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: Lutfia Nirwana
: B1K014029
: Ade Winda Pradana




1.1 Background
Blood circulatory system at all vertebrates are the same, even though
there are still the differences between each animal groups. It is dependent
upon the anatomy, physiology and potentially neighborhood. The building
blocks blood circulatory system is a heart, blood, blood channels, and the
liver. Blood vessels in the body of the fish is arteries and veins, that were
found in throughout the body. Blood circulatory system fish is the singular,
this means that there is only one line (Yushinta, 2004).
Practicum using the larvae carp fish (Osphronemus gouramy), this was
because of the system circulation on the larvae fish is clearly seen under a
microscope so that we will know and can distinguish the arteries and veins, as
we know the blood circulation in the fish is closed. Sulfide or toxic if markup
in the body of fish to enter the blood circulatory system. Sulfide content that
was influential lethal anaphylactic reactions to fish, but at the level that is still
within the range tolerance will have an effect on sub letals, as interruption of
blood physiology and affecting fish survival and development. The blood
physiological fish are varied, depending on stadia, habits and environmental
conditions (Tukiyem, 2005).
Fish have blood circulation closed and single, it means that it is
always flows through blood vessels and just passing by heart a one time
blood circulatory system in. This mechanism blood circulation in fish with
the blood pumped by the heart that consists of a sinus venosus, atrium,
retention and konus arteriosus that has been prepared in linear sequence, and
blood issued through capillaries and gills. Based on their gills CO2 released
and O2 taken so that there were gas exchange between CO2 and O2. this will
change in arterial blood to, then toward body tissues and back to the heart
passing through a vein (Ville et al. , 1988).

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of the practical function of the circulatory system is to

see the way of fish blood circulaation, as well as to be able to distinguish
between venous and arterial blood flow.


2.1 Materials
The tools used in this lab is microscope, cavity slide, pipette and
The materials used in this lab is the larval carp (Osphronemus
2.2 Methods
1. Larva carp prepared.
2. carp larvae is placed in the cavity slide using a Pasteur pipette.
3. The blood circulation in carp larvae were observed under a microscope.
4. The arterial and venous blood circulation photographed.


3.1 Results


Picture 1. Circulation Of Fish (Osphronemus goramy)

3.2 Discussion
The blood circulation practicum observed in this time is blood
circulation in the larvae fish, According to Ville et al., (1988) that fish
including into the sub phyla vertebrates. Most vertebrate animals them
circulating system is a system circulation blood covered the direction has
always remained in the tiny capillaries, arteries and veins. In addition,
vertebrate animals have organs that functioned to pump blood, which is heart.
Heart in the fish is divided into two parts are 1 atrium and 1 retention. Blood
circulation fish is blood circulation single blood through heart only a onetime. Blood in the pump to the heart through olfactory artariosus toward
aortic ventral. Aorta ventral supplying blood veins into gill through
branchialnya. arteries is supplying/form the loops around their gills, which is
a central place to gas exchange between blood and water. Reoxygenation
happening in the capillaries in their gills and gill collected by
antribranchialnya. Advanced Toward flows to branchial (Yuwono, 2001).
Circulation plays a vital role for all the animals. The blood circulation
in animals is substances for transport dissolved, for transport heat throughout
the body and to transport energy in the body. blood vessels in circulation
system among others

the arteries and veins. Arterial blood function to

transport under the pressure Artery was to the network. took the blood out

into the heart, always bring fresh blood contains oxygen except arteries
pulmonari who brought the blood oxygenation gross that need. Speed blood
in the arteries was because of the influence structure arterial walls, size varies
from 25 mm to 0.5 mm. A microscopic, the walls of the arteries consists of
three layers. The three layers the walls of the arteries are separated by the








characteristics, the walls of the arteries thick and elastic. Bottom Diameter
arteries relatively large because it contains many network elastic and patterns
of arterial venous function spread. as the channel carriers to transport blood
from the network back to the heart, but just as important, veins acted as page
blood because of the pressure on the system veins is very low, vein wall is
very thin, layer muscular more thin, less powerful, more easily deflated and
less elastic than arteries. It caused a vein can have concentrated or spread,
thus act as a vein carriers extra blood that can be controlled depends on the
needs for the body (Guyton, 1997). The development vertebrates, including
the fish, has a major focus that different. The development organogenesis at
the end of this last does not yet have a deep understanding. Cases
organogenesis in vertebrates that could interact in derivation endodermis and
also in derivation mesoderm (Korzh et al., 2008).
Circulation system consists of two kinds of, that is circulation system
and closed circulation system open. Circulation System are covered with the
blood has always remained in the tiny capillaries, arteries and veins features
circulation closed. include: high pressure system that requires peripheral
resistance, and kept its continuity between pulse-heart sounds, like the wall,
but also elastic blood directly to organs, the distribution to organs and blood
back to the heart quickly. Open circulation is most of his blood pumped from
the heart into the blood and the blood was contact with region open or sinuses
and blood flow freely between tissues before finally came back to the heart.
Blood circulation open usually pressured low, and blood was taken directly to
organs such as the blood circulation closed, the distribution less easily,
unregulated sectors like domestic work blood often back to the heart to slow
(Yuwono, 2001). Closed circulation pressure produced by higher and the

separation between arteries and veins, while in open blood circulation not
through a vein, low blood pressure is dependent on slowing sharply from the
wall body to encourage blood. Fish and frogs that included in vertebrates
have blood circulatory system are closed. Insects and snails have blood
circulatory system open (Gordon et al., 1997).
Blood circulation with circulatory system is divided into two
categories, namely blood circulatory system single and double circulatory
system. Blood circulatory system God is circulating blood circulation to all
parts of the body and passing through heart only one time, for example of
circulating in the fish. In the normal situation blood in the blood vessels , the
arteries continued with capillary blood and blood capillaries met with a vein
smallest (venula) flows in and blood vessels even though occur exchange
substance, this is called single circulatory system. Blood circulatory system is
double blood circulating cycle to all parts of the body and passing through
heart twice, for example in human beings, amphibian, reptiles and aves.
Double blood circulation in human beings are small blood circulation (heart
-lung - back to the heart and blood circulation than (heart the body and back
to the heart). Circulation is passing through heart as much as 2 times, so
blood circulation like this is called double blood circulation. Observation that
can be known that blood vessels into the heart with a vein principal river that
slow the arteries, while leaving her heart with the flow of blood quickly. This
is because the blood veins not directly related to heart valves so that there was
no pressure from the heart pumps. Arterial pressure heart pumps associated
with heart valves (Kimball, 1991).
Their observations in the arteries and veins also can be seen from the
pattern principal. The pattern streams in the arteries spread with a high speed
flow more quickly and in the veins lump up with the flow of blood more
slowly. This is in accordance with libraries, due to the flow in the arteries
which are the torrents blood pressure from capillary-capillaries body so that
his blood pressure is low and brought it to the heart (Ville et al. , 1988).
Observations that are seen from the colors arteries and veins.
Observations that blood vessels arteries pink because many contains oxygen

in it and carbonation level is low. This is in accordance with the Sutrisno

(1987) that the oxygen rich blood to the capillary network, the pressure partial
oxygen down, and blood easily release oxygen, it was carbon dioxide and
increase its ability to bring blood veins that flows from the network to the
heart red color because it contains carbon dioxide than and oxygen is low.
Blood circulation in Syamsuri according to fish (2003) : around the
body to into the porch Sinus venosus to the upper room to Conus anteriosus
to Aortic ventral to Gill to Aortic dorsum throughout the body. Most fish, all
blood going to the heart through a vein has oxygen level is low and carbon
dioxide that was called with the blood veins. As consisting Heart a sinus
venosus, a antrium, a retention and a konus anteriosus that has been prepared
in linear sequence heart muscles. slowing sharply from blood pressure in a
very low and issue blood through arteries, aortic ventral, fifth or sixth put
your lung aortic projecting a dorsum through capillaries in gill to aortic
dorsum, at the time blood through their gills carbon dioxide released and
oxygen taken, this change blood to blood arteries. Blood that back from early
tail through capillaries and kidney before to veins toward to the heart (Ville et
al. , 1988).
Circulation plays a vital role for all the animals. The blood circulation
in animals is substances for transport dissolved, for transport heat throughout
the body and to transport energy in the body. blood vessels in circulation
system among others

the arteries and veins. Arterial blood function to

transport under the pressure Artery was to the network. took the blood out
into the heart, always bring fresh blood contains oxygen except arteries
pulmonary who brought the blood oxygenation gross that need. Speed blood
in the arteries was because of the influence structure arterial walls, size varies
from 25 mm to 0.5 mm. A microscopic, the walls of the arteries consists of
three layers. The three layers the walls of the arteries are separated by the




extern. As



characteristics, the walls of the arteries thick and elastic. Bottom Diameter
arteries relatively large because it contains many network elastic and patterns
of arterial venous function spread. as the channel carriers to transport blood

from the network back to the heart, but just as important, veins acted as page
blood because of the pressure on the system veins is very low, vein wall is
very thin, layer muscular more thin, less powerful, more easily deflated and
less elastic than arteries. It caused a vein can have concentrated or spread,
thus act as a vein carriers extra blood that can be controlled depends on the
needs for the body (Guyton, 1997).
The development vertebrates, including the fish, has a major focus
that different. The development organogenesis at the end of this last does not
yet have a deep understanding. Cases organogenesis in vertebrates that could
interact in derivation endodermis and also in derivation mesoderm (Korzh et
al., 2008).
Veins and arteries have similarities that is on the wall channel has
been prepared for three layers. Tunicle dermatologists in the vein relative is
very thin compared arteries. Pressure that is in the vein is so low that artery is
a vein left capillary channel that has a very small so that I lost pressure
(Tortora, 1990).

4.1 Conclution

Based on observations, it can be concluded that:

1. Blood circulatory system in the fish blood circulatory system Gurami is
covered with a single.
2. Blood vessels can be differentiated into two types based on its bloodstream
is arteries and veins. Arterial blood flow toward from the heart to all parts
of the body while veins direction of the flow blood into the heart.
3..The difference arteries and veins :
Arterial blood function to transport under the pressure than to the network.
Arterial blood out into the heart, always bring fresh blood contains
oxygen. Speed blood in the arteries. The walls of the arteries are separated
by the membrane elastika dermatologists and externa. The walls of the
arteries thick and elastic. The arteries spread. Veins function as the channel
carriers to transport blood from the network back to the heart, the pressure
on the system veins is very low, vein wall is very thin, layer muscular
more thin, less powerful, more easily deflated and less elastic.


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