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Dr. Mohammad Maskan, M.Si 1)
Ahmad Fauzi, S. Kom, M.MT 2)
Dr. Drs. Ludfi Djajanto, MBA 3)
1) & 2)

Lecturer of Business Administration Department of Malang State Polytechnic

Lecturer of Accounting Department of Malang State Polytechnic

The development of information technology during the learning process in Politeknik
Negeri Malang is getting increased. This fact creates the changes of learning pattern from the
point of view that lecturer as the only source of learning source becomes a facilitator and
motivator with all of various learning media. One of the learning media that popular
nowadays is the internet.
This study has a purpose to apply the entrepreneurship learning model with LMS and
intranet or internet basic in Politeknik Negeri Malang. The study itself held based on the
result of learning model development on Entrepreneurship based on LMS that already
succeed to apply in the first year and resulting the application validation that more applicable
and correct.
The type of study itself is a developmental study. The data collection method itself is
using several ways including interview, documentation and observation. The population
amount is about 600 college students in VI grade and 240 lecturers of the whole major. The
sampling is a purposive sampling that taken from 15%. In the technique, it used qualitative
descriptive analysis for the data analysis method.
The study result on second year is already showing that the developmental study of
entrepreneurship based on Learning Management System or LMS is proper to use. It is even
suggested by the study expert, learning designer expert, technological expert and college
student. Besides that, the application of entrepreneurship developmental model based on
LMS can increase the learning purpose achievement. It can be seen from various aspects
consist of cognitive, affective and psychomotor in Politeknik Negeri Malang.
Keyword: Entrepreneurship, LMS, Internet/Intranet, E-learning

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Comment [ABU AHMAD1]: In
general, the topic is interesting; however,
the used method is still general not specific.
Many education systems apply the
proposed method, thus the author should
specify the method in detail that could be
successful in improving a learning process.
The English should also be improved. On
the other hand, the plenty references are not
quoted in the text.
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Formatted: English (United States)
Comment [ABU AHMAD2]: The
outline of abstract should be usually
described in one paragraph.
Comment [ABU AHMAD3]: Adjective
not Verb.
Comment [ABU AHMAD4]: Long
Comment [ABU AHMAD5]: A
methodology should be a past tense not
present or continuous tense.
Comment [ABU AHMAD6]: idem
Comment [ABU AHMAD7]: idem
Comment [ABU AHMAD8]: The result
is not a continuous tense.
Comment [ABU AHMAD9]: Suggestio
n is not a result.
Comment [ABU AHMAD10]: It is
better to use In addition
Comment [ABU AHMAD11]: The
result is not a future tense.
Comment [ABU AHMAD12]: It is
suggested to use It was indicated by
various aspects..
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Comment [ABU AHMAD13]: The
Introduction is too short and no references.
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Formatted: English (United States)

I. IntroducationIntroduction

Comment [ABU AHMAD14]: It is

redundant sentence. It is better to rewrite.

1.1. Background of The Study

Comment [ABU AHMAD15]: Delete


The application of Entrepreneurship learning or E-ship that based on Learning

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Management System or LMS in Politeknik Negeri malang is the complement of the learning

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process. It is important to do since EntrepeneurshipEntrepreneurship course has so many

material with limited course hour. That is the reason why the Entrepreneurship learning
application with LMS basis can make student widened their knowledge, insight and their
competency by directly accessing the www.kuliahusaha.com site by themselves. This site
can be accessed anytime anywhere. This type of learning approach takes college student as

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Comment [ABU AHMAD16]: It is
redundant sentence. It is better to rewrite.
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Field Code Changed
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the subject because it can increase student actively response. It is simply because student
build their own knowledge during their learning process. That is the reason why the Student
Learning Center approach more proper with the recent situation and condition. On this

Comment [ABU AHMAD17]: idem

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Comment [ABU AHMAD18]: idem
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learning approach, lecturer act as the facilitator, mediator and motivator of student learning
process. Besides that, the lecturer also possible to give a whole score on 3 main aspects

Comment [ABU AHMAD19]: Use

other appropriate word.

including student cognitive, affective and psychomotoric.

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The application of Entrepreneurship teaching learning methods based ICT and LMS
application with internet or intranet device for Politeknik Negeri Malang student can increase
the objective learning in Politeknik Negeri Malang.
1.2 Identification of the Problem
How is the application of Entrepreneurship learning model based on Learning

Comment [ABU AHMAD20]: This

statement is a result not an objective.
For the scientific article, the last paragraph
in introduction must be describe an
objective of the work and the benefit.
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Management System or LMS to increase learning objective achievement in Politeknik Negeri

2.1 The Development of Entrepreneurship Learning Model Based on LMS with
Internet/Intranet Device
LMS is the application that electrically virtualized and atomized the teaching and
learning process. The development of various teaching models up to the involvement and
chance given to the student to explore their knowledge according to Jerry Aldridge and
Renitta Goldman is caused by the worldviews changes in student that automatically affecting

Comment [ABU AHMAD21]: Put a

year of reference.

the learning process.

In the educational world, there are 3 worldviews. Those worldviews are:
1. Organic thought

: emphasis on the theory that learning means give the chance

for student to be active while environment stay passive.

2. Mechanical thought

: emphasis to the theory that environment should be active

while students get passive.

3. Contextual thought

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: emphasis on the theory that the interaction between the

student and their learning environment, the student with the lecturer held in a balance
qualitative and quantitative. This theory is suggests to keep developments in teaching
theory because of its relevance. (Aldridge,2002:68). Interactive learning gives
stimulate to the lecturer to reflect the entire of their experience with student to
increase the future learning process quality. It is only being possible with various
planning. Learning is about behavior changing. The behavioral changing itself consist

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of various modification process to a permanent shape that held an action, way of

thinking, behavior and feeling.
That is why (Kochhar), (1967:27) thinks that learning means getting new experiences.
Learning itself can be successful as long as fulfill two types of requirements. Those

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requirements are as follows:

1. Learning is an activity that is needed by the student. It means that students will feel that
they need to learn. Stronger willing to learn will result higher success level.
2. There is a readiness to learn. The readiness including student readiness to get new
experience including knowlegdeknowledge and skill. The student needs to be ready in

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any course including sport, academic course and other skilled course.
3.1.Research Type

Comment [ABU AHMAD22]: In this

section, the sentence should be in past

This is developmental research type.

3.2. Research Plan
First stage is developing the Entrepreneurship topic into internet/intranet learning

Comment [ABU AHMAD23]: idem

view basis. Second stage is the test period. This is when the test of learning plan based on

Comment [ABU AHMAD24]: idem

internet/intranet that consists of expert overview and field test.

3.3.Research Implementation
Personal test, small group and student class will be done during this research to

Comment [ABU AHMAD25]: idem

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Comment [ABU AHMAD26]: idem

provide validation of learning developmental on Entrepreneurship learning model based on

LMS with a ready internet. After revised, there will be disseminates of this learning model to

Comment [ABU AHMAD27]: idem

the lecturer of entrepreneurship in Politeknik Negeri Malang.

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3.4. Data and Data Source

Data that collected through a series of test can be categorized into two types based on

Comment [ABU AHMAD28]: idem

its function. The function itself consist of 1) data from the first stage of evaluation that
functioned as the base to revise the development product, and 2) data from the second stage
of evaluation that functioned to rate the development product quality. 3) The result of the
learning on application of Entrepreneurship learning based on LMS.
3.5 Instrument and Data Collection Technique
Dealing with the data collection effort such as the learning value documentation
(cognitive, affective and psychometric), needs of analysis questionnaire and using interviews
as the data collection technique.

Comment [ABU AHMAD29]:

3.6 Population and Sample

The amount of population itself is 600 college students that already get
Entrepreneurship course and 20 Entrepreneurship lecturers in 6 major of Politeknik Negeri
Malang. The big sample is around 15% of the whole population that taken with purposive

Comment [ABU AHMAD30]: idem

Comment [ABU AHMAD31]: idem
Comment [ABU AHMAD32]: idem

3.7 Data AnalysisiAnalysis Technique

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Content Analysis

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Qualitative data that gained from the course major expert examination and
developmental expert through a series of test tried to be analyzed with content analysis
technique in the form of suggestion, response, critics and suggestion for improvement will be
classified. The analysis result of this research used as the base to revise the developmental

Comment [ABU AHMAD33]: It is very

long sentence.


Descriptive Statistic Analysis

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Data that collected through questionnaire, pre test and post test will be descriptive

Comment [ABU AHMAD34]: idem

analytic in percentage. A formula that used to count the percentage of each element is as

answer x score of each choice

score of each choice
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N x bobot tertinggi

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The effectiveness rate:

81 100% =
66 80% =
0 55% =

very good/interesting/proper
not too good/interesting/proper

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Formatted: English (United States)
Comment [ABU AHMAD35]: It is
recommended to add some references to
support the finding and argument. The
amount of the references in discussion will
indicate a quality of the article.


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4.1. College Student Result Score

When the product of the developmental result such as GBPP and SAP, entrepreneurship

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module, each chapter. Subject, manual and LMS software finish. After that the three experts

Comment [ABU AHMAD36]: Is it a


held research then college student in this second year will do some scoring toward product

Comment [ABU AHMAD37]: Confuse


developmental result Entrepreneurship model based on LMS that consist of personal, group

Comment [ABU AHMAD38]: Afterwa


and class test. The scoring result can be seen on the first table as follow:

Comment [ABU AHMAD39]: This

research has been conducted or will be???
Dont use future tense..
Comment [ABU AHMAD40]: idem

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Tabel 1: Personal, Group and Class Recapitulation



Test Stage

Test Stage

Class Test

The attention catcher

Average Score

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1 material




2 Prerequisite test





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3 Prates





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4 Learning Purpose





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Discussion Content

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5 Description




6 Exercises





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7 Feedback





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10 Post test





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11 Supporting





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8 Description
9 Summary

The source: Treated primary data (2014)

The result gained according personal test recapitulation data, group and class on the

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Table 1 are as follows:

a. The clarity level of instruction to do the pre requirement test with allocated time
(77,12%), the clearliness level of instruction to do pratestpretest, easiness of each

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point of the exercise to be understood and suitability of exercise number with

allocated time (74,3%), clarity level of post test instruction, easiness of exercise
material to be understood, suitability of each exercise material difficulties level with
college students ability, suitability of exercise material with TKP, suitability of

Comment [ABU AHMAD41]: What is

the abbreviation?

exercise material amount with TKP, suitability of exercise amount with allocated to

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me to do the test (80,32%), advantage of software for student (93,36%), clarity level

Comment [ABU AHMAD42]: idem

of information about time allocation, score and feedback (76,96%), whole of the

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element to get a good score. It means that the whole element get good score in the
expert test stage especially for the clarity level, easy instruction of the requirement
test, exercises, postestposttest and the adavantagesadvantages of this learning

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b. Interesting material (86,47%), pratestpretest component instruction clarity level,

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easiness to understand exercise material, suitability of exercise amount (77,12%),

subject that should be learn (80,32%), subject matter description clarity level about

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concept series, the clarity level of understand understanding concept about problem
solving concept, role of image to make the business plan description get clearer and
the clarity of example sentence (80,85%), feedback description understanding level,
feedback role to make college student get easier learning, feedback role to support
college student to find the correct answer and advantage to find student learning
motivation (79,35%), summary clarity and understandable level, summary role to
make easier in understanding of the subject material (80,62), understanding level of
the description (81,87%), practical level of LMS software to operate (71,09%),

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language used clarity level (78,54%), the size of the letter (78,45%), interest level of

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software toward the college student (88,73%), the role of software to decrease lecturer
domination in class and increasing self learning level (81,07%), the whole point get a
good score. It means that each of the component gaining good score on personal test
especially for the point of interest seeking, learning purpose clarity level, Software
operation practical level and learning product role to decrease lecturer domination in
class while increasing self learning process. Based on test material recapitulation on
college student, each of developmental product components of Entrepreneurship
learning model based on Learning management System or LMS is good and worth to
be used.
Application of Entrepreneurship based on LMS objective learning achievement can be
seen from table 2 as follow: .
Table 2: Average result of objective learning on Entrepreneurship application based
on Learning Management System (LMS)
Classical Learning
Learning Objective Type
Learning Model

Comment [ABU AHMAD43]: Just

refer to the Table, thus no need to add as
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1 Cognitive



2 Affective



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3 Psycometric



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Source: Processed primary data (2014)

Based on the table 2 above, it can be seen that the result of objective achievement on

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Entrepreneurship base on LMS course showing higher score compared with conventional

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learning model . Objective cognitive learning gained 85 which is higher than 75, affective

Comment [ABU AHMAD44]: This is a

redundant words.

score gained 3,62 which is higher than 3.50 and psycometry get 3,10 that is higher than 3.00.
This result can be explained with the application of LMS learning model application. College
students can learn the Entrepreneurship learning material in a lot more frequency out of the
formal lecture hour. Besides that, e-learning can attract college student interest to learn about

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the Entrepreneurship material that automatically makes them being more able to mastery
more material. This result is matched with the learning curve that stated when we are
commonly doing the same thing with repetition in a long period of time then we will mastery
in that.
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5.1. Conclusion
a. The component on Entrepreneurship learning method develoment that is based on

Comment [ABU AHMAD45]: The

format of conclusion for the scientific
article is described in one paragraph not

LMS already tested through 3 stages and revision. The test is held on personal, group
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and class where average result is good.

b. The result of Entrepreneurship based on LMS learning application showing higher





and psycometri

entrepreneurship competency of college students.

5.2. Implication and Further Action

5.2.1.Theoretical Implication
Research result shows that learning based on LMS can create entrepreneurship
behavior and entrepreneurship competency. Besides that, this type of learning method
can motivate college students to be proactive toward learning process. It means that
they become the learning subject where more or less learning material that achieved
by college student highly depend on student active action to learn course with several
learning media and scoring that contextual and multi dimension. This learning model
involves college students to be active, cooperative, participative, reactive and
enjoyable. Based on all of the reasons above, learning model with LMS can
strengthen the previous research that internet basis of learning model can increase
learning purpose achievement.
5.2.2.Practical Implication
The result of Entrepreneurship based on LMS learning research provides
empirical data that the application of learning application through internet basis can
increase college student involvement in the learning process. Automatically, it can

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increase the objective learning achievement. That is the reason why learning the
method through internet base can be developed in Politeknik Negeri Malang.

5.2.3. RecommencationRecommendation

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Formatted: English (United States) Product Development

Learning model with LMS based can be applied in another course to develop
the result. Automatically, it can increase all of the course in 3 important aspects that
consist of cognitive, affective and psycometry.

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