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learning from the

life of Jesus as
presented in the
Desire of Ages

May the fullness of the Spirit be in

worship - june 11, 11a

the fullness
of time
Prelude Angelica Prodan

Praise God from whom all blessings flow The Martins

Patriarchs & Prophets Prayers: Isaiah, Diana K. & Moses, Thomas H.

Symbols: Bread, Ken; Rock, Cecilia

Impressions from an observing child - Ronaldo Miranda

Symbols: Light, Lisa; Star, Nicolas; Sun, Adwoa

Songs of Praise Pierre van der Westhuisen & Anina Wassermann

Prayer Viana Vidales

Collection Youth

Symbols: Seed, Amma; Vine, Shiphrah

you as the Word is revealed to you.


55+ holds the last potluck/program
mee9ng before the summer break, at
noon in Hammond Jewell Hall.

Unto you a Savior, DA chapter 4, is

the midweek segment to be reviewed

by Pr. Shiphrah at 6:30p

The Dedica>on - DA ch. 5, is Pastor

Cris9ans sermon 9tle. Be prepared to

enjoy an excep9onal applica9on of
what dedica9on can be. You may
receive an addi9onal blessing by
reading the chapter beforehand.

In Our Family
Todays owers are given three-fold by
Robin Baldwin, an oering of gra9tude as
she prepares to serve in Ukraine as a
volunteer in an orphanage; in memory of
her wonderful husband, Bob, and to
celebrate her 70th birthday. Blessings to
you, Robin!
Transfer out: First Reading: Pr. Larry
and Joyce Christoel to Hesperia; Rudy
Beteta to LLU; and Mar Elisha Perez to LL

Gods Grace
con9nues to be extended among the
CHC family. Approximately half of the
$45,000 has already been pledged.
PRAISE GOD! If you would prefer to
make good your pledge before July 2
make sure to iden9fy your gib as
INSURANCE oering. As men9oned
before, funds gibed over the goal up
to a total of $10,000 will be donated
to assist DAP in the purchase of a new

Enjoy Inspira>onal Music

next Sabbath, (18th) at 4p to support

a mission project in Tanzania.

Musical Rendition Pierre van der Westhuizen & Anina Wassermann

Study Time - 9:30"

To Serve You"

The Fullness of Time Julio Tabuenca

Leader: Judi Wright"

Special Feature: By Every Word (video)"
Lesson: Last Day Events"

Julio Tabuenca, Sr. Pastor: 909.771.4179

Cristian Iordan, Worship, Media: 909.553.3996
Shiphrah Fepuleai, Young Adults, Women:
760.224.4404 pastorshiph@icloud.com"
Viana Vidales, Youth, Children Coordinator:
760.670,6220 vianaby@hotmail.com"
Gabriel Katrib, Visitation: 909.478.9707"
Lourdes GudmundssonHead Elder: 951.522.5210"
Judi Wright, Adm. Assistant: 909.796.0222

In Times like These # 593

Benediction Julio Tabuenca

Postlude Angelica Prodan


Campus Hill Adventist Church 11057 Hill Drive, Loma Linda, CA 92354

909.769.0222 | campushill@gmail.com | www.campushillchurch.net

Teachers: "
Class 1: Jared Baptist"
Class 2: Grant McAuley"
Class 3: William Wright"
Class 4: Mothers Room,Tom Gibson"
Class 5: North Wing, Dorothy Donesky

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