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I \Vtts sitting in 1ny Living rooin one day et1y in 2005 11.d \V<IS
thinking th:it \Vestem CU)'tih~a Audubon Society needed to
1no,e lx.;.vnd its traditional 1nission of public education. \\~

do ,,ith ht1bitl'lt prescnlrtion. \\'hl'll bccai11ccleor to us '''as th;1t

Cf\1P \Vl'ls t<llltcting an expanse of land bel\\'OOI\ ~linck&C)
R~l'ltion <ind ~1l ill St.rean1 Run Reservation nlong the East

had a strong Board of OirectM, and I kne\\ thnt '''C '''Ore

c<1p:ible of doing 1nore. \\~ nocdcd a cooscnntion project At
1ny firs.t 00.1rd n1ccting ~ WCAS president in 2003, I
1nentioned this to Jen)' TiniOOO\\', then E.xecuti\'C Director of
Audubon Ohio. lole said. "\Vhy don't you adopt the Rocl..1
River hnportnnt Bird Area Md do ll\ian n1oni1oringf ' This
piqued 1ny interosi because lhe Rocky River 161\ is in the
1niddle of our geographical area 11.d much of it is in the
Clevclond Mctrop.,ks (CMP).

Br<1nch of the Rocky Riv Titis critical habitut '"'IS l;1rgcl)

private property, ond C~1IP had a plan to ocquire this propcrt)
piece b) piece in order to help cre.<1te o contiguous p:ui; land
tUund Gre~1ter Cle,'Cland. CloilP nocdcd our d:ita to bolster
propos.1ls for funding to purehose p;"trccls. This bc:crune our

I had spcfll the inten -cning t\\'Oye..-s trying to gencnrte

interest 1t1ong the \VCAS mcinbcrship to undertake an IB,1-\
project M)elTorts hOO fallen on deaf ears. By c.arly 2005. I
had dciem1ined to '"t:ike the bull by the horns: ~1ly next step
\Vt1s to pick up the telephone und call Or. D:in Petit fooncr
Chief ofN<1tural Resources ofCf\1P. I kne\\' O;u1 ~ o ''-ellknO\vn ornithologist I S<lid, "Dan. \\'W\S is going to ;1dopt
the Rocky Ri\'Cr IBA. C:in you use our help conducting bird
sun eys thercr Dan replied, .., .,.e been \vtiiting for a force of
'vlunteers to olTer their help. lolo\v 1n;u1y people do )VU
have':'" He '''l'IS <tsloundcd '"hen I boldly told hiLu I coukl
1nuster over 60 people, Ln<1ny of \vhoin ''-ere skilled birdc.-s!
This " as hO\\' ii all lx.-tan! The rest as thC) SU)', is histOI)'. and
this report \viii rt..'\ie\\' hO\\' \\'e did it.

,go.II <ind our destin).

WCAS botni mcinbcr Stan Sct1es sun1mari...OO the
iinportancc of lhe 161\ projoct by stating, "TI.e Rocky Ri"er
ln1portanl Bini Arco is lhe niost i1nportont con.scnntion
initi<1ti\'e \VCAS could undertnke. This project is identifying
not onl),,hat birds <ire ti.ere. but 'vhat binls ore not there.
This project is rcnlly niorc <1bou1pt'Ople lhon binls.. bccouse it
,,ill study the in1pact of consenntion on the quality of life of
poople '"ho li,e in the Rocky River '''Olershed."
Our fi\'C)'C-~1r project of sun'C)ing the Rocky Ri\'Cr 16A is
O\'Cr, ond this docu1nent n..")>Orts on our ,,'Ofk. Ne,erthelcss.
our n1ission of pro,icling \'OluntC<.'f services to the con1munity
eontinucs. We <1nS\\'et' the call to docwncnt bird species in
other locations ond continue to raise public Q\vtircness li>oul
the need for oonscntttion through cdue.1tion and fund-raising
101n /(01niTo. Prtside111

Our rclutionship \\'ith CMP bccaine o true partn<.-rship. Our

go:il '''as o liulc fu:t.z,y at first. but '''C kne\\' ii hod ro1ncll1ing to

ff'tsurn C"}'<1hog<1 Audubon SQl:it(v

Important Bud AIN Surveys I In WOO, Audubon Ohio, lhcn

the st:m: offigc of lhc NmM'lnlll Audubon Society, design3tcd

R.'cr"a111d(Eas1 Orn:b)11Sm lmponsn1

BudAroa(IBAl In 200$. llCAS adopocd lhc Rooi.') ltin"
IBA,. on1a.,
"'lhc Easa Branch as
., ..i..,_-orlhc hcol1h of dnsOS)=m Ourl!P'I was.,
collocc cnxbblo dau., help Cl<'cbnd M~ sustain lhc
na&w'al rcsourccsof &hc: Roel~ Rncr,,atcnhed for furure


the IBA c0l b) '1-Clllng pkdgcs for the miles th~ ,,;itlr..cd.
A compant0n fund.f'OUCr bo\,n .ns the Ult:raBird bcg:m in
2003 Sl.dlcd birders c01n' ass Ill.I three rcsc:n <llioos in the
Roel~ JU, ct IBA. WI> mg bird obscn-..rions during m-o
~s before dt.c lllara\\~ and lhc cb_\ mthat C\"'UIL The
ClOWll UUPf'O\cd each ye. adding to lhc funds raised f lhc



FundralS1n9 & Awart"ntUllil$ing I \Ve did not need a lot of

mone) to su''C) an IOA, bu1 \\' nocded some. \'k raised
funds by 1nailing nn nnnunl n1>pcnl k:1lcr, selling rJuulc.gro\\11
colToc, pwticip:1ti111l in llio m11\\1nl Grcnter O c\'clnnd
Cotnbincd Fcdcrol C'11np1ugn, offering bird guides for
don.;ilions, ;ind conducti"I ~ MJtunl Ult:rn\Valk nnd
Ultrall&rd. One Jo> nl \\1CAS member 1nOOc a signif.JC31ll
donobon ., help defno) lhc ol"') orour IBA Coon!.._
UJt..w.. & Ult.Sd I On \I~ 26, 2001.

s- Scorlcs.

fonncr C..-of a..t. lhc Cbcb>d Mcuoparu 2"".

\\11Lcd ll mab tlnu.s.h lhc kocL.") R.i,cr IBA., raise funds
for the IBA pqOCI IRd tmtt pubhc a""llrCDCSS for
conscn 11t1011 m &he Roel) R1,cr "'"t:ershed The Ultra\\lafk
has bocon1c a popul11r nnnual C\Cnt, M more \\11lkcrs ha\ c
joined Stan cmch )CN The \\ nlkco: rniscd funds to support

SJn S...dft (lo~) ON/ Tom Romito (right) ., me UltraW.it<.

PIA*: 0-ffdl j 11us period ol...,. h~ ,. rqibc ~11h

c.urupk:s ofho\\ nicrubers o(\\1CAS rc:ochcd OUf IO our
conununi1y n11 cit1.-.c11 Jicicniiscs n~c result'> aro cSe11r. Thac i11
DO\\' 3 bird $1)1\CIWlf'
. 1111 I.be Eincrakl Necklace Inn u Rocl....v
Rn..-; bonl""' box ,,..;i'" oh< Cbdaod ~~ L>o;
mad oo :mnutd \\ CAS pt'C$Cll(lC ot the Cle\ d:md ln11ematioo3l
FiJn1 Fcsti' Ill, Scimcc O~m1)1~ nt CIC\dand St114c
University, Nortlkl.mcm Oluo Science aud Ens,1noc:nng Fair,
and &z.mrd
Ill Hindd~, lllnortg other outrtoch C\ OllS.
Ea:il year, WCAS members spc& " KM1111is Club ond od>er
mcdJngs 1h.roughout Gtclller Cle,cl.and. m.lk1ns people tn\-an::
oflhc Roc:L:y Ri,cr\\'Otcrshod nnd the imporumccof
prc5Cf\ing h~1tot in lbc region

<!trlifiratr of &ptrial
< 1111 ~rtliliiouu I lt1r ll 1lniii uu

"boll .. \ ( tl \HQ(>\ \tt;l9U\"()C1fT\


What To Do with th Data? I A'\ lhl!i: report has s1n1cd, our

goal \\-OS to help Ct>.i I>sustain nlltur11l rcsouroes. \\'c did
dus ~ colJecrina tc\cral )eats of da lhat described a,i ..
eommuruties m three Cb:cJ:snd i\ic:trop.;vb tescnlbOlls
\Ve ewne to belic'e that ,,.e noedccl to share our dnlll \\1th
'-SCncies outside of Cle\clnnd 1\llclrc>pnrks that hod sin1ilnr
goals Aocordin1I), ''e entered our dota into the Oluo
Onxding Bud Adas II, "hic:h rs aruiic-"idc eoopcrac1'-c:
clTort thnt relic$ upon lhc p:inietp;itK>n of bird cnthol asts
10 documen1 the CUITcnt distribution 1111d nbundnncc of
brooding birds in Ohio. Further, ''centered the dtlln 11110
o-Bird. This on line database of obtcn atioos. de\ eiopod ~

lhc C'omdt lab ol'Onulholog, ond lk Na1ioaal Auduboa

Soc1ct), proYidcs sc1entt.'\IS. rese11tthcn:, and amateur
no1urnlists " i1h rc.1l tin1e data about bird distribution wul

WCAS memb.rs voluntetf 1t a public outre.ell event.

Recognition I In 200CJ, Do1ninion Foundnrion and Biodi\crsi~
AH......,, Gremer CJc,cJ.md Coll1bon1frc &w Con..,. ..m,
ro.:ogniird \VCAS ''1th a Nonhc.1 Oluo e..,...,,..,.a11al
A\\ord. In 1n:iL.1n& the m,nrd, 1hc8C 1ponllOC'S cited u1 for
111al..in& 'lhe 1mi11111ion l'ro1n set'\'1ng os n local chn1>1cr of the
Notional Aud11bon Socicty to bcooining one of I.he most active
cun:n-bascd Cft\vunmcotal gtQUpl ID aorthcmlcrn OlilO and
ll modeJ progrnm for other Audubon ch:1p1:rs... Aho. 1n ~t~
2U 12, Pan1el::i Oobst, Mayor o( Roe&.) Ri\cr, ond f\11kc
Plllc:rson, Scheduler for Congrcss1uon Dennis Kucinttl1.
armed the U!tna\\'alkn "h::n t.l'C) concluded the ,,. . a1
die Emerald ).cd.bcc Marina Mr P.acnoo pn:f<ftood
WCAS ''db" Ccrtif1e<1te ofSpcc1ill Congrcssion:il
Recognition sisncd h) Congre5S1nm1 Kucinich.

P.,tnoffin~ I \\'CAS held t\\O \\-Orl.shops \\ith e1gh1

~ta&.choldcr org.an11011ons in 2009 nnd 2010 to detcrnunc

" here our cll'orts nrc best needed in the future. Th-c
c:onJCnsus of the ''Ol'lshops \\BS that \\'CAS is best
-IJoncd IO marl.a oh< IBA th...,sh public OUll"<4<h, ..i
''C eontJnoc to rill that role.

Wtbbased Mappin9 Tool I Jn 20 IO. Professor Sun1~Ghocl

(Gd) JllOJ! and h;, undawaiu3U: rncorchcn,. Cle. clond
StMr:: Lnnl:nir) ~1111 ''-c~ba:sc:d C"<pbatoc~ m-s>Pina tool
th>tt aiablcs e.i1i1c11 and profcss:ion:d aciaitists to explore: the
ti, O-)'ear sun 'C)' dn10 of brocdins bi1'd11 oollo::.tcd by V.lC:AS
111 lhc RocL:y R.i, er IBA. Th.is 100111 public~ access1btc a1


Cuyahoga Audubon Society is one of 500 chnptcrs

of the National 1\udubon Society. \Ve ore nol a birding
organiT..ation per sc, but an org<1ni:zation tha1 educates people
aboul oon.sening n<1turnl resouroos. Our area of interest is

the '''Ost side of CIC\'Ch1nd, Ohio in Cu)ahoga C.Ount)'.

approxin1atcly fro1n the Cuyahoga Ri\'<.T ''"Cst to A\'On Lake
and L<1ke Erie south to Hinck!~, To,vnship. There <ire fi"e
other Audubon chapters in Northeast Ohio, including
Blockbrook 1\udubon Society, the Audubon Society of
Greld<.T Cleveland, Akron Audubon Socict)'. Cnnton Audubon Socict)', nnd Black Ri\'er Audubon Society. In the
acoon1pnnying niap. the purple area is the Rocky Ri\'Or IB;\.

The Rocky Ri\'<.T IBA exists '''Ost of Clc\'cl;1nd in CU)'<1hoga,

f\1cdina, nnd Sumniil Counties. The IBA O\'Orl;1ys the Rocl.1
Ri,cr, includipt lho Mnin Stein froni the city of Rocky Ri\'<.T
to L;1ke Erie and the East Br;1nch fro1n Rocky Ri,cr to
llinckloy To,,nship. T ho area oonsists of ri\'Or gorges.
forests. ,,"Ctfnnds, nnd n11tn)' urb;1nii".od nreas. TI1rcc
rescnntions of the Cle.,.eland f\1ctroparks oon1prise a l<ute
portion of the IBA <ind pri,a1e parccls exist along the East
Branch in lhe southern portion of the IBA.


;\udubon Ohio reoognizcd tl.e in1portnnoo of the Rocky
Ri,cr b) dosignatin,t it ;1s nn IBA in 2000. ~lo,,"C,'<.T, a
sun 'C)' of such tuagnitude of bird populntions had no,or been
done before, nnd thus no data existed. \l/Ci\S nnd Cleveland
f\1ctroparks fonnod a partnership in order to fill this \'Oid.
We \vantcd to conduct a fi,c-yoar forest breeding bird
sun 'C)' in ocdcr to cst:1blish credible and dctnilcd infom11rtion
about bin! populations in the Rocky Ri\'er valley. \\'ith this
infonnntion. \\'C '''anted to bo able to ni<lke defensible
stldetuents about bin! population trends and their link to the
health of the h;1bi1<1t.

Our plan ' ''l'IS to occurntely <1s.wss the diversil)<ind
abundnnce of forest brooding birds in the IB1\. We etuployod
a point count syste1n used by lho Cu)r<lhog,a \'alk.')' Nationnl

Area In purple indicates Rocky River /mportctnt Bird Area.

Park nnd the Sniilhsonian Migratory Bird C-enter. \'enr T''X>

of the bird sur\'~' (2007) fcntured a \'Cgctntion surve, at our
point counl stntions in order to mnkc stldetuent.s aboul the

kinds of hubitne " 'here birdg tond 10 brlXXI. TI1is report

describes these h\'O S)'ltc1us in detail.


As the rcsuh of ourcrf'o111.. \\r'CAS has 100 members Md

fria1ds ''-1' 111rc 1raincd tnd experienced in cooducting bird

or 'qctarion Alt\ C) 1 Rtahll~ eaUod citin::n scientists.. "-c
se on call to tapond eo r'CqllC$b rrom Clc\-dald


$Cleveland Me

[\1ctropurks nnd c0tnn1m1ity Orgnnizntions to sun 'C)' bird

populntion11. Da1a oollOl.lLion. hO\\"C\'CI". is just one part of our
oonscn:.tion initiUC1\C lit Lhe Rocky River '''trtcrshed. \\1c
ulso eS1nblish bird Ja1~tut1riC$ and olTcr adYioe oo. prcscr\'ing
h111bitt1l. More intportantl).. ''-e regul<lf'ly condoc.1 public
outrcd appemwtoet 10 inf0nn and cduCllle the pobl~ 111bou1
WCAS and ti~ Rod.;~ RIYC.T IBA.. \\e are~ ambassadors
to the commun1~

In order to tqin the fi\-O-}-c.lt btoodins bttd SW'\q of the

lB-A. 20 \\'CAS '-oluntccn aucmblcd M ono-dl)
planning meeting al the Rod.,_ Ri'u Ntirurc Cc:atcr 10
August 2005. ~ Tmian<n' and Dr 0111 Pct1t111Cftdcd
the mooting. The ouieomc of lhc mcctina \\ 11 the
fonnation of three eoinmittoes th11 ''"Ou.kl lddtcs1 I.he
csscn1ial oomponenl of I.he projccl prior 10 the f1uheh
the finl sun~' in ~toy 2006: a Stud) Group: 1 Coonlinmor
Group: Md a Dcdtcm.ton Group.


nus planning rcsuhed in 00 Open ilomc in ~larch 2006 ...

the Roel,_ Ri'er N1tnre Ccntcr. Hundreds of '-isit<n

1Cftdcd the Open House and lc.ancd about \'Oluntc:cr
opportunities during the IBA projoct.
From the Open l~ou.se cmert.ted a group of 50 ,otuntccrs
\\ilnled lO pmticipate in the sun~'. They altcndod a
session in April 2006 during \\hjch Or. Pelil administered
llft indoor qu:ilificlllion lest for obset\'CS"S. based. on their


i.bili~ to

The S1udy Group addre11scd ,,roecduros. 1estina. :ind

Ir.lining. Dr. PeLil ins.trudcd tbc WCAS bo:ird 1n sc.ient1fie
protocols and de,-cloped ii tcch1\ic:il 1nur1ut1I for C\ 01') ono11
use. The group recruited obscr,crs ur1d rocordcr1 to
actually conduc::I the surv)'. 11c concept ,.,.-111 tl1n1one
observer. \V'bO '''Oil usu:1Jly tcmuod u1>\\ith n 11ocond pcni<)n
10 record dt1to. ''-ould stond al dc!l111inn1cd coordin1uos f()r
1cn 1ninutes. on three dilTcrcnt da,11110 colloct dnln on

breeding birds during tho SUl'\'C)'.

The Coordinator Group hil'Cd ur& IBA Coordinator ,.,.i.oso
role ,,-..s. to mon ~e the ~llC\':1ion or d:1u1th111'' ould rO!lult
fron1 the bcotxHng bi.rd suncy. Other duties includod
representing. the IBA ot public mtctina1. ohci11na p~irtiei
p:i1ion of ,oluntcen. and socL.ift.M fundJftl for the IBA

The lkdica:lion Group s rcspe>niibilit) '~as orpn111n: .,

a cnt to celebrate the adoption oflhc RociQ, R1'-cr IBA


identif) birds~ sight and song. Cilndida1es had

to i;eorc 80 1:1ercmt occuroc.y on the test in order to qu<lli~
iw obscr\'crs. T\\'Cl\'e e:indidates qualifiod to scn--e as
obscr\'crs und th<.~n unden\'cnt an outdoor trninin~ session
on es-1inu11in,1& distance on the ,!&round.

Tho IBA suney hnd t\\'Oobjectives. First. \\'C '''anted to
llS!'CSS the nbundl!llCe of forest breeding bird populations and
n1onitor ctu1ngcs in those populations O\tt time. The duta
thnt a nc1J:1,cd f ro1n this ,,ork enabled us to c-.aluate habitat.
lwki use. und en\ ironmcntol foe.tors that i1npacted fort$1
breeding bird popul;1tions.

Second, \\'C \\'111ttod to cc11nmunic<1tc the results of our efforts

to stakeholders \\'ithin lhc region. Stakeholders are c:itizen
IJ'<>'IP5 tmd public ngcncics ''ho have a ,cstcd interest in the
he11lth of die Rocl.y R.i\-cr ,.., W. coos,,stem. This report
disscmi:n;ues results to these stal.;eholdcn.

hite breasted Nuthatch. Sittl carolinens;s

Clc,clood ~1e1rop;irks pro' idcd \VCAS ,,jth 1unps of 200
1>olcntial bird 1ur''C)' poin111 These points fell 1hroughout
the 1natun: ro~l and "nodl11nd &lands the East Branch
of the Rod.) R1'C1" ma random (mbn >.U.u~ forests and
malure \\ocxllMds MC St:md.$ ltt:CS CO\'cring Q COOllgUOUS
nn:o of m Jeos1 fi,c ocrcs, the cnnopy of " hich O\Cragcs at
lcnsl si.x lUe1Ct1 In height \\'ilh CllllOl>Y CO\'Cr o( nl lc<i!il fifiy
pcrca:IL \\'e gJcc&cd 62 pointt th met (our enlCl"la:



I) Sqxn~'d ~ a llllfUIQIJO'I dbWK.~ of 250 mi.."'h'fi.

order 10 nonigs lhc challcogiag hlbata1. of the Roel~

R1\(T. ~fill Stream Run. mnd ~linc~lc,. Rc:scn:itiont.. ''hich
CO\ Cr 26 1niles ort11c Rocky Ri,erii Ens1 Brunch.

Second. the Point Finders clearl~ a'll'Lod their pointJ "ith

C'.04oml nDbons so lhc Obscncr-Rccordcr teams coakl find
1he111 ''hen lh~ ''"1 out to oondoot their bjrd suncys.
Tiurd. the Point Finders pn.."J>:lrl-d "riuen descriplie>ns of
hO\\' to reach the pointi. Each Obien er-Recorder tc:1ru
tU(t\-cd Cop) of these instructionJ
tin1e progres11ed. \\'C added lllOl'Q points lrt lhe CCQUC!ll or
Clc,clund ~1elrop.111ks. In Yc;v T\\O of the IB1\ projoc.1
(2007). "-c added l\\'O points al the \1crrid;: pri\ate

A IBl"&c edge is rt linear <>1>cning or n eloliCd canopy nl least

30 meters ''idc, 1oob as a road or u1ilj1y right-or\\ II). or a
~ openins ~.ata- lhan 1,000 sqwwe meters. slleh as
bonbs of (11nn fields. residentti.I ) ~or picnic amts.

Dr. Petit trttincd IC\crnl \VCAS \'Olunlccrs enllod J>oinl

Finders 10 locat.c the points on die ground. Eventuoll)-,
clghl Poin1 Findcn ''ere mined llld rooci' cd :m cqu.a.I
d1stnbu1jon or the points. Their Job \\' ttS three-fold
Firs.I. onned \\ith 1nops, hand-held GPS units., ca.npnsscs,
and m.t.in_g tool.1. ~ \cnrun:d OUI in h\~ teams
111 c~ ~14') ro find lhcir nssipc:d points. ~ oOcn
bra,cd min, "ind, deep fol'C$t, '1nd treacherous klpcs in

rntdcncc in lfincLlc, Rescn~ioa. In YcarTiutt (200I).

''c lidded sc\erul po1nlJ in Rising Voll) north o( IhRC.~IC)'
Rc11cr,..-.iion. In Ycnr Fhc (20 I0), ''c OOdod cigl1t 1>oints in
I.he L.ul..c..-o-Lllke Tnil in )\.iiddlebu"* l ltights.
Ob.90ncrs usod a stm~nrd procedure to locme dit-:ir points.
roco1'd data <ind dclr\'CI' bird SUf\'C)' doui roons to the IBA

Coonlumx. Eich ~u \\'35 assiancd a set offne pomts

Ind rccxn-ro a map. COmpass. and \\nllCn instructions llO troch
c-.;ich point Each Ob!tOl'\<:rRccorder ICO'llU ,isitcd cuch l)Oint
tlu'OO 1i111es. once n dir,. IOr ten n1inutos during tJ1e bnx."<fi111
5CalOla fn.:>m ~~ 2S to Jul~ 15. Md teplnlod each \iiit b) tll

~ k.' ~"5. These \lSdJ bc:canc lno\, n "'poirlt counu.-

Obscr,cr-Rccorder tc<1n1s used Rocky Ri.,.er huport<1nt Bird

Areo Forest Bird Sur.,.ey data sloots to rocord obscr,1tions
at coch point. At the COlnpletion of the three visits to each
point, the ObserYers sent their conipleted data shoots to the
IBA Coordinator for codin,t and co1npiln1ion.

ObSCf\crs onl)reoocdcd birds nomiaUy found in forest or

" oodh1nd habitats, and nol birds loc<1ted in other habitnts,
such as \vdlands, ;1djaccnt fields, or bx kyard.s. In addition.
they only counted birds using the habitat. They counted
" Oy-throughs' (bclo\v the cnnopy). but not ''Oy-oYCfS.,
(O\'Cr the canopy) unless they '"ere spocies th;1t usually
forage aboYe trees \vhile in Oight. such as ChimnC) s,vifts.

it.....-:............... _
P,,..ot B"'S..,.....

,,.-. _ =-1-I-"


ObSCf\'CfS stood at their points during the counts, but could

shift positions son1e,vh;1t to get beuer detection. keeping
their 1nO\'Clnents to a n1inin1un1. They only counted birds
thal thC) detected during the 1en-1ninute period.

> Survey data 1heet eumple.

To ensure consistOOC)' in dnto collec1ion, only ObserYers
counted birds. Rococdcrs, if present, did nol identify or
point out birds to the Obs.en'<.n. TIe ObSCf\'Cf and the
Recorder did nol speak to C<1ch other during the sunC)',
other than \vhen the Ob.sener identified a species and the
distance to the bird <ind oonununicatcd this infonnn1ion to
the Reoocdcr. The Roe.order. if present, kept time and
announood to the Ob.senc r \vhen the sur,c y \Vt1s O\'Cr.
Othenvisc, the Ob.ser,c r kepi tin1e.
Our Obscr,ers conducted their point oounts beh\'Cen the
hours of 6 :00 a.in. and 10:30 a.n1. On O\'eruast. oool. or olher
da)s '"hen teinpcrature and sky conditions did nol appenr to
be cnusing a decrease in singing or other ;1cti,ities of birds.
Ob.sen 'CJ'S could continue their poinl counts until 11 :00 <t.ln.
It " as nppropriatc to ,.I'll) ' the tin1es nt <1 point to c<1pture
1nore data. \'leath<.'f conditions " ere importnnl for oc.cur<1te
dnta oollection. Obser.oo aYoided min d;1ys <ind dll)s " hen
'vinds " ere trc-~1ter th;1n ten 1niles per hour.

Distnncc fro1n the Ob.sener \V<IS <1n in1portant con1poncnt

in identifying bird population density, and this is ' "here our
training in distance estiniation C<1n1e in hnnd). ;\n Observer
recorded each bird detected by call or sight '"ithin three
distanoo b;inds: 0-25 lnctcrs, 2650 nieters. nnd greater than
50 meters.
For consistency, Obser"ers <ind Recorders recorded c-~1ch
species either by full n;1n1c or by the four-letter ;\1ncrican
Ornithologists Union (AOU) acronym. Upon receipt of the
d;1t<1 sheds fron1 the ObSCf\ers, the IBA Coordin<1tor coded
all bird species nn1ncs usin,t AOU acrony1ns.

Dr. Dan Petit (left) and Tom Romito (right) mark a point
in the Rocky River IBA.


lterc i1 ,,h:ll l\\O \VCAS ,oJuntiocn said .about their

Here is '' hm ''''O Ob!cncn said abou1 t.hcir IB..\ sun-~-ins

experiences 11 Poant findcn:


The goal of the \\'CAS IBA projo:t \\"!IS to help protect natural
resources. By oollcctins SC\'Cral years of dat.a I.hat describe
avian co1n1n unitics in throe Clcvclru1d Mctro1>arks
n::s avations, \\'C laid d1c foundation for future habiln1
protection. Folk>\\'ins arc significnnt outoo1ncs of our efforts:

2007 I \\1CAS oonductod a breeding bird survc~' at the

Merrick residence, located in the center of HincklC!o'
Rcscr\'ntion. This farnily-o\\'ncd parcel CO\'Crod 42 ocrc:s of
forest and \\'Clland the d1c family had plnocd on the real
cstruc n1arkcLA dc\'Clopcr m:dc lhc farnily rn1offa , and
O.\<fP CQuntcrod ,,;th a bid lhrough grant funding. \Vhile lhc
bid \\'a<i k>\\'Ct, the ftunil)agrocd to sell the parcel to CMP.
Our sun 'C)' data helped Cf...fP bolster it~ grant propooals by
sho,,ing d1m aviru1 s1>0Cics Ihm can be used to as."SCSs I.he
health and cn\irontncntal vnluc of the habitat

2010 &2011 I \VCAS sun 'C)'od eight points along the

Lake-to-Lake Trail in Middlcburs Heights near Lake
Abrnrns. This c lfort sup1>0rtcd O fP's Sustain Our Great
Lakes StC\\ardship proposal for thc i'O,,.lfes J\l/a1:\h /Jflhilal

Restoration Praj'CI.
2012 I WCAS '''Orkcd '''ith Clcvdand ~1ctroparks to
publish this report.

Estimatin9 Species Diversity & Richness I A di\'crsity index is
a n1athc1natical 1ncasurcof species di,,crsi~ in a com1nunity.
Ald1ough a varict)of di\'crsity n1ctrics c.xist, \\'Cchose to
calculate species diversity a<; the Shannon index (H' ). The
Shannon index reflects d1c di,crsiry of s1>ocics rcprescntod in
thc con1n1unit) Species C\'enncss refers to
c\'cn ~
distributed. or ho\v close in nu1nbcrs, CDCh species is ,,;thin


thc con1n1unit) All bird species obscn<od at cooh SUt\'~' point

\\'e re usod in calculations of bird species di\'crsity and s1>ocics

2008 I \VCAS sun~'Cd OOditionnl points located in Risins

Vnllc)', just north of HincklC) Rcscnation.


2009 I \VCAS sun~cd 62 ocn:s of forest land along lhc

En.~ Orru1ch ofLhc Rocky River in North R~nlton. C~1P
\\'anted to pun:ha..c this ~reel fmrn ru1out~f-stmc
dc\'ck>pcr. Thcdc.,.clopcr ngrocd ,,ith O f P's plan, and our

Landscape Metrics I We c\'nluatcd t\\'O landsca1>c criteria

relatod to forest CO\'ct (pro1>0rtion of landscape \\'ith cano1>Y
CO\'ct) and forest frag1ncntation (configuration of forest as
an1ount of linear forest o:lgc) ,,;thin a 500 meter radius of

sun 'C)' data helped Cti.fP ocquirc the fun ds to socun:: it.

e.1ch sun c)' point (Sec Figure I). To charnctcri.7..c the an1ount
of canopy cover sutTOttnC!ing point count sites, \Ve used aerial
imagCI)' collected in 2(J()C) b) the National Agricultural
ln1agcr:r Prograrn (one meter resolution), Googmphic
lnfonnation S)'Slcan s (GIS) sofh\'an:: ArcGIS, Environmenlnl

Systerus Rc11c1WCh ln111ituto. Redlnnds. Ctdifomiit \Ve scloctOO

the 500 111cier md1us to encornpass the ruluti,c \Vicfth of niost
Cl<.ncloiKI l\1ctroplll'kll 'CSCn 11tion.s muund each SW"\~' poinL

p<>inLS ' 'ClC loc11ed in the foUo\\;ng rcscnutioos:

I) i-bnddc) ~~ b:otcJM 1-lin..idq TCMnsbtp, Mcdlm


2) ~flll 'Sbic:mD Run Kncn llllOll. locad m Ilene. "-~

~-JW,-onJ-,Jk. CU,llh>gaC"""'J".<ho.

3) RocL1 fb,v Rc::tcn....._ "Nell nn dwougb Bc:n:a.. Bloot Plrk.

tbdanl.1 .U\lt'\\ t>.l.. l~ood. Norflamsacd. CJlm;tcd
T<ft'lWiapW Roclt.) RJ\ct, Cu)ahasaCounl)'.Cbo.

Patd1 Me11lcs I Althou.sh n lruycr suite of \"Cgctation

chi.-octcn!tiic:s \\ llS "''aill'!blc ff"Ofn the "egctntion sun~'S, '''C
selected a 11ub!ICI of these' nrinbles to describe the stn1cturc of
I.he forest wKicl"AOl)' SllCI O\ CfllOI)' ''ithin 50 meters ofaich
sun"C} poinL Sclcctccl habt111t , :iriables included: Forbs (a
broad-lca'cd hcrbae~IS pl:mt C)lhc:I- dun a grass ). \\'c:>oct,.
Slaru (~ p<:lll) uhtob o,.J..)).Jik species). Canoi>l Ccm:r.
md Canoi>l He....1 Com.._ "5l<d bctwa:o rhcsc
sck-ckd '~ lhhoagh the mrcimmnoom::brion \\115
on~ .t I pc:rcc:nc. tndauns s dca c:ne in Forbs "ith aa
mcn:asc in C'anop)






.." o.




Pogure 1 (A"' _offo-t .,.,_

ina SOO mete<
radNs (,,_in r'4) MOund.,.. srudy poinr positioned in rhe
aonre<ofrho ordo. MS 1J l<knrifies rhis spedf;c srudy poinr
localed in Mil 5....., Run R.-rion in Cuyahoga Co..,ty.
Now rhe amounr of....idenrl,/ Mid commercial encroad>menr
._,CNPn.>runl-. Jhowlng rheimport<1<>eo ofpror.cting
whdt is temaWng of rhese natural areas.



Mill StrMm R:ky RNw

This9..,,it..,..,.na t/tecl.ttJ from rt.. IBA"""Y' It"->

,,... rhe fllbiLK In rho /o-t<led...,.,., of Hinddey /lese<vadon
f-s n"9"""Y
in"'migrate rlwu<jo rt.. Rody
RiwerlBA CMf rite oil. twO~

'*"' IN-

Ob1cr\ CQ collected dat11 nt cl'teh sun 'C)' site three tin1cs
during the nesting scllSon over the fi\'e yc.nr period. 20062010. E\ nluation of thi1 cl.Ma for specie$ di,crsI) ond
nchDCM i:ndicatcs th our di,crsi~ and ridmca dale haYe
o -pl~ 1m>ponl hocrwrchical S1n1Cb1n:. To oc:commodate: and bettcrc\'alurrte this structure, \\'C ullCd linear,
1n1xied~ITects models fi t lo oon1pare relationships bal\\'Cell
spcciot di \'crsi~ and C\'Cnnc11 and the lnndscnpo and P'dch

At the lo\cl of the forest p:i&eh (,,ithin SO meters or each

suJVCy 1>0int), species di,ersity po1iti\'cly correlates ,,ith
Woody S1cn1s ttnd Forbs and l\C!lllli,cly \vith Canopy
CoYel'. This suggests th:i1 lowet \+C&etntion structure
suppOl'tl I di,-c:ne populatioa or btrd species. Jhcrt: VII M no
rclationdli p bct"-ceo patch bathtat metrics aod species
C\"'CMCSI. Examples of this include doer br'O\\'SC and

invasi,o pl!S't spe.eies.

Throushout our s tudy, the pc:rccntage of landsca1>e area in

rorcs.t C:O\'cr mngcd oon1ide:rnbly, frQni 37 IJCl"nl 10 95
percent. Similarly, the linear extent of forcs.t cdac rimscd
ftonl aboul fi\'C miles to aboul 73 miles. f\1cun lpctiCI
dJ\ct1iry and a cnncss clad no1 differ sigpif~d) ~cc:o
JUnC)'S, nor across ye... 1lterc u-crc, bm1-c'\-cr 11p.d9C8'11
n::lationships bct'\\u:n spccii:s dRcrs:i1y and the ltndJCaPC

From the dota collcctod, ''-e cnn conclude tb:rt activities

which inc:misc or decrease~ OO\'Cr m~ not tt1n1lt1tc
clinlctl) to a sabstaotial change m 8'-ian di'wsil) wilhla the
stud) area. H~'C\U, thc~scof somcspoeicsofbuds
may noc n1atch thjs general pattcm. Thus., the habitat
rcquit01nents of those species cloo9ncd to be in greatest
conser\'otion concern, includirtjl those associated '"ith
mature fOteSls and carly-succcasion hllbi141, should be
C\-.IUll!Cd on a case b)' c.asc basis. An cxamp~ or this
C0Dcetn II Cefb1ca \\tarblcr. "hic:h "-.S poori) rqx'CICtl1od
in our stud) area and has cxpcriCAOCd a population doc.line

and forest patch mctrK:a.

in Ohio.

mclries described below.


A 1i;nif1CMt pnttcru \\'Ill oppan:nt bch\'OCll lpc:cic:s

d1,enit) (H') ..d the proportion of the landscl!pC " 'ithin

' 00 mctcn of c:acb sunC) point
caoop) 00\'Cf



j ,.

' '.-


.:ii$~~ ,II') ...

~not'11oibclllC-.f""'fl t.iltldfftl

t:--'8"'4DWp . , . _

C'I U!ud ~ n1 l!r4di IC'illhl. fimd ~it' llldo. It O!Oif

iho.-mapu.w ._.....,,1c ''IKilpr


~.-.. spo<iosdi-.Jty .... ,..__Jin'-lswfclt ~mat8y 60 ,,.,cent forest OW. 1Mre WJiS no

musured within 50 mer.rs ofNdl surwypoint m~ured at

tho lluidscetpe sCdle.

Vegetation Su rvey

WCAS cOflduccod a \Clctall'" sunc:>' in 2007 at au point count lociofts 1unCl)cd dunna the Rcd"1' R.r:er IBA
conson'Mion in111n11'-c Or Pait tnulKd \'Oluo1eers in plant idcnti.fic1tKM'I and sunc, procooo1s. Tho sun-e")' identified the
''e&etllli,,c CCOS) stem 11each polot Each of the 62 poin1s had four subplots.. c11eh one mc:asurina (ive meters in radius
'vithrn n l1raor 30 n1ctcrcirtlc. Tho prolocols WCAS used to SUJVC)' the subplocs nro us follo,,s:
Tho protocols WCAS used to survey lbc subplocs are


ldcnlifictuion, 1ncnsurtrncnl, and countina of trees and

shrubs ()\Cf I 4 nlCICl'S Ulll.
Count \\oody pfan1 sccdlinas aod shrubs above 25
ocnlimetcrs, or ankle hci&)~L
Determine the '"Clctllioft profile structure "ith a
~ing pole b) rcconling oumbcrof"llits"wbea
lea\C$ touch the pok bct\\'CCll 0.0-0.-' meters,.
0 )I 0 .....,., I 0.2 0 mch:rs. lDCIOI'$.
3.M .Ometers. and< 0.$.0 m&n.

Measure ~ hci,Pt rrom the cen1er cf tbe circle

using an infmn::d ranac finder.
t.ilellSurc canopy lcnf CO\'Ct from I.he center subplot
using n dcntito1nctcr,
Docuntcnt tlopo, 1agpcot, dircccion or slope. and distance
to large nnd 11n1dl open lll'C-lls nnd \\'Oler sources.

Forest Breeding Bhd Svrvty / Wetland Bird Survey


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Totals

lndi...idual birds counted






Surveys Conducted

















Rocky lbv.. IBA"''' 8ttdin<J 8d s........, 2006 - 2010 Top Tn Sp.dod






Top Ten Species for Period









NortbemC.wdNI NortbemC..dNI ~V1eo


Nortli,inC.wdNI Net~mCdNI Amwlt#'I Rol::*I





N0td.1mCclNI Nort*i1m CdNI




AmeriC41'1 Crow

Tufted Tiitmo\01

Sltel--(11pped Ctic~ee























e..... ......












\'Jood 'J'h.ush



-c.- .......





Amtr1c.an Goldfinch. SP'nus tr1st1s

Lake-to-Lake/ l<tkt Abran1 A1ea Bird Survey 2009 2011


Individual Birds U>unlf'd

s.....,., Condvctod

2009 2010 2011 Totals


Spe0<s C"" td



l.al<<-to-l.al< / I.al< Ab<;im Bd S...-..y 2009-2011 I Top Six Sp.dos

Rd-wingtd 81\b<d
Common Graclle
SwMnp Sparrow
Common YPllowthtoat
Amef'i(an Robin

Rtd-wingtd Blad<b;rd
Swamp Soarrow
Common Yellowdvoat

Common Grad:le

An'lfricdn Robin

Song SparrOW'


Chimney Swift

Tree Swallow

Rd-wingtd Blad<b<d

Amencan Robin
Swamp Sparrow

Wood Thrush, Hyloclchla must'tllfl~

Rocky Riwr IBA Bird 5urt'f$ 1006-2011 I Species of Note



2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011

~... ~... ~... ~... IM<
Lah IM<

Aide< Flr<ot<t...
Amo<lcon R<d>l"1
Bold Eo9le
61odc-Thwted Gr..., Wblct
61.e-win<jed Warbler







Cet'1.1lean Wa1ble1

Eastern 81v<tllrd


Green Heron

Hooded Worbler






Uxiisiaini Wattfll'lrusi'I

R.by-<lv<>oted H.mmlngblrd
Wlow Flyocotd>et
Wood Duel<
















Summer Tanilc;Jt"f




- -


Olta>v.r.d In {ort1t during IBA ltff'Wy.

DltcovttN during Ult,.Blrd ovont,

When vre cmb1ri.od on our LBA breedma bird sunC)' in
200-S. ,,-e k,nc\\ 11 ,,., soina to cosc money. \\'c hid no idea
how much it \\'OUld cosc. but \\C L'no\'' ''"e \\'Ould find out as
,,"O got into it. Mnny t3sks ' "'ould require fuodina. such as
cquippina nnd 1rainina ''olunocrs. collect:ini data fron1 the
lut\e)'S. and ct1ina lhe word out to che publJc aboil "bat

"e,,-ere doma
Management \\'Maoing to be another issoo. Our board
could only can') us so far. because lhere is oot) IO far
\Ohm&eefl c ao before the) bum out. We \\anttid a
professional liO do cc:rtain thin.a We didn't know JUSt ''bat
,,"O '''anted such n pcnon to do al first. \Ve '''oukl disco,er
tha1. too, as ,,.c "'cnt alona,. WCAS sol;citcd applicancs
lh""'lh Clc\CIM<I Me<ropor~s (CMP) for a pait~imc IBA
CoonfmMOT A panct offi,-c WCAS members 1-nlM~ed
fj,-o cand1d111cs Md sefectod 1hc bosc one.


In spite of our unccrtaint)' abouc

our C'(pon.50! \\'OUkl
be 11M1 "-h the IBA Coonl1ftll0t \\IS aolaJ to do. '' e
mo,-od fon, sd bocwse "c ''an&ed chis proJOCC 10 succeed.
Funding for cho IBA Coordinator' salary can10 fron1 CMP

;-s pnrt of our partncr1hi1>. aod fundina for other cot1t1 ca1ne

(rom the Guncl FouAdt11ioo. Cle,c l:md Zooloa,ical Soc1cl)'.

Clc,cl'""1 Muocum of N*"ral HoSIOr), ..i Audubon 01110
As 1.unc " -en1 on. WCAS became c~pcn in fv.ndra11ins. as
1hi1 ropon explains on pase I. CM 1>funded the project
throu!lh tbe founh yoar, nnd WCAS pid 1he IBA
Coordinator's sal:M') for the fifth )'CM

So JUSt ,,-\st did 11 co1110 run a fi,c-, c IBA brood ins bird
sutvoy? As the pie cha11 oo th.is paac sho'"'s. the 101111cosc
,,.Ms~.ooo ,,,hh 11 pcrceocof tho cos1 aoioa 10,"'ard 1hc
IBA Cooo!inator's solory.
Our method or sWflin& and manaain.a 1he IBA proJoct
\\'Otkcd f"or US bOCllUSO the Board tllUoCk \\ ith i1 th_rouah
thick and thin. Other Auduboo 9(K:icdcs tllld COCUC~llM>fl
Otp1izarioos lha1 ,...,, ., run IBA pn>JU "iU 6nd "'>'S
th11 ,,-Oft for than. HO\''e'\er thc) do 1t. someone "'II hl\-e
10 rocn1it and train volunteers 'vho n1us:t already be expert
birders and beable to follo''' proocols. Other people '''i ll
ha'o IO raise funds. educate the pubhc, and a,;ncr tho
suppon of elcd<d offoaols. duoas we lcomed 10 do


Financing the five-year IBA project

$6,000 9. $J.OOO ~.


Eqjpmenl and ..Pl>lioo

Follo\\ing arc the people "ho have \'Oluntccrcd I.heir tituc und tolcnts for t1' Rock)' Ri\cr IBA projoct.

Poinl Fi111h:n



\1c.'j,,~lution Sunl")Ors

Liz Clingmoti

Ken Ballm
Bdl Deininger
O.:nc lhonk

John Andes

Oms ~-.m




Nwl1;i Aryucdas
Andl"C\' BtJolonsk)
K11 81n:h
Kahlccn Bnid~
Niii<) s....~


T~ Go.tics
Ooo JW..,-cll
Jljch Kas<0uf
L;;ira Role1cnc1.1

0'11\C Gras\:cmpa
None) llo\\cll
Ma~ Lou l.fura

Ton) RonJito

Ti1n K~nnk

Colin Shep1):1rd
Eli.1_,;1bcth Spi11ncr
KatJ1loon 1ibur1.i

Pouht LoT.ano
Teni ti..lnrlincic

And) Lihaiu

Dr 01m Petit
ti..lnl)' Anne Ro1uito

P hnt1>Jtra1Jl1c:r11

0 11111 .\nnt~s:is

TCft} Gorges

Su7:inne Aklrich

Oil\ c LC\' 11
Penn} O'Connor

NtlllC) Bucher

Tern ~b11nt.1t
O.anc S1gk:r



Bari) \Volfc

Dr Soo11 Rush

~11n1 Buno""'

Robert Finl..elsacin
Elizabeth llagcn
Ed lnnocco.1j

Karen C;r.cmia\\'ski
Leo Cl'cm111,,ski

Anna Julnos

On'e Q,omk

t>.1ikc Pacek
Ellie Rct1gan
t>.f<1rty Rcyn:ird
Toni Runiit(l
Stefooie Spear
Kadtloon TiburLi

Jonnne Gori:tes
Terry Gori:tes
Seti) Grt.oen
Don IIO\\'C'll
Jolin K:itlo
Terra Martincic
Adoun ~lnrtiiteic
Jamie \lmti:ncic
Joe \lmtmcic

~l:M) Anne Romrtt>

C. H \\'arrcn

~t~ Anne Rom110




0.Cl Hoffmatt
Jcari Holl'mm
fem A1sninc.1c
Or TCtl) Robison

Pogc S.cphcnJ

Kil Birch

Eric Ol>I~


Bedi P3$CI.
Jessica Ped.
Michelle Peet..
Dt. Dan Peut
Laro Rol.e.1cnct1.
Ji..lal')' An1h~ Ro1ni10
To1n ROl'l)ilO
Lir'l da Sekura
Colin Sheppard

Liso Sheppatd




KA'lhleen Tibw'zi
Carol \\rtls<>n

TbaalUi to all or thtM: 1M:Oplc. all \\ CAS manbcrJ and

~a11>ortcn. and ~~I') ont' ctU'. "ho hdpal " itb tbe IBA projL"Cl.

hut ,,hu!iC namo 1H) hll\C: been

listt--d thir. 1~1i;te.


and arc not on


Throughout the fivo-yciw IOA sun C) period. \VCAS bo:n:I mc:inbcrs 1ua1ntoincd the 1tlOtntnl111n or lhe project. So1uc lC no
longer actJ,c on the ~'ltd, and $l01nc nre nC'\v, but the follovring people !lt!ncd on the bootd td so1uc tinle in some ,,.3).during
this period



O:tud1a Andcn

Ml Horctich
N~ H"cll

K.1 Bm:ll

Tern ~laruneic

Tom Rom110
Sc<>u Rosh



Kun }.l1sl.e


Anne Rom1ao

St.. Scotles
D1... SoglcT
Kahleeft Ttbum


Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society

Connecting People with Nature Iwcasohio.org
4310 Bush A11enue, Cleveland. OH 44109
phone: 216 741 2352 fax: 216-741-1879 email: nfo@wcasohio.org
Proc..ction of this document and the wo<'< o' tne Rodcy Re- Important 8'-d A~ Br...Oong
Bird~ and Vtgetat'" Survey were supponecl by

tne followon<J

Audubon Ohio
Clevet.nd Museum of NaturI Hi.story
Gund Found1tlon
Clevelond MotroprkJ
Clevelond Zoologiu l Sodety
Westem Cuy1hogo Audubon Society


:.... '



' .~

@Cleveland Metropaitts

No ponion of thd doc"""'1I may be reproduced wt'leut

w.,..,,, Cuyal>O<J A..dubot' Socoety

Ci~ Pnnttd on ~t Contumw R.eqd.d F'".ber

:tie- wrmO<l

~ ol

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