter however it was through no fault of my own.
Every time that I began to compose this letter to you I found myself having rewrite the draft of
the motion for an oral hearing you requested because of circumstances relating to Canada and
several other countries and my evidence of public corruption, tax fraud, bank fraud, securities
fraud and police surveillance wiretap tapes etc that I have already in the public record of the
Federal Court docket number T-1557-15.
I am well aware that this letter is coming to you very late for you to present it to the judges
who will be in Fredericton on April 28th, 2016 in order for them to decide whether or not to hear
a motion that has yet to be filed as per the rules of the court. With that in mind I realize the best I
can hope for is that the judges would be willing to hear an oral motion on an emergency basis
because of the recent death threats against my family that are directly related to this matter and
published on the Internet for the whole world to read.
I ask that you request that while the Justices are in Fredericton to at least listen to the
hearing before Justice Richard Bell on December 14th, 2015, study the docket closely, look for
any conflicts of interests between them and I because of their employment as lawyers prior to
being appointed to the bench and read the draft of my oral motion. If they wish to allow me to
make the oral motion on the April 28th, 2016 I will be in court and available to do so.
I will be seated in the court listening to the hearing on the Credit Counselling Services of
Atlantic Canada Inc. v. MNR matter because I have had very great interest in cross border tax
law and related litigation since 1999 and even more so over the past year particularly after the
decision of Justice Luc Martineau on September 16th , 2015 in the Hillis et al v. Attorney General
of Canada and the Minister of National Revenue [2015] FC 1082 matter. I will not interfere
with the proceedings on April 28th nor will I approach the court afterwards unless asked to do so.
If nothing transpires I will await directions from the court about the creation of the appeal book
after I file the required motion pursuant to rule 343 etc just as you suggested a month ago.

In an effort to explain the delay in doing as you requested I will disclose that when you and I
talked a month ago I had concerns with the actions of the CROWN delaying the required
creation of the appeal book in a timely fashion pursuant to rule 343 and the existence of a true
copy of an American police surveillance wiretap tape on file with the docket of Federal Court. I
truly believed in light of the response I received March 23rd, 2016 from Andrew Baumberg
should have caused the Federal Court of Appeal to hear my concerns about the actions of the
RCMP and the Deputy Attorney General, William F. Pentney QC and his assistants as soon as
possible yet within days I received a disturbing email for the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.
No Federal Law Enforcement Authority in Canada or the USA will discuss the published death
threats against my family and I that continue to this very day let alone begin to discuss the many
American police surveillance wiretap tapes the I have provided the RCMP and the FBI with in
the past even though a true copy of one tape is on file in the docket of Federal Court. More
importantly the CROWN admitted to the wiretap tapes existence in the public record within its
unsigned motion record dated December 10th, 2015. I also mentioned them in no uncertain terms
to Justices Bell and Southcott and showed them that I had brought several original wiretap tapes
to court if they doubted the evidence that I had already filed in the public record. Although the
wiretap tapes are very important in supporting my pursuit of justice the tapes only involve a
cover up that exists between the RCMP and the FBI and their related law enforcement authorities
in Canada and the USA. My concerns about the very unethical actions global corporations
involving the cover up of my concerns about bank fraud , tax fraud and securities fraud are
obviously global in nature particularly in light recent revelations about the Panama Papers and
the fact that documents of mine including the entire text of the complaint against the CROWN
and a true copy of the letter from the US Department of Homeland Security were published on
the Internet by the very people threatening my family and made available to the world byway of
a Swedish server. Trust that I forwarded the necessary information to Sweden and had a very
serious conversation with the office of the Minister of Justice of Sweden and his boss the Prime
Minister on Monday April 25th, 2016 and they promised to get back to me very soon.
Please excuse my minor rant but after encountering Justice Southcott and as proud Father
who has been staring at sexual harassment and death threats against his children published on the
Internet for years while the police in Canada and the USA laughed at him, I believe I have the
licence to make the following statement. I have conferred other offices of highly placed public
officials in several countries because quite frankly I do not believe that justice exists in my native
land and the USA. I have gone to great lengths to prove it over the course of the past 15 years
and the documents of mine filed in the public records of many courts in Canada and the USA
have supported it many times. The fact that I am not a lawyer is irrelevant. The evidence of my
concerns is what is truly important. If justice fails me perhaps someday an ethical lawyer will
convince some court somewhere that my efforts were legitimate and for the benefit of all.
P.O. Box 234
Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2
Phone 902 800 0369
Plaintiff/Appellant on his own behalf

The emails I received in response to my inquiries about the creation of the appeal book and my
concerns about the CROWN ignoring the copy of a wiretap tape can been found below.
---------- Original message ---------From: Information FCA-CAF <Information@cas-satj.gc.ca>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 11:52:31 -0400
Subject: RE: RE An additional 600 Gs for the PCO office to promote PM Trudeau's website
versus additional funding in order to uphold the Rules of Federal Court and provide electronic
filing services to Canadian citizens
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Good morning Mr. Amos,
After reading carefully your email dated March 17, 2016, the Registry can suggest you to file
motion in writing under 359, 364 and 369 Federal Court Rules to seek leave of the Court to file
An electronic version for the Appeal book.
Please find below the electronic link to the Federal Court rules:
Should you require more information, please do no hesitate to contact the Federal Court of
Appeal by email or at 613-996-6795.

---------- Original message ---------From: "Jensen, Jan" <jan.jensen@justice.gc.ca>

Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:28:48 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE An additional 600 Gs for the PCO office
to promote PM Trudeau's website versus additional funding in order to
uphold the Rules of Federal Court and provide electronic filing
services to Canadian citizens
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
I will be out of the office until Monday March 21, 2016 and I will not
be checking my voice mail or email during that time.

---------- Original message ---------From: "Chisholm, Jill" <Jill.Chisholm@justice.gc.ca>

Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:28:48 +0000
Subject: Automatic reply: RE An additional 600 Gs for the PCO office
to promote PM Trudeau's website versus additional funding in order to
uphold the Rules of Federal Court and provide electronic filing
services to Canadian citizens
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
Thank you for your message. I will be away from the office until
Tuesday March 29, 201. I will not be accessing email during this
time. Should you require assistance please contact Jacqueline Fenton
at (902) 426-6996. Otherwise I will be pleased to respond to your
message upon my return.
---------- Original message ---------From: Investigations Investigations <investigations@cbc.ca>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 14:28:48 -0700
Subject: Thank you for your email Re: RE An additional 600 Gs for the
PCO office to promote PM Trudeau's website versus additional funding
in order to uphold the Rules of Federal Court and provide electronic
filing services to Canadian citizens
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
Thank you for sending your story idea to the CBC's Investigative Unit.
We appreciate your interest and will read your suggestions. If we
move forward with your idea we will be in touch.
Thanks again for contacting us.
The investigative team.
-----Original Message----From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]
Sent: March-17-16 5:29 PM
To: pm; justin.trudeau.a1; Henrie, Lise; Gosselin, Daniel; MulcaT; Carbonneau, Chantal;
elizabeth.may; rona.ambrose.A1; aboutilier; Information FCA-CAF; FCA_MEDIA;
Jody.Wilson-Raybould.a1; mcu; bill.pentney; Bill.Blair.a1; david.hansen; jan.jensen;

jill.chisholm; bob.paulson; Jonathan.Vance; nbpc; oldmaison; andre; markandcaroline; info@fjacmf.gc.ca; william.brooks@fja-cmf.gc.ca; nmoore; Jacques.Poitras; Robert. Jones;
steve.murphy; Tardif, Richard; info@pco-bcp.gc.ca; Karine Fortin; info; oic-ddc@pcobcp.gc.ca; Michael.Wernick; Raymond.Rivet@pco-bcp.gc.ca; robyn@mediastyle.ca; news919;
newsroom; lgunter; Ezra; brian
Cc: David Amos; stephen.harper.a1; Alaina.Lockhart.c1; bruce.northrup; gopublic; jesse;
investigations; iteam
Subject: RE An additional 600 Gs for the PCO office to promote PM Trudeau's website versus
additional funding in order to uphold the Rules of Federal Court and provide electronic filing
services to Canadian citizens
I read the news the other day and saw red.
Privy Council Office wants $600,000 more to update Trudeaus website The Privy Council is
asking for an extra $600,000 annually to modernize the prime ministers digital presence.
The funding requested by the Privy Council Office (PCO), which provides non-partisan support
to the prime minister and cabinet, would bring the price tag of operating the pm.gc.ca website to
$1.6 million this year.
Everybody and his dog knows that before Justin Trudeau was sworn in as Prime Minister and he
swore the oath of secrecy within the Privy Council office that I made him and all his Cabinet
Ministers aware that the CROWN was in default in properly answering my lawsuit. For the past
5 months the CROWN's lawyers have not created a valid motion that meets the Rules of Federal
Court.In fact the court and the CROWN tries hard deny this very simple rule in the Federal
Courts Act
Section 17 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act or any other Act of Parliament, the
Federal Court has concurrent original jurisdiction in all cases in which relief is claimed against
the Crown.
Inside and outside of the court the Crown's attornies have proven to me on the record that they
do not understand the Rules of Federal Court. How can I argue such people when they don't
know the rules but keep on insulting me. The court has witnessed it all yet is more than willing to
overlook the CROWN's so called errs and tries hard to dismiss a complaint that the defence has

failed to answer properly during the past five months of delay tactics. Hence I am now before the
Federal Court of Appeal and dealing with its rules as i prepare to file a few more lawsuits against
the one very rich fancy lady whon we all must continue pay homage to for no reason that I will
ever understand.
Pursusnat to the aforesaid Rules of Federal Court recently I informed the Registry Office of the
Federal Court of Appeal that I was planning to employ Section 345(2)(b). It was in order to
comply with the Federal Court Rules in the creation of an appeal book the court requires rather
than spend a lot of money that I do not have in making seven paper copies of a very unnecessary
document that are the size of the phone book in Toronto.
The rule is very simple and it is as follows..
345(2)(b) if the appeal is brought in the Federal Court of Appeal, an electronic copy of or five
paper copies of the book.
That said I was informed that the court could uphold that rule because the government had not
provided the funding for it to uphold the law? Why is it that a poor man can create such a
document on an old second hand laptop yet the Federal Court of Canada does not have the
capabilty to receive and record it?
Yet at the same point in time I read that the government needs 1.6 millions dollars to update
Justin Trudeau's FaceBook and Twitter accounts etc. I have all such things and i can post and
Tweet a great deal easily in my spare time when i am not busy arguing cops, lawyers, newsmen,
bureaucrats and polticians in several countries who are all trying hard to play dumb before the
worldwide economy crashes bigtime this this time Surely out of all the well paid people doing
next to nothing within the PCO office one person could handle the Prime Minister's social media
without any further expense to the Canadian taxpayer whatsoever.
In my humble opinion before Canadians spend one more dime promoting the Prime Minister our
government should find the money to uphold the laws it created for the benefit of us all. Big
feeling Stevey boy Harper should have taugh the liberals one hard lesson ideed. It is not the
Trudeau government it is OUR government and it is run with OUR money not Trudeau's. He is
well paid and well kept in the job he campaigned hard to get. He should learn to economize or at
least get by on a million dollars to run his website until times get much better N'esy Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
902 800 0369

Practice Direction - Electronic Service
February 12, 2015
The Federal Courts Rules have now been amended to allow for electronic service, electronic
filing, and the use of electronic documents in the Federal Courts. The intent behind these
amendments was to eliminate impediments to the eventual migration from paper records to
electronic records in the Federal Courts and allow electronic processing of those records.
The amendments to the Rules were not intended to set the deadline by which that migration was
to occur. The migration to electronic records is dependent upon the Courts Administrative
Service's technological infrastructure. While the Service has the ability to accommodate a limited
form of electronic filing at this time, it requires a significant infusion of funds in order to give
full effect to the modifications contained in the amendments to the Rules. The Service is actively
pursuing this additional funding.
As a result, the amendments to the Rules dealing with electronic filing and electronic records
should be read as enabling, in the sense that they allow electronic filing and the use of electronic
records by the parties as and when the Service acquires the capacity to give full effect to those
amendments. That is not presently the case. Until further notice, proceedings in the Federal
Court of Appeal will continue to be based on a paper record which is to be prepared and filed in
the manner provided for such records.
Accordingly, the options relating to the electronic filing and electronic records found in 71(1)(4)
and (5), 71.1(2), 72.2, 72.3, 309(1.1)(b), 310(1.1)(b), 345(2)(b), 348(1)(b), 353, 354, 355,
364(1), 365(1) are not available to the parties.
The rules relating to electronic service, which are dependent upon the parties' technology as
opposed to the Service's, are available to the profession as of the coming into force of the
amended Rules.
Marc Nol
Chief Justice
Federal Court of Appeal
Guidelines on Public and Media

The Open Court Principle

The general rule in Canada is that court hearings are open to the public. Every court in Canada
has significant statutory or inherent powers to ensure that its proceedings are conducted fairly
and to protect the integrity of the courts process, which includes the power to provide guidelines
for public and media access to court proceedings.
On Court premises, members of the public and media are requested to go about their business,
bearing in mind the safety and dignity of all people involved in the proceedings.
Access to Federal Court of Appeal Hearings The Federal Court of Appeal is an itinerant court
and sits in various cities across the country to best accommodate the needs of the parties. Court
hearings are open to the public unless, for special reasons, the Court directs that the hearing be
held in private. The schedule of Federal Court of Appeal hearings is available at the following
Seating space in the courtroom is limited. Where interest in a proceeding is such that there is not
enough seating space for all those who wish to attend, Court staff may have to limit the number
of persons who enter the courtroom. The public is not allowed to remain standing during a
Use of Electronic Devices in the Courtroom The use of electronic devices in the courtroom is
permitted, provided the devices are used in silent or vibration mode so as not to affect the
decorum, the good order and the course of the proceedings.
Accredited members of the media may record proceedings to verify their notes of what was said
and done in Court, but not for broadcast. Media accreditation should be prominently displayed.
It is not permitted to make or receive phone calls in the courtroom.
It is not permitted to broadcast or to send text messages, observations, information, notes,
photos, or audio and video recording from the courtroom to the outside.

Media Coverage of Court Proceedings

Media coverage of proceedings with audio-visual equipment is only permitted in accordance
with the following guidelines:
a.A media request to cover a specific proceeding must be made sufficiently in advance to allow
for necessary permissions to be obtained.
b.A decision as to whether to allow media coverage will be made by the Chief Justice, after
consultation with the panel of judges hearing the particular case, as well as with the parties.
c.The Chief Justice or panel of judges hearing the proceeding may limit or terminate media
coverage to protect the rights of the parties; to assure the orderly conduct of the proceedings; or
for any other reason considered necessary or appropriate in the interest of the administration of
d.Nothing in these guidelines shall prevent the Chief Justice from placing additional restrictions,
or prohibiting altogether, media access to the Court's facilities.
e.Only equipment which does not produce distracting sound or light shall be employed to cover
f.The Chief Justice or his designate may limit or circumscribe the placement or movement of the
media personnel and their equipment.
Media Contact
For more information or to make a request for media coverage of court proceedings, please
Chantal Carbonneau
Executive Director and General Counsel
Federal Court of Appeal and the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada
(613) 995-5063
This contact information is for media enquiries only.
For information with respect to Federal Court of Appeal practice, procedure and forms, please
contact the Registry Office.

Privy Council Office wants $600,000 more to update Trudeaus website The Privy Council is
asking for an extra $600,000 annually to modernize the prime ministers digital presence.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus staff regularly update his Facebook page, post messages on
Twitter, and publish photos on Instagram, above.
By: Alex Boutilier Ottawa Bureau Reporter, Published on Sat Mar 05 2016
OTTAWAPublic servants running the prime ministers website want an additional $600,000
to modernize (his) digital presence, documents released by the government show.
The funding requested by the Privy Council Office (PCO), which provides non-partisan support
to the prime minister and cabinet, would bring the price tag of operating the pm.gc.ca website to
$1.6 million this year.
The website currently offers a photo gallery, background documents for policy issues, and news
releases. Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus staff regularly update his Facebook page, post
messages on Twitter, and publish photos on Instagram.
But according to the Privy Council the additional funding is needed to ensure the official site is
keeping up in an increasingly digital world.
As Canadians are increasingly receiving and sharing information in digital formats, the
requirements associated with pm.gc.ca have grown and become more numerous and complex
with the addition of new content such as video, live streaming and social media, Raymond
Rivet, a spokesperson for the office, told the Star in a statement.
The use of new technology platforms and the increasing volume and complexity of
requirements associated with these publishing demands on the PMs website represent a
significant shift and rising pressure for PCO web operations and associated IT support.
Rivet pointed to live-streaming services as a driver to the costs, and noted PCO commits the
equivalent of four full-time staffers to maintaining and updating the prime ministers website. If
the funding is granted through this months federal budget, the team dedicated to pm.gc.ca would
grow to six.

But web development companies and marketing experts question the $1.6-million price tag.
Sometimes its hard to see whats behind the scenes, but I just cant imagine anything there that
would require that kind of operating budget, said Rick Silver, CEO of Toronto-based web
development company WebPro.ca.
If somebody said how much to build something similar to this? It would be a stretch to say in
the tens of thousands. Probably for $10,000 to $20,000 I could replicate this pretty easily.
Ian Capstick, owner of Ottawas MediaStyle and a former federal NDP adviser, said that the
costs could include other services provided by the Privy Councils communications branch.
But Capstick said if his company had $1.6 million to play around with, pm.gc.ca would offer a
lot more than press releases and pictures.
It should be cooler than it is, right? It should be more interactive than it is. It should do
something as opposed to just give me press releases and pretty, shiny photos, he said.
Trudeau spokesperson Cameron Ahmad defended the price tag, saying it was necessary to ensure
the prime ministers website was adequately funded as the government moves to new
platforms to get its message across.
The shift begins with ensuring that the prime ministers website is adequately funded and
operational to be compatible with the realities of the digital age, Ahmed wrote in a statement.

---------- Original message ---------From: "Baumberg, Andrew" <Andrew.Baumberg@cas-satj.gc.ca>

Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 12:00:42 -0400
Subject: FW: Attn Andrew Baumberg and William Brooks Commissioner for Federal Judicial
Affairs RE Federal Court File no T-1557-15
To: motomaniac333@gmail.com
Cc: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com, "Baumberg, Andrew" <Andrew.Baumberg@cassatj.gc.ca>
Good afternoon Mr. Amos
In response to your recent e-mail, please note:

I called you on Tuesday morning because you called and left a voice mail for me on
Monday. (I did not call you back right away on Monday because I was at home helping to look
after my daughter, who came down with chickenpox over the week-end.)

I am not aware of anyone checking your work on the internet last Friday.

I do not know who sent you an anonymous e-mail on Friday.

I have not contacted the RCMP in this regard.

I admit that I did not read your email and all its attachments closely.

I presumed that you wanted to talk about electronic filing during our call yesterday
because (a) that is what you indicated in your voice mail on Monday that you wanted to talk
about (in your voice-mail message of Monday, March 21, you say: I want to discuss what I
have been researching about electronic filing, and I see your name in these documents), and (b)
that is what you were actually talking about on the call yesterday.

I do not deny my knowledge of your assertion that there is evidence of your possession of
police surveillance wiretap tapes filed in the Public Record of Federal Court.
Best regards, Andrew
Andrew Baumberg
Legal Counsel / Conseiller juridique
Federal Court / Cour fdrale
(613) 947-3177

-----Original Message----From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]

Sent: March-22-16 1:56 PM
To: geoff@geoffregan.ca; dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca; heather.bradley; SpkrOff@parl.gc.ca;
geoff.regan@parl.gc.ca; geoff.regan.a1@parl.gc.ca; cmunroe@glgmlaw.com;
john.wallace@sen.parl.gc.ca; rona.ambrose.A1@parl.gc.ca; david.mcguinty@parl.gc.ca;
Michael.Cooper@parl.gc.ca; MP@michaelcoopermp.ca; dions1@parl.gc.ca;
steve.murphy@ctv.ca; david@lutz.nb.ca; w.kinew@uwinnipeg.ca; Carbonneau, Chantal;
Gosselin, Daniel; Henrie, Lise; gopublic@cbc.ca; investigations@cbc.ca; sylvie.gadoury@radiocanada.ca; Matt.DeCourcey@parl.gc.ca; mathew@mathewingram.com;
andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca; Denis.Paradis@parl.gc.ca; Yasmin.Ratansi@parl.gc.ca;
bruce.stanton@parl.gc.ca; speakers.office@parliament.govt.nz; justin.trudeau.a1@parl.gc.ca;
MulcaT@parl.gc.ca; stephen.harper@parl.gc.ca; Tardif, Richard; info@gg.ca;
Andrew.Treusch@cra-arc.gc.ca; Information FCA-CAF; tfarrow@osgoode.yorku.ca;
naylwin@cfcj-fcjc.org; Gerald.Butts@pmo-cpm.gc.ca; Katie.Telford@pmo-cpm.gc.ca;
Cameron.Ahmad@pmo-cpm.gc.ca; Diane.Lebouthillier; pmilliken; bill.pentney; david.hansen;
jan.jensen; jill.chisholm
Cc: william.brooks; Baumberg, Andrew; David Amos; pm; Michael.Wernick; Jody.WilsonRaybould.a1; mcu
Subject: Attn Andrew Baumberg and William Brooks Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs
RE Federal Court File no T-1557-15
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Boston <Boston.Mail@ic.fbi.gov>
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2016 06:21:33 -0400
Subject: RE: YO David Drummond of Google why do you, the FBI and the RCMP ignore death
threats, sexual harrassment and hate speech when it is PUBLISHED by the evil Zionist Barry
Winters who claims to work the Canadian DND?
To: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
This email address (boston@ic.fbi.gov) is no longer a valid address. Future email
correspondence should be directed to www.tips.fbi.gov.
FBI Boston

-----Original Message----From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac333@gmail.com]

Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2016 4:11 AM
To: Boston; Washington Field; probb@ottawacitizen.com; mirichardson@postmedia.com;
ccobb@ottawacitizen.com; paul.godfrey@postmedia.com; Michael.Wernick@pco-bcp.gc.ca;
Root.Gorelick@carleton.ca; michael.macneil@carleton.ca; stephen.saideman@carleton.ca;
norean.shepherd@carleton.ca; sylvie.gadoury; bill.pentney; martine.turcotte; DDrummond;
lmotley@postmedia.com; dave.breakenridge@sunmedia.ca; sunrayzulu; Marianne.Ryan;
lgunter; kgerein@postmedia.com; kgerein@edmontonjournal.com; Charmaine.Bulger;
Paul.Lynch; Gilles.Moreau; geoff.crowe; Cindy Bruneau; kyleduggan@ipolitics.ca;
leslie.church@canada.ca; ben.carr@canada.ca; christine.michaud2@canada.ca; Gilles.Blinn;
roger.l.brown; gopublic; investigations; pol7163; markandcaroline; andre; sallybrooks25;
almabrooks26; ron.tremblay2; steve.murphy; nmoore; Jacques.Poitras; macpherson.don;
woodsideb; Leanne.Fitch; leanne.murray; don.iveson; themayor; pm; stephen.harper.a1;
oldmaison; Ezra; radical
Cc: David Amos; dstaples@edmontonjournal.com; mplatt@postmedia.com; Kris Wells; Glen
Canning; patrick_doran1; lois
Subject: YO David Drummond of Google why do you, the FBI and the RCMP ignore death
threats, sexual harrassment and hate speech when it is PUBLISHED by the evil Zionist Barry
Winters who claims to work the Canadian DND?
Friday, 1 April 2016
Jew Hating David Amos, and Muslim Animals Spread the Same Anti-Semitic Bullshit! Kill
Them All!
Monday, 28 March 2016
The United Church of Kanada are Nazis, and Jew Killers
On 4/1/16, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://sunrayzulu.blogspot.ca/
> Friday, 1 April 2016
> On 3/31/16, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well Keith Gerein can call me unprofessional all he wishes in court someday soon.

>> Nobody can't deny that I I did give the RCMP and the Edmonton Police
>> 10 more days to do their god damned job before I prepare to file my
>> next lawsuit CORRECT Glen Canning?
>> You received a new 0:39 minutes voicemail message, on Thursday, March
>> 31, 2016 at 05:02:37 PM in mailbox
>> 9028000369 from 7804295216.
>> Dave Breakenridge (Deputy Editor, Postmedia Edmonton)
>> (780) 468-0107
>> dave.breakenridge@sunmedia.ca
>> ---------- Forwarded message --------->> From: David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com>
>> Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 21:03:31 -0400
>> Subject: Glen Canning, Kris wells, Cst Paul Lynch of the Edmonton
>> Police and the RCMP are well aware of the malice of Barry Winters,
>> Lori Ink and their cohorts There is no need to call them again I
>> filed a lawsuit and his wrongs are mentioned withi remember?
>> To: mplatt@postmedia.com, oldmaison <oldmaison@yahoo.com>, Glen
>> Canning <grcanning@gmail.com>, sunrayzulu <sunrayzulu@shaw.ca>,
>> "Paul.Lynch" <Paul.Lynch@edmontonpolice.ca>, patrick_doran1
>> <patrick_doran1@hotmail.com>, pol7163 <pol7163@calgarypolice.ca>,
>> markandcaroline <markandcaroline@gmail.com>, andre
>> <andre@jafaust.com>, sallybrooks25 <sallybrooks25@yahoo.ca>,
>> almabrooks26 <almabrooks26@hotmail.com>, "ron.tremblay2"
>> <ron.tremblay2@gmail.com>, "steve.murphy" <steve.murphy@ctv.ca>,
>> nmoore <nmoore@bellmedia.ca>, "Jacques.Poitras"
>> <Jacques.Poitras@cbc.ca>, "macpherson.don"
>> <macpherson.don@dailygleaner.com>, woodsideb
>> <woodsideb@fredericton.ca>, "Leanne.Fitch"
>> <Leanne.Fitch@fredericton.ca>, "leanne.murray"
>> <leanne.murray@mcinnescooper.com>, "don.iveson"
>> <don.iveson@edmonton.ca>, themayor <themayor@calgary.ca>, pm
>> <pm@pm.gc.ca>, "stephen.harper.a1" <stephen.harper.a1@parl.gc.ca>,
>> lois <lois@loisjoysheplawy.com>
>> Cc: David Amos <david.raymond.amos@gmail.com>, Kris Wells
>> <kwells@ualberta.ca>, "Gilles.Moreau" <Gilles.Moreau@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>,
>> "Gilles.Blinn" <Gilles.Blinn@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, "roger.l.brown"

>> <roger.l.brown@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>, gopublic <gopublic@cbc.ca>,

>> investigations <investigations@cbc.ca>
>> http://eateshite.blogspot.ca/
>> Monday, 21 March 2016
>> NO ONE Likes Paedophiles Glen Canning, Why Don't You Kill Yourself
>> Criminal harassment
>> 264 (1) No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing
>> that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other
>> person is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2)
>> that causes that other person reasonably, in all the circumstances,
>> to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them.
>> Marginal note:Prohibited conduct
>> (2) The conduct mentioned in subsection (1) consists of
(a) repeatedly following from place to place the other person
>> or anyone known to them;
(b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or
>> indirectly, the other person or anyone known to them;
(c) besetting or watching the dwelling-house, or place where
>> the other person, or anyone known to them, resides, works, carries on
>> business or happens to be; or
(d) engaging in threatening conduct directed at the other
>> person or any member of their family.
>> Marginal note:Punishment
>> (3) Every person who contravenes this section is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a
>> term not exceeding ten years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
>> If a cop were to read this little epistle, I would ask him this: If a
>> "man" like Glen Canning were to call YOUR wife at her work more than
>> once to threaten her, is that an offence to CC of C 264 ?(Criminal
>> harassment)
>> If a cop were to read little missive, I would ask him this: If a "man"
>> were to send e mails to YOU telling you that "you pissed off the
>> wrong people," and "people from CFB Edmonton were going to get you,"

>> is that an offence contrary to CC of C 264?

>> If a cop were to read this humble collection of thoughts, I would ask
>> him this: If a "man" were to impersonate you several times on Face
>> Book to reach the families of your loved one's and in turn their
>> friends, and their families, is that an offense contrary to sec.264
>> of the CC of C?
>> Frank Magazine wonders if Glenford Canning formerly a "career Leading
>> Seaman," and Haligonian and now resident of Markham Ontario is a
>> "Cyber-bully"
>> Is Rehtaeh's dad a secret cyberbully?
>> by Andrew Douglas
>> There are more indications that Glen Canning has become the very
>> thing he's vowed to eradicate.
>> It appears that Glen, under cover of anonymity, has taken to calling
>> his online critics down to the lowest, including but not limited to
>> inviting one individual to kindly "shoot yourself".
>> The contrast between those words - uttered on the news discussion
>> website novascotialive.com - and Glen's countless public statements
>> on the evils of cyberbullying, at conferences and in classrooms
>> across the continent, couldn't be more stark.
>> When I presented Glen with several comments made under the username
>> Anne P, he denied making the remarks, and questioned how I could
>> prove he did. But he wasn't interested in any answers. It was a brief
>> conversation, punctuated with several angry curse words. And then,
>> following an invitation to "have a nice day, dick," he hung up on me.
>> ->> This isn't the first time Glen's online behaviour has been called
>> into question. In January, he was roundly criticized for tweeting an
>> edited picture of Mike Kydd's penis, after the adult student with
>> whom he had an affair ran to Glen for counsel, for whatever reason.
>> Later, Glen withstood another round of denunciation when Frank
>> reporter Blake Hunsley revealed that Glen's hobbies include taking
>> photographs of young-looking models "that would make an American

>> Apparel marketing agent blush".

>> Glen Canning's knack for finding his way into the news cycle on a
>> semi-daily basis, nearly two years after the tragic death of his
>> daughter, Rehtaeh Parsons, has long been commented upon in an
>> increasingly wide array of circles. Much like impassable sidewalks in
>> Halifax this winter, Glen Canning has become, quite simply, an
>> unavoidable fact of life.
>> Just this month, the local news media breathlessly reported that Glen
>> traveled to New York to address the United Nations -- about the
>> scourge of cyberbullying, of course. And there's the Rehtaeh
>> documentary, which we also learned recently will premiere at the Hot
>> Docs film festival next month. No doubt, Glen will be photographed on
>> the red carpet in Toronto sporting a scarf and black t-shirt, along
>> with all the other artsy folk.
>> After a few days without any news from Glen, I took to the Frank
>> Magazine Twitter account on March 19 to question whether he made it
>> through the storm alright. Unbeknownst to me at the time, just
>> minutes after that tweet went up, a conversation thread criticizing
>> Frank Magazine and its staff appeared on Nova Scotia Live.
>> A few days later, the thread was brought to my attention via a
>> newly-minted Twitter account, @Terminal_Zen, and its owner, Anne P.
>> The Twitter account was initially established to give a wider
>> audience to the N.S. Live discussion thread - also begun by somebody
>> called Anne P. - and the Twitter account holder proceeded to blame
>> Frank and its staff for, among other things, perpetuating rape
>> culture, being anti-woman and homophobic, and being "gutless assholes".
>> Curious about this mysterious Anne P., I took to Nova Scotia Live to
>> find out what else she's been saying. As far as I could tell, the
>> account was created in mid-March. And when she wasn't criticizing
>> Frank - which is fair enough, hey, it's a free country - she spent
>> the rest of her time defending Glen Canning from criticism on several
>> fronts. About the Mike Kydd incident, and, most notably, about a
>> recent arrest made by military police over online comments made on a
>> DND computer.

>> As you probably know, the comments had to do with the Rehtaeh
>> Parsons case, and the man arrested turned out to be the father of one
>> of Rehtaeh's tormentors. But since the military case involves a
>> potential code of conduct violation and is not a criminal matter at
>> all, the arrest has been widely criticized, most notably in a March 4
>> National Post editorial that questions why an arrest, search
>> warrants, and the involvement of military police was necessary at all.
>> On the Nova Scotia Live discussion board, Anne P shows a laser-like
>> focus on the details of the case, and she's pissed:
>> "Canning made a complaint to the military police in October. A
>> complaint. One. Related to the words said on his web site. He made it
>> to the military police in Halifax," she blusters.
>> "Not plural idiot. And not about Wikipedia. So fuck off. It's in the
>> online stories if you can read shithead".
>> Over on the National Post website comment section, a poster named
>> TerminalZen, while mounting another spirited defense of Glen, has
>> words with a fellow by the name of Philip Rose. I should note here
>> that last year Glen Canning wrote a detailed piece on his website,
>> accusing the very same Philip Rose of cyberbullying Amanda Todd, the
>> B.C. teenager that killed herself in 2012. In that piece, Glen also
>> claimed that Philip Rose had reported him to police for being a
>> pedophile.
>> In their exchange on the National Post website, "TerminalZen" accuses
>> Philip of being one of Amanda Todd's cyberbullys. And then he tells
>> Philip that "the police always ignore you. Not that you've ever gone
>> to them". Could that be an allusion to Glen's belief that Philip
>> reported him to the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, I wonder?
>> And then there's Anne P.'s derisive comment: "You've never served,
>> have you?" Glen, as you might know, is retired military.
>> It's certainly beginning to look like Terminal Zen and Anne P, in all
>> their iterations, serve as pseudonyms to mask Glen Canning. Even
>> moreso when you consider that the Twitter account is using a
>> photograph of a cyberbullied gay teenager, Adam Roberts, whose cause
>> Glen has championed on his personal website. A Google reverse image
>> search for the photo - essentially, a way to find out where else on

>> the web the photograph has appeared - comes up empty. Deeper digging
>> determines that the exact photograph was one that was formerly used
>> on the "Adam's Story" Facebook group, a forum run by Adam and his family.
>> There are two other places that particular photograph has appeared:
>> on the Rehtaeh Parsons website, and yes, you guessed it, on Glen
>> Canning's own website.
>> Another item of interest: Anne P.'s Twitter username, Terminal_Zen,
>> was changed just this morning, to something else. Which is notable
>> because Glen has an affinity to the concept of Zen: a section of his
>> website is even dedicated to "Seeking Zen".
>> Anne P's N.S. Live profile was deleted earlier this week. But
>> screengrabs taken by Frank Magazine show Glen - sorry, Anne P. >> calling Glen Canning's detractors "retards," "psychotic assholes,"
>> and more. And, on one occasion, as I mentioned up top, the one which
>> invites a critic to kill himself.
>> In a thread dedicated to criticizing former Coast honcho/current
>> Halifax Examiner editor Tim Bousquet, Anne P. tells one commenter to
>> "shoot yourself. please".
>> Two days before Glen - sorry, Anne P. - uttered those words, an
>> article appeared on glencanning.com with the headline Cyber-hate is
>> no joke. To highlight just how far kids will go when showering hate
>> on one another, a real "mean tweet" is quoted verbatim:
>> "No one likes you. Do every one a favour. Kill yourself".
>> It would seem there's no shortage of adults willing to use such
>> language today as well.
>> Tonight, March 26, Glen Canning is scheduled to appear on an internet
>> radio chat show - at voiceamerica.com - in order to discuss Rehtaeh,
>> and "other victims of sexual violence and cyber-harassment". It
>> sounds like one of those open-line call-in shows, so I hope someone
>> calls to ask him his thoughts about any "cyber-harassment" he himself
>> might have participated in lately.
>> andrew@frankmagazine.ca
>> Glen Canning was fucking his prepubescent daughter Rehateh for years.
>> Glen Canning and his criminal confederate David Amos have been
>> stalking people, threatening them and fucking little children for

>> many years now.

>> Call the cops little David and Glen!
>> Little Glen may "have served" but obviously without very much
>> leadership skills or distinction.
>> Posted by Seren at 16:29 No comments:
>> On 3/21/16, David Amos <motomaniac333@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> In one blog alone I counted about 20 or so examples of his malicious
>>> published work using Postmedia's work in order to support his crimes
>>> un Sections 300 and 319 of the Canadian Criminal Code. Why the
>>> police support his wrongs is the real question. now there is a very
>>> serious story for you to investigate and write about and it does
>>> invovlve your newspaper chain correct?
>>> January 20th is a good day to check his evil work in this blog
>>> http://sunrayzulu.blogspot.ca/

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