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SAP-TO BE Process

PRT Process



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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

PRT Process............................................................................................................................................3

AS IS Process............................................................................................................................................3
Core to Be Process....................................................................................................................................6
Changes to Existing Organization............................................................................................................11
Description of Improvements and Key Metrics........................................................................................11
Notes on Further Improvements..............................................................................................................11
Functional Deficit and Method to Remove That.......................................................................................11
Interface Requirement.............................................................................................................................11
System Configuration Considerations......................................................................................................11
File Conversion Considerations...............................................................................................................11
Any reports required related to current business process.......................................................................11
Any document/output would be printed for this business process...........................................................11
Authorization Considerations...................................................................................................................11
End User Training Requirements.............................................................................................................12
Process Flow Chart.................................................................................................................................13

SAP Standard Reports..........................................................................................................................15

Custom Developments.........................................................................................................................18



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SAP-TO BE Process

1 PRT Process
TO-BE Document
For SAP R/3 Implementation at New Allenberry works.
Date: 07.10.2006
Sr. No of TO BE document


Ref. Sr. No. Of AS-IS document

Tool Crib Process

Name of Business Process: Production Resource Tools Process

Module: Production Planning

Sub module: PRT Process

Version no of document: 1.1

Date: 07.10.2006

Version Management This Document is subject to change control. Every change of the document has to Undergo change
control procedure and has to be registered in the following table



Changes in existing
organization , functional
deficit, file conversion has
been updated.

Prepared By


Pradeep Kumar Verma


Ananth Raj


1.1 AS IS Process

Tool Crib Process

Inventories are being checked for many of the PRTs
Beside direct consumption items (Raw Materials), all those materials (tooling etc) which come to NAW belong to
one or the other product.
Operational requirement are such that to plan production of a product one needs to have , beside availability of
raw materials , details like availability of various other tools required to manufacture that product.



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SAP-TO BE Process

These may be Cutters, special tools, Jigs, Fixtures, Gauges / Instruments, Work Instructions or any other
specific item.
NAW wants that while planning for a product; all the details regarding availability of PRTs for that particular
product is retrievable from System by the PPC user on one click of the button.
F Tool room Activities
Basically Tool Rooms job is to manufacture/ repair Tools, Gauges, Fixtures and Jigs required by Production.
The complete activity is defined in the Activity Chart.



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SAP-TO BE Process

R e c e iv e D a ily M / C L o a d in g P la n f r o m P P C &
r e q u ir e m e n t f r o m P r o d u c tio n
R e v ie w s t o c k s t a t u s a n d a v a ila b ilit y o f
v a r io u s c u t t in g t o o ls a n d c o n s u m a b a le s lik e
g r in d in g w h e e l e t c in T o o l C r ib

If n o t a v a ila b le


G e t t h e r e q d C o n s u m a b le o r
S p e c ia l c u t t in g T o o ls is s u e d
fro m G .S to re s

A v a ila b le

I n c a s e o f n o n a v a ila b ilit y o f
a n y S p . c u t t in g t o o l, r a is e
in d e n t a n d g e t a p p r o v e d f r o m
c .o .o

P o s tin g o f is s u e e n tr y in I s s u e
R e g is te r
I s s u a n c e o f f a s t e n e r s a g a in s t
I s s u e S lip

C o p y o f in d e n t h a n d o v e r t o
P r o c u r e m e n t D e p a r tm e n t
th ro u g h g e n .S to re s

I t e m s is s u e d o n L o a n S lip a r e
r e c e iv e d b a c k f r o m P r o d d e p 't
a t th e e n d o f s h ift
S t o r a g e o f T o o lin g a f t e r t h e s e
a r e r e c d b a c k , e n tr y in Is s u e
R e g is t e r a n d p h y s ic a l r e v ie w
o f T o o l L if e

M M P ro c e s s

R e v ie w o f T o o l L I f e C a r d C a r d
f o r c o m m e n ts f r o m P r o d .d e p 't
a b o u t r e s h a r p in g ,r e p a ir s o r e n d
o f t o o l lif e .

C u tte r
R e g r in
r e p a ir s


s e n t to T o o l R o o m fo r
d in g / R e s h a r p e n in g o r
a g a in s t T R S a n d m a k e
tr y in T o l L if e c a r d

B r o k e n S lip is g iv e n b y
P r o d D e p 't in c a s e t o o l is
b r o k e n o r it s lif e is o v e r .

T o o l R o o m P ro c e s s

E n t r y in I s s u r R e g is t e r

D u ly s h a r p e n e d c u t te r s a r e
r e c e iv e d f r o m T o o l R o o m
a lo n g w ith T R S a n d m a k e
r e c e iv e e n t r y in T o o l L if e c a r d

T o o l a lo n g w it h B r o k e n S lip is
g iv e n t o G e n . S t o r e s f o r
d is p o s a l.

H o b b in g a n d S h a p in g c u tt e r s
a r e s e n t f o r T in C o a tin g o n
in t e r n a l m e m o a n d u p d a t e T o o l
L ife C a r d

S to re P ro c e s s


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SAP-TO BE Process

1.2 Core to Be Process

PRT Process:
Introduction of PRT:
Unlike machines and fixed assets, production resources and tools (PRTs) are movable (not stationary) operating
resources that are required to perform an activity and can be used repeatedly. For example, PRTs include
documents, engineering drawings, jigs and fixtures, and measurement instruments.
NAW is using jigs,Guages, fixture and small cutting tools which will be maintained as PRT in SAP system .
We can assign production resources/tools to internal and external activities and can use the assignment to


Operating time, or

of the PRTs required to carry out the activity.
There are several categories of production resources and tools in the SAP system. The category determines the
characteristics and business functions that a PRT can have.
Production resources/tools can be created with the following categories.
Material PRT has its own material master record with the view PRT. A material PRT
can either be purchased or produced. It can also be stocked and both value and
quantity can be tracked.
Miscellaneous PRT has its own PRT master record and can neither be procured nor
kept in stock.
Document PRT has its own document info record, (for example engineering drawings
or NC programs). These PRTs can be managed using the SAP document
Equipment PRT has its own equipment master record and has the full equipment
functionality. This category is particularly useful for those production resources or tools
which are maintained by self or serviced at regular intervals. With the equipment
category, we can furnish proof of service or usage values for the production
In NAW we are using only MATERIAL PRT .

Structure of PRT:
Structure is having Basic data and Default values, which are detailed below:
Basic data:
Basic data contains general information about the PRT (Production resource or tool). Important
basic data includes the task list usage and the requirement record indicator.



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SAP-TO BE Process

Default Values:
This is the next data of PRT contains the default values. These values are proposed while
allocating the production resource to an activity.
Control Key: It specifies how the PRT is to be handled after it is allocated to an activity
(for example, whether it is scheduled).
Standard text key is used to store texts that are required often. (e.g. a text describing
how to work with the PRT). In NAW we will not use standard text for PRTs
Quantity formula: The system uses formulas for quantity and usage value to
calculate the required quantity of the PRT and its usage value. In NAW we will use SAP
Standard Formulae SAPF01 to calculate the quantity of PRT used.
The offset determines when a PRT should be available; that is, offset to the start or
finish of an activity. It also determines when the PRT is no longer required. We are not
using offset in NAW .

PRT Structure


Control Key


Standard text

Quantity formula


To create a production resource/ tool as a material, create a material master in which One
maintain the Production resources/tools view. The PRT data are plant specific.
MENU PATH: LogisticsMaterials Management Material Master Material Create
(general) immediately



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SAP-TO BE Process

The initial screen for creating a material appears.

Enter the relevant data on the initial screen
To create a material PRT we must enter a material type which allows us to maintain the Production resources/tools
view. One such material type is FHMI.
Choose Continue.
1. The Select Views dialog box appears.
Select the Prod. Resources/Tools view and choose Continue.
2. The Organizational Levels dialog box appears.
Enter the plant to which the production resource/tool is assigned and choose Enter.
3. Maintain the basic data and the default values for task list allocation
If we have allocated a PRT to an activity, we can no longer change the base unit of
measure and the unit of issue in the master record.
4. Save the material, now material PRT will be created. NAW will be using following
number ranges, serial No. and Material Type for different kind of Materials.


No Range Serial No Batch

PRT Material Type

Jigs and Fixtures External


Applicable Yes





Applicable Yes





Applicable Yes


Cutting Tools



Applicable Yes


Checking PRT Availability:

In production order to do availability check for PRTs we will start the overall check manually,
which will be done as given below.
Function Availability PRT in the order header or on the activity overview in the Production



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SAP-TO BE Process

The system checks the availability of all PRTs in the production order. If there is a material
shortage, the network is given the material shortage status. If a PRT is unavailable, this is also
recorded in an error or warning log. For storage and issue of tools refer the Flow chart and also
tool crib process is covered in MM process. Refer MM To Be MM008.



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SAP-TO BE Process

C o n v e r t P la n n e d o r d e r t o P r o d u c t io n O r d e r

R e le a s e t h e p r o d u c t io n o r d e r a n d d o
a v a ila b ilit y c h e c k f o r P R T 's

N o t a v a ila b le


T r a n s f e r t h e t o o ls f r o m
G e n e r a l S to r a g e lo c a tio n t o
T o o l c r ib S t o r a g e lo c a t io n

A v a ila b le

T r a n s f e r th e to o ls f r o m
T o o lc r ib S to r a g e lo c a tio n to
S h o p f lo o r

I n c a s e o f n o n a v a ila b ilit y o f
a n y S p . c u t t in g t o o l, r a is e
in d e n t a n d g e t a p p r o v e d f r o m
c .o .o

I t w ill b e d o n e t h r o u g h M B 1 B
in t e x t w r it e L o a n S lip M v t : 3 4 4
I t e m s t r a n s f e r e d t o S h o p f lo o r
w ill b e t r a n s f e r e d t o t o o lr o o m
s to r a g e lo c a tio n a f te r
c o n f ir m in g th e o r d e r .

C o p y o f in d e n t h a n d o v e r t o
P ro c u r e m e n t D e p a rtm e n t
th ro u g h g e n .S to re s

S t o r a g e o f T o o lin g a f t e r t h e s e
a r e r e c iv e d b a c k ,p h y s ic a l
r e v ie w o f T o o l L if e
( W ill b e d o n e o u t o f S A P
s y s te m )

M M P ro c e s s

T o o l R e v ie w o f T o o l L I f e C a r d C a r d f o r c o m m e n t s f r o m P r o d . d e p 't a b o u t
r e s h a r p in g , r e p a ir s o r e n d o f t o o l lif e .
( W ill b e d o n e o u t o f S A P s y s t e m ) . H o w e v e r t o o l u s a g e c a n b e d e t e r m in e d b y u s in g
T c o d e C F 1 1 w h ic h w ill d is p la y t o o l n o . a n d t h e p r o d u c t io n q u a n t it y , d a t e w is e a n d a ls o
t h e m a t e r ia l p r o d u c e d b y u s in g t h a t t o o l.

W o r k o r d e r w ill b e c r e a t e d f o r t h e t o o l a n d
w ill b e s e n t t o t o o l r o o m b y jo b o r d e r w h ic h
is o u t o f S A P a n d t h e n t h e t o o l r o o m
p e r s o n w ill c r e a t e t h e r e w o r k o r d e r f o r
r e s h a r p e n in g o f th e to o l.

B r o k e n S lip is g iv e n b y
P r o d D e p 't in c a s e t o o l is
b r o k e n o r it s lif e is o v e r .
( W ill b e d o n e o u t o f S A P
s y s te m )

I n o r d e r s a m e t o o l w ill b e is s u e d
a n d w ill b e r e c iv e d in t o o lr o o m
s to r a g e lo c a tio n
D u ly s h a r p e n e d c u t t e r s a r e
r e c e iv e d fr o m T o o l R o o m
a lo n g w it h T R S a n d m a k e r e c e iv e
e n tr y in T o o l L if e c a r d

T o o l w ill b e is s u e d t o
t o o l c r ib c o s t c e n t e r w it h
com m ent

H o b b in g a n d S h a p in g c u tt e r s a r e
s e n t f o r T in C o a t in g o n in t e r n a l
m e m o a n d u p d a t e T o o l L if e C a r d


M M P ro c e s s


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SAP-TO BE Process

1.3 Changes to Existing Organization

PRT stocks will be available online and availability check for these PRTs at order level will be done.

1.4 Description of Improvements and Key Metrics

PRT availability check will be transparent and will be available online.
PRT can be blocked for particular operation.
Total usage of the PRT will be available which describes for which material this PRT has been used
and for which order and what quantity has been produced.

1.5 Notes on Further Improvements


1.6 Functional Deficit and Method to Remove That

Stock of the PRTs should be continuously monitored in the system.

1.7 Interface Requirement

There are no interface requirements as no data is to be transferred from legacy system to SAP system.

1.8 System Configuration Considerations

Specific setting is required for order type dependent parameter and Specific setting is required for PRT
quantity calculation.

1.9 File Conversion Considerations

Usage of the PRT can be downloaded from SAP system to excel and print out can be taken if required.

1.10 Any reports required related to current business process

Usage of the PRT is available as a standard SAP report.

1.11 Any document/output would be printed for this business process

PRT usage report can be printed if required.

1.12 Authorization Considerations

All authorization consideration will be transactional related which is elaborated in 1.13.



Page 11

Business Roles

SAP-TO BE Process
Number of Users

Business Manager

Operations Manager

Master Production Scheduler / MRP Controller

Planning Engineers


Shop floor supervisor


1.13 End User Training Requirements

Business User Segments

Number of Users

Type of Transaction

Business Manager

Display, Reports

Operations Manager

Display, Change, Reports

Master Production Scheduler / MRP


Display, Change, Reports

Planning Engineers


Create, Change, Display

Shop floor supervisor





Geographical Location

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SAP-TO BE Process

1.14 Process Flow Chart

Figure 1: Production Order Creation



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SAP-TO BE Process

Figure 2: Goods Issue to Production Order

Sign-off (Approval) for this document:

Name of Team members:

Organization / Bus. Unit

Mr A.Sen


Mr N.M. Ogra


Mr S.M.Sharma


Pradeep Kumar Verma (Consultant PP)





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SAP-TO BE Process

2 SAP Standard Reports

SAP Standard Reports

Sl No:

Report Description

Selection Criteria



Stock Overview (MMBE)

Material, Plant & Storage location

Stock Status at each storage



Material List (MM60)

Material, Plant, Material Type &

Material Group

Material Master Details


Missing Parts Information List


Plant from Selection from

Reservations & MRP Controller from
Selection from Order with Profile for
Material View

Shortage List


Production Order Information

System (COOIS)


List: Item


Profile (Standard)


Production Order

Production Order Type

MRP Controller

Selection status Profile or

System Status

List of Orders based on

Selection Criteria
List of Orders based on
Selection Criteria, with material

List: Item

Profile (Standard)


Production Order

Production Order Type

MRP Controller

Selection status Profile or

System Status

List: Confirmations

Profile (Standard)

Production Order


List of Orders based on

Selection Criteria, with
confirmation details

List of Orders based on

Selection Criteria, with Goods
Issue & Receipt details

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SAP-TO BE Process

SAP Standard Reports

Sl No:

Report Description

Selection Criteria


PRT Where used in Task List (CA70)

Production Order Type

MRP Controller

Selection status Profile or

System Status

List: Documented Goods


Profile (Standard)

Production Order

Production Order Type

MRP Controller

Selection status Profile or

System Status

Production resources/Tools



PRT Usages in order

( CF11)

Type From

Status form

Usage from


Planner Group from

From Material number

Production resources/Tools



It will give PRT usages counter

Order Selection


Key Date

Task List


PRT Where used list with all

details .





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SAP-TO BE Process

SAP Standard Reports

Sl No:


Report Description

Selection Criteria

Production Scheduler

MRP controller group

Order type

Schedule start date

Scheduled delivery date



Person in charge

Selection profile status



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SAP-TO BE Process

3 Custom Developments

Print Requirements
Sl No:

Report Description

Selection Criteria


Development Requirements
Sl No:


Report Description

Selection Criteria


PRT Loan Slip


Page 18

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