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Texts & Ideas Recitation 11/12

Philosophy and its explanation of differences between animality and humanity

Aristotle- animals and humans are greatly intertwined. Aristotle suggests that
there is an identity of equivalence between animal and human functions and
that we are comparable in terms of bodily functions. Does not lead to platonic
conclusion that we are superior than animals. The soul incarnates itself in
different bodies. In Aristotle biology the same nature of the soul is replaced
by a biological mechanism.
Pre-socratic thinking-soul is unchanging, incarnates in different bodies. Then
platonic intervention according to which human body is distinguished from
anial body because of the existence of intelligence and the soul divided into
different parts.
Then Aristotle says that humans and animals can be related to each other on
the grounds of bodily functions. Humans have these functions to meet natural
requirements while animals have their own functions to meet their own
Tension in Aristotle- does not limit human existence to biological
mechanisms. Aristotle develops platos ideas as animals can be enslaved by
human beings because of their lack of reason thus slave Is said to be
inadequate in reason. A natural hierarchy can be established not only
between man and animal but within human beings aswell.
Critical difference by plato- distinction between intelligence in animal and
humans. Human beings cannot be degraded to animalistic.
Men can be corrupted, animals cannot be
Combination of dualism in descarts- according to him not only do animals
have no intelligence but even instinct is deprived. Animal is merely a
machine in discourse on method.
Descartse presents a corpse- animal body that cannot move. Argues that
animals are imposed towards certain activities towards the movement of a
clock. From a machine you can onyly derive elements of a machine
Human beings can make words, animals are inadequate in word formation as
they can only react to outside stimuli and surroundings. Animals have less
word than humans and objects have no word.
One origin substance, nature/god that expresses itself in differen modes.
Human beings have only two modes that are body and thinking which is why
we can understand Cartesian distinction between body and thinking.
Parallelism with these two modes, what we think corresponds to what we do
bodily speaking.
The mode of thinking has affects, such as desire, intelligence and reason.
Human beings essentially cannot be distinguished from animals. Dogs
Bodies are distinguished by their speed, weight, direction, ways of behavior
but not by their essence.reducing everything to the atom makes essentially
the same. Animals are just different bodies.

The angel at the gate, human lexicon

Human relationship with anything, all these relationship scan be exhausted

from the existing framework upon which all kinds of relationship can be
instituted. Makes human lexicon self closed
But introducing problematic of friendship, love etc, all these issues will open
up new relationship with animals and horizon where you have to invent and
re invent new words, languaes, understanding, thoughts.

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