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Rectangular Marquee tool

The Rectangular Marquee tool is used for making
rectangular selections within an image. It is among the most basic
of tools, and appears in most every image editing program

It can be used to prepare an image for cropping, while the similar Crop
tool automatically completes the crop when used.


Elliptical Marquee Tool

This marquee tool is used for circular and oval selections.


Lasso Tool
The lasso tool is used to create irregularly shaped selections. It
includes the lasso for freehand selections.


Polygonal Lasso Tool

The Polygonal Lasso Tool is used to make selections by drawing a

series of straight lines to makea polygonal shape.


Magnectic Lasso Tool

In this tool you click within the image to start or begin creating your
selection and drag the mouse (having released the button) to create
selection path.


Magic Wand Tool

The magic Wand Tool lets you to select a consistently colored area
(for example, a red flower) wihout having to trace its outline, you
specify the color range, or tolerance, for the magic wand tools selection.


Crop Tool

The Crop tool allows you to select an area of an image and

discard everything outside this area.


Healing Brush Tool

The Healing Brush tool allows you to fix image imperfections

such as scratches, blemishes, etc. By sampling the surrounding
area or using a predefined pattern you can blend the imperfections
into the rest of the image.


Spot Healing Brush Tool

The spot healing brush is the default healing tool in Photoshop

and can be used to clone areas from an image and blend the
pixels from the sampled area seamlessly with the target area. The
basic principle is that the texture from the sample area is blended with
the color and luminosity surrounding wherever you paint.


Path Tool

The Path Selection* Tool selects and moves (fragments of)

existing path's / vector shape mask's segments / anchor points


Red Eye Tool

The Red Eye Tool in Photoshop removes the red eye in the
flash photos.


Clone Stamp Tool

Photoshop's clone stamp tool allows you to duplicate part of an

image. The process involves setting a sampling point in the
image which will be used as a reference to create a new cloned


Background Eraser Tool

The background eraser tool allows you to remove the

background colour from an image or layer. When you click the
image, the eraser samples the colour at the centre of the brush and
erases this colour as you drag. Options in the toolbar allow you to
specify the type of erasure, colour tolerance and sampling method.


Magic Eraser Tool

The magic eraser tool erases all colours within a set tolerance.
This is essentially the same as using the magic wand and
hitting Delete. Using this tool you don't need to drag just click once.


Color Replacement Tool

The Color Replacement Tool replaces color you paint on with

foreground color without painting over image detail.


Blur Tool

The Blur Tool unfocuses image areas


Sharpen Tool

The Sharpen Tool is used to sharpen areas edges of the

image by painting over them.


Burn Tool

The burn Tool also works best on grayscale images. The

burn tool will just turn the area black or sunburnedlooking.


Sponge Tool

The Sponge Tool allows you to adjust the color saturation

where you paint.


Pen Tool

Pen Tool, we can create lines and curves that can be put
together to create custom shapes. If we combine the pen tool
with some of the other vector shapes, we can create some intricate,
scalable objects

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