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Eating Animals Vocab

Eating Unit 1
Abhor- Regard with disgust and hatred
Assimilate- Take in and understand fully (information or ideas)
Fervent- Having or displaying a passionate intensity
Malleable- Easily influenced; pliable
Resonant- (Of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or reverberate
Sagacity- The quality of being sagacious
Vestige- A trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer
8. Disparity- A great difference
9. Placate- Make (someone) less angry or hostile
10. Gastronomic- Relating to the practice of cooking or eating good food

Eating Unit 2
1. Desiccate- Remove the moisture from (something), typically in order to
preserve it
2. Egalitarian- Believing in or based on the principle that all people are equal
and deserve equal rights and opportunities
3. Trope- A figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression
4. Obsolete- No longer produced or used; out of date
5. Eschew- Deliberately avoid using; abstain from
6. Impugn- Dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive);
call into question
7. Banal- So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
8. Moratorium- A temporary prohibition of an activity
9. Sadism- The tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification,
from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others
10. Carping- Difficult to please; critical
Eating Unit 3

Ubiquitous- Present, appearing, or found everywhere

Verbose- Using or expressed in more words than are needed
Coherent- (Of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent
Analogous- Comparable in certain respects, typically in a way which makes
clearer the nature of the things compared
Bastion- A projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a
wall, so as to allow defensive fire in several directions
Gratuitous- Done without good reason; uncalled for
Turbid- (Of a liquid) cloudy, opaque, or thick with suspended matter
Desiccate- Remove the moisture from (something), typically in order to
preserve it
Encomium- A speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something
Dubious- Hesitating or doubting

Eating Unit 4
1. Askance- With an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval


Estrange- Cause (someone) to be no longer on friendly terms with someone

Exacerbate- Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse
Intractable- Hard to control or deal with
Prehensile- (Chiefly of an animals limb or tail) capable of grasping
Proliferate- Increase rapidly in number; multiply
Savant- A learned person, especially a distinguished scientist
Sentient- Able to perceive or feel things
Acquisitive- Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things
Insatiable- (Of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy

RevolutionNative American and A Long Way Gone

A Long Way Gone Unit 1
Simultaneous- Occurring, operating, or done at the same time
Accord- Give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition)
Chaos- Complete disorder and confusion
Emerge- Move out of or away from something and become visible
Parched- Make or become dry through intense heat
Ponder- Think about (something) carefully, especially before making a
decision or reaching a conclusion
7. Resumption- The action of beginning something again after
a pause or interruption
8. Vigilant- Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
9. Adage- A proverb or short statement expressing a general truth

A Long Way Gone Unit 2

1. Skeptical- Not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations
2. Suppress- Forcibly put an end to
3. Elaborate- Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and
complicated in design and planning
4. Conjure- Make (something) appear unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere
5. Embellish- Make (something) more attractive by
the addition of decorative details or features
6. Jubilant- Feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph
7. Perplex- Make (someone) feel completely baffled
8. Profuse- very plentiful; abundant
9. Speculate- Form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence
10. Dilapidated- in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect
A Long Way Gone Unit 3

Nave- showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement

Provocative- Causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately
Resilient- able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
Evince- Reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling); indicate
Abundant- Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful
Oblivious- Not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one
Contort- Twist or bend out of the normal shape
Flotsam- People or things that have been rejected or discarded as worthless

9. Gyrate- Move or cause to move rapidly in a circle or spiral

10. Parliament- (In the UK) the highest legislature, consisting of the Sovereign,
the House of Lords, and the House of Commons
A Long Way Gone Unit 4
1. Mesmerize- Capture the complete attention of (someone); transfix
2. Translucent- allowing light, but not detailed shapes, to pass through; semitransparent
3. Evade- Escape or avoid (someone or something), especially by guile or
4. Deploy- Move (troops or equipment) into position for military action
5. Resonant- (Of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or reverberate
6. Indelible- Not able to be forgotten
7. Refrain- Stop oneself from doing something
8. Respite- A short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant
9. Jovial- Cheerful and friendly
10. Baffle- Totally bewilder or perplex

AnarchyThe Crucible and American Revolution

The Crucible Unit 1

Innate- Inborn; natural

Vengeance- Punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong
Conjure- Make (something) appear unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere
Deference- Polite submission and respect
Contempt- The feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or
beneath consideration
Trepidation- A feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen
Pretense- An attempt to make something that is not the case appear true
Prodigious- Remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
Somber- Having or conveying a feeling of deep seriousness and sadness
Predilection- A preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor
of something

The Crucible Unit 2

Scrutiny- Critical observation or examination
Afflict- (Of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely
Prudent- Acting with or showing care and thought for the future
Ameliorate- Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better
Deposition- The action of deposing someone, especially a monarch
Guile- Sly or cunning intelligence
Conciliatory- Intended or likely to placate or pacify
Fraudulent- Obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially
criminal deception
9. Corroborate- Confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding)
10. Content- In a state of peaceful happiness

The Crucible Unit 3

1. Calumny- The making of false and defamatory statements about someone in

order to damage their reputation
2. Iniquity- Immoral or grossly unfair behavior
3. Defame- Damage the good reputation of (someone)
4. Bewilder- Cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused
5. Afflict- Of a problem or illness) cause pain or trouble to
6. Diabolical- Characteristic of the Devil, or so evil as to recall the Devil
7. Malevolent- Having or showing a wish to do evil to others
8. Indignant- Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as
unfair treatment
9. Blasphemy- The action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God
or sacred things
10. Reproach- Accuse someone of
The Crucible Unit 4
1. Effrontery- Insolent or impertinent behavior
2. Penitent- Feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having
done wrong; repentant
3. Fanatic- A person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for
an extreme religious or political cause
4. Ingratiate- Bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying
to please them
5. Autocracy- A system of government by one person with absolute power
6. Perverse- Showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that
is unreasonable or unacceptable
7. Deference- Polite submission and respect
8. Blatant- (Of bad behavior) done openly and unashamedly
9. Opportune- Done or occurring at a favorable time; well timed
10. Formidable- Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large,
powerful, intense, or capable

Ecology Unit 1
1. Derive- Obtain something from (a specified source)
2. Corollary- A proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one
already proved
3. Saturate- Cause (something) to become thoroughly soaked with water or
other liquid so that no more can be absorbed
4. Niche- A shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or
other ornament
5. Disarming- (Of manner or behavior) having the effect
of allaying suspicion or hostility, especially through charm
6. Virtue- Behavior showing high moral standards
7. Egotism- The fact of being excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself
8. Trifle- A thing of little value or importance
9. Connate- existing in a person or thing from birth; innate
10. Frolic- Play or move about in a cheerful and lively way

Ecology Unit 2
1. Calamity- An event causing great and often sudden damage or distress;
a disaster
2. Acquire- Buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself
3. Abode- A place of residence; a house or home
4. Futile- Incapable of producing any useful result; pointless
5. Vernacular- The language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people of a
country or region
6. Vindication- The action of clearing someone of blame or suspicion
7. Resurgence- An increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity,
or occurrence
8. Inadvertence- Not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning
9. Temporize- Avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain
10. Tenable- Able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection

The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet Unit 1
1. Discern- Recognize or find out
2. Venerable- Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of
age, wisdom, or character
3. Zeal- Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective
4. Decorum- Behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety
5. Diversify- Make or become more diverse or varied
6. Indolent- Wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy
7. Orthodox- Following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted
rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice
8. Alacrity- Brisk and cheerful readiness
9. Continence- Exercising self-restraint, especially sexually
10. Obstinate- Stubbornly refusing to change ones opinion or chosen course of
action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so
Scarlet Unit 2

Tremulous- Shaking or quivering slightly

Obscure- Not discovered or known about; uncertain
Ignominious- Deserving or causing public disgrace or shame
Wrought- Made or fashioned in the specified way
Rebuke- An expression of sharp disapproval or criticism
Divine- Of or like God or a god
Eminent- famous and respected within a particular sphere
Anguish- Severe mental or physical pain or suffering
Capricious- Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior
Infamy- The state of being well known for some bad quality or deed

Scarlet Unit 3

1. Elaborate- Involving many carefully arranged parts or

details; detailed and complicated in design and planning
2. Ascetic- Characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms
of indulgence, typically for religious reasons
3. Remonstrate- Make a forcefully reproachful protest
4. Penitent- Feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having
done wrong; repentant
5. Despondent- In low spirits from loss of hope or courage
6. Depravity- Moral corruption; wickedness
7. Erudite- Having or showing great knowledge or learning
8. Refute- Prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove
9. Abstruse- Difficult to understand; obscure
10. Arrogate- Take or claim (something) without justification
Scarlet Unit 4
abstruse- Difficult to understand; obscure
efficacious- successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective
zenith- The time at which something is most powerful or successful
austere- Severe or strict in manner or attitude
deride- Express contempt for; ridicule
duplicity- Deceitfulness
repudiate- Refuse to accept; reject
laudable- (Of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation
tenacious- Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering
10. negligent- Failing to take proper care over something

The Narrative of Frederic Douglass and Half the Sky

Douglass Unit 1

endure- Suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently

eloquent- Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
sustain- Strengthen or support physically or mentally
incredulous- (Of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe
candid- Truthful and straightforward; frank
deem- Regard or consider in a specified way
compel- Force or oblige (someone) to do something
diligent- Having or showing care and conscientiousness in ones work or
expedient- (Of an action) suitable or appropriate
depravity- Moral corruption; wickedness

Douglass Unit 2
1. prudent- Acting with or showing care and thought for the future
2. revere- Feel deep respect or admiration for (something)
3. resolve- Settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious

4. censure- Express severe disapproval of (someone or something), typically in a

formal statement
5. candid- Truthful and straightforward; frank
6. induce- Succeed in persuading or influencing (someone) to do something
7. august- Respected and impressive
8. convention- Behavior that is considered acceptable or polite to most
members of a society
9. allusion- An expression designed to call something to mind without
mentioning it explicitly
10. indignant- Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as
unfair treatment
Douglass Unit 3
1. eloquent- Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
2. consecrate- Make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred

felicitous- Well-chosen or suited to the circumstances

render- provide or give (a service, help, etc.)
endow- Give or bequeath an income or property to (a person or institution)
prodigy- A person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional
qualities or abilities
manifest- Clear or obvious to the eye or mind
cultivate- Try to acquire or develop (a quality, sentiment, or skill)
novel- A fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing
character and action with some degree of realism
diffident- Modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence

Douglass Unit 4
1. endeavor- Try hard to do or achieve something
2. impetus- The force or energy with which a body moves
3. apprehensive- Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will
4. sanguine- Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult
5. advocate- A person who publicly supports or recommends a
particular cause or policy
6. extortion- The practice of obtaining something, especially money, through
force or threats
7. cease- Bring or come to an end
8. privation- A state in which things that are essential for human well-being such
as food and warmth are scarce or lacking
9. debase- Reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade
10. obliterate- Destroy utterly; wipe out
Half the Sky Unit 1
1. notorious- Famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed
2. obstinate- Stubbornly refusing to change ones opinion or chosen course of
action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so

3. discord- Disagreement between people

4. pragmatic- Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is
based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
5. relevant- Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or
6. mitigate- Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful
7. inevitable- Certain to happen; unavoidable
8. acquiesce- Accept something reluctantly but without protest
9. vivacious- (Especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated
10. philanthropy- The desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed
especially by the generous donation of money to good causes
Half the Sky Unit 2
1. stoic- A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their
feelings or complaining
2. stagnate- Cease developing; become inactive or dull
3. denounce- Publicly declare to be wrong or evil
4. tenable- Able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection
5. impervious- Unable to be affected by
6. mortality- The state of being subject to death
7. relevant- Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or
8. pious- Devoutly religious
9. sanctimonious- Making a show of being morally superior to other people
10. maternal- Relating to a mother, especially
during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth
Half the Sky Unit 3
1. heresy- Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian)
2. furtive- Attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a
belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive
3. diligent- Having or showing care and conscientiousness in ones work or
4. emulate- Match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation
5. defer- Put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone
6. conciliatory- Intended or likely to placate or pacify
7. ostentatious- Characterized by pretentious or showy display; designed to
8. ebullient- Cheerful and full of energy
9. immutable- Unchanging over time or unable to be changed
10. predilection- A preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor
of something
Half the Sky Unit 4
1. perfunctory- (Of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort
2. benevolent- Well-meaning and kindly
3. meticulous- Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise

4. disdain- The feeling that someone or something is unworthy of ones

consideration or respect

The Outliers and The Other Wes Moore

Outliers Vocab
Outliers Unit 1
1. outlier- A person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or
2. statistical- Relating to the use of statistics
3. quarry- A place, typically a large, deep pit, from which stone or other
materials are or have been extracted
4. terrace- A level paved area next to a building; a patio
5. compatriot- A fellow citizen or national of a country
6. rut- A habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but
is hard to change
7. fractious- (Typically of children) irritable and quarrelsome
8. flaunt- Display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke
envy or admiration or to show defiance
9. dialect- A particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region
or social group
10. elite- A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities to
the rest of a group or society
Outliers Unit 2
1. virtuoso- A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit
2. tycoon- A wealthy, powerful person in business or industry
3. profoundly- To a profound extent; extremely
4. initiative- The ability to assess and initiate things independently
5. forebear- An ancestor
6. skewed- Make biased or distorted in a way that is regarded as inaccurate,
unfair, or misleading
7. specious- Superficially plausible, but actually wrong
8. emerge- Move out of or away from something and become visible
9. disband- (With reference to an organized group) break up or cause to
break up
10. laborious- Requiring considerable time and effort
Outliers Unit 3
1. cohort- A group of people with a shared characteristic
2. fledgling- A person or organization that is immature, inexperienced, or
3. drudgery- Hard menial or dull work
4. array- An impressive display or range of a particular type of thing
5. meritocracy- Government or the holding of power by
people selected according to merit


menial- (Of work) not requiring much skill and lacking prestige
patronage- The support given by a patron
gawky- Nervously awkward and ungainly
tedious- Too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous
hindrance- A thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to
something or someone

Outliers Unit 4
1. mitigation- The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of
2. giddily- Excitable and frivolous
3. subversive- Seeking or intended to subvert an established system or
4. libidinous- Showing excessive sexual drive; lustful
5. inquisitive- Having or showing an interest in learning things; curious
6. repugnant- Extremely distasteful; unacceptable
7. plight- A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation
8. imperil- Put at risk of being harmed, injured, or destroyed
9. rummage- Search unsystematically and untidily through something
10. brevity- Concise and exact use of words in writing or speech
The Other Vocab
The Other Unit 1
1. daunting- Seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating
2. presumptuous- failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or
3. diverge- (Of an opinion, theory, or approach) differ
4. exculpatory- Show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing
5. precarious- Dependent on chance; uncertain
6. bemusement- The fact or condition of being bemused; puzzlement
7. myriad- A countless or extremely great number of people or things
8. deliverance- The action of being rescued or set free
9. mollify- Appease the anger or anxiety of (someone)
10. fraught- (Of a situation or course of action) filled with (something
The Other Unit 2
1. idiosyncrasy- A mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual
2. badger- Repeatedly and annoyingly ask (someone) to do something
3. contemptuous- Showing contempt; scornful
4. acquiesce- Accept something reluctantly but without protest
5. serene- Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil
6. deter- Discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear
of the consequences
7. gregarious- fond of company; sociable
8. absurd- Wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate
9. audacity- A willingness to take bold risks

10. apathy- Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern

The Other Unit 3
1. apocalyptic- Describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world
2. dilapidated- in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect
3. evasive- Tending to avoid commitment or self-revelation, especially
by responding only indirectly
4. livid- Furiously angry
5. ostracize- Exclude from a society or group
6. bewilder- Cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused
7. avid- Having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something
8. resonate- Produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound
9. paramount- More important than anything else; supreme
10. idiosyncrasies- A mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual
The Other Unit 4
1. entrepreneur- A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on
financial risks in the hope of profit
2. proposal- A plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward
for consideration by others
3. solicit- Ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone
4. suffice- Be enough or adequate
5. respective- Belonging or relating separately to each of two or more people or
6. infrastructure- The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities
(e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society
or enterprise
7. network (v)- Connect as or operate with a network
8. stakeholder- A person with an interest or concern in something, especially a
9. implement- A tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment that is used for a
particular purpose
10. executive- Relating to or having the power to put plans or actions into effect
The Tortilla Curtain Vocab
Tortilla Unit 1
1. incongruous- Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other
aspects of something
2. dissipating- (With reference to a feeling or emotion) disappear or cause to
3. mantra- a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation
4. pilgrim- A person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons
5. futilely- Incapable of producing any useful result; pointless
6. impervious- Unable to be affected by
7. transfixed- Cause (someone) to become motionless with horror, wonder,
or astonishment
8. annealed- Heat (metal or glass) and allow it to cool slowly, in order to remove
internal stresses and toughen it

9. pristine- In its original condition

10. domicile- The country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives
in and has a substantial connection with
Tortilla Unit 2

truncated- Shorten (something) by cutting off the top or the end

inscrutable- Impossible to understand or interpret
crenellated- Provide (a wall of a building) with battlements
unassailable- Unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated
reverberated- (Of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo
lucid- Expressed clearly; easy to understand
inanimate- Not alive
unremitting- Never relaxing or slackening; incessant
depletion- Reduction in the number or quantity of something
amenity- A desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place

Tortilla Unit 3
1. desertification- The process by which fertile land becomes desert
2. agnostic- A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the
existence or nature of God
3. interminable- Endless or apparently endless (often used hyperbolically)
4. injunction- An authoritative warning or order
5. exasperated- Irritate intensely; infuriate
6. prolonged- Continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy
7. confer- Grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right)
8. rigorous- Extremely thorough and careful
9. assent- The expression of approval or agreement
10. riveted- Attract and completely engross (someone)
Tortilla Unit 4

abhor- Regard with disgust and hatred

perfidy- The state of being deceitful and untrustworthy
inundate- Overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with
quell- Put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of
altruism- Disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others
reticent- Not revealing ones thoughts or feelings readily
frenetic- Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way
penurious- Extremely poor; poverty-stricken
diminutive- Extremely or unusually small
intransigent- Unwilling or refusing to change ones views or to agree about

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