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Th e M agi cal Al paca

Q: At school my fr iends ar e a bit w ild. I don?t

w ant to hang out w ith them this year but how
can I let go?
A: Your fr iends ar e not the r ight people for you.
Som ething that you can do w hen you star t
school is be ver y kind to som eone joining your
gr ade. She w ill think of you as a fr iend. You can
also alw ays join a differ ent fr iend gr oup w ith
som eone you alr eady know.

Volu m e 47,
Issu e 4A

A: M y favor ite fr uit is pineapple.

10 Al t er n at e Spel l i n gs of
Ch au t au qu a

Q: Dear M agical Alpaca, I could r eally use som e of your

m agical w ool for a m agical sw eater that I?m w or king on.
Would you m ind next tim e you shear ed could you hit m e up.
THX --Kelsey

By M addie Vanech

A: Of cour se you can have som e. I?ll m eet you som etim e soon.

1. Shataqua

Q: I feel like I don?t fit in at cam p. Ever yone else has fr iends
alr eady?

2. Chautauquoi

Q: W hat is your favor ite fr uit?

4. Cheteque

A: Som ething you should join in on is a lunch bunch. You?ll

find people w ith your sam e inter ests and you?ll m ost likely
star t to hang out w ith them .

5. Shautauqw a

Q: W hat is your favor ite veggie?

6. Chataquak (the k is silent)

A: M y favor ite veggie is car r ots.

7. Shaataaquaa

Q: How did you think of being an alpaca?

8. Chateau Quoi

A: I w as Br ain-Washed last year and all I could r em em ber w as


3. Shautauquau

9. Ch!@#$%^&*
10. Rihanna

Hor r or s of Ch apst i ck
By: Kailey Chen
AAHHH, my 5th gr ade class is getting invaded by CHAPSTICK!
Alm ost all the gir ls put it on ever y m inute. It is dr iving m e
CRAZY! I don?t know how they got inspir ed but they did.
Chapstick is like the love of their life. Then the teacher found
out and got annoyed, then she banned chapstick fr om our class.
Gi r af f es
By Ram sey
Do you know w hat a gir affe is? They ar e ver y tall anim als that
can r un 37 m ph. Their necks ar e ver y long, so they can r each
tall tr ees. They live in the Afr ican savannah. A long tim e ago,
som e gir affes had shor t necks. The gir affes w ith shor t necks
could not r each tr ees, so they died out. Gir affes eat leaves or
fr uit that fell out of tr ees. Lions, leopar ds or hyenas eat gir affes.
Gir affes have long legs. I fed a gir affe at the zoo. They ar e
inter esting. The gir affe I fed w as ver y big. It w as 5 year s old. I
hoped you like lear ning about gir affes.

I Have Som e Feel i n gs Abou t ?Sm ash ?

Pel i can s

By Nina Kahn

By Gr iffin

So, ?Sm ash? w as a TV show that cam e out ar ound 4 year s ago. It?s
about the (fictional) pr oduction of a Br oadw ay show about M ar ilyn
M onr oe. And it?s by Steven Spielber g! Sounds like a good show ,
r ight? Wr ong. Despite having a cool pr em ise and an all-star cast,
?Sm ash? becam e a joke after its fir st episode and w as cancelled after
tw o seasons. Though fun to w atch, it?s a tr ainw r eck . Her e?s w hy:

Pelicans ar e w eir d
bir ds that live near
bays, oceans, and
w ater. They eat fish,
kr ill, and shr im p.
Their r elatives ar e
seagulls. If you have
m ovie
Finding Nem o you
m ight
r em em ber
w hen they all go like
?m ine m ine m ine
m ine m ine m ine
m ine.? See you later.
I like pelicans.

* NOTE: I?m only on season 1, but I?ll probably write more once I finish
the season/show.
ACTORS: Oh boy. This hur ts. Since ?Sm ash? is about Br oadw ay,
m ultiple Br oadw ay star s ar e in it. Chr istian Bor le, M egan Hilty,
Leslie Odom Jr , and Br ian d?Ar cy Jam es, to nam e a few. People like
Lin-M anuel M ir anda, Phillipa Soo, Kr ysta Rodr iguez, and other s can
also be found in a few episodes. They?r e all gr eat actor s and singer s,
once you take aw ay the lazily-w r itten scr ipt (I?ll get to that later ). But
yikes, it?s Kather ine M cPhee, for m er ?Am er ican Idol? contestant, that
r eally r uins the cur ve. She?s a gr eat singer , no doubt, but has the
acting r ange of a goldfish and m akes ever yone uncom for table.
CHARACTERS: W hat a w aste of talent this show is. W hen you have so
m any incr edible per for m er s, you?d expect char acter s just as good.
That ain?t w hat you get. The dialogue in this show is so flim sy and
cliche it?s laughable, w ith antagonists saying ?You haven?t hear d the
last of this? and ?star ? being used w ay too m uch, even for a theatr e
show. Kather ine M cPhee and M egan Hilty?s char acter s, Kar en and
Ivy, ar e both ir r itating and again, total cliches. Debr a M essing plays
Julia, w ho m akes such ter r ible decisions you w onder if the w r iter s
even tr ied. The only r edeem ing char acter s ar e Tom (played by
Chr istian Bor le) and Fr ank (Br ian d?Ar cy Jam es), and Fr ank bar ely
show s up.
PLOT: I?m only eight episodes into the show , and the stor yline has
alr eady. Betw een the cheating, the Br uno M ar s m usical, Ellis even
being a char acter , the techno M ar ilyn adaptation, the adoption
subplot, the list goes on for ever. It?s just a com plete m ess of a TV
show , and I can?t im agine w hat happens in the r est of this season. It?s
like ?Glee?, w her e you know it isn?t good, but you can?t stop w atching
because it?s so m ind-num bing. The w r iting sounds like it w as w r itten
by a 12-year -old, w ith over done phr ases and over all stupidity.
M USICAL NUM BERS: Sickening. ?M r. and M r s. Sm ith? m ade m e w ant
to claw my eyes out, and let?s not for get the aw kw ar d _edgy_ Kar en
ver sion of M ar ilyn (featur ing str obe lights and m asks) that m ade it
clear that this show had no idea w hat it w as doing. Possibly one of
the m ost uncom for table m om ents in the show w as Kar en singing
?Call M e? in a dr eam sequence. Kar en needs to be stopped. How ever ,
?Let M e be Your Star ? w as actually kind of good, confusing m e as to
w hat the pr ocess w as for w r iting these num ber s. ?National Pastim e?
w as okay, and incr edibly catchy, but also kind of cam py and stupid.
That descr ibes the show , basically.
CONCLUSION: Watching ?Sm ash? is like biting into an oatm eal r aisin
cookie. You think the r aisins ar e chocolate chips, but it ends up being
the r udest sur pr ise and your w or ld com es cr ashing dow n ar ound
you. I?m still gonna w atch it, though. (it?s available on Am azon
Pr im e)

W h i ch Di sn ey
Pr i n cess Ar e You ?
By Em ily Zhang
1. W hich word best
describes you?
A. m agical
B. sanitar y
C. kind
2. W hat length hair
do you have?
A. long
B. shor t
C. m edium
3. Your skin tone is ?
A. peach
B. pale
C. tan-ish
M ostly As: you ar e
M ostly Bs: you ar e
Snow W hite
M ostly Cs: you ar e
Cinder ella

A Rev i ew Of Cl ash Royal e

By Nico Di Angelo
Nam e of video gam e: Clash Royale
Rating:? ? ? ? ?
Descr iption: A video gam e that is a classic ar ena style w ith a
m ix of upgr ading tr oops and buildings. The object of the
gam e is to get to higher ar enas, upgr ade and get car ds, and
w in battles. The com pany that cr eated this gam e is Super cell,
w hich also cr eated the fam ous Boom Beach and Clash Of
Clans. In a w ay, Clash Royale is a lot like Clash Of Clans
because they have m any of the sam e tr oops and spells. Ther e
ar e also m any w ays they ar e differ ent because Clash Royale
does not have the sam e base building str ategy since in each
ar ena ever y building and tr oop looks identical except for
color. Ther e is also the gold and elixir differ ence w her e in
Clash of Clans the gold am ounts for m any people w as high,
som e consisting of tw o m illion gold or higher. But in Clash
Royale, just tw o thousand gold is a lot. Also, in Clash Of Clans,
elixir w as like gold w her e it gener ates at your base but in
Clash Royale your elixer gener ates w hile you?r e in battle and
you use it to buy car ds. But even though Clash Royale is ver y
differ ent fr om Clash Of Clans, in m any w ays is also like it!
Book Rev i ew : Sm i l e by Rai n a Tel gem ei er
By Hazel Bar zilay
Hi cam per s! Ar e you bor ed on the bus r ide to cam p or do you
love r eading and have nothing good to r ead? Well, I have a
gr eat book for you! Sm ile by Raina Telgem eier is a gr aphic
novel about Telgem eier ?s life. It all star ts w hen she knocks
her tw o fr ont teeth out. Obviously, it?s har d to put tw o fr ont
teeth pack in place, but for Raina a lot of unexpected things
happen. This is a gr eat book for ages 10 and up? But I haven?t
told you the best par t? If you like Sm ile ther e ar e tw o m or e
books w aiting for you! Dr am a and Sister s ar e both by
Telgem eier and if you?r e in for a tr eat. Raina also m ade a
gr aphic novel ver sion of The Babysitter s Club! I hope you
enjoy Sm ile!

Cel t i cs t ak e Gu er sch on
Yabu sel e w i t h t h e 16t h
pi ck
By Nicholas
Weylm an-Far w ell
Nam e: Guer schon Yabusele
Age: 20
Position: Sm all
For w ar d/Pow er For w ar d
Height/Weight: 6 ft 8 in/275
Team : Rouen M etr opole
League: LNB Pr o A
(Fr ance)
Str engths: Long w ingspan;
sur pr isingly athletic for his
size; 3pt thr eat; ver satility;
defensive intensity
Weaknesses: Under sized
for a Pow er For w ar d; not
quite NBA r eady; not a
good r im defender ; needs
to im pr ove his FT shooting
The Futur e: Yabusele w ill
alm ost cer tainly be
?stashed? aw ay in Eur ope
for the next season, but he
m ay play in the NBA
Sum m er League. Don?t
expect him to be getting
good m inutes on the
Celtics for at least 2 year s.
As for his ceiling, m any
people have com par ed him
to Dr aym ond Gr een
because of his size and
ver satility.

By Sar a Shaff
(This is especially for you par ents w ho don't get m uch w hen you ask ?how w as your day??)
This ar ticle is about life at CRCAP. Fir st you get out of your car and head to the tent stage. Then
you check in w ith your gr oupie leader and listen to M or ning Announcem ents. After that you
go to your fir st per iod. You get to choose your cour ses fr om about 130 the w hole session and
20 each per iod. W hen you hear the cow bell you know it?s tim e to sw itch classes. So, you go on
to Per iod 2. W hen you hear the cow bell again, it?s tim e for Thir d Per iod. W hen the cow bell
r ings once again, it?s tim e for lunch. Ther e is usually a line out the door. Then, you eat you
lunch. Then, w hen the cow bell sounds, it is Noontim e Show tim e. After that is FESTIVAL
PERIOD! You get to choose fr om so m uch and you can even w r ite for w hat you ar e r eading, the
DAILY DOUBLE! Then, w hen the cow bell r ings again, it's tim e for 5th per iod, then the cow bell
sounds again and it?s 6th per iod. After that you w ill hear the cow bell for the last tim e for the
day! It?s tim e to go! OVER AND OUT! To find out m or e, visit CRCAP! I hope you liked my ar ticle!


The Photo jour nalism class did a sur vey of 2 classes about how scar ed they w er e w hen the fir e
alar m s w ent off on w ednesday. We asked w er e you ver y scar ed, scar ed, a little scar ed, or not
scar ed. 2 people said ver y scar ed, 4 people said they w er e scar ed, 3 poeple said they w er e a
little scar ed, and 1 ver y un - scar ed kid said not scar ed
Pictur es of the r eenactm ents of the faces that br oke out w hen the ?electr onic ducks? w ent off.

Fi r e Dr i l l
By Echo Lar sen
On June 29, 2016
ther e w as a fir e
dr ill. I didn?t feel
like anything.

Rev i ew of t h e Fi r e Dr i l l
By Joshua Rosenber g
I thought that the fir e dr ill
w ent ver y w ell. The r eason
Stop M otion Go did not show
up is because the alar m didn't
go off in the Anim ation
Building, so Aar on needs to
get that fixed.
Tw o people next to m e w er e
talking, though.

Pet Peeves
By Lita
I decided to w r ite about pet peeves. I don't have
that m any of them ? okay that's a lie.
That br ings m e to my fir st topic (take note that
these ar en't in or der ): lying. Especially w hen it's
obviously a w hite lie! W hy don't you just tell m e
the tr uth! I r ather hear that you w er e the one that
clogged the toilet, than having to ask- okay you get
it. But lying? Ther e's all kinds of lying. Exam ples:
?Did you listen that new album by Andy Black? Its
called ?Shadow Side!?I think it's am azing!?
?Oh! I have the album ! Ive listened to ever y song!?
?Do you like the song, w e need to dance??
?Yeah! It's my favor ite song!?
?I w as tr icking you. Ther e is no song called ?We
Need to Dance.? Its called, ?We Don't Have to
W hat ar e my other pet peeves? W hen people chew
WAY too loudly. I m ean, you guys ar en't CAVE
M AN or BARBARIANS! You. ar e. HUM ANS! Or
w hen you chew w ith your m outh open? Your
par ents w er e ser ious w hen they say it's gr oss!
DON'T do it.
I absolutely HATE w hen people touch my stuff.
Like, PLEASE don't go thr ough my pencil box. It
m akes m e w ant to r ip my hair out. Like, if
som eone show s you one pictur e on their phone,
don't star t scr olling. They show ed you ONE
pictur e. Okay?
W hen people com plain about their ?fir st w or ld
pr oblem s.?
?Oh my GOSH! I asked for a w hite iPhone 4 w ith 8
gigs! And i got a BLACK one w ith 32! Im gunna cr y!
I hate my par ents. They don't car e about m e!?
You see w hat I m ean? Ther e's kids w ho don't even
have a bed to sleep in ever y night and YOU ar e
com plaining about som ething that's so SO sm all.
W hen people br ag about their diet?
?Oh, i w ould NEVER go to M cDonalds! Im VEGAN!
M cDonald's is for fat slobs! I'm on a diet.?
Oh my GOSH! Listen, if you act like that
M cDonald?s w ouldn't WANT you because you'r e a


Per son 2: * w alks aw ay*
That also cover s guilt tr ipping. You know , w hen
people shove w or ds into your m outh?
Especially dr am a queens, you know , those
popular kids w ho star t all of those r um or s at
Speaking of school, let's talk about teacher s.
W hen they use the w hiteboar d, and they er ase
w hat they w r ite, and they for get one LITTLE line
on the boar d? Then, I star e at that dang line the
r est of the class. It dr ives m e INSANE. That little
line is just star ing into my soul. Killing m e slow ly
and painfully.
W hen people play their m usic too loud. Yeah,
that one doesn't bother m e as m uch as w hen
people m ake fun of M Y m usic! Like, w hat did M y
Chem ical Rom ance do to YOU?
?Oh my GOSH Black Veil Br ides is too EM O for
m e!?
?Well once again. Guess w hat? If you'r e gonna
have that attitude. Andy Bier sack doesn't WANT
you in his fan base! You w ould r uin their
r eputation! You know , of all of their fans being
sw eet and kind to each other ? So go ahead and
listen to your m ainstr eam br ainless sounds.
Alr ight? And leave m e ALONE!?
W hen people take out their phone w hile you'r e
talking to them .
Exam ple: (using m em ber s fr om bands so i don't
offend anyone by accidentally using their nam e)
Ger ar d Way: Hey Andy! Sup! I've been thinking
about that song I w as helping you w r ite! I have a
new ver se! Wanna see?
Andy Bier sack: Sur e.
Ger ar d Way: Her e! I added som e of the chor us
her e! Like it?
Andy Bier sack: * Phone goes off. Of cour se, it?s the
Batm an them e song*

Also, w hen people kick the back of my chair , then,

w hen I tur n ar ound, and ask them to stop, they act
like an innocent little sw eethear t w ho didn't do
ANYTHING. Then, the second I tur n back ar ound?
They star t kicking my chair again!

Ger ar d Way: Oh and I w as thinking w ell-

W hen people fish for com plim ents.

Ger ar d Way: Uhh, Andy?

Per son 1: ?Am i pr etty??

Andy Bier sack: * click click click .* OM G! Ashley

got a new CAT! OM G! I am SO r eshar ing this!


Per son 2: ?uhhhh? ?
Per son 1: ?OH M Y GOSH! YOU'RE SO M EAN!

Andy Bier sack: * Rips phone out of pocket, star es

at the scr een, typing quickly, m utter ing
som ething to him self*

* types aggr essively on phone once again*

Ger ar d Way: Andy! Look! Its BATM AN!
Andy Bier sack: Selfie!

M i gh t y No. 9 Rev i ew
By Jake Rast
M ighty No. 9 is the new video gam e cr eated by Keiji
Inafune, funded by the cr ow dfunding site Kickstar ter. It
star s Beck, a com pletely or iginal char acter that w as
cr eated by Dr. W hite in or der to foil the plans of the evil
scientist Dr. Blackw ell. The gam e w as cr eated and funded
based on nostalgia the gam ing com m unity has for the best
r etr o platfor m er gam e of all tim e, the m aster piece of a
gam e know n as M ega M an X7, and I can safely say that
M ighty No. 9 deliver s on its pr om ise of r eintr oducing us to
all the r evolutionar y concepts that gam e intr oduced.
Ever yone know s how w ell M ega M an X7?s gr aphics have
aged, m ost of all M r. Inafune, so appr opr iately, M ighty No.
9 r etains the or iginal style of 3D m odeling this gam e
intr oduced, even going so far as to m im ic the am azingly
in-depth m outh m ovem ents of M ega M an X7 that tr uly
im m er ses the player in the gam e w or ld. But that?s enough
about the astounding gr aphics, you obviously w ant to
know about how M ighty No. 9?s gam eplay calls back to its
pr edecessor. Unfor tunately, M ighty No. 9 only r aised
about $4,000,000 and as such w as unable to pay for the
astounding 3D gam eplay of M ega M an X7, but this is
com pensated effectively for by the gam e?s exper tly
designed levels. M ighty No. 9?s levels ar e m aster pieces in
their ow n r ights, but their being callbacks to the stages
fr om M ega M an X7 m akes the deal even sw eeter. Fr om the
ver y challenging and fun bottom less dr ops in the air stage
to the com pletely fair fir e pits in the fir e stage, Inafune
clear ly show cases his know ledge on how to m ake
astounding levels in M ighty No. 9.
But a M ega M an gam e w ouldn?t be a M ega M an gam e
w ithout its bosses, and M ighty No. 9 w holehear tedly
deliver s on this fr ont. The design of ever y boss is evidently
based on the fan favor ite M ega M an boss fr om , w hat else,
M ega M an X7: Flam e Hyenar d. Ever y boss in M ighty No. 9
spouts incr edibly w itty and insightful r em ar ks at the
player per fectly com plim ented by the hilar ious dialogue
w r itten for Beck?s team m ates w hich w ill be laughed at
w henever they com e up in a stage ever y tim e the stage is
r eplayed. The bosses w er e all m eticulously cr afted ar ound
com pletely or iginal concepts, and their battles w er e all
ver y w ell designed. Fr om the bosses w ith fr eezing attacks
that r equir e ver y fun button-m ashing to the bosses that
attack w ith ver y w ell-telegr aphed instant-kill m oves, it?s
clear that a lot of tim e, effor t, and passion w as put into
each of these battles.
To conclude, if you ar e looking for a gam e that is str ongly
r em iniscent of M ega M an X7, ther e?s no better gam e than
M ighty No. 9. The gam e has been w isely por ted to five
system s so far , and five m or e ar e definitely in the w or ks.
To play the gam e like it is m eant to be played, I w ould
highly r ecom m end getting the gam e on W ii U, or else you
m ight end up cr ying like an anim e fan on pr om night. I
give M ighty No. 9 a M ega M an X7/8.

Red Sox I n f i el d Com m en t s

w i t h Ci ar an !
By Ciar an M ur phy
Dustin Pedr oia:
Nice year so far , Dustin although you need to get the
ball in the air w ith r unner s
on base.
Xander Bogaer ts:
Xander Boegar ts is absolutely
insane this year ? He?s an all
ar ound gr eat player.
(Clutch, too.)
Tr avis Shaw :
Som e of his challenges ar e
the pitching he faces. Being
8th in the lineup m akes it
easy to get hits w hen pitcher
has faced 7 people r ather
than 5. You can see the
pitcher m or e if you?r e later in
the lineup.
Hanley Ram ir ez:
Ciar an Says: Yeah, but still
not as w ell as he did in LA.
He could hit for pow er and
aver age, then. The Red Sox
didn?t w ant a .270 hitter w ith
less that 10 hom er s w hen
they signed him .
Pablo Sandoval:
Ciar an Says: Pablo?s been a
disappointm ent
Boston, the Red Sox, and the
San Fr ancisco Giants.

Br ex i t , or ?Eu r opocal ypse?

Al l Abou t Cam p

By M ichael Weiskopf

By Alyssa Gondelm an

In a 52% to 48% vote Thur sday, June 23, Gr eat Br itain

voted to w ithdr aw fr om the Eur opean Union, a decision
sur e to dr astically alter not only Br itain?s futur e, but the
w or ld?s futur e as w ell. The ?Leave? cam paign, led by
Par liam ent m em ber and UK Independence Par ty (UKIP)
leader Nigel Far age and for m er London m ayor Bor is
Johnson, w as alm ost solely r esponsible for the Br exit
cam paign. PM David Cam er on, a staunch cam paigner for
the ?Rem ain? m ovem ent, announced his plans for
r esignation follow ing the vote.

Cam p is so m uch fun! It is the

the best cam p ever and it is
like fun in the sun and you
see old fr iends and you can
m eet new fr iends. Cam p is
the best because you can
sw im and you can do the
Daily Double or you can do
Paper Sculptur e or you can
do Par ade or you can do
Exper im ental
M obile Theater Squad and
for 4th per iod it is Festival
Per iod and that is a fr ee
choice and it is r eally fun to
do Festival Per iod and you
can go sw im m ing dur ing
Festival Per iod and you can
do w allball or you can do
Daily Double or you can do 4
squar e! It is like the best par t
of cam p, at least I think, and
cam p is so m uch fun because
you can be in the new spaper
if you do the Daily Double
like I am doing r ight now.
The Daily Double is the best
per iod and w hen you ar e in
w r ite
anything you w ant to. It is so
m uch fun to do. I w ant to
com e back to CRCAP.

The vote w as extr em ely divisive in ter m s of Br itain?s

geogr aphy. London, Scotland, Nor ther n Ir eland and
Gibr altar over w helm ingly voted to r em ain, w hile
Yor kshir e, Wales, and the M idlands over w helm ingly voted
to leave. M any analysts have pr edicted that another
independence r efer endum w ill com e up for vote in
Scotland soon, consider ing the r esults of the vote.
M any Am er icans ar e now concer ned that Br itain?s
vote m ay be for eshadow ing a Donald Tr um p pr esidency.
Tr um p, w ho becam e the Republican Par ty?s pr esum ptive
nom inee for pr esident in M ay, happened to be in Scotland
dur ing the Br exit vote. Tr um p him self r ecognized a
par allel betw een Br exit and his cam paign. The pr im ar y
sentim ent of the Br exit w as extr em ely anti-im m igr ant.
Tr um p and the Br exit m ostly appeal to the sam e
dem ogr aphic. How ever , w hen Tr um p gave a speech in
Scotland pr aising the Br exit, people becam e outr aged at
his ignor ance tow ar ds Scotland?s over w helm ing vote to
r em ain. Angr y Scots took to Tw itter to coin cr eative insults
dir ected at Tr um p. One of the m or e m em or able Tw eets
r ead, ?Scotland voted to stay, you tanger ine-faced loon!?
A day after the vote, the fr ont page of CNN?s w ebsite
r ead, ?And now som e Regr exit.? Polls and inter view s w er e
conducted, and m ost found that if another vote took place
today, the outcom e w ould be ver y differ ent. An English
w om an at the M anchester Air por t said to cam er as that she
voted to leave, but just because of peer -pr essur e. She did
not under stand the full im pact of her vote and, accor ding
to her self, only r ealized w hat leaving the EU tr uly m eant
w hen she w oke up the next m or ning to the r esults.
Lastly, my opinion. I w ould fir st like to ask, ?Br itain,
w hat w er e you thinking?!? The Br exit w ill not only hur t
Br itain but the w or ld economy as w ell. Stocks all over the
w or ld plunged the day after the vote. The Br exit has also
fueled som e m or e EU exit m ovem ents ar ound Eur ope. For
exam ple, gr oups in Fr ance, Ger m any, and Italy ar e calling
for a vote. This m ay not only be the end of the UK as w e
know it, it could be the end of the EU as w e know it too. On
the M onday episode of ?The Daily Show ?, com edian
Tr evor Noah stated, ?Br itain, if you ar e r eally going to
leave the EU, please do it befor e Novem ber so Am er ica can
lear n fr om your m istakes.? I agr ee 100%.

A Coi n ci den ce
By Ciar an M ur phy
On Satur day m or ning, my
dad and sister w er e on 128
dr iving to her violin lesson.
Suddenly, they saw Seth, a
counselor ! He w as w aving to
them . M y dad w aited for a
car to change lanes, then
pulled up next to Seth?s car.
Faith w as ther e, too! They
said they w er e going to
M aine, and my dad explained
that my sister had a violin
lesson. Then, my dad and
sister had to get off the
highw ay at their exit, so they

W h at
St ar
War s
ch ar act er ar e you ?

Fr ee Th ou gh t s on Th e Ch au t au qu a Gazet t e

By Asia L-A

Ther e has been a w ar br ew ing inside the office of the

Double. Chautauqua, the CIT in office, is r um or ed to have
been plotting against the new spaper , and secr etly taking
over the cam per s to fuel the content of this new m edia
outpost. Cam per s ar e openly r ebelling against these actions,
to m aintain the dom inance of the Double. How ever , if the
r um or s ar e tr ue, I pr opose an alter native option to civil w ar.
I pr opose? a festival offer ing. (DUN DUN DUNNNN)

1.W hat is your favor ite

color ?
A. gr een
B. r ed
2. Ar e you a boy or a
gir l?
A. gir l
B. boy
3. Ar e you good at fights
in gener al?
A. Yes
B. M ost of the tim e
If you chose As the m ost,
you ar e Ahsoka Tano!
If you chose Bs the m ost,
you ar e Dar th Vader !

By Peter Tr avis

I know , it?s cr azy. But this w ill allow m or e fr ee thought in

the cam p, along w ith m or e enter tainm ent. (Aar on Gelb, I?m
looking at you to m ake this a r eality.) I am a str ong
suppor ter of fr ee thought for ever y per son in the w or ld.
W hen ever y hum an (or alien) (or talking lion) gets the
chance to speak fr eely in their com m unity, it w ould be a
histor ic day. So please, #RespectTheGazette. (Ever yone?s
using hashtags now , so w hy not m e?)
Fr om the office of the Non-Daily-Doubler , Pete
P.S: Ethan, I?ll tr y to get my char acter r eady for Dungeons
and Dr agons. See ya ther e.
P.P.S: Cam per s, com e play D&D if you'r e inter ested.
Al Hor f or d goi n g t o t h e Cel t i cs?
By Tom my Hicks

Su m m er ?s Ni gh t
The sw eet
flow er s



Wafts thr ough the air

Tickling my nose
As the endless blanket of
star s

Ther e have been r um or s cir culating about the Boston Celtics

having m eetings w ith big m an Al Hor for d, a pow er for w ar d
fr om the Dom inican Republic. In this season he aver aged
ar ound 15 points per gam e in the 2015-2016 season; he also
pulled in ar ound 7 r ebounds as w ell. If w e signed him he
w ould be able to pr ovide our other w ise ver y young team
w ith an exper ienced touch that w e m ight need. How ever , it
is m or e likely that he w ill go back to the Atlanta Haw ks.

Sets my im agination fr ee
The light br eeze

Cat s Vs. Dogs

M usty

By Chloe Cr able

For sum m er has

r eleased the m er cy


Of setting its tendr ils

upon us
The long gr ass w aves
Par ting only for my legs
But as I r etur n hom e
I r ealize that a sum m er s

This is a Cat vs. Dog poll. I w ent to the Daily Double and
Ar t/Clay r oom in the Old Building. Her e ar e my r esults:
Note: I have asked 30 people, and I have included my vote.
Cat: 8, Dog: 23. M y per sonal vote is cat.
Her e ar e som e of the quotes I got!
?Cats Ar e M or e Chill?
?Dogs Ar e FLUFFY!?
?Cats Ar e ADORABLE!?

Is w her e I r eally belong

?Dogs Ar e M or e Playful?

-Talia Loevy-Reyes

I m ay do another poll!

I n t er v i ew w i t h Han n ah I r el an d

I n t er v i ew W i t h Au dr ey Gar l an d

By Audr ey Gar land

By Hannah Ir eland

Q #1: Do you have a pet?

Q: W hat's your favorite color?

A: Dog

A: Pur ple

Q #2: Do you play sports, if so which ones?

Q: W hat is you least favorite food?

A: Dance

A: Tuna Fish

Q #3: W hat is one of your hobbies?

Q: Do you own any pets?

A: Biking

A: A dog

Q #4: W hat town do you live in? How long

was your ride here?

Q: W hat's your favorite movie?

A: New ton, and the r ide w as about 30-45

m inutes

Q: How many family members do you have

including you?

Q #5: Have been anywhere out of America?

A: Places in Eur ope and M exico

A: I have a older sister and my m om and

dad so four

Q #6: How many siblings do you have?

Q: W hat's your favorite singer/band?

A: 1 older sister

A: Par am or e

Q #7: W hat is your favorite food?

Q: How long have you been at camp?

A: Lobster

A: This is my fir st year

Q #8: W hat is your favorite school subject?

Q: Do you play a sport?

A: Science

A: Soccer and Basketball

Q #9: W hat is your least favorite food?

Q: W hats your favorite food?

A: Eggs

A: M ac And Cheese

Q #10: W hat grade are you going into?

Q: W hat grade are you going into?

A: 6th

A: Seventh gr ade


Audr ey

A: High School M usical 3

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