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The Magic Prayer

Letting go of judgments to gain personal freedom.

by Andres Aguila

There seems to be a rather strange malfunction in the human existence, which is to separate from other humans.
Rather than working together for a peaceful existence, the normal activity of humans appears to divide.
One of the surest ways that I have found to misery is to judge others. There is a dark magic that takes place in
the act of judging others, which has a boomerang effect and smacks us onto our bums. Though I am thankful
for the humility that comes with such a smack down, I am learning to humble myself and walk in humility
rather than waiting for life to do it for me. The master Yahshua (Yahshua is the original Hebrew name for Jesus) warned us "Do
not judgefor in the manner that you judgeyou will be judged." I believe the seriousness of this statement is
not simply for some ethereal afterlife experience in front of some white pearly gates with Saint Pete, rather it is
for right now, in this lifetime.
I believe that there is a spiritual law in effect regarding judgment, which governs our ability to be free or not to
be free. Through years of study, as well as years of research in my own life and in the lives of many students
and seekers of truth, I have determined that the warning must be true. When we judge others, we are in essence
judging ourselves. Here again, I am not speaking about simply an ethereal idea of the ego and the oneness of all
humanity, although that is part of it. I am talking about right here, right now; in our face consequences to our
actionsand sometimes these returns are devastating. The bitter seeds of judgment that we plant, if left to
grow, form bitter roots, and produce bitter fruits in our own lives.
Even specific judgments somehow return to us, quite often in the same form as the judgment we put out. I have
witnessed both small returns and giant returns, some instant, some slower in return. Just recently I judged a
man as being wimpy for wanting to go to the doctor because of a crick in his neckthe next day I had a
debilitating crick in my neck that lasted for days. I have judged others for many things and then found myself
in the same sin I judged.
I heard a story from a man who clearly recounted a time when he heard about another man falling into the trap
of molesting a child. This man recounted that a pastor of a church was asking the people to pray for the guy.
Rather that pray for him, he remembered literally condemning the guy to hell. Ten years later this man himself
fell into the very same trap and then spent years in prison for the offence. He even assured me that he realized
later that his judgment was the very moment the seed was planted for this horrible, bitter fruit to grow in his
own life.
How many times have we heard that someone has repeated in his or her own life, the same negative patterns of
parents and even grandparents. Perhaps some of these generational iniquities are handed down in part, or
completely, through the judgments we passed on our parents. The good news is that these bitter roots can be
chopped and removed from the garden of our soul. Many people say, "Just let go of the past." The question
seems to be: "How?"
I am not saying that I can break these patterns down to a science, but I am saying that after years of farming the
fields of my own heart, and guiding others through the process of releasing judgments, I have witnesses
amazing, life-changing results. The mechanics of the removal process is simple, yet it does take work and

energy to really go through the process. The mind is an amazing device, which has the ability and the
programming to store everything that has happened in one's own life (and perhaps in the existence of all
humanity - but that would be another discussion).
The process is best done, or at least started, with another person to listen and to help counsel through the
journey. The releasing process taps into the past, using our simple and available memory by making a list of
every offence ever committed "against" us and everything else we can think of that we have judged anyone for.
This list includes our parents, siblings, friends, x-relationships, other people, and ourselves. Next, like pinpoint
surgery, or specific weed removal, we say a basic prayer of forgiveness and letting go of the judgments passed
for each offence. After each offence is forgiven, we cross it out with a line. After the list is completed, we burn
it so as not to keep any record.
Like gardening with plants, some roots are deeper than others. Some are easy to remove, and some take more
work. I have seen some roots spring forth repeatedly for years even after saying the prayer the first time. So
what is to be done with these pestskeep at it. Each time a negative feeling about a person comes uprepeat
the prayer. Just like pulling weeds with deep taproots, keep digging and keep pulling. The weeds of the past
make great compost for the gardens of the future. If a negative feeling comes up about a new person in life,
search the past to see where judgments may remain about mom, dad, an x-relationship, etc. The new person
may remind you, at some level, of a previous experience. The process of letting go can take years, and roots
that did not appear on the initial list will surface at different times and will need to be dealt with.
I have found that by purposing to make the prayer an ongoing part of my life, I have ingrained it into my
programming and I am living a much freer and joyful life than ever before. In the moment that I feel offended, I
find myself saying the prayer, forgiving them, and releasing judgment. As a bonus, perhaps my letting go of
judgment is also adding to the overall unity of humanity and to the coming reign of peace on Earth.
Choosing not to judge has changed my life.
I believe that prayers come from deep within us, and yet having a basic guide for releasing judgment has been
magical in my life and in the lives of many others.
Here is a basic outline for the Magic Prayer:
I choose to forgive ______________ for _____________.


I realize I judged him/her, and now choose to release that judgment.

I am not a judge and am not worthy to judge.
Forgive me for judging.
I bless ____________ in every way.

Who are you? What is your purpose? What are you going to do about it?
Andres and his wife, Zahrah facilitate internships, empowerment counseling, and natural healing on a
beautiful organic farm in Costa Rica. For more information about Awakening Soul; the vision of living
in community; and for free downloads of Awakening Soul music, books, and other articles, visit:
also find us on facebook
or email - 1AwakeningSoul@gmail.com_

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