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1) ------------reference ----------------, which reference ---------------, which reference

a. operatorID, access group, application rules
b. access group, application rules, operatorID
c. application rules, operatorID, access group
d. access group, operatorID, application rules
ANS: a

2) What is the main purpose of Application Express

a) starting point of application.....

b) just like a proof-of-concept for the applciation.
c) --d) ---

3) Chart type requires

A) atleast one aggregate column like sum/total/counts/average etc..

Ans: A

4)Worklist contains

a) assignments assigned to operator

b0 cases assigned to operator.
c) assignments pending with operator.
d) --

5) Which property cannot reference a Decision Tree.

a) Routing Activity
b) Flow
c) Declare Expression
d)Decision Shape


6) Routing

7) When we need to select from a large list of dynamically populated values then
we give the control as
a) Dropdown
b) Auto- Complete
c) ...

Ans: Auto-Complete

8) Auto-Complete can use same source list as of Dropdown

a) true
b) False

Ans: True

9) Which shape can be used to call a Decision Tree.

a) Assignment
b) Decision
C) Utility
d) Send Email shape

Ans: Decision

10) The assignment shape implies.

a) waits for user action to perform


Ans: a
11) Worklist status changes when ?

12) Need to create a report with Status .pyWorkStatus and Operator ID. which needs
to be done.

a) both need to be optimized

b) only .pyWorkstatus needs to be optimized
c)only operator ID needs to be optimized
d) Need not optimize both

Ans: d

13) Need to create a report with Case Creation Date and Total order

a) both need to be optimized

b) only CreadtionDate needs to be optimized
c)only total order needs to be optimized
d) Need not optimize both

Ans: c
14) Document Wizard doesnot generate which of the following documents
a) Guardrails Doc
b) Application Profile
c) Application Document
d) Specification Document

Ans: a

15) City property of Shipping address class needs to be mapped to Billing address
using Data transform. What should be the source property.

a) .Shippindaddress.City
b) .City
c) .Billingaddress.city
d) ..

Ans: a

16) City property of Shipping address class needs to be mapped to Billing address
using Data transform. What should be the target property.

a) .Shippindaddress.City
b) .City

c) .Billingaddress.city
d) ..

Ans: c

17) A validate rule is executed

a) after submitting the form
b) after user enters an input value
c) ...
d) ...

Ans: a

18) Which of the following should be done to check that a property is greater than

a) delcare the property as decimal and create an edit validate rule to check if
greater than zero.
b) delcare the property as decimal and create an validate rule to check if greater
than zero.
c) delcare the property as integer and create an edit validate rule to check if greater
than zero.
d) Use a Validate rule to check if it is numeric and greater than zero.

19) Best practice while connecting to External system

a) use Database Tool Mapping Wizard

Ans: a

20) Which is the best to cache data from external system.

a) data page
b) data table
Ans : a

21) operator to Address there is 1-1 mapping. which mode is to be used.

a) Page
b) Valuelist
c) Page group

Ans : a

22) Which of the following is ordered list

a) Page
b) Pagelist
c) Valuelist
d) Page group

23) PAssed Deadline is measured

a) from the deadline
b) from the start of case

Ans : a

24) Pega Guardrails have little or no impact on the application.

a) True

b) False

Ans : a

25) Which of the following is not a valid property control

a) Text
b) String
c) Password
d) Decimal

Ans: b
1.Which of the following is a case type
a. Workb. ABC-DHDMM-Work-BBBB
2. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following
statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?
(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not
3. . A UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated large
A. Dynamic Select
B. Auto Complete
C. Drop Down
D. Radio Button
4. _____referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____which refference
Ruleset in application

A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records

B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups
C. Operator ID records, Access groups, Application rules
D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules
5. Best practice for ui gaurdrail(choose 2)
6. A single step process 1. a single operator can work on it
2. no logic between the step
7. A multi step process 1. multiple operator can work on it
2. Transitons of step can be manually configured
8. section can be in another section(true/false)
9. which is not true about dynamic ui?
it set the threshold level for adding the number of field.
another 2 questions regardind dynamic ui
10. Work list contains : select two.
a. The cases created by the operator
b. The assignments pending for the user to operate
c. the cases assigned to the operator
d. the cases assigned to other operator.

11. Work basket is:

a. A queue of open assignments
b. a queue of assignments being worked on by the operators.
c. a queue of resolved work items

12. in which declare expression is best suited??

A. whenever the source property value changes
B. When target property has no value
13. forward chaining used for
14. which is incorrect about the relation between a parent case and a sub case
A. sub case created automatically when parent case is created

B. sub case created automatically under some certain condition

C. sub case can not be manually created
15. we can document screen shot etc when creating a application document(T/F)
16. when creating an application other than business objective what is given
ans: Subject matter expert
17. when creating an application which will be craeted?
1. Business Objectives
2. a pega application
18. data tables is used for
Answer: used to store small set of data outside the application

19. In which we store all the cache data retrieved form the externernal data
Data Page
20. Source of generating a data page
1. Connector
2. Report Definition
21. sub case can be instantiated
a. manually
b. automatically.
c. declaratively
d. procedurally.
e. conditionally
22. auto complete and drop down source is same(T/F)
23. There are two cases org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 and a
flow action is defined in org-div-work. Which case can access this flow action?
Answer: org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 both
24. Showing all the shapes in the options, asking to find the Decision shape.
25. to enter the email address in correct pattern
use edit validate rule
26. Two example scenarios given and asked which stage, step should be configured
as alternate stage and optional process

27. to send notification to the user which is best to use

A. notification tab on the assignment shape
B. send an email shape
C. use utility shape to send notification
28. upon choosing the marital status spouse name will be visible . which rule is best
to use in this scenario
declare expression
when rule
decision table
29. condition given if CustomerCredit (integer property)=10 return "Gold"
CustomerCredit (integer property)=9 return "Silver"
CustomerCredit (integer property)=8 return "Bronze"
Which is the least appropriate rule for implementing this scenario
A. when rule
B. decision tree
C. decision table
D. declare expression
30. data pages refresh strategy - when it will refresh(2 option)
31. pxOperatorID and pxCreateDateTime used in a report which are need to be
no need to optimized
32. screen shot given where item name and price added to a repeating grid . a
property item name and price given in item property. what is the property mode
A. Page
B. Pagelist
C. valuelist
D. valuegroup
33. smart shape preconfigured as
A. utility
B. sub case

C. assignment
34. smart shape is used for (4 option given)
35. in flow action which rules are configured for better dynamic ui(4 option)
A. Data Transform
B. Flow Action
36. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following
statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?
(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not

37. A UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated large

A. Dynamic Select
B. Auto Complete
C. Drop Down
38. Harness reference in which rule
Process tab of flow and assignment shape
39. which is true about local flow action
It cannot advance the flow
40. question on data validation
41. what is the best way to show error message when data value does not meet
specific condition
create e message rule and give that rule to the validation rule
42. why property optimization is needed
to improve the performance of the report
43. if we want a set a default value to a property which is the best way to do it
set the default value of the property in the data transform in the pyDefault
44. while creating the correspondence which thing we can't configure(2 option have
to choose)
46. . Page-Addresss, Embedded property-City, City belongs to:


Same class as address

all Data class
Work class
data class referenced by the address property

47. . Best guardrail of UI

48. What a system architect can view in clipboard pagea

All node level pages

Thread on which the user is currently working on
Thread on which the end user is currently working on

49. Charts can be included in both list & summary reports-T/F

50. Which is not a declarative rule
A. When Rule
B. Data Page
C. Decision Table
51. 2 questions on service level
Q.1. Select notify modes(select two)
b. voice call
c. text message
d. mms

Ans: a,c

Q.2. Need to develop a report with case id and operator id . then

a. need to optimise only case id
b. need to optimse only operator id
c. need to optimise both
d. no need to optimse any of them
Ans: d

Q.3. Relation between customer and address is 1-1 then what will be adress mode
a. data page
b. page list
c. page group
d. value group
Ans. a

Q.4. Relation between customer and address is 1-n then what will be adress mode
a. data page
b. page list
c. page group
d. information is not sufficient
Ans: b

Q.5: We need to use flow action sampleFA in casetypeOne and casetypeTwo. then
where will you create sampleFA
a. sae1-hrservices-work-casetypeOne
b. sae1-hrservices-work-casetypeTwo
c. sae1-hrservices-work
d. sae1-hrservices-data

Q.6. ------------reference ----------------, which reference ---------------, which reference

a. operatorID, access group, application rules

b. access group, application rules, operatorID

c. application rules, operatorID, access group
d. access group, operatorID, application rules

Q.7. Application express doesn't create

a. application document
b. application profiler
c. specification document
d. --Ans. d

Q.8. What is main purpose of application wizard

a. to gather requirements and speicifications.
b. to create case types and sub cases
c. this is the starting point to start implementing application.

Q.9. what is the main thing of a specification along with description.

a. -b. SME

Ans. b

Q.10 Smart shapes are------.:


a. commonly used
b. --

Q.11. In a flow action we need to send email and get the purchase order date then...
(choose two)
a. need to create purchase order email as connector
b. need to create purchase order email as service
c. no need need to create purchase order email as connector or service
d. need to create purchase order date as connector
e. need to create purchase order date as service
f. no need need to create purchase order date as connector or service

Q.12. what is the best descition of correspondence.

a. correspondence can call rules
b. same correspondence can use for both mail and fax
Ans. a

Q.13.You have to create a field to enter only past date. then what is the best
a. use date control
b. use date property
c. use edit validate rule
d. use validate rule

Q.14.SLA's question

IV - 15
default 10
goal 1 day 10
deadline 3 days 15
passed dead line 1 day 10
What is the assignemnt urgency after 5 days
Ans. 60

Q.15. Have to create a page with so many required fields. then what is the best way
a. have to create controls and check the required check box.
b. create edit validate
c. create validate and validate on sever side.

Q.16: What can be a source of repeating layout

a. data page
b. data transorm.
c. report defenition
d. page list

Q.17. Need to create a report with case id and purchase order id then.
a. need to optimise only case id
b. need to optimise only purchase order id

c. no need to optimise both

d. need to optimise both
Ans. b

Q.18. What is the best thing if we have many nested ifs

a. decision table.
b. decision tree
c. when
d. -Ans. b

Q.19. What are the scope of a data page(choose three)

a. node
b. requestor
c. thread
d. --e.--f. --Ans. a, b,c

Q.20. defined a data page refresh strategy as reload if older than 2 hrs
a. data pages will get refreshed after 2 hrs
b. data page will get refreshed after 2 hrs of in active
c. data page will get refreshed once we access it after 2 hrs of in active

Q.21. Need to access property city which is in shipping adress , to billing address
a. .city
b. .shippingadress.city
c. shipping address.city
Ans: b

Q.22. When we justify guardrails?

a. When we think that is the best approac.
b. When there is no other altrnative to do that.

1.WHich of the folloing best describes PUSH and PULL routing?

2. case definition
3.Which UI component is used to present the value
A Control
B Section
C Harness
4.Which of the following is true when u use Optional task on a case stage
A Optional tak can be used through out the stage in all the processes and steps
B It can be used only in the first step of the page
C It won't be available to all the processes of the stage
5.which component will u use to notify a customer when a deadline is passed.

Service level
Send email smart shape

6.a case needs to be resolved in 2 days, when the requirement is changed that the
case needs to be resolvd in 1 day, which of the following components u will edit
A Notification

B Service level
C Send email smart shape
D Correspondence

7.Which of the following statements accurately describes the usage of a case stage? (Choose One)

Group related process and subcases

Identify related tasks that are assigned to a specific operator

Order how the case is processed

Identify all child cases created in the lifecycle

8. Which of the following is not a pega 7 property type

A text
B Decimal
C String
D Integer
9.which of the following shape does not require user intervention
10.A process flow can have more than one start shapes (T/F)
11.By default, Decision Tree will check all the conditions, even if the first condition
returns TRUE (T/F)
12. Which of the following rule types can be used to evaluate multiple property
values and, as a result, return a text value defined in the rule? (Choose One)

A. Decision Tree
B. Constraints

C. When Condition
D. Validate

Which of the following is NOT a type of documentation produced by the Document wizard? (Choose

Application Document.

Application Profile.

Guardrail document.

Specification Document.

14.A PRPC Application can be built on another PRPC application (T/F)

15.Work list contains :
a. The cases created by the operator
b. The assignments pending for the user to operate
c. the cases assigned to the operator

16. Work basket is:

a. A queue of open assignments
b. a queue of assignments being worked on by the operators.
c. a queue of resolved work items
17.A report needs to be created which should have the order total and the Order
Created date. which of the following needs to be done?
a. Optimize only Order total property

b. Optimize both properties

c. Optimize only Order created date property
d. No need of optimization
18. Which of the following must be true to add a chart to a report? (Choose One)
A. The report must include at least one column of summarized data
B. The report cannot use a SQL function to obtain data to display in the chart
C. The report must contain a filter
D. The report cannot contain a filter

19. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an

external application
acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting as a server is called
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
20. Pega Guardrails are best practices for creating

21. Data Pages operate within which of the following scopes? (Choose Three)
A. Thread
B. Single
C. Node
D. Server
E. Operator
F. Requestor
22. A node level data page can be shared between two requestors (T/F)
23. What types of correspondence are supported by PRPC? (Choose Two)
A. Email
B. Tweet
C. Voice mail
D. Fax
24. What is the primary purpose of an Assignment shape in a flow? (Choose
A. To generate correspondence automatically
B. To pause the flow while the work object is manually researched or analyzed
C. To resolve the work object
D. To initiate a subflow
25.Which of the following will be included in draft flows: (Choose Three)
A. Audit notes

B. instructions in the assignments

C. Decision Shapes
D. Outcome of the Decision rules
two more options
26.Which of the following has an ordered values
a. Page group
b. Page list
C. value list
27.Which of the following is a case type
a. Workb.ABC-DHDMM-Work-BBBB
28.A Data transform rule can be used in :
a. Flow action
b. Flow
C.Decision tree
29. If the credit score is 600 and the outstanding balance is 3000, which value
will be returned?
(Choose One)
Credit Score Outstanding balance
else if >500
else if >300

A. ApproveLevel2
B. ApproveLevel1
C. Reject
D. Error is thrown
30.Which Decision rule type is best used to display nested "if" statements?
(Choose One)
A. Map Value

B. When Condition
C. Decision Table
D. Decision Tree
31. Which rule type is not classified as a decision rule? (Choose One)
A. Decision Table
B. Decision Tree
C. Map Value
D. When
E. Declare Expressions
32. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following
statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?
(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not
33. a UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated values
A. DynamicSelect
B.Auto Complete

34. which UI component is used to change the formatting of the property

on the user interface?
A. Flow Action
B. Section
C. Validate
D. Harness

35. What types of properties can be used when creating a repeating layout?
(Choose Two)
A. Page
B. Page List
C. Value List
D. Value
E. Paragraph
F. Paragraph List
36. When a validate rule is used to test the values of multiple properties and if a
property value fails its validation criteria, the system continues to test the
remaining properties only if ______________. (Choose One)
A. the validate rule was called using the Page-Validate method in an activity

B. the Continue Validation checkbox is selected in the Validation Conditions for

the property that failed
C. the property is the first one listed in the validate rule
D. the validate rule uses input-qualified validation
37. RuleSets are referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____, which are
referenced in _____.
A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records
B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups
C. Application rules; Access groups; Operator ID records
D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules

Questions appeared in CSA Exam which I remember
No questions from performance, Clipboard structure, Activities


Choose multiple option based on relationship between cases and subcases

Parent case cant be resolved until all sub cases are resolved.
Subcase and parent case has the same context.
Can sub case be initiated automatically, conditionally and manually?(true)
What Is data propagation?(parent to child)
Can section be embedded in another section?
What are cases, stages and steps in a case designer? (choose multiple )
Data transform can be called from which rule?
The display of property value is dependent on which UI rule?
Points on rules, rules category and classes(classes defines applicability of
rules, rules category organizes rules )
Service level: a notification is configured for deadline of two days, later
changes has to be made to notify in one day, which rule is to be modified?
Which decision rule is used for most specific condition?
Difference between fork and decision shape?
Can a case be created in a multi-step process?
A question on simple decision result which returns multiple results( Ans:
Decision table and Decision tree)
A service level question

The default urgency is 15. Assignment starts at 9.00. What will be the urgency at
9.00 next day?
15 PRPC component that defines and implements an external service is
16 _________references ________ references ________ references Rulesets?
17 Question on security involving classes, rulesets , access group.
18 There are two cases org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 and
a flow action is defined in org-div-work. Which case can access this flow
19 Two properties were given pxcreatedatetime and pylabel. Out of this two
which property is to be optimized?
20 Advantages of optimization?(improv)
21 Scope of Data pages?
22 How Validate rule functions(choose multiple Ans: after user clicks submits
and procedurally)
23 Which property mode is used for unordered list?
24 Which of the following property type is not supported in pega(String)
25 An employee has to select full time or part time and check box is configured
in section which property type is to be selected to implement this
26 Guardrails for process flows?
27 Guardrails for UI?
28 Whats the functionality of Draft flows (choose multiple like audit notes,
instructions, decision rules)?
29 Questions on correspondence like (it can contain plain text and property,
same correspondence can be used for fax and letter)
30 What are supported correspondence types (Message, Fax , Tweet, voice
31 Questions on local flow action and connector flow action (like local action
advances the flow)
32 Where all local actions can be configured(assignment and stages )
33 Workbasket ?(open assignments waiting for operator)
34 Best practice to update status(Through utility)
35 Diff between edit validate and validate?
36 A property is to copied form one page to another page through data
37 Decision tree can be called from (Flow)
38 Data transform can call decision tree?(false)
39 Properties of Dynamic User Interfaces?
40 Guardrails on Dynamic UI?

PEGA CSA 7.1 Questions:

1. Chart is used in both List view and summary view. (T/F)
2. Diagram given as follows

1 ----------------------->1

Address line 1
Address line 2
pincode etc.
what should be the data type of address property.
a. page
b. page list
c. value list
d. not enough data
3. which component will u use to notify a customer when a deadline is passed.

Service level
Send email smart shape

4. which of the following shape requires user intervention?

Sub process,
5. Which of the following rule types can be used to evaluate nested ifs

Decision Tree
Decision Table
6. What is the use of optimization?
7. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an
external application acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting
as a server is called a
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
8. A node level data page can be shared between two requestors (T/F) Answer: T
9. Which of the following is a case type
a. Work-

10. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following
statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?
(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not
11. A UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated large
A. Dynamic Select
B. Auto Complete
C. Drop Down

12. RuleSets are referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____, which are
referenced in _____.
(Asked in reverse order)
A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records
B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups
C. Application rules; Access groups; Operator ID records
D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules
13. Best practices of Resuability?
14. Which of the following best describes PUSH and PULL routing?
Answer : push routing is manager is assigning task to user, pull
routing is picking from

15. Describe the best example of forward chaining?

Answer: whenever the source property value changes.
16. When the case is rejected, we need to run some process
A. Use Alternate Stage
B. Optional Process
C. Optional Action

17. What is the use of data propagation?

Answer: Copying the data from parent to sub case.

18. Which of the following rule types contain the data elements that display on
the screen?
A. Harness
B. Section
C. Flow Action
D. Portal
19. How to capture sample data in the application documentation wizard?
A. We can't capture sample data
B. Open a case, capture screenshot...
C. Enter the property name and its value in the wizard to capture
20. data tables is used for
Answer: used to store small set of data outside the application
21. sub case can be instantiated
a. manually
b. automatically.
c. declaratively
d. procedurally.
e. conditionally
22. A case needs to be resolved in 2 days, when the requirement is changed that
the case needs to be resolved in 1 day, which of the following components u will

Service level
Send email smart shape

23. Which of the following statements accurately describes the usage of a case
Answer: Group related processes and subcases.
24. Which of the following is not a pega 7 property type
E text
F Decimal
G String
H Integer
25. Work basket is:
a. A queue of open assignments

b. a queue of assignments being worked on by the operators.

c. a queue of resolved work items

26. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an

external application acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting
as a server is called a
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
27. What is the primary purpose of an Assignment shape in a flow? (Choose
A. To generate correspondence automatically
B. To pause the flow while the work object is manually researched
or analyzed
C. To resolve the work object
D. To initiate a subflow
28. How to save the result fetched from the external table?
A. Connector
B. Report Definition
C. Data Pages
D. Data table
29. A data page configured as a page structure can be used as a source for
_________. (Choose One)
A. Embedded section in other section.
B. Layout.
C. Repeating Layout
30. The requirement is to accept a valid date and it should be the future date.
What to use?
A. Create a validate rule to do the both
B. Create a property and Use edit validate rule.
C. Create a control not to allow the past date
D. Create a validate rule to check the date format and a edit validate rule
to allow only
future dates.
40. A service level question

The default urgency is 15. Assignment starts at 9.00. What will be the urgency at
9.00 the following day?

A. 40
B. 60
C. 80
D. 50
41. There are two cases org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 and a
flow action is defined in org-div-work. Which case can access this flow action?
Answer: org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 both
42. Class is used for?...
43. Ruleset is used for?...
44. What are the stage types?
A. Alternate
B. Primary
45. Which of the following is not a valid step?
A. Case
B. Single step assignment
C. Multi step process
D. Automated Decision
46. Can a transition stage is converted to multi step process. (T/F)

47. A property type Date stores information in which format?

48. Showing all the shapes in the options, asking to find the Decision shape.
49. Which of the following is not a rule type?
Options: Flow action, Layout, Section and Harness
50. Why the dynamic layout is saved as section...
Answer: To used in other rules.
51. To show the property in future date format, which of the following is used
Edit Validate..., Validate rule...
1. which is not a declarative rule type ?
a. a rule which calculates the value of a property based on value of other properties.
(declare expression)
b. a rule which instantiates a clipboard page when first accessed.(data page)
c. a rule which validates the properties on submit (validate)
d. a description given which was for declare trigger. (declare trigger)
2. A case can have multiple resolution stages ?t/f True
3. a diagram given as follows
1 ----------------------->n
addressAddress line 2
citypincode etc.

Address line 1

what should be the data type of address property.

a. page
b.page list
c. value list
d. not enough data
4. A diagram given with many values in list and asked for the UI feature which can
be used to implement it ?
A. autocomplete
b. dropdown
two more options
5. A question on class and rules relation like applicability and scope of rule wrt
6. auto complete can use same sources as dropdown ? t/f ?

7 & 8 Two example scenarios given and asked which stage, step should be
configured as alternate stage and optional process.
9.When an optional action is added to the case stage which of the following
statements is correct?(Choose One)
A. Submitting an optional action progresses the flow
B. Optional actions can be invoked on all processes of the stage
C. The optional action can be accessed only once in the stage
D. Optional Actions can use only a standard rule that is shipped by the product
10.which component will u use to notify a customer when a deadline is passed.

Service level
Send email smart shape

11.which of the following shape require user intervention

4. decision
12. same as question 11 about user intervention and assignment.
13.A process flow can have more than one start shapes (T/F)
14. Which of the following rule types can be used to evaluate multiple ifs

A. Decision Tree
B. Constraints
C. When Condition
D. Validate
15.A PRPC Application can be built on another PRPC application (T/F)
16.Work list contains : select two.
a. The cases created by the operator
b. The assignments pending for the user to operate
c. the cases assigned to the operator
d. the cases assigned to other operator.
17. What is the primary purpose of an Assignment shape in a flow? (Choose
One) 2
A. To generate correspondence automatically

B. To pause the flow while the work object is manually researched or

C. To resolve the work object
D. To initiate a subflow
18.A report needs to be created which should have the order total and the Order
Created date. which of the following needs to be done?
a. Optimize only Order total property
b. Optimize both properties
c. Optimize only Order created date property
d. No need of optimization
19. same as question 18. withpystatuswork and case create time properties.
Ans= optimize only pystatuswork property
20. report definition can be used at ? select three .
1 Reports
2 Data page source
3 Dynamic controls(autocomplete and dynamic select)
4 more two options

21. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an

external application acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting
as a server is called a
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
22. A node level data page can be shared between two requestors (T/F)
23. Which data can user see after application is run ?
1 Application details
2 Data pages
3 Two more
24.What types of correspondence are supported by PRPC? (Choose Two)
A. Email
B. Tweet
C. Voice mail
D. Fax
25.Which of the following will be included in draft flows: (Choose Three)
A. Audit notes

B. instructions in the assignments

C. Decision Shapes
D. Outcome of the Decision rules
two more options
26.Which of the following has an ordered valuesselect one
a. Page group
b. Page list
C. value list
27.Which of the following is a case type
a. Workb.ABC-DHDMM-Work-BBBB
28.A Data transform rule can be used in :
a. Flow action
b. Flow
C.Decision tree
29.If the credit score is 600 and the outstanding balance is 3000, which value
will be returned?
(Choose One)
Credit Score Outstanding balance
else if >500
else if >300

A. ApproveLevel2
B. ApproveLevel1
C. Reject
D. Error is thrown
30. Same as question 29 with different inputs and outputs.
31. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following

statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?

(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not
32.a UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated large
A. DynamicSelect
B.Auto Complete
C. Drop Down
D. one more option. (dynamic select is now dropdown in pega 7)
33. Review harness is used to ?
Four options whether user can take any action or just see the screen and can't
take action or click on any action buttons.

34. When a validate rule is used to test the values of multiple properties and if a
property value fails its validation criteria, the system continues to test the
remaining properties only if ______________. (Choose One)
A. the validate rule was called using the Page-Validate method in an activity
B. the Continue Validation checkbox is selected in the Validation
Conditions for the property that failed
C. the property is the first one listed in the validate rule
D. the validate rule uses input-qualified validation
35.RuleSets are referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____, which are
referenced in _____. (Asked in reverse order)
A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records
B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups
C. Application rules; Access groups; Operator ID records
D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules

36. Which of the following needs to be configured while creating dynamic layout:
Select two
A.No.of rows
B. No.of columns for each row
C.Label Positioning
D.Value alignment
37. What features can be configured in dynamic layout ?
38. layout can be saved as section to ?

a. improve performace of application

b. reusability
two more options.
39. Page list property creation .question on which source class it uses.
40.What is the best way to show error message on screen ?
A.Configure message rule and use the message rule in validation rule
B.Configure the message in the Validation rule
C. flow Action
d. include in property definition
41.The requirement is to accept a item quantity and it should be greater than
zero. What to use?
A Create a decimal property and Use validate rule.
B Create a edit validate
C Create a validate rule to check for numeric and a validate rule to
check greater than zero.
42.When expression calculation will occur
A.When a value in the expression is not present
B.When target property value changes
C.When any source property changes
D.Each time a property in the expression is referenced
43.WHich of the following best describes PUSH and PULL routing?
four options with work routing.
answer : push is automatic routing , pull is picking from a operators
workbasket manually.

44. Pega Guardrails question on how guardrails help in development of

45. Application usability 2 questions.
answer may be was ease of use of application from end users view.
46.Alternate stages can have optional process ? YES
47. what is the use of data propagation in cases.
ans : to pass values from parent to sub case
48. Qn on Reload if older than and reload if older than concepts.5 minutes
When will it refresh ?
A Every 5 minutes

B After inactivity of 5 minutes

C only once after 5 minutes
49.Which of the following rule types contain the data elements that display on
the screen? (Choose One)
C.Flow Action
50. Case can configure passed deadline ?t/ffalse
51. correspondence..
a. can contain plain text and property references
b. uses section
c. contains recipient address.
52. images and other files can be included in application document ? t/f ?true
53. case stages should be limited to how many ?
ans : 7 (+or-2)
54. same as 53
55. data tables ...
ans : used to store small set of data outside the application.
56. sub case can be instantiated
a. manually
b. automatically.
c. declaratively
d. procedurally.
e. conditionally.
1.Which of the following is a case type
a. Workb.ABC-DHDMM-Work-BBBB

2. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of

the following
statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?
(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not
3. .A UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated large
A. Dynamic Select
B. Auto Complete
C. Drop Down
D. Radio Button
4. _____referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____which refferenceRuleset
in application

A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records

B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups
C. Operator ID records, Access groups, Application rules
D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules
5. Best practice for uigaurdrail(choose 2)
6. A single step process 1. a single operator can work on it
2. no logic between the step
7. A multi step process 1. multiple operator can work on it
2. Transitons of step can be manually configured
8. section can be in another section(true/false)
9. which is not true about dynamic ui?
it set the threshold level for adding the number of field.
2 questions regardind dynamic ui
10. Work list contains : select two.
a. The cases created by the operator
b. The assignments pending for the user to operate

c. the cases assigned to the operator

d. the cases assigned to other operator.

11. Work basket is:

a. A queue of open assignments
b. a queue of assignments being worked on by the operators.
c. a queue of resolved work items

12. in which declare expression is best suited??

A. whenever the source property value changes
B. When target property has no value
13. forward chaining used for
14. which is incorrect about the relation between a parent case and a sub case
A. sub case created automatically when parent case is created
B. sub case created automatically under some certain condition
C. sub case can not be manually created
15. we can document screen shot etc when creating a application
16. when creating an application other than business objective what is given
ans: Subject matter expert
17. when creating an application which will be craeted?
1. Business Objectives
2. apega application
18. data tables is used for
Answer: used to store small set of data outside the application

19. In which we store all the cache data retrieved form the external data source
Data Page
20. Source of generating a data page
1. Connector
2. Report Definition
21. sub case can be instantiated

a. manually
b. automatically.
c. declaratively
d. procedurally.
e. conditionally
22. auto complete and drop down source is same(T/F)
23. There are two cases org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 and a
flow action is defined in org-div-work. Which case can access this flow action?
Answer: org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 both
24. Showing all the shapes in the options, asking to find the Decision shape.
25. to enter the email address in correct pattern
use edit validate rule
26. Two example scenarios given and asked which stage, step should be configured
as alternate stage and optional process
27. to send notification to the user which is best to use
A. notification tab on the assignment shape
B. send an email shape
C. use utility shape to send notification
28. upon choosing the marital status spouse name will be visible . which rule is best
to use in this scenario
declare expression
when rule
decision table
29. condition given ifCustomerCredit (integer property)=10 return "Gold"
CustomerCredit (integer property)=9 return "Silver"
CustomerCredit (integer property)=8 return "Bronze"
Which is the least appropriate rule for implementing this scenario
A. when rule
B. decision tree
C. decision table

D. declare expression
30. data pages refresh strategy - when it will refresh(2 option)
31. pxOperatorID andpxCreateDateTime used in a report which are need to be
no need to optimized
32. screen shot given where item name and price added to a repeating grid . a
property item name and price given in item property. what is the property mode
A. Page
B. Pagelist
C. valuelist
D. valuegroup
33. smart shape preconfigured as
A. utility
B. sub case
C. assignment
34. smart shape is used for (4 option given)
35. in flow action which rules are configured for better dynamic ui(4 option)
A. Data Transform
B. Flow Action
36. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following
statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?
(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not

37. A UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated large

A. Dynamic Select
B. Auto Complete
C. Drop Down
38. Harness reference in which rule

Process tab of flow and assignment shape

39. which is true about local flow action
It cannot advance the flow
40. question on data validation
41. what is the best way to show error message when data value does not meet
specific condition
create message rule and give that rule to the validation rule
42. why property optimization is needed
to improve the performance of the report
43. if we want a set a default value to a property which is the best way to do it
set the default value of the property in the data transform in the
44. while creating the correspondence which thing we can't configure(2 option have
to choose)
From field
45. True about classesa

Applicability of rule sets

Group rules for deployment
Grouping rule types
Control on accessing application

46. . Page-Addresss, Embedded property-City, City belongs to:


Same class as address

all Data class
Work class
data class referenced by the address property

47. . Best guardrail of UI

48. What a system architect can view in clipboard paged All node level pages
e Thread on which the user is currently working on
f Thread on which the end user is currently working on
49. Charts can be included in both list & summary reports-T/F
50. Which is not a declarative rule
A. When Rule
B. Data Page

C. Decision Table
51. 2 questions on service level
PEGA CSA 71V1 questions:
Few questions are already there in other documents, thus not mentioned
1. Data Transform is referenced ina

Decision Tree

2. TrueFalse Property type-TrueFalse

3. Incorrect statement about Local flow action-It advances a flow
4. True about classese

Applicability of rule sets

Group rules for deployment
Grouping rule types
Control on accessing application

5. True about Rulesets-4 options-select 2

6. True about Subcases-4 options-select 2
7. UI Inspector shows which rule types: select 3

Data Transform

8. Most specific condition: When rule

9.Two questions: Requirements given-we need to select which can be a subprocess
and alternate stage
10. While interacting with external service, what is the best way to store values:

Page list propery

Data page
Data Table

11. Best way to notify a user:

a Email smart shape
b Utility shape


Local action
Notification tab on assignment

12. D indicator in UI inspector indicates what?

a Rate is calculated using declarative rule
b Clicking on D user can modify declarative expression
c Data Transform rule opens
13. When rule is referenced inconnectors : when decision shape becomes fork
14. Page-Addresss, Embedded property-City, City belongs to:

Same class as address

Data class
Work class
Data class referenced by address property

15. Routing is configured in:


Data Transform
Decision Tree
A standard activity

16. Assignment can have:


Single operator
Multiple operators

17. Do not Reload when refreshes a page when true-T/F

18. On Reload if older than and reload if older than concepts.5 minutes
configured. When will it refresh ?
a Every 5 minutes
b When first accessed after inactivity of 5 minutes
c only once after 5 minutes and never again
19.A UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated values
a Dropdown
b Auto Complete

20.A UI control that displays a large list with dynamically-generated values

a. DynamicSelect
b.Auto Complete
21. True about local actions-it do not advance flow
22. Evaluates multiple properties and returns a message as result:

When rule
Decision Tree rule
Decision Table
Data Transform

23. Which one best describes declarative procedure:

a Validate ruleafter submitting a form
b Property on clipboard when first accessed-contraint
c Decision Tree
24. Best way of having validation of date should not be past date;

Edit validate rule for property type and validate rule for not future
b Property rule form
c Control
d Single validate rule for both
25. Dropdown and Autocomplete can source properties from same source-T/F
26. Two questions from SLA
27. 1:n relation- AnsPagelist
28. pxpy properties need not to be optimized in report definition.true
29. Benefit of optimization in report definitiona Improves performance in running reports
b BLOB performance
30. Best guardrail of UIUser can perform tasks easily

31. What a system architect can view in clipboard pageg All node level pages
h Thread on which the user is currently working on
i Thread on which the end user is currently working on

32. Which one advances a flow?


Flow action

33. A scenario was given-we had to select two rules that can implement that:
Ans-Decision Tree & Decision Table
34. Selectable list controls is configured in:

Dynamic Select

35. Which rule type is best used for data validation?

a Control
b Validate
c Property Form
36. In Declare expression, which best statement best describes forward chaining:
Ans-When any source property changes
37. Concept of push & pull routing
Push- automatic routing
Pull=manual routing
38. Which statement is true about data propagation:
a Automatically copies values from parent to child
b Automatically copies values from parent to child, on certain
c Can be manually created by user
39. Charts can be included in both list & summary reports-T/F
40. Select two options which are true about dynamic layoutScreen resolution
Row configuration

1.When an optional action is added to the case stage which of the following
statements is correct?(Choose One)
A. Submitting an optional action progresses the flow
B. Optional actions can be invoked on all processes of the stage
C. The optional action can be accessed only once in the stage
D. Optional Actions can use only a standard rule that is shipped by the product
2.which component will u use to notify a customer when a deadline is passed.

Service level
Send email smart shape

3.a case needs to be resolved in 2 days, when the requirement is changed that the
case needs to be resolved in 1 day, which of the following components u will edit

Service level
Send email smart shape

4.Which of the following statements accurately describes the usage of a case stage?
(Choose One)
A.Group of related process and subcases
B.Identify related tasks that are assigned to a specific operator
C.Order how the case is processed
D.Identify all child cases created in the lifecycle
5. Which of the following is not a pega 7 property type
I text
J Decimal
K String
L Integer
6.which of the following shape require user intervention
7.A process flow can have more than one start shapes (T/F)
8.By default, Decision Tree will check all the conditions, even if the first condition
returns TRUE (T/F)

9. Which of the following rule types can be used to evaluate multiple property
values and, as a result, return a text value defined in the rule? (Choose One)

A. Decision Tree
B. Constraints
C. When Condition
D. Validate
10.Which of the following is NOT a type of documentation produced by the
Document wizard? (Choose One)
A.Application Document.
B.Application Profile.
C.Guardrail document.
D.Specification Document.
11.A PRPC Application can be built on another PRPC application (T/F)
12.Work list contains :
a. The cases created by the operator
b. The assignments pending for the user to operate
c. the cases assigned to the operator

13. Work basket is:

a. A queue of open assignments
b. a queue of assignments being worked on by the operators.
c. a queue of resolved work items
14.A report needs to be created which should have the order total and the Order
Created date. which of the following needs to be done?
a. Optimize only Order total property
b. Optimize both properties
c. Optimize only Order created date property
d. No need of optimization
15. Which of the following must be true to add a chart to a report? (Choose One)
A. The report must include at least one column of summarized data
B. The report cannot use a SQL function to obtain data to display in the chart
C. The report must contain a filter
D. The report cannot contain a filter

16. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an

external application acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting
as a server is called a
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
17. Data Pages operate within which of the following scopes? (Choose Three)
A. Thread
B. Single
C. Node
D. Server
E. Operator
F. Requestor
18. A node level data page can be shared between two requestors (T/F) Ans:T
19.What types of correspondence are supported by PRPC? (Choose Two)
A. Email
B. Tweet
C. Voice mail
D. Fax
20.What is the primary purpose of an Assignment shape in a flow? (Choose One)
A. To generate correspondence automatically
B. To pause the flow while the work object is manually researched or
C. To resolve the work object
D. To initiate a subflow
21.Which of the following will be included in draft flows: (Choose Three)
A. Audit notes
B. instructions in the assignments
C. Decision Shapes
D. Outcome of the Decision rules
two more options
22.Which of the following has an ordered values
a. Page group
b. Page list
C. value list

23.Which of the following is a case type

a. Workb.ABC-DHDMM-Work-BBBB
24.A Data transform rule can be used in :
a. Flow action
b. Flow
C.Decision tree
25.If the credit score is 600 and the outstanding balance is 3000, which value
will be returned?
(Choose One)
Credit Score Outstanding balance
else if >500
else if >300

A. ApproveLevel2
B. ApproveLevel1
C. Reject
D. Error is thrown
26.Which Decision rule type is best used to display nested "if" statements?
(Choose One)
A. Map Value
B. When Condition
C. Decision Table
D. Decision Tree
27. Which rule type is not classified as a decision rule? (Choose One)
A. Decision Table
B. Decision Tree
C. Map Value
D. When
E. Declare Expressions

28. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following

statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?

(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not
29.a UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated values
A. DynamicSelect
B.Auto Complete

30. which UI component is used to change the formatting of the property

on the user interface?
A. Flow Action
B. Section
C. Validate
D. Harness

31. What types of properties can be used when creating a repeating layout?
(Choose Two)
A. Page
B. Page List
C. Value List
D. Value
E. Paragraph
F. Paragraph List
32. When a validate rule is used to test the values of multiple properties and if a
property value fails its validation criteria, the system continues to test the
remaining properties only if ______________. (Choose One)
A. the validate rule was called using the Page-Validate method in an activity
B. the Continue Validation checkbox is selected in the Validation
Conditions for the property that failed
C. the property is the first one listed in the validate rule
D. the validate rule uses input-qualified validation
33.RuleSets are referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____, which are
referenced in _____. (Asked in reverse order)
A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records
B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups
C. Application rules; Access groups; Operator ID records
D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules

34. Which of the following needs to be configured while creating dynamic layout:

A.No.of rows
B. No.of columns for each row
C.Label Positioning
D.Value ....
35. In a section, the value of checkbox to be stored in a property which is of
36.Adata page configured as a page structure can be used as a source for _________. (Choose

A. Section Embedded in another section

B.Any Layout
C.Dynamic Layout
D. Repeating Layout
37.What are the three ways to create message rules? (gave 6 options)
A.Configure message rule anad use the message rule in validation rule
B.Configure the message in the flow action
C.Configure the message in the Validation rule
38.The requirement is to accept a valid date and it should be the future date.
What to use?
A. Create a validate rule to do the both
B. Create a property and Use edit validate rule.
C. Create a control not to allow the past date
D. Create a validate rule to check the date format and a edit validate rule to
allow only future dates.
39.Which of the following is NOT a type of decision rule? (Choose One)
A.Decision Map.
C.Decision Table.
D.Decision Tree
40.When ForWard chaining is used,the expression calculation will occur
A.When a value in the expression is not present
B.When target property value changes
C.When input properties value changes
D.Each time a property in the expression is referenced
42.WHich of the following best describes PUSH and PULL routing?

43. Pega Guardrails are best practices for creating an application and not
following them will have little to no impact on performance (T/F)
44.What is the primary difference between a case and a process? (Choose One)
(Just asked what is Case)
A.A case defines how to resolve a business transaction and a process defines the
business rules that govern what can and cannot be done.
B.A process has a life-cycle, a case does not.
C.A case represents a business transaction and process defines how we
resolve that business transaction.
D.There is no difference between a case and a process.
45.Alternate stages can have an automatic or manual transition.(T/F)
Ans:F(only manual)
46.Which of the following is used to automatically copy values from a parent
case to a subcase.
A. Data Propagation
47. Qn on Reload if older than and reload if older than concepts.
48.Creating reusable UI sections allow you to ______________. (Here Ans is All of
them, but in exam they gave 2 from here and two other options asked to selct 2
A.Be consistent in UI structure and layout
B.Build applications that are scalable and extensible
C.Share a common set of data elements across multiple screens
D.Reduce maintenance requirements and chances for errors
49.Which of the following rule types contain the data elements that display on
the screen? (Choose One)
C.Flow Action
50. The user must accept the terms and conditions before submitting the order.
How will you provide the terms and conditions in the UI.
A. Add another flow action for the assignment for terms and conditions
B.Show a modal dialog window
51.Selectable list control can be sourced from:
A.Local List

B.Data Table
C.Data Page
52. 2 to 3 qns on Service level.

1.When an optional action is added to the case stage which of the following
statements is correct?(Choose One)
A. Submitting an optional action progresses the flow
B. Optional actions can be invoked on all processes of the stage
C. The optional action can be accessed only once in the stage
D. Optional Actions can use only a standard rule that is shipped by the product
2.which component will u use to notify a customer when a deadline is passed.

Service level
Send email smart shape

3.a case needs to be resolved in 2 days, when the requirement is changed that the
case needs to be resolved in 1 day, which of the following components u will edit

Service level
Send email smart shape

4.Which of the following statements accurately describes the usage of a case stage?
(Choose One)
A.Group of related process and subcases
B.Identify related tasks that are assigned to a specific operator
C.Order how the case is processed
D.Identify all child cases created in the lifecycle
5. Which of the following is not a pega 7 property type
M text
N Decimal
O String
P Integer
6.which of the following shape require user intervention

7.A process flow can have more than one start shapes (T/F)
8.By default, Decision Tree will check all the conditions, even if the first condition
returns TRUE (T/F)
9. Which of the following rule types can be used to evaluate multiple property
values and, as a result, return a text value defined in the rule? (Choose One)

A. Decision Tree
B. Constraints
C. When Condition
D. Validate
10. Which of the following is NOT a type of documentation produced by the
Document wizard? (Choose One)
A.Application Document.
B.Application Profile.
C.Guardrail document.
D.Specification Document.
11.A PRPC Application can be built on another PRPC application (T/F)
12.Work list contains :
a. The cases created by the operator
b. The assignments pending for the user to operate
c. the cases assigned to the operator

13. Work basket is:

a. A queue of open assignments
b. a queue of assignments being worked on by the operators.
c. a queue of resolved work items
14.A report needs to be created which should have the order total and the Order
Created date. which of the following needs to be done?
a. Optimize only Order total property
b. Optimize both properties
c. Optimize only Order created date property
d. No need of optimization

15. Which of the following must be true to add a chart to a report? (Choose One)
A. The report must include at least one column of summarized data
B. The report cannot use a SQL function to obtain data to display in the chart
C. The report must contain a filter
D. The report cannot contain a filter

16. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an

external application acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting
as a server is called a
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
17. Data Pages operate within which of the following scopes? (Choose Three)
A. Thread
B. Single
C. Node
D. Server
E. Operator
F. Requestor
18. A node level data page can be shared between two requestors (T/F) Ans:T
19. What types of correspondence are supported by PRPC? (Choose Two)
A. Email
B. Tweet
C. Voice mail
D. Fax
20. What is the primary purpose of an Assignment shape in a flow? (Choose
A. To generate correspondence automatically
B. To pause the flow while the work object is manually researched or
C. To resolve the work object
D. To initiate a subflow
21.Which of the following will be included in draft flows: (Choose Three)
A. Audit notes
B. instructions in the assignments
C. Decision Shapes
D. Outcome of the Decision rules
two more options
22.Which of the following has an ordered values

a. Page group
b. Page list
C. value list
23.Which of the following is a case type
a. Workb.ABC-DHDMM-Work-BBBB
24.A Data transform rule can be used in :
a. Flow action
b. Flow
C.Decision tree
25. If the credit score is 600 and the outstanding balance is 3000, which value
will be returned?
(Choose One)
Credit Score Outstanding balance
else if >500
else if >300

A. ApproveLevel2
B. ApproveLevel1
C. Reject
D. Error is thrown
26.Which Decision rule type is best used to display nested "if" statements?
(Choose One)
A. Map Value
B. When Condition
C. Decision Table
D. Decision Tree
27. Which rule type is not classified as a decision rule? (Choose One)
A. Decision Table
B. Decision Tree
C. Map Value
D. When

E. Declare Expressions
28. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following
statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?
(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not
29.a UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated values
A. DynamicSelect
B.Auto Complete

30. which UI component is used to change the formatting of the property

on the user interface?
A. Flow Action
B. Section
C. Validate
D. Harness

31. What types of properties can be used when creating a repeating layout?
(Choose Two)
A. Page
B. Page List
C. Value List
D. Value
E. Paragraph
F. Paragraph List
32. When a validate rule is used to test the values of multiple properties and if a
property value fails its validation criteria, the system continues to test the
remaining properties only if ______________. (Choose One)
A. the validate rule was called using the Page-Validate method in an activity
B. the Continue Validation checkbox is selected in the Validation
Conditions for the property that failed
C. the property is the first one listed in the validate rule
D. the validate rule uses input-qualified validation
33.RuleSets are referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____, which are
referenced in _____. (Asked in reverse order)
A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records
B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups

C. Application rules; Access groups; Operator ID records

D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules
34. Which of the following needs to be configured while creating dynamic layout:
A.No.of rows
B. No.of columns for each row
C.Label Positioning
D.Value ....
35. In a section, the value of checkbox to be stored in a property which is of
36.Adata page configured as a page structure can be used as a source for _________. (Choose

A. Section Embedded in another section

B.Any Layout
C.Dynamic Layout
D. Repeating Layout
37.What are the three ways to create message rules? (gave 6 options)
A.Configure message rule anad use the message rule in validation rule
B.Configure the message in the flow action
C.Configure the message in the Validation rule
38.The requirement is to accept a valid date and it should be the future date.
What to use?
A. Create a validate rule to do the both
B. Create a property and Use edit validate rule.
C. Create a control not to allow the past date
D. Create a validate rule to check the date format and a edit validate rule to
allow only future dates.
39.Which of the following is NOT a type of decision rule? (Choose One)
A.Decision Map.
C.Decision Table.
D.Decision Tree
40.When ForWard chaining is used,the expression calculation will occur
A.When a value in the expression is not present
B.When target property value changes
C.When input properties value changes

D.Each time a property in the expression is referenced

42.WHich of the following best describes PUSH and PULL routing?

43. Pega Guardrails are best practices for creating an application and not
following them will have little to no impact on performance (T/F)F
44.What is the primary difference between a case and a process? (Choose One)
(Just asked what is Case)
A.A case defines how to resolve a business transaction and a process defines the
business rules that govern what can and cannot be done.
B.A process has a life-cycle, a case does not.
C.A case represents a business transaction and process defines how we
resolve that business transaction.
D.There is no difference between a case and a process.
45.Alternate stages can have an automatic or manual transition.(T/F) Ans:F
46.Which of the following is used to automatically copy values from a parent
case to a subcase.
A. Data Propagation
47. Qn on Reload if older than and reload if older than concepts.
48.Creating reusable UI sections allow you to ______________. (Here Ans is All of
them, but in exam they gave 2 from here and two other options asked to selct 2
A.Be consistent in UI structure and layout
B.Build applications that are scalable and extensible
C.Share a common set of data elements across multiple screens
D.Reduce maintenance requirements and chances for errors
49.Which of the following rule types contain the data elements that display on
the screen? (Choose One)
C.Flow Action
50. The user must accept the terms and conditions before submitting the order.
How will you provide the terms and conditions in the UI.
A. Add another flow action for the assignment for terms and conditions
B.Show a modal dialog window

51.Selectable list control can be sourced from:

A.Local List
B.Data Table
C.Data Page
52. 2 to 3 qns on Service level.
Questions appeared in CSA Exam which I remember
No questions from performance, Clipboard structure, Activities
41 Choose multiple option based on relationship between cases and subcases
Parent case cant be resolved until all sub cases are resolved.
Subcase and parent case has the same context.
42 Can sub case be initiated automatically, conditionally and manually?(true)
43 What Is data propagation?(parent to child)
44 Can section be embedded in another section?T
45 What are cases, stages and steps in a case designer? (choose multiple )
46 Data transform can be called from which rule? Flow Action, Data Page
47 The display of property value is dependent on which UI rule? Section
48 Points on rules, rules category and classes(classes defines applicability of
rules, rules category organizes rules )
49 Service level: a notification is configured for deadline of two days, later
changes has to be made to notify in one day, which rule is to be modified?
50 Which decision rule is used for most specific condition? When
51 Difference between fork and decision shape? Decision shape references a
rule whereas fork does not
52 Can a case be created in a multi-step process? yes
53 A question on simple decision result which returns multiple results( Ans:
Decision table and Decision tree)
54 A service level question

The default urgency is 15. Assignment starts at 9.00. What will be the urgency at
9.00 next day?

55 PRPC component that defines and implements an external service is

called? Connector
56 _________references ________ references ________ referencesRulesets?
Operator ID,AG,App
57 Question on security involving classes, rulesets , access group.
58 There are two cases org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 and
a flow action is defined in org-div-work. Which case can access this flow
59 Two properties were given pxcreatedatetime and pylabel. Out of this two
which property is to be optimized? None
60 Advantages of optimization?(improv)
61 Scope of Data pages?
62 How Validate rule functions(choose multiple Ans: after user clicks submits
and procedurally)
63 Which property mode is used for unordered list? Page group/value group
64 Which of the following property type is not supported in pega(String)
65 An employee has to select full time or part time and check box is configured
in section which property type is to be selected to implement this
66 Guardrails for process flows?
67 Guardrails for UI?
68 Whats the functionality of Draft flows (choose multiple like audit notes,
instructions, decision rules)?
69 Questions on correspondence like (it can contain plain text and property,
same correspondence can be used for fax and letter)
70 What are supported correspondence types (Message, Fax , Tweet, voice
71 Questions on local flow action and connector flow action (like local action
advances the flow)
72 Where all local actions can be configured(assignment and stages )
73 Workbasket ?(open assignments waiting for operator)
74 Best practice to update status(Through utility)
75 Diff between edit validate and validate?
76 A property is to copied form one page to another page through data
77 Decision tree can be called from (Flow)
78 Data transform can call decision tree?(false)
79 Properties of Dynamic User Interfaces?
80 Guardrails on Dynamic UI?

PEGA CSA 7.1 Questions:

1. Chart is used in both List view and summary view. (T/F)
2. Diagram given as follows



1 ----------------------->1

Address line 1
Address line 2

pincode etc.
what should be the data type of address property.
a. page
b. page list
c. value list
d. not enough data
3. which component will u use to notify a customer when a deadline is passed.

Service level
Send email smart shape

4. which of the following shape requires user intervention?

Sub process,
5. Which of the following rule types can be used to evaluate nested ifs

Decision Tree
Decision Table
6. What is the use of optimization?
7. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an
external application acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting
as a server is called a
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
8. A node level data page can be shared between two requestors (T/F) Answer: T
9. Which of the following is a case type
a. Workb.ABC-DHDMM-Work-BBBB

10. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following
statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?
(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not
11.A UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated large
A. Dynamic Select
B. Auto Complete
C. Drop Down

12. RuleSets are referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____, which are
referenced in _____.
(Asked in reverse order)
A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records
B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups
C. Application rules; Access groups; Operator ID records
D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules
13. Best practices of Resuability?
14. Which of the following best describes PUSH and PULL routing?
Answer : push routing is manager is assigning task to user, pull
routing is picking from

15. Describe the best example of forward chaining?

Answer: whenever the source property value changes.
16. When the case is rejected, we need to run some process
A. Use Alternate Stage
B. Optional Process
C. Optional Action

17. What is the use of data propagation?

Answer: Copying the data from parent to sub case.
18. Which of the following rule types contain the data elements that display on
the screen?

A. Harness
C. Flow Action
D. Portal
19. How to capture sample data in the application documentation wizard?
A. We can't capture sample data
B. Open a case, capture screenshot...
C. Enter the property name and its value in the wizard to capture
20. data tables is used for
Answer: used to store small set of data outside the application
21. sub case can be instantiated
a. manually
b. automatically.
c. declaratively
d. procedurally.
e. conditionally
22. A case needs to be resolved in 2 days, when the requirement is changed that
the case needs to be resolved in 1 day, which of the following components u will

Service level
Send email smart shape

23. Which of the following statements accurately describes the usage of a case
Answer: Group related processes and subcases.
24. Which of the following is not a pega 7 property type
Q text
R Decimal
S String
T Integer
25. Work basket is:
a. A queue of open assignments
b. a queue of assignments being worked on by the operators.

c. a queue of resolved work items

26. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an

external application acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting
as a server is called a
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
27.What is the primary purpose of an Assignment shape in a flow? (Choose One)
A. To generate correspondence automatically
B. To pause the flow while the work object is manually researched
or analyzed
C. To resolve the work object
D. To initiate a subflow
28. How to save the result fetched from the external table?
A. Connector
B. Report Definition
C. Data Pages
D. Data table
29. A data page configured as a page structure can be used as a source for
_________. (Choose One)
A. Embedded section in other section.
B. Layout.
C. Repeating Layout
30. The requirement is to accept a valid date and it should be the future date.
What to use?
A. Create a validate rule to do the both
B. Create a property and Use edit validate rule.
C. Create a control not to allow the past date
D. Create a validate rule to check the date format and a edit validate rule
to allow only
future dates.
40. A service level question

The default urgency is 15. Assignment starts at 9.00. What will be the urgency at
9.00 the following day?

A. 40
B. 60
C. 80
D. 50
41. There are two cases org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 and a
flow action is defined in org-div-work. Which case can access this flow action?
Answer: org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 both
42. Class is used for?...
43. Ruleset is used for?...
44. What are the stage types?
A. Alternate
B. Primary
45. Which of the following is not a valid step?
A. Case
B. Single step assignment
C. Multi step process
D. Automated Decision
46. Can a transition stage is converted to multi step process. (T/F)
47. A property type Date stores information in which format?
48. Showing all the shapes in the options, asking to find the Decision shape.
49. Which of the following is not a rule type?
Options: Flow action, Layout, Section and Harness

50. Why the dynamic layout is saved as section...

Answer: To used in other rules.
51. To show the property in future date format, which of the following is used
Edit Validate..., Validate rule...

1) ------------reference ----------------, which reference ---------------, which

reference rulesets
a. operatorID, access group, application rules
b. access group, application rules, operatorID
c. application rules, operatorID, access group
d. access group, operatorID, application rules
2) What is the main purpose of Application Express
a) starting point of application.....
b) just like a proof-of-concept for the applciation.
c) --d) --3) Chart type requires
A) atleast one aggregate column like sum/total/counts/average etc..
4)Worklist contains
a) assignments assigned to operator
b) cases assigned to operator.
c) assignments pending with operator.
d) -5) Which property cannot reference a Decision Tree.
a) Routing Activity
b) Flow
c) Declare Expression

d)Decision Shape
6) Routing
7) When we need to select from a large list of dynamically populated values then
we give the control as
a) Dropdown
b) Auto- Complete
c) ...
8) Auto-Complete can use same source list as of Dropdown
a) True
b) False
9) Which shape can be used to call a Decision Tree.
a) Assignment
b) Decision
C) Utility
d) Send Email shape
10) The assignment shape implies.
a) waits for user action to perform
11) Worklist status changes when ?
No idea. Fell question is wrong.
12) Need to create a report with Status .pyWorkStatus and Operator ID. which needs
to be done. (Id
op Id ,status,creation date,urgency)
a) both need to be optimized
b) only .pyWorkstatus needs to be optimized
c)only operator ID needs to be optimized
d) Need not optimize both
13) Need to create a report with Case Creation Date and Total order

a) both need to be optimized

b) only CreadtionDate needs to be optimized
c)only total order needs to be optimized
d) Need not optimize both
14) Document Wizard doesnot generate which of the following documents
a) Guardrails Doc
b) Application Profile
c) Application Document
d) Specification Document
15) City property of Shipping address class needs to be mapped to Billing address
using Data transform. What should be the source property.

a) .Shippindaddress.City
b) .City
c) .Billingaddress.city
d) ..
16) City property of Shipping address class needs to be mapped to Billing address
using Data transform. What should be the target property.
a) .Shippindaddress.City
b) .City
c) .Billingaddress.city
d) ..
17) A validate rule is executed
a) after submitting the form
b) after user enters an input value
c) ...
d) ...
18) Which of the following should be done to check that a property is greater than
a) delcare the property as decimal and create an edit validate rule to check if
greater than zero.

b) delcare the property as decimal and create an validate rule to check if greater
than zero.
c) delcare the property as integer and create an edit validate rule to check if greater
than zero.
d) Use a Validate rule to check if it is numeric and greater than zero.
19) Best practice while connecting to External system
a) use Database Tool Mapping Wizard
20) Which is the best to cache data from external system.
a) data page
b) data table
21) operator to Address there is 1-1 mapping. which mode is to be used.
a) Page
b) Valuelist
c) Page group
22) Which of the following is ordered list
a) Page
b) Pagelist (Priority 1)
c) Valuelist(Priority 2)
d) Page group
23) PAssed Deadline is measured
a) from the deadline
b) from the start of case
24) Pega Guardrails have little or no impact on the application.
a) True
b) False

25) Which of the following is not a valid property control

a) Text
b) String
c) Password
d) Decimal
1. What is true regarding correspondence
a. will be saved in case
b. same can be used for mail & Fax
c. satic text & properties can be used
d. receipent will in it
2. Which is a valid case type
a. ABC-Services
3. What is the best practise on the num of steps/stages a case might be
a. 9 +-2
b. 7+-2
c. < 15
d. 5+-2
4. Which control is used to display some dynamic content as list
a. Dynamic Select
b. auto complete
c. Dropdown
d. Select
5 .When do we use a single assignment in a step
a. When a subcase is called
b. When you want to navigate to a different stage.
c. When the assignment shape is not related to the next shape.

d. When you want to resolve a case.

6. What is the best way to show an error message when a user inputs some wrong
data and submits(select 3).
a. Createa msg rule and associate with a validate rule.
b. Add a custom error msg to edit validate rule.
c. Create a error message on validate rule.
d. Have a seperate layout for error msg and show based on a condition
8. We need to create a report with creation date and order cost as columns.How do
you optimixe the report.
a. Optimize both creation date and order cost.
b. Optimize creation date and no need of order cost.
c. No need to Optimize both.
d. optimize order cost column.
9. Which to rule to use for the following case.(Choose 2)
Retun Grade A for 91-100
Return Grade B for 71-90
Return Grade C for others
a.Data Table
b.Decision Tree
c.Decision Table.
10. Smart shapes are
ans:Pre configured Utilities

11.How all can a subcase be created.(Choose 3)


12.What is the primary use of a Ruleset.
a.Manage versions of rules.
b.Group rules together.
c.Used for easy deployment and migration to different server.
d.Configure Applications.
13.When is the Application express used.
a.To capture req and specificatioons.
b.To start the application development.
c.To prototype an application.
14. In a data transform we need to copy city from the shipping address to Billing
address .What would be the value of the target .
a. BILLINGAddress.City
b. .shippingadress.city
c. shipping address.city

d. BILLINGAddress.City(Dot is mandatory


15. Case status can be changed at

a. all shapes
b. At begining & ending of the flow.
c. At assignment
16. If you want to set default value in the UI where will you set
a. Property
b. Control
c. data transform py default
18. Stages can be configured as (select 2)
A) Resolution Stage
B) Alternate Stage
19. A desision table is given. Asked what is outcome

20. A flow can contain multiple start shapes

21. Which shape can be used for user to deside which flow need to be taken
a. Desicion
b. Assignment
c. connector
d. fork
22. Which is true regarding Work party
ans: It contains mail ids of all the participants
23. chart can be added to list-type report & Summary report
24. Work basket defines
a. pending things with operator.
b. pending assignments
c. finished tasks
25. which is true regarding pyworkpage ( a is true)
a. all data regarding current active threads
26. Through Guardrails report you can
a. see performance issues
b. see issues in all the applications
c. you can open the case from it to fix.
27. What are the rule types you can inspect in rule inspector
a. control
b. section
c. data transform
d. property
28. Dynamic refresh of UI examples are
a. Page rendering based on the display. (Priority 1)
b. error shown when wrong value entered (Priority 2)
c. value getting refreshed based on other properties (Priority 3)

29. Optimal dropdown source

a. datapage
b. local list
c. report definition
30. Which is true regarding Urgency caliculation
a. Urgency is added at milestone
b. maximum of the urgency is taken.
31. Node level Declarative Pages can be shared between requestors.(True/False)
32. Benifits of developing reusable sections(D)
a. consistent disply across pages
b. reduces no.of pages to be developed
c. easily maintainable
33. Which statement is true about pattern inheritance? (Choose One)
A. It only applies to work classes
B. It causes a class to inherit rules from parent classes, matching its prefix
to the parent class name
C. It is executed after directed inheritance
D. It causes a class to inherit rules from a class not related to its parent

Say if a report has to be created on fields: case creation time and order total,
which fields do we need to optimize?( answer: only order total needs to be

One question on implementation of connector and service (for ex: an email

should generate a purchase request and then you need to query external system to
get the price of the item).
(answer: implement purchase request as service (service typically initiates /
updates a case) and price retrieval as a connector.

question on what all can be seen on the guardrails home page

What does a guardrail contain (answer: severity+warning).

Data page is refreshed when reload page when condition is true (true/false).

Question on UI gallery ..what all it contains (choose 2 out of 5)

A question on repeating grid (screenshot implementation and asking if item

has to be repeating in screen, what should be the mode of the property)? Answer:

Tracer: what rules can be monitored in tracer

A dynamic layout can be saved as a section and used in other flowactions


What types of communication can be sent (mail, email, letter, fax )

Which shapes can be used to send notifications : choose 3 out of 4 (answer:

Utility, correspondence,assignment)

A user needs to send notifications manually in the due course of the process.
What is the most appropriate way (thorough an assignment->local action tab)

If you have to validate an email, what is the best way to do (use edit

One question on difference between case and process

Question on alternate and resolution stages

Question on dynamic layout (like..how do you display customer error

messages : I think answer is you create a section with the error message and show
it visible in case of errorthis is present in the video of dynamic user interface in
sae2 I think ..

Question on repeating layout(like: we can set pages, user can change the
paging, the screen changes based on the resolution etc). I dint know the answer.

Question on SLA calculation (as mentioned by Sachin in the class)

1.Which is a valid case type

3.Which rule is used to format a property value Ans : Control
4.Which rule is used to configure how the property displayed on the UI. Ans :
5.An alternate stage cane be transitioned automatically or manually. Ans : False
6.An SLA is defined as below .What would be the value of urgency after5 days of no
Default Urgency - 10
Initial Urgenct - 0
Goal - 1 day -10

Deadline - 3 days - 15
Past Deadline - 1 day - 10
Repeating past deadline - 3 times
7.Which control is used to display some dynamic content as list
a.Dynamic Select
b.auto complete
8.Given 4 shapes and asked to tell which shape can be associated with Decision
Ans : Decision Shape

9.The usecase is to create a purchase request case upon receiving an email and
need to fetch the
currecy values from an external system.How would u implement this scenario.
a.Create a service for Purchase Request and a connector for retrieving
currecny values.
b.Create a connector for Purchase Request and a service for retrieving currecny
c.Create a service for Purchase Request and a service for retrieving currecny values.
d.Create a connector for Purchase Request and a connector for retrieving currecny
10.What does a step denote in a Stage.
a.Take action or actions
b.first level grouping of tasks in a case
c.the processes involved to complete a task
11.When do we use a single assignment in a step
a.When a subcase is called

b.When you want to navigate to a different stage.

c.When the assignment shape is not related to the next shape.
d.When you want to resolve a case.
12.Where is a data transform shape used.(Select 3)
A. Data Page
B. Decision Tree
C. Flow Action
D. Flow
E. Declare Expressions
F. Property
13.Advantages of a Data Page.
14.What does a System Architect see in a Clipboard(Choose 2)
a.The pages created under the nodes for that application
b.The case data which he currently opened.
c.The case data which is currently opened by end user.
d.All cases data opened by the end users.
15.What is the best way to show an error message when a user inputs some wrong
data and submits.
a.Createa msg rule and associate with a validate rule.(P1)
b.Add a custom error msg to edit validate rule.
c.Create a error message on validate rule.(P2)
d.Have a seperate layout for error msg and show based on a condition(P3)
17.Where do u create a section related to all properties in a page which references a
data class.
a.in Work Class.
b.In case where this page is created.
c.In data class where the data class is present.
18.We need to create a report with Work status and assignedOperator as
columns.How do you optimixe the report.
a.Optimize both Work status and assignedOperator.
b.Optimize Work status and no need of assignedOperator.

c.No need to Optimize Work status and optimize only assignedOperator.

d.No need to optimize any column.
19.What is the source for a repeating layput(CHoose 2)
a.Page list
d.Report Definition
20.What is the rule to use if we have many nested ifs
a. decision table.
b. decision tree
c. when
d. data transform
23.Which all shapes can be used for routing.
b.Decision Table
c.Data Transform
d.Data Page.
24.An assignment can be routed to (Choose 2)
a.Single operator
b.Multiple operators
c.Access Group.
d.Work Basket
26.What is the best way to ensure a user enters email in proper format. Ans :
Use Edit validate
27.Which rule to run when a specific condition is to be checked. Ans : When
28.Which rule comes under Declarative
a.Data Transform
b.Data Page.
c.Decision Tree

d.Decision Table
29.What arethe 2 correspondence Types.
c.Voice Mail.
30.Given a scenario where the user shud accept the terms and conditions.How
would u incorporate such a case.
a.cREATE a flow action and add it as an Optional action in that stage.
b.Create an optional process.
c.Create a flowaction so that it can be called in overlay
d.Create a flowaction so that it can be called in Modal dialog
31.What are the best practices to create a case.
a.Create stages,then steps and then implement processes
b.Create processes,then steps and then stages.
32.What are the steps you follow when u initially draft a UI.(Choose 2) (D)
a.Create Decision rules.
b.Create dummy UI
c.Create notes on Assignment shape.
d.Create Flow Actions
33.A chart can be used in both summary and list report. Ans : False.
36.Which are the possible options for Pega to be a System of Record.
a.Maintain customer phone numbers.
b.Maintain account types given to customers.
c.Maintain all calls received from a customer.
d.Maintain accounts each customer holds.
37.When are data pages created. Ans: When they are first accessed.

38.What is the best wat to cache the results read from a connector. Ans : Data
39.Where is the passed deadline measured from.
a.from assignment start.
b.from dead line.
c.from goal.
41.Which all shapes can be used to send an email notification(Choose 2)
b.Notification tab of Assignment shape.
43.A CSR needs to do the following activities.
Collect cust details, Collect problem details, Based on the problem assign to a user.
a.Create 3 sub cases.
b.Create single assignment
c.Create a multistep process
1) Assignment shape.

Answer: This needs manual intervention

2) Data page can have multiple sources. True

3) Work Parties - About uses.
4) Declarative rules description.
5) Which of the following is not allowed in layouts?
7) Property optimization is for?
8) When shall we ignore the guardrails?
9) Application usability
Ans) To improve the end user's satisfaction and adoptability.
10) Nested if can be better used in Ans: Decision Tree.
11) Which of the following cannot be used for decision making
a. When rule
b. Decision Table
c. Declare Expression
d. Decision Tree

12) How can you set a value to a property at the time loading?
Ans: Set the value of the property in the Data Transform "pyDefault"
13) Classes are useful for?
16) A step can be a
Ans: Action to perform a task

17) How can we send eMail notification?

a. Utility shape
b. Notification tab of assignment shape
Q.1. Select notify modes(select two)
b. voice call
c. text message
d. mms
Q.2. Need to develop a report with case id and operator id . then
a. need to optimise only case id
b. need to optimse only operator id
c. need to optimise both
d. no need to optimse any of them
Q.3. Relation between customer and address is 1-1 then what will be adress mode
a. page
b. page list
c. page group
d. value group
Q.4. Relation between customer and address is 1-n then what will be adress mode
a. data page

b. page list
c. page group
d. information is not sufficient
Q.5: We need to use flow action sampleFA in casetypeOne and casetypeTwo. then
where will you create sampleFA
a. sae1-hrservices-work-casetypeOne
b. sae1-hrservices-work-casetypeTwo
c. sae1-hrservices-work
d. sae1-hrservices-data
Q.7. Application express doesn't create
a. application document
b. application profiler
c. specification document
d. --Q.8. What is main purpose of application wizard
a. to gather requirements and speicifications.
b. to create case types and sub cases
c. this is the starting point to start implementing application.
Q.9. what is the main thing of a specification along with description.
a. -b. SME
c.-Q.10: Smart shapes are------.
a. commonly used
b. --

Q.11. In a flow action we need to send email and get the purchase order date then...
(choose two)
a. need to create purchase order email as connector
b. need to create purchase order email as service
c. no need need to create purchase order email as connector or service
d. need to create purchase order date as connector
e. need to create purchase order date as service
f. no need need to create purchase order date as connector or service
Q.12. what is the best descition of correspondence.
a. correspondence can call rules
b. same correspondence can use for both mail and fax
Q.13.You have to create a field to enter only past date. then what is the best
a. use date control
b. use date property
c. use edit validate rule
d. use validate rule
Q.14.SLA's question
IV - 15
default 10
goal 1 day 10
deadline 3 days 15
passed dead line 1 day 10
What is the assignemnt urgency after 5 days
Ans. 60
Q.15. Have to create a page with so many required fields. then what is the best way

a. have to create controls and check the required check box.

b. create edit validate
c. create validate and validate on sever side.
Q.16: What can be a source of repeating layout
a. data page
b. data transorm.
c. report defenition (P2)
d. page list (P1)
Q.17. Need to create a report with case id and purchase order id then.
a. need to optimise only case id
b. need to optimise only purchase order id
c. no need to optimise both
d. need to optimise both
Q.19. What are the scope of a data page(choose three)
a. node
b. requestor
c. thread
Q.20. defined a data page refresh strategy as reload if older than 2 hrs
a. data pages will get refreshed after 2 hrs
b. data page will get refreshed after 2 hrs of in active
c. data page will get refreshed once we access it after 2 hrs of in active
Q.22. When we justify guardrails?
a. When we think that is the best approac.
b. When there is no other altrnative to do that.

1.a big Q on sub-case concept about its definition with 5 options(choose 3)

2. a process flow can have multiple end shapes T/F
3. why guardrails are required ?
5 options with long sentences .. choose 3
This sent4ence was one among the above 5 options Pega Guardrails have little or
no impact on the application.
5.Gave a input type screenshot with repeating grid layout and item name, item
amount as fields in it.
Aksed in what property they can be stored? Ans : page list
6. a notification is sent to a work party after 2 days of assignment. Now u have to
change it to one day. Where will u do it Ans : service level
7.diff between fork n decision
a.both are same

8.Which of the following is NOT true of a local flow action? (Choose One)
Some of the options were changed
A. It advances the flow
B. It permits users to complete an auxilliary task, such as attaching
supporting documentation
C. It can be used to update assignment or work item properties
D. It causes the assignment to remain on the current user's worklist
9.Which rule types can be specified on a flow action rule form, to process data
entered by the user?
(Choose two)
B. Validate
C. Edit Validate
D. Data Transform
E. Service Level
10.Can a section be embedded inside another section ? True
11.what all can we configure in dynamic layout
(choose 2)
1 Column count
2 Row count
3 Label positioning
20) a decision table was given
Value A

Value B

Else if
Else if



Approval 1
Approval 2
Aprroval 3

Value A = 600, value B = 1000 what is the result ?

A)Approval 1
B)Approval 2
C)Approval 3

Which of the following is the best method for requesting data from an SQL
database? (Choose One)
A. SQL connector
B. SQL listener
C. Service package
D. External database table class mapping
What types of correspondence are supported by PRPC? (Choose Four)
A. Email
B. Letter
C. SMS Text
D. Pager
E. Fax
If a flow is placed in Draft mode, which of the following two statements are true?
(Choose Two)
A. Additional shapes cannot be added
B. Rules may be referenced that do not yet exist
C. The flow can be executed
D. The flow rule is not subject to rule resolution
In the Miscellaneous Items section, the user can enter several item names. The
entered values are
stored in the Items property. Which type of property is this? (Choose One)
A. Page
B. Page List
C. Single Value
D. Value List
1.Given Decision table logic and asked for output
2)Property mode for ordered list-value list/Page list

3)property mode for unordered list-value group/Page Group (but this option is
not given in the options so i have selected value list of this also)
4)where can we reference data transform-flow action
5)flow contains one or more start shapes-false

6)given two fieldls like (pycaseworkerId and pxcase....) and asked which
need to optimezed-no need of optimation for both

thumb rule: if the property start with px,py ,pz ,then those properties does not
require optimation for reporting
8)Auto-Complete can use same source list as of Dropdown - true
13)Which is true about specifiction(they have given 6 options and need to
choose 3)
18.there are two cases named caseTypeOne and caseTypeTwo.A flow Action is
applied to "ABC-Case-Work".Which is true from following
a)both case can access flow action
b)only caseTypeOnce can access
c)only caseTypeTwo can Access
d)none can Acces
21.If a score is greater than 80 return grade A,if the score is greter than 60
return grade and Otherwise return grade C.
Which is the LEAST preferrable rule to execute this.
a)Decision table
b)decisin tree
c)when rule
d)data table
25. What is true about declare expressions (choose two)
26. Which is true about sample data in document wizard?
30.Which is purpose of Resolution stage-to visually represent where case can be
31.Purpose of Guardails( choose3)

32.can section be embedded with in other section-true

33.Which is about work partties(choose two)
1.In an assignment shape after 2 days we have to escalate to user if it is still not
addressed, now we want to change it to 1day.(choose 1)
Where do we change the number of days.
A. assignment shape
B. Service Level
C. notification activity
D. Email smart Shape
3.Datapage sources
data table

Layout is saved as Section because

Ans: to reuse
6) Is it possible to transition stages, using a Multi-step process.
a) True

b) False

7) Routing can be reference in:

a)Data Transform,
Decision Tree,

b) Decision Table
d) When


8) Is it possible to include image, spreadsheet, . In Application Document.

a) True,

b) False

9) Figure








For storing above property structure of Address, what will you use:
Value list,

b) Page list
d) single value property

c) Insufficient

18) IN the application, the email consumption leads to case creation & then the
fetching prices from price catalogue, application connects to external system
(wording can be different)
a) PRPC act as service for fetching price from price catalogue.
b) PRPC act as connector for fetching price from price catalogue
c) PRPC act as service for creating case from email
d) PRPC act as connector for fetching price from price catalogue.
e) PRPC can act as neither service or connector for fetching price from price
f) PRPC can act as neither service or connector for creating case from email.
1.Which of the following is a case type
a. Workb. ABC-DHDMM-Work-BBBB
2. A Decision shape in a flow can represent either a decision or a fork. Which of
the following
statements best describes the difference between a decision and a fork?
(Choose One)
A. There is no difference; a decision and a fork are interchangeable
B. A decision requires an Else connector, but a fork does not
C. A fork references a Boolean expression; a decision does not
D. A decision references a rule; a fork does not

5. Best practice for ui gaurdrail(choose 2)

6. A single step process 1. a single operator can work on it

2. no logic between the step

7. A multi step process 1. multiple operator can work on it
2. Transitons of step can be manually configured
8. section can be in another section(true/false)
9. which is not true about dynamic ui?
it set the threshold level for adding the number of field.
another 2 questions regardind dynamic ui
10. Work list contains : select two.
a. The cases created by the operator
b. The assignments pending for the user to operate
c. the cases assigned to the operator
d. the cases assigned to other operator.

11. Work basket is:

a. A queue of open assignments
b. a queue of assignments being worked on by the operators.
c. a queue of resolved work items

12. in which declare expression is best suited??

A. whenever the source property value changes
B. When target property has no value
13. forward chaining used for
14. which is incorrect about the relation between a parent case and a sub case
A. sub case created automatically when parent case is created
B. sub case created automatically under some certain condition
C. sub case can not be manually created
15. we can document screen shot etc when creating a application
16. when creating an application other than business objective what is given
ans: Subject matter expert

17. when creating an application which will be craeted?

1. Business Objectives
2. a pega application
18. data tables is used for
Answer: used to store small set of data outside the application

19. In which we store all the cache data retrieved form the externernal data
Data Page
20. Source of generating a data page
1. Connector
2. Report Definition
27. to send notification to the user which is best to use
A. notification tab on the assignment shape
B. send an email shape
C. use utility shape to send notification
28. upon choosing the marital status spouse name will be visible . which rule is best
to use in this scenario
declare expression
when rule
decision table
29. condition given if CustomerCredit (integer property)=10 return "Gold"
CustomerCredit (integer property)=9 return "Silver"
CustomerCredit (integer property)=8 return "Bronze"
Which is the least appropriate rule for implementing this scenario
A. when rule
B. decision tree
C. decision table
D. declare expression
30. data pages refresh strategy - when it will refresh(2 option)

31. pxOperatorID and pxCreateDateTime used in a report which are need to be

no need to optimized
32. screen shot given where item name and price added to a repeating grid . a
property item name and price given in item property. what is the property mode
A. Page
B. Pagelist
C. valuelist
D. valuegroup
35. in flow action which rules are configured for better dynamic ui(4 option)(D)
Below are wrong
A. Data Transform
B. Flow Action
38. Harness reference in which rule
Process tab of flow and assignment shape
39. which is true about local flow action
It cannot advance the flow
40. question on data validation
41. what is the best way to show error message when data value does not meet
specific condition
create e message rule and give that rule to the validation rule/ Createa
msg rule and associate with a validate rule.
42. why property optimization is needed
to improve the performance of the report
43. if we want a set a default value to a property which is the best way to do it
set the default value of the property in the data transform in the pyDefault
44. while creating the correspondence which thing we can't configure(2 option have
to choose)
45. True about classesi

Applicability of rule sets

Group rules for deployment
Grouping rule types (P2)
Control on accessing application (P1)

46. . Page-Addresss, Embedded property-City, City belongs to:


Same class as address

all Data class
Work class
data class referenced by the address property

47. . Best guardrail of UI

48. What a system architect can view in clipboard pagej All node level pages
k Thread on which the user is currently working on
l Thread on which the end user is currently working on
50. Which is not a declarative rule
A. When Rule
B. Data Page
C. Decision Table
1.WHich of the folloing best describes PUSH and PULL routing?
2. case definition
3.Which UI component is used to present the value
D Control
E Section
F Harness
4.Which of the following is true when u use Optional task on a case stage
D Optional tak can be used through out the stage in all the processes
and steps
E It can be used only in the first step of the page
F It won't be available to all the processes of the stage
5.which component will u use to notify a customer when a deadline is passed.

Service level
Send email smart shape

6.a case needs to be resolved in 2 days, when the requirement is changed that the
case needs to be resolvd in 1 day, which of the following components u will edit

Service level
Send email smart shape

7.Which of the following statements accurately describes the usage of a case stage? (Choose One)

Group related process and subcases

9.which of the following shape does not require user intervention

Identify related tasks that are assigned to a specific operator
Order how the case is processed
11.By default, Decision Tree will check all the conditions, even if the first condition
returns TRUE (T/F)
Identify all child cases created in the lifecycle
12. Which of the following rule types can be used to evaluate multiple property
values and, as a result, return a text value defined in the rule? (Choose One)

A. Decision Tree
B. Constraints
C. When Condition
D. Validate

14.A PRPC Application can be built on another PRPC application (T/F)

18. Which of the following must be true to add a chart to a report? (Choose One)
A. The report must include at least one column of summarized data
B. The report cannot use a SQL function to obtain data to display in the chart
C. The report must contain a filter
D. The report cannot contain a filter

19. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an

external application
acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting as a server is called
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
20. Pega Guardrails are best practices for creating
22. A node level data page can be shared between two requestors (T/F)
24. What is the primary purpose of an Assignment shape in a flow? (Choose
A. To generate correspondence automatically

B. To pause the flow while the work object is manually researched or

C. To resolve the work object
D. To initiate a subflow
25.Which of the following will be included in draft flows: (Choose Three)
A. Audit notes (dont consider)
B. instructions in the assignments (dont consider)
C. Decision Shapes
D. Outcome of the Decision rules
two more options
28.A Data transform rule can be used in :
a. Flow action
b. Flow
C.Decision tree

31. Which rule type is not classified as a decision rule? (Choose One)
A. Decision Table
B. Decision Tree
C. Map Value
D. When
E. Declare Expressions

34. which UI component is used to change the formatting of the property

on the user interface? Ans :Control.
A. Flow Action
B. Section
C. Validate
D. Harness

35. What types of properties can be used when creating a repeating layout?
(Choose Two)
A. Page
B. Page List
C. Value List
D. Value
E. Report Definition
F. Paragraph List

36. When a validate rule is used to test the values of multiple properties and if a
property value fails its validation criteria, the system continues to test the
remaining properties only if ______________. (Choose One)
A. the validate rule was called using the Page-Validate method in an activity
B. the Continue Validation checkbox is selected in the Validation Conditions for
the property that failed
C. the property is the first one listed in the validate rule
D. the validate rule uses input-qualified validation
37. RuleSets are referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____, which are
referenced in _____.
A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records
B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups
C. Application rules; Access groups; Operator ID records
D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules

Questions appeared in CSA Exam which I remember
No questions from performance, Clipboard structure, Activities
81 Choose multiple option based on relationship between cases and subcases
Parent case cant be resolved until all sub cases are resolved.
Subcase and parent case has the same context.
82 Can sub case be initiated automatically, conditionally and manually?(true)
83 What Is data propagation?(parent to child)
84 What are cases, stages and steps in a case designer? (choose multiple )
85 Data transform can be called from which rule?Flow Action
86 The display of property value is dependent on which UI rule?Control
87 Points on rules, rules category and classes(classes defines applicability of
rules, rules category organizes rules )
88 Service level: a notification is configured for deadline of two days, later
changes has to be made to notify in one day, which rule is to be modified?
Servise Level
89 Which decision rule is used for most specific condition?
90 Difference between fork and decision shape?Decission is a rule but fork does
91 Can a case be created in a multi-step process?Yes
92 A question on simple decision result which returns multiple results( Ans:
Decision table and Decision tree)
93 A service level question

The default urgency is 15. Assignment starts at 9.00. What will be the urgency at
9.00 next day? 50 since we are in deadline .
94 PRPC component that defines and implements an external service is
95 Question on security involving classes, rulesets , access group.
96 There are two cases org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 and
a flow action is defined in org-div-work. Which case can access this flow
action? Both can acess
97 Advantages of optimization?(improv)
98 Scope of Data pages?
99 How Validate rule functions(choose multiple Ans: after user clicks submits
and procedurally)
Which property mode is used for unordered list?
Which of the following property type is not supported in pega(String)
An employee has to select full time or part time and check box is
configured in section which property type is to be selected to implement this
functionality? When condition
Guardrails for process flows?
Guardrails for UI?
Whats the functionality of Draft flows (choose multiple like audit notes,
instructions, decision rules)?
Questions on correspondence like (it can contain plain text and
property, same correspondence can be used for fax and letter)
What are supported correspondence types (Message, Fax , Tweet,
voice message)?
Questions on local flow action and connector flow action (like local
action advances the flow)
Where all local actions can be configured(assignment and stages )
Workbasket ?(open assignments)
Best practice to update status(Through utility)
Diff between edit validate and validate?pattern match
A property is to copied form one page to another page through data
Decision tree can be called from (Flow)
Data transform can call decision tree?(false)


Properties of Dynamic User Interfaces?

Guardrails on Dynamic UI?

PEGA CSA 7.1 Questions:

4. which of the following shape requires user intervention?
Sub process,
5. Which of the following rule types can be used to evaluate nested ifs

Decision Tree
Decision Table
6. What is the use of optimization? Avoid report performance issue
7. A PRPC component that defines and implements an interface between an
external application acting as a client and a Process Commander system acting
as a server is called a
______________________? (Choose One)
A. Connector
B. Activity
C. Service
D. Assignment
8. A node level data page can be shared between two requestors (T/F) Answer: F
11. A UI control that displays a drop-down list with dynamically-generated large
A. Dynamic Select
B. Auto Complete
C. Drop Down

13. Best practices of Resuability?easily maintainable, extensible,consistent

14. Which of the following best describes PUSH and PULL routing?
Answer : push routing is manager is assigning task to user, pull
routing is picking from

15. Describe the best example of forward chaining?

Answer: whenever the source property value changes.

16. When the case is rejected, we need to run some process
A. Use Alternate Stage
B. Optional Process
C. Optional Action

17. What is the use of data propagation?

Answer: Copying the data from parent to sub case.
18. Which of the following rule types contain the data elements that display on
the screen?
A. Harness
B. Section
C. Flow Action
D. Portal
19. How to capture sample data in the application documentation wizard?
A. We can't capture sample data
B. Open a case, capture screenshot...
C. Enter the property name and its value in the wizard to capture
20. data tables is used for
Answer: used to store small set of data outside the application
22. A case needs to be resolved in 2 days, when the requirement is changed that
the case needs to be resolved in 1 day, which of the following components u will
Y Notification
Z Service level
AA Send email smart shape
AB Correspondence.
23. Which of the following statements accurately describes the usage of a case
Answer: Group related processes and subcases.
27. What is the primary purpose of an Assignment shape in a flow? (Choose
A. To generate correspondence automatically
B. To pause the flow while the work object is manually researched
or analyzed
C. To resolve the work object

D. To initiate a subflow
28. How to save the result fetched from the external table?
A. Connector
B. Report Definition
C. Data Pages
D. Data table
29. A data page configured as a page structure can be used as a source for
_________. (Choose One)
A. Embedded section in other section.
B. Layout.
C. Repeating Layout
30. The requirement is to accept a valid date and it should be the future date.
What to use?
A. Create a validate rule to do the both
B. Create a property and Use edit validate rule.
C. Create a control not to allow the past date
D. Create a validate rule to check the date format and a edit validate rule
to allow only
future dates.
40. A service level question

The default urgency is 15. Assignment starts at 9.00. What will be the urgency at
9.00 the following day?

A. 40
B. 60
C. 80
D. 50
41. There are two cases org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 and a
flow action is defined in org-div-work. Which case can access this flow action?
Answer: org-div-work-casetype1 and org-div-work-casetype2 both
42. Class is used for?...
43. Ruleset is used for?...

44. What are the stage types?

A. Alternate
B. Primary
45. Which of the following is not a valid step?
A. Case
B. Single step assignment
C. Multi step process
D. Automated Decision
46. Can a transition stage is converted to multi step process. (T/F)
47. A property type Date stores information in which format?
48. Showing all the shapes in the options, asking to find the Decision shape.
49. Which of the following is not a rule type?
Options: Flow action, Layout, Section and Harness
50. Why the dynamic layout is saved as section...
Answer: To used in other rules.
51. To show the property in future date format, which of the following is used
Edit Validate..., Validate rule...
13) A step in a case implies
a) Action or Actions for resolving a case
9) Application usability
Ans) To improve the end user's satisfaction and adoptability.

Case definition. Following were the choices that were given to define the case
Tasks and decisions needed to complete a business transaction.
A first-level grouping of related tasks.
Representing a specific business transaction.



Difference between case type and process. I dont remember the exact
choices given.
A scenario regarding insurance use case was given. We had to choose if we
can use sub cases or multi assignment.
Another question was on expense report usecase in which we had to select
the option that could be a sub case.
a. User fills the expense details.
b. Manager approves it.
c. Client bills need to sent for audit.
d. There was one more option
A PRPC Application can be built on another PRPC application (T/F)
A When rule is referenced by which flow shape? (Choose One)
A. Decision
B. Fork
C. Connector
D. Assignment

7 Review Harness its usage? Ans: Provides a readonly view for

managers to approve or reject
8 Which UI component is used to present the value
G Control
H Section
I Harness
9 Which one is Ordered list Options given were page, pagelist(P1),
valuelist(P2). Had to choose only one. This was difficult because I thought
both pagelist and valuelist are ordered.
10 SLA two questions. In one questions Initial Urgency was give. In another it
was not given. You have to complete the urgency after 3 days. Was pretty
11 Which of the following is not a pega 7 property type
a. text
b. Decimal
c. String
d. Integer
12 Reporting why do you need to save case data as BLOB?
13 Dynamic layout What are things that you can do?
Set no. of rows
Set no. of columns
Sort on columns.
14 Repeating layout
15 When we map property names from Database Table Class Mapping tool what
is the best practice to store the data?
a. use data table
b. use data page
c. two more option
Ans use data page
16 When you have a small set of data, which control will you use?
a. Radio Buttons
b. Autocomplete
c. Modal dialog

d. Checkbox
17 What can you do with UI gallery
a. See UI features that Pega 7 has.
b. Cannot copy source of these UI feature.
c. Can copy the source code of UI into your application.
d. There was one more option which was confusing.

If a flow is placed in Draft mode, which of the following two statements are true?
(Choose Two)
A. Additional shapes cannot be added
B. Rules may be referenced that do not yet exist
C. The flow can be executed
D. The flow rule is not subject to rule resolution
When rule is referenced by which flow shape? (Choose One)
A. Decision
B. Fork
C. Connector
D. Assignment
What types of properties can be used when creating a repeating layout? (Choose Two)
A. Page
B. Page List
C. Value List
D. Value
E. Paragraph
F. Paragraph List
(True or False) Node level Declarative Pages cannot be shared between requestors.
A. True
B. False
Which two statements are true concerning Declarative Pages? (Choose Two)
A. They may be shared between requestors
B. They are automatically generated when a new work object is created
C. They can conditionally expire, which allows them to be refreshed
D. They are called sequentially, not declaratively
(True or False) Declarative Page names must begin with the prefix Declare_.
A. True
B. False
Declarative Pages operate within which of the following scopes? (Choose Three)
A. Thread
B. Single
C. Node
D. Server

E. Operator
F. Requestor
RuleSets are referenced in _____, which are referenced in _____, which are referenced
in _____.
A. Access groups; Application rules; Operator ID records
B. Application rules; Operator ID records; Access groups
C. Application rules; Access groups; Operator ID records
D. Access groups; Operator ID records; Application rules
Which Clipboard page contains information about the application currently in use?
(Choose One)
A. pxRequestor
B. pyWorkPage
C. pxThread
D. pxProcess
Answer: C
The purpose of Draft mode is to __________________________. (Choose Two)
Allow application designers to save flows that contain references to non-existent rules.
Allow end users to debug the flow on production systems.
Allow application designers to test decision rules before saving them.
Allow application designers to test flow logic without needing to implement secondary rules such
as flow actions, decisions, and activities.
The purpose of a decision shape is to __________________________. (Choose One)
Automatically perform an action and advance to the next shape.
Prompt the end user to determine how to process the case.
Automatically determine the path of the case by evaluating conditions defined in a decision rule.
Stop the case at the shape until a specific condition is met.

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