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The Astrologer, the Counsellor and the Priest - Two Seminars on Astrological Counselling

Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene

In this volume, the complexities and challenges of working as an astrologer are explored on many
levels, from the practical to the psychological and philosophical. It is only recently that the
responsibilities of the astrologer in relation to the client have begun to be defined, and this book offers
sound practical advice about working in the astrological session as well as provocative insights into the
reasons why one becomes an astrologer in the first place.
Part One, Astrological Counselling (by Juliet Sharman-Burke) first explores the important issue of
boundaries, and then examines the value of sound communication techniques in order to make the
astrological session comprehensible and helpful to the client. The interaction between astrologer and
client in many typical situations - couples seeking advice, the severely disturbed client, the client
wishing to know about death, the problems involved in predicting events - is examined from both a
practical and a therapeutic perspective, and an evaluation of the dangers and risks involved in poor
communication and prejudgement of the client reminds the astrologer that the horoscope does not
render him or her exempt from needing a thorough understanding of human interaction.
Part Two, The Astrologer, the Counsellor and the Priest (by Liz Greene) begins with an examination of
the role of the astrologer in context of astrology's history. The archetypal background which motivates
any individual to study astrology is then deeply examined, followed by a discussion of the charts of two
great modern astrologers - Dane Rudhyar and Alan Leo - from the perspective of the personal worldview which any individual astrologer espouses. Charts from the group help to illustrate what motivates
those who choose to become astrologers. The unconscious dynamics of the astrological session are then
discussed, particularly the projections which occur between astrologer and client (transference and
countertransference), as well as the deeper psychological reasons - both positive and negative - which
impel individuals into taking on the role of the helper
Review by Anthony Owen - Astrological Journal, March/April 1998
For a profession which spends so much time in trying to connect to the deeper meaning of actions spiritual or psychological depending on one's viewpoint - it has always been a surprise to me how little
literature there is analysing our own motives for becoming astrologers and how we relate to our clients.
From the first time our own or another's chart suddenly 'comes alive' for us we know that we are
playing with magic of some sort or another. We know that this is more than just marks on paper, and in
stepping outside of the mundane we (hopefully) touch issues which can be of great import for both the
client, the astrologer, and, maybe, the collective. This should not be taken lightly.
The latest CPA publication (though the numbering seems to have gone a little awry, this Vol. 2 and Vol.
9 have been published simultaneously, whilst the intervening volumes have been available for a year)
brings to bear the considerable talents of two of the centre's tutors and their students, in a wide-ranging
discussion on the practice, power and responsibilities of being a working astrologer. The format is, as
usual for this series, a transcript of live seminars, with the disadvantage that there is no methodology in
the astrological material covered (lovers of astrological cookbooks should stop here!) However this is
far outweighed by the immediacy of real people obviously discussing issues which are important to
them. Juliet Sharman-Burke's section on astrological counselling starts with the most basic of themes,

the consultation room, advertising and referrals, charging fees, all so important and so often neglected.
Even if you have found working practices which you are comfortable with, this section still contains
much of value. Finding out that other astrologers have also had to dare to ask the same questions is
both reassuring and challenging to a methodology which may have become a habit. ('What to do with a
client whom we simply do not like?' 'What about friends' charts?' 'What to do when a client cries, or
threatens me?) From there Ms Sharman-Burke moves on to communication skills and the internal
dynamics of a consultation - transference and countertransference.
Which leads to Liz Greene's section, from which this volume takes its name. Her views on the training
and responsibilities of astrologers are well known, and those who do not agree with her will find no
comfort here, though she does at one stage admit she is being deliberately provocative. She does,
however, give some reasons for her belief that astrologers should themselves go through a process of
therapy or psychoanalysis, and links this with the position which we have been 'forced' to take by the
collective, and hence by many of our clients.
Despite the fact that this seminar also apparently deals with the position of the astrologer both within
the 'helping professions', society in general and in the consultation room, it still succeeds - in Ms
Greene's customary style - in bringing up personal issues of deeper import. A fascinating consideration
of the archetypal background of astrology leads to the analysis of several charts of astrologers - and a
virulent 'non-astrologer'! Finally there is a group discussion on the issues which brought the
participants to astrology in the first place and the suggestion that it is of value to study the transits and
progressions in operation when any astrologer first begins to consider their art seriously - an exercise
which is so blindingly obvious it is likely that few of us have done it; this book is worth getting simply
for some of the comments in this section alone.
As an added bonus there are a number of footnotes for further reading, outside astrology but within
psychology, which are well wroth following up. It seems churlish to have any complaints about such a
valuable book, but there are two which would take so little time to rectify and would be so valuable.
Whilst the style of astrology practised by the CPA is very much House-based, for those of us used to
more Sign-based charts the 'American style' charts used by the CPA are nearly unreadable - please,
please, there are so many attractive and easy-to-read computer-generated charts available now the
reader surely deserves better. And secondly, as any half-way decent processor can now generate an
index in but a few minutes I can see no reason why any book produced now should be without one. By
virtue of their format the CPA volumes are books to dip into, and a good index would make that so
much easier. These are but details, but when there is so much of value it is a shame that there are any
This is a book which should not just be recommended, but compulsory reading for all professional and
semi-professional astrologers. Juliet Sharman-Burke's section contains advice which will stand anyone
in good stead, and Ms Greene's section asks questions which, whether one agrees with her conclusions
or not, should be considered by every astrologer. I would suggest that we risk failing both our clients
and ourselves if we do not.
Copyright 1998 The Astrological Journal
Review by Donna van Toen - The Mountain Astrologer, August/September 1998

This book consists of two transcribed seminars given as part of the Centre for Psychological Astrology
curriculum. Part One, "Astrological Counselling," is by Juliet Sharman-Burke, a teacher and consultant
in astrology who is also a qualified analytical psychotherapist. In this section, you'll find a discussion
of everything you need to be aware of as a counsellor: boundaries (including time and fees);
communication skills (including paraphrasing and the art of asking questions); projection; "splitting
off" (and other forms of unconscious communication); and the difficulties caused by using too much
jargon. You'll also find exercises in listening, hearing, and interpreting. The emphasis throughout this
section is on practical issues that need to be considered when setting up an astrological practice - from
your choice of room to the power of predictions.
The use of questions from an audience of astrologers who have experience seeing clients nearly
guarantees that your own

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