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Na m e: Hector Jamaica
Da te of bir th : 640211
Ad d r es s : Hällbybacken 13
16370 Spånga
Mobile: 073 1433 128
E-m a il: hjamaica@msn.com
W ebs ite: jamaica.3w.se

My future goals in the professional plane:
I would deepen more my knowledge about CAD. Web design and Automation.

Labour experience:
2008/06 - 2008/09. Employer: Academic Work AB. Title: Operator technician.
Main assignment: I worked as operator/technician consultant with Academic Work AB, in
Coca Cola Drycker Sverige AB in Stockholm. My director: Frida Amnå.
2007/06 - 2007/10. Employer: Komet AB. Title: Production assistant.
Main assignment: I worked as Production assistant consultant with Komet AB in the factory
Oriflame AB in Stockholm. My director: Louisa Björklund.
2004/07 - 2004/09. Employer: Johnson Pump AB. Title: CAD-draughtsman.
Main assignment: In the last part of my training as Industrial automation System technician
(Learning in Work part 3), I practiced 11 weeks in Johnson Pump AB in the city of Örebro. I
worked the first three weeks in the Production department, where I assemble different kinds of
pumps. I worked the last 8 weeks in the Construction department where I participated in the
project of the design of the electric and the air-conditioning system of the new factory that was
under construction. I used as help the CAD program Solid Edge. My director: Göran Kring.
Mark: Well passed.
2004/01 - 2004/03. Employer: Utbildningsborgen AB. Title: CAD-designer.
Main assignment: In the second part of my training as Industrial automation System technician
(Learning in Work part 2), I practiced in Utbildningsborgen AB in the city of Laxå. My task
was the construction of a station with different departments where we placed a sex axels robot
Hitachi, and different tool to the robot. I used as help the CAD construction program
AUTOCAD. My director: Jan Olov Eriksson. Mark: Well passed.

2003/08 - 2003/10. Employer: ABB Robotics Västerås. Title: Technician assembler.
Main assignment: In the first part of my training as Industrial automation System technician
(Learning in Work part 1), I worked in ABB Robotics, in the production department where I
assembled different kinds of motors. My director: Bo Måtersson. Mark: Well passed.
1996/01 - 1998/04. Employer: AISTRACOL. Title: Director.
Main assignment: I owned the company and was the director of the administrative and
production departments.
1992/01 - 1996/01. Employer: SIKO ELECTRIC LTDA. Title: Manufacturing director.
Main assignment: I had under my responsibility more than 30 people that worked in the
production department. I had to take care of every element in the production chain, and
establish that we supply the right product at the right time. I owned 25% of the company.
1986/02 - 1992/01. Employer: ROTERDAM HNOS LTDA. Title: Projekt director.
Main assignment: My task was at investigate, test and improve our products, as same as find
solutions to possible problems to develop the production. I owned 20% of the company.
1982/01 - 1986/01. Employer: JAMELECTRIC LTDA. Title: Personal director.
Main assignment: I checked that working environment was the best to everybody. I owned
20% of the company.

Profesional training and courses:
2005/01 - 2005/06. Webdesign. Vuxenutbildning in Hallsberg. I have acquired the
fundamental knowledge in the creation and designing of web pages, the same as using
many multimedia programs.
2003/03 - 2004/12. System technology of Industrial Automation. Utbildnings Borgen in
the city of Laxå. I have qualified as technician in systems of automation. A quite wide field
with everything from projects of management and skills of production up to programming,
installation, test and service of systems automated in the industrial production.
2001/11 - 2002/05. Swedish for Immigrants. Riksby SFI Skola. Stockholm.
1987-1989. Mathematics. Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.
1979-1985. Upper secondary school. Panamerican School. Cali, Colombia.
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Family and free time:
I am the father of 4 children, 18, 16, 7 and 3 years old. I love being home, playing with my
children or just looking at a good movie. I love playing chess.
Spanish, Swedish and English.
Computer knowledge:
I possess the fundamental knowledge in the handling of computers and of different basic
programs, multimedia and Internet. I dominate enough good the following programs and
o Dreamweaver
o Photoshop
o Fireworks
o Illustrator
o Flash
o PowerPoint
o Word
o Exell
o JavaScript
o Windows
o Animation Workshop
o Jasc Paint shop 9
References and contacts:
Jan Olov Eriksson: 0584 13095 - 0702104106
Christer Lindholm: 0705801412
Gunnar Cornelius: 0457 66620 - 070 785 87 85
Thomas Ewertson : 08 284908 - 070 880 70 03
Louisa Björklund : 08 4405219 - 070 431 30 84
Frida Amnå: 08 562 467 59 - 073 644 85 36
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