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02 Basic CSS Properties Notes

Basic Tags
Inline Style Creates an inline style. Code is placed inside the opening tag of the desired
style=property: value
Example: <p style=color:red>
Internal Style Sheet Creates an internal style sheet. Code is placed in the <head>
<style type=text/css>
hr {color: red;}
External Style Sheet Links the webpage to an external style sheet.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css" />
Body Styles
background-color:yellow; Sets the background color.
background-image:url('paper.gif'); Sets the background to an image.
Text Styles
color:red; Changes the text color. Values: name, hexadecimal (#ff0000), rgb(255,0,0).
text-align:center; Aligns the text horizontally. Values: left, right, center, justify.
text-decoration:underline; Underlines text..
text-indent:50px; Indents text from the left.
text-transform:uppercase; Controls capitalization. Values: none, capitalize,
uppercase, lowercase.
Font Styles
font-family:arial; Sets the typeface for text. Typefaces with multiple words in their
name should be enclosed inside quotes. Values: font name, generic name (serif, sansserif, cursive, fantasy, monospaced)
font-size:100%; Sets the font size. Values: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, xlarge, xx-large, smaller, larger, %
font-style:normal; Sets the font style for paragraphs. Values: normal, italic, oblique.
Link Styles
a:link {color:#FF0000;} Sets color for an unvisited link.
a:visited {color:#FF0000;} Sets color for an visited link.
a:hover {color:#FF0000;} Sets color for a mouse over link.
a:active {color:#FF0000;} Sets color for the selected link.
List Styles
list-style-image:url(image.gif); Sets list item marker to an image.
list-style-type: Sets the item marker type. Values: none, circle, disc, square, decimal,
lower-alpha, lower-greek, lower-lating, lower-roman, upper-alpha, upper-latin, upper-

A list of CSS properties can be found online at:

3.02 CSS Internal Style Sheet Activity

Name _____________________

Retrieve the HTML webpage that you created in 3.02 Creating an HTML Webpage (My
HTML Webpage). Create a CSS internal style sheet that will apply the features in the
chart below to the entire page. As needed, refer to the 3.02 CSS Tutorial Notes that
you completed, or the W3Schools CSS Tutorial
http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp and CSS reference charts posted on the site.
Complete the individual steps below and then show the coding for the entire style sheet
in the last cell.


Define Internal Style

Sheet (within head
Text color green
Text alignment center
Font-family Verdana
Text size 16 pixels

Show Complete Internal

Style Sheet Coding

When you have completed the internal style sheet coding, exchange your code with
another student. Each student should evaluate the other student's code, checking for
correct coding for each item in the checklist above. Give the other student constructive
feedback about his/her CSS style sheet coding.

3.02 CSS Internal Style Sheet ActivityKey

Retrieve the HTML webpage that you created in 3.02 Creating an HTML Webpage (My
HTML Webpage). Create a CSS internal style sheet that will apply the features in the
chart below to the entire page. As needed, refer to the 3.02 CSS Tutorial Notes that
you completed, or the W3Schools CSS Tutorial
http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp and CSS reference charts posted on the site.
Complete the individual steps below and then show the coding for the entire style sheet
in the last cell.


Define Internal Style


<style type="text/css"> (insert coding below)

Text color green

body {color:green;}

Text alignment center

p {text-align:center;}

Font-family Lucida

p {font-family:"Lucida Console";}

Text size 16 pixels

p {font-size:16px;}

Show Complete Internal

Style Sheet Coding

<style type="text/css">
body {color:green;text-align:center;fontfamily:"Lucida Console";font-size:16px;}

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