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Resource Guide

Legal Consultation Center

International AIDS Conference Durban, South Africa July 1822, 2016

AIDS-Free World
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+1 (212) 729-5084 | legal@aidsfreeworld.org
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July 2016
Designed by Jessica Wilkin
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AIDS-Free World is a project of the Tides Center.

Resource Guide
Legal Consultation Center

International AIDS Conference Durban, South Africa July 1822, 2016

List of Acronyms......................................................................................................................................................................................xxi
HIV & AIDS Coordination Committee of Afghanistan (HACCA).....................................................................................................1
Legal Aid Organization of Afghanistan..............................................................................................................................................1
Ministry of Public Health National HIV & AIDS Control Program...................................................................................................1
The Family Health Organization of Afghanistan ..............................................................................................................................2

Albanian Association of PLWHA..........................................................................................................................................................2
Stop AIDS Association ..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Tirana Legal Aid Society........................................................................................................................................................................3

Ligue Algrienne pour la Dfense des Droits de lHomme (LADDH)............................................................................................3
AIDS Algerie............................................................................................................................................................................................3
Association Aniss....................................................................................................................................................................................4

Angola Network of AIDS Service Organisations (ANASO)..............................................................................................................4
Associao Justia, Paz e Democracia (AJPD)...................................................................................................................................5
Rede de Pessoas vivendo com VIH - Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS...........................................................................5

Anguilla Community Action Network Foundation (ACAN).............................................................................................................6
HIV Sexual and Reproductive Programme........................................................................................................................................6


Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation (CFPA)....................................................................................................................................6
Ministry of Health National AIDS Programme..................................................................................................................................7

Fundacin Descida.................................................................................................................................................................................7
Fundacin Husped...............................................................................................................................................................................8
International AIDS Women Caucus (IAWC)........................................................................................................................................8
International Committee of Women Living with HIV/AIDS - Argentina........................................................................................8

RA Advocates Union..............................................................................................................................................................................9
Armenian National AIDS Foundation (ANAF)....................................................................................................................................9
Real World, Real People........................................................................................................................................................................9

Foundation for the Promotion of Responsible Parenthood....................................................................................................... 10
Fundacion Famia Planea Aruba......................................................................................................................................................... 10

National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPWHA).................................................................................................. 11


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Positive Women.................................................................................................................................................................................. 11


AIDS Hilfe Wien .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Positiver Dialog................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
PULSHIV................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Bahrain Center for Human Rights.................................................................................................................................................... 13
Bahrain Family Planning Association (BFPA )................................................................................................................................. 13
Ministry of Health............................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Ashar Alo Society (AAS)..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Durjoy Nari Sangha............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Jagrata Juba Shangha (JJS) ............................................................................................................................................................. 14

AIDS Society of Barbados (ASOB).................................................................................................................................................... 15
Comfort Assist Reach-Out Educate Barbados (CARE).................................................................................................................. 15
National HIV/AIDS Commission......................................................................................................................................................... 16
The University of West Indies HIV/AIDS Response Programme (UWI HARP) ........................................................................... 16

Belarusian AIDS Network................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Belarusian Community of PLWH...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Gomel Center for Strategic Litigation............................................................................................................................................. 17

European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)....................................................................................................................................... 18
Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities (Unia)...................................................................................................................... 18
International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)............................................................................ 18

Belize Family Life Association........................................................................................................................................................... 19
Collaborative Network of People Living with HIV (C-Net+ Belize)............................................................................................. 19
National AIDS Commission ............................................................................................................................................................... 20

African Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (RAP+)............................................................................................................. 20
Center for International Cooperation in Health and Development (CCISD) ............................................................................ 20
Rseau des ONG Bninoises de Sant (ROBS)............................................................................................................................... 21

Supportive Therapy for AIDS persons and their Relatives (STAR).............................................................................................. 21
Womens Resource Center................................................................................................................................................................ 21

Lhak-Sam, Bhutan Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (BNP+).................................................................................. 22
National AIDS Control Progam......................................................................................................................................................... 22

El Instituto para el Desarrollo Humano (IDH)................................................................................................................................. 23
Red Nacional de Personas Viviendo con VIH y SIDA en Bolivia (REDBOL)................................................................................ 23

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Vivo en Positivo................................................................................................................................................................................... 23


Association XY Sarajevo..................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Vaa Prava BiH Legal Aid.................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Botswana Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (BONEPWA).............................................................................................. 25
Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS (BONELA)....................................................................................................... 25
The Bostwana Centre for Human Rights (DITSHWANELO)......................................................................................................... 25

Associao Brasiliera Interdisciplinar de AIDS (ABIA)................................................................................................................... 26
Gestos - Soropositividade, Comunicao e Gnero (Gestures)................................................................................................... 26
Grupo Vhiver........................................................................................................................................................................................ 27


HIV/AIDS Foundation (BVI) ............................................................................................................................................................... 27
National AIDS Programme................................................................................................................................................................ 28

Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council (BDAC)........................................................................................................................................ 28
Majlis Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Legal Clinic................................................................................................................................ 28

Anti-AIDS Coalition............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA).............................................................................................. 29

Association des Femmes Juristes du Burkina Faso....................................................................................................................... 30
Association Laafi La Viim (ALAVI)..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Rseau Accs aux Mdicaments (RAME-Burkina)......................................................................................................................... 30
Responsabilite-Espoir-Vie-Solidarite (REVS+)................................................................................................................................. 31

Alliance Burundaise contre le SIDA (ABS)....................................................................................................................................... 31
Association Burundaise pour le Bien-Etre Familials (ABUBEF)................................................................................................... 31
Association des Femmes Juristes du Burundi (AFJB)................................................................................................................... 32
Ligue Burundaise des Droits de lHomme (ITEKA)........................................................................................................................ 32

Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (Khana)........................................................................................................................................... 33
Cambodian People Living with HIV Network (CPN+).................................................................................................................... 33
HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee (HACC).................................................................................................................................... 34

Action Solidarite SIDA Emploi (ASSE).............................................................................................................................................. 34
Association Camerounaise des Femmes Juristes (ACAFEJ)........................................................................................................ 34
International Federation of Women Lawyers Cameroon (FIDA Cameroon)............................................................................. 35
Rseau sur lEthique, le Droit et le Sida (REDS)............................................................................................................................. 35

Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network Inc........................................................................................................................................... 36


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Canadian AIDS Society (CAS)............................................................................................................................................................. 36

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network................................................................................................................................................... 36
International Council Of Aids Service Organizations (ICASO)..................................................................................................... 37

Associao Cabo-Verdiana Para a Protecao Da Familia (VERDEFAM)........................................................................................ 37
Comit Coordenao do Combate Sida (CCS-Sida).................................................................................................................... 38

The Cayman AIDS Foundation (CAF)................................................................................................................................................ 38


Association Centrafricaine pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ACABEF)................................................................................................ 39
Association des Femmes Juristes de Centrafrique (AFJC)........................................................................................................... 39
Rseau des Organisations Nationales de Lutte contre le SIDA (RONALSI)............................................................................... 39

Association des Femmes Juristes du Tchad (Women Lawyers Association of Chad)............................................................ 40
Association Jeunesse pour la Paix et la Non Violence (AJPNV).................................................................................................. 40
Association pour lentraide des personnes vivant avec le VIH (ASEPVV).................................................................................. 40

Corporacin Chilena de Prevencin del SIDA (ACCIONGAY)....................................................................................................... 41
Vivo Positivo ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 41

Foundation Prosurgir......................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Ligua Colombiana de Lucha Contra el Sida (LigaSida).................................................................................................................. 42
Red Colombiana de PVVS (RECOLVIH)............................................................................................................................................ 42

Association Comorienne pour le Bien-tre Famille ...................................................................................................................... 43
Fdration des Associations pour le Dvloppement ................................................................................................................. 43

Cook Islands Family Welfare Association........................................................................................................................................ 43

BITRANSG Association of Costa Rica............................................................................................................................................... 44
Central American Centre for Human Rights Research and Promotion (CIPAC)....................................................................... 44

Center for Peace, Legal Advice and Psychosocial Assistance...................................................................................................... 44
Croatian Association for fighting HIV and Viral Hepatitis (HUHIV)............................................................................................ 45

Cubalex................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Grupo de Prevencin del SIDA (GPSIDA)......................................................................................................................................... 46
National Center for Prevention of STD-HIV / AIDS........................................................................................................................ 46

Cyprus Family Planning Association ................................................................................................................................................ 46
Kentron Ypostirixis Foreon Aids (KYFA).......................................................................................................................................... 47

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Czech AIDS Help Society.................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Liga lidskch prv (League of Human Rights LLP)...................................................................................................................... 48
ROZKOS bez RIZIKA (Bliss without Risk)......................................................................................................................................... 48


Action pour la lutte Contre Lignorance du SIDA (ALCIS)............................................................................................................. 48
Association des Femmes Juristes du Congo (Democratic Republic AFEJUCO)...................................................................... 49
Fondation Femme Plus...................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA).............................................................................................................................. 50

AIDS Fondet......................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
HIV-Danmark........................................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Landsforeningen for Bsser og Lesbiske (National Gay and Lesbian Association) (LBL)........................................................ 51

Association Djiboutienne pour IEquilibre et la Promotion de la Famille.................................................................................. 51
Balbala Associations Coordination (CAB)....................................................................................................................................... 52

CHAP Dominica................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Legal Aid Clinic Dominica................................................................................................................................................................... 52

Amigos Siempre Amigos, Inc............................................................................................................................................................. 53
El Instituto de Sexualidad Humana (ISH)......................................................................................................................................... 53
Pro Bono Foundation DR................................................................................................................................................................... 53

Fundasaun Timor Harii...................................................................................................................................................................... 54

Coalicin ecuatoriana de personas que viven con VIH/sida (CEPVVS)....................................................................................... 54
Fundacin de Estudios, Accin y Participacin Social (FEDAEPS)............................................................................................... 55
Fundacin VIHDA................................................................................................................................................................................ 55

Center for Egyptian Womens Legal Assistance (CEWLA) ........................................................................................................... 55
Egyptian AIDS Society........................................................................................................................................................................ 56
The Egyptian NGOs Network Against AIDS (ENNAA)................................................................................................................... 56

Asociacin de Derechos Humanos Tutela Legal Dra. Maria Julia Hernandez........................................................................... 57
Asociacin Nacional de Personas Positivas Vida Nueva............................................................................................................ 57
Fundacin Contrasida......................................................................................................................................................................... 57

Association de Bienestar Familiar de Guinea Equatorial (ABIFAGE)........................................................................................... 58
Caritas Equatorial Guinea.................................................................................................................................................................. 58
Central Network of AIDS Service Organisations (CANASO)........................................................................................................ 59


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Ministry of Health National AIDS and TB Control Division........................................................................................................... 59

The National Association of PLWHA (BIDHO)................................................................................................................................ 59

EHPV - Eesti HIV-positiivsete vrgustik (Estonian HIV-positive Network)................................................................................. 60
ESPO Society (PLWH in Estonia)....................................................................................................................................................... 60
NGO AIDS Information & Support Centre (AIDS-I Tugikeskus).................................................................................................... 61

Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association.......................................................................................................................................... 60
Federal HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention Office (HAPCO)......................................................................................................... 61
Mekelle University Law School Legal Aid Center........................................................................................................................... 62

Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS)............................................................................................................................................. 62
Fiji Network of Positive People......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Fiji Network Plus.................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
University of South Pacifici Law Centre, Suva................................................................................................................................ 63

HIV Foundation/Finnish HIV Center................................................................................................................................................. 63
Naisasialiitto Unioni / Kvinnosaksfrbundet Unionen / Feminists (UNION RF)........................................................................ 64
Pro-tukipiste........................................................................................................................................................................................ 64

Actif-Sant............................................................................................................................................................................................ 65
AIDES..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Association de Recherche, de Communication et dAction pour lAccs aux Traitements (ARCAT)..................................... 66

AIDES - Guyane.................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
EntrAIDES Guyane.............................................................................................................................................................................. 66

Central African Network of AIDS Service Organizations (CANASO).......................................................................................... 67
Mouvement Gabonais pour le Bien-Etre Familial (MGBEF).......................................................................................................... 67

Hope Life Cooperation....................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Institute for Human Rights and Development Africa (IHRDA).................................................................................................... 68
National HIV/AIDS Secretariat (NAS)................................................................................................................................................ 68

FIDA Ghana........................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Human Rights Advocacy Centre....................................................................................................................................................... 69
Legal Aid Scheme Ghana.................................................................................................................................................................... 69

Centre for Life..................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention........................................................................................................................ 70
The Positive Voice............................................................................................................................................................................... 71

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Grenada National Organisation of Women (GNOW).................................................................................................................... 71
National Infectious Disease Control Unit........................................................................................................................................ 71

Entraide Gwadloup............................................................................................................................................................................. 72
La Maternite Consciente.................................................................................................................................................................... 72

Asociacin Gente Nueva.................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Gente Positiva (Positive People)....................................................................................................................................................... 73
Womens Justice Initiative................................................................................................................................................................. 74

Fight against AIDS Guine................................................................................................................................................................. 74
Rseau des Femmes Infectes de Guine (REFIG)........................................................................................................................ 74
Rseau Guinen des Associations de Personnes infectes et Affectes par le VIH/SIDA (REGAP+).................................... 75

Caritas Guinea-Bissau......................................................................................................................................................................... 75

Comforting Hearts.............................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Guyana Legal Aid Clinic...................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Hope for All.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 76

Fondation SEROvie............................................................................................................................................................................. 77
GHESKIO............................................................................................................................................................................................... 77

Asociacion LGTB Arcoiris de Honudras (Arcoiris)........................................................................................................................... 78
Asociacin Nacional de Personas Viviendo con VIH/SIDA en Honduras (ASONAPVSIDAH)................................................... 78
Siempre Unidos................................................................................................................................................................................... 78

AIDS Concern....................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Chi Heng Foundation.......................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Hong Kong AIDS Foundation............................................................................................................................................................ 80

Httr Trsasg A Melegekrt (Httr: Support Society for Gays & Lesbians in Hungary).................................................... 80
Network of Low HIV-Prevalence Countries in Central and South East Europe (INeLP).......................................................... 80

Alnmissamtkin Islandi - HIV Iceland......................................................................................................................................... 81
Kvennargjfin (Womens Counseling)......................................................................................................................................... 81
Lgfrur Legal Services- Free legal aid at the University of Reykjavik.................................................................................... 82

Human Rights Law Network ............................................................................................................................................................ 82
Lawyers Collective HIV/AIDS Unit..................................................................................................................................................... 82
Positive Women Network (PWN+) .................................................................................................................................................. 83


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Human Rights Working Group (HRWG Indonesia)......................................................................................................................... 83
Spiritia Foundation............................................................................................................................................................................. 84
The Association of Indonesian Positive Women (IPPI)................................................................................................................. 84

Family Health Association (FHA)....................................................................................................................................................... 85
Zendegi Mosbat Iranian (Iranian Positive Life NGO)..................................................................................................................... 85

Iraq Family Planning Association (IFPA)........................................................................................................................................... 85
Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS)..................................................................................................................................................... 86

Gay Health Network........................................................................................................................................................................... 86
HIV Ireland............................................................................................................................................................................................ 86
The Sexual Health Centre.................................................................................................................................................................. 87

Israel AIDS Task Force......................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Israel Family Planning Association................................................................................................................................................... 88
The Jerusalem AIDS Project.............................................................................................................................................................. 88

Associazione Nadir Onlus.................................................................................................................................................................. 88
Giuristi Democratici............................................................................................................................................................................ 89
International Development Law Organization (IDLO).................................................................................................................. 89
Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro lAIDS (LILA Onlus)..................................................................................................................... 90

Ligue Ivoirienne des Droits de lHomme (LIDHO).......................................................................................................................... 90
Reseau Ivoirien des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH/ SIDA.............................................................................................................. 90
Ruban Rouge ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 91

Jamaica AIDS Support for Life (JASL).............................................................................................................................................. 91
Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG)....................................................................................................... 91
Jamaican Network of Seropositives (JN Plus)................................................................................................................................ 92

Amman Center for Human Rights Studies..................................................................................................................................... 92
Ministry of Health National AIDS Program..................................................................................................................................... 93

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)................................................................................................................................................ 93
Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law ............................................................................... 94
Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV.................................................................................................................................. 94

Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Kenya)................................................................................................................................. 94
KELIN..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Kituo Cha Sheria Legal Empowerment Centre.............................................................................................................................. 95

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center ix

Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret (LACE).................................................................................................................................................. 96

Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa....................................................................................................................................... 96

Kiribati Family Health Association.................................................................................................................................................... 97
Ministry of Health............................................................................................................................................................................... 97

Korean Family Planning & Maternal Child Health Association of DPRK.................................................................................... 97

Gong Gam Human Rights Law Foundation..................................................................................................................................... 98
Korea Federation for HIV/AIDS Prevention.................................................................................................................................... 98

Kosovo Association for People Living with HIV/AIDS.................................................................................................................... 98
Labyrinth Kosovo................................................................................................................................................................................ 99

Anti AIDS Association......................................................................................................................................................................... 99
East Europe & Central Asia Union of PLWH (ECUO).................................................................................................................... 100
Kyrgyz Indigo..................................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan......................................................................................................................................................... 100

Lao Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS ( LNP+)................................................................................................................. 101
Lao Red Cross Society...................................................................................................................................................................... 101
LaoPHA............................................................................................................................................................................................... 102

AGIHAS Support Group for People Living with HIV/AIDS........................................................................................................... 102
DIA+LOGS NGO................................................................................................................................................................................. 102
Latvias Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health...................................................................................................... 103

Lebanese Aids Association.............................................................................................................................................................. 103
Soins Infirmiers et Dveloppement Communautaire (SIDC)..................................................................................................... 104
The Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH)......................................................................................................................... 104

Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL).......................................................................................................................... 104
Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Lesotho)........................................................................................................................... 105
Lesotho Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS....................................................................................................................... 105

Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL)...................................................................................................................... 106
Light Association of Liberia............................................................................................................................................................. 106
National AIDS Commission Liberia................................................................................................................................................. 106

National Center for Diseases Control............................................................................................................................................ 107
North African Network of AIDS Service Organizations (NANASO)........................................................................................... 107

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Fachstelle fr Sexualfragen und HIV-prvention......................................................................................................................... 108

Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN).................................................................................................................................. 108
Lithuanian Positive Group............................................................................................................................................................... 108

HIV Berodung Croix-Rouge............................................................................................................................................................. 109
Stop AIDS Now - Acces..................................................................................................................................................................... 109

Caritas Macau.................................................................................................................................................................................... 109

Health Education and Research Association (HERA).................................................................................................................. 110
Healthy Options Project Skopje (HOPS)........................................................................................................................................ 110
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Macedonia....................................................................................................................... 111

FISA Madagascar............................................................................................................................................................................... 111
SampanAsa momba ny Fampandrosoana (SAF/FJKM)............................................................................................................... 111
SISAL Madagascar............................................................................................................................................................................. 112

Malawi Association of AIDS Service Organizations (MANASO)................................................................................................. 112
National Association for People Living with HIV and AIDS in Malawi (NAPHAM).................................................................. 112
Society for Women and AIDS in Malawi (SWAM)......................................................................................................................... 113

Kuala Lumpur AIDS Support Services Society.............................................................................................................................. 113
Kuala Lumpur Legal Aid Centre...................................................................................................................................................... 114
Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC)........................................................................................................................................................ 114

Centre for Community Health and Disease Control - National AIDS Programme................................................................. 115
Community Aid.................................................................................................................................................................................. 115

Family Care International - Mali...................................................................................................................................................... 115
Ministre de la sant........................................................................................................................................................................ 116
Rseau Malien des Associations de PVVIH (RMAP+).................................................................................................................. 116

Aditus Foundation............................................................................................................................................................................ 116
Sir Paul Boffa Hospital..................................................................................................................................................................... 117

Action SIDA Martinique.................................................................................................................................................................... 117

Rseau des PVVIH............................................................................................................................................................................. 118
Rseau Ronasima.............................................................................................................................................................................. 118
Secretariat Executif National de Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA........................................................................................................ 118

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center xi

Chrysalide Mauritius......................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Mauritius Family Planning & Welfare Association (MFPWA)..................................................................................................... 119
Prvention, Information, Lutte contre le Sida (PILS).................................................................................................................. 119

Asociacion Regional Sureste Contra el SIDA Yax Che................................................................................................................. 120
Centro de Atencin Profesional a Personas con SIDA (CAPPSIDA).......................................................................................... 120
Red Mexicana de Personas que Viven con VIH/SIDA, A.C.......................................................................................................... 121

Credinta Association......................................................................................................................................................................... 121
Law Center of Advocates (LCA)...................................................................................................................................................... 121
League of People Living with HIV in Moldova (LIGA).................................................................................................................. 122
Moldovan Institute of Human Rights (IDOM).............................................................................................................................. 122

Fight AIDS Monaco........................................................................................................................................................................... 123

Network of Low HIV Prevalence Countries in Central and South East Europe (NeLP)......................................................... 123
The Montenegro HIV Foundation (MHF)...................................................................................................................................... 123

Ministry of Health............................................................................................................................................................................. 124

Association de Lutte Contre le SIDA.............................................................................................................................................. 124
Association Marocaine de Solidarit et de Dveloppement (AMSED).................................................................................... 125
North African Network of AIDS Service Organizations (NANASO)........................................................................................... 125

Associao Moambicana para Desenvolvimento da Famlias (AMODEFA)........................................................................... 125
Associao Mulher Lei e Desenvolvimento (MULEIDE).............................................................................................................. 126
Associations of people living with HIV/AIDS (RENSIDA)............................................................................................................. 126
Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organization (MONASO)........................................................................................... 126

Legal Aid Network............................................................................................................................................................................ 127
Myanmar Positive Group (MPG)..................................................................................................................................................... 127
National NGOs Network (HIV/AIDS)............................................................................................................................................... 128

Namibian Network of AIDS Organisations (NANASO)................................................................................................................ 128
AIDS & Rights Alliance of Southern Africa (ARASA).................................................................................................................... 128
Legal Assistance Center (AIDS Law Unit)...................................................................................................................................... 129
Namibian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (NNP+)...................................................................................................... 129

National AIDS Committee ............................................................................................................................................................... 130

Dristi Nepal........................................................................................................................................................................................ 130


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

National NGOs Network Group Against AIDS Nepal (NANGAN)............................................................................................... 131

People Forum for Human Right..................................................................................................................................................... 131

AIDS Action Europe.......................................................................................................................................................................... 131
Bridging the Gaps - Health and Rights for Key Populations...................................................................................................... 132
Global Network of People Living With HIV/AIDS (GNP+)............................................................................................................ 132

Body Positive Inc (BPI)...................................................................................................................................................................... 133
Positive Women Inc (PWI)................................................................................................................................................................ 133

Asociacin Nicaragense de Personas Positivas - Luchando por la Vida (ANICP+VIDA)....................................................... 134
Fundacin Xochiquetzal................................................................................................................................................................... 134
ICW Latina.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 135

Association Nigrienne pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ANBEF) ..................................................................................................... 135
Associations des Jeunes Juristes du Niger................................................................................................................................... 135
Rseau des Femmes Nigriennes Infectes ou Affectes par le VIH-SIDA (REFNI+)............................................................ 136
Rseau Nigrien des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH/SIDA (RENIP+).......................................................................................... 136

Centre for the Right to Health (CRH)............................................................................................................................................ 136
FIDA Nigeria....................................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Lawyers Alert Nigeria....................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS ..................................................................................................................................... 137

Aksept................................................................................................................................................................................................. 138
HivNorge............................................................................................................................................................................................. 138
Nye Pluss - Hivpositives landsforening.......................................................................................................................................... 139

National AIDS Programme.............................................................................................................................................................. 139

AGHS Legal Aid Cell.......................................................................................................................................................................... 139
Association of People Living with HIV & AIDS.............................................................................................................................. 140
Nai Zindagi Trust............................................................................................................................................................................... 140

Ministry of Health............................................................................................................................................................................. 141

Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association............................................................................................................ 141
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).................................................................................................................... 141
Womens Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WLAC)............................................................................................................ 142

Fundacin PROBIDSIDA................................................................................................................................................................... 142
Grupo Gnesis Panam Positivo (GGP+)........................................................................................................................................ 143

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center xiii

Red Latinoamericana de Personas con VIH/SIDA (REDLA+)...................................................................................................... 143


Papua New Guinea Family Health Association............................................................................................................................. 143
Save the Children.............................................................................................................................................................................. 144

Fundacion Vencer.............................................................................................................................................................................. 144
SOMOSGAY........................................................................................................................................................................................ 144

Programa de Soporte a la Autoayuda Para Personas Seropositivas (PROSA)........................................................................ 145
Red SIDA Peru.................................................................................................................................................................................... 145
Via Libre.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 146

AIDS Society of the Philippines, Inc (ASP)..................................................................................................................................... 146
National Union of Peoples Lawyers.............................................................................................................................................. 146
The Positive Action Foundation Philippines Incorporated........................................................................................................ 147

Polish National Network of PLWHA (SIEC PLUS)......................................................................................................................... 147
Stowarzyszenie Profilaktyki i Wsparcia w zakresie HIV/AIDS (Jeden wiat)........................................................................... 148
The Halina Niec Legal Aid Centre................................................................................................................................................... 148

Associao de Apoio a Pessoas Com VIH/SIDA (ABRAO)......................................................................................................... 148
Grupo de Activistas VIH/SIDA (GAT)............................................................................................................................................... 149

Puerto Rico Community Network for Clinical Research on AIDS (PR CoNCRA)..................................................................... 149
Puerto Rico Legal Services, Inc....................................................................................................................................................... 150
Taller Salud Inc................................................................................................................................................................................... 150

Action Pour la Lutte Contre Lignorance du SIDA (ALCIS).......................................................................................................... 151
Association Femme Plus du Congo................................................................................................................................................ 151
LObservatoire Congolais des Droits de lHomme....................................................................................................................... 151
Rseau National des Associations des Positifs du Congo (RENAPC)....................................................................................... 152

All-Russian Union of People Living with HIV................................................................................................................................. 152
Community of People Living with HIV........................................................................................................................................... 152
E.V.A. Network................................................................................................................................................................................... 153
Russian Harm Reduction Network (ESVERO)............................................................................................................................... 153

Human Rights First Rwanda Association...................................................................................................................................... 154
Rwanda Women Network............................................................................................................................................................... 154
The Legal Aid Forum (LAF).............................................................................................................................................................. 154


Nevis HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit.................................................................................................................................................. 155


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

AIDS Action Foundation (AAF)........................................................................................................................................................ 155
Ministry of Health National AIDS Program .................................................................................................................................. 156
St. Lucia Planned Parenthood Association................................................................................................................................... 156

The St. Maarten AIDS Foundation.................................................................................................................................................. 156


St Vincent Planned Parenthood Association................................................................................................................................ 157

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network.................................................................................................................................................... 157
Samoa Family Health Association................................................................................................................................................... 157


Associacao Santomense para a Planeamento Familiar (ASPF).................................................................................................. 158
Caritas................................................................................................................................................................................................. 158

National AIDS Programme.............................................................................................................................................................. 158
Saudi Charity Association for AIDS Patients................................................................................................................................. 159

AIDES Senegal.................................................................................................................................................................................... 159
ANBEP Senegal.................................................................................................................................................................................. 160
Rencontre Africaine Pour la Defense des Droits de lHomme (RADDHO).............................................................................. 160

Association Stav + Subotica............................................................................................................................................................. 160
Montenegrin Association against AIDS (CAZAS)......................................................................................................................... 161
Union of Serbian PLHIV (USOP)...................................................................................................................................................... 161

HIV AIDS Support Organization (HASO)........................................................................................................................................ 161

Advocaid............................................................................................................................................................................................. 162
National HIV/AIDS Secretariat......................................................................................................................................................... 162
Network of HIV Positives in Sierra Leone..................................................................................................................................... 162
Timap for Justice............................................................................................................................................................................... 163

Action for AIDS Singapore............................................................................................................................................................... 163
BLC Comunity Services..................................................................................................................................................................... 164

Odyseus.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 164
Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic........................................................................................................................... 164
Slovak Family Planning Association (Slovak FPA) ........................................................................................................................ 165

National Institute of Public Health................................................................................................................................................ 165
SKUC - Magnus................................................................................................................................................................................... 166

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center xv

Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association..................................................................................................................... 166

Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development (GECPD)............................................................................................ 166
Somaliland HIV/AIDS Network (SAHAN)........................................................................................................................................ 167
Somaliland National AIDS Commission......................................................................................................................................... 167

African Men for Sexual Health and Rights (AMSHeR)................................................................................................................. 167
AIDS Consortium............................................................................................................................................................................... 168
AIDS Legal Network ......................................................................................................................................................................... 168
Legal Resources Centre................................................................................................................................................................... 169
Probono.org....................................................................................................................................................................................... 169
Section 27........................................................................................................................................................................................... 170
Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC)...................................................................................................................................... 170
Webber Wentzel............................................................................................................................................................................... 171

Population Services International (PSI)......................................................................................................................................... 171
Reproductive Health Association of South Sudan (RHASS)....................................................................................................... 171
South Sudan AIDS Commission (SSAC).......................................................................................................................................... 172

Coordinadora Estatal de VIH/SIDA (CESIDA)................................................................................................................................ 172
Federacin Trabajando en Positivo................................................................................................................................................ 173
Unapro ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 173

Sudan Family Planning Association................................................................................................................................................ 173
Sudan National AIDS Program (SNAP)........................................................................................................................................... 174
Zenab for Women In Development............................................................................................................................................... 174

Stichting Lobi..................................................................................................................................................................................... 174
Suriname Men United...................................................................................................................................................................... 175
The Maxi Linder Association........................................................................................................................................................... 175

Council of Churches Swaziland....................................................................................................................................................... 175
Family Life Association of Swaziland (FLAS)................................................................................................................................. 176
Swaziland AIDS Support Organization (SASO)............................................................................................................................. 176

HIV-Sverige / HIV-Sweden................................................................................................................................................................ 177
Noahs Ark.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 177
Riksfrbundet fr Sexuell Upplysning (RFSU) - The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education.................................... 178

AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz - Aide Suisse Contre le SIDA - Aiuto AIDS Svizzero.................................................................................... 178
LHIVE................................................................................................................................................................................................... 178
Positivrat Schweiz / Swiss Positive Council................................................................................................................................... 179


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

National AIDS Programme.............................................................................................................................................................. 179
Syrian Family Planning Association (SFPA).................................................................................................................................... 179

Taiwan AIDS Foundation.................................................................................................................................................................. 180
Taiwan AIDS Society.......................................................................................................................................................................... 180

Centre for Mental Health & AIDS................................................................................................................................................... 181
Guli Surkh........................................................................................................................................................................................... 181
SPIN Plus -Tajikistan.......................................................................................................................................................................... 181

Legal & Human Rights Centre (LHRC)............................................................................................................................................ 182
Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA)......................................................................................................................... 182
Womens Legal Aid Centre (WLAC)................................................................................................................................................ 183

AIDS Access Foundation.................................................................................................................................................................. 183
Thai National AIDS Foundation....................................................................................................................................................... 184
Thai Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (TNP+)................................................................................................................ 184

Action Contre le Sida........................................................................................................................................................................ 184
Espoir Vie - Togo................................................................................................................................................................................ 185
Rseau des Associations de Personnes Vivant Avec le VIH au Togo (RAS+ Togo)................................................................. 185

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network (PSDN)...................................................................................................................................... 185
Tonga Leitis Association.................................................................................................................................................................. 186


Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (CRN+)..................................................................................... 186
National AIDS Hotline of Trinidad & Tobago (Aidsline)............................................................................................................... 187
Tobago AIDS Society......................................................................................................................................................................... 187

North African Network of AIDS Service Organizations (NANASO)........................................................................................... 187
Planned Parenthood Federation, Arab Regional Office............................................................................................................ 188
The Tunisian Association Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS........................................................................... 188

AIDS Savasim Dernegi (AIDS Prevention Society)........................................................................................................................ 188
Human Resource Development Foundation (HRDF).................................................................................................................. 189
Pozitif Yasam Dernegi (Positive Living Association).................................................................................................................... 189

The Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights (TIHR)......................................................................................................................... 190
UNFPA Turkmenistan....................................................................................................................................................................... 190

Tuvalu Family Health Association (TuFHA) ................................................................................................................................... 190

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center xvii

Association of Uganda Women Lawyers (FIDA-U)....................................................................................................................... 191
Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI)............................................................................................................................ 191
Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Form......................................................................................................................... 192
International Committee of Women Living with HIV/AIDS East Africa (ICWEA).................................................................... 192
The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO)........................................................................................................................................ 192
Uganda Network on Law, Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET)......................................................................................................... 193


Emirates Centre for Human Rights................................................................................................................................................ 193
National AIDS Programme.............................................................................................................................................................. 194

+Me...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 194
Abacus Central .................................................................................................................................................................................. 194
Alternatives........................................................................................................................................................................................ 195


AIDS Legal Referral Panel................................................................................................................................................................ 195
AIDS-Free World................................................................................................................................................................................ 196
Harvard Law School Project on Disability (HPOD)....................................................................................................................... 196
ONeill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown University...................................................................... 197
Open Society Foundations (OSF)................................................................................................................................................... 197
The Global Network of People living with HIV in North America............................................................................................. 197
Positive Womens Network - USA................................................................................................................................................... 198

Asociacin de Ayuda al Seropositivo (ASEPO)............................................................................................................................. 198
Asociacin de Minoras Sexuales del Uruguay (AMISEU)........................................................................................................... 199
Ministerio de Salud Pblica - Programa Prioritario ITS/SIDA..................................................................................................... 199

AYOL Resource Centre for Women and Family........................................................................................................................... 199
Community of People Living with HIV........................................................................................................................................... 200
Public union of PLWH Ishonch va Hayot.................................................................................................................................... 200

University of South Pacific Law Centre, Port Vila........................................................................................................................ 200
Vanuatu Family and Health Association........................................................................................................................................ 201

Accin Ciudadana Contra el SIDA (ACCSI)..................................................................................................................................... 201
Accin Solidaria en VIH/Sida............................................................................................................................................................ 202
Red Venezolana de Gente Positiva (RVG+)................................................................................................................................... 202

Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI)........................................................................................ 202
Vietnam Network of PLHIV (VNP+)................................................................................................................................................ 203
Vietnam Womens Union................................................................................................................................................................. 203

Aid Association.................................................................................................................................................................................. 204


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Alsaleh Social Foundation for Development (SSFD)................................................................................................................... 204

Legal Resources Foundation (LRF) & Legal Resources Chambers (LRC)................................................................................. 204
National HIV/AIDS Council Secretariat........................................................................................................................................... 205
Network of Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS (NZP+) ........................................................................................................ 205
Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT) Zambia................................................................................................................................... 205

Legal Resources Foundation Zimbabwe (LRF)............................................................................................................................. 206
Research & Advocacy Unit (RAU).................................................................................................................................................... 206
Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT) Zimbabwe............................................................................................................................. 207
Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR)............................................................................................................................. 207
Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association (ZWLA)........................................................................................................................ 207

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center xix


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

List of Acronyms

Anti-Retroviral Therapy




Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender


Men who have sex with Men


Non-Governmental Organization


People Living with HIV/AIDS


Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission


Sexual and Reproductive Health


Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights


Sexually Transmitted Infections



Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center xxi

HIV & AIDS Coordination Committee of Afghanistan (HACCA)


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Pashto, Dari
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Main Email: hacca.secretariat@gmail.com
HACCA is an inclusive and mutually respectful partnership among state institutions, international and nongovernmental institutions. It is intended to strengthen and advocate for the policy, strategy and coordination
of the national HIV response.
Keywords: Networking, information, capacity building, advocacy, policy

Legal Aid Organization of Afghanistan


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: 24 provinces
Address: St. #5, Taimani, Haji Mohamdad, District 4, Kabul
Main Email: sayedghazanfarshahfakhri@yahoo.com & laoa.ghazniprovinceoffice@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +93(0) 794340472
Website: http://mylaoa.blogspot.com/
It is a non-profit, independent, domestically registered Afghan NGO whose mandate is to provide legal aid
services in the areas of criminal defense, family law, and some areas of civil law to residents of Afghanistan.
Their particular emphasis is on marginalized, indigent, and under-represented populations.
Keywords: Legal aid, childrens rights

Ministry of Public Health National HIV & AIDS Control Program


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Pashto
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Great Masood Sq, Kabul
Main Email: moph.nacp@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 93 700 684 321
Contact Person: Dr Mohammad Younus Bargam, Acting Manager
Website: http://moph.gov.af/
Established in 2003 the NACP is now delivering services in 8 key provinces, they have 10 Voluntary Counseling
and Testing Centers, 15 Drop-in-centers and 2 ART centers in Kabul and Herat. They provide advocacy, testing,

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 1

treatment access, interventions, monitoring, and capacity building.

Keywords: Advocacy, information, monitoring, capacity building

The Family Health Organization of Afghanistan


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Pashtu, Dari, Urdu
Address: Kart-e-naw, Street No 3, Kabul
Main Email: asheeshbhalla@thefho.org
Website: http://www.thefho.org
The FHO of Afghanistan, through their HIV and Drug Prevention and Treatment Program provides a range
of services to combat HIV/AIDS including testing, treatment, referrals for ART, education, outreach, support,
networking, advocacy, and collaboration with national HIV programmes.
Keywords: Education, outreach, VCT, care, support

Albanian Association of PLWHA


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: Rruga: Aleksander Moisiu, Nr.80, Tirana , Albania
Main Email: alb_org_plwha@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +355 692481657
Contact Person: Olimbi Hoxhaj, Executive Director
Contact Email: hoxhajolimbi@gmail.com
The Albanian Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS advocates for access to treatment, provides support
and works to protect the rights of PLWH, including children.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, policy

Stop AIDS Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Albanian, French
Address: Rruga : Kahreman Ylli, Nd. 32, H 18, ap 45, Njesia Bashkiake nr. 4, Tirana 1005
Main Email: stopaids_al@yahoo.it
Main Telephone : +355 692481657
Contact Person: Arian Boci, Executive Director

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Contact Email: arianboci@yahoo.com

Stop AIDS focuses on harm-reduction interventions at country level, prevention of HIV and drug abuse,
information and education for groups at risk and the wider public. It also provides counselling, social and
medical care.
Keywords: VCT, harm reduction, advocacy, care

Tirana Legal Aid Society


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Albanian, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide.
Address: Bulevardi Bajram Curri, Pallatet Agimi, Shk.18, Ap. 322, Tirane, Shqiperi
Main Email: tlas@tlas.org.al
Main Telephone: 355 4 22 58 442
Contact Person: Mrs. Rajmonda Bozo, Executive Director
Website: http://www.tlas.org.al
TLAS is national organization that provides legal services that focus on areas such as: social issues, good
governance, human rights, the protection of the rights of children, women and their families.
Keywords: Legal aid, human rights

Ligue Algrienne pour la Dfense des Droits de lHomme (LADDH)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: 05, rue Sad Ben-Larbi, 16000, Algerie
Main Email: errabita@algerie-laddh.org
Main Telephone: 213 021 73.95.20
Contact Email: davidlemac@gmail.com
Website: http://www.algerie-laddh.org
LADDH is a non-political NGO that promotes human rights in Algeria. Some pro-bono counsel is provided.
Keywords: Legal assistance, human rights

AIDS Algerie


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Arabic

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 3

Address: 07, rue Ahcen Khemissa, Alger Centre, Alger 16000

Main Email: Zahra.benyahia@aidsalgerie.org
Main Telephone: 213 21 74 15 28
Contact Person: Othmane Bourouba, Executive Director
Contact Email: Said.sansal@aidsalgerie.org
Website: www.aidsalgerie.org
The organization works in the following areas: health promotion; information, education and communication
activities; training and information; development of counselling activities; integration of PLWH. It also engages
in HIV and AIDS prevention for vulnerable groups (sex workers, MSM, drug users). It conducts community
mobilisation; provides friendly services for youth; peer education; sexual and reproductive health; advocacy;
mobilisation of institutional and community leaders.
Keywords: Education, training, advocacy, MSM, sex workers

Association Aniss


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, Arabic
Address: Rue du CNRA, Annaba 23000
Main Email: aniss23000@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 213 38 86 14 94
Contact Person: Adel Birem, Coordinator
Contact Telephone: 213 38 86 14 94
Website: www.aniss-algerie.org
The organization engages in providing support; conducting adherence workshops and income-generation
activities. It has a documentation centre,works on issues of prevention; training and also runs a VCT centre. In
addition, it works in the areas of harm reduction; disability and HIV; networking; advocacy; health promotion
and research.
Keywords: Advocacy, VCT, support, networking, harm reduction

Angola Network of AIDS Service Organisations (ANASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Portuguese
Address: Cx: Postal No. 2366, Luanda, Angola
Main Email: fjmartins2000@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +244-2-339335
Contact Person: Rede Mulher
Contact Telephone: 244-92-302696 / 91-514102

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

This is a network of NGOs, community based organisations and PLWH that promotes cooperation between civil
society and government in order to expand the response to HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Information, networking

Associao Justia, Paz e Democracia (AJPD)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Portuguese, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Nicolau Gomes Street Spencer, Building No. 47, 1st Floor, Right, Maculusso, Luanda
Main Email: ajpd@ajpdangola.co / ajpd@netangola.com
Main Telephone: + 244,993,401,023, +(222) 430299/(222) 445969
Contact Person: Fernando Macedo, President
Website: http://ajpdangola.co/en/
The Justice, Peace and Democracy Association (Associao Justia, Paz e Democracia AJPD) is an Angolan
justice organization, with a nation-wide focus. AJPDs main objective is to contribute to the active, conscious
and responsible participation of Angolan citizens in the process of consolidation of a democratic state, the
rule of law, peace, development and respect for human rights in our country. AJPDs work also focuses on
researching, documenting and denouncing violations of human rights in Angola.
Keywords: Advocacy, rights promotion, legal support, research, documentation

Rede de Pessoas vivendo com VIH - Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Portuguese
Address: P.O. Box 5954, Luanda, Angola
Main Email: rnp_angola@yahoo.com.br
Main Telephone: +244 923 9380430. +244 923 879083
Contact Person: Eva Chaves,
The National Network of People Living with HIV / AIDS (RNP + Angola) is a network which connects PLWH
through self-help groups, forums and meetings, with a focus on improving the quality of life for PLWH.
Activities include advocating, auditing and supporting the Government in the creation and improvement
of public policies related to HIV and AIDS; they also engage in anti-discrimination work and legal support
defending the rights of PLWH.
Keywords: Advocacy, prevention, support, networking, capacity building, training

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 5

Anguilla Community Action Network Foundation (ACAN)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: P.O. Box 1060, AI-2640 The Valley, Anguilla
Main Email: acanfoundation@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 1 264 729 8490
Contact Person: Karen Morancie, Program Director
ACAN is a community based organization which sees the health of community members as key to the overall
health of the community. As such, ACAN provides psychosocial and spirtitual support to PLWH and their
families, and runs community education and awareness campaigns aimed at prevention and destigmatization.
Keywords: Advocacy, outreach, education, prevention

HIV Sexual and Reproductive Programme


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Ministry of Social Development Annex, The Quarter Government Of Anguilla, PO Box 60, The
Main Email: gillian.artsen2gov.ai.com
Main Telephone: 1 264 497 3555
Contact Person: Maeza Demis-Adams
This is a national body providing a range of services including prevention; epidemiologic monitoring; diagnosis
and monitoring of HIV and AIDS; ART, VCT, and PMTCT. They work to involve non-governmental organisations
in intersectoral programmes including workplace education, public education; care and treatment, risk
reduction, care and treatment.
Keywords: VCT, education, monitoring, prevention, ART, counselling, networking

Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation (CFPA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Caribbean region.
Address: Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation. PO Box 3386. St Johns Antigua, WI
Main Email: cfpa@candw.ag

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Telephone: (268) 462-4170

Website: https://www.ippfwhr.org/en/country/caribbean
CFPA is a thirteen-member network devoted entirely to reproductive and sexual healthy. They promote highquality services and critical information throughout the region. CFPAs focus is on governance, fundraising, and
capacity building among its members. It has a reputation for its expertise and campaigns that address a range
of sexual and reproductive health issues, including HIV/AIDS
Keywords: Reproductive health, prevention, information, education

Ministry of Health National AIDS Programme


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Weathered Complex Suite #5 Redcliffe
Main Email: aidssec@antigua.gov.ag
Main Telephone: 1 268 462 5039
Contact Person: Delcora Williams, AIDS Programme Manager
This is a national body providing a strategic response to HIV/AIDS including programs for prevention, control,
monitoring, testing, and diagnosis.
Keywords: Prevention, information, monitoring

Fundacin Descida


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Buenos Aires
Address: Juno, 1140 80 B, Capital Federal, (1113) Buenos Aires
Main Email: descida@fibertel.com.ar
Main Telephone: 54 11 4825 4263
Contact Person: Noemi Celia Perelman, President
Contact Email: desida@ciudad.com.ar
Website: http://www.descida.org.ar/
The Descida Foundation is a public nonprofit organization that devotes its efforts to addressing HIV/
AIDS prevention. It aims to provide assistance in five areas: medical-psychological assistance, teaching and
vocational training, community outreach, women and law.
Keywords: Legal support, care, support, training, legal assistance, human rights, counseling

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 7

Fundacin Husped


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Geographic Coverage: Latin American region
Address: Angel Peluffo 3932, (C1202ABB) Buenos Aires
Main Email: info@huesped.org.ar
Main Telephone: 54 11 4981 7777
Contact Person: Leandro Cahn, Director of Communication
Contact Email: espaciopositivo@gmail.com
Website: http://www.huesped.org.ar/
Fundacion Huesped is an Argentine organization with regional reach throughout Latin America. They work in
the public health field with a focus on HIV/AIDS, STIs, as well as SRH. Activities include advocacy, information
sharing, helpline, participation in scientific symposia, publishing a quarterly scientific journal Actualizaciones
en Sida, counselling, and legal assistance.
Keywords: Legal assistance, advocacy, harm reduction, information, support

International AIDS Women Caucus (IAWC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Paran 135, Piso 3, 13, (1017) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Main Email: info@aidswomencaucus.org
Main Telephone: 54 11 4372 2763
Contact Person: Mabel Bianco, Coordinator
Website: www.aidswomencaucus.org
This is an international group of women affected and infected by HIV/AIDS that works on human rights,
and especially womens rights. It is dedicated to advocacy, research and interventions on the intersection
of women and HIV/AIDS, especially focusing on the direct relationship between gender inequality, violence
against women and the spread of the pandemic. It is aimed at helping to better integrate SRH and HIV/AIDS
programmes and incorporate womens issues into the HIV/AIDS response.
Keywords: Advocacy, human rights, womens rights, research

International Committee of Women Living with HIV/AIDS - Argentina


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Languages: Spanish, English

Geographic Coverage: Latin American region, Africa region, Global
Address: Sarand 215 1 A - (C1081ACE) - Capital Federal, Buenos Aires
Main Email: argentina@icwlatina.org
Main Telephone: +54 11 4951 0651
Website: http://www.icwlatina.org
This is the local chapter of a global coalition of women living with HIV/AIDS. ICW exists to lead efforts towards
securing and improving the quality of life for women living with HIV. They do this by mobilizing, organizing,
advocating, mentoring and raising consciousness on the issues that directly impact the lives of women living
with HIV.
Keywords: Womens rights, human rights, advocacy, legal assistance

RA Advocates Union


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Armenian, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 3 Zakyan (Ter-Grigoryan), Yerevan, RA
Main Telephone: (374 1) 58-26-77 / 56-77-91
The organization provides legal aid to the population in all the regions of the Republic.
Keywords: Legal advice, human rights, education

Armenian National AIDS Foundation (ANAF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Armenian, English, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide.
Address: 4/1-a Gayi Ave, 0056 Yerevan, Armenia
ANAF works in the area of harm reduction and the provision of HIV testing services. It also engages in the
provision sex education.
Keywords: VCT, information, advocacy, harm reduction

Real World, Real People


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Russian, Armenian

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 9

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide

Address: 33 Minas Avetisyan 4th str, Yerevan 0035, Armenia
Main Email: info@realwrp.com / realwrp@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +374 10 249318 / +37477522533
Contact Person: Hovhannes Madoyan,
Website: http://www.realwrp.com
The organizations mission is to improve the quality of life of PLWH and their families through the
development of a self- and mutual support movement, and by providing social, psychological and legal
support to PLWH.
Keywords: Legal aid, care, support

Foundation for the Promotion of Responsible Parenthood


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish, Dutch
Geographic Coverage: Aruba
Address: De La Sallestraat 35, Oranjestad
Main Telephone : +297(58) 488 33 ex 219,220,225
The Foundation for the Promotion of Responsible Parenthood runs 2 permanent clinics and provides a range
of sexual and reproductive health services to the people of Aruba.
Keywords: Reproductive health, education

Fundacion Famia Planea Aruba


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish, Dutch.
Geographic Coverage: Oranjestad, San Nicolas.
Address: Avenido Milo Croes 17-B, Oranjestad
Main Email: famiaplanea@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: +297 588 9591 / +297-588 9591
Website: http://famiaplanea.org
The organization aims to inform the community of contraceptives, planned pregnancy and sexual health.
Among their services, the foundation also holds a popular yearly campaign called I Love My Body. This
campaign mainly targets youth and promotes awareness through a jingle, promotional videos and
merchandise during the Carnival season.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, education


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPWHA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Suite G5, 1 Erskineville Road, Newtown, Sydney
Main Email: admin@napwa.org.au
Main Telephone: +61 (2) 8568 0300, 1800 259 666.
Contact Person: Aaron Cogle, Executive Director
Website: http://napwha.org.au
A network of AIDS organizations, NAPWHA provides advocacy, policy, health promotion, effective
representation, and outreach on a national level. Its work includes a range of health and education initiatives
that promote the highest quality standard of care for HIV-positive people. NAPWHA also contributes to clinical
and social research into the incidence, impact and management of HIV.
Keywords: Networking, advocacy, information

Positive Women


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Victoria
Address: Positive Women Victoria, Coventry House, 111 Coventry Street, Southbank 3006
Main Email: info@positivewomen.org.au
Main Telephone: (03) 9863 8747
Contact Person: Alison Boughey, Executive Director/ Autumn Pierce, Health Promotion Coordinator
Contact Email: executiveofficer@positivewomen.org.au / healthpromotion@positivewomen.org.au
Website: http://www.positivewomen.org.au
This is the only community based organisation specifically funded to support women living with HIV in
Australia and was established by and for women living with HIV. It provides support, information and advocacy
for women in Victoria living with HIV.
Keywords: Information, support, advocacy

AIDS Hilfe Wien


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, German
Address: Aids Hilfe Haus, Mariahilfer Grtel 4, 1060 Wien

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 11

Main Email: office@aids-hilfe-wien.at

Main Telephone: 43 1 599 37
Contact Person: Phillipe Dirnberger, Managing Director
Website: www.aids.at
AIDS Hilfe is a non profit which serves patients and their families, and seeks to inform the public about
the means of transmission of the virus and the prevention of HIV infection and to identify the social and
political consequences of HIV / AIDS. Activities include testing, psychosocial support, prevention training, and
Keywords: Information VCT, support, prevention

Positiver Dialog


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, German
Address: Mariahilfer Grtel 4, 1060 Wien
Main Email: mail@positiverdialog.at
Main Telephone: 43 676 319 26 77/ 43 676 36 59 038
Website: www.positiverdialog.at
A self-help association for PLWH, their friends and relatives. Their goal is to make the lives of affected people
easier, and to strengthen them in their social environment. They offer affected people support to learn to
cope with the situation, take care of their interests, and access their rights.
Keywords: Networking, support, information



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, German, French
Address: Grinzingerstrasse 54/11/10, A-1190 Wien
Main Email: pulshiv@gmx.at
Main Telephone: 43 (0) 699/ 114 03 426
Contact Person: Wiltrut Stefanek, Contact
Website: http://www.pulshiv.at/
PULSHIV is an advocacy network for and by PLWH, primarily women and their families. They inform, advise,
assist, and support those living with HIV. Their website makes available relevant laws and policies for PLWH.
Keywords: Advocacy, information, support, education, prevention


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Bahrain Center for Human Rights


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic, French
Geographic Coverage: National and international networks
Address: (International Office) Dronningensgade 14, 1420 Kbenhavn K, Denmark
Main Telephone: 4553893133
Website: http://www.bahrainrights.org/
For more than a decade the BCHR has carried out many projects, including advocacy, training, workshops,
seminars, media campaigns and reporting to UN mechanisms and international NGOs.Their goal is to promote
the rights and freedoms of all, while combatting discrimination, providing support to vulnerable populations,
and providing training to enhance the capacity of other organizations.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, capacity building, lobbying, education, training

Bahrain Family Planning Association (BFPA )


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Manama
Address: Villa 377, Road No.1210, Manama, Bahrain
Main Telephone: +973 17 232233
Website: http://www.ippf.org/our-work/where-we-work/arab-world/bahrain
The organization has played a critical role in promoting reproductive health. The BRHA is highly focused on
advocacy and is limited in its capacity to deliver direct education reproductive health services.
Keywords: Reproductive health, education, information

Ministry of Health


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Building 1228, Road 4025, Juffair 340, Kingdom of Bahrain, P.O.Box: 12
Main Email: asayyad@health.gov.bh
Main Telephone: 973 17250313
Contact Person: Dr. Adel Salman AlSayyad, Chief of Disease Control
Website: http://www.moh.gov.bh/
The national body responsible for coordinating the reponse to HIV/AIDS, including disagnosis, monitoring,

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 13

treatment, and prevention.

Keywords: Prevention, monitoring, control

Ashar Alo Society (AAS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Bengali
Address: House # 8/1, Aurangajeb Road (2nd Floor), Block-A, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Main Email: habiba_aas@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 880 2 9133968
Contact Person: Habiba Akter, Executive Director
AAS is a non-governmental organization providing voluntary counselling and HIV testing services, treatment.
capacity-building initiatives for PLWH, in addition to income-generating activities, a helpline, and a hope
Keywords: Advocacy, information, counselling, support,VCT, support

Durjoy Nari Sangha


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Bengali
Address: 122 Pisciculture Housing Society, Road # 1, Block -Ka, Symoli, Dhaka-1207
Main Email: dns.bd.manusher@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 880 2 8143028
Contact Person: Mrs Shanaz Begum, Chairperson
An organization built around advocacy and social mobilisation for sex workers, awareness and capacity
building projects, protection of child sex workers, education, medical, legal and counselling support, as well as
rehabilitation activities.
Keywords: Advocacy, education, legal support, capacity building, prevention, education, sex workers

Jagrata Juba Shangha (JJS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: South-West region
Address: 35/8, TB Cross Road, Khulna-9100, Bangladesh
Main Telephone: 88041-731013


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: jjsinformation@gmail.com

Contact Person: ATM Zakir Hossain, Executive Director
Contact Email: atmzakir@gmail.com
Website: http://www.jjsbangladesh.org/
JJS is an environmental and social development organization founded in 1985. JJS works in a variety of areas,
with specific focus on AIDS and marginalized groups. They advocate for the rights of PLWH (with a focus on
sex-workers), and aim to increase public awareness and prevention through education campaigns.
Keywords: Advocacy, counselling, human rights, education, information, awareness, prevention

AIDS Society of Barbados (ASOB)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: c/o AIDS Information Centre, Jemmots Lane, St. Michael
Main Email: AIDSSociety@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: 436-6450 (EXT. 6147) 422-3113 (H)
Contact Person: Lydia Waterman, President
AIDS Society of Barbados (ASOB) was established in 1990 out of the need to coordinate an effective
community response to the pandemic. It is the oldest, largest NGO in the fight against AIDS in Barbados. Their
activities include advocating for the rights of PLWH, public awareness campaigns, support groups, counselling,
medical clinics, medicine provision, and food baskets.
Keywords: Human rights, education, capacity building, counselling, outreach, support, clinics, care

Comfort Assist Reach-Out Educate Barbados (CARE)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: P.O BOX 1249 Bridgetown, Barbados
Main Email: carebarbados@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: (246) 436-7770
Contact Email: carebdos@hiv-aids.gov.bb
C.A.R.E Barbados is a registered, non-governmental organization formed in March 1993, to mobilize persons
infected or affected by HIV/AIDS; involving them in addressing their psychological, social, health and spiritual
needs.They provide a range of services from community education and training, to advocacy for the rights of

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 15

PLWH, home-based care, counselling, support, and research aimed at policy development.
Keywords: Human rights, advocacy, lobbying, education, capacity building, counselling, outreach, support,
training, care

National HIV/AIDS Commission


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Ministry of Family Youth Sports and the Environment, 2nd Floor East, Warrens Office Complex,
Warrens, St. Michael, BB12001
Main Email: hiv-aids@barbados.gov.bb
Main Telephone: (246) 310-1000/1001
Website: http://www.nhacbb.org/
A national body created in 2001 with the mandate of creating and strengthening partnerships which in turn
foster an expanded response to HIV across all sectors. Their work includes coordination of the response to HIV/
AIDS including testing, monitoring, prevention, treatment, and outreach.
Keywords: VCT, prevention, care, research

The University of West Indies HIV/AIDS Response Programme (UWI HARP)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Divisions on three campuses: Cave Hill Campus, Barbados | Mona Campus, Jamaica |
St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad
Address: (Project implementation office) CARICOM Secretariat, 57 High Street, Kingston, Georgetown,
Main Telephone: 592:223-901
Contact Person: Henry Fraser, Project Manager
UWI HARP is a group dedicated to using the expertise of the University to work with other committed partners
in combating HIV/AIDS and mitigating its impact. Their multidisciplinary, cross-faculty team of staff and
students - with invited membership frm governments and non-governmental organizations have established
task forces on the three campuses to tackle areas including research, policy development, and public
Keywords: Research, capacity building, information


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Belarusian AIDS Network


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Russian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 15 Pereulok Uralsky, Office #502, 220037 MINSK, Belarus
Main Email: info@belaids.net / ngoaidsnetwork@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +375 17 257 77 08, 257 77 09
Contact Person: Oleg Eryomin, Chairman of the Coordinating Committee
Website: www.belaids.net / http://belaids.blog.com
BAN unites 17 non-profit organizations representing all regions of Belarus implementing programs and
projects aimed at preventing HIV / AIDS among various social groups and providing support for PLWH.
Keywords: Advocacy, reproductive health, VCT

Belarusian Community of PLWH


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Russian, English
Geographic Coverage: Gomel region
Address: 247434 Svetlogorsk, Gomel Region., Belarus, Str. International, 1, office No7
Main Email: hiv.by.info@gmail.com, head@hiv.by
Main Telephone: +375 17 2668880 / +375 2342 3 79 54
Website: http://www.hiv.by/
The organization works on advocacy, care and support, human rights, monitoring and evaluation among other
HIV related issues.
Keywords: Care, legal assistance, advocacy

Gomel Center for Strategic Litigation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Russian
Geographic Coverage: Zhlobin, Mozyr, Oktiabrskii
Address: 246003, City of Gomel, 52 Polesskaia Street
Main Telephone: +375 232 717109
Website: http://by.prava-by.info/
The organization has volunteers working in Zhlobin, Mozyr and Oktiabrskii. The Center provides representation

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 17

in Court for both civil and criminal matters.

Keywords: Legal advice, legal drafting, legal assistance

European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Europe
Address: Place Raymond Blyckaerts, 13, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Main Email: office@eatg.org
Main Telephone: 32 2 626 96 40
Contact Person: Koen Block, Executive Director
Website: www.eatg.org
EATG aims to improve drug development, advocates for best access to treatment and treatment information;
promotes information exchange and networking; organises training and conferences; and implements projects
for PLWH and their supporters.
Keywords: Advocacy, information,training, networking

Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities (Unia)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Dutch, German, French, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Koningsstraat 138 Rue Royale, 1000 Brussel
Main Email: info@unia.be
Website: unia.be
Unia, the Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities, is an independent public institution which combats
discrimination and promotes equal opportunities. This is done in a spirit of dialogue, cooperation and respect.
Keywords: Advocacy, information, human rights

International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Global.
Address: 17 rue de la Charit, 1210 Brussels, Belgium


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: Via website

Main Telephone: 32 2 502 24 71
Contact Person: Gloria Careaga-Perez, Co-Secretary General
Website: http://ilga.org/
A world federation of over 700 groups from more than 111 countries fighting for the rights of lesbian, gay,
bisexual, intersex and transgender people.
Keywords: Advocacy, human rights, information, LGBTQI

Belize Family Life Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish, English
Geographic Coverage: Belmopan, Dangriga, Belize City, San Ignacio, Orange Walk
Address: 2621 Caribbean Shores, Mercy Lane, PO Box 529, Belize City, Belize, CA
Main Email: info@bflabelize.org
Main Telephone: (501) 203-1018 /4399
Website: http://www.bflabelize.org
BFLA focuses exclusively on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Through its network of six clinics
BFLA provides general health services in addition to gynecological care, Pap tests, pregnancy tests, abortion
services, pre- and post-natal services, child immunization, and STI and HIV testing. It has an outreach program
operated from three mobile clinics, which offer family planning information and services in areas that are not
easily accessible.
Keywords: Reproductive health, VCT, information, care

Collaborative Network of People Living with HIV (C-Net+ Belize)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Belize City
Address: 56 Victoria Street, Belize City, Belize (White Building accross from Fabros Glass Limited)
Main Email: cnet.belize@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +501 630 1900
Contact Person: Erika Castellanos, Executive Director
Contact Email: ecastellanos@cnetbelize.com
Website: http://www.cnetbelize.com
CNET+s mission is to improve the quality of life of all PLWH and key populations most affected by HIV in
Belize by promoting positive health, dignity and prevention, human rights, effective legislation, monitoring
universal access and advocating for the greater and more meaningful involvement of PLWH and members of

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key populations in decision making processes through the establishment of a self-sustained and empowered
network in Belize.
Keywords: Advocacy, education

National AIDS Commission


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Mile 2 1/2 Phillip S. W. Goldson Highway, Belize City, Belize
Main Email: ausher@nacbelize.org
Main Telephone: (501) 223-7594
Contact Person: Enrique Romero, Executive Director
Contact Email: eromerro@nacbelize.org
Website: http://nacbelize.org
The NAC was created to effectively coordinate, facilitate and monitor the national response to HIV and
AIDS and implement a Strategic Plan, so as to reduce the incidence and spread of HIV/AIDS and provide
comprehensive, quality support for persons living with HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Coordination, monitoring, information

African Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (RAP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: 071 BP 20 Cotonou, Benin
Main Telephone: 229 31 54 88
Contact Person: Denis DOliveira, Contact
A regional network for people with HIV/AIDS; advocacy; information exchange; capacity building; health
Keywords: Advocacy, information

Center for International Cooperation in Health and Development (CCISD)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, English
Address: B.P. 08-0900, Cotonou, Benin


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: mndour@intnet.bj

Main Telephone: 229 30 34 71
Contact Person: Margeurite Ndour, National Coordinator
Website: http://www.ccisd.org/
A non-profit which designs and manages projects in the field of international health. It focuses on intervention
strategies in the fight against AIDS, epidemiological surveillance and access to primary health care.
Keywords: Care, intervention, surveillance

Rseau des ONG Bninoises de Sant (ROBS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 02 BP 1340, Cotonou
Main Email: robs_coord@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 229 96 06 55 58 or 229 97 61 08 70
A network of 80 non-governmental organisations working in the field of health, co-ordination of health
activities, capacity building and advocacy.
Keywords: Coordination, advocacy, information

Supportive Therapy for AIDS persons and their Relatives (STAR)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Main Telephone: 292-5941
Website: http://www.bermuda-online.org/healthsupportgroups.htm
STAR offers support for persons and their families who are HIV positive or have AIDS
Keywords: Information, support

Womens Resource Center


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English.
Address: Cap-a-Laige Charities House, 25 Point Finger Road, Paget DV04, Bermuda
Main Email: wrc@wrcbermuda.com
Main Telephone: (441) 295-3882

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 21

Contact Person: Carol-Ann Simmons, Executive Director

Contact Email: csimmons@wrcbermuda.com
Website: http://www.wrcbermuda.com
WRC offers free monthly legal clinics for women and participates with various community partners to raise
awareness of issues relating to women. The goals of WRC are to support women facing lifes challenges, by
providing information, appropriate referrals and confidential counseling.
Keywords: Womens rights, legal assistance, legal education

Lhak-Sam, Bhutan Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (BNP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Dzongkha
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Lhak-Sam (BNP+), Changjalu Thimphu
Main Email: lhaksambhutan@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 975 02 340878
Contact Person: Thinley Dorji, Chairperson
Website: http://www.lhaksam.org.bt/
Lhak-Sam is the first and only network of HIV positive people in Bhutan, formed in 2010, to address the needs
of PLWH for support and solidarity. Lhak-Sam provides leadership, education and capacity building for creating
an environment free from stigma and discrimination wherein all PLWH and affected family members may have
meaningful lives.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, education, leadership, support, empowerment

National AIDS Control Progam


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Dzongkha
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan, Kawajangsa, PO
Box: 726, Thimphu
Main Email: sonamwangdi@health.gov.bt
Main Telephone: 975 2 328092
Contact Person: Dr Tandin Dorji, Chief Program Officer
Website: http://www.health.gov.bt/
The agency is responsible for co-ordination of the national AIDS response programme, surveillance,
monitoring, and treatment.
Keywords: Research, networking, surveillance, monitoring


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

El Instituto para el Desarrollo Humano (IDH)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Av. 829 between Humboldt and Charcas Hearing Tadeo Haenke
Main Email: direccion@idhbolivia.org
Main Telephone: 591 + 4 + 4118315
Contact Person: Anne Saudan , Coordinator
Contact Email: idh@supernet.com.bo
Website: http://idhbolivia.org/
IDH is a nonprofit organization with the aim of contributing to the overall growth of people through
preventive medicine, the defense of the environment and human rights in Bolivia.
Keywords: Advocacy, prevention, training, human rights, support

Red Nacional de Personas Viviendo con VIH y SIDA en Bolivia (REDBOL)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Casilla 498, La Paz
Main Email: redbolbolivia@gmail.com
Contact Person: Grace Violeta, National Chair
Contact Email: graciavioleta@gmail.com
Website: www.redbol.org
REDBOL is an organization serving PLWH in Bolivia. Their work includes capacity building for PLWH, self-help
groups, research on topics relevant to PLWH, advocacy for the rights of PLWH and for the reduction of stigma
and discrimination. They also engage in advocacy for the approval of an AIDS law in Bolivia. They defend the
human rights of children living with HIV or affected by it, as well as working towards primary prevention in
commercial sex workers and MSM.
Keywords: Legal assistance, information, advocacy, human rights, research, prevention

Vivo en Positivo


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Cochabamba.

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 23

Address: Av. Villarroel N 2023 entre calle Julio Rodrguez (Ciclovia) y Calle Elena Rendn, 1200
Main Email: vivocbba@yahoo.es
Main Telephone: 591 4 4229289
Contact Person: Olivia Fabiola Florero Carvajal, General Coordinator
Website: www.vivoenpositivo.org
A non-profit organization made up of PLWH. It was created to help improve the quality of life of children,
women and men with HIV or AIDS and reduce the risk of new infections. Their work includes peer support,
prevention, advocacy work promoting policies, standards, and state compliance to ensure the rights of PLWH,
as well as capacity building and empowerment programs, anti-discrimination campaigns, and inter-institutional
Keywords: Advocacy, human rights,information, prevention

Association XY Sarajevo


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Bosnian
Geographic Coverage: Luka, Sarajevo
Address: Danijela Ozme 12, 71 000 Sarajevo / Gunduliceva br. 80 78000 Banja, Luka
Main Email: bhfpa.xy@bih.net.ba / xy.banjaluka@blic.net
Main Telephone: +387 33 260761 / +387 33 260615 or 051/309 744
Website: www.xy.com.ba
The organization runs a main clinic which promotes equal access to sexual reproductive health information,
education and services, and advocates at government level for the adoption of improved SRH policies.
Keywords: Advocacy, human rights, prevention, reproductive health, education, VCT

Vaa Prava BiH Legal Aid


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Bosnian
Geographic Coverage: Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Bosanski Petrovac, Prijedor, Srebrenica, Tuzla, Mostar, Trebinje,
Address: Dolina 9, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Main Email: emirp@vasaprava.org
Main Telephone: +387 33 260 360 or 370
Website: www.vasaprava.org
The organization provides various forms of legal assistance to its customers, from responses to quick queries
to comprehensive assistance including legal representation in all legal fields, except criminal law. Legal


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

assistance is provided through free legal advice and representation.

Keywords: Legal assistance, human rights, legal advice

Botswana Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (BONEPWA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: Plot 22542, Mogwatane Street, Phase 4, Gaborone
Main Email: info@bonepwa.org.bw
Main Telephone: +267 390 6224
Website: http://www.bonepwa.org.bw/home/
BONEPWA coordinates and manages support groups for PLWH by empowering them with skills, strategies,
and providing a friendly atmosphere to address their needs in a holistic manner and strengthen linkages
between prevention, care and support services.
Keywords: Advocacy, capacity builiding

Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS (BONELA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide, Africa region
Address: Plot 60224, Fairgrounds Office Park, Gaborone, Botswana
Main Telephone: +267 3932516
Main Email: bonela@bonela.org
Contact Person: Phazha Molebatsi, Legal & Policy Advisor
Website: http://www.bonela.org/
The legal aid branch handles walk-in cases and referrals of all HIV/AIDS related violations and in turn uses them
as evidence to influence positive change.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal assistance

The Bostwana Centre for Human Rights (DITSHWANELO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Kasane; Gantsi District, Maun, Nata, Francistown
Address: Plot No. 2732, Hospital Way, Gaborone, Botswana

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 25

Main Email: admin.ditshwanelo@info.bw

Contact Person: Florah Kedibonye
Contact Email: legal@ditshwanelo.org.bw
Website: http://www.ditshwanelo.org.bw
Anyone earning less than the minimum wage (P600 per month) can be supported by DITSHWANELOs trained
paralegal officers, in both the Gaborone and Kasane offices.
Keywords: Legal aid

Associao Brasiliera Interdisciplinar de AIDS (ABIA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Av. Presidente Vargas, No 446/13 andar, Centro da Cidade, CEP: 20071-907, Rio de Janeiro
Main Email: abia@abiaids.org.br
Main Telephone: 55 21 2223 1040
Contact Person: Katia Edmundo, Executive Coordinator
Website: http://abiaids.org.br/
ABIA emphasizes action in the field of analysis, monitoring and pressure on government to ensure social and
human rights related to heath are preserved. In addition, ABIA is active in social participation in the creation
and monitoring of relevant public policies.
Keywords: Advocacy, education, prevention, information, support

Gestos - Soropositividade, Comunicao e Gnero (Gestures)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Rua dos Mdicis, 68, Boa Vista, Recife PE 50070-290
Main Email: contato@gestospe.org.br
Main Telephone: 55 81 34217670
Contact Person: Alessandra Cabral dos Santos Nilo, Executive Director
Contact Email: comunicacao@gestospe.org.br
Website: http://www.gestos.org/
Gestures monitors public policy and directs action at the local, national, and international level. This includes
the development of advocacy activities, and support for public policies relating to AIDS and women and
adolescent health. It also focuses on the development of social control of health policies for women, research,
training of health, education and human rights professionals. In addition it is involved in the monitoring of UN


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

resolutions on AIDS in Latin America. The organization also provides psychosocial and legal support to PLWH,
and promotes treatment adherence, training activities, and social networking.
Keywords: Legal support, care, support, advocacy, training, education, research, human rights, monitoring

Grupo Vhiver


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Av. Bernardo Monteiro, 1477, Funcionrios - Belo Horizonte MG, CEP: 30.150-281
Main Email: contato@vhiver.org.br
Main Telephone: 55 31 3271 8310
Contact Person: Valdecir Fernandes Buzon, President
Website: www.vhiver.org.br / http://vhiver.blogspot.com
This organization provides referrals and legal assistance, psychosocial support, information workshops
and prevention training. They also have an information and referrals helpline, programmes for women and
adolescents, medicines distribution programs, and publications on HIV.
Keywords: Legal assistance, education, support, prevention, care, training

HIV/AIDS Foundation (BVI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Main Email: info@hivaidsbvi.com
Main Telephone: 12845425683
Contact Person: Cid Nava, Chairman
Website: http://www.hivaidsbvi.com/
HIV AIDS BVI is committed to the prevention of HIV transmission through sexual health education
programmes, advocacy for PLWH to access quality comprehensive treatment, care and support within a
comfortable environment, as well as the reduction of stigma and discrimination. They also provide free and
confidential testing, and a 24-hour helpline.
Keywords: Advocacy, education, reproductive health, care, VCT

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 27

National AIDS Programme


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Central Administration Building, West Wing, 33 Administration Drive, (PO Box 439), Road Town,
Main Email: nclarke@gov.vg
Main Telephone: 284 494 3701 ext. 4950/4902
Contact Person: Noelene Levons-Clarke, Coordinator
Contact Telephone: 468-3701 ext. 4138/2282
A national program dedicated to HIV/AIDS prevention, epidemiologic monitoring, control, diagnosis and
monitoring. It is also dedicated to the planning and development of related programmes, policies and
Keywords: Policy, monitoring, prevention, care

Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council (BDAC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Malay
Geographic Coverage: Bandar Seri Begawan
Address: Banglo B1, Gate 12, Banglo Maktab Duli PMAMB | Simpang 373-18, Jalan Pasar Gadong |
Gadong, Bandar Seri Begawan | Negara Brunei Darussalam | BE3519
Main Email: penyinarBDAC@gmail.com / blissBDAC@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +673-2345573
BDAC was established in 2000 with its main objective to raise awareness on HIV & AIDS in Brunei Darussalam,
with a focus on youth. It aims to educate the public on related issues, such as sexually transmitted infection,
unwanted pregnancy & social issues.
Keywords: Information, advocacy, reproductive health, education

Majlis Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Legal Clinic


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: Darussalam

Address: c/o Pusat Belia (Youth Center), Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam
Main Email: mkmbrunei@yahoo.com
Website: www.mkmbrunei.com
A Legal Advice and Advisory Clinic is MKMs community outreach program for the vulnerable members of the
community in Brunei Darussalam, offering a range of confidential community free legal and advisory services
and in deserving cases, legal services on a subsidised or pro bono basis. Services are offered at 2 locations on
Wednesday afternoons.
Keywords: Free legal advice, legal aid

Anti-AIDS Coalition


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Bulgarian, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Akad. Ivan Evstatiev Geshov Blvd 15, 1431 Sofia
Main Email: anina@ncphp.government.bg
Main Telephone: +359 2 954 96 72
Contact Person: Anina Chileva, Chair
A network of HIV/AIDS organizations in Bulgaria.
Keywords: Networking, information

Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Bulgarian, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 1504 Sofia, 67 Dondukov blvd
Main Email: bfpa@safesex.bg
Main Telephone: +359 2 943 30 52 / +359 2 943 37 10
Contact Person: Dr. Radosveta Stamenkova, Executive Director
Contact Email: rstamenkova@safesex.bg
Website: http://www.safesex.bg
With centers across the country, Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association, BFPAs activities
include access to health care services and sexual and reproductive health and rights. BFPA offers HIV testing
and chlamydial tests, and tests for Hepatitis B and C and HPV testing.
Keywords: Reproductive health, VCT care, education

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 29

Association des Femmes Juristes du Burkina Faso


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: 150 Avenue de lUEMOA, Quartier Koulouba, secteur 4
Main Email: contact@afjbf.bf
Main Telephone: 226 50 33 53 07
Website: http://afjbf.bf/
AFJ/BF aims to study national and international laws and to popularize the rights of women and families in
Burkina Faso. This includes participating in the development of policies and strategies and fighting for the
advancement of human rights. AFJ/BF invites individuals in need to contact the organization.
Keywords: Advocacy, human rights, policy

Association Laafi La Viim (ALAVI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Tanghin-Dassouri, Saaba, Lna
Address: 01 BP 4664, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso
Main Email: alavi95@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: 226 50 36 911
Contact Person: Laure Nikiema,
Website: http://alavi-bf.org/
This organization provides information, education, care and support for people living with AIDS. It also
engages in advocacy and provides counselling.
Keywords: Advocacy, care, support

Rseau Accs aux Mdicaments (RAME-Burkina)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: BP 8038, Ouagadougou, Kadiogo, Burkina Faso 04
Main Email: infos@rame-int.org
Main Telephone: 226 50 37 70 16
Contact Person: Brahima Soulaman, Executive Director
Website: http://www.rame-int.org/


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

This organization works to promote and support the application of national and international guidelines
facilitating community access to healthcare and essential medicines. It also conducts awareness campaigns,
promotes human rights, especially the rights of vulnerable communities to access healthcare and essential
medicines, and distributes information on treatment and healthcare.
Keywords: Human rights, support

Responsabilite-Espoir-Vie-Solidarite (REVS+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: 01 BP 382 Rue du Gouverneur Binger, Bobo Dioulasso
Main Email: revs@hotmail.fr
Main Telephone: 226 20 97 05 17
Contact Person: Martine Somda, President
Website: www.revs-bf.org
A regional network for people with HIV/AIDS, working on advocacy, information exchange, capacity building
and health promotion.
Keywords: Advocacy, capacity building, information

Alliance Burundaise contre le SIDA (ABS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Chausse Pierre Ngendandumwe N 28, Rohero I,, Building Ultimate Tower (6me Niveau) B.P.
6439 Bujumbura
Main Email: info@aidsburundi.org
Main Telephone: 257 22 24 87 59
Website: www.aidsburundi.org
A national network of AIDS organisations engaged in capacity building, advocacy, and resource mobilisation.
Keywords: Advocacy, networking

Association Burundaise pour le Bien-Etre Familials (ABUBEF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 31

Geographic Coverage: Bujumbura, Gitega, Bururi, Muyinga, Ngozi, Kirundo

Address: Common Bwiza Jabe Quarter, Avenue de lImprimerie Bujumbura Burundi
Main Email: abubef@abubef.org
Main Telephone: + 257 22 23 29 36 / +257 22 24 84 72
Website: http://www.abubef.org
This organization offers a broad range of SRH services including: family planning, maternal and child services,
prevention and management of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections. The association also provides
youth-friendly counseling and education, and antenatal and post-natal care. These services are communitybased and delivered through 7 static and 2 mobile clinics.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information,education, care, VCT

Association des Femmes Juristes du Burundi (AFJB)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Bujumbura
Address: 28, Avenue des Etats Unis, Rohero, Bujumbura
Main Email: afjuristesbu@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: (257) 22 24 37 33
Contact Person: Sonia Ndikumasabo, President
Contact Telephone: 257 22 24 93 53
The Association of Female Lawyers of Burundi offers counseling, legal advice, information on rights, drafting
of legal documents, legal support and legal assistance.
Keywords: Legal aid, support, legal assistance

Ligue Burundaise des Droits de lHomme (ITEKA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: Avenue de la Mission No. 29, BP 177, Bujumbura
Main Email: ndayijo@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 25 72 28 636
Contact Person: Ndayizeye Joseph,
This is the first human rights organization allowed to openly operate in Burundi. It works on the defense of
human rights through monitoring and denunciation of human rights violations, promotion of human rights
through education in order to empower individuals to defend their rights, and to place rights issues in the
broader political context and to advocate for new laws and strategies to address emerging issues. Some direct


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

legal assistance is provided.

Keywords: Legal assistance, advocacy, education

Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (Khana)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Khmer
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: #33, Street 71 Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon, P.O. Box 2311 Phnom Penh 3, Kingdom
of Cambodia
Main Email: khana@khana.org.kh
Main Telephone: (855) 23 211 505
Contact Person: Dr. Kaoeun Chetra, Technical Team Lead
Website: http://www.khana.org.kh/
KHANA is a linking organization of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and the largest national NGO providing
HIV prevention, care and support services at the community level in Cambodia, as well as integrated sexual
and reproductive health, family planning, maternal child health, TB and livelihoods programming. They provide
technical support to organizations serving PLWH through training, funding, and resource development.
Keywords: Reproductive health, training, networking, capacity building, information, advocacy, human

Cambodian People Living with HIV Network (CPN+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Khmer
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: #84, St. 606, Boeung Kak II, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Main Email: info@cpnplus.org.kh
Main Telephone: 855) 23 880 072
Contact Person: Sorn Sotheariddh, National Coordinator
Contact Email: ssotheariddh@cpnplus.org.kh
Website: http://www.cpnplus.org.kh/
CNP+ is a national network which works to strengthen the policy synergy between the HIV response at
national, district, and community levels through meaningful involvement of PLWH in the development of
policies, plans and programs for vulnerable popuations. The network consists of 939 support groups of PLWH
across the country. In addition, CPN+ has established fourteen Provincial Networks of PLWH, including 29
resource centres.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, prevention, care, monitoring, research, awareness, lobbying

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 33

HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee (HACC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Khmer
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: #08, St. 490, Sangkat Pshar Deumtkov, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Main Email: hacc@hacccambodia.org
Main Telephone: 855 23 217 964
Contact Person: Tim Vora, Executive Director
Website: www.hacccambodia.org
HACC is a network of more than 120 international and national NGOs working on HIV/AIDS and social health
related issues in Cambodia. Based on a five-year strategic plan (2011-2016), HACC is focusing on: advocacy for
change; networking, information sharing and co-ordination with stakeholders in response to HIV and AIDS; and
capacity building for NGOs and CBOs as well as organisational development.
Keywords: Advocacy, networking, information, capacity building

Action Solidarite SIDA Emploi (ASSE)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: BP 4118, Yaounde
Main Email: asse_cam@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 237 222 6836
Contact Person: Ngo Samnick Flore, Treasuror
ASSE fights against workplace discrimination, stigmatization, and rejection of PLWH. It provides legal help and
advice, training, socio-professional integration of AIDS orphans.
Keywords: Legal advice, advocacy

Association Camerounaise des Femmes Juristes (ACAFEJ)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Bertoua, Bafoussam, Douala, Ebolowa et Yaound
Address: Quartier Hippodrome in Yaounde, opposite COMMUNAL CETIC, next to the African Organization
for Intellectual Property (OAPI)
Main Email: acafej@yahoo.fr / acafej@camnet.cm
Main Telephone: (+237) 242 84 12 93 / 661 53 50 52


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Contact Person: Aleine Djessi Ndine, President

Website: http://www.acafej.org
With offices in Yaounde, Douala, Bertoua and Bafoussam, ACAFEJ provides legal aid and legal education
through its legal clinics and mobile legal clinics. This service is offered to women and children, and other
members of the population.
Keywords: Legal education, legal aid, mobile legal clinics

International Federation of Women Lawyers Cameroon (FIDA Cameroon)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: BP 126, Limbe, S. W. Province, Cameroon
Main Email: fidacam@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: (237) 333-23-85
Website: http://www.fidacamlawyers.org
FIDA Cameroon works on developing rights of women and girls through training, advocacy, education,
counseling, conflict resolution, and lobbying for change in legislation to eradicate discriminatory laws. FIDA
Cameroon also runs Legal Aid Clinics and paralegal aid posts where counselling services are offered, and
provides court representation for women in need.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal clinics, advocacy, training, counselling, conflict resolution, education

Rseau sur lEthique, le Droit et le Sida (REDS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Yaounde
Address: BP 5877 Yaound Cameroun
Main Email: redscm@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 237 220 6859
Contact Person: Jean Marie Talom, Chairperson
Contact Email: jmtalon@hotmail.com
Contact Telephone: 237 220 6859
REDS provides legal support and counselling, capacity building for non-governmental organisations,
emergency support for people living with HIV, education, and advocacy.
Keywords: Legal counseling, education, advocacy

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 35

Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network Inc.


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, English
Geographic Coverage: Vancouver
Address: 6520 Salish Drive, Vancouver, BC V6N 2C7
Main Telephone: (604) 266-7616
Contact Person: Ken Clement, Chief Executive Officer
Contact Telephone: 604-266-7616 ext. 227
Website: http://www.caan.ca
CAAN is a not-for-profit coalition of individuals and organizations which provides leadership, support and
advocacy for Aboriginal people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS, regardless of where they reside.
Keywords: Advocacy, networking

Canadian AIDS Society (CAS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, French
Geographic Coverage: Ottawa
Address: Canadian AIDS Society, 190 OConnor St., Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K2P 2R3
Main Email: casinfo@cdnaids.ca
Main Telephone: 613. 230.3580 / 1.800.499.1986
Contact Person: Gary Lacasse, Executive Director / Kim Thomas, Director of Programs
Contact Telephone: 1- (613) 230-3580 x 118 / 1- (613) 230-3580 x 121
Website: http://www.cdnaids.ca
A coalition of more than 100 community-based HIV and AIDS organisations across the country working to
strengthen the response to HIV/AIDS in Canada. CAS does this through promoting education and awareness,
mobilizing communities, advocating at the federal public policy level, and providing information and resources.
Keywords: Networking, advocacy, information

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 1240 Bay Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario M5R 2A7
Main Email: info@aidslaw.ca


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Telephone: +1 416 595-1666

Website: http://www.aidslaw.ca
In December 1992, a group of activists came together to create the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. They
were united in their recognition that any effective response to the pandemic must ensure that the human
rights of people living with HIV and communities particularly affected by HIV are respected, protected and
fulfilled. Today, were one of the worlds leading organizations tackling the legal and human rights issues
related to HIV, and advocating at both the policy and community levels. We work tirelessly to defend the rights
of people affected by HIV, from women, newcomers, and gay men, to prisoners, people who use drugs, sex
workers, and men who have sex with men.
Keywords: Legal analysis, information, policy

International Council Of Aids Service Organizations (ICASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: , English, Espaol, Franais, Mandarin, Portugus, Thai
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide, Global
Address: 65 Wellesley Street East, Suite 503, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 1G7, Canada
Main Email: icaso@icaso.org
Mail Telephone: +1 (416) 921-0018
Contact Person: Mary Ann Torres, Executive Director / Kataisee Richardson
Contact Email: maryann@icaso.org / kataiseer@icaso.org
Website: http://www.icaso.org
ICASO acts as a global policy voice on HIV issues that impact diverse communities around the world. ICASO
understands that technology alone will not solve the AIDS epidemic, but that people and communities will
continue to be central to this fight, particularly as we combat stigma, discrimination, and legal barriers to
health and rights. Further, ICASO believes that communities are best equipped to articulate their own needs,
priorities, and solutions. Thus ICASOs advocacy work champions the leadership of civil society and key
populations in the effort to end AIDS. ICASO does this through collaborative partnerships with people and
organizations in all regions and various sectors, always with a view to serving and empowering communities.
Keywords: Advocacy, legal assistance, human rights, capacity-building, networking

Associao Cabo-Verdiana Para a Protecao Da Familia (VERDEFAM)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: (Headquarters: Cape Verdean Association for the Protection of the Family) Prdio Nova Aurora,
Bloco C - R/C Palmarejo - Praia, Rpublica de Cabo Verde
Main Telephone: (238) 2612063

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 37

Website: www.verdefam.cv

VerdeFam envisions a society in which all are free to make family planning choices, live their sexuality
responsibly and healthily without fear of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, including
HIV. VerdeFam works with a number of organizations, government and non-profit, in the fight against HIV/
AIDS. VerdeFam also runs 8 regional reproductive health centres.
Keywords: VCT, reproductive health, advocacy

Comit Coordenao do Combate Sida (CCS-Sida)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Portuguese
Address: Avenida Cidade de Lisboa, C.P. 855, Praia
Main Email: jose.m.reis@govcv.cv
Main Telephone: 238 261 95 27
Contact Person: Janira Hopffer Almada, Vice President
CCS-Sida provides national co-ordination on prevention, information provision, and support services.
Keywords: Prevention, information, support

The Cayman AIDS Foundation (CAF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 22 Caymanian Village, PO Box 11213, Grand Cayman, KY1-1008. Cayman Islands
Main Email: info@caf.ky
Main Telephone: 1 345 924 7877
Contact Person: Jaqueline Golding-McDonald, President
Website: http://www.caf.ky/
CAF was established to improve the quality of life of persons infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. CAF has seen
the need to develop community awareness and education programmes in order to mitigate the increasing
number of new HIV infections. CAF is working within the Cayman community to continue to educate people on
HIV/AIDS, safe practices, promoting regular HIV testing and preventing discrimination against people who are
Keywords: Education, awareness, prevention, information


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Association Centrafricaine pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ACABEF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Bangui, Bossangoa, Bambari
Address: BP 1366 Bangui, CAR
Main Telephone: +236 21 61 54 35
The Association provides sexuality education and SRH services including family planning, gynaecological
counselling and care, post-abortion care, antenatal care and voluntary counselling and testing for HIV. ACABEF
operates 3 static clinics in Bangui, Bossangoa and Bambari. It has 70 community-based distribution sites
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, care, VCT

Association des Femmes Juristes de Centrafrique (AFJC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Bangui, Kmo, Lobaye, Mambr-Kad, Nana-Mambr, Ombella-MPoko, Ouaka
Address: B.P. 3105, Bangui, Rpublique Centrafricaine
Main Email: douz@yahoo.fr
Contact Person: Marie Edith Douzima-Lawson., Chairwoman
AFJC works on promoting the rights of women and children through advocacy and capacity building. It works
closely with human rights organizations and legal aid clinics.
Keywords: Advocacy, capacity building, legal aid clinics

Rseau des Organisations Nationales de

Lutte contre le SIDA (RONALSI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: 30-33 rue du March, Quartier NZilavo, Lakouanga
Main Email: ronalsicar@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 236 7550 4321
Contact Person: Sakanga Mourouba, National Coordinator
The organization works on advocacy, HIV and AIDS networking, and capacity building.
Keywords: Advocacy, capacity building

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 39

Association des Femmes Juristes du Tchad (Women Lawyers Association of Chad)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Ndjamena, Moulkou, Kim, Guidari, Dono-Manga, Br and Lam
Address: BP 4089, Ndjamena, Tchad
Main Email: afft@intnet.td
Main Telephone: 235 53 30 74
Association des Femmes Juristes du Tchad has locations in Moulkou, Kim, Guidari, Dono-Manga, Br and Lam.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal assistance

Association Jeunesse pour la Paix et la Non Violence (AJPNV)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: Avenue Taiwan BP 6318 Ndjamena-Tchad
Main Email: ajpnva@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 0023566233650 / 0023566276493
Contact Person: Nodjigoto Charbonnel, AJPNV National President
AJPNVs vision is to realise the right of everybody to access health services regardless of origin, sex, beliefs
and health status. It works to promote and protect health rights.
Keywords: Legal aid, human rights

Association pour lentraide des personnes vivant avec le VIH (ASEPVV)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: S/C CEDIAM, BP 456 - Ndjamena
Main Email: asepvv_@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 235 27 60 04
Contact Person: Clestin Gabdoube Ladiba, President
Contact Email: asepvv_td@yahoo.fr
ASEPVV provides counselling, support to vulnerable children and orphans, and engages in income-generating
activities and lobbying for HIV treatment access.
Keywords: Lobbying, counselling, support


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Corporacin Chilena de Prevencin del SIDA (ACCIONGAY)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Santiago, Valparaiso, El Maule
Address: San Ignacio N 165, Santiago
Main Email: comunicaciones@acciongay.cl
Main Telephone: 56 2 6720000
Contact Person: Marco Becerra Silva, Director
Website: http://acciongay.cl
ACCIONGAY provides services aimed at gay men including: psychosocial workshops, face-to-face counselling,
prevention in public sex environments,HIV testing,support of people in health crisis, advocacy, psychological
care and social support.
Keywords: Advocacy, prevention, support, VCT, counselling, homosexual men

Vivo Positivo


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: San Isidro 367, Santiago, Chile
Main Email: directorio@vivopositivo.org
Main Telephone: 56 2 635 9396
Website: www.vivopositivo.org
Vivo Positivo is a consolidated social movement that seeks through inclusion, participation, and representation,
to generate social and cultural changes, to open paths, and to create allegiances between civil society and
PLWH to respond to emerging issues in the national and international spheres.
Keywords: Care, legal advocacy, support

Foundation Prosurgir


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Bogot
Address: Colombia Bogota DC
Main Email: infoprosurgir@prosurgir.org
Main Telephone: 3204386605

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 41

Main Email: infoprosurgir@hotmail.com

Contact Email: infoprosurgir@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.prosurgir.org/
Prosurgir Foundation offers services for PLWH in the area of: medical, psychological and spiritual support
(including support to relatives and people close to those living with HIV). This foundation additionally has a
support network called LIFE NETWORK, which provides judicial counselling for PLWH, runs health brigades
and a school of medicine.
Keywords: Legal counseling, information, support

Ligua Colombiana de Lucha Contra el Sida (LigaSida)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish, English
Geographic Coverage: Bogota
Address: Av. Calle 32 No 14-46 / Cl 32 carrera 15, Bogot
Main Email: jpacheco@ligasida.org.co
Main Telephone: 2454757 / 2870501/ 01 8000 11 SIDA (7432)
Website: http://www.ligasida.org.co
LigaSida offers free legal advice on issues of HIV directed to all citizens in order to facilitate the protection of
their rights and access to justice.
Keywords: Legal aid, advocacy

Red Colombiana de PVVS (RECOLVIH)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Bogota
Address: Calle 9 # 2 - 73, Barrio La Candelaria, Bogot
Main Email: recolvihbogota@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 57 314 3399985
Contact Person: Eduardo Manuel Pastrana, National Spokesperson
Website: www.recolvih.org
This is an organization that provides legal support, social support, information, and a medicine bank.
Keywords: Legal support, care, support, information


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Association Comorienne pour le Bien-tre Famille


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French.
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: BP 524 Quartier Oasis Moroni, Comores
Main Telephone: +269 773 53 01/773 52 72
Website: http://www.ippfar.org/our-work/where-we-work/comoros
The organization is delivering a comprehensive range of sexual and reproductive health programmes
and services. These include family planning, gynaecological counselling and services, HIV related services,
information, education and communication programmes and behaviour change communications activities to
promote health-seeking behaviour.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, care

Fdration des Associations pour le Dvloppement


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French.
Address: B.P. 1 Mbeni Hamahamet Grande-Comore, Comoros Islands
The organization works on HIV/AIDS and on womens literacy, among other things.
Keywords: Information, advocacy

Cook Islands Family Welfare Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Tupapa, P.O.Box 824, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Main Email: cooksfwa@oyster.net.ck
Main Telephone: +68 (2) 23420
Website: http://www.ippfeseaor.org/our-work/where-we-work/cook-islands
The organization has played a major role in expanding the range of reproductive health rights and services in
the Cook Islands. Obstetrics, family planning, sexually transmitted infection / HIV prevention and STI treatment
including Voluntary Confidentiality Counselling.
Keywords: VCT, reproductive health, information, education

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 43

BITRANSG Association of Costa Rica


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: San Jose
Address: Lujan, 75, North Fire Station, Barrio Lujan, House 1440, San Jose
Main Email: movimiento.vih.sida@gmail.com / asobitransgcostarica@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 22-21-64-40
The organization works with bisexuals, transgenders and transvestites, gay, male commercial sex workers,
immigrant population, on issues of prevention and education on HIV / AIDS, and human rights.
Keywords: Prevention, education, LGBTQI

Central American Centre for Human Rights Research and Promotion (CIPAC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 400 sur y 175 este de la Agencia del Banco nacional de San Pedro. Casa 2000
Main Email: cipacdh@racsa.co.cr
Main Telephone: 2225-5062
Contact Person: Daria Suarez Rehaag, Executive Director
Website: http://www.cipacdh.org/
CIPAC is a non-governmental human rights organization whose purpose is to eliminate social inequalities linked
to sexual orientations and gender identities through the inclusion of youth, research, social outreach, popular
education and the promotion of human rights and overall health. They provide legal consultation and lobbying,
and have a history of HIV advocacy.
Keywords: Human rights, information, prevention, information, legal support

Center for Peace, Legal Advice and Psychosocial Assistance


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Croatian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Fra. Antuna Tomaevia 32, Vukovar, 32000, Croatia
Main Email: centar-za-mir@vk.t-com.hr
Main Telephone: +385 32 413 319 / +385 (0)32 41 33 17
Website: http://www.center4peace.org


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

The vision of the Center is a modern democratic society, a society of rule of law, with respect for human
rights and values, tolerance and equal opportunities for all citizens, without discrimination on any ground and
regardless of national / ethnic, religious, cultural, gender, social or other differences.
Keywords: Legal assistance, education, legal aid

Croatian Association for fighting HIV and Viral Hepatitis (HUHIV)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Croatian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Street of Duke Domagoj 10 | 10000 Zagreb or Hospital: Mirogojska 8, 10000 Zagreb
Main Email: nfo@huhiv.hr, or for hospital: psihosocijalna.podrska@huhiv.hr
Main Telephone: 01/46 66 655 / 0800 448 767 / Hospital: 01/28 26 270 (12: 00-15: 30) OR 01/28 26 147
(08: 00-14: 00)
Website: www.huhiv.hr
Initially, HUHIV focused on ensuring medical and social care to those suffering from HIV and AIDS. Later it
began to provide free legal counseling and psychosocial support. The HUHIV activities have been extended to
prevention and education projects.
Keywords: Legal advice, VCT,support, education



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Portuguese, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Main Email: laritzadiversent@yahoo.es / laridiversi@gamail.com
Main Telephone: 011 53 52 415948
Contact Person: Larisa Diversent, Founder
Website: http://www.fhrcuba.org/activism/legal-defense/
Cubalex is an NGO that provides free legal assistance to any person, without concern for gender, race,
ethnicity, political ideology or religious creed. Cubalex works on a range of legal issues including, but not
limited to: arbitrary detention and arrest; harassment, assault and related issues; residence and immigration,
visa documents; confiscation of personal items and property matters; and, other legal issues that arise.
Cubalex also works with international human rights systems to defend basic human rights through the United
Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal assistance

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 45

Grupo de Prevencin del SIDA (GPSIDA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Havana
Address: Centro de Atencin Integral a Personas con VIH/Sida Santiago de Las Vegas, Carretera al Rincn
Km 1 1/2, Santiago de Las Vegas, Boyeros, Ciudad de La Habana
Main Email: gpsida@infomed.sld.cu / gpsidacuba@ipk.sld.cu
Main Telephone: +53 7 2020449 +53 7 6833212
GSPIDA was formed in 1991 and offers training on HIV / AIDS counselling, behavior change and health
promotion. training workshops for health promoters, and advocacy.
Keywords: VCT, information

National Center for Prevention of STD-HIV / AIDS


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Havana
Address: Calle 27 No. 707 e / A and B. Plaza de la Revolucion, Havana, CP: 10400, Cuba | Calle 27 No. 707
Main Telephone: 537 8311606
Website: http://www.sld.cu/servicios/sida/
It is the leading institution in the theoretical approach aimed at the prevention of infections, STI and HIV /
AIDS. The organization is part of the Unit for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, and its goal is to
implement, develop and evaluate strategies for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and HIV /
Keywords: Information, support, advocacy

Cyprus Family Planning Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Greek, English
Geographic Coverage: Nicosia
Address: Ezekias Papaioannou 27, PO Box 25 706, 1311, Nicosia
Main Email: info@cfpa.org.cy
Main Telephone: 22751093 / 22753019
Contact Person: Maria Epaminondas, Executive Director
Contact Email: director@cfpa.org.cy


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Contact Telephone: 22751093

Website: http://www.cyfamplan.org
The organization runs a family planning clinic in Nicosia, providing a range of services, including HIV and AIDS
testing. The facility draws on the help of a number of volunteer gynaecologists.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, education, VCT

Kentron Ypostirixis Foreon Aids (KYFA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Greek, English, French
Geographic Coverage: Limassol
Address: Leontiou A, P.O. Box 56913, Limassol Old Hospital, 3311 Limassol, Cyprus
Main Email: info@kyfahivcenter.com
Main Telephone: +357 25340305, +357 99575074
Contact Person: Stella Michaelidou, President
Contact Email: sm@kyfahivcenter.com
Website: http://www.kyfahivcenter.com
KYFA is the only agency in Limassol solely dedicated to providing support, education, information and social
services to people affected by HIV/AIDS. It is situated in Limassol, Cyprus in the old general hospital premises
which were donated by the Ministry of Health. It provides legal advice, and legal support and visits for PLWH in
Keywords: Legal advice, reproductive health, information

Czech AIDS Help Society


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Czech, German
Geographic Coverage: Prague, Ostrava
Address: 3 Maleho street, 18621 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Main Email: pr@rozkosbezrizika.cz
Main Telephone: +420 224 814 284 / 800 800 980
Website: www.aids-pomoc.cz
The organization provides support for PLWH; information; advice; prevention; VCT; and a helpline.
Keywords: VCT, care, support, prevention, education

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 47

Liga lidskch prv (League of Human Rights LLP)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Czech, English
Geographic Coverage: Prague, Brno
Address: Londnsk 31, 120 00 Praha 2, Vinohrady, Prague OR Bureova 6 602 00 Brno
Main Email: brno@llp.cz
Main Telephone: +420 545 210 446
Contact Person: Zuzana Durajov, human rights leader & statutory representative
Contact Email: zdurajova@llp.cz
Website: http://llp.cz
LLP has offices in Prague and Brno. It defends the rights and freedoms of all people and works on patient
rights and disability rights. The organization runs a joint project which deals with pro bono legal aid provided
by the richer law firms to the socially underprivileged.
Keywords: Legal assistance, human rights

ROZKOS bez RIZIKA (Bliss without Risk)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Czech, English
Geographic Coverage: Prague, Brno, Czech Budejovice
Address: Bolzanova1615/ 1, Praha 1, 110 00
Main Email: kancelar@rozkosbezrizika.cz
Main Telephone: +420 224234453 / +420 722 938 044 / +420 775 133 133 or +420 777 180 188
Contact Person: Hana Malinova, General Director
Contact Email: malinova@rozkosbezrizika.cz
Website: http://www.rozkosbezrizika.cz
With centers in Prague, Brno and Czech Budejovice, Bliss without Risk focuses on sex workers and their
children, migrants and ethnic minorities. It offers: free HIV testing as well as diagnosis and treatment of STIs
(syphilis, gonorrhoea); social services; help for victims of trafficking; theatre plays performed by sex workers;
and programmes for sex workers children. It also offers internet counselling.
Keywords: VCT, counselling, support, education

Action pour la lutte Contre Lignorance du SIDA (ALCIS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: South Kivu

Address: 479, Avenue Patrice Amery LUMUMBA, Ibanda, Bukau, Sud-Kivu 243
Main Email: alcis_bukavu@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: (+243) 818001361
Website: http://www.nswp.org/members/africa/alcis-action-pour-la-lutte-contre-lignorance-du-sida
ACLIS founded in 1999 works with female, male and LGBT sex workers and provides judicial and legal support.
They have a legal clinic and rights awareness interventions. ALCIS has helped to change gender discriminating
laws and worked to integrate new policies that protect populations of sex workers and MSM.
Keywords: Legal assistance, human rights, education, advocacy, MSM, legal aid clinic

Association des Femmes Juristes du Congo

(Democratic Republic AFEJUCO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: 167, Avenue de lEnseignement, Commune de Kasa-Vubu Kinshasa, DR Congo;
Mailing Address: BP 243, Kinshasa, DR Congo
Main Email: afejuco@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 243 81 892 2686
Contact Person: Marie-Nolle Nyanguile, President
Contact Telephone: 243 81 089 4296
AFEJUCO works for the advancement of women in Congo and conducts awareness campaigns on the role and
place of women in society. It also conducts free legal clinics.
Keywords: Advocacy, legal aid, legal assistance

Fondation Femme Plus


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Bukavu
Address: Avenue LUKELENGE N 112 , Commune de NGIRI-NGIRI Kinshasa
Main Email: femmeplus_rdc@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 243 999913257
Contact Person: Therese Kabale Omari, National Director
Contact Email: femmeplus-rdc@ic.cd
Femme Plus is a non-governmental womens organization specializing in psychosocial support, HIV screening,

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 49

advocacy, prevention, and management of sexual violence. They also have a crisis line.
Keywords: Advocacy,care, counselling, support

Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Kinshasa
Address: B.P. 2556 Kinshasa 1, DR Congo
Main Telephone: 243 88 008 40
Contact Person: Aime Mwadi Kadi
Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA) is a pan-African womens organization. The mission of SWAA
Ghana is to advocate on behalf of women, children and families in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and mobilize
communities by strengthening their capacity to control, prevent and mitigate the impact of the epidemic.
Keywords: Advocacy, training, counselling, awareness

AIDS Fondet


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Danish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Vestergade 18E, 3. sal, 1456 Kbenhavn K
Main Email: info@aidsfondet.dk
Main Telephone: 45 88 33 56 00
Contact Person: Klaus Legau, Chief Executive Officer
Website: aidsfondet.dk
The AIDS Foundation works on HIV and AIDS and related areas important for HIV and AIDS, both nationally and
internationally. They work on HIV testing and effective HIV treatment and research, and on strengthening the
rights of the most vulnerable groups, combating stigma and discrimination, and to remove barriers to effective
HIV response. Grants are made available for patient support, research and information projects. They also
provide VCT services for homosexual and bisexual men & ethnic minorities.
Keywords: Advocacy, VCT, information, counselling, MSM



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Languages: English, Danish

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Vestergade 18E, 4., 1456 Kbenhavn K
Main Email: info@hiv-danmark.dk
Main Telephone: 45 33 32 58 68
Contact Person: Brett Hansen, Executive Director
Website: www.hiv-danmark.dk
A co-ordinating organisation for people with HIV. Activities include advocating for AIDS policy, promoting
participation in treatment and care development, counselling, and public forums.
Keywords: Advocacy, policy, counselling, information

Landsforeningen for Bsser og Lesbiske

(National Gay and Lesbian Association) (LBL)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Danish
Geographic Coverage: Aarhus, Copenhagen
Address: Nygade 7, 2, 1164 Kbenhavn K
Main Email: lgbt@lgbt.dk
Main Telephone: 45 33 13 19 48
Website: http://lgbt.dk/
A national association working for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender peoples political, social, and cultural
equality at all levels of society.They carry out informational and advisory work, with counseling centers in
Aarhus and Copenhagen. The association has a lawyer on staff for consulting regarding access to rights.
Keywords: Advocacy, legal advice, support, information, education, LGBTQI

Association Djiboutienne pour IEquilibre et la Promotion de la Famille


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, English
Address: BP 4440, Djibouti
Main Telephone: 253 2135 4667
Website: http://www.ippf.org/our-work/where-we-work/arab-world/djibouti
The organizations work focuses on awareness creation, advocacy and counselling. Recent work includes
advisory sessions on sexual and reproductive health and rights issues for professionals.
Keywords: Advocacy, counselling, information

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 51

Balbala Associations Coordination (CAB)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, English
Main Email: mohamed.h.doualeh@gmail.com / kgradall@gmail.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/associationsofbalbala/home-1
CAB coordinates a network of twenty womens association, neighborhood and youth. The largest activity
carried out by CAB is the fight against HIV / AIDS.
Keywords: Information, education

CHAP Dominica


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: P.O.Box 1814 Roseau Dominica
Main Telephone: 7,676,161,651
The organization aims to provide HIV prevention and Human Rights information to most at risk populations in
Dominica. It has projects that target training of peer educators, and human rights documentation training.
Keywords: MSM, education, information, human rights

Legal Aid Clinic Dominica


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Roseau
Address: Great Marlborough Street, Roseau, Dominica
Main Email: legalaid@dominica.gov.dm
Main Telephone: (767) 266 3331
Website: http://tourism.gov.dm/index.php?option=comcontent&view=article&id=57&catid=15&Itemid=163
The Legal Aid Clinic provides legal advice, advocacy and representation, aided by private members of the Bar
who provide legal services at legal aid prices. They work on both civil and criminal matters and also provide
legal education. The target group is women, disabled and the elderly.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal advice


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Amigos Siempre Amigos, Inc.


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Geographic Coverage: Santo Domingo
Address: Ave. Mxico 4, Gazcue. (Frente al liceo Estados Unidos), Distrito Nacional 10205, Santo Domingo
Main Email: Form available on website
Main Telephone: 1 809 689 8695
Contact Person: Leonardo Ernesto Snchez Marte, Executive Director
Contact Email: amigossiempreamigosinc@gmail.com
Website: revasa.org
The organization provides counseling and therapies for MSM population, education on AIDS prevention,
empowerment programs, human rights advocacy, and support for PLWH.
Keywords: Human rights, education, prevention, outreach

El Instituto de Sexualidad Humana (ISH)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Address: Arstides Fiallo Cabral, Ciudad Universitaria, Hospital Marin
Main Email: ishuasd@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 809-685-1128
Contact Telephone: 809-685-1129
Website: www.insitutodesexualidadhumana.org
The Institute of Human Sexuality seeks to improve the sexual health of the population and provide services to
families affected by health conditions including HIV/AIDS. They provide medical services to PLWH, and are also
engaged in professional training, public education, as well as research activities aimed at improving the quality
of life for PLWH.
Keywords: Research, care, education, training, human rights

Pro Bono Foundation DR


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Dominican Republic
Address: Av. Jimenez Moya (formerly Winston Churchill) No. 5, Suite 2-C, Ensanche La Julia, Santo Domingo,
National District, Dominican Republic

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 53

Main Email: info@probonord.org

Main Telephone: (809) 508-6347 / 1 (809) 249-7169
Website: http://www.probonord.org
The organization runs a National Network of Volunteer Attorneys who offer legal aid to vulnerable and
economically disadvantaged people in the Dominican Republic.
Keywords: Legal aid

Fundasaun Timor Harii


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Tetum, Bahasa Indonesia
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Behind Indonesian Embassy, Rd Palapaco, Motael, Aldeia 20 de Maio - Dili
Main Email: timorharii@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 670 3310713
Contact Person: Agui Belo Ximenes, Director
Website: https://timorharii.org/
This organization serves the community of PLWH through public outreach and education, prevention
programs, strategic planning, and support.
Keywords: Outreach, education, information, care, prevention

Coalicin ecuatoriana de personas que viven con VIH/Sida (CEPVVS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Sede Central, Abelardo Moncayo Oe3-129 y Amrica, entre Av. America y Antonio De Ulloa
Main Email: info@coalicionecuatoriana.org
Main Telephone: 593 2 3238 474
Website: www.coalicionecuatoriana.org
CEPVVS is an organization serving PLWH. Their activities include legal support, capacity building for groups,
training on HIV, peer advice and referrals, political activities, and a programme for the financial development
of PLWH.
Keywords: Legal support, capacity building, advocacy, training, support


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Fundacin de Estudios, Accin y Participacin Social (FEDAEPS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Av. 12 de Octubre N18-24, oficina 203, Quito, Ecuador
Main Email: info@fedaeps.org
Main Telephone: (593 2) 255 9999
Website: http://www.fedaeps.org/
Fedaeps is an organization working to further public awareness and rights for PLWH. Their programs include
political advocacy, prevention training, social support and referrals, and information campaigns.
Keywords: Support, advice, advocacy, rights, information, prevention, training

Fundacin VIHDA


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Guayaquil
Address: Luis Urdaneta 208 y Crdova, Guayaquil
Main Email: info@vihda.org.ec
Main Telephone: 593 4 2568863
Contact Person: Silvia Rivera, Social Services
Website: http://www.vihda.org.ec/
VIDHA is an organization which works on HIV prevention and education. They offer psychological support and
counselling, youth training programs, early detection programs, free VCT, direct medical services, a nutrition
program, and workshops and talks for PLWH.
Keywords: Care, VCT, support, training, information

Center for Egyptian Womens Legal Assistance (CEWLA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Giza
Address: El Hegaz Tower, Eng. Abdul-Hady Rady St., Ard-el-Lewa, Boulaq,El-Dakrur, Giza, Egypt
Main Telephone: +20 2 37154557
Website: http://www.cewla.org
CEWLA provides free legal, social, and psychological services to women and marginalized groups, and

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 55

advocates for improved protections of their rights.

Keywords: Legal aid, legal assistance, womens rights

Egyptian AIDS Society


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Alexandria
Address: 54 Eshak Effendi, Haret Madwarah, Qesm Al Gomrok, Alexandria Governorate
Main Telephone: +20100 400 4805 / +20122 368 4517
Main Email: Via website
Contact Person: Sawsan El-Sheikh, Association President
Contact Email: sawsanelsheikh.eas@gmail.com / sawsanelsheikh@yahoo.com
Contact Telephone: +20100 400 4805 / +20122 368 4517
Website: http://egyaids.info
The Egyptian AIDS Society aims to reduce the load results from HIV/AIDS infection and care for its patients,
to enable the community and individuals to protect themselves from HIV infection, to reduce the suffering
of PLWH through raising awareness about issues related to HIV/AIDS and to encourage adequate and proper
dealing with HIV related issues from the media.
Keywords: Advocacy, policy, care

The Egyptian NGOs Network Against AIDS (ENNAA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Arabic, English
Address: 24 Saad Zagloul Street Downtown Alexandria
Main Email: caritasalex@link.net
Main Telephone: 034806306 - 034840138
Contact Person: Caritas Egypt is the secretary of ENNAA
Website: http://ennaa.org
ENNAA is aimed at strengthening the role of the civil society to fight HIV/AIDS, supporting the network
infrastructure to ensure its sustainability and effectiveness to support member NGOs working in HIV/AIDS
awareness programs, designing and implementing programs for the high risk groups, and encouraging NGOs
to form support groups for PLWH.
Keywords: Capacity building, information, networking, support


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Asociacin de Derechos Humanos Tutela Legal Dra. Maria Julia Hernandez


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: San Salvador
Address: 7 Av Norte, Urb. Santa Adela, Pasaje 3 House No. 7, facing Directorate General of Criminal Center,
Government Center, San Salvador, El Salvador, CA
Main Email: tutelalegalmariajh@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +503 2118 2350
Website: http://tutelalegalmariajh.com
The organization is focused on the protection and defense of human rights in El Salvador. It is committed to
defending against and denouncing human rights abuses, conducting research and education, and assisting
with judicial protection for victims of human rights.
Keywords: Legal representation, legal advice, human rights

Asociacin Nacional de Personas Positivas Vida Nueva


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Residential Marseille. 6th Av. Norte Pje. 1 # 15. City: Ciudad Delgado, San Salvador.
Main Email: servicios.legales@avidanueva.org / vidanueva_positiva@yahoo.com / catherineserpas@
Main Telephone: (503) 2252-8363
Contact Email: direccion.ejecutiva@avidanueva.org
Website: www.avidanueva.org
The organization focuses its actions towards social mobilization and helping to improve the quality of life of
PLWH in El Salvador. Services are provided nationwide in 16 hospitals/health centres.
Keywords: Legal assistance, education, information

Fundacin Contrasida


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: San Salvador
Address: 15 Avenida Norte # 1317, Barrio San Miguelito, (between 25 and 15 Avenida Calle Poniente Norte
before OPAMSS), San Salvador, El Salvador, CA

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 57

Main Email: coordinacion.general@fundacioncontrasida.org

Main Telephone: 2235-2795 / +503 2226 3259
Contact Person: Annel Mary , General coordination
Contact Email: annelmary@gmail.com
This is a Catholic organisation that targets its education and advocacy intitiatives to vulnerable sections of the
population. The organization also runs a comprehensive care clinic which provides care services to people with
HIV who do not have health insurance or financial guarantees to pay for treatment. The service also provides
guidance to ensure the general welfare of users.
Keywords: Care, advocacy, education

Association de Bienestar Familiar de Guinea Equatorial (ABIFAGE)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, French
Address: BP 984 Malabo Equatorial Guinea
Main Telephone: 240-09-6897
ABIFAGE was established in 1993 to address major issues in family planning. It provides information, education
and communication and behaviour change communication around sexual and reproductive health, works on
the prevention, diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections includind HIV, and provides postabortion care and support.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, care

Caritas Equatorial Guinea


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Address: Plaza de la Independencia S/N,Malabo Bioko Norte,Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Main Email: arzobispadomalabo@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: 240 333 09 4568 / 240 333 09 2909
Website: http://www.caritas.org/where-we-are/africa/equatorial-guinea/
Caritas is a Catholic organization providing prevention education, treatment, care and support to PLWH, and
those affected by HIV/AIDS. It advocates with governments, international organisations and drug companies
for universal access to cost-effective and suitable medicines.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, education, awareness, nutrition


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Central African Network of AIDS Service Organisations (CANASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Main Email: amocongo@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: +243 68 57 01
A network of HIV/AIDS service organisations in nine Central African countries including Equatorial Guinea. Its
mission is to enhance the community response to HIV/AIDS in Central Africa by promoting the development
and existence of sustainable and effective country networks that provide leadership and capacity building in
advocacy, program development, and enhanced greater involvement of people living with HIV and AIDS.
Keywords: Networking, information

Ministry of Health National AIDS and TB Control Division


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Ministry of Health, P.O. Box 212, Asmara, Asmara
Main Email: andatesfa@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 291 1 122129
Contact Person: Dr Andeberhan Tesfazion, Director
The National AIDS and TB Control Division provides care and support; health infrastructures, equipment,
reagents, drugs, commodities; supervision and training; and advocacy.
Keywords: Care, support, information

The National Association of PLWHA (BIDHO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: PO Box 5537, Asmara
Main Email: hivbidiho@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 291 1 202772
Contact Person: Gebrehiwet Girmai, Chairman
Contact Telephone: 291 1 202797
Established in 2002 the National Bidho Association is an organization of people living with HIV and AIDS.
The association fights against stigma and discrimination of PLWHA through care and support programmes,

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 59

awareness programmes, advocacy and legal rights programmes for PLWH.

Keywords: Support, advocacy, training, networking, counselling

EHPV - Eesti HIV-positiivsete vrgustik (Estonian HIV-positive Network)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Estonian, Russian, English
Geographic Coverage: Tallinn, Narva
Address: Oismae tee 36-8, Tallinn, Harjumaa 13511
Main Email: ehpv@ehpv.ee
Main Telephone: 372 56 506 316
Contact Person: Latsin Alijev, Board Member
Contact Email: igor.sobolev@ehpv.ee
Contact Telephone: 372 581 88 508
Website: http://ehpv.ee/
EHPV was founded in April 2005, and has 2 regional offices in Tallinn and Narva. Services include social,
psychotherapeutic, psychological counselling; peer counselling, case management, advocacy campaigns,
on-line news, support groups, trainings, seminars and summer schools for PLWH, as well as HIV rapid-testing
Keywords: Counselling, advocacy, outreach, VCT

ESPO Society (PLWH in Estonia)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Estonian
Geographic Coverage: Tallinn
Address: Mardi str.3, 10145, Tallinn, Estonia
Main Email: slava@aids.ee
Main Telephone: 372 660 7707
Contact Person: Slava Vasiljev
Website: www.espo.ee
ESPO provides support for PLWH including legal help, specialist consultations, medical treatment, lobbying,
and fundraising for HIV-positive people.
Keywords: Legal assistance, lobbying,care, information


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

NGO AIDS Information & Support Centre (AIDS-I Tugikeskus)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Russian, Estonian, Finnish
Address: Erika 5a, 10412 Tallinn
Main Email: aids@tugikeskus.ee
Main Telephone: 372 6413165
Contact Person: Juri Kalikov, Head of the Board
Website: www.tugikeskus.ee
AIDS-i Support Centre provides a number of services including HIV testing, counselling, drop in centre,
psychosocial support, public education campaigns, anti-discrimination.
Keywords: VCT, support, counselling, education

Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Addis Ababa, Adama, Assosa, Bahir Dar, Dire Dewa, Gambella, Hawassa
Address: Mexico, Temama Fok, 6th floor, Addis Ababa
Main Telephone: +251 11 550 8759
Website: http://www.ewla-et.org/
Legal advice, counseling and representation is provided to victims of gender based violence and other forms of
violence against women. Representation is in both criminal and civil cases in Addis Ababa, Adama, Diredawa,
Hawassa, Gambella, Assosa, and Bahirdar.
Keywords: Legal aid, womens rights, human rights

Federal HIV/AIDS Control and Prevention Office (HAPCO)


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, SNNPR
Address: Bole Road (Afirca Ave), Dembel City Center, 9th Floor, P.O.Box 122326 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Main Email: info@hapco.org.et
Main Telephone: +(251) 11 550 3462 / +(251) 11 550 3506 / +(251) 11 550 3508 / +(251) 11 550 3563
Website: http://www.hapco.gov.et
HAPCO has regional offices in Amhara, Oromia, Tigray and SNNPR. It is an autonomous federal government

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 61

organ with its own legal personality. It is a national authority charged with coordinating multisectoral response
in the country. HAPCO provides care and support to orphans and vulnerable children in their familial networks.
Keywords: Information, care, support

Mekelle University Law School Legal Aid Center


Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Languages: English, Amharic

Geographic Coverage: Tigray, Mekelle.
Address: P.O.Box- 451, Adi Haqi Campus, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia
Main Email: headmusol@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +251344408379
Website: http://www.mu.edu.et
The Legal Aid Center was established in 2004 to act as a center of community services for the indigent. It has
now five branches of community service outlets in the Tigray regional state including three outside Mekelle.
Keywords: Legal Aid

Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: P O Box 13476, Suva
Main Email: fcoss@is.com.fj
Main Telephone: +679 312 649
FCOSS provides support and training, and channels funding to small NGOs working in family welfare. Its target
groups include PLWH, health educators and community health workers.
Keywords: Training, advocacy, funding

Fiji Network of Positive People


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Based in Suva, with community outreach programs
Address: PO Box 15139, Government Buildings, Suva
Main Email: emosiratini@yahoo.co.uk
Main Telephone: 679 3310958


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Contact Person: Jokapeci Tuberi Cati, Program Manager

This is a national organisation of HIV-positive people. It provides care and support and advocates for the needs
of PLWH and their rights; accessible drop in centre where PLWH can get in anytime during the day and access
internet, library, and peer to peer support. They conduct monthly meetings for PLWH where they can find
their cohort and socialise with other PLWH and provide community-level outreach programmes around Fiji.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, networking, outreach

Fiji Network Plus


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Suva
Address: Old Government Pharmacy Rodwell Road, Suva
Main Telephone: 679,337-0958
The organizations mission is to improve the lives of MSM who are living with HIV through positive peer/
psychological support. It also strives to address the needs and wants of positive MSM and aims to provide
support for newly diagnosed MSM.
Keywords: MSM, HIV, support

University of South Pacifici Law Centre, Suva


Organization type: Law firm

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Suva
Address: Legal Aid Building, Loftus Street, Suva, FIJI
Main Telephone: +679 323 1000
The Centre provides clients with assistance in relation to civil matters such as family law (divorce, child custody,
contact and maintenance, spouse maintenance, and matrimonial property settlement), and release of monies
from FNPF. The Centre provides oral and written advice, attempts to negotiate settlement of matters without
recourse to litigation, assists with mediation, and prepares court documents and other legal documents. The
Centre represents its clients at Court.
Keywords: Legal assistance, legal advice

HIV Foundation/Finnish HIV Center


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 63

Languages: English, Swedish

Geographic Coverage: Helsinki, Tampere, Oulu.
Address: Unioninkatu 45 K, 00170 Helsinki / Aleksanterinkatu 29 A 29 (6th floor), 33100 Tampere /
Kumppanuuskeskus, Kansankatu 53, 1. krs, 90100 Oulu
Main Email: sami.tuunainen@hivtukikeskus.fi
Main Telephone: 0207 465 705
Contact Person: Jukka Keronen, Executive Director / Katarina Huuhka, Psychologist, Regional Work
Contact Telephone: +358 40 564 8814 / +358 207 465 754
Website: www.hivtukikeskus.fi
The aim of the HIV Center run by HIV Foundation is to prevent HIV infections, support the HIV infected people,
their family members and closed ones as well as the people worried about infection. The HIV Center also
aims to increase the abilities of the social, health and educational professionals to assist PLWH, their family
members and people worried about infection.
Keywords: Training, VCT, information, education

Naisasialiitto Unioni / Kvinnosaksfrbundet Unionen / Feminists (UNION RF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Swedish, Finnish, English
Geographic Coverage: Helsinki
Address: Bulevardi 11 A 1, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
Main Telephone: +358 (0) 9 643 158 / +358 40 773 9632 / 09-643158
Contact Person: Milla Pyykknen, Secretary General
Contact Email: paasihteeri@naisunioni.fi
Website: www.naisunioni.fi
The Union has mainly worked to improve womens social status and to increase the number of politically active
women. Every Wednesday, the Union offers free legal advice to women. Customers can check in at Bulevardi,
5:00 p.m. to 19:00 pm, or call the lawyers.
Keywords: Womens rights, legal advice



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Russian, Estonian, Finnish, Thai
Geographic Coverage: Helsinki, Tampere
Address: Vilhonkatu 4 B 20, 5th floor. 00100 HELSINKI / Aleksis Kiven katu 10 E 3rd floor, 3210 TAMPERE
Main Email: toimisto@pro-tukipiste.fi
Main Telephone: +358 (0)9 2512 730 / +358 (0)9 2512 7331 / +358 (0) 3 3454 2200
Contact Person: Minna Huovinen, Service Unit Manager / Jaana Kauppinen, Executive Manager


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Contact Email: minna.huovinen(at)pro-tukipiste.fi / jaana.kauppinen(at)pro-tukipiste.fi

Contact Telephone: 040 709 0500 / 050 564 3947
Website: http://pro-tukipiste.fi
Pro-tukipiste is a registered, independent non-profit organisation, which promotes and supports the
fundamental human rights of those currently or previously involved in sex work. It undertakes advocacy work
and provides low-threshold support and advice services in Helsinki and Tampere to people in the sex industry.
Keywords: Advocacy, sex workers, care



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 47 rue Bisson, 75020, Paris
Main Email: secretariat@actifsante.org
Main Telephone: 01 77 10 64 65
Website: www.actif-sante.fr
This is a national network of PLWH or hepatitis. It advocates for access to care, better treatment and improving
therapeutic strategies.
Keywords: Advocacy, information



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Tour Essor, 14 rue Scandicci, 93508 Pantin
Main Email: communications@aides.org
Main Telephone: 33 1 41 83 46 46
Contact Person: Bruno Spire, President
Website: www.aides.org
A national network with hundreds of volunteers and reception centres across the country. AIDES offers social
and legal support, job assistance, prevention planning, information, and needle exchange.
Keywords: Legal support, advocacy, counselling, prevention, information, harm reduction

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 65

Association de Recherche, de Communication

et dAction pour lAccs aux Traitements (ARCAT)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Mandarin, Spanish, French
Geographic Coverage: Paris
Address: 94-102 rue de Buzenval, 75020 Paris
Main Email: secretariat@arcat-sante.org
Main Telephone: 33 1 44 93 29 29
Contact Person: Eve Plenel, Director
Contact Email: info-vih@arcat-sante.org
Contact Telephone: 01 44 93 29 29
Website: http://www.arcat-sante.org/
ARCAT is an organization formed to research, communicate, and advocate for access to treatment. They
provide social and legal help, psychological support, medical advice, housing, professional rehabilitation,
and treatment information (HIV and hepatitis C), as well as prevention among migrants, businesses, and
young people.
Keywords: Legal support, support, rehabilitation, information

AIDES - Guyane


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, French
Geographic Coverage: Saint-Laurent du Maroni
Address: 36 rue du Colonel Chandon, 97320 Saint-Laurent du Maroni, Guyane Franaise
Main Email: stlaurentdumaroni@aides.org
Main Telephone: +33 5 94 27 94 25
AIDES Guyane provides information, advice, support, referrals, prevention, community based counselling and
quick HIV testing.
Keywords: VCT, Information

EntrAIDES Guyane


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Geographic Coverage: Cayenne
Address: 10 Pichevin Street, 97300 Cayenne / 18 rue Eugne Gobert (the Cove / Chinatown)


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: entraidesguyane@orange.fr

Main Telephone: 05 94 31 25 91
The organization seeks to disseminate, in collaboration with research institutions or clinics, rigorous
information to the public and provide support to those infected and their families and defend their dignity and
Keywords: Information, advocacy, support, sex workers

Central Network of AIDS Service Organizations (CANASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: 11507 Yaound Cameroun
Main Email: tisaac5000@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 237 22 04 78 44
Contact Person: Isaac Tita - Gwenjeng, Executive Secretary
Contact Telephone: 237 7 7 66 89 83
CANASO is an organizational network working in nine Central African countries to develop the community
response to HIV / AIDS in Central Africa by promoting the development and the existence of effective and
sustainable networks that direct and build capacity in the areas of representation, program development and
greater involvement of people living with HIV / AIDS.
Keywords: Networking, support, capacity building

Mouvement Gabonais pour le Bien-Etre Familial (MGBEF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: B.P. 1158, Libreville
Main Telephone: +241 735 56 98 / (00241) 02823602/ 06048579 / 06402633
Website: http://www.ippfar.org/our-work/where-we-work/gabon
MGBEFs focus areas include prevention of sexually transmitted infections, developing more widespread
understanding of HIV and AIDS, preventing unplanned pregnancies and unsafe abortions. The Association
also distributes condoms, delivers obstetric care, and promotes behavior change to diminish sexual and
reproductive health risks to individuals and communities. It runs 3 clinics.
Keywords: Reproductive health, care, advocacy, VCT

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 67

Hope Life Cooperation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: Latrikunda Sabiji, 4a Foday Kabbah High Way, PO Box 3103, Serekunda, Gambia
Main Email: hlclife@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 220 7 162 576
Contact Person: Joseph Idigba Awuru, President/Executive Director
Contact Email: josephawuru@yahoo.com
Contact Telephone: 220 9947443
Website: http://www.hopelifeinternational.org/
Hope Life is committed to helping vulnerable people enjoy life in all its fullness. They work with families,
communities and local partners in striving to improve the well-being of vulnerable people. Activities include:
prevention; training; promotion of safe sex; advocacy; promotion of VCT; prevention of STI; condoms; support
people with HIV/AIDS and orphans; and palliative care for terminally ill patients.
Keywords: Advocacy, training, education, information, care

Institute for Human Rights and Development Africa (IHRDA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Office in Banjul; nationwide advocacy
Address: P.o. Box 1896, Banjul, The Gambia, BRUSUBI, Layout #949, Coastal Highway, The Gambia
Main Telephone: 220 77 51 200
Website: http://www.ihrda.org/
IHRDA works to promote human rights in Africa by providing capacity building to lawyers and NGOs,
particularly in relation to bringing cases before the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights, serving
as counsel on those cases, and researching and publishing on vital human rights issues.
Keywords: Capacity building, human rights, legal research

National HIV/AIDS Secretariat (NAS)


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Office of the President, 2nd Floor, FIB Building, Kairaba Avenue, Banjul, P.O.Box 3525 S/K
Main Email: info@nas.gm


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Telephone: 220 4223499

Contact Person: Modou Badjie, Managing Director
Contact Telephone: 220 4223444
Website: www.nas.gm
Established in 2001, NAS has a mandate of coordinating and monitoring the national response on HIV/AIDS.
Activities include VCT, PMTCT, HIV Clinical care and Anti-Retroviral Therapy, and health system strengthening.
Keywords: VCT, prevention, ART, counselling

FIDA Ghana


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Address: Madina Estates Accra
Main Telephone: +233207685685 / 0302542593
FIDA-Ghana comprises of a group of Ghanaian women lawyers with the main goal of improving the lives of
women and children and strengthening them in the overall developmental process of Ghana.
Keywords: Womens rights, legal aid

Human Rights Advocacy Centre


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Address: House No:F1002/2 Koi Street, Osu Ako Adjei, Accra, P.O.Box OS 134, OSU
Main Email: Form available on the website
Main Telephone: +233 302 768 733 +233 266 191 054
Website: http://www.hracghana.org/
The Pro Bono Lawyer Network (PBLN) provides free legal representation to the survivors of human rights
abuses in Ghana. The PBLN affords the poor and vulnerable victims of human rights violations and other
abuses the opportunity to seek redress without any barriers.
Keywords: Human rights, legal aid, HIV/AIDS

Legal Aid Scheme Ghana


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 69

Address: Greater Accra - Accra, Opposite the Ministries Police Station. P. O. Box GP 18342, Accra.
Main Email: jabuborenyii@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +233 302 66 92 20
Contact Person: Abubakari Issah, Lawyer Accra / Nancy Tetteh, Lawyer Accra
Contact Email: jabuborenyii@yahoo.com / nancyadjabeng@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.legalaidghana.org
The Legal Aid scheme has offices in all 10 regions of Ghana and select districts. In order to receive services,
clients will have to show proof of inability or difficulty to pay for legal representation. Assistance is provided
for both civil and criminal cases, and for enforcement of constitutional provisions. Potential clients must fill an
application form for legal aid services, it is available online.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal assistance

Centre for Life


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Greek
Geographic Coverage: Athens, Thessaloniki
Address: 42, Iera Odos street,10435 Keramikos- Athens / 112, Egnatia street, 54622 - Thessaloniki
Main Email: info@kentrozois.gr
Main Telephone: 210 72 57 617 / 210 72 33 848 / 2310 237040
Contact Person: Anna Kavouri, Head of Social Service / Kostis Chatzimorakis, General Director / Fundraising
Contact Email: kavouri@kentrozois.gr / chatzimorakis@kentrozois.gr
Website: http://www.kentrozois.gr
The Center provides legal services, and carries out examinations and provides medical and psycho-social care
for PLHW. It carries out activities aimed at raising community awareness about HIV and HEP C transmission,
prevention, the importance of preventive examination and the removal of stigma.
Keywords: VCT, care, support, legal aid, legal advice

Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Greek
Geographic Coverage: Attika, Thessaloniki
Address: 3-5 Agrafon str., Maroussi, 151-23, Attika, Greece / 76 Egnatias Str., 546-24, 6th floor, Thessaloniki,
Main Email: info@keelpno.gr / keelpno.thess@keelpno.gr
Main Telephone: +30.210.5212.000 / +30.2310.229.139
Contact Person: Dr. Dimitra Paraskeva, Head of Office


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Website: http://www.keelpno.gr

The HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections Office is involved in the surveillance of STIs and also the
monitoring of the administration of antiretroviral drugs.
Keywords: Information, research, prevention

The Positive Voice


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish, Greek, French
Geographic Coverage: Athens, Thessaloniki
Address: 13 Agion Anargiron St., 10554 Athens
Main Email: info@positivevoice.gr
Main Telephone: +30 210 8627572 / +30 210 33 10 400/ +30 2310 282284
Website: www.positivevoice.gr | www.athcheckpoint.gr | www.thesscheckpoint.gr
The Association was founded to defend the rights of HIV-positive people, to address the spread of HIV /
AIDS, and reducing the social and economic impact in Greece. Positive Voice has established a structures for
voluntary testing and counseling for HIV in Athens an Thessaloniki.
Keywords: Advocacy, VCT, information

Grenada National Organisation of Women (GNOW)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Room Six, GRENCODA Resource Complex, St. John Street, St. Georges
Main Telephone: 1-473-440-6257
Website: http://www.ngocaribbean.org/index.php/ngo-countries/?page_id=22
It is the umbrella non-governmental organisation (NGO) for the women of Grenada. It holds Gender, Sexuality
and HIV/AIDS workshops for teachers, conferences for students and sensitization activities for the public.
Keywords: Information, education, awareness

National Infectious Disease Control Unit


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 71

Address: Ministry of Health, Botanical Gardens, St. Georges

Main Telephone: 1 473 440 3485
Website: http://health.gov.gd/
The National Infectious Disease Control Unit was established in 2002 to respond to the continuing spread
of HIV and other sexually-transmitted infections. Their programmes are aimed at controling the spread of
HIV, eliminating discrimination, and supporting PLWH. Activities include research and policy lobbying, antidiscrimination advocacy, education outreach, condom distribution, counselling, testing, diagnosis, ART, and
home care.
Keywords: Policy, research, advocacy, education, counselling, surveillance, testing, ART, care

Entraide Gwadloup


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Immeuble Capitaine Langlois, Appartement 3100, Escalier 1, Grand-Camp, 97139 Abymes,
Mail Email: entraide.gwadloup@wanadoo.fr
Contact Person: Max Mlin, President
Contact Telephone: 33 590 89 08 54
Website: http://www.entraide-gwadloup.org/
This is an organization working to combat AIDS through prevention, education campaigns, and information
sharing. They also provide drop-in services, social support, nutrition, a telephone and hospital hotline,
prevention and support in prisons, emergency housing, and rapid HIV testing.
Keywords: Prevention, awareness, information, networking, prevention, support, VCT

La Maternite Consciente


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, Creole
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 220, rue Sadi Carno - BP 134-97154 - Pointe A Pitre Cedex
Main Email: maternite.consciente@wanadoo.fr
Main Telephone: 0590 82 29 78
Website: http://www.ippf.org/our-work/where-we-work/western-hemisphere/guadeloupe
The organization oversees maternal and child welfare, and manages immunization, sexually transmitted
infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS programmes. It also monitors other work and needs related to sexual and
reproductive health. It operates 5 clinics, which provide contraceptive services, emergency contraception,


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

pregnancy tests, pap smears, STI screening and pre- and post-abortion counselling.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, advocacy

Asociacin Gente Nueva


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Alta Verapaz, Izabal, Peten
Address: 3rd. Calle A 0-11 zona 1, Guatemala City
Main Email: gnueva@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: (502) 2253-0318 / 2221-3281
Contact Email: gnuevagt@gmail.com
The organization informs, educates and guides the key population, on the subject of prevention of STI/
HIV, and to ensure a better quality of life for PLWH. Priority areas of work are: information, education and
communication regarding the prevision of STI / HIV in key populations, diagnosis and treatment of sexually
transmitted infections through syndromic management, and conducting screening with pre and post
Keywords: Information, ARV, care, support

Gente Positiva (Positive People)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 08 calle, 03-09 zona 1, Centro Histrico, Ciudad de Guatemala
Main Email: info@gentepositiva.org.gt
Main Telephone: 502 2253.1708
Contact Person: Aldo Dvila Morales, Director
Website: http://www.gentepositiva.org.gt/
Positive People is an association for PLWH. They host public awareness and prevention talks -especially
targeted at youth and vulnerable populations. They also promote empowerment and visibility of the LGBTI
community at national and international level , through advocacy, and strategic alliances with regional
Keywords: Advocacy, awareness, prevention, human rights

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 73

Womens Justice Initiative


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish, Kaqchikel, English
Main Email: info@womens-justice.org.
Website: http://womens-justice.org/en/
The Legal Services Program of Womens Justice Initiative provides free civil legal services to indigenous
women through its Mobile Legal Services Unit, the first of its kind in Guatemala. By traveling directly to rural
communities, the mobile unit enables WJI to reach women who have little or no access to legal services.
Keywords: Legal advice, legal assistance, womens rights

Fight against AIDS Guine


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Conakry
Address: Cosa, commune de Ratoma, Route de Petit Simbaya, BP 1363, 00224 Conakry
Main Email: fightagainstaidsguinee@yahoo.co.uk
Main Telephone: 224 65 64 61 48 / 224 64 00 34 49
Contact Person: Koussouba Keita, President
Contact Email: fightagainstaidswa@yahoo.com
Fight Against Aids Guinea is an NGO involved in health issues in the Republic of Guinea. The organisation
believes that tackling poverty will assist in the fight against HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB.
Keywords: Education, awareness, capacity building

Rseau des Femmes Infectes de Guine (REFIG)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Conakry
Address: BP 522, Conakry
Main Email: aminagas3@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 224 664487765
Contact Person: Hadja Aminatou Soumaoro Kante, President
The organization provides psychosocial support, advocacy for access to treatment, and information/education


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

about antiretrovirals.
Keywords: Support, advocacy, education

Rseau Guinen des Associations de Personnes

infectes et Affectes par le VIH/SIDA (REGAP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Conakry
Address: Conakry
Main Email: regaplus2005@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 224 64 53 47 62
Contact Person: Hadja Fatoumata Binta Diallo, President
Contact Email: symalaye2001@yahoo.fr
REGAP is an organization which runs care centres for PLWH. Activities include patient education, awareness
campaigns, and anti-stigma social programs, with the objective of eliminating discrimination and preventing
new infections.
Keywords: Networking, capacity building, advocacy

Caritas Guinea-Bissau


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Avenida dos Combatentes da Liberdade da Ptria, Apartado 20, 1001 Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
Main Email: caritas@mail.bissau.net
Main Telephone: 245 665 38 41
Website: http://www.caritas.org/where-we-are/africa/guinea-bissau/
Caritas Guinea-Bissau has participated in setting up several medical clinics and a programme to combat HIV/
AIDS. It has also helped to run training sessions on HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care.
Keywords: Education, reproductive health, information

Comforting Hearts


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 75

Geographic Coverage: Mahaica-Berbice, East Berbice-Corentyne.

Address: Lot 15-13 Coopers Lane, New Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana, South America
Main Email: comfortinghearts@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: 333-4722
Contact Person: Rhondelle Jones , President
Contact Email: Comfortinghearts@solutions2000.net / comheart@networksgy.com
Website: http://www.devnet.org.gy/sdnp/iyv2001/comfortinghearts.htm
Comforting Hearts strives to meet the needs of regions 5 & 6 by providing services such as: workshops and
information sessions on HIV/AIDS & STIs awareness and prevention, HIV/AIDS counselling, care & support and
the distribution of condoms.
Keywords: Information, counseling, support, awareness

Guyana Legal Aid Clinic


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Georgetown, Essequibo, West Coast Berbice, Berbice
Address: First Floor, Eastern Section, Maraj Building, 185 Charlotte & King Streets, Georgetown
Main Email: legalaid@networksgy com
Main Telephone: (592) 225 9238; 225 9246 / 771 4007, 4008 / 333 5254
Contact Person: Simone Morris-Ramlall, Managing Attorney
Website: http://www.legalaid.org.gy
Guyana Legal Aid Clinic is a non-governmental, non-profit making, non-partisan organisation that provides
legal aid to persons who cannot afford to employ the services of a member of the private bar. It offers legal
advice and representation for criminal and civil matters.
Keywords: Legal advice, legal representation, human rights, education

Hope for All


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Suddie, Essequibo, Pomeroon
Address: Lot 6 Belfield Public Road, Suddie, Essequibo Coast, Guyana, South America (next to Sigma Labs,
across from Suddie Police Station)
Main Email: hopeforallguyana@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 592-774-4598 / 592-623-0006
Website: https://hopeforallguyana.wordpress.com/
Hope for All offers VCT five days a week at the Suddie location and provides home-based care for people living


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

with HIV/AIDS in Essequibo and Pomeroon. It also provides regular support groups for people living with HIV/
AIDS as well as for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children.
Keywords: VCT, education

Fondation SEROvie


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, French, Crole
Geographic Coverage: Port-au-Prince
Address: 31 rue Casseus Pacot, Port au Prince Haiti / 34, rue Debussy, Port-au-Prince
Main Email: serovielife@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 509 37569 768
Contact Person: Steve Laguerre, Executive Director
Contact Email: slaguerre33@gmail.com
Website: www.fondationserovie.org
SEROvie is a Haitian Community Based Organization with a dual focus on health and rights for Haitis sexual
minorities. It was founded in 1999 to establish an HIV prevention and support program for some of Haitis
most vulnerable populations.
Keywords: Information, health rights, reproductive health



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 33 Boulevard Harry Truman, B.P. 15727, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Main Email: info@gheskio.org
Main Telephone: (509) 222-0031
Contact Email: jwpape@gheskio.org
Website: http://gheskio.org
GHESKIO opened the first HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing Center in Haiti in 1985. Its work includes;
clinical service, research, and training in HIV/AIDS and related diseases. Working in partnership with the Haitian
Government, GHESKIO provides integrated primary care services, including HIV counseling, AIDS care, prenatal
care, and management of tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections.
Keywords: Care, VCT, information, training

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 77

Asociacion LGTB Arcoiris de Honudras (Arcoiris)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Address: B Concepcion 4 avenida 15 y 16 calles, Comayaguela 504
Main Email: arcoirisghn@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 00 504 2062408
Website: http://www.lgtbarcoirishn.org/
Asociacin Arcoiris is an organisation that provides support to LGBTI persons who are victims of violence. It
works on awareness initiatives, promotes HIV prevention programmes and lobbies the Honduran government
to advance LGBTI rights in the country. It was established in 2003 and it is based in Tegucigalpa.
Keywords: Support, lobbying, human rights, prevention, information

Asociacin Nacional de Personas Viviendo con VIH/SIDA

en Honduras (ASONAPVSIDAH)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 504 San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Tegucigalpa
Main Email: direccion.asonapvsidah@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 504 2554 3605
Contact Person: Justa Suazo, President
This is a non-governmental organization providing psychosocial support for PLWH and their families. Their work
also includes advocacy for a better quality of life and for access to antiretroviral therapies, advice, education,
lobbying work with civil societies and government agencies, and capacity building of self-help groups.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, networking, support

Siempre Unidos


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Clinics in San Pedro Sula and Siguatepeque
Address: (Head office) 1001 Smith Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Main Email: info@siempreunidos.org
Main Telephone: 415-448-6118


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Website: http://www.siempreunidos.org/

Siempre Unidos is a community-based organization fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Honduras with effective
medical treatment and comprehensive social services. To limit the spread of the disease and to fight the
associated stigma they provide HIV education, testing, and advocacy, reaching out particularly to people who
are most vulnerable and at risk.
Keywords: VCT, advocacy, education, support, care

AIDS Concern


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese
Geographic Coverage: Hong Kong
Address: Block F, 17B, 3 Lok Man Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
Main Email: enquire@aidsconcern.org.hk
Main Telephone: (852)2898 4411
Contact Person: Joe Chan Chun Chung, Program Manager
Website: http://aidsconcern.org.hk/
AIDS Concern was founded in 1990 with the goal of enhancing the quality of life of PLWH, and to curb the
spread of the virus. They provide direct support for PLWH, as well as prevention programs. They advocate for
timely access to treatment while working to erase social stigma through public awareness and education.
Keywords: Advocacy, prevention, support, empowerment, research, VCT

Chi Heng Foundation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Room 703A, 7/F, Lai Cheong Factory Building, 479-479A Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Main Email: info@chihengfoundation.com
Main Telephone: (852) 2517 0564
Contact Person: Mr Mondy Chan
Website: http://www.chfaidsorphans.com/
This is a non governmental organization with the vision of creating a harmonious, equal, and healthy society
by funding and operating projects in education and care for children and adults impacted by AIDS, as well as
prevention and anti-discrimination campaigns. Projects include capacity building, income generating activities,
and outreach with a focus on children, particularly those impacted by HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Education, support, prevention, anti-discrimination advocacy, psychosocial support, self-help

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 79

Hong Kong AIDS Foundation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Putonghua, Cantonese
Address: 5/F Shaukeiwan Jockey Club Clinic, 8 Chai Wan Road, Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong
Main Email: hkaf@hkaf.com
Main Telephone: 852 2560 8528
Contact Person: Helen Law, Director
Website: www.aids.org.hk
Community based organization providing prevention education to the general public and populations at
higher risk, HIV counselling and testing for people at risk, and support services for PLWH. They also collaborate
with organisations like UNAIDS, Global Fund and AIDS Society for Asia and the Pacific.
Keywords: Education, outreach, prevention, counselling, testing

Httr Trsasg A Melegekrt

(Httr: Support Society for Gays & Lesbians in Hungary)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, German, Hungarian, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Csandy u. 4/B. II.4., 1132 Budapest
Main Email: hatter@hatter.hu
Main Telephone: 36 1 329 2670
Contact Person: Dombos Tams, Board Member
Contact Email: hivvonal@hatter.hu
Website: www.hatter.hu
Since the summer of 2000, the association operates a legal aid service , which provides free legal assistance
and representation for victims of sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination, harassment or abuse.
The Legal Aid Service also provides information on all matters in which the applicants sexual orientation or
gender identity may have significance. The organization also runs an HIV/AIDS prevention programme for LGBT
community; national campaigns; distribution of HIV/AIDS prevention packets, and an HIV helpline.
Keywords: Legal clinic, legal advice, advocacy, prevention, LGBTQI

Network of Low HIV-Prevalence Countries in Central and South East Europe (INeLP) HUNGARY
Organization type: NGO
Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: South East Europe Region

Address: c/o Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU), 1084 Budapest, Vg utca 28. I./3, Hungary
Main Email: contact@nelp-hiv.org
Main Telephone: 381 (0)63 510 754
Contact Person: Ferenc Bagyinszky
Contact Email: nelpcsee@gmail.com
Website: http://www.nelp-hiv.org/
NeLP was established in 2011 to provide mutual support, information sharing, capacity building and
co-ordinated activities to overcome the obstacles to quality treatment and care. They also conduct
comprehensive and evidence-based prevention programmes, and successful legislative reforms for low HIVPrevalence Countries in Central and South East Europe.
Keywords: Networking, capacity building, information

Alnmissamtkin Islandi - HIV Iceland


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Icelandic
Geographic Coverage: Reykjavk
Address: Hverfisgata 69, 101 Reykjavk
Main Email: hiv-island@hiv-island.is
Main Telephone: 552-8586
Website: http://hiv-island.is
The organization was established to increase knowledge and understanding of HIV and AIDS and to support
the PLWH and their families.
Keywords: Advocacy, support

Kvennargjfin (Womens Counseling)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Forsa, English
Geographic Coverage: Reykjavk
Address: Tngata 14 101 Reykjavk
Main Email: Email form online
Main Telephone: (+354) 552-1500
Website: http://www.kvennaradgjofin.is
The Womens Counseling offers free legal and social work counselling mainly to women but they assist anyone
seeking their service, regardless of their sex. Opening hours are Tuesdays from 8pm to 10pm and on Thursdays

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 81

from 2pm to 4pm. The service is free of charge and those in need can drop by or call.
Keywords: Legal assistance, womens rights

Lgfrur Legal Services- Free legal aid at the University of Reykjavik


Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Geographic Coverage: Reykjavk

Address: Menntavegur 1, 101 Reykjavk
Main Email: logfrodur@hr.is / logfrodur@ru.is
Main Telephone: 777-8409
Free legal aid is offered every Wednesday from 5pm to 8pm from the 1st of September throughout April,
excluding the exam period in December. Walk-ins are accepted and the offices are situated just inside the
entrance of the main building of the University of Reykjavk on opening hours
Keywords: Legal aid

Human Rights Law Network


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Manipur, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Orissa,
Kerala, West Bengal, Jammu, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Goa, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kashmir, Himachal
Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Chandigarh
Address: Human Rights Law Network c/o Socio-Legal Information Centre, 576, Masjid Road, Jungpura, New
Delhi - 110014
Main Email: contact@hrln.org
Main Telephone: 91-11-24374501 / 91-11-24379855
Website: http://www.hrln.org/
Human Rights Law Network is a non-profit legal aid and educational organization. In order to facilitate easy
and increased access to the justice system for HIV positive people, they have established a panIndia network
of HIV/AIDS Legal Aid Centres, wherein lawyers partner with Positive Network Groups to provide legal aid.
Through this network they work to research and promote the rights of PLWH.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal research, lobbying, advocacy, rights, capacity building

Lawyers Collective HIV/AIDS Unit


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide

Address: E-20, Upper Ground Floor, Nizamuddin West, New Delhi-110013
Main Email: aidslaw@lawyerscollective.org
Main Telephone: 91-11-46805555
Contact Person: Anand Grover, Project Director
Contact Email: aidslaw@lawyerscollective.org
Website: http://www.lawyerscollective.org/
Lawyers Collective is a social justice group comprised of lawyers, law students, and human rights activists
which provides legal support through direct legal aid, education, workshops, advice, and training. They run
programs dedicated to HIV and womens rights and provide pro-bono legal services to PLWH.
Keywords: Legal aid, education, training, advocacy, support

Positive Women Network (PWN+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide.
Address: No 31/24, Officers Colony 2nd Street, Mehta Nagar, Aminjikarai, Chennai 600 029, Tamilnadu
Main Email: poswonet@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: 91-44-2374 6434 / 91-44-2374 6436
Contact Person: Ms. P Kousalya, President
Website: http://www.pwnplus.in/
Positive Women Network (PWN+) is an All-India network of HIV positive women, focused on improving the
quality of life of women and children living with HIV/AIDS. They support one another, fight for rights, and
sensitize society about the needs of PLWH. Their work includes advocacy and awareness-raising, information
sharing, networking, support, and provision of medicine.
Keywords: Human rights, advocacy, information, training, support, lobbying, awareness, research, care

Human Rights Working Group (HRWG Indonesia)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Jiwasraya Building Society Lobby Floor, Jl. R.P Soeroso No.41, Gondangdia, Menteng, Jakarta
Main Email: hrwg@hrwg.org
Main Telephone: 62 21 70 73 35 05
Contact Person: Ali Akbar Tanjung

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 83

HRWG focuses on human rights advocacy and advising and works to build partnerships with non-governmental
organizations working in the social justice sector. Through these partnerships they aim to pressure the
Indonesian government to execute its international and constitutional obligations to protecting, fulfilling,
respecting and promoting human rights in the country.
Keywords: Advocacy, lobbying, training, human rights, gender equality, social justice, capacity building

Spiritia Foundation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Bahasa Indonesia, English
Address: Jl. Kemiri No. 10, Menteng Jakarta Pusat - 10350
Main Email: info@spiritia.or.id
Main Telephone: (021) 391-6866,
Contact Person: Marguari Daniel, Chief Executive
Website: www.spiritia.or.id
This organization creates social networks at provincial (catalyst group) and district levels (peer support group).
Peer support groups help PLWH to improve self-esteem, gain HIV knowledge, access to counselling and testing
services, and improve knowledge and access to positive prevention services. The catalyst groups facilitate
support for peer support groups in every district from formation, strengthening to development. This is
achieved through cash grants, technical assistance, knowledge and skills development, advocacy and referral
Keywords: Advocacy, support, counselling, VCT, information

The Association of Indonesian Positive Women (IPPI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Bahasa Indonesia
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: JL Kakap III No. 13A Village Teak - Rawamangun, Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta TimurJL
Main Email: ippi.indonesia@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 62-21 29,833,944
Contact Person: Christine Mester, Acting Coordinator
Website: http://www.ippi.or.id/
IPPI is an organization working to improve the quality of life of women living with HIV and those close to
them. Their mission is to empower affected women in the areas of health,education, as well as socially and
economically through increased knowledge and skills, advocacy and resource mobilization.
Keywords: Advocacy, rights, education, prevention, support, capacity building, gender equality, networking


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Family Health Association (FHA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Farsi, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: No. 2/1, 8th Street, Behrooz Street Mother Square, Mirdamad Avenue, Tehran, Iran
Main Telephone: +98(21) 222 3944
Website: http://www.fpairi.org/
FHA works to complement well-established services provided by the government. It has 2 permanent
clinics and works with 1 associated agency. FHA Irans primary focus is the provision of information, and the
mobilization of support among the public, the media, and religious and political leaders for family planning and
a cohesive strategy for sexual and reproductive health and rights
Keywords: Information, research, care

Zendegi Mosbat Iranian (Iranian Positive Life NGO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Address: #79, Jami St., Hafez St., Tehran, 11388, Iran
Main Email: zendegi_mosbat@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +98 (21) 66748214 / 00982166748215
This organization was established to respond to the newly emerged HIV/AIDS issues in Iran. Through
recognizing human rights and dignity of PLWH and vulnerable persons, and using cultural and faith-based
principles, and following scientific evidence, is trying to define problems and create solutions to HIV/AIDSrelated issues.
Keywords: Information, education

Iraq Family Planning Association (IFPA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Address: Alwazyria street, Baghdad, Iraq
Main Telephone: 44(0)20 7939 8200
Contact Person: Dr. Shatha Ibraheem Abdulla Tabana
Website: http://www.ippf.org/our-work/where-we-work/arab-world/iraq
IFPA seeks to enhance knowledge and access to sexual and reproductive health; a large part of their role is
advocacy with religious and political leaders. They run information, education and communication initiatives to

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 85

increase awareness of the relationship between family planning and maternal and child health.
Keywords: Education, information, reproductive health, outreach, advocacy

Iraqi Red Crescent Society (IRCS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Iraq , Baghdad , Mansour, Near Baghdad International Fair
Main Email: info@ircs.org.iq
Main Telephone: 9.64770E+12
IRCS is an independent national humanitarian, society whose works to reduce the suffering of people without
discrimination by providing material and psychosocial support, as well as providing basic healthcare, and access
to information.
Keywords: Support, care, information

Gay Health Network


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Dublin
Address: c/o Outhouse, 105 Capel Street, Dublin 1
Main Email: info@gayhealthnetwork.ie
Main Telephone: +353 1 873 4952
Website: http://www.gayhealthnetwork.ie
GHN is involved in the promotion of HIV prevention and sexual health awareness among gay and bisexual men,
and MSM, nationally, and in specific communities. It also addresses and challenges HIV-related stigma and
Keywords: Prevention, information, education, advocacy, MSM, LGBTQI

HIV Ireland


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Dublin
Address: HIV Ireland, 70 Eccles Street, Dublin 7, Ireland


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: info@hivireland.ie

Main Telephone: +353 (0)1 873 3799
Contact Person: Stephen Rourke , Chairperson
Website: http://www.hivireland.ie
HIV Ireland works to increase public awareness and understanding around HIV and AIDS and to reduce the
stigma and discrimination connected with HIV and AIDS. It offers a free voluntary testing and counselling
service on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month - doors open at 1pm and walk-ins are welcome.
Keywords: Advocacy, information, VCT, counselling

The Sexual Health Centre


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Cork
Address: 16 Peters Street , Cork
Main Email: info@sexualhealthcentre.com
Main Telephone: 021 427 6676 / +353 21 427 6676
Contact Person: Deirdre Seery, Director
Website: http://www.sexualhealthcentre.com
The Centre offers a range of sexual and reproductive health services that include: pregnancy tests, rapid HIV
tests and free condoms. They also run an HIV support group which is a service for clients who are HIV positive
and for their significant others, as well as for those who have concerns or require information about HIV.
Clients can access counselling, one-to-one personal and group support.
Keywords: VCT, reproductive health,information, support

Israel AIDS Task Force


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Hebrew
Geographic Coverage: Tel Aviv
Address: 18 HaNatsiv Street, PO Box 57310, Tel Aviv 61572
Main Email: iatf@aidsisrael.org.il
Main Telephone: 972 3 5613000
Contact Person: Dr. Yuval Livnat, Chief Executive Officer
Website: www.aidsisrael.org.il
This is a non profit organization which works to improve public awareness around HIV/AIDS. Their work
includes advocacy, an information centre, a helpline, testing, treatment, and support.
Keywords: Information, VCT, support, advocacy

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 87

Israel Family Planning Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, Russian and Amharic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 9 Rambam str., Tel-Aviv, Israel
Main Email: israelfpa@gmail.com / ippf@netvision.net.il
Main Telephone: (972) 3-5101512 / (972) 522-679537
Contact Email: nahed.asbeh@gmail.com
Website: http://www.opendoor.org.il
IFPA is Israels leading organization advancing human rights related to sexual health. It operates a community
outreach centre which organizes workshops, lectures, and seminars for all sectors of the population on topics
of education and the promotion of healthy sexuality, in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian and Amharic. It runs 14
information, counselling and treatment centres.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information

The Jerusalem AIDS Project


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 4, Eliezer Hagadol Street, Jerusalem
Main Email: jaipolam@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 972 2 6799671
Contact Person: Hanni Rossenberg, Executive Director
Contact Email: info@operation-ab.org
Website: www.operation-ab.org
The main NGO/ASO in Israel focusing on HIV prevention. It runs a community and school-based education
programme, with emphasis on young people and health professionals; peer education programmes and
outreach programme for sex workers; implementation of community-based AIDS educational interventions
in developing countries; national AIDS hotline. JAIP is now also serving five countries in training and capacity
building in male circumcision for HIV prevention in Africa.
Keywords: Information, education, capacity building, training, sex workers

Associazione Nadir Onlus


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Languages: English, Italian, Spanish

Geographic Coverage: Rome
Address: Via Panama 88, 00198 Roma
Main Email: redazione@nadironlus.org / fondazione@nadironlus.org
Nadir Onlus is a patient based HIV Treatment Group. It provides access to information and training on
therapeutic strategies, current and future, to combat HIV / AIDS and related diseases for epidemiological
context and / or infection (eg, viral hepatitis). It also ensures that HIV-positive people have easy access to the
best care available, and the best related diagnostics.
Keywords: Information, treatment

Giuristi Democratici


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Italian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Vicolo Buonarroti, 2-35132 Padova
Main Email: info@giuristidemocratici.it
Giuristi Democratici is an association of lawyers dedicated to taking legal aid cases and improving the legal aid
Keywords: Legal aid, human rights

International Development Law Organization (IDLO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Italian
Geographic Coverage: Global
Address: Viale Vaticano, 106, 00165 Rome, Italy
Main Email: info@idlo.int
Main Telephone: + 39 06 40403200
Website: www.idlo.int
IDLO is the only intergovernmental organization exclusively devoted to promoting the rule of law. We enable
countries to design, reform and strengthen those laws and institutions most apt to deliver justice, dignity and
economic opportunity.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, awareness

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 89

Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro lAIDS (LILA Onlus)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Italian
Geographic Coverage: Lazio, Toscana, Catania, Calabria, Piemonte, Milano, Bologna
Address: Via Varesina 1, 22100 Como
Main Email: lila@lila.it
Main Telephone: +39 031 268828
Website: http://www.lila.it
It is a federation of 15 associations (local units) of both HIV positive and HIV negative operators, volunteers
and professionals, which operates in many Italian regions through its local units. Contacts for each regional
office are available on the website.
Keywords: Information, prevention, care, support

Ligue Ivoirienne des Droits de lHomme (LIDHO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: Abidjan-Cocody, Cit des arts, 323 logements, Rue Impasse des Potes, Immeuble F1, Escalier B,
1er tage, Appartement 14
Main Email: infos@lidho-ci.org / lidhosiege@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: (+225) 22 44 17 63
Website: www.lidho-ci.org/
LIDHO was formed in 1987 and works towards strengthening the legal system and ensuring an independent
justice system. LIDHO created the Rights of People Living with HIV-AIDS Observatory (ODP+).
Keywords: Human rights

Reseau Ivoirien des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH/SIDA


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: Avenue Lamblin, Villa No 10/ Plateau, BP 1916, Abidjan 03, Cote dIvoire
Main Email: rip_ci@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: +225 20 33 71 35
Financed by UNAIDS and the Ministry to Fight AIDS, this organization was established in 1997 to debate and
develop a national strategic campaign against AIDS. The organization coordinates NGO activities and works to


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

promote means of preventing the spread of HIV/ AIDS.

Keywords: Prevention, information, networking

Ruban Rouge


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Abidjan, Abengourou, Dukou
Address: OPOUGON-SOGEPHIA SOLIC II Princess Street; Apartment No. 2334 22 BP 1291 Abidjan 22
Main Telephone: +225 23 48 51 41
Ruban Rouge is an NGO composed of researchers, physicians, pharmacists, biologists, company directors,
volunteers, teachers, students and unemployed, anxious to contribute to the fight against STI / HIV / AIDS. It
has a day hospital for PLWH and 3 screeening centers in Rue Princesse Yopougon (Abidjan), Cafetou district at
the intersection of motherhood (Abengourou) and in the third quarter Plateau (Dukou)
Keywords: VCT, care, information, advocacy

Jamaica AIDS Support for Life (JASL)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 3 Hendon Drive, Kingston 20
Main Email: info@jamaicaaidsssupport.com
Main Telephone: 876 978 2345
Contact Person: Kandasi Levermore, Executive Director
Contact Email: infojasl2010@gmail.com
Contact Telephone: 925-0021/2
Website: http://www.jasforlife.org/
JAS is an AIDS-focused non-governmental organization dedicated to fighting AIDS in Jamaica. They deliver
a comprehensive range of services from their multi-centre network. Activities range from research and
advocacy, to prevention, testing, counselling, and lobbying for rights and policy change.
Keywords: Legal assistance, support, awareness, information, care

Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 91

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: J-FLAG, P.O. Box 1152, Kingston 8, Jamaica, West Indies
Main Email: admin@jflag.org
Main Telephone: (876) 754-2130
Contact Telephone: (876) 379-9834
Website: http://jflag.org/
J-FLAG challenges all forms of discrimination and censorship by releasing regular press statements on current
issues affecting the gay, lesbian and all-sexual community and by publishing position papers on topics related
to human rights.
Keywords: Advocacy, human rights, lobbying, research

Jamaican Network of Seropositives (JN Plus)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 3 Trevennion Park Road, Kingston 5
Main Email: admin@jnplus.org
Main Telephone: 1 876 929 7340
Contact Person: Devon Gabourel, Programme Coordinator
Website: jnplus.org
JN advocates for the rights and concerns of PLWH, through partnerships, empowerment and resource
mobilisation. They aim to ensure improvement in the quality of life of PLHW through counseling, training,
education, nutrition and access to care and treatment.To reduce stigma and discrimination via public education
and to disseminate information on health care services and support so that members can access necessary
medical and psycho-social care and adherence to treatment.
Keywords: Advocacy, rights, networking, education, support

Amman Center for Human Rights Studies


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: National and regional advocacy
Address: Abdali, Al Sharaf building 4th floorP.O.Box 212524 Amman 11121 Jordan
Main Email: admin@achrs.org
Main Telephone: 96264655043
Website: http://www.achrs.org/english/


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

ACHRS is an independent, regional, scientific, advocacy center for studies, research and training on issues of
human rights and democracy. Their work and activities aim at strengthening civil society in Jordan and in the
Arab World, and at inducing a change to the general level of awareness and sensibility towards human rights
and democracy.
Keywords: Advocacy, research, training, education

Ministry of Health National AIDS Program


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Ministry of Health, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein St 67, Amman 11118, Jordan
Main Email: dcd@orange.jo
Main Telephone: 962 6 5607144
Contact Person: Dr Mohammed Bassam Qasem Hajawi , National AIDS Programme Manager
Contact Email: epijor@wanadoo.jr
Website: www.dcd.gov.jo/Eindex.asp
The National AIDS Program coordinates the national response to HIV/AIDS including monitoring, treatment,
prevention, and access to information
Keywords: Monitoring, treatment, prevention, education

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Regional, international network
Address: 76 Gagarin Ave., 3rd floor, 050009 Almaty, Kazakhstan
Main Email: info@AFEW.kz
Main Telephone: + 7 727 3 23 62 89
Website: www.AFEW.kz
AIDS Foundation East-West is an international network of civil society organisations that is dedicated to
improving the health of key populations. With a focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia, it strives to promote
health and increase access to prevention, treatment and care for public health concerns such as HIV, TB, viral
hepatitis, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Keywords: Networking, advocacy, information

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 93

Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Russian
Geographic Coverage: Astana, Aktobe region, Est-Kazakhstan region, West-Kazakhstan region, Karaganda
region, Kostanai region, Mangistau region, Pavlodar region, South-Kazakhstan region.
Address: 423 Suite, 4A, microdistrict 8, 050035, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Main Email: taldykorgan.kibhr@gmail.com
Main Telephone: (727) 249 59 62 / 249 60 44
Website: http://www.bureau.kz
This is a Kazakhstan non-governmental, not-for-profit human rights organisation whose mission is aimed at
promoting the observance of civil and political rights and freedoms in Kazakhstan, and other countries. They
have nine branches all of which provide free legal aid.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal assistance, human rights

Kazakhstan Union of People Living with HIV


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Russian
Address: 050057, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, st. Buhar Zhyrau (former botanical) 66/120 ofis110
(angle Str. Auezov). Landmark: Shop Imanali
Main Email: kaz-souz@mail.ru
Main Telephone: +7 (727) 225-78-38
Contact Person: Amanzholov Nurali Hamrakulovich, President
Website: http://www.plwh.kz
The mission of the organization is to ensure that people living with HIV and their families have a decent
quality of life. This is achieved through developing partnerships with local and national authorities, and with
international organizations to create conditions for improving the quality of life of people living with HIV and
their families, especially to ensure universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support related to HIV.
Keywords: Support, information, networking

Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Kenya)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Amboseli Road off Gitanga Road, Lavington, Nairobi, Kenya


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: info@fidakenya.org,

Main Telephone: +254 20 2604044 / 0722 509760 / 0710 607241
Contact Person: Juliet Kwamboka, Legal Counsel - Nairobi
Website: http://fidakenya.org
FIDA Kenya in-house lawyers take up deserving cases and provide legal aid services in the form of advice,
preparation of court documents and court representation. FIDA Kenya established a Pro bono Lawyers Scheme
in 1997 and has been able to mobilize and enroll over 400 lawyers into the scheme whereby both male and
female lawyers in private practice countrywide have volunteered to take up cases on behalf of FIDA Kenya
Keywords: Legal aid, legal representation



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nairobi, Kisimu
Address: Mombasa Road, Somak Hse 4th Floor, Nairobi, P O Box 112 - 00200 KNH Nrb
Main Email: info@kelinkenya.org
Main Telephone: 020 2515790 / 0710 261408 / 0788 220300 /+254-57-2532664 / +254-708-342197
Contact Person: Allan Machesa Maleche, Executive Director
Website: http://www.kelinkenya.org
While originally created to protect and promote HIV-related human rights, KELINs scope has expanded to
also include: sexual and reproductive health and rights; key populations; and women, land and property rights.
Our goal is to advocate for a holistic and rights-based system of service delivery in health and for the full
enjoyment of the right to health by all, including the vulnerable, marginalized, and excluded populations in
these four thematic areas.
Keywords: Legal aid clinics, advocacy, information, womens rights

Kituo Cha Sheria Legal Empowerment Centre


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide; community justice centres in Kitu, Mombasa, Nairobi, Nyanza,
Address: Ole Odume Rd, Off Argwings kodhek Rd
Main Email: info@kituochasheria.or.ke
Main Telephone: +254-020-3874191, 3874220, 3876290 OR 0734 874221, 0727 773991
Contact Person: Nathan Kivungi, Coordinator Legal Aid and Education Program
Website: http://kituochasheria.or.ke

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 95

Kituo is a legal aid NGO with national reach, committed to ensuring the indigent, poor and marginalized in
Kenya recieve access to justice. The Legal Aid and Education Programme is managed through in-house lawyers
and volunteer advocates service. They offer mobile outreach legal education and aid to KITUOs clients
through legal representation and mediation.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal representation, legal education, legal clinics

Legal Aid Centre of Eldoret (LACE)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Eldoret
Address: AMPATH Building, ground Floor. Room 62, P.O. Box 7015 30100, Eldoret , Kenya
Main Email: info@lacelaw.org
Main Telephone: +254 053 2033471 4, Ext 3678
Contact Person: Milkah Cheptinga, Legal Coordinator & Advocate
Website: http://lacelaw.org/KE/
LACE offers pro bono legal aid services to those affected and living with HIV & AIDS in the society.
Keywords: Legal aid, advocacy, legal services, training of HIV positive AMPATH patients as paralegals

Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (OSIEA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Swahili, Kinyarwanda
Geographic Coverage: East Africa
Address: ACS Plaza, Lenana Road, Nairobi
Main Telephone: +254-20-698-4000
Contact Person: Emmanuel Kamonyo, Program Officer - Health and Rights
Contact Email: ekamonyo@osiea.org
Website: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/offices-foundations/open-society-initiativeeastern-africa
The Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa works through two strategic priority areas critical to addressing
open society challenges in the region: 1) participation of citizens and 2) human rights. We support individuals
and groups to participate in matters that affect them and to demand fair treatment, access to services, and
accountability from their leaders.
Keywords: Human rights, access to services, advocacy


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Kiribati Family Health Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Bairiki Village, Tarawa, Rep. of Kiribati
Main Email: inquiry@health.gov.ki
Main Telephone: (686) 28100
Contact Email: tiataotira@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ippfeseaor.org/our-work/where-we-work/kiribati
KFHA provides access to contraceptives, abortion-related and HIV services. It has rolled out sexuality
education campaigns nationwide
Keywords: Reproductive health, education, information

Ministry of Health


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Nawerewere, Tarawa, Kiribati
Main Telephone: 68628100 ext 209
Main Email: teataotira@gmail.com
Contact Person: Dr Teatao Tira, Director of Public Health
Website: http://www.health.gov.ki/
In partnership with the WHO, the Ministry of Health provides primary care and treatment for PLWH, as well as
disease surveillance, and prevention.
Keywords: Care, treatment, prevention, monitoring, coordination

Korean Family Planning & Maternal Child Health Association of DPRK


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Korean
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Waesong-dong, Central District , Pyongyang City , Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep of
Main Telephone: +850(2) 3217 626 / (2) 3217 6926
The organization has provided services related to reproductive healthcare and information, education and
communication (IEC) programmes. KFP & MCHA provides condoms and sexual and reproductive health services

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 97

through service points, including clinics and mobile facilities.

Keywords: Reproductive health, information,care

Gong Gam Human Rights Law Foundation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Korean
Geographic Coverage: Seoul
Address: 3f 29-6 Changdeokgung-gil, Jongro, Seoul 110 - 280, Korea
Main Email: gonggam@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +82 2 3675 7740-1
Website: http://www.kpil.org
It is the only NGO in Korea that has full-time lawyers devoted to protecting and promoting the human rights
of minorities, the underprivileged and the most vulnerable persons in society. Their activities include seeking
better treatment of migrants as well as pushing for, and eventually successfully realizing, the enactment of
anti-discrimination legislation for persons with disabilities as well as AIDS prevention law.
Keywords: Legal representation, legal assistance

Korea Federation for HIV/AIDS Prevention


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Chinese, Bangladeshi, Mongolian
Geographic Coverage: Seoul, Ansan, Busan
Address: 30-6. Donam 1-dong Seongbuk-gu. 136-890. SEOUL, KOREA
Main Email: khap@kaids.or.kr
Main Telephone: 82-2-927-4322 / 031-495-0550 / 010-2654-4322 / 010-2954-0550
Website: http://khap.org/
By providing HIV/AIDS information and services, KHAP strives to attain the best quality of healthcare for all
foreigners in Korea and to connect Koreas fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic with that of the international
community. They offer VCT services for foreigners residing in Korea.
Keywords: VCT, information, education

Kosovo Association for People Living with HIV/AIDS


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: Prishtin

Address: Hilmi Rakovica Nr 13, 10000 Prishtina
Main Email: kapha_kosova@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +377 (0) 44 944 721
The organization offers a variety of care and support services for all PLWH including psycho-social and medical
counselling (for members of their family and/or partners as well), special PLWH support packages, promotion
and awareness raising among health care and social workers to ensure adequate provision of health services.
Keywords: Information, education, VCT

Labyrinth Kosovo


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Shqip, Srpski
Geographic Coverage: Prishtin, Prizren, Gjilan.
Address: Str. Gazmend Zajmi-42, 10000 Prishtin, Kosov
Main Email: Labirinti@gmail.com / labirinti.pz@gmail.com / labirinti.gl@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +381(0)38/230 104 / 029 22 30 21 / 0280 32 54 00 / +377(0)44/131-409
Website: www.labirinti-ks.or
Labyrinth deals with information dissemination and education on risks associated with drug abuse focused
particularly on young people as well as others interested to know more on drugs. Free testing and counselling
for TB, HIV and Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B is provided. It also offers ambulatory detoxification (outpatient);
Keywords: Harm reduction, information, VCT

Anti AIDS Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Kyrgyz, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Akhunbaeva Str, 119a, office 409, Bishkek City 720055
Main Email: volvoxinkg@yandex.ru
Main Telephone: 996 312 939222 / 996 312 939223
Contact Person: Chynara Bakirova, Executive Director
Website: www.antiaids.org.kg
Anti AIDS Organization seeks to improve the efficiency of the civil society response to the HIV / AIDS epidemic,
based on the priority of human rights and by building the capacity of non-governmental organizations.
Provides technical support to groups and organizations serving PLWH.
Keywords: Capacity building, human rights, support

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 99

East Europe & Central Asia Union of PLWH (ECUO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Kyrgyz
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Kyrgyzstan, 720040, Bishkek, 3B Panfilova str.
Main Email: terrasanakg@gmail.com
Main Telephone: (+996 557) 22 79 79
Contact Person: Kalinichenko Evgeniya, Executive Director
ECUO contributes to scaling-up access for PLWH in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan to prevention, treatment and
care, and the development and implementation of services. This includes psychosocial support, capacity
building, outreach, and access to legal services.
Keywords: Legal assistance, support, outreach, capacity building

Kyrgyz Indigo


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Kyrgyz, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Glavpochtamt B.O. 1992, Bishkek city, 720000
Main Email: kyrgyz.indigo@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 996 555231215 / 996 312919707
Contact Person: Daniyar Orsekov, Executive Director
Website: www.indigo.kg
Kyrgyz Indigo is a public association which provides support for the LGBT community in Kyrgyzstan. Its activity
is aimed at promoting a healthy way of life for LGBT people, strengthening psychological health, capacity
development and the protection of LGBT rights. Their work includes prevention, advocacy for human rights
abd access to treatment, care and support services for key populations, capacity building, distribution of
condoms and lube, outreach work, community centre, and trainings on HIV and STIs. They also have expertise
on LGBT/HIV issues in Central Asia.
Keywords: Advocacy, human rights, capacity building, support, training, outreach, prevention, education

Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Kyrgyz, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: nkartanbaeva@soros.kg

Main Telephone: 0 (312) 66 34 75
Contact Person: Nuriana Kartanbaeva, Law Program Director
Website: http://soros.kg/
The Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan an international non-governmental private foundation aims to create
conditions in the Kyrgyz Republic for an open society by supporting the development of public institutions and
initiatives in all spheres of public life. An open society means: freedom and diversity of opinion in all spheres
of life, development of the rule of law and the opportunity for all members of society to equally participate in
development processes.
Keywords: Legal assistance, advocacy, information, human rights

Lao Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (LNP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Lao, Japanese, Thai
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Sisangvorn Road, House No 377/ Unit 24, Naxay Village, Saysethta District, Vientiane Capital
Main Email: coordinationlnpplus@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 856 21 454445
Contact Person: Kinoy Phongdeth, Head of Network
Website: http://www.lnpplus.com/
LNP+ has three main components: monitoring and follow-up with PLWH in Laos to ensure access to treatment,
capacity building for PLWH self-help group leaders in their respective community and provinces, and advocacy
with all partnerships and law enforcement.
Keywords: Human rights, support, monitoring, capacity-building, networking, ART, care

Lao Red Cross Society


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Thai
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Setthathirath Avenue, Impasse XiengNhune, P.O Box 650, Vientiane Capital City
Main Email: info@laoredcross.org.la
Main Telephone: 856 21 216610 /856 20 55697975
Contact Person: Dr. Soulany Chansy, LRC Deputy Director of Health
Contact Email: csoulany@yahoo.com
Website: www.laoredcross.org.la
The Lao Red Cross HIV/AIDS programme has long worked through Red Cross branches on a range of HIV and

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 101

AIDS interventions. The National Society is committed to building the capacity of HIV-positive people, Red
Cross volunteers and staff, and communities to respond effectively to the epidemic. They also provide access
to medical checkups, ART, and nutrition
Keywords: Capacity building, prevention, outreach, advocacy



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Laotian
Geographic Coverage: Vientiane
Address: 306 Sisangvon Rd, Xaysettha district, Vientiane Capital
Main Email: info@laopha.org
Main Telephone: 856 21 414812
Website: http://www.laopha.org/
LaoPHAs mission is to contribute to the improvement of the health, social welfare and well-being of key
affected populations through active participation in the development of health care services, social support
and community advocacy initiatives that improve the quality of life, remove barriers to health services, and
reduce discrimination and stigmatization. Projects include advocacy for rights and services, community
mobilization initiatives, provision of healthcare, and a focus on holistic wellbeing.
Keywords: Advocacy, capacity building, networking, empowerment, human rights, care, mobilization

AGIHAS Support Group for People Living with HIV/AIDS


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Main Email: agihas.lv@inbox.lv
Main Telephone: +371 202 07 737
Website: http://agihas.lv
AGIHAS has been working for more than 20 years to provide more opportunities for the patients to live a
more active and meaningful life after the diagnosis.
Keywords: Advocacy, Care, support, VCT



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Languages: English, Latvian, Russian

Geographic Coverage: Riga
Address: Dzirnavu street 135, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050
Main Email: dialogs@diacentrs.lv
Main Telephone: +371 67288500 / +371 67243101
Contact Person: Agita Sja, Social and HIV Prevention Program Coordinator
Contact Email: agita.seja@inbox.lv
Website: http://www.diacentrs.lv
A support and resource centre for PLWH and their families in Latvia providing information, social welfare,
spiritual and psychological support.
Keywords: Information, VCT, harm reduction

Latvias Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Latvian
Address: Grecinieku iela 34, LV-1050 RIGA, Latvia OR , Kr. Valdemra 147 k-2 47 E-1013
Main Email: lfpa@mailbox.riga.lv / info@papardeszieds.lv
Main Telephone: 003717212700 / 67212700
Contact Person: Rita Kubulia, Project Coordinator, Public Health Specialist
Contact Email: rita@papardeszeids.lv
Website: http://www.papardeszieds.lv
The organization focuses on information, education and training activities for health personnel and the
general public, and sex education for teachers and young people.
Keywords: Information, education, training

Lebanese Aids Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, French, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Saida
Address: Charles Malek Avenue, Beirut / Saida Municipality, Saida
Main Email: d.arbizri@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +961 1 217785 / 961 03 300 811
Contact Person: Abed El-Rahman Bizri, President
The organization provides information and conducts fundraising activities for the treatment and support of
patients. It also provides medical and psychological support, follow-up and counselling, and works with Syrian

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 103

and Iraqi refugees to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS.

Keywords: VCT, information, support, education

Soins Infirmiers et Dveloppement Communautaire (SIDC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Arabic, English, French
Geographic Coverage: Sin El Fil
Address: Youssef Karam St, Daou Bldg, 1st floor Sin El Fil 55391 Sin El Fil Lebanon
Main Email: info@sidc-lebanon.org
Main Telephone: +961 1 482 428 / +961 1 480 714 / 961 3 484 691
Contact Person: Karine Nasser, Director
Contact Email: knasser@sidc-lebanon.org
Website: http://sidc-lebanon.org
SIDC has been responding actively by fighting against the HIV epidemic and the risky behaviours associated
with drug use, especially injectable drugs.
Keywords: Harm reduction, information

The Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Arabic, English, French.
Geographic Coverage: Beirut.
Address: Immeuble Bakhos, 7ime tage, Rue Mar Youssef, Dora, Beyrouth Liban
Main Email: info@cldh-lebanon.org / info@rightsobserver.org
Main Telephone: +961 01 24 00 23
Website: http://www.rightsobserver.org
A non-profit, non-partisan Lebanese human rights organization based in Beirut. It has legal programs which
provide legal counseling, assistance and referral to any person in need. The idea behind this project is that
anyone is entitled free legal assistance even when he/she doesnt have the means to hire a lawyer.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal counseling

Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide

Address: PO Box 1632, Maseru 100
Main Email: aids@chal.org.ls
Main Telephone: 266 22 312 500
Contact Person: Thato Tsukulu , Senior Primary Healthcare Coordinator
Provides medical care, support, community home-based care, prevention of mother-child transmission, income
generating activities, HIV testing and counselling, orphan and vulnerable child care, household food security
initiatives, and other primary healthcare acivities.
Keywords: Care, prevention, support

Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Lesotho)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Hoohlo Extension House, House No. 544, Maseru, On road past Tribute Guest House, shared
complex with LCN, Maseru
Main Email: fidalesleo.co.ls
Main Telephone: +266 22325466
Contact Person: Thusoana Ntlama, Programmes Coordinator
Website: http://www.letsema.org/organisation/federation-of-women-lawyers/ or
FIDA Lesotho is part of Letsema, an organization based in Maseru which provides a central hub for HIV/AIDS
organisations to work together and share knowledge and resources. They offer legal services to women that
cannot afford a lawyer.
Keywords: Legal education, paralegal training, legal aid

Lesotho Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide; district offices in Butha-Buthe, Leribe, Mokhotlong, Berea, Thaba-Tseka,
Maseru, Mafeteng, MohalesHoek, Mafeteng, Qachas Nek, Quthing
Address: P.O. Box 4318, Sebaboleng, Maseru 104
Main Email: boshepha@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 266 2832 7504
Contact Person: Boshepha Ranthidi , National Coordinator
Website: http://www.lenepwha.org.ls/

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 105

Organization carries out advocacy, lobbying for access to ARVs, prevention, and VCT.
Keywords: Advocacy, information

Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: PO Box 20-4248, 1000, Monrovia, 20, Liberia
Main Email: afell2003@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +231 (6) 655 5178 / + 233 231 227330
Contact Email: tccliberia@aol.com
AFELL is a women-led human rights organization.
Keywords: Womens rights, legal education, legal aid

Light Association of Liberia


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: Benson Street, c/o National AIDS/STIs Control Program (NACP), John F. Kennedy Hospital
Compound, 1000 Monrovia, Montserrodo County
Main Email: kpannah2001@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 377-47 537 478
Contact Person: Josephine Godeo, Program Manager
Contact Email: lightassn@yahoo.com
Activities include public speaking, World AIDS Day observance, workshops, home-based care services and
support for PLWH, psychosocial support for PLWH and their families, voluntary counseling and testing, hospital
visitation for sick members, support-group meetings for PLWH and their families, and outreach activities.
Keywords: Care, support, training, education, advocacy

National AIDS Commission Liberia


Organization type: NGO and Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Ministry of Health & Social Welfare Building, Capitol By-Pass, P.O.Box 1645, 1000 Monrovia, 10


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: info@nacliberia.org

Main Telephone: +231-0880546 041 / 231 886 513 018
Contact Person: Atty Evelyn Barry, Executive Director
Contact Email: ebarry@nacliberia.org
Website: http://www.nacliberia.org
The Commission is responsible for the overall coordination, supervision, and policy formulation of the national
response to HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Education, information, advocacy

National Center for Diseases Control


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: National Centre for Infectious Disease Control, PO Box 71 171, Tripoli
Main Email: info@nidcc.org.ly
Main Telephone: 218 217 152403 / 218 217 153328
Contact Person: Dr Hussain Othman, Programme Manager
Website: http://nidcc.org.ly
The NCDC Libya deals with prevention, epidemiologic monitoring, control, diagnosis and monitoring of STIs,
Keywords: Prevention, monitoring, information

North African Network of AIDS Service Organizations (NANASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, English
Geographic Coverage: North African regional network
Address: 42, rue Tahar Ben Brahim, 1013 El Menzah, IXb Tunis, Tunisia
Main Email: nanaso@nanaso.com
Main Telephone: 216 71 872 874
Contact Person: Anouar Moalla, Coordinator
Contact Email: anouar_consultant@yahoo.fr
NANASOs mission is to enhance the community response to HIV/AIDS in Northern Africa by promoting
the development and existence of sustainable and effective country networks that provide leadership and
capacity building in advocacy, programme development, and enhanced and greater involvement of people
living with HIV and AIDS.
Keywords: Advocacy, capacity building, networking

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 107

Fachstelle fr Sexualfragen und HIV-prvention


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: German
Address: In Malarsch 4, PO Box 13, FL-9494 Schaan
Main Email: welcome@fa6.li
Main Telephone: 00423 232 05 20
Contact Person: Tanja Moser, Gestalt and sex educator, Life and Social consultant
Website: http://www.fa6.li
The organization advises and supports HIV-positive people and their families in personal conversations.
It is also engaged in sex education training and information events on STIs in schools and extracurricular
institutions. Sexual counselling is offered at a cost dependent on financial abilty.
Keywords: Counselling, information, education

Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Russian, Lithuanian
Geographic Coverage: Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Asia regions
Address: Svitrigailos St. 11B, Vilnius LT-03228
Main Email: sergey.votyagov@harm-reduction.org
Main Telephone: +370 5 2691 600 / 370 5 212 2154
Contact Person: Sergey Votyagov, Executive Director
Website: http://www.harm-reduction.org/
EHRNs mission is to promote humane, evidence-based harm reduction approaches to drug use, specifically
drug use and HIV. EHRN engages in advocacy activities aimed at among others, reforming governmental and
legal policies related to drug use and harm reduction in the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Keywords: Information, harm reduction, policy reform

Lithuanian Positive Group


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: P.o. Box 3290, LT-02002 VILNIUS, Lithuania
Main Email: ragalinskas@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +370 65179724


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Contact Person: Ramunas Ragalinskas

Website: http://aidsactioneurope.eu/members/lithuanian-positive-group-litovskaya-pozitivnaya-gruppa
Focused on advocacy, care and support, reproductive health, testing and counselling for a variety of target
groups, including MS, IDUs, sex workers and youth.
Keywords: Advocacy, care, support, reproductive health, VCT

HIV Berodung Croix-Rouge


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, German, Luxemburgisch, French, Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Luxembourg
Address: 94, boulevard Patton, L-2316 Luxembourg
Main Email: info@croix-rouge.lu
Main Telephone: +352 2755 4500
Contact Email: hivberodung@croix-rouge.lu
Website: http://www.croix-rouge.lu
Through its HIV Berodung program, the organization offers information on HIV/AIDS prevention and VCT
services. It also provides information on other testing centers throughout Luxembourg.
Keywords: VCT, information

Stop AIDS Now - Acces


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, German, Luxemburgisch, French, Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Luxembourg
Address: Stop Aids Now/Acces, c/o HIVberodung Croix-Rouge, 94, Bvd Patton, L-2316 Luxembourg
Main Email: info@sida.lu
Main Telephone: +352/ 40 62 51
Contact Email: san.acces@sida.lu
Website: http://www.sida.lu
Stop AIDS Now focus on prevention of HIV at the national level, conducting advocacy, awareness campaigns,
conducts advocacy, and organizes awareness and action campaigns.
Keywords: Information, education, reproductive health

Caritas Macau


Organization type: NGO

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 109

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Languages: Cantonese, English

Address: Largo de Sto. Agostinho no.1-A, Macau
Main Email: caritas@macau.ctm.net
Main Telephone: 853 28 57 32 97
Website: http://www.caritas.org.mo/
Caritas de Macau is a community-based organization which provides services to individuals, families,
communities and society. Their aim is to contribute to human, spiritual and economic development while
empowering people to take charge of their lives, enabling them to build a community based on truth, justice,
fraternity, freedom and peace. They provide services to vulnerable populations, including psychosocial
support, material support, and education.
Keywords: Support, care, counselling, education, rehabilitation

Health Education and Research Association (HERA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Macedonian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Debarca 56 -2/4, 1000 Skopje
Main Email: hera@hera.org.mk
Main Telephone: 389 2 3290 395
Contact Person: Elizabeta Bozinoska, Programme Coordinator
Website: http://hera.org.mk/
HERA runs two mobile VCT clinics providing HIV testing and prevention services, along with fourteen CBOs
are partners. HERA also provides peer-support services for PLWH and their families, including distribution
of social packages for those living in poverty, two youth sexual health clinics providing SRH-related services
and HIV testing for young people, HIV counselling centre providing HIV testing and ARV treatment, and
psychosocial support for PLWH.
Keywords: VCT, prevention, counselling, care, education

Healthy Options Project Skopje (HOPS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Macedonian
Geographic Coverage: Mavrovka, Kapishtec, Suto Orizari, Topaana
Address: Ul. Hristo Smirnenski 48-1/6, Skopje
Main Email: hops@hops.org.mk
Main Telephone: 389 2 3 246 205
Contact Person: Hristijan Jankuloski, Executive Director


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Website: http://www.hops.org.mk/

HOPS mission is to promote respect and protection of human rights and freedoms through the advancement
of health and socioeconomic status of all people, especially drug users, sex workers and other marginalized
communities based on the principles of harm reduction, through equal access to services, community
empowerment, capacity building, researches, analyses and advocacy.
Keywords: Legal assistance, care, education, VCT

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Macedonia


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Macedonian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 50 Divizija No. 14, 1000 Skopje
Main Email: aleksandar.arnikov@hiv.gov.mk
Main Telephone: 389 2 3112500
Contact Person: Aleksander Arnikov, Coordinator for HIV Prevention
Website: http://zdravstvo.gov.mk
Responsible for the co-ordination of the response to HIV and AIDS in Macedonia. Serves as national HIV and
AIDS data provider to World Health Organization HIV testing, and carries out counselling pre-and post-testing.
Keywords: VCT, care, support, information

FISA Madagascar


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: BP 703 Antananarivo 101Madagascar / Lot II K 57 Villa Vatosoa Antsahabe 101 BP 703
Main Telephone: 261 20 24 389 99 / 261 24 389 99
Contact Person: Fianakaviana Sambatra
FISA champions family planning, prevention and management of HIV and AIDS and sexually transmitted
diseases and advocacy of sexual and reproductive health rights in Madagascar.
Keywords: Advocacy, contraceptives, STI

SampanAsa momba ny Fampandrosoana (SAF/FJKM)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 111

Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Building IFANOMEZANTSOA II Antaninarenina, I Ranavalona staircase, PO Box 623-10,
Antananarivo, Madagascar
Main Email: saf@moov.mg
Main Telephone: + 261 20 22 227 78
Website: http://saf-fjkm.org
SAF/JKM through its health program, contributes to the improvement of the rural populations health through
interventions in family health and fighting against major diseases.
Keywords: Reproductive health, TB, information

SISAL Madagascar


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: Pres Lot B 325A ter AnatihazoIsotry BP 3633 Antananarivo 101
Main Email: sisal@moov.mg
Main Telephone: 261 20 391 49
SISAL aims to promote health through the fight against STI / HIV / AIDS among vulnerable populations
including sex workers, LGBT, and young people.
Keywords: Advocacy, LGBTQI, education

Malawi Association of AIDS Service Organizations (MANASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English.
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: City boutique building, P.O.Box 2916, Blantyre
Main Email: manaso@malawi.net
Main Telephone: 01 835 018/ 046
Website: http://www.manaso.org/index.htm
An umbrella body of 850 organizations working on HIV/AIDS across Malawi.
Keywords: Policy, advocacy, information

National Association for People Living with HIV and AIDS in Malawi (NAPHAM)


Organization type: NGO


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Plot No. 23, Kawale 1 near Caltex Filling Station
Main Email: naphamcentralregion@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +265 01 791 939
Contact Person: Peter Mike Kayenda, Regional Coordinator
Website: http://naphamcentralregion.weebly.com
NAPHAM offers adult and child therapy sessions, and homebased care services for the chronically ill. Also
offered are pre and post test counselling and ART counselling services.
Keywords: VCT, counselling, advocacy

Society for Women and AIDS in Malawi (SWAM)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Area 14, Plot No. 14/ 34, Lilongwe, Malawi
SWAMs mission statement is to promote the participation of women, girls and children in the fight against
HIV and AIDS by building their capacity to exercise their rights in response to the growing pandemic.
Activities include: HIV prevention, quality care, support and treatment; promoting economic independence;
improvement of food, nutrition and housing; creation of human rights awareness; and enhancing community
legal systems.
Keywords: Care, support, prevention

Kuala Lumpur AIDS Support Services Society


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Malay, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Unit 16-4, Boulevard Sentul Raya, Jalan 13/48A, 51000, Sentul Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Main Email: info@klass.org.my
Main Telephone: +603-4045-6681 / +603-4045-3686
Contact Person: Lawrence Chia, Project Officer
Website: http://www.klass.org.my
KLASS focuses on filling the gaps in the current HIV support services and is committed to complementing
current available services. Presently, its main target is the Chinese and Indian-speaking communities, where

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 113

the level of support is still poor. The organization also provides hospital support visits for PLWH.
Keywords: Information, support, counselling

Kuala Lumpur Legal Aid Centre


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Malay, English
Geographic Coverage: Kuala Lumpur, Selangor
Address: 9th Floor, Wisma Kraftangan, No. 9, Jalan Tun Perak, 50050 Kuala Lumpur
Main Email: lacklb@streamyx.com
Main Telephone: 603 2691 3005 / 603 2693 2072 / 603 6203 1534
Contact Person: Shiyamala Devi Manokaran , Project Head of Clinics/Programs
Contact Email: shiyam_devi30@yahoo.com
Contact Telephone: 03-2145 0177
Website: http://www.kllac.com
The Legal Aid Centre has many programs to assist and deliver services to the disadvantaged, marginalised and
truly deserving. The programs are staffed by lawyers, non-lawyers and pupils under their compulsory Legal Aid
duty, under the supervision of volunteer lawyers.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal advice, legal representation

Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Malay, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: No. 12 Jalan 13/48A, The Boulevard Shop Office, off Jalan Sentul, 51000 Kuala Lumpur
Main Email: contactus@mac.org.my
Main Telephone: +60 3 4045 1033 / +60 3 4047 4222 / + 60 3 40439711 / 03 404 73000
Contact Person: Dr. Ilias Adam Yee, Executive Director
Website: http://www.mac.org.my
The mission of the MAC is to represent, mobilise and strengthen non-governmental organisations and
communities to ensure political commitment and effective response in a supportive environment at national
and local levels. In scaling up its unified efforts, MAC works in partnership with government, private sector,
international organisations and PLWH.
Keywords: Networking, Advocacy, information


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Centre for Community Health and Disease Control - National AIDS Programme


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Dhivehi
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Roashanee Building, Sosun Magu, Male 20058
Main Email: hameed@health.gov.mv
Main Telephone: 960 3014470
Contact Person: Addul Hameed, National Program Manager
Website: http://www.health.gov.mv/
National department responsible for the creation and implementation of a national strategy against HIV/AIDS,
including sexual health, control, and prevention.
Keywords: Coordination, monitoring, prevention, education

Community Aid


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Male
Address: 1st Flr, Side Hedge, Henveiru, Kinbigas Magu, Male, Maldives
Main Email: info@communityaid.org.mv
Main Telephone: (960) 7787989
Website: http://www.communityaid.org.mv
Community Aid is devoted to the advancement of the social and economic well-being of the community while
serving the community to minimize problems facing persons living with HIV and AIDS.
Keywords: Awareness, information, harm reduction

Family Care International - Mali


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Field offices in Bamako and Mopti
Address: B.P.E. 1080, Korofina Nord, Rue 124, Porte 64, Bamako, Mali
Main Email: familycare.mali@afribone.net.ml
Main Telephone: 223 2242915
Contact Person: Fatimata Kane, National Coordinator
Website: http://www.familycareintl.org

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 115

Seeks to ensure that women and adolescents have access to high-quality information and services needed to
improve sexual and reproductive health, experience safe pregnancy and childbirth, and prevent unwanted
pregnancy and avoid HIV infection. The organization also makes available reproductive health care services in
urban and rural areas.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information

Ministre de la Sant


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Ministre de la sant du Mali, Cit Administrative Bamako, Bamako BP 232 Mali
Main Email: info@sante.gov.ml
Main Telephone: 223 20234266
Contact Person: Ousmane Doumbia, Secretary General
Website: www.sante.gov.ml
Government department whose mandate includes prevention, testing, communication for behaviour change,
medical and psychosocial care, epidemiological surveillance and research, co-ordination of care/assessment,
provision of medicine, advocacy for research into human resources, and financial and material resources.
Keywords: Prevention,care, advocacy

Rseau Malien des Associations de PVVIH (RMAP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: Cit scolaire Btiment N53, Medina coura, Bamako
Main Email: rmapplus@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 223 76079641
Contact Person: Dramane Kone, Coordinator
A network of people living with HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Networking, information

Aditus Foundation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide

Address: aditus foundation, Rhea Bldg, 1A, Holy Trinity Street, Flamrun, MRS2280
Main Email: info@aditus.org.mt
Main Telephone: 356 2010 6295
Website: http://aditus.org.mt/
Aditus Foundation was established in 2011 by a group of young lawyers dedicated to ensuring human rights
access in Malta. It believes in the universality, interdependence & indivisibility of all human rights. In practical
terms, their human rights mission is to monitor, report and act on access to human rights by individuals
and groups. The organization provides pro bono assistance and support on various themes, including
discrimination and LGBTI issues.
Keywords: Legal counseling, legal advice

Sir Paul Boffa Hospital


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Italian, Maltese
Geographic Coverage: Floriana
Address: Harper Lane, Floriana FRN 1941
Main Email: philip.carabot@gov.mt
Contact Email: customercare-spbh.mhec@gov.mt
Main Telephone: 356 21 224491
The hospital offers STI diagnosis and treatment and HIV counselling services.
Keywords: VCT, information, care

Action SIDA Martinique


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French, Crole
Geographic Coverage: Port De France.
Address: 267 Av. du Docteur Maurice Monrose - Squadra C1 Dillon, Fort De France, Martinique
Main Email: actionsidamartdirection@orange.fr
Main Telephone: 33 5 96 63 12 36
Contact Person: Marlne Ouka, President
This organization provides a range of services to PLWH and their families. Services include legal support, social
support, financial help, food bank, counselling, training for health professionals and volunteers.
Keywords: Legal assistance, prevention, counselling, training, support

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 117

Rseau des PVVIH


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Main Email: ballfatim2005@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 222 36 30 18 24
Contact Person: Fatimata Ball, Contact
Network of Positive People, activities include advocacy, information, support, and HIV prevention.
Keywords: Advocacy, information, support

Rseau Ronasima


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: BP 3541, Nonakchott, Mauritania
Main Email: stopsida_rim@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 222 5255162
Contact Person: Achetou Mint Lebaye, General Secretary
National network of NGOs working in HIV/AIDS, their work includes advocacy, information, networking, HIV
testing, training, awareness raising and care of PLWH.
Keywords: Advocacy, VCT, training, networking

Secretariat Executif National de Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: BP 5161, Nonakchott
Main Telephone: 222 22 13 45 32
Main Email: salla@basalla.com
Contact Person: Dr Ndoungou Salla Ba, National Executive Secretary
Grant-making body, also provides technical support to organisations and development of anti-HIV programmes
and capacity building.
Keywords: Support, capacity building


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Chrysalide Mauritius


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Royal Road, Bambous Black River, Republic of Mauritius
Main Email: projects.chrysalide@intnet.mu
Main Telephone: (230) 452 5509
Contact Email: crysalide@intnet.mu
Website: http://www.chrysalide.mu
Chrysalides has identified sex workers and female injecting drug users as most vulnerable to HIV and STIs.
Its medical care includes: pre and post test counseling, testing, accompaniment to health centers, emotional
support, antiretroviral treatment, treatment literacy, nutrition and food supplements.
Keywords: VCT, support, harm reduction, drug users

Mauritius Family Planning & Welfare Association (MFPWA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Rodrigues Island, Port-Louis
Address: 30 SSR Street Port-Louis Mauritius
Main Telephone: +230 2114101/05
Website: http://www.ippfar.org/our-work/where-we-work/mauritius
Their services include family planning, infertility, obstetrics and gynaecology screening of reproductive health
organs cancers (cervical, breast, prostrate), counselling, post-abortion care, mens clinic, antenatal and post
natal care. Additionally, through a special programme in Rodrigues Island, it targets street children, women,
youth injecting drug users, commercial sex workers, men who have sex with men, prisoners, migrants and
mobile populations.
Keywords: VCT, care, reproductive health

Prvention, Information, Lutte contre le Sida (PILS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Port Louis
Address: 21a J. Pandit Nehru, Port Louis, Mauritius / 21 bis, Avenue Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Port Louis
Main Email: info@pils.mu

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 119

Main Telephone: +230 210 7047/75 / 210 70 75 / 210 70 47

Contact Person: Nudhar Bundhoo, Advocacy Officer
Website: www.pils.mu
PILS provides a support structure for people living with HIV in Mauritius, through intense and dynamic
advocacy, which, over time, has gained national and international recognition. The Community Services
Department provides medical, psychosocial social support to PLWH and runs a mobile infirmary which provides
primary care and VCT.
Keywords: VCT, Advocacy, information

Asociacion Regional Sureste Contra el SIDA Yax Che


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Yucatan
Address: Lane 5 C, 498, 50 to 52, residential Houses, 97100, Merida, Yucatan
Main Email: unasse@laneta.apc.org
Main Telephone: (999) 987-2010 / 926-4315 / 9264 316 / 987 4107
The organization provides advice on prevention of STDs and HIV/AIDS, psychological and legal support, and
runs a documentation centre.
Keywords: Legal advice, care, support

Centro de Atencin Profesional a Personas con SIDA (CAPPSIDA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Mexico City
Address: Gumersindo Esquer 34 Col. Asturias Del. Cuauhtemoc, CP 06850 Mexico City
Main Email: cappsida@cappsida.org.mx
Main Telephone: 55 57403402
Website: http://cappsida.org.mx
The organization has 22 years of experience working in the fight against HIV/AIDS. This is achieved through the
provision of high quality care to improve the living standards of people living with HIV / AIDS. It also works on
diagnosis, care and prevention in HIV / AIDS, focusing on actions to improve the quality of services provided to
those who have been impacted by HIV / AIDS.
Keywords: VCT, care, training


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Red Mexicana de Personas que Viven con VIH/SIDA, A.C.


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Mexico City
Address: Francisco Ayala #59 Col. Vista Alegre Deleg. Cuauthmoc, Mexico City
Main Email: redvihsida@prodigy.net.mx
Main Telephone: 52737308
Contact Email: jose28su@gmail.com
Contact Person: Jos Gerardo Cabrera Resendiz, President
The organizations mission is to improve the environment and increase the capabilities of people with HIV to
improve their quality of life.
Keywords: VCT,care, counselling

Credinta Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Russian, Romanian
Address: Or. Chisinau, str. Miron Costin 7 (aripa stnga), birou 504, Chisinau, MD-2068
Main Email: luntura@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 373 22 92 99 07
Contact Person: Ludmila Untura, President
Organization for PLWH that conducts advocacy, and provides counselling and support for HIV-positive people
to access treatment.
Keywords: Advocacy, VCT, support

Law Center of Advocates (LCA)


Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Languages: English, Romanian

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Republica Moldova, MD-2009, Chisinau, str.Vlaicu Parcalab, 8
Main Email: law-center@cda.md
Main Telephone: (373 22 ) 24 08 99
Contact Person: Oleg Palii, Head of LCA
Contact Email: oleg.palii@cda.md
Website: http://cda.md/
LCA is a public association founded in 1997. LCAs mission is to implement projects and programs aimed

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 121

at promoting the rule of law, judicial independence and respect for human rights in Moldova. It provides
specialist legal training and other technical drafting functions. LCA is UNHCRs legal implementing partner in
Keywords: Legal support

League of People living with HIV in Moldova (LIGA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Romanian, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide advocacy
Address: str. Miron Costin 10, ap.12, Chisinau
Main Email: liga@ligaaids.md
Main Telephone: 373 22 438 003
Contact Person: Veronika Baractari, Advocacy and PR Coordinator
Website: www.ligaaids.md
LIGA provides protection through advocacy and lobbying, awareness activities (against discrimination and
stigma), training and seminars for capacity building for NGO leaders, service redirecting, and informing and
issuing material on HIV.
Keywords: Advocacy, lobbying, information, capacity building

Moldovan Institute of Human Rights (IDOM)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Russian, Romanian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 95A, M. Dosoftei str., Chisinau, Republica Moldova, 2004
Main Telephone: (+373 22) 838 408 / (+373) 79378260
Main Email: director@idom.md
Contact Person: Vanu Jereghi, Executive Director
Website: http://www.idom.md/
IDOM uses international and national legal mechanisms for the promotion and protection of the rights
of PLWH, in addition to working on patient rights and mental health. One of its objectives is listed as: To
promote education and awareness-raising on HIV/AIDS and human rights, reproductive rights, mental health
and human rights, patients rights, and freedom from torture."
Keywords: Legal assistance, information, human rights


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Fight AIDS Monaco


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, English
Geographic Coverage: Monaco, Provence-Alpes-Cte dAzur region
Main Email: info@fightaidsmonaco.com
Main Telephone: 377 97 70 67 97
Contact Person: Herv Aeschbach, Coordinator
Website: www.fightaidsmonaco.com
Fight Aids Monaco is an organization which exists to provide information, education, and support to PLWH.
They also seek to further public knowledge and support prevention.
Keywords: Information, support, prevention

Network of Low HIV Prevalence Countries

in Central and South East Europe (NeLP)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Local, national and international networks
Address: c/o Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU), 1084 Budapest, Vg utca 28. I./3, Hungary
Main Email: contact@nelp-hiv.org
Main Telephone: 381 (0)63 510 754
Contact Email: nelpcsee@gmail.com
Website: www.nelp-hiv.org
NeLP was established in 2011 to provide mutual support, information sharing, capacity building and coordinated activities to overcome the obstacles to quality treatment and care. It has worked on comprehensive
and evidence-based prevention programmes, and successful legislative reforms for low HIV-Prevalence
Countries in Central and South East Europe.
Keywords: Capacity building, information, advocacy, prevention, research

The Montenegro HIV Foundation (MHF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Local, national and international networks
Website: http://www.nelp-hiv.org/news/22/the-montenegro-hiv-foundation-mhf

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 123

Founded in 2010, MHF is the first organization in Montenegro working with PLWH, their friends, partners,
family, caretakers, but also for professionals who are understanding and supporting towards HIV/AIDS. MHF
provides legal assistance and advocacy for PLHIV. Because Montenegro does not have laws or regulations
protecting PLWH, MHF have developed an analysis of the legal framework regarding PLWH in Montenegro in
order to improve their status.
Keywords: Legal assistance, advocacy, networking, monitoring, education

Ministry of Health


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: P.O. Box 24 | Government Headquarters | Brades | Montserrat
Main Email: mehcs@gov.ms
Main Telephone: (664) 491-2880
Contact Person: Mrs. Anjella Skerrit, HIV/SIDS/STI Coordinator
Contact Email: skeritta@candw.ms
Website: http://moh.gov.ms
The Ministry offers a STI/HIV/AIDS programme through its Sexual Health Unit in its Cudjoe Head office. It
offers prevention VCT, care, and addresses stigma and discrimination and drafting of workplace and education
policies on HIV/AIDS. Available community nursing services also provide VCT and family planning services.
Keywords: Information, VCT

Association de Lutte Contre le SIDA


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Rue Salim Cherkaoui, Quartier des Hpitaux, Casablanca 20360
Main Email: alcs@menara.ma
Main Telephone: 212 522 22 31 13 / 212 522 22 31 14
Contact Person: Fouzia Bennani, General Director
Website: www.alcs.ma
The organization is a co-ordinating body that provides organisational support, information provision, VCT,
support and care. It also offers legal and social assistance, access to treatment, prevention, a helpline,
documentation centre, advocacy and lobbying, and training courses.
Keywords: Legal assistance, VCT, advocacy, training


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Association Marocaine de Solidarit et de Dveloppement (AMSED)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 65, Avenue Mohammed VI, Route des Zaer - BP 98, Rabat 10180
Main Email: a.moumane@amsed.ma
Main Telephone: 212 5 37 75 18 78
Contact Person: Abdelkader Moumane, Director
Website: http://www.amsed.org.ma/
The organization provides support to organisations working in HIV and AIDS, runs training workshops, and
gives technical and financial support.
Keywords: Support, training, information

North African Network of AIDS Service Organizations (NANASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: North Africa
Main Email: amoalla@planet.tn
Main Telephone: 216 71 872 847
Contact Person: Anouar Moalla, Coordinator
NANASO is a network of 5 HIV/AIDS national networks in 5 North African countries. Its mission is to enhance
the community response to HIV/AIDS in Northern Africa by promoting the development and existence of
sustainable and effective country networks that provide leadership and capacity building in advocacy, program
development, and enhanced involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, capacity building

Associao Moambicana para Desenvolvimento da Famlias (AMODEFA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: CP 1535, Maputo, Mozambique
Main Telephone: +258 823 031 649
Website: http://www.ippfar.org/our-work/where-we-work/mozambique
AMODEFA offers sexual and reproductive health services, including emergency obstetrics care, antenatal

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 125

and post-natal care, and services dedicated to the prevention, treatment and management of HIV and AIDS.
AMODEFA has a community clinic-based approach, linked with home-based care, to address HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Reproductive health, care, information

Associao Mulher Lei e Desenvolvimento (MULEIDE)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Portuguese
Address: Av. Paul Samuel Kankhomba 2150, Maputo, Mozambique
Main Email: muleide@tvcabo.co.mz
Main Telephone: +258 21 311250 / +258 21 325831
Contact Person: Rafaela Valente Machava
Website: http://www.muleide.org.mz
MULEIDE is an organization working to advocate for gender balance relations and equality of womens
rights, especially those who are economically disadvantaged and poor. They fight violence against women,
promote gender equality, and respect for womens rights/social status through research, dissemination
of information, training, awareness raising, legal support, litigation, reproductive health, prevention and
fighting against HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Legal support, legal representation, advocacy

Associations of People Living with HIV/AIDS (RENSIDA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Rua Castelo Branco N 197-2 Andar
Main Email: rensida@rensida-mz.org
Main Telephone: +258 21 301 014 / +258 82 300 4365
Contact Email: rafa.machava@muleide.org.mz
Website: http://www.rensida-mz.org/
FISA operates 67 service points, including: 11 permanent clinics, three mobile units and 12 community-based
services (CBSs). Young women, sex workers and rural populations are FISAs target population.
Keywords: ARVs , support, information, support

Mozambican Network of AIDS Services Organization (MONASO)


Organization type: NGO


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Languages: English, Portuguese

Address: Rua da Alegria no. 4, Bairro Cental, Maputo
Main Email: directormonaso@monaso.co.mz
Main Telephone: +258 84 3083600
Contact Person: Manuel Antnio Chipeja, Executive Director
Website: www.monaso.org.mz/
National network facilitating research, exchange of information, access to resources, policy influence and
advocacy, capacity building and providing technical assistance to its members, thus enhancing their capacities
to mitigate the spread of HIV.
Keywords: Policy, advocacy, networking

Legal Aid Network


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Burmese, English Thai, Karen
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Main Email: legalaidnetwork@gmail.com
Main Telephone: (46) (0) 73 841 1632
Contact Person: Mrs. Naw Ku Ku, In-charge for Public Relation, Legal Aid Network
Website: http://www.legalaidnetwork.org/fla.html
The organization provides legal aid and assistance to selected victims, and facilitation of legal defense on
those cases that would affect structural changes of society.
Keywords: Legal assistance, human rights, education

Myanmar Positive Group (MPG)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Burmese, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: No-12/F, Pyi Thu Street, 7 Miles Mayan Gone Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Main Email: myanmarpositivegroup@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 662484 / 665904/ 666532 Ext-214 / 094 303 2951 / +95 9 254314217
Contact Email: info@mpgnationalnetwork.org
MPGs vision is to create a better life for HIV positive people by networking with all self help groups in
Myanmar and, ultimately, the establishment of a formal national network. Their mission is to represent PLWH
and their families for the sustainable and meaningful involvement of PLWH in prevention, care and support

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 127

and the overall HIV/AIDS response in Myanmar.

Keywords: Support, information, advocacy

National NGOs Network (HIV/AIDS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Burmese, English
Geographic Coverage: Yangon area, Kachin area, Mandalay area, Shan area, Poppa zone area, Monywar
area, Sriksetra area, Mon, Kayin, Tanintharyi area, Ayeyarwady area and Kalay area
Address: No. 497, Diamond Condo (E), 2nd Floor, Pyay Road, Kamaryurt Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Main Email: info@3nmyanmar.org
Main Telephone: +95 9 12345678 / 09 8610745
Contact Email: 3n.central.ygn@gmail.com
The organizations mission is to create an environment free from HIV/AIDS and other epidemic diseases by
the formation of a network of all social organisations working in Myanmar to enable cooperation on efforts
to provide care and support for HIV/AIDS patients, and work towards the prevention and treatment of the
Keywords: Information, networking, advocacy

Namibian Network of AIDS Organisations (NANASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 30 Lister Street, Windhoek, Namibia
Main Email: nanaso@nanaso.com
Main Telephone: +264 61 261122
Contact Person: Sandie Tjaronda, Executive Director
Website: http://www.nanaso.org
Serves as national hub of HIV/AIDS network and support services for AIDS Service Organizations in Namibia.
Provides direct engagement with AIDS service organizations, individuals and stakeholders to address the
needs, issues and challenges facing people living with HIV.
Keywords: Advocacy, information

AIDS & Rights Alliance of Southern Africa (ARASA)


Organization type: NGO


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Southern Africa region
Address: 53 Mont Blanc Street Windhoek Namibia
Main Email: Online form available on the website.
Main Telephone: + 264 (61) 300381
Contact Person: Michaela Clayton, Executive Director
Website: http://www.arasa.info
ARASA is a regional partnership of non-governmental organisations working together to promote a human
rights approach to HIV/AIDS and TB in Southern Africa through capacity building and advocacy. ARASA
partners comprise a diverse mix of more and less well-established organisations including networks of people
living with HIV, legal aid organisations, womens organisations, youth organisations and other AIDS service
Keywords: Legal assistance, networking, advocacy, human rights

Legal Assistance Center (AIDS Law Unit)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Address: 4 Marien Ngouabi Street, Windhoek, Namibia
Main Email: info@lac.org.na
Main Telephone: +264 61 223356
Contact Person: Gabes Augustus, Legal Educator
Website: http://www.lac.org.na/
The Legal Assistance Centers main objective is to protect the human rights of all Namibians. It is the only
organisation of its kind in Namibia. They work in the areas of litigation, information and training, research,
and law reform/advocacy. They provide legal advice/information related to human rights, particularly antidiscrimination related to HIV, LGBT and gender equality issues.
Keywords: Legal advice, advocacy, training

Namibian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (NNP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: P.O. Box 61592, Katutura, Windhoek, Namibia
Main Email:lirongaeparu@iway.na
Main Telephone: +264 81 124 2794
Contact Person: Emma Tuahepa, Director
Contact Email: etuahepa.le@iway.na

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 129

Created in 1999, NNP+ is an organization working in advocacy and awareness-raising activities related to HIV.
This includes involvement in policy development, drafting alternative guidelines on HIV counseling, testing and
treatment, and lobbying to include these guideline in government policy
Keywords: Advocacy, awareness raising, lobbying

National AIDS Committee


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Main Telephone: 674 444 4303
Contact Person: Maree Bacigalupo, Secretary for Health and Medical Services
National coordinating body responsible for monitoring and prevention, they also run a health promotion
centre providing access to information.
Keywords: Cooordination, prevention, surveillance, treatment

Dristi Nepal


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Nepali
Geographic Coverage: Centres in Kathmandu and Dharan, involved in regional outreach and coordination
Address: Kamana Marga, Khorsani Tar, Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Main Email: info@dristinepal.org
Main Telephone: 977 144 303 12 / 977-01-4374943
Contact Person: Parina Subba Limbu, Founder/ Executive Director
Website: dristinepal.org
Dristi Nepal is a non-profit organization established to address the issues related to drug use and HIV among
women. Dristi seeks to help reduce the harm caused by drug use by advocating for prevention and treatment,
while facillitating the womens reintegration to society. They provide care, treatment and support to female
drug users and their children, as well as advocacy, awareness, a drop-in centre, information and outreach,
counselling, testing referral system in hospitals (especially for women who use drugs and who also sell sex)
and a Crisis Center referral system for women living with HIV.
Keywords: Advocacy, lobbying, education, capacity building, prevention, harm reduction, womens rights,
VCT, support


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

National NGOs Network Group Against AIDS Nepal (NANGAN)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide, with presence in each of Nepals 5 regional districts
Address: GPO Box :20710 Bijuli Bazaar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Main Email: nangan@wlink.com.np
Main Telephone: 977 1 4784249
Contact Person: Dal Bahadur G.C, Program Coordinator
Website: http://nangan.org.np/
NANGAN is a national umbrella network of NGOs which works to coordinate national strategies in the
response to HIV/AIDS, this includes a broad array of projects from sensitization projects in hospitals, to
resource centre development, training and capacity building of healthcare providers, and advocacy for PLWH.
They host regional meetings and networking events, and aim to create an environment where the rights of
PLWH are respected and the highest level of care is provided.
Keywords: Advocacy, capacity building, awareness, resource centre development, human rights, antistigma, training, networking

People Forum for Human Rights


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: P.O. Box No. 25001, Kalikasthan, Kathmandu, Nepal
Main Email: forum2060@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 977-1-4423973
Contact Email: Spluitel@graduate.hku.hk
Website: http://www.humanrightsnepal.org.np/
People Forum was established by legal activists for the protection of human rights and promotion of rule of
law. They work to research and promote human rights and rule of law within Nepal, and provide free legal
aid to those who could not otherwise access justice. Areas of interest include minority and gender rights. The
organization executive committee is comprised of professionals from various backgrounds considering gender,
ethnic and class representation.
Keywords: Legal aid, research, human rights, justice

AIDS Action Europe


Organization type: NGO

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 131

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Languages: English, Dutch, Russian

Geographic Coverage: Pan-European
Address: Soa Aids Nederland (STI AIDS Netherlands), Keizersgracht 392, 1016 GB Amsterdam, Netherlands
Main Email: office@aidsactioneurope.org
Main Telephone: 31 20 62 62 669
Contact Person: Georg Brring, Executive Coordinator
Website: www.aidsactioneurope.org
A pan-European partnership of non-governmental organisations that aims to create an effective response
to the HIV and AIDS epidemics in Europe and its neighbours. This partnership unites NGOs from Ireland to
Kazakhstan and from Norway to Portugal. It addresses the needs of communities affected by HIV by effectively
linking and mobilising NGOs across Europe and advocating their concerns. Through advocacy and agendasetting at global, European, national and local levels, AIDS Action Europe influences HIV policies.
Keywords: Advocacy, networking, information

Bridging the Gaps - Health and Rights for Key Populations


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Aids Fonds, Keizersgracht 392, 1016 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Main Telephone: 31 20 62 62 669
Contact Person: Martine de Schutter, Programme Manager
Website: http://www.hivgaps.org/
Work includes targeted HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services for sex workers, people who use
drugs, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people; training of health care workers to integrate services
for sex workers, people who use drugs, and LGBT people into existing facilities; and lobbying for policy change
and law reform with regard to these populations. Also carry out legal support and services to strengthen and
support the position and status of key populations, engage civil society organisations in service delivery, and
work on local, national and global advocacy.
Keywords: Advocacy, legal support, capacity building, prevention, policy, sex workers

Global Network of People Living With HIV/AIDS (GNP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Dutch, French
Geographic Coverage: Amsterdam, Cape Town, Global
Address: Eerste Helmerstraat 17 B3, Amsterdam 1054 CX, Netherlands
Main Email: infognp@gnpplus.net


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Telephone: 31 20 42 34 114

Contact Person: Suzette Moses-Burton, Executive Director
Website: http://www.gnpplus.net/
The Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+) is the global network for and by PLWH. GNP+s work
focuses on access to treatment, care and support, promoting the rights of PLWH, including their sexual
and reproductive health and rights, prevention of perinatal transmission of HIV, social protection for PLWH,
elimination of stigma and rights violations, including at the work place, and promoting the greater involvement
of PLWH (GIPA principle) and the leadership of young PLWH.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, networking

Body Positive Inc (BPI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Auckland, Wellington
Address: 1/3 Poynton Terrace, Newton, Auckland 1010
Main Email: office@bodypositive.org.nz
Main Telephone: 09 309 3989 / 04 801 5484 / 0800 448 5463
Contact Person: Mark Fisher, Chief Executive Officer
Website: http://www.bodypositive.org.nz
BPI is the only national HIV+ peer support organisation in New Zealand. It provides a broad range of services
for PLWH in an attempt to break down the sense of isolation HIV+ people often experience and to build a
sense of community. It runs annual retreats for HIV+ men and women and weekly luncheons among other
activitites, to support PLWH.
Keywords: Support, advocacy, information

Positive Women Inc (PWI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: 176 Dominion Road // Mt Eden // Auckland 1024 // New Zealand
Main Email: jane@positivewomen.nz
Main Telephone: 09 623 9183 / 0800 769 848
Contact Person: Jane Bruning, National Coordinator
Website: http://www.positivewomen.org.nz
PWI provides a support network for women and families living with HIV or AIDS. We also strive to raise
awareness of HIV and AIDS in the community through educational programmes with a focus on prevention and

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 133

Keywords: Advocacy, support, information

Asociacin Nicaragense de Personas Positivas

Luchando por la Vida (ANICP+VIDA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Rotonda Bello Horizonte 3c. Al sur 3c. Abajo _ c. al sur, Casa K-II-30, Managua
Main Email: anicpvida@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 505 2 2490496
Contact Person: Julio Csar Mena, Executive Director
Website: www.anicpvida.org
Works on HIV prevention through the promotion of different protection methods, the promotion and defence
of human rights for the people infected or affected by the epidemic, and education and awareness-raising on
these topic.
Keywords: Advocacy, prevention, awareness

Fundacin Xochiquetzal


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Managua
Address: Bo. San Jos Oriental, ITR Ciudad Jardin, 1 1 / 2 C. al Sur, Casa No.8, Apartado Postal: No. 112,
Main Email: fxochiquetzal@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 505 2 2490585 / 505 2 25 0 8828
Contact Person: Hazel Fonseca Navarro, Executive Director
Contact Email: fxcomunicacion@hotmail.com
Website: www.xochiquetzal.org.ni
Organization providing medical and psychological consultation, laboratory tests, rapid tests for HIV,
monitoring, legal assistance, self-help groups, helpline, and training workshops.
Keywords: Legal assistance, advocacy, care, VCT, monitoring, training


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

ICW Latina


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Latin American region
Address: Reparto Belmonte, del banco de sangre de la cruz roja Nicaragense 1c. al norte, Managua,
Main Email: info@icwlatina.org
Main Telephone: 505 2265 1187
Contact Person: Arely Cano Meza, Regional Representative
Website: http://icwlatina.org/
ICW Latina provides integral support for women living with HIV and AIDS through self-help groups, advocacy
for antiretroviral treatment; workshops regarding gender and AIDS, empowering women, and workshops for
women in leadership.
Keywords: Advocacy, empowerment, training, support

Association Nigrienne pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ANBEF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: BP 13 174 Niamey Niger
Main Telephone: +227 20 75 38 01
Website: http://www.ippf.org/our-work/where-we-work/africa/niger
ANBEF provides a comprehensive range of sexual and reproductive health needs and issues including the
prevention and management of HIV and AIDS, antenatal and post-natal care, the provision of post-abortion
care in clinics and health huts in rural areas, and treatment of male and female infertility.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, care

Associations des Jeunes Juristes du Niger


Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Languages: French
Address: BP 2070, Niamey
Main Telephone: 227 96 96 21 27
The association has published a guide to legal protection of the rights of people living with HIV-AIDS in Niger.
Keywords: Legal advice

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 135

Rseau des Femmes Nigriennes Infectes ou Affectes par le VIH-SIDA (REFNI+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Main Email: refniniger@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 96 40 16 26 / 96 96 86 38
Contact Email: hadjaraa75@yahoo.fr
Website: http://refni-plus.blogspot.co.uk/
The Nigerian Network of Women affected by HIV / AIDS works on capacity building, income-generating
programs, institutional response-strengthening, and intersectoral coordination of the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Advocacy, capacity building, information

Rseau Nigrien des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH/SIDA (RENIP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: Kelley Est Rue 64 Porte 120, Niamey (BP 2307)
Main Email: renipplus@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 227 21 76 77 84
Contact Person: Alhousseini Aboubacar
Website: http://renip-plus5.blogspot.ca/
Network of people living with HIV/AIDS, activities include advocacy, capacity building, and information.
Keywords: Advocacy, capacity building, information

Centre for the Right to Health (CRH)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Address: 3, Obanle-Aro Avenue, Off Coker Road Roundabout, Ilupeju, P.O. Box 6383, Shomolu, Lagos
Main Email: crhaids@yahoo.com / info@crhnigeria.org
Main Telephone: +234 1 7743816 / 234 8028791256
Website: http://crhnigeria.org/
CRH is an organization that advocates for the full realization of the right to health in Nigeria and promotes
respect for ethics and human rights in healthcare policies and practices, especially for vulnerable groups such
as PLWH, women and children.
Keywords: Legal representation, support, health rights


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

FIDA Nigeria


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: No 10 Usman Sarki Crescent, Off Ngozi Okonjo Iweala way, Utako, Abuja. Abuja FCT 90001 Nigeria
Main Email: info@fida.org.ng
Main Telephone: 07088496115
Contact Person: Chioma Okoye, Program Officer
Website: http://fida.org.ng
FIDA offers free legal clinics to indigent women and children. Its other activities include advocacy, policy
campaigns and sensitization activities on issues affecting women, children and the family in general, and
mediation and counselling services. FIDA runs 32 state chapters.
Keywords: Legal advice, legal clinics, education, womens rights, legal aid

Lawyers Alert Nigeria


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Address: Suite D3 3rd floor, Victory Plaza, Onitsha Crescent, Off Gimbiya Street, Area 11, Abuja, Nigeria
Main Email: lawyersalert@yahoo.com
Contact Email: lawyersalert_nig@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +234 92202090 / 80 36081967
Website: https://lawyersalert.wordpress.com/
Lawyers Alert has a human rights and HIV/AIDS program that focuses on rights enforcement through litigation
and advocacy.
Keywords: Legal representation, human rights, advocacy

Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Address: National Headquarters: 1B, Udo Udoma Street, Asokoro, Abuja, Nigeria
Main Email: info@nepwhan.net
Main Telephone: +234-8035906761 / +234-8027479377
Website: http://nepwhan.net/aboutus.php
One of NEPWHANs goals is to establish a legal and policy environment where it is safe to live openly as an

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 137

HIV-positive person, free from the fear of HIV stigma, discrimination, gender violence, displacement or other
human rights violations.
Keywords: Human rights, advocacy, anti-stigma



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Norweigan
Geographic Coverage: Oslo
Address: Fagerheimgata 16, 0567 Oslo
Main Email: hivsenter@aksept.org
Main Telephone: 47 23 12 18 20
Contact Person: Ina Herrestad, Executive Director
Website: http://www.aksept.org/
Founded in 1987, AKSEPT is a resourse centre for all HIV-positive people and those affected. Everybody who
in one way or another is affected by HIV/AIDS is welcome to contact AKSEPT for support. The services of
AKSEPT are free of charge. Services include networking, counselling/therapy, rehabilitation, temporary care,
and terminal care.
Keywords: Networking, care, support



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Norweigan
Address: Christian Krohgs gate 34, N-0186 Oslo
Main Email: post@hivnorge.no
Main Telephone: 47 21 31 45 80
Contact Person: Anne-Karin Kolstad, General Secretary
Website: https://hivnorge.no
HivNorway is a national organisation committed to safeguarding the rights and interests of people infected
and affected by HIV, as well as combating the spread of HIV and AIDS. HivNorway is a member organisation,
and membership is open to all interested parties, both individuals and civil society organisations involved with
Keywords: Prevention, advocacy, legal counseling, information, care, support


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Nye Pluss - Hivpositives landsforening


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Norweigan
Address: Soenstegaardbraaten, Mellegaard veien 3, 1892 Degernes
Main Email: kfangen21@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 47 92 01 31 44
Contact Person: Kim Fagen, Leader
Website: http://nyepluss.no
The organization advocates for treatment access, non-discrimination, and promotes public information and
Keywords: Advocacy, support, education, prevention, lobbying

National AIDS Programme


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: PO Box 263, Muscat 115
Main Email: dir-nap@moh.gov.om
Main Telephone: 968 24607082
Contact Person: Dr. Ali Ahmed Ba-Omer, Head of Section
Website: http://omanaids.org/
The National AIDS Programme deals with monitoring, prevention, treatment, and education.
Keywords: Information, education, prevention, monitoring

AGHS Legal Aid Cell


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Punjabi, Urdu
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 131 E/1 Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan
Main Email: aghs@brain.net.pk
Main Telephone: (92-42) 576-3234 / 576-3235
Website: https://aghsblog.wordpress.com/
AGHS Legal Aid Cell is a human rights and legal aid organization operating in Pakistan since 1980.The major
focus of the organization has been the rights of women, children and minorities, though this has expanded

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 139

over the years to include other vulnerable populations such as PLWH. The organization seeks to use legal aid
and related initiatives for the promotion, protection and implementation of human rights.
Keywords: Human rights, legal aid, research, advocacy, policy

Association of People Living with HIV & AIDS


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Punjabi, Urdu
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide network
Address: House No 134, Street No.60 (Park Side), I-8/3, Islamabad
Main Email: info@theaplhiv.org.pk
Main Telephone: 92 51 4860074-76
Contact Person: Asghar Satti, National Coordinator
Website: www.theaplhiv.org.pk
The APLHIV is a national network of the HIV community in Pakistan in place to protect the rights of PLWH in
Pakistan and to ensure the dignity of their lives. Activities include advocacy, lobbying, capacity building, policy
dialogue, social mobilization, public private partnership, empowerment of PLHIV.
Keywords: Advocacy, lobbying, capacity building, policy, empowerment, human rights

Nai Zindagi Trust


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Office No. 37-38,Top floor Beverly Center, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad
Main Email: support2care@naizindagi.com
Main Telephone: 92 51 2874120/21
Contact Person: Ghazanfar Imam Rizvi, Senior Director
Website: www.naizindagi.org
An organization providing rights-based services to PLWH. Their primary aim is to work with people and
communities affected by drug use, HIV and AIDS and empower them to improve their knowledge, health, socio
economic well-being and access to essential services. Projects include needle exchange, health care, vocational
skills training, job placement services, NGO partnerships and support programmes, as well as research and
prevention of transmission of HIV.
Keywords: Education, outreach, prevention, harm reduction


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Ministry of Health


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: One Hospital Road , P.O. Box 6027, Koror, Republic of Palau 96940
Main Email: mohrop@palauhealth.org
Contact Email: berrymoon.watson@palauhealth.org
Main Telephone: (680) 488-2552/2553
Contact Person: Berry Moon Watson, Director, Bureau of Health Services
Website: http://www.palauhealth.org
The Ministry of Health is involved in prevention programmes, campaigns, education, outreach, research,
testing and policy development.
Keywords: Information, VCT, prevention, monitoring

Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Gaza, Hebron, Bethlehem, Halhoul, Abu dis, Jerusalem, Ramallah.
Address: Jerusalem - Wadi Joz - Industrial Area Street, Hirbawi architecture (Al-Tannour) - First Floor,
PO Box : 19999
Main Email: info@pfppa.org
Main Telephone: 6283636 / 02/6280630 ext 02
Website: http://pfppa.pfppa.org
The organization envisions a country in which all women, men and young people have equal access to
information and quality services related to their sexual and reproductive life. It provides family planning
services (such as the provision of contraceptives), counseling and guidance for women in psychological, legal
and social matters, lab tests (for both men and women), maternal, antenatal and post-natal care, and infertility
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, awareness, legal assistance

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Languages: English, Arabic

Geographic Coverage: West Bank, Gaza
Address: Omar Bin Abdel Aziz Street, Al Remal, Gaza City

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 141

Main Email: registry.papp@undp.org

Main Telephone: 00972-8-2822167 / 00972-2-6268239
Website: http://www.ps.undp.org/content/papp/en/home/ourwork/hiv_aids/overview.html
UNDP in Palestine has a program which focuses on preventing communicable and sexually transmitted
diseases as well as providing treatment and care for HIV+ people and their families.
Keywords: Information, prevention, care

Womens Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WLAC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Ramallah, Hebron, Jerusalem, Bethlehem (Beit Jala)
Address: 23 Wadia Shatarah Street, Batn Al-Hawa, Ramallah
Main Email: info@wclac.org
Main Telephone: +970 2 295-6146 / +970 2 295-6147 / +970 2 295-6148
Contact Email: wclach@palnet.com
Website: http://www.wclac.org
Each year WCLAC works on over 400 legal cases with Palestinian women, taking cases to Palestinian civil and
Sharia courts where necessary and mediating out-of-court negotiations where appropriate. Women also
benefit from WCLACs social counselling, seeking solutions to support women-headed households.
Keywords: Legal assistance, legal representation, legal aid, womens rights



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Casa 431, Calle 33 Este 33, Panam 0833-8043
Main Email: probidside@cwpanama.net
Main Telephone: (507) 225-9119 / 507 225 8043
Contact Person: Orlando Quintero
Website: www.probidsida.org
PROBIDSIDA is a non-profit organization, composed of people living with HIV-AIDS and community volunteers.
They work on HIV prevention and in the promotion and defense of human rights and dignity of those infected
and affected by HIV-AIDS in Panama. Activities include legal help, training and information, public awareness,
HIV testing, counselling, and prevention.
Keywords: Legal help, training, information, awareness, VCT, counselling, prevention


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Grupo Gnesis Panam Positivo (GGP+)


Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Languages: English, Spanish

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Calidonia, Avenida Per y Calle 35, Edificio Masnou, 2do. alto, oficina 2D, Panam
Main Email: info@genesis-panama.org
Main Telephone: 507 396 5161
Contact Person: Miguel Snchez, Executive Director
Website: www.genesis-panama.org
GGP+ is a national organization leading the response to the HIV / AIDS epidemic and improving the quality of
life of vulnerable popualtions through advocacy for human rights and universal access to comprehensive care.
Keywords: Human rights, information, education, support, prevention

Red Latinoamericana de Personas con VIH/SIDA (REDLA+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide, Latin American region
Address: Calidonia, Peru Avenue and 35 East Street, Masnou Building, 2-D, Panam
Main Email: repo_pa@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 507 396 5161
Contact Person: Santiago Jaramillo, Communications
Website: www.redla.org
Latin American Network of People with HIV and AIDS. Co-ordinates regional actions of people living with HIV;
advocacy; capacity building; lobbying; and support to national networks, groups and organisations.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, capacity building, networking

Papua New Guinea Family Health Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 2nd Street IPI Building, 2nd Floor, Room 3.5, Lae, Morobe Province 411, Papua New Guinea
Main Telephone: +67 (5) 472 6523 / 472 6827 / 430 3325
Website: http://www.ippfeseaor.org/our-work/where-we-work/papua-new-guinea
The organization is at the forefront of the advocacy and delivery of sexual and reproductive health services. It

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 143

provides sexual health rights to persons under 25 years of age, HIV related services and contraceptives.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, education

Save the Children


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: PO. Box 667 Goroka Eastern Highlands Province 441
Main Email: info@savethechildren.org.pg
Main Telephone: 675 732 1825/2473
Website: http://www.savethechildren.org.au/our-work/where-we-work/pacific-islands/papua-new-guinea
Save the Childrens sexual reproductive health project in Papua New Guinea focuses on helping the people
most at risk of unsafe sexual behaviour, including adolescents. They work with the government and
communities to raise awareness about the dangers of HIV and provide basic healthcare and support for people
already infected.
Keywords: Care, information, education, support

Fundacion Vencer


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Ascuncion
Address: Picuiba 2665 c/ Mayor Lopez de Filippi Asuncion
Main Email: sospositivopy@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 0800.118.447 / 595 21 331 139
Contact Email: venfenix@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.fundacionvencer.org.py/
Fundacion Vencers mission is to promote cooperation to improve the quality of life of PLWH and ensure
respect for human rights. It works on the defense of PLWHs rights.
Keywords: Human rights



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Ascuncion


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Address: Independencia Nacional 1032, Casi Manduvir, CP 1250, Asuncin

Main Email: comunicacion@somosgay.org
Main Telephone: (595 21) 495 802
Contact Email: hola@somosgay.org
Website: www.somosgay.org
SOMOSGAY is committed to the innovation of effective strategies against homophobia; improving HIV
prevention and AIDS; and defending the rights of people affected by this virus and the advancement of human
rights in Paraguay.
Keywords: Education, LGBTQI, HIV prevention

Programa de Soporte a la Autoayuda Para Personas Seropositivas (PROSA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Lima
Address: Av. Cuba No 523, Jess Mara, Lima 11 - Per
Main Email: prosa@prosa.org.pe
Main Telephone: +511-266-0746 / +511-470-1374
Contact Person: Sr. Julio Csar Cruz Requenes, Director
Contact Email: juliocesar@prosa.org.pe
Website: www.prosa.org.pe
PROSA is one of the oldest non-governmental initiatives in the country, consisting of a group of PLWH, health
professionals and community volunteers. Free legal advice is available for PLWH and members of the LGBTQ
Keywords: Legal advice, information, LGBTQI

Red SIDA Peru


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Av. Ignacio Merino 1855, Of. 304, Lince, Lima Peru
Main Email: rsp@redsidaperu.org.pe
Main Telephone: +51 (1) 472-4433
Website: www.redsidaperu.org.pe
The organization is a network of non-governmental organizations committed to helping to reduce the impact
of HIV and AIDS, including stigma and discrimination
Keywords: Networking, information

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 145

Via Libre


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish English
Geographic Coverage: Lima
Address: Paraguay 478-490 Jiron Lima 1, Square Bolognesi / Jr. Paraguay 490, Lima 1
Main Email: vialibre@vialibre.org.pe
Main Telephone: 1 (+511) 203-9900 / +51 993505134
Website: www.vialibre.org.pe
Via Libre is is an organization founded in 1990 on the initiative of a committed and supportive group of people
who come together to work on HIV prevention and care in Peru in order to reduce or eliminate the individual,
community and social impact of the AIDS epidemic in Peru.
Keywords: Care, prevention, information, research

AIDS Society of the Philippines, Inc. (ASP)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 2F OTM Bldg, 71 Scout Tuason St, Barangay South Triangle, Quezon City 1103
Main Email: info@aidsphil.org
Main Telephone: +63 02 376-2541 / +63 02 410-0204
Website: http://www.aidsphil.org
ASP is a leading association of individuals from the government, non-government agencies, and the private
sector, with a common unifying interest in preventing the spread of HIV and AIDS. As a membership
organization, it counts among its members experts and professionals from diverse fields such as health
and development, infectious diseases, public health, business, and media and communications. It provides
important information such as where to access HIV services.
Keywords: Networking, information

National Union of Peoples Lawyers


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 3F Erythrina Bldg., Maaralin cor. Matatag Sts., Central District Quezon City, Philippines 1101
Main Email: nupl2007@gmail.com


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Telephone: +63(2)9206660

Website: http://www.nupl.net
The organization is a nationwide voluntary association of human rights lawyers in the Philippines, committed
to the defense, protection, and promotion of human rights, especially of the poor and the oppressed. The
target groups are the marginalized and oppressed sectors of the Filipino society.
Keywords: Legal aid, human rights

The Positive Action Foundation Philippines Incorporated


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Drop-in centre in Abot Kamay; local, regional and international partnerships
Address: 2613 Dian St., Malate Manila, Philippines 1004
Main Email: pafpiorg@gmail.com
Main Telephone: (632) 404-2911 / (632) 528-4531 / (032) 414-4128
Website: http://pafpi.org
Through its Abot Kamay Drop-in Centre, PAPFI provides appropriate psychosocial support services, counseling
and homebased care services to PLHIV. PAFPI is at the forefront of HIV and AIDS advocacy and is committed
to: engaging in partnerships with local and international stakeholders, involving PLHIVs, affected families and
significant others; and facilitating, advocating, and promoting a comprehensive, quality and compassionate
level of care, as well as support and treatment to those infected and affected with HIV and AIDS.
Keywords: Counselling, care, information

Polish National Network of PLWHA (SIEC PLUS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish, Polish, French, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide Network
Address: Ul. Modzelewskiego 63, 02-679 Warszawa
Main Email: plus.psycholog@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 48 22 844 7710
Contact Person: Wojciech Jerzy Tomczynski , Chairman
Website: http://www.netplus.org.pl/
SIEC PLUS is a national organization of PLWHA which undertakes projects including advocacy, lobbying, human
rights, access to treatment, improving quality of life, networking, training, workshops, national meetings, and
regional and international co-operation.
Keywords: Advocacy, lobbying, education

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 147

Stowarzyszenie Profilaktyki i Wsparcia w zakresie HIV/AIDS (Jeden wiat)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, German, Polish, Russian
Address: ul. ciegiennego 89/28, 30-809 Krakow
Main Email: jedenswiat.krakow@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 48 535 348 225
Main Email: kontakt@stowarzyszeniejedenswiat.org
Contact Person: Maria Brodzikowska, President
Contact Email: kontakt@stowarzyszeniejedenswiat.org
Website: http://stowarzyszeniejedenswiat.org/
Jeden wiat, or One World, provides support for HIV-infected individuals by conducting support groups,
psycho-educational classes, mediating in dealing with health care and crisis intervention. In addition,
the Association is working to remove laws criminalizing exposure to infection and intervenes in case of
discriminatory and stigmatizing media reports. It also provides free testing and holds educational training.
Keywords: Advocacy, VCT, training, support

The Halina Niec Legal Aid Centre


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Polish, English, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Krakow
Address: Centrum Pomocy Prawnej im. Haliny Nie, Ul. Krowoderska 11/7, 31-141 Krakow, Poland
Main Email: przybyslawska@pomocprawna.org
Main Telephone: 48 12 63 37 223
Contact Person: Katarzyna Przybyslawska,
Website: http://www.pomocprawna.org/
HNLAC is a non-profit non-governmental organisation established in 2002 in Krakw. HNLACs main objective is
to protect human rights by providing free legal aid to persons at risk of social exclusion and discrimination. The
HNLAC also monitors adherence to standards of human rights, undertakes legal interventions and advocacy
activities, and pursues research and educational projects.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal advice, advocacy

Associao de Apoio a Pessoas Com VIH/SIDA (ABRAO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide.

Address: Largo Jos Lus Champalimaud, n 4-A, 1600-110 Lisboa
Main Email: direccao@abraco.pt
Main Telephone: 351 21 799 75 00
Contact Person: Teresa Leon, Communications and Marketing Director
Contact Email: geral@abraco.pt
Website: http://abraco.pt/
This organization engages in prevention work with young people in schools and prevention aimed at the
general public, as well as advice, support and advocacy for PLWH. It provides legal assistance, home support,
psychological support, and dental care.
Keywords: Advocacy, legal assistance, support, lobbying, prevention, care

Grupo de Activistas VIH/SIDA (GAT)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, French, Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Avenida Paris, 4 - 1 direito, 1000-228 Lisbon
Main Email: gatcontactos@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 351 21 096 78 26
Contact Person: Dr. Luis Mendo, President
Website: gatportugal.org
GAT is a Portuguese group of treatment activists working in a network and in co-operation with organisations
operating in the following subject areas: HIV infection; co-infection (hepatitis and TB); drug use; harm
reduction and policy reforms about drugs; legal rights, human rights and health rights of populations most
vulnerable to HIV; and human rights in general. GAT also has a harm reduction centre for migrants and people
who use drugs in the neighbourhood of Mouraria, and a centre in the neighbourhood of Prncipe Real.
Keywords: Advocacy, legal rights, harm reduction, prevention, support, human rights

Puerto Rico Community Network for Clinical Research on AIDS (PR CoNCRA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Rio Pieras
Address: Brumbaugh Street # 1162, Urb. Garca Ubarri, Rio Piedras, PR 00925 / Ponce de Leon Ave. # 1715,
Elderly Center building Immaculate Santurce, PR 00909
Main Email: prconcra@gmail.com
Main Telephone: (787) 753-9443 / (787) 294-9592 / (787) 773-0464
Website: http://www.prconcra.ne

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 149

Its early services were intially aimed at the gay community, bisexual and men who have sex with men, with
the aim of improving access to health care related to HIV / AIDS. Services have been expanded to teenagers,
women, injecting drug users, and any person seeking services. These include access to clinical tests, primary
health care, and mental health care services, among others.
Keywords: VCT, care, information, MSM, LGBTQI

Puerto Rico Legal Services, Inc.


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Aguadilla, Aibonito, Arecibo, Bayamon, Caguas, Carolina, Cayey, Corozal, Fajardo,
Guyama, Humaco, Sea Cow, Mayaguez, Ponce, Rio Piedras, San German
Address: Calle Maceo #25 Esq. Palmer, Apartado 2699, Bayamn, PR 00960-2699
Main Email: comunicaciones@servicioslegales.org
Main Telephone: (787) 728-8686
Website: http://www.servicioslegales.org
A private non-profit organization that provides free legal representation and guidance to the countrys poor
who qualify in cases of a civil nature. Founded in 1966, Legal Services provides access to justice to a large
segment of the Puerto Rican population: nearly half of citizens who can not afford the services of a private
attorney. They deal mostly with civil cases and human rights cases.
Keywords: Legal representation, legal aid

Taller Salud Inc


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Loiza
Address: Carretera 187, km 7.0, Sector Tocones Barrio Mediana Alta, Loza, Puerto Rico 00722 /
PO Box 524, Loza, PR 00772
Main Email: tsalud@gmail.com
Main Telephone: (787) 876-3440 / (787) 256-7496
Website: http://tallersalud.com
Taller Salud was the first feminist group organized in Puerto Rico to work on womens health. Their services
include working on the prevention and early detection of breast cancer and HIV / AIDS and Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in women and girls. They also work to prevent domestic violence and provide
comprehensive information on womens health issues.
Keywords: Womens health, information, womens rights


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Action Pour la Lutte Contre Lignorance du SIDA (ALCIS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Bukavu
Address: 479, Avenue Patrice Amery LUMUMBA, Ibanda, Bukau, Sud-Kivu 243
Main Email: alcis_bukavu@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: (+243) 818001361
ACLIS works with female, male and LGBT sex workers and provides judicial and legal support. They have a legal
clinic and rights awareness interventions. ALCIS has helped to change gender discriminating laws and worked
to integrate new policies that protect populations of sex workers and MSM.
Keywords: Legal aid, human rights, awareness, LGBTQ, sex workers, MSM, legal clinic

Association Femme Plus du Congo


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: Rue Okassa n 24, Brazzaville
Main Email: blandine_sita@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 242 664 90 28
Contact Person: Annette Blandine, President
Website: http://sita53.wordpress.com
Support for HIV-positive women; support groups; income-generation activities; advocacy; awareness-raising;
rights of women and of HIV-positive women; psychosocial support; nutrition advice.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, awareness

LObservatoire Congolais des Droits de lHomme


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: 32 avenue des 3 martyrs, Immeuble Ntiti 1er tage, Place de la station de bus de Jane Vialle
Moungali, B.P.: 4021 Brazzaville
Main Email: ocdh.brazza@voila.fr
Main Telephone: +242 55 13 450 / 56 15 718 / 55 31 185
OCDH is a human rights NGO that organises its work into programmes which include: programme for the
promotion of human rights education and a culture of peace and democracy; programme for the defense and

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 151

promotion of human rights; and a legal assistance programme.

Keywords: Human rights, education, legal assistance

Rseau National des Associations des Positifs du Congo (RENAPC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire.
Address: 2000, Avenue Loutassi, Moungali, Brazzaville
Main Email: renap_congobzv@yahoo.fr / esmovalerie@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: +242 520 02 88 / +242 677 27 22
Contact Person: Valerie Maba, President
RENAPC is a network of organisations for people infected and affected by HIV with 12 organisations in
Brazzaville and 4 in Pointe-Noire. Activities include supporting HIV prevention activities and fighting against
discrimination and stigmatization, medical and psychosocial support, and advocacy for free access to ARVs.
Keywords: ARV, advocacy,prevention

All-Russian Union of People Living with HIV


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Russian
Address: Russia, 105064, Moscow, _ blvd. Bolshoj Kazenniy
Main Email: e_d@hivrus.ru / office@hivrus.ru
Main Telephone: +7 (495) 775-1044 / 8 800 200 5555
The organization works to increase the effectiveness of government and society in the enforcement of the
rights, legal interests and well-being of PLWH.
Keywords: Advocacy, education

Community of People Living with HIV


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Russian
Address: PO 335 (/ ), Moscow 117335
Main Email: office@positivenet.ru / board@positivenet.ru
Main Telephone: +7 495 955-7822 / +7 499 128 76 48
Website: www.positivenet.ru


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

The organization seeks to improve the quality of life of PLWH through implementation of social projects, and
promoting access to quality treatment of patients with HIV infection and viral hepatitis (antiviral therapy),
among other activities.
Keywords: Information, advocacy, education

E.V.A. Network


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 196084, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Moskovskiypr., 79, room 9H
Main Email: eva.womennet@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 7 812 764 54 18
Contact Person: Julia Godunov, Executive Director
Website: http://evanetwork.ru
E.V.A. is a network contributing to the quality of life of women affected by HIV/AIDS and other social diseases,
which brings together experienced activists in the field of access to treatment and women leaders from the
major cities of Russia and other regions working in this field. E.V.A.s work includes training sessions for the
development of leadership skills, monitoring access of women, including pregnant women who use drugs, to
reproductive health services including substance abuse and other forms of care, and VCT.
Keywords: Support, education, training, care, harm reduction, VCT

Russian Harm Reduction Network (ESVERO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Russian, English
Geographic Coverage: Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Asia regions.
Address: pereulok Kozhevnicheskiy 2-y, 12 10, Business Center Horizon, entrance 2, 2nd Floor, 115114,
Main Email: info@esvero.ru
Main Telephone: 7 495 988 0842
Contact Person: Pavel Aksenov, Executive Director
Website: www.esvero.ru
ESVEROs main mission is the reduction of adverse consequences related to the use of psychoactive substances
for the people affected by this problem, and as a result, promotion of public health and socio-economic wellbeing of the population of Russia. Promotion of civil society and human rights, advocacy, and provision of
technical support for harm reduction service providers are core aspects of ESVEROs work.
Keywords: Harm reduction, advocacy, information, counselling

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 153

Human Rights First Rwanda Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Kicukiro Near INILAK University
Main Email: rightsrwanda@gmail.com / hfrorg@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +250 252584621 or +250 7886236
Website: http://www.rightsrwanda.org
Human Rights First Rwanda main objectives are to promote human rights education, provide legal assistance
to poor and vulnerable groups in the Rwandan community at large, and to empower individuals and groups to
campaign peaceful for their own rights and the human rights of others.
Keywords: Legal advice, human rights education

Rwanda Women Network


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Geographic Coverage: Kigali
Address: Kicukiro (next to World Food Program Headquarters), PO Box 3157, Kigali
Main Email: rwawnet@rwanda1.rw / info@rwandawomennetwork.org
Main Telephone: (+250) 788 334 257
Website: http://www.rwandawomennetwork.org
RWN is a humanitarian, non-profit making, non-governmental organization. Its target group includes
vulnerable groups including poor and vulnerable women, children and people living with HIV/AIDS. RWN offers
medical services through its polyclinic of hope program.
Keywords: Healthcare, advocacy, education and awareness

The Legal Aid Forum (LAF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Kimihurura KN14, KG672 Kigali P.O.Box 5225, Rwanda
Main Telephone: +250 - 78 8504365
Main Email: malouise@legalaidrwanda.org
Main Email: Via website
Main Telephone: +250-252 58 0471 / +250-78 830 7174


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Contact Person: Marie Louise Mukashema, Senior Legal Aid Attorney

Website: http://www.legalaidrwanda.org
LAF provide free legal representation to poor and vulnerable people with a focus on prevention and early
resolution of legal problems. The representation in courts of law and other administrative institutions of
the cases of poor and vulnerable persons are identified through LAF members and based on their financial
situation, the nature and seriousness of their problem and their individual circumstances.
Keywords: Legal aid, mediation

Nevis HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nevis
Address: Phonenix House, Jews St. & Prince William St., Charlestown, Nevis
Main Telephone: (869) 469-8010 / (ext) 2064, 2191
Contact Person: Nadine Carty-Caines, Programme Coordinator - HIV AIDS Health Promotion
Website: http://www.nia.gov.kn/index.php/ministries/health/health-promotion/aids-co-ordinating-unit
The HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit is geared towards managing HIV/AIDS holistically. Its work focuses on
prevention, treatment and care of PLWH.
Keywords: Information, awareness, coordination, reproductive health

AIDS Action Foundation (AAF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: P.O.Box 1726, Castries, Saint Lucia, West Indies
Main Email: aaf@candw.lc
Main Telephone: (758) 452 7171 / (758) 453 0866
Contact Person: Joan Didier
Website: http://www.aafstlucia.com/
The AIDS Action Foundation is comprised of NGOs, CBOs, individuals and members of the private sector. Its
mission is to mitigate the spread and impact of HIV/AIDS in St Lucia.
Keywords: Advocacy, education, support

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 155

Ministry of Health National AIDS Program


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Crole
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Sir Stanislaus James Building, 1st Floor, Waterfront, Castries
Main Email: napslu@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 1 758 451 6988
Contact Person: Nahum Jn. Baptiste, Director NAPS
The National AIDS Programme coordinates surveillance, prevention, treatment and care in Saint Lucia, while
providing support to PLWH. They also offer counselling services, and provision of antiretrovirals and other
Keywords: Counselling, care, coordination, prevention, ART

St. Lucia Planned Parenthood Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Castries City.
Address: 21 Jeremie Street, Castries City, Castries, Saint Lucia
Main Email: Via website
Main Telephone: (758) 452 3335
Website: http://www.slppa.org/
The organization offers stigma and discrimination free counselling, prevention, contraception, preventative
healthcare, education, and VCT
Keywords: VCT, education, counselling, prevention, education, reproductive health

The St. Maarten AIDS Foundation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, German, Spanish, Dutch, French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 55 Welfare Road, Cole Bay, St Maartens (Offices on 2nd floor, accessible via back parking lot)
Main Email: info@sxmaidsfoundation.org
Main Telephone: +1 721 588 4636 / + 1 721 553 2626
Contact Person: Rae Merlet, Executive Director
Website: http://www.sxmaidsfoundation.org


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

The St. Maarten AIDS Foundation engages in multiple outreach programs to educate both the general public
and at-risk populations about the risks of HIV infection. It also offers free VCT for HIV/AIDS throughout the year.
Keywords: Information, awareness, VCT

St Vincent Planned Parenthood Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide.
Address: Lower Kingstown Pk Box 2422 Kingstown St Vincent / Pauls Avenue, Kingstown
Main Email: svppa@vincysurf.com
Main Telephone: 1 (784) 456-1793 1 (784) 457-2738
Website: https://www.facebook.com/SVPPA/
St. Vincent Planned Parenthood Association offers HIV and AIDS education workshops for youth. The
curriculum is activity-based, in stark contrast to the lecture and chalkboard method of addressing sexuality
that is still prevalent throughout the country.
Keywords: Information, reproductive health

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu
Address: Apia, Western Samoa
Main Email: resitara@psdnetwork.org
Main Telephone: +685 7796351
Contact Person: Resitara Apa
Website: http://psdnetwork.org
Regional network for individuals and organisations in the Pacific working around the issues of HIV and sexual
health with MSM communities; aims to support and strengthen national MSM groups.
Keywords: MSM, advocacy, information

Samoa Family Health Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 157

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide

Address: Mcfarland Building, Saleu, Apia 0685, Samoa
Main Email: sfha@lesamoa.net
Main Telephone: +68 (5) 269 29 / 265 49 / 208 85
Website: http://www.ippfeseaor.org/our-work/where-we-work/samoa
The organization delivers family planning and reproductive health services in Samoa. It runs mobile clinics to
deliver services to rural areas.
Keywords: Reproductive health, care, information, education

Associacao Santomense para a Planeamento Familiar (ASPF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Portuguese
Address: T/V Impresa N11, gua Grande, CP:612
Main Email: spf@cstome.net
Main Telephone: 39 221576 / 224 325
Website: http://www.aspf.st/
ASPF is a non-profit NGO that promotes services within sexual and reproductive health, family planning, issues
related to abortion, safe motherhood and the fight against STDs / HIV / AIDS / for women, men and especially
young people.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, care



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Geographic Coverage: National (14 parishes - 13 in Sao Tome and 1 on the island of Principe).
Address: not. 438, Via Portugal, So Tom and Prncipe
Main Email: caritas_stp@cstome.net
Main Telephone: +239 2222 565
Caritas Internationalis has taken a lead role in promoting just and compassionate care to PLWH.
Keywords: Advocacy, information

National AIDS Programme


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Languages: English, Arabic

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: PO Box 240777, Riyadh 11322
Main Email: info@napksa.com
Main Telephone: 966 555098498
Contact Person: Dr Khalid Ali Abualwah, National Programme Manager
Contact Email: K_alwah@yahoo.com
Website: www.napksa.com
The National AIDS Programme is responsible for implementing national strategy for the prevention, care,
support, and treatment of HIV. This strategy includes public awareness campaigns, reproductive health
education, research, monitoring, capacity-building, and drafting a national bylaw to protect the rights of PLHIV.
Keywords: Advocacy, information, response scale-up, prevention, treatment, rights, anti-stigma,
reproductive health

Saudi Charity Association for AIDS Patients


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Address: PO Box 6928, Jeddah 21453, KIng Fahad Hospital, Al Mustashfa Al Am, Al Andalus
Main Email: dr_sana_jeddah@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: 966 534455371-2
Contact Person: Sanaa Filemban, Director General
Website: www.saca.org.sa
Organization created to provide psychosocial support to PLWH and their families, and to contribute to
prevention through AIDS awareness campaigns and outreach.
Keywords: AIDS awareness, behavioural change, support

AIDES Senegal


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: West fair lot 1 villa n19 00221 Central Dakar
Main Telephone: 221 33 820 50 97 / 221 77 626 86 09
AIDES was created to provide support for PLWH, especially minorities, with their medical care.
Keywords: LGBTQI, care, advocacy

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 159

ANBEP Senegal


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Dakar, Matam, Yeumbeul
Address: Pikine - BP 18174 Dakar
Main Telephone: 221 33 878 96 43
ANBEP supports a program for PLWH in the region of Matam and also encourages voluntary testing.
Keywords: VCT, education, advocacy

Rencontre Africaine Pour la Defense des Droits de lHomme (RADDHO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: French
Address: Villa No. 11 - Mermoz Pyrotechnics BP 15246 Dakar-Fann, Senegal
Main Email: raddho@orange.sn
Main Telephone: (221) 33 865 00 30
Website: http://raddho.com
RADDHO provides legal assistance (reception, listening, orientation) and legal aid to vulnerable groups such
as women, children, PLWH, at the national, regional and international level, to facilitate victims access to
Keywords: Legal assistance, advocacy, human rights

Association Stav + Subotica


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Hungarian, Serbian
Address: Kolubarska 10/a, 24000 Subotica, Vojvodina
Main Email: office@stavplus.org
Main Telephone: 381 65 9547440
Contact Person: Boris Kovacic, President
Website: www.stavplus.org
Stav Plus aims to improve the quality of life of PLWH through public education campaigns about HIV/AIDS, and
fighting against the discrimination of PLWH. The organization offers psychosocial support to PLWH, legal help
and counselling, referrals, and capacity building.
Keywords: Legal assistance, education, capacity building, support, counselling


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Montenegrin Association against AIDS (CAZAS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Montenegrin
Address: Put Radomira Ivanovica bb, 81000 Podgorica
Main Email: cazas@t-com.me
Main Telephone: 382 20 658520
Contact Person: Dr Miso Pejovic, Executive Director
Website: www.cazas.org
CAZAS offers a peer education programme, prevention, support to PLWH, their families, friends and partners,
as well as a public advocacy programme.
Keywords: Advocacy, education, support

Union of Serbian PLHIV (USOP)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Serbian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Sremska 6/IV, Belgrade 11000
Main Email: office@unijaplhiv.rs
Main Telephone: unijaplhiv@gmail.com
Contact Person: Vladimir Anti, Executive Director
Website: http://www.unijaplhiv.rs/
USOP is a union of organisations dealing with the protection of PLWH in Serbia. USOP is gathering PLWH
associations, creating and implementing policies, laws, strategies and development programmes with
the purpose of improving the quality of PLWH life and their involvement in society without stigma and
discrimination. USOP is constantly working on capacity development in order to enable an increase of PLWHs
participation in state commissions and institutions dealing with HIV/AIDS, to give an adequate civil response to
the problem of HIV in Serbia and a national response to the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Networking, information, education, advocacy, policy

HIV AIDS Support Organization (HASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: Dr Chetty Health Centre Room 104 Victoria
Main Email: hasoseychelles@yahoo.com

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 161

Main Telephone: +248 2514997 4388230

HASOs mission is to reduce the national incidence of HIV/AIDS and protect the rights of people infected and
affected by HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Information, education, training



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Freetown (head office), Waterloo, Masiaka, Bo, Kenema, Port Loko, Makeni,
Moyamba, Magburaka, Kono
Address: 1st Floor, 39 Brook Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Main Email: Via website
Main Telephone: +232 (0)33 572 526
Website: http://advocaidsl.org
Advocaid has offices in Sierra Leone, Kenema, Kono, Makeni and Bo districts. It provides a team of paralegals
and lawyers across Sierra Leone who provide access to justice to women and girls. Advocaid provides legal
assistance and representation at the police station and in court.
Keywords: Legal aid, education, human rights, womens rights

National HIV/AIDS Secretariat


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 15A King Harman Road, Brookfields, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Main Email: secretariat@nas.gov.sl
Main Telephone: +232-22-241943 / +232-22-235849
Website: http://www.nas.gov.sl
The National HIV/AIDS Secretariat was established by an act of Parliament in 2002 and located in the Office of
the President to coordinate a multi-sectoral effort to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and mitigate its impact in
Sierra Leone.
Keywords: Advocacy, education, training

Network of HIV Positives in Sierra Leone


Organization type: NGO


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Sierra Leone, Bo, Makeni, Kenema
Address: 49 Victoria Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Main Email: Nethips2006@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 076-617986 / 030-617986 / 033-453450 / 030-354948
Contact Person: Idrissa Songo, National Coordinator
Website: http://nethips.webstarts.com
NETHIPS works towards a Sierra-Leone in which all PLWH and orphans and vulnerable children shall enjoy equal
rights and opportunities, live productive and meaningful lives and claim their basic human rights. NETHIPS
has more than thirty-four support groups established in Sierra Leone with at least one in each district and also
there are three regional offices in Bo, Makeni and Kenema.
Keywords: Human rights, support, education

Timap for Justice


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Sierra Leone, Bo, Makeni, Kenema,
Address: 33 Cape Road, Aberdeen, Freetown
Main Email: info@timapforjustice.org
Main Telephone: +232 252 33 427
Contact Person: John Bangura, Programme Manager/Head of Mediation
Website: http://www.timapforjustice.org/
Timap is present in Bombali and Tonkolili Districts, Bo, Bonthe, and Moyamba Districts, and Kono and Kenema
districts. It provides access to justice and empowers communities. They provide mobile clinics, community
based paralegals and free pre-trial legal assistance to detainees.
Keywords: Legal clinics, legal aid, legal representation

Action for AIDS Singapore


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Mandarin, Malay
Address: 31 Kelantan Lane #02-16, Singapore 200031
Main Email: info@afa.org.sg
Main Telephone: (65) 6254 0212
Contact Email: sumita.banerjee@afa.org.sg
Contact Person: Sumita Banerjee, General Manager
Website: http://afa.org.sg

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 163

AFAs aim is to maintain and strengthen their daily programme delivery and extend care and support to
individuals and families who are affected by HIV/AIDS. Anonymous HIV and STI testing are offered at a small
cost through the clinic and mobile testing units. All charges are on the organizations website.
Keywords: VCT, MSM, education, information

BLC Comunity Services


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Mandarin, Malay
Address: Boscombe Life Church, 248 Joo Chiat Road, Singapore 427503
Main Telephone: 6348 0430
The clinic is open to all members of the public regardless of race and religion, citizenship, or means. The clinics
are run in association with the Lawyers Christian Fellowship. It is manned by a panel of volunteer lawyers to
provide free consultation to individuals and families on legal related issues such as: financial issues, marital
issues, teenagers challenges, Issues with regulatory bodies. Clinics are held the last Friday of each month from
8pm -10pm.
Keywords: Legal consultation, legal assistance



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Slovak, English, Czech
Geographic Coverage: Bratislava
Address: Haanova 10, Bratislava 5, 85223
Main Email: odyseus@ozodyseus.sk
Main Telephone: 421 2524 94344
Contact Person: Iveta Chovancov, President
Website: www.odyseus.org
Odyseus takes a harm reduction approach to HIV outreach, providing programs for young people in
recreational settings, training services, advocacy, counselling, social assistance, VCT, and crisis intervention.
Keywords: Advocacy, VCT, counselling

Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Slovak


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide

Address: Trnavsk cesta 52, P.O.BOX 45, 826 45 Bratislava 29, Slovak Republic
Main Telephone: +421 2 49 284 330
Main Email: epida@uvzsr.sk
Contact Person: Dr. Jn Mikas, PhD., MPH, MHA
Contact Email: jan.mikas@uvzsr.sk
Website: http://www.uvzsr.sk
The Department of Epidemiology prepares and coordinates the fulfilment of national program of HIV/AIDS
prevention in the Slovak Republic. It secures surveillance of HIV/AIDS in the Slovak Republic as well as the
cooperation of experts in the health sector and in other sectors on the topic of HIV/AIDS prevention through
the National Commission of HIV/AIDS Prevention in the Slovak Republic.
Keywords: Coordination,information, research

Slovak Family Planning Association (Slovak FPA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Slovak
Geographic Coverage: Bratislava, Banska Bystrica
Address: palisades 44, 811 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Main Email: mail@rodicovstvo.sk
Main Telephone: +421 2 54430889
Contact Person: Olga Pietrucha Plated, Executive Director
Contact Email: olga@rodicovsto.sk
Website: www.rodicovstvo.sk
Slovak FPA organizes the training of teachers for sex education, and the training of volunteer-advisors for
a telephone hotline which provides help and support to abused children. It runs lectures for nurses and
physicians in postgraduate courses, undertakes targeted work with marginalized Roma communities, publishes
a quarterly information bulletin, and works closely with international agencies such as WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF
and UNHCR to promote family planning both in Slovakia and abroad.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, training

National Institute of Public Health


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Slovenian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Trubarjeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana
Main Email: info@nijz.si
Main Telephone: 386 1 2441 400

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 165

Contact Person: Sanda Potocnik-Roi

Website: www.nijz.si
AIDS/STI/HAI Unit of National Institute of Public Health.
Keywords: Information, VCT, prevention

SKUC - Magnus


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Slovenian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Metelkova 6, Sl -1000 Ljubljana
Main Email: magnus@skuc.org
Main Telephone: 386 1 4327 368
Contact Person: Miran olinc, Project Manager
Website: http://www.magnus.si/
Organization provides advocacy, outreach work, helpline, HIV-positive self-help group, research, training, and
networking to PLWH.
Keywords: Advocacy, outreach, support, networking

Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Malaita, Western Choiseul, Central Islands, Makira, Rennel, and Bellona
Address: PO Box 554, Lombi Cress, Honiara
Main Telephone: +677 2 2991
The organization offers HIV related health services. It operates 71 distinct service points, with 5 permanent
clinics, 3 mobile units and 60 community-based distributors.
Keywords: Information, reproductive health, education

Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development (GECPD)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Galkayo, Harfo, Bur Salla, and Baad Weyn
Address: Hawa Aden, GECPD, Galkayo, Puntland, Somalia


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: gecpd19@hotmail.com

Main Telephone: 252 543 6457
Website: http://www.gecpdsomalia.org/
GECPDs mission is to empower women through education, and promote and strengthen womens capacity to
seek, defend, and advocate for their fundamental rights in all spheres of life.
Keywords: Womens rights, education, advocacy

Somaliland HIV/AIDS Network (SAHAN)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Hargeisa
Address: Hargeisa, Hargeisa , Woqooyi Galbeed, 252
Main Telephone: +252-2-527163
SAHAN is a network of local NGOs engaged in the fight against HIV/AIDS with a mandate to co-ordinate the
various members responses and contributions to the containment of the spread of HIV/AIDS in the country.
Keywords: Networking

Somaliland National AIDS Commission


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Goljano, Hargiesa
Main Email: Via website
Main Telephone: +252 2 518595
Website: http://www.solnac.org
SOLNAC was established by Presidential decree to oversee, plan and coordinate the multispectral efforts
towards the effective fight against HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Somaliland.
Keywords: Networking, information

African Men for Sexual Health and Rights (AMSHeR)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Sub-Saharan region

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 167

Address: 27 Clieveden Avenue, Auckland Park, 2092 Johannesburg

Main Email: info@amsher.net
Main Telephone: 27 11 482 4630
Contact Person: Kene Esom, Director of Programme
Website: www.amsher.org
Regional coalition of MSM/LGBT-led organisations (and others). Work includes: development of local capacity
to do research; work towards the enactment of protective laws; facilitating the involvement of MSM in
decision-making bodies; capacity development of local groups in service delivery and advocacy programmes;
resource mobilisation.
Keywords: Advocacy, research, support, MSM

AIDS Consortium


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Omnipark, Block 1, 1st Floor, 66 Sailor Malan Avenue, Aeroton, 2013
Main Email: info@aidsconsortium.org.za
Main Telephone: 27 11 403 0265
Contact Person: Roy Naidoo
Website: http://www.aidsconsortium.org.za/
AIDS Consortium is an organization which provides networking, advocacy, and lobbying in the fight agaisnt
HIV/AIDS. This includes policy development, human rights advocacy, and information distribution through their
resource centres.
Keywords: Advocacy, lobbying, policy, education

AIDS Legal Network


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Suite 6F, Waverley Business Park, Mowbray, Cape Town, 7700
Main Email: admin@aln.org.za
Main Telephone: 27 21 447 8435
Contact Person: Dr Johanna Kehler, National Director
Website: http://aln.org.za/
Human rights organisation committed to the promotion, protection and realisation of fundamental rights and
freedoms of PLWH. Services include: education and training; legal advice desk; networking, campaigns and


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

awareness-raising; lobbying, advocacy and research.

Keywords: Legal advice, advocacy, education, lobbying

Legal Resources Centre


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 15th and 16th Floor, Bram Fischer Towers, 20 Albert Street, Marshalltown, Johannesburg
PO Box 9495, Johannesburg 2000
Main Email: info@lrc.org.za
Main Telephone: 27 11 836 9831
Contact Person: Janet Love / Sharita Samuel
Website: http://www.lrc.org.za/
The LRC is a human rights organization in South Africa. We use the law as an instrument of justice for the
vulnerable and marginalised, including poor, homeless, and landless people and communities who suffer
discrimination by reason of race, class, gender, disability or by reason of social, economic, and historical
circumstances. We seek creative and effective solutions by using a range of strategies. These include impact
litigation, law reform, participation in partnerships and development processes, education, and networking
within South Africa, the African continent and at the international level.
Keywords: Legal advice, advocacy, education



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Offices in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Durban
Address: 1st Floor West Wing, Womens Jail, Constitution Hill, 1 Kotze Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg
Main Email: info@probono.org.za
Main Telephone: +27 11 339 6080
Contact Person: Shamika Dwarika
Website: http://www.probono.org.za/
ProBono.Org facilitates the provision of free legal services for the poor by volunteer private lawyers. The first
and only organisation of its kind in the country, our innovative model channels millions of rands of top quality
legal assistance, pro bono, to the most vulnerable and marginalised people.
Keywords: Legal advice, advocacy, education

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 169

Section 27


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: First Floor, Heerengracht Building, 87 De Korte Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2017
Main Email: info@section27.org.za
Main Telephone: 011 356 4100
Website: http://section27.org.za
SECTION 27 is a public interest law centre that seeks to achieve substantive equality and social justice in South
Africa. Guided by the principles and values in the Constitution, SECTION27 uses law, advocacy, legal literacy,
research and community mobilisation to achieve access to healthcare services and basic education. SECTION27
aims to achieve structural change and accountability to ensure the dignity and equality of everyone.
Keywords: Legal assistance, legal literacy, human rights, information, advocacy

Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi,
Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Address: President Place 1 Hood Avenue/ 148 Jan Smuts Avenue Rosebank, Johannesburg South Africa
2196 / P.O. Box 122, Parklands, 2121, South Africa
Main Email: Enquiries@salc.org.za
Main Telephone: +27 (0) 10 596 8538
Contact Person: Kajaal Ramjathan-Keogh, Executive Director
Website: http://www.southernafricalitigationcentre.org
SALC promotes and advances human rights and the rule of law in southern Africa, primarily through
strategic litigation support and capacity building. SALC provides technical and monetary support to local and
regional lawyers and organizations in litigating human rights and rule of law cases in the region. SALC also
provides training in human rights and rule of law issues and facilitates networks of human rights lawyers
and organizations throughout southern Africa. SALC works in the following countries: Angola, Botswana,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi,Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. In
addition, SALC supports litigation in South African courts that advances human rights in the southern African
Keywords: Legal assistance, human rights, information, advocacy


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Webber Wentzel


Organization type: Law firm

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Johannesburg, Cape Town, Africa region.
Address: 90 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Johannesburg 2196
Website: http://www.webberwentzel.com
Main Email: moray.hathorn@webberwentzel.com
Main Telephone: +27 11 530 5000
Contact Person: Moray Hathorn
The work of Webber Wentzels Pro Bono Practice is guided by the recognised need to narrow the divide
between the advantaged and disadvantaged members of South African society and the obligation to play
a role as a good citizen in promoting the transformative goals of the Constitution of the Republic of South
Africa. It represents Webber Wentzels commitment to contributing to these processes through equal
justice for all. The Practice provides essential legal services to individuals and communities on issues such as
enterprise development, land reform, housing, education, healthcare, childrens rights, gender equality and
service provision.
Keywords: Legal assistance

Population Services International (PSI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Juba.
Address: Plot 90, Block 3K South, Hai Tongping, Juba, South Sudan
Main Email: admin@psi-southsudan.org
Main Telephone: + 211-977-123-455
Website: http://www.psi.org/country/south-sudan/
PSI conducts outreach and support to PLWH to mitigate the impact of opportunistic infections. It also
distributes condoms.
Keywords: Reproductive health, education, advocacy

Reproductive Health Association of South Sudan (RHASS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: Former GTZ compound, Juba, South Sudan

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 171

Main Telephone: +211921345288 / +211928288980

Website: http://www.ippfar.org/our-work/where-we-work/south-sudan-0
In 2013, RHASS initiated service provision at a static clinic in the capital Juba as well as outreach and
community based services in its environs. RHASS will also be piloting FP2020, the provision of lifesaving
contraceptive information, services and supplies by 2020.
Keywords: Reproductive health, education, care

South Sudan AIDS Commission (SSAC)


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Jebel Kujur, Yei Road, Juba
Main Email: letioevelyn@yahoo.co.uk
Main Telephone: +211 (0) 955506070
Contact Person: Evelyn Letio, Programme Officer National PLHIV Network
SSAC was created by presidential decree and tasked with developing strategy frameworks, policies and
national guidelines to support planning, coordination and the implementation of a multisectoral national
response to HIV and AIDS.
Keywords: Research, advocacy, education, awareness

Coordinadora Estatal de VIH/SIDA (CESIDA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: c/ Juan Montalvo, n6, 28040, Madrid
Main Email: cesida@cesida.org
Main Telephone: 34 91 522 38 07
Contact Person: Toni Poveda, Manager
Website: www.cesida.org
This is a nationwide platform of 89 HIV/AIDS organisations from all regions of Spain. Acts as the focal point for
advocacy and networking, aiming to improve, support and empower the work of its member organisations.
Main lines of work are prevention, advocacy and rights, HIV and gender, prisons, education, treatment activism,
social and health care, migrants and mobility and working life issues for HIV-positive people.
Keywords: Advocacy, care, support, prevention, education, human rights


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Federacin Trabajando en Positivo


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Secretara Tcnica, C/ General Ricardos, 148 C-1E, 28019 Madrid
Main Email: trabajandoenpositivo@yahoo.es
Main Telephone: 34 91 4725648
Contact Person: Julio Gmez Caballero, Coordinator
Website: www.trabajandoenpositivo.org
The organization is involved in the co-ordination and networking among agencies involved in the HIV/AIDS
response in job placement; support and guidance in the employment process and working to improve the
employability of PLWH and of other groups having difficulties to access employment; support and advice in
situations of discrimination, especially in the work place; awareness campaigns on HIV for workers through
corporations and unions; and promotion of opportunities for training and exchange of experiences between
NGOs working in the field of HIV/AIDS and in the socio-labour integration of people experiencing social
Keywords: Support, advice, human rights, employment



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Address: C/Los Guanches, 3.1, Barrio Nuevo, 38205
Main Email: unapro@unapro.org
Main Telephone: 922 632 971
Website: www.unapro.org
Unapro is a non-profit offering legal assistance, an HIV information support line, social support, training,
education, and prevention.
Keywords: Legal advice, training, support, information

Sudan Family Planning Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Arabic, English, French
Address: Al-Taief, Squre 22 Street Badr

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 173

Main Email: sfpaplanning@gmail.com / nagatelhadi@hotmail.com

Main Telephone: +249 227872/183/249 / +249 227874/183/249
Contact Person: Nagat Mohamed Mahmoud Elhadi, HIV/AIDS Focal Point
Current activities include providing family planning training to clinic workers, lectures, demonstrations, and
film shows with special emphasis on spacing and breastfeeding. The SFPA is a member of the International
Planned Parenthood Federation and receives generous grants to provide family planning services.
Keywords: VCT, reproductive health, advocacy

Sudan National AIDS Program (SNAP)


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Arabic, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Federal Ministry of Health, Nile Avenue, Khartoum, Sudan, Box Office: 13398
Main Email: info@snap.gov.sd
Main Telephone: 83772476
Website: http://snap.gov.sd
With 15 countries nationwide, Sudan National AIDS Control Program is leading and coordinating the HIV/
AIDS/STIs response in Sudan, and ensuring provision of equitable and high quality services that meet the
expectations and needs of Sudanese people.
Keywords: Advocacy, education, VCT

Zenab for Women In Development


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Arabic, English
Address: Khartoum, Sudan
Main Telephone: 0155140491
Website: http://z-w-d-s.org
Zenab for Women Development (ZWD) is a grass roots women rights organization founded in 2000.
Keywords: Legal aid, womens rights

Stichting Lobi


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Dutch


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: Paramaribo

Address: Fajalobistraat 16, Paramaribo, Suriname
Main Email: lobi@lobi.sr
Main Telephone: 400444
Website: http://www.lobisuriname.org
The Lobi Foundation was founded by people working in the social and medical sectors, which were confronted
with people with sexual problems and problems of the Surinamese women in particular.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, VCT

Suriname Men United


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Dutch
Geographic Coverage: Paramaribo
Address: Oude charlesburgweg 63, Paramaribo
Main Email: info@surinamemenunited.com
Website: http://www.surinamemenunited.com/
This is a community based organization which provides VCT, support, education and outreach to MSM.
Keywords: VCT, education, outreach

The Maxi Linder Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Dutch
Geographic Coverage: Paramaribo
Address: Heerenstraat # 26, Paramaribo, Suriname
Main Email: stg_maxilinder@yahoo.com / mxlinder@sr.net
Main Telephone: (597) 425636
The Maxi Linder Association dedicates itself to commercial sex workers (men and women), and provides care
and counselling to people living with HIV. It also provides training about stigma and discrimination and tests
people for HIV. The Association also provides the following services among others: VCT, social/psychological
support and legal advice.
Keywords: VCT, sex workers, legal advice, information

Council of Churches Swaziland


Organization type: NGO

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 175

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Manzini, Mbabane, Mahamba, Nhlangano
Address: First Floor, Mandlenkosi Ecumenical House, 142 Esser Street, Manzini M200 | Swaziland
Main Telephone: 268 2505 3628 / 268 2505 3931
Main Email: csc@councilofswazilandchurches.org
Contact Person: Father Bonginkosi Malaza, Secretary General (Secretariat)
Contact Email: bolimabvm@gmail.com
Contact Telephone: 7802 7663 / 7663 6441
Website: http://councilofswazilandchurches.org
To promote and support efforts of self reliance among people at grass roots level and marginalized persons.
The CSC also builds the capacity of churches to deal effectively with HIV/AIDS, health and TB. It has a Justice
Peace and Reconciliation Department charged with promoting human rights, and which offers legal advice,
and will writing services among other services.
Keywords: Capacity building, legal advice, legal assistance

Family Life Association of Swaziland (FLAS)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: P. O. Box 1051 Manzini M200 Swaziland
Main Email: flas@iafrica.sz
Main Telephone: +268 2505 3586 /2505 3082
Website: http://www.ippfar.org/our-work/where-we-work/swaziland
FLAS has a significant focus on HIV and AIDS programmes. The Associations HIV services include prevention
and management of HIV and AIDS, the provision of voluntary counselling and testing, medical male
circumcision for HIV prevention and the prevention of mother to child transmission.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, care, VCT, PMTCT

Swaziland AIDS Support Organization (SASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: PO Box 6102, Mbabane
Main Email: saso@realnet.co.sz
Main Telephone: +268 422 1640
Contact Person: Vusi Matsebula, Coordinator
SASO is a non-governmental organization which provides networking and information sharing for


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

organizations working in the field of HIV/AIDS response. Their work includes advocacy, capacity building, and
prevention programs.
Keywords: Advocacy, prevention, capacity building, counselling

HIV-Sverige / HIV-Sweden


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Swedish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Tjurbergsgatan 29, 118 56 Stockholm
Main Email: info@hiv-sverige.se
Main Telephone: 46 8 714 54 10
Contact Person: Peter Mnehall, Ombudsman
Website: http://www.hiv-sverige.se/
This is a national co-ordinating body for local, regional and national self-help groups of PLWH. It is engaged in
policy development, advocacy, anti-discrimination, HIV information, support, counselling and the provision of
legal advice.
Keywords: Legal advice, policy , advocacy, information, support, counselling

Noahs Ark


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English,Spanish, French, Finnish, Swedish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Eriksbergsgatan 46, 114 30 Stockholm
Main Email: riksforbundet@noaksark.org
Main Telephone: 46 8 700 4600
Contact Person: Jukka Aminoff, Managing Director
Website: noahsark.org
The organization is committed to limiting the spread of HIV and alleviating its consequences for individuals
and society. Its activities rely on a cognitive approach to HIV prevention, support and care. It contributes to
the prevention of HIV and other blood-borne and sexually transmittable infections, works towards improved
well-being among HIV positive individuals and their families, and specializes in HIV-oriented cognitive
psychotherapy for people with HIV and those with high vulnerability to HIV infection. It also works towards
raising awareness of HIV and reducing the social vulnerability of people living with HIV and provides the
general public with telephone counselling and HIV testing services.
Keywords: Advocacy, care, counselling, support, prevention, education

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 177

Riksfrbundet fr Sexuell Upplysning (RFSU) The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Swedish
Address: Medborgarplatsen 3 (Sderhallarna), plan 10, 118 26 Stockholm
Main Email: info@rfsu.se
Main Telephone: 46 8 692 0700
Contact Person: Maria Andersson, General Secretary
Website: www.rfsu.se
Organization working to prevent HIV and STIs, activities include sex education and advocacy.
Keywords: Advocacy, education, prevention

AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz - Aide Suisse Contre le SIDA - Aiuto AIDS Svizzero


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, German, Italian, French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Konradstrasse 20, Postfach 1118, 8031 Zrich
Main Email: aids@aids.ch
Main Telephone: 41 44 447 11 11
Contact Person: David Seiler, Managing Director
Website: www.aids.ch
Umbrella organisation for AIDS service groups in Switzerland; prevention for target groups; anti-discrimination
work; awareness campaigns and lobbying; support and advice for people living with HIV and AIDS.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, awareness



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: German, Italian
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: CH-4434 Hlstein
Main Email: contact@lhive.ch
Main Telephone: 41 61 951 22 88
Contact Person: Michele Meyer, President
Website: www.lhive.ch


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

This is an organisation of HIV positive people in Switzerland whose activities include advocacy, peer support,
and workshops.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, information

Positivrat Schweiz / Swiss Positive Council


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, German, French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: P.O. Box 1925, Zuerich 8031
Main Email: secretary@positivrat.ch
Main Telephone: 41 76 417 37 16
Contact Person: Emanuele Baiada, Secretary
Website: www.positivrat.ch
The Positive Council is a specialist organisation which represents the interests of people with HIV. It has special
expertise in the areas of health, law, lobbying and PR. The Positive Council consists of people with HIV or
their relatives, or specialists who express solidarity with them. The Positive Council aims to improve the lives
of people with HIV. This includes improving the legal situation, optimising medical care, eliminating legal or
social disadvantages and promoting scientific research into HIV/AIDS. The Positive Council networks with other
organisations in Switzerland and abroad.
Keywords: Lobbying, legal help, health, eliminating discrimination

National AIDS Programme


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Ministry of Health, S. Tejara St, 11 Omroo El Kaiss, Damascus
Main Telephone: 963 22 22 43 50
Contact Person: Haytham Suidan, NAP Manager
The National AIDS Programme deals with monitoring, prevention, diagnosis, and control of HIV/AIDS in Syria.
Keywords: Prevention, epidemiologic monitoring, control, diagnosis

Syrian Family Planning Association (SFPA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 179

Languages: English, Arabic

Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Abou Romaneh Street, Damascus, PO Box 2282, Syria
Main Telephone: +963(11) 331 0396 / (11) 333 0714 / (11) 331 0395
Contact Person: Lama Mouakea, Executive Director
Website: http://www.ippf.org/our-work/where-we-work/arab-world/syria
The SFPA delivers sexual and resproductive health services via its network of 17 static clinics, 3 mobile units,
and 3 associated agencies. Their main activities involve education and awareness-raising, as well as testing,
counselling, and advocacy. Based in Damascus - operates fully-equipped mobile sexual and reproductive health
clinics that travel up to 125kms to villages that have no local health facilities.
Keywords: Advocacy, information, education, family planning, testing, hotline, counselling

Taiwan AIDS Foundation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Chinese, Japanese, English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Datong District, Taipei 410 Nanjing West Road, 8th Floor
Main Email: service@taiwanaids.org.tw
Main Telephone: (02) 2559-2059 / +886 2 2559 2059
Website: http://www.taiwanaids.org.tw
The organization aims to push care and care for AIDS patients, and assist the government in promoting AIDS
prevention. It also supports the prevention and treatment of AIDS.
Keywords: Advocacy, information, education

Taiwan AIDS Society


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Chinese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 100 Changde Street, Taipei Chiang Kai-shek District 1
Main Email: aidscenter6575@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 02-23616136/ 02-23123456
Website: http://www.aids-care.org.tw
The organization assists the government in the fight against HIV/AIDS. It provides medical assistance to AIDS
sufferers (including related medical personnel). It also enhances community awareness and concern for the AIDS
problem, and assists in promoting the proper understanding and knowledge of AIDS among the general public.
Keywords: Care, awareness, advocacy, information


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Centre for Mental Health & AIDS


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Tajik
Geographic Coverage: Based in Dushanbe
Address: 60 Bokhtar Street, Apt 6, Dushanbe, 734025
Main Email: mhaitova_mhaids@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 992 48 701 12 02
Contact Person: Manizha Haitova, Director
Based in the capital Dushanbe, they tackle HIV stigma and discrimination, and assist PLWH in accessing
treatment, care, and support.
Keywords: Human rights, research, support, training, prevention

Guli Surkh


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Tajik
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 1A Borbad Street, Chkalovsk, Soghd oblast
Main Email: aidstj@mail.ru
Main Telephone: 992 91 920 01 13 / 992 92 784 10 31
Contact Person: Ishkuatova Albina Marsovna, Manager
Organization which provides legal, medical, and psycholgical support to PLWH, as well as information,
education, training, and peer support groups.
Keywords: Legal support care, support, information training

SPIN Plus -Tajikistan


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Tajik
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide, based in Dushanbe and provides consultations and capacity-building to
organizations working in more remote areas
Address: A.Navoi 5/4, S. Sherozi 19 app 11, 734018, Tajikistan
Main Email: spinplus.admin@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 992372332739
SPIN Plus was started by a group of HIV-positive people in Tajikistan to lobby the government for ART
access. The organisation provides innovative peer-based services to PLWH in Tajikistan. Functioning in a

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 181

difficult environment, the organisation is a leader in the field of community organizing and service delivery
to vulnerable groups. They work to advocate for the rights of these vulnerable populations, particularly HIVpositive women.
Keywords: Advocacy, human rights, capacity building, support, training, harm reduction, outreach,
prevention, education

Legal & Human Rights Centre (LHRC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English,
Geographic Coverage: Dar es Salaam, Kinondoni, Arusha.
Address: Legal Aid Centre, Isere St.House No.660 Kinondoni, P.O.Box 79633, Dar es Salaam-Tanzania
Main Email: lhrc@humanrights.or.tz / lhrcarusha@humanrights.or.tz (Legal Aid Centre)
Main Telephone: +25527 2544187
Contact Person: Fulgence Massawe, Head of Legal Aid Unit
Website: http://www.humanrights.or.tz
LHRC offers human rights education and awareness and has a legal aid unit which runs Kinondoni Legal Aid
Clinic and Arusha Legal Aid Clinic. It also has a Legal Aid Centre in Dar es Salaam. The legal aid is available to
low income individuals and disadvantaged groups of the community for a variety of legal problems, including
family disputes, basic employment rights, workers compensation, landlord/tenant disputes, among others.
Criminal matters are generally not taken up although clients may be provided with legal advice regarding
criminal matters.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal advice, legal representation

Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverge: Head office in Dar es Salaam, regional offices in Dodoma, Arusha, Tanga and Mwanza
Address: TAWLA House, Plot 33 Ilala Sharif Shamba PO Box, DSM, Dar Es Salaam 9460, Tanzania
Main Telephone: +255 (0) 222 862865 / 0800 751010 (Legal Aid Hotline)
Main Email: Office@tawla.or.tz
Contact Person: Mary Richard, Head of Access to Justice
Contact Email: mary.richard@tawla.or.tz
Website: http://www.tawla.or.tz
TAWLA provides legal aid services to indigent women and children in the society through their offices based in
Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, Arusha, Mwanza and Tanga regions. TAWLA staff attends to clients every Monday and


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Wednesday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Keywords: Legal aid, free legal representation

Womens Legal Aid Centre (WLAC)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam,Kasulu, Muleba
Address: WLAC Building, Kinondoni Hananasif Area, Kisutu Street (near Langata Inn), Block No. 40, House
No. 184, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Main Email: info@wlac.or.tz / wlac@wlac.or.tz
Main Telephone: 0800 780100
Contact Person: Grace Daffa, Legal Aid Manager
Website: http://womenslegalaidcentre.org
The most common types of cases brought to WLAC are matrimonial, land and inheritance; however, WLACs
capable legal staff and volunteers are equipped to handle a wide range of legal issues, including refugee, child
maintenance, child custody, labour, rape, insurance and defamation, to name a few. It uses mobile legal aid
clinics visiting remote/rural communities.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal services, womens rights, childrens rights

AIDS Access Foundation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Thai
Geographic Coverage: Bangkok, Chiang Rai, Kanchanaburi.
Address: Ramkhamhaeng 104 Alley, Saphan Sung, Bangkok 10240, Thailand
Main Email: webmaster@aidsaccess.com
Main Telephone: +66 2 372 2113
Website: http://www.aidsaccess.com
The Foundation aims to raise awareness and increase public understanding about HIV / AIDS, its treatment
and the issues for PLWH. This is done through education, awareness campaigns and advocacy towards
both Governments and the community. The organization provides home based care visits which provide an
opportunity to deliver basic health care and medicines.
Keywords: Information, advocacy, counselling, home based care

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 183

Thai National AIDS Foundation


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Thai
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 191 Pahonyothin11, Pahonyothin Road, Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
Main Email: tnaf@csloxinfo.com / tnaf@thaiaids.org
Main Telephone: +662-279-7022-3 / +662-279-2952
Website: http://www.thaiaids.org
Thai National AIDS Foundation (TNAF) was established with the cooperation of governmental and nongovernmental organizations, organizations of PLWH and private sector businesses. Its overall mission is to raise
funds and resources to support HIV/AIDS prevention and care programs of CBOs, organizations of PLWH and
Keywords: Networking,education, information, advocacy, income generation

Thai Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (TNP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Thai
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 494 Soi Ladprao 11 Nakhon Thai 101 Rd, Bang Kapi District, Bangkok 10240
Main Email: tnpth@thaiplus.net
Main Telephone: 662-377-5065
Website: http://www.thaiplus.net
The organization is a regional network of PLWH who raise awareness in their communities, and participate in
solving problems.
Keywords: Networking, information, advocacy

Action Contre le Sida


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: BP 2342, Lome, Togo
Main Email: acsida@hotmail.com
Main Telephone: 228 271 01 54
Contact Person: Michel Tevi Mensah, Director
Website: http://www.grandir.sidaction.org/nos-partenaires/action-contre-le-sida/


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Organization created to improve the quality of life of PLWH. Activities include community based projects
promoting improved access to sexual and reproductive health and resources.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, education

Espoir Vie - Togo


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Agbalpdogan, 3047, rue de la Bretelle de Klikam, Immeuble contigu INADES-Formation,
Main Telephone: 228 251 46 56
Contact Person: Masil Elisabeth Assima-Kpatcha, Director
Website: http://www.espoir-vie-togo.org/
Organisation for PLWH which provides medical, psychological, nutritional and financial care and support. It
also engages in community mobilisation.
Keywords: Support, care, community mobilization

Rseau des Associations de Personnes Vivant Avec le VIH au Togo (RAS+ Togo)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Address: 05 BP:286 Lome 05, Togo
Main Email: doklatino@yahoo.fr
Main Telephone: 228 2209159
Contact Person: Augustine Dokla, President
RAS-TOGO is an organization connecting PLWH for the purpose of networking, support, capacity building, and
advocating for rights.
Keywords: Advocacy, lobbying, capacity building, networking

Pacific Sexual Diversity Network (PSDN)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Tonga, Vanuatu, Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea
Address: PO Box 783, Nukualofa, Tongatapu

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 185

Main Email: resitara@psdnetwork.org

Main Telephone: +676 8734642
Contact Person: Resitara Apa
Website: http://psdnetwork.org
This is a regional network for individuals and organisations in the Pacific working around the issues of HIV and
sexual health with MSM communities; aims to support and strengthen national MSM groups.
Keywords: MSM, advocacy, information

Tonga Leitis Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Tonga
Address: P.O. Box 783, Nukualofa, Tonga
Main Telephone: 676 887 6686
Contact Person: Joey Joleen Mataele, President
Website: http://www.tongaleitis.to
The goal of the organization is to reduce Social Stigma and discrimination, and prevent HIV and STIs, for Leitis
in Tonga. One of the ways it does this is to strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders.
Keywords: LGBTQI, advocacy, information

Caribbean Regional Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (CRN+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Caribbean region
Address: United Nations House, 3A Chancery Lane, Port of Spain
Main Email: info@crnplus.org
Main Telephone: 1 868 223 7059 Ext 230/231
Contact Person: Ainsley Reid, Chairman
Website: http://www.crnplus.com/
CRN+ is the authentic voice of Caribbean people living with HIV and AIDS. CRN+ is committed to empowering
and supporting persons infected and affected by HIV and AIDS through advocacy, research, partnership,
capacity building and resource mobilization. CRN+, the only regional persons living with HIV coalition,
comprises 27 national affiliates in the English, Spanish, French and Dutch Caribbean.
Keywords: Advocacy, empowerment, capacity building, research, information


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

National AIDS Hotline of Trinidad & Tobago (Aidsline)


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: PO Bag 472, Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad W.I. / Queens Park Counselling Centre, 5 Queens
Park East, Port of Spain
Main Email: aidsline@tstt.net.tt
Main Telephone: 800-4448 / +1 868 625 2437
Website: http://www.aidsline.tt/
AIDSLINE provides compassionate, confidential listening services, pre-test counselling and also post-testing
counselling for infected and affected persons. Lines are open from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. to all callers who
want clear helpful information about HIV/AIDS.
Keywords: Information, support

Tobago AIDS Society


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Tobago
Address: P.O Box 226, Scaraborough, Tobago W.I. /Fairfield Complex Bacolet Street
Main Email: tobagoaids@msn.com
Main Telephone: 1 868 635 1024
The organization educates and creates awareness on HIV/AIDS and STIs. The organization also provides
counselling for those infected with HIV.
Keywords: Awareness, information

North African Network of AIDS Service Organizations (NANASO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: North Africa
Address: 42, rue Tahar Ben Brahim, 1013 El Menzah, IXb Tunis, Tunisia
Main Email: amoalla@planet.tn
Main Telephone: 216 71 872 847
Contact Person: Anouar Moalla, Coordinator
NANASO is a network of 5 HIV/AIDS national networks in North Africa. Its mission is to enhance the community

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 187

response to HIV/AIDS in Northern Africa.

Keywords: Support, networking, information

Planned Parenthood Federation, Arab Regional Office


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 2 Place Virgile, Notre Dame, Tunis
Main Email: enggased@ippf.org.tn
Main Telephone: +216 71 847 344
Website: http://www.ippf.org/our-work/where-we-work/arab-world
IPPF provides HIV related services, reproductive products and services.
Keywords: Advocacy, reproductive health

The Tunisian Association Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: French
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 16, Rue 7051 Centre Urbain Nord 1082 Tunis
Main Email: contact@atlmstsida.org
Main Telephone: 216 70 866 588
Contact Person: Pr. Mohamed Ridha Kamoun, President
Website: www.atlmstsida.org
Since its inception in 1990, the Tunisian Association Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. It
works to prevent STIs/ HIV/ AIDS through the dissemination of information and awareness on sexual and
reproductive health of STIs/ HIV/ AIDS.
Keywords: Prevention, support, training, VCT

AIDS Savasim Dernegi (AIDS Prevention Society)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Turkish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Istanbul


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Email: info@aidsdernegi.org.tr

Main Telephone: 90 (0) 212 635 25 82
Contact Person: Selim Badur, President
Contact Email: selimbadur@hotmail.com
Website: www.aidsdernegi.org.tr
Network of organizations fighting AIDS through advocacy, information, education, awareness-campaigns,
prevention, and monitoring.
Keywords: Advocacy, information, education, prevention, awareness, monitoring

Human Resource Development Foundation (HRDF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Turkish
Geographic Coverage: Istanbul
Address: Yeniar Cad. No: 34 Beyolu / Istanbul Turkey 34425
Main Email: ikgv@ikgv.org
Main Telephone: 90 212 293 1605
Contact Person: Turgut Toku, Chairperson
Website: http://www.ikgv.org/
HRDF works in a variety of areas promoting the rights and freedoms of individuals, with special focus on
vulnerable populations including women, sex-workers, and HIV positive persons. Their Womens Door project
provides training, education, support, and free legal aid to female sex workers.
Keywords: Reproductive health, human rights, empowerment, legal aid, sex workers

Pozitif Yasam Dernegi (Positive Living Association)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Turkish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Fahrettin Kerim Gokay Cad., Arsu Apt. No:65/8 Hasanpasa, Kadikoy, Istanbul
Main Email: info@pozitifyasam.org
Main Telephone: 90 216 4181061
Contact Person: Mehmet Omay, President of the Board
Website: http://pozitifyasam.org/en
PYD works to prevent discrimination against PLWH and to maintain access to free treatment. The organization
also fights for the equal rights of all citizen. They have a legal support helpline, and a large part of their work
includes advocacy for access to rights and treatment. They offer psychosocial support, training seminars, and

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 189

work alongside other NGOs and government to create policy with upholds the rights of PLWH.
Keywords: Support, legal advice, care, awareness, advocacy, information

The Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights (TIHR)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Russian, English
Geographic Coverage: Turkmenistan (based in Austria)
Address: Dempschergasse, 17/1/12, A-1180, Vienna, Austria
Main Email: turkmen.initiative@gmail.com / turkmenistan_initiative@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 43-1-944 13 27
Website: http://www.chrono-tm.org/
TIHR was originally founded in Turkmenistan, and eventually were forced into repression and exile. Now based
in Austria, the organizations primary focus is monitoring national minority rights and freedom of associations
in Turkmenistan. In conjunction with various human rights organizations, they research and report on the
human rights situation in the country.
Keywords: Advocacy, human rights, awareness

UNFPA Turkmenistan


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Geographic Coverage: Youth centres in Ashgabat and Mary
Address: 40 Galkynysh street, 744004, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Main Email: info@unfpa.org.tm
Main Telephone: 993 12 425250
Website: http://www.unfpa.org.tm/
UNFPA works to increase the access of youth and adolescents to the evidence-based youth-friendly
information and consultative services in the area of reproductive health and HIV prevention. At the centres
young people can raise their knowledge on the issues of adolescent reproductive health, HIV/AIDS/STI
prevention, gender equality, drug abuse, family planning and other issues related to healthy lifestyle through
peer-to-peer education, including the use of theatre based performances, and information materials.
Keywords: Education, prevention, outreach, awareness, counselling, reproductive health

Tuvalu Family Health Association (TuFHA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Vaiaku, Funafuti, Tuvalu
Main Email: tufha@tuvalu.tv
Main Telephone: +68 (8) 20411
The organization is the Pacific Islands leading non-governmental organization promoting and providing
sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Its information and education outreach focuses on sexually
transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV and AIDS, and demonstrations of condom use, among others.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information

Association of Uganda Women Lawyers (FIDA-U)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Plot 11, Kanjokya Street Kampala OR P.O. Box 2157, Kampala
Main Email: fida@fidauganda.org
Main Telephone: +256 414 530 848
Contact Person: Irene Ovonji Odida, Chief Executive Officer
Website: http://www.fidauganda.org
FIDA Uganda provides legal aid services to indigent women and children. It has 12 regional offices nationwide.
Keywords: Legal aid, advocacy, womens rights

Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Box 11027, Kampala, Human Rights House Plot 1853, Lulume Road Nsambya
Main Email: info@fhri.or.ug / fhri@dmail.ug
Main Telephone: 0800100016 (for legal assistance) / 256 414 51049 / +256 414 510263 / +256 414660710
Contact Person: Maria Kaddu Busuulwa, Project Manager Legal Aid Unit
Website: http://www.fhri.or.ug
FHRI provides pro-bono legal aid services to the poor and vulnerable persons especially women, children,
Persons with Disabilities, elderly and minorities in Uganda. FHRI also advocates for the support and
implementation of a state funded National Legal Aid Policy emphasizing access and non-discrimination.
Keywords: Legal aid, mediation

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 191

Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Form


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Plot 390, Professor Apolo Nsibambi Road, 20 metres off Balintuma Road, Namirembe Kampala,
P.O. Box 25603 Kampala
Main Email: info@hrapf.org
Main Telephone: +256 (0)414 530683
Website: http://hrapf.org
Contact Person: Adrian Jjuuko, Executive Director
HRAPF is an independent, non-partisan, Non-Governmental human rights advocacy organization. It was
founded in 2008 by a group of freshly graduated lawyers and other professionals. HRAPF seeks to create
awareness of human rights and provide legal support to the most marginalised groups as a means of
stemming abuse of their human rights. HRAPFs access to justice program focuses on the provision of probono legal aid services to marginalised groups in the areas of criminal justice, land justice, family justice (HIV/
AIDS related) and sexual and gender based violence.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal support, human rights

International Committee of Women Living with HIV/AIDS East Africa (ICWEA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: East Africa region
Address: P.O Box 32252, Plot 16A Tagore Crescent, Kamwokya, Uganda
Main Email: admin@icwea.org
Mail Telephone: 256 414 531913
Contact Person: Lillian Mworeko, ICW East Africa Regional Coordinator
Website: http://www.icwea.org/
The East African chapter of a a global coalition of women living with HIV/AIDS. ICW exists to lead efforts
towards securing and improving the quality of life for women living with HIV. They do this by mobilizing,
organizing, advocating, mentoring and raising consciousness on the issues that directly impact the lives of
women living with HIV.
Keywords: Legal assistance, human rights, womens rights, advocacy

The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO)


Organization type: NGO


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Mulago Hospital Complex, P.O. BOX 10443, Kampala, Uganda
Main Email: mail@tasouganda.org
Main Telephone: +256414532580/1
Website: http://www.tasouganda.org
TASO has 11 service centres offer a range of HIV core services; Comprehensive HIV Prevention, HIV/AIDS
Counseling, Care and Support, HIV/AIDS Treatment, Training, Advocacy and Networking, and these are tailored
to address the unique needs of the different communities they serve. It has 11 regional offices.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS treatment, training, advocacy and networking

Uganda Network on Law, Ethics and HIV/AIDS (UGANET)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Plot 19 Valley Road, Ministers village, Ntinda. / P.O.Box 70269, Kampala, Uganda
Main Email: info@uganet.org / uganet@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: +256-414-574531 / +256-772-199374 / +256-773062204
Contact Person: Dora K. Musinguzi, Executive Director
Website: http://uganet.org
UGANET is a national NGO that was established to bring together organizations and individuals who are
interested in advocating for the development and strengthening of an appropriate policy, legal, human rights
and ethical response to Health and HIV/AIDS in Uganda. UGANET employs three main strategies in pursuit
of its goals advocacy and policy influencing, access to justice through provision of legal aid, and mobilizing
communities to drive their own change.
Keywords: Legal assistance, legal aid, human rights, education, advocacy, womens rights

Emirates Centre for Human Rights


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Geographic Coverage: National advocacy
Main Email: campaigns@echr.org.uk
Website: http://www.echr.org.uk/
The Emirates Centre for Human Rights is an independent NGO established to promote the defence of human
rights in the United Arab Emirates. Through building strong relationships with the media, parliaments and

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 193

other relevant organisations outside the UAE, we seek to promote the pursuit of human rights and highlight
abuses where they take place.
Keywords: Human rights, anti-discrimination, advocacy

National AIDS Programme


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Arabic
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Ministry of Health, PO Box 994, Sharjah
Main Email: dr.nada.almarzouqi@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 971 50 6624994
Contact Person: Dr Nada Al Marzouki, National AIDS Programme Manager
Website: http://www.moh.gov.ae/en
National body which coordinates the reponse to HIV/AIDS including prevention, control, monitoring, diagnosis,
and treatment.
Keywords: Prevention, epidemiologic monitoring, control, diagnosis, monitoring



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Barnsley
Address: The Core, County Way, Barnsley, S Yorks. S70 2JW
Main Email: info@plusme.org
Main Telephone: 01226 320 148 / 07543 442 547
Contact Person: Karl Mark Cooper, Project Manager
Website: http://plusme.org
This is a user-led organisation supporting PLWH in Barnsley. It is currently supporting 158 people who are
affected by HIV. It offers information and VCT services.
Keywords: Information, support, VCT

Abacus Central


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Geographic Coverage: Liverpool, Kensington, Smithdown Childrens Walk-In, South Liverpool, Litherland
Walk-in Center, Old Swan Walk-in Center
Address: Liverpool Innovation Park, 2nd Floor, Digital Way, Liverpool, L7 9NJ / The Beat, 6 David Lewis
Street, Liverpool, L1 4AP
Main Email: csd@liverpoolch.nhs.uk
Main Telephone: 0151 295 3000 / 0151 247 6500 / 0151 247 6555
Website: http://www.liverpoolcommunityhealth.nhs.uk
Abacus is under the NHS Trust and provides advice, counselling and information on all aspects of sexual health.
It provides all methods of contraception and some STI screening.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, VCT



Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Dumbarton, Clydebank, Alexandria
Address: 8 Miller Street, Clydebank, G81 1UQ
Main Email: info@alternativeswd.org
Main Telephone: 0141 951 2420
Contact Person: Donnie McGilveray, Project Manager
Website: http://www.alternativeswd.org
Alternatives is a community based drug project that offers needle exchange, and provides safe houses and
counselling services.
Keywords: Harm reduction, counselling, information

AIDS Legal Referral Panel


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: San Francisco
Address: 1663 Mission Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, California 94103
Main Telephone: (415) 701-1100 / (415) 701-1200
Main Email: bill@alrp.org
Contact Person: Bill Hirsch, Executive Director
Website: http://www.alrp.org
The organization provides legal help for PLWH in various areas, mainly under civil law. They also provide
refereral to other HIV/AIDS organizations.
Keywords: Legal advice, information

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 195

AIDS-Free World


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Global
Address: 501 Northern Parkway, Uniondale, NY, 11553
Main Email: info@aidsfreeworld.org
Main Telephone: (212) 729-5084
Contact Person: Seth Earn, Legal Advisor, Global Advocacy
Contact Email: searn@aidsfreeworld.rog
Website: http://www.aidsfreeworld.org
Our small team advocates for an AIDS-free world by going after the destructive forces that gave HIV room to
explode from a weak virus into a fearsome pandemic: denial, neglect, ignorance, short-sightedness, greed,
racism, sexism, bigotry, fanaticism and disregard for human rights. Our advocacy involves rigorous research
and analysis of past, current and planned responses to the pandemic: we defend approaches that work and
expose those that dont. We collect information and insights from a broad network of contacts built up over
decades of cumulative international experience. We identify those responsible for creating problems and
those responsible for solving them, and we hold both to account. We make sure our critiques are heard, using
a range of political, legal, strategic, analytic, communication, negotiating, speaking, writing and diplomatic
skills to press relentlessly, without equivocation or apology where change is needed.
Keywords: Legal assistance, advocacy, information, human rights

Harvard Law School Project on Disability (HPOD)


Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Global
Address: 1563 Massachusetts Avenue, Pound Hall 423, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Main Telephone: 617-495-4693
Main Email: info@hpod.org
Contact Person: William P. Alford, Executive Director
Contact Email: alford@law.harvard.edu
Website: http://www.hpod.org
HPOD works to promote the human rights of people with disabilities worldwide. HPOD supports the
development of disability civil society, informs innovative legislative and policy development, provides
legal advice and human rights training to persons with disabilities, their representative organizations, nongovernmental organizations, National Human Rights Institutions, and governments.
Keywords: Legal assistance, legal advice, human rights


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

ONeill Institute for National and Global Health Law

Georgetown University


Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide, Global
Address: Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20001
Main Telephone: (202) 662-9203
Contact Person: Oscar A. Cabrera, Executive Director
Contact Email: cabrera@law.georgetown.edu
Website: http://www.law.georgetown.edu/oneillinstitute
The essential vision for the ONeill Institute rests upon the proposition that the law has been, and will remain,
a fundamental tool for solving critical health problems in our local, national, and global communities. By
contributing to a more powerful and deeper understanding of the multiple ways in which law can be used to
improve health, the ONeill Institute hopes to encourage key decision-makers in the public, private, and civil
society sectors to employ the law as a positive tool to enable individuals and populations in the United States
and throughout the world to lead healthier lives.
Keywords: Legal assistance, research, advocacy, human rights

Open Society Foundations (OSF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide, Global.
Address: 224 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, United States
Main Email: Via website
Main Telephone: +1-212-548-0600
Website: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org
The Open Society Foundations promote societies in which the rule of law and respect for human rights
safeguard the health of all, especially the most vulnerable. This includes people living with HIV or tuberculosis,
people needing palliative care, people who use drugs, people with disabilities, prisoners, ethnic minorities, sex
workers, and sexual minorities.
Keywords: Legal assistance, research, advocacy, human rights

The Global Network of People living with HIV in North America


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Spanish

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 197

Geographic Coverage: Canada, United States of America, Puerto Rico

Address: 727 15th Street NW Suite 210, Washington, DC 20005 USA
Main Email: info@gnpna.org
Website: http://gnpna.org
The organization works in partnership with other regions to support evidence-based advocacy for people living
with HIV. We strive to bring attention to global issues within North America and to share information from
North America with the global sphere.
Keywords: Networking, advocacy, information

Positive Womens Network - USA


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: United States of America
Address: 436 14th Street, 5th Floor, Oakland CA 94612
Main Email: info@pwn-usa.org
Main Telephone: +1-510-698-3811
Website: https://pwnusa.wordpress.com
A national membership body of women living with HIV and allies organising and advocating for their rights.
Keywords: Networking, advocacy, information

Asociacin de Ayuda al Seropositivo (ASEPO)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Mercedes 1877/703, CP 11200 Montevideo
Main Telephone: (+5982) 99660445
Main Email: asociacionasepo@gmail.com
Contact Person: Liset Collazo Behrens, Focal Point
Contact Email: lisetcol@gmail.com
Website: http://www.asepo.org.uy
ASEPO is a non-profit society founded in 1989 to support PLWH, raise awareness and sensitivity to HIV issues,
promote and defend human rights, and reduce the epidemiological and social impacts of HIV/AIDS in Uruguay.
They also contribute to advocacy activities in the context of public policy planning and execution, and monitor
the human rights situation for PLWH.
Keywords: Information, advice, support, education, advocacy, human rights


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Asociacin de Minoras Sexuales del Uruguay (AMISEU)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Montevideo
Address: Ro Branco 1467 esquina Mercedes, Montevideo
Main Email: amiseu@gmail.com
Contact Person: Pablo Nalerio, Executive Director
Contact Email: coordinacion@amiseu.org.uy
Website: http://www.amiseu.org.uy/
This is an organization serving PLWH through HIV counselling, defence of human rights, legal aid, self-help
groups, sociological support, and primary, secondary and tertiary prevention activities.
Keywords: Legal aid, human rights, counselling, support, VCT, support

Ministerio de Salud Pblica - Programa Prioritario ITS/SIDA


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, German, Spanish, Portuguese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 18 de Julio y Juan Antonio Rodrguez, 11200 Montevideo
Main Email: igabrielzyk@msp.gub.uy
Main Telephone: 598 2 402 24 24
Contact Person: Dr Susana Cabrera Alonso, Program Director
Website: http://www.msp.gub.uy/
The Health Ministry formulates health policies and strategies at a national level.
Keywords: Research, policy, information

AYOL Resource Center for Women and Family


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Uzbek
Geographic Coverage: Samarkand
Address: PO Box 65. 703000, Samarkand
Main Email: ayol@mail.ru
Main Telephone: 998 662 330989
Contact Person: Victoria Ashirova, Coordinator
AYOL is a NGO which works to advocate for the human rights of PLWH (with an emphasis on womens issues),

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 199

as well as to provide education, and information related to health and prevention.

Keywords: Human rights, womens rights, information, education, reproductive health, prevention,

Community of People Living with HIV


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Russian
Geographic Coverage: Tashkent
Address: Chilanzar 19, 40/92, Tashkent , 100156
Main Email: PLH.Uzb@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 998 71 2172127
Contact Person: Sergey Uchayev, Director
Website: http://plh.uz
This organization provides social support to PLHIV and TB. Services include self-help groups, individual
consultations, assistance in interaction with social and health organisations, and prevention of HIV / AIDS
among vulnerable groups.
Keywords: Support, education, training, prevention

Public union of PLWH Ishonch va Hayot


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: Uzbek
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 62, Navoi str. 140000, Urgench
Main Email: h.ismoilova@yandex.ru
Main Telephone: 99871 2768980
Contact Person: Ismoilova Hurshida, Leader
Contact Email: ishonchvahayot@gmail.com
This organization provides support to PLWH, injection drug users and sex workers. Their work includes
psychological, social, medical and legal support as well as prevention, training, and education.
Keywords: Legal support, care,training, advocacy, education, prevention

University of South Pacific Law Centre, Port Vila


Organization type: Law firm

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Port Vila.
Address: Community Legal Centre, PMB 9072, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Main Telephone: (+678) 27026
Website: https://www.usp.ac.fj/index.php?id=8402
University of the South Pacific (USP) Community Law Centre is a fully operational law firm that provides
legal advice and assistance to members of the public who cannot afford a lawyer. It provides services on civil
matters such as: divorce, child custody, contact and maintenance, spouse maintenance, and matrimonial
property settlement).
Keywords: Legal assistance

Vanuatu Family and Health Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: VFHA House, 2 Rue Emile Mercet, Port Vila 678, Vanuatu
Main Email: vfha@vanuatu.com.vu
Main Telephone: +67 (8) 22140 / 36129
Website: http://www.ippfeseaor.org/our-work/where-we-work/vanuatu
An integral part of VFHAs work is about spreading information and awareness through its clinical services and
mobile outreach services.
Keywords: Reproductive health, information, education

Accin Ciudadana Contra el SIDA (ACCSI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, German, Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Caracas
Address: Av. Rmulo Gallegos, Edf. Maracay, piso 11, Ofc. 21, Sector Horizonte, Urb. El Marqus, Caracas
Main Email: accsi@accsi.org.ve
Main Telephone: 58 212 8382375
Contact Person: Argenis Mondragn, Executive Director
Website: www.accsi.org.ve
ACCSI Citizen Action Against AIDS, is a civil society organization which promotes, protects and defends the
human rights of PLWH through lobbying and advocacy, research and monitoring, education and training
programs, and prevention.
Keywords: Advocacy, prevention, care, research, monitoring, lobbying, training

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 201

Accin Solidaria en VIH/Sida


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Geographic Coverage: Caracas
Address: Av. Orinoco, entre Calle Coromoto y 2da Calle, Quinta Los Olivos, Bello Monte, Caracas 1050
Main Email: info@accionsolidaria.info
Main Telephone: 58 212 952 9554
Contact Person: Carlos Quintero, Director
Website: www.accionsolidaria.info
This is a community care and prevention centre for PLWH. It provides comprehensive medical and
psychological care and information, and prevention strategies aimed at the general population and at risk
groups. The organization engages in advocacy for the rights of PLWH, and research and documentation on the
rights to non-discrimination. It also runs a national helpline
Keywords: Advocacy, care, prevention, research, information

Red Venezolana de Gente Positiva (RVG+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: Spanish
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Urb. El Cuajaro, Lote G, Calle 194C, Casa No 49G-6-28, Municipio San Francisco
Main Email: secretario.rvg@gmail.com
Main Telephone: 58 261 734 6652
Contact Person: Estevan Colina, Contact
Website: www.rvg.org.ve
The organization is committed to the promotion and defence of the rights of people living with HIV and AIDS
through capacity building, exchange of information, and support.
Keywords: Human rights, capacity building, support

Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Vietnamese
Geographic Coverage: Hanoi, Hai Phong
Address: 240 Mai Anh Tuan Street, Thanh Cong ward, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi, Vietnam
Main Email: scdi@scdi.org.vn


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Main Telephone: 04 35720689

Contact Person: Pham Hoai Thanh, Manager of the Communication Program
Contact Email: thanhdesigner@scdi.org.vn
Website: http://www.scdi.org.vn
SCDIs Counseling and Training program engages in various activities which change from year to year to meet
the needs of partner hospitals. SCDI provides psychological support and comprehensive care for HIV patients
and capacity building for health workers at partner hospitals.
Keywords: Training, support, counselling

Vietnam Network of PLHIV (VNP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Vietnamese
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Room 1216-K4-Urban House Hung-Vietnam Long Bien District, Hanoi-Vietnam
Main Email: vnpplus2008@gmail.com
Main Telephone: +84 4 38737933
Website: http://www.vnpplus.com
VNP + is a network of 70 self help groups, alliances and networks of the provincial PLWH active in the field of
HIV / AIDS in the territory of Vietnam. The aim of the organization is to enhance the participation of PLWH in
HIV prevention activities and create a common voice to influence policy and erase geographical segregation.
Keywords: Networking, information, advocacy

Vietnam Womens Union


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Vietnamese
Geographic Coverage: H Noi
Address: ia chi: 39 Hng Chuoi, Hai B Trng, H Noi
Main Email: cwd@gmail.vnn.vn
Main Telephone: 84 4 37280280
Contact Person: Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa, President
Website: http://hoilhpn.org.vn/
Focused on womens development and providing counselling and support services.
Keywords: Advocacy, support, treatment, access, counselling, capacity building, prevention, education

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 203

Aid Association


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Address: Alribat street, Sanaa, Hail 16 Street
Main Email: hani2020hani@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 967 1402012
Contact Person: Abdulhafedh Award, Director
Contact Email: yemenaid@yahoo.com
Organization leading the fight against stigma and discrimination through advocacy and awareness training,
income generating projects, psychosocial support, education,capacity building, and service provision to PLWH.
Keywords: Advocacy, awareness, training, information, anti-discrimination, support, help groups

Alsaleh Social Foundation for Development (SSFD)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English, Arabic
Address: Hadah almusbahy, Sanaa 01
Main Email: albarmaki_2006@yahoo.com
Main Telephone: 967 1 426622
Contact Person: Ali Abdurhman Alakwa, Executive Manager
Contact Email: alakwa_ali@yahoo.com
Website: www.ssfd.org.ye
Organization which lectures in Yemeni University, provides training for non-governmental organisations and
education of young people through school health system, participates in outreach programs on HIV and AIDS,
and helps to develop national strategy.
Keywords: Advocacy, education, awareness, training, policy development, outreach

Legal Resources Foundation (LRF) & Legal Resources Chambers (LRC)


Organization type: NGO and Law firm

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Address: Legal Resources Foundation, Zambia. 2nd and 6th Floor (Room 610), Woodgate House Cairo Road
PO Box 35162 Lusaka, Zambia
Main Email: lrf@zamnet.zm
Main Telephone: +260-211-221263 / +260-211-223758
Legal Resources Foundation (LRF) was established and registered in 1993 to promote and protect human


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

rights through the provision of legal aid services to the indigent. The Foundations secretariat is situated in
Lusaka with eight other provincial offices in Kitwe, Livingstone, Kabwe, Kasama, Chipata, Mansa, Solwezi and
Mongu. The LRF has a registered law firm namely the Legal Resources Chambers (LRC). LRC employs lawyers
under the Foundation who provide free legal representation to litigants in court.
Keywords: Legal support, legal representation, legal advice

National HIV/AIDS Council Secretariat


Organization type: Government Agency

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Address: 315 Independence Avenue, PO Box 38718, Lusaka
Main Telephone: 260 211 255044
Main Email: echoseni@nacsec.org.zm
Contact Person: Elizabeth Choseni
Website: http://www.nac.org.zm/
Statutory programme, national co-ordination, prevention, advice, support, information
Keywords: Prevention, support

Network of Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS (NZP+)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Ground Floor Kwacha House Annex, Cairo Road, Box 32717, Lusaka 10101
Main Email: napnzp@zamnet.zm
Main Telephone: 260 21 1237619
Contact Person: Kunyima Banda, Programme Manager
Contact Email: kunyimalbanda@yahoo.com
Website: www.nzp.org.zm
Membership-based organisation that promotes support to PLWH, represents and advocates for their interests,
facilitates access to information and to vital services for their own livelihood development.
Keywords: Advocacy, information

Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT) Zambia


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 205

Languages: English
Address: Plot 4830 Los Angeles Boulevard, Longacres, Lusaka , Zambia
Main Email: ngwenya@satzam.org.zm
Main Telephone: +260 211 256 656
Contact Person: Zoonadi Ngwenya, Country Director
Contact Email: ngwenya@satzam.org.zm
SAT is a leading partner and enabler of communities to use sexual reproductive and health rights, and HIV
programming to strengthen community systems for resilience and development.
Keywords: Advocacy, reproductive rights, information

Legal Resources Foundation Zimbabwe (LRF)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English.
Geographic Coverage: Harare, Bulawayo, Mutare, Masvingo, Gweru, Murombedzi, Esigodini, Emganwini,
Nketa, Gwanda, Norton, Hatcliffe
Address: 16 Oxford Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe
Main Email: lrf@lrf.co.zw
Main Telephone: 333707 / 334732
Website: http://www.lrfzim.com/
The access to justice programme involves giving legal advice verbally or through correspondence, legal drafting,
mediation, negotiation and court representation where necessary. The target group for legal aid is indigent
women assessed through a means test administered internally as well as all minor children regardless of sex. Legal
aid is provided at the Harare and Bulawayo offices as well as through mobile legal aid clinics to outlying areas.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal advice, legal representation, training

Research & Advocacy Unit (RAU)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English, Shona
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Main Email: info@rau.co.zw, admin@rau.co.zw
Main Telephone: +263 777 224 476
Website: http://researchandadvocacyunit.org
RAU is an independent non governmental organisation that fosters citizen agency through high quality
research and advocacy. Their work focuses on the promotion and protection of human rights.
Keywords: Legal assistance, human rights, information, advocacy


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Southern African AIDS Trust (SAT) Zimbabwe


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: No
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Harare
Address: 13 Duthie Road, Belgravia, Harare, Zimbabwe
Main Telephone: +263 4 701 524
Main Email: dete@satzim.org.zw
Contact Person: Giva Roselyn Dete, Country Director
Website: http://www.satregional.org/
SAT is a leading partner and enabler of communities to use sexual reproductive and health rights, and HIV
programming to strengthen community systems for resilience and development.
Keywords: Reproductive rights, information, advocacy

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: 6th Floor Beverley Court, 100 Corner Nelson Mandela Avenue and Fourth Street, Box CY 1393,
Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe
Main Email: info@zlhr.org.zw
Main Telephone: +263 4 764085 / +263 4 251468 / +263 4 705370 / +263 4 708118
Contact Person: Tinashe Mundawarara, Programme Manager HIV/AIDS, Human Rights and Law Project
Website: www.zlhr.org.zw
HIV/AIDS, Human Rights and Law Project was established to enable and cultivate a legal and human rights
response to HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe. The program has a Legal Aid Unit that litigates cases of HIV and human
rights, nationally, regionally and internationally.
Keywords: Legal aid, legal education, human rights, legal representation

Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association (ZWLA)


Organization type: NGO

Direct Legal Aid Provided: Yes
Languages: English
Geographic Coverage: Nationwide
Address: Harare / Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Main Email: zwla@zwla.co.zw

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 207

Main Telephone: 04 706676 / 09 887185-7

Contact Person: Revai Fourie, Programme Manager Access to Justice
Website: http://www.zwla.co.zw
ZWLA seeks to provide legal aid and education to millions of women and communities, lobby and advocate
communities, institutions, government and policy makers to be sensitive to women and childrens rights as
well as raise awareness on matters of its interest.
Keywords: Legal advice, legal representation, womens rights


Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center

Resource Guide: Legal Consultation Center 209

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