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Aleister Crowley


\" .. ~- I~;n~' I t]\.'li L! I~ Ullin'r.,;11 tc .... lillltIU' In a IJl-lFiudi-: 1.:I.~mn'II:1f i~1 ;IIJ ph~mmll'~l~~IL , __ . 'L'Iihidl. Y, ht:"u phdh.:d ull.1 l"j~m' CIIIIl"'II't:. iI::I: hil~ii III!..:

II"L"; 1111 jy ~ d' n.xlll n: uce,

~'bhl~i~h Brilliarn ~..a.lillrrn.m::i~~:H. ~ 971

( 1Ii"., If~Jnull.id _ '!;f",i~'~,~ 't- ,I[;: A fi I lerbcrr ChJlI~i.:·:Y. c, PJ'14

A new translation 0''' the


by the master therion 1\1 .EISTER CRO\Nl~EY

LEVEL P~ESS• s.~"-N f.RANC~:SCO til!

rj; ,I _. >~

Yml' irl!'lf~b". nl"n~" 1/1'(f ""Yl/rz. ami I hfi'". Jo'Xm!)1 ~ift·, ult C-{~ffl'i/Jg hueli ~IIJ'''L', Cwt,..yrfJ'.I'Jj1 ""Ift'1T,:L_, J~l!?mt'rll tr!{a oom'oI!"l'S'illwn. ~jv"rh~'UF.d un ill hus

The 'i( i K ilir~!! h, O.tll a Sy.-.;It:'fil or lRe'liier. WI!.:\I"C il: such, the Masler Therien llllliid 11M' ~ iliad n,~ ~JSC f~r iaL ~ I r. ase 1"I"re:!ii af ft.;: m'bt'l!l:s '.!i'" si mple, so cat holic, ~ II",! i iTI :" iillI t y- ~~ ~~Jr ima ~t":l>,. 'Dtnv. IHle, 'Oem' ~ he ethee a. S"tillen 111 it~ctI (h r ")'oil1 1l.lEr hil,: 111.:\ I 01' in: .. nll III ~ur ,pt.'ft..l.:i,"l: Ihcn..-1111 I he- Tm~ t~r t he E~erlil,j] I M Q,me-I'M_

~11 :1 :-'I!.:n~_ 'ul1i:s ~.m~1I h1.li"hli, l'" maim 1\1\.."Ii.~h:'1I'" ('r~ky'5 RWS.j' brilliant I i I t""~III"': :1 ~·hil!.·!jit;IlfII!."m1(, 'nit:' i IIs_mJlralion i!i II n rni,,'~;} kl!;l~n II;", Tf.~1;," lI"l.:.tuicr ~,'i 11 be l!.~ P\ I\l!tl 111 H I ~!;''!'i. U IHu:1 h: ~'ll ~,II {h.: Ell,!!: ish lan J.o:n,~1 ~~ rO'f 'I11!i!'1I.' 1'H."~\:~r"

.. ~' 111 III 11t'1 ry nrul ~ r:J 1I~"II~TKk n ::J I ht:-:nll} MI~'~I m-=: 'fJliln' iwm~j' l~ub .. M,'l'" ij '(U'":H _ f~J ~!~!~jjy ~J:bl; .\·U~"i·~'"'' ~'X~'h.;""!f fIf.J,lui'Ji.."f.; li'I"\r,' ,]i"IY}t~I~> t4~': l l; 1)'~i;,'M~'d. Y1','-' 'III~ 1Ii!~ ~I' m~"IIj~ 1r';,Ih' .""fi'll' r (.::J.:I.:.11

Couplets: Gr~?ai havi'flgs: ttrf'fl/rh"1 Q SOII["("I1"SJ /u-ir,h ill'l W"W:5'~~ ftwlliron bJlbbft~!i up suceess 04: Ima ,er. ,.\1("1I"s IIn;QlJ.' £l"irQ',dten th« dan.' .... Cm55 the« .rh ~~ Hn-,(J'ul. rlj 1])1J1,Il:rm .:ntpnior 1llollllirl-' (I ] :'h[uu~e),

,rlplen: Han: ('rTf'd? Rn'llm D'; liQlu," lire pnper ,ruy .: ;Rt'(um. return, Iwd go '10 mm·.· ,i1l.llU"(l.l,.fiRnul"fl 'IhCillgh ull ,rhy eammdif"s sl!iI:r thee nay t24:2-4).

The gen ius of rhe worll:; is t 81 i I i~ a p,lf'R'l fOfe\;.cr reeonsrructi 11 g itself as rhe eeker reeel"es n..-sp:rn~ )el each complete poem carrieswithin itself1he germ or the cons I i'l'ue:ru lhf'X~grnm.

ThO'S'!:' who ha,,.e been pri v deged to devore safflcien time {n Itl1e study of ~ he m me' well- km{M'1] editions of 1 hls ror -legge' So, \Vmu:~lm:'·'Ba.Yn·~'. IUofeld":s-. li''' '!am1!;ar ,,;r1l its; basic; .. trucrure ami ecnsntuem ~Yi'l1bo!i!;m. Those Vi 1'1 h ave mo1 been thu favored am Like'ly m be confused a nd to wonder whether Ihe Ch'uIIgf!'i is not' ul .a wierd collection (1f Chinese spells and ennjuradons. a m,SU:TIfIO l.abpinth of irratinnalis.m in whose .'U·CllHlC hds.t;ngs. lies m.adiJl,~, and even de rh i 'Sel[ "Bnit all this secrecy,' ~a)':r. Crowley, "i s.ilIy. The imlrcC10le arc mun is "he arcanum which cannot be revea led. r' Thill s. the J CbiJIM i~ accessible to rrea.:mn.

';""c ~HI.\'e tlJlOIlIhe desire IRTe' to '.art) ~i1h, rudimentary explanations easJiy available elsewhere ilJll ] 'Kidely dlstributed, The uninformed reader i"!i rngr;:J 1'0 obtain _ny one (I] the more popu ar editions fOT in lnH:liolll"; as to use, B lofetd' 5 tns true rioas. 'ha" .. ever, are particu a.rly .alu able as they demcastrate his t'l""'1i1 pirhua growth through acquaintanee with Ihis worJL Thc~' lrndicale fit (5[ ]uioperl,,. the correet attitude fur the seeker in 1,M~ area: h! t'I"{'(W,,· h lUll iJiJi~;r 51i) clefl"~ llJt~ b'a..'"!! f i"ri: JP.IU aff i,uin r.:rri1y. nres« on ,I ns: 1..:25:1). I\n i!luilude of reverenoe ,,;11 JiI1I)1,T eertal ~Iy hclp and reverence hli this r~g rd means sincere nd humble re"ipec' [or what ih(l!" tc.L'crl eailed I he r hJrd OldE'S1 Bno in r!he World and 'hich hone u r rhe few i n n~~vc survived ~Ih~di~;alrol.l burnin@. rd the bu. .. UOOL'T the I. rant .\bih UIJl.iH1~ Ti

(a!'n evem whkfu iIl!.esl~ the Ork-n~ :li1lelr~:1)' heri'l:llgt:' :lIS ~'Urnp.h:tdy as fhc dicstrtlll:'tl0lil !Lit" tlile Hbralil1 a l Ala.amlllria d.e!l'lJJI'Oyern the Oecid en ta 1. heritage).

Note tJ~- CroVf.~' hal'S made the jou·[d;e.y '50 [Ide.as;ant. \Ve Ii"e~~ve ICncomagem.en t· .IIJji.'rffl' aIpuTfJ(JSe •. l~m "he' &oldie-,. 's w~yl Ask humbfy of the 8oi1s ril.!; ;guirif!" rlly €'Otlrre 67': 1--.2); Cau.miIDon:: Virltlent F.XiC'e.iS qf gru!1gie hTlJ.f;'dtj rPm !lJ1'1"e·IU'i\t.h, 5leady. oI"tH}' stm e.'I' aprilN rJty JfN'Ce.l.Ff!UF, i~d(!t:~lvn, ;S(l.p ~'hf' l~s" n!"s.'O~'.t'I!:'t' (57:3 .. 5-61. :Hamor:: f'j7'i'Lr 8e,,,-"Q1'!t'". iHU smtte wi~h mein di'vit.r.of:/1...f'1i norhil.Al SIl"il.ft' I.h.Fe fmo spiRing 1o{"i !?_r (5 rn : II magel'.

Th~ Cfumgps; ~J' Chou .. l' Ching (pronounced. 't-ee j illlg~. 0'1:" Yi' King is the ·lit!2l.fa!,)' eq[Jj~\'aletl'l 'V'f the Gte,m: Pyra.rnid .of Giz.elh. Suppose a l!fl:e of ants 'I,l, t:TC ·w crawl :::I.ool.]t in yWiIf g,am,f'1iII !;;pe.I~ing out1t:u;' fO]~q\"'i[lg mes,·s.age: .H~y JmTJ,f .Look aJl' ]Js:! E - .'JJI'{; 2. tiI·ow 'IQIll,g ·", .... ird. it ·itake you ten etice them?" If YI1JU did n otiee IIl:eIJil. u.-euir.d y~ beillieve yuu'[ lC}"CS? If you believed you reyes, ,"'{j~M j'OO care'! CIi'LJlIge: lRf'lJ dOllbr unliJ I.!jJii.r diiI'lness sef!slthC' c,kD'nge ij.j-i~cltnn can ./iJl'el~11j·ith eayp (49: [mage).

From the rapm:re Cif his, C§la5is ern I ey h~ ptOOIllCOO a masterpiece never to be dl!lplfll:"Iuoo, yel Ihlls is one o:hlhe 'few ~;~:ort:~ ihe never UUllIgM to beas ~ a 'b()11.1 t, 't~l1" s;hori:1)":" i' iill_ be jneluded in aJ'rI'[h Dlog1e'S 01' English literatune .aM reeeiec iit5fint: I'If'COgni nOb :IlK:,lflJfnd tine small eitl'C'le of coura ~CIlJU5 :5. 0 U1iS, who 'h;a,;e' .pc:tRhf.3k!1ilJ the Onrt.aniM, IOf Centerapt mng, down U [.iOTl h i1l11 ,anll1lllTii;s; wurlb;. bll ~he O1.!1~ Senslbi~ icies, fif ihi s time. Of course students '!,1,:i 11 tI!! i£~n\"~"[ it bdore Iileilr ieac en; d l) ib[[t 3. few free ind ivid:lIIa Is "' ill soors lnidudie il in Uu!ir eu rrieula and IF'aiieii'iJUj' end lim the sli:ngs and :;l!ttO\l.rs; of those il!ll a.liI [flOril.r iho wi.lm pr.3rrre about black: magic, wltehcraft, ghoulies and glImtii5, e1c... HO\\-e..."e:t~ .AcknowlMged mf!rit """ill success £j~h~,.il: ~ [5:J1.

Hcre is. AJ.eus.ter' Crov..1!ey's 11'"3!li!l51arimi of ~h_e Yi .Kif2g_ Enter the. Ma,glck.

Theat re if i ~ bc' nl~'l'me Wi[l. Price of admi'Sls - i):h? Gas:mka~~.y 'free.

B_,,. P(u·;d!f!ielJc.~~ (In; R,1Wl1. empin'lS huillTher« is ~10 hiw· be),'~md. flo, Imr' rlmat wll1. (]l: Ima,gc)

A. Note

To, in dividuaii;;.(1.· rhi.!. editi.on. n~ CDnSUlrcd rite 9Ndt!! I.mil ~lttuint'd .Hi:7ugrom! 8 (PrJ n:'hii::1f. i~ c:mnpris.ed oj M:(IitlI'1 ,Qbo~"e Q.nd Yoni bt.'ru.w. Tlms;

The tlrmsr' fJj t,·lIich ,in th.e 'trflaitp,'omd ,'"m.:Slatif)ri_~ '.i'·in quin- .g.Jrhe· QrUt:lf! fonlt,er---jlJr1hel' tlCl'ml rJ.[t(jl.!on hodes good .fortune .." uruJ in Cn»i~! ~ '11'll1lIls h~M.m.~s . ·U"W'fl. First '~Qmii!'lle; ~rl .thal:!il riRJr,'? :1'»m tire riU~lf!ss join rhee: iKl{Iif' the lugga"d'l!i pliglil. ". l1et)'C€,

Thif' t'Gl1Jstit:,uf'11't QJl'd' j'J;r.I]dear tngrnmiii ,allvl:.ir:h (r:ead'rng from ~UQm lot:) .mp} ase: Yo-ni. Yonr •.. Ei.In.lr aRd MOon.

Tilt!' Ji:lj!m bol.M:fWii' qJ- Ilt.t~ ilJd'u.de. ~J' pi.amial imo'!ff','S. the mQ:rt (lim ci~/M) aM'd' 5ce.N~ til pea~ftJl ,rQbow. ,il ,brin,g :said ~~God C~u&e3 things Jl'6i S.en'e' ~Jitl,t, GJl81ie:r in ""~ .Jip ,I)./lhe n"Q~o,.t!' ", T}HjS we see iIi'l!I'llJ ,m'i!jjJfe'j f,lTlzing Wi' r'~e' gnll'.u 'lh~bim~). ~iI'l.~rill.1ent and il'/udf'~,jf t~rnlfll3,. 1. Y(llJli. Yani.~ a W..A'n'l1I1,\· ,mfJu.Ni'am path .fuU of ,~m(JU ,UQ/i,It".!!. ,g m rll.llntarn ~ fllnd :g.al.e. ,i:J ~'6ji."'h.man Iil~ the ,g.(1W and pul.rr~f". !] A:liial~:r tut" {mil di hl ~i~&IIJM ,fuN. !N~detIl' rri,gmm. I 2, £'u r1'~. if b~iJ'l'g ;'J.'~id ·'"C:oJ.bl'inJ1s ,a1.I.'lrl;,u11 ,rllings ~'O pe,rftcticm in th ~ ~igl] ~l K eepin.g Srur' (~lIeMQlJnI,Qi\n in 'iMdili(maJ trig,l"#P'l\ll1n l!iJ~ir: ,im'~'nYl ,am} mpfd 'lLuf..f¥' ,fl(Jw,i~. a 'W!h.ee.l of a '''''i!:.Igfm. hGI!'8r' w:i#l!' hfJlJ'RiHg head. (!I,."fY'J'lb_OOg it!.fnt' ond b~mJirl'l1; ~1fl(J .Iill(lll~r the M'!I1iIm (r,t b~g mid . 'G&d rnils in: the sign of M~ r.' A b'yspu~/. wul aU Jiving Il,i'ng~ Mi'! subjeiC-l' ,tli!- "!m' "i 'l"h !~S tht!' ~'\i'm.\';iH.'!>I!.t t.ri~'Ti1r1" 2. Moun hht AhJ~.a in ,tr;adit1'OJU1' tTlgMm mafie rm'ag",,,·l

Fin' hud OO~I" drowin,e lI."tl'.J ft'Nilf!'Tif'fI ii.\irb g~a~ simplicity ~mJ dwrm ~: A,lilril ElItl.t.t. '11"/10 is lren,&/ hUlf.J.edge.~bll;: OOH. c-ernrn\(1 the J (""hi!1C,. For Jilr:rilf'r iu,,/"onmJt'i,tm 'PIlI thlP. s.,~"llb(jli5m. Q.f th E!' 1 ell if~g .. ~L'~· Hell'm. fll lVilkrlm"s '~E(gl" l.U:l,fU'"(;S ~'N r',f' I Chin.g'" lB.u:~-m}s- ,rmlii.:L ,lJallfllgf'/J' Sffiol";§ LXJI~ ,'Pn"rlC~lm [J,dv, Press. 19iJl. PQPf'fthad~ ~mlA'bIy,~. andZ.'- n_ Sung. '·S;}!.m.hcJs ~f thO" Yi !filii:,··


l"1h e y~ Kin gl ts mat h e mati cal and ph 'j ~ asap h i ca lin form. Its structure is, cognarh~ w~th that of the Qa.bal ah ;tt h e act u al ap paratua iss imp le, and f ive minutes is sunicient 'h} obtain a fairly detailed answer to any but t:tle most obscure questions.

to Mega Therien

The Tao

1 . TA Q COr! ee nteret h iltsef 1IJ P 0 n Keth,er as a. pol n t .

,2. TA 0 di rs'cteth ttse 'f with in Chokmah and becometh the Male lFo'r,ce" He is catted YANG, and is symbolized bya So,lid l.lne,

3. TA 0 expande't!il unto Ernalh and lJecome,Ul the F,emale Foree. She' is ca 1001 YIN t and is symboilzed by a, Broken lil1lle~.

4. These threa: TAOf 'YANtl~ and 'V/N~ br'ing forth heaven and earli:li1~ and aU eontamed therei n.

0" TAO is H'lIe SOUIi~ ()1r UU~ Vi K'ing,~ as co'f all.


e . ,. ipparatus

1 . Th QIU shalt oliltai (ill 6 Oh I,nese ICO~ I'l:S. Five s liIall be of Q n e metal and t,h e s;ixt.lil cd: anDUll,er ~ 0 rne side 'ye' sh a~ I call Yang r. ,and tine c(~he1r Yin (Heads and TaUs).

,2. These co ins sill oUII(I, be !!I;'Bjpt: ilA a wrapped 'b lack c I at h,~ and Iil 0 otlh e r sho IJ lid lay hls 'h,an d lUI pc n t hem. F e r t~ ey :swe'lll wU:1hi t h fine aura 'when UI sed wit h sii ncer ~t.y and fepet litlion ~

3. Hast no coins?' Sib: sUcks, 'wi~1 .serve. Pa.int one side so ~ i ijj am::! t he other b fa ken ~ ,Ome ()'f U~ e :9 i x is 8S pee i a II: I ~ s,lh OWl d be! mad,! Ulnii que !by paii nt i n 9 om e end on bot h sldes. Care 'for '11h i n e stlc ks as '~~ 0 ug'h thay were coins ..

Th M· .. hod

e Metb .• ,···.

4.. W'h en a IS U:w at i 0111 arliSBl:h in thy m 'ind" and yo u wou II d ~i~, seek an orae le I Ichltihu:s,:: Go and take (] ut thi fie cains @f' sticks.

5" Face t h au East;: ,and mallk.e elear th')." min d ~ SO t hat n 0 '~,h 0 ugl il t s s hall I i nlnH:J e"

6. Call upon what ,god ye 'willi ;~UHrng thysel~ wiH~1 pure ~ ight and railsilTlQ' Uill~ne m'nel '10' a 'f~xlec:l imag:e' of t. ~ e s i ~ II at i O'rrI i ~tlOI willi ietl you i",CI u ~ll1e"

7. The n j 'g efl~ Iy' toss '~ . 't st leks lor Icoi ns toward the E.ast; they w i ~s,t: 'hll~ I IlIl1tO a ce rtal n pattem w h i ch tho u fiN ~ It anan g e ii nto an H exagram ,~ 'lhe urn i't, IO;~ Di v ina t: ion of this book: 'y'ii King~

8. An Hexat:Jll",am ruB, made up of six lines; each line being Yang or Yin7 The especial stick or coin is cal led "The oving Lilile",~~

9. Eacrn I i n9' of~he' He:Kiagram j S rUJ m bered: Th a I ~ ne nearest l.hyse I'f m s n u miller Olrne; wh i I st ,t h e farthest ,away ism urn ber Six,.

An Example

10. Thou hast concentrated upon thy sltuat lon, and th~ FIe st leks have ~:allen thus ~

line G _. YANG {a. solid I inle~ Line 5 ~. YANG (8. solid I inle~ Line 4· ~. YANG (a solid I ine)

L.in,e 3 _. YANG (a. solid i ine) Line.2 _. VI (a broken i ine) L.iIiU·~ 1 _. YL (a broken i inel

12. Take noM~e t.hal~ I: il1 e He}tagram [5 diivlded into two' Tri.g'rams: An Wippel Trl 9 ram amid a 'owe r Trigram.

I nterpretation

13", Ta~if1lQ 'U'i ina, Key, wh'c11il ts ilIA 'Ulis book: U'iOIU wUst, fhu11 'the upper Trigram along the~op of the squares _ Ne!)Jf~:! find the 10 fer Trigram at the leU of Ull€ chart,

'14. Follow' thee 1:1', e Trl grams i IntlD ,the 'cern'ter of the:

KEY - Behcd€:l n~el numlber ,33. "

1 5 ' 1" h e' n ~I U11'CUJ sh alt read t he T"~ i rt y ~ t h i rd Hexagram iin this Boo'k: Vi Kin,g.

16. The f:j rS:1 h!l.l'(!J i nes refer to the H exag rami as, a wh 0 I 19'1 S h eW'i 1[IIj~ Umoo' tJile dl~ rect i on IDlth e mat ~e r •

11. Next H appooreth a stJ:.-1 i ed poem. T~e f'irst tlne o~ ttl lis poem peli1aine'l:h to nne nllmber- One in '~.he Hexagram. Tille last Iline of t e' pcemls for number Six (~h eon 8' ·hiu1.hest f r,om ·Utlliy=.sell'f).

1 cL The' MQviirn~1 line' (in this lease number Two: is the specUic; lil~e' !m'ich pertaillrns to thy situation':

T hi n e" an swer ho m 1:he TAO-

'1 g, 1ft bo UI dlo6:'I: not u nderstand, ano are be-w ll d e red by d:olLl bts ,an d Quest ~o,ns eon ce rn i n 9 the F Q rc es of t hils DivilllaUon: 'Tho IJJ ma'yJes~ read in I; !VI.A G Ie K" wh ere: the aster Thsri on hat h mad e discourse upon thel sllb~oc:~: biy h~s understand: I'1Ig of tne TAO ..

A,· 1\ -

_' II' ~ ., '. II'



Ori 9 i nat i n'g '~fi'oml the term, pielrlCii n 9 advan~ag eCI!!.I S"I IIi glh~ ,and 'f i lim ~

The drag 0 FI !I u r1k's ~ lt j S nQ,'~ '~i m,e' to ,ac'~.,

The d waglo Ii1 'IS 'i n I ':he '~i e I d: nl;)'W make '~ttJy pact, Be' act i ve, w,atcltd~ II us;i n gl,care an (j tact.

The d lrag'o n ~:ea D S I a btu IfSt i HI9 cataract,

The drag 0 n IP I 0 ug h s, ttl e g'k;y w:itlh pane exact . Exceed IjHDiil~ (Jliaglon I les.t: 'thyfomB' react.

(I f ,9 I ~ t hi i s irn'ea:vel11ll'y hosts ef drag 0 ns ! ackeo

the i lr head S, 'g 000' f() rt:U:fIIe oul d beco me a fac~ ~)

2 'K'UN'

G 'r'ea~, orl ~ i IfNI at: i ng I ri ~h~and 'taii r,

plerel ng and he~pf'u~, 'I1rm as iin '111iIe mare.

If the true' man should m1ove, hls feet 'w111 stray; for III im to J:oUow ilS, hils proper 'w,ay,.

Hoali"-f'r€Jst!! The strung one cometh by and by.

St ra i 9 ht l sq UaJe and g real, ,iiiI.d",an~ag e s p rl iii g S to aye. Ma ~ n ta i 1i1i, [UJ t boost rIIO'. ' i r ue's maiest y ,.

Here is a, sack mlade: salle by ,skiilll~lllIl tie".

Bs,h,(I1 d t I1'Is ye low' s,ki rt : II to rtu ne 'f ~y a

Drag 0 ns at war: Go d I blood aJrnd p'D'rph y ry .

(C orreet an d f i Irm tlile eond UG:~, tho u shal t spy goad f o1l1'u ne 'f ro m 'the! sk'y .)

2 'K'UN'

G 'r'ea~, orl ~ i IfNI at: i ng I ri ~h~and 'taii r,

plerel ng and he~pf'u~, 'I1rm as iin '111iIe mare.

If the true' man should m1ove, hls feet 'w111 stray; for III im to J:oUow ilS, hils proper 'w,ay,.

Hoali"-f'r€Jst!! The strung one cometh by and by.

St ra i 9 ht l sq UaJe and g real, ,iiiI.d",an~ag e s p rl iii g S to aye. Ma ~ n ta i 1i1i, [UJ t boost rIIO'. ' i r ue's maiest y ,.

Here is a, sack mlade: salle by ,skiilll~lllIl tie".

Bs,h,(I1 d t I1'Is ye low' s,ki rt : II to rtu ne 'f ~y a

Drag 0 ns at war: Go d I blood aJrnd p'D'rph y ry .

(C orreet an d f i Irm tlile eond UG:~, tho u shal t spy goad f o1l1'u ne 'f ro m 'the! sk'y .)




Firm, co rrect: Q reat p rng ress th ii,s evi noes ,

a nd van tag e f:ro m aplpoli n'~ i iIl!Q 'f,atu::! al pri mOBS.

IH a rd 1m ere' advan ce I m1i;l,i I1ltai n thy p lace DO meet. [Ustress'8 retreat: fear not, afrtend is rn'ig h,. L05rt in the WOOfl ~ seek not a (h~er 10 espy, Aetreatiing, see'k n,y mate: ith him" aim high. 01 spen se r i c1h t:a,volI"s as thy 'fri end s expect,

Th lne h 0 use tloll t:; III I eed 'I 'eus ,of ag,ony'!

Earl h [] r M ![fO!]1

4 M'E'NG'

In expe,ri emce ~ lei: Ulem :800 the :s'ag e.

Once gains, hms ,smffile:: '~wice wilrn el('cite his rage',

Co rrect h iji monee! to 'f fiee; 'hM iCle'? let h 'i m go 1 Treat fools and women Ik·nld Yi they've their uses. Wed n at: I OiD se _ 0 me ~ IOi'1llll'y 'that th ey kn ow ·

eM al n s tJi' n dlltie iig n orant t an cI S0r'1fOW8 1'1 ow · Vet-the gl'iea1' fID(l,~!, Simp-ic:i.tJ~.s good gllowl

P rotect the! ~.g mlO rani Irom all ab uses !


Moon of liTII~~m



Patience; be silllic~re; success U~ gleam.

f i rrnness b ri n gs 'f~dllll na t t:hou ma~nast ere S8 the st ream .

Wait ~ constant, mn ~he border of tne land.

Wai t, sl an de:re d ~ bry the m ou nlawn torten t s san d. Ah ~ Shun its] mud I Of' mmsch 'ef ts at hand.

St Ii llwa i t ~ m ~d sf bilio adj. flcu11h 'frlom '~he cave rn hire! St i I! w'a i tt j at fe.s]~: I vaJI-O - 'fi rm I'),stalfil'd ,.

Tt11 reo g wests CIO me h e'IJij i ng; g ilioot~tilem co LJ rteo us I v.



,I", • ".'

Strife: '8e cautiio'IlJIS,; s:eek no" 'tlhle ,ex·~~e'me,.

Seek h ei p 1:1i'Olm fI:ri'elllds" ane do not Gross t h 8 sf ream ·

Perpetual,e. milOI~ st:ll'ife', th(uJlgh s~andllered tIlOIlJlI., o'ermatched, retire, eoncealment be thy 'friend! M,a'inta~'n I:hy' tdace1 b~1 ctalm no gl,ory mow.

o 'ermate 1m ed I the, st:udy of ihea¥eJn":s I a.w· p e rpe nd . Now w I·t h g rest fa r1:.U ne on 'ltrlY :s~d e ~ leo nten d !

Vi ct 0 rl Q us, '~he fool tt-'s, b jitter in '1lhle e nd .


Yoni of MooJit

Arm ~es; aU ch!!lPem::ls IlJPDrlM the sage~

his ripe experience, and h~s' ilsdom~s age.

M,ark we IIII t.h e rru ee o,~: mart i al strateglV·

Ch i ef' of t'h e host I thy' ki ng co n f'ers th e post. D ~v i d ed co u n sel-:i!'l £df'i cten cy ~

Ret reat is r1 (]I't an erro r ~f need be,

Seek an d destroy bad f,ail h and Imu~ij n V! Bu t fin d gO(ld men f'or posts of eng n I,ty,.

Un 'j 0 n. First' exam ~ ne; art UlIOlli ri g I1f?

Then the' res~18ss joiin tllee,; 'lO8 'the ~aggard's pl ight,

8 PI

S~ ncerlt~l ()ifJ u nton ls t:he k1ey';'

Ff0m ilnwaJlf€:l mill1lid comes Iorth true unity m Unite not with UIll- orth's iniitqllli'ty.

There's one Ibeyond '~hY5eW'r Uli~it. ,earns ~or thee. IB sse we II' t,Ih'1/ towe,r lIIpOIlllJ Ulle peDpll,et,s power ~ ThlY fl rst ste!l mi ssed?' [Jljisast'e'f shal t thou see,

Un 'j 0 n. First' exam ~ ne; art UlIOlli ri g I1f?

Then the' res~18ss joiin tllee,; 'lO8 'the ~aggard's pl ight,

8 PI

S~ ncerlt~l ()ifJ u nton ls t:he k1ey';'

Ff0m ilnwaJlf€:l mill1lid comes Iorth true unity m Unite not with UIll- orth's iniitqllli'ty.

There's one Ibeyond '~hY5eW'r Uli~it. ,earns ~or thee. IB sse we II' t,Ih'1/ towe,r lIIpOIlllJ Ulle peDpll,et,s power ~ ThlY fl rst ste!l mi ssed?' [Jljisast'e'f shal t thou see,


A ir of Linga IIlfI

Sh OW ssm all Fe5:t:raiint ~ lHlell1CiB (I lUll i ck success ~ But e i oua S il n deed, we ask raj n's Ih;",p pi nes So.

Straye{j,-Co'me' thou back and '~ol~()w 'thine own plan! 8 y t ru e a.t t raet ion mete !lrruy strury span!

Anger ~ n wernock, or a, ,car ,Em pannel

Bloodshe!l1 and! "oe sinCE!'rli'ty llh::ls go".

S i nca r ~ty: H e re's hel Pi hOlm 8- I th eel an .

Wnc~ Wlnst@o much may loseJ [Reposel 0 man]

10 LU

L i ngfl ffl ofW ill'~Cli"

Ills the ~read"~ng ()f the pa "'I'~ tnat's rnlght! Step on the Tigler s 'tail; Ihle· ~II not blte,

Follow' tIM e pattiliof t:ll1i mile aeeustomse right; t.eve I an d eas,y' wa~ ks tha an c h Dr: 'Ie ..

Learn vanilt,y, tne brave'ls b un, to frnleB!! Tread on the tige~s, ta.i~; he ill_ not bite.

F ~ rm ~ res 0 I ILl I.e - yet peri tous 'Ihy pll ~Ig h t . Ex:a m i Iii e we. I ~ t:IMB aug ury lof t~e f I ~Ig h'l i

11. T'AI

YOl!Il of U nga.m

The' due order at: tltli'ngls; we ,se8, 'in aum,

'g cod 'fort u ne I s mlalll ~ h iI ngs gjOftlll8', and !Q reat th i n g S come,

Pu II up one s,t.aU~ 'I and, others foil I C'W it, See k patlence, se ~ ~ Ire nance I ~o~e and VII' it.

Thougln all nllillM&lS: change. reJoice; forthat is wrijt:.

Ca~ I f ri e ncJ S 'hJI hie lIP 'I hee, ~ hey ma'y brmn 9 '~tu!e t h rou g h . Rem ember VII hat Iii 'Vi ~~ucnJg h'llni!Q nt an dt rue.

The city's f'allen;' there's 'nIle thou canst do.

1.2 'p't}

AI~ 's disorder in i:lilie! orgal1um~

we see t.1h e g mat gOIII'U:!I, and the Il~Ue 00 me.

Ag ai n e neat a,1 k. p u 111,ed Ib,ri m1Jg:s the othersto o. Pa.t i e n ce ~ olJ~{:nelilce! ntllless., bu i lid ianew.

Sham,e hide thy Pll!Jlrpose, from thine own right view! Act ri g hI ~ Y';: comrades com e' '11Qo I ovet h ee an d wo nd e r . Restoring all thiings~ murmur, We may blunder.

'T he d a.riK ness passes: I 'i gill! br'ea:ks fort nt ro m u nd e r .


Men1s union ~ Every here the clan [

Cross then the' stream I thou firm ,StllperlilGr man ~

Here 'first 'the master rlses from hi's giah::. 'W,! II sh 0 u I d he flee Uiile cam's, of: famU'y!

Co ncea I ed1 ~ but watclilf:ull'l th 8' lrig h t born awai t ! Be ready to attack, bu t t'Bmp'l no~ fah~!.

Th Ira uig h tears to lau g td:e r, vilctory crown s thy state, Even in the' suburbs men p. oclaiml~hee great.

Steer clea r 'of wro ng I envi sagle c ealr thy road · to! The glieat wagon wit~ Us,lgD~den loadl!

G real pri nee to heaven~5 son hls rdlillty ha;th showed. But guard resources as hls j'ewle1 a toad,

Sijnc'erity' is mat:ched by ma,esty~

I nail 'ways heaven IS blles:Si"'9 hall h ave rtf lowed ~


~3 reat h avi Ii1I ~ S';I weaU:h 's a SO(lOefe5S,

wit h ~ n who s e cGlJlJJlldilrclrrn b u bbll,e.s ups uecess,

1.5 CH'IEN

Y oni !jrf Earth

H urnl I ~ty; tnts Y',east's to tlaking,.

A man may win in e!Very undertaking.

lncreasa t-, umi liit,ies;' so clears 'n~e way!

On C'8 recog n i zed ~ whol is there til) g ai F1IJsay? Ac kn owl ad 9 ed me rlt wi I s uccess i nherl t . Grow thou more ~:lUuly hurnble every day,. Ttl US ,a~~ thy rLe~'ghbllrs in th'y Gause array. Use, fo rce ~ but 0 n Iy on the proper prev!


16 YU

Satisfaction sprea.dsUlroogjil alii 'thy coasts,

A IPPd nt thy pr m nces, and ,00'01 '~Cif',tlh Ihiine hoots!

Boast not 01' pl!easu re! 'Jher'e 1IIlrks, (lV,er't hr rJ'N . Be firm] w~Ull for'esilg ,t a I '~h8y SClIUI aglo'ILI!'.,

PT" esu me not: untler stand - wllat carre I1'1a "t gol Sh ed ha.ppi ness, ca II J:r iends to Shar e' :00 ecess ~ Make n aI: a lhIa.bi t ; lOY's, as. d u I aswoe.

Oh! Think nlOre deep y;dhange s • 'iEDilm'S throw !

17 SUI

Follow afte r ; but' info l(lftNi n 9 cheoked by being firm) unwa.ver·ing ,a.nd correct.

Chall1ging pUlrsui~! see\ frlends beyood thy gate, Sholl I d one leave ~d ~ a ndfm liar a 'yrnJllngl bOW? Wiseli'er leave yooth~, andl a'gelswit 'employ. Adherents hurt ; rra.ke sure '!tty w,ay is SIr aight. Fal!aw alii exce Ilemre . _ iith eager Qili·~.

The Si,nCEI"'9 k~ng li'Ii"Oy saerltlee wjth ,jIOY.

18 K,U

Service. Thoe rna,yst cross the str1eam no doobt if thou have funy thooght I,h¥ purpose rut.

lGoo;j 00i1, liB pa~ r t:hy sl riel s i nfi r mlty ;

Be gentle wUh f:hYnlJthe:r's '~raiilty, s.an., Yea, clear ~Ih"l t:attle:r',s l:rwtd~ levf~ry one, Rest r a i n t hy' COOl!'se~ : \ll'iew them i ndlruJ~gentl V . Thus ~in tne praise of; thins, uliilny~

Do w hail 'It:" 00 wi 111 t.hysellf, a slavie, '~IJ nonel!

19 LIN

Gr sa t ; he·reius pr 01J ress and ooooem 'to, fir m cor r ectn ess; Ib. ut _, nmr,e IF O!id) Ie at the ter m~~

Now with thy c(m"If,a.de' '~irmly 'fai(~enrte pace! Advance' with tdml-' all lance wjns the race,

Be ca ut i 00 8! or' adva.nce may l,oo.ld th ee astr a y. Go for war d ,ofd, iin Ute' noblest wa:V ~

Great rulers need! grea'l w'·sdom every day .. Honest, magl!"la,I!1IJ~lnDJi.S,· voo flOlf'hJlI e's ray.

Manifesti ng; C1)ntempJa.'lffing; see

thou be' 51 neere, pure, j'1IIst.'1 'WiUl dignity ..


T h au ght ~ ess a.1n d boy ish: ~ i ttl e sha I t thou see ~ Peep from thy !(j{)()r' - a WOl"l"m.~IS. ~esty. Con side u thl ne w hoi e ecorse i nS·s~lernHlf . State' s W 88. I r esclve:JI., see ' . al elliot rmies~y. Coo side r t tly ~ i ~e".s course, I est act i 0J1 er r ,

A. nd cr it i c i ZEi 1:hy SICIU II s tr ue cnar acter ..

21 SH1HH,'Q

Unite by 'grlBJ.W i~ ng : here SUClDBSS

comes, by' the, p nJIPeli use of I ega[1 51 ress,

Nip crime in the'lbrud:~op, tms, put teet in stocks; Else - Hesn and nose' rTWJst next be bit~elil thro[JIgh. Q LJ lek, ()f dri ed ~:I esh gives; doo bla wor k to ,d ol

G na w ~ gnaw i fake p edges ere the gate unhlcks. Gnaw: ,gold rewards Ilreca.llJ!tioo firm and true, Or , Ilast ~ the' Ga ngue _, the ,ear's.cm ,off ~ '~ate mocks,

22 PI

Ornanoon1:! Mwld hav'e free course indeed. But - In lts !place: it sttaU not '~a_e ,the Ilead~

A d or n t hy'feHt:~ and ave no need of horses. A d or n thy bear d .1(1" dl~lgn ~ ty is due.

A d or n l seek fi'lrm cor rectness i n '~hy 000 r ses ~

HOIi sed, wingefll, [j'e.sffin;;~ Ute honest and the true! T hough ~CU"'! su b urba n.t er,e~,s ,glXid 'work to do. Clad im pure while, s·j - h:'·'ty '~hy 'for'ee is.

23 P'O

Fa II i ng; ()Vertulirling; wtlen ,things quake, to agitate t~em nTIIOf'e' is,a, m~,sta,Je,.

'Injure 'the couch's legs~ SOCflII all will ga'; ~ nlur e its frame. 5OC)n 'tot:a~1 'CNe1thrmv.

Dest r 'OY j wlii e n need is ,_ m I ru ~ot ' i sdom slhow? The couch destroyoo, lts occupant hath woo. Be I oya I, hel p they hnl ,~OW'e rs: a Il~~ s a,g~ ow .

TheY·1I bear t:ttee brave; the, small man digs his grave.

24· 'FU

COmi Iii! gl back '; t:h oll rt 'free to 'C~ and go.

F II" i 8111 d shelp; liUJIN' fiTlCN'B ~'II iUll IDOfllifidenoo a.g iOV!J ,

Cor Ii' eel sl1\9i,ll tdu ndier:5, ,-loOk fi!.Jr I uoty w 0J1I d er s! Hast er red? 1Re1'l!JF n and take '~he IP'r eper way. Retu r mil 11' e!t ur n ; and go il1IO m:Jf e astr a'1!

Ae'M.J II: n thoo,gJn a i II '11ni} oorn:r ades ,say th ee na y ~ N obi Y 11' et urn = the' master of thy day!

8 u t e rror p i ~ed on error ~ deu ce to !pay!


WU' W" '··,'·A··',N··· G····

." ", I", ;' •

Si nee r i ty a nd p ud en 00' ; spill enrj~d

! fin these rna tier s tli'! fILII . a va not. offland ed.

Free fr()fl1 all insilm1ce:r'i'Iy', press tC!l1!

Gooj gd no. i fl11100 reap lI.- Uh never a pi olJgll ! Yet ~. inn oo81rn00 O'f1: bear S IglJ.d 111.s br a nded br em . Fir mfli ess, cor nedJi1Cem,~ UteOO! bi em woe' begooe. T he ~ me f1 S' ck? H!s' needs nodcctor - don.

T ~ rTV:!~ S, COnle when siirnenoel s bed< is best ·to. con.



The' 9,11'001: 3CCUmJ latl 00 ;IQ!J.dt

t,ln:y P r iiva le v i rt e he:rn state needet.h i'~.

Per~' I ~ l1"I1lIlJVe notl but I oak wn~ii n t hi n e Mea r t , Thenj wi'Un due care, be r,eady 'far 'the start.

Nawj, w~th ~ horse. 'w,ell trained, play' hard thy part] Block event eyoong butt's hornsl He! s sa.fer so.

Ca! st r ariel tttte! nmr ,_ lta teeth w ~ II 1gen ~ Iy show .

1 t1e n IIILde~ 'the! stars ,_ good 'flC!ir~U i1I e a I d th i ne art ~

27 I

N o~ r i strl ment: ;: 'ttlile' FfB ueli' anti t he rnodIe, demand tha,t UHXD,g - t ,5 - w~d indlh::;a.'i,€"~hB road.

Suff i oe ~ hyse i'l: ;: 811:00: _, ~m - 'lhrY,j,a,w sha II ~1lI iver I, look nei t he r dow UI lila u p, '~ I e :Sa1ges sa .,.

III nourished, ac,ti'oo fT"Erely means a fray,.

IBut I o~, Bel aw thee lJ leatst he 1 i ger 1:5 pn~y .

I mpropE!1f ~thoo? firm and cautious ,stay [

IBut U1,QjI! VIiI' hCllI1lllJJtllJlres ' a I111 ~ mayst 'C[II"OSS the r iv'e r .

- -- ---- -

-- -.


A weakened beam is under ~ress-,

To l'T'lOV'e ~ Ii1 any flilIa,n ner spal rns SlJCOeSSL.

Place liflI8.'ts1FClitl11ings =sa't: dCMIn;t enfaults are few. Dea d willow' shoo1 s; dd Il'J!'B n ywn~ w life w 9,11 'W ooi n [I. The beam is weak; fa1e?s bus,y 'wiU,. the brewiRlg! The baa m cur veg; rulm:J - Iloy,aJ!y did Ul e gl uel mg.

Dead wililow f![owers; 'Q d wm'~e )"IDI!Ulng men pursuing! Sdl d wadle r , t,t. i me, head's et '_ but thou 'IN'as! tr u e I,

M oo:n of M !Don

29 K'AN

Dei i II e, caver fI1L, piit:: I n U IlleS, ,of: danger rlIIa ke not: ,Bi nee r ity of act a. :SIr ;llllgBT' ~

Gorge within gor'gS,tlhen cavern -do not go! I nv 01 'lie not dee D i er Uly darru~l OlJIS easel Peri I all rOOlli1d - Be stiU's the luckiest ShO\lU!t

In st r uc~ i ng k.i n gs~~ ~ h u rrtJ e caul i ani sh C!i'Il ! Be patient! ti'rAFt, tar ings on.1el - - iUillgri2!V1e pace, Bound and be-.oo1:! be il~der,oo ·~oo? What WOO~!



SU!1I nf Sun

Su n ; a Uacturnen1:., Be, 1:li1ry w,a;y (J cell e

as well as f i If rn _, I:hen see g:Xld 'form ne .smi 'Ie.

Con f LJ sed Sit milJ 1:1' let, Ire e,n~f!OO Ibe1! I erndl. Her e! 8 fortu me - r i gt.Uy pla,lced a nd ,c~ath eel I n yellow', Accept thine lUswilth cheer '(7" . aoo,attend.

A br u pt ness - fie! Th us' Hre and cieatlh d ascend.

Luc'" CQfI1'les, 1:0 a]d thee, rrel a n~hd y ~em lOIN!

I n vi ChU""J' be j ust - a nool8' end.


Mutual i Iill I u elfll 00 ;; good fort u ne b ess,

Man'-s firm correctness 'i'Ul'~ L e tide', success,

Would!s1, walk? To ~e thy tees alms is a flaw; But ca Ives? 'Twell"s',Still!'e,ly lbeUer '~O wl~hdra,'w . Thighs ~OQ? CHII1IQ close tOI Wmdem? Thou wiU rue ~t. I nsl ted IP I a ns? Onry 'hy 'fr· ends pruu sue U,.

Bu t ~Iru g 'thy sheu I de,.s~ Gtd shal ~ 9 ladl'y vi ew i ~. Then wag nm: thy toogue~ nor diroplhv ~aw!

By per si stence are groo,1 ell'QJffin~s ib'uii It.

T her e is no law be.yond d 0 hat UtDU w i I·~.

32 HENG'

Fin.' nf it;, i r

Lust of result ma,IiS,Wm in eve:ry 'wav;

BLI t stea.rU'ast pur pose spans ·the, vas~ a.bysm. M al ntaln l:hy ~ if'ltue' - heed rruot IcrUic'i.srrd Seek not rewa.rd; ;,U~ry , OIik be U.s ICflNlrtW chris, Pa.ss'lve ~me wins. where active 1,Q:SiE!s, 'fray; And 'v idemt eflfa'ts end On swift decay.



,A re,tlrewent, 'lhoog I I:hy f(rlce be spent, A dr oj t wi thdll"'a wa I rraster S Ul e event!

Peril] Withdraw! Keep'stl-I,-thoogh tail 'yet show" Hoi d fa st t ny' pu r posel su blrnel Y J letle~ so.

Gracious to them th1a't tlir1Md 'Ihee; ha~e their ire; Maugre tflei'r willi, U1E!' grea,t hall,"'le " t 'h) retirs. Retreat: in order - e,ven t e IgcOS adrnillre~

Retreat with diglnUy' - re indle 'nm.


F ire of L illiga m

Great 8tfll'ength~ !Be firmlaRdl:5e f"'f,slia.nt; 18ut - tyr a n nous ~o' use lt 11 kle a ,g:]ant'!

PI a nt f'~ r m U'lY foo~! but daJ,e, no ' ye~ '~O 'move! Thy fi r m COlI If ectness gerc·'se,3. d p,r(He~ F'ences e nta.ngl,g, ra ms __ ho' b ; nd I 'I :00 (J'IIle,

Str e n g1 h fa i I S 10. '~an~e sam gil tes the t yi e Id 1.0 I CN e. Thy purpose gaill1edl~ re ax - nor tax 'lh'il'ls heart so; Once ~ang ~e€t, t:he lbesl'chatoo ts- til k!now th ou ,art, so t


Sun ofYoni

To advanee, wlhen thou hast 'woo 'f'oIk ease, thy lord stlall giv'~' l:lhee glf1s,alflu'J digniities.

Hrm, patient a,rld ~n!al:-..heaurted, w,aU thy da.y! Move with r,egJet' _, the 1i'O'y,allmoth:er":s way! Con f ~dence t hu s begotten = hy de lay?

A d va nee by 81ea I ttl ; the rm r n"IiO " guide 'I hee yet:

WOOl n at su ccess: t:he QB,~I s Ule 19amelo pi a'y . lise power w'itlhi call1Jti'cn (1f' ibe,- - are regrleU

36 MING1

I ntell igenc.e S{'i"'9 hurt; ref- ec 00 the pool 11 on If~gid Iy correet.

Hurt? Dr~ thy wiFfllQ$ and fast, 'while critics leaguer · A horse m,ay save one, oundad in 'U118 thigh.

Thy gr ea 1. 100 ta ke,n, tal! thoo n crt INler -eage r !

E8ca pe from night: by mi m;di1 S pr apr 'ie~y,.

1 h inK hmv ttle eooil't: of' "'il met: destl my.

A t I ast ear t,h SW'a II ' " s him Ultat, tr 00 t he sky.

36 MING1

I ntell igenc.e S{'i"'9 hurt; ref- ec 00 the pool 11 on If~gid Iy correet.

Hurt? Dr~ thy wiFfllQ$ and fast, 'while critics leaguer · A horse m,ay save one, oundad in 'U118 thigh.

Thy gr ea 1. 100 ta ke,n, tal! thoo n crt INler -eage r !

E8ca pe from night: by mi m;di1 S pr apr 'ie~y,.

1 h inK hmv ttle eooil't: of' "'il met: destl my.

A t I ast ear t,h SW'a II ' " s him Ultat, tr 00 t he sky.


The heusen QI d : TI11 is If itgflrt r uris its base!

1" he w ii te 001 fir rn, em rect in her Q!.N n p lace,

ffr st, proper law·lls: the neeessaryt . ~ng. HOLl5e keeper jl keep thB house wi th nmesty! Be stern flar idleness and chaUeririlg.

Thus fatune helps: enrich Ute· 'famj y ..

A II sha ret hel I udk of: the h igll .. handed ki n 91, Si ncerel ma.~estiC'l' I: III e· end's 9 ittering.

38 K~UEI

- -. -----

A.II. ~ s d i au n i OOI~ IillOtner of d I stress;

Bu tin SiIIlla.I! Ii1i"BI1:et's there ImB:Y be ·SUlIOOess~

Loot S1:,00(j S reitulI" n: bad rren rna:, yet take thy way; Thy Ia'd rnay ella.nm to meetthee·- iin the byway., Baff'led and pun~shed,?, I~de·ti~!samnesty .. Alone'3.rnd disuniloo? IFrffiends 00 higmway,.

~i fl ed w iU'ru thy rmn i ster thy course iis free ..

P~g5:? Ghost·s,,? Foosi? N aI.,! IG.,) ~Drw,ar d en the sky=w a y .


I rilcompetence and laOleness;tin-e

for the grl6art rran 1.0 aid! '!:hoo' in '~' e cl mD ..

Advance adds tr~uble';sti Inessa[ds thee now. Kee,p sl r uggl ij ng 'W ith no self: to HRlr thy VCNiI .•

A d van ce nat; seek a,gl,in til" ne ,anc( ant cia n ! Advan eel net: be,' it ht 'ass unmb;~d th ou ,. Strugg I e ~ F ri ends come to prosecute thV IJ Ian. Advan oe ncd'! Wai t: for ai dI fro; th e great miJrn!


t.osl ng ; if .a.!II·; s ·WOO, f'eliIJll" n an d rest.

t f part.~al gaint qulc _ Bclion willi be best.

Begi In to I CJD;Se n _ . .s 'Ii a. igh and c lear the wa V .

Rj d f' iel d s 01: it»JlI~6; fi U~he gol de~ q u iv sr . Beggars on lIlofSeba.ck tern pt the b ni garuj! s play.

Stand not tOI Otp~ tne 'fr"'end:s CO'I1il'ie to deliver + RelTlDv-le' a.~~ wroog ;ttlen aU l~n own thy sway. The pr inoo t:he f'alcoo !oo the ·wialll.sha.11 s!ay.

41 SUN

DlmJ nutlon; be sj'ncere ;'UtS' pr·ce is, not the m1II1B3Sl1 re of t:tte saer ~fioo~

Leave husinass to help, 'frle dlsj rout 'Ylel be wa.ry! Oua rd ,8 !:]a i nst ac1'h:;Mln; of th e caSh be o:halFY!

Three walk! ooe~!'s gnne;ooe 'a -ks~ and meets ,8 two. By h iendsh IP C)li"ua nndls, res lbeoooiting 'few.

Her 9'!'5 t,'ortoise shel s if em the cihosen 'few,

PI' I~de nt though kilnd we!I' I served by '~r iiend so" d ignl fa ry.


42 I

Increase;' n~il:s; nOII'irnatosi't a.ned Shiver; bu t 10. li1i1!OVe 00, e¥en tOI cross the r ii"er .

Success excuses b . dn ass; face thy fate! Goc:d C01ens, andl'~liue' v·'lrlue joined, essay! IlIleads·toweU, f'or him' hD~eai{:lsfhe way.; EV e n ~IM e capita I rem£N,e . e Irmay.

le't a II I'1"'E n share' i Il1l t:trurnne ilrrrqJr oved estate! By SOJJli~s dlSlllJf'ders rea I n13 disintegra'te.

43 KUA.1

OuU~:ng otf ;'dli~leaSILlJel; flron!1 'U~y flel); [but ShO\iV [relucts rtte' due· in acting so.

Lay wl~11 thy p~ans bef:orelhe 1l1lBr'ch ~gins. Seek Ilaya I '~r ienr:ls; and ha,ve nefear lof! g. ns,

F igh~ ,on a, ~ooe: per siisteli1rt COO II' age· wi nsl

De~ea t.ed! BCq U i esee - 9llj' Ie: conquer IQf ins. Uproot small men I Ike· pu.rs1lane - '~aF!l hewir skins; Cut off is he -ane ev'ii! tlisend be.

44 KOU'

sudden I:y encoo nl18f m n!g = be - dh::l

a w ()Ii'fIaI n =. do nm: V. ed hm-'? h D lsbol d .

Res·tra.in weakklily - or 00 rnetancholvl Her a' s ~.~ sh _, b~tI ask nm fi shyhll k to dine! Defea ted ~ yss,'; but not: at I1'1ea t w ~ th f;NIi i MB!

No fi.fln - bel:ia.use 1hoo h;ast Imixed wah thieves! I n fine conceal 'llY virt es-cetlars ripen w Ina! Bul he r mj ts I,ose! '~~ru ngs hllJln'la n 'for di v i n e.

45 TS'UI

Water ofYoni

. --


OC:dh~ctiioll1; to the mlrine repalr

andsaer ifice' Ule, gf'89i,test vicbY~es 'there!

A Ions! art liie~pless~ calli nW~t r~gh~: ,a.II~f";

With him, even SI'R.lII :plrayers earn heaven's sw itt


Baffled! yet s1rwgg' Ing,tlhoo ,sha t cease to, sigh. Success,excw5es be dness; reconect

Then tel be fiir-m iin vill'tue a.ruj oorr,ect!

Weep f',Of thy looeliness- but sUI~ ,amlm high!

Make- -ulllyse I'~ we lcane w i-t 11 the gr eat; a I m h 'igh! Sfna 11 g i11i:s ali e svreeten eel Ib,si n cere good VII ill. ~1 empt_y cities-art U~OO boJd -lo'fiIJ?

Thsi kllng lI"ewa.rdfs thy trua sinoerity ,;

A seen€:! the s1ailr s w i'~ffi1 prooer d i gm'ity .

Fl r m r ~ght rnrnai;nta i nj 'U~oogh bl 'i n d the si 1 ent sky!


The a~n.1 :1 gOI,seek t!rUe, 1 any 100 e!

And i III the south ~;~Iive tor Sh i P tic '~h e su n !

47 K.'UN·

5t r a i tened a.lI1u:l d ~.s]f'essf.d ; the QHas:t rna n acts, Bu t r h etor i cis ~aF' r effl(lyoo fr OOl·~acts.

Sa r e buttocks- tree s!:U"1P = va h::y -lhGlpOO decay. Embarrassed kingJ be quiet a I d slnceret

Rocks, thorns -corne home'l and rmndlhy wife astray. 8t'en W ittl f'riends,U18'IQOOlr5E!' ~s' ~arrj to steer.

Rebel I i oo? H oneSlly has lIloog!lt tofear .

Bound? On the tlr'i nit?' R8jpBi'lt an d ta ke thy way!

Muddy (lr dllioo, what uoo? Bew,ari5 decay. leaky: for sha.Ii1i1e'! The· w(lf'ker is di:sgr,aced.

01 ea r, but unused; imaa ssnseless ~ s the w astel Wei'l I aid a ndl ~ ned ~ tiC' noo le the dlllsp lay. Come dr i 11k t:he wal,e - o~d pelluc ld, chaste, Here to the! IiJriiml it bubbles -Igo thy way!

48 CHIN'G'

Well; the cOC11lfli'iOl'~oontalill of lnerease.

I f kept wi~1il care, lts v'ir~ es never cease ..

49 KO

Water of Sun

Cha nge ; meiil doobt: unt'i ~thei 11"' dullness sees, the changewisdOO1lta,n fOi'ete lith ease,

At f:~ r st, t hough art boolf11l1 Uhyell aN lhii de, WaH, then a J lttle, Ihn~rSi af'rie:nrJ to thee,

Haste Illay wreck al : discuss, thy pans untried. First gaJn rmen'ls COOl I liden 00, U1;ern :saddle and III'" ide! SW i ft as ,8, trnt;Jef - wilt h the 'Vi 'fa ~, iide~

Carl ff i r m thy change! _ Uh fir'lm si - oer ity,.

'so TING

Ca u ld roo;, 'I:rurr m ills ,8.' Siiiloo " e rna. y 19uess, real lzat ioo, prOiJTess and SUODeSS.

U pool t he' TOO I pots!, Ttly' h [l"le ea r n S mothe r Iee, Bef.ore tliloo eat: set. guaf'ds.,atloot thy' taelel Frowns f'aill~,.e n' thou be n;Ot equttabte.

Then sharre on thee; thy case 15 p it is bl e.

Gol,(j (1"' fI18,nrEnts ~1nI1 s fir m si noer i'[Y·

And ring') oi j ada· a,tt.esl h i.m. honor,atJ lie!




Fire of' nre

FI reI Bew,are'! ibut smj e ' Uh ~ilfll dlvlnel Let r1I ot h i n g sea re thee 'i nto spill ii ng '''"''II i rile!

Here's trouble ;:wat.ch thy __ ays. bulldrilrn~ '~hy wine! Take lofty groolnd; the! tide i"1 ebb and 'r 10'tN' "

D i stir aught?' May d1a,rrugfJr- tea.clh 'thee low togo!

Fight 'fire w~'It1 tire, g' sink in mud sup'in1e!

Tr ou b les ITIea Ii1Ii p~'''o IUS for ~:~e men 'ho kn OliN ~ Caution! Foresee I:lhe acUon of the 'fee!!

52 KEN'

Earth;' keep sru lefll 00' I ~k!e thy 81P'j nal See none about: t hoo! Thus the· sUk of: wi sdorn's s pun,

PI ant f i f1Iill t'hy 'fee1.; repose be n ow 'ttl rtf law,

Th)if leg s - !!twere i II ·~o advan ee them or \ilii t hd raw . If loi ns mov€'~ the ne.adls Uab ,9 to not.

Keep Sit 1 III U1Y oo:dys fid,g,e sJ J,ohnny raw I

And, for the! mc¥e of ltuea:ven hold thy jaw'~

Fortu ne attends wtUJI persevel'ie in Q.u~et...

,53 CHIE·N

G raduall progress:' lbel thy rigltlt· inn ICarn age suggest i 'Ie. ,of a 1adYs, decent manilagle,.

Wi I d geese' approactl '~ltrte sh OM' - withl care Uiley 'fly! They reac h t~e' rocks, -. amdi pa.cs;m:!lJ rTe j oyf u I· 'Y.,.

D~ pial ns Urnf!,'1 cross -. iit: needs. ;a·vigorolJ.!lis wlrnQI[ They reach t he' trees! .and rest: but not tOD hi 9 hi . . A t last t~ ey g.ai Ii1 tllte g mJ or ·~mvel ling ~

See 0 n broad he j'Qlh IS the i rfeat hers Q 1 i Ue ri n g .

Go ~o it. ye 'eri p p,l E!S ~ ru'l~ I hoi d yU'U r crutches.

B I ~ nd of c ne eye"? B€! as, ,chaste as a dll!J.!I chess! Now~ younger-sisters Ute e's scrubbing to do! BeUer post po ne' matrirno rn~al el utcnesl

Th i n'K of Tl ~ 'V i and his, sis1:'efs M8t"l!

No meat on the',clllops. and no beans in the stew"



Tog iV8 fl rs"t: you n'9 er dau g hters - ~ II IDOU rse,

Don't start, with 1he',carri'age ~nfmnt otthe morse.

55 'FENG

lar,ge,~ ab u ndant; now care's night ~s dlo ne, Shed forth thy glory as the noonday SlIIJfl.

F' i rst meet: t:hy ma1e, then multi p,ly th Y force. B8 humbly I{)yal in. ,obscurity;

Let not its accrc e nts dis 'lilrb U1Y course,

Mated ~ In ,darkness - men! 'Tls fortune's source. The In I callthe cl ansmen of' ,all ~ I" ty!

But pride and lnsolence slay malesty"


S em of E:m h



Stralnger. F'~,um riight: conduct may unrave'~ m 06,t of' t he tang les i n;eident to travel ,.

Mean me n by me," iam to,i ~ ~tnc!U"eaS!e 'the'j r woe;

Well lodged", servoo! monied men more leasy go. His house on ttre, Ijl~S 88lV;~mlsfled" 'ware danger,. Th aug h ri eh I armoo. rested, sUI I Sie~ eautl 0 n ranger! Good man ners I sellf: ef'facement wmtlh 'I he 'Ih ~ow ;

Wh'i I e arrogance ,8/mJd1 vi 0' ence !lJ1rt the stran 9 er,



Air of Aiii'"

Wood j wind: mark. the"lr s,u1btWy ,suave perslstenoel Elastic ease.jhe liirUl! a leas,t mSi'stanoe.

Informl c,f' 'p~rpose'!, leam thel,so~ldiiers way. Ask h u mill y of mime Igoo5;; to Quiide thy ICOU rsel Vilo I elll t exc-ess lOt: s;f.ru~g le breeds remorse,

Wi d e FoJrelih DUg hts and ah r;e . d tac~ i cs pI edge thee prey.

With s~:eady ~ ,easy Sill'okesapply thy ·forlOe. F ear ~ ii ndec is· 0 n, sap t el Ilast rssouree.

58 TUI

Water of \Va I'e II'

St i II waters. may RlIIfII deep ,and '~lfee; Mistake not s ~actneS5 for ph mIOSil;phyl!

Appease I:h ysel f ~ harmo n lous in thy 8phe~e! Sing let hy wi'll! mOiS,1 uUeJl'y' s~noom!

Tu rn n o~ as ide wh;em siilfen IP leasu res 'woo ,! Searc h 'thyse ~f' we U to, male 'Uly pu rpess el ear'. Too t ru S U u I c ustoms rs Il1I1I!a.y Ilu~,. 'too, d Mr.

'Tis pleasan~ to be ~ptajin I():~ t 'f crew,!


Alrof Moon

o ~ s si pat i on; in the worlrJ of toots

the kl n 9 I Y man stanl1ls 'fi rm, divides an d ru I es m

One n€lOO s a horse' in U"-ruis ortd'a mob-mel ee ; One need 8, a ref uge~ a sec urn sihrew'd plan,

We rnu st halVe knee ks, no r m+ nd! them, in the fray. scatte r t he me b,l, th en rp lek t:h echo ice ,000ray .

Co m man d Urn e mob, and f:ill ' hewlf [bell iies ~ man ~ ,Good end forlg~s ho nadlly it begarn.



--- --

Aegulat ions" measured sl,e . S I bu~ '~ear i m perman en t resu lts ijf too severe:!

There is a ttrne w he n wi sdJom urges rest ~ Another wheli1l1he bird should] IIBa'IlI's his nest

a bse Ne no ru I lEiS,'?' lamen'l; th e b!lams,ls t () t h es.

r. Attend them quietly - suecess floW's, ·llme. ~nact right ~aws - be! taetful wmth decree, For men are vE~ed whEm harsh Iy pressed .

[Regula t ions. 'Who Cim €:I 01 - it heut ·themi?

[But not too many, lesl: men came tQnrJu~ thaml

a u it not t h i n e house' tOI medldlme ·wiUr. 'UIB state ; But set good orde r S}~~ II[lIvi ttl i n t h~t Igai~e.

Th au rnavest lamemlt U thou shou I d'st d i sobey. IB ut kee p ,tin e I a.w and 'go thy peaoBhJlIWiaiY,. Enact thy laws = 5 uave I 'tacUld, m ooeral(\e ;

!But vex not meun w]th har.sh ess overwe'igh!

Al,r OfWa!~T


Supreme siliUlcerlty, thy Ish fulfilled~ F o r t,1l i 8, moves even pigs and fi sh,

Tru st tho u U, yse ~f! repose ~ n 'th~ n e own sphere, But w8IClO~ and reciprocate Igood cheer.

A - - ,If, • "II ' , ,. '~,' . 'I -d ' t h t 'Vi' 1 ~

mate 11111 vo ~Ve,s, VI c: sst u ,es , _ a _ 'a_ry J

He t rn.ve ~S, fast wlho I IiaVie I s ,so~'ii'~ary!

Men are most ~oyaJ, ~ClI men most ,sii noere. But '~adilure~'s i'or sky~soaming chant~,dleer,!

6,2 HS]AO'KU'O

E.xceedilnglln smalll th"'ngs 7:ve h~ to soar too h j'g his risky fior 'Ute bi M.

The i ssue' s e,vi I when b'i rds sosr too iii jig h :

The 'W i sest course! iis ItuJmbl'e' loy,a]ll:y .. Wi tho ut precautffions, enemies ,assaii I ::

But adapta1Ji (1 n and SOU nd care alWlii I"

Birds ina cave - SUire rrnarks, 'for arohefs eye ,! A,mtl'il,j (I n ~ in lOad '~:iilmes I is [ u nacy.

Excess ive t.riiUs;s;; bwd be' __ are

in grea~ tlilingl$.lIlcd: 10 'lrus:t t.hy,self' 'to, air.

Wi n"led tl1lou:g I'll tho u be, S08lI'"' mol '100 rash Iy ~ i g h ! Let nC'-~, ee If 5'OOk]i ng outrun [1,oyaJ t~1f"!

Men be i ncauUon ask, '~hei r '~oes to assai I ; Tact an d, adlioH ness, he Ip one to p:rreY,ai I i At easl est. mark ~ ~et thine ,arrows 'f~y~ Urn'::llJrned amb~Uon courts ,ca1lmnilty,.



M oo:n of S II Jl

Perfected work. Perfocitt'ion borders

cl ose to the Iron tier of nm- dlwoon:l ers./

1M a ~ ntal n su ccess ~ be history's I esso rna heed edit A I arm eel ~ be not d i:s,t:ractm QJr umisteady,.

Put to eac h ente rprtse the fu I ~ 'foJOB rnei3d€d!! To st op the t i rst leak I VWlg i lant and mady.

srnal I wo rks WliOtfQlhtwiis81y .ar(€l m ost su re I y :5 peeded ~ Rash vio!ence!drowflSl illll dark dlsasters leddy.

- - - -- -- - -



Sun nf Mnon

Work ru ~ ned ~l A"h so' n earty crossed

the stream! Ste,pl sl!aokly once, and all is lostl

I So t h'!l f@rca equa ~ to thy tasik?' [E~ se '~ry' iii ot ! Ret fire i In. the faoo of ova rwhe Imii nrg odds +

Tot he wo~~d~s mote thi ne own eyel:s bsarn ap ply not! Wa'r [pat i en' t:hrough perslstent peri cd s J

So wi lFli 1:0 fQrtuli1e!~ fa me' and f lame ttl at die III at. IV! asterful, modesrl: i feas:I' ,h IJU i th Uite !g ods,


R'E]Jrinted. fn:Im, 't:I:tG:

A ppen(IJ a t.-o





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V 110 5,,4 60




------ -




/ I





The 'tree of I lte is! II svmoo!ic rIlpresll!lnlation 01 IllIe uniii'e~se.

Originally i'i: Vilas 1he i:{@V 1'0 lhl!! @xo1eric mVSleri9'S .of 1f11e Tarot .~H'!dI the Qabalah_

I t is an un ive real K!ElVIO com pare the seemi iii III 1'1 var~ edl PI h i 10 soph i es 10 f all counrries and lFaCIB5i"

Onlly rnc19ntly li'Ia'll19 the Trrgrams, of 'the "rti King found Iheir way into its structure: H'Ius 'Opening ne channels 0 'ihougnr into the mysteries of Olf'ietn.tal Wisdom.






This is the back, of this book. We designed th is ed i·t iOIl1 (as in both the, On-Ien~al and Semit lc trad ilions) to be' read 'from back to front (as the hexagrams ar,e read "rom bottom '(0 top).

In this wa.y we hopeto remind our readers that in appreciati ng the vork of cultu res other than ou r O\'JJ n I a fixed mi nd . s at a {nsadlvantagem

Thank You

#ilL, ~ -"f"~-

A new t ran. 51 at 'i on of the ROOK of CI !ANGES bv t h.... rna stc r therion AI _EISTER. CRo\VLEY





. .


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