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Nama : jihan yulynna sari

Kelas : XI MIPA 4

Because of the earthquake, Lake Lindu Festival Cancelled

Metrotvnews.com, Bora: Government Sigi, Central
Sulawesi, cancel activities Lindu Lake Festival scheduled for
September 2012. The decision was taken after a 6.2 magnitude
earthquake rocked the region some time ago.
"The event we are forced to cancel because of the earthquake
that occurred on August 18, 2012," said Vice Regent Sigi
Livingstone Sango in Palu, Monday (24/9).
According to him, the disaster also destroyed many houses and
other facilities in the district Lindu, which hosts the festival.
Houses and other buildings should be rebuilt with substantial
While the implementation of the Festival of Lake Lindu also
requires funds with no small amount. Sigi regency finally
decided not to hold the event until 2013.
Sigi regency prioritize repair people's homes, places of worship,
schools and roads damaged by the earthquake. Shocks struck
three subdistricts of Lindu, Gumbasa and Kulawi on August 18,
Lindu Lake Festival was held in the last two years. In 2011,
flood disasters occurred in the District Kulawi so the festival
was canceled. (Ant / RRN)

Principles of news (5w + 1h)

1. (what)
What happened?
= Turbulence earthquake, Lake Lindu festival was canceled.
2. (where)
Where the events occur?

= Sigi regency, Central Sulawesi.

3. (when)
When did the incident occur?
= September 2012
4. (WHO)
Anyone who is involved in such events?
= Society Sigi district.
5. (why)
Why did these events occur?
= Festival was canceled because of the earthquake that
destroyed many homes and other facilities in the district Lindu,
which hosts the festival.
6. (how)
How did these events occur?
= Government Sigi regency, Central Sulawesi, cancel activities
Lindu Lake Festival scheduled for September 2012. The
decision was taken after a 6.2 magnitude earthquake rocked
the region some time ago.
Solution :
1. If you are outside the building: find the terrain, do not take
shelter under a tree or anywhere near the pole / electrical
substations, and if strong ground shaking, take the position of
sitting than standing.
2. If you're driving a vehicle; stop journey and immediately
pulled over, do not dismiss vehicles on the bridge, laying roads,
or streets, and do not immediately move on before certainly no
aftershocks after a long time.

gara-gara Gempa, Festival Danau Lindu Dibatalkan

Metrotvnews.com, Bora: Pemerintah Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi

Tengah, membatalkan kegiatan Festival Danau Lindu yang
dijadwalkan berlangsung September 2012. Keputusan itu
diambil setelah gempa berkekuatan 6,2 SR mengguncang
wilayah tersebut beberapa waktu lalu.
"Kegiatan itu terpaksa kami batalkan karena adanya bencana
alam gempa bumi yang terjadi pada 18 Agustus 2012," kata
Wakil Bupati Sigi Livingstone Sango di Palu, Senin (24/9).
Menurutnya, bencana merusak banyak rumah dan fasilitas lain
di Kecamatan Lindu, yang menjadi lokasi festival tersebut.
Rumah dan bangunan lain harus dibangun kembali dengan
dana yang cukup besar.
Sementara pelaksanaan Festival Danau Lindu juga
membutuhkan dana dengan jumlah yang tak sedikit. Pemkab
Sigi akhirnya memutuskan tak menggelar kegiatan itu hingga
tahun 2013.
Pemkab Sigi memprioritaskan perbaikan rumah-rumah warga,
sarana ibadah, sekolah dan jalan yang rusak akibat gempa.
Guncangan melanda tiga kecamatan yaitu Lindu, Gumbasa dan
Kulawi pada 18 Agustus 2012.
Festival Danau Lindu tak digelar dalam dua tahun terakhir. Pada
2011, bencana banjir bandang terjadi di Kecamatan Kulawi
sehingga festival pun dibatalkan.(Ant/RRN)
Pokok-pokok berita (5w + 1h)


Apa yang terjadi?

= gara-gara gempa, festival Danau Lindu dibatalkan.


Dimana peristiwa tersebut terjadi ?

= Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah.


Kapan peristiwa tersebut terjadi ?

= September 2012


Siapa saja yang terlibat dalam peristiwa tersebut ?

= masyarakat kabupaten Sigi.


Mengapa peristiwa tersebut terjadi ?

= festival dibatalkan karena gempa yang merusak banyak
rumah dan fasilitas lain di Kecamatan Lindu, yang menjadi
lokasi festival tersebut.


Bagaimana peristiwa tersebut dapat terjadi ?

=Pemerintah Kabupaten Sigi, Sulawesi Tengah, membatalkan
kegiatan Festival Danau Lindu yang dijadwalkan berlangsung
September 2012. Keputusan itu diambil setelah gempa
berkekuatan 6,2 SR mengguncang wilayah tersebut beberapa
waktu lalu.

Nama : kartika dinita

Kelas : XI MIPA 4

Landslide in Manado, Three People Killed

Manado - Heavy rain which flushed the city of Manado,
North Sulawesi, resulting in landslides in the Village Bumi Nyiur,
District Wanea, Thursday (30/08/2012) early this morning.
Boardinghouses owned by Kaat buried in the ground. As a
result, three people were killed boarders.
Victim identified as Grace (45), Audi Lumenong (40), and
Oneng Titiobeti (24). However, until this afternoon Grace new
bodies have been found. Two other victims are still in search of
rescue workers.
Eyewitnesses said the landslide occurred when the victim was
in the living room. Suddenly, there was a very loud on the back
of the house. Other boarders had run out, while three victims
were unsuccessful.
Avalanche could be due to unstable soil structure plus heavy
rain since Wednesday.
Officers are having trouble finding victims arena avalanche
terrain is very steep locations. Grace's body was discovered
only after eight hours. To facilitate the search for survivors.

Principles of news (5w + 1h)

1. (what)
What happened?
= Landslides that resulted in three deaths
2. (where)

Where the events occur?

= District of Wanea, Manado, North Sulawesi.
3. (when)
When did the incident occur?
= Thursday (08/30/2012)
4. (WHO)
Anyone who is involved in such events?
= Grace (45 years), Audi Lumenong (40 years), and Oneng
Titiobeti (24 years).
5. (why)
Why did these events occur?
= Landslide could be due to unstable soil structure plus heavy
rain since Wednesday.
6. (how)
How did these events occur?
= Witnesses said the landslide occurred when the victim was in
the living room. Suddenly, there was a very loud on the back of
the house. Other boarders had run out, while three victims
were unsuccessful.
Solution :
- Conserve forests. Do not cut down trees carelessly, reforest
denuded areas with long-rooted trees, and other steps are
- Do not take the water carelessly, either from natural water
sources, as well as with the well-made, especially for the
purpose of commercialization of water.
- Use the patio often for agriculture in the region is skewed.

Tanah Longsor di Manado, Tiga Orang Tewas

MANADO - Hujan deras yang mengguyur Kota Manado,
Sulawesi Utara, mengakibatkan tanah longsor di Kelurahan
Bumi Nyiur, Kecamatan Wanea, Kamis (30/8/2012) dini hari
tadi. Rumah kos milik Kaat tertimbun tanah. Akibatnya, tiga
orang penghuni kos tewas.
Korban diketahui bernama Grace (45), Audi Lumenong (40),
dan Oneng Titiobeti (24). Hanya saja, hingga siang ini baru
jenazah Grace yang berhasil ditemukan. Dua korban lain masih
dalam pencarian petugas SAR.
Saksi mata menuturkan, longsor terjadi saat korban berada di
ruang tamu. Tiba-tiba, terdengar bunyi sangat keras dari
belakang rumah. Penghuni kos lain sempat lari keluar,
sementara tiga korban tidak berhasil.
Longsor diduga terjadi akibat struktur tanah yang labil
ditambah guyuran hujan deras sejak Rabu kemarin.
Petugas mengalami kesulitan mencari korban arena medan
lokasi longsor yang sangat curam. Jenazah Grace baru
ditemukan setelah delapan jam. Untuk mempermudah
pencarian korban.
Pokok-pokok berita (5w + 1h)


Apa yang terjadi?

= tanah longsor yang mengakibatkan 3 orang tewas


Dimana peristiwa tersebut terjadi ?

= Kecamatan Wanea, Kota Manado, Sulawesi Utara.


Kapan peristiwa tersebut terjadi ?

= Kamis (30/8/2012)


Siapa saja yang terlibat dalam peristiwa tersebut ?

= Grace (45 tahun), Audi Lumenong (40 tahun), dan Oneng
Titiobeti (24 tahun).


Mengapa peristiwa tersebut terjadi ?

= Longsor diduga terjadi akibat struktur tanah yang labil
ditambah guyuran hujan deras sejak Rabu kemarin.


Bagaimana peristiwa tersebut dapat terjadi ?

=Saksi mata menuturkan, longsor terjadi saat korban berada di
ruang tamu. Tiba-tiba, terdengar bunyi sangat keras dari
belakang rumah. Penghuni kos lain sempat lari keluar,
sementara tiga korban tidak berhasil.

Nama : lestavira finakesti

Kelas : XI MIPA 4

Flood in Manado snatched 13 Lives

Thursday (16/01/2014), the flood disaster that occurred in
the six districts / municipalities in North Sulawesi, on
Wednesday, has claimed 13 victims were killed, and two others
were still missing. Meanwhile, there were 40 thousand residents
to evacuate.
As reported, the floods in six districts / municipalities in North
Sulawesi simultaneously, namely the city of Manado, Minahasa
Utara, Tomohon, Minahasa, South Minahasa, and Sangihe
According to Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Head of Data Information
and Public Relations BNPB, this disaster occurred due to a
combination of natural and anthropogenic factors that trigger
flash floods and massive landslides in North Sulawesi.
Sutopo outlines, in the city of Manado five dead, one person
missing float (Veber Sony lowing). In Tomohon five people were
killed. In Minahasa three people dead, one missing person
(Niko-54), and one person seriously injured.
In North Minahasa Regency three villages with 1,000 people
isolated by floods and landslides. In Sangihe several houses
buried by landslides. It is estimated that about 40,000 residents
to evacuate to a safe place.

Sutopo explained, heavy rains triggered a low pressure system

in the waters south of the Philippines, causing intense cloud
formation. In addition, the convergence of the impact of low
pressure in northern Australia, great clouds into the territory of
the province.
As a result, the four major rivers in the city of Manado
overflowed and washed away dozens of homes and vehicles.
Disaster this time bigger than ever before occurred in 2000 that
caused 22 deaths, and in February 2013 that left 17 dead.

Principles of news (5w + 1h)

1. What happens in such events?
Answer: Flood
2. Anyone who experienced the flood?
Answer: districts / municipalities in North Sulawesi
3.Where it happened?
Answer: districts / municipalities in North Sulawesi
4. When the event occurred?
Thread: Thursday (01/16/2014)
5. Why it happened?
Answer: This disaster caused by a combination of natural and
anthropogenic factors that trigger flash floods and massive
landslides in North Sulawesi
6. How did these events occur?
Answer: Four major rivers in the city of Manado overflowed and
washed away dozens of homes and vehicles. Disaster this time
bigger than ever before occurred in 2000 that caused 22
deaths, and in February 2013 that left 17 dead.

Solution: the solution is to build the dam, dispose of waste

in place, planting trees that are bare and do not throw
garbage in the river.

Bencana Banjir di Manado Renggut 13 Nyawa

Kamis (16/1/2014), bencana banjir bandang yang terjadi di

enam kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Utara, Rabu kemarin, telah
merenggut 13 korban tewas, dan dua warga lainnya belum
ditemukan. Sementara, tercatat 40 ribu warga mengungsi.
Seperti yang telah diberitakan, banjir terjadi di enam
kabupaten/kota di Sulut secara bersamaan, yaitu Kota Manado,
Minahasa Utara, Kota Tomohon, Minahasa, Minahasa Selatan,
dan Kepulauan Sangihe.
Menurut Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Kepala Pusat Data Informasi
dan Humas BNPB, bencana ini terjadi akibat kombinasi antara
faktor alam dan antropogenik yang memicu terjadinya banjir
bandang dan longsor yang masif di Sulawesi Utara.
Sutopo menguraikan, di Kota Manado lima tewas, satu orang
hanyut belum ditemukan (Veber Sony Lowing). Di Kota
Tomohon lima orang tewas. Di Minahasa tiga orang tewas, satu
orang hilang (Niko-54), dan satu orang luka berat.
Di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara tiga desa dengan 1.000 jiwa
terisolasi akibat banjir dan longsor. Di Kepulauan Sangihe
beberapa rumah tertimbun longsor. Diperkirakan, sekitar
40.000 warga mengungsi ke tempat yang aman.

Sutopo menjelaskan, hujan deras dipicu sistem tekanan rendah

di perairan selatan Filipina, menyebabkan pembentukan awan
intensif. Selain itu, adanya konvergensi dampak dari tekanan
rendah di utara Australia, awan-awan besar masuk ke wilayah
Akibatnya, empat sungai besar di Kota Manado meluap dan
menghanyutkan puluhan rumah dan kendaraan. Bencana kali
ini lebih besar daripada sebelumnya yang pernah terjadi pada
tahun 2000 yang menyebabkan 22 tewas, dan Februari 2013
yang menyebabkan 17 tewas.
Apa yang terjadi dalam pristiwa tersebut?
Jawab: Bencana Banjir
Siapa yang mengalami banjir tersebut?
Jawab: kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Utara

Dimana pristiwa itu terjadi?

Jawab: kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Utara
Kapan pristiwa itu terjadi?
Jawab: Kamis (16/1/2014)
Mengapa pristiwa itu terjadi?
Jawab: bencana ini terjadi akibat kombinasi antara faktor alam
dan antropogenik yang memicu terjadinya banjir bandang dan
longsor yang masif di Sulawesi Utara
Bagaimana akitab dari bencana tersebut?
Jawab: empat sungai besar di Kota Manado meluap dan
menghanyutkan puluhan rumah dan kendaraan. Bencana kali
ini lebih besar daripada sebelumnya yang pernah terjadi pada
tahun 2000 yang menyebabkan 22 tewas, dan Februari 2013
yang menyebabkan 17 tewas.

Nama : revita oktaria

Kelas : XI MIPA 4

Forest Fires Could Not Fully contained Sindoro

Metrotvnews.com, Temanggung: Protected forest area on the
slopes of Mount Sindoro, Temanggung regency, Central Java, on
Sunday yesterday, burning. Until Monday (24/9) this fire is still
Perum Perhutani officers and local residents are working to
extinguish the fire since Sunday evening to burn the protected
forest area on the slopes of Mount Sindoro it. According to
Junaidi June, Assistant Section forestry Unit Stakeholder Forest
(BKPH) Temanggung, at least 23 personnel of the four resort
Forest Management (RPH) downgraded to extinguish the fire.
Fire engulfed a protected forest on the slopes of plots 10 and 11
Sindoro. In addition to joint personnel from the abattoir
sandwiched between, Kemloko, Jumprit, and Kwadungan, there
is the Car of the Unitary Police Stakeholder Forest (KPH) North
Kedu community Giripurno and Katekan in District Ngadirejo.
"From 07.00 am had gone up to the scene of the fire," he said.

Protected forest fire that burned plots 10 and 11 RPH

Kwadungan starting to look at around 18:30 pm. Hotspots are
from plots 10 and then spread to the swath 11.
By June, the new officers can begin to extinguish the fire on
Monday morning due to rough terrain.
"We can not know the extent of the fire," he said.
June suspect the fire was a continuation of last week's fires.
"There might stump, especially in the area of the gorge is still
smoldering and then blown off and cause a fire again," said
June. (Ant / DSY)

Principles of news (5w + 1h)

1. (what)
What happened?
= Wildfires Sindoro hard at extinguish.
2. (where)
Where the events occur?
= Temanggung regency, Central Java
3. (when)
When did the incident occur?
= Monday (24/9)
4. (WHO)
Anyone who is involved in such events?

= Citizens Temanggung regency, Central Java. As well Junaidi,

Assistant Section Perhutani Unit Stakeholder Forest (BKPH)
5. (why)
Why did these events occur?
= Suspected the fire was a continuation of last week's fires. and
the possibility exists stump, especially in the area of the gorge
is still smoldering and then blown off and cause a fire again.
6. (how)
How did these events occur?
= The fire that burns the protected forest plots 10 and 11 RPH
Kwadungan starting to look at around 18:30 pm. Hotspots are
from plots 10 and then spread to the swath 11.
Solution : empowering forest fire command posts at all
levels , and do not make cigarette butts carelessly .

Kebakaran Hutan Sindoro Belum Bisa Dipadamkan

Metrotvnews.com, Temanggung: Kawasan hutan lindung di

lereng Gunung Sindoro, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah,
Ahad kemarin, terbakar. Hingga Senin (24/9) ini api masih
Petugas Perum Perhutani dan warga setempat kini sedang
berusaha memadamkan api yang sejak Ahad petang membakar
kawasan hutan lindung di lereng Gunung Sindoro itu. Menurut
Juni Junaidi, Asisten Perhutani Bagian Kesatuan Pemangku
Hutan (BKPH) Temanggung, setidaknya ada 23 personel dari
empat Resor Pemangkuan Hutan (RPH) diturunkan untuk
memadamkan api.

Api melalap hutan lindung di petak 10 dan 11 lereng Gunung

Sindoro. Selain petugas gabungan dari RPH Kecepit, Kemloko,
Jumprit, dan Kwadungan, ada Polisi Mobil dari Kesatuan
Pemangku Hutan (KPH) Kedu Utara serta masyarakat Giripurno
dan Katekan di Kecamatan Ngadirejo.
"Sejak pukul 07.00 WIB telah naik ke lokasi kebakaran,"
Api yang membakar hutan lindung petak 10 dan 11 RPH
Kwadungan mulai terlihat sekitar pukul 18.30 WIB. Titik api
berasal dari petak 10 kemudian merambat ke petak 11.

Menurut Juni, petugas baru bisa mulai memadamkan api pada

Senin pagi karena medan berat.
"Kami belum bisa mengetahui luasan kebakaran tersebut,"
Juni menduga kebakaran itu merupakan kelanjutan dari
kebakaran pekan lalu.
"Kemungkinan ada tunggak kayu, terutama di kawasan jurang
yang masih membara kemudian tertiup angin dan
menimbulkan kebakaran lagi," jelas Juni.(Ant/DSY)

Pokok-pokok berita (5w + 1h)



Apa yang terjadi?

= kebakaran hutan Sindoro yang susah di padamkan.


Dimana peristiwa tersebut terjadi ?

= Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah


Kapan peristiwa tersebut terjadi ?

= Senin (24/9)



Siapa saja yang terlibat dalam peristiwa tersebut ?

= warga masyarakat kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah.
Serta Junaidi, Asisten Perhutani Bagian Kesatuan Pemangku
Hutan (BKPH) Temanggung.


Mengapa peristiwa tersebut terjadi ?

= diduga kebakaran itu merupakan kelanjutan dari kebakaran
pekan lalu. dan Kemungkinan ada tunggak kayu, terutama di
kawasan jurang yang masih membara kemudian tertiup angin
dan menimbulkan kebakaran lagi.


Bagaimana peristiwa tersebut dapat terjadi ?

= Api yang membakar hutan lindung petak 10 dan 11 RPH
Kwadungan mulai terlihat sekitar pukul 18.30 WIB. Titik api
berasal dari petak 10 kemudian merambat ke petak 11.

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