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Effects of Partial Pressure C8I (16)'

Question 160 (in database)

Which of the following factors is responsible for regula ting breathing?
a) The pressure of the atmosphere.
b) The differential pressure across the diaphragm.
cl The level of Carbon Dioxide in the blood.
dl The capacity of the lungs.
The correct answer is c.
Question 79 (in database)
Complete the following statement. After SCUBA diving to a depth of just over 30 ft, using
compressed air, it is recommended that a person does not fly for:
a) 12 hours.
b) 24 hours.
c) 48 hours.
d) 6 hours.
The correct answer is b.
Question 81 (in database)
Complete the following statement. A likely symptom, or likely symptoms, of Hypoxia might be:
a) cyanosis.
b) increased heart rate.
c) formication.
d) all of the above.
The correct answer is d.
Question 83 (in database)
Complete the following sentence. If, while piloting an aircraft, you suspect that you are suffering
from spatial disorders (e.g. a feeling of tumbling backwards after a rapid transition from a climb
to straight and level flight), the correct action to take would be:
a) to trust your senses, because instruments can give false information.
b) to concentrate on looking out.
cl to trust your aircraft's instruments.
d) to close your eyes for a few seconds to regain your orientation.
The correct answer is c.

Question 74 (in database)

Above what altitude do pilots need to breath supplementary oxygen?

a) 2000 ft

b) 8000 ft
c) 10,000ft
d) 20,000 ft
The correct answer is c .
Question 76 (in database)
Complete the following statement. The effects of Hypoxia can be increased by:
a) increased altitude.
b) increased temperature .
c) alcohol.
d) all of the above.
The correct answer is d.
Question 162 (in database)
That part of atmospheric pressure caused by the presence of Oxygen in the air is known as:
a) Liquid Oxygen.
b) Air Pressure .
c) The Partial Pressure of Oxygen.
d) vacuum.
The correct answer is c.
Question 77 (in database)
Complete the following statement with the most correct of the options a), b), c) or d). Compared
to a non-smoker, someone who smokes is likely to experience the effects of hypoxia at:
a) a higher altitude .
b) a lower altitude.
c) the same altitude .
d) any altitude.
The correct answe is b.

Question 80 (in database)

You are taking a friend Hying and are cruising at 6000 ft.. Your passenger complains of tingling
sensations, dizziness and visual disorders, and then becomes anxious and begins breathing
abnormally. Your passenger is probably suffering from:
a) Hypoxia.
b) Hyperventilation.
c) Food poisoning.

d) Angina.
The correct answer is b.
Question 158 (in database)
You are flying at 2500 ft. on the Regional Pressure Setting. Your passenger begins to display
symptoms associated with hypoxia, and is showing signs of laboured breathing. The passenger
is probably suffering from:
a) Air Sickness.
b) Travel Sickness.
c) Hallucinations.
d) Hyperventilation.

Tne correct answer is d.

Question 78 (in database)

Complete the following statement. A likely symptom , or likely symptoms, of Hypoxia might be:
a) unconsciousness.
b) impaired judgement
cl tingling fingers and toes.
d) all of the above.
The COITect answer is d.
Question 151 (in database)
You have two passengers in your unpressurised aircraft and, at an altitude of 8000 feet, one of
them displays symptoms of hypoxia but the other does not. The most likely reason for this is that
the hypoxic passenger is probably:
a) elderly.
b) a small child.
c) has consumed several units of alcohol, whilst the other has not.
d) is suffering from blocked sinuses.
he correct answer is c.

Question 75 (in database)

Complete the following statement. The condition whereby the body does not receive enough
oxygen to function correctly is known as :
a) Hypotension.
b) Hyperventilation .
c) Hyperglycaemia.
d) Hypoxia.
The correct answer is d.
Question 161 (in database)
Why do aircrew and passengers suffer from lack of Oxygen at high allitude?
a) Because of the rapid decrease in temperature with altitude.
b) Because of the decrease in the proportion of Oxygen in the air with increasing altitude .
c) Because the air at altitude is thin.

Id) Because of the lower atmospheric pressure at altitude.

iThe correct answer is d.
Question 82 (in dabb::asc)

If you have suffered prolonged exposure to exhaust gases, what period of time should elapse
before you pilot an aircraft?
a) 2 weeks.
b)A number of days.
c) 3 hours.
d) 12 hours.
The correct answer is b.
Question 159 (in database)
What would be the most likely initial symptoms of lack of oxygen ?
a) Difficulty in carrying out mental tasks, and loss of inhibitions.
b) Memory loss.
c) Poor muscular control.
d) Nausea and a light-headed sensation.
The correct answer is a.

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