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9, MAY 1, 2016


Near-Complete Radiation of Plasmonic Mode From

Nano-Slit to Free Space
Joonsoo Kim, Seung-Yeol Lee, and Byoungho Lee, Fellow, IEEE, Fellow, OSA

AbstractWe propose here an optical antenna structure that

can efficiently out-couple metal-insulator-metal plasmonic mode
to free space. For high emission efficiency, we focus on suppressing
backward reflection and leakage to nonradiating surface mode. To
block nonradiating surface mode, we design a trench structure at
the exit plane of the nanoslit. By properly balancing the reflectance
at the nanoslit exit and additional reflectance due to the returning
surface mode, near-zero reflection characteristics are obtained by
destructive interference. The design rules for parameter optimization are derived by using the scattering coefficients of the nanoslit
and the trench. The proposed scheme can be used to determine the
conditions for near-complete transmission through subwavelength
Index TermsNanoslits, out coupling, surface plasmons.

HE ability to concentrate light in a small volume is crucial
to many optical technologies, such as optical information
processing, microscopy, and optical data storage. However, in
general, the diffraction limit forbids light to be concentrated in
subwavelength volume, thereby limiting the scale-down of optical systems. Against the background of this limitation, surface
plasmon polaritons (SPPs), which are surface electromagnetic
waves that originate from the coupling of surface electron oscillations on metal surfaces and electromagnetic waves, attracted
the attention of many researchers as a prospective route to circumvent the diffraction limit [1][3]. For instance, the strong
light-matter interaction due to enhanced electromagnetic fields
on metal-dielectric interfaces allows the generation of subwavelength hot spots, scale-down of integrated optical components
and enhancement of nonlinear responses [4][6]. In particular, squeezing light into subwavelength slits or holes has been
one of the main interests in plasmonics. Because of the additional transmission pathways via SPP modes on the metal
surfaces, the transmission through subwavelength holes can be
significantly different from what one expects from the conventional diffraction theory. For example, the extraordinary optical

Manuscript received November 27, 2015; revised February 13, 2016; accepted February 16, 2016. Date of publication February 22, 2016; date of
current version March 18, 2016. This work was supported by the National
Research Foundation and the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning of
Korea through the Creative Research Initiatives Program (Active Plasmonics
Application Systems).
The authors are with the National Creative Research Center for Active Plasmonics Application Systems, Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center
and School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151
744, Korea (e-mail: polarstar@snu.ac.kr; ssodra87@snu.ac.kr; byoungho@
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JLT.2016.2533576

transmission occurs when incident plane wave resonantly couples to SPP modes by periodic holes [7], [8].
In the case of a single hole, it has been reported that the gratings surrounding the hole can enhance the optical transmission
by converting incoming plane waves to SPPs, which can potentially contribute to transmission [9][21]. To further enhance
optical transmission, several approaches have been tried. For
example, it was reported that the shapes of apertures or flanked
gratings can be modified to significantly enhance optical transmission [22], [23]. Structures, which do not include gratings,
have also been proposed [24][28]. It has been found that the
placement of metallic nano-rods or cylinder-shaped antennas
can enhance optical transmission through nano-slits. However,
previous researchers focused their attention mostly on the resonances that contribute to extraordinary transmission through
single nano-hole and the resulting enhancement factor of transmission, yet approaches based on perfect coupling techniques
are rarely found.
In this paper, we propose a structure for near-complete outcoupling of plasmonic waveguide mode of nano-slit to free
space. In principle, because of Lorentz reciprocity, the structure
can also be applied to in-coupling geometry, thereby providing
a means to near-complete transmission through nano-slit. In the
later part of this paper, we first analyze the scattering characteristics at the end of nano-slit when metal-insulator-metal (MIM)
plasmonic mode is launched from the nano-slit and specify the
components of the scattered wave that should be suppressed.
Thereafter, the out-coupling scheme is proposed and the design
rule explained. Finally, the design of the proposed out-coupling
structure is presented, and then it is shown that the optimized
structure indeed meets our design criterions. The numerical simulations are implemented using Fourier modal method, which is
proven to be a reliable tool for modal analysis of electromagnetic
problems [29].
Before introducing the proposed structure, it is necessary
to consider the out-coupling characteristics from MIM waveguide to free space. Throughout this study, the wavelength is
fixed at 633 nm and the permittivity of metal is modeled by
using the Drude model; () = p2 /( 2 + i), where
the parameters of silver are chosen ( = 3.7, p = 9 eV,
= 0.018 eV [30]). The schematic diagram in Fig. 1(a) shows
the scattered wave components when the MIM (Ag-silica-Ag)
plasmonic mode is incident from the bottom. At the end of the
waveguide, the input mode is scattered into three components:
the backward reflection, the free space radiation and the single
interface SPP mode at the metal/air interface. Fig. 1(b) shows

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Fig. 2. (a) Schematic diagram of the proposed structure. MIM plasmonic

mode is launched from the bottom. (b) Schematic depiction of the scattering
coefficients at the exit of the nano-slit and the trench. (c) Multiple reflections
that occur inside the cavity formed by the trench structures.
Fig. 1. (a) Scattering at the end of nano-slit when MIM plasmonic mode
is launched from the bottom (A g = 17.3 + 0.193i, silic a = 2.25). The
scattered wave can be decomposed into free space modes, SPP mode and backward reflection. (b) Dependence of power proportion for each scattered wave

the power flows of scattering waves normalized by the incident

power. The reflection increases as the slit width (w) decreases
and that is the main reason for the decrease of the radiation
power. The SPP mode also takes away about 20% of the incident
power, which further decreases the radiation power. Therefore,
suppression of reflection and SPP leakage are necessary to enhance out-coupling efficiency. As a design example, we set the
slit width at w = 50 nm, where the normalized power flows of
the backward reflection and the SPP leakage are 51% and 18%,
respectively. However, we note that our design scheme can be
applied to different widths of the slit, as long as the single-mode
condition for MIM waveguide is satisfied.
To eliminate the reflection and SPP leakage, a trench-type antenna structure is proposed as shown in Fig. 2(a). The trenches
are placed on both sides of the waveguide to block the SPP
mode [31][33]. Due to the cavity formed by the trenches, SPPs
are trapped between the trenches until they finally escape into
free space or return back to the MIM waveguide. By properly
adjusting the trench positions (x), it is possible to reduce the
reflection of the overall structure due to interference of the initial reflection at the waveguide exit and the contribution of the
returning SPPs trapped between the trenches. Furthermore, for
near-complete cancellation of the reflection, a dielectric (silica)
coating is added, because the thickness of the coating (h) can be

used to balance the reflection and the SPP leakage at the exit of
the nano-slit [34].
The complete out-coupling conditions can be expressed in
terms of scattering coefficients. Fig. 2(b) shows the scattering
coefficients needed to calculate the reflection and SPP leakage
of the whole structure. and 0 denote respectively the complex
scattering coefficients of SPP leakage and backward reflection
at the nano-slit without trenches, when MIM plasmonic mode
is launched from the bottom. ( , ) and (t, r) are respectively
the transmittance and reflectance pairs at the nano-slit and the
trench for the SPP incidence from the left. First, the blocking condition of leakage SPP can be easily written as |t| 0.
Next, the zero-reflection condition can be obtained by calculating complex reflection coefficient of the overall structure. Since
the configuration of the proposed structure and the waveguide
input possesses the same mirror symmetry, complex coefficients
of the SPPs which experienced n1 times of reflections at the
trenches (an ) can be described by single recursive relation. As
shown in Fig. 2(c), {an } is a geometric sequence that satisfies
an +1 = ( + )ran (a1 = ) where = exp(2ikSPP x)
and kSPP is the complex propagation constant of the SPP mode
at the air-dielectric-metal waveguide. Hence, the complex reflectance of the total structure is given as:
R() = 0 + 2r

n =1

an = 0 +

22 r
1 r( + )


While x does not have to be longer than the effective

wavelength of SPP (SPP = 2/Re{kSPP }) for full-phase



adjustment of the , typical propagation lengths of SPPs are

as large as tens of SPP at the operating wavelength. Therefore,
it is valid to assume that || 1 and the condition for zero
reflection (R() = 0) can be obtained as follows:


|| =
|r| 0 ( + ) 2 
When Eq. (2) is satisfied, the reflection becomes nearly zero
for some x. To sum up, the conditions for complete outcoupling can be expressed as |t| = 0 and |r| |r0 |, where the reflectance r0 is defined as r0 = 0 /[0 ( + ) 22 ]. It should
be noted that t and r depend on L, d and h, while r0 depends
only on h, because the scattering coefficients 0 , , and are
not related to the trench. The condition |t| = 0 can be satisfied
by adjusting the trench parameters L and d. As will be shown in
the optimization procedure in the next section, there are discrete
sets of (L0 , d0 ) which lead to |t| = 0. When the pairs (L0 , d0 ) for
a fixed value of h are found, there remain very few choices to
balance |r| and |r0 |. Hence, the dielectric coating thickness (h),
which affects both |r(L0 (h), d0 (h), h)| and |r0 (h)|, is used as the
balancing parameter of reflectance.
Based on the foregoing observations, the design procedure
of the proposed structure can be established. First, the target
reflectance r0 (h) should be extracted from the scattering coefficients that depend on the dielectric coating thickness. Next, the
maps of t and r on the (L, d) parameter space are obtained for different dielectric coating thicknesses to determine the optimal h.
Then, appropriate value of x should be found to minimize the
reflection. After parameter optimization, the radiation pattern
from the structure is discussed.
As the first step of optimization, the target reflectance r0
depending on the thickness of the dielectric coating layer is
calculated. Only those coating thicknesses which are less than
200 nm are considered here, because the higher order bound
modes can be supported by air-dielectric-metal waveguide when
h becomes more than 250 nm [35]. In such a situation, it would
be much difficult to block multiple modes by using a single
trench structure and the design procedure based on Eqs. (1)
and (2) will no longer be valid. Fig. 3(a) illustrates the dependence of | 0 |2 and 2||2 on the coating thickness, and the solid
line in Fig. 3(b) shows the corresponding dependence of |r0 |
due to the change in scattering coefficients. One can predict that
decrease of | 0 | and increase of || would lead to decrease of |r0 |,
because less returning SPP is required to cancel the reflection.
The tendency that appears in Fig. 3(a) and (b) agrees with the
expected trend.
After the extraction of r0 , SPP transmission and reflection
coefficients depending on the length and depth of the trench
for different coating thicknesses (50, 100, 150, and 200 nm) are
calculated. As a representative, the case for h = 150 nm is shown
in Fig. 3(c) and (d). It is possible to clearly identify the points
where |t| = 0 is satisfied by phase singularities, such as the one
marked by red circle in Fig. 3(e). Since |r(L0 , d0 , h)| and |r0 (h)|
are comparable at the marked point, one can expect that the
optimal h, which satisfies |r| = |r0 |, can be found. The marked

Fig. 3. (a) The reflection (| 0 |2 , solid line) and the SPP coupling (2||2 , dashed
line) at the exit of nano-slit without the trenches. (b) The h dependence of the
target reflectance (|r0 |, solid line) calculated by Eq. (2) and the SPP reflectance
(|r|, dashed line) at the trench when |t|0 is satisfied. (c) The transmission
amplitude, (d) reflection amplitude, and (e) transmission phase of the SPP
depending on L and d. (f) Normalized power flows of the reflection (solid line)
and SPP leakage (dashed line) varying with the trench position (x).

zero transmittance point shifts as h varies and the change of

reflectance |r(L0 , d0 , h)| is shown in Fig. 3(b). Fine tuning near
h = 100 nm reveals that h = 95 nm satisfies the condition |r| =
|r0 |; the corresponding L0 and d0 for zero SPP transmittance are
315 and 50 nm, respectively.
Fig. 3(f) shows the normalized power flows for the reflection and SPP leakage of the whole structure, depending on the
trench position (x). The reflection dips appear in periodic
fashion and the period agrees with half of the SPP wavelength
(227 nm, nSPP = 1.39), as can be expected from Eq. (1). The
reflected powers at x = 300 and 530 nm are 1.0% and 0.4%,
respectively. The peaks of the SPP leakage also appear periodically due to Fabry-Perot resonance between the trenches,
but the peak values near the near-zero reflection dips are below
0.8%. The loss of the overall structure is lower than 10% in both
cases. Thus, an efficient out-coupler without reflection and SPP
leakage is successfully designed.
Fig. 4(a) shows the |Hy | field profile when the trenches are
removed from the optimized structure. Leakage SPPs and the
beating pattern inside the nano-slit, due to backward reflection,



backward reflection and SPP leakage, which degrade outcoupling efficiency, are almost completely eliminated for the
optimized structure. Lastly, the radiation patterns of the two
optimized structures are briefly discussed. By combining the
plasmonic beaming disciplines, the proposed structure may allow unprecedentedly high transmission through nano-slits.


Fig. 4. |H y | field distributions when (a) the trenches are removed from the
optimized structure, and for the two optimized cases when (b) x = 300 nm
and (c) x = 530 nm.

are clearly visible. In contrast to this, in the |Hy | field profiles

of the optimized structures shown in Fig. 4(b) and (c), leakage
SPP and the beating are barely visible.
Though two values of x give similar out-coupling performance in terms of reflection and SPP leakage, their radiation
patterns are quite different and such difference should be taken
into account in practice, because the numerical aperture of optical measurement system is limited. While the total out-coupling
powers are almost the same, the main lobe strength is stronger
when x is chosen as 530 nm, rather than 300 nm. The dependence of radiation pattern on x can be understood from the
fact that total radiation is the sum of three wave components:
the radiation of MIM plasmonic mode from the nano-slit when
the trenches are absent, the scattering of the returning SPPs
at the exit of the nano-slit and the scattering at the trenches. As
x increases, the relative phase of the scattered wave from the
trenches is delayed and the phase delay, in turn, changes the
interference pattern.
We conclude this section by noting that the trench in the
proposed structure can be replaced with other types of SPP
blockers, such as dielectric bumps or periodic gratings. The use
of different SPP blockers may change the radiation patterns and
it would be possible to exploit this degree of freedom for output
beam shaping [36], [37].
The paper presented the full design procedure for an efficient out-coupler that bridges the MIM plasmonic waveguides
and free space. By scattering coefficient modeling, the design procedure, in terms of transmittance and reflectance, has
been established and numerically implemented. It is found that

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Joonsoo Kim received the Bachelors degree from the School of Electrical
Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2012. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the School of Electrical Engineering,
Seoul National University.
His research interests include design of plasmonic devices and waveguide
mode conversions.

Seung-Yeol Lee received the Bachelors and Ph.D. degrees from the School of
Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 2009 and
2014, respectively.
He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher with the National Creative Research Center for Active Plasmonics Application Systems, Seoul National University. His current research interests include designing of surface plasmon
polariton-based devices, meta-surfaces, and polarization-dependent plasmonic

Byoungho Lee (M94SM00F14) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California at Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA, USA, in 1993. In 1994, he joined the Faculty of the School of
Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, where he is
currently serving as the Department Chair. He has been on the Board of Directors of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and a Member of the Strategic
Planning Committee of OSA. He is currently on the editorial board of the journals Light: Science & Applications and Applied Physics B.
His group has published more than 360 international journal papers and
more than 650 international conference papers, including more than 120 invited presentations. His current research interests include diffractive optics for
nanostructures, surface plasmon polartions, and 3-D display. He is currently the
Director of the National Creative Research Center for Active Plasmonics Application Systems, funded by the National Research Foundation and the Ministry
of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea.
Dr. Lee is a Fellow of the SPIE, OSA and a Member of the Korean Academy
of Science and Technology.

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