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Time allocation

: Junior High School 4 Pekanbaru

: Integrated Natural Science (Biology Science)
: 1 x 40 minutes

A. Core Competences
1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion.
2. Living and practicing honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive and demonstrate behaviors
as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and
natural environment and put themselves as a reflection of the nation in the association world.
3. Understand, implement, and analyze knowledge factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive by curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the
insight of humanity, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events,
as well as applying procedural knowledge in specific areas of study that suit their talents and
interests to solve problems.
4. Process, reason, and presents it in domain of the concrete and the abstract domain associated
with the development of the learned in school independently, to act effectively and
creatively, and are able to use the method according to the rules of science
B. Basic Competences
1.1 Admire the order and complexity of God's creation on the physical and chemical aspects
of life in the ecosystem, and the role of humans in the environment and make it happen
in practice the teachings of their religion.
2.1 Show behavioral science (curiosity; objective; honest; careful; meticulous; diligent;
careful; be responsible; open; critical; creative; innovative and caring environment) in
their daily activities as a form of implementation of the attitude in conducting
observations, experimentation, and discussion.
2.2 Appreciate the work of individuals and groups in their daily activities as a form of
implementation conducting experiments and report experimental results.
3.1 Explain the relevance of plant tissue structure and function, as well as a wide range of
utilization in technology inspired by the structure.
4.1 Observations of the structure of plant tissues, and produce a simple technology ideas
inspired by the structure (eg, building design).
C. Indicators
1.1.1 Shows the attitude of admiration for the complexity of God's creation of the material
respiration and photosynthesis.
2.1.1 Being polite, creative and cooperation in the process of learning about respiration and
3.1.1 Explain how the process of respiration and photosynthesis in plants.

4.1.1 Communicating the results of the discussion about the process of respiration and
photosynthesis in plants.
D. Competency Achievement Indicators Students may show the attitude of admiration for the complexity of God's creation to
watch the process of respiration and photosynthesis in plants through group
discussion. Students may show politeness, creative and cooperation in the process of learning
about respiration and photosynthesis through discussion groups. Students may explain respiratory organs in plants through group discussion. Students may explain how the process of respiration in plants with group discussions. Students may explain how the process of photosynthesis that occurs in plants through
group discussion. Students may present their work well through discussions.
E. Strategi and Methodes of Learing
Strategi Pembelajaran
: Cooperative type Group Investigation
: Lectures, question and answer, discussion.
F. Learning Materials
Learning materials: Structure Plants and The utilization in Technology
1. Respiration process
Cell respiration is the decomposition of complex compounds into simpler compounds by
liberating energy. Reapirasi process occurs within the mitochondria. Compounds can be
complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The energy obtained in the process of
respiration are used in the metabolic activity of the plant body.
2. Photosyntesis process.
Photosynthesis is the process of formation of organic matter (carbohydrates), with the
help of sunlight. This photosynthesis occurs only pad cells that have chlorophyll. Ie on
some bacteria, and plants.
G. Learning Activities
Early Activities
(10 minutes)

Aperception :
Teacher remind the material last week and relate it to lessons
at the current meeting.
Motivation :
The teacher gives examples of two plants, red spinach and
green plants. The teacher asked the students, "Do you think
the red spinach can photosynthesize?"
Submission of learning objectives:
The learning objectives (Competency Achievement Indicators
delivered in manila paper and taped on the board).

Main Activities
(20 minutes)
Phase I

Phase II

Phase III

Phase IV
Phase V
Closing Activities
(10 minutes)

1. Identify the topic and group split
a. Students are divided into groups of 3-4 people
b. Each group chose lottery numbers
c. Number one is welcome to choose two topics of
learning goals for a joint investigation group.
2. Planning task
a. Teacher provides student worksheet to assist
students in conducting the investigation phase
b. Each group split sub material that will be addressed
to the members of the group.
c. Each group made a material planning investigation.
3. Creating investigations
Students collect, analyze and evaluate information,
make conclusions and apply their part in the new
knowledge in achieving solutions to problems the
4. Prepare to be presented
Each group prepares the final project will be presented
in front of the class.
5. Presentation
Each group asked to present his investigation in front
of the class.
1. Teachers guide students to give a conclusion, then do
the verification.
2. Teachers give rewards to the most active group.
3. Teachers provide post-test at the end of the lesson.
4. Teachers provide follow-up in the form of assignment to
bring materials lab next meeting.

H. Penilaian, Pengayaan dan Remedial

1. Written Assessment (Objective test)
2. Ratings attitude (attitude observation sheets)
3. Performance assessment (simulation test)
I. Media/Alat, Bahan dan Sumber Belajar
1. Integrated Science Books Erland class VIII.
2. Figure organ composer plant photosynthesis and respiration.
3. Media concept map respiration and photosynthesis.
4. LKS non experiments on respiration and photosynthesis.

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