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Name: _____________________________________________ ID Number: ____________________________________________

1. Draw a tree for the following sentence:

Can you save me a seat for the concert?


2. Read the following passage and answer the questions:

After a long flight, theres nothing [a] worse than waiting at the baggage claim carousel for 15 minutes only [b] to
discover that your luggage hasnt made the trip with you. Almost every traveler has been in baggage-claim hell, dealing
with lost or delayed baggage. Now a new Congressional report puts forward the idea that travelers could be reimbursed
for their misery. The report, issued June 14 by the Government Accountability Office, listed possible changes to the
current baggage system that might turn the tide back in the favor of the consumer after years of rising airline fees.
Currently, airlines are required by the Department of Transportation to make every reasonable effort to return delayed
luggage to its owner within 24 hours. They also owe you [c] up to $3,300 if they lose your luggage permanently. [d]
However, airlines have always had complete discretion in deciding how to handle situations [e] where bags are lost for
multiple days.
Pick out the first four direct objects:
(1) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
(3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
(4) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Pick out one verb complement (vC), one subject complement/predicate (sC), and one prepositional object (pO):
(5) ________________________________________________________________________________________ (vC)
(6) ________________________________________________________________________________________ (sC)
(7) ________________________________________________________________________________________ (pO)
Categorise the words in bold in the text above:
(8) [a] _____________________ (9) [b] _____________________ (10) [c] _____________________
(11) [d] _____________________ (12) [e] _____________________
3. Identify the form and the function of the underlined phrases.


(13) I didnt tell my parents I was coming to a night club.



(14) Opening up my sleeping bag, I found a scorpion.



(15) His main purpose in life is to make money.



(16) I was only interested in finding a bed for the night.



4. Analyze the underlined verb groups (use / if a category is not realized).


It has been shown that people are more productive when they dont work at home.

Tense: _______ Aspect: __________________


She must have been waiting for a couple of hours.

Tense: _______ Aspect: __________________


Voice: _______ Modality: __________ Mood: ______________

Voice: _______ Modality: __________ Mood: ______________

It is inappropriate that she receive the award again.

Tense: _______ Aspect: __________________

Voice: _______ Modality: __________ Mood: ______________

5. For each of the following marked sentences, identify the type of structural variation and give the unmarked version:
(20) Sarah, shes my sister.

Type: _____________________________________

Unmarked version: ______________________________________________________________________________

(21) It was his nervous laugh that made me think he was lying.

Type: _____________________________________

Unmarked version: ______________________________________________________________________________

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