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Reflection the Movie: The Ultimate Gift

In this movie, Jason was a very an independent and too lazy person. As he
grown up he had his very simple relationship with his grandfather, Howard Stevens.
He hated him and talk to him as if they were both strangers. But when his
grandfather died, his greedy family gathered in the company of his grandfather to
talk about the inheritance together with the trusted lawyers and board of directors
of Howard Stevens and also with Jason. Every member of the family inherited
wealthy gifts from Howard but for Jason its different. He thought that he will also
inherit a portion of his grandfathers wealth but he was given a task. His
grandfather set what Jason will have to do. He knew the attitude and personality of
his family of being very eager with money excepted for Jasons father and Jason.
Howard really knew that Jason was not the kind of person whos very eager on
money. So Howard set a recorded video before he died as if he is talking heart-toheart and respond to what really Jason will react to each task given to Jason even he
is already dead. He made 12 tasks for Jason to accomplish, these tasks were named
as gifts and these gifts will help and turn Jason to become a good person.

As Jason took his tasks there were people helped him to accomplish his task,
Alexia and his daughter Emily. Jason was able to accomplished his tasks and inherit
the gift of Work, the gift of Problems, the gift of Friends, the gift of Giving, the gift of
Gratitude, the gift of Family, the gift of Learning, the gift of Money, the gift of
Laughter, the gift of a Day, the gift of Dreams, the gift of Love. The three of them
were very happy because Jason accomplished his tasks and inherited a part of his
grandfathers wealth. Jason used the money in order to establish a building for
children with grave ill inspired by Emily. But as Jason proposed his idea Emily passed
away because of Leukemia. As when the time Jason went back to the company, the
secretary of his grandfather executed and announced Jason inherited all of his
grandfathers wealth, and Jason reflected and knew that he was loved by his
grandfather and he to him.

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