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plethora-a large or excessive amount of something.

recalcitrant-having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or d

elucidate-make (something) clear; explain.
corrigendum-a thing to be corrected, typically an error in a printed book.
strut-a rod or bar forming part of a framework and designed to resist compressio
versatility-have many different skills or qualities
amorphous- without a clearly defined shape or form
plethora- a large or excessive amount of something
albeit - though
in essence - basically and without regard for further detail, fundamentally
hamper-hinder or impede the movement or progress
progeny-a descendant or the descendants of a person, animal, or plant; offspring
deductive-using logic or reason to form a conclusion or opinion about something
a priori- deductive
-presupposed by experience
-related or derived by reasoning from self-evident propositions
off the shelf- not made to order but taken from existing stock or supplies
Biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) bioceramics belong to a group of bone substitut
e biomaterials that consist of an intimate mixture of hydroxyapatite (HA), Ca10(
PO4)6(OH)2, and beta-tricalcium phosphate (-TCP), Ca3(PO4)2, of varying HA/-TCP ra
Crystallinity refers to the degree of structural order in a solid. In a crystal,
the atoms or molecules are arranged in a regular, periodic manner. The degree o
f crystallinity has a big influence on hardness, density, transparency and diffu
capable of being slowly destroyed and broken down into very small parts by natur
al processes, bacteria, etc
conform-comply with rules, standards, or laws
-be similar in form or type; agree
mesoporous-A mesoporous material is a material containing pores with diameters b
etween 2 and 50 nm
microporous-A microporous material is a material containing pores with diameters
less than 2 nm
praxis-practice, as distinguished from theory
-accepted practice or custom
inevitable-certain to happen,unavoidable

mitogen- a substance that induces or stimulates mitosis

indispensable- absolutely necessary
remote- situated far from the main centers of concerned
- having little connection
to and fro- moving forward and backward or side to side
emphasize- give special importance or value to in speaking or writing
emphasis- special importance, value to something
dedicated - devoted(royal or very love) to a task or purpose
- exclusively allocated to or intended for a particular purpose
salient - most noticeable or important
holistic - characterized by treatment of whole person, not only symptoms of dise
encompassing- surround and hold within
integrate- combine with another to form a whole
explicit - stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt
- the closing words of a manuscript, early printed book, or chanted litu
rgical text
inplicit - suggested though not directly expressed
- always to be found in, essentially connected with
implied - implicit
empathetic - to be able to understand and share the feelings of other
suspending - temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect
- hang something from somewhere
preconception- a preconceived idea or prejudice
preconceived- idea or opinion formed before having evidence of truth or usefulne
explicate - analyse and develop idea in detail
- analyse a literary work in order to reveal its meaning
informant- a person who give information to other
account for- give a satisfactory record of something
otherwise - a circumstance different from present or considered
compelling- evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresisti
ble way
- not able to refuted,resisted
-overwhelming, inspiring conviction
consistent - acting or done in the same way over time, esp: so as to be fair or

bestow - confer or present honour, right or gift
confer - grant
- have discussions , exchange opinion
drastically - acting very rapidly or violently
autocrine - denoting or relating to a cell-produced substance that has an effect
on the cell by which it is secreted.
paracrine - relating to or denoting a hormone which has effect only in the vicin
ity of the gland secreting it.
vincinity - the area near or surrounding the particular place
- proximity in space or relationship
albeit - though
menace -threat or possible danger
slough - shed or remove
progeny - descendant/ offspring
quiescent - state of inactivity or dormancy
dormancy - a period when growth, development and physical activities temporary s
falter - lose strength or momentum
- speak hesitately
halting - slow and hesitate esp: through the lack of confidence
renders - provide or give / cause to become, make
deleterious - causing harm or dangerous
virtue - behaviour showing good moral standards
- goodness
Backcrossing is a crossing of a hybrid with one of its parents or an individual
genetically similar to its parent, in order to achieve offspring with a genetic
identity which is closer to that of the parent. It is used in horticulture, anim
al breeding and in production of gene knockout organisms
repertoire - collection/ stock/
homotrimer - a protein which is composed of three identical units of polypeptide
ascribe - regard a quality as belonging to
juxtacrine - three types of juxtacrine interactions. In the first type, a protei
n on one cell binds to its receptor on the adjacent cell. We saw this type of ju
xtacrine interaction when we discussed the interaction between the Bride of seve
nless protein and its receptor, Sevenless. In the second type, a receptor on one
cell binds to its ligand on the extracellular matrix secreted by another cell.
In the third type, the signal is transmitted directly from the cytoplasm of one

cell through small conduits into the cytoplasm of an adjacent cell

microvesicles - circulating microvesicles, or microparticles.) are fragments of
plasma membrane ranging from 100 nm to 1000 nm shed from almost all cell types
bona fide - genuine, real
osteoprotegerin - soluble decoy receptor for RANKL that blocks ligand binding to
RANK, prevent osteoclast differentiation
stromal cells - connective(structural) tissues of any organ
parenchymal cells - functional tissues of organ
Spectrophotometric Analysis. Spectrophotometric techniques are used to measure t
he concentration of solutes in. solution by measuring the amount of light that i
s absorbed by the solution in a cuvette. placed in the spectrophotometer
plunging - force push,
mayhem - violence or extremely disorder, chaos
undulating - move with a smooth wave like motion / have a wavy form or outline
trophic - stimulating the activity of another endocrine gland
milieu - environment
undermine - lessen the effectiveness or power
exhaustive - including or considering all elements or aspects; fully comprehensi
notoriety - the state of being famous or well known for some bad quality or deed
provision - providing for a particulalr matter
outreach - reach further than (v) the extent or length of reaching out (n)
reflute - prove to be wrong or false
compelling - not able to be reflute/ not able to be resisted/very great in amoun
indigenous - originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
humble - having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance
astonishing - suprise or impress s/o greatly
aside - to one side/out of the way
collaboration - the action of working with someone to produce something
coordination - the organization of the different elements of a complex body or a
ctivity so as to enable them to work together effectively / the ability to use d
ifferent parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently
bewildering/perplexing/buffling - confusing / very difficult to understand / ver
y puzzling

array - an impressive display or range of a particular type of thing /an ordered

arrangement, in particular
- (v) display or arrange (things) in a particular way
conceivable - capable of being imagined or grasped mentally / possible
implement - (n) tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment that is used for a pa
rticular purpose
- (v) put into effect
elaborate - involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and com
plicated in design and planning
- (v) develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in further detail
- (v) produce (a substance) from its elements or simpler constituents
blizzard - a large or overwhelming number of things arriving suddenly
overwhelming - very great in amount / very strong
relay - receive and pass on (information or a message)
osillation - movement back and front at regular pace
amplitude - the maximum extent of a vibration measured from position of equilibr
amplifier - to increase the amplitude
abrupt - sudden and unexpected
halt - bring or come into an abrupt stop
pervert - distort or corrupt the original course, meaning, or state of (somethin
nevertheless/notwithstanding - in spite of / all the same
menace - a threat or danger
flourish - (of a person, animal, or other living organism) grow or develop in a
healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable en
prosper - Succeed in material terms; be financially successful
thrive - grow or develop well or vigorously
spawn - release or deposit eggs
depiction - the action of depicting something, especially in a work of art
portray - depict s/t or s/o in a work of art or literature
- describe s/t or s/o in a particular way
likewise - in the same way, also, in a like manner, similarly
complementary - combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities
of each other or another
employ - give work to (someone) and pay them for it.

- make use of
crippled - cause or to become unable to work or move properly
motif - pattern
prevailing - having most influence/ existing at a particular time
epigenetics - the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene e
xpression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself
hastening - be quick to do something
diploid - (of a cell or nucleus) containing two complete sets of chromosomes, on
e from each parent
devious - (of a route or journey) longer and less direct than the most straightf
orward way
- showing a skilful use of underhand tactics to achieve goals
explicit - stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt
implicate - convey (a meaning) indirectly through what one says, rather than sta
ting it explicitly
- involved
electrify - charge (a medium) with electricity; pass an electric current through
point mutation - a mutation affecting only one or very few nucleotides in a gene
afflict - of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely
karyotype - the number and visual appearance of the chromosomes in the cell nucl
ei of an organism or species
sporadic - occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered o
r isolated
mishap - an unlucky accident
segregation - the action or state of setting someone or something apart from oth
piecemeal - characterized by unsystematic partial measures taken over a period o
f time
ingenuity - the quality of being clever , original, and inventive
outwit - deceive or defeat by great ingenuity
infer - deduce or conclude (something) from evidence and reasoning rather than f
rom explicit statements
despondency - a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage
gloomy - causing or feeling depression or despondency
- dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frighteni

stratagem - a plan or scheme . esp: one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an

entirety - the whole of something
exome - The exome is the part of the genome formed by exons, the sequences which
when transcribed remain within the mature RNA after introns are removed by RNA
exon - a segment of a DNA or RNA molecule containing information coding for a pr
otein or peptide sequence
intron - a segment of a DNA or RNA molecule which does not code for proteins and
interrupts the sequence of genes
missense mutation - In genetics, a missense mutation is a point mutation in whic
h a single nucleotide change results in a codon that codes for a different amino
acid. It is a type of nonsynonymous substitution
truncating - Refers to a point mutation in the genetic code of a gene that gener
ates one of three known stop codons (also referred to as nonsense codon ):
UAG (in RNA)/TAG (in DNA), amber
UAA (in RNA)/TAA (in DNA),


UGA (in RNA)/TGA (in DNA),

opal , or


A stop codon signals the end of protein synthesis. As a result, the translation
of the mRNA into protein is interrupted at this codon within the gene with the c
onsequence of the synthesis of an incomplete ( truncated ) protein.
overowe - impress someone so much that they become silent or inhibited
intimidate - Frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do
what one wants
prospect - The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring
daunting - seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating
strikingly - attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous quali
subvert - destabilize
telomere - a compound structure at the end of a chromosome
shrivel - wrinkle and contract, especially due to loss of moisture
desperate - feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to
be impossible to deal with
- having a great need or desire for something
allot - give or apportion (something) to someone
apportion - divide up and share out

coherent - logical and consistent

consistent - acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fa
ir or accurate
elaborate - develop into further detail
anticipate - regard as probable; expect or predict
convey - transport or carry to a place
disgression - a temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing
consensus - a general aggrement
lapses - a brief or temporary failure of concentration, memory, or judgement
elaboration - Intricate and rich in detail
- detail and support
intricate - having many interrelated parts or entangled or involved in a maze
obscure - keep from being seen; conceal
- make unclear and difficult to understand
- keep from being known
conceal - not allow to be seen
- hide
- prevent something from being known
articulation - the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech
choppy - pyat taung pyat taung
- having many small waves
juxtaposition - the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with
contrasting effect
derive - obtain something from (a specified source)
lexical - relating to the words or vocabulary of a language
syntactic variety - sentence variety, or having different types of sentences. Th
ink of it as short vs. long sentences
arduous - involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring
elucidation - explanation that makes something clear; clarification
vitrification - non crystalline amorphous sunstance, impermeable to water
cocoon - cover
preferential - of preference / previleage
exclusion - without / the process of excluding
confluence - juntion / joint

ameliorate - make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better

expedite - make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more qui
commence - Begin
caveat - a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitatio
aliquot - a portion of a larger whole, especially a sample taken for chemical an
alysis or other treatment
lysate - a preparation containing the products of lysis of cells
doubling time - doubling time is the period of time required for a quantity to d
ouble in size or value
putative - commonly accepted or supposed. 2 : assumed to exist or to have existe
procurement - the act of acquiring
cumulative - ncreasing or increased in quantity by successive additions
perturbed - anxious or upset
amenable - response
endorse - approve
reliance - depandence
prolific - produce much fruit
pre emptive - prevent coming unpleasant things
sensibly - done or chosen in accordance with wisdom
context - affairs/ event
standpoint - particular issue
trophic - feeding or nutrition
milieu - environment/ setting
plethora - large or exceessive amount of sth
extracorporeal - perform outside the body
substrata - underlying layer
impart - make information known/ transmit / spread
exploit - make full use of
thereof - of the thing that mentioned/ of that
naunces - subtle degree

propensity - an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way

premise - the previous statement
recapitulate - perform again
advocate - recommend
consortium - association of companies
surrogate - substitute
confer - grant
contribute - give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or prov
ide something
trophic - relate to feeding and nutrition
lag - fail to keep up with another or others in movement or development
dampen - make less strong or intense
foster - encourage the developement
impose - force on someone
assertion - a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief
archetypal - very typical certain type of thing
notion - general understanding
perturbation - anxiety, mental uneasiness
segregation - the action or state of setting someone or something apart from oth

harness - control or make use of

debilitating - making someone weak
nascent - display sign of future potential
herald - sign that something is about to happen
precedence - priority in importance
bode - potent of a particular outcome
usher - show or guide (someone) somewhere
bypass - to past around / a second channel
dictate - state or order authoritatively
incapicitated - deprived of strength or power

exploit - make full use of

conduct - organise and carry out
corroborating - confirm the statement or theory
meticulous - very careful and precise
adjoining - next to or join with
intriguing - arising interest
splice - join or connect (a rope or ropes) by interweaving the strands at the en
tweak - improve by making fine adjustment
exponent - interpretation
exponential - express by mathematical interpretation
spurious - fake/ false
attribute - regard sth as being caused by/ ascribe/ accredit
feasible - likely/ probably

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