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Sto. Nio Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City





Sto. Nio Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Tison, Clarence R.

Dalida, Lerwin M.

Talaman, Loeis Manuel C.

Fernandez, Johnathan C.

Tumangday, Mark Joseph S.

Toledo, Rian Van C.

Valenzuela, Gabriel I.

Torreverde, Christian

Gargaceran III, Christian Joy G.

Tibajares, Edvon Ray

April 2016

An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University
Sto. Nio Sur Arevalo, Iloilo City
In Partial Fulfillment
of Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation
Tison, Clarence R.

Tumangday, Mark Joseph S.

Talaman, Loeis Manuel C.

Valenzuela, Gabriel I.


Sto. Nio Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

Gargaceran III, Christian Joy G.

Toledo, Rian Van C.

Dalida, Lerwin M.

Torreverde, Christian

Fernandez, Johnathan C.

Tibajares, Edvon Ray

April 2016

Approval Sheet

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation

Tison, Clarence R.

Dalida, Lerwin M.

Talaman, Loeis Manuel C.

Fernandez, Johnathan C.

Tumangday, Mark Joseph S.

Toledo, Rian Van C.

Valenzuela, Gabriel I.

Torreverde, Christian

Gargaceran III, Christian Joy G.

Tibajares, Edvon Ray

April 2016

Common Health Problems of BSMT Students

and their Coping Strategies

Chapter 1
Introduction to the Study
Chapter One is divided into five parts: Background of the Study, Statement of the
Problem, Significance of the Study, Definition of Terms, and Delimitation of the Study.
Part One, Background of the Study, gives overview or rationale of the research
Part Two, Statement of the Problem, mentions the general and specific problems.
Part Three, Significance of the Study, gives importance of the results of the study
to different persons, organizations and institutions that directly or indirectly will benefit
from it.
Part Four, Definition of Terms, discusses the term used in the study, which are
defined conceptually and operationally.
Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, cites the coverage and limitations of the

Background of the Study

These days, our world is under a rapid struggle because of the changes it
undergoes. Unlike the era that we have before that is simple, yet everything is managed
slow and contentedly suited just for their lifestyle. As the great minds get born and
conquer due to education, many brilliant things have been discovered, developed and
learned the things that provides us with extreme comfort. However, anchored with the
evolution and advancement, there comes its bad effects. Along with these harmful effects
are health problems that affect human life and its context.
One of the fundamental factors in the context that govern humanity is education.
Same thing with others, education also has high vulnerability in change or transition.
Most of the things on earth learned by human race are overruled by education, such as
communication, lifestyle, transportation, and etc. Let us focus on the field of
transportation, specifically marine type. Like in the modern time, one of the industries
that use up male workforce greatly is in marine trade and transportation business. Clearly,
seafaring is a popular field in the issue. Since, this business in education here in Iloilo
City is very in-demand that most of the working employees are men needing enormous
strength and high level capacity for thinking for variations in work. They have huge
scope in their daily tasks; like carpentry, transportation service, basic medical skills, and
etc. Thus, a work highly customized to men.
However, if they have a bad condition in their student life they won't be able to
become good at their craft and can't compete globally. There are common health
problems that are known and affect studies of the students. These problems not only incur

alternation in their health, but also in their academic performance or standing. This would
result to absenteeism or even worst.
Moreover, when you read medical journals or any reading materials in health,
these common health problems could be given a direct and fast remedy or could be
prevented. So, studies on this topic might highlight an idea for cluster of people involved
to have solution for this. Especially, in the research sector of education in seafaring to
have a good resolve on this and foresee betterment for students to choose this line of
course that could give then a bright and complacent future.
Statement of the Problem
Generally, this study aimed to determine the common health problems of BSMT
students and their coping strategies. Specifically, this study sought answers to the
following questions:
1. What are the common health problems of BSMT students and their coping
strategies when taken as a group?
2. What are the common health problems of BSMT students and their coping
strategies when classified according to:
a. gender
b. age
c. year Level

Significance of the study

This study aimed to determine the common health problems of BSMT students
and their coping strategies. In connection, this study would help lessen or prevent the

recurrence of these known health problems to the students. It would promote good health
and would identify easily which coping strategy works best for a specific health problem.
The outcome of this investigatory study would provide some positive effects to
the lives of the students. This would help students in maintaining wellness all throughout
the course of their studies. Thus, good academic ratings join extracurricular activities for
physical and personal growth and enjoy a total fun life in the course.
The study would benefit as well the institutions that offer Bachelor of Science in
Marine Transportation course. Mainly, this would account to lessen the number of
absenteeism and drop outs due to health condition issues. Hence, these schools would
produce even more globally competitive seafarers.
Definition of Terms
Common-- means belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in
question (www.dictionary.com).
In this study common means the same as defined by the reference.
Health Problem refers to a state in which you are unable to function normally
and without pain (www.thefreedictionary.com).
In this study health problem is defined similarly.
Coping Strategy - is a behavior that helps us to function better in a given situation
Delimitation of the Study
This study seeks to know the common health problems of BSMT students and
their coping strategies. The research study was limited only in determining the factors
that contribute to these students in having health problems, their coping strategies

effective in combating their common health problems and the different types of coping
strategies students have.
The respondents were randomly selected as survey participants for the study
within John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University that offers Bachelor of Science in
Marine Transportation in Iloilo City. It was conducted last 21st up to the 30th of October
2015. A set of questionnaires was used to determine their common health problems and
coping strategies.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature
Chapter Two presents literatures relevant to the common health problems of
students and their coping strategies. It includes three parts: Environmental Health Risks
Associated with Off-campus Student-Tenant Housing, College Students' Academic Stress
and its Relation to Their Anxiety, Time Management, and Health Problems of College
Environmental Health Risks Associated with Off-campus Student-Tenant Housing
There are studies done regarding issues on health threat association during tertiary
education. Though not directly to Maritime Students, however these studies discuss same

matter of contention. One of which is "Environmental Health Risks Associated with OffCampus Student-Tenant Housing, (Johnson, Cole and Merril, 2009.) The journal states
on its abstract that,
Reported health effects associated with housing included headaches, coughing,
sneezing, nausea, and dizziness, and these effects were found to significantly correlate
with increased environmental problems. The results of this study indicate a need to

college students about

environmental health and

safety problems in


housing, to promote responsibility of landlords to provide safe and healthful

environments, and to raise awareness of this issue for public health and housing officials
in university communities across the country. On the latter hand, the topic revealed some
conclusions on this. Thus, the journal came into recommendation saying; this study
illustrates the need to inform college students regarding environmental health and safety
problems in off-campus leased housing, to require landlords to provide safe and healthful
environments, and to raise awareness of this issue for public health and housing officials
in university communities across the country. A consequential percentage of students
living in off-campus housing experiences problems with installed appliances,
heating/cooling systems, indoor dampness/water damage, visible mold, security locks,
electrical wiring, malfunctioning or missing smoke alarms, broken steps/ handrails, and
insect and rodent contamination, among other problems. Correlated health effects
included headaches, coughing, sneezing, nausea, and dizziness. Such information can
assist environmental health professionals in meeting the challenge to build effectively
healthy-homes capacity through local laws, housing codes, and the development of
appropriate policies for their jurisdictions (Jacobs, Kelly, & Sobolewski, 2007). This

shows that it is an immense factor in a students life when health problem intervenes in
between even though they used other variables or factors as their subject.

College Students' Academic Stress and its Relation to Their Anxiety

On this matter, another field is also cited. Health condition is making a big
challenge also in the aspect of academics and socio-economic status which is as well vital
or a critical field to some students who give heavy weight to their scholastic side. Along
with this financial condition is also affected. Why a study from
,) states that, a disturbing trend in college student health is the reported increase in
student stress nationwide (Sax, 1997). Stressors affecting students can be categorized as
academic, financial, time or health related, and self-imposed (Goodman, 1993; LeRoy,
1988). Academic stressors include the student's perception of the extensive knowledge
base required and the perception of an inadequate time to develop it (Carveth, Gesse, &
Moss, 1996). Students report experiencing academic stress at predictable times each
semester with the greatest sources of academic stress resulting from taking and studying
for exams, grade competition, and the large amount of content to master in a small
amount of time (Abouserie, 1994; Archer & Lamnin, 1985; Britton & Tesser, 1991; Kohn
& Frazer, 1986).
When stress is perceived negatively or becomes excessive, students experience
physical and psychological impairment (Murphy & Archer, 1996). Methods to reduce
stress by students often include effective time management, social support, positive
reappraisal, and engagement in leisure pursuits (Blake & Vandiver, 1988; Mattlin,
Wethington, & Kessler, 1990). Leisure satisfaction is defined as the positive feeling of

contentment one perceives as a result of meeting personal needs through leisure activities
(Seigenthaler, 1997). Although relationships among some leisure domains and perceived
stress have been studied in a variety of settings involving retirees to school-related
settings (Kabanoff & O'Brian, 1986; Kaufman, 1988; Pickens & Kiess, 1988; Ragheb &
McKinney, 1993; Tice & Baumeister, 1997), relationships between leisure satisfaction
and academic stress of college students have not been addressed directly. The only
scientific research that specifically related leisure satisfaction to academic stress was that
of Ragheb and McKinney (1993), who established a negative association between
academic stress and leisure satisfaction. A limitation of this study, however, was that it
measured academic stress using seven items that were extracted inclusively from
occupational stress inventories. This topic focuses more on mental health, yet, it is still a
significant part of the physical health of an individual. This proves that people also need a
sound mind to function even more than being physically healthy.
Authors; (Mishra and Mckean, 2000) said as a conclusion that, The above
literature suggests that the tendency to structure one's time and leisure satisfaction may be
an important factor in reducing academic stress. The purpose of this study was to
examine the interrelationship (and predictors) of college students' academic stress with
anxiety, time management, and leisure satisfaction. It was hypothesized that academic
stress would show a significant positive correlation with anxiety, and a significant
negative correlation with self-reported time management behaviors and leisure
satisfaction of college students. A person engaging more frequently in time management
behaviors will report fewer physical and psychological symptoms of stress. The greater
satisfaction with leisure that students indicate, the lower their perceived academic stress

will be. A secondary purpose of this research was to examine the differences in the study
variables by gender and age. Since college women and older students report better time
management skills than college men and younger students (Trueman & Hartley, 1996),
we hypothesized that females and older students would have effective time management
behaviors and consequently less academic stress and anxiety. So, mainly they cited that
one factor that could alleviate stress is time management. The fact that we know that
stress is a major subject that contributes in health problems. Time management is one
way that could be a coping mechanism from health problem, especially that if a common
health problem is originating from stress.

Health Problems of College Students

A subject from, tandfontline talks about things in common health problems
that, College health professionals deal with a range of medical problems and risky
behaviors. Some medical conditions occur more frequently in the college-age population,
but college health is not unique because of the types of medical problems seen.
Community providers welcome the opportunity to deliver primary care to this relatively
healthy population, with less emphasis on screening, intervention, mental health, social
well-being, and altering unhealthy behaviors. Young people have been recognized as
experiencing higher rates of morbidity, disability, and mortality from various
developmental, environmental, and behavioral risk factors than the general population.
These risk factors are so interrelated that successful efforts to change them require a more
comprehensive approach that extends beyond the health of individuals to the wellness of
an entire campus community. On the continuum of health and well-being, college health

must move away from focusing on disease and move toward community wellness. It has
driven out informative data regarding issues on common health problems and importance
of having the best and well-rounded health status.

Chapter 3
Chapter Three includes five parts: Purpose of the Study and Research Design,
Respondents, Instrument, Data Collection and Data Analysis.
Part One, the Purpose of the Study and Research design, presents the reasons on
why and how the study was conducted.
Part Two, Respondents, presents the participants in this study and how they were
Part Three, Instrument, describes the number of items and structure of questions.
Part Four, Data Collection, presents procedures or steps in gathering the data
needed for the study.
Part Five, Data Analysis, describes he method used to analyze and interpret the
gathered data in the study.
Purpose of the Study and Research Design
This study aimed to determine the common health problems of BSMT students
and their coping strategies. Specifically, this study sought answers to the following

1. What are the common health problems of BSMT students and their coping
strategies when taken as a group?
2. What are the common health problems of BSMT students and their coping
strategies when classified according to:
a. Gender
b. Age
c. Year Level

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