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John Zimmerman of the University of Colorado using a SQUID

(Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) has discovered that magnetic
fields several hundred times stronger than background noise are created
around the hands of trained healers when doing healing work on patients. No
such fields are created by sham healers making the same movements indicating
something special is happening with the trained healers. The frequencies of the
magnetic fields surrounding the hands of the trained healers were of the alpha
and theta wave range similar to those seen in the brain of meditators.
Becoming an Energy Healer: A qualitative exploration -- Deogracia Cornelio,
Sara L. Warber, Michigan Integrative Medicine, University of Michigan, and
Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan
Objective: To elucidate the concepts and processes related to becoming a
biofield energy healer.
Materials and Methods: Nineteen participants were selected to represent a
variety of energy healing modalities from a Midwestern U.S. metropolitan area.
Semi-structured interviews elicited their descriptions of healing theory and
practice. Interview transcripts were qualitatively analyzed to identify recurrent
themes, conceptual categories and relationships. They were reviewed and
validated by a second investigator.
Results: The healer and client enter the healing space and are defined anew as
partners, as agents, as energy entities. The ability to help others heal is achieved
through an awareness of and an openness to energy. The healers role is one
of facilitator of the clients own ability to heal, a conduit for the energy. Healers
talk of holding clients in a sacred space of deep love and compassion to
meet the client where he or she is and work with them. Thus, they must reach
a state characterized by clear intent. This state demands a practice of self-care
and self-management, which bring the healer to embody important aspects of
their definition of energy, health and ethical practice. The healers identity is one
of living the practice.
Conclusion: Becoming an energy healer extends beyond formal training and into
the development of a cohesive practice informed by a complex system of beliefs
and the principles of their traditions. It includes mentorship, overarching
philosophical explorations and ongoing self-regulation. The healer state and
identity are defined by what is conducive to health and promotes healing. -Funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program

A Reiki-like technique (thus, all forms of energy healing are potent) demonstrated
its ability to increase hemoglobin values. A medical doctor, Otelia Bengssten,
M.D. conducted an experiment with a group of 79 sick patients. Together the
patients had a wide range of diagnosed illnesses including pancreatitis, brain
tumor, emphysema, multiple endocrine disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and
congestive heart failure. Laying-on hands treatments were given to 46 patients
with 33 as controls. The treated patients showed significant increases in
hemoglobin values. The effect was so pronounced that even cancer patients who
were being treated with bone marrow-suppressive agents which predictably
induce decreases in hemoglobin values showed an increase. The majority of
patients also reported improvement or complete disappearance of symptoms.
The Effect of Non-contact Therapeutic Touch on the Healing Rate of Full
Thickness Dermal Wounds -- Daniel P. Wirth, M.S., J.D.
The effect of Noncontact Therapeutic Touch (NCTT) on the rate of surgical
wound healing was examined in a double-blind study. Full-thickness dermal
wounds were incised on the lateral deltoid region using a skin punch biopsy
instrument, on healthy subjects randomly assigned to treatment or control
groups. Subjects were blinded both to group assignment and to the true nature of
the active treatment modality in order to control placebo and expectation effects.
Incisions were dressed with gas-permeable dressings, and wound surface areas
were measured on Days 0, 8, and 16 using a direct tracing method and
digitization system. Active and control treatments were comprised of daily
sessions of five minutes of exposure to a hidden Therapeutic Touch practitioner
or to sham exposure. Results showed that treated subjects experienced a
significant acceleration in the rate of wound healing as compared to non-treated
subjects at day 8 (Mann-Whitney U; z = -5.675; n = 44; p<.001; 2 tailed), and at
day 16 (X2 = 16.847, df = 1; p<.001). Statistical comparisons are dominated by
the complete healing of 13 of 23 treated subjects vs. 0 of 21 control subjects by
day 16. Placebo effects and the possible influences of suggestion and
expectation of healing were eliminated by isolating the subjects from the
Therapeutic Touch practitioner, by blinding them to the nature of the therapy
during the study, and by the use of an independent experimenter who was
blinded to the nature of the therapy. The findings of this study demonstrate, at
least, the potential for NCTT in the healing of full-thickness human dermal
"Mantra meditation proves its power to lower blood pressure. In a recent study
the American Heart Association' Journal "Hypertension", researchers report that
Mantra meditation beat out two other nonmedical approaches to hypertension.
Individuals who practiced mantra mediation lowered their blood pressure

significantly more that those assigned to a group instructed on lifestyle

modification, and twice as much as participants who used progressive muscle
relaxation ( a technique that tenses and relaxes muscles throughout the body). In
fact, the reductions achieved by mantra meditation are comparable to those
achieved by use of antihypertensive drugs."
-- Natural Health February 1997
On the physical, sound has the ability to rearrange molecular structure. This
is a scientific fact. As we know, everything in the universe is in a state of
vibration, from the chair you may be sitting in to the pages of this magazine. All
the various parts of our body are also in a state of vibration, from the various
organs, tissues, bones, etc. When we are in a state of health, all these bodily
parts are working together in harmony, creating an overall harmonic of health. If
one of these parts begins to vibrate at a different rate, this is what we call
disease. One of the basic concepts of healing with sound on the physical body is
to project the correct resonant frequency of the organ, or whatever is out of
balance, back into the body.
On the emotional and mental bodies, music is very effective. In particular, music
affects the limbic system, that aspect of the brain which governs emotional
response. Through using specific music (specific for the individual), we can help
elicit certain emotional responses that may be very therapeutic and
transformative in their nature.
For the spiritual body, both sound and music can be equally effective. In
particular, I believe that self-created sounds such as mantras, vowel sounds
and harmonics are most powerful, though of course, listening to either
recorded or live music or chanting can also be very effective.
Naturally, since we now know of the inter-relationship between the mind and the
body, that which affects the emotional or mental will also effect the physical and
vice-versa. This includes the spiritual body as well, of course. -- Jonathan
A thought came to mind, that probably many devotees think about. Why is it I /
we have been chanting, mediating, all these years yet too many of us do not
achieve the various mentioned benefits scientifically proven for it?
The more I thought about it, the more I realized, sadly, most of us are not
REALLY giving our full attention to our japa. Oh, we try, but in kali yuga we have

to a) create surroundings of non-interruption; but more importantly b) we have to

want to have to be determined to do nothing else when we are chanting, except
to chant.
For example, too many of us, and I am no exception, are chanting our japa
saying aloud Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, but thinking inwardly I need to do
that pile of laundry in the corner. Then outwardly Krishna Krishna, but inwardly,
This house is so messy!, yet outwardly: Hare Hare, But inwardly as we roll
our beads: And today I need to go to the bank, Outwardly: Hare Rama, Hare
Rama/Rama Rama Hare Hare. Internally: And when Im done at the bank
.. :) You get the idea.
Im not about to criticize anyone so please dont take it that way. Simply its up to
each individual, if you want to achieve the desired results, from health to getting
out of this material word at the time of death, going back to home, back to
Godhead, we simply need to focus and think of NOTHING ELSE when chanting
Hare Krishna, except for HARE KRISHNA! :-)
Years ago when I lived in the ashrama we would take a picture of Krishna with us
during japa or look at a painting on the wall. (I was lucky to join in a temple that
had a lot of artists). These things are of course, acceptable and even beneficial.
But they were to help us focus better on Krishna, not the opposite. For example,
someone could look at a picture of the Lord in the books, but we could not read
-- at that time. That is, we could read but when one is chanting, then chant. When
reading, then read. When sweeping the floor, then sweep the floor. Doing one
thing at a time is a struggle for multi-taskers of kali yuga. Keep it simple.
Which brings us back full circle to the fact that when we are chanting Hare
Krishna, our focus should not be on business or housework or anything else.
Rather, as Prabhupada always told us, it should be on HEARING and
CHANTING. Bas. Thats it. Then we CAN achieve our goal! Its simple, not hard.
Its merely a matter of a willingness to take on the simple discipline, which really
brings bliss! Prabhupada ki jai! ~ YS, Prtha dd

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