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Acute: Term used to describe disorders or symptoms that occur

abruptly or that run a short course; opposite of Chronic

Arteriosclerosis: Condition in which the walls of arteries become

hard and thick, sometimes interfering with blood circulation

Aerobic: Requiring the presence of oxygen. Aerobic exercise, for

example, requires increased oxygen consumption. Opposite of

Artery: Blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to other
tissues of the body
Asymptomatic: Without symptoms

Ambulatory: Able to walk

Atherosclerosis: Condition in which fatty deposits accumulate
in the lining of the arteries, resulting in restricted, less flexible pathways for the blood

Amino acid: A component of protein, containing nitrogen. The body

produces many amino acids; those it needs but cannot make are known
as essential amino acids and must be obtained through the diet

Atrophy: Wasting of tissue or an organ due to disease or lack of use

Anaerobic: Able to live without oxygen (as certain bacteria), or a

type of exercise in which short, vigorous bursts of activity requiring little additional oxygen are performed. Opposite of Aerobic

Autoimmune: Reaction of the body against one or some of its

own tissues that are perceived as foreign substances, resulting in
production of antibodies against that tissue

Anemia: Condition characterized by a reduced number of red

blood cells, amount of hemoglobin, or amount of blood

Bacteria: Single-celled microorganisms, some of which cause

disease and some of which are beneficial to biological processes

Aneurysm: The localized bulging of a blood vessel, usually an

artery, to form a bulge or sac

Benign: Harmless; not progressive or recurrent

Blood pressure: Force placed on the walls of the arteries. See
Diastole and Systole

Anorexia: Loss of appetite, often due to depression, fever, illness,

widespread cancer, or addiction to alcohol or drugs

Bowel: Small or large intestine. The small intestine is sometimes

called the small bowel. The large intestine is also called the colon

Anorexia nervosa: An eating disorder characterized by aberrant

eating patterns and disturbed ideas about body weight

Brand-name drug: A drug carrying a trademark name designated

by its manufacturer

Antibody: Protein of the immune system that counteracts or eliminates foreign substances known as antigens

Cachexia: Malnutrition and wasting due to illness

Antigen: Substance foreign to the body that causes antibodies
to form

Caffeine: A stimulant found naturally in coffee, tea, chocolate,

and cocoa; may be added to, for example, soft drinks and overthe-counter drugs

Apnea: Temporary cessation of breathing


408 Glossary

Calorie: The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of

1 gram of water by 1 Centigrade

Coagulate: To solidify or change from a liquid to a semisolid, as

when blood clots

Cancer: General term for various conditions characterized by

abnormal growth of cells, forming malignant tumors that can
develop in various parts of the body. See Malignant and Benign

Colon: The large intestine extending from the small intestine and ending in the anus. It is responsible for extracting water from undigested food and storing the waste, which is eliminated in bowel movements

Capillaries: Minute blood vessels connecting the smallest arteries to the smallest veins

Colorectal: Pertaining to the colon and rectum

Carbohydrate: A group of compounds composed of starches or

sugars, found primarily in breads and cereals and in fruits and

Complex carbohydrate: A substance that contains several sugar

units linked together, such as starch
Constipation: The difficult or infrequent passage of stool

Carcinogen: A potential cancer-causing agent

Coronary: Pertaining to the arteries that supply blood to the heart

Cardiac: Pertaining to the heart

Coronary artery disease: Narrowing or blockage of one or more

of the coronary arteries, resulting in decreased blood supply to the
heart (ischemia). Also called ischemic heart disease

Cardiopulmonary: Pertaining to both heart and lungs

Cardiovascular: Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels
Carotid artery: Main (right and left) artery of the neck which
carries blood to the head and brain
Cerebrovascular: Pertaining to the blood vessels of the brain
Chemotherapy: Treatment of disease by chemicals that have a
direct effect on the disease-causing organism or disease cells; widely
used in the treatment of cancer
Cholesterol: A fat-like substance made in the liver and found in
the blood, brain, liver, and bile and as deposits in the walls of blood
vessels. Essential to the production of sex hormones. Found in
foods of animal sources
Chromosome: One of 46 rod-shaped structures in the nucleus
that carry genetic information to each cell
Chronic: Term used to describe long-lasting disease or conditions. Opposite of Acute
Clinical: Pertaining to information gathered from direct observation of patients, as distinct from laboratory findings

Corticosteroids: Hormones produced by the cortex of the adrenal

glands; also, synthetic hormones used as medications
Debility: A state of physical weakness
Dehydration: A lack of an adequate amount of fluid in the body.
Dehydration may be accompanied by dry mouth, thirst, constipation, dizziness, concentrated urine, or fever
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): A substance found in the nucleus
of cells that carries genetic information
Dextrose: A simple sugar that is found in the blood
Diabetes mellitus: Disorder characterized by high levels of glucose
in the blood. Diabetes mellitus may be caused by a failure of the
pancreas to produce sufficient insulin or by resistance of the body
to the action of insulin
Diabetic ketoacidosis: A serious condition that develops in persons
with diabetes when there is not enough insulin and the body begins
breaking down fat, producing ketones (acids)
Diagnosis: Identification of a disease or disorder

Glossary 409

Diarrhea: An increase in the number or liquidity of bowel movements

Fatty acids: Substances that occur in foods; different fatty acids

have different effects on cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Diastole: Period during the heart cycle in which the muscle relaxes,
followed by contraction (Systole). In a blood pressure reading, the
lower number is the diastolic measurement

Fiber: As applies to food, a substance that resists digestion and

passes through the system essentially unchanged. Fiber adds bulk
to the diet and aids in the passage of bowel movements

Diastolic pressure: The lowest blood pressure reached during the

relaxation of your heart. Recorded as the second number in a
blood pressure measurement

Flatulence: Excessive gas in the stomach or intestine

Fracture: To break or crack a bone; or, a break or a crack in a bone

Digestion: Breakdown of food so it can be absorbed

Fructose: A sugar found in fruit, corn syrup, and honey

Duodenum: The part of the small intestine next to the stomach

Gallbladder: Structure located under the liver that stores bile and
then releases it into the small intestine

Edema: Swelling of body tissues due to excessive fluid

Endocardium: The thin, inner membrane that lines the heart.
See Epicardium and Myocardium
Enzyme: A complex protein that stimulates a chemical reaction
Epicardium: The thin membrane on the surface of the heart. See
Endocardium and Myocardium
Epinephrine: Adrenal hormone that increases heart rate and blood
pressure and affects other body functions

Gastric: Pertaining to the stomach

Gastroenteritis: An inflammatory condition of the stomach and
intestines leading to nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and
diarrhea. Usually of bacterial or viral origin
Gastrointestinal tract: The stomach and intestines
Gene: Structure within a chromosome that is responsible for inheritance of a particular characteristic
Generalized: Overall, not limited to one area of the body

Esophagus: The muscular tube that connects the throat to the


Genetic engineering: Manufacture, alteration, or repair of genetic

material by synthetic means

Estrogen: Hormone produced primarily in women that contributes to the development of female secondary sex characteristics
and cyclic changes such as menstruation and pregnancy. An oral
replacement dose of estrogen is often used to lessen the effects of
menopause, among other effects. The hormone is also produced
in small quantities in men

Geriatrics: The branch of medicine that specializes in the care of

problems related to aging
Germ: A microorganism that causes disease

Ethanol: Grain or ethyl alcohol

Gestational diabetes: Diabetes that develops during pregnancy, resulting in improper regulation of glucose levels in the

Fats: A group of organic compounds that are composed of fatty

acids. Fats are either saturated or unsaturated. Unsaturated fats are
classified further as either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated

Gland: Any organ or tissue that releases a substance to be used

elsewhere in the body; endocrine glands release hormones directly
into the bloodstream

410 Glossary

Glucose: A form of sugar. All of carbohydrate and part of fat can

be changed by the body into glucose; used by the body for energy

Hydrogenation: A process that changes an unsaturated fat to a

more saturated one

Gluten: Protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, oats, and barley.
Gluten helps hold in the gas bubbles when flour dough rises

Hyper-: Prefix meaning excessive or increased

Glycogen: Stored form of carbohydrate in the liver and muscles

Hyperactivity: Condition of disturbed behavior characterized by

constant overactivity, distractibility, impulsiveness, inability to
concentrate, and aggressiveness

Goiter: Enlargement of the thyroid gland

Hypercholesterolemia: Increased level of cholesterol in the bloodstream
Gout: A condition in which excess uric acid may lead to arthritis
and kidney stones
HDL cholesterol: High-density lipoprotein cholesterol; a type
of cholesterol thought to help protect against atherosclerosis; known
as good cholesterol

Hyperglycemia: Increased level of sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream

Hyperlipidemia: Excess of fats (lipids) in the bloodstream
Hyperplasia: Excessive growth of tissues

Heart attack: Descriptive term for a myocardial infarction: an

incident caused by the blockage of one or more of the coronary
arteries, resulting in interruption of blood flow to a part of the
Heartburn: Pain due to regurgitation (reflux) of juices from the
stomach into the esophagus; pyrosis
Hemoglobin: A iron-containing protein found in the red blood
cells. Hemoglobin transports oxygen to body tissues

Hypertension: Condition in which the blood is pumped through

the body under abnormally high pressure; also known as high
blood pressure
Hypo-: Prefix meaning inadequate or insufficient
Hypoglycemia: Condition in which the sugar (glucose) in the
bloodstream decreases below normal levels
Hypotension: Low blood pressure

Hemorrhage: Loss of blood from a blood vessel

Hemorrhoid: Swollen vein in and around the anus that may bleed

Iatrogenic disease: Disorder or disease resulting as a side effect of

a prescribed treatment

Hepatic: Pertaining to the liver

Idiopathic: Pertaining to a condition or disease of unknown cause

Heredity: Genetic transmission of traits from parent to offspring

Ileum: Lower portion of the small intestine

Hernia: Protrusion of an organ or part of an organ into surrounding tissues

Immobilize: To make a limb or part immovable in order to promote healing

High blood pressure: See Hypertension

Immunity: State of being resistant to a disease, particularly an

infectious one

Hormone: A substance secreted in the body and carried through

the bloodstream to various tissues of the body, where it serves a
regulatory function

Indigestion: Impaired digestion, commonly refers to abdominal

pain after meals

Glossary 411

Infarct: An area of tissue that dies because of lack of blood supply

Infection: Disease caused by invasion of body tissue by bacteria,
viruses, or fungi

Ketoacidosis: A disturbance of body chemistry that occurs in starvation or as a complication of type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes
Ketone: An acidic substance produced when the body must use
fat for energy

Infectious: Ability to transmit a disease caused by microorganisms

Inferior vena cava: Large vein returning blood from your legs
and abdomen to your heart

Kidneys: The two bean-shaped organs located in the back portion

of the upper abdomen that are responsible for excreting urine and
regulating the water and chemical contents of the blood

Inflammation: Body tissues reaction to injury that leads to

swelling, pain, heat, and redness

Kilogram: A metric unit of weight; 1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds

or 1,000 grams

Insulin: A hormone made by the pancreas or taken by injection

that regulates the amount of sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream

Kyphosis: Excessive curvature of the upper spine, resulting in

humpback, hunchback, or rounding of the shoulders. May result
from diseases such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, or rickets, from conditions such as compression fracture,
or from a congenital abnormality

Insulin pump: A device that delivers a predetermined amount

of insulin into the body
Insulin reaction: A condition in insulin-taking diabetics resulting in low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) due to excess insulin or
inadequate carbohydrate intake

Lactation: The production of breast milk

Intestines: Portion of the digestive tract extending from stomach

to anus and responsible for much of the absorption of nutrients.
See Duodenum, Ileum, Jejunum, and Colon

Laparoscopy: Examination of the inside of the abdominal cavity by means of a laparoscope (a viewing instrument) inserted
through a small incision

Intolerance: Inability to endure, as with pain or a drug therapy

Involuntary: Not controlled through will

LDL cholesterol: Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; provides

cholesterol for necessary body functions, but in excessive amounts
it tends to accumulate in artery walls; known as bad cholesterol

Irradiation of food: A process of exposing food to low-dose radiation in order to extend shelf life by killing microorganisms and insects

Lesion: Area of tissue that is injured or diseased such as a wound,

abscess, sore, tumor, mole, or cyst

Ischemia: Deficiency of blood flow within an organ or part of an

organ. Often refers to the situation in which an artery is narrowed
or blocked by spasm or atherosclerosis and cannot deliver sufficient
blood to the organ it supplies

Lipid: Description term for a fat or fat-like substance found in

the blood, such as cholesterol

Jejunum: The portion of the small intestine located between the

duodenum and ileum
Joint: The point of juncture between two or more bones where
movement occurs

Lactose: The sugar found in milk

Lipoproteins: Proteins that combine with lipids to make them

dissolve in blood
Liver: A large organ in the upper abdomen that is the site of
many metabolic functions, including the secretion of bile, the
manufacture of proteins, and the storage of glycogen and certain

412 Glossary

Lungs: The two organs of respiration that bring air and blood
into close contact so that oxygen can be added to and carbon
dioxide removed from the blood

mm Hg (millimeters of mercury): Unit used for measuring blood

Mono-: Prefix meaning one

Malabsorption: Inadequate absorption of nutrients from the small

intestine. Symptoms and signs of malabsorption syndrome include
loose, fatty stools, diarrhea, and weight loss, but anemia is not a symptom

Muscle: Tissue that produces movement by its ability to contract

Musculoskeletal: Pertaining to the muscles and the skeleton

Malignant: Harmful, as in cancerous tissue that can grow uncontrollably and spread (metastasize)

Myalgia: Muscle tenderness or pain

Malnutrition: Deficiency of nourishment in the body due to lack

of healthful food or improper digestion and distribution of nutrients

Myocardial infarction: Heart attack; death of an area of heart

muscle due to lack of blood supply

Masticate: Chew

Myocardium: The heart muscle. See Endocardium and Epicardium

Melanoma: A pigmented tumor of the skin and, in rare instances,

of the mucous membranes. A malignant melanoma can be invasive
and spread to lymph nodes and other sites more frequently than
other skin cancers

Nausea: An unpleasant sensation in the stomach, often followed

by vomiting

Membrane: A thin layer of tissue that lines, separates, or covers

organs or structures

Nerve: A bundle of nerve fibers through which nerve impulses


Menopause: The age-related, permanent cessation of menstruation

Neuropathy: A functional or structural change in nerves

Menstruation: Monthly shedding of blood and tissue from the lining of the uterus

Nucleus: Center portion of cells essential for cell growth, nourishment, and reproduction

Metabolism: Physical and chemical processes by which food is

transformed into energy and tissues are broken down into waste

Nutrients: Substances supplied by food that provide nourishment

for the body

Metastasis: Spreading of a disease from one part of the body to

another, usually refers to movement of malignant cells (as in cancer) or bacteria through the lymph or blood
Microbes: Microscopic one-celled organisms such as bacteria,
many of which cause disease
Mineral: A class of nutrients made from inorganic compounds
Mitosis: Type of cell division in which the new cells have the same
number of chromosomes as the parent cell

Necrosis: Changes due to death of cells or organs

Nutrition: A combination of processes by which the body receives

and uses the substances necessary for its function, for energy, and
for growth and repair of the body
Obesity: Abnormal body weight, usually defined as more than
30 percent above average for age, height, and bone structure
Occlusion: Closure of a passage such as ducts or blood vessels.
In dentistry, the alignment of upper and lower teeth when the jaws
are closed
Olfactory: Pertaining to the sense of smell

Glossary 413

-oma: Suffix meaning tumor; generally not a cancer

Pharmacology: Study of drugs and their effects on living beings

Oncology: The study of cancer

Phytochemicals: Plant chemicals that when eaten may have an

effect on health

Organic food: Food that is grown and processed without the use
of chemicals, including fertilizers, insecticides, artificial coloring,
and additives
Orthostatic hypotension: Decrease in blood pressure upon standing; may lead to light-headedness or fainting
-osis: suffix meaning diseased state
Osteoporosis: Reduction in bone that can result in weak bones
and fractures
Over-the-counter (OTC): Sold without a prescription
Pancreas: Gland that produces enzymes essential to the digestion
of food. The islets of Langerhans within the pancreas secrete insulin
into the blood

Pica: An uncommon urge to eat nonfood items such as laundry

starch, dirt, baking powder, or frost from the freezer
Pinch: A measure of dry ingredients equivalent to approximately
1/16 of a teaspoon
Placebo: Substance given for psychological benefit or as part of a
clinical research study; it has no specific pharmacologic activity
against illness
Plaque: A film or deposit of bacteria and other material on the surface of a tooth that may lead to tooth decay or periodontal disease
Plasma: Fluid part of the blood and lymph
Poly-: Prefix meaning multiple

Parasite: An organism that lives on or within another organism

at the expense of the host

Polyp: A protruding growth, often on a stalk

Parathyroid gland: Endocrine glands located behind the thyroid

gland that maintain the level of calcium in the blood

Primary care physician: Physician responsible for a persons

general health care

Parenteral: Method of administering medication or nutrition

other than via the digestive tract, such as intravenous, subcutaneous, or intramuscular

Progesterone: Female sex hormone responsible for, among other

things, preparation of the uterine lining for implantation of the
fertilized egg

Pareve: A term describing food made without animal or dairy

ingredients, according to kosher dietary regulations

Prognosis: Prediction of the course or outcome of a disease

Pasteurization: A method of killing bacteria in milk and other

liquids by heating to moderately high temperatures for a short
Pathogen: Disease-producing microorganism
Pathology: Study of the cause and nature of a disease
Pernicious: Destructive, sometimes fatal. Pernicious anemia is
caused by the inability to absorb vitamin B12 from the intestinal tract

Prostate gland: Gland located at the base of the bladder in men

that contributes to production of seminal fluid
Protein: One of many complex nitrogen-containing compounds,
composed of amino acids; essential for the growth and repair of
Puberty: The time when body changes particular to the sex occur
and when reproduction becomes possible
Pulmonary: Pertaining to the lungs

414 Glossary

Pulse: Expansion of an artery after each contraction of the heart

Side effects: Undesirable effect of a medication or other treatment

Radiation therapy: The use of high-energy penetrating waves to

treat disease. Sources of radiation used in radiation therapy include
x-ray, cobalt, and radium

Spleen: The largest organ in the lymphatic system. Located near

the stomach, it has a role in the production, storage, and breakdown of blood cells

Rectum: The lowest portion of the large intestine. Stores stool until
it is emptied

Squamous cell carcinoma: A malignant tumor arising from cells

known as squamous epithelium; a common form of skin cancer

Renal: Pertaining to the kidneys

Stenosis: The narrowing or closure of an opening or passageway

in the body

Renal failure: The inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes, concentrate urine, and maintain electrolyte balance
Retinopathy: Abnormality of the retina that may cause deterioration of eyesight

Sterilization: The process by which all microorganisms are killed,

as in sterilization of surgical instruments
Steroids: See Corticosteroids

Roughage: Indigestible fiber of fruits, vegetables, and cereals

Stomach: A sac-like organ to which food is delivered by the esophagus. After the food is processed mechanically by a churning action
and chemically with gastric acids, it passes from the stomach to
the small intestine

Saline: Salt (sodium chloride) solution

Stool: Body waste excreted from the bowel; feces

Saliva: Fluid secreted by the salivary and mucous glands of the

mouth that moistens food and begins the process of digestion

Stroke: An injury of the brain due to bleeding or to an interruption of the blood supply

Saut: To cook food quickly in a small amount of oil or seasoned

liquid over a high heat

Sucrose: The simple sugar processed from sugarcane and sugar beets

Risk factors: A factor that increases the chance of developing or

aggravating a condition

Sclerosis: Hardening or thickening of an organ or tissue, usually

due to abnormal growth of fibrous tissue
Screening: Tests or observations applied to a large cohort of
individuals to identify disease or risk of disease
Secretion: The process of producing a substance by a gland; also,
the substance produced
Sedentary: Lacking exercise; inactive
Sepsis: Infection with disease-causing microorganisms or other
toxins in the bloodstream

Syndrome: A constellation of symptoms that characterize an

Systemic: Affecting or pertaining to the entire body rather than
one of its parts
Systole: The portion of the heart cycle during which the heart
muscle is contracting
Systolic pressure: The highest blood pressure produced by the
contraction of the heart. Recorded as the first number in a blood
pressure measurement
Thoracic: Having to do with the chest (thorax)

Glossary 415

Thyroid gland: The endocrine gland that produces thyroid hormone

Urine: Fluid waste produced in the kidneys, stored in the bladder,

and released through the urethra

Thyroxine: One of the forms of thyroid hormone that is involved in

the control of the pace of chemical activity (metabolism) in the body

Vascular: Pertaining to blood vessels; includes veins and arteries

Tissue: A collection of similar cells that form a body structure

Toxin: A poison
Transient ischemic attack: Symptoms caused by temporary lack
of circulation to part of the brain

Vegans: People who do not eat any food of animal origin

Vein: A blood vessel that returns blood to the heart
Venous: Pertaining to veins
Viral: Pertaining to or caused by a virus

Transplantation: The surgical transfer of an organ or tissue from

one position (or person) to another

Virus: Tiny organism that causes disease; viruses range from minor
(common cold) to potentially deadly (AIDS)

Trauma: The process or event leading to an injury or wound

Triglyceride: A form of fat that the body can make from sugar,
alcohol, or excess calories
Truncal obesity: Fat deposited in the thorax and abdomen, instead
of the hips and thighs
Tumor: A new growth of tissue; a neoplasm

Vital signs: Respiration, heart rate, and body temperature

Vitamins: Organic substances that are essential for most metabolic functions of the body; they are fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) and
water-soluble (B vitamins and C).
Vomit: The ejection of contents of the stomach through the mouth;
also, the material itself

Ulcer: An open sore on the skin or a mucous membrane

Ulcerative colitis: A disease characterized by inflammation of the
lining of the colon and rectum

X-ray: Electromagnetic vibrations of short wavelength that

penetrate most matter and produce an image on film; also called
roentgen ray

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