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Section C

1 Due to a rare brain condition, Tait Sherman lived in a silent world, but after
finally getting help from a specialist speech school - and a children's classic
- he was able to tell his mum Reama exactly what he felt for her.
2 Tucking her son Tait into bed one night, for the very first time, his mum
Reama Sherman heard the words she had been longing for all her life. Her
little seven-year-old boy gave her a big hug and whispered "I love you."
Most other mums would have heard those special words hundreds of times
by the time their child had reached Tait's age. But for Reama, it was a heartmelting moment as until then little Tait had lived in a silent world.
3 Tait, now 10, suffers from a rare brain abnormality, Bilateral Perisylvain 10
Polymicrogyria, which affects the part of his brain concerned with language. It
means Tait knows what he wants to say but his mouth and lips can't make the
sounds. The condition is so rare that there isn't even an association to help
sufferers and their families. For years Reama, 40, fought to get a diagnosis for
her son and the professional help he so desperately needed. But when that help
finally came, the results were astounding - Tait finally found his voice after
seven years of being unable to speak.
4 Reama says, "It was the most amazing moment. To not be able to communicate
with someone that you love most in the world, and not be able to say those words
that connect you is just heartbreaking. We would always use sign language to say
'I love you' but one day when I was putting Tait to bed, he pulled me in to hug him
and said the words 'uv you'. It was a heart-stopping moment."

5 But incredibly, what had helped him say these three words was reading the
bestselling children's book, Guess How Much I Love You?, in which a couple of
hares, a father and son, use larger and larger measures to quantify how much
they love each other."It has been a much-loved book of ours so I would always
try to think of a new measure of my love for Tait," says Reama. "I would often
include something that he had done that week such as 'I love you a hundred
lengths of the swimming pool.' We always used to sign the words but this was
the first time Tait had been able to say them himself."

6 It had been a long battle for Tait. At first he had seemed like any other baby and
reached his developmental milestones like any other toddler - apart from his
speech. He could barely say a few words and these could only be understood by
people who knew him. It was when he was three that he was finally referred to
the NHS speech and language service. However it took his parents Reama, a
director at an educational think tank and husband Richard 48, a graphic
designer, from Henley-Upon-Thames, Oxon another 18 months to get him the
help he needed.
7 Reama, who has two other teenage children, explains, "He was four and a half
when we finally got a diagnosis. Before that they had diagnosed him as having
oral dyspraxia - a condition where the child has difficulty in making and
coordinating the movements to produce clear speech. Then he had an MRI scan
that gave us the diagnosis of BPP. It was pretty gut-wrenching but it was really
good to have a label for it. Having a diagnosis means that you can actually
access the help you need."
8 Although in a mainstream primary school with some access to speech and
language specialists, none of the other children knew sign language. Tait was
still struggling and it wasn't until Reama came across the children's
communication charity I Can and their specialist language school in Meath
miles away in Ottershaw, Surrey, that, after a legal battle with her local
council, she finally got the support she and Tait needed.
9 Reama explains, "He was a frustrated, lonely little boy whose confidence had
been damaged by his previous experience at school. Tait is cognitively ageappropriate so putting him in a school where nobody had the same needs was
wrong. After he got a place at Meath aged six, the improvements to his life
were immediate. The Meath School staff gave him techniques to help him
make sounds by moving his mouth and lips into certain shapes, and there are
speech and language therapists in every class. Pupils are put into class groups
according to language comprehension rather than year group enabling all
pupils to access the curriculum, and work is differentiated to gain the optimal
learning from each pupil. Teachers use lots of visual support such as pictures,
symbols, spellings and signs to make the words 'live' and last longer so that
the children can retain them."

10 Four years on, the difference is almost miraculous. Tait constructs long
sentences, has conversations and can usually be understood when buying
something in a shop or when answering the phone. Reama says, "He started to
make progress straight away; there was a difference in him. He was able to
belong somewhere; he was with other pupils who were like him, so they find a
way to connect that doesn't always need words. Previously he was in a
mainstream school with a language unit and he felt isolated. The staffs weren't
trained well enough to really understand his needs. It just was a horrendous

Just 18 months later, Tait finally said those three words that meant so much

to him and his mum. Now three years after his mum first heard his voice, he can
finally make himself understood. "He can speak in sentences, some words are tricky to
understand, but he can get by, people can understand him," says Reama. "He will
always struggle to be able to make words sound normal, but he is the most determined
child. The difference that / Can and Meath have made to our lives, I can't even explain
how amazing it has been. Hearing your child tell you they love you is priceless."

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