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I.-INSTRUCCIONES: Lea cada prrafo y subraye la respuesta correcta a las preguntas
que se enuncian al final del prrafo.
I) Today, going to the beach is not as simple as it used to be. Our shorelines
are becoming an environmentalists nightmare-and threat to swimmers,
too. How can you decide if a beach is clean? One place to look for help is the
Line local health department of a coastal community. It often monitors chemical
(5) and bacterial levels in water which are usually undetectable to the naked
Eye. Also, consider the amount and type of beach debris. Although theres
no evidence linking debris with water pollution that could harm humans,
thousands of marine animals die every year after eating or becoming
tangled in places six-pack containers, fishnet, and other synthetic matter.
(10) Plastics on the beach mean you may find dead marine life in the water.

1. What is the topic of this passage?

(A) Beaches
(B) Water pollution
(C) Dead marine life
(D) Deciding if a beach is clean

4.- The main purpose of this passage is to

(A) publicize the condition of beaches
(B) present suggestions for determining
the condition of the beach
(C) give an account of the danger of beach
debris to marine animals
(D) suggest methods of detecting bacterial
levels in the water

2. The passage supports which of the

following statements?
(A) A major health threat to swimmers is
beach debris
(B) It is he job of the local health
department to keep beaches clean
(C) The countrys shores are in
environmental danger
(D) Beaches are considered clean if there
is no plastic waste on the shores.

5.- The audience for this passages would

most likely be
(A) Microbiologist
(B) environmentalists
(C) Health department officials
(D) Potential beach-goers

3.- The Word debris in lines 6 and 7 is

closest in meaning to
(A) Waste
(B) Shells
(c) Personnel
(D) Entertainment





II) For several decades, psychologist have been doing extensive research
On a subject that affects millions of us: hobbies. According to their findings,
A persons choice of hobby can be almost as revealing as his reaction to an
Investigators found that a clearly distinguishable pattern exists between
Hobby preferences and personality. Scientists now say that they are in a
Position to study your hobby and come up with a fairly accurate estimate
Of your emotional maturity, level of intelligence, and distinguishing
Personality traits
This is because people generally pick a hobby of their own free will. As a
Parallel, a person choosing a mate employs a method of selection that
Reflects his or her intellectual and emotional maturity; the same process is at
word in choosing a hobby.
A hobby is never a task, but a form of living expression that complements
and augments ones own personality.

10. The Word this in line 10 refers to

(A) the ability of scientists to match
hobbies with personal characteristics
(B) the need for people to choose an
appropriate hobby
(C) extensive research of psychologists
(D) the ability of scientists to give
advice on how free time is best used.
7.The Word findings is line 2 is closes in 11. According to the passage, a
meaning to
persons choice of hobby can tell
(A) inventions
scientists about all of the following
(B) decisions
(C) interests
(A) level of intelligence
(D) results
(B) probable choice of mate
(C) emotional maturity
(D) special personality traits
8.- It can be inferred from the passage that 12. As used in line 15, the word
a reaction to an inkblot.
augments is closest in meaning to
(A) is used to reveal a persons personality
(A) reveals
(B) is one kind of hobby
(B) misconstrues
(C) is being extensively investigated today
(C) extends
(D) is the authors favorite hobby
(D) affects
6.The passage mainly discusses
(A) Psychologists preferred hobbies
(B) Benefits of having a hobby
(C) Hobbies and personality traits
(D) Useful leisure time activities

9. The author implies in the passage that

hobbies are
(A) only for the emotionally mature
(B) something most people have
(C) as important as a mate
(D) very time-consuming endeavors





III) Noise is a given our everyday live. From the moment the alarm clock
buzzes or the garbage trucks rouse us, to the time we fall asleep despite
the neighbors stereo, we accommodate noisy intrusions.
Studies suggest that we pay a price for adapting to noise: higher blood
pressure, heart rate, and adrenaline secretion-even after the nose stops;
heightened aggression; impaired resistance to disease; a sense of
helplessness. In terms of stress, unpredictability is an important factor.
Studies suggest that when we can control noise, its effects are much less
Although there are no studies on the effects of quiet in repairing the
stress of noise, those who have studied the physiological effects of noise
believe that quiet provides an escape. Most people who work in a busy
and fairly noisy environment love quiet and need it desperately.
We are so acclimated to noise that complete quiet is sometimes
unsettling. You might have trouble sleeping on vacation in the mountains,
for example, without the background sounds of traffic. But making the
effort to find quiet gives us a chance to hear ourselves think, to become
attuned to the world around us, to find peacefulness and calm. It provides
a serene antidote to the intrusively loud world we live in the rest of the day.

13.- This passage mainly discusses

(A) life in the city
(B) the effect of noise on our lives
(C) diseases related to stress
(D) why quiet is hard to find

17.- The author indicates in the passage

that stress from noise occurs mainly
(A) in the morning
(B) when we cant control it
(C) in the mountains
(D) from traffic
14.- We can infer from the passage that the 18.- The phrase pay a price for in line 4
author is writing for which group of people?
could best be replaced by which of the
(A) People who live in the country
(B) Vacationers
(A) Suffer from
(C) City-dwellers
(B) Lose money because of
(D) Doctors
(C) Work hard
(D) Indulge in
15.- What is the authors attitude toward 19.- The word unsettling in line 15 could
noise in the passage?
best be replaced by which of the following?
(A) Humorous
(A) Rewarding
(B) Critical
(B) Necessary
(C) Emotional
(C) Unavoidable
(D) Indifferent
(D) Disturbing
16.- According to the passage, noise causes 20.- The word it in line 18 refers to
all of the following EXCEPT
(A) Peacefulness and calm
(A) Oversleeping
(B) The world around us
(B) Stress
(C) Quiet
(C) Higher blood pressure
(D) Thinking
(D) Heightened aggression






IV) For any business, the cost of transportation is normally the largest single
item in the overall cost of physical distribution. It doesnt necessarily
follow, though, that a manufacturer should simply pick the cheapest
available form of transportation. Many companies today use the total
physical distribution concept, an approach that involves maximizing the
efficiency of physical distribution activities while minimizing their cost.
Often, this means that the company will make cost tradeoffs between the
various physical distribution activities. For instance, air freight may be
much more expensive than rail transport, but a national manufacturer
might use air freight to ship everything from a single warehouse and thus
avoid the greater expense of maintaining several warehouses.
When a firm chooses a type of transportation, it has to bear in mind its
other marketing concerns-storage, financing, sales, inventory size, and the
like. Transportation, in fact, can be an especially important sales tool. If the
firm can supply its customers needs more quickly and reliably than its
competitors do, it will have a vital advantage: so it may be more profitable
in the long run to pay higher transportation costs, rather than risk the loss
of future sales. In addition, speedy delivery is crucial in some industries. A
mail-order distributor sending fruit from Oregon to Pennsylvania needs the
promptness of air freight. On the other hand, a manufacturer shipping
lingerie from New York to Massachusetts may be perfectly satisfied with
slower (and cheaper) truck or rail transport.

21.- The passage supports which of the

following statements?
(A) Businesses should use the least
expensive form of transportation
(B) Transportation is an important aspect of
(C) Rail transportation is usually better for
companies because it is cheaper than air
(D) Most manufacturers choose the fastest
form of delivery

23.- It can be inferred from the passage that

transportation is
(A) important to continued successful sales
(B) independent of other business concerns
(C) not used effectively by businesses
(D) too expensive for most-mail-order
industries to use.

22.- According to the passage, all of the

following would influence the type of
transportation that a company might choose
(A) The type of goods to be shipped
(B) The expense of the shipping
(C) The time it takes for delivery
(D) The size of its warehouses.

24.- We can conclude from the passage that

a business that deals in perishable goods
would probably choose to ship by
(A) Rail
(B) Truck
(C) Air freight
(D) Any type of cheap transport


25.- The author states in the passage that

the total physical distribution concept
(A) Is based on the capability and costeffectiveness of a transportation system
(B) Advocates the use of air freight because
of its efficiency
(C) Suggests trading goods for transportation
(D) Relies on using warehouses for storing

27.- The word its in line 15 refers to which

of the following?
(A) competitors
(B) Firm
(C) Customers
(D) Sales tool

26.- The phrase cost tradeoffs in line 7

means that companies
(A) Sometimes engage in bartering goods
(B) May choose an expensive form of
transportation if costs can be cut in another
(C) Prefer warehouses to air transportation
(D) Rarely use rail transport

28.- This passage would probably be

assigned reading in which of the following
academic courses
(A) Marketing
(B) Statistics
(C) Mechanical engineering
(D) history

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