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All across the nation, women are putting down their aprons and picking up their

briefcases in a mass exodus to join the workforce. Feminism has taken a stronghold in

society, giving women more opportunities to acquire good paying jobs and great paying

careers. Yesterday’s families’ wants have become today’s families’ needs. The two-car,

big screen television, Ipod driven family unit is more interested in getting all the “stuff”

they can accumulate than actually spending time together. Family dinners at the kitchen

table have gone by the wayside in exchange for a quick meal from fast food because

moms are simply too busy. As Christians, we may believe this lifestyle does not describe

us. Unfortunately, it is true for many Christian women as well. The question Christian

women should be asking themselves is, “What is God’s role for me in my family?”

The answer is quite simple. As wife and mother, we are to be the caregiver, the

nurturer. That means, husbands and children should be the number one concern for any

Christian woman. We are to be in total compliance to God’s will. Along with that

compliance comes a word that, since the 1960’s when the women’s movement became

vogue, has been relinquished to a naughty word. That word is submission. If the true

meaning of the word and reasoning behind the word is examined, it will soon be

discovered that it is not a dirty word, but it actually becomes very liberating when applied

to life the way God intended. Yield and surrender yourself to the Lord’s will and He will

comfort you.
So why do we not submit ourselves to the almighty sovereign God? We are

proud. The sin of pride abounds in us naturally, but before we can see the true work God

has planned for us, we need to first submit to Him. We must become humble.

”God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

Humility is a quality that was once well regarded and desired, but has now been

shoved to the far reaches of a forgotten shelf with other traits such as justice, integrity,

and truth. As seen ever so prominently by the “superstars” of today, being a righteous and

just are no longer qualities sought after in this country. Americans continue to elect

government representatives of questionable moral character, support actors, who are in

direct opposition of God, and encourage their children to become like so many athletes,

who act as if they are above the law rather than submitting to the law. This has to end.

But where to begin?

It begins in the home. Where men and women fight for their marriages and their

families and obey God’s commands.

“In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if

any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior

of their wives, as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior.” 1 Peter 3:1-2
“You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as

with someone weaker, since she is a woman, and show her honor as a fellow heir of the

grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.” 1 Peter 3:7

And yes women, we are the weaker sex. That is where feminism has damaged the

“women’s movement” more than any man ever could. For most women under 60, we

have been taught to believe that we are exactly the same as men. We can do any job they

can do. Maybe even better. Here’s a news flash. WE ARE NOT THE SAME! And

furthermore, we were never meant to be the same.

Feminism is one of Satan’s finest works, for he has convinced the world,

including Christians, that women are being mistreated by not being allowed to do a man’s

work. The American people have swallowed that lie whole, filling their bellies with a

distorted view, which comes straight from the great deceiver himself.

Why do women even yearn to do a man’s work? It is a misconception that

originated with the first sin of Adam and Eve and has tumbled through the ages


“To the woman He said; I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, In pain

you will bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule

over you.” Genesis 3:16

What God meant by this is not the way most people take it. The desire He speaks

of is not that of a sexual nature, but that of superiority over husbands. With divorce
running rampant through Christian American families and the many Christian and secular

counselors teaching about healthy relationships, one would think people would have

caught on. But most women have bought into the curse hook, line and sinker.

When women’s thoughts are preoccupied with getting ahead in their career, they

forget what should be first on their minds. The Christian woman’s first priority should be

to serve the Lord God above all else. He has told us to serve our husbands and take care

of our children. If that command is broken, it is simply the first step in the breakdown of

the entire family.

Women need to stop for just a moment, put all the business of life out of their

minds and refocus so that they may be able to truthfully hear the desire of God in their

hearts. He speaks plain and clear, but softly. When life is constantly screaming, there is

no chance to hear God’s plan. He desires only the best for each woman. It’s simply a

matter of listening.

What working mom, when dropping their child off at the babysitter or daycare,

doesn’t have a pang of guilt watching that precious face drip with tears as they turn and

walk away? In this way, God is speaking to mothers. It is not natural for women to leave

their children in the care of someone else. Whether it’s a stranger or a family member,

parents are the first and best caregivers and should be raising their own children.

Christian women have fallen victim to the lies of society. People say women who

stay at home with their children don’t contribute to the betterment of the country. Stay-at-

home moms are not as intelligent as and are less valued than moms who work outside the

home. What kind of line is that? It’s a lie perpetrated by Satan and propagated by people
because having more than the Jones’ is the only sign of success most value. The dangers

of wealth are clearly stated in God’s word.

“Because you say, ‘I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of

nothing,’ and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind

and naked?” Revelations 3:17

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other,

or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.”

Matthew 6:24

The list of social failings is as immense as the imagination is creative, but the

truth remains, God’s place for the woman is in the home to complete the balance of the

family. Because mothers have cast an absentee ballot and elected to allow someone less

qualified to care for and raise their children, the family has taken a severe blow. The

disintegration of the family will ultimately lead to the total degradation of society.

But women are not solely responsible for this tearing down of our society. Men

have also contributed greatly. Families continue to acquire more toys and whenever

something new comes on the market, the advertising wizards know how to turn on our

craving for the best money can buy. Unable to afford all the most advanced technology

with simply the man’s income, women are willingly, yet unaware, when they step into

the dangerous territory of the workforce to fulfill the yen of the family.
Dangerous? Yes. The workforce is dangerous. Not by most people’s standards,

but women are subjected to situations every day that threaten the livelihood of their

family. There are many ways a family can be destroyed, which could otherwise be

avoided if women were to be at home tending to their households.

The temptation of men is a major obstacle for the family. A scantily clad beautiful

young girl walking through the mall is temptation enough for some, but what about the

abundance of opportunity in the office. Check the statistics. With men, some say 62% of

men have affairs with women they work with. But who are the affairs with? It is stated

46% of wives have had workplace affairs. These numbers are staggering. Infidelity is

listed as one of the top five reasons for divorce. What are we doing to our families?

Mothers generally work from eight to five, which means they are sometimes

leaving the house before the kids go off to school in the morning and getting home hours

after school has let out. Daycares and at home sitters provide adult supervision, but who

is to say their morals are biblical.

Once the children are school aged and there is at least one sibling old enough to

watch over the others, working mothers tend to leave the children at home for a few

hours after school to save on daycare costs. Those children are forced into an adult role,

which they are not prepared to handle at their tender age. By the time these kids become

teenagers, they have grown up well past their years and demand the respect they believe

they deserve. Why would they care about parental authority? Their parents haven’t had

authority over them for quite some time. In fact, the “parental authority” has been passed

on to them. So in their minds, they have earned that respect.

Some children may even feel abandoned by their parents, which leads to them

searching for love and affection from others. Beside divorce, teen sex is skyrocketing.

Almost half of American teens from the ages 15-19 have had sex at least once.

Approximately one million girls become pregnant each year, many ending in abortions.

We have children killing children,

Some women may read this and say, “We just can’t afford for me not to work”. If

each family budget were carefully examined, there are sure to be areas that could be cut

back. What if one income was gone because of a job loss? How would the family

survive? Is it worth all that “stuff” to ruin your family? The answer should be no. Not just

a half-hearted-I-guess-not no, but a crackling-thunder-shouting-from-the-top-of-your-

lungs, NO! There is not a single possession that can compare to the delight of raising

strong Christian children, who love the Lord more than anything of the earthly world.

Romans 12:2 tells us, “Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by

the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is

good and acceptable and perfect”.

Unfortunately, not every woman working outside the home is doing so just to

gather more “stuff”. We live in a world where a family doesn’t always consist of two

parents as God so artfully designed. Marriages split up, men die and women are left to

fend for themselves and their children. How then do they survive?

Ideally, they would be taken care of by their extended family, and if that doesn’t

exist, the church should provide for them. But this is not an ideal world and life isn’t tied
up in a pretty little box. Even still, there are many opportunities for women to provide for

their family by working from home. For women with school-aged children, jobs are

available that have work hours during school hours. It is not always easy to find that one

employer that fits the bill, but whoever said life was easy. That is when Christian women

need to stand on their commitment to God and remember that faith makes things

possible, not easy.

Ladies, it’s time to take a stand. It’s time for Christian women to reclaim their

rightful place in the family with dignity. Stay-at-home moms are not second-class

citizens. In fact, they are above reproach for they are living according to God’s will. We

need to teach our daughters that their first assignment from God as an adult is to be wife

and mother. All else is secondary.

American children are crying out for their mothers. They long to come home to

the aroma of dinner cooking and mom’s smiling face greeting them at the door. Show the

kids, and the world, that American Christian women no longer agree with the societal

servitude thrust upon them and wish to be liberated by the equality God gave them. They

will be transformed in order to carry out God’s perfect will.

Christian women are often pointed to the doings of the Proverb 31 woman. She is

perfect in every way. In today’s world, it is difficult to live up to her. If she is taken

piece-by-piece, it makes the whole a lot easier to swallow. In regard to our home and

children, verses 27–28 explicitly spell out our role.

“She looks well to the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of

idleness. Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her.”
Change can occur. Each individual has a role, a responsibility to this generation,

and all to come, to stand up for what God commands. Only a handful of faithful followers

are needed, for Gideon took his 300 men against the camp of Midian and conquered them

with nothing more than trumpets and pitchers. We too can overcome the oppression of

women to serve their own sinful desires and society’s demeaning attitude and become

truly submissive to God’s will and His plan for us as women, wives and mothers.

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