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The vulva describes the whole structure of the external genitalia are:
* The Mount of Venus: consists of a padded and soft fatty tissue covering of
hair after puberty.
* Senior Lips: two skin folds that limit the vulva out. The hole between the




* Minor Lips: two folds of skin that are within the labia surrounding the





* Introit of the vagina: also called vestibule of the vagina, is the opening of


* Clitoris: consists of tissues which is also composed the male penis. Its
function is to give pleasure to women, their only function is sexual unlike the






* Lobby bulbs: are located on both sides of the vaginal orifice, connected to
the clitoris.

El aparato reproductor femenino es el sistema sexual femenino y junto con el aparato reproductor
masculino garantizan la reproduccin humana.

The female reproductive system is the female sexual system and with the male
reproductive system guaranteeing human reproduction.

Al aparato reproductor femenino lo podemos dividir en los distintos rganos genitales:

When the female reproductive tract can be divided into different genitalia:

Aparato reproductor femenino

female reproductive system

Aparato reproductor femenino: rganos genitales

Los rganos genitales internos del aparato reproductor femenino estn divididos en:
* Vagina : es un conducto elstico que est revestido de una membrana mucosa, tiene una abertura situada
entre uretra y ano.
* tero : tambin conocido como matriz, es el rgano de la gestacin del aparato reproductor femenino.
Situado entre la vagina y las trompas de Falopio, aloja a la blstula, que se implanta en el endometrio, dando
comienzo a la gestacin.

Female reproductive system: internal genital organs

The internal female reproductive genital organs are divided into:
* Vagina is an elastic tube that is covered with a mucous membrane, has an opening
between the urethra and anus.
* Uterus: also known as the womb, is the organ of gestation the female reproductive tract.
Located between the vagina and the fallopian tubes, houses the blastula, which is
implanted in the endometrium, beginning with pregnancy.

* Trompas de Falopio o Trompas uterinas: conectan tero y ovarios, las mujeres tienen dos, una para cada
* Ovarios o gnadas femeninas: las mujeres tienen dos ovarios, su funcin es producir hormonas femeninas
y producir vulos
En el aparato reproductor femenino existen glndulas genitales auxiliares cuya funcin es:
* Glndula vestibular : cuya funcin es proporcionar un lquido que ayuda a lubricar los labios de la vagina
mientras se mantiene la relacin sexual.
* Glndula parauretrales : se encargan de producir y expulsar el lquido en la eyaculacin femenina.

* Fallopian tubes or uterine horns: connect uterus and ovaries, women have two, one for
each ovary.
* Ovaries or female gonads: Women have two ovaries, its function is to produce female
hormones and produce eggs
In the female reproductive system auxiliary genital glands exist whose function is:
* Vestibular gland: whose function is to provide a fluid that helps lubricate the lips of the
vagina while intercourse is maintained.
* Paraurethral gland: are responsible for producing and expel the liquid in female

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